#it‘s been an okay 8 years
brandinotbroke · 7 months
i did it, today i get to yeet my iphone out the window
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sableeira · 1 year
stressing out about my final presentation because I of course had to spend my time writing skk fanfic when I should have been working on my presentation
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theivesofhearts · 2 years
“i opened my heart to you…”
okay so one of the saddest scenes between shawn and angela (which also happens to be one of my favourite) comes from season 6, episode 11, called Santa’s Little Helpers (probably one of the more emotional episodes of the series in general, to be honest). for further context, it‘s the scene where they talk and angela tells him that she can’t wait for the day he’s finally ready to be with her, that it’s over between them, the one that wasn’t a breakup but felt entirely like one anyways. and like, every time i watch this scene i’m met with an overwhelming urge to burst into tears, and honestly? it’s one of those moments that got progressively more upsetting, but also far more compelling, the more i thought about it and the way it ties into their characters, arc, and (imo) acts as a catalyst for future events and puts them into perspective.
starting with shawn, who despite technically being the “problem” here, still evokes a great degree of sympathy because he’s had such a problem coping with his own feelings, on numerous occasions, and had such prevalent insecurities that manifested as a result of his turbulent home life and strained relationship with his parents. he absolutely is in love with angela, that’s very clear, and probably what’s so frustrating about the whole thing for him. he’s showed to be miserable without her (and starts isolating himself from her, cory and topanga in s6 ep. 8), so what exactly is making it so hard for him? After all, despite his insecurities, he was very much willing to give it a shot in senior year. But that’s the thing, it was high school. A protective environment in a sense, which sheltered him somewhat from the world and his life that exists outside of it, one that has been very difficult. Even though he thought he was excited to finally leave, he still found himself sneaking into the building and reminiscing over the time spent there. going to college, finally entering the world as an “adult”, no feeny (at the time), but a vast array of opportunities and possible experiences waiting for him. note that shawn grew up quite disadvantaged, and he struggled with even believing he’d get into college and succeed, so it was likely such a different feeling, so overwhelming that he made an impulse decision to break up with angela to feel free, as he describes himself. This isn’t really the first time shawn tries suppressing his feelings for her, i don’t think, a similar instance happens in the first episode in that season (granted everyone was kind of freaking out about the cory and topanga possible wedding, so i don’t think it was super bad or anything)
now angela… i feel absolutely terrible for her here, which should honestly be a given. shawn’s kinda been putting her through it up to this point, and she’s done with it. now, the thing here is that angela’s commitment issues were hinted at back in season 5, episode 8, which is the episode where they become official (again, but for real this time instead of with a two-week notice) and she was clearly hesitant to give shawn a chance. one thing about all this is that it wasn’t at all because of shawn’s reputation as the school’s heartbreaker, but her own insecurities regarding being in a serious/long-term relationship. in her own words.. “i figured it was best to get away before we hurt each other… is someone gonna get hurt here shawn?” (or something along those lines). And another aspect for consideration is that they both bonded over this feeling and it was shawn himself who convinced her to give their relationship a chance. (also something to possibly note is that shawn’s internalised conflict seems to be out of a fear of getting hurt due to inadequacy, whereas angela’s seems to be more out of the fear of hurting someone else the way her mother did her father, or not being worthy, so it’s kind of a contrast in a sense, but i’ll get to that later). he was so willing to put himself out there because of how much he clearly cared for her, and she was willing to do the same for of him, willing to take that chance despite their worries and own issues stemming from their respective childhoods. and she fell for him hard, she really did. so once again, she was willing to pour her heart out to him in this moment. her telling him to give into his feelings for her kind of broke me, cause that’s really the only thing she wants from him here. to love her openly and freely, and to stop holding himself back out of his own fears and insecurities. and you can tell he wants to, but he can’t. and that’s probably the most frustrating part out of all of this for her. “i can’t just sit around waiting for you to be ready,” she tells him. she loves him too much and it’s inflicting so much pain to see him emotionally closing himself off from her. it’s an ongoing act of self-sabotage from him. she states that it’s over between them (even though it already technically was but its more of a declaration that she’s not going to entertain things between them anymore), it has to be.
to be honest though, as heartbreaking as it was for the both of them, it seemed inevitable to some extent that things were going to turn out this way. they were very obviously neglecting to be open and honest with each other, in spite of their agreement to remain good friends in a rather desperate effort to dissipate the increasing sense of tension between them. It wouldn’t be fair to sawn or angela if he tried forcing himself into something he wasn’t ready for, and as understanding & patient Angela has tried to be up until this point, it must be extremely frustrating on her end to witness him go through this turmoil and not know how to help him. nor would she want to spend her time painfully waiting in anticipation for a moment that may never arrive.
but something else, something so saddening is the thought that she believes she’s putting him through all this pain. from angela’s viewpoint, it’s because of her that he’s suffering like this, feeling so confused and overwhelmed by all his feelings.. what helps create this perspective is actually when they get back together, in season 7 episode 3. when she tells him she loves him, she follows up by saying “i just don’t want to hurt you anymore.” she says it before that moment, too. and honestly, that entire episode is about angela’s clear hesitancy to commit to shawn, but it doesn’t necessarily seem to be out of the fear that shawn would hurt her again. instead, it’s her battling with her own feelings of unworthiness, or rather, that she’d end up hurting him further by leaving him. the event that transpired at the university lounge likely spooked her to the point where she was actively beginning to doubt herself, being so scared by the fact that he was too, and moving forward, her own capacity to love (it’s also possible that everything that occurred with shawn and his dad after the fact had served as a bitter reminder of her childhood, but i believe the what happened before played a larger factor).
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I posted 20,656 times in 2022
That's 915 more posts than 2021!
26 posts created (0%)
20,630 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 733 of my posts in 2022
#unreality - 13 posts
#yes - 12 posts
#yeah - 9 posts
#yep - 8 posts
#what - 7 posts
#oooooh - 7 posts
#it’s true - 7 posts
#ooooh - 6 posts
#so good - 6 posts
#absolutely - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#even if you can put aroaces into another box marked “none dating (as allos know it aka with sex and romance)” along with your “boy dating”
My Top Posts in 2022:
Rereading In Other Lands and seeing this line is so sad why 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Elliot my sad unloved baby I love you so much
7 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
New rule: whenever you write a Soulmate AU, it’s a requirement to make at least one main character aromantic as penance
13 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
I was tagged by @drarrily-we-row-along, thank you so much!
Three pairings I ship: Drarry (of course), Sunbrat, from In Other Lands (absolutely amazing book, everyone should read it), and Cecilos
My first ship: Honestly, I don’t remember, but it was probably either something from Percy Jackson, or Drarry. It’s been a while, though, so who knows?
My favourite colour: Purple! All shades, all types, although my absolute favourite is probably lavender.
The last song I listened to: Mantras by Ellen Winter. It’s been getting stuck in my head for weeks now
The last series I read/watched: I don’t know if it counts, but I just finished the sequel to The Last 8, called The First 7. They’re both amazing, they’re about an alien invasion of Earth, and all of the people die, except for a select few teenagers. Any more than that would be spoiling, but they’re very good books.
What I’m currently reading/watching: I‘m reading Welcome to Night Vale: A Novel by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor, who wrote the podcast together. It‘s about Josh Crayton and his mom, Diane Crayton, Jackie Fierro, who owns the pawn shop and is eternally nineteen, and King City, although I haven’t read far enough to see exactly how King City is related. It’s very chaotic, but in a nice way.
Last film: I watched Uncharted last week with a friend, it was very good. Kind of unmemorable though
Sweet, savory, or spicy: Sweet, 100%
What I’m currently working on: I’m betaing a crossover between Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, with an Aphrodite-kid!Draco, for a friend who I don’t think has Tumblr.
Tagging @limetimo @wynnesbullshit @romeoandmesittinginatree @otpdrarry-drarry4ever @dewitty1 @secretartlair @phoebe-delia @vukovich and anyone else who wants to join!
16 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
Okay, with Dr. Lubell and the University of What It Is going around explaining everything (RIP Sarah Sultan), what’s going to happen to my favourite character Josh Crayton??? Janet L had better stay away from my favourite shapeshifter
18 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A drabble for @drarrymicrofic’s prompt Euphoria:
Her father’d guided her to the altars of Power, Hatred, and Masculinity, once. Now, though, Cassie finally shed the last, finally being—
“Cassie! We’ll be late for the surgery!” Harry’s voice, bright and clear.
Shaking off her heavy thoughts, Cassopeia Andromeda Malfoy stepped into the car with her boyfriend, euphoric.
20 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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karlakattz · 2 years
Okay, so Anne sent me a Gif of this scene on twitter
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… and while I wrote a little 'meanwhile' for it, I also had the idea for a slightly longer story.
It‘s not beta read, I‘m sorry for mistakes. I wrote it just this morning:
I try to stay awake. x
Aaron smiles, reading the message from Robert, when he walks up the stairs. The pub is still busy, he can hear the dull noises of people talking and music playing, but upstairs it’s quiet. After a long day at work, the prospect of 8 hours of sleep in his warm, comfy bed and Robert‘s arms is heavenly bliss.
It’s pitch black in the small corridor and Aaron used his phone to light up the way to his room. Right outside the door, he switches it off though, because Robert sent his whatsapp 45 minutes ago so he might have fallen asleep after all and Aaron doesn’t wanna wake him up. Basically being an old lad, Robert needs his sleep. Aaron grins at himself, knowing all too well how much his boyfriend hates being teased with his age.
He carefully opens the door, trying to be as quietly as possible, but all his attempts to not wake up Robert are obsolete anyway, because the man in question is still awake and leaning against the headboard with a book in his lap.
