#yeah apparently. i wanted to say more but idk. this is mostly just “hey. i do actually watch anime. and talk. im just gods most anxious rat
thestarfishghost · 9 months
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800 before the end of December is looking nearly impossible smh but eyyy! 777~
NGL, I'm movie and ova grinding so hard. I usually manage to watch 100 new things a year, but this year I instead rewatched nearly 40 things. It's been a big year for nostalgia for me, but also for getting a few people into different things with me! Vampy has personally watched so much stuff with me this year? Oh my God??? It's been a blast! I have never felt more human than when Vampy and Kimchi enjoyed Dragon Maid along side me, I swear. I also got Vampy into Enstars by starting the anime together and I am delighted >:3 Made this in celebration actually >:3 @shut-in-magical-girl
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That said, I have actually watched some actual shows too, such as the first season of Oreimo and the first two seasons of Kami Nomi! Those were actually really fun. The first season of Oreimo has some of the most impassioned speeches I've ever heard about the more ""controversial"" sides of anime. I did admittedly have a love-hate relationship with Kirino at first, but honestly, it was just because of the more wildly exaggerated tsundere tropes. They became easier to laugh off after awhile. I really relate to the way she loves the hobby, and I think it really helped me warm up to her more quickly. How she enjoys collecting and getting excited over it... I relate to that in those same ways lol specifically to her Meruru shrine lol (ik no one asked, but aside from Krino, my best girl is actually Saori. I look forward to seeing more of her every time an episode comes on! :3) Also, Idk why I skipped Kami Nomi for so many years, but I legit just left it on my P2W list for a decade lol. I've only had one other person ever recommend it to me as well;; and that was like 4-5 years ago now lol;; I slowed down with playing eroge and bishoujo games around,,, 2015/2016(?), but I used to play them religiously. Keima should probably not be someone I relate to... but here I am. Relating to him. While nowadays my main passion lies in the animation side of things, I still really find relatability and comfort within this specific Reference Humor genre of anime, so I've really enjoyed this series so far. I finished up Irregular Witch too :( First show from the current airing block that I've actually completed. Bittersweet, but I had fun with that one too. I'm going to especially miss seeing Phoenix every week. I find that I usually watch whatever comedies are airing when I do tune into the blocks as they air, and this one was a really nice companion piece for the heavier stuff I've been keeping up with. I watched a few other full series, but this next one is the last I'm mentioning for now. I might make more posts another time; we'll see. Two of my favorites that I got around to during my sick week are these two next mentions; first up is Wotakoi. I am devastated that there isn't more Wotakoi. Help. They covered pretty much all of the manga according to other fans, so it's unlikely more will come out of it. It always hurts a bit when something is fully finished, though. especially when I enjoyed it so much. I might read it just for the sake of wanting more of it. It was really straight forward and was honestly a breath of fresh air. There weren't any real love rivals or anything; just nerds figuring themselves out and their dynamics out. I literally just watched six weirdos make friends and fall in love with fairly no complications involved. I'm thriving. (Or maybe I'm just a lonely, nerdy adult who is tired of drama in my life. Maybe that's the only takeaway here lmao /lh) And then,,,, finally,,, Magical Witch Punie-Chan. I have... No words. It was amazing. I loved it. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. 4 episode OVA with an additional 4 episode Omake after. Wonderful if you like darker gag-humor series and want a short little trip. This one was weird but delightful, truly. P.S. I kept "Lyrical Tolkarev~ Kill Them All!~" as my discord status for like 3 days lol That theme song is going to live in my head rent free for the rest of my days. As for what I'm most excited for in 2024, there's probably, like, A LOT. But off of the top of my head, I can name the next Given project (PLEASEEEEEEEEECOMEOUTALREADYYESSSSGIVEITTOMEEEE JANUARY27THCANNOT COME FAST ENOUGHHH) and the second season of Bokuyaba (one of the only manga I have bothered with in 15 years, going to be so real right now;; I cherish this story). When these things come out, I know for a fact that my blog is going to briefly implode. Apologies about it ahead of time lol!;; I'll probably be saying more as the currently airing series all come to an end over the coming weeks. There's quite a few I don't want to end TT~TT so talking about them might be nice!
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autistickremylecroux · 9 months
i know u stated that u are not confident in honkai star rail but, i was wondering if u could do a luka x reader?
i have a prompt which hopefully is not that detailed.
luka and reader try to set up seelie and Bronya but they pull an uno reverse and they are in fact pretending to not be dating to set luka and reader up (becuz them setting seelie and bronya and bringing them together)
i hope this is not too much! also u can call me 🪞 anon!
Fake dates and cake trays : Luka x gn!reader
I’M SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!ALL MY WRITING MOTIVATION DISAPPEARED 😭 take this apology fic anon-which-i-cant-find-the-emoji-for [also i have 0 idea if my writing Luka was accurate or not :,> ] anyway i edited it so it was like christmas special :D i like ice skating expect ice skating fics WC:1079
Tick,tock,tick,tock. You glanced at your watch, the other two were supposed to be here ten minutes ago.
“Calm down [name], it’ll work!Our plan is foolproof” He chuckled to himself, his red hair swaying a bit. You glanced at his meal, he had ordered a starter. You hadn’t been hungry, so you simply got some water. Luca had scoffed everything down, well almost everything. Even the post-match hunger couldn’t convince him to eat some simple vegetables that came on the side.
You smiled to yourself, “are you even going to eat that?” you moved your hand to the side and grabbed your fork, moving it towards his plate. He made a defensive pout sort of expression. Before giving up and sliding the plate towards you. And you continued chatting.
“Are you going to order anything else?It’s been an hour since you both finished your food” The rather agitated waitress said, the still smile not moving. You glanced nervously at Luka, neither of you had seen Seele and Bronya, the entire reason you had been here.
“Yeah! I’ll get… that please” Luka chirped, pointing to something on the menu. “And they’ll have [your favourite meal idk] “ The waitress nodded, walking away quickly. “I mean, we’re here already?Might as well get some food too.” He chuckled and shrugged.
You didn’t question how he knew your favourite.
You both waited by the fountain, your eyes were scanning the crowd— and mostly Luka, who was currently trying to pick up a pigeon. To no avail.
FINALLY! You spotted Bronya walk out of the flower shop with Seele, you quickly grabbed the back of Luka’s vest thing, and yanked him towards you.
“Hey— be careful next time” he huffed,rubbing the back of his neck.Before he saw what you saw. “Wait— they didn’t buy anything?!C’mon that was the best plan we have tried so far!” he whined slightly,running his hands through his hair before grinning. “Well! we’ll just have to try again”
You watched as Luka tapped his fingers on the bench, the other two were late again. He seemed restless, or maybe excited. Maybe both. You sighed, resting your chin in your hands.
“do i have something on my face?” He said, and you snapped back. He was looking you directly in the eyes, and for a moment, one moment, you wanted nothing more than to cup his cheeks in your hands and kiss him.
At that thought, you forced a cough, trying to fight the heat rising in your cheeks. “It’s nothing, i just zoned out” You chuckle, and for a second he frowns, before his phone beeps,and he quickly— far too quick to be normal— grabs his phone. He sighs, but you can see his eyes glitter in a way.
“Bronya and Seele aren’t going, apparently there’s some business about the underground they need to sort out.” He says, leaning down to tighten his ice skates. “it’s just us two again”
You stood up, shaking your feet a bit to get used to the weight on your feet, you grabbed Luka’s arm and pulled him up too. He stumbled a bit, but you managed to catch him. You couldn’t help looking at him for a few seconds longer than usual.
He started to walk forward towards the rink, happily dragging you along now, he seemed eager to get on the ice. I mean, it was the best chance ever! If you fell over he could catch you and it would be just oh so romantic, and maybe afterwards he’d be able to ask you to be his partner like he’d been meaning to for the last month. Seele had officially put the boot down, if he wasn’t going to say something. She would do it for him.
