#it makes me realise how easily manipulated i am
radkindoffeminist · 7 months
I am 13 years old. I have boobs bigger than any other girl in my year and I stopped growing in height a year ago. People tell me I could pass for 16-18 easily. Girls ask what size I am. Boys mock me for having tits. Men hit on me. Most people think I am a lot older than I actually am. I am confused by everything.
I am 14 years old. I begin turning to online chatrooms and camsex for attention because I am so lonely and horny. I don't speak about them to anyone in my life because it's never spoken about. Women and girls don't have sexual desires. I start speaking to a guy, Glenn. He's 28-years-old and knows how old I am. I speak to him for years and he's the first guy I camsex with. He speaks to me like a person and not a child and I love him for that. One day, he doesn't respond and I never hear from him again, but spend weeks hoping that I will see another message from him (he had a habit of disappearing for weeks only to come back). He doesn't message again. My heart is broken.
I am 15 years old, just about. I continue using these online chatrooms because I am such a lonely teenager and need some sort of attention and this is the only place I can find it. I meet a guy, David, who I ask to be my boyfriend. He was 21 years old. We speak every day for a month and have camsex all the time. He is sweet and mature and has his own car! Our plans to meet fall through and then he suddenly stops talking to me one day. Two months after that day, he messaged me again. His grandmother died so he couldn't deal with life. I feel empathic towards him but feel forced to take him back. When I realise that he won't take responsibility for the fact that cutting me off for months hurt me because he says that he was hurt, I break up with him. He insists on staying friends. I agree because I still feel bad for him.
I am 16 years old. I start college and I'm still speaking to my ex David, but then I see how possessive he is of me. He wants to meet up with me but will only do so on his terms, when he can kiss me all he wants because he still sees me as his. I try and speak to him about the guys at my college and he gets jealous. I stop speaking to him. I begin to realise just how toxic him and these chatrooms and camsex all is. I make a vow to stop it for my mental health, but it is hard to stop something when what draws you there is the fact that you're incredibly lonely.
I am 17 years old. It has been three years since I first opened a chatroom and had camsex and I actively try to stop. I have spoken to dozens, if not hundreds, of men by this point and they are all the same: they want to use me and will put on a little play to ensure they can get me. Some are just nice and upfront with me, using me and then never speaking to me again. Some put on a show, pretending that they like/love me so I become wrapped around their finger. Some are kind and caring, but then threaten me when they realise that they won't get what they want. Too many of them are angry when they hear the word no and if they aren't straight up agressive towards me, then they're making me feel guilty for having boundaries or trying to convince me to break them because they're different from the rest. I've met dozens of men who've claimed that they're different from the rest but they never are. They're all the same. After so many times of promising myself to stop, what really gets me to stop was someone threatening to share naked photos of me he'd taken while we were on a video call on my Facebook. I block him. I realise just how manipulated I'd been over the years and come to accept the fact that most, if not all, of these men had taken photos without my permission and some probably still have them saved somewhere.
I am 18 years old. I have managed to mostly stay away from the chatrooms and camsex, but I ended up speaking to one more guy. He seems so lovely and kind and caring. He is 26-years-old. We live far apart but he promises that he'll come and visit me sometime, even though he dodges the question every time I ask and never seems to be around or available when I'm available. We talked on and off for months. One day I tell him that I've decided to completely give up on camsex. It is too toxic and traumatic for me. I never want to do it again. He stops talking to me. I slowly realised how he was just nice to me because he wanted camsex and nudes. He never loved me but I loved him.
I am 19 years old. I start dating my ex-boyfriend. He is a genuinely wonderful and kind person. He does not disrespect my boundaries regarding camsex and nudes. He used to do a similar thing and understands how toxic and horrible these spaces can be. He's a good person, other than the fact that he mocks my interest in feminism and occasionally breaks some boundaries. We stay together for a year before we end up drifting apart.
I am 20 years old. I have severe depression. For the first time in my life, while I am incredibly drunk, I talk about my ex David and all the camsex stuff. I feel a weight lift off my shoulders knowing that other people agree that I was groomed. I had convinced myself for years that I was not groomed because I asked him out so everything that happened to me was my own fault. But I realise that while I was a stupid teenager, it still wasn't right for men to take advantage of me. I learn to accept that camsex and nudes will always be a point of trauma for me and something that I can never do again. I am so proud of myself for not doing it for two years.
I am 21 years old. I am the same age my ex David was when I dated him. I look at the freshers at my university and I couldn't imagine dating someone who is just out of college (high school). I had realised some years earlier that my relationship was toxic and pedophilic but it took me getting to the same age he was to realise just how horrible it was. I wish I could warn so many other women but I know I have to live with it because I was that teenage girl who dated that older man so I know that every single one thinks that they're the exception to the rule. They think that there's no way they're getting groomed by and older man because they really are that mature. I wish I could tell them but they'll just run into their groomer's arms even more.
I am 22 years old. I am off anti-depressants and glad that my sex drive is back. I decide that now, post COVID, would be the perfect time to have some fun. I sleep around, but the sex is so unsatifying for me most of the time. The women are good but the men spent five minutes inside of me and are then done. Half of them don't do anything to make me cum and never ask if I have. One of them complains that I take ages to cum after spending two minutes rubbing me off (badly). After feeling guilty for cancelling something last minute, I end up hooking up with someone who I shouldn't have. I cannot remember the last time I felt so repulsed by someone's touch. I stop hooking up with people. For the first time in years, I broke my no nudes, no camsex rule. I feel awful about myself.
I am 23 years old. I realise that my hooking-up with people phase was just a copy of my camsex stage. I realise that the men I hooked up with used the exact same tactics as the men I had camsex with: seemed like nice people so they could use me; got angry at me when I said no to them because they felt entitled to whatever they wanted for being nice to me; and thought that they could drop me for weeks at a time because I will always come running back to them. Sometimes I feel so assured in myself because I have spent years learning about all the maipulation tactics that they all use and because I can say no to them when they try to guilt me; sometimes I feel like that same 14 year old girl who ignored every red flag that she ever saw because she was so deperate for love and attention from anyone.
I am 24 years old. I am 2 years younger than my ex Sam was when I dated him and 4 years younger than Glenn was when I started talking to him. I look at the 18-20 year olds in our office and they are basically children to me. If I feel this way now, how much creepier will it feel when I actually hit 26 or 28? I tell people I have no interest in men and for the first time in my life I truly mean it. I stopped dating them years ago but all interest in them is gone now. Sometimes people tell me that I just haven't met the right man yet. I shrug it off but I want to scream at them. I have met dozens of men who have told me that they're different to the rest but they are all the same in the end. The right man doesn't exist.
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esamastation · 7 months
Part fifty-eight of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: forty-seven forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-fix, fifty-seven
The first day with Tseng as his babysitter begins easily enough. They have breakfast, they have tea, Tseng has impeccable manners, and even compliments the tea… There's no weird comments, no pointed looks, and when Sephiroth gets ready to train, Tseng says nothing, just follows him outside to watch.
And then he watches. He watches Sephiroth very closely. He watches every movement like he's looking for flaws. Sephiroth feels like he's being graded, like this is a test and every move he makes is being scored on a damn point scale!
Who could concentrate on cultivation like this?!
"Do you have to?" Sephiroth asks irritably.
"I am not doing anything," Tseng says mildly as if he's not just standing there, staring.
Giving him an unimpressed look, Sephiroth rests one hand on his hip. "Reno and Rude managed to observe without being in my face about it - can't you do the same?"
"If the result is the same, why does it matter which way I go about my observation?" Tseng asks. "I will still be observing, and you will still be aware of it."
"Yeah, but I wouldn't have to see your face doing it," Sephiroth says, annoyed. 
"Inability to handle public pressure seems an odd quality for someone so… famous."
The guy is actually trying to piss him off. Sephiroth realises this with a mixture of incredulity and awe. Tseng is actually trying to make him, Sephiroth, the Big Bad with one psychotic episode already behind him, lose his temper. Does the guy have no survival instincts, or is this some kind of test?
Probably a test. The Turks are far too practical for it to be the other thing. And that makes it a little less annoying and far more worrisome.
"What do you want, Tseng?" Sephiroth asks slowly. "Do you want me to lose control?"
Tseng blinks at him, his face like a fine-featured mask. "Are you going to?"
Annoying. "Keep this up and I might."
"Very well," Tseng says and fucking settles down to wait.
Sephiroth suppresses the urge to tap his foot at the man and instead takes a step back mentally. It's another manipulation tactic, and it's not even subtle. Tseng is doing some corporate middle manager psychology bullshit, establishing authority through perceived roles in the corporate ladder.
I'm the observer and the judge. You are on trial. Now perform for me.
Ugh, it gives him the worst kind of flashbacks for Shen Yuan's family life. Did not miss that part of it one bit! But now that he knows what's up…
Sephiroth smiles at Tseng - who of course doesn't so much as blink in return, but Sephiroth can sense how he goes on guard.
You want to play office politics, sir? You picked the wrong Peak Lord.
"Very well," Sephiroth says pleasantly. "Then you can help me with this."
That makes Tseng actually react. "I'm sorry?"
"Your job here isn't just to observe me, is it? It's also to get me back to my duties promptly, right?" Sephiroth says and smiles a little wider. "That will occur much faster with your help."
Tseng hesitates, clearly sensing the trap.
"Unless you want my report to eventually include a section explaining how I could've, surely, returned to work faster, if only I had the cooperation of my coworker."
Tseng's eyes are narrow. "We are not coworkers."
"We work for the same company, don't we? In different branches, perhaps, but still within the same corporate structure - within the same department, even. Ultimately, aren't our goals within Shinra the same?" Sephiroth purrs, putting all his smug villainy into it. "Surely we should be working together."
Now, Tseng could still decline. If this was your usual corporate politics, maybe he would've. But there's not much Tseng can actually gain in the attempt of putting Sephiroth down, seeing as they really are in very different fields within the company. So there's a different motive for his posturing. Question is, when given different avenues to pursue, which will tilt the scales? The original goal, whatever it was, or a new opportunity and all its potential gains?
What's the worth of an indebted Sephiroth to Tseng?
"Very well," Tseng finally says and steps forward, adjusting his gloves as he does. He's suspicious, more so than before, but there's a crack, an opening, in his hard outer shell. "What can I do for you?"
Sephiroth smiles a little wider. Seems like what his Da-ge used to say is true after all. Ultimately, all successful company men are opportunists. 
"Tell me, Tseng - do you use Materia?" Sephiroth asks.
"... I do, yes," Tseng says slowly. "Though I wouldn't call myself an expert, especially in the face of a SOLDIER."
Well, isn't that a surprise. Humility. "Do you have any you particularly favour?" Sephiroth asks interestedly.
Tseng hesitates, just looking at him for a moment. "I tend to carry at least a Sense and a Barrier with me."
Information and defence. "Fitting," Sephiroth hums, looking him up and down. "Using Materia, you have a pool of MP," he says. "Correct?"
"... Yes, obviously I do," Tseng agrees slowly, even more on edge now. "What of it?"
Sephiroth's eyes wander up his face - and to the red dot adorning the space between his brows. 
In PIDW many cultivators marked their upper dantian. Shen Qingqiu did too, when he felt like it, with a little red line. It was where Luo Binghe's Demon Seal rested too, marking his connection and curse from the heavens. What such markings mean tends to vary with the setting and what rules, traditions and myths were in play. But usually they mark someone as especially enlightened.
Why Tseng has a mark on his forehead, Sephiroth has no idea. He's pretty sure it wasn't ever fully explained or explored, like a lot of other things about Wutai. It's very clearly deliberately applied, and it means something. 
