#it starts off with bella being “sisters don't tell on each other you don't want to be a bad sister right:)”
stillagoodwitch · 1 year
thinking about narcissa taking the blame for stuff bellatrix and andromeda did because she's the perfect baby of the house and she always gets away with a warning
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chaengluva · 6 months
Massive Deal [1]
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This is the full story version of Too much of a massive deal, it will be a few chapters!
Regina George x Fem!Reader: Part 1: 3.7k words including intro
Btw, if you think things are going to fast or what not, this is like 3 of my wattpad chapters in one, so i don’t have to do to many updates and theres not as many parts.
It was really unrealistic, I mean, having a crush on Regina George? When you told your best friend she said she wasn't surprised, It was almost the same reaction when you told her you were lesbian. You tell your best friend everything, she's the only person you truly trust in your friend group. Her name is Bella Christensen
You love all your friends but you were friends with Bella during elementary school, you told her you were lesbian and you haven't told your family yet, she's been a really good friend about it and hasn't said anything.
The worst part about having a crush on Regina George is being related to her best friend, Gretchen, you guys don't talk much because she is always with Regina, you just think it would be weird dating your sisters best friend.
Like the thought of Bella dating Gretchen makes you want to throw up inside.
You know this crush was just some silly teenager thing that will go away, you know she's not lesbian and most likely homophobic, so when you get into your senior year of high school you're plan for the year is to study hard (MOVE ON FROM REGINA GEORGE) and to have fun.
What will happen? Will Regina like You? Will people turn against each other?
“I fucking hate High School”
The sound of your loud alarm started to go off, waking you up instantly and you groaned, summer break goes way too quickly. You take all the energy inside you to move your hand and press the snooze button on your phone, wanting to sleep for some extra you close your eyes but then open again at the sound of your door opening, it was Gretchen, what the fuck is she doing up this early?
She made her way to your closet and started throwing your clothes everywhere, making a mess. "Gretchen! What are you doing?" Your sister rolls her eyes answering, "I'm looking for my white blouse, the one you wore on the last day of school." You get up out of bed and rush to your closet before she ruins anything else and searches through your doors, finally finding it. "Here it is." She smiles slightly, "Thanks sis." You smile and think about heading back to bed but you decide not to, you know if you went back in you would never get out again.
You looked through your closet, groaning seeing the limited choices, "Ugh! I have nothing to wear," You looked at the weather, wanting to dress appropriately for the weather. You see that it is quite warm, you sigh and leave your room, sneaking into your sister's room. She has a lot of good clothes.
You take a blue shirt and a white skirt, hoping that she doesn't notice you in her room. When you leave her room you bump into her, hiding the clothes you took behind your back (as if she hasn't already seen them) So she doesn't get mad, your sister sighs. "Fine, I'll do your makeup too."
She brings you into her bathroom and does a small natural look, and finding you a better outfit, you look at yourself in the mirror, "Damn, all the boys will be crushing on you." Gretchen says, applying a little more mascara, you hesitate but nod at her works, not wanting to tell her the truth.
"I'll add lip gloss after you eat." She smiles and the two of you go down stairs, greeting your mom before going to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Gretchen has some avocado toast and juice, while you just had some cereal.
The two of you sit on the table, she talks about how she is excited to start the year. It's crazy how different she can be at home compared to at school. Everyone in school knows that the two of you are related but you never sit with each other.
You thought about how you would move on from Regina, your best idea was to just ignore her at all costs, every time you see her you stare at her with heart eyes, but she will never dare to look back at you. You sigh deeply, lost in your thoughts, thinking about the first time you realised you liked Regina.
You were sitting with Bella, it was the last first day of middle school, you decided to start the year by trying out for the cheer team, you were very nervous because you know that everyone sitting here as already tried out and made the team, you were the only, who was trying to do it for the first time.
They called your name, Bella cheered loudly, you giggled, getting up off the bench, you stood there nervously as the judges sighed a few things, you stood there awkwardly. They told you to start and you started to do your audition, you did a few tricks, after you were done you saw that there were smiles on their faces.
They all told you that they would be in contact, you nodded and walked back to your friend, she smiled brightly, giving you a big hug. "You did so well!" You smiled, hugging her back, you also felt like you did quite well.
The two of you walked out of the gym and walked into the change room so you could change out of your sweaty clothes, when you walked in, you gasped at the sight. Regina George standing there in her bra and tight leggings, you have never taken a close look at her body before, you must have been staring for a while because you had lost focus for everything else that was going on.
Bella waved her hand in front of your face to make you come back into reality. You jumped looking at her and she looked at you with a confused look, walking away she could change. Fuck, you were like every guy at the school, you had a crush on Regina George.
End of flashback
A similar situation was happening out, while you were thinking of this moment you were clearly spaced out, Gretchen shook your body to bring you back into reality. Damn, moving on from Regina will be harder than you think, she can still make you feel the same butterflies like she did in middle school.
"Regina is giving me a lift to school if you want to come." You thought that would be awkward as hell, you were honestly confused as to why Gretchen was asking you. You awkwardly laugh saying, "Oh.. It's okay, Bella is picking me up!" Gretchen nods, grabbing her purse, before walking out the door.
You grab your phone and call Bella, she answers instantly, "Hey! Y/n!" You smile at how happy she sounds, "Hey Bella, when will you be here?" You ask, only so you can know how long you have to get ready. "I'll be there in 10 minutes, " You rolled your eyes, Bella would always be late.
It was like Bella could hear you rolling your eyes, "What! My alarm didn't go off!" She defended, making up an excuse. You giggled, "Yeah sure, I'll see you soon." You say hanging up the phone, you look over and see that Gretchen didn't put her dishes away, being the better sister, you get up and put both yours and hers in the sink.
You go upstairs to brush your teeth and fix your hair, you put on both deodorant and perfume, you start to apply your lip gloss but you hear a car horn beeping which messes you up, and she doesn't stop. "Jesus Christ! Bella I'm coming!" You yell, as if she could hear you.
You grab your back and quickly rush outside the door, rushing into her car, you give Bella a massive hug, you don't feel her hug back which you find strange, you pull away and you see that she is looking at you with a glare, "What?"
"Y/n, you look like a fucking plastic."
Bella parked outside the school smiling happily at you. "So" Bella started, "When will I decorate my car park?" She asked, you smiled back, hitting her leg, "Soon." You smile, getting out of her car, waiting for her to come to your side so you could link arms and walk into school.
"I'm so annoyed we don't have many classes together," Bela groaned, leaning her head on her shoulder, smiling at you, you look into her eyes and smile at her, "Yeah but one class is better than none." You mention she nods, taking her head off her shoulder.
"I can't believe we have maths first." Bella groans, walking into homeroom sitting down on the table, you sat down on the table next to her, rolling your eyes at her, "At least we are in the same class first period." You mention but Bella jumps in, "I have PE right after!" You laugh at her, "That sucks, I have English."
You roll your eyes, throw your head on the desk, lie down until the bell rings, Bella laughs at you, "Jesus Christ, first day and you're already falling asleep in class?" You look up at her, glaring into her eyes, making her laugh more. "Don't try to be intimidating with me."
The bell finally rang, everyone was happy to be out of the homeroom, but not excited to start class. You and Bella decide to take the long way to get to class because the two of you really hate maths.
Luckily, maths class went quickly and now you were in English class, you didn't see anyone that you knew in the class so you decided to sit alone, on the table in the back. Soon after the class started Regina walked in, not even looking at the teacher or saying sorry for being late.
You looked around the class and noticed that the only available seat was next to you, so you moved your stuff without her asking, for the whole lesson you were breathing heavily while she didn't look your way once, she was actually just on her phone the whole lesson.
Probably texting her stupid boyfriend.
Finally, the class was over and it was time for the first break. You met up with Bella, who was sitting under a tree. Eventually, all your other friends join up, you were a bit sad that a few had moved schools, but the group was still close, it just wouldn't be the same.
"So how your guys' classes?." Jennie asks, smiling, you groan, "I have Regina In my English class." Everyone else groans, feeling bad for you but Bella smirks, hitting your shoulder, making sure to do it quickly so no one sees.
"I can't believe you're related to Gretchen." Charlie commented, giggling looking over at Jennie, you chuckled, nodding your head, "Yeah me too, but at the end of the day she is my sister and I love her." The two girls just roll their eyes, you look at Bella who gives you a sympathetic look, you just shake your head, you weren't bothered by them.
The four of you continue to talk, none of you notice Oliver Kim walking over to you. "Hey, Y/n, I was just wondering if you like to go out tonight." You look at Bella, still feeling slightly bad to reject some nice looking people. You open your mouth to answer, but you hear someone else talk. "She would love to!" Oliver smiles, "Great, I'll text you the details."
"Jennie!" You exclaim, "What! You have never been on a date with a guy! you deserve this." She says, rubbing your knee. You sighed knowing she was just trying to be a good friend and she doesn't know that you are lesbian, so you try your best not to get hurt by it.
The bell rang, everyone quickly gathered their stuff and rushed out to their class. You walked to your chemistry class, it sucked that it was on the opposite side of the school. You walk into the class and observe the people in the class, you see Janis sitting alone.
You weren't friends with Janis but you weren't enemies, you smiled, walking over, "Hey!" you say, she smiles, looking up at you, you smile back, "Can I sit here?" You ask, feeling a little nervous, she smiled at you, moving her stuff so you could sit down, you sat down smiling at her, taking your stuff out, she looked over at you and smiled.
You took notes on the lesson, It was around half way through the lesson, you felt Janis tap you on the shoulder, "What other classes are you in this year." She smiled at you, you smiled back at her, telling her what classes you were in, you were surprised and happy to find out that.
You put your attention back to the teacher, you wrote down a lot of notes because if you were being honest, you were scared for this year, so you wanted to do your best in the classes. At the end of class, you and Janis had art next, "Hey so, do you want to walk to art together."
You smile nodding, walking to art with her, you start to talk about what you guys did over the summer. You walk inside and you smile when you see Damien, you know Janis and Damien are close so you let Janis go off to be with him. "Damien! You know Y/n." She smiles, He smiles back, "Of course I do, she's beautiful!" He exclaims, you giggle, looking down slightly shy with the complement.
"Class, Listen up!" Everyone turns their heads to the teacher, she continues to speak once everyone is paying attention, "Today we will paint freestyle, you can paint whatever you want." You smile, go through the paint box grabbing what you need, you look up images on your laptop, to get some ideas on what you can paint.
You settle on a landscape of a flower field, you put on an apron because you know Gretchen would murder you. You started to work on the painting, making sure to stay very focused. Janis sees this as a perfect opportunity to talk to Damien.
She pulls him into the other side of the classroom, making sure that there is no way that you would be able to hear, leaning in close she opens her mouth to talk, "Girl, you're way too close!" Damien says, too loud for Janis' liking. She quickly shushes him, backs up slightly and whispers.
"I think I like y/n."
Damien looked at You then looked at Janis, "You.. Like her?" Janis nods quickly. Damien rolls her eyes. "She's like the straightest girl here." Damien exclaimed, Janis hit him on the shoulder. "Ow!" He said, grabbing his shoulder, Janis rolled her eyes at him saying, "It shouldn't hurt that bad.." He glares at her his arm didn't really hurt, he was just being dramatic. "Anyway, you can't assume someone's sexuality!" Janis said a little too loudly, grabbing the attention of a few people.
"Look, my point is that. She's really pretty." Janis smiles, looking at You as if she could get lost in your eyes, "You know she's related to Gretchen." Damien whispers, Janis looks back at him, rolling her eyes before saying, "So what? You literally date Regina's ex boyfriend." Damien hits Janis softly, not too hard to the point where it hurts, they go back to greet you, gasping at the amazing process.
"Wow! You did that all just now?" Janis exclaims happily, you nod but don't say anything back, you don't want to lose your focus on the artwork, Janis smiles behind you, admiring your focus in the artwork, you have no Idea how she is looking at you, but she is looking at you the same way you looked at Regina George in middle school, the time you realised you liked her.
You looked back and she looked away, making you smile brightly. The teacher says that the bell will ring soon so everyone should start to pack up. You signed, packing your things and cleaning the supplies. You waved goodbye to Janis and Damien, knowing you would see Janis in PE.
You head to the cafeteria, smiling when you see your best friend, you sit down on the table, sitting next to Bella, you decide to wait for the line to die down before getting food.
You smile at her but she doesn't smile back. You look at her confused. "What's up?" You ask, honestly confused. She pulls you close so no one else hears, "I'm saying this before they come, aren't you worried about that date with Oliver tonight?"
You sigh, you had forgotten about that. You're very self-conscious so texting him or bailing on him wasn't even an option, and Bella knew this. She tried to comfort you the best she could because she knew as soon as Charlie and Jennie would come over, they would not shut up about it.
You heard the two girls walk over and just like you and Bella guessed, they didn't shut up. "Oh my god! I can't believe you're going out with Oliver Kim!" Jennie said happily, "Yeah!" You say, trying your best to actually sound happy, you look over at the line and see that it's smaller now. "I'm going to get my lunch." Hoping up, you go and grab a tray and line up to get your lunch.
In the line you could feel someone's eyes on on, they were standing next to you and you couldn't make out who it was, you decided to glance to the side to see if you can make out who it is, you smile brightly when you see it is Janis, pay for your food then sit down, smiling at your friends, "How was your classes?" Charlie asks, looking at you, smiling, you say, "Good, we did painting in art already!" They all smile brightly.
Lunch goes by quickly and you have to rush to the change room to get in your PE clothes, when you get in the change room with Janis you gasp at the sight, it was like you were back in middle school again, Regina George was there, in her sports bra. She was in the same PE class as you.
You don't notice how long you are staring at her, a loud voice brings you back to reality, it was Janis this time. She pulled you to the side, a space where no one could see. "You were staring at Regina.." She says, with almost a hint of sadness in her voice, you shake your head, wanting to deny it. "I wasn't! I swear."
She rolls her eyes, "You were staring at her boobs!" She whispers, yells, you sigh, looking down at the floor. "Y/n?" She asks, making you look up. "Yeah?" You ask, wanting her to continue, "Are you.. Gay?" She asks and you stare at her in shock, "No, I'm not!" You exclaim, scarred that Bella might have told someone. "I think you might be.." She adds, which makes you more upset. "You have no right to tell me my sexuality."
You push past her and go to change into your PE clothes, not bothering to even look at her when you exit the change room, or on the field, the teacher asks everyone to get into two teams and you try your best to not be in the same team as Janis, but just your luck you ended up on her team, along with Regina and a few other people.
The teacher asked everyone to do soccer drills, you couldn't help but stare at Regina, she looked so hot in a high ponytail. Fuck, you're doing in again y/n. You brush yourself out of it this time, you focus on ignoring how pretty Regina looks and ignore Janis' many attempts to talk to you, the only thing you should focus on is worrying about the date tonight.
For a boy you don't even like, the gender you don't like.
You must have been lost in your thoughts because the next thing you remember is a ball being kicked to your stomach and you were clutching it, struggling to catch your breath, you look over and see to girls laughing, you don't know their names but you can tell that they are new and already don't like you. "Hey! Assholes!" You hear someone yell, but you can't make out who it is.
