#it wants gabe to see all the wings it has now! very cool!
cherubchoirs · 1 year
I had a dream were V1 and V2 got trapped I'm a room together and got so incredibly bored waiting for rescue they just started swapping parts until they were both just a mismatched jumble of red and blue panels and redundant limbs and wings. When Gabe finally got to them they were very relived but forgot what they looked like and couldn't understand why Gabe was so confused.
he's beginning to realize machines have very different ideas about their identity (he should have read their name tags)
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soulsxng · 1 year
Taari and Sgaire for the child meme.
@desiderium-eden (mentions @sansloii)
Name: Marielle
Gender: Female
General Appearance: I feel like she heavily resembles Sgáire for the most part, aside from having wavy hair like Taari, as well as Taari's wings (and one blue eye). Taller than lots of other kids in Gabe's classes that are her age, but I also feel like she's probably going to stop growing so much soon, and end up mostly average height. The maker had wings, so I just gave them to her automatically, but I also kind of think that she might end up with Sugar's fox features, instead? Or heck, she could even have both, who knows!
Personality: Very "Fight me", and thinks she's a lot tougher than she is...which tracks, because Taari was a scrappy little kid at times, too. And she does have the boundless energy and spunk to back it up too, because even if she gets knocked down, she's hopping right back up, ready to go again. Still, for all of that, she's actually a pretty well behaved kid, overall. She likes playing tricks, but she knows where the line is. She might be scrappy, but she doesn't start fights unless it's for a good reason. Wants to hurry and get big like her big brothers and sisters, and her older cousins, so she can hang out with them more, and is always trying to drag her parents out to do all kinds of wild things.
Special Talents: Hide and seek champion...but somehow, Eri-jii, Eno-jii, and Zassy-jii are always able to find her anyway! And really, a lot of times they have to, because she'll be hiding somewhere for so long, that she dozes off and doesn't hear her parents call when the kids she's playing with go get them because they don't know where she went. She has sound powers like some of her angel family too, and she likes using them to mimic all kinds of animal sounds, right now. Sometimes Taari will just name an animal Marielle knows, to see if she can copy the sound it makes. She thinks it's a blast.
Who they like better: Her siblings! And her cousins! sorry mom and dads, she loves you too, don't worry
Who they take after more: She might take after Sgáire more in looks, but I feel like she takes after Taari more in personality...at least, Taari when he was a kid. She definitely doesn't have the cool, calm, collected thing that he generally does these days, lol.
Personal Head canon: Even if she's in her regular classes with Gabby, I feel like she really likes learning from Brodi whenever she can, too. She sees how much Jarrah and Laurys respect them, and thinks that if she also learns from Brodi, that she'll be as cool as he big sister and brother. Actually, she's probably like that with everyone that her siblings have a lot of respect for. Just immediately going to stick to that particular person like "Teach me how to be cool like -insert sibling here-!". Because of this though, she actually has a really wide base of knowledge for a kid so young, so I can see her turning out to be a real jack of all trades type.
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writer-panda · 3 years
The Hit on the Groom and What Became of It - Chapter 4/I’ll never let you down (in an open casket)
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The Hit on the Groom and What Became of It - Chapter 4/I’ll never let you down (in an open casket)
As she hanged up, Marinette rushed to the doors and let her mother in. The previous night she spent mostly on working with Kwamis to prepare. Most were in agreement that she needed to act and not leave her kitty’s fate to chance. Tikki protested for a bit, but in the end, she saw that there was no changing Marinette’s mind and joined in on scheming. Except she had no way of tracking Adrien. Not… until she received the call!
Except now her mother entered. Sabine greeted her daughter by giving her a bone-crushing hug. 
“I was so worried! When the police called I couldn’t just sit there and wait!”
“Maman. It’s alright. I’m okay. See?” The girl did break away from the hug and smiled.
“I know. But I couldn’t help but worry.”
“Maman… Adrien’s been kidnapped.”
“I know.” Her mother’s expression didn’t reveal any emotions now.
“I… he’s been miserable ever since that wedding mess, and now this.”
“I know.” Again, nothing. 
“He’s my friend.”
“Not the love of your life?” Sabine questioned with a bit of amusement in her voice.
“No. He doesn’t need another fangirl. He needs a friend. Someone who can support him. I… I wasn’t a good friend before this…” She didn’t reveal that she wasn’t a great partner either. Chat hid things well, but from time to time his shell cracked. She should’ve seen the signs. She could’ve done something. Or at least do something with Lila. She had connections and Lila deserved a lawsuit or five. 
“Oh, sweety. You were a great friend. You are a great friend. I’m happy to see you’re not about to chase after some misguided love, but after friendship.”
“I know I’m only… wait, what?” Marinette.exe stopped working. If the problem keeps repeating itself, please contact customer service or the nearest Kwami. 
“When I was fifteen, I dropped out of… school to explore the world on my own. It wasn’t until a few years later that I met your father.” Sabine said in a bit dreamy voice like she was reminiscing. “We had several adventures across Europe before finally settling down in Paris.”
“But… Papa’s a baker.” Marinette protested. “I thought he was always a baker, like his father.”
In response, her mother chuckled. “No. Your father had much more in common with your Nona than with his father. I met him when he was fighting in an underground cage-fighting club.”
“Whoa…” Marinette’s eyes widened. That was a story she never heard before. “So how did you two got together?”
“I will tell you some other time. The point is, I know that even if I took you to Paris with me, you would’ve run away to look for your friend.”
“Maman!” For a moment, the girl wanted to protest. But then she decided that there was no point. “Yes… you’re right. But I can’t just let it happen! If the police find him, he will end up back with his father!”
“I know. And what’ll you do about it?” Her mother had this mysterious smirk on her face.
“I guess… I need to be the one to find him. I will get him situated somewhere safe. Maybe stay with him for a bit. He’s smart. And a quick learner.” He mastered being a superhero faster than I did.
“Good. Then you have my blessing.” 
“I can’t just abandon-” Marinette.exe stopped working again. Contacting the customer service might be in order. Technically, Sabine kept hinting about it. Practically, Marinette would miss a clue even if she was holding a gun to its head. “I have your what now?”
“You can go. Save him. Find yourself. And maybe kick some asses while you’re at it.”
“Most parents would be worried sick about their not-yet-adult children running off to an adventure.”
“You wanted to know how I met your father. The answer is I was the first to beat him in that cage.” Sabine’s smirk was replaced with a serious expression. “Of course I will worry, sweety. I’m your mother. But holding you back now will not help you. You’re a strong young woman and to be fair, I’m not sure how we could hold you down. You have steady access to the rooftop and two years of parkour training.”
“What now?”
“Did you honestly think we wouldn’t notice you sneaking off through the balcony?”
“And you didn’t even tell me?” 
“It would be hypocritical of us.” Sabine defended. “And if the worse came to happen, I had several… souvenirs from our travel around the world.”
“Thank you, Maman. I promise I will come back; And call you often. Well, maybe not too often.” Marinette already dashed to start packing. 
“Of course you will. And don’t get into too much trouble. I would hate to have to go and find you.” Sabine threatened with a bright smile on her face. 
“I’ll try, Maman.” The girl was only half-listening now. She couldn’t waste any more time. She learned how to trace the call about one-and-a-half years ago when she was still a bit ‘stalker-ish’. 
Sabine watched her daughter with amusement. So many memories returned to her now. Youth mostly well-spent if someone asked her. The ‘mostly’ part came to bite her just that moment as her phone pinged. She quickly checked the message and frowned. 
“I’m sorry, my little cupcake, but I need to go check it. An old friend turns out to be in town.” 
“I’ll call you later!” Marinette called from where she was furiously working on her laptop. 
When Sabine left, the kwamis swarmed her immediately.
“Your mom is so cool!” one of them cooed.
“And she’s one bad-”
“Roaar!” Tikki scolded the tiger kwami. 
“What’s the plan, pigtails?”
“Adrien’s call was made from within Gotham City. He’s still here for now. I also managed to track him to Burnley.”
“Didn’t that mercenary you called mention some Lawton?” Trixx offered.
“Yeah. I did try to search him up, but the only one with that name that I managed to find is Zoe Lawton. Wait. There is more!” She beamed up. “An old article in some Mexican newspaper.” She clicked on the link and read it aloud for her co-conspirators “Floyd Lawton, also known as Deadshot, was recently arrested after an assassination of a small group of smugglers. It is yet unknown if it was a hit or was it personal.” The article went on, but there was nothing more of interest.
“So the guy’s a mercenary too? That’s good. He’ll bring Adrien to you.”
“Not so fast. I remember hearing about him. Deadshot is one of the few mercenaries who try to keep some resemblance of a code. He’s also noted to be soft around children.”
“Isn’t Adrien almost an adult though?” Kaalki asked rather uncaring.
“Have you met the guy? He’s a literal ray of sunshine!” Plagg protested.
“So… he won’t deliver him and won’t return him.” Seeing that some Kwamis didn’t understand her logic, she clarified, “I don’t think that if he learns how Gabe treated his son he will be in any hurry to return him.”
“That makes sense.” The little being all nodded in agreement.
“So what’s the alternative?”
“He could adopt him,” Ziggy suggested.
“Please.” Marinette dismissed the idea. “He’s not Bruce Wayne.”
“He could smuggle him out of the country.”
“No. Everyone’s looking for him.” Roaar countered. “He would try to lay low somewhere.”
“Burley is large and full of potential safe houses.” Marinette started to think. “But there is also a large concentration of organized crime. Alone, we would have a hard time, but if we got them to help…”
“Is it wise to involve more criminals into your schemes Marinette?” Tikki asked skeptically.
“Don’t worry, sugarcube. To catch a bird you need wings. To catch a criminal you need crime.”
“I’m not sure that’s how it works.”
“What’s the worse that could happen? I will go there as Seamstress. I won’t even appear in person. Right, Trixx?”
“You can count on it.” The fox kwami grinned.
“But… but…” Tikki wanted to scream her head off. Why did the previous guardian choose a juvenile criminal for her holder. Marinette used to be such a sweet girl. Where did Tikki go wrong?
It was dark when an eerie mist filled one of the less-than-legal clubs in Burnley. From among the smoke, a figure entered. She was wearing a godet-type black dress with a side-cut that reached to her belt. The dress was overlayed with a very visible deep-blue corset that pronounced her blue eyes. It had some intricate laces on it. She also wore a puffy-sleeved blazer (also black, but with a dark blue finish) with large and very pronounced cuffs. Around her neck was a white double jabot fixed to a choker with a large black gem surrounded by diamonds. Her long deep-blue hair was let loose and hung over her shoulder. A simple black-and-white domino mask hid her features.
As she marched, one of her legs shifted the fabric to reveal she was wearing dark-blue socks reaching above her knee and black leather boots. A knife was strapped to the right one and several leather strips around her thigh and knee suggested she had more weapons on her. 
One of the men whistled.
“Looks like the entertainment arrived, boys!” Several cheered at that shout. At least until the man who dared to say it ended pinned to a wall with a rather large needle holding his jacket in place. It was also uncomfortably close to his jugular. 
“I’m not entertainment.” The Seamstress hissed. 
“Then you’re not invited.” Several men got up, many were holding now-empty bottled which they turned into impromptu weapons. 
“You will help me find what was taken from me.” She demanded.
“Yeah? Or?” One of the men laughed before charging at her. 
What followed next was perhaps the strangest carnage Gotham City has seen in years. The Seamstress danced between the attacks with almost unnatural grace and agility while stabbing the attackers in various places with large needles. None of the hits were life-threatening and most would heal within hours. The wounds were meant to incapacitate with minimal long-term damage.
By the time she reached the far end of the bar, almost every man was laid out on the ground groaning in pain or scrambling in fear.
“I am not asking. You will be rewarded for your obedience.” She then disappeared into the back alley. One brave/foolish enough who still had some fight left rushed after her, only to find the place completely empty. 
On the rooftop, Marinette let out her breath. She didn’t use any miraculous for that one, but she kept Plagg’s ring on. Chat Noir wasn’t seen in some time, so it would’ve been easier to explain that the ring was stolen by a criminal. She would really need to thank her mother for all the training she forced on her ever since the Akumas started to appear, as well as the lessons during her childhood. Those were all only the most basic grunts tonight, but she got their attention. One of them would run to their boss. There, she could actually do what she planned. 
Just like she predicted, some of the less injured guys left the bar in hurry and drove their bikes to another part of the district. They disappeared into a three-story building. The windows were boarded, but some light seeped through on the top floor, so that is where she climbed. Indeed, by hanging on the edge of the window sill, she was able to hear the panicked screams inside.
“...and then she just disappeared! It was like that damn Bat, only much more terrifying. She was so small, and yet there was this… this… aura of power.”
Thank you Chloe for being queen B. Marinette stifled a laugh. Mimicking Chloe was the right choice. 
“Probably another one of his useless brats.” The boss dismissed them. Marinette decided that it would make the best impression if she contradicted him right now.
She wondered for a moment how to enter the armored building. She could rip the boards away and enter that way, but she was aiming for ethereal, not brute. In the end, she pulled a pair of glasses and put them over her mask. 
“Kaalki. Would you please help me break into headquarters of a criminal organization to scare them into serving me?”
“How many sugar cubes is it worth?”
“Ten. No more, no less.” Marinette had a small window of opportunity. 
“You’ve got a deal.” 
“Kaalki! Full gallop!” The light enveloped Marinette. When it died down, she was still in her outfit, only now the blue accents were brown instead. The gem on her neck held the symbol of a horse miraculous. “I love magical clothes. So easy to maintain the image.” Marinette muttered before a blue portal opened before her and she entered.
Inside, the five men (two who came to report, the boss, and his two guards) watched as the blue portal opened before them. The mist started to pour through it as well as through the boarded window. A figure calmly stepped inside.
“I didn’t expect the Gotham criminal organizations to be so… cliche.” She commented. Two needles sailed through the air and pinned the guards to the wall. Her horseshoe weapon waited patiently on her back should she need to use it.
“Who… who’re you?”
“Me? Oh. I’m The Seamstress. I had business in Gotham, but a fool dared to double-cross me. I need to find him.”
“Why… W-why shou-should w-we help… help you?” One of the guys from the bar asked.
“Oh. I’m not asking. I’m telling you that you’ll help me.” She informed. “I’m about to make you an offer you shouldn’t refuse.” 
The boss was now shaking. Damn city with its damn overpowered supervillains. They think they can simply run things as they want. First Red Hood took out most of the top brass of the underworld and then this? Working on his father’s farm was sounding more and more appealing. Then there was the shouldn’t. The reference to the classic movie was not lost, but she said shouldn’t. Not can’t. Once more he remembered how Red Hood took over. Submit, or die. This was the same. She clearly wouldn’t hesitate. He liked to think he could see those things. 
“I’m waiting.” The lady growled. “I’m not used to waiting.” Channeling Chloe is actually fun here. 
“Fine. You can have my seat. I’m going back to dad’s farm. Just let me go and you can have them.” The boss stood from his seat and motioned for her.
Marinette.exe is not responding. Do you want to execute the process? Not yet. 
She managed to keep enough cool to smile and take the seat, although she didn’t even register what was that. 
She would panic later. For now, tracking Adrien. “I need to find where Floyd Lawton, also called Deadshot, is hiding with my… asset.”
“It… I will see to it, Boss… lady.” One of the guys from the bar nodded very fast before rushing out of the room.
“I… will bring you the list of current assets.” One of the guards informed and walked somewhere. They were used to aggressive takeovers. This was their third. Boss change, guards remain. This was honestly the first time the previous boss managed to escape with his life. 
Meanwhile, Marinette finally realized what just happened. She really wanted to hit her head on the desk, but she was too afraid to show any signs of weakness. Why did she end up in this mess again?
Sabine Cheng was waiting for her plane back when an airport guard approached her.
“Lady Cheng?” Sabine’s blood froze for a moment, but she refused to show any outward reaction at her past codename. “There is a man who wishes to discuss some… past debts.”
Damn it. And here she thought that bald bastard would forget about her. He had several more suitable people. He knew the risks of angering her.
Then again, she knew not to anger him either.
“Lead the way.” Her face was stone cold as she stood up. 
Inside a comfortable private lodge sat a blad man in a suit more expensive than the yearly revenue of her bakery. 
“Ah… Lady Cheng. I’m so happy you could’ve joined us.”
Sabine looked around and noticed that there was another man there, standing slightly in the shadows. A man she came to despise just as much as Luthor. Standing there was Gabriel Agreste.
“I can’t return the pleasure, Luthor.” She snarled, not letting her gaze drop from Agreste.
“Figured you’d say that.” The billionaire laughed. “But it doesn’t change that you came.”
“Be quick. I’ve got a plane to catch.”
“About that.” Lex smiled. “I’m afraid you won’t be on that plane. I need you to do something for me.”
“Sadly, my calendar is full for the foreseeable future.” She retorted coldly.
“Then you will clean it. Unless that is, you want me to tell my good friend the president about your little assignment for me twenty years ago. If I recall, your pardon didn’t cover that particular crime.” The man chuckled.
The only upside of this whole situation to Sabine was that Agreste finally realized exactly who she was. Or at least how dangerous she was. The deal she made ensured that Lady Cheng disappeared from everywhere but some people’s memory. To her dismay, Lex didn’t forget. And he still had that damning evidence.
She also knew exactly what was the job.
“I don’t do jobs involving kids, Luthor.” She seethed through gritted teeth. It wouldn’t matter, but she hoped it would at least give him a pause.
“Adrien Agreste was about to be married. I think that can calm your conscience. He was all but adult.” That despicable man dismissed her concern, as she predicted.
“I’m a little rusty. Don’t you have someone younger? Someone who would actually want to do this?” Sabine deadpanned. She kept true to the deal she made for her and her husband’s pardon and didn’t do any… extracurricular work.
“Alas, the fact you’re unwilling is why I need you. You see, the client, whoever they are, picked Agreste Jr. as a target in a… battle royale of sorts. It quickly stopped being about the ludicrous money reward. It’s now about proving who’s the best. And they won’t stop until they deliver him to that mysterious Seamstress.”
“So what do you want? I’m sure you could’ve bought some of them to drop the glory part.” She really didn’t want to do this.
“I offered to pay five times the price, but most of the competent ones want a shot at whatever that job is. A mysterious benefactor with no history, nonexistent in any database in the world, paying a small fortune for a simple job and offering further work? Doesn’t it sound familiar?” Lex reclined in his chair and smiled.
“One job only. I want everything you have on me. And ten times the bounty.” She noted his discomfort. “Don’t give me that look, Luthor. You can afford it. My daughter’s about to start a university.” Sabine turned to Gabriel. “I must thank you for the idea. Homeschooling really helps when one is gifted.”
“I’m sure we can come to an agreement,” Lex grumbled. If he didn’t know the quality of her works, he would’ve laughed at the price. Except he foolishly revealed that he was desperate.
“Oh, I’m sure we can.” Sabine smiled. She was like a cat that just caught a mouse.
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shimmershae · 3 years
Just watched the episode and I’m going to have a lot of thoughts for you, most of them probably bordering on incoherence (LOL) so this is your last chance to nope on out of this post because I’m going to go ahead and put everything else behind a cut to save the eyes that do not want to see any  spoilers at all.  Unlike mine, that very much wanted to see but in a lot of cases?  Could not see shit, but I digress.
Shae’s stream of consciousness coming at you in 3-2-1.  
