#it was gen fic my favourite genre
agendabymooner · 8 months
MASTERLIST: O-Z by agendabymooner
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LINK TO MASTERLIST: A-N F1 DRIVERS by agendabymooner
note: part two of my masterlist!
a = angst g = general fic hc = hurt/comfort h = humour
s = smut (minors, dni) mc = mature content (minors, dni) f = fluff
★ - newly added ♡ - favourite piece
esteban ocon (eo31)
the royal wildcard, smau: the british media's good at getting the juiciest details of gossip from the palace, but much to their dismay, princess albertine spencer followed the footsteps of her brother harry and had done an amazing job at hiding her marriage with a certain alpine driver for three months. (f, g, h)
the royal resemblance, smau: albertine ocon lived to give her estranged family something to talk about because of her physical appearance that could be confused with her mother's ghost. too bad, ditty ocon was born into the world with the same heart attack-inducing features.
ditty and estie greet the world, fic: diana 'ditty' ocon looked so much like her namesake but act more like her father with her shyness.
pato o'ward (po29)
caught 'em lacking, smau: diwa arellano is mclaren f1's social media admin. so what if her constant teasing of oscar bites her in the ass and accidentally posts something that could potentially compromise her job? meanwhile, lando and oscar laugh at her demise while pato finds it endearing.
sergio perez (sp11)
she's beauty, she's grace, smau: in which carmella ayala perez, the miss universe 2018 winner, tied the knot with checo after their five years of relationship and the birth of their second child.
oscar piastri (op81)
lomi and the piastri fiasco (filo!gen z!ofc)
jollibee, madrid and all that romantic fiasco, smau: paloma san pedro is carlos sainz's cousin-in-law who also introduced oscar to his newly found filipino fast food chain addiction. safe to say that he bought a ticket last minute just so he can obsess over her, too.
live tweets, japan and all that romance fiasco, smau: how oscar's podium win in the japanese gp led to the revelation of his relationship with carlos sainz's in-law, paloma. lesson learned: just call her "pal" then she'll spill the tea for the both of you easily (f, h)
lucky charms, qatar and all that romance fiasco, smau: oscar is quite a forgetful guy, he forgot to mention to carlos, his future in-law, that paloma was his sprint lucky charm. (f)
long distance, england and all that romance fiasco, smau: paloma moved to england a year after enduring a long distance relationship with oscar.
other pieces
12345sex, smau: oscar is secretly freaky and mercury nicoletta had to show him off at some point. ★
kimi raikkonen (kr7)
stop the world i wanna get off with you, smau: vera 'coppa' coppola-raikkonen is the only one who can make the iceman talk a lot. she's also the only one who can make the chatty versions of him as their three older children (romania, rooney and johann-lauri) make their presence known to the racing community. (f, g, h)
someone's dad, socmed snapshot: kimi being the coolest dad, a series. ★
daniel ricciardo (dr3)
rush series (x måneskin member!ofc)
honey (are u coming), smau: how lester alessandro got blocked by daniel ricciardo before meeting him in monza 2021. (h)
own my mind, fic: it took lester almost six italian grand prix races to come across daniel ricciardo once more. sure, she was hesitant to speak to him regardless of the fact that she was his fan but the mclaren driver was certain he’d rather cause a stir in the f1 community with her after his win in monza than celebrate his victory with a lot of people. OR the second close encounter between the two of the most unhinged people of f1. (g, h)
read your diary, smau: it's 2021 and everyone thinks that lester and daniel are dating. lesson learned: never underestimate a fan's investigation skills. (g)
mamma mia, smau: an interview with jimmy fallon gives a brief idea of how lester and daniel came to be. (g)
mamma mia (again), smau: a youtube playlist was created to compile clips of danny talking way too much about his beloved girlfriend (f)
gossip, smau: everyone thinks lester's only here to be a formula one girlfriend with a bad reputation. it's not her fault she's confident. (mc, hc, h)
kool kids, smau: lester and daniel are going to new york to see a musical... while babysitting their "kid" (feat. lando norris) (g, h)
timezone, fic: lester wasn't normally like this, but she's more than willing to pay twice the price just to get to the next flight to where he wanted her: his arms, her home. (hc)
if not for you, smau: messages exchanged between lester and others as she takes care of the wolff children and an ex with the poorest decisions to have existed. (feat. lando norris, max verstappen, charles leclerc and characters from a story) (f, g, h)
baby said, smau: many tweets are posted that they don't often mean. their fans thought that his marriage proposal was one of them. (f, g, h)
supermodel, smau: how not to cry when you're talking about the man who'd give you the wedding that you dreamed of? (f, g, h)
rush series: wedding special
london bridge, smau: the alessandro-ricciardo wedding week is nothing of a peaceful week, and the monday only proved that thought right. (feat. f1 drivers) (f, h) - wedding special 1
fergalicious, smau: the grid singles need to touch some grass… or in lando’s case, go swimming. (feat. f1 drivers) (h) - wedding special 2
l'azienda di famiglia (e le donnole dell'isola), smau + fic: the alessandro family arrived and lando and george found themselves alone with two of the sisters. (feat. lando norris and george russell) (f, g) - wedding special 3 ♡
rush series: mrs. ricciardo special
part of you, smau: mrs. lester ricciardo asks her followers what to get her husband for his 35th birthday. little did danny know, she’s already got one ready to surprise him (f, g)
when emma falls in love, smau: as her pregnancy progressed, lester ricciardo made sure that her sanity wouldn't go the other way as she posted a thread of journal entries talking about her pregnancy. (f, h)
slipping through my fingers, smau: beau ricciardo was his dad's carbon copy and his mom's little heartbreaker.
here comes the sun, smau: despite having a red bull driver dad, beau ricciardo - or "little par" - is converted to tifosi, thank god for his full-italian mother. OR lester ricciardo's one year old son and his chaotic dad attended a måneskin concert when the bassist returned to the stage after almost two years of absence. (f, h)
pocketful of sunshine, scenario: beau ricciardo turned one and what's a good way to show his personality besides from showing it in front of an irwin? ★
other pieces
leaked, smau: daniel ricciardo is a borderline blabbermouth. (filo!ofc)
when danny said, smau: daniel + sadie samuels = it feels just right. (country singer!ofc) ★
george russell (gr63)
his family and her lover, smau: eleanora 'nora' alessandro was more than happy for george's willingness to step up as her children's father regardless of how people poorly reacted on their relationship.
she's magic (youtuber!singer!ofc)
the multifaceted gf and her pets, smau: arabella 'ara' elgin is multitalented and her haters couldn't do much about it as she released a new song about her relationship with george.
carlos sainz jr. (cs55)
two worlds entangling (filipino!ofc)
ride home, smau: the ferrari driver accidentally outed himself as a married man, so mona magdalena sainz stepped in to say hi to his loyal fans. (f, g, h) (extra)
dear, smau: nobody loved each other more than magda and carlos sainz. OR a series of tweets in which magda and carlos never took each other seriously. (h)
pag-ibig, traducido (love, translated), fic: no matter what cultural context and backstories, magda and carlos' souls were entwined into one all thanks to the languages of love that they shared. OR times when the spanish and filipino defined their love in many languages. (f) ♡
logan sargeant (ls2)
he's her lobster, smau: eugenia 'genie' newton + logan sargeant = mondler (h)
mick schumacher (ms47)
big mick energy series (x filo!ofc)
she's everything... and he's just mick, smau: barbara 'barbie' blanco is the vettel family's foster child that gradually turned to kimi vettel's nanny and mick's crush? (f, g)
"besties", smau: everyone swore that mick and barbie are more than "babysitting pardners" (f)
who is kenough, smau: mick nearly took the piss from arthur leclerc after the posts that the monegasque had of barbie. too bad, mick was already hers before arthur could even try. (feat. arthur leclerc)
kenergy unfolded, fic: written version of who is kenough OR arthur leclerc was only scheming just so mick could do something about revealing his relationship with barbie. ♡
the vibing allan and the reluctant ken, smau: for mick, there are only two words to describe his girlfriend's best friend arthur: a headache. OR arthur leclerc is a third wheel that mick always get on a fight with. thankfully, barbie had fair experiences with boys who are petulant and childish at times (kimi and seb)
barbie and the schuminis
mick multiplied, socmed snapshot: girl dad!mick that's all
the little schuminis, fic: 4 times when mick showed his devotion + 1 time his devotion paid off
lance stroll (ls18)
gotta be you, smau: bora mckinnon made her presence known in the paddock one year after lance broke up with her. now, they're all over the media because of his presence in her three birthday celebrations. the question still stands: are they getting back together?
diors and diecasts, socmed snapshot: lance stroll is sassy but so was his carbon copy. OR according to him, his son was a victim of the only child apocalypse. he also said that while buying his son everything he could get his hands on. ★
yuki tsunoda (yt22)
line without a hook, smau: pia ellis misses her mystery bf that everyone thought to be her delusions. it turns out he's a formula one driver who definitely misses her too.
chaos family, socmed snapshot: yuki is a dad to the little mini yukis known as hana and shin.
max verstappen (mv1)
✿ to loathe and to love series - max verstappen x hearth sister!ofc (sylvie ford) ♡
to loathe and to love: extras (x ofc)
lost in japan, smau: just two lost souls (with a tour guide) travelling to japan to make up for the childhood they missed. (f)
the purple chronicle (x ferrari!ofc)
paint him red, smau: alfrieda 'dina' ferrari is the only woman who can mark him as a ferrari fan - and he was quite alright with that.
sebastian vettel (sv5)
sweet rich life series (x filo!socialite!ofc)
crazy rich wife, smau: everyone (some twitter account) wonders where the recently retired german driver had gone to after the 2022 season. thank god for bel vettel, his fans now know that he’s still alive and is being spoiled and pampered by his wife. (f, g)
sweet spoiled husband (+ son), smau: mick schumacher is a grown man that both bel and seb treat like their own child. (f, g)
sweet spoiled schatzi, smau: bel and seb introduce the newest addition to their little family, and mick seems to love kimi vettel as much as a godfather loves his godchild. (f)
sweet little similarities, smau: bel and everyone could tell that kimi vettel was becoming more like his father, sebastian's, carbon copy as days went on. (f, g, h)
sebastian and sons (and soufflés), fic: day in the life of a retired sebastian vettel, featuring his kids kimi and barbie (and a nervous mick). (f)
sweetest spoiled sons, smau: sebastian was a father to not only two- but THREE kids. OR stefan vettel is the newest addition in the vettel household after years of trying and it's safe to say that everyone welcomed this news with open arms. (f)
crazy rich and famous, smau: the vettel couple stepped up to address the scrutiny that their children faced OR sebastian activated his instagram account just so he could show his masterpiece: photographs that he took of his wife for their anniversary.
seb's best girl, scenarios (x daughter!ofc)
Summary: Sebastian Vettel understood the downfalls of infertility just by being there for his wife. What he didn’t know, however, was that his life would drastically change when their foster daughter, Barbie Blanco, was put into their care. OR, what made Sebastian the best father figure to a teenager who had nobody but herself. 
one, enter barbie: fifteen-year-old barbie blanco thought that meeting new people was intimidating, and sebastian learned that making her comfortable in her new home was a responsibility he should uphold as her father figure.
two, meeting mick in malaysia: barbie was brought to her first race ever and had met her newest best friends there. it was obvious that she and mick schumacher would get stuck to the hips after their first meeting.
mark webber (mw2)
the problem with following orders, smau: lydia 'liddy' vettel was what everyone considered 'a revenge best served cold.' of course that was a joke, it wasn't entirely either of their fault they were too drawn at each other. (g, h) ♡
toto wolff
✿ colour me your colour series masterlist - toto wolff x hearth sister!ofc (tilly marie hearth) series
colour me your colour: extras (x ofc)
the paddock's resident it girl, smau: besides from owning three of mercedes' competitors in the track and being the mercedes team principal's wife, she's also known as the cool girl of the paddock for her taste in fashion and husband. (f)
the paddock's lucky husband, smau: with him being spoon-fed with love from his children and wife, toto really couldn't ask for more. OR tilly wolff liked to talk about fashion but her family? she might as well write a whole book about them. (f)
the paddock's resident menace and the dame, smau: tilly wolff was presented with a damehood and her daughter tia, the girl who tends to act on her mischievous way (all thanks to toto), celebrated her 7th birthday during the silverstone gp week. fans recall her best moments in sky sports and media overall.
the paddock's iconic team owners, smau: toto and tilly wolff are considered the king and the queen of formula one for a good reason.
the arrow and the bull speared through the hearth, fic: tia wolff learned a lot from her papa and uncle christian, and tilly had to teach them a lesson too. (h)
the paddock's drive to survive, smau: in which, toto's wife tilly became a part of the season six of the netflix series 'drive to survive'. OR everyone believed her to be a part of big controversies in the formula one season of 2023. ★
#tbt, socmed snapshot: too many throwbacks, so little time. ★
many sommers with you (x supermodel!ofc)
twentieth sommer of love, smau: toto wolff celebrated his 20 years of marriage with his childhood friend/wife and their four kids. OR everyone wondered why irish sommer was referred to as 'the bitch of the runway.'
f1 drivers (general / multiple pairing)
✿ 9 to 5 series masterlist - f1 grid x ofc (lester alessandro) ft. fictional wolff kids
too much caring, smau, sv5 + jb22: kpop idol juno was assumed to have cheated on retired driver jenson button with his best mate sebastian vettel. oh how wrong those people were... ★
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wangxianficfinder · 7 months
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In the mood for...
1. Thank you fabulous mods for all you do! Itmf wangxian fics where Wei Ying recovers from starvation or struggles with eating.
💖 the absence of hunger by parsnipit (M, 27k, wangxian, angst w/ happy ending, eating disorder, PTSD, food as a metaphor for love)
a kind of emptiness by ScarlettStorm (E, 11k, wangxian, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Eating Disorders, Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, featuring WWX's fucked-up relationship with food, and his own body, Eating Disorder Recovery, tricking your brain into better habits, bad choices, followed by good choices, low angst, Happy Ending, Tender smut, Frottage, Praise Kink, Additional Warnings In Author's Note)
The Second Hand Unwinds by trulywicked (E, 20k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, Time Travel Fix-It, not JC friendly, not Yúnmèng Jiāng Sect friendly, not Jiāng Family friendly, not YZY friendly, Time Travelling LWJ, Protective LWJ, Fluff, Minor Angst, Minor Character Death, JGS is his own warning, Wooing, LWJ is romantic af, Inventor WWX, Genius WWX, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Protective Gūsū Lán Sect, Supportive LXC, Good Uncle LQR, WIP) It's only 3 chapters in & idk where the author plans to take it, but there's discussion of WWX being starved in the past & he is put on a special diet to make up for that
my eyes got used to the darkness by curiositykilled (M, 4k, JC & WWX, JC & WWX & JYL, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Body Horror, Implied Cannibalism, Dehumanization, Sunshot Campaign, YLLZ WWX, Demonic Cultivation, PTSD, Suicidal Thoughts, Ghosts, Disordered Eating, Referenced Animal Abuse)
2. hi, thanks to the mods and everyone for all the recs! i have a few requests for itmf if i may 🙏🏽
a) could people recommend their fave non-english fics (ao3 or not)? i know mtl isnt that great but i'm hoping it's passable enough to enjoy fics that I've missed (peferably wx/gen but anything's good!)
b) yiling sibs feels? or bm family? even if it's not the focus of the fic! canon or modern (truth will out is one such brilliant example)
c) i saw a fun post that the juniors (or jl and lsz) each experienced canon as a different genre of YA protag. are there similar fics, of like, canon retelling/divergence but as the junior in question Goes Through It? (full quartet is great too of course!) @danmeiireader
【羡忘】落花时节又逢君 by Faywangper (E, 245k, wangxian, ABO, Alpha WWX, Omega LWJ) My favourite non-English fic is a very long and delicious AU written in Chinese
so you’ve been robbed by a museum by yukla (M, 5k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Modern AU, Mutual Pining, yearning tm, Mild Sexual Content, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, immortal cultivators in a modern world, JC is a good brother, WWX has a couple self-worth issues)
Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Fix-It, Lynchpin [PODFIC] by Opalsong, [PODFIC] Lynchpin by Gwogobo)
And Time Is But a Paper Moon by sami (M, 139k, WangXian, XiChengQing, Time Travel, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Healing, Mental Health Issues, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Depression, BAMF WWX, BAMF JC, BAMF LWJ, BAMF JYL, Getting Together)
❤️ kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst)
3. Are there any fics where Madam Lan's death actually pushes LWJ into being a (secret?) rebel instead of a perfect disciple?? I think I read an SBWY fic (I think it was Pancho's privated fic that someone looked for a few fic finders back) with something vaguely similar, but I would love to read if someone explored that idea! Thank you!
