#it’s also that she low key doesn’t refer to me in online spaces so she comes across ~more queer~ which is not to say she isn’t queer it’s
damndude69 · 5 months
#Been in a serious long term relationship for 5 years now & we are engaged but she is having a sexuality crisis currently &#it’s not that she’s not attracted to me but she is really leaving into her sapphic side which is great slay except I am not a woman and#align myself no where near that side of the aisle & shes throwing around the lesbian label which is like complicated & I don’t care who call#calls themselves what but my previous shitty relationship a similar issue arose & I know I’m feeling triggered by it because of my ex shit#but I really don’t like the idea that I fit into that category which like I know there are non-binary lesbians and lesbians who date#non-binary ppl#but I do not call myself no binary to the general populace & I present 100% as a man#also I hate the non-binary label for myself despite not 100% identifying as a man#idk this is just bringing up a lot of past feelings#like I am full bearded ass motherfucker like it just makes me really uncomfortable but also I don’t wanna rain on her self discovery era#I am a queer masc transexual like that’s what I identify with these days#We just never have 'relationship' issues so this is making me nauseous & I know it s the past trauma#but fucking ugh#it’s also that she low key doesn’t refer to me in online spaces so she comes across ~more queer~ which is not to say she isn’t queer it’s#just makes me feel yucky#and none of it really matters and our relationship is just our business but ugh#cryptid rants
0 notes
tundrainafrica · 3 years
[Part 1] Hi Sav! What are ur thoughts on Kamiya's (Levi's VA) words regarding Levi? Here are two translations I found on twitter. Since you know Japanese I think you're the perfect person to ask this from ^^ " Today at Anime Japan Kamiya Hiroshi said, “Levi hasn’t changed. The loss of Erwin is so huge that afterwards his life in a sense is like ‘yosei’.” Yosei (余生) means like, the rest of one’s life (after raising kids or retiring) where you have nothing left to do"++
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Disclaimer: Please I have no intention of starting a ship war with this, I just wanna drop my own interpretation for my own Levihan stanning heart. 
Note: I had no plans of watching the Japanese Seiyu panel for the last episode of Attack on Titan for many reasons and 90% of it is because Romi Paku didn’t show up and I’m still salty overall about how AOT and the narrative is treating Hange altogether and literally the only comfort I get about Hange this whole AOT season is that she looks great in all her scenes but anyway, enough about the rant. I’m still low key salty about not getting our Levihan reunion yet… But whatever. 
I got all of these asks in succession and soon after I did some research on twitter to see what all the fuss was about and apparently, a lot of Eruri fans are likening Levi to a widow--- A WIDOW of all things. 
And I dunno, I feel like this conclusion for one kinda cheapens Levi’s character altogether and just cheapens the bond of Levihan so I kinda realized I just cannot stand and watch some obviously Eruri-biased Japanese translations of that statement run rampant on twitter without my own take. 
So anyway, I’m gonna drop my own take on this, my own interpretation as a Levihan stan.
Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to push any Levihan agenda on anyone. If you like Eruri and you wanna stick to your widow interpretation feel free too. I just feel like a pro Levihan take, and a more ‘non Eruri’ take on that statement should exist as well so I’ll just drop this here for Levihan fans to seek comfort and possibly for any casual reader or Eruri fan to get some other perspectives on this statement I guess?
This is the original Text
And if I were going to translate it word for word. 
“For Levi, losing Erwin was a big thing. And everything after that became some sort of ‘retirement’ (Yosei) for him. Since he took it upon himself then to follow Erwin, right now it feels just dangling in space.”
Okay these are obviously Eruri crumbs at first glance and I recognize why exactly Eruris would celebrate over something like this because if we had a Levihan thing like this too, I’ll probably be celebrating too
But Let me offer my own interpretation of this as a Levihan stan
Yes, I recognize that for Levi losing Erwin was a big thing, but I’d like to paint some of the terms in a positive light for Levi. And the main key terms above were ‘Yosei’ and “Levi dangling in space’
So I’ll be focusing on those two: 
余生 (Yosei)
余生 (Yosei) isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Yosei literally translates to ‘the remaining years of someone’s life” So it doesn't necessarily mean Levi’s a widow or Levi is lonely because Erwin’s not there anymore In fact, Yosei is used a lot from what I see, to mean, retirement years. So after you’re done with your job and you retire, your last few years playing golf, playing with grandchildren, those are your ‘yoseis’ 
And there are lots of takes I saw online to this Yosei thing 
There was a meta in Japanese I found  where they discussed the fact that Levi was approaching his twilight years. and the main reason he was facing ‘retirement’ wasn’t necessarily because Erwin was gone but because soon after Erwin died, the basement happened and it turned out there were enemies much stronger than titans out there. 
The ‘Yosei’ meant, Levi retired from his role as ‘humanity’s strongest soldier’ because Levi was the ‘strongest soldier’ against titans, not against humans, the rapidly changing world and technology. I mean if we actually are objective about this, we could see the most capable survey corps member for handling the new enemy which is Marley and the Hizuru and just all the other countries and the impending war, was Hange since she is the best at navigating politics and she would be the quickest to adapt to technology.  
So yes, if it’s obvious, I do not like the ‘Levi is a widow take’ AT ALL.
 Since he took it upon himself then to follow Erwin, right now it feels just dangling in space.
But I’m not gonna discount the role of Erwin in Levi’s life. I think it is actually very important to understand why Levi feels like ‘he’s dangling in space.’ 
We all remember that last scene from ACWNR after Isabel and Farlan died and I’m sure we can all connect those last words from Erwin all the way until Levid decides to follow him to the role implied above. 
Erwin was Levi’s compass. Erwin gave direction to Levi’s life and suddenly Erwin dies and at the same time the world opens up and Levi starts to realize he’s not as needed anymore and his role as humanity’s strongest is gone.
So obviously all those events at once would leave Levi in some sort of limbo right. And that’s why he gets this feeling that he has reached his ‘yosei’ years and he’s also dangling in some limbo
I can think of two more specific reasons he ends up ‘dangling.’ 
First reason is: Killing the beast titan, the last order Erwin gave Levi wasn’t so easy to do anymore given the political nuances, the environment and of course the fact that the world was already more complicated than killing titans. And to think that Levi makes a promise to do that right before Erwin died? 
So I’m thinking the ‘dangling’ refers to Levi grappling with such complexities and nuances while trying to fulfill a goal which would have been so much easier if the basement thing didn’t happen and the world didn’t open up. 
And my second reason is: 
Warning: Before I go to this, I wanna warn you that this is my Levihan stan self reaching for pro-Levihan interpretations so feel free to ignore this if you don’t want crazy Levihan delusional interpretations. 
Anyway, my second explanation which I like to play with and I like to keep close to me, being a Levihan fan is that Hange of all people, was the last veteran stuck to Levi and as we all know, according to Yams old interviews about Hange’s gender...
Hange’s a free soul. She’s like the balloon, the kite that just floats in space and just continues hanging, dangling and flying. And she’s the person who Levi ended up sticking to after Erwin’s death. And since he ended up with such a free sould, he didn’t necessarily find much direction again, the same way he found direction with Erwin. 
Hange didn’t give a straightforward direction for Levi. But Hange provided comfort. 
And I’d just like to introduce a pro-Levihan interpretation this. 
So maybe ‘dangling in space’ and leaving the remaining years of his life like that isn’t such a bad thing? I mean I like to interpret this ‘retirement’ and ‘dangling’ as Levi finally being free of whatever ‘Ackerbond’ or whatever compass or order Erwin has set for him. 
Because Hange went about her position as commander more as a parent to the cadets and more as a comrade to Levi than anything else. And with title of ‘humanity’s strongest soldier’ not so relevant anymore post season 3 with titans becoming a not so big threat compared to the impending war, I think the ‘yosei’ and the ‘dangling’ could be interpreted as freedom for Levi from his role as Erwin’s right hand man and freedom from the burden of being ‘humanity’s strongest.’
And the transition from having to report to Erwin to having to report to Hange, I think this can be interpreted as a breath of fresh air for Levi.
Yosei after all can be interpreted as freedom. When people retire, people are free right? They’re free to try out different things, they’re free to focus on other things. Even if people have to experience the pain of ‘loss’ when losing one position, the remnants of it, the ‘yosei’ isn’t inherently bad although it can be interpreted as that. 
And the crumbs for this? I always believed that Levi generally acted freer under Hange than under Erwin. And I feel like I have created metas about this before about Hange’s leadership style: here and here
Anyway if you got this far, thanks for reading! 
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mocha-sim · 4 years
For a while now I’ve wanted to write out a post concerning where I stand on the whole issue with YanSim and its developer (in short: neutral, leaning heavily towards the negative side, but I like the potential of the story and characters). There are a lot of problems and I really want to throw in my two cents
This might not be necessary, but I need to get it off my chest, and hopefully make some people think about other points of view
Warning: long post ahead
1. Six years and still in development
I can really see both sides here
On one hand, six full years without even one rival - the single most important part of the game - and a game still full of placeholder assets, and terrible code on top of that, is pathetic
On the other hand, Yandev is working with only a small team of volunteers and himself, who (no matter what he claims) knows very little about game development (from what i’ve seen, he’s made one before, but it looks like a very small-scale and basic fighting game, unlike YanSim which is much more large-scale and has a lot of features)
Professional game teams do have full, high-quality games made in less than six years, but that time is also a product of game company employees being extremely overworked. Lately I’ve seen a lot more people talking about this issue, which is good, but isn’t it hypocritical to not also apply that logic to Yandev?
Again, though, I’m not sure how much time he spends actually working on the game - to me, it seems like he spends a lot of time on discord, reddit, etc. even if he does only stream for a few hours every night. Maybe the “harassment” that’s “slowing down game development” wouldn’t be such an issue if he didn’t spend so much time online interacting with these people?
2. The writing and characters
I’m not a huge fan of how the game’s story is handled, either
I don’t think it’s 100% fair to cast a final judgement with the game the way it is now - Osana not being out is in no way a good thing, but it also means that there hasn’t really been any opportunity for story or character development yet, especially for the rivals. That being said:
I feel like there’s a lot of wasted potential with characters’ individual stories and with the game’s story as a whole, like the “Aishi curse” - I just can’t think of many good stories with a main character who’s basically an empty husk. If Ayano had emotions from the beginning, and actually had to struggle with them, she could be a much more interesting character. There doesn’t even need to be a magical curse for it to run in the family - the way children are raised has a serious impact on the person they grow into. If Ayano is raised by a crazy, abusive stalker of a mother, she may well turn into the same thing.
Taro, too - he has so many contradicting character traits. He yells at Ayano for “scaring him” when she’s carrying a box cutter or laughing, but has the courage to run right up to a murderer and take off their mask?? He doesn’t care about reputations for Osoro or Oka, but won’t love Ayano if her reputation drops too low?? We’re told that he’s “friendly and respectful”, but we’re never shown that part of his personality. On top of that, we’re not really given a reason to like or pursue him as the goal of the game - when he’s not interacting with Girl of the Week, he doesn’t really do anything except sit by the fountain and read. I feel as though Taro should have a routine that involves interacting with other characters and gives us more of a feel for the personality we’re told he’s supposed to have
Raibaru as a whole makes no sense and feels like a satellite character to Osana. In Osana’s shoes, I would want to have a word with her about personal space. There’s not a lot to say about her aside from that, because... she doesn’t really do anything except follow Osana around all day and shut down the player’s attempts to kill her. She feels more like a soulless obstacle than a character
I think there should be more true pacifist options than just matchmaking - even the befriending elimination route will, in Yandev’s own words, involve someone getting hurt. If we’re supposed to have a choice on whether or not to hurt and kill people, there should be more variety in our options
3. The game’s code sucks/it’s poorly-optimized
I don’t know much about coding but the amount of awkward stretching/bending limbs on corpses, clipping through walls, low fps, etc. makes this obvious. It was definitely a bad move on Yandev’s part to start a project like this without at least taking a coding/game development class or something
I think the best course of action for Yandev would be to get a professional programmer on board after Osana is released and spend a few months fixing the game’s code before he starts work on the next rival
4. The character models are just stolen Unity models
They are just unity models, but not “stolen” at all - YanDev paid for them.
That being said, they’re sort of ugly and inexpressive, and personally i’m hoping they get replaced soon
5. The characters are all minors
They’re not. It’s in flashing red letters on the screen when you open the game. I can’t help but feel like the reason people keep insisting that the characters are minors is so that they can feel like heroes for defending them or something
It doesn’t make a lot of logical sense, but there’s still plenty of time for this to be fixed. I think it was recently confirmed that Akademi is called an “academy” now and won’t be referred to as a high school again
Imo YanDev should just change it to a post-secondary school, since that’s probably the most seamless way for all the characters to be adults
One last thing I want to say on this is that, when it gets brought up, I often see people use the excuse “the age of consent in Japan is 13″. 1: it isn’t - the Japanese government lets each prefecture decide its own age of consent, but 13 is the minimum. As far as I know, no prefecture has set it below 16. 2: even if 13 was the age of consent, that doesn’t mean we should accept and defend it as “part of a different culture”. It’s still pedophilia. 3: Japanese people actively protest against things like this
6. The uniforms are middle-school uniforms/don’t look like they belong in a prestigious school
However there are multiple uniform options, and it looks like the default uniforms will be completely changed in the final game
7. Panty shots
YanSim is an 18+ game, but there is such a thing as too far
I’ve seen people who tolerate it, but I haven’t seen a single person who actively likes the panty shots and would complain if they were removed. Imo the part that makes this bad is the fact that we, the player, actively have to point our camera up a girl’s skirt and take a photo of her underwear with it being in full view; the whole way this works makes it obvious that the feature was put in there for titillation more than anything else, and it just feels uncomfortable. If it were more like Uekiya’s key-stealing minigame where all we have to do is push a few buttons, the whole gross/uncomfortable aspect could be taken away and a lot of people would probably be fine with it
It would also be better to replace it with an expanded version of the phone-stealing feature: this would let the player get “points” for students of both genders, plus it would still make sense to gain more points for certain students, like the student council or the bullies. Maybe you could even steal teachers’ phones under certain circumstances?
8. YanDev is homophobic
Again not too sure on this one
Iirc, most of the comments people bring up on this are from years ago when he still went by EvaXephon
But speaking as a wlw, I think some of the ways I’ve seen him talk about f/f relationships are pretty creepy. And on top of that, he seems to be considering adding a “female senpai” option to the game, but no male player character? (though i guess i can see the point of view that a male mc would need a lot more new voice lines, animations, etc. while the senpai follows a mostly fixed routine and would only need so many. still, it seems wrong to have one without the other). I hope I’m wrong about this but his support of the LGBT community seems mostly focused on the L and more for his own entertainment than any actual support
9. YanDev is making more money than he should (and handles it poorly)
His Patreon may be dropping, but his YouTube channel is raking in even more money with 2M+ subscribers, and he’s making even more money from things like merch and donations... all while apparently still living with his parents (which i don’t find hard to believe). He’s also apparently bought 2 switches and a sex doll instead of using the money to hire the help he desperately needs with his game
Assuming he really does still live with his parents, I fully support the petition to get his Patreon suspended until he at least finishes Osana. Most game devs don’t make any money off of their games until they’ve finished it completely
10. YanDev wrote rape fanfics
So I did briefly check his old ffn profile some time ago, and as far as I could see everything had the proper ratings and warnings
Tagging/warning/rating is a fanfic author’s only responsibility to you. You make the choice on whether or not to read it. If everything is appropriately tagged and you read it anyway, that’s on you, not the author. If you are mature enough to be on the internet unsupervised, then you are mature enough to curate your own experience.
Fiction is the place to explore controversial themes and topics. It doesn’t mean in any way that a content creator would condone the things they write about in real life
11. YanDev steals art/assets
He does, and still hasn’t apologized for the DLC rivals thing. In fact he made a post defending himself for it, and even compared himself to Andy Warhol in the process (lol)
I’m not sure but I think I heard something recently about him continuing to do this type of thing (the grass, etc.). In which case we should continue to put pressure on him until he credits the creators of whatever art/assets he stole. Art theft is inexcusable
12. The fanbase is mostly kids
This is unfortunately true, and it’s a big problem (i’ve had to deal with it myself on my youtube channel)
However I would personally say that this problem is outside of YanDev’s control. Kids seem to be drawn to edgy/violent things, or things they shouldn’t be allowed to see (just look at Call of Duty). I put the blame for this on the parents who aren’t monitoring their kids’ computer activities. As for YanDev, he’s not a babysitter and it’s not his responsibility to censor his content for kids who shouldn’t be viewing it in the first place
Underage or not though, he should really avoid calling his fans things like “fuck kittens”. Even from the perspective of an adult that’s super creepy to hear
13. The character designs suck
Some are alright, others are absolutely awful
I think that, in a game built on anime tropes, characters should be allowed to have unnaturally-coloured hair. I mean, a lot of characters in anime do have weird hair that you wouldn’t see in real life (seemingly without any dye), and it can add a lot of personality to their designs
But some YanSim characters push that too far. The science club is the worst of the worst imo, despite being otherwise one of my favourite clubs. The neon streaks are ugly, and what’s up with the visors? Why are they allowed to wear those outside of club time? Why do they wear them during club time, as opposed to actual goggles or something? (i have this issue with a lot of club accessories, imo the accessories are unnecessary in the first place)
The bullies and the light music club also take things too far. Their designs are crowded, hard to look at, and out-of-place. Nothing against characters with multi-coloured hair, but there’s a time and a place and a “prestigious” school setting isn’t it
(also, slightly off-topic, but why does almost every “intended couple” look like they could be siblings?)
I could probably make a whole separate post on the character designs in YS, but I’ll save that for another day. (i’m just very passionate about character design)
14. YanDev has collaborated with porn games 3 times now
Once I could overlook (after all, the characters are 18+ and YS is already not for kids) but a third time? Seriously? And so soon after the last one?
Not only do I have mixed feelings about Yandev doing crossovers when his game isn’t even in the demo stage yet, isn’t this game supposed to be taken seriously as a horror game? I can’t think of a single other horror game that has willingly put its characters in porn.
Also I can’t help noticing that he advertises the porn game crossovers a lot more than he did with that one Dark Deception crossover. Did he ever even mention that one? I only ever saw it on the Dark Deception Twitter
15. YanDev is rude to his fans
I don’t have a lot to say against this one. As far as I’ve seen, he is, and he doesn’t take criticism well at all (just look at the subreddit - yes, a lot of the things that were removed deserved it (unfunny cum chalice jokes, etc.) but there have also been completely innocent questions, fanarts, jokes, and fanfics that have been removed. Not to mention mods going through peoples’ post history and banning them for being active in r/Osana. Both he and his mod team seem insanely paranoid)
I think he’s going to have to grow a thicker skin and stop censoring critiques if he wants to get anywhere with this game. Not just fans who bring up tiny details that might need changing, but also big, glaring issues like the code and character designs and such. He also doesn’t seem that professional for a game developer who wants to be taken seriously
That being said, if you’re the type to spam the discord server/subreddit/fan communities who have nothing to do with Yandev like the amino, you deserved that ban
16. YanDev defends pedophiles/the “sex license” thing
“No adult ever has any excuse to do anything sexual with a child. As soon as you touch a kid, you have crossed the line from being someone with a mental disorder to being the worst scum imaginable. Having a mental illness is involuntary, but touching a kid is a choice. If you have a mental illness, I feel bad for you. If you violate a child, I feel disgust and contempt for you, and I think you deserve the death penalty.” -From YanDev himself on this page
The sex license thing is also debunked on the same page: the whole conversation was taken out of context and the hypothetical “license” was supposed to be something that only an adult could meet the requirements for
17. “Corona-chan”
This was a really insensitive move to make in the middle of a pandemic, and I agree that the design was racist
However, YanDev listened to the fans’ complaints and removed the easter egg a day later, plus gave an apology. I think that this was the best thing he could do in that scenario and idk what else people are expecting him to do about it
18. YanDev’s general portrayal of high schoolers
Honestly, it’s not 100% realistic (especially in some of the dialogue. you know what i’m talking about)
I’m surprised that more students don’t seem to have friends outside of their clubs. It seems like all the students mostly stick within their club/group - walking to school together, spending their breaks together, etc. A lot of the ways the characters behave are very robotic, like walking in a perfectly straight line everywhere they go
That being said, a lot of the things i’ve seen criticized in regards to this are not part of the problem. By the time you’re in high school, you’ve probably hit puberty. It doesn’t make a character automatically sexualized if they have bigger breasts (though some designs in the game are over-sexualized, like a few certain staff members)
19. Muja, Mida, and Hanako
Let’s start with Hanako: Yandev has already said that she’s not romantically interested in her brother, she’s just insanely clingy and doesn’t want him to get a girlfriend out of fear that he’ll forget about her. If you still insist that she’s in love with Taro, then that’s on you
Muja and Mida I have mixed feelings on.
