#it was genuinely really cool and i wish i could describe it better
wandering-aloneo-o · 2 years
a little thing about the weather i wrote because the weather this morning was very weather-like
the sun wasn't up yet, but the sky was still a lightish blue.
the clouds in the east, that were above and behind the mountain, were a bright, deep red underneath, and it looked almost like red lightning.
in the north, it was raining, and the red light caught on parts of the rain too, looking like the valley was being drenched in blood in some places. the north rain clouds were also occasionally spotted with lightning.
there was also rain in the south, but most of it couldn't be seen due to the mountain.
there was a large chunk of empty sky in the west and above us, but it was spotted with a few clouds here and there.
after a while, the red had completely faded from the dark blue clouds, and they were instead becoming golden at the tops.
you could see the changing colors of the leaves on the east mountains, and on the south mountain chunk too.
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eggwishing · 29 days
LORD alfuckingmighty i don't think there is a single string of words i could piece 2gether to properly describe the absolute magnificence of ur art . you have such a vast understanding of art & so many of its intricacies. ur character designs are ALWAYS incredible, so so endearing & memorable. every time i see one i get incredibly excited & am strangled by the urge to make fanart because just. oh my god. you have some of the BEST color work i have ever fucking seen like it is genuinely fucking spectacular what you are able to create & look good with combinations of colors i would NOT think to place in the way you do if i were given the same palette. i feel like calling your doodles just "doodles" is like, WRONG, because every single one is something u could spend ages looking at on its own. i'd pick favorites to describe but we would be here for hours . you have the insane ability to keep your style consistent but are able to stretch it & change it for whatevers appropriate/the receive your desired result for the particular drawing and its just SO. SO. COOL. take literally all of this and add it to the fact that you can fucking ANIMATE !!! while still keeping all of these features of ur style intact and that fact is just OTHERWORLDLY to me in the best way possible . not only that but ur stories r always so very intriguing and it makes me SOO ANGRY that oc artwork & original stories dont receive the same attention as fandom work or otherwise because i swear 2 fucking god you go absolutely ABOVE and beyond in terms of creativity for ur stories & DESERVE THE RECOGNITION AAAAAAAAUUUUUUGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRORWGGGGGGGGGGGGRWGGGGGGGGGGRGGGGGGGGGRGGGGGGGGGGGGGRGGGGGGGGGGGGGG okay im done. i hav been up for almost 24 hours and saw one of ur drawings and got real emotional ihope uhave an awesome day eebrt i hope to be at least 10th place in ur list of biggest fans .
oh my god . I'm responding to this on a computer which doesn't have any of my usual images OR emojis that I would usually throw at you like. I don't know Someone who's really really REALLY good at throwing stuff. so I'll just use my words. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!! this means the absolute world to me.. I did not expect to be blasted in the face by one million kisses when I checked my inbox, I had to sit back in my chair like WOW.... I love you .... I love youuuu...... thank you so much for the encouragement, I've been feeling not so confident And kind of afraid (leaving to study animation in college very soon) for the last few days n your words are lifting me out of the void like bingbong's rocket from inside out. not gonna lie your comments are one of the highlights of posting on Tumblr, I love reading them so much when you reblog my stuff. they're beautiful and always make me feel better when I'm feeling down... you were there from the days of homestuck dragons... you were always there for my ocs... You are a "real one." If I had a heart locket I'd print out your icon and put it in there along with all the other people I treasure ^_^ so yeah, definitely in the ranks... when I'm up on stage wearing a solid gold tuxedo (they had to wheel me in because I could not walk in the Solid Gold Tuxedo) and giving my speech to the world before I take it over my i will start by saying First of all I'd like to thank Mel Tumblr user Melissa-titanium On Tumblr for always hyping me up... could not have made it this far without him. And then I'd press the doomsday button and blow up every world leader.
I wish I could respond with something that appropriately returns the energy of what you sent me, but this is all I've got. Just know I am vibrating in my chair right now... hope you got some sleep!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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nothing0fnothing · 7 months
Tumblr media
NEWSFLASH for abusive parents: NO Pussy is that good.
Exactly no one in the history of ever has had a happy, healthy, loving relationship with their mum and gone no contact with them for seven years, just because their partner asked them to.
OP knows this better than anyone, because she knew to tell her son not to get involved when she found out the girlfriend was no contact with her own toxic parents. She gives no other reason why she didn't want her "genius" son to meet the "very smart and nice" Law undergrad girl he was in love with, because that was the only one. She didn't want her son to connect with other adults who are healthily and happily no contact from their own abusive family members, because she didn't want him to see it was possible.
She really wants us to beleive that she is such a victim, because her son picked an "outsider to the family" over her. Her sons girlfriend is the person she's decided is going to take the blame, and hell will freeze over before she considers blamimg the relationship breakdown on literally anyone else. Note how she breezes past telling us about her sons "accusations" of her. She's stressing that he'd never brought the issues up before he met the girl when he was in college, but never actually denies them. Considering her son and his girlfriend described her as a "criminal", I'm gonna just assume that if it was trivial, she'd have told us what she's been accused of. He didn't choose his girlfriend over his mum at all. With all the pot stirring and projecting she's admitted to doing in this post alone, it seems to me he chose himself over her. With the way she's deflecting like it's her job and rents due, I don't blame him.
Here's a take that might be controversial: stalking... is bad. Even.. if you get someone else to do it for you.
"I had to use one of those search services" (What these psycho parents call private investigators, because it sounds more like they were searching for someone missing than that they paid someone to stalk their target.) as if her being out of pocket, paying for someone to seek out a person who clearly does not wish to be found, was super fucking inconvenient for her. I just want to scream "No babe, you didn't "have to" do anything. You chose to do that because you can't comprehend the fact that your now 30 year old son isn't your property." This dude is just young, free and living his best no contact life with his super cool, lawyer girlfriend. Literally nobody reasonable was concerned for his safety.
This is a woman who doesn't know how to apologise because she genuinely can't conceive of a scenario where she could be at fault. That snide comment "lord forbid I care about him" actually infuriates me. This woman has admitted to running her own son out of his hometown after attempting to ruin his relationship, using his father and sister as informants against him till he had to cut them off too, and paying a stranger to stalk him. This poor guy has had his life absolutely torn apart by this bitter hag of a mother. He had to orphan himself from his entire family when he was barely 20 years old to protect himself from this utter nutcase, and she has the fucking audacity to say "God forbid I..." as if she has experienced any consequences for any of her own truly unhinged behaviour.
I don't care if she's old, if I see this twat, it's on sight.
The "Poor me" angle she's trying to run at this with is pretty pathetic and really transparent. I'm not sure who beleives she's an innocent victim, but this "I text him every day and they bounce because I've been blocked for seven years" shtick is boring and over dramatic. Especially when even the fact that the girl has a law degree is enough to provoke some weird, barely related attempt at a smug remark. She's clearly not too sad to be salty. When she's not coming off whiney and sad she's just coming across as bitter and jealous. It's not a good look and it's clearly not worked for her up till now, but she's committed to the bit and she's not gonna turn it around.
Her son is happy and she's just so mad about it.
Womp womp.
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lilithloves-you · 5 months
Hello it is I, random anon who does not know you and has never interacted with you before, what is your opinion of your mutuals?
(you requested and I shall arrive:)
I don’t know my mutuals very well but I do have some stuff to say about them
Rabids pretty cool! Their wife is my best friend and sister. But from what I’ve seen and the interactions that I’ve had with them their a really cool person and I overall wish we talked more
He’s really cool, unhinged, but genuinely a funny person and also nice. I also love his art style and wish we could talk more.
I hope we can talk more, voids art style is also really cool and their also a really cool person in general
Ace is really cool, their wife is also my best friend and sister. I love Aces art and they have a wonderful personality and I also wanna talk with them more.
Me and bun don’t talk a lot, but the stuff he makes and art he makes are really cool!
Me and him haven’t talked a lot AND I APOLOGIZE FOR THAT, I genuinely do hope we can talk more in the future
Alrighty I could genuinely write paragraphs of how much I love and appreciate my sister. Shes the best fucking person and i could never ask for a better sister. Like Jesus Christ words can’t describe how much I fucking love my sister.
This bitch is gonna be the cause of my death/j. But genuinely they are such an awesome person, I sometimes wanna strangle them because they’re so cool.
@dia-smthidk (ik we’re not mutuals but they said we were friends.)
Dia is fucking cool, like I want to transfer his coolness to myself so I can be cool too. LIKE GIVE ME YOUR COOLNESS.
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mewmewpercy · 2 months
Everything Right and Wrong with Penacony
In the spirit of Penacony being a finished story it's high time I finally shit on it. But it's also time to praise certain parts of it.
Let's get the negativity out of the way. So for starters I'm so fucking pissed there were no poc playables. Like genuinely. This was based off of the Jazz Age of America. That was when us black folks were spreading our influence nationwide. It was a time that should be celebrated for bringing so much of what America is known for now.
It's obvious in everything from clothing styles down to the literal background music that it was this time. The name of the Penacony ost albums are called The Flapper Sinthome. FLAPPER. DUDE. AND THE CLOTHING??? It's so reminicent of that time period man. Everyone in fancy clothing looking dolled up and dressed to the damn nines. And the music is literally JAZZ. AND ITS GOOD JAZZ TOO. Nothing beats running around with saxophone in my ears.
I'm kinda digging the fact that Penacony was very obvious in showing that while things may have looked all fun and dreamlike and beautiful in this place there were deep rooted problems. The way it was dreams I just. Like the way that the Dreamscape felt like what you could call the American Dream but when you "wake up" and really take a look at what you might not be shown to you you realise how messed up the place truly is. Like that's actually such good storytelling to me. Penacony is called the Land of Dreams. It's a vacation spot many people frequent. Tell me that isn't so fucking America. Any fellow Americans can attest to the fact that America may seem cool to an outsider but we have deep rooted issues we still can't get rid of.
Next we gotta get into the religious symbolism because hoo boy that was a lot. So as a Christian when I was going through the story I was just. It was so good. I know everybody complains about the 2.2 bit being long winded. I know a lot of people)myself included) skipped some dialogue but just. It was so well done. The entire arc Sunday had that update was so religious trauma core and I love it. His constant talk about choices. The damn one or damn all ideology. The way he was literally martyring himself? The way he described the seven days? The entire boss fight? The motifs all over and around him? I'm sorry he's just such a banger fucking character I love him.
The last thing I absolutely gotta discuss is the way the inconveniences and emotions were done. So Penacony introduced us to the annoying sign boards that quite literally follow you which is way too reminiscent of when you see the same ads and billboards no matter where you go and you can't escape them. Advertising is so fucking common here I hate it but the signboards really represent how infuriating they are. The fact that the cars swerve out of your way at the last second and when they hit you they just keep going? Hit and runs and irresponsible drivers core fr. The people throwing up in the streets because of drinking too much alcohol SoulGlad? Yea that's normal. The amount of people with varying emotions scattered around? The way there's a literal pepeshi wanting to jump off the balcony? The way you can literally go into their mind and change their emotions? Like that's gotta be a reference to our drug problem here.