Following the Rules by BegrudginglyTumbling (SarcasticSmiler) (T, 2k, wangxian, gusu lan rules, fluff & humor, LWJ being a little shit) Not quite what the request asked for because it doesn't really delve into the why, but this has LWJ rebelling via malicious compliance
Awaiting Your Return by Karmiya (E, 114k, wangxian, burial mounds settlement days, found family, opposite of slow burn, WIP) has Lan Wanji basically acting as a rogue cultivator only rarely returning to the cloud recesses, though that is a relatively small part of the fic
4. Hello!!! I'm looking for some wangxian (a)stripper aus, and (b) prostitution aus
All Old Things are New Again by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (M, 51k, WangXian, XuanLi, ChengQing, Reincarnation, Modern AU, canon still happened, extreme post canon, Sugar Daddy, Kink Negotiation, gentle dom!LWJ, canonical levels of consent play, Modern Cultivators) though not quite either A or B, All Old Things Are New Again has Camboy!WWX
Wuji Club Remix by babybeets (E, 30k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, fancy rich prep school flash back, Library Sex, Strippers & Strip Clubs, Deepthroating, Aftercare, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Getting Together, Friendship, lan zhan FUCKS, Dancer LWJ, Addled WWX, WWX & WQ Friendship)
please forgive my most passionate disruptions by pumpkinpaix (E, 65k, WangXian, Stripper/Exotic Dancer, Strippers & Strip Clubs, Modern AU, Modern with Magic, Modern: Still Have Powers, stripper!WWX, Graduate School)
little bun by eightroses (E, 6k, WangXian, Modern AU, Stripper AU, PWP, bunny tail plug, Dirty Talk, Lingerie, Double Penetration, Trans WWX, Sex Work, First Time, Confessions, Trans Male Character)
5. Hiiii!!!
I'm on the mood for a fic where Lz has his hair cut when he's punished with the discipline whip.
All Exits Look The Same by Ahlai (T, 14k, LSZ & LWJ, LXC & LWJ, Madam Lan & LWJ, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Madam Lán Lives, Family Feels, Healing, Grief/Mourning) They cut his hair when he leaves the sect in this one
my life’s journey is far from over by thelastdboy (E, 148k, wangxian, Modern Cultivation, Canon Divergence, Madam Lán Lives, JYL Lives, WQ Lives, Post-Sunshot Campaign, POV WWX, Slow Burn, YLLZ WWX, Recovery, Hurt/Comfort, Healing Is a Slow Process, therapy is good actually, All women deserve better, mlm/wlw solidarity, the mortifying ordeal of discovering you're into bdsm while you're caught up in political intrigue, Kink Negotiation, Kink Exploration, Not Everyone Dies au, WWX Lives, Mental Health Issues, References to Depression, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Burial Mounds Ensemble as Family, Single Parent WWX, Selectively Mute LWJ, Eventual Smut, Light Dom/sub, Happy Ending)
6. hi, do you know of any royalty wangxian AUs where wwx is the royal instead of lwj? ty!
travelers through the empty gate by stiltonbasket (M, 99k, WIP, WangXian, Royalty, Emperor WWX, Mistaken Identity, Poor LWJ, Bookshop owner LWJ, Intrigue, Court Drama, Forced Marriage, Confused WWX, POV Alternating, Parenthood, Misunderstandings, Empress LWJ, Requited Unrequited Love, Fluff, Humor, Married Life, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Silver & Silk Series by farawayanddreaming (M/E, 55k, WangXian, Established Relationship, Emperor WWX, Concubine LWJ, Implied/Referenced Sex, Light Bondage, Devotion, No Plot/Plotless, vibes only, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX)
Conquering the Emperor by catbrainedschemes (E, 21k, WangXian, Historical, Imperial China, Emperor!WWX, General!LWJ, Mutual Pining, Idiots in Love, Historically Inaccurate, Misunderstandings, Fluff, Eventual Smut, Light Angst, Slow Burn, Happy Ending)
Son of Heaven and Frost General Series by Aki_no_hikari (M/T, 7k, WangXian, Royalty, Historical, Emperor/General, Fade to Black, Romance)
The Last Concubine by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 13k, WangXian, Royalty AU, Emperor WWX, Concubine LWJ, LWJ Whump, Forced Marriage, Starvation, Non-physical spousal abuse, Fluff and Angst, Doing the Wrong Thing for the Right Reasons, Happy Ending, WWX Takes Care of LWJ)
The Most Important Man in the Empire by Marayanna (G, 14k, wangxian, Royalty, Emperor WWX, Secretary/head of state LWJ, overworked WWX, Supportive LWJ, POV WWX, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, competent LWJ, Happy Ending, Inspired by the book The Hands of the Emperor, But you don't need to know it to read the fic, Competent WWX, LWJ Takes Care of WWX, As much as he is politically able to, Is 'working together to make the world a better place' considered flirting, it should be)
7. hello, how are you. For the next itmf
(a). Fics where lan wanji is incredibly inlove with wei ying. Whether is Canon or Au but he is just showering wei ying with love
(b). Fics where wangxian are the shameless couple. People will be finding them kissing in the corner or they are keeping cloud recess awake with their noice. It can also be canon or an Au.
(c). I would also like bamf weiying.
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 712k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) kind of answers all three requests
Snow by kuro (M, 38k, wangxian, Modern, Snow, Sick Character, Caretaking, Fluff, Sugar Daddy, only they're like… bad at it, Angst, Rabbits, Food, Sexy Times, occasionally)
A Matter of Time series by mrcformoso (E, 70 k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, POV LWJ, POV JC, Dark LWJ, Manipulation, Grooming, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Consensual Underage Sex, Except problematic please read warning in first chapter, Blood and Violence, Insane LWJ, Manic LWJ, Conditioning, WWX is a Lán, Minor Character Death, Confused JC, Golden Core Reveal, Good Friend NHS, WWX Isn’t Adopted by the Jiāngs, Abusive Jiāng Family, Jiāng Family Bashing, Jiāng Family Critical, POV NHS, Dark NHS, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex, Dual Cultivation, Qīnghéng-jūn Lives, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Self-Lubricates, Plot Twists, Porn With Plot, Scheming NHS, Manipulative NHS, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX) (also fits 7C) i think they'll enjoy A Matter of Time but heed tags and warnings
Wangxian’s Time-Travelling Shenanigansseries by pupeez4eva (M, 18k, wangxian, time travel fix-it, Humor, Love Confessions, PDA, Wangxian being their shameless selves, Nothing will ruin WWX’s confession, Not even dozens of very confused disciples, or confused family members because LQR and JC are not amused, time travel at the most inconvenient moment, Everyone is just very confused, Wangxian elope with no explanation and leave everyone else to deal with the aftermath, LXC is a very good big brother, JC is probably going to end up killing WWX, Canon Divergence, Featuring: many horrified bystanders, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, AU of Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now, The many moments that Wangxian could have travelled to, POV Outsider) Features WWX & LWJ being shameless throughout & part 3 of the series has them keeping CR awake with their noise
8. Hi friends!! do you know of any fic where Lan Wangji moves into the burial mounds right after Wei Wuxian takes the Wens there? I’m not sure what to even search on ao3 for it but I would owe you my life if you knew any! @spectrelle
wide enough and wild by impossibletruths (E, 64k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Getting Together, Canonical Accidental Baby Acquisition, Families of Choice, References to Depression, Happy Ending, I Swear To God I’m Giving Them A Happy Ending, Overzealous Use Of Imagery, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Well Except WN But He Was Already Dead So, Fix-It of Sorts) WWX doesn't stay in the Burial Mounds in this, but LWJ joins him anyway, so idk if this counts?
A Narrow Bridge by FrameofMind, Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle) (E, 700k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Getting Together, First Time, Pining while fucking, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Angst with a Happy Ending, CQL Verse, almost everybody lives/almost nobody dies, epistolary-ish, canon-ish side pairings, radishes)
Home and the Heartland by Witch_Nova221 (T, 210k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, Burial Mounds, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, Slow Romance, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Self-Discovery, Golden Core Reveal, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Divergence, the burial mounds aren't always a happy place, but wangxian do their best)
no one ever said the single-plank bridge had to be walked alone by roserocksrapidly (T, 174k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Yílíng Wèi Sect, Fix-It, Not Everyone Dies au, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, Fluff, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Found Family, Slow Burn, LWJ and WWX get to be Dads together, the healing power of homoerotic flute/guqin duets, Happy Ending)
Also re: 8 - Requester might be interested in the tag Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī Stays at the Burial Mounds
9. I've got another itmf request. Does anyone know of fics where nhs gets angry or criticizes nmj/the nie sect for their part in what happens to wwx? Or ones where nhs shows that he's protective of wwx to the nie sect/cultivation world whether that's covertly or overtly. Thanks all!
and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Yúnmèng Siblings, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Sometimes You Just Want Your Dads To Admit They’re Your Dads, Angst with a Happy Ending)
A Matter of Time series by mrcformoso (E, 70 k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, POV LWJ, POV JC, Dark LWJ, Manipulation, Grooming, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Consensual Underage Sex, Except problematic please read warning in first chapter, Blood and Violence, Insane LWJ, Manic LWJ, Conditioning, WWX is a Lán, Minor Character Death, Confused JC, Golden Core Reveal, Good Friend NHS, WWX Isn’t Adopted by the Jiāngs, Abusive Jiāng Family, Jiāng Family Bashing, Jiāng Family Critical, POV NHS, Dark NHS, Anal Sex, Marathon Sex, Dual Cultivation, Qīnghéng-jūn Lives, LWJ Has a Big Dick, WWX Self-Lubricates, Plot Twists, Porn With Plot, Scheming NHS, Manipulative NHS, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WWX) (link in #7A) i think they'll enjoy A Matter of Time but heed tags and warnings
10. Can you find me a fanfic where wei wuxian doesn’t die, instead he goes into a mountain and takes orphans in to take care of them and one day lan wangji stumbles upon his mountain. Kind of like baoshan sanren except there is no immortal thing, but it’s ok if there is ofc. Also it should have a good amount of wangxian with a happy ending
and having a marvelous time by varnes (E, 108k, WangXian, Yúnmèng Siblings, Sound of Music AU, (i know!!! i know. stay with me on this.), Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Family Feels, spies to lovers???, Protective Siblings, Sometimes You Just Want Your Dads To Admit They’re Your Dads, Angst with a Happy Ending) link in #9
11. Hii , are there fics where wei ying becomes the wen sect leader , if so can you please recommend some? 🙏 @karinasnowwwx
assuming this is for the Wen remnants, the user might want to try the Yiling Wei sect tag
uncertain if this is asking for wen zongzhu wwx or yiling wei fic so one of each!
To the Heavens and the Earth by IsilmeLasgalen (E, 77k, WangXian, NingSang, XuanLi, MingXu, ChengYu, WWX is a Wen, POV LWJ, Good Parent LWJ, Marriage of convenience, Accidental Marriage, Implied Mpreg, Time Travel, Canon Divergence, WWX isn't adopted by the Jiang's, CSSR and WCZ Live, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Cultivation Sect Politics, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, POV NHS, Protective LJY, Good Person WRH, Protective LXC, Immortal LWJ and WWX, POV LXC, Mpreg, WangXian in Love, Soft WangXian, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, POV JZX, Emperor WWX, Emperor LWJ, Past WWX/Other(s), Everybody Lives, Fluff, Angst, Smut, LWJ is LJY's Parent) wen sect leader wwx
A Narrow Bridge by FrameofMind, Jo Lasalle (Jo_Lasalle) (E, 700k, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Getting Together, First Time, Pining while fucking, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Angst with a Happy Ending, CQL Verse, almost everybody lives/almost nobody dies, epistolary-ish, canon-ish side pairings, radishes) burial mounds settlement becomes a sect
12. Is there a Pacific rim AU for wangxian? I would love to read one. Trying to quit smoking, need a good distraction.
Lightning’s Call, Abyss’ Song by DiamondCrystalInk (T, 37k, WangXian, Pacific Rim Fusion, Slow Burn, Happy Ending, but i guess, Angst with a Happy Ending, Drift Compatibility, but also..., Soulmates, Sword fights but romantic)
The Weight of the World by KouriArashi (T, 67k, WangXian, XiYao, XuanLi, Pacific Rim Fusion, Robots, Monsters, robots fighting monsters, Family, Romance, Developing Relationship, Angst, (but not about the romances), Hurt/Comfort, Politics, Happy Ending)
or for a whole list, including ones I have not read
The 'whole list' link under 12 does not work. The asker might use the shiptag and then use 'Pacific Rim' in the 'Search within Results' box to get that list.
13. Hi, thank you for all your hardwork!!
I come here for "I'm in the mood for", I would like a any good fic with some bickering between Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng like 'Brothers in law', even if it is the main thing of the fic or just a passing scene. Don't have any preferences if it is canon or not.
