#it took me ages to find a pic of him holding a mug
gayfirefighters · 1 year
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Christopher gave it to him
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lenasprouts-words · 5 months
olderbrother!skz headcanons :3
gn!reader with a scenerio w menstruation in changbin’s! maknae line
i want an older brother… anyways
bang chan
oh ho ho you KNOW hes gonna be super duper protective of u
like nuh uh the kids can NOT meet you
but u still get to hang out w maknae + jin line (closer to their age)
age gap is like three years or smth so
his parents adopted you when he was four and u were one
movie nights every weekend frfr
or atleast movie nights on call
and whenever you got tea, he’s on the ready
best best advice, like, ever
sometimes you wonder if this is his nineteenth life or smth
so wise
you painted a mug for him once
no one is allowed to touch it
it has its place in the gym bros’ dorm
sometimes picks you up and runs when your talking to someone
and if you ignore him he’ll start cuddling up to you
’channie get tf away go annoy seungmin or whatever im studying’
gives you nicknames like ‘buggy bear’ and ‘baby duck’
makes you learn languages with him
when he learned ikaw for manila, ph concert he showed you first
bc he knows you like listening to tagalog
he has videos of you singing and falls asleep to it when he gets homesick
lets you listen to his unreleased songs and tracks on his laptop
you got to make one that one time at home too
you send little messages to him thru out the day
and scold him when he’s up working
you know bc he gave you his location
you bought his bubble and constantly tease him
when he comes home he takes you and berry to the aquarium
he picks you up and spins you when yall hug
its the funnest thing ever
will not hesitate to bring up that time you ate hamster poop thinking it was choco chips
lee know
okay he’d be really scary to your friends but like a cat around you
your age gap b like, one or two years
he annoys you about anything
crushes, enemies, good animes or mangas
stuff like that
in turn you bug him about the members
’whats jisung like when hes sick’ ‘oh do you know innie’s plans are tomorrow’
he finds your hyunjin pc collection and blows your phone up
but his hugs are so nice and warm
he holds you by the shoulders and his hands go down your back
eventually he starts tickling you
but you use the self defense moves he’s been teaching you
one of your middle school friends had a crush on him
they were flabbergasted when you walked home together
buys you things that remind you of him
and leaves it on your window sill/table/bed
his favorite hoodie is the bunny w the middle finger bc you gave it to him
makes your lunch for you and leaves slightly passive aggressive notes in them, still sweet tho
although once you got a note that said
’give me back my hoodie or i’ll shove a water bottle up your asshole. xoxo lino hyung’ that was for jisung
once decided to pick you up from work to get sushi
your coworkers were like
’wow i didnt know they had a boyfriend’
you cried laughing hearing that and so did min
teased you about the fanfic you wrote when you were thirteen
and you tease him about the 2PM shrine he had
obviously you both r cat ppl
so he takes you to cat cafe dates all the time
insists on paying and saying you’ll pay next time
sends random ass pics on tour all the time
he absolutely cherishes you
like holds you up like a trophy infront of his friends all the time
youre two-three years apart from each other
he loves loves giving you piggy back rides
also loves squeezing the life out of you
youre the one he goes to when he buys something
and he’s the one you go to for relationship advice
once you took him to an amusement park
your camera roll was full of blackmail
tens of millions of inside jokes
one of the kids will fix their hair and you’ll both burst out laughing
bc once changbin ran into a pole fixing his hair
your ultimate group is newjeans so you went to a fansign
and got bin a signed teddybear
he cried when you gave it
he constantly tells you to be safe
when your going somewhere
’bye baby cub (nickname lol), be safe have fun love ya!’
when you need a little pick me up
he comes to you with your favorite ice cream flavor and his laptop
your emergency contact
one of your friends has to text him and he gets super suspicious
’cub who tf is this? why were they texting me?’
almost started a whole ass fight
its okay tho he apologized and bought chocolate
constantly tells you to go to bed early bc he doesn’t want you to ‘become like channie-hyung’
will run to get you what you need
if you got your period and arent prepared he’ll know
just sprints to the nearest cvs
even cleans up your nasty bedsheets bc u leaked
’oh dont worry cub i can handle it’
your on his close friends list on instagram
most times its just dedications to you that he puts on his story
his day one frfr
like your only a year apart so your tight asf
his hugs will be gentle but so warm
bear hugs>>>>
his huge ass hands will totally go around your neck for comfort
he also digs his face into your shoulder
he paints many things for you
like he’ll also give you his unfinished projects when he’s sick of them
shines when you compliment him
teaches you choreos and lets you make up some
dyes your hair often too
spa nights where its just the two of you with a movie of your choice in the bg
those are the days where you can just. let go
tea gets spilt. i mean like, you know absolutely everything abt the other atp
spontaneous karoake nights
he gets worried when you drink tho
’noooo what if you fall on your face and then it gets ruined!!’
when he’s tired or down tho
one of the members text you and you come over with your comfort box you packed for these situations
face masks, iced americanos, watermelons, fluffy blankets, llama eye masks for sleeping, an air purifier, room spray, and a huge hoodie and sweatpants/shorts bc he probs did NOT shower in his funk
when he goes home you take walks together and catch up
also you just. really like smelling his room
it smells like flowers and the perfume your late grandfather used
gifts you things from versace
his favorite colors are black and white; yours are brown and grey
picture wall of polaroids w photos u took together
you stream his music 24/7
he writes sad sad songs abt missing you
worse than hannie and his break up songs 😭
working on the maknae line!
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hbosucc · 10 months
Greg Hirsch x Reader: Chapter 2
Hiiii just posting the second chapter!
Here is a link to Chapter 1
Not many content warnings for this chapter in particular, just swearing and two consenting adults kissing. This fic is 18+, but this chapter is the most tame.
Anyways Chapter 2 is below! If you read this fic ilysm. I had the time of my life writing it and even if it isn't super good I hope someone else can maybe enjoy it too. Mwah xoxoxo
Chapter 2: The Morning After + Second Date
I woke the next morning to a series of notifications from Greg, and I realized with a twinge of guilt that I had forgotten to let him know I’d gotten home all right.
Y/N: So sorry to worry you! I made it home just fine last night, I totally blanked on letting you know.
          I took a quick shower, and when I came back out, there were new messages from him through the app. Dripping water on my phone screen, I swiped it open.
Greg: No worries, it’s all good
          Glad you didn’t get murdered by your driver!
That was in bad taste, sorry
          If you want to text instead, here’s my phone number:
The phone number exchange—that was a good sign. I saved the number to my contacts and sent him a text.
Y/N: Hey Greg, it’s Y/N :)
          I resisted checking my phone again as I finished getting ready for work, blow-drying my hair and pulling on my tights in between sips of coffee. Once I was ready to go, I headed down the steps of the brownstone and into my car at the curb. I’d only used a ride app the night before because I had known I’d be drinking, but I did have a car of my own, mostly used for driving to and from work. I lived in an area that leaned more suburban than downtown, so parking wasn’t too hellish.
          I made it to the school early enough to get a decent spot in the staff parking lot, and headed to the lounge for my second coffee of the day. The coffee in the staff lounge was notoriously bad, but it’d been a late night by my standards, and I was desperate.
          “Hey, lady,” Katelynn, my closest work-friend, breezed in behind me to pour some coffee into her travel mug. She shook two packets of sweetener into hers and stirred. “How’re things with you?”
          “Good, actually.” I nodded, holding my hands around the paper cup to warm them. You’d think that at a private school, they’d be able to afford a better heating system. And better coffee. “I went on a date last night.”
          “Ooh, how’d it go?” She sat down across from me at one of the tables. Though we were about the same age, Katelynn was an actual, fully qualified teacher. She taught ninth-grade History and Politics, bless her. Somehow, she seemed to love it.
          “It was good! Well, I thought it was, at least, but we didn’t kiss at the end.” I admitted. “I know that’s so high school of me to think about, but I’m just not used to that, I guess.”
          Katelynn’s face became serious, and I loved her for it. “I know what you mean. That is kind of weird. Maybe he was too nervous? Or maybe he just didn’t want to be presumptuous?”
          “You’re probably right.” I nodded. “He did seem a little nervous.”
          “That’s probably it. He was just intimidated by your beauty and brains and charming demeanor.” She smiled at me over the lip of her cup.
          “That’s got to be it.” I shook my head, trying not to laugh. “You’ve cracked the case.”
          “Do you have a pic of him?”
          “Oh, yeah, let me find one.” I opened up the app we’d met on and went to his profile, pulling up what I thought was his best picture, then held it out to show her.
          “Oh! He’s cute!” She exclaimed, grabbing the phone from me. “And he’s six-five? Sheesh, babes. Lucky you.”
          “I think he actually is six-five in real life, too. Crazy, right?”
          The warning bell rang, and Katelynn stood up to go.
          “Crazy. Do you want to do lunch sometime this week? I need to hear more about this guy.”
          “For sure. Text me.” I nodded, and she was gone, off to unlock her classroom and let the students in. I took my cup with me to the library, where I was scheduled to meet with one of my one-on-one students for English tutoring. My heels echoed down the emptying halls, and I checked my phone one last time as I walked: still no text back.
          I stuffed my phone into my pocket, trying to stuff my disappointment away with it. I needed to focus on my job now; he’d text back soon enough. That was what I told myself, anyways.
          He did text me back, eventually, later that day.
Greg: Hey! Sorry I didn’t text back earlier, work = crazy again today
          But I have Sunday off, if you’re free?
          To hang out again I mean
          I waited as long as I could to respond, trying to hold onto a shred of my dignity.
Y/N: Hey! That’s okay, I know how it goes.
          Sunday should work. What did you have in mind?
--- Second Date ---
I had to give it to him, it was a cute idea. Much better than a lot of the dates I’d had in the past, which, at their most creative, had been going out to dinner.
          “Have you ever ice skated before?” I asked Greg as we sat together on a bench, lacing up our skates.
          “I did when I was younger, but it’s been a while,” He gave a nervous laugh. “But I don’t know, I thought it might be fun. What—what about you, have you?”
          “Yeah, I’ve been a handful of times.” I nodded, standing up very carefully. “But it’s been a while for me, too.”
          “I thought it seemed like something you’d be good at, for some reason.” He followed me up and into the ring, moving with more grace than I had expected for someone as tall and gangly as him. His vibe didn’t exactly scream hand-eye coordination.
          “Good? I don’t know about that. Competent, maybe.” I laughed. It truly had been a while. I wanted to look over my shoulder at him, but I was sure I’d lose my balance and fall over if I didn’t keep my eyes straight forward.
          “Well, then I guess we can be competent together.” I felt his gloved hand wrap around mine and looked up to see him skating next to me. He looked down with a tentative smile, and I nodded.
          “Deal,” I gave his hand a little squeeze as we got into a rhythm together, our weight moving from leg to leg in sync. I’m sure we looked a bit ridiculous moving at our snails’ pace while children zipped around us on either side, showing off for each other. I let out a shriek as one whizzed particularly close, almost clipping my shoulder.
          “These fucking kids,” He laughed.
          “Right?” I blew out a puff of air, watching the condensation form a little cloud.
          “Do you, um, do you like kids? Or want them?”
          “Not particularly.” I admitted. “Even though I work with them, I like being able to leave them at the end of the day. I don’t think I could do it twenty-four-seven.”
          He nodded thoughtfully. “That would be, like, a lot.”
          “What about you?” I watched him out of the corner of my eye. Partly because he was cute, and partly to watch his face as he came up with an answer.
          “I could take them or leave them, personally.” he said. “It depends on the kid, I guess.”
          “What about animals? Like, pets, I mean.”
          “I do—I do like them, um, in concept. My mom has a dog, and I guess I’ve always been partial to dogs, myself.”
          “I’ve always been more of a cat person,” I said. “I like dogs too, though. But I think it must be so hard to have one here in the city, with no yards for them to run around in. I know there are dog parks, but, you know.”
          “Yeah, I definitely get what you’re saying. It doesn’t seem fair. To the dogs, I mean.”
          “Exactly. You get it,” I let go of his hand as we made it to the wall of the rink opposite the entrance, resting on the rails for a moment. I watched as a teenager in the middle of the rink did a very impressive jump, spinning while in the air, before landing perfectly on the ice again.
          “How come you didn’t kiss me?” I asked, looking up at him.
          “I—um,” He started, his face reddening. “I should’ve, I know. I regretted it right after you walked away. I just…I didn’t want to come off too strong, or feel like I was, like, being a creep, or—you know, in the age of, like, Me Too, I didn’t want to…overstep any, or, I mean, make any assumptions?”
          “Greg,” I sighed. “First, you’re not going to be cancelled for kissing someone at the end of a date, as long as you don’t, like, force it on them. Also, I was giving you the look. That’s usually a sign that a kiss would be acceptable.”
          “Well, I’m sorry.” He said, exasperated, but I could tell he understood. “I wanted to kiss you, okay? I just—I don’t know, like, froze up.”
          “It’s okay.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry, actually, for making a big deal out of it. It’s stupid, I know. I feel like a fucking teenager—”
          I was cut off mid-sentence as he leaned down and planted a quick, firm kiss to my lips. He drew back, checking my face for a reaction.
          “Well,” I said, regaining my composure. “You are full of surprises, aren’t you?”
          “I suppose I am.” He grinned and took my hand, and we rejoined the stream of skaters, going around and around the rink. We went around so many times I lost count, and came close to falling a handful of times, but one of us always managed to steady the other before we could end up with our butts on the ice.
          Once we’d returned our rental skates and laced up our own shoes, he walked me out to my car. Just in time for the sunset, we leaned against the bumper and watched as the sky swirled with pink and orange and finally dark blue.
          “I hope you know, I wanted to kiss you for longer, but with all those kids around, it would’ve felt, like, weird.” He turned to face me in the twilight.
          “I think that was smart.” I said, looking over my shoulder at the mostly-empty parking lot. “Don’t see any kids around now.”
          “Well, lucky me, then.” His hand came up to cup my face, the other one resting on my hip as he pulled me in. I stood up on my toes, and our lips met again. We moved slowly at first, shifting to find what was comfortable, and then came the tongue. He wasn’t clumsy or overbearing with it, as I’d suspected he might be. I reciprocated, my hands running over his hair and down towards his jaw. In the freezing air, I could feel myself heating up as our bodies pressed together.
          When we finally broke apart—I’m sure his back was starting to ache from having to bend down to reach me—I felt flushed and melty, like a microwaved marshmallow.
          “Jesus,” I breathed.
          “Yeah,” He nodded, and we both laughed.
          “Well,” I started, not quite wanting to leave, but knowing I still had the drive home ahead of me, and school in the morning. “Unfortunately, I have to get going.”
          “Hey, duty calls.” He said. “Let me know when you make it home?”
          “I will. I actually will, this time.” I smiled, hitting the button to unlock my car.
          “When can I, like, see you again?” He asked as he began backing away.
          “I’m not sure.” I furrowed my brow. “Maybe we can get lunch sometime this week?”
          “Okay, I’ll—I’ll text you.”
          “Sounds good. ‘Bye, Greg.”
          “’Bye. Have a good night!” He called after me as I slid behind the wheel and started my car, turning the heat up.
          I replayed the date in my head on the drive home, smiling to myself. There was a lot to like about him, and no big red flags so far. He seemed a little too agreeable at times, almost too eager to please, but that I could understand. That wasn’t a major moral failing; at least not in my book. He was also becoming sexier to me the more we got to know each other. He wasn’t necessarily my normal type, but there was just something about him.
          Parking in front of the brownstone, I went up the steps and into the warmth of my building. I closed my door behind me, bolting it, and hung my coat up on the hook. I pulled out my phone and shot Greg a quick text, letting him know I’d made it. As it sent, I saw Katelynn had texted me while I was at the rink.
Katelynn: Is this the guy you’re dating rn???
          Attached was a picture, and I clicked on it to make it bigger. It was from some press conference for ATN news, the biggest right-wing-affiliated news network in the country. It was the kind of news channel where talking heads railed against the LGBTQ+ community and abortions, insisting that our country was going to pieces because we’d legalized marriage equality. To put it mildly, I was not a fan.
          And there was Greg, standing right next to the head of the division.
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Paring: dark!Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: How were you to know who’s a monster, who’s a savior when they all hide behind a mask
Words: 4.7k
Warnings: violence, manipulation, dark themes, language, 18+ ONLY
A/N: Aged up Peter Parker (obviously). No smut in here, even I surprised myself.
You stared in the mirror, hands clammy as you tried to angle the phone right. The lightening was not perfect, and you twisted, trying to see if you’ll need to turn on the flash. Just as you thought you’d found your position, your phone chimed and you jumped. Clicking on the notification you opened your messages and found another text from the private number.
Be quick
Just above this was the text you’d received 20 minutes ago that had you running into the bathroom and taking your top and bra off within minutes.
Send me a pic of your right nipple
It had started a couple weeks ago with the kidnapping of your boyfriend, Sammy. You didn’t realize he had been kidnapped at first. He worked as a driver for a rich family and they took him away without preamble overnight for visits into next town. You only noticed something was strange when all your calls and texts remained unanswered for two days and you finally made a call to his employers to figure out if everything was okay. It was a shock to realize that the family was in town and hadn’t seen him for two days too. You had jumped into action, barely making sure you were appropriately dressed as you made your way to the police station to report a missing person’s report. You had parked down and were just about to open your door when the first message pinged. You almost didn’t check your phone, but the notification said private number, so you clicked on it. Your world came crashing down.
It was a picture of your boyfriend tied to a metal chair in what looked like a warehouse with blood caking his hairline and mouth gagged. Tears were streaming down his face and you covered your mouth in shock. Another message chimed, this one reading:
Don’t even think of going inside. Turn around and go back to your home
You had whipped your head around, looking out of the window with terrified eyes as you tried to see anyone who looked suspicious or was paying attention to you. Nothing struck you out of the ordinary and you were more determined than ever to go in and file a report when another message popped up.
Go home or I can send your precious lover’s head to you in a parcel
Maybe you should have gone inside, maybe you should have told someone. But when someone is holding a gun to the love of your life, you do what the fuck they say. Common sense doesn’t come into play. Last minute solutions don’t play in your mind. It was real life, not a movie. You drove back to your house in tears, hands trembling. Your boyfriend was not missing, he’d been taken by someone. The drive back home was a blur and you barely made it without hitting someone or yourself. You parked outside and entered your home, locking the door behind. The moment you were in, another text alert:
Good girl
You locked all the doors and windows, the curtains drawn shut. You sat down in the living you, finally finding the nerve to text back.
Who are you? What do you want?
You waited for a reply, your eyes darting around your house. Did the person have camera’s in your house or were you simply followed? Would they really hurt Sammy or was that an empty threat? Should you call his parents? Your parents? Your phone dinged and quickly swiped up to open the text.
I want you to send me picture of your little toe
What the fuck? This had to be some sort of a joke. You were shaking in fear and anger, your hand clutching the phone in a dead grip. You should have gone and made the complaint. It was dark outside now, but you’d go to the police station first thing tomorrow morning. To hell with this person, you will not be scared of them. You took a screenshot of the messages and made sure your house was secure before retiring to your room with a knife. Sleep came late and restless, your worry keeping you from having a sated sleep. Horrible scenarios ran across your mind, each worse than the last.
You woke up early and dressed up. You needed to be at the station as soon as possible, Sammy was in danger. Whoever had him seemed addled in the brain. You were just pouring your coffee in your travelling mug when the doorbell rang. Your heart beat in your throat, your body seizing up in terror. You got your knife from the kitchen, creeping to the door on all fours trying to make the least amount of noise as possible. You leaned up slightly to peep out the peephole and saw a delivery man. He looked normal enough, cranky from an early delivery. You cautiously opened the door a few inches, hiding the knife behind your back.
“Y/n Y/l/n?” He asked and you nodded. He held out a small parcel to you along with a form to sign. You opened the door a few more inches and quickly scribbled your name across the form, taking the parcel with tentative hands. The man walked away without a goodbye and you sighed. Not everyone was out there to get you.
You placed the parcel on the table. It held only the delivery receipt, no other marks on it. It was small, almost like a jewelry box. You looked at the time and thought to open it first. You didn’t wanna deal with sleep deprived officers who refuse to take you seriously at the station. Getting out you scissors you cut the brown paper off and opened the plain carboard box. Inside was a jewelry box like you had expected, but who would send this to you? There was no note and you opened the flap.
It fell out of your hands as you screamed, your hands rushing to your mouth in horror. The thing that had been perched inside like a ring rolled out and fell on the floor, resting at your feet. It was a little toe. A severed, human little toe. And if your hunch was right, you knew who it belonged to. Your phone chimed at that very moment and you swallowed back the bile in your throat when you swiped up.
Next time, listen. I have no trouble sending his head to you.
P.S. Drink that coffee, looks delicious. And be a good girl and forget about the police if you give a damn about your piece of shit boyfriend.
P.P.S I’ll like a pic of your pinky finger
You send him the pic with shaky hands, tears falling down your cheeks.
This is how it went for a few weeks, them asking for pictures of different body parts. Each with a threat of the same part being chopped off Sammy’s body if you don’t comply. Whoever they were, they didn’t call you and you couldn’t call them. You rarely texted, only asking if Sammy was okay and you’ll get vague texts in reply saying, ‘that depends on you’.
The pictures were seemingly innocent enough at first. Your fingers, your knee, your shoulder, hair braided, hair in a pony. But then they got dangerous. The inside of your things, your ass in a pink pair of panties, your nipples. You gave them what they wanted. As long as Sammy was okay, but you didn’t know how long you could continue this. Something had to be done
You were probably making a big mistake, but you had no option. Police was out of question, but they weren’t the police. Not entirely.
The kidnapper could for some reason follow you everywhere, even look inside your home though you had scoured every corner and found no cameras. You needed people more powerful and they were the only ones who could help. You know they didn’t have time for something this small as they dealt with world endangering events, but you had to try. You entered the Avengers Tower, making your way to the front desk. The lady sitting behind looked kind enough, greeting you politely.
