#it was the middle of may and the weird finals mood was setting in and i was having a grand ole time
i miss the 2020-2021 school year
zoom schoolw as nice adn then going back at the end of it was soooo nice idk i miss it
a lot of it is definitely because i was i was younger + rose tinted glasses but still
also i think my anxiety anxietied too hard and broke because i kinad of just. stopped being paranoid all the time during then
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nex-is-sleeping · 2 years
First meeting...
A Shadow x reader fic
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I may actually make this a series- let me know if you want it to be !! But for now, a little oneshot.
"What is so bad about him ?" You ask the blue hedgehog in front of you. "First of all he's a faker. Have you seen him ? He's totally trying to copy me ! And second he's a huge part pooper, I bet he's never had fun in his life, hah !" Sonic joked. You had went out in the forest earlier today and saw a cave, you nearly went in before Sonic had stopped you "I can take care of myself, Sonic !" "Oh yeah ? How about that time Egghead captured you ?" Jested the  azure hedgehog. "That was once. Plus, you're no better yourself ! You're literally a danger magnet." "Well," Sonic chuckles "Danger is my middle name" You rolled your eyes and chortled. "Alright, alright, I gotta go, Y/n, I promised Knux I'd watch the Master Emerald while he goes out with Rouge. See ya !" And he raced off, leaving a trail of dust behind him.
You really wondered about what was in that cave. But Sonic said it was no good because of that Shadow. But then again, what harm could he really do ? You fixed up your fur/hair, and set off into the forest. God, you thought it was earlier. You looked at your watch. Oh, right it's winter. It's only 6:57. You walked through the night, looking at the stars. You didn't know much about them, but hell where they beautiful. You looked Infront of you to find yourself infront of the vast cave from earlier, a light accompanied with some crackling inside. Let's just hope he's in a good mood. You thought as you took the first step into the cave. Wind rushed outside as the rain began and thunder clapped. You jumped in surprise. You slowly walked down, getting closer to the light. You tried your best not to make a sound. Maybe this was a bad idea ? No ! It's just Shadow. He couldn't be any stronger than Sonic. You finally face the fire. You look around... Nothing. Maybe Sonic was wrong ? Maybe he lived in a different cave !a Great. You hate rain, you couldn't leave now. You turn around to sit, but you're met with a face inches from yours.
You yelp and stumble back. You look him up and down. His coat is a jet black, with red streaks running through his quills. On top of his chest is a white puff of fur. His hands are gloved, with gold cuffs. Finally, his eyes. They're crimson and seem to be studying you, finally he speaks "Who are you, and what are you doing here ?" His voice is deep, smooth, and firm. You could only assume this was Shadow. Shadow The Hedgehog. You shook at the break of the silence. You didn't know what to say. It'd be weird if you said you where here for him. You didn't answer. "I asked you, who are you, and what are you doing here ?" He spoke louder, firmer. Shadow was mad that his personal space was invaded, worse, is that it's someone he didn't know. "I-" You cleared your throat to help you sound confident. "I am Y/n L/n. I came for..." You paused. What do you say ? You're train of thought was cut off by the jet black hedgehog infront of you. "Well ? Answer or get out." He demanded. You looked towards the cave entrance, immediately reminded of the thunderstorm. "You're not gonna let me go out in a lighting storm, right ?" You nervously laughed.  Shadow looked at you, and then the cave entrance and thought for a moment. "Fine." You mentally cheered.  You turned around to see the fire behind you, along with a red sleeping bag. That's all there was in this cave. You almost felt sorry for the hedgehog. But, then again, living like this was his choice.
You sat down on the ground, the fire's warmth welcoming you. Shadow studied you some more They didn't tell me why they are here. Why ? And why would they be in this part of Green Hills in the first place ? He thought. You saw Shadow ruthlessly staring you down. It intimidated you almost. "Shadow ?" Shadow fumbled at the break of silence. "How do you know my name ?" Oh shit. How where you supposed to tell him ? Ugh, screw it "I heard of you from one of my friends." "Who ?" "His name is Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog." Shadow groaned at the sound of the blue hedgehog's name. "Don't listen to a word he says, he's just a faker. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Shadow The Hedgehog, otherwise know as The Ultimate Life Form." He clenched his fist infront of him. You slightly cringed at the action. You yawned and looked at your watch, 10:28PM. "Woah, okay ! So, I'm going to go to sleep, alright, Shadow ?" He nodded with a hum. You laid down, using your hand as a pillow. You finally fell asleep.
Shadow looked at you, a smile intruding on his face. He stepped outside, and climbed up onto the roof. He sat down, water droplets wetting his quills. He looked at the moon, remembering his best friend, Maria. If she saw him now, what would she think of him ? Shadow let his feet hang off of the overhang as he laid in the memory of her. He smiled as he thought about the fun times they had on the ARK. How she'd teach him all about the stars, and how she was the first to suggest the streaks in his quills. Suddenly lightning clapped, making a sound too familiar to him. Those great memories he was once basking in became not so great. Shadow remembered leaving his friend, her dying. Tears rose in his eyes. He quickly climbed down the rocky cave and went inside.
The hedgehog went into a corner, slowly rocking himself back and forth, breathing heavily. He tried not to wake you, but failed in doing so. "Shadow..?" You awoke after only about 10 minutes of sleep. You heard quiet sobbing from the other side of the cave. You quickly got up, the tiredness leaving you, and went to comfort the near stranger. "Shadow ?? What's wrong ???" You questioned, but was met with nothing. Instead, you hugged him. Shadow's eyes widened. He couldn't remember the last time someone had hugged him like this. He didn't care that he didn't know you now. He sobbed into your shoulder "I miss her. So, so -hic- much" you rubbed his back. You had no idea who he was talking about, but consoled him anyways. Soon enough, he was asleep in your arms. The hedgehog had cried himself to sleep. You looked at him as he slept in your arms. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to leave him like this ? You stayed, and Shadow subconsciously held onto you like there was no tomorrow. And soon enough, you fell asleep to the sounds of the rain...
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zen-the-dumb · 11 months
Koushi Sugawara Headcannons
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Being the caring person he is, he noticed changes in your behavior almost immediately after it started.
(For physically bullied reader)
Once he sees the bruises, he can finally confirm his theories about what has been happening, but he doesnt bring it up just yet.
He wastes no time trying to subtly hint to you that he already knows, and if you don’t realise, he probably gets a tad bit annoyed.
Eventually he just confronts you in the hallway or something after classes and just casually asks why you always have so many bruises and are always so down.
If you try to avoid the subject, he tells you that he knows what’s happening, and he wants to know who did it.
If you still deny that anything is happening, he tells you that you don’t have to be scared to tell his because he just wants to help.
Once you finally admit it, he asks you again who it is or what group of people it is. Once you tell him that, he immediately wants to go to tell a teacher.
If you are afraid that the bullying will get worse if you tell a teacher what is happening, Suga just tells you that you have nothing to worry about and that it’ll help to tell an adult.
If you still tell him no, he just sighs and gives in, with a compromise of course. He has to accompany you from class to class to make sure nothing happens to you.
He will then start accompanying you from 1st period to 2nd and 3rd and so forth before he goes to his own classes. He also accompanies you to and from club activities and extracurriculars.
The passive aggressive glares at the person or group of people bullying you are probably a bit of an astronomical number.
(For mentally bullied reader)
He realises how down you’ve been and the changes in your mood. He notices how you are more irritable than usual too.
Eventually, after seeing how you’ve started speaking down about yourself, he connects the dots in his head and is just like kinda wondering if his theory about this is crazy.
He tries to get more evidence to support his theory (just to feel better about asking you about it.)
Eventually he just mans up and asks you about it.
You tell him about it a little and he immediately asks you who has been belittling you and insulting you.
You tell him and he is fucking pissed, but it’s his usual ‘stay calm’ type of mad.
He probably tries to tell you that none of what they’re saying about you is true and that you’re a beautiful/handsome person. He showers you with affection to try to make you feel better about yourself.
A few days later he checks back in and asks if it has gotten any better. When you say no he goes through the compliments and telling you that their belittling isn’t true again before going straight towards a teacher or the counselor.
If you try to hold him back he just looks at you weird.
When you tell him you’re afraid they’ll belittle you for telling on them he does stop since that is a reasonable concern, but then just goes right back to what he was going to do.
He tells the teacher or counselor he was walking towards and afterwards assures you that he won’t let the belittling happen again if they try to insult you because they got in trouble.
(Just cute generic headcannons now. The whole thing is Gn!reader but i don’t know what to title this so-)
If you’re in the volleyball club, he helps you with practice alot.
If you’re a middle blocker he tries to spike the ball fro you to block and dig as well as does serves for you to get.
If you’re a wingspiker, he sets the ball up for you as much as you like and helps you with serve recieve stuff if you’re a more defense centered player.
If you’re a setter, he teaches you a bunch of cool sets and may hit a few of yours if you want.
If you’re a libero, he will try to spike for you, serve for you to get, set up balls for Asahi so you can try to receive his hits and overall just does a bunch of defense things to help you get better at whatever you want to get better at.
If you’re a pinch server, he tries to get your serves to help you with accuracy and/or power on your serves.
Assures you that your gender is valid and that you should never have to feel bad for it.
Oh gods, if you’re purposely misgendered, he will not hesitate to passive aggressively say “Um, actually Y/n’s pronouns are (insert pronouns here)”
He feels bad whenever you have dysphoria because he knows how much it must suck but can’t truly empathize because he’s never been through it. Suga just wants you to be happy and it hurts his heart to see you in pain over something you can’t even control.
Has tons of ways to distract you from your dysphoria. He will buy you food, he will give you hugs if you want them, he will lend you his clothes (if you’re a trans guy. If you’re a trans woman, he will not hesitate to buy you makeup or clothes if you can’t afford it for whatever reason or have transphobic parents <3) he will do anything to make you feel better.
First date headcannons
Suga feels like the type who would be really basic for a first date. He would take you to a nice cafe and then you’d go fro a walk in the park or something afterwards.
It’s still cute as fuck though cause he would add his own personal twist to it.
Hope you enjoyed!
*_Requests are open, check my blog description for fandom and more details_*
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andguesswhat · 1 year
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Timmy said he swam in chocolate....
Not much time to think, not much time to write, so if you are not satisfied, please complain to @zuzla33! 😜 She somehow managed to coerce me into it. And maybe to @Valgal78 and @gatoenlaciudad, too 😂😘 Oh yes and the butthole anon may also be somewhat to blame 🙈
Not beta-read. But I hope you can enjoy it nonetheless. If there are stupid mistakes in it, please let me know.
Timmy turns the key and pushes the heavy iron door open.
"I wonder what they're doing with all that choc- " Armie is about to ask when Timmy interrupts him in a panic.
"What?" asks Armie in still relatively normal volume as they step into the hall. "It's in the middle of the night. No one is here, right? You made sure of that, remember?"
Timmy rolls his eyes. "Can you please be quiet anyway? I'm getting scared. You never know!"
"Yeah, you never know!" Armie imitates Timmy with a grin and then adds in an exaggeratedwhisper, "Okay, I’ll whisper but only if I get to choose the music and the volume on the way back because seriously my ears are still ringing and that might be the reason that I talk so loud, I can’t hear anything.”
Timmy rolls his eyes again, this time apparently at Armie's stuffiness, but can't help a little smile.
The hall is dimly lit, only emergency lighting everywhere. Armie considers asking if they could turn the lights on, just to annoy Timmy a little more, but of course there is something about it, this mood of an abandoned movie set in the middle of the night.
He follows Timmy down the hall. He's been able to see a bit of the set while he's here in London with him, but the set in this hall had only been finished at the last minute before the shoot.
And then they're standing in front of the river. The chocolate river. All around is lawn with lots of green plants and colorful flowers and it really looks pretty awesome actually.
Timmy grins enthusiastically at Armie.
It's not at all clear what they're exactly doing here. Or will do.
Timmy had sent him some photos of the shoot in the chocolate river in the morning, his clothing covered in chocolate, his face smeared with chocolate, and Armie hadn't been able to resist sending a few raunchy comments.
Although he didn't even know if the chocolate was edible.
Yes it is, Timmy had written. Just chocolate, milk and honey.
And that's how it smells now. Very pleasantly sweet.
Timmy had glamoured the security of the hall. He knows how to do these things. He's nice to everyone, and when he wants something, he's even nicer. And then a few bills, of course, to keep quiet.
Timmy's request didn't sound that strange though. Armie is used to much stranger things from celebrities. Timmy had told the security guard that he had heard that chocolate baths are the latest shit and oh, so healthy, and it would be a shame not to use all this, right? So he wondered if he couldn't take a quick bath tonight?
"You weird Americans,” the very British security guy had replied, shaking his head. “But don't you dare do anything ugly that gets me in trouble, or I'll have you drowned in that river and then you won't be able to smile so nicely anymore."
Armie hasn't met that security man yet, but likes his humor already.
"And what if this guy has a crush on you and shows up here too?" he wonders.
"Don't give me that shit! You better take your clothes off!" Timmy answers while starting to undress himself.
"Me? I'm not going in there."
"I said I'd be happy to help you lick it off, but I can't imagine -"
Timmy's t-shirt hits him square in the face. "Pussy!"
"What?" Armie's voice is way too high. "Well, I really don't know if that necessarily has anything to do with being a pussy, if-"
"Oh fuck you!" laughs Timmy as he takes off the rest of his clothes and finally stands stark naked in front of him.
"Okay..." Timmy looks kind of nervously excited at the chocolate pond and Armie feels way too many feelings for his man again.
How he now stands there so skeptically with his beautiful slender figure, indecisively crosses his arms in front of his chest and finally carefully dips a toe into the chocolate river, looking like some modern version of Botticelli's Venus.
"I don't know... So completely naked now it's something else..."
Armie laughs. "But making me look stupid. Come on! Go for it."
"I thought we were doing this together! You could have said something about not going in!"
"But I didn't say I was going in either!"
"But so alone now... feels kind of stupid!"
"You know, we can stand here and argue... or - "
And then he pushes Timmy unceremoniously into the chocolate.
That fall alone is a sight he will never forget.
How the chocolate sloshes around Timmy in huge waves and coats his body with the liquid chocolate.
And Timmy squeals happily. What more could you want.
"Oh god, this is so good!"
Armie lies down contentedly on the grass, one arm propped on his elbow, watching his man move happily in the chocolate pond.
"Please come in. It's so much more awesome when you feel it on your bare skin..."
"I'll take your word for it, but thanks, no."
Because he wants to watch Timmy experience this, explore this. It’s just so adorable. How he's fascinated sliding his arms through the chocolate, making ripples, and then doing some steps, bending his knees a bit and realizing in amazement, "God... it feels so good…” he wrinkles his nose, “Especially in certain places…"
And when Timmy then curiously lets his hands disappear behind his back in the liquid chocolate and everything looks like he's pulling his butt cheeks apart, plus his facial expression suddenly becoming all sensual, including a slight opening of his mouth, a little excited gasp... Armie involuntarily has to swallow. And is suddenly horny as hell.
With Timmy, the switch is apparently also flipped, as he puts one arm somewhere in front of him, and yes, he certainly is touching his cock and definitely liking what he feels.
That little sexy bastard. Armie gets hard just from watching him.
He wonders if he will have to get into the chocolate now after all, but then Timmy looks at him so darkly, wades towards him through the chocolate, crawls out of the chocolate, and Armie can’t think straight anymore.
Timmy’s whole body is covered in this sweet, wet chocolate, some of his curls are drenched, too, the chocolate is dripping, dripping from his curls, from his body, and fucking dripping from his already hard cock…
Who wouldn’t find that extremely delicious?
Even more delicious when Timmy crawls over Armie; it’s dripping everywhere, and then he already has Timmy's chocolate smeared hands on his cheeks and Timmy's chocolate smeared lips on his mouth and he can't say that's bad, quite the opposite. It’s fucking luscious.
Chocolate, milk and honey. Everything smells so good, tastes so good.
He lets Timmy kiss him, enjoys the moment, enjoys the literally sweetest man imaginable kissing him, tastes the chocolate on Timmy's lips, on his thumb sliding into Armie's mouth and running over his tongue, sucks on it, and then he can't stop himself, he has to slide his hand over Timmy's smeared neck, has to lick the chocolate off his lips, off his chin and god, off his neck. And Timmy moans with satisfaction.
Armie feels like he is in heaven. His naked man smeared with chocolate, looking so sexy and apparently feeling so sexy, all that smearing and licking… it is just so fucking hot. Plus the sweet smell, the sweet taste, and he wonders why didn't they think of this before?
Armie runs his hands over Timmy’s chest, smearing the chocolate as he licks Timmy's neck, licks it clean, inch by inch, wants to taste Timmy’s chocolate nipples, sucks at them, and licks them clean, too. All the while Timmy's eyes darken with lust, low moans coming out of his mouth.
And that's why Armie then grabs Timmy's cock too, is about to pump the already hard chocolate dripping dick, when Timmy suddenly whispers, "I can't do this here. I'm shooting a movie here! I can't do this."
Armie tries to stay calm because he wants his man way too much right now and is afraid that if he says something wrong he won't get him, but he has to at least comment on the obvious."You already are totally naked and you already have a boner."
"Yeah, but making out like that is another thing from actually doing it!"