Robert hasn’t noticed him so far and Aaron takes a moment to just stand there and look.
At first, of course, he gets his fill of the man. The flat hair he always wears after showering in the evening and that feels so wonderfully soft when Aaron runs his fingers through it. The relaxed face, all focused on the story he’s reading and the bare chest. Aaron loves the contrast of the tanned, smooth skin to the dark bedding. The long legs under the covers that Robert often wraps around Aaron’s hips to pull him closer, deeper, faster.
Then he lets his eyes wander across the room. There is this huge bed and Aaron remembers how Robert wouldn’t stop going on about buying a box spring bed. Aaron didn’t even know what the hell that was - he didn’t want to box in it, just sleep! Admittedly, their new bed is super cushy and Aaron loves it despite the king size monstrosity taking up half of the room, where there was just a smaller wooden framed bed before.
Of course it came along with two new bedside tables and lamps.
The rock band posters of his late teenage years had to give away for the wallpaper that had been Robert’s idea as well, but Aaron was the one who picked it and put it on. And for the first time ever Aaron notices he has now candlesticks on his drawer and two new framed pictures on the wall. The subject is totally random, just a boardwalk in front of the blurry lit up skyline of a city. The other picture shows the same diffuse lights, so they must have come as a set. It wouldn’t have been Aaron’s first choice of art, but they do look nice with their colours perfectly fitting the rest of the bedroom.
Everywhere, he spots little pieces of decoration, like modern shaped glass vases, perfume bottles and piles of books.
It hits. It hits that this isn’t his room anymore.
“Hi.” Robert is now smiling at him, so warm and welcoming, and his eyes are incredibly soft.
Aaron’s breath hitches, because he didn’t know.
How had he not noticed it before?
“Hiya,” he breathes.
Robert puts the book aside and opens his arms. “C’mere.”
In record time, Aaron gets rid of his clothes and all but crashes on his boyfriend’s waiting body with a happy sigh. Strong arms are being wrapped around him and Robert’s soft chuckle washes over him soothingly. All the tension leaves his body in the rhythm of Robert’s heartbeat.
“Missed ya,” he mutters against the freckled chest and gets a gentle kiss on his curls in return.
He’s home.
This once was his room above his mother’s pub, but Robert made it their home.
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pingutats · 3 years
wake up in some promised land
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despite his best efforts to keep their relationship out of the public eye, harry & y/n are photographed together as they leave a party one night —and harry has an interview the very next morning.
warnings: a little bit of angst about trying to navigate fame and a relationship. harry has a foul mouth. but there’s a happy ending!
word count: 2.2k
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Harry was decidedly not in a good mood. 
It had been a late night. He’d had a few more drinks than he usually did. In his defence it was earned—he’d just released an album, it was soaring to great heights on iTunes charts all over the world and already receiving overwhelmingly positive reviews—so sue him if he indulged in some expensive champagne, a couple fancy cocktails, too many rounds of shots for him to remember clearly… It was a good night all around. 
The headache he has right now though, brought on by the sudden blare of his alarm (far earlier than he would have preferred), threatens to tarnish the memory. He even considers swearing off drinking forever so he’ll never suffer like this again. 
When he voices this intention to a dozing Y/N as he pulls a shirt on, his only feedback is a pillow-muffled, “You’re such an old man, H.”
He leans over the bed and kisses the small part of her forehead that’s exposed between the pillow and the blanket. “Come on, love. Time to get up.”
“You can get up. I don’t have a radio appearance to make.” She jerks the blanket up to cover her head entirely. “I’ll stay here, thank you very much.”
He manages to drag her downstairs with him anyway, with promises of making her coffee and a hot breakfast. In the kitchen she yawns and stretches, the over-sized sleep shirt opening like bat wings as she raises her arms above her head. He has to force his fond gaze away to concentrate on turning the coffee machine on and pulling eggs out of the fridge. 
“This is a really ungodly hour,” she comments, watching him rummage around in a cupboard for a frying pan. 
“No such thing as a good night’s sleep when you’re as successful as I am,” he tells her wisely. 
She doesn’t even indulge him with a laugh, which tells him exactly how tired she is. 
The coffee’s done quickly—Harry is so addicted to the stuff he could probably make it in his sleep with all the practise he’s had—and she grabs the cup from him with greedy fingers, closing her eyes and sipping as she’s perched up on the counter. 
Harry nearly lets out a moan when the caffeine hits his lips. It surely can’t work that quickly, but already he’s starting to feel alive again. He turns to the stovetop and cracks the eggs in the frypan with one hand, using his other hand to cling to his cup for dear life. 
His phone starts ringing and the sound pierces through his head. His manager’s name is displayed, which is a good thing because if it was anyone else calling right now Harry would probably be tempted to kill them, and even if no publicity is bad publicity, he’s not sure a murder charge would be good for his album sales. He slides his finger across the screen to answer it and tucks the phone between his cheek and shoulder while he adjusts the heat on the stove. 
“Hey, Jeff,” he says. 
Jeff laughs on the other end. “You sound fucked.”
“Big night,” Harry grumbles. “You don’t sound to pretty yourself.”
“All I’m saying is you better get yourself set in the next half hour, ‘cause a voice like that on the radio isn’t going to help you sell records.”
“I’m makin’ breakfast,” Harry retorts. “Got a coffee, I’ll be fine—oh, shit—fuck!” He’s mixed up his hands as he tried to flip the eggs, and poured coffee in the frypan. “Give me a second.”
He sets his coffee down on the counter and unsticks his phone from his cheek, turning it on speaker and placing it next to his cup. He stares at mess in the frypan and decides he’s going to have to try drain the liquid into the sink, without losing the eggs. He accepts this challenge with humility and grace, because he knows it’s his own stupid fault.
Y/N is cackling behind him. On any other day he might have been annoyed, but her laughter this morning just means that she’s in a better mood than earlier. He’d give anything to keep her happy, so if it takes fucking up their breakfast to have her smiling—so be it. 
“Okay,” Harry says to Jeff once he’s secured the situation. 
“Is everything okay over there?” Jeff’s voice is slightly tinny through the phone speaker, but his stress is evident in his tone. 
“Yeah, we’re just—“ he looks at the eggs, dyed brown by the coffee, and glances over his shoulder apologetically at Y/N. “We’re having caffeinated eggs. You’re on speaker. Y/N’s here too. Say hi, baby.”
“Hey, Jeff,” Y/N chirps. 
Jeff sighs. “Hi. Listen, it‘s probably good that you both hear this anyway. There are a couple of photos of the two of you from last night that are doing the rounds on Twitter this morning.”
Harry stiffens. “What?”
Here’s the thing: Harry and Y/N are definitely an item. It’s happened pretty quickly. They’ve been dating for a few months and now whenever they’re in the same city they’re practically living together. They’ve said “I love you” to each other often enough that its utterance isn’t a special occasion anymore. So, sure, they’re boyfriend-girlfriend, and if all goes to Harry’s plan, they’ll be more than that soon enough.
But in the meantime, she’s also his best-kept secret. There have been rumours, of course. They’ve been spotted having lunch together or going on walks. Anyone paying attention knows they’re good friends, but Harry has been careful not to let the other dimension of their relationship slip out into public yet. He conducts himself on public outings (secretly dates) like a Victorian gentleman, constantly vigilant that his affection never goes beyond what’s appropriate between friends. 
“They’re not bad,” Jeff says quickly. “It’s just pretty obvious what’s going on. I’ll send them to you, hang on.”
Y/N slides off the bench and comes to stand right behind Harry, leaning around him to stare at the phone. The minute of waiting for the photos to come through feels like forever. Y/N must sense his tension, because she puts her hands on his shoulders and squeezes. 
A notification pops up at the top of his screen: from Jeff, 8 images attached. He taps it quickly and frowns at the photos. 
They must have been taken as they were leaving the bar that the album release party was at. He notices Jeff and others also crowded on the pavement outside, lit by the orange glow of streetlights. The focus, however, is of course on Harry and Y/N, who were putting on something of a show for all their friends—and, apparently, the rest of the world. 
The first couple are okay. There Harry is, his arm slung around Y/N, clearly not sober as he bellows something up to the sky with a massive grin on his face and closed eyes. They were singing, he vaguely remembers, the karaoke they were doing inside the bar spilling over the rest of their night. Y/N is laughing at him, clapping her hands together.
Harry drags his finger up the screen to scroll to the next photos in Jeff’s chain. These ones start to reveal the two of them as much more than just friends. The arm around her dropped to her waist, pulling her into his body. And then he was bending his head down. And then he was kissing her. 
He scrolls down even further. 
In this one, he’s groping her ass in full view of the camera. 
“Harry, you lecher!” Y/N scolds, smacking his arm in good humour.
He just shakes his head, staring at the photo. “There’s no plausible deniability, is there?”
“There isn’t,” Jeff says over the phone. He laughs weakly. “You two put on a real show.” He must sense the panic that Harry’s feeling, because he adds, “Listen, Harry, I can blacklist questions about it if you want. Just tell me what you want to do.”
Harry looks at Y/N, chewing on his lip. He feels like a teenager again, out of control of his narrative and at the mercy of the media. He’s meticulously developed his skills of privacy for years, now, and one night of insobriety and bad luck undid it all. 
Jeff clears his throat. “The thing with blacklisting is that it might raise more questions. And even if you don’t talk about it, you’ve gotta remember that everyone else will be.”
“Yeah.” Harry runs a hand through his hair. “Look—“
Y/N puts her hand on his cheek, patting him. “Hey,” she says gently. “It’s okay.”
He sucks in a deep breath through gritted teeth and holds it in for a moment. “I’m sorry,” he says finally with a sigh. 
