#it should be pretty obvious by now that i have a fondness for crossovers that fuse canonverse with whatever the other thing is
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gee, mr sanders! how come the universe let you have six daemons?!
[image description: thomas sits in front of a plain gradient, clad in a fancy, slightly old-fashioned dress suit. he's holding a newpaper, which has the slightly obscured headline 'LORD ASRIEL RETURNS TO OXFORD'. there is a raven on his shoulder, a wolf spider nestled in his hair, a mangrove snake curled around his neck, a blue dart frog clinging to his arm, and a white swan and grey goose on either side of him. the goose is holding a knife. end id.]
@alicat54c's Windows and Daemons is one of my favorite fics of all time, and it's an absolute crime that I didn't draw Florida Absolutely Definitely An Academic Man And His Six Soul Critters before now. It's an incredible little fusion crossover with HDM - you should go check it out!
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breserker · 5 months
Top 10 pairings and/or fandoms :)
okay HONESTLY i'm a one ship wonder with a lot of fandoms, i have the flagship and then a few tributary ships so this should be pretty easy except for the fact that i think it shows my boring ass hand tbh a lot of my ships are the boring obvious ones probably because I don't consider myself a multishipper if that makes sense. Like it takes a lot for me to care, y'know.
also sorry for the delay i'm working on the giant buddha in terraria and oh god it's past midnight huh
Ulrich/Yumi (Code Lyoko) - Dude it's here because it's my first real ship first real fandom experience i understand they might be kinda milquetoast inasmuch as they were VERY popular but i really resonated with Ulrich's insecurities and totally not brewing emotional abuse victim angst so it'll always stay close to my heart Henry/Eileen (Silent Hill 4) - First...adult-ish ship? Dude i was 14-15 when i got into Silent Hill and I attached to these two immediately, idk why, but scarring and recovering is gonna be somewhat of a running theme I think Majima/Makoto (Yakuza 0) - PERFECT SEGWAY BITCH OH FUCKING DAMN not only were they my first foray into real smut writing in 2019 Makoto is one of my favorite characters of all time, i attribute at least some of my comfort with myself nowadays to this ship and I've met some LIFELONG friends through them Scully/Starling (crossover X-Files and Silence of the Lambs) - Not a big greater hannibalverse type person but these two in particular I'm still very very very sweet on. I wish I would've written more when i had the gumption but I like what I did with them at the time. Guts/Casca (Berserk) - I just. y'know. I love them, I love Guts, I love Casca, and i think my favorite gutsca moment, my favorite one, is when Skull Knight tells Guts that what he may want for her may not be what she wants in general. PEAK shipping moment for me, idk if that's weird but OH that's so good. FUCK yes independence from each other. OUGGH Anya/Dimitri (Anastasia 1997) - there was a tweet in early early 2020 that said "you don't have shipping preferences you heard Dimitri say "princesses don't marry kitchen boys" and it was decided for you" and i've never felt so fucking called out Carlos/Jill (Resident Evil 3) - i think we can blame silent hill ascension for making me so utterly pathetic and cold and betrayed that I went full force horny for valeveira out of ?????? nowhere. they're sweet, it's nice to write Carlos after so much of writing the guy in the next ship I'll list... Tseng/Aeris (Final Fantasy VII) - GOD DUDE IF I TOLD YOU I STARTED SHIPPING THEM AS A HORNY JOKE BUT NOW IT'S 350K WORDS OF FIC WITHIN ~3 YEARS LATER IT'S NOT A FUCKING JOKE ANYMORE IS IT Wolf O'Donnell/Isabelle (Crossover StarFox/Animal Crossing or just smash bros if you like) - I really really really had a fun fic for them that i WILL get back to but a lot of real life stuff got in the way and since it is a FUN fic, if you're not having fun irl it's hard to write fun irl. Also can you tell I'm grasping at straws bc I'm desperate to find other ships i care about. Yuffie/Elena (FF7) - Because I'm grasping at straws I'll end with another FF7 fic that I've been itching to make more stuff for (i've sketched a few things here or there but that's it) and it's these disaster lesbians.
Mayyybbeee there's another ship that I'm fond of elsewhere but tbh I mostly see shipping happen and I'm like "That's nice" and I move on, or even if i care about the ship caring about it versus actually WRITING or making fandom over it is a different thing. Like I loved Eadaz/Sabran in Priory of the Orange Tree, or Ammar ibn Khairan and Jehane bet Ishak in the Lions of Al Rassan, but i'm not exactly writing fic over it.
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fanficlibraryposts · 3 years
Percy Jackson Fic Recs
 who even cares about reputation? by rubiesanddiamonds
She decides she really likes his laugh. And his voice. And his general aura. A lot. 
*punk!percy and girly!annabeth*
what’s a god to a nonbeliever? by Almas
It’s not that he’s “hung up on The Menace” as Dionysus so delicately put it. It’s just that it’s a bad idea. Awful, really. Percy Jackson’s got off-limits stamped across his pretty little forehead. If Zeus had sent Dionysus to that demigod camp over a nymph, then Poseidon would certainly toss him into Tartarus if he went near his son. 
*on hiatus*
To Make a Legend by WardofWinters (QoLife)
Percy was having a normal day at the beach, until he decided to try to waterbend like Katara from his favorite show.Problem is, he succeeds. Now he has to figure out how to waterbend, and keep the normal people from finding out they have a waterbender in their midst.Finding out he's actually a child of Poseidon will probably explain a few things. (Used to be named Avatar: The Legend of Percy)
*Is a series, should have at least have basic Avatar: The Last Airbender knowledge*
Silver Screen by herecomesthepun
in which Annabeth is a YouTuber with a penchant for Harry Potter sweaters and Percy is a rockstar who falls in love with the clumsy web star presenting his award. Percabeth, AU.
Of Gods and Men by plottingalong
The order of things are changing. Old rules are shifting, old gods awakening. Percy Jackson must come to terms with his own mortality, or rather, the lack of it. 
And I will swallow my pride (In hopes of a final goodbye) by IzzyMRDB
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep." ~Robert Frost
Rhea thought the fight was over when she handed Luke that blade. The war she fought for others was over. She was wrong. Now a thousand miles and a thousand years from home, all alone with just the ghost of a curse to accompany her in her travels, she will only fight for the wars she chooses.
"I promise." It tastes like a lie, but I know I’ll do my best to fulfill it. How am I to make the gods listen when they don’t even know who I am?
Hold Tight and Pretend It’s a Plan by Rynna_Aurelia
Olympus has fallen. The second Gigantomachy has ended far differently than the first, and in Gaea's triumph, the world has been torn apart. But the Fates have seen what ends their failed meddling brought Western Civilization, look on at the dead—and undo what should never have happened the only way they possibly can. Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, is returned to his twelve-year-old self, memories intact and determined to save everyone he can. But he is not alone. The Moirai underestimated the strength of the Lord of Time when stealing his power, and there is something about this particular demigod brat that intrigues him. . .
 Perseus Jackson came roaring to life with a violent gasp, green eyes wild. After a moment of panicked flailing and struggling to breathe, his fear-filled gaze settled upon a girl with blonde hair and stormy grey eyes, her face stern and unimpressed.
 "You drool in your sleep."
Trading Tomorrow by Darkmagyk, loosingletters
Percy Jackson arrives at Camp Half-Blood bruised and bleeding, with the knowledge that he's the son of a god and his mother is dead. His little display with the Minotaur has caught the attention of the camp. But he’s not sure it is good attention, yet. Only the Hermes Cabin's not-quite Co-counselor Theseus, ‘call me Theo,’ doesn't treat him like a fascinating zoo exhibit. Which would be a relief, except he looks exactly like Percy: same green eyes, same trouble making smile, same black hair. The only differences are the fact that Theo is six years older, covered in battle scars, and the black tattoo on his arm. A trident and the letters SPQR.
Theo is eighteen, powerful, and unclaimed. And his resemblance to Percy could set a dangerous precedent.
*pretty much everything by Darkmagyk is amazing*
i could be your hero by sundaysabotage
“I just don’t get it,” he huffs to Will as they put up holiday decorations in the unusually quiet infirmary, “they talk to me like I’m supposed to know stuff. Like I’m the new Percy or something.” Nico expects Will to laugh at this, shrug off his concerns as unfounded and tell him he’s being over-dramatic like usual. He is wrong.
“Okay, babe, don’t take this the wrong way. But, you kind of are the new Percy.”
___ Based on a tumblr post I made about Nico being the obvious choice as Camp Half-Blood's unofficial leader when Percy leaves for college. (only no one bothers to tell Nico that)
*some solangelo and Nico being Tired(TM) for you*
Were I That Burning Star by californianNostalgia
 An old panic gripped me—the breathless fear of being forgotten, being lost. Would anyone remember me when I was gone? Would someone think to lay a flower down on my grave and say some fond nothings like, “Was a pretty cool guy, that Lester,” while wiping off a single dramatic tear rolling down their cheek? Oh, who was I kidding. So what if no one remembered? There wasn’t much I was proud to be remembered by anyway.
After defeating Python and bringing down Nero, Phoebus Apollo reclaims his godhood. He is glorious once more. But for some reason, he can't quite make himself go back to how things were before.
(A Character Study of Various Gods, including but not limited to: Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Dionysus, and maybe Zeus)
* absolutely beautiful, very philosophical, made me see the gods in a completely different way*
PJO Fic Rec Part 2
Disclaimer: The fanfiction above were not written by me for I am not nearly as creative. However, I am an avid reader and movie buff so these are some of my favorite fanfiction within the fandom. I politely ask that you read the tags attached the fanfiction beforehand so that you know what you are getting yourself into, there may be crossovers. If you don’t like it then don’t read it. In addition, I ask that there be no bashing, the fics are based on my preferences and what I like. Lastly, if there are any specific genre or fandom of fics you want me to get into let me know through my ask box.
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Alphys Being Transgender Needs To Be Canon
(Spoilers For Chapter 2 in this, so don’t read if you haven’t beaten the game in the Pacifist Route)  
if you look up the development of Alphys,
you will find out that she wasn’t originally a female character
and she was originally suppose to be male, but was changed into female.
I think that Undyne would still love Alphys and know she was just following her heart and soul and being true to herself. 
so yeah I believe that both versions of Alphys in Undertale and Deltarune,
are technically Transgender and it should be made canon and be revealed in a future chapter of Deltarune.
also I want to mention I had a weird dream where I saw a lot of changelings from MLPFIM, but I think I said I wouldn’t be able to feed them.
guess it’s like me knowing I wouldn’t have enough love and I think I might of had thoughts before....
well if you think about it, the Changelings from MLPFIM might be technically   
Fairy-Ponies, well maybe....we know there are other types of equine besides the earth-pony, unicorn and pegasi.
like the “Sirens” that Stygian met, could of been Kelpie who took the forms of Siren-Ponies corrupted forms.
and those Kelpie had corrupted the Sirens they had copied the forms of,
and they end up as their scapegoats and banished to the human world.
the negative magic energy is what transforms the Siren-Ponies into their corrupted forms. 
so yeah I believe as soon as Stygian got back with help,
the Sirens were made the scapegoats for the Kelpies.
but anyway back to Alphys, I think it be a good idea that Alphys being a Transwoman is made canon.
and by the looks of Chapter 2, the canon of the ship between Undyne and Alphys is strong.
if it turns out that Susie doesn’t have parents, and it is just her and her unknown sister....and maybe other siblings.
then Undyne and Alphys can become Susie and her siblings new Moms.
well if Susie only has one sibling, then those two would just end up being the adoptive mothers of just Susie and her younger sister or older sister.
it be cute if Susie accidentally calls Alphys Mom in class.
Noelle might find it really sweet, Kris might well....
I think they might give a thumbs up.
and Berdly might go call “My Teacher Is Going To Be My Mother-In-Law” Panic.             
I hope just like the whole Pie turning out to be canon, it turns out Susie will do that in the future.......I can only hope.
Susie finding a family in Undyne and Alphys is my O.T.F.F.
which stands for One True Family Found.
it be nice if Susie becoming Alphys’s  adoptive daughter becomes canon in a future chapter, that would be awesome.
or if she already is, then maybe it will be revealed in the future.
 oh and yes, Berdly having a crush on Susie is the spoiler....
of course he didn’t get the crush until he found out a bit about Susie being a Gamer, that being in Dark World.
and it is pretty obvious he still has a crush on her when they got back to the Light World....
I wouldn’t be surprise if Snowy and Berdly get into a fight in the future
because Snowy is bad mouthing Susie.
wouldn’t be surprised if that happen, I mean Berdly has fallen for Susie  and even has made Yandere Noelle mad....
who would of thought that Yandere Noelle would be canon....O_O
well at least in the pacifist route she only choked him.
 Susie is now in a Love Triangle....
and well it is possible Berdly wont get into a fight with Snowy, and will try to play off his feelings for Susie as just a crazy dream.
that is until he finds out in the real world she really does play video games.
Susie is still in a Love Triangle though....
I wouldn’t be surprised if she is going to have a Omni-Harem.
Omni-Harem is what I started to call those who have both males, female and even nonbinary who are in love with the main protagonist.
I have the DVD of the first season of my life as a villainess,
and well I can’t help but think of it as a Omni-Harem type.
it isn’t really a Reverse Harem, plus it just seems more of a Omni-Harem.
if there was a Anime I would love to get Alphys hooked on, it would be that one.
     it is really good, well I think it is....
I also think I will need to clean my glasses, I will clean them after this post.
I hope that some of you can agree that Alphys being Transgender needs to be canon, cause she was originally going to be male but was changed to female.
and if it turns out it can’t be canon, I guess it can just be Fanon instead.
but here’s hoping just like the Pie and Yandere-Noelle, it turns out to be canon.
Noelle: Stop Calling Me Yandere!
Kris: Berdly is kissing a picture of Susie behind a dumpster.
Noelle: *turns around slowly to Kris with a very creepy smile*.....which dumpster....?
even if Noelle is sweet and can scare easy, it is best not to make her mad when it involves Susie.
but now that I think about it, I think the Love Triangle might be a Love Diamond.
because I think Catti (which I pronounce as Katie, so not to confuse with her older sister Catty’s name.)
might have a crush on Noelle, but it is just a theory.
but if it turns out that Catti does have a crush on Noelle,
and with Noelle having a crush on Susie, and Berdly having a crush on Susie.
the Love Triangle might really be a Love Diamond.
the way Catti talks about Noelle makes me think she might have secret feelings for her, and that is one of the reasons why she doesn’t like Susie.
I don’t think Alphys has feelings for King Fluffybuns in Deltarune.
I think their relationship might be 100% platonic and friend zoned.
it be funny if King Dice called Devil “Fluffybuns”
Best Day Ever If that happen. 
and even if the rumors about Cuphead having a crush on King Dice were true.
it would be clear that King Dice wouldn’t return the feelings,
and it be one sided and only Semi-Canon.
then again it would just be rumors that might not even be true.
I heard about the crush thing over on Youtube.
plus if it turns out to be true, and Devil finds out,
we the fans would have to give Cuphead the advice to save his life....
even if Alphys might only have platonic feelings for Asgore in Deltarune.
she might still end up with Undyne, and it if turns out that Alphys is transgendered then I think that Undyne would still love her.
but there is a fact that it might not become canon or show in future chapters of Deltarune, the whole Alphys being transgender, not the whole Undyne x Alphys.
I think Chapter 2 has shown that there is hints of that ship in that game.
it would be interesting if you could play match maker and those who match will end up together at the end of the game.
like Susie with Berdly, and Noelle with Catti.
or Susie with Noelle, and Catti with Berdly.
it is clear that Alphys in Deltarune is different from the one from Undertale.
because the Alphys from Deltarune is a fan of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2.
which might not be a bad thing, from what we read in her review.
wouldn’t be surprised if those two Alphys met and they fight over which is better, and then a third Alphys says she likes both.
well even if I do like the Powerpuff Girls Reboot too, I can still find some problems with it and if it was allowed to continue maybe they could of fix it.
one of the parts I loved in that show, is the friendship between Blossom and Princess, and Bliss the Older Sister of Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup.
that show can be seen as taking place in a different timeline, where the girls are a few years older than their past selves and share the same past like their counterparts but their futures ending up differently.
PPGD is my number one favorite though, I mean I still love PPG
but Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi (or just Powerpuff Girls D)
was out way before Powerpuff Girls Z,
and it has been running way longer than the canon and semi-canon series of the Powerpuff Girls.
it is also a Crossover series, and even if Buttercup has a crush on Sensei Jack...(who is Samurai Jack.)
I think he might be from a timeline where his true love Ashi died.
but in the timeline he ends up in, his counterpart and Ashi had descendants.
and one of the descendants happens to be Professor Utonium,
and if one of the ingredients for Utonium’s chemical X
happens to be some of Utonium’s blood which has traces of Aku,
then that would mean that Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup have traces of Aku in them as well.
it be interesting if Alphys agreed on this theory lol. 
but yeah after discovering that Samurai Jack might be the Ancestor of the PPG (which that would include Ashi as their Ancestress.)
it might be for the best that Buttercup’s crush goes from the puppy-love crush
to just fondness and platonic feelings, because Sensei Jack possibly being a alternate timeline counterpart of her ancestor.
but that might not be added to the PPGD,
but one can only look out for when it does.        