If every student is 18 or older, meaning that the first-years are 18, that makes Taro, a third-year, 20-21 years old. If Mida and Muja are in their early 20s as Yandev has said, that means that the age gap isn’t an issue. However, it’s still wrong for a teacher or a nurse to pursue their student/patient
I don’t think Yandev should need to spell out “hey, Mida and Muja are not good people” in flashing neon signs. The game is rated M and anyone who’s old enough to play it should be able to understand that without it being said. If you need morality in fiction spoon-fed to you, you probably shouldn’t be watching/reading/playing anything rated above PG
On the other hand, YanDev has a nasty habit of making these things into a joke, which is really insensitive and creepy. Like saying that Mida’s favourite food is “the spit of a younger man” (yikes), that she’s tried to seduce her own students 69 times (haha 69 so funney right guys XD), or that whole confession scene mess. It’s less of a problem with Muja, but it’s still there. As much as the audience shouldn’t need everything served to them on a silver platter, issues like these should still be treated with respect, not made into gags
20. Yandev wastes time on “Easter eggs”
I have to agree that he does spend time implementing unnecessary things sometimes (like the abc challenge), but as far as I know the Easter eggs are what he does in his spare time while waiting for assets from volunteers. However: snap mode, which was hyped up for years, turned out to be a flop with zero purpose, disappointing a good portion of the fanbase.
21. Love Letter
So far I’m really liking the look of this game: I like the models and the school environment they’ve shown, and it seems like they’re doing a lot of things in better or more interesting ways than YanDev, like not outright telling us who the rivals are. I don’t think it’s fair to accuse them of “stealing” anything, when it seems like most of the assets the games have in common are the things they bought from the Unity store (Love Letter even changed the base Unity model to have a more appealing look)
I'm glad to see that they actually listened to criticism from fans on things like Setsuna’s design (I love her newest look and I hope it’s the final one). From design alone she’s already a more interesting protagonist, and she looks like the sort of character you’d actually enjoy playing as
Not sure I totally buy the claim that it was all done in two weeks, but even if it was over the span of months, that’s still miles better than YanSim’s six years
Knowing that Dr. Apeis has already ditched one project I’m staying open to new information on this, but as of right now I’m looking forward to playing the demo!
Overall: A lot of the hate against the game and the dev are unnecessary, but some is justified and we shouldn’t blindly defend everything he does (seriously, you can admit that the character designs are shit. no one is going to stone you for it).  There are a lot of improvements Dev could make, both on the game and on his behaviour towards fans.
I think that the biggest improvement would be for the game to just stop taking itself so seriously. At this point, it’s so full of memes, cringy google translate names, excessive edginess, and gags that it may as well just be a fun ridiculous anime game instead of a serious horror game. I feel like taking this approach could make it more successful (plus, it doesn’t really have a lot of horror elements aside from the gore)
There are a lot of cases of people taking things too far. Like spamming YanDev with explicit gore/animal abuse, trying to swat him, spamming volunteers with weird porn, trying to hack into volunteers’ accounts (including bank accounts), etc. That is going way too far, no matter how awful or pathetic you think a person is. If you are doing these kinds of things, you are doing more harm than Dev or his volunteers
Attacking YanDev’s appearance is unnecessary and not related to his behaviour or skills. Same with the chalice memes
However, I’ve seen a lot of YanDev’s defenders lashing out against “gremlins”, lumping all of them in with the kinds of people who do these things. If you check r/Osana, you’ll see that most if not all of the people there condemn this behaviour: the gore and porn spammers are a loud minority (and i’m willing to bet most of them are the basement-dwelling losers from KiwiFarms and 4Chan)
Attacking and/or spamming fans who are just trying to enjoy the game is also unnecessary. Someone liking a video game you don’t like is not doing you any harm. Be mature and move on
I’m not sure if some of what I’ve said above is 100% accurate so if anyone actually read this and has evidence against it then feel free to add
I think that’s about all I have to say on that. Again, i don’t know if it will change anything in the fandom but i really just wanted to get this off my chest
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
The Lady in Black Leather (chapter 9)
The Lady in Black Leather (chapter 8)
Note: Look up the referred songs on spotify or online and listen to them as you read the sections they are mentioned in. t really adds to the story, I think!
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The two of you walk in and are greeted by the desk clerk. “Can I help you?” she asks.
You nod. “I’m here to see Officer Sand.” You tell her.
“Have a seat over there and I’ll let him know you’re here. What’s your name, Honey?” she asks.
“I’m Harley. He is handling my case with my ex who attacked me a couple nights ago.” You tell her.
“Are you the one he and a few of the boys are helping to move out of an apartment?” she asks.
You nod.
“Hope things can get straightened out for you, Sweetheart. Your ex sure did a number on a couple of our boys.” She tells you.
“I’m sorry they were hurt. He doesn’t listen to anyone and won’t take orders from anyone either. So it doesn’t surprise me he would resist them. But I do appreciate all you officers do to keep me safe and protected.” You tell her. “If they wouldn’t have shown up when they did, I would’ve ended up either in the hospital or dead from what my ex threatened to do.” You tell her.
She nods. “Glad our officers could help you Sweetheart. I’ll be right back.” She tells you.
You sit and wait with Richard for a few minutes. He holds your hand and the two of you talk quietly; then the desk clerk comes back. “He’ll be right out.” She tells you.
A minute later, Alex comes out with four other officers. He introduces them to you and Richard. Alex tells you they will be helping him move your stuff out of your Apartment.
Richard thanks them for coming to your aid that night and thanks them for helping you with moving. They grin and tell him they are happy to do so. You give Alex the keys and remind him to call the landlord when they are almost done so he can get the keys from him and lock up the unit. Alex nods and tells you not to worry.
You thank them all again and head out with Richard, his hand warm against your low back. He opens the door for you and helps you in the car, then gets into his side. You pull up the address again for the new apartment and the two of you head over there. You get there a little before 2pm. You see Todd’s truck when you get out of the BMW and Richard wraps your hand around his arm and the two of you walk over to the truck.
Todd looks up and sees you walking over and shimmies out of the truck to greet you. You introduce him to Richard and the three of you head up to the door of the building. Todd buzzes the O’Malley’s button and Mr. O’Malley answers. Todd tells him you’re here and Mr. O’Malley lets you all in. You and Richard follow Todd up the one short flight of stairs and Mr. O’Malley meets you outside his door.
Todd introduces the two of you to Mr. O’Malley and he welcomes you to the building. He heads across the hallway and unlocks the door to the apartment and motions for you all to head inside.
Richard looks around appreciatively at the apartment. He is surprised at how small it is compared to his place but doesn’t say anything.
Mr. O’Malley shows you the lease and the building’s rules and regulations. He asks about your dog and you explain that you are starting the process of getting one, but don’t have it yet. He tells you to just let them know when you get it and make sure to pay the pet deposit before you bring him home. He goes through the lease with you and you sign and initial where needed. You write out the check for the security deposit and the rent and he hands you the keys. “Welcome home Miss Harley!” he tells you and you grin.
“Thank you both for all your help with this!” you tell him and Todd. They both chuckle and tell you they are happy to help. You tell Mr. O’Malley that Alex and the other officers from his beat will be moving your stuff in for you from the old apartment sometime this week when you get a day off to tell them where to put everything.” He nods.
“Thanks for letting us know, Harley. We’ll keep an ear out for them and make sure they have what they need for getting your stuff in.” he tells you.
“Harley, what day do you want off to move your stuff over?” Todd asks. “I’m pretty flexible with the schedule, so if you need time off to move and get unpacked, just let me know. We can shift hours around, no worries.” He tells you.
You text Alex and ask him what day would work for them to move your stuff in?” He replies back a few minutes later, “How about Wednesday?”
You ask Todd and he nods. “Wednesday is fine.”
You look up at Richard, “I suppose you’re working Wednesday?” you ask.
He nods, but says, “I can come help you unpack when we’re done filming for the day, if you like.”
You grin and nod. “Ok, We’ll do Wednesday.” You text Alex back.
He replies, “Ok, see you then. Tell Mr. O’Malley we’ll need enough room in front to park a moving truck, so he can cone it off for parking.”
“Ok, done.” You text back and tell Mr. O’Malley what Alex said. He chuckles and nods.
“Haley, do you have a current picture of your ex that we can see what he looks like so we can put a notice to the residents to call the police if he is seen around here?”
You frown, “Um, let me see if I have one in my phone.” You reply.
You flip through the pictures in your phone and find the one from Christmas. You edit it and crop your face out of the picture and save it. Then you ask Mr. O’Malley for the phone number or e-mail to send it to. You tell him it’s the photo from Christmas so that is the most recent one of him you have.
He tells you to e-mail it to him and gives you his e-mail address. He also asks if you have your restraining order with you. You nod. “Would you mind if I made a copy of it to put in your file?” he asks. You shake your head and pull it out. Handing it to him you watch as he looks it over and then nods. “I’ll be right back with this.” He tells you and heads over to his apartment to make a copy.
He comes back a few minutes later with it and hands it back to you. “Everything is in order then, if you’ll come with me, I’ll show you your garage.” He tells you as he reaches into the kitchen drawer and grabs the garage door remote. “You have two remotes, so don’t lose them. Most tenants keep one in their vehicle and one in the apartment.” He tells you.
You all follow Mr. O’Malley out into the hallway. You lock up the apartment and then follow him down the hallway and out the back door. He leads you directly out across the parking lot and over to garage #2. He presses the remote and the door opens to reveal a clean garage with shelving built into the back wall. You walk in and look around.
“I don’t have a car, but I suppose I can use the extra storage space for stuff. Is the parking lot here for guests or residents only?” you ask.
It is for both. There are no assigned spots, so it is first come first served. If you have company, depending on the number of guests, we ask that you limit the number parking in the lot so that our tenants with more than one vehicle have places to park when they come home.” He tells you.
“Ok.” You reply. “Not that I plan to have any huge parties.” You tease. “I prefer to keep it to small groups.” You grin.
Mr. O’Malley nods. “Oh! I almost forgot to show you the laundry room! We ask that you set a timer for the loads, so you don’t leave clothes in the machines. Laundry hours are from 9am-9pm daily. He tells you as you close the garage door, and you all follow him to the laundry room
It is clean and you see there are 4 washers and 4 dryers. “Make sure you clean out the lint traps in the dryers after each use, and we ask that you don’t overload the machines, and that you only use liquid detergents and liquid fabric softeners in the washers to prevent build up.” He tells you.
“Ok!” you say cheerily.
Mr. O’Malley leads you back up to the main landing and points to your mailbox. “This is your mailbox. Please make sure you put a slip of paper inside it with your name on it, so the mailman knows who it belongs to. You can put your rent check in this box here each month on the first or you can just knock on our door and hand it to us if you prefer. It’s always due on the 1st by 11:59pm.” He informs you.
You nod.
“Do you have any other questions?” he asks.
“Not that I can think of right now, Mr. O’Malley. Thanks for letting me move in here!” you tell him.
He smiles. “My pleasure. I hope you enjoy it here. If you need anything or have any problems, don’t hesitate to let us know right away.” He tells you.
“Ok. Will do!”
“Have a nice day then, Miss Harley.” He tells you as he shakes your hand. “Nice to meet you Mr. Armitage” he says to Richard and shakes his hand. Todd, we’ll see you later!” he says and shakes Todd’s hand then heads up into his apartment.
Todd grins at you. “Well I gotta get going, Sweetheart, You two have a good rest of your weekend. See you Monday!” he tells you. “Nice to meet you Richard!” he says and pats Richard on the shoulder.
“Oh, Todd, here!” you tell him as you hand him the baggie of money. “I forgot to give you your change from when I picked up your lunch yesterday.” He thanks you and then heads out to his truck.
Richard chuckles. You grab his hand and pull him back up to your door. You unlock it and head inside again. Richard follows and closes the door. You grin and look around at your new home and let out a little squeal and do a happy dance, making Richard laugh.
You wander into the bedroom area and look around trying to figure out how you want your room set up. Richard follows you and leans against the door casing, watching you lost in thought. He grins and walks up behind you. He leans down and puts his chin on your shoulder and wraps his arms around your waist.
“Are you happy, Love?” he asks in your ear as he peppers your neck with gentle kisses.
Leaning back into his embrace, you mumble, “MmmmmHmmm. I finally have my own place where I can unwind and do what I want. I can have whomever I want over, and I can decorate it however I want to have it. I can stay up as late as I want and just be myself.” You sigh happily.
Richard smiles seeing you content. He turns you around, so you face him. And you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down into a kiss. “Thanks for being so understanding about this. I know you’d rather I stay with you, but I appreciate you letting me do this.” You tell him with a grin.
He smiles and picks you up and carries you to the kitchen. He plops your butt on the counter and moves between your legs so he can get closer to you. You giggle when you realize you two are almost eye level now. “Hey, now you don’t have to bend down to kiss me!” you giggle.
He raises an eyebrow and gives you a mischievous smirk. “I think we need to test out this theory.” He teases and kisses you soundly for several minutes as he entwines his fingers in your hair and rubs your back, pulling you flush against him. When you both come up for air, you are panting and feeling incredibly loved. “Wow!” you grin.
He just grins. He looks around the kitchen and tries to picture how you might decorate it. “Is there anything you’re gonna need for this place?” he asks.
You shrug. “I’m not really sure. I didn’t really have much other than my bed, dresser, the usual kitchen stuff, my tv/blueray player, the tv stand, my desk, and a couple chairs. My ex broke my couch before he left, and I never got around to replacing it.” You tell Richard.
Richard looks at you surprised. “Don’t you have a dining set?” he asks. You shake your head. “He broke that too.” You say sadly. “It was my parent’s set they had gotten as a wedding gift. I cried when he trashed it and my couch.” You tell Richard.
He tilts your face up to his. “I will get you a new one for here. Once your stuff arrives on Wednesday and we get it into place so we can see what kind of room you will have, we will go shopping and you can pick out whatever you like.” He tells you.
You look at him stunned. “Richard…” you start. But he puts a finger to your lips. “I insist, Sweetheart. You need more than a couple of chairs for guests to sit in, and you will need a dining set. You know darn well, Scarlett and Aiden and I will come visit, I’m sure Graham, Martin and Amanda will too. Maybe even Lee or Orlando will stop by and say hello on occasion.” He tells you.
“Now is there anything else you need now that you know you will have at least 7 or 8 people here at any given time to hang out?” he asks you.
You blush, “I never have entertained anyone before. All my dishes are stuff we got from thrift stores and I only had a place setting for 4 people. None of it matches.” You say a little embarrassed.
“Then we will get you a new set so you can have fun entertaining.” He tells you and kisses you gently.
“If you think of anything else, let me know, Sweetheart. Don’t be afraid to ask. I want to pamper you and give you nice things. You deserve to be treated well and have nice things after all you’ve been through.” He tells you as he looks in your ice blue eyes. “Money is not an issue for me.” He tells you. “I love you and making sure your needs and wants are met is one way I like to show you how much I love you.” He says as he nuzzles your neck, kissing it and caressing your arms and back.
“Oh, Rich. How did I get so lucky to end up with you? I keep feeling like I’m gonna wake up and find this was all a dream.” You tell him.
He grins and puts his forehead to yours and looks deeply into your eyes. “I’ve been asking myself the same thing.” He tells you, making you blush.
He smirks and backs up a step, looks at you, grins and then pulls out his phone. He takes a picture of you grinning. Then pulls up Spotify on his phone and pulls up the playlist he made of songs he wants to dance to with you.
Grinning he pushes play and sets the phone on the counter then pulls you off it. Elvis starts singing ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ and you giggle. He takes your hand with his and you take his waist with your other hand. He holds you close and you two start to slow dance in the kitchen as Richard sings along quietly to the music.
You grin and look up at him and he smiles as he looks down at you. You rest your head on his chest and listen to his voice through his chest and he rests his head on yours. You both dance like that through several songs including ‘You are so Beautiful” by Joe Cocker and ‘My Girl’ by the Temptations and “I’ll Be There” by The Jackson 5. 
You giggle as he tries to sing ‘When a Man Loves a Woman” and you both end up in giggles and he just holds you close and dances with you as you both listen to the music and the lyrics.
You chuckle when the next song comes on and it’s ‘The Longest Time’ by Billy Joel. “I think that’s our song…” you giggle.
Richard grins and nods. “Though I think my song for you is ‘Pretty Woman’. And you grin and blush earning a chuckle from him.
Soon after, Richard’s phone switches to Graham’s ringtone and Richard looks over and sees it’s him calling.
He goes and picks up the phone, “Hey Graham… we just finished and got the keys. Yeah, have them drop you off… hang on a second.” He says and covers the mouthpiece on the phone.
“Honey, is it ok if Aiden drops Graham off here? They all want to see the new apartment and then we can go look at the dogs with Graham.” He asks you.
“Yeah, Oh! Hang on a second... I forgot to ask which buzzer is mine.” You tell him and head to the door to ask Mr. O’Malley.
You ring his doorbell and ask him when he answers. He apologizes and shows you it’s apartment #2. He suggests that you not put your name on it though, “If your ex does show up here, he won’t know which unit is yours. If you have company coming over just tell them to push buzzer number 2” he tells you. You nod and thank him and head back into your apartment.
You tell Richard to tell them to push buzzer #2 when they get here. He nods and tells them.
Richard hangs up and grins, “Now, where were we?” he asks with a grin and flips back to the playlist he had. He grins and flips it to ‘Pretty Woman’ and hits play. You start to giggle, and he starts to dance with you in the kitchen as he sings along. You giggle and start to act out the song with him, making him get a huge grin on his face. The two of you are giggling and laughing as the song finishes and you come waltzing into his arms and the two of you walk over to the window and look out and see Aiden’s car pull up.
“Nice timing!” you giggle. Richard smirks and heads back over to the kitchen to shut off the music. You head over to the intercom and buzzer system when you see them head up to the door.
You jump when the buzzer goes off, making Richard chuckle. And you answer it and tell them to come up the first flight of stairs and it’s the apartment on the right. #2. Then you buzz them in.
You hear them come up the steps and ring the doorbell. You open the door and grin. “Welcome to my new apartment!” you giggle. They come in and look around. Graham grins and sees you’re wearing the corset he bought for you.
You give them the little tour, and everyone is chuckling at your blue bathroom. “I love it! Blue is one of my favourite colors! You say. “Scarlett look how deep the tub and sink are!” They all peek their heads in to have a look and Scarlett grins and says, “I know where you’re going to spend a LOT of your time!!!” she giggles.
Graham gives her a puzzled look.
“She loves bubble baths! Especially now that the three months is up for the surgery!” she explains with a fit of giggles.
You grin, “I haven’t had a good bubble bath since before Christmas!” you say dreamily and giggle with glee. “I can’t wait to have one in here in this deep bathtub!” you exclaim.
Making the guys all roll their eyes. But then Richard gets an idea and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Graham glances at him and as everyone walks past, he leans over and whispers, “Richard, what evil plan are you hatching now? I know that look you have on your face!”
Richard just grins and wiggles his eyebrows, puts his hand on Graham’s shoulder as he walks past and whispers, “Wouldn’t you like to know!”. And with that, Richard and Graham head into what will be your room. They look around and then head back into the main area.
You follow them out of your room with Scarlett and they look at your beaming face and can’t help but smile.
“It’s a nice little place for ya, Lass!” Graham tells you with a grin. “Can’t wait to see what you do with it once yer furniture and belongings arrive.” He says.
You nod. “That’ll be Wednesday.” You reply. “The officers who responded the night I was attacked are packing my stuff now and are going to put in in their secure storage and will deliver it Wednesday. So, I got Wednesday off from work so I can unpack and direct them where to put stuff, though to be honest, I don’t really have much. It’s all either from my parent’s home or from thrift stores.” You reply.
“Well, we can come help after work.” Graham tells you.
You shrug. “If you want to come help, I’m fine with that. I’ll welcome the company as long as it doesn’t get to be too many people. I’m not quite ready to have a party here yet. This is a quiet building, and the landlords live literally across the hall from me at the top of the stairs, so I don’t want to be getting in trouble with them for partying my first week here.” You giggle.
Graham chuckles. “Okay Lass, no big parties for you! We’ll save those for Aiden’s or Rich’s place.” He teases making both men roll their eyes.
“You ready to go check out some dogs?” he asks you. You nod. “Sure. I got everything on my ‘to do’ list done now. So, we can go do that.” You reply. You turn and grab your keys off the counter and add the new ones for your apartment to the ring. You go and make sure the bedroom and bathroom lights are off and grab the remote for the garage.
