#it’s also so mf hot out and we don’t have ac
tallgh0st · 1 year
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h34rtizuku · 3 years
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༺♡༻ if ur under 18, dni ✧ luv u tho
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୨୧ izuku is a pro hero with a 6 year old kid and it’s not mf easy
୨୧ while he’s at work, inko will watch over the child but he feels bad for putting all that burden on her so he decides to hire a nanny
୨୧ while he’s at work, inko will watch over the child but he feels bad for putting all that burden on her so he decides to hire a nanny
୨୧ while he’s at work, inko will watch over the child but he feels bad for putting all that burden on her so he decides to hire a nanny
୨୧ you're not too big on kids but you're good with them and that he experiences first hand ~
୨୧ he’s at the store one weekend with kiddo and he’s in the chip aisle looking for which type he wants to get
୨୧ mumbling to himself about which type he’s craving now but what if that craving changes later and he wants a different flavor instead
୨୧ he lets go of the little one’s hand for a split second to get the bag off the shelf and once the grocery is in his arms he turns to his side to grab the little one’s hand once more, only to find him not there
୨୧ he looks up and down the aisle - no kid
୨୧ he goes to the neighboring aisles - not there
୨୧ he goes all around the store, nervously sweating, muttering insults to himself that he lost his only kid - how stupid and unfit of a parent he was
୨୧ until he comes upon an aisle and hears the sniffles of a small child the child took a bit after him when he was a kid, a bit of a crybaby
୨୧ but he sees you
୨୧ calmly reassuring the child, patting his back, telling him to calm down and not to worry that you’ll go look for his father together
୨୧ he doesn’t know why but the sight tugs at his heart, there is something so pure and natural about how you are treating his child
୨୧ but he’s breaking up the sweet moment with a call of his child’s name causing the little boy to turn around and rush into izuku’s large warm arms
୨୧ you’re standing there a little shocked because omg that’s pro hero deku in the mf flesh
୨୧ but you're also happy that the lost boy has been reunited with his father
୨୧ you're about to walk off with a smile when he stops you
୨୧ he thanks you profusely for your help and you’re shyly like ‘it’s no biggie’ with blushed cheeks
୨୧ he asks if he can properly thank you and you’re like dude it’s really no problem
୨୧ he really is thankful but there is also something deep inside him that doesn’t quite want to let you go
୨୧ so he’s like let me buy your groceries and take you out for coffee
୨୧ and you’re about to refuse but you’re a poor college student so getting this weeks groceries for free was one thing
୨୧ but also how are you gonna pass up having coffee with the number one hero and his cute little mini-me ???
୨୧ so yall are at a cute lil cafe where he learns that you're a college student and looking for a partime job over the summer
୨୧ he’s like, you know what, why don’t i hire you as my nanny
୨୧ you’re like i’m not sure, i’m not really a kid person
୨୧ he’s like, i saw you with him, you’ll be just fine - besides he’s a good kid, he just needs someone to watch over him and feed him
୨୧ also i pay really well
୨୧ so you’re like … say less
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୨୧ so the first day on the job you arrive at like 8 am, he gave you the code to his door so you just let yourself in
୨୧ you see kiddo at the kitchen table just eating his cheerios or whatever but no sign of izuku
୨୧ so you just go over and take a seat next to the kid and make small talk with him
୨୧ then you hear some shuffling coming from behind you causing you to turn around and investigate
୨୧ lo and behold you see a shirtless izuku with nothing but gray sweatpants hanging low on his wide hips
୨୧ he’s got a towel across his broad shoulders that he’s using to dry the jade curls that haven’t been shaved off as a part of his undercut
୨୧ you follow the droplets of water as they slide down the crevices of his pectorals and abdomen, drifting down his v line and the small tuft of hair leading down from his belly button and melting into the waistline of his pants
୨୧ you’re trying not to salivate at the sight but you also can’t bring yourself to look away just yet wanting to memorize and study the location of every scar and freckle littering his muscular torso
୨୧ he stops drying his hair for a minute and finally sees you like ‘oh great you’re here - how was the trip over here? it wasn’t too hard to find right?’
୨୧ and you’re burning eyes finally tear away from caramel torso and you’re like ‘nope, i found it just fine’ ahaha
୨୧ he gives you a little low down on like, what kid likes to eat, what he doesn’t, what he likes to do, when he goes down for a nap … all that good babysitting stuff
୨୧ after he’s dressed in his hero outfit, he’s kissing his lil nugget goodbye, telling him to treat you nicely, and with several final thank you’s he’s out the door
୨୧ and that’s the start of your job nannying the kid of the number one hero
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୨୧ he was right, the kid is a really easy kid
୨୧ he goes down easy for his nap, he’s potty trained, inko raised him like she did izuku so he’s basically the perfect kid, he’s really sweet and will sit down and watch movies with you or he plays really easy by himself playing with his deku, all might, and dynamite action figures
୨୧ and if how easy a job it was, or the smoking hot employer wasn’t enough, the first time you got your paycheck was
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୨୧ one day, there was a sudden summer storm that hit right as you reached your stop on the bus
୨୧ you didn’t have an umbrella, forcing you to run to izuku’s house in the pouring rain
୨୧ you show up through the front door and he comes in to greet you only to see you drenched and shivering due to the ac in his home
୨୧ he’s like, “hey y/n how- oh my god, you’re soaked.”
୨୧ and you’re rubbing at your arm awkwardly and trying to create any sort of warmth as you tell him how you got in this mess
୨୧ he’s taking in your soaked form and suddenly his worrying eyes turn into curious ones as he watches a droplet slide from your chin, down your neck, and down your chest to fall between the top alley of your breasts due to the first few buttons of your top being opened
୨୧ the white top you decided today was the perfect day to wear, and without a bra no less
୨୧ but in your shivering and embarrassment you forgot all about that minor detail
୨୧ oh but izuku didn’t forget it
୨୧ he imagined that water droplet sliding down the valley of your breasts underneath your blouse and gliding over your stomach, almost getting lost in your belly button, only to disappear under your waistband
୨୧ he imagined what it would be like to lick the droplets off your hot skin
୨୧ he scanned back up and noticed the tight see-through material of your shirt hugging your tits, dipping into every crevice leaving nothing to the imagination
୨୧ he sees the dark hue of your nipples from behind the cloth, along with the 2 little peaks your buds have made due to the cold air circulating in his house bonus points if you have your nipples pierced, i’m jealous of you
୨୧ he pulls his gaze away when he sees a violent shiver rack your body
୨୧ he leaves for a moment and comes back with a warm towel, almost sad to see the sight of your tits gone but your comfort and warmth was more important to him
୨୧ he tells you to dry off a bit as he goes and gets the shower started for you
୨୧ you’re thanking him yet apologizing for the trouble as you’re gonna make him late for work
୨୧ and he’s denying any negative comments coming out your mouth saying that he technically is at work as helping people is his job and he wouldn’t be a good hero if he didn’t help someone right in front of him
୨୧ he tells you to take as long as you need getting washed up and getting the temperature back in your body
୨୧ he doesn’t have time to think about how you’re just a few feet and a closed bathroom door away from him, naked ~ as he picks out the smallest pieces of clothing he has in his closet
୨୧ he finds an old t-shirt and shorts from his high school days and lays them on his bed telling you through the door that when you’re done he has clothes waiting for you
୨୧ you don’t take too long getting washed up as you know he needs to get to work so only about 10 minutes later you’re walking into the living to izuku sitting on the couch watching the movie his kid wanted to put on
୨୧ he sees you come in from his peripherals as his heart damn near stops seeing you in his clothes
୨୧ the clothes were so small they couldn’t fit him any longer, not after getting a post-high school growth spurt and getting broader due to his hero work
୨୧ but the fact that his already small clothes were swallowing you just did something to him
୨୧ blame it on his size kink he don’t know he has quite yet
୨୧ he pulls himself together to tell you that he threw your soiled clothes in the wash before he says his good byes to his kiddo
୨୧ he’s heading out the door while you and his son are telling him to be safe out there when just as he’s about to leave you call out to him
୨୧ he’s turning around maybe a lil too fast, but he sees you with an umbrella in your hand telling him that you ‘wouldn’t want him to make the same mistake you did’ with a cute bashful smile on your face that almost made him call in sick to work
୨୧ but he knew he couldn’t do that
୨୧ screw being number one hero and all that
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୨୧ a few weeks later he comes home from work, tired af as one would
୨୧ but he gets to the door and sees you and his kiddo waiting for him inside
୨୧ you have a cake in your hands and his little one pops one of those little confetti canons at his father with a loud “happy birthday”
୨୧ he’s a lil shocked, a lil surprised, but in a good way
୨୧ he looks at you
୨୧ “well kiddo told me it was your birthday and with a quick little google search i confirmed it to be true. and i felt bad that you had to work on your birthday so we decided to bake you a cake while you were gone and wait for you to get home.” you said softly
୨୧ he had totally forgotten it was his birthday but if it being his birthday meant that he could see you in a little apron waiting for him to come in the door …
୨୧ damn he wished it was his birthday everyday
୨୧ y’all move into the kitchen to start cutting the cake and as you’re plating slices you lean down to the little one and tell him to ‘go get the birthday card he made for daddy’
୨୧ and izuku who wasn’t quite paying attention is like “hmm?” and you just like look at him
୨୧ and he’s like, “oh i thought- you were calling for me-“
୨୧ and you’re like mf, i don’t call you daddy yet
୨୧ but yall just kinda like awkwardly get past it and move on when the child comes running in with his folded construction paper with a green stick figure on the front labeled ‘dad’
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୨୧ it all leads up to the day about a month later when you arrive at their home to no sign of the kid
୨୧ and you’re like ~ wtf? he always comes to greet me at the door with a hug and he’s not doing that
୨୧ and you’re looking in the kitchen and the living room to see no sign of the child
୨୧ when you’re about to head into his room to see if he somehow decided to sleep in today, izuku comes out his room
୨୧ and you’re like, where’s the kid?
୨୧ and he’s like, oh, i meant to tell you that my mom came by just a few minutes ago and decided to take him out for the day
୨୧ so you’re like, okay, should i just go home then?
୨୧ and he’s like, you could but i just so happen to have the day off and i think it would be nice if we got to spend some time together, without the kid around
୨୧ and you’re like, what am i gonna do ?? say no ?!
୨୧ so y’all go out for coffee, take a walk around the park, and then go out for lunch before going back to his house to watch like a movie or whatever
୨୧ y’all get back home and he sits on the couch scrolling through streaming sites looking for a movie and you’re coming back from the bathroom
୨୧ when you’re walking to the couch, your foot catches one of the kid’s toys that was lying on the floor causing you to trip and stumble forward
୨୧ izuku moves to catch you causing you to fall into his chest and practically on top his lap
୨୧ you’re out of breath from the sudden adrenaline spike but the close proximity between the two of you isn’t making it any easier to catch said breath
୨୧ neither of y’all are moving, just staring into each others eyes as he quietly asks “are you alright?”
୨୧ his warm breath dancing across your face as you give him a light nod
୨୧ his eyes suddenly move to your lips and out of his mouth comes the words you thought you’d never hear
୨୧ “can i kiss you?”
୨୧ and with a split glance to his lips you’re nodding fervently
୨୧ not soon enough his lips are on yours : plump, warm, and soft ~ tasting of the coffee and the mint gum he chewed after lunch
୨୧ you two pull apart reluctantly but he sets his forehead against yours as he catches his breath
୨୧ “please tell me you feel the same way for me as i do for you?” he whispers
୨୧ you bite your lip, “and how do you feel about me?”
୨୧ “like i want to hold you. kiss you. and come home to you everyday. not just as a babysitter.”
୨୧ “is that all?” you ask
୨୧ “i have a few other things i feel about you but i think it’s too early to tell you.”
୨୧ you link your arms around his neck and play with the stubble of emerald that is his undercut, “i wanna know.” you whisper.
୨୧ he’s like, are you sure…. you won’t think it’s inappropriate ?
