#it makes me so happy that i’m known as the gene girl
An unending love for Gene is a Golden Doodler™️!
Omg, Babs, my heart is so full now 🥺❣️
I’m so happy this is my legacy 😭
You heard it here first, folks: I have an undying love for Gene!!
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mydearesthrry · 11 months
forever - h.s.
a/n: small blurbs are a majority of what im gonna be pushing out for the next few days as i try to write out the first few chapters of my new short series, the first chapter already has 4k+ and i havent even gotten to the meat of it. i hope you enjoy this!
🎀 warnings/cw: fluff :(, husband!harry which in my eyes is a warning of its own
🐇 pairing: newlywed!reader x newlywed!harry styles
💐 wc: 530
summary: harry and his wife’s first dance a married couple. (listen to forever by the beach boys while reading for full experience!!!)
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“And now for the part of the night that our newest bride and groom have been waiting for, the first dance as husband and wife!” Gemma says into the microphone, gesturing for Y/N and Harry to stand in the middle of the dance floor. 
They walk to the middle hand in hand, Harry turning to walk backwards, hands in both of hers now as he leads her to the middle. He has the biggest, most lovesick smile on his face, bright enough to put the moon herself to shame. Y/N has an identical smile on her face, and Harry swears he could have a heart attack just by how beautiful she looks tonight. When they end up in the middle, they pull each other in for a soft embrace, Y/N resting her head on his shoulder as the music starts. 
If every word I said could make you laugh,
I’d talk forever (together my love)
I asked the sky just what we had, 
And it shone forever
They swayed side to side, tears filling both of their eyes. They slow danced to this song at their first formal as boyfriend and girlfriend, and since then it’s held the utmost significance to them. “Can y’believe that we’re married now?” Harry whispered into his wife’s ear. 
She smiled against his neck. “No, my love. I really can’t. It hasn’t kicked in yet, if I’m being honest. However, I can’t wait to get to the hotel and cuddle with you, my feet hurt so much.” 
Harry chuckled. “Well, as a part of my husbandly duties, I say we sit on the sofa and watch a romcom, if y’want me to I can rub y’feet.” 
“What? Oh my god, if I’d known that it would just take us being married for you to rub my feet I would’ve married you years ago.” She gasped, knowing the weird fear Harry had of feet. 
He snorted and rolled his eyes, knowing she would know what he did, and she was right. Smacking the back of his neck softly, she giggled, “Don’t roll your eyes at me, drama queen. We both know I wanted to marry you since you asked me to be your girlfriend.” 
“Yes I do, my love.”
Let the love I have for you
Live in your heart
And be forever
Forever, forever
I’ve been so happy loving you
“D’you remember at our formal, when we danced to this for the first time? M’hands we’re so sweaty, and I had Gems teach me how to slow dance with a girl. She stopped because she got annoyed that I kept stepping on her feet, but I tried!” He giggled into her ear, making her heart grow 5x bigger. 
“I didn’t, sweet boy. Thought that you just had the natural dancer gene.” She said honestly, but if she wasn’t embarrassed enough to say it, she would tell you that she could nearly cry because of how sweet that was. 
“Yep, bruised toes and all, but hey, it worked out, didn’t it?” Harry smiled. 
“Tremendously. I love you, Mr Styles.” 
“I love you forever, Mrs. Styles.” 
I’m gonna love you in your way
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drysdaleknieslee · 6 months
Wipe Out - L.H.
This is my second series I plan to start, but my first on with Luke so please enjoy (and be nice)! It's 2,199 words so, again, enjoy!
Only disclaimers are: death, mentions of parental death
Spring of ‘22
This was the day. The day that I would be leaving home to go to school. In Michigan. So far. Farther than I expected and farther than I wanted, but they're the only college that accepted me even with the good grades I struggled to make. They also gave me a full-ride volleyball scholarship, which sealed the deal. But now it feels too real.
“Come one, honey, or we’ll miss our flight,” my mom screamed downstairs. It’s always been me and my mom. Since losing my dad at the age of eight, she’s always done her best to make me a happy child and give me so many opportunities to be great. I had a great childhood, and she did a lot for me, but now I can’t help but think how she’ll handle me not being in the house anymore. “I’m coming.”
I grab the last of the things I think I will need and give one last look at my room in the place I’ve called home for nearly 11 years. I was born in Michigan initially because that’s where my dad is originally from. But him being in the military, they stationed us in Hawaii when I was seven, right before he passed, and we never moved back. This was my home. I have friends here that I’ve known since we got here, neighbors that we had parties with. I try not to get emotional walking down the stairs because if Mom sees me crying, then she’ll cry, and it will be a big mess.
All my bags and equipment are downstairs, and my mom looks over my plane ticket for the umpteenth time. She was a little Chinese lady, about 5’2, and I towered over her at 5’9 thanks to my dad's lovely genes. Her reading glasses sit on the edge of her nose as always, with her hair in a slick ponytail, with a standard t-shirt and jeans.
“Make sure you have everything. Goggles, jackets, sweaters, mittens- “
“Mom, I’m just going to Michigan, not the North Pole,” I say jokingly. She, Mrs. Li, does not laugh.
“I know, but you are going to be moving to a completely different climate, and I do not want you calling me with a stuffy nose and saying you can’t perform with a stuffy nose or the flu.”
I watch her shuffle in the kitchen as she scolds me while actively checking her mental list of everything she thinks I need. This is her way of coping. I’ve seen it before. At my father's funeral, it took her 35 minutes before she would let the ceremony move on because she was arguing with the funeral home.
“Mom, stop and look at me for a second.” Hesitantly, she stops pacing and looks at me with a groan. I walk over to her, take her hands in mine, and stare into those big brown eyes filled with worry, anxiety, and sadness.
“I will be ok. I know you’re worried about me being out of the house and not knowing what will happen to me. But I promise you, I will be ok. I will call you when I get to the airport, before I board after I land, and when I get to the dorm.” Her lips started to tremble. She slowly nods her head after my reassurance.
“I know. You’re a good girl, and I know you won't do anything wrong. It’s all happening so fast, and I’m worried about the world you'll enter.”
I hugged her before she could see the tears I was trying to hold in. We silently said I love you before remembering I had a plane to catch.
The ride to the airport was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. I held my mom's hand to comfort her more than myself. I checked my bags and got one last look at the place I called home. Me and I hugged one last time before I had to rush to the gate. After passing TSA, I shot her a quick I love you. I will text you when I land.
The plane ride was relatively smooth, and I could feel the altitude difference as soon as we entered Michigan Airways. It wasn’t as cold as I thought, though it was spring. However, compared to the almost year-round summer in Hawaii, I did need to adjust a bit. I texted my mom when I left the plane and headed straight to baggage claim—Ski’s on full display compared to everyone else’s luggage. You’d think I was going on vacation.
The taxi ride to the school was nerve-wracking. I was here. I’m going to college in Michigan, and I’m going to have a roommate and classes.
“We’re here, Miss.” “Oh. Thank you,” I said to the taxi driver before I paid him and got out of the car. This place was HUGE. The pictures don’t do it justice. This truly is a beautiful campus. But it’s still significant, and I struggled to find the admissions office. There are so many students out and club setups that it's hard to pinpoint the location.
“Hey, you seem lost. Where are you going with ski, by the way?”
I turn to where the voice comes from and see a tall, blonde, smiley-looking guy. “My name is Ethan. Ethan Edwards”, he says as he holds his hand out to me to shake. And I graciously do.
“Oh, um, I’m Lia Li-Hendricks. I’m a freshman, and I’m trying to get either to admissions or to orientation.” His face lit up at that.
“No way! I’m a freshman, too. I and a group of friends are heading to orientation now. They’re holding the ceremony and then pairing us with dorm mates. Wanna come with us?” he asks as he gestures to the tall guys behind him. Do all good-looking guys go to Michigan? I’m assuming so.
“We’re on the Michigan hockey team. That’s Dylan Duke,” he says, pointing to one of the shorter guys in the group, “and that’s Rutger,” pointing to a guy where you can hear his laugh from a mile away, “and that’s Luke.”
Luke was tall as well. Lanky, but you can tell he has a build to him, with curly hair and a cute, crooked smile.
“There’s more of us. Trust me. They are all already at orientation or a sophomore or junior, so they know how this works.”
As we walked towards the group of guys, I realized just how tall these guys were. I thought I was a giant, but these guys knocked it out of the park. I must crane my neck to look at some of them.
“Hey, guys. This is Lia, and she will be a part of our group today for orientation.”
“Hello, Lia. My name’s Rutger. But you can call me Rut. Or Roger. Or Fridge-”
“Alright, Rut, she’s got it.”
The rest give me a silent hello, but other than that, I like this group. This doesn’t seem so hard.
“So, Lia,” says the boy I’ve learned is Mark as we walk, “where are you from? Judging from your short sleeve and shorts it's somewhere warm.”
“No, well, kind of. I was born in Michigan, but because of my dad’s work, we moved to Hawaii and have been there ever since. Until now, of course.”
“That’s so cool! I bet it's so cool to live in Hawaii. All the babes-” Dylan nudges him before laughing softly. I like these guys. The orientation walk was fun. These were the most hyperactive group of guys I’ve ever met. I noticed Luke stayed behind a bit, but he'd chuckle when he heard something funny.
Orientation went smoothly. I met some clubs and sororities, but none seemed to like me. Plus, I like the idea of staying in a dorm. Having a roommate and decorating how I want. Before heading to the dorms, Ethan told me about a party the sports teams were having tonight, and I reluctantly agreed. He’s so convincing with his puppy dog eyes. Classes start immediately tomorrow, so I will try to stay for only an hour at most.
Walking down the dorm hall, I find my room number, it sounds like someone is already rummaging in the room, and I mentally hope that my roommate isn’t a psychopath. I slowly creak the door open and see a body with bright red curly hair. “Hello?”
She quickly turns her head around with wild eyes and horn-rimmed glasses. Her eyes are bright green, and she’s covered in…paint?
“Oh, hi! My name is Ollie! Short for Olive”, she says, holding out a red-painted hand. I hesitate for a moment.
“Oh, I’m sorry, that’s paint. Not blood, I promise! Scouts honor!”
I oddly like her in an unconventional, soon-to-be-best friend sort of way. “What are you…painting?”
“Just a little project mainly for myself. I’m an art major. I want to be a cartoonist. What about you?”
“Oh, um, major is sports medicine, and minor is a veterinary medicine.”
“That’s cool! And judging by the volleyball equipment, you’re an athletic body anyway. Well, I can’t wait for us to have fun this year. Hey! Are you going to the sports team's party tonight? I must go as a girlfriend of an athlete”.
“Yeah, Ethan begged me to go.”
“Oh great, you’ve met Ethan Edwards. That’s the boyfriend in reference. Well, we got two hours to get ready. I hope you're ready to doll yourself up!”
-----------------------------------At the Party-----------------------------
There were so many people here that it was almost suffocating, but Ollie, my designated extrovert, talked for me most. Finally, we go to the hockey guys, and everything buzzes. I think these guys are either already drunk or just excited. There were other guys from other teams there as well. I even met another girl on the ski and swimming teams, Chelsea and Maggie.
“You guys made it!” shouted Ethan over the conversation. He reaches out to Ollie, and they share a sweet moment. They are oddly made for each other.
After Ollie joins Ethan, I’m basically by myself on the quad. I find a spot under a nearby tree to lean against and people-watch. I can get used to this. I texted Mom shortly after orientation and sent her a picture of Ollie and me in our dorm room. I quickly snap another picture of the quad full of people to send to her.
“Are you enjoying your first day?” says a voice behind me, and I nearly jump out of my skin. It was Luke.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. I just saw you by yourself and thought you would like some company. Also, sorry I didn’t talk to you much today.” “Thanks, and it’s fine. It was a hectic day for everyone. And I’m just taking a picture for my mom.”
“She misses you, huh?”
“Severely. Since my dad’s passing, she has become overprotective. And being an only child doesn’t make it any better, so she’s alone.”
“I’m sorry about your dad and your mom. I have three brothers so I can relate much. But I know how it feels to be alone, sometimes.”
This is the most Luke has talked to me today, and it’s the most relaxed I’ve been since I set foot on this campus. We sit in comfortable silence before the buzz dies down, and we notice that people are heading to their dorms.
“I’ll walk your back,” he says, pushing himself off the tree.
“Oh, you don’t have to.”
“I insist. Ethan is already back and dropped off Ollie, and it’s dark.”
I could tell by his tone that it was more of a statement than a question. I complied and we both started on our way to the Martha Cook building. It wasn’t too far from the quad and there was a comfortable silence between me and Luke. When we got to the outside of the building, that’s when the awkwardness set in. Neither one of us knew how to say goodbye. “Well, hopefully we have classes together.”
“I hope so,” I said with a small laugh. He reciprocated with that lopsided grin of his. “Well, thanks for walking me back. I hope it’s not too far from your dorm.”
“Nah, not really and it’s no problem.”
There’s that silence again.
“Goodnight Luke.”
“Goodnight Lia.
Let’s say I went to bed with a few butterflies that night and severe anxiety. Classes start tomorrow.
------------------------ Next Morning in Econ--------------------
What the hell?
Who is making that noise? I can’t look like I’m not paying attention on the first day. The professor is going to chew my ass off. Make it subtle.
There isn’t a sign of anyone trying to get my attention. It must be coming from behind. I slowly looked around and…
Oh no!
“Hey Lia, Luke needs a pencil, but he doesn’t want any of mine. Mind giving him one?”
Why are Luke, Rutger, Ethan, and Tyler Duke all in my Econ class?! Directly behind me?! Luke’s face is red as a tomato, and Rutger has the biggest shit-eating grin.