"Timmy!" Armie takes a deep breath. He'd like to say, ´you can't get me all hot and bothered here right now and then say, nah, you don’t get me`, but he knows he won't get anywhere with that line of reasoning, so he says softly,
"God, Timmy, you look so fucking hot, you smell so fucking good, taste so fucking good, I want you so bad, baby" because this is so fucking true and he kisses him, on the lips, on the cheek. "And besides, what are you going to say to the car rental company when you smear the chocolate all over the car seat, I kind of need to lick you clean first, don’t you think?” More soft kisses. “And that’s what you want, too, isn’t it?” He whispers into Timmy’s ear before he licks on Timmy’s neck again.”You want me to lick you clean, right? Like everywhere. You love that, don’t you, baby?" Timmy’s breathing is getting heavier, so Armie dares to carefully put his hand back on Timmy's cock, starting massaging it lightly, with all the slick chocolate around, and smiles contently when he sees Timmy's eyes flutter shut.
"God, you're so fucking hot, baby. Can we please go on a little more?"
"Okay..." answers Timmy, breathing heavily.
"Really okay?" asks Armie just in case.
"Yeah..." and a small smile flits across Timmy's face before the lust takes over again.
His man is horny as fuck and that is good because he is horny as fuck as well.
Quickly Armie undresses himself, everything has to go, shirt, shoes, pants, shorts, while Timmy lies in the grass on his back, looking at him darkly and running his hands over his slick body. God, he loves it when Timmy does this.
Finally, he squats down and once again takes in his beautiful, chocolate-soaked man before leaning forward and beginning to lick him from toes to head.
Of course he lingers for quite a while in the middle section, the inner thighs deserve a lot of attention, and the way Timmy moans he seems to think so too. Especially the hollow between leg and hip needs a lot of thoroughly licking, there is really a lot of chocolate accumulated. And then of course there is Timmy's beautiful chocolate covered cock. First he licks the balls, then the shaft, then the tip. Armie licks it and sucks it while Timmy moans and groans and buries his fingers in Armie's hair.
At one point then, Timmy whispers, "You need some chocolate too," before he bites his lip and bends to the river, dips his hand in the chocolate flow, pulls it back out, the chocolate dripping, and reaches for Armie's cock, rubbing the chocolate over it and Armie can't help it, the squishy, slippery feeling is too much, he has to moan out loud.
Timmy giggles.
"Can I taste it? I want to taste it so badly" he whispers and without waiting for an answer he starts licking Armie's shaft.
Fuck, this feels good! Timmy swirling his tongue around his cock, licking it. And fuck, this looks so hot when Timmy lets Armie's cock slide deep into his mouth, the chocolate spilling over his lips left and right.
Timmy is sucking him devotedly until he can't get any harder and Armie would like to come into his mouth so badly but he knows he definitely needs his boner for what is yet to come.
Timmy knows this too, because when he lets the cock slide out of his mouth satisfied, he asks "Wanna see what my hole looks like?"
And god yes, since Timmy has pulled his butt cheeks apart in the chocolate pond, he desperately wants to see this.
Timmy flips over onto his stomach. Timmy's backside isn't quite as darkly smeared with chocolate anymore because he was lying in the grass, but that makes the dark wet spots leading between his butt cheeks all the more appealing. And so it is, Armie spreads Timmy's cheeks with his hands and his mouth gets dry involuntarily when he sees Timmy's butthole completely drenched in liquid chocolate. This is only topped when his entrance twitches.
Armie can't stand it a second longer, he puts his lips to it, sucking out the chocolate, greedily running his tongue around and finally over the luscious wet chocolate hole.
Not that he doesn't love eating out Timmy otherwise, but tasting the sweet liquid chocolate out of Timmy’s ass while Timmy squirms with moans beneath him is something he won't soon forget.
He could do this forever; every time he has licked him clean, he spreads some more chocolate over his hole, when Timmy suddenly desperately pants, "Fuck me, Armie…Please!"
Timmy is already a wreck, Armie can feel it. All the licking was teasing enough, and that's why Armie doesn't make him wait any longer. He quickly stretches him by the most necessary with his fingers, puts his cock at Timmy's entrance, pushes it inside him inch by inch and starts fucking him.
“Yes”, Timmy groans in relief.
Armie has to grip hard because the chocolate skin is so slippery, ramming his cock into Timmy again and again, who cries out in ecstasy with every thrust.
He is just considering increasing the speed when Timmy pushes his butt back and breathlessly says, "I wanna ride you."
He gets on top of Armie, lowers himself on Armie’s cock, rides Armie, rides himself further into ecstasy, milking Armie's cock with his tight hole, writhing his body, moaning loudly and Armie has to concentrate not to cum at the sight.
Timmy's sexuality is like no other. He can lose himself completely in it.
Moreover Timmy knows exactly what he wants. "Oh God, fuck me, Armie, I'm so close," he gasps and quickly lies on his back and spreads his legs and just as quickly Armie bends over him and sinks his cock back inside him to fuck him again.
They've had sex in places where Armie had to put his hand over Timmy's mouth so Timmy's moans wouldn't give them away, but here, here, when Timmy's unrestrained moans echo through the hall, it brings him close to the edge.
Timmy’s thick cock is lying heavy on his stomach and Armie grabs it with one hand to pump it while he keeps thrusting into Timmy’s hot hole.
“I’m coming, Armie..!!” Timmy pants and just one more thrust and Timmy spurts his load on his belly, his cum mingling with the chocolate, and just the thought of tasting this brings Armie over the edge.
A deep and loud groan and he comes in Timmy, and then…. only panting.
God, fuck, this was good.
When Armie has caught his breath again, he leans forward and licks the white cum with the brown chocolate off Timmy’s raising and lowering belly, licks his way up until he finally gets to Timmy’s face and kisses him tenderly on the lips.
They lie there for a few minutes clinging and snuggled together before they slowly get up, completely exhausted, and collect their clothes.
With their T-shirts they scrub the lawn a bit to make the chocolate disappear, but they only do it half-heartedly because Timmy thinks they won't shoot in the corner anyway.
On the way back they listen to Barry White at a moderate volume, which is important if only because Armie can then better hear Timmy singing along softly.
In their hotel room they take a shower. There are still remnants of chocolate on their bodies and Armie loves to wash every inch of Timmy's body with the sponge.
Afterwards they lie down in bed and look at each other dreamily. They both have a smile on their lips. How could they not, with what they just did.
Timmy still smells of chocolate and Armie involuntarily takes his hand, smells it and kisses it.
And then all of a sudden reality-Timmy stops by, he does that sometimes, not often, but sometimes, and for a second Timmy's whole body tenses, his look a picture of pure horror as if just in that second he realizes what had happened and shouts startled,
"What the fuck did I do?"
As if he hadn't even begun to think about reality in the last few hours, but was just in his own world. Not even when he said he couldn't do it was about reality, but was just an unconscious way to make Armie beg and make everything that much more intense.
"Maybe there were cameras?" He looks at Armie with the biggest terrified eyes and Armie can’t help himself, he has to laugh out loud at this.
Oh man, life without Timmy would be so boring.
And after he kisses Timmy softly on the mouth, he says, “Well I would say, make sure to get a copy of that footage. You have a good connection to the security guard, haven't you?”
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sometimesiwritetoo · 9 months
The Hero Of Peace wears a 36D
Just posting this bc I started and then stopped it and kind of don't know if I'm gonna continue at some point but if ppl find it interesting hopefully it inspires some copycats.
Katsuki found himself contemplating different words for butt. There was darrier or posterior if one wanted to be polite. Butt was straightforward, almost clinical these days. Booty was found in all of the songs that didn't want to be outright crass. It specifically called to image women with a lot of booty. Ones with very prominent booties. But that was not all. There were other mundane words like buttocks, rear, or caboose. Keister if one wanted to get a little foreign with it. Children sometimes said tush or heiny if they were raised properly, Katsuki wasn't so he'd never used those. Cheeks reminded him of Round Cheeks, and Round Cheek's lower cheeks were not on his mind when he came up with the nickname so he didn't particularly like the word. Finally there were words like ass. And while Katsuki may be an ass he did not usually find his mind occupied with them. Unless they were attached to one Keeper of the Peace hero who's arrival back into Japan came with some… transitions.
One year ago people online began to speculate. The uber fans could get quite occupied with their idols. Every appearance was scrutinized in heavy amount of detail, and heroes were no different. No matter the age. They'd all had weird theories about them floated around, but this one ended up being an iceberg problem in so far as it led down to a much deeper topic. Deku's ass had been steadily growing. The ass in question had always been great, but it was widening a noticeable amount for some months before the theory surfaced online. The first major guesses as to the cause was a new diet. Protein and squats sang the gym bros. In reality they were not wrong, Deku did enjoy squats. Not that Katsuki paid that much attention to them. But no, it was not just the exercises. It was not just a sudden influx of protein powder and egg whites. It was hormones. Estrogen to be specific. Prescribed and taken in secret, which over time gave Deku a lovely set of buns - another word for butt. Eight months after these rumors had begun to circulate Deku submitted a letter announcing not only a transition but a sabbatical. Six months out of country to transition and if everyone could please respect their hero's new identity that would be great kthxbye. Needless to say things had gotten interesting at the office. None of them had known, and Deku was long gone by the time the ball dropped and thus could not be questioned. It was genius if Katsuki said so himself, though he couldn't help but blow up a punching bag or two at the news. His poor mood was a mystery. Deku was gone for six months. And when she came back she jumped right in the middle of a villain attack without her gear, luggage at the train stop she'd dashed from. Through a mix of lack of practice and circumstance she'd been knocked, into Katsuki who'd gotten knocked into a nearby wall. A hilarious conga line of misfortune that ended with Deku's ass planted firmly in Katsuki's face. A 2/10 experience he'd have to let Mineta know. "Sorry Kacchan!" The voice said. Deku had always had a higher pitched voice, so even then it was recognizable. She reached down to help him up. She was still just a few centimeters shorter than him, making her a bit taller than most women in Japan. Before leaving her hair had been growing out, now it was cut in a shorter style with the sides faded. She wore little make up except for a very bold, red lip. Her travel clothes were just a green t-shirt and dark, blue jeans. Completely unsuited for battle. "Holy shit it's Midoriya." Shitty hair belted in his stupid, loud voice. "You look hot!" "Thanks Kiri!" She replied, though her eyes were on the gentleman with the tentacle monster quirk. "You don't look half bad yourself!"
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dinosaurgreasestain · 11 months
He did not often celebrate Halloween, but starting the week off in a good mood meant that he had plans for the holiday and ones that would be particularly fruitful; to heal a bit of the lingering ache and pain that came from the last attempt at a mutiny and to satisfy the hunger that came with it.
For the days leading up to it, he'd ran his demons ragged. Brutal and commanding as he shoved them into willing Hosts to work undercover along the surface and creep and crawl their ways into certain circles where believers in the occult were rampant and ferocious in their faith. Rumors spread - the ritual known as the Profane Sabbath would bring them eternal life with enough of their devotion, contribution, and just the right amount of souls gathered in the name of a demon, falsely named Ahancurael. (He'd had to workshop that one a few times until it seemed at least marginally believable, with the first few passes being absolutely incomprehensible.)
The promise of eternal life was an easy one and humanity was inherently hungry for something so permanent. The convincing was easy, the gatherings were easy... It all seemed so easy.
But the night itself was what mattered. For them to truly believe in what they were doing, Pride had to truly sell the reality of the ritual. The old, decaying home far out on the outskirts of the city nestled in between rotten and dead trees was just Blair Witch enough for it to be a perfect nest for the kinds of morons that he was setting the trap for. Half-melted candles lit with darkened flames that threatened to be snuffed out by the cold, dank air any second joined together in a ring around the wooden and creaky floor, red stains of dried blood flecked across its surface. He'd had to make an early kill for a bit of ~decor~. They wouldn't be missed.
Pulling some of his tar from his body, he left it in streaks along some of the rafters above and on a few of the old surfaces and walls. Enough of a sign for anyone who wandered in to find it otherworldly and strange. It pulsed and swam like a live thing - and under the semi-shrouded moon on the holiday itself, the rats that had strode in following their demonic pied pipers were in awe of its sheer ability to contain what seemed to be power.
(It was really just him making the tar move and wiggle as he watched from nearby. May as well have been a cheap haunted house trick.)
The humans did their weird little chants and their stupid speaking in tongues as they mingled and strode around what was to be their ritual space. Sharing their ideas of what the "eternal everlasting" would be like when the world decayed around them from war and famine. Pride almost got impatient when it seemed more like an impromptu party than anything. But eventually, one of the humans - who was much uglier than the others and, to him, very obviously not human at all, but one of his seedy underlings in disguise - began to encourage the others to find their place in the ritual circle.
Patience was not Pride's virtue - if he had any at all. When they finally took a hint; pulled daggers and knives to carve deep lines in their palms to trace over the floorboards in a goofy, misshapen pentagram (they couldn't even draw a STAR correctly), the Sin wasted very little time.
He put on a show, as he was prone to do, manifesting from the middle of the pentagram with red eyes gleaming at them and arms thrust open wide to designate THEM as the oh-so-special winners of the grand prize! The humans seemed elated; murmured congratulatory words to themselves in the middle of their open-mouth stares at him (which he ate up in spades, of course).
Often enough, Pride had feeding frenzies with his demons. He'd let them rush in and rip and tear; feed him just the Souls and keep the rest of the viscera and flesh. But not this time.
This time, Pride went full-force movie monster.
As he drifted to the first human, he made a move like he was going to pat them on the shoulder. A job well done.
Instead, his claws turned razor-sharp and he ran the man through with points that snagged and yanked some of his innards straight out the other side. Knew that at that point, the others would know that he was certainly not a benevolent creature. And probably not the Ahancurael that they had assumed. The Sin wrapped around the body of the first and consumed it whole: body, Soul, and all.
He wasted little time in hunting and slaying the others, blood spraying with each of his over-the-top methods of murder and teeth in his tentacles gnashing with disgusting delight. Two bodies and then three. Four and then five. There were twelve humans in all. Twelve Souls to gorge himself on and the remaining flesh to further build his strength and size.
His one demon that remained took a few steps away and cowered in a corner before he abandoned his Host entirely and scrabbled away, out of Pride's reach, lest he be consumed too.
The Sin opted to devour the abandoned Host instead that had barely regained cognizance of where he was before he too was lost.
When he was full, he was sluggish, though his appearance did not give away that he'd consumed anything, save for the now stark absence of any wound or injuries. He looked perfectly healthy, if a little lazy in his movements. Like a male lion who had just had a feast dropped in front of him by his lionesses and had spent the rest of the day with his face buried into a gazelle's bloated carcass.
Pride did not bother to clean up the house. The poorly-drawn pentagram and the blood that painted the remainder of the place would be enough to feed some good local rumors and maybe a horror movie in a decade.
As he made his way back home, he made a mental note to keep an eye out for the dramatic retelling.
Now this was a holiday tradition he could see himself repeating.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
"Ugh." Her dad was being weird with Usagi again. Not that she didn't mind since they seemed to get along. It just made her feel weird when they were being mushy around her. So, of course she's hiding out in Raphael's room, plopping herself down on their bed. "They're at it again. Can I stay with you for awhile?" ( help :'3 )
| muse interaction
Raphael was in the middle of nothing much joist sitting down at his drumb set. Working to replace the the drumb heads, after finding some replacements when he took a trip near a music stores dumpster. They were in good condition just a little scuffed up. Raphael couldn't believe what humans consider to be trash sometimes. Was nice to have something to focus on what with well everything that had gone down. If he were honest he was still reeling from it all. Jei's obsession with Leo, the fact Leo could apparently actually have kids, and then of course, the fact Leo had a kid. With Jei. Yeah the simply task of upkeep on his instrument was a nice little distraction from everything. Least they had finally gotten into a nice clam from all that had happened.
Pausing only when he sees the door to his room open. His eyes narrow as he fixes his sights on it. Half expecting it to be Mikey. He was the one most guilty for just coming into his room with out knocking. Already he felt annoyed he just wanted at least two seconds alone jeez.
"Mikey I swear! How many times do I gotta- oh Akria." Tone was quick to change at the little hybrid that made herself known to Raphael. As if the flame that acted for his temper went out the second he saw his niece. Look he didn't like just anyone barging into his room, well he didn't like it when his brothers did it at least. But well someone had become an exception to that. As she easily made her self at home walking right on into to his room and making her way in. Raphael simply watched her a second she hadn't spoke a word yet but she did look a tad bothered by something. Wonder if Leo was being too Leo again with her. Eh Raph knows how that can be.
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He just smiles to himself as she huffs out and just plops herself on to his bed. Attention shifts back to his task as he goes back to replacing the last drum head. From they way she threw herself he knew it wasn't anything to serious. "alight kid what's eattin' at ya now?" He simply asks giving her a chance to have the floor so to speak so she could air it all out.
"They're at it again. Can I stay with you for awhile?"
"they?" Raph asks thinking for a second on that "ah guess 'hat rabbits back, aww what ya don' wanna watch 'em be gross and make eyes at each other?" he teases a little bit knowing that was exactly why she came to hide away with him instead. He shrugs his shoulders "Ya know ya don' gotta ask. Doors always open for you." He pauses a second thinking about that "well least knock if Case is around. Or ya'll see me making eyes instead, an' think wathcin' your dad is bad enough." Of course. He laughs a bit knowing that may just annoy her.