“Hello, how can I help you?” She asked with a practiced smile and you nervously smiled back.
“I uh, I want to make a complaint.” You winced as you said that, your eyes darting around. The lady however gave you a sympathetic smile, slipping you a form to fill.
“You can fill this one, but it may take a while to get to them. They can be very busy” She said, and you nodded, taking the form and going to sit on a couch to fill it out. You gave all the necessary information, adding in that you had picture proof. You hoped it reached someone here who could help, if not the avengers then someone from Shield. You got up to submit it when you bumped into somebody, making them drop their papers along with yours.
“Oh, I am so sorry” you apologized, bending down to gather their stuff as well as yours. A hand reached out to help and you looked up in the eyes of Sam Wilson. You blinked and then stammered another apology that he waved away. He got the papers from your hand, looking over and found your form.
“This yours miss?” He asked as he looked over the paper, his brow furrowing as he read on. You nodded and bit your lip. He turned it over and then looked back at you. “Do you have the picture evidence?” He asked tapping the paper and you nodded quickly. You showed him your phone, with the messages and pictures. He frowned, his handsome face pinched.
“Can you help me? They sent me his severed toe. For all I know he isn’t even alive now.” You croaked and Sam looked at you with kind eyes.
“Y/n, isn’t it?” He asked and you nodded. “Well, this looked very creepy and bad. I’ll take it up to the team okay? See if someone can spare sometime on it. Here, take my card. Call me if they approach you again.”
You almost sobbed with relief, glad that something seemingly good finally happened. You thanked him and pocketed his card, hoping you made the right call. It didn’t matter now anyway. You were in deep. Either the kidnappers find out and threaten you, possibly killing Sammy. Or they piss their pants and leave you the hell alone. You just wanted this to be over.
You returned to your flat with a lighter heart, having a full dinner after ages. You had the avengers on your case. The avengers. The guys who took down aliens and planet-wiping asshats. They will put an end to this, you were sure. You slept better that night too, heinous dreams not plaguing you for a change.
You went to work early that day. Usually your shift at the local clinic didn’t start until an hour later, but you were feeling hopeful. Helping people through the day by stitching their wounds or giving a kid a cartoon bandage took your mind off things. It was a smooth day, almost normal. No more texts from the kidnapper today and if Sammy were home, things would be perfect. You were only just leaving when another person walked in your station, a cut bleeding over their lip. You recognized the boy and gave him a reproachful look.
“Peter, again?” You groaned, your hands automatically reaching for the antiseptic wipes. He came in once every few weeks, battered from one thing or another. You were sure some gang was beating him up, but he never confided. He was your age, studying some cool physics stuff while you nursed here. He was a very regular patient.
“Hey Y/n, can you patch me up. Again.” He said, ruffling his hair awkwardly. You tended to him, being careful not to hurt him even though he barely flinched. He had tremendous pain tolerance and you didn’t wanna know how he built it up. He was a great guy, pretty cool and respectful.
“There you go, all done. Maybe listen to me for once and don’t do whatever it is you do.” You advised, and he sent you a bashful grin that you knew meant your words went in one ear and out of the other.
“Thanks. You look good today, happier. Something good happen?” He asked and you smiled a little.
“I think so. I’ll get to know soon enough. You look after yourself, mkay?” You say and pack up your stuff. You saw him lingering, feet shuffling around so you raised an eyebrow.
“Um, I was wondering if you’d wanna go out for a coffee or something?” He asked and now it was your turn to shuffle uneasily.
“Peter, I’m really flattered. But I’m in a relationship already.” You told him and saw him frown.
“You have a boyfriend?” He asked confused and you nodded. Sammy was still your boyfriend, regardless of everything. You weren’t going to go around dating behind his back. He will come home. You were sure he will. Peter’s face fell and before you could say something he nodded and left. You felt horrible, but you hoped he will come around.
You got a call from Sam right before you went to sleep.
“Hey, did the kidnappers contact you?” He asked and you said no. He hummed and spoke to someone in the background. “Can you come over to the tower tomorrow? We’ll have a look at your phone, try and track the number?”
You agreed to meet him there at noon and a smile spread on your face. Things seemed to be progressing. Maybe the kidnapper was too scared of the avengers to make any move. You hoped you’ll get Sammy back soon.
You reached the tower with ten minutes to spare. You had taken trouble dressing up today as you didn’t know if you’ll meet more avengers. It was a blessing to have them and you prayed things will turn out okay. Sam met you in the lobby, waving at you.
“Hey, come on up. We’ve got a tech team waiting” He said, and you followed him to the elevator. It seemed to rise up and up, and you got nervous. You were glad you hadn’t deleted anything from your phone but worried what they will say about it. You had after all sent nude pics to a stranger.
“Hey, don’t worry. It’s a safe space.” Sam promised you and you tried to force a smile.
You exited with him in what looked like a huge office space, with cabins and sleek furniture everywhere. He led you to the cabin at the end and held the door for you to enter. You took a step inside and almost stopped short. When Sam said tech team you didn’t know it would mean Black Widow and Tony Stark.
“Come on in, we don’t bite.” Tony teased you, waving you forward and you stumbled. They both shook your hands and offered you a seat where you sat gobsmacked. You kinda sat like a goldfish until manners and mobility returned and you greeted them with a high pitch hello.
“Hey kid, you don’t need to worry. We got a free day today and Wilson said a young lady needed saving. Romanoff loves the ladies you know.” Tony winked and Nat threw a stapler at him that he caught. You nervously smiled and then they got to business. You explained everything to them, showing them the texts and pictures.
“Hmm, it’s a private number. Let’s see if we can do something about it.” Nat said and connected your phone to her laptop, clattering away on the keys. As she did, her brows drew together and she huffed. “Oh, this one is good. Not good enough for me though.”
She kept at it for a few minutes and when her device beeped her mouth parted a little. She moved her head away and blinked before passing the laptop to Tony who looked baffled. He started his own clattering and you tensed. The laptop beeped again and just then the door opened. You looked up to see…a man wearing the spiderman mask.
“Hey kid, you know you can take that thing off in here.” Sam said.
“I’m good. I need to leave soon anyway.” The voice behind the mask said and it almost sounded familiar. He looked at you and waved and you returned the gesture. Of course, Spiderman’s identity was a secret. You were probably the reason he was wearing the mask in the first place.
“This doesn’t seem right.” Tony mused and he and Nat exchanged a look.
“What is it?” You asked and Sam echoed your question.
“Well, the signals of the phone trace back to this tower.” Tony answered and he seemed as bewildered as you.
“What? Like a shield agent? That would explain how they could spy on her without too much trouble.” Sam mused.
“You mind if I see Mr. Stark?” Spiderman asked and Tony passed the laptop to him, leaning back in his seat.
“I’ll have Friday run a scan all over the tower. We’ll have an identity soon. But damn, this is disturbing.” Tony said and you felt anticipation rise in you. You’ll have the name of the kidnapper soon, and after that Sammy can be home.
“Uh, Mr. Stark, something is going on here. I – I swear I didn’t do anything.” Spiderman called out in a panicked voice and Tony and Nat crowed around him.
“What the fuck? How did this happen?” Nat scowled, her face almost buried in the screen as Tony did whatever he did there. “This…this can’t just happen. Tony!”
They looked up at you genuinely confused as you stared back with wide eyes.
“It seems like someone just deleted all the data from the number, including the trace. That shouldn’t have been possible.” Nat explained and you willed your tears away. All the proof you had gathered was lost, including the only lead you’d had for months.
“Hey kid, don’t cry. We’ve got you, okay. We know its someone from inside the tower. We’ll keep a watch.” Tony assured you, patting your shoulder in a fatherly way. You sniffled and shifted in your seat, all the hopelessness coming back.
“I think someone should keep a watch with her.” Nat suggested. “Whoever they are, we know they are good. Must be some top shield agent. A stakeout at her place, that should clear shit up.”
The others nodded and you cringed. You didn’t want to trouble them or have your privacy invaded this way, but if that was what it took to get Sammy back, you’ll be okay with it. So, you agreed.
“I’ll see if Wanda is free.” Sam suggested when Spiderman stood up and waved goodbye.
“Now wait here Wilson, we got our friendly neighborhood hero right here. Kid, you look after her. Your people skills are depressing and maybe you’ll cheer up a bit.” Tony said and you saw Spiderman wring out his hands.
“Mr. Stark, I’ve got college.”
“She’s got work.” Tony looked at you and you nodded. “See it will be perfect. Go on, pack an overnight.”
You gave out your address and went back home, aggressively cleaning before Spiderman arrived. You felt kinda bad for him since you knew he didn’t wanna be here, but well, job’s a job. He arrived just as you’d finished shoving your stuff under the bed and you opened the door to him still wearing the mask.
“Hey, make yourself at home. I’d give you a tour but its only one room, bathroom and kitchen.” You said awkwardly, his red face looking around.
“It’s chill. I’ll make my bed on the couch. You don’t need to worry. I’ll keep you safe.” He promised. His voice wasn’t very rough, and you thought he must be somewhere around your age.
“You can uh, take your mask off if you wanna. I swear I won’t tell anyone” You promised but he shook his head.
“I’m fine. Please, don’t bother. Go about your day as usual. I’ll make myself scarce.” He set his bag on the coffee table and took out his books. Some complicated physics stuff. Well, Tony Stark wouldn’t just have a stupid rookie in his team.
You and Spiderman (Seriously, you can just call me Erek Trapper) had a simple dinner. You knew he’d given you a fake name, probably just an anagram but you didn’t push him. You valued your privacy too. He wasn’t too much trouble, always polite and never in your way. Only once you found him in your doorway watching you sleep, but he very embarrassedly told you that he needed an extra pillow to sleep. You gave him one after which he didn’t appear again.
He stayed for a week before shit happened. You were alone at home when your phone buzzed. “Erek” was still not back from his classes and you were making dinner. You picked up your phone and almost dropped it in fright. A private number.
Such a silly dumb girl you are.
Another buzz
You’re not good at taking orders, are you? We’re gonna work on that
And here I thought you cared about this pathetic boy
I should have really sent you his whole leg instead of the toe
Look in your kitchen drawer
You turned around, sweat running down your neck and tremors hit you as you pulled out your drawer. You screamed, bloody fingernails inside a cup greeting you. You stumbled back and your windows started rattling all at once. You sat huddled in the kitchen, screaming with your head between your legs as knocks echoed around your apartment, multiple doors and windows banging. You sniffed and suddenly looked across the hall where a fire burned in your room.
“No!” You couldn’t get up, frozen in shock. The doors kept banging, smoke filling the house and your lungs, blurring your vision. Your throat was hoarse and dry and you coughed, trying and failing to stand up with support of the counter. You knocked against the drawer, the cup of nails tumbling down over you making you flail and howl.
You crawled away on shaky feet, feeling more exhausted than ever. Your lungs burned and you coughed, losing feeling of your body. The door was banging louder than ever and you shut your ears, tears making their way down your face.
It opened with a bang, a man nearly flying inside and to your side. Cool hands gripped your face and tapped your cheeks, urging you to keep your eyes open. You were in his arms, being lifted outside from your home.
“Mr. Stark, no, I got there in time. Yes sir. Taking her with me. Bring her to the tower? Yes sir. She’s okay – I don’t know. Maybe. Yes. Gonna be swinging with her.” He spoke to someone.
Air rushed against you and you barely opened your eyes before shutting them again. You were flying from building to building, only one arm around you keeping you safe. You hugged him tight, pressing your face into his neck.
“We’re almost there, Y/n. Damn it! I knew I should have controlled the drugs.”
You didn’t understand what he said and as the swinging motion grew frantic, your eyes shut.
Beeping of a machine greeted you and your eyes opened to the view of a hospital room. A tube was in your arm, a tv playing softly in the background. Your tongue felt heavy in your mouth and as your memories flooded you, you stood up. The beeping increased and a door opened to let in a man in middle age, with soft salt and pepper curls.
“Hey hey, its alright. You’re safe. You need to lay down.” He said. He looked so familiar and your eyes widened as you recognized him as Dr. Bruce Banner.
“I – what happened?” You asked. Before he could answer, Spiderman walked in and took the seat by your bed.
“I’ll let you guys talk. I’m going to be with Tony, Pete. Call me if you need something. And for god’s sake, take this goddamn mask off.” Bruce chided and left.
You looked at Spiderman who slowly took off his mask and your mouth dropped open. These brown eyes and hair.
“Peter?” You gasped and he nodded, abashed.
“I’m sorry I had to hide like this. I was going to let you know.” He explained. His eyes widened like he really really wanted you to understand.
“You’re Spiderman? So that’s where you got all those cuts from” You said, and he nodded. You raked a hand through your hair and winced when they tangled in some knots. “Thank you, Peter, for saving me. The fire, I – I don’t know what happened.”
Peter took your hands in his and placed a kiss on your knuckles. You frowned, trying to take your hand away but he resisted.
“Of course, I saved you. Sammy would have killed you otherwise.” He remarked and you started.
“Sammy? He’s here?” You almost jumped out the bed and Peter pushed down on your shoulder.
“Y/n, you don’t understand. Sammy was the kidnapper. He…he faked it.”
Peter was speaking but not making any sense. Why the hell would Sammy do that? You saw his bloodied pictures, you saw his torn off toe and fingernails.
“You’re mistaken.” You whisper but Peter shook his head.
“No, of course you’ll believe that. Sammy worked as a temp here last year. He got into Shield’s database and has been using that information to torture you. He faked it darling.” Peter said and pressed another kiss on your hand.
“That’s a lie. He never worked here! He was working for a family downtown!” You shouted and Peter nodded at you.
“Yes, but Friday’s data can be manipulated, and people paid off. They will never testify to knowing him.”
It took you a ridiculously long time to come to terms with what Peter said. His fingers were caressing up and down your arm, lips pressing soft kisses on your palm and wrist. You tried to wiggle it free, but he squeezed hard and you cried out.
“Don’t struggle, I don’t wanna hurt you anymore. I almost added too much hallucinogen to the smoke. You really scared me baby. Don’t do that again.” He scolded you and your eyes brimmed with tears. He wiped them away, cupping your cheek and you turned your face away.
Peter nodded, his other hand playing with your hair.
“You were always so sweet Y/n. So nice to me, never asking too many questions. Being kind to me when I was beaten up. I have wanted you for months but then you kept talking to your friends about Sammy and it made me so sad. So, I took him away, kidnapped him. I tried to give you a closure, stage it properly. I would have killed him and sent you a picture, consoled you after his death. I asked you out, remember, and you still turned me down. But then you came here, to Mr. Stark. That day I barely managed to corrupt the filed on his laptop, they were so close to finding me. And well, I didn’t even have to manipulate him into sending me at your place. That worked out so smooth. Now, all the evidence is in play. Sammy will be indicted for conspiracy and attempt to murder. And you and me, we can be together.”
You opened your mouth to shout and his hand was promptly there, blocking all sound.
“Shh, don’t baby. I know you’re scared. I know. But Sammy is still with me. I can do anything. Right now, I’ve only cut off a toe and his nails. He’s still breathing. I think he’ll have a way better life in prison than in a grave, yeah?”
Peter leaned down and kissed your tears away, and when he removed his hands only sobs escaped your mouth. He cupped your face, looking so kind you doubted if whatever he said actually happened.
“No one will come between us. You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours.”
He pressed his lips to yours and you closed your eyes in surrender.
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I Thought You Should Know 2
Part 2.
Part 1 HERE.
Notes in part 1.
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This time when Superman caught you he held you close and wrapped his arms around you before flying away with you clinging to him and crying because you couldn't hold it in anymore.
Awareness came with a background of arguing and a sinfully - sinfully - soft mattress. Tugging the blankets up and over your head you snuggle into your pillow and doze.
    You've grown up with yelling and lived in places that were noise 24/7 and presumed the arguing was the neighbors. A quiet falls over your cocoon and it hits you... your hotel room had a  mattress that was as stiff as plywood. 
    The bed dips and you tug the sheet down from your face and take in the warm tangerine color walls, dark wood molding and the bedside table was a rustic style piece of furniture. Turning over you're startled to find Clark Kent standing with a tray of food but more surprising was the man sitting on the bed in a sharp charcoal suit. 
    Curious, you lift the blanket and peer down at yourself.  You were wearing your underwear... you guess it was bettered than being naked. "Rest assured Miss ****, your virtue is safe."
    "Lex!" Snapped Clark with a glare before he turned to you and floundered for what to say before pushing the tray out, "Coffee?"
    "What happened?" Your brain felt muffled and you can remember bits and pieces and jumping off a ledge... "Shit, did I try to kill myself again?" You sit up and the blankets pool at you waist uncaring of your bra that was all lace and completely inappropriate for your type of job. 
    "Again?" The tray is set down on a bedside table and Clark was crawling to you, grabbing your arms, checking your bare wrists, as if he hadn't seen them before you were tucked in half-naked. "**** we talked about this."
    "Settle down." Lex heaved himself up with a sigh and peered down at the two of you, "Clark brought you here, you were hysterical and I gave you a sedative and while you were high out of your mind you chose my,"
    "Our." Clark snapped but the other man continued on without missing a beat.
    "Bed to make your nest. You had this loon," a finger pointed at Clark who look aghast, "Rip off your corset because, and I quote, I can't catch it rip it off. As you spun in a circle trying to reach for the laces."
    "I kind of panicked and ripped it off. Sorry." 
    "He's not sorry, he burned the thing in the fireplace."
    "Secrets Lex! Married couples know how to keep secrets!" Clark glared and you watched them bicker back and forth, lost. 
    "Can we not? As hot as it is, I'm too nauseous to join in on your makeup sex." That cut through the weird foreplay the duo had.
    "Get out." Lex tries but you ignore him as usual.
    "Here have some coffee!" Reaching for the tray Clark held onto it without strain. 
    It was a giant mug of black coffee, a small plate with an oversized croissant, little jars of jelly that was a mismatched set from various fancy hotels you knew Clark had a habit of stealing from, a bowl of yogurt topped with fruit and granola, a whole tomato, a cow shaped creamer, and a pig shaped cup with sausage sticking up. 
    "Remind me to never request breakfast in bed. You forgot silverware and cutting the dam tomato." Lex clapped his hands, "I'm off. Don't overstay your welcome and you're barred from all future events." And then he was gone. 
    "He does have a nice ass." You mumble into your coffee that was sweet and perfect. 
    "It makes up for his bad bedside manner." Then Clark is gone... and back with a spoon and knife, a knife he uses to cut your tomato. "There's a bedroom here for you." It's spoken softly and your eyes flick up to meet his then away, the croissant butter soft. "****?"
    "I'm sorry."
    Now you remember, quite convenient when there's a knife in arms reach, "You're not." Strawberry jelly smears heavily. It's flavorful and you chewed slowly, savoring the rich taste. A sip of coffee and a your slurp breaks the silence. 
    "I am. I shouldn't have said that."
    "You thought it and you spoke it. Simple logic."
    "You're a whore." You pick up a tomato slice, "You fucked all the girls you cheered with and you bottomed for half your fraternity." It tasted juicy, "Lois Lane wasn't your only fuck buddy at the paper and Green Lantern misses your dick something fierce." From your peripheral it was interesting how embarrassed his face colored.
    "Now Lex," you interrupt. "Lex is a slut but he's a slut with standards like myself. Dick pics help weed out the useless ya know." Sip, "Men - woman - don't care." Sip, "It helps when you get really lonely and you can leave. No strings, no questions." Sip, "If you speak to me that way again," your gaze meets his, "I won't need kryptonite to kill you." 
    "Refill please." You hand over your mug that's half filled and Clark takes it. Quietly he moves off the bed and walks out. 
    The tray is settled at your side and you manage to shuffle over to the edge and stand by the time he comes back. Meeting him part way you ignore the way his eyes rake over you, "I'm..."
    You were tired of apologies and hugged him. He was tall and you settled for wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tight, "Leave it."
    It's never brought up again.
    The formal gala was beautiful. Lights, cameras, ice sculptures, bottles of champagne flowed as did the money for the secret auction, so secret no one was aware there was an auction.
    At least that's what the news had said.
    Lounging on a couch with a tub of ice cream your face is covered in an organic green tea mask, your body has been massaged by a last-minute goddess with hands that deserved to be preserved in the Vatican vault, and your feet was resting on Clark's lap where the man was massaging your left foot with a hand as the other hand tossed Gummi bears.
    You were horrible at catching them with your mouth but the colorful bears decorated the carpet and sofa with a certain pizazz. Elevator doors opened and expensive loafers dragged, "Why are you still here?"
    Spoon dangling from your mouth you pull it out and point it at the tired man who was being rerun on the massive television. "Did you have fun at your party?"
    "That party brought millions to Saint Jude charity foundation."
    "Uhu... and how much really..."
    Lex dismissed you to turn to his husband, "Why is she still here."
    "I'm not putting her out, you can do that." It was said matter of factly with a hint of try it, go on, I dare you.
    Oh this was good, not as good as the ice cream but good.
    "****." You blink up at the tall bald-headed man, "Leave."
    "But the make-up sex."
    You think his eye is twitching, "There is no sex!"
    A pout twitches your lips and your spoon stabs at the ice cream, "But Dom Daddy Master sex is the best sex." Beside you Clark chokes on a gummy and Lex is a thundercloud as he steps closer and closer to you until he's close enough you can smell his cologne. "See," and you glance over at the coughing man who was thumping his chest, "That's hot. You're hot, we should...."
    "Shut up!" And you shut up, sitting back. "Your jokes are not appreciated. Pack your shit and run back to your Captain America. The epitome of all that's righteous and leave..." you snort and quickly cover your nose as ice cream somehow went up there. "Me and mine alone!"
    A napkin is passed to you, "Ignore him. He saw what's in the box and is not too happy right now."