She scoffs. “You’re not the only one in these photos.”
He frowns. She doesn’t get that he’s apologising for more than just the photos. It’s the fact that they have to deal with this at all, that it’s such a big deal for them to simply act like a normal couple. It’s the fact that it’s him, and he is who he is. 
“H,” she presses further. “It’s up to you. Your decision. But I want you to know that I’m happy whichever way you choose.”
He searches her eyes for any hint of doubt. She didn’t manage to clean off all her make-up last night, and there’s a smear of glitter on her temple and dark smudges of mascara underneath her eyes. She looks tired, but she’s definitely serious about what she’s saying. 
“You get what it means to be public with me, though,” he says at last. He hesitates. “It’s… intense.”
She shrugs and gives him a cocky grin. “Nothing I can’t handle.” 
“I’m being serious.”
“I am too.” She’s holding his head in her hands, her fingers smoothing his unruly curls off his face. “It’s just a few photos. It isn’t everything.”
It isn’t everything. Harry closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, then leans down to kiss her gently. It’s just an innocent peck, but the feel of her soft lips against his is enough to ground him.
Jeff clears his throat awkwardly. 
They break apart with embarrassed smiles. “Sorry,” Harry says, but he isn’t really.
“Yeah,” Jeff says, sounding uncomfortable. “You’re going to have to make a decision soon, because we’re really cutting it fine.”
Harry looks at Y/N, who nods. 
He turns back to the phone. “Don’t worry about it,” Harry says. “Let them ask the questions.”
“Yeah?” Jeff asks. “Okay then, that saves me a load of trouble. Good luck, man. Enjoy it.”
“Thanks,” Harry says, hanging up with a sharp tap on the screen. He turns around to Y/N with a grin on his face. “Where were we…”
Y/N giggles as he gathers her into his arms, pulling her in close for a kiss that no one else can see or hear, a kiss just for them. When she pulls back to breath, he peppers his lips all over her face until she’s squirming away—“Harry, that tickles!”
He lands one last kiss on her cheek before his gaze lands on the time display on the oven behind her, which tells him he has ten minutes before he needs to be on the Zoom call for the interview. 
She notices the sudden shift in his demeanour and glances behind her to see what caused it. She turns back around. “I’ll sit with you.”
He nods. “Yeah, okay, I’d like that.”
“It’s Harry Styles!” the presenter cries. 
“It’s me! Hello, hello,” he says, waving at the screen. The laptop is set on the coffee table and he’s sitting on the couch, elbows resting on his knees as he grins at the screen. “How are ya?”
“Oh, we’re wonderful,” the presenter replies. “More importantly, how are you? Looks like you had a big night last night, judging by these photos we’re seeing!”
He chuckles. “Yeah. Big night,” he echoes, dragging out the word. 
The presenter laughs. “Sounds like a great time. Well deserved after this masterpiece of an album. And, correct me if I’m wrong, but it looks like you’re quite close with somebody there. Would you explain what’s going on here, Harry?”
Harry peers at the photo displayed on his computer screen, even though he knows exactly what it will be. The one they chose is a sweet one, with Y/N’s arms wrapped around his neck and kiss that he seems to be melting into. He can’t suppress his smile at that. “Oh, well,” he says. “That’s my friend Y/N.”
The presenter raises his eyebrows at that. “Good friend, is she?”
Harry glances up over the laptop to look at Y/N, sitting on the other couch, her cheeks pink and round from her smile. Harry surreptitiously reaches his arm towards her, out of frame, and she leans forward to hold his hand. 
“She is. She’s a lovely girl.” He squeezes her hand. “Yeah, we’re very good friends.”
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thank you so much for reading! this fic is based on a request from @kissmyaxe140 — i really intended this to be a shorter blurb of a few hundred words, but i’m incapable of brevity. apparently. this grew into a little monster but i rlly had fun writing it!! the title is a lyric from secret life by bleachers.
if you liked this fic, a reblog and/or any kind of feedback would be very much appreciated. my masterlist can be found here and you can send me messages here. have a gorgeous day!
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thomally fic recs you say? 👀
13 YEARS IN AZKA- wait. *coughs* wrong franchise. anyway:
1. appelsin
the classic. a 2015 thomally safe haven fic. the thomally fic to rule them all, the origin story. it is everything, and nothing less than we deserve. the author has since moved on from the tmr fandom, but the work stands tall on its own, shining bright in a beacon of- okay this is getting a tad dramatic, imma stop there.
2. shuffle
the 2021 continuation of appelsin by dear thomally friend @crestfallercanyon .
3. always free for you
might just be my personal fav. very sexual, very kinky, very disfunctional, very thomally. it‘s got some heavy themes, so make sure you give the tags a good look. does not have a happy ending per se, but there is a 2k word analysis of it by me in the comments where i lay out meticulously why the ending is a happy one, so that’s something i guess?
4. that time gally and thomas fucked in a bar bathroom
… what can i say. the title gives away a lot. it‘s excellent work though either way, and just the steamy, sexual thomally adventure you‘ve been looking for. written by glorious dee, who was encouraged by clod and me to bestow upon us smutty thomally content and boy did they deliver. well done darling, you are a true hero for standing up to the world like that. write the thomally smut you want to see in the world - words to live by, and dee, @graeae did it.
5. faults
good, good shit by sha, @hoesaekyoongi . it‘s set in the ruins of the last city, it‘s atmospheric af, and the latest chapter published today had me screaming with its brilliance. the thomally is just- it‘s just so good okay.
6. drunk as you watch my shattered edges glisten
that one‘s mine. it‘s explicit and very angsty, so do take care to read the tags. i loved writing it and i love what story on thomally it tells.
7. blinded by starlight
clod‘s fairycore newt x gally x thomas au @un-ah . incredibly atmospheric and incredibly floaty fairytale-vibes. give it a read if you want to see hunter!gally (trust me you do).
8. gally and thomas kiss (almost) (okay they do in the second one) (whatever)
two thomally drabbles. you might be able to guess what happens from the title. (mine)
i hope you find something you like in there! if anyone has fics to add feel free to do so.
i mean. i am begging you on my knees to tell me if you‘ve got more thomally. begging on my knees, an experience which thomas surely can relate to
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coffee and pancakes
summary: Five visits his brother, seeking coffee and pancakes. What he gets is more than he expected. (Y/n) takes care of him and gives him some warm feelings after all those years after the apocalypse. Of course, Diego doesn‘t like the idea of his girlfriend babying his brother.
request: Hiii I read your Diego Hargreaves fics and I’m absolutely in love!! I was wondering if you could do something where reader is dating Diego and loves to baby Five?? (Maybe Diego pretends to be jealous cause he wants attention and Five loves the attention cause he’s been alone for so long.) You can just stick to the first part if you want, I just added the second part in case you wanted something more specific :) ~ @wowjeena (it wont let me tag you)
pairings: Diego Hargreeves x Reader, Five Hargreeves x Reader (platonic)
warnings: fluff, jealousy
words: 921
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The smell of fresh made pancakes and coffee fills the bedroom. Diego sits up in his bed and places one of his hands on the cold sheets next to him. His girlfriend isn‘t in bed anymore which would explain the smell of food. The half-naked man starts to smile because this small gesture fills him with so much love.
Slowly, Diego leaves the bed but doesn‘t even bother to put on clothes. At least, he is wearing boxers. Half-naked he walks down the small hall. As soon as the sound of voices and laughter reach the mans ears, Diego stops. Someone is in the kitchen with his girlfriend.
“How much sugar do you want?“, (Y/n) asks and opens a cupboard, taking the sugar and walking to the boy sitting at the table. She stops when she sees her boyfriend leaning against the door frame, looking rather surprised and annoyed.
The female pours a bit of sugar in Fives cup. He thanks her with a sweet smile and takes a sip. After putting the sugar back, (Y/n) walks over to where her boyfriend is leaning and greets him with a short kiss. Her warms hands wander over his sides and make Diegos heart beat faster.
“What is he doing here?“, asks Diego with a frown and strokes a hair strand out of (Y/n)s face. She looks perfect with the messy hair and the only thing covering her one of his shirts. For him it‘s a beautiful sight but Five should rather take his old eyes off his girlfriend, otherwise he will happily cut his throat.
“Well, all of your siblings are always welcome. Five arrived around 8 am and asked very nicely for a coffee. Who would I be if I denied him that?“, (Y/n) explains in a sweet voice, takes Diegos hand and escorts him to the table where a cup of coffee as well as pancakes are waiting for him.  After one last angry glance at his brother, Diego takes a huge bite from his pancake. They taste like home, because his girlfriend made them.
“Would you like some berries?“, (Y/n) asks the young looking boy, standing next to him and leaning slightly forward. She places one of her soft hands on his shoulder, squeezing it gently. The touch feels good after years of isolation and the apocalypse.
Five nods. His brother watches him closely, and realizes that Fives eyes wander from his girlfriends face to her bare legs. Diego growls.
“Honey, why don‘t you get changed? I can get him...his berries“, Diego says through clenched teeth. His girlfriend looks at him with confusion because why should she change? She is comfortable in his shirt, besides normally he loves seeing her in his clothes.
“You could put on clothes first, Diego. I can see your morning wood.“ Five grins at his brother and takes a sip from his black coffee.
(Y/n) can only shake her head and gets the berries out of the refrigerator. Then she places them on the table and wants to sit next to Five to finally, eat her breakfast but Diego pulls her plate and cutlery next to him. The female raises her eyebrows but nevertheless sits down next to her boyfriend.
During the whole breakfast Diegos hands lays protectively on her left thigh.
“Five and I want to go to the small book shop later“, (Y/n) says after a long uncomfortable silence. She swallows the last bite of her pancake and looks at Diego, almost as if she needs his okay to do something.