Once he was done he moved to stand up and grabbed for his drum sticks holding them out for her to look at. "Wanna give them a try? Aint't gotta worry about soundin' good or nothin' just loud." He smirks her way as he gives a twirl of the sticks between his fingers. "be a real shame if the mood for them was ruined cause of all the rucks right?" was he trying to give her an idea here? Well yeah of course he was, not like Leo would get after his kid for being obnoxiously loud. Besides it would be kind of funny.
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fufukunaga · 2 years
skts co-workers au, singer omi
Miya Atsumu had always found his co-worker a little bit weird. Maybe even a lot weird. But he can't help but be intrigued.
Sakusa Kiyoomi was an attractive man but a quiet one at that.
They rarely ever interacted. They were in different departments but sometimes the office would have this general meetings where everyone is mandated to attend and they'd be in the same space.
Sakusa Kiyoomi didn't say much, if not anything at all.
Atsumu had tried to chat him up on more than multiple occasions. But Sakusa often ignored him in the guise of "listening" to boring reports for the year.
Atsumu would also try to catch him after working hours to invite him for a drink or even dinner.
But by the time he reached the fifth floor (Atsumu is stationed at the third), Sakusa's desk would already be empty.
This was stupid, he thinks.
He'd never crushed on anyone this hard before. He barely even knew the guy! He should probably just give up.
He can't force Sakusa if he's not interested.
Besides, it's not like Atsumu himself didn't have a lot of prospects.
Heck, he was the office heartthrob. Head of sales. Literally anybody else would say yes if Atsumu asked them out.
But Atsumu didn't want anybody else.
Oh, he was down bad.
And that is why he went stag to a wedding he was invited to.
Not even ten minutes into the reception and he's already on his third glass of champagne.
A girl was eyeing him from across the bar and usually Atsumu would engage but he's definitely not in the mood tonight.
Towards the front of the venue, the program was starting. The host welcomed the newly wedded couple, their entourage. They had speeches and games.
Atsumu hung back at the bar at the entirety of it all like he couldn't bear to be near the happy-goings of the party. Like he was allergic.
He had stopped himself at five drinks but as the night stretches further, he's seriously considering ordering a couple more.
That is until they announced dinner.
Fuckin' finally, Atsumu muses to himself.
As people started lining up on the buffet tables, a live band started playing in the background.
All par for the course, of course.
Atsumu beelines himself to one of the empty tables near the back with his plate full but before he can take a bite, a voice sings.
I see your eyes in the morning sun. I feel you touch me in the pouring rain. And the moment that you wonder far from me.
Atsumu lifts his gaze. The tables were significantly empty at the moment so he had a clear view of the man singing in front.
And his eyes almost jumps out of his sockets.
Because right now up there on stage was no other than his office colleague, Sakusa Kiyoomi singing.
Sakusa Kiyoomi who he'd never hear say a word except for huffs and grunts and annoyed scoffs. He was singing How Deep Is Your Love. And he had a deep sultry voice.
Atsumu was mesmerized. Maybe even a little bit in love. (Okay, maybe a lot)
As if being lured by a siren to sea, Atsumu walks towards Sakusa. Eyes never leaving the man in front of him, his vocal chords pulling at his heartstring. Like a man under a spell.
Atsumu didn't even know what he would say once he gets to Sakusa. He's a little drunk.
It may be a bad idea but Atsumu surges forth.
By the time Sakusa gets to the chorus, their gazes meet. And he sees Sakusa recognize him by the way his eyes widen. But he continues on singing. And Atsumu continues on falling.
Once the band's set finished (to which Atsumu creepily watched standing in the middle the entire time), they got off stage and Atsumu snaps into action.
"Omi-kun, wait!"
But Sakusa ignores him, as he always did.
The band heads to a table in the back corner of the venue where they packed up their instruments.
"You okay, Sakusa?" One of his band mates asked, he played the guitar. "You know him?" He mentions towards Atsumu who followed them all the way to the back.
Sakusa lets out a frustrated sigh. "Yeah. You two go eat. I'll catch up."
"Okay," the one on the keys said. "But be quick. They'll need us on stage again soon."
Sakusa nods as his band mates saunter on to the queue-less buffet table.
Once they were alone, Sakusa turns to glare at Atsumu. "What, Miya?"
Instead of being annoyed at being called by his last name, Atsumu beams. "Ya know my name."
Sakusa rolls his eyes. "Of course, I know your name. You annoy me every meeting."
Atsumu laughs at that. "I didn't know you sing."
"Well, it's not like I go around telling people."
"I like your voice."
Sakusa startles, and Atsumu thinks he sees a faint sign of a blush. Sakusa clears his throat. "Uhh, thanks."
Awkward silence. This was the longest exchange the two of them had where Sakusa actually talked. Atsumu was a little at a loss for words. (Okay, a lot)
For all the times Atsumu had gone seeking out Sakusa to ask him out, Atsumu thought he already knew what to say.
But clearly he didn't.
"If that's all," Sakusa says, "I have to eat before the next set. Excuse me."
He starts to make his way towards the buffet table.
"Omi-kun," Atsumu calls. Sakusa turns back to look at him. "Save me a dance, will ya?"
Sakusa snorts at that, but it was an amused one like it was almost a laugh. "How would that even work? I'm the music."
"I'll be waiting," Atsumu says, not taking no for an answer. Not this time. Not when he finally has Sakusa within his reach.
"I'll see what I can do."
After another round of speeches and the band has eaten, they take the stage again.
"Now ladies and gentlemen, give a round of applause for the bride and groom's first dance!"
A soft strum plays as the couple make their way in the middle of the dance floor.
Atsumu's eyes was on Sakusa as he sings.
Wise men say only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you.
Sakusa's gaze meet his, unflinching and intense as he sings the next verse.
Shall I stay? Would it be a sin if I can't help falling in love with you?
And Atsumu feels chills. Like the words being sung are what Sakusa wants to say to him.
Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be.
People start joining the couple on the dance floor, pulling their own partners.
Atsumu stays on the side, eyes still locked with Sakusa.
So take my hand. Take my whole life too for I can't help falling in love with you.
More steady strums from the guitar then the song ends.
The next few songs are more upbeat. Atsumu dances at a few of them. He even partners up with a little girl, letting her step on his toes as they boogie on the dance floor. He twirls her around and sometimes dips her.
A lot of other girls and some guys ask him for a dance.
He agrees to a few of them, looking at Sakusa's reaction. But Sakusa feigns nonchalance by avoiding his gaze as he continues to sing.
Atsumu can't help but laugh to himself. Sakusa Kiyoomi was seriously cute.
After a few more songs, Sakusa looks back at his guitarist and nods. A signal of some sort. The guitarist nods back and steps up into the mic.
"Good evening, everyone," he greets. A small round of applause sounded from the audience. "I'm Semi Eita.
And for our last song, a slow dance. So grab your partners and get cozy with it."
He played a few chords and sang.
I found a love for me.
Atsumu didn't even realize Sakusa had taken off the stage until then. He looked around for curly hair.
Darling, just dive right in. And follow my lead.
"Looking for something?" A familiar deep voice says behind him. Atsumu turns around and sees Sakusa. "Or perhaps someone?"
Well, I found the one, beautiful and sweet.
"Omi-kun," Atsumu breathes. "I thought maybe ya ran away from me again."
Well, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me.
"If I did, I'm sure you'd find me again." Sakusa smiles as he steps closer.
"Are we about to dance, Omi-kun?"
"You did say to save you a dance."
As the music amps up, Sakusa pulls Atsumu up to his chest and places Atsumu's hands on his shoulder and then puts his hands on Atsumu's waist.
"Do ya even know how to dance, Omi-omi?" He can't help but tease.
"Make sure not to step on my toes, Miya."
Cause we were just kids when we fell in love. Not knowing what it was. I will not give you up this time.
They dance. Atsumu could feel Sakusa's hand on his back as they swayed to the music.
They don't speak to each other, just staring deeply into each other's eyes. Sakusa twirls Atsumu, taking him by surprise. And then dips him at the end of the song.
Their faces are so close, Atsumu could just lean forward a little bit and they would kiss. But he didn't.
Atsumu didn't want Sakusa to think this was a wedding hookup. He needed to properly ask Sakusa on a date. Or at least his number.
"Omi," Atsumu says. "Please don't run away from me anymore."
"You're inevitable, Atsumu. I don't think I can."
Atsumu's breath hitches. Before he can even recover at being called his given name, Sakusa surges forward to kiss him.
"I like ya, Omi-kun," Atsumu gasps, before their kiss gets too intense. "Go out with me."
"You idiot," Sakusa says before capturing his lips again.
Additional info that didn't make it into the cut:
The reason why Atsumu never catches Sakusa at his desk after office hours is bc Sakusa always rushes to rehearsals.
Sakusa doesn't talk much to rest his voice.
Sakusa does this part-time for extra income alongside his job.
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malfoys-demigod · 3 years
The One Where Chandler Takes You In
Chandler x F!Reader
Summary: Chandler lets you sleep in his and Joey's apartment after you had to evacuate yours. Chandler's genuine and over-the-top kindness results in confessing his feelings for you.
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: My first Friends fic and it's on Chandler! I hope you like it!
Tag: @bellarkeselection
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There was a knock on the door.
“That must be Y/N.” Ross suggested, noticing the clock. So there were times when you’d be late for anything, such as Monica’s daily dinner. But to be two hours late? That was something new.
Monica stood up from her chair from the dining table and walked over to the door saying, “It’s about time you showed up-“
As the door opened, she was met with a messed-up version of yourself, with wet hair, wet clothes, tired eyes, and a self-depreciating smile on your face.
“Hi, everyone.” You greeted the gang, who looked at you with worry.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N, what happened? Are you alright?” Monica gasped, wondering why you were all so relaxed despite looking the opposite.
You laughed at yourself as you entered the apartment, taking the empty seat beside Chandler, “As of tonight, I’m officially homeless! The entire apartment floor happened to have some caught fire. I wasn’t really aware of this until there was water sprinkling over me like crazy from the ceiling. There wasn’t any fire from my end but their sprinklers must’ve been jammed and continued pouring on my room until, well, everything started messing up my place. Hard-headed me didn’t leave the apartment without a few boxes of clothing and other necessary items so yeah, that’s why I look like I showered with my clothes on.”
“That’s terrible, Y/N!” Rachel said in despair, “Where are all your boxes then?”
You gestured to the outside of the apartment with your finger, “Just outside in the hall.” You said in a cool tone.
“How are you so calm about this? You literally have nowhere to go now!” Monica commented, wondering.
“The apartment company made arrangements for us apparently. I just have to call this number,” you said, withdrawing a piece of paper from your jacket and showing it to the gang, “And have them confirm where I’m staying for awhile.”
“Well why don’t you call them now?” Phoebe asked.
You shrugged, listening to her question. You stood up from the dining chair and headed over to the balcony, attempting to call the number.
After a few tries, nobody picked up. You weren’t having this. You turned around and went back inside, now irritated.
“Nobody picked up,” you announced, frowning.
Chandler, who wanted to be the first one with the proposition, proposed, “How about you stay with me, Y/N?” Then stuttered, “I mean with me and Joey? You know, we could take you in for as long as you want, you could take my bed and I could take the couch and it’ll be fine!”
There was a smile that grew on your face, heart melted from the kind gesture of your friend. You placed your hands on your heart, “Aw, Chan, sure, thanks. But I can’t let you take the couch.”
“Why don’t the two of you share the bed then?” Joey whispered to Ross, who chuckled like a child, which Rachel and Monica heard the both of them, rolling their eyes. They all may or may not have thought that Chandler had a thing for you.
“Hey, whatever floats your boat, Y/N,” he agreed, “Do you need help with the boxes?”
“Sure,” you nodded.
“Alright, and we’re all set!” Joey said, finally placing the couch into a couch bed.
“Thanks, Joe,” you said, patting him on the shoulder.
You turned around to see Chandler staring at the two of you from the kitchen, to which he started moving away from and towards you since he felt like a creep from the back, “Uh, I guess that’s it for the night. There’s a lot of water in the fridge if you’re thirsty, and if you really need anything, don’t hesitate to knock on my door, alright?”
“Yeah, thanks too, Chandler.”
Joey yawned as he stretched, looking a little tired now. “Well, I’m gonna head to bed. Night, Y/N.”
“Night, Joe!” You waved as he retreated to his bedroom.
Chandler gave you a small and shy wave, “I’ll get going too, see you, Y/N.”
“Sweet dreams, Chandler,” you said, smiling at him. He smiled, turned around, and headed to his room.
When everyone was gone, you tucked yourself into bed and closed your eyes shut with a smile, knowing that you’re being taken care of by your two good friends.
Sometime at 3am, Chandler woke up. He was quite thirsty, which was odd since it was in the middle of the night. He needed to satisfy his body, so he got out of bed and slowly made his way out of his room without making any sound.
As he made baby steps from his bedroom, his eyes darted to the couch-bed. Somehow, he wasn’t in the mood for water anymore. He was curious to check up on you.
He made his way over to you and found you looking like a sleeping beauty. You were dead asleep, but looking so graceful and at peace.
But he knew you could be feeling more comfortable if there was an upgrade to your sleeping situation. He did something he never thought of doing EVER.
He scooped you up from the couch-bed smoothly and made his way to his room. Like the gentleman he was, he placed you on the other side of his bed with ease, placing his blanket over you.
That should do it.
Then he made his way to his side of the bed and closed his eyes. He was at peace. Or at least thought he was.
Five minutes later, he felt your body near his. You were subconsciously snuggling with him, making him feel so flustered about him yet he felt happier.
“Sweet dreams, Y/N.” He murmured to himself, then closed his eyes.
Joey woke up to an empty couch-bed as he made his way to get a glass of milk from the fridge. Hm. That was weird. You weren’t the type to wake up early and leave. Well, why would you leave? Your stuff was here. Well, you could be at Monica’s for breakfast but again, it was too early.
An idea popped up in his head. He smiled at himself, hoping he was right. He tip-toed over to Chandler’s door, opening the knob slowly and pushing the door quietly to see you and Chandler, in the same bed together.
He noticed how your arm was spooning over his waist, as his hand was over yours. The both of you look so at peace and so comfortable that Joey wanted to take a picture of you two.
He couldn’t contain himself. Oh man, he had to tell the rest of the gang.
He slowly closed the door and rushed to Monica’s.
Phoebe, Ross, Monica, and Rachel looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
Phoebe guessed, “You had sex with a girl!”
Joey pointed at her, “Good guess, but no!”
“Well, spit it out, Joey!” Monica demanded, now curious since it wasn’t that.
Joey sat in the dining chair with excitement over his jazz hands, “Okay,” he started, “Y/N started her night with sleeping on the couch-bed, right? Then when I woke up, she wasn’t there. So I checked over at Chandler’s room and SHE WAS SPOONING HIM! Oh man, they just looked so cute together, you know, especially with how Chandler likes her, and even his hand was over hers!”
Around the dining table, everyone’s faces became in awe, as they were surprised it finally happened - something between you and Chandler. Rachel’s opened mouth turned into a proud smile, clapping her hands together with joy, “Well that’s just great! I’m so glad something finally happened. Would you know if she went over to him or if he brought her over to his bed?”
Shrugging, Joey shook his head with no answer, “Nah, but I bet he made the first move. I can tell.”
“Well, are they still asleep?” Ross asked
“They should be awake in a few minutes probably,” Joey replied.
Over at Chandler and Joey’s apartment, you and Chandler had just woken up at the same time.
As your eyes started to open, you noticed that your surroundings seemed different. You sat up, quickly turning to the side to see Chandler flashing a small, awkward smile at you.
“Oh, Chan,” you said, as your heart was racing, “Did I sleepwalk or something over to your bedroom?”
Chandler sat up properly now, stroking his hair with a small laugh released from his system, “Uh, no,” he replied, “As a matter of fact I carried you to my bed last night since I figured you’d feel more comfortable here. I hope that was alright.”
“Oh, yeah,” you blushed, appreciating his gesture, “It was comfortable, thank you.”
“Of course,” Chandler replied, smiling.
You then looked away casually, not knowing where this conversation could now lead since there was a potential of it becoming dry sooner or later. There was one thing that you wanted to ask though, now that Chandler had done something out of the ordinary for you.
You looked back at him, feeling a bit stunned since he was staring at you this entire time. He then jittered and started murmuring things that you interrupted by shooting the question, “Chan?”
“Yes, Y/N?” He instantly replied, feeling saved from embarrassing himself even more.
Gulping since this may or may not have been an out-of-the-blue question, “I’m just curious but why would you do this for me?”
“Carrying you over to my bed?” He bluntly asked, raising his eyebrow. You shook your head, “No, I mean yes, but everything on top of that, you know - taking me in. I mean, I know Joey wouldn’t carry me over to his bed or quickly be willing to take me in. Either of the girls would’ve done that but you stepped in so genuinely. How come?”
Chandler looked down, feeling guilty but embarrassed at the same time. He started scratching the back of his head, knowing that it had to come out sooner or later.
“I guess it’s because I-I like you, Y/N,” he confessed, looking up to see your reaction with a hint of fear and anticipation in his face, “And you don’t have to reciprocate if you don’t feel the same way but I’d kinda do anything for you whether you like me back or not.”