    "Couldn't you have left it behind?" Wiping your nose you take in all that was Lex Luthor and processed what he said, "Why would I run back to that asshole?" Of course Lex had bared his teeth in a very animalistic way and stormed off so you turn to the quiet second half and said, "What was in the box?"
    "A dress." His face loses trace of all humor, "The accessories are a problem, my nose is quite good and you're not that type of person to..." Clark cuts off as Lex returns and all but flings the box at you and Clark catches it and settles it on your lap while taking away your ice cream. 
    You ignore the argument that's caused by that stunt and take in the dented and dirty box that was lopsided and the tissue paper that hung half out. Clark was right, there was a dress balled up on top and you pull it out... it was a familiar dress.
    Black, shiny, skin-tight, one side would cover down the length of your thigh while the other was cut in a way to barely cover your vagina. 
    You knew this dress.
    This was a similar dress you had in your closet from ages ago. It had been the dress you met Steve Rogers in when you had worked another undercover mission as a singer in an underground club. The lights on stage would make the material nearly sheer and showed off your curves and the nipple piercings you had gotten done for the gig. 
    Well... "He knows." Or at least presumes who you are but how? Dropping the dress to the side you go through the rest of the stuff and pull out a pair of killer heels in your size, "Nope." And drop them both atop the dress. Next was a scrap of fabric that took a moment of turning it here and there to realize it was panties, "What the fuck is this?"
    Clark looks pink while Lex scowls but answers, "Thong."
    "This," you shake it like it's flag. "Wouldn't cover an ass cheek. I have a fat ass... the strings would cut across my hips and make me look like a ham hung to dry." That too was dropped and you rummaged around the jewelery, the hair extension that sat wrapped, and an empty clutch. "Stockings? It's cold, these fucker really think I would waltz around and freeze my clit off?"
    "The point was to entice me, your target, or that idiot." Confused, you glance up at the taller man. "Your choker. There's a mechanism that releases a pheromone when you get close enough to your victim. It's potent, it's an ingenious way to get me to leave and hand me over to SHIELD or attract that asshole who was there, dressed to impress and also wearing a wrist watch that had the same scent, my intel says he was hoping to use it on you if you had arrived. Fucker doesn't realize all phone calls are tapped, that was a mistake."
    Rummaging through the box you find rings, bracelets, a pair of studs for nipples - which what the fuck - but no choker. Glancing over at Clark you said, "You said your nose. How does it smell?
    "Musky. I only know about it because HYDRA is interested so they tried to use bait, young bait, to entrap my husband in a scandal. It didn't work, girl scouts don't make penthouse calls at 1am. Thankfully I was home and tossed the girl in the closet before dealing with him."
    "I could have raped that girl." 
    "Lex, no." And Clark was off the couch and crowding his husband who leaned into the embrace with a miserable face and you felt upset. Box plopped on the oddly shaped coffee table you make your way around the duo and bare foot you walk to the elevator door that opens with a soft ping and step on, finger jabbing on the button to the ground floor.
    It was a short trip of quiet, you ignore the dried and cracked gunk that was on your face and stepped out into a lobby with its shiny floor and gold accents. 
    There weren't many people about at this hour except a janitor that was windexing a window and a concierge who stood once he caught sight of you. "Ma'am!"
    "Phone?" You gesture to the old-fashioned looking thing that sits behind the desk. You knew it was a thing installed by Lex that was as private as you could get, and one that no nosey AI could hack into. An alternative option in case he was too lazy to take an elevator to the top floor.
    "I'm sorry but..."
    "Great, thanks, sit and be a good boy as mummy handles something." The man is a stuttering mess as you reach over and take it, plopping it on the high ledge. 
    "Ma'am you can't!"
    Fingers presses into small holes and drag clockwise with each number. "Phone the penthouse, I'm sure Mr. Luthor would be ecstatic over us meeting."
    The concierge, who had his hand on separate phone and was calling security faltered, "Lex Luthor?"
    You smile, green tea dust falling, but before you can utter a comment the line picks up without a greeting, "Brucie poo, remember that favor you owe me? Well I'm collecting." 
    The concierge moves away to stand with the Janitor who had been quick to call him over and tell him to keep his eyes down. Which was for the best since you were walking around in flannel that was oversized, courtesy of Clark. Switching to a different language and lowering your tone you spoke with an unamused Bruce Wayne, while not friendly with Lex, had been highly upset over the use of children as pawns.
    You weren't surprised. 
    The elevator dings and you wave at Clark who jogged to you and you were quick to say your goodbyes, "Why didn't you tell me?" Frowning at the taller man.
    "You're not here, why would we tell you?" And that, that hurt.
    The elevator doors closed and you knew you needed to do something, time was wasting.
    Solid black, it matched the coal around your eyes and the contacts you had struggled to put on. Boots were comfortably strapped up to your knee and you waltzed across a manicured lawn. 
    The cameras were down.
    The dogs had been knocked out.
    Security had been scarce since a good portion had all come down with a mysterious stomach bug. You can't really protect your benefactor if you're shitting your intestines out. 
    Striding up the marble steps that led to a wrap around porch, you tried a door handle and found it locked. A laser took care of that, a nifty little thing you dropped on the ground and waltzed inside, smoke curling into the air from the burned brass and wood.
    Having had memorized the layout you strode to the kitchen, up a flight of stairs, down a hall, up another set of stairs, down another hall and to a bedroom door where you put yourself in a position that your com had instructed. Gun in hand you aim a degree left, swooped right, down center, each bullet piercing through the door and wall.
    Stopping only when your com had said so. 
    You open the door and lean against the door jamb, the bodies on the ground paving a way to a lone man pressed against the corner of a wall holding a gun.
    "Hello honey." He aims and pulls the trigger. The gun jams. "Poor baby," you stalk over. "Let mommy kiss it better."
    From a distance away Superman removes the com in his ear cutting off the scream of the HYDRA operative who had tried to set up his husband. 
    Maybe if your com hadn't been knocked off and landed in a puddle of blood you would have found yourself here, in a chair, at the SHIELD headquarters. 
    Great, just great.
    The chair was uncomfortable so you chose a nice corner to lay down, cross your ankles, and try for a nap. 
    You had gotten as much as you expected from Mr. HYDRA guy which was meh. Not enough info compared to what you had but if you were honest, you weren't there for intel.
    It was just a great excuse to inflict as much pain as you could and death. 
    You hated getting your hands dirty but... yea... getting caught on the back lawn with SHIELD agents storming up to you with guns and K9 was a weird experience. 
    "****." Confirmation that Steve had a really good guess you were you. Ugh. The door closed behind him with a thump and the man strode over. "You can cut the act, I know who you are."
    You sign WHO.
    "I thought you were dead." You yawn, "I knew it was you when I heard you laugh." He pauses as if he expects you to talk. "Superman knows who you are, how do you know him?" Quiet. "Answer me." He sighs, voice changing to one of concern, one you had believed was his true self. "I miss you."
    A hand lifts and you sign QUEEN.
    Middle finger, no two fingers, point in his direction.
    A hand grips your ankle and you're dragged from the wall, your other free foot hits the ground with a thump, you curl your toes - triggering a nifty backup - and out pops a short knife. Steve let's out a shout as you stabbed him in the leg, once, twice, and his arm that swings to stop you before the man let you go.
    Blood coated the ground and the super soldier stumbled back, "What the fuck ****!" The security that patted you down didn't take all your lovely toys. 
    Hopping to your feet you waved a finger at him and signed BAD BOY. The doors open and two men with guns enter, they try to get Steve to leave but he's a stubborn fuck, "Back off, I've had worse." 
    Just to fuck with him you sign, POISON.
    His eyes go wide and he stumbles out with the two guards and you're left alone once again.
    The fuckery begins when the vents turn off, it takes a while for the air to get stifling and hot but you don't remove your uniform and lay on the ground sweating through your material and the pungent stench of blood has you breathing through your mouth. 
    Stubborn to death you try to ignore the nausea that roils your stomach, a migraine forms at the back of your skull, and your mouth was dry and throat parched.
    Time churns and it's hard to focus so you keep your eyes closed but it does little to help. Maybe this was it? A smile quirks your chapped lips, at least you got to stab Steve, hopefully your knife was dirty and he got an infection.
    When did you close your eyes?
    Breathing was like choking on sand and you can hear the ragged sound of you inhaling deeply and sharply. A shadow hovered above you and you felt a tug and your body lifting before dropping. It's dizzying when your head lifts upwards but thankfully you're gently settled down
    "Shit's adhered to her skin." 
    Was someone talking? No, let you sleep. Closing your eyes you hate that you're jostled as your legs are lifted and plopped on someone's knee.
    "Get me water and ice, her legs up will help with blood flow to the heart."
    Cold seeps through your uniform and the lip of a bottle entices your tongue to move and swish by swish cool water washes away the sandpaper feel of your mouth.
    "Cut it off her." You recognize that voice.
    "The first layer was easy, this is adhered to her skin." Pause, "I've seen this before Captain. You'll rip her skin off, best to wait until she regains conscious and..."
    "She's not HYDRA."
    "But you said..."
    "I know what I said, now get out!" There's a scuffle and a slam. Hands are tugging at the edges where the suit left your skin exposed. Someone had removed your boots and gloves... a sharp tug of pain at your temple reminded you you're wearing a mask that showed off your eyes and your mouth once the second layer was pulled aside. 
    "God dammit." Steve growled, "Fine! We'll do this the hard way!"
    Your fingers curl and you try to move but your legs are heavy and a prickling sensation runs up and down. Move you tell yourself but you can't.
    "All I wanted was a simple yes or no." Something cold presses against your cheek, a pointed tip digging, trying to dig, beneath the seam of material and skin. "This is your fault ****." 
    Pain causes your back to arch and your right calf to seize, you choke on a scream trying to move away from the slice of the knife as it digs under your skin and not the material but Steve has a firm grip on your chin.
    Blood seeps out and there's a swear from the man and the knife is pulled out. He ignore your whimpers of pain to move a single hand down your body. Skimming over your breasts, sides, sternum, waist, and back up to your throat, "A little less pressure eh?" The blood stained tip pops through the layer, Steve needing to push harder as the material - as thin as it was - was strong.
    The knife carefully drags downward, blood seeping from between the black material, and stills just under your bust line where your waist cincher catches the blade. "Hmm." Cutting straight down, the blade knocking through fabric and the hooks.
    The suit material was adhered to your cincher leaving your stomach bare. His free hand settled on your too warm skin, fingers tracing over the indentations left from the boning and material. 
    He tries to tug at the material but your body shifts with it, "I'll get this thing off you even if I have to skin you."
    Shouting catches his attention but Steve ignores the sound of gunfire, secure in the knowledge he was locked in. The knife veers direction and he slices down the side towards him, gripping the cincher for leverage. 
    Mid thigh Steve is startled when the door to the room flies across the room, knife jerking and slicing deep causing you to cry out, a pitiful cry. "Fuck!" Steve scrambles to cover the wound with his large hand but it does little to stop the blood.
    A hand grips into the back of his neck and tosses him as if he were a rag doll. He hits the wall leaving a crumbling indentation in the concrete. Shaking it off, Steve is prepared for a fight but once the disorientation is shaken off he manages to catch a glimpse of red before realizing he's alone.
    You're gone.
    The bandage on your face and the butterfly band-aid running down your body to yet another oversized bandage at your thigh made it look as if it was bad. "I'm fine." A nurse stands idly to the side and you glance at her, "Tell him I'm fine."
    The him was Clark who was trying to take your temperature for the fifth time in the span of an hour. "You're not fine!" He also sends a look to the nurse who looks on amused, "Tell her she's not fine, a high fever is a sign of infection, God know what germs that cell had."
    "It was a clean cell." You try but Clark takes the opportunity to plop the thermometer into your mouth and you roll it under your tongue. 
    "It went up a degree!" 
    "For fucks sake. Lex!" You yell the other mans name.
    The phone rings at your bedside and you pick it up and hand it Clark who scowls. "Yes Dear." 
    The nurse tip toes closer to fluff your pillows as you settle back. The past few days a whirl wind of adventure. Between SHIELD putting out a warrant for you - both your identities - and fighting with Lex that no he shouldn't call a war against the organization and that you had a plan. Of course bumming it at the Luthor's meant you had a lovely nurse and a personal chef.
    The high life.
    "The husband requests I should leave you alone less I suffer a dry spell." He side eyes you and you hold a hand out to him which he takes and crawls beside you, careful of your body under the sheets. The nurse leaves and the two of you are left alone. "I was so scared. Seeing you there... bleeding..."
    "Me too." You admit, "I shouldn't be surprised but I am. Steve... that's not my Steve."
    His arm pulls you closer, dragging you off your pillow and into his arms. "He was never yours." It hurt but it was the truth. He gently brushes away your tears - it's not fair you still cried for this man - and gently turns your head so you can gaze at him, his touch soft as it hovers above your bandage. "Give us a chance ****."
    "Clark..." your eyes burn with more tears, afraid, you're so afraid. "I can't."
    "He could have killed you and yet he still holds a place in your heart."
    What? "No."
    "He's still there, he lived everyday content with another woman while you were left alone and bitter. Everything you've done to get to this point was because of him. He's still there, in your heart, a parasite, keeping you from moving on and taking a risk." You're  quiet and his normally stoic self turns frustrated and says, "The asshole stabbed you, doesn't he deserve to suffer?"
    "Yes. He deserves to suffer." The anger surged and you used your arm to prop yourself up, "Steve humiliated me. They all knew, fucking knew, and... I still have the fucking dress." Clark frowned, "How could he do that to me, why Clark. Why?"
    "Because he can." You flop back on the mattress and cover your eyes with the heels of your hand and will the hurt to die and your tears to dry. "He's  heartless but you're not."
    "No. He never cared ****, he used you while Sharon was away. If it wasn't for the other asshole, Steve would have dumped you at the alter or killed you off and you know that's true. Look what he did to you, you don't think he would have that spy take you out?"
    "No." You choke out and you sniff before a grin curls your lips. "He would have done it."
    "Or the..."
    "No." Sniff, "I hacked his journal. He was going to cause a car accident." Clark went stiff and in the distance you hear a crash, a slam of a door, and you glare at Clark, "You didn't hang up the phone!" It wasn't a question because a moment later the door to your bedroom swings in and the very tall, very angry shadow of Lex Luthor fills the doorway. 
    "****." It was your full name. Your full legal name and you went absolutely still. 
    "Babe..." Clark tries but Lex is a storm cloud as he saunters forward and ignores the pet name only his husband was allowed. 
    "Are you soft in the head?" Lex loomed over you and for the first time you were scared of him. 
    "Car accident? You knew he was planning on killing you and you still did nothing." The man didn't have to shout but each word was laced with venom that had your heart skip a beat.
    "Swallowing a bottle of pills isn't what you do when someone plans to murder you." Oh shit, "Jumping head first into missions without backup or extra ammo is not the way one plots revenge." Fuck. "Running off and putting yourself in suicidal situations does nothing but get you killed!"
    "I know."
    "Then why must you be so stupid!"
    "Because I needed to feel something!" You shout, it hurts to sit up but you scramble to do so as Clark assists. "I was stupid, is that what you want to hear? How stupid I was to believe that someone  could love me? Me? That someone would want me for something other than sex? That I was beautiful? Smart? That I was more? Stupid of me to think that a person could think I was worth a commitment and kids and a last name, a home, I was stupid to think I was worth a home, someone who can... can love me..."  it was hard to breath and see as the old hurt rear its ugly head and you can't be strong, dropping your head, spine hunching you press your hands against your eyes, the pressure easing the headache that was throbbed steadily. 
    "Lex, ease off." Clark rubs circles on your back.
    "No. She needs to deal with this and not wallow in self pity."
    Sniffing up the snot you wipe your nose and say, "It's not wallowing. I'm not a victim, read the definition asshole."
    "Of course you're not love but crying doesn't get back at someone who wants to cut your break cords."
    Sniff, "Drunk driver." Your eyes itch and you rub them again, "A t-bone."
Clark takes in your red eyes and the flush to your face before looking up to his husband, "Kill him."
    "Already on it." Lex says matter of factly. 
    Again you say, "No. Death is too good." 
    Lex sighed, he was ready to snap at you again. "He's enhanced. What's your plan? You can't get close to him like before."
    "He's a conservative man, his reputation is everything to him." You say, "I got a plan to get SHIELD off my back and I'll make public his journals and porn crap."
    Lex frowns, "No maiming? Missing limbs?"
    You shake your head, "No. There's some heavy shit in those journals and secrets about the team. I'll black out the intel from missions but Steve gets off on knowing that the world sees him as this perfect man. A God amongst mortals. He won't know how to deal with it."
    "Alright, ok, we can work with that." Hands continued rubbing circles on your back, "Can I punch him at least?"
    "You're getting your hands dirty?" Surprised, Lex glanced down at you, "Guess he loves you more than me." In response Clark lugged a pillow at him.
    "Punch him twice. One for me and one for you." It comes from you.
    "Break his leg for me." Lex sends you a look but you don't say a word, "Payment for the stitches."
    "Mhm." You'd probably scar too. "Break both legs." You rub at your thigh where it itched.
    "I smell blood." Clark leans over and moves the blanket aside and patches of red bloom on your bandage, your shorts hiked up to V of your thighs. "Lex, get the nurse. You might have popped a stitch."
    "It's ok, I'm ok."
    "No, you're not." 
    The nurse comes in with a first aid bag and your bandage is removed showing that yes, you popped a stitch. It doesn't take long to fix it but you do lean into Clark for comfort. 
    SHIIELD's system is down.
    Their backup of a backup doesn't work, nothing works. Cards danced on the screens, Queens of spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs bounce up and down, left to right, in no specific direction. 
    They all know whose calling card halted all communications and in a solo room where a group of people who had complete access to everything were privy to a badly drawn cartoon of a queen of hearts card threatening to release sensitive information to earth and Google Earth images of all their safe house locations including their own. 
    Less than a day later SHIELD pulled all their warrants and people in the search of you. 
    An email was immediately sent with your resignation and quickly after that a website was made public with Captain America Secrets on full view and no A.I. or hacker could tear it down. 
    Not with the insane amount of protection you encased it in. Still, you had fail safes in case it was taken down plus the internet where nothing died was quick to copy and paste and you sat back in your hello kitty onsie as the world burned Steve Rogers and the Avengers.
    Tony's PR team was quick to claim it was a hoax and the others had denied all allegations against their own humiliation but you had finally let it go. 
    You had to.
    Looking up as a set of floor to ceiling windows slid open and you watched as Superman flew in and landed. His hair was in disarray, a portion of his suit was torn and blood was splattered on his cheek, not his blood you're sure. "Had fun?"
    A grin is tossed your way and the papers on the coffee table ruffled as the man sped to you and was right there, making your eyes cross. "Beautiful. Perfect. Brilliant. Patient. Crazy. Lovely."
    "Clark, heros say no to drugs." You interrupt his rambling.
    "I'm sober."
    "Sugar?" There's seconds, time for you to turn your head as Clark leans in, but you hold your breadth as he kisses you. A soft and gentle pressure and it's so sweet.
    "Let me love you ****." his brows press against yours, "Let us love you. Give us a chance."
    Just no.
    You don't need the extra heartache.
    "Okay." It slips out and you can't take it back. Do you want to take it back? 
    Clark's face is one of excitement and his eyes shine with something that you've seen before, when he looks at his husband and you were a sucker for pain. You can't take it back, "You won't regret it I promise." And with that Clark picks you up and you hold on. 
    "I'm not having sex so you can put me down." You kick your legs because you're almost sure you wouldn't.
    "Oh I know." He walks confidently to the still open window, "We need Lex for that. He has a sturdy desk and sound proof office."
    And he jumps, flying off in the direction of his husband's company. It would be a pleasant surprise but at least he was right, that desk was sturdy. 
I can't write sex scenes so there you go. Use your imagination. I picture a spit roast scenario and a very slippery desk.
 I can confirm that Superman kicked Steve's ass, broke his legs - twice - and punched 3 times. Which is why Clark arrived looking disheveled. Also Steve did give as good as he got but Superman is a pretty boy with hopefully good dick (for you the readers sake ;)
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imaginesmai · 4 years
Mob!Tom Holland - Fawn (10)
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I know this was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I have just finished it! This is coming to an end, there will be one or two chapters more plus the epilogue. Hope you enjoy it!
This is inspired by  Don’t play with fire , @peaceisadirtyword​. It’s an amazing Ivar fic, take a look if you have time! Previous parts  in the general summary. Click here to read the previous parts! 
Plot: the Holland’s house has been your home for more than a month. And if you thought things couldn’t get better, a game night is going to prove you wrong.
You weren’t sure what your dream was about anymore, just that it didn’t include anything wet or sticky touching your left upper arm. The feeling was too real to allow you stay in dreamland, so you willed yourself out of the foggy state of mind that came in the mornings. Whatever was touching you kept doing it even when you tried to bat it away with a lazy hand, only becoming more persistent.
Finally, you opened one eye and were met with the blue staffy that had become a part of your life for the last month and a half. Tessa seemed to know you were awake finally, and she propped up in the bed and rubbed her head against your side.
“You’re so annoying” you mumbled, but raised your hand to pet her head anyway. She let out a small bark and started moving her tail, happy to have attention.
You risked a glance at the clock on the nightstand, but you already knew it was too early. The red numbers blinked, showing you that 6:45 that had become a ritual since you moved to Tom’s house. Still, you couldn’t be mad at Tessa, who had probably waited outside the door until the sun was up.
The dog was the most benefited in the Holland’s house from your stay there, because that meant there was someone in the mornings that could pay attention to her. Tom and the twins, having already learnt the hard way that she liked to sneak into their bedrooms, locked their doors when they returned from the club. And you would have done it too, but after doing it once and discovering her sitting miserably behind it, you decided it didn’t hurt so much.
“Have you slept good?” you smiled when she turned her head to look at you. “Mh, I guess there hadn’t been any squirrels to chase away tonight”
Patting her in the back, she leaped out of your bed and skipped towards the door, waiting for you. While you got changed and made the bed, you thought about how your life had changed since you told Tom about Richard.