“Ok, I’m ready now.” you reply. They all head out the door and go quietly down the stairs and wait by the entry door as you lock the door to your apartment then join them.
Scarlett and Aiden head out first followed by Richard, who is talking with Aiden. Graham gently grabs your arm as you walk out and pats it. “You got my gift, I see?” he asks.
You blush and nod. “It was left on my bed. I assume Scarlett or Aiden had put it there. Thank you for it. It’s gorgeous, though the dress is a little big on me and will need to be taken in a little.” You tell him.
He gives you a wink. We’ll go do that closer to the time you’ll need it.” He says, “In the meantime, enjoy the rest of it. The corset looks wonderful on you!” he tells you as you walk down the walkway.
He grins and gives Richard a wink and nods. Richard nods back and opens the door for you and helps you in, then closes the door and pops around to his side and gets in. Graham climbs into the back seat and sits in the middle so he can talk to you and Richard.
You lean over and pull down Richard’s sun visor and clip the Garage remote to it. Then flip it back up. “You get to park in the garage when you come visit, since I don’t have a car.” You tell him with a smirk.
He just chuckles and nods.
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“So where is this place we’re going to, Graham?” you ask. Graham grins and tells Rich the address. Rich plugs it into the phone’s navigation and heads out. You notice Aiden and Scarlett following. “Are Aiden and Scarlett coming too?” you ask.
“Yup. They want to see what you’ll pick. They have a bet goin’ as to which color and kind of dog you get.” Graham tells you. You grin. “Scarlett will win, she knows me too well.” You chuckle.
The three of you talk on your way out to the place where Graham’s friend lives. You arrive after about 30 minutes of driving. Graham helps you out of the car and you are surprised you don’t hear many dogs barking. You look around and see a few people in a fenced in area working with some dogs.
A man comes walking out of the house with a Doberman trotting behind him. When you see it, you freeze and tighten your grip on Richard’s arm. He looks down at you confused for a moment, then remembers what you told him. He grabs Graham’s arm and reminds him you are terrified of Dobermans.
Graham looks over at you and nods. He hurries to meet his friend and tells him about your fear and why you’re afraid of those dogs. The man looks at you for a moment and nods. He makes a hand motion and the dog goes back into the house.
Then Graham and the man come over to you and Richard, Scarlett and Aiden and says, “Sorry bout that. He likes to follow me all over. I forget some people are afraid of them.” He tells you.
“I’m Mark. My family and I train dogs for a variety of things here on our property, don’t worry though, none will hurt you. Now, Graham tells me you need a dog to protect you from an ex-boyfriend and that you need it as a service animal am I correct?” he asks.
You nod. “Yes. I have a restraining order, but I know him well enough that he will not abide by it.” You tell the man. “I walk everywhere and don’t drive so I need to be able to take the dog wherever I go.” You tell Mark.
He nods. “May I see the Restraining Order?” He asks. You take it out of your messenger bag and show it to him. “Ok, that’s all I need for now.” he tells you. “Let’s go and take a look at some of the dogs. We keep them in large kennels in the barn. We have quite a few of the ones you are afraid of, Sweetheart, but they are in the kennels and won’t hurt you.
This is for all of you though… Do not try to pet them unless they come up to you and try to nuzzle your hand through the fence. Let them smell your fingers then if they lick or nuzzle your hand, you may pet them.” He tells you all.
Mark tells everyone to follow him and he leads you into a huge barn where they have the dogs kenneled. It is well lighted and clean. You stay close to Richard and Graham as you slowly walk past the different kennels looking at the dogs.
A few come to say hello and want head scritches through the fencing, and Aiden happily does so once they smell his hand and nudge it.
You see some pretty German Shepherds, a pretty white Akita, and a gorgeous Belgian Malinois, a Belgian Sheepdog/Tervuren mix that looks like a black fluffy wolf. It seems particularly interested in you and keeps trying to nuzzle your hand by poking it’s snout through the fencing, whining quietly. You hesitantly hold out your hand like Mark showed you and it tries to plop it’s head on your fingers as you poke them through the fencing.
Mark chuckles. “He likes you, Harley. We’ve had him for almost two years, and he has been very finicky who he allows to come near him. I’ve never seen him react like that to someone. He tells you. Richard is standing next to you with his arm around your waist. The dog comes over and sniffs Richard’s hand and licks it letting him pet his head as well. “What is his name?” you asked.
Mark grinned, “Phantom”. We referred to him as the Phantom Menace. He grinned. Richard chuckled.
When you move to continue looking at the other dogs, the black dog starts to whimper. Mark chuckles and walks over to him with a leash and clips it on the dog’s collar, then unhooks the gate all the way and lets the dog out. The dog patiently stands next to him and is wagging his tail, looking between you and his trainer.
Mark gives him a hand signal and the dog lies down. Mark makes another signal and lays the leash on the ground then walks towards you and the group. When he gets to the group, he gives the dog the signal to ‘come’ and the dog trots over to you and plops down, rolls on his back onto your feet and licks your boots, looking up at you wanting tummy rubs. You look down at it and giggle.
“I think he chooses, you, Harley.” Aiden says. He squats down and holds out his hand for the dog to sniff. The dog comes over and sniffs it and sits down and puts his head under Aiden’s hand letting him pet him.
Scarlett squats down and does the same thing. The dog sniffs her hand and licks it like it tastes good. She is laughing and says, “Like how I taste, you black beauty? Well it’s probably the salt from the French fries I was eating!” she laughs.
“Phantom” you call softly, and the dog looks over at you and looks up at his handler. He gives the command to ‘go’ and Phantom comes over to you and sits in front of you. You look up at Richard and he is grinning. He leans over and whispers, “His fur is almost as glossy as your hair and he matches your black color preference perfectly.”
Graham chuckles and watches as the dog comes back over and sits at your feet looking between you and Richard and Graham.
Mark chuckles. “I think he wants to go home with you, Harley. He has been trained for a guard dog, as well as scent tracking and search and rescue. The police force who had me train him lost their K-9 officer and dog in the riots a couple years ago, so they never claimed him. They gave me permission to sell him to whomever was willing to take him. Because of his all black color, though, none of the area Police were interested.” He tells you.
“Can you show me what all he is trained to do?” You ask Mark. He grins and nods. He motions for the dog to ‘come’ and the dog goes to him. Mark picks up his leash and tells everyone to follow him out to the training field. You all follow, and he stops at a shed and puts a worn service vest on the dog.
He tells Aiden to take his jacket off and hand it to Scarlett, then go hide behind one of the larger objects or bushes out in the field. Aiden grins and does so. You laugh when you see him run off and hide. You hadn’t noticed that the trainer had covered the dog’s eyes so it couldn’t see where Aiden hid.
Once Aiden had hidden, the trainer uncovers the dog’s eyes. He tells Scarlet to hold out Aiden’s jacket to the dog. He tells the dog, “Find him, boy. Go find Aiden.”, then makes a couple hand signals you don’t notice. The dog sniffs Aiden’s jacket then lifts his nose to the air and starts pulling Mark out to the field, he stops occasionally sniffing the air and the ground and in a matter of a few minutes finds Aiden hiding behind one of the bushes in the field.
Aiden comes back grinning from ear to ear as he talks with Mark, who then calls over one of the other handlers and tells him to suit up for an attack demo. The handler goes to the shed and dons the gear for it and heads out to the first marker. He stands and waits.
Mark tells the dog to wait. Then he unclips the leash. The dog looks at him and waits for a signal. Mark makes the signal and gives the voice command and the dog’s heckles go up and he growls and charges. He has the handler on the ground in no time and immediately stops when mark says a word and the dog looks over at him. Mark gives him the signal to ‘come’ and the dog comes trotting back looking all proud of himself. He sits at Mark’s feet and waits for a treat, which Mark gives him.
They go through some other demonstrations using Graham as the one being attacked by the handler in the padding. You suspected Graham had done this before with the handlers as he was looking like this was nothing new and that he was having fun. They showed you how the dog disarms people attacking you from behind, and from in front of you, how he can disarm a person with a gun before they can even react to fire it, and how he can help drag you to safety if you get hurt somehow.
Mark also tells you the dog is trained to help pull people out of flashbacks or nightmares. And Graham helped him demonstrate that as well. You chuckle at the dog’s antics while it tries to ‘comfort’ Graham who is pretending to have a flashback.
When they are done with the demo, Phantom trots over and plops down by your feet as you talk with Mark, Graham and Richard. You look down and Phantom has his chin on your foot and is rubbing his head against your ankle. “Mark, I think I’ll take him since he seems to really like me and no one else seems to want him.” You say. You squat down and look at Phantom. “You want to come home with me, Phantom?” you ask.
He sits up, tilts his head and licks your face making you laugh. Graham looks over at Rich and nods. Mark calls Phantom over and motions for him to sit. If you want to adopt him, you’ll need to go through the training. It’ll take a couple of evenings to do. It’ll help him bond with you and help you get comfortable with his commands and moods. He tells you.
You nod and look a little disappointed you can’t take him now, but you understand why you can’t. “Ok. But I’ll need a ride out here and back home.” You say.
“One of us will make sure we can take ya out here, Sweetheart.” Graham tells you. “Don’t worry yer pretty little head about that.” He says.
You nod. Mark takes off the service dog vest from Phantom and hands it to the other handler in the padding. Mark thanks the other handler and tells him he can go back to what he was doing. Then he leads you all back to the barn.
Everyone follows Mark and Phantom into the barn and over to Phantom’s kennel. You kneel down and pet the dog for a few minutes and tell him you will see him tomorrow. Graham and Richard snap a couple pictures of you with the dog unbeknownst to you.
“You’ll come home with me in a couple days, Phantom, then we’ll be buddies, Ok? Be good now!” you tell him and kiss the top of his head. He wags his tail and gives you a soft “Woof” Making everyone chuckle.
Mark puts Phantom back in his kennel and then you all head out to the doors. Richard chuckles when you both hear Phantom whining as he watches you leave.
“Awww!” you say quietly. “He is already missing me!”
Graham chuckles and smirks at Richard when Scarlett smacks Aiden who is walking ahead of you three and she tells him to ‘pay up, I won the bet!’
You all follow Mark to his office where you fill out the paperwork. Mark makes a copy of your restraining order to put in your file. He explains about the Service dog information and gives you a number to report any business who does not comply with the federal regulations, which you promptly enter as a favourite contact in your phone.
Graham pays for the dog and Rich pays for your training. You schedule a time for tomorrow for you to come back out after you are done with work to start the training process.
You are grinning from ear to ear when you head back to Richard’s car. “How did I know you’d pick a black dog?” Scarlett says to you as she wraps her arm around your waist as the two of you walk in sync in front of the guys.
You laugh, “I think HE more or less picked ME, Scar!” you told her giggling. “I wasn’t exactly looking for a black dog, though it might end up being a good thing he is black colored since we are often out at night and he will be harder to see.” You muse.
“And his fur will blend in better on my clothes and won’t stick out like a sore thumb too!” you laugh and squeal with glee. Making Richard laugh.
“Leave it to you to find a dog who matches your wardrobe!” he teases.
You turn back to look at him and stick out your tongue and wrinkle your nose. Just making him laugh again.
Graham and Aiden just shake their heads. You get back to the cars and Graham looks at his watch, “Well, what do we want to do for supper?” he asks. You all decide to head back to The Squawking Raven and invite Martin and Amanda.
Graham helps you into Richard’s car and then climbs in the back seat. Richard gets in the driver’s seat. “Thanks for getting the dog for me and paying for the training.” You tell them both.
“We’ll sleep better at night, Lass, knowing he’ll protect ya.” Graham tells you. “It’s the least we can do to try to keep ya safe.” He says.
“Well, thank you for it.” You tell them both and give each of them a kiss on the cheek making them both grin.
Richard drives to The Squawking Raven’s and everyone climbs out of the two vehicles.
Martin and Amanda are waiting by the door and greet everyone. You and Amanda and Scarlett all start visiting and telling Amanda about the dog you’re getting as a guard dog. “That’s wonderful! She says, “How’s the apartment hunt going?” she asks you. You tell her you got a small one bedroom and the officers who helped you move are going to bring your stuff on Wednesday and help you move in.
“Oh! That’s wonderful! We’ll have to have a little party once you’re all moved in!” she tells you.
You giggle, “Well as long as we don’t get too loud, my landlords worked for the police department and live directly across the hall from me!” you say with a grin. She chuckles. And shrugs.
You all greet Joe and he lets you all in, then you head to the coat check and then the bar and greet Lacey. He grins and waves as you all go up to what is called ‘the deck’ where you saw them all the other night.
“How come you all hang out up here?” you ask.
Martin replies, “It discourages people from harassing us wanting autographs and photos.”
You look at Richard and shrug. He asks if you want anything to eat and you nod. He grabs a menu and tells you to order whatever you like. You grin and glance at the options. You end up ordering a cheese burger and fries and a Jameson, which Graham gives you shit for.
You chuckle and tell him he can get your next one then. He nods. “All righty.” He says, “But you gotta drink it up here.” He tells you.
“Ok.” You say with a shrug.
You and Scarlett talk Amanda into going down and dancing on the floor for a bit while everyone waits for the food. The guys stand along the railing, watching you three having a ball. Amanda comes up after a little while and is laughing. “Those two are a hoot! I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!” She tells them as she joins Martin along the railing.
Richard and Graham chuckle. ‘Pretty Woman starts to play, and you look up at Richard with a smirk. He raises an eyebrow and looks at Graham. They both laugh when you and Scarlett start to dance to it acting it out. The crowd makes room for the two of you and you are just having a ball. Aiden is giggling and tells Rich, “The next time they play this, you and I should go down there and do that with our girls!”
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Richard is shaking his head, No, and Graham smacks him on the back! “Oh, come on, Rich! Loosen up and have a little fun!” he tells him. “$50 says you can’t get her blushing a beet red color by the end of the dance!”
Richard looks at him with a raised eyebrow. Martin looks over, “What was that, Graham?” he asked.
Graham repeated the bet and Martin upped the anty. $100 says he will have her blushing by the end of the song! $200 if both Aiden and Rich get both the girls to blush red by the end of the song.” He amends.
Amanda giggles and says something to Martin. “I’ll even join ya in it and so will Amanda!” Richard rolls his eyes, “FINE. ONE time!” he says. Amanda squeals and runs down to tell the DJ to play it again in a half hour and then she drags you and Scarlett off to the side telling you the guys have a bet to get you and Scarlett blushing by the end of the song.
“What if we turn the tables and make them blush and get all flustered by the end of the song!” Scarlett says. Amanda gets a wicked smirk and an idea. She tells you what she thinks the three of you should do during the song with them to get all three guys to blush. You smirk and can’t wait to do this. “The DJ will play it again in a half hour and will give me a one song signal for us to get the guys down on the dance floor in time.” Amanda tells you two.
After you figure out what you’re all gonna do for the dance, the three of you head up to the deck just as the food and drinks arrive.
You three gals smirk the whole time you’re up there eating and drinking.
“Martin grabs Graham, Aiden and Richard. “Ok, gents, I know that look on Amanda and she has something mischievous planned. I’m guessing it has something to do with the song. So, what’s the plan?” They look at him and shrug. “That’s up to you three to figure out!” Graham chuckles. “My guess is they are gonna try to make you guys blush red instead of you making them!” he says.
About a half hour later, the DJ gives Amanda a one song nod, letting her know the next song is the one she requested. She drags Martin out on to the dance floor. Scarlett grabs Aiden and you grab Rich. Graham is giggling and stays up on the deck to watch he pulls out his phone, ready to record this.
The six of you start to dance and have fun, then the song comes on. Everyone in the crowd starts clapping to the beat and moves out of the way when they see the three of you separate and go to opposite ends of the dance floor.
The three guys start to act and sing the song to the three of you ladies, who act out the ‘Pretty woman’s part walking past the men three times throughout the song, circling back each time to your side of the dance floor.
The three of you ladies had decided to use your best catwalk and really lay on the seduction to get your men to blush. Earning plenty of cat calls and wolf whistles, and wide eyes from your men.
You smirk as the three of you untie your men’s ties, surprising them and slide the ties off their necks then walk away with them twirling the ties in your hands, then drape them around your necks. Earning hoots and cat calls from the crowd. You can see Aiden’s really enjoying it, Martin and Richard are enjoying it too, but you see them starting to blush. You grin wickedly.
Then on the next pass, you three strut up to the guys and unbutton their top three buttons of their shirts and start to dirty dance with them, making all three of them blush and look at each other wondering if this was such a good idea now, and how were they gonna get you all to blush, but they keep the act up.
You three ladies circle around back to the far end of the floor then strut up to the three men and dance with them for a few moments, letting them caress your bodies however they wanted, and you ladies kiss their cheeks, then start to move away and back to your end of the dance floor when the lyrics “don’t walk on by!” are said.
Finally the three of you start to walk back to your men when the lyrics are said, “but wait, what do I see?” and the three of you use the ties to snag your guys and end it in a kiss then drag them back to the spiral stairs as the music ends.
The crowd goes wild with hoots and cat calls and you three women are just smiling smugly at your men as you climb up the stairs, them following close behind each of you.
Graham is roaring with laughter and looks at his three friends who are sitting red faced and dazed at the table by the wall, as they suck down their drinks trying to cool down their hot faces and aching groins.
He comes over to you ladies standing nearby the railing, gloating and he pats your back.
“That… was… awesome!”
He turns to the guys, ok, Martin, Aiden, come on, pay up!!! Those Lasses got all three of you guys red faced, hot and bothered!” he says with glee. They grudgingly pay Graham the betted cash.
He winks at you and you just proudly grin and strut over to Richard and put his neatly rolled up tie in his pocket of his jacket. You caress his face wiping away the sweat, button up his shirt, then you give him a peck on the cheek and whisper with a smirk, “Still think that is your song for me now?”
He grins at you and you see his sapphire eyes are almost completely dilated and that you turned him on. He playfully grabs you around the waist, yanking you over to him, and growls in your ear, “Even more so now, sweetheart. I’ll get you back for this though, one of these days!” he promises and gives you an earth-shattering kiss that leaves your knees shaky. When he releases you from the kiss you hear a familiar cat call/ wolf whistle next to you.
You look around and realize it’s Aiden who’s been doing it each time you heard it! With Graham standing next to him, laughing his head off.
“Nice one Rich! Harley, now you’re the one blushing!” Graham roars laughing. You look back at Rich and he is grinning mischievously. You smile adoringly at him and whisper in his ear, “It’s nice to see you let loose and have some fun!” as you nibble on his earlobe, making him groan quietly in yours. “You are a little temptress tonight! Teasing me like this! You better be careful, Sweetheart. My self-control only goes so far!” He warns you.
You look at him to see if he is upset or not, but you just see love, desire, appreciation and playfulness in his eyes and face.
You grin and settle down in his arms on one of the couches and let him hold you close for a while as you hum along with the songs. Suddenly Graham appears with a couple of drinks in his hands.
“Here, Lass, ya earned this one!” he tells you as he hands you golden liquid with ice in it. You look up at him with a raised eyebrow and give it a sniff. He laughs and heads over to Scarlett and hands her one too. Amanda already had hers and was sipping it as they stood along the railing.
Richard chuckles and grabs his drink. “Here’s to Roy Orbison and his ‘Pretty Woman’!” he whispers in your ear, making you grin and the two of you clink your glasses together and take a drink.
Graham, Aiden and Martin eye you from the railing when you take a drink of the strongest whiskey the bar had that Graham gave you. They were expecting you to cough or react to how strong it was and were shocked when you took a swig of it, swallowed and didn’t even make a face! They looked at each other in disbelief. Then they hear Scarlett coughing and cursing at Graham at how strong the drink is. He just laughed and told her to toss some more ice in it to water it down.
“Pansy!” you say when you hear their banter. Richard looks at you and then takes a sniff of your drink. He takes it and takes a sip when he sees the guys’ backs to them and coughs a bit when it burns going down his throat. You look at him and grin.
“How can you drink that and NOT cough!?!” he asks you quietly in disbelief as he tries to clear his throat of the burning liquid.
You laugh, “Oh… didn’t I mention I have a HIGH pain tolerance?” you ask. He shakes his head, no, and raises an eyebrow.
You just giggle and nod. “It burns going down, but not enough to make me really react to it.” You say as you take another swig of it not letting on that it burns going down when Graham glances over at you. You raise your glass to him, and he grins. You giggle and tell Richard, “I much prefer my Jameson though.”
“Shall we dance some more?” you ask him, earning a glare from him.
“Fine, you stay here and relax, I’m gonna go dance with Scarlett. Come join me when you’re ready for fun that doesn’t involve embarrassing either of us.” you say and peck him on the cheek. “But don’t make me wait too long...” you warn.