You feel someone grab your hand and sit you down, you look over and see Janis, she is holding your water bottle and allows you to drink some of her water. You look at her with sad eyes, "I'm sorry for being a bitch." Janis just giggles, "It's okay, I'm sorry for assuming anything." You smile, nodding your head, drinking the water that Janis gave you. God you're good at covering your sexuality up, it's become natural.
"Hey, you okay?" You look up and you're surprised to see Regina standing there asking if you are okay, you try your best to play it cool but she is wearing a white top and a black bra, you try your best not to stare so you just quickly answer, "Yeah, I'm okay now." She nods, running away to other people in the class, your eyes follow her, a smile slowly creeps up on your face. "Y/n." You hear Janis call out. You turn your head back to her, "Yeah?"
"Wanna hang out with Damien and I tonight? We are going to stay at mine and watch movies, I'll give you a lift to school!" You frown slightly, you want to go, but you have other plans, "Sorry I can't tonight." You can see that she looks sad, "But hey! If my plans end early! I'll join you guys!" Her facial expression changes and she smiles brightly, "Can't wait!"
Now this is gonna be a little confusing, let me know if you would like a page that has a list of all the main characters/oc’s because there are quite a few.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Hi, could I request more about "Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HCs:" and we have the Volturi wrap around our finger, please, thank you, and love it.
You put it, the Reader doesn't get along with Bella. I was hoping you could tell us more about that relationship. And I personally would love it if the Volturi knew that we're there since Carlisle and Esme got custody of us. They are "Cousins [ Demetri, Felix, Alec, Janeand Heidi,] Anutes and Uncles [ Uncle Aro, Caius and Marcus] to us". When Alice goes and saves Edward dumbass. We're there to save Edward, but we're also happy to see them. When Demetri and Felix came, we called them Cousin Dem and Fe while smiling. We hug Jane, holding hands with her. The Cullens knew about what we call them. We really don't care what happens with Bella, but we do care about our brother and sister. Personally, I got the feeling we don't really care if Bella lives or dies
Thank you so much 💓
P.S. feel free to message me if you need anything clarification on this
Being the daughter of carlisle and the Volturi loving you:
So I usually don't write for the Volturi so bear with me.
🩷MasterList 🩷twilight List
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So you want to know more about Bella and y/n's relationship...
So, I want to compare how Edward thinks and how Bella thinks to show the two girls relationship.
I think when Bella is finally introduced to the family she's quite jelouse of Edward's relationship with you, there's no real incureties to it, she just doesn't want girls hanging around Edward.
Bella also thinks your plan and shy, there's off hand comments on how she's discribes you, Edward on the other hand discribes you as happy, humorous, and so beautiful.
You guys are always throwing harmful comments to each other and Bella usually takes it too far.
You also hate how she's treats her father. She always gets mad and says it's none of your business and you have no idea what you were talking about.
“my parents chose me, yours just got stuck with you”
Carlisle and Esme would put a stop to it, there's been many times Carlisle and Charlie have had talks about Bella's bullying.
Of course you're parents know your not a saint in theses situation, but Bella is usually the one to start it.
“if someone pushes you, you push back” Emmett always says, which is why your never scared to decened yourself.
And since your the youngest, your basically the center of the Cullens universe, but then Bella comes along and puts your family in danger, that's your problem.
You also have a problem with Edward putting everything aside no matter what for her, your happy he finally has a girlfriend but there should be boundaries.
You especially started hating her when Edward decided to go to the Vulturi after Bella's supposed death.
You knew about the Vulturi and you became friends with them in fact, your uncle Marcus(yes, you heard me right) says your the glue that holds you all together.
After Aro found out about a human joining Cullen Coven, he showed up to see if it was true, Aro didn't really have a plan for what he was gonna do, but when he met you he saw no harm. He was in aw at the sight of the small child.
The deal was that you could stay human with the family as long as you wanted, you just had to keep the secret of the Vampires.
Honestly you see Aro as the creepy uncle, you'd never say that to his face and he'll never found out because he refuses to read your mind.
“but, Dad he creeps me out! None of the others do”
Dispite you thinking he's creepy, he'd never hurt you.
At first Cauis wanted nothing to do with you and didn't agree with Aro's decision, but the more the family interacted with the Vulturi the more he grew a soft spot for you.
Marcus is more of a grandpa than an uncle if were being honest, he's a lot older than the others and he's always been so gentle and kind towrds you.
He gives you advice and is there if you need to talk.
I don't know much about Heidi, but I figure she'd absolutely love you and is always spoiling you.
Demetri is like a big brother/cousin and you kinda have a love/hate relationship. You guys tease each other and sometimes it'll get mean, but trust me he'd kill anyone who harms you.
Your probably closest to Jane and Alec, they're both closer to your age and you three just hit it off immediately. You hate hearing about they're tragic back stories but they always tell you it's not your fault and you make they're lives better.
Then Edward left for Italy to go and execute himself 🙄
You were so made at Bella for putting Edward in this headspace and situation, especially after you found out she's was perfectly fine.
But, anyway Alice was getting ready to take Bella to Italy and you wanted to Tag along. Not because you were there to support Bella, but because you wanted to see the extented family.
Ya know... Going to Italy to beat Felix and Demetir at Mario cart again...
What you didn't want to do is see Bella getting all dramatic and telling your Uncle Aro to kill her instead of Edward.
You rolled your eyes and came up to hug Jane as she threatened to use her gift on her, she was only using like 5% of it on Edward just for ✨dramatic effect✨ . “alright Jay, they've learned their lessons”
Jane chuckled and stopped using her powers on Edward, wasn't too painful for him.
“Aw, I was having fun” Felix sighed as you ran up to him and hugged him.
Cauis rolled his eyes trying to hide his smile as Bella looked completely confused. “What just happened?”
“nothing... Just you being dramatic for no reason, they're on our side bone head, You think they'd actually hurt Eddie?”
You left Felix's arms and walked around the Castle. “by the way, where's Dem?”
He appeared and hugged you while Bella looked even more confused and kept asking unanswered questions. “aw, she's still alive”
You laughed and quickly shhed him.
“what? You think just because they're old school and basically vampire royalty they're evil? you asked Bella, you were kinda pissed off she thought so low of them.
“yeah we never said we were gonna kill him and Alice never said that either” Aro said, clapping his heads together.
You then clicked your tough, with a sarcastic smile. “well, we send little miss. Main character home and me and Alice can stay here for the weekend, dad said we could.”
Jane hugged you excited for some girl time while Felix ran around the Castle making sure you had a comfy room to sleep in.
“do what ever you want Dem, killer or set her free, send her to the moon, have her for dinner, I don't really care”
Uncle Cauis laughed as bella started stuttering as Felix and Alec came back with arms full of dvds.
“wait, what?” Edward sighed. “they're kidding”
“we could watch a bunch of TV shows, we got Bones, and supernatural” Felix smiled.
“no Supernatural, they got the vampires all wrong” Alec said.
The two boys and you and Jane both just walked off talking about what you should watch without even a goodbye for Edward and Bella. “What about Moon Knight, dad finally got an account for Disney+. It's a really good marvel show”
“ooh, I heard Oscar Isaac is in it, he's so hot” Jane said, Felix and Alec groaned as you girls started thirsting over male actors.
“they're just gonna be horny for 40-something year old men the whole time” Alec sighed, heide slapped him and told him to be nice.
Bella scoffed and left with Edward after Alice smiled and ran after her sister and Jane.
“Lators Gators” you shouted to Edward.
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xetlynn · 5 months
Twilight- Unknowing: Chapter Four, Beast of the Inbetween
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[three] [four] [five]
Bella and I walk out of the house with Jacob behind us, him staying behind my sister.
"Whoever it was, he left his stink behind. It'll be hard to miss when we cross it again. We'll handle it from here." Jake boldly states.
"We don't need you to handle anything. Or anyone." Edward tells him, the werewolf steps toward him, attempting to get a reaction. Something he doesn't receive. "I could care less what you need." Jacob says.
"Alright we're done here." My sister's boyfriend announces. "No, you're done here." Jacob threatens him, Bella steps between them as I watch, amused of course.
"Stop, I'm tired of this. From now on, I'm Switzerland, okay?" She exclaims but it does nothing, the two get closer to one another.
"Stop!" Again, nothing. So this time I boredly tear them away from each other. Both stumbling.
"Listen to the girl you're both obsessed with, would you?" I give them dirty looks, confused with how stupid they're acting. "Thanks." She mutters.
"Mhm." I hum. "I don't expect you guys to chuck a football around together. Fine, but we have a lot of problems and this one is a temporary solution. Are you willing to at least try?" She explains herself and how they need to knock it off. Both of them stay quiet but then Edward nods, Jacob follows suit right after.
"Alright, so you need to coordinate. You know schedules and stuff." She tries to start off theconversation but they stay quiet. Bella looks over to me, defeated.
"What would the pack prefer, tantrum throwing toddler? Days or nights?" I place my hands on my hips. "Nights." Is all he answers with.
"Will days work for your family, angsty teen?" I turn to the guys who's supposedly going to be my future brother in law. He nods.
"See? How hard was that?" Bella asks them. She weakly smiles at me as I laugh to myself.
After getting away from that hot mess I finally got some relaxing time with my lovers, Alice and Jasper.
At our normal spot where we could be alone together in the woods. Both of them sat in front of me, Alice playing the grass as Jasper fidgeted with my hand.
"How come you two never told me that before you were vampires I was in love with you. Like deeply in love with both of you?" I question suddenly, it definitely being out of nowhere.
Both of them stayed silent at first so I went to apologize but Jasper's voice cut me off. "You had to figure it out on your own. Since you never mentioned it we didn't know how much you knew. What we could say and not say." He explained.
"We're sorry." Alice sincerely says but I shake my head. "Don't apologize." I take a deep breath in. "I just, I would like to hear your point of views on what I was like to you back then. I guess." I giggle softly, the three of us all adjust how we were sitting to be more comfortable.
"Since your first life was with me, I'll go first." Jasper grins, I watch as his dimples form and I smile back.
"Our families were close, when we got a little older they introduced us. Eventually we fell in love. You already know that though." He winks at me, I feel my face warm up but I nod for him to continue.
"You were my person, that's for sure. It was like we were conjoined at one point. You were devoted to the ones you loved. You were kind, you loved helping people, it just made me fall for you even more." I felt him stiff before he said his next sentence. "Then when I signed up for the war everything changed. You were angry, upset with me for doing it. You wanted me to be safe and at home with you and-" He pauses momentarily.
"And the baby you held in your stomach. Even though you were mad at me you wrote to me every day, until it stopped. The last letter I had gotten was that the baby was lively. Kicking a storm in your stomach. I wasn't even told if you were alive or not before I had turned." He closes his eyes, my hand grips his.
"I didn't know I was pregnant." I mumble, it was mainly me thinking out loud. But after it left my mouth Jasper looked right at me.
"You didn't know?" He repeats my question. "No, but it's okay. I feel like I remember it but it's far back in my memories." I explained, shrugging my shoulders. Alice took his hand into hers.
"Continue." I nudged him.
"Well after I turned I found out through Max, the wolf that imprinted on you. He somehow found me. Telling me that even though he imprinted on you nothing happened. You had no interest in him as he would've done anything for you. He explained that you were with soldiers that came through the village. Helping them with something out in the desert field." He tells the story and it brings me back to when I was bit by James.
When my memories flooded back and I was searching for Jasper. I had thought he was with the soldiers. Then havoc struck and some thieves or something came about. I was shot and that's all I remember. I didn't remember having a baby in my stomach though. But thinking about it now. It's all I seem to see in my head.
"I was shot in that desert." I cut him off. Alice and Jasper glanced up at me.
"That's the first memory I ever had from my past life the first time." I tell them.
"When I found out I snuck out from where Maria had us staying, being a newborn vampire it was difficult but I did it. I found the man that killed you. You don't understand the torture I put him through." Jasper painfully admits, I furrow my brows. I can tell he doesn't want me to know though.
"Let's talk about something else." He says.
"Well, since we were speaking about babies a little bit. I uh, I remember giving birth to a boy. You were all there, we seemed close but I wasn't in love with either one of you." I tell them, thinking back to how I was married and telling Rosalie and Alice the news in a bathroom or something.
"That was rough to sit and watch." Jasper looks down. Alice closes her eyes, nodding in agreement.
"You were engaged before we met you. You told us that we seemed familiar. Carlisle wasn't exactly happy for us staying in your life like we did. Neither was Rosalie particularly happy about it but when you got introduced to them it was as if you knew them too." Alice explains. I remember going to the market with just Rosalie, a memory sparking in my mind. How excited she was for me when I told her I was pregnant.
I remember telling the family they were aunts and uncles. How I thought of them as best friends, even family after knowing them for two-three years. They attended my wedding. The memories were little flashes. Like I was thinking about my childhood.
"Wasn't hard to watch me be in love with someone else?" I ask them. Jasper does a short nod, his face grimacing.
"You have no idea." He chuckles. "But you were happy and that's all that mattered to us." He kisses my hand, keeping it in his hold.
"It was more difficult after you gave birth. You passed from childbirth. We wanted to change you right then and there but that was a selfish thought. Even though beforehand you had told the nurses about your past lives. Whispering how you needed to see us." Alice's voice was soft, I can tell it was hard for both of them to remember these things.
I remember the childbirth, only getting to hold my baby for five minutes before it all went downhill. My husband's horrified face. It's weird being technically 17 and being older in past lives. Living through adult things and going back down to a teen. Who is now forever a teen, even in past lives I never made it past 22 years old.
"Your son was a sweetheart. We stayed to help your husband until your baby was 4. He found another woman. She was good to both of them. We kept tabs on them, making sure no one hurt either one of them." Alice smiles at the memory. I felt myself grin as well, grateful to know that they lived a good life. Something I don't think I ever really had.
"I would love to share my life with you but there's things that I don't want to talk about." Alice begins to talk, my eyes shift over to her form. She's been in her head this whole time and I can tell. I give her a small smile when she makes eye contact with me.
"That's alright, we have infinity together for you to be ready to talk about it." I remind her, pulling her into a kiss. I feel her hand grip onto my bicep.
I smirk, opening my eyes to look down at the hand. We gently push away from each other.
"You've been very handsy lately." I announce out loud, Jasper laughs. "What? I feel like I'm always handsy." She disagrees with me, I look over to Jasper who puts his hands up in defense.
"You're not going to have my back, Jasper?" She exclaims in shock, her hand still dragging down my arm.
We just stare at her, watching her get all flustered until finally she sighs out. "Okay, fine. Ever since you became a hybrid, your muscles are distracting." She avoids eye contact with me now, I tilt my head, smirking at this new found information.
"Oh, you like these muscles?" I pull the short sleeves up over my shoulders and flex both my arms. Showing them off to my partners.
Kissing at my biceps. She shoves me backwards playfully. "You're annoying." She groans, hiding her face in her hands.
"Mmm, I don't think I am." I get closer to her, purposely flexing my arms as I do so. I gently take her face in my hands and forcefully kiss her once again.
"Hey, I feel a little left out." Jasper quietly speaks up after a few moments. We stop to look at him, then look at each other before pouncing on him.
It of course comes to an end when I have to join Bella to the Rez so the rest can have their night to hunt.
At the edge of the forest I look at my lovers, Alice has a hair strand out of place that I know later Jasper and I are going to hear about and how we should've told her. I smile to myself.
