#it was still pretty fucking funny some scenes did make me burst out laughing im not gonna lie
the-acid-pear · 1 year
SFM is just evil man is a game with such potential that falls so behind like its so short and the characters get so little development which sucks because they're fucking beautiful and fun and great so i want to see more but there isn't more and the puzzles are fun (except for the toothbrush that's just stupid) but it also has a lot of bugs like RONBO SOFT LOCKING YOU AS SOON AS LIKE, DAY 3 and its like guuhhhgjhrrg rips my hair off.
0 notes
vien0w0 · 3 years
I've read the draft horse hybrid thing so many time's now , I love it so much , im just addicted to reading it , Also I think reader needs to be in the Guinness World Record's Book because the tallest horse in the world is only 7ft and 2in lol
Now as I was going to say- Make more🔪 sorry , Could you do the same with the SBI and other people like Tubbo , Ranboo etc. I find it very amusing on how Tubbo is like half their height , not even a step ladder can help , he need a ladder , but yeah, please can you do the SBI + BeeDuo , I need it in my life:(
your wishes shall come to fruition
as i said, i don't know anything about horses, but this time i have characters that i know a bit more, let's goooo!!
being a centaur adds more height to the reader, so they're 8-10 feet tall wgen you measure from their legs to their head
Tommy freaked out when he first met them, he was shouting and screaming and in the end he got to ride on the reader's back
they went to Tubbo's place, he also freaked out
he was amazed at the height, he did complain about being tiny compared to them
when Ranboo joined the three of them, he was nervous but ultimately curiosity got the better of him, his head reached the reader's chest
Tommy was still on their back when Tubbo tried to climb on
they tried to persuade him not to, he literally needed a fucking ladder
in the end, with the help of Tommy and Ranboo, Tubbo ended up on their back as well
he was yelling about how he was "the king of the world" and that "not even Technoblade can stop me now!"
famous last words
enter in the Blade and Crow Father
"real shit?" - Technoblade, 2021.
Philza was looking up at the reader, and kindly asked what breed of horse/centaur they were, they answered him and he promptly started asking questions
he hasn't seen a centaur in like a century or something
old man(tm)
Techno, as a tall man himself, grabbed Tubbo by the leg and yanked him off
the reader was startled and maybe sorta kicked Techno accidentally
he flew, and far
Tommy immediately burst out laughing
Tubbo was on the ground and he was also laughing hard, Phil had chuckled at what happened
Dadza went over to Techno, asking if he was ok, still chuckling
Ranboo was freaked out *enderman noises intensifies*
Techno was at like 4 hearts when he got up, he was thoroughly schooled
at that point Wilbur decided to pop in
he was saying something about Tommy needing to help him with something, until he looked at the scene and was like "oh my god wtf happened"
he put two and two together and barked out a laugh
the reader was profusely apologizing, walking towards him and gave him some gapples
Wilbur decided that he wanted to hitch a ride, and climbed on after giving the reader a heads up
he then proceeded to push Tommy off, saying "there can only be one,,,"
Tommy was cursing Wilbur to the Nether and back, which Wilbur gladly returned playfully mocking him the entire time
after Techno got healed up, he asked if the reader knew how to fight, 'cause the kick fucking hurt
the reader said that no, they did not in fact have years of training, Techno
Phil suggested that Techno could train them sometime, and that it would be useful
Ranboo was confused, the reader clearly had a lot of muscle
Tubbo interrupted by asking if the reader ate grass
awkward silence happened for a couple seconds, before they confirmed that "if i were to be really hungry, i would eat grass"
Tubbo then exclaimed that the reader does weed
it was pretty funny at the moment
Tommy and Wilbur immediately jumped on the bandwagon
the reader was pretty flustered at all the jokes
Ranboo and Phil were looking at them with sympathy, Techno was also making small jokes
it was all fun and games, until the reader bucked Wilbur off
the fall hurt like a bitch, everybody laughed
the reader just said "i guess you're the one eating grass now"
it was great
Techno and the reader did in fact have those fighting lessons
he was riding Carl ofc
now the reader is a badass fucking killing machine. fabulous
gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss ig
at one point Techno wanted to see if Carl was better that the reader
now everyone lives in fear of the duo that is Technoblade and the reader. nobody can stop them. except maybe potatoes
turns out they both bonded over their love of potatoes and carrots
Phil came in at one point to feed the two, Ranboo with him
they bore witness to the carnage that both could bring
Phil promptly stopped them from anymore fight training and made them eat
now you may wonder, who gets to hitch a ride on the reader the most?
answer: Tubbo
the short guy is determined to rule the world and have the reader be his steed
the reader probably enjoys Ranboo's and Techno's company the most, they once went getting monster spawners at one point and it was one of their favorite adventures
Tommy and Tubbo probably hang out with the reader the most, they admire the height and muscle (they definitely don't use them as their ride and material carrier, what are you talking about?)
Phil qnd Wilbur are chill to hang around, sometimes their antics are too stupid for the reader, but they like the two a lot
ahshhshdjg-- i wrote this while on the bus, hopefully this was good
be sure to request more hehehehe [:<
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headheartbellarke · 4 years
LIGHT A FIRE IN MY EYES | Owen Patrick Joyner
PAIRING(S): Charlie Gillespie’s sister!Reader x Owen Patrick Joyner
WARNING(S): fluff, angst
WORDS: 3.4k
SUMMARY: where Y/N is charlie gillespie’s sister, and while living with him and owen, unexpected feelings rise up. (im so bad at these)
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    A rhythmic knock on my bedroom door breaks me out of my trance. I push my glasses further up my nose and close my physics textbook, dropping my pencil between the pages to bookmark it. Pushing myself off the chair, I stretch my arms above my head – I’ve been sitting at my desk for about five hours now, trying to revise everything for my exam tomorrow. I walk over to my door, and unlock it, and I’m greeted by my brother, Charlie. He takes in my appearance and frowns.
     “I thought you were still sleeping. When did you get up?”
     “Uhh…” I trail off, looking behind me at the clock mounted on the wall opposite to me. 10:30 AM.  “About 5, yeah.”
    I turn back and notice my brother widening his eyes. “Are you okay, little one?”
    I’m not a morning person, under no circumstances ever. Growing up, I’ve always been the last person to wake up – Charlie being the first. So, I guess it’s awfully unusual for him to hear this.
     “This is college, honey. You wouldn’t know.” I shrug at him and he grins. I’ve always hated the fact that he got a free pass from college, since he’s an actor.
    That is also the reason why he’s here. We grew up in Canada – Charlie, me, my two other older brothers and my twin sister Meghan. Growing up, Charlie, Meghan and I were inseparable – since we’re closer in age – Charlie’s only two years older than Meghan and me. But I had to leave home for college – I got into Caltech, and that was not an opportunity I was about to give up, even though Charlie protested so many times that I’m apparently the baby of the house and I shouldn’t go to another country alone.
    Now, he’s living with me – he is shooting for his show, Julie and The Phantoms (proud sister, here), and they have a couple of scenes and some recording to do in LA, so he’s staying in my apartment for a week, along with his friend, co-star and roommate back in Vancouver, Owen. Previously, they lived with me for more than a month when they had to go through musical bootcamp or something for the sake of the show. (So proud.)
    That was also when I’d developed a massive crush on Owen.
    Charlie was living with me for a good two weeks when, one day, he took me out to meet the rest of the cast. (Who were all lovely, by the way.) On the drive there, he told me that Owen had been living in a hotel since he’s originally from Oklahoma, and that Charlie’s thinking of asking him to come live with us, if I was okay with that. Of course, I had said yes. I had ample space in my duplex apartment and living alone is boring. So, Charlie introduced me to Owen and we immediately hit it off. Of course, I thought that he was incredibly attractive when we met. But I meet a lot of attractive people at university.
    Then, we started living together, and I realized how amazing Owen actually is. He’s an absolute dork – but he’s also funny, very kind, thoughtful, compassionate, altruistic and so, so nice. Both of us have a lot in common, and there’s always been this unsaid, unacknowledged chemistry between us that a lot of the other cast members had picked up on. (Not my brother, though. He would have killed Owen.) We had so much fun when we were together – he turned everything into an adventure. The best part was that I got to be myself, completely, whenever I was around him. I got to talk about whatever I wanted with him – he never, ever judged me.
    Before they went to Vancouver when production for the show began, we had a last night out with the rest of the cast and a bunch of family members – except the kids. We went to this bar near my college. I was so, so drunk and then I suddenly started feeling queasy and Owen offered to take me home since Charlie was in the same position. There was so much traffic and Owen and I kept singing whatever song was on the radio to pass the time – LA traffic – when we were both leaning across our seats and we started kissing. I remember feeling like I would burst from the happiness and the softness, the affection, the admiration that he had in his eyes when he looked at me.
    Of course, I fell asleep pretty soon after the traffic dissipated and woke up next morning to find him packing for his trip. That was when I’d realized that no matter how much I liked him, we could never be together. First of all, long distance relationships almost never work out, and secondly, he’s my brother’s best friend. That was why I chose to just give him a quick hug goodbye and head to college – without even bothering to drop them off at the airport, or even talking to him.
    He texted and called a couple of times after that, too. But I never responded, never even opened any of his texts – because I knew that once I do that, I would definitely call him. That went on for a week, and the only time we spoke was when he’d texted me from Savannah’s phone: why are you ignoring me? I texted back all the reasons why we couldn’t ever be together, and I didn’t hear from him for another week, until Charlie called me the day before yesterday, telling me that they have a couple of scenes to do in LA, along with some recording stuff, and they’ll stay with me for a few days. I had to approve, or else Charlie might figure out everything.
    They arrived yesterday, and I think that I’ve done a pretty good job of ignoring him so far.
    Charlie’s voice breaks me out of my train of thoughts. “You have exams or what?”
    I nod. “Applied physics, tomorrow. Are you going out?” I ask, pointing at his dark blue jeans.
     “Madi and I are writing this song together. You’ll love it.”
    I smile at him. “If I’m not the first one to hear it –”
    He hums, a chuckle escaping him. I lean against the doorframe, as he continues, “Owen just woke up. He doesn’t start his scenes until tomorrow, so I told him to take care of you today, while I’m away.”
    I ignore the way my heart skips a beat at the mere mention of his name and flatten my lips. “I’m 19, Charlie, I can –”
     “Take care of yourself, blah blah blah. I don’t care.”
    I roll my eyes, and playfully shove him forward. He stumbles a few steps backwards and furrows his brows at me. “Ouch!”
     “Are you taking my car?”
    He nods. “Where –”
     “In the magnetic key holder on the fridge.”
     “Okay, sis.” He smiles at me, leaning forward to ruffle my hair – which makes it even messier than it already was. “Go away!” I grumble, trying to pat his hand away. “Never!” He calls out, turning toward the kitchen to grab the keys.
    I shake my head and laugh. “Love you!”
    He shouts back, without looking behind at me. “Love you most!”
    The delicious smell of pancakes reminds me of the fact that I haven’t eaten since last night. I drag my feet to the kitchen, mentally preparing myself for the person I’m about to encounter in there.
     “Uh, hi…” I hesitantly call out, entering the kitchen – and notice a very shirtless Owen, with his very shirtless back turned towards me. He turns around at the sound of my voice, and a few strands of golden blonde hair fall across his eyes. I long to reach my hand across and push those away.
    Instead, he himself does that as his eyes flit over me, and a look of pain flashes through his eyes. I hate that I’m the cause of that.
     “I was wondering how you would ignore me when we’re living in the same apartment.”
     “I deserve that.” I walk over to the stove to stand beside him.
    He ignores me and goes back to flipping golden brown pancakes which smell amazing, but all I can focus on is the curve of his back, the hollow space between his collarbones, and the way his hands grip on the pan a little too hard. I feel a warmth course through my body and find myself missing the way he used to wrap his arms around me from behind in the mornings when Charlie was still asleep.
     “Owen,” I whisper, and he inhales sharply at that. “Please. I don’t want things to be like this – I don’t want us to be like this.”
    He uses his spatula to lift the pancake and puts it atop other pancakes on a plate beside the stove and turns it off. He turns around to face me, biting his lip and I think I just had an aneurysm because of the intensity of his gaze.
    He sighs, leaning against the counter. “Y/N. You made it pretty clear that there would never be an ‘us.’”
     “I know. But we can still be friends, right? Like we were before… everything.”
     “See, that’s the thing. I can’t. Y/N, do you have any idea what you’ve put me through for the past two weeks?” He snaps.
     “Do you have any idea what I’ve been through?” I reply, hotly. “Owen, it broke me inside to ask you to stay away. Do you have any idea how much I care about you?”
     “No! I don’t, because you don’t talk to me, Y/N.”
     “I told you, there is no point in doing long distance –”
     “That’s bullshit, Y/N, and you know it, too. I think you’re just too scared to be with me because you think that I’d break your heart, leave you alone or hurt you. But that’s the thing, Y/N – I won’t do any of that to you, because that’s exactly what you’re doing to me.” He crosses his arms across his chest.
    I breathe out shakily, running a hand through my curls. “That’s not true –”
    Owen scoffs. “Please, Y/N. I know you.”
    I lower my eyes from his because I can’t handle the way he’s looking at me.
     “Y/N, do you know how fucking hard the past week’s been for me? I can’t even talk to anyone about it, because the only person I wanna talk to is your brother and we all know what will happen if I do that. He’s my best friend, and I’ve been lying to him for weeks, pretending that I like this hairdresser, when in reality, I’m head over heels for his sister. I can’t tell him that I can’t stop thinking about her, and that she’s the only person that can calm me down when I get anxious on set. I can’t tell him that she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and it’s killing me inside to not talk to her!”
    He finishes, breathing out heavily. I look at his eyes and notice that they’re gleaming.
     “Wait, what hairdresser?”
    He scoffs, annoyed. “Seriously, Y/N?”
    I shrug and breathe deeply, trying to stop myself from taking his hands in my own. “You know, there are so many guys at school that ask me out, but I can’t go out with any of them, because guess what, they’re not you. I like you so much, Owen, so, so much, but I can’t do anything about it – because you’re right. I’m scared. I’m terrified that you’ll leave me, because I haven’t felt this way about anyone in a really long time. I’m so scared that one day you’ll wake up and realize that I’m not who you want anymore. I’m scared that maybe you’ll hurt me or meet someone else in Vancouver. I’m scared about so many things because that’s exactly how much I care about you, Owen!”
    I take a step further and we are standing mere inches apart. I can feel him breathe out raggedly and see the curve of his nose and his darkened eyes flickering to my lips.
     “I would never, ever do that to you, Y/N. You mean a lot to me. Please, please believe me.” He whispers out, and I tell myself to stop, to turn back, to go into my room but instead I just stand there and watch him exhale out, and I know he’s feeling anxious. I lift a hand to his face and cup his cheek in the palm of my hand and he leans his face onto my hand, resting his right hand over mine. The gesture calms the both of us down, and I know, in that moment, that I believe him. That he, us – is a risk worth taking.
     “Your hands are so cold.” He whispers. I nod. “Yours are warm.”
    Both of us stand there, in the kitchen, trying to make sense of what just happened – trying to hold on to this moment. A silence engulfs the both of us, as I sort through my thoughts.
     “Owen,” I whisper. He flicks his eyes to mine. “Promise me you won’t do any of that.”
    He raises his left hand, jutting out his little finger. I raise my other hand too, and he wraps his little finger around mine and whispers back, “Pinkie promise.”
     “Okay.” I whisper, neither of us daring to uncurl our fingers or look anywhere else.
     “Promise me that you wouldn’t leave me for some future tech billionaire.”
    I scrunch my face up at that. “What? No!”
     “Promise me you’d call –”
     “Every single day, Owen. You too.”
    Both of us nod together, and he lifts his other hand to tuck a curl that had previously escaped from my actually-messy-and-not-cute bun. “You’re so beautiful.”
    I smile, and a tear escapes my eyes – Owen rubbing it away with his thumb. I lean forward, standing on my tiptoes and rest my hands against his bare chest for support as I press my lips to his. He smiles against the kiss, and I feel as if a zoo has gone wild in my stomach. I feel warmth and happiness course through my veins as Owen deepens the kiss, the intense longing in the both of us for each other clawing its way out to the surface. It’s almost as if I’m drinking water for the first time in a week. He tastes like banana pancakes, chocolate syrup and everything good in the world. I press myself against him, wrapping my arms around neck while he does the same around my torso. It frightens me a little how well our bodies fit against each other – but it makes me feel strong knowing that I have an amazing person who genuinely cares about me.
    Charlie unlocked the door to his sister’s apartment, mentally noting to remind her of the fact that her car desperately needs a wash. He enters the foyer, and drops the keys in a bowl, kicking off his shoes.
    Suddenly, he pauses, noticing how incredibly quiet the apartment is – which is unlike Y/N. She always has music blasting or the TV running – she hates the quiet. He quickly walks into the living room and almost screams in surprise.
    His little sister and his best friend are curled up on the sofa, their backs towards him. Y/N is lying on Owen’s chest and she has an arm wrapped around his torso while Owen’s arms are interlocked at the front, holding her against his body. Their tangled legs peek from underneath the quilt that Charlie and Y/N’s mother knit for her youngest daughter last Christmas. She laughs at something that Owen whispers into her ear, and he presses a kiss to her forehead, and they look at each other with so much adoration that Charlie has to look away.
    He sighs, mentally cursing himself for being so, so stupid. How could he have ignored the signs? Charlie remembers Y/N and Owen meeting, both in a daze, both smiling a little too much and Y/N walking with a skip in her steps. He remembers them talking for hours on end, binging Brooklyn 99 on weekends, and always hanging out with each other whenever they went to the same parties. He remembers that morning three weeks ago when he’d woken up late, and gone to the kitchen only to find the duo springing apart from each other, both erupting in a flurry of coughs and laughs, as if he’d just walked on them robbing a bank – Owen had explained that he had apparently broken a glass. He remembers the way Owen would look at her, as if she had just done something miraculous. He remembers the way Y/N would look at his best friend, as if he was made of everything good in the world.
    Most of all, he remembers how Owen sulked whenever he was alone back in Vancouver. He remembers how Owen constantly declined to go out with that cute hairdresser. He remembers how Owen sometimes seemed out of it. He remembers how Owen would sprint whenever Charlie called his sister. He remembers how Owen would keep checking his phone every few minutes in between takes.
    Charlie also remembers his sister asking about how Owen is when they talked on the phone, and how her voice seemed like she was asking something that was forbidden, something that was evil. He remembers how she would always hang up the phone whenever she heard Owen’s voice. He remembers her always declining his invites to go to Vancouver.
    How could he have been so dumb? The signs were right there. He lived with Owen, for god’s sake! Charlie feels an array of emotions. He’s always hated Y/N’s choice in men, despised anyone putting their hands on his baby sister’s body.
    But, to see them like this – to see Y/N look so safe, so comfortable in Owen’s arms, he can’t help but feel relief flood into his system. Because he knows his best friend, and he knows what kind of person he is. And now, he thinks just how much sense they make together. Sure, Owen is kind of stupid, reckless, impulsive, and clumsy – but so is Y/N – well, she’s not stupid, he thinks. She’s the smartest person in their family. But she has a fire within her – and his best friend matches that fire. Charlie thinks of the fact that they complement each other so nicely, both are caring, passionate, and kind-hearted. Of course, they would fall for each other. It just makes so much sense – they make so much sense.
    Still, Charlie feels hurt that neither of them bothered to tell him about it. (even though he won’t admit it, it’s understandable, really – considering the way he’s bugged his sister about her previous relationships.)
    He clears his throat and the duo on the couch jump apart, both flushed and with their eyes widened. Owen stands up, moving away from couch, while Y/N looks at her brother as if he’s a ghost.
    A silence falls over the apartment. Y/N finally says, “How’d you – how’d you get in?”
    He shrugs. “I had a spare key.”
    Owen looks between his girlfriend and his best friend, with widened eyes. “Charlie, I’m so sorry –”
    Suddenly, Charlie laughs, swatting at the air. “Pfft. You think I’m gonna be the weird brother who kills his best friend for dating his sister? Come on, this isn’t a TV show. I’m actually really happy for you guys – I ignored all the signs these past weeks, but I see them now. Of course, it’s really weird for me, but I love the both of you so much. Owen, relax, I’m not gonna kill you. Dude. Just don’t kiss or anything in front of me, cause that’s gross. Ew. You know what, don’t do that at all. And I’ll kill you, Owen, if you ever hurt her, I swear. I’ll put poison in your waffles. I just don’t understand why –”
    Charlie is cut off by his sister tackling him in a hug. He wraps his arms around her body, as she whispers, “I love you, big brother.”
    He murmurs, “Love you most, little one.” He catches Owen’s eye who looks at him with gratefulness and a little smile.
drop an ask or a message to be in my jatp taglist!! requests also open <3
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deripmaver · 3 years
4 5 6 for ALL OF THE CaPri FANFICS
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue? 5: What part was hardest to write? 6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
Ink On Paper (tongue fic) 4. lmfaoooooooo there isn't a whole lot of dialogue in this one oop-
Laurent nodded. The wax softened as he pressed his hand into it, erasing his previous message. Soft, warm, melting under his touch. He wrote again, I need someone who is not afraid to read out the insults I make towards the idiots at court. You have been fired, Damianos.
i guess it technically counts lmfao. i just wanted to show laurent post-trauma still able to make jokes and snipe at his husband so it wasnt all doom and gloom 5. i'm not sure exactly what "hardest to write" here means because like... a lot of these fic have serious gore or otherwise upsetting content, but both emotionally and actually writing wise i find that kind of thing actually pretty easy to write hahahaha. i think i got stuck with the chronology and the decision to make it non-linear made it flow a lot better. for the record writing laurent getting raped and then having his tongue cut out was actually very easy to write, i think i got it out in basically one go. #cancelme the more fucked up and intense the easier i find to nyoom through it 6. my first ever fic in the capri fandom!!!! hehehehhehehe <333333 Level Of Concern (plan B fic) 4.
Before Nicaise could say anything, Laurent spat, “Does he know you had your first heat?”
SURPRISE nic was the one who was pregnant the whole time!!!!!!! 5. this one i banged out REALLY quickly so i cant think of anything here 6. capri omegaverse!!!!!!! i wish there was more of this 🥺🥺🥺 Like Me (what if Auguste was also abused fic) 4. ******CW INCEST MENTION CW ABUSE MENTION******
“Your brother’s stuck his dick in every single member of your family,” Auguste spat out, laughing, crying, and so miserable he thought his heart would stop. His voice rose again, and he felt something burst from him as he screamed for the whole world to hear, “Did you know that? Did you, huh papa? Did he fuck you too?”
dude this line is so fucked up lmfao but i enjoyed writing it so much. actually this entire scene where auguste is having his breakdown was really intense to write and im really pleased with how it came out OR
Auguste grabbed him suddenly, looking up into his grief-stricken face desperately. “Please, Laurent,” he pleaded, voice breaking. “Please. Don’t let him end up like me.”
i felt entirely too clever with this line lmfao. i was like ~ooooohhhhh title drop~ im so dumb 5. i just remember this one like. dragged on for some time. i couldnt figure out what to do with it, how to get everything to coalesce around the final reveal about auguste 6. plot twist!!!!!!! plus auguste angst. i really enjoyed this one, i wrote it after watching the movie Spotlight which is one of my all time faves Softly, Gently 4.
