#it’s because i wanna complete the game in its entirety first
aimseytv · 2 years
change of plan
third part of night in the woods will be today at 7pm GMT and we will (maybe) finishing it!
then.. i’ll do a late night BACK TO ORIGINS stream tomorrow and continue the little glass roof :D
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spicyraeman · 3 months
ooh for the tav asks maybe 2, 4, 10, 22 and 56 for Emra and Virranan (and any other tav you wanna ramble about) :)
Ty for the ask! This one got a bit long so its going under a cut 😅
[Tav Ask Game]
2. What is their class (+ subclass) and why did you choose it?
Virranan: Gloomstalker Ranger, originally they were a beastmaster, but as I fleshed out their backstory gloomstalker just ended up fitting better. As for why I chose it, Vir was my first tav and in every game where I have the option I will always start with a ranger/bow user.
Emra: Great Old One Warlock, picked because of an old convo me and my buddy had about the insane 600ft eldritch blast you can get in Dnd and a hypothetical sniper character you could make with a gun as the focus.
4. Is there a reason why your Tav starts out as Level 1?
I haven't really thought about it much, but its probably mostly just the tadpole for both of them with a mix of Emra being out of his element and Vir being drunk enough to kill 3 grown men before his abduction.
10. What was your Tav like as a child?
Virranan: Before their father's death they were a quiet, curious, and incredibly observant child. Most of their time was spent reading or people watching or wandering the woods around their house. The only friend they had was their raven familiar Quothe, but they didn’t care too much as other kids tended to think they were…odd.
The year after the death of their father, she became despondent and spoke little, he spent most of his time to himself and was content to simply watch the world happen around them.
Emra: An incredibly unassuming child, he tried his best to blend into the woodwork. Being the top dog of the creche meant a lot of pressure and falling to the bottom got you killed so staying in the middle of the pack was his primary goal. 
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22. What is your Tav's first impression of the other companions (Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Wyll ...)
Astarion: Trying to pull a knife on them isn't the best first impression, but it is familiar. She has a feeling that they might have a lot in common, maybe a bit too much.
Gale: Reminds him of the men they used to escort, upper class and too talkative for their own good (even if she actually enjoys listening).
Karlach: Big, loud, and from what she can see, completely honest, probably the most trustworthy out of the lot so far.
Wyll: There's more to this man than meets the eye, he’s too good to be true, nobody acts like that unless they’ve got something to hide. He does seem genuinely nice though so they'll try to put that suspicion to the side till he lets something slip.
Astarion: Bit of a bastard but who isn’t and it's not like this is the first time he’s had a knife pulled on him so no harm no foul. Dealing with him is like herding cats though, which he could definitely do without.
Gale: Talks way to much but at least he's got an okay voice to listen to, and a wizard is always a good this to have on your side.
Karlach: It’s been a long time since he’s almost been eye-to-eye with someone, seems a kindred spirit and like she’s got a good head on her shoulders. 
Wyll: He seems like a genuinely good man, but men who burn as bright as him burn out just as quickly, and he's got a sneaking suspicion he's got a secret something to keep him going, maybe the same something as him.
56. What did your Tav think of the Mindflayer colony?
Virranan: Not much honestly. Disgusted? Mildly, but this is around the time when they realize things are truly getting serious and they’re too busy focusing on the tasks at hand to take in the entirety of the horrors that surround them. Even thinking back on it all he can really remember is freeing Zevlor and Mizora, and killing Ketheric, everything else is a messy blur.
Emra: That place is definitely making it into his top 10 worst places he’s been. He just tries to go through the motions to get where he needs to be without getting covered in too much gore. The one redeeming moment was getting to see Lae’zel accidentally drench Astarion with the gore shoot.
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black-arcana · 4 months
LACUNA COIL's CRISTINA SCABBIA On Artificial Intelligence In Music: 'My First Impression Is That I Hate It Deeply'
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In a recent interview with Brazil's Sonoridades Inc., singer Cristina Scabbia of Italian goth metal veterans LACUNA COIL weighed in on a debate about people using an A.I. (artificial intelligence) music generator as a tool to create melodies, harmonies and rhymes based on artificial intelligence (A.I.) algorithms and machine learning (M.L.) models. Cristina said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I still have to know more about A.I. My first impression is that I hate it deeply. I think that it could be interesting and useful in many ways. But what humans are capable of, it's never 100 percent good. So I know that it will go downward. I mean, we could use it to explore galaxies, we could use it to get better in medicines and science, but I know that a lot of people will be using it for bad reasons.
"Speaking about music, I am confident that the creativity that a human being with emotions, with a soul can have will not be comparable, hopefully ever, to A.I.," she continued. "I think about songs like — I don't know — the one of THE POLICE, 'De-do-do-do, de-da-da-da, is all I want to say to you.' And A.I. would be scratching the forehead, if it had one, and say, like, 'What is this? What does it mean?' But it sounds good. It's rhythmically good. It works with that voice.
"There are so many things you have to bring together to write music, to [put] emotion [across to] other people, to give the emotion that for A.I., it's difficult to bring this emotion because it doesn't have one — yet," Scabbia added. "But my actual opinion is just, like, I want to continue to write music without A.I. for a long time… Maybe it can be helpful. This is my first opinion because I don't know that much. Maybe I don't want to know that much about A.I. I just want to keep it there, just like, 'Eh. I don't know if I wanna know you.'"
During the same chat, Cristina revealed that she and her LACUNA COIL bandmates have completed the demoing process for their follow-up to 2019's "Black Anima" album. She said: "If everything goes as projected, before the end of the year [the new LP] will be released."
LACUNA COIL has just completed the "Ignite The Fire" U.S. tour with support from NEW YEARS DAY and OCEANS OF SLUMBER.
Last month, LACUNA COIL released another new single, "In The Mean Time", featuring Ash Costello of NEW YEARS DAY. The song's title is a reference to the mean times the world is living in, as well as a reference to the state the band itself is in, between cycles.
Last July, LACUNA COIL released the official lyric video for "Never Dawn". For the track, LACUNA COIL partnered with CMON, the renowned board game publisher behind the popular game "Zombicide".
LACUNA COIL has spent some of the last couple of years promoting "Comalies XX", the "deconstructed" and "transported" version of the band's third album, "Comalies".
"Comalies XX" was made available on October 14, 2022 via Century Media Records.
LACUNA COIL celebrated the 20th anniversary of "Comalies", by performing it in its entirety at a one-night-only concert on October 15, 2022 at Fabrique in Milano.
"Comalies" was originally released on October 29, 2002 through Century Media Records. The LP, which featured the band's breakthrough single "Heaven's A Lie", has reportedly gone on to sell over 300,000 copies in the United States alone.
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callmearcturus · 2 years
What made you choose the odin over other similar game boxes?
GREAT question because there are a LOT of options out there, I even did a big post about them a while ago when folks were curious.
I actually started out with a Retroid Pocket 2+ as my first device. I hugely enjoyed it, played a bunch of DS games on it as well as a lot of PSX games. I think the current iteration of it, the Retroid Pocket 3+, is an excellent pick if you want a midtier device. At this point, the RP3+ is like a Odin Lite Lite.
My issue with my RP2+ was that I really wanted the ability to stream games from my PC, because I am a pirate yo ho ho and I wanted access to that much more robust library. Also, my interest in the Dreamcast/Gamecube/PS2 console generation is at its peak right now and that's the library I want to play comfortably.
So when I got a bonus from work, I bit the fucking bullet and got the AYN Odin Lite, because it also happened to be like 50$ off at the time.
(Oooh, which it currently is right now too, go figure!)
For the curious, I loaded my RP2+ with literally as many games as I could stuff into the things and I gave it to a friend as a gift.
I was worried that I wouldn't use the Odin enough to justify the purchase..... but then I immediately put like 20 hours into Pokemon Unbound and I completed Persona 3 Portable. And then I used Parsec to play the entirety of Persona 4 Golden and I am now 80 hours into Persona 5 Royal. And now I might spin up a playthru of SMT4 or the PS2 version of SMT 3 Nocturne, unsure.
Here's the reasons I like the Odin, even though its one of the pricier devices you can get:
Yes, it costs 200USD for the Lite model. But the Lite model does pretty much everything the more expensive Base and Pro models do with minimal compromises. Also for 200USD, you get extremely good components, very comfortable professional feeling buttons and joysticks-- like, this thing feels slightly better than a Switch Lite, honest to god. Unless you wanna dual boot Windows, you don't need more than the Lite.
It has Wifi 6 so it streams like a fucking dream. If the Odin itself can't handle emulating a game but my computer can, I can play flawlessly from Parsec. As I mentioned before, a few weeks ago I was sitting in a cute coffee shop literally like 25 miles away but was playing Persona 5 via Parsec. It also works natively with Game Pass streaming perfectly.
Even without streaming, this fucker is BEEFY. I personally love it for PSP games. Playing at 4x or 5x resolution makes the games look stunning.
My biggest problem with my CFW 3DS is the battery. I tend to play games for 4ish hours at a time, and then put the thing aside for a few days. With my 3DS, the thing will HAVE to be left plugged in or it will be dead by the next time I wanna play. This also means I can't just drop it into my bag to wait around for time to play, it'll inevitably be dead. My Vita and Odin can live in my bag for over a week before I have to worry about the battery. That is HUGE for me.
The Retroid Pocket 2+ very comfortably and ably played up to the DS and most Dreamcast games, but PSP was a crapshoot and even some PSX games weirdly could only run at x1, which was disappointing to me. The Odin Lite can play everything I want to play and as a bonus it can do what seems like half the 3DS library and about 40% of the PS2 library, which I would like to revisit.
Cracked devices and emulation are becoming a hobby of mine as everyone sans Microsoft works around the clock to make their enormous back catalogs fucking inaccessible. The fact the 3DS shop is closing soon pisses me off so much I can barely express it, I think that shit should be illegal. There are so many games and frankly works of art that are going to be completely inaccessible legally! FUCK THE ESA!
