#but I‘m back to android
brandinotbroke · 8 months
i did it, today i get to yeet my iphone out the window
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
A/N: It's a two part story. It was a bit too long for a one-shot and too short for a series... so, it's something in between. Have fun, nonetheless
Pairing: Connor x Reader
Words: 3165
Warnings: none
Summary: You are 'Amanda'. A personalized interface who works with Connor. You prepare him for his mission, listen to his mission report and you give him new orders.
There's just one thing: you're human.
Connor doesn't know that. For him, you're the person he meets in the zen garden. Even as a machine, he becomes fond of you. Connor wants to please you with fulfilling his mission. And he is successful.
The only thing CyberLife hasn’t considered in their plans was for you to act as the human you were - after everything Connor had to endure, you realize that Connor might be more than just a machine. His deactivation was the last thing you wanted. Maybe both of you have to break free.
The small boat slid through the calm water as it got more push by using the oars. You looked at the android in front of you who sat with you in the boat. There was a small change in him but the system was good at controlling it. No matter what it was, Connor stayed unaffected by it. Even if there was so much going on in Detroit, Connor stayed focused on his mission. His orders were clear. There was no room for any doubts if he wanted to stop the deviants how CyberLife wanted it. How you demanded it from him.
“If your investigation doesn’t make progress soon, I may have to replace you, Connor.”, you said serious. Connor’s reaction was under your close monitoring. The android blinked and processed the new information before he looked into your eyes. Something was blazing in them but before you could say what it was, it was gone. His system worked perfectly.
“I’m of no importance. The mission is all that matters.”, Connor said calmly.
Hell, how you hated it when Connor was this … machine-like. Of course, that was what he was on the paper: a machine. An android designed to accomplish a certain task. But for you he started to become more… “Why do I have to threaten him?”, you asked Jim, your supervisor, as you left the port which was your connection to the zen garden. You had left the station the moment as Connor went back to his mission.
“Otherwise, it wouldn’t understand how important this mission is.”, Jim said matter of factly and reminded you that Connor was still an android, built by CyberLife. He was their property.
“Connor knows it and does his best!”, you argued.
Jim smirked viciously while he stepped closer to you. “You humanize it. Maybe you’re not the right choice to be its interface after all. Maybe we should replace you, yn.”
“What? No!”, you said erratically.
“Then make sure that the RK800 will be successful.”, Jim demanded and turned around to leave you alone.
Connor had been successful no matter what your personal thoughts had been about the whole mission and its outcome. You checked some of the recordings Connor had made to know what was going on in the real world while you were in your safe office. The worst thing for you to witness was the suicide of Hank. Connor had visited his former partner to say goodbye because he was successful in finding Jericho. Next, he would search and stop the deviant leader and after that, he would go back to CyberLife to receive the next orders. Connor stood on the pavement and his system listed an extreme reaction as he heard the shot back in Hank’s house. Even the dog was whining. You winced as you watched this record. All of this wasn’t right. You also felt responsible for the man’s death...and for everything else that went wrong the last few days.
“Yn.”, Jim said and made you jump by surprise.
You turned off the display while your heart was racing against your ribcage. “Hell, Jim! That wasn’t necessary. Wait- what’s that?”, you asked as you noticed the android standing next to Jim.
Jim looked from you at the android with a proud expression like a father would watch his son. “This is the new RK900 or… Colden, what its name will be. I think the name perfectly suits its mindstrong manner. Don’t you think?”
“RK900? You… you’re going to replace Connor.”, you said low, slowly understanding what was going on.
“That’s correct.”, Jim confirmed your assumption and sounded like an android by himself.
“But Connor, it … he did everything we demanded! He was successful with his mission!”, you pointed out. Frustration was rushing through you as you realized what that meant: no matter what Connor did it wouldn’t save him from deactivation. There would be no reward after Connor was done.
“That’s true. The RK800 was the biggest success like no other model before. That’s why we built Colden. It’s based on the RK800 model but the RK900 is more resilient, more advanced and equipped with more features than the old model.”, Jim sounded like a salesman for his own product.
“But Connor, he… ”, you said meekly. The anger in your body made you speechless.
“The RK800 will be replaced by this new model and you will tell Connor our decision. You’re its interface. It’s your job.”, Jim said and left you alone with the RK900 who watched you emotionless. You walked over to it. It looked like Connor and yet, it was the complete opposite to the android you liked so much. The RK900 was slightly taller, had piercing blue eyes, darker hair and looked all in all very intimidating while Connor looked so soft and nice with his warm brown eyes and smooth hair. The RK900 stared at you unfazed while you examined it. Never in this life you would be able to build a connection to this android like you did with Connor. Something came up into your mind. You had to make a decision.
Connor watched you caring for the beautiful roses you had gardened whenever he met you. They were beautiful flowers and he had to admit that they were the only appropriate flower that could keep up with your own beauty. You looked delicate and strong at the same time. Your eyes were the most beautiful color he had ever seen and your lips … they had the same deep red color like the velvet patels of the rose in your hand.
For him, it was everything to meet you because in the end, you were the one he wanted to please. During this mission, there were a few things that went wrong and Connor was sure that he had seen disappointment in your eyes. That was the worst for Connor: to know that you weren’t happy with him and his progress. But now, where he had stopped the deviants and had eliminated every single threat, you had to be proud of him. Everything he had done was for you and he was more than just successful as he had accomplished his mission.
“Connor, I‘m so glad to see you.”, you said with a soft smile as you turned around to face the android. You felt sick and the only thing you wanted was to scream because of the big lies you had told him all the time. Connor watched you with his calm brown eyes. There was even a small, lovely smile on his lips which made it even worse when you thought about what would come next. “I have a surprise for you.”, you announced with sweating hands and an erratic heartbeat while you acted as if everything was perfect.
Connor watched you patiently and curious. He never had expected to get a reward. After all, he was still a machine who had just fulfilled his orders.
“This is the new RK900. It’s stronger, faster and more resilient.”, you said with your shaking hand placed on the back of the other android.
Connor tilted his head as he tried to understand what that meant. “What is going to happen to me?”, he asked.
You heard the tone in his voice. There was surprise and something else. He understood what the RK900 meant but he couldn’t grasp it. You walked slowly over to Connor who watched you curiously. You hoped he would break free, that he would finally realize what all this meant, that he would make a decision to say no to CyberLife and their cruel game but no, he just stood there and waited for your verdict.
“You’ve become obsolete. You’ll be deactivated. You can go now.”, you said softly and as calm as possible. That was so wrong and you hated yourself for every single word you said. Connor was the last who deserved any of this. Not after everything.
Without another word, Connor looked at you one last time before he turned around to leave the zen garden. There was something in his system that was new…
software instability^
The alert popped up but he couldn’t understand the cause of it or its meaning. If Connor would be a deviant or human he would have understood that it was betrayal he felt but as a machine, he had no idea what the alert wanted to tell him.
"Connor wait!", you called out.
Connor stopped and turned around. He watched you coming closer. Worry was written on your face and he asked himself what might be the reason.
You wanted to say something but you couldn’t. You released your breath, annoyed about yourself. It was a nightmare. All of it. “Y-you- hell, it's nothing.", you said defeated. You couldn’t say what you wanted because CyberLife recorded the zen garden. Whatever you would do would go straight to your supervisor.
Connor couldn’t understand what made you so...nervous but as you stayed silent, there was nothing else he could do than just to leave.
The RK900 watched after Connor. It noticed the troubles in Connor’s system. It noticed the software instability. The RK900 observed its previous model how it walked away to get deactivated. But it couldn’t totally understand why the RK800 seemed to be troubled. As an emotionless machine, deactivation wasn’t the same as dying like humans did.
You walked back frustrated. Your eyes fell on the RK900 who looked after Connor. You saw its ice cold glance glued at its ‘brother’. “And now, what? I’m sure CyberLife expects me to become your interface as well, huh?”, you asked rhetorically. You were sure the RK900 wasn’t understanding what you were talking about or that it could process properly what was going on. Sure, it was able to process the information but it was something else to understand all the meanings behind it. As the RK900 looked at you, you made a decision that was long overdue. Maybe, Connor wasn’t just the only one who had to break free.
As you left the port to the zen garden, you closed the program as usual. You ended all systems and turned off the lights. After you collected all your stuff and your purse, you waved goodbye to your colleagues. But instead of going left you decided to go right. Left down the hallway was the elevator that would bring you to your car. But the right way brought you to the destination you had to visit. It was friday and so, most of your colleagues were gone. But nevertheless, you were carefully sneaking through the hallway. At the end of it, there was the room you had searched for.
Androids could enter the zen garden no matter where they were but there was also a port-like room inside of CyberLife where the androids could pause while they were entering the zen garden. In Connor’s case, he stayed in this room even now because he would get deactivated. So, there was no reason for him to leave the room until someone would get him.
You slipped through the door. The room was huge but not equipped with any kind of furniture. There was no need to make it comfortable for androids. Now, where you had made your decision it was repulsive to be in this room with the knowledge what some of the androids in this room were going to face soon. Like Connor.
Your eyes fell on the android with the grey jacket who stood in a corner with closed eyes. He was in standby mode, just waiting patiently. “Connor! Connor, wake up!”, you whispered urgently while you shook his shoulder. The light of the blue LED increased its speed, the sign that the system woke up.
Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked at you, his eyebrows raised questioningly. “Yn? What’s the matter? Why are you here?”, he asked. Connor never had met you outside of the zen garden and now, he was confused to see you in front of him in this sterile, white room. For him, you belonged into the beautiful garden.
“We have not much time. You have to come with me.”, you whispered, grabbing his arm to pull him after you but you stumbled back as Connor stayed motionless on the spot. “Connor, please.”, you begged.
“Why? What is going on?”, he asked confused. His face frozen in a puzzled expression.
“What is going on?! Connor, you’re going to be deactivated! We have to get you out of here!”, you said urgently. A movement on the hallway caught your attention but it was just someone walking by. It was just a matter of time until someone would enter this room. You turned back to Connor who still watched you. Since when was this android so hard of understanding? “Listen, Connor, I know I said you would be obsolete but I … I had to say that, okay? But I don’t want you to be deactivated.”
“Why not?”, Connor asked confused and tilted his head to the side.
You groaned. It was frustrating. Connor was adorable and driving you crazy at the same time. “Because I like you, okay? You’re not just some android. That CyberLife wants to destroy you isn’t fair after everything you had done for them.”
“But I hadn’t done it for them. I did it for you, yn. You gave me the orders.”, Connor said matter of factly.
You closed your eyes to calm your nerves but then, you had an idea. “That’s right! You did it for me. And now, I ask you to do something else for me, Connor. Now, you have to come with me.” Much to your relief, Connor followed your ‘order’. Yes, you had to trick him but in the end, if it would be the only way he would follow you, then you would use all the tricks you could find to get him out of this building. In the end, to get Connor following you was the easy part of your plan. To get Connor through the building and into your car was the thing that worried you the most.
Connor noticed your nervousness. Your heart rate increased and you started to gnaw on your lower lip, something you never had done before in front of him. “You’re nervous, yn.”, he stated as you stopped at a corner to look down the next hallway which led to the elevator.
You turned around, “Of course, I’m nervous! We have to get out of here unseen. Otherwise, I’m not sure if I can get you free. Please, Connor, can you work with me here? It would be easier if you start to feel something!”
“To feel? What shall I feel? I’m a machine.”, Connor argued.
You bit down on your lower lip. Now, it was biting you back that you had trained him so well to be a machine. “Then stop being a machine, god damnit! I know you can turn-”, you stopped as someone walked into your direction. You grabbed Connor’s hand to pull him after you into an empty office. The lights were out and the workers were gone already. You closed the door at the same moment the person passed you. With a racing heart, you leant against the closed door. With slow and regular breathing you tried to slow down your pulse.
Connor watched you. You still held his hand in yours. Your warm skin against his shot something through his system.
software instability^
He felt something. The former signal popped up but he couldn’t completely understand what the reaction meant.
You looked up to the android in front of you. He just stood there looking at you dressed with his grey uniform and his LED spinning in a calming blue. Suddenly, it striked you: the clothes! Dressed like this, he was noticeable for everyone. “We have to get you other clothes.”
“Other clothes? I don’t see why-”, Connor started confused.
It was the moment where you lost your patience. You stepped in front of Connor to cup his face with your hands to get his full attention. “If I don’t get you out of here, you will be dead. You get it? You will die and that’s not what I want for you, okay? Yes, I gave you all the orders for your mission but just because CyberLife demanded it from me. I… I guess, I’m like you… a machine which was taking orders. But we will change that! I will get you out of here so you won’t die.”, you said meaningfully.
software instability^
Connor watched you curiously. There were so many impressions he had to deal with at the same time. Your small hands on his cheeks, your desperate voice and the way how concerned you looked at him. Slowly, he started to understand. “You… you want to save me. You fear for my life.”
“Yes! That is what I told you before. So, can you please work with me?”, you asked but before Connor could answer, your eyes fell on something hanging on the back of a chair. It was a black jacket and a black hoodie. You went over to the things and picked them up. They were big enough that they would fit Connor. “Undress your jacket and shirt to change into this.”, you said and gave Connor the clothes. Without another question, he obeyed and did what you said. As he started to unbutton his white suit shirt, you turned around to look somewhere else. Otherwise, you feared Connor would notice your reddening cheeks.
software instability^
But Connor had seen it because you hadn’t been fast enough to turn around. As he looked at you, he noticed the glance in your eyes. Something was blazing he couldn’t grasp and as you turned away, the impression was gone. But the blushing of your cheeks made you look even more beautiful.
A few minutes later, you turned back to him with a smile on your lips that had an effect on his system. “You look good.”, you said appreciatively. In fact, the casual look was making him even more handsome. Just the blue LED let you frown. “Maybe you should get rid of this, as well.”, you said and pointed at the LED.
Connor took a pair of scissors, walked over to a mirror and removed the LED carefully. Through the mirror, he saw your surprised and concerned expression. The LED was falling on the ground and Connor watched how the spot covered itself with the synthetic skin. Only then, he turned around back to you.
With slow moves, you walked over to Connor who watched every single step of you closely. Carefully, you took the hood of the sweatshirt to don it over Connor’s hair. “You look very manlike. Now, we will go to my car. Behave as human as you can.”, you instructed softly and Connor nodded. Once again, he wanted to make you proud.
software instability^
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spockwitharock · 3 years
i love how being successful in the Federation or respected by Kirk basically always ends in disaster. Generally death or insanity, with some exceptions.
Famous scientist? Downfall, typically by your own creation. Typically death or if you’re unlucky, something more creative.
Personal friend of Kirk’s from the academy? insanity/death, followed by a large deposit to Kirk’s therapy fund
Captain of a starship that isn’t the Enterprise? Would you like to write a will? No? Okay, just hope you’re lucky enough to make it to trial.
(unless they’re female, in which case, well, Kirk either already has or is going to have sex with them)
i‘m bored so here’s a list because seriously. every damn time.