୨୧ and you reassure him cuz little does he know of the countless nights you laid with your hand between your thighs imagining it was him getting you off
୨୧ “well uh- i-i really wanna fuck you.” he quietly admits
୨୧ you readjust your position to straddle his lap, your legs on either side of his thighs
୨୧ “how?” you ask
୨୧ “how what?” he replies as he tentatively places his hands lightly on your waist
୨୧ “how,” you start, leaning down to ghost your lips atop his, “do you wanna fuck me?”
୨୧ his breath stutters, something about those words coming out of your mouth
୨୧ he’s quiet for longer than you would like, “c’mon tell me” you whine, moving your lips from his mouth, down his jaw, and along his neck
୨୧ his breath quickens, soon letting out a low groan when you stumble upon his sweet spot
୨୧ you pull away causing him to almost whine, “start talking ~ tell me how you wanna fuck me.”
୨୧ “well f-first i wanna kiss all over you. your cheeks. your neck. your hands. i w-wanna feel your warm soft skin under my lips.”
୨୧ he pauses a bit but you urge him to continue
୨୧ “i wanna play with your tits. i wanna suck on your nipples. i’ve wanted to ever since you came in soaked by the rain that day.”
୨୧ as he gets more confident, his voice gets deeper, raspier, laced with lust
୨୧ “i wanna kiss all the way down your body until i reach that sweet pussy of yours, i’ve been dying to get a taste.
୨୧ you let out a low moan into his collar bone, “and then what?”
୨୧ “then after i’ve made you come on my tongue a few times, i wanna stuff you full of my cock. not stopping until i breed you. gave you a baby of your own since you’re so perfect with kiddo already.”
୨୧ “i wanna make you a mommy.”
୨୧ you gasp, your breaths coming out in short hurried puffs as you come up from sucking on his neck
୨୧ “so why don’t you?”
୨୧ he’s frozen
୨୧ “why don’t you fuck your child in me, daddy?”
୨୧ and just like that whatever submissive izuku moment you had going on, is gone
୨୧ he’s on top of you in seconds, squishing you into the couch cushions beneath you as he does just what he said he would do, and then some
yoooooo, happy belated birthday to the actual love of my life. i cried like three times over him yesterday. i hope he’s doing good.
also i’m not gonna sit here & pretend i know anything about how the japanese choose to name their offspring so that’s why kiddo is nameless
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jinkicake · 4 years
All For Ushijima
What happens when Ushijima finds out that his s/o has a thing for his voice. 
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
Yeah, I had to rewatch some of season three yesterday just for Ushijima.... Please his voice sends me into orbit,,, it is so Ushijima.... it makes a mf BLUSH, okay? I had to come in with the thigh riding,,,, bitches got a thigh kink and we can thank Ushijima for that!
WC- 1,355
Ugh, I literally went to go rewatch videos of his voice on YouTube and,,,, shite >>>> his voice is sooooo deep
Ushijima’s voice can make ANYONE BLUSH
Whenever he speaks you just stare at him with heart eyes, literally the love radiating off of you will be noticeable by everybody
If you tell Ushijima to just keep talking, he will be so confused like why? He would still do it, he would talk about random things as you sit there and stare at him all dreamily, he gives you the eargasm you deserve
It would take Ushijima a while to notice the thing you have for his voice, he would not catch it easily
He is so dense that it would probably never pass his mind
Maybe if he asks Tendou about it his friend will be like ‘oh >:-)’ and then tell Ushiwaka that you clearly have a thing for his voice
Cue confused Ushijima again,,,, ‘a thing for his voice’ like please he does not get it AT ALL
He’d start looking at you closer whenever he talks and but he still thinks you look as you usually do,,,, you’ve always stared at him like this, always had that flushed look on your face, always bit your lip while nodding in thought
Needless to say…. Ushijima is still confused 
Ushijima would start to notice when you come to watch his practice. Whenever he slaps a ball too hard and releases his gorgeous grunts of hard work, you would squirm on the bench. The pieces in his head would start clicking together and Tendou’s words would come back to him and then BAM. Ushijima realizes damn, you really REALLY like his voice
Personally, I think Ushijima would get off to you trying to keep up your innocent act…. The way you tried to hide how turned you are just by him simply speaking will wind him up real tight 
If Ushijima ever asks you about the obvious infatuation you have with his voice, when he is feeling bold, you have to pretend like you don’t know what he’s talking about. Bruh Ushijima would believe your lie too. He’ll think maybe he was reading too much into it but he will still watch you closely 
Ushijima’s suspicions aren’t confirmed until one morning when you literally jump his bones after he says good morning to you 
Ushijima’s morning voice is SOMETHING ELSE, that is the BOSS level of his voice omg. It’s so rough and husky, his words slightly bump into one another, it’ll make your knees weak
He doesn’t really seem vocal in bed, maybe occasionally he will say a few things but most of the time he puts all of his efforts into his touch to make you cry out
Ushijima doesn’t really rely on his voice when pleasuring you but I think when he figures out how much you like his voice he will start talking more, just for you 
He would probably say shit like ‘you like that, don’t you’ , not really in teasing way but in a checking to make sure you’re into it way LOL
We simply have not unlocked teasing Ushijima yet,,,,, 
I think he would also say shit about how he feels or how you feel like this mf would go poetic describing it to you... as poetic as Ushijima can get
‘You feel so good, baby’ ‘You’re so fucking tight’ you know stuff like that
He would also tell you how pretty you are, hehehe or how hot you look….. 
Allow me to add that I do believe Ushijima has a praise kink, and that goes both ways HAHA HA >:-)
It isn’t often that you wake up before Ushijima, the ace has always been an early bird. Your boyfriend has a disciplined schedule of waking up early to exercise but sometimes, very rarely, you will wake up and he is still beside you. You always take the calm, quiet, moment to appreciate how peaceful Ushijima looks while he sleeps. After a couple of seconds, you always find your way back into his arms as you subtly wrap your own around his waist. Ushijima stirs out of sleep just as you flutter your eyes shut. 
“Mmm, good morning.” His voice is still heavy with sleep and you stiffen slightly as your thighs squeeze together at the sound. 
“Good morning,” You answer back and try to hide your flushed expression in his neck. Ushijima’s hand comes up to cup your hip, gently caressing it as he moves one of his thighs between your own. “W-Wakatoshi.”
He could feel you squirming and takes the initiative to press you against his thigh, making you grind against his strong muscle. His lips take over your jaw, softly placing kisses wherever he wants. 
“Sit up.” The authoritative tone in his voice makes a shiver run down your spine and you quickly do as he says. Ushijima moves you to sit right on top of his thigh. “There you go,” His low voice rings throughout your ears and you can practically feel the rumbling in his chest. 
Innocently, you glance at him without moving a muscle. Ushijima stares at you as if he is waiting for you to do something, you know damn well what he wants but you can’t bring yourself to do it. 
“Get yourself off on my thigh.” A quiet moan flies past your lips at his words and your eyes widen as you try to cover your mouth. Ushijima grabs your wrists and holds them apart, making it unavailable for you to cover your face. His words sound throughout your mind and you bite the inside of your cheek as you try to calm yourself down. Who knew he could be so dirty?
You obediently begin to rock your hips against his thigh, grinding your core down against him. His shorts had ridden up to expose his bare skin, it feels hot against your core, your own thin shorts barely cover anything. In return, you feel everything. 
Ushijima watches with dark eyes, his hands let go of your wrists and grab your waist. He moves his palms up and down your sides before moving up to cup your breasts. His thumbs run over the swell of your breasts as he gently fondles the sensitive area within his hands. 
“Wakatoshi,” You beg and rest your hands on his abdomen, his firm muscles underneath your touch sets your skin on fire. Deep down, you want to beg for him to talk, you want to simply hear his voice. 
“What is it?” Ushijima’s eyes don’t leave your chest, he follows every movement beneath his hands. Your nipples strain against the shirt covering your chest and Ushijima tweaks them over the material with his fingers. “You want more, don’t you?” 
You nod weakly to answer his question, you press your ass down against him as you arch your back and give in to his touch. Ushijima flexes his thigh underneath you and you cry out loudly, the pressure against your clit sends your heart into a frenzy. 
“Give in to me, my love.” His voice sounds so convincing that you find your hips stuttering. “I know you want to pretty girl.” 
His voice is quiet, but it’s the only thing you can hear, even as your pants echo throughout the room. Even as Ushijima touches you everywhere, in your most sensitive areas, all you can focus on is his voice. His compliments make you grind your hips skillfully against him, now with purpose and fuck, do your legs feel tired.
“Yes, Wakatoshi.” You struggle to find words as whimpers slip past your lips. Ushijima brings one of his hands down to your hip, using it to control the speed at which you rut against his thigh. 
“There you go, you can do it.” You nod at his words, pressing your lips together to try and silence your cries. It doesn’t work, when you finally come your mouth falls agape into a high-pitched moan. Ushijima watches with greedy eyes as you continue to thrust your hips down on his thigh, you are trying so desperately to chase your high.
It’s all for him. 
~ Taglist.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @littleshopoflove @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder @macaronnv @nerdygremlin @buzzybeebee
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inosukki · 4 years
jealous, various characters.
synopsis: how your boyfriend would react to his teammates seeing you in a bikini!
includes: bokuto koutarou, kuroo tetsurou, and semi eita.
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bokuto koutarou
two words: emo mode😃
when bokuto invited you to the beach with his teammates, you were hesitant to accept
the only person you knew somewhat personally was akaashi, since you three would hangout all the time
plus, you were basically the polar opposite of bokuto, which meant that you didn’t immediately warm up to people
but he practically begged you to go and how could you say no to that cute face🥺
currently, you were sprawled out on the towel you brought for yourself and bokuto, clad in jean shorts and a t-shirt
you were sweating buckets so you decided to undress, you had a bikini underneath your clothes anyways
and the guys were playing beach volleyball, so it’s not like anyone was gonna notice... right?
well after you’d taken off your top and began to pull your shorts down your thighs, you could hear the entire team making their way over to you (as you all had set up your belongings in the same area)
quickly, you slipped off your shorts and sat criss cross on the towel
“[Y/NNNNN]!” a loud, whining voice called out
without giving you anytime to process, bokuto threw himself on top of you, causing you to fall over
“i’m thirstyyyy” he cried, pressing his face into your neck
your eyes widened at the display of affection, gently pushing him away
“idiot... you’re lucky i brought you a drink.” you teased, handing him the bottle of pocari sweat from your purse
just smile politely y’all. we’re witnessing mental illness❤️
you looked at him like🤨🤨 wondering wtf possessed him to even say that
as he sipped happily on the sports drink, hand snakes around your waist and ranting to akaashi about something you couldn’t quite catch, you observed the rest of his team sitting on their towels and gulping down their own drinks
“aaah, i forgot to bring my water and i don’t have any money...” your ears perked up at the sound of the person’s voice
you scanned the area, eyes falling upon wataru, who was empty handed. you felt bad
should i give him a drink?, you thought, mulling the idea over
it was hot and he had just played beach volleyball (which was much more tiring than regular volleyball) in the scorching sun...
it was as if your feet were moving on their own as you grabbed the bottled drink and moved away from bokuto’s grasp, not stopping until you reached your kouhai
“wataru-kun?” you mumbled quietly
his eyes trailed your exposed skin until reaching yours
you didn’t notice how the tips of his ears began to blush, or how his entire face was red
probably because yours was too... not because of him, but because that’s what happened when you talked to anyone who wasn’t in your immediate circle
you also didn’t notice how he was no longer looking into your eyes, but an area just below them
“eh... i heard you say that you forgot to bring a drink and i had an extra so... here you go!”
you extended your arm, waiting for him to accept it
you waited... and waited... and waited...