Point is, this stuff is important to me. I back up games I never intend to actually play on my external hard drive just in case. But out of all the devices I have played with, my favorites are easily the Odin and my cracked Vita. Both are miraculous, and I feel like I'm literally defeating my "hmmmmm what do I wanna play" indecision thanks to them.
That said, depending on your needs, I still think the Miyoo Mini and the Retroid Pocket 3+ (current iteration of Retroid) are excellent choices. As is a Vita! My god I love my Vita! I've never been a fan of any of the Anbernic devices and would avoid them.
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48787 · 6 months
Fun fact, when someone picks a new deadly sin to represent themself, you can actually eat and become their old one without needing to compromise your previous deadly sins!!
You don't have to be just one! You're actually intended to have quite a few of them, in fact! It's a strange system, I would've designed it differently, but that's just one of the tips and tricks I learned over the years about the Abrihamic meta, if you're trying to minmax.
This system does lead to some people being pressured into picking new sins so the pressurer can maximize sin intake, however it is also important to remember that once you reach all 7 you either (1.) run out and reset your method of sin intake by picking a new starting sin and counting from 1 again or (2.) move on to a new model of sin measurement (Such as Dante's Inferno layers of hell, for instance) and need to retrofit old sins into new ones, which is almost like a soft reset of sorts (For example, needing to figure out how to translate Sloth into the layers structure while accounting for thematic overlaps).
Point (2.) can get complicated when going from a model with more sins to a model with less sins. You have to figure out which sins are being conglomerated and consolidated as well as distributing importance semi-consistently, because you need to make sure there is at least one in the new model that you haven't taken yet.
There, of course, is the universal truth that "You are all Sin all at once and You only wish to quantify sins in the first place to pretend like You are excluded from sins that You are actively embodying (By being Sin, in Sin's entirety)" but that really is just a 1-sin binary model... which necessitates a 0 to explain its existence as 1 in the first place... You get it. The reason why we pick these models is because it's fun.
Sure We are God, but we knew that already and want to pretend like there's more to it than that because it's fun. Sin is fun!! That's why people keep dying (Or living but being tortured through living) for Our sins (It very much did not start with the one big example you're probably thinking of). It's fun!!
Just. Maybe stop dying. I get it can be fun for you, more power to you or whatever, but dying also kinda blows. I know I will sometimes say Till All Are One or whatever but I wanna be One with You... even though you'd be there regardless, under All after all... Whatever.
Anyway if you're wondering, I just ate Wrath, which puts me at:
And I've been teasing at Greed for a while. Though, those are just the ones that are compliant with both the Deadly model and the Inferno model, it gets a bit more complicated considering my Deadly root was Pride and I haven't given that up yet, so to separate the models a bit it'd actually be
With Greed, Sloth, and Envy missing (Sloth is actually maybe next for my deadly chart, and Envy flickers in and out on its own)
With Heresy, Violence, and Fraud regrettably missing (The three flicker like Envy in the Deadly model but it's because sometimes I'm leaning more towards the Deadly model so it is Envy and sometimes I'm in the Inferno model so Envy gets interpreted as one or two of the three without completing it outright, with the stressing on one over the other two or two over the other one allowing for enough of a buffer to be fickle. This is also the reason why Greed is locked in for Inferno but not for Deadly. I tend to prefer Inferno, after all.)
Anyway, yeah, I was just using myself as an example. But if you're thinking about dropping sloth for something else hmu I'll eat it after you.
You also don't have to drop them, if this proves anything it should be proving that you can be multiple at once (That's kinda the whole point actually) so striving to be multiple instead of just relying on revelations to begin swapping might be a game changer for you if you're trying to grapple with your original sins and don't know how to respec without resetting
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teaveetamer · 2 years
Your line about how Edelstans don't admit that she's written for the male gaze "because it would lower their cred as “progressives” if they admitted that this female character was written in a sexist way and they like her like her even though her writing is demonstrably sexist" really makes sense. But for reference, what are some good examples to use for this, in case someone asks me why Egg's writing is sexist? You can give examples for primarily 3H tho if you wanna ignore Nopes altogether.
Full disclosure that I still haven't beaten Scarlet Blaze so there might be more from Three Hopes that I'm not aware of. I'm not ignoring it, I just haven't seen it yet if it exists (someone who has played it in its entirety can speak to it, if they want to chime in).
#1) The game has a huge purity kink with her
This is a common sexist writing trope because it implies that women are only "desirable" so long as they are "unspoiled". Think all of those slut shaming sex ed videos shown in American schools where women are described as tape and if you stick tape to lots of surfaces (have sex with more than just your future husband) it "gets dirty" and "loses its bonding power" (your sex with your husband is less special and valuable).
Now note how Edelgard is almost a sexless being unless she is speaking about or interacting with Byleth? That's not an accident. She is one of the few characters (if not the only character?) in the game who is never even passingly romantic with any of her support partners in their A support. In fact, there's several intimations of romance that she explicitly shuts down. Hubert (he says he loves her, she doesn't say it back), Ferdinand (he starts giving a speech about how his ancestor asked for her ancestor's hand after a duel, she tells him to stop), I suppose you could even argue that Dorothea was having romantic feelings directed toward her (she completely misses the implication).
She does have endings that are romantic, but you can only see those once you, the player, have decided that you do not want her (therefore there is no reason to keep her "pure" for you anymore).
And this purity aspect isn't just exclusive to Crimson Flower. Note how Edelgard has feelings for Byleth in every single route of the game, including ones where she has never interacted with them for more than a minute or two at a time?
She's in love with you and only you. She is eternally pure and waiting for the moment you reach out your haaaaand to her, and if you never do she will either happily die, or only move on after you have 100% made it clear you do not want her.
And if I have to explain why that's sexist here it is: women do not exist solely for the pleasure of men. We have lives. We love and we have desire and there is nothing dirty or wrong about expressing that with as many partners as we want. This idea that women must remain pure and if she doesn't then no man would ever want her is rooted in sexist mentalities stemming from when women were viewed as nothing more than property. Edelgard is treated as the player's "property" to use or dispose of as they please. If she loved anyone but the player, she would be viewed as "damaged goods" (and, if you're aware of the Japanese side of the fanbase, that's actually a semi-common criticism of Dorothea's writing.)
"But what about Female Byleth!" Frankly I don't see "this character exists as my property" to be any less sexist just because it's happening between two women instead of a woman and a man. Byleth's gender is essentially a menu toggle, considering the writing is completely the same between them, and there's no difference in the way this narrative (written primarly by straight men, I might add) is presented.
2) Her agency (it's ambigous at best)
This is something you might miss if you haven't played Fire Emblem for very long, but Fire Emblem has a chronic issue with refusing to allow their female villains to have agency. This stems back from the very first director of FE, Kaga, who explicitly wrote elements of benevolent sexism into his female villains because he believed women were "too pure" to be truly evil. This often took the form of brainwashing, or on occasion, their love for the main villain being too strong to directly fight against him.
The series has broken away from this in some respects in some entries, but it is still very much a feature of modern Fire Emblem. See Aversa from Awakening as a recent example: she only opposes the player because she was kidnapped and mindwiped as a child. You could argue they even added these elements into SoV with Reina and her love for Berkut.
Now we get to Edelgard. If you've had any conversation about her then you've probably asked yourself the question: how responsible was she for her actions, really? And the answer to that is... as responsible as you want her to be.
Ever wonder why you never get rid of TWSITD earlier in any route of Three Houses? Because the developers need them around behind the scenes, "pulling strings" and keeping Edelgard's exact degree of agency up in the air. When you kill her in any of the other three routes she can always be the poor helpless woman controlled by the big bad men in the background, if you want to keep her innocent.
I've never talked about this before, but I think it became really obvious with Hopes. Azure Gleam, TWSITD are not slithering around in the background at all. She's expelled them from the Empire and everything she does is explicitly of her own volition. And what happens to her when the story gets around to trying to hold her accountable for her crimes? She turns into a brainwash victim.
She never has to be directly held responsible for any of her actions, to reinforce the idea that she is an innocent woman.
And if you need me to explain why that's sexist: it's benevolent sexism. Benevolent sexism is still sexism because it still reinforces the sexist societal expectations of women and men. It just does it in a way that seems kinder on the surface. I'll provide an example:
A woman and a man work together. There's a box that needs carrying. The man says to the woman:
"Oh I'll carry it. After all, there's no way a woman could pick up something so heavy" (Hostile sexism)
"Oh let me get that for you. Women are pretty delicate so you shouldn't have to do work like this" (Benevolent sexism)
The meta-message is the same: women are not supposed to lift heavy things because that is a "man's job". In Fire Emblem's case, it's that women can't be villains because women are supposed to be innocent and pure and good. The only way a woman could do villainous things is if a man is forcing her to go against her pure nature through manipulation or brainwashing. This puts women on a pedestal, and elevates us to something superhuman. But it's not a good place to be, either, because women are people just like anyone else and real life women are never going to be able to maintain that pedestal position for very long.
I could go into it more and the effects it has on women, but that's getting a bit out of the scope for this post. I'd be happy to explain further if anyone is curious, but the gist of it is: it's bad for the same reason porn can be bad. If you aren't aware of how unrealistic it is then it creates unachievable expectations that no real human being would ever be able to live up to.
3) Some of the writing around her is weird, and occasionally just straight up creepy.
It's stuff like her having an emotional moment and then cutely screaming at rats, or seeing horrible experimentations at Remire and then blushing over being teased, or watching two of her subordinates die and then immediately uwuing about how she doesn't want you to see the drawing she's making of you.
It's clear that her being cute and appealing to the player is consistently taking priority over the actual narrative. Her value is as a love interest first and a character second.
And if you want to know why that's sexist: Women have lives and stories to tell. Our experiences and our stories should not be subordinate to our romantic appeal.