You both stood at the edge of the ice, Luka was eager, too eager. He immediately set a foot out, but he clearly didn’t expect it to slip so much as it did.And his leg gave out under him. You managed to catch him , and the look of embarrassment almost made it harder to not laugh than it already was. He was bright red!
He tried again,this time a bit more careful. He stumbled and wobbled around the place,managing to stand up straight while clinging to the railing. After a set of finger guns and almost slipping again. You joined Luka on the ice, it was a bit slippy. But you were able to more or less stay upright. Unlike your friend, you grabbed both his hands, the warm skin of one contrasting with the cool metal of the other.
With some movement you were able to go slightly backwards, you did almost fall. But you got the hang of it, Luka however did not. And every few metres he’d fall again, you’d catch him.
You weren’t able to catch him the last time, he had been improving, and wanted to go a bit of length without your help, but ended up slipping on the ice, and ended up with his palm and knees scratched by the now roughened ice.
Now you were both sitting in an attached cafe, hot chocolates in hand. You watched as he tried to discretely eat the cream before continuing to drink it, but with the low quality wood stir he had picked up it wasn’t going too well. He looked up, and you spent a full moment staring into those damned blue eyes. He tilted his head, and scrunched his eyes slightly in confusion. But you just chuckled in response.
As the time passed, you could sense him getting nervous, his legs were bouncing and he kept glancing around the room. You knew what was going to happen, he wasn’t exactly subtle.
But it was still impossible to not smile when it finally happened. When he finally turned to you and smiled that same damn smile that made your heart feel like it was about to explode. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while, so, wanna be my partner?Like officially and all—“
You grinned, and he seemed confused for a moment. Not seeming to get it. “Can i kiss you?”
“can i kiss you” you repeated, and he nodded. You moved forward softly, kissing him softly on the lips, his lips tasted faintly like cherry chapstick, and you faintly recognised it as one of your old ones.
“you stole my chapstick again didnt you?”
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cryptidofthekeys · 6 months
im about to say somethin
that will get my burned at the stake
but hey- hey spookies- spooky month fandom
...BOTH Father Gregor AND Lila are in the wrong but also somewhat in the right
and heres why
SM 6 SPOILERS UNDERNEATH- if ya haven't seen it go watch it!
Father Gregor did have a point in saying what he did about Lila being an irresponsible mother ..NOW WAIT- BEFORE Y'ALL THROW YOUR STONES- hear me out, Father Gregor was right to some degree, bc she doooess kinda let Skid just fuckin run around unattended a LOT- i mean I grew up with technically a helicopter parent so I can't speak much on the issue
but Lila has legit let his ass summon a demon and play with em, let them watch horror movies at a young age, and legit lets Skid like,, go outside by himself ESPECIALLY late at night like,, that's pretty irresponsible that she isn't watching over him just a bit more
now do I think Father Gregor had a right to say well some of what he did- like the whole 'you don't even know why he's here and all you can do is drink' alladat nonsense- no,, he doesn't?? KNOW? Lila personally?
like fucking hell, she LEGIT just got attacked by a fucking cannibal (IF Spooky Month takes place right after Tender Treats exactly, the calendar does say November) and also can I just say that Bob was legit her last straw, girl got an actual alarm system but anyways- not to mention Bob was well technically someone Lila knew or she wouldn't have had a reaction like that
Also Father Gregor not practicing what his ass preaches if he be preaching the b*ble- there are SEVERAL and I mean SEVERAL instances and phrases revolving around Judgment and to not judge unto others, like yeah he was just looking at what he seen but he doesn't know what she's been through
now that doesn't EXCUSE her being irresponsible but like lmao I've seen a few people throw down about it (i think it was mostly playful not like ACTUALLY serious gkfldfksd don't worry) but Lila DID leave Skid over at his friend's house, which was the safe thing to do- so she could go out and drink for a while, there's nothing wrong with going out to drink even if ya gotta kid, just so long as your responsible
So, in conclusion, BOTH of them are in the right and wrong, Father Gregor just called the situation as he saw it which is NOT a good thing to do most of the time but also, he is right to some degree that Lila is a LITTLE BIT of an irresponsible mother letting her son just, be unattended while going out (more specifically at night- letting him watch horror movies at his age, etc but also Lila ISN'T a bad mother by no means
she does love Skid, she does care for him obviously- hell if she didn't she wouldn't have been out there all night looking for him to protect him from Bob and NONE of it if she didn't give a shit bout her kid- but whether the Lila Lovers like it or not- Father Gregor does have a point to a certain degree
also tho legit- the scene where Skid talks about not wanting to be a problem and that he doesn't want Lila to be sad and then Lila has a breakdown and hugs him close eviscerated me- and even seeing Susie being concerned when Pump seems to upset
and apparently uh it's only gonna be worse from here (someone said, which Idk if this bit is true) but someone said Pelo had said in a stream (he streams on twitch I know that much sorry) but someone said that Pelo said the next episode is gonna be even worse
.... but anyways lol thats just how I see the thing between Father Gregor and Lila- I'm not even that like,, attached to those characters- I'm attached to Bob, Dexter, and Frank so lmao
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eff-plays · 12 days
Wyll really is just so ignored, I'm playing for the first time and just got to act three and jesus, first time seeing his dad in forever at gortash's ceremony thing and theres like no reaction from Wyll?? unless my game bugged which it's been doing more than a fair amount since patch 7.. Like a lot. I saw someone say that Wyll gets treated like Karlachs backpack and like yeah... that scene is about gortash and karlach mostly, Wyll and his dad are just kinda there?? Mean while astarions plotline about vampires doesnt really seem relevant to the story literally at all but theres so much content focusing on that.
HEY sorry for coming back here to yell. If you know all of this or don't care for my flabbergasted yelling then please don't mind me, apologies if this is nonsensical, I am bewildered and my mind has been servery boggled. I just fully took a second to notice that wyll has 1 (ONE) greeting if you've romanced him, I was a lil baffled so I spent a minute spamming everyone in camp and saying hi and ahahahahah, everyone but lae'zel and the side npcs has at least two for the approval I have with them, karlach has 4. So I went to the wiki and, lae'zel has 4 possible romantic greetings and everyone else have above 10 APART FROM WYLL, WHO HAS 1, some of those greetings are if you've broken up but Wyll apparently has 0 (ZERO) if you've broken up BECAUSE Wyll has 7 possible greetings TOTAL TOTAL!! lae'zel has the same amount of platonic greetings as Wyll does total, asstarion has 27, shadowheart has 36 , Karlach has 38. what the actual shit, I'm not sure if the wiki is outdated and they added more for patch 7 but like?????? I also just had that cutscene with mizora, we had just doomed either Wyll or his dad, his dad in my case (even though what Mizora was offering was his location and protection from all but us, doesn't mean that he's dead for sure but everyones acting like Wyll just sacrificed his dad for his freedom, EXCEPT for Karlack whos acting like I took the deal, they really refuse to fix any bugs that involve Wyll huh), and we just get one of those "talk to me" interactions in camp, you don't even get to talk to him about it after that, he just goes right back to "I'm here for you, always" and all the default dialogue options, like bro you dad apparently just had his death cemented and THATS ALL WE GET? thats all he gets? No extra lil bit of dialogue to reassure him seeing as we may have just killed his dad?? idk it feels very significant to his character seeing as he often talks about how much he adores his dad but no? I really regret romancing Wyll first, I'm just getting mad at the game and his treatment like damn. I'm so disappointed, usually fandom ignoring any and all poc in games is just their racism and I've no doubt thats still happening here but I really can't blame people for not latching onto Wyll, he's great and I love him but even when romancing him and no one else, every other companion seems to have so much more going on, cause they literally do, they have so much more content. I knew he had less, I've seen that reddit post about the amount of hours each companion gets but the greeting thing really just whacked me in the face. small and minor correction, i misread the 10 as a16 I believe, so astarion has 21 not 27 as i think i said before! STILL OVER DOUBLE WHAT WYLL HAS AHAHA
(I assumed these were the same person so I bundled them in one big ask)
Oh but remember, Larian ENSURES all their devs work on EXACTLY what they want to work on!!! :))))
This is also why I think Durgewyll is the big brain romance of the game. Because it's the only way to experience even slightly more Wyll content. Like?? ONE romance greeting that was BUGGED for until a much later patch? Like!!!!! GENUINELY THE FUCKING AUDACITY. They should be legit fr fr ashamed lmao. Also Neil Newbon glazing Larian for being soooooo inclusive and making such groundbreaking representation while their only Black character is in the fucking toilet.