This semester is going to be the end of me!
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yuujispinkhair · 2 months
My new Roman Empire is baby daddy sukuna being obsessed with you because of your post 😭😭 but now I’m stuck on how that child would yuji’s cousin instead of his niece or nephew
Awww I am happy that it could make you feel things!!! 💗💗 This man has a hard shell, but if you manage to break through it, he will love you more intensely than anyone else ever could 😭
Omggg you are so right!! I didn't even think about it, because in my mind Yuuji and Sukuna are brothers BUT I actually LOVE the thought of Yuuji being our child's cousin 😭 They are about the same age. Yuuji is maybe two years older, and he acts all protective and like such a BIG BOY afdgjffjgdsa he is so cute. And our little girl may look cute, but she has her daddy's genes and can get super mean.
So imagine we go to a playground with our and Sukuna's daughter and take little Yuuji with us. Some boys try to tell our daughter that she isn't allowed to use the slide, and they push her away. And "big" cousin Yuuji immediately runs over to them, already pushing up his sleeves because he will punch anyone who touches his little baby cousin!! But before he can even reach the little group, your daughter is already in her Sukuna-mode and kicks those little boys in the nuts, making them cry and run home 🤣🤣
Everyone hopes that Yuuji and your daughter will never go to a school together, because the Itadori cousins are known for being cute-looking menaces who won't take any shit.
Helpppp imagine them as teens, and Yuuji (18) is already old enough to have a driver's license, so he has to take his little cousin (16) to all the parties with him and make sure she gets home safely. But there is always some trouble they get into.
You always shake your head and tell them to please stay out of trouble at least for once! But Sukuna just laughs his ass off and gives them high-fives. And he winks at you and pulls you in his arms and is like, "Aww, come on, you know it's not their fault. They are Itadoris! We simply are like that!"
"Jin isn't like that, Kuna!"
"Yeah? Well, then explain to me why he married that woman!"
And he smirks at you, knowing that he won, and all you can do is roll your eyes and kiss that infuriating smug smirk off your husband's face.
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mr-clow · 8 months
Kal’Hal notes on a human ship. Part 3:
I was tired, as tired as the first day I started my training to form part of a crew and go out to space. I dragged myself to my private quarters and as soon as I closed the door I let the rest of my body slide to the floor and stayed there. As part of my training I had studied some parts of human history, and what I thought was a bloody class turned out to be a light-shortened version of reality that now looked like political propaganda. Humans had many wars between themselves, that is common in deathworlders, but humanity turned it into a sport (Quite literally they had practical war games for milenia!) and not only that made them stand out. A lot of other aspects in their daily lives were(?) cruel and violent. Segregation, slavery, discrimination, abuse of all kinds of power, lack of empathy for the other and themselves in general and even with all that, something that emerges as illogical is that they have a pack instinct stronger than any other known race. Kal’Hals are very empathetic and all this hurt me deeply, I dropped myself to bed and wailed on my pillow. I was hurt by the humans, for the humans. All my crewmates studied, lived and took on their lives knowing that in their story, instincts, and genes this could happen again, they knew how to be afraid of themselves and even like that they lived happily. How can a whole race go on like that! After what it looked like an eternity, I fell asleep.
I woke up to my alarm, I felt like I needed more rest, my skin was dry as I hadn’t changed nor taken care of it. Luckily, Kal’Hals needed a lot less rest than humans and I could change and take care of myself in time. As I went through the corridors and waved some humans that were ending their own shifts, I couldn’t stop thinking how they ignored all that. My mind was stopped to a halt as a sharp pain assaulted me in my tail and my reflexes rolled it below me, which caused a commotion by itself as it hit the legs of a crewmate from security. I turned and not only Alex was on the floor grabbing his legs, but Susan had also fallen on a door frame and was massaging her head. I couldn’t snap out of it, not only did I hurt two humans, but they barely know me, I'm not going to live another day!
Laff! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going, and I stepped on you!
What?  (I looked at Susan, why wasn’t I being attacked)
You pack a hell of a punch with that tail, girl! And you, Susan, be more careful during shift changes!
I swear, Alex, I didn’t mean to step on her. Laffite, are you alright? You look scared, are you hurt? Do you need help to go to the infirmary?
I thought you were going to attack me.
What!? Why would I!? It was my fault!!
Susan, keep going. I will speak with Laffite.
Alex face changed from surprise to being really serious, he got up while he exhaled and after Susan started going away he looked at me concerned.
Laffite, I will not hurt you, OK? Can you follow me?
I’m sorry, Alex, I didn’t mean it. (My tail started to unroll slowly as I looked down)
I know Laff, it was an accident, yes it hurt a bit but is alright. I want to speak with you alone. Can you come with me?
I nodded and went behind him, looking at the floor. Two days ago I yelled at the Captain and now this, up to this point I was going to be happy if I got down alive from this ship. I kept my tail sliding as little as I could, as if that made me invisible to all the nods or salutes I was ignoring while we went to the level below to the security office and Alex office. He waited for me to come inside and closed the door, with a gesture he pointed me to a couch as human seats were rather uncomfortable to me, and then he moved a seat to face me while we spoke and looked at my eyes as if I were a prey.
Laffite, are you being harassed?
Sorry, what did you say?
If you are being harassed, are other people intentionally making you have a hard time?
What!? No!
Look Laffite, I am from security, you can count on me if someone is mean to you alright?
I don’t understand what is happening or why you are asking me this or why are we here, Alex. I had a few rough days and this is getting to me.
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. - He relaxed his demeanour and position in the chair - To be honest, what you said worried me. I don’t know why you’d think that we were going to attack you.
I... I just... I don’t know. I felt pain and my body reacted, and you were there, hurt and... And... Well, I had been thinking about your history, and suddenly I was afraid.
Our history? You mean what the course you have on your home planet before having a position with humans, or you were speaking with someone about our history?
I don’t want to get them in trouble, Alex...
Don’t worry Laff, nobody is in trouble, seriously, nobody is. If someone has a problem it is me, because I like that everybody feel safe on the ship, and you don’t.
Emm... Alex, I don’t want to offend you with...
You won't Laff, I swear that doesn’t matter what you say now, I won’t think bad about you.
I asked how humans knew about their limits of radiations poisoning and... Well, we started speaking how you discovered radiation and one thing led to another. I learned about WWI and WWII, and slavery, and some political movements that oppressed entire nations and other things.
I understand that learning our history might be disturbing at least, but I don’t get why you feel insecure.
Well, the thing is... You did a lot to yourselves, to your own people, and I’m not even one of you. What could happen if...
Laff, stop there. I understand now. And... I’m sorry we made you feel like that. Let me first say that you are allowed to deeply study our history. We do it to avoid past mistakes, we are not proud of it, but we don’t deny it or hide it. We just... Eh... soft it down, because others might have a strong cultural shock to say the least. (Alex stood and walked a circle while watching the ceiling as if what he was going to say next was written there, then he stopped and looked at me sadly)
Look Laff, I have no real way to make you feel like you are one of us right now, but you are. You are our ally, our crew member and not only that you belong to your team, and they appreciate you more than anyone inside here. We may be clumsy, as Susan was when she stepped on your tail, but accidents happen a lot and humans will always get that.
Yes, but what happens if you react, or your instincts appear?
The worst that can happen is that you get a fist in your direction, but I assume you never saw a human angry.
No, luckily no. Today was frightening and even when my tail got you, you stood up as nothing!
No Laff, it still hurts, but yes, I can ignore it. I had an idea to demonstrate you that you are one of us. Do you trust me? A little bit at least?
Yes Alex, I know that you won’t intentionally hurt me at least.
Well, let’s do this...
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what-if-queen-camilla · 11 months
Chapter 28
21st November 1995, part 2"
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" Thea was over the moon to see Andrew in the sitting-room and literally flew into his arms. "There's my little Teddy-girl!", Andrew cheered, happily twirling her around. "How are you doing, darling? Have you had a good chat with Mummy?", he asked, carefully letting her down again, and Thea nodded, however she didn't look as half as happy as she usually did after shed been with her Mummy. "Has she told you that…-", he attempted to make a start but she interrupted him. "That you're not my father?! Yes, she did…" And suddenly, for a reason she wasn't even able to grasp at this point and probably due to her age, poor little Thea burst into tears. "Ohhh, please, darling, don't cry!", Andrew lovingly tried to soothe her, taking her on his lap. "I know, it must all be confusing and disturbing for you… but rest assured that we all love you and I'll always be your Daddy, darling. Who possibly cares about a handful of genes?” Camilla swallowed a few tears as she tried to pass the corridor as unnoticed as possible as she didn’t want to ruin their sweet and probably much-needed daddy-and-daughter moment; Andrew was so sweet with her, he’d always been, and though everything had turned out different to what they’d planned or hoped for, and though she was incredibly afraid of and uncertain about literally everything right now, seeing them together like this, despite everything, just filled her heart with so much joy. “Have you known it all along?”, Thea asked and Andrew nodded. “Yes, darling, I have. But it’s never mattered to me in any way. I have always loved you and I always will.”, he promised, tenderly rocking her from one side to the other. “But why did you keep it a secret?”, she wanted to know. “I don’t understand it. If Mummy and Sir are that much in love… Why couldn’t they just be a family with me?”
“That’s a very interesting and intelligent question, my little darling ”, he said. “I will try to explain it… You know that Sir is in a very special position, don’t you?” “He’s going to be King one day!”, Thea said. “Exactly. And sadly… Kings - or future Kings - can’t just marry whomever they want." "I know, there are special rules for future Kings…", Thea repeated what she'd been told so often and rolled her eyes. "But what sort of rules would forbid someone to be with the person they love? That's stupid!", she thought, and Andrew couldn't help smiling. Actually, she was right. It was stupid, damn stupid, so to say, and once more he thought how much better this world would possibly be, had it been ruled by children. “You’re right, sweetie, it is stupid, but sadly the world doesn’t always listen to clever young ladies like you.”, Andrew replied. “And… for Mummy and Sir… it was quite a hard time when they found out they were going to have a baby - you - knowing they wouldn’t be able to raise you together, which of course was what they’d have wanted. But they both already had a family with somebody else, you know. Sir with his wife and their two sons, William and Harry - your half brothers actually, and Mummy was with me and we had Tom and Laura. Though I’m afraid I wasn’t quite as nice to her as I should have been…”, he grumbled and Camilla, who was standing next to the door, secretly overhearing this sweet and moving conversation, had to wipe away a few more tears. She was touched about Andrew’s honesty and sensitivity with Thea. In fact, she thought that he was doing a much better job than she’d done before. “But anyway - there was lots of heartbreak and uncertainty and Mummy was very, very afraid of the future.”, he went on and she listened to him with wide eyes. “And then you were there to protect her?”, she asked and Andrew blushed which made Camilla laugh despite her tears. “Well, I’d say… kind of.”, he stated. “You know, though Mummy and I weren’t as much in love anymore as Mummy and Sir were, or Rose and I on the other hand, I still cared about Mummy an awful lot and I wanted to look after her, make sure she was safe and had everything she needed. Just like you care about your siblings or your very good friends for example. You’d surely help your friends if they ever found themselves in a difficult situation, wouldn’t you, darling?”, he asked her and she nodded absolutely convinced and sure of herself- “Of course!”, she exclaimed, looking at him seriously. "But why couldn’t Sir do that? Didn’t he want me?”
In that very moment, Camilla heard someone knocking on the front door and rushed over to look who it was. Now, that Andrew was here to protect her, she wasn’t that much afraid of the press anymore and probably it was Rose anyway; nothing to worry about, but she really didn’t want anything or anyone to spoil or interrupt this heartwarming talk between her little daughter and her daddy, what Andrew would undoubtedly stay forever, so she quickly and quietly opened the door - and felt at least a thousand stitches in her heart and even more butterflies in her stomach, when she realised that it was none other than Charles who’d been rushing over to them, accompanied only by his driver and protection officer, looking at her so overwhelmed and desperate, that it almost made her cry again. “Darling…”, he began, lowering his eyes, but she gave him a reassuring glance full of love and non-verbally told him to keep quiet. He nodded understanding, silently following her back into the corner next to the sitting-room door where she had been standing before, lovingly wrapping his arms around the love of his life.
“He wanted you very, very much, my darling.”, Andrew meanwhile went on answering Thea’s questions. “He loves Mummy more than anything and I think he was over the moon when she told him about you. He loves you both an awful lot. But he simply wasn’t allowed to care for you both, you know . That’s why I jumped in.”, he explained, hoping that all of the nonsense he’d been talking would at least make a little sense and answer the most important questions the little girl only too understandably had on her mind. Camilla and Charles exchanged a glance which said more than a thousand words, both of them crying, and cuddled up to each other even closer. The painful memories of that time, the uncertainty and fear they had both felt and of course the heartbreak especially Charles had gone through because he hasn't been allowed to be a father for his daughter, were simply overwhelming and hurt even more now than they had hurt back then. Camilla turned around and kissed him tenderly, tightly pressing his hand, as Andrew went on: “We thought it was best if we keep all of this a secret in order to protect you and Mummy, do you understand that?" Thea nodded, but then wanted to know: "But why did you have to keep it secret? What's so dangerous about it?" "See, sweetie…", Andrew sighed. "As you know, not everybody approves of Mummy and Sir's relationship. Many people are against them being together, don't ask me why, probably because they're very old-fashioned, pathetic and silly but they still are. And therefore… it'd have caused lots of trouble for all three of you had anybody got to know… however, unfortunately, somebody did get to know… and spilled it all on television last night." "What?" Thea obviously couldn't understand everything her daddy had just told her but spilling other people's secrets on television didn't seem right to her at all. "So, now… a lot of people know about it, unfortunately.", he went on. "And we really wanted you to learn it from us and give you the opportunity to ask us all of your questions directly. That's why we've decided that you'll stay home from school for a couple of days, and why I came over, too. We thought it'd be nice to spend some time together as a family and show the world that we stick together. Does that sound like a plan?", he asked, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible and Thea nodded excitedly. "Will Sir come and see us, too?", she wanted to know, and this was more or less Camilla’s cue. She quickly dried her tear-strained face and lurked through the door. "I think he's already here, sweetheart.", she announced, looking at Charles and motioned for him to follow her into the sitting-room. Thea's eyes widened and she climbed off Andrew's lap, attempting to run over to her mother but almost froze as she saw Charles. So far, she had taken it all very well but seeing him in front of herself so unexpectedly, apparently overwhelmed her and she looked at him almost anxiously.
