#it might have been 2016 ngl
concyclic · 2 months
Sometimes I remember that I’ve been following ctc since 2015 and I have to sit down for awhile like damn. That’s a long fucking time for an adhd idiot like me.
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cheeseceli · 11 days
I'll be waiting
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Pairing: idol Bang Chan × Gn!reader
Genre: fluff, angst, friends to potential lovers, fic (1.6k words)
Prompt: "Even ten years from now, if you haven't found somebody I promise I'll be around. Tell me when you're ready. I'm waiting"
Warnings: for a short moment there's a bit of unrequited love, happy ending tho. Mentions of insecurity back to the trainee days.
A/n: the longest fic I've ever done, I'm kinda proud of it ngl
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Patience might be Chan's biggest virtue, he thinks to himself. By seeing where he's right now and where he was ten years ago, he smiles. He couldn't agree more with that statement.
He still remembers the first time he saw you.
Monthly evaluation. At this point, Chan should already be used to this whole process of the trainee life. However, that day felt particularly depressing to him. Hopeless, he would say.
He had found out that JYP was about to debut a new group. A girl group. And as much as Bang Chan tried to be completely happy for his friends who could finally try and debut, he had to admit he was somewhat jealous. Four years of training and he felt like he was heading towards nowhere.
Still, he tried to practice. He sang the song he would showcase so many times he reached the point of not even feeling the words leaving his mouth. He was so lost he also didn't notice the presence of someone else in the practice room. That is, until you clapped.
Chan turned his head towards you, low-key surprised. He recognised you as the child of one of the Got7's staff. He couldn't remember your name though. He doubted he even heard it at all.
"Sorry" you finally spoke. Your voice was pretty "I'm looking for my dad. Your voice is very beautiful though. You're doing well." And with a thumbs up you went away.
Chan couldn't help but laugh. Now that was random. He could barely process what happened. But you complimented him. It had been a while since he last heard a genuine compliment.
Somewhere inside his mind, he repeated his words nonstop, filling him with motivation and hope. He also was trying to remember to ask your name later.
He did remember to ask your name after all. Y/n L/n. The pronunciation of your name was beautiful, almost like a melody. Honestly, after two years of knowing you, he could affirm that your existence itself was like a sweet melody.
You both became friends, good ones at that. He also found himself developing feelings for you. That was the saddest part of it all in his opinion.
Even though he hadn't known you for so long, he couldn't see life without you. To live without your horrible jokes (that he always found funny), without your sunshine-like personality (even though most people wouldn't describe you like that. Maybe you were his personal dose of light) felt like a nightmare.
However, it felt a bit cruel that he needed to live like that. He wanted to be an idol. You were the one who was his biggest incentive. Then why, to have a romance with you, could bring problems to his career? It was almost as if destiny liked to make chan suffer.
Pick one.
Happily, Chan was patient. So patient that he decided to wait for you as long as needed. He had hopes that any time now, you would come to him. And he would be ready.
Meanwhile, he focused on becoming an idol. He couldn't give up now, especially given the fact that he knew you'd be in the front row, cheering for him louder than everyone else.
He kept his promise: he followed his dream, finally achieving the so exciting debut, and still waited for you, his crush developing into the most sincere love he ever felt.
However, you had other plans. Of course, you were still there for him. You were probably the one who got the happiest with the results of the survival show. You spent countless nights with him on the practice room and in the studio. You were seeing his dream come true in first hand.
But this time, there was someone else besides you: your current boyfriend. Chan really doesn't know why he didn't think this could've happened. Of course, you were dating. You were smart, beautiful and had so much love to give. Someone else would've fallen for you at some point. And it was unfair of him to expect you to be single, waiting for an empty promise.
The saddest part of it was that your boyfriend was a nice guy. It was clear he loved you. He even made an effort to love everyone who you loved, including Chan himself. You were happy around him.
Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Chan got the job, you got someone to love - someone who could adore you without being scared of the media - and you both still got each other in the end.
Maybe that was what Chan could have. It's okay, right?
The downfall of Chan's patience at last.
Although you both were still as close as you always were, life was leading each of you in your own direction.
You had a job, he had a job. You had your friends, he had his members. You had your own house, he had the dorms. You had your boyfriend, he didn't have a partner. But it was okay because he didn't even have the time after all.
Still, he tried to fall for someone else during this period. Being in this industry for two years now, he had the opportunity to meet a lot of people. Some fancied him, some tried to take a step further in a somewhat relationship. Some even wanted to just have fun. Chan swears he tried to give in most of the time.
Needless to say he failed at every try. He couldn't come close to someone without wishing it was you instead. His short answers were compared to how sweetly he talked to you. He didn't even bother to call people or have long conversations. He knew it was only a matter of time until his mind started the undesired comparison.
Maybe it was what the job required. Maybe it was because of his lack of time. Han disagrees though. Chan remembers how his friend insisted on the fact that his leader wouldn't even try with other people. But it wasn't his fault either, as it was a subconscious thing. Chan's mind was still wrapped around you. And his heart wanted to disagree, but it all goes down the moment he finds out you and your boyfriend, now your ex, had broken up.
Although he tried hard to deny, he couldn't help but still wait for you. No matter if there was a light at the end of the tunnel or if it was only darkness. He would wait.
Something in your brain has switched, and Bang Chan can't say he really liked the difference.
Of course, you were still the greatest person he ever met. You were still his sunshine. But it seemed like you were tired. Your conception of life and love wasn't as bright as it once was and Chan couldn't help but feel worried about it.
For him, who has loved you deeply for over eight years now, to see you giving yourself less credit and affection hurt him. He doesn't know why and when it happened, but your brain was trying to shut down all genuine feelings one could offer to you. You thought you were, maybe, undeserving of it all.
Honestly, to see you slowly losing your light has wounded Chan way more than all his past experiences: from his fear of failure to his disappointment upon meeting your ex boyfriend. Almost as an instinct,he tried to solve the situation. This time, patience wouldn't do.