Ugh. It sucks so bad lmao. It's frustrating too cuz there's nothing one can do. Clearly speaking up about it has done fuck-all. Even if they drop the world's biggest Wyll patch, it'll still be like oh ok so all that racism was just a funny joke I guess? "Haha tricked you all into thinking we were racist?" To be clear I do want a massive Wyll patch, but I'm still never getting a Larian game again even if they drop it. I'll mayhap pirate one but even so. They've shown their priorities and preferences. They're SOOOOOO keen on speaking to their fans and addressing every little piss-ass useless gripe as soon as possible, except when you ask about Wyll. Then it's radio silence. Because even acknowledging it, apologizing for it, would be inconvenient. It would make it a Big Deal that people would Talk About, and it would tarnish Larian's current status as the gamer audience darling. So better to pretend it's not happening. After all, the only people upset are just some Twitter randos, and nobody listens to those guys.
Whatever man. Theo Solomon saying peanits.
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sterek8nights · 10 months
The Sufganiyot Thief
Well, I made the prompt list/bingo card, and then was immediately struck with an idea. It changed a little in writing it, but it's cute and fluffy anyway. (Might write the other version anyway? Idk.)
Anyway, here's Sterek family Hanukkah fluff. For the squares/prompts: sufganiyot and with kids
On ao3 here
The sound of a tiny giggle alerted Derek to the possibility of shenanigans afoot, so he followed the sound through the house and to the source, only to find that Some
Stiles had beat him to the scene.
He stood hovering in the doorway between the dining room and the kitchen, watching as Stiles sat on the kitchen floor holding a wad of paper towels in one hand, and a half eaten sufganiyot that was absolutely dripping with too much jelly in the other.
Sat across from Stiles was Lilah, Erica and Boyd’s four year old daughter, who was also covered in jelly and sugar crystals, a fistful of what was once an overfilled donut, and was now mostly mush and a blindingly bright, jelly-painted grin on her face.
Stiles is clearly trying to suppress a laugh, and Derek can't help but smile.
“Uncle ‘Tiles, the suf– the sugan– the donuts are really yum! Sorry I eat one without askin’ first. Please don't tell mama, she'll be upset I forgot my manners again,” Lilah said, grinning. Her puppy eyes were legendary, and there was no way Stiles was going to be able to say no.
“It's okay, peanut, as long as you let me clean you up, and promise to ask next time, we're all good,” Stiles replied, eyes darting to Derek and then to the counter before adding “And after we clean up, you can keep me make a new batch of sufganiyot,” Stiles said, over-enunciating the last word, smiling when Lilah mouthed the word along with him.
Derek's eyes went to the counter, and he noticed the donut massacre that had apparently resulted in the current sticky state of the entire kitchen, and its occupants. A dozen of the donuts they'd made that morning were in various states of smushed and covered in jelly, the jar open and half empty, with what appeared to be handfuls of preserves plopped on the plates of sufganiyot and the countertop. He felt his eyebrows climb, and Stiles snorted and looked up at him.
“Hey, Der, can you take the Lilah monster up to the bath and get her changed? I need to uh, hose down the kitchen. And also myself,” he said around a laugh.
Lilah looked up at Derek then, her smile growing somehow brighter, and stuck her sticky arms out, wiggling her fingers at Derek. “Uncle Derek! We're gonna make more sufganiyot, hurry let's go!”
With a mild wince, Derek reached out to his jelly covered niece and scooped her up, making sure to be silly about it just to hear her laugh. “Here, I saved this for you!” she said happily, and before Derek could ask what she meant, she shoved the mangled donut she was still holding into his mouth. Derek could only chew it while Stiles cackled.
“Than’ kew,” Derek mumbled through the half chewed mess, swallowing with a brief frown that he quickly forced into a smile so Lilah wouldn't get upset. It wasn't hard with her jelly smeared grin beaming at him.
“‘Welcome. Now hurry, the Honka party is only soon!”
Later, when he and Stiles are very carefully showing Lilah how to properly fill the sufganiyot, he meets Stiles’ gaze over Lilah’s head, and they share a smile before going back to supervising a very serious four year old pastry chef.
“So, Der, I know what I want for next Hanukkah,” Stiles says nonchalantly while handing Lilah a filled syringe of jelly.
Derek is intrigued, because after almost a decade together, it is paradoxically harder to find gifts for each other. “Already?” 
“Yep! How do you feel about a sufganiyot thief of our own?” 
Derek looks up, startled, and finds Stiles’ eyes again. He's smiling softly, not a trace of a joke in his expression, and Derek feels a smile paint itself across his face.
“Yeah, I think that sounds like a perfect gift,” he replies honestly, already picturing next Hanukkah, with an extra member of the pack.
They stare at each other for a long moment, until Lilah breaks it with a serious sounding “As long as they don't steal my sufganiyot! Hey, I said it right, didn't I?” 
They both laugh then, quick to praise her determination to get the word right, and full of joy for the present and the future.
And also, donuts.
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
About Louis about Chicago
I can't help but feel the things Louis says about Chicago have a layered meaning to them (as I feel with most things he says - but among everything he's been saying about the songs on FITF, Chicago feels like an outlier to me. As if there's some need to elaborate in this way while for most other songs it's just idk that pressure isn't there if that makes sense), there's just something between the lines there, and I don't mean this is for us to "figure out", its his alone, I'm just loving him potentially finding ways to say things coming from a deeper place without giving too much (or anything) away. This post got little to do with the meaning of Chicago, its just hey did you notice this too lol that's it. So in bold his quotes about Chicago:
"It is a special song to me and almost not by choice it just is" - it was a necessity to get this out? it's... not by choice it just is. I feel like this quote is bigger than whatever I can think of. (Track-By-Track)
(about Dave Gibson the only co-writer on Chicago getting him: "Sometimes what I find challenging, is I can see the picture or I can hear the song or I can see the concerts in my head and sometimes it’s quite hard to articulate that cause you’ve got such a clear vision in your head and you just want someone else to be able to read your mind, go ‘Yeah that’s what Im talking about!’" - Again (so far) this is the only song on this album where he's making it known as far as i know he had trouble putting what he had in his head into words. This quote is also about Dave understanding him well in general, but talking about Chicago is what prompted him to say this. (Track-By-Track)
Dave Gibson said "I honestly love everything we wrote - but I think Chicago is a really really special record" - again emphasizing this one's more. (Dave Gibson on Twitter)
[when asked about the meaning:] "Yeah, I’m gonna leave that one close to me chest that one. Pretty kind of raw lyric that, that lyric kind of hits you in the heart but nah, I’m not telling you." - the essence here. (Z100 NY)
"even from that first lyric you know I saw you had a baby did you use any names that we liked like that it kind of hits you straight away [compares it to the brashness as he's calling it of Face The Music] but its important obviously to have shade to the line" (it's gotta be "line" but I really hear him say "lie") - this can mean so many things? (Track-By-Track)
"one of those songs [...] I'm referencing my lyrical maturity and its not some i think i could have written on the last record because i think its a concept that i havent necessarily heard before" - again this can mean many things. (Track-By-Track)
but again this "I've personally not heard the concept [of chicago] before" ???? WHAT? Whu- the concept like the casual listen concept is like.. yo we didn't work out. So what is he thinking here. Within his own discography? Is he trying to put emphasis on his song being like super specific and that's what he hasn't heard before? How is he viewing this song that makes him say this. (Track-By-Track)
"It's a very honest [and then immediately:] I will say maybe half of it you know is is imaginative half it based on personal experience [and then immediately:] probably like most songs in reality" - He's really putting it out there that it's "half real autobiographical half imagination" (Track-By-Track)
"But, but I will say, I do have a special relationship with Chicago, like it is, it is I mean yeah its a cool place. I mean I do feel this kind of affiliation to, to Chicago, but mostly it’s half theoretical, imaginative, and half based on real events" - adding mainly because he did put into words there is some affiliation to Chicago, and that the half-theoretical, half real events gets repeated like its apparently important its out there lol. (102.7 KIIS FM)
he keeps calling the song "emotional" - obviously it's deeply emotional but... he's saying this the most about this song by far and then just not elaborating at all. not that i need him too, just stands out to me.
