#it shouldve been josh
echowithpain · 4 months
I just woke up so I'm still a little loopy and was scrolling through Tumblr and saw this post and it made me think of that time Maddie and Chim invited Buck and Josh to dinner at Chim's old apartment and Josh said if he didn't know any better, he'd think Maddie was setting them up. And honestly??? That actually would've been really fucking cute???
Can you imagine if Buck and Josh had started dating??? Buck going to the call center and using the excuse to see Maddie and take her to lunch only to "accidentally" run into his boyfriend and starting a happy flustered conversation with him before he has to go back to work. Oh my god I can actually see it so clearly:
Maddie’s typing away on her computer and glances up, looking over her monitor and seeing Buck in his civies walking through the door (cause he's all legs lol) and she stands up and goes over to him asking,
"Hey, what’s going on?"
And he's like "Nothing! I just thought I'd come by and treat you to some lunch." all while doing that thing he does with his hands and looking around the room trying to be casual about it.
And Maddie’s like, "Uh huh. So there's no other reason you could possibly think of that would bring you down here?"
And as Buck’s about to deny it then Josh walks over, having just finished a call and he sees him and is like, "Buck?"
And Buck perks up and turns to face him and is like, "Josh! Hey!"
And Josh is like, "Hey, good to see you. What are you doing here?"
And Buck starts explaining, "Oh, you know. I just came down here to see if... Maddie, wanted to grab some lunch with me. Y'know with the heatwave, people are probably going crazy out there." all while Maddie’s playfully rolling her eyes
And Josh of course finds this amusing and is playing along and starts telling him about a few calls they took, and Buck would be happily listening and nodding along and even giving a few comments here or there before Josh finally tells him, "Yeah, it's been a day. While it's finally slowed down, we're still a bit busy. But don't worry, I can cover for 'Maddie' until she gets back from her lunch break." While nodding at Maddie
And Buck would be like, "Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry, I should uh, let you get back to work."
And Josh would go, "Yeah, probably. See you later, Buck." and give him a wink while walking off and taking another call "911 what's your emergency?" all while Buck's watching him go with his big puppy eyes
And then Maddie would put her hand on his shoulder, getting his attention, and be like, "Hey. I know you're just using me as an excuse so you can come down here and talk to Josh in person, but I just want you to know... I'm holding you to treating me to lunch today."
And Buck would be like, "Yeah yeah, okay." and give a final look at Josh while Maddie’s laughing and getting her things and then they leave.
CAN YOU IMAGINE????? 🤩💖🤩💖🤩
Oh my god this started out as a sleepy ramble that turned into writing fanfiction and me actually getting upset over what could've been. Seriously think about it!
Buck and Josh are already good friends. If they started dating we could've gotten:
more Buckley siblings interactions
more scenes of the call center
more Josh, Linda, and Sue
Eddie and Josh "conflict/rivalry" (im still tired so idk the right word but I'm talking about when Eddie worked at dispatch and took over the call with the speed reference and Josh stepped up afterwards with the "You're a guest in this house" and how Eddie threw that line back at him when the place caught fire. Ever since, I like to think they have unserious beef, every now and then trying to one-up each other lol)
Buck constantly using Maddie as an excuse to visit the call center to see Josh until he's able to work up the courage to go up to him on Maddie’s day off and ask him out on a date (this could've been so fucking cute holy shit)
It could show a bi man and a gay man going out with each other and having fun and good chemistry, but ultimately deciding to break up and still remain good friends afterwards
Honestly, fuck Tommy for leaving Buck on their first date. Josh would've understood Buck’s panic because he's been in Buck's shoes. Also knowing Buck and Eddie’s relationship, and how based on Buck’s reaction could piece together that he's not out to him yet, Josh could've played along and had a bit of banter with Eddie, and then reassure Buck that they would go at his pace, and NOT LEAVE HIM STANDING ALONE ON A STREET CORNER BECAUSE HE PANICKED WHEN HE SAW HIS BEST FRIEND WHILE OUT ON HIS FIRST DATE WITH A GUY!!!!
Damn, now I'm actually getting mad.
I've said before that I didn't like Tommy's character but accepted him as a way for the GA to get used to the idea of Buck being bi, but now I can't even say that anymore. Their scenes feel so awkward except for when they're making out, and they've only kissed twice, both kisses only to be establishing something. The first was to show the GA Buck was bi by having a guy kiss him and him liking it, and the second was to show the other characters he was bi by kissing a guy and getting soot on his mouth from it.
While I know they were gonna do the bi Buck storyline this season, I do think Tommy was shoehored in it. They originally said the person flying the helicopter to find the cruise ship was gonna be Lucy (miss her) but they couldn't get her actress because of scheduling conflicts or something, so they got Tommy and made him a pilot instead. I'm almost certain if they were able to get Lucy's character to fly the helicopter, Tommy wouldn't be here.
