#it was zukka + y/n
Just thinking about bisexual realisations
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bowieasindavid · 1 year
hi guys i need frends on this app so here’s my interests an shit
- a:tla!!!! and lok
- gravity falls <3
- adventure time
- teen titans
- pretty much any cartoon i get my hands on
- spiderverse but also marvel as a whole
- i’m in love with music so if u send me music recs i’ll listen to them!!
- recently got into anime i’m very new so send me things to watch/read !!
- thg trilogy
- there’s more idk
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whosaysyourmom · 6 months
Slutty Sokka fics
Three's not a crowd, it's a party - by RoseWaterTears
- Sokka squished between a gothic sandwich with Mai and Zuko. He is very happy and Whiney in this
A Night of Fiery Passion - by BlueEyedArcher
- Sokka/Zhao. Probably not everyone’s taste, but Sokka is in a dress and Zhao treats him like a doll
Dangle for Me - tjlyricz
-Jet puts Sokka in his place.
dig in - by kihyunskitten
-Mai/Sokka/Suki/Zuko. Has slutty Zuko in as well.
Okay here’s the Zukka Fics:
eyes open - by agni_kai
-we all need a little Dom Zuko in our lives
Bring Down Your Walls - by Caeseria
- i love a good Alpha/Alpha dynamic
Supernova (You call that a death star?) - by SyciaraLynx
- Zuko is incredibly feral because of a dying star; also they r in space
A Worthy Sacrifice - by anarchycox
- Zuko is a fire god and sees Sokka and goes “yep that’s my human now” & claims him. Sokka is very willing
Into it - by Anonymous
This one is k i n k y
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atla-confessions · 20 days
Then why is m/f not "associated with fetishization"?
Almost every fandom I've been in is flooded with very blatant straight women het fantasy fetish. Het fantasy fetish y/n stuff is a whole industry, multiple industries in fact, and it spams every tag. But it's not a blanket assumption that you can only ship m/f as a fetish, even though I'd wager a guess that straight ship fanbases have a higher concentration of straight people than gay ships, and gay people are thrown under the bus and directly accused of "fetishizing themselves" a lot with that line of logic.
It's othering that as soon as any ship, whether it's crack or if it's two characters who are extremely essential to each other's stories, is gay, "it only exists because it's a fetish", and a corresponding m/f ship is not.
Like, a fanon ship between two men who exist for each other, obsess over each other, are cosmically fated to find each other, and say "I know your heart and you know mine" as the climax of their stories, and who even accidentally kissed, has even been called "just fujoshis being fujoshis". Like there's no other reason the people who say that can fathom them being shipped.
Especially since it's usually pretty easy to just tell on a case-by-case basis whether a piece of writing or a headcanon or an artpiece is fetishistic or whether it's just fanon being fanon.
What makes zukka or zukaang or jetko or jetokka only a fetish, while sokka/every girl he's shipped in the series and zuko/every girl he's shipped with in the series are not just fetishes?
Is kuzaang a fetish? Is taang not?
Is bakoda a fetish? Is ursem not?
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raverin-2 · 1 year
Raverin-2’s Garden of Writing
Please do not repost my writing anywhere, whether you try to credit me or not. I do not permit and will not tolerate distribution of my content anywhere without my control. These are my pieces, they belong to me.
These pieces are all works of fiction. I do not own these characters unless I specifically say that there are OCs in the tags, titles, or sidenotes if it comes up. There are NSFW fics, please if you’re a MINOR do not read the marked fics.
I also do not write y/n or reader fics. I create a character to match them with and create a story around that. If I don’t have an OC in there it is because I also have specific pairs that I write for. I am a multi shipper, so there are a lot. If you do not read oc fics or my chosen pairings, then be on your way, or dip your toes in and try them as you choose. There are NSFW fics, those will be marked with ~NSFW~ to tell you what is not for minors.
And All of my more recent fics are coming from Patreon as well, so do consider checking that out via the link in the pinned post.
My Hero Academia
→BKDK, ShinKiri, DabiHawks, IzuToshi, ShinKami, TodoBaku, ShigaDeku, etc. OCxCharacter(s) coming soon
Teen Wolf
—> Isaac x OC, characters x OC, more coming soon
—> Characters x OC, Zukka, Kataang, etc. more coming soon
Harry Potter
—> Scorbus, Jegulus, Wolfstar, more coming soon
Twisted Wonderland
—> JamiKali, IdiaAzul, more coming soon including character x OC
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raewritez · 4 years
take care of you
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summary: Your worry about the future and are used to taking care of your friends. Luckily, Zuko is there to take care of you.
a/n: i don’t realllyyy ship Zutara but one of the aspects i love about their relationship is that Zuko is virtually the only person that Katara doesn’t have to act as a mother to, so I was largely inspired by that dynamic.
requested?: nope!
Your fingers ran shakily through your hair, air escaping your lips in uneven breaths. You shut the heavy door behind you, coming to sit upon the air temple’s sturdy bed that rested in the center of your given bedroom. You had been fine until a few minutes ago, you had been enjoying the crispness of the air and warmth of the sun until the words of quiet voices had floated to your ears. Whispers of Aang and his destiny, of death and murder and war. The other people, they expected Aang to be able to kill the Firelord just like that, to abandon his childhood and sense of self in a split moment of violence. You knew he couldn’t do that, you loved him like a brother and if there was one thing you knew for sure it was that Aang’s heart of gold was impenetrable. You had glanced down to wear he stood with Zuko, arms raised in an aggressive stance, the fire that spouted from his palms betraying his lighthearted nature. The image had left you breathless, your protective side alighted against the cruel expectations of this twelve-year-old boy, of your dear friend.
You were upset, and you knew there was nothing you could do about it. Killing the Firelord was Aang’s destiny, and it couldn’t be altered by simple adoration or protectiveness. It shouldn’t be Aang, the weight of the world shouldn’t fall on the back of this war-born child, but it was. Your head rested in your hands, mind swimming with attempts to ward off images of death and fire and the ideas of fate and destiny. You felt silly being so affected by the muttered words of children while your friends were out there training and fighting their own battles. You were disrupted from your emotional state by the creaking of a door and the appearance of a shaggy head of black hair.
You lifted your head, plastering on a smile. “Hey, Zuko. What’s up?”
He stepped in quietly, closing the door behind him. “Hey, Y/n, I just...” his eyes darted between the walls, his hand raising to rake through his hair. “Well, I saw you leaving, and you seemed upset. So I thought I would just...come check on you.”
A genuine grin made its way to your face, worries muted and heart softened at the boy’s thoughtfulness. “Thanks, Zuko. That’s nice of you. You don’t need to worry about me, though, I just...got a little upset is all.”
His amber eyes flashed with concern, and you questioned why he cared so much for how you were feeling. You certainly cared about him, caring about people was basically your job after all, acting as the protector of the group and the only one that Katara would allow to take care of her. You cared for him, truthfully maybe more than you should, but you weren’t aware of the extent of his care for you. 
His feet brought him closer, seating himself before you at the edge of the bed. “Why are you upset?” he questioned, sincerity pouring from his voice. “Did someone do something? Or did something happen? If it did, I can-”
“Nothing happened, Zuko,” you cut him off, lifting your fingers to shyly play with the strands of your hair. “Nothing happened, really, it’s just...” he gazed at you with imploring eyes. You sighed. “It’s just that I’m upset about everything going on, all the stuff with Aang and what he has to do, and it’s stupid. I shouldn’t be upset, I mean, I’m obviously used to everything by now, but...I’m just worried about him.”