I join Bella, Jacob and Edward in their weird divorce parent looking handover of their lover girl. Who is also my sister and I have to be a part of this weird bullshit.
"Doesn't he own a shirt?" Edward questions aloud.
"I'm good here, you should go." Bella tells the vampire, he pulls her closer. "I'm not going to be long." He whispers to her. I roll my eyes, looking away from the sight. "Don't rush. You need to hunt." Bella tells him.
He then grabs her into a long, nasty sounding kiss. I know it's to purposely piss off the wolf across from us. I chuckle to myself. He pulls away.
"Maybe you rush a little bit." My sister teasingly tells him.
She takes my hand and walks us over to Jacob. I look back at Edward and give him a thumbs up while making a "I'm proud of you" face.
Jacob pulls Bella into a hug having her let go of my hand.  "Hey, beautiful." Nice game, Jakey.
"Hi." Bella smiles.
Edward's car speeds down. "So, whaddaya wanna do today, Swans? Bike, hike, hang? Your call, but we're going to a party tonight." Jacob tells us, opening the door for us in his truck. Of course Bella gets in the middle.
"You sure this is okay? I really hate being a party crasher." Bella nervously looks around her as I am mentally freaking out. "Yeah dude, I definitely should not be here." I chime in.
"Technically, you're both council meeting crashers, see the council leaders, dad, quil's grandpa, sue clearwater. She took over for Harry when he died." Jacob informs us, completely ignoring what I said.
"Okay, we should not be here." Bella puts our steps to a halt. "You're okay. I thought, I mean they thought it would be good for you two to hear the histories." He points mainly to his dad who was already staring at us. "The histories? The tribe's histories? Aren't they secret?"
"We all got a role to play. And you're a part of this. [Name]'s a huge part of this. I mean, it's the first time Seth, Leah and Quil are hearing them, too. But you are the first outsider. Ever. [Name] is not much of an outsider." He glances at me and I press my lips together tightly.
"If I had have known that, I wouldn't believe you. And would've dressed better." Bella sighs, picking at her clothes.
"Jake." Seth, a boy I've sort of met before trots up to us like a little excited puppy. You can tell he idolizes Jacob.
"Hey, it's about time you got here. Paul's been hoovering the grub. But I saved you some burgers." Set tells him with a toothy grin.
"Good looking out, bro. Bella this is Seth Clearwater. Leah's brother. Newest member of the pack." Jacob introduces them.
"Newest, bestest, brightest." Seth gloats.
"And slowest." Jacob grabs the boy in a headlock, the two tumble to the sand. Seth laughs, I smile at the sight.
As kids when I came up here without Bella. He looked up to Jacob then too. Seth always wanted to play with us.
A whistler comes from the circle.
"Come on. Your dad's about to start." Seth says, slightly out of breath. "Alright." Jacob pats him. The boy looks at me with a certain expression. His eyes widen once he realizes who I am.
"[Name]." He mutters out and I give him a small nod.
"The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning." Billy starts as we all sit around the fire.
"But we've always had magic in our blood." I look around at everyone's faces. Their attention wholly being on Billy.
Sam was an exception, his eyes laid on me. My upper lip twitched in realization. I shift in place, fixing my attention back to the commanding chief.
"We were great spirit warriors... shape shifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe." He explains.
"One day our warriors came across a creature.." His eyes then met mine and I wanted to shrink into a bug at that moment. "It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone and cold as ice." I shivered from the words, feeling the heat of the fire but thinking of my lover's cold feeling, especially from earlier.
I shook my head from the thoughts that erupted in my mind. "Our warrior's sharp teeth finally tore it apart but only fire would completely destroy it." I think back to when I was a wolf. The feeling of the sharp teeth in my mouth.
"They lived in fear, the Cold man was not alone. And they were right."
"She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief. Taha Aki was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. But it wasn't only the beautiful thing that was angered. She had a beast with her. Once that was stuck in between worlds as both combined. She had been spying on the village pretending to be with the wolves. Turning into one the village believed they could trust her. She turned on them when the cold woman came to take her vengeance." Everyone's eyes glanced at me and I felt the heat of the fire engulf me.
"Taha Aki's wife could see that he would lose. "
"The third wife of Taha was no magical being, no special powers but one...Courage." Billy said in a powerful tone.
The third wife's sacrifice distracted the cold woman, and beast of the inbetween, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy them. She saved the tribe." I felt something on my neck, it was a quick sharp pain and then a hot burning sensation around my body.
I was shocked that they could easily kill the monster who I am now. I thought I was more invincible than I really am.
"Over time, our enemies have disappeared but one remains, the Cold Ones. The Beast of the Inbetween comes and goes. Sometimes an enemy. Other times...an ally." His eyes stare into me.
"Our magic awakens when they near. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming and we must all be ready. All of us."
Sorry for the late ass post. No excuses just had no energy to write lmao!!!
A&J M.L.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
If you don’t see yourself I might have missed you or I cannot tag you because it won’t let me. Lmk if you’ve already asked and was not tagged! I apologize if that happened!!!!
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"This dancing was killing me softly."
Part 2 of "I needed to lose you to find me"
Seth Clearwater x Swan! Female! Reader
Summary: You and Seth always been childhood bestfriends, one sudden day in a romantic moment, Seth imprints on you and you try to hide your feelings and after a little while, you realize you need him.
Warnings: Angst,
A/N: to the ppl that love Angst, enjoy. To the ones that don't, sorry.
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It had been 2 weeks since that day. It was torture. This is the longest you and Seth haven't seen each other and it was hurting you. It was then Charlie came in your room and said that you were not doing good and what had happened. You just said that you two had a misunderstanding and that you don't know if you two would be okay.
This went on and then you found out Bella was pregnant with Edward's vampire baby. You felt like your head was gonna explode. Over the next few weeks Bellas baby started growing way to fast. It was like two weeks after that you seen Seth. You turned around and walked the other way. You knew he was mad at you. And you didn't wanna stick around to hear about it. Bella went into labor and you were staying in the living room. More like forced. Once Rosalie came in with Renesmee, she told you to go outside and talk to Seth. That he was having a really hard time. You didn't really want to, knowing that you over reacted a bit and should honestly give him a chance.
You felt connected to Seth, and quite frankly was waiting for this. So why were you so scared? It might be with the fear of getting your heart broken like Edward broke your sisters heart.
You declined. And this went on for weeks . And then Sue Clearwater started dating your dad. That meant Seth and Leah would be over all the time. Even potentially move in.
And the did. Sue and her kids moved in, and you tried your best to ignore Seth so the tension wouldn't be so awkward.
Your dad finally caught on and askd you what was up. All you said was that it was fine and that he already asked and you were fine.
The Renesmee was accused of being an immortal child and that the volturi was coming for the cullens.
And one day, while everyone was out it was just you and Seth. You got hungry and went downstairs. Seth had thought you were gone and was in his stupid boxers. You huts ignored him we being absolutely flushed and got some cereal. "Wanna tell me why you haven't talked to me for a month?" He said. "I have nothing to say." You replied. " Well I've missed you.." He said quietly. You just kept quiet and grabbed your cereal and was going upstairs. "Also, put some clothes on." You tried to laugh stuff off. Then Seth grabbed your arm and said, "you wanna act like nothing happened? FIne! Good by me. Act like you don't love me or at least like me, cause I know you do. You're a horrible liar! And quite frankly if you don't wanna talk to me saying you have nothing to say, then I don't have anything to say either." He said and stormed up to his room.
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twilightimagines28 · 22 hours
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sister vs sister -------------------------------------- I sat at the table with my dad and Harry clearwater like i did every Wednesday afternoon after school, as i waited for Harry to take me back to his house so i could hang out with his son Seth; after i had decided that i no longer wanted to move around with my mother and her baseball player boyfriend. i moved to forks WA with my dad charlie.
The clearwaters were the only people i had that resembled a close family. That was until my older sister Bella moved to forks and messed everything up. Bella ran into the house like a bat out of hell "Dad,I saw them!" "What's the matter?" my dad asked "In the woods!" 'admitting that was a mistake' i thought "Bells, what the hell were you doing in the woods?" my dad said making my thought correct, my sister ignored him and kept rambling "They're not bears! They're wolves! Like huge wolves!" she said in a panic. "Are you sure about that" Harry asked looking at my sister like she was nuts he definitely wouldn't be wrong. "I just saw them, they wore after...something." my dad sighed standing up "well, Harry feel like going hunting? Get some of your guys together?" very reluctantly Harry stood up with a grunt "Yeah... ummm.. sure...ok... i'll just" he mumbled while walking off "I should go see if there are any reports at the station.. Bells just..stay in the house." he said he sent a glance to me in other words telling me to keep an eye on my older sister. It wasn't long after my dad left that my sister grabbed her truck key's "where do you think you're going?" i asked "to Jake's" she said, "but dad said.." she cut me off "I'm just going to Jake's." "Well then i'm coming with you." i said standing heading to the door. "fine." she said we drove to the rev the closer we got the harder the rain started to pour, I day dreamed out the truck window, i always found this weather peaceful. When we got to Jacob's house he was outside..shirtless heading to the woods in the back of his house, bella jumped out of the truck. "Jake!" she yelled over the rain trying to catch up to him, he hadn't talk to her in weeks, I got out of the truck pulling up my hoodie. He was nuts for being out here with out really anything on, i walked up standing behind Bella
"Jacob! Hey!" Bella grabbed him by the arm he turned around looking pissed off. "You cut your hair off? And got a tattoo? I thought you were to sick to come outside or pick up the phone when I call."
 "Go Away." Jacob mumbled "What?" my sister looked shocked and hurt, "Go Away." "What happened to you? Did Sam do this to you?" i looked at her confused "Sam Uley?" i asked
"No Sam's trying to help me! Don't blame him! But if you want someone to blame, blame those bloodsucker friends of yours, The Cullens" "I don't know what your talking about." Bella said slightly looking away from him she always did that when she lied, jake chuckled. "Cut the crap Bella, you know exactly what i'm talking about, listen it doesn't matter anyway, just go home, Get her home kid." he said turning to me. "You promised." Bella said on the verge of tears, it was hard seeing Jake like this, he was like a brother to me. "Yes. I promised I was never going to hurt you, and this is me keeping that promise. Go home, and don't come back, or else you're going to get hurt." he said he turned running off joining a group of other shirtless guys who i hadn't noticed before. "What happen to them?" i asked "I don't know." Bella walking back to the truck, I watched as all of them but one ran off into the woods, i realized it to be Embry Call, he stood there staring at me as if he was in some kind of trance. "Rosa!" my sister yelled from the truck, it seemed simultaneously Embry fell out of the trance and ran to join the rest of the guys, it was strange, either one of us had rarely spoken a word to each other, maybe once or twice if i was a Jacob's but never really a conversion and some how i suddenly felt drawn to him.
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
1 | Welcome
Series: No Prince Charming
Paring: Harry Hook x Original female character Princess!
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: none
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"Did you know? About your brother's first official proclamation?" Adam enters his daughter's room with Belle following behind.
"If I say I did and was for it... How would you react?" Bella asks her father as she sat on her bed so he gives her a look, "Then no I didn't know about it." She gives him a smile.
"Isabella," He says her name.
"Honey," Belle looks at him.
"He's just taking after Mom with you." Bella gets up from her bed so her father leaves the room. "It can't be that bad. You can't judge someone based on their parent's actions. Dad was a pain for a good amount of years before you met him." Bella tells her mother.
"I know sweetheart." Her mother leaves the room as well so Bella leaves her room to go to Ben's room.
"Father came to my room asking if I knew." Bella jumps onto his bed.
"Annoyed I knew." She laughs.
"You're standing with me, Audrey, and Fairy Godmother to welcome them when they arrive." Ben says looking out at the Isle.
"Why should I?"
"Because you're the Princess of Auradon. You always find an excuse to not go to things." Ben looks over at his sister.
"Because I don't care and you know I have never cared. And I never will dear brother." She gets up from his bed.
"You will be there. That's coming from the future king." Ben smiles so she rolls her eyes leaving to get ready. "A dress please!" He shouts.
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"Is this good for you?" Bella joins the three outside with the band and a few students.
"Thank you." Ben smiles at his sister so she gives him a thumbs up.
Soon the limo shows up with the four and Bella wanted to laugh at how the boys were acting as they got out.
"Just cleaning up." The son of Jaffar smiles.
"Leave it like you found it. And by that I mean just leave it." Fairy Godmother smiles so he puts the stuff back.
"Hello, foxy. The name's Jay." He smiles at Audrey.
"Welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Fairy Godmother. Headmistress." She introduces herself.
"The Fairy Godmother. As in Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo?" Mal asks.
"Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo you know it." Bella speaks up rolling her eyes since Fairy Godmother couldn't see her.
"It's so good to meet you all. I'm Ben." He introduces himself.
"Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king." Audrey smiles.
"You had me at Prince. My mom's a queen. Which makes me a princess." Evie walks forward.
"The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you." Audrey tells her.
"Just because they don't have a royal status here it doesn't change what they are royally in history." Bella adds making Audrey give her a dirty look.
"This is my sister Bella. Princess Isabella. And this is Audrey." Ben introduces the two girls.
"Princess Audrey. His girlfriend. Right, Bennyboo?" She grabs his hand making Bella fake throw up which Mal notices.
"Ben, Audrey, and Bella are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow." Fairy Godmother leaves.
"You didn't tell me I would be helping?" Bella looks at her brother who just smiles.
"It is so, so, so good to finally meet you all. This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history... as the day our two peoples began to heal." Ben shakes all their hands.
"Or the day that you showed four people where the bathrooms are." Mal tells him.
"Little bit over the top?" He asks her.
"A lot more than a little bit." She chuckles.
"Well, so much for my first impression." Ben smiles as they look at each other and Bella catches on while Audrey starts to be annoying about who's Mal mom is.
Ben starts the tour and Bella follows along till she splits off without being seen. For the rest of the day, Bella was off on her own and when she was finally heading back to her room after curfew she sees the four newbies running towards the museum.
She waits outside in the distance hearing the alarm making her shake her head at them waiting for them to run back to the dorms.
"First day here and already breaking rules?" She startles the four.
"Princess Isabella." Mal puts on a fake smile.
"Ugh, please don't call me that. Bella is fine. So breaking curfew? Setting off alarms at the museum?" She eyes them.
"Umm." Mal looks at the three.
"Look, not many people agree with my brother bringing four kids from the Isle here because they believe you are just like your parents. So do us a favor, because I was the one who put the thought into his head in the first place, don't prove to the others they were right." Bella looks at all four of them before going to her room.
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"Bella, right?" Evie walks up to Bella at her locker.
"Correct, Evie. How can I help you?" Bella looks at her.
"About last night... You didn't tell anyone, right?"
Bella chuckles, "Evie if I did, trust me you would know by now. You four would be on the way back to the Isle." She lets her know.
"Why didn't you?" Evie was curious.
"Because I have hope in you four. Tell me, when you enter your dorm did you act like you hated it for Mal?"
"How do you know that?" Evie eyes her.
"You aren't bad as you look. You're happy to be here in hopes of finding a perfect prince. Am I right?" Bella could read Evie's face, "Trust me, you don't want any of the princes here. There's more to life than being the fairest of them all. Coming from the Princess of Auradon..." Bella sighs walking off to the field to watch the players practice.