“wataru-kun?” you questioned, lowering your hand. god, did you just embarrass yourself?
it wasn’t until another first year (anahori, was it?) slapped the back of his head that he responded
“ah-thank you, [l/n]-senpai!” he blurted, grabbing the drink from your hand
you smiled, happily walking back to your seat
wait, where was bokuto?
you scanned the area to find bokuto a few feet away from his original spot, curled into himself and staring at the ocean
oh god, he was in his emo mode
“eh... akaashi? what happened to bokuto?” you whispered as to not alarm your boyfriend who could probably still here you
“wataru was staring at your chest and he got upset.” he replied in a monotonous tone
“AKAASHI!” you screeched, punching him in the shoulder. “why do you say things so bluntly? i’m going to go see if he’s ok.”
still embarrassed, you unconsciously crossed your arms
as you approached bokuto, you could practically feel the gloomy aura surrounding his form
“bokuto? are you alright?”
“i am a failure.”
“what? what do you mean?”
he turned to look at you, incredibly small and fully white eyes staring into your own
“another man was looking at my girlfriend inappropriately and i did nothing to stop it... i am a failure... you should breakup with me now.”
“man...? wataru-kun is a first year, bokuto. he’s 15. a child. and i’m sure he didn’t mean to offend me, i didn’t even notice. if he had given me any trouble i could have handled it myself.”
your words fell on deaf ears as bokuto day in silence, resembling the 😞 emoji
you reached your hands to cup his face, but he turned around dramatically
“don’t look at me, this is the face of a loser!”
ok now you were a little annoyed
you forcefully grabbed his face and turned it towards your own with such ferocity that bokuto thought he’d gotten whiplash
“BOKUTO, you’re my boyfriend. my handsome, talented, amazing, boyfriend. you’re one of the top five aces in the country. wataru-kun doesn’t even compare to someone like you. he’s just a boy, go out there and show him what a man is! how scary and powerful his captain is!”
in a flash, the dark and gloomy aura dissapeared and was replaced by bokuto’s usually energetic and friendly air
“bokuto that’s not what i meant—no!—BOKUTO!”
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kuroo tetsurou
idk how to write for him lol😹👍
but i’ll try
so background😼 you’re like the unofficial manager of nekoma
you bring everyone protein bars and sports drinks and stay after practice to help pick up stray balls and do other ~managery~ stuff
lev calls you mom (he’s secretly your favorite)
yaku listens to you when you tell him to go easy on lev
taketora worships the ground you walk on (simp🙄🙄)
you call kenma your son but he glares at you when you do😹 (😿) big sad
(idk the other characters LOL)
everyone practically begs kuroo to invite you (which he was going to do anyway bc mf loves you duh)
so when he does your just like... um ofc u utter fool
lev had already told you about it when you were helping him practice his spikes so if kuroo didn’t invite you you would have shown up unannounced
but ngl you were lowkey feeling used bc after you accepted he told you that he’d gonna need the keys to your parents’ van bc it was the only car that could fit all of you in it
whatever you’re just happy to be there😋
you sat up in the front while kuroo drove, drumming your fingers against his thigh
“hey kuroo are we there yet”
“[y/n]... just look up what’s the point of asking”
when you guys arrived you and lev ZOOMED towards the beach to see who could make it there first
he won sadly :/
everyone else joined you so you guys began setting up
they were laying their towels on the sand, dropping their bags, and taking off their shirts
kenma kept his shirt on and was just on his switch the entire time
well everyone else was changing so you should too right🤩
you took off you swimsuit cover up and tossed it aside
and just when you did you heard the sound of squelching and a weight fall onto the floor
tora’s nose was bleeding and he was twitching on the floor
when you bent down to check on him his eyes widened, refusing to make eye contact
they were making contact with something else❤️
but he immediately corrected himself and closed his eyes
he might be a simp but he’s not a perv
you looked towards kuroo who was a few feet behind you expecting him to be mad or protective or whatever
but mf was laughing
“oh god, that’s so pathetic! imagine fainting at the sight of boobs” he was dry heaving, hands on his knees as he doubled over
he didn’t give af🖕🖕 f u kuroo
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semi eita
ion know how to write for this mf either
with semi, he hadn’t thought of inviting you to the beach with his teammates
he’d assumed it was team bonding/extra practice after their loss at the hands of karasuno
when in reality it was actually just a day off to have fun and forget about volleyball even if it was just for a few hours
tendou, your best friend, was the one to invite you
“come on, [y/n]! it’ll be fun! you don’t even have to go in the ocean if you don’t want to.”
you rolled your eyes, scoffing at the suggestion
“of course i’m going in the ocean, idiot. i’m not just going to watch you all have fun.”
his mischievous red eyes lit up
“perfect! i’ll pick you up from your dorm on saturday at two. make sure your ready.”
and that was that
tendou had picked you up as promised and the two of you made your way to the beach together
the sun was relentlessly beating down on you two, so by the time you had reached your destination, you were already sweating
“ugh,” you whined in displeasure. “my skin’s already starting to feel hot. i’m just going to change here, ‘kay?”
“good idea” he responded, taking off his shirt
you stripped down to your bikini and stuffed your clothes in your bag, wiping the sweat from your forehead.
a low whistle sounded from tendou
“wow, [y/n]! look at you, semi is going to just eat you up!”
you scoffed, punching him in the stomach. even though you knew he didn’t mean it in a suggestive way, you hated when he teased you. he knew just how to push you buttons.
“i will literally kill you. now lets go meet up with the others, creep.”
he chuckled, but followed you nonetheless.
you smiled as you saw the entire shiratorizawa volleyball team sat in a circle, enjoying a picnic
“hey, you guys started eating without us?” tendou cried, rushing past you to seat himself next to ushijima
“well you’re late, you deserve it.” yamagata uttered, not taking his eyes off of his food
you walked past the team, responding to their greetings with a smile and wave before stopping behind semi, lowering yourself to wrap your arms around him
“hello, eita!” you grinned, pressing a light kiss to his temple
he immediately stiffened against the abrupt touch, softening when he recognized that it was you
“[y/n]? what are you doing here?” he was thoroughly confused, turning his whole body to you
“tendou invited me! why do you not want me here?” you pouted, placing your hands on your thighs
at the suggestion he was immediately reduced to a stuttering mess. his usually stoic attitude was replaced by nervousness and defensiveness
“o-of course not! i just assumed only the team was coming. i’m glad you’re here, promise.”
his seriousness always made you laugh, maybe that’s why you loved teasing him
“i’m just fucking with you, eita.”
his automatic response was: “oh, well then eat shit.”
LMFAOOOO there’s the guy you know and love
you were about to slide in between eita and shirabu when you felt a pair of wandering eyes to your right
shirabu was... checking you out??? HUH
he didn’t even notice you were looking at him because he was looking straight at your thighs
you weren’t even offended because this was the funniest shit you had witnessed in your life
the kid that your boyfriend hated with his entire being was literally checking you out in front of him
before you could form a sentence that would surely embarrass the setter, you heard your boyfriend screaming and lunging at shirabu
“HUH? g-get off me! what are you doing?”
what da fawk😃
you immediately grabbed eita by his arm and pulled him away from the lowerclassmen, a shocked expression adorning your face
he was practically fuming, if you were in a cartoon, steam would’ve been blowing out of his ears by now. his eyes ripped themselves from shirabu’s cowering form and were now focused on you
“you were just letting him look at you! i saw you!”
“well i was gonna tell him off before you acted like a fucking psycho... which was funny as fuck by the way.”
“it was not funny” he growled, folding his arms over his chest.
“it was too! as much as i enjoyed that, please never do it again. i can take care of myself, okay?”
he rolled his eyes but nodded nonetheless, earning a chaste kiss on the cheek
you thought that was the end of it but he stood up, grabbed your wrist, and dragged you away from his team
“we’re going somewhere private. now.”
time for the vaccum seal two handed twist gawk gawk wombo combo🥵🥵
[a/n]: this was requested and i wasn’t sure if you meant that you wanted random beachgoers to be staring at the reader so i just made a teammates do it hehe <3 WHY DID I MAKE THEM TOXIC AND WHY IS MY WRITING STYLE ALL OVER THE PLACE LMFAOO😹👍
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regbeckblk · 3 years
some of my fav headcannons for regulus:
- virgo sun, cap rising, and pisces moon (still a bit indecisive tho)
- gets top grades!!! he is effortlessly smart and enjoys studying, reading and all of that nerd shit
- he is tall(ish)!!! maybe like a 5’10 or 5’11 around 16 years old. i think all of the blacks are fucking giants, so compared to his brother, yeah he’s ‘short’ 😒
- but.... before he was 16 he was a bit short and on the scrawny side. i think he was one of those guys that went through all of puberty over one summer. so he was seen as a baby for a while 😒
- he’s skinny, but he got a little bit of muscle. he plays quidditch 🤷‍♀️.
- runs a lot... it’s a time for him to be alone and relax
- i hc him as bi, but i also like stories where he’s ace or gay! 💗💜💙
- had a huge crush on james potter, but unrequited :( (but i do like jegulus stories!!!)
- had a confusing relationship with Barty Crouch.
- both were like ✨ bro... are we flirting?... or is it just a bro thing? ✨
- yes it was flirting🙄... but the only way regulus could flirt was roasting the fuck out of barty so it was hard to go any further
- he just cannot for his life able to express or define love in a healthy way.
- all regulus know is, make fun of people he likes, have trouble defining platonic and romantic love, be bisexual, have no moral compass, and lie 😐
- remember the discourse about him being a whore?
- i completely agree. i think he was a fuckboy.
- however, i don’t think he would realize his fuckboy tendencies. it was more just go with the flow... i’ll hook up with whoever i like... but that meant he unintentionally hurt a lot of people
- he probably would act normal right after like nothing happened and tell them it wasn’t a big deal😒
- it’s just that he can’t focus on a relationship and it was just a fun little one-time thing ☝️😩
- cannot imagine getting married or having children. waaaay too afraid of commitment
- his fuckboy energy definitely gives me saggitarrius vibes 😐 i hate those mfs much. def has a lot of sag or gemini placements
- always went for older girls (‼️mommy issues‼️)
- anger issues, will not hesitate to get into physical and verbal fights!!! he’s no shy, whiny, bitch baby 🥱
- he is a sarcastic little shit who teases his friends, but he’s also really sensitive to others' feelings. so for the people he cares about, he’ll try his best to limit the teasing
- i really do believe he was a sympathetic person and sweet sometimes but because of how he was raised it was hard for him to express it
- he can come off as selfish, uninterested, and overall, an asshole. it’s true, but he definitely exaggerates these traits in front of others (especially when met with emotional situations) 😬
- but his sympathetic nature is there 😞 just buried very deep within himself
- when it comes to quidditch... definitely turns into a jock
- yells “LETS GOOOOO” during practice 😭. would also definitely be the type to post his game stats on his story
- will break a rule or few 😼 but scared of authority (his mama mostly) so... not too far... unless he really knows he’s gonna get away with it 🏃🏽‍♀️💨
- really, really deep sleeper. has about 5 alarms to wake him up. trained himself to wake up naturally so he doesn’t have to depend on whether the alarm will wake him up or not.
- does not get cold. however, he will literally throw himself across the room if he comes in contact with cold feet or hands
- sirius and regulus would act like normal fucking siblings!!!!
- if sirius tells reg to do something, he would most likely do the opposite!!! (that’s what my younger sibling does 😐 most annoying shit ever)
- they fight and argue all the time over stupid shit!!!
- and most importantly, they do not think of each other 24/7!!! i saw a post saying regulus should be able to make his own decisions without having sirius involved all the time... and i completely agree!!!
- also, i hate the head cannon that reg and sirius lived in a physically abusive household. yes, they may have dealt with some emotional neglect because the family was so traditional and strict... but there was absolutely no evidence of physical abuse
-anyway... just a few more
- nic addiction and smokes occasionally (smokes joints because rolling is therapeutic for him)
- he struggles with mood disorders. i think we can all agree on this 😁
- i don’t think he was a loner 🙄 he had friends... maybe not super close... but he could rely on a few. maybe like barty or evan rosier.
- hated snape. thought he was gross, a hypocrite, and found his obsession with the marauders and lily annoying
- prodigy level at playing the piano and loves painting and sketching!!! ugh he’s so talented 😼
- dramatic and petty 🥱
- and lastly...