You were internally gushing so hard that your heart started beating even faster, seeing how Chandler was basically giving you heart eyes right about now. You placed a hand over his shoulder, and another over your chest with a fluttering feeling, “Oh, Chandler, believe it or not, but I like you too actually,” you confessed back with a blush on your cheeks.
There was a wave of relief and happiness that came from Chandler’s body, as he exhaled with pure joy, “Oh boy, really?” He asked, laughing.
“Yeah,” you nodded, “I was probably just better at hiding it, but yeah, I like you Chan. I wished I started the night last night in bed already with you,” you teased. He smirked, gaining confidence to kiss you on the cheek as he said, “We can make up for that and stay in bed for as long as we want instead.”
“What about the gang?” You asked genuinely. He shook his head and threw a hand gesture saying, “Nah, I think Joey can take a hint and should be over there without us right now."
“Alright, I like the sound of that,” you said, laying your head back on the pillow, which Chandler imitated, as the two of you started getting cozied up again.
“As do I.”
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donaweasley · 3 years
What If
Pairing: Loki x Fem! Avenger! Reader
A silly game of “What-Ifs” between two friends eventually leads to the realisation that the future, if spent together, may not be as bleak as they had anticipated it to be. A dialogue-based best friends-to-lovers cliché.
Warnings: Relationship angst, too many dialogues, long read, happy ending!!!
Read time: ~28 mins
Author's Note:
It's a long read with far more dialogues than can be deemed healthy. The reason is, I didn't want their arc to feel rushed. It had to be cooked slow. Another reason is that, I can't help hearing my characters, and it triggers a flood of dialogues! I'm trying to work on controlling it. 😬 Hope you enjoy!
Now has a sequel: Their Little Secret
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“C’mon! You’re breaking the rules now,” Loki casually waved his hand at his best friend.
“I’m not. There’s nothing to answer really,” (Y/N) replied with a shrug.
“There must be something on your mind!”
She pretended to think for a second, and shook her head.
It was a usual night in the compound. It was just another night when one of these two friends had called the other in the middle of the night for some midnight snack. It was just another of those happy times when they had tiptoed into the kitchen like thieves because...no, no one would mind some missing nachos or ice creams, but because it was fun!
It wasn’t easy for Loki to open up to someone, let alone to allow the other person in. Neither was it easy for (Y/N) to trust somebody, given her past, especially when that somebody was infamous for betraying almost everyone, at every step, not to mention his attempts at ruling Earth and causing massacre.
But time is a healer and a magician.
And here they were now, looking at the moon-washed night life through the west-facing glass wall, and playing a game of “what-ifs”. One would say that it was silly and immature; some would even call their talks gibberish. But when the night was so relaxed and carefree, why wouldn’t they be?
The pale yellow orb hovering above the western horizon cast a soft ray of light through the glass wall. Oblivious to its movements across the room, Loki and (Y/N) were wrapped in a thin blanket on a couch, their feet resting on two separate pouffes.
It had all started with a silly question, something like, “What if you weren’t stuck in this building tonight?”, or something along those lines; they didn’t even remember correctly anymore.
One question led to the other, and soon they found themselves tangled in a game of questions that would have been enough to create an alternate reality. But eventually, they found themselves, not answering with imaginary scenarios, but debating over one particular question:
“What if you find the love of your life tomorrow?”
This question was posed by Loki, rather theatrically, amidst the many others that had tossed different possibilities of their near future. And it was here that (Y/N) refused to play along anymore because, as she stated, it was “the most silly question ever”.
“So, you claim that my question is even worse than your ‘What if you were a Jotun cat’? What kind of a question is that anyway?” Loki teased.
“Of course, it is. Undoubtedly!” With one wave of her hand, (Y/N) dismissed his appeal.
“And how is that even logical, may I know?”
“C’mon, this entire game is out of the boundaries of logic,” she claimed. “Your behaviour is like that of a cat. Don’t make that face; it brings you closer to being a cat. And...a Jotun cat sounds cool!”
Loki sighed. “And my question is ridiculous! If the game is beyond all reason, then...” he shrugged, “say something...weird, and move on!”
“Fine! If I-if... If I meet the love of my life tomorrow,...I’ll stab him. Or her. Or them. I don’t even know.” She huffed.
“Ouch!” Loki made a face, ”Didn’t see that coming. I would enjoy the stabbing part though. Thank the Norns, you never declared your feelings for me!”
She looked at him sideways with a stern face. Loki noticed the irritation simmering just beneath her skin, ready to burst out at the next prodding.
“Hey,” he placed a hand on her arm, “what happened? Was it something I said?”
She turned her face away. But Loki wasn’t giving up that easily.
“(Y/N),” he gently tugged at her arm, “look at me.”
When she finally turned towards him, he held her by the shoulders just to make sure that she couldn’t move away again.
“Now, you’ll tell me everything. What happened?” He inquired again. “I thought you were having fun.”
“It’s nothing Loki, it’s just that...you know I don’t like discussing my non-existent love-life. It’s...it kind of makes me...sad sometimes. Especially in a setting like this!” She waved her hands at her surroundings. “I mean, look at it, a full moon, a silent night, blankets and… It just leaves me with this reminder that I’ll be alone all my bloody life!”
Loki’s hands slowly retracted from her form and folded themselves on his chest. And just like that, they both found themselves staring out of the window.
“I’m sorry,” Loki’s voice audibly reflected the guilt that had formed within, “I never intended to...”
“No, you shouldn’t be. It’s...I overreacted. I’m sorry, Loki. I just ruined the mood. Shit! And it’s not my hormones, mind you!”
“I know,” Loki chuckled. “And you did not ruin anything. It’s natural to feel, isn’t it?”
She looked at him with a raised brow, “Somebody’s learning!”
“Somebody’s got a good teacher,” he smiled.
“Aww!! I love it when you acknowledge my awesomeness!” She wrapped an arm around him, pulling him in closer, and pinched his cheek.
“Ugh! Let go of me! Let...go!!”
The room was filled with (Y/N)’s cackles and Loki’s threats as he wriggled out of her grip.
“Do that one more time, and I’ll stab you!”
But it wasn’t enough to stop her chortles.
“Would you now?” she teased, and raised her hands again in a faux attempt at squeezing his cheeks.
He swatted them away.
“Stop it!” He warned again, only to emanate snorts from her.
But the next second, his voice changed into a compassionate one, “Why do you think you’ll be alone all your life? How old are you anyway? 80? 90? Isn’t that supposed to be old in human years?”
Once again her cheerful mood fled behind a thick curtain of annoyance. But this time she did not look away. She simply rolled her eyes, and pulled her legs from the pouffe to sit cross-legged, and shifted to face him.
“No, I’m not that old. But why are you suddenly so interested in this topic?”
“Because suddenly, you seem to have found an interest in getting annoyed.”
“Then don’t annoy me.”
“Not in my nature, I’m afraid.”
She couldn’t decide whether to hit him or laugh at him.
“Loki-” She curled her fists and shut her eyes.
“I’m listening, darling,” he smirked.
Of course, she knew how stubborn Loki could be!
Who else would know that better than me?
“Okay,” she placed her palms flat on her thighs, “the thing is...I can never make a relationship last more than two years. I waste my time trying to establish a...a proper, long-lasting relationship - something permanent - and end up with a heartbreak. Every. Fucking. Time. I’ve given up. I’ve had enough! Now, even if anyone makes a move, or if I’m interested in someone, I just remind myself that it’s not gonna work! I just don’t put any effort anymore.”
Loki hummed in response; his eyes were focused on her as if he was trying to decipher a mystery.
“And,” she continued, “given my current ‘job’,” she air-quoted the word, “I’m more sure than ever that no one will last more than two months now!”
Once she voiced the storm in her head, her eyes softened and she looked down at her lap. Through hooded eyes, she stole a guilty, fleeting glance at her friend, who seemed to be musing about something really serious. His eyes were strained on the carpet, while his chin rested on a fisted hand balancing itself on his thigh.
For a long moment neither said anything. Only the distant buzz of the sleepless city floated through the air and filled the room.
It was Loki who disrupted the silence with a long and heavy sigh.
“I knew that Midgardian men were impatient, narcissistic-”
“Look who’s talking,” she smirked as she interrupted him.
He gave her a quick deadpanned stare before resuming, “-imbeciles, but I was beginning to think that they have good tastes in women. It’s disappointing, not surprising though, that they have proven me wrong.”
A small laugh almost made its way to its escape, but she pushed it back. “You think so?” She quipped.
He shrugged, “From what you’ve said, there is no reason to think otherwise.”
She sat a little straighter. “Really? Do go on!”
Loki immediately noticed the effect that he had planned for. Without giving away the joy of his small triumph, he continued, “Indeed! Look at you! You’re an amazing woman! You’re brave, witty, independent...smart...excellent with knives! And that’s my favourite thing about you, by the way. ”
Feigning offence, she exclaimed, “And I thought your favourite thing about me was that I tolerate all your tantrums, and keep up with your shenanigans.”
“I don’t throw tantrums, darling,” he pushed the accusation away with his silky tone, “and don’t tell me that you take no pleasure in the havoc that we wreck together.”
At this, she could no longer suppress the evil grin that spread across her face, “I do love a bit of chaos. It’s fun.”
“To think of it,” Loki added excitedly, “had you been on Asgard, you might have been the Goddess of Chaos!”
“Oh! Thank you!” She replied with a dramatic wave of her hands.
Both laughed at the way their words were unfolding.
“Thank you, Loki,” (Y/N) said after their little whirlwind of laughter had calmed down, “I guess I needed to hear something nice about myself. It’s been a long, long time since I heard it.”
“I meant every word of it,” he replied in a solemn tone that made something flutter in her chest.
Was it gratitude? Was it joy? Was it love for her best friend?
It was hard to tell. It seemed to be everything at once.
She simply smiled at him. “Even the ‘Goddess of Chaos’ part?”
“Especially that part,” he asserted, and she laughed.
“You’re the best, Loki!” She gave him a half hug.
“That, I definitely am. But you’re not too shabby yourself. And you should never ever be sad for someone else’s failure.”
“Alright, I get what you’re trying to do here,” she landed a playful punch to his shoulder. “I’m fine! Really! I just got a little carried away.”
“No, I really mean it,” he tried to assure her. “You are one of the most magnificent women I have known! And mind you, I’m rather picky in these cases.”
She laughed, “Of course, I’d know that! ... Loki, it’s...it’s alright. Some people just don’t have it in them to sustain relationships no matter how wonderful they are. I’m okay with it.”
“Come on! A narcissistic God is showering you with genuine compliments! And you’re still not convinced that it’s not your fault but of all those who failed to keep up with you?”
She tried another attempt at convincing him, “It works both ways.”
“Norns! I can’t believe you’re so foolish!”
“Enlighten me, please,” she drawled.
“I believe I have already established the fact that you are phenomenal.”
When she giggled and nodded, he carried on.
“Good. Now, your job, as you put it, shouldn’t be a hindrance in your relationship. You’re doing the marvellous job of being a guardian to thousands of people. People you don’t even know! How many would put their necks out there to do it?”
“C’mon, Loki, when duty calls, you have to leave everything behind and just go! Who’d tolerate that for days? They will snap one day.”
“I’d never do that!” Realizing his mistake, he quickly corrected himself, “What I mean is, had I been in their place, I’d have never done that.”
“That’s because you’re on the team,” she argued. “So, it’s normal to you.”
“No, it’s not because I’m on the team. I’d-” He sighed. “Fine, why don’t you try finding someone from this field? Stark’s parties are a great place to hunt humans.”
“‘Hunt humans’?” She snorted, “I like the sound of that. Nay, haven’t found anyone. Besides, mixing professional and personal life can be fatal. You never know when your personal life might get jeopardised because of a mission gone wrong. Y’know, the usual blame-game and all. I hate all that!”
Loki brooded over her words for a few seconds before asking, “I don’t get it. Why would it be fatal? I mean, look at us,” he gestured in between them. “We have a perfect understanding. We���d never blame the other for any petty thing. Or-or let it affect our friendship.”
“That’s because we have the perfect understanding, Loki! You said it yourself. It’s a rare thing that we have. And I can’t expect it to be with anyone else. They’re not you, Loki.”
“They’re not us,” he corrected her.
Joy seeped through his senses as he watched her face brighten up at his words.
With a nod, she continued, “You see, all that spark, excitement, promises - these sound really great at the beginning. As time passes, as the real world pushes in, love moves to the backseat. Love is not enough. There comes a time when you have to balance everything together, and love becomes one of those things. It becomes a chore.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t follow you,” Loki stated with a frown. “That sounds so sad!”
“It is!”
“Well, it shouldn’t be! Loving you shouldn’t be a chore! Let’s say...hypothetically...if I’m in love with you, then you’d be my passion. And passions never become a duty, not even in the worst of times. Instead, they help us breathe when everything comes caving in. You’d be my...my moment of peace in a war. How could I not be tempted to embrace this beautiful moment?”
“Unfortunately, Loki, that’s not how it works. See, when you have a lot on your plate, say your job, your dreams, your daily life and all the pressure that comes with these, you’ll find less and less time for your loved one. Things get hectic and eventually frustrating. You won’t be able to keep that flame alive even if you want to. And one day, you’ll come to realize that you have distanced yourself from your moment, even if you never wanted to. But it’d be too late. There’d be no going back.”
“I’d never distance myself from you! I mean, from my moment. I’ve been a king, and I know how taxing royal duties can be. Sometimes, it seemed like a luxury to get even a minute to myself.”
“See? So, how could you have found time for me?”
“I would have, darling. Not plenty, but whatever little time I’d have gathered, I’d have made them memorable. For you. For us. And maybe we could have gone on long rides occasionally. Rekindle the old flames? Or-or we could have gone on visits to other realms...for political reasons, of course, but could have taken the opportunity to spend a small vacation with each other. What do you say?”
Painfully tempting images of a life that could have been floated in her eyes.
“And what if we came back to Earth, and I got involved in...say, a job that was all hectic and left me all frustrated, and with little time for you?” She shrugged.
With a sigh, Loki shifted to face her fully. “We will take care of each other, (Y/N). If one gets low, the other pulls both up. And I know that together, we can do anything! I believe in you more than I believe in myself.”
She smiled brightly as she acknowledged, “That is...that sounds doable, yes.”
“You’re special,” he placed a hand on her cheek, “and you need to be treated in the most special manner. One that befits my queen.”
A moment passed between them as they looked into each other's eyes, both seeing the same beautiful picture.
His queen!
My queen!!
Wait, what is he...?
Damn! What am I doing! What will she...!
Loki cleared his throat as he abruptly pulled his hand back to his side.
“I’m sorry, I...”
“No, it’s okay,” she cringed at the way the words squeaked out of her. Clearing her throat, she continued, “We were just giving examples.”
“Yes, just examples,” he agreed.
“It’s fine! I understand.”
“Great! It’d have been quite...awkward...otherwise.”
“Oh no! It’s...uh...totally fine. We’re best buddies!” She gave his arm a light punch.
“Right!” He nodded, and focused his gaze on the floor.
After taking a minute to calm his heart, he wore his witty persona back.
“See, having a relationship is not at all tough. All you need is a good partner. And I’ve proved myself right again! No, wait. There’s something you mortals do. It’s...uh...about throwing something...”
“Goblets? We don’t do that. It’s you-”
“No, not throwing, it’s about dropping something...after you have proven a point...”
“...Mic drop?” She chuckled.
His eyes lit up.
“Yes! ‘Mic drop’. So, as I was saying, all you need to have a happy and successful relationship is a good partner. Mic drop!” He concluded as he mimicked the action.
She sighed. “There’s just one tiny problem. I’d probably never find the right person. The ones that flirt with me, don’t understand me, and the ones that understand me have friendzoned me.”
“I’ve never friendzoned you,” Loki quickly replied with a frown. “J-Just clarifying...in case you were talking about me.”
“Of course, I’m talking about you, you big oaf!” She flicked his arm.
“Hey! You friendzoned me.”
“No…? It was you! Well, yeah, I never tried to flirt with you or anything but...anybody could see that you were being just my friend.”
“I can say the same about you,” Loki playfully accused.
“Whatever,” she shrugged.
A thought started playing in her mind. And a couple of seconds later, she decided to say it aloud, “I...umm...Just curious...y’know, don’t take it in any other way. Did you ever think of flirting with me?” She put forward each word very cautiously.
Loki furrowed his brows, and opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, she warned him, “Be honest!”
Immediately, his confident attitude changed into a helpless one. “Yes, I did. Maybe once. Or twice. But that was all! I assure you!”
She could hardly contain the amusement that was bubbling inside.
“What’s so funny about it?” Loki asked with furrowed brows.
“Nothing,” she shook her head as she tried to hold back her laughter, “nothing at all. It’s,” and then she lost it, “I’m sorry! It’s funny! I don’t know why, I find it funny hearing from you!”
“Look who’s laughing!” He said wryly. “I could clearly hear your thoughts the first few days after I stepped into this structure. Every compliment that your little mind cooed at my divine persona. And may I dare say that not all of them were decent.”
Her hysterics were long forgotten as her face went red at the comment.
“How dare you invade my mind?” Her hand had balled into a fist, ready to hit his arm when he caught it.
