#it will be number one on my spotify wrapped this year for sure lol
greeneyezblackheart · 3 months
Song Of The Day
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oneforthemunny · 3 months
How do you think rockstar eddie would react to slash performing at the oscars to i’m just ken. How would all the girls react? Would it be a bonding moment?
i think he would think it was fucking amazing. he definitely loved the barbie movie for a lot of reasons, the number one being that his girls loved it and therefore he loved it.
also, he'd definitely recognize a few things from the movie. the house, the dog that you fed and pooped, the car and things that were supposed to be like real things from barbie that his girls had throughout the years.
personally, i stand by my hc that he would've taken the gig over slash to play in i'm just ken in the move and then at the oscars (plz tell me you guys know the blurb). but if he didn't get it offered to him, i think he'd be so fucking stoked that slash did. especially when he brought eddie van halen's son out too. eddie would definitely take a blurry ass picture of his tv and post it on instagram (a rare ig post) about how amazing it was and also how the oscars are rigged lol.
something like:
@/: eddiemunsonofficial: The most METAL fucking thing the Oscars have EVER done!!!! Fuck the Academy or Whatever for not nominating them!!! Keep Rockin'!!!!🤘🎸🩷⚡️🦇
i could see vega commenting under it something insane like "let him cook!!!" and eddie's not really sure what that means but ok!!!!
he's literally just ken and we all know that. that song would be in his spotify wrapped for years bc that's actually his song entirely. like yes, he too only has a good day if barbie (nb) looks at him???? mojo dojo casa house??? literally his mansion before he met her??? it's literally them.
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Hey there! May i ask for a greatwise drabble with the #98 song?
Send me a ship (or fandom) and a number between 1 & 101, and I’ll use my Spotify Wrapped as fic inspo
98- If You Have My Voodoo Doll, Give Me A Hug by Loveless (which I used as very loose inspiration because I'm tired of writing sad things for these two lol)
Will bit his lip and looked down at the ground. “I guess I’m just used to fading into the background. Easier to ignore that way.”
He didn’t want to bring up his Zombie Boy title. Surely Gareth had heard it before. That two years’ difference between them was in some ways a blessing because it meant Gareth hadn’t been around to see the worst of it in middle school. But it also meant he didn’t understand most of it either.
“Hey,” Gareth said, his voice low and soothing. As his hand came up to brush at Will’s hair, the younger boy closed his eyes with a sigh. “You don’t have to fade with me. With any of us. You know Hellfire has your back”
Will nodded. When Gareth’s forehead brushed against his own, Will leaned forward. He always felt steadier with his boyfriend around.
“I’ll never quite be able to turn my mind off,” Will admitted. “All my doubts? They overwhelm me sometimes.”
“That’s okay.” He pressed a kiss to Will’s cheek. “When you get in too deep, I’ll pull you back out.”
Will wanted to believe him. “You may not always be able to.”
“Then I’ll burn down everything else trying.”
Will shivered, opening his eyes to lock gazes with Gareth. He looked so serious, so convicted.
“People have raised hell on your behalf so many times, Will.” He didn’t even know the half of it. “I wasn’t around to, but I will if I need to. I’ll do it as often as I need to keep you here by my side and make you happy. You deserve the world. I want to give it to you.”
Ducking his head, Will let it drop onto Gareth’s shoulder. He took a deep breath. Sometimes he wondered if the Upside Down had permanently altered his sense of smell. Right now that didn’t matter. He was surrounded by Gareth.
As his boyfriend’s arms came up around him, Will hummed. “I think I’d do just about anything if you told me to.”
“That’s my line,” Gareth teased. He slowly rocked Will back and forth.
“Do you think we could have kept this up if I’d had to go back to California?” Will asked. He knew it was a sudden change in conversation, but he’d been thinking about it a lot lately. About the way distance had strained El and Mike. About whether he would have had the voice to carry over that distance.
Gareth chuckled. “It probably would have been hard, but I would have written so many songs for you.”
Will shivered, then blushed because he knew Gareth had felt it. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. I’m rubbish at guitar. I usually stick to drums. But I would have borrowed Eddie’s acoustic so often. Written lyrics to send to you. Recorded what I could and send that to you anyway.”
“Maybe I should have gone then,” Will teased. “I could have gotten songs out of the deal.”
Gareth made a small noise of protest. “Not funny. Besides, you’re getting a song or two anyway.”
Will pulled back to stare at him. “Wait, what? Really?”
Gareth smiled as he nodded, looking much shyer than he had previously. “Eddie won’t let me hear the end of it. I asked him for help. I had decent lyrics but no sense of melody or how to build the chords for it.”
“Eddie helped you write a song for me,” Will repeated, delight welling up in his chest. “That’s so sweet.”
“I was hoping for dramatic or romantic.” Gareth looked so grumpy that Will couldn’t resist leaning in to kiss his cheek. They’d kissed for real a few times, but Will was shy about it. And Gareth always gave him the time and space he needed.
“It is romantic,” Will agreed. “And rather dramatic. I can’t wait to hear it. No one tell my friends or they’ll all be insulted, but I have the best boyfriend ever.”
Gareth laughed, and good, that was Will’s goal. “I will not tell your friends that you have a better boyfriend than any of their girlfriends,” he promised and leaned in to press a kiss to Will’s nose. “I might tell them I do, though. Builds character.”
Will shifted to the side, leaving one arm looped around Gareth’s waist. “Yeah? Normally I’m not a fan of bragging, but I feel like this could be an exception.”
“You always are,” Gareth promised. “You always are.”
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steffigraf · 7 days
was tagged by @drunkenromantic for the get to know me tag game 🫶 mwah thank you!
1. Do you make your bed?
no lmaoo i like having pillows strewn around everywhere
2. Favourite number?
hmmm i can never really choose. i’m slightly partial to 20 cause it’s my bday but it’s not that big of a deal for me. whenever i get custom jerseys for events and stuff, i always choose random numbers haha
3. What's your job?
uni student lmao this bitch is Not working
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
going back to any school prior to my current uni life would be hell so like. absolutely not. i used to attend a catholic school too like guys i am so serious when i say i could never go through that madness again
5. Can you parallel park?
sorta? i was able to do it pretty okay when i learned to drive but i don’t practice driving enough in general to rly say