Sephiroth hums to himself, as the Turk braces himself for a battle he doesn't even know is already over.
"Tell me, Tseng," he says and smiles, "Do you know where the MP resides in your body?" 
Get Shizun'd, part two.
This was brought to you by fever and a good nap.
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captain039 · 8 months
PART 3 Intertwined with a mortal
Ascended Vampire Duke!Astarion x human!reader
Bridgerton x Astarion 👍🏻
Warnings: Olden times, swearing, age gap, tension, slow burn, vampire Mates, vampire things, angst, sexual, harassment, bigger reader, fat shaming, 18+, angst, Astarions trauma, anxiety, depression, learning to touch and love, big dislike for children lmao, AOB, artist reader, manipulation
Previous part <-
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Gods you may be going insane, your dreams were so sinful it would make the faithful cry. You danced with him twice and now he’s in your dreams caressing your body and sending you waves of pleasure you didn’t know was possible. Your books didn’t help either, you always snuck a lewd book in your bag from the library when your mother would go, now you were reading with the duke in mind and yourself as the main character. You thought a nice day of painting would send your thoughts away till you began sketching his face in your book. You’d slammed the thing shut and threw it with wide eyes and a pounding heart, gods what was wrong with you.
The third party of the season had arrived you wore a light blush coloured dress, a fan to match in your hand, it was a warm night. You found Jen easily enough and then Karlach joined as you all began talking and smiling. You enjoyed being in their company, having not seen them in a while due to their own life challenges. What shocked you though was the duke Ravengard coming up to you to sign your dance card with a charming smile. It left you confused as Karlach nudged you with a giggle. After the duke signed a total of five more potential suitors signed and you were left baffled and staring at the names. Problem was, you didn’t feel excitement, you felt dread and a horrid churn in your stomach. You found yourself scanning the crowd too often hoping to see a familiar white haired elf ready to sweep you to the dance floor. When the dancing started though your heart dropped and you realised he wasn’t coming. You shook those thoughts quickly though, gods you didn’t even like the pale elf why were your thoughts all about him. As you started your dance with a young beta named Kye, blond curly hair and pale blue eyes, soft flushed cheeks, he was rather adorable, seemed too boyish to be dancing with lady’s. You kept your polite act up as you tried to ignore the churns in your stomach with each touch, you found yourself looking for the elf even more now. His scent wasn’t horrible, he smelt comforting in the ways betas do, you missed the coldness though.
“Are you alright Milady?” The beta asked.
“Yes sorry my lord, just a little distracted, the heat” you chuckled softly giving him your best fake smile you could muster. You danced and danced till alpha Duke Ravengard, you were exhausted and defeated as you didn’t see your pale elf. Your? He wasn’t yours for gods sake. Before the dance started Duke Ravengard was interrupted quickly and you froze and felt your heart jump at Duke Ancunin taking his place quickly. You felt relief flood you as you began the dance with him. You didn’t know what to say, just knew you felt ease where you were. You wanted to comment on his lateness, saying he took his time, how dare he, but you were the one always leaving him afterwards.
“I saw the way you danced with the others” he suddenly said and you frowned he was here the whole time? Bastard.
“Tense, looking around for someone, dare I say for me” he smirked lightly and you flushed.
“You’re wrong Duke Ancunin” you fought.
“Am I?” He chuckled.
“You’re not looking around anymore, you’re at ease in my arms, your scent is calm” it felt like he knew your every secret, had you been so obvious.
“I assure you it is nothing like that” you said trying to keep up an act. You glanced to Karlach and Jen on a certain turn, Karlach gave you a wink while Jen smiled. You looked to your mum next who was probably planning your wedding, honeymoon and next fifty years of your marriage, by the swoon smile she had. As you stood close to the Duke you let out a small sigh, he’d been on your mind all week and now he was finally here. You hated yourself for thinking like that, you’d already swooned over him, you didn’t even know if he was an alpha or beta or omega. Hells you didn’t even know if he was looking for marriage. Your face must’ve shown your emotions, because the Duke spoke up.
“What’s got you deep in angry thought” he teased with a chuckle.
“A lady is allowed her secrets and thoughts” you said curtly making him grin.
“Of course she is, however you’re scrunching that beautiful face so hard it must be bothersome” he commented and you felt your cheeks go hot. You cursed him silently and his piercing red eyes as the song ended and you bowed your head. Gods you needed air.
After five dances you were feeling lightheaded, two betas two alphas and the pale elf Duke. You hadn’t felt any connection with the other dancers, your heart didn’t thump loudly in your chest with desire. You sighed leaning against the cold railing, you didn’t want to go to anymore of these, maybe you could just slip away. You glanced back into the party your mother chatting happily with some other older lady’s. you glanced around to the guards seeing them unaware of your existence. You hurried to the garden swiftly dodging any eyes or lights before you found silence. You sighed debating if you could lie on the fresh grass, best not ruin the dress. You sat down in the bench instead finally alone with your thoughts.
“You always run off, little pup”
Or not.
You looked up seeing the duke you just danced with, did he follow you? You’re sure you were sneaky. You stood up out of nerves as he smiled at you.
“You shouldn’t be out here” you stated.
“Neither should you” he said back and you cursed silently. This was wrong, being alone with a man at such a time like this.
“Please be clear with me Duke Ancunin” you said and he frowned giving you his attention again.
“What is it?” He asked.
“Why’re you dancing with me? Why did you push Duke Ravengard aside? You’re not known for wanting marriage, and Duke Ravengard is a respectful alpha-“ before you could finish the duke was in front of you quickly hand holding your throat gently making your heart stop.
“Respectful he may be, but, you feel nothing towards him” he said low his eyes burning into yours.
“Marriage isn’t for love” you muttered sadly, but nervously.
“Or feelings” you added your hand holding his wrist. He didn’t choke you, just held you in place as he stared at you.
“No, but you feel this” he said quietly and leant forward. Your eyes closed without thought thinking he’d strangle you, instead cold lips pressed against yours and you gasped. You felt a noise leave your throat as his hand moved to cup your cheek and jaw tugging you closer.
“How I burn in your mind” he whispered kissing your jaw and tilting your head.
“Your thoughts are clouded with nothing but, me” his lips ghosted over your neck making you shudder in delight. You felt overly sharp teeth scrap your neck and felt your heart jump before he lifted his head again.
“You didn’t answer me” you said breathlessly as he smirked.
“This doesn’t mean anything” you added though your mind screamed at you.
“Doesn’t it?” He asked head tilted slightly, white curls blowing in the breeze that passed.
“Gods why’re you here? If someone saw us” your mind began to panic as your eyes rapidly darted around.
“Omega, calm down” his voice held authority as you looked back to him and steadied your breathing breathing in his scent. You pulled away from him and he frowned as you shook your head.
“If this is a game, stop, please” you begged jaw clenching as you held back tears.
“I need to find a husband, before it’s too late” you said surprising even yourself as you quickly left back to the party.
Astarion stared at the spot you were just in, his dead heart would be jumping if it could. You weren’t scared when he held your throat, slight nerves, but you trusted him without even realising it. He’d watched you the whole way through the hall his hands clenched in white knuckled fists as he watched those other men throw you around in what they called dancing. He felt your nerves, your discomfort, smelt your sour scent from here. When Duke Ravengard approached he couldn’t handle it, he took over, felt your relief and that sweet omega scent of yours went back to normal as you began to dance. He’d been late from needing to feed, his body already on edge from the killing, a simple low life nobody would miss now whisked into nothingness. It was stale and horrid, nothing to what your sweet blood would taste like. He found himself unbalanced and wanting more, you dancing in his arms was what it was meant to be, not other school boys barley out of their training diapers. You needed an alpha, someone able to take care of you. With his confliction he had no rank, though the way your body reacted to him suggest that perhaps in his past life he was an alpha destined. He was toying with you, till now, now he felt raw need, raw need for your body and soul to be his, devil strike any hand that lay upon you again.
Next part ->
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Miles Fairchild headcanons
Warnings: yandere Miles, self harm, smoking , reader and Miles are making out(?), mention of kidnapping, negative self talk , manipulation, idk if there is anything else
Summary: how I think Miles would act with a s/o with self destructive tendencies (that's totally NOT self projecting). There are two version. One with a not yandere Miles and one with a yandere one. The first part applies to both
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(I know this isn't a miles gif but I couldn't find any good ones. Also not my gif)
If we're being objective, he wouldn't realise until later on , since he views most self destructive behaviors as normal(we all know he is self distractive too)
He would meet you at some shady place like an alley or the back of the school building. You were holding a cigarette between your fingers
Seeing you smoke he asked for one too
You gave him one and lighted up for him , his face close to yours , a smirk forming on his lips
That's when he knew
After that he would look for you in every place he went
He was quick to notice how you were always fiddling with your fingers , pulling the skin from around them
Later on when he saw you eat he realized that you ate too little/ too much
Chewing the inside of your cheek was something that he quickly noticed how often you did
Most kids Miles knew smoked for one reason: to impress their peers. That's how it always started before ending in a habitthat carried people in their adult life
He knew that some people also smoked because they were 'troubled'
But with you it was different.
It seems that you did it from pure hatred towards yourself
He had the impression that you heard somewhere that phrase ' smoking kills' and that's how you picked up the habit
Not-Yandere Miles
When you too got together he tried helping you avoid those habits in the most subtle of ways
Going in for a kiss whenever he notice you biting your lip and holding your hand when you started messing with it
Once his hand somehow stoked the inside of your wrist and he felt something weird
You felt something was wrong and you looked at him
He was staring at your hand and appeared to be having a mental debate
His subtlety was stopped at once that day
' do you cut yourself?'
You tried pulling of his arms . He didn't let you
You couldn't look at him
'no , i-' you tried saying but then glansed up at him catching his gaze.
You shut your mouth
'can I see?'
You hesitantly nodded.
Lifting your sleeve up , he didn't like what he was seeing. Old scars all around , with new ones not taken care of properly
He took you to his bathroom , bandaging you up
That was it for Miles. He now understood how he needed to help you.
' that's it. I have noticed some things that you fo and need to be stopped '
He always told you haw pretty and smart as capable you were , but after that he would be even more adamant about it
Negative self talk? Say goodbye to that shit because now whenever you try to talk bad about yourself he will cut it out immediately
Smoking? I don't think so. He will keep a close eye on you . Of course he can't tell you not to do it , but he can distract you and start making out with you so that you do it less
He holds your hand All. The. Time
Self harm? Nuh in, how about any time you feel like that you go talk to him. He will let you on the drums , trying to teach you . He will take you on a harse ride , running in the estate.
Yandere Miles
When you too got together he slowly and easily manipulated you
You would say something like 'i am so dumb' and instead of him saying you aren't ,
he would kiss your cheek and say ' well you are a bit dumb but that's why you need me'
He didn't like you piching the skin around your nails
'stop doing that, it's stupid!'
He would do like weird half insults
' you are so useless , but at least you're pretty'
' you're lucky I love you or else I wouldn't be able to stand you'
He would either think smoking is cool and encourage it or he would just not allow you to ever smoke again. No in between
Noticing your self-harm though?
Oh that changes everything
Takes everything sharp you own and hides it away.
Regularly checks your wrists to make sure there are no new scars
Threatens you to never do that to your self again
Would even get to the point of kidnapping you to keep you from doing it
'why would you do that! Do you not live me?'
