#it was also full of toxicity and drama but what can ya do
zibvoid · 1 year
i miss that special period of time right before invader zim: enter the florpus came out and the time right after. the fandom was so big and there was so much art and fic ;-; if ur still around from that time and/or before ur a trooper fr
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silviakundera · 2 months
"But I have my reasons."
"So does every other sinner in the world."
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It's been quite obvious from the drama for a while now that the Princess Royal screenwriter feels pity for Su Rongqing and considers him a tragic figure. I recall being asked early on if I thought the writers are trying to redeem him. And I said no, not exactly. And I still stand by that!
They didn't give him any out or excuse for his hand in the bloody end of their original timeline: the dirty secrets reveal scene does not soften his actions in any way or reduce Li Rong's disgust. Ronghua still rejects his grand-standing words and his refusal to see that the noble class can't continue like this. He gets his chance to tell his perception of past events but Pei Wenxuan also gets a chance to share competing observations. Li Rong and Su Rongqing still get their philosophical face-off in the throne room. No one is completely wrong or right. There were no heroes in the original timeline.
"Let's not deceive ourselves or others anymore. I understand your stubbornness. Your heart is with the light, yet you dwell in darkness. You refuse to acknowledge your identity, so you can only disort the truth."
We see Li Rong and his brother reach out a hand to him many times, telling him he can still turn back. Li Rong was never in love with him romantically but he accompanied her for years during a dark period for both of them; she's not a heartless person (that's the whole point!), so ofc she would take his hand and pull him back from the edge if he was just willing to grab it. She wants to reach him: that's what the whole throne room scene is about. But she cannot. His last moments in the drama have both Pei Wenxuan and Li Rong calling out to him.
He may be a poisonous snake, but he doesn't have to bite the frog when crossing the river.
He is given chances but he doesn't take them. That's why he's tragic: Because he is right about this ONE THING (Li Chuan isn't suited to be emperor), feeling desperately certain about it while it seems no one else understands the stakes and his heroic mission. But he's wrong about everything else.
This is a story about time travel and what if you could re-do your youth: better support a troubled sibling, stand up to toxic family, fix your marriage, widen your perspective... And Su Rongqing misses all his opportunities because he's not taking his chance to better connect with others, not using the wisdom of all those extra years to better understand the populace and the people around him, and handle his life & relationships with more grace. He just narrow-mindly focuses on the mission - he can't reset, can't let go of the past life and the current system.
So many other people in this tale have been shifted: Shangguan Ya, Su Ronghua, Li Chuan, Qin Zhen Zhen, even the fail emperor has a revelation about how crap he is.
His inflexibility and inability to seize the opportunity of a do-over in life and be a new Su Rongqing acts as a contrast to measure how much Li Rong and Pei Wenxuan have been growing & changing. And it shows us why they triumph and why they deserve their happy ending.
Tragic doesn't mean innocent. It doesn't mean he didn't have a hand in his own downfall.
I know not all readers found him compelling in the text, but I did think he was a neat character and tbh I think the novel would be diminished without him. I can see what the screenwriter was trying to do with him - all that dramatic music is his POV. We get glimpses of the good times & his good intentions that contrast with his failure to live up to any of it. He's given narrative importance as their foil and the writers wanted him to be a full fledged 3rd time-traveler character that the audience is interested in (hoping, like Li Rong & his brother do, that he can be saved). The promise is there in the essential character, I can see it in the text. But in the drama they failed to create investment from the audience in the right way.
imo a big misstep is that the framing early on made viewers feel he was intended to be a valid love interest. In the drama, his romantic interest in her is overt while in the novel it was ambiguous for the first 60% of the story. Writers even added a couple moments that felt OOC where we are in his head and it seems like he is actually intending to win her back romantically (which is contradicted by his novel-compliant speeches in ep 34 & 40 about how he knows they can't be together because as her betrayer he doesn't deserve it.)(now I'm curious to rewatch them, I am really wondering if it was intended to be a slight of hand where he is meaning her return/freedom/rise to power/the life he owes her and the audience is intended to misread as him saying he will become her bf again 🤔🤔) Regardless, in a romance narrative, this will make many viewers reflexively dislike him, protectively wanting him away from their otp. He is perceived as a real suitor who has a chance -- which hits different to a shipper.
The execution was flawed. I do think that casting a magnetic actor who can portray bottled up emotion & inner turmoil, such as Zhang Wanyi, would have made a big difference in mitigating the earlier mis-cues. But on the other hand, I'm fairly satisfied with his character handling from ep 30-40. And it wasn't really badly done, ep 22 and onward. The real problem in his handling was the first 50%.
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absolutebl · 3 months
i honestly think this is a really weird question to ask; but, in your opinion—what age group people should watch bl dramas?
i'm a teen atm who just reads bl fanfics, but lately i've been getting a bunch of bl drama fmvs on my recommendations on yt😭 and it kinda makes me feel tempted to watch the dramas, but i think i'm a bit too young for it, so i'd appreciate if you could tell me what age i should prolly start watching at :D
thank you in advance, i hope you have a good day/night!!
Hum, good question. I'm not sure. I started reading pretty racy stuff very young, so I don't think I'm the best judge.
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But there are certainly BLs that if you read fanfic already, just have lite romances and a bit of smooching. So 13 maybe?
I wouldn't necessarily "recommend it," because I can't make that choice for you. You know yourself much better than I do. But there is certainly BL I would classify as YA in a section of a "bookstore," if that helps?
I think you'll want to try to develop a critical eye to the media you are watching/consuming in order to understand some of the messaging it's doing and the cultural leanings it has. Than you'll be fine. If you've waded into this blog, that's a start. It's all I do.
In other words:
BL is not produced in a bubble it's saying lots of other stuff beyond the romance and smooches.
So is all music, books, art.
Please just remember this stuff is for entertainment, not life guidance, and you'll be fine.
That said, since you're a teen, there are certainly many BLs that are very racy and high heat. And some that represent highly toxic relationships. These might be best avoided for now.
If you read BL fanfic or soft yaoi manga then I do have some rec lists that might work for you (stuck at the bottom) but they weren't written with teens in mind. So if you don't feel like your ready, don't watch it, and if you find yourself at all uncomfortable with the show (and I cannot emphasize this enough) STOP watching it.
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Please always feel comfortable stopping a piece of media if you feel at all unsafe or uncomfortable or just don't like it.
There is always something else out there you'll like more.
Some quick "YA style" BLs off the top of my head:
My Love Mix Up (either Japan - VIki or Thailand - YT)
My School President (Thailand - YT)
Light On Me (Korea - Viki)
Seven Days (Japan - grey)
I Cannot Reach You (Japan - Netflix)
Wish You (Korea - Netflix)
Semantic Error (Korea - Viki)
Our Dating Sim (Korea - Viki)
Takara-kun and Amagi-kun (Japan - Viki)
Restart After Come Back Home (?)
Cherry Magic (Japan - Crunchroll)
Ingredients (Thailand - YT)
He’s Coming to Me (Thailand YT)
Gameboys (The Philippines - Netflix)
Old Fashion Cupcake (Japan - Viki)
About Youth (Taiwan - Viki)
I think it's no accident most of these are from Korea or Japan (mostly on Viki.)
Korea, in general, is going to be largely better for your age bracket, they specialize in soft BL with lower heat levels (with very few exceptions).
Japan can veer heavily in the opposite direction, so come ask me again if you find one not on this list and you're not sure, I can warn you.
Thai stuff is easier to find but it's all over the place and can get super super sexy.
Taiwan tends to go more adult content.
If you're confined mostly to YT because of your age, than you're mostly asking about Thai stuff. Drop me another Ask and I'll draw you up a specific list of YA Thai BL on YT but that might take me a bit of research.
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stylezxsilvermoon · 1 month
tales of the jaded & the ever adored | original fiction!
also! i wanted to share with you guys i'm working on an original fiction story, i wanna be more open and honest about what i'm doing behind the screen LOL i'm planning so much stuff
so basically the story is going to be called: tales of the jaded & the ever adored
there are 7 teens/young adults that are in a friend group that's just full of dramatics and antics, there's exes, betrayals, people sleeping with everyone and fights etc etc, but at the end they're a family, so on of the people in the friend group has a father that's a scientist and also has ties to people in tech, and basically they create these special devices that connect them even closer in a last ditch attempt to save their crumbling bonds
but what happens is these go haywire and end up fusing with them and quite literally connecting them on a DNA level, reading their DNA and attaching it to the devices, causing their hormones to be all scrambled and chemistry (scientific and emotional) to fly all around, and throughout the book they figure out who exactly is to blame for that, and uncovering the ties in their pasts that caused them to end up here
the story is sort of going to be like a "revolving" storyline which means each of the 7 is going to get somewhat equal pov's backstories and lore, but the two MAIN characters that i've started developing lore on first names are:
Cedar West (he/him)
Collette Winters (she/her)
this story is focusing on the forgotten kids of like YA fiction and romance fiction, the drama kids, the band kids, the nerds, the geeks, people who usually don't get to be the stars of the novel and usually are in the background
so there's no "perfect guy with a sharp jawline and a 6 pack" there's soft tummies and feminine jawlines all around, LGBTQ+ characters with personalities outside being gay or flamboyant
and not just plain gay or lesbian characters either, i'm talking demisexual, pansexual, bisexual, i really want to explore my pallet and knowledge for LGBTQ+ culture and sexualities and identities while making this
i'm going to try to keep everyone updated on how it goes! and this is written by a fic writer, so it's going to be written with the idea or oppurtunites for fics or headcanon's in mind! (that's is this ends up getting super popular like that anyway)
here are the rest of the character names i have down so far!
Judas Locke
Daphne Harrow
Lorelai Hills
Rowan Woods
Hayden Lowe
i haven't yet gave them their own identities or sexualities yet but i will update when i flesh out some of their character backgrounds!
also! this is written by a bisexual cis teen girl so keep that in mind before judging and whatnot
the main themes i'm planning is: found family, healthy family dynamics, fleshed out backgrounds with believeable and realistic trauma, main male leads that aren't toxic, healthy and realistic romances and fights, drama thats (mainly) fun but also push points for the plot, platonic relationships being an equal theme to romantic relationships, friendship and romantic relationship chemistry too, also possibly poly dynamics bc i really feel like those should be represented as well!
love you guys and ty for reading this GIGANTIC post lol
let me know if you guys want more information as i put more out!
also boosting appreciated? i kinda want a somewhat good audience before i begin working on it so everyone can be excited!
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sessakag · 2 years
ALSO!!!! When are you coming back to your stories!!!!!???
I am DYING!!
I need to know what happens between Hinata and Sasuke in Secrets!! I know they're about to be in contact with each other a lot with her helping him with his pardon and with the council making him hunt down team taka, like what is going on with that??? How can the smut and plot be this freaking goood??? And Sakura and Lee like omg how freaking toxic!! and please gimme more Dom Naruto, I'm so addicted! I'm as addicted as Hinata!
Then monster! Ino has like root thingys in her brain from Shino is she gonna kill another you know what????(trying not to spoil the story cuz omfg!!) and Hinata's been acting weird, like is she gonna do something to Naruto?? I'm scared! The smut and horror is crazy!!! Idk how to feel most the time in here!
Cure For Love, I cannot wait for another clash between witch Hinata and the other naturals! She kicked ass the first time!! And she was so cute and sweet while she did which is something i never see with Hinata, people always turn her into a Sakura close for some weird reason. I love this world youve created soooo much. The SNS smut is amazing and I'm sooooo looking forward to the SasuHinaNaru smut, you write sex so hot and amazing and realistic that I know it's gonna be everything I've ever wanted!
Omg Butterfly, you gotta post another chapter like tomorrow!!! I don't usually read HS fics but this one is amazing! I wanna see Naruto accidentally fall in love with Hinata because I KNOW that's what gonna happen and its gonna fuck him up soooo bad if she finds out what he did! I'm waiting for it!!
I'm waiting for those one-shots to be stories too!!! The enemies to lovers especially but there were SOOOOO many in there that need full stories!! I really, really want these:
If I were real: this one I loved so much! I want to see how Hinata and Naruto fall in love because Hinata coming to life and not knowing how to be human is awesome!!
A night of firsts: I love accidental pregnancy stories!! and the way her and Naruto drank, got high and had unprotected sex that led to a baby is just asking for sooooo much drama that I need in my life!! I love that one-shot!
Facing the past: Omg the break-up and make up years later!! Please expand!!
Turning point: This one was so freaking shocking to me!! I was sooo not expecting what happened, but Hinata handled it like a fuckin boss! I need to know what she does next!!
Never mine: this was amazing!!! That girl really made a move on Naruto its crazy!! I want to see how she started loving him and all the drama that happened after Hinata walked in on them!
I'll be back sooner rather than later :D I'm really happy you like all my stories! Sorry for the wait, I'm just really enjoying the Sims 4 story telling of my OT3 and their family life, ya know? I still write here and there but I'm just really distracted atm.
I still plan on expanding some of the one-shots from the NH fair, just gotta get round to em :D
Currently, I working on the first two chapters of the enemies to lovers one-shot and the next chapter of Monster. Should have them out in the next couple weeks.
Thanks for your patience!
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turtletaubwrites · 2 months
Numbers Game ~ Part 31
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Could Never Stop
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Pairings: Cross Guild Polycule x Fem!Reader x Shanks
Numbers Game Masterlist
Word Count: 7853
Ao3 Link
Ongoing Series Playlist: Youtube Music Link | Youtube Link
Summary: The Emperor of the Sea sets sail from Karai Bari Island. Can he make it to the banquet in two days? More importantly, can Shanks regain his confidence, and do what needs to be done to save the woman that both of his lovers love?
Let the games begin! 🏹
Author's Note: Thank you for the wait! This month has been extra, but I also spent a ton of time and research writing this one since the game is getting started. I hope you enjoy it! I have soo many plans 🥰😈
There's a yucky Uncle Cedrick scene, but from now on we'll just have to expect that. I will continue to bracket sections if heavier situations come up, but at this point, I hope that Uncle Cuntdick will be his own warning 😬 We are meeting Dr. Vorsan this chapter, and I've bracketed the scene with these symbols ~~~⚫⚫⚫~~~ so as not to jump scare everyone!