It wasn’t a topic that was brought up often in the house, but no one could ignore how you lived there since. Tom hadn’t done anything, or at least that was what he told you, after you had made him promise that you would let it that way. If not, you were afraid Richard would do something to hurt the Hollands. So, in exchange, Tom made you promise that you would stay with him at least for a week; then, when everything was calmer, you would talk about going back to your house.
Only that a week turned into two, and now you were reaching month and a half and you hadn’t returned. Harry took you to your work place or your drove yourself, then Tom picked you up and you had dinner with the whole family, between harmless pranks and laughs. Sam was slowly accepting your presence there, and even Elysia had smiled at you. You didn’t have to walk on eggshells and prove anything to them, and you were happier than ever.
But without any doubt, the best part of it were the special mornings like that one.
“Hey” you announced yourself when you walked into the kitchen, your stomach doing backflips at the sight. “What are you doing up so early?”
Tom looked up at your voice and gave you a sleepy smile behind his cup, before sipping on it. He was sitting in the kitchen counter, with a mysterious mug and some eggs. There were some papers on the desk; another thing you had learnt, that even if they were none of your business, no one would yell at you for looking at some papers. Tessa traded you for him and ran towards Tom, attracted by the smell of food.
“I have some stuff to take care of” Tom explained, yawning. “I haven’t slept anything, coffee is the only thing running through my veins”
“That can’t be too healthy” you chuckled, reaching for your own mug, that Tom had given you to cheer you the second day after moving, and that had a Bambi draw in the middle. “And the twins?”
“Harry is out there whoring himself with Lisa, and I know better than to wake up Sam in the mornings” Tom placed his hand on Tessa’s head and gave her a carrot that you hadn’t seen before. “Tessa woke you?”
“I have to present a project today, so I would have woken up at seven anyway” you shuddered, serving yourself coffee.
“You’re too good on her, fawn. I give you two weeks more before you start locking the door”
You rolled your eyes and sat beside him, ignoring all the free seats, and choosing the one on his right. You would have felt anxious about your decision before, but Tom had made it clear that he liked having you close. He even wrapped his arm around you waist and, gripping the stool, pulled you closer.
A plate with some scrambled eggs, two pieces of bacon and some carrots appeared in front of you. You turned to look at Tom, who had a small smirk while feeding Tessa under the desk.
“You made me breakfast?”
“Figured I could treat you since I was up already” he shrugged, his attempt to sound as if it was nothing not matching his reddened cheeks.
Chuckling, you leaned towards him and kissed his cheek. Affection was a topic you had worked exhaustively with Tom. You weren’t sure if it was because you finally had met someone who treated you right, because now that you weren’t with Richard you could finally be more open with him, or because the constant teasing from Lisa. Either way, you kissing Tom’s cheek or him pulling you close when you were sitting on the sofa was something normal.
Both of you thought about the nearly-kiss of the changing room, that felt like ages ago. And sometimes, you would find yourself inches away from his lips, almost kissing him; but then something or someone would interrupt you and there went another moment with him.
The scene was so casual that felt like home. You and Tom ate your breakfast with the occasional conversation, about the things he had to do and your work. He told you about his intention to start investing in a line of restaurants with Dom and Sam, and that he needed to find some decent locals.
Tom offered to take you to your workplace when you finished, and you didn’t pass an opportunity to spend more time with him.
“We’re doing another game night, but just us, Harrison and Twain” he explained as he drove through the city. Watching him drive, concentrated and with his jaw clenched, was one of your favourite things to do.
“There is not club?”
“Closed for maintenance” Tom sneaked a glance at you, and smiled. “That, and I wanted a family night, you know? It’s been too long since I beat you at something”
“I hope you’re prepared to take that back”
Tom chuckled as you punched him jokingly on his upper arm. Then, for a second, turned to look at you with a silly smile, and you were sure you could risk a car accident if it meant crashing into him and whipping his smile with a kiss. Instead of putting at risk the whole street, you poked your tongue at him.
It was a simple game – something Tom had gotten from his Mexican friend on his last deal, and you hadn’t expected it to be a bingo. Sure, it was in Spanish and it was a bit differed from the numbered cardboards, but still you thought you had it handled when Harry had started giving out the cards.
You hadn’t been paying much attention, because Tom was sitting beside you and you two were in your own world, completely ignoring the twins in favour of the curly haired boy. That was why you probably missed Harry messing with the cards so that your words were the hardest to guess; and while you counted with the occasional help from Tom, who sneaked a hand to point to the correct pic every now and then, you were losing.
The dynamic was simple; you have a card with a bunch of pics, and just as in bingo, someone takes another card, a word, from a bowl. Not only you have to pay attention to win, but you also have to have a minimal knowledge in Spanish. Which, you didn’t have.
“La dama” Sam announced, and you ran to look to a girl with a dress. To make the game a little more thrilling, you had four cardboards each one. You covered with a red circle the lady with the blue dress.
“Is it a girl? Or a boy?” Harry asked, looking briefly to the small timer that signalled eight seconds for every word.
“It’s the shoe” Harrison said without looking up.
“Loteria!” Harry screamed, looking at his finished cardboard and raising his hands in the air.
Indeed, Harry put the red circle on it and you had to swallow down a smile when you saw his proud smirk. Tom, whose arm was around your waist, didn’t hold back when the timer hit zero, and let out a loud laugh. The boys laughed behind him and Harry just looked at them, not sure why they were laughing and not mad at him winning. As his last resource, he looked at you with furrowed brows.
“It was the girl, Harry” you told him, watching as his face fell. “You know what happens now…”
Harrison, Twain and Sam threw themselves at Harry while he tried to cover the carboard from prying hands. There had been a rule from the begging; if you got a word wrong, you had to take all your red circles from your cardboard and start again. It was the second time that happened to Harry, who kept screaming that Harrison had cheated while his tokens fell to the ground one by one.
The game, that had seemed simple at the beginning, had turned out to be pure gold. When you played with the boys, everything turned out to be funny. You had been playing for a few hours, and the clock had tickled midnight already. It was way past midnight already, and you felt the exhaustion from your work day creeping out on you. Instead of going to bed like anyone would have done, you didn’t resist the urge of leaning to the side.
Since you were sitting in a couch and playing in the coffee table, Tom and you didn’t have any barriers in between. You landed on his side and the mob leader nuzzled his head against your neck, pressing there his lips as if it was the normal thing to do. His arm, that was around your waist, pulled you closer to his side, and you almost closed your eyes.
The boys kept arguing in the background until you almost dozed off, and Tom talked.
“Y/N and I are going to bed while you guys kill each other” Tom announced as he pushed himself up and offered you a hand. “Don’t stain the carpet with –“
Tom was interrupted by a loud crash when Harry’s chair fell to the ground, followed by three bodies and his carboard. Before any of them could include you into an argument about the game, Tom leaded you by your hand to the shared hallway, where the lights were still out. Tessa looked up at you when you passed through her bed, but didn’t make any attempt to follow you. She dropped her head back and closed her eyes.
The hallway was far away from the living room so that you couldn’t hear them, and when you closed the door, you could have forgotten there were more people in the house.
You walked hand in hand through the wide space, not saying anything but not tearing apart. Even if there was enough space for you to fit, you two where pressed together. Your room came first, and he was the one stopping. Tom didn’t keep walking though, just leaned against the wall next to the door and smiled.
“I could get used to this” he said, looking at you in the dark.
“To playing to La Loteria?” you asked and chuckled. “It was fun, yeah”
“It wasn’t bad” he shrugged. “But I was talking more about you sitting in your pyjamas in the couch and leaning against me”
When Tom had offered you going to his house for the first one, there had been a confession that had stayed unspoken, and you had liked it that way. No matter how many times he assured you that he wasn’t angry because what had happened with Richard, or Sam had joked in the kitchen while making lunch with you. You still felt an outsider, and you weren’t sure if you were the best for Tom.
Your feelings, however, worked on their own. Whenever Tom said something like that them started doing mortal jumps on your chest, screaming so loud that you forgot any other rational thoughts you could have had. And that night was no different, in front of the door of your room with slippers and pyjamas.
“I was thinking” he talked again, and shifted without letting go of your hand. “We could – make this official”
“W-what?” you tried to think what he was talking about; because he was referring to you acting according to your feelings, you were ready to run downstairs again.
“The moving thing” Tom tried to look into your eyes for any kind of affirmation. “You know, bringing more stuff of your house here. Maybe buying a few nice things for your room. Do… you want that?”
Would you like waking up in the house as Tom every day, without wondering at night when was the appropriate time to leave? Or if you would like to participate in the game nights as a family and have him as close to you as possible? Both answers were positive, you were sure. You didn’t feel like that rented house with so many bad memories was ‘home’ anymore.
“What about Richard?’” you asked instead of just nodding.
“What about – what?” Tom’s grip weakened. “What’s with him?”
“I mean, wouldn’t we, like – I mean, me… call his attention? I haven’t been, there. He could be –“
“That man isn’t going to breath the same air you’re for a long time, fawn”
You gave him some kind of grimace that intended to be a smile. You had heard about the police’s chief – that had been mysteriously dismissed to a patrolling agent and had appeared beaten to a pulp a week after the incident, when you had broken down to Tom about all you had kept inside.
“So?” Tom pressed anxiously. “Will you? Because if you say no, I’m not kicking you out or anything. I just – I really like you being here, so I want to make things official”
“I really like being here” you assured him. “So I guess, that makes the guest bedroom my door?”
“And it gives you the right to lock it and avoid Tessa’s love in the mornings”
You chuckled and fell into a comfortable silence. Even though they were just a few belongings, it felt like a huge step, no matter that you had been living there for more than a month. Someone yelled from the living room and you wondered if they even knew you weren’t there anymore. You hadn’t missed the accomplice looks in the boys and Tom whenever you two were together; so probably, if they knew, they didn’t care.
The thing about the hallway was that it was usually fully dark. There were two big windows that lighted it up in the day, and let the moon past at night. But it was moonless night, and you were too busy fangirling over what changes would there be in you living there to notice Tom leaning in. When you looked up, his face was inches away from you.
So close, that your noses touched. You looked into his eyes and blushed at how intense they were, the beautiful warm brown that had amazed you from the first day. Your hands, still linked, didn’t move when Tom turned his head a little so that your noses didn’t touch anymore, but your lips did.
It was so different of what you had met with Richard that you wondered if you had ever kissed him right. Tom was gentle against you, moving them slowly and just letting you know that it was not about anything else but love and care. What you had imagined about discovering one day a little scar on his bottom lip went out of the window, his lips being soft. He tasted like peach, because of the lip balm that he used.
Your hand, that had been dangling on your side, moved on its own accord to the back of his neck and his pulled you closer from your waist. As you melted against him, you thought that, for once, your inner voice was right from the beginning.
Tom Holland wasn’t someone you could forget so easily.
Want to know more about me? Here is my Masterlist! Feedback is always appreciated!!
Tom Holland/ Peter Parker taglist:
@gypsystuf​​​​ (since you didn’t answer me, I just put you on the general taglist. Let me know if you want to change!)
Tom Holland Fawn taglist:
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marvels-writings · 4 years
Hi! I had an idea for a Carol x R mini series. R has known Carol for 10+ yrs-Carol came back to Earth briefly after leaving to help the skrulls. R has powers, 1 of which slows her aging. A strong connection when they met but both had other obligations. R misses Carol and decides to write letters to her (including pics): everyday life, the Avengers, changes on Earth, adventures/interests, how much she misses Carol etc. The snap-R dusted, Carol finds R's letters to her/determined to get R back.
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Letters to Space (1)
Series Masterlist
Carol Danvers Masterlist
A/N: if anyone has a better idea for a title PLEASE drop something in my ask box or sm (and i spent half an hour on the collage, thoughts?)
1 month ago
“Promise me you’ll come back to me?” You pleaded softly, touching your forehead to Carol’s outside Maria’s home. You hadn’t known Carol for that long, but something just clicked when the two of you met, it just made you want to be with her all the time. 
Everyone had just got done sorting out the problem with the skrulls, Carol was about to go help them, you were a recruit for SHIELD and somehow managed to tag along with Fury and everyone else. 
The only reason you were with SHIELD was because of HYDRA’s experiments on you, thanks to them, you could create fire from your hands, had super strength, slowed aging, and a lot more agility than most other humans, it also turned you into a fireball. 
“I promise y/n.” Carol answered softly, holding your hands and gently squeezing. You quickly tore your hands away from hers and wrapped them around her neck in a tight hug, Carol’s eyes glistened with unshed tears as she wrapped her hands around your waist in return, squeezing tightly before letting go and flying off. 
You smiled softly and sighed before heading back into the house, seeing Fury fidget with the pager and talking to him about some protector initiative he was planning to set up, he wanted you to help him, you agreed, it might help use up your time away from being tested on. 
2 weeks ago: 
“Who’s there?” You asked sleepily, walking to the door of your apartment in your pajamas while using a towel to dry off your hair. The water dripped onto your sweatshirt, you sighed and quickly tied the string on your grey sweatpants before standing in front of the door. 
“It’s me.” A voice called out behind the door, the voice was distinct, it was definitely Carol. 
You opened the door with a huge grin on your face, towel still in your hand. Carol looked at you, matching your grin, you pounced at her, hugging her softly then pulling away, a grin still on your face. 
“You’re back quickly.” You said excitedly, pulling away but bringing Carol inside by taking her wrist gently. You used your other hand to continue drying your hair. 
Carol gulped, even though you were in casual clothing, your wet hair just made you look gorgeous. 
“I had orders.” Carol joked, standing slightly uncomfortably on the edge of the counter, you noticed how uncomfortable she was and shrugged, it was a weekend, you didn’t have work. 
“The shower is down the hall on the left, there should be some hot water left, I’ll drop off some clean clothes outside.” You instructed, Carol was a bit taken aback by how quickly you welcomed her into your home. 
“I’ll make something to eat, any preferences?” You asked, switching on the coffee machine and leaning back against the counter next to it. 
“Something sweet, I’m sick of space food.” Carol answered, “Thank you for this by the way.” Carol said, gesturing vaguely to the shower and everything else. 
“Yeah of course.” You answered, smiling and putting the wet towel next to the coffee machine. “Now go shower, you’re stinky.” Carol laughed and headed where you had told her. 
You went to your room, took out a navy blue crew neck sweatshirt, some black leggings and a few other things before setting them outside the door, yelling to Carol that they were there before heading to your kitchen, switching on some music and you started making chocolate chip pancakes. 
Carol stepped outside after taking a shower, wrapped up in one of your spare towels and hair dripping onto it. She tripped over the pile of clothes you’d set out for her before yelling a quick thank you and changing inside, she heard your laugh and then whatever music you were playing. 
She smiled to herself while changing, she loved this, the act of just being human, instead of some great hero. With everyone else she had to be a hero, someone who would always do the right thing no matter what. With you, all of that faded and she was human again, she was able to enjoy the day to day pleasures everyone else takes for granted. 
Carol grinned at the thought and stepped outside, relaxed music and the smell of fresh coffee and pancakes filling her senses. She walked over to the kitchen, spreading her arms and looking at you.
“How do I look?” She asked timidly, you turned your head while pouring the batter onto the pan and gave her a quick glance before turning back to your task. 
“Why does everyone look better in my clothes than I do?” You joked, finishing pouring the batter and turning around, hastily wiping the pancake mix off of your face before looking at Carol, she actually did look much better than you in those sweatpants and sweatshirt. 
“There’s coffee and a table, make yourself at home.” You offered cheerily, turning around only for the gas to go off. “Dammit not this again.”
 The room started smelling of gas, Carol quickly opened a window to let the smell out and turning around just in time to see you use your finger as a lighter for the gas, it flamed up instantly and Carol frowned, she didn’t know you had powers, all she knew was that you were a good fighter. 
“You’re a matchstick?” Carol asked curiously, pouring herself a mug of coffee from your fresh coffee pot. 
“Very funny,” You mocked, the topic was still a bit sensitive even though it was many years in the past. “It’s a long story but I have fire powers and enough strength to beat Captain America in an arm wrestle.” You explained while carefully flipping a pancake. 
“Well we have time, as far as I know.” Carol commented, sitting down on one of your barstools in front of the counter, resting fer faeon her elbow as she observed you make food. 
You sighed, putting 3 pancakes on a plate and pouring maple syrup in a small pourer and giving it to Carol, turning back to make some for yourself. 
“Well, when I was 7, I moved to California from (place of origin),” You started explaining. “Then when I was 14, I moved to Ireland because of my dad’s job, not the best I’ve had but far from the worst. Then one day, for work experience for my school, I took an internship at some new science facility.”
You inhaled sharply as memories rushed into your head, gently flipping the pancakes still. 
“The science facility ended up being HYDRA, they experimented on me, gave me these powers” You lifted your hands, turning around as small red and orange wisps emanated from them, watching Carol’s eyes widen before turning back to the stove.
“Moved me back to California because they had a better HQ, then their facility got taken down by SHIELD. SHIELD found out about my powers and recruited me, now, almost 10 years later, I’m still working for them.” You put the pancakes on a plate, hand shaking as you pour maple syrup onto them. 
“Trying to prevent that from happening to anybody else.” You muttered, walking to sit beside Carol, putting on a fake smile to pretend everything was still okay.
“And your family?” She asked, putting some pancake into her mouth. 
“Oh, I still visit my parents in Ireland, the rest of my family in (place of origin)” You answered, starting to eat with still shaky hands. “I actually just got back from (place of origin) after visiting my family when all of this outer space shit happened.”
“I’m so sorry.” Carol said softly, resting one hand on your free one, wincing when she saw you flinch at the simple action. You scooped food onto your spoon and ate it, looking into the distance. 
“Not your fault,” You answered with your mouth half full, you chewed and swallowed before continuing. “It’s in the past anyway, what about you?” You asked, changing the topic. Carol took her hand from yours before answering. 
“I think you already know,” Carol said quietly, you did know, you just needed to change the topic. “I need to tell you something.” Carol stated, you turned to her after putting another bite into your mouth. 
“I’m gonna be gone for longer this time, we just found a planet and I need to defend it.” Carol stated weakly, looking down at her feet. Anxiety bubbled in her chest the longer you didn’t answer, she heard a large gulp and looked up. 
“Sorry I was chewing.” You said, Carol couldn’t help but chuckle despite the situation. “But hey thanks for flying across galaxies to visit me.” You joked, a bit sad she was going but you knew it was for a good reason. 
“You’re not mad?” Carol asked timidly, still surprised you weren’t. 
“Two, well, three things,” You stated, lifting up three fingers then gesturing to your index finger with your other hand. 
“First, I can’t possible be mad at you for helping an entire alien race find a home,” You gestured to the other finger before continuing. “Second, I’m just happy you came to visit me to eat pancakes and shower.”
“I didn’t just come to eat pancakes and shower.” carol laughed, you were honestly taking this really well. 
“Third, I’m not your girlfriend that I’m gonna get mad at you for not spending enough time with me.” You and Carol both froze slightly at that statement, you ignored it and finished your food, putting your plate in the dishwasher. 
“True.” Carol admitted, not saying anything else as she followed the actions you made. 
“Well, since you’re not gonna be staying long, let’s make the best of what we have, right?” You asked, starting to do the dishes. 
“Definitely.” Carol answered, walking over to help you with the dishes, you grinned and flicked soapy water in her face, she laughed and did the same to you. 
You were incredibly bored as you sat in the Avengers compound, you decided to add another letter to your shoebox. The small box was already almost overflowing with letters you had written to Carol. Her visits to Earth had grown more sporadic, the two of you talked once in a week, sometimes even once in a month through holograms.
Carol hadn’t seen you physically in almost a year, it was tearing her apart, she didn’t know about the shoebox, and you’d like to keep it that way. You sighed, you missed her a lot, you had developed feelings for her in Carol’s last few visits, you kept them to yourself, scared to lose your friendship. 
You wrote another letter, filled it with some pictures you’d taken with the camera Carol had gifted you on one of her visits. 
There were maybe 50 letters in the box, all of them filled with normal things, a coffee bean, one of your favorite pens, some art, some army patches you’d found in Cap’s things. It was filled with everything you’d done while she was gone. 
You wished she was here more than ever, after the civil war, you hadn’t talked to cap, wanda, vision and even Nat for a few months. They were the only family you had and now they were gone. You often visited Tony and Pepper, but it wasn’t the same. You wrote another letter to her. 
This letter was you wanted her with you, it was simple, exactly like a confession but on a letter. Halfway through, you got a call from your phone, it was from Rhodey, you picked it up to find out everyone was back in the other room of the compound, you shoved the half done letter to finish it later. 
Later wouldn’t be for a while now. 