Without even noticing, he started to love you more. To actually show you how he cared for you, to put his feelings into words and actions. At first, your heart tried to deny any possible affection, but it soon realised it wasn't possible. Not when Chan didn't even hesitate on showing the entire world how you were worthy of love. And not once he showed it as a challenge or a burden. He was by your side, and he never made it seem hard.
The best part of it all was that none of you noticed it. He started to open up to you to try and protect you,and you opened up to him in order to heal and protect his feelings. Maybe that was patience finally showing itself as a virtue.
Ten years later, it finally happened.
Honestly, Chan was still a bit suspicious. There was no way he was actually seeing this, right? Maybe he was becoming delusional after all. Maybe he started to hallucinate because of his desires. But at the same time, it felt too real.
The way you looked at him, that is. It was just a normal conversation between old friends. Between gossips and laughs, there was absolutely no reason for you to look at him like this. So lost in thought, with this shimmer in your eyes that Chan knew way too well. He knew it because he had it too.
It was love. Not the one nurtured by friends or family. The one shared just between lovers. And he was so sure of it because he knew he looked at you in the exact same way you were looking at him right now.
He smiles. For a moment, you're a bit lost, wondering if you lost a joke or an important moment. That, however, makes him laugh. He couldn't believe he just saw you fall in love on the first row.
Ah, he's been patient. Now, he can't wait for you to realise what just happened. Either way, he knows with a smile on his face that he'll be waiting for you.
I promise I'll be around.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: summer with you
Thank you for reading <3 let me know what you think about it!
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans @dandelions-143
Dividers by @dollywons
Credits for images 1 , 2 and 3
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sillyreallyidk · 2 months
ehh i tend to ramble on my stories on insta but idk i might do both on here and tumblr
anywho, yes i finally watched it. and i actually loved it??? like it felt so nostalgic even though i like watched the originals billions of times with my father. but bro it felt so different just hearing the old ost and ambience dude. like holy shitttt😭. it was so so so so great watching it. nice seeing the spirits/ghosts like shootingv stars in a way? felt so bad when i saw egons death from the chair (rip :(() it made me honestly happy to see phoebe have characteristics from her grandfather like MWAH. ik it’s just curly hair and glasses but idc top notch tbh.
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she so silly though i love her and her jokes. ig the landlord was nice enough to change the locks when they’re out (like that won’t matter for her) made me feel so happy that egon wanted to play chess (or it couldve been some other ghost) and play with phoebe. i wish i got to see it in theaters and not beeen like “wahhh wahhh its a new movie from a older movie that i love its gonna be terrible!!” imd, i saw halloween kills that year and it was pretty decent, so i thought it was just gonna be BLEH or something ig. but Podcast honestly reminded me of Ray ngl like THEIR HAIRRRR‼️
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im sure they did it intentionally but ibjust love it man. and ray knowing podcast’s podcast. LIKE that warmed my heart man😭😭😭. it was honestly sweet that egon was directing with the lights and showing phoebe what to do to fix the proton blaster like awhhhh 😭😭. OH AND THEM FINDING THE GHOSTBUSTERS CAR LIKE AHHHH. but honestly such a cool sweet heart warming story. i sure did miss gozer tbh. big surprise to see jk simmons there tbh😭 and then split in half poor fellow just wanted to rule the world too ig
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just loved it when she said it here too “are you a god?” 😭😭 and then ray had to remember silky ray. but so sweet to see that egon help out phoebe and see thebold gang and hugging his daughter :(((. even though he said like NOTHING it was still so so so sweet. i bet harold ramis would be so proud of this movie if there is an afterlife perchance. i should be like doing schoolwork right now but here i am rantijg to like 2 of my closest friends EVER (ily both so so much if you even read this) or even the internet 😭😭😭 but oh well.
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kinda myv only complaint about the film is that they just deepened the voices ofbthe mom and gooberson when they were possessed by gatekeeper and keymaster and even the eyes were very red like ik it was like that KINDA in the first film but cmon man. anywho rant over. WAY BETTER THAN THE 2016 VERSION.
i think i may watch the frozen empire one pirately like i did with afterlife‼️‼️
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sulfies · 2 months
have you drawn any other assassin? i'd love to see them in your style, but no pressure of course! your art just aaaaaaaaa i love it so much!!! all of it!!! love the body types and their cute little fights and banter and the bleeding effect angst and just i dunno, i'm not great with words, but your art is amazing and i can't wait to see what else you make!!!! <3
I have not :'(, its mostly bc I havent played their games or looked at any of their lore so idk who they are except small fandom knowledge.
Thabk you so much for the kind words since I havent had this many interactions for my art n work since like...2016 :'O Im glad everyones enjoying it
Its motivating me a lot and its been a while sinve I have drawn for me (or drawn at all lmao)
For other Assassins most likely as I go thru the games I might draw them, Connor seems most likely bc I plan on playing the games atleast till AC3 (bc Im mostly here for Desmond ngl) and after might watch vids on black flag etc etc. Sadly I just dont know enough about them or their personalities to want to draw them 😭
Feel free to lmk whos ur fav and why doe Id still like to know about em
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agoddamn · 3 months
NGL I only got interested in Warframe from your Alloid posting--not much should I bother getting into it or just enjoy the out of context ride. If the former, why would you recommend it?
Honestly, I wouldn't have recommended Warframe as a video game 5-7 years ago.
The changes since then are the following:
WF's new player experience has improved enormously in the last year or so. It's still flawed, and I'd still say the ideal experience is having a WF senpai to help you skip the remaining starchart tedium before you can start seeing the story happen (which, I always volunteer!) and help explain the early game weirdness that hasn't been smoothed over yet, but as a whole it's gotten insanely better.
Not just new player experience, but WF has had a new dedication to QoL revisions over (again) the last year or so that's done so much to make the game so much more welcoming and playable. To those of you in the know--the companion rework, the math display rework, accessibility changes, Solaris rework. Deadass I would not have rec'd the game to anyone had the companion rework not happened.
