#not me actually jumping on this ship
echowithpain · 4 months
I just woke up so I'm still a little loopy and was scrolling through Tumblr and saw this post and it made me think of that time Maddie and Chim invited Buck and Josh to dinner at Chim's old apartment and Josh said if he didn't know any better, he'd think Maddie was setting them up. And honestly??? That actually would've been really fucking cute???
Can you imagine if Buck and Josh had started dating??? Buck going to the call center and using the excuse to see Maddie and take her to lunch only to "accidentally" run into his boyfriend and starting a happy flustered conversation with him before he has to go back to work. Oh my god I can actually see it so clearly:
Maddie’s typing away on her computer and glances up, looking over her monitor and seeing Buck in his civies walking through the door (cause he's all legs lol) and she stands up and goes over to him asking,
"Hey, what’s going on?"
And he's like "Nothing! I just thought I'd come by and treat you to some lunch." all while doing that thing he does with his hands and looking around the room trying to be casual about it.
And Maddie’s like, "Uh huh. So there's no other reason you could possibly think of that would bring you down here?"
And as Buck’s about to deny it then Josh walks over, having just finished a call and he sees him and is like, "Buck?"
And Buck perks up and turns to face him and is like, "Josh! Hey!"
And Josh is like, "Hey, good to see you. What are you doing here?"
And Buck starts explaining, "Oh, you know. I just came down here to see if... Maddie, wanted to grab some lunch with me. Y'know with the heatwave, people are probably going crazy out there." all while Maddie’s playfully rolling her eyes
And Josh of course finds this amusing and is playing along and starts telling him about a few calls they took, and Buck would be happily listening and nodding along and even giving a few comments here or there before Josh finally tells him, "Yeah, it's been a day. While it's finally slowed down, we're still a bit busy. But don't worry, I can cover for 'Maddie' until she gets back from her lunch break." While nodding at Maddie
And Buck would be like, "Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry, I should uh, let you get back to work."
And Josh would go, "Yeah, probably. See you later, Buck." and give him a wink while walking off and taking another call "911 what's your emergency?" all while Buck's watching him go with his big puppy eyes
And then Maddie would put her hand on his shoulder, getting his attention, and be like, "Hey. I know you're just using me as an excuse so you can come down here and talk to Josh in person, but I just want you to know... I'm holding you to treating me to lunch today."
And Buck would be like, "Yeah yeah, okay." and give a final look at Josh while Maddie’s laughing and getting her things and then they leave.
CAN YOU IMAGINE????? 🤩💖🤩💖🤩
Oh my god this started out as a sleepy ramble that turned into writing fanfiction and me actually getting upset over what could've been. Seriously think about it!
Buck and Josh are already good friends. If they started dating we could've gotten:
more Buckley siblings interactions
more scenes of the call center
more Josh, Linda, and Sue
Eddie and Josh "conflict/rivalry" (im still tired so idk the right word but I'm talking about when Eddie worked at dispatch and took over the call with the speed reference and Josh stepped up afterwards with the "You're a guest in this house" and how Eddie threw that line back at him when the place caught fire. Ever since, I like to think they have unserious beef, every now and then trying to one-up each other lol)
Buck constantly using Maddie as an excuse to visit the call center to see Josh until he's able to work up the courage to go up to him on Maddie’s day off and ask him out on a date (this could've been so fucking cute holy shit)
It could show a bi man and a gay man going out with each other and having fun and good chemistry, but ultimately deciding to break up and still remain good friends afterwards
Honestly, fuck Tommy for leaving Buck on their first date. Josh would've understood Buck’s panic because he's been in Buck's shoes. Also knowing Buck and Eddie’s relationship, and how based on Buck’s reaction could piece together that he's not out to him yet, Josh could've played along and had a bit of banter with Eddie, and then reassure Buck that they would go at his pace, and NOT LEAVE HIM STANDING ALONE ON A STREET CORNER BECAUSE HE PANICKED WHEN HE SAW HIS BEST FRIEND WHILE OUT ON HIS FIRST DATE WITH A GUY!!!!
Damn, now I'm actually getting mad.
I've said before that I didn't like Tommy's character but accepted him as a way for the GA to get used to the idea of Buck being bi, but now I can't even say that anymore. Their scenes feel so awkward except for when they're making out, and they've only kissed twice, both kisses only to be establishing something. The first was to show the GA Buck was bi by having a guy kiss him and him liking it, and the second was to show the other characters he was bi by kissing a guy and getting soot on his mouth from it.