“Hi Thea.", Charles said with a trembling voice and slowly got down on his knees, invitingly opening his arms for her, and once the first little shock was over, she rushed over to him and almost jumped into his arms - her father's arms. Charles had a hard time holding back his tears and Camilla had to wipe away a few once more as well - this was the first time that her Prince was able to hug their little angel as her father. And though she didn't even want to imagine what the next weeks and months would bring about for them, in this very moment, all that she felt was happiness.
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blueberry-ovaries · 4 months
thank you for the tag @ronald-speirs, @panzershrike-pretz @malarkgirlypop and @grumpy-liebgott !!! sorry it took me so long!
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
oooh okay so recently i came back from europe, and i literally loved it so much! i oddly enough LOVED vatican city! and i absolutely adored venice and paris! however, london was also really nice! (i cannot decide i’m so sorry😭)
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
Honestly, going to University! Even when it’s hard and i hate it and have no idea what i’m doing, the fact i made it into university is something i’m very proud of!
Favourite books?
the picture of dorian gray - Oscar Wilde
a good girls guide to murder - Holly Jackson
5 survive - Holly Jackson
the outsiders - S.E Hinton
of mice and men - John Steinbeck
Something that makes your heart happy when you think about it?
my dog :) - his name is cisco and he was free to a good home and under fed, and now he gets treats every time we leave the house and sleeps on the bed
Favourite thing about your culture?
about being Australian? I would suppose our love for sport. We play so many sports over here and we support the aussies even if we don’t like the sport! For example the Matilda’s, our women’s soccer team! Soccer isn’t as big as AFL over here, but i’ve never seen so much support behind Womens soccer, let alone ANY soccer, as we’re very proud of our sporting teams!
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
close to two years ago? i’m not too sure, but i watched BoB first!
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
I have not! but i am trying to get my hands on the Dick Winters and Ron Speirs books!
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
Babe Heffron! and the “are you serious?! only the goddamn nuns call me Edward” BUT the scene with Gene in the fox hole where Babe mocks Gene calling him Babe is a very close second
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
i have been known to dabble in other fandoms on other apps in fanfic writing 🤭
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
ANDREW GARFIELD!!! and i am The Amazing spider-man enthusiast!!! (plus hacksaw ridge is a masterpiece)
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
Some quotes my dad likes to tell me when i’m really anxious over university/ actively having a panic attack are:
“you can only do what you can do” - which pretty much means that all i can do is my best, and the rest will sort itself out, there’s no use stressing over situations i have no control over.
“how do you eat an elephant?” - which basically means, to tackle something large you take it one step at a time, ergo - to eat an elephant you eat it piece by piece
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
Oh God, i’m not a very interesting person 🧍🏼‍♀️
I got swooped by birds in a century once and have hated birds ever since
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
i do not have a beta reader 🤭 so position is potentially open 🤭
Three things that make you smile?
- sunsets! i LOVE watching sunsets i just think they are so pretty!
- rainy days (only when i’m inside) But i love rainy days, when i can sit by a window to read or do homework etc. I just think there is something so beautiful about rain!
- chocolate chip cookies :) my FAVOURITE cookies! i do not care if they are basic i love them sm
Any nicknames you like?
most of my nicknames :) But especially the nicknames that my parents give me :))
List some people you love to see around on tumblr:
i’m so sorry if i forget anyone @malarkgirlypop @ronald-speirs @ronsparky @mads-nixon @panzershrike-pretz @executethyself35 @next-autopsy @winnielefou @1waveshortofashipwreck @footprintsinthesxnd @caffeinated-fan @dontirrigateme @softliebgott @xxluckystrike @easycompany123 (+ all my mutuals who i have not tagged, love y’all i just have shocking name recollection)
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
i mean it would depend on what kinda zombies?? But most likely keeping friends and family alive.
Realistically, dying. i’m not dealing with all that.
Favorite movie?
mulan!!! i LOVE mulan (clearly… i’m literally writing a fic with mulan ideas)
Do you like horror movies?
i got a live hate relationship with them. Like i HATE religious horror with a passion, it freaks me the fuck out, but the conjuring series has great story lines?? However i watched the nun once and i swear to god i almost shit myself whenever k had to leave my room at night?! I was CONVINCED that motherfucker was gonna be in my house.
NO PRESSURE TAGS: @mads-nixon @easycompany123 @executethyself35 @montied @ronsparky @dontirrigateme (plus everyone else who would like to do this! consider this an offical tag!)
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polrbearsims · 1 year
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Thank you for tagging me @pixelatedpretties 🦋
1. Are you named after anyone? No, my mom says she just always liked the name Kaitlyn. 2. When was the last time you cried? Tears of sadness or tears of joy? I cried today, but it’s good. I went through so much discovery and growth, that I find myself crying tears of joy more often than tears of sadness nowadays. Even after having to finally go deep into myself and finally take out some difficult memories and heal them after I never wanted to think about them again, I feel better now than I ever could have if I had left those things locked inside. I may look young and fresh, but this is not my first life. 3. Do you have kids? No, not yet, but I definitely plan on it. I also have some names planned and locked in. I’ve known what I wanted to name a son since I was in middle school. 4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No, but I think I crack a lot of jokes now. When I was a teen I don’t think I was as funny as I am now.  5. What sports do you play/have you played? Never did any sports seriously in this life, but my dad passed me his genes for being good at shooting hoops in basketball. 6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? 100% Their hair. 7. Scary movies or happy endings? I have always been a Disney, fairytale, happy musical, happy ending, true love into the sunset kind of girl! 8. Any special talents? I’m a singer. 9. Where were you born? A city named Bridgeport.🌃 (As a Sims 3 player, I love to say that!) 10. What are your hobbies? Playing Sims 3! Also biking, hiking, crochet, embroidery, writing stories and poetry, taking photos of pretty things, flowers, bugs.🐝🐛 11. Do you have any pets? I have my 14 year old cat named Zeus. I’ve had him since I was 12 years old. He’s now harness trained and I can take him for walks in my yard. He’s super affectionate, gentle, and smart. We also think he tries to speak... 12. How tall are you? 5 foot 4, aka 162.56cm 13. Favorite subject in school? Either Math or Science...but you can’t really separate them. (I also love to point out that when people pick on Americans for saying Math, they don’t seem very bright. It blows me away how they could not understand that when Americans say Math, we’re are using it as a shortening of the word Mathematics, which is already plural. So Math is plural. Just because we chose to shorten a plural word differently doesn’t make either of us ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’ It makes it a geographical preference. Is the word deer not plural just because it has no s? You would never say deers! English is complex and a word doesn’t need an s at the end to be plural.) 14. Dream Job? Get back in the limelight like I was in other lives. 15. Eye color? Blue I saw that a lot of the mutuals who came to mind immediately had already been tagged by other people, so anyone who sees this, wants to do this, and hasn’t been tagged by anyone, can take this as their invitation.💟
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aajjks · 7 months
you smile and play while playing with the bangs of his hair, tucking them behind his ear so you can see his face. “i meant every word” you whisper to him and thread your fingers with his which are sitting on the swell of your belly.
you laugh when you hear how grumpy he was while you were gone. you’re sure he was pretty grumpy because he always gets like that when you aren’t around. the moment you’re out of his sight, he becomes stone cold but when he’s in your presence, he’s as sweet as a cookie.
the two of you look so adorable sitting in the grass watching your girls cartwheel all over in their pretty dresses. they argue about whose cartwheel looks better and the two of you just laugh while watching the girls bicker at one another.
then you remember jungkook bringing up what the seventh baby would look like. you pray, PRAY your child has at least a speck of you because every last one of your kids look like their father except ayra. somehow, SOMEHOW your genes won that fight but 9 times out of 10, jungkook’s genes win.
jawon sort of looks like you. he his your facial structure and lips but his eyes, nose, and everything else is jungkook. areum only has your lips and 95% of areum’s features are jungkook’s. hell, she even has his beauty mark. ae-cha, jinseoul, and ji-eun are 100% no father and so with your last child, you pray you get 2 out of seven.
you make it known to jungkook that you want the seventh kid to look like you and because he’s competitive, he thinks the baby will look just like him. “the baby better look like me and if it doesn’t, i guess we’ll have an eighth one because i refuse for majority of our kids to look like you” you say with a pout and jungkook just laughs. “you’re laughing but i’m so serious. if this baby looks like you, we’re trying for baby number eight” now the both of you are laughing because either way, he’d do anything for you.
you want another kid? so be it. if he could shrink the moon and put it in your hands, he would. if he could give you the world, then dammit, he’d give you that too and finally, you feel the same way. you’d do anything for him, give everything for him. that’s how much you love him.
months later, you deliver a healthy baby boy by the name of (your choice). the kids are excited to receive their baby brother and jungkook is happy to have all seven of his kids; his lucky number.
you heal just fine and as the baby’s features start to form, you’re happy to say the baby is a good 50/50 in the genes department.
jungkook’s eyes, your nose, jungkook’s cheeks, your lips, yet there’s a mole under his bottom lip like jungkook. the baby boy is simply adorable and he’s such a happy baby too. he’s always laughing and smiling when he sees the two of you.
you watch jungkook make silly faces at his newborn son and he laughs at his father even you’re laughing at jungkook’s silly antics. you randomly lean in and give jungkook a kiss on the cheek and he’s a little caught of guard since you normally aren’t the one to share affection first. “i love you. i felt like i haven’t said it in forever even though i said it a few hours ago and i feel like we don’t need to have an eighth baby because he CLEARLY looks like me”
“I love you too. I love you so much but baby let’s be honest the baby looks like me. He’s just got your lips that’s all.” He says as he picks up the youngest one. Oh, he’s so obsessed with this child.
Jungkook blushes at your display of affection, it’s something he still isn’t used to. He’s always the one initiating everything between you two so it’s really surprising for him when you just kiss him out of nowhere.
But does he mind that oh, he absolutely doesn’t. “Yn… it’s like the air in gagyeong was magical because since you came back from there, you’ve been so much affectionate with me it’s amazing. Maybe you should go there more often without me.” He winks. It’s so fun to tease you and get on your nerves.
“It’s almost like you love me more than I love you now..” he’s got a mischievous tone in his voice, you give him a glare, and he just laughs.
He focuses his attention back on the baby, and the baby is smiling at him. “Look at Jaehan yn!!! Look he’s smiling at me!!” He giggles and Jungkook claps his hands.
Your children make him so happy.
“he loves me more than you. It’s so obvious.”
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slippersmoo · 2 years
Top Gun Maverick is for the girlies
I saw a guy on TikTok post that we should notice how “all the body positivity, female gaze, only likes skinny guys” types of girls have mysteriously gone missing since Top Gun came out. And the RESPONSE was insane! people in the comments agreeing with him, saying women are liars at their core (... oh my god) etc etc
I just thought that was a really weird sentiment because my immediate reaction was... top gun TOTALLY DOES fall into the female gaze! at least for me it does. 
now, i know its one of the most ‘alpha male’ films in a franchise thats widely known for its fanbase of dads but hear me out! this film showed the new pilots in a totally different light than the first one! 
not only were the pilots all sporting the himbo gene in some way (a sure fire female gaze thing). even though the characters are all highly intelligent, we can all agree himbos come in different forms. 
even with the hangman/ rooster scenes i totally saw that masculine energy that never veered into toxic territory which i was especially excited to see. maverick, the main hero of the story is genuinely one of the most impulsive headstrong characters that has a strong sense of goodness and that to me makes a wonderful himbo. I love the scene between him and rooster just after he’s been rescued (”you told me not to think!”) because it shows that these characters are just all heart and i LOVE that. i havent seen a mainstream, action movie this devoid of cynicism in a long time and it made me so fucking happy. I think thats the reason why people subconsciously like it so much and why I predict the rewatch value of the film will be immense. 
They also happened to exist in a reality where they all drank ‘respect women juice’ where Penny and Phoenix were given the same  treating Phoenix just like one of them and not showing the struggles that women actually go through in the military was a genuine piece of escapist realism and even though they might delve into that in the future, I’m glad they didn’t mention it here as a half baked plot point.
even with the beach scene which outwardly displays everyone’s bodies, i saw the underlying theme of teamwork and camaraderie. Of course I would be lying if i said their physique wasn’t the best part of the sequence but thats a staple of the franchise and it makes sense for them to include the montage. 
i think its interesting that in the original, Goose had his shirt on in the volleyball scene and so did Bob in this instalment. I feel like in both instances the characters had an archetype of not being the ‘alpha’ type so to speak but I think that was honestly a misstep as both characters ended up being major fan favourites among men and women alike, some of which see them as the biggest crush-worthy characters of their movies. then again, having their shirts on doesn’t make them any less desirable and if the actors did that to prioritise their own comfort levels then i can completely respect and admire that. 
all in all, i just wanted to ramble a bit about this as it turns out i have a lot of thoughts i wanted to let out. i don’t think it’s fair to shame women for liking what was presented in the movie and framing us as hypocrites when all of our likes are completely valid. who wouldn’t wanna see a well developed action movie with beautiful movie stars? doesn’t make us villains imo. 
ok i’m done with my rant now! 