6. Do you think aliens are real?
7. Can you drive a manual car?
def not lmao
8. Guilty pleasure?
hmmm im not so sure. i admit to being a very childish person so i like a lot of “cringe” stuff haha. i suppose maybe my real guilty pleasure is online shopping cause like damn i really need to save more
9. Tattoos?
none, and i probably won’t ever get any. partly bc i’m very indecisive, partly bc i don’t like needles, but mostly bc i have really sensitive skin and a family history of skin problems so i really don’t wanna test any of that lmao. im allergic to shit like housepaint and henna ink so i am Definitely wary of injecting tattoo ink into me skdhkdjdk
10. Favourite colour?
soft shades of blue! and pastels in general
11. Favourite type of music?
pop i guess? indie pop too. although my spotify wrapped last year also had “german showtunes” on it lmao
12. Do you like puzzles?
yes! most types of puzzles are very fun for me. i don’t do jigsaws too much bc space issues but i do like them. i regularly do sudoku and crossword and other puzzle games on my phone. and i’m obsessed with escape rooms and escape room-like home puzzle kits haha
13. Any phobias?
ledges. if i’m in an enclosed space i don’t mind heights, but i’m very bothered by cliff ledges and leaning out over balconies
also cockroaches and other bugs. and rats. and lizards but only the tiny ones. aka all things i have accidentally come across at home at night at some point skdhdkdjkd
14. Favourite childhood sport?
none? i hated sports as a kid. like full on despised that shit lmaooooooo. closest is probably swimming, but i didn’t like tiring myself out at all
15. Do you talk to yourself?
yeah. especially in the bathroom lol
16. Tea or coffee?
tea. i don’t drink coffee, don’t like the taste
17. First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
i think an artist? something like that
18. What movies do you adore?
anything animated is usually a plus in my books. also shitty old disney originals and shitty netflix romance flicks haha. i just like having fun with movies, the stupider the better
idk if anyone’s done it skdhdkdjl tagging @jabeur @fritzes @advantage-sinner @clayvedevs @aliassimes @fortyfive-forty if you want! no pressure tho 🤍
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riddlerosehearts · 2 months
Ok, I need to know your fob album ranking and top 10 songs, GO!
oooh okay so i need to start by saying that i am heavily biased toward their older stuff because... i've listened to fall out boy since i was probably too young to listen to fall out boy AFGKJDF and their pre-hiatus albums essentially shaped my music taste and helped me get through a lot of difficult times in my life. so i'm really just generally more attached to them than the rest but i do like every single one of their albums at least a little because they all have songs i love. i also had to think about this a bit and am still not sure if it's a perfect ranking because i'm incredibly indecisive. but this is what i'm feeling right now! (also i apologize in advance for adding a bunch of commentary and rambling instead of just giving you the ranking LOL)
from under the cork tree - was the first FOB album i ever listened to so i'm biased but it's so fucking good. especially if you include the bonus tracks from it. there is not a single song on here that i don't love.
infinity on high - contains my favorite FOB song (okay maybe it's illogical that my #1 song is from my #2 album but listen... it's a very close #2), aesthetically has the coolest album cover, and it's just fantastic all around--again, especially if you include the bonus tracks.
take this to your grave - i feel like a lot of people hate TTTYG nowadays and i'll never understand why. it's a great album. it's classic pop punk and just pure fun.
folie a deux - literally never understood the hate this album got when it came out!! it's so good!! i remember listening to the whole thing the same day as it dropped and loving it and being so confused seeing how much people complained about it :(
so much (for) stardust - okay i actually love this album so much that #5 feels too low but if i switched it with folie then #5 would feel too low for folie so idk 😭😭 my favorite post-hiatus album BY FAR though. it's sooo good and it's also special to me because i literally never got to see fall out boy live until they toured for its release last year.
save rock and roll - has some misses for me, as do the albums i've ranked below it, but overall i like my favorite songs from SRAR more than i like my faves from the albums below, and it gets bonus points for how cool the youngblood chronicles is + the nostalgia i associate with FOB's return from their hiatus.
american beauty/american psycho - ABAP gets a lot of hate but i think it kind of rocks actually and putting it at #7 feels slightly wrong. it's really only this low because something has to be and because again, i like my favorite SRAR songs more than my favorite ABAP songs.
mania - i think a lot of people on here get mad if you put MANIA last so i'm sorry afksjgdsf. it honestly just has the lowest number of songs i really like and has several that i don't. though i will say that last of the real ones is a certified banger and i was so glad it had a permanent spot on the tourdust setlist.
hum hallelujah - my beloved 💙💙 when i saw FOB live they had a slot on the setlist where each night they'd either play bang the doldrums or hum hallelujah and i won't lie, i did feel disappointed for a second when doldrums started. i got over it because i love that song too but. hum hallelujah is one of my all time favorite songs.
i slept with someone in fall out boy and all i got was this stupid song written about me - my favorite song on FUTCT and another all time fave. i also think this is the funniest song title of all time btw.
G.I.N.A.S.F.S. - so jealous of anyone who's gotten to see this played live as a magic 8-ball song :(
calm before the storm - this having a permanent spot on the tourdust setlist got me hyped like you wouldn't believe because they had last played it in 2007. underappreciated banger.
love from the other side - this was literally my top song of 2023 on my spotify wrapped. i made an angsty raeda gifset with lyrics from it not long after the single came out because it made me so insane.
sugar we're goin' down - might be a bit of a basic choice but it was the first FOB song i ever liked and it fucking slaps 💖 also when i saw them live i swear patrick changed the lyrics to "wishing to be the friction in his jeans" which is just. legendary and iconic of him.
disloyal order of water buffaloes
grand theft autumn/where is your boy - again, a basic choice, but sometimes things are popular for a reason!
the carpal tunnel of love
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eurydicees · 2 years
tamakyo 24?
number 24 you say? this one was fun, i wrote it in one of my supervisor's offices because that's just who i am at this point lol
summary: tamaki looks at kyoya as he isn't and as he is and as he can be. he looks at kyoya as something holy, and he prays. prompt: spotify wrapped #24, holiest (glass animals) pairings: tamaki suoh/kyoya ootori words: 1896 warnings: none
your prayer is just my miracle long time coming
Tamaki watches Kyoya, sometimes, at events like this and thinks that maybe he was made, created, crafted specifically to be a part of this world.
They’re at some function that the Kurakano family is hosting and that both the Ootori and Suoh family had been invited to. Kyoya had been required by his father to attend in his stead, and Tamaki had convinced his father that it would be a good opportunity for himself as well. He’s still not quite sure how he did that, because he is well aware that his only motivation is that he wanted to eat particularly good food that night. 
The function is being held in some conference building that the Kurakano family owns—while Tamaki isn’t quite sure what their trade is, he knows that it’s something that’s become more profitable in recent years—and Tamaki has found himself standing in the corner of the room, observing more than participating in any conversations. 
He’s not quite sure what the goal of the night is beyond his father maintaining his current connections and perhaps making new ones; he just knows that the champagne is giving him a slight headache and this night has really not been worth the food. He takes another sip of the champagne anyway, for lack of something better to do with his hands. 
Across the room, Kyoya is talking with some other businessman about something that Tamaki doesn’t really care about the details of. Kyoya’s job tonight is to make connections with the fathers of their classmates; this is something Tamaki only knows because Kyoya had told him with a bit of an eye roll while they laid in his bed the night before, talking about everything except for the only thing Tamaki really wants to talk about. 