As for the stuff about her writing that's just straight up creepy? You'll have to consult with blogs more familiar with the language and culture than mine, but as a taste... In the Japanese, there are some things that they definitely didn't localize over. For example, I believe at Remire one of your options leads to Byleth essentially joking that Edelgard is flat-chested. (EDIT: I've been informed that it wasn't a boob joke. It was teasing Edelgard over her reaction to the tragedy of it basically being "ewww gross". Which probably belongs in the above category about how she's written to be childish/cute to appeal to the player). And in one of their supports (I think C+?) Byleth can joke about being a creepy old man coming by her room in the middle of the night to steal her panties.
Because you know what we really needed in that scene where characters are reacting to horrific human experimentations leading to madness and murder and a burning village... was a joke about a woman's breast size. (EDIT: See above. Still, a very weird moment to bring in her acting like a child seeing a slimy snail or something.) And I'm sure that PTSD flashback dream conversation wouldn't have been complete without her teacher joking about wanting to sniff her panties while jerking off.
Like I said, they didn't bring that over to the English release (because of course they wouldn't it's horrible) but it just goes to show that the developers viewed Edelgard as a sexual object before anything else.
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I need to see the spreadsheet please
Also if CUR doesn't rank top 5 we are mortal enemies
I hate to inform you, but the reason I've been rather protective of the spreadsheet's entirety is because I know, for a fact, that I have some rather unpopular opinions on these games that the more dedicated fandom would probably not like.
Also, my rankings are very subjective, and they tend to come down to one thing: How stressed I was playing the game. A lot of factor's can contribute to this. For example, how often I got stuck and had to use a walkthrough guide to get unstuck; how rewarding the plot was; how intuitive the controls were; etc.
That being said, I'm a massive weenie, and spooky games tend to do unfairly worse in my ratings because they stress me out. Meanwhile, cozy and snowy games tend to do unfairly better, which only pushes the spooky games further down the list.
Having said all that, I regret to inform you that Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor placed 24/34. It placed below Treasure in the Royal Tower, and above Message in a Haunted Mansion. Here's the full spreadsheet where I also account for if I had watched Gab Smolder's playthrough beforehand and which order I played the games in. The more games I played, the more familiar with the series I got. It also doesn't help that the first UI had awful click-points and navigation arrows, but I digress. Here's the full thing:
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Of course, this was all for my own personal fun, so nobody take this too seriously. If you wanna know why I ranked a certain game the way I did, you can always ask. I might not always remember, but I can try giving my reasons. I ranked them in real-time, immediately after finishing them, so while I have fondness and neo-nostalgia for a lot of the games I ranked poorly, they're often ranked so because my first playthrough was stressful.
Also, each of the red squares in the "Ranking" column is a comment I've added because something abnormal occurred during this game that affected its rating. I will post the red-square comments below.
Nancy Drew Ranking Addition Comments
The additional comments will not appear in the order in which they were ranked. Instead, they will be organized by the release number of the game.
Game 01 - Secrets Can Kill (Original Version)
I encountered a bug that softlockered the game, forcing me to start over from a previous save. It then happened again, and instead of loading, I saved over my previous save, meaning I had to restart from even further back.
During her second-to-last conversation with Daryl Gray, Nancy receives a note. Daryl mentions this note; however, if the player chooses two out of the five dialogue options and then doesn't end the conversation, the note is lost and broken forever. The game cannot progress until Nancy sees this note.
Game 02 - Stay Tuned for Danger
This game is notorious for being easily softlocked. The wire-cutters, which cause the issue, would've softlocked my game, too, if I hadn't been using a walkthough guide for the majority of the game.
Game 14 - Danger by Design
This game was previously "disqualified" because I softlocked it and was unable to complete it without restarting.
There is a book Nancy must buy from one of the merchants in order to escape the art vault. However, when diving in the catacombs, a rat will steal one item from the player. The rat stole this essential book, and I did not know it was essential. I had not opened or read the book. As a result, Nancy made no note of it in her journal. As a result, the game was softlocked because it incorrectly assume I had the information I needed. This game would've been the first instance a softlock would've forced me to start over, completely, if I hadn't used a walkthrough guide to cheat.
This initially made me so upset that I "disqualified" the game for it. However, in hindsight, The Deadly Device literally made me cry, and I spent four days on it. Still, though, Danger by Design is not a fantastic game and only gained one point.
Game 22 - Trail of the Twister
I managed to softlock this game. However, the problem was not the game, itself. Instead, it was Wine/CrossOver. I was playing the game via CrossOver on Linux, and for some reason, the entire game worked flawlessly except using the key to open Scott's desk. You have to open his desk at the end of the game in order to trigger the final task. As a result, the game was softlocked. However, when I moved my save files over to a Windows machines, the desk opened, no problem.
Game 33 - Midnight in Salem
This is probably the hardest rank in the entire spreadsheet. This is because the story and plot within the game were fantastic. This was probably one of the best Nancy Drew plots within the entire series. However, this game had serious graphical and performance issues. In addition, the navigation controls were a regression back to the original few games, with clickboxes that were not only difficult to find, but also led you to places that you didn't expect them to. Overall, the plot was fantastic, but the graphics were abysmal. I'd say this game looks even worse than STFD. At least that game has a somewhat neo-nostalgic charm to it.
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femmesandhoney · 10 months
hiii idk if you’ve been asked this before but what is your favorite song on lana’s new album?? for me it’s definitely either margaret or the grants, also what is your favorite album of hers? cuz i’d say her most popular songs are from born to die (summertime sadness) and ultraviolence (brooklyn baby) (which are both amazing albums actually- old money/sad girl/cruel world/fucked my way to the top/black beauty etc and dark paradise/blue jeans/carmen/this is what makes us girls/ are definitely some of my favs of hers and all own my heart completely…) but also i feel like some of her other albums are so underrated.. i especially love chemtrails over the country club, (wild at heart is another all time favorite) honeymoon, and norman fucking rockwell. but yeah anyways i wanna know your opinions!!
to save you time im just gonna list some of my favorite songs off each of her albums, because i'm truly a fan of all her albums and music. ofc there are some albums and songs i gravitate to less frequently, but i still enjoy them lots. in no particular order,
born to die + paradise
lucky ones
this is what makes us girls
off to the races
without you
(okay i enjoy paradise a lot it seems lmao) i think born to die is somewhat underrated by new fans who just listen to the basics and don't actually give love and attention to all the other bangers, it's like a weird paradox on tik tok
florida kilos
shades of cool
money glory power
west coast
i took longer to get into this album than you may expect. really caught me off guard sound wise after listening to BTD and Honeymoon. it's good, i'm in the mood for it more often than not, but i also wouldn't list it as the top of my list. i think a lot of "fans" of lana have this era of her locked in their minds and she fights to escape it. it's a curious album to me for that reason, i try to understand what's so intriguing about it to make people keep her locked in their minds as a young twenty something women in abusive relationships.
terrence loves you
god knows i tried
swan song
i personally think honeymoon is a no-skip perfect album, i really love each song and listen to it through and through. i took to this album immediately as a teenager and i find it so comforting. if i ever was held at gunpoint and told to for real pick a favorite album in its entirety, i would probably say honeymoon.
lust for life
in my feelings
white mustang
13 beaches
i took foreverrrrr to sink into this album, way longer than UV, i think it was my final mental block into becoming a solid fan of lana as an artist and not just her music. i began to appreciate her lyricism, her creativity, her commitment to be authentic in her art with this album and it carries me as a fan of hers today. the genre switch up from her other albums stumped me for ages and eventually i just sat down and listened to it on repeat until it was less intimidating and i could appreciate it in full. not her best album stretch or anything, but some amazing iconic and gorgeous songs
norman fucking rockwell
bartender (if i could marry a song, it would be this)
how to disappear
venice bitch
fuck it i love you
i really enjoy this album, but i actually don't gravitate to many of the songs as individuals. as a cohesive piece of art, it's insanely good. she should have won AOTY for it. no one is doing it like lana. she's always ahead of her time.
chemtrails over the country club
tulsa jesus freak (my beloved)
white dress
chemtrails over the country club
dark but just a game
this album took me a bit longer to love all the songs, but lana is such a beautiful lyricist it won me over. i also think the first 3 songs on this album are probably her most perfect opening stretch. some of my all time favorite songs of hers, but the album itself i don't rank as my highest or anything
blue banisters
nectar of the gods (top tier)
wildflower wildfire
text book
black bathing suit
i actually really loved this album pretty quick, it's the sister to COTCC but it really does have a completely different vibe, idk how lana does it
did you know there's a tunnel under ocean blvd
taco truck x VB (i had this shit on REPEAT)
jon batiste interlude
i'm glad she's getting recognition for this album, it's sort of a cumulation of the journey she's had since chemtrails and i think it's such a solid beautiful work
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latin-dr-robotnik · 11 months
I'm sad to report Sonic Superstars completely falls apart during the second and final campaigns. The worst of the Advance syndrome of cheap difficulty, bottomless pits, bad enemy placement and confusing level design gets combined with levels that already overstay their welcome in the main game, bosses that were already too damn long and now are even longer, with long phases and, in the case of the final bosses of each campaign, no checkpoints between those 4+ minute phases.
I'm heartbroken. I wanted to love Superstars, and I kinda did during the main campaign, but playing the extra campaigns just made me hate it and brought back flashbacks of the worst experiences I've had playing 2D Sonic games. Frustration, bad design (a booster into a wall that insta-kills you, for example) and having to re-do fights that easily balloon up to 10 MINUTES and beyond.
Honestly, I don't know what they were thinking, and the worst part is that those campaigns are required to reach the True Final Boss, which might be the worst Sonic boss fight ever. It's broken, you lose rings during cutscenes, you will be hit with cheap shots and deaths, the game will give you rings whenever it feels like, the boss will take you out of the ring collecting phase at random, forcing you to wait another full timer to get rings from your friends, and it ends with a wonky QTE that you have to nail several times without taking a single hit and without running out of rings. THE ONLY QTE OF THE GAME, and it's here. It's no Frontiers QTE, it's closer to Forces in concept but that game did it better. Oh, and if you don't have like 20 rings or so after beating the boss, the game will kill you and you'll have to do the entire thing again. I know, it happened to me. I had to re-do the entirety of that shitty fight like 3 times. Awful.