First of all, can I saw how good it is to have my show back again?  Like, no.  I don’t quite have Season 5 levels of excitement about the new/last season, but it is definitely nice to have all these characters back.  
So all these thoughts of mine.  Okay.  Bear with me because there be a whole lot of them, lol.  
My immediate impression as the episode opened was WHOA.  Such a cool shot of Daryl with one light wing, one dark wing (representing the two sides to Daryl maybe--the man of honor versus the man he was raised to be, hmm?) looking out over some dark vista of something.  Seriously.  It’s dark.  My room is also dark at the moment and still I was squinting to see.  To make out what I’m “looking” at.  I really, really hope the rest of this season isn’t this hard to make out.  
Is that a tank?  Kinda sorta a callback to Rick’s first episode?  If so, cool.  If not, well.  Us fans have always put way more thought into things.  For real.  Change my mind.  
Holy intense eye contact, Batman!  Daryl Dixon has literally never looked at anyone--not BethusConLeah--in quite the same smoldering way as he looks at Carol.  It’s next level.  I don’t know why people be fooling themselves into thinking different.  
Let’s see.  I can make out--besides Daryl, Maggie, and that face mask dude I already forgot the name of--Kelly, Magna, Jerry (who’s that with him?), and Carol.  Sorry.  My world, like Daryl’s, inevitably narrows to Carol.  She’s loking fierce and fine AF per usual.  
Was that Rosita I noticed rewinding to relive Daryl eye-fucking Carol?  
I’m guessing this is the army base they talked about in 10C.  
That Walker perking up like “I smell food--pancakes and bacon and oohhhh” has me giggling inappropriately right off the bat.  WTF.  
Look at all my fabulous ladies tiptoeing through that Walker minefield.  And Carol spotting that gun that might be useful right away.  Listen, if you don’t think her mind ain’t always ten steps ahead of everybody else’s, you’d be wrong.  
So.  Are these Walkers just so old and feeble not even the call of fresh meat attracts them?  Because just tiptoeing through their midst without the knockoff Lady Gaga meatsuits or skin masks has never really worked before that I can remember.  
I just want to see most of this season.  Is that really too much to ask?  Don’t X-Files and Game of Thrones us, Angela.  Please and thank you very fucking much.  
Okay.  Is the one drop of blood thing making anybody else have 28 Days Later vibes?  Kinda?  Sorta?  No?  Just me?  Okay then.  Carry on.  
Wait a minute, though.  How they be explaining how Daryl keeeps acquiring all these new tats all the time?  Hmm?  It’s like they just quit giving a shit about continuity in these latter seasons.  
I mean.  Do Walkers sleep now?  LMAO.  What is this?  I guess they’re constantly evolving?  
There’s my baby Lydia.  Love my smol bean.  
Alright though.  I love to see the ladies of TWD kick some ass.  It’s very gratifying.  Gimps would never.  Thank you, Angela.  
Clever, resourceful, calm and collected, quick thinking Carol to the rescue!  Seriously.  Her haters must be withering away inside with absolute envy.  
Hey, ya’ll.  Remember when Carol was still mastering her sharpshooting skills at the Prison yard and shot at Rick’s feet?  Her little “sorry, sorry”?  LOL.  If Rick could only see her now.  Wait.  He already knew what so many of his stans refuse to acknowledge--Carol=ultimate survivor and true savior to the group many times over.  
Maggie’s got herself a gun, too.  Go my badass girls.  
Of course, Carol’s got everybody’s back.  Of fucking course, Daryl’s got hers even when everybody else seem frozen in some kind of awe or stupification or something.  Microcosm of the whole damn show right there.  
Carol’s like “here’s your knives, love of my life.”   
Eh.  Maybe that’s just me.  
Nah.  She’s totally thinking it, too.  
YAS!  YAS!  Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride with the top billing.  How very far my babies have come.  
Listen.  I miss all the characters we’ve lost.  Absolutely.  But I love the ones that are still with us, that have been with us for so very long so hard.  Whether I love their stories or decisions or not.  
Is that THE Alexandria sign?  That sign’s been through some shit.  
DOG!  Daryl kneeling to embrace our Grimes babies has me all up in my feels.  And how cute is Dog getting all excited and making sure he’s the first one there to welcome back, Daddy?  
Hershel is literally just as puppy dog cute as Glenn ever was.  Really some Grade A casting.  
What did Maggie call Mr. T?  Ducky?  Dougie?  Sometimes with Maggie?  I really cannot tell.  Anyway.  He’s Mr. T. for me until I find out differently, probably through rewatching with close captioning, lol.  
Maggie’s got more people.  So.  Some new redshirts to sacrifice for plot purposes.  I don’t know if I should bother learning their names or not. 
I seem to remember Meridian being mentioned in one of the episode synopses.  
Sophia’s hair tie around Carol’s neck will never fail to be an emotional throat punch.  My heart.  
“They come at night and by the time you see them, you’re already dead.”  Welp.  Guess that means we ain’t seeing shit for at least this first third of the season, lol.  Very horror-eque though.  
“You’re leaving to fight ghosts.”  Aaron, to Maggie.  So I see Aaron’s the type to get the hell outta Dodge when the Boogeyman comes calling, hahaha.  Least he was.  In the old world.  
Rosita’s pissed off expression at Gabe’s decision to volunteer for the so-called suicide mission gives me life.  
My baby Carol is tired AF of suicide missions.  You can tell.  Also?  Methinks she has something to prove to Daryl here.  Or at least feels like she does.  
Dog with his little tactical vest.  I love it.  
I guess I get why they had Carol and Rosita stay behind.  They had to more evenly split up the badassery to make things more fair and balanced, lol.  
Okay.  So Negan’s definitely earned everybody’s disdain.  But they’re being woefully short-sighted by not at least hearing the dude out.  Isn’t he at least native to the area?  
“That is God telling us to turn around.”  I’m actually on Negan’s side with this one, but Gabe answering him with “I’m pretty sure he would have run that past me first” has me howling with laughter.  Father Gabe has gone straight up savage in these last couple of seasons.  Rosita’s influence, perhaps?  
I see what Angela is doing.  Trying to make Negan the voice of reason.  In this particular case?  It’s kind of working.  I’m still ultimately on Maggie’s side with this though BECAUSE GLENN.  
Imagine showing up to work and unironically dressing like a storm trooper every day.  Excuse me while I LOL.  
Even in the ZA, there’s bullshit paperwork.  
“Pumpkin colored spacesuit.”  Good one, Ezekiel.  
LOL forever.  I love Princess.  
“Michonne.  Our Michonne shut people out of Alexandria for years.”  Timely reminder that choices aren’t always perfect.  Neither are people.  
WTF is reprocessing?  Sounds ominous.  LMAO at Eugene’s “Okay.  We gotta go.”  
What in the actual hell with all those bagged, squirming undead?  Creepy AF in that subway tunnel.  
Should I just go ahead and call that the Easter bunny?  We’ve had some version of it pop up since Season 1.  
Is it stubborn pride with Maggie or what?  Why go through with something when all signs point toward the wisdom of stopping?  You can argue that she’s acting similarly to Carol last season, but there’s a huge difference here folks.  Carol did her damndest to Lone Wolf that shit and minimize the danger to those she loved.  Maggie’s straight up enlisting those she “cares about” to carry out her mission of revenge or vengeance, what have you. Let’s see if she gets near the amount of hate for it.  Personally, I don’t blame her for her feelings one bit.  They are valid.  But her knowingly drawing the others into the game?  That’s my sticking point.  That’s how she and Carol differ, even if some people refuse to see or accept it.  Anyway.  Hopping right on off my soapbox.  
“Why don’t you get up on your little tippy toes and try?”  Omigosh, I’d dying.  When I tell you I about passed out with laughter, I do not exaggerate.  I should hate Negan forever and I do.  Really.  But I adore JDM and he frequently makes me LOL.  He’s made Negan entertaining if not completely redeemable since Angela took over and more layered so I say kudos.  
He has a point about Maggie playing dictator.  Damn you, show, for slanting the writing just that smidgen that makes Negan make sense over his victim.  I guess, though, it’s better this way.  Gives both characters more shades of gray.  
“He’s a dick but he makes sense.”  I feel like this is Angela calling us all out when we dare to harbor any lasting resentment toward Negan for what he did to Glenn.  
Speaking of--Negan.  You deserved Daryl’s punch to the mouth.  You just went a bridge too damn far.  
“Keep pushing me, Negan.  Please.”  Warning shots fired, Asshole.  You better watch yourself around the Widow Rhee.  
Have I mentioned how much I love Princess?  Her shipping the Commonwealth guards is killing me, lol.  I can’t wait ‘til she meets Carol and Daryl.  She’s going to have their number in two seconds flat.  
I like Ezekiel and Princess as a duo.  I’m not saying romantically necessarily.  I just like them in scenes together because they’re fun.  There’s sort of a protective indulgence Ezekiel seems to telegraph whenever they’re in scenes together.  Like he’s like don’t hurt this one.  I don’t know.  For all these words I’ve written, I can’t quite find the ones to adequately describe what I mean.  
The wall of the lost gives me such Battlestar Galactica feels.  What sad thoughts it inspires.  
Eugene in that Commonwealth gear.  Omigosh, lol.  So did they just sneak up and take Princess’s little Commonwealth ship’s gear when they were sneaking off on their own to have a quickie?  
Princess finding that note for Yumiko on the wall actually gave me chills.  Yeah.  I’m easy.  Just the suggestion of someone getting reunited with lost family gets me all up in my feels.  Yumiko saying “I have to stay”?  I felt that.  
Oh no.  Dog ran off!  Somebody protect my favorite fictional puppy.  Of course, Daryl goes after him.  He’s always been the sweet one.  Merle said it.  
Eh.  Negan taking Maggie’s hand at the end there would have smacked too much of Negan Sue and Maggie’s biggest plot of the season would have been prematurely dealt with so I get why they did what they did.  But c’mon.  It’s not really that big of a cliffhanger, is it?  
Okay, so Angela calls those sleeping beauty Walkers “Lurkers” and I get it.  Apparently they’re a bigger deal in the comics, but I really don’t remember seeing them all that much on the actual show.  Somebody jog my memory.  
Of fucking course, you can actually see what’s happening in the inside the episode clips.  I wish we could choose to view the episode with that lighting because some of us be blind.  And this time I mean in the more literal sense.  Not the figurative one.  
Anyway.  I’m going to stop trying to write a novel for ya’ll and move on to better things.  Like maybe a nap.  Maybe some early dinner.  I don’t know.  I’m tired AF and need a little recharge.    
Before I go, though?  Overall impression of the episode?  I liked it.  There were parts that I loved (all the ladies being badass, every second of Carol, Daryl reuniting with the Grimes babies and Dog, all things Princess, some of Negan’s one-liners about had me busting a gut, Rosita serving looks, Kelly and Lydia getting to be badass too) and parts I didn’t love (not being able to see a damn thing, Angela trying to tip the scales in Negan’s favor, not enough Carol or Aaron or Rosita, no reunion between Aunt Carol and the Grimes babies even though that picture floating around suggests it was at least shot, not being able to see a damn thing, all the Alexandria people playing follow the leader for Maggie when she’s been gone 6 years and Daryl’s right there--hell, even Father G deserves the honor over her because it’s obvious they’re not exactly on the same wavelength anymore).  
I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m just glad to have our show back.    
Later, lovelies.  
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fics-of-culture · 4 years
4 Ways To Show Someone You Love Them 5/5 *Complete*
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Summary:  Gabriel, Lucifer, Balthazar, and Cas all consider themselves fairly adept when it comes to the art of romance. They all have their own unique approach when it comes to wooing someone. And, unfortunately for you, all four of your beloved angels seem to have their sights set on you.
Words: 1,771
A/N: I am reposting all of my old fics because my old account accidentally got deleted.
Part 5: Epilogue
Sam and Dean were halfway to committing angel genocide. You had been gone for a week on a hunt without telling anyone where you were headed or how long you’d be away. As a result, all four of your ‘winged dicks’ as Dean called them, were hanging around the bunker 24/7 waiting for your return. It wasn’t very noticeable at first. Dean has been sitting in the kitchen, drinking a beer when Cas showed up suddenly. Dean was unfazed by his sudden appearance, having grown accustomed to angels poofing in and out of the bunker as they pleased. Castiel looked around the room as he asked where you were.
“Hunt.” Dean replied dismissively, continuing to drink his beer.
“Do you know where? I need to speak with Y/N. It is urgent.” Dean looked up at Cas, concerned about why Castiel needed to speak to you so urgently.
“Didn’t say. What’s the matter, Cas. Y/N in trouble or somethin’?” Castiel shifted nervously on his feet, not wanting to tell Dean what he needed to talk to you.
“No. Y/N’s not in any trouble as far as I am aware.” With that, Castiel turned and walked out of the room. Dean was left sitting there in confusion at the odd conversation. As Castiel stepped out of the kitchen, he headed towards the library, contenting himself to wait in the bunker until your return.
The boys only had to wait a few days more for their next angelic headache to show up. Sam had been rinsing his hair in the shower when he realized he could no longer feel the water washing over his body. When he opened his eyes he realized that instead of standing in his shower, he was standing buck naked in his room. And standing before him was the infamous trickster himself.
“Dude, what the hell?” Sam shouted, attempting to cover his junk with his hands.
“Oh relax, Sammy. I’m not trying to sneak a peak.” Gabriel snaps his fingers and a towel appears in his hand. “I’m looking for Y/N.” Sam let out an irritated sigh as he took towel Gabriel offered him.
“Y/N went on a hunt.” Sam explained as he covered himself with the towel. “Surely you could’ve waited until I was done showering to ask me that.” Sam frowned as he ran his fingers through his still damp hair, noting the shampoo that hadn’t been fully washed out.
“Could’ve. But didn’t.” Gabriel had a smirk on his face, but Sam could still see a ticker of disappointment in Gabe’s eyes when he mentioned that you were gone.
“What do you need Y/N for anyway?” Instead of responding, Gabe raised his hand and snapped Sam back into his shower. Gabe let out a sigh as he left Sam’s room. He had no interest in explaining himself to tweedle dee when it came to you. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Gabe decided to head to the kitchen. Might as well grab some snacks as he waited for you to arrive.
Dean was working on baby when Lucifer zapped in.
“Hey moron,” Dean let out a groan of frustration when he was pulled out from under the car by none other than the devil. He was getting really sick of constantly being bothered by the angels you called friends. “Where’s my human?” Lucifer was blunt and too the point. But Dean didn’t like the way he referred to you as ‘his’.
“First off, Y/N does not belong to you, and second, if you’re looking for Y/N you’ll have to get in line.” Lucifer scoffed as he considered Dean’s words. His brothers had been seeking you out as well. That... would not do.
“So my human isn’t here?” Dean sighed, knowing his words weren’t gonna get through to the devil any time soon.
“No. Went on a hunt.” Dean didn’t even bother with full sentences at this point, considering how many times he had to repeat the information to your impatient angels. “Can I get back to what I was doing now?” Dean gestures to baby.
“I suppose so. Since you seem to have no useful information anyway.” With that, Lucifer disappeared.
By the time Balthazar appeared, the Winchester’s knew something was up. Sam and Dean had been researching possible hunts in the war room when he showed up. Before he could even open his mouth, Dean cut him off.
“Not here.” Sam chuckled a bit at Dean’s dry response.
“I see.” Balthazar looked around the room, thinking. “And I suppose I’m not the first one to inquire as to Y/Ns whereabouts?”
“Dude, not even close.” Sam answered.
“Yeah, your brothers have been harassing us for the past week. I’m five seconds away from cutting myself open and banishing all your asses.” Dean looked exasperated as he spoke.
“Well then, I suppose I ought to wait elsewhere for Y/N’s return.”
“Yeah, I’d say so.” Sam said. With that, Balthazar sauntered out of the war room. Sam and Dean looked at each other and sighed in unison. You needed to get back, NOW.
You let out a relaxed sigh as you stepped out of your truck. You’d enjoyed your time away, but you were happy to be back home. Your guilt flared up as you stepped through the door into the bunker. You hadn’t actually gone on a hunt like the Winchester’s had thought. You’d kinda sorta went on a little vacation. In your defense, cases had been far and few in-between lately and you deserved a break every once in a while. You figured that if something came up while you were gone, the brothers would be more than capable of taking care of it. And you had decided not to tell anyone to avoid any unwanted angels coming along with you. As much as you adored your angels, you needed a break from them sometimes. Your guilt grows as you walk into the library to see a very frazzled Sam and Dean.
“Oh thank god.” Dean pulled you into a bear hug, looking incredibly relieved that you were home. “Where have you been?” Dean pulls back to look you in the eye. You’re surprised by how distressed he looked.
“Dean? What happened? You look stressed.”
“Those asshats happened! That’s what!” Sam put his hand on Dean’s shoulder in an attempt to get him to cool off.
“What he means to say is that, while you were gone, your angel friends have been making things difficult for us.” Sam shoots you a sympathetic smile when he sees your crestfallen look. Dean, however, marches on.
“Yeah, they’ve been here day in and day out for the past two weeks making life hell. Between the constant pranks and nonstop bickering, we haven’t been able to get anything done.” You feel awful all of a sudden. You had no idea going on a little trip would take such a toll on the Winchesters. You’re also incredibly upset at your angels for acting like this. You leave for two weeks and the bunker is thrown into chaos.
“Alright,” You pinch the bridge of your nose. “I’ll sort this out. Where are they?”
“Your room.”
You sigh as you head up to your room, all the relaxation from before completely drained by the stress of dealing with four angelic children. As you near your room, you start to hear the bickering that the boys had mentioned before.
“As if Y/N could ever fall for you.” You slow to a standstill as you hear this. It sounded like Lucifer but you weren’t sure who he was talking to.
“Oh yes, I’m sure Y/N much prefers you following her around like a lost puppy whilst acting like you couldn’t care less about them.” Ah, Balthazar. Well that explains that mystery. You hear a chuckle from somewhere else in your room. “I don’t see why you’re laughing.” Balthazar continues. “You’re just as bad when it comes to constantly being up Y/N’s ass 24/7.
“Oh right.” You identify Gabe’s voice this time. You note the rising irritation in all of their voices as the discussion continues. “Maybe I should just go around talking to them in a language no one here actually SPEAKS, because you’re to much of a coward to say how you feel in English.” Before Balthazar can respond, a gravely voice speaks up.
“This conversation is pointless.” Cas points out. You feel relieved that one of them is finally being objective about the situation. “Besides, it is my belief that I share a more profound bond with Y/N than anyone else here does.” So much for objectivity, you think idly.
“If Y/N needs someone I braid their hair, I’m sure you’ll be the first they call.” Lucifer states dryly. “But I find it incredibly hard to believe Y/N would choose someone so pathetic.”
“Watch who you’re calling pathetic there, baby bro.” Gabe starts up again. “Cassy here might be a wet blanket.” You hear a quiet ‘hey!’ In the background as Gabriel speaks. “But he ain’t the one who threw a celestial bitch fit in heaven when daddy didn’t give him what he wanted.”
“I’m sorry, where were you when that happened?” Lucifer’s voice was steeped in anger now. “Oh right, you were busy running your ass away from heaven. And speaking of angels who ran away...” Lucifer’s voice is drowned out by Balthazar’s protests. Everyone was shouting over each other at this point. You knew you needed to intervene at this point, but for a moment you just felt frozen. Your angels, were all in love with you. That much was clear from what you’d overheard. Everything was suddenly much clearer to you now. All of your friends’ odd behavior as of late had been their attempts to woo you. You felt foolish for not realizing this until now. You wondered if any of them had been very successful in their attempts. Of course, there was one angel who had managed to completely sweep you off of your feet even before all this began. And now you knew without a shadow of a doubt that he loved you as much as you loved him. You shake off these thoughts and go to open the door to your room.