“What about...me?“, asks Diego with confusion but there is something deeper inside him. He is hurt because his girlfriend planed something with his brother, ignoring him completely.
“I thought you hated how long I need to choose a book. Last time we were there you...“, his girlfriend starts to explain and places one of her small hands on his shoulder. She noticed the slight stutter in his voice and is concerned she hurt him. Diego interrupts here before she can say anything else.
“I‘m coming with you“, he states and earns a huge smile and a short kiss from his girlfriend. Five rolls his eyes and finishes his coffee.
An hour later they enter the small bookshop. Diego has finally put on some clothes and since they left their shared apartment, he stares grumpily at his brother.
Normally, Diego would sit down in one of the huge armchairs but today he won’t leave (Y/n)s side as long as his annoying brother is with her. The three of them stop in front of the fantasy section.
“You should go there!“, Diego bumps his elbow against Fives side and points to the children section. The mans lips form a huge smile. The boy rolls his eyes and takes a rather thick book.
“Don‘t be so mean to him, D. He is older than you“, (Y/n) tells her boyfriend and looks up from the book in her hands.
“The way you baby him all day, I believe you are the one not knowing he is actually 58 years old!“, the man grumbles and lets his hurt gaze wander from his girlfriend to a shelf filled with books written by Stephen King. Seconds later, he feels an arm wrapped around his waist and the weight of (Y/n)s body leaning against him. She rubs her head against his chest like a cat trying to get treats.
“Don‘t worry, baby. I‘m going take real good care of you tonight“, (Y/n) mumbles while she browses through a book.
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You need to be strong now.
Thank you so much @finder-of-rings for reading over this :3
Taglist: :  @salamancialilypad  @whumpfigure @albino-whumpee @comfy-whumpee  @ashintheairlikesnow   @haro-whumps   @moose-teeth @vickytokio​ @yet-another-heathen​ @orchidscript
Chapter 8
CW: injured hurting and disoriented whumpee, hallucinations referring to Sahar’s past, rough medical treatment,
After Gideon had bound Sahar‘s arm, everything had happened in a haze of pain. Experiences and impressions, the agony eating through his bones, all blurred together.
They had struggled through the forest in a sluggish flow and flying race. Reached the farm. The snails had scurried all over the plateau. Doors had creaked open. The living room had tilted sideways. He‘d been heaved onto the table. Hard wood pressed into his back. Had he screamed? His throat felt torn. Thirst. He was so thirsty. But he couldn‘t tell them. His voice, lost to pain, lost to the woods.
Lost. Lost. Lost.
Rock-a-bye baby
out the city you‘re tossed.
Don‘t drown in the river
and forever you‘re lost.
His mother's singing echoed through his skull, coming from nowhere and everywhere, bouncing off bone so heavy it hurt.
Everything fucking hurt and Sahar sobbed. His legs twitched in a feeble attempt to curl up, but the movement only sent new waves of pain up torn, useless twitching muscles. They rubbed and coiled around the tooth splinters buried deep in his flesh. Bone fragments shifted under his skin.
Rock-a-bye baby
your sleep‘s just begun.
The battle is over
the woods have won.
Her voice was an impossibly loud whisper. A heavy breath down his neck. Sahar‘s head jerked around, sightless eyes blown wide and wandering.
She couldn‘t be here. His mother had stayed behind the window, let the curtain fell shut.
Nightmare banished behind glass.
She couldn‘t! She wasn‘t.
Memories bled out of Sahar‘s head and he didn‘t know how to stop them. His icy fingers tapped over smooth worn wood but it wasn‘t enough. It was not enough and his body burned with the urge to move but it burned up with pain too, pain that suspended him in stillness, that stole his voice from the tip of his tongue and all he could force out was a hoarse whimper.
"Hey, hey, hey. Easy.“ Gideon‘s dark irises danced in the white of his eyes as he pressed Sahar into the table. Brown trembling hands held his twitching, bleeding body and Gideon‘s words ran together in one rushed exhalation. "Don‘t move. Yeah, jus‘ like that. Stay still.“
Blood bloomed on Gideon‘s white uniform. Poppy flowers in winter.
Poppy only grows in summer. But it is summer. Isn‘t it?
So why was there snow, chilling him to the bone? Freezing his hands so every soft tap of fingertip against table felt dulled? Failed to calm him.
Thoughts slip-slided around in his head.
Gideon and Charlotte whispered in panic hushed voices, but their words were impossible to catch.
His eyes fluttered close. Opened again.
"Okay, okay Charlotte, darling, calm down.“
Moira? Was that really-? Sahar shifted his head, neck straining towards the warm familiar voice. But when-
"Gideon did an exceptional job binding Sahar‘s wound, but we‘ll take it from here. No. No you guys- No Gideon, we can‘t bring him to the hospital. I‘ve seen and treated worse back in the old days. Trust me. You two go home now. Now.“
A cool hand, rough from years of hard work, found its way onto Sahar‘s forehead and he pressed into the touch, mewling. Moira‘s face, wrinkled with worry, smiled down at him. "You‘re doing great sweetheart. Just keep breathing like that and stay conscious for me.“
'Yes,' he wanted to say but couldn‘t muster more than a choked sob. 
“You are being so perfect. Ansgar?! Ansgar get my medical case, two buckets of clean warm water, towels, all of them-“ There was a pause. Moira‘s lips pursed in consideration as she pressed and prodded at his mutated arm, eliciting a low moan from him. Steady hands petted Sahar‘s forehead, brushed sweat soaked hair from his face. "Attaboy. Ansgar, bring the saw set from the workshop, too. Don‘t stare at me like that. Hurry!“
A cotton cloth was eased into Sahar's mouth after Ansgar returned with the gathered supplies.
A tremor hid in Moira‘s words, danced along her vowels like wind, barely there. "You have to be really really strong for me now.“
Sahar gave a feeble nod as Moira sprayed a small saw with disinfectant. Her gloved hands placed it on a metal tray, next to already sterilized scalpels, tweezers and chisels.
Moira picked up the scalpel.
"Wait.“ Ansgar stepped around the table to where Sahar‘s head rested, cheek pressed against the table. Warm, large hands cupped his shoulders with a gentle squeeze. "You forgot the anesthetic.“
"No.“ Moira‘s words were gravestone rubble, rough edged and heavy. "I didn‘t.“
"This is barbaric Moira.“
"No! It‘s what's necessary to keep him alive. If the pain dies off, so does his mutation. And his mutation is the only thing standing between him and that poison."Moira's eyes sparked wildfire fury, blazing blue like a flame's hottest part.
"I will not lose another son because I was too softhearted to act! Ansgar. I will not.“ Her voice caught, cut by old grief, resurfacing from its shallow grave. "I can‘t. Not again.“
Something wet dripped on Sahar‘s face, trickled slowly down his cheek and Ansgar‘s grip around his shoulders tightened, his voice an earthquake aftershock tremor. "Be quick.“
Shaking fingers tousled his hair, picked the spit tacky cloth from his chest and pressed it against his lips. Sahar opened them with a whimper and let the fabric be shoved between his teeth, once more. He bit down. He concentrated on the pressure of his jaw. The faint throbbing ache of muscle. Wet tongue gliding over coarse cloth.
Focus. Focus on the feeling. Ignore everything else. Don‘t think about anything else. Especially not the bone saw. How its blade would feel, licking at his skin, biting and burrowing until it broke through, until it would start to tear him apart.
"I will. I promise.“
Sahar scrunched his eyes shut as Moira set to work.
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ouranor · 4 years
I get that people are jumping the gun, because that‘s what people do. BUT:
Can we stop blaming Sesshoumaru for Sunrise‘s shitty decisions? I see nobody blaming InuKag for being absent parents, but Sesshoumaru is blamed for a development that goes against everything he stands for? You guys KNOW that the entire premise of Yashahime was shit from the start, yet you still watched and clowned yourselves week after week.
So, can we
a) Stop calling Yashahime a sequel
b) Realize that Yashahime is not canon
c) Actually use our brains and realize that it’s not canon for reasons that go way beyond „Takahashi didn‘t write it mimimi“. Once again for those that have not been paying attention:
Yashahime is based on the charity chapter 559. Chapter 559 retcons something massive: Rin being in her early teens. No, seriously, go back and look at it. Rin has shrunk and is an 8 year old again. It‘s generally accepted that any material that actively retcons established rules, characters etc... in the original source material is not canon.
The charity chapter is not canon. Yashahime is BASED on said chapter, so it‘s not canon by default. I‘ve said this a million times and have been ignored.
All of the OG characters from Inuyasha were great or even excellent characters in their own right. Not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM has been treated right by this shitshow. The vitriol now aimed at Sesshoumaru instead of the real-life company that created this nightmare is unbelievable, but so typical.
You guys are free to „ironically“ clown yourselves in your own post, but this kind of „awareness“ tastes extremely cheap. Sure, holding on to hope is definitely both understandable and your right. But it does boil down to this: You guys supported this crap. Take some accountability and at least get your priorities straight on who to blame for this fanfiction from hell.
I for one am glad that the original material still exists. I will not cancel it, because neither Sunrise nor fandom have a say in what Ienjoy, no matter how much they try. If you are truly angry and disgusted: Drop Yashahime and return to the original Inuyasha.
You‘ll be okay.
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
keeping a promise - p.d.
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, flirting, cute beeps A/N: “Imagine getting your comfort characters jacket / cape.”