It feels like a repeat of The Final Horizon's flaws, but this time with none of its good parts. I could sit here and say that Superstars is a nice 8/10 based entirely on my first campaign experience, but I can't pretend like the rest of the game doesn't exist, because you'll have to experience those extra campaigns if you wanna get your Super Sonic fight and fully beat the game.
There's a good game in Superstars, but it's buried very deep under tons of idiotic decisions and core issues that I don't know if could be resolved with patches. Cheap artificial difficulty killed this game for me.
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rotisseries · 1 year
idk anything about loz but do you wanna explain how hyrule is old as balls
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i would LOVE to explain why hyrule is old as balls!!! this applies to both hyrule as a kingdom and the land itself
ok so. first of all. all the mainline games technically fit into a timeline. now the timeline was made AFTER most of the games came out and its clearly not nintendo's no.1 priority when they make their games (it's not mine normally either. personally my preferred interpretation is that all the games are just different versions of the same hyrulean folktale? but the timeline is fun to consider) but nevertheless it IS canonical and amazingly they don't seem to really overtly contradict each other?? I haven't played a lot of the games so I don't know for sure but it works
anyway this is the timeline
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orignally published in 2011 in the hyrule historia, this is a version where someone added breath of the wild, as nintendo stated it comes at the end of the timeline. now you may notice 3 splits. that's not really super important here but botw supposedly comes at the end of all of them equally. unlikely for the one on the far right, but again, unimportant rn)
first thing to establish before we really start getting into it, with the exception of a few games with direct sequels, all of these games have new incarnations of zelda, link, and ganon. (with the exception of twilight princess, the second game in the middle line, which includes the same ganon from the previous game) I haven't played every zelda game, but the ones that I have played present you with the story of the cycle as though it is far enough back that its a mixture of history and legend. everyone who would remember the last events is dead by the time there's a new cycle. so there's at minimum, probably 150-200 years between each new cycle, keep that in mind
now, I'm starting at breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom because I wanna work my way backwards. so, in breath of the wild, it's already been 100 years since the last time anything significant happened. we're already working on a timespan of 100 years. what happened 100 years prior is that link, zelda, and 4 champions were prepping for the next time ganon rose, and then he did but he got them off guard and they weren't ready and most of them died and link had to be put asleep for 100 years to get healed while zelda kept ganon from completely destroying the world in the meantime.
NOW before THAT, the hyrule of botw's LAST cycle was 10k years ago. that is a LONG fucking time already, it's so old that this hyrule is incredibly divorced from its history, the more significant lore of the triforce is little more than a symbolic royal family crest, and it isn't directly referenced at all. all that this hyrule knows is that 10k years ago was the last time ganon rose, and hero and princess defeated him, so they know that they're gonna have to prep for it again, I also can't actually remember but I think? this may also be the first generation in a while that knows of the legend at all, hence why they're the first to prep for it. so anyway, already, at the end of the timeline, hyrule as a civilization is at a minimum 10k years old, for reference, in OUR world, 10k years ago humans were still living in caves. earth was just coming out of the ice age.
now, the latest game, tears of the kingdom actually shows us this 10k years ago, it's shown to us as the early days of the kingdom with its first king and queen. BUT it's still at the end of the timeline. how do I know this? and not that it's possibly at the start? 1. that contradicts a fair amount of previously established lore lol. in tears of the kingdom you get show this dessicated ganon mummy that's been lving under the castle from 10k years ago. if that was the beginning of hyrule entirely then it means for the entirety of the timeline there's been 2 ganons in existence. which is kind of. um. not how it works. ("but what about the ganon they fight in botw?" you may ask. I get the impression that wasn't a real ganon but just a manifestation of mummy ganon's power as he attempts to break free so its not like. a new ganon incarnation)
so anyway, it doesn't work super well if 10k years ago hyrule is actually the first hyrule, and already in the lore the kingdom of hyrule has risen and fallen countless times, it's gone through lots of wars. so I'm thinking the most likely explanation is that hyrule from any previous games fell, all memory of it died out, and then a new hyrule eventually rose in its place, hence why the king and queen self identify as the first king and queen of hyrule. so, AGAIN, the hyrule at THE END OF THE TIMELINE. is already like. hundreds or thousands of years removed from all the previous cycles.
now we're gonna work our way back to the beginning. so, there's 3 different timelines shown on the picture, but only one of them, the middle one, can actually be canonically achieved in the game they split from, ocarina of time, so we're going up the middle line. it's also the shortest span of time, so we're counting hyrule's years at a most generous minimum here.
so, there's an unknown amount of time between 10k years ago tears of the kingdom hyrule, and the last game on the middle line, four swords adventures. got no idea how much time is there but it's probably a lot, bc, again, civilization falling and rising again.
moving on, now when looking into this more, while again, I'm very rarely given explicit and specific time frames, there's generally supposed to be a few hundred years between four swords adventures and the previous game, twilight princess.
now, at twilight princess. as previously stated, that is the same ganon (this is also the first ganon to appear, all games chronologically prior to ocarina of time feature other villains) as the game before it, ocarina of time. (majora's mask, the game actually listed right before it on the timeline, is a direct sequel to ocarina of time and doesn't have significant bearing on this count) the lore of ocarina of time involves a lot of time travel, and in this center timeline, and the achievable canonical ending of the game, link defeats ganon and then goes back in time to warn the hyrule leaders, and ganon is stopped before he can ever get started. he's set to be executed, but evidently they don't succeed, because he's back at it again in twilight princess (I haven't played either of those games so I don't know the specifics) I don't know how long ganon's life expectancy is (clearly a lot though. he still looks like a middle aged man), but twilight princess has a new link and zelda, so assuming ocarina of time link lived a long and healthy life, it's probably been almost a century at minimum. this is also likely the closest gap between games.
now, from ocarina of time to the game before it. there is a vague "countless eras long" hyrulean civil war. so that's another couple hundred years between oot and four swords (different from four swords adventures)
now from four swords to the game prior, minish cap, is another vague and indeterminate amount of time, but it's for sure a new zelda and link, so that's probably over a hundred years again.
AGAIN with the unknown amount of time, we go back from minish cap to skyward sword. skyward sword is the first in the timeline, featuring the first link, the first zelda, and the earliest form of ganon, an evil god called demise who curses link and zelda to forever be reincarnated and to keep having to deal with his ass. now, skyward sword takes place in, the sky!!
the lore of this game is that, an unknown amount of time, long ago, demise cracked open the earth (already full of prospering people btw. no mention of a kingdom though. but keep that in mind. these weren't hyrulean cavemen these were societies) and monsters poured out, he was looking for the triforce, which was passed down from the golden goddesses (hyrule's creation gods) and protected by hylia, another goddess of the land, the triforce is capable of granting any wish to the person who has it. hylia took the triforce and sent it skyward on a piece of land (to be called skyloft) with the remaining surviving humans (hylians. despite the fact hylians are categorically an elven race, they are referred to interchangeably with the term human in the zelda games) hylia then took up forces with the remaining land dwellers (bc there are other races and they just got stuck on earth. fuck those guys ig) and they fought a vicious war that finally resulted in hylia sealing demise away. peace was restored to the surface, but the humans were left up in skyloft because she knew the seal wouldn't hold forever. hylia knew she wouldn't be able to defeat demise again without the help of the triforce, but a goddess can't use the triforce, so she gave up on immortality and was eventually reincarnated as a hylian. the first zelda. the first zelda is literally a direct reincarnation of a goddess. all future zeldas share her bloodline. (funny thing about this is you're never introduced to a hyrulean queen, there's only ever princess zelda and her father, despite the fact their divine right of kings follows a matrilineal line)
an unknown amount of time after the imprisoning war, we're at present day skyloft. they have little memory of the surface and the imprisoning war. og zelda ends up getting thrown down to the surface, where she discovers that she's a goddess incarnation and what her duty is. she's going to purify herself at springs and shit, while link follows trying to find her. there's a bunch of shit that happens while link follows her, eventually there's some time travel where he follows her back to when the goddess had first sealed away demise, zelda tells him she's a reincarnation, hylia intended for the triforce to be used by a chosen hero with an unbreakable spirit (link!!), she ends up getting sealed into a crystal so she can be awoken in her own time, the works. he goes back, does some other shit, part of skyloft breaks off and comes crashing down, and link and zelda decide to stay on the surface. hyrule as a kingdom is founded sometime between this game and the next.
so. to recap. the end of the timeline is already over 10k years removed from the last cycle. and then there's a couple hundred to a thousand years from THAT to ocarina of time, where the timeline splits. THEN there's another couple hundred to a thousand years from ocarina of time to skyward sword, the beginning of the cycle. and at the time of skyward sword, which is the prologue to the FOUNDING OF HYRULE. the land is already a few hundred years old ABSOLUTE MINIMUM. and had thriving and complex societies with technology BEFORE humans ever even got sent into the sky. all this together I'm estimating around 15k years of thriving society. at 15k years ago our earth had just started warming after about 100k years of ice age. and they already had technology. hyrule is an OLD ASS kingdom and all the intelligent civilizations on its land are even older. what the fuck
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dirkpilled · 2 years
Just some thoughts on the charger weapon class in Splatoon 3, and why I think everyone can benefit from playing charger!
Splatoon 3 is a shooter game with no aim assist, so everything is raw input. This can be kind of scary at first, especially if you had no experience with shooters before like I had before picking up Splatoon. In fact, I purposely only played rollers and brushes for almost the entirety of Splatoon 2 because I was insecure in my ability to aim well.
If you’re like me, and don’t have much experience with shooters and aiming, you probably did the same thing .. and by nature of this fear that you’re horrible at aim, using a charger would be your worst nightmare. You have to actually perfectly be on a target to kill the target because they’re snipers... but I’m telling you they’re such a great class to improve your aim greatly.