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pennylanefics · 3 years
Move On - Jacob Black
warnings: mentions of abusive step-father, small incident described, not detailed (quick mention of what happened)
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“Look at them,” Jacob spits. “None of them belong to themselves. Their genes tell them they’re happy. And they believe it.”
Embry, Seth, and Leah look over at the small group sitting far away from them. Emily had her arms around Sam, Jared was leaning against Kim, and Rachel and Paul cuddled up. Jacob glares at them in disgust.
“Maybe if you imprinted on someone, you’d forget about Bella,” Leah says to him. Embry and Seth share a knowing look. He won’t ever get over Bella.
“I never want to imprint on someone. It’s useless and keeps us from being with who we want.”
“How would you know that? You’ve been hung up on her for a year. You refuse to be with anyone else but her. She’s not your imprint, and it’s time to let her go,” Embry tells him. Jacob huffs dramatically and looks back at the group to ignore his pack mate.
That’s when he sees you.
Emily and Sam invited you to the beach day, knowing you’d need a break from school work and family drama with your step-dad. It was nice to get away and spend time with friends. You had known Emily for a while, and the pack saw you as an honorary sister, since you spent a lot of time at her house.
Because of this, you also knew about the shapeshifting. You ended up finding out when Paul and Bella got into a small argument at Emily’s. He shifted in front of you and her, and later that night, Sam and the pack explained everything to you.
Since then, you’ve been close with everyone, besides Jacob. He had other things to focus on, specifically Bella. But now, he saw you in a different light. As you took a seat next to Rachel and Paul, you caught Jacob staring.
He immediately felt drawn to you, everyone else on the beach disappearing, his focus solely on you. His jaw drops a little, in absolute awe of you in that moment.
Seconds later, though, you awkwardly look away and jump into a conversation with the people around you. Jacob shivers and turns his head towards the ground. Seth, Leah and Embry all stare at him confused.
“What happened, Jake?” Seth wonders. He just shakes his head, wanting to forget what just happened.
“Oh my god,” Leah immediately realizes.
“What?” Embry asks, still confused.
“He just imprinted on (Y/N),” she says. They look over at you, laughing with Rachel as Paul runs into the freezing ocean. Every now and then, you glance back over at the group, needing to just get a quick look at Jacob for a second or two. You could feel the pull to him, you just didn’t know exactly what it was. Yet.
The three wolves start teasing Jacob about it, making him slightly angry.
“Shut it. I’m not going to do anything about it,” he barks.
“You can’t reject an imprint,” Embry tells him. “It’s literally impossible.”
“Watch me then.”
Obviously, this doesn’t go well. He can’t fight the feeling whatsoever. And he knows it. So, for tonight, he’s going to try and open himself up, though he knows he’s still not ready.
When it was beginning to get dark out, Sam and Paul got a bonfire going while you and the girls sat, talking. Jacob, Seth, Leah, and Embry finally joined the group, but Jacob was still kind of distant.
He kept looking at you every few minutes, wanting to talk to you but scared of admitting that he needed to move on from Bella. He was terrified of it.
As the fire grows bigger, the temperature starts to fall. No one else has to worry about it, the three other humans within the group having their wolves as their own personal heaters. So, you wrap yourself in a blanket and hope for the best.
But it’s still not enough. You and Quil are talking when Jacob gets up from the other side of the circle and walks over to you.
“Uh Quil, could you give us a minute?” He asks. Quil nods and winks at you, but you shove him as he walks away.
“Hi,” you smile, a warm feeling spreading through your chest. Jacob smiles a little and takes a seat next to you, opening his arms.
“You need to warm up?” He asks. Giggling, you nod and scoot over to him, keeping the blanket around your body. He takes it off of you and wraps it around his shoulder as well, the other end draping over your body.
Your smile remains on your face and your eyes close, content and warm. Being next to Jacob made you feel whole; like a part of you was missing the entire afternoon, but now, it felt complete.
“So, what brought you here?” Jacob asks you after a few minutes.
“Emily invited me. I’ve been dealing with a lot of stuff personally and needed a break from it all.”
“I’m sorry you’re going through that. If you...if you ever need someone to talk to, I’ll be here,” he whispers to you quietly.
“Really?” You pull back to gaze up at him. He looks very conflicted. Part of him hates what he just said, but the bond he already felt because of the imprint made him say it. Finally, he nods.
“Of course.” You hum happily and rest your head back on his shoulder, staring at the fire in front of you.
He knew this was a mistake. He should have left and just dealt with rejecting the imprint himself. Now that he’s gotten close to you, and promising to comfort you in times of need, it would be ten times harder.
After that night, you don’t see much of Jacob anymore. And it hurt. Physically. You felt like there was a hole in your chest, and it got to the point that you needed to see Sam right away.
He ends up telling you that Jacob imprinted on you, also sadly informing you that he’s trying to reject it.
“We’ve tried to tell him that it’s not a good idea, but he won’t listen. He still...he still loves Bella. And he’s trying his hardest to stay involved with her and the others but he won’t listen.”
“Isn’t he in pain too? Emily told me rejecting this hurts them just as much, or even more.”
“He is, but he’s hiding it. He doesn’t want to come to terms with the fact that he won’t ever have Bella.”
Seth, Leah, and Embry enter Emily’s house with guilty looks on their faces.
“Are you talking about Jacob?” Leah sighs. The three take a seat on the couch opposite the chair you were sitting in.
“He told us that he never wanted to imprint on someone, and then he said he was going to reject it with her,” Embry admits. “He wants to be with Bella.”
“Well he can’t!” Leah angrily bursts out. “(Y/N) is his imprint and he needs to accept it! Bella’s going to be dead soon anyway, so why does he care?”
“Leah, it’s okay,” you whisper.
“No, it’s not. You deserve to be happy, and so does Jacob. He’s just too selfish and stubborn to admit what he needs. He needs you to take his mind off of Bella, she’s a Cullen now.”
“I don’t want him to force it if he doesn’t want it,” you murmur sadly. The room falls silent, everyone hating that their pack mate was making you feel this way. “I’m gonna go. Thanks for everything, guys.”
You head home later that night, in tears, hating that this was happening to you. You loved the relationship Sam and Emily had, and Paul and Rachel as well. You saw how close the imprint made them, and you wanted that. But your imprintee didn’t.
As the days go by, your situation at home grows worse. One night, things get so bad, your drunk step-dad ends up throwing a bottle against the wall right over your head, and that’s when you decide you need to leave. You quickly pack a bag and hop in your car, no destination in mind.
Though you find yourself driving in the direction of Jacob’s home. You had been there a few times, going with Emily to drop off desserts for Billy. You eventually arrive at the small house, the rain falling on your car, the sound relaxing you for a moment.
You eventually get out and slowly walk up towards the door. You start to wonder if this was the right choice, after what you knew about Jacob’s thoughts on the whole imprinting thing. But then again, he did tell you that he’ll always be there for you.
When you finally make up your mind, you are basically soaked to the bone and shivering. Your legs carry you to the front door and you knock softly. Jacob surprisingly answers. His eyes widen in shock and worry and he pulls you inside in seconds.
“What the hell are you doing out in the rain?” He scolds, not taking in consideration to lighten the tone of his voice.
“I’m sorry for coming here, but I-I had no where else to go,” you mumble through tears. Seeing this, Jacob sighs and apologizes.
“I’m sorry. Come here, let’s get you into some warm clothes.” He guides you to the bathroom, letting you know that you are more than welcome to take a shower, which you end up doing. Jacob left a pair of clothes right outside the door for you, staying in the living room so he can understand what’s going on.
When you emerge from the steaming bathroom, hair dripping wet, the cool temperature of the room sending a chill up your arms. You make your way to the couch, where Jacob hands you a cup of hot chocolate.
You two sit in silence for a short while, just listening to the rain fall on the roof and enjoying your drinks.
“So, are you comfortable with telling me what brought you here at twelve in the morning?” He asks cautiously.
You start at the beginning, telling him what’s been going on with your step-dad moving into your home after marrying your mom. It wasn’t a pleasant environment, and tonight was the tipping point.
As you tell Jacob what happened tonight alone, his expression drops and he can feel the tears forming in his eyes. He now realizes why you are his imprint. You weren’t in the best situation, and he needed to protect you from that.
“Hey, remember what I told you that night at the beach. I’ll always be here when you need me,” he says once you finish. You wipe your tears and shake your head.
“Expect you didn’t keep that promise. You’ve been avoiding me for weeks, trying to reject the imprint.” Jacob gulps and looks down in shame.
“They told you,” he sighs, rubbing his face.
“Yeah. I’ve been feeling this dull pain in my chest since that night and Sam and the others told me everything. How you said you were going to reject the imprint, how you didn’t want to imprint on anyone anyways, how you’re still in love with her.” His shoulders deflate and he sighs.
“I’ve cut her off. She, uh, she’s pregnant with his demon child, and I can’t watch her ruin herself like that. I can’t believe she was so incredibly wreckless, knowing that she wouldn’t make it out alive. I’m...I’m moving on and I hope that we can reconcile things.”
“What things? You’ve barely spoken a word to me since you told me you’d be here for me. I hear about you through Seth and Embry.”
“I know. That’s what I’m hoping to reconcile. I need to make up for lost time and hurting the most important thing to me as a werewolf. The one I was born to protect. And I’m incredibly sorry for not saving you from your home earlier.”
“There wasn’t a need to until now. And...if you’re willing to help me find a place to live, I think that’d be a great start.”
“Stay with me,” he smiles softly. “I can keep you safe here.” You grin and move closer to him after setting your mug down on the coffee table.
“Okay,” you whisper. He wraps his arms around you and holds you tightly against his body. You let out a soft sigh at the warmth surrounding you.
“From here on out, I’m going to make sure no one hurts you. Including myself.”
“Thank you, Jake.”
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demonslayedher · 3 years
What are your favourite canon/non canon ships in kny? If you ever cared about
Hang on, Anon. This is probably gonna go in an expected direction. If you've noticed, I've recently reblogged some of my thoughts on canon pairings (or popular pairings), and if I've created content, that's generally a sign that I enjoy it. But you got me there, I’m really not that much of a shipper in the first place. I’m usually very enthralled by epic bromance (all my OTPs are BroTPs), and I go wild for all sorts of platonic closeness and tension and fluff, but I’m just ‘meh’ about romance elements. However, there are three reasons I why I do enjoy the canon ships in KnY: 1. I’m obsessed with KnY 2. Romance wasn’t a big element in canon, which may be why I’m left with appetite for it 3. I love these characters and I want them to be happy and I am very curious about them, which means wanting to know anything Gotouge gives us about their love lives too Since I have a preference for sticking close to canon I have a preference for canon ship content, but I generally enjoy a lot of cute fanart for pairings even if I don’t interpret them as romantic.
Back to canon and wanting to know everything about it, though, there’s little details that of course get very curious. And from those ponderings about canon details, it's made me ask some questions about off-screen pairings, or potential post-canon pairings. There is one pairing in particular I've never seen content for, which I'm going to go into more detail about for most of this post, but due to the age of the characters and some people not being comfortable with that, it's behind the cut (that said, illicit content has been very, very purposely avoided, and I've gone to lengths in my headcanons to make them have to be aged up before anything happens). So like, canon ponderings:
We know Sanemi and Giyuu left descendants, but with whom? How did that go down, with the knowledge that they probably wouldn’t be around long? Various swordsmen and Kakushi have expressed in passing that they want a partner or liked someone, but how common is it for them to have a partner? If so, do they tend to be inside or outside the Corp? In the light novels Haganezuka had a match-making meeting with a woman who had no appreciation for sword smithery, who in the world thought it would be a good idea to let a women like that even know of the existence of the Nichirin sword making practice?
There’s a passing detail in Fanbook 1 that stated Urokodaki is single, but he has a woman who he likes. However, things don’t really progress between them. Who is this mystery woman? A widower whom he’s only had casual exchanges with down in the nearby village? A woman who has known him since his demon slaying days, but who has always remained a tease? Has Tanjiro met her, or would he recognize her scent? Do they only have rendezvous when Urokodaki is alone without students? Tell me more, Gotouge, tell me more!! Then again, sometimes Gotouge tells us more than we bargained for, like in Fanbook 2 when it’s stated that girls of the Ubuyashiki clan must marry out and change their last name before the age of 13, or no matter how careful they are, they’ll meet an early death due to sudden illness or accident. I have more analysis of this under the cut which I have striven to keep at a wide audience's comfort level, but again, it is below the cut so that people who aren't comfortable with this part of canon can choose not to read on. Buuuut, this is my starting point for wondering where other characters wind up, and with whom.
So with this uncomfortable "marry out by 13" thing, I hope this is like some forms of historical child marriages which were only formalities between families for a long time while the children continued to grow up, like a betrothal that already has paperwork done, as the kicker here is the last name change. At least, I find enough flexibility in the wording of this detail that I think it's okay to interpret it generously. In the KnY universe, there is a lot resting on being an Ubuyashiki (and marriage is as powerful as genes, apparently), and everyone born into or married into their clan has their own role to play almost as soon as they can walk and talk for the sake of the mission to take down Muzan. Tragedy, both widespread and personal, is just part of the Ubuyashiki existence. If Kagaya’s distressingly young marriage is anything to go by, they did not consider innocence something they could afford.