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alittleoptimistic · 2 years
Gone and Back Again
An In the Heights/Hamilton crossover fic :)
Summary: There probably wasn't ever a great time to remember your past life, but you couldn't get much worse than the middle of a blackout in Washington Heights.
Chapter Two: The Bodega
Usnavi had never seen so much money in his life. Except that wasn’t entirely true. He hadn’t seen that much cash, sure, but he was pretty sure the US treasury had had far more than the equivalent in gold bars the last time he checked on it. Which. Would have been last month, and also thirty years, and also more than two hundred years ago.
Yo, they weren’t even on the gold standard anymore what the hell.
Usnavi knew basically nothing about economics, and he also knew everything a person could know about it in 1800. It was probably different now, right? It couldn’t be that different.
Why did he even care? He ran a bodega.
Was that really all he’d done? He ran a store that wasn’t even on a map. By the time he was this old last time, he’d done so so much. A familiar terror stirred in his gut.
No. He didn’t need to panic. Last time he started from nothing. He could start from nothing again. He could ride up to the top just like before. He did it then. He, he… he wanted to go home. He wanted his mom and dad. He wanted to be behind his dad’s bar getting sticky with soda syrup while the soft flow of Spanish washed over him. He wanted to hear his dad’s voice again. At least he’d had a father this time. He missed his mom. Both of them.
For the first time in more than two hundred years, he wondered what happened to his brother James. They used to write. Or Alexander used to write to him, anyway.
I was born on that ship, Usnavi remembered thinking. He used to repeat that over and over until it stung. He thought it until his teeth hurt.
How strange to have fond memories of a place he so hated.
Usnavi stared at the ceiling from the pullout couch in Abuela’s living room. It was six am, and he needed to get up any second now. The city was already waking, and the train rushed past nearby. The store ought to be open already. They didn’t have any power anyway. He couldn’t open it today. Everything was gonna go bad. The ice cream was gonna melt. He needed coffee. He wanted some coffee.
Not remotely motivated, Usnavi pulled the blanket over his head and didn’t move. He couldn’t stop thinking. He should be ecstatic about the lottery money. And he was, he was. He could barely believe it… He should be outside shouting to everyone on the street. Abuela won! We won! For once, we won!
Abuela’s door opened, and he heard the floor creak under her feet as she padded to the kitchen. It was Saturday, so she wouldn’t be going to work. He was glad. He wanted to stay in this building all day and listen to her and stay very still.
“Out of sugar,” he heard her murmur.
Maybe he could fix that. He took in a deep breath and pulled himself into a sitting position. The mattress was very thin, and he could feel the bars beneath him. “I got it, Abuela.”
“Buenos días, Usnavi.”
He hummed and rubbed an eye with the base of his palm. “Hellova night, yeah?”
Abuela chuckled. “We survived.” He still hadn’t seen her face. From this angle, the cupboard cut her off. “I think… I’m going to lay down a bit more, cariño.”
“Okay,” he said, yawning. “I’ll be back with the sugar, and we can have coffee.”
“Sí,” she murmured. Then he heard her slippers shuffle away. With another yawn, he shrugged yesterday’s button-down back on, pulled on his shoes, and ran a hand through his hair as he walked to the door.
When he opened the front door, the roar of the city pressed against his skin. Of course, it was still so damn hot. It was obvious that something had gone down the night before. A few windows were broken, and random broke crap littered the gutters. Bits of glass, plastic, trash. Alexander froze. A bicycler flew past, cars whizzed, someone shouted. Leaning against a Chevrolet, a group of guys lit their cigarettes off each other across the street. One of them lifted a hand in his direction, and Alexander waved hesitantly.
The guy straightened. “Yo, Usnavi what’cha deal?”
He found his voice all at once. “Chill out, Garrett! It’s too early.”
The group roared in laughter, and Usnavi used the moment to jog down the stairs and make his way toward the bodega. It wasn’t far. His heart was hammering a million miles an hour, which was weird because he wasn’t doing anything particularly terrifying. He flipped his keys around his fingers over and over.
When he reached the store, his hands stilled.
Guess he wouldn’t need the keys.
Someone had pried open the grate, and the window in the door was lined with glass teeth. His awning sank deep, ripped down the middle. He swallowed.
Stepping careful over the glass, Usnavi reached his hand through the window and twisted the handle. The door opened with audible protest. Inside, it was a mess. There wasn’t a better way to put it. “Damn,” he muttered, picking his way toward the front. He took stock of the damage automatically. Of course, the entire beer fridge had been raided. Most of the snacks and necessities and stuff were fine, just kinda knocked around. He’d have to do an official inventory… He jumped over the counter and groaned at the crushed register. He hoped they enjoyed their hundred dollars. He didn’t keep more than that in the store for just this reason. They could have made more money stealing the whole register and selling the machine. He needed to read up on his insurance fine print cause he sure didn’t read it when he signed on… He’d call the company soon as he could and maybe they’d explain how this was supposed to work again. That phone call was gonna be worse than this whole robbery thing. They always were smug and charged him more than they said they would and didn’t give him jack…
Wait a second. Alexander straightened with sudden realization. He fumbled under the register. He kept books under here. Like, city manuals, maps, subway routes, and a single copy of Pride and Prejudice that Nina left in here like a million years ago. He pushed aside a cup of single Aspirin packages and grabbed Nina’s book. He opened it to a random page. His heart was hammering again, but for a different reason.
He stood slowly, book in hand.
But as he read, or tried, anyway, disappointment began to drip back into him. The words twisted and flickered like usual. “Oh, that would be too much, would it?” he muttered with a roll of his eyes. Sure, he was bitter.
“What’s too much?” said a familiar voice.
Usnavi startled so hard the book jumped out of his hand and thumped to the floor. “Ay, Sonny- Watch where you’re walking! There’s glass on the floor!”
Usnavi’s cousin froze in the entryway. He was wearing sandals. He looked around at the store “Man…” he breathed. He looked genuinely upset. “I knew me and Pete shoulda guarded this place.”
“Guarded- what? You did what?”
Sonny waved him off and hopped toward the counter. “Don’t get your pants all twisted. I did-n’t, obviously. Benny made us go home.”
Usnavi opened his mouth to continue to berate him and then his voice sort of stuck in his throat as a sudden, very strong wave of grief overcame him. It was so quick, he didn’t even know where it came from or why. He ducked under the counter and shoved Nina’s book back in its spot and took the second he had down there to blink his eyes rapidly. What the hell was wrong with him? Calm down. “It’ll be fine,” he managed. He straightened and started putting scattered packs of gum back in their slots just to be doing something with his hands. “It’s just stuff.”
Sonny scowled. He pushed himself up over the counter and sat with his legs dangling next to Usnavi. “You, uh, good, cuz?” he said
“What? Why? Why wouldn’t I be good?”
Sonny stared down at him. He scooted over a bit. “You’re being weird.”
“You look weird.”
Sonny blew a raspberry. “I guess this means I don’t gotta work today?”
“Ha! We’re…” Then, he stopped. Standing, Usnavi looked around the bodega and his energy swirled down some drain in him. He changed his mind. “I’ll figure out how to lock this up. You’re free, man. I’m supposed to be getting sugar for Abuela anyway.”
Sonny grinned and jumped off the counter. “Yes! Ha! Alright! Let’s go!” He ran for the exit.
Usnavi snorted. He tried to push the register shut, but it was way too jacked up for that and it bounced open with a half-hearted ding. “Be good, Philip!” he shouted after him.
“I will- hey what?” Sonny leaned in, hands flat on the doorframe so he wouldn’t touch the glass. It was starting to get real light outside, the morning grey replaced by boiling yellow sunlight.
Usnavi looked up. “Hm?”
“You don’t know my name now?” Sonny grinned. He was just messing with him. But Alexander’s stomach sank. He didn’t feel how hard he was gripping the sides of the register until it started to hurt. Sonny’s smile dropped, and he stepped back inside. The glass cracked under him. “Hey man, I’ll stay, for real.”
“No!” He forced a smile. “Go! Go, I’m leaving in a minute anyway.”
Sonny hesitated, frowning. “Uh-huh.” Then he pulled back, patting the door gently. “Alright, see ya.”
“See ya.” If he sounded a little strangled, Alexander wasn’t sure there was much he could have done. As soon as Sonny ran out of sight, Alexander exhaled and his whole body sank with it. His heart was pounding again, and this time his hands felt sorta pins-and-needles too. That was one conversation, and he was exhausted. “Dios mío…”
He closed his eyes tight and forced a few breaths in and out. Cautiously, he tried to reach for a thought about his dead son Philip, and yeah, there was the wave of horrible pain again. Sucking in air, he sank to the floor, back against the counter, and stared at nothing, trying hard not to move, as if that made it better. He really ought to be used to this feeling, and in some ways Usnavi was. He hadn’t felt it this bad in a few years, though. I should have stuck with my gut and stayed with Abuela, Usnavi thought. He wasn’t ready.
Red soda had spilled down the cabinet at some point and he wrinkled his nose at it. He really should wipe this wall off.
Usnavi ducked his head, hands behind his neck.
“Usnavi? You in here?”
His head shot up. He wiped his eyes rapidly and fumbled to his feet. “Um, oh. Vanessa. You’re, you’re here.”
And she was. Vanessa picked through the glass, adjusting a crooked stand of chips. She looked beautiful, as usual, her long hair in a ponytail that almost fell to her backside. “I guess there’s no coffee.”
“I mean, I could still whip something up. Still got the stuff! It’s just… everywhere.”
She wouldn’t meet his eyes. This was fine with Alexander, who didn’t think he’d be able to handle someone actually seeing him right now. “You left me last night,” she said from across the counter.
Oh. He completely forgot. He almost reached for her, but he aborted the motion and set his hand on the counter instead. “I’m sorry. The blackout… and I needed to make sure Abuela was okay, and Sonny, and-”
“It’s fine.”
That meant it wasn’t fine, right?
“I walked three blocks in the dark, all by myself.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah,” She hugged her arms to herself.
“Guess I’ll find a dunkin donuts or whatever.”
“Really, Vanessa-”
But she was already turning away. “I’m sorry about your store, Usnavi.” She stepped over a puddle of spilled coke and then turned toward him. He made the mistake of looking her in the eyes and the anger dropped out of her face, replaced with concern. “What’s wrong?”
Shoot. “I’m fine!” he snapped. “Go get coffee, be more broke.”
Her mouth dropped open, and then she scowled. “Fine! See if I care.”
“Why would I care about your shitty dunkin coffee?”
She threw a hand in the air, a vague middle finger, and left.
Usnavi bristled with indignation. His hands shook in tight fists on the counter. What was her problem?
He smacked the register, and it bounced open, dinging. “Screw it! Spend a zillion dollars on a register that can’t take a crowbar! It’s supposed to be anti-crowbar! That’s the whole point!” He jumped over the counter, kicking things out of his way. He grabbed a handful of sugar packets, shoved them in his pocket. He threw himself out of the front door, slamming it shut behind him. “And I still can’t freaking read!” he shouted at it.
A bit of glass wobbled and fell out of the doorframe.
Outside, on his corner like usual, was Pete and the two t-shirts he was trying to sell. His eyes were very wide. Why didn’t this kid go to school? Usnavi blew past him. “Got a whole new canvas for you! A la meirda, tag the whole place up!”
He boiled all the way back to Abuela’s. Why did he have to deal with any of this? He didn’t deserve it! He was too smart, and he worked too hard to be stuck here! As soon as he got his third of the lottery money, he was flying away, and he was never coming back. Maybe he’d go to France. See what the big deal was. Start a law firm in a new city and have a lot of sex and this time no one would even care because he didn’t have a wife to hold him back! Ha!
It was only at her doorstep that Alexander started to calm. He pinched between his eyes, took a deep breath. He ran up the stairs. It was very quiet inside. She must really have gone back to bed.
He made himself a cup of coffee before he checked on her.
Next Chapter
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mrslittletall · 3 years
Title: Hunters of the Abyss (Chapter 1) Fandom: Made in Abyss/Bloodborne Characters: Laurenc, Gehrman, Micolash, Rom, Maria, Master Willem Word Count: 4.561 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32531749/chapters/80689318
Summary: On the island Belouska, in the middle of the town Orth, lies a gigantic chasm filled with precious relics and dangerous beasts as well as a mysterious curse, only known as the Abyss.
Many have ventured into the Abyss, but not everybody came back. This is one of the tales about the Abyss, in which a group of delvers takes the challenge to brave the Abyss... and maybe turn from the hunted to the hunters.
(Author's note: This is a crossover, so I wrote up a neat little FAQ which can be found at the end of the chapter. If you have questions, please look there first. I may update it when more questions arise.
Now onto this one: I watched Made in Abyss in 2020 and fell in complete and utter love with the world. Just one year prior I played through Bloodborne and well, these two fandoms had to meet! I planned for this fic for quite some time, but being busy with various writing challenges and the pandemic happening, stuff got postponed and postponed until I finally found the time to sit down and write chapter one.
The characters in this chapter are still children, but they will grow up into adults over the timespan of the fic. There will be quite a few time skips actually. The first few chapters will mainly be world building and exposure.
Last but not least, this is both Made in Abyss and Bloodborne, so be prepared for some soul crushing angst and dark stuff happening. Just... nothing will happen to children. Other than Tsukushi, I prefer to torture adults and older teenagers.
So our protagonists are safe... for now...
If you enjoyed this, please don't hesitate leaving me a comment. Both BB and MiA are tiny fandoms, so I don't expect that this will get much attention, so knowing that someone enjoyed it will be all the much sweeter.)
„Laurence, breathe!“
The boy called Laurence took a deep breath, not even having realized that he had held his breath in the first place.
“Sorry, Gehrman.”, he gasped out. “I am... nervous.”
“Of course, it's your first time.”, Gehrman said, glancing over to the group of Red Whistles which had gathered around their appointed Moon Whistle, which they all called Master Willem. Laurence' gaze followed Gehrman's. The children in front of Master Willem were all orphans from the Balchero Orphanage, like Laurence himself. The only difference was, that all of them already had gone delving at least once, while it was the first time for Laurence. He had only recently turned ten.
“Every Red Whistle gets nervous when they delve for the first time. You don't have to worry too much about going down, though, it's going up that should concern you. Speaking of going, it appears we are moving.”
“Right, the curse.”, Laurence wrinkled his nose at the thought as he started to walk alongside Gehrman. He of course knew all the effects of the curse of every single layer, but he hadn't experienced them personally. Yet. “Dizziness and nausea for the first layer.”
“Correct. And I bet with you that you have to puke on your way up, I haven't seen a single first timer who hasn't.”, Gehrman grinned at him. Laurence just gave him a look.
“I even manage to get sick without any curse affecting me, so that bet doesn't exactly feel fair.”, he said, crossing his arms. “And I certainly won't get into any competitions. You are two years older than me and used to the curse of the first layer already.”
“True.”, Gehrman said. “But before you know it, you will be twelve as well and be allowed to go deeper into the Abyss. Before we both know it, we will be fifteen and be able to turn into Blue Whistles. Time started to move much faster once I was allowed to delve.”
“Or we could die a horrible death down there.”, Laurence said, looking down at his feet. He was wearing the standard delver boots. Every Red Whistle was wearing the standard delving gear, consisting of leather pants, a vest, gloves, said boots and a helmet. Laurence didn't wear the helmet on his head though, but instead it was clasped behind it. He disliked how it flattened his locks of auburn hair. He had tried so hard to preserve his hairdo once he tried on the delver gear, but to no avail.
“Are you thinking about your parents?”, Gehrman asked, making Laurence stop in his tracks, but not for long, as Gehrman pushed him along so that they wouldn't lose sight of the group in front of them.
“...Is it that obvious?”, Laurence looked at the ground next to him, not feeling like he wanted to look into Gehrman's eyes. “I always wished they could come with me to my first delving...”
“I know, we all wished our parents could have come with us.”, Gehrman said, laying a hand on Laurence' shoulder. “We all know how you feel...”
The both of them fell silent after this exchange. Laurence' parents had both been delvers, Black Whistle's even and he always had been eager for the day he was old enough to earn his red whistle and go on his first delve. However, that day never came, because around three months before his tenth birthday, Laurence got the message that they had died on their latest delve.
He had gotten a warm welcome in the Balchero Orphanage where almost every child of delvers landed sooner or later, but the pain of their recent passing was still strong. He really really had wanted for them to be around on his first delve.
Laurence had the feeling that was why Gehrman had decided to come with him even though he was allowed to go deeper already. The older boy had a certain fondness for Laurence and the two of them soon had become friends. He also had befriended a few of the other children, a boy named Micolash, who had a face like a gremlin and deep black hair which were messy curls, a girl named Maria which wore a beautiful white ponytail and a girl named Rom, with tan skin and straight black hair. Laurence always had the feeling that Micolash seemed to like her. Gehrman, as the oldest of their group, held them together and was kind of an older brother to the four children. All of them were heading down on that delve today.
“That's why I am nervous.”, Laurence suddenly said.
“Huh?”, Gehrman put his attention back on Laurence, clearly not having expected for him to speak again so soon.
“Nervous about going down here. I have dreamed my whole life about this day. The image of the Abyss is pretty much my first memory. I always wanted to come down here and see it with my own eyes, but now that it happened, I can't help but be nervous. Of course I knew that delvers died in here, but... that never was something that should happen to someone close to me...”
Gehrman came closer to Laurence and patted his shoulder. “Laurence, once we stop, I have to show you something. I am sure it will put your mind at ease. But for now, how about you stop looking at the ground and look at what is right in front of you?”