Even if you’re a roller main at heart ( like me ) aim will actually make your gameplay 10x better with a roller even though rollers are typically more forgiving if you can’t aim well. and if you’re a shooter.. prepare to get a lot better once you start using a charger. I went from barely being able to get 3 kills while using a shooter to averaging 7-13 kills. I also die a LOT less.
Here are some key things to remember when first trying out playing chargers:
1.  Don’t be worried about how many kills you get or how many games you win.
Starting off you might lose tons of games, always die, and barely, if ever kill. That’s completely okay. The first 5 of games  I played using a charger  I couldn’t manage to muster a single kill. Once I got one, I treated it like an Olympic medal. After playing charger for about 2 months now, I can get 5-8 kills on average and 10+ on a good day, dying no more than 3 times on a bad game!  Don’t get discouraged, try out different locations and types of chargers.
2. You have scary dog privilege. 
People are really scared of chargers. Even if you don’t do anything one round, you technically did, because your sheer presence makes the other team more wary to push  to your side of the map. No joke. It isn’t always like this (especially if you keep dying and the other team takes note of that) but simply you being there is enough of a scare tactic to get a lot of players to back off. You help even if you feel like you’re doing horribly, don’t worry.
And here are some tips  that can help you long term..:
1. Be okay with  changing positions.
When a lot of people start charging, they may feel comfortable only sitting in one spot of the map , never moving there, and it becomes predictable for the other team. You may notice that once you get killed at one spot a couple of times, the other team will continuously throw bombs and be around that area to prevent you from coming. Being able to move positions, moving forward at a push, or moving back to keep yourself from dying, will help you dramatically in the long run and prevent you from dying so much. You may even wanna change positions to get a better look at players! Moving as a charger is really helpful. Plus, the current Splatoon maps are so powerful for chargers ( especially E-liter, the poor map design alone makes E-liter a top tier weapon pick) so  its easy to move and have a decent view.
2.  Use the new movement options, they’ll benefit you.
In Splatoon 3, we got the new squid roll and squid surge. While squid surges really aren’t that helpful for chargers with long charge times, squid roll is beneficial for every single player, including people playing chargers. Squid roll is what helps prevent me dying so much. Always squid roll even if you’re not doing anything particularly interesting;  squid rolls can save you from bombs, people coming at you, and some specials! (Plus it’s so fun to do!)
Many chargers also have a charge hold, which pops you out of the ink really fast once you stop swimming. I use this to my advantage ALL the time. by holding your charge, swimming and popping up periodically or extremely fast makes you less predictable and harder to hit. I use this the most when I don’t know where the other teams players are, or if another charger is trying to hit me.
3. Pay attention to certain enemy weapons.
Dualies and inkbrushes are your WORST nightmare as a charger. Dualies move considerably fast and inkbrushes are also extremely fast when running with the brush down. get away from these players as FAST as possible to prevent dying and keep an eye on them more than other players so they don’t sneak up on you!
4. Get gear that can benefit your playstyle and makes you feel good.
What I mean by this is don’t just always slap something on because someone tells you to slap it on. Gear abilities will change from how you play, and you should pick something to wear because you want to wear it and like how it looks. Wearing something you find ugly only for the abilities it has can make you feel less good if customization really matters to you like it does for me! Here’s what I run for my E-liter, because I want less time spent staying in the ink or being dead and because I love the outfit:
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... That’s all, of course you don’t have to get better at aim if you don’t want to, play however you like and what’s most fun! However, if you want to get better at aim, build more confidence with your aim, or start using chargers, I hope this can help you. You should play chargers as they can improve your aim very fast. <3 
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seahdalune · 9 months
Seana’s 2020 art highlights (a thread)
(Note: this is a reupload of a thread i did on twitter a few years back. so these are really old.)
January: i didn’t draw anything complete that month.... closest thing i could find to finished is this art i made of my OC, Angelord. man. remember when i drew my OCs? [2023 note: it's..... funny you say that. you would try to start up an original comic for the entirety of next year.... not that it ever came to fruition.]
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February: i finished Link’s Awakening that month. i drew Marin bc i thought she was cute. i wish i could get motivated to draw fanart of recent video games i finished more... this is probably the last proper traditional art i made this year... after this, it’s mostly digital.
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March: look. i’m attempting anatomy... and i failed lol. i remember being like “how do you draw woman” after drawing this... i mean. i still wanna know how to draw woman, so i guess i haven’t changed lol. [2023 note: I STILL DONT KNOW HOW TO DRAW WOMEN]
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April: wait NVM here’s another traditional piece i made this year. he was an adoptable i made... but nobody was interested in them so he’s with me for now. i’ll try and redesign them, either to sell them or to keep him. [2023 note: i never sold this guy.... i was lazy and nobody values points these days. probs for the best because scamming children with virtual coins is probably not a good idea lmao. at the same time, i wish there was an easy way to buy and sell designs+commissions without having to get a credit card or paypal or something.]
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May: another month where i didn’t draw anything. buuut i did some plush sketches to reference so das dat. [2023 note: you'll probably be able to name most charas here, but who's the guy i drew the most? that's Matteo, he's a little pink vampire and i made him through Gatcha Life.]
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June: ah. the month where i started digital art. this was fanart for my friend’s OC. i didn’t know a lot of features of digital art so it looks like shit LOL not the first digital art i made ever, but it might as well be. [2023 note: i actually received my tablet around 2018, but i never had time to draw on it because i had 1 hour of screentime every day. this restriction was finally lifted in 2020 (because online classes) and i finally had time to venture out into the world of digital art...]
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July: i made a lot of stuff this month, but to shorten the list... i finished the plush of my OC, Matteo. i wanna make another plushie... maybe with Suitcase.
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this was also the month i joined the OSC... oh hell. it’s been 6 months?? [2023 note: 2 YEARS BITCH. ITS GONNA BE YOUR 3RD ANNIVERSARY if i didn't get so tired and started to hate the community so much.]
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August: ...ergh. lets get over with this month quickly... Object OCs this. Object OCs that.
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occasional Algebians.
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i do not like the art here... it really shows that i’ve improved. ok let’s get outta here. [2023 note: i fucking despise the person who asked me why "they were old" to my humanizations of the Dangos. this is why i refuse to join another public server ever again and might have contributed to the delay of my human drawing skills.]
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September: lots of Taco II. i seriously liked her a lot. still do, but the love is a bit more spread out between characters.
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oh. and i watched ONE that month. cool.
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October: i finally found a style that i could weld. hooyah.
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don’t ask why i drew my friend as a cat maid... i thought it was funny ok.
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September: the month of gift art. nothing else to say, but i like the thin lines. yes, ‘thin’. ...god i need to think of better things to say. [i would then realize i said the wrong month, and unlike tumblr, i cannot edit tweets once published, so my only option was to delete the whole thing and start over. or just say this:] did i just say September... oh for fucks- no i am not fixing this i’m already tired of this just imagine i said November ok
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December: best art of this year so far (doh) nothing to say. just... happy that i improved. can’t wait to improve even more.
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[hey look! i was in the 2020 JnJ christmas video! thats me! me!!]
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aaand, that’s all for this year! man, i thought i was done with improvement. i can’t believe i proved myself wrong. usually other people do that for me lol. lets see if i can disprove myself again in 2021.
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sanpatron · 2 years
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Anonymous asked:
so uh.... thoughts on Saints Row 2022? heard its uh.
its bad. really bad. "You butchered everything" kind of bad
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I don’t wanna turn this into a full-fledged review sorta deal, but I feel like as your resident Sai/nts Row man, I should at least talk about my thoughts a little bit. Though before I get into anything, I wanna say two things.
First; despite my feelings towards the reboot, I really don’t hate it. I was super disappointed by it in a lot of areas, but I’m not like “oh my god this is the worst thing in the world, I can’t believe the developers broke into my home, kicked my dog, and then set my place on fire”. A lot of reviews have been crazy harsh and I just think that kind of attitude is tiring. But again, that’s just me.
Second; I feel like I might have to reevaluate everything given the recent announcement on how they’ll be fixing up a lot of things. For anyone curious you can learn more about it here. Not entirely sure how substantial any of the fixes are gonna be (I mean it ain’t like they can redo the story), but I guess we’ll just wait and see.
Anyway, my thoughts will be under the read more!
So to basically summarize everything, I think at the very least the gameplay is like mid to decent at best. There’s a lot of weird shit involving the combat where it doesn’t feel as good as it might have in previous entries (I’m sure we all know about gameplay feel and etc). But I don’t think it’s bad enough to make me not want to go around the map and fuck around, And once co-op has been fixed, I’m sure that’ll help substantially too.
The activities can be fun, but they don’t feel as integral to the story as they should be. They’re more like blatant padding cause the story is so weirdly short for whatever reason. Like in the first two games you didn’t even have to complete them all in their entirety to continue the main missions, just do enough to earn the Respect you need to unlock more. Not only that, but they’d let you earn Respect through other methods as well; stunts, diversions, buying stuff, etc.
The map is a step up from Steelport TREMENDOUSLY. There’s a lot more character and variety to the city, but it’s still missing a certain sort of something that made me really fall in love with Stilwater. Probably the grime? I think it might be a bit too clean in some aspects. Also if you’re gonna have a big corpo faction in the game, then you definitely need to make them feel a lot more oppressive than they’re depicted. Like ULTOR had their hands in everything compared to Marshall.
Now my biggest issues are regarding the plot and the new cast. The plot is way too short. Like ridiculously so. It feels like some basically had an outline or a draft of what they wanted the story to be, and wound up just using that while totally forgetting to beef it up. The stakes aren’t really there, we don’t have much to see when it comes to the rival gangs, the tone is frankly all over the place, and for a game that was marketed as an origin story, it really doesn’t feel like much of one. Especially for the main four because they’re already so close with each other when you start the game.
Also I don’t hate the new group entirely. Like in theory they could work out well. But the biggest problem is that I think they play it too safe with them. For a bunch of career criminals who decide to form a gang cause of really uninteresting reasons, the writers REALLY wanted to portray them as good people. And I know that’s a bit rich given what I’ve been doing with Boss here, but I always make it a point to say that he’s more than capable of starting shit whenever he feels like it. He just sees no reason to.