Kyoya seems to come to life at these functions in the same way a body might be resurrected in a cemetery. He comes into himself in a warped kind of way, becoming something cold and calculating. He can talk his way into and out of anything, can make expensive deals and shake sweaty hands, can talk up his father and their business even when there isn’t quite something to be proud of at the moment. He makes himself the perfect image of what everyone wants him to be. What everyone expects a son of the Ootori family to be. 
Tamaki isn’t quite sure that he likes it. 
He’s not quite sure that he enjoys being around this person that Kyoya forces himself to be when they go to these things. It’s like watching Kyoya regress four years back into what he was before they became friends. He shoves himself back into that box with sharp, razor-blade corners that can cut deals and draw lines where there hadn’t been lines before. Sometimes—and perhaps this is foolish, perhaps this is self-centered, perhaps it isn’t true at all—Tamaki thinks that Kyoya is only ever alive when he’s with the hosts. When he’s with Tamaki. 
But still, Kyoya shakes someone’s hand before he turns, looking around the room as if he’s searching for something, then spots Tamaki from across the crowd and begins to head over; but still, Tamaki loves him. He’s not sure he really enjoys who Kyoya forces himself to be when his dad asks him to be it, but he still knows the parts of Kyoya that are warm. He still knows the parts of Kyoya that are genuine. He still loves him. 
It’s never been a hard thing to do. Whatever Kyoya seems to think about himself, it’s never been hard for Tamaki to love him. It’s not in spite of this business persona that Tamaki loves him, but in part because of it. Because he knows what Kyoya has to do in order to become that; he knows the reasons Kyoya does it. He knows the endless stretch of loyalty that burns in Kyoya’s chest—to family, to friends, to friends who are more family than his blood—and he knows the love that resides there in that vastness. 
So it’s not hard to love Kyoya, whether or not Tamaki enjoys seeing who he forces himself to be at these events. Besides, he knows the sides of Kyoya that come naturally him, the sides that he represses, the sides that he’s ashamed of, the sides that he’s proud of, the sides that come to him when he’s with his friends, and all of those bits and pieces of him are bits and pieces that Tamaki holds tight in his hands and does not ever want to let go of. 
Kyoya is making his way across the room, weaving through the crowd to get to Tamaki. He keeps getting stopped by people, keeps having to pause and say hello to the other peers from Ouran that have also been invited to the function, keeps having to say hello to their parents when they recognize him as an Ootori and as the person representing his father here. 
Finally, Kyoya manages to meet Tamaki. He doesn’t smile, he keeps his back straight. Tamaki wants to kiss him. He cannot. 
They haven’t talked about it. About their relationship. About what it means that, after the club one day, Kyoya sat next to him on the couch and guided his chin over to look him in the eyes. About what it means that he had been silent for a moment, and about what it means that he had leaned in to kiss him. No words spoken, no questions needed. They haven’t talked about what it means that Tamaki kissed him back. They haven’t talked about what it means that Kyoya then walked away, his hands shaking and his eyes straight ahead. 
“How are you enjoying the champagne?” Kyoya asks, looking him over. His voice is stilted, hard, like he hasn’t shifted out of business mode and into friendship yet. 
“It’s alright,” Tamaki says. “Tastes expensive but not good, you know what I mean?” 
Kyoya cracks a smile. “Haruhi would hate it.” 
“They would,” Tamaki agrees. “Do you?” 
“It’s alright. Costly but tasteless, like you said.” 
Tamaki nods, turning his gaze to the floor, not sure what to do with himself. His grip tightens around the champagne flute. Quietly, looking up only to catch Kyoya looking away, he asks, “Do you want to get out of here for a bit? There’s a balcony just past that door over there.” 
Kyoya swallows, eyes following the tilt of Tamaki’s head to where he’s pretty sure a door leads to some kind of balcony outlook. It’s a wooden door with ornate paneling—they would be alone; alone, and no one would be able to see them. 
“Yeah,” Kyoya says after a moment. “Sure.”
Tamaki smiles at him, then turns to start walking over to the door. He doesn’t look, but he can feel Kyoya’s presence at his side. It’s comforting, like a kind of shadow. A shadow he’s in love with, but he chooses not to think about that part for the time being. 
He pushes the door open, holding it for Kyoya to step through before letting it swing close. It’s nearing cold outside, a breeze cooling the air. Kyoya shivers—he’s always been so sensitive to the cold—and he wraps his arms around his chest to hold himself. Tamaki shrugs off his suit jacket, giving Kyoya a shy smile as he drapes it over his shoulders. 
“Here,” Tamaki says softly, folding down the collar. Kyoya takes hold of the jacket, wrapping it tighter around himself. “It’s getting to be that time of year, huh? When it starts getting too cold to be outside. It’s sad.” 
“You never really liked winter,” Kyoya says, laughing a little. There’s something tired and bitter about it. “You know, I told myself—no, that’s not true. I told Kaoru that I’d confess to you before winter break. It was a stupid promise.” 
Tamaki blinks. He sets the champagne flute on the flat of the balcony railing and turns to face Kyoya head on. “Why was it stupid?” 
Kyoya sighs, tightening his hands on the edges of Tamaki’s suit jacket around his shoulders. “Because I kissed you and you—you didn’t say anything. Because I left and you didn’t stop me.” 
Tamaki stares at him, eyes wide, lips parted. He can see his breath in the air. The sun, setting, is pink and orange and light on Kyoya’s face, filling in the shadows with a blush of color offset only by the hurt in his frown, in the way he looks over the edge of the balcony at the city rather than at Tamaki. 
“Kyoya,” Tamaki says slowly. “You don’t get it.” 
“Don’t get what?” 
“I kissed you back, don’t you remember?” Tamaki takes a breath. “I kissed you back and then you were the one who left. Kyoya, you left.” 
Kyoya inhales deeply, eyes distant. He turns out to the city skyline, resting his elbows on the balcony railing. He closes his eyes to the sun, and Tamaki watches the sunset melting across his cheeks. “I thought you didn’t want to deal with it. With…me. It’s okay if you don’t. I’ll be okay.” 
“I won’t,” Tamaki says, voice sharp. “I won’t be okay.” 
Kyoya turns to him. He’s barely a silhouette in the touch of the sun; barely a shadow. Tamaki wants to reach out and touch, take his hand, but he’s afraid that it would burn him. 
He does it anyway. He lets go of his own fear, and Kyoya's fear, and the forbidding sensation of an oncoming burning, and he steps closer to put a hand to Kyoya’s cheek. He feels like he’s touching something delicate, something fragile. Like if he presses his thumb into the skin there too hard, Kyoya will shatter. Like if he bruises the skin now, Kyoya will bleed out. 
“I love you too much to let go now,” Tamaki says softly. As soft as the sun. It’s not a question, but it feels like a prayer looking for an answer from a god. He doesn’t doubt it, he would never doubt his love for Kyoya, but he’s waiting for the miracle to come or to slip away. He’s waiting for Kyoya to reach back to him, to touch him like he’s something holy, like he’s something loved in return. He’s waiting for Kyoya’s smile to come like a kind of benediction. 