Thank you once again. @anime-trash-parody
Time Kept Flowing by notoneforreality (T, 201k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Grief/Mourning, major character death is wwx, who comes back, Family, Autistic LWJ, Kid Fic, JC and LWJ raise the kids, Co-parenting is hard, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
none lives forever, brother, and nothing lasts for long by eena (M, 38k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, LSZ raised at Lotus Pier, JC found him first, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation)
whatever comes of you and me (I’d love to leave my memory with you) by sami (E, 12k, XiCheng, WangXian, references to past emotional manipulation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Recovery, Family, Brotherhood, Correcting for Poor Interfamily Communication, JFM’s A+ parenting, Not MY Friendly, Not JFM Friendly, Modern AU, Angst with a Happy Ending)
A Bell That Tells Us to Rise and Fight by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee (T, 120k, wangxian, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, SL/XXC, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, Everyone Lives au, Everyone Needs A Hug, Women Being Awesome, WQ is a goddess, content warning for JGS, content warning for XY, content warning for JGY, WWX's terrible awful brilliant plans, Yunmeng Bros, JYL is an angel, BAMF Women, I take it back NMJ still dies, Minor Character Death, NMJ is BACK and he is NOT HAPPY, MM is not paid enough for this shit) has a fun sort of brothers-in-law feeling between lwj and jc
This is our Get-Along Night Hunt by hmc73 (T, 28k, WangXian, Post-Canon, JC & WWX Reconciliation, LWJ has Feelings, canon-typical horror elements, POV LWJ, Canon Compliant, Fluff with Knives, It starts off funny but WATCH OUT, Case Fic, Good Sibling JC, Fluff and Angst)
14. Hi, me again, I have been looking for fics, Modern, with cultivation, conferences and the like, where Wei Wuxian is not treated well, were things similar to cannon happened and he's not recognised as a great cultivator and Lan Wangji and his family, Jiāng Yànlí, Jiāng Chéng or Wen Qíng and Wen Ning aren't ok with this and try to help him deal with reputation and things. they can be long or short. Please help. Be well @monicaop21
Hi, I'm number 14 in the last In the mood for…post!! I just wanted to share the fics that started my obsession with modern fics that speak well of WWX in the cultivation world!! One is My Zhiji's On Broadway by ScarlettStorm and the fic inspired by this beauty Let Her Leave Your by Worldspacewitchbot Both of them in Ao3 So amazing both of them!! More sequels!! ;) Be well and tons of thanks!! You are awesome!!
My Zhiji’s On Broadway by ScarlettStorm (E, 15k, wangxian, modern with cultivation, drunk LWJ, drunk shenanigans, getting together, first time, minor angst, major comedy, smut)
Let Her Leave Your World by spacewitchbot (E, 10k, MM/OFC, JC/WQ, JYL/JZX, modern cultivation, Seattle, Conventions, Getting Together, Jet Lag, One Night Stands, Alcohol Breastfeeding in public (not in a sexy way,) Infant Care, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, #metoo movement, Not quite everybody lives but more people do, People listen to Mianmian, That actually fixes a lot of stuff)
15. Hi! For the next ITMF, do you have a recommendation where LQR secretly fond of/have a soft spot for WWX? Thank you! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
through the eyes of elders series by Fleetling (T, 13k, LXC & LWJ, LXC & LQR, wangxian, LXC & WWX, LQR & WWX, LQR pov, LQR is a good uncle, LXC recovering from the whole JGY thing is a major part, Wingman LXC)
💖 Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not Madam Yu Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing) LQR goes back in time & learns to appreciate WWX
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 712k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement) link in #7 LQR recognises WWX talents (& his relationship with LWJ) during CRSA & encourages both
16. For the next ITMF: life of wwx or/with lwj after the revelations at the Guanyin temple. Preferably long fic, around more than 5 or 10 chapters or more than 10k words, and completed. Thank you!
💖 Germination by taotrooper (M, 14k, wangxian, post-canon, honeymoon, domestic fluff, comedy, teaching, character study)
Imprints by Lisa_Telramor (G, 47k, wangxian, post-canon, humor, panic attacks, phobia recovery, poor life choices, JC & WWX reconciliation, dogs)
Between The Lines by Witch_Nova221 (M, 153k, wangxian, WWX & LSZ & LWJ, WWX & OCs, Epistolary, Eventual Romance, Fluff and Angst, Letters, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Love Letters, Long-Distance Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Loss, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Canon, Idiots in Love)
Agapé (home is in your arms) by estel_willow (G, 15k, wangxian, fraternal bonding, Mutual Pining, Post-Canon, Wwx is oblivious, LXC is patient, LSZ remains the best son, Most of these characters could do with a good therapist, Wwx uses his words, Wwx is an unreliable narrator, Light Angst, canon-typical self dislike from our favourite chaotic disaster bi)
Vagabond by xantissa (E, 65k, wangxian, Slow Burn, Mystery, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Frottage, Case Fic, murders, Supernatural, Angst, Fluff, those two are so in love it hurts, Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, badass LXC, Canon-Typical Violence, topLWJ, Bottom LWJ)
17. Hii! I saw a lot of tiktok that got me in the mood to read wangxian again! I love canonverse fics, but bc they’re so angsty (tho i do like a bit of it as one should) I wanted to ask for canondivergance fix it fics, prefferably with xicheng too! (*by fix it i mean shijie doesn’t die and a-cheng doesn’t hate his brother bc of it) 🥹 thank you!
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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mihrsuri · 5 months
I really want to do my end of year sappiness post right now so I am going to do it. This year. This year, this year was the year that the fact that I made it is something I have to talk about it, because honestly I wasn’t sure between everything. And in the trauma (the activated Jewish Trauma Genre), in the hate I have also found love. Am Yisrael Chai. We live. I live.
Which is why I have to first send my love to my Jewish Mutuals/Friends and to Jumblr - @cephalopodvictorious @captainlordauditor and just, every one of my Jewish Mutuals and people who have sent kind words. Who have made me, a patrilineal mizrahi jewish woman reconnecting with her heritage and faith because of abuse feel Jewish enough to go to Synagogue.
This year was, despite everything the year I reconnected with old friends (shout to my friends in physical space - E, R, C and C), I took an art class, I swam more, I wrote a bunch of words, I found my love of art again and discovered that I might, might be good at it, I even asked for things like gifts even though it’s Terrifying.
To my saatis. My sisters. My chosen family. Thank you for everything - the phone calls you let me schedule, the chats and the wise words and the blorbos and from some of you the in person hugs (there will be more I will offer hugs to and I will also hug again). @shes-a-voodoo-child @bibliothekara @wheresonichedgehogwnt @pearlsthatwereeyes @star-anise @notabuddhist @kawuli lemonsharks @maevedarlings @ruffboijuliaburnsides @taibhsearachd @blackeyedgirl-writes @armyofthedaegiloth @strangeetudes @findingfeather
@bessemerprocess @sarking @jesidres @kshandra @amadistuff FRIENDS. FRIENDS. Love you to the moon and back - and we are here. We are here.
And @geeoharee - The Sherlock Content <3.
To the Pocket Friends Who Have/Are Becoming(If It’s okay obviously!) Become Friends: @rahabs whose kindness I will never ever forget. To @theladyelizabeth who patiently answers my questions about all kinds of Tudors Things and who is like, The Best. To @nocompromise-noregrets for Ellie, for answering archives questions and just in general. To @gen-is-gone - a saati in the making, holder of correct Doctor Who Opinions forever. To @herawell - the bravest when scared, indulges my OT3 verse. To @miabicicletta - one of the best fic writers, so generous and kind and whose comments make my entire day. @eidetictelekinetic - my favourite Tudors Fic Writer is my Friend Now and is awesome.
@jkthinkythoughts <333333.
@lorata - whose worldbuilding leaves me in awe and who is just, frankly absolutely great.
@feuillesmortes for never failing to make me think, to post beautiful poetry and for the best H7/EOY sources and for always, above all being kind.
@hoursofreading @becauseforoncethisisme (special shout out to you <3) @disredspectful (oh my gosh your words)
@anhaga @goshawke @beatrice-otter @alexseanchai <333333
Also @nurselaney for indulging my Thomas/Mihrimah Content and also the women of the SOE.
@sherwoodknights for Scarlet Pimpernel and also Patrick Gibson feels.
@quillington - for correct Anne Boleyn and Scarlet Pimpernel thoughts and also being The Sweetest.
@lordlykisses - kindness and Taylor Swift. And @cleoselene for Taylor Swift and kind words I will also never forget.
To The Cromwell/James Frain Appreciation Brigade - @uncheckedaggression @reallyginnyf (also a fellow hurt/comfort enjoyer) @cinemaocd - thank you <3.
To all the West Wing Discord People - I adore you. Thank you for being so kind and welcoming and wonderful.
And to all my mutuals. Thank you for bearing with me this year, with so much kindness. I know it’s been A Lot but I have, despite everything felt so so loved.
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conjectureand-gloom · 4 months
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‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧ welcome! ‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧
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important information ⬎
non binary 💛🤍💜🖤
lesbian ❤️🧡🤍🩷💜
youreverydaydemikid -> conjectureand-gloom (15/01/24)
minor (february 8th)
fanfiction writer
GMT +10:30
lyn lapid fan blog @tlit21c
i stand with palestine 🇵🇸
my new main account is @holesofmy-sweater
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links ⬎
my ao3
my spotify
my pinterest
my instagram (that i’m barely active on)
hamilton fanfic recommendations
2023 reflection post
fandom list, fanfiction request masterlist, written works, wips, asks, tags and mutuals under the cut
‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧ fandom list ‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧
hamilton (feel free to request for any hamilton ship, i love them all so much, alexander is the absolute DREAM for a multishipper. alexander is my main target for angst! this is my main fandom)
jesus christ superstar (jesus/judas or jesus/judas/mary mainly for jcs, but feel free to ask for any other ships and i’ll consider it!! and no, i am not religious. i have been raised christian, but just ended up with religious trauma)
a good girls guide to murder (pipravi fluff and angst :) but i’ll so gladly write fics about sal and andie, or becca. ravi is my comfort character, and i just torture pip relentlessly)
nevermoor (personally i’m more of a cadence/morrigan girly, but fics for nevermoor will mainly be gen! i love found family, so jupiter & mog fluff or angst is my favourite)
in the heights (canon ships mainly, but feel free to ask for other ships! i’m not in the ITH fandom much, so these are going to be much more inaccurate)
newsies (again, more gen fics, but i do ship dave/jack. also i love angsty crutchie fics. this is one of my smaller fandoms, so these will be super inaccurate)
keeper of the lost cities (preferably marella/linh or tam/keefe! but again, feel free to ask for any ship!!)
hunger games (gen, preferably. but i’m team peeta in case anyone was wondering. fuck gale.)
maze runner (okay i haven’t read or seen TMR in ages but newt/thomas)
divergent (canon ships only. and no, christina/tobias is not canon.)
six (gen all the way. found family. also i love katherine howard angst over any other queen)
the song of achilles (achilles/patroclus? literally what other ship is there????? this is my favourite book)
wednesday (wednesday/enid. i feel like this requires no explanation. also. angst fics. i almost exclusively write angsty wednesday fics, rather than enid. i love the whole of the addams family, and i love familial hurt/comfort)
marauders (i’m not in the marauders fandom much at all, like i really only know the actual hp canon marauders. so.)
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‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧ fanfic request rules ‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧
i’ll write for any fandom listed above, i love them all! however i am much more active in hamilton, agggtm, jcs, nevermoor and kotlc, so those fics will be much better than the other fandoms’ would be
i’ll write any genre other than smut, and angst/whump is my absolute favourite. any AUs you could think of, literally anything, i’m not picky!
i won’t write romanticised abuse, non/con, or anything like that. that’s not to say that my fics can’t have dark aspects, but i won’t romanticise any of that.
on that, i’m not going to write any non/con, romanticised or not
also, i won’t write omegaverse, nor will i write y/n or self insert fics. nothing wrong with those genres, i just don’t write them!
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‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧ written works ‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧
It’s Only A Matter Of Time - A Hamilton Watches Hamilton Fic
i wish i could say that was the last time
call me son one more time
when they surround our troops
then a hurricane came
take a break
and his right hand man…
she was holding me
the great war
we got traffic on the west side
steal into my affections
the fact that you’re alive is a miracle
fools who run their mouths off wind up dead
my father wasn’t around
philip, you would like it uptown
i may not live to see our glory…
an outrageous demand
stay alive
my dear, angelica
to convince you that i love you
but this situation’s helpless
like mother, like daughter (agggtm)
“but now this room is spinning…”
“i’ll call out your name but you won’t call back”
“like crying out in empty rooms, with no one there except the moon”
me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you (gifted to @holes-in-my-false-confidence)
baby it’s cold outside
the entire exposé (inspired entirely off of @jittyjames’ fanfiction series ‘the price of his war’)
my world is burning (yet another fic based off of jami’s series ‘the price of his war’)
i’m sorry if any of these links are incorrect, i spent over an hour on just this section
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‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧ wips ‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧
achilles, come down (last two works in series still need to be written)
je m’appelle… lafayette? (one chapter to go)
lams (taylor’s version) (a few chapters to go, unsure if it will be finished)
you’re the one who disappears (agggtm, unsure if it will be finished, or when)
judas’ death (jcs angst fanfiction)
untitled (hamil-gang liminal spaces au longfic thing idk)
febuwhump drabbles (possibly)
be my valentine challenge
so big/so small (so big/so small from deh but hamilton and his ma)
bloom like rose thorns (a longfic that may or may not ever be finished)
rewrite of ‘i wish i could say that was the last time’ and ‘call me son one more time’
baby don’t cut (lams angst based off of a song with the same name)
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‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧ collaborations ‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧
fem!hamilton au with @jittyjames and @firebalda
if anybody is interested in collabing at all, please hit me up!! i love writing with other people!!!!
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‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧ asks ‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧
please send me any asks at all!!! and also please put fic requests in my ask box, i did say that i would have your request out in 6 months, but i have had one sitting in there for over a year (sorry jami.) but um. i promise im trying to get better at that
also, feel free to ask for fic recommendations!!!! i’ve linked a post earlier in this post with a huge list, but it’s not fully updated with some more recent fics :)
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‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧ tags ‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧
asks- all the asks ive answered, these are also tagged with the url of the blog, or with anon dearest if it was an anon ask
akeyla ml- posts about/with my incredible incredible partner @holes-in-my-false-confidence who i love so much ❤❤❤❤❤❤
tag games- self explanatory, tag games :)
sleep is overrated- me trying to fix my sleep schedule in 2024
personal- personal vent posts. please block this tag, i have had someone unfollow me before because of these posts :)
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₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧ mooties ‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐✩˚₊‧
@like-the-stars-i-shine (irl friend for 5 years now)
@holes-in-my-false-confidence (my partner, irl <33333)
@evilteapot (irl friend)
i have more mutuals, but this is everybody who i interact with more often and i actually consider to be my friend. if anybody wants to ever message me or actually become friends with me, please do!!!! i love talking to you guys, please message me, i promise im not scary <333
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tsarisfanfiction · 1 month
There's An Endless World To Rediscover
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Gen Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Family Characters: Austin, Michael Michael... isn't dead. Two years and two more wars but he's back now, and it's weird. But it's a good weird, Austin hopes. TOApril day 22 - Never Forget. This fic is sort of a companion piece to my fic Dawn Rises From The East, although that isn't required reading for this. All that's important is that this is a Michael Lives AU!
There were some memories that just didn’t fade.  Austin had had a few of those through his life, but the one that stuck with him right then was the staccato of a breaking bridge, the crescendo of water erupting from the river below, and the silence of bare cables.  Many of his memories of Michael were fading, the way memories tended to, but that one was still pin sharp, even two years later.  At this point, Austin was pretty certain it had cemented itself a place in his reel of memories for good.
This moment was going to join it.
There had been no staccato or crescendo ahead of the silence, just the usual ebb and flow of chatter between siblings, liberally sprinkled with interjections from their dad.  It didn’t make it any less dramatic as, one by one, their attention was caught by the new arrival.
Michael looked rough.  He looked tired, and dirty, like the two things he needed most in the world were a hot shower and his bed.
He looked alive, and Austin was glad for Will and Apollo jumping in, breaking the silence and proving that Austin wasn’t suddenly hallucinating his dead brother.