The room falls silent as all four angels turn to see you standing in the doorway. Each one of them, Lucifer included, at least had to decency to look embarrassed that you’d overheard their argument.
“I think,” You look over to angel. The one you love with all your heart. And your heart pangs as he smiles softly at you. “We need to have a talk.”
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the-goofball · 4 years
Raffi Musiker...
...and how she became Picard’s First Officer.
Excerpt from ‘The Last Best Hope’ by Una McCormack
[...]On-screen, the woman said, "My name is Lieutenant Commander Raffi Musiker, and I'm an intelligence specialist at Romulan Affairs. As you're aware, we've been tracking some odd communications from Romulan space in recent weeks - odd even by Romulan standards."
Listening to Musiker, Picard found himself taking a liking to her. She had a faintly disreputable air, a plesant change from the smooth operatives that Starfleet Intelligence usually fielded. Her frankness was refreshing, as was the fact that she was clearly not daunted by the grandeur of her audience. Most of all, she was on top of her briefing. A question came about the reliability of their sources, which was dispatched with confidence and ease. Then another question came about the range of the blast from the supernova, and here she stopped and took a moment to collect herself.
"What I want to say is, that these calculations are a worst-case scenario. This implies that effects in climate change are already being felt. Sometime in 2387. I'll show you that first. Because it might make the best-case scenario less damn frightening."
Picard leaned over to Clancy. "What was her name again?" "Raffi Musiker," said Clancy. "Lieutenant Commander Raffi Musiker."[...]
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Hours later Picard talks to Beverly Crusher via com:
[...]"Can I offer you some free advice?" she said.
"Of course, Beverly. Of course."
"Put someone right next to you who isn't scared of you."
"You're quite... now, let me get this right. Not intimidating... not severe... huh. That's it. You can be quite certain of yourself. And that can stop people from telling you things that you need to know."
"Certain of myself?"
That half-smile again. "Don't get me wrong! With good reason. Most of the time. But you're only human like the rest of us. You make mistakes. And you need someone there who's able to tell you when that's happening."[...]
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[…]Lieutenant Commander Raffi Musiker, when asked to wait for a senior officer, did not generally sit patiently in a chair, and she saw no reason to do so for a legend either. She stood outside the admiral’s office, bouncing up and down ever so slightly on her heels, ready for action.[…]
[…]Raffi mentally ran through her presentation one more time. The instruction to see the admiral had been brief, courteous, and not particularly informative as to the purpose of the meeting. She knew, from superiors and colleagues, the impact of her presentation and so she assumed she was here to give a direct one to the man himself and answer any questions he might have. Then back to her desk at Romulan Affairs. Only now she would have met a legend. Gabe, her son, was dying to hear about him. Mom’s job was mostly that thing that meant she didn’t always make his soccer matches, but every so often she managed to deliver something incredibly cool, like this.[…]
(And because I couldn’t decide what to leave out, there’s a bit more under the cut.)
[…]The admiral closed the screen, rose from his chair, and came to greet her. The legend, come to life. She had the edge on him when it came to height, but he moved with a commanding grace. “Commander,” he said, “thank you for making the time to see me today.” His voice was measured, cadenced; the kind of voice, she suspected, that you could not help but listen to, and then do exactly what was requested.
“Happy to supply whatever you need, sir.” She looked around the room for an audience that wasn’t there. Didn’t he have a senior staff in place yet? “Are we meeting here?”
He gestured to two comfortable seats in the corner of the room, where teapot and cups stood waiting on a low table. “Take a seat. Tea?”
“Sure, thanks.” Raffi sat, uneasy in the easy chair, putting padds on the floor beside her, and then leaning forward, palms on her knees. He took the chair opposite, smiled disarmingly, and poured tea. “I assumed I was giving a presentation this morning, sir.” She sipped her tea. What the hell was this stuff? It tasted of goddamned perfume. Was it too late to ask for coffee?
“I’ve watched your presentation half a dozen times now,” he said. “It’s insightful, informative, and precise. I was very impressed.”
Hey Gabe, wait till you hear what the Great Man said about Mom. “Thank you, sir.”
“Could you tell me, please, from your perspective as an expert on Romulan affairs, what you believe our chief difficulty will be in Starfleet’s dealings with them?”
He didn’t waste time, did he? Raffi took a breath. “Opposition, sir,” she said. “Believe it or not, they are not happy that Starfleet is devoting so much time, energy, and resources to helping them. They are hating all this. They hate that we know they’re in trouble, and they hate accepting help. They won’t want to lose face.”
“I understand. What else?”
“And even if they’re united on this, they’ll be divided among themselves about what to do with us. Some will want to accept our help for a while. Some will try to make it impossible for us to function. Others might try to get rid of us—”
“By force?”
“By subterfuge, more likely. Secretly, so that half of them won’t know whether it’s a sanctioned operation or not. The saying in our office goes that Romulans don’t tell their left hand what their right hand is doing.”
The admiral nodded. Yes, he recognized that.
“That makes them inconsistent and unpredictable,” Raffi said. “Not to mention damn annoying. They’ll say one thing and do another, and they won’t even know themselves what their real policy is toward us. Expect the unexpected, sir.”
“I see. Would it help at all, Commander, if I approached Ambassador Spock and had him petition the Senate to instruct cooperation with this mission?”
“Excuse me, sir? How would that help?”
He looked surprised. “The ambassador surely commands considerable respect—”
Raffi laughed out loud. “Spock? They think he’s a nutcase!”
His eyes opened wide. Shit, she thought, me and my big mouth. She had a vision of herself, explaining to Gabe: No, the admiral hated me, and that’s why I’m being court-martialed… Hold on. Was he… smiling? “Sorry, sir,” she said quickly. “No, I wouldn’t advise that. Ambassador Spock’s mission to Romulus may look very laudable to us, but from the Romulan perspective he and his supporters are outliers. Reunification of Romulus and Vulcan? Hey, when I was a kid, I wanted a unicorn. With wings. I didn’t get one. I didn’t even get a damn pony—”
“A personal mission of peace, the ambassador calls it.”
“Well, the Romulans consider it very personal. Almost…” She scraped around for a word that wouldn’t offend. “Um. Idiosyncratic?”
“In other words, they think he’s a crank.” He was most definitely smiling. “Carry on talking so frankly to me, Commander,” he said, “and we shall get along very well. Very well indeed.”
The door buzzer sounded. He called out, “Come.” Kaul came in.
“Apologies for the interruption, sir, but you asked me to let you know immediately when the ship was ready for you.”
“Ah, yes, thank you, Kaul! Yes, I’ll be on my way shortly.” He turned back to Raffi. “The Starship Verity has been assigned to lead the first fleet out to Romulan space. A nice name, don’t you think?”
“ ‘A true principle, especially one of fundamental significance.’ ” He looked pleased. “I believe that remembering such things will be crucial to the success of our undertaking. Above all, we are on a mission to protect, preserve, and save lives.”
Raffi nodded, faintly. This meeting was not going in the slightest how she had anticipated. No presentation. He said he’d already watched it half a dozen times. He clearly didn’t want it in person. For some reason they were now discussing eternal verities. She was a simple intelligence officer, maybe turned a mite suspicious by having to think like a Romulan twenty-four hours a day. She wasn’t any kind of philosopher. Why was she here?
“Lieutenant Kaul,” added Picard conversationally, “was on staff here before even I was. Seconded from Admiral Bordson’s office. Their loss has been my gain. She’ll be vital to operations here on Earth.”
There it was again, that extraneous information, as if giving her a picture of the setup here.
“Sir,” said Raffi, “may I ask you something?”
“By all means,” said the Great Man. “You must always feel you can speak freely to me.”
She’d never had any superior officer say that to her. Sometimes quite the contrary.
“This isn’t a briefing, is it?” said Raffi. “This is an interview.”
“That’s correct, Commander. My apologies if I kept my cards close to my chest, but I wanted to see how you answered my questions face-to-face.” He sipped some of his revolting tea. “You’ve answered them most satisfactorily.”
“Which means…?”
“Which means I’d like you as my XO.”
She put down her cup with a rattle. Tea spilled. “Shit!”
His mouth twitched. “I sincerely hope not. Most certainly we have some difficult times ahead. More difficult than either of us can imagine.”
She turned and looked out through the transparent aluminum partition into the busy office. All those people, dashing about, putting the nuts and bolts of this mission together, building this operation from data, information, decisions, actions. Sure, it was easy to take the piss out of the padd pushers, but nothing could happen without them. Working out what was needed, where it could be found, how to get it all to the right place at the right time. She had no idea how to do this… She took a breath. How do you say “no” to a legend?
“Sir,” she said, “I’m not an administrator.”
He blinked. “I beg your pardon?”
“I mean, this is a flattering offer, sir, I hope you understand that. Truly flattering. But an operation like this?” She gestured to the room beyond. “I’m not cut out for this kind of work. I wouldn’t know where to start.”
She saw understanding dawn in his eyes. “Ah, there has been a misunderstanding. I have a very able administrator arriving to head up the office here on Earth, Commander Crystal Gbowee. She’s on her way from Starbase 192 as we speak. She’s worked with the UFPHCR coordinating numerous missions— she was on Bajor for a while after the Occupation, and on Cardassia Prime during the reconstruction effort there. Once she arrives, I shall move over to the fleet. This mission must get underway, and soon.” He glanced out across the busy room. “No, the appointment here is filled, I’m afraid. I’m sorry if that’s a disappointment.”
His eyes were quietly twinkling with suppressed mirth. No, of course he didn’t want her here. She’d be no damn good here, would she?
He leaned forward in his seat, held her eye, very serious now. “I’m asking you to come aboard my ship, Commander. Be my first officer on the Verity. But I’m asking more than that, and I think you know it. I have left my crew behind on the Enterprise. I must replace them, and if I am to succeed, I need an excellent XO. And what I require above all from my XOs is honesty. I shall need you always to tell me the truth. What do you say? Is that something you believe that you could do?”
Shit, she thought, and managed not to say it out loud this time. No, this was not what she’d been expecting when she’d walked into this room.
“It’s a big decision,” he was saying. “There may be all manner of ties keeping you here on Earth…”
Gabe had a soccer match next week. She’d missed the last one putting together that damn presentation. “When does the ship leave?”
“Six days.”
So she could make Gabe’s match. But there would be the next match, or the match after, the long months away, the individual seconds and moments of simply being present that were tiny for her, but that constituted the whole of Gabe’s life, his childhood.
“I…” Damn, she wanted this post. She could do this job. She was made to do this job. She’d known the second she walked into this room that she wanted to work with this man in some way. But she’d never imagined she would be offered this. Right hand to a legend. Right in the middle of the greatest operation that Starfleet would ever mount.
He was smiling at her. “Would you like to see the ship, Commander? The Verity? You’d be spending a lot of time there, after all. You can make your decision after that.”
“Yes,” she said, already knowing what her decision would be. “I’d love to see the ship.”
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notfeelingthyaster · 4 years
Imagine (inspired by the incomplete fanfic Son of Underworld) (2/5) (Son of Hades! Percy AU)
Check the other parts in the masterpost - read the warnings before proceeding. Good reading!!
After the worse summer, Percy goes home.
Luke's proposal keeps swimming in his head - the blonde is not wrong, but Percy has been scammed before - he remembers once that a "friend" convinced him to be a lookout for him to do something shady at the Dean's Office and then put the blame on him.
And he was blamed - Percy is black, and black kids are never the innocent ones - but now he knows better.
Being a child of the Underworld gods is not that different from being black. 
Percy is comfortable with his skin though - his mother is incredible, and most people at Camp are mixed up. Charles is African-American. Selena's father is Muslim, and the Stoll's mother is Jewish (half the reason they are year-rounders). Clarisse's mom is from Nicaragua. Michael Yew has a Brazilian grandma with Japanese heritage.
He isn't friends with most of them - Charles is like a big brother to him and Michael Yew taught him how to shoot an arrow, but Clarisse is at most a good spar partner and nor the Stolls nor Silena care for his company very much.
Percy tells himself that he doesn't care.
He packs his bags - a blue and red backpack and a few surf shirts from the amusement park where he destroyed a pool and made the ground swallow mechanic spiders, both the Minotaurs horns, now fashioned into very cool knives, his Warhammer and his ax slung across his back. The only sweater he has, the one he came here with, the blue one, is warming him up to the chill of autumn.
Chiron asks him if he doesn't want to stay. He touches the willow standing in the furthest shore of the river, the one that marks the barrier of Camp Half-Blood. It used to be Thalia Grace, daughter of Poseidon.
Chiron looks to him with pity. He doesn't need to know that Percy is planning to murder Gabe Ugliano.
Percy goes to do that. He travels, by car. He has enough money - he has money appearing in his pockets all the time now, his father must be truly guilty.
Then he opens the door of his old apartment - but Gabe is not there, in the living room. There's just his mom, on the couch.
His mom
Percy cries, and they hug, and then they trade stories. She tells him she was asleep in Olympus, and Zeus gave her back when the bolt got to his hands.
He is less angry. But the heavy weight of indignation seats in his stomach. 
There's no time for it now: Percy is going back to Yancy Academy - his grades were not bad - and Gabe is now a very charming statue for someone very rich (later, he will discover it was Persephone who bought it).
He tells her everything, safe in her arms, no shirt, no gloves. His mom can touch him everywhere - not even a cell in his body would attack her.
He is so touch starved he keeps sleeping in her bed for a week, and, at night, he cries. Percy has horrible nightmares - he is just twelve and he has killed.
He tells her about his meeting with his father in hushed whispers at an evening where the sky is blue and pink - just how he likes it.
Sally almost goes to the Underworld herself smack sense in her ex-lover, but she knows Persephone would do so for her.
Percy tells her about Luke - not about the Rebellion, lest any gods hear him, but about Luke and Alabaster and Ethan and those kids, alone in a Cabin of rejects.
She says she is going back to college - and that she'll do her best to go see him every weekend at Yancy.
He tells her about his powers. Sally doesn't like the risks but say he should start practicing for his own safety.
They cuddle and Percy clings to his anchor like a lifeline. Percy wants to go to the Underworld again sometime - more to play with Cerberus than to do anything else.
He takes the bus reluctantly - he offers to stay and go to public school, but he knows his chance lays at Yancy.
Percy study Math. He is in seventh grade now - the real Math is here, the financials and calculus and they keep putting him in "Gifted and Advanced" classes for it.
His English still sucks. Biology, for all that should be easy for him, its way too boring - he prefers dead bodies, thank you very much.
He excels at Math and Health&PE (which summer camp took care), passes with acceptable grades in World History, Geography and Social Studies (he nails a project about demographics with some really helpful ghosts), does badly in Science and fails tragically at English and Literature.
They call him a genius - and a genius has areas they specialize in. His grades in math are enough to push him to the eighth grade.
At weekends, when his mother can't come to see him, he locks his dorm and practices his shadow traveling and his powers over the earth and metal manipulation.
His shadow traveling is a mess - once he ends up in Ukraine, and panics trying to come back, just to end up in Wyoming. Again.
Thrice, he manages to reach the underworld. It's winter - Persephone is somewhere down there, but he doesn't want to see his father. He plays with Cerberus when he has some energy - the first two times he just cuddles up with the dog and sleeps a little.
The last time he goes to the Underworld, it's the last day before summer break - he still has not made any contact with his dad, he still doesn't know if he wants to join Luke, he still doesn't know if he wants to go back to CHB.
He goes back to his Mom's house with a hellhound puppy and makes kitten eyes until she lets it stays - if he trains and feeds him and whatnot.
He has dreams about Grover in a bride's dress. It freaks the hell out of him because there's a cyclops in it.
Percy is crossing the street with groceries when he sees a cyclops. He doesn't give the creature a chance to see him - he goes to his room and start packing - it's too dangerous for him, and he can't lose his Mom again.
He cuddles his Mom and the puppy - which he named Blackjack - and calls Chiron.
Chiron is sending Annabeth - apparently, something happened to the borders of the camp.
Percy decides to help, for Annabeth, for Grover, for the small kids at Cabin 9 and 11, and the newbies (there's one, Will Solace, who isn't even eleven yet and he has been there for a year).
He packs his colorful sweaters (rebelling, but in the opposite direction of his father’s aesthetic), put his puppy in a leash (it's bigger than a mastiff now, but all dogs are puppies) and wait for his best friend.
She meets him with an expression of someone who is announcing a funeral - Grover is lost in his searches for Pan.
Percy thinks the little tremor that shook his building it's a good enough hold in his powers, nothing is broken and no one is dead, so it's fine.
He hugs Annabeth and feels warm inside. Health classes covered changes in his body, but he didn't expect to be that quick. Annabeth is taller than him by at least five inches and much prettier.
He picks up his Warhammer and his ax (how does the mist occlude that? do everyone think he is doing cosplay?), throws a duffel bag in his shoulder, his loyal puppy beside him.
"Are you getting into the dark vibe, Corpse Breath?"
"Shut up Annie"
The camp is being attacked - they get a weird taxi thing, pay extra and are given three random locations in the mainland.
Percy doesn't forget the names. There's Agramonte, in Cuba; Okeechobee, in Florida; and Pic La Selle in Haiti.
CHB is being attacked when they get there - by bronze bulls no less. Percy goes to battle with a weapon in each hand, like a war god.
Clarisse does way more damage than him, bashing bull metal skulls left and right like a master. But he kills one of five and does damage to other two.
She claps him in the back - he is glad he has a sweater on, even if it is a horrible shade of brilliant orange.
Charles and him take the weapons to the Forge to correct any damage. Charles hugs him and then starts gushing about Silena.
Charles and Annabeth takes him to see the new Camp Director.
It's Tantalus.
Percy laughs so hard he almost falls down, and Dionysus looks bored - but Percy isn't dumb, he sees mirth in his eyes.
He wants so badly to do a smart comment. He wants to see if his powers can rip a ghost that his father reinstated. He wants to taunt Tantalus.
"What are you laughing about, metic?"
"Nothing, you remind me of someone."
But Percy fends off other questions, and sits at the Cabin 11 table obediently. He wants to startle that man so badly he won't ever sneer at Percy anymore.
He knows just the people for the job. They aren't in any way close, but they all up for mischief. His opportunity comes with the chariot race announced - Percy corners the Stoll Brothers.
"Let me race with you" He starts, and they look surprised by any emotion coming from him in their direction (Percy smiles were reserved for Annie and Grover and Luke and Alabaster and Ethan).
"I want to startle Tantalus and you want victory - I can give you any chariot, if you let me swarm the whole road with skeletons"
The Stolls look at one another, and mentally say something, before doing a random coin toss.
"I'm racing with you" Says Connor.
They mark a time to see the chariot in the next day. They take the whole Cabin 11 with them to prevent attention - Percy is not letting this game go.
Percy gets a chariot directly from the underworld, black obsidian (not Stygian iron, way too rare) and silver, with blue gems that glisten under the sun, a Helm with wings marking its front.
There are four horses pushing it - skeletal horses, incapable of feeling pain or thirst.
It's the first time Percy feels like he belongs - this is a competition, and he is going to win.