Alternate POV Symbols:
🌲 ~ Reader | 🐊 ~ Crocodile | 🗡 ~ Mihawk | 🤡 ~ Buggy | 🔴 ~ Shanks | ⏰ ~ Flashbacks for listed POV | ⚫ ~ Scenes depicting Dark Content as listed in Author's Notes
!!! SPOILER WARNING !!! Fic currently contains spoilers for up to the end of the Wano arc, and potentially current arc minor details.
Rating/Warnings: Author May Choose to Exclude some Warnings to Avoid Spoilers for Certain Chapters, Explicit Sexual Content, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Use of Y/N, Dark Content, Blood & Violence, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Dissociation, Mental Illness, Grief, Toxic Family, Swearing, Alcohol, Cigars, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Guilt, Drama, Jealousy, Manipulation, Pet Names, Power Imbalance, Cross Guild boys are VILLAINS, Possessive Behavior, Teasing, Threats, Relationship Drama, Anal, Uncle Cedrick might just be his own warning, Doctors, Inappropriate Use of Akuma no Mi | Devil Fruit Powers, Shameless Shameless Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 |
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“Go away, old man,” groaned a frighteningly hungover pirate captain, who was still face down on the floor of his quarters. Sheets with too many smells had already been stripped from his bed, but the night had held too much liquor for him to replace them on his own, so he’d slept on the rug.
“I’d love to,” Benn snorted, rolling Shanks onto his back. “Is my captain done drownin’ his sorrows?”
“Dunno what you mean.” 
He cringed while he pushed himself up to lean against the wall, and couldn’t meet his first mate’s eyes. 
“You’re too kind hearted for this, captain,” the older man sighed. “Why don’t you find a sweet, little barmaid to dote on like a respectable pirate, eh? What about–”
“I don’t want bunnies. I want…” Shanks growled, but his anger fizzled out at the thought of predators and prey.
“Nah. The Great, Red Haired Shanks just wants ungrateful brats that leave him crying on the floor a few times a year.”
The Great, Red Haired Shanks pulled himself to his feet, only to stumble over to an uncorked bottle in the corner, taking a grateful swig when he found it full. 
“Just had too much fun is all,” he laughed, the bitter taste drowning out the sweetness of the wine.
“Well, next time that creepy asshole gives my captain too much fun, I’m gonna make sure it’s him that’s crying, ya hear me?”
“Sure, old man,” Shanks snorted, letting his first mate guide him to the shower, still downing that wine to fight off images of wicked, beautiful eyes. He wondered how long it would take this time for the cruel hint of gold to leave his mind. 
The Great, Red Haired Shanks didn’t need bunnies or hawks. He just needed the sea, his crew, and another fucking bottle. 
“It’s been some time since our last session. How have you been feeling, Y/N?”
Dr. Vorsan’s pale eyes always felt sticky. Puddles of too much glue, waiting to capture anything you let slip from your shaky fingers, your trembling lips. 
“I’m feeling well, Doctor,” you lied, keeping your voice soft. “I’m sure you've heard about my recent behavior… I believe the experience has offered me some much needed clarity.”
Everything about this man was pale and watery, and you reminded yourself not to frown at his beige suit. It would have seemed like the doctor wanted to fade into the background, if every boring detail about him hadn’t been so exquisitely tailored.
“That’s good to hear,” he praised, though the emptiness in his voice had you fighting to stay present. “Why don’t you tell me about it. You’re going through a lot of transitions, Y/N. Major life changes, even positive ones, can cause a lot of strain. Have you been feeling strained, Y/N?”
“Mmssorry,” you slurred, fighting your lips that had already frozen, not even five minutes in. 
“You stated that your time with the Cross Guild brought you clarity,” Dr. Vorsan noted. Those sticky eyes seemed to warm while your body left your control, until you couldn’t meet them anymore, couldn’t look higher than his elbows. “By putting yourself in such a dangerous–”
“I wasn’t–” 
You were heavy and loose now, your whispered denial draining the last of your energy. 
“You’re in a safe place, Y/N,” he promised while he pulled a shiny, gold pen from his jacket, propping up a notepad on his knee. “Do you know where you are?”
He asked again, voice so soft, until you nodded in agreement. 
“Good, Y/N. Just take some deep breaths, and we can stop whenever you need to. We’ll help you get clarity, so you can stay well. Do you want to stay well, Y/N?”
“Y-yes, Doctor.”
“Wonderful,” he purred, scratching a note onto the top of his page, the movement of his manicured hands holding your gaze. “Why don’t you tell me about the clown?”
“With Sylvad’s cowardly level of security, I believe this would be too risky to use, but you should take it, in case the opportunity arises.”
“It’s so small,” Shanks hummed, inspecting Mihawk’s earpiece transponder snail, its tiny eyes blinking up at him slowly. “Maybe if I–”
“Save it,” Crocodile ordered, pushing away his untouched meal before closing the ornate shell container in Shanks’ palm, shutting those little eyes away. “Right now, the safest way to save our girl is for you to marry her. Don’t put that at risk by acting suspicious.”  
Shanks stared at the closed shell before tucking it away, looking up to find his old friend winking at him. 
“Don’t fret, love. We can have a belated bachelor party when you return,” Mihawk teased, combing his fingers through that bright, red hair.
“But Buggy—”
“I’m not thrilled about it either,” Crocodile sighed, standing to usher the other man out of the suite, “but it’s our best chance. That’s your mission. We’ll be listening, we have the location, and we can reach out to your crew if we need to share something vital. Can you do this?”
The two men stared each other down again, the swordsman’s hand dropping away to give them space. 
“I’ll bring her back,” Shanks swore again, offering Crocodile his hand. The larger man shook it, but the press of time killed their peaceful moment. 
The Emperor made his way into Adam’s room, waiting for Buggy’s permission to speak, but his clown looked pained, and Shanks couldn’t wait.
“What’s wrong, Bugs?”
Buggy’s hands were cramping from recording the pros and cons of the men that might marry his star. His throat was tired from swallowing nasty fears and guilt at the thought of Y/N actually finding someone she wanted to be with. 
“You’re leaving,” he whispered, letting out a sigh when Shanks nodded. Strong fingers were so gentle as they brushed hair behind his ear, pens not doing enough to hold up all of that blue. 
“I’m gonna fix this, Bugs.”
“She doesn’t believe…”
Though jealousy had turned him into someone he didn’t recognize, now when he saw that look of love in Buggy’s eyes for Y/N, Shanks wanted to burn all the oceans to bring them back together. 
“She loves me, but she thinks it’s over, Shanks. My star’s really looking for someone else.”
“That’s not gon–”
“Make sure it’s you, alright, shithead?”
Buggy pressed his last piece of hope into Shanks’ palm, before letting himself hold and be held by this beautiful man that had been so many things to him over the years. He sank to the floor, allowing soothing kisses to be left along his unraveling hair while slow, exhausted tears escaped him. 
Shanks opened his mouth to comfort, to promise, to share, but Buggy reached for the notepad again, mumbling about her “favorites.” After a rushed, bittersweet kiss, the red headed pirate was on his way, met by his golden eyed lover in the hall.
“Making sure I don’t run off with all your booze,” he tried to smile, feeling the weight of distance already crashing over him. 
“Something like that,” Mihawk teased. “I thought I’d send you off.”
“How was your session with Dr. Vorsan,” Uncle Cedrick taunted, filling the dining room with ice. 
“It went well.”
You’d managed to bring yourself back, to find your body and voice again before dinner, knowing that he’d be waiting to poke at you. 
“Excellent,” he purred, killing your appetite again. “He’ll be staying until the wedding, just in case you need the extra support.”
“Thank you, Uncle,” you hummed, forcing down a bite.
“So polite,” he laughed, touching your moms chin to lift her face up. “See, Delaine. A little time with the doc, and your daughter’s already feeling better. Maybe she’ll even stop asking her mama bird to chew up her food soon.”
“She can stop after the wedding,” you said coldly, not enjoying the cruel laugh he gave at her expense.
“Such a high maintenance bride,” he taunted, towering over you all when he stood from his seat, offering you his arm. “Come on, smarty. Let’s take a walk.”
Kat started to argue for you, but it was a pointless battle, so you left the other Sylvad ladies at the table, letting Uncle Cedrick guide you out to the lavish courtyard. 
“I know you’ve been reviewing the details with Kat, instead of your mother, but I expect you to be prepared tomorrow. You know the rules of the game?”
“The suitors have a month to win me,” you recited while he led you through the tables, dragging you to the beautiful, carved bench where the introductions would be held. “They’re not allowed to fight amongst themselves unless it’s for the game, and they have to leave grudges aside until after someone wins my heart. They’ll all have time with me as a group and in private, and they can woo me however they like, so long as it doesn’t endanger me, or take me off the island.”
The pride in his smile wasn’t for you, but he beamed it at you, nonetheless.
“Since you’ve been doing so well, I’m sure you can remember a few more rules. Think you can handle that, smarty?”
“Yes, Uncle,” you agreed, sending your rage down into the stone beneath you. 
“You need to remember that choice is a fucking luxury, Y/N,” he threatened, brushing the hair back from your face while he leaned too close, his cologne filling your lungs. “After the fiasco you could have caused, and after all these years of abusing my patience, you’re lucky I’m letting you play this little game at all.”
His hateful words were drawn out with lazy pleasure, and he kept his fingers in your hair, stroking you like a pet. Like his pretty doll.
“You’re going to give all of your suitors a fair chance. They’re here to enjoy themselves, so I won’t have you chasing anyone off too soon. You’re going to whittle them down slowly, and carefully, and with my approval. Your final two suitors will be offered a deal, and if they don’t accept it, they won’t get my blessing.”
“So, do whatever you need to do to convince the men you like the most to take that deal.”
Nodding so you wouldn’t spit, you seethed when he tugged at your chin the way he’d touched your mother’s earlier. Your eyes were forced to his, and the stars above seemed to burn like acid as your face tilted up toward them. 
“I’ll do anything to protect this family,” Uncle Cedrick vowed as he rubbed his thumb across your snarling lips. “If there’s a man that can offer a better deal, then he’ll get my blessing, no matter your preference. So get ready to use this smart, little mouth of yours, niece. I wonder if you’re a good enough whore to convince anyone to stay? Though I have to confess, after all of your tantrums, I think my spoiled brat of a niece might deserve a man that can put her in her place.”
He laughed at your stifled hatred, wiggling your face before releasing you. 
“Give them all a chance to win you,” Uncle ordered, satisfaction dripping from his parted lips. 
He enjoyed watching you suffer. Enjoyed it in a way that made your skin crawl, but you could never fully hide your rage from him, no matter how skilled you became. He could fucking sniff it out. 
“If I catch you sabotaging any suitor’s feelings for you before I’ve given the approval to drop them, then I’ll make sure you get some extra special time together. It’s only fair.”
All of the acceptance you’d been building up was crashing down around you, and you held in your tears, not wanting to see the pleasure on his face if he tore them from you. 
You wanted to run away.
He found me. He could have had Karai Bari wiped off the fucking map, and Buggy…
“Well, niece, do you understand? Or do I need to—“
“I’ll fuck the one’s I like to make them take your deal,” you growled, almost losing your vision from the rage that was coursing through you. “And I’ll fuck the one’s I hate so you won’t know which piece of shit to trap me with.”
Cedrick Sylvad threw his head back, bellowing his cruel laughter up to the twinkling sky. 
“Oh, this is going to be fun,” he wheezed, before leaving you there with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Don’t stay up too late, niece.”
He didn’t leave you with a guard. There was no need. 
I’ll never get away. These are my choices. Pros and cons.
The silent courtyard felt like a cemetery while you struggled to move, to head off to bed, and end this shitty night. Your fingers found their way to your locket, the touch of warm metal helping to calm your breathing while you stared at all the cold, shining stars above you. 
“At least I have all those pretty daydreams,” you whispered, feeling like an empty doll as you floated off to bed. 
“Hawk Eyes.”
It had been a couple of years since Mihawk had stepped foot onto the Red Force, but his body had memorized every step toward the captain’s quarters, and they walked there without a thought. 
Until a tall, scowling man blocked his path.
“Good afternoon, Benn. How—“
“How about you get the fuck—“
“Hey now,” Shanks laughed, stepping between his first mate and the swordsman, who’d raised a brow at the threatening tone. “We’re good, Benn! He’s just seeing us off.”
“Well, I’ll see him off a fucking cliff if he makes you—”
Shanks cut him off, pulling Mihawk into his quarters while Benn narrowed his eyes, his arms flexing as he crossed them over his chest. 
“If I make him…” Mihawk asked, focusing on the hint of pink that was blossoming on Shanks’ cheeks. 
“Benn, get the crew ready. We’re heading out soon.”
“Aye, captain,” he agreed, still leaning toward the swordsman through the doorway. Benn jerked his head to the side as unruly strands of long, gray hair escaped his tie, getting in the way of his glare. “If you ever make my captain cry again, I’m gonna turn those pretty, gold eyeballs into pretty, gold earrings, ya hear me?”
“Thanks, Benn,” Shanks shoved the man out, locking himself into his quarters with his wicked, old friend whose mouth was hanging wide open. He might have laughed at the sight if he hadn’t wanted to crawl under the floorboards. 
Fuck you, Benn…
Shanks had watched those lips move. He’d heard that voice speak. 
Yet his mind couldn’t connect that trembling word to the deadly rival before him.
The sweetness that had echoed through Mihawk’s bones with every step beside his lover had curdled again, guilt and shame scraping up his throat, strangling the words he’d hoped to share.
I don’t deserve it. 
“You’re shaking,” the red haired pirate breathed as he reached for one of those dangerous hands. Everything was unsteady. Nothing in this world fit anymore, but Shanks tried to laugh it off. “Is Dracule Mihawk feeling jealous? I never had you pegged for the marriage type.”
“No,” he choked a laugh, brittle and stinging as he sat on the bed. The same, old bed they’d shared countless times. “I’m so sorry, Shanks.”
Those words again.
This “vacation” of his had felt like the most outrageous, delicious dream held hostage by a nightmare, and Shanks felt a sudden terror that he was about to wake up to find it was all gone. 
In case it was about to disappear, Shanks sat beside his vicious, old friend, and pressed a kiss to the man’s temple. Mihawk wrapped his arms around him, clinging, feeding into the unreality of this soft, lovely dream. 
“Are you alright, Hawk,” Shanks breathed.