He searched his mind, he was never good at comforting people. You were always good at that, always listening to him and reassuring him in ways no-one had ever managed to. He wanted to repay the favor, to make you happy like you made him, but he didn’t possess the talent of assurance and comfort. Instead, with a certain boldness to his movement, he grasped your hand from its place in your hair with his own. 
“He’ll be okay, Y/n. He's a talented kid,” his thumb stoked your knuckles. “The comet is weeks away and he’ll be ready. He’ll be ready.”
Your eyes were glued to the spot his hand met yours, unable to focus on anything but the heat emanating from his palm. You nodded softly with appreciation, lifting your fingers to reciprocate his caring touch. Your lips parted and you found it difficult to breathe, your stomach and lungs occupied by swarms of butterflies. Your eyes met his, and you found yourself captivated by the intensity in his stare.
You stayed locked in that position, his eyes glued to yours and your hands interlocked. He lifted your arm, playing with your fingers and pressing a kiss to the inside of your wrist. “You worry too much.”
You ignored the blush rising to your cheeks. “I think I worry just the right amount. Someone has to.”
He shook his head. “You shouldn’t have to. Someone needs to take care of you every once in a while.” 
“Oh yeah?” you questioned breathlessly. “Like who?”
His eyes met yours and you could’ve sworn you saw him lean forward before the silence was broken by knocking against your door.
“Y/n! Sokka screwed up dinner and we need your help before Katara kills us.”
You recognized Toph’s voice and pulled out of Zuko’s grasp.
“Sounds serious,” you chuckled. “I’ll be right there.”
You sighed softly, averting your gaze from Zuko’s as awkward silence filled the atmosphere. “I should probably go help them.”
He nodded, masking his slight disappointment as he rose to allow you an exit. Your shoulder brushed his as you passed, and the two of you ignored the electricity as you emerged from the confines of the small room.
“Appa, yip yip!”
The smell of charred wood filled the air, fire flinging past your face as the soldiers advanced. Aang was lifting off, fleeing the onslaught of flames as you crumbled the earth surrounding the men to allow them an escape.
He glanced back, alarm filling his face at the sight of you. “Y/n, come on!” he yelled, looking at you with worry.
You grunted as you threw rock after rock at your persecutors. “It’s ok, Aang, just go! I’ll be fine!”
“What?! No! Y/n, just-” he cut himself off as a figure dressed in red jumped from Appa, landing on the edge of the cliffside.
“Get out of here, Aang,” Zuko spoke. “I’ll take care of her.”
Aang glanced back in worry before yanking Appa’s reigns and flying off the other way.
Zuko turned, running towards you as you fended off the soldiers with concaving ground and heavy boulders. He intercepted the fire of the remaining men, channeling it and striking towards them. As they stumbled back from the impact Zuko grabbed your arm and sped into the refuge of the forest, shielding your body from possible incoming attacks.
He pulled you along through the winding trees, twigs snapping under your feet as you did your best to catch your breath. When he slowed down you lifted your eyes to find the entrance of a small cave nestled between the rocks. 
“Guess this is home for the night.” Zuko tilted his head to glance at you, taking note of your furrowed brows and flushed face. “You ok?”
You quickly nodded your head. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for coming back.”
“I wouldn’t leave you behind,” he smiled.
You looked at him gratefully before raising your arms to maneuver the stone around the entrance of the cave. Once the hole was deemed large enough the two of you crawled inside, Zuko’s hands protectively supporting your waist as go ensure you wouldn’t fall.
The inside was dreary, uneven walls forming to shelter the small patch of ground while the light of the sun was blocked out as you ventured further. Your feet ached, legs bruised and hair messed from the abrupt attacks. Zuko kept sneaking glances, worried by the tiredness of your movement and the absence of your usual optimism and cheerfulness. You made your way over to the edge of the cave, sitting down and resting your back against the sturdy wall. Zuko crept over beside you, lowering himself close to your body and staring warily at the cave’s entrance. 
You picked at your nails. “Do you think they’ll be ok?”
He snapped towards you in disbelief. You were seriously worried about that right now? “They’ll be fine, Y/n. They’re long gone by now and Aang will be back for us in the morning.”
You agreed hesitantly before leaning your head against the wall. You peered through the hole of the cave, catching sight of the sky beginning to fade to reds and purples. “Maybe we should get some sleep. If the soldiers come back we’ll need our energy.”
Zuko nodded, moving to lie down while putting a respectable amount of space between the two of you. You drifted off to the sound of Zuko’s even breathing and the warmth that was carried from his body to yours.
You jolted awake to wind swirling inside the cave, the coldness piercing your skin like a knife. Your lips were tinted blue, the tips of your fingers aching and nose freezing to the touch. You pushed yourself off the hard ground, lifting your knees to your chest and curling in on yourself. Zuko was beside you, sleeping peacefully, seemingly unbothered by the chilliness of the night.
You stood up, walking around in attempt to warm yourself up and find a more sheltered part of the tiny cave. Zuko woke up to your shuffling, bleary eyes latching onto your shivering figure.
“Y/n?” he questioned in a raspy voice. “What's going on?”
“Oh, sorry Zuko,” you said sheepishly. “It’s just a little chilly.”
He assumed a pensive demeanor, eyes shifting mindfully before speaking.
“Come here.”
“You’re cold and I can warm you up. Come here.”
You made your way awkwardly over to him, trying to ignore the blush that rose to your face at his implication.
You sat down next to him, sitting in silence before his arm hesitantly wrapped around your shoulders, bringing you closer. You sighed, he did feel warm. You subconsciously nuzzled closer to the sanctuary of your friend’s embrace until minutes later you were practically on top of him. You rested comfortably against his torso, his lean arms cradling you to his chest.
He breathed into your hair, careful not to accidentally light it on fire with his nervousness. He closed his eyes, relishing in your presence.
“Thanks, Zuko,” you whispered.
He smiled. “No problem.”
You raised your head to look at him, unsaid words lingering on your tongue. He stared at you questioningly as you searched for your voice, becoming distracted by the way your eyelashes danced across your cheeks and your lip was pulled between your teeth. 
“What is it?”
You swallowed. “It’s nothing...never mind.”
He raised an eyebrow, slowly linking his fingers with yours. “You can tell me, if you want to.”
“I know I can, but it’s silly. I’m just thinking too much.”
He lifted your hand, fingers tracing over the scars and lines, thumb stroking fondly against your skin. “If it’s about the group, they’re fine. They know what they're doing, and they can take care of themselves.”
You chuckled. “Most of them. I don’t know about Sokka though. He needed help rolling up his sleeping bag this morning.”
Zuko laughed lightly, reaching to brush away the hair that had fallen into your face. “Yeah, maybe not Sokka. But Katara’ll keep him in line. You can take a break from taking care of them...” he trailed off, amber eyes moving to yours. “Just let me take care of you for now.”
You felt your heartbeat quicken at his gaze, skin set alight by the way his fingers traced over it. He held nothing but sincerity and tenderness in his voice, and his eyes conveyed a deep fondness. You couldn’t help it when your eyes trailed to the curve of his nose, the splashes of freckles, and down to his lips. He raised your hand, pressing a kiss to the inside of your wrist. In a burst of courage you moved your palm to cup his cheek, fingertips ghosting against the rugged edge of his scar. 