Laurence finally released his gaze from his boots and once he saw what was in front of him, he almost lost his breath again.
The Abyss... it was nothing short but beautiful. He saw green grass and lush vegetation, in the distance he could see a river flowing through the netherworld. There were little animals scurrying around between flowers of fortitude, butterflies landing on them, collecting their nectar. Even though Orth was covered in these same flowers, their sight never stopped being beautiful. Laurence wondered if the flower came from the Abyss or if it had taken hold in the Abyss. It was common for them to throw their petals into the Abyss alongside the ashes of the deceased.
“Beautiful.”, he said, not knowing where to look first. He had been so caught up in his own head that he had completely forgotten to enjoy the experience.
“As soon as I saw it for the first time, I knew it was worth coming down here.”, Gehrman smiled at him. Then, the group in front of them stopped.
“Ah, it seems we have arrived.”, Gehrman said and then pushed Laurence' helmet onto his auburn hair. “You are supposed to wear the helmet on your head, not behind it.”
“I don't like the helmet.”, Laurence grumbled, adjusting it so that it would fit better.
“Well, better having some messed up hair than being dead from a stray rock.”, Gehrman shrugged. “You get used to it. Also, there is a glowstone embedded into it, it will help you when it gets dark.”
“Alright.”, Laurence said, stopping as well once he and Gehrman had reached the group. His gaze fell on Master Willem. He looked already very old, but apparently was still fit enough to come with them into the Abyss. When Laurence asked Gehrman about him, Gehrman told him that Master Willem always had looked old. Seeing that a delver with such an advanced age still existed, made Laurence feel a little bit better.
Master Willem looked them over, silently taking stock if every child under his care was still there and then spoke to the group: “Everyone's here? Good. Most of you have already been down here once, so you can continue like the last time. Laurence, it's your first time, so you stay with Gehrman today. I am here if any of you have any questions. Remember, we search for relics. Keep out of the danger zones and don't go out of sight. Don't eat outside of the assigned breaks, come tell me if you need a bathroom break and don't go up on your own.”
A combined “Understood, Master Willem.” sounded from the children's throats and then everyone was off. Laurence kept standing where he was, unsurely looking at Gehrman.
“So... what do we do now?”, he asked.
“First, I will show you what I talked about earlier.”, Gehrman said and took Laurence' hand, guiding him a few steps away until they stood next to the wall of the Abyss. There, Gehrman laid Laurence' hand on the wall.
“Your parents died here, in the great chasm. This means, they have become a part of it now. While their physical bodies aren't there anymore, their souls will be with you each time you go down into the Abyss. Go on, ask them for their blessing.”
Laurence felt the cool stone wall under his hand. That was the Abyss, a part of it... his parents had died in here. Their souls went back into the Abyss. He knew that. It was how Orth functioned, what Orth believed. He heard that other countries believed in something like a god, some figure in the heavens that they never saw and he never got it. Why did they believe in something that they couldn't see?
The Abyss was there, it was tangible, he could touch it. In fact, he touched it right at this moment. At this moment, Laurence felt a connection. It felt like everyone who had entered this place was in unison with him. That also had to include his parents. He wondered if they could hear him, but he would never find out if he wouldn't try.
“Mom... Dad... please watch over me.”, he whispered, opening his eyes, seeing how Gehrman smiled at him.
“And now we can start our delve.”, he said. “Follow me, I will show you how it works.”
Laurence followed Gehrman, always having questions on his mind. He probably should just spill them, no reason to stay silent. “Master Willem told us that we should tell him if we need a bathroom break.”, he started. “Why?” Wouldn't it be fine to just find a corner to duck down into?
“Ah, we are not supposed to leave his sight.”, Gehrman answered. “And he has to know where we are when we are under his care. We are also supposed to take a partner with us, so that the other can keep watch. It's how it works down here, you get used to it.”
“Hm, makes sense...”, Laurence said. “And we are forbidden from eating anything, other than when a break is called? What about drinking?”
“You are allowed to drink just fine, but we shouldn't eat outside of the designated breaks, because it can make us a bit sluggish. We are supposed to all take a little break after eating and it is easier when we all eat at the same time. Besides, sometimes new Red Whistles find food in the Abyss and eat it without thinking... and well, not everything is safe to eat.”
Laurence shuddered a bit at the thought of actually eating something poisonous. Yeah, he should stay away from anything that was unknown to him.
“Do you have any more questions or can we start delving?”, Gehrman asked, standing in front of what looked like a loose stone wall.
“Well, besides from what we are supposed to do, no, I guess.”, Laurence said, fidgeting with his fingers.
“It's easy enough.”, Gehrman smiled, getting a pickaxe out of his rucksack. “We search for loose stone structures like this and break it down.” Gehrman demonstrated his words with a wide swing of the pickaxe and soon it crumbled, revealing a small cave beneath it. “Then we get into it and search for anything that looks like a relic.”
Laurence just stood there when the wall crumbled, now very much knowing why they were supposed to wear the helmet. That would hurt a lot when stray debris would hit him. After a minute or so, he silently followed Gehrman into the little cave, his glowstone providing him with a small light source.
“And that is why the helmets are so useful.”, Gehrman said, turning to Laurence and putting something that looked like a vase or something into his hands. “Look for anything that doesn't look natural or simply unusual. The more relics we find, the better. They give us more allowance the more we can unearth.”
“I am sometimes amazed that we still can find relics...”, Laurence said, getting on his knees and searching through the rubble. “Wasn't the Abyss discovered 1.900 years ago?”
“Yes, but that doesn't mean that Orth existed that long.”, Gehrman said, his trained eyes scanning the bottom of the cave with ease and soon he had a second relic located which went into his rucksack. “Besides, all the good stuff has already been found. All we unearth is trash. Valuable trash though.”
“Hm, I guess...”, Laurence shrugged, getting a bit frustrated with searching the rubble. If anything had been in there, it probably had been smashed to bits.
“Laurence, don't search the entrance, come deeper into the cave.”, Gehrman said. “You rarely find relics at the entrance.”
“Oh alright.”, Laurence was more than glad to get away from the rubble and he wandered to Gehrman's place, searching in the opposite direction of him. When he saw something glistening in the wall, he approached it with a vague hope, but instead a yelp escaped him when he saw that it was a human skeleton!
“Laurence, is everything alright?”, Gehrman came over to him and once he saw the skeleton, he was quick to calm him down. “Oh don't worry about those, this is a praying skeleton, they are apparently 2.000 years old. Isn't that fascinating?”
“But... the Abyss was only discovered 1.900 years ago...?”, Laurence repeated his earlier statement, still a bit shaking.
“That doesn't mean that it hasn't existed for longer, don't you think?”, Gehrman said, his smile in the vague light of the glowstone looking more creepy than reassuring. Laurence shook his head and then got up. “I think I want to get out of this cave...”
“Come on, Laurence, you are getting used to the sight. There are still relics to find in here. How about you come over and help me with searching?”
Laurence looked back at the skeleton, then to the cave exit, which wasn't even far away, the cave actually was more of a little alcove in the wall, and then nodded, walking over to Gehrman. “I just didn't think my first find in here would be human bones...”, he murmured.
“Nobody expects to find them at first. I should have warned you, sorry.”, Gehrman patted Laurence' shoulder and then pointed at the floor. “Now, help me find anything unusual that you can see.”
“Alright.”, Laurence kneeled down, glad that the thick leather of his pants protected his knees and observed the floor. A few minutes later, he had several round and flat things in his hands, that clearly weren't rocks.
“I found something.”, he said. “I think...”, he then added, suddenly feeling a bit self conscious about his find. As Gehrman put his attention on him, he showed it to him. “What could that be?”
“Currency maybe?”, Gehrman suggested, looking at the relics. “There once must have been a civilisation in here, they probably used it to pay for wares and stuff.”
“Hm, makes sense.”, Laurence said, putting the “coins” in his own rucksack. “It doesn't seem to be very valuable though.”
“Like I said, most stuff in here is trash anyway. You will rarely find something good. And if, then don't even think about keeping it.” Gehrman let something fall in his own rucksack. It looked like a statue of some kind. Maybe for rituals or anything?
“What happens if we keep relics?”, Laurence asked, curious. He knew they weren't supposed to keep relics, but he never had asked what the punishment for it would be.
“Then the punishment will be worse than being hanged naked.”, Gehrman said, rather casually, as Laurence' face fell. He still had nightmares sometimes about the time a prank on Master Willem had gone too far and this had been his punishment, it had been the peak of uncomfortableness and humiliation... and they had a punishment that was even worse than that?! He didn't want to find out about it.
“Yes, so make sure to deliver all of your relics. We are taking stock of them anyway.”, Gehrman said as he saw the drained colour from Laurence' face.
“Understood.”, Laurence said and quietly kept searching, filling his rucksack with a bit more odds and ends that looked like someone's dinnerware. Maybe it was. If there were skeletons that were 2.000 years old in the Abyss, then why not their homes as well?
After he and Gehrman had cleared out the cave, which had taken far longer than expected, it was already time for their lunch break, as Master Willem was rallying them up to take a break and eat what they had brought along. The problem was that Micolash wasn't making any advances to come and sit down with them.
“That oddball again.”, Laurence sighed, getting up when Micolash still didn't move even though Master Willem had called his name three times already. “I better drag him over here.”
“Do what you must.”, Gehrman said, knowing that Laurence kind of could connect with Micolash, he always had been the odd one of the group and only when Laurence had arrived at the orphanage had he managed to get out of his shell.
“Micolash, what are you doing?”, Laurence said, stopping next to his friend, feeling a bit dizzy when he noticed that Micolash stood at the edge of a rather steep cliff and was staring down into it.
Micolash raised his head, slowly, almost looking creepy and stared at Laurence. Then, he opened his mouth and said: “If you stare in the Abyss, does the Abyss stare back?”
What? Laurence felt a bit at a loss at what to reply to this question, when Rom spoke and shouted over to them: “If you want to get swallowed up, then stare in the Abyss, otherwise head over finally, so that we can finally eat!”
Laurence heard both Gehrman and Maria giggle at Rom's statement and couldn't help but grin himself at it, while Micolash actually looked... a bit embarrassed. Maybe. It was hard to tell.
“You will understand one day.”, he murmured as he finally got into motion. “All of you will understand one day.”
“What, that staring into the maw of the netherworld is making you speak in riddles?”, Rom was at it again and the children around her started to giggle again, as Micolash glared at her a bit.
While Laurence had a hard time to suppress his own giggling, he said: “She's just teasing you, Micolash, that's all.” Though he had to agree with Rom mostly, the Abyss couldn't stare back if you stared into it. It didn't have any eyes, right? ...Right? Suddenly, Laurence wasn't too sure about it anymore. He should stop thinking about it and finally eat.
Laurence joined the group and sat down on a rock, eagerly unpacking his lunch. This morning had been a special day, not only because it was his first delve, but also because that meant that he could eat rice for the first time in his life. Orth, as a city on an island, had to import rice and therefore it had turned into a delicacy and was a food that only delvers were allowed to eat, at the day they went to delve into the Abyss, because it could be their least meal and they deserved to have something special then.
Gehrman had prepared the rice into rice balls, a simple dish with salt and alga and it had been one of the most awesome things Laurence had ever tasted, even though Gehrman told him that was one of the simplest forms in which rice could be prepared. He actually had to be stopped from overeat himself, so he had taken the leftovers with him and was now happily munching on it, enjoying the taste of the food he did had to admire from afar for so many years.
As Laurence was enjoying his food, he could hear Gehrman talk. As he put his attention on him, he saw Gehrman sitting next to Maria. Apparently he was asking the girl questions and she was answering them. Laurence slid a little bit closer to overhear their conversation.
“And what are these insects called?”, Gehrman asked, pointing at something in the grass, sitting on top of a flower of fortitude. Laurence' eyes sparkled when he saw the butterfly, far bigger than the ones in Orth and with sparkly wings.
“It's a crystal wing.”, Maria answered. “Their wings sparkle like this because of the sun that gets reflected from the forcefield. They try to dazzle predators with them.”
“Correct.”, Gehrman said. Laurence still had his eyes on the crystal wing, what a beautiful creature, when suddenly a lizard-like animal appeared out of nowhere and had the butterfly in its mouth. Nothing short but shocked, Laurence lowered the half eaten rice ball, feeling as if his food got stuck in his throat.
“And this?”, Gehrman asked, both his and Maria's eyes on the lizard.
“A stalking lizard.”, Maria replied. “Always attacks from the shadows, seemingly from nowhere, the prey won't even know what killed it. Insects are its favoured food.”
“The Abyss sure is cruel...”, Laurence mentioned from his spot, still not feeling able to keep eating on.
“It's something you will get used to.”, Gehrman said. “At least we are not part of their diet. Actually the stalking lizards can be quite tasty, if you manage to catch them. Dastardly fast though.”
“One time I thought I had one and only had the tail in my hand.”, Maria said. “And they can even get rid of their legs if they please. They can grow all their limbs back without trouble.”
“Sadly, only the meat that isn't extremities is palatable.”, Gehrman added.
“I see...”, Laurence said. He knew that they sometimes got meat from the Abyss in the orphanage to eat, but nobody actually had ever told him what exactly it was they were eating. He wondered if he had maybe eaten these lizards already.
“Do you want to know more about the creatures of the first layer, Laurence?”, Gehrman asked. “I was just testing if Maria remembered everything I told her. Feel free to join us and listen in.”
“Gladly.”, Laurence said and got up to sit closer to them. As he ate the rest of his rice ball and washed it down with some water, he listened to Gehrman and Maria going over various creatures of the first layer, the different insect species, the well known hammer beaks, a little rodent that was pretty much harmless, but could mess with trying to steal the smaller relics, the trouts that could be caught in the underground river and many more. He knew that a lot of the creatures in the Abyss actually were still unnamed, but he was sure that the first layer probably had a pretty complete encyclopedia of the wild life.
After they all had eaten, Gehrman pointed out that it was the perfect time for taking a bathroom break before they continued with their work, so they did exactly that, with Micolash, Gehrman and Laurence being one group and Maria and Rom the other. Laurence found it made sense that the boys and girls would try to stay apart from each other during it.
Then, they continued what they were doing before lunch break, with Master Willem having a vigilant eye on all of them. Laurence stayed near Gehrman and absorbed everything that his friend could tell him about the Abyss and about delving in general. At the end of the day, both of their rucksacks were filled with various relics that looked like they were just common household objects. While Gehrman kept insisting that it only was trash, Laurence knew that even the trash could be sold for a high price into foreign countries. It was how Orth managed to stay so wealthy.
“You did well today, children.”, Master Willem said as they all presented their finds. “We will rate all of your finds back at the orphanage. The better you managed, the deeper you will be allowed into the Abyss. We were only 50 metres deep today.”
“Understood.”, the children replied in unison. Laurence was pretty excited. After he had seen what was pretty much the beginning of the Abyss, he already was eager to see more. But first... first they had to get back up.
Which meant that he would experience the curse for the first time.
You will puke., Gehrman had said and as much as Laurence wanted to believe that it wouldn't happen, how bad could a little dizziness be...
The moment they had started to go upwards though, he had been hit by the worst dizziness in his life. That wasn't any usual dizziness... his head hurt, his vision seemed to swim, he actually had trouble seeing clearly and that alone was bad enough so that his stomach was revolting from the mixed signals his body gave. Laurence had to clasp a hand in front of his mouth, trying so hard to swallow down the bile that tried to force its way out, but had to give up after only a minute or two and retched on the ground, being on both his hands and knees while it happened, heavily breathing at the unpleasant sensation.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and when he looked up, tears in his eyes from the burning in his throat, he saw Gehrman smiling at him. “You will get used to it.”, he said and offered Laurence a hand which he took. “But for now get used to throwing up once you ascend. At least you are not the only one.”
Gehrman gestured at the other kids and Laurence felt a tiny bit better when he saw that Micolash pretty much experienced the same fate as him.
Still, he would be more than glad once he wouldn't have to throw up anymore after going up, but he had the feeling that would take quite a while.
After they had fully ascended and the awful feeling of the curse slowly vanished, Master Willem led them back to the orphanage where they were supposed to rest and then tally up their finds. Laurence could only think about one thing though.
It had been his first delve and he had returned alive. And still, he couldn't wait to go down into the Abyss a second time.
It truly had a fascinating aura around it, it was as if he was drawn to it.
The second delve couldn't come fast enough. (FAQ:
1) I have never played Bloodborne? Will I still understand this fic?
This fic takes place in the world of Made in Abyss. I simply put some Bloodborne characters into the world of Made in Abyss and act like if they had grown up here. There will be a ton of Bloodborne references though, but you don't have to have played the game to understand the plot I am going for. And the characters... we know very little about them, so they are basically 80 to 90 % OCs, so you can just see them as OCs if you please.
2) I have never watched Made in Abyss? Will I still understand this fic?
I strongly advise to be familiar with Made in Abyss for this fic, for it takes place in the world of Made in Abyss. You don't have to be familiar with the plot though, for I am going for a completely different plot detached from the canon of the anime/manga.
I will do my best to explain the world building though, which is 50 % canon and 50 % my own. Anyone familiar with the canon feel free to point out where my headcanons took place.
3) Will characters from MiA show up?
