#it was kakashi idea to hold hands in public
equill · 10 months
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Extra: spying
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kakashisenppai · 6 months
thinking about a secret relashionship with kakashi
secret late night walks around the village
sometimes you both ignore each other in public even tho you're both dying to hold hands
you hiding your jealously when some other girl hits on him while you're both out with friends
he hiding his jelously when some other guy or even male friend gets too comfortable around you
you both holding hands under the table
secret looks shared in public
you both taking care of each others plants when one of you is out on a mission
you having to hide in his room whenever gai shows up at his apartment unexpectedly
quiet nights in his room, just you both enjoying each other presence
your friends pestering you about how weirdly happy you look everyday
he almost letting out his pet names for you in public
secret kisses when no one is looking
you having to lie to your friends when they ask you why you have two toothbrushes
you both creating a routine so no one knows you're both togather
you both feeling frustrated because you cant show you're together even tho you both want it but is better this way
every other night hes coming in your house throught the window so you can sleep together, even tho he has the key, he still uses to window just to make it more fun
you both sleeping in each others arms after not being able to hold each other for the whole day.
his whispers in the middle of the night telling you how much you mean to him
secrets“i love you”’s mouthed to each other along the day
“ i love you”’s in full sentences and loudly enough for you to hear shared inside your home.
yes i disappeared completely yes im sorry yes i intend to post more yes i didn’t read what i wrote so theres many mistakes no i dont have any more ideas so you can always give me some
yes if you liked it you can comment and share! feedbacks are always appreciated
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Sensei’s Partner
Pairing: GaiRin
Words: 2127
For: @crypticsummons who needed to ensure that every single one of Gai’s student’s got him a gift this year lol.
Once a year Neji dipped into his savings and splurged on a gift. He didn’t buy an object and strayed away from the fancy-themed items that were usually displayed in shops at this time of year but instead bought an experience.
A moment of quiet enjoyment for the man who poured his heart and soul into training him, even when Neji was far less enthusiastic about the type of training he was receiving. 
This year's gift was simple but extravagant. Though, Neji had to admit that the only reason it could be considered a luxurious gift was that he had splurged on a gift for two, rather than just one.
He had originally planned to purchase something small for his Sensei. A meal out, or a visit to the spa. Something small and relaxing.
Then, a week before his birthday, their Sensei dropped some news that changed everything.
He had a girlfriend. Someone who was willingly going out with him, in public where everyone could see them together. A woman who he hadn’t stopped gushing about since he first told them they were dating.
Neji still didn’t know what this woman’s name was, but he was certain it was one of the other Jonin’s. It was the only scenario that made sense to him. No civilian would be able to handle his Sensei’s intense training schedule on top of his mission schedule, but a Jonin would understand. She’d have a similar schedule to his, and that was why he chose the gift he did.
A dinner for two. One nice relaxing evening for his Sensei to sit down and relax with the woman who had captured his heart. A night where the two of them didn’t have to worry about cooking or cleaning and could simply enjoy each other’s company.
Tenten had laughed and called the idea cheesy, but she agreed that their Sensei deserved a night to just enjoy himself. She’d even offered to pitch in on the gift and save Neji’s wallet from the weight of having to pay for two meals, but he turned her down.
She had her own gift to get their Sensei, and he was determined to splurge just this once. There would come a day when he made enough money to buy his Sensei and others gifts without worry, but for today he was willing to chock down the pain of handing over five thousand Ryo to the owner of his Sensei’s favourite Sushi restaurant.
“I just hope he doesn’t bring Kakashi with him this time around,” the owner had laughed as she slipped the two gift certificates into an envelope and handed it over to Neji. “The two of them always cause such a scene. It will be nice to have a quiet night.”
Neji couldn’t make any promises on that front, but he found it difficult not to agree with her. While he understood his Sensei’s rivalry, and his unending desire to challenge Kakashi-Sensei at every opportunity, it was also healthy to have a relaxing night once in a while.
A night where he didn’t shovel food into his mouth until he made himself sick, all in the name of ‘Rivalry’.
With the gift now in hand, Neji thanked her for her help and turned away from the little shop. His next stop was an obvious one. The only place he knew his Sensei would be on his birthday.
The Dango shop.
Making his way through the streets of Konoha, he clutched the envelope in his hands, afraid that he might drop it if he loosened his hold even just a little. He could have slipped it into his pocket of course, or tucked it away in his weapon’s pouch for safekeeping. Those would have been the logical course of action to keep his Sensei’s birthday present safe, but Neji continued to hold it.
He wanted to be able to present his Sensei with the gift as quickly as possible. Without fumbling around searching for it while the older man watched him. If he could simply walk over and hold it out to him, wasting no time at all, it would be optimal.
Neji wasn’t one for small talk, and his Sensei wouldn’t need him to explain what it was for. There was no doubt in the Hyuga’s mind that his Sensei had already been gifted numerous items from his friends.
Lee would have had a gift in hand when they met for morning training.
Tenten would have avoided a scene and left his present at his apartment door to be found at some point.
Kakashi-Sensei had already given him a gift last night during the fireworks show. A tradition that Neji and his teammates had become oddly accustomed to in the short two years they had been training under Gai-Sensei.
There were others of course. Every day Neji saw his Sensei hanging out with different people. Some he knew, like Kakashi, Asuma and Kurenai, and some he didn’t. 
“I wonder…” he muttered to himself, waving between people as he made his way towards the Dango shop. “Have I met her before?”
The woman that his Sensei hadn’t shut up about for the past five days. With her intoxicating laugh and kind heart. 
Had he seen her in the village? Were there times he’d watched his Sensei speaking with her and never realized what was going on? Did he have her face memorized, but with no idea what her name was?
There were so many questions running through his mind that Neji almost missed the Dango shop. It was only when he caught a glimpse of vibrant green in the corner of his eye that he stopped dwelling on all of those questions and returned to the present.
Realizing he had walked just a little too far, he turned back around and headed straight for the Dango shop. His eyes searched the area for that flash of green he had spotted, and within seconds they landed on his Sensei. With his signature green jumpsuit and a voice that carried through the crowded street, it was hard to miss the man.
His attention didn’t stay on his Sensei for long, though. When Neji noticed that the older man wasn’t alone he couldn’t help but check who it was sitting with him. Who he had chosen to spend his birthday sharing a stick of Dango with.
The obvious answer was Kakashi-Sensei. Everyone knew that Gai-Sensei’s birthday was reserved for his best friend. A day full of challenges and whatever the two of them considered ‘relaxing’. All week Neji and his teammates had been listening to their Sensei talk about the plans he had made with his eternal rival. They’d heard all of the stories, and even supplied a few ideas for challenges that the two of them could do.
Well, Lee supplied ideas. Neji and Tenten just kept quiet and hoped that their Sensei would return to the topic of training soon. 
As his eyes focused on his Sensei’s companion, Neji found himself at a loss for words.
Not only was it not Kakashi sitting there across from his Sensei, but the person who was there was female. With long brown hair tied back in a ponytail, purple marks on her cheeks, and a hand laying in the center of the table.
A hand that was currently wrapped around his Sensei’s hand. 
“Oh,” he stood there in the middle of the busy street just staring at the pair, processing everything that he was seeing. There was a soft smile on her face as she listened to his Sensei speak, his free hand clutching a stick of Dango and waving it around dramatically. A look that Neji couldn’t describe very well, but which he knew because he had seen it on his Sensei’s face whenever he mentioned his new girlfriend.
She was in love, with his Sensei. The man who wore a bright green jumpsuit and ran around the village screaming about ‘Youth’ and demanding childish challenges from his best friend, regardless of who was watching.
Neji had never felt so many conflicting emotions at once. He was happy for his Sensei, of course. As weird as the man was he was still kind. If anyone deserved love it was him. Still, that didn’t negate the fact that he was a weird man. That most people would rather not be seen out in public with someone who was so enthusiastic that he nearly stabbed a passing chunin with his Dago stick because he’d allowed himself to get lost in conversation.
Worst of all, Neji didn’t recognize the woman. There was no memory he could pull up of her, so he had no idea what kind of woman she was. If she was kind, like his Sensei, or hot-headed. Whether she was calm and collected or full of a fiery passion that would make Lee proud. 
“Questions for another day,” he whispered, diverting his eyes away from the scene when he saw his Sensei’s date leaning over the table. Whatever was about to happen, he did not want to see it. “But I still have his gift. I should…”
As his eyes came to the counter, landing on the Dango shop owner, Neji was struck with an idea. Rather than interrupting a very private moment between Gai-sensei and his girlfriend, he could leave them with a surprise. A gift that they would be able to enjoy without having to entertain him for even a second.