Stronger investment in the art side of things, from setpieces and zones (AKA tilesets) maintaining exceptional visual identity to audio. There are multiple WF songs I would recommend as straight up enjoyable and that's a good vidya benchmark for me.
The video game industry benefits enormously from the image that they aren't predatory... but WF has been consistently maintaining a minimum of predatory practices for coming up on ten years now! No lootboxes, a hearty aftermarket where F2P players can trade for premium currency, publicly posted drop rates (!!!), etc. WF's premium currency primarily focuses on "pay to speed up/skip the grind" and cosmetics. As much as I bitch about having to pay for colors, a lot of modern games are a *lot* worse. As an argument I generally don't like 'but that guy is worse!' but...unfortunately modern vidya has gotten that fucking bad.
Overall stronger investment into character and story over time. I beef with a number of WF's storytelling decisions (didn't like New War and Teshin annoys me, ask why today!), but it's undeniable how much stronger it's gotten. Circa 2016 or so WF's claim to fame was being a weird cousin of Mass Effect 3's multi-player mode, primarily gameplay with the bare minimum of connective tissue story to usher you to the next boss fight. It isn't like that any more, and I can respect a game that grows like that.
Altogether, it still might not be your bag. It's a third-person power-based looter shooter; if you can't stand those factors you probably won't have a good time. All that said, though, if you do like those things I have reason to believe that you may enjoy it.
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distort-opia · 2 years
OK since we're talking about how do u think Bruce will compartmentalize his mom as the freaking joker 😭😭
Oh I am vibrating in excitement over how that's gonna go. Without giving any spoilers to Flashpoint Beyond... the thing is, Bruce shouldn't be blind-sided. He should've had time to digest this information. Because, in Batman (2016) #76, we get Damian saying this to Flashpoint Batman:
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So. If this information is just out there in the Hall of Justice archives -- that Martha Wayne became Joker in the Flashpoint Universe -- how the hell would Bruce not know? Before City of Bane, Bruce does ask Thomas about what happened to his mother in the other Universe, but Thomas cowardly avoids it and says that "it doesn't matter". However, if Damian knows the truth, it's not a big leap to assume other Batfam members might know it too. Tim might've hacked into the database as well, for one reason or another. And if they did that, wouldn't Bruce either hear it from the Family somehow, or via his own research into Flashpoint Batman?
Bruce indeed never says anything to indicate he knows, so maybe within City of Bane he never found out somehow. But seriously, if they have Bruce be fully in the dark about this (like Flashpoint Beyond #4 suggests), after establishing Joker-as-Martha-Wayne is knowledge easily obtainable for anyone with hacking skills... that'd be stupid, ngl. Oh obviously it's more fun if Bruce is entirely surprised, but then wtf, DC! Do not make this information be known already in Bruce's Universe! If he's blindsided by it, it just makes him look dumb!
Aaaanyway. Leaving that aside, I think it'd be a shock to his system nonetheless. Bruce's first reaction to either finding it out or seeing it would probably be denial. He'd think it's a trick, a plan, some sort of scheme. Then, once he'd realize the truth... hah. I feel like he'd lash out at Thomas, for conceivably letting this happen. For not being able to save Martha before she became the freaking Joker. (Which is all sorts of meta, because Bruce has felt enough guilt over not being able to catch Red Hood before he fell and became Joker, too. Love it.)
The bitter, tragic irony is that his interactions with Martha-as-Joker might actually still follow his patterns with Joker in general... I can see her acting like Joker, being horribly cruel and murderous and the opposite of what Bruce remembers of her, and Bruce possibly breaking down and asking "why". Why did she choose to become this. Which is the question he's asked his own Joker too, so many times, without getting an answer. What I'm extra curious about, though, is the reaction of Martha-as-Joker. She freaking jumped off a cliff, essentially, when told that in a different world, Bruce had become Batman. So what would she do when she met him? Would she break down over what her son became? Would she do something similar to what Thomas did and try to get him to give up the cowl? And if that's her motivation when forcing Bruce to fight a Joker who wears his mother's face... [garbled noises]. It's all so tragic.
So many questions! I really hope they do something interesting with all this. It's just so full of potential, it could be so cool. Also, can you imagine Bruce having to fight his own Joker after everything, all while knowing his counterpart is married to Joker in another world. And that counterpart is his mother. I mean, sure, Bruce and Joker have literally been the same person in some worlds that Bruce knows about, but this just takes the cake.
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scarletwix · 1 year
request: Jasico old men couple where they've been together for decades and now they're complaining about arthritis
Jasico nation I knew you'd come through!!
A/N: Have 1,320 words of pure, unmitigated sap-itude. Initially this was going to be a couple little scenes that all started with the same question, to highlight their lives together.... but it got away from me a bit in the middle there, ngl. There's truly minimal complaining (about arthritis or otherwise) tbh, not because they wouldn't but because the spirit of fluffy jasico possessed me, and since this is my first time writing for them since 2016(?????) I thought I'd just see where it took me. Enjoy!
"Did you ever think we'd make it this far?" Jason asked Nico, still beaming, still holding tight to Nico's hand, despite the fact that Nico knows his palms are sweaty and have to be gross by now. Nico's lips still burned from the kiss that Jason had bestowed upon him after Nico's (admittedly brash and over-the-top) confession. (He hadn't wanted to look nervous. He hadn't wanted to chicken out. Jason had taken his hands to stop them from shaking anyway.)
"No," Nico admitted. He'd been braced for rejection, anticipated the taste of it like blood on his tongue and been surprised when he was met with the smile on Jason's lips pressed to his instead.
"I..." Jason began, but he fell silent, unable to finish the sentence as his hands trembled at his side. Nico didn't answer him. He knew that some questions were rhetorical, some sentences were too big to articulate, and that some things didn't need to be said aloud.