His own eyes felt heavy, pulled down by some magnetic force that drew him closer to you. At your caring touch, he moved his hand to the back of your neck and tilted your chin towards his. His lips met yours, eyelids slipping closed as you moved your own against his. He pulled you impossibly closer, handling you with such gentleness and affection that you wondered if you would implode. You ran your fingers through his hair, the soft stands filtering through them like water. He grasped your hips, lifting his mouth to meet yours in a seemingly never-ending heavenly embrace. You broke apart with a smile, the long-overdue kiss lightening your heart and sending butterflies through your stomach.
He grinned against you, stroking his thumb against your cheek before pulling your head to nestle in the crook of his neck. He breathed into your hair, pressing  his lips against the crown of your head. He nuzzled into you, his hair tickling your face as you felt yourself surrounded by him. You felt reassured, your friends would be fine and you felt relieved by the fact that you didn’t really need to worry about Zuko. He would take care of you, after all.
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limit-list · 4 years
a masterlist of all of my atla playlists!! thank you to everyone who’s liked these so far, y’all be making my day :) my spotify is ellies01, here are my atla playlists!
aang — twinkletoes — the vibes: trying to balance loving your friends with saving the world
katara — sugar queen — the vibes: stressing yourself out and being a badass
sokka — sword and boomerang — the vibes: falling in love entirely too easily, being protective, having the name sokka
toph — blind bandit — the vibes: fighting people but also having emotions
suki — more than a fan — the vibes: girl power
zuko — redemption arc supreme — the vibes: your name is zuko and you’re doing your best
gaang — those meddling kids — the vibes: chaotic friendship
bonus content:
zukka — when they boiled a rock — the vibes: chill zukka... that’s the best description i got ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
azula — fire princess — the vibes: power hungry tragedy
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
hey!!!! nonbinary sokka
hey!!!! idk if you’re asking me for an analysis on nonbinary sokka or not but that’s the only thing i’m good at so you’ll get it anyway!! so basically i’m using zuko as a contrast to sokka mainly because they are foils and zuko specifically is sokka’s primary foil. sokka is constantly chasing after this unatainable image he has of his father, which he associates with the ultimate presentation of masculinity, being a warrior and a soldier and a good fighter and a protector. but the thing is sokka is not a "natural" at being a warrior and a good fighter. sokka is a strategist, an artist, a scientist, yeah, and that can make him good at certain aspects of fighting, but the fighting itself is not his thing. as he measures his self-worth by how close he is to achieve this impossible ideal of what it means to be a man he overlooks the qualities that make him different and its value for the sake of it. he is a selfless and thoughtful brother that allowed katara to stay as brave and hopeful as she is, he is incredibly intelligent and creative and resourceful, and he possesses a certain duality once he acknowledges these strengths he has and applies them to fighting. maybe sokka would value these qualities if he had all of them and was good at fighting, but he isn’t, therefore he believes he is disposable and worthless and a “failure” of a man. unlike zuko and his suppresion of traditionally feminine qualities, sokka doesn’t hate himself for the qualities he has, but for the qualities he does not.
yesterday i talked about how sokka’s master is an ode to queerness and neurodivergence, and how it points out that sokka is different and that’s a good thing, and a thing he should be proud of, but i do not think i can pinpoint an exact episode in which i can see this solid manifestation of sokka as nonbinary — rather, i think about how his arc is about learning to not measure his self-worth by how traditionally masculine he is like but a combination of him being equally masculine as feminine as everything beyond and in between, mainly in comparison to zuko; zuko is also molding his idea of a good man in his aggressively masculine father, and he needs to embrace his traditional femininity that he demonstrates constantly are a core aspect of his personality and deeply affect his worldview, so he needs to let go of this incredibly toxic and harmful masculinity, and he does! and this i interpret it as him being gay. zuko never becomes a woman, yet we see him go from overperforming aggressive masculinity in book one to everything that happened with the gaang in book three — zuko allows himself to be gentler. sokka never has this problem, albeit nurture plays a part in it, but we don’t have time to unpack all of that right now. sokka’s problem is that he doesn’t seem to be able to find a balance between his traditionally masculine qualities, his traditionally feminine ones, and the ones that are just sort of... his. while zuko’s arc forces him to embrace his femininity to achieve vulnerability and healing and self-worth, sokka’s arc forces him to let go of an idea of a masculinity that was never his, in order to appreciate himself as a person rather than a man. i personally think he’d be able to find himself comfortable in his boyhood as well as his... not-boyhood eventually, and while this is not by any means a definitive analysis (see: the only correct way of interpreting it) i think it’s plausible enough.
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sokkadora · 3 years
no matter where you are — sokka x reader x zuko
part one; the return of (y/n)
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summary: in cranefish town, sokka, (y/n) and zuko have been friends ever since childhood. although their lives have taken different paths — (y/n) was sent to the ba sing se, zuko joined the military, and sokka studied to become a bullfighter — one thing remains the same: sokka and zuko both want to marry (y/n). little does the trio know that battling husband-and-spouse deities have made a high-stakes wager on the love triangle's outcome.
a/n: the music of this movie has me SWOONING SCREAMING SPONGEBOB GIF
wc: 3.5k
warning(s): just some friendly old man vs man competition
Sokka begins receiving a scolding once dragged inside and getting his guitar tossed aside into another room. Sokka leans against the wall, trying not to pay any mind to his fathers hurtful words.
Kanna glances up from her knitting. “I was a beast in the arena.” She raises a shaky fist. “A beast!”
Hakoda sighs. “It's in your blood. It's your destiny.” He repeats, frowning as he grips Sokka’s shoulders. “How many times do I have to say it?”
Sokka moves out of his grip. “This is not me. This is you, Dad.” He says sternly, crossing his arms.
“My son,” Hakoda begins. “Zuko may be the hero of the town but today, you will be the hero of the ring.” He sighs. “If, for once, you actually finish the bull.”
Sokka’s friend, Due, steps into the conversation. “But he finished the bull the other day in practice!” He exclaims.
“That was struck by lightning, Due.” Sokka deadpanned, pinching the bridge of his nose in an irritated manner.
Kanna shakes her head. “That did no count.”
Sokka turns back to Hakoda. “No. Killing the bull is wrong.” He says sternly.
Hakoda rolls his eyes. “Here we go again.”
“Kids today,” Kanna rolls her eyes. “with their long hair and their no killing stuff.”
Sokka grabs his guitar and heads towards the door. “I'm out of here.” He grumbles.
Just as he reaches to twist the rusty doorknob, Hakoda speaks, “Don't you love your family?”
Sokka stops when he hears this, and looks back at Hakoda with sad eyes. “Then go get that bull, Sokka. Don't dishonor our name. Katara is coming back today.”
Sokka hesitantly gives Hakoda his guitar and heads out. “Just be a Enuaraq!” He shouts encouragingly.
Kanna pats Hakoda’s arm. “Son... He’s not gonna do it.” She scoffs.
As Sokka mopes down the street, a voice calls out. “Hey, Sokka!”
Sokka gasps and stops as Zuko bounds into view. “No retreat.” Zuko smirks.
Sokka gives him a crooked grin. “No surrender!” He running up to Zuko and hugs him tightly. “The hero of Cranefish Town returns!”
“Oh, come on.” Zuko scoffs playfully. “You didn't think I was gonna miss your first little bullfight, did you?”
Sokka nods, still grinning widely. “And (Y/n)'s here, too!” He exclaims happily.
