#it’s in the Pokémon world so
I’m currently thinking about a time traveler Whumpee (we’ll call him V) who did very VERY bad things in the past (like, nearly world ending bad things) and has joined a time protecting organization to try to fix it
(Btw this is Pokémon except I don’t really know much about canon bc I’m still working on getting all the games played and I’m also adding tons of my own stuff, just absolutely making tons of shit up, also most of the Pokémon understand human speech and some can speak it sort of vibe. Also if you know who this is about no you don’t, there’s only like 1 canon character in here)
Anyway, V didn’t know what he was doing at the time, but he almost broke spacetime and almost everyone at the organization hates him over it- in fact, pretty much everyone wants him dead over it, because he single-handedly created a MASSIVE problem that they’ve spent a LONG time trying to fix. The only reason he’s alive is one (1) member of management saw his skills in research and stuff and was like “hey wait stop we should offer him a position in tracking down other time criminals”
So he’s left scared and pretty much fending for himself here, and the guy he’s put under (E) takes him under his wing.
But here’s the thing: there’s a couple people at this organization who DON’T want to hurt V. But V doesn’t know this bc E is playing into his fears to keep him kind of isolated, telling him everyone else here is out to get him, yadda yadda, and then he’s turning around and telling everyone else V is still not a great person
And V wants to fix things, he really does, and he’s trying REALLY HARD to fix things but everyone still looks at him like he’s a criminal and he doesn’t know why because he’s helped stop a LOT of bad things now, but the people that WERE kind to him avoid him by now and the rest still hate him and E’s treatment of him is getting worse
V is smart though, and he eventually figures it out. But by the time he does, nobody will ever believe him, because everyone thinks he’s a manipulator. A liar.
And that’s when things get worse. Because E knows he can get away with just about anything now.
Thinking about E getting a little careless with how he hurts V. Usually he keeps things where they’ll be hidden, but one day, something incriminating is just a little too visible, and management brings V in to talk and he doesn’t want to because he knows these people aren’t going to believe him bc E is pretty high up in the agency and he doesn’t want to make things worse for himself, but it’s the one person on management that likes him (we’ll call him A) and A eventually convinces V to show him the scars
And A is like “…oh shit. Who did this?” And V decides to tell the truth because there’s no point lying at this point, the word liar is etched into his skin a thousand times over, A’s not going to believe a single word, right? Besides, it’s not like E will hear about this.
Well, A listens and E gets fired and V gets put in his rank bc V’s actually one of the best members of the team he was put on, much to his surprise. And things get better, and people start getting used to V and he even gets a few friends
But one day while V is out on a job stopping a time loop or something E is there and he like almost dies
And the agency realizes E wasn’t supposed to be in that time loop. E found a way to travel through time without the agency’s tech.
So once V heals up, he gets sent after E, because E’s been capturing legendaries and stuff from a bunch of different times and just fucking shit up and yeah it’s a whole thing
V goes to a specific time and ends up meeting one of the people who stopped him (C) and C is really suspicious of him at first but when V explains the situation C is like “..oh” and decides to help him out and they team up
Well, V finds E and it starts a big fight and E throws C off a cliff and almost kills V but C is OT human and he survived and climbed his way back up and just straight up kills E (accidentally on purpose) and he rushes V to the hospital
And V’s just. So done at this point, with the agency and with time travel and with everything so he’s like “can I just stay with you I won’t cause any trouble” and C’s like “yeah sure” and they live together domestically now and it’s cute
……anyway uh. Yeh. This started as me trying to figure out how exactly I could write a redemption arc for V and it turned into a (realizing everyone hates him/realizing why/hating himself over it/letting himself be hurt over it/realizing that’s Not Good but not having anywhere to go/finally making it out/trying to actually fix everything/managing to fix things/being tired of being hurt and finally finding peace) arc, and. God.
Currently I have three different hyperfixations going, and it’s Pokémon, Adventure Time, and Epithet Erased is sitting on the back burner but has never really left (speaking of epithet erased Giovanni Potage is really REALLY gender). So. Help.
Btw uh. Like. Are people going to judge me if I? Start talking about who the specific characters I’m talking about are?? Haha I know probably no, I’m just Worried. Uuuuhh anyway yeah that’s the entire plot for a thing I want to write at some point when I finish another thing I’m already writing so uh. Yay
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p1nqu3 · 1 year
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silvialightning · 1 year
I think it’s hilarious that they made Slade look like a Pokémon villain in the new Adventures with Superman show.