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You heard your name screamed through comms, drowned out by alarms going off inside of your jet. The wing started going in circles towards the current dark side of Tatooine as you tried to get all the levers right to prepare for a crash landing that hopefully wouldn‘t kill you. „BB-12, E-protocol R-engine S-E.“ You heard faint beeps from above as you saw the sand come closer and closer. With a push in the engine still working and his redirection of the jet you were at least not flying a complete nosedive anymore. „NOW!“ You yelled as you dragged back as far as you could to land flat. With loud dragging, cracking and booming noises accompanied by overwhelmed beeps above you in-between, you were shaken around in your cockpit, knocking you out. „Y/N. Y/N. Please please please wake up. C‘mon, don‘t die on me after this amazing crash landing, I need to compliment you on that, do you hear me? Don‘t kriffing die on me! Y/N?“ You heard through cotton clouds. „Poe?“ You whispered and slowly opened your eyes to darkness and a dimly lit cockpit and Commander. „Thank maker, you‘re not completely messed up.“ He sighed with gratitude before opening your safety belts. „Ouch.“ You whimpered as your arms were moved out of the shoulder safety. „What hurts, Y/N?“ He frowned concerned and saw you mouth *Brain* before he chuckled. „I lost contact shortly after you were shot out of the sky. Don‘t know when they will come, so you better not be bleeding out.“ He mumbled with a soft smile on his face, before picking you up out of the seat and out of the jet entirely. You were put down in the cold night sand and had your overall opened up, „I‘m gonna check your ribs, yeah?“ „Yeah.“ You mumbled still half out of it. Warm fingers gently pushed around your upper torso until you whimpered, „Yup, that‘s gonna be all colors of the rainbow by tomorrow.“ „I‘ll go crazy if you don‘t give me some painkiller.“ You groaned and heard a huff. „BB-8?“ You heard a little *On it!*
You felt a spray around you face and then your ribs and mumbled a little, „Thank you, little orange.“ „Little orange?“ You heard Poe chuckle and grinned back with closed eyes. „Well, mine is pale pink.“ You shrugged and instantly hissed at the pain. „Don‘t move until that painkiller sets in. Don‘t need you crying, yeah?“ He smiled and got your hair out of your face. „You‘re such a pain in the ass, you know that?“ You mumbled as you slowly felt your headache swell down. „Heard it before.“ He mumbled and played with the sand before looking up at you again and frowning. „What?“ You dipped your head and felt your concussion become more manageable. Has this absolute idiot given you bacta or something? „You‘re shaking.“ He commented and grabbed your forearm gently. Now that he mentioned it and the adrenaline went down, you felt the cold temperature of the desert night. He got up and went to his X-Wing to get something, before coming back with his jacket. „Why aren‘t YOU freezing?“ You asked with a raised eyebrow. „I worked on Kijimi, I‘m used to it.“ He shrugged and put the jacket around your shoulders. „Thank you, really.“ You looked up at him and saw a look of pure softness on his face. „You wanna cram into my jet to not completely freeze to pieces until they come?“ He asked, holding out his hands. You nodded and grabbed them, having your world spinning again seconds later and being caught by your Commander. „Alright, that‘s one hell of a concussion. Let me carry you, yeah?“ He spoke softly to not cause more headaches. A minute later you found yourself on his lap in his pilot seat, the cockpit closing up, „This is on the fine line between cozy and I‘d kill you if we stay like this for more than 5 hours.“ He mumbled against your shoulder. „If I wouldn‘t need my BB unit, I‘d just fly us back.“ You chuckled and pulled the jacket closer around you. „It looks good on you, you know?“ He commented and watched your reactions. „Of course it does, like everything else I wear.“ You chuckled lightly. You weren‘t gonna let this chaotic idiot flirt with you while you had a concussion. That sounded like a recipe for disaster. „You can keep it later, if you want.“ He pulled it closer around you, pulling you closer to him in the same movement. „Oh, I don‘t think I need one. I have like 3 in my closet back on base.“ You leaned back against his shoulder. „You can never have enough jackets.“ You heard and chuckled.
There was a comfortable silence for a while, staring up at the night sky without any light pollution. „I really thought I‘d lose you there, you know?“ He murmured and grabbed one of your hands laying above his arms winding around you. „I would‘ve been okay with that.“ You shrugged, this time there wasn‘t pain. „Really?“ He asked, a little surprised. „If it‘s for something good like this? Yeah. I‘d rather die for a better world than stay alive for how it is now.“ You explained while watching some spaceships zoom by in the night sky. „We‘re close to the end of the war, wouldn‘t want you to die now.“ He squeezed your hand. „Like I said, I‘d still be okay with that.“ You knew he was frowning at what you said. „What does a better world look like for you?“ You heard softly spoken behind you. „No war, freedom for everyone who wants it, a unified galaxy but enough self identity for every system or planet. Maybe living on a green planet in the middle of nowhere, just not doing anything but surviving and finally being an individual again without a group mentality for war anymore. Maybe flying places here and there, but overall just not doing these things anymore. I like flying, I don‘t like fighting.“ He took everything you said in for a second before responding, „I understand you so well. But I think I couldn‘t live without a cause to fight for in the end.“ „You have integrated war as your identity.“ You pointed out and felt his hand loosen around yours. „Yeah, I guess so.“ He mumbled with a sigh. By the morning you were rescued, including your ship and BB unit. You had managed to sleep in two shifts, had almost gunned down a group of Jawas and had talked about flying a lot more. On the flight back a medic checked you through and gave you the go and no-flying time of a week. When you landed on Ajan Kloss you just wanted to sleep in your mass of blankets you had acquired over the years of missions in marketplaces. „Oh, I almost forgot. Here‘s your jacket.“ You held out your jacket to Poe while keeping up with his pace. „I said you can keep it.“ He smiled at you and pushed it in your direction. „Fine, but don‘t expect me to wear it until we win the war.“ „I can live with that.“ You‘d wear it if you‘d win the war, you promised yourself. ___ The battle of Exegol had ended in a massive victory. The only thing left to do was stabilizing the areas the first order had controlled. There was a massive celebration going on at the base and everyone that had survived this dilemma was overjoyed, dancing, hugging and just having a good time. After you landed you went straight to your room. Poe had landed not long after you and was subtly looking around for you after reuniting with his friends. That was until he saw you walk out of the living compound in a jacket that used to be his a couple months ago. *Don‘t expect me to wear it until we win the war.* He remembered. Suddenly this was the best reward for not giving up in the middle of that battle. You saw him running towards you just in time to prepare for being picked up and swung in a circle. „You look good.“ He eyed you before his eyes went back to your smile. „Just keeping up a promise.“ You scanned over his face. He looked happy, tired, lost, a little hot with all the minor cuts on his face, but mainly relieved. „A green planet in the middle of nowhere, huh?“ The corners of his lips twitched up. You looked around, „Maybe our ideas meet in the middle.“ „Yeah, maybe they do,“ he mumbled, getting closer. Before he could make it more dramatic you grabbed his neck and pulled him toward you for a kiss. A long beep came rolling towards you and you both broke the kiss with a chuckle. You crouched down to his height and pet him, „Thanks for keeping this idiot safe.“ His head went to the side a bit, before looking at your jacket and up at Poe. You could only imagine the nod coming from him behind you as there was an excited long beep emitting from the droid. *I have a mom!* That threw you off-guard for a second before you started laughing. „Oh, BB-8. You‘re a tiny mess. And you also have a sibling if we go by that logic. BB-12 is still getting fixed.“ The small droid rolled around you happily, beeping a little song. You stood back up to look at Poe, „So, what‘s the plan, General?“ His jaw tensed for a second, „Maybe drop the title, because that‘s dangerous territory coming from your mouth off-mission.“ You stepped closer and whispered into his ear, „Maybe you just need to control yourself better. General Dameron.“ You saw his entire body tense up and his eyes close with an annoyed huff, partially because he knew you were right, but mostly because he hated that you knew how to push his buttons. „The plan is building a better base, Commander.“ He answered coolheaded, staring ahead. „Alright.“ With a big kiss on his cheek you turned around and played with BB-8...still in his kriffing jacket. Why did you have to do that to him today? He didn‘t have a long time to think about it, too many civilians from the battle wanting to speak to him.
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goretzkaaaas · 4 years
tagged by @havertzz
okay so i know 2020 was not the "best year ever" but i do believe everyone had some good moments which we maybe now appreciate even more then ever before :)
and since i haven't seen alot of "positive" posts about year 2020 i encourage you all to share some of your favourite moments of this year! it could be a book you've read, a cute doggo you met on a walk, a meme that made you laugh, a great meal you had, nothing is off the limits :)
oh boy. okay
1. when we got permission from our landlord to get pets and when the kitties finally arrived (my god the joy i felt)
2. when the boyfriend proposed to me via ANIMAL CROSSING and the only reaction i had was to laugh for a solid five minutes until i could finally catch my breath to say yes lmao
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3. when i passed 9 of 10 exams in july & august. man i‘ve never been so tired but i‘ve also never felt so accomplished lmao
4. every single time i got to work on my car with the help of my stepdad or stepbrother or youtube because it gives me so much joy to be able to do things by myself (plus it‘s SO MUCH CHEAPER. seriously i get the part online for 15€ and that‘s it. if i go to a shop to let it get repaired i have to pay 200€ so i‘m not doing that lmao)
5. when my mom finally married my stepdad and she didn‘t tell me until four weeks before the wedding. she only said please don‘t plan anything on that day and be home lol
6. when i got a shit ton of money for christmas which i will use to pay the inspection my car needs this year (which is mandatory in germany, it‘s called TÜV)
7. countless phone calls and visits with my best friend @verstappened 💜
8. every single moment i got to spend with my family this year
9. the fact that i have only lost one person this year and that everyone else is healthy and alive
Thank you Caitlyn!! 💜
I tag @georgerus63 @gaslyhamiltons and @verstappened (you don‘t have to do it ofc 💜)
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miumiu-chan · 4 years
Miyase Go Event Story 溺愛サンタと甘え合う1日 [A Day of Spoiling Each Other With a Doting Santa] Chapter 1
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Subbed video: STORY 1-1 / 1-2
——December. The days of being at the mercy of exhausting work toward the approaching year.