Tag list: @capcarolsdanver, @versdan, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught, @lovebotlarson, @dhengkt, @5aftermidnight, @hstoria, @natasha-danvers, @veryfunnyal,@xxxtwilightaxelxxx , let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
A/N: Sorry to leave on a sad note but it will get better, and angstier but generally better too!
| Part 2 | 
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James & Ava
James: [let's say he puts up an insta of those bubs playing with those torts for her to see] Ava: 🥰 So happy they like 'em, I would've tried to get a real one but they were not fitting in the hand-luggage and apparently that's illegal 🤷 James: [ages later like] James: picking you up from A&E is one thing, a holding cell is quite another Ava: I understand, there's fast and then there's that Ava: thank GOD my Dad will front my bail 😏 James: & your brother's practically a lawyer so there's that Ava: If it weren't him I'd raise questions about having a 'basically' lawyer take my case but yeah Ava: do the torts have names yet? Ava: keep me posted tah James: they do James: Clover & Dandy Ava: 👏 Ava: very creative, very cute Ava: must take after you James: Matty's suggestions were all rejected for being too confusing, which in my opinion was slightly brutal of Jay, but I do also see her point Ava: 😂 Ava: They can have some confusing but adorable nicknames Ava: I couldn't say either my brother or sister's names for the longest time Ava: stuck being 'Uster and 'Ancy James: & yet if the roles were reversed they'd have had such an easy time James: yet more evidence you're a 😇 Ava: and very easy to spell when I got to School, thanks mum and dad Ava: you were alright, 'til it gets to your surname, bit unfair that James: I used to just do a J James: ironic now but I didn't like writing much when I was younger James: added the a & y later when everyone started calling me it Ava: It must've been something, to get to pass that on James: she did it without asking me James: but I know she could have fared a lot worse Ava: Oh, really Ava: I guess that's a thoughtful gesture on her part James: from an outsiders perspective, yes, but I understand why she actually did it Ava: Why? James: because she wanted me to step up & it was the most obvious way there is to say that she's mine & I had to Ava: Ah, that makes sense Ava: in that case, thoughtful as in well thought out but not beyond that Ava: she took your name from you that's James: I'm happy for Jay to have it now though, she'd hate a 'girly' name James: I would have had to find a nickname she could bear to be called in that instance Ava: Yes, at least she's the one who actually has the name, that's never gonna feel bad James: I don't remember where Matilda's came from, we were barely speaking then James: so that does feel worse Ava: at least there's an excellent book and character waiting James: very true James: & she had terrible parents Ava: You won't be getting a hat glued to your head any time soon James: today I won't, we've all learned so many 🐢 facts Ava: Go for esio trot first James: I will, I haven't read it before James: thank you, Ava Ava: You'll like it, and for Roald Dahl, it's pretty sweet Ava: no bad ideas before bed time, like James: does it have a happy ending? Ava: It does Ava: for humans and 🐢 alike James: I've missed you Ava: I've missed you Ava: Obviously couldn't commit the cliche of meeting me off the plane, but when can I see you? James: what are you doing tomorrow? Ava: Avoiding unpacking Ava: I think I've got a brunch date but beyond that, I'm free James: my dad is out of the office all day if you'd like to come & visit me Ava: I'd like that a lot Ava: I definitely will Ava: that'll be okay, right James: she's not going to also decide to visit me James: or talk to anyone that could see you doing so Ava: okay good Ava: Obviously you've thought it through but got a 😇 rep to protect James: I'll never be reckless when your halo is at stake, I assure you James: it's very important to me Ava: What about my 😈 Ava: You can do something about them too, yeah? James: absolutely James: those horns need to stay sharp, of course Ava: God you're hot James Ava: I've missed you so much you have no idea because I lack the words to explain it in any way that would convey just how hard it's been being so far away from you Ava: but I am very much ready to show you tomorrow Ava: and I'm not just talking about the holiday snaps that were not suitable for public display James: It's vital that the protagonist of my 1st novel is very multifaceted 😇 & 😈 which is why I wouldn't write it about just anyone James: I'll show you tomorrow, why it has to be you Ava: I'm so glad that it's me Ava: fuck James: I've lost hours thinking about the tan lines you potentially do or don't have, I'm very invested Ava: I have a strict no spoilers policy Ava: all will be revealed James: but I need to know Ava: 😏 Ava: It does seem cruel and unusual to make you wait when you've already been waiting so long Ava: too 😈 perhaps James: but sending gifts was very 😇 James: what decision are you going to make? Ava: It was just a little something Ava: if I had to get something every time I thought about you, we're talking grains of sand on the beach level Ava: I can't send you pictures, can I James: no, she has an app that restores any pictures I delete Ava: Hmm James: that said, you don't have any tattoos or anything clearly identifying Ava: that's true Ava: can she see the account of who's sent the pictures Ava: because it doesn't have to be me who sends them, or anyone else that actually exists to hunt down James: how many times are you going to go above & beyond to prove to me that you're too smart for King's? James: I believed you on the 1st tour Ava: I can be smart as long as we need to be smart Ava: and I had to make sure you wanted to talk to me after the 1st tour, of course James: I wanted to talk to you before the 1st tour, you know that Ava: I know Ava: Can I ask you something, if you promise to be honest James: yes Ava: Did you think badly of me for trying to pursue you when I knew you were married Ava: or what did you think of me, I guess James: I was too busy being glad that you wanted to James: but of course I wondered why James: I still wonder what it is that you could ever be interested in about me Ava: I can't profess to giving it particular or cohesive prior thought myself Ava: we both allowed some recklessness that day, clearly Ava: and I know you do, I'll write you a book one day Ava: but it'll take me a while to get down everything I find interesting and worthwhile about you James: I can wait Ava: Good Ava: One job at a time Ava: and this profile is looking pretty realistic and is as close to untraceable as is possible Ava: but I'm assuming she doesn't moonlight for MI5 James: do you? James: because you perhaps should Ava: 😏 Ava: Only to write my award-winning, world-changing exposé James: you're going to be a spectacular journalist Ava: Thank you 😊 Ava: I'll spare waxing lyrical about the vitality of a free press, don't think the readers will be about it when we could be talking more about my tan lines James: please do continue James: on whatever subject you feel the most passionate Ava: [a message request from this fake profile moment] James: [immediately accepts and immediately dies] James: oh Ava: you said passionate James: I did Ava: You're a subject I can get really worked up about, like James: I can see that James: & feel it Ava: Good Ava: Are you allowed to send photos to a fake girl or no? James: I don't care if the fake girl gets discovered James: she means nothing to me Ava: Poor fake girl Ava: still, can't be all bad James: it's not James: because now I can show you how much you mean James: [and does because FINALLY can send each other whatever they want] Ava: [what a glorious moment also over here like don't say ily don't say ily] Ava: OH James: Thrilled as I am to be behind a locked door, I'd be even gladder if you were here too Ava: yeah I Ava: feel that Ava: really feel it James: it's my turn to ask you a question James: do you want to hear the story of what would happen if we currently had all the time we could possibly want to really delve into 2 weeks of thoughts, dreams & wish fulfilment or do you want a narrative that's more realistically framed, so unfortunately there's not much opportunity for description or dialogue but instead every second is intensely action driven because we don't have a single one to waste? Ava: The latter Ava: I know the story, as the protagonist I've been living it with you Ava: Call mystery girl, she'll be as quiet as she can James: [does of course] Ava: Well James: I'm speechless James: but still here Ava: Please stay Ava: I hope you can stay James: I'll try Ava: Remember I told you this is different James: yes Ava: I really haven't felt like this before Ava: is what I'm saying Ava: I'm even more sure this is entirely new now James: understood James: I know you understand that it's the same for me Ava: I do James: Ava James: please stay too Ava: I will Ava: Literally nowhere else I'd rather be Ava: or no one else James: I'll try to understand that Ava: I'll try to make it clearer Ava: long as that may take Ava: not a quitter James: you've also never been unclear Ava: But you should know by now Ava: you know James: that's my error, not yours Ava: Shh James: I can't because Ava: Why? James: none of the blame for what I don't know rests on you Ava: but Ava: yeah, that's true Ava: but there's more ways I could show you Ava: tell you James: are there? Ava: yeah Ava: but you know Ava: scary James: that I do know for definite Ava: You don't think I'm 🙀 James: I think you're brave James: but you recognise when to be cautious Ava: I recognize it Ava: I rarely want to be cautious though James: we wouldn't have a story if you did Ava: 😏 okay Ava: I feel less bad James: don't feel bad at all James: please Ava: okay Ava: I'll try Ava: if you do James: you shake Frank's paw & I'll shake a 🐢's James: arm? whatever they have Ava: 🥰 you are so fucking cute Ava: and it's a deal James: [sends her a pic of him doing it because he can now #nerd] Ava: [send a video of Frank mugging her off like get away from me mother] James: 😂 Ava: I still agree to the terms and conditions Ava: he's just a diva and thinks I'm trying to give him an unwanted manipedi James: I can relate to the dread of an unwanted makeover James: tell him I apologise for laughing Ava: Dad duties? James: the reality of a very controlling wife Ava: 😑 Ava: Well we'll go shopping, one day James: only if Jay can come too, nobody hates having no influence over their own wardrobe more than she does Ava: Of course Ava: she's got to meet Frank James: she would love to, you honestly have no idea Ava: One day soon Ava: I can handle bumping into you at the park without being too 😍 James: I don't know whether to be happy or sad that you can apparently handle that Ava: I'm nothing if not over-ambitious Ava: and over-confident James: I like both of those things about you Ava: There's nothing I don't like about you James: I got it really wrong, you're not trying to age me, you're trying to kill me Ava: Never Ava: What would I do without you? James: you'd survive, as you're always saying Ava: 🥺 Ava: no James: it's okay, we don't have to find out James: I want you with me, not without me Ava: I need you James: Ava James: I haven't got in it me to walk away again, I mean it Ava: Then don't Ava: it isn't what I want Ava: but as well, I really don't think it's right, for you or for anyone, me included Ava: It wouldn't be easy, at all, but if I thought this was wrong, I wouldn't do it, I'd have to stop, somehow James: I know Ava: I'm not a bad person Ava: and neither are you James: you're a good person James: & being with you isn't what makes me a bad one Ava: You're a good one Ava: one of my favourites James: no, but you make me want to be better at being a person James: because you're one of my favourites too Ava: We're all just trying to get better at being people, yeah James: most of us Ava: The rest are gonna wake up and realize they wasted a lot of time pretending they had it all figured out, too late James: I'm so happy I met you Ava: That is definitely very mutual James: even if this all goes wrong again tomorrow or any time before how long we want it to last, I want you to know I won't be sorry about the start or the middle Ava: That means more than that phrase can convey James: & I want to emphasise I'm not only saying so because everything else in my life is going horribly James: if I was happy I'd want to share that with you too Ava: I love you James: Ava Ava: I couldn't not say it anymore, I'm sorry James: I don't want you to be sorry if you're not Ava: I'm not sorry that I mean it, or feel it Ava: but I am if I crossed a boundary James: you can say anything to me Ava: Well Ava: there it is James: what are we going to do about it? Ava: Up to you really Ava: we don't have to do anything Ava: do we? James: but that wouldn't be right James: things shouldn't go on as they are Ava: Sometimes they have to though Ava: anyway, does it even count as a declaration of love if I don't run to your house in the pouring rain in something made of white silk, like James: it counts that you're the 1st adult who has honestly said that to me Ava: Then I'll say it again Ava: I love you, James James: Then we need to find a way to be together properly Ava: Yeah? James: yes James: you can't be this important & the other most important person in my life not know that you exist James: or never have woken up next to me James: I still have no idea how beautiful you look when you're asleep Ava: We'll work it out Ava: be together properly James: I promise James: because I have no intention of breaking it Ava: I'm thinking maybe you want me dead too James: not even hypothetically James: I need you too much Ava: My legs feel like they ache from not being allowed to come run and find you right now James: I keep accidentally hurting you, don't I? James: Frank has no skills as a masseur I assume? James: IOU Ava: I'm holding you to that one like it's a bonafide promise too James: good James: because while I don't technically have any skills of my own, I'm confident you'll let me know if you like my attempts or not Ava: fake girl might be quiet as a mouse but that's not my style unless absolutely necessary James: that's why you're my favourite & she's my scapegoat Ava: 🥰😏 I can only be so sorry James: well, it's fine because apologies aren't what I wanna hear Ava: All I wanna hear is my alarm so it means I get to see you today James: almost looking forward to going to the office myself James: how unusual Ava: They're so welcome for the boost in morale, like James: if I could keep you on my desk all day, I would Ava: When the novel is ready and you're ready to be fired, then we can do that James: okay James: I'll pull a few more all-nighters James: see if I can't get these chapters finished Ava: I'll nap beside you Ava: at my most inspiring when I 😴 James: I find it hard to believe you'd be anything other than distracting Ava: Who, me? 😇 James: yes, you James: you're very beautiful, you know Ava: 😊 Ava: You're lovely James: it's true, you make me wish I knew how to paint Ava: You make me wish a lot of things, I get that James: tell me one day Ava: Every wish? James: yes Ava: Okay Ava: we can count how many have come true James: until they all have Ava: Happily ever after James: it would be over ambitious & over confident of me to suggest I'm capable of giving you anything close & I'm not anything close to being either Ava: You're just less talk, more make it happen Ava: you've shown that plenty already Ava: I believe in you, I always tell you James: I can always feel how sincere you're being when you do Ava: Good 'cos I don't lie Ava: even to be nice James: I like that about you most of all Ava: If I wasn't conceited before 😂 James: you weren't, it's fine Ava: Well Ava: 🤏 Ava: but it is fine Ava: not not fine enough to warrant stopping you complimenting me James: you couldn't stop me, darling Ava: is that so? James: of course James: even if you made me speechless again, compliments don't have to be spoken Ava: 🤤 Ava: can we put that to the test James: give me a minute James: [a dramatic pause that's longer than either of them would like] Ava: James? James: okay, test me Ava: How though? James: how do you think you can 😶? Ava: Oh, that's easy Ava: I just need the help of a friend James: it's easy to give you compliments Ava: I know, that's why I've gotta go hard over here Ava: bear with James: take all the time you need Ava: I won't need that long Ava: don't like wasting time with you ever James: are you saying you think you've already lost? Ava: Um, no Ava: I'm saying it won't be long until you can see the finished product and be 😶 Ava: how rude of you 😏 James: then it couldn't possibly be a waste of time Ava: [sends him a video on the fake profile] Ava: might wanna turn your sound way down James: well, now I want to turn it up Ava: do so at your own risk Ava: I'm very much alone rn so I could be as loud as is necessary James: [sends her a pic so she knows how into that video he was because worth a thousand words] Ava: Now that is a compliment James: like I said, it's easy to be complimentary towards you Ava: I can see that 🤭 James: I need to see you James: why the fuck isn't it tomorrow yet? Ava: It's actually so unfair Ava: dunno if we can claim starcrossed but you know James: it'll feel less tragic once I get in the shower & can actually turn the volume up Ava: You're really gonna inspire a sequel that easily, huh James: a saga James: longer than Twilight Ava: would just about see us through 'til morning Ava: me @ brunch 🥴 James: I'm wide awake if you are Ava: Of course Ava: new challenge Ava: make you speechless and get you to 💤 pass out, like James: I'm not sure if it's an advantage or disadvantage that I haven't slept well for the last 6 years Ava: We'll work that out together Ava: but wait Ava: say night now so I don't miss it later James: it'll definitely prove helpful in the morning since we have a habit of leaving cups of coffee untouched when we're together James: Oh Ava, you're so sweet James: goodnight for later, my darling Ava: True Ava: and Edward is so jealous Ava: you can't help being more interesting Ava: or better at sweet talk James: we'll make everyone jealous, one day James: when you're my girlfriend Ava: I can't wait Ava: legitimately James: me either Ava: Did you have many girlfriends before Ava: or just do hookups James: I didn't have any girlfriends before Ava: suppose you didn't have much time, nah Ava: not for serious ones James: I didn't want a serious one in school & my parents absolutely didn't want me to have one either, for all the good that did Ava: Makes sense Ava: parents rarely get what they want though, like you said James: I was having too much fun not being serious about anything, until I wasn't any more Ava: That's a lot of people Ava: if there's a time for it James: that's everyone I knew then & a lot of different people I also know now Ava: Yeah, it is a bit like they typecast this entire area most of the time James: I'll make every attempt to avoid it when I set the scene in my novel Ava: like you said too, fun 'til it ain't Ava: I always leave before then James: I always did too, until I got to rehab & leaving was no longer an option James: kind of its unique selling point Ava: How long ago was that? James: it's been years Ava: What did you go in for, if you don't mind me asking James: do you remember that expensive drug habit I mentioned as being one of the only things I used to care about? it honestly was Ava: I was just worried you were meant to be sober Ava: 'cos that would've been really awkward Ava: that's amazing though Ava: well done James: I'm mostly sober but sometimes I fuck that up, which is awkward, you're right Ava: I'm sorry Ava: that night was totally my idea, I steamrolled you so hard James: it was my bad idea to get drunk, that's not your fault James: it's also not your fault that I did something I shouldn't to try & stop myself from doing something else that I'd convinced myself that I shouldn't James: because I'm well aware of how well that doesn't work Ava: Alright Ava: but I'll be more supportive now I know, for the record Ava: though I see your logic there, even if it didn't exactly go to plan James: it went according to an even better plan James: because here we are James: & I don't want to spoil your fun, Ava Ava: I can't even claim it as my plan, sadly Ava: 'cos I couldn't even imagine we'd get here Ava: and you won't, you don't Ava: there's more than one way to have fun Ava: every time I've met up with you has been fun and I was only drinking one of those times so safe to say it isn't required, like James: tomorrow won't be any different, I promise James: despite the fact my office has never been fun before Ava: yeah but I've never been there before Ava: obviously the issue James: the main issue, absolutely Ava: having your dad as a co-worker is probably a fair 2nd James: technically he's my boss & how often he likes to make that known is the 3rd Ava: ick Ava: 🙄 Ava: he's not getting in the book James: I'll put him in the acknowledgements for spurring me on in getting the chapters done quickly Ava: 😂 A subtle dig is the best kind James: 🖋 vs ⚔ Ava: your 🤓 brain is sexy James: I'll happily say again that everything about you is Ava: I'll be even happier when I can hear you actually say it tomorrow James: you can hear me say it now James: I'll bring you into the 🚿 with me Ava: I love you James: [okay we skipping to tomorrow for my evil cockblocking deeds] James: Teddy's here Ava: Oh Ava: to visit or put in hours? James: the latter apparently, which he has wisely decided to do when my dad isn't here to supervise him Ava: Well, good for him Ava: right, what's the plan then James: I'm gonna go get Matty, she might as well here too since you can't be James: maybe she'll annoy him enough that he'll leave earlier than he's currently planning to Ava: Cross my fingers, like Ava: she's pretty sweet overall though James: Teddy really doesn't like children though Ava: I can't imagine him interacting with one tbf Ava: keep me posted then, I guess James: he dropped Jay when she was a bit older than Matty, it can't have helped matters James: if nothing else I'll try & leave earlier than I actually need to when I go to pick her up James: it won't give us long but it's the best I can do Ava: Kids are made of sturdy stuff, if my fam has taught me anything Ava: bless him Ava: that's cool Ava: the girls were going on to the shops so I'll just join them James: okay Ava: can't be helped, can it James: not yet James: but I'm still sorry Ava: not your fault James: [sends her all the deets because he's booked her a massage since he can't give her one & she's now got loads of spare time, like ILY babe] Ava: You didn't have to do that Ava: but as far as 2nd best options go Ava: I've lucked out there, thank you James: I'm aware how frustrating all of this is, in every possible aspect of the word James: so hopefully this will help Ava: It is Ava: but you're worth it to me so I'm in if you are Ava: though probably warn me beforehand if it's that kind of massage, otherwise it could get awkward James: 😂 I have heard she's very good but I can't personally vouch for whether or not that's why she's as highly recommended as she is James: you'll have to let me know Ava: 😏 I'll let you know if your friends are shameless perverts or not, yeah James: thank you James: it would be useful information to have because both my parents have separately been there Ava: 😬 Ava: do you reckon that's ever happened Ava: having an affair with the same person by accident James: it must have at some point Ava: I mean, a thruple is the last resort of every middle-aged couple wanting to reignite things so give it a go James: thank god I'm not yet middle aged & my marriage is dead in the water James: it was strange enough when a friend made a pass at me at a party who I know had slept with her previously without seeking us it out Ava: as much as it pains me you aren't, babe Ava: she's not my type either sorry James: understandable, he wasn't mine Ava: you straight? James: shocking, I know Ava: Again, tragically not but I thought I better check 😉 James: as much as she'd probably love that to be the reason I want to leave her, it's not Ava: That cliche really is played out though James: agreed, it's not one of my preferred cliches Ava: Fine, fine, I WON'T sleep with the masseuse, you don't have to beg James: if you could not sleep with anyone else, regardless of their profession, that'd be a relief Ava: 'Course I won't Ava: I love you, there'd be no point James: I miss you so much Ava: I know, I miss you too Ava: not just because all my friends seem to have got new boyfriends at once that they all had to talk about James: two fake profiles would be a step too far, right? Ava: 🤏 just Ava: anyway, fake girl means nothing Ava: I don't wanna claim fake boy either, just you James: maybe you should come to the office & let Teddy see you, it would get everything out in the open Ava: I don't think you're ready for that, are you James: there is no way to ready myself for it though, is there? Ava: There's some ways Ava: even if you know your wife is obviously gonna be a nightmare regardless Ava: can ease everyone else in Ava: maybe mention you've met someone to him? see how he is with that first James: I don't really want to involve him to such a dramatic degree, yours is a much better idea Ava: Believe me, I wanna be there as much as you want me there Ava: but I don't wanna fuck it up James: me either, it's gotten so bad with her James: as bad as it's ever been Ava: What are you going to do? James: I don't know, I tried to leave when...after I left you & James: well, I'm still there, aren't I? Ava: It's really fucking complicated Ava: and that's an understatement Ava: it will probably be worse after, when you do leave Ava: but then, when she can't follow through with her threats, 'cos it's all bullshit, what can she do, you know what I mean James: she's said things that mean I can't risk leaving her alone with the children at all now James: not that I