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Slade Wilson has been a Dilf for a super long time. He’s clearly so much younger in this show. Ya’ll should let the twink enjoyers have a win here.
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mepomepo · 8 months
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holyshit litol slugs!!!!!
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goldensunset · 7 months
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O you, who at the world's far-off end dwell,
I know your wish- it is my wish as well.
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theroseredreaper · 24 days
being aspec in the world of Pokémon would be so fucking rad. Like why the fuck would I need romance when I can just go on a journey with my team of six super powered best friends as we take on the world via the power of our bonds
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melonthesprigatito · 9 months
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I don't know what rock these people are living under but Pokémon spinoffs definitely haven't gone anywhere
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This post is an appreciation post for all the good recent spinoff games that don't get attention <3
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blackfinchart · 5 months
I love Pal World because
A) fun in basically every way, finally, a Pokémon style game that actually appeals to me for the first time since I was like 10 (I wouldn’t consider myself a fan but I’m still happy to be involved)
B) Only video game that’s ever evoked an unwillingness in me to club an animal to death for food- haven’t felt that feeling since I lived in the woods, one of the worst feelings I’ve ever felt, thank you.
C) the notion of giving a gun to an adorable sheep with anime eyes and yelling at it to cover me while I dodge roll behind I tree is so so so fucking hilarious
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saltiestbread · 2 months
My inability to type a meaningful and complex sentence is making me violent.
I want to yell all the thought in my head out, All the excitement and love and passion and feeling of overwhelming gratitude i have for the piece of media and its creators
Moment like this make me wish human is telepathically specie :(
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c-is-for-circinate · 1 year
important question
If you -- not a character optimized for gameplay capability, but you the actual real live person -- had one or more Pokémon, what Pokémon would you have?
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mx-giraffe · 5 months
WHY IS THERE SUCH A SHORTAGE OF WORLD TRIGGER FICS??? It’s so sad! My brother says he hates the show and it’s my favourite show (maybe next to Pokémon) so that’s a fun thing there.
My partner doesn’t watch anime but I tell them AAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL about it so ask them anything about One Piece, Spy Family, World Trigger or Demon Slayer and they’ll tell you it all. They do have some HUGE gaps in their knowledge tho. Like they don’t know anything about Punk Hazard.
ANYWAY! Got a little distracted. This guy.
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He looks like such a gender-fluid demon. And I love him.
Also the fact that even though he’s way more powerful than Osamu, they’ve always been equals. There are so many shows where the powerful one is always looking down on the weak one but I just really love that it’s not like that in this show.
Edit: ACK I didn’t even notice that I put one of Amo in there 😭🤣🤣 Well I love him too so it’s fine.
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cali-kabi · 9 months
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~ I didn’t expect a lotta people to love my Mario/Kirby crossover artworks thank you so much alsbkdldjdj 💖💕😭I love both of these series will all my heart ;w; so have some older pieces and explorers of sky piece in the occasion I made im still very happy with <3💫🍄im working on some Halloween ones at the moment so look forward to that haha 👻🧡
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jujumin-translates · 1 month
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 27 - Papa Crisis
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Banri: You guys can take a twenty-minute break here. Good work.
Masumi: The KniRoun Stage video is up.
Sakuya: Waah, it is!
Chikage: Lancelot’s pretty eye-catching.
Tsuzuru: He was even working on his sword fighting for KniRoun in between rehearsals. Must’ve been rough.
Banri: Nah, he was havin’ the time of his life, trust me.
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Citron: Itaru looks like he is having fun~.
Rento: Ooh~, his overseas debut, huh? Looks like he’s doin’ great.
Rento: Still, absolutely insane as hell that he’s comin’ back here right on openin’ day.
Izumi: It really, truly is…
Izumi: In the past, it would’ve been unthinkable to try and to this, but with the current Spring Troupe, I think we’ll be able to pull this plan, even with it cutting it so close.
Banri: Well, it’d be pretty nice to keep this kinda energy goin’ through openin’ day.
Tsumugi: I hope Itaru-kun was able to get to the airport safely.
Sakuya: It’s about time for his flight, right?