Settling on his new course of action, Neji began walking. He wasn’t sure if his Sensei even saw him when he made his way into the little shop, but if he did he didn’t say anything. Too wrapped up in his own little moment of paradise to care what his student was doing.
“Neji,” the shop owner greeted him as he walked towards her. “I’m surprised you’re coming here. You’re Sensei has already ordered and seated himself.”
“I’ve noticed,” he glanced over his shoulder, rolling his eyes when he saw Gai-Sensei leaning over to kiss his partner's hand. “I don’t wish to interrupt them at this moment, though.”
The owner laughed. “That is fair. It’s rare for Rin to have a day off, so it’s extra special that she managed to get a few moments to spend with Gai today.”
Rin. That was a name he would make sure to remember.
“I was hoping you could help me out,” placing the envelope on the counter, he slid it toward her. “This is a gift I got for Sensei, but I would rather not hang around waiting for a moment to approach.”
“So you hand that awkward job off to me?” All he could do was shrug his shoulders and offer an apologetic look. “Alright, I can handle that. It shouldn’t be too weird to approach my customers while they’re enjoying themselves.”
Thinking about it, Neji dug a hand into his pocket and retrieved his coin pouch. It only took him a second to find the correct change for two sticks of dango, which he promptly placed on the counter right beside the envelope.
“Here,” he offered. “An excuse to approach them. That should take away some of the awkwardness.”
Her laugh rang in his ears. “You really are something, Hyuga Neji,” collecting the envelope, she scootched the money into the little box she kept under the counter. “I’ll make sure Gai gets your present, don’t worry.”
“Thank you.” 
With that settled, Neji turned away from the counter and made his way towards the exit, but just before he left the shop he stopped and spared one more glance towards his Sensei’s table.
As soon as he had, he was struck with the soft gaze of his Sensei’s companion.
While his Sensei was chatting away, she had taken a moment to look Neji’s way. To acknowledge his presence in the little shop. With brilliant brown eyes, she watched him. Daring to spare a smile when his Sensei threw his head back and laughed.
For a moment, without any words, Neji was able to learn about the woman that his Sensei had fallen in love with. The person who would spare just a second for someone she didn’t know. 
She was kind. Perhaps just as kind as his Sensei.
There were things he wanted to say. Questions that still danced around his mind, and a request. A simple, small plea for the woman he’d never met before.
Take care of him.
Though he never spoke the words out loud, he was certain she heard them. It was the only explanation he had for the way she lifted her free hand under the table and offered him a thumbs-up.
A silent promise that she would do her best.
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starrybunnyarchive · 2 years
sensei's reaction when you're sitting onto his lap
they're distracted, so you have the perfect opportunity.
Characters: Aizawa Shouta, Gojo Satoru, Hatake Kakashi, Ukai Keishin.
Warning: kinda suggestive
sometimes he has lots of paperwork even when he's home. so, Aizawa was almost done with it when you decided to slide yourself between his arms, making yourself comfortable on his lap. he got paralyzed. it took him few seconds to realize what was going on. smirking, he kissed your cheek, holding you with one arm, and said “fine, i'll give you cuddles as soon as finish here. but, stay still, make me some company.” allowing you to be on his lap until he's done.
he's obsessed with his books, you constantly see Kakashi reading Icha Icha. once, he was chilling, reading, when you had this idea. without being suspicious, you approached him, climbing on him, until you were finally on his lap. almost immediately, he put the book away, laying you on the bed and getting on top of you. surprised by him, you said “but what about your book? you were so concentrated.” and then, he took off his mask, kissing you, saying “i found something much better that needs my attention.”
he was in the middle of an important phonecall when you saw the perfect opportunity to have your revenge for all the times Gojo teased you in public. “mon bebe what are you doing?!” he whispered, covering the phone with his free hand, while you were trying to get on his lap. you finally managed to do it and started to tease him, grinding. but when you saw him trying so hard not to make any noise, you stopped, just lying you head on his shoulder, running your hand on his chest. the very moment the call ended, he grabbed your cheeks, bringing your face close to his, saying “now, let's continue this thing you started.”
you and Keishin were gossiping in his store. was almost end of business hour and you both were about to go out and have some time together. suddenly, you had this idea and approached him, sitting on his lap. surprised by your actions, he grabbed your waist so you couldn't fall and looked around kinda concerned, saying “princess, what are you doing? we're still open, someone can catch us.” his smile showing he was enjoying it despite the danger. you gave him a slow kiss and left his lap, saying “okay, let's save this for late.”
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mrsbakashi · 2 years
💔 : A breakup headcanon with Kakashi 🙈
bestie, if you hate me you could just say so, you didn't have to ask me to write a break up with my man 😩
but anyway, i'm not sure if it really counts as a break up hc, BUT i got excited and it got a little long, so i'm sorry. but i hope you enjoy!
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you and Kakashi started out as friends - you were new at the village and he was assigned to show you around and explain how everything worked. you quickly became good friends, it was easy to be around him;
of course you also became good friends with the other jonin, and you used to go out to drink with them - Kakashi hardly ever joined the group, but on the rare occasions he did, he stayed next to you the entire time, making sure you didn't drink too much or that Gai didn't make a challenge that would get both of you killed;
because he was always looking out for you and you seemed a bit too comfortable around each other people started to assume you two were dating, which he never corrected, and it never made him uncomfortable apparently - when much he would say "huh? oh yeah, me and y/n". so naturally, after a while, you started to wonder if you two were an item;
you started to believe you were an item because Kurenai and Anko - wonderful women, great kunoichis, terrible relationship advisors - convinced you that that was Kakashi's way of telling you he liked you with his penis (yes, you were all very drunk), and it really seemed like he did. you began spending more time together and did thing couples usually do - minus the sex part. you figured he was probably just shy, even if he was always reading smut in public. but hey, you never know, maybe it has been a while for him and he doesn't know how to touch a woman anymore, but you sure could help him with that!
so one saturday night when you were both hanging out on the sofa, reading, you just randomly sat on his lap - he stared at you a little confused as to what you were doing, but didn't stop you when you put your legs on each side of him and ran your fingers through his hair;
now when you tried taking off his mask that's when he stopped you. you see, you had known Kakashi for a while now, but NEVER had seen his face. the others were so casual about it you never had the courage to ask. and yes, you thought you were an item but you never kissed because you thought he was shy and you respected his space, but maybe - just maybe - you were wrong;
"hey, what are you doing?" he asked, holding your hand in the air, just when you were about to push the light fabric of his mask down.
"i-" a million things ran through your mind, but none of them were acceptable as an excuse. "i better go".
he didn't stop you when you grabbed your things and left, which only made you feel worse. stupid stupid! how could you think you were an item? ugh! stupid Kurenai and Anko, stupid you! you should have known better! he looks out for everyone, even his students, it doesn't mean he wants do date them! and you should've known when he never approached you in anyway other than friendly!
actually, now that you think about it, he never even hugged you. where, tell me WHERE did the great idea that you were dating came from? oh god, and to live with the shame! maybe you could, you know, move to the sand village and change your name, change your hair...
so you never really dated and, of course, you never really broke up. but it felt like a break up. you started to avoid him, ran from his presence like the devil runs from the cross, stopped going out with the other jonins, went straight home after work and shushed Anko and Kurenai when they started with maybes and what ifs.
you didn't know, of course, that Kakashi actually liked you, and that terrified him. all the people he has ever allowed himself to feel something for had died, every single person who has ever saw his face had died. he would never be seen without his mask again. his face was cursed, and he would save you from the curse that it was being loved by him. even if it meant pushing you away and missing your company on weekends. specially on weekends...
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
Hii! I was wondering how will uchihas react to you wearing a white top but it rained and it is transyy now! Please include Naruto Sai Kakashi Lee & deidara too. Thank you. You choose if its their world or modern AU.
Sure imma make it modern AU
Warning: slight nsfw? Slight violence (not against Reader)
Stares and if you act confident and start flirting with him ? He will blush a little
"oh someone's blushing?" " I'm just cold"
He lends you his jacket if he doesn't have one here no problem he can just carry you and cover certain places with his hands
But if it happens in a more public place he will cover you because
No one is allowed to see what's his .
People who dare to catcall or whistle behind you? Dead.