Still, they are keen to do anything that may offset their curse and/or protect their children (Amane’s daily purification rituals no matter the weather (Fanbook 2), raising the frail boys as girls until they take up an adult man’s role (even at the age of 4, like Kagaya (Fanbook 2), etc.). I’m inclined to think that they chose the marriageable age based on incidents of daughters' deaths in family history and decided it wasn’t worth risking it. Even if they still stayed in the family home for a while with a different name, they were essentially raised as small adults, so they probably still left the home younger than would had been normal in any given time period. Since nobles/warrior clans adopting each other daughters’ out and raising them before marrying them off to other clans or to people within their own clan (this makes Sengoku era relationship maps between samurai clans such a mess), I’ll bet that simply getting adopted out happened a lot too, but their fates might be totally out of the Ubuyashiki’s clan hands that way. At least in an arranged marriage, it’s an agreement between families.
Once we get to Taisho, they’ve gotten pretty established in how they protect their girls from the Ubuyashiki curse, and as Fanbook 2 tells us, Kiriya doesn’t believe the curse is lifted until he reaches his 30’s, which is a very emotional realization for him (he had felt certain he'd die in his 20's). That means, a few years after canon, he probably looked at his remaining sisters one day and said, “you guys gotta get out. Where do you want to go?”
So. For Kanata, the more mild-mannered of the two, the one who is scared of bugs but didn’t bat an eye at Genya being rough with her, I wondered if there might be distant relatives on their mother’s side (clans can be big, I’m not very concerned about inbreeding here) who wish to take her in and have her married to a son near her age. She would be a Himorogi, and would take up the Himorogi clan’s shrine-tending mission. From the Ubuyashiki clan perspective, this is like thanking the Himorogi clan for their centuries of assistance and brides who married into harsh Ubuyashiki fates.
This leaves a little more freedom for Kuina, the more fiery one who slapped sense back into Kiriya when he needed it. She proposes an idea, someone who has always been on her periphery, but she’s probably only had limited interaction with. Enough to develop a crush on someone, but not enough to say you’re more than an acquaintance. Kiriya thinks it’s an outstanding idea, especially since this is also a clan who the Ubuyashiki clan has long been indebted to.
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Apologies for my terrible handwriting. The idea was just to do a few doodles to explain the set-up, but doodling led to more ideas and next thing you know I awoke from a doodle stupor like, “did I draw all this?” And when I’m in this doodle-mode, anatomy is all made up and bone-structure does matter. Style consistency is an illusion. There are no plans, only draw.
So anyway. As honored as Shinjuro is by the idea of an Ubuyashiki-Rengoku union, Senjuro is a Taisho-minded, fresh young adult (based on my best guess on his age in canon (based on him being a 1st year Kimetsu Academy student), as age 12, while Kuina is 8). Senjuro wants nothing to do with this old-fashioned, superstitious, hand-waving way of marrying off a young girl who doesn’t know any better. And, dang it, he’s a young man with needs, and he’ll in no way expect a young girl to fulfill them! He wouldn’t even want to!
Shinjuro, who probably would have preferred to have been born in the Warring States heyday of swordsmanship, isn’t that privy to his son’s fancy modern-minded arguments and generally dismisses them. Even if Senjuro does have a point about Kuina being very young, Shinjuro thinks Senjuro is just playing around with his girlfriend (Mitsuri’s youngest sister, in case my handwriting isn’t very clear), and tells him that he shouldn’t put off getting married anyway, like Kyojuro did—
--and, whoops, Shinjuro stops himself and fumbles around a bit. Got himself a little too emotional and didn’t mean to take it out on Senjuro, who he simply fears losing too young too. It’s too late for Shinjuro to hide he’s thinking this, though, so Senjuro relents a bit, but still concludes the argument that day that even if Senjuro did accept this marriage proposal, Shinjuro would actually have to wait even longer for grandchildren than if he were just to let Senjuro do what he likes.
But then, if we stick with what canon has told us is the rule (but hasn’t actually followed through on its own threat), it’s around this time that Giyuu or Sanemi may drop dead.
This is a shock to everyone, even if they did know to see it coming. Senjuro is hit with the weight of a girl’s life on the line, so this is what prompts him to accept the marriage. On conditions, though! It’s only a paper marriage until she’s of age, besides, he’s already made plans to leave home and reside elsewhere for the university studies he’s starting soon (and since he’s really only doing this as a favor, there’s a part of him that sees it as a temporary arrangement). Still, this means he needs to set his affairs in order.
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In case my handwriting is unclear, the kicker here is that yeah, Senjuro is the one under pressure to carry on the Rengoku family name in the first place because he’s the only one left. He finds his bitterness about this directed at Kyojuro, but Kyojuro doesn’t deserve that, and Senjuro starts to resent Kuina for making him think uncharitably toward his brother (however reasonable of a grief response this is, even years later). He stresses that the marriage is only a formality for now, and never goes out of his way to communicate with her. If anything, he dodges correspondence and finds excuses to stay busy at university, and his only infrequent meetings with her are at gatherings Shinjuro dragged him to, or where there were going to be a lot of Corp retirees whom Senjuro wanted to see anyway (and knew he’d spent most of his socializing with). Tanjiro becomes aware of the marriage through his other correspondences and congratulates him, but Senjuro only acknowledges his warm wishes as much as politeness dictates.
And at some point, Kuina has moved in to the Rengoku family home.
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It’s been a while, but she’s still not of legal age when this happens, and she’s cursed to still look much, much younger than her actual age (making it harder for Senjuro to recognize that she has aged at all, in all this time). It drives Senjuro a little crazy how both his father and Kuina and Kiriya see nothing wrong with this. He reacts by trying to shut himself away (they have their own private bedrooms), and his resentment toward Kuina grows with how she acts so much like she belongs there as a doting wife.
So anyway, more time passes, and with the situation being less avoidable with her residing in his home (though he still has his own small place by his university, where this whole mess is a secret), Senjuro gets more fretful about it—especially once Kuina is of age. Shinjuro and Kuina feel like they already spared his feelings by delaying the evitable, and he’s just delaying more due to his hesitant nature. From Senjuro’s perspective, he’s trying to be kind and do her right, but he’s generally very avoided of her, like her whole existence is a burden.
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Yeah, I don’t know what’s happening with my art style by this point. I don’t even know why I’ve drawn so much. Making set-up for a romantic pairing feels weird. Onward we go anyway. Senjuro can no longer outright ignore her, he’s got to confront that he’s stuck! But has he confronted the actual person whom he charitably rescued? Only as much as one confronts a thorn in their side.
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Kuina and Shinjuro get along well because they do have shared experience, which Senjuro never attained. He felt the weight of the Corp mission simply by accident of the family he was born into, but he was never directly involved, even if that was what he had spent his whole childhood striving for. This almost gives Kuina and Shinjuro a dynamic of seeing Senjuro as the child in this relationship, he’s the one whose innocence in the face of violence has never been lost.
Still, Kuina tries to be sympathetic. She knows how much Senjuro looked up to Kyojuro, and how much Kyojuro cared about him, and how much it hurt everyone to lose Kyojuro. She misses him too. So when she, as a member of the Rengoku household, goes to tend the Rengoku family grave on the anniversary of her late elder brother-in-law’s death, she does so in full sincerity. But Senjuro has been distancing himself so much and reading all her intentions as cheeky and pushy and getting her way, and he doesn’t take kindly to her pushing in on his grief.
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You didn’t think I’d get through this without Kuina slapping him, right? I try to stick close to canon and that is her primary canonical character trait.
Anyway, it’s not the slap, but the look into Kuina’s feelings that shakes Senjuro, since he’s never deeply considered her feelings. He had dismissed her as a child who didn’t understand anything so long ago that he ignored what he knew all along, that the Ubuyashiki children grew up under immense pressure and were directly involved in the fight to take down Kibutsuji Muzan himself. All this time, he hadn’t been considering who she is, and her true feelings whatsoever, for she always kept a cap on her emotions so well.
And for the first time, Senjuro realizes she’s kind of incredible, and that he’s been a jerk who hasn’t bothered at all to recognize that. And that is the start of them actually working toward a true relationship.
She accepts his apology, and they wind up having a long talk about Kyojuro, mostly Senjuro talking, but he very honestly appreciates hearing about what his brother was like at Pillar meetings and the impact he had on the whole Corp. Little by little (not the same day, just in daily life), they wind up talking more about their other family members, and Senjuro has to do a lot more listening. They get into the deepest discussions when talking about their mothers, whom Senjuro only knows through what he’s been told, and whom Kuina was very influenced by. They find a lot of similarities between their mothers, at least based on what they know of them.
And, while getting to know each other, Senjuro feels humbled by how he never actually did anything but pray for the Corp, whereas it was normal for Kuina to see children off to their deaths. Even with vastly different experiences, they find they can relate to each other on the pressures of having grown up in clans with such histories. Senjuro, who has been doing very well as a scholar, is humbled by the sharp mental prowess Kuina possesses, but she assures him that her education was deep but very narrow, he’s been right all along, she really doesn’t know much else about the world. And, while being peeved by his behavior, she had been dismissing his perspective.
And for all this time it takes for them to get to know each other, Shinjuro is on the sidelines, trying not to spoil the good progress by revealing that he’s been eavesdropping and praying and asking for Ruka and Kyojuro’s and Oyakata-sama’s blessing that it continues to (finally) go well, as he did feel some guilt for forcing Senjuro into this when things were especially sour.
So anyway. It takes a very long time, but eventually they become a couple in full and have genuine affection for each other. Their children have the most intense stares, and the daughters have black hair, which throws everyone off. They live long happy lives, Gotouge style (if you’ve survived Muzan and haven’t gotten a mark, anyway). The end. EDIT: I suppose I couldn't get this far without attempting to draw what children with an Ubuyashiki-Rengoku gene pool would look like.
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sugamamacustard · 3 years
One more time
Pairing:  Alpha! Toru Oikawa x Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff! (Sorry, no NSFW this time! I just couldn’t fit it!)
Request: Hi 👋 May I request an Alpha Oikawa x Omega reader scenario where they already have a pup and Oikawa wants another. How he would he be with his pregnant omega and his pups ?I'm sorry if this is confusing, ABO Au is one of my favourites but I have never made a request before so I'm not sure how to explain? Fluff, NSFW you can write it however u like THANK YOU 💕
Summary: You loved your small little family, but your alpha felt there was something missing. 
Author’s Note: I loved this request so much??? Like, it’s so wholesome and domestic and my A’/B/O heart melts every time at Dad! Alpha! boys.  I’m super sorry as I didn’t put any NSFW into this. 
Requests: Open!
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Toru Oikawa
➵  Your daughter Akemi was a blessing in every sense of the word. She was a sweetheart, happy and giggly and the absolute cutest little thing.
➵   Even if she did look like an absolute carbon copy of your husband.
➵  Her bright brown eyes and chocolate locks all copy and pasted from him.  
➵ She was precious in every way nonetheless, even if Toru rubbed it in your face every chance he got.
➵ You never got made at him though, as he was the ideal father in every sense of the word. 
➵   He made time for Akemi every day, even if he was sore and sweaty from practice—he’d shower before saying hi to her--, he’d let you have at least thirty minutes a day to yourself, more if he feels he has it down, which is almost always the case.  
➵   Toru fed her, changed her, helped you to clean up the house. You both worked like a well-oiled machine and parenthood was a breeze.
➵    It was tough at times but you both stuck to your guns, communicating efficiently about what you wanted for Akemi and her childhood.
➵    How you wanted to deal with future tantrums, what schools you were looking at for her (Neither of you were touching high schools just yet), but there was one thing that you always seemed to slip out of discussing.
➵     Siblings for Akemi.
➵    Either you never really had the time before Akemi was crying, or you and Toru were fast asleep by the time you had the chance or- there were just a multitude of things that stopped the conversation from happening. 
➵   Until Akemi’s first birthday though.  You were rocking your daughter to sleep, brushing your hand along her head and past the brown locks on her head, just reveling in the feeling of holding your pup, a sign of your and your alpha’s love for each other, even if your omega felt the smallest bit…Empty? 
➵   You knew that you and Toru wanted more children, just never got a chance to really talk about it
➵   . “Hey,” Your husbands voice purred into your ear, making you purr in response.
➵    His hands rested on your hips, holding you close as he held his daughter’s hand, running his thumb over her knuckles with such a soft and proud smile, making you just melt.
➵  “I know we haven’t talked about it in a while, but I want another.” 
➵  You laughed. “Another pup, huh?”
➵  He nodded, rounding around to take Akemi. He laid her in her crib, slowly moving to hold you close once more—his hands on your hips with yours wrapped around your neck.
➵ He kissed your forehead, resting his forehead against yours. 
➵  “Mhmm. This time they’ll look just like you with your cute little nose and beautiful eyes. Maybe even your adorable little cheeks.” You laughed, squirming when his hands came up to pinch your cheeks, enlarging your smiling face. 
➵ He let go suddenly, turning and walking out of the nursery with a smirk. “Of course, maybe the Oikawa genes just run to deep.” He chuckled, making his way to your bedroom. You merely laughed once more before following. 
➵ “And then when mommy’s tummy is all big and round- Pop! Out comes your new sibling. Maybe a boy or girl. I hope for a girl. Two little princesses to spoil and love.” 
➵ Akemi giggled at her father’s words, not really understanding what was going on but enjoying the attention, nonetheless. 
➵  Toru couldn’t blame her though, as he too was laughing and giggling all through the house.
➵  It had been four months since you began trying, a heat passing where Oikawa proved yet again, he was the perfect husband by tending to you and allowing his sister to watch Akemi for four days your heat was there. 
