#it’s a high slit maid outfit
alalnsted · 4 months
Based on @yamscooper ‘s delicious fic:
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littlemissmiller · 3 months
Bird in a Cage
Part 1: To Me, You Are Divine
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Pairing: dark!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
Summary: a young president snow decided to kidnap you and take you as his prisoner in his palace. he needs a First Lady, and you could be the one…
Warning: 21+ (drinking) eventual smut, non-con, mentions of drugging (reader gets drugged by coryo), toxic themes, possession, stalking, kidnapping
Word count: 3.3k
A/N: hi…still working on Summer Highs and The Shopkeepers Daughter part 2 but in typical ADHD fashion, they have been left still yet to be finished. in the meantime (also in typical ADHD fashion) i got sooooo caught up in this story that i kinda wrote it and can’t seem to stop. The words are just flowing outta me. anyways i need to get a pedro fic out (which i have those started too!) ok so enjoy this y’all it’s so fucking dark 🤍 also…we already almost at 300 followers so I would appreciate the follow (and who doesn’t like a nice round number)
Series Masterlist
The vastness of the palace made you feel even more alone than you already did. Being trapped in this room all day and night was starting to become unsettling. It is only a few days and still, you haven’t even made contact with the man who is holding you in his possession. Coriolanus Snow, the young president, had taken you as his own. Little did you know that you are just merely a part of his collection. The collection of girls he had taken home, held captive, then released when he wanted a new one. And to keep these women quiet, money and the veiled threats of losing your life or a loved ones. He was no stranger to keeping his promises. So when he saw you at The Gamemakers Gala, you became his prey. He had taken you home to the palace and made you his.
You were sure it was only two days, but still waking up groggy, confused, and unsure of your location can make time feel like a burden. But a maid had told you two days ago, so you went with it. Apparently he has every intention of seeing you, but based on the light outside the window, evening is setting in, so you’re not sure. You had no more tears left to cry as you lay and waited for dinner. You’re not sure how much longer it is, but eventually someone knocks on your door. You pop up, and a maid enters the room. She rolls in a mahogany tray table with fresh polished silverware, and a plate cover to match.
“Your dinner” she announces
She reveals a freshly seasoned sirloin steak, with the most perfect mashed potatoes you’ve ever seen, topped off with fresh cut chives. And he even sent you a slice of chocolate cake. It’s truly the most perfect plate you’ve seen and it was only your second dinner here in the presidential palace. Despite being held captive, Snow was keeping you well fed. You nod at her and begin digging in.
“He wishes to see you after dinner. I’ll wait outside to escort you.”
You look up at her in shock and then another wave of surprise hits you as she hands you an outfit. It was a black two piece. A halter top and pants with the slits of the leg cut out, like a two legged skirt and a pair of lace up, black heels She then hands you a bag with some foundation, mascara, lipstick, and a compact. You take it and she leaves, locking the door. You sit there, fearful and confused. What was he planning on doing to you? Why is he dressing you up like a doll and fattening you like a pig? You look back down at your dinner plate with a new found disgust and push it away. Fuck it. If you don’t finish your dinner, you don’t have to see him. You’ll say you’ve fallen ill, which you practically have when the reality of your situation comes crashing down on you again. You toss the outfit and makeup onto the bed and cross your arms.
A few moments pass and before you know it the maid is knocking again. You assume she’s checking on your progress but she simply walks in with a white envelope in hand. She gives it to you without a word, leaving the room, locking the door again. Your name is printed in fine calligraphy, a deep blood red. You turn it over and notice the, white, wax seal, engraved with a rose. You shakily open it, and reveal a note. It reads:
My dear,
I’ve seen this little show before. I always find it charming and I of course love a good game, however, I know you will not win. No matter how hard you try. This being said, I of all people know how to use hunger as a weapon and trust me your body will crave it soon enough, or I could ask the chef to cook for one less person while you’re in my care. It’s up to you.
Don’t keep me too much longer.
Fuck. He’s watching you. A new wave of consciousness creeps over you and you frantically look around the room, then realize he is probably still watching and stop your movements. You sit on the bed, look at the meal and sigh. Your stomach is growing given lunch was soup and some bread. It was a rich chicken noodle, but not filling enough. He must have planned that too. All a part of the game he was apparently playing with you. You begrudgingly take up the fork and knife, slicing up the juicy meat and biting into it. Of course it’s divine, and a small moan escapes your lips and you scoop up some mashed potatoes.
You take your time to eat though, making him wait even longer for you, despite his request in the note. Maybe you can win this game. In your own little ways. You eventually finish your meal and stare at the outfit and makeup bag. You sigh, seeing that this may be the only way out. You touch the fabric, it’s so silky and smooth. It dances on your fingertips and you can’t help but want to at least try it on. You know once you do that, you’ll be truly trapped in his game. You sigh and want to cry, but hold it together. Now that you're painfully aware he’s watching you, you know the only thing that will please him next will be to do as you're told. Or starve until you die apparently. Would he really do that to a citizen of Panem? You figure he just might, considering you’re this far into his plans. You take the outfit in your hand and walk into the bathroom attached to the room.
As you change, you wonder if he’s still watching you. You hope not. You’d hope he’d give you that privacy, then again you still don’t know what he has in store for you. Given that he’s making you change outfits, it seems like he wants a surprise. Like a gift being presented to him. As you strap up the heels, you take a look at yourself in the mirror. You take a deep breath as the tears start to well in your eyes. Now is not the time to fall into a mess, he wants you beautiful for him and you need to be to make it through this. Once you get a better layout of the palace and his room, you’ll be able to formulate a better escape plan.
You knock on the door and the maid opens in. She is now accompanied by two armed guardsmen, which you assume is to keep you from running. You hold yourself high as you walk out, even though your fear is still sitting in the back of your mind. Without a word, the two men and the maid walk you through the palace. It’s just as beautiful as the pictures you’ve seen. Tall ceilings, marble floors, wide windows, grand staircases. He truly has it all. You follow the group down a long hall, walls decorated with pictures of Panem and Snows of the past. Based on the pictures you see now, he looks a lot like his father. Finally, they arrive at a set of double doors, the same mahogany as the tray table. The maid knocks twice and opens the door. She stands aside and you walk in. The walls of his room have the same white marble as the floors outside, adorned with gold plating. The floors match the door and in front of you is an empty desk and red armchair. Standing beside the wide window, with his back to you, President Snow spares a quick glance over his shoulder, giving a satisfied smile.
“You found your way.”
“I was escorted.”
“That’s not what I meant dear. You look stunning by the way.”
“Well you did pick it” you scoff
“Is that a little attitude I detect?” He clicks his tongue at you “tsk tsk oh my dear, you really want to play like that hmm?”
“I don’t want to play any games, President Snow. Just please, can you tell me why I’m here? Why was I stuck in that room alone for two days?”
“To monitor your health. The drugs I gave you can sometimes make you nauseous for a few days.”
You temper your breathing. So you could have been there for much longer without realizing it. When you woke up that next morning, not in your own bed, in a room completely foreign to you, you did feel slightly groggy, highly confused and had no memory of the night before, which you chalked up to drinking. But no, Snow had drugged you and kidnapped you. And now here you stand, face to face with him. You don’t even remember meeting him until now, now something tells you that you did a few days ago.
“Well why am I here?”
He smirks and walks around to you. You don’t let your eyes leave him. It’s hard not to when his piercing blue ones practically beckon for you to stare into them. They call you, keeping you focused. Now that he’s closer up, you can see the handsome features you’ve only seen in newspapers. The same face that would sit on your coffee table and sometimes be used as a coaster, is now staring at you intensely. He eyes you, and you watch them trail down your body.
“Come closer to me.” He beckons, curling his index finger.
You nervously waltz forward, looking down nervously.
“Look up at me. Did you forget your manners?”
“No…” you breathe, now close enough to be able to touch him.
“No? What did I just say about manners my dear?” He chuckles
“No, President Snow.” You tremble
He reaches out, holding your chin, making you look directly at him.
“Good girl. You’ll learn. Consistency is key after all.” He trails the pad of his thumb against your lower lip and coos at you, almost forgetting his own manners as well. He clears his throat, and removes his hand.
“You want to know why you’re here?” He continues
“Yes, President Snow.” You nod
He smiles at you and tilts his head.
“You’re learning. That’s good.”
He pauses
“I brought you here because I think you’re special. Maybe you are even special enough to keep…”
“To keep, sir?”
“Mhmm” he walks around you, examining you. He brushes your hair back behind your shoulder and wafts in your scent.
“I assume you showered this morning? You smell nice.” He continues
“I did. I used the body wash that was available to me.”
“Good.” He smiles
There is a moment of silence while he continues to look at you. He walks to face you again and you look back up at him quickly.
“So here’s how this will work, you will live here, with me, in the palace. We will start dining together and you will accompany me to events if necessary. People won’t be suspicious since they assume that I was a president of integrity that made sure you got home safe and sound after the gala. They will assume you fell for my chivalry and I under the spell of your beautiful face.”
“For how long?” You stutter
“Well you see, I don’t have an answer for you on that. See I said you can’t win earlier and that wasn’t entirely true. You can win this game.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m looking for a First Lady of Panem. I believe you could be qualified to fit that role, but I like a good trial run with things.”
“So you kidnapped me, because you want me to be your wife.”
“That’s a strong word, but if everything works out then yes, but if not you will be properly reimbursed for your time, a non-disclosure contract will be drawn up, and you’ll be free to live as you please…as long as you don’t go around talking about this, then you’ll have bigger problems. Do you understand?” He raises an eyebrow
“Yes, President Snow…”
“Good. When I’m not around, the maids will tend to you, and you will from now on have armed guards with you at all times. When you sleep, they will guard your room.”
“I understand.”
“You are very lucky either way. I do believe most women would love to be here right now, hand picked by their president. I have fine taste you see, and that applies to the women I make mine as well.”
“What if I win,” you start, putting win in air quotes “then doesn’t that mean I stay here. With you…forever?”
“That’s right my dear, you’ll be by my side, rule over Panem with me.”
“What if I don’t want that?” You mumble, fearful of his answer
He steps closer and smiles at you. He takes a lock of your hair and rubs it between his thumb and forefinger. He drops it and smooths it out along your collarbone.
“Oh, I’m sure you will. Once you see what this lifestyle has to offer, you’ll try to be my most perfect girl.”
Your eyes widen and your heartbeat speeds up. You have nothing to say, as if all language has escaped your brain.