He let Jason lean on him as they watched the reconstruction of New Rome. He pressed a kiss to Jason's temple, where laurels might have sat, in another life.
"Did you ever think we'd get to see something like this?" Jason asked, the joy in his voice tangible as Nico let his boyfriend spin him around the dance floor.
"Of course," Nico scoffed, as if he hadn't spent his whole life waiting for the knowledge that his friends had died. Waiting for the moment that he could feel their souls enter his father's realm.
He'd never thought he'd get to walk someone he loved down the aisle, never thought he'd cry at anyone's wedding, because for the longest time, he hadn't thought any of them would live that long. Even while helping plan the whole thing, while learning how to dance with an increasingly-flustered and clumsy Jason at his side.
He gripped Jason's shoulders a little more tightly when Jason swung him back into the circle of his arms. Outwardly, it appeared that he was holding on to keep his balance, but truthfully, the solid weight of Jason's shoulders under his hands grounded him.
He did as his therapist had bid and tried to bid the anxiety farewell, let it slip from his mind. He could always panic later, he reminded himself. He was determined to enjoy the night.
"I never thought, when I first met you, that you would turn out to be the love of my life," Jason was saying, both of Nico's hands in his.
Nico thought back to the boy that he'd been at fifteen. Gaunt and gangly and lonely enough to hurt, his very presence a weapon of it's own.
That had been before Hazel, really. Before Jason or Will or Leo, even, had dulled the edges of his loneliness and helped him remember how nice it had been, once upon a time, to have people.
He tried to think of how he would react, to meet that boy now.
"Bit of an oversight, on your part," he said, instead of any of that.
Jason snorted a laugh. "I'm - stop it, you're interrupting my speech," he protested. with no real heat behind the words.
"My bad," Nico said solemnly, "I'm listening, I swear," he schooled his features into a perfectly blank mask. "How's this?"
Jason pressed Nico's knuckles to his forehead, their fingers still twined together, as if staving off a headache.
"Insufferable," he said, but there was still a laugh wrapped around his voice. "But I love you anyway."
"Very generous of you," Nico felt the corners of his lips twitch at the sound of the word 'love,' the way that they always did.
"Very generous," Jason agreed. "I don't think anyone else could handle it."
Nico felt his face soften into a smile. Jason was clearly nervous, or he might have noticed the way that his smile widened a bit more. He nearly said 'you're absolutely right,' and let Jason have this, but...
He'd never get an opportunity like this again. Nico heaved a sigh, careful to make sure his smile didn't fade, so Jason's anxiety wouldn't have time to rise.
"Guess you'll just have to marry me, then."
"Guess s-what?" Jason squawked. Nico couldn't hold back the laughter that bubbled up in his throat. He felt his shoulders begin to shake with it. "Did you--" Jason spluttered, half outraged, half delighted, "Did you just hijack my proposal?"
Nico scoffed, though it was undermined quite a bit by the fact that he was still grinning from ear to ear, "Your proposal? I think you'll find that I just proposed to you."
To emphasize this point, Nico reached into his pocket for the ring that he'd asked Leo to help him make months ago. He held it up in the negligible space between them and waited for the shock to wear off and the gears to turn in Jason's head.
The awestruck look on Jason's face as he took in the sight of the ring was well worth the hours bickering with Leo about the design. And the hours upon hours of persuading Leo that no, really, Jason's engagement ring did not need special features.
Jason's cheeks flushed a bright, brilliant scarlet, and he hid his face in Nico's shoulder.
"Is that a yes?" Nico asked, shoving down the fluttering unsure voice that still tried to claw at him, sometimes.
"Of course it's a yes," Jason responded, his voice muffled by Nico's sweater. He sounded nearly offended that Nico felt the need to clarify.
"Hand," Nico demanded, his satisfaction at his victory suddenly overshadowed by the level of sheer joy he was experiencing.
Jason raised his hand, turning his head so he could watch as Nico slid the ring onto the appropriate finger.
He allowed himself a moment to be an absolute sap, safe in the knowledge that they were alone, and pressed a kiss to Jason's new accessory.
"Now," Nico said, unwilling to let it go entirely, "what was it you wanted to ask me?"
Nico smiled, looking out over their balcony. In the distance, if he squinted, he thought he could see the light from the sunset glinting off of the Campanile de San Marco.
"Need your glasses?" Jason teased, as if his own eyes hadn't gotten gradually worse, until his lenses were nearly as thick as Nico's pinky finger.
"I'm not reading, I'm enjoying the view."
Jason rose, albeit slowly, to join him. A few of his joints popped as he stood and Nico grimaced in sympathy.
"It is beautiful," Jason agreed. When he leaned on the banister, the sunset caught his hair. For a moment, it was the bright, burnished gold of his youth. For a moment, all Nico could see was the bright young man who had saved his life and demanded nothing but his friendship in return. "I'm glad you talked me into coming here."
"Ah, the water levels are still too high," Nico griped, if only because it was his response every time. "I wish you could have seen it before it began to really sink." Entire sidewalks he had walked in his childhood were gone, either lost beneath the water or deemed too dangerous to cross. Some things remained. Some things were new.
""Did you ever think we'd get this much time?" Nico asked, without really meaning to. Jason's face split into a wide smile.
"Not at all," he admitted. He reached out and took Nico's hand, running his thumb over the ring Nico still wore, despite the fact that his knuckles had warped with age, and if he ever wanted to take it off, now, they'd have to cut it off of him. He'd never admit that he liked the sound of that, particularly because from the moment Jason had put it on him, he'd never wanted to take it off. "But I'm glad we did."
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Hi! I noticed requests are open and got really excited! I asked about all those wax museum movies a while ago and it was so cool seeing how those poles turned out. So I wanted to request a few I watched recently: Day of the Dead 1985 (not Dawn, checked on the list and saw that's already been done!), Bad Ben 2016 (the first in this homemade found footage project by one guy, he's done loads now. I probably would've hated his movies if i wasn't already a massive ff fan!) and The Medium 2021 (set in Thailand. It was pretty harrowing for me overall ngl, but i personally didn't like the end). I didn't see a rule about multiple asks in your pinned post, so i hope three asks in one is not too much! Anyway, thank you for all the time and energy you're putting into running this blog. All the best :-)
I’ll use this ask to answer a few questions, first of all thank you everyone for your sweet messages you are far too kind!