So yea Penacony could've been made so much better with a poc cast. I wish we could've had more diversity. But I do love how well the details were scattered around. I love comparing it to my life. I like that a lot. I won't deny they did good on that. But c'mon where's me a beautiful black queen with the biggest fro and best damn clothes at? They would've ate so hard with that.
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grishaverse-chaos · 6 months
The Darkling
why I like them: could have been SO GOOD in theory okay? I will never shut up about this because "character who everyone thinks is evil is actually just the victim of a smear campaign and some really bigoted propaganda" is SUCH a good character concept and I wish darkling fans were right about him because it would be so fucking cool and aesthetic
why I don't: he uh. he isn't that. he could have been so fucking iconic and instead he was just a vicious murderer. who grooms teenage girls.
favourite episode/scene: LOVE the bit where alina stabs his hand in s1e8. tbf that's more of a fav alina moment than anything else lmao, let me think... okay fr I love the "fine. make me your villain" scene bc it just really showcases who he is as a character and how he sees himself (hint: those two things are not the same)
favourite season/movie: imo he's better written in s1 of the show than in s2, idk though. and I do love his story in the kos duology lmao
favourite line: that one bit in rule of wolves where he says "everything I have done has been for ravka" because it's so clearly Not True and yet.... he clearly thinks it is.... so where does intent stop and impact begin...... it's deep okay
favourite outfit: purely for shits and giggles I'm going to say his black kefta in s2 where there's bits of gold bc I loveeee people being haunted by those they've wronged and I think alina haunting him really fits into that theme
otp: no thank you! in all honesty he prob could have been Fixed™ if he'd had a genuine relationship at an earlier age but he didn't so I refuse to inflict him on any other character. darkolai is interesting to consider though bc I feel like the ways they see themselves clash so heavily.... it's about self image and it's about villainy and law and justice and power and and and. they would Not be a good relationship but I think they should interact more for the Narrative
brotp: his sister ulla! they'd have such a fun sibling dynamic lmao I think it'd be sweet
headcanon: tbh I don't tend to think about him much beyond the big narrative stuff so I'm struggling to think of something that fits the genre of "headcanon".... but let's humanise him a little! I bet he reads really literary fiction and gets ever-so-slightly pretentious about it lmao
unpopular opinion: is it unpopular to say that despite his original good intentions he's a bit of a dickhead and not as smart as he thinks he is? in some corners of the fandom it totally is but idk
a wish: at this point there's not much more that could be done with his character beyond what's already been set up (him being mercy killed so he's not suffering in the thorn wood for all eternity) so I'm going to say that I hope his stans get better reading comprehension bc dear GOD some of the takes I see (posted in the alina tag btw I'm not deliberately seeking them out) are absolutely horrendous. is that too salty? perhaps. idc though it's my blog and darkling stans are free to block me if they don't like my takes
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: I swear if he goes NEAR alina genya or zoya again I will reach through the fourth wall to kill him myself. only half joking btw I'd be so pissed. imo they've all had the closure they need narratively and for him to seek them out again would be a dick move of the highest degree
5 words to best describe them: used to have good intentions. that might be cheating but idk if I can pick 5 random adjectives lmao
my nickname for them: I call him darkles sometimes (bc it's funny and also I think it'd piss him off if people called him that in-universe) also a lot of less positive nicknames ("that prick", "shithead" etc) but idk if that counts
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zyinn · 4 months
Voice Log | Entry 17:
The Pilots
09:58 - 6.9.24
Pilots. I wanted to be one myself, but I ended in the mechanics area. You'd think I'd be disappointed, but I won't lie, it's a lot of fun. The pilots make sure I never have a dull moment as well. I was promoted to work directly with the ones who choose and these pilots are so odd. To be fair, syncing their bodies and brains directly to the mechs and filling them with drugs that make conflict genuinely addicting are obviously gonna twist them a bit, but I expected them to be constantly tired and sluggish. I could not be more wrong. They seem even more energetic than a person without all that. They make me feel like I'm almost too normal. I can barely even describe them.
They're so...volatile. So passionate about who they are. And so open as well. The tunings always starts silent, but they'll clock my ADHD or pick up on a reference I make and that leads to nonstop conversation. It's made me realize that they're just like me. They just want another person to talk to. To express themselves towards. They're not living weapons. They still feel and they have everything I have, despite their position. Even the the most twisted pilots have their moments. Having combat junkies tell you that you make a life outside of battle almost seem interesting, or the emotionless elites tell you that they appreciate your contributions to their efficiency...
It's nice.
And I won't lie, that makes it harder to do my job. I'm preparing these mechs for battle. I've come to care about these pilots quite a bit. They gave me a home. They're my friends now. I've spent hours upon hours understanding and coming to care for them. I can't just be cool with preparing them to risk their lives. At the same time though, I know better than that. I know that they've chosen to be here to some degree. I know that whatever passion they have goes into being the pilots they are. Trying to take that away from them would be the worst thing I could do to them. So I give every tuning my all. I try my best to let them know that their desires are seen and supported.
I've asked a lot of them if they really want to go into battle. Some were simple. Stern denials due to fear or loathing of conflict, excited confirmations due to childish dreams and desires for glory, and indifference to the fact life has you here and you're good at it, so might as well. Some were complicated. Stories of how facing conflict to be who you wish to be, tying into their genders or sexualities. Tangents about having a body thay can do so much and helping those who gave it to you, being steeled by the understanding of true weakness. Promises made to loved ones, alive or dead, putting your heart into the things that did the same for you. The overwhelming desire to see suffering, to see life end, either because it's all they know, or because they simply enjoy it.
They thank me. For tuning their mechs, for caring about them, sometimes, even for arguing against them. They all appreciate my efforts, whether or not it supports them. They know I care...and that makes me happy.
This is the first of many little stories I'll write here. I hope you guys enjoy and I hope you can leave tips on how I can make these better as well.
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rizzulusarcturizz · 6 months
hi hi hi!!! ... need your thoughts on regulus today... and you seem so cool... <3 <3 <3 <3
hi bella!!! you seem extremely cool too and i'm always happy to talk about my favorite boy!!!
i am and always will be a trans reggie truther; walburga and orion wish they could think of a name as cunty as regulus arcturus. the first time he cut his hair short he told sirius he wanted to look just like him <3 sirius didn't realize at the time it was because regulus is trans but he was absolutely the first know and accept him. even when their relationship was at their worst he never misgendered or deadnamed him and would beat the shit out of transphobes
the sorting hat wanted to put regulus in hufflepuff because of his loyalty, hard-working nature, and dedication but regulus begged to be put in slytherin. after seeing what sirius went through for being placed in gryffindor he was terrified of what his parents would do if neither of their children were placed in slytherin.
he became seeker during his second year and was extremely nervous to be on a team of mostly older students. dorcas pretty much immediately became his friend so he could have someone on the team. once she got to know regulus and how snarky and funny he was they became very close friends. they're the only quidditch players in their friend group and are VERY intense about it.
autistic regulus!!! making friends can be difficult for him because he really struggles with social cues. he also has a tendency to avoid eye contact and genuinely doesn't enjoy general small talk. people tend to think it's because he's rude because of it and even when he gets older it's hard for him to mimic allistic social norms. the wizarding world doesn't really consider autism a thing and even sirius just describes his brother as being shy and standoffish but well-intentioned. remus clocks him as autistic after knowing him for like ten hours lmao
close friends with miss lily evans herself!!! they both relate over their parents preferring their older sibling and feeling like their older sibling is embarrassed by them. younger lily doesn't get along with the gryffindor girlies well because of her friendship with snape and disdain towards the marauders leaving her getting snubbed. regulus being straight to the point with her and not getting easily offended is a much needed change in the people she spends time with. regulus is also an extremely empathetic person and doesn't get easily overwhelmed by lily's loud anger and bitter frustration
eventually lily does mouth off to sirius and reveal that regulus worries he's a burden and embarrassment to sirius which leads to an extremely emotional conversation. sirius loves regulus exactly as he is and wants to protect him from their parents but he's not embarrassed by him at all. he just worries that the things that make regulus who he is, being trans and autistic, might put him in their parents line of fire
his very first relationship is with barty ofc and they experience most of their firsts together! eventually they decide they're better off as friends and have a very amicable split. barty ends up dating evan but remains super protective of regulus. evan isn't threatened at all and feels equally protective because they know how bad reg's home life is. they might not be able to protect him from walburga and orion but they can definitely beat the shit out of snape for calling regulus a freak!!!
obviously he's endgame with james!!! regulus has a crush on him first year but sirius and his friends are assholes to the slytherins so it gets less intense. the first time james hears regulus infodump on thestrals he thinks regulus is the smartest and most passionate person he's ever met. regulus also really sees through the "perfect son, student, and friend" mask james' puts on and encourages him to not prioitize making everyone else happy all the time over his own happiness and well-being. james isn't used to people seeing him so clearly and it's both intimidating and awe-inspiring.
remus and regulus both have wands of cypress and unicorn hair!!! they definitely crushed on each other at some point during their time at hogwarts and i'll accept no criticism on this take
regulus is only like 5'6 and skinny but he has a bit of an intimidating aura that makes him seem bigger!!! he's not one to start a fight by any means but he's got a quiet confidence about him. he knows he's extremely intelligent and skilled so why bother being modest about it?
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olichat-reads · 2 years
Study Date
Sero Hanta x reader
Summary: Study dates with Hanta aren't just study dates.
A/n: god knows i need this as motivation. i miss going on study dates :( also ALSO study dates are SEVERELY underrated & i'm here to make a point >:v
It was the rainy season. The light patters of the rain on glass was comforting as you stared out the window, mindlessly petting Fat Gato, the sleeping chonky orange tabby snuggled up on your tummy. Your laptop left open & untouched by your folded legs.
Usually, both you & Hanta appreciated rainy days, always pleased to enjoy the coziness it brought to your shared home.
However, your boyfriend knew you'd been struggling to get some work done & as much as he'd be fine with lazying around all day with you, he knew you'd get upset & beat yourself up if you didn't make any progress on your assignments that has been slowly piling up over the weeks.
"Hey, bub?"
"Mm?" You hummed in response, eyes still glued to the window.
"Wanna go on a study date?"
Hanta never saw anyone light up so fast, as you instantly perked up, head whipping around to look at him at the suggestion.
"Really?" You asked, eyes practically sparkling. He couldn't back down & say no even if he wanted to.
"Yeah," he said easily, an adoring smile tugging at his lips as he watched you excitedly scramble to your feet, briefly apologizing to the cat that got jostled awake & rush to your shared bedroom to get dressed.
The orange ball of fur shot him an accusing look of displeasure for being the reason he now no longer had a cuddle buddy which prompted Hanta to apologize as well as he got up to pack his own laptop & notes.
You reappeared looking just as excited as you left, doning his custome cellophane hoodie- black & white with a stark bright orange on the inside of the hood & a pair of black tights with the cutest little white bow in your hair. Padding over to your boyfriend, you stopped just in front of him, bouncing on the balls of your feet slightly, holding out your arms that were absolutely drowning in the stretched oversized sleeves towards him, silently asking for him to help fold up the excess fabric. Hanta happily obligued.