Then there's him agreeing on it being the most pop song on the album, while at many points in this promo run he's been clear on wanting to step away from that, but then here's him wholeheartedly agreeing "DEFINITELY" and absolutely not in a negative way, and ready to elaborate, but unfortunately the interviewer wasn't done and clarifies "it's a nice sort of way to transition from walls into this new album" and he goes "exactly yeah that's kind of how I see it [...] it's not trying to be anything that it's not" which I think is so fascinating? Maybe the most of all in this list? It's making me think he purposefully went poppy on this one because it fits the concept of Chicago? Like he's traveling back in time sonically on purpose? Maybe? (Track-By-Track)
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
as somebody who hasn’t watched next mutation; how accurate/similar are the turtle’s personalities to previous iterations at that point, if you know?
(anon clarified similar not accurate in another ask, so I'll answer like it said similar)
I would say they're closest to the 90s movies, but to me they are different turtles.
Raphael could most believably be Raph from the movies. Some differences though: he does go out on his own a lot, but unlike in the movies it seems more like something he does for fun than when he is emotionally overwhelmed and needs space. This Raph, when he gets angry, will use mean words more than movie Raph I think. The trouble for him is that he and his siblings also tease each other a lot, often good-natured but you know, mean words. Which means that sometimes his fam won't pick up that he's really mad this time, and other times (more often I think), they assume he's really mad when he's not.
Similarities: loves bikes, pretty chill, pretty gruff, likes to be outside. annoyed with Leo's need to always know where he is
Leo is the most different. From any other Leo really. He's quicker to anger and... well... just a lot more airheaded,, I don't know how else to say it. He tried to use his head to break a stack of bricks. Mikey tried to talk common sense into him. He tried to use the computer that he had watched Donnie use a million times and immediately set it on fire. Donnie apparently beats him every time at tic tac toe and staring contests. He just doesn't have the subtlety that I generally expect from Leonardos. Certainly not the ability to stay calm.
Some similarities: he does take his training very seriously. If he sees something he thinks is cool he wants to learn it. And when he (or his brothers) can't learn something right away he tends to get very frustrated. Another similarity: this boy is so nervous. But it presents so differently, you know? idk 87 and 90s and mirage Leo are all pretty different from each other too. But this Leonardo is just such a different flavor. Meathead Leo is the best I've heard it put. It's still Leonardo but it's in a weird font. I mean a differenter font.
I would say Donnie is between 1987 and 90s movies. He goofs off with Mikey a lot, but his humor is much more deadpan, or else he and Mikey do something together, as opposed to the improv song-and-dance pizza-funeral pork rind comedy routine that the 90s B Team has going. He gets excited about whacky inventions that he made just to prove he could, his energy is just a bit more subdued than 87 lol. This Donnie to me is the most Middle Child Donnie. All Donatellos have this energy, but while some lean more Mad Scientist or Pacifist or Theatre Kid, this one leans Middle Child. He cannot get the front seat (he tries very hard). He can be pretty sneaky, or at least tries to be. He can be a mediator, occasionally we see that, but mich more of a "listen to my genius brain understanding the logic of both arguments" than 90s movies' (more effective) "they're both right, hey look I brought marshmallows." He's very competitive with Venus (new kid) (she has magic) (who's the family doctor now) (who's Raph's soft spot now) (who's Mikey's goofball buddy now) (who's the quiet thoughtful one now) (yeah I'm kind of obsessed with them).
He and Venus do have positive moments too, though, they can be very gentle with each other when they aren't caught up in their ongoing Magic vs Science debate.
Mikey--definitely more similar to 90s than 87 or Mirage. He's the goofball. He loves media (this is the word he uses ajdhsj I think he's mostly talking about radio and tv). He likes weird foods, which I think is a nod to 87, but instead of being pizza-themed this Mikey's foods are fish-themed. Although, sometimes there are some pizzas as well. The way I most see Mirage Mikey is in his friendship with Raph: NM Mikey will always defend Raph and is pretty much always down to go with him when invited. His only possible beef with Raph is when he's not invited (but even then Mikey kinda seems to need to do his own thing too sometimes? Like his shows or his talk show or his recipes. Sometimes he's just in the background of an ep doing his own thing and not really seeming interested in his bros' attention). The way I most see 87 Michelangelo is in his love for animals. NM Mikey is passionate about protecting endangered species specifically, but also just generally has a soft spot for the vulnerable, whether a little critter or an elderly gentleman or a bruised mutant turtle. Actually that probably has a lot to do with why he looks up to Raph ❤️🧡
As a group, compared to earlier iterations, these guys are emotionally immature. They get frustrated with each other easily, argue over petty things, call each other names, and do the opposite of what Splinter asks, usually with Venus protesting. On the flip side though, they forgive and move on pretty quick for the most part. Except some long-term feuds (Leo vs Raph, Donnie vs Venus).
They're also canonically established to be almost eighteen in the first episode, which I think made me see them as even more immature. It's kind of a fun focus, like yeah they grew up completely isolated and their formative years were spent fighting Shredder, it makes sense they are socially and emotionally stunted. 1987 made them do fun teenager things and 90s made them socially awkward, but NM really makes them often painfully immature. Donnie even gives little expository speeches from his psychology textbooks about it. (by no means educational just enough words in there for us as the audience to understand he knows they're messed up and has researched it XD)
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Trigun Stampede Episode 1 Reaction
Ok here goes. Idk how entertaining I'll be but... you know. This is mostly because I am having a weird time of things rn. Also, I have no background knowledge of this series whatsoever asides from that it might be a western and there was a 90s series and manga also, so if you're an og fan and this is painful... I am sorry lol.
But without further ado, let's go!
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Oh. We're in space. ...ok then!
Well this just went poorly. Rip cryo-people.
Noooo mom :(
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Ok so I can't tell; is the ship on autopilot or is Nai piloting it, because if it's the latter - you go, little guy, you got skill.
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Cannot explain how funny this is. "I would like to use my communication skills more! I would like to make a positive impact!" <- every resumé ever if you want to get a job lol. Birth place "December"... interesting. There's also a "November" and a "July". Why all names of the months? But it's also May, like, temporally - is that not a bit confusing for people? I don't know what "PE081" means as a birth date... also she is. Tiny. Smol, even.
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Ah, young idealist, older cynic dynamic. Always pretty fun.
These two have now both shoved papers in each other's faces. Whipping your coworker in the face with a well-timed paper can be a form of affection... I think?
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Are none of them... warm? In these outfits? In the desert?
Bro's arm just fell off. "There it goes" Does this happen a lot to you sir???
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Our protagonist, everyone.
"He's evil and destructive" Have you... looked at him. Like, don't judge a book by its cover but. Have you looked at him?