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aftersamu · 1 year
THE EXIT PAIRING: r.suna x gn!reader GENRE: angst + exposure of the bet trope (enemies to lovers to enemies)
it gets personal at the end, and this has such a different energy to anything i've written before. like there's harsh words, fucked up tropes, and it's definitely more 2010 teen drama. proceed with caution <3
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a party.
people crowding the living room and backyard of the house, 20+ bottles of alcohol, red cups lining every table and surface, casual hookups, and girls rushing to the bathroom to throw up, and others blacked out on the grass.
you lost suna throughout the night, got invested in a conversation with a girl you've never spoken to before. and once you realised he was gone, you searched for him.
asking around for his whereabouts, getting closer and closer to finding a distinct location. osamu told you where to go, and you went. ducking underneath the velvet rope blocking off steps, and heading up.
turning every corner, trying to open every door, with a ear pressed to each closed surface. and down the hall, at the corner, a small ray of light illuminates the hallway.
you walk forward, starting to hear the hushed conversation and walking on your toes, holding your breath in your chest as you approach the slightly opened door.
back pressing against the wall, hiding in the shadows you listen. maybe it's nothing serious and you're being nosey, feeding off drama that might not even involve you.
until you hear your name.
"so, how are things going between the two of you?" atsumu, his voice is easily identifiable. "it's been a couple months since they've stopped hating you, i take it's a good sign."
"look, i don't think this is a good idea anymore." suna sighs, "it was fun for a while, but it's getting pretty serious now."
"you going soft rintarō?" atsumu teases, "i thought you hated that bitch, now you're sympathetic? what happened?"
"i don't know man, my fucking morals kicked in, i guess." suna quips, he's frustrated. you can see his shadow pacing around. "look this was fun, the games, but i don't know if i can do it anymore."
"so... you fucked?" atsumu bluntly remarks, "come on mate, i'm not stupid. you wouldn't be backing out unless you two fucked."
"yeah, well, it happened and now i'm screwed because you're a dickhead and i'm an idiot." suna scoffs, "it ends now, i'll give you the money, i don't want to do this stupid bet anymore."
bet. of fucking course, how cliche of them. how naive of you to think of giving suna a chance, he's a dickhead, you knew that. but, there's no way he spent six months trying to get in good with you for a bet.
no amount of money could have him commit for this long. or at least you think, it was a moment of boredom and a way to make easy money. two rich kids who have nothing better to do other than drop a grand on a bet.
a gambling scheme.
with twist and turns, challenges and money rewards. to keep them both interested in the little plan, one that has been pulled straight from a reality tv show.
"you're backing out now? it's been half a year, i think it's too late to feel remorse now." atsumu states, "do you need a recap of how much money we've bet? do you know how much money has been exchanged during this entire ordeal?"
"no, i don't, and don't be a dick." suna snaps, "you are just as much a part of this as i am."
"yeah, but i wasn't the one who brought it up." atsumu retorts, "i wasn't the one who stood up, and bet that i could get in good with them. that i could manipulate them with my killer charm."
"yes, but you proposed those sick side bets. bring them to the party, kiss them on this day, get them to make the first move within a week." suna mocks, "you're no better than me."
"so what? you going to go down there and tell them that you've been manipulating them for a little extra cash? that you've been fucking around with others the same time you've been buying them flowers, and making them eggs in the morning?"
your heart is beating hard against your chest, is it the anger, sadness, or alcohol that's giving you vertigo? is it the betrayal that causes all feeling to escape from your body, or is it how you feel like a complete idiot that sends you barging into the room.
you kick the door wide open, face red, and eyes already watering. the look of shock on suna's face and fear that paints it, and atsumu's smugness ever so present.
"don't even try." you say, holding up a finger to stop the brunette from saying anything. it's so funny, you can't seem to stop the manic smile from growing on your lips.
"let me explain–"
"oh, yeah sure. i don’t hate you babe, i never hated you, i love you, you’re everything i need. you’re the only one who understands me, and sees me. i can’t hate you." you mock, bringing up the words he spoke to you. "shut the fuck up suna."
it's as if those months have vanished, and all you feel is pure hate and rage towards those eyes that you thought you loved.
"you definitely outdid yourself with this one, this whole fucking twisted six month plan of yours.” you dryly laugh, bringing your hands up, "oh, but love, i don't feel that way, i tried to back out." you mimic. "go fuck yourself."
god, you seem so delusional.
"it's not like that!"
"yeah, and i like totally care." you say, rolling your eyes, "you don't mean shit. so pay miya what you owe and move on, because you lost! that's what you get for being a fucking cunt."
"love, you're drunk." suna sighs, taking a step towards you.
"don't come near me," you deadpan. "you manipulative, sick fuck. you will never be good enough for anybody, no one will ever love you, your sister doesn't even want to see you. i see you, and you're an insecure, needy, fucking freak."
you want to strike a nerve, and you know you have. you want to cause pain, regain some dignity that you've lost. you may have seen the worst of him, but he has not seen the worst of you.
"i'm done with you, i fucking hate you... and you're friends are hotter."
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AITA for cancelling a movie plan with my best friend? (🦊 <----- so i find easily) Okay, so me (F-19) and my best friend (F-19) both had planned to go to a movie (I don't want to name the movie because I'm sure the comments aren't going to be nice about it). We had discussed it and shared our excitement about it.
I am in my drop year, and she is too, and we take coaching to prepare for year-end exams. While being excited and crazy over the movie before it was released, I kept telling her that it might not be possible for me to go as I have my practicals coming soon (which she didn't have to give, btw), and there might be a possibility that my coaching centre put a test near the dates too.
When the movie was released, unfortunately, we both had a test coming the next day. And even if we did not go on the first day because of the test and went later, I could not because my practicals were coming in a week too. I was in my drop year, so I wanted to get serious.
When I backed off from the plan, she kept nudging me, saying that the test at our coaching is just a "practice test" and nothing serious as it doesn't affect our future or anything, or "tests come and go; memories have to be made."
PS: Whenever we make a plan to go out, I am the one who is unsure or busy most of the time because I am scared of my parents and also because I feel we should not go. I admit it. But eventually, I go. Every time, no matter how much, I say no.
But this time I actually did not want to go. I really wanted to watch the movie, but I felt like I shouldn't, because it's wrong for a student who is in their drop year to go out and have fun. When she realised I was actually not going to listen to her this time, she started saying things like "I can see your friendship,"  "You got my hopes up" (even though I warned her about the exams), "I will probably not see you the same way anymore because you're breaking my trust," etc etc . We had a huge argument over it.
In the end, I did not go, and she went to the movie with her sister.
We did not talk for about a week when she sent the message saying, "So you will never talk first," and then we got into an argument again. She said she understood her behaviour was manipulative, but I should understand her point of view, as she wanted to watch the movie with me for a long time, and I crushed her hopes, and she kept hoping that I would come for the movie at the last minute. And she also said that I am always the one who backs off from every plan we make, and even after refusing, I go, but she feels guilty that I went to hang out on her pleases. She said that I am not the emotional person I project to be, as she finds my decision really stone-hearted, and there is no use in making me understand because I am rigid and always think, "What I do is right." She said my decision was right from a student perspective, but she wanted her "teenage girl heart" to be happy. She said that if she was in my place she would have tried to bend her plans and do everything perfectly (practicals, tests, movie etc). But because I am scared and cancelling plans is "in my blood" she doesn't expect me to do that. She also said that I should look out for my friends too sometimes and learn to make memories, be flexible, which we will not get time to do in the future.
What are these acronyms?
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justjams2003 · 6 months
Fast Pace- 9
Summary: You're a hard-working Chef in Paris and after a freak accident run-in with Carlos Sainz, your life makes a 180. Let's just say with a certain agreement, you get your bills paid and in return stand in as Carlos' girlfriend for the press. But will you be able to handle the pressure and ensure the lines don't blur?
Pairing: Sugar Daddy!Carlos Sainz x Sugar Baby!Reader
Warnings: I've aged up Carlos, he is 33 in this fic. Smoking, smut, sexual themes, age difference, manipulation, control, slight obsession, the word 'daddy', tell me if I missed any
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics and @s-silk
Taglist: @httpjeonlicious, @f1lov3r, @messersandmesses, @hollie911, @oriconde08 @thehufflepuffavenger1 @fanboyluvr @thatgirlmj @whyamireadingthis @oriconde08 @depressedriches @roseseraj @skepvids @sain55wifey @distinguishedvoidlady @amatswimming @sachaa-ff @lightdragonrayne @lazybot @dark-night-sky-99 @formula1mount @fangirl-dot-com @saintslewis @carlossainzwho @lordpercevalcharles @topguncultleader @kitixie @serp3ns0rtiae
Word count: 3,1k
Part 8~Part 10
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“How was your day?” She asks from the bathroom. I shrug only to realise she can’t see me. “The usual,” I can hear her zip something up. “What is the usual?” I too am getting dressed in something more comfortable. It’s already 5 and we had dinner called up. For me, however, getting dressed is much quicker.  
“Well, especially now that we are in the home of Ferrari, Charles and I spend a lot of time on the racing simulator. With that we have the chance to speak to the factory workers, thank them for their hard work and really speak with the engineers. Then after that I spend a lot of time in the gym.” Yet these days, I spend a lot of the time there thinking about her.  
However, before I can say much else, she finally exits the bathroom in the first outfit. It’s a tweed white set. Oh, how I do love her in white. It gives me a sneak peak of the day she becomes mine. She looks so professional, ready to boss around whoever denies her anything. Too, at the same time, so elegant in the way her hair falls to the way her eyes shine.  
“And how was your day?” I ask, allowing her to change outfits, she had just shown me ravishing white bikini that has me needing to think of something else. “Oh, Carlos, I had so much fun. I just love the car so so much, people were taking pictures of it and me all day. Don’t you think it would look beautiful in like, a light pink?”  
I can’t help but laugh. “What? Would it be considered some sort of car treachery?” This does make me laugh even more. She is so cute. Holding the smallest things with such high honour but still always staying true to her heart. “There are some men out there who would call it...a betrayal to the craftsmanship. But those men are the ones who can’t afford the car and haven’t felt a woman’s touch since they were born.”  
Her laugh explodes from the bathroom. It warms my heart and brings a wide smile to my face. How I wish I could bottle that sound and carry it with me, for the days when everything becomes too much. That laugh of hers takes me to another dimension, one when it’s only me and her and not a single thing on this earth could come between us.  
The moment she steps out of the bathroom, my heart stops. She is just so gorgeous. She should be locked up in my house forever. How no one has stolen her heart yet is beyond me. She gives so easily her heart. There is so little I have to give and so much that she gives me. “Carlos, you haven’t said anything. Do you not like it?”  
How long have I been staring at her? How could I ever stop looking at her? “Would you prefer I bend the knee, or bow down fully?” Her laugh is like music to my ears. “What are you talking about?” Her eyebrows furrow, but I can’t look past just how much healthier she looks. The withdrawals seem to have gone for the most part.  
I’d been giving her medication to help, of course after consulting the best expert I could find. That crease in her forehead is gone and her eyes don’t seem as foggy anymore. “You are a goddess. This has to be the only conclusion. And I am your loyal follower, sent to worship you.” She coos, a pink hue becomes her. 
“Wait until you find out the name of the dress.” I motion my hand for her to continue. “Mon Amour.” Of course, because the universe knows. She must have seen me smile so bright because she says more. “When I told the shopping clerk, that it is one of your many names for me, he immediately called the designer over.”  
I do love listening to her talk. I could to it until the end of time and still not get tired. “I didn’t even know the designer was in house. I mean, it’s Channel, you’d expect that from a small boutique not a big house like them. Anyways, when he saw me in the dress, he was, as he said, ‘overwhelmed with my beauty.’” 