"Hey. Hey! Hey, you. Lost boy! Put your helmet on. Get out of the kill zone! Come on." Coach Jenkins yells at Carlos, "Pick it up. Put it on! Two hands."
Bella watches Jay take everyone out of his way and dominates the kill zone, "Just needs to learn about teamwork..."Bella says to herself sitting on the bleaches.
As the day goes on leaving one of her classes she sees Ben talking to Mal before she walks off from him. "Is someone crushing on the new girl? What about your girlfriend, brother?" Bella walks up to Ben leaning back on the lockers.
"What? No." Ben chuckles.
"I wouldn't blame you. It's something different and not boring."
"Is that why you refuse to date anyone here? They're all boring?" Ben stands up.
"Mom and dad prefer I be with a Prince but I'm going to have to pass. And yes, everyone here is so boring. I'm surprised mom doesn't get what I mean. She didn't want to be with Gaston she wanted more. I'm just like her before she got boring." Bella explains to him.
"I know but get used to the boring things." Ben walks off leaving her alone.
"Get used to the boring things." Bella mocks her brother walking away bumping into Jay. "Sorry Jay. You did well out on the field today."
"You were watching me?" Jay smirks.
"I was watching everyone but you stood out. Hopefully you make the team. We could use someone like you." Bella tells him truthfully.
"Thanks." He smiles.
"Welcome, well I'm off." Bella starts to walk off but turns back around, "Jay..." She gives him a look.
Bella puts her hand out towards him, "My keys please."
"How did you even know?" He hands them back to her.
"I just do. Plus Amir, Aladdin's son taught me how to be sneaking stealing things." She takes her keys back, "For example, your bracelet." She shows him it.
Jay just stares at her taken back, "How did?"
"Bye bye." She winks walking off.
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ghost-wolf34 · 1 year
Twilight Torn between two worlds
Chapter two. Denial of having two mates
The next morning.
 Edward was getting ready to head to school with his siblings, but he couldn't stop thinking about Bella's sister scent. He didn't think any other scent besides Bella's could make him go this crazy, but boy was he wrong and he was trying not to get addicted to her scent since he already couldn't get enough of Bella's scent. 
Edward didn't say much on the way to school, he liked the fact that his siblings weren't asking while he was quiet because he was afraid of snapping at someone if he had opened his mouth. He hopped out of the car and headed straight into school, before any of his siblings could walk in with him. 
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His siblings all looked at each other and knew that something was definitely were going on, but none of them had any idea of him being drawn to another girl besides Bella. They all stayed quiet during classes, and kept to themselves even though they knew that they had to figure out what the heck had gotten into their brother. 
At lunch time all of them sat there talking while Edward looked over at Bella just staring at her.
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Jasper could of course since Edward's mood and anger, he could tell something was bothering him. "Im just gonna come out and say it. You have another mate." Alice said quietly, but loud enough for all of them to hear. 
Edward looked at Alice and narrowed his eyes a bit, he definitely was in a very bad mood and her saying that made it even more true.
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“I don't believe that. Bella is my mate, I care about you and her only. Excuse me." Edward said, before getting up to leave the room leaving his siblings there to glance at each other knowing this behave from him wasn't exactly normal behavior from him. 
Edward walked out of the room not caring what his siblings thought or said right now. He just wanted to be alone and he didn't care if he missed class right now, he just wanted to clear his head. "There's no way I could have another mate. Bella is my blond singer, but why is her sister's scent stronger then. He wouldn't definitely have to see her again and figure out why he struggled so hard to ignore her scent. 
Shauna had a bit of a small argument with Bella, before she went to school and of course it was over Edward. And about their date last night that kinda got ruined because he couldn't stop staring at her, which wasn't her fault before she was working and wasn't at fault even though Bella was jealous about his eyes being on her sister instead of herself. 
Shauna sighed softly as she shook her head lightly and got out of her car after parking it, before walking into work. "Sorry I'm late again." Shauna said, as she got ready to take her shift. "It's okay, just try not to do it again." Her boss told her. 
Shauna smiled softly and nodded her head, before getting right to working doing her job but throughout the day she started to think about the scent that she smelled last night along with the cologne. She frowned a bit but still kept her smile, as she shook off those thoughts and worked til her shift was over. 
It of course was late when Shauna got off work, she pressed her car keys as she walked to her truck before stopping and looking around as she felt eyes on her. She got a bit uneasy but kept her guard up, as she got into her truck and drove home not knowing that there was a nomad vampire watching her named James. 
Later that night..
Edward snuck into Bella's house to watch her as she slept. He he watched Bella sleep, he felt himself fighting back a small growl as he clenched his jaw trying to ignore the scent that drove him more crazy then Bella.
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He found himself glancing back at Bella one last time, before going to her sisters room and seeing that the door was once again cracked open a bit. 
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He stood there watching her through the crack of the door, he started to wonder if Alice was right about him having two mates but even so he cared for Bella and was obsessed with her. He still wondered through if he should care since Bella's sister had a stronger scent then her that drove him crazy and made him want to just bite her. 
Edward shook his head and sighed quietly, before just deciding to leave for the night to go and talk to his sister Alice to see what she knew of this since he did read a bit of her mind at school. He needed to know if he actually did have two mates, he needed to know which one was his true mate and which one wasn't. But he didn't know if he could trust himself to make the right call, if he did have two mates one blood singer and the other one his true mate. He glanced at Bella’s sister one last time, before disappearing out of the house to head back home.
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lemon-boy-stan · 2 years
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summary: after kissing dolores umbridge, you and regulus are no longer on speaking terms. neither you nor regulus have been getting by without each other. genre: angst, fluff at the end. warnings: swearing, mentions of self harm and depression. a/n: i know the technicalities of this are wrong but i just wanted the reader to be in a clique with bellatrix and narcissa, lol
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"Shut up, Cissy," you hissed loudly, "I don't care what you say about your cousin. We're over." Narcissa huffed loudly and Bellatrix grinned, "told you so."
"But Y/N!" crowed Narcissa in dismay, "he's miserable! He doesn't eat or sleep. Do give him another chance!" for a while, the thought of Regulus being unhealthy several days in a row made your stomach drop and churn horribly, but then you remembered what he did to you, and all you felt was horrible and bitter as your jaw tightened.
You and Regulus had begun dating in your fifth year. It was your two-year anniversary, and Regulus was late, but as Patricia Parkinson approached you with teary eyes, you'd learnt why. "Isobel Waters heard it from Charlotte Blake who heard it from Ivory Hill who saw -" Patricia sucked in a shaky breath, "your boyfriend snogging that fat Umbridge pig." and then Patricia slumped miserably into the armchair beside yours, blowing her nose wetly into a tissue. "Where?" you tried your best to keep your cool as Patricia sniffed, "the broom closet on the fifth floor near the Astronomy tower." and then she started crying again, and it appeared that she was uncapable of speaking any coherent sentences at all after that.
"I still think you should have used the Cruciatus curse on Dolores," said Bellatrix gleefully, "she would never snog anyone's boyfriend again." Narcissa frowned and her sister, "do you want yn to get thrown into Azkaban?" she hissed loudly, "they said last year that Crucio is one of the new unforgivable curses." you grinned at Cissy before turning to shrug at Bella, "the hex I used was good enough, those pimples are going to last for three months now you've threatened her not to run off to Promfrey." Bellatrix cackled loudly as Narcissa said, "serves her right, the stupid pig." this time, all three of you laughed.
"Y/N." said a soft voice behind you, making you jump. The three of you stopped in your tracks. Bellatrix and her sister shared looks with each other as you turned around and said, in the coldest voice you could muster whilst talking to him, "Regulus." he shuffled his feet and stared at them, but you forced your head to be held high. "Can we talk?" he mumbled softly. You bit your cheek and narrowed your eyes, "fine."
Regulus shook his head, "can we talk alone?" and the horrible churning feeling started in your stomach again. You pushed it away, "if we have to. But only for a bit. I have things to do, you know, other than talk to unfaithful boyfriends." Belatrix snorted softly at this and Regulus looked down. You wanted to punch her, but then you remembered Regulus snogging Umbridge and you didn't feel so sorry for him anymore, and would gladly punch Regulus instead.
You didn't, though. You followed Regulus to the side of the street as Bellatrix and Narcissa entered The Hog's Head.
"Y/N," Regulus's voice was soft, so soft, and it was only now that you were alone did you see the things Regulus was hiding from the others. How pale he was. The bags under his eyes, the tinted redness of them, the puffiness of his skin around his eyes.
"Regulus," you breathed softly, the icy demeanour finally breaking, "Reggie. Why didn't you tell me?" your eyes started to get watery.
Now it was Regulus's turn to tighten his jaw and scoff, "I can say the same to you." this caught you off-gaurd for a moment. "I don't know what you're talking about," you really hoped you didn't, but Regulus crossed his arms. "I know you sneak out of the Common Room every night, yn, and I know where you go. I followed you last night."
There really had been someone following me, you thought to yourself, before hissing loudly, "that's so fucking creepy! Do you do that to all the girls you sleep with, Reg? Did you do it to Umbridge too? | bet you did, didn't you? That's why you snogged her in front of a broom closet. She was probably just taking a walk." your eyes stung with tears that were bound to spill at any moment.
"You know that's not true," Regulus hissed back at you, his voice full of hurt, "and you know why I followed you. Cissy told me you left at strange times during the night and only came back a while later." his eyes were soft now. You kept your gaze stony cold best you could, "Cissy's a liar."
Regulus sighed heavily, "really, Y/N?" and opened his bag, taking out a long black quill, which you wished right now would be anything else. He was still holding the quill as the tears fell freely from your eyes, "give it back, Regulus," you hissed softly, your lip shaking, "give it back." but Regulus shook his head, "no." putting the quill in the pocket of his robes, "show me your hand, please," he asked quietly, though it was more of a demand than a request as you fought him and said, "give it back, Regulus, give it back!" trying to reach for the quill in his robes, you took outopened your wand, "Acci -" but Regulus grabbed your hand before you could complete casting the spell, your wand dropping to the ground, shooting a lazy silver spark at the wall.
Regulus loosened his grip before taking out his own wand, pointing it at your hand, "Revellio." the concealment charm broke as the tears fell from your cheeks. Etched into your skin were the words "you deserved it", in messy red handwriting.
Regulus's breath hitched softly as he whispered, "how many times?" his eyes swimming with tears. You looked down at your feet, which were buried in snow, and mumbled, "enough." but when Regulus said, "Y/N," in a stern tone, you choked Regulus's breath hitched softly as he whispered, a sob, "nine." and Regulus was crying now as he pulled you close, crying softly.
"Why didn't you just talk to me?" Regulus mumbled sadly, pressing his Lips on the top of your head. You scoffed ridiculously high, "couldn't have wanted to!" you choked on your tears as Regulus rubbed your back, "not when you were running around with Dolores Umbridge, you know how much I hate her! I kept on seeing you with her, every time I got the courage to talk to you. You weren't Regulus anymore. You were just..." your voice drifted off into more sobs.
"She kissed me," said Regulus softly, causing you to have a double take, "she cornered me and she kissed me but I didn't kiss back. She kissed me, Y/N. D'you really think I'd go out with anyone else who's not you? I know how much you hate her! I was going to tell you but she kissed me again even though I told her not to. I said I would hex her if she kissed me again, but all she did was laugh. Too many people had seen by then and then you came and you hexed her and you ran off before I could tell you and you holed yourself up for days and -" Regulus cried softly. "I told her not to. I told her not to."
You looked up from Regulus's robes, "you weren't the one who kissed her?" you eyed him dubiously, sniffing softly. Regulus shook his head, "no! I swear on Merlin's beard it wasn't me. Who told you it was me?" he did look upset about it. "Patricia Parkinson said she heard it from Isobel Waters who heard it from Charlotte Blake who heard it from Ivory Hill who was there and saw it happen told me. She said you were snogging Dolores at the broom closet near the Astronomy Tower." you sniffed again.
"That stupid bitch!" groaned Regulus, "I told Ivory to tell Patricia to find you! I didn't tell her to tell you! The stupid story got messed up on its way to you! Please, you have to believe me." you looked at him for a while before you said, "you won't kiss anyone again?" and Regulus shook his head, "no." and then you said, "and you won't speak to Dolores Umbridge ever -" Regulus scoffed, "I've never loathed her more in my life. So, no, I promise." then you added, "you'll give me the quill back?" and Regulus was about to answer before closing his mouth and glaring at you, "nice try, Y/N. But you're never getting this quill back." and you sighed, "okay. I believe you."
Regulus smiled so brightly it was blinding, "thank you, thank you so much. I love you." Regulus pulled you close again, but pulled you close this time to kiss you - "ouch!" the two of you span around, the snowball falling to the ground.
"Bellatrix!" yelled Regulus loudly, "you bitch! What was that for -" but another snowball had hit the two of you, landing on Regulus's face this time. You giggled softly as Regulus roared, "Narcissa!" at his other cousin. The snowballs came pelting after that, and you took your wand, yelling, "Incendio!" loudly, a long line of fire shooting from your wand. Bellatrix shrieked with glee as she sent an enchated snowman towards you, which broke off and started chasing a group of third-years, it's sharp pointy teeth snapping away.
"Oh no," you giggled softly, "better go before they find out it was us." and you grabbed Regulus's hand, running with his cousins, your laughter rolling down the streets of Hogsmeade.
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harry potter masterlist (marauders requests are open!)
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marvel-wlw · 3 years
Snow Maiden (4/?)
Daniela Dimitrescu x Reader
Requested by: @jillvalentine517
Request: Maybe for part 4 of Snow Maiden, it could be about the reader visiting the village and she'll run into Elena and Anton, who was drunk and he was harassing Elena which would cause the reader to step in and to diffuse the situation peacefully and as the reader and Elena walk away, Anton would drunkenly insult the reader before he was about to take a drink only to realize that his drink was frozen solid inside the bottle. The reader would escort Elena back to her house before she returned to Castle Dimitrescu. And when the reader was inside the castle, she was greeted by Bela and Cassandra as they would spend some time getting to know each other better while Daniela was outside on a hunt. (Maybe add a flashback scene where Lady Dimitrescu and Daniela both suggested that Bela and Cassandra should get to know the reader better?) And after getting to know the reader a lot better, Bela and Cassandra realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. Later on as it gets dark and cold outside, the reader, Bela, and Cassandra realized that Daniela hasn't come back home from the hunt and the reader would leave the castle to go look for her. As the reader searched for Daniela in the village, Elena rushed over to her side before informing her that she saw two male villagers captured Daniela and locked her up outside in a shed while the men celebrate inside their house which would cause the reader to head over to the men's house before sneaking behind it, heading over to the shed where Daniela was kept (Maybe add a scene where the reader encountered a dog, maybe a husky, that belongs to the two male villagers, who became fearful when the dog realized who the reader is and the reader would reassure her that she won't harm her?) and she would free Daniela from her restraints and carried her back to Castle Dimitrescu. When the reader arrived at the bathroom and run a hot bath for Daniela, Bela would leave the room to inform Lady Dimitrescu about what happened while Cassandra remained in the bathroom with the reader and Daniela. Once the bathtub was filled, that was when the reader would get in the bathtub with Daniela in order to keep her warm and when the reader noticed that Daniela was hungry, the reader would offer her to drink her blood as much as she needs which would cause Daniela to drink the reader's blood while Lady Dimitrescu and Bela arrived in the bathroom and Lady Dimitrescu would express her gratitude to the reader for being able to save Daniela. (Maybe add a scene where the reader asked Lady Dimitrescu if she could rescue the dog from the two male villagers and give her to Daniela as a gift?)Then the next morning, Lady Dimitrescu would send a courier to summon the two male villagers, who have captured Daniela last night, into her castle where Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters would brutally punished them while the reader head over to the two male villager's house where she would rescue the dog and befriended her before taking her back to the castle and give her to Daniela, which would cause Daniela to be happy and she immediately took the dog into her arms, cuddling her. As soon as Daniela comes up with a name for her new pet dog, she would immediately hug and kiss the reader so many times before thanking her?