You had your own hoodies, even this exact one, that fit your frame a little better with sleeves that weren't stretched out from his elbows but you liked stealing his anyways.
Especially after that one time he slipped up & apologized, having felt guilty for ruining the sleeves of a hoodie you gifted him for his birthday. He appreciated his quirk but sometimes, he couldn't help be insecure & wished his elbows were less 'freaky'.
He had never seen you looked so eerily serious as you stared him dead in the eyes with what he could only describe as the intent of murder & tell him to never talk about himself or his quirk like that ever again.
Or else.
Ever since then, whenever you wore hoodies outside, you'd steal one of his instead of wearing your own, stretched sleeves & all. Apparently adamant on proving your point. He never minded. You did look fucking adorable in his clothes after all.
"Plus, it makes me feel like yours," you've casually stated on date one time, smiling up at him with such genuine innocence & adoration that he had to take a minute to cool off before he keeled over from the way his heart squeezed so tightly in his chest from the wholesomeness.
"Got everything? Laptop, charger, wallet?"
"Yep, yep & yep."
Easily slipping your hand in his, you stepped into the elevator together. Hanta let you pull your joined hands to push the button, before letting your hands drop in between the two of you, swaying lightly while you fiddled with his rings.
"Anywhere in mind?"
"Not really," you hummed, seemingly so content to just the prospect of going on a study date that your boyfriend had to chuckle.
"Hm, you feeling like any pastries in particular? Didn't you mention craving a chocolat au lait cake or something from that one cafe a few days back?"
"Oohhh! I did! Thats the cafe with the nice window seats too, right? Yeah, lets go to that one then!" You agreed, squeezing his hand excitedly, as the elevator dinged upon your arrival.
It was still raining as you stepped into the lobby of your apartment. Thankfully, not heavily pouring, just a constant drizzle that was mild enough to walk in. Huddling close under the protection of the umbrella, you & your boyfriend stepped out & started your short journey to the cafe.
The walk was nice, the silence you shared pleasant as you two enjoyed the weather. Sero watched you reach out a hand into the rain, squealing in delight at the cold raindrops.
"Its cold," you reported, grinning up at him like a kid.
Hanta laughed under his breath at your childish joy at something as simple as rain while the two of you made your way down the block.
You were both very lucky to have found a place close enough to campus but also a walking distance away from multiple good hangout spots. You had a handful of cafes to choose from when going on study dates.
Stepping into the cozy little cafe, Hanta closed the umbrella & popped it into the holder by the door. You let out an excited little squeal when you saw your usual spot by the window was vacant as Hanta dragged you to the counter to order your drinks.
"Usual or something new?"
"How bout your usual &.." you trailed off, squinting at the seasonal menu before your eyes widened in excitement. "Orange coffee?? Okay we have to try that!! It sounds like its made for you!" You squealed, referring to your boyfriend's knack for the fruit.
Hanta has to smile at that. Of course you picked up on him favouring oranges despite him never explicitly mentioning it, only having snacked on it every now & then.
After ordering your drinks, the two of you went over to your usual spot & set up your impromptu work spaces.
"Spotify or Murder podcast?"
"Just music today~" you sang out happily, as you reached for the single earbud Hanta offered you & putting it in. Easily settling into your usual study date routine with your boyfriend.
True crime was surprisingly good for background noise. Occasionally though, the stories got a little too dark that both of you needed to stop & listen. Its funny to think back on- the times your waiter sent your orders only to have the two of you seemingly staring into space with the most intensed horrified looks on your faces.
Fucking hilarious.
Your drinks came a bit later & the two of you fell into a good rhythm with your own assignments.
Once in awhile, Hanta'd catch you pouting at your laptop screen, seemingly glaring at the material you were reading up as though it personally offended you. Nudging you gently, he'd steal your attention to ask what had you stumped, prompting you to go off about what you were studying.
"I know it increases the blood flow but what- OH," you'd cut yourself off, eyes wide as realization hit you like a snowball in the face. He hardly ever understood the tangent you went off on but was always pleased to see you reached an understanding on the point that had you stuck earlier as he watched in amusement as you furiously scribble down the explaination to your confusion, muttering that 'it makes sense now' under your breath.
The two of you ended up staying all day til dinner & by then, both you were admittedly tired but very accomplished & satisfied with the progress on your work.
Stepping out of the cafe, you leaned to rest against your tall, lanky boyfriend, cheek smushed against his arm as you looked up at him.
"Thanks, Hanta," you smiled & Sero's heart could not have felt fuller even if all you did was study. That was what he loved about you. You made a point of sharing the simple things with him. What could be passed off as mundane, you made special. Every little moment spent together you truly cherished.
God, he was so glad to have you to share his days with.
A/n: i so desperately want use spanish nicknames for the reader but i'm too insecure to do it 🥺
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shzmluvrs · 1 year
Hi! I'm the same anon that requested the "Batson and The Bat's son" imagine. I'm so glad you had fun writing it ❤️ and honestly- I can't stop rereading it 😭 words can't describe how it makes me feel (in the best way ofc!). I'm hoping it isn't too soon to be asking for a (kinda) sequel 💀 or prequel- depends on you!
Basically Billy talks about the reader to his family but he's kinda vague, since he doesn't wanna reveal too much and he knows Freddy would bombard him and her with questions if he says too much. They also haven't met the reader yet so they start joking that she's imaginary. One day the team gets themselves into a situation they can't get out of. So the reader comes in and saves them and in the heat of the moment Billy says smth like "SEE- SHE'S REAL". After he says that he has to inevitably introduce the reader to them. Idk what else I want to happen 😭 tho I trust your creative mind 🛐 pls take your time and have a good day ✨💖
Omg haii😼!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, like, I wasn't sure how well it was going to turn out, but I think I did right by you, which is always the goal for any requester🫶🏽. Anyhow, yes, I am happy to continue your "Wonder-Daughter dates Billy" lore, I'm super into this, and I really hope you like it😙💕.
~ Star✨️
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Themyscirian Girlfriend
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Prompt: The duties of being an "average" teenage boy are proving to be quite difficult for Billy. School, chores, being a superhero, keeping your family safe from supervillains, magic, and monsters... And, oh yeah, making sure you don't get beat up by your superhero girlfriend's best friends. OH, and make sure you don't reveal her secret identity to anyone...
That last bit is extra difficult when you have a nosy, superhero obsessed, younger-by-a-month little brother, though.
Timeline: Post S!:FOTG
TW/Content: Freddy teasing TF outta Billy⚡️Bizzaro cameo😱?!⚡️Swearing, cuz teenagers do that⚡️You (reader) being so awesome-powerful-cool⚡️Billy loving you so, so, so much🥺⚡️So many references, be like Ash and Ketchum all
Reader: Fem! She/Her/Hers Pronouns! Wonder Woman's Daughter!
Requested By: Anon
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The golden light casted above the two of you dowsed your body in gold, creating an aura around your figure that Billy wished was nothing short of permanent. Not that he didn't already believe you to be a gift he had no clue how he earned. He just thought the added halo effect seemed fitting, even if it was just a result of a house/porch light that needed thorough cleaning.
"Thank you for joining me today." You spoke once he disconnected his earbuds from the jack of his phone. "I had a great time with you, as always."
"Of course! I'd never miss a chance to go out with you." He admitted, a lot quieter than his voice had previously been on the walk back to his home. But swiftly, the confidence returned as he clicked his phone off and smiled.
"Next time, I'll introduce you to some Steve Lacy."
You tilted your head while he went on in better clarification.
"He's another musician. You'll like him."
Your lips formed an 'Oh' shape as you nodded in understanding before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek and then his forehead.
"I'll see you next week, okay, Billy?"
He nodded, ignoring the heat rising through his body at your simple acts of affection. Maybe he had gotten a little used to giving it, but receiving it back was always such a hassle for his mind. Though you couldn't help but find it endearing when he'd trip and stumble over his words or be genuinely left in surprise whenever you'd reciprocate whatever love he had to offer.
But not this time, because he had focused himself on a heavier subject matter, his words catching you before you could walk away.
"Do you really have to go?"
"Hm?" You hummed in confusion, your head turning to look back at him. It was once you saw the look of forlorn glossed in his eyes that you gave him your full attention again, making your way back in front of him as he explained.
"For the week, I mean. Do you really have to go all the way back to Them... There-is... Themu...uh..."
"Themyscira?" You finished, Billy nodding at the correct pronunciation of your birthplace while you giggled.
"You can just call it Paradise Island. But, thank you for trying."
Billy nodded respectfully, almost laughing while he talked.
"Yeah, I bet it is paradise if there's more girls like you over there..."
"Huh?" You quirked a brow at his statement, Billy immediately sensing his slip-up and grasping at loose straws to fix it.
"I... I just mean, because like, I really like you and since you're from there, there's other women like you, or...your mom."
"What?!" You gasped, Billy letting out a curt sigh at his own, horrible explanation. So, he just gave up instead. It was probably for the best. Or, more accurately, in his best interest.
"I just-! I'd...! I love you, and I'd never breathe in another person's direction because nobody can compare to you...?"
"...Much better." You praised his statement that came out as more of a question waiting for your approval, giving him a playful narrow of the eyes while he gave a breath of relief.
"But, yes, I do have to return to Themyscira. I am due to compete in this year's Amazonian Olympic Games. They will determine whether or not I am worthy of my title and abilities. You, of all people, should understand this given you have a magical wizard looking out for you and your family, yes?"
"Well, yeah, but-"
"-Plus, I just..." You sighed, looking off for a moment in melancholy. "I just really want to make my mother proud. She was much younger than me when she first competed, and though she didn't win, I still have a lot to live up to since I haven't returned in nearly eight years."
Billy nodded, showing his understanding for the matter while your gaze remained glued to the porch floor beneath you.
"Are you nervous?" He asked, and almost instantly, you nodded. Hell, just thinking about the whole ordeal made the jitters appear in your stomach and hands.
With a warm smile, Billy gently took both of your hands into his, cupping them so they'd stop shaking while making sure he was able to hold eye contact with you.
"Well, I just want you to remember that you'll do amazing. No matter what happens, you're still worthy to me, and you'll always have a place here. Just, y'know...be careful. And good luck; don't let them get in your head."
"Oh, Billy..." You sighed in fondess but didn't get to express any further gratitude for his kind words as he went on.
"And also, call me if something happens."
You gave him a look, one that was a clear expression of, "Do you really think we have those silly little phone-thingies on the island...?" He caught it, nodding side to side a little before re-wording.
"Send me a bird letter if anything happens. And like, seriously, be careful because I know it's probably a long trip there and back. Which reminds me, please come back soon. And-!"
He hushed.
"...I will, don't worry yourself. I'll be careful, I'll send you bird letters, and most importantly..."
Just as you had before, but directly on his right dimple this time, you placed down a gentle kiss. A reminder and a promise.
"I love you. And I will be back as soon as I can be."
You watched in amusement at the boy in front of you beginning to grow even more bashful than before, unable to look you in the eyes for fear he'd just crumble beneath you. And honestly, neither you nor him would have it any other way. But, just to be on the safe side and make sure he didn't actually do so, you were quick to capture him in a real kiss. Billy eager to return it with a passion that was predictable yet always appreciated and matched.