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doctorfluxofficial · 3 years
here are my mash headcanons,, i am fully prepared to cause drama in the mash fandom with this,,, unless yall agree with me which would probably work out better-
HAWKEYE: bi but with a preference for men. had internalized homophobia but then came to terms with the fact that boys are indeed pretty. yes i know he hits on the women all the time but you can tell by the way he does it that hes fuckin fruity.
RADAR: unlabeled. Yeah he likes girls and guys and such but nothing really fits him yaknow? He's also trans because like,,, come on we are supposed to believe that Shirley (his imaginary friend he mentioned that looked exactly like him just with boobs) wasn't him just pre transition? Also he's neurodivergent. His comfort objects are his bear and his hat (have you ever seen him without that fucking hat like more than twice?), he has a schedule that he sticks to, he doesn't understand social cues, he tends to ramble on a lot, honestly i can go on and on about his neurodiverse qualities,, maybe i'll make a separate post about it.
KLINGER: he's definitely a bit fruity but idk maybe it's just all the dresses. Like i think i get straight vibes but he's definitely a strong ally.... actually, maybe he uses he/they? (and he's kinda insane but we don't talk about that)
COLONEL BLAKE: straight? Idk hes definitely ace though based solely on the fact that he could barley talk about sex in that one episode.
FATHER MULCAHY: uuuuuuuuhhhhhh? I get gay but also homophobic vibes so ill leave it up to god to decide because that's what Father Mulcahy would do.
okay that's all i can think of for now. let me know if you want more!!
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babiekeiji · 4 years
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boyfriend konoha akinori!
(this is so unintentionally long i’m sorry !!!)
HHHHH okay
konoha akinori ..... is pretty hot ngl
Like i was just thinking of him this afternoon nd i was like “how do people not know about this man so much”
N. E ways
So we alr know right that during that one vb match, when akaashi isn’t able to set, it’s konoha who sets for him, thus earning him the nickname “jack of all trades, master of none”
We obviously love a well-rounded, good looking player.. and that’s exactly what konoha is
ngl he’s probably that asshole everyone has a big phat crush on
Like he’ll probably have a small circle in school nd be noisy in the hallways nd sleep in class but look so suave playing vb so he’d probably attract a lot of people
But obviously ...there is You <33
So konoha’s in math class ryt
And though konoha does study, he still kinda cheats in tests and shit jus because he doesnt wanna think sometimes yk
And you, The Smartest Of All, just happen to be his seatmate
He already knows you aren’t going to let him cheat off you
So he resorts to looking @ ur paper every once in a while
So ofc u go “boy if you dont stop that buffoonery rn”
“what’ll you do? tell the teacher?”
you do
and he earns himself detention
Expect konoha to be more of an asshole to you in the days to come
Like he’ll constantly bicker with you in class nd challenge your opinions
Like i said, konoha is smart, he’s jus an asshole
So konoha’s back on his bullshit right
He kind of sets this weird rivalry among you two
Says dumb shit like “i’m gonna get a higher score than u on the quiz tomorrow”
and your dumbass will always, MF ALWAYS, say, “BET”
What konoha knows is that because of this stupid rivalry of yours his whole school life is improving
He’s been studying a lot more (to beat you in exams), getting to school a lot earlier (just to spite you), and going to club often (because he needs that extracurricular)
One night you text konoha
“Why are we doing this”
Nd he knows exactly what you mean
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“Why do you keep trying me at shit”
“Because you’re cute when you try hard”
Best believe flirting has become a challenge to the two of you too
And this is the one (1) thing konoha KNOWS he’s good at
So the two of you start texting every night and soon you get to know each other pretty well
Konoha’s been pretty domestic, unknowingly saying shit like “ik ur ass is going to stay up trying to study for that quiz, take care of yourself.”
And BECAUSE hes saying shit like that you’ve developed a lil crush on him
Konoha has too
But that doesnt change the fact that he’s still your rival somehow
One night konoha opens up about how he feels different around you
You do too
So konoha says “if i score better than you in our quiz tomorrow will you let me take you out on a date?”
You text back, “okay, you can try ;)”
Come tomorrowits quiz time
You’re purposefully taking your sweet time, trying to get all the answers right
The problem is you’re p sure you’re going to ace this completely; like no mistakes whatsoever
So you change one of your answers to give konoha a fighting chance
Also because you really, really want konoha, the school’s resident smartass, to take you OUT
Nd maybe take u home idk
U nd konoha pass at the same time
“How well do you think you did?” Konoha
“Erm i think i did p well, how well you think you did, peabrain?”
“hA,” konoha scoffs, “you’ll see.”
Come tomorrow the scores are released
True to yourself, you only got one mistake on the quiz
Konoha ....
Konoha’s ass got half a point higher than you
Because he misspelled unnecessary in his essay
So obviously this boy is ELATED
Mf is levitating because finally.... he can take you out on a date after weeks of pining
But then he realizes
He grins the stupidest grin ever, “shut the fuck up, yn.”
Ff to when konoha is actually, properly your boyfriend
He’d probably call you up a lot at night just to hear your voice
The rivalry does not end.
Always on his bs in school; the sweetest boyfriend right after
“Hey dumbnut ready for me to crush you in this test?” to “baby you wanna go shopping? i’ll pay” real QUICK
makes you go to his matches (asshole)
Likes very minimal pda
Konoha’s waiting for you by your desk, “you wanna bet who gets more recitation points during first period? also i brought you that drink you liked from 7-11”
“baby do you know the answer to #23 of our assignment”
“no go figure it out yourself”
“yeah but whats the use of having a really really smart baby if they wont help you with your hw :T”
“.....it’s -9”
“thank you!”
buys u a lot of useless shit out of the goodness of his own heart
“look i saw this really cute fruit eraser set that actually smells like fruits...i bought it for you <3”
“my mono eraser is fine”
“yeah but i bought it for you”
“you’re helpless, you know that?”
“damn cant a guy get an i love you? i literally bought you 10 erasers”
you laugh, “okay, i love you konoha akinori, thank you for 10 fruit-scented erasers.”
“i love you more, dumbass.”
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fukurodaze · 4 years
haikyuu!! third gym squad taking the ib diploma programme
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ok... my friend and i got rlly stressed the other day and made headcanons for these guys if they were to take classes in the ib... it’s like a levels but like... a bit more death!
for my ib diploma folks you can just hop on over and read what i’ve hc’d but for my non-ib folks, lemme give you a bit of an introduction to the ib diploma programme.
characters included: bokuto koutarou, kuroo tetsurou, akaashi keiji, tsukishima kei, haiba lev, hinata shouyou
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THE IB DIPLOMA PROGRAMME is a rigorous two-year pre-college program in your last two years of high school. a full programme consists of one class from each of the six required groups (totalling to 6 classes), which are G1 - first language; G2 - second language; G3 - social sciences; G4 - natural sciences; G5 - mathematics; and G6 - arts (though, arts is optional, and can be switched out with another subject from G3 or G4).
within these six courses, students are required to take at least three high-level (HL) courses and three standard level courses (SL), but some students may take four HL courses and have two SL courses (kind of a rough one tho). 
just to note: there’s two types of math courses - applications and interpretations (Math AI) and analysis and approaches (Math AA). MAA courses are known to be harder than MAI courses because students do more theory work and have non-calculator sections in exams, unlike MAI courses where calculators are required for every exam. also, it is possible for a person to take IB courses instead of the full diploma programme, but i’m not very well acquainted with that variation of the IB programme so we’re just going to assume all the boys got 6 courses.
okay. i am so sorry i just lectured you on a whole school curriculum. anyways. back to haikyuu!!
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BOKUTO KOUTAROU : Japanese Language and Literature HL, Mandarin Ab Initio SL, Geography HL, SEHS (Sports, Exercise, and Health Science) HL, Math AI SL, Economics SL
ok so it’s canon that this dude is not doing very well in math but his parents made him do higher level math at first poor boy >:(
he started the year off in higher level and thought he was gonna be fine
no. he was not fine.
so he ended up switching his math hl to sl and his japanese sl to hl
IT IS CANON (special chapter in volume 19 titled “i just forgot” where bokuto has a wholeass crisis about words) that bokuto’s really one to actually really like to think about how words work and function as systems in the same way ib language courses do!!
actually having him do japanese ll hl is just an excuse for me to keep him in math sl sorry
i mean koutarou may be my fav tax evader but he really did sit through two years worth of econ classes... smh
mans is Not listening and has to rely on yukie for notes but he just memorises case studies for exams and does not do anything else
i feel like he just takes mandarin because he thought it was the easiest one... he also thinks the words sound similar so it’s easy to memorise
he’s a pretty good communicator so he practices his mandarin quite a lot. as in, he’s made friends to talk to in mandarin. we love to see it!!!
also. um. i hc that he’s pretty decent at memorisation so geography!! this goes for memorising all the kanji and mandarin characters too
i think SEHS is pretty self-explanatory. mans already known he wanna be a pro athlete might as learn about being healthy as an athlete
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KUROO TESTUROU : Japanese Language and Literature SL, English B SL, Business Management HL, Chemistry HL, Math AI HL, Biology HL
now... we all know this mf been taking chemistry hl. it is CANON
and as per his career path... DEFINITELY business management hl
i feel like he’s so analytical in the way he sees things that he likes to explore many areas of knowledge where there are different ways of thinking
takes english as a second language because... whew.. aint it sexy when mans wanna be multifaceted in business
also takes higher level biology because he’d rather not with the languages... but later on i believe he ends up in a higher level language class because he might as well
i feel like kuroo’s classes just give me a vibe i know too too well... 
mans takes math ai. he does not wanna fuck around with a pencil proving a theorem he just wants the answer bro
like in volleyball, he’s a quick thinker. so he’s pretty g with math and business stuff
i literally know someone with this class combo ... it’s not very chill but it screams “you never see me do any course work but i always get at least a B+ in every subject”
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AKAASHI KEIJI :  Japanese Language and Literature HL, French Ab Initio SL, Psychology HL, Chemistry SL, Math AA SL, Visual Arts HL
now... this subject combo radiates such pretty energy
pretty subjects for a pretty boy
he was originally going to do biology sl but then found out there is chemistry in biology so he just decided with chemistry. plain and simple.
we all know akaashi is both emotionally and academically intelligent
he’s logical and analytical, and when faced with a tough time he works through it well albeit going through a little bit of struggle
this automatically puts him in math aa... i just see him actually liking proving theorems??? 
but maybe he just thinks his calculator is a nuisance sometimes and would rather solve everything by hand 
also art boy! this dude likes graphic design more but when it comes to traditional art he does Not Hold Back
i like to think that he’s into painting backgrounds and mixed media
if he didn’t take VA, i’m pretty sure he would take economics. because. it’s quite systematic and i think akaashi would take a liking to it
as for japanese ll hl... we all know this dude was supposed to be a part of the literary section in a magazine/manga company but was moved to editor
goes hand-in-hand with psychology, likes to know how words convey meaning and how they affect people
he also thinks french is kind of a cool language. i feel like this guy just wants to do it because it sounds cool and novel for him
all in all, pretty solid subject combo!