Instincts would have sent the swordsman out the door by now. Every thought pushed him out, guilt, and fear, and lies, no longer strong enough to outweigh the need to keep holding Shanks against him, to keep inhaling his comforting scent. 
The need to run was fueled by his new piles of shame. An unconscious demand to leave. Leave. Leave. 
“I’m done…”
“What’s that,” Shanks tensed at the whisper. He fought his rising dread, tracing his fingers through that pretty, black hair. As they always had, Mihawk’s hypnotic eyes made his world pause, yet in this moment they seemed like true magic. The swordsman had once been blank, unknowable, giving no depth, though Shanks had reached and delved as far as his old rival would let him.
Now those golden eyes were hypnotizing not for their blankness, but for the swirling depths that pulled him in. Pools of molten metal, pain, and need, and other things Shanks couldn’t think clearly enough to try to understand. 
Mihawk couldn’t understand how this beautiful, glorious man could still stand to look at him, let alone offer him comfort. He almost talked himself out of the room again, but vowed that he was done being a coward. He would fight. He would never run. 
Never again.
“I know I…” Mihawk started, losing his train of thought while he stared at his old friend that could have been something so much more. 
What’s the point of being safe if I can’t even… 
 “I love you. I know it’s too late. I’m sorry, I–mmn!”
All that dread exploded, leaving Shanks absolutely fucking high. None of this could be real, but what a dream. 
“Took you long enough, old friend,” he purred. Mihawk whimpered beneath him, shaking under his touch after Shanks had pushed him onto his back, kissing him as though he’d disappear if he stopped. 
“I’m s-sorry, Sha–”
“Are you lying? Manipulating me?”
He gripped Mihawk’s face, wanting to throw this fear off the ship. Gods, he wanted to believe it, to feel it. 
Mihawk let out a breath, a weak sob, as the gold of his eyes was dressed with diamonds. The monster was even more hypnotizing when he cried.
“I’m not lying,” he confessed. Memories flooded the swordsman now, filling the air around him with regret, and with the hope he was fighting to keep. He reached up, cupping Shanks’ face while he blinked away his salty fear. “You loved a coward, old friend, but I’m done running. I love you. I’m so sor–”
Shanks couldn’t tell if he was laughing, or crying as he fell onto the wicked, intoxicating man beneath him. 
“I love you too, Hawk. I still love you. Could never stop.”
“Say it again,” Shanks breathed while he kissed along Mihawk’s throat, dizzy while one of his dearest fantasies played out before him. 
“I love you, Shanks.” Mihawk shivered, clinging, reaching, falling to pieces. Shameful parts of him still screamed to run, still thought so many cruel, ungrateful things, but there was nothing like the satisfied sounds his lover made when he said those words. “I have loved you in my cowardly heart. I’m sorry I– fuck!”
The red haired pirate fisted his hair with vicious force while he rutted his clothed cock against him, chuckling as he watched those hypnotizing eyes flutter with need. 
“Why are you sorry?”
Mihawk was already lost in him, and Shanks let that sweetness pour over his body, his breath relaxing as he decided how to take care of his lover. 
“You’re sorry because you didn’t say you love me, right,” he purred, kissing tingles into Mihawk’s skin as he breathed along his temple to his jaw. The swordsman gave a weak nod, and a little whine, so Shanks nibbled at his ear, telling his boy how to please him. 
“I don’t wanna hear another ‘sorry,' you hear me,” he threatened, tracing his thumb along Mihawk’s hip, dipping down into those low riding pants. “You’d better keep telling me what you should have back then.”
“Shanks,” Mihawk moaned, undoing the lacings of his own clothes before clawing at Shanks’, desperate beneath the sway of that crooked smile. “I love you.”
The Emperor of the Sea forgot.
Nothing to do. Nowhere to be. 
Shanks just had to make this man say those words again and again. It had been so fucking long. They touched and kissed every inch of each other in their mad rush to claim every moment before the dream faded away, until the swordsman looked over his shoulder, begging so pretty. So perfect. 
“I need you, daddy,” Mihawk relaxed, ready. “Need you, love you, want… mm, please…”
“I need you too, bright eyes,” Shanks hummed, fingers finding their way in, cool lube easing the stretch while he made his lover moan into the wrinkled sheets. “I need my pretty boy to let me love him. You finally gonna let me, Hawk?” 
“Please,” he begged. The press of Shanks’ cock teasing at him was too much, and he writhed, shoving himself back until he cried out, earning the full force of that powerful body. 
“Look at you. Knew you’d be so good for me, baby.”
His fingers caressed while he pressed that pale skin into the mattress, and Shanks let everything go, praising, taking, and hurting his lover until they both went fucking mad. Mihawk let himself feel safe in the pleasure and the pain.
His lover made him cry, and bleed, and come, before laying his own claim. Shanks’ heavy cock filled him, on and on, leaving Mihawk twitching and whining. There they stayed, breathing, sweating, and whispering those words until they remembered. 
“I’ve gotta go, Hawk... Will you still love me when I come back,” Shanks asked as reality returned, failing to hide all the true fear in his voice.
“My lover gone away to sea. I shall await thee,” Mihawk hummed, moaning when Shanks pulled away, his body still craving his touch. 
“Are you writing love poems already?”
Mihawk could have stayed in that bed for days, but she was there in his mind. Still trembling from love and pleasure, fear followed him while he helped Shanks clean the evidence of their selfish lust, low chuckles still warming the air around them through it all. 
“I’ll write poetry for you, my love,” he breathed, eyes fluttering at the new touches he’d earned. “But you’re right. You need to leave.”
Demands felt wrong, so the swordsman finished drying and dressing his lover, until the Emperor pulled him close, their foreheads pressed together while he tried not to succumb to his own selfish terror. 
“I love you, Hawk Eyes,” Shanks let out one more time, while the memory of empty eyes burned through his soul. Y/N had helped both of his lovers, had helped him find them again, to hold them again, had helped them open up.
I owe her everything.
“I love you too, Red Hair,” Mihawk gave a true smile, shaky though it was. The voice calling for him to run was easily ignored with the gratitude and desperation rolling through him now. “Please–”
“Don’t worry, baby,” Shanks laughed, kissing those lips again before leading his deadly lover off the ship. “If I can win over Dracule Mihawk’s icy heart, then there’s no beast I can’t charm.”
“I’m fine.”
Kat managed to pull a laugh from you while servants buzzed around, swarming like bees as you waited in the courtyard for your new life to begin.
Whenever a big tree fell on Sylvad property, it would be easy to cart it away, to sell it into little pieces, but this courtyard was built to show off one of your favorite family traditions.
The last few generations of Sylvad’s had refused to let a fallen tree be scurried away like something to be ashamed of. If a tree fell on a Sylvad estate, it was to be celebrated to honor the hard work and creativity that made your family’s name synonymous with power, wisdom, and enough wealth and status to rival nobility. 
You sat on one of those dead trees, the trunk carved into a formidable, layered bench along the base of the manor, while the lantern lit courtyard stretched out toward the forest. On and on the bench seemed to go, covered with lifelike, and even life size animals trying to spring into your world from the fallen wood.
Childhood memories trampled over you for a moment, just like your little body had once tried to climb and claim this wonder of the forest. The obedient bees brought you back to the present, doing some last minute touch ups to your hair and makeup while they fluffed up your giant gown. 
Asking why you were in a white dress before your wedding day had sent you into rigid silence once the rest of the ensemble was forced onto you.
Don’t bite the help. Don’t bite the help… Do deer bite people?
“I’ll be right over there all night, okay,” Kat’s voice pushed through the mass of bodies. “Make that face if you need me to step in.”
“There’ll be no need for that, ladies,” Uncle scolded, his presence scattering the hovering pests around you. He beamed at your sister while he patted her cheek, before sending her to sit with your sulking mother. Kat gave you a weak smile, leaving you on that extravagant bench while your uncle managed to sit beside you without mussing your dress. 
The music may have been pretty. The lanterns lighting up beneath the golden, darkening sky might have been enchanting. 
It was even possible that one of the men in that crowd of guests breaking through the treeline onto the stone pathway would make a lovely husband. 
You tried to breathe, tapping nervously against the locket you’d stuffed into the corset of your dress since it hadn’t “fit the theme.”
What a feeling it was to finally know that love was real. Yet, such was your fate that you had to keep killing and burying the futile wish that you could have kept it for yourself. 
All of these men are here to own me. Every single one.
“Don’t forget to smile, dear niece,” Uncle taunted, leaning close enough to warm your cheek with his words. He laughed at his little joke, while you tried to obey.
You were the white stag. 
You were his helpless prey, whose sole purpose was to be hunted, mounted, and displayed. Nothing more than a tasty trophy.
The stupid, white antlers in your hair felt heavier with each moment while you watched your hunters stalk ever closer. The men had separated from their guests who were being seated so that everyone could watch your uncle’s little show, while the suitors formed a line.
“If you–”
“You already won, Uncle,” you cut him off, eyes scanning the edge of the forest while more figures appeared. “I’ll be well behaved venison from here on… what the f–”
No fucking way.
Kat had followed your line of sight, and if your face matched the look on hers, you needed to shake it off now. The last thing you needed to do was offend one of these men that could squash you like a bug.
Sis was right. We should have asked for measurements. 
Swallowing manic laughter at the thought, you split into pieces, becoming the hunted. The truest part of you watched the show from a deep, dark hole within while you smiled at Uncle Cedrick, although your body couldn’t hide the shivers that broke through. 
“Smart girl,” he hummed, curdling your stomach before he pressed your hand into an old man’s wrinkly grip.
Your suitors had arrived.
“Giberson, lovely to see you. Let me introduce you to my niece. She’s—“
“The Cross Guild’s young CFO, if my sources aren’t mistaken? I can’t imagine there’s another Y/N Sylvad gallivanting about.” Giberson caught you off guard, and you were a deer in the headlights when his scratchy, white mustache tickled across your fingers. 
His words had left you frozen, and he released your hand, seeming a little wobbly while he balanced with his jewel encrusted cane. The old man adjusted his pin striped hat, making his tall body seem even lankier in the matching suit.
“I shouldn’t be surprised,” Uncle Cedrick laughed, clapping the old man on the back. “You probably know more about the competition than I do. So, have you decided to join the game, or will you just be staying for the entertainment?”
This old man is one of the Emperors of the Underworld… 
Giberson’s dossier had been the lightest you’d received, yet somehow that made him more frightening, along with his epithet; The Concealer.
“Hopefully I’ll have more luck at this wedding than I did at the last one I attended. Bodies just don’t recover the same when you get to be my age,” Giberson chuckled as he tapped his knee with his cane a few times. “Still, I may be old, but I can’t resist the offer to join in such a delightful game.”
“Happy hunting, good man. I’m confident that some time in Y/N’s company will put some pep back in your step,” Uncle encouraged, pulling an intricately carved arrow from a quiver at his back, adding to the vision of the dark hunter he exuded tonight. He handed it to you, giving you the illusion of choice.
You’d been told not to stand unless you absolutely had to, so you looked up at him through your lashes. Your painted doe eyes needed no help looking helpless, but you obeyed just the same. Giberson smelled of whiskey when he leaned down to accept the arrow from your grasp, a satisfied smile on those aged lips. 
“Just watch out, little lady. These young boys aren’t done fighting yet,” he stepped back, nodding subtly over his shoulder. “It would be a shame to see such a precious thing get caught up in the crossfire. I’d rather like to avoid that fate myself this time around.”
“Not to worry, Giberson, we’re all here to enjoy a more civilized kind of battle. Although, the betting pools have already added a few extra categories for all the possibilities this month presents.” 
The men ignored you now, but you had to keep your face mildly pleasant while you reminded yourself not to scratch it, so as not to risk fucking up the subtle deer makeup across your nose and cheeks. 
You were the only animal at the banquet. The only thing on the menu. Everyone else got to be human.
Well, maybe not everyone… 
“Are these supposed to be this fucking tight? This can’t be right…”
Shanks tugged and pulled at the dove gray pants he’d been gifted by Sylvad’s attendants, his head snapping up at the choked sound coming from his first mate’s throat. 
“What’s wrong?”
Benn had changed quickly, the banquet already getting started when the two of them had stepped foot onto the private island. The older man had lucked out, easily fitting into the borrowed suit that was such a dark blue it was almost black, although he’d rolled up the sleeves, and traded the jacket for his purple cloak. Having some breathing room around his muscular arms made him seem slightly less annoyed since their weapons had to remain on the Red Force. 
Benn was too distracted to care about their weapons at the moment though, wheezing while he watched his mighty captain try to stuff all of his bits into those tiny pants. 
“Did you try the other pairs?” Benn failed to hide his laughter, having to clear his throat and look away.
“They're all the same size– He can’t really expect me to wear this?”
His eyes were wide, unconsciously shaking his head while he gaped at his reflection. 
The tight, gray breeches seemed designed specifically to showcase every curve of his cock and balls. The soft fabric was tucked into black, knee high boots that a certain swordsman would have coveted, but Shanks felt like he was going insane with the urge to light the borrowed clothes on fire. 
“No. I’m not going out there like this,” Shanks resisted.
“You said you’d do anything for her, captain. Don’t you wanna get on the uncle’s good side?” Benn’s laughter vanished while he draped a black cloak over his Captain’s shoulders, fastening the high collar around his throat. His thick fingers trailed down over the frilly, white shirt, checking the small, black vest that was little more than a girdle, before tying off his captain's sleeve. “This bunny of yours worth the tight pants?”
“Emperor Shanks, sir,” came a soft voice beyond the door. “The banquet is underway, is there anything I can assist– Oh I– Oh…”
He forgot what he was about to ask this poor girl when he opened the door, because the look on her face gave him everything he needed.
“You doing alright, darlin,” Shanks purred, touching one of the girl’s bright, red cheeks.
Benn chuckled, pushing through the doorway, and onto the stone path, ordering his captain to hurry it up.
“Y-yes, I am, sir,” she trembled, letting out a giggle when Shanks winked, and the sweet sound brought him back. 
“Good girl. Why don’t you show us where to go?”
“You always strut, but I can’t remember the last time I saw you strutting like this,” Benn smirked. 
“I can’t help it! These boots have heels.” 
Shanks stuck out his tongue before they passed beyond the denser trees. 
“You have been invited to join the game, Emperor Shanks.” The servant bowed her head while she gestured toward the center of the decorated courtyard. “I’ll lead your guest to his table now, unless you’d rather not accept the offer?”