“Do you have anything else to ask me?” He smiles
“Why not just find a wife through normal means? Meet someone and get to know them?” You quiver again
“Why would I do that when it’s in my complete power to pick and choose. It’s easier that way too, I hate courting somebody, that silly dance people do. Does she like me, does he think I’m pretty, blah blah blah. All nonsense if you ask me. I know I like you. Like you enough to see if you're a good fit. All I really have to do is get you to like me. It’s better that way. You got to the store to buy things like apples, well I picked mine straight from the tree. I don’t go through anyone for the things I want. I just…take it.”
“And you won’t hurt me?”
“Hurt you? Of course not. Why would I want to hurt a beautiful thing such as yourself. He smirks.
He walks back around you again and stands behind. He places his hand on your shoulder, brushes back your hair and leans into your ear.
“You should know how beautiful you are. To me you are divine.” He whispers, his hot breath fanning the shell of your ear.
He rubs your shoulders tenderly, thumbs moving along your spine. Then unexpectedly, you feel his lips press against your neck. He applies a fair amount of pressure, leaving several kisses behind as he pulls back.
“Did that hurt?”
“No sir.” You breathe
“See. Like I said I don’t want to hurt you”
He returns his lips back to your neck, his hand creeping up to your jaw to push you more aggressively against his mouth. Your breath hitches and heartbeat speeds up. You want to turn him away, push him off and scream that he's an absolute monster, but your body begins to betray you. A slow heat creeps up your body, your cunt beginning to throb. You purse your lips, controlling your breath as he continues to attack your neck.
“Tell me, what can I do to make you happy while you’re in my care. I do truly desire your comfort as much as I desire to find a proper First Lady.”
“I want to be able to speak to my family. Do they know where I am?”
“Right now, they assume that you are away for work, and got called up to model the latest dresses for future Hunger Games contestants this summer. To them, you’re in District 2 for a few days.”
With that you snap and push him away, flinching as he tries to kiss you again. In response, he clutches your arm and pulls you back to him. He tightens his grip, teeth grazing your ears.
“Or I’ll send them another letter saying you were found dead after the gala, popped some pills looking for fun and took your last breath instead.” He grits harshly
“You said you don’t want to hurt me.” You whine
“I don’t want to. But I most certainly can.” He growls
“Please, I don’t want this please just let me go instead, I’ll take whatever money you offer, I don’t want this!” You begin to cry
“Let’s be honest, you don’t know what you really want. If you did, you’d be begging to stay. So I’ll show you. I’ll show you everything you could really want and more”
He once again surprises you, kissing your cheek, softly letting your tears roll onto his lips. He holds you more gently now, and you can feel your body wanting to melt into his arms. You start to stifle your tears and he soothes you.
“I have a feeling you just might be the one. You’re not like the others so far…”
“Others?” You mumble
“Mhmm. They aren’t around anymore. Like I said they got their dues instead. They know what happens if they speak up. I think you should really think about what it means for you to be my prize. Because like I said, even if you lose the game, you still belong to me.”
He kisses your jaw, hands settling on your waist. He coos into your ear, stroking your hair. You sniffle and look down at the floor. He moves his hand and tilts your head back up.
“You’ll be able to talk to your family soon enough darling. I promise.” He kisses your cheek again.
You shutter against him, more cries desperately wanting to escape your lips, but the way he continues to stroke your hair, soothes you. You suddenly feel so conflicted, accepting his comfort, but wanting to turn him away.
“In the meantime my dear…” he moves his hands back to your waist and squeezes your hips. Your body tenses at his actions and he moves his lips back down to your neck. You are somewhat frozen, trying your best to focus more on the pleasure he brings you.
“I’d like to get to know you better. Show you how beautiful you are? Hmm would you like that?” His left hand trails up your body, stopping just as he reaches your breast. You quiver at his touch, and turn to look toward him. Your eyes are full of fear and Coriolanus can see it. He sighs.
“Or perhaps another night. I’ll let you get more settled in…” he kisses your cheek one last time, before stepping in front of you. You look up at him and nod. With the pad of this thumb, he wipes a tear away. He calls out for the maid and she opens the door.
“I think we both shall retire for the night.” He tells her.
He holds your chin one last time, and you face him fully.
“I expect to see you at breakfast tomorrow. What do you like?”
“I’ll eat anything you give me.” You quiver
He gives you a faint smile and a simple nod. He sends you off with the maid and armed guards back to your room, watching you as you go. Once you return, you are left alone again and remember that he can watch you in this room. Which he is. As soon as you left, he poured himself a glass of whiskey and turned the video feed back on. He watched you enter the room. As you sit on the bed, trying not to cry, then look over into the bathroom and huff. You stand back up and storm in, closing the door behind you. You let out a huge sigh of relief. You were sure he would be persistent, not stop and until he truly got what he wanted. Which is you. You sink down onto the floor, bury your face in your knees and let out a slow, soft sob.
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dearestgojo · 2 years
Pretty As A Peach
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Gojo x Maid reader
A/n: was reading the jjk novel that came out and I had to write this. I changed the beginning like five times last night lol.
Warnings: 18+. Reader works at a maid cafe. Public sex. Fingering. Skirt kink. Pussy/thigh job. Blowjob. Creampie. Established relationship. Possessiveness.
Wc: 2.1k | JJK Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Part 2
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You don't know how you ended up locked in the bathroom of the cafe with your white-haired boyfriend, whom everyone had been fawning over. But you're here, staring up close at the bluest eyes you'd ever see. All while listening to your manager talk outside the door with one of the kitchen staff. All while the palms of your hands sweat, and your heart pounds against your ribs. The inside of your stomach twists and turns. And the warmth of another body cages you in. 
Blinking a couple of times, you push yourself off the sink, the soft laughter of your co-worker traveling through the door as she attends to a customer, the palms of your hands sweating. 
"I don't think we should be doing this here, 'Toru," you whimper, feeling his knee push your legs apart through the cotton material of your thigh-high stockings, "I work here, and if we get caught I could - I will be - fired."
Your words go in one ear and out the other as Satoru, your boyfriend of just a couple of months looks down at you while running his tongue over his bottom lip. His blue eyes filled with hunger. "You look cute in your work outfit. I can't believe you didn't let me come here sooner," he mutters, the tips of his fingers playing with the tulle of the petticoat your wearing beneath your skirt.
The highs of your cheeks burn, and you stumble over your words, "W-we just started dating, and I haven't told anyone here that I'm seeing someone."
His fingers travel up further, skimming the inner parts of your thighs, uttering under his breath, "So that's why the kitchen cook keeps looking at what's mine," before leaning down to whisper in your ear, "If you get fired today, I'll take care of you. You'll only have to wear this for me. Only me." 
He doesn't give you a chance to question him further, long fingers pushing your panties to the side, pinching your clit, and sliding along your slit. You let out a loud gasp, hand flying to cover your mouth, heat pooling between your legs. Your voice comes out muffled and strained when your brain catches up to you, "I told you, I'll get fired if we do this here. I'm on the clock."
Pulling your hand away from your lips, pinning both your wrists above your head, Satoru grumbles, "I told you. I'll take care of you. I don't want others seeing how cute you look in this skirt." 
"I can't have- oh god!" You let out a moan, Satoru's fingers pushing into your warming pulsing walls. Panic is reflected in your eyes when the thought of someone outside the bathrooms might have heard. You start to protest again, fighting against the jolts of pleasure that shoot up your spin every time Satoru's long fingers skim your soft spot and his thumb plays with your clit, "Satoru, we really can't. I can't have you take care of me," you pause to take in a deep breath, squirming against him, "We just started dating." 
Satoru shifts his weight, his entire body pressed against you, the heat from it burning through the material of your uniform. He runs his tongue along the shell of your ear, his long fingers curling inside your cunt. "Of course, you can," he mutters, pressing a kiss on the pulse point of your neck, pulling back to ask, "Fuck, do you know how pretty you look in this skirt?"
"It's so itchy though, and the color peach is kind of ugly on me," you huff out, your brain starting to feel like mush. The heel of Satoru's hand bumps against your clit as his fingers begin to thrust in and out of your walls, slick covering his palm. Your fingers dig into the thin material of his shirt, soft squelching noises filling the small space of the bathroom.
He lets out a short chuckle, curling his fingers and tapping them against your g-spot, pressing his mouth to yours, drinking the stifled moans you let out. "Nonsense," he mutters, "out of everyone who works here, you're the one who wears it the best." He grounds his hips against your thigh, all the layers of your petticoat doing nothing to keep the hardness of his boner hidden from you, "And the only one who can get me like this." 
You open and close your lips, your head falling on top of the side of Satoru, your gasps tickling his ears. The feeling of his fingers sliding in and out sends shocks of pleasure through your core. Your boyfriend's low grunts bounce off the walls of the restroom, drowning out the sound of the busy cafe outside the restroom door. His free hand searing hot wrapped around your wrists, the grip on them tightening, long fingers wrapped securely around both. The inside of your mouth feels dry compared to the slick that is coating the inside of your thighs and his hand. Satoru's pelvis keeps grinding against your covered thighs, nipping at your neck and ears, his white hair tickling you beneath your jaw, the sweet scent of his shampoo filling your nostrils. The corners of your eyes are teary, you're entire senses feeling as if they've been heightened, jolt after jolt of pleasure coursing through your body while Satoru pleasures you with his long fingers. The knot that's been twisting in the pit of your stomach feels as if it's close to snapping. 
"'Toru," you huff, the inside of your thighs starting to tremble around his hand, the knot that he'd been quickly building up about to snap, "need to cum."
Satoru smiles against your neck, nibbling on your earlobe, teasing you, "What if someone hears you and you get fired?" 
You can't think straight anymore, your mind too clouded with pleasure that you can't even feel ashamed. Your entire body feels as if it's been set on fire, your stomach twisting as your orgasm is close to snapping. Your hips roll into Satoru's hand, chasing your release, "I don't care, just want to cum," you answer in a hoarse voice. 
Pressing his forehead against yours, he looks into your eyes, and you find yourself drowning in the blue hue. His breath mixes with yours, fingers continuing to slide in and out, "Then cum. Cum all over my fingers."
It's as if your body is under his command, and the knot snaps as he mutters the words against your lips. His lips cover yours as choruses of his name slip through. Your body shudders against him, legs clamping down on his moving fingers, grinding down on the heel. 
When your body finally stops shaking, and the moans slipping past your lips have become nothing but whimpers, Satoru separates himself from you. Grinning when you whine as he removes his fingers from your heat, your knees buckling. If he hadn't been holding you, you're positive you would've fallen to the ground, but the grip on your wrists doesn't loosen and you remain held up against the wall. Your eyes stare into his as he brings his fingers up to his lips, licking your juices off of them. Satoru hums, removing his fingers from his mouth with a pop, letting go of your wrists, and wrapping them around your waist. 