"You know I have super-hearing, right...??"
The voice went echoed into the air, the same place your skirt and hair went flying at the sudden gust of wind that almost knocked the two of you over.
"The hell...?" Billy commented as he held you to keep the two of you from falling over, looking around in confusion while you merely rolled your eyes.
"Jon..." You all but murmured, and in reference to his super-hearing, he responded with another burst of speed and more echoed words.
"I'm just saying, like, are you two done now? I don't wanna hear you guys swap spit."
"Obnoxious with the use of your powers, I fear you may hardly deserve them...!! Bring yourself here so you don't have to keep listening in!" You shouted in a scolding tone before letting out a breath and shaking your head.
"Sorry. He's my ride." You both explained and apologized to Billy, the boy nodding in understanding with a slight chuckle before the two of you smiled at Jon's very fast appearance. Stopping right in between you with a quickly dispersing cloud of air behind him, he was quick to give you a joking snarl as you shot him a deadpanned glare.
"Can we go, now? I have a cerfew, too, y'know."
"Yeah, well, some of us can't fly, nor have super-speed. Consider yourself lucky."
The raven-haired boy simply shrugged, sticking his hand out towards Billy to initiate a greeting that the brunette returned with a smile.
"'Sup, Jon?"
"Nothin' much, just, y'know... saving the world. No biggie."
Billy nodded in understanding as they dapped each other up, a smug smile gracing both of their lips.
"Same, same."
"Idiots..." You sighed, unable to contain your smile at the friendship that had blossomed between the two. Damian, on the other hand... was still a work in progress, hence is absence.
It wasn't long after their brief moment of catching up that the two of you took your leave, Jon carrying you as you waved down to your boyfriend for the final time this evening, him waving back until Jon was swiftly out of sight. A loud, crashing boom of him breaking the sound barrier to follow up after that caused the front door to swing open.
"I thought I said no Shazaming in the house...?"
Billy whipped around to face Victor, thinking quickly to come up with a viable excuse.
"It wasn't me!"
Nice one, Billy.
"It was my girlfriend, she just left, like... two seconds ago."
Victor raised a brow at his son's explanation, watching as he scratched the back of his neck while continuing to ramble on.
"Well, technically, it wasn't her. She was getting a ride from someone else and he- It- Whatever, nevermind, it doesn't matter."
The man chuckled while his son slipped past him and into the house, letting out a teasing, "Girlfriend, huh? I guess that explains the..." and circling around his own face to imply something. Billy, who didn't even spare a look back, hadn't caught on upon making his way to the dining room.
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
All five of his siblings, his parents, and welcomed guest Anthea, watched as Billy shoveled spaghetti into his mouth at an ungodly rate. Which one would think would be impossible for a literal demi-god, but here they were. Alas, it's not like anyone could really blame him. It was his favorite meal, it was Rosa's cooking, and he was sick of the vegetarian meals Darla had been making for the past four days.
Although, it wasn't the main reason he was being gawked at in the moment, Freddy and Eugene the ones to be stifling laughter while the rest wanted nothing more than to tell him. It was clear he didn't realize, it was just a matter of how to approach the subject...
"Um... Billy?" Mary began gently, the teen not even looking up from his plate as he continued to eat, unknowing of his entire family's attention on him.
"You have... a little something, like, all over... your face right now." She made the same circling motion around her face as Victor had prior, not that he saw that one either. Just missing it, actually, finally looking up to notice all of the odd stares towards his seat at the table.
"Oh." Was his only reaction, setting down his fork to wipe his cheek. It gained more unseen giggles for some reason, but his only goal was to get back to eating, so natrually, he brushed then off with a curt, "Thank you, Mary." and continued is stuffing.
"No, you still..." Anne spoke aloud this time, her words trailing off when she realized she hadn't caught him in time once he started eating again.
"You just made it worse, dude." Mary giggled, having to lean her head down on the back of her hand to hide it.
"Oh." Billy spoke again, brows furrowed in the slightest while Rosa had set down her own fork. She motioned for her son to come closer, picking up a napkin and slightly dipping it into her water.
"C'mere honey, let me just wipe them for you..."
"Mom- No, stop it, I got it." He reassured, slightly embarrassed by her offer while going for his own napkin. "I'm not five."
And with one quick motion of his napkin up and down his face, it was clear to everyone but him he had simply made the situation much worse.
It drew in more laughter, this time from everyone, as he stared around the table in confusion that slowly turned into annoyance. It was like being on the outside of an inside joke, and if there was one thing he was tired of feeling in his life, it was being left out.
"What...?" He questioned, Darla the first and very eager to ask simply out of her own and pure curiosity.
"How come you got kissies all over your face?"
. . .
Everyone burst into laughter, Billy's questioning gaze soon shifting into one of realization as he thought back. Back to moments that felt forever ago, where you had placed kisses across his face. Kisses with your lips coated in dark red lipstick...
"Oh... my god, (Y/N), why... just, why...?" He cursed your name lightly, now taking up Rosa on that offer to clean his face. Not that it mattered, his face still as dark red as the kisses that had now been wiped clean out of sheer embarrassment.
"So that's her name?" Victor pointed out, his voice and chest swelling with pride for his son's unadmitted achievement in life. Getting himself a girlfriend. "(Y/N)..."
He moved his hand across in the air as though your name were the title to an upcoming movie or a fresh take. A new and interesting topic, something this family thrived in, especially during dinnertime. And Billy, natrually, was not at all prepared and internally scolded himself for not being careful enough with his words.
It only grew more chaotic from there, Mary, Rosa, Darla, and Anthea letting out squeals loud enough to rival the TV playing in the living room as background noise.
"Billy, you never told me you had a girlfriend! Since, uh, when...?"
"Why would I ever tell you...?" Billy countered Mary's words, Darla already voicing her fantasies on merging her into the already big family.
"Her name is so pretty! Is she pretty, too? I bet she's gorgeous, like a princess! D'you think she'll play mermaid princesses with me?!"
"She must be...!" Rosa agreed swiftly with a laugh, motioning towards Billy fondly with her hand. "You saw all of the little besos she gave him. She probably thinks the same of you, Billy... My sweet boy with his own girlfriend, aww...!"
She just couldn't take it, placing a hand over her heart out of pure happiness for her son who had seemed to have finally found his love. His first one, at that. Which yes, he did, but-
"Mom, stop it, it's not that big of a deal, please..."
Not what he was thinking when you first asked him out, but whatever.
"Oh my gosh," Anne gushed, already jumping in with her own opinion to give. "With a name like that, she's bound to be amazing."
"I-" She kept going, Billy hardly even able to inhale as his siblings gushed on.
"Does she go to Fawcett, too? How come we've never seen her around?"
Freddy's scoff of a laugh caused the attention to leave Billy for a split second and move onto him, the curly-haired boy casually taking a bite from his own plate while he spoke.
"Pro'lly 'cause she ain't real..."
He jumped slightly when Anne quickly landed a slap to his arm, his mouth full and chewing as he laughed and went, "What?" Before it was his mother's turn to scold him verbally.
"Be nice, Freddy, this is probably a big deal for your brother."
Billy rolled his eyes. Not at Freddy (even though he debated kicking him under the table for his implication). But at the sudden attention he was receiving on the topic of his accidentally mentioned girlfriend. He hadn't even known whether or not if he was ready to tell them about you, let alone introducing you to them. Plus, he didn't trust himself enough not to slip up about the fact that you were Valkyrie. Or Wonder Woman's daughter. Or... both facts.
But on the other hand, he wouldn't tolerate any slander of your name, nor would he allow either of you two to become the target of any teasing from the family, so...
"Well, first of all, yes... she is real, Freddy..." Billy glared in his direction, the room going quiet at his words while he continued to clear the case of your existence up.
"And second, Darla, she is... beyond gorgeous. Like, angel levels of pretty, it's unbelievable."
"Wow!!" Darla squealed in excitement as Freddy gave a small tilt of his head to the side.
"Unbelievable, wow, you don't say?"
But nobody heard, too focused on the description of your person and enthralled with just the way he did it. Full of passion and care they hadn't even realized the boy possessed for anyone outside of the family, let alone a girl. A love that couldn't be replicated or replaced, something that'd make you glow red if you had been in the room to hear it.
"She's got this amazing hair that frames her face perfectly, and she wears glasses, but when she takes them off, you can see how, like... just wow her eyes are. They remind me of a type of jewel or something because they literally sparkle when she's happy or are firey with determination when she's- uh... doing something that requires a lot of focus.
Her entire face is just something I can't stop looking at, and gosh, that girl is... her body is-..." He coughed. "She's a little bit taller than me, so... yeah..."
"And you just... never thought to maybe bring her over? Y'know, just 'cause..." Freddy shrugged, holding back his complacent tone as Eugene bobbed his head in agreement.
"And, let me guess, she texts you all the time, and you go on walks around the park together every Saturday."
At their back-to-back quips and hushed laughter, Billy shot them a scowl as Rosa began to nod in oblivious agreement.
"Yeah, sweetie, why don't you invite her over for dinner tomorrow night? It's a Friday, after all. You can tell her we'd love to meet her."
With a chorus of agreements settling consternation into his chest, he blurted out a slew of excuses as he waved his hand up and down as if to brush the idea of you coming over away.
"Nah, no, that's... she- We already have a lot of people here, she might get... overwhelmed! Yeah. And, y'know, it's just not a good idea."
"And whyyy not?" Freddy pushed, leaning against the open palm of his hand while feigning an affable smile and forcing his brows to jump up and down in silent suggestion.
"She's busy." Was his simple statement, Eugene following up on his claim in an instant.
"Busy doinggg...?"
"...Work." He filled in the blank awkwardly, practically squirming in his seat at the expecting silence. He conjured up some of your favorite hobbies in his mind, anything as far away from superhero work as possible, so he could word it as some type of job that you "have".
"She works as a (Favorite/Hobby), and she's probably gonna' be, like, swamped with stuff to do, so... tomorrow wouldn't work."
"Oh, how wonderful!" Rosa praised, impressed by your skills and interests. "We'll certainly have to make time for her over the weekend or next week then!"
"She can't. She'll be busy all week, too."
"Natrually..." Freddy poked with a theatrical eye roll and a closed-mouth grin. "She must be on the 'twenty-four-seven, forever' shift, which I'd expect from a girl with an imaginary sense of work-life balance."
"Harhar, you're hilarious." Billy mocked, now going through with his actions to send his brother a kick to the shin under the table.
"She's actually going to-...on...uh..." He had to stop himself. What would've been a smug brag about you visiting Paradise Island, becoming a realization that would just throw you under the bus. Plus, it's a lot more unbelievable than everything he had said so far. As much joy as it would bring Billy to rub a trip to Themyscria in his face, he'd just have to make Freddy jealous another time. Besides, he didn't necessarily have to lie. He could just not tell them the full story.
It wasn't a lie if he never told them otherwise to begin with.
"She's going on vacation. With her mother. So, she's gonna' be gone for the rest of the week."
"Oh, really?" Mary piped up out of genuine curiosity, having always wanted to travel herself. "Where's she going?"
. . .
"Out of the country."