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^He has kicked puppy energy.
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I have nothing to say. Just look at this.
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Map! I love maps!
Sand ocean??? Like there's no oceans? How do they get water??? Odd that July is here but not December or November. I'm assuming these are three of the "seven cities"? What are the other four? Are they also month-themed? Also some of these names are real funny. These people naming their towns and cities like "Creepy Valley" and "Stinky Lakeside". Actually seems quite normal to me tbh. And we are in Jeneora Rock atm it seems. Is it going to update as we go? That'd be cool! :D
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Hjdfhvdjh he just stayed tied up for. Some reason. Roberto's face 😂
Oh, huh. Plants are. Biological organisms and not power plants. Like I assumed. So they were made but can't be made anymore because they don't have the knowledge or the technology? Odd...
His bounty is about the same as a new plant... how convenient...
Ok I know I said 'kicked puppy energy' earlier but you don't have to actually kick him...
Boy really does not want to hurt anyone :( (Hmmm now I'm starting to think he probably has at some point...)
Damn, that's some quick thinking Roberto.
Meryl: "Idk senpai this guy seems like he sucks" hjfhgnvj
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Aw, buddy. Dropping the goofiness as soon as the crowd can't see him anymore :(
Hey I just realized his jacket has "SEEDS" on the arm like the spaceship! But he didn't have the coat when he got ejected so...... I'm sure I will find out later.
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You guys cannot hear the quiet giggling I'm making right now. This shot plus the music - I was right about the western genre apparently, it's just on another planet.
BRO????? Where'd you pull the rocket launcher from?????? Wtf????? Why would you do that?????
Ah. He's lost his mind.
Roberto just bodily flinging Meryl into the alley ahdfihvs
He's out of bullets??? 😭
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...he's crying.
Dang Meryl, you got a great throwing arm!
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Oh shit. Yeah, I had a feeling he was actually extremely competent. He's holding back on purpose.
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Ok now the animators are just showing off.
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Oh. Hm. I was wondering where Nai went and. Hm. Yeah the whole accomplice thing might explain Vash's reticence to actually fight. His brother killed Rem? Yikes. He did offer his hand out to her at the beginning though... idk did he really mean for her to die along with the others? The music is hauntingly beautiful btw!
...his name is Millions Knives?
Aaaand that's a wrap on that! I'm intrigued and I feel like this episode answered absolutely nothing but raised a whole lot of questions, which is, well, what a first episode should do. The animation is really sharp geez. I generally prefer 2D animation but there's a lot of character to the expressions and motions - I think they really pulled it off!
Until next episode!
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whumpshaped · 8 months
Hey, hier ist der deutsche Anon von gestern!
I'm so sorry, I thought german was your native language — didn't want to passive-aggressively pressure you into picking up DuoLingo, of all things 😅😬 (the update that removed the skill tree made the appbso godawful..)
Sadly, I don't have any great german whump recommendations either - german writing onkine seems rare, I know a bunch of german creators but they all exclusively write and chat in english (which is why I mistook you for one, LOL).
The actual reason why I asked you, is because in my experience, reading unexpectedly whumpy stuff in your native language in a book for example just *completely* overruns you. I tend to feel more strongly when hearing/reading in my native language.
But on the other hand, german is notorious for having absolutely disgusting, unappealing dirty talk/sex words in general ('breast warts' for nipples and 'sheath' for vagina, urgh). So it's a fickle thing, ha ha.
Sorry for teasing and then not delivering! 😅 Maybe someone reading this *does* know good german whump that is meant as such!
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it is in fact not my native language, im hungarian :) but yeah theres a BUNCH of german whumpers here who all write in english, and from my experience u guys have a particular talent for it😭 its so good.
also this is super controversial but im loving all the updates theyre rolling out........ also no im glad u did. again, yesterday was the first day in maybe 5 yrs that i spoke any german and it rly reminded me how much i adored the language and wanted to pick it up anyway. then apparently by complete coincidence u sent that anon and my pattern seeking mammal brain was like this is a sign
i do love well written hungarian literature that has whump, but all the shit online makes me cringe so bad. and i know its in my head mostly (or the fact that im not looking in the right places?) but yeah. what usually gets me is poetry. hungarian poetry is extremely good. im still looking for that one poem of the guy listing off all the things he loves abt his muse and he goes into incredible detail and starts getting unhinged w it and starts going on abt how he loves her organs and her guts and etc etc. its visceral. literally. we have such good poetry and well all poets r depressed so its always a little whumpy /j
it definitely hits different. i mean, its my native language. that always hits different. i should rly read more hungarian stuff bc my vocab is honestly deteriorating-
IVE HEARD THE DIRTY WORD COMPLAINT BEFORE. i used to follow a german kink blog (it was all in english i found out later that the blogger was german) and she always said she doesnt even ever dirty talk bc its just Bad😭😭 rip. im very bad w any dirty words tbh in any language. thats why i dont write smut ever <3 IT JUST MAKES ME CRINGE I REACT TO HAVING TO SAY/WRITE THOSE WORDS LIKE A REPRESSED CHRISTIAN HOUSEWIFE. but! i think hungarian has decent words? idk! hungarians who have sex please sound off, is the dirty talk good? /j
bro that woman sounds awesome. i wish her the best forever and ever.
AND... what did i wanna say. wait. OH YEAH. i did go looking for german whump and .... i found tatort whump??? i mean hey.
bonus, i took the duolingo test and i skipped ahead a bunch bc apparently im still extremely good and talented and amazing /j bonus bonus, lily should mind her business. dont look at my suitcase
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frostbite-yinny · 1 year
*gets inside the sanctuary* Hello ^^ I'd like to adopt a Pokemon... That would be able to be friends with a Hisuian Typhlosion (don't ask how idk how my jothonian quilava turned into a ancient Typhlosion) ,Driftblim, Noivern, Mimikyu and galvantula?
I'm currently in paldea for school reasons
Hey there! We can definitely find you a fit :D So, it seems that you are not looking for one specific type, has fully evolved Pokemon so I'm assuming you battle and you probably won't be able to take care of a Pokemon with heavy special needs since you are in a region for school and likely to move back and forth a lot.
With that in mind, I mostly went for paldean pokemon with a few mentions and suggestions of eggs at the end:
BEEP BEEP the dudunsparce: BEEP BEEP's egg (he is registered with full caps but responds to just beep) has been bought by a private elementary school. You know, small, generally weak, and lazy Pokemon. Perfect class pet, right? Wrong. BEEP BEEP wanted to battle the second he hatched, he was hungry, for blood. The school tried to keep him relatively satisfied by letting the students battle him but it was never enough for him. On a Monday, he was found fully evolved, sleeping in the classroom. This little psycho sneaked out every night to fight anything and everyone that he came across. Regular exercise and battling are a must for him to get ahead of his… destructive behavior.
Grafaiai A.K.A the little asshole: I talked about him in the shelter before, he is still here, please take him. This little shit used to have a teenager trainer who teaches him to flip people off. The teenage girl's mother dropped the grafaiai saying that it was a bad influence, like her 'little angel' wasn't the one who thought him to flip people off. So, yeah, I don't like him. I once had to come to the shelter at 3am cuz a newbie was freaking out about him getting sick because he has no idea what to do. Apparently, he was feeding a sick ponyta treats to raise its mood and it started to act sick for treats. I tried to scold him for his behavior. He flipped me off. Take him. (I don't actually hate him, he is adorable and deserves a good home, I'm just salty)
Dame Agatha the Tinkatuff: Dame Agatha is a Pokemon that earned the Dame title through hard work. She used to belong to a company that provided personal bodyguard services. She was dropped here after the company was sold to a bigger one and they made it private. She is a very loyal Pokemon. She is strong, level-headed, and even trained to not attack any steel types unless given the OK. I must warn you thought, she is pretty close to evolution.