Your breathing is irregular, a high-pitched ring sounding in your ears, the inside of your thighs spasming."I need to get back to work," you mumble, burying your face in Satoru's chest, "but my legs are shaking so much I don't think I can walk." You feel Satoru shift against you, his boner pressing against you through the layers of clothes, "And you're hard."
"No thanks to you and your maid uniform," he groans, inhaling a deep breath, "The first thing I wanted to do when I saw you in this skirt was to bend you over one of those tables and fuck you dumb."
Untangling yourself from him you drop down to your knees, the peach skirt puffing out around you. "Then do it," you mutter, reaching up and unzipping Satoru's pants, the chatter outside the door reaching your ears again. Satoru's body tenses when you pull out his length, loudly inhaling a breath of air and watching as you wrap your hand around its girth.
"I thought you need to get back to work," he groans, body quivering as you lick a long strip from the base of his shaft to the tip.
You give his slit a kitten lick, collecting the pre-cum that's oozing out, "I do, but we can't exactly go out while you have a boner." Wrapping your lips around his cock you swirl your tongue along the head, peering up through your lashes at Satoru. Satoru whose checks are dusted in pink, glossy pink lips parted as he hisses when your warm mouth wraps around his leaky tip. You slowly take more of him into your mouth, never breaking eye contact as your reach beneath your skirt to play with your folds, the other wrapping around the part of his cock that doesn't fit in your mouth.
"F-fuck, you're going to be the death of him," he groans. 
Hollowing your cheeks, you bob your head up and down, breathing in through your nose. Your hand twists on the part your mouth can't fit, twisting upwards every time you pull back. Gagging sound quickly fill the inside of the room you're locked in. You can feel the head of Satoru's cock bump against the back of your throat. 
Satoru fills the muscles of his thighs trembling, a knot forming in the pit of his stomach. Your mouth feels warm wrapped around him, your tongue pressed against the underside of his cock, licking along the thick vein. His chest is rising and falling, hips moving to chase after your mouth on their own. He relishes the sounds of you gagging on his cock, the way your teeth scrape along the length. He knows he won't last much longer, and as much as he would love to cum in your mouth, he knew no better feeling than cumming in your cunt.
He pulls you off of him, tugging you up rather harshly, and turning you around to face the bathroom mirror hanging above the sink. "Hey, you can be a little more gentle," you complain, voice hoarse from him hitting the back of your throat. 
Satoru pushes down on the small back of your back, forcing you to support your weight on the sink, reaching underneath your skirt to pull your underwear down your legs. He pushes your skirt up to your waist, huffing out, "Need to be in you." 
You wait for the stretch of his dick, but instead, you feel him slide between your thighs, the head of his cock bumping your clit. You don't say anything when you feel him start to move, his pelvis pressing against your ass checks with every thrust. Satoru watches his dick disappear between your thighs, his mouth watering as he gets a taste of your warm cunt. He then drops the skirt, allowing it to hide the view, feeling the layers of tulle brush his cock, the skirt bouncing every time his hips move.
He bends forward, chest pressed against your back, breath tickling the back of your ear, "Your so fucking hot in this skirt, f-fuck." 
You let out a moan when his hand starts to fondle one of your breasts, the other reaching down between your bodies to position himself at your entrance. The two of you let out loud moans when he finally pushes in, your slick allowing him to enter easily. Satoru doesn't allow you a moment to adjust to the stretch, his hips immediately moving against your backside. His hand sneaks around to toy with your clit. His forehead pressed against the center of your shoulder blades, heavy breath fanning over your back. Blue eyes in trance by the bounce of the skirt you wearing, watching as the tulle tickles the curve of your cheeks.
Neither of you lasts much longer, your walls spasming around his cock, your grip on the skin tightening as your cum around it. A loud wail slipping past your lips, Satoru's hand flying up to cover your mouth as you release all over his length. Satoru follows a few thrusts later, his seed painting the inside of your walls white, drops of cum dribbling out the edges, and onto the floor. His hips never once stops moving. 
You feel his chest rise and fall against your back, "The maids really are as pretty as peaches, just like the name says, but there's one peach that's especially sweet." He pulls out, watching his cum drip out of your pussy," So, I think I'm going to become a regular here, if you don't get fired"
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© Copyright 2022. Dearestgojo. All rights reserved.
Taglist: @luckimoon @enneadec @alekstraszas @ene-chan-desu @nafi-2004 @safaia-47 @neologyro @anbonio @n18813s @starlitheaven @glugsinia
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daddyhausen · 11 months
• kinktober day ten : maid/service play — hook •
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{ masterlist } | { kinktober 2023 }
{ commission info } | { like my work? buy me a coffee — kofi — dxddyhxusen }
{ summary } — tyler’s finally coming home and you decide to help welcome him
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact } service play, oral sex { m receiving }, throatpie praise, riding, dominance, soft sex vaginal sex, male + female orgasms, multiple orgasms, internal cumshots, vaginal creampie squirting cockwarming
{ word count } — 1.1k
{ pairing } — fem!reader x hook
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @adamjf @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @elsteenerico @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @violetmacher @seeingstarks @kennysbadkitten @darkangelchronicles @ripleyswife @selena-tyler-564
{ beta readers } — @allelitesmut + @legit9thlunaticwarrior
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
you waited anxiously by the door for his arrival
tyler had been gone for three months since you’d seen him last
you missed him desperately so
you desired his touch, his taste.
you adjusted the skirt of the sultry maid outfit you adorned
the lacy material dark and sheer, embroided witha floral pattern
you could just catch a glimpse of the matching black thong underneath
the one piece consisted of a corset-like top half black and white lace contorting around your perfect body
the straps frilled along with a similar collar and headband
white thigh high stockings matching with the apron
tyler was surely in for a treat
the door clicked open, tyler sauntered in with a tired expression
his eyes glazed over with sleep, jet lagged from the flight home
his hair sat a disheveled mess atop his head
he remained silent weary that you might be asleep at this hour.
he idly made his way into the living room
eyes widening in surprise at what he saw
you, in that alluring outfit
he was stunned, tiredness had faded from his body
his mouth hung agape, eying your figure up and down
completely enamoured with you
“leave your bags there. come sit”
your voice chimed in with a sinful ring to it
it was captivating to say the least
he followed silently, taking his place on the couch
you now kneeling between his thighs
“what’s all this for, baby?” he questioned, his voice deep with exhaustion
his eyes never left your figure, eying your breasts in particular
the was your nipples peaked from behind the sheer lace had him licking his lips in anticipation
“maybe i just wanted to take care of you”
you smirked, running your hands up and down the tops of his thighs
adding extra emphasis to the final four words of your sentence
noticing just how hard he’d become through the outline in his grey sweatpants
“oh really?” he hummed, smoothing strands of hair atop your head
tucking fly away’s behind your ear
“then work your magic, princess”
you obliged, motioning for him to lift his hips slightly so you could retrieve the waistband of his sweatpants
you sat up on you knees, tugging the fabric back slightly
his cock hard in your palm as you grasped it
feeling it throb against your skin followed by a soft groan on his part
you gave small kitten licks to the tip
swirling your tongue around the slit, examining his facial expressions
how his lips would part so he could wet them with his tongue,
a gasp or groan would soon follow
maybe a shudder if you’re lucky
tyler’s hand remained on the back of your head, softly smoothing the strands of hair
“fuck i’ve missed this” he let himself relax back into the couch
a soft sigh leaving his lips as you took him in your mouth
a challenging feat since you’ve been so long without him
almost forgetting just how thick he was
“i’ve missed you..” he hummed, gently grazing your cheek with his thumb
his smile was soft and content, just relieved to finally be back home
he took his time to admire your outfit
he had not noticed it before, it was new, possibly bought just for this occasion?
he adored how perfect you looked right now
how well the outfit adhered to the shape of your body
how submissive you were to him
it only heightened his adoration for you
“fuck baby…” he grunted, hips bucking slightly as you hollowed your cheeks
never breaking eye contact
you took him deeper, steadying yourself on his thighs
head bobbing up and down to a non existent rhythm
despite the ache in your jaw, the only thing driving you to continue was his pleasure
you watched on as he grimaced and groaned with arousal
poor thing had been so deprived of such a feeling
you took his entire length down your throat
gagging as he reaches right down the back of it
spit pooling around the corners of your mouth
blobs of it dripping onto your clothed breasts
“oh shit- shit baby, i’m gonna cum-!” he announced breathlessly
nails digging into the corner of the couch
more or less so he’d avoid leaving nail marks on your shoulders
you continued to fill your throat with him until his inevitable release
allowing him to fill your cheeks with his seed
“fuck…” he panted as you pulled away
almost about to cum again as you showed him your tongue
the appendage glossy with his seed
he’s never felt so in love
even more so when you swallowed
you stood up as did he, or at least he tried to
“sit still, i’m not done”
he was taken aback by the sudden tonal shift in your voice but complied anyway
you kissed him roughly, allowing him to taste himself on your tongue
you propped up the skirt of your dress, prying the thong to the side
slowly begging to grind against his cock as you straddled his lap
“you’ve missed the feeling of my pretty pussy, haven’t you daddy?”
you hummed in a sweet tone
“god…you know i have princess”
tyler leaned up to press soft kisses to the column of your neck
a small shaky exhale leaving his lips as you slipped him inside of you
intanstly beginning to ride him
you perky ass bouncing against his hips.
tyler groped your ass, kneading the pillowy flesh in his palms
“shit baby, i almost forgot how good you fucking feel”
you could not help but blush as the comment
beggining to add a few swirls of your hips
“shhh daddy, let me take care of you”
you kissed him again, feeling the familiar throb of his cock
how it twitches and convulsed inside you walls
“god i love you…” he groaned against your lips
his second orgasm just on the brink of release
your own orgasm building
he could feel just how warm and wet your cunt had become
so desperate to feel you squirt around him
he came in you without warning
just a few mere panting breaths and the tension of his body
not to mention the delicious warmth that flooded through your core
one that had your body seizing up with pleasure
“oh fuck!-“ you cried out, pulling yourself up slightly so just his tip remained inside you
sweetness squirting around his tip as he watched on in awe
collapsing onto his chest after your high had calmed
he slipped his cock back inside you
allowing you to rest against his chest
feeling the warmth of his cock throb inside of you
“i’ll always love coming home to this, princess”
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r0-boat · 5 months
Male! Dragon! OC x AFAB!gn!reader
Feat: Yandere OC Silas
Cw: possessive behavior, yandere character, mentions of murder, mentions of blood, animalistic behavior, biting, claiming bite.