particularly did before but there were things I believed she'd do then & things I didn't actually Ava: You'd have to take them with you Ava: so that means you need to keep your place Ava: but I assume the chances of her leaving are slim to none Ava: unless Ava: hmm James: she's said she wants to go, start over, but that means nothing James: I know she'd refuse to just to spite me Ava: Appearance is everything with her, yeah? James: it is Ava: you need to do something that will make her leave then, feel like she's made the decision Ava: like if you were gay, something that she can't make go away on the socials James: we can't have a baby just so she'll fuck off Ava: No, I can't even have news of a fake baby getting back to my parents Ava: but seriously Ava: if we did out us, show people we were Ava: would she find a way to hack that or no? James: she'd find a way to destroy your entire life Ava: No she wouldn't Ava: she's doing that to yours, has been for too long James: she would, Ava James: she's done it before, to your sister, to any other girls she's found out about James: & I didn't even care about them the way I do about you Ava: What could she possibly say about me? Ava: I'm a homewrecker? If she wants everyone to know how unhappily married she is Ava: Everyone knows all about my weird family, I've dealt with that for years Ava: Anything she could say, I'd own up to or I'd prove wrong, she doesn't control my narrative James: even if you are right, she still controls mine James: my children's James: I'm not allowed to just take them, am I? She'll have me arrested or something Ava: Only mentally Ava: you can break that, you will Ava: 'cos she doesn't provide any finances, she doesn't look after the kids, what does she offer, like Ava: there is no hold over you but her mental one Ava: Your name is on their birth certificates too, you're as entitled to be with them Ava: anyway, you don't have to go anywhere, who owns your flat, like? James: my dad owns everything Ava: Yeah, your dad Ava: He's not going to put his grandkids out, even if he doesn't side with you Ava: and if it comes to it, he'll have to have you both out whilst you sort out the divorce Ava: there's no way she's automatically entitled to that flat, it isn't either of yours Ava: and she's not automatically entitled to the kids, especially with all the worrying things she's said, yeah James: but I'm not either, I'm an addict Ava: Recovered, literally went to rehab Ava: and let's be honest, half this town is on it to that degree but they're not owning up and calling it a problem Ava: you did that and you sorted it out James: what if they aren't actually mine? James: she's cheated as much as I have Ava: Oh, James Ava: I don't know Ava: you could find out Ava: if you were ready for that but Ava: I see the appeal of not knowing Ava: she probably does though, if she's thought to use it against you before, it's at least crossed her mind too James: as much as she's said it, I've never actually believed her James: but what if I find out that they aren't, it'll be the end, nothing else that we've just said would even have any relevance James: I can't lose them, Ava, I'd rather stay with her forever than let that happen Ava: Of course Ava: they're yours, you raised them Ava: does she Ava: stupid question but does she actually want them? James: no James: she told me she never did, either of them Ava: I don't Ava: as spiteful as she is Ava: would she keep two kids she doesn't love or want Ava: what about her parents, what do they think? James: they're both at their wits end Ava: They'd back you, then James: they know they can't back her James: too much has happened that her mum knows about Ava: If you have proof and people backing you that she's unfit to be the sole provider, then she'd have to sort out visitation and work with you Ava: and I can't see her bothering, if she means all she's said Ava: but Ava: I don't know Ava: it's scary James: if she knows it's you I'm with, I honestly couldn't guarantee anything with regards to what she would or wouldn't do James: her strange obsession with your siblings is something I've never quite understood Ava: None of this is about me, or my wellbeing Ava: I don't care, there's nothing she can do to me Ava: if that was all we were worried about I'd move myself in today but it ain't James: but what I'm saying is, she could go further than we're thinking she would with regards to the children because she doesn't want me to be happy with you specifically James: not just because she doesn't want me to be happy ever Ava: Okay, I get it Ava: So you'll either stay, forever Ava: or she'll take the kids and you'll have to battle in the courts to see them James: that's how it appears James: & if they aren't mine, she just takes them if I don't stay forever Ava: That's why if you do decide to leave Ava: you need to know that first James: I'm scared to know it Ava: That's understandable Ava: there's few things scarier that I can think of James: Matty wouldn't remember if I disappeared from her life now but Jay needs me Ava: You aren't going to just disappear Ava: whatever you decide, whatever happens, we won't let it be that James: can you forget everything I said about trying to be sober, please, I really need a drink James: lots of drinks actually Ava: Tell whoever you need to that you need to go home, okay Ava: then come meet me Ava: I shouldn't have started this conversation right now, I'm so sorry Ava: come be with me James: I can't, you've got a massage to get to & that's the least of what's expected of me James: not leaving Ava: Okay, have you got Matty? Ava: Because go do that then, spend some time with her James: I don't think I should, she'll pick up on how I feel & then nobody'll get any work done Ava: Alright, are you sure you want to stay, you'll be alright? James: I'll be fine Ava: I'll leave you to it then Ava: try to distract yourself, sure Teddy will help you James: I'll talk to you later Ava: Sure, no worries James: [later] James: I'm sorry Ava: I totally get it Ava: well, I don't, but I totally get that too Ava: I'm sorry as well James: everything is indescribably terrible Ava: Yeah Ava: it's bad James: I'm so sorry, Ava Ava: You don't have to say sorry to me Ava: I chose what I chose Ava: you didn't know what you were signing up for, how could you James: now you know what you're signing up for, if you don't want to be any more, I understand Ava: Don't say that James: I have to say it Ava: Now you have then but I'm ignoring you James: please don't Ava: I could never, you know how I feel Ava: that's not changing, it can't James: I know & you know I don't want it to Ava: I just wish there was something I could do Ava: to actually help James: you do help James: more than I can find words to express Ava: I'm not gonna bring it all up again but Ava: all I can think is we have two spare rooms at mine, alright Ava: if you ever need them James: what about your parents? Ava: I could talk to them Ava: and both rooms have bathrooms, and it's only me on that floor as well so the girls wouldn't have to feel like they've got to meet loads of new people James: but what could you possibly say? Ava: As much of the truth as they need to know Ava: Don't worry about that, they're easier to sort than any of the rest of this, yeah James: I'm fairly certain that'd be the whole truth & that wouldn't be easy Ava: They're big rooms, the girls could share or you could have one with Matty Ava: I'm saying, we don't have to say you could as easily share mine James: I wouldn't want someone as fucked up as me going out with either of my daughters Ava: You aren't Ava: it'll just be the age gap but they'll get over that Ava: anyway, the space is there, that's about all I've come up with since earlier James: thank you James: for even trying to come up with anything while I've just been James: again, I don't know what the word is, or could be Ava: You needed to stop Ava: as much as you ever can James: & now I need to see you but it can never just be that simple Ava: Does Jay have anything on tonight, like a club or a lesson or? James: ballet, so I have to stay because she hates it Ava: Fair enough Ava: Is lunch tomorrow an option or? James: I'll make sure it is Ava: Okay, I'll see you then Ava: could you do a phonecall during ballet, even for five minutes Ava: just so I can hear your voice, tell you all the things I wanna James: no promises Ava: of course James: aren't you glad you came back from holiday to all this Ava: I wasn't planning to stay there forever regardless Ava: you know how much I missed you Ava: still do James: tell me about it, or the massage, or your friends' boyfriends, anything that isn't the subject of my misery Ava: It was a good massage Ava: though the way my shoulders killed, you wouldn't think I'd just been on holiday Ava: you definitely need to try it yourself James: I'll book us in together next time Ava: That'll be perfect James: but before I do, did she try & seduce you? Ava: 😂 Ava: not enough to convince me I need to go back every fortnight 💔 James: did you not tell her I've got a best selling novel to write? Ava: Of course Ava: doing the hard sell on everyone for you, babe James: I appreciate it, very much Ava: I appreciate you Ava: What time will you be back, I'll uber eats you something for dinner Ava: you must be exhausted James: only if you order the same thing, it'll almost be like having dinner together Ava: You have the best ideas James: [a time that he'll be back] Ava: It's a date James: I'll dress up for you James: get out of these work clothes Ava: 😳 'scuse you Ava: warn me before you're gonna be that hot please James: if you were warned, you'd be less likely to 😳 Ava: I'll always blush for you Ava: like it or not James: you know how much I like it Ava: I seriously wish you were here Ava: such a waste of pink James: I wish you were here Ava: Gutted my ballet days are behind me James: she doesn't want to go, is there anywhere we actually could meet? Ava: With the kids? Ava: I hear that new soft play does a good coffee James: okay Ava: It's one place adults are actually encouraged to chat to each other so it won't be weird to Jay James: as soon as I tell her she doesn't have to put her tutu on, that's all she'll care about Ava: Bless her James: not to mention the bun, that's a war I'm happy to call a ceasefire on Ava: I'll put my hair down Ava: not trigger her 😂 James: just me then 😍 Ava: it's still a date, like Ava: got to keep you on your toes James: can we draw the line at a pirouette though please? I'm very tired Ava: alright, another time 😏 James: tomorrow maybe Ava: you'll feel up to it then? Ava: planning on a 💤 night of sleep James: you said the coffee's good James: if I actually manage to drink it, who knows Ava: Don't you know you're too big for the ball pit? James: that's an outrageous thing to say! after the day I've had, I couldn't deserve a ball pit more James: you've really devastated me there Ava: Okay, okay, I'm sorry Ava: sneaky hold my hand under the balls? Ava: please James: regardless of your apology, I'm gonna have to throw you in James: so yes Ava: 😱 Ava: now that's actually outrageous James: 😏 Ava: 😈 Ava: how you play James: with you Ava: so inappropriate to make me 😳 in soft play James: oh, so you want best behaviour? James: I can do that too Ava: No Ava: never said that Ava: I might like inappropriate James: I also think you might, let's find out Ava: 🥰 Ava: Let's James: Ava James: I seriously don't know what I would do without you James: no, that's wrong actually, I do. I'd be in such a state right now, really drunk or worse James: because it's not talking about it that's the problem James: we have to keep talking about it, okay? James: I have to figure out what I'm going to do Ava: I love you, James Ava: of course we can keep talking, I'm not going to leave you Ava: whatever you need means just that Ava: you will figure it out Ava: You will not lose them, okay, whatever that takes James: but what you need is just as important & if that's ever taking a step back, not talking about it or whatever else, do it Ava: Of course Ava: I will, I'll try James: good, I've already dragged you into this & I refuse to also drag you down Ava: You'll see how hard it is to do that in the ball pit James: 😂 Ava: Not without a fight, ever James: if they don't use that as the film tagline, such a waste Ava: They might want you as lead for that Ava: negotiations are ongoing James: you're the face, it's non-negotiable Ava: 🥺 I wanna kiss your face James: I want to press my lips against every single bit of your skin, all the time Ava: Oh James: there's never enough hours for everything I want to do with you Ava: Making up for all that lost time should be very, very good James: we're going to need days, weeks, months James: I want to give you that Ava: You can promise James: can I? Ava: Yeah Ava: we'll find a way, right? James: I promise you Ava: 💙 Ava: I promise you it'll get better James: of course, there's no crying in the ballpit Ava: not even when I beat you James: hypothetically not even then, but you won't so it's no problem Ava: 😏 that's fighting talk James: yes, it very much is Ava: Don't try to swoon your way to victory Ava: I'm definitely not that easy, nope James: I'm not Mr Darcy James: we can both do better than that James: that said, I am wearing a white shirt Ava: Shame there's not a good lake around James: but we should still go swimming some time Ava: Only if you pick the bikini Ava: tradition now James: of course, I'd hate to break tradition Ava: take you off the alumnus James: & then how would I meet girls Ava: 😲 Ava: Cheek James: that's all it is, I assure you Ava: not a threat then? James: no James: I'm not planning to lose you in the ball pit Ava: Good luck Ava: take more than a subtle hint to get rid of me, babe James: it'd be very bad luck Ava: 🍀 James: how soon can you be there? Ava: it isn't far, is it Ava: 15-20 minutes James: okay Ava: You better show up first so I can tell 'em I'm meeting you Ava: convincing a not-bothered 6-year-old I have an imaginary child is one thing Ava: reception will just be getting 🚨 James: I'll let you know when we do Ava: 👍 Ava: I'm looking forward to it Ava: even if it'll be odd to leave it at a kiss on the cheek James: & very odd for you & Jay to finally be in the same place Ava: Yeah, you sure you're alright with it? Ava: No doubt she'll totally blank me, who wouldn't when faced with the joy of soft play James: obviously it's far from ideal for me or you but Ava: I just wanna see you Ava: I'm fine with it James: I know I should probably care more but I swear, if this day ends without seeing you James: I will actually lose my mind Ava: We're not doing anything wrong Ava: you can't help it if random women talk to you at soft play Ava: have to keep you literally locked up to avoid that so James: It does happen a lot & yet I've so far avoided being chained to the wall Ava: Exactly Ava: not even anything noteworthy Ava: and I'm not gonna like Ava: overstep or be too much with either of the girls, you don't need to worry Ava: I wouldn't do that, or anything you weren't comfortable with James: I'm not worried about that James: I'd never have brought Matty over to your house if I thought it was going to make either of us feel uncomfortable Ava: 'Course Ava: you're a good dad James: but if you do feel anything close to it, with Jay or with anything, just tell me Ava: I will Ava: You're doing this well, you know James: I'm trying to Ava: And if she ever says, you know Ava: she doesn't like me or whatever Ava: then you can tell me and we won't meet when you have to be with them Ava: take it slower Ava: I know it would make it harder but I know they come first and I'm totally cool with that James: you're doing this really well too Ava: I hope so Ava: it's new territory for both of us, all of us Ava: we'll work this out too James: I trust you, Ava Ava: Thank you Ava: you can Ava: I'm not gonna let you down James: but you can, like you said, we're all just trying to get better at being people, aren't we Ava: Yeah, okay Ava: Too cocky? Ava: I'll try really, really hard not to let you down, but no promises Ava: How's that? James: I don't want you to think that me thinking you're perfect means you have to be James: 😇 & 😈 remember, mistakes are what rewrites exist for & I already made mine in trying to let you go James: you're allowed to get it wrong too Ava: I just really don't want to hurt you James: I don't want to hurt you either Ava: as long as we know that, even if we do by accident or whatever Ava: that's better, isn't it Ava: than me leaving you alone James: anything would be better than that James: but yes, especially if we know what we want & don't want James: I'd let you hurt me over & over again if it meant you didn't leave but I know that isn't what you want Ava: Never ever Ava: even thinking about it is making me hurt James: so we're not going to let it happen even hypothetically Ava: only fun hypotheticals James: like the traffic not being horrendous so I get to soft play before the children start a riot James: because we're finally ready to go Ava: That's so hypothetical it borders on a pipe dream but maybe the universe will play fair after the day you've had 🙏🤞 James: so much so that I'm hypothetically considering walking Ava: how many hypothetical stops would you have to make 'cos she wants to look at something or pick something up she shouldn't Ava: Frank can make a ten minute walk take a good thirty, easy James: enough that I could hypothetically catch my breath after all the cigarette breaks I've had today & I might not hypothetically pass out Ava: Just thinking of your health, clearly James: I should quit, again Ava: How long did you manage? James: which time? Ava: 😏 most successful time then James: 6 months maybe Ava: Not to be sniffed at Ava: longer than I've gone and I'm a shameless 'social' smoker as if that's alright James: how long have you managed? Ava: However long between whenever I've been offered one Ava: I've not tried really James: do you want me to not offer you any? Ava: Sounds like you need to catch your breath Ava: take that as you will James: okay Ava: 😊 Ava: Tell me when I need to leave James: [a long enough pause] James: you can leave now, if you'd like Ava: On my way Ava: how strict is your sweet policy? James: arguably not as strict as it should be, but I don't share that hypothetical opinion Ava: I'll stop in the shop on the way Ava: now, do I guess and see how my choice rates or do I cheat and ask you what the faves are Ava: 🤔 James: you heard me say I trust you, right? Ava: Okay, I got this James: I believe it & in you, darling Ava: 😍 you could say that again Ava: if you liked James: I've got no end of faith in you, Ava Ava: Ugh, bye Ava: I've melted James: what I'm hearing is that I'm going to have to pour you into the ball pit? Ava: If you can pick me up off the floor, yes Ava: also what I'm hearing is you want a treat too, noted James: of course I'll pick you up Ava: Actually trying to kill me Ava: I'm trying to walk, like James: if I could carry you over the threshold of this soft play centre, I would Ava: Babe 😩 James: not the time nor the place, understood Ava: Sadly not James: when the filmmaker takes certain liberties with the source material, we'll attempt it then Ava: Directors cut, yeah James: yes Ava: right, 'scuse me whilst I focus Ava: 🍭🍫🍬 important decisions to be made James: you're sweeter than any of it Ava: James James: sorry, you need to concentrate 😶 Ava: 😈 you Ava: but 😇 at the same time Ava: how do you do it? James: how do you? Ava: Touche Ava: maybe we're a good match James: I think we are Ava: What a coincidence Ava: Me too James: 🍀 Ava: [do we wanna end it here and just work out how it goes?] James: [yeah we can do] Ava: [I'm saying she went animal-themed and got her like percy pigs and an animal bar and the animal biscuits etc and got Matty some rusks or something soz baby snacks aren't as fun and then got him some candy cigarettes] James: [we all know that'd go down amazingly well done babe & I'm saying the baby made the loudest sound when she saw her again like oh hey girl] Ava: [that would be so cute] James: [we all know they already like each other] Ava: [lbr you haven't got any competition in Chloe, all you need to do is not be a massive bitch] James: [mhhmmm I'm also saying he let Jay decide what she wanted to wear because she deserves that thank you] Ava: [when you're busy living your best life so I assume you'll be alright even if you're like hello stranger?] James: [she'd be in such a good mood thankfully] Ava: [we all deserve this to be a moment, lads] James: [even if it can't be as much of a moment as you'd both like, keep it sneaky lads] Ava: [���[ James: [the self control required after the day they've had and how highkey their emotions are rn] Ava: [truly, at least no adults are there to pick up on what is way more than the vibe] James: [the receptionist been knew but who's she telling] Ava: [lmao imagine the amount of people conducting sneaky affairs she stay in her lane] James: [I bet they would cos their kids could not be more distracted] Ava: [its perfect tbh] James: [100% am throwing her in the ballpit excuse us children] Ava: [must be done] James: [let him be young goddamn it, he was robbed] Ava: [be young and have fun] James: [Jau just talking about soft play constantly for the foreseeable but Chloe none the wiser lol] Ava: [gonna steal your kids and your man 'cos you don't want 'em James: [they gotta come back because not only is it a great cover it'd be a really swag soft play like better than the one Louise always goes to even because posh people] Ava: [remember on scummymummies they said that one did booze lol they've got so fancy] James: [you're missing out Chlo, soz not soz] Ava: [literally no one is soz, not even your baby] James: [the baby should have her tort with her because feels] Ava: [awh yas] James: [no other kids steal it thank you] Ava: [baby fight lmao] James: [I hope not because the mum would be so judgey cos he's young & Ava's even younger] James: [not sorry we all serving looks & living our best lives at this soft play] Ava: [no one shall bring them down rn or I'll brawl] James: [but I do hope Jay's hair is the messiest it's ever been because fuck you chloe] Ava: [i always wonder what chloe is actually doing 'cos like, nothing ever is the tea] James: [truly how much shopping can you do girl] Ava: [waiting for your fairytale in your sham of a life, like] James: [ooh Ava should do something with Jay's hair that she actually likes cos maybe she's getting annoyed at it while she's trying to play & live her best life and James is like pikachu meme what is this witchcraft but she thinks he's like 😧 how dare you for the hottest of secs] Ava: [a mood just like lowkey how dare you but also how teach me lmao] James: [just falling more in love with the bae by the second over here] Ava: [queen of understated and simple shoutout to your mother for that one] James: [yas I've always loved that about Bea] Ava: [the levels of fuss Chloe is is not a mood for anyone] James: [one of many reasons Jay hates you babe] Ava: [those poor kids she ends up having like rip] James: [I hope she only dresses James now when they are going out because lord] Ava: [poor boy not a mood] James: [especially now you got the hottest bae ever] Ava: [nothing you can do to cockblock this honey] James: [she should obvs find the fake profile like immediately though] Ava: [we can do that next] James: [& if she messages it Ava will be able to see what she's like] Ava: [the delight that is, okay letgo]
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just-mythyk · 6 years
Loops and Holes
So. Good ol’ fun times where I explore the “what-ifs” of my characters’ existences. Let’s just see how you guys like it (please leave a review so I can improve!). I know I don’t sound that happy, but it’s taken ages to try uploading this.
And if you guys would like, you’ll be able to see 3 pics of the characters involved here; I’ll do my best to upload them asap <3
Tagging a few people since they wanted to see this: @calista-222 @murder-schmurder @thekindestsoul-blog @flairrstarling
She could not stop looking at the door as she sat in the living room; the entire area was open, and too quiet to allow her to relax. The traffic outside barely found its way to her ears. Her brow furrowed deeper, like there was something strange in her tea, long since it had gone cold. For a moment, she moved; her ankles crossed each other and she adjusted her blonde hair behind her ear, becoming a little more comfortable on the couch.
Voices grew louder, and the young woman’s head looked up, eyes locked on the door. There was laughter, followed by an unheard comment. The lock on the door rattled for a few seconds, before it slid open quietly. There stood two people, one leaning against the other. No one moved, until the blonde at the table stood up and approached them.
“Uh, heeyyy Destine…” one of the pair slurred, slumped against the other.
Destine sighed, “You can’t keep doing this, Brinlea.”
“M’sorry…” she mumbled.
“Nik, thank you for bringing her home,” she thanked the other as she brought Brinlea inside. “I hope this will be the last time…” she watched Brinlea find her way up to her room, most of her weight on the railing.
“No problem,” he replied. “I’d rather she be home safe. Sorry it was so late though, you know how it gets…” Nik trailed off.
“You should go home and sleep. Unless you’d like to stay here tonight?”
“I’ll be fine, thanks.”
“Goodnight,” Destine sighed as she softly shut the door.
She checked that Brinlea was in her room to find her passed out already, beyond any hope of her waking up anytime soon.
Brinlea woke up around noon the following day, as Destine could tell by her footsteps finally sounding on the stairs as she found her way to the kitchen. She dug through the cupboard and poured herself some cereal, then a glass of juice to help nurse her slight hangover.
“Mornin’ sis,” Brinlea said, when she noticed Destine sitting at the dining table.
“We have to talk about it,” she replied. Her face appeared drawn, with crystal eyes.
The sister feigned ignorance, ruffling her short brown hair. “What’cha mean?”
“Your drinking,” she stated. “It’s gotten out of hand.”