Second I have no rule against multiple movies in a request as long as you’re not sending 50 at a time.
Third, thank you everyone for checking the list to see what movies have not been done before. I have also posted over 300 polls so far so please use the search option because it might already be closed.
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gillianthecat · 1 year
I decided to watch the beginning of SOTUS based on @waitmyturtles' reactions as part of her Thai BL education, and the conversations that inspired. I'm definitely not watching the whole show! Probably not even the whole first episode, I'll only go as far as I can stand it for, but I was finding myself desperately curious for context.
Well, 25 seconds in and we're already off to a good start 🥴
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I kinda like this theme song, ngl.
Wtf how is 2016 seven years ago already. What even is time.
Baby Off in the credits! Hello!
Actually this credits montage is making the show seem kind of appealing. Perhaps I will surprise everyone and myself by being a SOTUS fan.
I don't know if it's just this opening sequence, but the colors are so de-saturated compared to more recent Thai shows. Kinda makes it look like 90s home video.
This name tag table makes me miss Fighter and Tutor. 😢
But also, pre-Covid they could get HUGE casts of extras. That room is full!
So far the show is successfully building drama and intrigue! I'm more hooked than I suspected.
Arthit makes an excellent insecure petty tyrant. Unfortunately I'm having trouble imagining how they're going to transition him to love interest.
Brave Kongpop!
Seriously, there are like 500 extras in that giant room!
Baby Off!
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Oh yep. And here comes the femme characters as comic relief.
Ah, Kongpop is the other lead. Of course. For some reason I assumed he was a side character?
I like this smiley girl who does the grilled chicken dance!
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Aww, I think I might really like Kongpop as well.
Oddly enough the hazing stuff isn't bothering me (so far). I think because a) it's SO over the top ridiculous, and b) I came in expecting the worst. (But of course, it can always get worse.)
Maybe if I stop here I can pretend the show is a dystopian future romance (á la Divergent) about M and Kongpop falling in love as they rise up against their oppressive seniors. I'm kinda digging their chemistry.
However I'm predicting a het romance between M and the chicken dance girl (my beloved) [May] instead.
I can see from whence the Singto fandom. What a charming smile. He's already bringing a welcome groundedness to the role.
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Seaweed snacks! Now I want some. Your advertising is working on me. Also, one thing I think SOTUS does well is camera angles and editing; they really build the drama.
Also the sound recording (and mixing) quality is not terrible. What happened after this? Was Covid to blame? (Or perhaps GMMTV has always been better at it.)
I don't think I'd be that into this if I was watching just for pleasure, but I'm actually quite enjoy the experience of watching it for historical curiosity.
I like this girls at the table too! The women in this show are much more solid than I was expecting, and actually seem like real people [gasp!]
Honestly I'm not even looking at Arthit or the subtitles, I'm just watching Off in the background.
God, Arthit is so annoyingly awful. The only way to get through this may be to ignore his existence as much as possible.
I don't know if it's because Off is the one actor I recognize, or if it's because he just has that much charisma, but my eye keeps getting drawn to him on screen. (Even if he is aiding and abetting the evil guy.) I love the way he keeps snatching things from Arthit's hands.
Like, I can see how this COULD work, if Arthit wasn't such a stupidly petty tyrant. Enemies to Lovers! It's aiming for what FighterTutor managed to do so well. But. Well. The bully character has to have some redeeming feature. (Although perhaps he will win me over in the end.) As for their chemistry, I haven't seen enough to venture a firm opinion yet, but it's certainly not jumping off the screen.
Oh great, now we have homophobic bullying 🥴 But Singto really is very good as Kong.
Are you all sure this show isn't really Kong/M? Because that's still the story I'm creating in my head.
Umm. How on earth are they going to make this homophobic bully into a passable love interest. Help. I don't understand.
oooh, I could ship Kongpop with Wad as well. There is potential in this scene about the shirt exchange.
Ok! We've got M in the tight fitting tshirt! Show off those muscles, babe!
Like, I don't think Krist is bad in this so far. He's playing a petty tyrant bully perfectly. But I believe y'all when you so he doesn't manage anything other than this one note.
However, Singto is managing to single-handedly create something out of their scenes anyway.
Yes rebel Kongpop! I feel like my dystopian version of the story would be so much better than whatever we actually get.
However I do appreciate if it has to be bully romance that the target is not in the least a passive victim. (I ❤️ Kongpop)
This hazing is just so dumb. It's so silly it doesn't even bother me really, just makes me think about how young and dumb these engineering seniors are. Actually mostly it makes me mad at the school administration for sanctioning it.
I do love the way Off stands (and sits).
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And I love May and this wavy-haired girl! Interesting female characters in my BL?! Who have a life outside of "shipping" their classmates or having crushes on impossible gay boys?! My goodness!
Rebel Kongpop my beloved! And such a smartass 😍 Love his little smirk.
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Okaaaay. Still struggling to see how they can possibly build a romance out of this. Like, in Semantic Error and Why R U?, there was bullying yes, but even from the beginning there were hints of connection and attraction. And I am simply not seeing any of that here.
Well. I finished the whole first episode after all! And despite all expectations I'm kinda hooked.😲 I can see why SOTUS was so popular; the things it does well it does very well. And Singto is elevating it far beyond what it deserves.