Josh actually would've been a great bi realization for Buck as well as a great first boyfriend. I've already listed reasons above but here's some more:
The GA already knows who Josh is and know that he's gay
He's an established character people already like
He's actually nice and funny but can be firm when he needs to be
He's really smart and is skilled at what he does (need I remind you of when Sue got hit by that car and he lead the police through a freaking maze with no helicopter support. bro's a badass!)
He's shown to be friends with the main cast (they all know and like him (except maybe Eddie lmao))
We already know part of his backstory (why he joined the call center and how he met Sue)
He can be vulnerable and cares about his friends
He's not above pulling pranks/getting pranked (when Linda and Maddie tried to make his schedule crazy cause he kept giving himself time off whenever there was a full moon, and he found out but let them think he didn't know until he tricked them into confessing)
Josh deserves to go on a date with a guy without getting beat up halfway through (still pissed about that storyline)
I could go on and on but I'd get even more upset and I've got shit to do today. So I'll leave you with this:
Fuck Tommy, Josh would've been a better choice
Oh, one more thing. For the people who are inevitably gonna bring up Carson or whoever it was and say Josh is dating him, we don't know for a fact if they're dating or not. Josh asked Sue if they do background checks for people working for them (again fuck that storyline) and when she said yes he went over to the ambulance and they have a small talk. We never see him again lmao. For all we know, they could've dated and broken up by now, or Josh could've asked him out and he kindly turns him down. We don't know cause we haven't seen him, and I'm not gonna argue with people who's main complaint is "What about that one guy Josh liked in season 5 that we haven't seen since that one episode?"
Shush and think about how cute Buck and Josh would be.
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vhagarkeep · 21 days
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hug me brothaaaa
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joshuamj · 5 months
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She just wanted a friend :(
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Futturman in the beginning of season one: I hate my stupid job as a janitor I wish I had a more exciting life
Futturman at the end of season three: nvm I think I wanna be a janitor again
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juni-ravenhall · 7 months
sso loading screen text "remember that knowledge is power".... imagine the power if the writers knew the lore of the game
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snekthedemonnoodle · 10 days
tbh guys i wasnt all that hyped for the tøp show since ive not been listening to them much BUT YOU GUYS I AM SO HYPE NOW!!!!!!!! ITS REALLY HAPPENING, ON FRIDAY, AKDHKJADHKJADHAKDH IM SEEING THE ONES WHO LITERALLY SAVED ME LIIIIVE IVE WAITED SO LONG
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mostlikelyshutup · 4 months
@horsetailcurlers2 and i finally finished the magicians the other day and though i do think the show shouldve ended differently and really should have been different from like s4e12 onward, i think with the current ending it just doesnt make thematic sense for eliot and alice to be where they are
like somehow eliot has tied himself down to brakebills which admittedly the physical cottage is his safe space or whatever but on the whole feels like hes not doing what he should be doing in the grand scheme of his character, (in terms of like tethering himself to a place where he was never actually himself and tethering himself to anywhere in general but i digress) like he should be helping build new fillory!! him and margo and josh and fen should be together and i feel like that was just thrown away for alice's self discovery or whatever (like cmon weve seen what the healers in the magical world can do, youre telling me broken fingers trumps missing fingers in terms of spellcasting??) it would also help on his growth, showing that although fillory kindve sucks and he definitely does not want to run it, it is still his home now and making sure its okay?? well thats been his goal fo a while even without being high king (also him naming margo high king margo the creator would have been way more moving than fen doing it im sorry)
whereas alice herself would have shown major growth if she were to be with the library or at brakebills, showing that she finally understands the importance of not just hoarding knowledge but sharing it (if she were a professor at brakebills) or working towards sharing it (leading the library in a way that further goes with that view shes been working on getting for the past idk four seasons???)
it also would have furthered both of their connections to quentin, with alice working with brakebills and eliot in fillory, which were where both of their connections to him really flourished and grew and how they could stay connected to him despite it all
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daystarvoyage · 4 months
have you watch anime’s with controversial or bad endings? And see the so called fans defend it and praise it while you are left confused and angry for not getting it like then to the point you know longer enjoy the work anymore plus seeing people who did not enjoy it like you are get harassed or get into internet arguments with those that like the ending?
Oh wow this one is a great question, now I’m an old soul who has seen a lot of classic anime in the '90s, so this one is gonna need some good unpacking, coming into anime of the 2000s. yes fully aware we didn't get the same stories from the manga to the anime so here's my 4 series, I wont say these would be in the toxic category however maybe wrong.