"How convenient!" Eugene chirped while he slid his phone towards Billy, as if he were telling him to go ahead and prove it. "Why not just FaceTime her, then? You know, just check in like any good boyfriend should? Maybe even shoot her a little text."
"I can't do that!" Billy exclaimed. "I wouldn't wanna bother her or be rude or anything. She's- it's a... mother-daughter bonding thing, it's different. Hard to explain."
In a sense, that could also be construed as truth, considering you'd be competing in an Olympic event, racing and fighting against others and the elements to both claim and prove your status. Something that would ideally make your mother very proud. Billy himself didn't even one-hundred percent understand the whole event, so it was right for one to assume that he probably would have trouble explaining it to his family. Should he ever have to, of course.
Good thing he won't.
A silence loomed over the family as Billy loosely twirled his spaghetti around his fork. He'd almost be grateful for it if it weren't so uncomfortable. He was sick of being pressed about you, not that he wouldn't take any chance to show you off otherwise. And if it wasn't that, he was annoyed at the way Freddy and Eugene didn't seem to even believe you were real, Mary and Anne able to sense this as they gave each other an unsure look.
"Uhm, well..." The goddess coughed, playing with the hem of her (Freddy's) sweater. "How'd you two meet?"
Finally! Something Billy knew the proper answer to!
"Oh, we were-"
Ohp-. Wait, nevermind. No he didn't.
You two were saving the world when you first met, battling a beast that wasn't even real because it turned out to be a test? He didn't know the details of that dilemma very well, either. All he could remember fondly was the way you looked at him when he accidentally revealed himself. Warm and promising, full of care and will-power that he'd been drawn to ever since.
The same look you gave him when you asked him out on that very first date, where he-
Oh, great idea...!
"At an ice cream shop. I was at an ice cream shop, and that's where I met her. She had never had any before, and so I suggested she start off with something simple, like vanilla. I bought some for her and we spent the rest of the afternoon together. We've been going out ever since."
"Awww~!" Rosa and Anne chorused, Freddy already calling nonsense at the story with a few chuckles hidden behind his hand.
"Wait, so... lemme' get this straight..."
"Frederick..." Anne warned with his full name. He ignored (and he'd be apologizing for it later, no doubt).
"You mean to tell me, this girl has never had ice cream before? Like, in her seventeen-to-eighteen years of life, she had never had one singular scoop of frozen milk and sugar?"
"-Nevermind the fact that you just, outta' nowhere, decided to rizz up some random girl you didn't even know inside of an ice cream parlor."
"Yeah, Freddy, I did." Billy snapped, waving his hand around in the air for a moment as if he were magically conjuring up the false memory. "And apparently, it all worked out because we've been dating for months, now. Thank you very much."
Jaws dropped at this, having not expected such a bond. It was one thing for Billy to have started a fresh relationship. Maybe for him to even be a little secretive about it until things had proven to be smooth sailing for a long time. But months? Either he forgot to brag about it, or she most definitely didn't exist.
Freddy and Anne almost immediately turned to give each other a knowing look, as if they were reading each other's minds before speaking in unison.
"Is this like a Canadian girlfriend thing...?"
Billy huffed through his nose, knowing better than to let insults fly at the dinnertable with his parents present. But regardless of that fact, Mary was the first to tell he had grown fed up, nudging Victor on the arm while she murmured.
"Here we go again..."
"She's real, okay? (Y/N) is very much real, and you two are just jealous because it took an entire dragon rising from the depths of hell for you two to get together."
And off he went, storming away, leaving Freddy and Anthea's mouths agape in shock while Pedro and Eugene practically sobbed from their loud chortles.
"Do you think he'll come back this time if I call him?" Victor cheesed, Mary shaking her hide from side to side at his reference from the last time Freddy had pissed Billy off at the table. Speaking of which...
"Alright, yeah, whatever...!" He called as if the older boy was still listening. "At least we can all actually see my girlfriend...!"
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"Is it her?"
Though Freddy's index finger was very obviously directed towards a young girl in the hallway, his brown eyes remained glued to Billy's green ones, waiting for them to change in recognition. They didn't, remaining as stoic as they had when Freddy first began this little game of "Point Out The Person That Looks Closest To Billy's Imaginary Girlfriend."
"Okay, then it's her." Freddy suggested next, his arm practically flying across Anthea's person just to point his finger at the girl they waltzed past. Billy swore that if the poor thing wasn't in between them, he'd tackle Freddy to he ground, in the middle of the hallway and all. So, maybe it was a good thing Anthea was there.
Billy's eyes drifted to the next victim, a short girl with scene hair and huge platform demonias that stared them down in confusion. He quickly shook his head.
"No, it's not her. (Y/N) is way taller than her. Genetically, without platforms."
"Fine, what about her?" Freddy waved lazily in the direction of someone ahead. "She looks like your type."
Billy huffed.
"That's literally just a guy with long hair."
Freddy's face twisted in disbelief, shaking his head as though he knew better.
"No it isn-"
"It is." Anthea cut in before her boyfriend could finish, turning him towards the person who had finally spun away from his friend and proving to Freddy that he was, in fact, just some dude with a gorgeous head of hair.
"Oh. Mm-."
"Can you just-?" Billy started a desperate plea that went ignored as Freddy smiled in satisfactory, spotting the next girl. Who, yes, was actually a girl this time.
"What about her? Look, she's even how you described, glasses, tall, (Your/Feature), the whole shaza-...shebang..."
Billy hardly wanted to entertain this any longer, but upon looking her direction, noticed swiftly how oddly her features did line up to yours. And yet...
"No, that's not her. I told you already last night, (Y/N) doesn't go here. She's... homeschooled." He excused, quite proud of how fast he had come up with it. Plus, it was kind of true, Diana the one who had taught you most of your studies. And when not her, a private tutor Bruce had graciously spent his money on for you to have.
Yes, the Bruce Wayne.
"Oh, of course. What an awesome coincidence."
"Freddy, stop it." Anthea nudged him, not allowing the teasing to continue any further upon seeing the scowl from last night returning onto Billy's face.
"I'm sure he's probably telling the truth, I mean, what reason would he have to lie? Besides, she's probably just...shy. Maybe she's shy."
And though the girl was satisfied with her answer, Billy could only laugh giddily to himself while remembering the time you had allowed him to watch a very special training session you had in the past.
"Yeah, if you call accidentally bodyslamming Superman "shy," then sure. Most timid girl I know..."
"What was that?"
"Nothing...!" He brushed his remark away when he had almost been caught, quick to change the subject before he could be questioned any further.
"Guys, look, just drop it, alright? I know you don't believe me, and you know what? I don't care anymore. I'm happy, outside of the fact that you're really working my nerves, and that's all that matters. I'll see you two later..."
"Billy, hang on...!" Anthea called, having not meant to cause a fuss on the matter. She couldn't help it. She was entirely too good-natured. But, there was Freddy, always there to ease her own tensions and make her laugh in the process.
"Agh, don't worry about him. He'll get over it. You know, the imaginary girlfriend thing is a common phase, cited by phenomenons all across the globe of people with the exact same conditions and symptoms. Lois Lane even wrote an article on it way-back-when she was first starting out."
"Oh, yeah?" Anthea entertained smugly, Freddy nodding fastly as he droned on.
"Totally. It was a very interesting article, but it made total sense. I mean, even I went through a phase just like it, and I turned out fine."
And then it clicked, Freddy's face growing a deep shade of red under his freckles.
"Yea- Only when I was like, super tiny-young, I mean. Like, it was- I..."
His rambles stopped when he noticed Anthea's raised brow, almost laughing to himself while they paused in front of her classroom door.
"Just...forget I told you that. I love you my very much, my real and amazing girlfriend. I swear, my pillo- I mean, Jennifer was just a quick fling and nothing compared to the goddess that stands in front of me...?"
Through her giggles, she nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek and taking her leave.
"That's what I like to hear~. Now, don't go off 'saying the word' while I'm gone, 'kay?"
Freddy nodded at her parting heed, knowing it was a reference to the way he'd ditch class to go off and do hero work without warning.
"I won't, I won't...!"
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"Alright, what's the plan?!" Freddy shouted as they all gawked up towards the threat, Billy shrugging casually while he shook his head as though he were literally wracking his brain for a proposal.
"Uhh...Ahhh... No idea! I think we should just wing it, to be honest...!"
"That's a terrible plan!!" Mary and Anthea shouted in unison, the shorter girl using magic to cloak over herself and change into her armored attire.
"Superman's weakness is Kryptonite, right?!" Mary swiftly informed the group, Freddy nodding in confirmation. "Good! If Bizzaro is anything like him, it should be the same! If we can distract him long enough for one of us to catch him from behind, we'll have a chance at detaining him! Then, we can send him back to his world...!"
"Yes, awesome, Wisdom of Salamander...!" Billy praised, leaving all of his siblings to groan.
And with that, they put her plan into action, Freddy and Pedro flying up high until they were facing the Kryptonian clone with complacent, challening grins.
"Hey, Bizarro-Man...!!" Freddy called, nudging Pedro. "Since you're a copy of Superman, is it really true you have super strength like him?! Betcha' we could take you in a fight...!"
The villain merely scoweld, sending a sudden breath of flame towards them. Freddy dodged, Pedro just missing his chance to do the same before being his with the blast and being sent flying into the nearest billboard.
"...Fire breathing?! You can breathe fire?!" Freddy yelled in a panic, unable to add on how that was very much unlike Superman's notable ability of freeze breath before realizing Bizarro was barreling straight for him. Freddy took off, both of their super speed rivaling each other as he crated a path for his siblings to follow.
"Where are we gonna' get Kryptonite?" Darla gasped, all of their heads turning as the two flew by. Mary pondered the situation deeply, having never even seen the green emerald herself, let alone come into contact with it. She figured it was a lost artifact, a gem only the most powerful would have. Except for Superman, all things considered. So maybe more like magical powerful people.
People like...
"The Wizard!" She shouted. "He's the most powerful person we know, having kept all of his powerful objects in his lair, right?"
"Yeah," Billy agreed. "But what does he have to do with anything? He's not the-"
"I know, but the lair is ours, now!" She explained further. "Which means so are all of the things in it!"
"Anthea, Darla...! Go help Freddy and make sure to keep Bizarro busy! Eugene, go help Pedro, make sure he's alright!"
"On it!" Anthea gave Mary a nod, Darla having already dashed away as Eugene made his way towards his brother.
"Billy, you come with me, hurry...!" Mary instructed, grabbing his wrist and practically dragging him along as he followed in confusion.
"Mary, where are we going?! This is really not a good time to ditch them, we-!"
"We're not ditching them." She insisted, opening a random shop door with the intention for it to open a portal to the Rock of Eternity. And luckily, it did just that as she went on with a rapid explanation for her actions.
"You know how Eugene has been mapping the place out? Well, I've been helping him. Mainly making sure he doesn't get lost, but also because I've been studying it all. Making sure we know that everything that's in there is actually safe."
They wandered past the main part of the lair, the area where everything had been decorated freely and most obviously lived in, to the more labrynth-like parts that always confused Billy and Darla whenever they tried their own hands at exploring. But this time, Mary was there to lead him, having a clear sense of direction seeking out whatever it was she was searching for.