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Resident Evil.
Part one  Part two  Part three
Tag list: @casey-anne-j ​​ @softgamerking ​​ @morbid-gaymer ​​ @geekycatlover ​​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​​ @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov @alphalesbianwolf ​​  @dykse​​ @autumnjackson4​​ @1-danid ​​ @dynnealberto  @natasharomanoffswife ​​​ @aquariuslavenderhoney ​​ @spywidownat
A/N: I hope you guys like it! 😊 This gif isn't mine, credit goes to whoever made it! Also italics will be used for flashbacks.
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You were visiting the village just to make sure everything was going alright. Suddenly that was when you heard Anton. You rolled your eyes. Every time he was drunk he was a complete asshole.
Wanting to make sure he was hurting anyone you began to make your way over to him. That was when you heard Elena and the horrible things Anton was saying to her. You had to step in, there was no way you were going to continue to let him talk to Elena like that.
"That's enough Anton, leave her alone." You calmly say as you protectively move over to Elena.
"What are you going to do about it Snow bitch?" He glared at you. "Freeze me to death?"
You glared at him and if glares could hurt he would definitely be frozen. "I don't kill people. But I will give you some advice. Maybe you should lay off the alcohol." You began you lead Elena away from Anton.
As you were leaving that was when Anton began to drunkenly insult you. You froze before quickly using your powers to freeze the beer that he had left in his bottle.
Anton went to take a drink only to realize it was frozen solid inside. All you and Elena heard as you began to escort her home was Anton swearing up a storm.
When you both arrived at Elena's house she gave you a hug and thanked you for stepping in. You smiled and nodded before heading back to Castle Dimitrescu.
Once you walked into the castle you let out a sigh of relief. But that was when you were greeted by Bela and Cassandra. You smiled at them, you could also tell they were a bit nervous.
"Bela, Cassandra, everything alright?" You asked.
Cassandra looked at you before looking at her older sister and elbowed her in the side.
"Ow." Bela glared at Cassandra before looking back at you and clearing her throat. "Cassandra and I were wondering if it would be alright if we spent some time together?"
Cassandra nods. "We would really like to get to know you better while Daniela is out on a hunt."
You smiled and nod as the three of you went to go spend time together.
Daniela was with Bela, Cassandra and her mother. She looked up at her mother who gave her a nod. Sighing Daniela looked back at her sisters.
"Sisters, I really think you should get to know (Y/N) better. I know you both would get along great with her if you gave her a chance." Daniela looked at them with a hopeful look.
Cassandra and Bela looked at each other. Bela sighed. "I don't know Daniela, you know how Cassandra and I feel about this."
"Girls." Lady Dimitrescu gave her two daughters a look. "(Y/N) has been nothing but nice to you, she hasn't given you any reason to be weary about her."
Cassandra looked down. "We know mother but-"
"No buts Cassandra." Alicia cut Cassandra off. "Daniela and I would really like you to spend time with (Y/N), get to know her better."
Bela and Cassandra knew better than to say no to their mother so the agree. That didn't stop Daniela from letting out a squeal before tackling her sisters into a hug.
As Cassandra and Bella spent time with you they realized there was nothing to be afraid of. Now they felt foolish for being so afraid of you in the first place.
As time went on you had noticed it was getting dark and a lot cooler out. Daniela should've been back by now.
"It's getting late, Daniela should've been back by now." Bela said as she worriedly looked at both you and Cassandra.
You were really worried, you could tell something was wrong. You stood up. "I'll go look for her, I'll be back."
Cassandrastood up, she gave you a worried look. "Please bring our sister back (Y/N)."
"I'll bring her back, I promise."
With that you quickly left the castle and head to the village. While you were searching around the village that was when Elena rushed over to you.
"Elena? Are you alright?" You ask.
She nods. "I'm fine but I just saw two male villagers capture Daniela and lock her up outside in a shed."
You thanked her for telling you and you quickly go over to those villagers house. You can hear them celebrating inside and it caused you to growl.
You were able to sneak behind the house and began to make your way over to the shed where Daniela was being kept.
But that was then you heard a dog whimpering. You look over and saw a husky that belonged to the villagers. They most likely had the dog for guarding inside of an actual pet. That just made you more angry.
That was when you realized that the dog was fearful of you. You frowned and held up your hands. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." You gave the dog a reassuring smile.
After reassuring the dog you go over to the shed, you ripped the door off it's hinges. The sight that you see breaks your heart.
"It's going to be okay my love, I'm here." You break Daniela free from her restraints.
You pick up Daniela and carry her bridal style back to the castle. Daniela nuzzled her face into your neck, seeking your warmth.
As soon as you ran into the castle Bela and Cassandra were immediately at your side. You ran into your room and bring Daniela into the bathroom, Bela and Cassandra right behind you as you told them about the two male villagers and what they did.
With one hand you started to fill the bathtub with warm water. While the bathtub was filling up Bela said, "I'm going to inform mother about what happened. I'll be back." She turned into a swarm of flies and left the bathroom.
While Bela went to inform Lady Dimitrescu Cassandra stayed with you. As soon as the bathtub was full you placed Daniela into the bathtub, you didn't even hesitate to get into the bathtub with her in order to keep her warm.
While you were trying to get Daniela warm you noticed that she was hungry. "You're hungry Dani. Here," you move your neck to give her better access. "drink as much as you need my love."
Daniela weakly looked at you, silently asking if you were sure. You gave her a loving smile and nod. Daniela leaned in and used her fangs to bite into your neck and start to drink your blood.
That was when Lady Dimitrescu and Bela came into the room. When they saw Daniela was drinking your blood they let of a sigh of relief. They knew she was going to be okay.
Lady Dimitrescu walked over to the bathtub and knelt down, she placed a hand onto of Daniela's head. "You're okay now my darling daughter, you're safe."
She them looks at you. "(Y/N) I could never thank you enough for saving my daughter. You have my eternal gratitude."
"No need to thank me Lady Alcina." You smile as you hold Daniela closer while she's still drinking your blood. "I would do absolutely anything to save Daniela and your family."
At that moment Lady Dimitrescu, Bela, and Cassandra knew you were part of their family.
Later that might while Daniela was sleeping in your bed, you carefully got out of her arms. You kissed her forehead before quietly leaving the room.
You walk towards Lady Dimitrescu room before knocking on her door. You wait until she told you to come in.
When Lady Dimitrescu saw you she smiled. "Hello my dear, everything alright?"
You nod. "Everything is alright Lady Alcina. I just wanted to ask you something."
Lady Dimitrescu moved so she was giving you her full attention. "What is it?"
"When I went to get Daniela the two male villagers had a dog. I could tell she wasn't being taken care of, they mainly had her as guard dog." You took a deep breath. "I wanted to ask for your permission to rescue her and give her to Daniela as a gift."
Lady Dimitrescu thought about it for a while. She knew how much her daughters always wanted a pet but she always told them no. But this time she knew it would be different.
"Alright my dear, I'll give you my permission." Lady Dimitrescu couldn't help but smile a little from the smile you had. "But you and Daniela must take care of this dog. I don't want her to cause any trouble."
"Of course Lady Alcina." You nod. "You have my word." With that you left her room to head back to yours.
The next morning Lady Dimitrescu sent a courier to get those two villagers who captured Daniela the night before and bring them to the castle.
While you were leaving the castle to head out to rescue the dog you had heard the manic laughter from Bela and Cassandra as they saw the men. You knew they weren't going to last long at all.
It didn't take you long to reach the house, you slowly went into the backyard and saw the dog.
It took some time but after a while the dog had warmed up to you. She had jumped into your lap and began to lick your face which caused you to laugh.
"How would you like to come home with me?" You smiled at the dog. She began to happily wag her tail and let out a happy bark. "I'll take that as a yes." You chuckled.
You had taken the dog back to the castle, when you walked into the castle you looked around. "Daniela, my love? Where are you?"
Next thing you knew Daniela tackled you into a hug. You smiled and immediately wrapped your arms around her. "I got a surprise for you Dani."
Daniela gasped and pulled away from your arms. "You do? What is it my love?"
You move to the side to show the dog. As soon as Daniela saw the dog she let out a squeal. She knelt in front of the dog and wrapped her arms around her, cuddling into the dog.
Daniela got up and immediately hugged you, she began placing kisses all over your face. "Thank you so much my love! I love her!"
"You're welcome Dani." You kissed her cheek. "Have you thought of a name for her yet?"
Daniela began thinking of a name. When she thought of one she smiled. "I'm going to name her Aurora!"
You kissed her temple. "That's a beautiful name my love."
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Frozen Within the Night Wind: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 9.
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None of the characters in Twilight belong to me, all rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
My arms are open for you look at me now, Baby, if you want you got me. I know you're broken darling I won't let you down, 'Cause baby, I've been waiting for you.
Do I have to write it on your bedroom wall you fool?"
Bedroom Walls by, BANKS.
"Emm... on the behalf of Jasper and myself...I'm sorry." I said Rosalie laughed and turned to me. Emmett flew through the air once again, hitting the ground even harder.
"Don't worry about... Emmett's kinda cocky, it'll knock him down a peg."
"I have a feeling Jasper's going to be brutal today." I saw Emmett walking next to me, rubbing the back of his head.
"No kidding..." He grumbled.
Edward and Bella slinked toward the rest of us, it looked like they didn't really want to be here. I saw the wolf pack a few seconds later, they didn't look very trustworthy.
"They don't trust us enough to be in their human form," Edward said, taking the thoughts right out of my head.
"They came, that’s what matters. Will you be our translater Edward?" Carlisle asked, Edward just nodded.
"Welcome, Jasper has experience with the newborns, teach us how to defeat them." Carlisle explained.
"They wanna know how the newborns differ from us."
"Newborns are the strongest form a vampire can be. You may notice Fleur, her eyes are red as opposed to our gold. Due to how long she's been a vampire they're still red. Her human blood still lingers within her tissues, making her stronger than any of us. Jasper will continue on from here he is more well versed in this than I am." Carlisle continued.
"A newborn army doesn’t need thousands like a human army. But no human army can stand against them. Now the two most important things to remember are; first never let them get their arms around you, they’ll crush you instantly. The second, never go for the obvious kill, they’ll be expecting that and you will lose." Jasper said, he sounded determined.
"Emmett Fleur! You two first Don't hold back on each other." Jasper called toward him. I stood there shocked for a second... I didn't know how in the hell to fight.
"Scared? I would understand...you seem pretty fragile."
"Alright... bring it."
Emmett began to run toward me and I braced myself. He made me drag my knees down into the dirt and then threw me up into the air. I then ran toward him and dodged a tackle he tried to strike me with, I kicked him in the face sending him flying a few feet back.
"Victory belongs to be!" I said, raising my arms in the air.
"Emmett...never lose focus," Jasper said. Carlisle and Edward were up next. I walked next to Rosalie again and whispered in her ear.
"5 bucks on Carlisle."
"You're on, there is no way Edward can lose... he can read Carlisle's mind."
The two ran toward one another, both of them dodging an attack. They then put their hands around each other's necks. Carlisle threw Edward off of him, knocking him back a few feet. I looked and saw Bella staring intently. Carlisle threw a punch but missed, Edward grabbed him by the shirt and slammed Carlisle into the ground.
"You owe me 5..." Rosalie started.
"One more thing," Carlisle tripped Edward onto the ground and held him there.
"Don't turn your back on the enemy," Jasper said, rolling his eyes.
"You mean... you owe me right?" I said smugly.
"Oh take it and gloat somewhere else," Rosalie said jokingly.
I saw Jasper looking over at us, he gestured for Rosalie to come to him. She threw the first punch but he was quick to swing back, she dodged them all and twisted a few feet back. Before she could react she was grabbed by her arms and flipped over onto the ground, she landed with a hard thud I winced. I saw the wolves leave, Jasper walked away, I decided to follow him wanting to end this silence. He stopped when Bella talked to him, I wasn't completely mad I was a vampire for once... super hearing is great.
"Jasper, are you sure there’s nothing I can do to help?" Bella asked, I could tell she was alluding to being turned into a vampire.
"Well, your presence alone, your scent will distract the newborns. Their hunting instincts will take over, drive them crazy. Hopefully, your sister won't get too distracted by you." Jasper said, ignoring her obvious hint, and began walking away again.
"Jasper wait... how do you know some much about this stuff?" Bella asked.
"I didn’t have quite the same upbringing as my adopted siblings."
Jasper rolled up his sleeves, bites were littered across his skin.
"Hey, those are like mine."
"They're battle scars, all the work my momma and dad prepped me with was nothing compared to them...neither was the short training the confederate army gave me... not that it was by choice. I escaped the first chance I got." They both started to walked away, I still followed them.
"You ran from the confederate army? Wouldn't you get killed for that if you got caught?"
"It would've been worth it... I never believed in their disgusting opinions on human beings...I wasn't about to partake in it just because I was forced to join them... I got killed either way... due to a certain, immortal...Maria. I just made it to Galveston, I took a short break thinking I got far enough from the base when I saw her... she turned me soon after... making me one of the leaders of her army. I trained the newborns, but after a year when their newborn faze was over I was forced to kill them. I could feel everything they felt, it wasn't until I spared a friend and a mate of his, that I was able to escape from her."
Bella looked bored.
"I thought what Maria and I had was love. But I was her puppet, she pulled the strings. I didn’t know there was another way, till I found Alice and Dean. She saw me coming of course. But, I still felt incomplete. Then she told me a few years back about your sister...my soulmate, no matter how much she pisses me off." He had a smile on his face. I decided to approach him now seeing he was a bit happier than earlier.
"It took me long enough huh?" I said, approaching wearily. Neither Bella nor Jasper said anything.
"I need to talk to you Jasper, alone..." Bella scoffed and rolled her eyes, but left. We stood in silence for a second, neither of us knowing what to say.
"I'm really sorry Jaz... I don't know what happened to me that night... I just got really pissed..."
"And I shouldn't have said the things I did."
"You have way better control with bloodlust than me trust me!"
"No really...I know I could probably eat a whole town."
"Darlin... calm down please... your emotions are giving me a headache. Trust me, my love, I can feel how sorry you are, you are definitely guilt-ridden."
"I feel so bad..."
"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have brought up your bloodlust, you have great control over it."
"No, I don't..." I turned away from him
"What are you talking about?"