Any MiA characters will likely only be cameos, for I want to focus on the life of the Bloodborne characters here. Don't expect that anyone of the MiA characters has a very huge role. They will more be mentioned in passing and appear for short whiles, but never play a big role.
4) When does this fic take place? Is it during the canon timeline of MiA?
NOPE. This fic takes place before the canon of the manga/anime. During the first chapter, Riko hasn't even been born yet. This first chapter takes place around 20 to 25 years before canon and even after the characters grew up, there won't be much overlap, if any.
5) Why are you using the Old Hunter characters?
Because they are my favs, haha ^^ I have a lot of headcanons about them and they work best for the story I have in mind.
6) Laurence as POV character? Really?
Yep, because he's my ultra FAV. Truth to be told, I actually made up this AU so that I could roleplay Laurence in an MiA verse, but I liked the idea so much that I wanted to make a whole fic out of it.
7) Why did you decide to write a crossover of these two things?
When I watched Made in Abyss, I saw Bloodborne at every corner. Then I thought up Laurence' MiA verse and then... well, I read an interview from Tsukushi himself and he actually said that Bloodborne was one of his big inspirations for Made in Abyss! Speak about coincidences!) Chapter 2
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afni-fics · 4 years
Tim arrives in Paris and reunites with old friends.
(a pre-New52 DCU/Miraculous Ladybug crossover fusion)
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It was a typical morning at the Dupain-Cheng home above the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. Thirteen year old Marinette Dupain-Cheng had overslept (again) and was scrambling to get ready for school on time.
“No time for breakfast, Maman!” the petite teenager said as she was dashing down the stairs while tying her shoulder-length black hair into twin pigtails. As she snagged her lunch bag from the counter and was preparing to leave their apartment, she noticed that she was alone in the kitchen. “Maman?” she called out as her blue eyes scanned the empty room.
That was odd. Usually her mother, Sabine Cheng, waited until her daughter had left for school before going to help her father, Tom Dupain, in the bakery.
“Are you down here Maman?” Marinette called as she walked into the kitchen of the bakery, slowing to avoid causing any accidental disasters before entering the main storefront. She paused in the doorway as she noticed her parents talking to a man she’d never seen before.
The stranger appeared to be in his mid-30s and was dressed in a pair of nice looking dark slacks with a stylish leather jacket. He was of average height with slim athletic build, despite being absolutely dwarfed by the presence of Tom Dupain, Marinette’s gentle giant of a father. His skin was pale and some of his short black hair fell slightly into his face. He also wore a pair of dark sunglasses that completely masked his eyes. Overall, the stranger looked like a fairly well-off gentleman, and it appeared her parents both knew him. Her petite mother’s eyes were glistening with unshed tears, though Sabine Cheng also had a warm fond smile on her face as she spoke with the man, who seemed a bit embarrassed by all the attention.
“Papa? Maman?” Marinette asked cautiously as she stepped fully into the shop.
All three adults froze, obviously startled by the girl’s appearance. “Oh Marinette!” Tom was the first to respond. “We thought you’d left for school already.”
“Almost,” she said as she stepped a bit closer, curiosity winning over caution. “I’m on my way out now. Who’s this?“
Marinette’s mother found her voice. When Sabine spoke it was with a great deal of affection as she watched the stranger out of the corner of her eyes, as if she was afraid he was going to disappear when she wasn’t looking. “This is Timothy Drake. He’s a very dear old friend of ours from the United States that we haven’t seen in… goodness… over a decade now.” The tiny woman reached out and placed a hand on the stranger’s arm. “And Tim, this is–”
The stranger slowly pulled off his sunglasses, and Marinette could see for the first time that this man had kind blue eyes. “Marinette,” he said with a small smile. Though he had a slight American accent, his French was flawless. “You probably don’t remember me. The last time I saw you, you were just a baby. God, look at how much you’ve grown.” He glanced back at Tom and Sabine and the smile he gave them seemed a bit sad at his eyes. “Really sinks in how long it’s been, seeing her all grown up.” Tim turned back at the girl. “You look so much like your mother.”
Marinette felt her cheeks grow warm at the stranger’s fond words. “Oh, I’m not all that grown up or nearly as pretty as Maman.” she said dismissively with a small smile. “I’m still really klutzy and childish sometimes and…”
“–and late for school?” Her father interjected with a knowing grin.
…and late for school!“ Marinette echoed without thinking. Then she thought about it. "OH MY GOSH! I’M LATE FOR SCHOOL!” She dashed to her parents and gave them quick kisses on their cheeks. “See you later!” She said before pausing at the door. “Oh! And nice to meet you M. Drake!” Marinette smiled brightly at him before rushing out the door as quickly as she could.
Once she was gone, the smile faded from Tim’s face and his expression became more guarded.
Before he was able to address Tom and Sabine again, the petite woman raised her hand to pause him. Then she moved to the front door of the bakery and flipped the sign to “Closed” and set a time for the “Back at…" clock. Then she beckoned the two men to follow her upstairs.
“There,” Sabine said once the door was closed behind the three of them and she motioned towards the living room. “That’s better.” She looked at Tim with tender concern in her expression. “Sorry about that. I thought she’d already left for school. Are you alright?”
Tim nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine,“ he said as he took a seat on the sofa.
Sabine gave Tim a skeptical look, but didn’t press him further as she day inn a nearby chair.
Her husband went to the kitchen and began pouring out several mugs of coffee. “I almost didn’t believe my eyes this morning when you came into the bakery.” Tom said as he set the mugs on a tray. “Last time we saw you, it felt like we were never going to see you again.” Tom had a sad expression on his face as he said this before offering the first of the mugs to his guest.
Tim sighed as he took a mug and stared into it. “I never thought I’d ever set foot in Paris again either,” he admitted.
“Is it because of Le Papillon?” Sabine asked after a small sip of her coffee. “Is he why you’re here?”
Tim nodded. “At first I was just going to slip into Paris undercover, figure out who this terrorist was, and deliver all the information to the authorities before slipping out again back to Gotham. No one was supposed to know I was here.”
“What changed?” Tom asked?
“The League got involved,” Tim answered. “And Bruce asked me to investigate personally. Now I’m on their radar.”
At the mention of the League and Bruce, both Tom and Sabine frowned. Tom looked mostly concerned while Sabine looked irritated. For a moment it looked like she wanted to say something, but instead chose to focus on drinking her coffee, swallowing her words along with the dark bitter liquid.
“You should have said no.” Sabine finally muttered under her breath. Then she shook her head. “No. They should’ve never asked you in the first place.” She looked at Tim with an expression that warred between frustration and worry. “Not after what they did.”
“If I hadn’t accepted, then they would’ve sent a team of my brothers and sisters from Gotham, and we would’ve ended up tripping over each other.” Tim set down his empty mug. “Or worse, Bruce might’ve decided to come himself to investigate.”
“So what brought you to the bakery?” Tom asked. “You could’ve still investigated for the League and we wouldn’t have even known you were here in Paris.“
“The League has evidence that Le Papillon may be directly targeting the children at College Francoise Dupont.”
Tom and Sabine gasped in alarm. “Is Marinette in danger?” Sabine asked immediately.
“I’m not sure.” Tim admitted with a frown. “We aren’t certain how Le Papillon is choosing his victims though there are some solid theories. However, the majority of his targets recently are either students from the school or adults with direct ties to them. Once I leave here I’m going to begin my investigation. I’ve got a few leads to chase down. Not sure how long this is going to take though.”
“Are you going to be undercover?” Tom asked.
“I’m actually going undercover as myself.”
Tom regarded him with a quizzical look. “How does that work?”
Tim smiled a little. “You’ll see in a day or two.” He revealed. “It’ll be fairly obvious.”
Then Tim reached into an interior pocket of his leather jacket. He pulled out a small package. “I really need to head out to the school myself to get things started. I’ve got an appointment with Principal Damocles today. However, I wanted to give you both this before I left.”
Sabine took the package from Tim and opened it. Inside was a pair of cell phones in two different styles and colors. One was silver. The other was red.
“The silver phone is a direct secured line to me,” Tim explained. “If Le Papillon puts either of you or Marinette in danger when I’m not nearby, call or text me. I’ll come immediately. I’m staying at Le Grande Paris for the week at least, and if it takes longer to hunt down Le Papillon I’ll be setting up in an apartment not too far from here. I don’t plan on leaving the immediate area until this investigation is complete. So I’ll be here if any of you need me.”
Tom nodded. Then Sabine picked up the red phone. “What about this one?”
Tim’s expression became more serious. “That is an emergency line straight to Oracle, my point of contact to the League. If something happens to me… if I get badly hurt or akumatized… I need you to send a message to Oracle. I need you two to let her know that ‘Mockingbird’ has been compromised.”
At that, both Sabine and Tom stared at Tim with open concern. “Then, I pray we never have to use this.” Tom said quietly.
“You and me both,” Tim agreed as he prepared to leave.
“It’s not fair.” Sabine’s sad voice caused Tim to pause at the door. “We’ve missed you so much, and we’ve wished for so long that you would come back to Paris one day, back into our lives, but not like this.”
Tim kept his gaze focused on the door, his brows furrowed before closing his eyes and bowing his head. “I know. But you both know why I couldn’t.“
"You know, you don’t have to pretend to be a stranger while you’re in Paris now, Tim.” Tom said hopefully. “Sure the reason you’re here is not ideal, and while you never intended to return you are here now.” He drew his wife into a sideways one-armed hug and smiled reassuringly at Tim. “Marinette knows you’re our friend, and if you’re here for awhile, it would be odd or even suspicious for you to not visit from time to time.”
Tim sighed. When he turned to the couple it was clear from his initial expression he intended to give a reluctant denial. “I can’t–” But the words got stuck in his throat as he looked at both Tom and Sabine, with their dual hopeful expressions. He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I'll… think about it,” he finally relented.  
Sabine smiled and gave Tim a hug while Tom smiled and nodded. Then the pair of them saw him out of the bakery as he started out towards College Francoise Dupont.
Meanwhile, a small purple and black butterfly was flitting towards that exact same school, pulsing with dark energies.
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madamebaggio · 4 years
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THE SPRING THAT THAWS WINTER - “Game of Thrones�� and “The Chronicles of Narnia” Crossover
Summary: The Kings and Queens of Narnia found a new world: a place that is also frozen, where people can't be trusted, where a war is approaching fast...
If they are there, there must be a reason. How can the Pevensies help the North?
What is their purpose in Westeros?
Notes: After one loooooooong and cold winter, I’m back here T.T
Please, don’t hate me. I’m sorry it took me this long. I trully am.
This story is incomplete, but you can find all the available chapters here.
Chapter 13
“Lady Sansa.” He nodded at her. “Have you seen my sister?”
“As a matter of fact, I’ve just seen her.” She informed him. “She was feeling indisposed, so I asked for some tea for her and now she’s resting.”
“Thank you, my lady.” He nodded once again. “I’m going to talk to her.”
Sansa stepped into his way. “What part of ‘she’s resting’ you didn’t understand?” She asked, arching an eyebrow at him.
Peter cleared his throat. “I understand, my lady. But I really want to talk to her.”
“Because my cousin kissed her?” She pressed.
Peter pressed his lips together, and took a deep breath. “Yes.” He practically growled out.
Sansa had to fight off a smirk. “Susan needs a minute. And I…” She pressed when he opened his mouth. “…need company.”
That made him pause. “Company?”
“Yes.” She confirmed. “I need to do some things around the keep and I haven’t found Brienne.”
“I know what you are doing.” Peter informed her, though he looked a bit amused.
Sansa gave him her most polite smile, the one she saved for lords that were particularly annoying. She knew he could see through that smile and that he loved it. “So I should look for Brienne?”
Peter grinned. “Not at all, my Lady.” He made a gesture for her to go ahead.
“Your arm.” She asked.
Peter was surprised by the request but was quick to comply. “My Lady.”
Sansa took his arm gently. Now it was up to Susan to talk some sense into Jon, before he brooded himself to death over a kiss.
Jon sighed once he heard the knocking on the door. “Can you, please, tell them to go? If it is Peter tell him I left Winterfell.”
Davos snorted, but went to dismiss whoever was at the door. He was slightly taken aback when he found out it was Susan who was there. “Lady Pevensie.”
Davos heard something falling to the floor, but he chose not to look and see what it was. “The King is…”
“He’s seeing me right now, Davos.” She told him, her eyes firm on his. “If you would be so kind and leave us alone, I would appreciate it.”
“Davos!” Jon called from inside.
“My Lady.” Davos nodded at Susan, let her get inside and left, closing the door behind himself. Let the kids solve this themselves.
Davos was extremely lucky that Jon saw the man almost as a father, otherwise, he’d be in a lot of trouble right now.
Susan just stood there, looking at him, as if she wanted him to be the first one to say something. When it became obvious this wasn’t about to happen, she sighed. “Did you plan on hiding here and brood until Winter ended?”
Jon cleared his throat. “I might’ve left earlier, because we have to face the White Walkers.” He grumbled.
Susan snorted. “I thought as much. It is good to know you still have your priorities straight.” She then gave him a look. “Now that I’ve come and invaded your space, are we going to discuss what happened?”
Jon took a fortifying breath and turned fully to face her. He was not a boy to run from things like that, he was a man and should act like one. He’d kissed her in a completely unappropriated way; there was no excuse he could give to that, however, he could make things right.
“Aye. I would like to apologize, Lady Susan.” Jon told her seriously.
As soon as she arched that eyebrow, Jon knew he’d messed up somehow. He just didn’t know how.
“So you believe you’ve done something wrong and you regret it.” It wasn’t a question -Jon knew that much -but it was pretty much a trap, just waiting for him to fall right in.
“I…” Jon cleared his throat, then sighed. “Lady Susan, you know I’m bad with words, and you make me nervous.” He confessed. “I’m not sure if I’m saying the right thing here.”
Susan huffed a breath. “I don’t want you saying what you think I want to hear.” She indicated. “That’s never what I’ve wanted. The only thing I want to hear right now is the truth, what you really think and feel. Nothing else will do.”
“I don’t have a lot of experience with… Ladies.” He cleared his throat again. “I went to the Wall and became a member of the Night Watch fully aware that I would never marry. The first woman I loved was a wildling and she was the one who approached me.” He admitted. “I never planned on meeting Ygritte, but things happened, and despite the pain… I don’t regret them. I know people say I’ve had something with Val, but it’s not true.”
He finally looked at Susan. “I am not the diplomat of this family, this is why having Sansa by my side is essential. I am terrible at talking about some things, and this is one of them: talking about how I feel is difficult. For a long time, nobody cared or asked. I’ve learned to keep it all inside.”
He ran his hand through his curls. “I know you deserve some explanation from me, and I plan on giving you one, because I didn’t act honorably today. However, I need you to understand that I’m not trying to escape it; I just don’t know how to say what I feel.”
He finished his rant, and just waited for Susan’s reaction. She’d been awfully quiet the whole time, and it was worrying him. He felt somewhat embarrassed of talking like this in front of her; Susan was the perfect lady and she was exceedingly good at talking to people and getting her point across.
Right now, he felt like a child trying to argue with a scholar: stupid and unprepared.
She took a step ahead. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you speaking that much before.” She told him softly, before taking another step forward.
Jon felt his cheeks heating up, once again feeling like an idiot. “Well, I’m sorry…”
“No, stop.” She told him gently, but firmly. “It was not a criticism. There are many things that we still don’t understand about each other, and this is likely one of them. But I like the fact that you told me all of this; you don’t have to be quiet and bottle your feelings inside. You have a family that loves you, and would happily hear you out. You know it’s true.”
Jon nodded, eyeing her warily as she came even closer.
“I didn’t think you’re hiding from me because you didn’t want to face the consequences of what you did.” She told him, once she was close enough. “I believe you were here exactly because of the opposite: you were preparing yourself to be attacked, likely slapped by me, punched by my brothers and accept it all. You feel you did something wrong.” She indicated.
“I…” What could he say? She was right. “Aye.”
Susan was analyzing him, carefully now. She took notice of everything: the slope of his shoulders, how he seemed to be fighting to keep his eyes locked on hers.
“But it’s not because you kissed me.” She guessed. “You don’t think this is what you did wrong.”
He was startled. “I shouldn’t have kissed you like that.” Jon spoke firmly.
“But that’s not the problem.” She insisted. “The kiss isn’t the point. It is the fact that, for the first time in a good while, you did exactly what you wanted.”
That gave Jon pause.
“You didn’t do what was best for the North, or your people, or your family. You did exactly what you wanted for a second, and that makes you feel guilty.” She was looking deep into his eyes now, and Jon couldn’t turn away, even if he wanted. “You’ve spent so much time in your life doing things for the others, because it was the right thing to do, the honorable thing, that now you feel selfish for doing something for you.”
“Am I right?” Susan asked, once Jon just stared at her for a while.
“Aye.” He eventually answered. “You are.”
“You wanted to kiss me?” It was a question, but not exactly. Actually, Susan was ready to affirm it, just say he wanted to kiss her, but in the end, she’d felt doubtful about her own sentence.
“Aye.” He said again. “But it doesn’t change the fact that I shouldn’t have.”
Susan frowned. “Why?”
“Because I would’ve liked to have done it differently.” He confessed, looking at her lips for a second. “Not in the middle of an argument in a cold forest.”
“Oh.” She hadn’t been expecting that. “And…” It was Susan’s turn to pause and blush. It had been some time since she felt like this talking to a man. “How would you have prefered it?”