Kyoya’s answer comes in the form of him leaning over and pressing his lips to Tamaki’s mouth, whispering his own love prayer under his breath. His kiss carries the weight of a thousand suns, beaming hot and true against Tamaki’s skin. Tamaki is wrapped in a kind of holy fire—tongue in Kyoya’s mouth—that flickers up and down his skin—hands on Kyoya’s jaw—and soaks up the light—heartbeat pressed to Kyoya’s chest, breath caught on Kyoya’s lips. Kyoya’s answer comes in the taste of redemption, of supplication, of an expanse of love. 
When he pulls away, Kyoya studies him as if he is searching for all the synonyms for I love you in a thesaurus. He looks Tamaki up and down—Tamaki cannot read the stillness in his face and it terrifies him—and then exhales, deep and shaky. 
“I’ve wanted that for so long,” Kyoya says softly. “So long, Tamaki.” 
He kisses Kyoya again. And again. And again. He whispers, praying for another, just one more, or maybe a thousand more, “Me too.”
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hattywatch · 2 years
J. Vesey - July for the Whole Year 4
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A/N: Chapter 4. Tell a friend to tell a friend. Comments, critique, and conjecture encouraged. Jimmy's looking so fine these days y'all. NYC agrees with him.
<< Chapter 3
March 2020
Jimmy: The season is going to pause, wish I was back in ny. We’d have nothing but time to catch up on GoT now.
Like I’d let you in my bubble. 
Jimmy: Who are you kidding, I’m the best bubble partner. 
No comment. :P
April 2020
Do you have toilet paper, should I send you some? You never remember until it’s too late.
Jimmy: lol, my mom sent me some. Good looking out. 
“I’ll tell you when to hit play! Don’t hit it without me!” It’s makeshift for sure, but you figured out how to watch Netflix together over video chat. Everyone has been going crazy over this Tiger King show and there’s literally nothing else to do, so what’s the harm. You haven’t seen another human in about two weeks, save when you went to the grocery store to pick up some essentials for Mr. Callahan and he waved at you as you left the package outside his door. Even that was exciting contact. Plus you’re missing Jimmy extra.
“I cannot believe you talked me into this. This looks like the dumbest thing I have ever seen.”
His laugh, you’ve missed that laugh so much. Your cheeks hurt as your smile stretches, “I miss you so much.” You don’t mean the words to blurt out like they do; honest and out there for him to hear, read into, draw conclusions from. 
Jimmy’s face is a welcomed sight, so your smile doesn’t even falter when he pokes at you. “Oh my Godddd. Shut up! You get to pick the next one. Probably going to make me watch something Boston, so I have to listen to that terrible accent for hours on end.”
“Yeah, me too. Like a limb,” his smile is a little soft, a little sad, but he’s Jimmy and he’s notoriously stoic, so he straightens up on his couch and grabs his remote, “Alright, let’s get this over with.”
May 2020
Who do we cheer for now, Brady, Kevin? An unknown third party?
Jimmy: I’m gunna flip a coin. Tampa looks good though, hate to say it. 
October 2020
Jimmy: You gunna to visit me when the borders open back up? It’s pretty cool up here, I think you’d like it. 
Only if you’re paying for Tim Hortons. 
Jimmy: Not with this contract.
December 2020
Jimmy: Did you get a package 👀👀
I have to check the mailroom when I get home, why?? Did you buy me something! 🙃
Jimmy: Maybe. Keep an eye out.  
As soon as you get in the building you rush to the mailroom and it’s there. A plain brown Amazon box, but when you open it, there's another box inside, shabbily wrapped in blue paper, tied in a white ribbon. 
You snap a photo and send it to Jimmy, 
It's here! Proud of your wrapping tbh!
Tucked under the ribbon, you start with the envelope, pulling out the Christmas card. It features a cartoon Santa proudly proclaiming "I hear there's some Hos in this house?" shaking a judgmental finger at the naughty list in his hand. 
Jimmy's tight, sloppy handwriting covers the inside of the card and your smile grows, happy he thought of you enough to fill the left panel of the card entirely with a handwritten message. 
When you finally tear the ribbon off and the paper open you're not surprised to see the bright blue jersey with the Leafs insignia on it. You are slightly surprised that Jimmy's name is across the back and his number is on the sleeve. You're warm to your toes thinking about him branding you in this way, even if you also have Kevin's jersey in the back of your closet and have never had a second thought about Hayes being stitched across your back. 
I thought you'd like this card, since I've seen your Spotify unwrapped and you've played this song more than any one person should. Freak. 
Here's a new jersey so you can remember who your favorite player is. I had to change my number, which sucks, but I can't have you representing Philly. That's gross and blue looks way better on you anyway.
I know I said I couldn't afford Timmies on this contract, but here’s a bag anyway. Their coffee is really good and I don’t know when the country will re-open so you can visit and get a real one. I got you plain, French Vanilla is superior though. Even if you disagree. 
We can’t have you embarrassing yourself at family skate again, so I hope these are the right size. Take them to the rink when it opens, have the blades sharpened and the skates baked. They’ll fit your feet better and they won’t hurt as much. Whenever I get to come visit we’ll practice.
Hope you like it, miss you. 
Merry Christmas, 
The skates do fit. He got you hockey ones so they’re chunky and black and not at all the sleek ice skating ones the rinks usually give you when you rent them. It’s so Jimmy that your heart skips at the idea of him spending time, thinking of a thoughtful gift, trying to figure out your damned shoe size, and wrapping the box alone in his apartment. 
You’re not sure when you started sniffling, but the card is damp from the few tears that have slid down your face and you laugh in spite of yourself. The distance definitely hasn’t made any of this easier. 
This is really thoughtful. I can’t wait to try them out. <3
Jimmy: You’re crying, aren’t you?
January 2021
Jimmy: Did you listen to this new Drivers License song yet? Seems up your alley. 
Jimmy: I’ll take that as a yes.
The phone only rings once before he answers. “Hello?” His camera is facing the ceiling, so you can’t see his face, but it looks like he’s eating lunch.
“Watch Bridgerton with me?” it’s not really a whine, but it’s a little pitchy. He heaves a sigh and he picks up the phone so he’s finally in frame, munching on his pizza. You continue before he has the chance to turn you down, “Please? Everyone at work is talking about it, it’s only 8 episodes, please? You made me watch all those Ben Affleck movies last year! I barely even complained even though Matt’s the better actor.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m off Sunday we can start it then,” he tears into a piece of crust. 
Smiling, you remind him, “You’re my best friend,” before you hang up and send him a calendar invite. 
March 2021
Jimmy: I take it back, you’d like Vancouver better. 
Missing me, Jimbo?