Well not dead but they'll wish they are
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Smirks and blushes a little " nice bra y/n it's ruining my view"
This motherfucker will tease you Abt it every 3 seconds
Punches anyone who dares flirting with you
But he will lend you his jacket (he always has one either around his waist or he's wearing it)
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Blushes dark red " Uhm here take my jacket you must be cold" tries not to point it out because it could make you uncomfortable if he has none? No problem a clone is getting one in light speed
But if you start flirting with him you won't be able to tell if his sharingan or his face is redder
"you like what you're seeing?" He Won't answer only stares deep in thoughts
Oh now he has a problem (if yk yk)
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lends you his jacket immediately and if he has none? He will cover you with his body
"you might need it and don't forget closing it i don't want other to see them"
You'll see a light blush on his cheeks
He will hold you close
Stares at anyone who looks at you wrong
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Knows it'll rain so he has a jacket with him
He will be more soft with you even asks you to help you put it on
Mf just wanted a better view without you noticing
But you noticed and had the courage to "flirt"
"It's a nice view isn't it?"
Man's getting red
He knew it'll rain but he didn't knew you'll see that , pfft-
"yeah and I'll remove the part covering most of it's beauty later" when did he get so flirty? You don't know but you don't complain either
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Has the same situation as you , but summons you and him a jacket
Doesn't say anything flirtatious but will shoot people who do a death stare
Holds you close
Let me correct myself
Presses you against him slightly
Boy just want everyone to see you both are together
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Sai.exe stopped working for a sec
Pick you up and lays a jacket on top of you as a blanket
Don't ask why it's his natural instincts
Rain is dangerous for you because it'll get you a cold so he'll bring you home where you are safe
Will make you so much hot chocolate just to prevent you from getting a cold
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" nice tits y/n " smirks under his mask " Kashi!" "They would look even better in my hands"
Doesn't stop flirting but then you shivered because the temperature went down too
A clone got you a jacket while another got a hot chocolate for you both ( imma say it all clones look a bit different so no one gets confused if 5 Kakashi look alikes)
Teases you about it
Then 2 days later " accidentally" spilt a cup of water over your torso
He just wanted to see it again
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Rock lee
Dark red face and hugs you immediately covering you up as good as he could " any idea what to do now? I don't want them to see you like this"
He then just carrys you home like he holds a kid but can't help but stares at your torso
Want to see him even more red? " Like what you see? What a naughty boy~"
words can't explain how red he is pffft-
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Like indra knew it's gonna rain so brought an umbrella and jacket with him
Let's you get wet then gives you the jacket
He didn't even get red when you caught him staring " guess you should have listened but it's nice that you didn't this time"
Beated up a guy who tried to touch you
Nothing special happened
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Thanks for requesting!
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roseserpentpress · 2 years
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A tongue-in-cheek Kakashi x Iruka anthology modelled after icha icha paradise. I kept reading about Kakashi's love of erotica (and icha icha), while reading, well, erotic kakairu fanfiction. As a result I kept going 'same hat' (although I'm probably not going to be in public reading it. It's not subtle, although it'd be fun to see who would recognize it?) and then had this idea as a result. I've always loved subtle breaks in the third wall and self-containing/perpetuating systems, so this really tickled me. I may or may not be planning to do the entire icha icha series as kakairu anthologies and most definitely have not started on icha icha violence, idk what ur talking about.
Edit: click to see the Icha Icha series master post.
Icha Icha Paradise Anthology Fanfiction list:
A Heat-seeking Cuddle Octopus (4k, G)
It wasn't that Iruka wasn't willing to share a tent with his squad leader. It's just that he wished that Kakashi wasn't such a cuddle-octopus in his sleep.
Responsible, forever, for what you have tamed (4k, M)
Kakashi gets hit with a Jutsu and becomes feral.
Always Only One Night (6k, M)
Iruka has a one-night stand with a man whose face he has never seen before. Only it's not just one night, and there is something about the man that seems familiar, if he could just figure out what.
The Heart that Hungers (7k, T)
With Naruto away training life for Umino Iruka had gotten quiet, but that quiet had been broken up periodically by the kindness of Hatake Kakashi, who discreetly delivered him letters from their mutual student whenever he got the chance. Which was great, amazingly thoughtful even, but the problem lay within the fact that it made Iruka's heart starved for more. For Kakashi. And so he kept a polite distance, didn't let on to feelings he had no right to have for someone as incredible as Hatake Kakashi. But the universe had a way of setting things right, of pushing people like Iruka, who deserved more than they gave themselves credit for.
Enter Senju Tsunade, Godaime Hokage of Konohagakure, and resident overly-stressed medical professional who could not take another second of Kakashi being a reckless idiot. She assigns the most caring man she knows to care for the most infuriating man, official mission scroll and everything, and calls it a day. And while Iruka takes the assignment (though whether it was willingly is up for debate) he can't help but wonder if he can survive a week in the company of the man his heart hungers for.
Fine Point of a Blade (9k, E)
Iruka’s body froze as terror gripped his heart. With claws. He watched a gloved hand deftly pluck the blade out of the air, bringing it up to a porcelain mask painted with red, waved lines. ANBU.
A strange meeting with an ANBU in his childhood leads Iruka down a life-changing path.
Willful Concealment (13k, E)
“Are you planning to keep my hair tie?” Iruka asked suddenly, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“I’m holding it prisoner for crimes against the citizens of Konoha.”
“What are the charges?”
Kakashi smiled, twirling the band around his forefinger like a kunai. “Perjury and willful concealment.”
Iruka huffed and shook his head, lips thinning in a way that made Kakashi think he was holding back a grin. “You know, if I’d realized you had such a thing for long hair, I would have started wearing mine down years ago.”
Kakashi’s thumb caught the hair band, halting its revolution.
(Or, in which Iruka asks for a single night, and gets a whole lot more.)
Worst Mission Ever (21k, T)
“Iruka, how would you feel about taking on a solo mission for me?” Sandaime asked.
Thrown by the change of topic, Iruka blinked at him.
“What do you want me to do?” he asked.
“Befriend Hound.”
A Stupid Favour (33k, Not rated- I'd say M or E tho)
"Iruka-sensei! Do you have a moment?"
"Yes? Tsunade-sama?" Iruka's voice came, drawing closer with every syllable.
"Someone has a stupid favor to ask you."
Shifting cloth and more clicking of shoes said Tsunade had come back into the room, followed by another person, whom Kakashi assumed was Iruka.
"The brat either needs to stay in the hospital or to have a babysitter for two days," Tsunade said bluntly.
OR, in which Kakashi is blind and sans chakra for two days but is desperate to find a way to leave the hospital until his sight and chakra can be restored.
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mokutone · 3 years
if it's not too late for the ask game, ummm pakkun?
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answers under the cut!
favorite thing about them —he's SO FUNNY. he looks so grumpy about everything, he desperately wants people to feel his soft little paws, and he is such a perfect contrast to Kakashi. i love pakkun so much.
least favorite thing about them —we should have MORE PAKKUN SCREENTIME. THANK YOU. everything else is perfect.
favorite line —this isn't a line but i like when shikamaru scruffed him and started playing with his jowels and pakkun tolerated it for a bit before biting. talk about restraint! that is an incredibly polite dog!
brOTP —Kakashi. obviously. kakashi is his guy his human his boss!!!! other than that, maybe bull? they seem to work together really frequently. i think they're a team
OTP —he is a dog, i cannot imagine shipping a dog.
nOTP —he is a dog. i cannot imagine having any strong feelings over shipping a dog.
random headcanon —pakkun actually doesn't like to be petted all that much? he's extremely tolerant and will allow kakashi to stroke him, and will even enjoy it on occasion, but it's not something he seeks out very much, honestly. If you were to pet him, he would just kind of stare at you blankly, and when you stopped he might even stand up and shuffle away as though to say "ok. we're done now." a dog who was enjoying being petted, would wave a paw or nudge you to try and solicit continued pettings, rather than moving away, or not responding. he does really like when he puts his paw out and people hold it though. weird little guy!