This causes my jaw to tick. Yes, I had sent the Channel store a generous sum of money, telling them about the very important client that would be visiting their store. I knew she’d go there; Chanel is her most visited page on Instagram. Besides mine, these days. She doesn’t need to know how I know that.   
What I didn’t know is that they’d send a designer in. Or the fact that this designer would be a he. “He said what?” Her words make my jaw tick. “He said something along the lines of ‘the way your body simply is, is inspiring.’ His words really made me blush.” The urge to show her just exactly who she belongs to is strong.  
Not only that, but I’d love to find this ‘designer’ and beat him to a pulp. Yes, his words are correct, but the fact that his attitude made her blush? That should have him sent to prison. “He then started styling me, oh I can’t wait to show you.” She then runs off only to return in a tight denim dress.  
One that hugs her curves like the red dress but shows just a bit less skin. Yet still, the thought him evaluating her body, watching her as I do now, is infuriating. What the fuck was he thinking? And why would she allow him to do any of this? She does a turn before going back, only to come out with a black skirt and pink top.  
I don’t say anything, I mostly spend the time plotting the man’s murder. The next is a green set, one that highlights just how heavenly she is. A fairy roaming in the gardens. A mermaid walking for the first time. An angel who has just gotten their wings. “After I finished paying for all this, he gave me his business card. Said to call him when I start getting serious about modeling.”  
I hold out my hand and she places the card in my hand. Without hesitation I tear it up. This man will never contact her ever again. In fact, no one should. I don’t want people from the outside filling her heads with all sorts of stories. They could drive a wall between us. And if that happens, my plans for her will have to take a drastic jump.  
“Carlos! Why would you do that?” Her lip pushes out and her arms cross over her chest. “I don’t want him contacting you. If he wants to speak to you, he’ll have to talk to me first.” She rolls her eyes at me and then sighs. “You have to be joking.” I raise my brow at her. This is incredibly serious. “In fact, I don’t want anyone outside our inner circles contacting you.” She gasps and her mouth hangs open.  
“This is taking it too far, Carlos.” Her eyes are usually big, doe and sparkling, but now I see a fury and an anger. “That’s what assistants are for. So that you don’t have to spend your time worrying about schedules or weeding out the people who will further your future and those who just want to use you.”  
I can show her far. Someday it will only be me and her and the Sainz family. There will be no interruptions from people. She will not be tainted by the words and opinions of others. They will not take her from me. Nothing will. “Oh,” her mouth snaps shut and that fire in her eyes dim. “What, do you think I’d shut you out from the world? I’m not that jealous.”  
A little lie here and there won’t hurt her. After all, once she is in my hands, it will have happened so slowly she won’t even realise that she has been taken home. I am her home. No one else. Not her parents, not her friends, not her co-workers. Not even the other drivers on the grid. She will be untouchable, unreachable by everyone but me. The goddess and her dress and her disciple.   
There is a knock at the door, I glance at the balcony and see it’s already dark out. After the outfits, she had also shown me the jewels she bought along with a purse and some shoes. It was quite fun actually, seeing her eyes shine like the gems she had bought. Her smile so wide, I just want to eat her up. I settle for a kiss on the forehead. “Go get in your pj’s, I’ll get the food.” 
“What movie are we watching?” I ask, turning off the big light after we ate. She’s already snuggled in bed, like a kid on Christmas. “Pretty Woman, duh. I’m going to point out every time I felt like Julia Roberts.” I can’t help but laugh at her shenanigans. And still give her a kiss on the head and climb in the bed next to her.  
But I can see the way she eyes me, with a longing glance and those big doe eyes. “Come here, mi amor. Snuggle in close.” Her eyes beam again and without hesitation I pull her close into my arms. She cuddles in close, almost rubbing her face into my chest. She curls herself into a small ball and I make sure she isn’t uncomfortable for a single moment.  
Yet, still, she’s fidgety. “Sit still, o te pondré en una posición en la que no tendrás más remedio que quedarte quieto.” I squeeze her legs tight, to really drive it home. Her squirming has caused an effect on my body that I’m sure she’s not ready to handle yet. She whines, “I’m sorry, can I show you something?”  
“Of course,” I make small circles on her delicate skin, encouraging her to tell me more. She pulls out her phone and then goes to the videos. She then continues to show me a video in the Instagram reel format of her enjoying her day shopping. “Do you think it’s cringe?” She asks, biting her lip and this time it’s me that squirms.  
“No, of course not, I’m glad that you’re finally pursuing your dreams. Even if it’s a small start. Not to mention, it’s really well done.” A blush coats her cheeks, she so up and down. One moment she’s the hottest girl I’ve ever met and the next she’s as cute as can be and I want to hold her like this, all bundled in my arms, forever.  
I haven’t seen this video on her Instagram yet. “Why haven’t you posted it yet?” She bites her lip and avoids my gaze. “No seas tímido conmigo,” she gasps when I nip at her ear and it forces a deep chuckle from me. “I’m scared of what they’ll say about me. I’m scared that they’ll piece together our agreement.” I scoff at her, and shake my head. “So what if they do?”  
She whines and rolls her eyes. “If my modelling career starts, I don’t people to think it’s because I whored myself out.”  Whored herself out? How dare she even think something like that? If anyone ever even dare to talk even slightly bad about her, I’ll have them castrated. I have a tough security and they do anything I ask.  
Money does a lot for a person and for her... I, myself don’t even know how far I’d go. “If you ever say that again, I’ll fuck the word right from your mouth.” I just love the way her eyes go big and she begins to stutter when I say something even slightly seductive. It turns me on, just how much power I hold over her.  
“Dios, eres tan lindo. Here, give me your phone.” She does it without hesitation, still flustered by my words. I open the camera and the moment she sees the selfie side, she ducks behind my arms. I take a picture, it’s as cute as can be. I go to set it as her wallpaper but see that the photo she took on the first day is already the wallpaper.  
I raise my brow at her and she just shrugs. I look and see her lock screen is her and her other two friends that I hear so much about. “I always keep the most important things in my life as my wallpaper.” I feel so warm at her words. How much more perfect can she be? I take my phone and do the same as she has. And proceed to post it on my story.  
“Post the video. Let them talk, that just makes it more fun to prove them wrong.” She just gazes up at me with such love in her eyes. Then her eyes flicker back to the TV and she gasps, “Look, look. Look at how awful these fancy ladies are to her. She’s just this big bundle of energy and childlike joy and they’re just so cruel.”  
I stay listening with extreme intent. It’s almost funny, the way she describes this girl, because it sounds just like my Y/N. “It happened in the store, just today. Before I went to Chanel, I walked into Gucci. I had parked a bit away, for safety. A bit of a habit, I guess. They didn’t see the car, but they gave one look and went ‘we have nothing in your size.’”  
My grip grows tighter than I want it to be. I don’t want her to know the effect she has on me, I’m certain that she’d use it against me. If she truly wanted, she could have me like putty in her hands. Wrapped around her finger, she could have me on my knees with one look. She doesn’t notice it, but there are tears that pool in her eyes.  
“I’m a size ten! That’s very average. Shouldn’t they make clothes for an average person like me.” She pouts, pushing out her bottom lip. Subconsciously, she wraps my arms tighter around her. I’m her protection, she doesn’t realise it, but I am her safety blanket. I scoff at her words. “Please, you are the least average person I have ever met. I’ll have the store bankrupt by next week.”  
She gasps and gives me a slight hit on the arm. “You will do no such thing.” I laugh, kissing her neck. “And why not?” I whisper, pulling her closer into my arms. “Because, you are just race car driver, you will not bankrupt a store that has been standing there for decades with a fashion rich history. I will not have some nepo-baby with too much money on his has destroy it over some girl he met two weeks ago.”  
Her words would be harsh coming from anyone else. But when she says it, it only makes me laugh. “Is that really what you think of me?” She blushes, “I’m sorry I said that. I don’t know much about cars, but I can see you have a real passion for it and a real talent for it. You know, outside of your father’s influence.” She makes me feel like a superhero. In her eyes I can do no wrong. It feels like everybody has been criticizing me all my life, but she? No, she just loves, open and free and can’t find anything wrong with it.  
“And I’ll support you. Always, like you do me.” How I wish now I could kiss her. Just to make the words stop, because if she says one more thing, I might just cry. “Speaking of fathers... Next week is an off weekend and I still owe you a visit to your family.” She sighs, a loud, heavy drawn out one, she leans against my arm and pretends to go back to the movie.  
On instinct I just know, and once again open her phone and find her messages with her mom. She doesn’t stop me, actually she encourages it by giving her password. I can see almost each time her mother has messaged her, she either replied with a dry answer or just didn’t reply at all. “I don’t know what to tell her.”  
“You haven’t told your family about us yet?” Her shy eyes avoid my gaze and I know she feels guilty. “I don’t know what to say. Oh, yes, I’m in the arms of a man I’ve only known two weeks, because, you know, he paid off my student debt and is also so hot it’s unfair to any other guy that has ever lived.” Yes, her words are true but we both know we’re forever. And if she doesn’t realise it, I’ll just have to convince her.  
A low hum escapes my throat, “They do not watch the race? They haven’t seen you there?” She laughs and shakes her head, “They wouldn’t dream of it. They both are kickers for the good old days and when they do watch TV, it’s just those old soaps. In fact, I got my first job when I was 16 and with my first paycheck I bought a shitty phone. After school I’d walk to the nearest café, use their Wi-Fi and watch every fashion movie I could find. Illegally, of course.”  
I love hearing everything about her. It feels as though I could never know everything about her and that breaks my heart. “Well, I suppose we have to have a story for them and the media too. Let’s say this, we keep the story the same, we just move the timeline back about a year. So, instead of 13th of August, let’s make it...the 1st of February.”  
“And why wouldn’t I tell my own mother, about a guy I’m dating, for six months.” That’s a good point. “Well, let’s say that we wanted to keep it private until we’re sure of us.” She shrugs, “That makes sense, ooh, can I buy them presents tomorrow?” I chuckle, always so thoughtful. “Of course.”  
I have to buy them over somehow. If they don’t aprove of me... I’d hate to break my girl’s heart. Having a bit fall out with your own parents can be very traumatic. But I won’t hesistate. I’m sure mother would love her just as much as I do. And father, he would understand why I do, what I need to do.  
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writing-rat · 5 months
That's My Girl
Pairings: Quinn Bailey x Reader
Content Warning: Kidnapping, Mentions of punishment, manipulation, 18+ Conent, Smut (consentual), blowjobs, G!P Quinn Bailey, Quinn Bailey has a penis!
Summary: Quinn is just leaving from a kill when she sees you so she decides to just kidnap you and manipulate you. She is glad it works...
WC: 1614
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Quinn had just finished her test kill on someone. She was preparing to be Ghostface, her dad letting her join in on his plan. She was thankful for that. After stripping down, she changed into some clean clothes as she was walking away when she saw someone who caught her eye. A girl. It was you, someone in her class that she knew of and wanted to get to know. She glanced around, thinking before she was sneakily going into an alleyway, noticing how you were leaning against the wall and texting someone. She proceeded to put on her Ghostface mask and robe before she exited then crossed the road as she was keeping her eye on you, lust rushing through her body. She needed you, but first, she would have to manipulate you and make you believe she was good.