Brinlea took a swig of juice as she sat down across the table. “What’m I supposed to do?” she asked.
The blonde tugged on her lilac sleeves. “Stop drinking for a while. Can you promise me?” she looked up and tried to meet the other’s eyes.
However, her gaze was on the knots of wood in the table. “I’ll try…”
“Please promise me.”
Brinlea looked up to see a renewed intensity in her sister’s eyes. Reluctantly, she promised.
“It’s been a few days…” Brinlea muttered to herself. She stood in the store, scanning the shelf. “I promised a while, after all…”
She picked up a bottle, and went to the checkout. After the exchange of a few coins, she headed back home.
Her hand, steady, unlocked the door and she found her way to the kitchen. Brinlea bit the cap and twisted it off, pouring herself a full mug, “After all, don’t want her knowin’...”
Before long, she had drained the entire bottle, and her thoughts became somewhat blurry. Chuckling, she looked at the bottle, “Now that hits hard.”
She looked up at the clock, noticing that her sister could be home soon. She ate some bread, rinsed the mug, and buried the bottle in the garbage, all in hopes of hiding the scent of alcohol. After that, she headed up to her room to rest a bit.
Brinlea woke up to smell food being cooked downstairs. She smiled as she leapt along the stairs and greeted her sister in the kitchen.
“How was yer day?” she asked.
“Pretty good, the usual,” Destine replied, returning the hug. “And yours?”
“Same old, same old,” she shrugged. Gesturing, she said, “Need any help here?”
She smiled as she stated, “That’s alright, I was just finishing. You could grab a couple of plates.”
Brinlea was careful to watch for any tells that Destine might give that would say she noticed anything about earlier. However, she was also aware her sister was open and honest whenever something bothered her; it seemed nothing was concerning her.
Later, Destine sat on the couch to read a book, while Brinlea went to her room to sleep. She felt restless, full of pent-up energy. Pacing in her room for a while, she found it wasn’t enough; she needed something more.
Another few days passed by; Brinlea was waiting to hear her sister go to sleep in her room across the hall. She lay on top of her covers, staring at nothing above her, waiting at least twenty minutes after hearing her sister’s door close.
Pulling herself up, she moved carefully towards her window, which she had left ajar earlier. Lifting the frame, she froze when it squeaked; there was no sound from the other side of the house.
Gripping the frame, she balanced on the windowsill, feeling the fresh air brush against her skin. She looked around; the shed was a close enough jump, not too far away. Taking the leap, she landed roughly, rolling to her side. A moment laying still, followed by silent laughter, fueled by disbelief and anticipation. She dropped to the ground and started to walk at a brisk pace to the centre of town.
There, the night still felt young; there were people walking around, laughter and loud voices filling the air. She entered the first bar she arrived at; in fact, it was one of her regular haunts.
“Hallo, Brin!” the bartender grinned. “Haven’t seen you around. Tryin’ ta fix yerself?” they asked.
“Breaking the effort,” she countered, placing some cash on the table. “Usual.”
“Alright,” they said, pouring a glass for her.
In her drink, Brinlea saw her reflection in the liquid; for a moment she thought she saw Destine frowning, but dismissed it simply as their resemblance confusing her.
Soon enough, Brinlea was singing loudly along to the music playing in the bar. She was laughing as well, until the bartender stepped in.
“You ought to give it a rest, Brin,” they said gently. “You’re going to pass out at this rate.”
She quieted down somewhat, asking, “What time is it?”
“Nearly three.”
Brinlea swore, getting up and placing some more cash. “See ya, then.”
Swaying, the brunette staggered back to her home and looked up at her window; she’d have to figure out how to climb it.
There was a balcony, thankfully, near her room; she went up the stairs and snuck back in, passing out on top of her bed as soon as she landed on her pillow.
The morning came, and Brinlea woke up late. However, Destine still showed no sign of noticing if she knew Brinlea went out the night before.
Again, Destine went out. Brinlea decided to head into town and look around for anything she could do to avoid boredom. She ended up running into Nik while walking along the street.
“Hey bud!” she called, grinning at him.
He returned the smile, waving as he approached. “How’s it going?”
“It’s alright. Feelin’ bored, though.” Brinlea’s eyes lit up, “Hey, you got time to hang out?”
“Not at the moment, but…” Nik hesitated, thinking. “I think I’ve got tonight open. Want to hang out then?”
“That’d be awesome! I’ll meet you at your place?”
“Around eight?”
“Sounds awesome,” Brinlea grinned, excited. “See ya then!” she continued walking around, full of energy.
Evening fell, and soon enough Brinlea found herself running through the streets, excited to hang out with Nik. She knocked on his door (rather powerfully) and waited, bouncing on her toes.
Nik opened the door and smiled at her. He leant against the door frame, wondering, “So, got any plans?”
“I was thinking one of the usual haunts. Unless you got any ideas?” she suggested.
“Hm… I think there’s a newer place that opened. Want to check it out?”
Grabbing his hand, she encouraged him to come. “Sounds fun!”
Nik laughed as he turned to lock the door before leading the way to a new destination.
Upon their arrival, Brinlea’s eyes were shining in excitement. She was grinning, taking in the view of the bright lights and the music, conversations competing with each other. Nik kept a hold on her, to keep her from dashing in and disappearing in the blink of an eye.
“This place is amazing!” she exclaimed, looking back at Nik.
His returned smile was simply joy at seeing how happy Brinlea was. “Let’s have a few and head home--not too late, alright?” he said, cautious.
Brinlea huffed out an affirmation, agreeing to the plan, continuing to drag Nik inside.
The entire time they were there, Brinlea was laughing and shouting, conversing with all the other patrons around. At one point, it seemed she had argued with others, who walked away, glaring, when the bartender called them off.
Nik lost track of time, his mind somewhat blurred.
At some point, he ended up getting Brinlea’s attention and letting her know he wanted to head home. A little more aware of her surroundings, Brinlea helped him walk, leaning against each other for support.
They walked back, retracing what steps they could remember to find their way home. Soon they were walking along empty streets, yet they didn’t notice being followed until someone shoved Brinlea, knocking the both of them to the ground. She quickly found her feet and faced the attackers, who waited for her to turn around. There were three, and they all stood ready for a fight.
“What’s yer deal?” she slurred, glaring.
Instead of a response, one of them threw their fist forward. In response, Brinlea ducked to the side and kicked their torso, eliciting a grunt. For a moment, she felt smug as she looked at the silhouette bent double. Until Nik cried out.
The other two figures were attacking him from his place, curled up on the pavement. Brinlea, fueled by adrenaline, jumped on one of them, causing the pair to fall to the ground. Again, Nik screamed.
This time, his scream scared the attackers enough to run away, for fear of spectators coming and finding them there.
Sore, Brinlea rolled over to get up, and saw that she had fallen on his leg. The way it lay there didn’t look quite right. Nik’s breath labored, trying to fight the pain.
Brinlea swore, panicking herself as she looked around, trying to find someone or someplace she could find help. She dug in her pockets; her phone dropped from shaking hands and cracked. Still, she called for help.
She waited there with Nik, doing her best to reassure him as red blossomed around his legs.
Brinlea sat in the waiting room, Destine talking to the receptionist at the desk. Their exchange was quiet, so they wouldn’t be overheard. After a moment, the employee stood up and Destine made a gesture to Brinlea to follow them.
They walked through the white halls, and Brinlea hung back a bit, holding herself as she glanced around at others who were there. Some were sitting, others standing, and a few lying on beds as they waited. It reminded Brinlea of how she always hated waiting. She quickened her pace to keep up with Destine.
They entered a room; only on person was in there, and it was also a small room. The employee left, leaving the sisters there.
Destine approached the bed.
“Hey…” Nik said, groggy.
“How are you?” she whispered.
“Mostly alright… they gave me some painkillers to help,” he grimaced as he sat up a bit straighter. “Oh… hey…” he said when he noticed Brinlea.
“Hey…” Brinlea’s voice cracked. She cleared her throat and looked at the floor, “Uh… sorry.” She wanted to be anywhere but here. She wanted to say something more.
Nik looked at the bed sheets. He wasn’t certain how to respond; was it really Brinlea’s fault? If it wasn’t, who’s fault could it have been? He sighed. “They don’t know if I’ll be able to walk properly again,” he chose to say instead.
To dispel the silence, Destine suggested, “Is there anything we can do for you?”
He lay back, nodding. “I guess some proper food? Maybe keep an eye on my house; I’m probably stuck here for a while…”
Nik’s eyes closed, and soon enough he was sleeping again. Destine kissed his forehead and left the room. “I’ll wait outside for you,” she said, quiet to keep from waking him.
Brinlea stood there for a while, before she slipped away. She didn’t know what else to do.
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kitanoko · 7 years
`30 years too early
todomomo week day 3: Future. What happens when Aizawa introduces a random boy named Kazu to them, asking for them to help him get back home?
genre: comedy/fluff -On a seemingly normal day, todoroki and momo went to school prepared for their weekly math quiz. Math wasn’t todoroki’s best subject, but after Momo’s help the day before, he was slightly more reassured that he’d be able to get an A on this, perhaps even an A+. But right before their first class started, Todoroki over hears Momo and Jirou discussing about some ‘stalker’
-”Who’s stalking you, Yaoyorozu.” Todoroki didn’t even hide the fact that he was eavesdropping. “Is it …” He nodded his head towards Mineta with a glare, and Momo shook her head. She then told him some boy, around their age, had been following her to the dorms.
-That’s really strange seeing how UA’s security system should be top notch? Unless this kid was also a student?
-So after school, Todoroki, Momo and Jirou walk back to the dorms together. He needed to confront whoever this creepo was. Oddly enough, the stalker didn’t show up that day, and Todoroki was left a little disappointed.
-Aizawa called Todoroki and Momo to the office the next day during lunch and Momo had an eerie feeling that something was up. She had sensed sensei eyeing the two of them once in awhile during class AND he would be randomly chuckling too sometimes. What the heck was going on?
-”Maybe I failed the math quiz,” Todoroki suggested, hands in his pockets while walking down the hall beside Momo, “I can’t think of anything else.”
“But why would Aizawa sensei call me too? And no way would Todoroki-san fail that quiz! I have faith!” 
Momo raised her arm enthusiastically to illustrate her point and Todo grinned.
-The big reveal sat in his office when the two had arrived…
“That’s the person who’s been following me…” Momo said and Todoroki scrutinized the kid who sat beside Aizawa stiffly.
Aizawa was attempting to stay loyal to keeping the secret but his comical expression betrayed him. Then the teacher broke into full on laughter. Todoroki raised a brow.
“Sorry, just that I’m so happy for you two,” Their teacher said.
Even more confusion.
The boy shuffled in his seat and opened his mouth to speak, eyeing Todoroki and Momo like they had something he wanted.
“Gramps please.”
“God, I’m still not used to you calling me that,” Aizawa said, “Guys, this is Kazu. And no, before you ask, this is not my grandson. Not really anyway.”
Todoroki and Momo nodded to him and mumbled a greeting.
“Well? Fully introduce yourself.” 
Aizawa had that damn smirk again and Kazu seemed less uncomfortable now, standing to approach them. Todoroki was getting extremely impatient.
“If this isn’t important, I want to get back to having lunch.” Todoroki shifted closer to the door and Aizawa stopped him.
“Hey, don’t you want to talk to your son?”
Todoroki exchanged glances with Momo. Is this some early April Fools prank?
“What son?” Momo darted her gaze from Todoroki back to Aizawa and then to Kazu. 
“Your son. Both of you,” Kazu finally spoke, his voice was deep, “My full name is Todoroki Kazu. My father is the hero Shouto, and well, my mom is Creati.” 
-BTW Kazu has full short, black hair, blue eyes, and a perky nose like Momo
-”What? What the hell?!” Momo said and she mumbled an apology to her mother because Yaoyorozus don’t swear.
Aizawa’s rolling over seeing Todoroki’s jaw slack. It’s rare to see the great Todoroki acting ‘uncool’
-Kazu began to explain that ‘apparently’ some friend of his sent him back in time? With his quirk? And the only way for him to return to his own time is if he fulfills his purpose of coming back…which was…?
Ah screw this. This was friggin’ crazy. Nothing was entering Todoroki and Momo’s brain in coherent sentences. How can they believe this. Heck for all they know, this could be some random kid making this stuff up.
But if it’s true then Kazu’s friend needs to be friggin’ locked up for being so OP.
After Aizawa stood back up from lying on the floor in his worm suit (and he finally stopped laughing) Kazu took out his phone and showed them a family picture of them. Todoroki, appearing way taller than now, with his 5-o-clock shadow, an arm slung around an older (and even more beautiful) Momo. The latter had both of her arms around Kazu, who was holding a giant wrapped present, and she had shoulder length hair as well. The bright grin that graced her lips was shiny with lipgloss. This family picture looked really natural, and the background seemed to be at someone’s house, presumably their own. 
-Okay so during this Phase of Awkwardness, Todoroki and Momo went from standing next to each other to standing FAR from each other. Momo gulped for the third time. The only thing in her mind was:
-Todoroki of course was crossing his arms, still in complete denial, super weirded out but trying not to show that on his face, and just studied Kazu with eyes that could drill a hold through his head. 
Kazu returned a gaze just as stern.
Perhaps this WAS his son. 
-Aizawa then explained that he caught Kazu snooping around and given the anomaly that their security system was picking up, he had to confront him. Aizawa suggested Kazu stay here in one of the guest houses with little to no contact with the outside world in case it changes things in the future (ok don’t think too much about details ‘cas time skipping crap is annoying and I’m not a physicist). 
“So how do we help you get back home,” Todoroki started, “Assuming you’re speaking the truth.”
“Dad you’ve never changed. I wonder why Mom loves you so much sometimes given your emotionless facade.”
Todoroki grunted. Seeing Momo’s look of disapproval, Kazu quickly straightened and cleared his throat.
“So I would like you to help me take a picture of Uncle Izuku’s room? Just the posters. My friend needs it. That’s my purpose here since my friend can’t send herself back to the past.”
Aizawa nodded his head a few times interested at the turn of events. 
“Is your friend…related to Midoriya-san?” Momo asked but Kazu pinches his fingers together and does a zipping motion across his mouth.
“I shouldn’t say more than I have to. As Gramps said, it’d change things.”
- After knowing how to help Kazu, their teacher ordered Todoroki and Momo to head back to class now that lunch break was almost over. How was their homeroom teacher expecting them to act after knowing this? Momo avoided Todoroki’s gaze and ran up the hallway herself.
Like her, Todoroki had so many questions. For example, when did Yaoyorozu and him get married? How did they even reach that stage? Does Kazu have siblings…meaning did they have more children? Is he the top hero or is Midoriya or is someone else? Do they have contact with Bakugou or Mineta? Where’s his mother? Where’s Endeavor? Does Fuyumi have a family of her own too? And how about Midoriya…does he marry Uraraka like most people predicted?
So many questions.
But the biggest question really was …what the heck is Kazu’s quirk?
-Of course that night Todoroki and Momo didn’t sleep well. Momo found Todoroki sitting on the couch at the lobby and she reluctantly joined him. He scooched over and let Momo sit beside him with her mug of hot tea (decaf) in hand. They discuss all the things that were swirling in their heads and figured tomorrow would be a good time to ask Midoriya about his posters. 
“What do you think our-” Todoroki paused and continued, sensing Momo’s heated gaze, “son’s quirk is?” 
“I don’t know, maybe fire like yours? He did seem to have a fiery look in his eyes.” 
“I actually think it might be forging things, like you.”
“Huh. Really?”
“Yeah, its a great quirk, I’d hope Kazu has that.”
They both stop to laugh and yes this was totally ludicrous, and seeing how Kazu’s around their age, calling him their son seemed to be awfully funny. Heck, getting used to the idea of both of them being parents together was already absurd enough.
-Midoriya allowed them to take pics of his merchandise with Momo making the excuse of “Todoroki-san and I both want to study All Might’s history and his rise to fame so thank you for letting us take pics of your collection!” 
‘Course Kazu only wanted the posters so they gonna forward only those pics to him. Just didn’t seem as suspicious if they took pics of everything.
Midoriya assured them that there was no way they could find some of the limited edition merch anymore and both of them just nodded wearily. 
-Okay so after Momo sent Kazu the pics. Momo’s like “Well, I think you need to at least give us a reason why your friend needs these?” And then Kazu sighed. 
“Fine, she wanted to find a replica or something of one of these posters ‘cas her dad lost it. That’s all.”
Momo smiled. Her dad must be Midoriya then.
(The three of them are in an alley somewhere btw. Looking suspicious LOL)
Todoroki then goes “And…one more thing. What’s your quirk?”
“Oh, that’s simple, its ice creation.” 
“Isn’t that just making ice like me then?”
“Nope, its a fusion of you and mom’s quirks. Why don’t I demonstrate since no one’s around anyway.”
Kazu opened his palm.
Todoroki and Momo focused on it. They blink.
All of a sudden, a dog figure made completely of ice appeared out of his skin and the dog started to move and sit and play dead and all that. 
“That’s beautiful.” Todoroki said. He’s very proud. “It’s a very impressive quirk, just like yours, Yaoyorozu.”
Momo blushed at the compliment and Kazu smirked after melting the dog within his finger tips. 
“I guess you’re pretty cool too when you’re young, Dad. And of course Mom is as patient as she always will be. Any time now,” Kazu said, “I’ll go poof and be gone back to my own time. year 2048.”
Momo patted his head affectionately. It’s sorta sad how she met him for such a short amount of time (but Kazu reassured her that there are many years to come where they will spend lots of time together).
 There’s a connection between them, there really is no doubt about it. She sent Todoroki a knowing smile and he took a deep breath.
30 years later, they’ll have a son named Kazu. Who knew.
thanks for reading my weird fanfic/headcanon thing!
- so the friend of Kazu is actually the child of Midoriya, the mom…I don’t know :P
 -Kazu was able to get through UA security despite it showing an anomaly is ‘cas Kazu is gonna be a UA student 30 years later and they use a security system with the same foundation just updated of course
-Kazu’s stats are pretty much like Momo’s 
-Kazu’s name means ‘peace’! 
-Yes, Kazu has siblings ;)
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twatkcox · 5 years
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May 11
So the four-weekend plan begins with the usual mall-hopping trip at a mall in Novaliches and the three malls in the Fairview area, plus a sip of cappuccino frappe at a cafe in Lagro and a tempura bowl at a Japanese fast food in SM Fairview. I visited every second-hand bookshop in these malls and checked the shelves for some interesting manga titles. I also checked other shops as well.
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I checked SM Novaliches expansion at the former BPO area, and it looks like Macao Imperial Tea will open a branch there. And I find a couple of interesting manga books (one of them is Aldnoah.Zero) at Booksale’s branch in that mall as well, only I can’t spend too much at the moment.
While I had cappuccino frappe and siomai at a cafe in Lagro, I also had a fantastic (early) dinner--a tempura bowl at Karate Kid... and I get to eat with chopsticks too (yup, they actually provide chopsticks upon request). Well, I’m getting better at using chopsticks, and I don’t have to take off my fingerless gloves just so I can eat. Amazing, isn’t it?
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Of course, there’s the usual rooftop retreat at the Fairview Terraces roof garden, where I worked on some of the 6+1 stories to be featured on an upcoming literary special. While I initially target to publish the literary special post on the 19th of May, I decided to move it to a later date.
The night ends with just checking a couple of shops in the mall area. I didn’t get to check HMR, though.
May 12
A mother’s day celebration at my mom’s house, with my aunt and cousins. We had a small feast of pancit canton.
It’s been a while since I visit my mom since she had classes on Sundays. She is aiming to be an instructor specializing in tile setting, and I hope she makes it.
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Meanwhile, I managed to spend an hour at Fairview Terraces roof garden writing stories and checking the venue of the upcoming event POF 2019: Asobu at the Robinsons Novaliches Trade Hall. Regarding the latter, it looks like they’re going to occupy the entire area, which is actually great considering that they need to accommodate a great number of congoers, plus the exhibitors' booths. And they even have an area for press briefings and meet-and-greet activities.
I eventually have the convention map and the schedule of the event, which were posted on their Facebook page. I’m hoping to attend the first day of the event (Friday, May 17th) just to catch the Otaku Choice Awards.
May 17-19
For the post: The Keihancarl Diaries: May 17-19, 2019
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Well, it seems like I can go to the first day of the event after all. I get to have selfies with some of the cosplayers and bought some awesome souvenirs as well. And I did catch the first half of the Otaku Choice Awards.
For the rest of the event, I witnessed a variety of competitions, including various cosplay competitions and the battle of the bands. There were featured guests and performances, as well as fan meetups.
Of course, I did wear my favorite black fleece coat, an anime shirt, and black fingerless gloves, but only on the second and third day of the event. For the first day of the event, I opted for a pastel yellow shirt, black knitted vest, and the same black fingerless gloves.
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It sure feels weird being at an otaku event all by myself, and I certainly looked like a misfit among the crowd of anime fans, die-hard otakus, and some cosplayers. Even though I’m a casual otaku watching English-dubbed anime, reading English-translated second-hand manga, listening to a few anime soundtracks, and probably collecting various anime merch, I certainly feel out of place there. I don’t know if there are some congoers who feels the same way, maybe some of them are just like me.
Despite this, I’m lucky enough to buy some souvenirs at the event, and I get to my idol Ariel Villasanta (see TKD post). And of course, I had selfies with some of the cosplayers too.
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Though not as crowded and exciting as the previous POF events I’ve attended (POF 2017: Danketsu and POF 2018: Ai), I still managed to enjoy the event just the same. I hoped that the next POF event will be held at the same venue next year.
May 25
For the post: The Keihancarl Diaries: May 25, 2019
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A mall-hopping trip commenced a week right after POF 2019: Asobu, but things didn’t go as expected. For starters, the heavy traffic in Deparo and Novaliches areas totally disrupted my mood, as well as the (expected) rainfall and some other inconveniences along the way. Also, Baywalk is closed in the meantime due to the desilting operations along the Manila Bay shoreline, from the U.S. Embassy up to the Manila Yacht Club.