unpopular opinion —this isn't controversial i don't think, it's just not popular, but in modern AUs (which i. admittedly rarely indulge in), I like to think that Bull and Pakkun work with Kakashi as a three-point service dogs + handler team. In real life, individuals having more than one active service dog is very uncommon (aside from periods where a service dog in training and a soon-to-retire service dog are both active), mostly because acquiring, training, and providing for even a singular service dog can be incredibly expensive, and in many cases, it's much easier to have one dog who can do all the necessary tasks, rather than split up tasks and duties between two different dogs, especially since two dogs would be more likely to attract attention and public interference, unfortunately. It's very easy to see Kakashi's canonical disabilities w/in naruto the series and extrapolate them into real life. His chakra exhaustion could be easily interpreted to be chronic fatigue, or even chronic pain, as well as his multiple indications of PTSD within the show, + other indications that could be used to form an idea for how Kakashi's disabilities might manifest inside + outside of the naruto universe. I see pakkun as being his primary medical alert dog, letting him know before a wave of fatigue, migraine, medical flare-up, or possibly even sense + indicate an oncoming panic attack or dissociative episode, that way Kakashi would be prepared to deal with whatever was coming in advance, and be able to better mitigate the symptoms of his disabilities. Additionally, for the PTSD, bc of his much much smaller size, and because small dogs tend to have much lighter sleep cycles I think it would probably be more convenient for him to interrupt Kakashi's nightmares than Bull if needed—and, for similar small size reasons, would probably be much easier for him to preform very quick room-searches while Bull and Kakashi wait, if that was a task which Kakashi needed. (if ur curious, Bull, I think, would mostly be handling mobility tasking, this includes helping Kakashi walk if he's experiencing symptoms of pain or fatigue, fetching items which may be heavy or light, and returning them to Kakashi's hand, and even blocking if Kakashi was in a crowded space where people were getting a little bit too close, and he felt uncomfortable. these are all tasks which would be, if not impossible for a small dog like Pakkun, then very difficult for him)
ah. sorry. this got very long. i think a lot about this kind of thing!
song i associate with them —i want to hold your hand by the beatles! i hate the beatles but. theres nothing that can be done...that's a pakkun song. :/ he just wants people to hold his hand...
favorite picture of them this is so funny to me. shikamaru please be nice to him. hes a special little guy!!!!! and hes so tolerant!!!!
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aineirisha · 2 years
When Kakashi fucks he opens his mouth. I have no proof but I have no doubt.
He's not loud but might occasionally groan.
When he cums jerking off his head goes backwards
He likes to start jerking off slowly and he likes to tempt himself to see for how long he can hold on. Reading smut in public has helped him train his self-control
He confronted his feelings for you after he came thinking about you and your fucking.hot...everything. he couldn't decide what to start with.
Next time he sees you he can't look you in the eye. But he regrets nothing.
He loooveeess smelling you. It arouses him.
Not a big fan of perfumes. He doesn't mind but he rather not.
You once heard him moan your name. It was by far the best sound in the universe.
He likes grabbing you by your jawline when you're panting to breath you in.
And when you lick the tip of his dick and then look at him.
He loves to rest his hands on your but and he loves having you on top of him, whether fucking or just resting, he loves the feeling of your weight on him. Makes him feel contained.
He likes to hold his breath when he fucks, specially when he comes.
He likes to tease you. In public. A lot. And very subtle might I add.
He just loves to see you blush.
"open wide for me" he'll say before he fucks you.
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Since you also believe that Team Ro cared much about each other, what are your thoughts on an AU where Itachi, after Shisui's death and between the time Danzō brought up the massacre thing but before Itachi does do it, he instead found himself in desperate need of an advice and did the only thing he could think of: go to his Taichō hoping to find any sort of help from one of the very few people he could trust
CN: mentions of suicidal thoughts & genocide
I wanna say that Kakashi quietly goes and assassinates Danzo & the other anti-Uchiha elders in the middle of the night. But that would have consequences. If he does it anonymously, he risks Danzo being martyred and the Uchiha scapegoated and punished.
So he leaves his own lightning chakra everywhere.
He then confronts the Uchiha with Danzo's head to show both that he's a friend, and that he's serious, and tells them that if they do try and overthrow the village and instate Uchiha-rule, they will be executed. He'll help, in fact, because one clan imposing rule over all the others ain't great. But now there are three council spots opening up, and he's just made himself Konoha's public enemy number one.
He holds out his wrists to Itachi, still holding Danzo's bloody head up by the hair. "If you take me in," he says, toneless, almost bored, "it'll put your clan in better stead."
Itachi feels a bit sick. Danzo won't be the only one headless by the end of today, and Taicho must know that, he must, but he did this anyway.
It shouldn't be a surprise. He's always been a risk-taker, throwing himself into the line of every kunai like he can't bear to commit seppuku but lives only in the hope someone else will do it for him.
Somehow, that motivation would be almost as hard to accept as if Taicho just did this out of some misplaced sense of kindness.
Itachi's hands tighten into fists. "I had a mission," he whispers, voice shaking far more than he would like. I never asked you to interfere. I never wanted you to take the fall for me. I'm not a child, I don't need to be saved -
But a part of him lets itself relax, in a way he hasn't since he was first informed of his family's coup. Deep down, he knows that he is a child. And he did need to be saved.
He just wishes this wasn't the price.
Kakashi-Taicho presses his wrists forward a little more determinedly, one brow raised. "And now you have another," he says.
Itachi ties his hands together, using special ANBU finger-locks so he can't make seals. He takes him in, as he's supposed to. As Captain wants him to. As his family needs him to.
But if the ropes are tied a little looser than they should be, and Itachi staggers into the ANBU compound a half-hour later, head bleeding from a (self-inflicted) kunai scrape, mumbling sometihng about the traitor having escaped... Well, that's no one's business but theirs.
Another alternative concept for you...
Kakashi offers to do the job instead of Itachi, so Itachi doesn't have to live with the burden of that guilt.
Honestly... I'm not 100% sure he'd spare Sasuke, unless Itachi specifically asked him to.
Itachi still has to go into hiding as the massacre gets pinned on him, but Kakashi accompanies him into life as a nukenin out of some weird messed-up sense of loyalty and responsibility towards his teammate. Maybe they'd both infiltrate Akatsuki together... All while Itachi is growing up and dealing with some very complicated emotions about how Kakashi murdered his entire family... for him?
(And Kakashi is having some very confused emotions about the orange-masked idiot who keeps staring at him for uncomfortably long periods, but that's another story).
There are a lot of directions that this idea could go, and all of them would be really fascinating to explore!
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cythena · 3 years
hii do you write NSFW? if so may ask for a yandere kakashi nsfw hc's?
nsfw yandere headcanons
pairing: kakashi hatake x fem!reader
prompt: yandere kakashi's cruel behavior
cw/tw: yandere, smut, age gap, dubcon, degredation, mean dom!kakashi, blowjobs, thigh riding, public sex
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he's way more manipulative than normal kakashi. you happened to be a little younger than kakashi—5 or 6 years. you had such a close relationship. everyone saw it as a sweet sensei/student bond from their outside view. privately, your relationship was a lot darker. kakashi didn't mind using his words or abilities to get what he wants. he forces it into both your minds that he’s superior so you listen to him.
you’ve been with kakashi ever since you began dating. he was your first boyfriend and would be your only. losing your virginity to kakashi meant a lot to him. unfortunately, the means weren’t so perfect. he convinced you into believing that’s the only way you’ll truly love him.
soft dom? mean dom? like i said, he's very manipulative. he prefers when you want him but you don't always have a choice. he loves when you're feeling needy. he enjoys teasing and ignoring you just to see how far you'll go for him. which is pretty far.
he does praise you and requires you to praise him back. he wants you to tell him how he's making you feel every step of the way. it reminds both of you of your statuses. he's not afraid to degrade you.
normal kakashi would die before asking for a blowjob. yandere kakashi expects one. he leans on an array of names to call you when you're choking on his cock. it depends on how you've been acting. sometimes he's gentle with self control, calling you princess, doll, baby. whenever you haven't been so good and he's not in a good mood he'll tangle his fingers in your hair and control your pace. he'll shove your head down and hold your head down while spitting out mocking names like his slut, his cockwhore. emphasis on the his part.
when he doesn't even feel like punishing you, he won't. not directly at least. once you're riled up and need him, he'll tell you no. "what happened to you earlier? it's pathetic how fast you caved in. if you need to get off then figure something out."
leading me to my next idea, thigh riding. he'll mock you the entire time though. "such a smart whore, but you're ruining my pants," he'll laugh at you while you rub your cunt over his pants. you have to look at him the entire time or else he'll pull you off of him. he won't touch you at all, he'll occupy his hands with anything other than you.
semi public sex is a common affair between you two. it's always him initiating it out of possessiveness. he'll finger you under the table at yakiniku q in front of his friends whispering into your ear, "don't start drawing attention to yourself now. or maybe that's what you want." or when he's hokage, you're under his desk while he talks to iruka. he'll push your head down forcing you to swallow his cum.
aftercare isn't a guarantee. it depends entirely on you. kakashi hates being mean to you but sometimes you forget your place. it pains him to leave you hurting or in need but he's accepted that it's the right way. he cleans you up and lays in bed with you reminding you that he "loves you" and you eat all of it up. other times, he leaves you sticky with his cum or not even have finished yourself. he'll always give you a second chance tomorrow.