Connor and Travis have an array of contraptions and grenades and smoke bombs.
They arrive at the start line at last, for maximum impact. No one is expecting this - they're waiting for Hermes' old chariot, a rickety thing that should be scrap years ago, with any Pegasi they managed to gather in the stables.
They forgot something: Percy exists. It's normal, and Percy it's okay with it in this instance.
The Stymphalian Birds appear - and are countered by his skeletons hitting their spears and swords on their shields. None of them hit him, and the Cabin 11 arrives at first followed by a disgruntled Clarisse after she fought at least 20 skeletons.
Tantalus tries. He really tries to accuse Percy of cheating, but it's pointed out - with approval of Dionysus to boot - that the Demeter kids used their vines to place third and Pollux and Castor did the same to get the fifth spot - just behind the giant contraption that was the Hephaestus chariot.
Clarisse is not happy with the second spot and the silver laurels, but she claps him in the back anyway - Ares is the god of war, not bad sportsmanship.
The Hermes Cabin is in euphoria - Apollo, who placed last, after Aphrodite since they unleashed a dozen doves with a sleeping potion in their faces, it's doing all of the Cabin 11 chores for a month - and they are having a feast of the gods.
Just that night, Percy sacrifices a big pomegranate for Hades and one for Persephone - forgiveness, can you imagine?
He sacrifices to Hermes, as always, for taking the small kids. He sees the joy in their faces - and while Percy is a person reserved to his friends and now he is mostly stoic Perseus, son of Hades, forge gremlin, he always hugs the kids that have nightmares.
It's not what he wanted - it's weird to be touched. It's weirder to have someone want to be next to him. Percy is a cactus, he is prickly. He never smiles. He misses his mom - she would know what to do.
But the little kids trust him. Lou Ellen is unclaimed since the ending of last summer - Percy doesn't know if she has someone to return to.
Those kids at Cabin 11 deserve more then a couple of teens taking care of them. Those kids deserve better, they all deserve better.
There are seven-year-old children there. They barely know how to read. Percy teaches - Annabeth teaches history and myths and Greek, but is he who takes on math to the younger ones, the ones who barely know how to multiply.
He considers staying year-round. They all had Chiron - but it isn't enough. It isn't a family. It isn't. Percy is not their family either - he doesn't overestimate himself - but at least he cares. Not because of their godly blood, but because they are children.
He still hates touch. He is never without his sweaters and gloves. He never smiles at anyone that isn't Annie or Grover or Luke or Alabaster or Ethan.
These days, he only has Annie.
He misses Luke, and he wants to scoop all of these children and take them with him to Kronos, away from the gods. But for what? Another master to fight for?
Was Luke the one who poisoned Thalia? Would he do the same to Percy if Percy denied him?
A mission is issued to go after Golden Fleece - it's in the same place Grover is, it's what Annie and Percy agree on.
Percy is a calculating boy. He deals in numbers, in measures. He is completely oblivious when it comes to feelings and anything that's more subjective than an equation.
But she thinks he likes them. Her and Grover, and those little kids that follow him around sometimes.
She likes the way her yellow hair contrasts with his dark skin, the way his curls flop in his forehead. She likes the specks of green in his eyes. He is her best friend. It's not the love she has for Luke, but it's something akin to admiration.
Percy and Connor are chosen to go on the mission - and Tantalus tries and bullshits some reason for them to go alone, but Percy shakes his head.
"The oracle said, three people"
He is bullshitting them. Tantalus makes him take Clarisse, and Annabeth stays behind.
"I doubt you can get in the sea of monsters without crossing water, eromenoi"
Perseus laughs and laughs, and his eyes are dark as the night without moon. He shoves his hands in the pockets of his soft blue hoodie, and motions for Connor and Clarisse to follow.
Before he leaves, he kisses her cheek softly. It's going to be okay. He will bring Grover back.
He shadow travels the three on them for the closest location the Grey Sisters gave him. It’s difficult, even with a hellhound. He aims for Okeechobee and lands in Miami.
Percy needs to sleep for at least a day, so they use the time to reach their destiny by car. Connor is a very adept child of Hermes, and soon they’re on the road in a red old pickup.
“So Corpse Breath is the hammer, and you’re the polishing stone? Fitting” snorts Clarisse, and just like that, they are bonding.
Percy expects them to trade shitty childhood stories and stupid hobbies or badmouth their deadbeat godly parents, but that was another trip, with very different people.
Clarisse La Rue is sixteen. Her favorite weapon is a javelin or a spear, but she will always prefer hand to hand combat. She loves Led Zeppelin and thinks Silena’s white hijab is the cutest thing in the world. She speaks Spanish - a relief because Percy barely speaks English.
Connor Stoll is fifteen. He prefers gas bombs to grenades - and he does a mean Molotov. He did graffiti until he was twelve. He thinks the Gardner Sisters from the Demeter Cabin are both cute - but Pollux got hot during the winter.
That’s how Percy discovers bisexuality - in a stolen car with a giant hellhound, a girl who has arms larger than his thighs and drives like a grandma and a boy who is two seconds away from spontaneous combustion.
He thinks that explains Luke and Annabeth - but he doesn’t voice it. 
Percy doesn’t smile to them for a long time - he knows not even muscular spasms are free of charge.
He stays stoic until they stop to sleep - and Connor has wings in the back of his underwear and its the most ridiculous thing ever.
They reach the city and wander. They do encounter someone - Hecate herself.
She says to Percy it is her last favor - and he knows she already left for Kronos. Luke’s drachma burns in his pocket. She opens a wall of stone - a passageway the Huntresses use sometimes.
“My son waits for you” his quest mates pretend not to hear it - and he pretends nothing is happening. At least Alabaster is okay.
They walk across the cave for what it feels like a day. He is almost sure Hecate has plans to kill them when they find the exit: In an island spa.
A girl comes and analyze them. She looks at them with a kind smile - but Percy knows smiles have prices.
They go meet with the owner: C.C. He doesn't recognize her, but Connor takes one look at those weird guinea pigs and tap Percy's hand twice.
It's a code: Danger.
They are patient. Clarisse is looking at the flimsy girls with their togas and golden braids - she is not going with them.
C.C. Apparently accepts that Clarisse is "more male than a female" like gender is something defined by dresses and makeup.
As soon as the girls are out of the room, Percy taps Clarisse's hand, and she runs her spear through C.C.'s belly. The woman bleeds ichor - but disappears in a cloud of golden sand.
They go through her things for money while Connor explains that he learned about her from Charles. Charles's first mission almost ended up with him as a guinea pig. At least now they know they are in the right place.
Percy takes all her money and their weapons back. He straps as many knives he can throw in his pants and belt: One can never have enough weapons.
They find some hoods and sneak out to the boats on the beach. Connor steals again. Percy hates water: But the Sea of Monsters is beyond Poseidon's direct control, and Percy is going to hole himself up until they get to the next island.
He vomits. He is so seasick, it's not even funny. He hates boats. He hates large bodies of water. Anything bigger than a pool, and he is out.
Clarisse thinks it's funny. She laughs at him - and weirdly, he smiles back a little. The daughter of Ares plays with Blackjack, and they bond.
They are not friends - but they would kill for each other. They find it weird they had no godly intervention from Olympus - but then, Percy remembers he is just a son of Hades, and the Olympians hate him.
He burns food to Hecate. He doesn't burn food to Hermes, who appears in everyone else's quests, but avoid his own son's.
None of them has enough hubris to try and listen to the sirens. Clarisse's fatal flaw is bloodlust and Connor's is arrogance - the idea he can do anything, steal anything, and he'll never be punished.
They don't hear anything. Their next stop is the Isle of Polyphemus.
This time around, Connor is Nobody, Clarisse sneaks under a sheep to save Grover, and Percy gets the Fleece. They try to escape through a passageway that Percy's powers say lead to Haiti, but the cyclops colapses it with a boulder.
Percy hates cyclops.
They shadowtravel. Percy isn't any better at it, and with Grover tagging along, it's pretty obvious what happens, even if he is wearing the Golden Fleece like a giant blanket of strenght.
They end up in Wyoming. Percy sleeps for a week: he is starting to flick, like a ghost, and the magical sheep skin can only help so much. In this week, apparently, they meet the Party Ponies.
Chiron takes Percy in his back to CHB with the Fleece, but his friends stay behind because the centaurs won't let them mount, and they can't keep up on feet.
Clarisse, Connor and Grover meet Luke, Ethan and Alabaster in their way to an airport. It goes badly, but no one dies. They tell him Ethan only has one eye now, and that Luke looks tired and mad.
Percy thinks joining Kronos might be a bad idea. But then, he goes back to Camp, save the tree, and things don't change. The kids are still kids, alone and sad.
Will Solace was claimed. He says he misses Cabin 11, and some of his brothers don't want him to talk to Percy anymore.
It hurts. They try and keep contact for the following week, but peer pressure pushes Will away. Percy doesn't blame him.
The tree spits Thalia, daughter of Poseidon. She has black hair with green accents, green eyes, uses heavy makeup, and looks like a "Hades spawn" should look.
Percy likes her. He has no need for being the leader, and he has Annie and Grover (and Luke, and Alabaster, and Ethan, he thinks). Annie and Luke love her, so she must be amazing. He tries.
Thalia doesn't like him. She hates Hades, the one who killed her. She doesn't trust him or the fact that he never touches anyone.
Perseus tells himself he doesn't care. And suddenly, Thalia goes from "could be a good friend" to "better stay away".
The Camp celebrates Thalia. He is the hero, he brought the Fleece back, he is also a child of the Big Three. But they hate him, just like the kids in school hate him for his skin colour.
Annie has no time for him. Grover goes back to his search. He doesn't think he is going to join Kronos, but the drachma is still in his pocket.
He goes back to his mother, and then, to Yancy.
This summer, he was the hero. But no matter what, he was still the son of Hades.
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susanoosama01 · 5 years
Midam Headcanons part 1
Michael decides to stick around on Earth with Adam. He eventually gets a seperate vessel but neither can get used to the feeling. Adam wakes up in the middle of the night, calls out to Michael in his head and panics when he realises that Michael's not there. Michael denies it but he also feels weird if he looks in the mirror and doesn't see Adam there. In the end, they share a bed and keep each other company.
Michael sleeps sometimes. Not much but he still does. When he wakes up warm and cozy with Adam's limbs tangled with his own, he fakes sleep for a few more minutes because Adam just CAN'T wake the precious, cutie angel and he knows it.
He once disabled Adam's alarm to keep him there longer. It became a habit after that and in the end, Michael the first Archangel to come to life was sent to faux the attendance sheet of an 8 a.m. Biology class by a furious, stomping teen and he buys cookie flavoured ice cream on the way back to go with his kicked puppy look that he learned from a cheesy, evening run romance series.
When Adam is sick, he is spoiled with everything he could ever want. Like a whole tour ship in his name at first. Slowly, Michael learns that a bowl of soup and a good movie with him is enough for the teen.
Adam teaches Michael that he doesn't need to buy his love and respect. They don't do that in the Milligan House. They never did. Not when Kate was still alive, not when John was around. And they never will.
Michael likes the house bare, spacy and aired out so he opens all the windows, puts vases and decorations in the drawers, shoves the throw pillows in cupboards and hides every small trinket scattered around the house. The only thing he doesn't touch is the framed pictures of Adam and himself on the shelves and tabletops.
Adam insists that Michael should do things the 'human way' so when he forgets a book or assignment Michael runs to his classes to deliver them.
Though Adam likes being spoiled with angel magic now and then. Like when Michael makes his laptop type everything on its own straight from Adam's thoughts.
Adam makes Michael try new food much like how one feeds a baby different mashes every day. So far, Michael likes carrots, strawberries, white chocolate and ice cream. He hates brocoli and pepper. He is okay with everything else.
Adam washes the dishes while Michael dries and puts them away.
Michael once put liquid dish soap on Adam's fries because he thought everything in the kitchen in colorful bottles were those sauces Adam loves.
On stormy nights, when Adam can't sleep, he asks for stories. Michael talks about all kinds of amazing stuff like the creation of the stars, how God decided which animal looked how, how angels were assigned their duties one by one, how many species that aren't known today actually existed or how dinosaurs were actually a toddler Gabe's toys which he dropped to Earth after a temper tantrum. Rarely, he talks about his home back in Heaven and his childhood with his brothers. His voice trembles a little as he remembers the old days. Especially as he talks about the most beautiful little boy ever who had pure white wings that reflected light and who was destined to bring Gods light in the universe and into everyone's hearts.
When Lucifer comes back, Adam is the first to extend a hand to him. He talks to Michael, shouts a little at some point and manages to convince him to at least hear his brother out. Because he isn't too different from that little boy Michael hides in a corner of his heart, locked and sealed away as a fragile reminder of the past. He has done things he needs to amend. But when even the God himself turns his back on them, Michael is all he has and he is all Michael has.
The two archangels make up eventually. Winchesters want to use Lucifer against God. He refuses. Thus that spare room at the back of the flat finds its owner. The first night with a storm, they hear something breaking in Lucifer's room. Turns out the sound of thunder is exactly like how God sounded on the day he fell. So Michael turns on all the lights, Adam makes hot cocoa and they marathon ATLA.
Lucifer ADORES Adam. He didn't want to admit it at first but the kid is cool. Because a) He trashtalks the Winchesters with Lucifer. b) He obviously has a leash on Michael, commander of Heaven's army and it is hilarious. c) He is actually good for Michael. He taught Michael who had turned his heart into a stone long ago how to love again. d) They are PUBG buddies.
When Gabriel returns, he is surprised enough to accuse Adam of whichcraft when he sees his two older brothers cooking Adam's favorite pancakes side by side, dueting Let It Go.
Adam buys Michael toys when he learns he didn't have any other than the wooden practise swords. Michael refuses to be treated like a baby at first but he becomes obsessed with the remote control police car with lights and sirens for two days when Adam shows him how to play with it.
They build an actual grave for Kate. Michael visits and asks for permission before he asks Adam if- maybe they could officiate the bond they have?
Other angels despise Adam at first as he stole their leader. Eventually, they learn their lesson when Michael roasts a few who tried to abduct Adam. Somewhere along the way, he befriends them too. Some just drop by randomly and Adam welcomes them on the dinner table eventhough he can't make them eat.
Lucifer doesn’t like crumpled spaces. It takes a hell lot of effort to get him to ride a car.
Michael is great at poker but loses UNO everytime.
Michael is quite funny actually. Only Adam gets his sense of humor though. They have inside jokes that no one else laughs at. It might also have something to do with Michael's shark like smile which creeps even Lucifer out.
Adam massages Michael's scalp when he has a headache from all the whinig angels.
After they defeat God Lucifer and Micheal become co-rulers of the universe.
Lucifer makes up with Jack. The nephilim is actually very alike to his eldest uncle with his eating habits and pure power. Their wings are almost the same.
Gabriel and Lucifer threaten Michael with calling Adam when he refuses something they want because Adam is almost always on their side.
In the end, Adam makes up with his own bfothers. Michael holds his hand all the way to the bunker through all the nervousty.
When Adam graduates Sam, Dean, Eileen, Castiel, Lucifer, Gabriel and Michael are on the front row clapping. He runs to Michael who in turn throws his arms around him and softy kisses him on the head.
They console some angels, demons and other creatures after God is beaten as they spent over a millenia in Hell and they want to create a better world.
Adam becomes a doctor at Kate's hospital.
Part 2
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askthebunker · 4 years
The Beach Episode
“That’s just about everything,” Gabriel said, putting his hands on his hips as he looked out at the beach that had never been discovered by anyone before. He’d set up a few umbrellas as well as a picnic table with Sam earlier in the day and now they were just waiting on the others to arrive.
“It looks great, Gabe,” Sam smiled weakly before taking a deep breath, “I want everything to be perfect for Jack today, y’know?”
“No pressure, right?” Gabriel winked at him.
“You know what I mean,” Sam sighed, “It’s just...things have been weird, with everything happening. I want to make things up to Jack.”
“That’s not your job, Samoose,” Gabriel gave him a sympathetic smile, “You’re not the one who has the most making up to do.”
“He’s trying,” Sam explained, “That’s part of today, he’s going to try, he’s not going to drink, and he’s going to have a good time. We’re all going to have a good time.”
“Whatever you say,” Gabriel said, grabbing his hand and kissing it, “Let’s just...not get our hopes too high, okay? I know this is what you want, but all of us in one place…” he trailed off, “Hasn’t worked out the best in the past.”
“Never hurts to try,” Sam shrugged.
Gabriel just continued to smile sympathetically at him until the familiar sound of wings came through the air.
“Sam! Uncle Gabriel! Hello!” Jack said cheerfully.
When Sam looked up, Jack was standing with Michael, Adam, and Raphael, wearing a pair of plastic sunglasses that had neon green rims.
“We brought pie,” Raphael offered after a beat of silence, awkwardly holding out the circular pan, “Adam made it from items he grew in his garden. Why are you all so irritating? I like him just fine.”
Sam gave them a tight smile, taking the pan, “Thanks, guys,” he turned his attention to Jack, ignoring the comment, “How’s it going, Jack?”
“Good,” Jack grinned, “I am starting school this Fall, we all decided. I am very excited.”
“That’s...that’s great,” Sam smiled at him, “As long as everything goes according to plan…”
“Jack wants to go to school, so he’s going,” Adam said simply, “Regardless of what happens.”
Sam took a deep breath and gave him a tight smile, “Of course, whatever Jack wants.”
“Where are the others?” Adam changed the subject.
“You guys are the first ones here,” Sam shrugged, “Gabe and I came here to set up early since the place was essentially never discovered by humanity. We cleaned it up a bit.”
“Thanks for that,” Adam said simply, putting down the food as well as a bag, “Jack, make sure you put on sunscreen again soon, please.”
Jack nodded and sat down in the sand, grabbing Michael’s arm and pulling him down with him, “I’m going to teach Uncle Michael how to build a sandcastle.”
“Sounds great, bud,” Adam said simply, sitting down at the picnic table beside Raphael.
“Go talk to him,” Gabriel told Sam quietly, “Trust me, Raph isn’t much of a conversation starter, they’re just gonna sit there in silence.”
“There’s not much to talk about,” Sam swallowed.
“Never hurts to try,” Gabriel gave him a weak smirk, repeating his earlier words.
Sam just sighed again, smiling slightly at him before walking over.
Jack glanced up as Sam walked over to Adam and bumped Michael slightly.
Michael glanced up as well and cleared his throat, “Raphael, would you like to join us?”
The archangel squinted in confusion, “Why?”
“Because we need to spend time with Jack,” Michael said simply, “And I am asking you to.”
Raphael simply sighed and they walked over, sitting down in the sand and wrinkling their nose as they did, “I do not enjoy this,” they said immediately.
Sam sat down across from Adam, “Hey,” he said awkwardly, “How have...things been? We haven’t seen you since we came over to check out the house.”
“Fine,” Adam said, “I have a job at an antique shop in town. Jack wants to sell some of the stuff we grow in our garden, so Michael is helping him build a little stand.”
Sam nodded slowly, “Uh...so, there’s a thing going around...that you and Michael are expecting a kid?”
“Yes,” Adam deadpanned, “Is that going to be a problem?”
“What? No,” Sam said quickly, “I mean, we’d like to know if we’re gonna be uncles, y’know? We’re happy for you.”
“I’m sure you are,” Adam sighed, looking down at his phone and playing with it absentmindedly, despite there definitely not being any signal on the beach they were on.