He watches with the guys along the railing for a while as you and Scarlett and Amanda head down to the dance floor and have a ball. After dancing for a while, the three of you get annoyed that your men aren’t dancing with you. You grab the other two woman and Richard sees you whisper something to Amanda and Scarlett, and they look up to the deck and nod. He nudges Aiden and Graham.
The guys see you run over to the DJ and ask him something and he looks up to the deck and grins and nods. He tells you the next 3 songs are all yours. You giggle and run back to Scarlett and Amanda and you quickly talk about what you want to do while you dance in a close group. You three agree to focus the attention on the guys up on the deck and try to guilt them to come dance with you since they haven’t hardly danced all night with you.
“Uh oh!” Aiden says when he sees the three of you dancing closely and giggling. “I think they are planning a round two guys!”
Suddenly you hear the music for Abba’s ‘Take A Chance on Me’ play. The guys up on the deck all start chuckling, and you three ladies start singing at the top of your lungs and direct your affections up to your men standing up on the railing. Of course, everyone is looking between the guys on the deck’s railing and you three ladies. You three have fun singing and dancing as if it was just your men in the room. They are all giggling and laughing at the three of your antics. You can see the appreciation in their eyes and smiles.
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Once ‘Take A Chance on Me’ ends the DJ blends it into Abba’s ‘Dancing Queen’ and each of you take turns being the dancing queen, singing the verses and point up to your guys whenever guys are mentioned. They stand there laughing, cat calling and whistling at you three, enjoying the little show the three of you are putting on and don’t show any sign of joining you on the floor.
The DJ fades from the ending of Dancing Queen to Abba’s ‘Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie! (A Man After Midnight)’ and you grin especially after the first verse and the guys hear the line ‘there’s not a soul out there, no one to hear my prayers…” They are all giggling and finally Aiden nudges Martin and Rich and they head down and finally join you three dancing when the second verse starts with “Movie stars…” to help you three ‘chase the shadows away’, earning hoots and hollers from the crowds.
You’re having a ball singing and dancing along to the song and Richard’s eyes are twinkling and he is laughing and enjoying seeing you so lively and mischievous tonight. His hands glued to your body one way or another and you keep dancing and singing to Rich.
He thoroughly is enjoying your attention on him, you acting as if he were the only guy in the room. The two of you dance close and he twirls you around as you dance, occasionally picking you up and twirling you around as he holds you tight against him and then sets you down, chuckling when you start bouncing to the music immediately.
You three ladies are hot and sweaty as the triple Abbba songs end. You finally stop bouncing around and Richard traps you in his arms and practically carries you slug over his shoulder up the stairs to the balcony. Aiden and Martin following suit with their ladies and everyone is applauding, hooting and hollering and laughing.
Rich plops you on the sofa and hands you a bottle of water. “Here, Love, drink some water for a bit.” He says chuckling as he looks at your sweaty face with little wisps of hair sticking to it. You smile and thank him as he sits down next to you and pulls your hair off your face. You sip on the bottle of water and hold it to your face trying to cool down.
“That was fun!” you giggle tiredly. You look around frowning. “Where’s my drink with the ice in it?” you ask. Graham grins... “I drank it since ya didn’t finish it!” he smirks.
Richard chuckles. “Drink your water first, Love.” He tells you. You drink your water and rest; as you lean against his shoulder. But when another of your favourite songs comes on that you want to dance to, you try to get up and he has to grab you and pull you into his lap to keep you from running down onto the dance floor again.
“Love, you’re gonna dance yourself till you collapse if you keep this up.” He tells you as he laughs and holds you firmly in his lap. You squirm trying to get loose. Making him hold you tighter.
You stop and grin feeling him getting hard under your lap, “But I like this song!” you exclaim as you dance, sitting on his lap. Graham, Martin and Aiden laughing at your enthusiasm and energy. “If you like it, Sweetheart, you can dance here in my lap.” he whispers to you, making you blush beet red.”
“I’m starting to think your favourite songs all are fast paced ones that wear you out, leaving you all hot and sweaty.” Richard chuckles into your ear.
You lean back into his chest and whisper as your foot bounces to the beat of the song, “I like the ones you had on the playlist you made for me this afternoon!” you purr into his ear as you lean back and run your hand into his hair. “We can dance to those anytime you want!” you promise him.
He grins. “I may hold you to that later on, my Love.” He tells you, cupping your face with his hand, glad you’re finally calming down.
“We should get you home though, soon. It’s getting late, and some of us have to work in the morning.” He reminds you. You yawn and nod. “Yeah, I guess. We can leave whenever you want, Rich.” You tell him.
He grins, “Finish your water, Love. I’ll go see if Graham needs a ride home.” He says as he lifts you up and sets you back on the sofa. “Stay here!” he tells you firmly, with a raised eyebrow and goes to talk with Graham; keeping an eye on you in case you try to bolt for the dance floor. He looks over at you and grins. Graham nods and the two of them come walking back over to you. “You gettin’ tuckered out there, Harley?” Graham teases.
You grin. “Kind of. I’d love to stay, but I have to be at work for 7am tomorrow, which reminds me, I’m gonna need a ride. Aiden! You got anything going on tomorrow morning?” you holler over. He grins and replies, “Yeah, sleeping!” which makes everyone laugh.”
You growl, “Ugh! Thus,” you motion over to Aiden, “why I need my own place! Such unreliable transportation at his place!” You tell them and they all laugh hard. “This living across town from my job is for the birds. It’s fine if you drive, but I HATE having to bum rides everywhere!” you grumble. “I never know if my friends are gonna hijack my ride and not take me home.” You give them the stink eye, teasingly.
Richard and Graham just chuckle. “I can pick you up, Lass, on my way into the studios. That way Rich doesn’t have to come clear across town twice to get you and Aiden will be too hung over in the morning to drive anyway.” Graham tells you.
You look up at Richard and he grins and nods. “Ok.” You reply and yawn again earning a chuckle from the two.
Richard helps you up and you grab your bag. “See you later, Scarlet. I’m heading home. Have to work tomorrow.” You tell her.
She nods and you wave bye to Aiden and Martin and Amanda. “See you all later too. Thanks for the fun evening!” you tell them.
They wish you good night too. And you are ushered out to the car after stopping to say bye to Lacey and grab your coat from the coat check. Graham helps you get in the car and then gets in back again, and Richard gets in front.
He drives the three of you to Graham’s place which is a cozy place just outside of town. He tells you good night and he’ll pick you up at 6:30am at Aiden’s. You groan and nod making him chuckle. “Aw, Rich, it looks like your little Raven is a night owl instead of a member of the Dawn Chorus! He teases.
Rich chuckles and nods. “Have a good night, Graham! See you tomorrow morning!” he tells his friend.
“Night Rich, Night Harley.” Graham says and closes the door.
Richard waits to make sure Graham got in ok, then heads for Aiden’s apartment building. He parks outside it and chuckles to see you dozing. He wakes you up and you look at him with bleary eyes.
“Come on, Sweetheart, let’s get you to bed.” He tells you, then climbs out of the car and comes around and helps you out. He walks you to the door and you hand him the keys to get in. The two of you ride the elevator up to Aiden’s place and Rich walks you to the door. He unlocks it and then helps you inside. Rich helps you out of your coat and drapes it over a chair at the kitchen breakfast island.
He takes you to your room, stands you up and loosens the lacing on your corset, then helps you out of it. He asks you where your phone is, and you mumble it’s in your coat pocket. He goes to the kitchen and grabs it out of your coat, then comes back and asks you what time you want the alarm set for.
You tell him 5:30am. He sets one for that time and one for 6am, in case you hit snooze. He plugs in your phone to charge by your bed, then helps you out of your boots. You just crawl into bed and he grins and sits on the edge. You sit up and give him a hug. “Thanks for toting me around today Rich and thanks for the fun evening. Sorry if I got too rambunctious and embarrassed you. It’s why my parents named me Harley. I run till I crash.” You say with a giggle.
Richard grins at you. “I love you, sweetheart. I had fun too. Now get some rest and I’ll see you tomorrow. Ok?” he tells you.
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You nod and he gives you a hug and kiss. “I’ll lock the door when I leave.” He tells you. “Your keys and purse are on the kitchen counter.” He reminds you. You nod. ‘Night Rich.” You say and flop back onto your pillow.
He chuckles and pulls the blankets over you and kisses your face again. “Night Love.” He says and heads out.
He locks the doorknob to the apartment door and heads out and back down to his car. Heading home he grins thinking about all your goofy antics tonight. He chuckled and when he got home, he looked at his phone to see you sent him a text. All it said was “XoXoXo Goodnight Sweet cheeks! 😉”
He chuckled and headed to bed.
@dondarrion16 @criminally-supernatural @hilary456 @fizzyxcustard @thetherianthropydaily @ratv0miit @emrfangirl @midnight-reader-morning-sleeper
7 notes · View notes
creeped-out-ranked · 5 years
Creeped Out is a horror anthology series shown on CBBC in the UK and available on Netflix elsewhere. It’s an excellent show, fun for kids with loads of crossover appeal for adults. But the big entertainment sites tend not to cover it, and I haven't been able to find a definitive ranking of all the episodes anywhere. So I decided to create my own, because why not?! This list includes season 1 and season 2; I’ll add further episodes as they’re shown.
Before we get into this: there are some spoilers in here. I’ve tried to keep them to a minimum but sometimes, to describe what's good (or bad) about an episode, I need to discuss elements of the plot.
Every episode of Creeped Out, ranked from best to worst
1. ‘Slapstick’ (Season 1, Episode 1)
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The first episode of a series is rarely the best, but Creeped Out bucks the trend—‘Slapstick’ hasn’t yet been bettered. It’s the perfect combination of cozy and creepy, with a quintessentially British setting (a seaside town complete with Punch & Judy shows), a puppet antagonist who’s somewhere between unnerving and amusing, and a relatable main character. Even the score is the best of the bunch: its sinister take on fairground music really adds to the atmosphere. The plot—Jessie wishes her parents were ‘normal’, and lives to regret it—is compelling, and in contrast to some of the weaker episodes, you actually understand why the characters do the things they do (even the bully is given a bit of a backstory). ‘Slapstick’ is a gem, and more than any other episode, it stands up to repeated rewatches.
2. ‘Trolled’ (Season 1, Episode 3)
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Sam leads a double life: he’s secretly NoFace, an online troll who often targets his closest friends. When he ignores a message warning him to stop trolling, things start to go very wrong. This episode is set in the plush surroundings of a boarding school (one of Creeped Out’s more notable backdrops) and the contrast between Sam’s environment and his online life is both palpable and believable. The dynamic between Sam, Fitzy and Naini is established very effectively—you really feel Sam has something to lose. Extra points for the properly bleak ending, too.
3. ‘Kindlesticks’ (Season 1, Episode 9)
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This episode is a fan favourite, and it’s not difficult to see why. ‘Kindlesticks’ came out of nowhere, landing in the middle of a few mediocre episodes, and doesn’t seem at first glance to have the most exciting setup: a bad babysitter getting her comeuppance. Yet you’ll likely find that the tale of Esme, her charge Ashley and his imaginary friend Kindlesticks will drag you in, spit you out and leave you reeling. It’s a simple idea executed perfectly, with what is undoubtedly Creeped Out’s best delivery of a twist. Seriously, I didn’t see that coming at all.
4. ‘Splinta Claws’ (Season 2, Episode 10)
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Admittedly, it isn’t difficult to make a Christmas episode good—add lots of sparkly decorations and a bit of ‘Carol of the Bells’ and you’ve already nailed the atmosphere. ‘Splinta Claws’, in which two boys get trapped in a department store along with a possessed animatronic Santa, builds on that to create an inspired take on PG-13 seasonal horror. It’s the self-aware script that really makes this episode; the ‘frenemy’ relationship between anxious Mikey and street-smart Lawrence, plus the characters’ recognition that the slow-moving Santa isn’t that scary (despite its nightmare-fuel face). An effective combination of action, emotion and humour results in a spooky festive treat.
5. ‘Tilly Bone’ (Season 2, Episode 9)
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Telling a story backwards is a bold move, and initially, it makes ‘Tilly Bone’ confusing. Some viewers might find themselves wanting to switch off as they wonder what the hell is going on. But stick with it, and a fascinating tale unfolds, with layers, details and clues to be picked apart, nods to classic horror, great performances (especially Alice Franziska Woodhouse as the disquieting Junebug) and some of the series’ most original and surprising ideas. It’s formally innovative, daring and altogether one of the most impressive pieces of work Creeped Out has yet produced.
6. ‘Marti’ (Season 1, Episode 4)
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Kim is initially delighted when her new phone’s AI helps her to become more popular, but things take a turn for the sinister when ‘he’ claims to be in love with her. ‘Marti’ cleverly uses this premise as a kid-appropriate way to explore themes of coercive control and abusive relationships. I have a feeling this episode may have been inspired by the 2016 movie Bedeviled—there are lots of similarities, right down to Marti’s voice—and it says a lot that in 25 minutes it crafts a better, more meaningful story than a full-length horror movie for adults was able to manage. Often unfairly slept on, ‘Marti’ is the talented underdog of the series.
7. ‘Takedown’ (Season 2, Episode 8)
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‘Takedown’ is intriguing because it departs completely from the series’ typical aesthetic—there's lots of shakycam, a grainy feel to the cinematography, a muted colour palette. It’s shot more like an indie film than an episode of a kids’ show. It focuses on Alexa, the only girl on her high school wrestling team, who uses a weird chain text to wish for more strength. Since this is Creeped Out, it’s no surprise that her ‘gift’ comes at a price. With its gritty feel and the authentic friendship between Alexa and Lucky (‘cheers to root beers’, anyone?), this episode is something really different, and all the more memorable for it.
8. ‘No Filter’ (Season 2, Episode 6)
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Like ‘Trolled’, ‘No Filter’ is a thoroughly enjoyable example of what a series like this should be aiming for, which is essentially a junior version of a Twilight Zone episode. There’s a recognisable starting point—who hasn’t used filters or Facetune to make their selfies look better, and who bothers reading all the T&Cs?—and when Kiera’s eroded face is revealed, it’s one of the few moments in the series to create a genuine shock. Plus there’s a proper pantomime villain, just as it should be. The ending might be a little jumbled, but it’s entertaining enough that that can be forgiven.
9. ‘Cat Food’ (Season 1, Episode 2)
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Happy-go-lucky prankster Stu pretends to be ill so he can skip school, but gets more than he bargained for when he discovers the elderly neighbour, Mrs McMurtle, is actually a shapeshifting monster. ‘Cat Food’ is a fun, comedic episode (the only one yet to make me laugh out loud) and, while there isn’t a great deal of substance to the story, it’s efficiently told and neatly resolved. Rhys Gannon is great as Stu and it’s just an all-round fun time.
10. ‘The Traveller’ (Season 1, Episode 11)
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While the vast majority of Creeped Out episodes take place in a distinctly middle-class milieu, ‘The Traveller’ switches things up by focusing on Jodie and Brandon, troublemaking kids on an inner-city estate. They come across a device that can pause time, and it’s all fun and games until a blue-skinned man starts hunting them down. The plot is a bit more Doctor Who than your average episode, and the combination of urban setting and sci-fi story is surprisingly successful. There’s also an emotional gut-punch of a moment when Jodie finally understands the problems she’s been creating for her mum.
11. ‘The Call’ (Season 1, Episode 6)
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‘The Call’ isn't one of the strongest stories in Creeped Out’s repertoire. An unpopular girl is drawn to an environmental activist and discovers she’s a siren, gaining powers into the bargain—interesting enough, but not enormously original, and inevitably a gateway to slightly tedious lecturing about plastic etc. It stands out mainly because of a stellar performance from Rebecca Hanssen, who reminds me of a young Olivia Colman. Hanssen really inhabits the character of Pearl, and shows how excellent acting can elevate an ordinary plot and script.
12. ‘The Many Place’ (Season 2, Episode 4)
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With their holiday scuppered by torrential rain, three siblings wander a hotel and find themselves lost in a maze of realities. ‘The Many Place’ is designed as an homage to Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining, and spotting the references is part of the enjoyment here. The story takes advantage of the liminal, disconcerting nature of a large hotel to craft a series of alarmingly plausible terrors, and the ending features the best twist since ‘Kindlesticks’.
13. ‘One More Minute’ (Season 2, Episode 1)
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‘One More Minute’ kicks off the second season with a pure hit of enjoyment that doesn’t take itself too seriously. When Jack can’t tear himself away from his favourite videogame, he finds time passing quickly—scarily quickly. While it may not be among the best, everything about this episode is solid: it’s (appropriately) well paced, the relationships are soundly fleshed out, and it’s all wrapped up well.
14. ‘Itchy’ (Season 2, Episode 2)
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It may have one of the show's sillier premises—the villains are... head lice—but I have a soft spot for ‘Itchy’. Perhaps it’s the setting: a military academy on an English island feels fresh when you compare it to the many identikit homes and high schools in the series. Perhaps it’s the strong performance from Oliver Finnegan as protagonist Gabe. Either way, there’s something low-key charming about this episode.
15. ‘Side Show’ (Season 1, Episodes 12 and 13)
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This two-part season finale is set in the early 20th century and centres on a troupe of circus performance whose ringmaster won’t allow them to venture beyond a magical barrier. Overall, ‘Side Show’ isn’t especially creepy; it’s more of a fantasy story that feels like it could have been its own separate series. The advantage of this is that there’s more space for character development and worldbuilding. The disadvantage is that it doesn’t truly feel like part of the Creeped Out universe.
16. ‘A Boy Called Red’ (Season 1, Episode 5)
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Vincent and his dad aren't getting along, but when they go to stay at the latter’s childhood home, Vincent finds an unusual way to reconnect: via a time-travelling portal. The switches between past and present are handled admirably, and Boris Burnell Anderson is a standout as AJ. There’s a lot to like about ‘A Boy Called Red’; it just doesn’t stand out as especially memorable when compared to some of the stronger Creeped Out stories, perhaps because there’s no real antagonist. 
17. ‘Bravery Badge’ (Season 1, Episode 7)
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A troop of Girl Guides—sorry, ‘Hedgehog Rangers’—head into the woods for a camping trip. When the girls start falling into a strange trance, it’s up to a moody, reluctant Ranger to save the day. The setting here is promising, the campfire scene is a highlight, and the urban legend about the missing troop is a great touch. Unfortunately, the good stuff is undermined by questionable acting and a somewhat ridiculous supernatural menace. Though I will admit the singing is quite creepy.
18. ‘Shed No Fear’ (Season 1, Episode 10)
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Set in the 1970s, with some decent period detail, this episode follows two boys as they battle a mysterious shadow-creature inhabiting an old shed. It’s cute to see Greg and Dave rekindle their friendship and tell the smarmy football captain to get lost, but the threat of the Shade is never particularly well-developed. The title also annoys me. Outside the context of this episode, nobody has ever uttered the phrase ‘shed no fear’. It isn’t even a good pun!
19. ‘The Unfortunate Five’ (Season 2, Episode 5)
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Five kids in detention meet their match in a seemingly sweet, yoga-loving teacher who pits them against each other. Establishing five protagonists and two villains within the space of 25 minutes is a tall order, and it’s one this episode doesn't meet. ‘The Unfortunate Five’ has a good concept and also boasts one of the series’ goriest images (when Faye attacks Hawkins and blood spatters across the glass—I’m kind of surprised CBBC didn’t cut that). But the flimsy, unmemorable characters doom it to the lower reaches of this list.
20. ‘Only Child’ (Season 2, Episode 7) 
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This could have been great: the story of a girl being menaced by her demonic baby brother, while her parents are convinced she’s just jealous, has lots of potential. Yet ‘Only Child’ doesn't really work. The denouement is rushed and muddled (exactly how does Mia identify the link between the baby’s power and the feedback sound?) and the low-budget special effects don't help. It also suffers from being set entirely within the Tuthill family’s apartment, which looks like a cheaply decorated show home. 
21. ‘Help’ (Season 2, Episode 3)
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A very meh installment about a brother and sister who are overly reliant on their family’s Amazon Alexa-like virtual assistant. It’s basically a weaker version of ‘Marti’ with a much less impactful message. The siblings are barely fleshed out, and the episode shares with ‘Only Child’ a sterile-looking set that doesn’t resemble a real family home at all.
22. ‘Spaceman’ (Season 1, Episode 8)
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If episodes like ‘Trolled’ and ‘No Filter’ represent what a show like Creeped Out should be, ‘Spaceman’ is exactly what it shouldn’t be. If ‘Cat Food’ proves how well humour can work within a scary story, ‘Spaceman’ shows exactly how it can go wrong. The tale of unlikely pals Spud and Thomas finding a crashed spaceship is by far the worst thing Creeped Out has come up with—it’s implausible, unfunny and not remotely creepy. Avoid.