1. Gary Mitchell in Where No Man Has Gone Before. A personal friend of Kirk‘s from the academy as well as his first officer. Was given godlike powers, lost his humanity and was killed by Kirk
2. Dr. Roger Korby in What Are Little Girls Made Of. His works are required reading at the academy and Kirk has “always wanted to meet him”. Korby has made himself into an android to survive, and kills himself in the end upon realizing he’s lost his humanity.
3. Dr. Adams in Dagger of the Mind. Another great scientist who is revered for his work in making prisons more humane and comfortable. Kirk mentions wishing he had the opportunity to meet him. Adams dies after having his mind emptied by his neural neutralizer.
4. Benjamin Finney in Court Martial. Once a close personal friend of Kirk’s from the academy (he even named his daughter after Kirk). Becomes unhealthily obsessed with getting revenge for an incident in the past. Ends up on trial.
5. Captain Matt Decker from The Doomsday Machine. Captain of the Constellation. Kills himself by piloting the Constellation into the mouth of the machine.
6. John Gill from Patterns of Force. A well respected historian. Breaks the prime directive and ends up perpetually drugged and accidentally creates a fascist state. Dies in the end from a gunshot wound.
7. Ron Tracey from The Omega Glory. A starship captain. Becomes obsessed with a cure for old age, breaks the prime directive an massacres thousands of the Yangs.
8. Doctor Richard Daystrom from The Ultimate Computer. Described as a genius by Kirk. He ends the episode sedated and under heavy restraint in sickbay due to the crushing guilt of his creation’s actions. (lotsa murder)
9. Captain R.M. Merik from Bread And Circuses. An old academy friend who violates the prime directive and becomes the ruler of a Rome-like civilization. Stabbed in the back by his right-hand man.
10. Captain Garth from Whom Gods Destroy. A famous captain whose exploits are required reading at the academy. Loses his sanity and tries to steal the Enterprise to seek revenge against his old crew.
There might be more but I haven’t finished season three yet. I’ll add them when I do.
Honorary Mentions:
- Edith Keeler: Kirk meets her in the start if the episode, so they don’t have much history, but Kirk admires her pacifist stance and she gets offed by the end (hefty deposit to Kirk’s therapy fund)
- Kirk’s brother: I’m not entirely sure what their dynamic was from just seeing Operation — Annihilate! but it seems like it fits the bill. Sam Kirk is family though, which changes things.
- The captain that gets killed by M-5 in the computer episode. Fits the starship captains dying thing but it wasn’t a huge part of the plot, especially with another tragic death of an admired official in that same episode.
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anika-ann · 4 years
Heart Too Cold, but Friends of Golf - Epilogue
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader     Word count: 2790
Summary: Avenger!reader AU. Part 2 of Melting Hearts series. Part 1 HERE.
The prodigal ‘daughter’ returns, has people (and androids) to meet as well as reuinite with her old team... and to settle things with Steve, as long as he lets her.
Warnings: swearing, light angst, fluff
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Story Masterlist
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“Hey, Cap. Who’s this beauty?” was the first sentence you heard when you entered the compound after getting off the quinjet with Steve and Wanda.
Your head snapped up towards the person for a second before you lowered you gaze as you saw him looking at you. Your cheeks burned under the man’s detailed inspection. You continued walking by Steve’s side with your gaze stubbornly focused on the floor, refusing to look at the stranger again. Even when he was offering you a friendly grin.
And then Steve stopped as a hand appeared in your field of vision. You obediently accepted, politely meeting the man’s eyes. He was grinning widely now, white teeth in stark contrast to his dark skin, and instead of shaking your hand, he planted a tiny kiss on its back. You blushed harder which made his eyes sparkle with mischief.
“Sam Wilson, ma’am.”
You whispered your name shyly, just knowing Steve rolled his eyes at the guy. You were slowly realizing who this Sam Wilson could be. The Falcon. The guy who had helped Steve and Natasha during the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., probably saving their lives on multiple occasions. You owed him big time.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Sam Wilson.”
“You’re even cuter in person.”
“Uhm, I—… thanks?” you stuttered, eyeing Steve questioningly.
He shot Sam a pointed look saying ‘that would be enough, pal,’ and you bit your lip, wondering what that was about. Sam was happy to deliver.
“No wonder I found Cap staring at your picture as if it was a relic. Should’ve seen him-“
“Yeah, okay, let’s move on,” Steve interjected as your lips parted in surprise and Steve grabbed your forearm as gently as a supersoldier could and led you further into the base.
You only managed to wave at Sam awkwardly and he waved back before turning to talk to Wanda. Steve cleared his throat as the door clicked shut behind you two and you found yourselves in a long corridor with a line of windows instead of walls.
“He— we were hiding at his place before taking down S.H.I.E.L.D. It was… I needed a moment-” he stumbled over his words and you covered his hand with yours, unable to stop the smile attacking your lips.
He seemed embarrassed, but you… you were just moved. He had been thinking of you. Even in difficult times. He truly must have been looking for you the whole time. He had cared that much.
Naturally, with the warming feeling came a pang of shame. Guess you would have to get used to the sinking feeling in your stomach now whenever you would be reminded of the mess you had made.  
The flight to the compound had been rather silent, occasionally filled with catching up on the big events for the Avengers, but it had never got too personal. You weren’t sure of the boundaries, so you danced around each other carefully – and Sam Wilson had prodded them big time. It was a bit uncomfortable, more so for Steve. So you offered something in return.
“I have a picture too, you know,” you admitted quietly, and Steve’s blue eyes met yours with an undeniable spark of relief. “It was stupid and reckless to have it on me, but… yeah.”
He just shook his head and started walking again. But he let go of your forearm in favour to take your hand. You could sense the hesitation radiating from him at the action, the same kind he could probably feel from you. So you interlaced your fingers with his, letting him know you were willing to go as far he would lead you.
Peripherally, you could see him smile. You fell into what could be a comfortable silence as you made your way through, barely meeting a soul. It was why it surprised you when Steve stopped abruptly. You quickly followed his example, looking at him in silent question.
His expression was serious and… bashful? Ashamed?
“There’s something you should know about. And… more importantly, you need to know it didn’t mean anything.”
You froze, vainly attempting to brace yourself for whatever was to come. Oh god. What now? ‘Didn’t mean anything?’ If it was any other guy, you would swear he was about to tell he had cheated on you. Which technically couldn’t happen, because you had left without a word, and you were not really— a couple, so it would be cheating and-
“Yes?” you forced out the single word, vainly trying to cover the nervousness.
Steve gulped, looking at you as if he broke your favourite toy or something.
“I kissed Natasha.”
You blinked, unable to process the words he said.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Actually, she kissed me! It wasn’t— it didn’t mean-- it was for the mission! STRIKE was after us and she said that--- and then she---- and I had to-“
You watched him as he was struggling with words, his cheeks coloured with the subtlest shade of red, utterly embarrassed and still sounding so guilty. Your brain slowly caught up with what he was saying and then you couldn’t help it. You burst out laughing.
Steve stopped in midsentence – or in mid-whatever, really – and stared at you, confused. You laughed harder, the sound seemingly so foreign to you after such a long time.
“PDA, right?” you explained instead of him and he tilted his head, his mouth moving with no sound coming out. “She kissed you so no one would look at you too closely.”
“Steve, you weren’t the only one to train me, remember? She did too. And she has her ways.”
“…oh. So… that means you’re… okay with that?”
“Steve, I would have no right to be mad in the first place. I… I lost the right the moment I left,” you added silently, a lump suddenly growing in your throat as the conversation took a very different turn.
“That’s not-“
“And even so, I understand. I would have done the same. Hell, I would have kissed Natasha myself and I’m not into women.”
“I’m flattered,” sounded from your right and you jumped away from Steve, your head snapping the direction of the new and yet so familiar voice. You heart fluttered happily at the sight of your friend. Or… maybe ex-friend, after the stunt you had pulled out.
“…Hey, Natasha.”
“Frosty,” she greeted you with a nod, taking few steps closer and that was all she did. You awkwardly rubbed your fingers as your arms itched to hug her.
“I… uhm… how are you lately?”
Natasha raised her perfect eyebrow in silent challenge, approaching you slowly with her eyes intently fixed on you. You fought against gulping in fright; that was Agent Romanoff approaching and she was intimidating as hell.
But the redhead stopped a step in front of you, still holding your gaze.
“Good work with staying of the grid. I‘m proud of you. ”
Your eyes went wide, your heart positively skipping a beat. You had heard wrong, right? Did Natasha just… compliment you on your hiding skills instead of telling you that you had been an idiot? You opened your mouth, no sound coming out. You were standing there in stunned silence, just staring at her strict features, her expression nothing but honest. She actually was proud of you.
Come again?
“Uhm… thanks. But I was found…?”
She snorted. “Frosty? You were never taught how to avoid a damn mind-reader. We’ll work on that.”
You gave her an unsure smile. “Thanks, Tasha. I learned from the best.”
She smirked and gave you a short hug you instantly melted into. “Sure did. Looking forward to next movie night. We’re watching the adaptation of Dostojevskij’s Idiot.”
You froze as she let go of you. Well. You never read it or saw the movie, you had no idea what the plot was, but you were sure it wasn’t important – you got the message. Natasha watched you with a gleam of coldness in her eyes and an icy smile, finally truly open.
Well. Shit.
“You are mad at me,” you stated, your voice strangled. Her wolfish smile widened.
“I’m pissed, Frosty. Furious. But also glad you’re home. I haven’t decided yet. But you should watch your back for when I will.”
And with a wink, she walked out of the room, abandoning you and Steve. You bit your lip, slowly turning to him, Natasha’s reaction feeding the guilt in you. How much was Steve actually angry with you? How much more than he was letting on?
He gave you a soft smile as he noticed the bashful look in your eyes, in the eyes of a frightened animal and guilty child who knew they had done something really wrong. With two long steps, he was right in front of you, gently wrapping his arms around you. You buried your face to his chest and curled into his form, even when you had no right to accept the comfort he was offering.
“I am so sorry, Steve. I promise I never wanted to-“
Steve placed a tender kiss on the top of your head, his warm hand caressing your back. You felt the tears gathering in your eyes again. The moment they started soaking his t-shirt, he sighed and embraced you tighter.
“Hey, none of that. You heard her – yes, she’s angry. We all are, but that’s because we care for you so much and we missed you. When you were gone… things weren’t exactly easy. Not just because of you not being with us, but in general.”
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there when the S.H.I.E.L.D. fell and when Bucky— and the robot apocalypse-“ you sobbed, a pitiful and lame action, but you just couldn’t stop. You wanted him to know how sorry you were, even when all you had done had been trying to protect him, but you needed to start making it up to him and not… not seeking comfort.
“And we all know that. And we know why you did what you did, Snowflake.”
“Listen to the old man, he’s right,” a confident voice exclaimed behind you and you honest to god yelped. Thank god the noise was muffled by Steve’s t-shirt. You jerked from his grip, spinning to Tony, only to meet his grin. “Hey, Elsa. I’m out of dried blueberries. Lend a hand to a sugar-deprived genius?”
His tone was so easy despite you knowing for a fact that you had given him sleepless nights and a whole shit-tone of work; there was really no choice to make. You paced to him, throwing your arms around him, making him swing a little as your bodies collided. What was he doing here? Steve had told you he was in mostly in the Tower…?
Tony chuckled, automatically returning the hug, if more gently. You squeezed him tighter, ignoring the metal on his chest digging into your own sternum.
“I’m sorry, Tony.”
“Yeah, I know, kid. Welcome home.”
“Oh. Are we doing a group hug? ‘Cause I’m up for one,” Clint exclaimed somewhere on your right and a second later, he joined the mess of tangled limps.
“It is a lovely sight of a family reunion,” a new voice commented and you blinked your eyes open. It didn’t sound threatening and Steve was not part of the group hug, so you assumed he had the situation under control and the stranger wasn’t a threat.
Though… he did look pretty strange. He was not human for sure, hovering two feet above the floor, a long cape falling from his shoulders, giving him an aura of royalty. His lips (lips?) curled up in a small smile. You remembered him faintly from Steve’s memories, but you couldn’t quite place him.
“Welcome home, Lady of Ice.”
Oh. Definitely a friend of Thor’s. That would explain the cape too.
“Thank you,” you choked out, not really able to breathe as your non-related father and uncle kept you strangled. “Sir.”
“I’m Vision, but I’m sure there will be time for introductions later. Captain,” he beckoned to Steve and… flew away through the wall.
Your mouth fell open, but you let it slide. There would be time later indeed. You weren’t planning on going anywhere.
You were home. And it wasn’t a place. Home was people.
────── ·❆· ──────  
You weren’t surprised to find out there was an accommodation complex at the base, but what had surprised you a little – and it shouldn’t, not really – was that Steve was staying at the same floor as the rest of the soldiers. While he had told you he had a room for himself, it was still an undeniable proof of him trying to fit in, at least in a way. It brought a smile to your lips.
He unlocked one of the door near the end of the corridor, pushing it open to reveal a rather simple room; single bed with a bedside table, a couch and a plain wooden table with a single chair by it. There was another door, to a bathroom you assumed. It was no five-star hotel, but you weren’t expecting it – in fact, it was way better than you could ask for.
You hesitantly entered the space, noticing a small closet in the corner. The room was more than you could ask for, but it was painfully empty. Just like you were used to.
“So… that’s your room for now. Mine’s just the next-door if you needed anything,“ Steve whispered and you turned back to him, finding him standing in the doorway.
And with that sight, the room suddenly looked way brighter. Warmer. Homey. It wasn’t hard to figure out why.
“Can I sleep in yours?” you blurted out hastily. A second after, you clasped your hand over your mouth as his eyes widened. What did you just say?! “I mean— I didn’t-- of course I can’t, that was stupid--- I just---- I- I forgot my bag on the jet, I’m just gonna-“
“Uhm. I mean… we can find you a different room if this isn’t-“
“No! That’s not— I… I take the couch. I just… I… I don’t want to sleep alone. It’s stupid. It’s ridiculous, I know, it’s just-“ you stuttered, unable to meet his gaze, looking everywhere but at him.
The silence fell onto the room like a heavy blanket for what felt like eternity and you bit your lower lip. You couldn’t bear the silence anymore and Steve was apparently not about to break it. When you glanced at him, you could see a soft smile spread on his lips and he took few steps towards you, his eyes roaming your face.
“You can sleep wherever you like. I’d offer sharing my room myself, but I… I wasn’t sure, I didn’t want to make you… uncomfortable,” he offered gently and you bit your lip harder.
You stared into his honest eyes, drowning in the hesitant hope behind the sea of blue. You hated yourself for making him feel this way – for making him feel like he needed to hope you wanted to be with him. And yet, you felt so warm under his gaze, still loved despite not deserving it at all. Perhaps it was not surprising – Steve had troubles letting people go, holding onto them until their last breath. You didn’t think you were worthy of it, but it was not up to you to decide and you weren’t about to reject the blessing. Question it, maybe, but never reject.
You reluctantly raised your palm to his face, your trembling fingers brushing his jaw.