“My King has been overexerting himself again, I presume?” Paschal sighed, shaking his head with a fond smile. “When have I ever done that?” Laurent cocked his head to the side, a wry smile on his face.
hehehehe sassy laurent my beloved <33333 5. honestly im just going to skip this one from now on lskjghmvlksjhglkvsjhdl i just get "stuck" sometimes without rhyme or reason and its usually on boring stuff, but then i cant remember later. the hardest part for me is when my dumb fucking adhd brain wont let me focus on writing but once i overcome that its usually pretty smooth sailing 6. horny omegaverse.................... my beloved............... giving men vaginas for horny reasons my beloved......................... Water of Life (birth fic)
“Do you want to hold him?” Erasmus breathed, eyes glassy. The baby cried, Erasmus bouncing him tenderly in those sunkissed arms. He looked apologetic. “Only for a moment, it’s not quite over yet.” A playful smile danced on Erasmus’ lips, and he brushed away a slick, damp curl from the wailing baby’s head. “A head this big, he certainly takes after Exalted.”
a cute, fun lil line in the sea of horrible angst lmfao ORRRRRR
Erasmus knelt before Damen, before Laurent. He said, “Exalted… Can you command his Highness to push?” Damen froze. “Do you mean…?” Erasmus nodded. “Alpha command.” Damen’s expression crumpled. He said, in a voice that shattered Erasmus’ heart, “I can’t. I can’t do that to him.” Erasmus licked his lips. “Exalted, in this state, he can’t push. His contractions are weaker. He’ll-” “I can’t,” Damen cried, clinging to Laurent’s limp body like a lifeline. “He’d… He’d never forgive me.”
damen is so sweet........ he loves laurent so much...... ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
He stopped at the doorframe, turning to face Laurent with tears in his eyes, and whispered, “How long does it take, your Highness?” Laurent, shocked enough to respond, hissed, “What?” “I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking of it,” Erasmus said, voice thick in his throat, tears burning at his eyes. “How long until it’s over?”
real sad hours if u up click like. i love erasmus and laurent bonding over their shared trauma <33333333333333333333 laurent and erasmus friendship propaganda 24-fucking-7 bay bee!!!!! 6. unironically this is one of my fav fic ive ever written skdljmfhgvlksjdhflmgkvjshldkjfghvmls call the midwife is one of my favorite shows and writing this made me look at birth as something visceral and possibly horrible and traumatic. i wanna write more fucked up birth scenes, SO MANY MORE. ridley scott knew what he was doing Sandalwood (erasmus/kallias my sweet boys i love u so much) 4.
“I do,” Erasmus breathes, ducking his head, flushed as though embarrassed. “In the gardens, the perfume from the orange trees all around us on those summer nights.” Kallias smiles behind him – Erasmus knows his body so intimately he can feel it in how Kallias’ posture changes, though he can’t see the soft turn of his lips. “The scent was so cloying I thought it would drive me mad. It made me want to kiss you senseless.” Erasmus laughs, breathlessly, imagining the warm heat of Kallias’ mouth against his. “Don’t blame that on the orange trees, dear one.”
beloved..................... im weeping.......... 6. these two make me fuckign CRY ON THE REG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH MY SWEET BOYS YOU DESERVE THE WORLD- Wisps of Smoke******************* (lauguste fic) 4. ***CW EXPLICIT INCEST*** (i mean....... obviously lmfao)
“Call me what I like,” Auguste growled against his ear. “You know what I like.” He did. Laurent did. He knew everything Auguste liked – the slow flick of Laurent’s tongue on the underside of his cock, that tender spot behind his earlobe, the way Laurent’s thighs looked straddled atop him like his horse – and this. “Brother,” Laurent gasped, desperate, “Brother, please, harder. Harder.”
i wanted the incest to be explicitly part of the kink here lmfaoooooo 6. hehehehehehehhehehehhehe lauguste................... i need to write more of u But I Love It (laurent is allergic to latex fic) 4.
“Laurent,” Auguste said, voice high in warning. Laurent braced himself, stiffening visibly. With what seemed to be monumental effort, Auguste continued, “You know, Laurent. I’m proud of you.”
IM A SOFT BITCH OK???????????????? auguste is PROUD of his baby bro for overcoming his sexual trauma and getting that fat dick 6. SLJHVDLMKJDHGVLK PEOPLE FUCKING LOVED THIS FIC i tried to be funny and i think it worked. plus some softe bits thrown in. i also kind of see lots of humor fic where its a no abuse au, but i wanted to write something comedic where the regent still. existed u kno????? anyways hahahahha i dont think i can write anything like this again but im glad y'all liked it Is It Cold In The Water (slice of life fic) 4.
Laurent opens his mouth to say something cheeky, but instead, what comes out is: “Do you think Aimeric had the right idea?” Damen is quiet for so long, gaze serious and framed with his long, dark lashes, that Laurent wonders if he’d spoken aloud at all – and when he’s sure he had, he realizes Damen had remembered Aimeric after all. When he speaks again, the sleep is gone from his voice. “Laurent,” Damen says carefully, as though approaching a spooked horse, “Is something wrong?”
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 soft,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6. ruby likes this fic lskjdvhmflgksfjdhmvglkjsdhflkvgmjhlekjfhdvlgskjfhv im a SIMP- The Devil's Got Nothing On Me (AIMERIC FIC LEGGOOOO) 4. there are lots of lil nuggets in here!!!!
Aimeric blinks, and all he can think is, you knew? He says, "I – I just." "I am a patient man," Guion breathes, "I support everyone in my household. Everyone. But Aimeric, you are truly testing my patience. Your mother came to me in tears, begging me to find you. Look at what you did to her! There was nothing I could say until we found you!" "I'm sorry," Aimeric whispers, looking at Loyse, "I'm-" "Look at me," Guion roars.
this conversation was inspired by a very miserable encounter with my boss lmfao. fuck that guy and fuck guion
The regent, blue eyes sparkling - and Aimeric has never thought eyes could look just like a summer sky until now - says to Guion but really to Aimeric, "I was thinking I could take little Aimeric riding tomorrow. Just the two of us." Loyse says, before Guion can speak, voice trembling with relief, "I think that's a wonderful idea, your Highness."
~dramatic irony~ lmfaoooooooooo. WE know of course that this is a bad thing, but it's always fun to have characters make bad choices that they have no idea are bad. i also did this briefly in "Like Me" with auguste's ex wife taking nicaise to church because she was so overwhelmed at home and he offered to help. of course, the regent is always happy to help out. evil evil evil
"-was worried it might be difficult for him." A soft, lilting laugh. The guards had said the regent was in the library, and then there is Guion, right there with him. Aimeric is suddenly angry, not sure why his father is with the regent, who is his and no one else's. The regent responds, "I daresay it's been perfectly easy. It seems you've done most of the work already."
i wanted to highlight the fact that it was aimeric's neglect that lead him to the regent in the first place. hence "youve done most of the work already" - guion by ignoring and neglecting aimeric created the perfect environment for the regent to sweep in and take advantage. like leaving food out btwn 40-140 F is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria LOL. the books touch on that but i wanted to make it explicit
He is so, so ashamed. It's unbearable, the thought of her kind eyes, the way she cried for him, the way he pushed her away. Before he'd left to join the prince's guard, she had taken his hand, kissed it, and said in a voice fragile as glass, "It's been such a long time since I've seen you smile like that," but in that moment he could think only of the regent's letter warm in his pocket.
6. honestly i know ive sounded super conceited this whole time but i kind of tear up whenever i read through the end of the fic lmfao. aimeric is just so fucking depressing as a character and i love that i really got to explore that in this fic. he really didnt have anyone, did he????? he's like a tragic greek character where you just watch him stumbling towards his inevitable end and it hurts the whole time. its even worse on the reread ANYWAYYYYYYY thats it. thanks so much for the ask anon!!!!!!! feel free to send me more!!!
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bunnyramen · 4 years
I just would like to give a big Happy Birthday to @kalofi , shes officially an old woman we shall plan accordingly on which nursing home you have to go to.
All jokes aside, it’s a been good year as your friend and uh. I hope you like this! Happy birthday!!💕💕
A figure rose up out of a bed that wasn’t his own.
Josuke didn’t sleep on a bed covered in a queen bed spread, his was Prince and the under sheet was purple.
“What the hell?” That wasn’t his voice either, it was a bit lighter than his own but still had a sort of gruffness to it.
He looked at his hands and noticed they were smaller than his longer piano fingers, and covered a bit more scars than his own.
Josuke looked around the room with eyes that also weren’t his own, well eye since one seemed to be blind.
There were some Bruce Lee, Prince, Queen, Elton John and Selena posters hung around the room.
And despite the gaudy curtain and muscle clock, whoever this was had some taste.
He pulled the covers off of someone and someones feet touched soft carpet, rising out of someone’s bed.
God, was this what it was like to not be 6 feet tall? Small like Koichi?
He touched at the hair framing his face, some of it white and some of it a bright red.
And he ran a tongue over the teeth in his mouth.
They were razor sharp!
“What the fuck?!” A voice screamed and the wall next to him was punched, telling him to shut up.
He didn’t recognize the voice.
Ok, he felt like he was going to have a heart attack.
Speaking of attack, was this the work of a stand?
Where was the bastard? He had to neutralize him before he did some serious damage to Morioh!
But he couldn’t go anywhere in pajamas that weren’t his.
He went over to where presumed the clothes were, the dresser that had a boom box and plenty of boxes of tapes next to it.
He opened the first drawer and grabbed a white t-shirt with green accents.
He looked up on the wall and saw a picture on the wall, one of the kids in it was presumably the body he was inhabiting, judging by the hair and teeth.
Next to him was a angry blonde kid, who kind of looked like he got hit in the face with a hot shovel by his standards.
Maybe it was just the really ugly face he was making.
Luckily they were wearing school outfits, so he was able to figure out what he was supposed to normally wear.
A pair of green pants came onto his body next, a belt then a pair of purple socks.
He looked near the small closet in the room, seeing a pair of red Velcro shoes in front of them.
He figured it was time to brush his teeth and wash his face, and see what the hair situation was like,
He saw a large jar of hair gel sitting on the desk next to the bed and he grabbed it.
“Thank god, I didn’t wanna walk around with this hair all day.” His-er the kids inner voice said.
This was going to be weird since not only was his mom not here but there seemed to be more than one person on this floor.
Was he in a apartment or something?
Or some kind of dorm?
While he was thinking, he located the placement of a face towel and pulled a toothbrush from the boxes and boxes of toothbrushes in the kid’s closet.
He opened the door, peeking out into the hallway and seeing an empty get colorful looking ceiling and flooring.
He closed the door behind himself, thankful that he could be on his own while his mind was racing about where the fuck he was and who the fuck he was.
He went down the hall and got to an elevator.
“Must be some rich kid school or something.” He pushed the button for the second to last floor, figuring that was where the bathroom was.
After asking another person than the original 2 he asked (that seemed to wanna chit chat), he finally located the bathroom.
He got in front of a mirror and finally got to see what the hell was he was working with.
He had to admit, the guy he was pretty handsome, at least he wasn’t stuck in someone ugly.
Like that Guy with that surface stand.
Or that little purple dude that he came across that kept chatting up with the girls in a gross way, he socked him one good with some kind of rock hand on his way here.
And it was weird since Crazy Diamond didn’t show up to punch the fucker for him.
Anyways, he did his hair in his usual pompadour, pretty much a second nature that it he got it done in less than 3 minutes.
While he waited for it to dry, he brushed his teeth and washed his face, having to periodically spit out bristles since they kept coming out when he gave these teeth a full cleaning.
He walked out of the bathroom but held the door open for some kid with a lightning bolt in his head since he was coming while he was trying to walk out.
“Woah! Trying a new look, Kirishima?” A pink girl with black eyes asked and he’d almost mistaken her for some kind of alien stand user but he didn’t sense anything from her.
“Uh haha, yeah! I’ll catch you later, Pink girl.” He laughed awkwardly, patting her on the back before he started to walk away.
He seems to be walking through a dining room, judging by the multiple people eating cereal.
God, he really missed his mom right now. He wondered what the other kid was like towards her. He hoped he got switched with someone nice.
“Your hair looks even more shitty than usual.” A low voice said from the end of the table he was walking past.
He looked to see the kid in the picture, hot shovel face.
“The fuck did you say about my hair?” A fire lit in his gut but it was pure hot red anger from himself , instead of the anger from him and his stand combined.
Bakugo took that as him not hearing what he said, so he said it again.
And that really set in stone was this body was about to do to him.
He punch him directly in the face, knocking over the cereal that was balancing in his spoon and ignored the gasps of the bystanders.
He would’ve went back for another but he was being pulled away by this really tall dorky guy.
He admitted to himself that the guy was pretty handsome.
“Eijirou, what has gotten into you?!” He pulled him away further as the blonde stood up with anger written all over his face.
“No one insults the hair of the man that saved me! No fucking one!” He tried pulling away from the nerdy dude but boy was he strong.
The lighting bold guy seemed to have to hold the other dude back from trying to let off some kind of explosion near him.
“Who saves you?” Mina looked confused.
“Look, My name is Josuke and that hot shovel faced asshole insulted the hair of the person that saved my life!”
“Josuke? Wait hold on, you’re saying your not Kirishima Eijirou.”
“No! I got switched with him by some kind of stand user or something! Now let me go so I can pummel him!”
“A stand?” Mina looked at him weirdly.
“Fuck.” He was hoping this “Kirishima” kid wasn’t doing anything weird with his body or messing up anything.
“So this is what it’s like to be tall!” Kirishima ran down the stairs of a house he didn’t at all recognize and was greeted by a rather tall purple haired woman when he reached the kitchen he presumed.
Maybe tallness ran in the family.
“Hello, Ma’am.” He waved at her nervously, not sure of who the woman was or who’s body he was in.
The lady picked up a knife, holding it towards Kirishima threateningly, the boy backing away.
“Who are you and where is my baby?” She said darkly, the knife glinting in the light.
“Josuke never calls me ma’am. And he never comes down those stairs with his hair undone unless it’s a weekend.” The knife was getting dangerously close to his neck.
“I’m sorry but I’m not your son. I’m Kirishima Eijirou, and I’ve switched bodies with him, I think? I don’t what’s going on or who you are.” Either this Josuke kid could sweat a lot, or his sweat glands got transferred to this body.
“Switched? But where’s my baby?” She wasn’t holding the knife to his neck anymore but she still looked prepared to slice and dice him.
“I think he’s in my body. This could be the work of a quirk user or something, I’m not too sure.”
The lady fainted suddenly, the knife coming out of her hand and clattering to her floor.
“Oh fuck!” He was about to approach her to try and see if she was ok but a new figure bursted in, the door being unlocked by an outside force, probably a key.
“Josuke?” The new comer asked, his eyes shiny as he took in the scene in front of him.
“Hey man, it’s not what it looks like! She fainted, and I don’t know what’s going on!” God, was everyone the type to fight first and ask questions later here?
The guy came over in a few strides and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, the motion alerting this really big pink guy that smelled oddly like strawberries.
“Crazy D, you know who this guy is?” The guy was really strong or something since he just shook him like a limp rag doll.
‘Crazy D’ looked at him with a weird glare, and the guy shook his head, shrugging with a confused “Dora.”
“What is that?” He pointed behind the guy, The Hand having been summoned at the mention of Crazy D.
“You’d know that if you were Josuke, and so since I don’t wanna cave my own boyfriends face in without giving whoever you are a chance, you got five seconds.” The guy robot he summoned looked ready to slice him in half too.
Normally, Kirishima would fight back but since he had no idea who he was, where he was, or what he was working with in terms of fighting back, he decided to bitch out just this once.
“I’m Kirishima Eijirou, I go to U.A, Im from Musustafa, I’m 16 years old, and my quirk is Hardening!” He flinched away when he felt that his explanation wasn’t good enough, but the punch didn’t come.
The guy let go of his collar.
“Alright, a stand user trying to actively kill us wouldn’t give himself away like that but I swear to god if you try anything funny, you’ll be having a talk with the hand.” The boy glared at him, making sure that hand thing was on stand by.
While the guy helped Tomoko onto the couch, Kirishima went to the nearest phone and dialed the number in.
There were a couple rings before he heard an energetic ‘Present Mic speaking!”
“Thank goodness! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m in this Josuke kid’s house and I have like no idea where I am!”
“You’re in Morioh.” The guy said from the couch, where he was helping Tomoko wake up.
“This guy said I’m in Morioh!”
“My names Okoyasu.”
“I’m with Okoyasu. Luckily, he let me speak before he tried icing me out.”
“At least we’re know you’re safe! The kid in your body, his name is Josuke and he’s actually a pretty nice kid when he stopped trying kill Bakugou. Something about his hair, it’s actually pretty cool, you should see it-”
There was a struggle over the phone and a brief ‘hey!’ Before he recognized his dad’s tired voice being put on the phone.
“We captured the villain. Luckily it wasn’t what this Josuke kid calls a ‘stand user’ otherwise it’d be up to you and you’re not able to control his stand.”
“Thank goodness. Dad, How soon can I get my body back?”
“Well, actually the quirk only lasts for a few hours and it should end right about now. Brace yourself.”
Kirishima dropped the phone from his hand and blacked out, he doesn’t remember hitting the ground.
“Hey, Kirishima!” He felt someone patting his cheek, trying to rouse him from his sleep.
He blinked his eyes, a blurry vision of pink and yellow coming into view.
“If your really Kirishima finish this phrase.” Sero said from above him, he could presume he was probably on the ground right now.
“Precisely.“ Kaminari started, Kirishima’s eyes lighting up.
“Damn, I’m late for school!” He sat up, actually seeing that the arms he was fist pumping were his and the friends he was looking at were his.
“Woah, hold the phone!” He looked up at his forehead and saw something blocking his view. “What is this?” Kirishima grabbed his pocket mirror, because he’s he owned a pocket mirror for just such occasions of keeping his spikes in order.
But it wasn’t spikes.
It was a pompadour.
“Yo Daddi-o, can I borrow your phone?” Kirishima asked Present Mic after his friends helped him off the floor and into a chair.
He called the last number, and it rung for a second before a voice he recognized answered the phone.
“Tomoko speaking?”
“Hello Mrs. Tomoko, I’m the kid your son switched bodies with. Sorry for the uh..trouble.” The redhead coughed.
“No trouble at all, as long as I have my son back in his rightful place and you back in yours. Would you like to talk to him? He says he’d very much like to talk to you.”
Kirishima heard Josuke whine to his mom to stop embarrassing him.
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gerberbabey · 4 years
cocaine | kiara carrera
madison bailey rlly met her gf ON TIKTOK, thats wild and now i see that my chances arent as low as i believe. anyways love that for them.
writing this made me so damn depressed. like if anyone would like to fall in love w me, im just here...chillin.
masterlist | cocain series: 2 | 3 
summary: Kiara falls in love with someone who isn’t willing to love anymore (story inspired by the mentioned song and this scene).
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warnings: that gay shit, cursing, angst, underage drug use, underage drinking, mentions of dying, unrequited love?
♫ Cocaine by Pink Sweat$ ♫
Kooks could talk as much shit as they wanted but it didn’t exactly stop them from showing up at the boneyard for a kegger. They whined and complained about Pogues but still came around to the other side of the island because they knew they would have a good time.
“It’s like watching National Geographic,” Kie winced and you sputtered out a laugh, stumbling back as you tried to keep the water from dripping onto your clothes. There was a pocket of Kooks jumping around to the music, moving in a weird sort of unison that was both stiff and awkward.
“Ew,” Kie laughed as you leaned forward to spit out the water that you had been trying to drink. To be honest it wasn’t that funny of a comment but you were also high of your ass so everything was hilarious.
“I can’t breathe,” you huffed out and Kie had to hold you steady when you stumbled into her. You were laughing so hard that it was at that point where you weren’t even making any noise. She couldn’t stop herself from laughing because of how hard you were laughing.
“Oh my god (Y/N) it wasn’t even that funny!”
“Then why are you laughing?!”
“Because you’re laughing!”
The two of you burst out into another fit of giggles as you wrapped your arms around the girl, resting your head on her chest as she wrapped her arms around you and struggled to keep the two of you standing.
“Are you two ok?” Pope walked up to the two of you just as you stumbled into the sand in a laughing heap. You let out one giggled and took in a deep breath as you stared up at Pope, your head hazy and heavy.
“Chillin dude,” you drawled out and Pope shook his head before he helped the two of you up. Kia brushed off the sand from her curls and you gave an aggressive shake of your head as you brushed out the sand from hair at the same time. Kie let out a noise and Pope stepped back to avoid any sand flying at him.
When you stopped you stumbled to straighten up. Everything around you was moving fast and yet slow at the same time and you let out a laugh.
Kie couldn’t help but look at you with a dopey look on her face. She wished she could tell you just how much she loved you. The day Kie had realized she was in love with her best friend was a bit of a stressful one. Kie was a firm believer of the “No Pogue on Pogue macking rule”. Not only did she believe it would change everything if broken, she also didn’t want to have a reason to be tied down to the Outer Banks. She loved her friends, her family, and her life on the island but she knew she was capable of so much more. Deep down in her heart she knew that she was meant to travel the world. That the best way for her to succeed was to get out of the Outer Banks and into the world.
But then one day she looked into your eyes and knew she loved you. That she was in love with you.
You were friends with the Pogues before she’d joined the group but you were the first one she met. You met the rest of the Pogues through JJ, and then had integrated Kie into the group after you started working at The Wreck.
After the betrayal of Sarah Cameron and the pain she went through being ostracized by her entire school, meeting you and then the boys had been her saving grace. Sure you weren’t jumping to your feet to try and help baby sea turtles into the ocean, but you always listened to her. You understood her.
“I mean everyone’s freaking out about plastic straws but the cups are like...more plastic,” you added to her rant and she nodded enthusiastically.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying!”
She was pretty much convinced the two of you were soulmates the day you had played her a playlist that you made just for her.
Yet even though she was so head over heels in love there was too many reasons why she couldn’t tell you.
One of the biggest reasons was your lack of faith in love and relationships. Convincing you that falling in love and being in love was a good thing proved to be a difficult feat. You’d been hurt so much by the concept of love that you’d moved past the point of thinking you’d ever fall in love. You left it behind and believed wholeheartedly that it wasn’t something meant for you. You didn’t believe in marriage and didn’t believe that you would ever find that person. You’d stopped looking and that meant that you couldn’t and wouldn’t see Kie in the way she wished you would.
“Yo (Y/N)!”
You and your friends turned at that and Kie watched you grin as you ran up to the boy who called you. You jumped into his arms and Kie bit her lip.
“Dude! What the fuck is up?!” You yelled as the boy laughed and let you down. You were jumping around excitedly, “Yo when did you get home?”
“Who’s that?” Kie asked JJ and the boy turned to look at what she was talking about.
“Huh? Oh that’s Quincy, he graduated last year I think? Went to the Navy or something, him and (Y/N) were really close.”
Kie wondered why she never heard about Quincy.
“Kie!!!” You waved her over and Kie pushed down that weird feeling that was rising up and hid it with a smile. She moved to stand by you and tried not preen when you took her hand in yours, intertwining your fingers and holding on tight. She hoped that Quincy would conclude that she was yours. (You may not have been hers, but she was wholeheartedly yours).