"We came across this space or...cave or something. Like a mine, y'know? And at first, I wasn't sure what was in it. Neither of us were, I mean, I couldn't find any of them in any books or articles. It's like... all the gems that are in that cave aren't from here or something. From another world."
"Mary, this really is some interesting stuff, but I don't get wh- woah..."
Billy's rambles were cut short, the two siblings having stopped in front of the very cavern Mary described. The entrance was glowing due to all of the luminous crystals buried off inside of it. Hell, the cave itself seemed neverending, branching off into different routes, holes, and other tunnel systems that were surely easy to get lost in.
Luckily, they didn't need to go too far in, Mary stopping Billy from doing so with the tug of his arm back closer to her person. She was slightly bent over, hovering above a large chunk of what he assumed to be an emerald. Practically matching the color of his eyes, they both sparkled at one another while Mary began to confess her opinions.
"I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before, but if my assumption is correct...if these are otherworldly artifacts...then I don't know what else this could be, other than-"
"Kryptonite..." Billy finished, turning towards his sister with an ecstatic grin. "Mary, you genius, you! Here, c'mon, help me get this stuff out of the wall...!"
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Where the hell is Mary with that Kryptonite...?!" Freddy whined in an almost sing-song tone, blasting a continuous bolt of lightning directly at Bizzaro. It had no effect, merely slowing him down by a second until Darla, Pedro, and Eugene all joined in. And though it didn't hurt him, he was stuck in his tracks, trying his hardest to deflect it.
"She said she had an idea...!" Darla grunted. "But I dunno' what! She just took Billy back to the lair and- AAH!!"
Bizzaro had used all of his strength to blast the lightning back, sending the group soaring backward at the impact. As he began to stalk closer towards Darla, Eugene was quick to jump in the way with a protective, "No!" leaving his lips.
A bolt of lighting shot from his hands, Bizzaro quick to blast it with-
The beam of icy blue turned Eugene's lighting into a solid rod of frozen air, the large block dropping to the ground and shattering beneath their feet. Freddy had... never seen a power like that before. It confused him, all of them, long enough to be a stall as Bizzaro quickly let off another beam towards them.
"Watch out...!!" Anthea warned, quickly hopping in the way with her hands out. Her palms glowed, swirling with golden power until the buildings and structures around them began to move and shift rapidly. Power of Axis, always a helpful tool in changing perspective, but not in changing the course of a blow to its intended target. Given the girl had learned this fact the hard way in the past, she was quick to turn to them in haste.
"We have to move, hurry! If we don't, we'll still get hit!"
Almost as if on cue, they watched the blast of ice cold vision barrelled towards them through a park, just barely missing all of the different play structures as the group swiftly managed to fly off in different directions. Freddy was sure to take Anthea in his arms, watching as the beam instead left a jungle gym frozen solid into a dome.
Looking towards the voice, they were happy to spot Mary and Billy flying back towards them with a glowing, green gem in hand.
"No way-No way-No way!!" Freddy gushed as they approached, showing it off with pride. "You two actually found Kryptonite?! Do you know how rare this is?! Like, it's literally thought to be a myth, like, it's more believable than your imaginary girlfriend...!"
"Oh my god..." Billy groaned as the rest giggled. "C'mon, man, it's been like a week!"
"I'm being totally serious!" Freddy held his hands up as though he were giving surrender while Billy shook his head in dismay.
Mary sighed, floating in between the two boys with the gem in hand.
"Not the time, guys. Look, if we can keep Bizzaro distracted for just a little longer, this should definitely do the trick. We got this."
She held out her fist towards Billy, sending him a sure smile.
"You ready?"
"Yeah," he nodded, giving a smirk of his own before scanning the land beneath for their foe. He bumped her fist back. "Let's kick this dude's ass."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Dude, we're getting our asses kicked...!!" Eugene grunted, struggling to pick himself up from the ground as he clutched his side.
"It's like he's more powerful than before!" Anthea alluded, wiping the blood from her lip as she helped Mary from the ground and onto her shoulder.
"I don't... understand..." She coughed, grateful for the support as she looked up to her two brothers, trying their best to subdue Bizzaro hand-to-hand.
"The Kryptonite should be working. It should...be making him weaker."
"Maybe it isn't what you thought it was..." Darla whimpered, sending her sister a look of vanquish.
Billy watched as Bizzaro landed a blow onto Freddy's chest, the man in blue being sent flying back into the earth with a loud yelp and a crash. He wanted to call for him but reminded himself to focus on the battle at hand if there would be any chance of defeat. Even if he was scared, as much as he didn't want to admit it.
You'd be scared, too, if some weird copy of Superman was hurdling towards you, Kryptonite wedged into his bleeding shoulder (blue blood, which was quite jarring when they first stabbed him) with some obtuse goal to destroy the world he deemed "lesser" than his own.
Because of this, he'd frozen up, unsure of how to counter his speed let alone his attack. Instead, he took it like a champ, as he had many punches even before he was a superhero, and went hurdling towards the ground just as Freddy had.
"Oh. Hey, man..." Freddy groaned when his brother appeared next to him.
"Having fun, yet?" Billy haphazardly joked, referring to Freddy's "love" and "enjoyment" for his "superhero duties."
"Oh, yeah, loads." He nodded unconvincingly, wiping the blood from his nose with his arm. "I love the smell of iron in the morning. And, y'know- the sounds of terror and destruction really just...pull it all together."
They helped each other up, checking themselves for any fatal injuries. And, when they found none, regrouped with the rest of their family in doldrums as they watched Bizzaro inflict his reign of dismantling on the city.
"What're we gonna do?" Darla asked, looking to her brother in worry.
"Your realm is not capable of destroying power such as this. How are we to do the same?"
Anthea's words had been directed towards Freddy but left Billy's mind swirling instead. Was she right? She had to be...
If the Champions of Magic and an entire goddess couldn't decide the fate of their opponents on the battlefield, who could?
. . .
Their heads whipped up at the sound of a furious battle cry, a shimmer of gold and the quick blur of your (H/C) locks barreling towards the enemy. Your sword drawn and in position to leave its target slain as you attacked from above, a ferocious look on your face for none other than the mockery of hope and justice below you.
When your weapon made contact, you knew better than to think it'd actually cut through Bizarro. But, it did send him hurdling towards the dirt as he had Freddy and Billy moments earlier. You had cut a large chunk of the green Kryptonite from his shoulder, dimming him back to his normal level of powerful abilities. And yet, you knew this wasn't the end, much more work to be done as you announced your threat.
"My mother and her colleagues have defeated you once, and you dare to return to this world and cause its people pain and anguish once again?!" Your booming scolds might've reminded someone that of a parent, pointing your sword below you at Bizzaro's stunned figure.
"How dare you have such audacity?! Let it be known I will not allow you to do so, and you will now fall by my hand, even if it kills me!"
"Valkyrie?!" - "(Y/N)?!"
Both of your aliases spoken into the air at the same time, yet it was Billy who wanted to slap himself after being the only one to have said your real name rather than your well-known, hero one. He even tried to ignore the looks his siblings (and Anthea) gave him, pure shock just oozing from their figures.
"That's (Y/N)?!" Mary shouted in bafflement.
"She's real?!" Freddy's tone of incredulity made Billy's eyes roll for a split second.
Not alloted any time for anyone to question or answer further, your head whipped back, you're firey (E/C) eyes glaring deeply into Billy's.
"You...!" You bellowed menacingly, and suddenly, he was a lot less excited to see you.
"Wha-?! Are you-? Oh...my gosh, are you mad at me right now?..."
From a bystander's point of view, it definitely looked a little silly, your shorter and younger appearing figure stomping towards this grown adult man, who was fearfully stumbling back away from you as you approached with anger. His face was dowsed in fear, and yours?
Where to begin...
"I leave you on your lonesome to protect your people for a week! A week! And this is what I'm fated to return to?! Do you even know what it is you've done allowing him to remain in such close proximity to green Kryptonite?!"
"I- Uh...Well, technically, it wasn't even really my idea, 'cause-"
You seethed his full name, cutting off his excuses, which consisted of throwing his older sister under the bus. She thanked whatever God above for that one, not even having been in your presence for a mere two minutes, and was terrified of your wrath.
The groan of Bizzaro rising from the dirt stopped the rest of your reprimands, leaving you the sigh in simple vexation before pointing a finger at your incautious lover.
"I will deal with you later."
A silence passed over as you leaped into action, everyone still left a bit shaken at everything you had to offer so far. Including Billy, even though all he could muster up was a quiet, "I told you she was real..."
"That's your girlfriend?!" Freddy nearly exploded. "Valkyrie is your girlfriend?! Dude, I-...! You-! You do know she's Wonder Woman's whole ass daughter, right?! How the fu-?!"
"-Clearly...!" Mary interrupted loudly before he could heavily cuss around Darla. "He's got a type!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever!" Billy exclaimed, already beginning to hover above the ground in hopes to aid his girlfriend. "It doesn't matter right now. We have to help her, c'mon!"
It was once Anthea and the Champions joined the fight, Bizzaro was left with a slim chance of winning. Especially without the enhancement of that same green jewel that always seemed to leave Superman weakened and withered. Mary was still lost on such fact, and Freddy was searching his mind for any possibility of how that could be so.
"I don't get it!" He finally wailed, exhausted from the fight and from using his brain overtime. "He's just like Superman, almost...! If he's such a copy, then how come none of our plans are working?!"
"That is because he is not a copy." You stated plainly, no evidence of normalcy left in your voice. What was left was that of a warrior. A warrior thick in the ways of battle and strategy, knowing your enemy much more than your allies seemed to.
"He is a mirror. Bizzaro, El-Kal, is from a twisted world he created. Everything there, including himself, is some backwards nuisance of what we're so used to here on our planet."
"Hold...Hold'up..." Eugene paused, unable to believe the information being told to him. "This guy's is from another planet just like ours?"
"Yes and no. His world resembles ours, but it is not. It is cubed shaped and docile, with a blue sun that amplifies El-Kal's strength. Much like how this earth's yellow sun aids Superman's. Kal-El."
"Ohh, ha, that's funny, I get it." Freddy chuckled. "It's all backwards over there, so Kal-El is...yeah, that's...that's bad..."
"Well," you smirked, the first and only hint of positivity you had exuded from your person since you had arrived. "Not all bad."
From the latchel which normally held your Lasso of Truth (well, a more miniature one, technically, because your mother wouldn't dare give up her own), was a medium-sized vile of blue liquid clipped in its place. You unhooked it carefully, showing it off to the group as your smirk stretched into a satisfied grin.
"What are the great and powerful without their weaknesses? Blue Kryptonite, liquefied. When I first arrived home this morning, I had seen the news. Trouble here in the heart of Philidelphia, and I immediately recognized that... that..."
"That dumbass question mark on his chest?" Billy spoke up for you. In much more vulgar terms, sure, but you couldn't help but agree with an admitting nod.
"Yes, precisely. I knew what he was capable of, and I knew that you all more than likely didn't have the proper contingencies to stop him. So, I asked Damian for a favor..."