“How are you still treating me like this? I don’t— I hurt you. I-“
His hand caught your daring one, pressing it against his cheek firmly.
“I told you, Snowflake,” he breathed and your heart stopped at the addressing, so tender and filled with affection. “I’m whatever you need me to be.”
When he pressed a tender kiss to your palm, while keeping his gaze locked into yours, you couldn’t bear it and looked away.
His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you in, his lips moving impossibly close to your ear.
“Would you like to sleep in my room tonight?”
“Yes,” escaped your lips without thinking.
His embrace tightened as he gave a barely noticeable nod. “Would you let me kiss you?”
And so he did. Slowly. Tenderly. Deeply. It took your breath away in every sense of the word and just like the last time you had received a kiss this intense, you let the tears damp your cheeks, spicing yours and Steve’s lips with salt.
Had he asked you if you would let him strip you and fuck you into a mattress, you would have said yes too. But he didn’t. Instead, he lifted you from the ground, his lips barely leaving yours, and carried you to his room bridal style, laying you on his bed.
Your bag forgotten, you fell asleep soon after your lips finally parted and he hid you in his protective arms.
────── ·❆· ──────  
Bonus (one more reunion to go)
────── ·❆· ──────  
Tags: @mermaidxatxheart​​, @murdermornings​​, @elisaa-shelby​​ @ask-hellbent-tweek​​ @cxptain​​, @kallafrench​​, @smilexcaptainx​​ @scentedsongrebel​​, @orions-nebula​
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Hello, lovlies! Thank you for reading ♥
If you’re not interested in the bonus – which is mostly about a reunion with Matt – this is it for you :) But not quite. There will be a one shot and then we move to the plot of Civil War for a few chapter thing. If you’re tagged, I’ll tag you in the future stuff for this series too - unless you tell me otherwise. 
Thanks again for reading and special thanks to people who people who support me :-*
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inkinthemoonlight · 5 years
I let it soothe me then,
but it's aggravating now
I wanna go right back to when
things weren't spinning all around
'cause there's nothing to hold onto,
everything's another spike
and if I'm walking uphill,
I don't wanna have to make this hike
but I will
'cause I'm getting stronger, and faster, and better
and I just wanna change
'cause I know that I'm stronger together
instead of staying apart
with my head over here and my heart
on the floor
I know soon
it'll all go back to being here
in this moment where my body is
in this breath of time and memories
in this aggravating silence
mileage, while it’s inside violence
violence to silence to violence in my mind it’s
twisting turning aching burning
I’m ripping apart again
dripping from the dark again
difference feels so stark again
and I’m left with this mark again
this failsafe doesn’t make me feel safe
it just makes my hands ache, Bronze Age
strong rage, heartache
tell me I’m a good person
not just a different version
when everything you touch turns to gold
there’s never gonna be a hand for you to hold
and you realize when you open your eyes
that nobody is near to help you quell your fear
and you’re trapped all alone, like a drone, you go about your days
like a sleep-hindered android voided in a haze
silhouette they call me,
while I’m walking down the street
‘cause I’ll never be as vibrant as I used to be
and I think I’m going crazy looking at my false starts
running cold on gasoline filling up their empty hearts
in this race of darkness
in this maze of trash
can you feel me calling you,
do you feel me yet?
I’m reaching through this darkness
to grab my own damn hand
watch me as I leap
watch me as I creep
watch me as I bleed out the ink of my past
to leave room for my name so that it could maybe last
but the truth in my world
is it’s never not really over
it’ll end ‘round this bend
if I could only fucking find it
and I’m tired of the pain
and the rain
and the existential eyestrain
old drained memory train
keep me turning pages again,
‘cause I’m falling
am I even speaking now?
but I let it soothe me then,
and it's aggravating now
I don’t wanna go to when
things weren't spinning all around
'cause there's nothing to hold onto,
everything's another spike
and if I'm walking uphill,
I‘m gonna have to make this hike
and I will
'cause I'm getting stronger, and faster, and better
and I just wanna change
'cause I know that I'm stronger together
instead of falling apart
with my head over here and my heart
sitting across the room
I know soon
it'll all go back to being here
I’m back to being here
but no one else is here
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jui-imouto-chan · 6 years
Part 10 of the Mostly Human AU
Level Select:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Getting through to the last of the suggestions from @manadrite ‘s most recent comment (as of posting this)! I love having suggestions, keep ‘em coming!
Connor isn’t one to get terribly scared. He actually gets a thrill from scary situations.
His sense of self-preservation is startlingly low, for a being granted with immeasurable intelligence. At least, that’s what Hank claims.
Furthermore, Connor loves Horror. From movies to novels to images, he loves things made to be scary.
- Connor may or may not have had a weird crush on Slenderman for like a week. 
Maybe it was the towering height and the lack of a face, or maybe it was the slim fitting suit that made the creature so appealing to him.
Okay maybe Connor has a suit kink.
When he sees Gavin in an officer’s clothing and finds the man slightly attractive, it’s clear that he just straight (pfft) up has a uniform kink.
Connor will take this newfound information to the  g r a v e.
Connor goes to see a horror movie with Hank and the twins, and he’s ecstatic. 
He puts all of the pieces together detective style to figure out how the protagonists are either gonna die or solve the problem while Collin and Conan grip their seats a bit too tight and while Hank mutters flaws about the movie under his breath.
“This scene does not include a lap dance.” 
“What was that?” 
By the end of the movie, Collin and Conan had migrated to partially hide behind Connor, and Connor points this out to them.
They lie and say they were getting sleepy, and were dozing off on his seat.
Connor goes with it with a knowing smirk and a wink, mischief twinkling in his eyes.
Connor goes missing one day.
They try to give him a call when he they don’t see him that morning, but they receive no answer.
Hank and the twins storm through the house, upturning furniture and looking under the beds, in the closets, outside. He’s nowhere to be found.
They call up all of his friends, but nobody knows where he is.
The DCPD gets at least fifteen calls all at once reporting Connor missing.
While everyone is freaking out, Connor is actually, in fact, not missing.
He is out for a walk, Sumo at the vet’s for a check up and grooming, and he spots an animal shelter/pet shop. 
There are dogs and cats in cages by the windows, and Connor gravitates towards them without thought to anything else.
He enters the shop and, after talking with the person behind the counter for ten minutes, is surrounded by animals, all vying for his attention.
He’d never seen a cat before this, and honestly, he now holds cats to the same regard as dogs. 
It’s his first time seeing a lot of animals, all of them immensely cute. He giggles when a rabbit nibbles on his pointer finger.
The employee who allowed this to happen is melting against the counter, everything is too much. Too cute. 
The employee pulls out a camera and records, knowing the manager would love to use this as an ad. 
Connor already gave his consent for any media that his interaction might appear in, so it’s all gucci, even though Connor’s too preoccupied with the animals to even realize he’s being recorded.
Connor is there for a few hours, all of the time considered blissful to the android.
The video was sent to the editor as soon as the employee got clips of Connor interacting with each and every one of the animals. 
It's edited impressively quickly, yet still professionally; the editor accredited it to “passion”. 
When the ad goes up on all of the shelter/shop ‘s social media, with Connor tagged in the photo, everything halts.
Connor finally registers that his phone, being sat on by two guinea pigs, is ringing.
He answers it, and is disappointed when he's told to return home immediately by Hank. Hank sounds angry, distressed, and relieved all at once.
The employee reassures him, telling him that he can return whenever he’d like.
There’s an issue when Connor is on his way home, however, as he gets attacked. 
A man tries to mug him with a knife to his throat, pushing him into an alleyway, and while Connor manages to push him away, he doesn’t anticipate the man having accomplices.
He gets a few surprise stab wounds that go into some biocomponents, but their timers are set to at least an hour before he shuts down.
He defeats his attackers and sends Hank his location, telling him that he needs emergency care needs to be taken to Kamski as soon as possible.
His systems kick him into sleep mode against a cold alley wall to preserve thirium, which leaks copiously from his many wounds.
Connor wakes up to the ceiling of Kamski’s “operating” room, vaguely wondering if the past few months had been the equivalent of a dream, if he had imagined all of the friends he’d made and all of the things he’d experienced.
The thought...saddens Connor.
Luckily, a few minutes after he awakens, he hears Hank’s gruff voice and a plethora of footsteps approaching the room he’s in.
Connor goes to sit up, but winces in pain. His movement brings up a prompt, asking if he’d like to interface with the android equivalent of an IV, though it contains a liquid that promotes self-reparation at the cost of his mental capabilities being lowered until his wounds are healed.
TL;DR, it’s the closest Connor can get to pain killing medication.
He accepts the interface and he suddenly feels...oddly happy?
Everything is moving around the slightest bit and Connor can’t help but smile. Everything was great and he was having fun, sitting on the table. 
He giggles drunkenly.
His wounds are slowly closing themselves, and he scoots to the edge of the table while humming an unknown tune. He smiles triumphantly once his knees finally hang over the edge, he kicks them and rocks his head side to side.
When everyone enters the room, he’s surrounded by people and get-well gifts and he’s just so happy. He really doesn’t think of the consequences of his actions.
So that’s exactly why he thanks them all with hugs and kisses, skin tingly and buzzing while his chest feels warm and full.
The members of Jericho are frozen when he gives them all kisses to the cheek, and then all of them simultaneously slap a hand onto their cheek and stare at each other with pink faces. Daniel and Simon both duck their heads while Josh pulls his hood over his face and rugs on the drawstrings. North is suddenly more occupied with poking Markus’ red cheeks and teasing him as he shakes.
Hank tries to fight him off, but eventually relents, ruffling his hair bashfully. Conan and Collin both turn their heads as he approaches their cheeks, leading to him kissing both of them on the lips, though he just laughs good naturedly when they both nod at each other and go to opposite sides of the room, ears red.
Ralph and the Jerrys are surprisingly shy when Connor kisses them, but Ralph gives him a kiss on the cheek back, while the Jerrys all rub their necks and look away with silly grins.
Luther and Kara let Alice take their share of kisses, and she presses a kiss to Connor’s nose.
Rupert tries to escape Connor, but the brunette grabs his sleeve and gives him a kiss to the temple. Rupert immediately tries to flee the room, and Connor waves. Rupert hesitates before waving back and running away.
Connor goes to give Gavin a kiss, too, but the detective shoves a homemade cupcake in his mouth before he can. He still manages to give the guy a hug, though.
Kamski approaches, by Connor’s hug and kiss for him are stolen by Chloe, who had just snapped out of her shock at seeing Connor surrounded by a goddamn harem.
She growls at everyone in the room, sans Alice, Hank, Kara, and Luther.
Kamski is kinda concerned?? People don’t growl like that, wtf.
Also, he’s kinda upset that she’s keeping him from getting affection from his own creation but he’s not about to let his head get ripped off today
Chloe says that there’s too many people in the room, it’s getting late, and that Connor should get some more rest so that he can recover completely.
She tries to sound pleasant, but she really just sounds threatening af
Once she’s sufficiently scared the fuck out of everyone there and gotten them to leave, she puts her hands on Connor’s shoulders and tries to explain that nobody is allowed to touch him bc he’s too precious and, “nobody deserves you. This world doesn’t deserve you. The G-Man in the sky doesn’t even deserve you u pure boi.”
He doesn’t remember a word of this in the morning, but Chloe doesn’t know that.
He goes home in Hank’s car, Sumo already back from the vet and now laying across his lap, and finds out that Conan and Collin are at registration for their next year of college 
(lol idk if thats something u have to go do at college, im 15 and clueless)
Next Level: College Care Packages and Birthday Parties (suggested by @supposedlymatureadult )
X | Continue to Next Level
O | Save Progress and Quit to Main Menu
————————————— •
I think I got carried away with the kissing but I just really wanted Connor to be overly affectionate. At least I didn’t go down the sexual route.
Leave suggestions in the notes or in my ask, along with any questions, comments, and anything else!
Side note: If you want to receive notice of this AU but not the other random things I post/reblog (don’t worry I‘m not offended if that’s the case), I’m marking them all with #Jui’s Mostly Human AU in the tags, so you can follow that instead if that’s preferable!
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theshapeshifter100 · 6 years
Guess What? I‘m Not a Robot Ch40
Summary: Everyone can finally chill, take stock, talk to family. Then there’s a knock at the door.
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of injury and being shot. One (?) f-bomb.
Word Count: 1,745
09.45AM Friday 12th November 2038
She unlocked the door and let the boys in. It felt weird to back. The whole world had changed since she and Paul had left, and yet the apartment was still the same as they’d left it.
“Alright,” Megan set about introducing the place to Oscar. “Bathroom’s there, kitchen there. That door there is my bedroom and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t go in there.”
As she did this Paul went to check the taps and lights. The lights flickered on dimly but the tap made a horrible gurgling sound with no water appearing.
“We’re on generator power. Great,” Megan sighed. “We’ll just have to deal with it.”
She turned her attention to the landline phone and sighed, seeing that it was blinking with several messages. She went over to play them over one by one.
“Megan,” it was her mother. “Things sound like they’re getting pretty dangerous in Detroit. Stay safe okay? Call me back.”
The next one was also from her mom, and the next, and the next. Each one becoming more and more hysterical.
The second to last one was from her brother, saying that he’d picked up movement in his college with Android Allies and was hoping to keep protesting and harbouring androids as best he could.
The final one was actually from the Beckwiths.
“Megan dear, we hope you get this. We made it to my sister’s and Anita is safe. Don’t you worry. You and Paul take care of each other now. Okay? Stay safe.”
With a long sigh and a bit of preparation as the boys puttered around in the background, Megan called her parents.
“Megan Violet Carroll!” her mom screamed down the phone, making her pull the receiver away from her ear. “Do you have any idea how worried we’ve been?!”
“I can probably guess,” Megan spoke before she thought, and quickly realised that now was not the time for a smart answer.
“We’ve been worried sick! Especially with all the phones down. What the hell were you thinking, protesting illegally?! I never thought you’d be one to break the law! We’re booking a flight for you to come home right now!”
Megan felt sick, but did something that she felt like she needed to. “You don’t need to do that.”
“Yes I do. And I know airports make you anxious sweetheart but we’ll put that in the extra requirements and we can have someone meet you.”
“No. You really don’t have to. I, I don’t want you to.”
“Megan? What are you saying?”
“I’m staying in Detroit.”
“No you most certainly are not! The entire city’s a warzone! Buildings destroyed, people fleeing in terror-”
Megan interrupted her mother for the first time in many years. “Well I’m looking out of the window right now and not a single building has been damaged and people are leaving in an orderly fashion.”
“What about these androids-?!”
“They haven’t hurt anyone. Not a single human life was lost in this entire revolution. Detroit is safe.”
“Young lady, in case you haven’t realised there’s an evacuation order!”
“I’ve broken one law. I’m happy breaking another. See you later mom.”
“Megan! Don’t you dare-!”
Megan hung up the phone and took a deep breath to steady herself. Her stomach roiled in protest and she felt her legs wobble, but overall, she was okay.
Before her mom could call her back, she called her brother.
“Hey James,” she said after he’d picked up.