“Why not,” Shanks beamed at her, though the sight of his competition made him fight not to sway on those uncomfortable heels. 
“Looks like you and your tiny pants might be outmatched, captain,” Benn whispered, patting him on the back before following the pretty girl to a table full of enemies. 
Shanks had barely made it here in time, and felt a twinge of guilt return while the last suitors moved out of the way, but the sight of her stopped the blood in his veins. 
Twilight had crept into dusk, and the dancing light of the lanterns bathed her painted skin, her white dress, and ethereal antlers, seeming to glow from within. Y/N shone like a wounded star, bleeding out her light for all of these monsters to drink. 
“The clothes suit you well, Emperor,” Cedrick purred, making his niece flinch. She hid herself away before Shanks could decipher what he’d seen behind her mesmerizing eyes. 
“I had no idea that fashionable friends could be so generous,” he charmed, stalking closer and closer until he caught her cold hand in his. “Or that I’d have the pleasure of meeting such a gorgeous, little bunny again so soon. Sorry, you're a gorgeous, little doe, aren’t you?”
She stared while he pressed his lips to her knuckles, and he took in every detail, wishing he could just grab her and run.
She’s not wearing Buggy’s locket… 
Before new anxiety could set in, Shanks had to swallow his rage at the sound of that voice. 
“Either would make for a good hunt. The nice Emperor asked you a question, Y/N,” Sylvad taunted, tapping her thigh with a decorative arrow. 
“It’s alright, bunny.” He gave her a crooked smile while she gave him nothing, so he turned to the smirking piece of shit by her side. “From what I’ve gathered, we might get to spend some more time together soon. Do I have that right, new friend?”
“I treat my friends very well, but family is everything,” Cedrick vowed. “There'll be plenty of time to discuss details later, but if you’d like to accept the offer to join this little game, then you may get to enjoy more than just our famous Sylvad hospitality.”
Shanks bought himself some time by letting his eyes rake over her again.
I’m a villain. I’m not here to rescue her.
“How could I resist?”
“Go on,” her uncle beamed with triumph, shoving the arrow into her hand. 
The woman that had captured the hearts of the only two people Shanks had ever truly loved met her Uncle’s cruel gaze before looking back up at the Emperor of the Sea. Her eyes fluttered while she offered him the arrow, keeping her hands close to her face so that he felt her breath on his fingers as pulled the symbolic weapon from her grip.
His lips parted as he became trapped in her eyes again, although that haunting pull had been replaced by a desire so hot, it rivaled the stars. Y/N's bare need felt like a gift from the heavens. 
“Thank you,” he breathed, twirling the arrow in his fingers while he bowed his head at that fallen star, before winking at her captor.
“Happy hunting, Shanks.”
Giberson had finally stopped gossiping with Uncle Cedrick, so you became the prey again, smiling up at your next suitor.
You couldn’t help glancing toward Kat while her favorite pick stepped up alongside his brothers. 
These men should have been intimidating, and they had been, for a moment.
Yet now, the three princes of the Germa Kingdom were all staring down at you like hungry puppies.
What the fuck?
“Welcome, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji. This is my niece, Y/N. It is an honor to welcome you to our humble estate.”
“The honor is ours,” one of the princes crooned, laying a kiss with almost too much pressure against your knuckles.
Ichiji. The red head is Ichiji. 
Your mind rattled through everything you could recall while his green and blue haired brothers took their turns, their loose shirts and billowing capes moving prettily in the light breeze. 
Somehow the word “prince” had made their blatant lust seem shocking, and you almost laughed at how fucking naive that was. 
They were here to buy you, just like all the rest, and their royal hands lingered on your skin when they accepted their arrows. 
“There you are, old friend!”
“Cedrick. It’s good to see you.”
“Mr. Iceburg?”
Excitement tore through you, and you almost leapt to your feet so you could hug your dad’s old friend.
Your uncle’s old friend… 
Iceburg, the Mayor of Water 7, and the CEO of Galley-La.
You’d had an embarrassing crush on the man, even before he brought all of those shipbuilding companies under one name seven years ago, creating his own empire. Water 7 was your company’s most powerful, and profitable connection, so you’d spent a lot of your childhood on that watery island while your dad made deals with this handsome entrepreneur. 
He’d always been kind, and funny, and had never ignored or patronized you like so many of the other business contacts dad had made you spend time with. 
“Well, Y/N, don’t you look stunning,” Iceburg hummed, leaning down close to kiss your cheek. It was something he’d done many times, but your skin still flushed with heat as it always had. “I hardly recognized my little numbers girl.”
With your mouth hanging open, you felt like a child come face to face with her dream, only to find that the dream carried a bitter aftertaste. 
But it still looked fucking good. 
Your eyes traveled up and down his tall frame, snagging on the black, leather pants tucked into knee length boots. He had rarely buttoned his shirts all the way before, but now the loose fabric of his rust-colored tunic hung wide open, and you found yourself blinking up at the lovely frame it made around his tanned skin, and dark, blue chest hair.
“Don’t keep our dear friend waiting, Y/N,” Uncle Cedrick urged, tapping your hands with the arrow until you snapped out of your teenage fantasy. 
“May I,” Iceburg asked, his eyebrow raising just a bit while he watched you nod.
He’s here to buy me. He wants to buy his friend’s daughter. Wants to…
His thumb traced over your wrist before he pulled away, the rough touch of a carpenter's hand making you shiver. 
“See ya, girlie,” Iceburg winked, wrecking you for the next hopeful. 
Luckily the next hopeful didn’t matter, although it felt like you’d just lost a safety net.
“I do apologize,” whined the most ‘boring’ candidate, Mr. Halvens. “I’m afraid I will have to decline. There are certain elements here that I cannot have my name associated with.”
“Not to worry,” Uncle laughed. “You’re welcome to stay for the banquet, although I'd recommend keeping your voice down if you plan to disparage my other guests again.”
The poor man went pale, and you were disgusted with your urge to laugh at his pathetic scrambling when your uncle’s laughter rolled over you first. 
“Prince Fukaboshi,” you projected, staring up at the massive merman. There was a ring of what looked like a bubble around his waist, and his blue, spotted tail seemed to float just slightly above the ground. 
You had prepared yourself for a merman. 
Not for a fucking giant. 
“I am looking forward to winning your heart, Miss Sylvad,” he charmed, although the effect was strange from almost two stories up. Fukaboshi's regal voice rushed toward you when he leaned down, and you tried to smile under that sharp face, that cloud of light, blue hair. 
The arrow seemed to shrink once his fingers pulled it so carefully from yours, before he joined his guests at the edge of the courtyard. You could still feel the prince's gaze, like a cool weight over your skin.
How the fuck… 
The fact that the next suitors weren’t even the tallest people you’d met tonight was insane, and you had to fight not to let panicked laughter escape while you were introduced to these two brothers. 
“Thank you so much for coming. This is my niece, Y/N. I know she’s been looking forward to meeting you both, Cracker, and Katakuri.” Uncle Cedrick smiled at the frightening brothers, seeming almost giddy when he handed you their arrows. 
Cracker leaned down first, and he had to be a couple of feet taller than… He also carried a fierce scar on his face, scraping across his right eye. When he grinned, his bright, pink irises seemed to eat you up, a near manic look behind them. 
You couldn’t make sense of his clothes, so you tried not to look at the giant fucking crackers hanging around his belt, or at his light, purple hair that was tied into long buns that seemed to be crackling with fire.
Katakuri was even taller, almost as tall as the merman prince, but he went to a knee to get closer to you. His clothes were all leather with scratches and spikes artfully placed to look even more ready for violence. Pink tattoos kissed along his bare chest and arms, and the color went well with his crimson hair and eyes, but you couldn’t see more of his face below the fur scarf he had wrapped up to the bridge of his nose. 
His eyes were intense, knowing, and the sheer size of him amplified his frightening, but lovely, features. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I hope that our families can join their strengths soon.”
The Charlotte brothers left you breathless while the courtyard buzzed with the sounds of guests enjoying their drinks as they waited for dinner to start, celebrating the thought of you being claimed by one of these lucky suitors. 
Twilight had crept into dusk, and you let yourself take a breath, knowing that the line must be coming to an end. Everyone in your mom’s book was already here, plus Iceburg, and there couldn’t be too many last minute… 
The Emperor of the Sea stood framed by the growing night, dressed like a wicked horseman on the hunt. He stared at you as though he were surprised to find you there. 
As though this fucking traitor hadn’t broken his promise as soon as Uncle Cedrick had shown up. The image of Shanks leaning close, smiling, and flirting with your uncle at the Cross Guild’s party felt like molten metal through your gut. Then he’d run away. You’d seen him, that stupid, red hair slipping through the crowd, fleeing the vow he’d made to you. 
Liar. Liar. LIAR! 
Somehow you stayed very deep inside yourself after Uncle’s voice made you flinch, even while this filthy leech touched your hand. You couldn’t hear what he was saying while he talked to his new best friend.
You’re just another bitch for my uncle’s money, aren’t you? Disgusting trash.
You almost laughed. Almost let it out.
Uncle Cedrick tapped your thigh with the arrow, and the visceral image of shoving it into one of Shanks' poisonous, “soft,” brown eyes felt intoxicating. 
Pathetic. You’re just like all the rest. The Great Red Haired Shanks is no hero. Just another piece of shit that would betray his love for some berry. 
Rage and nausea battled for more space within you, until your uncle shoved the arrow into your hand, and you remembered.
I can't let Uncle see how much I hate him.  
A wave of desire and power burned through you, and you let yourself feel nothing but need while you offered Shanks that weapon instead of using it against him. It felt as though you were possessed, but you welcomed the chaos of mindless lust, relishing in it when those soft eyes went dark before he finally got the fuck away from you. 
Did he just fucking thank me?
Uncle started to address the crowd, and you knew you should be listening. You tried to be here, to survive. 
Traitor. Liar. Leech. Trash.
Breathing felt impossible. Your corset seemed tighter now, making the hidden locket dig into your skin, reminding you that Buggy was all alone. 
There had never been a chance for you to have true love in your life. Not the cursed heiress of Sylvad’s. Not with your Uncle’s plans.
Your sweet, lovely clown deserved better. 
But Shanks betrayed you both. He'd abandoned Buggy after one conversation with Cedrick Sylvad, just as weak and worthless as your first two "loves." 
Uncle offered you his hand, and you stood without knowing what was next, but all that came next was applause. Happy, little vultures excited for their next meal. 
“Did you hear me,” he hissed at you before shrugging for the crowd. “I think our white stag is feeling a bit skittish, but that's nothing a little chase can't fix. The first hunter to catch her claims the first date!”
“Run along now, niece,” Uncle Cedrick smirked, nodding toward the trees. Night had officially fallen as he led you down that stone path, the eyes of all the hunters following your every step toward the darkened forest. “You’ve got a ten minute head start, Y/N. Better decide which arrow you'd rather be pieced with tonight.”
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Likes, comments, and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you!!
Author's Note: Yes, I dressed Shanks up like Jareth the Goblin King. No, I am not sorry 😅
Who do you think is going to catch our white stag? I'm having so much fun with this game! 🥰🏹 Check out the poll below, or you can just tell me what you think about our lineup! I've been going crazy over it, especially since I try to stick as close to canon possibility as I can for some weird reason, lol.
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Tag List: @shewrites02 | @caniseethefourthsword | @hey-august | @chaoticqueen33 | @destinationmars | @novakitten0901 | @h0n3y-l3m0n05 | @dorky-birdie | @szired | @pinejayy | @laws-wife-things | @jadeddangel | @gingernut1314 | @urlocaltwink | @blue-rae18 | @bontensbabygirl | @bbnbhm | @0-sparkling-lace-0 | @ihearthazuki | @mikisspeak | @djloveyou3000 | @mercymccann | @horse-and-writer97
Part 32
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1111jenx · 3 years
I'm obsessed with your blog it's full of information and you really make it interesting 🤩 Love that you're a fellow leo venus yaaaay! So I've been really into this guy that has a pisces venus and scorpio mars 💀 would we kill each other? Or could it be a good time 🤣 please if you have the time I'd love your opinion and don't hold back 😉
Ahaha hi beautiful🥳
As a fellow Leo Venus, I can tell you right now, Leo and Pisces Venus are always drawn to one another! I have made great friends who have Pisces Venus as well as have encountered a lot of them relationship wise:)
So here's what I think about this unexpected duo:
Leo Venus x Pisces Venus:
Leo likes to pleased, Pisces likes to please. Unexpected but also expected duo. Pisces Venus enjoys Leo's flashy and loving nature while Leo enjoys Pisces's undivided attention.
Leo Venus is very prideful and protective of Pisces Venus but they're also very cautious with expressing their emotions at first. Very possible that in the start of the relationships, Leo Venus sees Pisces Venus as another fling, a fun time that they don't know what might happen but as they get into the relationship, they didn't realize how deep they are in.
Pisces Venus tames Leo Venus. literally. Pisces Venus makes Leo Venus feel at home and no longer need to show off to flaunt their goods.
Love one another like it is their last day on earth. Very magical. May even want to get married or see a future with each other.
Pisces Venus demands loyalty and attention too. Leo Venus sometimes can feel suffocated if they have too much airy placements but they quickly understand that in a relationship, it is important for energies to be reciprocated.
Karmic. Will teach each other lessons that you don't get from everyday experience. Want to grow together.
Leo Venus will be taking pride in Pisces Venus. They want Pisces Venus's utmost attention and loyalty. May be overly jealous and can project their insecurities on Pisces Venus.
HORRIBLE ARGUMENTS. but can't seem to cut off the connection completely.
Pisces Venus softens Leo Venus. Pisces Venus also received a lot of ego boost from Leo Venus. When they're together, they feel that their inner desires are being understood.
Dominating sex, more often than not Leo Venus is a lil too excited to be on top💀Thats all i'm gonna say.
Pisces Venus dislikes arguments and want Leo Venus to be upfront with them. It is hard since sometimes both require some personal freedom and time to retrieve and heal.
Leo Venus falls for Pisces Venus playful and romantic nature, they feel very secured and charmed by them.
Leo Venus does not take no for an answer and can be hella prideful and stubborn. They act up the second the feel that they're being threatened. Pisces Venus in turns may want Leo to be more flexible and understanding.