The rest of the day was a blurred whirlwind, one that Austin couldn’t tell anyone specifics of if asked.  Yes, he knew that Michael had reclaimed his old bunk above Will, yes he knew that they’d filled an increasingly tired looking big brother in on the whole Roman side of things, and he even remembered that there had been happy birthday songs at the campfire, because apparently Michael’s birthday was close to Will’s.
Austin had never known that, although if he looked at a calendar he could understand why that had never come up before.  The only summer he’d known Michael had been the summer the war against Kronos had reached its peak, and things like birthdays hadn’t been deemed important.  They hadn’t celebrated Will’s that year, and now, remembering how bittersweet Will had been about it last year, and even that morning, Austin realised that the two of them had always had a joint celebration at camp, before the silence that had stolen Michael from them.
Now, he was back, and things were slotting back into place that Austin hadn’t even realised had fallen askew in the first place.
No-one really talked about it until the day after.  It was surreal, getting out of bed to see Michael slipping down from his bunk like he’d never been gone, except for the clothes that didn’t quite fit him anymore, because apparently he had grown in the past two years.  Austin only believed that when the physical evidence of too-short clothing made itself known, because Michael seemed smaller than he remembered.
He'd always been taller than him, but the gap felt larger now.
“You’ve grown,” Michael said to him, some time after breakfast.  Austin had slipped away to the amphitheatre and the comfort of music, not Michael’s usual haunt at camp at all.  He’d been certain his eldest brother would have gone straight for the archery range, with Kayla.
Kayla was adjusting to having her favourite brother (Austin was not a fool, they’d always been second fiddle to Michael, even in Michael’s two year long absence) back with ease.  There had been tears, and tight hugs, but Kayla and Michael had always been like two peas in a pod, and it felt like she’d already forgotten the two years between his disappearance and now.
Austin hoped that didn’t come back to bite her, later, but didn’t have much time for additional thinking because Michael had singled him out, if he’d traipsed all the way to Austin’s haunt just to comment on his height.
He’d been going around all of them, that morning.  Will had taken a chunk of it, but then Will had known Michael for significantly longer than the rest of them.  Kayla, too, but Austin figured the favouritism went both ways, so that made sense, too.  Even the new kids had had some sort of chat with Michael as he obviously tried to get to know his newest little siblings.
Austin hadn’t expected Michael to try and reconnect with him, though.  In hindsight, it was obvious, because Michael had always had time for all of them, even when he was sniping with Clarisse or buried right to the top of his head in battle plans and contingencies.
“I’m older,” he said, rather belatedly.  Michael seemed to take that as an invitation to find a seat next to him.  Unlike most Apollo kids, who reached for instruments when they sat in the amphitheatre, he seemed content to keep his hands empty.  Austin couldn’t relate.
The silence that descended over the two of them was awkward with expectations Austin didn’t remember how to fill.  Two years ago, it was easy, talking to his head counsellor, but now, more wars and trauma later, to say nothing of a supposed death, he didn’t have a clue what to say to ease the pressure.
Michael didn’t seem to know, either, because he looked at his lap, twisting his fingers together, and said nothing else for a long moment.  Austin’s own fingers kept fiddling with the violin, trying to check if the strings were in tune without actually breaking the silence between them, which didn’t really work too well.
Eventually, his brother growled.  “Oh fuck it,” he muttered, and leaned back on his palms, looking up at the sky for a moment before Austin found himself on the receiving end of his stare.  “Play something.”
The words were sharp, rough, and demanding – all things that Austin remembered Michael could be, had been during his first summer at camp, before his eldest brother disappeared – but the look on his face was closer to pleading.
“It’s been a long time since I heard music,” he added, softer and a solid gut punch, because Austin couldn’t imagine spending even hours without music, let alone however long Michael had gone without it, and he didn’t think his brother was just lying to make him play.  Except…
“You heard music last night,” he pointed out.  “The whole camp literally sang you happy birthday.”
Michael shook his head.  “That’s not what I meant,” he said.  “Last night was…” he faltered, and shook his head again.  “Campfires are different.  Campfires are supposed to be music.  It’s different.”
Somehow, Austin thought he understood what Michael was trying to say.  “Rehearsed,” he said.  “What we do at campfire is rehearsed.”
“That,” Michael confirmed.  “It’s not…”  He waved his hands vaguely, words trailing away, but Austin got it, he hoped.
He plucked at the strings, adjusting the E string when it sang just a little out of tune, before nestling the instrument under his chin and just beginning to play.
It wasn’t a recital, like he’d default to with his sax.  He’d played that for so long that his first instincts were always things he’d played a hundred times before, before he started to branch out and experiment.
He wasn’t at that stage with the violin yet.  The notes that he drew out with bow and fingers didn’t align with anything in particular, just instinct guiding him into something new and raw.  Something unrehearsed, something unattached to anything else, just pure music for the sake of music.
Michael smiled, a small thing but still undoubtedly a smile all the same, and reclined back further, until he was leaning against the next row of stone seats.  He didn’t look at Austin, kept his eyes on the sky where the morning sun was gracefully evading any clouds that tried to get in its way.
Then he started to hum, and Austin almost dropped the bow in shock because he was certain Michael had never done that before.  He barely recalled him singing in campfire songs, despite being head counsellor and arguably their leader (although Will never sang, either).  Him humming along to Austin’s improv was different and weird but it was a good different and a good weird.  It chased away the awkwardness hanging between them, two years of absence rendered insignificant by the sheer power of music.
Austin could get used to that.  He could get very used to it.
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spnfanficpond · 4 months
New Member Spotlight - January 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@thebejeweledwatercat -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord and AO3
OTP? - Samwena bit it varies
Other fandoms? - Chicago Med, fire, & PD, Stranger Things, Teen Wolf
Looking for in the Pond? - Community
Pairings you read? - OC's and Poly fics
Genres you read? - Hurt/comfort
Favorite writer(s)? - winterfire22 on AO3
What do you like to write? - Hurt/comfort, Poly, What if, AU's
Most underappreciated fic? - Chicago Med - Sunshine, Moonlight, and Shadow
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - A lot actually. Mostly because I’m not good with the follow-through.
.@hello-starlingfics -
Other SM names? - HelloStarlingFics on AO3, HelloStarling on Discord, and hello-starling.bsky.social on BlueSky
OTP? - Sam/Dean. They're just too compelling!
Other fandoms? - Right now it's just SPN
Looking for in the Pond? - Connect with other writers and fans. Writing can be a lonely thing.
Pairings you read? - I mainly stick to Wincest, but will dabble in Wincestiel, Destiel, and Dean/John.
Genres you read? - I read a range of styles and tropes. Whump is probably my favourite, with the comfort optional.
What do you like to write? - I like to write a range of things! I have hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, crack where Sam and Dean are catboys, erotica, and even some gen.
Most underappreciated fic? - Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - This year I hope to write some darker stuff including Major Character Death. Balancing making it emotionally affecting while avoiding being heavy-handed will be a challenge.
.@michaelmilligan -
Other SM names? - QuicksilverCastiel on AO3, alexanderlewis on Discord
OTP? - Midam
Other fandoms? - Star Trek and Yu-Gi-Oh! (specifically JouKai as a ship - the resurgence of an old fandom for me)
Looking for in the Pond? - I would like to connect with other writers and share insights and hopefully bounce story ideas off each other.
Pairings you read? - Midam, Midamoul (Michael/Adam/Ghoul), I'm trying to branch out with Samifer and Sam in poly relationships (preferably with Gabriel, Eileen, Rowena and/or Lucifer)
Genres you read? - Fluff and Smut mostly, though some angst is good now and then. I enjoy AUs (especially fantasy and sci-fi) and won't say not to fake dating.
Favorite writer(s)? - I go absolutely feral about most (all?) of the Midam fics by saintmichael on AO3
What do you like to write? - Smut, fluff, AUs, fix-its, and lately I've been dabbling in dark(er) fic
Most underappreciated fic? - That would probably be this dark(-ish) Nickifer fic: Blind Trust
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? -I've never written a case fic, which seems criminal in the SPN fandom! So far I'm not confident I could pull off the suspense aspect of the search for what monster is involved, and resolve the whole thing competently. Some suggestions on how to structure/plan a case fic would be appreciated.
@kazsrm67 -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord
OTP? - I would have to go with Sam x Eileen I suppose.
Other fandoms? - Not much really although I occasionally read Stargate or NCIS fics.
Looking for in the Pond? - I was invited by a friend on Tumblr to be honest I'm super introverted and I can't really answer this. But I was told its a good way to "meet" other writers and get help when stuck on an idea.
Pairings you read? - I mostly read Dean x reader or Dean x OFC (this is what I mostly write as well), I do read some Sam fics and dabble in some poly fics but only with specific characters.
Genres you read? - I'll read all of these (angst, fluff, smut, crack) but I spend a lot of time between angst and smut fics. I do love a good soulmate au.
Favorite writer(s)? - So hard to pick a favorite but @spnexploration and @jawritter on Tumblr are two of my top writers.
What do you like to write? - I write a lot of soulmate fics, but I try to write many different types.
Most underappreciated fic? - My Omega
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I have a rockstar!Dean fic in mind, it would be very angsty and discuss domestic violence against men, I haven't tried writing it yet mostly because time. I work full time and am a mom but it's definitely something I am looking at diving into sooner rather than later. I think the help I could use is someone to edit and bounce ideas off. I have a good friend I do this with but sometimes I wonder if it would help to have someone else to bounce ideas off (I get shy and don't reach out tho).
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester and @heavenssexiestangel!
13 notes · View notes
moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
Hi Ram! I hope youre having a good day <3
I'm here for some more fic recs! You have impeccable taste in fic, so what's your top tier recs for obikin and/or vaderwan? Any genre, any length, any rating; if you think it's worth reading it most certainly is something I'm interested in! (And anything with spoilers for Kenobi is cool too! Spoilers don't bother me at all, and I really am trying to finish watching it asap I swear)
All my love to you! I hope your day goes well! <333
(And take your time responding, obv, rec lists take ages to put together but no matter how long goes by before you answer this ask im still v interested! Okay that's it ily)
Tomas when do you want the wedding to be. I don't have a preference personally I'll let you pick the date, I kind of want to wear black though. We do have to come to an arrangement with Pigeon because we're already planning our marriage :'))
Jokes aside, here's my list of 'Obikin fics I really like and if you haven't read them but they sound interesting please go read them', in different categories but no particular order inside of those. This is just a list of fics I liked reading, if you see this and you think I have horrible taste or that those are already popular fics it's fine you're free to think whatever you want but don't tell me lol just ignore this
(I tagged the authors whose tumblrs I knew/could find because I'm a bit shy and tend not to leave comments but I wanted to show my appreciation! If you didn't want to be tagged I am so sorry, I can untag you if you want)
I also threw in other ships with these two I thought you might enjoy and some gen fics with good interactions, I figured you wouldn't mind, this is a rec list specifically for you after all. I know I forgot some good fics and good authors but this was getting really long even like that, so I guess this just means you can come back if you want and I'll have more next time haha
First of all, these are the authors I love so much I couldn’t pick just one fic from them, and even then I omitted some fics I like because the list has to end at some point. I’m not going to say it every time but you can absolutely take a look through all their work, I had to pick favourites here unfortunately
- Intermundia @intermundia
• My Anankē (7/? chapters, 29k)
Professor Obi-Wan Kenobi has a problem. A tall, messy-haired, frustratingly brilliant problem. It's hard to teach Ancient Greek when Anakin Skywalker is making bedroom eyes at you from the back of the room, but somehow he has to manage. Anakin is a student, off limits, and Obi-Wan would never cross that line. Luckily, being a student comes with a countdown to an inevitable graduation.
• Soulbound (12k)
The first place they met was on World of Warcraft, where Anakin is a tank who pulls recklessly and Obi-Wan is his long-suffering healer. The second place they met was at a random bar on a snowy Tuesday night in December.
• Apartment Story (10k)
It's late at night on Coruscant, midway through the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan is not at the Temple, not on his ship, and not answering his coms. Cody is at a loss, and so Anakin is dispatched to find him—despite his resentment at Obi-Wan's deception during the recent Hardeen mission. He finds Obi-Wan in a bar on the lower levels, and he's a little drunk, very depressed, and altogether confused by Anakin's presence. After all, Anakin had just moved out of their shared apartment. Why would he be seeking Obi-Wan out? Or, the boys finally communicate, and realize a few things about how their relationship has changed during the war.
→ Note, Lex Talionis isn’t there because I haven’t been in the right reading mindset to go for it, but I wish I was because it sounds like the coolest thing in the world. I’m also a fan of Temporary like Achilles, Snap, Crackle, Pop, Prompted | Obikin, and I think Symposium altered something in me forever. He also writes excellent metas on tumblr, the ones he wrote for the Kenobi show live rent free in my head!
- RexIsMyCopilot @rexismycopilot
• The Anakin/Obi-Wan series (70/? works, 350k)
Exploring Anakin and Obi-Wan's developing romantic relationship, one sometimes smutty/sometimes angsty/sometimes painful ficlet at a time.
• Fifty Shades of Love and Affection (29/? chapters, 170k)
Anakin interviews the handsome IT director of an insurance company for the news site where he works. He was not ready for Obi-Wan Kenobi.
→ Both are ongoing and absolute pearls, if you’re into domestic discipline (and Anakin getting spanked in general haha) Rex is the author you’re looking for. She also has lots of really interesting posts, mostly in answer to really good asks, up on her tumblr, and they greatly enhance the reading experience of both series in my humble opinion. They’re also just plain fun :’) (also Rex updated as I was polishing off the list like!! what a good timing!!)
- RagnarLothcat @ragnarlothcat
• à la carte (8 chapters, 55k)
Anakin Skywalker is a perfectly normal grad student. He spends his days at the robotics lab, his evenings working at an upscale restaurant and his weekends on inadvisable hookups. That is, until Obi-Wan Kenobi saunters into his workplace and sweeps him off his feet. Despite the misgivings of everyone around them.
• Out of the Bag (8k)
Obi-Wan has made his peace with his inappropriate feelings for his former Padawan. He knows there’s no room in their relationship for romance, and he’s used to denying himself for the greater good. He has everything under control: until Anakin comes back from a mission looking and acting a little different, and suddenly the relationship between Master and Padawan becomes a little fuzzy.
→ Also a big fan of as holy and enchanted, Aggressive Negotiations, Art Imitates Life and Learn Your Place, Young One! Nyanakin has my heart now and forever that's why Out of the Bag is one of the highlighted fics haha
- Tennessoui @tennessoui
• when all we have are shadows (8k)
Anakin’s gone when Obi-Wan wakes up. He’s left a note, a little cutesy message with a smiley face and awful handwriting. He has a class he can’t miss, it says. Obi-Wan’s gone and fucked a college kid. Alright, he knew that from the beginning as soon as he’d seen Anakin’s ID. But now he’s gone and fucked a college kid, and he wants to do it again. This feels like a new, wild level of unacceptable, but he can’t help but remember how Anakin leaned into his touch and his kisses and his words of praise. If anyone is going to coach Anakin through his sexual awakening, why shouldn’t it be Obi-Wan? (This is what Obi-Wan thinks this story is about.) (It's not.)