Jimmy: Maybe
July 2021
With restrictions eased up, you find yourself toying with the idea of a weekend trip to Boston. You’ve typed out about 60 messages to Jimmy telling him you may be in town, but you backspaced each and every one, because you’re a coward. 
You haven’t been in the same state in almost two years, stuck video chatting during lock down, which has become a weekly ritual that you haven’t dropped since the world began slowly opening back up. Still though, something about seeing him in person has your heart rate picking up and your palms sweating.
In the end you sleepily reveal it when Jimmy calls you to say goodnight.
Your phone jingled loudly in your ear, you could probably put it on silent while you slept, but then you'd miss these calls, Jimmy's profile picture smiling on your screen before you answer and clear your throat.
"Hey," you sigh into your pillow at the content feeling that blankets your body. 
"Hey, I'm walking home from the bar and I wanted to say goodnight."
"Okay, goodnight," you're quietly breathing into the phone, smiling to yourself at the sweet gesture. 
He laughs, "ooookay, you don't want to talk to me? You already asleep?"
"A little, but I always want to talk to you." You'll be embarrassed by your admission in the morning. In the dark it's just honest and you feel light saying it out loud. 
He's quiet now and you hear the cars passing him by as he walks. 
"I haven't seen you in forever," he trails off and your decision is practically made for you.
"I'm thinking about taking the day off Friday and shipping up to Boston for the weekend, but the hotels are so much money" you're slightly more awake now, nervous for some reason that you both will feel differently in person since it's been so long. 
He takes in a breath, "Do it. You can stay with me." 
"Okay," it's Jimmy, it's Jimmy, it's Jimmy- your heart thumps. No reason to be nervous. 
"Okay!" You can hear his smile through the phone and when you both hang up you slip easily back into sleep. 
Jimmy's laughter booms through your headphones, "What do you mean 'what if you don't recognize me?' We video chat like every day you know what I look like."
You're feeling silly and giddy and bubbly only 2 hours away from Boston according to your itinerary. 
"I should like, bring a red rose like Lorelei and Rory do in Gilmore Girls, just in case. So you know who I am." You look out the window in the train, watching the landscape blaze by. 
"Any excuse to bring up the fuckin' Gilmore Girls. I'm sure we'll be okay."
"I'm hanging up on you, you interrupted my music and now you're slandering the Gilmores. See you soon."
You cut off whatever he was about to say and hang up, cackling with delight as he calls you back immediately. 
"This is (y/n), how can I assist?"
"I can't stand you. When is 'soon?'"
"Two hours. You better be ready to eat. I'm starving."
"Okay, soon."
South Station is pretty empty, which you expected considering it's noon on a Friday. You try to call Jimmy but his phone goes to voicemail both times you call, so you stand and wait, knowing he'd never leave you hanging, so you find a bench and open your phone, scrolling through mindlessly. 
Someone sits down next to you so you slide a little to the left without looking up wondering if you should call Jimmy again, but the person clears their throat and shoves a bouquet of roses at you. 
Pushing them to the side you see Jimmy's smiling face. "I figured it's been a while, maybe one rose wouldn't do the trick if you forgot what I looked like."
In that moment, Jimmy smiling at you in a train station at 12 on a Friday, it takes everything in you not to lean over and kiss him square on the mouth. 
"So what do you want to do today?" Jimmy says around a mouthful of sushi. Between you and Kevin constantly shoving your rolls at him, he's by no means an aficionado, but he's come around. 
"I don't know. Last time I was here we did a bunch of touristy things," you pause chopsticks halfway to your mouth, "Show me Harvard."
Jimmy's too happy to oblige. 
The two of you pile into his Jeep and drive to Cambridge, stopping briefly to grab coffee. "I used to come here all the time," Jimmy places his order and lets you keep looking, "sit at that table and try to finish my papers before midnight. Is it weird that I miss it?"
"Not at all," you confirm. His eyes are fond and you're happy you're here to see this version of him. "Can I have the same?" You place your order to the young girl behind the counter, her glasses are wide and her chemistry book is sat next to her, pages face down, spine bent to save her place. 
"You're going to hate it, it's sweet," Jimmy warns, but you shrug your shoulders and nod to the barista to continue making your copy of Jimmy's nostalgic order. 
You spend your day traversing the campus, being suitably impressed by the history and slightly in awe by the IQs you're surrounded by. The art museum is a particular delight- full of classic Van Goghs, Degas, and Stieglitzes, but also housing fine Japanese art, Buddhist statues, and textiles you haven't seen before. 
He sidles up behind you quietly and you don't realize until he whispers, bent down and leaning over your shoulder, "Four years here and I never came in here. Kinda crazy."
Swatting him you answer, "Uncultured swine," and grab his hand to pull him to the next room.
It's full of earlier photography, and you stop in front of Stieglitz's The Glow of Night, depicting an empty street, glowing in the evening; only a few horse-drawn carriages sit in the distance under the glow of the streetlights. 
"I miss New York," Jimmy mumbles under his breath.
Your eyebrows raise, "You're Boston through and through, I can't believe you just said that outloud." 
He shrugs, "I love it here, I do. But I guess I miss the early years. Us and the boys, young and stupid." 
He sounds doleful and it stings your heart. "I think we all miss that," you reply gently, hand looping through his arm. 
"Do you think you'd ever move," it's close to the topic at hand, but a distinct deviation, so you think on it, staring intently at the photo in front of you. 
"I don't know. A few years ago I'd have said never..." Jimmy nods, seemingly content with your answer, but looks at his phone and notices the time. 
"C'mon. They're going to close soon, let's go home."
You're not home. 
You're about 200 miles away to be exact, but it certainly doesn't feel that way. 
Sunday morning you're sat in a hole in the wall getting breakfast with Jimmy. Your train leaves in the late afternoon and Jimmy's trying to pack as much into the day as he can, so you appreciate the quiet time at the table with him. 
He's fidgeting a little and you can't take it, a little on edge from the close proximity of the weekend. 
"Just take the bed!" He's not shouting but it's definitely as close as you've ever seen him to being short of patience. 
"No! You're letting me stay for free! I saved so much money not staying in a hotel, I'll sleep out here!" 
Jimmy picks up your bags and tosses them onto his bed. "Night! There's clean towels in the bathroom. Shout if you need anything." He gently pushes you into his room and closes the door behind you. 
His bed is plush and you snuggle in after huffing at your defeat, washing your face, and changing into your pajamas. You would have thought you'd fall asleep quickly, a long day of travel followed by a ton of walking typically tires you out, but you're in Jimmy's bed. 
You're in Jimmy's bed and it smells like him.
You're in Jimmy's bed and it smells like him and you're having a crisis. 
"Do you think you'd ever move?" His question replays in your mind. 
A few summers ago you told Gracia never, but you're not so sure that you couldn't be easily persuaded if the right person asked.
"You're ignoring me." Jimmy flicks your coffee cup. The tinkling noise pills you from your daydream and you shake your head. 
"Sorry, what?"