Frustrating sometimes. Pisces Venus will hate Leo's insecure side and possessive moments if they overdo it.
Separation anxiety.
They're one another's drugs.
Thats a very vague picture I painted for ya just basing off your Venus! But it takes the whole charts to determine your romantic encounters with one another 🤣 So far with that Scorpio Mars of his, you'll most definitely love his ability to be loyal and simp for you as much as you can simp for him. The only difference i would be mindful of is be careful of becoming toxic towards one another. I have observed this whenever leo-scorpio is paired in two people's chart and boy even if it is fun and crazy and hot it is still kinda unhealthy💀
But why do I feel as your fellow Leo Venus we all need a lil spice of drama in our relationship to keep the fire alive? Just practice healthy communication and stay direct towards one another and I'm sure there should be no problem🤣 Stay safe my love, have fun with your psycho Pisces Venus, I'm excited for yall 🥳🥳🥳
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saint jenx🪐
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createandconstruct · 3 years
can i ask about amarant coral? the monk in red himself~
Can you ask about Amarant Coral? *cracks fingers* Oh I insist that you do. Welcome to my Amarant Appreciation Post:
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favorite thing about them: First off best thing about Amarant? His theme. The percussion and the guitar. It’s great and it captures him so well. People out here like “take Amarant out of the game he adds nothing.” EXCUSE ME? You remove the Amarant you remove the Amarant Theme my friend and that is something I do NOT vibe with. 
least favorite thing about them: I wanna know more about him. Now Amarant doesn’t need a backstory or history in the game. In a sense, he already has one that connects him to Zidane and explains his motives and actions and eventual arc. But my issue is, Square never gave him anything else. If you look at Ultimania there’s additional lore about other characters, like Steiner for instance. You learn Steiner was a war orphan who was saved by the Pluto Knights - explaining his devotion to them. Amarant though? Square was like “uh... yeah he was born....? And then he uh got famous...? Idk then he met Zidane. You figure it out.” Square. I hate you. 18 years from his birth until he became “well known”. WHAT WAS HE DOING. WHY’D HE BECOME A SECURITY GUARD. WHAT WAS ON HIS RESUME. TELL MEEEE. Like, okay, what the actual in-game canon gives us on Amarant is sort of enough. He’s a purposely written mysterious “cool-guy” character so we’re given scraps to make him unknown but come on. In the published after-game canon, like Ultimania, we could have been given a bit more. He says he doesn’t remember anything about his origins or parents, but why. Was he another victim of Gaia’s wars? Probably. Was he born on a battlefield? Fighting for his life, living without comrades, taking scraps whenever he could? Was he betrayed when he was young? Is he a supposed to be a version of Zidane had he not been adopted into Tantalus by Baku??? These are questions I deserve answers to, Square.
favorite line: “’I can't just walk away. It goes against my nature...’ You're a real simpleton. Forget it, guys. There's no stopping this fool." I love this. Amarant figures Zidane out pretty quickly after Ipsen’s Castle. Zidane is hardheaded and also an actor. He acts cool and pretends his reasons for doing things are loose but when he’s decided something it’s always for a reason. You don’t need a reason to help people, but Zidane has his reasons for helping Kuja and while Amarant doesn’t give two shits what they are he knows Zidane won’t be stopped because, despite everything, Zidane saved a loser like him. Also this line “Tell me! Why didn't you kill me!?" Because I quote it all the time and it makes myself laugh. Amarant is such a drama queen and Zidane knows it. Zidane’s like “dude... what is your damage, it’s 5 pm on Tuesday in Madain Sari. I ain’t getting blood on my gloves cause you’re having a temper tantrum.” And then Amarant runs away to have an existential crisis. He’s 26 but compared to Zidane, he’s the real teenager with angst.  
brOTP: I could talk about Zidane or Freya with Amarant but instead I’m gonna say the underrated dynamic of Amarant and Eiko (and also Vivi).  Amarant with the kids is truly the greatest gift given by his presence in the game. Amarant has never known true suffering until he became a designated legal guardian of a group of minors. It also kills me how he’s the one to volunteer to carry Eiko and Vivi up the Iifa tree. He looks at Zidane and is like “you have seriously been the ‘adult’ of this group???”
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OTP: Gotta say the Freya and Amarant dynamic. I really enjoyed their unlikely friendship in the game but then the content. The fan content. The Freya x Amarant fans out there, you win. Ya got me. You captured me and I am now imprisoned by their banter and begruntled allies to lovers story. Even if they’re not romantic I love them together and really wish the game gave us more of them. But even Lani and Amarant together are valid, though I prefer them as butting head bros. Not much content for my girl Lani out there either, she deserves more.
nOTP: Nothing I can think of. I tend to like platonic pairings for Amarant. The dude needs friends because he can barely define the word friendship.
random headcanon: Before Zidane returns at the end of the game Amarant wanders around a bit, unsure of what to do. He doesn’t feel any place with the others in Alexandria, Burmecia, or Lindblum. I imagine he goes off on his own for a bit like before but this time he’s not after Zidane or a fight. Instead he’s got no particular destination. Yet he somehow always finds himself running into people just like him - or the old him - friendless lonely people who are looking for a fight. He doesn’t go out his way to find these folks he simply runs into them and decides he might as well knock some sense into them. He does however make it his business to go after any murmur of people hatching any ideas of going after the far off little village on the Lost Continent. The home of the genomes and black mages. They were so helpless, so weak that anyone who’d want to mess with them is pathetic in Amarant’s book. Until Zidane returns, no one has the chance to even look at the Black Mage Village the wrong way because in the shadows Amarant lurks, making damn well sure of that.
unpopular opinion: I kinda love that he’s just there for most of the game? While I agree he gets the short end of the stick in the same way as Freya, not receiving additional individual character spotlight (which could have very well been supplied through discoverable lore in the world/npcs or through sidequests) I never considered his “standing off to the side” as a detriment to his character. 
Many would probably agree that Amarant always felt like a bit of a parody of the loner character, or at least the stereotype of the loner character. Amarant is so easily paralleled with Squall and Cloud’s surface-level attitudes because his dialogue always felt like something to poke fun at. As the player we’re supposed to align with Zidane’s way of thinking and how he views Amarant. When Amarant loses to Zidane and pretty much grits his teeth and goes “KILL ME,” along with Zidane we’re supposed to kinda raise our brow at him and go “...really, dude?”
 Amarant’s a character introduced as an antagonist who has more in common with the power hungry villains of the game. Like many of the characters in FFIX, Amarant is in search of purpose in life, which he has never found, because he was always looking in the wrong places - in places of violence and power. Very toxic-masculinity of him. Amarant is “cool” on an aesthetic level but in reality he’s the polar opposite of cool in terms of what FFIX states about the need for others to be intertwined in your experiences so that you can live a full life. 
I sort of love that he’s like a grumpy pitball following a 16 year old and his friends around. Then he sits in the corner when they all meet up and discuss current events acting like he doesn’t care (not to mention he casually walks as everyone is running as fast as they can to escape Terra - made me laugh cry on my first playthrough) He is “just there” but that’s because he has no where else to be, no where else to go, he’s a man without a home. And until Zidane offers his hand, at the point where Amarant is most willing to take it at Ipsen’s Castle, he’s not truly a party member. He IS an outsider for almost the entire game but at Ipsen Castle he joins the party, becomes a comrade, and decides he’ll allow himself to change paths and start a life where he has friends and lives, as well as fights for them. Which is why after that moment, Amarant finally has a victory pose.
song i associate with them: I was scratching my head for so long trying to think of a song or track that had Amarant vibes until it hit me. Outskirt Stand by Tsukasa Tawada (from Pokemon Colosseum). Amarant is so chill, he’s not a bombastic guy, so he needs a theme that drops me in the rocky open desert of the Lost Continent like I’m just lumbering around looking for a monkey-tailed menace. Some other Amarant tunes:  Pyrite Town, The Under, Snagem Hideout tracks from Pokemon Colosseum. This post is just an elaborate call to action for everyone to listen to the Pokemon Colosseum soundtrack. Tsukasa Tawada is so great and he has a YouTube. Check him out.
favorite picture of them:
Yoshitaka Amano’s Salamander Coral. I love him. He had too much power. 
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Also everything drawn by @crispy-ghee. Everything. I will think of this Comic forever until I die. Tattoo it on my flesh. The banter, the dynamics, the post-game content, the Zidane prince-consort outfit, the new Amarant outfit, the stuck-in-the-same-place relationship him and Freya have. Perfect. Go read it and consume Crisipy’s stuff. And also check them and their current art out, they just consistently get better and better. Here’s a first panel preview of my fav comic. Read it.
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 @hannahlady​‘s Amarant art and their Freya/Amarant art is just ugh. *Chef’s Kiss* Here is another preview because you should go look at it.
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Here’s a piece that deserves so much more love by @snackage. I LOVE how they drew Amarant. Here’s a little preview. It’s SO GOOD
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Anyway TL;DR: Amarant is love and life and you’ll have to pull him from my little gremlin hands.
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12 Lesbian Books Everyone Should Read This Pride Month
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I need to point out how wonderful the updated version of the lesbian flag is. It’s inclusive of lesbians of all skin colours and that’s exactly what I’ve tried to do in this post. Pride is a time for acceptance, love and inclusivity and it feels especially poignant with everything that is happening in the world right now. So here are my favourite sapphic books that definitely need picking up, if your life is lacking a little girl power. -Love, Alex x
1. Something To Talk About by Meryl Wilsner.
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Rumours flood the media that Hollywood starlet Jo and her assistant Emma’s relationship is something more than it is but could that actually be true? This brand new release is a sweet slow-burning romance set in a believable contemporary Hollywood that will help you escape.
2. Under The Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta.
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When war breaks out in Nigeria, 11-year-old Ijeoma is sent away to safety where she falls for another girl -an experience that will forever change her. With elements of both Nigerian folklore and Christianity, this is a life story set against an eye-opening backdrop of African history, cultural attitudes towards sexuality and the effects of war.  
3. In At The Deep End by Kate Davies.
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Twenty-something Julia hasn’t had sex for three years, when she gets her sexual awakening at a warehouse party and so transpires her new life as a lesbian. It’s a filthy, hilarious British rom-com with a Bridget Jones level of heartwarmth to it that reminds us that you don’t have to have it all figured out before you’re an adult. 
4. Juliet Takes A Breath by Gabby Rivera.
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Juliet’s coming out didn’t go down well with her Puerto Rican family but now she’s interning with Harlowe Brisbane, a leading voice on feminism and being a lesbian, so surely she’ll get her life figured out, right? Funny and charming, this is a fierce educational novel that you will eat right up.
5. XX by Angela Chadwick.
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When Rosie and Jules become the first lesbian couple to fall pregnant through innovative ovum-to-ovum technology, someone leaks the news and the whole world becomes incredibly interested in their lives. XX is a feminist, speculative critique of misogyny, inequality, homophobia and multiple other ills of the world that will pull you straight in.
6. The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth.
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In 1989, Cam meets and falls for beautiful cowgirl Coley in their small conservative Montana town but her religious aunt has other, much darker, plans for her niece. Cameron Post is a heady daze of a novel full of angst and heartache that deals with very real issues for many LGBT teens, making it easy to see why its largely considered a seminal work in YA lesbian literature. 
7. Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst.
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Princess Denna is about to become queen of a land where magic is forbidden, while harboring a secret power of her own, but things get even more complicated when she meets her betrothed’s sister Mare. Intense friendship, conflicting loyalties and saving the world makes this fantasy novel a gorgeous read.
8. The Deep by Rivers Solomon.
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Descended from pregnant African slavewomen thrown overboard, Yetu’s people have formed their own underwater society, free from sexual or gender labels, and Yetu remembers everything for them. This beautifully written novella is a very original, captivating and moving experience that is of paramount importance right now.
9. It’s Not Like It’s A Secret by Misa Sugiura.
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When Sana moves to California with her family, she meets gorgeous and unique Jamie but both home and friendship dramas rear their ugly heads. As well as being a cute awkward romance, it also tackles racism, damaging stereotypes and celebrates interracial love.
10. Gideon The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir.
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Tired of a life and afterlife of drudgery, Gideon plans to escape but her lifelong nemesis, necromancer Harrowhark has one last task for her. Gideon the Ninth is a very unique intricate fantasy with extensive world-building and a snarky, complex relationship at its heart.
11. The Color Purple by Alice Walker.
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In the deep American South, Celie is separated from her sister Nettie, when she meets vivacious Shug Avery, who teaches her how to be her true self. The Color Purple is a classic within the black literature canon and explores race, abuse and feminism with wonderfully intriguing sapphic undertones. 
12. Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me by Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero-O’Connell.
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Laura Dean is Frederica’s dream girl but their on/off relationship is starting to ooze toxicity and Freddy realises that she needs to decide what -and who- is really best for her. This stunning graphic novel is a lesson to us all to go after the love we deserve as opposed to settling for the love we can get.
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sometimesrosy · 3 years
Hey. It's been a long time since I had a question. Maybe the 100's demise was the reason.
Now coming to my actual query. This past year I have binged numerous shows ranging from American to korean dramas or Turkish dizis. There is certain thing that I have felt and noticed throughout i.e., the woman characters aren't given even a slight leeway by the audience. If the even make a slight mistake, the audience remembers it always to stand against that character. Whereas if there is a male villain, people gets cheerful seeing even a slight bit of humanity in him. They even wait for its redemption.
Let me take an example of a Turkish show "kara sevda(black love)". A one line synopsis can be put like- two leads who love each other endlessly but can never be together. So, the villain in that show is beyond redemption. That character has fallen so far off that there is no coming back. But still when he is playing with a baby, people's comments are like 'best moment of the show.' 'see he is such a good person'. 'the female lead should accept his love'. Am like what?
And if I tell you about the female lead. She is a good person at heart who is sacrificing love for family. And she is labelled "selfish" by audience. 'She doesn't deserve the male lead' etc. And you know I too felt like that for the majority of the show until I reached the point of self reflect.
Even Clarke from the 100 faced so much hate that there wasn't any visible backlash when in the end the makers made her a villain. The backlash was for Bellamy death and stupid end instead.
Looking through tv series, it's so easy to see why tv or films doesn't have female anti heroes. Male anti heroes are so easy to find and also widely successful like Damon from tvd or Klaus.
What is your take?