"It's true what you said... I almost snapped on my dad a few days ago... he cut himself trying to make dinner, I was so close Jaz... so close." I felt him turn me back around.
"It's going to be fine, you'll have better control of it in a few months."
"I guess I just go mad because you reminded me about the parts I hate most about being a vampire. I can't even hug my dad without getting tempted, it's horrible."
"I'm sorry love."
"You didn't know, if I told you about it we wouldn't have even fought."
"Let's go home Darlin." Jasper suggested, he kissed me a few seconds afterward.
"Yeah... let's go home... I want to make fun of Emmett, we both destroyed him."
"Sounds like a plan love."
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sweetcherrypie1967 · 4 years
Narcissa’s Secret
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It was a little known fact that Narcissa Malfoy was a skilled legilimens and occlumens, even more so than her sister Bellatrix. It was how she was able to be part of the Death Eater meetings without having a Dark Mark herself. It pained her that she wasn't able to save her son from the fate she was able to avoid. It pained Narcissa that her husband was foolish enough to jump into such a fate head first, damning the rest of his family without so much as consulting them.
She had begging Lucius to let their son choose his own fate, Narcissa would have begging the Dark Lord himself not to do it but it was her husband who insisted on it. It shattered her heart, hearing Draco's pain filled screams echo throughout the Manor.
Her baby boy, forced to be just like those monsters.
Narcissa tried talking Draco into leaving, run off to any corner of the world to get out and start over or even go to Dumbledore's group. In the beginning Draco had scoffed at the idea but the more she pushed, the more she could see him consider it. While he never went out and said it, there's been a definite change in him compared to when she first brought it up all those months ago.
Now she was standing silently, watching as they brought in the Potter boy, one of the Weasley's offspring and the muggleborn girl. Narcissa noticed a shift in Draco that no one else but his mother would catch, she began watching him closely. She tried to hide a smile as he lied about knowing their identity, Draco's ears always turned pink when he lied. It was a tell that she made sure no one else knew about, not even Lucius.
"Take them all to the dungeons...all except for the Mudblood,"
Narcissa could practically feel the anger radiating off of Draco. It confused her why his reaction was so strong, she knew he didn't want anyone to be harmed let alone someone he knew -he wasn't a monster- but he was always going on about how much Draco 'hated' Potter's pet.
Then it clicked.
The change in him, his reaction earlier and his now. They were all connected, it was because of her!
Just to be positive she cast a silent legilimens on the girl while everyone else was distracted. Her mind was very strong, but once Bella had her way..it weakened significantly. Narcissa didn't have to look to see how pained he was when the girl's screams began. Echoing throughout his own home while he could do nothing but stand there.
What Narcissa saw in her mind shocked her beyond belief.
She searched through her memories, looking for anything to do with her son, when she stumbled upon something no one was supposed to find.
It was Draco and Hermione...kissing! As if they'd done it millions of times before. It was the most prominent memory she could find with him in it, and it was only a few months old. But..too soon to be in Hogwarts. Narcissa's mind instantly went to one of the days Voldemort wasn't in Malfoy Manor, he had left the Manor to visit his friends at Zabini Manor. Narcissa had suspected he was leaving something out of his story, but allowed it. Now, she knew what he was really up to.
She went through what seemed like hundreds of other memories, them sitting together on a couch talking, in the Astronomy Tower after curfew watching the stars and laughing with many more. Narcissa has never seen Draco look as happy as he was in these memories. One in particular caught her attention, unlike most others she saw it was more sad than happy. It was in the Astronomy Tower.
"Please Draco, don't go," Hermione begged in a whisper through her tears.
Draco gave her a sad smile, he wanted to oh so badly. "We both know that I need to go, it's what's best for the Order," Draco said.
"You don't have too! It's too dangerous, please. Dumbledore will understand. Don't leave me," Hermione begged, looking at him with glassy eyes.
They stared at each other for a moment, both hearts breaking at what had to be done.
"Hermione, you don't know how much I wish I could stay. I'd never leave your side through all this rubbish, but you heard the Headmaster. The Order needs me to spy on them. If I can earn their trust, if I can prove to Dumbledore and Potter and even bloody Weasley that I've changed. That I can be who you deserve, then I have to do it," Draco said.
"I don't care what Harry and Ron think-" Draco gave her a disbelieving look, "ok yes I do but I'm going to be with you no matter what. If they don't think you're worthy of me then that's their own bloody problem because I know you are and..I love you,"
Draco's eyes snapped to hers, searching for her sincerity before his face broke out in a grin, "I love you too, Granger."
They both kissed and the memory faded.
Narcissa's son was in love with Potter's pet? Hermione Granger? More importantly, he was working as a spy for the Order of the Phoenix?! Part of her was ecstatic, her son found love and took her advice to get out of this life Lucius had lay out for them! Another part, however, was scared. Being a spy, let alone for spying on Voldemort himself, was very dangerous business. If one was spying on the Dumbledore, they wouldn't have the guts to kill them but Voldemort wouldn't think twice about it.
Narcissa's focus was abruptly interrupted by the whole ordeal with Potter and Weasley saving Hermione and escaping with Dobby. She wasn't expecting her ex House Elf to be their savior but as long as they were going someplace safe. Narcissa knew Dobby used to enjoy listening to Draco rant and rave about the Potter boy and his little group. It was plain that he became fascinated, she wasn't sure if he simply didn't understand her son's sarcasm or just read between the lines.
Once the whole ordeal was done she practically dragged Draco into a separate room and cast every silencing charm she knew on it. She rounded on him and she could see he was guarded and..scared? Draco's fists were shaking along with the rest of him, probably trying to gain enough self control not to go after Bella for what she did.
"Would you mind telling me what that was all about?" Narcissa asked him.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"I mean with the Granger girl," she said and he set his jaw defensively, "I saw her memories, Draco. I know you switched sides..and I know you love her."
His shoulders dropped slightly but he was still on guard. Just because she knew doesn't mean she wouldn't tell, it pained Narcissa that Draco would even think she would put him in danger like that.
"What's there to tell if you already know everything?" Draco said.
"Well I didn't have quite the time to see everything, and I'd like an explanation," Narcissa said.
“How do I know you won’t go off and tell Father or the Dark Lord himself,” he said.
“Because I’m your mother, Draco,” she said softly, “I would never intentionally put you in any danger if I could prevent it. I love you more than life itself.”
He sighed in defeat, "Hermione, she caught me..in a vulnerable moment. I was overwhelmed by my task and the fact my plans never seemed to work. She offered for me to join their cause, even full immunity for me and you. After all you've said, I've been thinking about it and I accepted. I think it surprised her almost as much as it surprised me," Draco said with a slight laugh remembering, "we went to Dumbledore and he made a plan. It was decided that I was to spy in His ranks and give information back and forth, though only the bare minimum of members knew about my involvement. Me and Hermione began meeting secretly if I received any information and she would keep me updated with anything she was allowed to inform me. As time went on though, it wasn't always about the Order. I fell in love with her and she says she loves me too," he concluded with a warm smile.
"That settles it," Narcissa said sternly. Draco waited anxiously for her next words, "we're getting you out."
"Out? I'm a spy, I can't leave," he said confused.
"The Order already has spies in the Dark Lord's ranks, you don't need to be one of them. I'll even send information if that's what it'll take. You need to be there for your Hermione," she said. Narcissa expected an argument but he sighed and agreed with her.
Only on one condition, she wasn't to act as a spy. 'Too dangerous' he said, the little hypocrite.
They had snuck him out that very night.
Months and months went on without so much as a word from it about Draco. This was good. He was keeping a low profile, it would be dangerous for him to send her anything. But Narcissa couldn't help but worry. What if he hadn't found them? What if something went wrong with Potter or the Weasley boy? What if he got hurt?
So many questions that would have to remain unanswered until it was all over.
The Battle of Hogwarts had taken many lives, including her insane sister Bellatrix. She'd have to thank Mrs. Weasley later, Bella has always caused more harm than good.
Narcissa was especially thankful that when it was all over, her son was still standing and with the Granger girl by his side. Not a perfect ending, she thought, but at least it can still be a happy one.
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volturitrash · 2 years
vampires sparkle in the sunlight
"Bella lost herself"
"It's just normal lovers quarells, didn't you act the same when we moved?"
"No, I didn't invest my whole being over a boy old enough to be dead but somehow never grew up."
- Alfie, during a phone call with Renee as she watched her sister become the one thing she was supposed to prevent
Bella, a crying heartbroken mess days after being found frostbitten in the forest: *stares into nothing*
Alfie, feels a bit guilty: Come on Bells, Jessica invited us to the movies. You know? that kid who befriended us first day of school. the human one.
Bella, constipated smile: You go. I'm not in the mood.
Alfie, frowning: We both know Charles would have my head if I left you to rot here.
Bella: Stop being dramatic. How are you okay with them just suddenly not coming to school anymore?
Alfie, frowning and a bit confused: Where they decide to go is none of my business also they've become too obvious to stay here. It makes sense, you know?
Bella: No! It doesn't make sense! How could they just leave? How could he just leave me as if I wasn't anyone important to him? Tell me my oh so all knowing sister!
Alfie, trying to hide her guilt with light hearted jokes: He's old, Bells. You really think someone of that age would take a child seriously? you're old enough to be his great grand daughter!
Bella, angry: That's not it! Stop making everything a joke! He promised to stay with me.
Alfie: But Bells, you gotta admit its a bit creepy for him to be with yo- *dodges as a random book get thrown at her* -I mean, its not as if he mean-
Bella, angry tears stream down her face: Shut up! Shut your mouth for once in you spoiled life! How would you know if he meant it or not? You didn't know him like I did.
Alfie, backs away towards the door, her frown deepens: You think I'm spoiled? Bella the only reason I'm here is to make sure you're happy. I had a whole life I left with mom and you think I'm spoiled and don't know anything about boys like him? He's the first guy you took seriously and thats only because you think a bad boy with fangs would make your kinks come tru-!
Bella's hand came flying to Alfie's cheek. Both girls seemed shocked at what just transpired. Never in their life has Bella been the one to hit anyone, much less her own sister
Alfie, slowly her hand came to rest on her cheek followed by a hollow laugh: Ah, I crossed the line. Hit me more, sister. Would that make you happier? Would that make you let go of you dearest Edward? Seems to me he had no trouble of letting you go as fast that slap.
Bella, guilt began to churn in her stomach: I, thats not, I didn't mean to.
Alfie: oh no, sister, don't feel guity. *a cheshire smile blooms in her face, while the hair at the back of Bella's neck stood up* I deserved that. Come hit me.
Bella, cowers back towards the window: No. I didn't mean to tha-
Alfie, now yelling with her arms open: Hit me!
Charlie, downstairs with Harry Clearwater: *a headache forming* They're at it again...
Harry, clearly amused: You'd think by now we'd be used to her dramatics?
Charlie, seriously questioning if it was worth wanting both his daughters with him:...I should go and make sure they don't kill each other.
Alfie: Come now, sister, take out your anger at dearest Eddy at me.
Bella, deflates: I said sorry.
Alfie, now eerily calm: You do not start a fight with me and not finish it, you coward.
Bella: At least fight back!
Alfie, frowning: You are a defenseless human. Doc will have my head if I laid a hand on yo-
Charlie, appears from the doorway: You two alright? No missing limbs or anything.
Bella, startled: Ah, no everythings fine, Charlie.
Alfie, mumbling to herself: Americans and their lack of respect to authority, honestly.
*phone buzzing*
Alfie: and to the left, we have another coward, ain't that great?
Bella: It's...Jake. He's asking if I want to hang out
Charlie, hands on Alfie's shoulder in case she goes off again: Right. Go out Bells. It'd be good for you to see your other friends
Bella: I don't really think I'm in a good headspa-
Alfie: Today
Bella, spluttering: You-can't just make decisions for m-
Alfie: I can and I just did. Go be a teenager for once.At least we know where the pup lives so
Charlie: And Alfie will go with you!
Alfie: I refuse to be another glorified babysitter!
Bella, a smile on her face and teasing: 𝑔𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑎 𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒, Alfie
Alfie, indignant: I've had enough time to be a teenager, thank you.
Bella: You're 15!
Alfie, snickering: Is that what Mum told you? Higher, darling.
Bella, brows furrowing, again: But-!
Charlie, done: There's the headache, yep!
Alfie, with a smug smirk: Have fun on the date. I have errands to run
Bella: It's not a date
Alfie: That pup's been head over heels, bordering on obssession, over you since you were children. So yeah, 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞
Bella, done with life: come with then. Just for this one then I'll go to the movies with you?
Alfie, already starting to disappear: N o p e! I've got errands to run. Have fun on your not date, date
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maraudersbutmuggle · 3 years
Anything for love. Part 5.
Content Warning: Verbal and physical violence.
Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.
July, 2010.
Sometimes Bellatrix was surprised at how much she knew her sister. It was as if they were connected. Twin sixth sense or something. But Bellatrix knew that Andromeda was keeping a secret from her. And it would be the first time. They told each other everything.
Andromeda wasn't very happy with her marriage with Rodolphus. Bellatrix knew that. And she had told many times to her sister that she didn't have to do it. But somehow, Andromeda pretended she was fine with the whole thing. And she wanted to follow their parents' wishes.
Bellatrix felt bad. Because she was keeping a secret from her too. Susan Runcorn. Bellatrix constantly told herself that she meant too little for her to tell her sisters. That it would end soon. But somehow, it continued.
And now Bellatrix was in that situation. She wanted to know what Andromeda was hiding. But she couldn't demand that from her sister, if she was doing the same thing.
Bellatrix hated love, because it meant weakness. She loved Cissy, but Bellatrix didn't want to end up being so mesmerized by someone like Cissy was by Lucius Malfoy, a terrible idiot. Bellatrix couldn't feel it. So she avoided at all costs.
"Hey... you..." Bellatrix spoke to one of the waiters around "Je veux un brandy, maintenant"
The bloke was short and slim, with dark skin, and curls. He stared at Bellatrix as if he had already seen her before.
"Amm... Sorry Miss Bellatrix..." he said "I don't actually speak french"
Bellatrix raised an eyebrow.
"How did you know my name?"
The bloke blinked in panic "Everyone knows your name. Miss Bellatrix"
Bellatrix founded him weird. But decided to pass it.
"Just give me the bloody Brandy" Bellatrix shooed him off.
And then she saw her entering. To her sister's wedding. She knew the Runcorns were invited. But she didn't expect to feel like that. To feel goosebumps when she saw her.
Susan was a tall, slim woman. Pale skin. Golden wild curls. She was older, almost 30. She had light green eyes. And freckles. Bellatrix was fascinated by her. Bellatrix knew that she was pretty herself. But she didn't get tired of watching Susan's beauty.
Particularly today. She was wearing a blue dress that sculpted her figure. Her hair was in a bun. Bellatrix hated when she couldn't see her curls. She used to run her fingers through them while they...did things.
And Bellatrix felt jealousy. Jealousy of the way her husband was putting an arm around her waist. Jealousy of the way he was introducing her as his wife to random guests at the wedding. Anger for the way Susan smiled even though Bellatrix knew she was feeling miserable. Albert Runcorn was a bloody piece of shit. Bella couldn't do anything. He was a special friend of her father's.
And for a second, Susan turned her eyes towards her. And Bellatrix stared. She had to ignore that her heart was beating fast. But as Susan smiled slightly, Bellatrix decided to look away.