Zuko squeals. “Have you seen her? I cannot wait to show her these babies.” He gestures to his medals.
Sokka quirks a brow. “So, she's back only to see you?” He asks flatly.
“Come on. That's not—“ Zuko frowns.
“You have your medals, but I have the bullring.” Sokka pats Zuko’s chest passively. “We'll see which (Y/n) prefers.”
Zuko pats his shoulder. “It's a good thing you're finally taking bullfighting seriously.” He comments, smiling.
“You should see me in the bullring.” Sokka smiles proudly. “That's where I really do my thing now. A true Enuaraq man.”
“Those are some big shadows we live under, buddy?” Zuko mutters, smiling softly at his friend.
Sokka smiles warmly at Zuko. “Huge.” He nods.
A fanfare is heard and Zuko is about head out when he stops and looks back at Sokka.
“Hey, brother, may the best man win (Y/n)’s heart.” He clears his throat. “For good, this time.” He puts his hat back on and heads out and the crowd cheers.
“In honor of Katara and (Y/n)'s return from Ba Sing Se,” Radha narrates. “the town received a rare visit from its most noble son, who was now a decorated hero.”
An old man speaks from the crowd. “They say Zuko goes from town to town saving them from bandits!” He grins.
Zuko whistles and his horse, Miska, rides by as he grabs onto her. Hakoda watches with boredom as Zuko rides on Miska holding her reins in his mouth. He passes the soldiers, grabs their hats, spits the reins out and jumps into the air. He signs the hats and throws them back to the soldiers, their hats landing on their heads with Zuko's autograph on them. Zuko lands back on Miska.
Vaatu cheers from above. “Yes! That's my boy.”
Miska jumps up to a stand where General (L/n) is waiting. Zuko jumps off her back and walks back and forth in front of the crowd, who cheer his name again. He steps into the stand and takes his hat off.
“Afternoon, my General.” Zuko smiles. “That is a mighty moustache you have.” He turns to (Y/n)’s younger brother, Aang. “Always nice to see you, little bud.” Aang nods in return.
On the stands, a grown up (Y/n) and Katara walk along with a grown up Nuna trailing behind them as the townsfolk look at her in shock, awe, and bewilderment. Katara and (Y/n) share an amused glance from behind their fans.
“As expected everyone in town was curious to see how the young (Y/n) had grown.”
“The jewels of the town has returned.” A soldier smiles.
Katara and (Y/n) stop in front of the nuns, patting two young girls heads before continuing along. “And she's going to be helping at the orphanage.”
“And I hear she and Katara reads books, like, for fun.” A girl gossips to her friend.
Another girl scoffs. “No way!”
“Miss Enuaraq. Miss (L/n).” Zuko greets, eyes racking over your figure as you and Katara take your seats.
Katara waves to the boy as (Y/n) smiles widely behind her fan. “Hello, Zuko.” Aang and Zuko’s eyes widen at the sight of (Y/n) and Katara as they put down their fans, revealing their more mature and beautiful features. “It's really nice to see you.” (Y/n) whispers as the crowd goes wild as the music starts playing.
The girls start gossiping again and the old man's teeth fall out as he gapes at the two girls. Vaatu watches, wide-eyed until Raava slaps him.
“Ow!” Vaatu shouts, turning to a scowling Raava. “What?”
Due, Slim and Tho play their instruments as Sokka enters the ring with a cape draped over his shoulder.
“And they say Sokka might be the greatest Enuaraq ever!” An old man shouts as Sokka whips his red cape off.
Raava grins. “Yeah! That's my boy!” She shouts and claps as Vaatu clears his throat. “What?”
“I would like to dedicate this fight, to my sister, and miss (Y/n) (L/n).” (Y/n) growls in discontent and Katara claps for her brother. “Welcome home, ladies...?”
Katara lightly nudges the girl next to her. “Lighten up, (Y/n).” She whispers. “We both know my father didn’t give him a choice.” (Y/n) sighs, nodding understandingly.
A door bulges and a bull with armor on its horns bursts out causing Due to scream.
“I'm allergic to dying!” He screeches.
Tho gestures to his face. “Especially in the face!” The three run and hide behind a wall. Sokka approaches the bull.
“Venga, torote. Venga.” Sokka chants, standing proudly as Hakoda watches on. “Venga!” He whips the cape and the bull charges at Sokka but he dodges out of the way with ease.
Katara and Zuko clap lightly from the stand with (Y/n), but Zuko is eyeing (Y/n) nervously.
Hakoda laughs excitedly. “Now, that's a Enuaraq!” He exclaims.
Sokka waves at the crowd as they throw roses at him. He holds one up to (Y/n), who’s smile grows fond and wide.
(Y/n) stretches out a worried hand. “Sokka!”
Luckily, Sokka sees the bull coming at him again and flips out of the way before landing on and sliding across the ground, catching the rose in his mouth with a smirk.
“Wow,” (Y/n) laughs as the crowd cheers, impressed as she begins lowering her fan again. Katara nudges her with a teasing smile, earning a playful roll of eyes.
“That's my son!” Hakoda bites back a wide grin.
Sokka continuously dodges the bull, using it's charging to his advantage and making it write (Y/n)'s name in the ground. Katara and Hakoda laugh with an approval as Sokka waves to the crowd and Zuko gapes.
An old man dances while Sokka walks over to Hakoda, who hands him a sword. But Sokka looks unsure. (Y/n) eyes him from afar, a sad look in her eyes.
“Come on, Sokka.” Hakoda pleads. “For me. For our family. For Katara. Be an Enuaraq!” He encourages.
Sokka reluctantly takes the sword from his father and turns back to the bull. He readies himself as the bull glares at him ready to charge. At that moment, Sokka notices (Y/n)'s shocked reflection in the sword's blade which causes him to realize this is not what she would want.
“No.” Sokka mumbles. He swings his sword and plants it in the ground. “Killing the bull is wrong!” He announces.
Hakoda looks offended, but (Y/n) stands and claps happily. The crowd looks shocked as Sokka lets the bull run into his cape and hit the wall, knocking itself out. Hakoda hangs his head in dismay.
Kanna smirks. “See? I told you he wouldn’t do it.”
(Y/n) applauds loudly but the rest of the crowd boos at Sokka. “Bravo! Bravo!” (Y/n) shouts from her stand.
The crowd begins to throw stuff at Sokka. “We don't have to kill the bull!” He shouts.
General (L/n) leads Aang, (Y/n), Zuko, and Nuna away as Katara rushes down to her brother.
Her father grabs her hand as she frowns deeply. “Oh, no. Sokka.” She mumbles.
Sokka frowns, but not regretting his actions. “Goodbye, (Y/n).” He mumbles.
Sokka's guitar clocks him in the side of his head knocking him out. Everything goes black for a second before he hears Hakoda's voice.
“Sokka. Sokka. Get up!” He shouts sternly.
Sokka opens his eyes to see Katara worriedly hovering over him, and gives her a wobbly smile. “Hey, Katara.” He whispers.
“Hey, Sokka.” She smiles softly, helping him up. Sokka clutches his head as he rises.
“I'm sorry, Papa.” Sokka sighs.
“Do not make it worse by apologizing!” Hakoda scolds, shaking his head. “A Enuaraq man never apologizes! Never!”
Kanna nods. “Ever.”
“If being a bullfighter means — if it means killing the bull...” Sokka shakes his head. “Well, then, I'm no bullfighter.”