➵ She was ecstatic to hear the news of you guys trying and jumped at every opportunity to babysit for you guys.  
➵ “It’s not really a pop, but whatever you say, Daddy.” You laughed, stepping out of the bathroom, thin stick in your hands. Toru watched you expectantly, turning Akemi to look at you too.  
➵ “Ma!” Akemi preened, holding your cheeks with her small chubby hands when your nose rubbed against hers.  
➵ You crouched in front of her, holding Toru’s knees with your hands before smiling up at him.
➵  “Hope your ready to go through those nine months again.” You chuckled, Toru nearly squealing with delight as he brought you into a hug, Akemi squished carefully between you two. 
➵ “Ma!” 
➵ “Ma- Oh my god- I’m gonna be a dad again ‘Kemi! Focus on me!”
➵  “Ma!”
➵ You knew you married Toru Oikawa for a good reason. 
➵ Yes, he could be an asshole. 
➵ Yes, he could be the most annoying person you would ever meet.
➵  Yes, he sometimes cared too much for volleyball and-
➵ You had a point. What was it?
➵ Oh- Toru was an amazing husband through and through, despite all his flaws. He cared deeply for you, for your daughter, for your new baby (You decided to keep the gender a surprise to piss of Mattsun and Hanamaki who had a current running bet on what it would be).
➵  Every inch of his being, both alpha and not, was dedicated to your family. He was just as doting during this pregnancy as he was the last, making you purr in delight. He never wasted an opportunity to run out and grab whatever you were craving. He was even teaching Akemi to help. 
➵ She’d waddle around after you—making you watch where you are going 24/7—picking up anything you dropped and giving it the extra foot and a half that would make your life so much easier. 
➵ She picked out blankets and onesies and pacifiers, everything you would need she had a say in. And maybe it was another Blood Oikawa thing, but she had great taste. 
➵ There was a small running duckling theme in the new nursery, which was painted a pale grey, most of which was coordinated by…You guessed it.
➵  Oikawa and Akemi. 
➵For being twenty- almost twenty-one - months (A year and eight months), she was incredibly clever and smart for her age. That was all you though.
➵  No way was Toru ‘hit it till it breaks’ Oikawa the smart one in your relationship. (I live to bully this man I’m so sorry).
➵ When the first signs of labour (I’ve waited for this moment. To write about labour, as I see it done wrong all the time and as a Bio 30 student it hurts) showed up, you two began making plans to slowly prep yourself for the delivery of your new baby. 
➵ Oikawa called up his sister, who screeched—loudly into his ear when he told her about your first contractions—before agreeing to come over in case they drastically increased. You re-packed and double checked your hospital bag, making sure you had everything you didn’t during your first trip.  
➵ And you even packed Akemi her own bag for when her aunt would drop her off to meet her new sibling.  She was just as excited to meet them as you were and was constantly handing you things she would later ‘gift’ to her sibling (These included a multitude of…art that was labeled 2 bb in the cutest, but messiest scribbles you’ve ever seen). 
➵ You had to explain that when her sibling got back from the hospital, she could give them all the art she wanted as it would not all fit into the bag. She understood, watching you pack a change of clothes and pull ups for her. 
➵ She would waddle after you as you and Toru would slowly walk up and down the hallways to try and ease the pain, which was more uncomfortable than painful really.  
➵ Coos left both of you when she tied to hold onto your leg like Toru was, looking up to you with wide eyes brimmed with tears. 
➵ When active labour kicked in, she cried, hugging you both before you left. Akemi made sure to pat your belly at least one more time before waving you off, watching you both leave. 
➵ Toru was amazing the whole time, purring to you and letting you crush his hand (Yes. It was his spiking hand as he was going on paternity leave and had the time to heal. Plus, nothing would ever top his family).  
➵ When it came time to push, he was encouraging in every sense of the word, coaching you through the entire thing.
➵  He brushed off every snap you sent his way, every angry word and vile insult spat his way. He didn’t know what you were going through, just that it was painful and taxing on every part of your being. 
➵ Mentally, physically, and he was not about to start a fight with you. 
➵ When your son was finally handed to Toru, he cried. He’s cried a lot in his life, most in front of you, but he would always cry when it came to his family.  
➵ His son was just as small as Akemi was when she was born, but just as precious. 
➵  His face was squishy and chubby—and cone shaped—but he was adorable and you both absolutely loved him. 
➵ When Akemi got to meet him, she also cried. She loved her brother the moment they met, which you and Toru were forever grateful for, and would refuse to go more then ten feet away from him.  
➵ You ended up naming him Hiroshi, which Akemi had been trying to pronounce for as long as she’d known it.  
➵ Your little family was beautiful, and Toru was thankful for you, giving him his two bundles of absolute joy, and your love.
➵  He was entranced with you from the moment he met you and never knew his life would lead to this. He wouldn’t change it even if he had the chance. 
➵ In case you were wondering, your son ended up looking exactly like his sister and your husband. Seems the Oikawa genes run long and true.  
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
May 2021 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Lovely Writer Ep 12 fin - that was a long arse final ep, but solid performances. I liked that we focused on the fallout amongst the side characters. (Very clever of them to depict Chap with Tae, his Y-Destiny pairing. Especially as both actors are slated for new BL roles with different partners again, The Tuxedo and You’re My Sky.) The camera certainly enjoyed wallowing in Sib & Gene’s separation, but that’s an Asian drama for you. They like to DWELL. (Frankly, I like a bit of wallowing myself.) I thought the inclusion of the “actual” writer at the very end thoroughly unnecessary. I don’t think they had to beat us over the head with the 4th wall meta quite that much. Still, this is probably one of the best BLs we’re getting from non-GMMtV Thailand this year. RECOMMENDED 
Y-Destiny Ep 8 - (Thurs) I found the first half uninteresting but once Casper the Friendly Gay showed up it was fine. The ghost reminded me a bit of Fuse from MIR. 
Close Friend Ep 4: (Just One Life) - is it just me or is Talay insanely charismatic? Anygay, the director got ahold of a drone for this one and would like us to KNOW ABOUT THAT FACT. Look, I just don’t think YoonLay have great chemistry but this was alright, cute enough. 
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Fish Upon The Sky Ep 6 - This was a better installment than we’ve had in a while. I like the obsession vs love explanation from Mork, insightful if creepy. Meen & Duean are okay, I guess. A bit annoying. Everyone in this show is a bit annoying. But the wipe toothpaste then wipe eye crud got to me. Toothpaste in the eye, yech! And then I was all, oh that’s basically this show: toothpaste in the eye. It just reviewed itself. (Also why do they keep switching aspect ratio between the two pairs? It’s like they were filming with two completely different camera types... oh. ah. Weird, GMMTV usually doesn’t make mistakes like that.) 
Call it What You Want Ep 6 fin - I skipped to the last ep on this, I told you I do that sometimes to find out what happened. So CIWYW ends happy for the main couple, but trigger warnings on: eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, depression, mental abuse, and a few other things. If you don’t mind your BL dark, gritty, self aware, and honest then you should be okay with this show. But if your preference is for fluff, then there are other fish in the sky. Speaking of... 
Nitiman Ep 2 - Giving me My Engineer vibes. This is OLD school Thai uni BL. I kinda feel like it was meant to come out in 2018, the gap year that was, but I am SO GRATEFUL we’re getting it now. Pay TF attention FUTS this is how you redeem a tsundere uke. Also I love that Bboom is just a terrible flirt and the football match twist was great. I love this show.  
Top Secret Together Ep 1 - it’s out there but no eng subs. It’s an office set romance with multiple couples all tangential to one building. A bit stilted and low production values but I’m intrigued. I hope we get subs... eventually.  
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 9 - gets the safe sex gold star for lube + condoms AND a verse discussion? Not to mention asking for sex advice from queer fam? Is this a first in BL? Might be. (I still think it’s weird that product placement hasn’t jumped on the lube bandwagon, too slippery perhaps?) I like the embezzlement drama. I always enjoy good outside conflict playing to setting, and this is the kind to be easily resolved in next week’s finale. What a roller coster this series has been. 
Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) Ep 5 - I LOVE THIS SHOW. A heartbeat after i thought, “they better address what he’s doing to the girls he’s dating,” they did it. Clever scripting that. The messaging is gorgeous, the idea that pride and media coverage and knowing about a changing world can broaden minds and lead to acceptance was basically Taiwan making a case for itself paving the way for marriage equality in Asia. Genius. 
Most Peaceful Place 2 (Vietnam) Ep 1 (AKA 4) - dropped with subs and improved production values, someone is learning (or got more dough). The younger brother’s drama is a bit confusing, but I am here for cute boyfriends being cute boyfriends together. And I love that they took the seme’s previous pair (from Nation’s Brother) to be the faen fatale, very crafty of them. Even though it’s not a trope I like, there’s great chemistry all around. 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 6 - I weirdly love this show, okay? I’m just hoping Long has known Minh’s secret all along and is playing a reverse long con cat & mouse game, waiting for Minh to tell him the truth. Because that would be THE BEST. I could do without the faen fatale but ya can’t have everything. (I’m so glad it’s not the standard 6 ep arc, MOAR!!!) 
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Rumor is GMMTV Thailand started shooting Baker Boys (here’s the teaser trailer). This is a remake of Antique (AKA Antique Bakery) a 2008 Korean movie (you can watch it on Viki) which is a remake of Antique (a 2001 Japanese series) with is an adaptation of wildly popular manga Antique Bakery. Knowing the plot I’m not sure this will qualify as BL. I’m still predicting Lee gets his first gay kiss in this series from Singto. More details about this series here. 
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Breaking News
Love Area release pushed out, reportedly due to C19. (source DramaCool) 
Be Love In House: I Do (Taiwan, of course, with that title) got a new softer trailer (no subs). It drops next week, May 19, 2021 on Viki. All the information I have is here. 
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Tangential to BL 
Two BL-adjacent shows, both from Taiwan. 
I’m watching Love is Science? on Viki which has a het foundation, but it’s a good one. There’s a BL side couple who are on an enemies to lovers slow burn trajectory; featuring a disaster bi slut meets elegant bad ass super gay. So there’s THAT. The mains are an older career woman and the sweet boy from her distant past who has pined for her for years. (He is the softest sweetest service sub you ever saw.) Props to Taiwan for a seriously underused het dynamic. As usual in Asian rom coms the straight boy love interest is a Perfect Cinnamon Role (yes I’m looking at you True Beauty & Love O2O) but I find Taiwan’s version more palatable than Korea’s or Mainland China’s. It’s not finished yet but... RECOMMENDED. 
Starting this week is Love Outlet a 50 (?!) episode show about a mall that sells relationships. It is supposed to have a main gay romance, but it might be a side dish. Very little else known about it. Coming to Line TV.
Honestly, I’m at the point where if Taiwan makes it, I’ll probably watch it. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Be Loved In House: I Do (Taiwan) 
Golden Blood (Thailand) we think, like Love Area this may be delayed due to surging C19 cases 
Love Outlet (Taiwan) we think 
Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hello 🥰 so tomorrow is my birthday and i wanted to known if you could write something for benedict and sophie and their children, very fluff but maybe smutty at the end?
But if you're busy or can't do it, just ignore my ask 😂
My Goodness! Happy Birthday!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 I really hope I didn't miss it!
In Honour of your birthday: Some Benedad and Mama Sophie Goodness!
Sophie had long been of the opinion that anyone could learn to cook. After all, she'd learned to cook in a tiny flat where the oven worked unevenly and only one gas burner worked. But eventually even she'd had to give up on Benedict. Her husband had many fine skills, but none of them were in the kitchen. She'd come home one day and seen Charlie in the hallway, his Golden Retriever Geoff lounging over his lap, his tail wagging as Charlie ran his fingers through his fur.
"Charlie, honey, where's Daddy and Alex?" She'd said scouting around for her husband and younger son.
Charlie had shrugged "In the kitchen." And Sophie wasn't proud of the way she dropped her handbag and scampered through the hallway bursting through the door.
"Ben, Honey, Hi! Do you need something in here?!" Sophie practically shouted, eager to avoid another of her husband's culinary disasters, the smell of the burnt pan from his alleged pasta still fresh in her mind.
Ben was standing in front of the fridge, Their one year old Alexander on his hip, his pen behind his ear, a look of mild amusement on his face when he said
"I was just getting some juice? I can probably manage that much."
Personally, Sophie doubted it.
And now, she was determined, that her sons would not follow the same path as their father. Her sons were going to be good in the kitchen. And lord knows she'd tried. She had taken them into her restaurant, in the morning before lunch service started and let them stand on her feet while she cooked, guided their hands while they mixed and stirred. And they were... Unmoved. Well, Charlie was, Alex was a little too young to do anything but sit on the bench and watch. So she'd given up for the most part, resigned to her life as a chef and restaurant owner with a husband and children who could not cook, quietly burning with jealousy that her sister in law Kate's children clamoured to help her when she was cooking.
But Sophie was determined that this at least should be a family affair. She'd waited, until Benedict had had to go to Scotland for a shoot, and made an excuse as to why she couldn't take the boys with him, and then she'd started cooking.
Alex was perched on the countertop watching everything go by with keen interest that reminded Sophie a little too much of Anthony, truth be told. Charlie sighing sadly as he stood on his step to reach the countertop.
"Do I have to help, Mummy? I wanted to teach Geoff a new trick."
Sophie eyed Geoff already nosing innocently about should any stray food land.
"Charlie, we're going to make Daddy a cake. It'll be fun."
"But I'm not good at it." Charlie whined, stamping his little foot and Sophie's heart clenched. She hated seeing her children unhappy, even for a moment but she stayed firm.