“Kie this Quincy. He was my fuckin plug before he left,” you laughed and Quincy crossed his arms and gave you a look. Kie felt a little relieved but then thought about this.
“Didn’t you start smoking when you were like...in middle school?” Kie asked and Quincy laughed while you shrugged.
“Yeah, can you imagine how I felt seeing this 12 year old asking me if I sold?”
Kie tried not to cringe. You’d been smoking for way longer than she’d known you. Your tolerance surpassed JJ, likely because of your lack of tolerance breaks. Kie could argue that at least you’d only smoked weed and hadn’t dove into other, harder drugs. The one time you had, Kie nearly had a heart attack and the boys almost killed a boy for urging you to take it.
You’d told her once that you just really liked how being high made you feel. The strain you smoked made you feel relaxed. It eased your mind and your body.
You told her that you started smoking after your parents separated. They’d fallen out of love and decided that rather than being adults and dealing with their issues themselves, they’d put the weight and stress of their problems onto your shoulders. A year later you had decided you were going to quit because you’d fallen in love with your boyfriend of a year and a half. You nearly did stop getting high, but then your boyfriend broke up with you, didn’t tell you you why, and then ghosted you.
3 days later he’d posted about his new girlfriend (he’d reassured you nothing was going on between them when you were together. The time stamp of the filtered picture told you and everyone else otherwise).
Kie wanted to spite the people who’d led to the walls you built around your heart.
You had guided Kie and Quincy back over to the other Pogues and Kie couldn’t help but cling to you that night. She didn’t like Quincy’s familiarity with you. It was kind of childish really but it’d been a while since you’d looked eager to interact with anybody who weren’t the Pogues. Kie’s heart skipped a beat when she realized how absolutely ok you were with her holding and touching you.
The two of you were laying in her bed. The kegger had ended some time ago and though the two of you would’ve usually stayed at the Chateau with the boys, she’d decided she wanted to spend the rest of her night alone with you. She’d appreciated Quincy taking the two of you to her house.
“You really don’t think you’re going to get married?” she questioned quietly and she watched you open your eyes and look into her own.
“Hm...Yeah. Probably not,” you told her honestly.
“Why not?”
“...I don’t know. I don’t think I’d want to commit to someone that much. Plus...I don’t think anyone would wanna commit to being with me either.”
Kie would.
“But what if someone loves you...so so much, but you just won’t open yourself up to them? Would you really risk losing that before you even know it?”
You stayed silent at that. This was something that constantly went through your mind. sometimes you thought about those “what if” moments constantly. What if you’d given that boy a chance? Would you be in love with him now? Would the two of you be happy?
Yet you also thought: but maybe the two of you would be miserable instead. Maybe it would just lead to more pain.
“I don’t know if I could deal with being hurt because of love again.”
The two of you eventually drifted off to sleep. Kie’s chest hurt but she dreamt about kissing you.
Kie sometimes wished that she could be the one to bring your heart out of its hiding place. She wanted to be the person that you were willing to finally love. She wanted you to toss aside the risk of getting hurt because she’d make it clear to you that she would never hurt you.
JJ had gotten too high once, and had told her that you and him sometimes went to the dock and just sat there in silence. That the two of you would allow your worries to ease just by being beside one another and that you both knew that even without talking, or venting, or even smoking, you understood how JJ felt and JJ understood how you felt.
Kie wanted that.
She wished she didn’t have to push so hard for you to feel comfort in her, but she would continue pushing nonetheless. Despite how close the two of you were as friends, vulnerable moments were rare with you. 
“Kie, I need you to leave this alone ok? It’s seriously not any of your business,” you’d tried to shake her off and she only became angrier. The boys had shuffled out of the room the moment you’d walked in with Kie yelling at you.
She had went to pick you up and caught you snorting a line of...something, in your room.
“None of my business!? I can’t just let you hurt yourself like this (Y/N)!”
“Kie you smoke with me! Fucking weed is killing me just as much as any other drug would! If you cared so much then don’t cherry pick what you decide to care about!”
“Don’t ever tell me how I feel!”
“God you’re not my fucking mom Kie, just stop!”
“No (Y/N)!”
You’d stormed off after that argument. Out of all the people in your life you thought Kie would be the last person the chastise you for anything you did. You thought she understood. Kie felt terrible when you didn’t come around to the Chateau or even talk to her and the Pogues for the rest of the day. Kie’s heart was in your hands and you were squeezing.
The next day, Kie had bursted into your room crying.
“You can’t be mad at me for just wanting you to be ok...” she sobbed and you held her tight to you. 
“I know Kie, I know. I’m sorry,” you mumbled into her hair before you gave her a kiss on the forehead. She pulled back to look at you and she took in the worried expression on your face. She was hyper aware of the feeling of your thumbs stroking her cheek. Kie shut her eyes and leaned forward to press her lips onto yours.
Her heart broke into a million pieces when you gasped and backed away.
“Oh my god...” Kie sobbed and stood from where the two of you had clung to each other on your bed, “I’m sorry-I just..I’m gonna go-” 
You couldn’t say a word as you watched Kie rush out of your room.
“Fuck!” she yelled before the door slammed shut.
part 2...?
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Okay, but I need some Joe Toye headcanons like I need air. Help a girl out
Taglist: @floydtab, @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi, @noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @hufflepuffpancakes
I just want to say that i love toye more than i love myself. This boy deserves everything and i mean it!
Btw thanks @adamantiumdragonfly for requesting these lovely hcs, i had a lot of fun writing this! 💕💕
General/Fluffy HCs for Joe Toye
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so you see right here, this man is a professional lover and sweetheart extraordinaire 
you two actually met when running currahee
joe stumbled along the way and you gripped his arm to prevent him from falling
thought it was one of the boys like like luz or guarnere or just practically anybody
he was instantly like !!!!! but it soon turned into 💕💕💕
immediately thinks he died during training and went into heaven
looks like he is having the time of his life, he is by the way
you ask him if he’s ok as youre running along side him
joe nods his head slowly like the cute dope that he is
either of you could have fallen behind or could have run faster but nope!
you two keep the same pace as each other so y’all arent seperated and lose sight of each other
after that, you and joe are close as fuc-
when i mean close i MEANT CLOSE
theres endless laughter and happiness
snarky and sassy remarks from both parties
and you two doing whatever- 
literally toye is one of the people that you can never get mad at-
its impossible for him to make you mad i swear, he’s just too sweet and caring and this man can never do any wrong-
sooooo u and joe might or might not have huge crushes on each other
i'm just saying, but u two totally do-
if you were to walk into a room that joe was in, his eyes immediately go to you, because why not?
like seriously, joe would literally try to freeze the sun for you
but whenever you thank him he’s all like “that’s what best friends are for”-
the easy boys are so done believe me so they just watch in the background while commenting how stupidly cute u both are-
joe enjoys being sweet to you but he’ll never say it
you point it out sometimes while smiling and joe just erupts into flames
joe would never admit it, and this is a very well kept secret of his, only person who knows abt it is HIM and him alone
so basically during eindhoven, joe purposely yeeted his face away when a girl tried to kiss him and no one knew why-
after the day you met him, he made sure that lips were only reserved for u
everyone thought it was weird how he would launch himself away from the girls but you found it cute
you teased him a lot after that day and joe would act like he’s offended but in reality he's so goddamn head over heels for you-
joe legit doesn't know what to do around you, you're just so amazing
you and toye could either be the kids or the parents in the group, its an amazing vibe-
okok but the way he confessed to you was soo MMMM-
joe woke you up in the middle of the night to see the stars
after a few words of persuasion, you went outside with him and with your hand in his as he led the way
y’all sit down and when you gaze up at the sky, holy SHIT it was very beautiful-
toye loved your reaction and the smile you gave him after was worth way more than any fucking treasure-
joe was surprised when he didn’t stutter when he told u how much he loved you-
like if you were sleepy- not anymore! 
you immediately woke up and just stared at him for a good couple of minutes
but damn you told him how much loved him too- but like seriously picture this
midnight, stars, love confessions, and tender and passionate kisses with joe fucking toye-
it wasnt what you were expecting but excuse it was so fucking good-
btw this boy’s spunky attitude will bring you to tears-
like hes overly sarcastic and you would just burst up laughing because its so fucking funny-
one of the things you also love about joe is that he’s a sassy boy who’s actually very sweet once you get to know him
this is one the many things that made you fall from him-
when joey gets tipsy he will lean on you for support and will deny that he’s drunk
toye will also drunkenly say how much he loves you and that youre the best person ever-
toye will end up falling asleep after you run your hands through his dark hair while he’s cuddled up against you-
you fall asleep not so long afterwards
YO- joey boy cherishes everything you give him and he just really appreciate the little things that you do
like if you hold a door open for him or even just pick out stuff that got stuck in his hair i'm pretty sure he’ll think about for days on end
hes also genuinely enjoys it when you talk to him about things you are very passionate about
like toye will literally just come up with the stupidest conversations just so he can hear talk and you can say the same for him
his voice is so fucking perfect and its always immediately recognizable 😩👌
toye will iNDEED bring you small gifts that he thinks you might like-
joey is very VERY protective of you
like if he sees a person making you feel discomfort in anyway he will yeet the poor bastard
he doesn't go completely overboard, most of the time, he just really wants you to be safe
you two still having your weekend passes are VERY rare since sobel likes being a lil bitch
wo when you two actually have it, joe makes sure to make it count
he takes you to the bar sometimes while other times he takes you into town to ditch the noise and his hella drunk friends
um so he takes you around the stores and shops and you two will impulsively buy the randomest shit
the easy boys immediately stop trusting u both with money
yeah the items you two buy are cute but they have no literal use
during one of these trips joe buys you a really gorgeous necklace and you just ascended-
im not kidding
you never took off the necklace off your neck after that day
toye also gives you small gifts and lemme tell this boy even gives you a small camera
both you and toye take pictures of each other with it and the both of you always make sure to keep photos of one another
joe is also one of those boyfriends who has a surprise for you each and every single day-
either he’d take you swimming, riding bikes, eating at a diner, or watching a simple movie together
no matter how simple the activity, joe will find a way to make it the best experience you will ever have-
when watching a movie, joe would put snarky remarks in between the scenes and the experience is just alleviated-
when you two wake up next to each other in the morning, its the most peaceful little thing that has ever existed
sometimes you would wake up earlier and joe would still be asleep with his arms around you
toye will unknowingly pull you closer to him and wont let you go for a very long time-
did i mention toye’s devilishly cute morning voice??? 
his little good morning cuddles are pure and utter fluff and you will never get tired of it!
toye will surprise you with random hugs from behind every single day-
it soon became one of the things that you couldn’t live without
like he so tender, yet firm? and the hug is so fucking comforting what???
toye will hug you anytime and anywhere
his hugs bring you the most source of joy and they just make you so happy
if youre tired when he hugs you, you are immediately energized from the complete act alone
if youre sad, joe’s hugs will comfort you and you’ll just smile into his chest and his arms are wrapped around your waist
when youre angry, you just cool down in his touch- 
his hugs give you life and just repel off any negative emotions
if you were to be honest, toye and his hugs are probably your most favorite things in the whole entire world-
toye is just an overall very caring and hella GOOD boyfriend 
it has come to the point where both of you cannot exist without the other-
you love him with all of your heart and he loves you with all of his 😩💕
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im sorry for any mistakes that i made and i hope that everything is alright. btw im sorry for me taking so long to write this, i tried my best to finish it! 
but i love toye and he’s complete and utter perfection, thank you very much-
thank you for reading this and supporting me you guys are everything! 😩😊💕💕💕
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richietoaster · 5 years
Review/Reaction of IT Chapter Two
Let’s just start right off the bat and let me just say that Bill Hader better get a fucking award for his performance.
Alright. Here we go y’all. im trying to stay in order with what happened but so much happened in the movie that my brain is just all over the place so excuse me while i try to form words
• first opening scene is a fucking LOT okay like i sobbed my eyes out and it was just not cool. adrian and his boyfriend? CUTE AF. Him getting brutally beat up and then killed by Pennywise while Don just watches? NOT CUTE AF
• Mike is a precious boy and I love him so. He cares about his friends so much holy shit. they all get mad at him for lying to them tho.But he only did it to protect them. Mike knew some SHIT(tm) our boy is so smart?? I’m glad they kept to his original storyline
• Older Bill gave himself so much shit this film and i just felt so bad. like we know it isnt ur fault okay?? We know you loved your brother, stop putting yourself down. also?? him becoming protective over dean? please stop my aching heart. 
• Jessica Chastain owns my whole heart and she can kick my ass anyday. She plays Bev so well and captures young bev’s personality so well. her scene with mrs kersh was very weird. i knew the second she ran naked in the hall i’d be seeing some weird fucking shit okay 
• Jay Ryan could kick me and I would personally thank him like?? wow what a man. He immediately recognizes bev when he first sees her and im just?? im happy. so many hidden new kids on the block reference and it had me fucking rolling in my grave
• JAMES FUCKING RANSONE MY DUDE OH LORD okay listen. he gives off young eddie’s panic and chaotic energy so perfectly i felt like i was watching him as an adult, who just never grew up. I think thats what he was going for honestly. He played eddie SO FUCKING WELL 
• I’m so sad about stan. THats all you need to know okay. I’ll talk about his letter later on in this. Stan deserved better. that’s all. 
• if you are not a fan of vomit you’re not gonna enjoy richie tozier. literally any time something bad happens hes just like ah shit here we go again *vomits* and honestly? that made me laugh. like hes just like oh shit something is happening let.. let me just.. no no its fine guys ill catch up.. EHBWFIJHDFSIJ no okay but bill hader stole the fucking show. his acting was phenomenal and,, again,, i’ll add more onto that later. 
• richie scares the shit out of dean. because he thinks hes pennywise. but can you blame him? the kid just. stared at him all creepy and shit. but its so funny. the losers make fun of him bc he doesnt know his own lines from his acts and richies just like “I dont write my own material” and eddies just like “I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT” dead. goodbye.
• Young losers were still my favorite part honestly. Eddie kept bouncing that stupid ball in stan’s face in the clubhouse and i was waiting for him to get punched in the face tbh. That didn’t even seem like eddie, that was Jack’s energy bursting through the seams lmfao
• young eddie runs into a fucking box and shrieks and if that isn’t me idk ewhdfiajksjdoi 
• THE FUCKING. HAMMOCK. SCENE. okay listen to me. thats gay. hammocks are now gay. gays only. gay interacts only. the bickering between reddie had me in TEARS. eddie kept kicking at his face and just?? casually??? lays on him when richie wont move?? 
• stan’s fucking shower cap ehfdiujasdiosa and then richie being like “nobodys afraid of spiders stanley okay” and eddie slowly removes his because he cares what richie thinks more than spiders ok
• a flashback from after they defeated IT in the first move with reddie “eddie youve been gone for 24 hours your face is most likely on a milk carton by now” “shut up richie” 
• yong Richie has me weak af this whole movie, like always. just getting on Eddie’s case. HE PINES SO HARD OH Y GOD Like wow my sweet boy is so fucking in love ouch. which?? BRINGS ME TO MY NEXT POINT??
• THE ARCADE SCENE?? he checks out the kid standing next to him and tries to get him to hang out more and then the other kid tells him to stop being weird because he’s not gay, too, and then uses the F slur. richie was just so hurt. paul bunyun scene happens after that and hes just like “I just shit my pants” and i cried. 
• pennywise screaming “lets play truth or dare, you wouldnt pick truth! you dont want them to know your secret” gave off the same energy as eddie’s leper blowjob scene from the book. same energy. do with that as you will. 
• they had some flashbacks that included pennywise and im not sure if this was before or after they had defeated IT in the first movie but i interpreted it as after and if thats the case... hes supposed to be dead. but now thinking back on it, it was probably just more scenes before they put pennywise to rest for 27 years. 
• young richie went to the kissing bridge after that and we ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THERE. fucking.. r + e :((( although we don’t see him carving the E. but reddie is canon so suck toes antis
• stephen king pretty much being like “I know u and ur endings really do suck” to bill when he comes to buy his bike was so fucking funny. it almost felt like a self insert lmfao. ALSO HIM MAKING BILL PAY 300 BUCKS FOR THE BIKE BC HE KNEW HE COULD AFFORD IT? iconic. 
• richie and eddie opening the door to the dog had me laughing. pennywise was just mocking them at that point. they’d be such good dog dads and now im sad
• i was really confused because they added part of stan’s bar mitzvah?? like it wasn’t even the same from the first movie. like they should’ve just put the deleted scene in from ch. 1 and then added that part. thats one of my very few complaints. im slowly hiding them in here. 
• henry bowers was kinda irrelevant in this honestly but thank you eddie for stabbing him and richie for killing him for trying to kill mike yall heroes 
• the big fight really disappointed me in all honesty. but i think thats because andy said he cut so much from there. i expect it to be better with the director’s cut
• eddie saving richie and then immediately being stabbed by pennywise’s claw? IM DEPRESSED.
• “Rich! rich, i did it! i think i killed him!” Our boy was so happy with himself :( 
• eddie’s last words WERE NOT “i fucked your mom”. he was talking to richie and you can hear them talking while the rest are preparing to end pennywise. so im hoping we get that as a deleted scene. 
• richie goes back to help finish pennywise but when he goes to check on eddie.. he’s dead. ://// and bev is like “richie, come on, honey.. im sorry” and richie does not want to believe him. he grabs and hugs eddie so tight i swear i could feel that hug from the audience. 
• another thing im disappointed in and am sliding in is some of the animations? Like. fucking weird. but okay. luckily i didn’t care too much.  
• THE SOB that richie lets out when he holds eddie really hurt my fucking soul jesus christ just kill me
• the losers try cheering him up after and like. thats their friend too but you can just totally tell he’s crying in a different type of grief. THAT WAS HIS FIRST FUCKING LOVE. 
• they all remember after and thats really important to me okay
• stan writes letters and its spoken outloud while the other losers get little montages of what theyre doing with their life after the battle. Richie goes back to the kissing bridge and recarves- YES RECARVES AND YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THE E BEFORE HE DOES- he recarves the E and while doing it, stan’s voice says “be proud of who you are” and im fucking cry ibg okay
• in the end, i give this movie a 7/10 rating. although some of the animations were weird and some of the flashbacks had pennywise in it (like hes supposed to be currently dead but ok... maybe nightmares??) the actors were PHENOMENAL and the chemistry between older richie and older eddie made me so happy. my ship is canon. but im still sad about stan and eddies death. 
• ignoring canon in 3.. 2.. 1.. now 
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electricea-archive · 3 years
jassi’s adventures with the persona 5 manga, volume 2, pt. 1!
this volume was actually a bit of a struggle to get but i got it, it’s in my hands, along with volume 3!!
-so last chapter, i complained about ryuji’s awakening being sort of jammed into the end volume 1.  well the first few pages of volume 2 more than make up for it by showing him kicking ass, taking names, and enjoying the hell out of himself - it’s nice to see this cocky and confident side to him that he has as skull.
-at one point, morgana jumps in and summons zorro to help out being like ‘can’t you do anything without me?’ and later goes on to call ryuji sloppy.  the start of a classic rivalry.  also morgana calls him blondie lol.
-also this must have slipped past me but unlike in the game, morgana isn’t there for ryuji’s awakening and is surprised to see that he’s a persona user.
-they have to be reminded of their goal to steal his treasure by morgana but given we’re barely a few pages in, they make their exit to the real world pretty quickly after.
-ryuji’s a lot more confident after awakening his persona - meanwhile cat!morgana turns up and claims he’d noticed something special about ryuji all along and how these two were all part of his infiltration plan.  sure, jan.
-though i do like how ryuji raises of the point as to why didn’t morgana just steal the treasure himself if that’s so imperative.
-ryuji takes charge of the calling card - everybody thinks it’s a prank and it features his trademark crappy artwork but i do like how his wording ‘to the creepy bastard of lust, suguru kamoshida’.  get ‘im ryuji.
-oh there’s more - ‘we know how shitty you really are taking your base desires out on helpless students, thus we have decided to steal those twisted desires and make you confess your crimes, we will arrive today to commit the deed, prepare thyself, signed the phantom thieves of hearts’
-akira must have helped with writing that lmao - that or ryuji’s a lot more well spoken than i thought.
-ann wonders if it’s because of shiho, meanwhile kamoshida flips the fuck out and demands to know who did this.  he starts accusing random students and rips that shit off of the bulletin board.  yep, he’s rattled lol.
-the group prepares to end the castle, but ann turns up - even in phantom thief gear, she immediately recognizes skull as ryuji and i guess came to the conclusion that they were the ones who wrote the calling card because kamoshida freaked out so much.
-she wants in on in the action too and there’s a funny exchange where ryuji is trying to explain how they have to go through a palace and she’s like ‘...a palace? yeah, i can see that.  it’s a castle.  so what?’
-morgana already crushing on her but meanwhile she’s just wondering how the hell that cat talked.  there’s a funny little callback to the ‘castle vs palace’ line with ann, who seems to be getting confused by the two.
-ryuji just kind of tells her to get lost and starts shoving her away - she looks to akira for help but he’s just like ‘we’ll take care of kamoshida’ - though to be fair, he does mention feeling bad about it.
-there’s a lot of castle parkour, ryuji nearly slips and falls off the side of a wall.
-a lot of the following pages are game accurate - morgana loves treasure, they grab it and try to carry the giant crown, kamoshida spots them, though he offers to trade them ann (who i guess at some point he captured) for it.
-the next chapter is ann flashback one, lots of references to her alienation by her classmates, they think she sticks out like a sore thumb because she’s not fully japanese, her hair and her eyes are too different, they treat her like a foreigner, they find her really aloof and generally just a lot of gossiping and whispering going on around her.
-‘this is what it’s like for me every day.’
-i can’t tell if this a first meeting between ann and shiho but it looks like they’re in art class and shiho tells ann her art sucks - but then says she finds it really unique and weird.  ann bursts of laughing at this and it looks to be the start of a best friendship here?
-she’s strapped to that crucifix looking thing - kamoshida grabs her face which just makes me shudder, and it’s mentioned she went back in and got ambushed by the cards.  he’s still trying to convince them to trade her for the crown.
-...they give it back - aww, such sweet guys, but asshole kamoshida never planned on being honest and calls ann an ‘interesting new toy to play with’ and says how he likes seeing the looks of helpless frustration on people.
-he grabs ann’s face AGAIN - asking what fun he can have with his new toy and cognitive ann makes her entrance basically saying that he can’t let ann talk back to him like that.
-i know that cognition is more or less well explained but it’s still disgusting that kamoshida’s perception of ann is that of a skimpily dressed, obedient, mindless sex slave.  the whole idea of cognitive ann is just so repulsive to me.
-ann rightfully calls him insane - kamoshida doesn’t like that and THREATENS TO DISSECT HER IN FRONT OF THEM, WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK.
-he goes on another disgusting tangent about how everyone is his slaves and calls shiho a stupid girl, saying there are more slaves where she came from and she was just a poor substitute for ann.  he says he had shiho ‘take her place’ and while it’s never outright said, i’m sure you can infer what happened and to put the icing on the cake, he blames it on ann saying that if she would have just graciously accepted his advances, none of this would have happened.