Even so, many people were very much looking forward to the event called “Christmas”......
After all, wasn’t it because one could spend time with “an important existence”?
[REI]: (Hair, face, nails, dress, perfume......)
[REI]: (Alright, perfect!)
[REI]: (......Probably!)
8 pm.
Getting dressed for a late Christmas party, I was fidgeting waiting for my lover to come.
[REI]: (It's been two weeks since I last saw Go-san.)
In the busy days, we couldn’t meet up or go on dates, so we had to put up with just exchanging phone calls and messages.
Today was finally the time we could be together.
[REI]: (Oh, the doorbell rang!)
[MIYASE]: “Ah......”
[REI]: “Go-san, good evening.”
[MIYASE]: “............”
[REI]: (......Hm?)
[REI]: “Um, Go-san?”
[MIYASE]: “Ah......I'm sorry.”
[MIYASE]: “It’s just, the dress looks so good on you......that, I was surprised.”
“Looks good”
With just one word like that, it makes me feel so fluffy that I think “Am I really myself?”
Love is amazing.
[REI]: “Fufu. Thank you.”
[MIYASE]: “Merry Christmas, Rei-san.”
[REI]: “Merry Christmas.”
[MIYASE]: “Haha.”
[REI]: (It’s Go-san for the first time in 2 weeks.)
Even if we kept in touch with each other, it was still different to meeting like this.
For some reason, I wanted to fully take a closer look at him.
[MIYASE]: “......The car is parked in the guest space, so shall we go?”
[REI]: “Ah-, yes! ......I’m sorry, I was staring too much.”
[MIYASE]: “No worries.”
[REI]: “Thank you for coming all the way to pick me up.”
[MIYASE]: “It’s cold as it is, so please wear a coat properly, okay?”
[REI]: “Okay!”
[REI]: (I got a morning break tomorrow, so I can stay with Go-san for at least 16 more hours.)
I was satisfied with just meeting him, but I was still looking forward to the time from now.
[REI]: “—And so, ever since living alone, I haven't decorated a Christmas tree.”
[MIYASE]: “Yeah.”
[REI]: “I bought poinsettia this year. It's a small one, but it's dyed a beautiful red.”
[MIYASE]: “Red poinsettia......, it's the perfect flower for Rei-san.”
[REI]: “I’ll show you a picture later. It’s cute.”
[MIYASE]: “Fufu, I'm looking forward to it.”
The red light lit up and the car stopped slowly.
[MIYASE]: “............”
[REI]: (......Huh?)
[REI]: (Usually, if Go-san stops at a traffic light, he would look over at me......)
[REI]: (......Or rather,)
[MIYASE]: “There are Christmas roses at the house which Nii-san bought a lot of.”
[MIYASE]: “If you‘d like, please take some on the way home.”
[REI]: (Hasn’t he had the same smile on since a while ago......?)
[MIYASE]: “——Ah, it’s blue.”
[REI]: (Hmm......?)
[MIYASE]: “Ahh, Rei-san is a guest, so please start the party with Nii-san and the others.”
[REI]: “Eh......but, I can help?”
[REI]: “Er, there’s probably less that can be done now, but I can at least carry out food and tableware——”
[MIYASE]: “Rei-san is also probably tired after working today, right?”
[MIYASE]: “We have prepared delicious alcohol and food, so don't hesitate.”
[MIYASE]: “Now, it’s fine here, so please go ahead to the dining table.”
[REI]: (Hmmmm???)
‿ ︵ ‿ ︵ ‿ ︵  ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ ‿ ︵ ‿ ︵ ‿ ︵
[KIRISHIMA]: “Oh what, Rei’s already here?”
[KUJO]: “Thank you for joining the party.”
[REI]: “Not at all, thank you as well for inviting me today.”
[KUJO]: “Let’s do away with formalities from now.”
[KUJO]: “......Is Go in the kitchen?”
[REI]: “Yes, it seems like he’s doing the final stage of preparation now.”
[KANAME]: “There should be almost no preparation left anymore though.”
[REI]: “Eh......”
[SHINDO]: “Because we helped out thoroughly.”
[REI]: (Then, what is Go-san——)
[MIYASE]: “Everyone, sorry for the wait.”
[REI]: “Ah-”
[KIRISHIMA]: “Uoh!? You brought an awesome cake, Miyase!”
[REI]: (It really is amazing......)
It was probably about the size of 5 of my heads, and was nicely decorated with chocolate flowers and a sugar craft tree.
[MIYASE]: “I made a Christmas cake.”
[MIYASE]: “It was a little difficult trying to keep it in the fridge until the last min——”
[MIYASE]: “Wawah-”
[KANAME & SHINDO]: “——!”
[KUJO]: “Go——”
...———I made it in time. Thank goodness.
Because I approached Go-san faster than anyone else, I succeeded in stopping the catastrophe of “the cake and my lover’s fall”.
[REI]: “It‘s safe, Go-san.”
With a sense of distance that supported the platter, I smiled, but......
[MIYASE]: “Ah......”
[REI]: (Eh? Why is he making such a face......)
[KUJO]: “......?”
[KIRISHIMA]: “Miyase, you......don’t make me so nervous.”
[KIRISHIMA]: “I don’t need a gag where you bring out such a tasty-looking cake and fall down and drop it.”
[MIYASE]: “I’m sorry.”
[MIYASE]: “Rei-san too, thank you for supporting the cake.”
[REI]: “Not at all......”
[SHINDO]: “Recently, him doing careless things has become more dynamic.”
[KANAME]: “The other day, he got entangled in the jump rope Koya-kun left in the garden and couldn’t get out of it.”
[REI]: “What kind of situation is that??”
[KANAME]: “It's just what I said.”
[KIRISHIMA]: “That was really surprising even for me......”
[MIYASE]: “Haha, this is embarrassing.”
[MIYASE]: “When I secretly tried doing the “Hayabusa Jump” that Kirishima-san was doing......for some reason, it turned out like that.”
[KIRISHIMA]: “You wanna practice together next time?”
[MIYASE]: “Yes, I’d love to.”
While setting the cake on the table, Go-san gently talked about his daily life at the Kujo Family.
That made me very happy and was heart-warming to see.
I was relieved that he was having a peaceful time and many fun moments even when we couldn’t meet.
[KUJO]: “Then, once we have all the desserts, let’s begin the party.”
[MIYASE]: “Yes.”
[REI]: (Somehow, isn’t Go-san——...)
[REI]: (Acting a little strange?)
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ecofinisher · 4 years
¡Vamos a España! - Chap 12
Chapter 12
Alfida, Orm, and Gerda had arrived at the troll kingdom and on the outside of the corridor, they were waiting for their call to enter into the hall, where the thrones were located.
„Freya was okay with you going here you say?“ The raven-haired girl asked making Gerda nod.
„I just don‘t receive a payment for that day,“ Responded the blonde. „So far it‘s no issue. I‘ve been always present at the work, so if I miss a day or two, it‘s not bad,“
„Have you guys got at your kingdom actually got a daily sickness allowance?“ Orm questioned. „Queen Maribel suggested last year this idea and it got into effect this year,“
„No never heard of it,“ Gerda responded, then the door into the hall got opened back by a servant troll, which looked at the two human girls along with the troll Orm, then the servant looked at his sheet to check the list again.
„You‘re Gerda, Alfida and Orm?“ Questioned the troll earning a nod from the trio.
„You seriously don‘t remember Gerda, the one who took down the Fire-Demon last time?“ Questioned Orm surprised watching the servant shrug his shoulders.
„I apologize for my low knowledge. I assume the other Gerda had a last name,“
„Well I do,“ Gerda responded earning a nod from Alfida.
„What are last names?“ Orm asked following Gerda and Alfida into the hall.
„Well, a lot of families share a second name, which somehow tells other people, that you‘re a family. As my mom and dad got married my mom adopted my dad‘s last name, so people know they‘re family in a way,“
„Family names don‘t exist around us pirates. We just have first names or codenames and that‘s enough,“ Alfida added earning a nod from the troll, then the trio approached the king and queen, which sat on their throne looking together at one roll, then Gerda faked a cough to call the troll‘s attention.
„Hey,“ Gerda greeted making the two smile.
„Gerda, great to see you again!“ King Arrog announced getting up from his throne to give the girl his hand, instead of the girl taking it to shake, she embraced the tall troll surprising him, then he placed his arms around the girl.
„It‘s been so long. I‘m glad nothing bad happened to you after we failed to bring the rest of the magicians out of the mirrorlands,“ Commented Gerda. „You gotta tell us how you defeated the king with these powers you‘ve obtained,“ „Well, it turned out, that I turned into a powerful magician just as the Snow Queen once did. I‘m more able to fly, protect and serve people in need, which basically is what my heart always did before I knew about us being related with magicians,“ Gerda explained. „But I didn‘t come here for this. I came to aid Orm, cause somehow…….he was taking care of the triplets and on the day my boyfriend was boarding a zeppelin they managed to get in there unnoticed and left along with him leaving Orm and us worried unknowing what happened to them,“ Gerda explained shrieking Queen Maribel and shocking the king.
„Orm, how could you let that happen?!“ King Arrog asked sternly the thin troll, which felt a little intimidated by the troll from royalty.