You are absolutely correct. The leeway for female characters to show human imperfection is very, very thin. Meanwhile, a guy can literally blow up a planet, kill his beloved father, have temper tantrums with kicking and screaming and torture the female main characters and fandom-- and the creators-- think that makes him a hero. And the requirements for his redemption, if there are any at all amounts to:
I simply do NOT understand that phenomenon.
I mean, I get the need to relate to darker characters, morally gray characters, to explore our own negative impulses...but the whole tendency is, for me anyway, given a more sinister light when you compare how the audience tends to treat these outright villainous male characters compared to even SLIGHTLY morally gray female characters. Maybe just flawed.
It also interferes with satisfying redemption arcs. Because YES watching someone face their dark past and attempt to become better and be redeemed is a great story... but if male characters only have to wear a cape and be hot to be redeemed.... then that's not a satisfying redemption arc. And if women can't do ANYTHING to be redeemed because they are considered irredeemably selfish or whatever for the same flaws someone's Hot Dark Badboy smirks about and isn't even sorry for? Then we barely even get redemption stories for women.
And that's part of the problem, isn't it? Women aren't allowed the same representation as men... even as flawed characters.
The point of good representation is not to represent only the best, most perfect, most desirable, most successful type of people. The point is to allow everyone of any sex, race, gender, sexuality, religion, class, ability, etc to take part in the full spectrum of humanity in our stories, good and bad and mediocre. A female Mary Sue is just the female version your general male hero. One is considered bad storytelling the other is taken as The Way It Should Be.
Women are not allowed to have flaws in most of our pop culture, or women are ghettoized into only women's fic or romance or YA, or women take backseat to male villains, or whatever.
I'm writing a book where the woman abandoned her child, and she sleeps around and cons people and avoids commitment. I purposely wrote her to be unlikable.... or rather, she's not unlikable, she's clever and funny and weird, but she has characteristics that women aren't supposed to have. She essentially acts like a male anti-hero, until her call to action and she is forced to face her past mistakes. But I know that these are things that audiences say are irredeemable for women. Abandon her own child?? No. Not allowed. Even though plenty of male characters go off on adventures leaving wife and child behind and it isn't even considered a character flaw, just... a male adventurer. Or honestly, just a guy. Sure one who's imperfect, but that old ball and chain was probably the worst, right? He had to move on and now he has a tragic backstory and complexity and oh the audience will probably either want to be him or want to be with him, because, that's how these things work.
Not saying that characters shouldn't be dark, do bad things, have flaws, be anti-heroes, have redemption arcs, or have a deep, multilayered villainy.
But I am saying we might want to be a little more critical about what we consider irredeemable for certain people and what war crimes and abuse we let some characters get away with in the name of bold (white) masculinity.
IS the nature of being a (white) man we look up to someone who destroys other people?
I think that toxic masculinity IS seen as sexy. Unfortunately, that's one of the reasons it's seeped into our culture. Manly (white) men who abandon kids and kill without remorse, but with muscles. Manly (white) men who murder whole regions because bad things happened to them, and smolder while doing it. Manly (white) men who commit genocide regularly, but fall for the heroine and save her once. Manly (white) men who are serial killers but with an intriguing depth.
tbh there's lots more to say on the topic, some of it very controversial. These are the stories we like to hear and the characters we love. And it might be rooted in the toxic masculinity that our society has been selling to us as propaganda for decades, if not centuries-- but we don't like to be told to examine our biases, our tastes, our preferences, or our beliefs. It's threatening to our sense of self.
However, that is how you unravel all sorts of toxic belief systems, from misogyny to racism to homophobia to bigotry of all kinds. I added the (white) to this post after I read through it, because I realized non white male characters are not allowed this leeway, either. So this phenomenon is generally (not always) limited to white men. Why?????
my theory? we're still making the colonialists the heroes of the story, friends.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
{+18} - Law x Fem Best Friend ♥ CH.3
♥ Daily living with the Heart pirates crew AU  ♥Spoilers after Dressrosa Arc. Law´s backstory.  ♥Female reader. Little physical description. Everybody is 18+, canon ages.  ♥TW: Heavy NSFW. Unprotected sex – this is just fiction, don’t forget to take care of you and your partners while having sex! . A bit of toxic behavior from Law. Drama (a bit much). No further warnings. If you think I should include some feel free to tell me ♥Thank you for the likes and follows, I appreciate it them so so much! If you wanna know when I’ll be updating the next chapters, you can follow me on Twitter @LawIsMyWaifu, come interact I love to have mutuals that love Law and One Piece as much as I do 
Word count: 3.1K
» List of parts: {CH1}  {CH2}  {CH3}  {CH4} {CH5} «
Chapter 3 
Little moans escaped my mouth, as he pinched and twisted, softly, the most sensitive parts of my breasts.  “Can I show you something?” he asked, now looking at me with lasciviousness. “Uhum”, I moaned, desperate to know what he was going to do. He then slipped a little sexy laugh and said “ROOM” and quickly the circle of power was surrounding us. I’ve always told him that inside of it my senses enhanced, this time wasn’t the exception. He then expressed “counter shock”. I lost my breath, because I knew how deadly that attack was, but instead, a soft electricity ran through his fingers through my nipple, making me squirm.
Every little shock my skin experienced, was slowly sending me to heaven. Pangs travelling directly to my core every time I heard his seductive laugh. He was enjoying this; he certainly knew what he was doing. 
Law then crawled over me, placing his tattooed, well defined, tanned arms at each side of my face, kissed me and ordered me “stand up”, with a lustful smile.  
And without questioning, I did as he told. I stood up in front of him, who also stood up and told me to wait right there. He reached his katana, looking at me with almost a wicked look. “I hope you don’t get cold”, he said and unsheathed the Kikoku. Widening my eyes, I heard him express “Scan” followed by a movement of his hand that took all my clothes, even my underwear, right away. 
I was left completely naked in front of him. My cheeks turned to red, and I wasn’t able to move. He approached me while slowly taking his shirt off, exposing the perfect anatomy of his torso. I traveled with my eyes every single black line of his tattoos, the way they garnished his skin, his abs, the little scars that remained from fighting at Dressrosa. Oh, so tempting, so enticing. I was so needy for him. I wanted to get railed by this man, real hard. 
Law licked his lips subtly, while looking me up and down, when suddenly violently grabbed my neck with his right hand. He was not choking me, nor caressing my skin. He applied just the perfect pressure to the sides of my neck and with his knee roughly separated my legs. 
The skilled fingers of his free hand reached my sex. “You are already so wet, Y/n-ya”, he said, discovering how aroused I was. “I want to get you even more wet”, he whispered next to my ear.  I could only say his name in between gasping breaths. I couldn’t focus on more than primal desire.
He began to move his fingers in circular motions over my clit, and slowly introduced his thumb on me. In and out.. In and out... and with every moan I let out, he increased the pressure on my neck. 
The surgeon let go of me, knelt and started kissing my stomach softly, downwards, arriving at my thighs, kissing and biting the inside of them. I stretched my head back and instinctively grabbed his hair. Law loudly growled and placed his mouth over my sex, licking up and down, tracing also circles, enjoying my flavor, as he said, “you taste delicious”. My legs started to get weaker. I was groaning, heavily breathing, until I let myself go, when he made me reach the peak of my pleasure. 
“Now, let me show you how skilled I am with my mouth, too”, I said, slowly putting my hands onto his hips and pulling him to me so we could be facing each other more closely, Slowly kissing first the commissure of his lips, and then placing a kiss onto his lips. I noticed he was breathing more heavily and when my stomach met his I could feel his erection against my lady parts. I pushed him into a big wooden couch. I hopped onto his lap. Being over his lap made me feel his sex pressed, rubbing against mine while I started moving with an exquisite motion. We kept kissing, touching, feeling our flesh spellbound from his scent, that now has turned into the mix of his sweet perfume with hints of sweat. 
Kissing first his neck and then leaving a trace downwards, his collar bones, lower… lower. I stood up and kneel at his feet. 
I took a long time to enjoy his well-defined abs going lower till getting to his navel. My ears were blessed with his low moanings, the little spasms that his muscles did every time I came closer to his skin with my mouth and how he got his head thrown back. I followed the happy trail of little hairs that took me to his pelvis, perfectly determined by the V shape his lower abs formed.
I stopped as he bended down, placed a kiss on my forehead and then onto my mouth, I gave him another in return and put my head down. It was time for me to show him my oral skills were serious shit. I was delighted with how he groaned and came arching his hole lower back from the pleasure my mouth has given to him. 
Outside the blizzard was still intense, as I could see through the window, after Law not letting me rest a bit was behind me pushing me against the wooden wall. My cheek was pressed on the cold glass of the window, that slowly fogged with the steaming heat of my skin. 
Law grabbed my chin, passing his arm from behind brushing his thumb softly over my lips. I opened my mouth softly, receiving his finger into my mouth, slowly sucking it. 
I could feel his hard rock bulge against my ass, so I reached for it, passing my hand back. “Fuck me, Law”, I said begging to be filled with his member. “That’s what I’ve been waiting to do for so long, Y/N-ya”, he moaned. 
He rubbed his manhood, first over my buttocks, then in between and finally over my vagina, softly lubricating it with the fluids of my arousal. 
My "best friend" inserted his dick inside of me, softly, slowly, but not completely… it felt like a sweet torture and I, begging said, "just fuck me already, please, I want you".  I sounded - and I was - desperate to feel the sensation of his hard sex fully invading my insides. He laughed, with a side smile, that I could not see, but that I felt on the skin of my back, because he was pressing his face against it. And with a big thrust stretched completely my walls. 
He moved his hips in a certain way, not so violently but firmly, in and out. ” Mh.”... I didn't want to be loud, because hearing his accelerated breath, his groans, was heavenly.  “Faster, faster please”, I asked him to increase the rhythm of the pounding. He did. Beads of sweat covered both of our bodies while we got there. I finished followed by Law, who filled me up with all of his love juice.  The sensation of being full of his fluids inside of me was delectable, I even remained still just to feel it flow and drip from my insides into my thighs. 
Both were sweaty, exhausted but drunks from each other, so we moved to bed. And after some more hours of letting ourselves indulge in the pleasure of lust, our bodies fall into exhaustion… The storm was not near to be over, outside the blizzard was still violent, and the strong winds have destroyed some of the pines of the forest. Law put his left arm around me, bringing me close to his chest and I placed my head on it, as well as my hand over his abs. He kissed my forehead and we both went to sleep… 
A patch of sunlight hit my eyes. Lying next to me, Law was still asleep. I stood up slowly, trying not to wake him up because I know how exhausted he gets when uses his ope ope no mi. And he certainly did waste a lot of energy all night long with the little shocks of his “counter shock” and maintaining the “room” active, just for me, to feel even more intense every little sensation. 
The logs of the fireplace were no longer burning, so I got a little cold. I saw Law’s shirt on the floor, picked it up and put it on. It was long enough to cover half of my thighs. I was spellbound from his ambrosial scent. 
My stomach was growling as the hunger took over, when suddenly I heard someone knocking on the door of the cabin. Outside was sister Alley, a few children and Gerald with a big basket. Quickly I grabbed my jeans and opened the door slightly. “Doctor Y/N!!” shouted one of the girls trying to force the door to be completely open and peeking through it. “Where is the tattooed doctor?!! I wanna see him!! the other kid asked, almost shouting. Gerald told them to be quiet and handed me the basket with a look of complicity. I thanked them and they came back to the main building. 
Inside the basket there was a bunch of food for us to have breakfast. I started laughing when I saw a big baguette, because I remembered how much Law hates bread… God knows why. 
While preparing some tea, I watched the man that sent me to heaven a few hours ago, peacefully sleep. I could have stayed there forever, just the two of us.  No worries, no responsibilities, no danger.
“Puru puru puru”. Rang my Den Den Mushi. “Gatcha. Y/n, where the hell are you both? it’s morning already! I’ve called you several times but somehow this thing won't connect”, reproached Penguin. “Shh stop yelling, Law is asleep. We were supposed to return yesterday, but the storm got worse than we thought. We will be there in a few hours. Enjoy the island a bit more until we get there”, I told my crew member. “You both slept in the same room again, Y/N? When are you going to announce the wedding? hahaha!”, Penguin mocked me. “It’s not what you think, don’t be stupid, she’s like my sister, we are done with the chatty. We’ll be there in a few hours, prepare to sail”, Law suddenly appeared from behind taking the speaker of the transponder off from my hand, reprehended his subordinate and hung up. 
“She is like my sister” ... those words hit me harder than expected. I’m not your sister… I’ve never… Oh lord… I shook off the thought and gave him a smile, followed by a “Good morning, I made you some tea”. “Thanks”, he expressed almost apathetic while brushing his hair with his fingers. “Can you give me my t-shirt back?”. My smile slowly disappeared. Why is he being so rude?, I thought, and a feeling of upset was installed in me. “Yeah, here, take it” I said, taking off the shirt and almost throwing it at him. I was naked, both of my breasts were exposed, I wasn’t ashamed anymore, I was mad. “Cover yourself, Y/n-ya.” He voiced and directed his gaze to the window. A few tears began to blur my vision, I felt used, I felt like I was nothing but a toy for him. 
I grabbed my clothes, put them on, and left the cabin slamming the door. Outside the sun was shining, the forest showed the aftermath of the blizzard, the level of the snow was considerably higher than yesterday and a cold, almost icy breeze played around with some sections of my hair. I started walking, I needed to be alone. 
“Y/n-ya where are you going?” I heard Law calling me from behind, but instead of turning back at him I kept on walking. “Y/n-ya!”. I decided to ignore him. I was so mad, so hurt I didn’t even know what to say to him.  
“Room… Shambles!” I heard and suddenly the log in front of me got changed for Law. “Where the hell are you going? the orphanage is the other way!” he said out of breath. “I’m not going there, I am not allowed to take a walk… “brother”?”, I articulated while a sting of sorrow hit my heart. 
“Stop it right there, Y/n-ya. What happened yesterday was nothing, ok? let’s forget about it.” he said, strongly. 
“Forget about it? Are you kidding me? You basically used me… I’m your best friend!... why did you....”, I suddenly stopped, I realized that despite him acting like this, I wanted that. I was guilty, too. He was my best friend… and what we did, probably will change our relationship, forever. 
Tears started flowing from my eyes. I wanted him to hug me, to comfort me, to wipe my eyes as he has always done. But this time, he didn’t. Instead he started walking away, turning his back to me. 