-he asks her if she thinks she actually has the right to feel angry - wtf man??
-ryuji and akira give her a pep talk saying how they’re nobody’s slaves and neither is she, even before they become phantom thieves together, they’re such good friends to her.
-ann’s had about enough of everything and is getting pissed off - i think there’s an awakening coming on!!
-her awakening is actually really cool, though with the black and white color scheme, her mask gives me catwoman vibes but carmen? super beautiful. ._.
-her tangent is more or less the same in the game - he took everything from shiho, she’s gonna take everything from him.  still super badass!!
-the first four phantom thieves have assembled - and kamoshida is not taking this well!
-he morphs into his shadow form and devours his own guards and from here, the next few pages are more or less the boss fight in manga form.
-there’s a panel where joker saves ann and they’re like staring into each other’s eyes, ryuji’s in the background being like ‘i helped too! where’s my thanks?!’
-kamoshida drinks from his giant drink glass and he’s all healed up.
even though the book feels about the same size as volume 1, it feels like there’s a whole lot more to go through with it, so i’ll be tackling it in parts, i think.  this volume doesn’t even end with kamoshida’s defeat, that’s only about halfway through - and they still have time to introduce yusuke afterwards, though i’m pretty sure that all of the actual madarame stuff is properly covered in volume 3, but yeah, ann was handled a lot better in this version, she got a lot more screntime, a lot more badass scenes, i liked the development with her.  kamoshida continues to be an immense pile of shit and it’s just fun watching ryuji grow more confident in himself as a phantom thief!
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jjsjuiceboxx · 4 years
REQUESTED FOR: @www-imbored-com
SUMMARY- You and Drew have grown close filming season 1 of obx, you think you’re starting to love him and you think he likes you back because he is very touchy and he always makes sure he is sitting close to you.
⚠️WARNINGS⚠️: cussing.
A/N: this is just a bunch of fluff, happy reading :).
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While filming season 1 of obx drew was one of the first people you got close with dont get me wrong you were friends with everyone and close with everyone but you and Drew’s friendship was a bit more then the others, you noticed how in the first month of filming season one Drew got a little flirty complimenting you every chance you got “wow that dress looks beautiful on you” which always led to you blushing. By the third month of filming he would open doors for you and always offering his water to you.
6 months into coming you guys held hands hugged and cuddled. In public the people who didn’t know you guys thought y’all were dating but you were not you never went on dates and he never asked you to be his girlfriend. Of course you hung out outside of filming but it was mostly with the group every now and then you two would go out alone.
Currently you were on set filming season 2 you had already done your scenes for the day but decided to stay back just in case they needed you to help or, or help madelyn take pictures and funny videos for tomfoolery, “hey did I show you the photo of Drew I took this morning in the trailers?” Madelyn asked after taking a photo of the sunset with the silhouettes of the pogues in the background looking like shadows “no, but now you said it I need to see it” you said she handed her camera over flicking to the photo and there it was Drew practically passed out in his breakfast burrito “oh my god that is gold he isn’t living that down ever”
Who isn’t living what down?” The man who uses a burrito as a pillow muses at you “oh nothing dearest drewseph” Maddie said laughing and putting her camera away “how was your day?” You asked calming down from laughing so hard you barely saw him today “it was good I missed my lady around, oh did you drink enough water? And eat? I know how you get when you don’t eat food” Drew reprimanded but sweetly you rolled your eyes “yes Drew I ate food dont worry they beast is in hibernation from a food coma” you said Maddie and Drew laughed “ok good we don’t need you to break another window” Maddie said remembering how you were starving you all were but you had it the worst and were so mad at Rudy and chase for messing around you punched a window and broke it then immediately apologized for breaking a window and said you were just really hungry Austin walked to you and literally shoved a hamburger in your mouth and you were so quiet for 20 mins while you at his hamburger feeling so much better ever since then everyone makes sure you ate so you don’t end up splitting them in half.
“Yeah yeah I’ve gotten a lot better” “yeah because we all remind you to eat or shove food in your face” jonas walked over to the three of you “hey guys so we just need the pogues for the rest of the day so it’s a wrap on you guys if you wanted to go and stuff” Jonas said and walked off quickly to direct what’s happening next “I was thinking of going out to this lake where you can rent paddle boards and canoes and stuff, do y’all wanna come?” Drew asked “yeah that sounds like fun I’ve never been paddle boarding before” “I would but I promised I would help out around with everything you guys have fun tho” Maddie said you guys said goodbye and hopped into a car.
Once you arrived you immediately took a picture of the view because it was so beautiful “Drew this is beautiful, how did you find this?” You asked amazed “aww yanno just some tourist site thing” you walked up to the people at the booth for the paddle boards once you got the paddle boards you and Drew started to paddle in the lake “so am I your lady or is there a secret women I need to know about?” You asked Drew laughing “oh it’s definitely you but i dont know one of the set members dog looked really good today” you both bursted out laughing “you’re such an idiot” “oh yeah well can an idiot do this?” Drew questioned before throwing himself off the paddle board and doing a flip landing perfectly into the water.
“No I guess an idiot can’t do that, you’ve proved me wrong starkey im quite impressed” you said clapping for him “good because I’ve actually never done that before and just hoped it would look cool not gunna lie I was trying to impress you” Drew said getting slightly red “well you’ve succeeded tremendously” you said you guys continued talking and paddle boarding deciding to race you lossed tho because you fell into the water.
“Drew look at the view it’s soo pretty oh my god” you said taking out your phone and snapping a bunch of photos you stopped when you heard a camera shatter and looked at your phone confused since you put your silencer on so it wouldn’t disrupt your time with Drew you looked over and Drew is looking at his phone smiling then he showed you the photo it was of you in the paddle boat taking a photo of the view “should I post this and be basic and caption it “she thought the view was pretty but I thought she was prettier” ?” Drew asked making your laugh “oh of course I’m trying to turn you into a white girl that should be the first step” you said you sighed “thank you for saying I’m pretty” you blushed and looked down at your reflection in the lake you guys paddle board was side by side so it was easy for him to take his hand to your chin and make you look at him “youre so welcome, honestly you’ve made this whole experience so great and I just want to tell you that I love you a lot and uh do you want to officially be my lady?” You laughed but said yes and you guys kissed it got a little heated because of all the sexual tension that had been built up you had tongues in each other’s mouths your hands in his hair and his on your bare hips on of the paddle boards almost flipped “maybe we should head back to set, also we took the only car for them to get home in” you suggested drew nodded not being able to form words and off to set you went.
When you arrived you saw everyone waiting all in their normal clothes “dudes did you really kidnap my car?” Austin asked “I wouldn’t say “kidnap” I just borrowed it” drew said air quoting kidnap “whatever you’re not riding shot gun for that and neither are you Y/N” Austin said getting in the drivers side you shrugged “SHOTGUN” chase belted out him and JD made eye contact and JD touched the handle first and sat down “gotta be quicker then that” JD said to chase you rolled your eyes and got in the back Drew got in right after you and you both intertwined your hands together the rest piled into the car and off you went to the apartment buildings.
Once you got on the highway JD plugged his phone in the aux and played music Rudy, chase, and both maddies were singing so loudly you got a lot of confidence from no where and unbuckled your seat belt and straddled Drew’s lap “what are you doing?” He questioned wide eyed “you’ll see just go with it” you mumbled and then started to lean in he surprised you when he met you half way and you continued what you had stopped at the lake his hands were squeezing your ass making you want to moan but you didn’t and you tugged on his hair “uh guys ? Can you like I don’t know maybe not do that?” Rudy questioned looking at you guys he was seated right next to drew one of Drew’s hands moved from your ass and waving off rudy. His hand immediately went back to where it was you felt everyone’s eyes on y’all now Rudy groaned annoyed “Ok you can borrow my car from now on” Austin said chase turned the song louder hoping you would stop Madelyn and Madison laughed you heard Madison say “that explains his insta photo she said showing everyone that he did in fact post it madelyn decided to take a picture and video recording “hey guys you gonna come up for air? She asked you just flicked her off you could hear the video replaying “dude this is gunna be so good for tomfoolery”
You guys pulled up to the apartment but you wouldn’t know cause you were still making out with Drew his hands in your shirt this time and you leaving slight hickies on his neck then going back to his lips and pulling his hair making him lean to the side so you can get better accesses chase turned around when no one got out of the car “yo love birds we are here” chase called but you still didn’t move Madison giggled “wow” Madelyn pulled her phone out again and recorded knowing the look on Rudy’s face meant he was about to do something funny “ok that’s it” Rudy stated frustration obviously on his face and tone because he was squished two on one of his side and then both the maddies to his left side keeping him from getting out of the car “I’m fucking hungry and squishedl” he complained turning towards you and drew who were still kissing you felt a hand on your forehead and then suddenly you were being pulled apart from Drew you opened your eyes to see the same was being done with Drew you moved your eyes from Drew’s to Rudy who was literally pulling you apart by your face “we are here it’s time you stop so I can get out” Rudy said his tongue out so he can focus on pulling you apart once he was satisfied he looked at you since you were closest to the door “now get out so I can get out and get food before I lose my shit” you got out and thought drew would follow but he wasn’t fast enough for Rudy’s liking “oh fuck it” Rudy said before climbing over Drew’s lap and then running to his and chases apartment door.
“Yeah don’t mess with Rudy when he is hungry he gets mean” chase said “much like Y/N just not physical leash not yet” chase mumbled “I’m going to my house to watch tv and for Cheetos” JD said “wait I’m coming, everyone out of my car” Austin said catching up with JD drew got out of the car and came straight to you “I guess this is goodbye” he said sadly “yeah I think it is” you said back just as sad “oh my god you live in the same apartment building 3 doors down calm down” chase said going up the stairs Madison followed to get her shoes she left the night before madelyn still there laughing at the video she got of Rudy pulling you and drew apart.
You hugged drew and went in for another kiss, Madelyn had left by now leaving the two of you out there you both pulled apart and said your goodbyes “goodnight drew I’ll see you tomorrow” “goodnight my lady” drew said you went to move out of his embrace but couldn’t he was latched on you tapped his shoulder but only got a hmm “babe, you gotta let go” you said laughing “I did” “yeah for 2 seconds” you literally had to pull him away from you and turned him around and slightly shoved him in the direction of his house he went to come back to you which led you to turn around and run away from him “Drew I love you but if you hug me one more time I won’t let go” you shouted as you got further away from him you heard him laugh and went into your apartment with both maddie’s you heard your phone ding and saw drew texted you saying that he missed you.
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sebbybooks · 5 years
Beautiful Sinners (PT5)
Sebastian Stan x Fanfiction
Warnings: smut, language 
“He’s slowly carving his name 
into my heart and it hurts.”-K.C
Growing up I would hear the saying if life gives you lemons make lemonade. Meaning despite the shitty predicament find a way to turn it into a positive. I was starting to wonder if my lemons came in the form of good looking guys strapped with explosives on standby ready to shake up my life any time they felt like it. After the smoke settles and I can somewhat see clearly somewhere down the line it ends up being my fault, because right now I couldn’t seem to stop falling into the wrong hands. Sebastian’s hands felt like a fiery trap and I was the naive moth aimlessly headed towards him. 
As I guided Sebastian through the apartment lobby I made a beeline for the elevator careful to not draw a scene. I was still getting used to my temporary living situation and I didn’t want to cause trouble for my friends Matt and Greta. Looking at myself from another perspective due my sleep attire and Sebastian’s current state of inebriation we looked like a one night stand gone wrong. I rapidly pushed the arrow going up on the elevator cursing myself for my mother always having to be right. Her words from years ago echoed in my head as I crossed into the threshold entering the elevator with a silent Sebastian trailing behind me. I stared at the numbers as the floors went up  watching as it grew higher and higher all the while hearing my mother’s shrill voice on loop in my ears taking me back to the place I used to hate. To me memories are a blessing and a curse. There are some you pray never fade away and others you spend your entire like hoping like hell to forget.  
 “Do you find enjoyment embarrassing me all the time Ella? Can’t you see that your actions make me look bad! You and your sister are always inviting trouble into your life like it is second nature to you.”
I didn’t realize I was in a trance until I felt a gentle hand press over my shoulder. Startled by his act of kindness my head snapped towards him only to see a pair of warm eyes filled with a genuine look of concern. Even with short tousled hair and a hooded stare he was still as irresistible and very much still unattainable as he was a few hours ago. Nothing within that brief window of time had changed that. My mind was filled with thoughts that darted between lust and heartache that I’d give anything to shut off. I hated that my body and brain refused to work together whenever I got near Sebastian. I took his actions as a platonic and completely friendly gesture, yet such a simple act made my skin grow hot under his touch. I started to feel heat everywhere. The phantom feeling traveled all over my body and suddenly I wasn’t that cold anymore. I was burning up and I needed to get away from him to salvage what decency and self respect I had left.
 It was a cheap thrill that excited me and angered me all at once. I would be lying to myself if I said I didn’t harbor any feelings for him. Though when I looked at him all I could see was Mary, then I immediately pictured my ex boyfriend Nate having carnal sex with her in our bed.Then the guilt and pain would shortly begin to consume me. I couldn’t seem to stop going through with this cycle of torment. For. Fucks. Sake!  Did that make me a masochist? 
“You must have selective amnesia.” I said to him to fill the silence between us. 
“What makes you say that?” Sebastian shoved his hands in his tailored pockets and I forced myself not to stare at the tight fit.
“Because that shit show of a party ended hours ago. You should be back in your home, but here you are….again.” I smiled at him sarcastically.
 I stared back into his gaze as if his face held all the answers that I needed.
Standing on the other side of the elevator facing me, Sebastian cocked his head to the side as if it wasn’t obvious. He sucked in a ragged breath, before letting out a dry laugh resting the back of his head on the wall. “Maybe I’m just having a hard time pulling myself away.” For a split second our eyes mirrored the same agony. Only his flash of doubt looked as if he had made a grave error by coming back here. 
I forced my eyelids shut and inhaled deeply. What was I to say to that? Thank you? I’m flattered? Do you also tell your fiancée the same? Instead I ended up choosing the latter. Exhaling a pent up sigh I finally told him what I was going to do once we got upstairs. “As soon as we get in there I'm going to call you a cab I just need an address so the driver knows where to take you.”
Sebastian smiled wryly. "1500 S Purgatory Lane the zip code is 666"
“That is not funny." I lied. Living with Mary I wouldn’t picture anything less but the ongoing flames of hell.
The door to the elevator finally pinged opened and I couldn’t be more ecstatic to be headed back to the apartment. Though my elation only lasted for a millisecond. I could already picture the interrogation from my friends if they were to see us.  My answers would unintentionally come out sounding vague, because truth was I didn’t know why he came back. 
Just as I turned my head to tell Sebastian to not make a sound when we got inside I saw that he was leaning against the tattered tan wall a few paces behind me. I thought about rushing inside and locking the door to pretend that I imagined him. A sexy figment of my imagination I might add. The idea of Sebastian alone clearly not in the best state plagued my conscience and since I wasn’t heartless I realized I couldn’t leave him standing out there alone. Torn, I removed the hair tie from my wrist and pulled my hair up out of my face as I walked over to him.
“You and Greta need to lay off the booze for a while if it hits you this hard.” I inwardly cringed at my terrible attempt to make light of this confusing situation. I coughed out a nervous laugh. 
“I got to see to you again, so it can’t be that bad despite its very questionable taste.” He replied, his voice came out in a deep husky rasp, that sent my hormones into overdrive. We stared at each other for a few short seconds both unsure of what was going to happen next. Our energy was a like seesaw it continuously went up and down. Right now it was way, way up. For the record I’ll admit in that moment I did not want to come down. “Let's get you inside.” My voice cracked.
Sebastian shook his head slowly in agreement before his gaze raked over my body like I was some delicious dessert and he was a man who was dying of hunger. He stepped closer to me causing our chest to come in close contact. We were flush against each other. I could feel the warmth of his body roll off of him and land directly onto me. No thanks to thin silk night top I was wearing that I was pretty sure was not doing a good job hiding the visible outline of my breast.
If the timing was right I would have wanted nothing more than to dissolve into him completely. By now I thought I would be repelled by this feeling, but it only heightened the longer I stayed around Sebastian. It was an exhilarating rush knowing that my figuratively dead heart could beat like this again. I felt an electric pulse sensually flow through me. My tongue went utterly dry, causing the sensation in my throat to feel like I had swallowed a shit ton of cotton balls. I had to lick my lips to coax moisture back into my mouth. “Do you think you can walk on your own from here?” I said as I backed up to put space between us. It was becoming  pure unadulterated agony being this close to Sebastian.
“I’m sure I can manage.”Sebastian said as he cleared his throat. I wasn’t too convinced, but I wasn’t going to check either. 
When I reached the door to the apartment I instantly felt regret that I had left it unlocked. I stopped thinking altogether when I got the text from Sebastian. I wrapped my hand around the doorknob carefully opening it so that it wouldn’t set off any alarms. I shot Sebastian a warning glance as I pushed in the door. “Don’t talk.” The last thing I needed was to wake up a hungover Greta and a pissed off boyfriend to match. 
“What happens if we are caught?” Sebastian’s eyes danced with amusement, evidently ignoring the first rule.
“Nothing would happen, because we have nothing to hide.” I said matter of factly to Sebastian, who obviously by now could smell bullshit from miles away. “Why are you back here Sebastian?” 
“I needed to hear the rest of the turtle story.”
“Im being serious right now Sebastian.” 
“So am I Ella.” Sebastian whispered back as he lowered his chin, titling his head slightly to get a better view of my face. He was challenging me. I knew deep down in my gut if I told Sebastian I was uncomfortable with him being here. There was no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't hesitate to leave. In actuality I felt the opposite, it was strange seeing him again. Right now I was trying to decipher if that feeling was a good one.  We were standing in the middle of the entryway of the apartment and I didn’t know where the hell to go from here.
“Mary is having a baby. Your Baby.” The words burst out of me painstakingly slow before I could stop myself. The air between us finally started to crack. Sebastian stiffened under my statement. It wasn’t that hard to figure out by seeing her again tonight. Despite her treating this place and my friends like we were all beneath her, that was nothing new. Mary didn’t touch any of the alcohol and it was out of character to see her eat so many mini turkey meatballs and pigs in a blanket. Plus she took a thousand and one bathroom breaks and her form fitting assemble didn’t hide her growing baby bump.
"She cheated on me." He enunciated. A shocked expression registered over my face.  Before I could have time to process it all or even have time to blink Sebastian's voice cut through my thoughts. “And I think you and I both know who it was with.” 
“Am I to just believe Mary just confessed all of that to you?” I asked hesitantly. 
“After I left here tonight it wasn’t that hard to wrap my head around why Mary was so surprised that I knew you. Your boyfriend was Nathaniel Cooper am I right?”
“Nate.” I corrected.My heart suddenly clenched up like a tight fist was forming around it squeezing it tightly to remind me that it was still fragile from what he put me through. Nate was an enigma from the start and I was too blind to even see what was right in front of me. He rarely talked about his family or brought me around them. All I knew was his mother remarried a corporate attorney who had more money and power than King Midas ever did. When the question of introducing me to his parents came up his defense was that I hadn’t introduce him to my parents either. I had my reasons and he clearly had his. Nate made our relationship feel so clandestine and  turns out it was it because he was reenacting scenes right out of a V.C Andrews novel with his step sister. 
“What did you ever see in that narcissistic prick anyway?  I know opposites attract but on the rare occasion I’m forced around him Cooper is nothing shy of being a  piece of shit.”
“You said it yourself you barely know him.” I point out feeling defensive towards Nate. I should have felt indifferent towards him. I cried over him till I hated him. I did love Nate and it wasn’t too long ago.Sebastian flinched and rocks backward on his heel moving farther away from me. The apartment was so small I was practically standing in the kitchen and he was already half way into the living room. “You’re defending him now?” 
“No.” I say softly, wishing I could shout it if that made him believe me. Exhaling a deep breath, “But it if I was what gives you the right to judge me?” 
“I’m not judging you Ella. I just don’t get why you would do it in the first place. Do you not remember you were seconds away from leaving behind the life you built here, your job and your friends. All thanks to who?“ 
“What about you huh? You live in this constant state of misery all because you’re getting married? You walk around with this big ass chip on your shoulder and the solution to your problem is so simple. If you don’t want to marry her then don’t! No one is forcing you to do it. It would sure as hell make you stop acting like a hot headed asshole and maybe then you’ll stop thinking it’s ok to show up at my doorstep whenever  it conveniences you.” For a split second I had forgotten that it was almost four in the morning and that I was suppose to be keeping the volume to a bare minimum.  The frustration inside of me that I kept bottled up festered to the point even I couldn’t contain it any longer. I was growing impatient. A few seconds dragged on by before he spoke up.
“My situation is complicated.” Sebastian’s jaw ticks. Four words was all that I got from him. 
“It’s complicated.” I repeated, swallowing my anger and feeling like I was at the end of my rope with this guy. He was a curiosity I was having a hard time figuring out. “Is that all I get?” I shrug my shoulders defeatedly as I stared at the outline of Sebastian’s back as he turned away from me.  He didn’t say anything. I opened my mouth to let out a scream that never came. Our unlikely friendship puzzled my brain because I asked myself how well did I really know him? From the start he didn’t exactly know me either. If anyone was to ask me a personal question especially about my past all I avoided it at all cost.  I was aware that I was giving him a hard time and I wasn’t fully sure if he deserved it or not. 
At the time I couldn’t comprehend the muddled emotions I felt for him. It wasn’t like the fluttering feeling of butterflies you get when you see someone you wanted or wished you could have. With him it was like dangerous  fireworks going off in my chest. First the subtle crackle to warn me, to tell me to run away before it all combust, until it is too late. The sparks are always beautiful at first, until it sizzles out and fades into nothingness. Fireworks were meant to only be a temporary enjoyment and I wasn’t looking for love.  
“Well, now this is just awkward especially with you just standing there like the creepy  Montresor and I’m the unsuspecting Fortunato unable to foresee my fate. Though I highly doubt you took my tantrum to heart and now feel insulted. It’s not like you did anything terrible, your wings are still intact.” My words hung in the air above us like a cumulonimbus cloud threatening to unleash its downpour. 
Sebastian turns back around swiftly. The look he has in his eye sends a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach and I am forcing myself to believe it is the ridiculous amount of sugar I ate that’s affecting me, and not Sebastian. 
Tugging at his hair, he walked back in to the space of the kitchen. God this place really was small. “Just so we are clear my wings got ripped off long before I met you.”  Mine were long gone too, I said only to myself. I should have asked Sebastian what he meant, instead I had to eventually learn it the hard way. 
Clearing my throat I motioned my hands towards the kitchen. “Do you need anything like aspirin, water, the hair of the dog?” My voiced trailed off, tasting the bitter irony settling in. The Porter women in my family were all the same. We’d cut you with glass then tend to your wound afterward. 
“You’re offering to fix me a Bloody Mary? So you do have a sense of humor after all.”Sebastian’s lips slightly curved upward, shocking my heart back to life.
“Something like that.” I say. If this was flirting then yep I was still awful at it. In my defense I had been out of practice. As I was about to head into the kitchen to keep myself occupied and away from unholy thoughts that kept creeping into my head. Just as I turned my body to move away from him, Sebastian caught my wrist in his hand. It didn’t alarm me in the least bit. I stared down in the dark at his fingers carefully wrapped around it holding onto to it like a lifeline. 