It helps that bullying and hazing, while they annoy me, aren't a Yikes Nope 😬 I'm Outa Here for me the way rape is (which is why I couldn't make it past the first episode of TharnType). And cringy slapstick humor, while objectively less of a problem, for some reason make me even more uncomfortable (which is part of the reason I couldn't make it through 2gether). And it's not boring me, at least as long as the camera isn't on Arthit. (My problem with some other OG Thai BL that was so boring I can't even remember its name now. [edit: it was driving me crazy so i went through world-of-bl's list and finally figured it out... it was Nitiman. Maybe I'd find it more interesting if I tried again, but it just could not keep me engaged, sorry Nitiman lovers.]) And it's helps that my expectations were basement level. (Thank you @waitmyturtles for preparing me. And I'm sorry for your suffering in the process.)
So I will probably continue! Although I don't know how soon or how regularly, or if I will do such detailed reaction posts for the rest. The only reason I started this one is I didn't expect to last more than 10 minutes.
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thestarfishghost · 6 months
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800 before the end of December is looking nearly impossible smh but eyyy! 777~
NGL, I'm movie and ova grinding so hard. I usually manage to watch 100 new things a year, but this year I instead rewatched nearly 40 things. It's been a big year for nostalgia for me, but also for getting a few people into different things with me! Vampy has personally watched so much stuff with me this year? Oh my God??? It's been a blast! I have never felt more human than when Vampy and Kimchi enjoyed Dragon Maid along side me, I swear. I also got Vampy into Enstars by starting the anime together and I am delighted >:3 Made this in celebration actually >:3 @shut-in-magical-girl
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That said, I have actually watched some actual shows too, such as the first season of Oreimo and the first two seasons of Kami Nomi! Those were actually really fun. The first season of Oreimo has some of the most impassioned speeches I've ever heard about the more ""controversial"" sides of anime. I did admittedly have a love-hate relationship with Kirino at first, but honestly, it was just because of the more wildly exaggerated tsundere tropes. They became easier to laugh off after awhile. I really relate to the way she loves the hobby, and I think it really helped me warm up to her more quickly. How she enjoys collecting and getting excited over it... I relate to that in those same ways lol specifically to her Meruru shrine lol (ik no one asked, but aside from Krino, my best girl is actually Saori. I look forward to seeing more of her every time an episode comes on! :3) Also, Idk why I skipped Kami Nomi for so many years, but I legit just left it on my P2W list for a decade lol. I've only had one other person ever recommend it to me as well;; and that was like 4-5 years ago now lol;; I slowed down with playing eroge and bishoujo games around,,, 2015/2016(?), but I used to play them religiously. Keima should probably not be someone I relate to... but here I am. Relating to him. While nowadays my main passion lies in the animation side of things, I still really find relatability and comfort within this specific Reference Humor genre of anime, so I've really enjoyed this series so far. I finished up Irregular Witch too :( First show from the current airing block that I've actually completed. Bittersweet, but I had fun with that one too. I'm going to especially miss seeing Phoenix every week. I find that I usually watch whatever comedies are airing when I do tune into the blocks as they air, and this one was a really nice companion piece for the heavier stuff I've been keeping up with. I watched a few other full series, but this next one is the last I'm mentioning for now. I might make more posts another time; we'll see. Two of my favorites that I got around to during my sick week are these two next mentions; first up is Wotakoi. I am devastated that there isn't more Wotakoi. Help. They covered pretty much all of the manga according to other fans, so it's unlikely more will come out of it. It always hurts a bit when something is fully finished, though. especially when I enjoyed it so much. I might read it just for the sake of wanting more of it. It was really straight forward and was honestly a breath of fresh air. There weren't any real love rivals or anything; just nerds figuring themselves out and their dynamics out. I literally just watched six weirdos make friends and fall in love with fairly no complications involved. I'm thriving. (Or maybe I'm just a lonely, nerdy adult who is tired of drama in my life. Maybe that's the only takeaway here lmao /lh) And then,,,, finally,,, Magical Witch Punie-Chan. I have... No words. It was amazing. I loved it. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. 4 episode OVA with an additional 4 episode Omake after. Wonderful if you like darker gag-humor series and want a short little trip. This one was weird but delightful, truly. P.S. I kept "Lyrical Tolkarev~ Kill Them All!~" as my discord status for like 3 days lol That theme song is going to live in my head rent free for the rest of my days. As for what I'm most excited for in 2024, there's probably, like, A LOT. But off of the top of my head, I can name the next Given project (PLEASEEEEEEEEECOMEOUTALREADYYESSSSGIVEITTOMEEEE JANUARY27THCANNOT COME FAST ENOUGHHH) and the second season of Bokuyaba (one of the only manga I have bothered with in 15 years, going to be so real right now;; I cherish this story). When these things come out, I know for a fact that my blog is going to briefly implode. Apologies about it ahead of time lol!;; I'll probably be saying more as the currently airing series all come to an end over the coming weeks. There's quite a few I don't want to end TT~TT so talking about them might be nice!
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theirloveisgross · 10 months
Is this a thing? Origin stories? So I was pretty ill last summer, and for some reason Harry kept popping up everywhere, especially on my instagram explore page that I was browsing bedridden and out of boredom. In hindsight it was probably because of hslot. So I started to view clips of him every now and then, and suddenly my explore page was full of him and funny one direction videos, that let me to louis who was just starting to promote the fitf singles (and I loved his new sound!). Anyway, soon I couldn’t escape the funny 1D compilations and they really cheered me up so much when I was unwell, but I’m sure we all know they are a short, steep and slippery slide down the larry-rabbit hole. Cue youtube videos and master posts and just the whole mayhem and at some point I ended back up at tumblr, found a bunch of blogs and kept following the people those people would repost from and now my feed is full of Louis and Harry and the rest of the boys.
Never have I ever been a part of a fandom that causes me this level of unease tho, and I think it comes from ppl shipping two real people in a very intrusive way. I’m not talking about you lot I follow here of course, but some people can’t seem to behave and understand that there’s sort of a fourth wall that you’re not supposed to break? Like keep the fandom within the fandom bubble, it doesn’t belong out there in the real world.