“We’ll keep you and your kid safe from all of this,” Sam told him firmly.
“I don’t need you to,” Adam told him, “I genuinely don’t. I can take care of myself and even if I couldn’t, Michael is the first ever archangel. He’s powerful. I don’t need you to protect my child when we’re both very capable. I definitely don’t need Dean around my kid either.”
“Dean isn’t a bad guy, Adam,” Sam sighed, “We both made mistakes with Jack, we’re dealing with that and trying to make up for it.”
“You went along with it because he’s your big brother and he’s all you’ve ever known as a caretaker,” Adam snapped, “It’s definitely not healthy, but I understand you. Dean has treated Jack like shit since the beginning.”
“Don’t...do that. Don’t psychoanalyze us like you’re…” Sam trailed off, “Act human, dude. You’re not a robot.”
“I’m not though,” Adam sighed, “Sam...I spent over a thousand years with Michael and Lucifer. Things happen. I’m not human anymore. I don’t...one hundred percent know what I am, but it’s not human. I’m not saying I’m above you, I’m just saying...things get put into perspective when you have that long to think. The idea of petty drama and dealing with human bullshit is just nothing to me anymore.”
Sam watched him curiously, not sure what to say.
“I spent over a thousand years in Hell, Sam,” Adam sighed, “I don’t know what you want from me. I can’t bring myself to care about things that don’t matter to me anymore. Jack is my nephew, he was in a bad situation because of Dean, and now he’s not. Jack doesn’t have to forgive you guys, just like I don’t have to forgive any of you for letting me rot in Hell for all that time,” he stood up, “I came here today to spend time with my nephew, not debate my emotions with you.”
What emotions? Sam wanted to say, but stopped himself.
Dean probably wouldn’t have been so kind.
“I guess you were right though...we wanted to take Jack away from you, we just didn’t know it at the time,” Adam said simply before walking over and sitting down with the archangels and Jack in the sand.
“I’m guessing that didn’t go well?” Gabriel asked, walking over and sitting down beside him.
“Does it ever with him?” Sam mumbled.
“No, but if your boyfriend was an extreme optimist, would you tell him that?” Gabriel asked.
Before Sam could say anything else, the others appeared.
“This is awesome,” Charlie grinned, “We’re, like, the first people ever to be here, right?”
“That’s true,” Gabriel said, “Completely undiscovered by humanity; cool, right?”
“Definitely,” Kevin smiled.
“Sixty five percent of earth is still undiscovered by humanity, it’s not surprising,” Samandriel deadpanned.
Kevin just rolled his eyes, “C’mon, man, let’s get in the water.”
“Why?” Samandriel looked confused as he was drug over to the shoreline.
“Socially inept angels plus one beach day,” Dean walked over to Sam and Gabriel, “Entertaining, at least,” he said, looking confused when he saw the two archangels attempting to build a sandcastle with Jack and Adam’s help. He gestured to them, making Sam laugh.
“So,” Gabriel grinned as Benny, Balthazar, and Castiel all sat down with them, “Are we going to start a betting pool on how long it’ll take Heaven’s Most Adorable Angel and Heaven’s Most Adorable Prophet to get together?”
“Well, unless they’re like Charlie and refuse to make a move, probably soon- OW!” Dean groaned when Charlie threw a frisbee at the back of his head, “Hey!”
“Zip it,” Charlie told him immediately, “And come play frisbee with us.”
“I want to play!” Jack got up quickly.
Michael and Raphael sighed in relief, getting up from the sand almost in-sync and dusting themselves off, making Adam laugh.
Dean hesitated when Jack ran over and Sam shoved him lightly.
“Go,” the younger Winchester mumbled, giving him a look.
Dean sighed and grabbed the frisbee from where it landed beside him, rubbing the back of his head, “Nice aim,” he said, going to throw it back just as hard, but Charlie caught it with a smirk.
“Nice try,” Charlie said, tossing the frisbee gently to Jack, who fumbled to catch it.
“I don’t see the point,” Samandriel mumbled, “I thought we were busy fighting Father.”
“We are,” Kevin explained, “But...it’s important for us to relax too, especially Jack, he’s just a kid.”
Samandriel nodded slowly, looking down at his vessel’s feet in the water, tilting his head, “I find this very enjoyable, I’m surprised.”
“Yeah, free will does that to you,” Kevin laughed, reaching down and picking up a seashell, “Here...a souvenir for your first beach day.”
Samandriel took the shell, looking down at it in the palm of his hand, a small smile on his face.
“Yeah, I give it a week,” Gabriel smirked, looking over at Kevin and Samandriel, “Charlie, you need to catch up- OW!” he groaned when she threw the frisbee again.
“That didn’t even hurt you, don’t be a baby,” Balthazar snorted as Gabriel threw the frisbee back to the group.
“So,” Gabriel said, looking at Cas and Balthazar, “How’s it going with you two lovebirds?”
Cas glared at him, “I have explained this many times, we are not romantically involved. Platonic love is extremely valid.”
“You’ve been hanging around Adam too much,” Gabriel rolled his eyes.
Cas narrowed his eyes at him.
“Dude, you need to put on sunscreen,” Sam called to Dean.
Dean rolled his eyes, “I’ll be fine.”
Sam scoffed, “Whatever, your funeral, man.”
“Would you like to go for a walk?” Jack asked Dean once he tossed the frisbee to Dorothy.
Dean stared at him, “You sure that’s a good idea, kid?”
“I don’t need permission to go for a walk with a member of my family,” Jack said bluntly, “Or anything for that matter. I just need to let them know that we’re going, if you want to go.”
Dean nodded slowly, not sure what to say.
Jack walked over to where Adam and Michael were with Raphael and talked to them briefly. He turned back around and quickly walked over to Dean, “C’mon, I want to explore this place.”
Dean followed him, shock written all over his face.
“This is very cool,” Jack said casually as they walked through the woods, “I wonder if we’ll find a snake…” he trailed off, leaning down to grab some of the flowers. 
Dean sighed, “Jack,” he cleared his throat, “Hey, buddy, we gotta talk eventually.”
“I am aware,” Jack sighed, standing back up and messing with the flowers he’d picked absentmindedly, refusing to make eye contact with him.
“There isn’t...a single excuse good enough for how I treated you,” Dean told him, “It was bad and it was wrong...no kid should be treated like that, ever, no matter what’s happened.”
“No matter what I’ve done?” Jack whispered, still looking down at the flowers.
“No matter what,” Dean shook his head, “I’m sorry I blamed you for stuff you couldn’t have controlled or the mistakes you made. I want to make it up to you...whatever way you’re okay with. We’re family, you’re a Winchester, and I’m sorry I didn’t treat you that way.”
Jack finally looked up at him and smiled weakly, “Thank you, Dean,” he told him, “I am happy living where I am, but...I miss you all very much, despite everything. I want us to be a family again.”
“I want that too,” Dean said before pulling him into a tight hug.
Jack hugged him back just as tight.
Samandriel came over to the table and sat down across from Castiel, surprising most of the people sitting there.
“Uh, Alfie, hey-” Sam started.
“I do not blame you for what happened to me,” Samandriel said firmly, “I think that most of the people here understand what it’s like to be under Heaven’s control. I would like you to please stop ignoring me now because I always wanted to get to know you and you acting like I do not exist out of guilt is very annoying.”
Balthazar laughed in shock, “Well, free will certainly agrees with someone.”
“I...am sorry,” Cas cleared his throat, “You’re right. It was wrong of me to ignore you.”
Samandriel smiled, “Okay, thank you. I forgive you. Now, Kevin gave me this seashell and is very nice to me, it makes me feel odd. What does that mean?”
Balthazar burst out laughing.
Adam had his head ducked down, talking to Michael away from the rest of the group when Dean and Jack came back.
“You two are having a kid?” Dean asked bluntly as they walked over.
“Yes,” Adam crossed his arms then wrinkled his nose, “Your skin is red, you’re going to get a sunburn, just listen to Sam and put the sunscreen on.”
“You didn’t think to tell us?” Dean asked, ignoring the other comment, “We’re going to be uncles, it’s something to celebrate.”
“No,” Adam deadpanned, “It’s none of your business. What isn’t processing here?”
“We’re a family,” Jack spoke up, “I understand that you do not like Dean, but he is my family. I wanted to share my joy about having a new family member soon, so I told him.”
Adam took a deep breath and smiled at Jack, “You’re right, Jack...I’m sorry for snapping. Yes, Dean, we’re having a child.”
“Think this is a good time for that?” Dean asked.
“I doubt it’ll ever be the perfect time,” Adam said, taking Michael’s hand, “But it’s what we’re doing. Either support it or don’t, I don’t really care.”
Dean cleared his throat and nodded stiffly, “Of course we’ll support it...kid’s gotta know their uncles, right?”
“Not really,” Michael mumbled.
“Well,” Gabriel said, throwing his arms around Michael and Adam’s shoulders and squeezing between them, “Personally, I’m happy the little nephilim is out of the bag, now we can get down to the serious celebrating!” 
“Can he even drink while he’s carrying?” Dean smirked.
Adam rolled his eyes, “Neither of us are carrying, asshole.”
“That was such a good idea,” Dorothy commented as they put stuff away in the storage room, “I haven’t felt this relaxed since we got back here,” she laughed weakly.
“Yeah, that tends to happen around Sam and Dean,” Charlie explained, “Trust me, I love them, they’re basically my family...but their lives are exhausting.”
“What are your plans for after this?” Dorothy asked suddenly.
Charlie looked at her and raised an eyebrow, “After?”
“I mean...after the whole...defeating God thing, y’know?” Dorothy asked.
“Oh,” Charlie sighed, “I don’t know. I’ve never really thought that far ahead, we’ve been so busy. I guess I might go back to hunting? I was pretty good at that.”
“I can’t think of anything I want to do,” Dorothy mumbled, “I’ve been so focused on Oz the last few years, it’s been so busy. Now it’s basically self-sufficient and I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do with myself,” she admitted, “This isn’t my world, it hasn’t been for a really long time.”
Charlie put a hand on her arm, “Hey, you always have us. We’re always going to be here.”
Dorothy smiled weakly, “I appreciate that...having you...I mean...all of you,” she sighed, looking up at the ceiling.
Charlie smiled at her for a moment.
Dorothy rolled her eyes, “Okay, this is getting exhausting,” she said before leaning down and kissing her.
“Jack seemed like he’s doing good,” Dean said awkwardly as they sat in the kitchen.
“Yeah,” Cas sighed, his voice small and quiet, “He does. He deserves to have that kind of life, where he’s happy,” he swallowed, “Even if it isn’t with us.”
Dean sighed, “He’ll be back one day...said he wants us all to be a family again.”
“The house is a better place for him to live a life, not the bunker,” Cas cleared his throat, “And no, Dean, that’s not me taking Adam’s side, it’s me taking Jack’s.”
Dean scrubbed his face with his hands, “I wasn’t going to say that. I’m trying here, okay?”
“I know,” Cas nodded, looking down at his hands.
“Cas…” Dean trailed off.
“I am not with Balthazar,” Cas said quietly, “That is in the past. I love him, I always will, but it is a platonic love now.”
“Why are you telling me that?” Dean asked.
“I just...wanted you to know,” Cas told him, “Because everyone is thinking about their future, about what they want after all of this is over,” he stood up, “I am going to go make sure Jack made it home okay,” he said before disappearing right in front of Dean’s eyes.
Dean stared at the spot he’d disappeared from and sighed, “What the hell?” 
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bro if u have time would u consider big brother gabe hanging out with little cas and pranking the other angels or smth?
"...and he's been so much more annoying than usual," Gabriel waves his hands emphatically as he speaks. "So yeah. We've got to stick it to Michael. You know what I'm saying?" He ends his seventy-three-day rant with that - you see, time was weirder back then - because apparently that's something that's always been said at the end of rants.
Castiel looks up at his brother, from where he was looking up at a tree - wondering about how much prettier it'd be if there were tiny yellow moving-creatures amidst the leaves.
"Yes." He decides to go with, in response to Gabriel's rhetoric, since he hasn't actually been listening to him.
He just tends to agree when Gabriel offers to whisk him off to The Garden, in spite of the sixty-to-eighty day rant he's going to be subjected to, because he likes that everything around is of the color green.
And anyways, he trusts himself to wing it - get it? - if Gabriel asks any questions. Like right now.
Apparently it's the right thing to say again, because Gabriel smiles satisfiedly. "So before I tell you what we'll be doing, do you have any ideas, kiddo?"
The word 'kid' hadn't been thought of yet, so it was astonishing that Gabriel had already nickname-ified it, but then that's something he'd always been good at.
Castiel reasons that his answering-instincts telling him to say 'pink', for some reason, are wrong for like the first time, and hence he shakes his head.
"Well, too bad." Gabriel announces cheerfully in a voice which doesn't hold a single note of feeling bad, in any way at all. "Here's what we're doing, okay? You're going to pretend there's something wrong with your wings. Word's going to spread and Michael's going to come check, and while he's away, I'll just take something from him that seems important."
For a change, Castiel had been listening, so he had a question. "What's important to Michael?"
"I'm working on it." Said the golden-winged Archangel, who wasn't working on it at all.
He too, like the black-feathered fledgling, was going to wing it.
Castiel is dropped off at his to-be garrison - though right now, for they're yet to be 10,000, it functions as a nursery. Nobody seems overly excited that he's back - just as nobody had been concerned that he was gone.
Everyone knew Gabriel had a fondness for monologues and this particular little brother.
"Break a leg." Gabriel whispers to Castiel, who develops a squint at this. All 4367 of his eyes squint together and for a moment, it seems like they're wounds of battles, and not eyeslits.
"Wasn't I supposed to break a wing -"
But Gabriel is already gone.
Castiel shrugs, and keeps on walking for he wants to get as close to the Host as possible, so that he does come flying for sure when he hears Castiel - until he's pounced upon by another fledgling, the same height and number-of-eyes as him.
"Cassie!" Balthazar beams. "How did it go?"
"Gabriel doesn't like Lucifer, Raphael, or Michael." Castiel summarizes, and he thinks he's done a great job of it.
"Cool." Balthazar doesn't really care about it - he's just being polite to his friend. In fact, he hasn't cared much for Gabriel ever since the archangel singled out Castiel for the trips to The Garden. Once when Balthazar had offered his own name, Gabriel had declined, saying that Castiel was more interesting. In short, Balthazar couldn't wait to grow up and get a personality.
He was planning to hate a lot of stuffs.
(But he did like Castiel.)
"Do you know of any little, yellow-y creatures in Father's plan?" Castiel asks his friend, earnestly.
"Joshua might."
"I'm going to go ask him after I've informed Michael my wing hurts." Castiel declares happily, and resumes walking towards the Host.
Balthazar skips after him. "Your wing?"
"It's broken."
Castiel thinks about it. "I think it's the basal phalanx." He pays attention when Anna talks about wings, because he hopes to fly like Gabriel someday. Or better. But probably not, because however hard he may try, he's always going to be smaller.
"Why do you want to tell Michael?" Balthazar asks ahead, still not entirely convinced.
Castiel frowns. Why does he, indeed?
"He'll just make a huge deal of it and scold you for being careless." Balthazar says, and he's right. Castiel isn't doing the convincing anymore, as much as he's been getting convinced. "If it hurts, Anna's been developing healing grace." Balthazar adds, because he's nice like that.
"Okay." Castiel agrees. A fledgling of few words.
He was never too passionate about Gabriel's plan either - and he's sure Gabriel won't really care. He never does, and Castiel likes that about him. Plus, they need to go check on the status of small, ochre-yellow creatures.
"Let's get Uriel and we'll go to Joshua!" Balthazar grins, and they set off in the opposite direction from the Host.
(Eventually turns out that such creatures do exist - and are to be called Bees. Castiel's happy enough for the rest of the decade. Maybe 4367 eyes aren't a few too less for him to see that he's supposed to feel guilty for bailing on Gabriel.)
Meanwhile, Gabriel tiptoes dramatically into The Host from the side entrance - the back door is pseudo-eternally blocked by Lucifer, though no one knows what he does there, and only the archangels dare to joke amongst themselves that he's planning to rebel. Gabriel reaches Michael's room and before he can take in the very few items around, his eyes fall on his brother.
"What are you doing here, brother?" Michael asks calmly, because he likes to stay in character.
"I'm - looking for Luci." Gabriel blurts, blanking out.
Michael nods. "Did you check the back entrance?"
"Ahh." Gabriel sings, pretending to be mortified. "Silly me, you know what I'm saying? I'll be on my way, then." Gabriel claps his wings, to fly out of his brother's sight promptly. "See you later."
He reasons something went wrong for his little accomplice, until he picks him up for a six-to-eight decade talk again and Castiel confesses he'd been scared. Only smally mentions the bees.
"...but it's okay. I think I'm backing the right horse, still." Gabriel rolls his eyes, after he's done whining for about forty nine years. Again, horses haven't yet come into being, so idioms involving them haven't either, but Gabriel has his ways.
"I'm sorry." Castiel has the courtesy to mumble.
"You'll make me proud some other time." Gabriel beams at him cheerily, for a second time. "Or like, the very next time - and if you don't, I'm going to have to make Balthazar my favorite. Ever since he's founded the Harp-Hate club, I've just had high hopes for his future."
Castiel nods distractedly. He's picturing the bees.
"I don't have anything against harps, though. I mean, not my favorite - not when there's horns and kazoos around, but like, I can play a mean harp. So obviously, I like them."
Castiel continues to pretend he's been listening, and answers luckily with a, "Of course."
Gabriel goes on, completely satisfied.
Billions of years later, Gabriel's settled in front of the television with a pack of licorice, when a voice booms across Angel Radio.
"Dean Winchester is Saved!"
He smirks, and leans back on the couch, feeling proud of himself. The one thing he'd noticed on Michael's desk when searching for important things, had been a book - with calligraphic text on the cover.
The very first binder.
'The Righteous Man Plans (Vol. 1): How To Get Him To Say Yes.'
And now Castiel - clearly, Gabriel's apprentice, had gone and claimed his soul in Hell. It doesn't get more dramatic than that.
"Nicely done, kiddo."
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dvp95 · 5 years
whispers trail and linger
pairing: dan howell/phil lester rating: mature tags: hallucinations, unsettling, psychological horror, imaginary friend, mention of suicidal thoughts in the past word count: 2.2k  summary: Dan had an imaginary friend when he was young. It doesn't seem to have gotten the memo that he's grown up. Bingo squares: hallucinations + wingfic + midnight swim + destruction
also, used a dialogue prompt from @throwing-roses-into-the-abyss! i’m sure you would have preferred something fluffier, dear, i’m just getting into the spooky spirit of things.
read on ao3 or here!
"The diamond in your engagement ring is fake."
Dan freezes. After a long beat, his muscles slowly untense, one by one, and he inhales deeply. Maybe if he doesn't look up from his laptop, the voice will go away.
It doesn't. Dan should really know better than that by now.
"You know that, right? It's, like, zircon."
"It's cubic zirconia," Dan says, and then he scowls at himself. He hadn't meant to respond, doesn't want to go down this rabbit hole again. He keeps his eyes trained on the blinking cursor on his screen, even though his fingers have stopped typing.
"Sounds like the same thing to me. Point is, it's not a diamond. Why isn't it a diamond?"
"I didn't want a diamond," says Dan.
"Why not?"
"Because. Most diamond mining is irresponsible, and I don't want a reminder of deforestation and soil erosion on my finger."