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Nαɾυƚσ αɳԃ Dɾყ Hυɱριɳɠ (and more)
Another installment of the Naruto characters and dry humping, wink wonk. Also, this. This got long ahahahahahaha, I need help.
For Naruto, Sasuke, and Neji, please click here~
Now it is time for Shikamaru, Gaara, and Kakashi!
tags/warnings: oral, public sex, dry humping, sexual themes, intercourse, breeding, creampie, handjobs
if you are not of age, PLEASE DO NOT READ.
>Admin 𝕋
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You were only supposed to go to the Kazekage’s office to cheer Gaara up, since he had been a little down lately.
You were supposed to be there for a short time, seeing as he was extremely down but, Gaara he--he wanted something more.
When you were about to leave, he had pulled you into a long kiss, his tongue entering your mouth and lightly tracing yours. Of course, you couldn’t say no to something so gentle yet hungry. So, you responded, wrapping your arms around his midsection, internally smiling at his sound of surprise. But he wrapped his own arms around your body, and to your surprise, lifted you up.
He walked over to the Kazekage’s desk chair and settled into it, with you on his lap. All the while, you both were still kissing languidly, tongues twisting around. He moved away and started to suck on your neck, open mouthed kisses everywhere. And as he worked on your body, you got a brilliant idea. You moved away from Gaara’s body, making him whine. Giggling you pat him on the chest, and started moving down his body, until you were on your knees, under the desk and unzipping his pants.
He watched you as you took his half hard dick out of his underwear, his eyes hungry for more, his pupils blown wide and he licked his lips as he watched you take his dick into your hand, and licking the upside of it.
He shuddered, using the desk as support as you pumped his dick while also lightly sucking the tip. He was always a slave to your blowjobs, always making him cum before he was ready to. Like right now, you were barely doing anything unusual, but he was already about to cum. He held it in though, wanting to enjoy this as much as he can. 
He gazed on as you took his whole cock into to your mouth and sucked, going up, then down to the very base, his dick hitting the back of your throat. One of your hands was gliding up his body, the other gripping his thigh. You could hear him trying to suppress his moans, but that only made you fastened your pace, trying to get him to scream. 
Unfortunately, he did well in making sure he didn’t let out any noise, except for the small whimpers and sighs.
But you knew that he was close to cumming now. the way he closed his thighs around you, and how his panting was becoming more erratic, were blatant indications.
But, then, there was a loud bang, and the sound of the door opening, made you immediately stop sucking Gaara’s dick.
“Hey little brother, I have some paperwork for you to look over--uh, what’s wrong with you?” Temari asked, seeing Gaara’s reddened face. He shook his head and cleared his throat.
“Oh nothing. Just A little tired, and a little hot,” He could say that twice, you thought to yourself, taking a hold of his throbbing cock again, squeezing it in a way that made Gaara squeak. 
“Gaara? You okay?” Temari asked, walking closer to him, setting the papers down onto the desk. “Do you want me to check you temperature?”
“No! No, I’m fine--ah!” He groaned, hitting his head on his desk, curling in on himself as you deepthroated him again. 
“Stay over there, Temari! Just, don’t come any closer!” he shouted, pointing to the door. “In fact, can you leave? Please?”
Gaara wasn’t one to say please, so it took Temari by surprise, and as much as she wanted to tend to her little brother, she nodded and quickly left the room.
And when the door closed, Gaara let out a loud moan, cumming right into your mouth, filling it up so much so, that it overflowed, some of his cum falling out of your mouth and onto your chin.
You took his dick out of your mouth and panted, trying to catch your breath. You didn’t notice that Gaara scooted out of his chair, and joined you under his desk. He took his cloak and wiped your face, but before you could thank him, he kissed you roughly, putting his hands all over your body, and even going up and under your shirt.
“Gaara, what has gotten into you?” you asked when your mouth was free from his kisses. He shot you a lustful look.
“You. You drive me crazy, doing such outlandish things. You think that that was the end of it. Oh no, no it’s not.” He told you, lifting your shirt up and pulling it over your head, revealing your breasts. He buried his face in them and laid you down, his hand going straight to your core.
“This is not the end. I’m going to mess you up, until you are begging me to make you cum.”
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✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
It all happened in his when he was in his office, when he was going through papers, as a hokage does
you come in, and see how busy and exhausted he looks
and you think to yourself, maybe you should help him
uh, relax, so to say
and without saying a word, you walk up to his desk, Kakashi still looking at papers, and he still hasn’t noticed you yet
until they are taken out of his hand, and replaced with your body
He was mildly surprised to see you have placed yourself onto his lap, but not at all annoyed by it, if anything it was a great distraction to his otherwise dull and boring day of paperwork.
“You need some loving, not some stupid papers.” you told him, wrapping your arms around his neck, putting your forehead to his. 
With a withering sigh, Kakashi closed his eyes and rubbed your sides soothingly, just loving the feel of you in his hands. It was as though you were recharging him, giving him more energy. 
And as hard as he tried, his cock was starting to respond to you being on his lap. It had been awhile since you guys had sex, so Kakashi here, was really pent up.
And now, he was trying to hide it, but soon you felt something on your ass, and grinned wickedly. “Kakashi, are you getting turned on with me on your lap?” you asked. He wanted to deny it, say it was something else and definitely not a boner. But he knew he couldn’t get you to believe him, so he nodded in defeat, ashamed. 
You giggled though, and slowly put more weight onto his lap, letting his half hard dick go into your asscheeks. He sighed out, taking his hands away from your hips and gripped the armrests of his chair. “U-uh, (y/n) what are you going?” he questioned, feeling himself getting harder. 
“I’m doing what I said I was going to do. Give you some loving.” and with that, you started to put more pressured into your lower half, pressing into Kakashi’s dick, until it was fully erect.
Kakashi was having a hard time trying not to react, trying hard not to touch you as you grind into him, but dear god he wanted to.
It didn’t even matter that he was in the Hokage’s office, and this is something one should definitely care about.
But the way your ass was moving, they way your face told him you wanted it, the way you guided his hands up and down your body, he was started to lose his mind.
So, like anybody who loses their mind, he takes you off of his lap and roughly turns you around so that your chest hit the desk in front of you. Kakashi pins your hands behind your back and and starts to rut against your ass from behind.
You moan loudly, but quickly bite your lips to quell it. You really don’t someone coming in right now. You hear Kakashi chuckle as he circles his hips into you, creating a sinful friction of pleasure. “Kakashi, please just--do something--”
“Are you sure about that? Do you really want to mess you up right here?” he questions, already knowing the answer. You nod rapidly, and sigh when Kakashi starts to undress your lower half. “You are already so wet for me. So fucking soaked.” He mumbled, making you blush. 
“You don’t need to prep, just fuck me already.” you told him, shaking your bare ass at him. And with a shuddering sigh, Kakashi undid his own pants, letting them fall to his ankles and slowly inserted his cock into you, grunting at the wonderful heat surrounding him. And soon he was thrusting vigorously, the slap of skin echoing throughout the room.
You can feel the tell tale coil of pleasure in your core as he pounded into you, indicating that you were going to cum soon, and your moans were starting to become louder; louder than the clapping flesh. But, just as you were about to climax, there was a knock on the door. “Lord Hokage? Is everything okay? I hear some odd noises.”
Shit, an attendant. Kakashi immediately stopped what he was doing, but didn’t take his dick out. Actually he got an idea. “Oh no, everything is perfectly fine, thank you.” he amended as he grinded into you, making you moan loudly. 
“S-sir? Are you sure, I could have sworn--”
“I just stubbed my toe, nothing major.” he lied smoothly, fastening his pace as he talked to his attendant and fucked you at the same time. You were losing your absolute mind, your pussy soaked, dripping all around Kakashi’s cock, wanting, wanting--
And with one last thrust, you came, tightening around Kakashi, and making him stutter mid sentence.
He stopped his movements, basking in the feeling of you tightening around him, completely ignoring the attendant on the other side of the door. “Sir, I think I should come in--”
“NO! Don’t--Don’t--just leave. I want to be alone.” he commanded, his voice rough. The attendant then left. Kakashi sighed, and gazed towards your twitching body, taking your shoulder to deepen himself into you.