That’s when she was closer to you and she looked around, noticing how people were distracted. She smirked under the mask before she suddenly grabbed you and dragged you into a nearby alley. She was ignoring all the kicking and biting as she was holding you close. “You are staying with me from now on, you are going to be my girlfriend. Now… goodnight,” she spoke before she knocked you out. That’s when she started to carry you around, acting like she was a concerned girlfriend. She even took off her mask as she wanted to sell it even more to people. It was working.
Eventually, she made it to her new room, knowing that Sam and Tara would be away. She was thankful for that, and thankful you were still knocked out due to it being a long walk. Once she had sat you down on her bed, she stretched and was thinking before she opened up a drawer, getting a gag and some ropes. Tying you up, she made sure it was tight so you weren’t able to move and even put you on a puppy pad. She was going to take every precaution she could. She also knew that no one would go into her room due to Sam and Tara agreeing on privacy. 
Soon enough you were waking up and you let out a groan before you looked around and then tried to scream for help. That’s when you realised you were gagged, causing you to panic. Quinn meanwhile just looked over. “Oh, hey baby. Nice rest?” she teased looking at you. “Now I am going to make some rules with you,” she spoke, standing up and grabbing her knife before she sauntered over, putting the knife onto your neck. It was the dull edge at least. “We are not going to scream for help. In fact, the gag will be on for a few hours. You will be my girlfriend. You will live in my room with me and not go out whatsoever. I will get all the food and water you need. That is the bathroom over there so there should be no reason to be living. The blinds also must always be shut. The punishments you will get will be spanking, some cuts here and there, orgasm denial and many more. You got it?” she finished speaking, causing you to nod and accept you wouldn’t be escaping just yet. She smirked as she soon pushed a tray over. On it, there was a water bottle and a bit of pasta. 
She pushed the gag down, letting you eat. You frowned at the cutlery. It was made of paper. “I’m not gonna let you hurt me that easily,” Quinn stated, causing you to nod and eat as best as possible. You knew it would be hard to, but you would be good for her just to try and escape…
A few months later you were slowly starting to want to stay. You were introduced to Sam and Tara after a bit and vetted by them. Luckily for you (and Quinn) you were approved. In fact, Quinn let you go back to classes now, knowing she could trust you. She also put a tracker on you so if you wanted to run away, you couldn’t. You didn’t mind, she just didn’t know how to love properly. She was learning, but you were also just to be with her. You knew that when she was hard, you had to please her. You had to eat every meal she gave you and you had to drink everything she gave you. You also did have good days where you got treats by going out on dates with her and watching movies. You also did get punished sometimes.
One of the punishments was spanking. When you had been mouthing off to her one day, she had pulled down the sweatpants you wore and left your ass naked before she hit it harder. Another punishment was keeping you chained to the wall for 2 hours. You had disobeyed some orders by not washing the dishes and you had been chained to help you learn your lesson. At first, you were pissed off about being stuck here, but soon enough, with the constant praise and love, you started to understand you were at fault. You felt bad now.
Nowadays, you came straight to Quinn at any issues that occurred, knowing it was better to tell and not hide it. She was thankful for that. That led you to the current issue. “Mommy, I need to masturbate,” you practically begged out, wanting to cum. You hadn’t for a solid week and you weren’t allowed to cum or masturbate without permission. 
“Do you deserve it, hm?” She teased. You nodded. “Yes! Please, I’ve been good. I have done everything you said, please,” you begged more before Quinn nodded. “Strip down,” she commanded. You nodded, obeying her order as you stripped off your jeans, underwear, and your shirt as well as your bra. She licked her lips as she was smirking and nodded. “Good girl, now get on the bed, all fours. I want your ass up in the air though,” she demanded. You did as told, laying your chest on the bed. That’s when Quinn went behind you after stripping down, pressing her erection against you hard. She smirked at the whimper you let out before she pressed her body against you fully, starting to enter into you. “Fuck, please let me adjust when you’re fully in,” you moaned, hoping she would do as you said. She was groping your tits meanwhile, nodding. “Of course, you haven’t been stretched out for a while after all,” she stated, waiting ever so patiently for the nod you were bound to do. After a minute, you finally nodded.
She smirked before she started to thrust slowly and gently at first. You let out little moans of pleasure, covering your mouth. That’s when she removed your hand from your mouth. “Everyone should hear you,” she practically growled. You nodded, moaning loudly for everyone finally, not wanting Sam or Tara to judge. Luckily Quinn had mentioned they were used to it, so you didn’t feel as bad whenever you did. “Fuck,” you moaned as she suddenly went faster and rougher. She smirked, moaning loudly as she kept going. She wasn’t going to stop until you were both satisfied. She was making that obvious due to how she was starting to rub your clit and your breasts. 
You gasped at that, starting to open your legs even wider for her. You loved how she treated you in bed honestly. She kept getting tougher and faster before she rubbed your nipple hard. That caused you to cum because just at the same time she thrusted into your G-spot. Quinn felt you clench against her before you soon came. In return, she went faster and harder into the same spot before she came inside. You panted as you felt tired, not used to the roughness and speed she was going at that time. 
She just smirked, looking at you before she slowly pulled out. “Have enough energy to suck me off?” she asked you, looking down at you, practically devouring you. You nodded as you slid off the bed, not able to move fully yet. That’s when Quinn sat down, leaning against the wall and smirked down at you. Licking your lips, you started to suck her head, stroking her shaft with your hand. Quinn moaned, showing you were doing a good job before she held your head and gently pushed it down. You were taking it like a good girl for her and she was proud of you for that. Soon you were about halfway down before you finally moved your hand and took her all in. She let out a louder groan as she started to thrust into your mouth. You weren’t shocked at all since she had stated she always wanted to fuck your face and she finally was.
You let her keep going. For a few minutes, she kept thrusting before she looked down at you more. “You have to swallow,” she moaned. You nodded before she came into your mouth which you swallowed. “That’s my girl, my very good girl,” she praised, licking her lips. She was glad she kidnapped you. 
You couldn’t help but squeak when she lifted you and she just smirked. “I’m taking you to the bathroom so we can wash up, ok baby?” she spoke. You nodded and smiled at Quinn, leaning into her. 
“Thank you, babe,” you spoke quietly. You never wanted to leave now. You were ready to be hers fully, and Quinn knew that. 
She was ready to take care of you whenever and was happy that you were happy with her…
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vulpisnocturna · 11 months
Yn wants to break up with Itachi bc she fell out of love?How'd he react? I'm sure he'd heartbroken
Anon!!! Hasn’t Itachi suffered enough?? 🥺🥺
I’m doing it, but I’m making it a yandere because y/n made a mistake and there’s no way you’re falling out of love with this man, nuh uh. And also because bro is still an Uchiha. If he falls in love with you, sorry, it’s for life
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Warnings: Uchiha ex (speaks for itself), yandere-ish Itachi (toxic ex, stalkerish, manipulative tactics, possessiveness)
- At first, Itachi would listen calmly and passively to what you have to say. His face is completely blank, but inside, it feels as though his ribcage is breaking apart and his lungs cannot fill with air. He can’t understand why. Did he do something wrong? Have you finally realised how undeserving he was of your love? Is he so selfish that his mind is already working through what you’re saying to find a counter argument?
-When you are finished, you are sobbing, and Itachi feels a heavy lump in his throat. He doesn’t know what to say. What to do. The pain in his chest is too strong. After all, he keeps losing people. And he thought you’d be the one to stay. You’d promised you would.
-‘Say something’ you manage to say, and Itachi swallows, exhaling softly. His eyes sting, but he refuses to cry. No, he won’t try to guilt trip you with emotions. That’s not his style.
-‘I am sorry I hurt you. I am sorry I was unable to make you happy’ he says, voice strained but calm. Inside Itachi, there’s a storm brewing. He hates this. Hates feeling as though you hate him. Hates feeling like he’s being replaced. Hates that you want to leave. Hates that your love was fickle in the end.
-‘You made me the happiest’ you sniffle, and he shakes his head softly, his tightened lips the only sign of disappointment he has let through his stony façade.
-‘If I had, we would not be having this conversation right now. Goodbye, my love’ he says the last sentence heavily, picking up his things and leaving. You had told him you did not know why you felt as though you loved him, but you weren’t in love with him anymore. But Itachi’s not just going to give up on the one he loves so easily.
-You two belong together, he knows it, deep inside his heart. And if you still love him, he only has to make sure to rekindle the feelings you had at the start. To Itachi, this is a mission. And he never fails his missions.
-He leaves you alone for the time being. He stays in the shadows, follows you around, sees how you’re doing. Inside, he’s seething every time you smile at someone that’s not him. At the same time, he feels guilty. He should really let you go. But those feelings soon fade when he remembers how happy you were with him. If you said he had made you “the happiest” then Itachi’s going to do even more than that
-When you start to see another man, Itachi puts him under a genjutsu and makes him avoid you. It hurts him to see you sad and disappointed, but it’s for the best. He could never give you what Itachi could anyway. He could never hope to protect you or love you as much as he does
-Oh no, your car broke down. Itachi happens to be passing by and fixes it for you. No, of course he’s not angry or resentful about what happened. He just wants you to be happy. No, he’s alright, don’t worry about him. He just hopes you’re doing better.
-You’re so glad Itachi is so mature. You still feel really sad and miserable without his warmth around you, and seeing that he’s not trying to get you back and wishes you happiness without him leaves a little hole in your heart. You wonder why part of you wanted him to be angry and try to get you back. You wonder if you made the right choice
-Itachi is carefully going to concoct the perfect scenarios to show you that he can always be there for you. That you need him, somehow. It feels wrong to do, but if it’s for your love, he’s determined to do anything he can to win you back. And the sad eyes you seem to have when you think no one is looking let him know that he’s in the right. That you were happier with him
-He happens to bump into you from time to time. Not enough to make you suspicious, but enough to keep himself on your mind. Every relationship you start to have with someone else turns out badly. They don’t do enough, they don’t understand you, they don’t fully know you. And you begin to wonder if maybe Itachi was the right person. If you made a colossal mistake (you have, y/n, go back to him)
-Itachi finds you at his doorstep one evening, your teeth chewing the corner of your bottom lip, your eyes sad. He wonders if he should have just accepted your decision. Wonders if he can truly make you happy again
-But then, you hug him, burying your face into his chest, and the world is set to rights again. Yes. This is exactly what you need. Itachi comforts you, soothing your back with warm caresses, kissing the top of your head, basking in the faint scent of your perfume and shampoo. He hates seeing you cry. He’s never letting this happen again. Never letting you be in a situation where you might fall out of love
-‘I made a mistake- Itachi, I- I think I still love you. I don’t know what to do’ you say, and Itachi strokes your hair, his heart slowly being pieced back together by your words
-‘Shh. I love you l. I will always love you. What do you want to do, my love?’
-‘I want to get back with you’
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manofbeskar · 1 month
Okay, I am interested in your Dracule Uta posts now. (She's just so cute and I just know he embroidered that flower on her onesie!!) I need to know more!!
I don't have too much details yet but this is what I have for now:
While Shanks finds her in a treasure chest after raiding another crew, Mihawk instead finds her after killing some marines and discovering her on their ship, eating a devil fruit. He figures the Marines probably don't have good intentions for her so he takes her with him.
For the first few days/weeks, he tries to find another home for her. He thinks his life as a marine hunter and lone pirate is too dangerous to care for an infant. A bit of a Buddy Daddies thing in that way, that he's too dangerous to be around and frankly doesn't want the responsibility.
When he finds out which devil fruit she ate (still the Sing-Sing fruit), he realises he can't risk her falling into the hands of someone more corrupt who can manipulate her powers. He decides to go all in and try his best to raise her properly.