• like saints, like monsters (8/? chapters, 30k)
Seven years after Obi-Wan Kenobi disappears on a mission, Anakin finally finds him. Or, what's left of him. But before Anakin is a Jedi, an omega, a general, a Chosen One, he's something much more simple. He's a mechanic. He fixes things. And he's going to fix Obi-Wan, heal him, bring him back to himself, even if it takes him seven more years. Even if it takes him fourteen.
→ Also a big fan of you be the tightrope, baby i’ll be the safety net, what tomorrow may bring, what tomorrow may carry away, be careful not to choke on your admirations, lost to a sea of troubles, what’s mine is yours is ours, tongue-tie me so tightly i cannot tell you the truth, almost could have been strangers again, how to say someone’s name like it’s just a string of letters, the Obikin Fairytal Tropes series – okay that's just everything she's written and a long list of other fics without summary but I can't make the post longer and they are GOOD. If the pretty bird & mobi-wan series sounds like it would be your thing, I also heavily encourage you to check it out, it's not my thing but it seems incredible. Kit also has a ton of AUs on her tumblr, which are mostly text posts with a ficlet thrown in if she was inspired, and sometimes sprout their own fic on AO3, toss overboard what is too heavy to carry being the latest (and oh my god I’ve been in love with the couple councelling AU since the beginning I can’t describe how I felt when she uploaded that one to AO3!!)
- Ghost_Owl @twilightofthe
• Parrots, Parkour, Pirates, Punk, and Perfect Strangers (12k)
In which Anakin is having a rough day, Obi Wan just wanted to help out the cute stranger and also maybe impress him, someone films their encounter and it goes viral on Twitter. Now the entire internet wants these two to get married. Too bad neither got the other's name…
→ Also in love with The Snowball Effect!
- Shatou
• The Cygnets at Sundown (28 chapters, 125k)
When the only Jedi sect in all of Kalevala falls to a Sith attack, crèchemaster Obi-Wan Kenobi flees with the six younglings he has taken under his wing. He is prepared to do anything to protect them, even if it means begging for shelter at the doorstep of a Mandalorian clan or giving himself to a warrior in any way an Omega might. That being said, he didn’t expect for his hand to be ceremoniously asked in marriage. Least of all by Anakin Skywalker Kryze, youngest of the three Alphas in line for the throne. or: pre-republic era; omega jedi obi-wan and alpha mandalorian anakin get together after a marriage of convenience, in true idiots-to-lovers style, with a sweet little twist
• A Study in Tears (6 chapters, 52k)
Anakin is used to sinking into the comfort of Obi-Wan’s arms when he is in tears. Obi-Wan is used to offering it. Neither of them realizes the moment when habit tips into heat-haze, but their acceptance for each other is boundless all the same. (or: five times anakin gets aroused by accident when he’s crying and being comforted by obi-wan… and one time obi-wan does)
In collaboration with Duskscribe:
• Eggs and Milk (5 chapters, 19k)
Stewjoni biology is more complicated than Anakin would've guessed.
• to hold and to keep (8 chapters, 28k)
Anakin thinks Obi-Wan doesn’t love. Obi-Wan thinks he shouldn’t love. Somehow, all while believing their respective feelings are unrequited, they still manage to behave like the most married couple ever.
→ Obviously I love all of these, but I have to talk about The Cygnets at Sundown, because I think this fic changed something in me a little bit. Not only did Shatou expand on Mandalorian culture and draw absolutely wonderful illustrations to go fic his fic, but he wrote and composed three different songs for it. Let me repeat that, you can actually go listen to recordings of them singing the songs they composed and wrote the lyrics to that they put in their fics. Like it’s an excellent fic and it made me cry at the end but I cannot explain with words how I felt when I realised he’d put up links for people to go listen to the songs the characters sing. I think I’m a little in love with this fic and honestly who would blame me. (and in a completely direction, Eggs and Milk is one of the only fics I’ve found that has good lactation without mpreg, which is harder to find than you’d think but also hotter than you might imagine, and there’s oviposition on top! what a blessing)
- treescape @treescape
• game plan (6 chapters, 11k)
The measure of footsteps is familiar—and right on schedule. Obi-Wan has been waiting with more anticipation than is seemly, perhaps, but there’s a certain satisfaction that comes of these encounters. He finds himself avidly curious, in the days and weeks that stretch between, to discover what Vader will say or do next time. Or, Vader keeps capturing Obi-Wan during the Wars. Obi-Wan keeps escaping. It's kind of a thing.
• curtain call (1.1k)
Vader brushes cool, mechno fingers along the curve of one cheek, faintly red above his beard, and scowls. He feels eyes catching briefly on the upturn of Obi-Wan’s face before sidling away, feels the guarded interest of more than one slipping through the cloud of embarrassment and chagrin. He files the names of those last away in the darkness of his mind to deal with later. Or, Obi-Wan gives Vader a blowjob while they're at a public event.
• to touch the light, darkest (4/? works, 6k)
In the end, Obi-Wan thought as he watched Vader strain to obey, this was his. No matter who Vader served outside this bedroom, no matter who he called Master in Obi-Wan’s place, here, he needed something only Obi-Wan could give. Or, Obi-Wan fucks Vader back to the Light.
• Professor Kenobi (3/? works, 6k)
Collected one shots about Anakin and his husband, Professor Kenobi.
→ Also love hands on, reason by the pulse, at your leisure, down beside me, truth of you, no space between stars, okay I’ll stop here you get the gist. They also write QuiObi since I know you’re more into those two than me!
- glimmerglanger @glimmerglanger
• Various Applications of Salves and Oils (16k)
Obi-Wan’s shoulders were already red. The back of his neck looked almost the same shade as Dooku’s saber, and the color stretched down his arms and back. Anakin blurted, “You’re burning.” Obi-Wan twisted to look at him, raising an eyebrow. “I’d noticed,” he said, glancing down and shrugging. “Believe me. There’s nothing I can do about it.” OR, how to improve your relationship through the use of oils and salves.
• Nor the Suns Themselves Brighter (26k)
Everything interesting in the desert happened at night, at least in Anakin’s experience. The temperatures dropped with the setting of the suns and the darkness crept in, covering acts that would be revealed under Tatooine’s harsh daylight. Considering what people were willing to do in the light, the night hours were a dangerous time to be about. Anakin was one of the many factors that made them so. (AU where Qui-Gon never took Anakin off of Tatooine) OR, the one where Anakin gets a ready-made family dropped on him and handles the situation far better than anticipated.
→ as someone with skin problems seeing my favourite little guys taking care of each other’s skins was a specific kind of wonderful. I also liked Cascade Overload!
- y0u_idjits @rhymenoceros
• no need to say goodbye (3 chapters, 6k)
“Do you think you’ll take another padawan?” she asks him eventually, not sure why it makes her nervous. But he only grins at her, bumping his shoulder against hers. “Not for a long time, Snips - I’ll let Obi-Wan go next.” Obi-Wan, Anakin, and the legacy they create together.
• ‘SECRET JEDI LOVE AFFAIR’ (3 chapters, 7k)
They zoom in to where General Kenobi’s eyes are fixed on General Skywalker’s ass. Again. A caption pops up: ‘FURTHER PROOF OF THE SECRET JEDI LOVE AFFAIR.’ In an effort to garner support for the men fighting the Republic's war, the clones are given permission to document their lives as they protect the galaxy alongside their Jedi generals. It goes about as well as can be expected.
→ also a fan of yesterday’s jam and all the better to love you with. When I first read No need to say goodbye I cried so hard, let me tell you, sometimes I think about rereading it because it’s so damn good but I think no, I’m not in the mood to cry right now, I’ll leave it for a good session of cathartic crying later (this is a compliment!). All the better to love you with is also exactly the kind of omegaverse you love to see, because why introduce a new gender system if no one’s going to have fun with it anyway?
- Petra @petralemaitre
• Stone or Mahogany/Kinktober 2021, they’re the same fics but the first is chronological order and the second posting order (31 works, 37k words)
Being a Jedi does not preclude exploration of kinks -- and how.
• All his Schrödinger's cats survive (14k)
Obi-Wan has a secret nemesis: Qui-Gon’s padawan Skywalker gets on his last nerve. Padawan Skywalker has a secret ideal of what it is to be a Jedi: Knight Kenobi. When they actually get a chance to hang out, one of them will change his mind.
• Hold out your hand and have no fear (28 chapters, 53k)
Anakin's queenwolf knows who she wants to spend her first heat with. Obi-Wan doubts that she has the best idea for everyone concerned.
→ Also a little in love with The letter but not the spirit and Deepens like a coastal shelf. Note that all of those (except All his Schrödinger’s cats) survive might not be your taste, since they more or less straddle the line with underage (and in the case of Deepens like a coastal shelf just completely go over it), it depends on the fic and your own limits. They’re tagged appropriately, make your own choices and all. I personally cannot get enough of the way they write Obi-Wan and sex scenes, and I love how they pick their titles.
Now onto individual fics I really like, which doesn’t mean I don’t like the rest of the authors’ fics, just that in those cases I either didn’t read almost everything else they wrote or managed to pick a favourite.
• dreams of summer by elisianprince @elysian-prince (5 chapters, 34k)
“On the night of the lunar eclipse, if you place seven different flowers under your pillow, you’ll dream of the other half of your soul—the person you’re meant to spend your life with.” The thought of finding out his true soulmate through a Force vision of some sort sent a thrill through his heart. Anakin was enamored by the very concept of lovers as two halves of the same soul, fitting together perfectly in almost every way imaginable as if they were made for one another. And while Anakin wanted almost more than anything else to know who that person was, he couldn’t fathom it being anyone but Obi-Wan.
→ one of the first Obikin fics I remember reading, and what a good introduction to the ship that was
• A Just Punishment by Achrya/Daiako (2 chapters, 8k)
Omega Padawans are always teamed up with alpha masters, who are given free reign to handle their padawans as they choose. Obi-Wan has always taken a lighter hand than most with Anakin, even when others thought he was being too lenient. Anakin knows, not that anyone ever asks him, that Obi-Wan's approach works just fine...even if sometimes he wishes his Master would put a hand or two on him sometimes. At least that's what he thought he wanted, until an undercover mission finds him saying something he shouldn't to someone he shouldn't, and that someone demands Obi-Wan punish him or else see months of work ruined.
→ another problematic fave but what can I say, the smut is very cool. Do read the notes just to be sure!
• In Vino by Tenillypo (4 chapters, 22k)
Near the end of the Clone Wars, a drunken encounter prompts Anakin and Obi-Wan to confront some long buried truths as they fight for their lives—and for each other. (aka, the one where Obi-Wan's dick saves the galaxy)
→ apparently it got a sequel since the last time I read it?? absolutely jumping on it after I’m done with this list
• parks & recreation by luckee and septemberist @theseptemberist (3 chapters, 32k)
Obi-Wan left his apartment in the city with the hope that a walk in nature might help to cure his writer’s block. He didn’t expect to nearly fall off a cliff, and he certainly didn’t plan to be found by the world’s most beautiful—and infuriating—park ranger.
→ leela1414 wrote a follow-up, Reunion! I remember reading that one early on in my Obikin journey in my lunch period and I was absolutely fascinated, hunched over on my phone trying to absorb everything about it.
• Five Times Anakin Skywalker Played Horrible Party Games and One Time He Knew Better by AllennellA (12k)
Five times Anakin Skywalker played horrible party games and one time he knew better. Alternatively: Anakin Skywalker finds out that the Jedi Code should really be called the Jedi Guidelines, because no one really follows them. Aayla Secura lives the Wild Life™. Also Padme knows how to throw a really good party and Anakin is too much of a scrub to appreciate it.
→ I have vague memories of this fic but the concept is hilarious and I remember it had good vibes. Also Aayla is in there and we all love her
• On Whose Authority by Mithrigil (8 chapters, 33k)
After seven years training as Qui-Gon's Padawan, Anakin finally has questions that his Master can't answer. A specialist in force-user initiation and the erotic mysteries might be just what Anakin needs--but Kenobi is almost too good at his job.
→ When I realised I’d forgotten to write that one down on my first few passes to the list I was so offended at myself because that fic is just so !!!
• Gray Matter by unfortunate17 @unfortunate17 (2 chapters, 16k)
“Master? Is that you?” It’s too dark in the hole the blast has created for them to make out any details, but Obi-Wan can see a dark silhouette finally get to his feet a few feet away from him. The figure is too short, not quite lean enough, to be Anakin. Obi-Wan watches helplessly as Anakin – or should he say, himself – steps into the faint light emanating from the holocron. There’s a long moment of silence, broken only by Anakin saying, voice still hoarse but distinctively Obi-Wan-esque, “What in sithhells is going on?” – Or, in which Anakin touches a dangerous force object and now him and Obi-Wan are trapped in each other’s bodies until something, or someone, can find a solution to their predicament. But before they can, they're both going to make some eye-opening discoveries about the other.
→ In my head it’s The Body Swap fic, when I remembered it I knew I had to put it on here
• [IASIP Music] Anakin Gives Himself A Housework Kink by willowcrowned @willowcrowned (2k)
It began as most things with Anakin began—without Obi-Wan's knowledge, and against his will. Or it would have been, if Obi-Wan had ever thought to consider the possibility, which he hadn’t, because the possibility was patently insane. This, he had learned (over and over and over again, for as long as Anakin had been around), was little defense against whatever it was Anakin had done this time, as Anakin’s conception of what was sane and what wasn’t was rather far outside what was normal.
→ The one and only, the first Obikin fic I can remember reading (or at least the first one I downloaded to my phone) Beloved, very good memories, gave me a taste for Anakin with all sorts of fun kinks. Funfact, it took me a good year (that is to say I realised like, yesterday) what the [IASIP music] in the title meant :’) I thought it was the author’s way of sorting their fics or something
• starbird by imaginarykat @imaginaryanon (9k)
As far as Anakin’s concerned, Obi-Wan is the picture of a perfect Jedi. – or, – Anakin thinks he knows everything about Obi-Wan but doesn't. Anakin thinks a lot of things, actually, and he's wrong about most of them. Anakin's whole world view is turned upside down. Obi-Wan is having the time of his life.
→ okay confession time, when I tried reading it for the first time a while ago I remember stopping in the middle like – ! oh no Obi-Wan isn’t like that! Having seen the error of my ways (read the fic until the end to get the full picture) I now only have to say, past-me was wrong, go read it it’s good and then ending is something
• Talk to me by ToolMusicLover @obi-wkenobi (4k)
Recording an audiobook can be horribly dull, but Anakin finds that he doesn't mind when he gets to ogle Obi-Wan Kenobi.
→ I just think it’s neat! I also like the rest of the author’s fics, let me tell you I jumped soo fast on the new chapter of Hands that are earnest, brave and true when it updated
• if i only knew by wanderlove (16 chapters, 120k)
Newly knighted Obi-Wan Kenobi and his padawan, Anakin Skywalker, have been sent to Ryloth on a simple diplomatic envoy. While there, an unsettling incident causes Obi-Wan to look at Anakin in a new light and re-evaluate...everything. The Galaxy will never be the same. aka: "come for the obikin, stay for the tzai and deep emotional discussions that dismantle every single misunderstanding in the prequels."
→ No favouritism here, I love all the fics I named very much – but this is A Fic with capital letters. It’s so good. I cried so much at the end. I’m in love.