"Huh. Can I touch it?"
Dan inhales again, through his nose this time. He could say no. He should say no.
Still, he's spent a good chunk of his time in therapy talking about this, and he knows that it isn't real. It won't actually hurt him. So, reluctantly, Dan holds his left hand out, over the abyss that is the space between his sofa and the end table.
It isn't real, he knows it isn't real, but the shock of cool fingers touching his own makes him shiver anyway.
The logical part of Dan's brain - which is the majority of it, really - always feels so muddled when this happens. It doesn't seem to matter that he's spent years and years working through the trauma that he expects is the cause of this, it still feels so fucking real in the moment. He can feel the cold, gentle weight of fingertips tracing over his ring before they skitter away.
"Feels weird. I like diamonds better."
"It doesn't feel like anything," Dan says flatly. "It's a rock in some metal."
"Such a nice way to talk about a gift, Danny."
"Don't call me that," Dan snaps, and his gaze jerks away from his laptop automatically. He regrets it, wishes he'd held back the instinct.
It - not 'him', never 'him', because it isn't real - stands in Dan's lounge like it belongs there, all long limbs and eerily pale skin. It looks human, or near enough, unless Dan looks closely.
He doesn't want to look closely. He turns back to his screen and stares at the cursor again.
"Dan, then," it says. Its tone is amused, a little condescending. Dan prickles, but he doesn't rise to the bait. After a long, quiet moment where Dan clenches his jaw and does not, in any way, acknowledge its presence, the voice comes again, light and conversational. "And here you said you'd marry me. It's very like you to break a promise, isn't it?"
That's too far. Dan can't hold back his angry, "I was seven, it wouldn't count as a real promise even if you did exist."
It laughs. The hairs on the back of Dan's neck stand up.
"You know that I exist."
"No," Dan says, and he wishes he could sound more certain. The fact is, he struggles with the concept of existence in general, and it becomes somewhat of an existential thing. Does it exist, even though it only exists in Dan's mind? He can't be sure of the answer.
"I suppose you're right," it says thoughtfully, acting like Dan hasn't spoken. "We were way too young to make a promise so big."
"Plus, you're a figment of my diseased imagination," Dan deadpans. His heartrate picks up a bit, the way it always does when he vocalizes this thing. "So I'm guessing the ceremony would be a bit fucking weird, as well."
"Am I?" It sounds delighted. "Wouldn't that be something."
Dan takes another deep breath. It won't get a rise out of him, not this time. It's been an expert at poking and prodding sore spots for far too long.
Maybe if he just keeps working and refuses to talk to it, it'll get bored. It gets bored very easily. Dan brings both his hands back to his laptop keyboard and, as if he's moving through sludge, starts typing again. He's not sure if any of it makes sense, too hyperaware that he isn't alone right now to pay much attention to the words he's typing.
He doesn't hear it move, but he supposes he doesn't have to. The only indication that it isn't standing to his left anymore is the brush of a light, unfortunately familiar weight over his shoulders.
Dan's muscles tense up again. He knows it's leaning over the back of the couch now, looking at his screen, and honestly, that would make him uncomfortable even if it was another human doing it.
"Music, yeah? You always liked music. Glad you're writing about something you like instead of trying to force yourself into what they want."
No matter how old Dan gets, he still can't figure out who 'they' are. It references a 'them' a lot, and Dan used to think it was talking about his parents. Then he thought it was talking about the shitty bullies at school. Now, he has no idea who or what his fucked up subconscious is trying to warn him against.
"What did they want?" Dan asks. He's got no willpower at all, has he.
"Oh, you know," it says, its breath ghosting over the back of Dan's neck. Dan feels goosebumps start to rise over his arms, even under his thick hoodie.
"I don't know," Dan says, irritated. "I've never known."
"Don't you?"
"Am I always this annoying to talk to?" Dan wonders out loud. If this is what a small part of his psyche sounds like, then he feels bad for his friends and fiancé for dealing with him all the time.
It laughs, low and uninhibited. Out of the corner of his eye, Dan sees the shape of something dark stretching out.
He won't look. He doesn't look. Not that it really matters. Dan knows what the shape is, has known it his entire life. The sight of it comforted him, once upon a time.
"No, you're much worse," it jokes, and the shape retracts back. Dan hates that he almost misses the peripheral view, hates that he keeps talking to his own delusion like it's going to do him any fucking good at all.
"If you're just here to be vague and insult me, you can fuck off," says Dan. "Gabe will be over soon, I don't need you hovering when he is."
"Does it matter that I'm here if I'm in your head?" it asks. Something brushes against Dan's upper arm, and Dan flinches. "You're jumpy today, aren't you? It's just me, Dan, jeez."
That's kind of the problem. It doesn't give Dan a chance to say so. "I didn't think you liked it when I said it out loud, but fine. You know what they want, it's what they've always wanted. They want you dead, Danny."
Dan's not sure what he expected, but it wasn't that. He feels cold all through his body very suddenly, a wave of nausea overtaking him.
"What?" he bleats, his vision going a bit blurry and his voice sounding so, so small.
Then, there's a firmer pressure on Dan's shoulders, across his chest. Encircling him. It's giving him an embrace, probably one that's meant to be comforting. Not with its cold, human-ish arms, but with the smooth, soft weight of its wings.
Dan's therapists have blamed his semi-religious upbringing for the wings. They think that he started having delusions of some kind of guardian angel when he was young, and that's why it looks the way it does.
Honestly, Dan doesn't know if that's true or not. Maybe it is. He doesn't remember the first time he saw it, after all, it's just always been there, growing at the same pace as him like another child would.
The hold should be making him panic more, because he's essentially being trapped against the couch by its wings, but Dan actually starts to feel calmer. Maybe that isn't so surprising, really. This used to make him feel so safe when he was a child, curling up with his imaginary friend and feeling its soft wings around him like a weighted blanket.
But then Dan learned that it wasn't real, that it was all in his head, that his family would watch him with wide, uncertain eyes if he kept talking about it, and its embrace stopped being a refuge.
"I won't let them hurt you," it says, with so much sincerity that Dan finds himself believing it despite all logic.
Heat prickles at Dan's eyes, and he leans further back into the couch cushion, its nose brushing his ear and its wings tightening across his chest.
"I know," he whispers, because he does. He does know that.
He remembers the way the freezing cold water had felt against his skin that night, the last time he saw it. The moon had been little more than a sliver of light in the sky, reflecting off the gentle waves around him. He remembers feeling peaceful, for just a moment, before his reality came crashing down around his shoulders again. He remembers wanting to put his head under until everything went away again.
The only thing that had made him leave the water that night had been his imaginary friend, who had stopped showing up as frequently now that Dan was in the midst of a turbulent adolescence, and who had cheerfully waved at him from the shoreline.
So he'd ended up talking instead, about nothing in particular, until dawn started to break over the horizon. It always looked stranger in sunlight, so pale it was practically translucent, but Dan had felt so comforted by its reappearance at that particular time in his life, when it felt like he had nothing and nobody to help with the unending noise in his head.
Dan doesn't know if he would have really done anything, can't be certain, but he has a gut feeling that its presence kept him alive.
He exhales.
"You okay?" it asks, soft.
"Yeah," says Dan. "Yeah, okay. They want me dead and you won't let them."
"That's right." The wings release him, and Dan almost sobs at the loss. He doesn't need to worry, though, because he blinks and it is beside him on the couch now, reaching out with its hands. Dan allows it to take his right hand between both of its own. "I've missed you, Danny."
It isn't real. But when Dan looks up and sees the warmth in its tri-coloured eyes and the smile that seems to have too many teeth to be quite convincingly human, he feels the logical part of his mind go numb again.
"I've missed you too, Phil," Dan whispers, watching its wings twitch happily at the admission. Its smile widens, showing off the sharp edges of its unsettling teeth.
"Stop trying to get rid of me, then," Phil says, teasingly, like it's a joke, but its grip on Dan's hand tightens to the point of pain.
Dan isn't too young to make promises anymore, and his muddled brain doesn't acknowledging the alarm signals that he's sure are going off somewhere in there. He simply nods, feeling a little more dazed the longer he looks at Phil.
It's been around as long as Dan can remember, after all, always appearing when Dan needed comfort or guidance, always keeping him safe, even from himself, always appearing as, more or less, the same age as Dan. Who is he to get rid of it? Nobody has to know if he just keeps his mouth shut this time.
These thoughts don't feel like Dan's own, but his mind is working so, so slow right now. Phil's eyes are the colour of the sea that he'd stood shoulder-deep in all those years ago, and it feels just as much like he's on the precipice of making a dangerous decision as it had then.
"Okay," says Dan. "I'll stop. You can stay."
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a-lilacsong · 5 years
Elena of Avalor Live text reaction: Giant Steps
I enjoy reading other people's posts where they watch episodes of shows and write reactions to things in the episode while they're still watching it. So I decided to make one for this new episode: Giant Steps. 
Reaction starts under the cut (Spoilers for the episode since this is a reaction)
She needs a crew 
Wait has she gone to Australia 
Also I love that fish on the wall 
To bad it wouldn't be able to sing most likely
Is that a wanted poster for the bat on the wall?
And it looks like she's selling Esteban’s hat as well 
oooooh I think I feel a song coming on
 also the letter text is so clear I could probably translate this
if I felt like it 
Man, Elena is a fast writer 
I really like the accordion in this song but so far it's been pretty casual 
I don't know, I guess I was just expecting a big old villain song 
What a cute parrot! Naomi should get a parrot
Oh that's a sword for a second I thought it could be a chainsaw 
Don't mind him that's just casual Joe, casually showing off his casual sword to his casual friends Casually 
Wow there's a lot of lens flares in this song, was it directed by JJ Abrams?
Maybe it's not even a big threat Naomi's coming to warn them about, maybe she's just going to come back to say hi at this point, she seems like she's really missing Elena 
This is why she needs a crew, then she wouldn't be lonely 
Having a good cry together?! All of the hurt comfort and angst fanfiction possibilities! 
Oh look there's the not-Ash little girl 
yes the Elena and Naomi feels are strong with this one 
Ship does not rhyme with fate! this is the second time a line hasn't rhymed and it bugs me 
And she's broke
Maybe she should have asked for some money along with a ship eh?
The Bat Wanted poster Is hilarious 
And so starts her career as a bounty hunter 
“So how much gold are you giving for his capture?” “heaps of it.” “But how much gold exactly?” “HEAPS. OF. IT.”
Yeah when you just draw bags of money on the poster it's probably a scam 
Naomi unrolls the wanted poster, Me: *Gasps out loud* They all look so good!
 I wonder if you captured those three along with the bat if they give you an extra gold for that or if they just only give you a reward for the bat
You probably wouldn't get any gold though cuz it's probably a scam
Sudden zoom in on the poster while there's a bell in the background like what
 reminds me how they always always seem to do that during dramatic moments in Star Trek
What's in the bag a knife, a phaser, or is she just giving her the bag 
Maybe a special knockout powder?
Oh cool it's one of those endless Space Bags 
also what a cute red bird 
This episodes giving lots of birds 
But the Winged being I want to see most is Chatana
Oh look she sells harpoons! What does the store not have?
The necklace, of course she wants the necklace, I was thinking about was oddly noticeable with Naomi wearing two necklaces so of course she's going to have to give one away
Will she give it to her, Probably
Yep now she has the Magic Bag
And she got the take the wanted poster as well?! Wow !
It's not illegal to take down wanted posters?
Boy there is probably some kid out there who has fifty wanted posters just up decorating their room because they are very well drawn 
I mean if I lived in that world and knew I couldn't get punished for it I would totally have a few of them up 
Ash and Chatana just look so snug in their pictures, when why was Esteban just looks so innocent compared to them 
Wait so ash gave Chatana the diadem off screen? okay...
I've been waiting months for this, yes, YES team Ash team Ash team Ash YES!
Now I finally get to see more of Chatana
 I will finally get to see what her personality is really like yes
~~ but now I have to eat supper so intermission
Sarah give me spoilers Darn it ~~
 the bat can shape-shift!? wow I always thought that Esteban’s teleportation powers would take them to Vestrella but I was wrong
Of course they're seen immediately, probably because of Ash’s yelling
Wait if you Caught the Jaquin babies, what would you do with them Esteban?
He seems better at this villain stuff than I thought 
Also both Ash and Chatana seem way too confident about this 
I'm predicting it will be their Achilles heel 
Bold of Mateo to assume that she would be looking for her friend instead of the villains 
Probably spied on Naomi before 
It seems Mateo's more Curious boy Then I thought he's willing to spy on someone if they're a friend 
And she's right there, she probably ran past Armando and everyone else that's why they didn't get it notified of her arrival 
Like she always does 
Yay clumsy Mateo
And he didn't drop it!
No one expected you back this soon Naomi not even the audience 
Lesbians lesbians lesbians 
It's great other than the crippling loneliness 
Mateo asks the kind of questions that I asked on tumblr ask blogs anonymously 
“Ancient at least I thought she was ancient '' if she said that to Chatana’s face which you take it as a compliment or an insult I wonder?
Also continuity!
And of course she's only going to bring Gabe because he is the only guard She Knows by name 
Sarcasm aside though I'm glad that these four will get to have another adventure together 
They are the Ultimate Adventure team 
Well Isabel is always welcome on it 
But it is illegal for her to try to fight Esteban 
Or Witness Elena seriously killing him 
Wait is she going because she wants to be with Elena 
Or to get the prize money 
Probably both 
I sure hope Elena doesn't feel betrayed if Naomi tries to get that prize money I mean she has to make a living somehow 
Yes Elena, the team 
It is the only team strong enough to defeat the evil team 
Oh boy every time Chatana walks she looks like she's on a Runway! She is so poised and confident looking 
Also it seems that they have gotten past that cloaking spell 
And Esteban gets smacked in the face
They just love you using him for slapstick don't they?
I just love it how bat says casually that they're being watched 
And Ash and Chatana flip out like they're about to be caught by the thought police 
Okay, Esteban is hilarious 
*Ash Eyeroll*
I wonder who has done more eye rolls in the series Ash or Esteban?
And she blocked it again, I guess it wears off over time?
SOME kind of cloaking spell!? it looks like the same one they were using before!
I sure hope Philly wasn't conscious with Chatana all those years
She CAN fly!
And we finally get to see her make a monster and it's so cool!!!
Spiders spiders everywhere!
Flying spider tornado!
Ash and Esteban’s reactions are valid
BABY spider Eagles! that changes everything 
Now that means that they're really cute 
I would still be distracted by them though
Esteban sass 
Ash threats
If they weren't so evil they make a great sitcom team 
~~~break to watch final episode of Pride and Prejudice with my family~~
Gabe makes yet another strategy which will be most likely ignored or never brought up again 
Points for trying, Captain 
Oh good, that’s just webs, thought it was something else for a moment 
Down they go, too bad she can't use levaloop with that sceptre and they're going to have a hard Landing 
Woo he didn't use levaloop he's learning new spells 
Yay team Ash back views! I've been needing these for artistic purposes 
Did Phili just spit fire Let me back that up 
Wow I think he did
Awww,  “Little one”
They must train together a lot, Ash just needs to give Esteban a look and he does what they need 
That's the same unlocking spell as before
 do the Maruveians only have one kind of lock spell
Also wait did Chatana teach that to Ash at some point?
Because she certainly didn't use that on the gate before to unlock Chatana...
Oh nice unlocking effects 
MAMA <--May I also mention that my theory was right 
Wait all of Chatana's creatures are locked up here?
I guess there are the Sunbird jars 
True she was captured, (much better excuse than Pink Diamond’s)
And here is Esteban, the king of sucking up 
In a way, Kizin Reminds me of Sarah
He Likes the tall funny man 
Good recovery Esteban, you didn't make any snide comment that time 
And now everyone else sucks up 
Except Phili 
Chatana smile 
Kizin has other friends? AWW, he Just wants to help his friends! 
Ash has done nothing other than that spell so far except yell and complain to others
And there goes a bat
We will probably get him later... or maybe we will just leave him
Oh look will team Avalor attack him immediately or will they try and reason with him first 
If you needed more guards why didn't you just grab them in the first place 
I know Migs and Skyler are Guardians but couldn't you have gotten another Guardian to go and get reinforcements? 
Elena never planned ahead for things
Gabe the running LOL 
So you're going to just attack him instead of reasoning with him? okay 
I think that trip wire might be a little high Naomi
Wait Shouldn't Elena and Mateo wait on the other side of the tripwire so that they can surround Kizim just in case 
Naomi tie the tripwire you won't be strong enough to hold it up yourself 
Or maybe you will you are pretty strong 
Hey look there's the bat
No Naomi, no Naomi no tie the rope Naomi, and then go after him 
Tell Elena of your financial troubles don't risk it all 
(to quote Ash:) foolish child....
Looks like the bats in the bag 
Also why was he attacking ships in the first place, for the LOLs?
More Gabe running 
*Sigh* should have tied it...
She hurt him he hurt her 
Very good, Gabe protect 
See Don't Use Magic on Kizim, use Magic on yourself 
Oh yeah use the wizard to unlock the pots
And then an extra 
You know it seems like every episode where Elena could do a lot more she gets injured and then another character has to save the day 
It happened in the episode with the merman Prince 
Naomi just sort of stands there and watches 
Okay that scene is funnier in context than it is in the trailer 
First aid! Someone actually knows how to do first aid!
Mateo disobeyed a plan and now Naomi disobeyed the plan
When will they learn that disobeying plans always leads to bad things 
Sorry Princess I'm broke 
And Too Proud to Beg 
Okay, this is a complicated situation, on one hand Naomi is a big help in defeating villains on the other, why don't they just get a royal guard who is good with a lasso? 
I mean there are definitely some personal emotions running here 
But also it might have been better to wait to become a Captain until after the villains had been caught
I just think this might be both their faults
Although running out to the bat and not tying the Rope yeah
Little scared Mateo noise
I thought it was just going to run head-on into a wall 
LOL if one man can't do it get the other guy to do it
Gabe with magic well that would be interesting…
Well yeah, he's normally there 
Wait he's not going to attack Keatamos is he?
Gabe and Matteo wouldn't allow that 
“Hello friends” awww
Uh-oh is right, that many shaking pots is never good 
And now they're here to save the day 
When you forget you have an injury 
Although she Naomi should have felt the arm first to see how the sling should be set 
He likes one cousin and dislikes the other
Wait magic wands are handed?
Don't worry that Blaze probably didn't hit the wood that's everywhere around here 
How would releasing the bat help, I feel like he'd be on Kizim's side 
Couldn't you have just caught him in the bag with the bat still inside 
Actually no, the bat would get squished 
Well Gabe, you are bringing the burn today
Esteban reacts to waiting for things the same way I do 
Esteban knows he's the universe is punching bag 
Ash facepalm 
Chatana does care 
And Phili never will 
OOOOh Other allies!??!
It just seems like the Delgados inexplicably know about every different darkforce and possible magic thing there is 
She is angsting, Naomi, Which she always does alone 
Wow her arm is in a cast
Couldn't they just fix it with magic?
Does no one in this world know a healing spell? 
Actually that wouldn't surprise me.
Get a room you two! Oh, you do have a room 
now kiss 
They love each other 
You know you can hire your own ship crew at some point right?
I mean Captains classically command other crew members.
Wait is she coming back to the council
No Naomi don't ruin your life with politics! 
Get out while you still can! 