“I didn’t invade it, darling. You were practically shouting inside that pretty head of yours. I could have heard it from the other side of the planet!”
“That was a long time ago,” she refused to meet his eyes. “I make better choices and better decisions now.”
“Do you?”
She opened her mouth to speak but closed it without uttering a syllable, and crossed her arms.
Loki nudged her with his elbow. “Hey, it’s fun to tease you. Don’t be a spoilsport.”
“I hate you,” she peeked at him through the corner of her eye.
“What can I say,” Loki sighed. “Alright, if you say so.”
She smirked as she glanced at him sideways.
Loki cleared his throat in a not-so-subtle manner. “So, the next time Stark throws a party, I’ll find someone for you.”
Immediately, she face-palmed, and groaned, “No.”
“Please drop this topic. And you’d probably find me a psychopath, anyway” She joked.
“That hurt!” Loki exclaimed with a hurt look masking his humour, “do you think so little of me? Can’t I find a proper partner for my best friend, my darling?”
“No, it didn’t hurt. Don’t fake it. I know you better than anyone.”
“No, you don’t. You-”
“I do. And...I’m fine, Loki” she reassured him, “being with myself, with the people here, being with you.” She gently bumped her knee into his.
“Will these be enough?” His tone had left the playfulness behind. “Will I be enough? For all your life?”
She shrugged, “I think so. You...stick with me all the time, you understand me, you...make me feel good. What more could I want to be happy?”
“You know what more you are missing. A friend can never touch the boundaries of what a lover can give you.”
“I don’t need a lover. Just be with me all my life, and I won’t need anyone else.”
He gave her hand a light squeeze. “I will. I promise.”
Her playful smile was back. “Thanks for all the pep talk, my dearest God. But turns out that I’m better off alone. Now can we please go back to the game? It’s my turn to ask you.”
“Alright,” he smiled back, “if you say so.”
“Stop saying that!” A defeated sigh left her. “You won’t be convinced, will you?”
“Probably not. Because I know that this will gnaw at you again a few days later. I know you’ll be sad again. And that I won’t allow on my watch.”
“Right here, listening to you!” Loki quipped.
Rolling her eyes, she muttered, ”Damn you!” And proceeded to put forward a proper argument.
“The reason why I’m avoiding a new relationship is because I don’t want another heartache. I can’t handle breakups. That’s why I’m...”
When Loki didn’t make another attempt at dissuading her from her arguments, she added, “I just...try everything to avoid a heartbreak. Because when I get one, I lose control over myself.”
“Yes, I’ve seen. Once.”
“Then you must have noticed how vicious I become. Sarcasm drips from my mouth all the time, I say things that I shouldn’t, I...I hurt people. And in turn, I hurt myself. I yell at those who want nothing but good for me. But...”
“But being mean seems to be the only way to mask the pain,” he finished her line.
“It does, yes!”
She looked at him, and into his eyes that silently spoke of the pain that was resurfacing. She remembered something.
“You and I are so...alike!”
He nodded with a smile. “And maybe that is why we understand each other more than anyone ever could. … But we’re more than just being alike, if you think about it.”
She noticed how his voice gradually rose from its usual calmness to an excited tone, and his hands moved with his words.
Loki continued, “You point out my mistakes but don’t accuse me like everyone else does. You show me what’s right. And there’s this-this thing about you, which is so scary...the way you make me do all the things that you want. I-I mean, I am the God here! But you…a mortal...how can you have so much power over me?”
He sighed as his voice dropped to a compassionate tone, “You make me happy, (Y/N). You’ve taught me to forgive when I can, to forget what I can’t fix.”
“Don’t always do that,” she interrupted with a smirk.
His evil smile made a brief appearance before he resumed his warm note, “I like being with you. No...I love being with you! You make me feel good. You make me feel...I don’t know.... You make me feel…”
“Yes!” He observed her, “You complete me.”
For yet another time, silence enveloped them. The only difference was that this time, it was comfortable. Even in their hushed moments, they could hear each other, know what the other wanted to say.
After a while of exchanging quiet stares, (Y/N) spoke, “All this time I believed, but now I know for myself, that you are indeed Silvertongue!”
Loki looked at his lap and laughed, but in the pale light of the setting moon, she noticed the pink that had crept up his ears and cheeks.
“I meant every word of what I said,” he reassured her once again that evening.
“I know, Loki.”
Loki watched her as she shifted to a kneeling position, and leaned towards him. He felt his face becoming hotter as she supported herself on his shoulder with one hand, and placed a soft kiss on his cheekbone.
As she settled back, her lips tingled with the memory of Loki’s skin on it.
They had been best friends, yes, but she had never allowed herself more than a quick hug because she knew that Loki wasn’t someone open to random touches. And she wanted to respect that. Always.
But this peck felt right. It felt necessary. And it felt...different.
What happened next wasn’t guided by logic anymore, but only by their senses.
Loki put his legs back on the pouffe, and scooted a little closer to (Y/N). Taking the cue, she shifted so that her leg was stretched out, and back on the pouffe - not on hers but his - and sat close to him. He arranged the blanket so that it covered them both again.
Another stretch of silence enveloped them. To them, the moment was beautiful. To Loki, who had never experienced anything similar before, it was precious. If he could stop time, he would have done it right then and there.
“Why haven’t you found anyone yet?” She asked him.
“Royalty has its disadvantages,” he replied without taking a moment to think.
She leaned back slightly to get a good look at his face, “Didn’t you ever find anyone from the royal...uh...what do you call it? Of royal blood?”
Loki laughed at her naivety. “Can’t say I didn’t. But none of them were the one. Besides, most people chose my handsome brother over me. And if anyone chose me, well, it was mostly because of my royal title. None of them were real.”
“That’s awful! I would never have done that to you! I’d have chosen you for the wonderful being that you are. But, I get it; happens on our planet, too.”
“Everywhere,” he asserted.
“So...who do you think is the one for you?”
He looked down at her face, which was mere inches away from his. For the first time in months of their friendship, he felt something swell inside his chest at the closeness.
“I still don’t know,” he whispered, “but I think the Norns might have started giving me clues.”
He didn’t need to explain, obviously. All the tension that had been building up throughout the night had placed them both on the same page.
Without thinking, Loki moved his wrist so that his palm was facing the ceiling. And instinctively, (Y/N) placed her hand in it, their fingers closing around each other.
"It's odd," she announced after a while.
"It's weird. I mean, what were we even thinking!" She huffed, although she was still clutching his hand, as was he holding hers.
"Exactly what I was thinking. You and me?” Loki laughed nervously, “Come on!"
Silence, their faithful companion for the night, visited them once again.
"Could it be? You and me?" Loki’s voice was a little more than a whisper, and bordered on the edge of confidence and doubt.
"Doesn't sound so bad. Not after all these... Talks?" She whispered back.
And once again, they fell quiet.
The strangeness of the moment pushed them both into a whirlpool of thoughts. From acquaintances to partners to friends to best friends to...lovers?
Can this even be possible? What if it’s just a passing phase? What if everything goes back to normal tomorrow? Will we still be able to talk normally? But… This feels right. Just...right.
With a sigh, (Y/N) put her head on Loki’s shoulder.
"I don't want to rush into anything and ruin what we have," she confessed in a hushed tone, eyes staring into the night outside.
"Neither do I. You're the only one I have."
With a raised brow, she looked up at him.
"And Thor," he corrected himself with a small smile.
"Glad you remember him "
"Shut up.
Slowly, hesitantly, Loki put his free hand around her. Unsure of the appropriateness of the action, he kept his arm loosely hanging around her frame.
He waited for a while. Had Loki looked at her face, instead of looking straight ahead in fear, he would have noticed the small smile that had formed on her lips.
When she didn’t flinch or protest, he began to rest his arm properly but gently on her. He even went ahead and made the slightest possible effort to pull her closer to him.
The smile that had started forming on her now spread wide enough to turn into a grin. Its reflection was found on Loki’s face, too, who could finally muster the courage to look at her, although he was equally worried that she would be able to hear his heart trying to hammer its way out of his chest.
With every minute that passed, Loki became more baffled, for he couldn’t decide which moment he’d frame and hang on the wall of his heart as the most precious one.
"Are you feeling hot?" She asked without looking at him.
"A bit, yes. You, too?"
"Quite a bit, actually," she gulped.
"Is it normal?"
"I guess, yes. Totally! Had we been cool about it, it'd have meant that there's no spark between us. It’d have felt awkward, wrong."
"So, you agree that there's a spark between us?" He didn’t even attempt to hide the mischievous smirk that shone on his face.
"I had always suspected," she nodded.
"Hmm. When was the last time we went out for dinner?" He asked.
“Probably last month...or was it-”
(Y/N)’s head snapped up to look at him. She could barely put a lid on her excitement.
"Are you proposing to take me out on a date?"
"Well, if we are going to do this, then I'd like to court you properly."
She felt like she'd burst out of sheer excitement.
"If you'd agree to it, that is" Loki clarified.
Taking a large breath, she replied, "I'd love it."
The night was going better than either had expected. Who would have thought that a game of weird questions and a few confessions could change their lives!
(Y/N) put her head back on his shoulder, and let her body slump against him. He held her confidently this time.
“It still feels weird though,” she declared.
“It does, yes, but...maybe this is...right?” In a long time, Loki was hopeful about something, and he wasn’t going to let it slip away. No.
“I hope so.”
“Me, too.”
“Just so you know,” she sat up straight, “Thor is handsome, yes, but you are devilishly charming. You’re intelligent, well-read, witty, sarcastic, great at combat...uh...”
“Go on,” Loki smirked, earning a playful glare from her.
“You are,” she continued, “seductive! And who can resist a sorcerer who knows his way around everything!”
The evil smile that Loki had put away found its way back on his face. “As far as I remember, I did nothing to seduce you. I wonder what will happen if I try...”
“Shut up, Loki! You know I give away raw compliments. I didn’t really mean...I didn’t think...”
He laughed heartily at the furious way she was blushing.
“I was only pulling your leg. I had imagined you to be wise,” he clarified.
“I am! It’s just... I was...” She shook her head.
“So,” Loki resumed, “you think I’m devilishly charming?”
“Drop the topic, please!”
“You can’t resist my sorcery, ha?”
“Please change the topic! Forget what I said!!”
Loki laughed as he continued teasing her. It wasn’t going to be an easy ride, she realized, with the God of Mischief, but it was going to be the best ever!
“I know it was your turn to ask but, what if...you and I are indeed meant to be together?”
She smiled as she rubbed her cheek on his shirt, “I think we’ll have a gorgeous future together. And...I’d love that more than anything else.”
The next morning...
“Morning, Wanda-”
“Shh! Shh!!” The red-haired witch silenced Natasha, and pointed towards the couch.
Curious, Natasha’s eyes followed the direction that Wanda’s finger was pointing at.
There, snuggled in a blanket, fast asleep, sat (Y/N) and Loki, their legs spread on a pouffe, tangled with each other’s. Loki’s arm was wrapped around her shoulder while she was holding his waist. Her head lay on his chest and his on hers.
“Aren’t they cute?” Wanda whispered.
Before Nat could reply, Tony’s voice cut the conversation.
“Who’s cute?”
This time, both the ladies shushed him, leaving a perplexed expression on his once sleepy face.
When they pointed towards the couch, Tony huffed, “These two! God knows what’s taking them so long to realise! They’re just so-” His face lit up. “Know what? I have an idea! I’ll make them confess. Who’s up for it?”
Now has a sequel: Their Little Secret
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And...a song for keeping the feelings floating...💕
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Summary: Spencer and Reader are both a little uncomfortable with the idea of having sex
A/N: I firmly believe that dry humping shouldn’t just be for horny teens <3
Pairing: Virgin!Spencer Reid x Virgin!Fem!Reader 
Category: Smut, Fluff
Warnings/Includes: cursing, smut, graphic descriptions of sexual acts, grinding, dry humping,  please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed!
Word count: 1.9k
Requests Filled:
“I may have asked you this before but I’m not actually too sure if I just thought about it or if I actually sent it so I’ll resend to be safe (I have Dory’s memory I promise I’m not trying to be pushy) But could you write a blurb about riding sub!spencer’s thigh bc he’s not sure if he’s ready to lose his virginity and he gets so worked up he cums in his underwear (idk if you’re comfortable with that so please ignore this if you aren’t no pressure at all just lots of love) xx
Hi Ellie! I'm a new anon to your blog and I have a blurb request about the grinding on spencer gif you recently reposted. Maybe y/n and spencer are "in the mood" but y/n has never done "it" before but she still wants to get spencer and herself off so they dry hump in their underwear because that's as far as she's comfortable with going. I'm sorry if this is worded weird I've never requested smut before. Also can I please be the 💜 anon?”
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It wasn’t like they’d done nothing. But there was something about sex that felt like such a bold step. He knew she was inexperienced too, which sort of helped ease his nerves whenever he thought about it for too long. He just hoped that the whole thing freaked her out as much as it freaked him out really, but he still just found himself a little too shy to say anything about it. Instead opting for awkward and abrupt ends to make-out sessions, or cuddles, or dates, for fear that it would spiral into something he wasn’t exactly ready for.
That didn’t mean he didn’t want to. In some paradoxical way it still turned him on, and whenever he’d leave and make a break for the bathroom in the middle of a make-out session on his couch he’d more often than not find himself with his hand around his cock, pumping himself to the thought of her. He wasn’t sure what was so intimidating about it to be honest.
But she never seemed to say anything about it, so he sort of thought he might be in the clear about the whole thing. Even though deep down he knew that’s not how relationships or communication worked. So he’s both surprised and unsurprised when he shows up at her front door with take out and she’s wearing a robe with what looks like little else underneath. A far cry from her usual comfy clothes that he’d grown so fond of.
“Hey Spence” she says with a nervous smile, and he just stands there dumbfounded, staring at her like he’s never seen her before.
“Oh— I— um, hi!” he mumbles out, forcing himself back to reality as she steps aside to let him into her apartment. “I brought food” he says, leaving it down on the coffee table and all of a sudden having no idea what he’s supposed to do with his hands.
“Spence, I wanted to talk to you about something” she says, looking almost as nervous as he does, bracing herself as she sits down on the couch and beckons him to sit beside her.
“What is it?” he gulps down the lump in his throat before he speaks, preparing himself for the conversation he’s been dreading.
“I don’t really know how to phrase this but, um, I don’t think I’m ready to have sex yet” she blurts out, her arms crossing over her chest, defending and comforting herself as she speaks, her eyes looking anywhere but his.
“That’s alright” he smiles, reaching out a hand and placing it on the side of her face, gently tilting so that she has to look at him, “Me neither”
Saying it out loud feels like a huge weight has been lifted from his chest, he feels lighter than he ever thought possible as she looks in his eyes and they’re filled with a similar ease.
“You’re not just saying that?” she asks, hopeful, and he shakes his head.
“No, god no! I’ve been so worried that you were going to get annoyed, or impatient, or freaked out by me. I just didn’t know how to tell you that I wasn’t ready for that yet. And don’t get me wrong, I do want to… eventually, and I think you’re so pretty, just not, now.”
“You have no idea how good it feels to hear that Spence” she lunges forward and pulls him into a tight hug, and his hands pull her in instinctively, spreading out against her back. As he feels the smooth satin beneath his fingertips he has a thought.
“If that’s what you wanted to tell me, then what’s this about?” he asks, pulling back so that he can cast his gaze over her robe again, lingering a little longer this time, letting his eyes trail along her bare legs that stretch out beneath it.
“I don’t know if this was a stupid plan or not. But I wanted to prove to you that I do still want to be with you. And just because I’m not comfortable with sex yet doesn’t mean I’m not comfortable doing other things with you?”
“Oh” his breath catches in his throat, maybe it’s nerves, or just anticipation but he can feel the heat rising in his face, “Like, um, like what… things?”
“You’re not allowed laugh” she says, taking her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment, and he smiles at her.
“I know it’s a real ‘teenage’ activity but I thought we could both get off together if we dry humped?” his eyes go wide at her suggestion, because it’s perfect and he’s nodding before his lips can even think about forming words.
“Yes, yeah! That’s a great idea” and then she’s grinning at him and he’s grinning back before they’ve even really touched each other. “How do we start?”
She takes a moment to consider before speaking, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but maybe if you took off your clothes so we’re both in our underwear?”
“But you’re not—” before he can finish his sentence her hands have pulled at the tie keeping her robe together and it drapes open on either side, revealing the rest of her body clad in nothing but a white lingerie set. He has to force himself to start breathing again before he can do anything else. But once he does he’s standing up and making his way out of his clothes in an uncoordinated rush.
When he sits back down on the couch in only his boxers she wastes no time climbing into his lap, one leg either side of his thigh, her knee nestled in against his crotch. The pressure is immediate and he can’t stifle the moan that falls from his lips.
“Take this off baby” he moans, his hands coming up to push her robe off of her shoulders until she can shrug out of it, discarding it on the floor. “Fuck” he whispers at the unobstructed view, his hands ghosting along her sides with almost ticklish amounts of pressure.
While his hands are occupied and he's just a little distracted, she dives in to kiss him. Her lips a little rough against his from the excitement but he doesn’t seem to mind, opening his mouth in response to let her tongue in. They stay like that for a few moments, hands roaming over bare skin, tugging gently at hair, moaning against each others mouths.