“Hi Megs, still in Detroit?”
“Yep, still on campus?”
“Just about. I hid under the bed when security came round. They don’t know I’m here.”
“Cool, I’m guessing mom demanded that you come home?”
“Oh yeah. I shut her down though. You?”
“Same here. She was not happy. How’s AA your end?”
“Pretty good. Some guys had to go home but most of us are still here. What about you? I saw you on the news.”
“Yeah. Most of us are still here. Alex was arrested. I don’t know what we’re going to do about that,” the pain killers had worn off about an hour ago, and she shifted her shoulder uncomfortably, wincing audibly.
“You okay?” James asked and Megan couldn’t bring herself to lie.
“Had a run in with the military for the protest and harbouring an illegal android. I, I got shot.”
“What?! Shouldn’t you be in hospital?!”
“What hospital? They’re all closed,” Megan rebuked. “One of the guys knows first aid and can sew. I’m stitched up pretty nicely.”
“Good, that’s good. Don’t do anything too reckless, okay?”
“You’re telling me not to be reckless?”
“Well, given what you’ve just told me...”
“True true,” Megan agreed. “How are you doing anyway?”
“Me? I’m fine. Not shot anyway.”
“I mean, mentally. Are you okay? I know this might not be a good time to talk, but...”
“...it’s okay. I’ve got other things to focus on. I’ll figure it out when everything dies down okay?”
“James,” Megan warned, feeling big sister mode kicking in.
“I’m fine. College was a bit of a shock, that was all. I’m fine.”
“Alright,” Megan sighed, not believing him but too tired to push. “I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Sure. Love you.”
“Love you too.” Megan hung up, that phone having been a lot better than with her mom. Final call was to the Beckwiths. It went to voicemail, so Megan left a message.
“Hey, just letting you know that I’m okay. Me and Paul are okay and I’m glad to hear Anita’s good. Hope you three stay safe. Don’t worry about calling back. I have a feeling that things might get a bit busy. Bye.”
Megan hung up and turned to face the rest of the apartment. Paul had moved some of his stuff from the couch so that Oscar could sit down, and the android was now pottering around the kitchen.
“Paul, what are you doing?” Megan asked.
“Making breakfast,” he replied, checking bread, bacon and eggs. They seemed to satisfy him and he got to work.
“Need help?” Megan asked, already knowing the answer.
“How about you read a book?” Paul suggested. “I’ll ask Oscar if I need help.”
Megan sighed, nodded and did as he suggested, sitting in her desk chair. It felt so good to sit there again.
There was silence for a while before Oscar broke it.
“So, now what?” he asked. “We’re just going to hole out here?”
“For the time being,” Paul replied as bacon sizzled. “We will need to do a supply run sooner or later, and deal with Alex. We should have gotten Lieutenant Anderson’s phone number, then we could have gotten him to get them out.”
“Hindsight is 20/20,” Megan commented, nose deep in her book.
Oscar shifted uncomfortably. He wanted to do something, but all he could think of was watching tv, and they were on limited power.
“Oscar,” Paul started, sensing his restlessness. “I would suggest calling your parents.”
Oscar nodded, and got up to do just that.
The whole thing was very calm, very domestic. Almost a complete contrast to the last few days. If you ignored the hand guns the boys had placed on the coffee table.
Morning soon past into afternoon, and everyone was startled by a knock at the door.
2PM Friday 12th November 2038
Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at each other. Paul grabbed and cocked a gun before approaching the door and looking through the fish eye hole.
“Lieutenant Anderson?” he opened the door to reveal the titular detective.
“Finally!” he stated. “I was starting to wonder if you were even in.”
“What are you doing here?” Paul asked, angling himself so that he couldn’t see into the apartment. Or the gun he was holding.
“Thought ya might want to know about your friend. They got released today, on account of bigger fish to fry.”
“Okay, thank you for that information,” Paul responded. “It seems like you went to an awful lot of trouble for this detective.”
“Yeah, ya got me. That ain’t the only reason I’m here,” Anderson rocked back and forth on his heels. “Mind if I come in? It’s freezing in this corridor.”
Paul looked his shoulder at Megan, who nodded reluctantly. He stepped back to let in the detective.
”Damn tiny place you got here,” he commented, Paul closing the door behind him.
“It was designed for one person,” Megan’s snark was there, but was muted in the presence of a near stranger.
“I can tell,” Anderson continued to rock on his heels. “Anyway, you guys seem to be the main pro android group in the city right now, huh?”
“I, guess,” Oscar responded with a shrug. “No one else seems to be organised.”
“Exactly, and ya say this Alex is yer leader?”
“More or less,” Paul responded cautiously, wondering where this was going.
“Look, I know Connor, and I know he’s gotten in good with the deviants, so I figured that I could talk to ‘im and see if we could set up a meeting between your guys and Markus.”
Megan made a noise that sounded like a cat coughing up a hair ball, and Oscar’s mouth fell open.
“Are you certain about this detective?” Paul asked, the only one able to regain his cognitive faculties.
“Not really, but I can try. Besides, it would be good for them to meet pro android folks who aren’t politicians. Plus, you can be with other androids if ya want,” he aimed that last part at Paul, who narrowed his eyes.
“I’m not sure that I do.”
“Eh, whatever,” Anderson shrugged. “You do you. I’m just putting the offer out there. I didn’t get a chance to tell yer friend, and you’re the only other guys I know.”
“We will pass it on,” Paul assured.
“Great! Er, here’s my phone number, just in case,” since Paul was closest he handed it to him, and Paul copied down Megan’s landline and cell phone number.
“Alright,” Anderson made his way back towards the door. “I’ll, er, be in touch.”
“Thank you Lieutenant,” Paul responded, since no one else seemed to feel like talking.
“Call me Hank. This is unofficial after all,” the detective attempted a smile, and seemed to fall a little flat. “Be seein’ ya,” with that he left.
A few seconds after the door fell shut Megan stared at Paul.
“...Did that just happen?”
“Yes. I do believe that it did.”
Well, I guess Hank showed up sooner than I remembered.
I'm admittedly not too fond of where the story goes from here. It seems like a natural continuation to me, but it feels, I don't know, too convenient. At the same time, I don't know how to make it better without dragging it out, so I've left it as is. Other Options Flowchart
(Megan) Be blunt. Be sincere. Be sarcastic to her mother's worries.
(Megan) Be firm. Be hesitant. Be rude with her mother.
(Megan) Lie to James about the injury
(Megan) Press James about his mental health.
(Paul) Leave the gun.
Tags! @nightmarejim @nightmarejim
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Blue is a happy color [5]
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The mayor‘s house was gigantic and honestly, utterly impressive. At least 100 feet high, consisting out of some kind of white stone, - probably marble as Ophelia figured –  and with wide, white doors, the female detective looked up at it for a while with pure awe.
When Gavin had slapped her shoulder and made a mocking noise with his mouth, the woman got a hold of herself again as her partner rang the doorbell.
The mayor had opened the door and quickly let them in, as soon after Valerie‘s name came over Gavin‘s lips.
„Mr. Lovich, is your wife home? We‘d like to talk to her too, if that‘s possible.“, the male detective said.
The father of the shortly deceased girl huffed, rolling his eyes. He had a stoic face, a long, sharp nose with thin lips, which looked like they’d be frowning on every day of the year.
The mayor swallowed hard before tightening his tie and turning towards Gavin. „No, that's not possible. She may be at home, but she's in bed ... and she isn’t feeling well."
Ophelia raised an eyebrow in face of his coldness but still nodded slowly.
„We're very sorry for what has happened, Mr. Lovich. You have my deepest condolences.“, Ophelia said and the three of them took a seat on the two very expensive looking sofas, standing in the middle of the living room.
Arthur Lovich only nodded slowly, still keeping his cold expression and not allowing himself to show any kind of emotion. He couldn't possibly be this controlled after his child just died, but Ophelia figured that acting experience probably came with the job.
Gavin cleared his throat before leaning forward a little bit and starting to talk. „We’d like to know what kind of relationship you had to your daughter?“
„A wonderful one“, Lovich responded. „Valerie was very well-behaved, polite and intelligent. She just got A‘s in school and was never rebellious or defiant. I … I loved her more than anything.“
For a short moment, the mayor‘s disguise seemed to crumble, his voice breaking at the end of his last sentence. But he quickly got a hold of himself again, after closing his eyes for a few seconds.
„And how was your wife’s relationship to Valerie?“, Gavin continued.
„Very good as well. Like I said, Valerie was the perfect child and basically an angel.“, the mayor explained.
Ophelia and Gavin shot each other a look. The perfect child? Both of them knew that this didn‘t exist, excluding android children, of course.
The woman bit the dry skin of her upper lip as she asked. „Did she go out often? Or did she have a boyfriend, a girlfriend maybe?“
Mr. Lovich laughed in a bitter, clangorous way. „No, she didn't, she knew that I wouldn't allow something like that. Whatever happened, I'm sure it had something to do with the influence of her so called ‘best friend‘.“
Once again, the two detectives shot each other a look and Ophelia tilted her head to the side. „You didn‘t approve of Alyssa‘s and Valerie‘s friendship?“
„I despised it, to be honest with you. Alyssa wasn't any good for my sweet girl.“, the mayor explained while standing up and walking over to the bar standing next to them. As he poured himself a drink, he continued talking. „It‘s not even like it‘s her own fault, she’s only a foster child, so she couldn’t know any better. But she is skipping school, she has a criminal record and she always smells like pot.“
Noticing the tension in her partner because of the things the mayor had said, Ophelia put a hand on his knee and giving him a little squeeze, only slightly too hard. She already knew Gavin well enough to know that he might say something stupid or tactless, and she really couldn’t have that now. It was still the mayor who they were talking to, even if he seemed to be a prick.
Suppressing the sharp comment that waited on her own tongue, Ophelia cleared her throat before speaking. „Of course, we‘ll look into it, Mr. Lovich. We already have two Detectives at her home. If she had anything to do with Valerie’s death, we'll find out.“
No matter what else the two detectives had asked him, he always insisted that his daughter was a good girl, never did anything wrong and after all, it was all Alyssa‘s fault, anyway.
After a few minutes, it was Gavin who pinched Ophelia in her lower back, as she almost let a sharp comment slip out of her mouth. The young woman bit her own lip hard, to keep herself from saying anything disrespectful. But to her, that man was no father, he was a politician with every inch of his tall and thin body.
„Would you mind letting us search her room?“, Gavin finally asked.
After having taken the last sip of his drink, the mayor shrugged his shoulders and answered. „Sure, go ahead, Detectives. We have nothing to hide.“
Both of them made their way up the stairs, - which were unnecessarily long and wide, - before heading to the dead girl‘s room at the end of the hallway.
After Ophelia had opened the door, they shot each other another look. The room didn't exactly look like the one of a fifteen-year-old girl would. It seemed almost sterile, with most of her belongings or furniture being white and without color.
Ophelia remembered how her room had looked when she had been fifteen. Her walls, full with pictures of her friends, the pets she owned or of her family, some dumb quotes she thought were absolutely genius or edgy. There had been bright colors everywhere, and it definetly had never been this clean.
„Alright, I'm gonna take a look at the drawers and her clothes. Gavin, would you mind looking under the bed, maybe?“, the young woman offered with a cheeky smile.
The man rolled his eyes, but crouched down to get under the bed. In the meanwhile, she opened the first, few drawers, but to only find some tops, shorts and underwear, nothing else.
The last drawer though, contained a small, golden book with Valerie‘s initials on it, as well as two black boxes.
„I think I’ve found something.“, Ophelia stated and turned around to look at her partner.
Gavin’s head popped out beneath the bed before he crawled out of it again, his dark clothes being almost completely covered in dust bunnies.
He looked grumpy as he joined her. „You made me crawl under that fucking bed for nothing, woman. You better found something.“
She chuckled a bit before handing him one of the boxes, opening the other herself.
„Wow, that‘s like … a shitload of condoms in here.“, the female detective exclaimed surprised before looking back at Gavin.
He grinned cockily as he turned the box inside of his hand so she could see inside. „Well, I won, because I've found better. Weed, cigs, small liquor bottles, whatever, you name it. Shit, I think there’s even some cocaine?“
„We'll take that with us. The book too, I guess it's her dairy. Could help us, maybe.“, Ophelia decided and Gavin nodded with acceptance. „Sounds like something.“
Ophelia stuffed the dairy in one of the boxes and gave them to Gavin so he could carry them. Together, they went down to talk to to the mayor again.
„We have everything that we need, I guess.“, Ophelia started and gave him a smile. „Thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr. Lovich.“
The mayor looked at them out of squinted his eyes. „What do we have here?“, he asked and raised both of his eyebrows.
„Some of Valerie‘s belongings, of which we think that they could help us find the murderer.“, Ophelia replied, not allowing her smile to break for a second.
Mr. Lovich glared at them for a while, before lifting his head and making a few steps towards her. When he was so close that the young woman could feel his breath on her Face, he whispered in a raw voice.
„If the news hear anything about this - “, he started, but Ophelia interrupted him quickly, still smiling. „Of course, sir, don't worry. I wish you a good evening, Mr. Lovich.“
As soon as the door of the mansion had shut behind them, Ophelia let out a deep sigh, while Gavin only grunted. „Fucking prick“
   When Hank and Connor had arrived at the home of the Hawking family, the android had rang the bell twice before a tiny girl with messy, brunette hair opened the door for them.
„Can I help you?“, she asked, her face was flushed and her eyes were red from crying.
„Yes, I think so. My name is Lieutenant Hank Anderson, I‘m from the Detroit Police Department. This is Connor, my partner. Are you Alyssa Hawking?“, Hank introduced himself.
The tiny girl nodded and a quick analyzation of her face confirmed this to Connor. After Alyssa had let them into her home, he looked around the room quickly.
„Are your parents home?“, he asked the girl, who responded with a shake of her head.
Connor shot Hank a knowing look, who returned it. Her parents left her home alone the day after her best friend died?
Alyssa let herself fall on the yellow couch in the middle of the room, nodding to the free space next to her. „Take a seat.“
„Thank you, Alyssa“, Hank said while he and the android did what they had been told to. „I assume that you know why we're here?“
Once again, the young girl only nodded, tears forming inside of her eyes again.
Connor suddenly felt the strong urge to swallow down the unusual lump that was forming inside of his throat.
Hank took a deep breath and looked at the young girl with eyes that almost looked sweet. „I'm very sorry for your loss, Alyssa. It must be terrible to lose a friend at such a young age.“
Alyssa only nodded absently, biting her lip while single tears ran down her cheeks. She tried not to look at one of them directly.
„But if we want to find the one who did this to your friend, we need your help.“, Hank said.
Alyssa snorted loud with her nose, still not looking at the men once. „And what would that change? She'd still be dead.“
„You're right, Valerie won‘t come back. That's simply a fact and, trust me, I know that hurts.“, Hank responded, bracing his upper body on his tighs and leaning forward a bit. „But the guy who did that to her is still out there, and he already raped three other girls. And he will hurt other people too if we don't find him.“
As the lieutenant spoke, Alyssa had started to cry freely, and bitter sobs were leaving her mouth. Connor grabbed his knees hard with his hands.