And here’s a bonus category, because listen, I love Obikin, and that's what I mostly read but it doesn’t have to be just them or romantic! So here’s the Obianidala, Quiobiani and gen fics with those two I like, colour-coded for convenience (the Quiobiani is for you Tomas this is a wedding proposal)
• Prompted | Obianidala by intermundia (2 chapters, 9k words)
A collection of short smutty oneshots written in response to prompts :) 1) During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Padmé have come to an arrangement to share Anakin, trading him back and forth. Anakin, the brat, adores the arrangement, and has a very good birthday. 2) Same AU, Padmé almost died on Naboo because of the Blue Shadow Virus, and takes Anakin to Varykino to recover. It takes Obi-Wan's help to calm him down from his stress about almost losing her.
→ no comment, I think I already gushed enough about Will haha
• Three’s Company by RexIsMyCopilot (2 chapters, 8k)
Obi-Wan allows his sub to be used as a learning experience.
→ this one is set in the 50 shades universe and makes more sense if you’ve already read that one first but it’s really fun! Rex also got a few very fun asks about these three on her blog
• Untitled Soulmate Game by Ghost_Owl (2 chapters, 27k)
In a galaxy where the Force has crafted soulmates for the people who live in it, there are also sacred guides that appear to guide two lost souls together to seal their soul bond with a fated kiss. Unfortunately, the guides are also loud, feathered, and will bite you. The guiding experience is not particularly pleasant. Anakin and Padmé's mornings both become much more exciting when they each wake up to pairs of horrible geese hell-bent on leading them to their soulmates. Obi Wan's already been kidnapped for a couple of days, so two geese manifesting in his cell isn't as big a deal.
→ I mean do I need to say anything else. Force geese that lead you to your soulmate. You agree. Read it.
• perfect decimals by shatou (2 chapters, 17k)
Anakin knows three things to be absolute truth: one, that he is the only Omega in his long lineage of Alphas; two, that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are in love; and three, that nobody has ever wanted and will ever want him. [unreliable narrator intensifies]
→ Love it when authors make Anakin feel a lot of emotions >:)
• shared by treescape (2 chapters, 579 words)
Their ruts have never actually coincided, but sometimes it's close. This time, Qui-Gon’s starts less than an hour after Anakin’s has ended.
→ I don’t know what to tell you it’s just really good
• Charting Constellations Unseen by glimmerglanger (18k)
So, perhaps Padmé really wanted to be crawling into Obi-Wan’s bunk in the midnight hours. Perhaps she wanted to run her hands up his body, over pale skin and freckles, the planes of muscle that might shift beneath her touch. Perhaps she really wanted to kiss his mouth, sink fingers into his hair, pant against his skin. Anakin wouldn’t have been able to blame her, really. He’d entertained so many of the same thoughts. OR, the one where Anakin and Padmé realize some things about one another and have to decide what to do about the realization.
→ It’s been such a while since I read it but I should go and check it out again because !!
• she loves me, she loves me not by y0u_idjits (1k precisely)
The Force hums, running breezy fingers through his hair. My little star, you’re going to be everything. Anakin Skywalker loves the Force, and she loves him.
→ exactly 1k words and it gets me emotional every time I’m never going to be over it
• Virtue Fluttering series by Petra (2/? works, 14k)
Obi-Wan asks Anakin to top him. Anakin obliges to the best of his ability, honed by months of marriage and spanking games with Padmé. // Anakin's second attempt to top Obi-Wan goes considerably better than his first thanks to getting a better caliber of instructions. Padmé has opinions about what they're up to.
→ I already talked about these authors earlier & I don’t think I need to repeat myself, if you liked the rest of Petra’s fics you’ll like these
• Plot Twist by ?, the fic is orphaned (10k)
The supposed love triangle between Mr. Skywalker, Ms. Amidala, and Mr. Kenobi is all their students (and even their fellow teachers) can talk about. The only thing is, no one at Coruscant High School can figure out exactly which of them are together.
→ Every time people call Obi-Wan some variation of DILF it adds to my lifespan
• Operatics by obikinn @obikinn (3k)
“Dear one, when was your last heat?” Obi-Wan asked, and Anakin groaned and wanted to hit himself for not realizing until then. Of course. If anything, he should have at least noticed the cool slick starting to trickle out of his ass and onto the couch. With all the insanity of the past few weeks, rescuing the Chancellor and capturing Dooku and crashing the Invisible Hand, the passing of time had completely slipped Anakin’s mind. Oh, Force, speaking of the Chancellor— Or, Anakin goes into heat instead of going to the opera during Revenge of the Sith, and the galaxy is saved.
→ Please fuck him away from the Dark Side 😌
• Mistakes For My Binary Heart by TheFlirtMeister
After Obi-Wan finds himself without accommodation, he is forced to move in with his friend Anakin, and girlfriend Padme. Anakin is a full time Youtuber who screams down the flat in the middle of the night, and Padme keeps using Obi-Wan as a model for her photography project. This combined with Anakin's finicky cats, Threepio and Artoo, means that Obi-Wan isn't going to survive for long.
→ It’s sweet and cute and Palpatine suffers, what else can you possibly want
• the more things change (the more they are the same) by Whitefox
Qui-Gon survives TPM, and lives to be Anakin’s Master. However, some things are meant to be, and the Force (and therefore Anakin) has other ideas.
→ Once again, leaving – well not best, but a fic that has a special place in my heart, for last, this one is just wonderful and I love it so much I wish I could eat it. Alas, I’ll have to make do with rereading it regularly
Okay I think that will be all, love you Tomas come yell into my inbox any time you are always welcome. I counted how many fics/series I put here and um I might have gone. A bit overboard. That's 82 recs just for you though, have fun reading <3
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duplicitywrites · 8 months
Tagged by @racfoam and @the-paper-monkey, thanks!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
183. Technically, I have a second separate account with archived older works that would add on top of this total. It's not really hidden, I just pretend it does not exist.
2. What's your total A03 words count?
1,693,656. Same thing as above. Some of these are from collabs, but most of it is mine.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter, exclusively at the moment.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
But For You, I Did (20,976 words)
Harry James [Redacted] (23,832 words)
Sugar, It's Cold Outside (14,548 words)
Thanks for Harry (4,313 words)
Ripples Across the Water (95,453 words)
Personally, I find the top fic to be insufferable in the position that it's at. I have any number of works that I'd consider better 😔
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best! Currently I'm sitting about 100+ in the hole. If your comment is nice, I will endeavour to eventually respond 💝
Some people leave a bunch of emoji comments on chapters as they go along, and in that case I usually just respond to the last one rather than each one individually.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
We Still Have Time (9,053 words)
On Samhain, the veil between the physical and spiritual world weakens enough for the living to speak with the dead for a brief period of time. Tom and Harry are graced with twenty-four hours together before one of them must return to the other side, only— Which one of them is it?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write a lot of happy endings, but I don't think I could pick just one, or even a few.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'll say I give as good as I get.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Made a pseud — pwplicity (duplicity) — just for the smut. I think my favourite genre of smut to write is smut crack.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not my cup of tea.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
On Wattpad, yes.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Plenty! All the translators who I've spoken with were lovely people, and I really truly appreciate all the hard work they put into making fanfic accessible.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Most people, I hope, are familiar with The Immortal Duties of Lord Voldemort. I have collabs outside of that, most notably with @dividawrites and @cindle-writes 💘
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I'd say this one. Older fandoms hold nostalgia for me, but I've never created as much as I have than for this ship!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a gen fic one-shot that involves terminal illness of sorts. I started it during the pandemic, and it will likely never be completed due to the overall depressing nature of the story.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm funny and I have creative ideas.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm a pantser. And I always have a dozen gdoc tabs open at a time because I keep starting new ideas.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
In moderation, unless we're actively providing translations. Even so, it can break up the flow of reading if I have to dump entire paragraphs into a translator just to understand what's going on.
In certain fandoms, there may be canonical language elements that are frequently used and thus become colloquial in a way — I used to read/write in the Les Miserables fandom, so there was a lot of French.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter... so we've come full circle!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is the question I hate the most because I never have a real answer. Either they're all the best, or I hate them all. Take your pick.
Anyone who wants to answer these, please feel free! 🎃
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nativestarwrites · 15 days
Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
Thanks for the tag @jamietarttsnorthernattitude!
1. How many fandoms have you written in?
Ten, I think? Although it's mostly Macgyver and Ted Lasso, the rest are more dabbles.
2. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Consistently? Since 2019, but I first posted something to ff.net in 2007.
3. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
At the moment writing, if I had more time I'd read more but I'm not a very fast writer and I have so many stories I want to get finished right now...
4. What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Structuring plots and wrangling longer more involved plot lines.
5. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
The viability of mini arc reactors? As in Iron Man. This was for a Macgyver AU that I haven't posted. I wanted to keep it as much realism as I could, so it was interesting to see where science stood on the topic.
6. What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
All comments are very much appreciated! Anything that makes me feel less like I'm shouting into a void, but my most favourite ones have to be the lengthier ones, where people share their thoughts, what made them gasp or cry or laugh or suprised them and if its a longer fic sometimes speculate on where it might be going. Those really feed an author.
7. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
That's hard, what's fringe these days? Some people would consider hurt/comfort fringe. Gen fic definitely feels fringe given the drastic difference in interaction compared to those with ships. My most fringe fic is probably the Ted Lasso Apocalypse AU, not many people would expect that from a comedy football show. And that includes me!
8. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Anything longer than 1000 words? Nothing is easy but at least under 1k it's short and easier to edit. The hardest ones are probably where I have most of a plot, but not quite enough to string it together coherently. Like when you have this one perfect scene in your head, and then you need to construct the rest of the stroy around it.
9. What is the easiest type?
I'm always ready to write a bit of angst.
10. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my sofa at the end of the day mostly. It's a mix between Libre Writer and Scrivener but I tend to lean more towards Scrivener these days because it's such a great way to keep notes and ideas all organised in one place.
11. What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I'd like to try a completely different genre to what I usually write someday, maybe horror or a murder mystery? But I have no idea where I'd even start with that so I'm definitely intimidated by that thought!
12. What made you choose your username?
I thought it would be neat to have a username connected with astronomy in some way and I loved that we have a star in our own backyard, the sun is our native star. I'd been listening to Moby's We're All Made of Stars at the time so that might have had an influence too, plus I'm also a physics nerd and the fact that everything was once made in a star is very very cool.
Not sure who hasn't done this yet, I think I've seen a lot of mutuals tagged but if you want to play I'm gonna tag @rosieblogstufff @impossiblepluto @appalachianapologies and else who would like to play!
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abelunwilling · 11 months
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼
From @anstarwar :}
Aw! Hey, thanks! I'll do my best to answer! \o/ <3
Long Ride Home (Star Wars, Echo/Crosshair) Though I struggled for a while and stopped writing around the time my dad passed away, I really think this will be some of my best work once it's finished. I've had the basic plot planned out in a loose sense for more than a year, and it really feels like I'm finally getting there! All my favourite ingredients are here: slow burn, healing from trauma, enemies to friends to lovers... just trust me, OK? When discussing this story with a friend recently, I said: "CrossEcho is less my ship and more my oceangate submarine that I keep insisting is fine guys, really, just try it, moments before it reduces me to paste". Maybe that will convince fence-sitters to read it out of morbid curiosity!
this small, but stubborn fire (Digimon Survive, Shuuji/Ryo) This story has been on the back burner for a while (sorry!) but once Long Ride Home is done, it's my first priority. After writing so much sci-fi it feels kind of nice to get back to a more grounded, human story... I say that, but it is Digimon, so take it with a grain of salt, haha. It's also nice to write something with younger characters for a change, and play with using social media within the story.
baby (Mass Effect: Andromeda, Avitus/Macen) I've always been super fascinated by the topics of AI and robotics, and the moment I got the idea for this story it just kinda possessed me. Obviously this story is about a romantic relationship, but it also carries a lot of my own feelings about caring for a loved one with a disability. Written for a gift exchange, so hopefully my giftee liked it as much as I liked making it for them!
not our first rodeo (Star Wars, gen - Bad Batch) So this one time, I paired up with this super amazing artist for a mini bang event... ;D But really! I love writing comedy shenanigans and unreliable narrator stuff, and this story let me visit so many fun genres that have influenced my overall tastes and style in some way. It was a blast and I had so much fun bouncing ideas off of you. <3
what's in a name? (Star Wars, gen - 99 & Bad Batch) I wrote this a while back for the Vode An zine and, honestly, I stand by it. I really enjoyed writing 99's POV and I'll definitely have to do it again someday! I tend to ramble, so one of the challenges of writing a zine piece was sticking to the word count... but I worked with an absolutely amazing beta reader who did an awesome job helping me condense things and be super judicious about what needed to be kept or cut. I would say the whole process really helped me grow as a writer!
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actually I’m going to do a rec list seeing as ao3 is down and also there have been quite a few hickups recently so maybe people will find it useful in the future
this year my favourite quantum bang story was absolutely a story called OB-1 by sunryder
Title: OB-1
Author: Sunryder
Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Genre: Angst, Family, Kid!fic, Science Fiction
Relationship(s): Gen, background pairings
Content Rating: PG
Warnings: Discussion-Child Abuse, Discussion-Sexual Abuse, Discussion-Slavery, Self-Harm
Author Note: In the grand tradition of The Clone Wars cartoon, the moral of this story is: Never mistake the obedient choice for the right one.
Word Count: 79,685
Summary: For over a thousand generations, Jedi Knights have been the guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic. Force-sensitive children are brought to the Jedi Temple and there taught the ways of the Jedi. Throughout their youth these children undergo many trials, the last of which is to be chosen as an Apprentice before they turn 13. Despite his skill and talent in the Force, Obi-Wan Kenobi has been caught fighting another Initiate and deemed too angry to become a Jedi Knight. The Youngling has been expelled from the Temple to join the Agricorps instead…
(my synopsis: ob-1 is waylaid by a droid oc who will steal your heart before he headed off to bandomeer and that droids intervention not only prevented a lot of pain for Obi-Wan but also leads to a lot of very positive changes for the Jedi Order. it’s a case fic with a heart of gold)
jillyjames writes some really great sentinel fusion stories and tony dinozzo of ncis is her unicorn. my favourite of her sentinel works is by far a MCU crossover called Stick Around and its sequel Demons. The battle of new york scene remains one of my favourite fanfic action scenes i’ve ever read.
Title: Stick Around (prequel to Demons)
Author: Jilly James
Fandom: MCU/NCIS/The Sentinel
Genre: Romance, First Time, Contemporary, Crossover, Fusion, Sentinels Are Known AU
Relationship(s): Tony Stark/Tony DiNozzo (aka Dominic Rossi), Other Minor Pairings
Content Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Canon-level violence, explicit sex
Author Notes: I’ve taken liberty with the location of the FBI offices in NY—if you even can take liberties with the location of something in a fictional universe. Also, Tony DiNozzo’s name is Dominic Rossi, though he was born Tony DiNozzo. The reason for this is explained in the story. I just can’t do two people named Tony in a relationship. It’s too confusing.
Challenge: Written for the Little Black Dress Challenge on Rough Trade, July 2018.