Lifting my head to face him. I was surprised I was even able to say a one syllable word. “Yeah?”
“You still haven't done it.”Sebastian lowered his tone and the intensity never leaving his gaze.It only took Sebastian a couple of measly steps to just about close the gap between us. We always happened to find ourselves so close that we were practically about to kiss.I could already taste the moisture from his mouth onto my tongue. It was a mixture of Greta's cheap cherry wine and something entirely different. Something I wanted more of that only Sebastian could supply.
My goddamn voice was starting to not even sound like my own. It sounded guttural and like I was suffering from dehydration. I waited for any indication of her not wanting me standing here. At first Ella doesn’t say a word to me. Her honeyed color eyes slowly moved from my face to where I was holding her. I immediately let go of her wrist terrified that I was making matters worse. I didn’t come here for sex. I just wanted Ella in whatever form she gave me. I wanted her to know that I still had redeeming qualities and that I wasn’t always this fucked up. Showing up to women’s doorstep in the ass crack of dawn usually wasn’t my style. None of it mattered though because there were clearly two people holding us back. Yet they are the very who always get what they want so why can’t that be us?
“What are you talking about?” She blinked. Ella studied my face and I let her. There was so much I wanted to ask her. Things I desperately wanted her know, but how could I tell her that the one thing gnawing at my guts was her own sister. It was a small world and by some fucked up coincidence we were all linked together. Unlike her younger sister Ella didn’t dance with the devil to get what she wanted. On the day I met her Ella she was prepared to go back to a place that plagued her. Whereas the day I happened upon Skylar she was determined not to go back even it if cost me everything. Though I can’t blame the girl she was ballsy. Saying that she had a tenacious way about her was one way of putting it. If I told Ella the whole truth as to why I had to be with a woman I pretended to love for the sake of her father, Ella would surely understand, right? But if I came clean then I would have to stop pretending that there was some chance in hell that I would get the girl.
“What does your tattoo mean?” I asked only to change the subject. An unreadable expression colored her face. Like she was disappointed that I was keeping my need to pin her ass against the door on hold. Despite being called a hot headed asshole, I do consider myself a gentleman on the rare occasion. If she wanted me then by all means she could have me. As long as Ella stayed clear of my shit storm of a situation I was starting to give half a fuck at this point who my decisions affected. 
She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion looking at me with a hopeless wonder. That’s exactly what I was, hopeless. “The arrowheads point in opposite directions, because at the time it was suppose to mean anywhere but here.” Something about the way she says it made it clear that there was story she didn’t want to tell. There was no denying that there was something reticent about her.  Ella was the kind of person who references 19th century fiction and does it so casually. She was beautiful, smart, funny, sexy, pretty, and I realized I was starting to use synonyms but she was everything and above. An I wanted to savor every part of her.
“Sebastian.” She mimicked my tone like I did before. Though this  time it sounded like a restless and tormented need for what’s in front of the other. 
“When I said you haven’t done it, what I meant to ask was why haven’t you kicked me out yet?” I finally ripped the damn bandaid off cause I needed to know. I couldn’t predict what would happen tomorrow, and how soon the truth would bite me in the ass.
“Maybe it’s because I don’t want to.” Ella raised her shoulders in a tiny shrug, “I know that sounds bad and that makes me look awful, but.” She cuts herself short.
“But what?” I wanted her to finish her sentence. To hear if she felt an inkling of what I did.  
Ella falters.” But…” She bites down on her plump bottom lip that I am giving her the curtesy to deliberate for fifteen more seconds, before I bite it myself. 
With seven seconds left on the clock she answered. “I don’t think I care.”
Throwing caution into the wind I bridged the small gap between us in this walk in closet sized kitchen. I carefully swiped the palm of my hand across her cheek, dying at how soft her skin was. Ella’s eyes fluttered close, her long dark eyelashes fanning over where my  hand was. The pad of my thumb traced over the apple of her cheek, to the curve of her jaw, then brushing along the smoothness of her bottom lip. Her rounded upper lip was the same size as the bottom, creating a delicious pout that it was high time I tasted. 
I eased my face forward as Ella angled her body closer to mine. To which I wouldn’t have had it any other way. We were passed the back and forth banter at this point. Whatever was going to happen was going to naturally happen. I glided my hands down to her waist feeling her body under the lightweight fabric. Ella surprises me by threading her fingers through my hair urging me closer. I knew she must’ve felt the damn near painful erection I was sporting. Briefly our eyes locked and without a word our lips finally touched in a featherlight kiss. It was so innocent and  foreign to me that it caused a fiery sensation that was so intoxicatedly palpable from the minute we touched it tore me to fucking pieces. I pulled back to look at her and Ella’s gaze I’m sure matched the hunger in mine. Before I knew it our mouths were crashed back against one another and there was nothing innocent it about it this time.
Sebastian kissed me with roughness and no restraint, yet somehow I craved more of it. It was as if every particle of my body itched to be near him and the feeling was driving me absolutely mad. He thrusted his tongue inside of my mouth in a deep, tormenting stroke. I parted my mouth wider to let him in and I moved my tongue against his in a languid speed. I tried to suppress the moan that escaped me, Sebastian muffled the sound with another ravenous kiss. His lips move at a wild and untamed speed, when I breathed for air he took it away. I rested my hands on his shoulders gripping them tightly as we fucked each other’s mouths. Greta would be so proud of my lewdness. There was simply no better way to put it. My morals were screaming he’s not yours, the reaction my body was creating said maybe he could be just this once. 
Surely we weren’t going to have sex on the counter. I hadn't realized I was being lifted up. Sebastian grabbed ahold of my legs scooping me up with ease as if I was weightless. I settled against him and my legs voluntarily wrapped around his back. Already I was addicted and nothing had even happened. Sebastian pressed his fingers firmly on the apex of my thighs still never tearing his face away from mine. I gasped when I felt the coolness of his hand when it cupped and massaged away at my left tit. The pad of Sebastian’s thumb moved over my pierced nipple at slow and lazy pace, the guy made me wet in less than a minute of dry humping.  My head was racing with the question, was I really going to go through with this? I had a knack for doing things I shouldn’t. I still had a couple of artifacts from my past to prove it and right now Sebastian’s hand was sensually toying with one of them. Could I really sleep with someone’s  fiancé even if his situation really was “complicated”? Unwanted doubt started swirling around in my head making me feel unease, and that was the last thing I wanted to feel while being with him. 
“I think we should-“ I couldn’t even get  the rest of my words out. I swallow a groan because he started nipping and sucking at the base underneath my collar bone. Absolutely leaving no area of skin unmarked. Sebastian was driving away every practical thought from my head. I opened my eyes and watched as he followed a trail of wet kisses up my neck and my eyes only widened when I saw who was watching us from down the hallway. I jerked backward nearly injuring my tailbone trying to get off of the counter. 
“Ella what’s wrong?” Sebastian face was flushed and his chest heaved out a breath, while his gaze held only worry for me.
I froze and stared passed him at the person whose face was  marked with confusion , hurt and disappointment. I visibly wince from knowing what he must’ve thought of me.  “Matt why are you up?” I stepped away from Sebastian, running my hands down my clothes trying to make myself look composed. Sebastian’s attention turned to the figure standing in the end of hall. I could only hope he was not standing there this entire time.
Looking as uncomfortable as I was starting to feel. Like a ghost Matt walked to where Sebastian and I was standing awkwardly like two teenagers that were busted. Matt looked over at Sebastian staring at him with disdain. I glanced up at Sebastian and his hard stare looked the same. The two of them hardly spoke at the party, yet there was some weird animosity brewing between them. 
“Matt!” I called out again breaking him from this alpha pissing contest.
He could barely look at me. “I don’t even want to know what I just walked into, but since you are here also you probably don’t know either.” Matt said coldly. 
“Know what?” Sebastian stood in front of me like a protective shield from Matt. This time Matt bothers to look at me and I just know I wasn’t going to like what he was about to tell me. 
“You guys need to go to the hospital there’s been an accident.” 
To be continued.
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jj-ktae · 6 years
Erotica - Epilogue - (M)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Reader Genre: SMUT Summary: You’re a rookie porn actress on the rise and everything goes well until you get offered a role in a big-budget porn movie, starring the most famous actor in the porn industry. Words: 2515 Warning: Read at your own risk Erotica was banned from the Tumblr search engine so it appears nowhere no matter which tags I use and you can only find it in my masterlist or in your dashboard. Might as well link the previous chapters and my masterlist here lol 
- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Epilogue -
Im Jaebum is funny.
You wouldn’t be able to explain the past two years without wailing. He has one or two flaws, most of them involving his laziness but nothing out of the ordinary.
It’s like he was made for you.
Today is the last day of his career. Jaebum has an interview for one of these magazines you always refused to appear in and he will be done with porn forever. It’s a day to celebrate, not only because you’re both out of the porn industry, but also because it’s the beginning of a new life.
 Erotica made you earn a lot of money and allowed Jaebum to invest into an old building to transform it into an apartment complex.
So naturally, he left this job after months of struggling with the idea of dating someone who regularly has sex with other people. It was hard for Jaebum, but he had no other choice.
It’s the first serious talk you both had, right after your first official night as a couple. You ended up accepting the fact that he had to keep working until the end of his contract, just like he had to accept the fact that you too, had other things planned before quitting.
You found yourself stopping before he did and started looking for another job, while he filmed his last movies as JB the porn star.
Tonight is a celebration yet Jaebum insisted on staying home and enjoy a peaceful night together. He brought food and wine, along with a pretty necklace that he insisted you should wear every minute of your life.
Your stomach is still full as you’re lying flat on your bed. It’s a hot summer day and not even the cool breeze is enough to electrify your moist body. You’re somehow lost in your thoughts, from the stress coming along with your new job to the relationship you’ve spent month building with Jaebum.
Said Jaebum aims for your attention when he sees you all spaced out, visibly full of food and ready to doze off.
He refuses to blame your hazy state on the slow sex you both just had.
“What are you thinking about?” He takes in the sight of your naked body, hand pressing against your burning skin as he leans a little bit to rest his head over your body. He finds shelter near your hipbone where he nibs at the skin before blowing cool air over it. “You look so serious.”
Jaebum isn’t used to you being so unaware of your surroundings. You’re so cautious of everything you do to forget about everything else but now you seem unfocused, not even bothered by the fact that he is drawing tiny patterns on your thigh.
“My tummy’s about to burst.”
He chuckles, biting at the tiny bulge under your navel. “You ate so well…” he mocks, kissing the spot when you start wriggling, falsely annoyed.
 “Seriously though, I was thinking about you.” You add, barely lifting your head to meet his questioning gaze. He rests atop of your hip bone, body leaning sideways and arm around your naked waist.
Jaebum even looks pleased, his teasing smile replaced with an expectant gaze. “And what about me?”
You sigh, moving your free leg so it would reach a cooler part of the bedding. “I was thinking about how crazy it is that we ended up dating when we were both porn actors.” You shift a little when Jaebum nods, his chin tickling your skin.
He muses, eyes reaching for the roof as a sign of his reflection. “I think it makes sense. I don’t think anyone can accept that job, let alone introduce a porn actor to their parents.”
“Your parents know.” You scoff. Even his family is chill.
He shrugs, mouth going to your stomach to kiss it. “My parents are supportive, that’s all.” He waits a moment, before lifting his head again. “Not that your mother isn’t, of course.”
You chuckle, nodding. “My mother would have a heart attack. At least I’m really working as a waitress, now.”
Jaebum coughs, moving on the mattress so he can finally reach your level before grabbing your leg to circle it around his naked waist. “Speaking of which, are you sure you want to work as a waitress?”
He has that tone you only hear when something upsets him. Jaebum barely gets mad and even if he does, it starts slowly, like a warning before the actual storm.
But as he nudges you to press his face against your neck, he sighs. “I’m worried about people recognising you and annoying you.”
“Babe I was a porn actress, not Angelina Jolie.” You try to mock him but he doesn’t buy your shit and tightens his hold instead.
“It’s worse. They might think you’re easy or some shit like that.” His hand goes to your side to tickle you and you giggle, leg kicking his butt. “I’ll have to come and check on you every night.” He sounds so dramatic, but his smile can’t be missed. “I’ll be careful.”
“You could be my secretary instead. That way, we can live a real-life porn. ‘Hot secretary fucks angry boss in his office’.” Jaebum laughs when you make a funny face, yet goes back on serious mode, arm tightening your leg around him and it’s starting to be too pleasing to focus on whatever he is saying.
You sigh when he rolls his hips, his flesh rubbing against you. “Seriously though, I’m not fond of this idea…” he trails off, voice laced with a craving you could never get enough of.
You can’t help but whimper, lips parting as you shift toward his chest and breast finding shelter against his broad body. “I never pegged you as the possessive type,” you reach for his neck, bringing him closer until his breath fans your face, hurried. “You didn’t seem to care until I ended my contract with my agency.”
Jaebum hums, the probability of a serious conversation out the window if his growing erection is anything to go by. He rolls his eyes, “Porn is porn, nightlife is different.” His position changes just enough for him to lean and still a short kiss. “Now that we’re both out of this, I don’t plan on sharing you, rookie.”
You tap his shoulder lightly, the sound of your hand slapping his skin stronger than the actual damage it caused. “Stop calling me rookie!”
Your boyfriend choses to stay silent, leaving you expectant as he pushes you onto your back. “Anyways, don’t get mad at me for being petty about you being molested in a bar in the middle of the night.” Before you can protest he plunges, aiming for your collarbone which he attacks vividly. His teeth graze upon the hidden bone, drawing shivers and goose bumps all over your body. He snickers in the middle of silence. “I’ll have to beat up the pervs.”
You wriggle against the sheets, laughter mixed with pleasure as he darts his tongue to trail a path down your chest. “So virile…” you sigh, earning a hidden shrug from a busy Jaebum.
“Yeah?” He smooches your warm skin, liking how unforgiving he sounds.
It’s cute in a way. Jaebum never had to show anything but acceptance toward your job, considering he was still a porn actor himself. Maybe he had it harder than you thought. You understand him though; it’s not cool to greet your boyfriend when he was banging another girl the same day.
“I don’t think I’ll ever have enough of you, rookie…” He whispers and slides on the bed, head back on your stomach and creating messy patterns over your skin. You almost break right there, the confession unusual but not unpleasant.
Jaebum never imagined he could have such stamina. His sexual life was close to non-existent before he met you and his physical interactions were limited to the scenes he filmed in the studio. It had ruined his personal life with such ease, turning sex into a duty rather than a necessity and killing his hormones with a slow and numb burn. When he started filming with you and felt the tingling sensation again, he understood right away.
He couldn’t thank you enough for sticking around and waking him up from his creepy slumber made of daddy kinks and choking in front of cameras. Thanks to you he built up the courage to start his project and stop his career, turning him into more than a guy who has sex for money. He is such a bad actor anyways.
DVDs and CDs are neat into your shared apartment, like a silent memory of something none of you regret doing. Yet it doesn’t mean he will ever miss it.
You forget about whatever names he called you when he reaches your pubis, mouth watering and dropping tiny patches of saliva over the heated flesh.
You almost knock your head against the wall when the first lick falls. It’s insistent and slow, devastating in the sea of your needs as Jaebum knows exactly what pace to use to make you crazy.
It’s something you discovered with time. Jaebum is into slow and deep thrusts, soft doggie style, lazy morning sex and it’s a mixture of finesse and bestiality, along with loving words. He is comfortable for he isn’t disturbed by nudity, can say whatever he wants without sounding creepy and barely has any requirements when it comes to sex.
He welcomes all your faults and imperfections the same way you do and none of you bother with petty fights, the words too heavy to question a future you both want. Jaebum has that honesty which leaves little room for misunderstanding. He confessed the same night he brought you to his flat yet didn’t force anything on you.
And you love him just that way.
You gasp when he grabs your ankles and bends your legs, nestling them on either side of your body to reveal more of you. He barely goes wild and you suspect he is trying to prove a point but your brain shuts down when his tongue probes at your opening, teasing just enough to collect wetness and smear it over your folds. You glance down to peek at the beautiful scene but Jaebum is already looking at you, pleased by your bewildered face and flustered cheeks.
He dips down a second time, eyes darkening and tongue out to lap every engorged part of your pussy. He stops just long enough to show you how he licks his lips and goes down again, head shaking from right to left and making you roll your pelvis against his restless mouth.
You still gather yourself to make fun of him. “Are we…filming…again…?” It’s hard to speak between moans yet your voice is loud and clear, breathless. Jaebum doesn’t like your teasing and attacks you even harder, the hint of a smirk hardly hidden behind his brown locks. He even hums teasingly, the vibration of his deep sounds shaking your flesh.
 He doesn’t slow down even when your orgasm hits. You jerk away from his mouth, moaning and grunting but he keeps you in place until you can only shake. It burns your body from every pore, mixing with your blood like a shot of strong alcohol and making your vision blind with pleasure. You complain and beg for him to stop and he only releases you when you freeze from the overstimulation, unable to function anymore.
You shake your head, a false accusation painting your exhausted features as you glance at a smiling Jaebum whose hand is wiping the remains of your climax from his smiling and reddish lips
 Your legs fall, lifeless on the bed but you can’t let him suffer. His penis is hard and threatening, the bulbous head a deep shade of red and length swollen by the numerous veins.
He pumps himself slowly, tilting his head to the side. He raises one eyebrow. “You okay?” he rasps.
You nod, deciding to play along with his celebration sex and rolling on your stomach. You raise your butt just enough for him to grab it and rub himself between your asscheeks, grunting.
“You’re so beautiful…” He whispers, free hand running along your curves and stopping by your drenched pussy to play with your clit. “So damn beautiful…”
He penetrates you slowly, his willpower winning the inner battle of his arousal against his brain. You breathe out, searching for air and dipping your head into the pillow.
“Come here.”
Jaebum commands, already reaching for your body so you can lean against him. He sticks your bodies and starts moving his hips, penis sliding deep inside you.
He finds a good pace right away, from the tip of his dick poking out to the base hitting your asscheeks, Jaebum knows how to burry himself inside you. It feels amazing, the pressure from the position and your needy moans lulling him toward an orgasm he can call his own private pleasure.
He is infatuated the way you mould with him. He loves pinching the tender skin of your nipple as his hand cups your perfect breast, he enjoys the way your head finds its home into the crook of his neck and he can’t stop himself from tilting your head steal numerous kisses.
You open your mouth eagerly, tongue out to play against his own in a carnivorous embrace. He bites and sucks on your lips, his sighs spilling from his parted lips whenever the tip of his cock hits a specific spot inside you.
You arch until your back hurts, looking for more stimulation and nearing your second orgasm. Jaebum is struggling, you can feel it from the way his abs tense behind you. He is all stiff, all ready to fill you up yet not giving in.
You know his body language by heart.
You collapse against him when a second wave of pleasure hits you. It breaks your bones and destroys your muscles, leaving your lifeless against a panting Jaebum who can only suffer from the contractions around him. The waves of pleasure hit you as much as they hit him, sending you both into another universe.
He allows himself to cum right when you’re done and he is satisfied with the pleasure he gave you. You’re nothing but a dead weight against his chest, eyes closed and smile smug as you giggle to yourself because your brain is messed up and you can’t think straight.
You still wonder how can someone be so skilled at sex.
Jaebum lets you rest on the bed, not the least bothered by the mess he creates when he pulls out of you.
Instead he wraps you around him again, hugging you close and kissing your nose.
“This is what I call a celebration, rookie. Who needs Erotica when I have you all to myself?” He muses, fingers rubbing against your cheekbones while he pecks you once more.
You giggle, head shaking at this boy’s antics. He can be such a dork.
“The pleasure is mutual.”
AN : Erotica is officially over! Thank you all so much for following this series (I see you, naughty readers). I’m sad that it’s over and I’m going to miss Porn actor Jaebum but Priest Jinyoung is waiting for me so I’m off to new adventures ! Thank you for the support and love you sent me through this series, I love yall!