Wait, Naomi doesn't know she was replaced 
Well it would be easier on Julio if he didn't have two jobs… 
Which is the responsible thing to do 
She lives to serve 
Every episode with Chatana so far has had Elena Naomi angst 
That's the end of my reaction.
So here's my Mini review. Overall I liked the episode, sure the big conflicts could have been avoided if people actually talked with each other about their feelings first before the disasters, but that happens so often in TV shows I'm almost used to it. I loved seeing the villain force again (especially Chatana). Hopefully we will see them again soon. I wonder what job Naomi will get now, (Maybe being the minister of ships)?
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mikauzoran · 5 years
Lukadrien: Late to the Jabberwocky Chapter Ten
Late to the Jabberwocky Chapter Ten: Fashion Emergency
“How do I look?” Adrien asked nervously, turning around to face his kwamis.
“Like you’ve been lying around in bed for a week, not eating and crying your eyes out,” Plagg reported helpfully.
Adrien’s face fell.
“He doesn’t look that bad, Plagg,” Nooroo tsked, coming to land on Adrien’s left shoulder.
“Hey!” Plagg snapped. “That spot’s reserved! Go find your own perch, Fluttershy.”
“Plagg, you do not own my shoulder,” Adrien sighed as Nooroo skittered away, tentatively circling back around to land on Adrien’s right shoulder.
Nooroo gazed cautiously at Plagg, as if he were afraid of being chased off once more. When Plagg didn’t object to Nooroo’s presence on Adrien’s right shoulder, Nooroo turned to Adrien to ask, “Who is ‘Fluttershy’? What does that mean? Is that a modern slur? I haven’t been out much in the past two hundred years.”
“It’s a character from a show Adrien watches,” Plagg supplied.
Adrien’s face went magenta. “So that I can talk about it with my niece!”
“Uh-huh.” Plagg rolled his eyes. “She’s a horse creature with monstrously big eyes and butterflies tattooed on her rump. You’ll see. He watches it almost religiously.”
“I do not!” Adrien whined.
“Uh-huh.” Plagg ignored Adrien. “I’m sure you’ll like it too, Nooroo. It seems like your kind of thing.”
“This is very exciting!” Nooroo trilled, doing a little wiggle dance. “My former master did not allow me to watch the television. Maîtresse Mayura was more lenient, but she prefers to read, so I haven’t been able to experience much modern entertainment.”
Adrien stared at the little butterfly for a moment before turning to Plagg. “Hey, teach him how to use the remote and the rules regarding TV use, and then actually take turns with him.”
“Leave it to me, Kid. I’m not that cruel as to deprive a butterfly of all the crazy cable channels we get,” Plagg snorted.
“Yippee!” Nooroo sang, fluttering his wings in joy.
“Okay.” Adrien sighed. “Back to my fashion emergency. Do I really look that bad, Plagg?” He turned back to study his face in the mirror. “I mean…it’s been hours since I cried, and before last night it had been…like a day or two? And I have been eating…I mean, some. I’ve been eating some, and I’ve gotten up to shower at least every day, so…”
“Maybe you could splash some water on your face and put on some makeup?” Nooroo suggested. “Please explain what we’re doing again. You’re going to attempt to attract a potential mate?”
“No!” Adrien groaned.
“Pretty much,” Plagg sighed.
“He’s just a friend!” Adrien insisted.
Plagg burst out laughing.
Nooroo looked back and forth between the kwami and the boy with a quiet, politely perplexed expression.
“He’s the kid’s ex-boyfriend,” Plagg took pity on Nooroo and explained.
“It wasn’t like that!” Adrien wailed, face going beet red once more.
“Gabe broke them up about two years ago, but they met up again and hit it off at a graduation party last Saturday,” Plagg summarized. “The only problem is now Snake-Boy is dating the girl that the kid is in love with. With me so far?”
Nooroo nodded. “Ah. Sass’s chosen? I’ve seen him briefly here and there. Snakes and Cats historically get on well together. But now the snake boy is in a relationship with Ladybug?”
Plagg nodded. “He doesn’t know that she’s Ladybug. Her name is Marinette.”
Nooroo continued to nod. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. My master was very interested in her. He believed that if he could successfully akumatized her, she would be the one to finally defeat Ladybug and Chat Noir.”
“Well, it looks like he was right,” Plagg snorted.
“So why are we going to attempt to seduce Ladybug’s mate, Adrien-bocchama?” Nooroo blinked innocently at Adrien.
“We’re not going to seduce Luka,” Adrien hissed in overwhelming embarrassment. “We’re going to…I don’t know. See if he still wants to be friends. He was an incredibly important friend to me, and, if at all possible, I want to have him back in my life. We’re just going to see if he wants that too.”
“And then seduce him with the gift of opera tickets!” Nooroo cheered, thinking that he understood the plan.
Adrien covered his face with a hand. “Nooroo…no. There will be no seduction. I’m just… Friendship is all I’m interested in right now. He’s very attractive, and I wouldn’t mind making out with him, but he’s Marinette’s boyfriend, and I’m still a wreck over Marinette, and…honestly? I’m in no shape to try to be in a relationship right now. I’m trying to work on me. On building strong friendships. I want to be friends with Luka again.”
Nooroo frowned. “Then…I don’t understand. Why have you changed your outfit six times? Why are you so concerned about your physical appearance if you have no romantic designs on the young man we’re about to visit?”
“Well…” Adrien looked away from the kwami, studying his reflection in the mirror as he fidgeted. “I mean…I want to make a good impression. I want him to think I’m cool. I just want…I mean, it’s to my advantage to look attractive. People do what you want when you’re attractive. It gives you more leverage, more influence.”
Nooroo nodded slowly, mentally tying the threads together. “So…we are trying to seduce him, but not for your sexual gratification. You’re trying to seduce him in order to manipulate him into being your friend?”
Adrien pursed his lips. “That sounds bad…but, yeah. That’s the general idea. If he’s busy thinking, ‘Wow. Adrien has really filled out in all the right places since I last saw him’ and ‘I wouldn’t mind spending time with someone who looks like that’ and ‘It could be fun sitting in a box seat in the dark with him at the opera for three hours’, maybe he’ll be able to forget about all the weirdness between me and his girlfriend.”
Nooroo gave Adrien’s cheek a supportive little pat.
Not to be outdone, Plagg flew up to headbutt Adrien’s other cheek and purr as he rubbed himself along Adrien’s jaw.
Adrien laughed. “You jealous of the new kwami in my life, Plagg?”
Plagg openly scoffed. “Never. You’re a kitten, not a caterpillar, and Nooroo knows it. There’s nothing for me to be jealous over, and it’s not like he’s staying long-term or anything.”
“Whatever makes you happy, Plagg,” Adrien chuckled, giving the little cat deity a fond scratch behind the ear.
“So…Forgive me,” Nooroo took flight, fluttering around Adrien’s head, examining Adrien’s appearance. “I understand the goal of our mission, but I do not understand the purpose. Why are we trying to make friends with a hostile party currently romantically involved with the girl that we want as our mate? This does not seem like a logical course of action. I understand that he was once your friend, but…” Nooroo trailed off, frowning sympathetically.
Adrien averted his gaze. “Like I said, he was really important to me. My father tore us apart, but now that Dad’s…for a lack of a better word, better…less controlling and tyrannical…maybe he’ll let me be friends with Luka again. Maybe I can have Luka back. He was really good to me, good for me…. I miss him…. If I can have him back, I want him back. That’s all. I think I could really use a friend like Luka right now, so…we’re going to see if Luka still wants to be friends with me too.”
Nooroo opened his mouth again, but Plagg grabbed him by the arm and yanked him over to sit on the edge of the bathtub.
“…God, I have nothing to wear,” Adrien sighed, heading back into his closet to select a different outfit.
Plagg leaned in and lowered his voice to a humanly imperceptible whisper, “I don’t think the kid fully realizes it himself, but he was in love with Snake-Boy. He was a wreck when Gabe broke them up. Seriously. I was scared witless for six months thinking Gabe was going to akumatize him or that the kid was going to hurt himself or something. Luka’s kind of on your wavelength. He’s kind of like a giant mood stabilizer. He made Adrien happy. He made Adrien feel like he was worth something, like Adrien was loved. Maybe you’ve noticed from how Gabe treated you, but this is not a loving household. This is not the place to come if you want hugs and affirmations that you matter.”
Nooroo made a tiny, sad hum of assent.
“Gabe and Nathalie have done a stupendous job of turning things around in the last month or two, but before? Adrien felt worthless and not good enough and alone,” Plagg continued. “He felt like he was a bother, like no one wanted him. Then he met Luka, and all of the sudden it was okay to cry and have feelings. You didn’t have to be perfect to be worthy of love. Luka gave hugs and head rubs freely, and Luka always had time for Adrien. There was no ‘make an appointment and I’ll deal with you in a month’. Luka was everything Adrien ever wanted.”
“I can see how the young master would want someone like that back in his life,” Nooroo replied softly. “I am not terribly familiar with the situation, but it’s obvious that the young master is suffering greatly at this time. I can sense his despair and his yearning for love and acceptance. I can see how someone like this Luka you describe would be very appealing to Adrien-bocchama right now especially.”
“Yeah,” Plagg grumbled. “Part of me is kind of afraid that this is all going to blow up and make things worse, but another part of me is desperate and willing to try anything. This kid is giving me grey whiskers.”
“What do you guys think of this outfit?” Adrien paraded back out of the closet wearing a tight pair of dark wash jeans and a pink polo. He inspected himself in the mirror and frowned.
“It’s very last season,” Nooroo hummed thoughtfully. “Actually, isn’t that from the spring line two years ago? I remember this one. A terribly boring design.”
Adrien blinked at his brand new kwami. “Did Papillon follow fashion or something? How do you know which collection my shirt is from?”
Nooroo’s skin went a translucent lavender colour, and his eyes widened to the size of buttons.
“Yes,” Plagg interjected. “It turns out Papillon is a huge fan of your father’s work. Crazy small world, isn’t it? Now, you heard the butterfly; your shirt is boring. Go change again.”
Adrien frowned but easily let it go, turning with a shrug to head back into the closet.
“But keep those jeans!” Plagg called after him. “Your butt looks amazing in those jeans!”
As soon as Adrien had vanished into the racks of clothes, Plagg rounded on Nooroo. “If you somehow let it slip to my kid that his dad was a psychotic domestic terrorist, so help me, I will pull your wings and antennae off slowly. Do you know how long and how hard I’ve worked to keep him from finding out?”
“S-Sorry,” Nooroo cowered, looking genuinely afraid. “P-Please forgive me. I won’t make a mistake again.”
Plagg stared at his fellow kwami. “Hey. I’m not actually going to hurt you, Nooroo. I’m just going to be really mad. There’s no need to freak out like that. Are you okay?”
Nooroo gave a little shiver. “Sorry. I’m not…I’m not accustomed to being jokingly threatened. Usually when someone says they’re going to do something to me, they fully intend to carry through.”
Plagg blinked, realizing for the first time how lucky he had been to end up with a sweet kid as a user. “I think I need to burn more holes in Gabe’s cravats and move his objects when he’s not paying attention more often.”
“Please don’t. It wasn’t really that bad,” Nooroo pleaded.
“We are going to talk about this later,” Plagg hissed.
“Talk about what?” Adrien sighed, coming back into the bathroom. “What did I do?”
“Nothing,” Plagg assured. “We’re just talking about grownup stuff. Nothing for you to worry about.”
Adrien arched an eyebrow in suspicion. “Grownup stuff?”
“Kid, you are about a thousand years too young to appreciate our conversation. Go back to worrying about what Luka’s going to think of your outfit,” Plagg instructed, making a shooing gesture.
Adrien shook his head and turned to study his butt in the mirror. “You really think my butt looks good in these?”
“Fabulous! Definitely wear those jeans,” Plagg encouraged. “Maybe not that shirt, though. It’s a little…”
“Plain,” Nooroo completed. “Too understated. That’s not to say that it doesn’t look good on you, Adrien-bocchama, but I don’t think it stands out enough. If you really want to catch this boy’s eye, you’ll need something that makes your eyes pop. Maybe something in lavender or coral or plum or burgundy. Though, it’s summer, so maybe not the fall colours. Maybe go for a nice light blue.”
Plagg and Adrien stared at Nooroo.
“Papillon was really into fashion, wasn’t he?” Adrien observed.
Nooroo attempted a smile, but it came out looking brittle at best.
Adrien shook off the thought with a frown, going back to his reflection. “There are too many options. I’m not used to having to dress myself. Usually someone picks out the outfit for me, and all I have to do is wear it.” With a sigh, he took out his phone and opened up the string of texts Luka had sent the day before that had made Adrien think that a reconciliation was possible in the first place.
“What are you looking at?” Nooroo inquired tentatively, flying up to land on Adrien’s right shoulder.
Adrien tipped his phone so that Nooroo could see. “Texts from Luka,” he explained with a smile. “He was worried about me. Maybe he doesn’t hate me after all.”
Nooroo stared curiously down at the phone, reading the messages.
“hey how r u doing”
“this is luka by the way”
“i hope this is still your number”
“i was worried about u”
“im sorry i didnt know about what was going on”
“i hope youre ok”
“sorry im so stupid of course youre not ok”
“im sorry i hurt u”
“im really really sorry”
“for a lot of things”
“sorry if u dont want to hear from me”
“i couldnt stop thinking about u”
“sorry for texting u in the first place”
“i miss u angel”
“god i wish it were possible to unsend things”
“just ignore me”
“please please ignore me”
“im so sorry for bothering u”
“please take care of yourself”
Below the barrage of texts was Adrien’s answer: “Hi, Orpheus. <3”, “Can’t talk right now. I have company over.”, and “Thanks for worrying about me.”
“Oooooh.” Nooroo nodded, a soft smile spreading across his lips. “I see. He loved you too, didn’t he? He still cares about you a great deal and yearns for you too.”
Adrien nearly dropped the phone as he craned his neck to gawk at his new kwami. “W-W-What?!”
Nooroo waved his stubby arms. “Oh, don’t mind me. I’m a romantic. I see fluffy, fairytale stuff everywhere. Carry on as you were please, Adrien-bocchama.”
Adrien turned to look sharply at Plagg. “What have you been telling him?”
Plagg shrugged. “Don’t look at me. Don’t you have an outfit to pick out?”
Adrien stuck out his tongue with a snort before turning on his heel and marching back into his closet.
Nooroo flew back over to join Plagg on the lip of the bathtub. “What is the significance of the young master’s posterior? You seem to place special meaning on the fact that it looks attractive in those pants that he’s wearing.”
Plagg smirked. “Luka’s totally a butt guy.”
Nooroo frowned, visibly disturbed. “A…‘butt guy’?”
Plagg nodded. “I read something online about how supposedly guys find one particular attribute of their partners’ bodies to be most attractive. Some guys are most attracted to a woman’s chest or her legs. Luka is a butt guy. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught him ogling Adrien’s behind. And I’m sure you’ll see it eventually, but whenever Marinette is excited, she does this little butt wiggle, and Luka’s brain turns to mush. If the kid wants to catch Snake-Boy’s eye, he’s going to need to draw attention to more than just the green of his eyes.”
Nooroo hummed thoughtfully, storing this information away for later.
“I have nothing to wear!” Adrien howled in despair, coming out of the closet topless.
“Overstatement of the year,” Plagg announced. “You have enough clothes to dress an army of models. Your problem is that you don’t know how to utilize the resources you have at your disposal.”
Adrien blinked. “Resources?” He blinked again, and a bright light came into his eyes. “You’re a genius, Plagg!” Adrien darted out of his bathroom, into his room proper.
Plagg frowned. “Well, yes, but I’d like to know what kind of bad idea my genius has inspired this time.”
Adrien dashed out of his room and down the steps, calling, “Nathalie?!”
The response was almost instantaneous. Both Gabriel and Nathalie dropped what they were doing to run out into the lobby to make sure Adrien was okay.
“What happened?” Gabriel demanded, inspecting his son for damage.
“Adrien, what’s wrong? What do you need?” Nathalie was hot on her fiancé’s heels.
Gabriel frowned, confusion replacing concern. “And why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”
Adrien smiled sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck. “Sorry. False alarm. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m just having a fashion emergency.”
Gabriel and Nathalie both blinked and pushed their glasses up on the bridges of their noses in tandem.
“A…fashion emergency?” Gabriel repeated, puzzled by the concept paired with his son. “You?”
Adrien’s smile dropped off into a grimace. “Yeah. It turns out that I have no fashion sense, so…I need to borrow someone else’s so I can assemble an outfit fit to leave the house in.”
Deep trenches formed in Gabriel’s brow. “You’re leaving the house? With a friend?”
Adrien pointedly avoided Gabriel’s eyes as he shrugged lackadaisically. “To meet a friend.”
“You need fashion advice, but you were calling for me?” Nathalie verified, thrown off by the entire situation.
Adrien put on a cherubic smile and nodded. “I kind of also need a mom, so…”
“Well, that rules me out,” Gabriel snorted good-naturedly. “Was there anything else you needed, Adrien?”
Adrien shook his head. “No. Thanks, Dad. I should be good.” He glanced at Nathalie. “Mom?”
Nathalie nodded, following Adrien back to his room where he explained his goal and purpose.
“Nooroo is correct,” Nathalie remarked, adjusting her glasses as she flipped through item by item on Adrien’s clothes racks. “You do want a pop of colour to accentuate your eyes…. How about this?” She held out a rose-coloured dress shirt with an embroidered design in gold thread along the left side.
Adrien frowned. “Sorry. I’m just not feeling it.”
Nathalie nodded and returned it to the rack. “That’s okay. There are plenty of options.”
“About that.” Adrien cleared his throat.
Nathalie paused mid-motion and looked up.
“I kind of hate all my clothes.” Adrien dropped his gaze to the floor as he toed at the carpeting. “That’s sort of what I wanted to talk to you about. Could you convince Dad to let me go shopping for a new wardrobe? All my clothes are…”
He looked up and around at the racks, fishing for the right word. “…so high school. I kind of want to put that behind me, put some distance between high school Adrien and me.”
Nathalie studied her foster-son’s face for a good long moment before finally nodding. “I think that’s a sentiment that your father could understand. I’m not sure how he’ll feel about you going shopping for other brands when you’re the face of ours, but…I will talk to him and see if we can somehow get you some new clothes that are more you…. Out of curiosity, what do you propose we do with the old clothes?”
Adrien’s face brightened. “Well, I’d get everything approved by Dad first in case there was anything in here that he wanted to keep as the designer, but…after that, I’d let Wayem come pick out a dozen outfits. Then I’d hold a charity auction for the rest to benefit various mental health programs and organizations in France. I mean, I have hundreds of thousands of fans. I figure at least some of them would be interested in buying my old clothes, so… How does that sound?”
Nathalie blinked in surprise. “That’s…a very wonderful idea, Adrien. It would be good publicity and benefit a good cause… I’ll see if I can make it happen.”
“You’re the best, Mom,” he cheered, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
“You can thank me after I actually make it happen,” she chuckled. “For now, how about we figure out your wardrobe situation for today?”
Adrien gave an enthusiastic nod.
In the end, they settled on a white overshirt much like he usually wore, but underneath they went with a lilac t-shirt and paired it with a black tie slung jauntily around his neck.
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petrichoravellichor · 5 years
Gabe & Meg - "Wings are overrated."