He goes to Shanks for help. He himself never had good parents, but he knows Shanks had a good relationship with Roger and his crew also has older men who may have advice to offer. He gets closer to the RHP this way, learning from them how to best care for a baby.
Shanks grows close to Uta. He likes that her hair makes her look like his and Mihawk's baby. He also treats her like she is their kid, always accidentally calls himself her father. Uta also thinks of him like that. Similar to Buddy Daddies again, Mihawk and Shanks both acknowledge they have parental roles in her life but, at this point in time, don't view themselves as romantic co-parents.
(Of course, they have feelings for each other but Mihawk is oblivious to his feelings and Shanks is secretly crushing hard. He loves how good Mihawk is with the kid and how hard he's trying)
Shanks likes to bribe Uta with sweets to talk him up to Mihawk. Always backfires on him because she's way too frank about it (learned that from Mihawk). She'll just say shit like, "Mihawk, Shanks told me he wants to kiss you!" and it embarrasses Shanks every time.
Uta loves being carried by Mihawk. He carries and controls Yoru so easily. Even teen Uta is practically weightless in his arms. It reminds her of when he first found her and rocked her in his arms as they rode his boat back to his home.
Uta sees Mihawk and Shanks's feelings for each other grow over the years until on her 12th birthday she told them to get a grip and go out already. They went out and have been together ever since.
Mihawk and Shanks figured out a co-parenting arrangement a few years before Shanks docked at Windmill Village. Mihawk thinks it will be good for Uta to go sailing with Shanks every once in a while as his experiences sailing with him have always ended with fun stories and meeting new people.
Mihawk wants Uta to get out there and appreciate the world's vastness. He often takes her sailing (if she isn't sailing with Shanks) and shows her all his favourite spots. Sometimes Shanks comes along and tells her stories of "that time me and Mihawk came here ourselves and this really cool thing happened"
Mihawk let Shanks take Uta for longer than before when he docked at Windmill Village as he wanted Uta to make long-term friends that weren't twice her age like himself and the RHP, so she still meets Luffy. While he is a loner, he wants Uta to experience everything and meet people from all walks of life so she can figure out exactly who she wants to be.
Mihawk trained her to be a strong swordswoman since young. She's very skilled with the blade but told him she wanted to be a singer. Mihawk supports her preference and is happy to listen to all her new songs. As he strived to be the greatest swordsman when he was young, he now wants to help Uta become the greatest musician. He tunes in for every broadcast she does and makes sure the RHP catches them too. Uta still cares a lot about her swordsmanship and practices it often to stay sharp.
She carried a bamboo sword as a kid, then got Shanks's old one with the red hilt as a hand-me-down when she was 15. For her 18th birthday, Mihawk had a Yoru-inspired blade crafted for her. She named it "Musica". It looks similar to Yoru but the orbs are red and heart-shaped, the blade isn't black, and it's shorter.
She lives at Kuraigana with Mihawk but splits her time between there and wherever Shanks is. When Perona moved in, they became close friends. Perona loves hearing about her Mihawk stories. She also regularly duels with Zoro when he moves in, insists he doesn't stand a chance against Mihawk if he can't even beat his first student.
Uta's favourite colour is teal because it's the colour Yoru's blade shines.
Her eyes have rings as Mihawk also taught her powerful observation haki (I don't know if the rings are directly relevant to that but I like how the rings look on her)
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what-aboutno · 7 months
Making a part 2 to this post since people on twitter really didn't understand the post and I'm feeling petty
(I have to emphasise I am not saying you can't refer to earlier cOwen as maze Owen to explain cOwen at different periods of his life. I'm saying when we really look at it, maze Owen doesn't exist since they're the same person)
'maze' Owen doesn't exist bc it's a way that cOwen has come up with to justifying to himself how he could have cared for demons without shattering his ideals.
This is confused with cOwen have distinct personalities and missing how his character hasn't changed from the start with his idea of protecting everyone.
In his final moments he says a few important things to note. The first being "I was a tool. I was trained. Should I have... I should have." And then right after "I can't think in my head it's split in two"
It seems some takes this as 'maze' Owen coming back and fighting with cOwen on should he have killed cApo and the others. However rather than 'maze' Owen coming back it's this internal conflict he has with himself and his ideals.
Before he says this he's getting flashbacks to the early maze days where he showed kindness to demons. Something he would never let himself do in the past outside the maze. And something he would never do after remember it all.
Then he says to the voices "Is that who people trust? Old Owen" while those memories are playing. The voices respond saying they miss that Owen and he replies "Yes? That wasn't me" this is possibly where it further adds to the whole 'maze' Owen is a different person thing.
But what people miss is he's trying to seperate those memories as a different person. Rather than facing the fact his ideals fall apart as soon as he accepts that demons are not these creatures that betray and kill you at any moment.
His thinking comes from the manipulation and propaganda he's been feed. In his final episode we get these quotes which show just how much his thinking revolves around protection and also showing what years of training did to him.
He understands he was a tool that was used. He's well aware everything he is doing may not have a purpose and get he still plays this part. He can't break away from that thinking because if he lets himself he has to face the fact that his whole life had no true meaning and he was as he realised a tool. This is where we get these lines from him though.
"I did what I had to do I served my country and this is the thanks I get"
"I don't understand I was meant to..."
"I can't think... They trusted him but not me"
They're such interesting lines from him because he still feels like he has this duty to protect everyone. And then he can't understand why they would trust the Owen that was so easily fooled and trusted than himself right now who is still trying to protect them and has seen the dangers as what they really are.
While he has this internal conflict with himself the main reason we have this 'maze' Owen thing is from the scene when cMagic comes to see him.
And I think when you have this much context it doesn't make sense that this is a seperate persona? Identity? He has.
Right before it we are shown how conflicted he feels about a part of himself he'd rather seperate than accept is him. So he tells cMagic "I hurt my best friends please" and "it wasn't me I'm sorry"
He's still seperating his own actions to two people because he can only accept he did these things if it wasn't him. The idea that has to be a different Owen who cared for a demon because it really does make him face everything he's done.
So when people seperate cOwen into these two parts it's just falling for the lies he tells himself because this maze owen never existed.
Who he is after the reunion is still the same person as before. But what changes is this dramatic shift in those ideals we've seen from him since the start. Because now demons are not included and since the beginning of the series cOwen has been close to a lot demons, it triggers memories and he enjoys their company. So when he starts killing the people closest to him automatically we believe he has changed a lot. And yes he has! But you can't miss that he does these things to protect everyone else in the clearing.
When he remembers everything in his mind he doesn't need to protect demons. Since they are a threat. There are moments people try to argue where 'maze' Owen peaks through such as his hesitation before chasing after cApo in the reunion. But it's really cOwen understanding his hatred towards demons may have been nothing. Was he really going to throw away everything for the past? And so he doesn't change. He continues this path he can never return from.
Everything he has worked for doesn't matter anymore. And cOwen cannot accept that so he once again he plays the role to exterminate them. But by doing so he has to seperate his old self so it doesn't conflict with what he desperately wants to be true.
Which is his whole life had a purpose.
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royaltyoon · 1 year
Hello, can i request a headcannon of (toxic?)Yujin x female reader who is highly intelligent? She doesn't get fooled nor manipulated easily
An ask from before i left 💀 sorry for getting done with this like a year and half later. Thanks for the request tho anon ✨
Clashing intellects
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I checked my asks recently and there are so many yujin asks, he's finally getting some recognition
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"The third affiliate is gonna burn up in flames~" you sing-songed while stretching your legs over his table, one over the other.
"what makes you think that?" He furrowed his eyebrows finally looking up from his papers and scrunching his nose in disapproval of your feet on his work surface. "It happened with the fourth affiliate, didn't it?" You scoff.
"You know that I'm smart enough to not repeat the same mistakes again, right?" This time it was his turn to scoff.
"And you think you're doing a good job by hiring Johan Seong as the bouncer? Out of everyone else?" He raised an eyebrow at the geniunity he sensed in your voice. "He works under white tiger now, he has no reason to rebel against them." He clarified.
"Finding out about pungsan seems like a good enough reason, don't you think so my love?" You enunciated the last words for mockery, but there was a certain truth to it. "Him finding out about it is a rare chance, sweetheart." He mirrored your mockery.
"It's still a chance, Yujin." You now sat up straight, looking at him with a serious glare. "And jake Kim isn't going to make things any easier." You continued
"Don't tell me you aren't aware." You cackled aloud. "Guess who's the second bouncer for the club?"
He sighed deeply burying his face in his palms as realisation dawned on him.
"This is why I need you on my side. You are always aware of everything and keep it all in check." He said peeking under his bangs.
You let out a little laugh, "I am on your side. But if you think I'm going to work under you? Keep dreaming, love."
"Working beside me." He corrected. "You'd get more out of it than whatever we're doing right now." He pointed to him and then you, almost signifying a win-win situation.
But you knew better than that, you took steps walking to him slowly ."Yujin, you know better than anyone that you're the only head to workers, you know how to make things work in your favour, you know how to buy peoples loyalty, I've seen Samuel. You know how to make people work for you, but that's not going to work on me. I am like you, I understand your thoughts, yujin." You lifted his chin with your index.
"You're not going to manipulate me, love. It won't work." You grin. "I can leave you when you are of no more use to me. I can cut ties the minute things go south, I am bound with no compulsion, no necessity, no loyalty. I can put a stop to this pretend relationship the day it stops benefiting me." You couldn't shake the feeling that what you were saying felt awfully false.
He huffs, standing up. Slightly taller than you. "Why haven't you then?" He takes a step towards you.
"Things have gone south." Then another causing you to take one back. "They still are, as you said, maybe the third affiliate is in danger." And another.
"In fact, you are always the first to warn me about anything." He finally stopped when you were backed up on his desk.
He leans ahead, trapping you between his hands on either side of you. "You need me, you need the workers." He smiles a little atrocious, one side higher than the other.
You held your own, "I told you, I am not bound by necessity." You knew he was smart enough to decipher the actual point you were indirectly implying.
He scanned your face before chuckling to himself, "We can make that happen too, the 'relationship' doesn't have to be pretend anymore. You'll have me all to yourself, sweetheart." He slid a hand under your ear, coaxing you with a honey tone, pulling your face closer to his.
You leaned in too. "No." You muttered only inches away. "I told you it won't work on me." You grin wider now.
You slowly push him away, his face holding a rather moderate shock. "Did you forget I'm too much like you?" You hop on the table, swinging your legs.
"I can read your actions and understand you better than anyone else, Yujin. Even if we're alike, we are still clashing. Neither of us could have what we want." You shrug.
He took a second before he shook his head with a smile, "You're too smart for your own good." He said.
"I could say the same about you." You returned his expression, pushing yourself off of the table. You stood in front of him analysing him for a second.
You sigh and strings tugged in your chest. "Things are indeed going south." You said before walking towards the door.
"Goodbye, Yujin." You muttered before stepping out of his office. Cutting ties forever. But the snapped strings of your heart still subtly ached.
You hoped you could stay, and he hoped you stayed too. But both had different reasons for it.
Clashing intellects, indeed.