Chikage: Let’s check the chat.
*Phone notification*
Izumi: Ah, I just got a LIME from…
Itaru: “problem, can’t get on my flight, airport’s shut down bc of a strike.”
Tsuzuru: WHAT!?
Sakuya: A strike!? That won’t end any time soon…!
Tsumugi: Sometimes the end soon, but sometimes they go on for days. There’s no telling what will happen…
Banri: What’re we gonna do? I mean, we could get through openin’ day with an understudy, or delay it entirely, but…
Masumi: We considered a lot of factors when we picked the date of opening day. It’s the day that’ll give us the most views with the least competition from other troupes, so moving it should really be our last resort.
Izumi: Right… And refunding tickets would have a huge impact on our votes…
Izumi: We’ll still have to deal with refunds if we go for having an understudy, but the damage with that should be minimal.
Banri: Guess we gotta go with an understudy.
Sakuya: Um, can we at least wait until the very last minute?
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Tsuzuru: We want to wait for Itaru-san’s return for as long as we can. Can we at least do that, please?
Izumi: …
Tsumugi: I can be ready to sub in at any time, so don’t worry about it.
Sakuya: Thank you so much!
Chikage: I’m arranging a flight for him at another airport as we speak. With this one, he’ll be able to just barely make it in time for the start of the performance.
Chikage: Someone get into contact with Chigasaki and tell him to hurry to catch the bus.
Tsuzuru: On it!
Tsuzuru: “Itaru-san, please hurry to the nearby airport ASAP!”
Chikage: The next bus is leaving at--.
Citron: “I will give you a lucky chant so you will make it in time!”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Announcement: “The plane has arrived at Narita Aiport two hours later than scheduled.”
Announcement: “We sincerely apologize for the delay in its arrival due to weather conditions. We offer our deepest condolences to those affected by the delay.”
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Itaru: (CITRON used Lucky Chant! The Lucky Chant shielded me from a critical hit…!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
UC: Run, Chigasaki.
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Itaru: (I am running!)
Saku: You can do it, Itaru-san!
Curry: director said she’s coming to pick you up
taruchi: dw abt it, it’ll be faster if i take a taxi
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Passerby A: Huh, is the line for getting a taxi really this long?
Passerby B: Probably because of a group of tourists~. Let’s just take the train.
Itaru: (Wait, the line for taxis is THIS long? Oh, I’m so screwed…)
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Itaru: (Should I ask Director-san to pick me up now?)
Itaru: (But I’m sure she’s busy getting everything ready for the start of the show. Not to mention, even if she comes now, we probably wouldn’t make it back in time for the start of the show anyway--.)
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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fujii-draws · 1 year
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(Old)I offer you.. dadnoir fluff… tomorrow? Who knows..
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#fuecoco#i gotta say i didn't really care for this thing at first. it was one of my least favorite starters right next to grookey when it was first#revealed. and normally i'm a big fan of fire starters. but this guy didn't do it for me#and this design still doesn't‚ but i do appreciate skeledirge. it's very cool‚ i love the fire hat and the día de los muertos design#it really feels like tpc have been going all out on making pokémon that Fit The Region since gen 8#which is pretty cool. i like it. and i definitely think paldea has some very fun vibes. but i dunno if i'd say it's one of my favorite#regions pokémon-wise or layout-wise. it was their first shot at open world‚ and i think it shows#the older regions with more limitations definitely shone more because they worked better in those limitations#paldea just feels like a big open empty sandbox at times. which is fun to explore‚ but doesn't feel too civilized compared to something#like… unova. where there's a city on every fuckin route corner and they're all so full of life and personality#like i could not remember any of the paldea town themes for the life of me. i can remember their names for the most part#but that's basically just because the facilities that get used a lot are spread out between them. for example: i remember medali#specifically because it's where i go to change a pokémon's tera type. i remember mesagoza because it's the main hub city#i remember levincia because of the posters. i remember montenevera because i think the hyper training guy is there#but not because like. i remember driftveil because YAAAAAAAAAAAAA#y'know. even galar had a better region design than paldea#that's not to say i think paldea is BAD. like i'm not a scarlet/violet hater like every other pokémon “fan” on the internet#i've put like 200+ hours into that fuckin game. i still LIKE it. but my heart still holds a soft spot for kalos and the like
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