I say anime I didn’t like ending or not
Akame ka Kill, & Future diary
Anime I liked & watched but the ending was meh Soul eater, & Deadman wonderland
Akame ga kill
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It was a good watch, it was one of those shows that had a great action-driven pace, with a great female main, alongside a strong cast of colorful characters, however, there were some moments in which it relied too much on fanservice. I don't get the hype of this one, why it really felt its the best thing ever however it still has a fanbase also, (which normalized in anime since going mainstream) Even not even fleshing out the supporting characters, there were times I felt the plot and writing of each character got over shun by the pacing of the show & action Yknow being killing offe such cha era cuter one by one.
Future diary,
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Now this was a college watch at an anime club, I didn't really like this show cause it was kinda had so many elements, mashed into together,(Scifi & Harem tropes to an extent, not done right to the point of making Yuno a poster child of bad habits, I see Fans even ones defending or cosplaying yuno with a lewd personality justifying her actions in the show (which is understandable she was Abused, from my memory serves) Heck EVEN JOSH GRELE VOICE OF THE MAIN MALE said he didn't like it, And I Agree however I do congratulate the voice acting along akame ga kil, but come on the show was complete mind Fuck cause it left me in a doozy.
Now to the Anime I did Like But Rushed Horrid Endings
DeadMan Wonderland,
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Very great underrated show created by the same person who did Eureka seven (also a great romantic mecha show I need to finish anime-wise) This had a captivating bloody good tie with your into action horror if its not to gorey, in today's mainstream titles. however the manga takes it to a ten while the anime didn't, (cause we had a gay badass transwoman fight alongside the main cast never shown in the anime, who had a great written background alongside others.) yes I felt the show got a bad end of the stick cause it had so much going for it, in the manga, now being Cut down to 25-30 episodes, with potential remake but the ending was a major cliffhanger. I don't see a issue or toxic writing in this one since it obscrued.
Soul Eater
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Who could forget an after-school classic in my case, Its a Great series, this was one I watched, after homework alongside (Hell girl, Peach Girl & Aquarion)
I enjoyed the Anime to a high. I need a rewatch of soul eater, i did felt with time and writing progress they had the power to mash everything from the manga to the anime, understanding it takes a lot of work to draw, and pace a story like this anime with so much going for it, The voice acting served ( With Miss Cunty Medusa & Arcane Shouldve gotten more limelight to be more epic from the manga to the anime, Medusa Gave off Cyber Trakneena from Power Rangers)
AND LORD WHO CAN FORGET THE THEMES, yeah felt the show could've gone deeper or enlightened fans on the many ways the show coulda have been better but never experienced any toxicity from these Four, (glad we got Fire Force Though)
But yes felt the ending was a good one but I really wish certain characters even MAKA HAD the black BLOOD GOWN TO FINISH OFF ASHRA THOUGH.
Hope this answers everything have a starry Day.
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xplrvibes · 8 months
lmao babys first yt controversy 😂
yeah idk i feel like they probably shouldve scraped the whole thing. obviously they spent a lot of money on this episode so they obviously want to post it and make some of that money back, but its not worth it. the controversy is too dominating.
i could never watch ghost adventures… It was too much. it was too fake and too obnoxious lol i didnt even like ghost hunters international which is bonkers bc they came to australia lol but i never vibed with it
grant and jason were where it was at 💪🏼 (and then i grew up, got social media, and realised jason was a a-hole)
random q… if snc switched up their content… what do you see them doing? ive been watching a lot of ‘exploring abandon ghost towns/mining towns’ videos and im like… they could do this! like still do haunted but also explore ghost towns… just them… maybe nate and josh… that’d be so cool!
- aussie anon
See, I was one of those people who loved Ghost Adventures, but for all the wrong reasons. I just thought Zak Bagans was pure comedy gold, in that he was the biggest unintentional idiot on earth 🤣.
But if I wanted to actually watch something for the paranormal content, GH was my show for that.
I think they would probably really like to get into more legal abandoned/exploration type videos, i.e., Chernobyl. Sadly, I think they feel like they have to stay in the paranormal game for a while, so I don't see the switch up happening anytime soon. I also don't see them ever going back to doing illegal stuff or true urbex, not at this point in their careers. So, legal stuff like Chernobyl, where they could tell a story...I think they'd enjoy doing that.
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therulerofallpotatos · 9 months
Josh literally put a gun to Chris' head and he still only kissed Ashley because Ashley kissed him.
Josh put all that work into Chris and he shouldve just sat down and talked Ashley into making a move. Would have been way less work.