"I said," He repeats himself, "I'm a free agent in the fall… maybe I'll end up on the East Coast and we can do this more often…" he smirks, "you know, having breakfast and you ignoring me." 
Desperately you wish you were annoyed at his teasing, but you can't find it in you, "That would actually be awesome. Is that a possibility?" 
Stirring too much sugar into his coffee he looks optimistic, “Anything is possible.”
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hunkydorkling · 1 year
Spotify's open and is playing some 70s-80s sap, overlaying my current bittersweet symphony of feelings that I thought would be kinder to me when I went to the co-working space for: a) at least one onsite bonding with the colleagues, b) to sell some stickers lol, and c) to send David off since it's his last official day with my company. I was already crying at 4PM while I was sketching some logo studies for our upcoming event's area design, and I was crying, right, then my boss comes up and talks to me about her 2019 Japan photos she happened to repost on Instagram, how a number of them were homages to The Garden of Words' beautiful framing and cinematography, how it was snowing in Spring sometime in April when it should've been cherry blossom season. Anyway, she leaves as soon as I stood up to throw out the sauce for my food.
I continued to cry-bawl-sniffle when I talked to David intimately about why he's leaving, actually, why so abrupt, how was I supposed to know he'd been feeling so desolate about being in esports for 11 years when I've only known him for about a year and some change and I feel like I've known him my whole life in such a short amount of time. He's a big guy but he wanted to cry as he tells me the lowest point wasn't because of the good people in our company, despite the setbacks and challenges, but because he needs to know all of this is worth it. And so the job offer comes to go multinational, and he's immediately validated and needed, and this goal of his, talking about it, came from the heart... but tears were still streaming down my cheeks as I dab a ball of tissue on either side.
Anyway, there's a whole segment of parting words in the smallest room we could be in out of the entire co-working space, I managed to be spoken to last, I got to hold his hand for what feels like solidarity, but I wanted him to feel? like I'm with him. Excited for him.
And then we wrapped up the workday with some soju and lemon soda, which I only managed to get about two small cups of before I started to float in tipsiness. I only got 3 hours of sleep, see. I was also beaten with so much emotion for David that I had to talk in seesaws. Now it's time for me to leave. I give everybody a hug and ended with giving him a really tight one, arms around this big bear, as he reassures me we can still talk. The way I raised my head up at him and away quickly was the only way I can say, yeah, sure. Live your life first then maybe I can consider if I should even come out to you and tell you I've had a crush on you ever since we stepped into the same bookstore after we've carried out an ocular with the team. Ever since you told me some stuff from the rule book during FG tournaments, at our actual event last September. Ever since you told me how much fun you had roleplaying as a way to amass virtual coin sometime ago, which made me laugh as we shared a drink at the tiki bar last Christmas party.
I just feel like I didn't get to properly get to know him, and how it's, I don't know, a little too late to be telling him that now that he wants to pursue his dream of changing the esports scene outside of this place. And he'll never know. He will never know I've liked a David this much the way I did/do with him.
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masterwords · 2 years
#28. Favorite fic you wrote and also the one asking how many WIPs are in your folder for next year (I tried so hard to remember the number of the question 😭)
Numbers schmumbers! Or something.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Oh man this was hard there were so many I can hardly keep track, I had to go on a deep dive and go through stats and it was hard. I am so versatile. ... ........................ oh wait. Yeah it's all just Hotch/Morgan. Yeah. I remember now.
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Infinity. I have no idea, my folder is SO HUGE. There are at least 20 ideas that are sort of blocked out, plus I have 18 things in my inbox that I want to write, plus the Chicago Retirement series that I got some great prompts for and Mexico won't be done by then, neither will SWAT or the evil in the woods story or the prison story or the Hotchreid in a cabin story...I'm a mess. You know this. A lot. I should have no problem reaching at least 500k words next year again. LOL
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
Favorite? Now that they are complete, probably The Silence Drowns or Running Toward Nothing. They were PAINFUL in the moment and connecting the dots was hard, but I'm actually quite proud of both of them. As far as one-shots, I'm not sure...probably the kiss prompts cos they were just nice to distract myself with.
Wanna know some AO3 "wrapped" things? Cos 'yall don't wanna know my Spotify wrapped. It's sad. As per usual.
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feelingtyche · 2 years
It's that time again, spotify wrapped 2022. And my number one artist, I'm sure surprising no-one is, ba ba ba baaa
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Which honestly is actually less time than I've spent listening to them. I listened to ruin a Lot on bandcamp.
Other highlights of this year include
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Holy smokes that is Many minutes, can you tell I pretty much live on Spotify at the moment xD
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I honestly have very little idea what Alt Z and Otacore is, I'm assuming otacore has something to do with Japanese music? Which id fair I went through a heft period of listening to the Belle soundtrack (go check out Belle its gorgeous). Also I really didn't think I listened to show tunes that much aha.
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All very solid songs and podcasts. These podcasts have really helped me get through this year. And I highly recommend Everybody's Worried About Owen, a fantastic creator.
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And finally...whatever this means. I blame the Scissor Sisters and Tom Leher.
So in summary
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I have spent far too much time this year on spotify lol.
Send me a number ask and I'll answer with the song from my 2022 playlist ^^
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akwardlyuncool · 6 months
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Spotify Wrapped 2023
So I'm here to talk about my hella basic year in music lol. If you're new here I got 2 Spotifys, which means I compare them every year to see which one I think is more accurate.
Basically I got my daily driver,  what I use most often and what’s signed in on my phone and then the Spotify I use for/while I’m working on projects on Akwardly Uncool. Anyway the LEFT side is the Daily Driver and the RIGHT is AkwardlyUncool.
So I'mma Start By Proudly Waving My Basic Card:
I might be wrong, but I feel like everybody who was even slightly in the Pop-Punk, Midwest Emo, Post Emo space had Hot Mulligan in their top 5, either artists or songs for 2023. It was just bound to happen and I ain't mad at it, cause have you listened to them?! Just had to acknowledge that real quick lol.
Minutes and Hours and Just Time:
15,850 minutes. About 264 hours. 11 Days.
Not gonna lie, based on some personal calculations, this was a shorter year for consuming music for me. (If you stick around for ACF 2024 I might divulge some of that reasoning, but for now I'll just say, It is what it is and I know why.) That being said I'll try to beef up my numbers again next year.
Top Artists:
Now don't get me wrong I love The Wonder Years down, however I made a collaborative playlist of The Wonder Years and Hot Mulligan with a friend and basically didn't turn it off lol (it was definitely a shower mix for sure) and that's how they ultimately won the award on my main account.
As for the "side" account, which felt like the main this year, Winnetka Bowling League is just one of those groups that's so good to put on and let run. Now of course I have my repeats, that I've been talking about for the last few years and then I added more and so whether it was going to their page and hitting play or seeking out my repeats, I totally get why they won there. They're coming out with a full album next year, so get used to me talking about them 90% of the time. And if you hop on their train, remember I'm the conductor.