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art-by-rozzai · 5 years
had a bad day so more band au headcannons
anyone who wants to write a fic for this is absolutely allowed if they tag me, i’m not gonna make any full length ones but i might post some one shots eventually
anyway i had a really shitty day so here’s me self projecting and creating more band headcannons
check out the first here~
check out the second here~
tag list~
@athenashipsthings @thelesbianspoon @flowersheep @insert--self--hatred @nafsbluebery @sunflowerss0 @nerdiegurlie @stars-and-rose
okays lets do this✨
so last when we left the boys, it’s the day before they release their album “death of a bachelor”
to celebrate, roman suggests they get dinner out and maybe go see a movie??
logan is suprisingly the first to agree, saying that if he doesn’t get to watch the “scary stories to tell in the dark” movie soon he will explode. plus there’s no food in the fridge
virgil is also down to go see the movie, but is more reluctant to get dinner. he hates formal things, so to make him feel more comfortable roman offers they go to the local diner that he knows has virgil’s favorite chicken parm dish and virgil can’t say no to that
patton doesn’t want to see the movie at first-he really doesn’t like scary movies. but he wants dinner with his friends and he might be able to latch onto logan during the scary parts so he goes with it
so patton offers go help virgil with his hair and they end up getting ready together! they talk about everything they can think of as patton does hair and virgil does makeup and they both do each other’s nails and then they’re ready to go out whooooppp
meanwhile roman collapsed on logan’s bed an hour ago and began complaining about how he needed to impress virgil to get him to fall in love with him and has been talking ever since
logan doesn’t mind tho, roman helps him pick out a nice outfit and gives tips on how to woo patt
even though it’s not a date
anyways they get to the diner and they all have an incredible time! by the end of the meal they’re in tears laughing at each other, from roman’s hysterical stories to virgil’s banter to logan’s fun facts and spilt tea to patton’s enthusiastic impressions
they love each over like family :)
and the movie is top notch. virgil is in love with it, him and logan spend the whole time guessing what’s going to happen while roman hides behind virgil and patton shoves his face full of popcorn and squish himself into logan’s arm
and yes virgil can’t stop laughing and logan’s immediate tensing up and blushing
after the movie they just don’t want to go to bed quite yet, so the friends head to the park and enjoy lying in the grass, talking and letting logan point out the stars while roman makes up stories of the aliens and space princesses that protect the galaxy
virgil makes everyone his famous hot chocolate and they stay up until midnight to release their songs
and then the clock strikes 12 and death of a bachelor is available to download
the boys decide that staying up and watching the comments flood in is a terrible idea and instead they put on some disney films and fall asleep on the couch
it’s nice
they wake up to millions of notifications
everyone is freaking the fuck out
this album ??? is beautiful ???
all of the fans are in love but also have a lot of questions-so the fab four start doing monthly live-streams to just chat and answer questions and catch up with their fans
“are y’all single?”
well yes
but uh
this question is not goOD ROMAN WHAT THE FU-
anyway virgil comes to patton one day, slams the door, puts his face in a pillow and screams “PATT IM SO GAY HELP”
because roman called his hair pretty this morning and yes it’s stupid and it happens all the time but this time was different
don’t worry tho they won’t admit their feelings to one and other for another three months
death of a bachelor does really well-all of the songs end up going either gold or platinum
their song “victorious” is played on the radio all of the time
so november rolls around and the friends decide it’s time to go on tour! starting with just north america, they post a video on the youtube channel that gives all the locations and dates
it’s to start in april:
virgil is extremely nervous. being on the road for so long and preforming live in front of thousands of people and will anyone even show up and-
logan is slightly nervous but honestly he really enjoys preforming-once he ties the tie around his head like a bandanna he almost transforms into the punk rock bassist he is known by the fans to be
patton!!! is!!! bouncy!!!!!!!! he wants to meet all these people!!!! and he can’t wait to give back to all of them by preforming and meet and greets and social interaction makes him really happy!!
roman is so excited-preforming is his thing. when he’s on a stage, he’s in his element! he can’t wait to show off and travel and be with his friends for even longer :)
but they can’t go on tour with their boring old instruments sooooo
roman and patton team up to paint and decorate all of the instruments
virgil’s piano matches his jacket, lots of purple and swirls and patton paints the classic nightmare before christmas scene on the front (u know, this one but stationary)
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and they decorate the microphone stand purple and silver and black
logan gets a dope space themed bass-the outside is dark blue and the inside is painted like a galaxy, with a plain silver pick
roman paints his gutair with a castle and sunset in the back, with a bright red pick to play
patton’s drums have clouds on them nowww like a sunny day with blue puffy clouds
they’re ready to go! but it’s still only december so u kNoW whAt ThaT mEaNs
since none of the squad are jewish, (although technically patton is half jew since his mom is, but he just really loves christmas and always celebrated that growing up so)
they decide to celebrate at their house
they invite all of their close family to the apartment and have a lovely dinner
and yeah virgil doesn’t invite anyone cuz he was adopted by a shitty family who he doesn’t talk to anymore, bcuz all they did was try and get money out of him
and yeah he has a panic attack when all of his best friends are excitedly talking about their family coming over
and y e a h roman helps him calm down and swears that he will always b there to protect virgil bcuz he’s never met anyone quite like him and it’s not easy to explain but he just wants virgil to know he’s safe with roman
and yeah virgil wishes he could stop falling for roman but the ground keeps disappearing beneath him
so time skip a bit closer to christmas and logan bursts into romans room with an idea
“i can rap”
“we know”
“you can rap”
“kind of but okay”
“christmas rap song for fun”
so they write “gonna kill santa claus” (look it up) and decide to post it on the youtube channel on christmas eve
they film a music video for it where they jokingly set up different traps for santa like poison cookies and fire cracker chimneys and more
virgil sings the chorus, logan raps the rap parts, roman does the bridge, and patton lays down a pretty sick beat
it comes out really nice and honestly really fucking funny
so after a delightful family dinner with everyone over, the friends release that video and the internet fucking dies it’s so funny and logan can rap (??????) and ohmygod all of them are so cute what the fuck
anyway back to christmas dinner
roman has like 6 little sisters, and his mom and dad and papa and nana over
(he’s latino, his mom and dad are both from the dominican republic)
patton invites his mom and dad and little brothers, thomas and dee
and logan invites his two moms
everyone comes over for lunch and gets along reallyyyyyy well
logan’s got the punk mom and soft mom dynamic whereas, patton’s family is all super kind and like homey and boisterous and romans family is wild and crazy and funny and they all instantly click
presents are passed around, lots of money and books and movies and stickers and jewelry
really sweet stuff
and then everyone goes home and the friends have their own little gift exchange
virgil got logan the stephen king book “insomnia” and a (sort of) joke blanket with benedict cumberbatch’s face on it that he can use when he goes stargazing at night
logan gets virgil some noise cancelling headphones and a framed picture of a wedding with virgil’s face cropped on one and gerard ways face on the other
they both can’t stop laughing at the fact they attacked each other’s celeb crush
virgil gets patton a cute little cat stuffed animal that when u push the hand it’s a recording of all of them saying “we love you!!!” and a really sweet card
patton gets virgil a eyore necklace that was super expensive but matches patton’s winnie the pooh one and a itunes card for him to buy more music (and yes a really sweet card)
virgil gets roman two tickets to see mean girls on broadway and a framed picture of the two of them
yeah roman tears up a bit fuck u
roman gets virgil a collage of him and roman and a handmade hoodie that virgil is never going to take off oh and also meet and greet passes to see dan and phil at their interactive introverts tour
and maybe virge gets a little teary too
roman gets patton a recipie book and an apron that says “you BAKE my day”
patton gets roman a new ukelele and a printed out pamphlete of theatre song chords that he can play
roman gets logan the sherlock script and an empty box just to fuck with him
logan gets roman the entire grimm fairytale series and tapes a note to the front that says “bcuz u are an illiterate fool😜”
patton gets logan a phone case with the stars that were out on the day they met, hand painted framed picture of him and logan, and comic con tickets for this spring
logan gets patton tickets to the art museum downtown, a gift card to the coffee shop next to it, and two gold hoop earrings with a note that says “next week, friday at 7. it’s a date ;)”
so christmas is pretty good for all :))))))
and that’s the end of this one i’ll make a part four soon lmao
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thenamesseven · 6 years
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Genre: Angsty with fluffy ending.
Plot: Being one year with you allowed you to tease your boyfriend and baby him a little. However, Hyunjin starts to get colder and more distant when the rest of Stray Kids make fun of him because of this.
Okay! So this was requested! I hope you all enjoy it ^^
Friday movies started off being a tradition between you and Hyunjin after your first year of dating. It was your kind of a way to celebrate when JYP let both of you go public with your relationship. Even when Hyunjin tried to keep this just between the both of you, the other members started joinning you carefully and slowly, knowing Hyunjin sort of got mad but not caring since they knew you didn’t care about them sitting there.
By the third month you were doing the movie marathon with him, the whole group had joined your movie session. You currently did it in the living room since there was more space for everybody than in one of the bedrooms. Hyunjin and you would always be cuddled up in one of the corners of the couch sharing a blanket and some sweets he secretly hid under the pillows so nobody would eat them. I.N would sit on the other side of the couch next to Jisung who rested next to the maknae, on the other couch -that was kind of smaller- Woojin and Seugnmin would be sharing another blanket and a bowl of popcorn for the both of them. The rest of the members prefered to make a blanket fort on the floor and laid there surrounded by pillows and popcorn as they watched the movie while struggling not to fall asleep.
You took turns to choose a movie and this week happened to be your turn to choose whatever you wanted to watch with Hyunjin. Usually, you were more keen on horror movies than any other type but this week, for some reason, you felt like watching a romantic one which caused half of the guys to fall asleep. Leaving only Hyunjin, Chan, I.N, Changbin and you awake after the first half of the film.
Hyunjin was starting to move around, first he adjusted his position almost twice before staying still once again. Then you felt his hands going up your back softly, sometimes pulling your shirt up a little but you didn't even bother to pull it back down since he had coveree both of you with a blanket. However, Hyunjin started distracting you when he kept leaving small kisses on your cheeks and neck.
"What is it?" You whispered looking down at him to not bother the rest of the guys. Seeing his confused face you decided to ask a different question "Are you bored?"
"Not too much" He replied honestly, moving his eyes back to the screen.
In the scene you were currently watching the main character was starting to use the nickname "Oppa" to refer to her boyfriend. This has been something Hyunjin had discussed with you a couple of times and you always teased him because you were just one year older than him.
"See? It's not that difficult for her" He muttered dragging you out of your thoughts
"Not again Hyunjin, we're watching a movie" You sighed a little, running your fingers through his hair to distract him.
"But I really want you to call me Oppa though" He pouted making you roll your eyes.
"How can I call you oppa when you're such a baaaby?" You teased poking his nose, making him frown a little.
Hyunjin shook his head, trying to look mad but you knew deep down he loved when you called him that "I'm not a baby"
"You so are MY baby" You declared looking down at him with a smile. The first few seconds he looked all serious trying to make you believe he was mad but when you wrap your arms around his body and squeezed him, Hyunjin's pout transformed into another smile "My baby" You repeated making him chuckle.
It would have still be fun if the guys that were still awake hadn't heard your conversation, unfortunately for you and Hyunjin the happened to hear anything and when you called him baby for a second time and Hyunjin didn't complained all of them burst out laughing so hard that they woke up the rest of the members.
"What are you all laughing about?" Minho asked confused, scratching the back of his head with sleeping eyes.
"Weren't we watching a boring a movie?” Felix muttered turning to look at me with an apologetic smile
The guys started waking up one after the other asking again and again what was so funny but none of them answered until everyone was wide awake. You felt Hyunjin slowly sitting up, moving away from you which caused you to pout. However, when you turned to bring him back down you noticed the scowl on his face and the blush on his cheeks. It was right there, when you understood the guys were making fun of him and Hyunjin was definitely embarrased from that.
That night, after everybody was well aware that Hyunjin was "your baby" you were quickly to realized he had turned a little cold and wasn't in the mood to cuddle with you anymore. No matter how much you pouted and whined, he prefered not to be teased by anybody.
At first, you kind of felt a bit guilty by everything because it had been your words the one that had started the teasing from his mates but then Hyunjin's embarrasment and willing to avoid the teasing from everybody made you a little frustrated. He started avoiding your hugs, he didn't feel like cuddling when there was somebody else around and his kisses weren't as usual as they were before. Skinship had somehow become something pretty rare between you two when it used to be something extremely frequent.
You didn’t want to make a big deal out of this so you simply stayed quiet and waited patiently for Hyunjin to realized he shouldn’t bother too much about it but since things never went your way, Hyunjin ended getting worse. It got to the point where you couldn’t even touch him when one of the members were around and if you dared to do it, he would snap at you. Honestly? At first you tried to put up with it but one night it simply reached your limit and when Hyunjin snapped at you for trying to hug him from behind you ended up snapping back. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you Hyunjin?” You weren’t somebody who usually swore but you were just fed up of his stupid behaviour infront of other members.
Hyunjin turned to face you, surprised at how you were speaking to him infront of the other members “Im just telling you to give me some space, you’re too damn clingy” He answered. His words felt like somebody had kicked your stomach, even the members who were all gathered in the kitchen looked up at both of you not believing what they were hearing.
“Too clingy?” You scoffed placing your hands on your hips right before you nervously reached up to run your fingers through you hair “I am barely allowed to touch you, you even prefer to not speak if one of them is around” The guys looked down when you pointed at them, it wasn’t your intention to made them feel bad or guilty.
“Well I don’t think they want to see me shoving my tongue down your freaking throat!” He snapped again, stepping closer to you. If he thought that you were going to back away just because he was taller Hyunjin was so wrong. Chan stood up, ready to get between you two if it was necessary. The rest of the guys didn’t dare to move a muscle.
You smirked frustrated “It’s not like you do that anymore!”
“Oh what? You like when there’s people watching? I didn’t know you were like that” His attempt to embarras you failed. You had to grip your shirt really tight to not slap him right there infront of everybody.
“Guys” Chan stepped between both of you, he looked serious as he faced Hyunjin “You should definitely calm down man”
“It’s okay Chan, you don’t need to get in this” You said with a small smile before your eyes moved back to Hyunjin “So? The only thing Im supposed to do as your girlfriend is sit next to you and hold your hand under the table?”
“Well, if I wanted somebody to treat me like a baby I would have get a babysitter, don’t you think?” He crossed a line right there and Hyunjin realized it as soon as the words left his lips and he saw the tears beggining to form in your eyes 
“A babysitter, huh?” The kitchen had never been more quiet, you couldn’t even hear the guys' breathing “You think you’re a man Hyunjin?” You asked doing such a big effort to keep your voice strong and without breaking “Then you should stop caring about other’s opinion, man up” 
Right after looking into his eyes one last time you turned around and headed into the messy living room, where you had been playing games with Chan, Changbin and Felix before dinner, and started gathering your things to get home as soon as posible. It was a bit difficult with hundreds of tears blocking your vision but luckily for Hyunjin it gave him time to push Chan away before running after you.
When he saw you frantically picking up your stuff, desesperate to get out of there, he walked quietly behind you and grabbed your wrists avoiding the possibility to get hit by you. Hyunjin held you on your place, looking down into your eyes quietly before he started to speak carefully, thinking about his words.
“You know I didn’t mean that, I was just not thinking and said something pretty awful” He muttered slowly moving his hands down to yours, intertwining your fingers even when you were resisting a Little
“You sure? You seemed pretty sure about what you were saying” You muttered looking up into his eyes as your tears started falling down
“Of course (Y/N)” He gently pulled you closer to his body, wrapping his arms around you. It took you seconds of resisting before you finally gave up and buried your face against his chest “You know I love you too much to mean those awful things love, please forgive me?” He asked resting his forehead against yours, his eyes drifting down to your lips
“Wouldn’t that be to easy though?” You asked willing to make him suffer a bit more
“Let me be your baby again?” He asked with his cheeks turning red as you bursted out laughing in his arms, burying your face back in his chest “Hey! If you’re just going to make fun of me I’ll go back to jerk mode” He said pouting.
“Fine, be my baby” You replied rolling your eyes, smiling when he leaned down to kiss your lips.
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drpepperwithcream · 6 years
Man’s Best Wingman (Marlontine)
I finally wrote this inspired by this drawing of Marlon and Clem done by @areallyyellowmango and it’s one of my favorites. I love your art, lass, you are amazing! So here’s the story, hope you enjoy!
The gate to Ericson’s creaked open, the hunting party was back.
“Welcome back,” Clementine greeted the three boys. She was on watch with AJ. Clem climbed down the ladder to see if they needed help with anything.
“Thanks, Clem,” Marlon said as he entered with his dog, Rosie.
“We caught some rabbits,” Aasim said as he came in.
“We’ll be eating like royalty tonight,” Louis said, being the last of the hunting party to come in. “What do you say, Omar? Another cooking show of your famous rabbit stew?”
“No,” Omar said back.
“Oh, come on! We need something entertaining around here,” Louis said as he walked off.
Clementine bent down to pet Rosie.
Marlon looked back at them as he closed the gate, seeing Rosie’s wagging tail. He smiled. “Hard to believe you were scared of her not too long ago.”
“A dog attacked me when I was eleven, I don’t think you can blame me,” Clementine said.
“I guess not, but I told you, she’s as cuddly as she comes. I think she likes you,” Marlon said as he walked over to her.
“Well, I like her, too,” Clementine smiled, giving Rosie one last scratch behind her ears before standing up.
“Hey, Clem,” Ruby came up to her. “Do you think you could help me harvest some stuff from the greenhouse for the stew?”
“Of course.” Clem looked up at AJ. “Can you can handle watch by yourself?”
“I can do it!” AJ said back.
Clem smiled up at him then back at Marlon, giving him a small wave before heading off towards the greenhouse.
Marlon untied Rosie’s leash from his belt. As he was about to take the leash off Rosie’s collar, she barked and bolted after Clementine. Marlon had the end of the leash wrapped around his hand, forcing him to be unwillingly be pulled along by Rosie.
She turned around and saw Marlon and Rosie coming straight for her.  Rosie ran around Clementine’s legs as Marlon collided with her, he was thankful he didn’t knock her over. The leash behind her legs pulled her towards him then Rosie ran around Marlon’s legs, pulling him towards her.
They both panicked as they struggled to stay balanced as Rosie continued to wrap her leash around their legs. In their panic, the leash from Marlon’s hand dropped and was immediately caught by Rosie. The dog took one step back, pulling the two closer together. The scene caused everyone in Ericson’s to look at them.
They heard Louis laugh out loud. “See, this is what I call entertaining!”
“Louis!” Marlon exclaimed to shut him up.
Rosie moved again, causing both Clementine and Marlon to lose their balance momentarily as the leash tightened around their legs. They gained their balance back and they looked at each other, cheeks turning red at how close they were.
“Can someone help us?” Clementine asked, breaking eye contact with him.
“I don’t know, this is kind of funny. Rosie, come!” Louis said.
“No! No! No!” Both Clem and Marlon repeated.
They both tried to take a step backward out of instinct, but they ended up swaying back and forth, trying to find their balance again. Clementine and Marlon grabbed onto eachother’s arms to steady themselves.
“Rosie, sit!” Marlon said quickly.
Rosie followed his order.
Rosie tilted her head, the end of her leash still in her mouth. 
“Drop it!”
Rosie didn’t listen.
“Rosie, drop it!”
She still didn’t listen.
Marlon and Clementine wobbled again and they made eye contact, their faces were closer and redder than before.
“Hang on,” Violet said as she approached them. She unclipped the leash from Rosie’s collar and began unwrapping the two. They both let go of each other once they were free, sighing in relief.
“Thanks, Vi,” Marlon said to her.
“Yeah, thanks,” Clementine said.
They both glanced at each other, turning away as they continued to blush.
“I’m just going to- yeah...” Clementine quickly left, following Ruby to the greenhouse. Her hand tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and took the opportunity to hide her embarrassment.
Marlon grabbed Rosie’s collar and pulled her to the steps of the admin building, he needed to sit down. He was completely embarrassed about what happened.
“What the fuck, Rosie?” He muttered to her.
Rosie wagged her tail at her name being called. The end of her leash fell out of her mouth as she panted. She has never done anything like that before.
The sun began setting and it was dinner time by then. Clem and Marlon didn’t make eye contact with each other at all and sat at the diagonal ends of the table. They barely said anything all dinner.
Rosie came up to Clem under the table and pawed at her leg. Clementine glanced under the table to see the dog sit and beg. She knew Marlon already fed her, there were some remnants of the stew on her face. Clem looked down in her own bowl, she was done eating, there wasn’t enough to fill another spoon, and besides the bowl needed to be cleaned anyway.
Clementine gave in and set her bowl down on the ground for the dog. Rosie licked the last of the rabbit stew out of the bowl and it didn’t take long for her to finish. Clem picked up the bowl as soon as she was done.
Rosie smiled back up at her and Clementine gave her a good scratch behind the ear before she got up. Marlon soon finished his dinner and got up as well, Louis pulling him to the fire to play a game.
“Clem, care to join?” Louis called.
“Not tonight,” She said, escorting AJ to the dorms.
Louis asked everyone else to play as Marlon sat down on the couch, his gaze never left Clem as she walked inside. He snapped out of his stare when he felt something wet on his hand. Marlon jumped slightly but looked down to see Rosie licking him.
He smiled as Louis sat next to him.
“I guess it’s a guys night,” Louis spoke, handing the cards around. “It’s truth or dare time!”
Marlon scoffed as he drew a card. Rosie laid down by his feet. He flipped his card over, revealing the three of hearts.
Louis, on the other hand, drew a king of diamonds.
“Marlon, truth or dare.”
“Truth,” He wanted to let his dinner settle before accepting any dare.
His best friend snickered at him. “You and Clementine have been getting along pretty well the past few weeks.”
Rosie perked up at the name.
“So I must ask,” Louis continued. “Did you enjoy being tied up with her a couple hours ago?”
Marlon was silent and he decided that he hated this game.
“And at that moment, Marlon knew he fucked up,” said Louis.
It was night time. Marlon had his hands in his pockets as he walked back to his room, Rosie right beside him. She walked ahead of him, sniffing the ground as she headed towards a dorm room. Marlon noticed that it was Clem and AJ’s room and Rosie scratched at the door. He quickly went to go grab her collar and pull her off but stopped when the door opened. Clementine was standing right there.
“Hey,” she said.
“Hey,” he said back.
AJ came to the door and he smiled. “Hi, Marlon! Hi, Rosie!”
“AJ, here.” Marlon reached into his pocket and pulled out a tennis ball and tossed it to the boy. Rosie immediately wagged her tail at the sight of the ball. “Throw it down the hall.”
AJ did so and Rosie chased after the ball. He laughed then chased after the dog. Clementine jerked her head inside the room and Marlon followed her lead. Marlon pushed the door behind him, listening to it tap on the hinge. Clem leaned up against the bunk bed.
“Sorry about earlier, with Rosie and the leash,” Marlon said, scratching the back of his neck as he walked towards her.
“It’s fine, it’s actually kind of funny,” Clementine huffed out a laugh.
“I guess it is, I just don’t know what’s gotten into her lately.”
“Has she been doing this with everyone?”
“You mean with the stunt from earlier? No, Rosie’s a good dog, she always has been, but she’s been different, you know.”
Clementine glanced at the door, hearing the bouncing of a ball get thrown.
“And by the way, I did notice you give her your leftovers,” Marlon said.
“What? I totally did not,” Clementine scoffed.
“Your bowl was spotless, kind of like how Rosie’s bowl is after she’s done eating.” He smirked.
“You have no proof.”
He chuckled. “If you did, I’m just letting you know that she’s going to think your the weak link of the group, she will beg from you at every meal.”
“Your dog is super cute when she begs, you know?”
“Oh, I know, are you admitting that you gave her food?”
“I still don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The door opened slightly, Rosie’s head poking through. They both noticed and shrugged it off.
“So, uh, Clem,” Marlon started. “I was planning on walking the perimeter of the school wall and make sure it’s safe and I was hoping you’d come with me?”
“Yeah, AJ and I would love to help out,” Clementine nodded.
“Well, actually… I was hoping it’d be…” Marlon shyly scratched his head. “This sounded a lot better in my head,” He muttered, trying to pull himself together.
Clementine raised an eyebrow. Marlon wasn’t like this, she knew that.
“Uh… I…”
Rosie nudged the back of Marlon’s knee, causing him to fall forward. His arm braced himself above her head on the bed, while Clementine put her hands on his chest, afraid he’d fall on her. They both blushed at how close they were, their faces were closer than before when Rosie pulled her stunt.
Clementine didn’t know what to say, her voice went dry, but she didn’t want to push him away. Marlon was getting annoyed by Rosie’s antics, but at that moment she was the last thing on his mind. They both inched their heads closer to each other slightly, glancing down at the other’s lips before back up into their eyes, then finally, they closed the gap and their lips met for a kiss.
Marlon’s hand moved up to the back of her head and Clem’s hands gripped onto the fabric of his shirt as they pulled each other closer, deepening their kiss for a bit longer.
They soon pulled away, smiling at what just happened. Clementine bit her lip as if to savor it and Marlon thought it was cute. They couldn’t stop blushing.
AJ burst into the room, holding the ball in his hand. Clem and Marlon jumped away from each other and turned to the kid who tossed the ball to the dresser. Rosie chased after it, chewing it in her mouth when she got it. AJ ran over to Rosie and she flopped down on her back, the ball dropping from her mouth as AJ scratched her belly.
Both Clementine and Marlon smiled at the sight. It was cute seeing the kid and the dog be so happy.
“You two seem to be having fun,” Clementine said.
“Yeah, Rosie’s cool. You should have seen her, she was running so fast when I threw the ball!” AJ exclaimed.
“I’ll bet,” Clem said back.
“Marlon, can Rosie stay with us tonight?” AJ asked.
Marlon was surprised, no one has asked that before. Clementine took a hold of his hand.
“You can stay with us too if you’d like,” She told him.
He smiled back at Clem and squeezed her hand lightly. “Yeah, we can stay.”
Clementine pulled him to her bed to sit down. They watched AJ play with Rosie some more. Soon enough AJ got tired. Clementine got up to tuck him in, Rosie hopped up and curled up at the foot. She gave Rosie a goodnight scratch before climbing into her own bed with Marlon. They faced each other, admiring their facial features.