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Thank you @devotion-disorder for this lovely art piece I'm so glad I commissioned you!!
You smell good.
So good.
Your Skin;
So Soft to the touch,
smooth and unblemished,
just begging for a mate to pin you down and sink his fangs into. Your mere presence was tempting.
Silas knew full well that as the months got warmer and the snow melted, more primal desires started to call to him. An animalistic need that demanded satisfaction. However, a Duke dub Cedric from a neighboring kingdom invited him to a ball and offered he could not refuse even if he wanted to. The Duke was kind enough to Grant him a plus-one, and now, standing before you in an outfit that the maids and tailor specifically prepared for you, how the woven silk fabric hugged every part of your body, oh, how he wishes he could forget that stupid party and rip your outfit in two and ravish you right here in this carriage.
His hungry eyes did not go unnoticed by you. Even now, as elegant and princely as he looked, Silas looked like a caged, starving animal. His eyes were only on you the entire night, even as other more elegant women wine and flaunted their bodies to get his attention, only to clutch their pearls in frustration when the prince only had eyes for you.
Silently stalking behind you like your shadow glaring down upon you like a premium steak on his plate ready to devour you.
But Silas held back his urges for the sake of his reputation, as all Noble eyes were on him. He stopped following you around like a lost puppy and began mingling with Sir Cedric. Talks of trade business gossip from other kingdoms were a much-needed but small distraction from the burning in his core, but now and then, he would sneak a little glances at you. His pupils waning into slits as he watched the other attendants stare at you with the same hungry eyes he had been.
Veins rush with adrenaline when one of the Nobles who had been eyeing you gets the courage to approach you.
The conversation becomes background noise as he tries to concentrate on what that man is saying to you, glaring daggers at the noble, making you smile and chuckle. The dragon in him hissed and snarled, becoming more and more restless. To it, you are an unclaimed potential mate being pursued by a rival.
Silas feels his claws threatening to rip out of his gloves. He clutches his fist with images of the noble's blood painting the walls of the ballroom, Imagining the taste of his flesh on his tongue. He quickly storms out as the Duke is still talking to him.
You look over to see Silas approaching the both of you.
Eyes burning with fury, be prepared yourself for a gruesome site only for it to never come.
" Excuse me, gentlemen, my apologies for interrupting your conversation, but I believe I asked this lovely person to dance with me."
Silas said politely, eyes still burned with a jealous rage that you were all too familiar with. A small, gentle smile on his face, Which only made him more unsettling. And his hand ever so gently stroking your hip, has he pulled you closer to him.
The man, a kind soul, really, took the hint. If he were to stay within your presence any longer than he'd had, this Prince would make him disappear.
"Ah, Sorry, Your Highness, I hadn't realized they were taken already."
Yes, taken… They are mine
A shiver goes down your spine when your eyes meet his, giving off a slight draconic glow of violet piercing into your very soul.
As you danced with him, his hold around you was tight, and his touch was borderline sensual as he caressed your parts in ways along with notice. You flushed, knowing that you couldn't do anything while Silas was feeling your body in public. Even as you try to look away, he moves his head to keep your eyes on him.
"Don't look away from me." He whispered a husky, demanding tone, his thumb gently pressing against your bottom lip as he forced your head back to him. His thumbs wipes across your bottom lip. His fang sinks into his, Imagining the taste of your lips upon his
"Eyes on me, dear."
With the last of his self-control, he lasted from the dance the carriage ride home, letting out a low-throated purr, seeing your small body sat pretty in his lap, his large veiny hand underneath your clothes grasping at your bare thigh. He stayed eerily quiet even as you tried to talk to him. He'd only give one-word answers or hums, his mind thinking of only one thing. His gaze focused on your unblemished neck, shoulders, and collarbone. You feel his hand squeeze your plush thigh, fingers dipping dangerously close to your core. Silas's breath tickles your neck, gently pressing kisses up until he nibbles on your ear. Finally, he whispers.
" As soon as we get out of this carriage, you are coming into my bed tonight. Do you understand?" He smiles as he sees you nod obediently.
When the carriage finally does stop as at his Castle, he immediately has you in his arms, carrying you like a bride, to his chambers, throwing you onto his large bed, going back to the door to lock it.
When you sit up, you see him breathing heavily, his face flushed red, looking back at you with that familiar, hungry look. Silas slowly begins to peel off his clothing one by one as he makes his way closer to the bed to you.
"Do you know what you do to me?" A growl rips from his throat, now half naked, his fingers playing with his belt.
" all night, as I suffer, you sit pretty looking up at others with those big doe eyes.
He creeps closer, hands pressing against the mattress as he leans into your face.
" walking around and then gorgeous outfit men drooling over you like panting dogs. Unaware of who has already claimed you.
He caresses your cheek before his hand slides down, grabbing the collar of your outfit. Pulling you downward, your forehead rested against his.
Claws dug into the fabric. If this weren't off in five seconds, it would be torn off your body.
He watched you slowly shimming out of your outfit. With each delicious amount of skin exposed, he touched and caressed.
Your thighs, your hips, your stomach, your chest. The Prince couldn't keep his hands off you. He could barely hold back when he pressed you into the mattress, a hand secured firmly around your throat.
Fingers trail down your stomach, slipping beneath your undergarments. Thick fingers press. Play with your core. Pressing gently at your tight entrance, fondling your walls, listening to the sweet sounds of your insides as he stirs them. He releases your neck, caressing your cheek as he leans down to taste your lips. His breath shakes as he goes down for another. His tongue is sliding into your mouth as he deepens the kiss, his fingers tangling in your hair pulling you deeper. He presses his entire naked body against you. You could feel how hard he was straining his pants.
"I want you."
His voice shakes in desperation
"I want to be the only man you look at.
"I want to claim you as mine, to make it so everyone knows who you belong to."
His hand slips to his belt, undoing it, while remaining eye contact.
" I need to be inside you,"
He keeps looking at your core, licking his lips.
" But first, it has been a while since I've tasted you. Let me make you feel good."
Grabbing your ass, he lifts your lower half with ease. He lets out a feral growl as he goes down onto your core, eating you like a starved beast. His eager tongue tastes all of you because he puts his whole mouth on your little body. Lewd noises of his lips slurping your wetness fill the room, which only turns him on more, his feral growls turning into whimpering moans, grinding his hips against nothing in particular. You clenched the bed sheets, wailing and trembling, your body trying its best to squirm away from the intense pleasure only for him to hold you tighter.
You were not getting away from him.
Silas needed to make you cum to taste your essence on his tongue. He needed to feel that satisfaction of knowing that no other man could make you feel the way he feels.
His eyes rolled back when your hand tangled in his hair, pulling on his long jet locks as you braced yourself for your own orgasm. He holds his mouth in place, drinking every last drop of you. Finally, finishing his meal, he drops you like a rag doll, wiping his mouth with his hand before licking his fingers. He was no longer a man at that point, with only one thing on his mind: he flips you over, a firm hand on the back of your neck, pressing you down. He slipped his cock out of his pants, his big hand manhandling your ass open. Your entrance is wet enough with the saliva, cum, and juices, even with his vast draconic cock. He forced himself inside with one motion, mounting you like an animal. You felt his breath already against your ear as he put his hand around your throat. His pace was rough and relentless, grinding his hips with each thrust, trying to drill as deep as he could.
"Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! All mine!"
He repeats like a mantra. You can feel the tip of his dick pressing against the sweet spot inside you, making you clench around his thick rigid shaft feeling every monstrous and inhuman ridge on his dragon cock. His cock felt hot, threatening to burn you out from the inside. You cum again on his cock. Silas is lost and in pleasure, mercilessly fucking you through your orgasm. He removes his hand from your throat, snaking it till around your mouth, muffling your sweet screams when you feel his teeth sink into your neck, his sharp, beastly fangs piercing, breaking your skin as the taste of your blood feels his mouth; he explodes inside you, his whole body is shaking the sheer pleasure making tears well up in his eyes. His hips still as he grinds every last drop deep inside you, claiming you for himself, claiming you in the most primal way any man can. You go limp into his arms, and he catches you, supporting your entire body in his arms. Silas, in a daze licking the new wound on the back of your neck, gently suckling the red liquid from the new mark; his cock throbbed deep inside you, still hard, and his body still felt hot.
"I need more."
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
Hellooo, can you do Chelsea x FEM chief(nsfw) From ptn?
I'm so sorry this is so late, the idea has been in my head for so long but I was procrastinating to write :(
Game: Path to Nowhere
Characters: Chelsea x fem!Chief
Type: Smut and Fluff (kissing, fingering, a lot of foreplay, jealous Chelsea, Chelsea wearing her paid outfit, Chelsea is bottom for Chief change my mind)
A knock was heard on your office door, followed by Nightingale walking in carrying some papers with her.
"Chief, your mail for today."
Thanking her, you let her keep the stack on your desk then watched her walk out before you began going through the mail. There were the usual documents from FAC, 9th Agency and some other organisations followed by requests from Sinners. All of a sudden, you spotted a peculiar pink envelope, adorned with a familiar small gem on the leaflet as a seal. You carefully picked it up and examined it a bit before opening and taking out the similar looking letter, complete with pink paper and a pleasant fragrance infused in it.
You quickly recognized it was none other than Chelsea who sent it. The letter was a simple invitation to her mansion for a banquet she was holding at the end of this week. At first, you became slightly suspicious but kept those doubts aside. For some reason, you knew Chelsea had changed slightly.
"Now I remember, she had requested to be allowed to go home to look over some matters. I thought she had some work but this is what she's doing...?"
You sighed and pinched your temple as you rested back on your chair and pondered more, "I haven't talked with her properly for a while....I got so busy dealing with others that I barely visited her. I guess this is not a bad opportunity."
Accepting the invitation, you cleared your schedule and made preparations to go as stated. It was a Saturday evening when you reached her mansion, dressed up in a decent knee-length white dress which was the best clothes you could afford. Everything else was too expensive or too casual. You were greeted by a maid who guided you towards an empty room. You could sense by your shackles that Chelsea was in the mansion, probably in a nearby room.
"The Countess prepared these clothes for you. Please pick one as you like." the maid said with a bow, showing you walk-in wardrobe containing a plethora of all kinds of party dresses.
"Uh....do I have to?" you asked nervously, embarrassed by the gesture.