„Yes I admit it, I should have listened to Gerda or Alfida. If I had kept my eye on them instead of believing the three would get into the ship of Alfida without an issue,“ Orm commented feeling bad about his deed.
„Do you at least have any idea, where this zeppelin went?“ Arrog asked while massaging his eyelids with his fingers.
„That‘s the only good thing about it for now. It went to Spain, where Rollan just went. They must have followed him as he had food with him,“ Gerda explained.
„Rollan….I‘ve heard this name once before, is it per coincidence the guy I‘m thinking about?“
„Yes, the one who almost destroyed your kingdom, but he assured everyone that he‘ has no memory of what he has done during that entire time,“ Gerda responded watching Arrog slap his forehead with his head.
„Oh lord,“
„I know you don‘t trust him as much as you do me or Orm, but I promise you, he‘s going to keep them well until the day we get them back home,“
„Alright,“ Arrog sighed. „Where exactly in Spain do they're on dwell?,“
„I know it‘s a place on the coast, it starts with an A…...Alcante? No, that‘s not right……,“ Gerda pondered, then her friend Alfida tried to remember the current cities she could call, which her mother had robbed in the past, and nudged the blonde on the shoulder.
„What about Alicante?“ Questioned Alfida. „That‘s on the coast“
„Yes that‘s the place,“ Gerda commented, then the king walked to a bookshelf that contained various books and took one out with the maps of the world and opened it to take a look at it, then Gerda got around the book along with Alfida, Orm and Queen Maribel.
„Here is it located,“ Alfida pointed out. „Around 700km away from France,“
„And we‘re how much? 10‘000 km?“ Questioned Gerda making Alfida shake her head.
„No, no, no, but at least 4000 or 5000, if we‘re counting from here,“ Alfida corrected earning a nod from Gerda, then noticed Orm raise his brows in curiosity.
„What is a boot doing here on the map?“ Questioned Orm making Gerda chuckle.
„That‘s Italy,“ Alfida pointed out.
„Looks…….strange,“ Orm commented.
„This makes me think on that comment Rollan made once about the Scandinavian peninsula, which nobody understood,“ Alfida pointed out chuckling making Gerda shrug her shoulders.
„Yet I still haven‘t understood it,“ Gerda pointed out, then got poked on the shoulder.
„Ask him and he‘ll answer it to you,“ The pirate girl commented with a wink, making Gerda shrug her shoulders estranged about that comment of her friend.
„Are you still planning into going to get my sons back?“ Asked the queen looking at the humans.
„We‘re going to get them back, Maribel. I promise,“ Gerda said grabbing the troll‘s hand to give her insurance.
„Thank you, Gerda,“
„Don‘t worry your majesty, tomorrow after we stop back at our home I and Orm will prepare the ship and head toward Spain,“ Mentioned the raven-haired girl, then Gerda lifted her head to glance at Alfida.
„Then wake me up, I‘m going with you,“ Gerda warned making Alfida wide her eyes.
„You don‘t have to come along. I and Orm can handle it on our own,“ Warned the pirate-descendant girl.
„I know you do, but it‘s always better to have more persons come along. If more of us come along we can find the triplets quicker,“ Gerda mentioned making Alfida cross her arms with a smirk.
„Let me guess…..is that an excuse to be able to see Rollan?“ Alfida asked making Gerda shake her head.
„It also counts a little, but mainly I‘d be a great help with my capacity of flying,“ Gerda announced stretching her arms and legs aside to transform into the dragon-themed superheroine, which made the royals drop their mouth.
„So this is what she meant with flying,“ King Arrog pointed out making Gerda smile and spread her wings wide to show them pridefully.
„Alright, alright. You‘re coming with us. After all, out of us all, they‘re most likely to listen to you, rather than me or Orm, eventually,“ Commented Alfida earning a nod from Orm
„They do listen to me, but sometimes…...they rather mind their own business,“ Commented the young troll making the humans laugh.
In the afternoon the guard academy attendants stood at the large parkour watching six students pass through it under the crowd‘s observation.
„As you can see some of the obstacles seem harder to come through than you think, when you don‘t think with your head,“ The teacher explained pointing at a climbing frame with three men crossing it under the right place while Rollan‘s friend Pastor and another man crossed the frame by walking stepping over each horizontal bar from the framework. „The goal of the parkour is for you to learn how to overcome those obstacles the fastest way possible. Sure out there it seems easier, but you don‘t know how smart the person is you‘re pursuing. He could have a terrible aim, but a great endurance and cunning reaction. Or worse, he‘s skilled in using it and made his way through the obstacles giving you a hard time in keeping up with. So far you‘re all far away to get started with this. As I mentioned yesterday, I will only let 6 to 8 of you run into this course, after a minute I‘ll let the next six follow afterward, and so on. The last 27 I order you to meet up with Juan and José, Group Delta, get in position,“ Ordered the teacher and Rollan moved forward along with three men, three teenagers, and the young woman Marina file up along the start line on the ground, which was made with a rope.
„I‘m surprised to be with you in the group. What do you think about this course? Manageable?“ Marina questioned looking at the old cartwheels spread in front of them a couple of meters away from them.
„Sure. I‘ve seen worse obstacles,“ Rollan responded watching the fastest member of the first group jump over the small hole filled with water to grab the rope, that hung above it on a tree, then he landed on the other side of the water hole and made his way towards a climbing wall. „I don‘t think others will have a problem,“ Rollan pointed out, then the third man ran into the moat and jumped to grab the rope and missed it, but landed at the edge of the water afterward the fourth man came along to use the rope and pushed the man away from the water and swung back and forth, then landed beside the man, which smiled at the other student‘s help.
„Maybe the small labyrinth will be a little tough,“ Marina commented earning a nod from Rollan.
„Yeah. Lieutenant Roberto said yesterday, that they would switch the walls of the labyrinth daily to give us a different route, remember?“ Rollan asked earning a nod from the girl.
„Yes he did,“ Marina commented, then looked around the group and noticed the teens around her age one brunette boy and a raven-haired boy waiting for the start, then the raven-haired boy looked at the girl and chuckle.
„Aren‘t you in the wrong address?“ Questioned the boy making the girl shake her head.
„No. Are you afraid to be outrun by a girl?“ Questioned Marina ironically, making the boy shake his head.
„Keep up your confidence. I don‘t think you‘re going to make it any farther, than this,“ The boy commented making Marina roll her eyes at the boy‘s comment, then Rollan noticed it and stepped aside to speak at the boy.
„Hey don‘t talk to her like that. She has the right to be here as any other of us,“ Rollan mentioned making Marina smile as he came to defend her. „She may look weak, but looks don‘t have to matter,“
„Hey dude, no one was talking to you…..“ The raven-haired boy commented, then widened his eyes as he was looking at Rollan. „Oh, dios mio. Ernesto, look who‘s here!“ The boy shouted getting the attention of the brunette boy behind him, which paid attention and recognized the taller boy in the red shirt.
„Rollan the loser is back!“ Ernesto, the brown-haired boy announced making his colleague laugh, making Marina furrow her eyebrow and Rollan widened his eyes at recognizing the two teens.
„We assumed you left Alicante because you finally noticed your presence around the city was worthless,“ Said the raven-haired boy. „And now you‘re here at the guard school hoping to become a legend like you always did before,“
„I‘m here so I can help my mama pay for her debts. This was the best chance I found and I‘m going to take it. Come on, Enrico, I don‘t know what was or is your problem, but let‘s just forget that and just behave like normal men,“ Rollan commented.
„You guys could really need a chat. Who knows, maybe you three will get along and be able to befriend each other,“ A third teenager added, then Enrico glared at the teenager, that mentioned that.
„I don‘t think this will work between us three,“ Ernesto mentioned earning a nod from Enrico.
„Yeah, he doesn‘t need our friendship. He‘s got his mama and all those heroes in the wallpapers of his bedroom. They‘re a better match for him,“ Enrico said, then the teacher used his shotgun to give out a warning at the groups.
„Andale! This isn‘t a break, this is now the training, andale!“ Shouted the teacher, earning the group‘s attention. The ones, which weren‘t involved in the argument departed first and ran over the wheels.
„See you at the finish line, loser,“ Enrico said departing behind his friend Ernesto, then Marina slapped Rollan on his back to order him to start and both ran toward the wheels and jumped with their feet from wheel to wheel. Rollan from the forced start was a little tensed and got distracted with the wheels and pressed on the end of one of the wheels, causing it to move up and get hit by the end of it between his legs.
„Ou!“ Rollan complained stepping back and holding his hands between them, then watched Marina climb over the ramp in front of the wheels and moving left to leave the ramp and head to an obstacle, which was an adjustable stick attached on two metal-made bars. Rollan moved on following the girl above the ramp and reached the upcoming obstacle and jumped over it.
„You‘re supposed to crawl under it. Imagine there was a wall and you only had to go under that,“ Roberto the teacher warned earning a nod from Rollan, then he looked further and shrieked as in front of him stood a large pile of bricks cemented together as a jump element and Rollan jumped on top of it and moved further approaching the wall, which was the end of the first checkpoint, then he moved back and went to the right side and ran in a slalom around staffs, that was dug into the ground. Rollan looked at the water jump in the middle of the course to see Enrico smirk at the older Spaniard, then jumped to grab the rope and Rollan shook his head to try to gain his focus.
„Come on. You can‘t just fail on this,“ Rollan told himself and went on the climbing frame and crossed it quickly, trying to catch up with Marina, which was on the climbing net, which was the next obstacle to Rollan.
As Rollan got onto the next obstacle he encountered Marina standing in front of a bow and Marina run through the bow and fell down on the ground and looked behind at the bow annoyed, which made Rollan curious at the situation.