It takes an embarrassingly little amount of time before they’re both desperate and aching, and she can’t help the way she grinds down against his thigh, resting her hands on either one of his shoulders for support.
“Does that feel good baby?” he asks when her lips break apart from his own to let out a gasp.
“Uh huh” she moans, her lips hanging open, soft and swollen from kissing his own.
“Why don’t you come a little closer?” he whispers, tightening his grip on her waist and pulling her in tighter so that her knee is pressed up against his bulge, pushing closer with each soft rock of her hips.
“Fuck” he whimpers, his head falling backwards to land on the back of couch, giving in to the overwhelming sensation. If it was ever possible for something to feel too good, this was it, he cursed himself for knowing it wasn’t going to last long. And then she started to kiss his exposed throat and he knew he was fucked.
His hands began to dig in tighter against her waist, both guiding her movements and letting out some tension. “You’re gonna kill me” he forces out as she begins to gasp and moan between the soft kisses she leaves along his neck.
“Sorry, it just feels so good” she chuckles a little as he tries to bring his head back up so he can look at her, admire her. She was always so beautiful, but somehow even more so like this. With her hair just a little messy, her eyes full of lust, her face and chest lightly coated with sweat in a way that made her look like she was glowing. It was all so perfect that he couldn’t be more thankful for his memory in that moment.
“Are you close baby?” he asks and she can only nod, her breath coming out in harsh pants as she tries to move her hips with some sort of rhythm. So he decides to concentrate his efforts on her in an attempt to slow himself down.
Holding her still with his grip he starts to move his thigh, alternating between shaking it so that it vibrates, and pushing it up in a very harsh and deliberate grid against her now soaking wet panties.
“Oh fuck, Spencer!” she whimpers, trying to steadying herself against his shoulders without much success. “I’m so close—uh—”
“Cum for me baby” he soothes while keeping his movements forceful until she’s almost doubled over on top of him, collapsing against his chest with a loud and desperate moan of his name. And he can feel the soaking fabric against his thigh and the idea that he’s the one that’s responsible for it has him throbbing.
But he waits. he waits for her to regain her breath and sit back up from her resting position against his chest. But she’s way ahead of him, and he can feel a hand pressing up against the fabric of his boxers, squeezing gently, but it’s more than enough stimulation to have him squirming.
“Shit Spence, you’re so hard” she groans, sitting up finally so that she can look at his blush covered face and neck.
“It’s ‘cause of you” he manages to mumble out as her hand begins to move, squeezing and pressing against his bulge, spurred on by each desperate little whine.
“Are you gonna cum baby?” she asks, her other hand coming up to knot in his hair, tilting his face so that he’s looking up at her, just in time to nod. And then he’s cumming, warm and messy inside of his boxers. Something about the feeling against her hand has her almost good to go again.
Spencer’s eyes close as he turns a brighter shade of red, his mouth hanging open in a little ‘o’ shape as he comes down from his high. When he finally returns to Earth to find her still perched in his lap he can hardly believe any of what’s just happened is real.
“So that’s what I was missing out on in high school?” he chuckles, his hands coming back up to graze her sides softly again as she smiles down at him.
“We’ll make up for plenty of lost time together. And we can take as long as we need.” she leans in and presses her lips softly to his. And even though he still didn’t feel comfortable with sex, he knew he felt comfortable with her.
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Thank you so much for reading, any feedback is always appreciated, love you! <3
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
hi can i request a blurb or a whole imagine where jj rlly likes reader but she’s a kook and his friends don’t like her that much, 💗 thank u
hatred runs out ❀
jj maybank x kook!reader.
warnings: swearing, hateful feelings, that’s all.
words: 2,015.
summary: you are a kook, you were trying to befriend the pogues as they made you happier than you had been in months. the only downside, none of them were quite welcoming, besides jj.
request? yes!
a/n: my ask box is open, send away! i’m working on multiple imagines that should come later! like and comment if you enjoy this. thanks for the request! <3
my masterlist
“she’s a kook jj, i mean, you aren’t seriously crushing on her? are you?” john b looked up at jj, and frowned when he saw he wasn’t laughing. “john b, i don’t know what it is man, but she’s different. i just know it.” john b cackled, “she’s not different. she’s a kook, i mean come on… she hangs out with topper. that says enough.” jj rolled his eyes, obviously annoyed. “you just don’t like her because she associates with sarah’s ex.” he shakes his head. “no, that’s not the reason jj. your mind is just fogged up, because you clearly aren’t thinking straight.” jjs anger was boiling up, and before he did something he would regret, he decided to just walk off.
jj stormed away. he continued walking despite john bs attempt of calling out to him to stop. he was trying to clear his mind, he genuinely liked you, so much that he felt the need to tell john b. jj wouldn’t usually be this upset, but when john b of all people disapproves because you are a kook, when the girl he is dating is sarah, it angers him. after ten minutes of air, and chilling out, he returns to john bs house.
once inside he sees you and kie. he was completely caught off guard. “oh? you’re here.” jj spoke to you, causing you to look up. “hey jj. yeah, i decided to stop by before my shift. do you want to join us? we’re playing uno.” your smile immediately lifts a smile to jj's face. “sure i’ll play some uno.” he approaches the table, and you deal him seven cards.
kie was the only one who semi liked you. obviously she wasn't ecstatic about you, but she was open to tolerating you. as time went on, she started to enjoy your company, she realized you weren’t that bad, and despite being a kook, the two of you related on many things.
“first card is a yellow two. jj can go first.” you stare at him, waiting patiently for his move. his heart was beating fast, as he tried to pick a card. as he placed a yellow seven, john b walked in. “why is she here?” you didn’t miss the sharp tone that lingered in john bs voice. “oh, i decided to stop by. i’m sorry, i should have asked.” you stand up, reaching for your jacket. “that’s right. you should have asked. you can’t just show up to someone’s house randomly. it’s weird.” you frown, not realizing until now that he didn’t trust you enough to even be considered an acquaintance.
“she’s welcomed here whenever she wants to be, john b.” jj spoke up for you. kie backing him up by softly saying yeah. “no. she’s not. it’s my house jj, and i don’t appreciate you inviting random kook strangers over. she’s not a pogue. she’s not like us. meaning; she’s not welcomed here.” you frown at his words. you quickly feel out of place and you rush to the door, pulling your shoes on. “i’m going to go.” you spoke up, grabbing your purse. “good. see you!” john b exclaimed, watching you walk out the front door and down the steps.
“what the fuck bro?” jj stared at john b waiting for an explanation. “what?” jjs eyes narrowed on his, he couldn’t be serious could he? “why do you always do that shit bro? i mean honestly. what makes her any different from sarah?” john b shakes his head. “don’t even compare them. they aren't similar.”
jj scoffs, “oh they’re not?” jj begins to expose the similarities but john b shuts it down immediately. “jj i’m not going to explain myself to you anymore. i don’t like her, and i don’t want her over here.” jj groans in frustration. “if only you got to know her man, then you’d know how amazing she is. i mean ask kie. kie thought she was annoying at first and now they can be in the same room without being in a yelling match.” kie nodded, listening in but staying mostly silent.
“fine. the only reason i’m agreeing is because you hate kooks too, which means you might be right. about her.” john b sighs, giving up. “thank you. please, even if you decide you still don’t like her, please just consider getting to know her.” he pleads, “i already said i will.” john b rolled his eyes, jj smiles, “okay. we should invite her to hang out with us after pope gets off work.” they all nod in agreement, planning something so they could see if they wanted you to join their party.
the pogues had planned on inviting you to the wreck, and then to a mini trip on the hms pogue, for a boat ride. you were ecstatic, excited that they wanted to actually hang out with you. you think hard, trying to find a perfect outfit. you didn’t want to overdress, or underdress, and you didn’t want to look bad. after deciding on a simple outfit and swimsuit, you head to the wreck.
you see the group in the back corner. when you walk inside, jj is the first to spot you. a smile spreads to his lips, as he waves you over to join them. you sit down by john b, jj sitting on the other side of you. “hey.” you say shyly, not entirely sure if this whole thing was a set up. you were hopeful it wasn’t, but you could never be too sure.
“hey, thanks for coming.” pope said. you smile brightly at him, “thanks for inviting me.” pope nods. your stomach was hurting by how nervous you were. jj made small talk with you, as you guys were waiting for kiara. you weren’t entirely sure what they were planning, you were just glad to be a part of it.
“alright guys. here’s the scraps.” kiara walked to your table, setting down a bowl of fries, and then a plaster of burgers. you smile softly, jj and john b immediately grabbing the food. you wait, not entirely hungry since you ate before you left. jj offered you a bite of his burger, “oh thanks!” you laugh slightly as you bite from where he had bitten, enjoying the taste, “hey you actually have mustard right there.” you smiled as you spread mustard on jj’s face. you couldn’t help the giggles erupting from you, as jj’s mouth opened wide in shock. “oh really? well you seem to have some ketchup-” his finger rubbed ketchup on your cheek. “all over…” he gestured to your face. “hey! give me a napkin.” you ask for a napkin and jj laughs. “no.” you immediately look over to pope, giving him a smile. “may i have a napkin?” you ask. he smiles, “sorry jay.” he hands you a napkin and you wipe the ketchup off your face.
“thank you pope. i like you. unlike some people at this table…” you look at jj and he’s just smiling like a maniac. pope laughs. “glad that you think so highly of me just because i handed you a napkin.” you nod, eating a french fry before glancing at john b. he was awfully quiet. “john b?” you question. he looks up at you. “yes?” annoyance already rolling off his tongue. “are you okay?” he rolled his eyes. “yes. even if i wasn’t, i wouldn’t confide in you about it.” you frown.
you wait a second, trying to think of how to lighten the mood. “you know what we need to do?” you look from pope to jj, to finally john b, poking at his arm. “what?” john b looks up at you. you tap jj’s stomach, indicating to him to stand up. he stands up, making room for you to be able to move out of the booth. you poke john bs side. “we need to dance.” you grab john b's hand, doing anything possible to lighten his mood. his frown was still hung on his lips. he hesitated and followed you to the middle of the restaurant. jj and pope stay back at the booth.
you lean over the counter, asking kie to play a song she knows john b would enjoy. “john b. you just need to calm down, and relax. you just need to dance like nobody's watching.” he stares at you, shocked. “it’s okay. i’ll do it with you.” his favorite song started playing, and you began to awkwardly dance. he laughed at your ridiculous moves. he held back from joining in, he didn’t want you to win. you began to break out dancing, and he can’t help but laugh. you look up as someone enters the restaurant. a smile flies to your face. “sarah!!!” she runs up to you.
“hey!!! i didn’t know you guys would be here.” you smile, still swaying slightly to the music. “sarah i would have definitely invited you if i knew you were free.” she nodded at your words. “all good girly, we still good for monday?” you smile, “of course.” john b stared, confused by this whole interaction. not only did you know sarah, you were actually friends with her. you had plans to hang out with her. maybe he was wrong, maybe jj was the one who was right. maybe, you actually were similar to sarah.
“do you want to join us?” you ask, sarah grabbed your hand spinning you around before breaking out in a fit of laughter. “stay another minute here with you losers… i’ll pass.” you jokingly act offended, “hey!” she shakes her head. “only kidding. i definitely would, but my dad wants me home. he claims he has a fun night planned but it’ll probably just consist of watching a movie and eating from here.” you nod. “well have fun with that.” you spoke, she smiles, “you know i always do.” you roll your eyes at her joke, she walks away grabbing her to go food before she disappears from the restaurant. “hey i’m gonna go take a sip of water.” you move back to the booth, jj refusing to move so you end up sitting on his lap. you sip water as you catch your breath from dancing.
john b heads straight to kiara. “how long have they been friends?” he asked abruptly. “her and sarah?” kie questions, pointing at you. he nods, “yeah.” kiara laughs, “they’ve been buddies for years. they didn’t get super close until a month or two ago.” he nods at her words. he was still shocked. he looked back at the booth, seeing you sat on jjs lap, his hands held firmly around your waist. you were speaking to pope, and he actually looked interested in what you were saying.
john b had just realized that he had the wrong idea of who you were. whether sarah made him realize that or not, he definitely didn’t want to hold a grudge with you, especially if sarah was your friend. john b walked back to the table, his attention on you. kiara had followed swiftly behind him. “let’s raise a toast.” the group was confused but they lifted their cups of water anyway. “to the newest member of our club.” his glass pointed in your way, his cup clashing with yours. you smile. john b was the only one you were worried about, and now he was saying he welcomes you.
the group cheers as you smile brightly. “thank you guys! i’m so excited for our future adventures.” you drink from your glass. the group waited for kiara’s shift to end before taking the hms pogue for a ride. you were sat by jj, pope to your left. kiara and john b talking as they directed the boat.
“well, welcome. you made it.” pope smiles, laughing slightly. “i did, isn’t that crazy. john b hated me like 6 hours ago.” jj laughs, “classic john b for you.” you nod at his words. pope, jj, john b, kiara, and you, talked all night, watching the stars as you guys got closer. it was so much fun, and today’s events allowed you to become a permanent group member.
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Smitten - Tom Hiddleston x Curvy Reader
Filming sex scenes wasn’t the easiest task. There are weird nude undergarments or socks or tape or sometimes just a nude co-star…With Tom, though? There were nerves and feelings and a deep down hope that he couldn’t tell that you were incredibly turned on as he mimed fucking you twelve ways to Sunday.
“Cut! That’s a wrap on today. Great work guys!” the director called.
Tom collapsed onto your chest, laughing as the tension left his body. “These never get easier.”
“I don’t know” you teased, playing with his hair as everyone left the set so you two could leave the bed with some of your dignity. “It’s a lot easier with you.”
Tom held himself up on his elbows. “Don’t tell me your past romantic co-stars have been less than gentlemanly.”
“Not all of them.” You shrugged. Being a ‘larger than the Hollywood standard’ actress had put you in some…not very flattering roles in the start of your career. Sure, now you were the romantic lead with a conventionally attractive male actor, but lets just say you’ve dealt with a lot to get here.
“Well, I hope you know you deserved better.” Tom kissed the back of one of your hands, rolling off of you.
“Coming from you, I may actually believe it.” You laughed, gathering the sheet around you as you left the bed, grabbed your robe, and started walking towards your trailer.
The two of you filmed the movie…Where you’d usually fall asleep in one of your two trailers watching other movies…
The two of you attended interviews…Where Tom would almost always defer to you and even stuck up for you when a few interviewers were borderline sexist or would comment on your appearance…
The two of you even walked a few red carpets together…Tom’s hand always placed at your middle or  on your hip or in one of your hands...
He invited you out to eat with him before or after any shindig the two of you went to…
He’d walk you to your hotel rooms with kisses left on your cheeks…
He’d even tried to convince you to spend the week before the premiere in London with him…
In your mind, Tom was just too nice. He was nice to everybody. It all seemed very friendly…Until…
You hadn’t been watching the interviews as they’d been posted. Some interviews you did together with Tom and others you’d been split up and put with other actors from the movie.
Your phone pinged…
*best friend* - HAVE YOU SEEN TOM ON FALLON?!?
Before you could reply, your phone started blowing up.
You scrolled through the texts until you saw Tom’s
Tom – Darling, I hope you know how much you mean to me. Regardless of what your answer is, I’d never want to lose your friendship. It’s not every day you get to work with one so incredibly kind and thoughtful and talented and beautiful and…every moment I’ve spent with you has been a privilege. Please put me out of my misery and let me know you’ll at least let me see you again.
“What the fuck?” you asked yourself, opening your laptop and googling “Tom Hiddleston and Jimmy Fallon”
You saw that the Fallon YouTube channel had just posted Tom’s segment of tonight’s episode…
“How are you doing, buddy?” Fallon asked, pulling Tom into a tight hug.
“I’m doing incredibly well at the moment, actually.” Tom answered, sharing that the movie you two had filmed together had done extremely well on its opening weekend just a few days earlier.
“I know! It was amazing. I’ve seen it twice!” Fallon replied, always enthusiastic.
“I’m so glad you liked it. Y/n is incredible, right?” Tom turned to the audience, loving that they cheered when he brought you up.
“Oh my god, you two are so good together. I kind of thought maybe you two were…you know…” Fallon waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Tom threw his head back laughing, fidgeting with his tie and avoiding looking into the audience.
“Come on, you can’t tell me you two don’t have SOME sort of real chemistry. I saw the movie.” Fallon gave Tom a look like *Don’t lie*
“Well, perhaps we’re just incredible actors and you’re simply complimenting our craft.” Tom shrugged, trying to look anywhere but at Jimmy.
“Well, yes. The acting in the movie is amazing, but I don’t think that accounts for this.” Jimmy turned and pointed to the screen. It was a series of clips pulled from Tom’s interviews where all he did was gush about you.
“I missed being home, but it’s hard for anyone to stay upset when they’re around Y/n. She just lifts the mood in any room she’s in. You could say she makes anywhere feel a bit like home.” Tom had answered when a woman asked him if it was hard being on site away from home for 5 months.
When another interviewer asked Tom what his favorite line in the movie was, he answered, quoting one of your lines. “When she delivered it for the first time, it kind of took my breath away. I felt very unprofessional. I had to apologize and ask to start over. I couldn’t remember what I was supposed to say next. She tends to have that effect on me.” Tom laughed, a slight blush on his cheeks.