"The Countess would be pleased if you do. She selected everything herself."
You nodded with a sigh then walked around a bit and spotted a stylish suit piece, complete with a crimson shirt and black coat with black pants. While you weren't one to wear suits outside of work, you certainly preferred it over the extravagant and heavy dresses here. You put on the chosen suit with the maid's help, you were fixing yourself in the mirror when you saw Chelsea's figure walking in behind you.
"Did you know, Chief? Legend has it that if you keep chanting "Countess Chelsea, take me as your sugar baby" at a mirror in this mansion, no matter where I am, I'll immediately appear~"
She smirked as she stopped behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her head atop your shoulder.
"I wonder if that's what you were think right now~"
You eyed her in the mirror, "I won't deny I was thinking of you. However, I'm afraid not to that extent."
"Aww, you break my heart, Chief~"
You chuckled together as she let go and you turned around to face her, immediately taken aback looking at what she was wearing.
"You....You look beautiful, Chelsea." you complimented earnestly, genuinely at a loss of words for how attractive she looked in the ruby colored floor-length dress having a thigh-high slit covered by a black transparent net.
She smiled and leaned closer, caressing the lapel of your coat.
"You don't look bad yourself, Chief. Not to mention, we match~"
Her voice husked in your ear, causing you to shiver for a brief moment before she pulled away and turned around holding your hand and dragging you out to the main hall.
"Welcome to my estate, Chief! You are my rare and precious guest, just make yourself at home. It'll be so boring if you are too nervous~"
She declared, showing you the mansion. You quickly realized you were the only ones around except the servants, it was a banquet exclusive for you two.
"C-Chelsea, you—"
"Ssh~" she put her finger on your lips and suddenly came closer, wrapping her arms over your neck while yours settled on her waist, lightly holding her. Soon enough, soothing music began playing around you and both of you began to sway to the tune, tenderly gazing at each other.
"How have things been at the bureau, Chief?"
"O-Oh, quite well...."
"Hmm~ Still too much paperwork? You know, Chief, if you become my sugar baby then all of that will end~"
"Yes yes, I know~"
You chuckled then picked up the pace slightly as the music fastened, now holding each other in a proper dance position.
"And....how have the others been? That Quinn CEO who keeps inviting you to play chess, the psychologist who loves toying with you, and....who other was it that takes up all your time?~"
You squinted your eyes and felt a different vibe about her, she seemed strangely serious.
"....I look over everyone as required, it's my job."
She raised her eyebrow then turned around and pressed her body against yours, as if being trapped in your arms. She leaned back on your shoulder; your lips were ghosting each other's and you could hear her breathing.
"Everyone except....me."
"What? No. That's not—Mhm!~"
You suddenly gasped as she pushed back further, her hand looping around your head and pulling it closer for her to lean in and place her lips on your neck. It was a simple kiss at first but she quickly sunk her teeth and sucked in, leaving a red spot on your neck.
"You have time for everyone except me. That's how you ignored me this past week. Once my problem was resolved then I was a nobody to you, isn't that right?"
"No, you are wrong. You are still detained; your Mania isn't cured and we still have to look over your crimes. I—"
She didn't let you finish as she turned around and placed her lips on yours, kissing you gently. You were surprised but her bewitching scent and soft lips drew you in, wanting to taste them more. You moved your lips in rhythm with her, pulling her even closer. The music stopped long ago yet you didn't release the kiss, both of you engaged in a needy exchange.
At last, she pulled away, licking your lips like a kitten and gazing at you while she slid her hand down to hold your wrist.
"You are mine, Chief. My....property~"
You suddenly felt your wrists tighten and looked down to see handcuffs made of gems placed fastened on them. You looked at Chelsea in shock as she smirked and pulled on the chain of the handcuffs to drag you along. You decided to follow her pace for now, secretly looking forward to what was to come. You reached a room and she shoved you inside followed by pinning you on a wall, her hands trapping you in.
"Dear Chief, how does it feel to be the one shackled instead?~"
She hummed in your ear, her breath tickling the edge. She then glanced towards the right side where there was a window before she walked towards it and drew the curtains to a close, darkening the room slightly.
"It's going to be a long night, Chief. Wouldn't want anyone to catch a peep, would you?~ Unless....that turns you on~"
You didn't reply then she proceeded to take off her clothes, sliding her dress down as she was left in her underwear. You heart was pounding watching her tempting figure in front of you, her fair and smooth skin shining against the faint moonlight. She smirked as she felt your gaze on her before walking up to you again and caressing your chest.
"It's rude to keep a lady waiting, Chief.....Oh, my apologies. I forgot your hands are tied~"
She feigned innocence before grabbing your hands and pinning them above your head, a hiss leaving your mouth at the force. She smirked and leaned in to capture your lips while her hands fiddled with your pants, unbuttoning and pulling them down as you slide them away from your feet.
"Is this all because I neglected you, Chelsea?"
"So, you do agree you neglected me? How honest of you, Chief~"
You smirked then leaned near her ear, "You know, you didn't have to go to such lengths to get my attention...."
You paused and sneakily brought your hands forward slowly, "....You could have just told me you were jealous~"
"Haha~ I believe you are mis— Aaah~!"
She was interrupted with a moan as you quickly put your handcuffed arms around her, caging her with you before turning around and pinning her on the wall instead.
"How bold of you, Chief! Are you that eager to have me? Can I treat this as a love confession from you?~"
"Love confession? I thought you wanted me to be your sugar baby~"
"Oh my, would you prefer that?~ It's just titles, Chief. No need to be so mindful of them~"
You smirked then attached your lips to her neck, eliciting a pleasant sigh from her as you sucked. She leaned back and pushed your head further then you focused your shackles for a brief moment causing her to squeal, the heat enabled you to break away the handcuffs for you to slide your hands down to her leg and hold it up to your thigh.
"A-Ah! Chief! I didn't think you were so dominating in bed....Did someone give you practice? Was it the Quinn CEO? Or the psychologist? Or perhaps your own Adjutant?~"
"Let's just say I'm naturally gifted~"
You chuckled together as you rubbed your fingers over her folds, holding her up on the wall as her legs wrapped around you. She softly moaned in your ear and began rutting her hips forward, needy for you to go in.
"Hm, just like a cat...needy for attention when she desires..." you thought looking at her state then finally plunged your fingers inside her cunt.
She gasped and arched back further, holding on to you tighter. You rubbed and scissored your fingers in her wet, spongy walls, making her squirm and moan in your hold. She gripped her fingers in your hair and pulled you in for a sloppy kiss, tongues interlocking in desperation. You then moved down to lick her breasts, sucking on the hardened pink buds and lightly nibbling them.
"Haaahn~ C-Chief! Oh, Chief!~ More....Give me more! Show me....t-the beast inside you!~"
"You don't want to see that, Chelsea~"
"Oh, try me!~"
You chuckled then plunged your fingers deeper, taking her by surprise. She squealed more and leaned forward on your shoulder, thighs enclosing and trapping your arm in between. You held her waist and pushed her into the wall instead, licking strips down her neck as you thrusted your fingers deep inside her. Her walls tightened, gripping your fingers tightly, she was close.
You leaned close to her ear to whisper, "Hold me tight, this might....hurt a bit."
She was confused but did as told and wrapped her arms around your neck, you buried your face in the crook of her neck and she sneakily licked your ear, making you shiver. You then focused your shackles again very briefly as you thrusted into her deepest spot, her mind went blank as a wave of pleasure washed over her and she jumped forward from the force of the shackles.
A loud angelic moan echoed in the room as she came, messy juices dripping down her thighs and coating your hand. You brought your hand up and licked her slick clean, the sight making her flustered. She slumped in your arms in near defeat, making you chuckle.
"I told you~"
"Hehe~ Oh, Chief....if you think that was enough for me then you are gravely mistaken. Come on, the party is still going on~"
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strawb3rrystar · 1 year
Genshin Men + Feminization
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Pairing(s): Gorou, Wanderer, Thoma, Venti x GN! Reader
Warnings: Panties, Oral (M! Receiving), Master/Pet dynamic [Gorou] Lingerie, Nipple play, Humiliation [Wanderer] Maid outfit, Pet names (Sweetheart, Princess) [Thoma] Maid outfit, Spanking, Abuse of power [Venti]
Word count: 800+
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"I-I'm so sorry master!" Gorou cried, hiding his face. You sighed, looking at his soaked panties.
"What did you do this time, Gorou?" You cross your arms.
"I started thinking about you while I was cleaning and I couldn't help but touch myself." You already knew the reason. You had walked in on him rubbing his cock through his panties, his pre-cum soaking through the fabric.
You clicked your tongue, thinking of a proper punishment. Though, he had only broken one of your rules; don't touch yourself when I'm not around. You gently rub his thigh, making him flinch.
"What are you doing, master?" He asked as your hands tugged at the hem of his panties.
"Lift." You reply. He lifts himself up, making it easier to slip the soiled panties off. His cock looked painfully hard, it was almost pitiful. You leaned down, pressing a kiss to the head of it.
"Mh-" He bit his lip, trying not to make too much noise. You kitten licked his slit, tasting his pre-cum on your tongue. Gorou lets out a breathy moan as you lick from the base to the pretty pink tip. One hand grabbed onto his thigh, while the other rested on his stomach.
"Master!" He moans, his cockhead hits the back of your throat. Hallowing your cheeks, you began to suck his cock. Making Gorou drool, his tail wagging.
"Please, please, please." He begs, knowing how cruel you can get. Gorou indistinctively grabs your head, pushing it all the way down as he came. His cum spilled down your throat as your nose pressed against his pelvis.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry." He said, watching you spit out the remanding cum in your hand.
"It's okay, we're just getting started."
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"I hate you," He grumbles as your camera flashes.
"Mhm, now can you do a twirl?" He spins around, giving you a nice view of his ass.
"Perfect," You set your camera down on the nightstand. Your boyfriend sat on the bed beside you in frilly pink lingerie.
"Do I get a reward for putting up with your bullying?" He asks, running his hand up your stomach.
"Please, like you don't bully me constantly. But, fine. What do you want?" You respond, rolling your eyes. He pulls up your shirt till your chest was exposed, immediately latching onto your right nipple.
"So you don't want something for yourself?" You tilt your head. He hums, continuing to suck on your now puffy nipple, pinching the other. You run your fingers through his hair.
"My pretty little slut, huh?" He grumbled, biting onto your other nipple.
"Hey! You were the one who agreed to wear the lingerie and let me take pictures, don't get all pissy now." You pinch his ear.