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TSUKISHIMA KEI : Japanese Language and Literature HL, French Ab Initio SL, History HL, Biology SL, Math AA HL, Instrumental Music HL
4 hl’s... here we are folks
honestly does it for colleges to go like “holy shit this dude is kinda crazy”
but does suffer... coursework tings :)
first of all this dude takes french (even though it’s a beginner’s class) because he just loves to sound cool huh
the summer before his courses started he would have had the basics down after looking through free ib textbooks
plus, being the guy that’s super good at a new language in the class is a huge ass flex and a big ass ego boost. and anyways, with language, he thinks it’s just a lot of simple patterns working together.
this also applies to japanese ll hl... finds writing essays and making arguments ez (at least that’s what he tells himself - he’s kinda nervous when it comes to japanese but he holds on anyway)
practices extra hard on pronunciation. sounds hot tho
math aa hl??? there we go. another crazy one. thought he could ace the class at first.... no. no he couldn’t 
thinks about moving down to sl. probably does. (at least it’s not math ai)
history and biology go hand in hand for him. he has significant interests in prehistoric times, and likes to learn about the origins of life - that’s a given
but he does get tired of the politics talk in history like... goddamn all these people making so many mistakes? just stop making them smh
and instrumental music was just something he got onto because he really would like to just have a course where he could enjoy himself while also learning about the stuff he likes
nobody knows what music he listens to... but i think he’s willing to listen to anything as long as it’s music and it has the kinds of vibes he digs
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HAIBA LEV: Japanese Language and Literature SL, Mandarin Ab Initio SL, Psychology HL, Chemistry SL, Math AI HL, Theatre HL
i don’t know how to explain it but lev has such strong psych and chem energy
yes haiba lev’s classes are the ones i picked via roulette wheel
jk not really
here’s the thing though, lev takes psychology because he thinks econ, business management, history, ess, all that jazz is just... absolutely boring. like. super. mf-ing. boring.
so he’s like ooh cognitive processes!
kinda hates that he has to study research methods and research methods ONLY at first but when he gets the hang of it he really finds it one of his fav subs
i actually have no explanation for mandarin ab initio sl... he just seemed like the kind of guy who would wanna do the class solely because he thinks mandarin sounds cool with their intonations and everything
plus he heard that the teacher gives mooncakes every lunar new year ad he. loves. them.
okay now hear me out.
lev is good at math.
maybe not lightning speed analysis or calculations like akaashi, but he finds solving problems fun! except for when they’re without a calculator bc he HATES doing calculations by hand
he can get a bit clumsy with his hand calculations too so it’s nice to just have a calculator on hand
literally only does math ai for the sake of using a calculator at all times (a/n: i take this class, and this was the reason i took it too. COMPLETELY VALID)
and then does theatre for the fun of it!!! confidence levels high for presentations and performances... good fit
kinda thought that ib theatre would be his easy A but oh how he was wrong... hates the research tasks at first but he gets used to it
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HINATA SHOUYOU: Japanese Language and Literature SL, Portuguese Ab Initio SL, SEHS HL, Geography HL, Math AI SL, Theatre HL
his classes are bokuto energy but with theatre and portuguese
MANGA SPOILERS! we all know he started thinking abt going to brazil in his second year of high school, and the ib diploma programme starts in the last two years of high school so it fits PERFECTLY
lowkey most of the boys take japanese ll sl because they just. have to.
this is also hinata’s case <3
SEHS HL!!! he has a vision for the future and it definitely involves him understanding health and sports and everything like that, especially after nationals in his first year :(((( still sad abt that
but he’s motivated for this higher level class because he’s really just gonna go all out with the research
math ai sl because... he prolly don’t give a fuck about numbers!!! (it hasn’t been made clear already, but math ai sl is the lowest level math course)
he also took theatre hl because even though he does get scared at first, he’s a natural when it comes to learning new cultures
he’s just so curious about it all and it makes him quite engaged in the class as well!!!!
also kinda took theatre because the other subjects were just not it for him
about geography... he hates memorisation but he also hates everything else in the social studies group so
he just gets by by trying to find the little details of the things he’s studying interesting because really... geography class is just the base of all the places on his bucket list
hinata’s def one of those dudes who picks his subs purely off of liking because we all know he’s going. any subject that isn’t based off of liking is usually a mandatory subject anyways
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anestheticrage · 4 years
Be me: Japanese honor student🎓, 15, with half a brain and even less of a plan. Hunting bitches by day and witches by night. Livin that dank only child✌️ life while mom n dad yeet all over the globe, leavin me plenty of time to forget not to make 2 lunches for myself #quirky 😜
no time for socialization or basic electronics skills ???📱??? when your best friends are an alien demon rabbit🐰👽 and the inexplicable Hole ™ in your brain. lmao, btw did i mention im ✨M✨A✨G✨I✨C✨A✨L✨
dreamin bout my 2D waifus again when familiar pink haired cancer patient dances through my brain passin out fliers: Kamihama Meguca Dating Service: Sponsored by Cult of the Magius. 250 stones per session 🤔
seems legit, Mr. Moneybags. wasn't spending my unwieldy sack of gemstones on anything else anyway. lets pull 💎💎💎
first up we have Redhead Radagast and her plethora of plants. 🌿☺️🦎
anndd, nearly dies immediately. 
well not off to a great start but i guess shes pretty cute at lea- oh FUCK its her girlfriend, Tsundere Poseidon😒🔱💦, and their exasperated, straight and single Sword Mom 😔🗡️🔥. fml gonna have to save up for the next pull. might as well play a few rounds with what i got tho. 
get in some good girl talk about things like school, color coded hair styles, body count, permanent soul damage, and our personal demon pacts. ya know, the usual 😚 . realize my dark backstory seems to be missing, so the girls take me to Ketchup Queen Sappho 🍅🥧 (wtf?) to molest my glowy egg stone. whatevs, more action than ive had since Kuroe 🖤 got added to the story anyway
the gang agrees it's time to hunt down the cutest rabbit pimp 🕶️🐇💵 in the city. >> say 🎵mukyuuu🎵 one more time and ill hug you so hard my backstory will pop right out, you adorable fluffy bastard. plz be my new best friend 💕
Form brand new friendship pact with Kyubae, and remember that my lil Sis 🐥 was always the best wingman for pickin up magic chicks, and kept her side of the room so spotless i forgot she existed. whoops 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ Maybe if I find her i can stop paying these exorbitant pull fees.📵💎
speaking of which: hot damn this week's featured bachelorette is a 19 year old model and magical detective🔎 with massive levels of PTSD and self loathing 🥵💙💦 more likely to stab you or dramatically jump off a rooftoop than utter a single positive comment. wow, maybe i really COULD find true love…
... if i had MORE THAN A 1% FUCKING DRAW CHANCE. 😡 smh
hard to make much progress finding sis or winning the broken heart of a hard boiled detective amidst the never ending lover's quarrel of the Trident Vine Lesbians. 💔 Sword Mom tells them if they don't behave a monster will take them away. LOL classic mom 🤣
declare all-out war on urban legends, starting with staircases ⚔️ to reunite the dysfunctional trio, and hope that I net a way better lineup with the next 10x pull. at least sad sleuth lady came to help out. they say combat is the best way to bond wi-   and there she goes off the rooftop again 🙄 fml
alright that got way off track, we need a fresh start, away from all the loli drama. how bout a little B&E🔓🔨🤷🏻‍♀️ at the local house of worship to clear my head. ahh nothing like the unanswered prayers of the masses to get you in the mood for another wasted pull, and the 🔥 MIGHTIEST 🔥 headache you could ask for with a side of Double Cooked Pork 🐖🍜 (meh 5/10🧾)
venture forth into the spiritual unknown with your new human flamethrower🔥🌻🧡 and ask your favorite private eye to please, for the love of Eve, trade Meguca accounts with me~~~ Head through the eastern spirit portal to meet up with hologram propaganda sis and detective crush's evil ex, who joined a dating-app cult (#fuck) and also turned into the moon?🌕?(that's rough buddy)
get ambushed by Acid Horse on Wheels 🌈🐴 and vomit up my soul so hard that its time for a crossover episode. T U R F F F   W A R R R *que operatic harmonies* 💛 Blondie with the hair drills and enough attitude and guns to fill up a noble phantasm tries to ban my account permanently, but PI heartthrob denies her admin privileges. aww babe i didn't know you cared. 😭♥️
get kidnapped by my new true love and go back to her place 😏  defs enough empty rooms to house five emotionally traumatized girls and at least two ghosts hehehe👻 XD 💚🃏💜🎸 decide to form the anti-gossip brigade and recruit my blazing sunflower after getting ambushed by the witch living in my fruit loops🥣
❌outvoted 2:1 that cults are bad. mf. fiinneee one last pull to round out the team and then I'll delete the app. cmonnn Karin 🎃~
Always wanted a daughter 💜🔨🐄 with a penchant for pissing off the local Martial Arts & Books Club and drinking suspicious liquids offered by total strangers. Well if it's good enough for her AND the sexy mayadere with enough game to seduce a mermaid, might as well get in on that myself. 
#curseddrank 🤢 0/24 would not recommend to a friend, 'cept maybe Ria
win alot of cash 🤑, blow up a fountain, meet the pied piper²🎶🖕, moon cult, monochrome feathers, something about liberation✊🏻; adopt temper tantrum cow girl. aces 💜🥩
Next up!!! skydiving with DJ Hammer! Jump to apparently-not-certain death after suicidal A.I. 💚💾🗼 tells you to rescue her hostage before they run out of Radiohead albums and have to move on to Thom Yorke's solo discography. save the invisible shield kitten 💚👑😿 from happiness and get chased through the internet by the sexiest homicidal Paint Pallette 💚🎨😈 since Caravaggio. (apparently green is the color of the digital apocalypse. i’m deleting Kako from my friend's list)
that’s it, fuck this app. 250 stones 💎 per-life-threatening-experience is more than i’m willing to deal with 😓 don’t wanna mess with the perfect nuclear family anyway. we've already got: 
✔️the two emotionally traumatized moms with memory and commitment issues
✔️the adhd daughter with anger management problems and a giant hammer
✔️the psychologically abused scizophrenic cat
✔️and the eccentric aunt with crippling anxiety
now that were done hoarding bitches, its time to hunt the witches. and the bitches makin the witches. btw did i mention the witches ARE the bitches! AND WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!? 📽️⁉️💀 wait fuck lets back up a second
This is Nemo📕 and Token🧪 and they have all the answers but prefer if you only ask vague questions in exchange for vague responses so they can fill in the rest by discussing their superior intellect 🧠 at length. not to mention they built that dating app, so of course everyone in my harem decides to be a FUCKING. TRAITOR.🤬
cept waifu prime ofc 🥰💙. [PTSD > brainwashing] 'yOu CaN bE tHe LeAdEr NoW'. i have been from the very beginning you traumatized Hinedere nightmare. maybe if you weren't so caught up collecting surrogate daughters you would've noticed IM👏THE👏ONLY👏 ONE👏PROGRESSING👏THE FUCKING👏PLOT✨
rescue the rest of dysfunctional found-family™ from selves before my adorable firebender burns down Disnihama🎡🔥😱 during her weekly anxiety attack. (love the makeover T B H) 
CHAPTER 8: Magical Girl Massacre🩸🗡️
   - everyone has like, the shittiest day ever
   - the new Pope really needs to be extradited from the church
   - make friends with a really pretty tree 🌺🌲✨
i swear, if i don't finish this god damn story in time to get that free pull im gonna beat the shit out of every mirror i find in that giant mansion that i haven't even had any time to even mention yet. 🖕🏚️ let alone EVERYTHING happening with the prequel [fuck you, I'm the star] girls 💗💜💙💛❤️️ and their multidimensional melodrama. We don't need that many repetitive af episodes to emphasize that Homo-ra is a shitty person. we've all seen Rebellion. 🙄
uhhhggggg where were we… Topple a cult and burn down Hotel Denoument only to realize that Sis was fused with the dating app servers this entire madokafuckin time (told ya she was the best wingman 😊). 
Dilemma: Sis =🥚, Triumvirate of Trouble want 🐣. What do? vote now:
Help Hatch - IIIIIII
Not Do That - IIIII
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Lets just fight everyone until something good happens.