"Sweetheart, sometimes we have to practice things we aren't good at to get better. Okay? Think how happy Daddy will be when he comes home tonight."
Charlie pouted adorably, forcibly reminding her of the petulant expression Ben got when he didn't get his way, biting back a laugh. "Okay, now we're going to measure the flour. We need 2 cups so, two of these." She said gently guiding his hand, "Good, now put it in the-" But before she could even get it out, Alex had shot his pudgy fist out and knocked it from his brother's hand sending flour over every surface. Charlie looked aghast.
Sophie sighed, wiping the flour from her glasses, "Right."
Three hours later Sophie was very nearly at her wits end. She'd fished egg shell out of the bowl, stopped the butter from burning, siphoned out the excess milk, which then got upended over her head after she'd bent down to collect something and Alex had seen fit to push it from the counter, Geoff scooting forward to give her a lick. She'd sent Charlie upstairs to wait for a bath to remove the blue icing that had somehow gotten caked in his hair and was now staring dejectedly down at her cake, vision completely unrealised as she sighed to Geoff.
"Well, this is really on me for not making a back up."
"Well, Well, Well, Sophie Beckett covered head to toe in cake, truly almost good enough to eat." Her husband's voice floated towards her, sending her heart skittering around the kitchen as she spun towards him, forcing herself to arch her eyebrow.
"That's not my name anymore."
Benedict grinned delightedly, his eyes shining down at her. "No. it's not. Still good enough to eat though." Their lips finally meeting a little roughly.
"Welcome home." Sophie said when she pulled back, her arms tight around his waist, ruining the sweater he was wearing most likely. "How was Scotland?"
Ben pouted, a hilarious mirror of Charlie hours ago. "I don't like working with this new girl."
Sophie Chuckled, "Well, Eddie still works with you occasionally, and she was there right?"
"It's not the- Is that a Pelican cake?" He cut himself off, his brow furrowed as he looked back to Sophie.
Sophie's stomach swooped, In hindsight perhaps she should have done the finer detailing of the decorations herself.
"Not... Quite."
Ben turned towards the cake studying it curiously, the very sloppily written Congrats Daddy Charlie's hand guided by hers.
"Have I won something I don't know about yet?" His voice curious and then he laughed "I have to say the fact that you made this disaster cake makes me really very happy!"
Sophie scoffed despite the nerves fluttering in her stomach, "Your sons made that disaster cake I was practically held hostage by your genes."
"Still though, Congrats?" His eyes darkening suddenly. "Mrs Bridgerton, did you have our sons make a congrats on the sex cake?! Is that my welcome home?" His tone faux scandalised, his hands already tugging at her waist again.
Sophie took a deep breath, "It's not a pelican. It's a Stork."
Benedict's eyes turned curious for a second staring at her and then his mouth fell open.
Sophie nodded, a smile fighting its way to her lips, and she barely had tie to breathe before Benedict swept forward, his arms around her waist as he spun her around the kitchen, whooping happily.
"This is my favourite cake you've ever made. Pelican and all." He whispered in her ear as he set her gently against the countertop, grinning down at her with tears in his eyes.
And Sophie couldn't help the tears in her own eyes when she said "Just look out if you try and eat it, there's still a lot of eggshell in there."
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readyplayerhobi · 3 years
Jung Hoseok and the Magic to Happiness | 04
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; Hufflepuff Teacher!Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, angst, future smut
; Word Count: 5.2k
; Synopsis: An unexpected issue with your Ministry of Magic job leads to you taking the role of Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts. It’s here that you meet your best friend’s younger brother for the first time in years, the Hufflepuff Head of House, Jung Hoseok. While you contend with seeing him once again, Hoseok tries to show you that he’s very much a man and no longer the gangly teenager you once knew.
; A/N: I swear, it’s so hard getting back into writing because I’m permanently convinced that everything I write is bad lol. If you enjoy reading this, please let me know by leaving me an ask or writing a comment on a reblog! I appreciate all the comments I get and it helps to inspire me on <3
Last Chapter ; Next Chapter
The Winter Solstice Ball was a newer tradition at Hogwarts. Before the Battle of Hogwarts, there hadn’t been anything resembling the ball that would happen. The closest you knew of was the Yule Ball, but that only occurred whenever there was a Tri-Wizard Tournament. 
Something that hadn’t occurred since the unfortunate events of 1994, when poor Cedric Diggory had been murdered by the dark wizard Voldemort. As expected, it had been mutually agreed that the tournament should no longer continue to ensure there could never be another event like Diggory’s death.
Admittedly, that had been a rather unique set of circumstances. The inclusion of the wizard, Harry Potter, in the Tournament had been arranged by dark wizards on the behest of Voldemort, meaning that Diggory’s death had been even more tragic as he wasn’t meant to be there. 
In an attempt to bring more cheer to what should be a happy holiday, Hogwarts had started the Winter Solstice Ball tradition. Unlike the Yule Ball, all years were invited to attend and it also wasn’t on Christmas Day. Instead, it was held on the last day of term and was just a fun event for everyone to enjoy and let off some steam after their first semester back.
You’d always enjoyed it as a student; feeling like a grownup during the first few years and using it as a great way to flirt with boys when you were older. There hadn’t been a year that you hadn’t loved going to it.
It felt a little odd this time though as you were attending as a professor, which meant you had the job of chaperoning all the excited students for the evening. As such, you were excited for an entirely different reason as you would get to watch the First Year’s experience of the ball.
The House Elves had gone all out when decorating the Great Hall today, bringing the feeling of winter inside and taking your breath away. Standing by the open doors, you look around cavernous space with wide eyes and a bright smile. Chaeyoung was next to you, a dress of starlight gracing her body and highlighting just how beautiful she is.
You’d already complimented her as soon as you’d spotted her, admiring the elegant design of her dress and how the tiny crystals are sewn into the fabric reminded you so much of sunlight hitting frost on a winter’s day. Her long black hair was curled into soft waves with her fringe pinned away from her face with a delicate snowflake.
Where she was all light and ice, you were the sumptuous darkness of winter. Your dress was a sumptuous royal blue around your chest which slowly blended into deep midnight by your feet, a shawl of the lightest chiffon in a dark blue around your shoulders. Silver glinted occasionally, threads of it woven through the fabric of your dress and adding a little sparkle alongside the dainty silver necklace around your neck.
The two of you made a striking pair and the combination of a full face of beautiful makeup combined with the jaw-dropping dress made you feel like the prettiest girl in the room. Whether that was true or not, you didn’t care.
The hall itself matched the colour scheme of you both with long swathes of gauzy fabric in rich lavender, crisp white and shimmering silver decorating the tall windows and streaming from the ceiling. Tonight, the ceiling had been enchanted to show clouds backlit by a full moon and tiny flakes of snow fell. They didn’t reach the ground though, melting away a few metres away from the tallest person in the room.
Candles lit the room in all corners, hovering in the air and situated around the room and the tables. A large open space in the centre of the hall was reserved for dancing while a raised section before it hosted the musical entertainment for the night. Small tables surrounded the floor, each only big enough for six people and with white cloths embroidered with tiny snowflakes in silver.
Platters piled high with finger foods dotted the tables alongside empty goblets and jugs of pumpkin juice and butterbeer. A few of the ghosts that haunted Hogwarts floated through the tables, greeting the formally dressed students with cheer and getting into a few conversations with some of them.
Already the hall was filling nicely, students greeting you happily as they rushed inside to meet up with friends and a few of them had already begun to dance. Some of them danced together, trying to figure out how to ballroom dance with the typical awkwardness of teenagers discovering their hormones, and others danced in friend groups. The latter seemed to just be having fun, shaking their bodies wildly to the beat of the music.
“I remember doing that.” Gesturing towards a group of mixed house Fourth Years, you grin at Chaeyoung before chuckling at the memory of dancing like that with Jisoo, Robert and Candace. That had been your ‘group’ of loyal friends throughout your years at Hogwarts, though only Jisoo had remained a close friend once you’d all left.
“Merlin...me too. I had no rhythm back then. Still don’t. Dancing is not for me.” Chuckling, you lean into her and push until she staggers away from you a little before returning the gesture. Glancing around the hall, you note the more introverted people sitting at the tables and sipping at drinks. They don’t seem to be uncomfortable but you resolve to check up on them throughout the night to make sure they’re okay.
“One thing I do love about working with such handsome men here? They make the ball so much better to enjoy.” Chaeyoung hums over the top of her goblet of butterbeer, her refined brows rising in amusement as she looks across the hall. Following her gaze, you have to hide a smile as you take in the sight of some of Hogwarts most eligible bachelor professors and how well they smarten up.
Park Jimin is standing next to Kim Taehyung, his silver hair styled even more elegantly than normal while his dress robes look to have been perfectly tailored to his slim body. A white bow tie adorns his neck and he’s smiling at whatever Taehyung had told him. The Gryffindor Head has his usual boxy smile and you note that he scrubs up just as nicely. Together, they make a lethal pair in terms of looks.
“Now, now,” You muse lightly, looking over to Chaeyoung with mischief on your face. “We’re here to chaperone, not to swoon over good looking men like the teenagers we teach.”
A derisive snort is the only response she gives you, but you see that she’s not taken her eyes off the two younger men. Idly, you wonder which would make the perfect partner for her. You’d consider Taehyung to be a good candidate as their fun-loving natures would get on well, but there’s something about Jimin that makes you think he’d be an even better pick.
She wouldn’t even have to change her last name.
Any more thoughts you have on the subject vanish when the newest professor walks through the door. Black hair made darker from some kind of styling gel is swept up from his forehead, a strand or two falling stubbornly and giving him an almost charming appearance. Deep black robes sweep from his shoulders, covering up a suit that highlights his body in all the right ways.
Unlike Jimin and Taehyung, his outfit was completely black and you swallowed instinctively as you let your eyes run down his frame. Hoseok pauses at the doorway, pink lips moving as he talks to Nayeon, the divination professor. She looks pretty in a floaty dress of bubblegum pink and fizzing lilac, her smile genuine and eyes sparkling as she looks up at him.
Lips twisting, you turn away from the sight and don’t even notice the way Chaeyoung is watching you closely, her lips turning up in a smile she tries to hide. Looking away from you, she catches Seokjin’s questioning expression across the hall and nods at him subtly, enjoying the way the astronomy professor gets a determined look on his face.
“Speaking of men who are too beautiful to be real, Jung Hoseok always looks so good at these events. How is a man like that allowed to even exist?” There’s a breathy note to Chaeyoung’s voice, causing you to frown at her a little before looking back over in his direction. 
Nayeon is still standing there, a forlorn expression gracing her face as she watches Hoseok move away from her. It’s only then that you realise he’s walking towards you, causing your eyes to widen in surprise. Confusingly, you’re a little unsure of what to do or how to act.
Not when he’s looking like that. This is not the shy and awkward Hoseok with his dress robes too big for him, the only memory you have of him at the Winter Solstice Ball. He couldn’t be any further from that teenager and you don’t know how to handle that.
Especially when he gives you that breathtaking smile, his cheeks rising and dimpling while his dark eyes shine in delight. You should’ve known the Jung genes would result in him growing into an attractive man; his sister was one of the most beautiful people you’d ever seen.
“Y/N, Chaeyoung,” He bows his head to you both, that smile just as prominent and you nod back to him a little awkwardly. “You both look beautiful tonight. Winter is personified with your colours, it’s nice.” 
For a moment, you’re a little lost for words on how to respond to him. You couldn’t recall the last time you’d been so casually complimented, especially from a man. A man as attractive as him. It causes you to swallow wrong and you cough loudly, pressing a hand to your throat.
“Thanks, you’re looking pretty fine yourself tonight,” Chaeyoung teases him, causing that smile to become a little more bashful. “Anyway, I’m going to leave you two alone for a moment, okay? I need to go talk to Seokjin about something.”
You watch her go with wide eyes, noting with suspicion that she’s moving a little faster than you’d expect and you wonder if she’s up to something. But then you realise that you’re being left alone with Hoseok, who’s casually looking you up and down while you’re attention is elsewhere.
It’s only when he catches your eye when you look back, a brow raised, that he realises you’ve caught him. Hoseok turns his head quickly, probably giving himself whiplash and you have to hide the snort at the soft blush on his cheeks.
He may be all grown up now, but he still reminded you of that shy boy who never quite knew how to talk to you.
Reaching out, you poke at his chest and grin at him.
“She’s right, you are looking good tonight. Cleaned up very well.” Hoseok gives you a droll stare and you laugh, feeling any awkwardness rushing away as you both fall into the easy-going nature of your friendship.
The rest of the evening goes by in much the same manner with the two of you separating on occasion to handle issues with students or just to do a walk around. Apart from that though, you both end up spending more time with each other than with anyone else. Conversation flows easily like a fast-moving river and you find yourself laughing more than you have in a while.
You only have to break up one fight between two young boys; the culmination of weeks of tension between the two finally bubbling over. It starts with raised voices before escalating to blows, resulting in you escorting the two to Madame Pomfrey to check for any injuries. After that, you leave them in the hands of Park Jimin to discipline them given their house.
When you get back, you look around for Hoseok or Chaeyoung. You can’t see either of them, causing you to take up a place at the back against the wall to observe for any fallout from the fight. Thankfully, the mood seems to have picked up and you wonder if that’s got anything to do with the more upbeat music that’s being played.
It was never nice watching your students get into fights with each other or lose friendships, but you knew that was part of growing up. The thing about teenagers, and kids, was that they were incredibly resilient. You did not doubt that they would both be back to being friends within a week or so.
“All sorted?” Comes a deep voice to the right, the sound closer than you expected and causing you to jump slightly. Turning to look, you note that Hoseok has turned up out of nowhere and you relax at the sight of his familiar face.