"Fuck you." He says before attacking your lips.
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"Why do you want me to wear this again?" Thoma asks, lifting up the skirt a little.
"Because it makes you look more manly, sweetheart." You chuckle, making grabby hands.
"Come here," He walks up to you, his hips swaying a little. Thoma kneels, pressing his face into your knee.
"My pretty little princess," You ruffle his headband-less hair, making him smile.
"I love you so much," He kisses your thigh.
"I love you more~" You respond in a sing-song voice. He nips your squishy flesh, making you yelp.
"You can love me more than I love you," He grins as you huff.
"Prove it," He stands up with a serious look. "Is that an order?"
"Indeed it is you slutty maid" You smirk, nodding your head.
"I'll show you who's a slut," He pins you to the bed.
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"Please..." He whines, looking dazed out of his mind, without a drop of alcohol.
"Please, what?" You tug his thigh-high, making it snap against him. Venti doesn't respond, instead, he just shifts in his maid dress.
"Archons, you're a terrible maid." You slap his ass, making him yelp.
"Can't follow a simple order," Another slap.
"Mewling like a slut from getting spanked," He chokes back a moan with this one.
"No wonder you were cut off," You snap, tugging on his hair.
"Look at you now. Once a sought-after archon to nothing but a lowly maid." He whimpers, looking at you.
"Master Diluc was kind enough to let you off the hook with your ever-growing tab. But, I'm not Diluc, now am I?" You slap his ass again.
"N-no, you're not" He finally speaks.
"Oh, so you can talk?" You chuckle, shoving him off your lap. He lands on the ground with a yelp.
"Good, you'll need your voice for tomorrow anyways." You clasp your hands together and walk out of the room.
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The summer event quest made my heart melt Also I really want to see that director guy in Fontaine.
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Taglist -> @cafekitsune (Go support, all of the dividers are made by them)
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slutforleeminho · 1 year
I’ve seen the maid minho and I didn’t dare to ask u for MAID LIX but ITS MAID LIX?!? idk like him wearing high things socks and the reader underwear? That would soo hwtt likee STFU I’ve thinking for days bout that and him being all subby and the fem reader being whipped for him ughh oh n the minho fic was soooooo goooddd i luv ur writing btw i talked alot lmao have a nice day/night thxx <3333
maid lix holds a special place in my heart. tysmm!
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he would be standing in front of the full body mirror, scanning his eyes over every detail of his outfit to make sure everything looked perfect for you. everything had to be perfect for you.
you would enter the room after returning from a shopping trip with your friends, taken off guard by the sight of him. he was wearing white, shear thigh high stockings, and his pink maid dress. he had on a pink hoodie over the dress— the sleeves so long that they covered his hands and created little paws, he looked like a little kitten— so all that could’ve seen was the pink lacy skirt.
he noticed you in the mirror and quickly turned around. “you’re back!” he smiled so big his eyes almost disappeared. his freckles were darker too, decorating his cheeks so perfectly.
“y-yeah,” you stuttered out, but composed yourself by clearing your throat and continuing. “ i got you something” you set the shopping bags on the bed and grabbed the bag that had the mentioned “something” in it.
“you did?” excitement washed over his features as you reached your hand into the bag.
“well i actually got them for me but i think you would look way better in them” you pulled out a white lacy pair of panties, with a teeny tiny bow on the front. his eyes widened and his hands reached forward to take the item from your hands so he could examine it closer. he felt the soft material under his fingertips and he couldn’t deny that the thought of wearing something that was yours made his dick harden.
“these are so pretty. are you sure you want me to have them? you said you bought them for your-“ he started handing them back to you, shaking his head as a sign he couldn’t except your gift. “yes lix i want you to have them,” you took a step closer to him “i want to see you in them” you pushed back a small piece of hair out of his face and placed your palm over his cheek. he nuzzled closer to your hand, closing his eyes and humming in contentment.
“now will you put them on for me, pretty?”
once again he stood in front of the full length mirror, admiring the beautiful white, thin material covering his sex.
you sat on the edge of the bed, scanning your eyes over every detail of him. but not staying away from his crotch for too long. “give me a twirl” he hesitantly spun, giving you a show. his hands held up the bunched up fabric of his dress, so you could see clearly. “so pretty” you stood from the bed and trotted over to him. he shook as you ran your fingers over his exposed thighs, feeling his skin prickle from your touch.
“let me make you feel good hmm” you grazed your fingers over his prominent bulge before palming him. he let out a little whimper before nodding quickly.
you led him to lay down on the bed, the dress scrunched around his waist. “now let’s see how these look around your ankles” you yanked them down his legs before he could respond. his cock sprung forward, finally free from the confines. he was so hard and leaking pre cum. you grabbed the base of him and slowly drug your fingers up his shaft, just enjoying the weight of him in your palm. when you reached the tip, you ran your thumb over the slit, spreading his essence to use for lubricant. “oh-“ he whimpered when you squeezed him a little harder. you stroked him faster causing him to be a moaning mess. his hips jutting forward in search of more friction, which you gladly gave him by placing his tip in between your lips and sucking hard. “oh shit!” his back arched and his eyes screwed shut. his thighs tensed up, signaling he was getting close. “are you gonna cum, lixie?” he didn’t use his words to answer. he simply gripped the sheets and squeaked as he reached his peak. but before he could quite get there you pulled away, ceasing everything you were doing.
his hand shot to grab his throbbing dick and finish the job himself. but you grabbed his wrist and pinned it above his head. “you’re getting brave aren’t you, pup? perhaps i’ve spoiled you too much” his breathing was erratic.
“why did you…” his voice trailed off but you knew what he was asking.
“do you really think you deserve to finish so quickly after that little stunt you pulled? getting all dressed up, cause you knew i wouldn’t be able to resist you” his breathing halted and his mouth closed into in this line. he couldn’t even look you in the eyes now. “i knew it. you knew what you were doing” you tucked a finger under his chin, forcing him to look at you. “do you not have anything to say for yourself?”
“i- i’m sorry. i just wanted your attention” he didn’t look at your eyes, he was too busy staring at your lips.
“oh honey all you had to do was ask” that dominant show was melting away, he was too sweet and innocent to punish. “what do you need from me, love?”
“want to be inside you” his big puppy eyes stared up into yours. how could you say no?
you slipped your pants off, followed by your underwear. once you were hovering over him once more, he had a look on his face that you couldn’t decipher. “what’s the matter, baby?”
“can i be on top this time?” you thought your heart would explode at his words. you teased him and ruined a perfect orgasm. and he still wanted to make love to you. “of course you can” you flipped over on your back and spread your legs open for him to slot between. he hovered over you and placed his lips on yours. the kiss was eager and messy. he wanted to slow down but he was so needy, the remnants of his spoiled orgasm lingered in the pit of his stomach. it was hard to hold back.
he was the first to break the kiss, leaning back on his knees and lining himself up with your entrance. his face contorted with pleasure as he pushed the tip in. his eyebrows knitted together and his bottom lip in between his teeth. it took everything inside of him not to blow right now, but he wanted to make you feel good first. once he bottomed out he took a moment to breathe, finally releasing the breath he was holding in. you held the skirt of his dress up so you could have the perfect view of him so snug inside you.
he finally started moving, starting of slow but deep. hitting every sweet spot. he started to pick up the pace, causing you to whimper every time he slammed into you, pressing up against your cervix. “just like that, lix.” you threw your head back, just enjoying the feeling of him filling you up so good, until that familiar feeling started to fill your lower belly. “shit i’m gonna cum”
“yeah?” his voice was like a squeak, cracking as he spoke. he grabbed the back of your right thigh, pushing it up and close to pressing against your stomach. the new position gave him access to go even deeper. “fuck!” your vision went dark as you came, your legs shaking and your walls clamping down on felix, which pushed him over the edge. he came inside of you, filling you up to the brim.
he collapsed on top of you, nuzzling his face into your neck as he came down from the amazing high. you hugged him close and played with his hair, pulling on the strands every now and then, making him grunt. the vibrations of his deep voice tickled.
“that tickles” you giggled and shied away from him, but he only pulled you closer, placing wet kisses all over your neck. “come on big boy let’s go shower” he whined and held you tighter. he was still inside you so you did the only thing you could think of to get his attention. you clenched your walls around him as hard as you could. he flinched from the overstimulation.
“don’t do that!” he whined and pulled himself out of you. you could already feel his cum dripping out of you.
“well don’t ignore me! and don’t forget i’m still contemplating on that punishment” you said only half jokingly.
“fiiiine” he helped you of the bed and into the shower in which he joined you. “i love you” he said while kissing your neck.
“i love you more, lix”
I’m SOOO sorry this took so long! i’ve been having trouble writing fics that i actually think are good. tbh i’m not very fond of this one but i felt horrible not responding for so long:(
@yumiblogs @fawnpeaks
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lilac-hecox · 10 months
for ian's day based on the membership maid post; anthony giving skirt-wearing ian a slow, teasing blowjob... as a treat <3
Ian/Anthony - Skirt
“P-People are going to start figuring it out,” Ian says, flushing pink and digging his hands into Anthony’s curly hair.
“P-People are going to start figuring it out,” Ian says, flushing pink and digging his hands into Anthony’s curly hair.
“Let them,” Anthony says, kissing his way up one of Ian’s warm, soft thighs. His hand slides up Ian’s dark thigh highs, rolling down the edge of the fabric to expose more of Ian’s skin. He shifts higher and the top of his head catches on the white ruffled on the skirt of Ian’s maid outfit.
Is it Anthony’s fault if Ian looks delectable in a maid outfit? Granted he’s been letting his subconscious influence the direction and choices of their sketches lately, so when the idea to get Ian dressed up in a cute maid costume popped into his mind, Anthony couldn’t shake it. No amount of teasing from Ian about how obvious Anthony’s kinks would become to the general public could persuade him to let go of the image of Ian in that dress, skirt billowing around his knees, adorable and sweet where the collar slips too low, and Anthony can see the hint of Ian’s collarbones peeking out.
Ian has to let go of Anthony’s hair as Anthony’s head moves higher and higher up Ian’s thigh, towards his crotch. Ian’s got nothing on under the maid outfit because Anthony had already stripped him of the panties he had been wearing when he got him on the couch.
Now, Ian is hard. The head of his cock is tenting a little against the skirt. Anthony noses at the side of Ian’s hard dick and Ian makes a breathy noise that has Anthony feeling heat pulse through his stomach. Anthony kisses the base of Ian’s dick, then moves down and mouths at Ian’s balls.