“No.” Hakoda says, disappointed. “You are no Enuaraq.” Hakoda begins to push Kanna’s wheelchair away. “Katara, come.”
Katara sadly turns to Sokka, embracing him tightly — which Sokka begins to tear up in — before reluctantly following Hakoda. Sokka looks at the bull, who shakes its head sadly and leaves as well. Sokka turns his head to the ground, seeing the same rose from earlier, and he kneels to pick it up before picking up his guitar and placing the rose on the head.
“Victory!” Vaatu cheers, cackling. “That poor kid never had a chance, my dear. Good game, though.”
Raava gently pushes Vaatu’s hand down. “It's not over.” She smiles, gesturing back to Sokka.
Vaatu looks confused as he and Raava look down at Sokka. “Oh, (Y/n)...” He whispers, slowly beginning to pluck at the strings. “When you were here before, I couldn't look you in the eye.” (Y/n) begins to walk out to retrieve her fan as Sokka starts singing. “You're just like an angel. Your skin makes me cry.” (Y/n) wrings her fingers together, looking at Sokka with a longing behind her gaze.
“But I'm a creep.” He strums the chorus with more valor, closing his eyes. “I'm a weirdo.” (Y/n) watched on in awe, a small smile gracing her lips. “What am I doing here? I don't belong here.” Sokka looks at the rose longingly. “I don't belong...”
(Y/n) sighs. “Oh, Sokka.”
Zuko calls out for her. “(Y/n)!”
(Y/n) hears him, picks up her fan that she left behind earlier and leaves. Sokka looks up but she vanishes before he can catch sight of her. Vaatu looks stunned and surprised.
“What just happened?” Vaatu deadpans, getting anxious.
“You don't know women, my love.” Raava gently caresses his chin and beard before wandering off as Vaatu glares at her.
“That night, General (L/n) threw a grand party to welcome (Y/n) back. But, you see, he had bigger plans.”
General (L/n) and the soldiers raises their cups. “To Zuko!”
General (L/n) laughs. “A great hero! Too bad you're just in town for a few days.” (Y/n) gapes at her father’s words. “If only there were something that would make you stay... like a special girl.” He nudges her, making Katara in the seat across from her chuckle. “(Y/n)?”
“Papa!” (Y/n) scolds.
General (L/n) shrugs innocently. “What? What’d I say?”
(Y/n) grunts, embarrassed. “Oh, my father.” She chuckles, turning to Aang. “I missed you, bud.” She kisses his forehead and he curls into her like a cat making her chuckle and wrap her arm around him before turning to Zuko. “It's so wonderful to see you again, Zuko. Look at that mustache.” She chuckles, remembering when he had a fake one. She gasps at the medals, placing a hand on his arm. “And all those medals.” She points to the one Vaatu gave him. “What's this one for?”
Zuko squeaks nervously, jumping out of his seat. “Nothing!” The room goes quiet. “Nothing, nothing. What? I didn't — Why don't — Why don't you tell me a little more about Ba Sing Se?” He smiles anxiously.
(Y/n) sighed dreamily. “I loved it.” She smiled. “Such beautiful music and art and books. It was wonderful.”
“Books, art, wonderfulness.” Zuko chuckles, tapping the table as he sat back down. “You sound like you've learned so much, (Y/n). I'm sure one day you are going to make a man very, very, very happy.” He smiles warmly and knowingly at her. “And I hope that man's mustache, or his medals... makes you very, very, very, very happy.”
(Y/n) and Katara share a mischievous glance. “Oh, is that so?” (Y/n) asks coyly.
Zuko chuckles. “Well, yes.” He nods. “Behind every man with an amazing mustache is a beautiful woman.”
(Y/n) looks offended, but quickly covers it up. “Oh, yes.” She begins rubbing Zuko’s bicep, who looks ecstatic at her words. “And I'll cook and clean for him and be at his beck and call.”
“That sounds so good.” Zuko’s pupils dialate. “That just sounds so good. And you sound... you're just so pretty.” He rambles before (Y/n) pulls back, crossing her arms.
“Are you kidding me, Zuko?” (Y/n) asks, a glare forming on her face.
General (L/n) spits out his drink and shakes his head nervously. “Oh, boy.” He mutters.
“Is that how you see a woman?” (Y/n) asks, growing angrier as Zuko stutters. “We're only here to make men happy?”
A soldier nods, toasting with his friends. “Yeah.”
Zuko nervously taps the table. “So, I don't know.”
Katara is already heading up to (Y/n)’s room by the time she stands. “I believe I have lost my appetite.” She raises her hands. “No, please, please, stay seated. Now, if you will just excuse me, I must go check on Nuna. That's my pig.” (Y/n) slams a stern fist on the table before walking off. “I need to spend time with someone civilized. Goodnight.”
(Y/n) grabs Katara’s hand upon reaching the top of the stairs, dragging her into her room.
The girl grunts as she flops onto her bed. “I cannot believe him!” She exclaims quietly.
Katara plops down next to her. “Me neither.” She blows a hair out of her face with a huff. “Just when you think you know someone.”
Outside, Due, Tho, Slim and Sokka are making their way to (Y/n)'s house.
“I can't believe the General invited the whole town!” Slim exclaims. “Except for you, Sokka.”
Tho sighs. “Sorry, bro.”
Due nudges Tho as they walk. “He even invited us. And he hates us.”
Sokka shakes his head. “It's hopeless. I've lost her to Zuko.” He sighs.
“Okay, okay. Listen, listen.” Due smiles, slinging an arm around Sokka. “All we got to do is play the right song, and trust me, everything will turn around in the space of four bars.”
Tho guffaws. “We've already been to four bars! Twice!”
Due puts his hands up. “Hold it. I know exactly what to play.” The three brothers huddle together, dragging Sokka in. “It has to be romantic and classy... but with tons of dignity.”
Due plops a small piano on Tho’s back, sitting on Slim as he starts to play. “You, you got what I need. But you say he's just a friend. But you say he's just a friend,” Sokka smiles, amused before rolling his eyes. “Oh, baby, you—“ A plant falls in Due's mouth and he spits it out. Nuna looks at (Y/n) who rolls her eyes.
“Wow, that totally captivated her.” Sokka says flatly, gazing up at (Y/n)’s window.
Katara chuckles, grabbing her book and sitting back down as (Y/n) continues watching.
“I don't get it. That one always works.” Due says, confused.
Slim nods. “Even on my wife.”
Tho looks even more confused. “Wait. You're married?”
“I got it! Follow my lead.” Due annouces, strumming Tho’s guitar dramatically. “If you want my body and you think I'm sexy. Mami vamos, let me know!”
Slim plays his trumpet as Due continues to sing. He even rips his shirt off, revealing his face tattooed onto his chest. A plant hits him on the head and he collapses.
“Very romantic, Due.” Sokka says sarcastically as he laughs and (Y/n) chuckles as Nuna baas angrily. She pulls him out of sight from the boys.
“That's all I got, man.” Due shrugs, rubbing his sore head.
Tho grins. “Okay, my turn! One, two, one, two, tres, cuatro!” Just as he is about to sing, a big plant pot with a cactus falls on him.
Slim looks scared. “That girl is way out of your league, bro.” He states.
Tho pops back up. “Hey, let's eat!” They disappear into a bar.