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
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alright. look, we're going to go into this because i genuinely want to think you didn't mean harm by this, but it's unacceptable to use this sort of manipulative phrasing. especially with strangers, some of whom are kids.
this is not a call-out. i've hidden all names except my own. i just need to address this post i was tagged in, and don't want to add it onto the end of the original post. i could also have done this privately, but i want this to be here for the other folks who were @'d. i won't @ anyone else who was mentioned in this post, but many of us are mutuals, so if you see this post and you're feeling at all stressed out or bad, i recommend just clicking through because i'm going to go into this.
firstly, and i'm going to make this transparent, person who @'d me: i don't think you're being malicious or did anything purposefully bad. i don't think you intended harm or that you are "a bad person". i don't have a single negative thought about you as a person. i don't make this post to be mean. i truly think you made an earnest mistake that could easily have hurt others, and i am stepping in with the hope this can be avoided in the future! per my usual boundaries on reassurance seeking, i will not reassure about this further.
secondly, the post that you tacked this onto IS important and a helpful resource, and it is great to bring attention to it. we should be doing everything we can to not only defend against, but actively fight back against generative AI. many people cannot access the most commonly recommended tools (myself included), so a resource like this is fantastic and i'm glad to learn about it and share it! i don't speak for anyone else, but i've said before that i personally don't mind being tagged in resources that could help me or others and i'm usually happy to share them, especially if i think the latter
but, assuming that you are genuinely well meaning and don't know better, you need to know that this is not the way to go about it. i don't mean mass-tagging, which is fine in times like this imo, i mean your written add-ons that actively guilt trip every single person you tagged.
"if you weren't convinced by the idea of being a good person" and "I do hope anyone I @'d isn't a bad person" in particular.
you may not have realised, but these are profoundly manipulative and cruel things to say. regardless of how you intended them, they are inciting guilt in the reader, and especially in the people who you actively called to come and look at it. here's what it sounds like:
"hey! you! yeah you! come look at this!! come closer! now, do what i ask you to do, or you're a bad person."
there are a million and one reasons someone might not reblog something. being tired, offline, anxious, even needing to run a specifically professional blog with exclusively your art on it for your own financial survival which makes it hard to reblog important posts like this; none of those are bad.
in this case, only one thing makes them a "bad person", and it's "they're pro-generative AI and did not reblog because they want to hide this information to ensure they can continue stealing from creatives".
i'm fairly confident you don't actually think anyone you tagged here has that point of view, or that you really have any doubts about their stances on generative AI. in fact, of the folks i recognise here, they're all independent creatives, sharing artwork with fandom for free on the internet. they are the victims of generative AI, and like most of us, are facing a terrifying future and are already desperate to find a way to defend/fight back.
you do not need to use manipulative language like this to get us to care about this sort of content! this affects us all, content creators and content consumers alike!
in future if you want to direct folks to something like this, which is super helpful and it was good of you to do!, you can just @ them so they see it. you can even say something like "this is important and some reblogs would sure help to boost it!". this is still a call to action, but without the manipulative phrasing, just in case they cannot act for any reason.
in the end, guilt tripping people like this, intentional or otherwise, is dangerous.
at best it will make them feel like shit and they'll feel forced to reblog + share from you out of guilt rather than just believing in the cause. and sometimes it feels like it's most effective, especially when things are urgent; but in my opinion the risk of harm is just too high. because at worst, you could accidentally send someone into a negative thinking spiral. you can never know what people are going through offline, or outside of your spaces, and how something like this will hit them.
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thelikesoffinn · 6 months
Hello! I keep browsing the tavstarion tag and asks from you blog keep coming up, and every time they do I enjoy the hells out of reading them. All the Astarion asks got me thinking though, and as I'm in the process of writing a fic, I figured I'd ask your thoughts (out of curiosity).
First thing's first: I understand Astarion's trauma responses are very... prickly, for lack of a better word. My question is how you think he would deal with a Tav who has a very people-pleasing response. For example, focusing entirely on anyone else's problems and completely neglecting their own, or only being able to say "no" when in such acute distress that they physically cannot give any more.
The second part (because I am guessing his response, based on how he's reacted in-game and also from reading your analyses) is how he might react to learning that that people-pleasing response is because of trauma they went through, either in their teens or young adulthood. How might that recontextualize some of his earlier assumptions? Do you think he would have any mixed feelings?
I wanted to write a Tav that's internal and solitary, who thinks they're "over" the trauma that happened to them. I thought the dynamic of someone who's been coping for years and has distance in comparison to Astarion who literally only just got out of his situation was interesting.
Hiya dear!
I'm happy you like the asks, haha, although I must admit hearing that they're very noticeable amongst the Tavstarion things is making me self conscious! 🫠
When it comes to people pleasing - or fawning, as it's also called - I think we can all sort of guess how Astarion would react. The boy isn't secretive about his displeasure regarding all things "noble" and I'm sure that, at first, the respect he holds for your Tav will be very low.
The thing is: When we see someone whose initial response is to fawn, we don't automatically default to trauma. Most people are far more likely to just view them as a really good and kind person or, especially in work settings, as a suck up. It takes time to realise that, hey, maybe Jeff from accounting actually just can't say no.
I don't think it will be different with Astarion. (In fact, out of all the companions, Wyll might actually be the most likely to notice that your Tav is having a hard time saying no.)
Depending on your Tav's general attitude, Astarion might default them to yet another kind hearted do-gooder that runs around the world with childish naïveté and that? That is a sitting duck.
To act 1 Astarion, kindness relates to weakness.
And weakness is something he can exploit easily.
As we all know, Astarion craves safety, which is why he latches onto Tav to begin with. And if Tav's someone who others listen to AND who seems easy to manipulate? Fuck yeah. That's an in if he's ever seen one.
If Tav is prone to saying yes to anything and prone to avoiding conflict, he won't even need to do much to get them to do his bidding. The right words, some puppy dog eyes and a hint at what he wants done, and they'll go and do it without protest. Add a couple of compliments, and he'll have them wrapped around his finger. That is exactly what he needs to be safe, and he'll not be shy of making use of it.
And I think it would be somewhat amusing to him, to see Tav try that hard to make everyone happy because he, quite plainly, doesn't get it. He doesn't understand why someone would care that much about others because to him, his own survival and happiness is what matters the most. Everyone else be damned if necessary.
(Just a tad bit presumptuous, seeing as he himself tends to salute and follow orders at the cost of his own personal boundaries if the person he deems the leader demands it - i.e. the Araj Oblodra bite - but let's let the poor guy have his delusions.)
Once he grows closer to Tav, his former amusement will likely quickly turn to frustration. In Act 3, we learn that Astarion is extremely loyal and, apparently, rather protective.
Part of why he insists on ascending for so long is not just for him - he wants to be able to protect Tav, and he thinks his spawn self is not enough to accomplish that. (This is highlighted by the fact that romanced Astarion is much more insistent on ascending than one you're only friendly with.)
Tav is important to him. They're his person and watching them bend over backwards for everybody and their mothers prostitute before thinking of themselves is probably not going to sit well with him.
He doesn't care about other people, but he cares about them, so he wants them taken care of.
BUT Astarion is not versed in the art of caring for others, not the best at communicating - he's trying, we can see that over the course of the game, but it'a process that takes time - and he is very prone to frustration, so I wouldn't be surprised to see his worry mostly expressed through sniding remarks, sarcasm and arguments.
Once he realises WHY Tav is the way they are...well, that is a bit difficult to pinpoint down, because it has a lot to do with his own mental state at the time. How he views himself and his trauma will reflect on how he views them.
An act 1 Astarion who is still very raw, very afraid and very much in pain might be somewhat disgusted and deny the very obvious similarities between the two of them.
Tav was hurt. People had hurt them and yet they're still trying to appease everyone. They're always doing whatever anyone asks of them without hesistation, even when they clearly shouldn't. How much of a pushover can one person be? Don't they have any self respect? It's pathetic.
It sounds cruel - it is cruel - but, in th end, he's not truly talking to Tav here. He probably sees part of himself, the part that jumped when Cazador said so, the part that listened to every order just so that he wouldn't have to suffer. He sees the part of him that grovelled, the part that gave up.
The part he hates the most.
(Fun fact: My least favourite state of healing to work with, because clients can actually be really difficult during that time.)
A more stable Astarion, however, could actually reevaluate a lot of Tavs behaviour. He might see them less as a naive child and more for what they are: Someone, who's trying to live.
They don't want to get hurt again, so they try to not offend anyone. They'd rather be stressed and tired and overworked than suffering again. They're not uselessly kind, they're not stupidly selfless - they're scared.
What he does with his body, they do with acts of service. They're protecting themselves in the only way they know how.
That realisation could somewhat mellow him and, most prominently, it can give him a sense of community.
It's a bit difficult to explain, but people who have experienced abuse and are now in the process of healing might start to experience a sense of community with those who had similar fates. Not in the sense of: "Let me bare my soul and dump my trauma onto you now - so when I was 12, my dad..." but in a very specific, comfortable way.
It creates a sense of understanding, if you will.
It means that the other person understands, even when you don't say anything. You don't need to fight; to explain yourself - they understand. They might not understand all of you, but they understand enough not to let it cloud their judgement. You'll be alright and they understand.
So Astarion won't need to tell Tav every little thing, he won't need to explain every reaction, every misbehaviour, every slip up. He won't need to fight for his right to be quiet, sad, angry or sulky.
He won't need to explain because even if he doesn't, they'll know that he has his reasons, and they'll be there when he's ready to talk.
Anyway! Those two options are really just a few of all the reactions he could potentially have, because, as I said, it's so hugely dependant on where he is mentally and how he views Tav, himself, his past, etc... It's really difficult to narrow down properly.
The dynamic you have chosen is really, really bursting with potential - both for drama and healing - and I hope it's as fun and rewarding to write as I imagine! ✨️
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✨ Meowpheus ✨
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Prompt used: "What's So Funny?", Don't Make Me Laugh
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: The Sandman
Pairing: Dream of The Endless/Hob Gadling
Characters: Hob Gadling, Dream of The Endless, Desire of The Endless, Lucienne, Matthew
Tags: fluff, possible out of character, terrible advice, attempt at humor,
Warnings: none
Word count: 1743
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Dream of The Endless doesn't regret anything, especially if said things were forethought or downright planned. As of right now he's curled up on Hob Gadling's lap who's preparing notes for the next lesson - now and again receiving head scratches he's delighting in. And in that moment Hob's hand comes down to scratch behind his ear. Dream automatically closes his eyes and leans in. Half a minute later he lifts his hand, while chuckling at Dream's protesting meow.
If he literally purrs everytime it happens; Dream will never breathe a single word of.
Where was he? Ah, yes. He'll never go along Desire's schemes ever again. Here he is, in his cat form, unable to change. With that wretched collar around his neck he's rendered incapable of manipulating his form in any way.
Lately Dream has been wondering if this really was such a good idea. While being Hob's cat has been shockingly exceptional experience and at the same time not at all surprising. Having said that Hob's kindness and care put Dream off kilter making him feel as if he takes advantage of Hob. Which in turn is only a small piece of the whole picture considering what made him ask for his sibling's help.
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Dream makes his way to the library to return a novel "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens to its rightful place. After putting it back, Dream reaches for another, this time "If I Ever Get Out of Here" by Eric Gansworth. He turns to leave only to be met with Lucienne who's expression was curious with a hint of concern. A spark of irritation lit up at being interrupted, Dream quickly puts it out. "Lucienne." He nods.
"Do you require more assistance, my Lord? Recently the number of your visits to the library have greatly increased;" his librarian inquires, "Furthermore seeing the Dreaming's overcast weather, it reveals that you, Lord Morpheus, are at an impasse, caught in indecision. Therefore have been searching for insight."
"I suppose I, indeed, have found myself at a crossroad." Dream muses, "Months have passed in the Waking since I last met with Hob...I find I wish to visit him sooner."
"What stops you my Lord?"