Now, a few pokemon that I think could interest you: Blitz the Grumpig (he used to be a circus performer), a grimer, around 24 morelull (I hate shiny breeders with a burning passion) a VERY chonky Clodsire, a poor-sighted Rockruff and a Sentret
Finally, a few eggs if you are interested in those: A sunkern egg, 4 different eggs from Paldea (we have no idea whats in them), a Minccino egg, 2 larvesta eggs, a sneasel egg, a Flittle egg and what we think is a charcadet egg (might be any fire type)
And anyone else that is interested in adopting, can feel free to ask me for more or adopt these pokemon I put up here :D
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roboromantic · 2 years
Episode 12
I don’t think there actually is a Zamboni Transformer 🤔 there should  be though
Jksfgdhjkshfdjk they’re so cute this show is so good
Like. This might be my new favorite Transformers show.                 Not exactly on the same level as Rescue Bots and it’s certainly never gonna replace it, but. Idk how to describe it. They’re co-favorites probably let’s just go with that
Jawbreaker’s head is so tiny compared to his hands
Oh boy
I noticed this last episode too but why are Hashtag’s hands so…beat up I guess? Idk I haven’t slept much and can’t think of words. The rest of her paint job is chipped too and it looks kinda weird compared to her face
Side note can I just say how glad I am that they’re not doing any of the “frame” nonsense.
OUGH BABY………………………. :cocoplead:
Yeah yeah wimin tough AND pretty. just pretend I put the Knuckles pic here again
Oh honey. Oof.
Are we gonna find out what he was before. Like I know it was almost certainly a Cybertronian tank but I Want To Believe in gun altmode
So no comment about them not being able to cry, I see. Interesting.
And he’s panting so he’s breathing, right. maybe the gas from last episode WOULD have had some kinda effect
Oh hun.
It’s interesting Elita’s talking about all this when she was also joking about scanning a streetsweeper earlier lmao
It’s also kinda interesting that they keep framing it as this highly emotional thing that they have to think deeply about when the Terran kids have mostly done it by accident, lol
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Oh hey more Tagalog! Google translate says “bagyo” means tycoon/hurricane/tornado/etc.  which is I guess what the pattern on the box is supposed to be, and “ang sarap” is delicious
Side note but I would guess maybe the Terrans know English because Robby and Mo know it, but I wonder to what extent they understand Tagalog
Side side note but Alex says he grew up in Bohol, which apparently has its own dialect of Cebuano or is considered a separate language depending on who you ask? My point is I don’t know if people from there are usually fluent in both Boholano and Tagalog but I’m kinda curious as to why the showrunners would make him from there and then only ever mention Tagalog, especially since according to Wikipedia Cebuano actually had more native speakers than Tagalog until the 80s, which actually idk when exactly Alex is supposed to have been born but I’d think probably the 60s? That’s a whole other paragraph but I’ve already gotten wayyyyy too sidetracked. Anyway maybe it’s cuz his VA (Jon Jon Briones) is NOT from Bohol? Idk if he knows any kind of Cebuano wait I’m looking him up on Wikipedia and apparently he has a guest appearance on St Trek: Picard and his daughter is a main character??? He’s also mostly known for musical theater so basically he’s super cool                    hmm can you tell I don’t have adhd meds at the moment.   back to the show
Wait I lied one more thing. Back in episode 6 Alex mentioned his lolo and Bee was like “what?” and he told Bee that he’s from Bohol and Bee’s like “oh cool! I used to race at this abandoned airport in Tagbilaran” so did Bee just like. Not learn Tagalog or did he just not know that Alex speaks it. I feel like if he was hanging around long enough to regularly race there he shoulda picked up the language          but then again Tagbilaran is the capital of Bohol so maybe he’d’ve learned Boholano but also afaik lolo is the same for both languages so –
“everybody else” Nightshade is RIGHT THERE
So y’all just aren’t gonna show us the final movie, rude.
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
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@wind-becomes-lightning TUMBLR ATE UR ASK SOMEWHERE BETWEEN INBOX AND DRAFT 😢😢😢😢 anywayyyyy here r the kids!!!!!!!! they are comparing parent histories via history books and shitty drawings AKSNJSJA i had so much fun drawing them!!!!!!!! genuinely. babies. so true <3
also i had a LOT of ideas and the only one i didn’t write was sayuri and obito meetup bc idk enough ab their relationship and that’s more your territory ajsjdbjshdjd <3333
this is just the most brain vomit thing ever, and it’s also from the pov of nsmap obkkrin :3 mostly lol
obito appears alone first, in the middle of kkyuri + kids Normal Family Walk Time. this immediately sends kks and sayuri freaking The Fuck out bc sayuri can’t see a genjutsu and kakashi doesn’t sense one, so what kind of sick joke is somebody playing on them?
obito, who’s just gotten back from saving his kids from their own dimensional fuckery w his partners, is also Freaking The Fuck Out because WHERE ARE THEY???? he sees kakashi, takes half a step towards him in relief before he pauses because hey, that’s not his kakashi, that’s not rin, and they definitely only have two kids and none of those are them.
few tense moments pass before kkrin+twins+minato blip into existence, minato’s seal flaming at their feet. “shit,” kakashi mutters, then is immediately tackled by obito who takes the whole family down with him. “holy shit i thought i lost you guys,” etc etc. they stand back up and. oh yeah. the other dimension kakashi who looks like he’s going to pass out, held up by who they can only assume is his wife who also looks like she’s going to die.
“uh. hi.” obito says, something something introductions, yes we’re real we’re from a different dimension and trying to get home. yeah but we need a new seal because some idiot burnt it up in transit (“i memorized it, dumbass,” kakashi says, tapping his head in clear irritation, like they’ve had this argument before). oh you have some on you? sweet!
nisi!kakashi and kakashi
kakashi takes the paper and ink from New Dimension kakashi, who now looks considerably calmer and now just.. confused. kakashi can help with that. “the kids got ahold of a scrapped seal of minato’s,” he explains, taking a few steps away to lead nisi!kakashi somewhere quieter. “sent them back in time, and we went to save them. but the seal was still faulty, it’s a miracle they made it in one piece. so we fixed it, but apparently accidentally figured out how to cross dimensions instead of travel. so, we landed here and now we just really want to get back home.”
nisi!kakashi and kakashi get to some talking, though neither are very talkative and prefer observing. but as they hear everyone else getting to talking, comparing dimensions, well.
kakashi: is dad alive here?
nisi!kakashi: …no. he died when i was six. [silence] but. i got to see him in the afterlife, get my closure and all that. (does this kakashi experience the same? have they had a war yet? looking at obito, alive and well, perhaps not. did he get that closure?)
kakashi, looking at nisi!kakashi with slight concern: ,.right. the afterlife. :/ uh well dad’s actually alive where i am. came back about a year ago from captivity. (so there’s no need to help a different kakashi search for his lost father here, then, if he really did die. that’s…something).
nisi kid ocs and the twins+minato
the kids are already comparing parents. in this universe, obito seems to have gone down a bad path and started a war. but he ended up good, tsuki and obito and miu say, because that’s what their dad always tells them. he was good in the end.
minato, keeping an eye on the kids and observing from behind, looks sick.
the twins think the drawn version of juubito looks cool as hell. they go and recreate their own iteration of their obito but with mokuton, because he doesn’t have a ten-tails. oh, but you know who has a three tails? mama! it’s name is isobu and he’s super cool. he makes swimming super/ fun.
obito’s next in line for the hat in the nsmap universe. but in this one, kakashi got to be hokage? that’s super cool! the twins get to see all the technological advances he brought to konoha, as well as how he settled treaties with other nations. he did a lot here! that’s what grandpa’s doing in our universe.
nisi!kakashi and rin
nisi!kakashi and rin visit for a bit. it’s not as awkward as kakashi expected it to be, but he supposes that’s because they’ve had time to. recover. he did still chidori rin in nsmap universe, rin still chose that path. but this time isobu saved her because there was no obito around to save their bodies from the kiri nin, because he was at home doing physical therapy.
rin and isobu have made peace with each other. she hopes that this universe’s kakashi’s made peace with his rin, even if she is dead.
nisi!kakashi and kakashi
kakashi: so, do you have. hound?
nisi!kakashi: the…anbu? i did anbu for a good portion of my life, and i was hound, yes.
kakashi, hurriedly: nvm. forget i said that love and light. <3
nisi!kakashi and obito
kakashi’s already made peace with obito. but he’s curious about what would’ve happened if things had gone differently.
kannabi still happened, but his struggle in nisi!kakashi’s universe is replaced by a mental, physical, and emotional struggle in the form of healing from kannabi. which sure, happened in this universe too, but he wasn’t around people to hurt. in nsmap universe, he hurt the people closest to him frequently in fits of anger. but he healed eventually, moved in with and got married to kkrin. they had momo and mosu (unplanned smh), and here they are now.
so there never was a war. at the very least, “did you ever meet zetsu?”