The final clip was one of an interviewer simply asking Tom how his day had gone. “I feel all out of sorts, if I’m being honest. Y/n isn’t here today because she woke up not feeling the best and with Covid still being an issue, she didn’t want to risk getting anyone else sick.” Tom answered with a sad smile on his face. When the interviewer shared that they hoped you would be okay and feel better soon, Tom answered with “I’ll make sure to pass on your sentiments when I bring her food later on.”
“COME ON!” Fallon laughed, throwing his arms up.
“I know, I know. I’m not very good at hiding how I feel, I guess.” Tom admitted, leaning back against the couch and laying his arm across the top. The crowd went wild.
“So, you admit it! Are you two together?!” Fallon asked, sitting on the edge of his seat.
“Unfortunately, not.” Tom answered, ducking his head as his cheeks flushed.
“Why?!” Jimmy asked. “You’re clearly smitten!”
“Hey, it’s not my fault!” Tom rebutted, looking to the audience for support. “I’ve tried!”
“Aww, now I feel bad for bringing it up.” Fallon chuckled and looked at the audience as they collectively ‘aww’ed. “How could anyone turn down this?!” He gestured towards Tom as the audience cheered.
“Well, if I’m to be completely honest I guess I haven’t actually TOLD her how I feel.” Tom confessed.
“Wait, what do you mean?” Jimmy paused.
“Well, I thought she’d catch on. I assume she has.” Tom laughed, fidgeting in his seat. “I’m pretty sure everyone else that knows the two of us can tell I’ve fallen completely head over heels for her.”
“Tom, Tom, Tom.” Jimmy shook his head.
“What?” Tom asked, nervous about what the answer would be.
“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but I think you may just be horrible at flirting.” Fallon said with a straight face, the audience busting up laughing after.
“Do you think?” Tom replied, eyes gone wide in exaggerated surprise.
“I mean, I think you’re just so nice.” Jimmy laughed, trying to stay serious…“that everyone thinks you’re flirting with them…Which means, when you’re trying to flirt it just blends in.”  
“Well, how would you suggest I stand out then?” Tom asked, putting his elbow on his knee and leaning his chin on his fist like he was really paying attention.
“I mean…” Fallon slowly pointed towards the camera. “You gotta shoot your shot, right?”
The audience went wild at the suggestion. “Oh, dear.”
“I can scrap this and we can just talk about the movie.” Jimmy offered, making sure Tom knew that none of this had to go on the air.
“I mean, if it’s truly that obvious to everyone what have I got to lose, right?” Tom answered.
“That’s what we like to hear!” Jimmy cheered with the audience.
“Well…Y/n.” Tom paused, a soft smile on his face. “I don’t quite know where to start. I feel as though I may have been remiss by not just telling you how I feel. The consequence of such is that now I’m doing it in front of all of these people *gestures to the audience*…and I’m sure you’re laughing at how red I’ve gone and how flustered I am so I’m going to get to the point. Darling, you’re an incredible woman. I could list a million reasons why, but hopefully later you’ll give me the time to tell you them in person. What I really want to tell you now is that you make me happy. You inspire me. You make me want to be the best version of myself and you even make me believe I can achieve it. I’d be honored if you’d give me a chance.”
Fallon had tears in his eyes and most of the audience did, as well. “I…That was so beautiful. I think we need to go to a commercial break.” He was all choked up and stood to give Tom a hug.
You pulled up Tom’s text, your fingers hovering over the keyboard. “Are you still in New York?” you text him. The two of you were there for interviews. You were even staying in the same hotel.
“I am.” He text back, but the ‘typing’ bubble stayed. “Did you watch it?”
“I did.” You answered. “Come over?”
You saw the ‘typing’ bubble pop up and then disappear a few times. Instead of a text, you heard a knock at your hotel door.
“So?” Tom asked when you opened the door. He looked nervous, a look you didn’t often see from him. He had his glasses on and his hair was an adorable mess. He was even already dressed in his night clothes.
You didn’t answer. Instead, you stepped forward and placed your hands on each side of his face, pulling his lips gently to yours. He quickly reciprocated, his hands finding your hips as he walked you backwards into your hotel room.
“And to think, I could have been doing that for a whole year already.” You teased him, connecting your lips again.
“Don’t worry, my sweet.” Tom answered, pressing kisses across your cheek and down your neck. His lips paused at the shell of your ear and his voice dropped. “It just means we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
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buck x fem reader work together / secretly dating but they act like they hate each other and the team doesn’t know. reader is also bobby’s daughter (or niece up to you) and scared of his reaction (prompts 17, 37, 42, 81)
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Evan Buckley x Reader 
Prompts: #17: “We shouldn’t be doing this”, #37: “Uh why is your shirt inside out?”, #42: “I love you”, #81: “I can explain” 
Warnings: fem!reader, worrying, vulgar/suggestive comments (kinda but not really ?), suggested sexual content, a few swear words, kissing, mentions of hospitals, surgery and injuries. 
Category: fluff with a lil angst 
Word Count: 4.4k
Author's Note: I wrote it as bobby’s niece, it just made more sense :) hope you liked it!! 
Evan Buckley was a pain in your ass. 
He had been since the day you met him. His annoyingly attractive face, his stupid pretty blue eyes and his smile, not to mention how sweet he was. You couldn't help but hate him. Not in the typical “I hate your guts and hope you fall down a flight of stairs” way but in the “god you’re gorgeous and I want to marry you” way. 
Did you plan on liking the ridiculously attractive firefighter ? Most definitely not. 
Were you also planning on dating him in secret ? Also a no. 
Hence why you were sitting in his jeep on a Saturday at 3 in the morning. The two of you had gone on a date to this little restaurant outside of the city but everything that could go wrong kind of did go wrong.
Buck’s shift was supposed to end at 6 but they got a call last minute so he didn’t get home until 7:30. You called to push the reservation back and when he did pick you up, you got stuck in traffic. By the time the two of you got to the restaurant, it was 8:30 and the woman said she called to see if the two of you still needed the reservation but there was no answer (she didn’t call but neither of you were in the mood to argue) - Now it's 9 pm and the two of you still haven't had dinner. Venturing down the block, there was nowhere that seemed appealing. The night really began at some random mom and pop dinner you spotted by the beach. Deciding to have your own little dinner date on the beach, it was now 9:30. Buck had a blanket in the trunk (you didn’t ask why nor did you really wanna know) and you sat on the beach and had dinner. Time flew by, it was around 1 when the two of you began wondering what time it was. 
The date was now prolonged by Buck’s craving for something sweet so once again, the two of you were on a hunt but for somewhere to go. He googled the closest ice cream parlour but most places were closed, he searched until he finally found a place that was 20 minutes away. It was totally worth the drive considering it was some of the best ice cream you've had in your life. Which now brought you to 2:20 in the morning, the two of you were still sitting on the hood on his jeep, a container of half eaten ice cream between you. 
Buck looked over at you, a smile on his face. “Did you have fun ? despite, you know, all the shit that went wrong ?” you chuckled, “I did.” Buck had a shift at 11 so it was time for the night to come to an end. One of his hands held yours and the other on the wheel, you were staring out the window as the breeze blew by. 
“Something on your mind babe?” Buck asked you, glancing over at you as you turned towards him. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this” you mumbled, you didn’t want to end things with him but that didn’t mean that you didn’t have doubts about where this relationship was going. “What do you mean ?” he asks, his eyes on the road. “I mean how long are we going to hide this from everyone ?” your eyes back out the window, Buck sighed and the conversation dropped. There were a few minutes of silence and the tension filled the car, Buck finally spoke up “you were the one that didn’t want to say anything.” his voice came off a bit harsher than you expected, letting go of his hand, your body shifted towards the door and way from him. He noticed your change in emotion and seating. 
“Babe, I'm sorry. It's just that you didn’t want to say anything and it’s entirely your choice. I get it but we can figure it out. One step at a time, okay ?” Buck looks over at you when he pulls into the parking lot. “Yeah, I know. It’s fine.” leaning over the console to press a kiss to his cheek.  “Good night Buck, thank you for tonight” you give him a smile and get out of the jeep. Buck follows you, “let me walk you up,” he grabs your wrist, the two of you stopped in the middle of the parking lot. “That’s fine, I'll text you so you know I’m okay. You need to get home anyways, you have a shift and you need your sleep” shaking your head, you pull your hand away from him and head inside before he can ask again. 
He was right, it was your choice not to say anything but you weren't sure how your uncle would react. This relationship wouldn't just affect your relationship with him but also his relationship with Buck. You didn’t- couldn't let Buck jeopardize his work life for his love life. 
Shutting the door once you get into your apartment, you send a text to your boyfriend. 
To Lover Boy Buck: I’m home, text me when you get home. Sleep well <3
From Lover Boy Buck: Just pulled in, goodnight babe 
Athena’s birthday was on Saturday and Bobby had planned a surprise party for her. With a little help from May, things were in place. 
Bobby had taken Athena out for lunch at some fancy cafe that was impossible to get into and then to see a play. While they were out, you headed over to their place to help May set up. Upon arriving, you saw that Hen was already there as was Buck. 
“Good afternoon my loves!” you shout as you walk over to the kitchen. “I come with coffee” you hand a cup to May and the other to Hen, the two are thankful for the coffee as you had a shit ton of decorating to do and only a few hours to get it done. Buck leant against the wall by the kitchen entryway, “where's mine?” he asked which made you roll your eyes. “Didn’t know that you were gonna be here, no one invited you anyways.” you reply, sorting through the packages of balloons on the table, you toss one and it hits him square in the face. 
“Ow!” he shouts, rubbing his cheek. 
“Oh did I hurt you ?” you ask, pouting at him mockingly. 
Considering the weird note that the two of you left on during your last date, plus not being able to see each other that week left things in a bit of a mess. 
May and Hen exchange glances, “Buck, how about you help put up the banner in the backyard ?” she practically dragged Buck by the arm and into the yard. May was in the kitchen icing some cupcakes that she and Harry had made the night before when she called for you. 
“Why don't you get along with Buck ? I don't know him all the well but he seems like a good guy” May pleads his case unintentionally. 
He is a good guy 
“Ever meet someone and you just don’t like them ?” you ask, she hums. “That’s me with Buck” is what came out instead. 
“I get it.” she nodded, she began telling you about a guy in her chemistry class that just got on her nerves all the time. You excused yourself when the doorbell rang. Chim and Maddie had arrived right as Karen pulled into the driveway with Denny and Nia. You let everyone in and they began helping too. About an hour later, Eddie arrives with Chris and the cake. You take the cake from him so he can help Chris with his jacket.  
“Buck!” you shout
“Yeah ba- yeah ?” he corrects himself last second. Your eyes widen at the word that almost slipped out of his mouth. No one seem to catch it except for Chim who gave you a weird look but you just brush it off. 
“Take this, I need to change.” you hand the cake off to him and head to the bathroom to change into your dress. A few moments later, there was a knock on the bathroom door and then it opened. 
“Hey! I'm chang- oh it’s just you” you mumble as he shuts the door. Buck’s back pressed up against the door. “Are you just gonna watch me or are you going to help me?” you turn, your back towards him now. Pulling your hair over your shoulder, you feel one of Buck’s hands on your waist and then the tug of the zipper.  
“Must you always fight with me, y/n ?” he presses a kiss to your shoulder, his arms wrapping around your waist. “Must you always get on my nerves, Evan ?” you were looking back at him in the mirror, he flashed you a smile and nodded, a rather amused look on his face. “Yeah, it's kind of my job to irritate you” his arms loosen as you turn around to face him now, leaning back against the counter. “Well I guess then I have to fight with you” running your hand through his hair, he leans into you, his forehead against yours. 
“You know, they say make love, not war” he whispers, his lips almost touching yours. A little chuckle slips past your lips, “is this your way of saying that we should stop fighting ?” you mumble as you press a kiss to his lips. Buck pulls you closer to him - which you didn’t even think was possible, “no, it’s my way of saying we should make love” he smiles against your lips as he lifts you up onto the counter and you let out an obnoxiously loud laugh. “Oops” a hand comes up to cover your mouth. Buck can't help but smile, you were adorable and all he wanted was to go out there and tell everyone that he’s in love with you, something he hadn't even told you yet, but at last, he could not. 
“You’re cheesy, you know that right ?” looking up at him whilst you fiddled with the hem of his shirt. “If you want to fuck me, just say so” he tells you to which you reply “you're so vulgar Evan” while rolling your eyes. 
“Oh I'll show you vulgar” he chuckles and pulls off his shirt, his hand reaching behind you to unzip your dress. 
Buck left the bathroom first, the house had filled up within the 20 minutes the two of you were in the bathroom. He ran his hand through his hair in hopes to fix it from the tugging that just happened. As he stepped out into the backyard, his sister’s voice called out to him.
“Buck!” she walked over, “you’ve been so busy I haven't gotten a chance to say hi yet” she pulls her brother into a hug. Maddie’s face screws into a confused look. “Did you try a new body wash or something ?” she looks up at Buck, his brows furrow but he shakes his head. “Why?” he asks, “you smell like mint” she informs him. 
You step out into the backyard, a tube of mint chapstick between your fingers,  being applied to your lips. Buck’s eyes were on you, watching as the tube rubbed across your lips, his mind back to those lips were moments ago. Chimney’s voice caused him to pull his eyes away from you and onto him. 
“Uh why is your shirt inside out?” Chim asks him, brows raised. Buck looks down and his shirt is on inside out, “uh, I- uh I had to change.” he says, hoping they’d believe him. 
“You had that shirt on when we got here.” Chim had a puzzled look on his face. 
“Oh Christopher is calling for me, excuse me” Buck walks off before they could say anything. He did indeed make his way over to Eddie and Chris, you were on the other side of the backyard when your phone chimed. 
From Lover Boy Buck: Couldn't you have told me my shirt was on inside out?
To Lover Boy Buck: And how was I supposed to know that ? I didn’t have time to look at you
From Lover Boy Buck: Oh really ? You had plenty of time a few minutes ago 
To Lover Boy Buck: Behave. 
From Lover Boy Buck: Make me. 
You roll your eyes at his comment, May coming out and shouting that they just pulled in. Everyone stood by the backdoors, waiting for Athena and Bobby to come in. 
Athena had a blindfold on as Bobby led her down the stairs to the backyard. “I swear if you did somethin-” he undoes the blindfold mid sentence. 
“Surprise!!” everyone shouts, Athena had a huge smile on her face. She turns to Bobby, “you did all this ?” he smiles but shakes his head, “I had some help” nodding towards May, Athena walked over to her daughter to give her a hug. Bobby and Athena went around to say hello to everyone, Bobby coming over to you and Eddie, Buck and Chris were sitting beside each other. “Hey” Bobby smiled at the two of you, “hey” you smiled back before you gave him a hug. 
“What do I own you for today ?” he asks you
“Nothing at all, I'm glad I could help.” 
“Are you sure kid ?” 
“Yeah, I'm good. I’ll let you know if I need something uncle Bobby” 
He smiles and goes off to talk to Chim and Maddie. Eddie switches places with Buck, Christopher showing his father the trick that Buck just showed him. “You’re good with kids” you tell him, “yeah, I know” he replies. “You're also an arrogant asshole but perspective I suppose.” Buck chuckled at your comment, watching as you walked away. 
It was a while before you sat down for dinner, you were in the house with Bobby, helping him bring stuff out while everyone got seated. When you returned, there were two seats left. One at the head of the table, which was where your uncle was currently headed, leaving you no choice but to sit beside Buck. “Pass me the green bowl ?” he asks you, “no thanks” you reply nonchalantly. Bobby gives you a look, “y/n, pass him the bowl” you sighed and handed the bowl to Buck who was snickering. It took all of you not to smack this man in front of everyone. 
A hand on your upper thigh startled you, you coughed and Eddie looked at you from across the table, his brows furrowed. Your hand comes down to rest on top of Buck’s. Chris followed his father’s look over to you, “are you okay y/n?” he asked you sweetly, you smiled at him. “I’m okay buddy, thank you for asking” Buck bit the inside of his cheek, holding back a smile. Oh how he wanted to kiss you right now, but again, he couldn't really do that, could he? He settled for holding your hand under the table like teenagers for now. 
8 o'clock and you were supposed to be there 20 minutes ago. Bobby was probably there wondering where you were. You were supposed to be having dinner with your uncle tonight to tell him about you and Buck. Buck offered to tell him but you felt like it was only right for you to tell him. 
You dialled the number but it rang out. You assumed he was still driving or maybe he was ruining late too. The phone rang while you searched for something to wear. It was Bobby. 
“Hey!” you answer, “I'm gonna be a little late” 
“Y/n, we’re gonna have to take a rain check on dinner.” Something was wrong, you could tell from the way he answered. 
“Everything okay ? Are you still at work ?” 
“I’m at the hospital.” 
“What? Why? Are you okay ? Is it Athena ?” 
“Athena and I are fine. It’s Buck, he’s in surgery right now. I don't think I'll be leaving anything soon. I’m sorry about dinner.” 
Your heart dropped when he said it was Buck. 
“Did anyone tell Maddie ? Do you want me to pick her up ?” 
“It's alright, Chim went and got her. You don't have to come, we’re ok-” 
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes” 
Grabbing the keys, you’ve never run down the stairs so fast in your life. The whole drive over, it felt like the world was moving in slow motion. He’d still be in surgery when you arrived but you needed to know what happened. 