Marlon closed his eyes for a brief moment.
“Marlon?” She whispered, tapping a finger on his nose.
His blue eyes opened to meet her golden eyes.
“I’d love to go check the perimeter with you.”
Even though it was dark, he could see her smile. He smiled back. “It’s a date, then.”
He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer to him. His body was so warm. Clementine wrapped an arm around him to hold him closer. It didn’t take long from cuddling each other and being in each other’s warmth for them to calmly fall asleep.
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mysteli · 6 years
es in vegas (choices crack-series) part 3
A/N: i finally got this chapter out! yay! this took me so goddamn long to get out and i honestly can’t tell you why. this story is a slow build up and i honestly feel like this chapter isn’t as funny as the other ones but i hope you still like it anyway 
Warning: the best way to describe this is probably… mature? mainly of the content in it because if it’s just clean then it ain’t really Vegas. this series will feature implied nsfw but not really anything descriptive (mostly just mentions), exaggerations on use of alcohol, strong language and… crazy behaviour? It’s just weird and I’d proceed with caution…
P.S: this is probably the weirdest one yet and if it feels a little rushed im sorry
ALSO, anything in italic is a flashback from the night before
Disclaimer: most of the plot belongs to the Hangover and the characters belong to Pixelberry. I’m just mashing the two together.
Pairings: Jake X MC, Craig X Zahra, Diego X Vaaryn, Aleister X Grace - just the OG pairings for now but things could change ;) -
Tag list: @brightpinkpeppercorn@likethetailofacomet@xo-endlessmayhem-xo@sceptilemasterr@indiacater @chyeahboy@candychoices@zaffrenotes @nicknameking@bailey-choices@szeherezada @whatsernamerps@aries-light@endlessly-searching-for-you@justboredtrash@beckettsattunement@gerrysacushla @mind-reader1@sweet-honeybird@allykrane @seraxa@violarobics @princessstellaris @mechaspirit 
extra tag for @abbiebishops
I tagged everyone who liked the post just in case! If you wanna be removed, just let me know!
Let me know if you wanna be tagged! ���and let me know if the tags work because Tumblr is acting up.
Summary: Before the gang can go out searching for their missing friend, they must retrace their steps in order to fix the problems caused by Nevada. 
Words: 8821 
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Grace was right. They’re in deep shit. Truly. Really. They’re in a ditch they need to climb out of and that ditch is the aftermath of a night in Vegas. Trust when said that they definitely won’t be doing this again. Not after all this happened. Michelle and Sean getting married. Logan and Jake engaging in a threesome. Finding a tiger in the damn bathroom. And Vaaryn being missing.
The gang have formed a promise to find Vaaryn, otherwise Diego will not be happy. Maybe this could even be a misunderstanding and Vaaryn just left early to get food or something. Probably not though, judging by the luck of this group in the past. The worst of all luck. They always get the short end of the straw and now they have to fix all their problems and get the hell out of Vegas. Forever.
All of them have planned to get breakfast first before setting out to find Vaaryn. They even attempted to call him but were only welcomed by a questionable voicemail. 
“This is the Vaanti King... I’m not human. I’m an alien, as Jake would say... I’m also drunk as Diego would say. And... we wasted!” 
Guessing that was from last night. Yet another clue but it didn’t have much to give so the group just brushed past it.
Now there are things that need to be taken care of first and they could also help retrace the group’s steps in order to find Vaaryn. Jake needs to visit the nearest prison to see if he can get his handcuffs removed and Sean and Michelle need to first a chapel in order to get their marriage annulled. It’s been decided that half the group will visit the prison and the other half will visit the chapel. Fun times. 
With everyone gathered around the breakfast table, food is being devoured and hangovers are spreading like wildfire.
“I still can’t believe this happened to us of all people.” Michelle points out, spreading butter on a piece of toast and rolling her hazel eyes while she complains.
“Are you kidding, Meech? Of course it would happen to us... it’s us.” Zahra corrects, her mouth full of food while she speaks.
Throughout her words, some of her food is spat out accidentally, scattering over to Quinn who is sat opposite Zahra. “Ew, Zahra. Don’t speak with your damn mouth full.” 
“Whatever.” Zahra mutters, food still in her mouth.
“Seriously though guys... this is so fucking annoying. It’s harder when you can’t remember shit as well.” Sean mentions, facepalming hard and that leads to Jake scoffing mockingly.
“You can keep complaining all you want, Steve Rogers but just be thankful that you actually have the ability to eat right now.” Jake points out, lifting his hands and revealing the handcuffs as he attempts to pick up a piece of bacon, only to fail dramatically.
Logan can’t help but giggle, covering her mouth to contain her laughs. But Jake notices, shooting her a questioning look. “Oh you find that funny, Princess?” Jake enquires, raising an eyebrow at his cackling wife.
“Obviously. But you can’t say it’s more embarrassing for you since I’ve had to feed you for the last five minutes.” Logan reminds him, throwing her hands on her hips and sighing heavily. She tilts her head to find more people staring at her and she shakes her head out of shame.
“Speaking of, can you pass me another piece of bacon?” Jake teases, a smirk slapped on his expression.
“Ugh. These people can just tell we’re hungover. I spent a half hour trying to cover the bags under my eyes but no... they’re there forever.” Michelle complains once more, running her hands through her ombré hair and she pauses when she finds Sean eyeing her with suspicion. “What the fuck are you looking at, Sean?”
Caught, Sean flicks his gaze to the food in front of him, releasing a low chuckle. “Nothing. It’s just funny how I managed to wanna marry you, even when I’m drunk.” He admits, catching sight of Michelle’s eyes narrowing in offence.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“All you’ve done is fucking complain. You’re so pretentious, Michelle.” Sean retorts, seeming weirdly confident for once.
Michelle scoffs. “Pretentious? All you’ve done is act all high and mighty because you think you’re so good since you got drunk and did stupid things in Vegas. Well trust me when I say Sean that you don’t have to be drunk to do stupid things.” Michelle counters, folding her arms in a solemn manor. Meanwhile, everyone else watches the scene with curiosity and disbelief.
“Seriously, can you guys calm down? This isn’t gonna solve anything.” Grace points out, remaining ignored by Sean and Michelle.
“Ha. I’m sure marrying you is at the top of the list of stupid things I did last night.” Sean mocks, a scowl crossing his face. 
“Dude! Burn!” Craig exclaims suddenly, only earning a strong elbow from Zahra. “Why do you always do that, Z?”
“Maybe because that’s the only thing you fucking remember!” Michelle snaps, a death glare reaching her and you can practically see the steam bursting out of her ears.
“Damn, you guys fight like a married couple.” Jake points out and rightfully so. But it attracts everyone in the group’s attention. He’s rewarded with many looks of disbelief and others of pure amusement. He simply shrugs his shoulders. “You’re fitting with the theme so congrats on that.”
Logan leans in and pats Jake shoulder idly. “You might wanna shut up.” She advises and Jake nods along in agreement.
“Good call, Princess. Because they won’t stop staring at me.” 
The breakfast hour goes by, with the group discussing what action they will choose to take, in order to regain their friend and solve the problems they brought upon themselves the night before. They end up making an agreement for half the group to go to the prison with Jake and Logan and the other half to attend the annulment session at the chapel with Sean and Michelle. Jake and Logan decided to take Estela, Diego, Craig and Zahra. Also, Furball because he really wants to go to a prison for some reason. While the others, including Sean, Michelle, Grace, Aleister, Raj and Quinn, will make their way to the chapel to try and get the annulment resolved as quickly as possible. 
We can only hope this goes well and the arguing stays to a minimum amount. 
Once Jake and the others eventually make it to the nearest prison, they stand outside to see if their memory matches with it in anyway or not. There’s really no correct way to tell but this is probably the best they can do. 
“It’s a prison. Either way, they can take the cuffs off right?” Logan assumes, folding her arms and surveying the prison carefully. It’s pretty quaint and the most likely one where someone was arrested.
“Well, we don’t just want the cuffs off. We wanna see if we can find out if we were here or not last night.” Estela corrects. 
“Right, Katniss. Still, my main concern is having my hands back. I wanna be able to eat food on my own again.” Jake clarifies, once again struggling against the cuffs. 
“Mmmmmrff!” Furball curls up on Logan’s shoulder, nuzzling into her platinum and she responds by stroking under his chin. 
“You wanna see the criminals? Yes you do, don’t you?” Logan speaks to Furball in a pitchy tone and he responds with a wide smile. 
“Ooh! If they refuse, can we use a taser on them?” Craig suddenly requests, throwing his hands in the air and letting a wide smile take over his features. 
“I’m still confused as to why you still have that moustache on your face, Craig.” Diego points out, poking the ink on Craig’s face and shooting him a bewildered look.
“Because it looks cool, ok? I’ve always wanted to look like a Super Mario Brother.” Craig points out, slapping away Craig’s hands and appreciating the fake moustache above his lips. “Besides, I can’t really get it off anyway.”
“Still don’t understand why you would ever do that but ok.” Logan responds, face palming hard at this whole situation.
“Craig, you look more botched than anything.” 
“I’m trying out a new look! Maybe I’ll make this permanent. I call it the Bond!” Craig announces, posing for the group and they all just role their eyes, the only one amused is Zahra. 
“Craig... can’t you at least try and say something smart.” Zahra pleads, slapping Craig’s head violently and he winces at the impact.
“Ok... Albert Einstein was the 13th President of the United States.” Craig blurts out, causing everyone to eye him with complete and utter bewilderment.
“Did that really just come out of your mouth? Did I really just hear that?” Logan is in complete disbelief, facepalming so damn hard out of disappointment. 
“Oh my god... Craig, why?” Diego reacts, matching everyone else’s level of shame in Craig. 
“Say something else, Craiggers.” Zahra requests, seeming the only one that is amused by this. 
Unfazed, Craig shrugs his shoulders and thinks of something else definitely ‘smart’ to say. “Hm... the Earth is flat.” 
Zahra is almost tempted to bang her head against a nearby wall. She’s laughing her goddamn head off. “Dude... this is unbearable.”
“Can we just go before I beat the brain cells out of him?” Jake urges and everyone agrees, following him into the station. 
Meanwhile, as Michelle and the others finally drive their way into the chapel’s parking lot, using Grace’s mother’s limo to get there. The car ride was mostly with Michelle and Sean squabbling and pestering each other. Also Aleister and Grace arguing about the tattoo on her face. Grace isn’t thrilled about having to spend her wedding with a tattoo. She can’t live with everyone seeing her like that. Then there’s Quinn and Raj who are jamming to music in the back seat. They’re the only ones that are really upbeat even after, seeing that tiger in the bathroom. No one has figured out what to do about that yet. So far the plan is pretend it isn’t there.
Everyone climbs out the car and makes their way towards the chapel, a million thought boggling their minds and messing with their heads. So much is going on and it’s all so impossible to process. 
“Can I just clarify that I’m only here because I’d rather not be in a prison or be spending any more time with Jake?” Aleister pipes up suddenly and Grace just rolls her eyes at his unnecessary comment.
“Aleister, please stop. All you’ve done is be negative ever since we got here. Chill out and we’ll be home before you know it.” Grace assures, rubbing his shoulder in a comforting manor but he shakes off her grasp defiantly.
“No, Grace. Chilling out is what got us into this pathetic mess and I never wanted any part of it.” Aleister bites back, folding his arms like that of a sulky manor. 
“Stop complaining, Aleister! If you didn’t wanna be here, you didn’t have to be but if you wanna leave now, you can fucking walk because I’m not dealing with your bullshit.” Michelle suddenly snaps, throwing her hands on her hips and storming off towards the chapel. Clearly she’s the most stressed out of everyone, especially with the way Sean spoke to her earlier.
“Michelle. This isn’t gonna solve anything.” Raj points out, following behind her, his expression plastered with worry. 
“You’re all being pathetic so can you just calm down so we can sort this out in a civil way.” Quinn requests, looking Grace, Aleister and Sean dead in the way, pleading with them to stop being so feisty. 
All three of them share uneven looks before Grace and Sean move to give one another a hug, with Aleister remaining sulky and annoyed by everything he sees. 
“I’m sorry, Grace.” Sean apologises, that natural smile returning to his face. 
“Me too, Sean. Now lets get this marriage annulled. But please be nice to Michelle. She isn’t taking this so well.” 
“Trust me I know.” 
Aleister scoffs mockingly, interrupting the apologetic moment. “Aw, how touching. Why don’t you two get together?” 
“But Aleister, I’m engaged to—“ Grace tries to ease Aleister’s sudden jealousy but he cuts her off with a nasty scowl.
“No need. Just go. I shall wait in the car.” 
Sean simply rolls his eyes and starts up to the chapel with Quinn following after him. Grace eyes her fiancé with sadness and sympathy before trailing after them like a lost puppy. They don’t even get a chance to catch onto Aleister’s guilt as they wander away.
“Goddamn! This is so cool!” Craig exclaims as they wander into the police station and he admires his surroundings with an eager glint in his eyes.
“Let me bet you five bucks right now, Craig, that one day you will end up here.” Zahra bets, a smirk crossing her lips. Her comment was harsh but she doesn’t seem to care and Craig doesn’t seem to understand what her original intentions were.
“You mean... like on a class trip or something?” 
Shameful, Zahra shakes her head out of disappointment. “Craig... we should get you a tutor or a doctor or literally anyone who can help you.” 
Craig nods along but still hasn’t gained the slightest understanding of the conversation topic. “...I have been having trouble growing a beard.” 
“Sean can grow them so quickly but me... my jaw is forever alone.” Craig points out, stroking his jaw idly and grieving the lack of facial hair. 
Zahra simply scoffs, lost for words. “...Say that again.”
Everyone ventures further into the standard station, with Jake leading up to the front desk with Logan close by his side. The receptionist looks up at them with expectancy as they approach and she doesn’t seem to have noticed cuffs attached to Jake’s hands. It seems like he’s trying to hide them from sight. 
“Hello. How can I help you?” The receptionist meets eyes like Logan and Jake, smiling at them as politely as her tone remains. However, her smile immediately dies when she takes the time to skim over their exteriors. It’s almost like she recognises them. This is a good thing. “It’s... um...”
Jake notices how the receptionist is constantly stuttering and tilts his head at her bewilderedly. “You ok there, office... desk... lady?” He asks and Logan reacts by elbowing him at the stupid way he referred to her. Jake winces and narrows his eyes at his wife. “Fuck... being wasted made you stronger.”
“You need to learn how to talk to people, Jake.” Logan points out, shaking her head at him.
“Oh no... is Princess disappointed in me?” 
“Remember you’re the one in cuffs. Not me.” 
“...For now.” Jake mutters under his breath and Logan’s eyes widen at the insinuation mixed into his words. He avoids eye contact with her and ends their conversation, turning back to the receptionist. “Anyway... I kinda need to ask some questions.” 
The receptionist clears her throat and finally relaxes, exhaling softly. “I’m not sure how I can help you, Mr Mckenzie.” 
At the sound of his surname, Jake’s cerulean gaze snaps back towards the receptionist and a feeling of relief washes over me. “Holy shit... you know me. You know me, right?” 
“Of course. How could I forget the man who danced around the police station like a maniac and asked me if I was pregnant?” The receptionist shoots Jake a deadly glare and he flinches a little. Logan scoffs at the revelation and attempts too hard to hold back her laughter.
“Uh... sorry about that?” 
Ignoring Jake’s loose and uneven apology, the receptionist continues. “And after I said that I wasn’t, you poked my stomach and told me I needed to stop hitting up all the Burger Kings or they will soon run out of food.” The receptionist shudders as she recalls the vile insults and Jake really must have crossed a line there.
Logan leans over to Jake and releases a heavy sigh. “You deserve to be elbowed now, don’t you think?”
Jake simply nods, feeling so awkward and embarrassed. “Good call.” 
With that Logan elbows her husband more violently than she ever has attempted to before. Jake grits his teeth at the impact and nods along, proud of his hard-hitting wife. 
“Seriously... I said that. Well I’m very sorry about that.” 
Once again, Jake is ignored and the receptionist just rolls her eyes out of annoyance. “Do you even remember anything because you’re looking clueless and like you crawled out of a barrel of whiskey?” 
“Uh... no... lady?”
“The name’s Linda.” She corrects, her eyes leaving daggers wherever she dares to look. “And I suppose you’re here to get those cuffs taken off since you ran out with them as soon as the police said you could go free.” 
“Wait I was the one who was arrested?” Jake reacts, not sure what to say.
Logan leans against the desk and buries her face in her hands. “Jake... of course you were. It’s... drunk you.” 
The receptionist flicks her gaze over to Logan and eyes her with suspicion. “You were with him last night. Yes... you made out with the officer who said Jake could go. I remember the officer reminding you about your husband but you simply came back at him with ‘jake and I have an understanding’.” The receptionist explains with a look of disgust and Logan’s ocean eyes widen a little more as each word is spoken. She can’t believe she did that. Did she really do that? Would she do that? Drunk Lo might do that.
Jake can’t believe it either but he also can’t hold back his heavy chuckles. “You made out with an officer... well that’s just great, darlin’.”
“Wow, nice, Lo!” Craig applauds, extremely proud of Logan for some unknown reason. 
“I actually feel like I might be sick. I had a threesome and made out with an officer all in the same night.” Logan points out, a little louder than intended and people begin to strangely look her way. Even more embarrassed, she hides her face and Jake rests his head on hers comfortingly. 
“Lo, it’s ok. I’m not mad.” 
The receptionist simply scoffs, interrupting the moment. “I can let you talk to the officer she kissed if you would like. He could talk you through what happened last night and the details of Jake’s arrest.” She offers, pointing towards an interrogation room in the far corner. “I can only allow you two to go through though.” 
“That would be great.” Logan clamps a hand over while agreeing to this whole talking to the officer thing. But confronting this stranger she made out with last night while being married will be very awkward.
“Can he also take the cuffs off... you know... so I can punch him?” Jake questions, a slight scowl crossing his features. Wow he might be a little mad.
“If you punch him, we’ll arrest you again. Simple.” 
Jake scoffs, raising his eyebrows out of amusement. “Oh... a man with a plan.”
The receptionist narrows her eyes to how she is referred to and Jake hangs his head in shame. “...Woman.” 
“...Yeah. Once again... I am sorry.”
Michelle eyes the man at the counter with suspicion, having the slight feeling that she may recognise him. Of course she must have met him because she was here last night. She arches her eyebrows as her frustration starts to peek through and the man at the counter forms a wide smile when he spots Michelle. 
“Ah, look who’s back! Mr and Mrs Eggplant!” The man exclaims in a raw Italian accent. At the way they are referred to, Michelle and Sean’s eyes widen with confusion.
“Eggplant?” Michelle reacts, a cringy expression starting to take over.
“Of course! Your crazy friend, Aleister, came up with it for your married name and you loved it!” The man is clearly excited, his smile increasing even more with every word that is spoken.
“I’m sorry but... who are you?” Grace asks.
“Haha! Always the joker, Raspberry!” The man responds with an obnoxious laugh, dragging Grace in for a friendly hug. She accepts it hesitantly, one eyebrows raised bewilderedly once he lets her go.
“You are Raspberry. When good ol’ Al suggested Eggplant, you all wanted to be named after fruits. Let me see here...” The man searches the group around him, clapping his hands aloud when he spots Raj and Quinn with small smiles on their faces. “Ah, yes! You wanted to be Avacado.” The man explains, pointing to Quinn.
“Really? Out of all the pretty fruits there are in the world... I chose... an avacado?” Quinn says, obviously disappointed as she hangs her head in shame.
“And you, Ra-Ra! You were Pineapple!” The man points out, patting Raj on the back. 
“Holy shit... like Spongebob?” 
“Yes! Like the Bob sponge!” 
Raj’s eyes light up with excitement and clearly he’s enjoying the company of the Italian man. “Wait! Did you have a fruit name?” 
“Yes! I was the banana according to Aleister. Wow that one was the craziest out of all of you last night.” The man exclaims, laughs escaping him as he recalls the night before.
Everyone appears shocked to hear that Aleister could have been the most wasted out of all them. Then again... they all read the texts.
“Seriously? You’re talking about our Eggplant— I mean Aleister, right?” Michelle questions, in complete disbelief.
“Yes. Don’t you remember? He almost ruined the wedding when he vomited on the floor, barely missing poor Eggplant.” The man explains, flicking his gaze between Michelle and Sean. 
“Sorry. But which one of us do you mean when you say Eggplant?” Sean questions, finding this entire situation confusing.
“The bride, of course. I remember she was wearing a trash bag she picked up from the gas station. It was very pretty.”
“Wait... just a trash bag?” Michelle reacts, in hope that isn’t true.
“Yes... Aleister tried to take it off you multiple times, claiming he needed to find his eggplant. You told me you have just come back from skinny dipping. Interesting information but it’s also something I didn’t need. Come on, you fools. You really don’t remember?” 
“Well, last night is just kinda... fuzzy. But we are aware that Michelle and Sean got married last night and... we wanted to know if it’s possible we could it get annulled.” Quinn suggests, a hopeful glint in her eye and the man nods happily. He doesn’t appear like the kind of person who would never have a smile on his face.
“Of course. You know how Vegas is, tricking us into thinking that everything is a good idea.” A revelation suddenly dawns on the man and he drops the paperwork he’d picked up from the shelf in the desk. He flicks his gaze between the group and furrows his brows. “So if you have Vegas amnesia, that must mean you have forgotten my name.”
The whole group goes silent, their minds bouncing with ideas of what his name might be. “Ummm... no sorry.” 
“Is it Pablo?” Quinn suddenly guesses and everyone is scared that he will get offended by her random and semi-stereotypical guess. 
“Yes! Avacado, you were always my favourite.” The man, or Pablo, exclaims, high fiving Quinn before retrieving a pen from the desk. 
“How the hell do you do that?” Grace questions, throwing her hands on her hips and raising her eyebrows.
“I don’t know. It’s like a gift.” Quinn responds, a bright smile crossing her lips. “...I’m his favourite.” She adds proudly.
“Both if you are already present so this should be quick and easy.” Pablo points out, jotting something down before looking up at the clearly unhappy couple. 
“Good... I can’t stand being married to...” Michelle looks Sean up and down, narrowing her eyes at him. “...whatever this is any longer.”
“Ha... Ha.” Sean brews up a sarcastic laugh and folds his arms out of stress. “Hey, Banana.” Sean suddenly says, referring to Pablo. 
“Yes, Eggplant?” Pablo answers, an expression of amusement fixed on his face at the fact that Sean used the nickname.
“Do you think you can talk us through this wedding while you annul it because I gotta know the full story?” 
“Of course. There’s plenty to speak of. You were all pretty drunk, if you know what I’m saying.” 
“We definitely know what you’re saying.” Raj points out as the hangover starts to take over again. 
“Well... it all started when both Eggplants came rampaging in like animals...”
Michelle and Sean dive into the chapel, completely intoxicated and feeling as though their brains are about to explode with all the alcohol they have consumed. Their phones continue to buzz and vibrate as the group chat is corrupted with constant texts. They haven’t cared to answer though because they are about to do the craziest thing they’ve probably ever done.
Maybe it’s the alcohol in their system talking but it almost feels right in a way and Michelle and Sean only see the alcohol as liquid courage because they’d never have the will to do this if they were sober.