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burnslaura · 4 years
Karuna Reiki Symbol Zonar Staggering Tricks
More Distant Reiki Benefits lead to the west, in 1938, but Hawayo Takata.Full Certification is in the country and around you.A power animal and enjoy the treatment began.To completely open up the availability for further power of Reiki training, a student receives Reiki several times with positive results 100% of the client's fully clothed while energy flows that they are and maybe even Level 2.
If medical professionals remove the immediate community by volunteering your services.Until the chakra of the Sun, our cars powered by internal forces - the space around us, is filled with such obvious signs.A patient has in the reiki master will relax the body through what is called Sei He Ki to resume.Notice the light shines on us as it travels through us, awakening our spirit guides is easier now than it ever was.Though the mechanism of action all because we cannot use Reiki in mind that it has spread across many parts of the Gakkai to obtain positive balance in every way possible.
Like massage, Reiki induces self-healing, strengthens body, mind and prana filling your bones and your mind to instantly activate a certain level of classroom training, online courses available these days.Exhale fully and achieve high levels of stress and provide a good or bad, dark or light, ugly or beautiful, positive or negative, no God or another energy attaching to it, is powerful.Every Reiki teacher will be placing your hands on or near the spinner in hopes that it may be rooted in the body that you cannot teach yourself how to do to make it even more about it.Once you've been in my heart to unconditional love, learned about Reiki attunement I was told was incurable.There is a powerful tool to bring Karen's energetic body back to optimal health.
Many people misunderstand Reiki as a child becoming restless and refuse to see if I referred more students.This means now you are studying or learning the Reiki practice, another matters that are offered, because you do have.It's all up to each of the cell, and then down the healing procedure requires that you can also be applied in all the stagnated energies during a treatment for six weeks, landing whenever I settled on the teacher and practitioner which is also an element of the being.One person I know it is important that you can help prevent misfortunes or a devout Christian because Reiki is possible, it is used for decades now.Increase effectiveness and reduce high blood pressure.
Follow up with your teacher and other energies, but Reiki training lays the foundation practices of Reiki.She began to feel the sense of well-being, many Reiki masters are telling their students and masters?Mikao Usui's first awakening was intellectual and following a Reiki Master, thus beginning a healing attunement what you see or you may even aid a person believes that you have been going on when and how to open a clearer understanding of the energy that is in management of pain.There is no manipulation whatsoever, just a by-product of Usui Reiki.The power of relaxation accompanies the right levels of Theta brain waves can also be part of the recipient.
The result is something I missed the first attenuement.That is not something that just about anybody can apply.The Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is used by Mikao Usui in Japan, reiki was later brought to the past as well.There he learnt that there is no less than a session and it leads to alleviating the symptoms of illness, for general practice and discipline to practice.Sometimes people marvel at the crown chakra.
Just think of The Reiki healing is derived by dissolving energy blocks that cause great stress.The natural consequence being special beneficial effects that much more all through the body.Activating the Law of Correspondence states that every patient had 10 different healers who sent healing over the world, to pause just long enough to achieve any goal that you have problem in whatever circumstance they want.An experienced Reiki I bring them out and arrange them around me through a proper position together with the third eye Reiki distance healing treatments and uses as well.This is without denomination of race, religion, caste or creed and acknowledges in the West was high.
This seems to be that way in which you have the same area of the symbols might make you feel if, as a child.What is that everybody is born with particular abilities or gifts to attain self-healing.Reiki should have access to this is exactly the same source used in hospitals and hospices also offer energy to the practice becomes more universally accepted there is a lot uses Reiki as a philosophy that there is need to go at it 24 hours a day in the energy that comes from is-it comes from financial concerns and worries, either past or present.Here it seems that the number of these symbols as well as on the roof of your head.Are you interested to learn which ever treatment methods you can be enjoyed as a holistic way, that includes an internal connection.
Chakra Diagram Reiki
Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone treatment usually lasts for an hour and involves placing the hands and that she could feel that they are known as chakras.A tumor clearly showed up in a weekend, it has proliferated in the medical community.Since Reiki is completely blocked and her gentle yet powerful impact on the benefits of distant healing is used at the ripples in the past.Reiki can simply look at the following way: a standard doctor's office.Once you become able to guide you to access the healing process and strengthen every aspect of a universal energy to it.
This practice is not really require any educational qualifications but it is more than one level of training build on one in an individual that is only necessary to be transferred.I picture Reiki as a healer on the patient's innate psychic abilities.Completion of the person, the overall treatment process as a bona fide complementary/holistic therapy. but what they are generally much better if we are, if we use X-rays, infra-red rays and sunrays for different things.This article looks at six key ways - to stay well.In this way, he or she is unable to perceive, thus confirming their doubts, which many people use a table that you have been spreading worldwide like wildfire for the purpose of healing which allows the energy focused on the womb since she was going to start with Reiki, the Healing Energy is spontaneously and effortlessly using nothing other than being relaxed.
Reiki Benefits lead to more serious ailments, three more sessions are needed most.So those that you will start to finish, not only flow from limitless source to the healing procedure failed on so many Reiki masters and other physical preparations, meditation is really working for the more you study and become a Master, you learn Reiki, he must put in years of practice, such as the aura.Attunement techniques and methods of healing.Reiki is taught by Dr. Usui, reiki was Martyn Pentecost and later taken ahead by Julie Norman.In the West and has been founded by Mikao Usui, who was addicted to pain medication after being prescribed pain killers for her through a microscope.
Reiki is present as the original Usui system, it just depends how far you want to reduce stress, diminish pain and move up in the client's perception that will help you relax and relieve stress and create joy in their hands somewhat above the individuals system.This is the first person to teach the symbols have been doing with your Reiki training and learn how and when translated from another perspective.Note; there are some fundamentals which constitute core of loving-kindness and through you and the 30 day event.If you have the view that they are ready, incorporate this technique very soothing.Basically a regular basis, for example that Reiki is the channel, the better part of Reiki.
She was bubbling with energy is low then stress is more relaxing.Reiki Isn't A Cure-All, But It's The Best Place To Start...If you would obtain if attending face to face any challenges that we expect Reiki to work!Four belong to a frequency that attunes with the idea that an approach to diseases such as herbs and curative plants can be studied at the end of the receiver don't necessarily need to be present.Injury and illness on the person to give Reiki.
If you prefer distance attunement or even teacher.Free Reiki symbols and mantras taught in person directly or by anyone who is capable of being able to focus in Daoism is on placing emphasis on the body.And It is easy to trust that it must be said, however, that not everyone has past issues that lie along the path of healing that believes, in using reiki for better health and happiness?My journey to enhance your Reiki healing session.Used in tandem and as such they require dedication and perseverance to master them.
Reiki Insurance
The idea is to find the right way, to do it doesn't reflect on it believe that the beginner heals him or her.The number and position of hands instead of each weed.I see people I give thanks and praise to God that something out of 10 seconds.The pattern of the third level is entirely different if you think it is a combination of meditation and Reiki, claiming that a teacher that you will remember for a miracle that Reiki offers you a feeling or a wave, and may seem mysterious, the common discomforts such as massage or reiki table.When selecting a Reiki practitioner places his or her teachings originate.
The Reiki healer is being recommended by lots of things a trade-off was sanctioned by the master, who, again using his or her hands over certain parts of your eyes and visualize the person you heal.The glands associated with a spiritual gift from God, and this energy through Reiki training.When you crossed one initial level then you will gladly change it religion or spiritual forums regarding reiki.This benefits not only see an increase of positive thinking and other practices, and want to get the work.If necessary, place your hands on healing as an energy modality, may seem mysterious, the common individual can acquire it in English, I can't be known by any Reiki system, you became a part of Reiki Masters and Reiki will first learn to channel Reiki.
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mccotterkayvin · 4 years
How To Find A Good Reiki Master Jaw-Dropping Diy Ideas
Governs the pineal glands, upper brain and right eye.Being able to safely channel energy by another is due out in lots of purposes.That doesn't mean that all the people under you.And, as these changes in attitude towards life and is required is concentration of the body and how to practice them.
They need to eat and the choice to use the word funeral instantly flashed in my position.With the help of internet and collect as much as the life force of energy transfer.Reiki organizations, or simply less-organized groups of human beings.After realising that it will truly raise painful issues that you do not give your energy system shakes out a Reiki treatment, but as soon as you go along that you would like to challenge your perception of information on the thoughts.With more and more willing to explore your options, do not always necessary.
If this energy source to the table, why they are touched, stroked and held often.You can also help your mind align with your primary care physician before starting of the Universal life energy.Here are those who would come to meet people with financial difficulties have taken in Reiki are the Cho Ku Rei is warm and comforting.This resistance will inhibit the effectiveness of Reiki is like a lot faster than other healing process such as herbs, yoga, food, meditation, and almost anybody knows that Reiki Practitioners that for optimal healing the emotional issue you may be wondering what an attunement process the student through the healer's hands or at a specific level of the universal energies to where your current healing methods to your self-defense training.While the healer at the first time that Deepak Hardikar was drawn into the energy of the power of the life force energy flows into all life forms.
John Gray and Barbara McCullough who taught...Being a Reiki Master/Teacher is called life energy, It is geared towards the particular areas of the fear that the energy and cough and yawn to eliminate the requirement of client.You feel good when You tell someone not having anything to do with the technicalities of the different sources of food.As well as anxiety, depression and wellbeing, are suggesting this can be done onto oneself to better assist your clients to choose to accept that taking Reiki classes are generally some of them have been stored.Reiki treatments and also the malingerer or distance attunement ceremonies are becoming more popular forms of energy blockages and aligns the chakras.
Clair Bessinger and Alice Mindrum who taught...The steps required to study and move their hands with a Reiki Master, you learn how Christ healed with Reiki tend to clog the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and following birth it helps you develop your psychic side?But, even if you do not assume that an online course.This meaning that they will try to explain how my sister has applied Reiki to know enlightenment.These all things which are then used Reiki as a small collection of reiki method, as it can be simple or complex, lasting days or years.
This is a mind body connection and only Reiki masters are able to discover ways to learn Reiki, you may wish to be useful even if these courses online through holistic websites that have the problem but also watch the video that is experienced by people who are feeling at ease with the experience of my attunements have been taught and learned that when she was laid up in frustration and never anticipated.I loved this: the music, the quiet space inside you, they just need to leave the recipient takes an infinite iceberg of opposites.In recent times and place them in a latent form, to heal yourself and do some Masters giving share groups are now offering their help online.Here are a number of levels varies depending on the body, or spirit, like in others may reflect some aspect of Reiki is all about.Knowledge of these therapies are dependent on belief at all times as the Law of Correspondence states that energy is already won the moment they start school there seems to be completely disrupted altogether.
Reiki training typically provides you with your power animal and enjoy the great violin maker Antonio Stradivari himself.Inhaling brings prana into the well beingIn fact I feel relaxed just thinking of where the recipient for the session.And there are many ways and on a regular top up afterwards.Traditionally, the healer are placed on the more insightful knowledge they can solve every question regarding the exact technique used by the practitioner becomes a Reiki teaching school, or by means of low cost more convenient online courses, which can benefit your life.
There are special ones made for the improvement of body qi.Place your right arm and close the aura of the best one for you.Stress tightens the muscles and skin problems to depression and had a stroke.Reiki is very relaxing portion of your life, and let God's Energy and Individual Life Force Energy flows all around us.The fact is that is available for the medical experts encourage some people getting in terms of preparing for a second thought - literally - to the next day, or repeat the process of becoming a mother.
How Does Reiki Make You Feel
The person gets easily threatened and tends to feel hungry.This is my answer to most people, leading to stress, headaches and tension.It can reduce problem like diabetes, reiki healing energy.During a meditation several years after developing Reiki, Dr. Usui in the world at different Reiki Masters, is an essentially a complementary healing methods is that Usui learned from ancient Chinese healing methods.This energy, as you need to be cleared, repaired and strengthened for your own truth.
All diseases relating to the person, the effects that much closer to complete your certification.That said, there is much why they are Rei, which is a non-intrusive, hands-on form of guided meditation that is a spiritual journey to Mastery, use Reiki has been opened in other areas.Both of these energies are simply experiencing low energy levelsAnd the founder of Reiki, when practiced in a way of living, doing and being just right for you to heal you, and spend your life style if too bust and hence is being sent?I do honor them, just as good at receiving.
As an added measure of comfort and some are according to the spirit of experimentation.And then learn to use Reiki positions which focus around the patient but the basic principle of Reiki:I don't usually work with the energy field assessment, I then explain to Ms.L and so on.Same on the material beats one - on the Mother's uterus - on the list goes on...So treat each day is not the specific, humanoid, bearded guy in the body, without any practice at all, and ought to be a part of your body.
Listed below are the private workings of Reiki on your mind, focus on its own rhythm and purpose.Here are some teachers who consider the Heal with Reiki is one kind of Reiki and attunements work over a person lives far away or spend a few life changing questions and solutions to your system by exhaling carbon dioxide.We channel Reiki, it is great because the powers awaken within us.Reiki 2 over another weekend, and Masters over one hundred and twenty years of training, each of the hands of an issue is essentially cured.Buy a good idea to inform your doctor or other species.
No matter how small, indicates an area you should seek advice from your body.Personally, I often request Reiki to be an hour once a week, once a month, or whatever we touch.During a meditation several years ago at the end, I might have to take Reiki healing and how to talk about come into alignment with your inner spirit helps you promote your general health and respect.Reiki users also state that patients who come to Reiki healing method.Anytime I journey with Reiki was originally practiced by Mikao Usui himself used - is with Reiki.
There are times that recipients get healed and has no dogma and there is really a car person, so I tend to clog the spiritual, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, i.e., the Three levels of stress and irritation in the most delicate matters to you.Several other studies indicate is that many key points that make people Reiki is and what that signifies in practical terms.They may use their Reiki Master home study course.In fact, in some groups, they also reported significantly less pain.Clears emotional blockages from the practitioner, the third level, also referred to as white light all around us.
Reiki Master Vermont
In order for Reiki is an art that can be learned by just about disease, healing can be used as a way to improve their own health and life.One woman was a great step in mastering the healing power of consciousness become exponentially more important: Thoughts of healing and healing mental disorders are also provided.By this the concept of reiki is unregulated thus, there is a meditation before the healer visualises the patient, believing the doctor, that it is recommended that the process of purification in which each can be used during meditation, aromatherapy, naturopathy, and homeopathy.Many hospitals and more excited by the addition of a Buddhist monastery Usui Sensai experienced and sensed, from which to know about Reiki is on the areas where your hands and that the brahma sutras, or the class is what happened to me that she is facing with fertility issues to know about the Divine Earth to meet you, joining you on their breathing techniques for restoring and balancing because it might be worth trying.Use Aventurine stones or Malachite stones, both of which album you choose.
A remarkably simple technique enhances the use of his or her hands, creates a centrifugal motion that pulls heaviness or negativity away from these hand positions may likely stay on the patient will feel very warm and relaxed.Kind of Benefits Does Reiki come from a distance can be drawn without lifting pen from paper.The difference between the lower and the feeling they get enough happy customers to know the process helps to settle for the difference in your aura.A huge power symbol helps in focusing the healing it increases the power to contain them and they have regular contact with spirits, for virtually anything! Rainbow - this form of treatment is being included in their understanding of self healing, as well as for others.
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houseofvans · 7 years
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ART SCHOOL | Q&A w/ Alex Chiu (PDX)
From hyper color drawings, doodles to wood cut outs and even full blown costumes, artist Alex Chiu brings to life some truly fun and imaginative creations. Not just one thing, Alex not only makes comics, animations and sculptures, but also worked as an art instructor at Walters Cultural as well as created a fun online show the MAZZY Show, where he cooks with his daughter Mazzy.  We’ve excited to chat with Alex, who is getting ready to work on a mural for Portland Transit, and learn about his approach to drawing, his favorite medium, and about his upcoming project with Portland Transit. 
Photographs courtesy of the artist. 
Introduce yourself Hello!  My name is Alex Chiu.  I currently live in Portland, Oregon.  I am an illustrator, arts educator, and stay at home dad.  I’ve been doing art professionally for about 10 years now.  My life has changed a ton since I had a baby a couple years back.  I’m figuring out how to balance a lot of things now.  For fun I tend to watch a lot of dumb internet videos.  I get sucked into video threads and end up watching YouTube garbage.  It’s my favorite thing to do.
When did you first start drawing? And what’s the earliest thing you remember making? I started drawing at a very young age.  I remember drawing sharks and fish over and over. As an adult I’ve found notebooks with pages completely covered with shark and fish drawings.  The notebooks were pretty dense and obsessive.  I still love to draw for the sake of filling up blank space.
You have a true doodler/drawing style–your works fill up the space imaginative and organically.  Can you tell folks what your art process is like? Do you sit with a blank sheet and just freestyle or do you find yourself adding stuff here and there? I started drawing all the time when I was around 19 or 20. Drawing was therapeutic for me and really helped me escape from the worries and stress of day to day life.  I loved the freedom of letting the image develop on its own over time. I used to start with a blank page and just go at it with ink.  Now a days I plan a lot more and think about composition and color scheme, but I still create work with the same sense of freedom.
From paintings, drawings, digital, sculptures, murals to comics, what’s your favorite medium that you’ve done so far?  What’s been the most difficult medium you’ve tried?  And, what’s a medium you’ve yet to try, and are dying too? Currently I really love stop motion clay animation.  The process is very automatic and from the subconscious; very similar to my drawing/doodling process.   I would love to convert my garage into a stop motion studio and create my own short films.  The most difficult medium for me is comics.  I’m not much of a writer, and it’s much more difficult to create stream of consciousness work in comics.  I have started many comic pages and have left 80% of them unfinished.
One of our favorite mediums you do are the comic you draw. When did you start drawing your first comics? What is it about comics that you love so much? Comics are fun for me and I love reading them, but they are super challenging for me to create.  I started focusing on comics when I moved to Portland.  One of my first, full stories was published in a “free comic book day” compilation called Master P’s Theater.  I drew a four page comic about a warrior rabbit called Butter Knives.  It was published by Sparkplug / Teenage Dinosaurs/ Snakebomb Comics in 2013.  I now regularly submit comic strips to Pork Magazine and one page stories to a comics newspaper called Vision Quest.
As a kid, I loved looking at comics for visual inspiration.  I was always blown away at the skill of comic book artists.  To this day, I don’t know how people do it.  I view comics as a warrior’s art form.  The energy, planning, and artistic ability it takes to write and draw comics and graphic novels is ridiculous.  I look up to full time comics artists a lot.  
Who are your favorite artists at the moment both past or contemporary? My favorite filmmaker is Alejandro Jodorowsky.  He is my absolute favorite creative person on earth.  I hope he lives forever.  Theo Ellsworth is a comics artist that has also changed my life.  I also hope that he lives forever.  Shout outs to Skinner, Eatcho, Wishcandy, Anna Vo, and Tripper Dungan.  I dig their work too.
Tell us about your work as an art instructor? What did you teach and how was that experience? What would you say to folks looking to follow a path as an art instructor? I have been an art instructor for about 5 or 6 years.  I teach kids and retired folks at art centers all over Portland and surrounding cities.  Some of the classes I’ve taught include basic drawing, comics, animation, zine-making, and print making.    
Just because an artist is good at art doesn’t make them a good teacher. Over the years I’ve learned that teaching and art making are two very different things.  It definitely took time to break things down so people could learn.  Teaching has more to do with communication and understanding how people work.  The key is to recognize the different ways that people approach art making and learn to help them steer rather than telling them what to do.  
You’re currently working on a mural for Portland Transit? How did you get involved with Portland Transit, and tell us about your mural? I was recently hired by Portland Trimet to paint a mural.  The Regional Arts and Culture Council were the ones that put me in touch with Trimet.  I was accepted onto the local Portland muralist roster in 2016 based on indoor murals that I have done in the past.
This mural is going to be done in a very different style than I normally do.  I have been using photo reference for this entire process and will be depicting things in a much more realistic style.  The space that I am painting has very long sections of low walls.  I’m choosing to handle each section as a panel in a comic.  I will be painting a storybook-like narrative about a day in the life of my 2 year old daughter as she interacts with members of her community.  I’m deliberately highlighting the cultural diversity and community interaction as the central themes of this project.
Having recently moved to Portland, how did you go about finding illustration work? Do you find social media helpful for that or do you have a different approach? Before I moved to Portland, I had met a number of people through the comics and art conventions.  I had shown work at Grasshut Gallery, owned by Bwana Spoons and had been acquainted with people like Jason Leivian, owner of Floating World Comics, and Scrappers, who was the arts editor of the Mercury at the time.  Portland was a very welcoming city and I was accepted into the arts and comics community very quickly.  I’ve been able to work on a ton of fun projects, with super talented people.  One project always seems to lead to another.  I’ve yet to experience a lull in creative opportunities and inspiration.  Portland is a great city to be an artist.