Jon took the next step, making his body almost flush against Susan’s, but not quite. He cupped her face - glad that this time there weren’t gloves in the way and he could feel how silky her skin truly was -and brought it closer to his. “Like this would’ve been better.” His nose brushed hers. “Do you have any objections?”
Susan’s eyes closed on their own. “No.”
“Good.” He murmured, then kissed her.
“Queen Lucy. Come in.”
Lucy paused and hesitated, just outside Bran’s chamber. She’d had very little contact with the younger Stark, but she had a feeling that most of them gave him a wide berth. Lucy had heard some peculiar tales about him.
According to Sansa, Bran had even ‘predicted’ their arrival in Winterfell, and he knew about Aslan and Narnia. However, how much he actually knew was debatable, because he only revealed as much as he wanted.
Lucy wasn’t exactly scared of him… But she wasn’t also fond of the idea of being alone with him.
But then again… She wasn’t a coward.
She walked in and stopped by the door. “Have you called me, Lord Stark?” She asked cordially.
“We need to talk.” He told her, his unseeing eyes focused somewhere on her vicinity, but not quite on her.
“What about?” She asked coming in, leaving the door ajar behind herself. She looked around, but Lady Meera was nowhere to be found. She wasn’t sure she liked that.
“The battle that is coming.” He was silent for a second, then his eyes became brown again. “And your part in it.”
“Mine?” She asked carefully.
“Your and your siblings’.” He nodded. “You are here for a reason, and you’re essential to our victory.”
“I see.” She spoke slowly.
“I can’t see what will happen; it’s dangerous to try to guess the future.” Bran continued. “But if you do not fight by our side we are doomed. Not just Winterfell, but everything in Westeros shall freeze in a winter crueler than anything you’ve ever seen.”
“I’ve seen some harsh winters, Lord Stark.” Lucy pointed out.
“Yes, and that is why you’re here. You and your siblings are the bringers of Spring.”
“We’ve already said that what happened in Narnia was due to a prophecy.” Lucy indicated. “We don’t claim to have magic powers.”
“You have more power than you imagine.” He broke his gaze from her, turning to look out the window. “In the end, it will come back to you, and the choices and sacrifices you are willing to make.”
“Me or my siblings?” Lucy demanded, but there was no answer. “Bran?”
His eyes were white again.
Susan had poems and sonnets dedicated to her beauty, men willing to fight duels for her hand. She had suitors that had offered enormous riches for a chance with the Queen; beautiful words sang to her, gallant gestures performed in her name…
And yet, none of it, felt like this.
She may have had men falling to her feet and professing to love her and wishing to marry her, but she’d never been kissed before. She’d never been held before, not the way Jon held her.
Deep inside her there was this voice, the reasonable one that made her the stick-in-the-mud of the family, telling her this was a bad idea. They were from different worlds, and here he was a King; there could be no promises between them. Kissing Jon was a stupid idea, one that her heart would pay for in the future.
However, Jon had been holding his feelings inside his chest since forever, and Susan had been the rational one her whole life. Maybe what they were doing wasn’t the smartest choice at the moment, but they’d earned it.
She could barely name it. She’d been butting heads with him since the beginning, and many times she’d wanted to shake him for being so… Himself. Susan wasn’t rash enough to claim she loved him. This wasn’t love, not yet at any rate; however, it was so full with beautiful, glorious potential, that it felt wrong trying to ignore it.
There was something when she looked at him, something that begged Susan to jump in.
And that was what she was doing now.
The kiss on the forest had been angry and intense; not exactly bad, but Susan didn’t think first kisses should be like this. First kisses should be like this one: all calm and exploration.
Jon kissed her softly not because he thought she was breakable, but because he was memorizing the curve of her lips. His hands cradled her face, then found her hair, and only later went to her waist. When he bit her lower lip, it was a sweeter kind of bite, not an angry one.
Susan had no idea how long they spent there, just tasting each other lips and holding onto each other; but once they broke apart, Susan wasn’t sure she was even in Westeros anymore.
“Much better.” Jon murmured against her lips.
Susan let out a surprised chuckle. “I have no complaints at this point, Your Grace.” She teased.
“Is it like your songs told you it would be?” He pressed his forehead against hers.
“I do have one song in my head now…” She admitted.
Jon chuckled. “What would that be?”
She cradled his face with her hands. “Drink to me only with thine eyes…” She murmured, her eyes on his. “And I will pledge with mine.” Her eyes dropped to his lips. “Or leave a kiss within the cup,” Her lips brushed his with every word she said. “And I'll not ask for wine.”
“I like this one.” He kissed her again.
A knock on the door made the pull away to some respectable distance. “Come in.” Jon called.
A maid entered, looked from one to the other, then cleared her throat. “Your Grace, Lady Lucy requests to talk to you and Lady Susan.”
“Is something wrong?” Susan asked concerned.
“I don’t know, my lady.” The woman said. “But she seemed a bit agitated.”
“Your Grace…” Susan turned to Jon, clear worry in her eyes.
“Go find your sister.” Jon told her. “I’ll wait for you two in my solar.” He turned to the maid. “Has she asked anyone else to be present in this conversation?”
“She asked for her family and yours, Your Grace.” The woman informed.
“Tell them all to come to my solar.” He told the woman.
She curtsied and left.
“I need to find her.” Susan decided.
“I’m sure everything is fine, Susan.” Jon assured her. “But go. I’ll see you in a while.”
Susan hurried to the door, but then paused and grinned in his direction.
“What?” Jon asked confused.
“Can you imagine a better moment to have our families together in a closed room?”
Jon groaned.
“Sansa! Peter!”
They stopped as Lucy hurried in their direction. “Is something wrong?” Peter demanded.
“I need to talk to all of you.” Lucy said as she reached them, she was breathing hard.
“What happened?” Sansa asked, now extremely concerned.
Lucy opened her mouth to reply, then saw that Sansa and Peter were arm in arm. She gave them a look. “Am I interrupting?”
Sansa cleared her throat and let go of Peter’s arm. “No. Your brother was just keeping me company.”
“I see…” Lucy drawled. “I talked to Bran.”
“Bran?” Sansa seemed shocked by the information. “Voluntarily?”
“He asked to speak to me.” Lucy clarified. “I want to get the others and discuss some things.”
“Like what?” Peter asked.
“I think it’s time we discuss Narnia.” Lucy admitted.
Peter was caught by surprise. “Lucy…”
“It is time, Peter.” She said, her decision unshaken. “Because things are about to go terribly wrong.”
“My Lady!” Sam came around the corner, hurrying to Sansa. “A letter from Dragonstone.” He declared, barely able to catch his breath.
Sansa traded looks with the others. “Is this…?”
“I think it is.” Lucy spoke in a small voice.
The first signs of the storm ahead.
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illogicalhusbands · 5 years
The Game is Afoot - pt. 2
Bill Masters x Alec Hardy Masters of Sex/Broadchurch crossover Really overwhelmed with the response for this! Here’s the next part, and if you need to start over, here’s the link to the first part.
Alec knew that he couldn’t actually investigate Dr. Masters as he would in his usual job as it would be illegal, but several meetings have passed with them exchanging small pleasantries over some breakfast and he was running out of leads.
He had been able to find out a bit more about him from the Google. First of all, he found out that the much talked about sex study was indeed legitimate. The doctor had also been married once and has been a divorcee for almost a decade now, but he didn’t have any children of his own despite being a world class gynecologist, which he thought was rather peculiar. But mostly, he wanted to know what brought Masters to Broadchurch. Why would a first-rate American doctor retreat to such a sad, closed-off town on another continent? The more he thought about it, the more he was driven to find out more information about him.
Despite this, he never revealed to Masters that he already knew his name. No, names had a certain higher level of authority over all the other intel he could obtain. The revelation of his knowing Masters’ name would come in due time.
He was certain Dr. Masters would also pick up a few things about him. After all, there were also plenty of things the internet said about him, mostly from online tabloids, if only Masters knew his name. Alec also let slip once that he was very fond of Doctor Who. He’d almost been embarrassed to say it, but Masters didn’t show a hint of mocking when he did. He really was odd.
They’d exchanged mobile numbers, but they drew up even less information than their face-to-face meetings did. And as such, Alec was forced to draw on his last resort for information:
“Miller, tell me what you know about Dr. William Masters.”
Miller, who was currently reading a forensics report on her desk, glanced at him. “There’s not much I can tell you other than what you probably already know. Why, has he struck your fancy?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Alec replied.
Evident glee was shining in Miller’s eyes. “He’s quite good-looking, though. Pretty head containing all that brain, wouldn’t you say?”
Alec rolled his eyes. Because sure, Masters always looked so commanding with his well-pressed suits and tiny bowties and sleek hair and those light blue eyes of his that seemed to stare right into his soul, but there was no overlooking his smugness. “He’s a bastard.”
Alec’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and read a text from the devil himself.
How’s the daughter?
Alec placed it back in his pocket, knowing he didn’t need to reply. They’d been sending these ominous texts back and forth for days now. It was simply a way of updating the other on their progress in the game. Alec frowned, wondering briefly at how Masters knew he had a daughter.
“Oh my god. That’s him, isn’t it?” Miller said, eyes wide. “S’why you were asking me about him. You’re flirting.”
“For gods sake, Miller, we are not flirting!”
“You wouldn’t look at a text like that if you weren’t being a little bit naughty, Hardy,” she said, smiling coyly at having found an apparent weakness in her boss.
“He’s arrogant and annoying and a bloody doctor. Why on earth would I like him?” Alec turned to walk away.
“He’s asked about you, too, though.”
Alec’s head snapped towards her. “He has?” He shook his head. “From whom?”
“Beth Latimer,” she whispered, as if what she’s saying had to be kept in secret. “He’s her doctor, you know.”
Right. Beth was again pregnant and he vaguely recalled her mentioning having to switch doctors. It seemed to bother her at the time, but overall Alec was just grateful she looked much happier than the last time he saw her with child.
“Wha-” Alec started. “He doesn’t even know my name. How would he know who to ask for?”
“Do you see many D.I.’s going around in here?” said Miller, tilting her head as if she was talking to a toddler. “I didn’t think so. This happened a week ago, by the way.”
Alec was stunned by this. Turns out he didn’t have much of the upper hand after all. It meant that Masters had also already known his name all along, and just deliberately did not use it nor did he inform him of it, just as Alec had. Just exactly what was he planning?
The first time he encountered Masters outside the confines of the cafe where they usually met was when he and Miller were out to question someone at the library for a case of burglary. A house was broken into while the tenants were asleep. There were no other clues save for a strange car some distance away, with a license plate they attributed to a certain librarian.
Alec spotted him, perched on one of the couches. Round wire-rimmed glasses framed his eyes as he crouched over a stack of papers in his hand. His face, which was usually intensely guarded, was relaxed as he pored over the text. It gave him such an otherworldly appearance that Alec couldn’t help but savour it for a few moments.
“There he is!” said Miller. “Why don’t you go say hi?”
Alec turned to her. “You sound like a mother trying to make his son get a playmate.”
“Oi, you were the one who pestered me about him. Why not just ask him yourself?”
Alec sighed. “I can’t. We have an… agreement. That we won’t reveal anything about ourselves.” Miller stared dumbly at him. “And I can’t exactly investigate him. He’s not been connected to a crime—”
“Really? ‘Cause from what I heard, he’s been involved in a case of theft once.”
Alec drew back a little. “Him? He wouldn’t do that. What on earth would he even steal?”
“Oh, you know how it is in this job. You never know what they’re truly after. Money, fame… A certain detective’s heart, maybe?”
Alec glared at her, which only caused her to burst into a fit of giggles.
“You’re smitten, Hardy.”
“I am absolutely not-” Alec yelled, much more loudly than he intended. This drew Masters’ attention away from his papers. “Oh god, he’s looking here. Shit, Miller! He’s seen us.”
Masters walked over to them. “I didn’t expect to see you here. How are you?”
For some reason, Alec’s damnable heart stammered in his chest. “I’m on the clock,” he managed to say. “Just finished some interviews. W-we were just leaving, actually—”
“No, no we weren’t!” interrupted Miller, her wide smile directed at the newcomer. “We’re not in any hurry. Don’t worry about it, doctor.”
“Ah, I do believe we haven’t met before,” said Masters. He turned to Alec, eyes sparkling with a challenge. “Why don’t you introduce me to your colleague?”
The smug bastard, thought Alec. He knew exactly what he was doing. He’d never mentioned to Masters that he already knew his name, and here was the doctor trying to draw it out of him. He’d never give him the satisfaction now that he knew Masters knew his name as well. He would not be the first one to give in.
“Right. This is my partner, D.S. Ellie Miller. Miller, this is… some doctor you already know.”
To Alec’s surprise, Masters only smiled and shook Miller’s hand. From her face, it was obvious that she was completely charmed. Alec resisted the urge to roll his eyes. The only thing worse than arrogant doctors were charismatic ones.
“Pleasure to meet you,” said Masters smoothly.
“Pleasure’s all mine, really,” Miller replied, slightly breathless. “How are you liking Broadchurch?”
Alec thought it was a trick of his eye, but he swore he saw Masters glance at him. “Exceedingly handsome,” replied the doctor.
“Glad to hear it,” said Miller. “I’ve heard so much about you from Beth.” At this, Alec shot a glare at her, as if to convey ‘You knew more things about him and didn’t tell me?’, which she blatantly ignored. “You should come over for dinner with us some time.”
“I can hardly say no to that. Thank you. But right now, I should be taking my leave. I’ve another shift coming up at the hospital.” Masters nodded at the pair, footsteps shuffling back to compile his belongings.
“Then, don’t let us keep you,” said Miller.
“Thank you for your time,” Alec supplied.
Masters paused and looked at him. “See you tomorrow, Holmes.” Those pale blue (more grey in this lighting) eyes bore into his with an intensity he’d never noticed before. There was a fleeting thought wherein he wondered what it would be like to be the subject of a scientist’s concentration, before he shoved it away from his mind. Masters gathered his items and left the room.
He turned to see Miller frowning at him. “What?”
“’Thank you for your time’? My god, Hardy, he’s not a murder suspect!”
“What did you expect me to say? I told you I hated him!”
“He was flirting with you, you stupid arse!”
Alec suddenly felt the room too warm. “You’re in your fantasy world again, Miller. Always so optimistic—”
“God, and you can’t even mention his name! What is wrong with you? The game is obviously a sham. Just get your shit together and ask him out!”
Alec was about to retort when his phone vibrated with a new text message from Masters.
I’ve been reading. You’re broody like him—Holmes, I mean. Have you been eating right?
Miller, who happened to have read this over his shoulder, had a sly smile on her face. “I’ll prove it to you.”
She snatched the phone out of his hand. Alec was still dumb with trying to process the message he received from Masters and he only realized this once Miller had already handed him back his mobile. A text from his own phone (except that it wasn’t texted by him) was added to the screen.
It’s why Holmes needed a Dr. Watson, after all.
It was no use holding it back now. Alec turned beet red, his phone hanging limply from his fingers, his jaw hanging open. He was mortified.
“I-I…ack..nggk… MILLER!”
Miller only grinned at him.
His phone vibrated once again. He took a deep breath to try to calm his nerves. He was no coward. He would face whatever Masters’ reply was head on.
He clicked on the screen, eyes scanning over the added text.
I suppose that’s my job, then. - To be continued.
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voidendron · 4 years
Deep Blue Sea: Ch 12
Chapter 12: Stitches Subnautica/JSE Egos Crossover
Warnings: Swearing, Character Injury, Blood/Gore, Needles, Medical Procedures Characters: Marvin the Magnificent, Jackieboy Man, Chase Brody, Dr. Schneeplestein, Jameson Jackson POV: Jackieboy Man
“Safe?” Marvin actually snorted at that. Jackie couldn’t help but agree. “How the hell is this area safe? We’re barely a kilometer from the Reaper. What if it just… I don’t know, wanders over here?”
Chase rolled his eyes. “When I say ‘safe’ I just mean as safe as it seems this damn planet’s gonna get. Considerin’ what I’ve heard from the rest of you, at least the buggers around here are avoidable. And,” he added, “lookin’ at the Reaper’s file, it’s way too big to come into this area. So should be safe from that one, at least.”
Jackie scraped his broken flare over the stone thoughtfully. “Okay. So we’re ‘bout as safe as we’re gonna get here, right? What about supplies?”
“Lots of metal salvage ‘round here that’s easy to get. A lot of the blueprints need titanium, so that’s covered.”
“And the ship?” Marvin ran a hand through his hair, pulling it free from its rebelling bun. “We’ll need radiation suits, but none of us have blueprints for them.”
“Yeah…that I’m not sure about.”
“Let’s just focus on a habitat builder and dive suits,” Jackie suggested. “Then we can worry about findin’ a way onto the ship.”
The repairman only shrugged. “Sure. Sounds like a plan.”
“Uh… How’re we gonna get silver, copper, and gold, though?” Marvin’s brows were furrowed as he glared down at his PDA.
“If they’re in the blueprints, that means they’re within a certain radius of whatever lifepod our PDAs synced to.” Chase gestured out at the water, then. “I found copper when my PDA prompted me to break a rock. It was just like. Super crumbly, I guess, and easy to break up. Like crust, sort of? coated around the copper I needed for a scanner. There’s outcrops of crumbly rocks everywhere down there. The other minerals might be like that, too.”
Jackie shrugged. “Worth a shot.”