Narcissa was facing her boyfriend. They were both giggling and whispering things in each other's ears. And as Narcissa blushed, Bellatrix suspected Lucius was saying stupid things about how pretty she looked and how much he wanted her.
Bellatrix rolled her eyes. Lucius Malfoy was an idiot. She knew he would break Narcissa's heart eventually. Bella was just waiting to see when.
Narcissa turned still giggling and biting her lip.
"Come with me..." Bella sighed "Let's see why Andy is taking so long"
"Well that's how women are..." Lucius joked "Narcissa takes too long even when we just go out for dinner..."
"I bet is the other way around, Luci" Bellatrix spat.
"Bellatrix..." Lucius started
"Please! Don't fight" Narcissa interrupted. "Is a happy day"
"Hello, Miss Black"
Bellatrix cursed the fact that Susan's voice sounded like an angel's. That was the problem. Susan was too pretty and sweet. Bellatrix couldn't escape.
"Hello, Mrs. Runcorn"
Susan smiled and greeted Narcissa and Lucius, who said hello back.
"Congratulations to your sister" Susan said "Albert and I wish her the best"
Bellatrix turned to look at Albert, talking to her father. She hated him. She hated the fact that Susan could belong to him, and not her. She hated the fact that Cygnus liked him more, just for being male. Bellatrix knew her father wished that she had been a boy.
"Of course, I'll tell her" Bellatrix faked a smile.
She could see it in Susan's eyes. She wanted to speak with her alone. Perhaps kiss her like she wanted. Perhaps more. And the thought of taking that beautiful dress off her, made Bellatrix's body temperature rise.
Susan's eyes flickered to Narcissa and Lucius who luckily were distracted again.
"Can I talk to you?" Susan took the opportunity to whisper in Bella's ear.
Bellatrix didn't answer. She was trying not to think about Susan's body at the moment. Her body in that dress.
"I don't think it is a good moment to talk to Albert about divorce" Susan whispered "He wanted me to accompany him to this wedding and..."
That was the issue with Susan. She couldn't leave her husband. Even if he was a total asshole with her. He was violent and possessive. And Bellatrix didn't understand why. Albert had been Susan only partner. She was innocent. Even if she was older. And somehow Susan thought she owed him something.
"Excuse me, Mrs. Runcorn..." Bella interrupted "Cissy and I need to help our sister get ready"
In that moment, many people gasped. And Bellatrix saw some waiter had provoked the champagne fountain to break, a little chaos. And Bellatrix recognized him as the one she had spoke before.
"Sorry.. oh sorry... I am an idiot" he was saying.
"FOR GOD'S SAKE" Cygnus roared. Bellatrix smiled pleased. That guy would surely get fired "QU'EST-CE QUI S'EST PASSÉ, BORDEL ?"
"Susan..." Albert called his wife now that he was free.
Bellatrix hated him. And as Susan walked to her husband, giving a few glanced back at Bellatrix, she spoke to her sister.
"Let's get Andromeda, now" she said "I'm getting bloody impatient"
Narcissa was the patient one. She kept knocking and calling Andromeda even if there was no answer. Bellatrix was impatient. She knew something had happened. So she opened the door, once and for all.
"Andromeda?" she screamed to the room "Andy! It's really rude to be this late to your own wedding..."
No response. Bellatrix looked at Narcissa who looked worried too.
"I'll look in the closet... and the bathroom" Narcissa said nervously "Andy??"
But Bellatrix knew what was going on before Narcissa continued looking. She could sense it. She knew pretty well that her sister was gone.
"She's not here, Bella" Narcissa came out panicking.
"Of course she is not here" Bellatrix grunted "That bloody coward bitch ran away..."
Cygnus Black was telling the same terrible story to Rodolphus' relatives. Druella was on his side. Bellatrix didn't know how she was going to tell her father the current situation.
"Daddy..." she whispered interrupting her father.
"Not now Bellatrix..." he kept smiling to the guests "Like I was saying. I stood there in the middle, and George..."
"Daddy..." Bellatrix repeated again "It's an emergency"
Cygnus clenched his teeth.
"Excuse me... Druella why don't you tell the story, you tell it better"
"Of course..."
Cygnus turned to his daughter pulling her into an empty corner.
"Bellatrix I'm losing my fucking patience. Why isn't your sister ready?" Cygnus grunted.
"Daddy... She...she..." Bellatrix knew her father would be hysterical. And probably kill Andromeda.
"What is it?" Cygnus spat.
Bellatrix jumped.
"She's gone, daddy"
Cygnus blinked a few times, trying to comprehend what his daughter had told him.
"Gone where?"
"I don't... I don't know...."
Cygnus was shaking and Bellatrix didn't know if he was furious or nervous.
"You fuckin...." Cygnus started.
"Monsieur..." Bellatrix saw the two guards from the front entering the house. They shouldn't. Under any circumstances, meddle into the party. Unless it was an emergency.
"Monsieur... Monsieur Black"
Cygnus got even more furious for being interrupted.
One of the guards approached and whispered lowly.
"Monsieur, ils viennent de partir, monsieur. Nous n'avons pas pu les arrêter" the guard said, catching his breath. (Sir, they just left, sir. We couldn't stop them)
"Ils étaient armés" the other added. (They were armed)
"Oui... et ils étaient très grands" (Yes... and they were big)
"Merde..." Cygnus responded hysterically "De qui vous parles ? Expliquez-vous" (Shit.... Who are you talking about? Explain)
The guards exchanged glances.
"Votre fille, monsieur. La mariée. Elle a été enlevée par des bêtes" (Your daughter, sir. The bride. She was taken by beasts)
"A quoi ressemblaient-ils?" Bellatrix asked them as Cygnus became very pale. (How did they look like?)
"Il y en avait deux, mademoiselle. Un grand, pâle avec de longs cheveux bruns, et des chaînes autour du cou. Et l'autre petit, mince avec la peau sombre et les cheveux bouclés" one of them explained (There were two, Miss. One tall, pale with brown long hair, and chains around his neck. And the other short, slim with dark skin and curly hair)
Bellatrix tried to remember someone with that description. One of them was definitely the waiter she saw earlier.
"Quel était son nom ?" one of them asked the other (What was his name?)
"Oh, j'ai retenu un de leurs noms... Quelque chose comme... Fred... Led...." (Oh I caught one of their names... Something like... Fred... Led....)
"Ted?" Bellatrix asked.
"Oui, exactement, Ted..." (Yes, exactly, Ted)
"FUCKING SHIT...." Cygnus grunted "Bellatrix... who is this Ted?"
Bellatrix should have known Tonks was Andromeda's secret. Of course, she was an idiot. Bellatrix didn't understand why she had defended him. All this time, she had been wallowing with him. With stupid bloody Tonks. He wasn't only an ordinaire piece of garbage. He had changed Andromeda. He had corrupted her mind. And the worst part was that Andromeda had let him.
"Cygnus?" Rodolphus interrupted before Bellatrix could answer "Is everything okay? Where's Andromeda?"
Bellatrix had tried to be a good girl. Keep appearances. Because her family was more important than anyone. Even Susan. Even Rodolphus, when he used to be her everything. But now Bellatrix was realizing it. Andromeda didn't bloody care. He had chosen him. And it hurt. It hurt so much, Bellatrix wanted to kill someone.
"Everything is fine, Rod"
Cygnus tried to hard to pretend. Even if people were starting to be suspicious of the presence of the guards. Even if Narcissa looked worried, and probably had told Lucius and Druella about Andromeda's absence.
"Your future wife is gone, Rod" Bellatrix said, loud enough for everyone inside to hear. Well everyone being her family and Rodolphus' family.
"Bellatrix..." Cygnus warned
"Andromeda escaped with another tosser... with Ted Tonks"
Everyone was silent. And Rodolphus seemed pale and devastated.
"Andromeda did what?" It was Sirius who broke the uncomfortable silence. That asshole was smiling.
"Shut up... you rude bastard..." Auntie Walburga clenched her nails on his arm. Bellatrix thought that brat deserved it.
"Ouch, mother..."
"Andromeda was kidnapped..." Rodolphus finally spoke.
"What... what do you mean?" Narcissa asked.
"Tell them, Bella..." Rodolphus started saying desperately "Tonks is a dangerous, wanker... Right?"
Bellatrix was too furious to even speak.
"What are you talking about, son?" Castor Lestrange asked.
"He's a classmate from Hogwarts, low class, ordinary..." Rodolphus explained "He is obessesed with Andromeda. Always following her around... We saw him following us to the movies a few months ago..."
So Andromeda kept seeing Tonks, even when she had said yes to Rod?
"I believe he's dangerous...." Rodolphus continued "He probably took Andromeda hostage to get some money or something... Bloody my.... We have to rescue her now"
Bellatrix felt sorry for Rodolphus. He was too stupid to see what was obvious. Andromeda didn't, never, love him. Andromeda was a bitch.
"Cygnus, please" Druella begged, worried. "We have to save our daughter"
But Cygnus seemed to be paralyzed by the anger.
"Okay... Okay..." Alphard spoke. When Cygnus or Uncle Orion, even Auntie Walburga lost temper, Alphard was always the voice of reason "I'll go with you, brother, to fetch Andromeda"
"I'll go as well" Orion adjusted his blazer "Poor sweet girl she is..."
"There's no need, Orion" Cygnus grunted, finally reacting "Alphard and I can take care of it"
"Can I go?" Sirius asked.
"You're staying here, son" Orion scolded him. Sirius rolled his eyes.
"I have to go and rescue my wife..."
"Not yet wife, son" Castor spoke "Rabastan, come with us"
Bellatrix saw Rab swallowing the champagnes as a pig.
"Yes father" he winked at Bellatrix as he passed. Bellatrix rolled her eyes. It was disgusting that he still had a crush on her.
"Druella..." Cygnus spoke "Distract the rest of the guests. I don't want anyone knowing about this... No one will spoke of the matter until we return..." Cygnus looked around, especially setting his eyes on Orion and his son.
Bellatrix ran after her father as he and the group walked outside to Uncle Alphard's Mercedes.
"Daddy let me come, please..."
She wanted to kill him. Ted Tonks. She wanted to see him, and Andromeda suffer. She was furious.
"Stay here, Bellatrix!" her father ordered.
"Let grownup men handle this, darling" Cygnus said "Take care of the guests. I trust you. I'll get your sister back... Even if I have to kill that imbecile with my bare hands"
Alphard gave her a smile before getting into the driver's seat. Her father got in. And so the three Lestranges in the back. She met Rodolphus' miserable eyes on the back window.
And the car drove away.
Bellatrix groaned. Sometimes she hated being a girl and having to live in a world built for men.
One thing was certain. Even if Andromeda got back, she was never speaking with her again. Fucking traitor.
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romace-tea-cup · 4 years
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imagine being the daughter of bella and edward and your coven finds out about your relationship with felix part two
I got woken up by the beautiful sun shining on my window , i was in a happy mood for a second when i remembered what needed to be done for today . I then let out a heavy sigh and i got up , i did my bed and cleaned any left over mess i made the night before and i got in the shower and i took a quick but hygienic shower that left me smelling like baked christmas cookies and mint candy canes . I then got dressed for my outfit of the day , i made sure i was comfortable enough because i knew felix would be taking me to volterra in a private jet . After i was done getting dressed and did my hair and make up the last thing i needed to do is to pack my bathroom essentials and bring my phone and my phone charger , after i was done i looked around and noticed how empty the room felt with only my bed and my tv and some furniture left in my room . At this point some of my tears started to drip , i was afraid this was gonna end up bad , what if felix would fight them and he killed my dad like last time in italy ? What if my dad would kill felix ? What if my coven would disown me ? I started to shake out of it , i then grew enough balls and esme had prepared me some eggs and bacon , i smiled at her and pulled her into a tight hug and she just chuckled .
" Thank you esme , i love you so much you are the best of the best no one can top your cooking "
" oh sweetheart , i love seeing you in a good mood , you are never this sweet any special occasion ? "
" N-no , i just thought id show my gratitude towards you and thank you for being there since i was born esme , thank you for taking care of me , thank you for the love you have given me since birth , you really are like a second mom and i would never trade it for anything in the entire world and im thankful i have hou by my side no matter what "
" Oh sweet heart , i love you as if you were my own , i love watching you grow into the amazing lady you are now , and im sure you will keep being the lovable lady you are "
I then nodded and we were talking while i was eating , after i was done i gave her a kiss on the cheek and she gave me one as well it felt like i was saying my goodbye to her which was true because i don't know when ill see her again or if ill even see her , i then did the rest with my family . I saw nessie and she was trying to braid her hair but she was unable , so i stepped in and i braided it for her .
" Let me see "
" Thank you y/n "
" It's no problem nessie , so how is your life with jacob ? Any problems ? "
" My life is amazing , Jacob is the sweetest to me and he cares for me allot , im grateful i have him "
" Well im glad he is treating you like the little princess you are . I hope you know ill always be your sister no matter what , ill always be available when you need me , and no matter what happens ill still love you and i hope you will to little sister . "
" I love you more big sis , and we will always have the same bond because we were in mommies belly , even though you are full vampire and you grew up faster than me and i still look 8 we will never be separated no matter what "
" Well im glad you think so , like it ? "
" i love it ! , thanks sis ! "
" No problem nugget "
We hugged each other and i placed a kiss in her forehead and now i headed to spend time with uncle jasper , he was watching tv and i just sat down next to him .
" Hey uncle jasper "
" What's up ? "
" Nothing much , just thought i would spend some quality time with my favorite historian person "
" Psh im more than a historian "
" Yeah ? Like what ? "
" a great uncle , you can't deny it "
" Yeah of course not , So how are you and aunt alice ? "
" We are doing great , i keep falling in love with her more after each day that passes "
" Well im glad to hear that heh "
" I was meaning to ask you , about what jacob said yesterday , you know you can trust me , did it really happen y/n ? "
I knew i could trust him
" Well yes it did , with another vampire uncle , just don't tell anyone or jacob "
" I won't , so who is the guy ? Do we know him ? "
" I guess you will have to wait and see "
We spent time together with him telling me his battle stories and i hugged him and headed out to spend time with uncle emmett , he was as usual working out so i changed into my sport clothes and headed out to see him and give him one last work out buddy bonding before i headed out .
" Hey uncle em you ready for a race "
" psh game on "
We ran three miles around the woods and he ended up beating me as usual .
" I won "
" Yeah Yeah stop showing off it was luck "
" Wanna lift next ? "
" Oh you are on ! "
We started lifting and i won this time and he started chuckling , we then went out hunting as usual and he catches a bear while i ate a deer and we headed back to the house honestly im thankful vampires don't sweat . Next up i went to spend time with aunt rosalie and aunt alice , they are usually together but first i gave uncle emmett a hug and then headed off , they were in Rosalie's room .
" Hey aunties , can i come in "
" Sure y/n me and alice were discussing what we are gonna wear for the upcoming ball "
" Ball ? What ball ? "
" The volturi will be hosting a ball in new years eve , we are invited and we were gonna go shopping for dresses next Friday ? "
" Oh um ill go some time another day aunt rosie , in fact i came here to spend time together with both of yall "
" Well why dint you say so !? I just learned new make up tips i wanna show you ! "
" And ill show you how to style your hair y/n "
" sure guys feel free to show me "
They showed me new make up tips and how to style my hair and honestly i appreciate it because i learned how to style my hair better and how to glam myself up for this upcoming ball i never even hared off yet . Now i headed to spend time with mom and dad , he was playing the piano while my mom was reading a book in her room in the couch , my dad purchased him a piano in his room .