Freddy leaned in towards Billy, putting a hand up as if it'd conceal his bad whispers.
"Who's Damian?"
"Don't worry about it." Billy ignored, slapping him away lightly as you finished.
"...With this, we will surely defeat Bizarro. I can detain him, and I will convince him to leave this world in peace once again."
You opened the vile, neon blue smoke immediately pouring from it like dry-freeze until you began to dump some of the contents onto the blade of your sword.
"All I need for you all to do, is keep him busy. Until then, hold out your hands..."
They all did as told, watching as the rest of the liquid went dumped into their palms while you explained such actions.
"Should any of you come into physical combat with him, your touch will now weaken him, leaving him vulnerable. Easier to take down."
"And what about you?" Billy asked, his tone laced with worry for your well-being. Your gaze softened as you moved closer, hardly used to having to look up at him. But, you could admit, you found it a nice change of pace as you reached up to hold his face in your palm.
"I will do what I have to. Don't worry about me, okay?"
"That's literally impossible, but okay."
You chuckled.
"Fair. Your only job is to make sure all goes well. And... don't make anymore 'dumbass' decisions. You keep that green Kryptonite away from Bizzaro."
Billy nodded, laughing at your use of his improper language before floating upwards to complete his task.
"Alright, guys...!" He called down, his siblings following in suite while you motioned Anthea to remain with you at ground levels.
"Let's kick this guy's ass. For real this time, though."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Who is that?!" Rosa shouted as she stared at her TV in horror, scared for her superhero children tackling the evil Superman imposter with some random girl who had just shown up, as any mother would be.
Almost as soon as Victor moved to grab the keys for his van, the front door opened and in waltzed their children. Like ducks in a row, Mary, Pedro, Eugene, Darla, Freddy, Anthea, Billy, and-... ??
"Hi, mom!"
"Hey, Ma!"
"Hi, Mommy!"
"'Sup, Dad?"
The choruses of their greetings eased their nerves and tensions, but the sight of a new girl with glasses and her hair in a fancy, braided updo took them by surprise. She remained close to Billy, seemingly glued to his arm as he quietly attempted to convince her of the kind nature of his parents.
"Are you sure? I don't want to impose if it's trouble..."
"(Y/N), don't worry. They've been wanting to meet you for forever, you have nothing to worry about. They'll love you."
You looked towards him in surprise, already growing more anxious by the second.
"You told them about me?"
"Only the important stuff." He winked jokingly.
"Ah! My babies...!" Rosa shouted her greeting, more grateful than ever that they had returned safely, running over and planting a kiss on each one of their foreheads and pulling Darla and Anthea into bone crushing hugs.
So...! Uh," Victor started, already interested in your figure remaining quiet by the door. "Who's the new girl?"
Billy smiled this time, neither embarrassed nor annoyed by the inquiry of you while he proudly pulled your body into his by the waist.
"She's the coolest, ever!" Freddy announced, Darla practically jumping up and down as she agreed.
"Uh huh! And she's so pretty, just like I knew she'd be!"
"She literally sent that supervillain back to where he came from...! Like, without even breaking a sweat!" Eugene praised, leaving your cheeks to grow red with bashfulness.
"I have to admit, I think she'd be a good influence on Billy. She's super smart."
"And a good fighter."
Mary and Anthea were happy to admit such facts, Pedro the last to give a reserved shrug and a polite smile.
"I like her. She's dope."
Rosa and Victor were left to stand awkwardly, unsure of what to make of all the high-end words being spewed about like lightning while you struggled to fight back your grin.
"As I was saying...!" Billy exclaimed, giving his siblings the "Shut Up So I Can Talk" look. "This is (Y/N). My girlfriend."
Victor was the first to happily greet you, explaining how he'd heard so much about you, all good things (as you could clearly see), and that he was happy to have finally met you. Rosa, on the other hand, was leaned back with her eyes glued to the news on the TV. They would flicker back to you every now and again, making your heart beat faster in nerves until...
"Crazy question, I know... but...that doesn't happen to be you on the news... yeah?"
Immediately, you looked towards Billy, who could only shrug and scratch the back of his neck.
"The important stuff, huh?"
"Sorry...I tried..."
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose before giving a polite nod and announcing your introduction one final time...
"Yes, that... would be me. My name is (Y/N), otherwise known as Valkyrie. Daughter of Wonder Woman, Granddaughter of Zeus, and last born... of Themyscria."
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Don't make me steal this idea and write a full-fledged book, Anon, I'll do it🤨 (I probably won't cuz writer's block likes to eat me alive). But seriously, I really hope you like this because again, I adore this, and I defo want more of your ideas/scenarios🥰🫶🏽.
~ Star✨️
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cherrycolalostmary · 2 months
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Ricecake movies/ shows
I am bored and decided to make a list of movies that are about eds that I have seen and my thoughts too!! Obviously if this triggers you then scroll past
To the Bone-The poster child for ed movies. Every one has already seen it. It’s good but there are better movies out there. I hated that they added a romantic interest. I wanted to know more about Ellen. When the counselor said “ Starving yourself can make you feel euphoric. Like a drug addict or an alcoholic. It’s not about thin enough. Right? There is no thin enough. It doesn’t exist. What you crave is the numbing of the thing you don’t want to feel” that truly describes what I am feeling
Skins (Cassie)-Watching skins during middle school should be required!! Cassie and Effy truly affected me (for good and worse). Anyway, she is another basic character for an ed. I wish this show was more about her because I find her character to be interesting. Sharing a Secret-This movie is mid. I didn’t like how she was perfect until she developed an ed. I did like the scene where her mom finds out about her purging. It was just so realistic and well done. Maledimiele-Truly one of my fave movies!!!! It deserves more recognition.
Kate’s Secret-Recommend this move. It’s about a wife developing an eating disorder. Usually these films follow young teenage girls which it’s nice to see something new.
Starving in Suburbia- I remember hearing that this was supposed to cause eating disorders because it was too triggering. Its not. It’s just cringe. I did like that it added 🦋 in the movie. That was kinda cool. It was nice to see other ednos represented.
Thin- Genuinely the most triggering movies about ed. It’s a documentary that follows people going through inpatient. I really recommend it and wish it could be talked about more.
An Anorexic's Tale: The Brief Life of Catherine- Again another favorite of mine. It’s so good. Well how good a made for tv movie can be that was made in the 80’s. I have the book that it’s based on and I treasure it so much since its not printed anymore. Girl, Interupted- This movie doesn’t center around an ed but it is about mentally ill girls which I feel like makes up for it.
Feed- another ed movie that follows the story line of perfect girl before an ed. It’s easily forgettable
This is my first major post. Hopefully you liked it!!! If anyone ever reads this lol I do wan to make more thou with ed movies I haven’t seen!!!
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juicybiohazard · 1 year
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Yes, finished my first playthrough of separate ways. The game is RE4 remake so I can't say anything about the gameplay that anyone doesn't already know, so... I'll talk about what I really care about here, the story, you see... Ada Wong and Albert Wesker happen to be my favorite characters in this series, I like the AWs yes. Naturally that means that I noticed how different both are from their original portrayals, listen there is a reason why in my mind the one true canon/continuity is the OG games and not the remakes, because its in those older games when I first experienced the RE world and ended up loving these people as they are, so how I could like these new versions of them when they are so different? they may as well be new characters. The appearance is the only thing they share, they are similar to the OGs on a superficial level but thats where similarities end, and of the two I think Wesker is the one that changed the most and not for the better, from little things like his voice not being so distinctive anymore and sounding generic af to his personality being a cardboard cutout of a cartoon villain, some might say, wasn't Wesker always like that? I mean you can choose to describe him as a cartoon villain but any older version of Wesker wouldn't admit to be willing to murder billions and reveal his plan to some random mercenary he doesn't know... he knows better. Even RE5 Wesker wouldn't do that, ever wondered what happened to the scientists that helped developed Uroboros? You get the general idea from multiple files, it looks like they all got killed and essentially they never even knew what they were doing and what was its true purpose
It goes beyond dialogue, even his mood is different, in the old games he is cool and collected in any situation in this game he is easily irritated by ANYTHING 😂 its kind funny how Ada seems to just exist and Albert huffs at her presence, seriously I could go on forever citing each and every single difference between the old Wesker we know and this new take on the character, but I'd rather end this post today
Like I said before in my little RE4 review, my only real dislikes of this game are the changes to Wesker and Ada, and subsequently Krauser. I loved the dynamic of these three in the old game and its completely gone now. They are no longer deeply connected like before, it's all superficial now, they just happen to be in the same place at the same time due to circumstances of fate, not because they know each other. You know what, that sucks, I don't like that one bit because it feels like taking things away just for the sake of making something different. Ada used to be a true grey character, remember Separate Ways was developed for the ps2 version of the game after it launched on GameCube so the times you saw Ada in the OG game where few, far between and the game gives you no reason to believe she isn't genuinely on Wesker's side. Maybe the devs always wanted her to end up betraying him but whatever the case I'd very much prefer if she wasn't just another good guy, we have enough of those and too many haven't returned for a long time (a lot of people still want Billy and Sheva to return). The amount of heroes in this series is astronomical, do we really need another one? why can't Ada at least be in-between? let her believe that ends justify the means at least, let her believe that some good can come out of eugenics, let her believe that the world needs an enema to erradicate true evil. I don't know I'm rambling here, but I hope this made a bit of sense, I always liked the idea of Ada and Wesker going way back and him being the reason she is alive today, meaning she feels she owes him and genuinely cares about him (I admit this might have never been on the table from the devs perspective so this is just how I wish things were for them) but it is what it is, story aside, the game is fun and this DLC is worth every peny
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One last thing...
The post credits scene will live rent free in my head for the coming months, it seems more obvious than ever that RE5 remake is in the works, or it will be after RE9 is out. What a crazy time to be resi fan, it looks like capcom isn't going to stop giving us content. Can't complain about that one
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killingsboys · 3 months
20, 40, 59, 60, 72, 74! have a whole load!
omg hi bestie!!!! thank you sm for asking omg 💛💛
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
oh boy SO many patterns. i have a habit of rereading my own fics almost obsessively after posting them to try and think like what could be better, what do i wanna use again, etc and i pick up on a lot of things i almost wish i didn't </3 i write a LOT about craving intimacy but shying away from it, even fighting it, so that's cool. i also seem to describe directions three times. like "down, down, down" or "away, away, away." absolutely no idea what that is about but i can't stop.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
oooooooh this is such a good question. maybe the face painting scene from you can handle me! although honestly if anyone ever made a fanwork of any scene from anything i've written, ever, i would probably cry forever and ever
59. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not, would you tell anyone?
no they do not! i probably wouldn't tell anyone honestly because i keep fandom very separate from my personal life i guess? which for the record has very little to do with fandom in general and much more to do with me not liking people to know things about me
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
well yes of course, you comment on my fics and it always makes me smile!! like genuinely makes my whole entire week <3 you are always so kind and you always manage to pick out a line i was really proud of :')
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
in a oneshot i will write chronologically but in a multi-chapter it's.... very different. like for deep end i wrote the first chapter and then a lot of the later scenes and now i'm going back in and zero drafting (mostly) chronologically now that i know vaguely where i'm going. when i get a scene idea for later though i write it immediately or else i WILL forget and i will be sooooo angry with myself. once i get to work on the first/second draft though i will only go in chronological order so that i can start really ironing out continuity errors/metaphors/motifs etc.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
i honestly think coco would be able to guess just based off straight vibes. as for anyone else..... see this is a hard one because i do think i have a vaguely distinct style of writing but it's hard to actually describe it, and a lot of the things i associate with my own writing (excessive em dash usage, too many commas, an alarming amount of adverbs) are really not that unique, especially not in fic. i don't mean this in a self-deprecating way btw i do actually like my style of writing but it's not what i would consider particularly Unique. maybe i would give myself away because i seem to be completely incapable of not making jokes about murder in my exr fics? that's genuinely all that comes to mind which is a bit alarming but here we are <3
get to know your fic writer!