“Anthony,” Ian moans, tipping his head back against the couch and rolling his hips upwards, making the head of Ian’s cock rub against the material of the skirt. Ian’s thighs are shaking and his hands fist against the couch cushions to let Anthony move at his own pace. “Please.”
“Hmm?” Anthony says. He shifts back up and drags his tongue from the base at the underside of his cock up to the head. Ian moans loudly now, his mouth open and his face so cute and pink. “Please what?”
“Can you put me in your mouth, please?” Ian begs.
Anthony runs his tongue over the head of Ian’s dick, pressing against the tip and feeling Ian start to squirm.
“Aren’t you enjoying this?” Anthony asks, repeating the motion and sliding his tongue over the damp slit of his dick. Anthony can feel Ian’s cock twitching against his mouth.
“Yes, but I’d enjoy being fully inside your mouth more,” Ian says.
Anthony licks around the head in slow circular movements. Ian arches his hips up desperately trying to get the other man to take more, but Anthony is content to tease and taste every deliciously hard inch of Ian’s cock.
“Have I told you how good you taste lately?”
“Anthony,” Ian moans, practically pleading, “Please, baby, please?”
Anthony gives in just slightly. He takes just the head of Ian’s hard cock into his mouth, sucking lightly and earning a deep groan from Ian. He watches as Ian’s head falls back against the couch and his mouth opens, tongue swiping over his reddened lips as he moans. Ian’s thighs fall open a little wider, making more space for Anthony.
Ian’s fingers tangle gently in Anthony’s hair, tugging just a little. It isn’t pressuring or urging for more, just hanging on to Anthony’s head. Ian’s gorgeous, even more when he’s eager, and hard, and already falling apart before Anthony has even really begun to suck him down.
Anthony pulls off of Ian’s cock and presses a kiss to the head instead, earning a hiss from Ian.
“You’re so cute,” Anthony says, “I love when you start squirming and make lots of noise for me.”
Ian’s cock twitches as he slumps against the back of the couch, the dress slipping off his shoulder, revealing pale, freckled skin.
“I can’t wait to make you come down my throat.”
“Fuck,” Ian whimpers, eyes fluttering. “Daddy, will you suck me, please?”
Now it’s Anthony’s turn to groan. Ian’s playing dirty by calling him daddy, but it is absolutely working. Anthony pushes up the bottom of Ian’s skirt and uses his hands to part Ian’s thighs further, leaning in to take Ian into his mouth.
Ian groans, tangles his hand back in Anthony’s hair as the older man sets a pace. Anthony bobs his head, letting Ian slide deeper into his mouth. He isn’t as skilled as Ian, can’t really deepthroat the way that Ian does, but Anthony loves the feeling of Ian so heavy and hard on his tongue, in his mouth. He hums, which makes Ian tug at his hair, and makes Anthony suck that much harder.
What Anthony lacks in talent, he makes up for in enthusiasm and a genuine obsession with Ian’s cock and pleasuring the other man. Anthony pulls Ian closer, tugging his legs up. Ian gets the hint and settles his stocking covered thighs over Anthony’s shoulders. The action drags Ian closer, and his cock slides further down Anthony’s throat, a little too far, Anthony gags once and pulls back just a little, hands stretching to hold Ian’s hips, squeezing at Ian’s soft curves.
Ian releases a litany of beautiful sounds as Anthony sucks him. He feels Ian’s hips rock up, slow, gentle. He squeezes at Anthony’s head with his stocking covered thighs, his body trembling around Anthony.
Anthony slides lower on his own terms, dipping his head and taking more, letting Ian’s cock brush the back of his throat. Ian whines and arches, but he keeps his hips still even as he shakes, trying his best not to choke Anthony.
“Holy shit,” Ian pants, pulling at Anthony’s hair, “so good, fuck, Anthony. You know you’re the only one I’d do this for. The only one I’d get dressed up like this for.”
Anthony moans around Ian’s cock and then Ian leans his head back and moans at the vibrations against his cock. He knows that Ian doesn’t do this, isn’t all that adventurous in the bedroom despite him using apps to explore and define new kinks, but to hear Ian say it out loud, to hear him admit that it is only Anthony, it makes a heat burn through Anthony.
He sucks at Ian harder and then he feels Ian moan and his cock twitches inside of Anthony’s mouth. Ian is trembling and Anthony doesn’t let up, he keeps going until Ian makes a sweet noise and then comes hard, his cock throbbing in Anthony’s mouth as he shoots thick ropes of white into Anthony’s mouth.
Anthony swallows every drop of Ian’s come, sucking at him, even as Ian starts to shiver and moan, and tug at Anthony’s hair. He releases Ian’s cock and wipes at his spit-slick mouth. Ian is slumped against the couch, pink faced, panting looking so cute that Anthony wants to take him all over again.
Anthony shifts so that he is leaning up over Ian’s body, hands planted on either side of Ian’s head. He dips down and catches Ian’s mouth in a soft kiss, Ian’s head tipping up to meet Anthony’s mouth.
“Your turn,” Ian breathes against Anthony’s mouth.
Anthony stands and offers Ian his hand, tugging him up so Ian is on his feet in front of Anthony. He grins as he bends down and scoops Ian into his arms, Ian’s legs hooked over Anthony’s arms so that Anthony is carrying him bridal style.
Ian makes a noise of annoyance, but his face is pink and he’s smiling at Anthony.
“Can’t wait to have your pretty legs over my shoulders as I fuck you into the mattress,” Anthony whispers.
Ian groans, “You’re not fair at all.”
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capitaletele · 3 months
Hiii ! I loved your maid/secret agent fic so much 👀 so I'd love to read more about Stella, on her own or with her maid (or even with Zéro, if you're more inspired ?) ! Prompt words could be something like "makeup"/"silence"/"feather" but these are super random so obviously, feel free to change them 😳
and of course, thank you so much for sharing your writing, it's so good and always makes my day <3
Heee, thank you! :D This is very old, but against all odds, I came back to it today and wrote this!
(Yes, other anon who sent me a prompt today: I am still taking them! I just can't guarantee if and when inspiration will strike, but please, keep them coming!!)
“There,” Stella said, wiping off the small smudge of red under Jane’s bottom lip. “Take a look.” 
She watched as Jane opened her eyes and took in her own reflection in Stella’s gilded vanity mirror. 
Jane was always pretty, of course, but hers was the fresh beauty of youth and health and mischief, charming and unstudied. 
Now, with her coal-dark eyes, pale cheeks and deep red mouth, she looked seductive. Downright lethal. 
The false lashes fluttered against her cheekbones when she blinked against the light, and her lips parted in surprise. Stella had picked the dark, blood-like shade she’d worn in “The Vampire’s Broken Heart,” which she knew Jane liked especially. 
“Oh, wow,” Jane said. Even her voice sounded different, more sultry. “I don’t look like myself at all!” 
Stella took a step back to admire her work. Jane had refused to wear one of Stella’s wigs – “He won’t even recognize me!” – so they had done her hair in a retro style, flattening her usual swoop to her forehead as an elegant curl. She was already wearing the dress they had picked together from the “Already Worn Once” closet, a long black number with a daring hip-high slit that had hung elegantly loose on her own body but hugged Jane’s breasts and hips to a rather different effect. 
She quieted the pang of jealousy that was threatening to rise and focused on the task at hand. Something was missing, still. 
“Stay here,” she said, although Jane was so enraptured by her own reflection that there was no risk she would move, Stella thought. 
She wandered over to the accessories wardrobe and opened a few drawers until she found what she needed. 
“Come here,” she called, just for the pleasure of looking at Jane walking her way. She was barefoot, the silk of the dress hem pooling around her feet and dragging on the heavy carpet. 
Stella placed the feathery shawl around Jane’s shoulders, letting her fingers graze her skin as she arranged it perfectly. 
“Perfect,” she breathed, dragging her eyes over Jane slowly, taking her in – her flawless skin, the flush on her neck, the points of her nipples visible through the silk. 
She was about to reach out and brush a loose strand of hair behind Jane’s ear when Jane broke the silence with a breathless giggle. 
“God, I’m not late, am I?” she said, and rushed back to the vanity, rifling through her bag for her wristwatch. It was too cheap to be worn with this outfit, and Jane wouldn’t accept Stella’s gold-and-diamond piece, so they had compromised. 
“Plenty of time,” Stella said dismissively. She desperately craved a cigarette and a glass of whisky. “You’re taking the car.” 
“Oh, no, really, Ma’am, I couldn’t–” 
“Pshhhhh.” Stella brushed aside the protest. “We’ve discussed this. You can’t let a man that handsome wait for you too long by himself. Anyway, taxis won’t come all the way out here, and if you think you can walk as far at the monorail station in those shoes, then you really shouldn’t be wearing them.” 
Plus, she would get mugged – if not worse – before she was halfway there. Stella had heard the news, it was all they were talking about these days. 
“Promise me you’ll take the car. And if you don’t go home with him – don’t make that face – then you take the car back here. Promise me, Jane.” 
Jane looked hesitant, but she nodded in the end. “Thank you so much, Ma’am. You really didn’t have to–”
“I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to. It’s not often I get to play dress-up with someone else as my doll.” 
Jane giggled again, and then she grabbed her things – the heels, the bag stuffed full of the cheap trinkets she insisted she would need, plus the baton of lipstick Stella had placed in there earlier – and started for the door. 
She stopped in front of Stella, her eyes sparkling with excitement, and threw her arms around her, hugging tight. She was wearing the perfume Stella had gifted her for the holidays. She felt so alive, flesh and blood and hope. With each passing day, Stella felt more and more like a collection of bones hidden behind expensive clothing.
“Have a good night, Ma’am,” she said, and then kissed Stella’s cheek, and then her lips. 
“I won’t,” Stella replied, and Jane rolled her eyes, shaking her head fondly. “But you, have a great night. And don’t drink too much, so you can tell me about it tomorrow. In detail.” 
“I will!” Jane called, and then she half skipped out of the door, somehow avoiding tripping over the still too-long dress. 
Ah, the wonders of youth. Stella licked her lips, collecting the taste of the dark lipstick, and then went to the dresser to pour herself her first drink of what would undoutedly be a very long evening.
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hathorneheiress · 1 year
Wedding day pt.4
Libby stood staring at herself in the gold rimmed floor length mirror. She never thought this day would ever come. All her life she wanted to find someone to spend her life with, but most of all, to love her.
Her mother told her all she deserved was a man who would abuse her, and everyone she would find, was just that. She lied to herself that it was meant to be. That having an abusive husband was all she was going to get.