“Oh no, you’re not done yet sweetheart, I’ve yet to cum in you.”
It took you three more hours of beautiful torture of Kakashi mercilessly pounding into you, until you were allowed to leave.
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You had dragged him to the top of the former hokage’s heads, wanting to see how the village looked from that high up.
He didn’t want to go, all Shikamaru wanted to do was take a nap on his signature bench and relax, maybe watch the clouds while he was at it.
you told him he could do exactly that
just on top of the former hokage’s head. Was it disrespectful to the former hokage’s? maybe. did you or Shikamaru care about the feelings of rocks? no not really.
So, with your flawless logic, and super human strength, you dragged Shikamaru to the very tip top, looking over the Leaf Village. It was a wondrous sight to say the least.
And not even two seconds into being there, your boyfriend immediately laid down, putting his hands behind his head, making a makeshift pillow, and closed his eyes.
You huff in annoyance, rolling your eyes at his laziness. Sitting next to him, you watch as he slowly breathes in and out. You were trying to come up with something to annoy him, and was coming up blank as of right now.
Until your mental light bulb flickered on, and a wide grin was placed on your face as you slowly climbed over his body, creating a shadow over his face.
His eyes didn’t open his eyes, nor did it look like he was going to stir. So, with renewed confidence, you silently placed your hips against Shikamaru’s, and that was when his eyes opened, albeit slowly.
He looked at you questioningly, glancing between your mischievous smile.
“you can’t be serious.” he muttered, a shiver going up his spine as you put more pressure slightly into his groin with your ass. 
“Oh I’m dead serious, unless your too much of a pussy to follow through.” you saw his eyebrows furrow in irritation
you watched as he leisurely took his hands from behind his head, and gently gripped your hips, to suddenly thrust upward, hitting you right in your core.
You let a moan slip out accidentally, and heard him chuckle as he kept grinding up into you. “You are such a brat.” he mumbled, his eyes now lit with a lustful fire. It was only supposed to be a prank, but now it is turning into something way more serious. But like hell were you going to back down now.
You take him by the collar and pull him up to give him a long and heated kiss. None too surprised by the action, Shikamaru gripped your hips tighter, lifting his hips up again. it was a little awkward, but it still made you feel a wonderful heat inside your body.
Throwing your head back, and looking up to the sky, you gripped his shirt to, loving the feel of Shikamaru grinding his hard dick into you, loving the feel him losing himself to your body under the afternoon sun, in the wide open, where anybody can find you both. 
It was exhilarating, and you feel yourself getting so so wet
And Shikamaru, against his better judgment, was getting inexplicably turned on, seeing you on top of him, face showing how aroused you are, and he couldn’t quite hold on to his sanity anymore
With a grunt, he sat up and kissed your neck, licking and biting, ravishing you. He took his hand from your hips and gripped your ass, and pushing it into his dick, and loved the way you moaned into his ear.
“Do you want to fuck me Shikamaru?” you whispered, and he nodded his head
“God I want to. But-but not here, we need to--ah, fuck would you stop doing that or I’m gonna blow in my fucking pants” he told you as you continued your ministrations. 
you giggle, panting, red cheeks present. “It’s fine let’s just do it here, no one can see us.”
He couldn’t think right now, couldn’t even argue, his dick was thinking for him and right now all he wanted to do right now was to fuck you senseless
And just as he was about to literally rip your pants off, he heard a familiar voice in the distance
“Oh shit, it’s Iruka.” you told him, quickly getting off of his lap, showing off his rock hard cock to the world. “We gotta go,” and you started to run away, leaving Shikamaru in the dust. He had yet to move, too stunned at what just happened. Iruka walked up to him and was about to say hi until he saw the boner. Coughing, he quietly backed away, leaving Shikamaru to think about his life choices, and how he really shouldn’t let his dick do the thinking.
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animeomegas · 3 years
hello again! i was wondering about your stance on shy, quiet alphas? like the kuudere type, almost? who relies heavily on physical touching like hand holding and small reassurances through, say, light sfw petting.
their omega does most of the talking or social interactions for them- like when they’re out with friends at a restaurant, they’re the ones to order food and do most of the talking for both of them (which the alpha wouldn’t mind).
however, as introverted as the alpha may be in public, they’re a lot more vocal and reciprocate physical affection more as well.
who do you think would most likely have a quiet alpha? and how would this affect their pups in the future (if they were to have any)??
like, how would an omega pups view alphas— since they’re supposed to be dominant and protective, and yet their alpha parent is v quiet. wouldn’t this affect their views early on? seeing their parents interactions va the more ‘traditional’ ones? or what about an alpha pup (if there were any mindset difference— there’s always the chance that there would be no change in opinion between pups depending on status)?
i hope this doesn’t come off as me trying to sneak in any sub/omega reader content- i’m just v shy as a person jdjfjf and i’d like to see how that’d play out in an a/b/o universe if an alpha were to be the same- if you’re alright w it of course! if not, feel free to just move on to the next ask. i love your writing all the same <3
Hello 🦑✨ anon!!!
I like those sorts of alphas! I just don't normally write for them because I am confident, loud and don't like physical touch so it's difficult for me to relate to people like that 😆
I am the designated person to order at restaurants when I'm out with friends lol
Who would work well with a very quiet alpha? Hmm.
Kakashi would be down for a quiet alpha as long as they knew how to communicate when it mattered, because he does not lmao. Chouji as well would be happy with someone quiet. Shikamaru thinks he wants someone quiet but that's not what he needs lol. Sasuke would like someone calm and quiet, but neither of you will want to order at restaurants (although he does it begrudgingly if you ask him to.) Gaara would also probably find a shy alpha very endearing.
Midoriya would be happy with a quiet/shy alpha as long as they're a good listener. We can see in canon that Mirio would be good with that sort of alpha. I think Kirishima would be down too.
Lucifer, Satan and Belphie would all appreciate and respect quiet alphas. Satan, Beel and Mammon do best with shy alphas.
Saiki appreciates someone calm and although he will give you a look if you get too shy to do some things, he will always help you out and try and make life easier. He also does find it a little cute.
As for the pups, well, I don't think there would be too much of a difference. For the pups, it would feel perfectly normal. They would probably be very accepting of shyer alphas compared to their peers maybe, and they might get teased at school if it's very obvious, but they probably don't mind! It would also depend on the pup though. (I had a rogue angst thought about an angsty teen pup using their alpha parent's meek personality to mock them in a fit of rage after they were told they can't do something...)
And don't worry at all!! I know you're not sneaking in sub content hehe. Doms can come with all sorts of statures and temperaments!! The alphas in my stories tend to not be very shy but that's simply because I'm not shy so it literally doesn't occur to me. The idea that a person would willingly shut up is very foreign to me 😆😅
Thank you for the question!! 💓
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the-tiniest-one · 3 years
Hello! I saw you asking for requests to be sent in. I was wondering if you could do headcanons for kakashi and gai (separately) with a plus size civilian s/o? Or one or the other? Thank you in advance ❤
SO we all know Guy is ALL about 3 things. Youth. Passion. Protecting Precious People….and guess what? When you happen to cross paths with the Leaf Village’s Blue Beast, he trips over himself to let you know just how PRESH you are.
I don't see your status as a civilian as much of a road block for him. He needs someone grounded and with soft hands to hold.
Someone who will think he’s the strongest man in the world, a superhero.
He protects the ones he loves with his life and once you're in that circle there is no way out of this man’s giant heart.
You somehow enter Guy’s line of sight, maybe on a walk to class or work too early in the morning…. and from that moment you pass by and he catches sight of your pretty face, he is out for the count.
Now. Lets remember….Guy is CONFIDENT (sometimes more in spirit than in actual ability, he is the fake-it-till-you-make-it KING).
Also important to note: Guy is NOT the same as Rock Lee in his pursuit of women. He’s not about to blow every kiss at you from the jump or shamelessly confess everything out right. Don't get me wrong, he’s shameless….but Guy wants to be seen as someone cool, sexy, a real macho/mighty man... He wants to be slick Kakashi his eternal rival. He’s going to try to be velvety smooth….without success.
He would find any excuse to be in your eye line while flexing or saving a poor disguised student he employed for his contrived scheme, in this case... Neji or Lee in a dress from falling off a building LOL. (“They would be asking him to please explain again how this is training?”)------You might be a civilian. But Genjutsu of that level does NOT work on you LOL.