That being said, you lot here bring me so much joy at a time when life’s been a bit heavy sometimes! And this fandom has so so much talent it’s crazy!! The writers and artists and gif makers and just everyone here is so crazy talented and fun! So kudos to y’all!!
Ah, yes... Harry's tour and his new album, everything exploded last year. I'm so glad you found them then and they provided you with some distraction. They can be... very distracting. I still don't know how to get less distracted, tbh.
Your second paragraph... *sigh* Yes, I hear you. That was something I had to wrap my head around the first few months. The intrusiveness of it all? I felt guilty, too, just by looking at videos being slowed down frame by frame of their reactions, or moments, or whatever. It still feels a bit weird, ngl, but it's so... "normalized" here, in this bubble, that I feel "okay" with it. I do agree with you though, that fandom belongs in the fandom. I still remember that "Sing Walls if Larry is real" sign in Washington last year. We saw it before the show, and we rolled our eyes, and I was like "why would people bring this stuff to their shows", but then Louis did what he did (and trust me, I looked at every angle possible, I am very skeptical about these things, but I was stunned). Why? Why did he do that in the way he did it? Hahajha. Listen- who knows? Maybe they were in a very good place relationship-wise and he was feeling frisky about it. Or... he was just being a little shit and knew the chaos it would cause. Or... yeah, idk. It's hard, and I think it all stems from the 1D days, especially the last year, when the Bears were the stars of the show and how they "communicated" with us through them. And it fucks you up a bit... but people forget circumstances, as well. Things change... they're not in the same band anymore, being worked to death, asked to behave in certain ways and whatnot, or asked to do things they don't want. They're on their own now, and I do believe they appreciate the privacy they have after not being seen together all the time and people thinking they haven't seen each other since... 2016? It's genius, if you ask me. Like, hey, we can be ourselves, in our own little world and nobody's gonna dissect how we move, or if we can even look at each other. And I think things shifted for them in regards of "communicating", it feels like they don't have to, and sometimes some of the things we see, might just be because they're so in tune with each other that these things happen on their own. Not everything, but just some things some people love hammering on about. Okay, I'm rambling here and going on a tangent, and not properly curating my thoughts, sorry...
ANYWAY. I'm glad you're here! :) The talent in the fandom is amazing, I feel so lucky we have people that want to share their work that they do in their free time for free with us all. Love to all! <3
Anyone who sees this and has joined the fandom in the last year or so, send me a message if you want. I’m so curious what was your starting point, what made you go “Larry?” and then “OMG LARRY!”, hajdhahs.
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jinkx-monswoon · 1 year
as someone who had chicken nuggets at her graduation party, i say live your truth kandy U_U
oml not jaymes pulling an irene 😭
crazy to me that everyone unanimously decided to go against track record. like it makes the whole thing shocking but also Not
good for kahanna but i think this is gonna be the straw that breaks the camel's back and she's gonna go home. granted she DID do okay in the trailer challenge but i think that's a one time thing
what up my name's lala i'm 32 and i never fucking learned how to count B)
imma foxx, anita klew and ura dragg. they really went for low hanging fruit LMAO
it wouldn't be an acting challenge without a single cutthroat fight over a role <3
lmao alexis rlly went "ur tone seems very pointed right now"
oh my god. i love jimbo and jessica comforting alexis and then being like "bitch wtf" as SOON as shes out of the room LMAO
AWW. jimbos still being sweet thats adorable
this season has been sooo drama filled and it is hard to properly enjoy
"I GOTTA WIN" COUNT. okay as disastrous as this season has been, the editing is fucking hilarious
mother jimbo giving kahanna advice!! shes a sweetheart honestly 🥺
take a shot every time the camera catches the GIANT bald spot on alexis's head LMFAOOOOO
wait im so confused. why are there multiple lil poundcakes?? why does the position of her arms and hands keep changing between shots?? huh
me looking at the replica lil poundcakes like "YOU WILL NEVER BE HER"
hypothetically if this lost all stars season actually happened ten years ago as jessica's character said, it would actually fit into the timeline because as1 was in 2012, as2 was in 2016 and this "lost season" would have been in 2013. this could have been the original as2 and then lil poundcakes disappearance caused the hiatus...... 🤔
ok wait?!?! kahannas actually not doing half bad <:DDD
"the nosy ass bitch made a troubling discovery U_U" took me OUT
"a pussy?" LMAO
lala: "she a little 🚗 💨 to me"
oh. oh my god not the peeling skin on the finger thats so fucking gross EW
oh my god this is compelling. they introduced jessicas character as miss congeniality so u could NEVER suspect her....
oh my god. lala is so fucking funny im losing it
okay that was actually really funny. im kinda living
ngl alexis kinda flopped for me?? 😭 she wasnt very expressive ig
omg hello baloney ghost fan
lala is almost definitely taking this but i think kahanna might be okay. i say ALMOST and MIGHT because the production of this season has just been all over the place 😭
miss fill-in-the-blank? ok this should be interesting
uh oh. ok now im worried for kahanna because nothing about her look matches the theme, only her presentation on the runway. its pretty but it just doesnt match the theme!!!
MISS BOOTLEGGER. oh my goodness
this challenge is lala's. im calling it
this look is SOOO kandy omg
"it looks like cookie and elmo had a baby" MISS VISAGE PLEASE ELMO IS A CHILD
its funny because i only get the bandanna code thanks to jaymes. thank you for educating the children jaymes mansfield U_U
just googled and um. alexis did i really have to know that about you fr 😭
uh oh? kandy bottom?!
ok im glad i wasnt the only one who clocked alexis's acting lol
how funny would it be if alexis got eliminated and kahanna survived her 4th bottom. that would be so funny
did u see the way jimbo and jessica looked at alexis when she stepped out earlier? honestly i think they're gonna vote for her. man if alexis goes home that would be so motherfucking funny
the way my face dropped when they were like "omg could it be gigi goode?!" but no it was jorgeous. damn 😔
OOOOO it's about damn time they used this song am i right?! lizzo lipsyncs literally never flop this is exciting
lala def won that. she was smiling the whole time and it definitely boosted the performance
ok im gonna record my elimination reaction. see yall next week <3
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redrosessoulcabin · 1 year
I got back into my greatest OTP’s: Broppy, and so I decided to rewatch Trollstopia (among all the other Trolls media that I also rewatched) and noticed upon reviewing that I hadn’t watched season 6 and 7 yet… and only found out now that season 7 was the last season which damn…
I’m kinda sad ngl. The third movie might also be the last one, or maybe penultimum.