„What was that?“ Rollan wondered coming to the end of the net and made his way to the bow to see a small rock attached to a rope swinging at the passage Rollan had to pass through. Rollan frowned and ran toward the long arc and jumped through the arc, getting hit on his arm, causing him to spin aside and land on his back.
„Ahahaha. You still want to come along with the others?“ Ernesto asked as he stood on the top of a climbing wall, then as his friend, Enrico reached the top he pointed at Rollan, causing his friend to laugh.
„Face it loser. You‘re never going to make it through this,“ Enrico commented making Rollan angry, then he got up and ran over the piles of stones, which stood there on the ground in various types of sizes, then Rollan got stuck with one of his feet between a large rock and a smaller one, then fell down on the stones making the boys laugh harder.
Marina which had managed to swing over the water jump noticed the boys laughing, then looked around for Rollan to encounter him trying to take his feet out from the stone, and as he managed to get it out his shoe remained back and he sighed making Marina get sad at his misfortune.
„Come on Rollan, just focus,“ Marina whispered, then watched Rollan move on and pass around a pole, which marked the second checkpoint and jumped over the water jump to catch the rope and swing at the end of it and got closer to the girl, which ran now along with him. „You need to ignore the others and focus on what you‘re doing,“ Marina warned watching Rollan jump at the wall to climb it up. „Are you listening to me?“ The brunette girl asked following the raven-haired the wall up.
„I‘m not a loser. I‘m better than what I was before,“ Rollan complained, then he slipped with his feet and landed on his back, making Marina flinch her teeth at his incident. „Maldiciön!“ Hissed Rollan making Marina hold her hand in front of her forehead and jumped down from above the wall and made her way to the labyrinth while looking back at Rollan, which tried to climb the wall again.
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hey-op-just-kill-me · 4 years
OK get ready for some quotes, I have so many....
I’m just gonna list them off the top of my head. some will be funny and some will be quotes that I really love and I think are really powerful
“you’re a toaster“-Starship
"In case you were wondering *rolls out from behind pillar and stands up* The 'D' stands for my wiener."- a very potter sequel
“i’m sure it’s an honest mistake on account of Oscar can’t count to 20 with his shoes on”-Bway Newsies
“History isn't something you look back at and say it was inevitable, it happens because people make decisions that are sometimes very impulsive and of the moment, but those moments are cumulative realities."-Marsha P. Johnson
“sit down you inarticulate bumble”-a very potter musical
“Ron: Favorite Aimee Mann song on three. One, two, three... Harry and Ron: Red Vines. Harry: Favorite color of vines, other than green. Harry and Ron: Red Vines. Ron: Favorite way to say 'red wines' in a German accent. Harry and Ron: Red Vines. OH MY GOD! *bro hug*” - a very potter sequel
“More like supermegafoxyawesomehot”-a very potter musical
“All of us who are openly gay are living and writing the history of our movement. We are no more – and no less – heroic than the suffragists and abolitionists of the 19th century; and the labor organizers, Freedom Riders, Stonewall demonstrators, and environmentalists of the 20th century. We are ordinary people, living our lives, and trying as civil-rights activist Dorothy Cotton said, to ‘fix what ain’t right’ in our society.”–Senator Tammy Baldwin
“Oh my God, I have to fight a goat? I don't think I can do that morally... *later* Oh my god I have to fight a dragon! I can't do that I'm just a little kid!"- a very potter musical
"There's no way we're losing to Slytherin, or Ravenclaw, or...Jigglypuff."- a very potter sequel
"There's only one thing to do: I have to die. I love you all... except you Draco. I can't f**king stand you."-a very potter musical
"Your irrational fear of the potty... Why else would you have such a little D? IT'S 'CAUSE YOU'RE A FUCKING ELF!"- a very potter sequel
"Gay as the Fourth of July...oh you mean the hat."- a very potter sequel
“it‘s not that. it‘s Hermione. I can‘t get her out of my head. It’s just every time I look at her I get these pains in my chest, and I just know it’s her fault, that bitch!” - a very potter musical
"Actually I have heard those things, Harry, about a thousand times, but never have they been told to me with so much sass. Drop the attitude, Harry Potter. You are acting like Garfield on a Monday.” -a very potter musical
"For 11 years I was a Muggle douchebag living under some stairs. This year I found out I'm a wizard, and I'm famous. I can fly and turn invisible...and I just traveled the f*** back in time! So f*** you, Draco. How's that for a happy thought?” - a very potter sequel
“Ow, crap. I hate this. Running is terrible. Everything is the worst.”- Bojack horseman
“There has been another mass shooting. I am totally unqualified to cover a news story this important, but as a straight white male, I will plow forward with confidence and assume I’m doing fine!”- Bojack horseman
(honestly if you look up “Bojack horseman funny quotes” you’ll find an insane amount! That show is genuinely one of the most equally powerful and hilarious things I’ve ever seen in my life)
“Hahaha, hahaha. Now you're just being cute. I can't GO to Pigfarts, Potter. It's ON MARS. You need a rocketship. Do you have a rocketship, Potter? I bet you do. You know, not all of us inherited enough money to buy out NASA when our parents died. Look at this! Look at this! It's Rocketship Potter! Starkid Potter! Moonshoes Potter! Traversing the galaxy for intergalactic travels to Pigfarts!”- a very potter musical
"I was in the car with my parents when we crashed...into a crocodile. My parents got eaten but then the crocodile took out a knife and gave me this scar.”- a very potterr sequel
"Mrs. Granger, you have to have learned by now that when one of you has gots a problem, all three of you has gots a problem. What would Zac Efron say at a time like this? 'We're all in this together...'"- a very potter musical
“Diane, I am a famous — everyone gives me everything I want all the time. It is an existential curse, but a huge day-to-day convenience.”- Bojack Horseman
“Well, I believe everything has its place. Muggles have their place. Mudbloods have their place. And so do your clothes. Namely, A DRESSER!"- a very potter musical
“Slap my salami, the guy’s a commie.”- Bojack horseman
“"Do you know who I think is the ugliest girl in school? Hermione Granger. You know what I'd give her on a scale of one to ten, with one as the ugliest and ten as the prettiest? I'd give her an 8... 8.5... or a 9... but not... NOT over a 9.8. Because there is always room for improvement. Not everyone is perfect, like me. I'm holding out for a 10. Because I'm worth it."- a very potter musical
"You gotta roll over, I can't sleep on my tummy." - a very potter musical (spoken by Voldemort)
"So basically, I've being putting everyone who looks like a good guy into Gryffindor, a bad guy into Slytherin and the others can go wherever the hell they want." - a very potter musical
“Totally, the best class by far is satanic rituals.”- a very potter sequel
Okay so first @yahfancyclamwiththepurlinside thank you so much for sending me so many. 2nd and this is a quick disclaimer I’ve never actually seen AVPM or the spin off but I did find them all very funny so thank you I love you so much.
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Please enjoy my very shitty handwriting
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Thanks for tagging me @queenofthebench :D I’m sorry it took me a while!
1. Are you staying home from work/school?
Yes, it‘s been 7 weeks (?!), although part of it has been a holiday that was extended by a week.
2. If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
Currently one of my two roomates! (and it’s wonderful, see my last appreciation post)
3. Do you have pets to keep you company?
The biggest tragedy of this whole thing is that I don’t have a dog to keep me company :(( But I try to fill the hole with lots of houseplants
4. When was the last time you left your home?
Yesterday afternoon to go on a riverside walk and get ice cream (I had white chocolate & lemon!!)
5. What was the last thing you bought
Wine and chocolate (this is very in character for me in general, but also the current mood)
6. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed?
I was super relaxed at first, then got increasingly anxious about the future and have now calmed back down! But that also might be because rules are slowly being pulled back here (which brings relief but also a whole other type of anxiety) & because I have something to do now.
7. Are you a homebody?
I occasionally enjoy a good day at home, but I’m usually always out and about. I love nothing more than exploring and being outside and am quite extroverted - but I think I’ve been adjusting okay.
8. What movies have you watched recently?
I recently rewatched The Prestige! I forgot how good it was!
Also watched Pacific Rim and umm yeah I loved it
9. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
A trip to Amsterdam, a trip to Prague and a camping trip :/
(and a road trip to italy that was in the planning stage)
10. What’s the worst thing that you’ve had to cancel?
Probably my sister‘s graduation, but seeing my family at all this summer is also looking increasingly unlikely (international borders and all that)
11. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel?
A trip to the dentist wohooo
12. Do you have any new hobbies?
I have a sourdough starter now! & my cousin talked me into trying D&D
13. What are you out of?
I can’t think of anything! We’re doing pretty good!
14. What music are you listening to?
I’m very much in a Faber stage, whatever that means
15. What shows are you watching?
My roomate and I have been watching Timeless, I’ve been watching Charité “with” my mom (we both watch it and then discuss it hahah) and I’ve been comfort-watching Gilmore Girls
16. What are you reading?
I just finished The Interestings (Meg Wolitzer) and haven’t picked anything new up. Does anyone have good recs?
17. What are you doing for self-care?
Making sure I go for a walk every day, sleeping enough (the absolute luxury of not having an alarm), baking!
18. Are you exercising?
I have been uncharacteristically bad with exercising and I’m trying to just be okay with it for the moment. It‘s been walks and a little yoga!
19. How’s your toilet paper supply?
We’re down to two rolls, but it’s been back on the shelves for the past few weeks, so I’m not worried.
20. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine?
I haven’t been to a hairdresser in over a year, so it’s just getting longer and longer. I will get it trimmed after all of this though, it’s getting too long!
I tag @salt-and-bramble @evolution-is-just-a-theorem @weird-ecologies @23rdhunter @counter-example and anyone who wants to do this :)
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