The girl swallowed her tears down and answered when she could speak again. „There's nothing I could tell you.“
„Valerie's parents told us that she wanted to stay with you last night. Did she arrive here?“, Connor insisted.
„No, she didn't.“, Alyssa replied and the android noticed how the expression on her face twisted, her heartbeat rising slightly.
„I don't think you're telling us the truth, Alyssa.“, he said.
For the first time since they had entered her house, Alyssa looked directly at one of them, glaring at Connor with reproachfully, taunting eyes. „She's dead. Nothing I could say would help her. It would only be bad for me.“
Hank shot his partner a look, frowning.
„Why would that be bad for you?“, Hank asked carefully. „Do you know what happened?“
„No!“, Alyssa almost screamed at them, tears spreading all over her face.
She sobbed once, then twice, and when she was calmed down again she added. „You don't know my parents.“
Suddenly, the front door of the flat opened with a loud swing and a tall, young woman with short, black hair entered the living room.
„What the fuck are these guys doing here?“, the woman spat at Alyssa after she had noticed Hank and Connor sitting on the couch next to her.
The two policemen shot each other a confused look, and the android’s LED flickered yellow once.
„They are from the DPD. Because of ... Valerie, you know.“, Alyssa responded to the older girl and before turning towards the two men again. „That's my foster sister, Isabelle, we call her Izzy. We're seven children.  She's the oldest.“
Before one of them had gotten any chance to reply to Alyssa, Isabelle had walked up to them and put her hands on her hips. „Yeah yeah yeah, whatever, what the fuck, I don't care. You two, fuck off.“
For a moment, both of them were completely agape. It was Connor who got a hold of himself first.
„Excuse me, Miss Hawking, but we're trying to investigate a murder case here, and your sister could be the only one having valuable information –“, he started, but Isabelle interrupted him quickly and rolled her eyes.
„I don't give a fuck. Get up and get the fuck outta here.“, the woman said and pulled Connor out of his seat by his hand, before turning to her foster sister. „What the hell are you thinking? You know what mom and dad will do when they see the fucking cops around here!“
Connor desperately turned to Hank in search of any kind of help. But the lieutenant only grunted before standing up and walking towards the front door of the house. When he had reached the door, he stopped and turned around again, holding a little card out for Alyssa.
„That's my number. Actually, it's Connor's number, but whatever. If there's anything you wanna talk about, call.“, Hank said, before putting it inside of her hand and instructing Connor to follow him with a motion of his hand, finally leaving the girl and her sister alone again.
  As they arrived at the station again, Ophelia and Gavin were already there, sitting at her desk.
Hank walked over to the two of them, while sighing deeply and pulling up Connor‘s chair to sit on it.  The android followed him with quick steps, hopping on the corner of his desk and waiting for the lieutenant to start speaking.
„So, did you children find something?“, he finally asked.
While Gavin frowned, - probably over Hank‘s use of the phrase ’children‘, - Ophelia looked up to him and responded. „Yes, we did. A very mean asshole, which is actually the mayor.“, she turned around to look at the lieutenant, wearing such an overly wide smile that the irony in it was even obvious to Connor.
Gavin pushed the two boxes with the diary towards the two others. „We also found Valerie‘s diary. And in there are condoms, weed, cigarettes, coke, I think.“
He made a short pause while Connor and Hank examined the content of the box. „Her father said it‘s the fault of Alyssa, says that she‘s a bad influence. Is she?“
„I don‘t know if she’s exactly a bad influence, but she’s hiding something. Maybe she had something to do with Valerie‘s death.“, Hank shrugged his shoulders. „All I know is that she‘s completely terrified, I think of her parents, but I have no idea why.“
„Alyssa said that Valerie never arrived at her place. But I don‘t believe her.“, Connor added.
Ophelia bit her own lip again and sighed. Her headache had started to come back and she tried to massage her temples. „Who knows, maybe she did die before arriving?“
The young woman sighed another time and leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes and muttering. „I'll read her diary this evening, I guess. Maybe there’s something interesting inside, I dunno …“
„I'd strongly advise that you let me read it instead, Ophelia.“, Connor suddenly started and the woman jumped once again.
She had completely forgotten that he was there. But realizing that now made her face go blank again, while she starred at him with a dumbfounded expression.
After she hadn‘t answered him for about a minute, he added carefully. „I‘m not trying to insult you, so please excuse me if I did. It‘s just that I’d need about, five minutes to read that book and …. you seem … rather exhausted.“
„No, yeah, … sure, I mean, I guess. Thank you, Connor.“, she stuttered and turned away from him quickly after handing him the diary, seeing his LED flicker yellow in the corner of her eye.
Hank watched them and pulled one of his eyebrows up in confusion, but chose not to question it any further.
„Anyway, I think she knows something, too.“, the lieutenant said. „We almost got her to talk, but then her sister got home and literally told us to fuck off. She lives in a foster home, has six siblings.“
„Her sister, Isabelle, she said something about their parents disapproving of the police.“, Connor added again.
„Well, maybe she did get the drugs with Alyssa. Maybe her parents are involved. I don't think she's the main influence, though … I guess Mr. Lovich ruined his daughter all by himself.“, Ophelia said with shrug, while sighing deeply once again. „However, my shift is over since half an hour, so I think I'll go home now. Maybe I'll even get some sleep, who knows.“
The young detective bend down and lifted her bag up, putting her stuff inside and shouldering it, before saying goodbye to her colleagues and walking towards the exit.
„Yeah, just leave me here with all of those files and these reports to make ... bitch!",  Gavin called after her, but Ophelia was already on her way out of the station.
Connor looked after her for a moment, before he decided to follow her.
She was already standing in front of her car, fumbling with keys so she could open the door.
„Ophelia?“, he began after he had reached her. „Do you have a moment, please?“
For the third time of that day, Ophelia jumped when she heard Connor‘s voice.
„I, uh, I – uh, yeah, sure“, she mumbled, looking at the ground because she could feel her cheeks burn again. The young woman felt anxiety creep through her body.
The android took a deep breath he didn’t need and started. „I wanted to talk to you about the happenings of last night, if that's alright with you.“
It seemed like he waited for a response, but when he didn’t get one, he simply continued.
„I noticed that you get tense when you look at me. You‘re avoiding eye contact, your heart rate increases whenever I'm near you, and you're blushing.“, he made another pause and his LED turned in four yellow circles. „Did I do something wrong? Did I upset you?“
Ophelia pressed her lips together and leaned against her car, dropping her bag on the ground. She still felt her cheeks burning.
„No, you didn‘t, I did. I shouldn't have done what I did last night, I’m ... I don't want you to think I used you, or anything … it was highly inappropriate of me. I took advantage of you and I‘m sorry.“, she explained with a low voice.
Now, Connor seemed to be utterly confused and his voice got two octaves higher as he repeated. „Took Advantage of me? You?“
When she only nodded in response, he settled for shaking his head.
„Ophelia, you didn't take advantage of me. I may be only alive for one year, but I'm an adult.“, he said with an unusual confident voice. „I‘m a grown man and I know what I want, and I know what I don’t want, and I‘m able to phrase that out.“
It took the young woman a moment to take in what he had said.
„So, you’re not angry?“, she asked, relief starting to fill her stomach.
„Why should I be angry?“, Connor replied, brows furrowed in confusion. His LED made another yellow twist. „You were intoxicated. If anyone was taking advantage, it was me. I was worried that you might be angry.“
Ophelia took a deep breath and looked at him, a slight blush still spreading over her face. „I wanted to have sex with you, Connor … even though I knew that you don't experience it like I do.“
„I wanted to, too. Or else I wouldn't have done it.“, the android tried to reassure her. „You may have pushed my hand inside of your underwear, put I pushed my fingers inside of you.“
Her face turned bright red when he said that, pushing the memories that started to light up in her mind back into her back of her head. „Yes, you did.“
The pair went quiet for a while, Ophelia twisting nervously under his gaze while Connor was almost starring her down.
Without looking at him, she cleared her throat an asked, so quietly it wouldn’t have been audible to him if he was a human. „Would you … like to eat dinner with me, sometime, maybe?“
His LED kept it‘s cool, blue color as he responded. „As like friends or, as a date?“
„As … a date?“, she offered, still not returning his look.
 Connor thought about that for a moment before concluding. „I‘d like that, I guess.“
The young Detective made a relieved sound. „Oh fuck, thank god“, finally, she lifted her head again and looked back at the android. „When?“
„Today?“, he replied. „I‘m done with work in exactly two hours, nineteen minutes and thirty-seven seconds. I could come over after then?“
Instead of answering, Ophelia only nodded and smiled at him warmly, opening the door to her car and getting inside.
After she had started the motor, she turned down the window and spoke to the android for a last time before driving away. „I‘ll see you then, Connor.“
The RK-800 smiled to himself as he walked back into the station.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Tagged (Ask to be tagged!)  @mikithekiki
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I’ll be back
Chapter 7- Snake.
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It was the 10 pm when you woke up, you noticed that you slept so much and you was surprised because you never did. 
When you opened your eyes the first thing that you saw, it was a snake and it scared you.
Gavin woke up and turned to you, you saw scared and he came close to you.
“Why did you have a snake tattoo on your back?”you asked curiously and scared at the same time.
“I did it when I was 18, because I wanted to spite my dad and it worked.”he said sneering, you smiled at him but after you looked his arm and noticed the scars of cigarette burns on his arm, you scared a little and he understood it.
Stress level 50%
“My dad did it every night, when he was too drunk to understand and he wasn’t lucid.”he told you.
Stress level 65%
“He treated me and my mother like shit and when she died, he started to hit me and drunk.”he continued, closing his tight fists.
Stress level 70%
“It was always my fault, I’m the mistakes.”he said crying
Stress level 95%
You took his hand and you gently stroke his cheek. It was like in a trans state where he relived those bad memories.When you touched him he began to relax and to regain contact with reality, you also noticed it by the fact that he no longer clenched his fists but held your hand.
“Last night I dreamed to lose you, it was horrible. I prefer to lose my life than see you lose yours.”he said looking at you.
”Why did you dream that?”you asked while you were touched his chest hair
“Sincerely? I don’t know. You are the psychologist, you should tell me.”he answered looking at you. You passed your finger on his nose and you stopped on the scar.
“I’m not a psychology, I’m a profiler, it is quite different.”you specified smiling for his mistake.
“Oh, sorry.”he said putting his right arm around your shoulders.“How did you do that scars?”you asked looking at him.
“I fell out of bed when I was ten, I banged on one of my toys.”he replayed, you were laughing, but after three minutes he had told you, you burst out laughing.He didn’t say anything so you looked at him and he was smiling.
“I like your smile.”you affirmed stopping to laugh.“The problem of being together will be explained to Fowler.”you said returned serious.
“Fuck ... but you think about things while we're in bed.”he cussed took you more close to him.
“Go to sleep before someone come here and interfere with our post-sex moment.”he clarified after close his eyes.You looked his body, he slept like a baby, a big and asshole baby. After some minutes you decided to close your eyes and sleep.
“You are compromised, Y/N.”Richard suddenly said.You turned around head, to understand where he was, you looked to the armchair in your room and you saw him looking you.
“No, I’m not compromised.”you answered confident, his LED was blinking and it was red.
“I’m sorry, but my mission is to find the Connor’s clones and neutralize. You became compromised and obsolete.”he informed to take out the gun.
“Wait, do you want to kill me?”you asked scared.
“Amanda told me to accomplish my mission.”he said cold and serious, and after loaded the gun, he fired.You woke up immediately, nobody was next to you probably was just a dream.You made sex with Gavin, your pillow track and Richard. You turned your head to the alarm on your bedside table. 8:30 am
“Fuck!”you exclaimed standing up quickly from the bed and took the first thing you found on your wardrobe and you went to the bathroom to take a shower.You ran to the kitchen to have breakfast and you saw Gavin with Chloe.
“What a fuck are you doing here?”you asked confused for his presence.
“Are you kidding?”he asked you more confused than you.“No.”you said looking at him.
“We slept together, we made...sex”he explained a little embarrassed.
Gavin Reed embarrassed, wooh maybe I'm continuing to dream.-you thought.
You sat on the kitchen table and started drinking coffee that Chloe had prepared for you.
“We had another case, Richard attend us on the crime scene.”Gavin informed you.
Another day, a new case and unfortunately this time had to assist the SWAT.
“Another deviant case, I will not be able to continue to long without analyzing a human being.”you affirmed while you drank another coffe.
“This time is not a deviant case, it’s a human, he took as hostage his son, his daughter and his android.”Richard informed looked the house.
“Well so you don’t interfere with my business, clear?”you said looked to Richard and after to Gavin, the last one panted. You, Richard and Gavin got out the car and walked to the stakeout.
“Right.”they said.
“Captain Allen has a crush for you, Y/N. Because every-time he called us, to speak with the criminal.”Gavin sarcastically said while SWAT put all the equipment on us.
“Detective Reed, you instead because you do not think about all the girls you fucked.”Allen answered serious.
“All right children, listen me. I want you to follow my instructions carefully, this is a human case and not an android. If things go wrong, absolutely do not shoot or the hostages will be hurt or worse killed. Clear, if you hear shots, do not shoot if I didn’t tell you.”you stated standing surrounded by agent of SWAT after you gave the instructions, you took the loudhailer.
“His name is Rupert Forgy.”Richard informed.
“Rupert! I’m Y/N, I’m a detective of Detroit Police Department.” you introduced yourself.
“Go away fucking android.”he screamed.
“I’m not an android, can I go into your house? I want to talk.”you said.
“Okay but unarmed and alone.”he stated the condition.
“Okay, I’m coming.”you informed him.
You gave the two arms to Captain Allen and headed for the entrance to the double-family house. You heard Gavin's screams about how stupid it was, about the fact that maybe the hostages were dead and how dangerous it was, while Richard held him by the arms. You ignored all this and entered the house.You went upstairs and followed Mr. Forgy's voice to the bedroom, fortunately the hostages were alive together with the android.
“Rupert, please leave the children. They are scared.”you said calm and peaceful stayed in front of him, his aim was on you.
“Don’t give me any order”he screamed loud.
“Okay, but they didn’t anything, they don’t deserve to be scared. Your android and I would stay if you let the children go. They are innocent do not deserve this.”you said carefully and calm, while the children were crying and screaming.
“Okay, kids go downstairs.”he ordered to the children that they went immediately downstairs.
"Please Rupert. I’m begging you.” the android prayed him crying.
“Shut up, you can’t give me the orders.”he screamed and moved his aim on the android.
“I didn’t do anything”he said crying.
“Shut up!”he screamed more angered and fired accidentally to the android.He hurt him not badly, but the android lay on the ground while you were hearing the general noise outside in reaction to the shot. You stayed next to the android tried to stop the bleeding. Rupert started to laugh, you was a little scare but not to’ much, you searched something to hit him but you didn’t find anything.
“The next are you.”he said moved his aim on you.