Sokka gives them an amused smile as he looks back up at the window, the lights go out. He takes his guitar off his back, and looks at the message (Y/n) put on it before strumming. He tunes it and strums again before taking a deep breath and approaching the house. Inside, (Y/n) hears Sokka playing outside and smiles warmly.
Sokka breathes deeply before starting. “I love you too much, to live without you loving me back,” He sings, resting against the wall under the small balcony. “I love you too much,” (Y/n) opens the balcony doors gently, and the doves resting around fly away. She doesn’t see Sokka, but smiles fondly at his voice. “Heaven's my witness and this is a fact; I know I belong when I sing this song,” He gazes at the bottom of her balcony, a longing look on his face.
“There's love above love and it's ours cause I love you too much,” He walks out from under the balcony, meeting her endearing and happy gaze. He smiles just as warmly at her from below. “I live for your touch. I whisper your name night after night.” Small animals and critters come out of alleys to watch. “I love you too much. There's only one feeling and I know it's right. I know I belong, when I sing this song,” People and couples on the street gather round to watch as (Y/n) breathes in deeply. “There's love above love and it's ours cause I love you too much.”
Raava watches on fondly from the rooftop, smiling happily at the two as Sokka continues singing and the people and animals continue watching.
“Heaven knows your name I've been praying to have you come here by my side,” Zuko runs up to (Y/n)’s room, his smile dropping at the sight of (Y/n) at her balcony and hearing Sokka’s voice. He thinks of a quick plan before running downstairs again. “Without you a part of me is missing. Just to make you my own I will fight.” (Y/n) bites back a grin as Katara leans against the doorway, smiling softly at her friend. “I love you too much.”
Vaatu watches from the rooftops too, growling at the interaction as Sokka’s friends begin to stack up, helping him reach (Y/n)’s balcony. “I love you too much. Heaven's my witness and this is a fact; you live in my soul. Your heart is my goal.” (Y/n) leans towards Sokka a bit more. “There's love above love and it's mine, cause I love you. There's love above love and it's yours, cause I love you. There's love above love and it's ours, if you love me as much...”
Sokka goes to kiss (Y/n) but she stops him by putting a finger to his lips. She smirks and Katara holds back a laugh at his confused expression.
(Y/n) huffs a laugh. “Did you think it was gonna be that easy?” The three below him lose their balance and they all fall, but she catches Sokka’s guitar before it can fall with him.
After the others land on Sokka, a trumpet is stuck on his head as he steps around clumsily. “I... I kind of did.”
(Y/n) gasps and laughs as he falls, “Sokka!” She laughs fondly, heading back inside. “Hold on, I'm coming.” Raava chuckles and flies off as (Y/n) gestures for Katara to follow as she slides down the rail and back downstairs with Nuna and Katara in tow. She begins to walk to the door, but Zuko stands in front of her with a ring. “Zuko. What are you doing?” She clutches Sokka’s guitar nervously. Katara places a hand on her shoulder.
General (L/n) forces Zuko down on one knee. “(Y/n)... Will you...” He stutters. “Will you marry me?”
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tisthequenchiest · 4 years
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Zukka: It's about the Yearning
<<rb don't repost>>
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cherryskyies · 4 years
Edge (Zuko x Fem! Reader)
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Yes, this is a series.
Pt.1 // Pt.2 // Pt.3 // Pt.4 // Pt.5 // Pt.6
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Swearing
This is a slow burn
Main Masterlist
Summary: Now you’re away from Zuko and traveling with the Gaang. Your first stop? Kyoshi island! You and Sokka are closer, Katara doesn’t mind you as much, and Aang loves the company of another airbender. Only problem is, how will you react to seeing Zuko invade Kyoshi after the last encounter between you two didn’t end well?
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“So, how are you an airbender?” Katara asked, looking at me suspiciously. I don’t blame her. It’s not like airbenders got wiped out or anything.
“I have airbender ancestry.” I said, shrugging. “Bending can skip generations. Lucky me to be an Airbender in a family of Firebenders, am I right.”
Their eyes went wide. “You’re from a family of Firebenders?” Sokka yelled, saying the word “Firebender” as if it was poison. “Woah, how did they react?” 
“Father wanted to hand me over to the Fire Lord but my mother refused to let him. Instead, she kept my bending a secret until I was 13 and accidentally blew my cover.” I said, laying on my back to watch the night sky. I took their silence as a sign to continue. “It’s kind of funny, actually. This boy named Tenkin and I got in a fight and he went to throw fire at me but I bent back and threw him off his feet and into a wall.”
“But that still doesn’t explain how you ended up with Zuko?” Aang said, tilting his head.
“After his banishment, Zuko came across me in a small village. When he saw me use my bending to dry myself off he captured me thinking I was the Avatar. He was beyond disappointed and confused when it turned out I wasn’t. I was kept as a prisoner for a year before befriending his Uncle and well, it’s easy to guess what happened from there.” I finished, looking over to the three.
“You loved him, didn’t you?” Katara asked, looking at me with a sorrowful expression.
I nodded, “I still do. I’m not sure I’ll ever not love that hothead.” and then came the question you feared.
“What will you do if it comes down to fighting him?” Sokka asked, picking at the leather of Appa’s saddle.
Sighing, I looked away. Of course they’d ask that question, it would be silly of them not to. “The same thing I did earlier, fight back. The minute he attacked me with the intent to burn is the moment I knew it was over between us. Therefore, I’ll fight him.”
They nodded, satisfied with your answer.
Everyone went to their chosen spots on Appa to sleep. Aang on Appa’s head, Katara and Sokka together towards the front of the saddle, and you alone in the back. Within moments, everyone was asleep. Everyone but you.
You’ve never felt this alone and cold. Jumping into the water below seemed like a good idea if you weren’t afraid of drowning. 
How nice it would feel to let the cold water engulf you until you were nothing but a memory to everyone.
“This is it! We’re here Katara, Sokka, (Y/N)! Get up!” You heard Aang excitedly yell, going around and shaking everyone.
“I’m up, I’m up.” You grumbled, forcing your tired limbs off of Appa and almost collapsing on to the ground if Aang didn’t steady you.
“Be careful, (Y/N).” Aang said, before leaving you to get Sokka up.
Eyes still shut, you waved him away.
“Sokka! Wake up! There’s a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!” You heard Aang yell, followed by Sokka’s screams behind you.
You flew in the air from your sitting position, where you had fallen asleep again. “Huh!? I’m up!” You announced, falling on your butt in the dirt.
You heard laughter that was presumably Katara and Aang’s. “We got them both, Katara!” Aang said in between his laughter. “I can’t believe we got both of them.” He continued, earning a death glare from you and Sokka.
“I will shove your glider up your ass, Aang. Don’t try me.” You threatened, immediately shutting the duo up.
“Okay, okay. Anyway, we are super close to Kyoshi island so pack it up and let’s get a move on.” Aang said, throwing his sleeping bag on top of Appa’s saddle.
You forced yourself off the ground and bent yourself on top of Appa, much like Aang does. “So, how did you sleep Sokka?” You heard Katara ask her brother.
“I slept great! Want to hear about the dre-”
She cut him off before he could continue. “How did you sleep Aang?” 
“I barely slept. I’m just so excited for Kyoshi!” He rambled, bouncing around.
“How about you, (Y/N)?” Katara asked. 
“Oh um, I slept okay, Katara. Thank you for asking.”
She gave you a small smile and turned away. She still didn’t like you.