With that settled, the three of them split up with a final warning from Chase about exploding fish (exploding fish? What was wrong with this planet?) and metal-loving sharks, though kept within view of each other. Night had fallen by then, but the shallows were surprisingly easy to find their way about with the bioluminescent plants and fish. Yeah, even the fish glowed despite how shallow it was. How cool is that? Jackie thought as he watched a Peeper with its massive, glowing eyes dart past.
Finding a stone outcrop like Chase had described, Jackie took his flare and jammed the broken end into the stone.
Sure enough, the thin outer layer crumbled away to reveal—
There were natural deposits like that? Well, that’s great and all, but they had more of the stuff than they needed for the moment. It couldn’t have been one of the other materials they still needed instead of the one they already had plenty of? Jackie huffed through his nose and shoved the metal in his pocket; it hadn’t even been a decent-sized deposit, for crying out loud.
Jackie was only managing to find titanium, so went to collect the…acid mushrooms? instead. The other two were still gathering metals; he might as well get the plant since he wasn’t having any luck with that.
With the three of them searching, it didn’t take long for all the materials for the habitat builder to be scraped up and they met back on the rock formation.
“So.” Chase gave what Jackie could only describe as a glare to Pod Five, “Who wants to be the lucky winner to go in there and put this stuff on the fabricator?”
“Not me,” Marvin almost laughed with a shake of the head. “That doctor seems like a jerk. No thanks.”
“Nose goes!”
Both Chase and Marvin touched a finger to their noses.
Jackie only blinked owlishly at them. How old were they, again..?
“Okay, fine. Whatever. Just give me the stuff.”
The materials were practically shoved at him and he tossed his flare to Chase for the trade.
He didn’t bother slipping his mask back on and just left the entire oxygen tank with the other two.
Entering the lifepod revealed Jameson and Schneeplestein leaning against opposite walls, as far from each other as they could get. Jameson looked exhausted, but he was awake and alert. Good, good. The doctor kept wincing and had his tongue caught between his teeth as he tried cleaning the bite marks in his leg. Now that most of the blood had been washed away, Jackie could clearly see the marks were a lot deeper than he’d thought.
He put the items on the fabricator and selected the habitat builder, then went to kneel at the doctor’s side as the machine went to work.
“Hey…need any help?”
“No,” the other man growled without so much as glancing his way.
“What about stitches? That…looks pretty bad.”
“Is fine.”
Jackie cast a look to Jameson, but the chef only shrugged in an “already tried, no luck” sort of way.
“You know what? No. That’s not fine. That’s a bad injury, and I’m helping whether you want it or not.”
The glare he received could cut stone.
“Don’t give me that look. You were totally willing to take my help back at Twelve, but now you’re too good for a non-officer? That it? Give me the damn supplies and suck it up.”
From behind him, Jackie heard a huff of air that was probably a laugh from their other companion. Another sound from the machine revealed the habitat builder was finished.
“I’ll be right back. Let me get that to the other two, then I’ll try and stitch ya up.”
The doctor mumbled something in a language Jackie wasn’t familiar with (was he from a non-Alterra colony? would explain the accent he wasn’t sure he’d heard before) as the younger man grabbed the device and slipped back out. Chase and Marvin took it without a word and went to collect…whatever would be needed for a multipurpose room—Jackie hadn’t bothered to check before returning to the pod.
More glaring, then the medical kit was shoved at his chest.
“Crab ass.”
A shake of the head. He wasn’t completely sure what he was doing, he’d never even touched a surgical needle before, but it shouldn’t be too hard, right? Clean it (or, finish cleaning it since the doctor had already started), stitch it, clean it again?
He dabbed alcohol from the kit around one of the bite marks. The skin around it was an angry red, and when he used a cotton swab to clean inside the wound itself, he couldn’t help a sympathetic wince as the doctor grit his teeth and tried to stay still.
“…Is this down to the bone?” The swab had gone farther than he expected and now that he was actually touching the wound. The skin around the doctor’s ankle was practically shredded in places and he didn’t have to do much prodding to see the…admittedly, he didn’t know what it was called, but the bony parts of the ankle. The part Jackie hated because damn did it hurt smacking them against anything.
Jackie wasn’t particularly fond of the sight of the bone. Who’d have thought he’d see it while the person it belonged to was still connected to said bone and still alive? Well, there’s a first for everything, he thought with a suppressed shudder. “Shit… And we don’t have painkillers or anything? Why the fuck don’t the kits have them?”
“To…to keep crew and passengers f-from taking advantage of them. They were i-in the Med Bay and likely did not s…survive the crash.” Schneeplestein swallowed. Now he wouldn’t even look at his leg.
“Okay… Just. Try not to bite your tongue, okay? That’d be a little harder to fix.” Jackie had left his hoodie at the bottom of the ocean, the doctor had one layer of scrubs on… Oh! Jameson always wore something under his work shirt, didn’t he? A white shirt? Or…tank top? Whatever it was, it stood out against the black collar. “Uh. James?” He turned to face the chef, who shifted to turn one ear more toward him. “Your work shirt. Can I take it?”
The chef’s eyes shifted between him and the doctor before he nodded. No questions asked, the work shirt came off and was tossed over to them.
It was still damp and would taste like salt, but, “Bite this while I try to stitch your leg.”
And stitch it he…tried. Twice.
He was security, not a doctor, and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t gagged at least once while trying to thread the needle through Schneeplestein’s leg.
Maybe it would be harder than he thought.
“I-I, uh…don’t think I can—”
A hand on his shoulder startled him.
Jameson had crawled over and now he was gesturing at the doctor’s leg. “Just…” his hands hovered for a moment, like he was trying to think of what to say, “think of it like steak?”
Jackie could practically feel the color drain from his face. At least it seemed like Schneeplestein either wasn’t paying attention or didn’t understand sign so was oblivious to Jameson’s words.
“I know you’re tryin’ to help, but that really didn’t help.”
The chef actually rolled his eyes at that and snatched the needle from Jackie’s hands.
“You nearly drowned. You’re not doing it; you need to just go rest.”
Schneeplestein gave a huff—agreement? Jackie couldn’t really tell.
“You aren’t going to do it, that much is obvious.” He nearly poked himself with the needle while signing and proceeded to glare at the offending object. “I’ve had to stitch up my employees when they got careless with utensils. I can do it again for our doctor. Just help him hold his leg still and I’ve got this.”
All Jackie could think after Jameson got started with stitching the bites was that he was glad the doctor wasn’t combat trained. He didn’t feel like being knocked away or having his nose broken (again).
Instead, Schneeplestein just bit down on the shirt and…well, he tried to stay still, Jackie would give him that. His leg would occasionally twitch to try and pull away from the needle, or he’d pound a fist down on the floor of the lifepod, causing both Jackie and Jameson to startle at the resounding bang, but he was trying his damnedest to stay still through the pain.
“Almost done,” Jackie finally said. He wasn’t sure which of them was most relieved. Even the doctor, pale and sweat rather than seawater now the reason for his hair sticking to this forehead, let his shoulders slump as he nodded.
All Jameson had left to do was clean the wound again, wipe excess blood away, and bandage it.
It was honestly adorable the big smile he had as he finished up; the chef was so proud of himself!
“I think that’s it then?” Jackie glanced between the other two; Jameson nodded. “Maybe they’ve got a basic habitat started out there.”
“Good. This pod is far too cramped.”
“Heh… Agreed. I’ll go check, then bring you both down if it’s ready.” Jackie pulled the bottom hatch open, “James, good job. Thanks,” and slipped into the water below.
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buffintruder · 5 years
001: FMA and 003: Aziraphale for the ask thingy! (I'm so proud of myself I actually spelled his name right on the first try lol)
Thanks for the ask!!
Favorite character:In most ways, Ling is probably my favorite character, but at least part of that is because of Greed? I also really love Izumi Curtis
Least Favorite character:Probably Kimblee
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):Greedling, Al/Mei, Ed/Winry, Winry/Paninya, Izumi/Sig, 
Character I find most attractive:Not really any of them? Maybe because I’m ace, but most of the characters seem more or less the same amount of attractiveness in different ways
Character I would marry:Maybe Winry? She’s a wonderful nerd who I like seeing get excited about things, a great cook, and seems generally less prone to dramatics as a lot of other characters. Like she’s still dramatic, but I feel like it’s in far less stressful ways than most of the other characters I like
Character I would be best friends with:I’m not sure I have a lot of common interests with any of the characters, but I feel like Al would be a super cool guy to chill with
a random thought:What do you think happens to Yoki afterwards? He’s a pretty shady guy, and he doesn’t seem to have gone through a whole lot of obvious character development over the course of the anime. At the same time, he’s shown as risking himself to help others and wanting to be brave and useful on the Promised Day. Since Scar is no longer a fugitive, Yoki wouldn’t go back to following him around in the same way, but maybe he helps efforts to rebuild Ishval? Is that too much of a stretch for his character?
An unpopular opinion:You can’t convince me that Winry wasn’t supposed to be Wendy, and I honestly hate the way her name is spelled in the manga and anime and stuff
My Canon OTP:There’s not a lot of confirmed canon otps, so maybe Izumi and Sig? I enjoy seeing their relationship, though I wouldn’t necessarily seek out fanwork of them (honestly, maybe i should though. They’re both very cool)
My Non-canon OTP:I’m going to say Greedling, but I do ship it more platonically than romantically
Most Badass Character:All of them???? They’re all so incredibly badass. At the moment, I think Mustang might be the most badass though
Most Epic Villain:Wrath. That guy just does not die. Plus he’s the head of the government, which gives 
Pairing I am not a fan of:Ling and Lan Fan. I think as they are in canon, if they entered a relationship, it would be pretty unbalanced, though I’m more open to the possibility in aus. Also I like the idea of them growing up kind of like siblings when they were really young and then more distance being put in between them because of their positions in society as they grew older.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):I don’t think any of the characters were screwed up. I would have liked to see Greed with friends after his realization of his deepest desire, and I thought Sheska would be more important but then she never showed up again, but even with those, I don’t think they were “screwed up”
Favourite Friendship:I’m ridiculously fond of Mei and Scar because it’s so weird and unlikely, but somehow it works
Character I most identify with:I don’t think I really identify particularly strongly with any of them
Character I wish I could be:
Probably Izumi? She’s really cool, isn’t complicit in genocide or any kind of murder, she’s strong in every kind of way but can also be soft, and honestly she has her life together a lot more than many of the other characters
How I feel about this character:He’s wonderful and soft, but he’s also a lot trickier and more of a bastard than people give him credit for. I love him and want to be him when I grow up (at least the parts like running a bookstore, hanging around feeding ducks with someone you care about a lot, enjoying food, etc)
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Crowley, and I think that’s it
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I just think he and Madam Tracy could be really good friends after the whole Apocawasn’t. They have some similarities, and I can picture them having tea once a week and chatting about their respective husbands/partners/whatever terms you want to use.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I saw a post about how Aziraphale would have to be really good with technology to do taxes on a computer in 1990, so now I see him as being secretly tech-savy
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:Hmm, for the show, I get why they wouldn’t want to do this, but it also would have been cool if we could see Aziraphale (and Crowley) having different bodies throughout history. It would have made their existence seem more separate from humanity, which makes them choosing humans over heaven and hell more powerful in my opinion, plus they wouldn’t be white the whole time. Like since the first humans were black, it makes no sense that Aziraphale’s human body from the start looks like how some humans in the future will look.
Favorite friendship for this character:I’m also going to say Crowley for this one. They just have such a great dynamic, with a certain softness and comfortableness to their interactions, plus the complement each other very well
My crossover ship:
Not a ship, but since I’m already thinking about fma, he and Sheska would get along so well, and I think being friends with Aziraphale would help Sheska grow more confident in herself
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ladynonsense · 6 years
A Royal Disgrace: Part 1 (TRR/PM Crossover)
OK guys! Let’s do this! This is part 1 of what I expect to be a pretty short little series about King Liam, Riley, and Damien Nazario. Will be NSFW in future chapters but this one is mainly place-setting tbh. I just want you to know that this is not going to be good clean family fun moving forward 😅
Main pairing (for now): Liam x Riley
Rating: PG-13? Nothing too crazy here, just some flirting with sexy older women
Summary: Damien is hired to keep an eye on a visiting royal whose fidelity is in question, and is stunned to see a familiar face.
Tagging @brightpinkpeppercorn @annekebbphotography @choiceslife aaaand wishing I had sorted out a proper tag list at some point but I HAVEN’T. So if anyone else wants to be tagged moving forward let me know!
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The duchess looked remarkably relaxed and at home in Damien’s office, despite the stark contrast of her beautiful, designer clothing and the cheap decor. He watched her anxiously, not sure what to make of her. He had expected someone stuffy and snobby, and thought she must have made a terrible mistake by reaching out to him rather than one of the fancy firms who usually took on this kind of work. But she looked perfectly happy with her selection, lounging in the cheap upholstered chair across from him with a warm grin on her face.
“Everything OK, Mr. Nazario?” She fiddled with her long blond waves, and he fought back a smile. Get it together, Damien. She’s almost old enough to be your mother.
“Of course, Duchess Krona. Just gathering my thoughts before we begin.”
She leaned in conspiratorily. “Please, call me Adelaide. We’re friends now, right?”
He resisted the urge to loosen his collar under her gaze. “Of course, Adelaide. Do you mind if I ask who referred you to me?”
“A friend,” she answered cryptically. “I’m told you’re both gifted and discreet. Is that correct, Mr. Nazario?”
“Of course,” he answered confidently. “I’m very discreet.” Why did that sound like an innuendo all of the sudden? Seriously, pull it together.
Adelaide let out a small, sharp laugh. “If only my daughter’s fiancé could say the same! This should be an easy task for you, I’m afraid. The poor dear never expected fidelity from him, but his boldness and complete lack of discretion is proving to be quite embarrassing.”
Damien tapped his pen against his teeth, nodding. Royal intrigue had never been his thing, but at its core this was just one more infidelity case. “What do you hope to accomplish from hiring me, Adelaide?”
She sighed, looking down at her hands in her lap. “I haven’t entirely figured that out yet. What I know for sure is that this must be handled quietly, out of the eyes of the press and the court, so as to spare my own family from embarrassment.”
“Is it your intention to blackmail the king?” Damien asked plainly, trying to keep his tone neutral.
“Oh, heavens no! Despite everything, he’s a fine man and I wouldn’t want to undermine him as a ruler or make an enemy of him. But perhaps if I’m the one to present him with evidence of his inappropriate relationship, he’ll see how easily he could be put in a compromising position and end it.”
Damien nodded, satisfied. “OK. I’ll take your case. But I’d like to keep this arrangement private, and I have some papers for you to sign to that effect.” Making enemies of a powerful royal family was not something he was comfortable with.
“Of course.”
“Did you bring the photographs I requested?”
“Yes, of course.” She pulled a small stack of photos out of her handbag. “This is King Liam,” she said, placing a photograph of a handsome man in regal attire on his desk. Damien was surprised at his appearance; he wasn’t expecting an actual king to be younger than himself. Adelaide laid another photograph down on top of it, showing a beautiful young blond. “This is my daughter, Madeleine. And this...” she added one more photograph to the small pile, “...is Lady Riley, whose company the king is rather...fond of.”
Damien’s breath caught in the back of his throat. Riley. No fucking way. “I’m sorry...Lady Riley?” He tried to cover his own disbelief. “That’s an unusual name for a Cordonian noble, isn’t it?”
Adelaide rolled her eyes and nodded. “Yes, it would be. Lady Riley is an American commoner, but she was sponsored by a prominent noble family to win the king’s hand. It seems she was...partially successful.” Adelaide frowned, her face marked by worry. “She was expected to be chosen before a scandal arose. I was thrilled when Madeleine was chosen in her place, but I suspect there is much more to this story.”
Damien gave her a sad smile. “There usually is.”
Once he’d seen the duchess back to her car, Damien sank into his worn office chair with a sigh, lifting a photograph off his desk. Fucking Riley.
He supposed he shouldn’t even be surprised. She had always been destined to woo her way into fame and fortune. He figured he’d been a practice run for her.
He’d been obsessed with her when he met her. As much as he tried to be a gentleman and not a creep, there was no denying the nature of his feelings: pure obsession. She’d been the only person to take his mind off of Kai in years, and while they were together, he’d practically forgotten Kai’s name. From the night she flirted with him as she waited his table, he was hopelessly hooked.
He’d tried to fight his own feelings. But she was dogged and persistent in a way that made him think she could’ve been a great cop. She’d attached herself to him and refused to listen to his doubts and objections. When Riley declared you as hers, there was nothing to do but try your best to please her.
The doubts only got worse during the time they spent together. He wasn’t stupid; he knew he was attractive and could keep her satisfied in bed. She was so young, though. 22-year-old Riley might be OK with a low-rent P.I. who made her laugh and made her scream when it counted, but he knew that eventually she’d realize she was slumming it.
And so he left her before it could come to that.
Her fury was a force of nature. They’d screamed at each other until they were both hoarse. He’d had to change his phone number to stop her from sending him bitter tirades and, worse, heartbroken pleas for him to reconsider. He resisted the urge to look her up for the next year and a half, but he thought about doing it at least once a week, still.
Now, it was time to do it.
Almost. After exercising restraint for so long, it felt wrong to dive in. So he started with the king. Never hurts detective work when your subject has a Wikipedia page...