“Please Rupert, you don’t want this.”you tried to change his mind but you saw a smile in his face and you understood that you failed.So you activated the device, while you were pretending to scratch your wrist, it covered your right hand with biocomponents and you put your hand in front of your forehead, while he came more close to you with his gun, so that you were protected from the bullet. He didn’t have the time to shoot you, because you saw Gavin came and shot him, together answered the fire and both of them hit their shoulders.
“You idiot, what are you doing?”you asked angry and came close to him.
“I’m coming to save you, don’t see?” he answered laying on the ground.
“Now I‘m leaving you here.”you said standing up and took in arm the injured android
.“Hey, no! Wait!” he exclaimed worried.
“Richard help him, I don’t want to talk.”you said while you were going downstairs. The SWAT agent went into the house to take the man.
“Good work, Detective Kamski.”Captain Allen congratulated with you.
"You could have died! It would all be my fault!”you screamed to Gavin while the android nursery was medicating him.
“I heard the shot and I come in the house.”he said without look at you.
“You had to stay with Allen and Richard.”you said angry with him, you could lost him and felt all blame on you.
“And you? Eh? What were you doing? Because you were unarmed, do you remember?”he started to be angry with you.
“Now, is it my fault?”you asked come next to him. He was sitting down on the doctor's couch and didn’t look you.
You were anger because he tried to save you and risked his life for you. You didn’t want it, because you need him alive.
“Yes. Because you are crazy Y/N, you wanted to save everybody but you don’t think about yourself.” he said looking at you.
“If someone I love, try to save me but this means that he or she will have to die, I prefer to die in his or her place.”you said, looking at him with tears in my eyes.
“Princess...”he came near to you.
“No, I hate you...”you said giving light punches on his chest.
“..and I hate myself to make myself consumed by these feelings.”you concluded before he kissed you.“I love you princess, until my dead.”he said looked at you.
“I love you too fool.”you said back leaned his head in his chest.
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mayalaen · 6 years
some exciting things and some crappy things :)
I’ve been away from Tumblr like... what a week now? Life has been busy and intense, but not horrible, so yay!! (reference list for everybody I talk about)
Shop Expansion: The construction is under way for the expansion at the shop, and while that’s really awesome, it’s also made my asthma flare up, and I got a bit of a cold too. I’m better now. The tattoo side is going to be done in a couple weeks, and the guys are excited about moving into their new spaces.
I’m also signing up for a few more distributorships. Those are always both scary and exciting. Big companies take me more seriously the longer I’ve been in business and the more distributorships I have, so these few companies I’m doing lately never considered me before, but now they’re ready :D
Sponsoring Evan: I talked it over with the family and we decided to sponsor Evan. We’ve wanted to sponsor an artist for years now, but either the guys weren’t good or they didn’t want to put in the extra work. When I told Evan about it, he started crying he was so happy. It works out for both of us and it’s a huge privilege for him. I pay for ALL his supplies, but the money coming in every month from him doesn’t have a cap -- which is awesome because he gives me about three times what everybody else does. It’s worth it for both of us because supplies aren’t expensive for me and giving me a cut of his pay without a cap isn’t a burden on him. I’m also going to be sending him to conventions.
But these guys are so emotional! It’s only been two days and he still tears up every time he talks to me about anything. He came in to ask for more Madacide (cleaning solution) and his eyes got all pink and watery when I gave it to him for free :D
Evan and I are also registering a brand name, and we’re going to make and sell supplies under that brand name. We’re already planning on several products, we just have to wait for the brand name approval from the state.
FYI, when you sponsor an artist, you pay for all their supplies, send them to conventions (which you pay for) to promote your shop and their art, they help promote IRL and on social media and pretty much represent your shop. It’s still clear they’re not the owner, but it’s definitely a big thing for me and for Evan. We’re both really excited. And it also cheered him up after all the shit went down with Allison.
Asshole Cousin and Husband: They STILL haven’t taken the kids back. You’re not surprised, I’m sure, but they’ve also started getting pushy with stuff. And it’s pissing my mom off. They started asking her to download a video app so they could chat with their kids. My mom was like nope, take your kids. They just kept asking and as of today AC’s husband sent this to my mom: Will you download the damn Google Duo app for video calls already. I need to see my kids.
Needless to say, my mom is fuming. Not only are we paying over $100 a week for someone to babysit the kids for two days a week, but we’re all super tired taking care of them AND running five different businesses, spending tons of money on clothes and food for the kids, and super stressed because KIDS and difficulties with Andre in school being an ass, but then to just demand like that? Take your damn kids back and you’ll be able to see them anytime you want! What makes them think we have the time to do that?! Or that we even want to when we’re so fucking tired?! Andre is on spring break, so we’ve got both of them full time while my cousin and her husband STILL haven’t found a job and haven’t taken the kids. Ugh.
Mom’s Seizures: My mom has had three seizures in the last four days. I’m not sure what’s making them flare up -- she had gone 1-1/2 months without having any, so we’re kinda concerned and puzzled.
Shop App: I’m developing an app where people can buy stuff from the shop with an app on their phone. It’ll be on Apple, Android, Windows, Amazon, and... something else i can’t remember right now. It’s a lot of work, but already people are getting excited over it, so once it goes live, I think I’m going to need a lot more supplies, so I’m trying to order a ton. I spent $10,000 a few weeks ago for ink from the main company we sell ink for and this past week I had to input, organize, and label 1500 bottles of ink. Yikes.
Ash: I told him just a few days ago I want him to start working full time again and he can take walk-ins. He’s recovered enough from his surgeries that he’s got his mojo back and is producing awesome tattoos again. He still needs to work on some stuff, but I’m really happy that it’s coming back. We were all worried the accident had taken away his ability to tattoo really well. He started crying at me when I told him. Did I mention these guys are emotional?
Me: I’m actually doing really well, and the only reason I’ve been away from Tumblr the last week is because there’s so much going on with the shop and family. By the time I get home I’m super tired, but I still have to take care of the parental units and work on the app and do orders for the shop. I‘m pretty much working whenever I’m awake. Ugh.
It’s been 1 year since my mom and I changed our diets because of her cancer, and we’re both losing a lot of weight and feeling really good physically. I don’t even want to say how much I’ve lost because it’s quite telling of how big I was when I started, but damn it’s a lot.
Only problem that isn’t really a problem is we can’t eat out anymore. Everything makes us sick except Chinese food, which we’re assuming is only because it’s rice-based instead of corn or flour-based and has a lot of sugar/MSG, so it’s easier on our stomachs. My dad REALLY likes eating out, but my mom and I never really did, so it’s kind of hard for all of us because he’s doing the butthurt thing over it and constantly trying to get us to go out. After the last time we went out and the two of us were sick for five days, me puking two of those days and only able to eat crackers, it kinda made him realize it’s more than just a “don’t wanna” thing, but he’s still pushing it.
But yeah I’m doing pretty well mentally and physically, just super busy! Missing everybody here and missing online fun stuff and fandom stuff. Poor me!! :D
I hope everybody’s doing well, and hopefully this weekend I can catch up some and see what y’all have been up to while I’ve been gone!
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pixelpolaroid · 7 years
Edge of sanity
This is an alternate ending idea I came up with for @reverseblackholeofwords story Anti Hero. It’s really good and y’all should know that reverse is a super cool person for being ok with me writing this.
(Also this ended up being longer than I meant, sorry)
Ollie and Anti were sitting in the Host’s library, keeping anyone from disturbing the blind ego. The two were mostly silent, just folding their paper cranes together, occasionally Oliver would stroke up a conversation, but Anti was strangely quiet. Ollie just marked it under exhaustion from being under the Author’s control. However his cranes were messier than usual and, though he didn’t bring attention to it, Ollie could see the occasional glitch in his hands.
Ollie didn’t even realize his batteries were low until his vision began to get blurry. He started swaying, and Anti noticed this. “You okay Ollie?” He  asked.
Oliver stood up, trying to find somewhere to plug into. “Yeah, guess I just worked myself a bit too much today. I need to charge,” Ollie tried making his way to the elevator, but suddenly lost his balance. Anti glitched to his feet and caught the yellow android.
“Come on little outer, you need to get to bed,” Anti glitched the two to their pillow fort and helped him to his bed. He tucked in Ollie and couldn’t help but chuckle as he cuddled against his stuffed outer.
Ollie smiled up at Anti. “You should sleep too,” Anti nodded, but didn’t move otherwise. Ollie was too tired to push the matter. He closed his eyes, but before he went into sleep mode, Anti heard him mumble out, “It’s good to have you home again,”
Anti laid down against a pile of pillow, but he couldn’t sleep. Everything was filling his brain, it was hard to contain it all.
As he slowly drifted to sleep, Anti could still hear the author’s voice coaxing him to hurt the other egos. Ollie, Google, Dark, the other septic egos too. He could feel the strings still pulling on him. The voice in his mind began to change, it turned from the soft, suave author, to a static mad voice that he knew too well. The memory of hitting Oliver returned. It was all he could think of since the author returned him to the attic, and every time it did, it felt a little different.
Anti awoke in a cold sweat. He sat up and looked around, it was still dark out. He saw Ollie still charging, whatever he was dreaming gave him a smile. Unfortunately that didn’t make Anti feel any better. He needed some air.
Anti glitched to the roof of Ego Inc and just stared at the city light. It was much different from his cabin view. But neither of them felt right. He wondered if there was any where he could find home.
Even awake, the voice mocked him. “Kill! Kill! KILL!!” Anti tried to block it out
“Stop it,” He pressed his hands against his ears, trying to block the voice. “Stop! I don’t, I can’t hurt anyone!” throughout his begging the voice pressed on. The madness continues until the only sound Anti can muster were literal screams of agony. His fingernails dug into his scalp and he can feel his body glitching in and out of reality. It isn’t until Oliver is literally shaking him does he come somewhat back to reality.
“Anti! What’s wrong! Look at me! Anti!” Anti was in such a shock as he came back, he doesn’t realized who it is, and just shoved Oliver back, wielding his knife.
Terrified out of his mind, Anti just stand there, eyes pitch black, pointing his knife out at the little android, but Ollie can see his whole body shaking . Oliver raises his hands defensively, like he’s approaching a rabid animal. “Anti, it’s me Oliver. Your friend. Please, tell me what’s wrong,” He begs, but Anti’s form doesn’t stop glitching and shaking.
“L͢ike̕ ̴y̕o͜ù ͞couļd͟ e͟ve͢r unders̛t͠and͞,͝ ̕bo͟t��,” Anti’s voice changes, glitching out of control. Ollie’s only ever seen him like this a few times, but this is the least provoked he’s seen.
“I know, I know. You’ve been through a lot Anti, but the Author is gone, he can’t hurt you anymore,” Ollie tried to get through to him.
Anti just rolls his neck, the scar on his neck standing out on his paler than normal skin. “Oh, you shouldn’t be concerned about me right now,” Ollie can see him shake even more, but through the glitches he can see the stream of tears coming down his cheeks. Tears of utter pain.
Ollie lowers his hands. “Anti why are you cry? What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong!” Anti shouts. “What’s wrong with me? That’s a question I’ve been asking myself ever since I came into the god forsaken world! Do you have any idea how it feels to be as fucked up in the head as I already am, and then have a maniac use you as his own personal puppet? Have him come in and mess around with your already messed up head? The Author took any remaining sanity I had and turned me into his own little slave for his messed up stories! Do you have any idea how that feels? Of course you don’t you macine!”
The black in Anti’s eyes disappeared as he realized his situation. He was yelling at and threatening his only friend. Anti dropped the knife, tears of regret now pouring down. “Ollie I… I‘m sor…” Anti couldn’t speak, his voice was being cut off by the glitches.
Ollie knew it could be dangerous for his systems but he didn’t care. He walked closer to Anti, placing both hands on his shoulders. “Anti it’s okay, we’ll get through this,” His soothing words didn’t seem to get through, anti was still glitching nonstop.
“Ollie I…I don’t know what’s happening. I feel like I’m going insane,”
Oliver rubbed up and down Anti’s arms, he could feel anti slowly begin to relax. Ollie smiled. “It’s okay, you’re going to be okay Anti. We’ll get through this,”
Anti sighed and shook his head, pushing Oliver away from him. “You don’t get it Ollie. I still hear him, I can feel his strings pulling that knife into your chest. I can still feel the way the Host shook at my hands, terrified for his life. The unstable look Dark had, and knowing that I caused that. I can still feel it all, and it terrifies me because,” Anti choked on the words, but he couldn’t lie to Ollie no matter what. “Because every time I remember it, it hurts a little less. Until one day I won’t need the Author to do those things again,”
Oliver looked at Anti with heartbreak in his eye. It wasn’t fear of what he might do, it was mourning, because he could tell that he was about to lose his friend. Ollie reached out, but Anti just stepped back shaking his head, leaving the bot speechless.
Anti bent down and picked up his knife, examining it carefully before it glitched away. He looked up at Ollie, not a trace of pity or regret in his eyes. “I’m dangerous Oliver. Stay away from me. I might not care the next time a knife goes through your chest,” Anti turned and walked all the way to the edge of the concrete barrier of the roof, before stepping onto it, millimeters away from plummeting to his doom. He turned back to the yellow android. “Halloween is coming little buddy. I’d watch yer back,” He rolled his neck and glitched away, only to reappear inches in front of Ollie, eyes completely black. “You never know what trouble an unpredictable glitch bitch like me could get himself into,”
Before he had a chance to glitch away, back to his room in the attic of the cabin, away from any of this, Ollie pulled him in and hugged him tightly, hoping that if he hugged tight enough, it would keep him from leaving. But he knew that wasn’t the case. Logic worked in a funny way for Ollie, it was there, but it didn’t control his actions like his brothers.
Anti was a still as a statue, he didn’t move, he didn’t hug back. How could Ollie still care about him? It made no sense, but then again, nothing about the young bot really did. Ollie could feel him about to glitch away. “You can always call this place home Anti. No matter what, I am always your friend,” He nearly fell to his knees as Anti glitched away, leaving him alone on the roof.
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mywrittenconscience · 7 years
NaNoWriMo: Day 8 and 9
In case you were wondering. I took a day off yesterday because I stared at my word document while on my bed (this was a mistake to begin with, let’s be honest) and I immediately fell asleep.
So day 9 (this time at my desk) and I realized why I was off... there was this one scene I don’t know how to re-write. It’s the scene where Wire and Heat comes back to the shop after they “took care“ of Bellamy. Like it’s not even that hard, but I‘m not sure why I’m having a hard time re-writing it. Maybe there‘s something in there that I want to redo? Or add potentially? So like most people... I avoided the situation and skipped to the next scene. Totally avoiding my problems in written form.
I do admit, I will get distracted with tumblr like 99% of the time when I sit down. I think I just miss scrolling with the mouse compare to my finger on my iPad. I think I need that do not procrastinate app that I had back in university. The only way I could get my essays done lol. The only problem is youtube... well I guess I can use my iPad for that too while I’m working on my laptop. Plus I got some amazing game soundtracks I’ve collected over the years. I’m sure I’ll find a way to manage...