“We’re here!” Aang yelled, landing Appa near the water. “It’s exactly how I remember it! You have to watch me ride the elephant koi, Katara, (Y/N)!”
“Hey! What about me? Don’t you want me to watch too!?” Sokka yelled, but Aang was already swimming away. “Bald brat.”
You laughed, “Maybe next time, Sokka.”
He rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at you in response.
You and Sokka were too busy bickering while Katara was out scolding Appa about some berries to notice the creature gaining on Aang until he yelled, catching everyone’s attention. 
“Holy shit! What is that?” You yelled, panic taking over. The creature was huge and serpent shaped. “Aang get out of there!”
“Aang!” Katara said worriedly. “Hurry up!”
Aang came running onto land and smashed right into Sokka, knocking them both down.
“That was fun!” Aang said, jumping up.
“Yeah, near death experiences are so fun. Now let’s go.” Sokka said, turning around to leave. But, before anyone could make it any farther, bags were thrown around our heads and we were tied down. “Or we could stay a while.”
“You three have some explaining to do. And, if you don’t answer all of our questions, we’re throwing you back in the water with the Unagi.” A feminine voice said. The four of us were all tied to a pole with the bags still on our heads, blinding us.
“Show yourself cowards.” You heard Sokka yell.
‘Please tell me he can’t get any dumber.’
The bags were harshly ripped off of our heads and we were met face to face with a group of women, very pretty women if I might add. “You’re really pretty.” You said without thinking. Your face flushed and the women in front of you smiled. “Sorry.”
“Who are you? Where are the men that ambushed us?” You heard Sokka yell again. You hit your head against the pole behind you.
‘Why is he so stupid’
“There were no men. We ambushed you. Now tell us, who are you and what are you doing here?” The one you assumed to be the leader asked.
“Wait a second. There is no way a bunch of girls took us down.” Sokka said, scoffing.
‘He was just getting worse and worse. Somebody save me.’
“The Unagi is going to eat well tonight.” The girl said, lifting Sokka up by his collar.
“No, don’t hurt him! He didn’t mean it! My brother is just an idiot sometimes.” Katara exclaimed.
“Yeah, what she said minus the brother part, thank god.” You said
“It’s my fault, I’m sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the elephant koi.” Aang spoke up, looking down dejectedly. He didn’t mean to get his friends in this much trouble.
 She didn’t look like she believed it. “What are you? Fire nation spies? Kyoshi has stayed out of the war so far and we plan to keep it that way.”
Aang’s head shot up. “Kyoshi? I know Kyoshi!”
“Impossible, send the impostors to the Unagi! Be gentle with the girl in the orange though.” The girl said, sending a wink your way.
“No, really. He’s the Avatar!” Sokka insisted.
“The avatar has been gone for over 100 years.”
“Aang, do some airbending.” Katara whispered, desperately wanting out of the situation.
It was like a light bulb went off in his head. “Watch this!” He yelled, jumping free from the ropes and flying over the pole before gracefully landing and pulling out five marbles. ‘What is he going to do with the marb-’
Of course, he used bending to spin them in his hands. “It is the Avatar!” A man from the crowd announced.
Soon enough, we were untied. “Don’t expect an apology from me or the other warriors. I’m Suki by the way.” She said, introducing herself.
You waved with a small smile. “I’m (Y/N).”
“And I’m Aang!”
“These people sure know how to treat an Avatar.” Aang said, stuffing his face full of food.
You, along with Sokka, stared at the food with no appetite. 
“Sokka, (Y/N). Why aren’t you two eating? The food is really good.” Aang asked, offering a piece of food to Katara, which she gladly took.
Katara laughed. “Sokka is just grumpy because a bunch of girls kicked his butt.”
Grumbling, Sokka sat up. “They sneaked up on us! It doesn’t count!”
“Face it Sokka, you’re weak.” You said, laughing at the angry look he gave you. “Anyway, I’m going to explore a bit. See you guys in a little bit.” 
The village was small, a few shops and houses here and there. You were looking for the dojo since earlier Suki invited you to train with her and the other warriors. 
“And done! Good job girls!” You heard Suki say.
You jogged up to the building and saw some of the warriors sitting on the floor and talking. “Hey, (Y/N)! I’m glad you came.” It was Suki. “Change into these and I’ll do your makeup.” 
She handed you a stack of clothes and ushered you into a room. The dress was a little heavy because of the armor but it was beautiful nonetheless and you felt honored to be wearing it. “Woah.” You whispered, looking at your reflection in the mirror. It’s been a while since you’ve seen yourself as pretty.
“Hey Suk- Sokka!?” You yelled, looking at the boy on the ground. 
His face was red and he was covered in beads of sweat. “Aw come on!”
You look up to Suki to see her smiling at you. “He will be joining us. Both of you follow me so I can do your makeup.”
“So, Sokka. Where are you from?” Suki asked, working on his makeup since she finished yours. She was quick with doing it and you were impressed.
“South Pole, why?”
“I don’t know, we don’t get many outsiders.” She said, placing the finishing touches to his makeup. “And done! We can begin now.”
Who knew it would be so hard. I mean, they make it look so easy when they’re in their formation and in sync. “How do you guys make it look so easy!?” You yelled, exhausted. You and Sokka were doing well but it was still difficult.
“Fire nation! It’s here!” A man yelled, running into the room. 
“Let’s go.” Suki said, running out of the doors. You and Sokka looked at each other before shrugging and following after them.
Fire was everywhere. You tried using your bending to put it out but there was too much. “(Y/N)! A little help over here, please!” It was Sokka. He was on the floor, rolling around trying to dodge the flames being shot at him. You ran in front of him, creating a ball of air and sending it at the person attacking him. You were too focused on saving Sokka to realize who the person attacking was. That was until you saw them jump back up and get in a fighting stance.
“Sokka go get Aang and Katara! No offense, but you won’t last against a bender.” You yelled, not breaking eye contact with the man in front of you.
“No offence taken! Good luck!” He yelled, sprinting away.
Not another second was wasted before you shot multiple air balls at him in an attempt to knock him down, which worked. He tried to get up again but you knocked him down again and proceeded to send a strong gust of wind and knock him a few feet away from you so you could run to the others.
Sorry, Zuko.
Taglist: @itsametaphorbriansblog​ @eridanuswave​ @buckysjuicyplums 
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sokkascroptop · 4 years
concept: zukka + y/n 😳 fire boy loves his sword wielding partners - anon a
holy fuck anon a why are you giving me exactly what i want need
please continue:)))
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becauseanders · 4 years
Chapters: 38/? Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Uncle Iroh, Teo (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Haru (Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Bato (Avatar), some very important surprise characters we're not tagging properly because reasons, Jin (Avatar), June (Avatar), Pakku (Avatar), Piandao (Avatar), Jeong Jeong (Avatar), Bumi (Avatar), Sela (Avatar), Chey (Avatar) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst, Nightmares, Past Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Chronic Pain, Disability, Mental Illness, Neurodiversity, Theatre, Autistic Zuko, Disabled Zuko, Partially Deaf Zuko, partially blind Zuko, Zuko's Scar, ADHD Sokka, Appa is a service dog, Found Family, Gay Artists Everywhere, Jet makes one (1) appearance, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, idiots to lovers, Iroh Appreciation Life, The Jasmine Dragon, Medication, Smoking, Self Harm, Panic Attacks, Stimming, Ozai is The Worst™, Sokka has a heart as strong as a lion-turtle and twice as big, Mutual Pining, Everyone Needs A Hug, they're all disasters it's okay, Flashbacks, Past Domestic Violence, Suicidal Ideation, Ty Lee has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome because I said so, Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck, that tag is so cute alright, I'm gonna get real rude about the disability stuff, I'm mostly gonna take it out on Zuko but still, i'm sorry in advance, Katara and Toph for wingsiblings of the goddamn millennium, [slaps roof on characters] you can fit so much lifelong psychological damage in these motherfuckers, Protect them at all costs, Past Sokka/Yue (Avatar), Overprotective Sokka, Hakoda Appreciation Life, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Grief/Mourning, Loss of Parent(s), All Rich People Are Bastards, Zuko deserves happiness, Sokka deserves happiness, character injury, I need Iroh and Hakoda to be real and I need them both to adopt me, being too depressed to cry is real and it is HELL, Blood is not synonymous with family, Anxiety, Alcohol, Sokka has Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, we've got angst out the ass but we do NOT have miscommunication!, Zuko has Borderline Personality Disorder, also kind of lowkey made Zuko bipolar in this; I'm bipolar and cannot write without projecting
"'The fog was where I wanted to be.'" Everything is different. The pitch of his voice, his posture. The auditorium goes silent. No one can take their eyes off of him.