“plant guy made out of the same stuff as hashirama cells. orchestrated the whole war, manipulated. you.”
and obito looks pale, because yes. he does know zetsu. he just also wasn’t entirely aware zetsu wasn’t just a figment of his imagination.
this changes things.
so this is who obito is named after.
he seems nice, at least. he’s funny, and everyone else enjoys him. he’s grown flowers for everyone and is currently throwing a hollow wooden ball that he made himself for his own kids to run and catch.
mosu’s the one that’s proudly introducing everyone, and obito has to smile when obito’s introduced.
he looks timid. he’s wearing kakashi’s old clothes, or a copy of them. they’re far less bossy on obito’s wary look than kakashi’s demanding stance.
momo and mosu using anbu sign (learned from hound) to communicate with each other (planning on attacking minato in secret), tsuki trained to respond on instinct having the WORST and most confused time ever trying not to slap their hands out of the air to get them to stop.
nisi!kakashi a bit confused because hey. aren’t those supposed to be super-fucking-secret? he looks at kakashi like 🤨🤨 and kakashi just blinks and looks away (<- so not ready to talk ab hound with other people, even himself from another universe).
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idk, maybe it's just me
(this is mostly just me putting my feelings to figurative paper and screaming into the void, so you can absolutely scroll past)
Me: Hey, you deeply hurt me. Here's a calm explanation of how/why it hurt, vetted by a third party to make sure the explanation was civil. You did this before and promised not to do it again. But you did and it hurts really bad. Her: omg I'm so sorry I'll apologize right away Me: I would prefer if it was in front of the same people you deeply hurt me in front of, because they're all talking about how I'm a horrible person for having a panic attack. Her: That sounds reasonable, sure! Me: ... and without the victim blaming and threatening to hurt yourself, like your last "apology" Her: ... okay That apology? "Hey guys Aech has every right to their feelings. I hurt them and sent them spiraling into a PTSD episode. I'm a horrible person. I want to kill myself. I deserve to (incredibly graphic description of desired death)." So... I message her saying that's very not okay, and she promised not to say she's the victim. her exact response "am am I not allowed to be hurt?" yeah, because “Aech told me I hurt them. How dare they, I want to kill myself!” is the logical conclusion
Also it took 30+ hours for anyone to go "Hey is Aech okay?" Two people I'd said "hi" to a handful of times, one person I thought was chill and wanted to be friends with, one person I enjoyed friendly banter with - those are the ones who checked on me. None of my actual friends in that server. Also one of the mods told me I wasn't welcome because I'd "harassed" the person who hurt me. An actual friend did message me 40+ hours later, after seeing the one who hurt me threaten to kill herself. Ironically, this was apparently a good friend of the person who hurt me, as well. The mod who said I was her first friend? 44 hours later, I asked why she didn't do anything, when she knew this person had hurt me before, and had promised to have my back if it happened again. She says she didn't want to say anything to make me feel worse. Better if I think everyone hated me, apparently (because they were ripping me to pieces in the server). Because she says I wasn't polite enough in the middle of my panic attack where I'm flashing back to the worst moments of my life, yet still trying to remain calm enough to explain why this thing hurt so bad (something I'd posted about before and the entire server agreed wasn't okay and promised to support me).
ANYWAY that was my weekend :) I just have to get this off my chest. cause like holy fucking shit am I delusional or was this very not okay? There’s more, but it’s either not possible to be objective, I’d dox either of us, or it requires literal years of backstory fortunately I have a shitton of Xanax because of that one crackpot mental health doctor (dw I’m only taking it as prescribed)
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silvesi · 2 years
I gotta toss you Morred. I think that there's a lot of untapped potential between "curious-to-a-fault Chaotic Little Guy artificer" and "curious-to-a-fault Chaotic Little Guy alchemist", and I want to watch the world burn -@alma-draws
They'd be great friends if not for Morreds past. Anything more? God FORBID. Feds needs calming the heck down not hyping up MORE!! 
I gotta start adding readmores to my walls, bear with me.
There's some hangups here, so this is probably not what you are expecting from my beloved boy at all - I said in another ask but Fedsy has MASSIVE issues with the nightmare court and their experiments, considering that's why he's a little messed up himself. 
If he found out about Morreds background, (Which he most likely would due to his reputation and also activating a rant by asking him about the dream) your guy would be getting 50 types of sarcastic bastard instead of the fun "ooh, what does this do" type.
Morred would proooobably be able to see him lose that enthusiasm and put that barrier up halfway through a conversation if he's astute enough. Can't say Feds recognises it himself since, well, obviously it’s just part of who he is. You are going to have to build his trust and it is going to take a WHILE but he’ll linger anyway because he just wants to know things. Is he your friend? no. maybe. He’s stood 5ft away scowling at you and watching you work but cannot resist pointing out any mistakes you are making or asking about something he finds interesting. He's sulky about this and his apparent lack of self control in terms of just ignoring the guy. He can approach you but you can't approach him or he will THROW KNIVES AT YOU. He needs to pretend he has control here and isn't following an impulse and dealing with so many thoughts inside his brain at once. Shelter cat energy.
There are many sides to Feds; he can be a little volatile, mostly as the story progresses. Sorry Morred. You have to prove yourself. Cause some problems for the right people. I think, eventually, Feds would just start testing him with increasingly chaotic suggestions as for how to enhance his work alongside Feds abilities. He could be tempted to say he’s okay with certain things if he sees the person or their abilities would be of use or interesting to him, but. He’s not. He’s grumping inside his head. maybe plotting. Befriend him fast before he decides he's had/learnt enough and tries something against you. um. If he saw One Thing that just GOT him he would flip, despite potentially treading the line before. He would go feral. Idk, not a Morred example since I'm unsure what exactly he'd do, but if you kicked a dog. you are literally going to die now. He’s on a case by case basis and very emotionally driven.
To be honest even if they were enemies I think it would be funny as hell. like. Feds is attacking him (again, does this once a month). They both see something cool. Stop fighting for a moment, or see something worse than them. both kill that together in SECONDS. Ok cool. Start fighting each other again. everyone is terrified of them. I think they’d have a really volatile friends/enemies/friends again/ work colleagues now/ DIE/ hey nice outfit where did u get that/  relationship. Nobody gets involved they're just like no yeah this is how mesmers make friends its fine its normal. 
I like to think they’d eventually end up as friends. feds gets over some stuff. They both do. Maybe. They band together. I dunno, I feel they'd lend themselves well against the mordrem- Feds would happily spend so much time trying to figure out how to turn everything in that jungle against its own, but he really needs someone to help utilise that research. One time they accidentally made a dagger that heals people as soon as you stab them.    