Anyways CHAPTER 3, the moment Law gets his voice. Damn I hope I do this chapter justice with the re-write. I’m giving Kid a lot thoughts about this cause damn HIS ANDROID JUST SPOKE LIKE A HUMAN ... well sorta. Kid and Killer help fix it in the end but HE SPOKE LIKE A HUMAN AND THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS RIGHT NOW.
P.S. while adding up my numbers, I lied. I wrote 9 words yesterday cause that’s about as much as I could put down before my brain shut off. Also I really like that it perfectly went to a even round number.
Today: 599/1,667
Total: 5,500/15,003
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bitoclass · 8 years
Livetweeting WOW
Ever wonder how I livetweet WOW for up to 15hrs a day and compile a Storify of all the tweets afterwards each evening and still sleep? No? Don’t bother reading on then.
Mostly, it’s just how you'd assume. I sit in an event, I turn my phone-screen brightness down low (don’t want to be That Distracting Guy), and I try and distil what speakers say into 140-character summaries. Lots of them. Over 400 at WOW 2017, for instance. It’s impossible to capture everything, of course, but I try to share key points and messages, try where possible to get some sort of coherent narrative going, and certainly try to avoid quoting someone referring back to something I didn’t actually tweet earlier! Reading my tweets will never be anywhere close to as good as being there, but I hope it’s better than missing the conversation completely (and occasional feedback suggests it probably is).
When tweeting a session I always have the WOW programme open at the session’s page for reference to panellists’ names and bios. If a panel is particularly big or unfamiliar to me, when panellists are introduced, I’ll write (with a pen! The only time I use one!) their onstage position number against their name in the programme, so I never forget who’s who. All of which explains why I’m often a bit thrown (and distracted from what’s going on) when the panel doesn’t match the programme and I have to start Googling name spellings and bios for people to make sure I at least have the basics right!
Often a bit of judicious Googling and link-sharing can save some attempts to distil particularly complicated personal histories into lots of tweets and leave time to focus on the thoughts and views the panellists share instead. If someone else has already summarised a panellist’s life and achievements into a Wikipedia article, there’s no reason to believe I would do a better job hurriedly in tweeted form!
The brief breaks between sessions barely allow enough time to use the toilet and figure out where your next session is, let alone eat and drink, so I can’t generally rely on those for any catching-up on tweeting - all my tweets tend to be written during the sessions or in the minute or two after they end when I try to wrap up the last few minutes in a hasty final tweet.
That said, I can sometimes get a headstart on tweeting a session by taking a photo of the panel while they’re waiting for the rest of the audience to file in and writing as much of the accompanying introductory tweet as possible - if the panel contains say a chair welcoming people to the room, a man, a woman I recognise and a woman I don’t, for instance, I can generally match them all up with their names from the programme before the session starts!
It’s only in the evening that time spent at WOW becomes a bit less hectic. Generally there are large gaps between events after the day pass stuff concludes. My tweets also slow down then, as the evening events tend to be more entertainment than livetweetable discussions etc., so the tweeting is then more about sharing photos and a flavour of what’s happening than a detailed account.
This works out well from a Storifying perspective. During an evening gap, I boot up my laptop (luckily a Surface Pro 3 - I wouldn’t fancy carrying around a proper heavy laptop all day, but you can’t yet Storify on a phone, at least not an Android one as far as I‘m aware) and start a new Storify story. I add all my tweets, all Edith’s tweets and all results for searches for “@bitoclass“ and “twitter.com/bitoclass” (a way to find quote tweets), then sort the whole story by oldest-to-newest order, before working through it all to delete extraneous tweets, add additional context and reorder things so replies line up nicely and Edith’s parallel session-tweeting stands alone rather than being mixed into my parallel sessions. Generally 30-45min of spare time is plenty to get this all sorted.
Then I just save the draft Storify story and enjoy the rest of whatever else WOW has in store for the evening – continuing to tweet during it of course!
Afterwards, on the 15-minute train-ride home, I tether the my laptop onto my phone’s 4G wifi hotspot, return to the Storify draft, add the rest of my tweets from the evening onto the end of it, and publish the Storify (also updating the previous one to link to it). And that’s how I can share a link to all the day’s tweets within minutes of tweeting the last one, and get almost enough sleep during a WOW weekend. On which note, my bed is calling...
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Replies to Anons
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I always enjoy hearing from you guys. I’m incredibly lucky that you all like to chat with me, so I’m terribly sorry for the delay in replying. Things aren’t back to normal yet, but I’m doing the best I can. :(
If you sent something over the past few weeks PLEASE check under the link. I’d hate for you to think I left you out. If you sent a request, I’ll be updating my lists. ^^
Thank you for all the lovely messages sending your best wishes. Each and every one of them was very much appreciated. <3
It's 3am and I've had such a crappy night but I came here to reread some of your stories and now I feel much better :) As if I've been wrapped in a warm blanket and thrown into a pile of puppy cuddles <3 Thank you for sharing your writings with us <3333
Ah I love it!!! Warm blankets and puppy cuddles are my goal! ^^ I’m very sorry you had rough go of it, but I’m touched that my stories could help in any small way. Thank you for letting me know they were a comfort. (And that you reread them too--gah, my heart) *hugs* 
Hiiii! It's me again, sorry I haven't messaged you in a while (I've been somewhat busy asdfiasoihsa) I wanted to tell you that I think your CNBlue's "Shaving them" was really cute! But at the same time I kept imagining that I'd be too nervous to place anything sharp on someone else's skin. I dunno why, I just think I'd be too afraid of accidentally cutting them *oh Lord no*
Ok, I’m thinking this is Sea anon but please let me know if I’m wrong. ^^ That’s why I like that particular reaction so much. It’s a trust/vulnerability thing not just for them but yourself. And that is THE BIGGEST kink I have other than my massive, mountainous hurt/comfort one. (Which really shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that has spent more than five minutes on this blog but I digress...lol)
You're back! I'm glad to hear you're feeling better too. (I hope you didn't get this nasty flu, bc that's what laid me up for a week... So horrible) I just read your BTS Namjoon fic and I didn't know I needed that but I love it so much! *rambling* but I really am glad to hear you're back and better and I can't wait to see more works of yours!! ~Tennis Anon 🎾
That isn’t what I had but since I work in a doctor office I know it’s been going around and it’s awful! I’m so sorry you had that happen to you. I hope you’ve completely recovered. ^^ And thank you for liking the Rap Mon fic!!! I had to let my nerdy side out to play so I’m happy it connected with you too! <3
I've been essentially bedridden for two days and your Drabble expansions were the only thing keeping me from going stir crazy, so thank you for that c: I honestly love rereading your writings, they still evoke the same emotion that I got when I read them for the first time ^^ ~Tennis Anon 🎾
That’s so sweet of you to say that my stories hold up to rereading them. I really appreciate hearing that and that they evoke feelings. I’ve said this before, but it’s really hard to tell if the emotions are still there after editing it a hundred times. And it’s funny I left a similar message to another fanfic writer (anime) myself this weekend. Is that writing karma? ^^
This is my favourite account, thank you for appreciating the groups that need more love
Really?! Wow, thank you! I‘m happy to share the small fandom love! ^^ Thank you for being here.
Hello! You're probably busy, but I just wanted to drop in and let you know that I hope everything is okay. ☺️
I gotta say, this message came right after I got sick and it really touched me because I didn’t think anybody other than the people I message with here would notice me being gone. Thank you so much for thinking of me. *hugs*
I thought of an interesting idea and would love for you to write it!! ^^ Can I request a Monsta X reaction where you found out that they are actually robots with human emotions?? thanks so much!!
Yaaaas! *high fives you* Someone else who loves robots! I definitely have robot/android on my list but will probably end up making a few scenarios out of it rather than a reaction. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it. ^^ I have a huge list of supernatural AU ideas so some members may get more than one.
Welcome back! I'm sorry you were sick, but I hope you're feeling better.
Thank you, honey! I’m working on it. *hugs*
Health is the most important! Hope you'll recover as soon as possible!!!❤️With love from Aries anon🐏
Thank you! <3 I thought of you while I was sick, lol. I thought I need my fellow Aries to tell me I should be kicking butt right now. ^^
Glad to see you're ok! I wanted to send something just to ask how you were doing, but I was afraid it would seem like I was just asking for the sake of more stories and not yourself 😩 ~ Sam anon
Oh, I would NEVER think that of you dear heart. I don’t know you in person but I know you better than that. ^_~ Thank you for thinking of me Sam anon. *hugs*
Wahh you are the sweetest bean in existence T^T I whole-heartedly appreciate your replies to my spazzing asks <3 You're so kind to take the time to answer them and provide links *cries* I've been running around all day between classes but now I'll set up shop on the couch and watch those videos! I seriously can't thank you enough for being so sweet and helpful, not just to me, but to all who drop by. Your blog is such a lovely place to visit bc of how kind you are <3 sending hugs~🐨❤️-koala anon
You’re quite welcome!!! It’s fun to talk about kpop with people, especially since I don’t have anyone irl to do so with. I hope you enjoyed the links and I’m holding on to your other message because I think I’m going to make a pic spam of my favorite pictures for you. <3<3<3 (And I’m happy you enjoy visiting here--I want people to feel that the environment is safe and friendly.)
hi, i'm looking for a particuar fanfic blog,only i can't quite remember the name,i THINK it had like a flower kind of thing in the url or maybe in the blog pic...i only remember reading a particular scenario that was about Ken being like a fortune teller and the OC went to him to look at her future or something?? ^^;; i was wondering if u ever came across this scenario or blog
Hi honey, I’m sorry. I haven’t read much kpop fanfic lately. I wish I could help. Good luck!
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robertkstone · 6 years
2018 Subaru Crosstrek Long-Term Verdict: Still a Solid CUV After One Year?
Driving back from a day of off-roading at Hungry Valley, I detoured through some canyon roads near Malibu. Still feeling the adrenaline from the 4×4 practice area of the park, I pushed the little Subie harder than ever. Tires were squealing, and my heart was racing. This might sound crazy, but the lifted hatchback can be flogged through corners harder than most small-crossover competitors before the all-season tires raise the white flag. Back on the highway, I couldn’t help but think how multitalented the Crosstrek is.
After a year in a 2018 Crosstrek, we can confirm that the MotorTrend favorite doesn’t just cover the basics better than most. It’s also great at extracurricular activities. Around town, the Crosstrek rides very well, soaking up bumps, dips, and imperfections like a premium vehicle and with almost zero rattling. On a horribly rough freeway on-ramp near our office, many other vehicles bounce around, emitting jingles and jangles while the steering wheel shakes side to side. Not in the Crosstrek, which irons out the ramp without any steering wheel drama. Much of this has to do with its very solid chassis. I intentionally hit bumps and dips when I test cars, and the Crosstrek barely noticed. With its 8.7 inches of ground clearance, I never worried about bottoming out on dips.
The comfortable ride continues off the asphalt. Bumps, ruts, and rocks are nicely absorbed by the Stablex dampers. At one point in Hungry Valley, I found myself driving down a dirt road at 40 mph as if I was in some kind of Baja desert race. A quick twist of the steering wheel induced a fun and controlled slide. As I discovered in my off-roading adventure, mud, sand, rocks, and ruts didn’t stop the Crosstrek. And although most owners will keep it on asphalt, it should be nice to know that this little thing off-roads better than most expect.
I wasn’t able to off-road in the snow, but the Crosstrek’s Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive system with X-Mode should make easy work of it. Driving in the rain was actually lots of fun thanks to the loads of traction. For kicks, I would pull away from a stoplight very quickly without any wheel spin, leaving all others far behind me. In the event of having to make a quick turn on a busy street with speeding cars, have no fear, as breaking traction even in the rain is difficult.
Considering the Crosstrek’s competitive set, the spacious cabin is styled well and has many quality parts that sometimes make you forget you’re in Subaru’s cheapest crossover. The orange stitching on the seats and steering wheel pop, there are plenty of textured and soft-touch surfaces, the blinker and wiper stalks don’t feel flimsy, and most buttons and switches feel good. The rearview camera has sharp resolution, but I wish the 6.5-inch touchscreen was a little larger. (An 8.0-inch screen is available on Limited and hybrid models; our tester was a midlevel Premium.) My favorite interior component is something you constantly touch, the steering wheel. The grips are large, the leather feels good, the paddle shifters are easily flickable, and it looks good. But the best part is actually the feel. When I review other cars, it’s rare for one to have better steering feel. The Crosstrek’s is almost perfectly weighted and very precise, with a decent amount of feedback (rare for the segment), and its quick ratio is fun when pushing it. This is something the Crosstrek doesn’t need, but it’s refreshing to see in a crossover. It’s also one of the reasons why the Subie handles so well.
Plenty of staffers used the Subaru for long trips, and for good reason. Besides the comfort level, the Crosstrek has a large 16.6-gallon tank and delivers 33 mpg on the highway with the CVT. The rear seats are roomy, and the cargo area should be large enough for most. Apple CarPlay (or Android Auto) keeps passengers entertained, and if there is an emergency, simply hit the SOS call button near the map lights. Additionally, even though visibility is good, the added assistance of the large yellow warning light of the blind-spot monitoring system will help keep things safe. If your trip is in the mountains, engine braking is surprisingly strong, and the paddle shifters are responsive.
But like any vehicle, there are plenty of ways to improve the little Subaru. In my third update I complained about its nonlinear acceleration, lack of a proximity key with push-start ignition for the price (the feature becomes standard on the higher Limited trim), and door locks that don’t automatically lock or unlock (even when you drive away). Another thing about those door locks: When locked, pulling the handle won’t open the door like in many vehicles; you have to press the unlock button or manually unlock it. Getting out of a modern-day car shouldn’t require an extra step, and it could slow you down in case of an emergency.
I was always surprised with how many people complimented our Crosstrek’s exterior color.
I addressed the Crosstrek’s just-adequate acceleration in my track-day update. Speaking of acceleration, when driving the Crosstrek hard, the CVT engages what feels like a temporary Sport mode (an official Sport mode doesn’t exist) by becoming extra responsive. This is fine when having fun, but it can be annoying when you aren’t. For example, if you apply a lot of throttle to beat traffic, be careful when you press the gas again; even a light application will result in a jerk because the transmission still thinks you want to go fast.
As much as I like the interior for the price point, I see room for improvement. The instrument cluster and small display screen look cheap and old, and so does the small upper center display screen. But those can be upgraded with the Limited or hybrid trims. The steering wheel column cover looks like a piece of construction paper, the heated seat switches and X-Mode buttons aren’t up to par, and the center stack looks plain. I‘m a big fan of quality-feeling shifters, like the Limited and hybrid models have. Our Premium trim tester’s sounds and feels clunky. Additionally, I wish the USB ports were front facing, rear HVAC vents should be available, and more interior color is needed—the cabin is too dark. Lastly, the infotainment system is easy to use, and Apple CarPlay connects quickly, though it needs to react quicker to your inputs. There’s a significant delay between your finger touching the screen and the system responding.