I love you Evan Buckley. 
The 5 words replaying in your head over and over again. The 5 words you hadn’t gotten the chance to say to him. The team plus Maddie and Athena were in the waiting room. Bobby came over and gave you a hug, “is he okay ? Did you guys hear anything ?” you ask as you sit beside Maddie. “Not yet” Bobby returns to his seat. 
“Mads, I'm sorry” you gave her a hug, she gave you a small smile. “It’s okay. Buck’ll pull through. He always does.” 
3 hours later and still nothing, he had been in surgery 2 hours prior to you arriving, bringing it to a total of 5 hours. Athena and Bobby left for a few minutes to see if they could get an update on him. You looked around the room, Eddie was leant against the wall, his legs on the chairs in front of him, Hen stood by the window on the phone with who you assumed was Karen. Chim’s arm was wrapped around Maddie, her head resting on his shoulder. 
Bobby and Athena returned telling everyone that there was no update other than he was still in surgery. Your leg bounced as you waited, Bobby rested a hand on your knee when he sat back down. 
“You okay kid ?” 
“Mhm hm why ?”
“You only bounce your leg when you’re nervous. You’re sure you’re okay ?” 
“Yeah, I'm gonna go get some coffee” you announce as you get up. If you spent another minute in that room, you were going to combust, you couldn't take it. “Does anyone want anything ?” there were a few mumbles of no but Eddie gets up and says he’ll come with you. The two of you walk down the hallway to the other end. Slipping a bill into the machine, it buzzes and then nothing. Eddie watches as you push the button a few times. Frustrated and tired, your hand smacks against the machine. A few nurses glare in your direction. 
“Hey, go get some air okay ? I’ll get the coffee and meet you outside” Eddie’s hand on your back, leading you to the doors.
“Eddie, I'm fine” 
“Y/n, go. You’ve been in here for a while and honestly, I could use the air too.” 
Not in the mood to protest, you step outside. It was a little past 11 now, it was dark and cold out. Your back pressed up against the brick wall, the coldness seeping through your shirt. A hand running over your face in an attempt to wake you up, you sigh as the door opens. 
“Here” Eddie handed you a mug that didn’t look like it came from a machine. The mug read “#1 nurse” on it and his says “world’s best mom” your brows furrow, looking at the man standing beside you. “I sweet talked one of the nurses, it's fine. I promised to return the mugs when we're done.” he says casually, making you smile. You had always enjoyed Eddie’s company, he didn’t ask questions or poke around in your life, he just lived in the moment. 
“Cute shirt” he chuckles, looking down at the blue t-shirt you had on. You hadn't realized that you left wearing it. “Oh thanks” you mumble, taking a sip of coffee. “It’s Buck’s, isn't it?” he asks, you almost choked on the coffee. 
“Wha- why would you ask me that ?” 
“It reeks of his cologne,” Eddie chucked. “I’ve known for months, y/n. The two of you aren't as slick as you think.” 
“Who else knows ?” 
“No one that I know of, Chim has an idea but he hasn't said anything” 
You hummed, looking out at the parking lot in front of you. “Does Bobby know ?” Eddie’s eyes practically burn into your side.
“I was going to tell him tonight.” 
Eddie’s phone buzzed before he could say anything else. “Let’s go in, the doctors are out.” Eddie followed you into the building and back into the waiting room. The doctor has just stepped in, she glanced back at you and Eddie, “Are you here for Buckley as well ?” 
“Yeah, how is he?” Eddie asks, the two of you step further into the room. “He’s stable as of now, we managed to stop the bleeding. He’s asleep but he’s got a long road ahead of him.” the doctor inform everyone, you watch as Maddie lets out a sigh, her hand squeezing Chim’s. “I can take someone in, if they’d like to go in” Chim let go of Maddie’s hand as she went to follow the doctor down the hall. Eddie could sense the change in body language, you were relaxed until Maddie stepped out with the doctor. His hand rests on your back again, “let’s sit down. You can go in after” he whispered to you. To anyone else in the room, it would look like something was happening between you and Eddie but he was just comforting you. There was nothing happening. 
The person you were in love with was laying in a hospital bed at the other end of the hallway. 
One by one, everyone went in to see him. Chim went in first, meeting Maddie in his room. When they return, they let everyone know he’s awake. Bobby and Athena are next, they go in for a few minutes. Hen was after them, you could hear them laughing from the other end of the hallway. 
It was so good to hear him laugh. 
You and Eddie went in last. Eddie sat beside his bed on the chair, he and Buck having a conversation. Eddie looked over at you, you were standing by the door. “I think I'll go call Chris and let him know you’re alright” Eddie pats Buck’s shoulder before stepping out the room. 
Buck’s attention was now on you. “hey you” he mumbles, trying to shift into a sitting position. “Don’t move, you’ll rip your stitches.” you take a seat where Eddie was a few moments ago. Buck’s hand reaches for yours, although he was awake, his hand felt cold. Your hand rubbed against his, his eyes on you. Neither of you say anything to the other. 
“I thought I lost you for a minute there.” 
“You’ll never lose me, y/n” Buck’s hand squeezes yours. 
“But I almost did and I hated every minute of it.” the tears welling up by your eyes, you blink a few times to get rid of them but instead a few slip down. Buck reaches up to wipe your tears, his hand cupping your cheek. 
“All of this for me ?” he teases, “there was no need to worry, you know that, right?” 
“You scared me you ass, don't do that” you sniffle, your hand wrapping around his wrist. 
“Y/n, I need to tell you something” his eyes were on yours, now you were worried again. “Okay, what is-” 
“I love you” he blurts out. 
“Oh Buck” you breathe, the soft expression on his face changes to a worried one. “Oh god, I'm sor-” your hand comes up and covers his mouth. 
“I love you too” you smile at him, you can feel him smile against your hand. Moving your hand to his cheek, “you do ?” he asks, you nod. “How can I not ?” Leaning out of the chair, your lips meet his. Your hand is still cupping his face and his hand lifting off the bed to meet your waist. Shifting from the chair to the bed, you sat beside Buck, your lips still on his. 
“Excuse me?” someone clears their throat, Buck pulls away to look at who's by the door. Bobby stood in the doorway, his arms folded in front of him and a rather amused Athena beside him. Buck’s eyes widen, you look over your shoulder to see your uncle standing there. 
“I can explain. Bobby I-” Buck starts, but Bobby cuts him off. “It’s okay Buck, I know.” he steps into the room. 
“You do?” the two of you say at the same time, both of you looking at him. Bobby nods, “I might be old - well older than you two but I’m not dumb” he chuckles, “if anything, you two are the dumb ones for thinking I wouldn't know.” he says 
“I was going to tell you at dinner” 
“I figured as much, I also figured you’d want to be here when Buck woke up” 
“Thank you for calling” you smile at him, he gives you a nod. “Everyone is heading home, are you going to stay with him ?” 
You hum, your attention back on Buck. You could hear Athena and Bobby whispering in the back and then the door shuts. Buck shifts slightly on the bed, making space for you. Laying on your side, beside him, your finger traces over the words tattooed on his forearm. The world had come to a pause finally, the things around you didn’t matter right now. Everything you cared about was beside you, the hospital wasn't the ideal place but all you cared about that he was okay. 
“Tell me again” you whisper, your head on his shoulder. Buck turns his head to look at you. 
“I love you y/n l/n” 
“I love you Evan Buckley” 
Turns out you did get to say those 5 words after all. 
Taglist: @reiidsbby @ssa-volturi @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover @venusrosepetal @mikaelson-emma @beth-winchester21 @averyhotchner
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milevencore · 2 years
ElMikeWill Love Triangle
people have been pointing out how in this season so much of mileven’s relationship was focused around will, but truth is, will has always been tied up with the two of them
mike meets el when looking for will
el tells mike she knows where will is (he’s hiding, in upside down)
the first time mike genuinely got mad at el was because he believed will was dead
nancy says she thought mike was being weird because of will but now thinks it was because of eleven
as el disappeared will came back
we see mike tell will about el in the hospital
we see mike go back and forth between making sure will is okay and calling el to ask if she’s there, wanting to know if she’s okay
el comes back then mike watches as both el and will leave at the end of the season, el to close the gate, will to get rid of mindflayer
will watches el and mike leave the field
when mike isn’t with el he’s with will
mileven breakup and byler fight happen in back to back episodes with very different moods
will is in shot during the breakup scene and when mike says he loves her
mike watches them both leave again, this time to california
will is in almost every mileven shot but their fight
mike talks about losing them both, him saying he was pushing el away, not acknowledging his feelings, because he’s scared of the day she doesn’t need him anymore, and when he was rude to will when he first got to california, later saying that hawkin’s isn’t the same without him and that he felt like he lost him
will helps encourage mike with his feelings guised as el, then encourages him to give the monologue
we see will asking mike if el has talked to him after everything
final shot has byler in back and el in front
and that’s not even everything. this love triangle has been set from the very beginning, with obvious mileven romance and with will’s relationship with mike being different than his with dustin and lucas (despite lucas being singled out to be mikes best friend may i mention. mikes different relationship with will could be because will is actually a love interest for mike, not just his best friend)
+ when going and writing a romance? who puts someone in the middle of their relationship the whole time if they’re endgame. will is there for a reason, and it’s not to push for a mileven ending, especially considering that after everything he did to help them this season, they Still weren’t talking much at the end of season four and the monologue was never discussed again
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lupically · 3 years
genre | fluff
word count | 1825
warning | none
note | i finally wrote something for my top husbando :’)
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it came to you as a surprise that diluc, at all, sleeps.
there has always been this fantasy version of him in your head, a fantasy that lacked the great ideals and bright adventures most fantasy novels you have read consisted of. in contrast, your fantasy of him was insulting and otherworldly at best—someone restricted to the rules, a personality as plain as a dull purple doormat, a total stick in the mud that kills joy at the mere sight of it, an emotionless robot that has no use for human necessity such as the bathing and sleeping.
does diluc even need to consume food? you have literally never seen him eat or drink anything before. has he ever taken off his gloves to pick up a hamburger—oh, archons, you just realized now that you have never seen the skin of his hands before. he always has gloves on! was it to hide something?
"oh, wow," you exclaimed lowly to yourself as you leaned forward to examine the hands of the very annoyed red-haired man before you. your long-term question was finally answered. "fascinating... so you do have hands!"
diluc spared not even a glance toward the limb you were so interestedly staring at. he kept quiet for a moment and peered down at you from his bed, one leg propped up and the other stretched out—a rather awkward position he had no time to get out of after he almost burned you alive for sneaking into his bedroom in the winery.
"what drunk wind blew your incompetent self here?" he asked, ignoring your remarks about his lack of real and human hands. whatever you meant by that? you were always spilling weird things out of your mouth, you might even be worse than venti, he reckoned. 
you glared up at him after hearing his mindless insult. you were only fifty percent sure (which was already a lot in your book!) diluc never actually meant those hurtful words, that they simply fly out of his mouth due to his weird need to make sure everyone around him knew that he leaves no room for unnecessary sentiment. 
being kind blatantly was not his thing, and he has no intention of being applauded for being a decent person. why that was, you couldn't be sure. you had your assumptions, but kaeya turned out far too different than diluc that you weren’t sure if you should put your finger on the assumption. you also didn't dare dive deeper into it because (a) you just weren’t invested enough, and (b) by then, it would be a family business you would hate to indulge yourself with.
"kaeya dared me to take a picture of your sleeping face in exchange for some wine. our good friend, the honorary knight's smaller friend also wanted it as a possible blackmail souvenir," you told him honestly.
diluc immediately murmured something you couldn't quite hear, but he looked more confused than annoyed when he glared down at the mattress of his bed. he grumbled something along the lines of how the roles were definitely reversed. you didn't press further about that.
"if that is what you came here for, your best bet is to leave the way you came," he said after a moment, pointing a cold hand toward his bedroom window. "you're not taking any pictures of me."
you snorted, holding up your kamera and tapping the lenses. “uh, i think i came pretty close to taking a picture of you sleeping, diluc.”
“i had woken up the second you walked through my bedroom door. you could never,” he said.
you hummed under your breath, eyeing him suspiciously. he was probably telling the truth. he barely struggled in surprise when he grabbed your hands in the dark; was it pure luck that he perfectly found where your kamera was on the first try or does diluc secretly has night vision? your guess was as good as the unknown. 
not to mention, he looked normal, just like someone who may be in the know of your intrusion. he appeared grumpy but that was just his normal state. you could barely get him out of a frown even if you pay him, mainly because he wouldn’t need your money, but also because he was stubbornly against smiling, it appeared. 
"you know, i was surprised at first. i didn't know you sleep at all! i always thought you kind of just shut down, or maybe you have stayed awake all your life," you said with a shrug, and when he deadpanned at you, you defensively waved your kamera around. "i'm sorry! i just–you don't strike me as a person who sleeps!"
"so dead, then?" diluc asked calmly, although there was very little calmness in his facial expressions, especially those judgemental eyes of his.
"not dead! just... not really human–" you paused and pressed your lips together, thinking back to what you said to him and realizing that he might have a point. then you turned to him. "you also eat, right?"
“are you leaving or not?” he asked, a hint of flare in his voice that if you looked closely, you may see fire emerging from his body.
being stubborn as ever, and knowing that diluc would never really hurt anybody he knew to be good people, you feigned thoughtfulness for a second. tapping your finger against your chin, you scrunched your nose and shook your head. setting the kamera lumine forcefully had to borrow you between your crossed legs, you flashed him a mischievous grin. 
“no,” you said. “i am getting that picture out of you!”
“like i said,” he said, “you will never.”
“fine! then i guess i will just have to sit here and wait for you to fall asleep on me,” you said, slapping your hand down on his soft mattress. “don’t try to force me out of here! i will make it way worse for you!”
diluc furrowed his brows, wondering if you meant what you said. when his questioning gaze couldn’t get even an ounce of budge from you, he could only sigh in frustration. if you planned to sit on his bed until he doze off, then you would definitely make it worse if he tries to dump you out of his bedroom through whatever means you could.
he may be a skilled swordsman and a vision bearer, but unfortunately, he was not immune to bullshits from the likes of you.
diluc closed his eyes to savor the tiniest bit of sleep he managed to get before he heard your extra loud footsteps creeping around his room. he was supposed to get a good night's sleep, which was something he hasn't had in a while because of all the business schedules and his side vigilante job.
he was supposed to rest tonight, and there came you.
there always comes you.
dilly-dally, unpredictable, the epitomie of 'knights of favonius... always so inefficient,' letting klee out of solitary confinement and causing a ruckus amongst the responsible adults kind of irresponsible, has paid for his wine at least a zero number of time kind of broke, and was just always here to ruin his mood at the tavern every single day. 
most of the time, diluc thought about you in a negative light, much like he did with everyone around him and the entirety of the knights of favonius. but there was a version of you in his head that painted you as somebody different—somebody respectful, somebody worth keeping around...
somebody he likes, perhaps.
after all, joy was never prevalent in his life. it used to be, but that was a past he has long forgotten the details of. even if he wanted to remember them now, he could only remember snippets that wouldn’t guarantee him a good nostalgia. he may just end up feeling worse at the end. the only constant influx of distraction he has now seemed to be either you or venti, and with the godly bard as his other option, he would much rather choose you. 
but it was not because that venti was too hard to confine in. you were just as hard to talk about problems with considering your optimism and fickle attitude. 
what diluc wanted was permanence; a train that never stops, a bottle of wine that continuously refills, dandelions that do not stop flying even after it reaches celestia. and venti was too understanding and abstract to be one. as interesting of a character he may be, venti knew when to leave people alone. or, occasionally, he just cared too little. after all the city of mondstadt didn’t lack a god because he was responsible. 
you, though. diluc could never pinpoint if you were as dense as you appeared to be, or if you did know how to read the room and simply chose to ignore it, but you never leave people alone. you never left him alone; you unknowingly pick a petty one-sided argument with him all the time, you get drunk at the tavern and somehow has never let anybody take you home but him, you barge into his bedroom in the middle of the night because of some stupid dare his brother made you do and you still refuse to leave despite being sleepy.
you give him a way out, whether he likes it or not.
arms crossed in front of his chest, he deadpanned as he watched your head drop lower and lower to the mattress. soon enough, you were snoring away on his bed with the gadget discarded by your feet. he watched you in silence, your cheek smushed against the surface and the intensity you always radiated lessening from your body. you looked normal now; not energetic, not talkative. just sleeping peacefully, the way he always made sure you were after carrying you home. 
diluc’s heart was finally softening under the knowledge that nobody was watching him anymore. the pessimistic monster that often emerges from him was still here, but in the face of you, it has painted itself pink and it has forgotten vengeance and retribution. in the face of you, it has been dragged out from the death it once laid and became forgiven. 
carefully laying your head down on the pillow, diluc draped the blanket over your shoulder to tuck you into his bed. after making sure you were fine and well, he placed the kamera on the desk in the room, somewhere visible you could find once you wake up, and he left for one of the guest rooms in the mansion. 
tonight was the first time in a while when he has forgotten about all the problems he’s had. something that wasn’t about wine, the family business, or the abyss order. it wasn’t the rest he wanted, perhaps it was hardly any rest at all, but he was glad he got to think about something else.
of course, diluc would never tell you that.
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