You are the one to finally introduce yourself to a slumped and defeated Guy after about a week of his adorable attempts at trying to bate you in with his goober acts.
“Hello, my name is (y/n). I was hoping maybe you would like to get a drink sometime?” you say with a half smile.
He would raise his head, teeth BEAMING….the power of youth always prevails!
Best. Decision. Ever. Guy charming and not to mention SHREDDED.
When he accepts your date offer, He would stand and grin, maybe saying something a little cocky like; “A handsome, war hardened devilish shinobi such as myself will always find time to satiate the voracious desires of such a heavenly woman so bursting with the essence springtime.”
He would be so so so respectful.
That being said, you're HIGH AF if you think you aren't making a B-line to walk by Kakashi on the way so Guy can tactfully walk by loudly so that his rival notices he’s with a cute girl.
He’s going to be the chivalrous type. The kind of man who makes sure your hands are around his giant bicep whenever he escorts you anywhere….which from this point on is almost anytime he is home from missions or not training.
Guy is perfect. He’s tall, JACKED, and such a sweet loving man.
He is obsessed with your shampoo. His nose is always in your hair.
Lets face it. Guy is 100% the most physical man that has ever walked the streets of Konoha. If you aren't big on touching, then his is not the man for you.
One hand will always be around your waist, holding your hand, arm around your neck, locked on your curves or anywhere else….respeeeectfully of course.
He will always be up on you and in your face so get ready for that LOL.
He will be proud of you. He will be boisterous to an exhausting level about your achievements.
He will be exhilarating in every way.
One of Guy’s greatest strengths is also one of his most unfortunate downfalls. He is wildly protective. Never underestimate his ferocity when it comes to you. You may have to communicate more than once where the line is when it comes to him watching over you. Even though you aren’t skilled in combat as he is, you also are not a child and he will take some time to learn what you require and what you don’t.
He always means well.
You have some faults and things to work on as well. Guy is tender as hell, an emotional, hot blooded, love sick fool who can and WILL take things you say to heart so be sure if you notice him freaking out or trying too hard to make you happy, to hold him and let me know often that he is perfect the way he his.
In the end all of the passions and butterflies that Guy provokes from your heart are entirely justified.
He will ask you to marry him after a date, probably at sunset, one knee, giant ring he spent way too much on.
He claims you deserve the world and you tell him that instead of the world “you would settle for just having his hands, his lips, and his heart.”
Do your best to return his love to the best of your ability because not everyone gets the chance to be loved by the Hidden Leafs Handsome Blue Beast.
I’ve never seen Kakashi as someone who would end up with another shinobi bombshell.
Instead I think he would find himself interested in someone who is a total badass in another line of work.
Example; You first encounter him one day while advising Lady Tsunade on the information the Hidden Leaf Village (and a few others) pay’s your company large sums of money to collect, aggregate, and report.
Kakashi stands guard during the meeting, watching you speak with an eloquent grace and authority he finds captivating and maybe a little seductive.
By then end of the meeting he is curious about you...wondering what you thought of him, what you think about everything.... You never even look his way.
He falls in line with you as we escorts you out of the building, walking beside you in the otherwise empty stairwell.
You smirk and take the liberty of speaking first. “Did you enjoy the show Scarecrow?”
From that moment on he’s hooked.
Now I also don’t find the idea of him falling for someone with some FULL curves to be all that outlandish….He has never given .00000001% of a shit what other people think.
He also shares the famous Pervy Sage’s taste in “women he describes from research” and romantic books about women shaped like gourds so with that logic in mind….dude likes thicc, full, curvaceous women for sure. It's basically cannon at this point ;)
Kakashi is someone who has learned emotional detachment through pain. You are the first person who shows promise in tearing down those defenses.
Your relationship not necessarily a slow burn. Kashi isn’t a kid, just because he hasn’t fallen head over heals with anyone before, doesn’t mean he is a mystery to himself or oblivious to his feelings.
That being said, I do think he will protect you by keeping a relationship with you under wraps for the first year or so.
If anything EVER happened to you….he wont let that happen.
The secrecy could be hard on you at first.
Watching more than a few women flirt shamelessly with your Kashi is beyond ROUGH.
Especially considering most of them are tough as nails ninja women with perfect bodies. You aren't used to feeling threatened by other people men or women, so you have a hard time learning how to deal with it.
Kakashi is always quick to remind you that he is serious about your relationship though.
He looks at you with a ferocity only seen by people who are no longer alive. His voice is low and serious when he gets close and tells you, “(Y/N) You are my entire life. I will never leave you. I promise I am yours until the day I die.”
After a few times of him promising you that he really is in love with you, you believe him and can be secure in his word.
As his girlfriend, you take his breath away.
The way you speak, move, sleep….
Even the way you casually conduct yourself at home and in public makes him more than proud to know who you are. Let alone get to go home to you.
Guy is the first one to catch on believe it or not. He notices Kakashi peaking over the top of his book at you as you walk down the opposite side of the street. He’s known Kakashi since they were kids, he puts a reassuring hand on your boyfriends shoulder and vows without spoken words to protect you when Kakashi can’t be there….and Kakashi understands. It helps him sleep just a little better knowing he has help.
Stargazing on a rooftop one chilly autumn night, Kakashi grabs your hand and proposes to you with a small silver ring, slightly ashamed for it’s lack of a stone.
“I want you to be my wife.” is all he says and you wrap your arms around him whispering in his ear “You have had my heart since the first day I met you…. And you always will.”
His heart melts into a puddle at the sound of you telling him he will have a wife. Finally have family that loves him this much.
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happyocelot · 3 years
Just Shut Up and Come with Me
@secrettastemakerland, this one’s for you.
Written for Day 9: Misunderstandings!
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35441995/chapters/88757515
FFNet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13998133/9/Sunny-Days
Just shut up and come with me.
The words buzzed in her ears like bees. Naruto's face swam in the blurry field of her vision in a haze of blonde and tan and bright, sparkling blue.
No way...no way...out of the blue.
Blonde and tan gave way to black.
"Just shut up and come with me," Naruto's teammate monotoned to Hinata, a blank, curious smile on his pale, pale face. He was holding a book in his hands, but Hinata wasn't able to read the cover at this angle.
So she opted for staring at him blankly. She had heard of this...Sai, a former Anbu operative around her age, and she knew that Anbu tended to be strange (Kakashi-sensei being a prime example), having to regularly undertake dangerous, top-secret missions for the good of the village.
She did not know that they randomly marched up to people and started reciting lines from books.
"Naruto told me that you were his friend, and that he greeted you this way the last time he saw you and that you fell ill," Sai explained bizarrely. "So I wondered if it would be acceptable for me to greet you this way too, Hinata-san."
He held up the book, showing off an inky page of handwritten notes, saying things like
- note to self: calling Sakura ugly did not provoke a pleasant response
- should I tell someone that he has an asymmetric face(?)
- how to slurp noodles loud enough in public
- Naruto says he asked his friend to shut up and go with him (add to list of socially acceptable greetings or not?)
Hinata took a few steps backward.
"Would you like to have some tea with me?" Sai asked, getting the wrong idea entirely. "I have heard that it's easy to make friends over a cup of tea."
As it turned out, Sai was actually somewhat pleasant company. Sure, he was deeply, deeply socially awkward, but Hinata didn't have a hair-trigger temper like some other people, having endured far worse than whatever tips he'd written in his book, and Sai, surprisingly, didn't press too many of her buttons.
"You have very interesting eyes," Sai commented, smiling eerily.
"Um...thank you, Sai-kun." Hinata did not know what he meant by interesting, and she decided that she didn't need to know. "Your drawings are...nice."
His style was cartoonish, with stylized animals and humans and natural phenomena, and oddly enough, Sai was holding hands with his new teammates in a recent one, smiling a simple, happy, watercolor smile.
Sai smiled again, a real smile, one that turned up his cheeks and crinkled up his eyes.
Maybe...maybe...Sai wasn't so bad, Hinata decided. People who had nice smiles like that – people like Naruto – couldn't be too bad.
She was wrong.
Naruto was glowering at Sai, a silly, pouting glower that made him look about five years old.
Hinata had no idea why. Sai was just trying socially acceptable greetings with her over here in the training grounds, where no one else could hear and be confused or enraged. And Naruto, for whatever reason, had insisted on accompanying them.
But it still made her struggle to bite back an amused smile. Naruto was approximately as threatening as an angry kitten when he made faces like that.