The Crosstrek proved to be reliable during our 13 months and 20,939 miles in it. We took it into the dealership three times for scheduled maintenance (7,500-mile intervals) and replaced a tire due to a slow leak from a gash in the sidewall. During one of the dealership visits, a recall for the stereo head unit was completed free of charge, but I never noticed any connectivity issues. The maintenance visits totaled $281.85, and the new tires cost $248.91. We averaged 25.9 mpg, a bit below the 2018 Crosstrek’s 27/33 mpg city/highway EPA ratings but within the 24.5/35.1 mpg results from our EQUA Real MPG testing. Our former long-term Jeep Renegade cost us $67.35 in scheduled maintenance, but that was with half the miles; had the Renegade been driven a comparable 20,000 miles, its maintenance visits still would have been $100 or more below the Crosstrek. Our long-term Honda HR-V ($149.29 for two service visits over 20,348 miles) was also cheaper to maintain. A 2016 Mazda CX-3 tester ($534.34 over 35,386 miles and four service visits) was also cheaper to maintain per mile.
With a bit more power and some interior upgrades, the Subaru Crosstrek would be damn near perfect for a crossover. Despite its shortcomings, we’re sorry to see the Crosstrek leave our long-term fleet.
Read more about our 2018 Subaru Crosstrek:
Update 1: The Subaru Comfortable
Update 2: Crosstrek Track Day
Update 3: It’s Time to Grumble
Update 4: Hitting the Mountain
Update 5: Off-Road Cred Confirmed
Update 6: EyeSight or Not?
Our Car SERVICE LIFE 13 mo / 20,939 mi BASE PRICE $23,510 OPTIONS Option Package 12 ($1,400: Power moonroof, blind spot dectection with rear cross traffic alert, lane change assist); Continuously variable transmission ($1,000), audio upgrade kit ($499), crossbar set ($201), rear bumper cover ($113), rear seat back protector ($95), all-weather mats ($81) PRICE AS TESTED $26,899 AVG ECON/CO2 25.9 mpg / 0.75 lb/mi PROBLEM AREAS None MAINTENANCE COST 281.85 (3- oil change, rotation, inspection; 1- cabin air filter) NORMAL-WEAR COST $0 3-YEAR RESIDUAL VALUE* $22,400 (83%) RECALLS None *IntelliChoice data; assumes 42,000 miles at the end of 3-years
2018 Subaru Crosstrek 2.0i Premium POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Front-engine, AWD ENGINE TYPE Flat-4, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN DOHC, 4 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 121.7 cu in/1,995 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 12.5:1 POWER (SAE NET) 152 hp @ 6,000 rpm TORQUE (SAE NET) 145 lb-ft @ 4,000 rpm REDLINE 6,250 rpm WEIGHT TO POWER 21.2 lb/hp TRANSMISSION Cont variable auto AXLE/FINAL-DRIVE RATIO 3.90:1/2.17:1 SUSPENSION, FRONT; REAR Struts, coil springs, anti-roll bar; multilink, coil springs, anti-roll bar STEERING RATIO 13.0:1 TURNS LOCK-TO-LOCK 2.6 BRAKES, F; R 11.6-in vented disc; 10.8-in disc, ABS WHEELS 7.0 x 17-in cast aluminum TIRES 225/60R17 98H (M+S) Yokohama Geolandar G91 DIMENSIONS WHEELBASE 104.9 in TRACK, F/R 61.0/61.2 in LENGTH x WIDTH x HEIGHT 175.8 x 71.0 x 62.6 in GROUND CLEARANCE 8.7 in APPRCH/DEPART ANGLE 18.0/29.0 deg TURNING CIRCLE 35.4 ft CURB WEIGHT 3,225 lb WEIGHT DIST, F/R 59/41% TOWING CAPACITY 1,500 lb SEATING CAPACITY 5 HEADROOM, F/R 37.6/37.8 in LEGROOM, F/R 43.1/36.5 in SHOULDER ROOM, F/R 56.7/55.6 in CARGO VOLUME, BEH F/R 55.3/20.8 cu ft TEST DATA 43.1/36.5 in ACCELERATION TO MPH 0-30 3.4 sec 0-40 5.0 0-50 6.8 0-60 9.0 0-70 11.7 0-80 15.4 PASSING, 45-65 MPH 4.4 QUARTER MILE 16.9 sec @ 83.4 mph BRAKING, 60-0 MPH 120 ft LATERAL ACCELERATION 0.81 g (avg) MT FIGURE EIGHT 27.3 sec @ 0.62 g (avg) TOP-GEAR REVS @ 60 MPH 1,550 rpm CONSUMER INFO BASE PRICE $23,510 PRICE AS TESTED $26,899 STABILITY/TRACTION CONTROL Yes/Yes AIRBAGS 7: Dual front, front side, f/r curtain, driver knee BASIC WARRANTY 3 yrs/36,000 miles POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 5 yrs/60,000 miles ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE 3 yrs/36,000 miles FUEL CAPACITY 16.6 gal REAL MPG, CITY/HWY/COMB 24.5/35.1/28.3 mpg EPA CITY/HWY/COMB ECON 27/33/29 mpg ENERGY CONS, CITY/HWY 125/102 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 0.66 lb/mile RECOMMENDED FUEL Unleaded regular
0 notes
Blue is a happy color [3]
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(gif credits to @outsiders-void)
19th December 2039
When Captain Fowler had invited them to the yearly Christmas party of the station two weeks ago, Lieutenant Anderson had resisted strongly at first.
„No, Connor, I won't go.“, he had told him with a voice so confident that Connor had actually believed him at first. „You can go by yourself if you want to so badly.“
But Connor just couldn't understand his aversion towards Christmas. Seeing the colorful lights that had been displayed everywhere and the enthusiastically looks on people's faces, feeling the unusual calm atmosphere around him, made the android feel excited instead. Connor had figured that he liked Christmas.
So, in the following two weeks, the RK-800 had tried to convince his friend the best way that he could, until finally, on the same evening on which the party took place, the lieutenant had resigned and gave up.
Now, four hours later, Hank had been wasted out of his mind.
Connor sat on the floor of the station‘s bathroom next to him, patting his back every now and then, while the lieutenant continued to puke involuntary inside of the toilet bowl.
Truth to be told, this wasn't what Connor had imagined when he thought about a Christmas party, but well.
„You know - “, puke splattered clearly audible inside of the toilet bowl, „that I - “, Hank sniffed and then spat, „really“, a short pause, then another spat, „fucking“, vomit entered the toilet once again, „love you,“, Hank grunted. „son.“
„I know, Hank, I know.“, Connor responded while continuing to rub his back in a somewhat comforting motion.
And it was true indeed. Even if their relationship had started clumsily, and Hank had been hostile towards him at the beginning, the lieutenant had become what Connor would call a family to him.
After Hank had finally emptied all of the content of his stomach into the toilet bowl, he rested his head on the seat and looked at the android out of glassy eyes.
„You know, you should go outside. Have fun. You're the whole reason why we're here.“, the lieutenant slurred and his eyes fluttered shut once.
His next sentence almost wasn't audible anymore, as sleep - or more an alcohol initiated unconsciousness - took over him quickly. „I'll just stay and rest here for a moment.“
For a minute or two, Connor wondered if he should really leave the older man alone right now, even worried that he might fall into the toilet and drown. But Hank was fifty-four years old and he had survived the first fifty-three years of his life without him, so Connor figured that he would manage if he left now, too.
Ophelia had been one of the first people to arrive at the station and basically, she was the soul of the party. The young detective had always loved Christmas, so it was an obvious thing that she had volunteered to decorate the office the first chance that she got.
Ben and Chris had been instructed to help her. Together, they had attached chains of lights to the wall of the office. White wool decorated the top of them, making the lights seem like they were floating in soft clouds. Every now and then, you could see a single mistletoe or a candy cane dangling from the ceiling.
They had set up a tall, dark green Christmas tree in the middle of the room, decorated with glitter balls and plastic candles. Around it, Ophelia had positioned colorful presents in all kinds of different sizes, to round the festive appearance of the room up.
The thought of Christmas simply filled the woman with joy, just as seeing all these people around her did, hearing the Christmas music in the background and enjoying what she had prepared.
But since Ophelia had left her hometown to come to Detroit, it still just wasn't the same anymore. Having family gatherings without having a family around simply felt sad and pathetic to her. But now that she had found friends in this city, it didn't seem that bad anymore.
Right now is was especially Gavin, who made sure she always had a glass of wine in her hand.
„Have you seen Connor around?“, she asked her partner, smiling up at him with flushed cheeks and glossy lips.
Gavin held a half-full glass inside of his hand and his voice sounded incredibly cocky when he responded. „He went with Lieutenant Drunk into the bathroom. They‘re probably fucking.“
„Don't say that!“, Ophelia squealed and shushed him with her hand while shaking her head, almost tripping because of her already slightly tipsy brain. „He's a really nice guy, Gavin.“
„He probably doesn’t even have a dick. And he looks like a Ken doll down there.“, the detective teased her with a cheeky grin. He took a big gulp of his coke with rum, or more his rum with coke in his case.
„Yes, he does!“, Ophelia exclaimed beneath drunken laughter, stumbling against him slightly.
„Have you seen it, then?“, Gavin answered quickly, looking challenging into her eyes.
The woman opened her mouth as if to answer, but then closed it again when she remembered that she couldn't give a smart answer to that. So she rolled her eyes instead. „He told me that you still look at me like you want to fuck me.“
Gavin watched her intensely for a very long moment before the corners of his mouth started to twitch slightly. When he responded, his mouth twisted into a wide grin and his voice was already a bit slurry from the alcohol. „Wanna go to the captain’s office with me?“
„The captain‘s office has walls made out of glass, Gavin.“, Ophelia whispered and chuckled, shaking her head.
She grabbed his hand and pulled him with her to the improvised dance floor instead of the office. Moving to the rhythm of the music, and wielding her hips in sync, Gavin tried his best to keep up dancing with her, despite the alcohol inside of his system.
When she shook her head to the sound of the music, making her violet hair sprawl everywhere, the man stood behind her and put the hand that wasn't holding bis drink on her hip, pressing her back against him harder. Ophelia giggled drunkenly and with flushed cheeks.
And as the RK-800 entered the office again, the first thing he noticed was Ophelia and Gavin dancing on the floor. He studied the scene in front of him in intensely and could almost feel how his LED flickered yellow once.
The woman had just turned around when her eyes had spotted a familiar face with a very familiar yellow glowing light, as Gavin took the chance to lean forward a bit and whisper right beneath the shell of her ear. „Plastic‘s watching us. Maybe I should throw you on that desk and fuck you right there where everyone can see. Do you think he would like that?“
Ophelia pulled back a bit, looked at him and smiled slightly. When she spoke for the next time, her voice was as sweet as candy cotton but with a dangerous shiver beneath it. „No, I don't think he would enjoy that. You’re too drunk. Also, you should maybe cool down your excitment a bit, Gavin …“, almost as if by accident, her leg brushed over his half-hard erection as she walked past him and towards Connor.
„I‘m not drunk! You are!“, the man called after her and while he did so, he staggered back a bit. He laughed and added after he had gotten a hold of himself again. „Alright, maybe I'm a little bit drunk.“
Ophelia could feel Gavin’s eyes burn into the back of her head, almost saw his cheeky grin form inside of her and tried not to chuckle while she put more distance between them.
The android stood still next to their improvised bar. When she had reached him, the first thing Ophelia did was filling her empty glass with wine again. Connor watched the woman pour her drink and silently closed the distance between them.
„Good evening, Ophelia“, he said, standing behind her and smiling awkwardly. „Are you enjoying your alcohol?“
„Oh, hi Connor“, she responded after she had turned around and smiled at him warmly. She took a big mouthfull of wine before continuing. „Yes, very much. So much actually that it’s already my sixth. Just delicious, isn’t it?“
She took another sip from her drink and looked around in the room. „Do you like my decoration? I‘ve been planning this with Chris and Ben. It’s just wonderful, isn’t it?“
„Yes, very nice indeed. I guess I like christmas.“, Connor agreed.
„That’s amazing! I love christmas! Not as much as I did before, but I still love it.“, the woman told him, drinking her wine every know and then.
The android‘s LED turned in a single, yellow circle as he asked. „Before what?“
Ophelia pulled her eyebrows up high in confusion for a moment, but then she realized what he had meant and emptied her glass with one big gulp in reaction. She had filled it once again and taken another sip from it before she answered.
„Because … Because all of my family and friends are back in Omaha, or in Maryland where I studied, and I'm here in Detroit all alone and completely by myself.“, she explained, tears suddenly pouring out of her eyes and running down her cheeks while soft sobs were leaving her mouth.
Ophelia wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol speaking or if it was still the missing sleep from the last weeks, maybe it was a mixture of both. But all of a sudden, she felt like everything around her was too much and like she just couldn’t handle it anymore. She leaned back against the wall and let herself slide down against it.
Connor watched the woman cry insecurely. He didn’t know what to do with people when they cried, didn't know how to handle sensitive situations at all. So in his despair, he awkwardly put one hand on her shoulder and spoke with a voice that didn’t sound convincing at all.
„You’re not alone.“, he said but his voice broke, making it seem even less true.
„I am“, she mumbled and drank from her glass, trying to silence her sobs. „I don't even own a pet because I'm in here the whole day and at night, I'm asleep.“
„Maybe buy a cat? Cats don't really care for what their owners do, as I have heard.“, Connor offered. „Or you could buy a lizard. I like lizards.“
„I like lizards too …“, Ophelia mumbled and emptied her glass another time. She stood up, stumbling and bumping against the android. „You know what? You're right! I'm gonna get a lizard, right now!“
After she had said that, she made her way out of the door, but only realized at half of the way that it wouldn't lead her out of the building, but into a storage room instead.
Connor had quickly decided to follow her, not being entirely sure if she would maybe hurt herself being alone in her condition. He knew well from Hank what a human could do to himself under the influence of alcohol.
"Ophelia?", he called out after he had found her standing in front of the cleaning room. „Maybe it's time for you to get back home. What do you think?“
„No, I want a lizard.“, she replied with a slurred voice but allowed herself to lean against him a bit, hiding her face in his chest and quickly sobbing again. „And I don't want to go home alone, where it's so quiet and lonely …“
„I can get you home, Ophelia.“, Connor offered again and when she didn’t stop crying, he added. „I could also stay with you, if that‘s what you want.“
The sobbing stopped almost immediately and when she tilted her head up again to look at him, her eyes lit up with relief. „You‘d stay with me?“
It took her a moment and a confirming nod from Connor to let it the information sink in. But when she understood, she pulled her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. „You’re the best person there is! I mean… Android … Person … Android-Person.“
For a moment he wanted to explain to Ophelia that being an android didn't mean that he couldn't also be a person, but Connor remembered what she had told him about accepting compliments, so he just settled for a simple ’thank you‘.
When he brought her outside of the station and into the parking lot, she started to mumble about lizards again.
The RK-800 held the woman steady by her shoulders while he called for a cab with his mind.
Part 1
Part 2
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