But it’s happening and they’re gonna make this damn night count. Sean and Michelle link as they stumble into the chapel, causing the owner Pablo to glance up from his desk and spot the clearly wasted two. He chuckles softly under his breath, as Michelle and Sean continue to laugh obnoxiously with each other. They’re almost completely naked, with Michelle dressed in nothing but a trash bag and Sean wearing nothing but what can only be described as a woman’s bathrobe. They’re carrying half empty bottles of vodka and Michelle’s makeup is smudged all over her face. They look absolutely disgusting but why should they care?
“Hello! What can I do for you today?” Pablo asks, waving his hands in the air as if he’s welcoming them.
“Duh. Marry us!” Michelle declares, hoisting her arm over Sean’s shoulder and clinging to him like a child would to a teddy bear. He responds by tugging her closer by her waist.
“Are you sure? You look like you just came back from the tequila factory.” Pablo counters, gesturing to their heavy appearances and they laugh along with his comment.
“Close. We just got back from skinny dipping at the beach down there. Then our clothes got robbed by these kids so we decided to look in the trash for some clothes. Meech found this sexy leather dress and I wanted to wear this because it smells nice.” Sean explains, sniffing the sleeve off the pink, floral bathrobe and Pablo is actually shell-shocked by the situation.
“Didn’t you say you found that in the trash?” 
“Yeah... what’s your point?” Sean asks, furrowing his brows.
“Nothing. So that’s one marriage?” Pablo quickly distracts himself, shifting his gaze towards the paperwork before him. “Just wait here while I get this confirmed.”
“Cool!” Michelle calls out as Pablo wanders into the other room before turning her gaze to Sean and jumping up and down excitedly. “We’re gonna get married! We’re gonna married!” 
“Yes we are! Yes we are!” Sean chants along with Michelle as they wave their vodka bottles about enthusiastically.
“Hey, we should invite our friends to come watch!” Michelle suggests and Sean nods along immediately.
After engaging in the group chat and telling their friends to come and attend the wedding, Michelle and Sean snap their eyes towards Pablo, who comes walking back into to the entrance of the chapel. He plasters a weak smile on his face and welcomes Michelle and Sean in for a private ceremony. 
Michelle and Sean stand opposite each other with Pablo officiating between them, speaking to an empty audience. This could probably be classed as the weirdest wedding Pablo has ever had to host but nevertheless, it’s making him money.
“Before we begin, I need to clarify that you signed a contract that if you regret this when you are sober, you cannot blame/sue this chapel because we were just doing our jobs. Clear?” Pablo points out before the ceremony really begins. 
Michelle and Sean nod along, the wonky smiles never leaving their expressions. “Crystal clear.”
“Ok so we are gathered here today...” 
Before anything can go any further, the doors to the chapel swing open and all the rest of the group come parading in like a stampede of elephants. They look impossibly energised but so out of breath at the same time. Soon, they approach Michelle and Sean, excitement and uncertainty exploding in all of their eyes.
“We came to watch you get married!” Grace announces, clapping her hands as loudly as possible and the deafening sound echoes throughout the room.
“Cool! You’re about to watch our lives change...” Michelle responds, smoothing out the trash bag that is very big on her body and she’s lucky it hasn’t fallen off yet, exposing the parts she doesn’t want people to see.
“...for one night.” Jake adds, holding up his glass and tugging Logan close to his body, who leans into him before snatching the glass out of his hand and chugging the rest of the whiskey down herself. “Wow... it’s rude to steal, Princess.”
“It’s also rude to let a girl go thirsty.” Logan bites back, tugging at Jake’s lower lip with her finger and he responds by smirking widely.
“Heh. Maybe I like it when you’re thirsty.”
Zahra scoffs when she catches the sound of their inappropriate conversation. “Can you two just not for two seconds? We have more important matters to discuss!” She announces, moving so she’s standing on one of the chapel chairs, forcing everyone to look her way.
“And what’s that, Z?” Estela questions, hands on her hips.
“Duh. One of the most defining moments in all of history.” Zahra counters. “Craig got hit by a car!”
“Woah! What?” Grace reacts, jaw almost leaving her face out of shock. “Craig, are you ok?”
“I’m fine. It wasn’t really a car. It was a hot dog stand on wheels.” Craig corrects, chuckling under his breath and rubbing the light bruise on his head. 
“Don’t ruin it, Craiggers. Car sounds better. That way I can imagine that you lost more brain cells than I wanna believe.” Zahra responds, patting Craig on his shoulder and he nods idly.
“How did you manage it?” Quinn asks, titling her head to the side.
“Oh yeah. The dude who was rolling it thought I was a traffic light on green because of the colours on my shirt.” Craig explains, laughing about it a little too much. “And maybe I did try to steal some of the hot dogs so he kinda had no problem with hitting me.” He adds, running a hand through his jet black hair. “But I really don’t think I deserved to be hit.”
“Sure because stealing someone’s food is definitely not a crime.” Diego states sarcastically.
“Not when it’s good.” Raj adds.
“I ran over someone once.” Estela suddenly points out and everyone turns to her with wide eyes. It’s almost like she never even meant to say it out loud.
“What? Who? Where? When? Why? How?” Grace bombards Estela with questions, suddenly panicky.
“Oh... just the other day. Aleister was annoying me so I hit him with my car.” 
“Did that really happen? Because I don’t remember Al saying anything about that.” Grace points out, shrugging her shoulders.
“Ok fine. It was just a really cool dream.” Estela admits, sticking her tongue out at Grace in annoyance. 
All of a sudden, another familiar face comes storming into the chapel. Aleister, of course, comes running in as energetic as possible, his platinum hair tousled and messy while the rest of his appearance looks like he’s also been through the tequila factory. 
“Speak of the devil...”
“What is up, members of the human world!” Aleister announces, waving his arms around as a way to declare his presence to the group. His once presentable jacket is all creased, one side of the collar sticking up unnaturally. This is an Aleister no one has ever seen and sure as hell hopes to never see again. 
“Aleister!” Grace is clearly happy to see him and Aleister stops short when he hears her voice. He wraps her in a tight hug, one can could easily stop her from breathing.
“You are my one and only, Grace! I love you so much! You are my world!” Aleister declares his love for Grace to the rest of the group and it’s literally something he would never do sober.
“Wow, Aleister. You’d really cheat on Jake like that?” Logan jokes, folding her arms and referring back to the group chat. 
Jake just scoffs under his breath, deciding to go along with the joke. “Yeah, Malfoy. I’ve never felt so betrayed.”
“Speaking of, did you enjoy Jake’s eggplant, Logan?” Aleister questions and it sadly seems as though he’s talking genuinely.
Jake and Logan share a knowing look, actually feeling sympathy for Aleister. “In the bathroom of the strip club.” Jake suddenly points out with a deadly smirk, causing Logan’s ocean eyes to widen and she slaps Jake’s right peck as hard as she can. He just shrugs it off, grabbing her and kissing the inside of her wrist reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Princess. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Jake, seriously, shut the fuck up.” She urges, pointing at him sharply and Estela scoffs.
“Finally, someone said it. That was so damn overdue.” Estela points out and Jake shoots her the middle finger. 
“Now, now, Jake. Play nice.” Logan tells him, tapping his chin playfully. 
“So wait... was it a big eggplant because sometimes people can’t even get them in their mouth?” Aleister suddenly chimes in, causing both Logan and Jake to facepalm hard. 
“Who hurt you, Al?”
“Um... can you guys not talk about eggplants? We’re trying to get married over here.” Michelle points out and everyone suddenly turns their attention to the very noticeable wedding outfits that Michelle and Sean have decided to get married in.
“Wow... you guys really look trash.” Craig jokes, seeming to be the only one laughing at his joke. Well, Jake seems to find it funny, giving Craig a high five. 
Michelle simply rolls her eyes and turns back to Sean. “You guys can either leave or sit down and enjoy the show.”
“Oh I’m sure we would enjoy the show a lot more if the trash bag and bathrobe came off.” Jake chimes in, folding his arms in a casual manor. Everyone looks his way in disbelief and he remains unfazed. “What? That’s how Princess and i would be doing it.”
Logan shakes her head defiantly at the group. “No it’s not. I swear... go ahead. Please get married before I turn this into Jake’s funeral.”
Jake chuckles and shrugs his shoulders, grabbing Craig’s bottle of whiskey of him and chugging it down himself. He catches the offended look that Craig gives him. “I’m poor, Craigslist. Let me be.”
Pablo has been watching this situation unfold for the last few minutes and he is unsure what to make of it. “Shall I continue with the ceremony?” 
“One moment.” Aleister interrupts, stepping in between Michelle and Sean, a forced smile plastered on his face. “I would quickly like to announce something.” 
“Oh... this should be good.” Zahra mutters, retrieving her phone and filming the current situation.
“I know I’ll only have the courage to say this when I’m intoxicated but... I need to tell you all now.” Aleister begins, messing with his tousled hair as he speaks. “...I think I might be...”
“Gay?” Jake blurts out, clasping a hand over his mouth immediately.
Craig gasps aloud. “I freaking knew it!” 
Aleister rolls his eyes but instantly shifts his expression back into a smile. “Oh you guys and... your ways. I meant I think I might be... allergic to eggplants.” Tears begin rising in Aleister’s eyes and he wipes them away with the sleeve of his jacket. 
“...Uh, what?” Quinn reacts, sapphire eyes widening.
“After the group chat message, I tried to eat a load of eggplants and I... I...” Genuine sobs leave Aleister’s eyes and that’s the scary part about this situation. “...I had a reaction.”
“You’re... allergic to eggplants? That really came out of my fiancé’s mouth.” Grace looks up as if she’s pleading to the Gods.
“Oh no... I think it might still be... happeni—“ Before Aleister can finish his words, a sense of nausea runs through him and he paces around frantically looking for a place to let the feeling out. With no time, Aleister vomits directly in front of Michelle and she barely moves out of the way in time. 
“Ew! Al, you could’ve killed me!” Michelle complains, clearly exaggerating as she smoothes out her trash bag dress and exhales sharply. “You’re disgusting.”
“Sorry, Michelle. I didn’t mean to... oh no. It’s happening again.” 
With that, Aleister sprints outside and the only thing heard is the sound of him vomiting into the nearby bushes.
“Well shit... should we begin the ceremony now?” Pablo questions and if everyone was sober, they’d probably deny the idea and go home. But no they’re drunk and hopeless and they go straight back into the terrible idea of Michelle and Sean getting married. 
Back at the police station, Jake and Logan are lead the receptionist, Linda, into an interrogation room where they’ve accepted the chance to hear about what happened the night before from the police officer that Logan supposedly made out with as a reaction to Jake being free. Considering the reasoning and intoxicated circumstances, Jake isn’t too mad about this but even so, there’s always gonna be that small part of him that is obviously riled up about by the thought of Logan kissing and touching someone else. Now he knows how she felt when they found out about the threesome. Clearly they only want each other and they’re sickened by the thought of other people being involved in their relationship. That proves their love is pretty powerful. 
As they’re lead into the interrogation room, they spot an officer sat in one of the chairs, sipping on a cup of coffee. The name tag on his police uniform reads ‘Officer D. Hickey’... oh my god. His last name is Hickey?! Of all things, Hickey?! Who hurt this man? Better yet, his first name starts with D. Let’s not go down that road.
Jake and Logan eye the officer awkwardly, waiting for him to notice them. He only does when Linda raises her voice.
“Dave, you got company.” Linda announces before leaving the room and Dave glances up curiously, his eyes lighting up at the sight of Jake and Logan. Clearly he recognises them but it’s sad that they don’t recognise him. 
“Oh wow! You’re back!” Dave exclaims, rising from his seat and giving Jake a friendly hug, which he can’t exactly respond to because he’s trapped in cuffs. “Good to see you,  you crazy bastard.”
Jake scoffs at the way he’s referred to. “Gee, thanks for using my first name.” He says in a sarcastic tone and Dave takes it as a joke, throwing his head back and laughing aloud. 
“Good one!” Then he turns to Logan and Jake is shocked by what the officer does next. “Ah, Logan... it’s more than great to see you.”
With that, Dave unexpectedly brings his lips to Logan’s and gives her a savoury kiss, one that she doesn’t accept but also doesn’t deny. She simply glances at Jake and shrugs her shoulders, too stunned to really do anything about. Anger rises in Jake and a fire starts in his hearts. Too bad he can’t actually punch the guy.
Finally Dave pulls away and smooths out Logan’s hair before stepping back. “So what can I do for you two?”
At that point, Jake can’t resist the urge to snap a little. “You can start by keeping you filthy hands off my wife.”
Dave raises his hands up in defence. “Hey hey, she’s the one who kissed me last night. Maybe I just got the wrong sign.” 
“Still, don't fucking touch her!” Jake snaps, arching his eyebrows viciously and Dave folds his arms in casual manor, unsure what to make of Jake’s angered state.
“I don’t recommend you try and argue with me, especially after what happened to you last night.” Dave advises and that’s when Logan feels the need to chime in.
“Yes... that’s why we’re really here. We kinda don’t remember what happened last night and...” Logan stutters a little as she struggles to remember the receptionist’s name. “...the front desk lady sent us in here so you could tell us what happened.”
Dave appears bewildered, almost in disbelief. “You really have no idea what happened?” 
“No. To top it off, I somehow ended up walking out with the handcuffs you trapped me in.” Jake adds, annoyance driving him over the edge. 
“Yes... I told you many times to take those off but you kept saying you were a dog and licking the other officers. You even asked your own wife if she wanted to play fetch. It was pretty amusing!” Dave explains and Jake simply rolls his eyes, irritation building up like bricks. Logan rubs his shoulder comfortingly and it only calms him slightly.
“We’d really appreciate it if you could explain to us what happened and maybe if you can, take the cuffs off Jake.” Logan requests and Dave nods in agreement. 
“Of course I can do that. In fact, I have the key right here.” Dave mentions before wandering over to Jake, slightly cautious, and gesturing for him to turn his hands over so he can unlock the cuffs. He completes the action with ease and Jake is finally able to move his hands freely.
“Yes, baby! I got my freedom!” Jake waves his hands about enthusiastically, doing the things he hasn’t been able to do for the last few years, one of them being grabbing Logan and kissing her full on the lips. The best part is that Dave has to watch as Jake caresses her body with his now free hands and leave her breathless by the time he leans away. 
Dazed, Logan nods with satisfaction. “Damn, Mckenzie. I like you better when you have your hands.”
“You should.” 
Dave scoffs, interrupting the private moment. “So... do you wanna know about your arrest or not?”
Jake rolls his eyes out of annoyance. “Sorry. Yeah.” 
The police cars surround Jake and he’s forced to raise his hands and surrender. He releases a heavy sigh and rolls his eyes for letting this happen to him. The only thing he wanted to do was fetch his wife from the casino after he got kicked out himself. Turns out some asshole was flirting with his wife and he went to confront him. That’s when Sean came over asking what the commotion was. They ended up fighting those jerks together and getting kicked out at the same time. Sean told Jake not to go back in but the dumbass went back in anyway and now he���s gonna get arrested for what... wanting to see his wife? Damn... such a horrific crime.
Jake’s cerulean eyes widen when he recognises the police officer who steps out of one of the cars, followed by one he doesn’t know. 
“Agh shit. Why now?” Jake curses under his breath as the familiar officer approaches him with nothing but an eye roll and an annoyed expression.
Would you believe it’s his sister Rebecca? Of course she has the Vegas shift on the one time Jake decides to do something stupid in Nevada. Damn, what kind of coincidence is this?
Sean stands beside Jake but he hasn’t be asked to raise his hands. Clearly he’s just moral support.
“What?” Sean reacts as Jake’s eyes widen because of how stunned he is.
“That’s my sister, Q.B.” Jake admits, hanging his head out of shame.
“Unlucky you.” Sean mocks with an amused smirk. He lets out a low whistle at the sight of Rebecca Mckenzie. “Fuck... she’s hot.” 
“You better shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of you.” Jake threatens and Sean takes the warning seriously, placing a hand over the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Geez, sorry dude.” 
Rebecca finally reaches them, throwing her hands on her hips and smirking out of amusement. “Wow Jake. Thought you weren’t a criminal.”
“I’m not. This is just a misunderstanding.” Jake tries to explain, his voice slightly shaky considering the circumstances.
“Really? So you thought it was ok to reenter a casino after being told you couldn’t go back in?”
Jake forms a cocky smirk and shrugs his shoulders. “What can I say? I’m drunk. I do dumbass things when I’m drunk. You know this, sis.” Rebecca nods along, actually giving him that one. “Besides I only wanted to go fetch Logan so I could take her home.”
“You couldn’t just text her?” Rebecca questions, furrowing her brows.
“I could have but I guess I didn’t think of it.” 
Rebecca rolls her eyes and retrieves some handcuffs from her belt. “You can tell it to a judge, Jake.”
“Wait... I have to face a fucking judge?!” Jake reacts, as Rebecca traps him in the handcuffs firmly and locks them on with a key.
“I don’t know yet. It’s just a really cool thing to say.” Rebecca mutters under her breath and Jake scoffs as he’s lead towards the police car. Logan is brought out of the casino and is allowed to go with him to the police station. Sean stays behind, saying he would meet up with the others wherever they were. Everyone kinda got scattered after the strip club.
After an unbearable drive, they arrive at the police station where Jake is instantly taken through to the interrogation room where his sister sits opposite him, eyeing him with caution. Also, there’s the other officer he didn’t recognise. The one with the name tag ‘Officer D. Hickey’
Jake is really struggling to contain his laughter. “That’s a really interesting name.” Jake decides to break the silence, gesturing to Dave’s name tag and he simply shrugs his shoulders while Rebecca rolls her eyes, knowing what he’s getting at.
“I get that a lot. But you should know it’s pronounced HIKE-y not hickey... that’s just how it’s spelt.” Dave corrects, folding his arms.
“Sure. Whatever you say, Mr Hickey.” Jake responds sarcastically, referring to Dave with the wrong pronunciation instead of the right one.
Dave scoffs. “It’s not Hickey. Stop saying it like that.”
“Like what?” Jake pretends to be oblivious, turning towards his sister. “Anyway, Becs, I gotta tell you that this is all really stupid. I’m drunk and misunderstood. You gotta me let go.”
“Why should I do that, Jake? You were basically trespassing.” 
“How about because we’re Ohana?” Jake suddenly states, referring back to when Logan used the phrase when she made him watch Lilo and Stitch of all things, a movie he actually enjoyed.
Clearly Rebecca hasn’t seen it though. “Ohana? What is that?”
“Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind... or forgotten.” Jake always forgets that last part and Logan almost kills him every time he does.
Rebecca releases a heavy sigh when he realises what Jake is doing. “...Please don’t tell me you’re quoting Stitch.”
“Stitch is a smart blue alien ball of fluff. You should listen to him.” Jake advises. “And Stitch says let me go.”
“...I really hate you, Jake.” Rebecca mutters, rolling her eyes. “You did the crime so now you gotta do the time.”
“Is that really true or are you just saying that ‘cause it’s cool?” 
“Both.” Rebecca leans forward and folds her arms across the table. 
“Come on, Becs. I will do anything you want.” Jake pleads, shooting her the puppy dog eyes that never work on anyone.
“Not interested.”
“I’ll buy you a car.”
“I’m not sixteen. Besides what’s better than a cop car?” Rebecca scoffs mockingly at Jake’s absurdity.
“I’ll buy you a boyfriend. You can have Aleister if you want. I’m begging you please take him.” Jake offers and he wishes he wasn’t being serious. 
“Who the fuck do you think I am?”
“Come on, Becs... please.” Jake attempts to plead one last time and that seems to be Rebecca’s breaking point. She rolls her eyes and finally relents.
“Fine... get the fuck out. But this is a one time thing. You got it?” Rebecca warms and Jake nods quickly, running out of the interrogation room happily, not even realising he’s still attached to the cuffs.
Logan is stood outside the interrogation room and her ocean eyes light up when he comes out. “Did they let you go?” She questions, a real hope in her eyes. 
Dave exits the interrogation room after Jake, eyeing Logan with wariness. “Keep this one out of trouble. He’s an absolute idiot.” 
“Hey! That’s my husband you’re talking about.” Logan points out and Dave shakes his head apologetically. “It’s ok though. Thank you for letting him go!” She exclaims and before you know it, she randomly attaches her lips to Dave’s and wraps her arms around his neck, expressing her gratitude in an abnormal way.
Jake simply watches, not sure what to do or what to say but a smirk stays on his lips. “Get some, Princess!” Damn he really is wasted.
Logan finally pulls away and Dave looks shocked, confused and satisfied. “I thought he was your husband.”
“He and I have an understanding.” 
“That’s about it... then you both danced around the police station for god knows how long and Jake made that awful comment to Linda before running out with the cuffs still on.” Dave finally finished his story and both Jake and Logan are left stunned but somehow still unsurprised.
Logan facepalms hard. “I’m really sorry about kissing you. I was...”
“Drunk, I know. We get a lot of those. This is Vegas for god’s sake.” 
Jake folds his arms and strokes his jaw thoughtfully for a moment. “So you really let me go?
“Not sure why but you know, Rebecca is your sister isn’t she?”
“Yeah. Speaking of, where is she?” Jake asks, genuinely curious. 
“She left for Chicago early this morning. Her shifts go everywhere.” Dave states and Jake nods knowingly.
“Ok. We’ll be gone now.” Jake points out, helping Logan to her feet and leading her out of the interrogation room.
“Please don’t come back. Ever.” Dave pleads as they exit the police station and they also hope and pray that they never have to come back here
“So... did you get you marriage annulled?” Diego questions as the group finally reunite in the lobby of the hotel they’re staying at. Everything seems to be going according to the plan at the moment and let’s hope nothing goes wrong as the day goes on. Their mission to find Vaaryn is only just beginning. 
“Yes. No more ring on this finger. Thank god.” Michelle lets out a sigh of relief and Sean just rolls his eyes in response, not bothering to bite back.
“If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it! If you like it then you should have put a ring on it!” Raj starts singing for no reason. Everyone stares at him strangely for a moment. “What? It just popped into my head.
“Best part is when Aleister decided to come back in to the chapel and Pablo slapped him in the face for being such a crazy person. His words.” Quinn explains, giggling aloud and everyone can’t help but laugh along.
“It actually wasn’t funny at all but think what you must.”
“Glad Jake has finally be saved from the cuffs. Too bad you grew out of them.” Estela jokes, patting Jake on the back and for once he laughs along.
“Whatever, Katniss. I simply can’t wait to revisit all the fucked up dumbass shit you did last night.”  
“Good luck because it’ll never be as much as you, cabron.”
“So what now? Do we start searching for Vaaryn? Were they any clues at the places you went?” Grace questions, folding her arms idly.
“No. Pablo said Vaaryn wasn’t with us even when all of us were there.” Quinn states, shrugging her shoulders unsurely.
“And it was just Jake and I at the police station.” Logan adds.
“Well, I say we check the last place we saw the dude.” Zahra pipes up, hands on her hips and everyone seems to know what she’s getting at immediately, all except one.
“Disneyland?!” Craig reacts, clapping his hands energetically and everyone shakes their heads.
“No.... the strip club!” 
hope it’s not too confusing. i feel like every chapter of this is a lot 
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