" Hey mom and dad , can i come in ? "
" Hey y/n yeah sure "
" Thanks mom , so what are you guy's doing ?
" Im practicing a new song i learned wanna hear it ? "
" Sure thing dad "
He started playing a song and i honestly loved it and i gave him a hug after he ended the song , then me and my mom were talking and we bonded real good . i hugged them both before i confronted jacob about what happened yesterday .
" Hey jake um do you have a moment ? "
" Sure "
" I wanted to apologize over um yesterday , i know i can be a bitch sometimes but i just get annoyed quickly "
" You and apologies ? You feeling well y/n ? "
" Yes jake , i just thought it was right if i apologized to you "
" Well apology accepted "
" Thanks , and thank you for making my little sister happy , i hope you continue to love her as much as you love her right now "
" I will of course , now im heading out to have a meeting with sam , but thanks for the apology , ill be back before 6 "
" Thanks and good luck "
Now it was time to spend time with the last cullen carlisle , he was in his doctors office in the house and i just knocked .
" Hey Carlisle , can i come in ? "
" Of course y/n you are always welcomed "
" So what are you doing huh ? "
" Just doing some research for the upcoming ball "
" So you and aro were friends huh ? How was that ? "
" He can be a bit power hungry but i know he is a great guy "
" What about the guards ? "
" They were fine , i got along with everyone , alec and jane were just chilling but the guards i spent time with were Jane , Alec , Demetri , and Felix . "
" and how was felix ? "
He then looked at me and i started to panic
" He was a great guy , he is the most strong vampire in the world and everyone fears him , im sure you are dreaded to meet him , you and felix were meant to be you know ? "
Wait a second ... He knows about us ?
" Wha- what do you mean ? "
" Well i know you both are mates and you have been seeing each other and that today is your last day here before you head to volterra with him "
" How did you - "
" know? Aro told me , but the rest of the coven does not know because its not my place to tell them , its yours . I have spotted yall both hugging and kissing , i also noticed that you packed your bags yesterday and today , not to mention i knew thag whatever jacob was talking about was true "
I then started to have a faint blush .
" Yeah uh about that i can explain ! "
" No need to , that is a natural thing with mates , and felix will do anything in his power to see you happy , trust me i know him longer than you "
" I guess you are right "
Then a loud voice caught me and Carlisle attention
We both rushed to the living room and then i saw him , well all of them exactly ! I thought it was only gonna be felix but i was wrong ! It was the four guards !
" We came here to collect y/n "
Jane spoke and the tension was high as fuck
" My daughter will not be collected without a reason ! "
" y/n is felix' s mate , they have been seeing each other for quite a while , now it is set for her to leave this coven and join us "
Alec spoke and i felt like i was about to have a panic attack .
" Y/n what is he talking about ?! "
" Mom i ... "
" So what jacob said last night was correct ? You slept with this murderer ! "
My dad shouted and then felix growled and speed next to My side protecting me and he stepped infront of my dad .
" And if we had sex what is the problem ? She is my mate and i have every right to please her in bed and have the right to touch her if i wanted to and whenever i want to "
" So that's why you been acting all weird huh ? You knew this was gonna happen "
My aunt rosalie stated and carlisle put a hand over her and let out a sigh and my dad then knew then and there that he knew .
" So you knew all along !? You were her partner in crime and you backed her up with this relationship ! "
" It was not my place to say something edward , this is y/n's and felix's business "
" Mia tesoro please grab your bags , its time to head out "
I just simply nod but alice and my mom hold my wrists
" No ! You can't go ! You cant be part of there coven y/n ! "
Jane then uses her power on alice and she falls in pain but bella uses her shield on her so she is able to get over it and i quickly head for my bags and i have my mini back pack .
" Jasper you also knew about this and you dis not bother to say one word about it !? "
My dad shouted
" I just found out today edward "
" So what i smelled was true , you guys were riding like it was the best time of your life and if your life depended on it y/n "
Felix and demetri then chuckled but my dad and mom shouted at him .
" Jake ! Stop ! "
" As much as i am delighted to see this controversy we need to go master caius would be very upset if we arrived late "
Jane said and i just headed out and felix put a hand over me while my family watched me leave with sadness in their face , i let a few tears slip here and there but felix grabbed my face in his huge ones and wiped my tears away with his thumb .
" Amore mio, per favore non piangere, non sopporto di vedere quei tuoi bellissimi occhi piangere. Ti amano e lo supereranno amore mio, per favore sorridi perché quando piangi mi sento come se stessi crollando. "
" My love , please do not cry , i cant stand to see those beautiful eyes of yours cry . They love you and will get over it my love , please smile because when you cry i feel like i am crumbeling down. "
" Vorrei solo che questo potesse essere diverso amore mio, spero davvero che trovino nel loro cuore per rinunciare a me e per essere felici per noi.
" I just wish this could have been different my love , I really hope they find it in their heart to foregive me and to be happy for us . "
" They will my love they love you and they will accept us if it means they see you happy "
" Thank you my love , your everything i need right now "
We hugged and he placed a kiss on my mouth and i kisses back with gratitude .
Hoped yall liked it ! Ill be posting the next one tommorow ! Question of the day ! ( If u can answer ) what was your favorite bonding experience with a cullen ? Follow me on wattpad and give it a like and follow if you wanna see more ff of felix ! 💞
Username : yunnoitwasshorty
Name : romacetea
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anne-white-star · 4 years
Young Jon pertwee x waitress!reader 
Notes: reader is a waitress jon saves her from a scary situation and more will happen read to find out😊
Please ignore any spelling mistakes thank you 😊
There are hystorical mistakes im sorry about that i tried my best
Warnings : cursing nothing bad or explisit
Words : 2067
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It was 1947 2 years After the war of 1945 people wer trying to pick back up their lives. A lot of buildings were destroyed many people died, lots of people fled and fought the war it was a big chaos the last 5 years, but things were calm now.
Jon pertwee came back home from the war after serving as a marine in the navy on the HMS Hood also in the ww2 many of his men died one of the only survivers of his group was him and Ian Fleming. (I hope i got it corect if not my excuses)
"Hey jon! How are you doing mate?" Jon turnd around at the mention of his name.
"Oh hey ian, it has been a few years" jon grabed his hand and shook it "im doing fine how about you?".
"im doing alright, im just trying to pick my life back up you?" They started to walk next to echother.     
"Yes me to the past years have been really tough" as they both crossed the street jon his eyes fell on a bar/restaurant/pub "shall we go get a beer? Than we talk further".
"Sounds good im always if for a cold beer" ian laught
Walking in they were greated by lots of men sitting and drinking their fill, waitresses were serving food the bar tender was filling their beer mug. And there were a few cooks in the back prepairing some food. They sat down at a table and a women walked up to them.
"Hello welkom to the fox and hounds my name is y/n and i will be your waitress this afternoon would you like to eat or drink something?" She grabed a pen and note book out of her apron ready to Wright down their order. (The Fox & Hounds is locaded at 29 Passmore St, Belgravia, London SW1W 8HR, not far from jon his old home at 66 Chester Row it was build around 1960 but lets pretend its older)
"Umm yes" jon looked at the menu
"I'll take a pint" ian said
"I take one as wel"
Y/n looked up from her note book "anything ells?"
"No this is fine" jon smiled at the women
"Alright two pints coming up" she walked back to the bar to get them
"Are you starting to like her don't you?" Ian asked
"I saw the way you looked at her"
"Oh be quiet you" jon punched his shoulder while grining  
"So here you go two pints that be 2s 4d"( its origanaly 1s 2d im not british i Googled it but i really don't know how this works it was after the war) she smiled and put them down on the table before them
"Here you go i pay for both of us" ian said to her and smiled
Y/n took the money from the table and put it in her apron
Jon started to drink his beer and they talked with echoter for about 30 minuts when
"Hey let me go aaahhh!!!"
They both turned around to look where the scream came from, when they turned around they saw y/n being hold back with a gun pointed to her head
"Give me all the money out the register or the pretty girl will pay with her life"   
"Please let me go" she asked while crying softly
Jon put his beer mug back down on the table and stood up "let the girl go"
"Hmpf" "what are you going to....." the man was caught of guard by jon punching him in the face "agh!! you fucking cunt!" the gun fell out of his hand and His hands flew to his nose. Jon grabed the gun from the ground and went to stand in between y/n and the man.
"Now put your hands up turn around and face the wall" jon pointed the gun in the back of the man "someone call the police"
Ian walked up to y/n and sat next to her on the ground "are you alright?"
"Yeah yeah im fine..... i just need a moment" *sigh*
About 30 minuts later Two police officers stept in "Good afternoon we got a call for a attempt of robbery and a hostage"
"Yes sirs here he is" jon said while still pointing his gun at the man.
"Alright we take it from here thank you so mutch for keeping him under controle" one of the police man took handcuffs and arested the man.
"Also here is his gun" jon gave it to the other officer
"Thank you sir, we will take care of all this".
After the police officers took the man away jon turned to y/n sitting on the ground with a blanked over her shoulders. "how are you feeling?"
"Im feeling better now thank you" *sigh* "i just feel a bit scared now to get home"
"Where do you life?"
"About 30 minuts away but i have to be at work tomorow"
"If you want you can stay at my home i don't live far from the restaurant"
"That would be Nice sir"
"Oh please don't be so formal just call me jon"
"Thank you jon" y/n smiled at him.
Ian had been gone for a few hours after the insedent, after y/n her shift they walked to jon's house
"So this is my place" jon unlocked the door and let her in. "Make yourself at home"
"Its quite lovely" she looked around, y/n put her bag down and hung her coat on the coat rack.
"You must be hugry" jon said while walking to the kitchen "what would you like?"
"Hmm is (favorite food) alright?"
Jon laught "sure but i don't know how to make that, perhaps you could help me?"
"Of course i will help you jon its the least i can do" she went to stand next to him.
After they were done preparing the food they both sat down and started to eat
"Hmm this tastes great"
"Im glad you like it jon"
When they were done with eating their food y/n went to prepare herself for bed "where can i sleep jon?"
"you can take the bed y/n i'll take the coutch"
"Are you sure?"
"Its fine don't worry, good night dear"
"Good night".
The next morning both jon and y/n had breakfast with echoter and talked about all kinds of stuff
"i can't thank you enough for helping me out yesterday"
"Oh its nothig i dealed with worse"
"You fought in the war din't you?"
"Unfortanetly yes" jon looked down sadly "so many died, i lost a lot of comerats in battle"
Y/n grabed his hand softly in hers "Im so sorry, that you had to go trough that jon"
Jon smiled at her "Its alright I only hope this never happens again"
Y/n looked at the clock "oh goodness i have to get ready my shift starts in an hour" she stood up and went to get ready for work.
The few days that y/n had to work she would sleep the nights at jon's house so that she could be at work on time when she had off from work y/n would go back to her own home. Jon had to admid the days when she wasn't there during the late afternoon and diner it was quite lonley, but the days she was at his house they enjoyed cooking, reading and playing games to pass the time.
6 months had passed sinds the incedent at the fox and hounds and y/n and jon got very close with echoter they became great Friends even to the point that they both fell in love with one another but both din't know it that they were.
"Hey jon in a few days there will be music at the fox and hounds and i was wondering if you would like to go with me?"
"Sure it sounds like fun"
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The evening came around and people were dressed up formal y/n was wearing a long black dress with long white gloves and golden wristbands plus a pearl necklace around her nek her hair was in pretty waves down her back. They were enjoying them selfs when the bar tender came up to y/n
"Y/n can i talk to you for a moment"
"Alright sure, i be back in a few minuts jon" they both walked to the back of the restaurant "whats wrong?"
"Wel i got the news that the last person who was suposed to sing could't come because their car broke down"
"Oh no what are we going to do"
"Cant you go up there?"
"What me? Really?"
"Yes you, i have heared you sing something while being in the back your voice is very pretty y/n"
"Hmm... Alright i'll do it"
"Thank you y/n you are a life saver"
About 30 minuts later it was time for her to come one the stage
"Ladys and gentelmen may i have your atention for the last act y/n y/l/n"
(Play the song from here if you want)
🎶He was a famous trumpet man from old Chicago way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft
He's in the army now, a-blowin' Reveille
He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
A-toot, a-toot, a-toot-diddelyada🎶
Y/n looked over the crowd trying to find jon
🎶Ai, ai, ai, ai, ai
Have you ever danced in the tropics?
Well that girl's a fool
With the Gaucho?????
Of the South American way, hey!
Ai, ai, ai, ai. ai
Could you have ever kissed in the moon light
If you never kissed
Who knows what you've missed
In the South American Way🎶
Again looking around she still could't spot him
🎶Bei mir bist du schoen
Please let me explain
Bie mir bist du schoen means you're grand
Bei mir bist du schoen
Again I'll explain
It means you're the fairest in the land
I could say "bella, bella"
Even say "wunderbar"
Each language only helps me tell you
How grand you are
I'll try to explain
Bei mir bist du schoen
So kiss me and say you'll understand🎶
"Okay guys, grab your gal and hit the floor
'Cos here's that beat you've been waiting to swing to" said the bar tender to the crowd of people
🎶Who's the lovin' daddy with the beautiful eyes
What a pair o' lips, I'd like to try 'em for size
I'll just tell him, "Baby, won't you swing it with me"
Hope he tells me, "Baby, what a wing it will be"
So, I said politely "Darlin' may I intrude"
He said "Don't keep me waitin' when I'm in the mood"
In the mood
In the mood
In the mood
It didn't take me long to say "I'm in the mood now🎶
She finaly spoted him in the crowd he was looking at her with a dreamy look.
🎶If you ever go down Trinidad
They make you feel so very glad
Calypso sing and make up rhyme
Guarantee you one real good fine time
Drinkin' rum and Coca-Cola
Go down Point Koomahnah
Both mother and daughter
Workin' for the Yankee dollar🎶
🎶Oh, Tico Tico, tick
Oh, Tico Tico, tock
This Tico Tico, he's the cuckoo in my clock
And when he says "Cuckoo"
He means it's time to woo
It's Tico time for all the lovers in the block
I've got a heavy date
A tete-a-tete at eight
So speak, oh Tico, tell me is it getting late?
If I'm on time, cuckoo
But, if I'm late, woo woo
The one my heart is gone to may not want to wait🎶
🎶In Spain they say "Si, si"
In France you hear "Oui, oui"
Ev'ry little Dutch girl says "Ya, ya"
Ev'ry little Russian says "Da, da"
When the song was over people clapped and cheered for her performance. Jon walked up the stairs of the podium.
"That was amazing y/n i din't know you could sing so wel"
"Thank you jon it means a lot" y/n smiled
"I want to ask you a question y/n"
"Yes jon go ahead"
"Would you like to be My girlfriend?"
"I would love to"
Jon kissed y/n a top of her head knowing that this women wil be a great joy in his live.
The end
I hope you all enjoyed reading 😊
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