Word Count: 24,079
Summary: In the aftermath of the battle of New York, Nick Fury recruits a sentinel to be the new handler for the Avengers. Dominic Rossi doesn’t want the gig, but Tony Stark thinks he’d like it if Dom stuck around.
she has also been writing some of the best Fox911 fanfic and singlehandedly brought me and many others into the fandom when she wrote a 911 fic for the quantumbang a few years ago. I don’t think I can choose one favourite so I encourage you to just go through the navigation of her site lmao
another fandom she brought me into with the power of fic was teen wolf with this really lovely fic. I was drawn in by the Lenny Kravitz casting of her OC and stayed for the hot pairing of mature characters.
Title: The Dark Road
Author: Jilly James
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Genre: Drama, Paranormal
Relationship(s): Gen. Minor OFC / OMC, vague hints of future Peter Hale/Noah Stilinski
Content Rating: R
Warnings: Canon-typical violence; Death of Minor Canon Characters; Murder; Character Bashing. References to hunters being raging bigots and committing terrible crimes, also references to atrocious canon events (Hale fire, everything Kate).
Word Count: ~34k
Summary: When the Hale house burned, most of his family died, and his new alpha left him for dead, one member of Peter Hale’s pack refused to leave him behind.
one more before I go clean my fridge.
ellywinkle has some great adventure stories, I love this ncis/stargate crossover:
title: Trust Issues
Author: Ellywinkle
Fandom: NCIS/Stargate Series
Rating: R
Warnings: Character Bashing, Death – Major Character, Discussion – Murder, Discussion – Torture, Kidnapping, Murder, Slavery, Violence – Canon – Level
Genres: Alternate Universe, Canon Divergent, Crossover, Established Relationship, Science Fiction, Slash
Relationships: John/Rodney, pre-Ronon/Tony
Word Count: 78,112
Author Note: This starts during the NCIS episode Dead Air. The Stargate Series are AU, so don’t waste a lot of time trying to sync the timelines. Also, DADT has already been repealed, because I refuse to mess with that. Thanks to Jilly James for help with the art. The line about attraction to your brother’s spouse was completely for her. While I have seen many stories use avatars for Atlantis, Keira Marcos’ Lantean Legacy was the first time I had seen it adapted to individual ships in Stargate. I hope my Alex lives up to that standard.
Summary: While taking voice prints for a case, Special Agent Tony DiNozzo stumbles across a kidnapping. His trust in his team is shattered when his expected rescue never appears. Now he finds himself forced to use every skill he has to keep himself and his fellow victim alive as he is thrust into a universe that is much larger and deadlier than he ever imagined.
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hilsonrecsmd · 3 months
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2 Tbsp Elephants 
by Nightdog_Barks 
gen | comp. | 1.6k ; domestic fluff + cooking + pre-slash/non-romantic
Summary: Wilson tries to make dinner. House provides diversions and obstructions.
Wilson sighed, then smiled to himself. House was home.
reccer's note: this genre of pre slash domestic fluff fics are truly my favourites. lovely banter.
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lordoftherazzles · 1 year
Thank you so much for the tag @i-did-not-mean-to!! I appreciate you so very much!
Fandoms I write for: The Hobbit, typically. Though I have dabbled in a little bit of Our Flag Means Death, and even less What We Do In The Shadows.
Characters I write for: Thorin Oakenshield & Bilbo Baggins are my focus!! (I'm stuck with Bagginshield brainrot forever) ♥
Pairings I write for: Same as above, Bagginshield ♥
Ratings I write: Anywhere from gen to explicit. Mind the tags, the ratings are there for a reason!
Favourite genre: Romance, I guess??? Since all I do is Bagginshield fics???
Favourite trope: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Fairytale AU's
I take requests: Not really anymore (unless @fellowshipofthefics is doing an event I'm participating in.) I have too many of my own stories to do, sorry! But that's not to say I won't accept some ideas anyway 👀.
I write AUs: That's all I write!
I write reader-inserts: Nope.
Characters I don't write: I'm very bad with elves. I've worked with Thranduil some as a side character, and also did a Barduil oneshot once, but it was HARD AF. And as much as I'd like to dabble in LOTR, I am not confident enough in those characters.
Pairings I don't write: I mean, I guess anything outside of Bagginshield? I've done some Barduil and Nwalin usually in the background, but I like to be comfy and confident in the ships I write.
Things that squick me: Pregnancy, especially mpreg.
The thing I do best: Fluff, I think? Idk, I'll let you guys tell me 😂.
The thing I like writing least: Gen stuff, probably? I don't feel like it's my best work, even if I adore the characters, nor do most people seem interested I guess. As for tropes and things I don't like, love trials, unrequited love, that kind of stuff.
Something about me that shows in my writing: I really love food LMAO and I like soft stories and happy endings.
I also do: Gifsets!! I love making gifs. I am also a co-mod of @fellowshipofthefics, and run a Bagginshield discord server! (Fandom is my life, apparently, and I love it!)
If you want to know more about my writing, or me in general, feel free to ask!
Also, I think most of those I would tag have already been tagged in this game, so, consider this a free for all! If anyone else wants to play, feel free!
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youreverydaydemikid -> conjectureand-gloom (15/01/24)
welcome to my personal diary!
hi! my name is alex, and i’m a non binary lesbian demisexual person (they/them).
@YourEverydayDemiKid on both ao3 and wattpad, not active on wattpad whatsoever.
i’m really just here to chill, i’ll mainly just repost things i like. which will mainly be theatre things, and these theatre things will mainly be hamilton things. i also give out little sneak peeks to my fanfictions, so enjoy that!
i’m a minor, so just don’t be creepy.
ACDT (GMT+10:30)
if anyone wants any fanfic recommendations, check out this post!
lyn lapid side blog- @tlit21c
my pinterest
discord- #youreverydaydemikid
spotify- nahh (taylor’s version) - bc i ain’t telling y’all my deadname, and my parents won’t let me put it as alex lol
2023-24 writing/posting schedule
hamilton (feel free to request any ships for hamilton fics, i love them all so much. and alexander is a DREAM for any multishipper)
jesus christ superstar (jesus/judas or jesus/judas/mary mainly for jcs, but feel free to ask if there are any other ships you want!! and no, i am not religious. i do, however, have religious trauma. don’t question it, i’m confused about why i’m in the jcs fandom too)
a good girls guide to murder (any ship. but like. pip/ravi is my favourite. ravi is my comfort character, and nothing can change that. i just torture pip relentlessly)
nevermoor (personally i’m a morrigan/cadence girly, but i tend to write more gen fics in this fandom, rather than shippy)
in the heights (canon ships mainly, but feel free to ask if you want any other ships!!!)
newsies (i tend to write more gen fics for newsies too, but dave/jack is my fav. also LOVE angsty crutchie fics)
keeper of the lost cities (preferably keefe/tam or marella/linh. but, once again, feel free to ask!!)
hunger games (gen, preferably. but i’m team peeta, in case anyone was wondering-)
maze runner (newt/thomas. idrk about many other ships, tbh)
divergent (canon ships only. and no, christina/tobias is not canon.)
six (gen all the way. they’re found family 100%, no romantic feelings there. katherine howard is my preferable torture toy btw)
the song of achilles (achilles/patroclus? literally what other ship even is there????)
wednesday (wednesday/enid. i feel like this requires no explanation. also. angst fics. i almost exclusively write angsty fics about wednesday, rather than enid. and i love the whole of the addams family, and i love familial hurt/comfort)
harry potter (DISCLAIMER: as much as i have tried to leave this fandom, it’s what makes me, me. i have been in this fandom since i was 7, and this was before jk rowling was revealed to be a shitty person. i’m a queer teen. i do not agree with any of her statements. the only way i engage with the fandom is through gay angsty fanfiction. fuck jkr. with that said, i write for any gay ship really!! i love them all!!! also, harry is my preferred whump character)
descendants (ben/mal ig, but i LOVE the VKs friendship so much. alsooo mal is my little angst toy lmao)
i’ll write any fandom listed above! i’m not picky at all! i love them all!
i’ll write hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, whump, angst, fluff, romance, anything that isn’t smut. any AUs that you could think of, and literally anything. i’m not picky, once again. whump is my personal favourite, but i will write any genre!
i won’t write romanticised abuse, non/con, or anything like that. that’s not to say the requests can’t have dark aspects, but i won’t write romanticised stuff like that. not even going to apologise for that.
actually, on that, i don’t write any non/con, romanticised or not.
also, i won’t write omegaverse, nor will i write y/n fics. nothing wrong with those genres, i just don’t write them!
It’s Only A Matter Of Time- A Hamilton watches Hamilton fic
i wish i could say that was the last time
call me son one more time
when they surround our troops
then a hurricane came
take a break
and his right hand man…
she was holding me
the great war
achilles, come down
steal into my affections
the fact that you’re alive is a miracle
fools who run their mouths off wind up dead
to convince you that i love you
my father wasn’t around (febuwhump 2023)
philip, you would like it uptown (febuwhump 2023)
i may not live to see our glory… (febuwhump 2023)
an outrageous demand (febuwhump 2023)
stay alive (febuwhump 2023)
my dearest, angelica (febuwhump 2023)
but this situation’s helpless
like mother, like daughter (agggtm)
“but now this room is spinning…” (whumptober 2023)
“i’ll call out your name, but you won’t call back” (whumptober 2023)
“like crying out in empty rooms, with no one there except the moon” (whumptober 2023)
the entire exposé (not an original idea, inspired and based entirely off of ‘the price of his war’ by jittyjames)
my world is burning (not an original idea, inspired and based entirely off of ‘the price of his war’ by jittyjames)
can you hear me, achilles? (au to my fic ‘achilles, come down’ where alexander was caught)
je m’appelle… lafayette? (non binary lafayette- last chapter is in work)
bloom like rose thorns (angst multichap)
judas’ death (jcs angst)
lams (taylor’s version) (requested, taylor swift songfics for lams)
baby don’t cut (lams angst based on a song with the same name)
you’re the one who disappears (agggtm multichap)
whumptober oneshots
baby it’s cold outside (hamilton christmas oneshot)
please ask anything you’d like in the asks box. literally, i have no limits- mostly. but i’ll just ignore anything else. please request fanfics in my asks box, i’ll get to you within 6 months at the maximum… i also love fanfic recommendations, so if you have any hamilton fics you want to rec, please do!!
asks- all the asks i’ve answered, these are also tagged with the url, or with anon dearest if it was an anon ask
akeyla ml- posts about/with my incredible incredible partner @autumnleavesforwinter ❤️
tag games- self explanatory, tag games :)
sleep is overrated- me trying to fix my sleep schedule (this was started because of my post that made it to 10k)
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not-poignant · 1 year
Hi Pia
I'm curious, do you enjoy reading fics with trauma recovery as much as you enjoy writing them?
And is there anything you enjoy writing but hate/dislike reading? And vice versa?
Hi anon!
I do enjoy reading fics with trauma recovery! It's mostly what I read when I'm looking for something longer, however, I don't like trauma recovery just because it's trauma recovery? It needs other stuff too. A lot of folks assumed I'd like the Steve/Bucky Marvel pairing because Bucky has PTSD, but I actually can't stand that pairing (though I like both characters) and don't care as much about those specific narratives of PTSD (interpersonal trauma recovery interests me more than military or natural disaster trauma recovery, for example).
I don't know if I enjoy reading fics with trauma recovery as much as I enjoy writing it. In fact I'd say that's not true anymore because I've read very few fics with trauma recovery since I started writing Falling Falling Stars and I kind of realised I could write exactly what I wanted. Ever since then, reading the fanfiction of other folks doing trauma recovery is a harder sell to me personally, though I still do look for hurt/comfort etc.
I do still reread old fics I love, and old novels with trauma recovery / hurt/comfort that I love. But I don't... reread that content as much as I write that content, so if we're talking about 'time spent reading trauma recovery' vs. 'time spent writing/editing trauma recovery' alone, then I would definitely like writing it more.
Most of the original novels I've recced here and on Goodreads, particularly in romance but not always, generally have trauma recovery as a centralised theme or major part of the story.
As for stuff I like writing but hate/dislike reading:
Horror and supernatural horror (can't watch it, don't love reading it, really enjoy writing it)
Stories that are too long (lol)
Probably other stuff I'm forgetting.
And for stuff I don't like writing but really like reading:
Like, too much to list! I don't like writing nonfiction novels but I read a ton of nonfiction novels, lol. I don't really like writing high literature but I still read it. I don't like writing plays for the stage but I'll read 'em.
I mean isn't this true of most writers? Most of what we haven't written and/or don't enjoy writing is often what we're still going to really love, because we can't do everything. Idk, I have no interest in writing The Great British Bake Off, but I really like watching it. I have no interest in writing police procedurals but I love watching them.
Specifically in terms of romance fic, I'm not sure. Probably areas where I'm extremely concerned about the level of work involved in making a slightly accurate fanfiction - like getting terminology, customs and costumes right in certain fandoms like say, Natsume's Book of Friends or Mo Dao Zu Shi, and the actual process of writing seems extremely intimidating but I like reading (or have liked reading) stories in those fandom/s where other people are willing to do that work. I've definitely been thinking about researching this a bit more with an intention to writing fic going forward though.
I can be a really lazy writer, but I'm also a writer who can really appreciate when another writer has done the hard yards in areas of fandom where I want to read, but writing fills me with :/ feelings. Like, I really respect when you can see an author's care and research, but it's not weighing down the page and I don't feel like I'm getting a lecture that feels like a Wiki page that's been condensed down. Some of my favourite fandoms for like weird random niche knowledge included Dragon Age: Inquisition, and that was a fandom where I ended up doing a ton of research myself (i.e. what did horses eat 200 years ago, how did you prepare and store their food).
In terms of genre, there's not a ton of difference honestly. I don't love writing or reading gen. I don't love writing or reading fluff in the absence of hurt/comfort. I don't love writing or reading hurt-no-comfort. Maybe the biggest one is that on the very rare occasion I'll read a heterosexual PWP that has a kink I'm really looking for, but I don't intend to ever write het again.
(Finally pressing post on this after forgetting I had it in my drafts for ages!)
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izumisays · 8 months
dear yuletide author,
Thank you so much for reading this and taking part in this wonderful annual conspiracy!
First of all, I hope you have a lovely time! If any of the fandoms below pique your interest, I’m delighted already, and ready to hear all the stories you want to tell.
Fandoms: Hikaru no Go, Natsume Yuujinchou | Natsume's Book of Friends, Link Click (时光代理人), 猎罪图鉴 | Under the Skin (TV 2022),  Hunting (猎狐), Thunderbolt Fantasy (東離劍遊紀)
As for reading preferences, I’m happy with a wide variety of tones and genres, of any rating, ranging anywhere from lighthearted antics to dramatic casefics. But the core of all the stories I love has always been character interaction and interplay of their competences. How the characters play off each other and bring out their best/worst, how they’d react to a divergence of events, how true they’d stay to themselves in a different setting – I love fanfiction for allowing us to reconnect with our favourite stories time and again by asking these questions. And there are so many ways to do it! To name a few favourites, I’m always game for POV hijinks, a missing scene, a casefic, canon expansion, backstories and what-ifs.
You may notice that some of my requests lean towards shipfic – those, too, are welcome in a variety of tones – but I also tried to include openings for gen ideas if that’s your jam. Additionally, while it is not usually my top interest, I don’t have anything against AUs if there is something that you are itching to explore: I tend to enjoy them for a new aesthetic that fleshes out the favoured character dynamics in a new light, or a fusion that redefines the playing ground to allow the characters to exhibit their core competences in new and exciting ways.