Welp, this went from six sentences to *checks word count* a little over 1,200 words faster than I thought it would. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(Also…assume this takes place at some vague point in an alternate canonverse in which Meg 2.0 and Gabriel are known to be alive at the same time. Cool? Cool.)
Rating: M
Relationship: Gabriel/Meg
String Theory
(Read on AO3)
“Wings are overrated,” declared Meg one afternoon as she and Gabriel lay in a tangle of sheets and naked limbs, her head against his chest and his arm wrapped around her shoulder. He let out a surprised snort at her words, and she tilted her head to look up at him, arching a brow. “No offense, feathers.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. “Please. If you wanna offend me, you’re gonna have to try harder than that.”
“Hmm…” She rolled over and onto him, straddling his hips. “I could tell you you’re bad in bed.”
Gabriel chuckled, bringing his hands up to frame her hips. “You could,” he agreed, “but we both know that’d be a lie.”
“I’m a demon, baby.” She crawled up his chest until their faces were only inches apart. “Lying’s kinda part of the job.”
“Oho, so you admit it: I am good in bed.”
“I’ve had better.”
“Yeeah, kiddo, that’d sting a heck of a lot more if we hadn’t just established you lie for a living.”
“Shut up.” Meg leaned in and captured Gabriel’s lips with her own. She felt a thrum of satisfaction as he hummed in approval and kissed him harder, licking deep into his mouth and rolling against him until they were both clawing at one another, gasping for breath.
Their relationship, if it could even be called that, wasn’t one of deep and extended conversations. It was a secret, shadowy thing of fisted sheets in sleazy hotel rooms and muffled moans in dark broom closets. It was the scrape of her nails against Gabriel’s back while he bit rough kisses into her neck. It was heated, frenzied, no-strings-attached fucking once or twice every few months that left them both bruised and breathless but more alive than Meg had felt in as long as she could remember. She liked that, feeling alive. It was a welcome change after years spent just struggling to survive.    
Suddenly, Gabriel pulled back just far enough for Meg to see him smirk, and in the blink of an eye, she was flat on her back, the archangel sitting smugly on top of her. With a huff of annoyance, she tried to pull him back down, only to be stopped by a hand on her chest.
“Hold your hellhounds, good lookin’,” drawled Gabriel, eyes sparkling even as Meg frowned up at him. “We’ll get back to our regularly scheduled programming in a minute. First, though, let’s talk more about wings. What’s your beef with them, anyway? Choke on a chicken bone back in your pre-smoke days?”
Meg glared. “Very funny.”
“I try.”
“Yeah, well try not to be disappointed, but there is no reason.”
“Sounds to me like you just haven’t been looking at the right wings.”
“Funny, sounds to me like you shutting the hell up.”
“Not my style.”
“Don’t know the meaning of it.” Gabriel cocked his head to the side, his teasing expression shifting into something more genuine. “Seriously, though. You ever even seen an angel’s wings?”
The way he was looking at her was so…open, and Meg’s first instinct was to bolt for cover. “Why do you wanna know?” she asked warily.
“Call it curiosity.”
“Rumor has it, that killed the cat.”
“Rumor has it, I’ve lived more than one life.”
Meg was silent, weighing her options. She could smoke out and flee, lie low for a while and find a new host in a different part of the country. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d done so since coming topside, and it was a strategy that had saved her life more times than she could count. She’d never fled an archangel before, though. Gabriel could stop her easily enough, she suspected—hell, he could kill her right now with a snap of his fingers if he wanted to—but, as much as she suspected that he could, she also knew, with a surprising amount of certainty, that he wouldn’t. If she tried to leave, he would let her go.
“So what if I haven’t?” she said at last, raising her chin in an attempt at defiance. “Seen an angel’s wings, I mean. You gonna tell me I’m just some dumb demon skank who wouldn’t know true beauty if it bit her in the ass?”
Gabriel gave her a lopsided smile. “Actually, I was thinking of showing you mine.”
Meg faltered. “Oh.”
“If you want to see them, that is.” Gabriel winked. “I know how you feel about curiosity and cats and all that. I also know, though,” he added, tone softening somewhat, “that I’m not the only here who’s lived more than one life.”
Meg regarded him carefully, chewing her bottom lip in thought. “This ain’t gonna burn my eyes out or anything, is it?”
Gabriel laughed. “Hey, I’m an ass, but I’m not that big of an ass. Those gorgeous peepers of yours’ll be just fine, scout’s honor.”
“And if I say no?”
“Then it’s no.”
“Really? Just like that?”
“Listen, kiddo, I don’t know what sort of douchenozzles you’ve been with in the past,” said Gabriel, frowning, “but the whole consent thing? Kinda a big deal as far as angels are concerned. It’s one of the few things I actually sorta like about us. You tell me you don’t want to see my wings, I’ll take your word on it, and then I’ll take those legs of yours and wrap them around my waist, and we can get back to trying to break this bed at least one more time before the sun comes up. Your call. So, what’ll it be?”
Meg hesitated. She knew she should say no. Seeing Gabriel’s wings would just be a string between them, and strings could get caught on things, could catch around your neck and strangle you like a noose when you least expected. If you wanted to survive, you had to get used to living with as few strings as possible…and yet somehow, in that moment, Meg found that she didn’t want to just survive. She wanted to feel alive.
“Okay,” she said finally. “Do it.”
“Yeah. Show me.”
The air in the room seemed to crackle, and suddenly, Gabriel was framed by a set of great, golden wings that billowed upward and outward, filling the room with a soft, shimmering glow. He gave a contented sigh and rolled his shoulders, wings opening and closing slightly in an apparent stretch. “That’s more like it. So, whaddya think?”
Gabriel’s tone was light and easy, but Meg thought she detected a flash of vulnerability in his eyes as he waited for her to say something. When she didn’t, he gave a forced sort of laugh and shifted his gaze to look at the wall. “Hey, look, I get it: it’s like you said, not your thing. I’ll just—”
Finally, Meg managed to unstick her voice. “Relax, feathers. They’re…” Beautiful, they were beautiful. Just so…incredibly…beautiful. “They’re fine, okay? Impressive, even.”
“Impressive, huh?” Gabriel grinned even as Meg rolled her eyes. “Well, well, well…” He shifted forward, crawling up until he was resting his elbows on either side of her head, his face hovering just above hers. Around them, his wings framed the sides of the bed, enveloping the two of them in a golden cocoon. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say someone’s changed her mind about wing’s being overrated,” he said loftily, dipping down to brush his nose against hers.
Meg scoffed. “Don’t push your luck,” she said, before pulling him into a searing kiss.
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bluesclves · 6 years
BTHB Square 1- Dying in their arms
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My first square filled for the @badthingshappenbingo!
Characters: Dean, Lucifer, Jack (mentioned)
Ships: None
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, coda to 13x22 and 13x23
Words: 1,432
“And what about Lucifer?” Castiel asks.
Dean glances at his brother before answering. “… Sam handled it.” He doesn’t know exactly what happened after he went through the portal. All he knows is that Gabriel died by Michael's hand, and when Sam walked through, Lucifer didn’t follow after him.
Sam won’t talk about it. Dean suspects he feels a bit guilty about whatever happened, and he wouldn’t be the only one.
Truth is, In the 31 hours that Lucifer was ‘on the team’, he grew on Dean a bit. Maybe he did on Sam too, who knows. And maybe Dean is stupid to feel guilty and Lucifer really was just playing them the whole time.
But then again, maybe he wasn’t.
Dean can’t stop thinking about the things he and Lucifer discussed while working on the bus. He really should have taken his own advice to not speak to Lucifer because he’s been second-guessing his gut ever since.
It started when Dean was asking Lucifer to hand him tools while he fixed up the engine and Lucifer was asking him questions about how cars work. He’s apparently always been fascinated by them— and Dean was more than happy to oblige. He almost forgot who he was talking to after a while of discussing cars and how they operate (and eventually teaching Lucifer how to drive once Sam and Cass told him that’s the plan).
Lucifer was very receptive to the information and showed his engagement by asking follow up questions and making educated guesses about what would improve an engine or what certain parts are for.
It was actually kinda fun, all things considered.
That is, until Lucifer asked a question straight out of left field.
“You can still feel it, can’t you?”
Dean looked up from the engine, the fingers absently scratching his arm freezing. “What?”
Dean could swear Lucifer had honest-to-God sympathy in his eyes. Sympathy from the devil. Ha. “The mark. I just can’t help but notice you keep scratching your arm.”
Dean is just struck with silence, because Lucifer hit the nail on the head but how is he supposed to respond?
“Hey, it’s cool. I’m not gonna tell on you. I just wondered… it’s good to know I’m not the only one.”
“Is that the only word you know now?” Lucifer teases him, reaching for the beer he’s barely touched.
Dean continues to stay silent, baffled and at a loss for what to say. Too many gears are turning at once. That’s right, Lucifer had the mark first. And for a lot longer than Dean had it. And if he can still feel it like Dean can…
“Don’t worry about it, just forget I said anything,” Lucifer mutters, drinking his beer and setting it aside again.
“No- wait,” Dean rushes to respond, struggling to find something intelligent to say. “Not the only one— you still feel it?”
“Well, yeah,” Lucifer responds slowly. “I mean, I only got rid of it the same time that you did, pal. I still itch at it too.” He proves it by pulling down the collar of his shirt, showing the reddened nail scratches on his collarbone. “But the worst of its effects are gone, so you won’t catch me complaining.”
That gives Dean pause as well. He’s smart enough to put two and two together but his gut keeps saying ‘no, there’s no way.’
Eventually, his head wins out. “So… let me get this straight. You had the mark even after you gave it to Cain?”
Lucifer nods, amusement playing in his eyes. “Duh. Did Cain lose it after he gave it to you?”
“Well, no…” Dean frowns to himself, logic telling him one thing which he really doesn’t want to consider as a possibility. “So, uh… your fall, the apocalypse, all that was under the mark’s influence?”
“Bingo,” Lucifer nods, something akin to hope in his expression. “And they say Sam’s the smart one.”
Dean pauses again. “So then you really are different now.”
That gives Lucifer pause, and Dean can tell the archangel is choosing his words very carefully. “… yes… and no. I mean… I’m sure you know, the effects of the mark don’t just… go away.” He waits for Dean’s nod of confirmation before he continues. “I’m not suddenly all better, back to my good old self. It took a long time to screw me up, it’s gonna take a long time to get better. But I want to— get better, that is.” He leans against the side of the bus, looking at nothing in particular as he talks.
“I thought beating Amara would make me better. But then when dad left again… it’s like there was no point in trying anymore. Everyone thinks I’m a monster anyways, so why bother trying to change anyone’s mind?” He catches sight of Jack walking around with Castiel further into camp and watches him walk, waving when Jack sees him as well. “But now I have a reason to try.”
The discussion didn’t go much further than that, but it really opened up Dean’s eyes. He started paying attention to how Lucifer acted, and tried to see him without the prejudice-tinted lenses he had before. And what he saw seemed for all the world like Lucifer was honestly trying to be better. He’s struggling, definitely. He really wants to impress his son— even more than he wants to help the rest of the team… but it does make it easier since Jack makes it clear that helping is more impressive than any story he can tell.
Maybe Jack isn’t naïve… maybe they’ve just been blinded by their prejudices.
It doesn’t matter anymore, though. Sam ‘handled it’. Dean will never find out if Lucifer really was trying or if he was just leading them on, because now he’s gone. Dead, probably. Michael killed Gabe, why would he spare Lucifer?
He can’t afford to worry about a what-if anyways. They’re home and safe, that’s all that matters now.
Dean can’t help but feel an ache in his chest as he fights Lucifer. He could see it— the second that Lucifer broke. It was in Lucifer’s eyes, mostly.
All it took was Jack rejecting him, calling him a monster. And Dean could see the way Lucifer crumpled inside and just… gave up. in that moment, Dean was 100% certain that up to that point, Lucifer was really trying to get better.
But it doesn’t matter because before Dean could get a word in… Lucifer retaliated. He took Jack’s grace and then he took Jack and Sam, and Dean has no choice but to give Michael his consent so he can go save them. Because as sure as he is that Lucifer was trying, he’s equally sure now that the Devil isn’t trying anymore.
And that applies to more than just trying to be good. Dean can tell Lucifer is a better fighter than he is. Lucifer is trained in forms of combat Dean couldn’t even imagine. Michael tells him as such in the back of his mind. But despite all that… it’s easy. Lucifer isn’t trying. He’s given up on more than just getting better.
When Dean lands the fatal blow, there’s a moment of resistance, as if Lucifer and Jack’s combined graces are working to keep him alive and nearly succeeding.
And in that moment of resistance, Lucifer meets Dean’s eyes and Dean can once again see just how broken he is. “I tried,” he mutters just loud enough for the two of them to hear. “I didn’t mean for it to end like this… but, thank you,” he says quickly, and then his grace gives up as well and the blade sinks deeper into his chest. And then they both fall, Dean holding Lucifer with the blade still lodged up to the hilt in his chest.
It seems the right thing to do, to hold Lucifer as he dies. Considering that no one else has offered Lucifer that luxury in his life, it seems only fair that Dean holds the angel through his death.
It’s violent, and bright, and nearly sears Dean’s retinas, but he makes himself watch.
That could have been him. If he didn’t have anyone to keep him sane, that would have been him. That still can be him, if he loses sight of what’s important to him.
When Lucifer is dead, Dean let’s his body fall out of his arms, laying the empty vessel on the ground over the imprints of his wings.
And then he stands, turning to look at what’s important to him.
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almaasi · 6 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 14x01 “Stranger in a Strange Land”
I AM READY (slash not ready at all) FOR CAS BEING VERY SAD ABOUT DEAN FOR MULTIPLE EPISODES STRAIGHT (slash not straight at all)
i know almost nothing about this season besides dean being micheal for longer than he was a demon, and cas being :< the saddest puppy
yoooo i need to go find some headphones because i can hear all the BLRAHAHRGAH but voices are muffled
headphones acquired
now let’s do this recap again
i paused on alexander’s boobs
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i still don’t get why breasts are censored and non-breasts are not. like. they’re literally the same just less squishy???
WHOA THESE HEADPHONES HAVE BASS. i haven’t heard bass in months
okay no the issue with voices is the video file, not my speakers
welp guess i gotta just deal with it and squint at the screen because somehow that makes it easier to hear shit idk
still mid-key bummed about gabriel and dean yelling “gabe no!!!”
sam driving the impala alone is such a sad sight
i can head the adhan (muslim call the prayer) in the background
pffffff of course michael goes to arabia
i guess he teleported.... i guess that’s better than taking poor dean on a plane
oh wait the adhan was on dean’s phone??? jsdfghd unsure what to make of that
oh wait never mind that’s nOT DEAn
IT LOOKED LIKE HIM OKAY, in profile, lying in bed
oh god this guy better not die
i feel such immediate fondness
please let him be gentle and loving and important and not a terrorist or a red shirt
one time i was in the school playground and i think someone asked if i could speak any other language and i said nope but i could say that prayer...... and they made me repeat so they could laugh at me again
also the dude skipped a whole surah (verse) and a hands-on-the-knees-bow before sijda (kneeling)
i guess it’s a timing thing but jsdgjgd INACCURACY
his pronunciation was so beautiful, shoutout to whichever dialect coach sat there helping him say it right
“if you really cared about peace, you never would’ve left syria”
micheal: “you’re lost, and not worth saving”
definitely two distinct destiel concepts turned on their heads in six words there
cas’ “when he first laid his hand on you in hell, he was LOST”
and dean’s “you don’t think you deserve to be saved”
ooooo nice title card with the flapping wings
it’s so nice seeing the bunker crowded with good guys
this guy: sam season 18
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500 other people probably made this joke already
sam: “maggie, can you hack the traffic cams on the freeway?”
maggie: “um................... no?”
god this makes me wanna write all the AUs where it’s not weird that character x is alive at the same time as character y. i know i do that a lot anyway but I WANT MORE
southern suit guy: “castiel... darling”
cas: “oh god” >:|
i love how cas is so done with everything and everyone, forever
my love for him knows no bounds
and i love that cas is still curious enough to ask “what did you just order?”
cas: *very calm, very stern, very slow* “does any demon know where dean winchester is?”
*throws monster against tree* “WHERE’S THE ANGEL”
demon: “and how is it you lost dean? i thought the two of you were joined at the.......” *gestures to crotch* “you know... everything”
oh cas :c
poor cas
he probably needs to read “how to win friends and influence people” tbh
if his first port of call to bargaining with demons is threatening them, that’s not getting him anywhere in the long run
not saying he deserved getting beaten up by a gang (hell no) but he probably could’ve offered, like, an angel feather or something
also whenever something bad happens to cas what makes me saddest is knowing that somewhere in the world there are people grinning with glee and taking it as confirmation that the character is worthless
i probably shouldn’t think about that but i do anyway
oh hey danneel!!! i didn’t know she’d be back, i’m glad she is
michael: “you don’t recognise me with this pretty face?”
1. michael thinks dean is pretty
2. i wonder how many casual viewers aren’t aware these two are married
you know what i find interesting
jensen seems to be able to control his face so that he doesn’t look obviously attracted to danneel in this scene (besides the chin touch)
i think his pupils are slightly dilated but that might be the low light
which leads me to believe
1. he’s trying extra hard because He’s Married To Her (and micheal has intense facial control anyway)
1.1. he doesn’t try so hard with misha because he doesn’t realise he’s doing it
2. he does the hearteyes and lip-licks with misha/cas on purpose because DEAN is attracted to cas
(and while 1.1 and 2 may seem to conflict, i theorise that jensen allows his natural reactions to show because he knows he likes misha and knows dean likes cas??)
anyway my point is that he showed less outward attraction to his wife than he does to his boyfriend and there’s probably a good reason for that and jensen was thinking about it while acting
the way michael hisses when he says “a placccccee..” and wobbles his head when he says “it’s very very human of you” reminds me of kaa from the jungle book (specifically the scarlett johannson live action/cgi version)
he a snek
micheal: “if they’re all these sad... lost... fallen things, maybe they’re not worth saving either”
clearly this guy never heard the story about the starfish
ugh lucifer’s still here? or ... wait is this the vessel?? oh mannnn poor dude
oh no sam, seeing his torturer being an okay guy now
everyone in this show is so traumatised
demon suit guy: “i’m the boy who’s got your angel! and you wanna seem him again... you know, alive, we should probably chat”
sam is having a bad day, i see
what’s cool about this episode so far is that yeah there’s a LOT going on
but it’s balanced and makes sense and is informative and entertaining, not a garbage pile of chaos like a deadly duo episode would be
cas does the best eye-rolls
and his eyelashes are so pretty
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kip: “so take the deal, sam, before i stop trying to be crowley...... and show you who i really am”
a good line
hey the black dude survived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the demon’s vessel is fine!!!!
that’s new
the fact the humans can all come out of that fight just looking lightly scratched and cas looks like he was attacked by a giant squirrel is quite a feat
jack: “all i did was get punched in the face”
cas: “to be fair, we all got punched in the face”
face punch solidarity!!
jack says without power he’s useless
cas: “oh jack... that’s just not true”
oh heckie deckie it looks like michael is gonna raise an army of monsters
i look forward to seeing charlie and rowena later!!! since they’re still alive in this universe i believe
god this show is so much better when people aren’t dead
i still mourn for kevin though
jack is a lil cutie patootie, maggie is adorable also. like mice in a house of rabbits
cas is still and forever my favourite. <3 <3 <3 and i love when he’s such a valued part of the team and knows it implicitly
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