He wanted to hate King Liam, but it was hard not to root for him as he read about his life. His face didn’t match Damien’s idea of a European royal, for starters. He wanted him to be a doughy balding middle-aged white guy, not a younger Daniel Henney. He didn’t want to get sucked in to the tale of his mother’s tragic and mysterious death, or his older brother’s surprise abdication that led to him unexpectedly being handed the crown only a couple of years later. Or the fact that his people adored and respected him. He just wanted him to be another rich prick, but in reality he was either perfect or extraordinarily skilled at PR. Or both.
Except for this one thing.
Riley Brooks.
He hadn’t expected her to have her own entry. But she did, although the translation into English was spotty in places. Clearly she’d made an impact on Cordonia, becoming a popular public figure with her Cinderella love story, until she’d been publicly exposed and humiliated for an affair with a lesser nobleman.
Damien winced as he pulled up the news story from just six weeks prior. The photos were intrusive and cruel. Riley may have been a bit wild, and it was entirely possible that she did indeed get involved with two men at once, but she didn’t deserve this, regardless. His heart ached for her with an unexpected intensity.
He had to dig deeper for the conspiracy theories. And there were plenty of them.
For instance, that Madeleine, Adelaide’s daughter, had orchestrated the whole thing in order to claim the king for herself.
Or that the King Father had set it up, in order to control his son’s choice of queen.
And an overwhelming number of sources were certain that the king and the mysterious American were still romantically entangled. There were dozens of dark, blurry cell phone photos, not clear or convincing enough to hit major publications, claiming to show King Liam and Riley together in compromising situations. If they were genuine, then the king was shockingly indiscreet and borderline fetishistic about hooking up outdoors, in public.
Damien glanced at his camera. This might be too easy. But he would never forgive himself if he was the photographer behind the next round of humiliating photos to damage Riley’s reputation.
He picked up the phone and dialed the number of the hotel that Adelaide had told him about. She hadn’t even bothered to give the front desk a fake name.
“Hello?” Her voice was chipper but somewhat confused when she answered the call. His mouth suddenly went dry when he heard her voice on the other end of the line.
“Riley,” he croaked awkwardly, “It’s uh...it’s Damien...Nazario. Can we meet?”
Riley kept to the sidelines at the UN ball, praying for the night to end already. Her friends were off dancing...well, except for Drake, who was just off drinking. But Liam was still busy circulating the room, charming everyone he came across in that easy manner he had. She tried not to be too obvious about staring at him, but he just kept drawing her eye. He was irresistible.
She pulled herself away with a sigh, realizing she was staring again, and snuck up to the roof to pull out her phone. Damien had texted her his new number -- I can’t believe that son of a bitch actually changed his number to escape me in the first place -- and she was itching to find out what was so important that he had tracked her down after all this time. She wanted so badly to say something, anything, but couldn’t come up with any words that didn’t seem desperate and depressing.
“Ah, I’d hoped I would find you out here.” She jumped at the voice behind her, but grinned as she turned to see Liam, suddenly right behind her with a huge grin on his face.
“You snuck up on me,” she scolded, turning around and wrapping her arms loosely over his shoulders. “I thought you were busy.”
“Never too busy for you,” he said softly, kissing her forehead. She pulled away and shot him a glare that made him wince. “OK, sometimes too busy for you, but I always make time eventually. Right?”
“That’s true,” she sighed, rising to her toes to kiss him properly on the lips.
“You said earlier that we needed to talk...is everything OK?”
“I’m not sure,” she answered, frowning and biting her lip. “An old boyfriend reached out to me today.”
“Oh? Should I be worried?” Liam smirked, a little bit of genuine nervousness showing through his confident facade.
“Well...maybe? He said he had to talk to me...about you.”
Liam frowned. “Why would a stranger know anything about me that you don’t already know?”
She hugged him then, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m sure it’s not like that, OK? But he’s a detective, and a pretty good one. He might have important information. Or it might be something he thinks is important that we already know...I have no idea. But he wants to meet me later tonight.”
“OK,” Liam said, pulling away and nodding thoughtfully. “OK, that’s good. I’m coming with you.”
“You can’t do that. You’re busy with the court. Plus Bastien would never let you go out alone, and I don’t know if I trust him yet.”
“I’m sorry Riley but I have to insist. I can lose Bastien. How can we be sure this man doesn’t pose a threat to you?”
“I trust him,” she insisted. “Things got bad between us, but he’s a good person.”
“I trusted my father,” Liam stated simply, a slight edge of bitterness to his voice. “I trusted Bastien. You trusted Penelope. Even good people can be turned against you.”
Riley pondered that for a moment, unable to give a good response. He was right. Damien was a good person, but that didn’t mean he was on her side. Especially after everything they’d been through.
“OK. He’s going to be pissed when I don’t show up alone, though.”
Liam smiled, giving her one last quick kiss before heading back inside. “Let him be.”
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slamncram · 6 years
Thor/Loki - In Solidum - Supernatural AU
Fictober Day 16/31 - 1376 words - It’s not your average SPN crossover, let’s just leave it at that - also on ao3
Running the Roadhouse had its perks.
For one, Loki was able to absorb all the knowledge he needed and wanted without having to stray too far from his creature comforts. He’d done his years on the road, and maybe they hadn’t been as long as others’, but they had been enough for him. With the Roadhouse, not only did he get to enjoy the knowledge and experience that came from the road, he got to sleep in his own damn bed.
Another benefit of the Roadhouse meant that, because it was his home, he got to have a library on hand. He was able to become a resource for those who passed by. He suspected, a lot of the time, his accent made the lore he imparted carry even more weight; he sounded like he knew all the old-world things he was saying.
The Roadhouse, finally, made it very easy for networking. Loki was, at heart, a social being, but on his terms. The Roadhouse meant that he could have his bar, average, every day, and he could have his hub. The place where hunters from all over the country came to check-in, stay the night, recuperate, and pick Loki’s brain for knowledge.
And as the owner of the Roadhouse, Loki had gotten quite the reputation. Former hunter, expert in lore and demonology. Fiery personality, fond of his protective jewelry, long hair and polished nails. He was eccentric but brilliant and that was fact that was simply known.
There was one last perk of running the Roadhouse that Loki tended not to bring up when people asked him why he did this. That was both because of his own need to preserve the mystery, and not wanting to point anyone in a direction that would end with his own envy.
That reason walked through the door late in the evening on a Tuesday, and Loki nearly dropped the whiskey bottle he’d been pouring from.
Thor Odinson. Tall, blonde, muscular. Blue eyes that saw right through you and a smile too kind to belong to a hunter. Tonight he was wearing a pair of old, worn looking blue jeans, and an olive jacket over a hooded sweatshirt. Somehow, he made the trucker look appealing.
“Loki.” Thor greeted, moving up to the bar. Loki grabbed a new glass and poured him two fingers of whiskey before putting the bottle back on the shelf.
“Long damn time since you’ve been here.” Loki commented, doing his best to be aloof, adjusting his the rolled sleeves of his plaid button-up. “You’ve been busy, then?”
Thor nodded, pausing a second to drink his whiskey. “Been that way. Could I... borrow you?”
Loki probably should have attempted to look less eager than he was, but he spared only a second to signal to one of the bartenders that he was going around back, before nodding to Thor and leading the way.
Behind the bar, there was a long corridor that led to a few doors. Staff bathrooms and storage areas, mostly, but at the end of the corridor was a locked door. With Thor at his back, Loki lifted one of the necklaces around his neck, a leather strap, and pulled the end of it up from under his black t-shirt, revealing the old, heavy key. He unlocked the door and led Thor up a short flight of stairs.
He didn’t need to tell Thor to lock the door anymore. He had been back here enough times that he knew the drill by now.
“So. What do you need?” Loki asked, when he got to the top of the stairs and unlocked another door that opened into his den. The walls were lined with shelves packed with books, artifacts and samples that he had collected over the years. His library. “I assume you have questions about a hunt?”
“I do.” Thor answered, closing the second door behind him. “The family I’m going to help, I think they have a spirit attached to the house. Something that can’t leave on its own, but it’s, uh, a bit violent.”
Loki hummed, running his black-nailed fingers over the spines of his books, looking for something. “Poltergeist?”
“Not yet, but I think it could get there.”
“So you need to exorcise it. Simple.” Loki pulled a book from the shelf, moving to flip it open. Before he could, Thor’s hand patted his hip, drifting across his lower back while he passed behind him, moving over to the table in the corner. Again, he’d been here so many times, he knew what Loki would do, and Loki followed him, laying the book down on the top.
Thor sat down in front of it, watching Loki while he leaned over the little table that served as a desk and flipped through the pages. “Not that simple. They’ve done that already.”
Loki stopped. “Priest?”
Thor nodded. “Twice. But it keeps coming back.”
“So, it isn’t being kept out.”
“That’s what I assumed. And I knew you would be the one to ask about how to protect the house so it can’t get back in.” Thor leaned his arm on the desk, watching while Loki flipped through the pages with more determination, now. “They have young kids, and they can’t afford to up and leave.”
“How are they affording you?” Loki asked, and, when no answer came immediately, he looked up, catching the chagrined look on Thor’s face. “Ah. Pro bono.”
“Not all of us can charge for our services, sweetheart.”
Loki snorted. “No. No, we can’t, I suppose. Ah, here.” He pointed at the page he’d turned to, spidery type with an illustration of a small, cloth bag. “Hex bags.”
Thor leaned forward in his seat, tilting his head in an obvious attempt to read upside down. “Standard?”
“No. You’ll need some components that aren’t so simple to come by. I have all of this,” he added, running his finger down the list. “I even have the cloth. You’ll just have to make sure you put these in the four corners of the house before you do the exorcism. Not the structural corners, but north--”
“--South, east and west,” Thor finished, smiling up at Loki despite the fact that he’d interrupted him. “I know. You taught me that.”
Loki smirked, looking back at the page. “My star pupil. But, this should do it. I can help you get these together.” He set his palms down on the table, looking across at Thor. “Should keep the spirit out, once it’s expelled.”
It had been three months since the last time Thor had been there. Loki hoped he wasn’t planning on leaving tonight, but if this family needed his help, Loki knew he’d have to let him go. Thor was golden-hearted like that, always looking out for people, just trying to help.
“What will I owe you for your help?” Thor asked.
Not the question Loki had expected, and that was part of why he laughed. “You still owe me from the last time you were here and I restocked your dead man’s blood.”
Thor winced. “So my tab is probably getting pretty long, is it?”
“A bit. I have an idea how you can lessen it, though.”
The implication was clear in Loki’s words, and he felt a thrill go through him when, instead of sighing, Thor smirked.
Loki nodded.
“You think Skurge can handle the bar on his own?”
Loki shrugged. “It’s nearly closing time, and Amora’s down there.”
Thor paused, and Loki did everything in his power not to push the matter.
But it had been three months.
“Think I can pay some of my future transactions off in advance?” Thor asked, finally, standing up. “It’s not like you open early tomorrow. Or ever.”
Loki grinned. “I think I can work that into the books.”
The confidence that Thor pulled him in with had Loki’s blood running hot, his pulse quickening when Thor leaned in to kiss him, slow, open and dirty as sin.
“Go get on that nice big bed of yours then, gorgeous. I’m going to make you scream.”
Oh, there were a lot of perks to running the Roadhouse, that much was true.
In Loki’s eyes, Thor Odinson’s visits were absolutely the biggest one.
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margridarnauds · 5 years
6, 7, 10, 21, 23
6. Answered here 
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. 
Let’s have the SALT. (Mandatory disclaimer that my own personal feelings towards the SHIP does not inherently extend to the shippers, that I ship many dynamics that some people would call “abusive” given the ongoing debate over what “enemies to lovers” means, and that some dynamics here are things that I might have shipped under other circumstances, but things just...didn’t work out that way.)
Cats - I hated Plato/Victoria before I even knew that it was POSSIBLE to hate a ship that much. I always went with the Plato = Macavity theory to get that little skeavy dudebro off my girl. (Also, I’ll be honest, the whole “mating dance” thing is...such a fucking weird sequence anyway. Like, my ship preferences aside, ALW WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HAVE A SCENE WHERE THE CATS FUCK?) 
Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth. 
Harry Potter - Ron/Hermione. I never saw it, tbh, and they seemed to be pretty bad for one another, even in the books. The films just took it up several notches. 
OUAT - Captain motherfucking Swan. I hated that smug, greasy little motherfucker so much. So much. 
Star Trek Ds9: Jadzia/Worf. THERE. I SAID IT. Both sides brought out the absolute worst in each other, leading to an absolute trashfire of a ship that obliterated all in its wake. AND THEN WE HAD TO DEAL WITH THE FALLOUT OF THAT. EVEN AFTER THE SHIP WAS *DEAD*. Don’t mind me, don’t mind me. I’m cool, I’m cool. 
Carmilla - Tbh...Laferry. Never my thing. I know that her character development’s a BIG part of Perry’s arc and I fully embrace character growth, but it just. Left a bad taste in my mouth. And the way shippers used to treat Laflashdrive shippers back in the day. As if shipping a nonbinary character and a flashdrive somehow makes it hetero. (#LetLafBeaRobotfucker2k19). 
Les Miserables - You know what? While I’m on the Salt Train...
Enjolras/Grantaire. Now, there are plenty of ships that are probably more deeply annoying to me, but none are as prevalent as this one. And I might like them a lot more if they WEREN’T so prevalent. But as it is, it’s like a black HOLE that’s devoured the fandom, so that you’d think the entire fucking novel/musical is about these two. And. Maybe I shouldn’t talk given what I ship, but it isn’t even like they’re THEM at this point, they’re just two generic white guys in an “uwu” relationship. And I’m not speaking for EVERY single thing given that I have neither the time, concentration, or will to read every. Single. Thing. Made about these two, but it’s something I’ve noticed, though I’m not saying that I haven’t enjoyed SOME things made about them and the whole “You believe in nothing.” “I believe in you” is...good content. 
It’s like...you’re walking in the woods (there’s no one around and your phone is dead) and you see a brightly colored pink tree. At first, it’s great. A pink tree! You’ve never seen one of those before. You wander further into the woods, and there’s another! And another! And soon enough, you’re surrounded by pink trees, in a technicolored horror realm. Where’s the sky? Where did you come in at? You think you remember seeing the sun once, but NO, it’s another fucking pink tree blocking your way. There is no God, there is no ground, there is only a technicolored nightmare blocking your every move, drowning you in visions of Barbie-esque horror. 
Terra Nova - Skye/Lucas. WHY GOD WHY? Look, we KNOW I have terrible taste in ships, some of which have...questionable dynamics. BUT EVEN I CAN’T GET INTO THIS ONE. There’s no...mutual spark between the two of them, just Lucas creeping on Skye and Skye trying to get away. Also, since I’m here...Skye is estimate to have been born in ‘32-33, making her approximately 16-17 by the time the plot kicks into gear. Let’s be very generous and bump her into 17-18. Lucas? 2124, making him...oh, 25. Not the WORST age gap I’ve ever seen in my lifetime...but....questionable. Very questionable. And I know the series wants to have us believe that people grow up faster (see: The fact they actually think Maddy’s old enough to GET MARRIED. TO A SOLDIER. WHO IS REALISTICALLY IN DANGER OF MAKING HER A WIDOW,) but NO. Like, at my CURRENT AGE, with less than four years separating me from that age gap, I can’t see it. That is still at least 7 years of experience in the “real world” that she doesn’t have. He still saw someone with THAT MUCH of an age gap with him and WANTED something, whether or not she wanted it or not, and tried to PURSUE that something while calling her “sister”. Like, I can’t stop anyone from shipping it and I have a firm “ship and let ship” mentality, but....EW. EWEWEWEWEWEWEWEWeWEEWEWEW. 
B5 - I’m in the same boat as you as far as...on one hand. Byron/Lyta makes me want to vomit, but also...our Teep OC does owe her existence to her weird, hetero white goth uncle. 
Star Wars: Han/Leia. Because, as we all know, cornering a woman before you kiss her is the love story of the generation. Han would have been better with Luke and Leia with Holdo. 
The Pirate Queen - Tiernan/Gráinne. I. Hate. This. Ship. 
His Dark Materials - Torn between Ruta Skadi/Asriel and Lyra/Will. Tbh, leaning towards the latter because while the former is AWFUL and signifies the quite frankly terrible writing decisions that distinguish the second and third books, at least it didn’t involve a badass, feral girl child becoming a dainty, submissive 50s housewife in the body of a 12 year old. “Oh, Will, I’ll do whatever you say, I promise. I won’t use my awesome powers unless you say I can, you’re so fantastic, Will.” Gag me. Also...they’re twelve. This doesn’t HAVE to be an epic, tragic romance, and the fact that their “kiss” (WHAT THE FUCK PULLMAN, WHAT THE FUCK, I’M NOT A PURITAN BUT WHAT THE FUCK) is the key to saving the universe? Really? Basically, they should have been friends. 