And I know that the movies and series will always be there but idk… feeling the franchise slowly concluding and such makes me feel melancholic in many ways.
I remember watching the first movie in the cinema back in 2016 and Branch and Poppy as well as the fuzzy, joyful world they live in has been a great comfort for me through all the changes in my life. And me as well as my living location and life circumstances have changed so much since 2016 yet I’m still the same person- the same hopelessly romantic girl that seems like a rock troll from the outside (and also has the music taste in many ways) but is actually a sweet little pop troll from the inside and tries to hide it because of trust issues- but I won’t get into that now-
Yeah just… felt the need to get that out there
Have a good one peeps <3
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notasapleasure · 1 year
In case anyone is curious about the remaining Adventures, here’s what’s lined up:
One 90 minute episode of Maigret (Rowan Atkinson funny little detective man series? Could be fun, could be awful and one scene wonder time again. I’m so scared it’ll be Houdini & Doyle standard)
Head Full of Honey (Nick Nolte film about dementia. But one for the dungarees fans 👀)
A whole season of Hard Sun (dystopian conspiracy stuff that I'm hoping to enjoy on its own merits, but OH GOD will the second peer please stay online for more than a minute at a time I've been waiting for days for this to finish).
And down the line (when I'm not pissing all our cash on vet bills/house moving) I'll get a month's subscription to NT at home for the three plays on there: Dara, The Beaux' Stratagem and Othello (2013).
And that's all I can find for now. If anyone else wants to do any digging or knows of any resources I might not have checked, I am missing:
Naachle London (*SOB* I WANT TO SEE IT SO BAD)
2012 ‘first Bollywood film shot entirely in London’. There’s a trailer and some song vids on YouTube, and a bunch of blog posts by the script-writer about how his original concept was changed massively but not to let that kind of thing get you down as a young writer, and if I were a cinema wanting to screen it I could contact the distributors, but...not a single whiff of a complete digital version.
The Unforgettable
Steamy Indian drama from 2009 (there are three trailers for it on its vimeo page, but I’m not convinced Joplin’s in any of them). There’s only four cast members and it’s written by two women, and seems to be about an MRA type guy (not Joplin) having his theories challenged by a liberated woman. ngl the trailers look Bad, but in a way that if I got hold of it I could bring this site down with the deluge of screenshots.
A short film: Arman (2016)
I just can’t track this down at all. Arman is a mystery. It looks like some kind of Armenian Borat?
Old seasons of soaps that I can’t find archived anywhere
Doctors s4 (2002) and s7 (2005), Holby City s9 (2006), and those episodes from EastEnders (2000) that were missing from the run I found. Holby City is particularly vexing, because he’s in a two episode run. There’s also missing persons drama Beck (1996) - which must be pre-cricket-ball-to-the-face - but because of the contemporary Scandi crime drama of the same name it would be a bitch to track down anyway, even if not for the fact that “Notably, the series has never been released on DVD.”
The Stretch (Sky TV movie, 2000)
Please don’t ask me to search for torrents of ‘the stretch’ :’))
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tertiaryunit · 2 years
Hey! Asking on anon bc I can't ask as my sideblog, but it's Helix (trans-rights-adam-jensen)! Do we know anything about the potential new DX game yet, like who's working on it? Like of course it's Eidos, but is JF still there? I read Mary works for BioWare now. Will we get an entirely new team's take on DX? Do we know why they might have decided to bring it back when Mankind Divided didn't sell like they wanted it to? The pyramid of gaming companies involved and who ultimately owns what is a little over my head.
Oh hello there!!! (I feel your pain it's been YEARS and Tumblr still doesn't have an option for us to swap between our blogs when asking/liking stuff/etc)
All I know so far is that Embracer Group acquired Eidos-Montréal, so I think we might have the same team of the other past two games working on, maybe with some changes since some people have moved.
From what I recall it's not that MD didn't sell well, but more like it wasn't enough for Square Enix:
Mankind Divided was the third-bestselling game of August in North America, with console-game sales increases for the period partially attributed to its release.[104] In Square Enix's 2016 fiscal report, Mankind Divided and other 2016 titles including Final Fantasy XV were cited as factors in their net-profit increase.
(From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deus_Ex:_Mankind_Divided#Sales )
I think they might be finishing up where MD left, considering there *was* a planned sequel that was then abandoned.
I'm hyped for pretty much anything they'll come up with ngl :D
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muffindaydream · 1 year
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my art vs artist thing (’cept with my sona because we don’t post selfies in this household)
2022 was a bust personally for many reasons. If you’re new here, one thing to know about me is that I have an RSI (repetitive strain injury), so new art is being put on the backburner while I (try) to get back on the mend. On top of that, I am focusing much more on returning to my studies and advancing in my day job so it can (hopefully?) be my career.
I might have not been able to draw as much as I wished (I used to be able to draw -every single day-) but one great thing is that I loved almost everything I made this year! Back when I was more able, I detested so much of what I made. Being forced to take breaks helped me clear my mind, sharpened my skill and allowed me to devote more time to other creative outlets (like writing!) I may not be able to keep at the pace of many other online artists (to my own detriment cuz social media platforms be like “why u not post everyday my algyrhythm will hate u”) but turning art into an occasional hobby has done wonders for my physical & mental health. Things will be slow here, but if you decided to stick around, I hope it’ll be worth your time. 
also coming back to tungle since like 2016 has been pretty cool ngl. never thought I’d say that.
ok that was all lol
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