Kill (???) the artist-in-chief of the italian reindeer murder police after teaching her the true meaning of Christmas 🎄 hatch 🐣lil Sis and realize she WAS your wingman all along🐰 MUKYUUUU! we're just gonna ignore how much trouble it would have saved if you'd just mentioned that. "yOu DiDnT aSk..." 
anywho, somewhere along the lines we of course summoned the Antichrist ⚙️ because why not raise the stakes to max and still not kill off a single character. Madofuckinkami, can we PLEASE wrap this up. 😩💤
feathers (not the culty kind, tfm) rain from the sky, and the power of friendship and not having the Urobutcher 🔪🩸as a lead writer saves our peacefully sectioned off alternate reality 😇
TL:DR fuck cults, real life waifus DO exist, don't sell your soul to space rabbits, or your stones to megacorporations. Enjoy arc 2 on the JP server with your shitty translation patch you filthy fuckin weebs 
Yours Truly, 
- Thirsty Weeb Eroha 💗💎😘 
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star-puff · 4 years
for meg (or sasha? or sasha on meg's behalf?) i'm giving you full permission to rant about makki, please enlighten me. i challenge you to turn me into a full-time makki fan :)
ah yes, my favorite unemployed married man.
so i am not articulate At All and it will be a miracle if you can make it through this post unscathed by my brain rot induced word vomit, but honestly the best way i can sum it all up in one sentence is this: makki is the type of guy that would see you crying, freeze, tease you a lil, then take you to buy midnight ice cream (the fancy kind, like haagen daz) while you spill all your emotions to him.
we see in the Few scenes with him in it that he’s a guy that likes to be social. he’s open to talking to people and he jokes with them in lighthearted banter; he likes being friends with people! he’s approachable, he’s easy to talk to, and for me who’s an irl introvert, i tend to drift towards people who give off the energy that i can feel comfortable drifting towards :)
i honestly don’t think there’s ever a Boring conversation with him. he’s the type to Joke and Joke and Joke, not in that saccharine sweet way that oikawa does, but like. genuinely. he’s just a fun guy to be around. and i honestly think he just. cares about everyone. once he talks to you, even if you’re not Tightknit like his close friendship with the Seijoh 4, you’re still A Friend. he’s just :(( such an approachable person :((( GOD HE WOULD BE SO EASY TO CRUSH ON IRL PLS . AND BC HE’S GENUINELY INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU’RE SAYING HE ENGAGES IN THE CONVO AND MAKES YOU FEEL!! SO IMPORTANT!!! UGH
i KNOW for a fact he isn’t a dry texter. i just know it. i would send him 😫🤨🔊🙈 emojis and he would send 😪🥴🤠🗣😼 emojis RIGHT back. prbly clowns on oikawa for using 😂😂😂. AND KEYSMASHES!!! even if he doesn’t keysmash he wouldn’t be confused by my Range of keysmashes and learns to differentiate the energy of “SDLFKJSDKF” vs “JKSJDJDSKFJ” vs “HASHDFLSDKF” vs “MSDFNSDLFK” and so on.
also he has a sweet tooth Which Means i can win him over with cafe dates and bake him things to show him my love <3 BAKING DATES!! i don’t think he would enjoy my favorite activity of museum hopping very much On Its Own but i think he can make anything a fun time with his commentary and i’d like to think that he would have a good time just being with me :’) and with my fleeting interests in...various hobbies... he would listen and then one day he’d just bust out random trivia with The Boys and they’re like 😀 how do you know that?? and he’s just 😎👍
anyways he’d just be. a real fun person to be around. and i develop feelings Very Easily so. Yeah. there’s that. i don’t really know if this would convince you or not LMAOOO but this was just an excuse for me to brain rot while i avoid working on his fic bc i’m working on a tendou fic instead lsdkfjsdlfkd ty for this opportunity. lmk if this changes your mind 👍 (but even if you don’t that’s fine slkjdfsdl i’ll love him enough for the both of us 🔊🔊)
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adastreia-12 · 5 years
tag frankenstein
I was tagged by @darkside-cookies thanks dear, i decided to do the ones that weren’t repeated and also english cause i’m me
nickname: i’m pretty partial to nicknames, have a bunch of them, don’t really care which one people use to call me but the most common one is Ele with like. the accent on the second e. sounds like elè. i use my full name tho.
gender: female 
astrological sign: saggitarius baby
height: 1,60
hogwarts house: hufflepuff *peace sign*
favourite animal: felines in general, love me some cats
number of blankets: i don’t do blankets, i do quilts. all year long. during the winter it’s not enough and I add a wool blanket, during the summer i just blast my AC to achieve proper conditions so I can keep my quilt
dream trip: save up, go backpacking around the world for a year, ideally with my boyfriend (and that’s why we call it a dream people)
where i’m from: greece
when i created this blog: 2016, not long after vld came out
why i created this blog: i had a personal blog when voltron came out summer 2016 so i made this one as voltron blog, it worked for the first few seasons, then i liked my dashboard here more and stopped using the old one, made this one my personal when i stopped being into voltron
time: 13:10
favourite band/artist: i’m going through a kpop phase and really loving ATEEZ these days
song stuck in my head: Joji- SLOW DANCING IN THE DARK
last movie i saw: uuhh... i don’t remember actually, i’ve been binging series instead. last series i watched was mr. iglesias on netflix, check it out it’s nice wholesome comedy about a teacher who believes in his students and does everything in his power to help them succeed
last thing i googled: quilt μετάφραση cause my bilingual ass needed to be sure quilt meant the greek equivalent
other blogs: @sing-to-me-muse is my writeblr that is more of an archive rn since i,,, don’t write that much (soon to change hopefully) and a bookblr that i haven’t kickstarted yet but have created and it’s on hold for now
do i get asks?: nope, just from one (1) friend tho i wouldn’t mind more
why this username?: haa well the thing is this username is kinda a result of my fucked up reading skills and the need for a permanent name across platforms. so yeah, my previous username was hagane-no-shiro (god that was a goddamn smart username, i still mourn it sometimes) while i was a voltron blog but after some time i wanted to make it a personal blog and was brainstorming for a username when i talked with my uncle who’s a gamer and he told me that he uses the name proteus across his online gaming accounts to stay consistent and i was like aha, this is what i need and i went on a list of female ancient greek names. one of them was adrasteia and i liked it the most. however, i read it as adastreia instead, and ended up liking the misread version better so i went with that. 12 is my favorite number so when the username adastreia alone wasn’t available i slapped a 12 at the end and voila. adastreia-12
(sidenote: apparently adastreia is one of the canon versions of this name which is cute, there is also a band called that, and adastreia was a nymph so that’s cool)
following: 250
average amount of sleep: about 6 hours. i don’t sleep well.
lucky number: don’t have one
what am I wearing: black pants, purple t-shirt
dream job: professional author, or you know, a formless blob in the great abyss that is not concerned with earthly bullshit
instruments i play: does coming to contact with a guitar for 2 years and a piano for a semester count
eye colour: hazel
hair colour: dark brown at the roots and sides, various shades of pink after a certain point, mostly a cold, pastel pink rn
aesthetic: i’ve answered this aesthetic thing before with a whole ass paragraph listing things so this time i want you to picture this: a quiet beach with no one else other than yourself, the sky is grey with clouds decorating it, there is a pleasant but strong wind blowing on you as you sit on the rocks near the sea with shorts and a hoodie on. you are not cold, you are not hot. the waves are crashing rhythmically on the sand and your favorite songs are playing without headphones so you can listen to both at the same time. you are alone. you are calm. you are a child of nature and she has welcomed you back in her arms. the world and its depravity cannot reach you now.
languages i speak: greek, english, veeeery basic italian
most iconic song: ac/dc either back in black or highway to hell, yes that is cliche but it is also the hill i will die on like mf braveheart.
random fact: remember that quilt I use year long? yeah my mom took it away from me for the summer and hid it and i will not forgive her that.
Music tag! Write 10 songs you’re obsessed with and tag 10 people to do the same 
ATEEZ- Illusion
Blackbear- idfc
Treasure Planet OST- I’m Still Here (Jim’s Theme)
Moana OST- I Am Moana
K.A.R.D.- Rumor
The Neighborhood- Daddy Issues
Sara Skinner- Bring Home the Glory
Ruelle- Madness
The Unlikely Candidates- Novocaine
Bonus songs: The Unlikely Candidates- Violence & Bastille- Blame
I don’t know enough people to tag tbh, that haven’t been tagged that is so whoever feels like doing this by all means go ahead
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birgdets · 6 years
I have zero self control and it’s like 2AM here in good old NB Canada ,so can you please give me a list of Rimahiko fanfics because god damn it I’m desperate and a girl can only read like a lady so many times
“a girl can only read like a lady so many times” ashdfoawefOIDSSFHIOFWEEEE also what the fuck, fellow canuck, hi from the other side of the country!
I don’t read Rimahiko fanfiction. You need to know this. Even back in 2009, I did not read that much fanfiction. That being said, I have some favourites that stick out in my mind. Without further ado, the updated Rimahiko Fanfic Rec List. 
A Good Chance by @heymacareyna (THEY HAVE A TUMBLR!! Y’ALL!! I don’t fear death, so I’m tagging the author)Rima’s GPA: [sucks]Nagihiko: [is a hunky English TA]These idiots: Get to have study dates while Nagihiko tries to stop himself from popping a semi while Rima tries to seduce him into acing her class. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll sweat and check to make sure you’re not reading this public. Grandmas. Dead dogs. Nice 
Ask Rei by @gelliefishesOh, my god, the 2012 insight of what it was like to be on the internet has aged in a fascinating way. Angie DON’T KILL ME but here is my hot synopsis:Rima is basically a McElroy. Except she’s full of high school agonies, and essentially runs a tumblr. haha my clown my clown and me
But Oh, She Dances by heymacarena againPlay Shut Up And Dance while you read this. Middle school reunion. Nagihiko thinks it’s stupid and gets drunk. Rima thinks it’s stupid and gets drunk also. Amu thinks it’s great, because Amu is Happily Engaged And Wants Everyone Else To Be Happily Engaged which is SO in-character. Also, it’s hot, kill me, this author knows how to mf *hits that whip* subby Nagihiko shit and YES you can quote me on that! [puts on sunglasses]
Bad Girls by SimplyWhimsicalThe rimahiko equivalent of chick-lit, published in 2008, with all that entails. Trashy. Good. Nagihiko and Rima are messy exes. I forget everything else that happened in this, but this made such a vivid impression on me that I continually recommend it in Rimahiko rec posts.
First Meetings by forever.blue.skies 
First Steps by @dustbunnythumperUnfinished College AU, but if enough of you yell at them, maybe they’ll update it 7 years later. JK. They say to tell you all, “Just say ‘First steps is good because my friend wrote it and it's symbolic because it's called first steps and there's only one chapter.’” I’m laughing Disclaimer: Thumper’s been a close friend for about nine years, so this is kind of nepotism- but I love their prose. Also, yes, this IS the mind behind @asknagi if you guys haven’t figured out yet that we are totally friends 
My New Job by Free Parking, the Trickster God of the rimahiko fandomRima and Nagihiko and Kirishima all work at Target. That’s it. Seriously. Crack. CRACK. In the same category as fanfics like RCS. Amazing. Beautiful. This fanfic had a big formative effect on 13-year-old Bridget. And on 22-year-old Bridget, also. 
Pay Me Back by BlueFlyingSnow (this name rings a bell... are they... AN OLDIE?)A new fanfic, published in May 2018 (!), so remember to leave kudos and comments! Picks up right where the manga left off, with snappy up-to-par prose. Has jealous!Rima and Kusukusu laughing at what a shit show this is, both of which are a personal soft spot. 
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mf-despair-queen · 7 years
Heat Haze Days - Stuart Twombly
Author: @mf-despair-queen​
Character(s): Stuart Twombly/Reader
Word Count: 2800
Notes: This is like...my first time writing in forever and a day. So be gentle :’) also, tbh, I only thought of this idea because I was listening to Kagerou Days in my car on my way home from work. Kagerou literally is Heat Haze Days. xD
Tumblr media
What was worse than working in the middle of summer?
Working in the middle of summer with no AC.
You slowly fan yourself with a folder you found sitting on your desk, groaning as the mid-summer heat penetrated your skin. It was the hottest day thus far and the AC just HAD to break today. How were you supposed to get any work done when you are too busy dying at your computer?
You place your head on your desk, before sitting back up in your chair, fearing the puddle of sweat that would start forming in its place. Needless to say, you were completely miserable and you did not want to do anything.