As for the other artists who touched the top 5, I saw 3 of them in concert this year, so naturally their numbers are going to be higher. Also Watsky made it cause Intention is not on CD, hopefully yet.
Genre Sandwiches and Top Tracks:
It's Pop-Punk season mixed with Winnetka Bowling League and Watsky, so both sides reflect that. That being said, the main diver is where I play the majority of the R&B, Neo-Soul and the likes, so they're rarely reflected on my second. But KNOW, I am a mix of Pop-Punk and Neo-Soul, always!
Again it's Pop-Punk season or rather Hot Mulligan season and I spent a lot of time learning every word to those two tracks that won, but are too long for me to desire to type out now. "Draw and quarter a stranger to feel some blood on your fingers. You take away, robbery follow trends as a hobby, find flaws in everything else because you don't like yourself. Woe is me!"
Collector vs Alchemist:
They both say essentially the same thing which is that I make and listen to my own playlists more than anything else, but anyone who works with me could have told you that lol. Geniuses.
Winner? Winner? Chicken Dinner?
Again they basically say the same thing this year, which is that we listened to a lot of Hot Mulligan, Relient K is still my favorite band and if i see you in concert you tend to show up on my Wrapped for the year. I will say though that I'm hella surprised that this is the first year Lyfe Jennings didn't show up on my Wrapped and although that makes way for other folks, it's still a little sad lol.
Hey we made it through Spotify Wrapped Time and now must move on to the more nuanced and obviously better Akward Class Favorites 2023. If you don't know, it where I just go through my year in movies, music, online content consumption and other things of the like, so better lol. Don't have an ETA on when that will go up, but I've taken the notes, so hopefully before the end of December.
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Okay so it turns out youtube music saw us being jealous of the spotify users and I too now have a wrapped! Or a "recap", but whatever. Check it out:
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So that's neat! I don't know if I have a top 100 playlist for all those ask games; I'll have to poke around a bit and see. *Some time later* Okay I have poked around and I do have one! Ask games here I come! (Probably on blagueofchaos though, in the interest of keeping this one tidy.)
I must say I don't remember listening to a remix of Naked, just the normal one with the music video*; I'm not sure if this is a youtube vs. youtube music thing -- most of the time I listen on just plain youtube so it's possible this is only accounting for the slice of my data where I'm using my phone*? I'm not positive, but it's nice to have statistics, or ones that actually seem to reflect my listening habits.
To be completely honest, I did technically have a spotify wrapped too, but the only things I listened to on there were the official Riot Fest playlist and some of Jon Walker's stuff because he did specifically ask people to stream it on there and I was like, alright, fine, but only for you Jon. Lol. But because of the Riot Fest playlist, I didn't even recognize most of the songs on my wrapped, and the top song was one I listened to twice, so like I said, these stats are definitely much more reflective of what I actually listen to.
Although, I will say, it's curious that it tells me my % ranking for MCR but not for TAI when they were my top artist this year? Idk, struck me as odd I guess. But yeah it's a decent % I suppose, although I guess I'm not even competing with most of the people on here since it seems like most people on here use spotify. I also can't help wondering whether I truly listened to Same Blood exactly 100 times or if it rounded the number for me. If I genuinely did that just by like instinct or whatever, that's amazing, but I can't help being a bit suspicious there.
*Interesting update -- when I look in my top 100 playlist, it is indeed the standard music video version of Naked, so I'm not sure where the part about it being a remix came from. Based on the full playlist, though, I do think youtube is accounting for things I listened to on the website on my laptop as well as in the app, so this is indeed a pretty solid reflection of my listening habits I'd say.
Also, youtube made me top 50 playlists from Fall, Summer, and Spring, so if you want to ask about a song from any of those lists, you can too! Also there is a 2021 top 100 on there! Not positive how I missed that last year or if I just forgot, but it's interesting to see. I hadn't found TAI yet then so it's a pretty different list, haha. This will probably be my most TAI-heavy year ever, come to think of it, because goodness knows I binge things most when they're new to me... Funny to watch the trends in my own taste.
But yeah, this was fun :) I might add some more of the other cards about my listening personality on a reblog on blagueofchaos too. Happy spotify wrapped and a merry youtube recap to all! ;)
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kronehaze · 1 year
Artist Wrapped, 3, 10, 18, 24?
3. How long did you spend creating in an average month this year? Was any month more or less creative?
Uh, if you see my posting schedule you know I draw a lot it’s how I spend most of my free time lol. I think my worst creative month might actually be this December just cuz I’ve been kinda stressed by a lot of things ajgdjsgdjsg but idk if I’d consider one month to have been a peak month for me cuz even if Im not doing a lot of finished stuff Im still constantly doodling and I think that counts as being creative right? (Actually it’s mainly cuz I already can’t remember what’s been this year cuz both my memory and my perception of time is kinda garbage and this is asking for me to both remember and have a good perception of time, I thought half my tumblr year in review posts were things I drew LAST YEAR gdksgdjwhskhs )
10. What inspired/motivated you this year?
Too many things to properly count but mainly my friends and- I know you’re not supposed to look at numbers but I’ve gained a following after getting only like 20 likes average on instagram for a year in a dead fandom and reblogs of my art with commentary in the tags always makes my brain go brrrr
18. What work of yours do you go back and admire again the most?
I’ve answered this before but it’s this tho the reason is kinda self deprecating cuz I feel like I like it the most cuz it doesn’t feel like I drew it (even though I used very little reference)
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24. What did you listen to while creating this year?
If I used Spotify I could give you stats but it’s safe to say it’s been mostly vocaloid stuff the producers I listened to the mosy were probably deco 27*(Im counting milgram even tho it’s not vocaloid) hiiragi kirai (may be off on spelling) wowaka (rest in peace) azari (they bugged their YouTube name into being blank but they go by azari, some of their songs “casino” “shadow shadow” and “who”) Kikuo (it’s been idk how many years and I’m still obsessed with aishite aishite) and Pinocchio P (I didn’t vibe with “I’m glad you’re evil too” before but I sure do now). Honourable mentions go to Nakiso and Slave.v-v-r I know I didn’t listen to them that much but they have unique styles I on and off vibe with, also mizore Im not a furry but their music is too good for only 3K subs on YouTube.
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sparatus · 2 years
74 for the spotify wrapped ficlet game :)
yesssssss YESSSSSSS
this one's a lot of fun to BELT ngl
the speaker of the song knows they're being lied to by a lover who keeps telling them they'll love them forever, and even though it hurts because they're fully aware of what's coming, they can't help but still love them. adhd thought process bounced around a few times but i kept coming back to my original concept for this so guess what we're going with, lol, hope u like Ierian Sparatus Backstory Content™
ierian is my hc name for cnclr sparatus, herrimius invidas is the ex-boyfriend who clawed his face apart and gave him the facial scars we see in canon :)
spotify wrapped new game+: send me a number 1-101 and i'll write you a ficlet inspired by the corresponding song
Ierian couldn't tell you when the spark died between him and Herrimius. Maybe it had been last month, maybe last year. Maybe it had never really been there at all, and he'd just let himself think it was because Herrimius thought he was hot and it felt good to be desired.