“Yeah, no injuries to each other apart from wounded pride and friendships.” That causes Hoseok to snort and roll his eyes, leaning back against the wall alongside you. Suddenly, you recall how many times Jisoo complained of having to comfort her brother when he’d had yet another fight during his tenure at Hogwarts.
“I’m sure you know all about that, Mr Jung. I remember Jisoo having to deal with you. You were shy but a firecracker.” He sighs deeply and you lean into him, giggling as you regale him with some of the tales she’d told you. Thankfully, he takes it all with his usual good nature and you end up segueing into other memories of your time at Hogwarts.
The exams and the studying, the professors back then and your favourite subjects. It’s something he already knows as you’ve both discussed it previously, but he indulges you and listens amiably while keeping an eye out.
You’re stopped though when he suddenly interrupts you, straightening slightly.
“Would you like to dance? There’s not as many people out there now and you haven’t danced once tonight.” His question is abrupt, causing you to falter in your conversation. Narrowing your eyes, you look him over closely and wonder if he’s being serious. And you conclude that he is.
Looking over at the dance floor, you contemplate for a moment and chew your lip before nodding. Now it’s your turn to feel shy, avoiding his gaze and trying not to catch the eye of anyone else in the hall as he leads you carefully to the floor. 
There’s probably a few statues in the British Museum that are less stiff than you as you turn to him, feeling his hand as he settles it on your lower back. You’re hyper-aware of that hand; how hot it feels against you even with the fabric of the dress between you. But that pales in comparison to the feel of his hand against your own, the way he holds it almost tenderly.
Logically, you know that he’s doing that because that’s how you’re supposed to dance like this. A light touch, but it makes you feel a little strange. You’re not sure why it makes you feel like that and you find yourself staring at his long fingers, wondering if he kept up the piano he’d been taught when younger.
The music leads you both in the dance, each beat dictating where you move and you’re vaguely aware of the students dancing around you. None of them are staring or looking confused as there had been many professors who had danced together tonight. But you couldn’t help but feel like this dance was a little different.
This was the closest you’d ever been to Hoseok and his body is so close to your own that you can physically feel the heat coming from him. Every breath you take brings the smell of him into your nose, the familiar mix of rich wood and lemongrass that is so, undeniably Hoseok. And underlying all that is the smell that’s unique to him.
“Is this okay?” He asks quietly and you stare at the black button-up covering his chest, avoiding his gaze given how close the two of you are. It’s probably not the best thing to do when you realise that shirt is straining a little and you can see the outline of his torso from the light of the nearby candles.
Swallowing hard, you look over his shoulder and try to ignore the sudden knowledge that Hoseok is buff beneath his clothes. Which doesn’t help, because you find your eye trailing down his chest as you consider. It’s only when you reach his belt buckle that you suddenly look away, taking a deep breath and wondering what was wrong with you.
You’d had one too many butterbeers tonight or something, which was a terrible excuse as it had such little alcohol content that it didn’t even matter. This was Jisoo’s brother, her little brother. Not someone you should be thinking about half-naked.
Finally, though, you register his question and nod quickly in response. You’re not sure that you can talk to him without saying something inappropriate as your brain isn’t working very well right now. Not when you’re so confused about...well everything.
“Are you sure? You’ve gone a little weird. Quiet.” Hoseok murmurs, his voice low to avoid any of the students overhearing it. Sighing, you stand a little straighter before looking at him directly and giving him a firm smile. It takes a little more effort than you’d like to push away those errant thoughts but you do so.
“Fine, just worried about those students. I hate seeing their friendship ruined and them angry at each other, you know?” It’s not a lie as you are still concerned about them, but he doesn’t need to know everything going on in your head. Which is why you’re thankful when he nods slowly before spinning you around.
“They’ll be okay. I’ve been doing this job long enough to know that they’ll be back to being friends sooner rather than later. They’ve already got some of that testosterone out by punching each other, which I’d rather they didn’t do but Jimin will talk it out with them. Don’t worry too much, they’ll be fine.” It’s sweet how considerate he’s being and you can hear how genuine he is in his voice. 
You don’t get to say anything else though as the tempo increases when the song switches over, causing Hoseok to twirl you away from him with a laugh. All around you the dances start to get a little more energetic and you can’t help but shriek with joy as he matches the student’s enthusiasm, listening to them as they cheer at two of their professors getting involved in the frivolities.
Neither of you notices the way Seokjin and Chaeyoung watch you both closely before smirking at each other.
Glancing around the room, you note how most of the students had already left and gone to bed for the night. The clock had struck midnight a while ago and you had to press a hand to your mouth as you yawned, turning your head away to be polite. A few remaining students were still dancing on the floor but even as you watched, some of them started to walk towards the exit.
Looking over at Chaeyoung, you caught her eye with a wave and smiled with relief when she nodded and made a shooing gesture. Turning to Hoseok, you tried to hide another yawn and almost giggled when you saw that he’d caught one from you, his mouth wide as he didn’t even try to hide it.
“I think we can go now. Chaeyoung gestured that we can leave so I think they’re going to hustle the last students to bed. Something which I’m also very excited to do because I feel like I’ve been awake for two days right now.” Blinking and almost trying to stretch your eyelids by widening them as far as you could, you almost missed the way Hoseok laughed at your antics.
“Tired? It’s not even two in the morning, I expected better of you.” He teases, gently pushing his elbow into your arm before avoiding your hand as you try to swat him. You’d admit that he looked a lot more awake than you did, which you’d say wasn’t fair but you don’t think you’ve ever truly seen him look tired.
“Well, you’re still young and spry. You’ll learn when you get to my age.” Moving off towards the doors of the Great Hall, you grab a tiny triangular sandwich from one of the remaining platters on a table as you pass by.
Light pressure on the small of your back causes you to arch slightly, your chest moving forward and you tilt your head to look at your companion. There’s no expression on Hoseok’s face, nothing to indicate he’s affected by touching you and you frown slightly as you wonder why it’s affecting you.
“You’re not old, I don’t know why you keep thinking that.” He murmurs, voice deep and quiet.
Neither of you says anything more for a few minutes, instead just walking quietly through the hallways. It’s a comfortable silence and you muse for a moment on how much you’ve come to enjoy spending time with him. You would happily say that he was your closest friend here at Hogwarts; something you would’ve never thought would happen when you were studying here and he was just your best friend’s little brother.
That makes you think of how defensive he always gets whenever you, or anyone else, seems to imply that you’re old. Huffing out a laugh, you bite your lip as you contemplate that for a second. Maybe he doesn’t like the implication that you, and by extension, his sister, are considered ‘older’ by the students. Or that he’s also approaching thirty.
The student’s opinions have never bothered you as they think anyone over the age of twenty is old. Nor have you been concerned overall, given the extended lifespan that witches had compared to muggles. You were finally feeling content with your career and your life, something you attested partly to growing older and becoming more at ease with yourself.
But he always got so defensive of it, so maybe he was concerned about himself.
“You don’t have to keep defending my age, you know,” Apparently you were going to query this with him and you blamed the butterbeer for loosening up your tongue. “I’m okay with it, honestly. Which means I’m okay with joking about it.”
Hoseok stiffened slightly and you spotted his expression looking a little uneasy. Frowning, you placed a hand on his arm and pulled him to a stop. Your quarters were only a few corridors away now and the two of you were given a warm glow from the candles lit nearby. 
“I’m not defending...I mean, okay maybe I am. I just...I don’t want you to feel like it’s an issue.” Now you’re giving him an amused look, lip quirked up on one side as you try to hold in a small giggle.
“It’s not an issue. Have I made it seem like it was?” Tilting your head, you watch as his eyes dart across your face in an almost shy manner.
“No...well, not in the way you might think,” He looks uncomfortable and you’re about to tell him it’s okay, that he doesn’t have to continue but he does so before you get the chance to speak. “I’m just made every aware of our age difference. You know, the whole ‘you’re her best friend’s little brother’ thing.”
“Hey, I don’t do that, do I?” Now you’re a little concerned.
“No, not really. Not for a while anyway. You did when you first got here but I understood that. We hadn’t met in a while and everyone was curious about how we knew each other. But now...I don’t even know what I’m talking about. Honestly, it’s not important. You’re right.” Hoseok’s babbling a bit but you decide to let him change the conversation. You’re not entirely sure why it truly bothers him, but you’re not going to press it anyway. He deserves to have his feelings and they don’t need to be analysed.
“Okay-” Before you can say anything else, you hear the quiet chiming of bells and frown in confusion. The sound echoes a little in the empty corridor, simultaneously creepy and also ethereal. 
Hoseok looks around as well, his brow knitted in confusion before he suddenly spots something about you both. Following him, you note the odd plant that’s grown from the ceiling out of nowhere. The green branches are still growing and you note with interest the small white berries that seem to be forming and familiar leaf shapes appear at the end of each branch.
A red ribbon is delicately wrapped around the stems and you see the little golden bells that let out tiny chimes as they rock from side to side in a non-existent breeze. Now you’re the one frowning as you look around you both, trying to spot who’d set a mistletoe charm to grow when someone walked beneath it.
“Mistletoe?” Hosek whispers, reaching up with one hand in an attempt to touch it. He can’t reach it and you sigh, shaking your head and crossing your arms over your chest.
“Someone has thought it’d be funny to put mistletoe charms around the castle for the ball. Certainly adds to the Christmas spirit. I’ve seen these popping up all night above couples on the dance floor. I think it’s a seasonal Weasley thing, seems like something they’d sell to annoy people.”
The mistletoe is suddenly snowing, letting tiny snowflakes drift to the ground around you both and leaving fluffy snow to settle on Hoseok’s hair and dress robes. How very romantic, you muse to yourself.
“Does it just disappear on its own after a while?” He asks, running his fingers through his hair to try and get rid of some of the snow. Smiling at him, you gently brush at his shoulders only to decide it’s a losing battle as more snow lands.
“Nope. You gotta kiss, that’s the whole point of mistletoe, right? Otherwise, it follows you around.” Hoseok sighs deeply and rolls his eyes.
“Of course it does. Definitely a Weasley thing.”
Looking back up at the mistletoe, and having to blink to avoid getting snowflakes in your eyes, you purse your lips before looking back at Hoseok. You’d long since come to terms with the fact that you find him attractive; anyone with eyes can see that. But you hadn’t planned on doing anything about it, not given who he was and who his sister was to you.
His words from earlier play through your mind though, and you wonder if he hates having to constantly know he’s given the best friend’s little brother status. Even now, months after you’d arrived and you considered him a friend, you knew that there were still people who thought of that as the most defining characteristic of your friendship.
Letting out a little sigh, you straighten your shoulders before reaching out and taking hold of his dress robes. Fuck it, you’re not one to waste a perfect chance.
Pulling him closer, you watch as his eyes dart to yours and widen when he realises that you’re moving towards him as well. And then those same eyes flick to your lips, the movement so fast that you’d almost miss it if it wasn’t for the fact that he did again only seconds later. 
Combined with the zero resistance he was giving, you came to the solid conclusion that he wasn’t going to reject you. Not when you were giving him plenty of time and reason to back out if he wanted to.
Tilting your head to him, you felt his warm breath as it caressed your face, the smell of butterbeer strong. And then your lips are pressed together, neither of you sure who made the final move and neither of you gives a damn at that exact moment. 
The pressure of your lips against each other is gentle at first, almost hesitant as both of you try to figure out where to go from here. All that was required was a kiss, which was what you were both doing right now. But you didn’t quite want to let him go just yet, not when you knew he probably had so much more to offer.
Shifting, you manoeuvred your way into a position that made the kiss a little more personal and no longer like two teenagers who’d never kissed in their life. Letting go of his robes, your arms move to wrap around his neck and you run your fingers through his hair, enjoying how soft the black strands feel against your fingers.
A quiet noise leaves Hoseok, his arms sliding around your waist to pull you a little closer to him while he kisses you more forcefully than before. It feels...you can’t even find the words to describe how it feels, only knowing that you’re not entirely sure you want him to stop.
Any hesitation has disappeared between you both and you simply lose yourself to the delightful feeling of Jung Hoseok against your lips, against your body and how he feels under your fingertips. It’s only when he moves a little further, his tongue asking for entrance to fire up the kiss even more, that you suddenly come to your senses.
Pushing back from him, you stare with wide eyes and only just realise that the bells have stopped. A glance up shows the mistletoe is gone and you breathe a little heavily, not realising that you’d kissed him that forcefully until now. Hoseok looks just as out of breath with an odd look in his eyes that you can’t quite figure out.
Licking at your lips, and trying to ignore the knowledge that you could probably taste him right now, you run your hands down the front of your dress robes before giving him a slightly awkward smile. Coughing, you turn your eyes away from the strangely intense gaze he’s giving you.
“Erm, well it’s gone now. So...we’re not gonna be followed by mistletoe anymore,” Playing with your fingers, you wonder if you made a very bad decision tonight. “I, erm, I’m gonna go to bed now. It’s late and...well...yeah. Thank you, for walking me here and spending time with me, you know, dancing and all that. It was nice, I had a good time and thank you. Yeah, I already thanked you. Err...get to bed safely, okay? I mean, I…” 
Hoseok reaches out and takes hold of your nervous hands. It makes you jump nervously, but he just gives a reassuring smile while rubbing the back of your hands with his thumbs.
“Y/N...it’s okay. I’ll see you tomorrow. Go to sleep and have good dreams.” There’s no annoyance in his voice, no anger or outrage that you’ve gone from initiating that kiss to acting very strange in only seconds. 
“Yeah...I...you too. You too.” Frowning as you walked away from him, you wondered what in Merlin’s beard you’d just done.
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