There's no way Fedsy doesn't admire his flair for the dramatic at least a little. He'd bounce off that. 2 theatre kids doing science what will they do. 
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pretty-sweet-plums · 11 months
I'm playing BG3 for the first time and I am so full of regrets
So its my first time ever playing something like Baldurs Gate. My friend gave it to me because we planned to play DnD in the future and it would be sort of like an intro class to me. Well, I am happy to say I am enjoying so much, we have an inside joke that it is ruining my life. Glad I'm currently unemployed so I can play it on hours for end (blessing in disguise????? Haha)
Anyway like I said its all a first time for me. And I DIDNT KNOW YOU CAN ROMANCE PEOPLE UNTIL LAEZEL JUST CAME AT ME, a mostly conservative, easily shy, filled with religious trauma bisexual woman who blushes at anything remotely sexual irl, AND I PANICKED.
I didn't know about approval ratings, I just thought I was choosing the right options and that was just a thing so they could give you a perk if its high. I was too focused on not dying every single combat that I MISSED MY SHOT WITH KARLACH.
I was in Act 2 by the time I was like, wait, I can romance other people when Wyll made the moves on me too???!?!?! (Then I realized Halsin was also tryna flirt with me at the party i think and I did not say yes to Wyll because I said yes to Laezel. I basically blushed and squealed and covered my eyes for most of it with my friend laughing beside me because Laezel was oh so forward. But also because I thought, I could break up with Lazel and be with Karlach when the time comes.) I was working so hard on getting Karlach's approval but by the time I spoke with Dammon (I DIDN'T USE ANIMAL SPEAK ON HIM ON ACT 1 HUHUHU) on act 2 and got her the infernal engine duct tape, my approval wasn't really high enough. And i didn't realize that I missed the romance option for Karlach in Act 1's party (when I finally googled it like, ten minutes ago), i did say I liked her but my approval wasn't enough and she brushed me off. Anyway I'm currently 97 hours in, first playthrough, and I was like, WHY CAN'T I ROMANCE KARLACH YET, I already broke up with Laezel and I kinda missed out on all the lines on Gale by accident when I thought, hey how come I can't romance Karlach yet? And then I checked on my approval and was like wtf this should be okay now??? Everytime she calls me soldier, my soul dies a little bit so like, why can't i be with her yet???
(My friend has started making fun of me saying I'm treating BG3 like an otome game with some battle mechanics and like, hell yeah man, I really wanna be more than friends with Karlach)
And so I decided to finally google, and now my soul has left my body because I've missed everything. I was even thinking of romancing Gale to like, ease the pain while waiting on Karlach to like me but ultimately my choices were doo doo for him but I was like, no biggie, we want Karlach anyway. Its fiiiiine.
But nope. Everything is not fine according to my research. I have to erase maybe 70 hours of gameplay or try to cheat my way in (if I could ever understand the instructions) and be willing to gamble with my saves.
And now I'm just really very sad. I did not try to romance Astarion or Shadowheart or Halsin because my playstyle didn't really require me to bring them and I wasn't really interested in them.
So now I'm stuck at the end of Act 2, loveless and full of regrets.
When I try to see if I can get back together with Laezel because even if she was way too forward, she was good to me, I can't do that because my approval is too high with her. Apparently I have to make her mad at me and then build it back up?
Sigh. Idk, I just wanted to vent out the sadness.
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Okay, I've never told this story before, mostly cause the kink in question has A LOT of discourse [NOTE: I don't have an issue w/ the kink myself, but I don't participate in it anymore] & I don't want people focusing on that part [when I was a dumb kid who didn't understand what the kink was or even what kink was].
Also parts of this story are just cringe & :/// & it's like embarrassing to share-
Okay so-
I was 14 & this dudes FRIEND messaged me [I was on those teen dating tumblr pages for context. Also it was a page for ddlb [or ddlg, cgl, mdlb, mdlb, etc] for teens] asking if it was okay for him to message me. Allegedly he saw my post on said friends tumblr & liked me, but didn't have tumblr himself, so he asked his friend to message me on kik - which he had. So idk why his friend messaged me on kik instead of him messaging me, but I digress. [But now that I think about it, I don't think either of them SAID "He doesn't have tumblr" so he might've had one]
She was like "My friend saw your post & wanted to know if you wanted to talk ?"
So I was like "Sure, whats his kik ?"
An important thing to note is my age range was 14-15 MAYBE 16, since I was 14 & didn't want to talk to people older than me. Also I expressed several times I was strictly SFW & didn't want to be I'm a polyam relationship.
Okay, back to the story.
So I message him & was like "Hey is this [him] ? [His friend] gave me your kik. Sorry if this is the wrong person
IMMEDIATELY after confirming he is that guy, he is like "So are we dating ?" Like ?!?! Mind you I don't know this guys age, anything about him, etc
So I was like "Uh we just started talking- How old are you ? Where are you from ?" & he said his age: 17 [Seventeen]. [He also gave his location, but that doesn't matter]
Again, I made it clear I preferred someone 14-15 MAYBE 16
But I was 14 & had no backbone so I decided to give it a shot.
After giving his age he asked if we were dating AGAIN, & I was anxious, so I was just kinda like "Sure".
Now a lot happened, so here are the major things:
-Tried to pressure me into getting a third, then when I agreed & we found someone, he lashed out at them [apparently the third in question had a BF [somehow he found out but I didn't ?] & the BF was chill w/ him having a second dom [me] but not anyone else. Idk]
-Pressured me into sexting [again, after me expressing wanting to be SFW only]. It basically went
Him: "Pllzzzzz"
Me: "No I'm not comfortable w/ that"
Him: "Please"
Me: "No"
Then back & forth until I relented
-Weirdly got upset that I roleplayed having a dick & was really hung up on the fact I didn't IRL [he knew I was trans but he was like "But you have a pussy ://"]
-Tried to pressure me into sending nudes/videos of me masturbating [basically went the same as the sexting - I'd say no, he begged, I'd say no again. BUT the GOOD news is my dumbass couldn't figure out how to take pics/vids of that, so I didn't send any [Thank fucking god] & eventually he dropped it]
-Again I was the hhh dom :/// so he'd have me stay up late writing him bedtime stories
-Sent me a video of himself jerking off w/o me asking [& we weren't like sexting]
& probably other stuff I'm forgetting.
I was so much of a pushover, I had to send an ask to a DDLB account I followed at the time [idk the account] basically explaining the situation & asking "Is this enough to break up over ?" [Hint: You don't need a reason to break up. If you aren't happy, that's reason enough to leave. But even more so if the relationship distresses you !!!] & obviously they were like "Yeah ofc !!!"
So I DMed him & tried as nicely as I could to call things off [I don't remember what I said but I don't think I brought up any of these issues] & I remember being in the lunch line, trembling, sending the messages & reading his reply [which was basically "What the fuck fuck you" & other similar unkind things].
This happened a while ago, but I still think about it a lot, mostly due to the fact I'm always worried I'm overreacting ? Like obviously it wasn't a healthy relationship/dynamic, but I see some people say 14 w/ 17 is 100% fine & other say it's gross & I think it's gross, but do I only think that because of this specific instance ? Does it class as grooming or am I grasping at straws, which doesn't make sense for me to do cause it's not like I want it to be grooming or something, but still. Was this enough to have triggers from ? [His name, which I'm kinda over [became a fan of a band w/ a guy who has a similar name, so that helped], & an emoji, which I won't disclose cause while a lot of people I know use it, its easier to just scroll past than to ask people not to use it. Especially since there are assholes who would use it just to upset me [I don't think any of my friends/mutuals would, but I mean strangers who see] ]
Idk the point in making this - I don't think I've told the story in full, besides my NSFWtwt account, but still......
Theres one other similar story I've been wanting to tell, so idk maybe I'll tell that one too. But this post is long enough, so not here [maybe a second post or a reblog]
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