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On the brighter side, however, I really enjoyed taking selfies at the Lucky Chinatown Mall in Binondo, and these are the only selfie pics I took during the entire trip. And of course, the shrimp-chorizo fried rice at Habeat is really good. I somehow managed to check a few shops along the way, most of them are bookshops.
Anyway, while heading down the escalator at a mall in Binondo, an elderly man took notice of the red anime shirt I’m wearing, which says “People are my playthings”. He appeared to be a little wary of the shirt’s design, but I guess he didn’t really care much about it. Also, at a mall in San Lazaro area in Manila, a guy about my age (who probably works as a sales representative for a bank) apparently tried to approach me, thinking that my shirt and/or the pins are cool, and may probably be wondering where I got them. I simply didn’t pay him attention and walked off. Besides, I’m not really expecting some random stranger to approach me for whatever reason. As I ride the escalator to the upper level, I was kind of wondering if I actually encountered that guy during the otaku event exactly a week prior, probably as a cosplayer, but that’s just a 100% speculation and nothing else. Maybe he’s just curious, that’s all.
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Just as I thought that my mall-hopping trip probably sucked, I happened to score another manga book at a Booksale branch in SM Fairview. Of course, I bought it immediately, seeing that it’s a popular title (Full Metal Alchemist) and I’m not gonna let this opportunity pass me by, so there!
It was quite an adventure... more like a misadventure, to be honest. But I somehow managed to enjoy the trip in a different way. I’m planning to wear the same outfit again on my next mall-hopping trip down south.
May 26
I visited my mom that day and assisted her with the module she’s working on. She didn’t have classes that day, so that means I can come over for a visit. While I initially have other plans for that day, I’ll just reserve it for the following week. Besides, I haven’t visited her in a while since her classes (which is on weekends, particularly Sundays) started last January.
June 1-2
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The final week of the four-weekend plan didn't turn out great as expected. My Saturday afternoon plans began rather late, and the strap of my watch was torn along the way. I have to deal with it for a while until I either had the strap fixed or buy a new one.
I decided to wear my red anime shirt again and decided to head to Starmall San Jose Del Monte for a mall-hopping trip outside the Lagro-Fairview area. And then I had matcha cheesecake at a dessert shop in Lagro. My favorite cafe is already closed during that time, as it is past 5:00 PM when I arrived.
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I then went on a mall-hopping trip in the Fairview malls and bought myself a gray shirt with a cool graphic print (a pumpkin holding a banner that says “I am not a latte”). I also checked the venue where POF 2019: Asobu was held two weeks ago, and it sure feels a little quiet there.
I was thinking of buying a new watch, even if that means I have to spend a lot of money just for that. I simply can't go out without wearing one. I had a donburi bowl at Tokyo Tokyo, this time it is chicken oyakodon. It was really good.
The following day, I decided to wear the gray shirt I bought yesterday and just focused on the three malls. I bought a Rockman mug at a bargain department store (Robinsons Novaliches) and had an early dinner of dumplings with laksa soup and Hainanese rice (Paotsin) at the Fairview Terraces food court.
The entire weekend ends with story writing up at the Fairview Terraces rooftop garden and a visit to some shops. And that concludes the four-weekend plan.
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In the past four weekends, I had cappuccino frappe, jasmine tea with rock salt and cheese, and matcha cheesecake, dined in Japanese fast food restos, attended a three-day otaku event, bought some cool stuff (especially the T-shirts and the pins), went on a problematic mall-hopping trip, wrote snippets of the stories and articles I’m currently working on, and don cool-looking outfits (especially the ones featuring my black fleece coat and black fingerless gloves).
Despite my excitement on these four weekends, I had mixed feelings about it, especially on the second and third week (the otaku event and the mall-hopping trip). Nevertheless, I did manage to enjoy the good things that happened and I might replicate this next year. I am so looking forward to the next POF event and a mall-hopping trip right after that.
Right now, I’m looking forward to the Manila International Book Fair 2019 and my 29th birthday celebration. And hopefully, another otaku event (probably Best Of Anime 2019) at the SMX Convention Center. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for these events... and my plans.
All pics are from my private Instagram account, @kcox105.
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illyriantremors · 8 years
Beneath the Stars Chapter 21
AO3 Linkage
Summary: Christmas brings about new beginnings for all, and for the first time in Feyre's life, hope. Final chapter excluding epilogue and bonus chapters.
Chapter 21
I woke up three days later on Christmas morning to a house full of people I’d never expected would be there again. For a long time I stayed in bed nestled under the covers staring at the little stars I’d painted on my ceiling. When I heard mom yell at Nesta downstairs that she was letting the bacon burn, I smiled and pulled the covers over my head.
At the end of a very long, taxing day at the hospital, mom had driven me home. She went to her apartment only long enough to get some clothes before returning. I was going back to the apartment with her after Christmas was over to spend the holidays with her, but once break was over, she was breaking her lease early and coming home so I could finish out senior year with as few road bumps as possible.
Nesta and Elain stayed too, though they were going back to their respective homes at school the day after Christmas. Too much grading and research they’d missed out on from taking emergency time off.
“I made French Toast,” Elain said, setting a delicious looking plate in front of me when I sat down at the table. It was hard passing the living room knowing dad wasn’t going to be sitting in his chair. We hadn’t even decorated the house. Neither of us had felt like it.
“It looks amazing,” I said. My sister beamed at me.
“Nesta - what did I tell you about the bacon!”
“Fuck all if I care.”
“OH!” Mom threw down her towel and stomped her foot. I broke out into a laugh. “You think this is funny, Feyre?”
“Actually, yeah, I kind of do.”
Nesta threw her head back and cackled. She mussed up my hair on her way to the cabinets for something or other and whispered, “I knew you were really on my side.”
Elain sank into the chair next to me trying to hide her grin behind her large coffee mug.
At noon, we drove to the hospital. Dad mostly slept, he was so heavily medicated. Part of me was grateful we didn’t have to talk. I was angry and sad for him all at once, but dealing with mom was enough for now. I didn’t think I could handle both of them at once just yet.
But watching him sleep and knowing he would live brought me some small comfort. It would be hard and we would all have to help him fight, not just me anymore, but he could do it. Every time I thought about him slipping away again and never coming back to me, I broke out into tears. That night finding him on the bed and screaming my head off was going to haunt me for a long while yet.
It was one of the biggest reasons I asked mom if I could see my own therapist. After spending the better part of a year resurrecting myself from the dead only to keep finding myself in pockets of despair, not always knowing how I got there, I decided it was time I needed help. I couldn’t keep fighting on my own anymore.
And mom was home. And my snarky sisters actually felt like real sisters for the first time maybe ever. And my first semester grades were halfway decent. Things were really looking up, especially when it came to -
My phone pinged. Rhys was waiting in the parking lot for me.
Should I come up?
Nah i’ll meat you outside.
Yes, darling.
But a handsome prick whom you love for helping you read and write better.
It is your only talent.
Feyre, you wound me. I have many other talents as your lips well know by now.
That remains to be seen.
A slew of shocked face emojis flooded the next text and I smiled as I put my phone away and put my coat back on. We’d been at the hospital sitting with dad for well over an hour. Nesta never complained once about the time nor dad’s silence.
“Is it time already, Feyre?” mom asked.
“She’s in luuuuuv, mom,” Elain crooned, giving me heart eyes. “Time waits for no one when you’re in love.”
“This is the young man who was waiting with you when you came in with your father?”
She addressed this question to me.
“Yes, yes it is.”
“At six in the morning?”
My cheeks blushed and I lowered my head, pretending to straighten my hair to hide the redness. “Mhm.”
“It was Winter Formal the night before,” Nesta said. “So naturally, Feyre was up late.”
“You’re one to talk, Nesta.”
We glared at each other hotly. Mom simply said, “Well I hope you’re being safe. Both of you.”
“Oh my gosh, can we not?!”
“Bye honey,” she said with one of those mom smiles that took way too much pleasure in embarrassing the crap out of their kids. “And don’t think we aren’t going to talk about this Rhysand when you get home tonight, which you will do at a reasonable hour.” She kissed me on the cheek and spun me towards the door. “Have fun!”
“Yeah, got it, thanks!”
I ran out to Rhys’s car and flung myself into the front seat. “She’s awful!” I screeched, buckling myself in. “She wants to talk about you and I and, I think, about sex tonight when I get home. I haven’t had to have the sex talk with my parents since… well I can’t remember the last time!”
Rhys chuckled. “So she’s being a good mom again then?”
I sank into my seat with a sigh. “Yeah, she is. Heh.”
We smiled and sped off towards Rhys’s house. Morrigan showered me with her presence the moment I was through the door. I was the lone exception to the family-only rule today given that I wasn’t staying for the entirety of Christmas vacation while I went with mom and life had been kind of hectic. Rhys convinced his dad I needed a break.
“Feyre - hey!” Rhys’s dad came in from outside wearing a grilling apron and holding a metal spatula. A delightful mix of barbeque and herbs wafted in from the outdoor deck. Thank goodness for California weather for letting us get away with a barbeque in the middle of Christmas.
“I brought you this. Merry Christmas, sir.”
I handed over a small package wrapped in tinfoil. I think it took him by surprise. Rhys eyed me curiously as his dad opened it.
“Oatmeal cookies!”
“I told you she’s a knockout, dad,” Rhys said, coming to put his arm around me.
“You barbeque for Christmas?” I asked.
“Every year. Family tradition.”
“Rhys, get out here and help your old man for a second. Give Feyre a break from looking at your sorry face too much.”
Rhys whistled. “Well, I see where you and Mor get it from.”
“Hey!” Mor bumped into me and pulled me toward her. She was a physical one, Miss Morrigan. “I resent that. Come on, I got you a present!”
“You tell me you resent me by getting me gifts?”
“Shut up.”
She traipsed toward the tree and removed a small, flat rectangular package from underneath it and handed it to me.
“Well open it!”
I tore the wrapping paper off and discovered a simple wooden frame containing a picture - one of me and Rhys. It was from when we went camping together. Early morning judging by the faint yellows and pinks cresting the skyline along the trees. Rhys and I were nestled together in our sleeping bags up on the hill I’d found him on when Mor kicked him out. She must have woken up extra early to get this pic on her phone.
“I can’t believe you have a picture of this! Morrigan, this is magnificent. I could kiss you.”
“Please do, Feyre. I’d love to see my cousin’s face. He says you’re a good kisser. I can’t get him to shut up about it.”
“Just talk about how lovely Azriel’s tongue is. That’ll shut him up. How thick and hot and skilled it is, among other things I’m sure-”
“Feyre Archeron!” Morrigan blushed the deepest shade of scarlet I’d seen on her yet. “I shower you with gifts and look how you betray me.”
“You know it’s true.”
“What’s true?” Rhys asked, coming back in from outside.
“Nothing!” Mor shouted. Rhys cocked his head curiously and came up behind me, murmuring wickedly in my ear.
“What did you do to my cousin and how do I get in on it?”
I laughed heartily, much to Mor’s dismay and shoved the picture at him. “Look what she gave me.”
Rhys was startled when he saw what was held within the frame, but he broke into the most beautiful grin afterward and nuzzled into my neck. “A night I’d very much like to repeat now that I can kiss you, darling.” His lips descended onto my neck.
“Oh you two are pigs.” Morrigan huffed herself outside while I turned around and laughed myself silly into Rhys’s chest.
“That really was a wonderful night,” he said.
“It was. You know, I don’t think I’d have made it had it not been for that night. That entire trip, really.”
“What do you mean?”
“It was the first time in forever I’d felt like myself again. That I’d felt happy with friends.” I paused a moment, playing with the buttons of his shirt, finely pressed as always and today cherry red Christmas, before continuing. “I asked my mom about seeing someone - a therapist.”
Rhys’s brow flicked up in surprise. “Did you now?”
“Yeah, it’s time, I think.”
He took my hands and led me to the couch where we could sit down. I crossed my legs and sat sideways next to him.
“And how do we feel about that?”
“Good. A little nervous. But I think could have used this ages ago. I’m ready.”
He flicked me lovingly on the nose, a gesture only he could ever get away with, before tucking my hair behind my ear. I leaned in to the touch. “I’m proud of you. You’ve made a lot of progress and you’re kicking ass.”
“It doesn’t always feel like it.”
“Sometimes it won’t, but the important thing is you’re trying and hopefully sometime soon you’ll have more days of ass kicking then you do days you don’t.”
“You speak from experience?”
Now it was my turn to be surprised. Rhys blew out hot air nervously before meeting me square on.
“I called Tamlin.” My jaw plummeted. “I thought that might be the reaction.”
“Last night. I told him I had talked to you and that it would be nice if we could move on in peace. He seemed grateful that I had called. I don’t think we’re ever going to be friends again like we were as kids, but… it’s nice to know we can pass each other at school now and not feel like we have to hate each, even if we don’t… well.”
Sliding into his lap, I kissed him slowly sending all the love and considerable warmth I felt about him into his lips. It was a chaste kiss. A sweet kiss. A kiss that said I love you.
“What was that for?” Rhys said, a little breathless when we broke apart.
“You’re not the only one who’s proud of someone today,” I replied. Rhys hummed low in his throat. “In fact,” I said sliding my fingers down his chest until I was dangerously close to his waistline an inch above his pants, “I’d say we’ve earned ourselves a reward.”
“My father is not more than sixty feet from this couch Feyre,” he said, but he chuckled over every word.
“You have a basement. Use it.”
Rhys stood scooping me up as he went. “As milady commands. Though you really should have told me about this doing it in public kink of yours before we started dating. I would have taken out an insurance policy given the risks.”
“Pft!” I scoffed. “Why? Scared you won’t be able to perform under pressure? Maybe I should take out the insurance policy. High risk of disappoint-”
His lips cut me off as his bedroom door opened. “Rhys?” his dad called from outside. We closed the door, pretending not to hear, and descended into his room in a chorus of hushed snickers and reckless kisses.
It was the most hopeful I’d ever felt.
The End
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proudbookaddict · 7 years
Rescuing Miami
by Elle Boon
ALL HOPE IS GONE…Ando thought his life was over when his fiancée dies before they had ever had a chance to live the life they planned. After the devastation of her loss, he swears he will never risk his heart again. HIS SAVING GRACE…Years later he finds a woman who makes him believe that life might be worth living again. In turn, Jules finds the one man who makes her feel things she never felt before. CAN LOVE SURVIVE…When a cult targets Jules, will Ando finally realize that love is the most important thing in the world before it is too late?
http://amzn.to/2uCVpv3 GoodReads - http://bit.ly/2vlvwN9
“You’re awfully quiet. Are you sure you’re okay?” Jules asked as the sign for the hospital came into view. He nodded, taking a deep breath. “I’m fine, just thinking.” Turning to see how she was reacting to the situation, Ando decided to be honest with her, or at least marginally. “I lost my fiancée in a boating accident. She fell overboard, hitting her head. I held her while she…anyway, I don’t think this little scratch is going to do me in.” He touched the bandage, his fingers came away with a red stain. “I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine losing someone you love like that.” She pressed trembling lips together. Ando saw her eyes glitter with tears. Holy shit, this woman who didn’t know him or anything about his past was ready to cry for his loss. Without thinking he put his hand on her thigh. “It was a long time ago.” No longer did his heart squeeze at the words. No longer did he want to go back to the past and shake Melanie, demanding answers. No, only a sense of grief for the loss of life, hers and the child even though it wasn’t his, hit him. Jules swallowed audibly. “I’m still sorry. Losing a loved one, no matter how long ago, hurts.” He wondered who she’d lost and if it was a lover. His thoughts were cut off as she pulled into the ER entrance. “I can drop you at the doors and park, or park and we can go in together?” she asked. Realizing his hand was still on her thigh, he pulled back. “Park and we’ll walk in together. I’m not an invalid even though I seem to be bleeding like a stuck pig.” She laughed, easing the tension. “You really are, aren’t you?” They found a spot in the front as another vehicle pulled out. “Eureka,” Jules said while they waited for the SUV to move. “This must be our lucky night.” She then looked at his bloody bandage, then grimaced. “Or not,” she corrected. “Come on, woman, let’s get me stitched up so I don’t need to get a transfusion,” he joked, or at least hoped he wouldn’t need one. Hell, he honestly had no clue if he’d lost enough blood to need one. “Nah, you won’t need one of those. It only seems like you’ve lost a shitton of the stuff.” She reached for the door handle. “You ready?” “You bet. Let’s get this over with. I might need to hold your hand when they stitch me up.” He grinned. Hopping down she met him in the front of the pickup, engaging the alarm with a press of the keyfob. “I highly doubt that, but I’ll stick by your side just in case you pass out.” Ando couldn’t believe how easy it was to talk and joke with Jules, a woman he’d just met. Although it could be the knock to his head. However, he doubted that had anything to do with it. The emergency room was bustling with activity. Jules seemed to know several of the workers and was immediately recognized. If they’d been in Miami, he’d have been whisked back to a private area in minutes. Now, he sat in a chair filling out paperwork while the woman who’d brought him in chatted with a man who looked old enough to be her damn uncle, or dad, and Ando didn’t like it one damn bit. He finished the last of the paperwork, then got up to turn it into the nurse at the front. She glanced up, smiled then he was taken back to a small room marked triage made up of glass enclosures. Jules was still locked in a conversation with the older man and another had joined them. So much for her sticking next to him. “Your blood pressure is a little high,” the nurse said making notes. Taking a deep breath, he looked away from Jules and the spectacle she was making. He smiled at the middle-aged nurse wearing the red scrubs, thinking it was a truly poor choice in color choice. “Sorry, try it again. I was a bit nervous.” He steadied his breathing and thought of nothing in particular. “Much better.” She made the correction, then led him into another room down the hall after getting all his vitals. “Alright, the ER Doc will be with you shortly. I’d offer you something to drink, but just in case you need surgery, which I don’t think you will, we can’t just yet.” She winked. “Now, if you need anything just press this here button. My name is Louise.” The woman left as quickly as she ushered him in. He looked at the bed and the lone chair in the small cubicle they called a room, then decided the bed looked like the best option since he’d have to sit there when the doctor came in anyway. Pulling his cellphone out of his pocket, he decided to text his sister a pic of himself with the wound. If nothing else, she’d get a kick out of his predicament. Gia’s immediate response brought a smile to his lips. Only a sister would tell her brother it was an improvement to his regular ugly mug, followed by a ‘how you doin’ meme. He let her know he was fine, and would update on the number of stiches afterwards. Of course, she wants all the details, which he’d gloss over as best he could when he got home. The sound of the curtain being pulled open had him looking up from his phone to find Jules there. “Hey there,” Jules said. **** Jules tried to paste on a happy appearance, but being waylaid by one of the officers who’d worked the night she’d saved Marietta brought her mood south. To top it off, she then had to deal with Sean, a guy she’d dated off and on, more off than on asking her about Ando and her. Jeez, couldn’t a girl catch a break from all the drama? “Hey,” Ando said. If artic glare could describe the way his dark eyes stared at her, then that was what he gave her. “Sorry I left you earlier. That was one of the cops who was on duty on a case I was involved in. He was giving me an update on it.” She shut her mouth when he narrowed his eyes. “I thought you were an EMT?” In for a penny and all that she thought. “I am, but sometimes life brings you into situations out of your control. I was walking along the beach one night and stumbled upon a scene straight out of a nightmare. Suffice it to say, I inadvertently saved a young woman’s life.” When Ando opened his mouth to ask more questions she was sure, the curtain was pulled back, saving her from having to answer and relive the horrifying night again. “Good evening, Mr. Delgado. What do we have here?” Jules stood to the side while a man in scrubs came in, his name tag said his name was Dr. Torres. “Evening, Dr. Torres. I fell off the end of the boat dock and hit my head.” Ando indicated his head. Dr. Torres went through some routine questions and tests, then pulled the bandage away. “Looks like someone cleaned you up pretty good,” he stated. “Jules here is an EMT with Dallas Fire and Rescue.” Ando’s gaze landed on her. If she didn’t know better she’d swear he sounded proud of her. “I cleaned it out and made sure there wasn’t any foreign bodies in the wound, then got him here as quickly as safety allowed.” “You did a good job. Head wounds tend to bleed like a sieve. Let’s get you stitched up and out of here quickly, son.” She met Ando’s eyes as Dr. Torres and the nurse set up the instruments needed. “You doing okay?” Ando nodded. “Yeah, I can handle it. You gonna hold my hand?” Her breath stalled in her throat. “Sure.” The word came out breathlessly. “Alright, Suzy is going to clean it up a bit more just to make sure it’s one hundred percent clean. Not that I don’t trust your abilities, young lady, but we don’t want to have anything foreign inside there when we seal him up. I’d say you’ll have about five stitches.” Dr. Torres took off his gloves and made some notes while the nurse named Suzy came forward. “This is definitely going to hurt a little.” Her dark brown hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, true regret rang through in her tone. Ando held his hand out toward Jules. Without hesitation she took it, entwining their fingers. “I’ll hold still, just work quickly.”
  Author Bio
Elle Boon lives in Middle-Merica as she likes to say…with her husband, two kids, and a black lab who is more like a small pony. She’d never planned to be a writer, but when life threw her a curve, she swerved with it, since she’s athletically challenged. She’s known for saying “Bless Your Heart” and dropping lots of F-bombs, but she loves where this new journey has taken her. She writes what she loves to read, and that is romance, whether it’s erotic, Navy SEALs, or paranormal, as long as there is a happily ever after. Her biggest hope is that after readers have read one of her stories, they fall in love with her characters as much as she did. She loves creating new worlds, and has more stories just waiting to be written. Elle believes in happily ever afters, and can guarantee you will always get one with her stories. Connect with Elle online, she loves to hear from you. Author Web & Social Media links:
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