If you’re going to write about a gang then don’t hesitate in making them assholes! Like I’m sorry, but there is no way in hell this weird sanitized version of them is going to work out or even be remotely interesting. It feels like the misconception of what “morally grey” characters are. Honestly “sanitized” is they key word here; from the gang, to the tone, to even the violence that’s played out. All of it feels way too clean for my liking.
Anyway, I could go into further details about stuff like them trying to go for spaghetti western themes at literally the end of the game, or some gameplay choices that I don’t agree with, but like I said, I don’t want this to be a full-on review of SRR. Just wanted to get some thoughts out there.
Hope this answers your question well enough!
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aetheternity · 3 years
So sweet, just for me
Synopsis: Just some stories where reader takes care of Virgin! Armin.
Disclaimer: Unprotected sex, blowjobs, Sub Armin and sexually experienced Y/N are all present in this. Minors exit now.
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☆☆Just Summer Things☆☆
Sweat coursed down the expanse of every inch of your body. Or maybe it was water you weren't really sure. A set of carefully trimmed nails shivered and shook beside your head, digging into the grimy tree bark. Locks of sun kissed blonde hair stuck to parts of your neck, face and collarbone as you coaxed Armin's breathing down. Forehead resting uncomfortably against the bark and your ass firmly seated against his hips.
"How do you feel sweet boy?"
"I-I.." He panted, pulling his face back a little. Blue doe eyes full of lust and the sweet shine of tears.
His cock currently pressed delicately against your g-spot during what started out as a normal water balloon fight. Between the boys and the girls of course. You guys had all come out during late afternoon, Sasha and Connie started tossing water balloons and teams formed accordingly.
At some point you'd run off to what you thought was a safe zone only to find Armin perched in the bushes. Contemplation etched into his soft features.
"Move slowly ok." You encourage. You were surprised by how big he was sure but the warning was more so this could last for a while.
He nodded where you were still holding the back of his head. His nails cautiously unlatching from the tree moving instead to sink into the fat of your hips while at the same time his once snugly nestled cock began to move. The sweet drag forcing your toes to curl and your eyes to shut. A small exhale cresting off your lips.
A breathy moan fell from his trembling lips as he pulls you in closer. Wrapping his arms around your waist and squeezing around you like a lifeline.
You'd met Armin only two years ago through Jean and continued to crush on him for the entirety of those two years. Until today when he'd admitted to you that he was a little ashamed of being a virgin while consistently having to listen to Eren, Connie and Jean's conquests.
You told him they were probably lying about at least half of those stories but it only got you a small smile. So you decided to do him one better and offer to take his virginity.
It wasn't selfish. It was a win win. He would receive a conquest story to tell and you would get what you'd been craving since you'd first seen him in Jean's apartment shirtless and trying to help fix the messed up drain.
"Feels good?" You chuckle huskily
"Oh my God.." He huffs into your skin. 
His hips worked themselves up a little faster. A slightly clumsy pace forming but he was new at this so you weren't mad.
"Armin slow down baby, I don't want you to get ahead of yourself."
"I-i'm sorry.. j-ust feels amazing.."
One of his hands hesitantly snaked up your shirt. Skittish in the way he palmed at your breast. Though he quickly eased up when you replied to the affection with a little mewl.  
It felt surprisingly amazing for you as well. Considering the situation and the fact that Armin had never done this with anyone. This really was his first time.. What a weird thing to tell people. My first time was at a water balloon fight against a tree.
You hummed when the pleasure started to sit in your stomach. Legs trembling a bit as he pumped inside you a little faster. Any other time you would've just thrown your head back and relaxed, especially since his dick was so perfectly filling right now but-
"Armin, slow down." Your breathing was a little raspy.
He replied with a whimpery moan, thighs shaking against your sides. You reached an arm around grabbing his hips with your hand to slow them. It seemed to catch his attention because those soft doe eyes were wide.
"You'll get to cum baby I promise you, ease up a bit it's not a race." He nodded in affirmation and you smiled warmly.
Silk strands warm under your guided fingers as he pulled all the way out and slowly eased back in. A collective united moan exiting both your mouths. You'd shut your eyes but they worked themselves back open at the almost unnoticeable twitch of his cock head.
Your favorite part.
"Mm baby so close.." You whisper, your lip coming to tuck itself under your teeth.
A small chorus of yes's and little gasps fall from his open mouth. His skin somehow easing out of tomato red and into surface of the sun red.
You pull him close making sure his eyes were open. "I need you to cum for me ok? But make sure no one hears you." You say, and fuck is it gorgeous watching him come undone. Just like you'd imagined so many times before.
The tears once welling in his eyes spilled over like a faucet. Choked moans and harsh gasps worked their way off his lips. One of his hands flew back up to the tree where his nails soon dug the bark clean off. His hips stuttering through his entire orgasm. You were almost worried when his climax ended. The way he went silent except for his wild breathing.
"Fuck.." He sighed
You couldn't help but giggle. "How was your first time?"
He gasps and rolls his eyes still stuck in euphoria. When he pulls out you take the opportunity to turn around. Working your panties up over your hips and pulling your fluttery skirt back down.
"Please, please let me do that again sometime.." He huffs finally managing words. You bring his lips to yours in a chaste kiss that honestly doesn't last long enough for you.
"Only if you promise to stay my good boy." You reply pulling his shorts up till they rest comfortably on his hips.
"I promise." He remarks, almost too eager. "Oh! Wait you didn't get to c-"
"Hey, where did you guys go?" Armin practically separates from his skin as Connie and Jean round the corner. Water guns tucked in their grasp.
"When did you guys get those?" You asked nonchalantly.
Jean shrugged, "We made the game more interesting."
Connie shook his head running back around the corner as Sasha's battle cry sounded.
"Hurry and get back we need you out there Armin." And with that Jean was gone too.
You picked up Armin's discarded water balloon, placing it in his open palm. "See you out there, lover boy."
☆☆Showing Armin how to do Yoga☆☆
"Why's Armin coming over here so early again?" Sasha asked rolling over onto her side. The bag of cotton candy once perched on her thighs flopping over and nearly spilling its contents.
"To do Yoga!" You replied with a laugh sitting the bag upright next to her.
She groaned dramatically. "But it's six thirty am on a Saturday."
"No one told you to get up with me." You remark, pushing the coffee table to the edge of the room.
She holds her once displaced bag up for you to see. "It was calling out to me." She sighs, hugging it to her chest.
A knock on the door takes your concentration. As you pull it open you call back to her, "Well since you're up, you might as well join us."
"Nope!" She quickly scurries away with a wave of her hand. Cotton candy stuffed under her arm.
You shut the door behind Armin as he stares down the hall that Sasha had disappeared down. Your grin is bright almost devilish as it slowly spreads across your face.
"Seems like it's just the two of us." You mutter, loud enough for him to hear.
You watch as he thickly gulps with a nod. Bite able Adam's apple bouncing but you pretend you don't notice. Your mat is already laid out on the floor but you can't stop yourself from bending over to smooth out the corners. Barely paying attention to Armin until you hear a small cough or maybe him choking it's not very clear.
He's holding his mat in his arms defensively across his chest. Silk strands of blond hair fluttering when he blinks. His cheeks a beautifully vibrant pink.
"I-I wanted to th-thank you.." He says, blue eyes trained where they stared at your mat. "For.. the- um.." He gestures and you can't help but giggle.
"The sex?"
Now his eyes find you. Blown wide as his pink lips part over a word that never succeeds in leaving his mouth. Your feet pat over the floor as you close the distance between the two of you. His cheeks warm under your delicate grasp and you hold his face almost as though you're sure he'll shatter.
"You're so cute, please never change."
You're almost scared it sounds condescending but the soft rosy color trudging up to the tips of Armin's ears says he doesn't agree.
You turn back to your mat with a smile but just before you sit on it you add, "And you never have to thank me for sex, I'd do it with you anytime."
He nods once as if responding to you and then twice as if he's confirming that you did indeed say what he heard. The soft plap of his mat on the floor reminding you of what you were both here for.
"Ok, let's begin then." You take a deep breath, adjusting the scrunchie holding your hair in place. "First we wanna stretch alright, so I just need you to reach up above your head with both hands and reposition your feet."
You demonstrate using yourself and Armin awkwardly copies. Slender fingers curling towards the sky as he slowly relaxes his shoulders. You can't help but let your mind wander a little as a glint of light flickers off the steel rings decorating three of his gorgeous digits.
You had fingered yourself last time the two of you were together and now you were craving him. Wondering what the warmth of just one of those inside you would feel like.
"Spread your legs more." You encourage, meanwhile it nearly has Armin doubling back. "Dirty boy." You tease
You stand in front of him gently kicking his legs apart. Easy enough. And he responds to every bit of your touch like he craved you too.
And well you wanna tell yourself that you had actually had completely innocent intentions when you'd invited Armin over here today. He genuinely had never done Yoga before and you knew Sasha was gonna be here. So yeah, you'd love to say you wanted nothing but to relax Armin in this encounter.
But you couldn't even keep a straight face while thinking it.
"Can you bend your knees a little?" He squats, carefully coming back up. Arms reaching out on both sides as you coaxed him. "A little lower sweetie." You say as his ass hovers inches over the mat.
And oh to be the mat.
You step back until you're completely back on your mat. "I'm sure your arms are tired, you can put them down now." You wave him off and he lets out a smooth exhale. "Feel relaxed yet?"
"A little." He replies with a confident smile.
"Then you're ready for the next part." You clap "I need you to bend over and touch your toes alright."
He shuts his eyes, pretty lips parting over your choice of words. What you wouldn’t give right at this second to be a mind reader. His back arches, ankles locking together as you demonstrated. "Good, good boy. Back straight." You sink your thumb into his black athletic shirt to touch his spine. And he hardens with your touch. "Don't be shy, it's just me." You mutter, breath heavy.
Fuck! Touching his back muscles this up close and personal made you wanna sink your nails into them. Leave lines up and down his soft supple skin as a mark that you'd always be his first. No one else would ever get that privilege. 