While I know they were gonna do the bi Buck storyline this season, I do think Tommy was shoehored in it. They originally said the person flying the helicopter to find the cruise ship was gonna be Lucy (miss her) but they couldn't get her actress because of scheduling conflicts or something, so they got Tommy and made him a pilot instead. I'm almost certain if they were able to get Lucy's character to fly the helicopter, Tommy wouldn't be here.
Josh actually would've been a great bi realization for Buck as well as a great first boyfriend. I've already listed reasons above but here's some more:
The GA already knows who Josh is and know that he's gay
He's an established character people already like
He's actually nice and funny but can be firm when he needs to be
He's really smart and is skilled at what he does (need I remind you of when Sue got hit by that car and he lead the police through a freaking maze with no helicopter support. bro's a badass!)
He's shown to be friends with the main cast (they all know and like him (except maybe Eddie lmao))
We already know part of his backstory (why he joined the call center and how he met Sue)
He can be vulnerable and cares about his friends
He's not above pulling pranks/getting pranked (when Linda and Maddie tried to make his schedule crazy cause he kept giving himself time off whenever there was a full moon, and he found out but let them think he didn't know until he tricked them into confessing)
Josh deserves to go on a date with a guy without getting beat up halfway through (still pissed about that storyline)
I could go on and on but I'd get even more upset and I've got shit to do today. So I'll leave you with this:
Fuck Tommy, Josh would've been a better choice
Oh, one more thing. For the people who are inevitably gonna bring up Carson or whoever it was and say Josh is dating him, we don't know for a fact if they're dating or not. Josh asked Sue if they do background checks for people working for them (again fuck that storyline) and when she said yes he went over to the ambulance and they have a small talk. We never see him again lmao. For all we know, they could've dated and broken up by now, or Josh could've asked him out and he kindly turns him down. We don't know cause we haven't seen him, and I'm not gonna argue with people who's main complaint is "What about that one guy Josh liked in season 5 that we haven't seen since that one episode?"
Shush and think about how cute Buck and Josh would be.
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lgbtlunaverse · 8 months
mdzs twitter is a very funny place to be on cause someone will have "canon dynamics only" in their bio and proceed to have the worst take on canon you've ever seen
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thatmightyheart · 2 years
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o-vera-nalyzing · 4 months
mary ann takes gorgug on dates missions to learn how to be cunty
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givehimthemedicine · 7 months
free miracle cure for some of the takes & winning poll options that've been on my dash lately. get well soon
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am I the only one who finds myself getting more attached to bucktommy and Tommy himself the more people push against it or
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Something we never talk about, is how when Cali gang arrived to Hawkins, they were shocked and speechless. They did not expect to come home to Hawkins decimated. It wasn’t until Dustin informed El and Will at the Wheelers that Lucas was at the hospital, that they found out the truth.
And so, to insist that the sole reason Mike and El only talked once in those two days after his monologue, was because she was upset over Max’s condition, isn’t accurate. She didn’t even know about it yet.
Why not let us see the aftermath of that grand love confession anyways? Why make it anticlimactic as hell with that two day time jump? Unless something incriminating happened, that would give away the surprise in store for s5, which is said to start off right where s4 ended?
That monologue was supposed to be this romantic love confession, and so why have Will interfere with all of those shots, making them inherently less intimate (as he has done all season)? Why have the lighting create a feeling of uncertainty, when this is supposed to be a certain moment? That’s not how you film an intimate moment, that’s how you film a conflicted one.
Why have the one conversation Mike and El had in those two days, be off-screen and completely unrelated to their romantic feelings? Why make a point to end the season with El looking in Mike and Will’s direction almost knowingly annoyed, with Mike returning his own expression of accepted defeat?
Why not show him going to comfort her and give her reassurance like a partner does bc they’re supposed to be a team? This is the so called main endgame couple fans are vouching for almost violently as being couple goals? But all I’m seeing is Mike instead prioritizing heart to heart #? with Will in these last moments?
Rewatch value wise, foreshadowing wise, what is being prioritized here?
Did we all see the same last shot for that season finale??
S4 cost $35 million per episode. They’re not doing this for shits and giggles. They’re nerds and they believe in the most common technique in storytelling: show don’t tell.