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navxry · 1 year
Rate your friends
well damn alright fine LMAO
My mutuals from discord and/or Tumblr (utc cause the post is LONG)
Carmine: def a 100/10 if I have to be honest. They dealt with me SO much and my absolute nonsense as well since 2020, no words can describe how much I appreciate them for being there with me in my highest and lowest of my era. I also love terrorizing them with my muses (Lyney simp in denial), and I dont regret at all meeting and befriending them. Love you bestie <3 /p
Ryan: also a 100/10, I genuinely owe him a lot for helping me realize just. how certain things in life isn't 'normal' and fueling my brainrot/s so much. We both had so much to talk abt during the 3 years I've known him (and we're still friends to this day!), and Goddamn do I enjoy playing games w/ him and esp abt our current hyperfixations (Persona and Raincode. I still want to rattle your Yuma bot you little shit /t)
Esther (@mixed-kester) : I just met you like months ago when I first joined astronetwrk, and tbh I genuinely am v happy to have met you and enabled you BAHAHAHAHA I've been friends with her for a while but its so fun just going through the plot + AUs, and also going through pain (and making me go through a crisis with enabling and "NO YOU DID SO MUCH FOR ME" "NO, I DIDNT" LMAOOOO). Yeah, there were times when we both have our disagreements, but I genuinely could never ask for a better friend to yell at Tinuvion/Kunimitsu and the rarepare between Wanderer and Kaeya than her.
Meirin (@meimeimeirin) : I'LL SAY THIS ONCE AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: You are so cool and amazing and I'm so amazed with how you deal with my nonsense. I never saw an opportunity to talk to you outside of being on anon back then, and I genuinely thought that it won't be possible, but when EBG happened? I saw it and took it. You were so so so enjoyable to talk to, to rant about the entire event, and even after that, I enjoyed talking to you about even your simping with Zhongli and Alhaitham! I also enjoy bouncing off ideas with our threads (even if I have them on hold, I swear I'll reply to them orz). You're the sweetest person I've known and I am so, so glad to have met you and got to know you as a friend ;v; you also inspired me in writing for Genshin and for my faves, and for also sharing my thoughts on my sona and my selfships. I know you're busy but I hope you can see this because I genuinely appreciate you /pos
Yami (@pastel-rights) : YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD ARTIST WHAT THE HELL— honestly, how the fuck do you deal with me, Sam and Tae? (/lh) like I genuinely am so surprised I'm actually friends w/ you, but in a good way because you are?? So cool?? I swear I sometimes admire your art and when I say I wanna eat it, I would. You're such a good friend and I wish we can talk more fr
Tae (@nice-chiaki) : My first victim (/j), but really, I am in awe that I've met you in the mun's corner. I saw your blog with Itha and I genuinely loved interacting with him— your muse of him helped a lot in bringing me out of my idv writer's block slump because I had no ideas and ooooh, genuinely having you on vc and hearing/seeing you go through your cycles and bs with Sam and Yami (and Fifi as well) is the funniest thing. I also hate you (/exag) for the fandubs, and you making me go through a huge moment with Andrew and Cro. 0/10 wont recommend voicing villains (/j /j)
Sam (@paperbcy) : You are the biggest menace I know, and tbh I wonder if you're like a mirror to my menace self /j, but I'm kidding BAHAHAHAHA. I dont regret enabling you so much for your immorphy AU and our own shared AUs, and I sometimes wonder what would happen if I hadn't met you, Tae and Yami. Also, do not pull Father on my inbox ty
Fifi (@fffiii) : You dealt with my ass for years and I honestly question how you're still sane BAHAHAHAHA, but fr, even till now we're still together from 2016 - 2017(?) and I cannot stop but wonder how long it's been. It was v fun just looking back on our days at Q and even now, and I still appreciate you for everything even if you're a bigger menace than me.
Shiro (@leftdestiny-posts) : We may not talk as much or as often, but you are so kind and ouuuu you make me ;-; honestly. I am v thankful for you in dealing with my brainrot over TCO (which! I plan on revisiting and reviving as a long drawn series haha), and I hope that we talk more often when you have the time (ofc, no pressure!)
Ying (@yinyinggie) : OOOOH YOU'RE SO SWEET AND LUCIEN/YUZU TOO LIKE AUGHHH, I genuinely love you both as mods in astronetwrk AND outside of it. I genuinely appreciate you as a mod and a friend in keeping the server together and hosting games for us, and even when those went awry (read: the mafia game), you and the others made sure we had fun anyway and prioritized our comfort, which is so?? sweet??? I genuinely wish I can hug you and I wish we can speak more orz ily /p
There are more but I can't remember them all so o7 o/ hope this is enough anon
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suguwu · 5 months
your writing is so good that i just need to put it under a microscope and analyse it for hours and hours. you write bars in ever paragraphs of your fics.
for you, it could be writing down a random blurb.. but to me, it's a life changing quote that i had to pause my reality for — and just. Let. it Sink. in.
i really love your writing so much... and i don't think that in itself encapsulates how much i genuinely truthfully and wholeheartedly love it. like it is so.. profound to me. you use minimal yet 'just right' amount of words/phrases/metaphors to express such deep emotions. you describe everything so deeply — in a resonating way. the way you write is truly an art.. like it should be put up at museums, it should be considered literary masterpieces.. i just want to study then for hours and hours.
i am both grateful and hurt that i can read such good characterization and breezy flow.. such amazing writing that fills me with genuine emotion and thought - for free ..on tumblr dot com.. like wow.. just wow. also i'm really sorry if this was all random and if i rambled too much.. it's 3am and i have work tomorrow but i really wanted to express this. i wanted to personally sit and scream in the tags of your works and word out my individual thoughts but i thought that might come across as annoying so i stopped myself lmao but it's just — i really fucking love the way you write. i’ve read so many pieces of yours and i just keep getting more and more stunned. you may have a literature degree but i think i need to get one just to study your works in an even deeper level. because i really want to. i want to engrave each one of your phrases that hit me deeply in the depths of my soul and stars at them forever. anyway i think you're really cool haha and sorry this came out longer than intended
oh anon. oh anon. 🥺🥺🥺
i wish i had better words for how much this means to me because it is so incredibly kind and also has me very much in my feelings. please don't apologize because this meant my month started off beautifully. i was going to hoard this and read it over and over again (i've already read it countless times) but i had to sit down and express myself (badly) about it.
i think what most writers want to have more than anything is an impact and the idea that my writing has impacted you in such a way is just so stunning and mind-boggling to me!! i truly cannot say how much this means to me.
also please know that you are always welcome to scream in the tags!!! it is not annoying at all—in fact i treasure it! (i have a whole album full of screenshots of kind tags lmao.) but only if you're comfortable!!
thank you so much for taking the time to send this to me!!! it really has made my week & my month during a time where i'm struggling 💞💞💞💞
i hope you went to bed soon after tho 3am is so late!!
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charlesandmiranda · 8 months
Asakusa Adventures part one:
2/1 dinner with friends and 2/2 Senso-ji Temple
After leaving Ochanomizu, Charles and I took the train to Asakusa, our next stop in Tokyo. We had dinner plans to meet with a friend and her family that night, and we planned to explore the area the following day (which is yesterday, at the time of writing!)
Our friend, Penko, her husband As'maria, and two sons took us to Asakusa Ichimon, which is a super traditional restaurant. It was featured in the movie Shin Ultraman which came out in 2022, and Charles really wanted to visit it as a film location, but before we could even mention it to her, she was already suggesting that we should all go together, and so we did!
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The interior was amazing, I wish we had taken more photos. Taking photos inside establishments can sometimes be difficult, privacy is much more significant of a cultural consideration than in the US and we don't want to take photos of other patrons. It was a lot of gorgeous, dark wood, short, low to the ground tables, tatami mats, and floor chairs. There was a super zen, indoor water feature too, which was pretty cool, to put it mildly.
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I don't even begin to know how to describe how tasty the food was; there was a huge menu of sakes (Japanese style alcohol, think sort of like a "rice wine" even though that's not strictly accurate) and shochu (more like a liquor), almost all, if not all of which, we'd never seen before in the states. The entire meal was a like...5 course experience, starting with a small appetizer of fruit, tofu, fish egg and beans (in honor of the Setsubun holiday, which is today [2/3] at time of writing!) all the way to a hot pot of tuna, leek, mushrooms and more. Genuinely everything was like, beyond delicious, and it was sooooo much food, without ever making us feel like we were totally gonna pop (although it was close). There was also a beef dish mid meal that was the first beef Charles had eaten in close to two decades, and it was worth it.
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It was also really really special to get to spend the time getting to know Penko and her family better; I first met her here on tumblr actually, maybe....gosh, I don't know, 8 years ago? give or take a year? through a mutual fandom (we were both fans of a specific pairing in a video game called Danganronpa, where she was a very popular fan-artist at the time). Since then, we've met her in Japan a few times on trips, and we've slowly gotten to know her family over the last few years. After our engagement, Penko actually drew some lovely art for us as a congratulations; if you were at our wedding, we had it displayed near our guestbook :P
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The following day, we spent exploring around our Airbnb in Asakusa, as well as visiting Tokyo Skytree. Our stay was on the second floor, above a restaurant, right in the heart of the district.
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We started the morning early at Cafe Royal, a super old-school Showa-era coffee shop built in the early 1960s. We had coffees and breakfast there, and their specialty Royal Coffee has to have been one of the best coffees I've ever had. It almost reminded me of dark chocolate in terms of its acidity and smoothness. It was truly awesome.
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Afterwards, we spent some time shopping at Uniqlo, a Japanese clothing store (there are some in the states too, if you're curious!) My favorite pair of jeans ripped badly on the plane, and I wanted to replace them, so I bought a new pair at Uniqlo, as well as some of their warm layering clothing, which they're well known for, to stave off the February chill. Charles also got some warm winter wear, so we're both totally topped off for the rest of the trip with trendy heat-tech goodies.
We also wandered around the streets and streets and STREETS of Asakusa's extensive shopping and food district surrounding the massive, gorgeous Senso-ji temple. One thing I love about Japan is that these huge shopping districts often have covered roofs over the streets so even if it's raining or kinda crappy weather, you can still walk freely across blocks without too much trouble. We were mostly window shopping, but we definitely stopped for a few treats.
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From there, we headed to Tokyo Skytree, stay tuned for our next post!
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