I stayed right there a few minutes, after falling into my knees on the cold snowy ground, while I saw him zooming off from my vision, expressing an inaudible, full of sorrow, “Law”. Holding the necklace with one of my hands, so hard it almost hurt my skin. 
Why does it hurt so much?, is it because he had wounded my pride? Or because I felt guilty?.... It's none of that.. All of a sudden it strikes me that I was in love with him. I’ve always been. And I repressed the feelings so many years convincing myself it was just fraternal love, for the sake of the relation and the crew. The shock produced by this whole situation made me realize I can’t restrain my feelings anymore…
I started walking back to the cabin, the cold breeze was almost crystallizing the tears over my cheeks. The icy wind, the immensity, the loneliness of the mountain scenery was the perfect metaphor for what I was feeling right now. I’ve always felt safe, protected knowing Law was at my side, but now… it’s probably over, I felt alone, for the very first time in ages. 
I could only hear the sound of the snow under my feet with every step I took mixed with me sobbing, thinking If I should leave the crew… Will I be able to handle loving him, yet treat him as a brother?, or even maybe just a crewmate? 
When I got to the cabin, Law was waiting outside, crestfallen and probably upset. I decided to ignore him and entered the place where a few hours away our bodies merged as one. Grabbed my bags with the sweaters I had bought yesterday and headed out. 
We walked to the orphanage, no talking, not even looking at each other. 
A few kids hugged me, and that type of pure love somehow warmed my heart a little bit. While Law was giving the nurses some more indications to follow for the treatment, Sister Alley noticed my red eyes and nose and asked, “You seemed so happy this morning, are you ok? Have you been crying?”. I couldn’t help but tell her -half of- the story. I trusted her, somehow she reminded me of the noon Law always remembers from Flevance. “Calm down, darling, give time to time. I’ve seen how he looks at you. Even if he says no, his eyes show different. I’m sure he feels the same way as you. Be calm and you will see”. Calm… ha, my favorite power from my devil fruit, I thought. 
I thanked her for the advice, hugged her and asked Gerald to take us to the city center   
During the whole ride I remained silent, choking back tears, and repeating the noon words over and over. “I’ve seen how he looks at you”, how does he look at me?... 
Law was calm as usual and exchanged a few words with our driver until we got to our destination. 
“Thank you so much doctors for all of your help, I hope to see you again someday. We will be happy to have you here in better conditions”. “Thanks for your hospitality, and send my regards to your wife, I hope she gets better!” I said, waving at him goodbye. 
We started walking downtown heading to where the Polar Tang and the rest of the crew was waiting for us. “Oi, Y/n-ya…”, my “best friend” said grabbing my wrist. 
I violently moved my arm for him to release me. I expressed coldly “Don’t worry, I’m not saying anything, forget about it”. 
Bepo was on the port waving at us, yelling our names. I don’t know why but I ran directly to him, hugged the big polar bear and sunk my head on his soft belly. “Aya aya, Y/N! you missed me I see. Well, have some garchu!. I missed you and captain too!”. 
We boarded the yellow submarine and I headed directly to my room. I jumped into bed and cried my eyes out. 
The day passed, and I didn’t get out of the room during the whole day. I excused myself, stating I was tired of the hard work we did with the sick children of the island. 
The night came and my stomach was growling from hunger. Yet, I didn’t want to face anyone, especially Law. But suddenly, someone knocked on my door. "Y/n-ya, you have to eat, open please I bought you some food". Said Law, from the other side of the door. “I don't want it, I’m not hungry”, I lied. “Don’t be such a whimsical baby, open the door.”, he ordered me. “I’m not opening, GO AWAY”, I expressed this time shouting, to which he replied, “I’m still your captain, open the door right now”. Bastard… I opened the door with the worst of the attitudes. He entered my room with a plate in his hands and sat on my bed. 
“Stop acting like this, Y/n-ya. You don’t see the problem? We’ve been like brothers and sisters for more than half of our lives. What happened yesterday shouldn't have happened. It's just… It’s not ok. You, you are my little sister…” He yelled at me with a cracking voice. “We are not siblings, Law. Sure, you are my family, but we are not brother and sister. Why don’t you see? We have no blood ties. We have kissed before, you even told me yesterday how much time you’ve been wanting to fuck me…” I made a pause, and even If I wouldn’t want to say it, my mouth didn’t hold back... “I love you, that’s it. I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle this, I LOVE YOU”.
Law gasped, widening his eyes. We looked at each other. His eyes said, “me too”, but his mouth expressed words that stuck into my heart as arrows… “I don’t love you, I wanted sex, ok? that's it. I was horny”.
A single teardrop fell from my eyes and while it ran through my cheek I said, “Law, I’m leaving the crew” ... 
Chapter 4
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lovevenji-endgame · 3 years
I have to go on yet another rant because the more I think about s2 the more upset I am. I was so excited for this season and the way I feel about it now is so disappointing. I honestly don't know if I'm going to watch s3 because I don't trust the writers to not go for the full on drama factor and fuck shit up again.
I am so sick of all the Benji hate because not only did people turn on him so fucking fast, but people aren't seeing this from anyone's perspective except Victor's. (Don't get me started on how they are willing to see Rahim's though) People saying Benji was problematic from the beginning and pushing Victor to come out- just no. Benji was cool with waiting but Victor wanted to tell people so he was like "okay sweet, you got this" then Victor changed his mind so Benji had to be like "oh okay..take your time, do what you need to do" then Victor changed his mind AGAIN! Benji spent half the time trying to play catch-up with which way Victor was leaning. (Victor is valid for changing his mind, but can we not see how that would fuck up Benji?) He wanted to quit the team because they were dicks? Benji was like "uhh yeah fuck them!" then Victor, who never really communicated with Benji about his feelings about the situation, changed his mind again. So Benji apologized.
Isabel's impact on Benji? Can we talk about that? Because imagine being in love with someone and not being able to go to their house or interact with them in front of their parents because their parent doesn't approve and the parent refuses to acknowledge your existence. Benji just wanted Victor's mom to accept him and their relationship and when she had no problem being like "I love Rahim" of course Benji is going to be hurt? Victor did him dirty on that. I get Victor is a mama's boy, BUT how did he NOT see how that would affect Benji? The boy was bound to lose it at some point and after the emotional birthday night, it was like he hit his limit.
Victor and the whole AA thing really fucking annoys me. Why does Benji need to apologize for not telling victor about it? He wanted to tell him in his own time but his parents put him on blast ON HIS BIRTHDAY! I speak from experience when I say being a part of AA as a teenager is extremely difficult and embarrassing. It is something so personal that you wish you didn't really have to share with other people and to share it with someone you love is not an easy task. I get that Victor is hurt Benji didn't tell him, but again can we please see Benji's side of things?? That annoyed the shit outta me. Yes, Benji said some shit he shouldn't have, but his spot was just blown up in a big way and he was emotional about it. I'm so annoyed at Victor for that. And I'm annoyed at people not being understanding of that! AND he told Rahim? Victor, I love you but fuck you for that. Can we PLEASE get some Benji POV? We got everyone else's...
Oof..the Vahim thing..where to begin. The world has enough dumbass love triangles in the shows/movies, we did not need another one. This was a dumb move by the writers. I could go on for days about how much I hated this love triangle shit but I'll try and keep it brief. Not only did they throw this in at the end, they did it in the weirdest way possible. Benji and Victor were going through some shit and instead of showing them working through it and communicating or at the very least saying to each other "shit sucks right now, but this is worth it" they decide to throw in another dude. They had this perfect opportunity to make such a good Victor/Rahim friendship but now that has been tainted even if they do go in that direction in the end (which they won't). Victor was at one of his lowest and most vulnerable points, he repeatedly said he loved Benji and was heartbroken that he thinks Benji is going to break up with him and instead of having a supportive friend, we got this....ugh. Also, to everyone saying Rahim can understand the religious parents part so he can connect with with Victor in ways Benji can't, true for the most part....except Rahim's parents were cool with it whereas Benji's parents were NOT initially. Couples can have different interests and experiences and still work. They just need to COMMUNICATE.
If they have Victor choose Rahim either at the beginning of s3 or at the end...I just can't get with that. So shit gets hard and Victor bails because he spent one or two good days with a guy he just met? How does that make sense? If they have Victor choose Rahim in the end, I'm out. What was the point of all the build up for Venji? To throw it under the bus? I don't get it. I know writers love drama, but believe it or not it is possible to make a good and entertaining show with having stable couples. Can they fight? Sure, but they can also communicate. It's not boring to having a stable couple. They went the lazy route on this.
The writers opened the door for this fandom to become toxic and guess what...it happened. Based on fandom reaction to this season and how the LV social media team is handling things, I do not trust them for s3 tbh. I know that they will play this triangle out for the entire season or some shit. I also just want Venji endgame...fucking sue me.
Believe it or not..this was me keeping it brief hahahaha. I have no one to talk to about this so here is my stream of consciousness that no one cares about. Also...the chances of this making any sense are slim to none so if you got this far...god love ya!
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 292 SPOILERS
Imagine staying away from Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter to avoid spoilers, only to get spoiled by a fUCKING WHATSAPP GROUP CHAT I'M SO MAD RN
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Y'all better believe I freaked out when I saw this. I've seen lots of theories about this too. Mostly traitor!Kirishima since Bakugou's doing his pose and the other two are posing like villains. Also fan art. So. Much. Fan art. Now on to the chapter.
We see Jeanist in the plane getting ready to jump out while the latest episode of Keeping Up With The Todorokis plays in the background and he's not too happy about Dabi using his and his family's trauma to destroy hero society. I get that Dabi shouldn't have exposed Endeavour in the most damaging way possible for everyone involved but in his defence 1) it's not his fault Enji was a peice of shit to his family and 2) Dabi's a Todoroki, being dramatic is ingrained in their DNA.
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YAS JEANIST FUCK EM UP. Bakugou you really should not be standing right now, I can see the pain it's causing you all over your face. So was it really a dead body in that bag? And Dabi, didn't you also not believe it was actually Jeanist or did the months of him missing convince you it was actually him?
Dabi is glowing like the sun and smoking like a Colorado wild fire which can't possibly be healthy for him. Dabi is all "Whatever bitch, the Todoroki family drama is to strong to be defeated by mere steel wires. Right, Shouto?" as Todoroki charges towards his previously-thought-to-be-dead older brother with some fire of his own. Compress and Spinner are talking about how Jeanist actually managed to subdue Machia and Spinner is all "Doesn't Machia have super strength tho?" and I'm here sitting in my seat wondering if the anaesthetic finally kicked in as Jeanist tightens the wire around Machia.
Spinner realises that Machia has been panting ever since they arrive, aka when his orders were full filled. So now he's disparately trying to wake Shiggy up so he can give Machia a reason to stay awake but then a wild Nejire-chan appears out of no where and she looks fucking pissed the fuck off and I am here for it.
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Istg if she's dead I'm gonna fucking riot. Man Shouto is not having a good time. Midoriya better has sit his ass down. The fuck are you gonna do? Cry at them?? You ain't got no arms bitch.
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Oh look a new background for my phone.
(Edit: I like how the heat from his flames are warping the panels)
Izuku you are physically incapable of doing anything rn. Yeah Shouto is in pain but at least his bones weren't turn to liquid. Is Jeanist talking about Endeavour or himself? Cause Hawks is down for the count and I'd be pretty pissed if Hori let Enji keep his hero licence after this.
There was a house. I think it might have been Tenko's, I'm not sure. So anyway, Shiggy woke up and he's thinking to himself "Damn I'm itchy but I can't move. Lemme fix that." and then orders Machia to break free. So Machia is doing that and now Jeanist with his one (1) lung are having a hard time keeping up.
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It's been like six months since I last visited duolingo but I'm pretty sure those sound effects say "Aaaaa" which I find hilarious. I also completely forgot this was happening. Is Shiggy calling back the NHE? Cause the others are fucked if that's what's happening.
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I had the ending of this chapter spoiled for me so I already know who that is which sucks all the fun out of it but I'll act like I don't know who it is out of respect for their character.
Oh my god Burnin was save at the last second who could it possibly be????????
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This panel looks really cool also Shouto's flames?
So Dabi and Shouto are battling it out final agnikai style and Shouto is all "So your the one who sent that villain to our house!!?! NATSUO ALMOST DIED YOU ASSHOLE!!! DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR FAVOURITE BROTHER?!!!!?!!!" And Dabi's stone cold response is "But Endeavour would have suffered" so Shouto has the natural response of "HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST YOUR MIND" to which Dabi responds with "YOUR GODDAMN RIGHT I DID." and how he no longer has the ability to care about anything anymore which is very sad but damnit this panel would look godly animated.
So Dabi is like "Now I can finally kill you" as he gets ready to kill Shouto and the NHE are showing up and Jeanist is completely out in the open now. Whatever shall happen now???? Oh dearist me. If only the heroes had another secret ace up their sleeve that was not in anyone's plans because of how unlikely it was to happen. I wonder.
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DON'T YOU JUST LOVE IT WHEN PAST TRAUMA AND CURRENT TRAUMA MIX IN THE MOST TOXIC, SELF DEPRICATING WAY POSSIBLE???? Izuku, who has done literally everything in his power to keep everyone from a groosome desintergrating demise, the one who is physically incapable of moving, is really sitting here calling himself a useless hero because his body's natural instinct to not die, which he still has apparently, is preventing him from floating head first into the arms of Death. BOI YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE CONCIOUS RIGHT NOW WHAT DO YOU MEAN!??!!?
I swear if these kids don't get some therapy after this.
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Oh my god it's lemillion what a surprise. Also, did he really just say "Pogchamp" lmfao. I'm still salty about being spoiled but that was really funny. How long has he had his quirk back? We know Aizawa has been training Eri's quirk but when did she get enough control to be able to fix him? I'm so glad she can control her quirk now cause it means she won't be scare of accidentally uno reversing someone out of existence.
Still very disappointed the Mirio reveal was spoiled for me. Pogchamp was hilarious but still. I'm sure the official translation will have him saying something boring like "POWERRRRRRRRR". Sigh. Welp time to commit verbal assassination.
Until next time.
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typicalmidnightsoul · 4 years
A concept...
Nesta x Eris Vanserra brotp
Just hear me out ok?! Ok. Thank you.