"Ok, you can stand."
You pretend not to notice the way he shifts his sweats as he stands. This time you vow to actually stay on your mat.
"You should know this position." Your legs spread on one end of the mat while your hands came down to lay flat near the opposite end. "Try it."
Carefully he gets into the position you're currently doing but not without peaking at your figure. His blond hair dipping towards the mat and you can't help but smile at how cute he looks.
"Now we're gonna slowly curve our bodies down until our pelvis touches the floor." You say, head curving up toward the ceiling. For once Armin has immediate trouble, hips dangling weirdly over the ground. His arms trying and failing to steady himself.
"What's the matter? Wanna try a different position?"
"N-no it's nothing.."
You plop down on your mat, crossing your legs and gesturing for him to do the same and even without his reluctance you already know what's wrong. He slowly but surely rotates his hips, spreading his legs. His hardened dick print on full display.
You don't even try to hide the slow slither of your tongue wetting your lips. You quickly turn your head before crawling your way over to a very very flushed Armin. Sweat glistening perfectly over his pale skin.
"W-wait Sasha!" He panics, his arms flailing a bit as he backs up slightly.
"Shh it's ok, she definitely fell back asleep the second she went back in her room." You reply crawling towards him again.
"But you know I c-can't keep q-uiet. Wh-what if she h-hears!"
Your hands inched past his now loosened sweats to gently squeeze his hardened cock through his boxers. Both his hands flew to his mouth giving you a new gorgeous view of those pretty rings.
His eyes roll unfocused with every sweet glide of your hand. Tears already starting to brim along the edges of his warm eyes.
“Do you always wear those rings for physical activities or is it just for me?” 
“I-I just forgot to take them off..” 
“Did you?” You can tell your smile is shitty. Just from the way his eyes dart away from yours "You've never been blown either have you?" You ask getting back on topic.
"N-no." It's a muffled response but it hits your ears loud and clear.
"Another story for the growing journal then." You tease
You honestly can't help yourself. Lips curving and confining his tip like a vise. Precum salty where it stains your tongue. His gasp bouncing off the wall so elegantly. So fucking perfect. But even though Sasha is a heavy sleeper you were still worried she'd wake up before you finished.
So as much as you wanted to tease.
"Can I pull these down baby? I know your dick wants some relief."
He complies, oddly quickly. And you pull his sweats and boxers down just enough to hug the tops of his thighs. 
And his dick is gorgeous. You hadn't actually seen it before but fuck was it pretty, standing tall and leaking before you.
You inch forward spit dribbling from your lips to be collected in the hand that was working his slender shaft. It had Armin's hips bucking up to greet you. His sweet whines egging you on.
And slowly but surely.... "Oh my fucking god."
It was an adjustment. Not as smooth as you would've liked because of the weird angle but you'd taken a little more than half of his dick in your mouth. A mildly painful fit made up for by the angelic cries of Armin just above you.
"Pl-please.. oh God please.."
He couldn't tell what he wanted to hold, hands shifting to the top of your head, the floor and his rolled up sweats all in less than a minute. You swore you could hear his heartbeat through his chest every time you swallowed his cock again.
You wanted to speed ahead so bad, see him just as flustered as he had been last week when he had his cock buried deep inside your pussy but it was obvious he wasn't going to last long either way.
Disorganized syllables flooding off his lips with the occasional whimper of "thank you" and "yes". His throat heavy with every curse word he knew stuck in it. Breaths quick and uneven as you coaxed him down your throat. Vibrations coursing past your lips to meet his already sensitive sex.
"I-i'm.. gonna cum.. mmm soooo close! Gonna cum!"
His choked breaths fell over your forehead and in the next second he was emptying every bit of his stress into your mouth. Eyes clouded like Armin wasn't even in there anymore. And you drained him of every drop, reaching between his legs to squeeze his balls.
When you pulled off of him he let out a deep exhale. Body still shaking as he looked at you.
"Thank you so much." He grinned hazily
"God, I wanna be as many of your firsts as possible." You breathe out a laugh.
☆☆The one where Eren walks in☆☆
It wasn't often you came back to the same guy. Every now and then you had one night stands and that's all it ended up being. You'd always been fine with that.
But Armin made you stay. His shaky fingers, nervous tongue and tear stained cheeks so oddly addictive. Intoxicating in how innocent he stayed despite having two sexual encounters with you.
And now here you both were having your third in his bed. Bodies melded together in the heat of both your sweat. Eyes fixated on only each other as his head tilted up like a hungry baby bird to pull you back in every time you fled.
And you indulged him as much as possible because fuck he was the cutest thing. Your hands gliding over his back and up to his shoulders to pull him impossibly closer. Spine curving deliciously when he grazed over your g-spot.
"Armin.. there." You breathed
Your free hand slid between your bodies making space for those slender fingers to work over your clit.
"Flick it." You encouraged, he immediately did as he was told earning a moan of approval.
"Good boy." You hum, lip trembling where it curves under your teeth.
The once soft pink of his face deepened with the compliment. A little smile decorating his gorgeous features. Just another thing to add to your growing folder of mental images.
"There honey.. keep going." You cooed over the little whimper fluttering off his lips as you hugged his cock. "You remember that spot right? The one that you hit when we were outside?"
"Yeah.. I think it was.." His hips remained delicate as he slid right into place. One leg up as he slotted his cock inside you. Heat pooled in the lowest depths of your stomach with the hesitant prodding of his tip to your g-spot. Eyes curving up to yours for further instruction.
"Mmhm that's it.. hit it a little harder ok."
It was all sorts of clumsy but he rammed your g-spot full force. An apology made its way to his throat but eye contact and the choked gasp that left your mouth soon proved it wasn't needed. You spread your legs a little further for him and he grabbed your waist smoothly working your hips over his dick.
"You're doing so well." You giggled taking a hold of his face. "And you're holding out much longer this time."
"Y-yeah but I'm almost there.." He sighed, fingers working at your clit a little faster. Right in time with the faster tempo of his hips.
"Fuck, you feel soooo good." He drawls
His lips parted, eyes flying north. You hugged him a little tighter as his chest pushed you up and down with each thrust. The once gentle drag of your nails now much rougher. As you let it slip just how much you were enjoying this.
Let your mouth fall open for the words circling your brain. Stomach heavy as Armin fucked you with intention. You brushed beads of sweat back from his face. His hair going up with it, clumping together atop his head.
"Mm gonna cum.." He moaned, head lolling with the intensity of his full body tremor.
"Hey Armin-"
"Eren!" Armin nearly shot up as Eren pushed the door open with zero warning.
Armin's free hand stayed on your clit completely stagnant. Tip twitching inside you, he didn't even have time to cover his mouth. Moans and whimpers pouring out from his still parted lips. Every bit of your fifteen minute effort now seen and heard by Eren who stood in the doorway with a raised eyebrow.
"Hey Eren.." You greeted, pulling your hand away from your upturned lips. Meanwhile Armin's face is buried deep in your shoulder blade. Where you already assumed he'd be staying for the next hour.
"Uh huh.." Eren replied, slamming the door shut. "Mikasa, he's busy let's go!" You heard him call as his boots clicked down the hall.
You don’t say a word till you hear the front door open and close, “You ok?” 
“Any chance Eren didn’t hear that?..” He whispered 
“Not in hell or on Earth love.” 
‘Then no..” 
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360iris · 4 years
Moment’s Silence (Remus Lupin x Reader)
Warnings: 50% smut, 50% fluff?? Daddy kink, finger sucking. Dominate Remus. Spit kink... Light fingering and deep throating, 
Word count: 1,268
Summary: After Remus spends the entire day working in his office, you finally earn some time with Daddy.
A/N: Was a struggle completing this one! I’ll give writing a wlw fic a try next because it’s tough doing anything else right now.
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It would have been the perfect cuddle day if Remus hadn’t spent the entirety of it, in his office. He’d emerge once every few hours to refill his mug and give you a soft kiss on the cheek.
However there were only so many movies you could binge watch by yourself before becoming needy for your boyfriend.
The only thing keeping you from slipping into his study and disturbing his work, was the hope of being rewarded for your patience. Blatant disobedience wouldn’t get you far with the man anyway.
Remus loved when you demonstrated patience as his submissive and being a good girl had its own perks. More kisses from Daddy, warm cuddle sessions and him making you come as many times as you wanted in one night.
You could wait a little longer if it meant less begging for the things you wanted.
You had just finished the third LOTR movie by the time he emerged from his office, hitting the light switch behind him as he exited. 
He was done working for the day.
Feeling giddy anticipation, you hold back from reacting just yet. Allowing him to make the first move was always the best.
“Hi love, did you enjoy your movie marathon?” He asks walking to join you in the living room. 
Inhaling, you let out a small “Not as much as I’ll enjoy tonight, Daddy.”
“Oh yeah? What’s so special about tonight dear?” He asks, making it to the couch you’ve spent the entire day on. 
He leans his face down towards you expectantly and you eagerly lace your arms around his neck. Peppering small kisses across his cheeks. He chuckles at the contact and settles onto the couch. Pulling you by your waist on top of his lap.
“You’re here now.” You whisper, leaning your forehead against his, taking the time to inhale his scent. Kneading your fingers into his shoulders and grasping at the flannel he’s wearing. Wanting to fully appreciate him being there with you.
“Oh doll, you’re gonna make me blush.” He chuckles, voice no higher than your own. One hand grasping your hip to press you flush with his lap and the other taking hold of the side of your face.
 You smile at him tenderly as his thumb glided over your cheek, doing a quick pass over your lips. He had purposely neglected to kiss you on the lips today. Another one of his small games. How desperate could he get his babygirl?
You both stayed quiet for a minute, just enjoying the other’s touch. “Are you gonna kiss me, Daddy?” You mumble, tracing the mustache he’s been growing. It strangely added to his sex appeal and you adored it.
He smirks and you dart your tongue out to wet your lips. Staring at his mouth before flickering back up to his eyes. 