The reality is they had to do it like this for a reason. And they literally told us why: S2EP5 RT 40:37-44:05
Whether or not fans are ready to look ‘behind the curtain’ is up to them.
#byler#reddit rambles#I commented this on Reddit and I’m actually getting upvoted…#also getting downvoted bc it keeps fluctuating#but this is still a first for me…#like that comment was hardcore implying byler endgame is the only thing that makes sense#and no replies??#no one’s got anything to argue against what I’ve said?#like that is unheard of..#it’s getting serious over there…#what I think we could see happen#is people that have been denying byler#who have common sense#are going to start realizing they might in fact be wrong#like I sense that shift happening as we speak#and as we get closer#I think a lot of fans are gonna flip flop and act like they have always felt this way#bc no one likes being wrong least of all humiliated over it#I think a lot of ppl are gonna finally crack and start looking at evidence and go holy shit#and jump ship#not saying hardcore milkvans wont always be present#but I think ppl that tended to side with milkvans on default#without looking too much into the details themselves and just assumed there was no evidence#they’re gonna want to be right once they finally accept it’s the obvious direction the show is going#I also think that even if mods hate byler…#hearing some of these arguments over time has to impact them…#especially seeing the same tired milkvan arguments#they of all people know a shift is happening#now it’s just a matter of them not being homophobic and being willing to look behind the curtain at all#the shift is upon us as we speak
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davestaresatthesun · 2 months
Behold: men kissing \o/ [alpha dave and robro from @0rphiichaze s bdbd]
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And also a silly little thing i doodled of if baby dirk was a symbiote hehehehe
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prettyboykatsuki · 8 months
brb 🫡
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demynom · 1 year
Why are there so many posts about proving that the two first canonically gay final fantasy characters are not actually in love and were never in love, despite being presented in a way that is natural and authentic (and deeply compelling) in the context of what kind of story it is
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paeinovis · 4 months
I feel like people who think franmaya is just sticking two characters together haven't played the second game 😭
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swanpit · 1 year
DeathPuss or PussDeath in these Disney AU
1. Beauty and the Beast
2. Sleeping Beauty
3. Cinderella
i do plan to redraw a sleeping beauty song with them! and lana del ray's version of once upon a dream fits to a T with death's tone (but maybe with the more wholesome context, i dont seem to vibe with incel-level obsessive death for some reason like, isnt he supposed to be the more mature one here? and not like some edgy desperate teen? he can be curious and maybe frustrated if there's something that he cant seem to figure it out but maybe it's gonna be more like that) but if i were to make a beauty and the beast au puss will likely start as more like, a monster hunter, hired to inspect through the mysterious mansion where the rumored beast are to slay it, so the start is different (i like to adjust it to the character so they're more in character and not just paste the name on already existing story) and with this start with puss' goal being to defeat him, it's gonna be leaning more to mystery than romance (but there will still be tensions! as puss find out more and more about him) so they wont be straight up (heh) belle and beast, but maybe it was puss who got something to learn this time, that he expect death as dangerous beast, but learned that there's more to him than that (but since death is sometimes not the best at convincing people he's not threatening, trusting him can be a challenge early on, like he can say something and it sounds horrifying out of context from puss' pov XD) and instead of belle teaching beast, why dont make the beast be the one who teaches this time? that's also more inline with the whole thing with shrek as well as for cinderella, tbh i dont know what to do with it, sorry
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kaiserouo · 1 month
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1 because i can sit next to bloodhound and also stop fuse from talking to hound (im still mad at ea for making them canon)
...haha, just kidding. I will sit at 10 because that would make sure bloodhound never sees me, i will never have any awkward interaction with them, AND i can still catch a glimpse of hound if i try hard enough
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evilkitten3 · 10 months
i have a hc that hinata is the one who introduced karui and chouji, and somehow that blossomed into a mini au in my head where neji lives and ends up crushing on atsui. he's horrified by this
neji: no lady hinata you don't understand it's terrible-
hinata: crushing on a loud blond man. how could i possibly relate
neji: he's from kumo
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bedbugsandbroomsticks · 4 months
currently carefully microdosing Outer Wilds as a game so I can enjoy the lore cause this story is aesthetically and narritively beautiful- but also for some reason the concept of gravity puts a dread in my bones so dense that it makes me queasy
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The most cursed manga page I’ve had the displeasure of looking at.
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