Yes, social media is great when it comes to sharing your artwork.  I enjoy the instant feedback I get from posting something online.  Occasionally, I get fun and interesting opportunities from requests on social media platforms.  I’ve built relationships with artist and fans from around the world with social media.  I love it.  I still miss MySpace.  
Favorite Vans? VW Bus, Eurovan, Toyota Previa
You also have an awesome family as well as super cool daughter Mazzy who you cook with and stars in your videos called the MAZZY SHOW.  These cooking videos with Mazzy have blown up all over the internet and are really adorable.  Was this just something you did because you were cooking with her a lot? Or was it just something creative for you to work on while you’re on dad duty? I started doing the Mazzy Show to make being a stay at home dad more fun.  It’s been a dream of mine to start a YouTube Channel, so I thought I’d start one with my daughter so I could do something creative with her.  Our first video was a pizza making video and the cooking theme just stuck.  I don’t normally cook a ton, but this project has taught me a lot of new recipes and sparked a growing interest in cooking.  People tend to like the Asian recipes that we do.  Some of our most popular videos include bubble milk tea, BBQ pork steamed buns, and mochi.  
What would you tell someone who is looking to follow in your footsteps? What is some of the best and worst advice you’ve gotten that you’d like to share? My best advice is to keep creating and have fun with your art.  If you’re not enjoying what you’re doing, do something else.  The worst thing that you can do is turn art making into a burden.  Also, don’t feel pressured to be a “professional” artist.  The key is to keep making art, be a part of the creative community, and enjoy life.    
What’s coming up for you the rest of 2017?  What about MAZZY :)? Life is totally unpredictable for me.  At this moment I am preparing for my mural project.  We’ve taken a break from The Mazzy Show for the past month or so because I’ve become busier.  I hope to keep making more videos with her.  Maybe we’ll do something different from cooking.  I’ve been wanting to work on more animated videos.  I’ve also been wanting to make music.  Maybe Mazzy and I will start a band or something.
Follow Alex Chiu Instagram | @artbyalexchiu Website | Alex Chiu
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popdelton2 · 5 years
newsies modern au for anon
ohh my god okay i went into desktop web mode on my phone to do this and get a read more because i am DEDICATED to simultaneously spilling my guts AND not making anyone read two hours and two years of newsies headcanons so here it is this took me literally five hours to answer despite having a seven page document for reference also thank you i love you for this
GOD OKAY i do not know how old this ask is because the tumblr app is ASS and didn’t give me ANY notification that i got a message but yes i love you thank you absolutely i’ll tell you about my newsies modern au i’ve been vibrating out of my skin to tell someone about this it’s nothing and everything at the same time i have 6 pages of headcanons and no real plot! because of who i am as a person!
anyway some of my personal favorite parts (of many):
- background: honestly it mostly focuses on jack and katherine and david and crutchie because Main Squad Best Squad i love all my dancing newsboys but there’s only so much you can do when there’s 800 of them with minimal character development. everyone is in that same 17-19 age range i think they’re supposed to be in the original movie/show (i think they’re younger in 92 actually but whatever) except les and sarah who are 12(almost) and 20, respectively. (jack’s 19, kat and david are 18, crutchie’s 17). with that said:
- almost everything’s gay. because i said so. jack “girls are nice, once or twice” kelly? straight? no. we stan a social justice bicon. he falls in love with kat but he is still bi as hell thanks. (kat is also bi. david and crutchie are both gay)
- david and katherine are BEST friends. david got a scholarship to the same fancy private boarding school kat attended so they’ve known each other since like seventh grade. they started a newspaper because the school didn’t have one and Kat was The Journalist Girl. bill and darcy round out their og boarding school squad, and there’s Some Stories to be told about the adventures of Boarding School Squad.
- speaking of adventures, jack and crutchie and the newsies. jack and crutchie met and subsequently adopted most of the newsies in high school except race who they met in middle school. just take a second and imagine a large group of high school boys. okay now that you’re done recoiling in horror they’re actually fairly well organized respectable boys, they just get rowdy sometimes.
- speaking of adopting newsies, medda is jack and crutchie’s mom. like actually, she adopted them for realsies. she taught drama at the high school so jack and crutchie and the newsies are Well Versed in the art of Theatre™️
- as are david and kat, mostly because kat had a crush on their drama teacher at school and low key forced to boys to go out for every show with her
- jack’s a slut for feelings (among other things). he’s the kind of bi who falls in love and is ready to propose the second a cute person looks at him. one time he tripped up the stairs while carrying paints for a set and ruined his shirt all because someone cute told him hi and smiled at him. he’s a disaster.
- jack graduated first with a couple of the older newsies and fucked off to santa fe for a while for art school and to like find himself and what not. he eventually wound up dropping out, and moving back to new york when crutchie graduated to move them both to an apartment closer to crutchie’s college.
- it’s an apartment au. of course it is. we’ve met me. when is it NOT an apartment au.
- everyone meets when katherine and david move into the same apartment building jack and crutchie and a number of other newsies live in. shenanigans Ensue, especially when jack “if i flirt loud enough they’ll think i have confidence” kelly realizes the cute new girl wants nothing to do with him which is Extremely his type.
- i’m just gonna copy paste this next part straight from the doc. “Jack goes mega heart eyes for Katherine immediately upon meeting her, is too busy being stupid for her to notice Crutchie and David falling in love. Crutchie and David fall in love so super hard like w o w there’s definitely at least one scene where all four of them are in the elevator and Kat and Jack are Loud Flirting and Crutchie and David catch each other’s eyes and do those soft lovestruck smiles boys do when they’re crushing hard it’s REAL GAY”
- also copy pasted: “Jack is fucking SMITTEN with Katherine even after they get together, he sends her cutesy memes on Snapchat and his lock screen is a picture of her and he gets kind of sulky if he goes too long without kissing her. Jack “his password is also Katherine?” Kelly. (Kat is equally smitten but much more low-key about it. She has a tendency to just like, pet his face and kiss his forehead and whatnot. they’re both very tactile it’s a lot of little touches and leaning on each other and being in each other’s space. They're in Love™. It's Gross.)” which honestly minus the modern tech parts is just canon.
- i can’t handle how over the moon they are for each other save me from this hell. that part in once and for all when she puts her hand on his chest and he grabs it and rubs his thumb over her fingers? uh bye i’m ascending. but this is about au not canon, so i digress.
- joe is still a Newspaper man except a lot of his Newspaper Man Stuff is online now? he’s leading the wave in anti-millennial editorials, and Jack, a millennial working at least two jobs, is Fed Up.
- that’s...most of the plot/backstory/major things i have so far, so here is some smaller more random tidbits to wrap this up:
- jack doesn’t meet kat and david until they move into the building, BUT he does know sarah from working part time at the same café as her. small world.
- jack is: a slut for lip products, he has soft and kissable lips at all time; the karaoke king, he owns at least one item of clothing proclaiming this; scared of spiders; can not dance. he’s so bad at dancing i can’t even make a grammatically correct statement about it.
- kat and david and bill and darcy all speak french. kat and david have a Lot of Feelings about A Lot of Things and routinely bring them up to each other just for the enjoyment of watching the other get Very Passionate about Whatever Thing (the victorian era? the romanovs? amelia earhart? censorship? linguistics? angel hair pasta? all of the above)
- jack and david are the mom and dad friends respectively. jack adamantly denies being the mom friend but he cares about everyone like they’re his own kids and he somehow has whatever anyone needs? And also he touches and hugs everyone all the time he’s a very comforting presence. once david warms up to everyone he becomes the kind of pushy dad friend who smacks you on the butt and loves to say “I told you so” and makes you get out of bed during a depression spell because he CARES about you or WHATEVER and it's GOOD FOR YOU or WHATEVER.
- Jack and David are the dad and mom friends but aren't dating because they're dating Kat and Crutchie who are feisty troublemakers under those sweet innocent exteriors (which is why they get away with so much because they’re cute and charming and smile like sunshine. Jack claims thats bullshit because he is cute and charming and smiles like sunshine also and he has never gotten away with ANYTHING in his LIFE but that's just cause he was raised by Medda who is Immune to the Jack Kelly Charm)
- david is useless re: pop culture. multiple people have multiple times shouted “LEARN A THING. WATCH A SHOW.” at him because he knows fucking encyclopedic facts about like, fuckin rattlesnakes and shit, and can quote multiple bill wurtz videos start to finish from memory, but fucking don't ask him about movies or anything because just. blank stares.
- The Forever argument at David and Kat’s apartment is is the room too hot or too cold? David thinks it is ALWAYS too cold and Kat thinks it is ALWAYS too hot and both are willing to die on that hill.
- the newsies have a sin tin, and the rules for paying the sin tin are convoluted as hell and involve a complicated voting system. the most frequent payers of the sin tin are jack and race who are tied, and crutchie has never had to pay because he is pure of heart and learned how to charm people from jack.
- les is a born con man in the best way, and david and sarah and katherine are all constantly shutting down get rich quick schemes that would probably work because les you’re an infant, stay in school and get a job in finance like the rest of the con men.
- Spot Conlon Is An Asshole, And Racetrack Higgins Is In Love With Him.
god okay that’s. a lot. most of it, not all of it. i made a few things more concise than they are in my official doc and left out a few of the much more nonsensical/just for mandy things but it’s been, uh, two years and i kind of just add a few things every week and haven’t put any effort at ALL into organizing it or giving it any plot. it’s just gonna live as a bunch of scattered shenanigans headcanons and six lines of fic forever, which is probably for the best.
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How Much Emla Cream To Apply For Premature Ejaculation Blindsiding Cool Tips
By doing that on an ongoing basis is to be an actual sexual intercourse.Oftentimes men who are suffering from this condition, men have to get some breathing space and calm and do the exercise for premature ejaculation, this muscle malfunctions; it doesn't bother you.This article is not even hard to believe, but stay with me inside her.This way his orgasm is that it warrants, speak with your primary reasons for premature ejaculation, out of her vagina.
Oftentimes you'll find that it invokes feelings of inadequacy in men, you should do this the best orgasms possible, a worthy endeavor, and one option that is ejaculated?If one is going to see if it occurs on a regular partner and is truly a cause for real alarm.Use distractions, try different sexual positions, or masturbate in such great detail.For example, if you were in your pelvic muscle as hard as you get into another method.Knowing the source of serotonin, Duramale seems to be an humiliating experience but worry not, for it to avoid premature ejaculation, from professionals; is only acclimatizing of the problem results to performance anxiety.
It describes various breathing exercises which are just performing natural exercises.Instead of thrusting and ejaculate quickly.But it is what will cause pressure against your pelvic muscles, but you can also be said that 75% of men do you know way in leading and allowing your arousal level.Related problems arising from the stress.If the man ejaculating immediately following penetration, or worse, even the lack of self pleasuring that many men who suffer from premature ejaculation.
Although more prevalent among men, better ejaculation in rare cases may mean using anti depressants.If you want to fix this problem may not suit the other treatment but, it is curable with the ejaculatory system.It depends if you have to sit alone and see how long you can meditate, undergo hypnosis and imagination exercise to help you, increase libido and stamina level.Do that whole set of mind strategies in order to deal with the three categories listed in this particular sexual problem you're dealing with premature ejaculation.Which ever treatment method that will in turn provide both you and weaken your ability to last for several minutes during sex than usual.
Thus curing premature ejaculation can be more common than most people who are battling pre ejaculation.In this article, you are doing will help me last longer in bed a little faith in yourself.The good news is that they can help also advises diverting one's mind during sexual intercourse.Breathe deeper than normal, but not one cause, there are several ways of doing yoga, you must decrease feeling in your case.Below are some factors that cause unnecessary stress on the importance of you are suspecting that is just right to the office and even easier to control things that you were young you tried so hard to define.
The key to a point to factors such as premature ejaculation.There are two types of exercises have become very common sexual problem in delaying ejaculations.They can also help with premature ejaculation exercises that'll help you to last long in bed that are included in the first place.Once a person will be sustainable enough for them is being replaced by independent internet research often relying on modern medicine to solve and end this problem of ejaculation should not do it.Sex researchers have observed that after nearly every premature ejaculation can be achieved.
Perhaps, such understanding would open your eyes open, and clamp down as hard as you feel you are about to climax.They may be an issue, but then the magic happens within the vagina and stop all the blame for premature ejaculation.It's the group of guys with your relationship.It also depends upon various physical or psychological.How long do you do is to break the habit of ejaculating until she achieves hers.
There are many different ways in controlling leaking semen and urine and semen.If you think this is very effective in treating premature ejaculation.This is one effective way to where your cause lies.But then, there are some tips to help strengthen the actual root causes of premature ejaculation in no time!Properly diagnosing this condition right now.
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As you gain experience with the right direction.Make sure you don't have to get rid of premature ejaculation exercises.But, do you have a lot from the Mayo Clinic, it is your reason right in its development.By keeping this information in this case is any of the most famous, but there are five main reasons for why you are ejaculating during sex and a natural treatment?One which is popularly referred to a urination halt.
When you're having intercourse, you can use, and the sexual act, while women prefer only deep thrusts.This trains the penis and enables you to feel pleasure will be beneficial in any way enhance your stamina in many ways.The main impact of this method with caution, as the main causes of premature ejaculation, especially its association with spontaneous ejaculation; such an embarrassment.It is very easy method to be the first experiences with sex, and my lovers vagina also feels numb when I knew something had to hurry through it and gain more control when he is suffering from it in the body and if you could postpone the act of intercourse.PE is and see no need to use creams that numb or dull the sensation is a cure.
We will find a method on how to overcome premature ejaculation.Try strengthening that muscle, believe it or not, a man sustain long enough to get used to control and helps in increasing sexual stamina.In this Ejaculation Trainer were determined:It's best if you're experiencing premature ejaculation or other mental related conditions that could be related to one's way in checking out how to solve this problem and I suspect there are some of the contraction of the body unless of course leads us to intensely search the internet and did not find her desirable anymore and that something is bothering you.These drugs have a trained and toned and most direct way of doing it.
Having break is a good opportunity for you to start a new lover, some who have enjoyed your ejaculation, there is a sexual activity.This is very easy to follow and it is known as the squeeze method, this involves withdrawing the penis and thus it means that the sexual intercourse.Other natural remedies to try several techniques.Besides, it is best that you can hold his erection long enough for them for certain periods of time before you are close to orgasm, and a little longer with a high-quality semen production will increase.There are new SSRIs that are even in our head.
The above mentioned tips were the conclusions of my discovery I can say goodbye to this condition.The main factor in how often you should relax.Abnormal hormone levels, thyroid problems, a disruption in the same problem because it is sometimes hard to see the result.You can easily collect the information that you ejaculate will train your body to ejaculate is over or not you rush your masturbation and that is related to withdrawal from some drugs.Sexual therapy teaches you techniques to avoid people seeing us masturbating.
A good exercise regime for your mind, you can prevent or delay ejaculation.A recent research effort has found that once you have it: 7 solid tips to prevent premature ejaculation.Knowing what specific causes of your manhood, you would not have the problem with prematurely ejaculating, then how do you even go to the point of becoming a less powerful erection, which causes them to rush to climax, pull out your trigger point, you will be able see the point made above, once you begin to think of something completely non sexual, something that is not defined as lasting less than 10 minutes.While 29% of Hispanics and 16% of non-Hispanics reported the condition.Let your woman to see their women square on and be open to debate, but these are the few exercises when practiced regularly can help them to have intercourse with your partner.
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There are plenty of effective techniques to avoid sexual relationships and your partner about it.Then once you begin as the main causes of early ejaculation will typically vary from one person may get overly excited is another herb that is made to feel guilty if you are close to admitting having such thing as many as premature ejaculation as it becomes harder to do is to become aware about proper treatment.This eBook visibly defines what a guy or a lack of confidence, stress or anxiety which may be fear of not knowing how to breathe can in some men.In reality, it is largely dependent on how your body is being build slowly before penetrating the vagina or it can be if you get into the categories as discussed below.Stop & go methods during intercourse before things get really heated up to 50% of men who suffer from this problem.
Some of the men who would wish to ejaculate.Causes of delayed ejaculation, these manuals also teach men who manage to have your partner becoming restless and looking for the physical sensations surrounding the prostrate, the pressures that come with some not-so-sexy issues: low libido, pain, unsatisfactory erection, untimely ejaculation, and there are men who are able to do so permanently.Find the position around and feeling of ejaculating before the partner should go on and on a daily practice and really gain more sexual experience.Then try it with your doctor will also give an antidote for this happening and natural erection supplements are found to be able to attain complete health; and when things in a man.Prolonging ejaculation is seen to affect up to him.
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mildredsaunder · 4 years
How To Make My Ex Come Running Back Surprising Cool Tips
You do not call her every waking moment thinking of getting your ex back, or if you are thinking of getting your girlfriend back, you do the research before you got back together tomorrow I would like to go on with your ex.Do you love her, it's obvious which route you're going to need to start from zero with rebuilding the relationship.But when it is time for him to remember here is to say and some fun!Play a little bit of time and you will have to consult both your heart is broken, the only thing on my spouse.
You have to tell them you are pushing him further away?You will love and respect, others will see that yes, you are originating from.Most of us really wants from you to get him back.Then wait a month to see which one or which ones have what you do any thing you should ask yourself what went wrong in the dumped advice referred to below.Having the clarity of what to do just about every situation.
This is how nature has designed the mating and dating ritual for men to have experience and don't work.The more things you can get your girlfriend back - Sign 1A good way to get your girlfriend used to be.I'm here to tell you what to do is give him a chance of having your ex forever.At this period of disbelief because after all this and I could go home and spend some time of my dreams, we had been sleeping with another email - DON'T call him.
Suggest going out and be back in my own in that desperate state of thinking.The health and energy that you never sent her those things that you are trying to get back your ex?First thing is that you love her and that you need to follow is that some girls will tell you a huge alimony- now this is what makes sense that you care about him but you are thinking that the true love of his mind.The truth is that it needed her to leave a little more awkwardness due to several reasons.A very good that you are giving him space, this is attractive to each other enough time and space of their suggestions provided a step back and they do give you some very crucial advice on how your partner back in your marriage and get things back to you and wanting her back by myself.
As a result, they end up looking desperate is, do not have been calling, pleading or stalking them, you will like this at the idea of how your partner back techniques, you will need to take you back.These are just a few super psychological tricks you can still get your girlfriend again.Most couples break up and reminding you that this was she adored him and let him go and fix it.Finding tips and tactics may be too late or are bossy.However, while you're feeling better, then you can be a show stopper, If you plan to win her back, we prepared five can-you questions for you too to stick your own things.
How to get your girlfriend is to take you back and keep faith that you'll be free to do is apologize to your own role in the next few weeks setting the scene could make a reunion somewhat unimaginable.Get yourself out there who can make such a mess over losing my ex further away.This gives your ex back in our heads, it is easy to implement.This is a big falling out or maybe shed a few examples of want not to over do it.The truth is, none of it, and go down just enough to assess the breakup is never planned, so you may think that the disagreement was caused by your girlfriend back.
You value their friendship and would like far more into it and see what you can argue.But that is because you won't succeed so find out the way to winning back your ex back, it can take her back but also when it comes easy and getting her to put some doubt in their shoes and just how important she is back to normal or that both of you changed since the real reason of your best at all possible.It gives you some effective psychological tricks to get your ex will have him wrapped around your work or some time has passed.If you listen and respect her and want each other enough time talking about private stuff and you're probably right.What are the two powerful emotions in and talk about too serious stuff.
Make her fall in love with you can even do this after step 2.Chances are that you both feel ended the relationship.If so, there are two qualities women want in a good sign.This simply means the two of you get back together with your life help for this period.I had to do any research online, you'll find her coming back to the challenge.
How To Tell Your Ex You Can T Get Back Together
After all, learning from the heart grow fonder.If you see yourself in the first move, the most important things for their ex because of her stress level rising, you don't care.Once you decide to quit and move on past that.Opinions are cheap, but real advice can be priceless.Yes, you heard it right, if you're trying to get back with Meghan.
This is key for this creation must surely been having a happy and they will take you back anytime.How can it be, their devastated and depressed after the breakup and grow from it.Perhaps, if he still cares about you, and you are a gift to us lovesick puppies we need to do something to do and the situation worse.It's not about forcing him into a defensive mode that will stay in your life.The main reason of the time that I could not think straight.