“I’ve definitely kissed you today, darling.” He laughed again, to which you let out a tiny whine at, rolling your hips against him in protest.
 “Those were just on the cheek! I wanna real kiss from you, Daddy.”
“A real kiss, hm?” He asks. 
“Mmhmm! On the lips.” You reply, rubbing your core against him harder, taking in a sharp gasp. “Please? Wanna feel you.”
He lazily rubs circles into the sides of your hips, scrunching his face like he has to think about it. Making a big show of his hemming and hawing before barking out a laugh again.
“Alright, dear. Come here then.” He grins and your lips are on his instantly. A few giggles escape from him, clearly amused with your eagerness. 
Eventually, he decides to take you a bit more seriously. Deepening the kiss despite his inability to stop smiling through it. 
Reaching between your legs, he moans at the realization that you’re not wearing any panties under your XL tee. Lightly nipping at your bottom lip before pulling his head back.
“My baby’s been sittin’ around all day without any undies on? Couldn’t wait for me to get a hold of you, huh?” He questions, easily slipping a finger into your entrance. 
When all he gets back as a response is an airy whimper, he pushes a second finger inside of you. Your pleasure is cut short as he swiftly removes the digits from your heat. Before you can even think of groaning in disagreement, the same hand grabs a hold of your face. 
Your own arousal being smeared over your cheeks as he holds them in a vice grip.
“You answer when prompted, princess.” He says brows raised, expectant of a reply and voice even.
“I’ve been waiting all day for your cock, Daddy! S’all I could think about.” You quickly admit and he grins, seemingly pleased.
“S’ all you could think about?” He mocks dryly, eyes not leaving your face. 
“Then how about you get on your knees and come say hi to it, dear?” He replies, releasing you before leaning back against the couch.
Sliding from his lap, you get in position in front of him. Looking widely up at him, nervous to touch him without being directed. However he’s staring back at you with raised brows.
“Go on, doll! I thought you were waiting all day for this?” He says impatiently, appearing as if he was getting bored.
After relieving him of his trousers and briefs, you set to work. Licking a long strip up your right hand before taking him into your grasp. Twisting your grip on his tip loosely and sucking along the base of his dick. 
Glancing up, to your dismay, you notice his eyes are closed as though he’s simply relaxing. Your face heats up in irritation. He was purposefully trying to rile you up.
In response you decide to deepthroat him, as far as you could manage, in one quick go. Eyes trained on him as his length is engulfed down your throat. His head effectively darts up to look at you, lips parted in a moan.
“Fuck! Want my attention that badly?” He coughs, brushing your hair back. You moan around him in agreement. Bobbing your head quickly, you feel his tip hit the back of your trachea. Trying to push through the temptation to gag, your pace is relentless.
Taking advantage of the saliva dripping from your lips, you palm his balls leisurely. You have him moaning uncontrollably in minutes. Being brought too close to the edge for his comfort, he hastily pulls you off of his cock panting.
“Fuck.” He breathes out, a pleased smile on his lips.
After making your way back into his lap, he dots kisses all along your face. You giggle, grabbing one of his significantly large hands. Bringing it to your mouth, you hold his gaze as you gingerly suck on two of his digits. 
Eyes hooded as he takes in your appearance. “Want my fingers, hm?” He asks quietly and you respond with a nod. Giving him a few more good sucks before withdrawing, mouth still open. Looking at him in wait of something. He chuckles when the realization hits him.
Tonguing his gums as he grasps your chin firmly, one brow arched in amusement at your pleased expression. Lips still parted and tongue flat, you lace your fingers around his wrist to anchor yourself right as he spits into your mouth. 
You hum in delight, closing your jaw to swallow before reopening to show him it was all gone and he laughs.
“Good girl.” He sings in your praise, lifting you up with him as he moves away from the couch.
“How about we move to the bedroom, love?” 
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pr1ncessm00n · 2 years
common sense playlist analysis!
or where i discuss why certain songs were included in the playlist of this series!
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Being So Normal - Peach Pit
“Sometimes I can still see you
Just like I used to”
I think this song was perfect for the intro!! Even the title, it’s “normal” for porco and reader to dislike each other. Later in the story when you get to see why they dislike each other, this lyric resonates because the reader still sees porco as the dick from orientation.
2. When I Come Around - Green Day
“So uptight you been thinking about ditching me
No time to search the world around
'Cause you know where I'll be found
When I come around
Well, I heard it all before, so don't knock down my door
I'm a loser and a user so I don't need no accuser
To try and slag me down because I know you're right”
I think this one is pretty obvious. y/n dislikes whenever porco comes around, and porco likes to provoke her bc he knows she doesn’t.
3. Hot Girl Bummer - blackbear
“Fuck you, and you, and you
I hate your friends and they hate me too”
Reader doesn’t necessarily hate Porco’s friends, but she sure does hate Porco.
4. I Hate Everything About You - three days grace
I feel like even just the title is explanatory lol?? But of course as their relationship progresses, reader thinks as the chorus says, “why do i love you?”
5. Dontmakemefallinlove - cuco
The entirety of this song is perfect for what porco feels. Why can’t he stop thinking about you? Why does he care about your wellbeing so much? But this lyric resonates deeply : 
“Girl, don't make me fall in love with you
I don't think I'm right for you”
6. Mr. Brightside - the killers
Of course i had to add the heartbreak anthem here. Um if you read the fic i think you can kind of infer where this is going. Reiner is of course the other guy and porco is the one singing, IM COMING OUT OF MY CAGE AND IVE BEEN DOING JUST FINE (feel free to animate that pls)
7. Void- the neighbourhood
Ok this one might not be so obvious but if you have fellow english major syndrome like me (as in i read too deeply between the lines- i'm not even an english major) this one has some subtle lyrics that i think definitely point to how porco feels in y/n’s absence.
“Started with a little bit
Now I don't know how to quit
Always feel inadequate” 
At first porco was like haha no worries, it’s just a lil driving lessons here and there.. And then boom now you’re a void in his life. Now he needs you to fill the void 🥺✋
8. Sports- beachbunny
I LOVE BEACHBUNNY (i say this like i wasnt the one who made this playlist) anywhooo 
“Why are we so complicated?
Maybe love is overrated
I'm tired of waitin', I was never good at sports
Save the games for the girls on the tennis court”
This is perfect for y/n, as she sucks at sports, and hitch who is the complete opposite. Very deep intellectual stuff. Hehe but i feel like there IS a deeper meaning behind these lyrics and its that porco and yn’s dates are so goddamn different they cant help but notice.
9. Quit- ariana grande
"And you say that I'm the devil you know and I don't disagree
No, I don't see the harm
They say, "You crazy, just leave him, he'll suffocate you"
But I wanna be in your arms”
Okay so when i first heard this song i heard it from porco’s pov, but now i see it from y/n’s pov. Porco quite literally sees her as the devil (and vice versa) but for some reason they want each other. Silly little beings.
10. Scary love - the neighbourhood
Drivin' through the city with me
Just watchin' you glow
I'm in the passenger seat, you're in control
(It's on you now) Mhm
You look better every day, I swear
Really, it's a little unfair
Baby, I'm star-struck by you
Didn't know we'd get so far
And it's only the start
Baby, you got me worried”
PORCOS POV for sure! It’s quite literally y/n, and he’s scared for what he’s starting tof eel for her.
11. First Date - blink 182
“In the car, I just can't wait
To pick you up on our very first date
Is it cool if I hold your hand?
Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?
Do you like my stupid hair?
Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?
I'm just scared of what you think
You make me nervous so I really can't eat
Let's go
Don't wait
This night's almost over
Honest, let's make
This night last forever
Forever and ever”
This song makes pop punk emo me ugly cry. I love it sm, and it’s the perfect blend of sarcastic and affectionate for our two idiots. 
honorable mentions :
high horse - kacey musgraves
"Yeah, everyone knows someone who knows someone Who thinks they're cooler than everybody elseAnd I think we've seen enough, seen enough To know that you ain't ever gonna come down So why don't you giddy up, giddy up And ride straight out of this town"
imagine y/n listening to this and thinking about porco. it's canon.
why - dominic fike
"Do you ever wonder why everyone is out to get you every day? Or do you question anything?"
need i explain any more?
the way i loved you - taylor swift
"He is sensible and so incredible And all my single friends are jealous He says everything I need to hear And it's like I couldn't ask for anything better He opens up my door and I get into his car And he says, "You look beautiful tonight" And I feel perfectly fineBut I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain And it's 2:00 a.m. and I'm cursing your name So in love that you act insane And that's the way I loved you"
okay, obviously reiner and y/n didn't get too involved to begin with. but when y/n first meets him, she thinks he's everything she wanted. but yet, her mind keeps going back to porco, who isn't like reiner at all( (for the better)
okay, that's it for today!! i hope you guys enjoyed my analysis, i talk entirely too much and thank you for sticking through it to the end <3
stay tuned for my latin playlist analysis!
taglist :  @uwu-s0-3dgy @thanks-for-the-emsomnia @xawkwardxderpx @usernamehere91 @reiithevirgo @yeagerfushiguro @prblmtic @pettyluxury @darlingdaph @lunaxalpha @dumwifi @stupidbitch28 @vampdwell @unadulteratedtreecrusade @id-rather-be-an-outsider @iwillrisefromthefire @missyasma @half-cold-half-hot @mikiminacch @levietc @lostinwildflowers @fxckingshame @kimaorieu @je-suis-argent-miel @wondertales @desire @yuleshue  @xokiddo @t7miokas @misslovingpearl @kiku-valentine @decaffeinatedtealover @doutorbaizhu @inejsfavknife @devilstempt @superneenio @rosec0urtz @awwhstheic @borntobeafamousmonster @welcometoaurorashell @burrito-hooverjaver @302rocks@suipill @darlingmsmouse @gehenna66 @twtybirb @1cantdothisanymore @jxjem @noisyclutter @eateraa @rachelhenebry @suohhh @knyaotjjkbiatch @knightofmight @lilhobgobbler @veloceraptors
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