Understanding each other when the whole world is against them.
Eris about to throw hands but getting THAT look from Nesta and shutting his mouth.
Eris and Nesta gossiping about everyone like, "Love his jacket" - "he might be a dick but he sure has good taste"
Imagine Morrigan's shock, imagine the inner circle's shock. 
I’d live for the drama. Full on. 
Call me a bitch but... Feyre understanding that Nesta can make friends outside of the IC... as can Lucien.
Nesta would be his confidant and he would be hers. 
I honestly think Eris would protect Nesta from the venomous snake that is Morrigan (My hate for her is deep and don’t even bother trying to change it)
“Don’t talk to her like that. whatever problem you might have with me, DO NOT DEMEAN NESTA.”
I also think that Nesta would protect Eris from Cassian and Azriel. Like we all know mami is a fucking physco (I aspire to be like that) so she’d probably just jump in between like”Move Nesta”- “make me” while Eris is trying to subtly push her outta the way
“yes ma’am.” 
Cassian’s jealousy
Nesta getting mad at Cassian because he belittles him at every chance he gets as does Eris and she just watches them fight.
I’m basically seeing Nesta just in the middle saying a Veronica lodge line:
“I can’t stand the male toxicity in this room.” every time they fight.
The IC might make peace with Eris because if Nesta knows the truth, what happened and why he did what he did then they might...ya never know.
Matching outfits. 
And the most important thing:
He would belong solely to her and no one else.
He’d make her laugh and she’d make him show his true self to the world.
The Queen of Death and the Lord of fire. 
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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off-in-the-moors · 4 years
It is not the responsibility of art to be morally instructive. It is 100% YOUR responsibility to research something if you know you are a sensitive person, take responsibility for your self. Art does not need to be some clinical sanitized morality play, get over your weird Puritanical obsession that all art must conform to your specific world view. Either engage in challenging works or stick to children’s cartoons where you can feel ‘safe’.
Dear Anon,
I’m truly confused by this. I have no idea what are you referencing and what “inspired“ you to send me this “ask“. But I will do my best to give you something.
(It only took me this long to answer, bc I don’t log in very often.)
Let’s start with your assumption of me.
I’m not a sensitive person, in any meaning. I actually love reading and engaging in media that’s morally questionable or straight up morbid and disturbing. Some of my favorite thing are: paintings by Goya and Beksiński, folklore/mythology (in it’s most unchanged form), “Perfume“ both film and book, Hannibal tv series, true crime, to name a few. Your assumption that I’m just “a girl obsessed and only enjoying modern cartoons“ is insulting.
I actually do agree with you that art, in any form, isn’t responsible to be morally instructive, but every work of art is made to send some form of message, be an obvious one or hidden between pages. In my opinion, authors and writers should be aware of what message they want to send with their works and what messages they are sending with what and how they’re presenting.
On your “It is 100% YOUR responsibility to research something if you know you are a sensitive person, take responsibility for your self“ this is also true. But on the other hand, given media should provide you with some kind of warning and not a third party entity. For example, if I pick-up a YA book from a bookstore, bc of its synopsis or someone (be a person I know or a creator) recommended it to me, I don't expect "spicy" scenes or blatant a*use of a character by its love interest or just "torture p*rn" scenes in it but here they are. With no warning. Is it my fault? Partly yes. Is it the media's fault for not giving me any warnings? Also yes.
Even with researching "warnings" isn't that simple. When it comes to books, the only way is reading reviews or recommendations. With reviews, they're either positive and say nothing book related or are negative and full of spoilers. Recommendations nowadays most of the time don't even give you what the story is about, just "it has x, y and z in it", let alone "warnings". From my own experience, they either don't tell you about "unappropriated" stuff (be r*pe, d*ug a*use, a*use, etc.) or they down play them and in worst cases, excuse it or say "it gets better/it's addressed in the next book/later in the series".
But if you feel the need to micromanage everything you engage in, go for it. But most people don't and a warning would be nice.
(This of course doesn't apply to thing and character's actions deemed "problematic". If said stuff is well handled and addressed, it's perfectly ok to portray it. But again, if it addressed and/or showed as wrong, and not ignored, excused, or played as a joke.)
I don't know from where you took the "your weird Puritanical obsession", bc 1) I never petitioned for that in my posts, and 2) I'm actually against censuring and sanitation of media.
Now, on to what "inspired" you to write this.
Again, I have no f-clue. So here are my best guesses:
If it's about Pathologic: I only have problem with people forcing their politics, modern sentiments and opinions/interpretations on to something they don't fully understand, because they're from a different cultural climate. An American can't fully (or in some cases, refuses to) understand something made by Europeans (in this case Russians) for Europeans in mind. I don't want to mix myself into the fandom discourse/drama, because I don't care what people think or how they interpret stuff, even if it's taken from something minor or from nowhere with no support (or even is debunked) in canon. I don't care if people like or hate this one character. Just don't police people for liking things, you don't like. Nor do public shaming or send people on those you don't agree with. You don't like a pixel man on platform shoes? Fine. Just don't bully and attack people who do.
If it's about my post about B*rdugo's adult book: I will admit, the wording and presentation wasn't the best. I was writing it from a place of strong emotions, but I'm still standing by my opinion that some things should not be presented with graphic details in a book without any type of warning. Here we could have a discussion about trigger warnings in books, hers response to the idea of putting them on her book and what is consider "too far", but this isn't about that. I actually have a lot of problems with B*rdugo and her fan-base, besides that. Her use of Russia, it's history, religion iconography and culture only for aesthetic and not doing proper research (she called her series "Greg's trilogy") or showing any respect for it (with characters, how are not main and secondary characters, a Slavic stereotype); her portray of dyslexia and how the fandom likes to use it as a joke in relation to this character; or people shielding her from any form of criticism with "She's is xyz, so she can write this". But I don't care about her and her works.
I stopped reading YA books, because I can't stand them any longer and their "handling" of topics, with people holding up every-single-one as "the best book ever written", not because of the quality or story but because the author is xyz, and spitting at every book written before 2000s. I'll get flag for it but YA novels are the Pulp fiction of our times (of course not all, but most of the popular ones are). I stopped trusting people recommending them to me, because 90% of the time, I'm just disappointed by them.
If it's about K and TRC: I already said so much about this. Margaret isn't aware of her audience, she writes for herself (which she admitted on a podcast) and refuses to change it to please anyone. She created and killed K for two reasons: to further Ronan's character arc (to be used for teaching him to dream better and a (not working) foil of him (or Adam... or Gansey)) and as her weird catharsis of killing everything she hates (who she apparently was; "fratty boys and chortling men") personified as one boy (and yes, boy, because this fandom likes to forget he’s only seventeen, the same age as the Gangsey. If you excuses their actions, like Ronan and Adam’s racist jokes or Gansey’s toxic behaviors towards Adam with “they’re just teenagers”, why K is excluded from being a stupid teen?). With Jordan, it's now obvious that she has a bias of suffering/dealing with your trauma (and addiction) "in the right way", of which in her eyes, K wasn't. She could not create K or she could not make him a harmful stereotype of a Slav, but she did. In a book targeted at 13-18 year olds, we have a drug-addicted boy committing a public s*icide and being demonized and forgotten by everyone.
But I'm done with this fandom, I never had a place in it. TRC fandom is 80% P*nch with a 1% being about K, but even this little corner is "too much" for the stans. I left for a reason, the only thing I regret is not apologizing for my out-burst. If someone who knows what I’m referencing is reading this, I’m truly sorry.
So, yea. I hope, I addressed your issue, Anon.
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jikookandpenguins · 4 years
Here goes nothing...
So because I’ve talked to several people privately and because I’m not only comfortable and entitled to speak my opinion, but I’m also okay with those who don’t agree with me, I’m going to give my thoughts on the V, RM, JH video and the sound in the background at the end. It’s sad that people are afraid to express their opinion. That’s what Tumblr is about. You don’t have to agree but you do have to disagree respectfully. I don’t accept anonymous asks so if you want to come at me you’ll have to put your account name out there and stand by your opinion just as I am doing. I would hope that nobody would choose to “come at me” and would either move along or respectfully disagree. 
I realize there was a lot of shit last week about this, unnecessary drama, and I wouldn’t be bringing this up again except for the fact that we now have accurate translations of what RM said which in my opinion matters. 
If you think it was a pop can (or 5) being opened, if you think it was Bang PD, staff, a manager, whoever, stop reading now because I’m not here to convince you or try and change your mind. I’m putting this out here because I think a lot of Jikook supporters got a ton of shit, which we usually do, and I think it was wrong. 
Obviously if I’m discussing this it’s because I think it is Jikook in the background that we hear. I am a Jikook blog. I talk about Jikook. I am not a shipper, I am someone who supports their relationship. Now onto the video. By the way, I’m not a fancy blogger who links clips, but I think most people who will read this will have heard what I’m discussing.
First, I don’t hear anything that sounds like a pop can. I hear several kisses. Put headphones on and tell me that’s not kissing. The reactions of all three of them speak volumes. There was no shock as if they haven’t seen this before. It was looks of “Are you serious? Right now? Come on.”. Now I’ve seen people say it could be staff. I guess why I think that’s far-fetched is for a few reasons. Why would staff have their partner at their work, walk into the “lounge” where a meeting with three of the companies biggest idols is happening, live or not live? They would have heard their voices walking in the room, even outside the room, yet I’m supposed to believe they would then enter and begin kissing? Even after RM says cut and makes it unbelievably clear that they were taping, you still hear kissing. It doesn’t stop. We also know that their staff is always very professional, respectful, etc., and again, would they bring their partner to work and do that? If they did they’d likely be fired. Could it be a TXT member? It could be anyone, but do you really think any of those boys would do that? They are nervous as hell anytime they’re in the same room as BTS. I don’t think they’d walk into the lounge, meeting or no meeting, and do that. I don’t think they’d bring anyone to work with them. In fact, given how important secrecy is in the business, I bet there’s a rule on who can be in the building if they aren’t employed by BigHit. I also think the reaction would’ve been different by RM, V, and JH. 
Now, onto what was said. If you haven’t seen the subs, I at least copied those for you to read. These are from Bangtan Subs who is the most known and is well respected for having accurate translations. 
Here they are:
38:34 They all hear the first kiss and look towards the door and stare for 5 seconds. 
38:39 RM “Yes, let’s end this already! It’s high time to end it already, others are here already.
38:42 V “Yeah.” RM bangs hand loudly on table
38:43 RM “Okay, this is the end of the first meeting.” and both he and V make the cut motion with their hands.
38:45 All three are looking towards the kissing. 
38:46 RM loudly says “Cut!” and JH giggles
38:48 RM stands up, bangs hand on table again and says “Out of all this, something will probably work out, right?”. JH “I’m sure it will.”
38:51 JH “I’m sure it will.” and V stands up and says thank you and walks toward “them” and RM proceeds to turn the camera off.
So a few things that I think are important. The way the meeting, despite them winding up anyways, was immediately ended. It was just...odd. The cut motions by V and RM-would you tell someone whose opening cans of pop to cut? Would it really be necessary to say what he said, do the cut motions, etc. if it was someone other than Jikook? Like what’s the big deal? If it was staff or whoever else you can think of, I can see them acknowledging them and actually saying something to the people like “Hey, we’re just finishing up with a meeting” or one of them waving or saying one more minute or tell them they are taping. Something more professional I guess. Next, RM says “The others are here already”. Could he have meant they were in the building? Sure. But why would that be necessary to say if they’re just ending a meeting? IN MY OPINION he was referring to them being present right there. Maybe they were all meeting after the meeting we saw, who knows, but it’s odd for him to say that.
As for why I think it was Jimin and Jungkook...Yoongi and Jin aren’t going to be kissing someone right there and then. Not. gonna. happen. That doesn’t fit either one of their personalities. That leaves Jikook as far as “others” who would be there.
Because I believe that Jimin and Jungkook are in a relationship and have been for a few years now, I believe the members have obviously seen them kiss. This would be nothing new for them to see. This would explain their reaction but it would also explain why Jimin and Jungkook wouldn’t think twice about kissing in front of them. They lived with them for crying out loud. I can actually seeing them do something like this as a joke or as a way to make those three squirm. 
I’m going to end this now. Those are my thoughts. Now, I’m going to take all of the power away from the haters and say this: Of course I have zero proof it was Jikook. I’m simply taking what I saw and heard and speculating. Let me say this again and be very clear, YOU DON’T HAVE TO AGREE WITH A SINGLE THING I SAID. It doesn’t matter to me if you do or you don’t. I did this because I’m tired of Jikook supporters being bullied into not expressing their opinions. I have an entire inbox with people feeling that way. All while there’s huge, hate filled Youtubers and Twitter accounts who think that not only is their opinion the only one that matters, but that it’s also always right. I don’t go to those accounts and tell them they’re full of shit. Don’t come to mine or other Jikook blogs, or in fact, anyone you don’t like and only intend on being an ass too. As much as I disagree with their motives and the fact that they are making money by creating drama and conflict, they have a right to their opinion. However, my opinion and your opinion are just as valid. I make my own decision to ignore the bullshit. I wish more people did the same. 
I’m tired of the Jikook and Jikook supporters/shippers hate but what bothers me just as much, and some days much more, is the whiny Jikook people who are so weak and quick to buy into the rumors that are intentionally put out there to make you doubt. If you can’t just enjoy their relationship for what they show us then stop shipping/supporting them. You are only feeding into the ugliness and the antis who already hate them and us. Just stop. Jimin and Jungkook don’t deserve for that toxicity to be magnified. Also, if you can’t understand that the reason you don’t see or hear as much from them lately is because they had their tour cancelled, which decreases content, and we’re in the middle of a pandemic then I can’t help ya. Recognize that they are real people in real relationships, and in Jikook’s case, a long term relationship that has changed and grown. They are not going to behave the same way they did last year, two years ago, three years ago, etc. A healthy relationship changes and grows. 
Lastly, to my fellow Jikook supporters who have a right to their opinion just as much as anyone else, stay strong, use your block button, don’t allow anonymous messages, take a break when you need to, and most of all, respect BUT ignore opinions of those you don’t value. If you still don’t feel comfortable then keep messaging me privately. 
So there you have it. This is much longer than I expected. If you can’t disagree respectfully, move along because I won’t respond. I don’t have time for it.
P.S. It was so good to see them all today!!!
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