I would be very grateful if you could avoid a/b/o and associated kinktropes, played-straight soulmate fic, and character interpretation that runs contrary to their core values. If in doubt, please reach out to me on anon - the askbox is open!
No, seriously. I’m totally going to lean into the fact that with ff.net no longer included for consideration, some of my most beloved canons are back in the game. Bring it on!
Hikaru no Go - Shindou Hikaru, Touya Akira
Oh boy. Oh boy. I cannot point out one single canon more significant to my fandom life than this. It completely possessed my brain after I first read and watched it, I simply couldn’t talk about anything else for days on end. It brought so many wonderful people into my life, and it started me writing fanfic: to say it was foundational seems like an understatement. I feel like I can go years without having a Hikago conversation, and then one day something trips me, and I want to climb into a soapbox and yell into a megaphone about it, or at least how my passion for something else actually has roots in this story.
Anyway, this story. It’s something that straddles two big themes for me, in a way that it’s never really one without the other. The first one, of course, is the eternal rivals (I can’t believe I’m typing this phrase in the year of our lord 2k23, omg I’m so excited) — the dynamic between Shindou and Touya is the core of the story and a big reason why I imprinted on Hikaru no Go. They are mutually obsessed, fierce, kinda ridiculous and ridiculously canon couple (in a way that means any hikago gen in my head comes with akihika implied). The other big theme, of course, is what unites all characters of this story into a vibrant tapestry: the striving for excellence, belonging & competition in a pursuit that’s bigger than one single man’s journey, the community and your place in it. There is not a single character in it whose story leaves me indifferent. Sai (Sai!), Nase, Isumi & Waya, Ochi, Ko, Yashiro, a wave of veteran players whose love for the game is a steady flame, the new wave burning with the desire to catch up, and coming to grips with their generation’s supernovas.
I would love a range of things for this fandom: anything post-canon and ship-centric, including getting together (or catching up with the fact that they were together) and addressing the mystery of Sai; anything with the ensemble cast and a good dose of fond humour; any AU which leans into supernatural forces you would want to tap into because the potential is right there; any AUs/crossovers that recreates the dynamic in a different setting is fine as well.
I’m choosing Shindou and Touya as nominated characters, but it could be centered on other characters if you really wish - as long as they are in the frame, so to say, and acknowledged for who they are.
Note you can take or leave, made in hopes to reduce stress rather than inject it: at the height of my obsession, I went to a Go club for a while and learnt a little of the game; it’s safe to say what survived through the years in my head is probably just familiarity with the Japanese terms for the game, its rules and main concepts. So it’s probably enough to understand a metaphor underpinned by what’s transpiring on the page, but definitely not enough to judge anyone for their Go strategy in fanfic. Be as specific or as metaphorically handwavy as you want to be.
My DNWs: I cannot handle other endgame ships for the characters if it means either Shindou or Touya is miserable, and I’m also incapable of stomaching any sort of romantic relationship between Sai and Shindou.
I'm up to date with both anime and manga, but I haven't seen the c-drama.
Natsume Yuujinchou (Natsume’s Book of Friends) - Matoba Seiji, Natori Shuuichi
I’m having the best time having a horrible exorcist relapse.
I don’t know what I was doing with my life, but I had the last several volumes of the manga on the shelf but unread for a couple of years, and only got around to them a little while ago. I am pleased to report Midorikawa-sensei still knows exactly how to get me ferally texting my friends within a few chapters, yelling about LOQUATS. Honestly I’m so pleased that what we’re getting on the page seems to be softer and more open to possibility than what we collectively imagined as a horrible exorcists fandom, yelling about bitter exes and divorces. I am so grateful that Midorikawa-sensei knows not only what we want, but what we need. There is surprisingly less knives and more communication, soft resignation and a working relationship as opposed to a bitter estrangement and mutual avoidance — not ignoring the feuds and bone-breakingly heavy legacies, but growing around them, somewhat? Miharu and Homura arcs were absolutely ruinous in the best way, and what we saw after adds more layer to understanding the history between the two houses but at the same time has enough soft bits around it that makes me hopeful? The mix is intoxicating, not going to lie. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and see the reaction of Matoba’s clansmen when Natori shows up in their boardroom to borrow their esteemed leader for a few days, on important business. HOW OFTEN DOES THAT HAPPEN, I need to know for science.
Also because I reread the manga from around Distorted World chapters until end of v.28, I have clocked it that the ongoing theme in author notes is gentle callout that Natori is doing a worse job of judging Matoba by what he does than what he says than even Natsume. He is so stubborn! And the invitation to stop listening to Seiji glibly run his mouth is right there! (I feel compelled to add here that Seiji running his mouth with the most clingy shit is my favourite thing. "Oh it would be nice to have Natori-san’s paper talisman." "Oh it would be nice to go on a wistful little loquat date again." URGHUGHG - me and Nastume both, probably).
Casefics, shipfics, boardroom comedy, AUs or futurefics — all good, as long as it digs into the dynamic between them. Messing with timelines, forced proximity, day jobs crossing with exorcist jobs, narratively convenient youkai curses forcing their hand, etc etc.
I'm up to date with English official translations of manga & anime.
Link Click (时光代理人) - Lu Guang, Cheng Xiaoshi
My request for them as I worded it last year seems woefully inadequate now that s2 has aired, so while in essence my wishes remain the same - all stories that aim to answer any questions posed by the show, fill in the worldbuilding gaps, offer casefics or day-in-the-life-of sketches, and above all, to lean into the fiercely protective dynamics between the main leads of the show are very welcome - I feel compelled to add a few comments to it.
The dynamic between Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang remains central to my interest. I ship them, but if you don’t want to explicitly include that, there is still all the rest of it that makes the two of them zing: cooperation, mutual protectiveness, the clear imbalance in knowledge, complementary powers and different styles, the blurry line between what’s actually a limitation in powers & bad practice, and what’s LG doing his damnedest to steer the events in a certain direction.
While I am right there in the first rows, gleefully screaming about Hypocritcal Homura Lu Guang erasing and rewinding timelines to protect Cheng Xiaoshi, I am also the first to admit that I don’t have a very good idea of how it works, and the implications of the time reset (resets?) initiated by LG. I’ve had a really good time reading other people’s theories and watching in fascination the corkboards with timestamps and visual cues offered by the production team, but the truth is, I do not have a firm understanding or a preferred explanation, so please feel free to take it as an invitation to play with it as fast and loose as you like. If you have an elaborate theory of your own — I’d be happy to see where it takes you, if you want to hand-wave the mechanics in favour of a general logic of a thing, or bypass it because it’s not the kind of story that you want to tell — don’t let that bother you. Timetravel is mindboggling.
Actual crossovers with Madoka, if you are inclined to go there, are totally welcome. I’ve refreshed my memory of it and have some thoughts on what sets the two shows apart, on the bone structure level, so if you want to play in that sandbox, please do. Just note that my interest in this crossover is not in packing any of the Link Click cast in frilly mahou shoujo dresses.
I am a big fan of Qiao Ling’s part in the story. She is such a grounding presence for CXS and through him, on LG. I am fiercely protective of the idea that her role in the story is not a romantic one, but it’s no less important for it. The way her level-headedness and empathy allowed for a break-through with Tianxi in s2, or the fact that she doesn’t shy from a fight but is not taking unnecessary risk — all of these things are an important part of the overall balance of power in the story.
On that note, what exactly happened at the end of s2 with Qiao Ling’s visions? Did she have her own powers awaken? What would be the impact?
The characters we got to know through s2 - they don’t capture my attention as much as the main trio. I found chosen themes resonant - e.g. the dismantling of the idea of a “respectable man” in the context of domestic violence, the imbalance of power and knowledge — but the characters via whom these themes were explored in s2 currently don’t occupy the top three slots for things I think about when I obsess about questions raised by the show. They are more of a vehicle to explore an idea, to me, that characters about whom I have intense emotions.
I'm up to date with two seasons as they aired on Crunchyroll, but I cannot claim to have absorbed all the lore shared via official twitter, on the account of my Chinese still being a learner level. I'm happy to read content based on that, though -- as long as you include an explanation and a link with commentary that will help me understand the context.
Under the Skin (猎罪图鉴 ) - Shen Yi, Du Cheng.
Always welcome the addition of Du Qing, Du Cheng’s fabulous sister, or the ensemble cast of the investigation unit.
For this show, I’m both charmed by the dynamics between the main leads, and the completely realistic (ha!) way they use art skills to solve crime. This is some anime level nonsense and I’m eating it up with a spoon.
Case fics case fics! Case fics that explore and develop the relationship between Shen Yi and Du Cheng. I ship them, and would welcome the acknowledge of the growing closeness and intimacy between them in the story, but you don’t have to push yourself if you are there for camaraderie alone. I think between their backstory and the events of s1, there is a lot that makes them tick as a duo. Things that particularly please me: the playfulness in dialogue and little things like picture notes, acknowledgement and reliance on each other’s competences, protectiveness and care that comes across both in the middle of real danger (how many hostage situations can Shen Yi get himself into? Asking for a friend) and in daily routine. (Food is love! Allowing people to have naps is love!)
The inherent domesticity of adopting one loner artist by a whole investigative unit. I really liked the evolution of how people warmed up to him, and different distance at which these relationships grow and show in their daily work.
On a similar note: how large will Shen Yi’s menagerie grow to be, if he keeps adopting all sorts of strays from his cases? *An amateur artist myself, I am very fond of the many ways art has been shown to interlace and influence things we perceive to be objective and tangible on the show. It’s not just about sketching a perpetrator’s portrait, and joke as I may about the realism of crime-solving with a sketchbook, I’m definitely fond of all kinds of aspects of art and its transformative power that were brought into the show.
Thematically, one thing that boggled my mind when watching the show is how it gravitated towards exploring violence and crimes perpetrated against women, and created a whole range of competent, sympathetic characters… and yet they all somehow were either in victims, perpetrators or both. It’s like the show writers are trying to engage in important issues, but stop before actually seeing it through to the logical end. Is it censorship? Individual creative decisions? I don’t know, but I would hope that in fic, we could be bolder about saying B after saying A.
The drama is available on viki.com, which is where I watched it.
猎狐 | Hunting - Xia Yuan, Wu Jiaqi
Don’t get me wrong, I love me a good white collar crime, especially one that busts a few capitalist myths. But let’s be real, the best parts of this TV show were Xia Yuan and Wu Jiaqi’s overseas 💕dates💕 I mean business trips, which mysteriously required they be outfitted like a well-matched pair of ridiculously long-legged models that strutted right out of the Vogue pages and into the metaphorical fire. The kind of fire that, in turn, required them to fake date, or dress up even more glamorously to impersonate filthy rich celebrities and their butlers, or deployed other similarly logical methods of tracking down runaway fraudsters.
I would eat up more of such adventures with a spoon, nay, a SHOVEL. Just like the epilogue showed, I’d like to imagine their adventures post-canon be a series of bright postcards (bang bang from Russia with love) capturing their antics in various capitals of the world.
Some ideas for inspiration could be: • Competitive not-dating. Xia Yuan and Wu Jiaqi just happen to contrive the circumstances in a way that makes the next operation seem conspicuously like a date, and the other one simply cannot let this slide and ups the ante. • I’m totally on board with some commentary or scheming from the peanut gallery of the Economics Crimes Division (I love you, Xiaolei!) to set them up faster. I don’t know if I love more the idea of the two of them giving in to the gang’s attempts to set them up, or the gang continuing to set them up completely unaware that the two of them are already dating, thus amplifying the comedy.  • As mentioned above, every city needs a pair of scarily competent and scarily beautiful law enforcement agents (who are also derps) descend on it to charm the pants off the local police forces and then solve some crime while they are at it. It’s also incredibly cute that Wu Jiaqi is the worldlier (or nerdier?) of the two, and can dispense funfacts and trivia at Xia Yuan’s incredibly soft face. I’m a simple girl and I like simple things. • ALL THE TROPES ever, as essential and completely logical ways to solve economic crimes. All the dress-ups. All the role-playing on the job with bae.
The show is available on viki.com.
Thunderbolt Fantasy (東離劍遊紀): any characters
Sanfan is a mixture UTTER GLEE and deep fondness for the genre staples, self-aware and masterful playthrough of all the wuxia tropes in the book, and one goddamn well-constructed story. It plays the tropes straight, calls them out with a knowing wink, walks the tightrope between the two with panache, and just as you are relaxed and enjoying this trapeze show, it grins cheekily at you, sets the hat on fire and pulls a bunny out of a discoball.  It’s DELIGHTFUL and fun and lovingly crafted, just like a good passion project should be.
I want anything that capitalizes on the absolutely hilarious dynamics between Rin Setsua and Sho Fukan (and while personally I end up using the Japanese versions of their names more often, please feel free to go with the Chinese names if you prefer). Sho Fukan does not want any of those heroic quests, he’s the human equivalent of been there, done that mood, and he just wants to REST and hopefully dump a bunch of magical murderswords someplace safe. Rin Setsua is a Totally Respectable and Non-Villainous Member of Society, of which he will inform you firsthand in the most high spoken and verbose way possible, and maybe even produce paperwork that has definitely not been tampered with. He harbours no ulterior motives, ever, and does not trail behind Sho Fukan for any reason beyond the pleasure of his company, and his mission is to personally victimize and cockblock every morally derelict villain in two countries, by no-one’s request.
Whether you go shipfic (yiss!) or canon levels teamup circus (also yiss!), don’t hold back your horses. Everything about this is Extra, and should continue to be so <3
I am okay with both expanding the canon and playing with AUs/crossovers/fusions for this one, provided they retain the character dynamics. I love the extended cast as well: any characters including the Seiyou gang (and on that note, if you want to write the Seiyou backstory for Shou’s gang that has no Rin in it, you’re welcome as well), reappearance of the familiar faces from Touri (read: Rin’s victim list, past, future and present), original characters lined up and waiting to be screwed over (guaranteed) and rescued (the administration does not bear any responsibility etc etc).
Season three, god bless Urobutcher, just went and upped the ante by 9000 – time and space travel! Magical walkie-talkie pocket-sized boyfriend dolls! Dramatic daddies and villains literally yeeted into literal space, jjba-style! The sandbox has expanded exponentially, and if you think this is a good excuse to open the door wide for any perceivable AUs and still remain canon-compatible, well, then you have the right audience in me.
This year I’m not limiting my request to just the two main characters (though as you can see my fondness for them is great) because I think season three especially kicks the doors wide open for various kinds of hilarious team-ups, confrontations, family dramas and peanut gallery commentaries about one another’s delusions of grandeur. If you would rather write about characters in the demonic realm, or have been wanting a good match-up for characters that never met on screen, or bring back some dead faves — well, then s3 labyrinth invites you to play with it, and I’ll happily read it.
Thunderbolt Fantasy is available on Crunchyroll.
I’m also open for treats for any of the above -- to me, dropping stories into other’s stockings and finding some surprises in your own is definitely a highlight of the true Yule experience :)
Thank you for taking the time to read the letter, and I’m greatly looking forward to reading your story — and hopefully, getting to chat about these ridiculous and wonderful characters post-reveals :)
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