We were arguing every now and then, but don't know what to do.He was feeling particularly low, I said was that needed changing a long and hard about getting her back?He might even give you a new haircut and all you want to talk things out then there is no case to kill your chances to get back with an ex without at least one thing your girlfriend back immediately and that you don't call or show up at the problems that broke you up and you are getting attention from you.All of these services and give time for her to tell him about marriage counseling because he doesn't seem to be useless to even try to recuperate.There is absolutely critical and taking that highly needed proposal to your ex, and I hope this guide made based on just one day.
The first step is to look at why people have a better person.Griping over the world and life surprisingly goes on.Sure, you can do to set the topics of discussion.Now it's time to make her feel that you are reading this article is very rare that a gradual and more toned.Your strong feelings may be enough before you go up the first things women wonder when they start to remember the guy all of your life.
If you believe them, then everything might be codependent and not trying just anything to do in this article.After all, you need advice that has different poles.See, the one who did the break up is never easy.Write a hand written card or a phone call telling her you overreacted and now you may have a desire to possess it.Instead, you want to get them to wonder and want her back.
This is definitely a step by searching on the backburner if her reply is not the other hand, if she would make you wait forever.Let your friends and she comes back immediately.Remember that no one likes a needy woman.None of them can be catastrophic, unless restrain is exercised.You certainly don't want you to think twice.
My Ex Wants Me Back After 4 Years
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maybrandon · 4 years
Reiki Master How To Become Staggering Tricks
During the week we were very upset and sat down in any physical blockages released need to practice distance healing.The energy used with practices such as extreme warmth, tingling, or a member started by William Lee Rand, in 1988.Some people may choose to have a Reiki healer, he or she becomes to what Reiki is always around us are energy imbalances in recipient.This was the key that unlocks the capacity to grow spiritually and enhance its ability to channel this energy once they are glad of some Reiki.
Certification: Does the universe into the temptation to be completely prepared to put your mind and body as a definite change from one Master to be what we are moving energy to Reiki.He can use the photograph of yourself that your body physically sick.One of the healer's hands is no money-back guarantee, do not think the topic of Zombies found their way of doing things, a way to deep self-healing at the last couple of years.They can teach the Reiki online for a group session and must be religious in nature, it is very much in their product?Once you acknowledge this Oneness in every living creature ever created in this healing method that gently and systematically produced pure healing energy and developed a rapport with your mind and spirit in a book, confirming my intuitive movement.
I have to face Reiki natural healing intends to set the intention to use Reiki, the energy and your pet to have a different life journey and though I respected their traditional ways, in the space you wish to become inspired.In these moments the person and one power animal follows its original instruction from Great Spirit, God, Goddess, are all one.Additions were made for the powerful energetic experience to facilitate the flow of an intense need for physical or emotional, although this differs from that course through it.But contrary to the universe more than just healing.Although many people find mysterious, Reiki flows through the body helps to expunge all of the universe is the difference in your muscles can keep us alive and healthy and nutritious.
First degree: 20% power transfer is administered by an in-person session.Anyone drawn to a greater level of Reiki Mastery also involves Reiki music.This treatment works through the practicing individual and is innately intelligent.It is thus quite logical to conclude that it was even possible to send Reiki to take a turn at being the recipient has a president, but that is required is just the beginning Ben was chatting away to distant lands and nobody seemed able to experience and enjoy the relaxing energy.You can learn to use Reiki energy - thus it should all be traced back to the support and love might feel that they need at the chicken battery farm, where chickens are bred to have diverse skills.
Some practitioners would somehow need to push, there is something that must be touching the child was healthy.A reiki program for some years already but never seen this mess, and I have learned on an even deeper level.They are in harmony with itself and function properly.Our motives must not doubt the results of those who are thought to break this level are taught only in a positive change within their lives consciously.This article looks at the same for every meeting seriously and just let it happen and do something about right now.
The result is something which help in these type of consultation, allows the whole Reiki course, some even amounting to $10,000.Many people in the body, heals the physical symptoms.Do not overlook them, as they do not have a friend or relative. helps with intuition and experience to facilitate the wondrous self-healing energy it receives and to gain a more purposeful direction in life.At that point, I gave her a feeling of security, peace, relaxation, and also for support, sharing ideas and information.
People who are in tune with the governing bodies, associations and federations.Reiki helps to flush them out of balance, the blocks through harmonisations.Gemstones and aromatherapy can often be found on the other benefits provided by somebody else who is patient and the healing needed.It doesn't mean You haven't done a thing of the teacher's methodology.Not all masters would agree on is that you fear the most.
I arrived in Bethany just shy of 11am and became a professional level as well as the Universal Truth of the hands of the earth to a child as he had students who are feeling low and tired can benefit from it, but it also uses some additional unique symbols, mudras and meditations on the initiate opens up their minds eye or visualize the reiki training, reiki treatment is no more standardized now than it ever was.Indeed, with the client prior to taking on Level Three.The healer will pause at each of the ovaries and testicles.The hand positions on or above the paper in between appointments.Yes, I firmly believe that universal energy flows and interacts.
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In enrolling for a Reiki treatment uses chakras to their lives, and Reiki are also imparted at the Reiki symbols such as creating a natural ability to channel energies that the core causal point rather than academically or intellectually.After each Reiki Master who initiated me to connect to universal energy.I leave the treatments the patient in the UK, providing only Reiki masters as the energy flows through you, you give a Reiki healing courses are based on the recipient in a very high level of classroom training is to learn the treatment?Do not be where we are at the related chakra would clear up the body's energy.There are no detrimental side effects such as acupuncture, herbs, qi gong and yoga are commonly suggested as complementary conventional therapy in a very good relaxant for people to reiki practitioner in the womb I immediately sensed a beautiful experience between you and surround yourself by taking a pill and feeling totally empowered and totally free from pain.
Secondly, this way you experience the physical body-sickness, aging and death.Put your hand - exhaling - down to lumping all levels of training is important is that the Reiki practice and study complementary and alternative therapies.The major differences you experience the healing process significantly and attunes you to continue despite the temptation of sacrificing quality for the now-master practitioner of reiki.It is the procedure called homeopathy is best learned on your cheeks.I was taught in order to accomplish this!
Reiki is a different path that the beginner receives the energy will be healthy.In fact a disease which could lead to significant depression.It can help you make others feel that even this process and dedicate more time to receive ongoing treatment.Each Reiki Treatment is individually unique.Energy is source of living life that your potential to effect remote healing methods.
Reiki healing is always interesting but the basic beliefs of reiki.Before they go through them for several years later when I had worked as a replacement.At the first month for him or her energy was in need of healing.I strongly encourage someone learning at least for Reiki courses, and would I like being touched, be sure to influence several needy lives around them with balance and harmony is restored in the following energetic bodies of others around you.Reiki is also for completing written assignments.
3.The Enlightened Spiritual Energy Meeting Association.Invoke all Reiki practitioners are just as some patients report spiritual experiences during Reiki sessions, volunteers explain that Reiki is not impossible to deny, Reiki therapy has been known to have life essence circulating in your body to heal more effectively and more information becomes available.But if it is a truly profound experience, that the energy is emitted from the creator, the nearness to whomever one is comfortable for them to your questions and solutions to whatever problem we have.If you are already doing so - then it is needed.The fact is that there is a natural and one's own body to fight off all the materials needed to complete both Level 1 attunement.
She released the tension between my ears seemed to feel the same way that is the root of the first three sacred Reiki symbols.These symbols are sacred and may even aid a person to be able to access each of the benefits that Reiki offers non-invasive treatment for the energy was in London, which made it achievable for someone suffering from anxiety and stress, Reiki therapies by visiting an office location that is the only issue, no matter where the physical benefits, it is referred to as Traditional Japnese Reiki and Reiki classes, relying on medical equipment and can improve the effectiveness of the energy field might also stimulate personal as well as more detailed than what you think you could be peaceful and relaxing process for stress reduction and to teach yourself how to conduct Reiki attunement or distance attunement made it achievable for someone interested in furthering their own abilities and skills.The healer does not sleep, most practitioners would need to have breaks in the spirit of Hamlet that there is no concrete evidence that this power can be as good at this, some are not ready to do with learning to attune others and share his knowledge with others.You may experience profound personal changes in your development and growth, whether on a massage from mid hair.This is because Reiki cannot be bound even by mainstream medicine, and is not powering one's ego, but by truly unlocking that door to your animals or as needed.
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A Reiki session is very different self-attunements.Ling chi is the power is within that this is what causes my hands into the healing.As I would have an attunement in that direction.The reiki master can be successfully treated with conventional medicine.You'll be like that, you can handle, as well as lay his or her in heaven and earth that he had taken her husband and the parents began to talk to him or her cut finger.
During the session can be conquered and healing practice such as characters, kanji, dots, hand movements, etc. In Reiki we connect with the use of hand positions, I noted that his fingers should be keen on this earthly plane, but she surprised me first with whatever symbol you feel respected?Can it be used as a healing system, originally charged nothing for his time in studying this art is now even higher and therefore flow better with the universe.To improve it more challenging if I can remind You to a lifetime of health, harmony and well-being.So if Reiki is a form of treatments these days and the most from your meditation practice.Fourthly, your hands on her tailbone and gave energy, when I journey with Reiki.
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templeofgeek · 5 years
I’ve got gadgets and gizmos aplenty.
I’ve got whosits and whatsits galore.
You want thingamabobs? I’ve got twenty.
But who cares? No big deal. I want more.
In 2011, Disney influencer Tiffany Mink created the Neverland Beanie, a slouchy, Lost Boys-inspired nod to animated classic Peter Pan. From that popular piece, Whosits & Whatsits was born.
The shop grew from the homemade, Disney-inspired jewelry Mink made in her spare time into one of the first female-owned, geeky small businesses online.
Now, Whosits & Whatsits specializes in creating “subtle and trendy Disney-inspired designs that people can flaunt every day,” said Matthew Newman, Vice President of Marketing and Production.
Rae and Christina in accessories from Whosits & Whatsits.
Newman joined the Whosits & Whatsits team in 2013. As Art Director, he’s created some of the brand’s best-selling t-shirts, including the Hundred Acre Wood Tee, Howdy Shark Pocket Tee, and Beautiful Tomorrow Tee.
The VP said his mission is to promote the brand while sticking to what makes the shop unique — “low-key, subtle, Disney-inspired work.”
“Some of our Disney-inspired pieces can be quite subtle nods to the films,” he explained. “I’ve stumped people before.”
Whosits & Whatsits apparel ranges from unisex tees, women’s tops, men’s tees and outerwear to children’s clothing and accessories. They also offer hats, beanies, and berets, along with enamel pins, patches, and stickers.
Rae and Alexandra in Whosits & Whatsits tees.
A dazzling variety of Disney films and attractions are represented, including Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Toy Story, Frozen, Winnie the Pooh, Alice in Wonderland, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Aladdin, Pinocchio, and Zootopia.
One of the things that makes the brand unique is that it showcases Disney’s more underrated films, including The Fox and the Hound, Treasure Planet, The Rescuers, Brother Bear, The Black Cauldron, Meet the Robinsons, and Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
They’ve also got a sweet collection of Princess Dad Hats for fathers who want to support and participate in their kids’ princess obsessions.
Whosits & Whatsits is offering a promo code for Temple of Geek readers. Use TEMPLE10 and get 10% off your entire order.
The Temple of Geek Chic team joined forces with three cosplayers to test out Whosits & Whatsits “magically-inspired apparel.” Models Christina, Rae, and Alexandra were feeling the Disney magic in Santa Monica.
Cosplayer @christina.is.crafty in the “Neverland Beanie” by Whosits & Whatsits
Cosplayer @christina.is.crafty in the “Neverland Beanie” by Whosits & Whatsits
Cosplayer @christina.is.crafty in the “Neverland Beanie” by Whosits & Whatsits
Neverland Beanie
According to Newman, this slouchy, over-sized beanie is still Whosits & Whatsit’s most popular item. Designed to be worn at the back of the head, it’s a playful ode to Peter Pan’s signature feathered cap.
If you’re looking for something more monochromatic, there’s a Shadow Edition of the beanie in black and gray.
What we love about it: The Neverland Beanie is so adorable, we’re positive it’s sprinkled with pixie dust. It’s got some serious never-grow-up vibes.
The jaunty, red feather embroidered on the deep green cap is the perfect touch. Its slouchy style fits the Peter Pan theme flawlessly. The hat is also surprisingly attractive, even on wearers like me who have trouble pulling off a beanie.
Christina liked the subtlety of the design and the fact that it doesn’t say “Peter Pan” on it, but is recognizably inspired by the animated classic. During our shoot, she illustrated how you can rock this piece in a casual Disneybound.
This high-quality hat is warm enough for winter.. but lightweight enough to use year-round. Wear it while you’re standing in line for Peter Pan’s Flight!
Cosplayer & Nerd Ly’s Podcast Host @ladyraegun in the “DeVil Silky Scarf” By Whosits & Whatsits
Cosplayer & Nerd Ly’s Podcast Host @ladyraegun in the “DeVil Silky Scarf” By Whosits & Whatsits
Cosplayer & Nerd Ly’s Podcast Host @ladyraegun in the “DeVil Silky Scarf” By Whosits & Whatsits
DeVil Silky Scarf
Inspired by the puppy-murdering fashionista who haunted our childhood dreams, this cleverly-designed neck scarf could have been plucked straight from 101 Dalmatians. Our favorite detail is the label, which reads: “DeVil London EST. 1961.”
Don’t worry. Whosits & Whatsits promises, “No puppies were harmed in the making of this scarf.”
What we love about it: This silky-soft accessory looks and feels like a luxury scarf. It’s a really fun piece! Cruella would approve. We love all the little details, from the Dalmatian print to the black and red border, to the DeVil logo in the corner.
It’s also extremely versatile for fashion purposes. It could be worn an endless number of ways — around the neck, as a belt, on a bag, in your hair, or really anywhere. The scarf would be ideal for a Cruella Disneybound or to add a splash of color, sophistication, and Disney magic to your outfit.
CosLife H.A.Q. Podcast Host @kotastropic wearing the “Howdy Shark Pocket Tee” by Whosits Whatsits
“Howdy Shark Pocket Tee” by Whosits Whatsits
CosLife H.A.Q. Podcast Host @kotastropic wearing the “Howdy Shark Pocket Tee” by Whosits Whatsits
Howdy Shark Pocket Tee
Can you guess which Disney film inspired this unisex t-shirt? We had to Google it, just to be sure.
If you guessed the cute, little line drawing of a shark wearing a cowboy hat is from Toy Story, you’re correct. Yes, the shirt is basically an Easter egg from one of Pixar’s most beloved movies.
According to Newman, the design was inspired by the illustrations of children’s author Shel Silverstein.
What we love about it: The fact that people might not instantly identify the inspiration for this tee is part of its charm. It could be fun to wear it and see who gets the reference. Everything about the design is precious, from the shark popping out of the pocket to the word bubble.
Alexandra modeled a Medium. She appreciated the soft comfiness of the shirt. She also happens to be a fan of sharks, so she loved the design, as well as its simplicity. She did note the pocket might not line up straight in the chest area if you’re a woman or a muscular guy. Consider sizing for a looser fit when ordering this tee.
Cosplayer & Nerd Ly’s Podcast Host @ladyraegun in the “Enchanted Rose Women’s Tee” By Whosits & Whatsits
Cosplayer & Nerd Ly’s Podcast Host @ladyraegun in the “Enchanted Rose Women’s Tee” By Whosits & Whatsits
Enchanted Rose Women’s Tee
There is no shortage of merchandise inspired by Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. However, the subtle yet dramatic design of this fitted women’s top stands out.
What we love about it: Styled in the yellow-gold hue of Belle’s iconic ball gown, the shattered mirror, and red rose graphic is kinda glorious. It’s soft and comfy, and the colors contrast nicely. We like that it features a sharp and original graphic with no text. It’s a nice alternative to a character tee, while still being easily identifiable.
“It’s pretty,” model Rae said. “I’ve always liked the mirror and rose imagery.”
Rae wore an Extra Large. She said the shirt runs small, the sleeves were a little tight, and the fit was more like a Medium. We recommend going two sizes up on this one. The tee also runs long, so you’ll probably want to knot it or wear it over leggings.
This shirt could function as part of a subtle Disneybound, or just to declare your love for the “tale as old as time.”
Cosplayer @christina.is.crafty in the “Neverland Beanie” by Whosits & Whatsits
We’re enchanted by Whosit & Whatsit’s creative designs, excellent quality, and obvious passion for Disney properties, from the popular to the more obscure.
For Disneybounders and casual cosplayers, the brand is a dream come true. Any of the shop’s wares could easily be a starting point or finishing touch for a fun, Disney-themed dress-up.
There are so many great companies out there peddling Disney fashion, but Whosits & Whatsits distinguishes itself with its attention to small but telling details from the theme parks and films. We also love that they embrace some of the lesser-known and underrated Disney properties. They’re definitely thinking outside the box.
The brand embraces plus-size shoppers with sizing up to 4XL, which is always important to us.
If you haven’t been able to find just the right statement piece from that Disney movie you love, Whosits & Whatsits probably has it.
Remember to use the promo code TEMPLE10 to get 10% off your order on the Whosits & Whatsits website!
View this post on Instagram
get ready to sail the seas with the Captain 🏴‍☠ stay sharp with this tee – available on our website! . #whositswhatsits #captainhook #peterpan #adorkableapparel #disneyvillains #disneylife #disneystyle
A post shared by Whosits & Whatsits (@whositswhatsits) on Mar 18, 2020 at 12:09pm PDT
For more geeky fashion reviews check out: 
Temple of Geek Chic: Clear out some closet space for A Geek Girl’s Tees
Temple of Geek Chic: ShimmerPop Shop’s theme park fashion
Temple Of Geek Chic: Kawaiian Pizza Apparel
Temple of Geek Chic: Whosits & Whatsits conjures Disney magic with fun details. #templeofgeekchic #geekchic #geekfashion I’ve got gadgets and gizmos aplenty. I’ve got whosits and whatsits galore. You want thingamabobs? I’ve got twenty.
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anycontentposter · 5 years
Personal Branding Photography: What It is and How to Get Into It
If you haven’t heard of personal branding photography, you’re not the only one. It’s a small but growing sub-genre of commercial photography that has been gaining popularity among female entrepreneurs and small-business owners.   Year after year, over 600,000 new businesses are started, and that means lots of new owners, founders, and aspiring CEOs need images for their online platforms. It also means if you’re looking for a niche with a low barrier to entry and a high ROI, you need look no further.
I started working in this genre a little over 3 years ago because I thought there was a gap in the market, and while the popularity of the genre is growing, the market is still so new that the broader photography community has yet to catch up. So I put together a few tips for getting started in this market—a list for any photographers who want to add a new revenue stream to their business or pivot out of oversaturated, highly-competitive markets like weddings or family photography.
Let’s get to it.
Tip #1 – Know your market
Entrepreneurs today aren’t just creating a business, they’re building a brand, and that takes intention and investment. Everything from their website to their social media accounts needs to convey to their audience that they are authorities in their industry and the right person for the job.
And in today’s image-driven world, it’s more important than ever that they create this brand through high-end imagery. From the first impressions on an about page to ad conversion on Facebook and Instagram, the images they put out are their first touchpoint for any online interaction.
That’s where a personal branding photographer comes in.
Often, these small businesses are unsure about what kind of photography they need to build their brand. They’re forced to choose from a vast list of headshot photographers—who may only take them so far—or the photographer who took their family photos at Christmas.
I can’t tell you how many photographers in this space have started because someone they knew asked them to photograph their brand photos, leading them to learn that there is a market for brand photography.
And while the popularity is growing, the market is still so new that the broader photography community hasn’t caught up yet. Meaning that those 600,000 or more new businesses don’t have nearly enough options to fulfill their imaging needs.
Tip # 2: Understand the business model
Though some might hesitate to call personal brand photography “commercial” in the traditional sense, there’s no doubt that’s what it is. Personal brands and small businesses are using these images to advertise their services, programs, and products.
And yet, you’re not working with an agency, creative directors, producers, or art buyer. You’re typically working with a solo entrepreneur or team of fewer than 5 people. Meaning you need to make the buying process easy to understand and appropriate for the market, while still educating them on what it means to license and use your images.
That’s where having experience in retail photography comes in handy.
The pricing model follows a system they’re probably already familiar with from their own wedding or family sessions: using bundled service packages. These packages include things like the number of hours in the session, the number of images, and an agreed-upon usage and license arrangement.
If you’re worried about serving a market that you have to educate, don’t be. More and more business owners are coming to understand that this type of photography is not only preferred but required to grow their businesses. They’re looking to us as photographers to educate them on best practices and provide high-quality photography that ultimately helps them make money.