But then Avery inherited a massive fortune and she found herself whisked away to a mansion like in the story books. She also found herself falling in love with a young man named Nash Hawthorne.
She remembered him slow smiling her. Flirting with her. At first it annoyed her. He didn't even know who she was. But as he continued to be with her. Listen to her. She began to slowly fall in love with him.
He never raised his voice at her. Never made her feel like she would never be enough for him. For the first time in like forever, she felt safe. She felt loved for who she truly. Gothstyle, blue hair, and quirky personality and all.
Nash loved her weird style as much as he loved her.
She had dyed her hair that bright, electric blue she had first had when she first met Nash.
Applying dark purple, almost black, lipstick to her lips, she thought of her husband-to-be. His soft hazel eyes, beautiful smile, strong muscles, and gentle personality. Everything she was told she would never have for a husband, yet here she was, marrying that sort of a man.
Containing the butterflies in her stomach, she placed the lacy black veil over her hair.
The door to her bedroom opened, and a young woman stepped in. Libby barely had any friends, besides Avery and the Hawthornes, except for Ivy Darcy. She and Libby used to work together in the nursing homes before Libby had moved to Texas and didn't have to work anymore.
You would have thought that living of your sister's billions of dollars would have been awesome, and it was, but there were times Libby wished to go back and scrub floors and help the old. It was more because she felt like she had a purpose and gave her something to do.
Ivy was a small woman with dirty blond hair and sparking light brown eyes. Attired in a dark purple chiffon dress that reached down to the floor, it boasted a high slit in the front of the dress with a low-cut v neckline. It was simple, yet very gothic and Libby at the same time.
"You ready to meet your prince charming?" she asked.
Libby nodded, to excited to speak. "You think he'll like it?" pointing to her outfit.
"I don't know, but from what you have told me about him, then I think he will."
"Has he left?" Libby asked, looking out the window.
"He has. Avery asked me to come and get you. She and Max are waiting downstairs." Ivy and Max were her bridesmaids with Avery appointed Maid of Honor.
Gathering the skirts of her gown, she proceeded to head downstairs. They would take a vehicle to the church. And standing at the alter, waiting for her, would be the man of her dreams. Her prince charming. Her Nash Westbrook Hawthorne.
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jpriest85-blog · 2 years
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Finally, I figured out a formal outfit for my @foxofsunholt MC Zahia. She cleans up nicely! She'd probably be especially grateful for the extra help styling her hair from the palace maids (you know after the initial culture shock of having folks attending to her when she dresses and bathes...do wealthy people not know how to dress themselves?). Zahia does have a lot of hair, and while she does an excellent job styling it herself, doing those little box braids would take forever on her own.
Still, I can't stop the mental image of Zahia being stopped by guards for a security check the first time she officially attends a formal event at the palace, because they don't believe her claim shes attending as an invited guest of Princess Adelaide. Cue Zahia gesturing at her form fitting silk dress, with its plunging neckline and high leg slit incredulously asking, "Where exactly would I be smuggling a weapon in this?" Then proceeding to troll the guards by accusing them of using the excuse of security checks to hit on her until her date comes over to intervine.
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girlbob-boypants · 2 years
I don't care about maid outfits personally, but I really hope this means we can get some classy high slit dress for everyone some time soon
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invigilatcr · 2 years
please think about  :  
>  you huo in a female qipao  ,  a long slit up the side of his leg to show off his long legs  ,  a booba window  ,  and overall  ,  accentuating his figure
>  you huo in high heels and stockings uwu because  ,  lbr  ,  his legs are REAL nice and plus  ,  ripping those stockings ;)
>  you huo in a maid outfit :3c
ok  ,  back to ur regular programming
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deliciouskeys · 1 year
Hey oky so new idea here-rn we seeing the "new modern" Version of masculinity right, where a male is confident enough to wear and do feminine things and it's getting extremely popular.Male celebrities r using it to get a big clout on social media.So what if vought sensing the shift in the market, would also tell the male superheroes of the seven to do a photo shoot in women's clothes to send the message about "the non-toxic masculinity" Since it will attract a new and much bigger demographic.i imagine black noir in this cute maid dress,doing that cute anime girl pose. For deep, I have chosen that harry style's dress remember that flared pale blue one with extra layers and a blazer on top(chase Crawford would absolutely sly it though) in the similar pose. For A-train, I would choose again Harry's 2022 met gala look with pearl earrings. And time for our favorite homelander!!!his dress should match the color of his eyes, then a beautiful shimmering gown with v-shaped cut in front that would have a thigh high slit on one side. instead of his American flag, a pure snow White cape would be drapped across his shoulders that would have fur around the collar, neck and borders. Dainty rhinestones chains would be running across his shoulders, fixing the cape to the dress. I want to give him a snow Queen look.
Homelander after this photoshoot would begin to take actual interest in dresses since he finds his suit boring and would wear it in his free times. Butcher would especially buy that magazine and cut out homie's cover front pic to stare at him secretly(and to do some dirty deeds👀).
Lastly,I want to dress hughie too. So Starlight after this photo shoot, would request hughie to put on a dress for her and hughie ,at the end accepts it. Annie makes him wear something similar to her own superhero suit(that bikini type on) and also puts cute hairband in his hairs.hughie would go red and hide his face but annie would tell him how good he is looking and well later she would peg him(cuz hughie is a certified bottom)
Hmm very interesting ideas, Anon.
I know this isn't actually what you had in mind for HL, but your description reminded me of this Taylor outfit lol
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But I know you're imagining something longer and more elegant XD
Also, for the Deep, for your consideration, one of my favorite genderbend photoshoots ever, Raviv Ullman:
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It's green and aquatic looking.
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
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Thank you for requesting~ ☺
Smut Prompts; 'Take your clothes off. Right now', 'I'm going to fucking ruin you' & 'Again! Please, again!'
Fluff Prompt; 'You look really good in my clothes'.
(Changed the prompt since it's already been written here)
Warning; cosplayer!idia, reader calls idia 'princess' once, slight edging, praising, belly bulge.
Idia Shroud [Twisted Wonderland]
Please, enjoy the event~
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Idia was excited, really happy actually. He looked at himself in the mirror that he usually kept covered and he smiled.
He loved cosplaying his favorite characters, wearing cool or cute clothes, and of course, showing them to his boyfriend. Idia had been preparing this new cosplay for the past few weeks, and now he was done, spinning around and giggling as he saw the skirt lift as he did so.
Now, he just had to wait for (M/n).
And almost fifteen minutes later, he heard knocking on his door. (M/n) was kinda glad that Ortho was just outside the mirror room when he came through, otherwise, he probably would've had more issues getting to Idia.
"Come in," Idia said in a louder tone than he was used to, and he stood up from his bed, nervously fidgeting with his skirt. (M/n) opened the door, keeping his eyes on the floor as he closed the door behind him. Idia's cosplays were always something he wanted to see and appreciate, it took some time for him to open up about what his hobbies were, so he always wanted to take in the sight of the long-haired male doing one of the things he loved the most.
Slowly, (M/n) raised his vision, starting from Idia's legs, covered by black thigh highs socks, followed by his exposed skin and immediately turning into a black skirt with a white apron over it. He stared surprised at the male who was nibbling on his lip, impatient about what (M/n) had to say.
But (M/n) was speechless, flustered at the sight of Idia wearing a maid outfit. He looked so good... maybe a little too good, and he could barely take it. But Idia felt worried when he saw how (M/n) looked away from him.
He anxiously started thinking that maybe he didn't like it, and that made him a little sad, but also embarrassed. He turned around to hide from him when he saw that one of the pillows from his bed fell on the floor, and he didn't think much about it when he reached down to pick it up.
(M/n), who had glanced back at him, caught a glimpse of the pink panties he was wearing, and he couldn't hold back.
He walked closer to Idia, making him turn around and pining him to the wall, causing him to gasp out loud. "Take your clothes off. Right now," Idia started babbling apologies, his shaky hands trying to get his gloves off as he continuously said how it was obvious that he didn't like his cosplay, he probably looked stupid in it and- "It's not like that, baby," (M/n) whispered while pressing his body closer to Idia's, who flinched when he felt how something hard was pressing against his thigh, "I'm going to fucking ruin you."
Idia's quiet cries and whines were mixing with the sound of their skin slapping, the only noises echoing in the room. Idia's body was trembling under (M/n)'s hold as he ravaged his insides, his stomach stained with his cum from all the times he's already orgasmed. His hair flared up in a hot pink color every time his prostate was stimulated, his yellow eyes rolling into the back of his head with tears sliding down the corner of his eyes whenever he came.
"You came so much, princess, look at you... So pretty covered with your cum," (M/n) praised him, slowing down his thrust, reaching deep enough to see the visible bulge showing in Idia's lower abdomen. (M/n)'s eyes noticed how his pretty cock was leaking all over himself again, and he wrapped his hand around the tip, pressing his thumb on his slit and slowly rubbing circles on it, Idia whimpered when he was denied his orgasm. "You wanna cum again, baby?"
Idia nodded frantically, not really caring about the slight burning feeling and subtle pain he felt in his cock, he wanted to keep cumming, "Again! Please, again!" He mumbled between whines, and (M/n) held back a smile, giving him what he wanted.
(M/n) placed sweet kisses all over Idia's face, and down his neck, gently caressing his waist before backing away enough to push his hair back.
"I'm sorry if I was too rough..." Idia just chuckled, wrapping his arms around (M/n)'s neck, a wide smile on his face.
"I don't mind it, I quite like it actually," (M/n) laughed before deciding it was time to get cleaned up. He sat on the bed and put on his underwear and pants, soon after standing and helping Idia clean his body.
He grabbed the hoodie/shirt he was wearing when he came in and placed it over Idia's head, gently dressing him with it.
"I'll change the sheets," Idia nodded and walked with wobbly legs toward his dresser, looking for another pair of panties to put on under the hoodie/shirt, and he lay in bed while (M/n) tried to fix a little the chaos in his room.
When he turned around ready to go to bed, he saw Idia laying on his side, staring at him. He looked him up and down, seeing the end of the hoodie/shirt lifted slightly, just enough to show the red panties he was wearing now. (M/n)'s heart started beating fast, and he turned off the light, walking to the bed and laying on it, wrapping his arms around Idia's waist and pulling his slim body on top of his, placing a kiss on his hair.
"You look really good in my clothes, you know?" He whispered, and Idia looked up at him, "And in those panties too, baby, you look beautiful." He added, earning a laugh from the long-haired male.
"That, I agree with you."
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