Glancing around the room, you notice Stuart sitting in his usual beanbag chair in the corner, typing away on his computer. Tight polo shirt, showing off his muscled arms and even his toned chest. Khakis, like always, that seemed to stick to his skin more than usual in the summer heat. Black rimmed glasses that seemed to enhance his sparkling, golden eyes. And his usual beanie was atop his head.
How he even wore a beanie right now, you would always wonder.
You got up from your desk and strut over to him, plopping down noisily in the chair next to him. He didn’t even spare a glance as he continued typing on his computer. You mentally sighed at yourself at his lack of response.
See, you had always had a slight crush on Stuart, ever since he spilled his coffee on you’re the first day of the internship. He gave a short sorry before taking off, not even bothering to help clean up the coffee he spilled on the floor and, most importantly, on you.
It was by chance that you had been placed on a team with him. Ok…maybe not by much chance. No one had wanted to join a team with you and you got stuck with the “leftovers” team, led by Lyle. You couldn’t really complain at the time, since Stuart was on your team.
The beginning was…rocky, to say the least. He was a complete and utter dick to you and everyone else on your team. Especially the trees, but that’s another story. He would make snarky comments to everyone, acted smarter than everyone, or just plain ignored everyone and opted to stick his nose in his phone instead. You swore the guy hated human interaction.
As time went on, he slowly opened up to everyone and it seemed like you all had become great friends. You all hung out as a team doing random activities, like watching movies or playing volleyball. You and Stuart would study the Google material and even helped each other prep for the challenges. You guys even won the internship competition and got positions at Google. Google of all places!
As you all started your jobs the following summer, however, he seemed to revert to his old ways. He shut himself into a corner, nose deep in his computer, working on the project that Lyle gave you guys to work on. Maybe it was just the summer heat getting to him. People can get pretty grouchy on hot days like today. But he was being a total ass, not even glancing at you or acknowledging that you were next to him.
You glanced at his computer once to see what he was working on before he eyed you, giving you a questioning look.
“What do you want now?” he questioned, staring at you with a bored look.
“Just wondering what you are working on,” I replied, smiling at him. He stared for a second longer before returning to his computer. You huffed slightly before continuing trying to talk to him. “How can you even where a beanie in this heat? The AC is broken and its nearly 100 degrees outside today.”
He just shrugged, causing you to groan audibly. He gave you another questioning look, making you realize you had done that out loud instead of in your mind.
Silence returned shortly after. The silence was suffocating. You could almost cut the tension with a knife, it was so thick. How were you supposed to talk to him if he didn’t want to talk to you back? Having a crush on this boy was hard.
“Stuart, why are you always so quiet around us?” You asked him, finally breaking the silence and sparing a glance as his face, memorizing the moles the trailed down the side of it. “Back when we were doing the internship, I thought we were actually becoming really good friends. You opened up a lot more back then. Once we came back, you seemed to be closed off again, like when we started the internship. I was just wondering why that is.”
“Maybe I just don’t want to talk to you guys right now,” he said casually, still typing away at his computer. Did he really not care about talking to you? It just seemed so sudden and didn’t make any sense.
You sat up more in the bean bag and leaned over to him, covering the keyboard with your hands so he would stop typing and look at you. “Is there something going on that you aren’t telling us? Is it the heat outside? I mean I know it’s hot and all but-
“It’s not the goddamn heat! Not everyone cares about how hot it is in here!” He screamed that so suddenly, you were taken aback by the sudden outburst. “You know, some of us are trying to work on the project we are supposed to be working on. Some of us are trying to do our job!”
You slowly backed away from him, staring at the glare that was fixed on you. Tears formed in your eyes, but you quickly blinked them away before standing up.
“Well maybe the heat doesn’t bother you. But it bothers me. I can’t work in this heat.” You walked over to your desk and grabbed your bag off the ground.
“Where are you going? We still have work to do,” Stuart said as he put his laptop on the nearest table and walked over to you. You sniffled slightly as you tried to walk passed him and out the door. He grabbed your arm before you could completely bypass him. “Hey. Just wait a sec-“
“No!” You didn’t mean to scream at him, and you were pretty sure your voice cracked at the same time. You turned to him abruptly, a couple tears running down your cheeks. “I am going home, where it is nice and cold. And I can be out of your hair, because you obvious don’t want me around. So, I will see you tomorrow, Stuart.”
You tugged your arm out of his grasp and briskly walked away, wiping away the couple of tears that had escaped your eyes. You were embarrassed, and even that was an understatement. You just went off on your crush, and even cried in front of him.
As you got in your car, you laid your head on your steering wheel and let out a sigh.
Little did you know, at the same time, Stuart removed his beanie and threw it to the ground before running his hand throw his hair, mumbling to himself, “I fucked up big time…”
The next day, you were reluctant to get up for work. You checked your phone for messages from work and let out a frustrated grunt when you saw the message stating that the AC was still broken. You briefly contemplated staying in bed all day and just telling Lyle that you were in bed sick. It would be a lot easier than seeing Stuart at work today, that’s for sure. But you also knew that it wasn’t the right thing to do either. With that thought, you begrudgingly got up and began to get ready for the day.
Your shower wasn’t long enough it seemed, even though you were there for almost a half hour. You just stood in there, contemplating how you were going to face Stuart after blowing up at him the way you did yesterday.
Throwing on a quick black skirt, a white tank top and some black flats, you trudged out to your car. The moment you walked out the door, the heat hit you like a ton of bricks and you starting crying inside. The car wasn’t much better as you drove to the Google building.
This was going to be a long day, you could tell.
You swung by the café to try and grab the coldest bottle of water you could. Which, of course, they were out already. You just wanted to hit your head against the wall a million times after this. How could your day get any worse?
As you walked into your team’s room, you noticed the changes made to your desk. A small fan was placed in the corner of the desk. A small ice chest was under the desk, filled with ice and bottled waters. There was even one of those silly, little fan pens where you hold the button on the pen to make the fan work. You stared in awe at the things on your desk, wondering who would do this.
Someone cleared their throat behind you and you turned around to see Stuart standing there. He was glancing at the ground slightly, clad in a short-sleeved button up shirt and khakis. He didn’t even wear his beanie today. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and he shuffled from one foot to the other, almost like he was nervous.
“I um…” He began, before he swallowed thickly. You could see his Adam’s apple bob slightly at the gesture, making you swallow in return. His tongue darted out quickly, wetting his lips, before he continued. “I just thought I would help you stay cool today. You know…since the AC is still broken. We have a project to finish and we could really use your help.”
A small smile graced your lips and you brought Stuart into a quick hug. “That’s really sweet, Stuart. Thank you.” He smiled slightly as he returned your hug.
“I also thought it would be a decent way to try and make up for yelling at you yesterday. You didn’t deserve to be yelled at. I was being a dick.”
“That’s a bit of an understatement, you know,” You chucked at him before letting go and leaning back on the desk.
“Yeah I know. I was a total ass,” He said, sitting in a nearby chair. “I just… I don’t know how to explain why I’ve been so quiet since we came back. You guys are my Google family after all. I’ve just been feeling weird, I guess, since we came back.”
You eyed him slightly before sitting next to him. “If you want to talk about it, please do. I want to be able to help you if I can,” You told him calmly, taking his hand in mine. I traced my fingers up and down his hands, enjoying tracing the veins that protruded from his smooth skin. “You are my friend and I want to help you.”
He chuckled lightly, leaning further back in his chair. “You would think it’s stupid.”
You laughed and punched him lightly in the shoulder. “Just try me. Nothing you say could be that stupid.”
He sighed before glancing at you. “Have you ever liked someone so much that you just don’t know what to say or do? You just…you act so irrationally that it ends up causing problems in the end? Have you ever felt the urge to kiss someone to the point that your lips are so swollen that it hurts, but you can’t stop smiling because you are with that person you love the most? Have you ever wanted to hold someone so tightly, that you don’t want to let go? But you fear that if you hold too tightly, that they will break? That is how I have been feeling.”
You blinked, slowly taking in what he was saying. Was he saying he had a crush on a girl? Saying he was in love with a girl? You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it quickly after when you realized you didn’t know what to say.
He glanced at you, leaning over to you and turning you to face him more. “That is how I have been feeling about you…”
You didn’t have time to think as he pushed his lips against yours. Your lips molded together, and moved in sync without you even realizing you were kissing him back. His lips were soft and smooth, and they felt perfect against your own. You brought a hand up to his face, your fingers tracing small patterns on his cheek before it found a safe place on the back of his neck, playing with the hairs at the nape. His hands found the small of your back, pulling you slightly closer as he broke the kiss and kissing his way down your jaw line to you neck. He nuzzled your neck softly, placing a few kisses before sucking lightly.
A small moan left you lips as you moved your head slightly, allowing him more access. His hands slipped under your shirt slightly and traced the skin on your sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He nibbled lightly on your neck before backing away slowly, trying to get air after the small make out session you guys just had. He leaned his forehead against yours, smiling a little and closing his eyes.
“That was…that was nice,” he said, happy and breathless. You smiled back at him and nodded, moving your head to lean on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck.
“So, would you believe me when I said that I have had a crush on you since the day you spilled coffee on me in the café?” You laughed, feeling him shiver as your breath hit his neck. “I always thought you hated me because you were such a dick back then. You always made these rude comments and I think you even once said that I was the most pathetic person on this team.”
He groaned and shifted in his seat, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Yeah. I didn’t mean it. I knew I was being a dick to you, but I never knew how to express that I actually DID like you. I never felt like this towards a girl before. Let alone someone as beautiful and smart as you.” You blushed slightly at the comments. “But every minute we spent together, be it with this stupid team we have, or studying together for Chetty’s silly tests, I just started falling in love with you more.”
You glanced back at him quickly at those words. “W-wait. What? Love? You…You love…love me?” I couldn’t believe what I was saying right now. He couldn’t love me, you thought to yourself.
He nodded before leaning up and pecking you lightly on the lips. “Yup. I 100% love you. And I wouldn’t change that for the world. I love you so much.”
You smiled and turned to him, straddling his waist, before kissing him fully on the lips. He groaned and pulled you closer, licking your lips as if asking for access inside. You smiled and allowed him in, letting your tongue wrestle a bit. His hand slid up to your thigh, and to your ass, grabbing it tightly. You moaned into the kissed and tried to move even closer, if possible.
He pulled away sharply, shaking his head. “We may want to stop now. Otherwise, I don’t know if I will be able to.” He shifted slightly and you felt something poking your leg. Glancing down, you noticed the bulge growing in his khakis. Grinning, you got up slowly and turned around, purposely leaning forward a bit too much to give him a view of your ass while grabbing your bag.
“Well,” you started, turning back to him, leaning down to kiss him quickly, “my apartment is a lot cooler than here. Maybe we can work on the project there?”
He grinned before grabbing his stuff and wrapping his arm around your waist. “Do you think it’ll be too cold there?”
I winked at him before leading the way out the door. “It’s ok. We can always heat it up if we need to.” He kissed your forehead at this and laughed lightly.
“By the way Stuart,” you started as you got in your car. He glanced at you from the passenger side, quirking an eyebrow at you.
“I love you too.”
Maybe the summer heat isn’t so bad after all.
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junker-town · 6 years
Welcome back to the NBA playoffs, Cavaliers
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We have that and more in Sunday’s NBA newsletter.
We might have a real Eastern Conference Finals series, after all. After two convincing Celtics wins in Boston, the Cavaliers came storming back with a convincing home win of their own on Saturday, reigning 116-86. LeBron had 27 points on 12 shots with 12 assists. Thanks largely to LeBron’s gravity, insistence on attacking, and incredible playmaking skill, Cleveland hit 17 of 34 from long-range.
On the other end, Boston went ice cold, which is pretty normal for the Celtics on the road, though the Cavs certainly did some interesting, energetic things on defense. Cleveland took away Marcus Smart post work by moving LeBron onto him, and took Al Horford out of the game, more or less, with Tristan Thompson.
Paul Flannery was on scene and writes that LeBron and company finally woke up and did what’s needed to beat Boston. Kristian Winfield points out that a hot first quarter is typically a great sign for Cleveland.