…He's amazing.
 Zuko had to perfect the art of acting as a child to survive the horrors of his homelife. When he got older, it was only natural to take his talent to the stage for entertainment and escape.
Enter Sokka, a craftsman and set designer with a giant heart who is haunted by plenty of ghosts of his own.
A tale of trauma, disability, family, creativity, and love.
Katara: OK fine we’ll be there in 15-20
Katara: Don’t do anything stupid
Zuko: Oh I will. Count on it.
Katara: 🙄😭
Katara: ( 🥰💙💙 )
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sapphicambitions · 4 years
oh fuck i have ANOTHER idea for a zukka fic
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sansonrio · 4 years
we’re all definitely like... a little broken on the inside rn. lol.
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raewritez · 4 years
zuko one-shot
requested?: no
word count: 1.1k
The breeze ruffled your hair, coolness caressing your cheeks as the steady crashing of waves upon the shore rang like music in your ears. The moon high in the heavens, light beaming down and kissing the horizon, silver-lined clouds floating in the midnight sky. You pressed your body against the ground, sand sliding through your fingers and tickling your toes. A soft smile made its way to your face, loving the peacefulness and serenity in the Ember Island twilight.
Zuko watched you from afar, his lips curving with fondness. He had woken up from nightmares, memories of his father plaguing his mind and chasing him from the sanctuary of sleep. He left the house to clear his head, to sulk in solitude in the fallen paradise of his childhood, when he spotted you sitting by the shore. A soft chuckle leaves him, amused but not surprised to see you here in the middle of the night. You loved the ocean, after all. 
His feet carry him towards you, toes slipping through the grains that litter the earth’s surface. He arrived to loom behind you, grinning down at your content expression as you lay sprawled out on the ground.
“Having fun?”
Your eyes shot open abruptly, a short gasp ripping from your throat as you push yourself up. Your eyes shot around frantically before landing on Zuko, a sigh escaping your lips and a smile spreading across your face.
“Hey, Zuko. You scared me.”
“Sorry,” he smirked, lowering himself next to you. His arm pressed against yours as he sat, a pleasant shiver making its way up your spine. He spread his legs out in front of him, his feet barely tickled by the incoming waves.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, subtly leaning into each other. Your eyes flickered over to his profile, pale skin glowing under Yue’s beams and onyx hair waving around his face, amber eyes gleaming through the darkness.
“What’re you doing up?” he asked, shifting his gaze to stare at you. He thought you looked very pretty, hair messy from the ocean breeze and starlight reflected against the smoothness of your skin.
You shrugged. “Just couldn’t sleep, I guess. It’s nice out here. What about you?”
He scratched the back of his neck, a grimace making its way to his face. “Oh, um...just couldn’t sleep either.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in concern, sensing there was more to awakening than he let on. You decided not to push it, instead averting your attention to the rolling waves and glistening horizon. A slow smile made its way to your face.
“Wanna go swimming?” 
Zuko turned to you, surprise painting his face. “Swimming?”
You nodded enthusiastically, standing up to shed your robe. “It’ll be fun! Come on, Zuko, please?” 
His breath caught in his throat at your pout, your puppy-dog eyes coercing him to bend to your will. He peered at you with pretend sternness, fighting back his amusement. Only you would ask him to go swimming in the middle of the night.
The longer he stared, the more your hopeful smile eroded his inhibitions and his ability to deny anything you could ever ask of him. He wordlessly stood up, peeling off his burgundy robes and glancing back at you with a grin before bounding off into the awaiting waters.
You laugh, quickly running after him and diving under the waves. You popped up next to him, his unburdened smile mirroring your own. You bobbed next to him, the moonlight beaming against his glistening skin in the most delectable way. You took a moment to gather his content expression; his lips turned upwards and brows lacking their usual furrow. You pushed through the water, gliding past him and into deeper ends until your feet no longer touch the sand.
Zuko pulls up next to you, shaking his head and sending droplets flying towards you. You splash him playfully, ruefully taking note of his ability to still stand, before leaning back and closing your eyes.
You feel the coolness of the waves, the heaviness of your body. Eyes closed, you can still see the brightness of the moon through your eyelids and can feel the silkiness of the breeze.
Zuko stares at you; the freedom and tranquility of your expression bringing lightness to his heart. He feels liberated - the terrors of the night seeming so far away as he basks in your reprieve. Your eyes suddenly fly open, body caving in on itself and sinking below the glassy surface. He laughs, reaching out for you and holding your waist with his palms. You smile gratefully, eyelids drooping once more.
He holds you in his grasp, delicate fingers tracing pointless circles on your hips, warm palms supporting your weight as you sway in the waves. He smiles softly down at you, memorizing every detail of your face. Feeling his gaze, you pry your eyes open to settle them on the firebender.
You move your hand to his arm, lightly skimming them across his skin in a way that makes his breath hitch and stomach fill with butterflies. He studies you, lips parted as you slowly trail your eyes up his body before finding his face, pausing at his lips for just a moment too long.
He notices, flickering his stare to find yours. It happens slowly, thoughtfully. Zuko leans down, sliding one of his hands to cradle your head as you lay still above the waves. He looks to you, a silent question full of yearning in his irises. You get the message, responding by nudging your nose towards his, eyelashes dancing across his skin.
His eyes flutter shut, lips finally pressing against yours and thumb coming up to stroke your cheek. His arm is wrapped securely around your waist, holding you to him. His mouth moves against yours in a flurry of adoration and longing, his repressed emotions and feelings for his friend coming out of him in a warm embrace. You curl your arm around his shoulders, fingers combing through his water-soaked tresses and tenderly caressing the rough skin of his scar.
You pull apart with short gasps, drunk off the taste of one another's lips and closeness. You breathe deeply, thirsting for air as Zuko nuzzles his face closer to yours. His lips are only a whisper, ghosting across your own and pulling away with a beaming smile. You both chuckle, his mouth coming to press against your cheek with a fondness that makes your heart melt. You stroke his cheek lovingly, grinning up at the prince as he brings you closer to the warmth of his body. Starlight cascades over the gleaming ocean surface, illuminating the two teens lost in their paradise and painting the sky with silver whisps, the moon the only witness to the tenderness of the night and softness of the heart.
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