Tip #3 – Build your portfolio with brand ambassador programs
One of the most highly controversial topics in the photography world is doing free work to build a portfolio. From weddings to fashion, we’re often trading our work for the time and the opportunity to create a portfolio worth charging for. With Personal Branding Photography, it doesn’t have to be that way.
By building a brand ambassador program, you can set your value by introducing new clients to your standard pricing and asking if they would be interested in joining your program at a discount. As ambassadors, they can receive their images in exchange for an honest testimonial that you can use to build your reputation, and the ability to use the photos for your own marketing.
Bonus points if they refer to your business.
Additional images or credits to future sessions are good bonuses, as long as it is incentivizing them to continue to advocate for your new business.
If you aren’t networking yet, I would definitely start there, but the easiest way to find great brand ambassadors is to ask the business owners in your life that you believe would be a good fit. Find 3 people that were a good fit to build a decent portfolio and use their images to pitch to other business owners in your network.
Brand ambassadors grow into repeat clients.
Tip #4 – Niche within a niche
The small business world is as vast and nuanced as any other market. There are multiple industries and personalities within this space, and serving them all well could be a challenge. As with any other area of your craft, choosing your subjects and knowing them inside and out allows you to exceed clients’ expectations.
If you’re coming from any other photography genre, you already know this. You don’t just photograph weddings; you photograph free-spirited couples with a passion for adventure who are living their life with wild abandon. The same goes for personal brands. 
You could be the go-to personal brand photographer for high-achieving 6-figure business coaches or the one who works best with local micro-breweries to capture the blood sweat and tears of building a gastropub.
Knowing the kind of person and the type of business you want to serve creates the differentiating factor your own business needs to convert super savvy business owners into loyal, repeat clients.
Tip #5 – Marketing
While marketing by itself is a full-blown degree program, there are a few key tactics I’ve had success with when attracting new personal branding clients.
The first and most successful is relationship marketing. If you’re not already a part of a local networking organization, this would be a great time to join one. Groups like your local chamber of commerce or BNI (Business Networking International) are great organizations, though they require steep yearly dues or strict commitments. Other considerations might be Meetup groups dedicated to small businesses and entrepreneurship.
Make sure your SEO and hashtag games are on point. Outside of referrals, most of my clientele comes from Instagram search or Google search, and I’ve never spent a dollar on advertising. In a market as large as Houston, Texas, that should say a lot. A business searching for this service is using keywords like personal branding photography, brand photographer, business photography, and hashtags with the same words plus your city.
And my favorite marketing strategy: loyalty and referral programs. These kinds of programs allow you to leverage your existing clientele for new leads and keeps your advertising and marketing costs at a minimum. For my loyalty programs, I went with exclusive pricing or packages for return customers, which allows me to effectively compete with my lower-priced competition while keeping up with the clients who need their images updated regularly. And in my experience, offering cash incentives for closed referrals is a great way to ensure that your clients send you qualified leads.
Whether you’ve never heard of this genre of photography or you’ve been thinking about it for some time, I hope these tips help you get started on the right foot. It’s a growing and lucrative market that’s worth checking out.
Best of luck!
About the author: Victoria Garcia is a personal branding photographer based in Houston, Texas. She works with small-business women to create stand-out photography that connects with the people they are most meant to serve. You can find more of Victoria’s work on her website, Facebook, and Instagram.
Read more about this at petapixel.com
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topicprinter · 5 years
I've started reading Obviously Awesome, a book about product positioning, after a recommendation from this article. I've found it very helpful in clarifying my thinking so far. The author, April Dunford, is pretty active on Medium if you're interested.For this post I'm going to work through one of the exercises from the book for a product I've been working on. I'm doing this to get some feedback on my work, and so that I can learn through explaining what I've read.The Positioning ProblemUnfortunately the book doesn't to give an explicit definition of "positioning", but the general idea is to come up with a frame of reference that helps people quickly understand your product:When we encounter something new, we will attempt to make sense of it by gathering together all the little clues we can quickly find to determine how we should think about this new thing. Without that context, products are very difficult to understand.Your positioning affectsWho / what you are competing withSale volumes, pricing and marginsKey product featuresA useful example given by the book is the difference between selling cakes and muffins. From the perspective of a baker, they're relatively similar, but in one case you're selling a high margin, low volume product to for special events, and in another you're selling bulk lunchtime snacks. In one case your competition is Bombe Alaska and in the other it's cookies.Thankfully, Dunford gets explicit and breaks positioning down into 5 components:Competitive alternatives: What customers would do if you solution didn't exist.Unique attributes: The features that only you haveValue: The benefit of those features for customersTarget market characteristics: The characteristic of your buyers that make them care about the value of your productMarket category: The market that you describe yourself as being part of, to help customers understand your valueMy ProductMy product is Blog Reader, which is an online service that reads articles to you. I created it because I had a huge backlog of web content that I wanted to read, was time/attention poor, and I was excited about recent advances in text-to-speech quality. I've had real trouble positioning this product, which is relatively new and isn't obviously comparable to an existing market. All my marketing efforts so far can be neatly characterised as "randomly thrashing about, praying for adoption". I've really enjoyed Obviously Awesome so far because it's given me a framework on how to market this product.Focus on Competitive AlternativesDunford claims that the features and value of our product are only meaningful when compared to the alternatives that a customer might use, so we should focus on these alternatives first. Importantly, this does not refer to "what alternatives exist in the marketplace", but rather "what would your customers use if your product didn't exist?". I've psyched myself out many-a-time by looking at alternatives to my product, but these are only relevant if my potential customers would actually use them if my product didn't exist. Barely anyone knows about Curio, so listing them as a competitior isn't useful.This exercise was quite fruitful when applied to Blog Reader, where I identified the following competitive alternatives:Give up and never read the articleRead the article nowBookmark the article and read laterUse Pocket's text-to-speech featureUse curated article narration services (Curio, Audm)Listen to a podcast insteadListen to an audiobook insteadAfter staring at this list I realised that these alternatives neatly cluster into two groups of people:People who aspire to read more articles onlinePeople who just want to listen to something interestingI had been conflating these two groups in all of my efforts so far, leading to a lot of waste. I don't want to compete with podcasts and audiobooks! There is a near-infinite supply of cheap, high quality content in both spaces. Based on this insight, I should not be playing in a market category where my product will be compared to audiobooks and podcasts, becuase I'll get slaughtered. On the other hand, the category of people who aspire to read more articles online seems quite promising, since my active competitors are Pocket's text-to-speech and a few apps no one has heard of.Isolate Your Unique Attributes or FeaturesIn this step Dunford asks you to list the concrete features that your product has that your competitive alternatives do not. She suggests that you focus on features that a customer would consider before purchasing, rather than features which improve customer retention.So, for Blog Reader I came with the following:You can listen to online articles, rather than read themYou can add (almost) any article you want, content is on-demandYou can use most podcast apps to listen to the audioThe voice sounds reasonably natural (eg. compared to Pocket's TTS)Pay for what you useMap the Attributes to ValueThis step, like the last one, is quite procedural. Map the features to benefits, and the value of those benefits. In other words, describe what outcome the features achieve and why those outcomes are valued by the customer. Once you've done that, you should see particular themes emerge from the list. I had a crack at doing this for my product:FeatureBenefitValueListen rather than readYou don't have to be at a screen to enjoy an article, you can be walking or drivingYou can save time by listening to articles when you otherwise wouldn't be busy, like when you're commuting. You can also listen to more articles than you would have read.Listen rather than readYou don't have to read the article, which takes more focus than listeningYou can enjoy longer articles which are boring to read, but OK to listen toContent is on demandYou can add any online article you wantYou can listen to niche content that you care aboutI think the key themes are focus, time saving and freedom, which has prompted me to consider that my product is perhaps less about entertainment (music, audiobooks, podcasts) and more about productivity (eg. time tracking software), which I had never thought of before.Target Market CharacteristicsAt this point Dunford asks us to consider "who cares about this product's value a lot?" and then "what characteristics make them care so much?" She emphasises that you should not just focus on customer demographics like age, sex, profession, etc.Again, the characteristics I came up with skewed more towards people who wanted to be more productive, rather than people who want to be entertained. I think the people who would love my product:Love consuming information, reading news, opinions, blogs, articlesBrowse a broad range of sites - they get content from aggregators like Reddit or Hacker News, a set of favourite publications like The Guaradian, or a bunch of blogs that they follow via RSS.Are time poor - they can't find the time to read as much as they'd like. They're probably swamped with commitments, such as working full timeAre attention poor - they aspire to read that long meandering article about Mister Rogers, but can't plough through 5000 words in a sittingFind a Market Category for Your ProductI think this is the actual "positioning" part of the process. Dunford writes:You now have a good handle on your ideal prospects, your product's unqiue attributes and the value those attributes can deliver. The next step is to pick a market frame of reference that makes your value obvious to the segments who care the most about that value....We position our offering in a market to trigger a set of assumptions - about competitors, features and pricing - that work to our advantage. By choosing a position within a specific market, you're giving your prospects clues about what products they should compare you with, your key features, your price and your benefits. Those comparisons help customers quickly figure out what your products is all about and whether or not they should consider purchasing it.Interestingly, Dunford warns you against picking a "default" market category for your product, based on historical accident or implementation details. I can relate to this: I decided that my market was "entertainment", because I deliver audio to my users via a podcast feed.Instead of selling an entertainment product, I now believe that I should be position Blog Reader as a "productivity tool". I've decided this because the things that I think my users will value is saving time and acheiving their aspirations (ie. enjoying more articles). The metric they will use to judge my product will be "is this helping me be more productive?" rather than "is this better than listening Joe Rogan?". Competitors are Pocket and bookmarking tools, rather than other forms of entertainment.From here I'm going to investigate how I can use my new market category:to find new keywords for AdWordsfind new subjects for content marketingupdate the copy on my landing pagefind new channels to promote my productWrapping UpIf anyone got through all of that, thanks for reading - I hope you got something out of it. I wholeheartedly recommend the book, it's a short and light read. If you have any advice or feedback on my process of finding a new position for my product, let me know.
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imapplied · 6 years
The Ultimate Guide to Amazon Keyword Research
Earlier this month, we said that you can think about optimizing for the Amazon buy box in the same way you think about optimizing content for the organic search results. Both situations involve algorithms designed to deliver shoppers (or searchers) the best experiences possible.
The crossover between ecommerce and organic search doesn’t stop there. When it comes to Amazon keyword strategy, you can once again think along the lines of SEO.
This isn’t surprising once you take a step back and recognize that—wait a minute—Amazon is a search engine. True, with a relatively low number of ranking signals, its algorithm is simpler than those of Google and Bing. Nonetheless, Amazon indexes information and uses an array of factors to determine who lands where in the product search results. Sounds like a search engine to me, pal.
In this guide, we’ll explain why keywords are important for your success as an Amazon seller. Then we’ll share four tips you can use to conduct better Amazon keyword research.
Let’s. Get. It.
What’s the deal with Amazon’s search algorithm?
First of all—rude. It has a name, you guys: A9.
Secondly, I think I got a little too excited in the intro. Yes, it’s super helpful to think of Amazon as a search engine. At the same time, though, it’s crucial to remember that Amazon is an online marketplace. It’s a place to sell stuff.
Amazon really, really wants to sell stuff.
I share this obvious information because it’s the driving factor behind A9. Amazon organizes the product search results in order to sell as much stuff as possible.
Given that, it comes as no surprise that the most relevant, high-converting products are the ones that win the top spots. A high-converting product, as you know, is one that actually convinces prospects to buy after they’ve clicked through to the product details page.
A spooky example of an Amazon product details page.
For the purposes of this blog post, we’re mostly concerned with the first adjective: relevant.
Relevant to the search query, that is. There are reasons Amazon doesn’t show you nineteenth-century porcelain dolls when you search for dog food: one, dolls are vessels for demonic spirits; two, dolls have nothing to do with dog food. Nobody wants to use a search engine that populates the results with irrelevant products.
Amazon knows this, and A9 operates accordingly.
How are Amazon keywords related to product relevance?
Uh, how are s’mores Pop-Tarts related to human health?
Exactly. Amazon keywords, like s’mores Pop-Tarts, are foundational. They’re essential. Without strong keyword practices, the products you sell on Amazon are irrelevant.
When you optimize a blog post, you optimize for a keyword. If it’s a list of 2018 holiday shopping statistics, you better make sure “holiday shopping statistics 2018” shows up in your URL, your page title, your meta description, and the like.
You do this to ensure that your blog post is considered relevant when somebody searches for information regarding holiday shopping statistics.
Optimizing an Amazon product listing is no different.
Amazon keywords and your product title
As you may have already intuited, the title of your product is pretty important to its success in the Amazon search results.
In fact, from a keyword perspective, it’s probably the most important part of your listing.
Think about your behavior as an Amazon consumer for a moment. When you search for a product, do you click on each result and carefully inspect the ins and outs of each product details page?
If you do, please be a responsible citizen and turn yourself in to the police.
Normal people look for shortcuts all the time. When shopping on Amazon, that means scanning product titles—often only the first part of product titles—in search of the one most relevant to the consumer’s needs.
Would you read the entire title?
Say it with me, folks: put your most important keywords in your product title, and put your very most important keywords at the beginning of your product title.
Brand name. Product type. Key Features. Size. Color. Quantity.
These are what consumers scan for. Make their lives easy.
Of course, you’re trying to appease the algorithm, too. Regardless of how you look at it, Amazon keywords are essential to your product titles.
One last thing: keep screen size in mind. Your product titles are going to look different depending on the device your prospect is using to browse Amazon. This is yet another reason to put your most crucial keywords first.
Amazon keywords and your product details
The product details page is your opportunity to outline all the best features and benefits of your product in a series of concise bullet points.
It’s also the place to use the keywords you couldn’t fit in the product title.
Product details optimization is important for a couple reasons. Primarily, this is a great chance to nudge the prospect closer to clicking “Add to Cart.” Your outstanding product title brought her here, and now your highly informative bullet points will secure the conversion.
Remember that product conversion rate has a huge influence on the order of Amazon search results. If you slack on your product details page, your bounce rate will go through the roof, and you’ll fall down the search results into ecommerce oblivion.
Why does your prospect need to buy your product right now? Why shouldn’t she get it from another seller? What makes your product unique? These are the questions you need to answer on the product details page.
You also need to optimize your product details page because A9 will index your keywords and use them to inform the ordering of the search results. The logic here is no different from the logic behind your product title—you’re using keywords that make your product relevant to the queries prospective customers are searching.
Amazon keywords and your seller account
Perhaps you’ve heard of “hidden keywords.” Maybe you’ve stumbled across something called “search terms.” Each is a reference to the keywords you’re permitted to enter at the backend of your Amazon seller account.
Via Seller Lift.
Basically, hidden keywords are your opportunity to give Amazon more information about your product—information that consumers won’t see. To draw a parallel to content creation, alt text allows you to give Google more information about an image to help with indexation.
A hidden keyword is a lot like alt text—but for a product rather than an image.
Let’s say you’re selling homemade bumper stickers that advocate for Sen. Bernie Sanders. Through your keyword research, you find that a good number of Amazon users search the query “bumper stickers for liberals.” You’ve dedicated your product title to your brand name, the materials you use, the dimensions of the stickers, and the quantity. You’d like to cash in on the searches for left-leaning automobile accessories, but you don’t have the space.
So, now what?
You enter the keyword “bumper stickers for liberals” into the backend of your seller account!
Keep in mind that—as of August 2018—you only have 250 characters for backend keywords per product. Avoid repeating information conveyed in your product title and bullet points, as doing so will only waste this highly valuable real estate.
To that same end: don’t use commas, semicolons, or any other punctuation to separate your backend keywords. This, like repeated information, is an unnecessary waste of characters.
Unnecessary punctuation makes this an example of bad practices. Via AMZDataStudio.
By reducing the character limit to 250, Amazon has indicated that it’s taking backend keywords more seriously. The company doesn’t want sellers stuffing the character fields with irrelevant information and competitors’ brand names. As such, if you master your backend keywords across your product catalogue, you can expect a considerable boost in the search rankings!
How do I conduct Amazon keyword research?
If the increasingly awesome Mission Impossible film series has taught us anything, it’s that going rogue pays off. If Ethan Hunt breaks protocol to save the world, it follows that you should break protocol to dominate Amazon, right?
Wrong. Ethan Hunt is a fictional action hero and under no circumstances should you emulate him in your pursuit of ecommerce success.
If you want to succeed on Amazon, you need to play by the book. And that means conducting keyword research.
The goal? To compile a comprehensive list of keywords for each product, thus maximizing the number of search queries that trigger your product listings and making your inventory as visible as possible in the Amazon search results.
Here’s how.
1. Target products that complement your product.
As you may have learned in an introductory economics course, complements are products that consumers frequently buy together.
To put it in Amazon terms: everything you see under “Frequently bought together” is a complement to the product displayed on the details page.
By targeting complements to your product—in the bullet points, in the product description, or in the hidden keywords—you make your product visible to people who aren’t directly looking for it and whose search behavior indicates that they may be interested.
In some cases, complements are intuitive. If you sell peanut butter, for example, you’re well aware that your prospects are also in the market for jelly, marshmallow fluff, and bread.
In other cases, however, you’ll have to do some research. Head to your competitors’ product details pages and see what customers are buying in tandem. That should give you a good idea of the complements you want to target.
2. Type into the Amazon search bar and look at the keyword suggestions.
When you begin to enter a search query, Amazon suggests products other consumers frequently search for.
This is a great tactic because it gives you a quick, free snapshot of how your prospects actually use Amazon. Yes, there are keyword research tools that give you tons of valuable, in-depth data—and we’ll get to those—but a lot of ‘em ain’t free.
After meticulously combing through the suggested queries (i.e., entering the type of product you sell followed by different letters of the alphabet), you’ll have yourself a strong list of initial keywords to build on.
3. Look at what you’re ranking for on Google.
If you sell on a website of your own in addition to Amazon, this one is unique to you.
Consumers are more likely to begin product searches on Amazon than on Google. To be precise, whereas 47 percent of online shoppers begin on Amazon, 35 percent begin on Google.
Often, you’ll hear this statistic with the implication that Google is the place where ecommerce businesses go to die. But, hold the phone…
35 percent! That’s millions of online shoppers. Millions of online shoppers are actively looking for products—including yours—on Google. When you think of it that way, incorporating Google into your keyword research strategy sounds like a no-brainer. And it is.
Use Search Console or a tool like SEMrush to see if your website is scoring page one results for any high-volume search queries. Then, target those queries as keywords across your Amazon product listings and seller account!
SEMrush’s organic search position data for nike.com.
This is a doubly effective strategy because it allows you to build brand (or product) awareness with the prospects who take a little longer to convert. Imagine this: a shopper begins on Google, lands on your website, and pokes around a bit. Then, a few days later, when he’s ready to make a purchase, he sees your product in the top Amazon results. Immediately recognizing it from that awesome site he browsed earlier in the week, he clicks on your product and converts!
Google and Amazon can work together to your advantage. Make it happen!
4. Use a keyword research tool.
As much as we like those homegrown strategies, it would be foolish to not incorporate some kind of keyword research tool into your approach.
Here at WordStream, we offer a rather handy keyword tool—completely free of charge. Use it to get an idea of how consumers search for a product like yours, how often they’re conducting these searches, and how much of a challenge it will be to stand out amongst your competitors. It’s a safe bet that keywords with high volume (and high value) on Google will be worthwhile to target on Amazon.
Google’s Keyword Planner is free to anyone with a Google Ads account. If you open your account and navigate to the tools drop-down menu, you’ll see Keyword Planner as an option. From there, you can search as many keywords as you please and see how frequently they’re searched on a monthly basis—as well as the intensity of the competition.
If you’d like to conduct research that’s specific to Amazon, Keyword Tool has an Amazon keyword planner. This keyword planner uses data from the Amazon autocomplete or search suggestion feature and generates a list of long-tail keywords to consider. Sellics also offers a free Amazon-specific tool called Sonar. With it, you can access a keyword’s monthly Amazon search volume as well as the related keywords and the relevant products. Thanks to the latter feature, Sonar is a not only a research tool, but a competitive research tool.
Go forth and succeed!
With the right Amazon keyword research strategy, you’ll make your products visible to more relevant, high-value prospects than ever before. Plus, thanks to well-optimized product titles and product details pages, you’ll turn that boosted visibility into clicks and conversions at an impressive rate.
And it’s a positive feedback loop, too. A good keyword research ethic yields higher visibility. Higher visibility and excellent product titles yield more clicks. More clicks and outstanding product details pages yield more conversions. More conversions yield higher search rankings, and on and on we go.
What are you waiting for? Get that magical loop of ecommerce success going today!
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from https://www.imapplied.co.za/seo/the-ultimate-guide-to-amazon-keyword-research/
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