1789 - Danton/Solène. (I KNOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT I WOULD SAY, BUT NO. MY HATRED FOR THIS ONE MANAGES TO OUTSHINE IT.) “But Rachel,” you might say, “You’ve been very, very open about preferring anything to Ronan/Olympe” and that’s TRUE. But the Toho version managed to push my hatred of this one with The Scene, AKA “Go back to the kitchen, Solène and let the menfolk take care of this.” The French version didn’t even really have it as A Thing, he was just a customer. And the amount of time Danton spends with Solène is always directly proportional to the amount of spinal surgery she’s going to have. Now, I can’t exactly BLAME the two Japanese productions for doing what they did, because they have to appeal to a Japanese audience in the way they see fit. It’s an ADAPTATION of 1789, not a tour of it. But that doesn’t mean I have to LIKE it. And. Like. You know there’s no way THAT one’s going to end in a way that’s good for Solène. Either (1) he’ll set her aside for his family or (2) If they SOMEHOW stay together...the Reign of Terror’s looming. 
Also: Danton/Charlotte. No. No. Just. No. There are so many reasons why. But no. 
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
We’ve both discussed a lot about how...DIFFICULT it can be to write fic for something. There are a lot of things I love dearly but just don’t have it in me to write fic for. Ace Attorney is an obvious one, Mozart l’Opera Rock, Elisabeth (though I’m trying to work on that one), Les Miserables, Star Wars, Star Trek, B5....a ton more that I could mention but it would honestly take too much time. Words hard, reading still hard but slightly easier. 
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? 
The first thing I ever wrote, when I was five years old, was (very heteronormative) fanfiction for The Stinky Cheese Man, where he finds The Stinky Cheese Woman, which now, of course, I recognize as my own attempt to write myself into a narrative from which I’d been excluded. Or something. I think my mom still has it buried someplace, lurking...
Also, @theocraindora at some point managed to get me to write at least one full Carmilla AU during the second season, when we both must have been about 17-18-ish, if my math’s not too dubious, and that was the first thing I ever actually finished for a long time, even though it didn’t ever meet my personal standards for publishing and is likely to stay buried. For awhile, at least. 
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
Since I talked about PLP’s tragic backstory, time for something happier. Paradise Lost, which I’m actually pretty damn happy with because it was my first time working with something that’s not a historical piece, and it was honestly a treat working with Mira’s voice. I think that Mira really “clicked” for me as a character here. Like, “Yes, this is why she’s like this, this makes sense.” There are some times where you can really feel a character’s voice when you’re writing and you can get things out, and this was one of those very rare times for me. Not saying that it’s going to happen NEXT time, but this time, it was rather relaxing. 
It was honestly one of the smoother writing experiences I had? Like, it only took me about a day or so, from when we exchanged PMs to publishing it, which is pretty impressive, all things considered. I’m still not tossing out doing anything more with this world in the future, tbh. That and Goosefic were probably two of the easiest to just...get out. (WHICH. 92 HITS. GOOSEFIC HAS 92 HITS. THAT IS INSANE FOR A ONE-SHOT IN A SMALL FANDOM. HOLY SHIT.) 
(From your other ask!)
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I’ve been WRITING fanfiction since I could hold a pencil and make scribbles.  When I was younger, I could write that kind of thing easily, the shame came later. 
Finding out that fanfiction EXISTED...was probably when I was about 9-10 and found Balto x Harry Potter crossover fanfiction. Which. In hindsight. Was pretty horrible, but my young self was CAPTIVATED because Balto and Harry Potter? In the same universe? IT WAS LIKE MAGIC. 
Astonishingly, I did not read M rated stuff until I was at least 15-16-ish. I kept myself remarkably sheltered and only looked into it when I became curious. And got over my weird hyper-religious phase. 
When I was about 12-13, I started to toy with writing myself, writing my own OC crossovers for Phantom Manor (the gother, European version of Haunted Mansion that was my special interest for. Ages). Carmilla when I was 17-18 was one of the first things I wrote a full, complete Thing for, even if I never published anything for it. And from there, I’d try to write things for both The Pirate Queen and Dracula, though both projects proved to be too ambitious and I ended up cutting them off, tragically, but they gave me the confidence I needed to get into 1789, which I DID publish something for finally, on the day I was taking my GRE because. Well. I had something else I feared more than a flame. 
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
I don’t know if this is one thing or five separate things in a trenchcoat, but here you go. 
I love how we can explore things that could never be explored in canon, for one reason or another; I love that we have an experience that we can filter according to what WE want, including trigger warnings, which is honestly a godsend to me. We talk a lot about the transformative nature of fanfic, and it IS, but also, the level of empowerment that comes with being able to take back a narrative that says “hey, you’re not supposed to be in this narrative” or “You’ll like what we put out and you’ll stick with it” or “Well, if you don’t like it, create your own” and say “Okay, I will.” And, obviously the comments are lovely, having that kind of instant encouragement, and in the small fandoms in particular, it’s VITAL, but I also don’t feel like they’re inherently mandatory or that readers should feel FORCED. But I do love that, no matter what, something you write can connect with someone from the other side of the world. Like, people can argue all they want about fanfic being valid or not, but MOST people who want to be professional writers never get that. And when you stop and think about how we’ve been changing the narrative for as long as we’ve had oral stories, that this is how storytelling was ORIGINALLY done...that’s very humbling. 
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xeternalflamebryx · 6 years
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These are my top picks for "possible" newcomers I would personally love for Super Smash Bros Switch (not matter how crazy lol). Fo these characters stack up? Who would you like to see in Super Smash Bros Switch? 6.PHOENIX WRIGHT: Ok, so here's a character I am actually pretty torn on. On one hand, 3rd party characters allowed in smash should have some sort of impact and legacy in the video game industry. And it doesn't help Mr. Wright's case that we already have 2 of the biggest heavy hitters to rep Capcom, but....man I am bias lol. I absolutely LOVE the ace attorney series as well as the character himself. His series is practically a second home on Nintendo with nearly all his games on the platform. And if there's anything the crossover Capcom games proved, is that Phoenix Wright can make up as an insane fighter. Plus a court room stage with different witnesses on the stand (maybe even Nintendo characters as witnesses for fun) would be flawless. 5. KING K. ROOL: There has been a pretty big demand for more representation for the Donkey Kong series, and I agree. I feel the King would be a nice fit for that gap for not only for DK but having more villains as a whole (more on that later). He may come across as just a slow, heavy fighter but i feel King K. Rool has a pool of weapons, gadgets and traps that they can supply him from all his previous boss fights. He'd be more than just a inspired Boswer character in my eyes. 4. DECIDUEYE: I am simple man who sometimes just needs "order". When I look at the current roster and see a fully evolved fire and water starter....I just need my grass starter, its honestly THAT simple lol. And honestly, just based on his design alone just screams "make me a fighter". Not the strongest points, buts that's all I got. 3.CRASH BANDICOOT: With the announcement of smash switch as will as it's big E3 presence, I feel a new 3rd party character just makes too much sense to ride the hype. One of them being Crash Bandicoot. NOW, I am not basing this off the fact that N-sane trilogy made it on the switch, but rather N-sane trilogy's "existence" instead. The remake has spark new life into the franchise, inviting both old and newcomers. Crash was always seen as popular icon, but his relevance faded away after the whole Activison dilemma. But as of now, especially with a rumor new game in the works, I believe it is time for "crash, to smash". 2.DR.COYLE: This one may seem a bit odd, but let me explain. The game Arms is in a interesting state. Its...successful, though it is not a "splatoon hit" in terms of Nintendo exclusives. Yet it is far from a failure, as basically any Nintendo fan owning a switch would recognize the series, deserving a rep in smash. With this grey area, I feel this gives the Arms franchise the freedom to pick any character they want rather than just relying on Springman. Which is were the main villain, Dr. Coyle comes in. She plays a surprisingly big role in the franchise behind the scenes: artificially creating 2 of the playable characters from the game, bringing back another one from the dead, behind the creation of the the final boss and even the mode "party crash". Dr Coyle has a ton of involvement to the arms franchise that shouldn't be ignored. And top of that, as I mentioned with King K Rool, smash bros is in dying need for new villains. Just imagine smash bros first modern day, female, villain. 1.TRACER:.......OK..........let me REALLY explain this one lol.....In terms of third party characters, I feel like we really hit our peak with all the classics such as sonic, megaman and so forth. I believe it is time for a 3rd party from franchise that gain a strong prescience in modern gaming yet will mesh perfectly with Nintendo characters. Overwatch has done what most modern games cant say they have in terms of popularity and a cult following in such a short time. And their mascot Tracer would fit perfectly to represent that "new fresh air" that Overwatch surrounds itself in. As she will be a representative for the competitive online shooting genre for smash. And for Overwatch never being on a Nintendo console....This is a BOLD prediction with nothing  but my own speculation but here it is....I believe Overwatch is going to be ported to the Nintendo Switch with the upcoming new online services. (Complete with gyroscope options and Nintendo exclusive skins, emotes,sprays ect for the heroes). I predict this will be announced at E3 with Tracer's reveal. (ya know, if this pipe dream even has a remote chance) **HONORABLE MENTIONS** MS PACMAN (COSTUME) It legit blows my mind that despite all the character gender options in smash, the most both obvious and famous one doesn't appear. This should of been in the wii u/3ds version EASILY and I hope it happens. SONIC (REWORK) As a huge sonic fan, I always loved both modern and classic sonic equally. But with the huge success that was sonic mania and Sega big push with classic sonic recently, I have a theory. It would only make sense to rework sonic into his "classic self" the same way that Link might be updating in smash. Sega knows how much classic sonic is being received positively just by their promotions and marking alone.  If they really want to keep this momentum, I can easily see a "classic sonic" in smash with a mania theme stage. PYRA(CHARACTER) I actually dont know too much about xenoblade chronicles 2. But I fully aware of the massive success that game was and I personally fond of her design. I would like her in smash, and even add Mythra to boot lol. Perhaps her presence will get me into her game like Shulk did with his prequel.
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ashmerra · 6 years
may i kindly ask you all the oc questions?
Yes, yes you may.
Quick note:  A few OCsI won’t mention by name and a few answers will be vague just as to not spoilanything.  I have an entire fanversegoing on here.
-50 OC Asks-
Quick reference:  Meri is the Hero of Kvatch.  Arrais a Breton mage in Skyrim.  Dreyns is a Dunmer assassin.  Vitiais the Dragonborn.  Sannit is an old, former Ashlander. Veabris is an Ayleid who’saround back before the First Era.  Jaka is the Nerevarine.  Estor isNot a Thalmor ™.  Stigr is a proud Nord boi.  La’Mihr is a smart kitty.  One-Who-Knowsis yearning for the suburban Skyrim dream.  
 1. “Your first OCever?”  
That would be proto Meri. She was really the first that grew into an actual character.  She was also supposed to star in an Oblivionrewrite/webcomic/fanfic thing I drew like one page of years ago.
2. “Do you have a personal favouriteamong your OCs?”
I like different ones for different reasons!  Arra’s dialogue and one-liners, Dreyns’swhole ark of getting old, Vitia’s philosophy, etc.  etc.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
Nope.  And I’d neverconsider them mine.  I handcraft them andbake them one-of-a-kind each time.  Butmore seriously, the most I could take is an idea for a character, because Ialways like to twist things on their head and really make it my own.  I don’t enjoy writing NPCs for thisreason.  I can’t get in their head and myheadcanons get a bit much, so I’d rather just write for those I know.
4. “A character you rarely talk about?”
Tactus Gavros Sigilis!  An inspector/investigator for the Empirein Skyrim.
5. “If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?”
I think that’s not really up to me.  I can’t decide who fans will latch onto.  I know who’s the most well-liked at thistime, but that’s no indicator of who would be well-loved by a much wideraudience.  I’ll leave this one to my fans!
6. “Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?”
I do my best to give everyone unique looks andclothing/color schemes, but!  There’sthree that got based on each other and aren’t the same but even I’m confusednow.  I’ll make a separate post to breakit down.
7. “Are your OCs part of any story or stories?”
None of them exist outside of the Elder Scrolls universe,and I have yet to write fanfiction.  
8. “Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!”
Currently Arra, Sannit, and Veabris.  Though I think I’m game to RPing any of them,I already have a few more that I want to add to my RPing blog!  (btw, if you like the idea of RPing with me,all you have to do is ask.)
9. “Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?”
No.  Not give, nevergive.  But that doesn’t mean they can’tappear in your writing/meta/art, just that it’s a crossover, you don’t own themjust like I don’t own yours when I allude to them in RPs.  (Did I ever post that here?)
10. “Introduce an OC with a complicated design?”
All the ones I don’t draw, lol
Okay, more seriously…no, that’s pretty much why.
11. “Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a ‘sunshine’?”
100% Arra
12. “Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot”
Can I say all of them? My favorites are the ones who are woven into the lore and pre-existingcharacters, and ones that feel like real people and not just “ArgonainDragonborn #76”.  I like the ones whotake it as seriously as me, and as I see people do, I feel more confident totalk about and expand them.
13. “Do you have any troublemaker OCs?”
Actually, not really.  Dreyns, Jaka and Stigr can all be at times, though.
14. “Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory”
I want to legit change that to one without tragedy in theirbackstory because they’re all tragic…
15. “Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?”
Sometimes!  But I trynot to go overboard because I’m not sure if people like it.  
16. “Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?”
My Daedric biologist, I would imagine.
17. “Any OC OTPs?”
I’m not much of a shipper, honestly.  And I really can’t think of any at themoment.  
18. “Any OC crackships?”
Read 17.
19. “Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)”
I’ll pass on this one only because my answer would start gettingtoo personal for this ask.
20. “Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details(headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?”
Veabris has a beautiful singing voice that would sound agood deal like Annie Lennox.  Actually,just listen to “Into the West” and you’re good to good.  But you’ll never hear it because Vea is superself-conscious and private about singing.
21. “Your most artistic OC?”
You know, I think I overlook making them artistic justbecause I am.  It would be too obvious.  But let’s say Stigr and La’Mihr are.
22. “Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?”
In world or OOC? That’s a really important distinction! But Veabris’s intentions are usually misinterpreted.  
23. “Introduce an OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what thecharacter would be like?”
Most of them!  I workon them for a while until I feel they’re ready to be revealed.  24. “If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?”
Don’t do this to me!!!!  Ahhhh I don’t know I love them all! But Jaka would probably be the most fun to hang out with?  Then again, a day out with Sannit would begreat.
25. “The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, sharedlike/dislike for something etc?)”
26. “Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about themagainst your will?”
Arra and yes, I’m still bitter about it.  I won’t get into it because I’d rather notmake posts like that, but if anyone would like to know feel free to message me.
27. “Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?”
Nah, they come about and the songs fit them after.
28. “Your most dangerous OC?”
Okay!  So we haveMankar Camoran’s kid, Molag Bal’s Undying Champion, a lesser Daedric Prince anda double-memoried Godkiller.  Have funwith that battle royal!
29. “Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at nightwithout telling anyone they’re going?”
Tactus Gavros Sigilis, it’s his literal job.  Wait it’s Estor’s too.  …And kinda Veabris’s.  Well!
30. “Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animalcollection?”
It’s Dreyns.  It’s soDreyns.
31. “Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like(what they reblog, layout, anything really)”
Sannit treats it like a regular website blog and only postsstories from his life or answers to asks. No reblogs and he doesn’t follow anyone.
Meri posts advanced DYI stuff and martial technique.
32. “Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonistand why?”
I don’t play horror games but I’m thinking Estor in creepy,culty fan theory version of Rorikstead. (Should I write this?)
33. “Your shyest OC?”
She’s so shy she won’t let me talk about her.
34. “Do you have any twin characters?”
Not yet!
35. “Any sibling characters?”
Yes but I won’t say just now.  Spoilers!
36. “Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else(siblings, lovers, friends etc)?”
Not currently, but I’m not against doing it.
37. “Introduce an OC who is not quite human”
The Argonian, One-Who-Knows! He’s saving up money to buy a new fancy hat right now.  Rock on, scaly bro!
38. “Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?”
I feel like it would be Vitia for some reason.
39. “Introduce any character you want!”
40. “Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!”
Writing “Arra’s Story” (An RP post).  The power and emotion of it and the approvingly,emotionally shocked reactions of my fellow players made me realize I couldactually write good.
41. “Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or twohere (remember sources & permissions!)”
Here and here  😊
42. “Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?”
Daedric biologist person would be!
43. “Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend tofavour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess!”
We already found out I like investigators, is that my type?
44. “Something you like about your OCs in general”
I like how they all have gotten their own personality andidentity.  It’s taken a lot of work, but Idon’t feel like personalities repeat anymore.
45. “A character you no longer use?”
I have a few in limbo. I’m not sure if they’re coming back or they’re
46. “Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?”
No.  Only because Ihaven’t told them about all the bad things I’ve done to them in the first place.
47. “Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?”
Not yet, there’s still time.
48. “OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure?”
I think they call this a “hot take”, but in my opinion everyperson has flaws and depicting them otherwise is bad character writing.  Like sure, they can be nice and all, but theystill topple the board over when they’re losing Risk (or Axis & Allies).  Showing only one side of a character seriously,(not if it’s just for laughs) is boring to me. Where’s the growth?  They don’teven need to have “flaws” per se.  Whatif the “One True Hero to Save the World” is balled up on the floor crying tothemselves because they don’t think they’re strong enough?  Hot take over and it’s probably little kidDreyns.  (Which breaks hearts because hegrows up into something not pure.)
49. “Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes”
Arra would love meme songs like “SEAGULLS! (Stop ItNow)“He-man singing “What’s up?”, and “mmm whatcha say”.  And Jaka would love reaction gifs and objectlabeling memes.
50. “Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want”
I wanna talk about how long it took to fill this out and howmany characters I resurrected from the darkest depths of my mind to completeit.  You’re welcome.  ♥
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