Saturday’s Score
Cavaliers 116, Celtics 86 Boston leads 2-1 Recaps: Fear The Sword | CelticsBlog
Sunday’s Schedule
Rockets at Warriors, 8 p.m. ET, TNT Series tied 1-1
WNBA Aces at Sun, 1 p.m. ET, Streaming on Twitter Fever at Mystics, 1 p.m. ET, NBA TV Dream at Wings, 3 p.m. ET, Streaming on Twitter Sparks at Lynx, 5 p.m. ET, ESPN2 Liberty at Sky, 7 p.m. ET, Streaming on Twitter Mercury at Storm, 9 p.m. ET, Streaming on Twitter
EuroLeague Championship Fenerbahce vs. Real Madrid, 2 p.m. ET, Flosports (to be broadcast on delay on NBA TV at 11 a.m. Monday)
Links Galore
Yes, NBA TV is showing the EuroLeague championship game, starring Luka Doncic ... but not until 11 a.m. ET on Monday. If you don’t have access to FloSports or flexible morals, that’s when you can see it. Regardless, here’s a preview from Ball In Europe. By the way, Doncic sure as heck looked ready for the NBA in the semifinal win. He was making up for a lackluster Final Four in 2017. By the way, he’s also been named the dang EuroLeague MVP.
Meanwhile, there’s essentially a WNBA takeover of Twitter on Sunday, with four games being streamed on the platform. Here’s the event link. Should be an interesting experience.
This LeBron reverse dunk was so unnecessary and so vital at the same time.
Rest in peace to Elfrid Payton’s hair.
What Zach Lowe will be looking at in Warriors-Rockets Game 3.
The biggest winners and losers from the NBA Draft Combine. At which the Pistons used virtual reality to quiz prospects. Which ... the Pistons still have a front office? I sometimes forget that organizations who lose their leader still function in the aftermath.
Terry Rozier is a reminder that nice surprises can still happen in sport.
De’Anthony Melton, a USC recruit, was caught up in the FBI college basketball scandal. He sat out the whole season. How he stayed sane.
Checking in with DeMarcus Cousins’s rehab and Instagram following habits.
Lyndsey D’Arcangelo talked to the WNBA’s most outspoken gender nonconfirming player, Layshia Clarendon.
Kevin O’Connor on the potential of the dawn of Mercenary LeBron.
Chris Herring explains why the NBA abandoned Roy Hibbert.
EuroLeague players announced a unionization effort on Saturday.
Bill Russell tagging multiple TMZ accounts when tweeting a health update is gloriously 2018.
This is really cool: despite his annual postseason social media blackout, LeBron turned his immensely popular Instagram over to a variety of inspirational stories and causes. Awesome.
The Spurs are reported to want a “grand slam” offer for Kawhi Leonard, which is primarily causing a plethora of Denny’s jokes.
On Michael Porter’s upside despite his injury history.
Only three NBA or WNBA players have hit 1,000 career threes in their first 400 games: Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson, Damian Lillard, and -- as of Friday -- Diana Taurasi. She capped the achievement with an MF, of course. Legend.
Not basketball, but one of my favorite writers on one of my favorite drinks.
What happens to you after you hit one of those big-prize halfcourt shots.
Why Kings fans shouldn’t worry about the noise around Doncic.
Kendrick Perkins, claiming ignorance of who or what Chewbecca is, says he doesn’t really “keep up with all that new stuff.” Perkins was born 18 months after Return of the Jedi’s release.
And finally: De’Aaron Fox reads as Lady Bird.
Be excellent to each other.
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har0ld · 4 years
That Metro line
They started that 8.5 mile extension in 2013. Eight stations. They were supposed to finish in 2019. As of July 2020, they’re not done at all. I’ve driven a couple thousand miles (!) on Crenshaw watching them in the past months. There’s always one dude working and three or four mfs standing around, watching. Like all construction sites.
I think I’ve done it all in terms of transportation. I lived with and without a car in France. Same in LA. I commuted on everything from feet to bike to trains to Uber to buses.
When I arrived in LA of course, I was all up in my European bullshit. “how come there’s no train?” Because those don’t really work here, bae.
Public transportation is really great when:
– It’s cold/rainy outside, most of the year
– You can’t never park whatsoever
– Trains and buses are on time and plentiful (every 5mn)
The first two points don’t exist in Los Angeles. The third one doesn’t really either (buses every 20mn at BEST).
I forgot to mention that it’s hot out here and walking to and from stations isn’t great, especially with how cold it is inside buildings (bitch ass AC, I’ll have a post for you soon). A brutal, temperature swing that screws your body while you’re wondering why you feel weird.
But also the third point is something that can be here, and also can be not here. And that’s super infuriating as a user. After a few years of that, you’re done with it. You buy a car, you move away, whatever. Public transportation randomness is just too much to deal with, especially with the lives we have now. Stress is a killer.
Speaking of, public transportation in the world of deadly viruses is not something I’m looking forward to.
So between earthquakes, COVID-19, a still very poor train network and plenty of $900 cars to buy, I don’t think people will use that train line that much. It might even cost a fortune to maintain. I can’t wait for this Metro line to become a bike path with trees. Crenshaw could definitely use that. Electric bikes, remote work and local life, bitches.
from h. Play https://ift.tt/2DJZh3u via IFTTT
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weeklyrapgods-blog · 6 years
Brooklyn’s own Masta Ace is a hip hop icon to say the least. He is a revered member of the legendary Juice Crew. He was also a part of the group eMC with fellow rappers Wordsworth, Stricklin, and former member Punchline.
Masta Ace is loved by fans worldwide. I personally admire his ability to maintain longevity ans consistency with the ever-changing climate in hip hop. Over the decades, he is one of the few artists who has put out music, effortlessly, and still be on point with the current sound.
Masta Ace dropped his first album ‘Take a Look Around’ in 1995. Then he came with other projects ‘SlaughtaHouse’, ‘Sittin’ on Chrome’, ‘Disposable Arts’, ‘A Long Hot Summer’, and many more. In 2016, he dropped one of my favorite projects of all — ‘The Falling Season’.
When I first saw the “Me & The Biz” video, I was floored. This was a time when hip hop music was about having a good time. However, the most iconic Masta Ace verse was on the hit song “The Symphony” produced by Marley Marl, which featured his fellow Juice Crew members Big Daddy Kane, Craig G, and Kool G Rap.
Watch “The Symphony” Below:
He was also part of the supergroup Crooklyn Dodgers, which consisted of rotating members such as Buckshot, Special Ed, Chubb Rock, Jeru the Damaja and O.C. I had a deeper appreciation for Masta Ace and his craft when I heard this collaboration:
Watch “Crooklyn Dodgers” Below:
Over the years, he has collaborated with some other hip hop dynamos like Edo G, A.G., 9th Wonder, Diamond D, Jean Grae, Greg Nice, Torae, MF Doom and so much more. His music just gets better with time like a bottle of fine wine. He is indeed a “Masta” of the art of hip hop.
The legend took some time off his busy schedule to interview with us over at Weekly Rap Gods and discuss his career and latest project with Marco Polo titled ‘A Breukelen Story’.
Who are your musical influences?
There are many. But in my earlier days of writing rhymes it was LL, Rakim, and Slick Rick to name a few. But honestly, I’m influenced every day I hear somebody spit a dope verse. That’s what keeps me motivated to elevate my skill.
Who inspired you to start rapping?
The culture was growing and developing all around me back then. I started out DJing. There was a crew of us from my block that would get together and make tapes. Instrumentals of us cutting and scratching breakbeats. Out of the 5 guys in our crew, I was 4th best and I decided I could bring more to the tapes if I spit a few bars. I was really just emulating what I heard on the tapes coming from uptown and around the city. But that’s how it started.
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How did you become part of Juice Crew?
Won a rap contest back in 1985 and first prize was 6 hours of studio time with Marley Marl. After recording demos with him for two years, he decided to put me on his compilation ‘Marley Marl in Control Vol. 1,’ which led to my affiliation with the label and crew.
Juice Crew
How did you come up with the “Me & The Biz” concept?
That was supposed to be a duet with me and Biz, but he didn’t wanna record where I wanted to record. It was going to slow down the album being completed, so Marley suggested leaving the demo lyrics I wrote for Biz on the song. I was really surprised to see that there were people who thought it was actually Biz on the song because I don’t think I sound anything like him. The idea for the video came later when Warner Bros forced me to put that out as my first single. A Biz puppet was made and the rest, as they say, is history.
Watch “Me & The Biz” Below:
How was your first time overseas? Where did you go?
My first time was in 1989. I went to the UK. I opened up for EPMD and Public Enemy at London Arena in front of 15k people. I had never performed in front of more than a couple of hundred before that day. It was incredible to know that people so far away from home knew my songs!
What was your stand out project? Why?
My career was ‘Disposable Arts’ (2001). I reached a point career-wise where I felt it was the end of the road for me. After having been signed to a bunch of majors and playing the industry game, I was tired of it all. That album was going to be my last hurrah so I wanted every song, hook, beat, concept to be 100% authentic and a representation of my mind state at the time. I put my all into that album, my soul, I was honest and didn’t have a major label telling me what to do and how I should sound. I didn’t care about radio play or anything. That album had single-handedly extended my career 17+ years.
Do you think technological advancements help or hinder hip hop?
Honestly it’s both. The digital age has made it much easier for people to put out music without any help from a major. But that’s a double-edged sword because now there’s no gatekeepers weeding through the garage to find the jewels. That means much more unpolished music is being put out and it ultimately lowers the talent bar because it’s like ANYBODY can make a song now.
  What are your thoughts on the evolution of hip hop?
I’ts continuous. It’s going to always be changing. It’s important that the integrity of the music isn’t lost in the process. As long as we have a good balance of talent being promoted, things will be ok.
Name 5 of the dopest albums you’ve ever heard.
There are many top to bottom dope albums. But here are 5 of my favorites. Just know there are many more:
Mobb Deep — ‘The Infamous’ Nas — ‘Illmatic’ Dr. Dre — ‘The Chronic 2001’ Kendrick Lamar — ‘Good Kid Mad City’ Slick Rick — ‘Great Adventures of…’
Who are some current artists you like right now?
Kendrick, J Cole, Cyhi da Prynce, Marlon Craft. There’s a bunch more.
Your music is always so fresh and competitive with current sound of hip hop. How do you maintain longevity over the years?
By continuing to be a fan of the music and seeking out new music and talent, it keeps me on my toes. There’s a lot of talented dudes out here killing it lyrically. You just gotta raise your game if you wanna keep up.
Recently, Juice Crew went on tour. What was it like hitting the stage again?
That was fun. We did 4 shows in Europe, so far, and about 4 stateside as well. The hope is we can continue to do more dates as a collective. Time will tell.
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Tell us about your new album
The new album is called ‘A Breukelen Story’ and it’s a collaboration between myself and producer Marco Polo. It dropped Nov. 9th and features Pharoahe Monch, Styles P, Lil Fame, Smif n Wessun and my eMC brothers — Wordworth and Stricklin.
Buy/Stream ‘A Breukelen Story’ — Out Now!
Watch the first single/video “Breukelen (Brooklyn)” now:
Do you have any upcoming shows?
Follow my Bandsintown Page for all show updates and tours: www.bandsintown.com/mastaace
Marco Polo & Masta Ace
  It was an honor to interview such a prestigious and humble hip hop legend. Masta Ace is one of my biggest rap inspirations. There was no way I could truly reflect how rich his legacy is in this interview. Weekly Rap Gods salutes Masta Ace on his abundant contributions to the hip hop culture. Be sure to get Masta Ace’s latest album ‘A Breukelen Story’. It consists of 19 absolutely amazing bangers produced entirely by Marco Polo. Hip hop enthusiasts you must add this to your collection!
The Legendary Masta Ace Tells Us ‘A Breukelen Story’ (Interview) Brooklyn's own Masta Ace is a hip hop icon to say the least. He is a revered member of the legendary…
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