"It is an incredible pleasure to meet you," Sai recited.
"You can just say "it's a pleasure," Sai-kun," Hinata said. "There's no need to add incredible."
"I see." Sai scribbled and scratched something down in his notebook, then turned back to her with another real smile.
This made Naruto amp up his death stare.
Hinata shot him a puzzled look, but continued. "All right, moving on. How about your next greeting?"
"Hello...Interesting," Sai monotoned again.
Naruto growled. "Sai...if you mean what I think you mean – "
Not this again.
Hinata sighed, blanketing a rare flash of chagrin in a kind smile. "Sai-kun, you don't have to give nicknames to every single person you meet. Just say hello. That will be fine."
"Ah..." Sai blinked quizzically at his notebook, X-ing out the offending advice. "Thank you very much, Hinata-san. You're a much better teacher than – "
She gave him a cool look, anticipating (and not wanting to hear) whatever nickname he'd given Naruto.
Sai shut up immediately. "You're a good teacher," he repeated.
Naruto had stopped glaring and growling. Now he was squinting suspiciously at Sai.
"Shall we move on?" Hinata prodded.
"Of course. This time, I'll use a greeting that I know for sure is socially acceptable." His smile was gone, to be replaced with a stare of intense concentration.
Foreboding dripped down Hinata's spine.
"Hinata, just shut up and come with me!" Sai yelled in what was clearly the loudest voice he could muster.
In the split second before Hinata blinked, a blur of black and tan collided with Sai's face, sending him sprawling on his back.
"Sai, you moron, she doesn't like you that way!" Naruto bellowed, nursing a bruised fist and still looking like a very, very angry kitten.
"But it's in my list of socially acceptable greetings," Sai protested, holding up his notebook. "In my book – "
"You and your book! You need to read the air! You can't just shout stuff out of the blue like that!" Naruto was rolling up his sleeves, and Hinata felt the oddest sense of deja vu. "Hinata's a really nice and shy person, ya know that? If you say things like that, she'll assume that you're coming on to her!"
"What?" Sai stared at Naruto, mystified. "So Hinata-san is your girlfriend?"
All the blood in her body ascended upwards.
So Hinata-san is your girlfriend?
So Hinata-san is your girlfriend?
So Hinata-san is your girlfriend?
The words seemed increasingly blurred and distorted the more they rattled around in her ears.
Hinata distracted herself by gazing up at the blue, blue sky.
This was a big mistake. The world pitched forward again, and she found herself glancing at the sun before everything went black.
"Gah, you're impossible! That's not what I meant! You just can't – Hinata, are you okay? Hinata!"
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
I'm in love with an angel
Different naruto charakters with an angel hybrid reader
Some might be story some might be headcanons depends on what my ideas are
In here are : Kakashi , tobirama , madara
Warning : cursing
A/n : also even if no one missed me sad backgroundmusik starts playing , 'inhales' IM BACK AGAIN TO MAKE YOUR LIFE WORSE
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When you first told him he immediately wanted to touch your wings and when he did , you began laughing
"wait that tickles? "He wondered and continued touching them making you laugh even more "Kakashi please stop for a sec" you said while laughing .he stopped and you explained him that they are ticklish as hell as long as you aren't in a "fight mood"
He asked you what the fight mood means and brushed a hand through the feathers making you chuckle " it means when I'm fighting or want to fight they aren't ticklish anymore " "but angels don't fight ?" "Yeah but I don't have a halo or access to heaven the only angel thing are the white wings but this doesn't really makes me an angel " "ah okay" suddenly you're teleported to the training fields
"would you mind showing me how you fight with the wings,?" He asked handing you a few kunais "Uhm sure " you prepared you to fight while Kakashi hid somewhere watching you . Once you were ready you jumped and flew around taking one kunai in your hand and storming into a tree but landing there and watching Kakashi running to the tree in worry .
You sprang on him making him fall back and held a kunai to his throat the shock on his face quickly transformed into a smile " that was clever little angel" he said and you smiled "thanks " "but you forgot something" a voice said behind you ' damn you and your shadowclones Kakashi' you thought and heard him sprinting towards you but you were fast enough to launch yourself up into the sky . " Pretty good" Kakashi sprang at you ready to throw the kunai and bring you down but you quickly blocked the kunai leaving him in wonder . "Chidori!" You looked behind you and as you do so the 2nd shadowclone was gone with a puff
" You wings seem hard enough, can they block Chidori?" He asked and you shrugged with your shoulders while landing infront of him "idk let's find out " you answered and put your wings infront of you as a defense . You felt the immense painburning on your wings but after few seconds it stopped and you heard an out of breath Kakashi "thats so powerful it only burned a few feathers but they are still protecting you . How?" You opened you wings fluttered with them and folding them. " Idk the feathers are hardened and sharper than usual i guess that's why and how it works but I still feel the pain " you explained and Kakashi brushed a finger fast on the edges of your wings stopping when pain shot through his finger . They were indeed sharp "thats pretty good for a fight " the crouched and picked up a feather "imma keep that " he stuck it into his pocket and teleported you both back home
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He started taking some feathers from you and researched them to understand how they work he's really interested about them but when tobirama isn't his we need to research that and use it against uchihas in a fight self And is his soft self he loves that when you both cuddle you put your wings around him in a protective way
It let's him feel safe and makes him relax you can feel he's always near falling asleep and resting his head on your shoulder he once wanted to let you wings thinking it would relax you but wrong you laughed and he stopped "you're ticklish?" He asked and you nodded relaxing again in his lap putting your wings around him again you never thought of it as something useful but oh boy he did
Whenever you and him are in a fun argument or pillow fight (yes if he feels clingy he's another person) he's attacking your wings catching you off guard and winning the fight .every.Damn.time.
And sleeping with him is truly one of the sweetest things . Blanket ? What's that? He doesn't know it he only knows your warm wings . And when he's feeling really clingy he won't sleep until you put one of your wings around him
When you're on his back spread your wings to their biggest size and say " look you're an angel too!" His heart is melting and warm-hearted tobirama is active now " but you're still the most beautiful angel" making you smile and start a "no you "fight but he makes you accept you're the one
He absolutely loves how cute you look with those wings and how they move when you feel happy , sad , angry and when you're both alone he can't keep the chuckles and aawwwws in while looking down at the pouting you that wants attention
When he's at public his eyes are filled with love whenever he looks at you
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" but angels have pure white wings don't they?" Was his first question when you told him about it" no that's what many people are getting wrong the color of the wings is random only wings bloody and damaged so they look like they can't fly are the fallen angels or how we call it dark angels " you said folding your white with some black feathers wings " oh and what can they do ?" He was extremely curios what those wings could do besides flying and making you look cute asf" basically depending on my mood or what I want to do they feel different when someone's touching them , when I feel normal they are ticklish and to not get tickled all the time I unequip them then there's when I get turned on they are a special way of sensitive " on madaras face grew a dirty smirk 'we'll have fun with this ' he thought " and then last when I want to Fight they get incredible hard and sharp " after finishing the sentence you were picked up and brought to an open area
"show me what you can do pretty angel " he let you down softly and went into his attack position "ok " was all you answered before you launched yourself up in the sky and looked down at him " Bring it on little human " you teased and he immediately sprang at you but it was easy to dodge him . You knew teasing him with "little" made him want to kick your ass really bad . "Katon!" You turned around and see met with flames you were able to dodge in the last minute now was your turn to attack you flew a few rounds around him before storming down then up again while realising razor sharp feather at him that broke through his chakra shield but to his luck he wasn't hurt too bad . You landed right beside him " you broke through an easy shield can you break through the good ones to? And how?" He asked pulling the feathers out of him
" i can break through normal and easy. Shield bc of a special liquid but I'm not able to one shot harder shields but I'm able to break them by shooting on them more than one time " you explained helping him up but he pulled you into his lap and smiled " my little angel " he cooed (is that right?) And you relaxed in his grip and put your wings around them "ah!" You screamed as pain shot through your wing and you looked at Madara who now proudly held a black and white feather and pulled a string out of his pocket and made a small necklace
" so I can remember you every time my little angel" he said and put it on . Madara pulled you closer "mads i thought-" "no one is going to interrupt us here" he answered your half spoken question and you put your wings around him in a relaxed and lazy way but he felt protected by it He stood up still holding you but changed it and put you on his back "relax imma bring you home safe" he started running and you put your head bored on his shoulder
Idk what to think of it tbh but anyways ask box is open , if the links don't work tell me have nice day/night
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