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amymbona · 1 month
josh means so much to me cause... 3 movies where hes around someone whos from #ROMANIA.. need to kiss him on the head sorry to get patriotic but my heart explodes everytime i see new photos of him oh my god i need to die BUT... HES SO CUTE...😭😭😭😭 shouldve been his age in his circle of friends fr.. gods has favorites and theyre not me OKAY SORRY.. SORRY love ur blurbs btw love u 💘💘 and ur bots.. love them so much.... please never stop 😓🥀
I wish Josh starred in some folklor themed czech movies so I could be #proud of my country. Might write a movie just for him tbh (it wouldn't be the first time I tried to reach a celebrity like that).
About the age.... Yeah....
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nineliabilityrisk · 1 year
[ send a " ⭐ " and i will list muses i would be interested in throwing at yours ]
[ asked by @muutos ]
this one took a while to get to bc i realized how much i wanted birdie to interact with some of ur muses and then got distracted with trying to set up her blog and stuff but im here to answer this now hopefully . my brain is still all over the place please excuse me
[formatting is "your muse - my muse(s) i would like to see with them"]
vanessa - sb verse mikey :] torment this little shit. because the concept of these two interacting is so fucking hilarious im so happy the movie brought it up and this way it doesnt even have to be movieverse. also i NEED her and birdie to interact so so so bad im trying so hard to finish up birdies sideblog its taking forever but i wanted the chance to give them a lil separate space to themselves. uh who else. i have glambun and cassie of course, she can have fun with them, and joshton also has a sb verse!! i know i never talk about him but id love love love to introduce him with vanessa or one of ur other muses
henry emily - cmon. i love your henry so much id willingly throw literally ANY of my muses at him i <3 him. ive already spent eons talking abt how much i love the potential dynamic between him and michael because i DO, so so so much. also just like i said to nic, he can interact with literally any of my animatronics whenever. i NEED interactions with him and lefty there is something so personal about those two. and of course ciarán goes without saying. your henry already gave him too much attention (like. literally one [1] positive sentence so far) and hes already hooked. good luck getting rid of that fucker. hes never letting go. sorry you shouldve known better than to be sweet with him (/lh)
mangle - im ngl i would love to have interactions with them and one of my withered animatronics. or jeremy, yknow,,, before Shit Goes Bad. could be fun. joshton Also has a verse where he works in the fnaf 2 location because i just kinda stick him wherever he would fit so if you wanna use it to traumatize the poor little minimum wage worker go right ahead i think itd be real funny
freddy fazbear - b..bonnie... thats it just bonnie i want the classic duo back i dont care what era. also if you want him to torment mike or josh theyre always up for it, as has been mentioned multiple times
roxanne wolf + glamrock freddy - lumping them together because theyd be interacting with about the same characters. same list as vanessa!!! its so funny because i wasnt interested in sb at ALL before ruin / interacting with you and ur little corner of the rpc and now im. fucken entangled in it. help.
vincent demarco - weve talked abt my interest in him before but like i said every time you rb some musings about him or something i go a little insane. also did you know his birthday is literally one day before mine i just realized it when i checked his bio page. anyway i really wanna toss like. ciar or josh or someone at him at some point just to see what would happen. he just intrigues me i just wanna see whats goin on in that brain of his idk idk
these arent really specific muse matchups but. every time i see you play like. stu or gwen or ar'alani i lose my mind a little and get reminded of all the muses from their medias i could pick up but i have to stop myself bc thats so much WORK. the star wars fixation would be enough to overpower it and make me find someone to interact with ar'alani if it werent for the fact that i havent managed to get my hands on the thrawn books yet and ive never watched star trek so i dont know anything about your interpretation and it makes me so so so upset. anyway this is an open offer (that may not make sense if you havent watched star wars rebels) but if you would like i would pick up ezra bridger to interact with her in a HEARTBEAT. it wouldnt matter how fucking clueless i am because hes clueless as shit too. i am so so sorry if this sounds overbearing or something i do NOT mean for it to be i have just been wanting to play these star wars muses for YEARS now. the star wars community is just so much more terrifying than this little group here. so the fact that someone that i know and trust and have written with before has even Somewhat of a star wars muse has. driven me a little bit insane. (/pos) this is all /nf of course im just. yeah 👍 this probably makes no fucking sense im sorry i am unwell about star wars
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jakesguitarstring · 3 years
there's something about joshs armpits. im sorry.
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adelaideoldburg · 3 years
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“Ehem, yes I would like to call this meeting to order. Today we will be discussing why Justin Moorland deserved an update before some of these other bitches. I will start. Firstly-”
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jrueships · 3 years
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clutch... what is this...😭😭
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yuuki-mishima · 2 years
I live in a hell of my own creation -insert pictures of ants-
(The creation coming from me leaving food and crumbs around...)
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