"Seeing how he wasn't cross with me leaving as I did in 1889. I'd like to finally tell him my name. He's long overdue." He glances away. "However I fear, if I share it, the novelty will wear off..." He hesitates, "He'll grow to realise how appalling, rotten and broken I am. He takes me to be a mystifying and outlandish being which granted him immortality. While I might be those to him, with time they would give way to the more jarring ignorant, cruel, malicious abnormality and torment."
"If I may, sir? I don't think Hob would change his opinions of you that greatly, nor do I think him capable of discarding your friendship that quickly and easily. He was the one to offer his friendship and as you pointed out - he has accepted you upon return." Dream loosens his grip on the book, not sure when he started to tighten his hold. "But if one opinion doesn't suffice my Lord, you can always turn to your family for council."
"Thank you Lucienne. I shall consider it." With a nod Dream walks out.
Lucienne sighs and walks back to her desk. Moments later Matthew lands on the lamp's neck and caws. "That went pretty well. Right? For a minute there I thought you'd get struck by lightning!"
"It might have just looked like it Matthew. In fact since his return, Lord Morpheus makes an effort to ask for help and listen to advice. The fact that it didn't take that long to get him to open up about this dilemma clearly proves that."
Matthew fidgets in place. "What dilemma? It's pretty obvious to me that both of them are head over heels in love. And I saw them meeting. From afar. The amount of sexual tension there, was just-" he shudders-"nope, too much for me, definitely. Needed gallons of holy water after THAT." Lucienne's smile widens at Matthew's antics.
"Let's hope a talk with Death will point him in right direction."
Slightly dreading upcoming conversation, Dream braces himself. Although his sibling's insight might prove to be valuable. Definitely has the capacity for when not busy scheming. "Desire, I stand in my gallery and hold your sigil, I seek your council, may I come through?"
"Go right ahead, Sweet Dream~"
In moments Dream steps into The Threshold. "I've never known you to be able of asking for help. What is it that you desire that you came all the way from The Dreaming to little old me?" They tease with a smirk, flicking their tail lazily.
"It concerns Hob Gadling." He said narrowing his brows.
"Who is he? Should I know him? Sounds boring." Dream grits his teeth in irritation at Desire's fake obliviousness and disinterest. "You know very well who it is I speak of."
Desire dramatically pulls back and puts their hand to their chest. "You wound me Sweet Dream, I know not of who that 'Hob Gadling' is. I have other things to do than torment and plot against you; shocking I know."
"He's the immortal human I've been meeting every century. Seeing as I failed to meet him in 1989 because of you, I plan to visit him more frequently. As he still favours our friendship." Desire considers their brother's statement. " Is that his name? I always wondered. Did you say Friends?" they grin, "Your heart tells me otherwise. What I don't know is what part of this concerns me?"
"I want your scheming hands away from him." At that Desire rolls their eyes. "If that's all you needed, then rest assured I didn't come nowhere near your precious little crush. And he's feelings are his own; I didn't influence him in any way." Dream relaxes, but only a bit. He has yet to go straight to the point of this visit.
"Besides I really don't understand how that poor soul went ahead and fell in love with you. Clearly it wasn't your fashion sense that did it. I suppose I must congratulate you. He sees something in you worth loving." Desire observes Dream, takes in how Dream seems to hold something back, hesitant. "What is it that truly brings you here? Spit it out."
"I came..." If one would put a squished lemon next to Dream's face at this moment, Desire wouldn't see any difference."...for advice. In 1889 I refused Hob's friendship, which he forgave me for. Yet again I've done him a disservice by withholding my name. If I were to aspire for more, I'd have to share it. However I fear in doing so, Hob will realise the mistake he made."
Dream is insecure. Sure given his relationship history it's not even surprising. But to come to them? Hob must be special indeed. They should feel honoured; But ultimately Desire couldn't help themself and bursts out laughing. "Oh Brother! You're making me laugh - please stop." They say trying to catch their breath. "What is it that you find so hilarious, sibling? My misery?"
""What's so funny?" he asks! It's your stupidity." They cackle. "So you won't assist. I shall take my leave." "Don't be like that. But fine I'll help you test the waters. But we're doing it my way."
"That's your great idea?" Dream scowls.
"Have anything better in mind?" they argue back, "In fact this includes every thing you mentioned. First - you get all the TLC your heart desires." Desire raises their index finger and then their middle one. "Second - you get to see his human everyday life. Third - you can test Hob's boundries, see his reactions when pushed and not get rejected in the process." They tap their raised ring finger in thought. Desire make a dramatic shocked face. "Ah yess!" Their pinky joins the other fingers. "Fourth, my favourite~, you get to appriciate his oh so ever, without a doubt in your mind, attractive assets." Desire purrs with a cheshire-like grin.
Dream ignores them. "I'll have to inform Lucienne of my extended absence from The Dreaming."
"See you in a moment, Sweet Dream.~"
"Lucienne, I'm planning to spend some time in The Waking for foreseeable future. I wish not to be disturbed unless it requires immediate attention." Dream speaks, and in the process scares Matthew. His raven flails cawing at his sudden appearance.
"Am I to understand the conversation went smoothly, sir?" She questions unstartled.
"Perhaps. I expect to receive weekly updates from Matthew, when I'm not otherwise engaged."
"Hey Boss? Isn't staying in the Waking *caw* dangerous for you or something? *Caw* With you getting captured and all?" Matthew tilts his head.
"While your concern is touching, it is unnecessary. I'll be in capable hands." He reassures the raven and then turns to his librarian. "I'll be leaving in a few moments. I trust you to do well looking after The Dreaming."
Lucienne lowers her head. "I won't disappoint sir."
"There you are Little Dream." Desire says after noticing a black cat sitting on the floor. The cat's shoots daggers their way. "What? If we're to meet Hob like this, I might as well look the part." Desire gestures at themself, then kneel down in front of Dream. "Besides that includes you too." They reveal a black collar, the bow's ribbon covered in a mockery of a night-sky pattern. Dream didn't get time to brace himself, his sibling taking advantage of his inattention, fastens the collar around his neck. "Now we're set." They pick him up. "Let's go to Hob, shall we?"
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A temporary lapse in judgement, Dream vows not to let it happen again. Desire was right about the advantages; however they avoided telling him about the negatives - like guilt. Instead of bravely approaching Hob, he planned. To make matters worse, he went to the one sibling that likes to mess with him. Hob deserves better.
"Come on, Dream. Let's eat then head on upstairs yeah?" Hob rubs his thumb along Dream's head. Dream gives an answering meow, then jumps off Hob's lap to stretch himself.
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@fandom-free-bingo I got carried away. TwT I tried to write crack treated seriously..but I got confused along the way. And now idk if I managed that or not. :/
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amuhav · 9 months
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 17, 20 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), 23, 25 for T A Y U I N.
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What memory would your OC rather just forget?
All of his time back in Abor'sai? lmao. I mean, sadly he's already forgotten anything good about his childhood, so he's left with mostly just the negative experiences that came after. Though, maybe surprisingly, I would say any of the more positive experiences with his father would be top of the list, because they're one of the few things that make him regret leaving without a word. And makes it harder for him to just put the whole place and everyone behind him.
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
How damaged he is under the layers of self-preservation. And how desperate he is to be understood and accepted, despite his pathological self-sabotaging to stop that from happening.
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Lack of faith in other people, and by extension never letting himself have any peace or happiness, too willing to believe it will only lead to more harm. By never trusting anyone or sabotaging anything good that happens to him, it becomes something of a self-fulfilling prophecy that feeds further into his worldview that everything will hurt him if given the chance. I think he's become more aware of that, but until recently, no, he didn't see it as a flaw of his. He just saw it as protecting himself from the inevitable.
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Pretty far. Tay tends to put his survival and his immediate wants and needs ahead of anything else. He doesn't usually hurt people just for the sake of it, only if he thinks he'll gain something or he considers them to have wronged him, believes they eventually will, or if he sees them as a threat in any way. But he's generally the type to do so in indirect ways; manipulation, lying, maybe a lil theft etc. I guess I'm not saying he wouldn't take a life, if he really felt he had to, but what I am saying is he certainly would try not to. Physical harm or confrontation is certainly not a go-to unless he hasn't much choice.
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Uhhhhhh. His moral compass is kinda skewed towards Chaotic Neutral anyway lol. I don't think you'd easily convince him to do anything truly heinous if he had no reason to. On the other side of the spectrum, you'd probably also struggle to convince him to do anything too good that didn't also benefit him in some way, not unless he truly felt some obligation to do so, or ultimately agreed with the premise under all that outward bluster. In which case, you'd still have to be pretty convincing to overcome that self-preservation instinct of his, especially if whatever it was would make him vulnerable. For example, a lot of the time he'll be more likely to double down rather than take ownership of a mistake, because that would be a sign of weakness oh shit I'm realising he inherited this particular trait from his mother ignore me goodbye.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Uh, once I actually had a grasp of his characterisation? Honestly, not much at all lol. I meeeean, there are definitely some points in CotS where I wouldn't have necessarily gone where the ~votes~ did, yet I still think the ways they played out, and all his actions within CotS have remained in character (which is honestly impressive when you think about it like that LMAO). But overall he's one of those characters as a writer you just... kinda instantly know them? Like, you connect with them in a way where you just know how they think and feel in almost any given situation without even ever having to give it much thought. Which I feel is pretty rare for me at least lmao.
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
not to sound basic bitch, but I guess Modern Day? I can't really see him in any other genre than that or the Fantasy one he's already in. But maybe... if we're talking more parallel universe AU rather than full genre/setting swap AU... one where he never left home? Because while I will always believe leaving was the best option for him, I don't know if things would have necessarily gone as badly as he thought they were heading...
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
everything um. leading on from the last question I guess ahaha... The bit that hasn't happened yet in the story. And again, not the leaving itself. I think leaving is the best thing he ever did for himself. But I feel ~a little guilty~ for the misunderstandings that lead up to it at least the way I have it planned because I haven't finished writing it yet so that might change I guess lolololol. That, or having him forget just why Ailos seems to hate him so much. Because it informs so much, not just of their relationship but so much of who they both are and how each of their lives came to be the way they are, but to Tay it all just seems so entirely without rhyme or reason. It's like an elephant in the room between them, but one Tay can't overcome because he doesn't even know it's there, and Ailos can't see past it nor work around it, and Tay not even knowing it exists only makes him all the more bitter. (which, like, not to excuse anything lmao, just. ya know. something something hurt people hurt people something something.)
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
lmaoooooooo. Tay? noooooo. never. jealousy? what's that, even? asdfghklkshhhh. I don't know if he necessarily ever recognises feelings of jealousy for what they are, at least not immediately without time to actually think about it, but yeeeeeah. It is definitely not an unusual response lmao. Jealous lil bean lashes out, usually at whatever he most considers to be the root cause of his pain (I'm so sorry Eve I woulda dragged my boi to apologise right away I stg 😭) And speaking of, manifesting as a rather strong sense of possessiveness lmao.
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Happiness. He doesn't trust it. Like, real happiness, not just momentary glee at getting whatever he wants/needs in a particular moment or a plan working out for him, but true, actual-to-goodness happiness and feelings of contentment. It feels like a trap waiting to spring. So he fights it.
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
Despite all his flaws, his ability to overcome. He's so broken, and he deals with a lot of things so poorly, but he's still trying. Still surviving, still trying to find a place in the world when I think so many would have just given up and accepted defeat. And that deep down, even if he doesn't indulge in it or trust it, he still has a heart, and hasn't lost all his humanity (or the fae equivalent? lmao) along the way.
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