That part of it was still there, at least. If all else failed, Herrimius still thought he was attractive and wanted to fuck him. He wanted to fuck him a lot, really, and that was what made Ierian think. Where his other friends talked about going out to see a simulstim, or eat at a nice restaurant, or mess around at a combat sim, or anything else that might be a fun date, all he and Herrimius seemed to do was fuck and show each other stupid shit they found on the extranet. He would have liked to do those things, of course. They sounded fun, and he wanted to have that same kind of light about him that his friends got when they talked about their dates and partners. But whenever he brought it up, Herrimius would wave him off - "not right now" or "maybe" or "I'm busy," until Ierian stopped bringing it up.
He was never too busy for the things he wanted to do, Ierian also noticed. Everything was about Herrimius's interests, or desires, or ideas. Ierian's got brushed off, and sometimes straight-up ignored. Of course, if he tried to brush Herrimius off, it was the end of the world, and Ierian had to scramble to apologize and make time for him, even if he really couldn't afford to, but then, he was Herrimius's friend, and Herrimius was pretty busy, so it was fine.
"I'm important to you, right?" Ierian asked him one night, when they were lying in bed after another round. It hadn't been much fun, Herrimius had wanted to try something Ierian hadn't been that into, but he'd tried it for Herrimius's sake (and decided it sucked), and he wasn't as tired as usual, so his brain was still rolling ideas around.
"Huh?" Herrimius was tired, as he'd enjoyed himself much more than Ierian had. "'Course, what makes you think you're not?"
"Mm. Just thinking. Late-night existentialism, you know."
Herrimius snorted and rolled over. "You think too much. One of these days, you'll think yourself into trouble, and then what will you do?"
"If I'm a lawyer by then, I'll be fine."
Herrimius didn't respond. After a minute, a whistling snore rose from his side of the bed.
He never seemed to pay much attention when Ierian wanted to talk about the future. About law school, about his anxieties and motivations and all his debates on which branch he wanted to specialize in. He had a plan and everything - he'd go home to Acalin, study at U-TIE there like every generation of his family before him, sign on with the Cavalry to finish out his mandatory service while he was there, pass the bar exam, get a job with the government, live out a mildly interesting but not wholly exciting life in the peaceful anonymity of an imperial prosecutor. He could tell you every obstacle, every leg up, every time frame.
He wasn't even sure Herrimius had an idea of what he'd do with himself.
He supposed he might be able to pencil in room for meeting new people. Children might be nice, at some point, once he had everything stable and comfortable enough to put a nest together. Herrimius didn't want children, but maybe he could be talked around once they were older.
His gizzard grumbled, and he wondered how much longer he could keep lying to himself.
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kingmaker-a · 1 year
Ah, I hope you get to feeling better! Health issues suck, I've seen friends and family go through the ringer and it's especially scary when it's happening to you. 💗 Wishing you nothing but love and a quick recovery if you end up having a procedure done.
Gotta a bunch of questions for ya that should hopefully pass the time, but don't feel like you have to answer them all!
Besides Yoohyeon, who's an idol (or idols, I don't judge) that you've been obsessed with lately? It can be because of their music, visuals, stage presence, or whatever criteria you so choose.
If you could make a supergroup of K-pop idols from any generation, who would you choose and what concept/music genre would you go for?
Do you like any K-pop soloists? If so, who's your favorite?
What's your number one comfort food/meal?
I saw that you have The Weeknd in your Spotify Wrapped... what's your favorite song by him? (I swear I'm not a stalker, you guys, we shared our Spotify wrapped in the Paladin group chat).
Would you rewrite any published fic of yours? If so, which one would you choose and why?
What's one thing you admire about each of the Paladins? It can be writing-wise, personality-wise, or both!
That's all I got! Once again, wishing you lots of love and happiness as you go through this rough patch. If you ever need anyone to cheer you up or talking things over with, your sweet Maknae is here to help! 💖
P.S. - I have to leave a picture of Dami and try to bring more people into the cult of Damism because it is my one true calling in life 😌
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I'll try to answer these as best I can with my sleep deprived mind, though I'll probably just reblog if there's stuff I haven't answered.
Maybe not so much lately due to everything happening, but an idol I've been obsessed with?
I'm gonna have to go with Kim Lip, though I'm pretty sure you could've guessed that. I dunno I just got super into her voice after hearing Eclipse for the first time, that kinda what got me to listen to Loona in the first place. Literally obsessed with that song to the point that I build eclipse in lol when I shouldn't if it's even remotely playable.
Aside from that, her stage presence is 👌👌 even though she's kind of a dork.
Kpop supergroup? That's gonna have to wait until I have brain space.
Kpop soloists? I listen to a decent amount, the ones I remember off the top of my head are Chungha and Bibi, I do listen to a lot of kRnB as well like Dean and Hoody. My favourite just generally is Dean but Bibi did release an absolute banger recently.
My number one comfort food, I kind of have two since one is easier than the other for me to get nowadays. My preferred one is Fry Bread made by one of my Nan's, but I don't get to see my whanau much nowadays.
Other than that, Me and my ex-girlfriend would get burgers from this place called BurgerFuel whenever something good or bad happened.
Are you sure you're not a stalker? 👀👀 Jk jk, my favourite song from the Weeknd? It depends I guess because when I used to hangout with my friends it used to be Rocking or Party Monster, but nowadays? Faith or After hours, depends on the mood.
I know that there's quite a long list when it comes to which ones I'd redo if I had the time and effort. But probably Ramyun + Extras even if it's my second best piece note wise. In terms of why? The plot itself could've been a lot better, though I mainly wrote based on my own vibes being back in my hometown, as a result it's kinda eh and unfocused I guess.
What's my favourite things about the Paladins aside from being the best? I think I'll save it for new years when I'm being sappy. ❤️
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ambivartence · 2 years
What are your #4 and #15 songs??
My top one is Again by Leanne and Naara, but I think my favorite song of the year was my #15 ddu ddu ddu by Moonbyul. Side note, the graphics for this year's Spotify wrapped is like actually decent compared to the disastrous mess that was last year's designs lol
4. beatbox - nct dream i had this song stuck in my head for months haha i was always humming it around the house i'm p sure i drove my roommate nuts with my "boom chicka boom chicka chicka boom boom" lmfao
15. swagger - p1harmony every single b-side from this mini album is so good and i love how jongseob opens this song :]
also omg i havent heard either of those songs i will go check them out <3 also i totally agree actually the graphics r p decent this year?? like they feel a lot more on-trend than before
> tell me your top song of 2022 and send me a number 1-100 and i’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist! <
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