#it’s like I accidentally curated my tumblr dash in real life
Came out as a Cheer hater and believer that even BftC and Morrison!Jason were better than Zadarsky’s version to my comic friends today and I got unanimous support
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vaspider · 1 year
*deep breath* okay, so.
Sometimes you have to say things out loud which should be perfectly obvious, but:
Nothing I say is ever a commandment, incitement, or request to go bother someone else unless I specifically say 'hey, you should go bother this person,' like when I say 'you should go bother this elected official about this specific topic.' I don't believe in sending people to harass other private individuals, and as long as I've been on this site, I've said that over and over again. I am expressly against harassment of all kinds, and it's not okay to go bother people just because I am arguing with them or have said 'hey don't be a twerp' to them. This is doubly not-okay when you're not part of the community that's arguing or discussing.
And also, I am not responsible for what other people do, and it's really not okay to try to hold me responsible for what other people do unless, you know, I told them to do it. Which I didn't. So let's be very clear: I don't want people to go bother others, and if I find out someone who follows me has gone to harass others based on my stated opinions, they will not follow me or associate with me anymore.
It is always in your power to block someone, including me, and I'm okay with that. What's weird is when you go on rants about how someone (me) should be 'rolled up in a carpet and thrown off a bridge' or that 'every note is a punch in vaspider's antisemitic(1) head' (yeah, those are both real things a person said, recently!) and then tag it with my name so that it comes up when people search for me. It's especially weird if you do that while complaining about harassment. Like, you get that you're a hypocrite, right?
So what I've done is what I recommend for others to do: I blocked the person responsible, I reported the posts for harassment, which they are, and I added their username to my filter list so that I won't forget who they are (which I will, because they are not important to me at all and I will forget they exist by tomorrow) and reblog their posts accidentally in the future. This is the thing that this person could also do, rather than being weird.
Also, if you want me to stop following you, just... block me. It's fucking fine. Don't be weird about it, don't send me a message about it, I don't actually care. If you feel weird about leaving me blocked, then block me and unblock me. It'll force me to unfollow all of your blogs. If a random chronic illness blog I follow or whatever disappears from my dash, I probably won't even notice. I don't know how to say this without sounding mean, but like, there are a lot of people on Tumblr, and I genuinely do not care enough about the random blogs I follow who are not my actual friends to get upset if suddenly one of them disappears and I find out I'm blocked. I'll assume that you decided you didn't want me following you, and I'll move on with my life and probably forget you ever existed. Please curate your internet existence and do not make people's lives your fucking problem. If someone bothers you, block them. For fuck's sake, y'all.
(1) calling another Jew an antisemite is uhhh... well, it's a look, I guess. Especially for disagreeing with someone. It's not cute.
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mintymemesandrpshop · 2 years
@torens-nightshift replied to your post “Open for Business! Hello~ This is an RP help blog!...”:
Hi!! sorry if this isn't the right place to ask (i still struggle with tumblr etiquette & didn't see anything against this in your rules ><) how do people get started in tumblr rp? i've been quietly observing a few blogs for a while and it looks fun but i feel like no one would be interested in talking to me or whatever ( _ _")
Tumblr media
Hello there! Getting Started™️in tumblr rp has two parts, I think. making the actual blog, and networking (while Doing Things.)
Your blog itself probably needs a rules page, this can be anything you want to say or express- some people's rules are specific, some are just a few sentences. Establishing some boundaries or guidelines can be pretty important! But! it's entirely up to you, it gives a first impression to others on you as the writer. People mostly hesitate or have anxiety about accidentally upsetting others, so having something there helps! Even if it's just saying you're pretty chill.
Something else helpful is a muse page- people want to know what kind of character that you are writing! For some they will link to a wiki page, and for some they write out a whole bio for their headcanons- For example if you looked in my Volo's bio, you'd see that he's 32, cisgender, albino, and can see through fog. all headcanon stuff that might not appear in every reply i do! For OCs especially there can be a history section detailing their life and who they are!
The other major half is networking. Following RP blogs, making a promo (which you can make visible in tags;; blahblahfandom rp, multifandom rp, crossover rp, etc.) when you find a blog you are interested in, you can reach out! through ims or asks as well. (If your blog is curated enough and has its own dash/account, your sidebar may of course recommend rp blogs! that's about the only algorithm involved. the rest's work. sideblogs notoriously have trouble because they can't Follow people.) Like, I figure a lot of personal blogs find my posts/blog through tumblr's search function- which i'm still not used to because it's the new default, rather than going into the Actual #tag.
a subset of networking is Doing Stuff. Making headcanon posts, in character posts, open starters, and threading with other people will show off your writing enough for people to notice. Some people turn their nose away if a blog 'only' contains 'too much' RP memes, vent posts, or just doesn't have what they're looking for. While it's not a requirement, it may be helpful to make sure you have examples up to see. This part kind of really never ends imo, networking and doing stuff, but it's pretty essential to getting noticed. But like any facet of the internet or world, there's always someone who wants to talk to you! And would love to hear what you have to say! I'm sure that's something that even seasoned rpers might need to hear, everyone gets discouraged sometimes. It only takes a few people getting going to boost you along tho, so! Try to appreciate people! Y'know, socializing and all that, haha.
As far as some etiquette goes, try not carelessly spam-like or reblog. Since the person is writing a story thread, they use their activity to keep track. 'hmmm i wonder if someone replied today?' i ask! i look in my notes! somebody liked this somebody liked this somebody liked this somebody liked this
oh no! where is my post? it can be a little frustrating, so try to keep likes to real time or so, it's much more manageable. People do enjoy likes and feedback, but the first major reason that people block personals is to avoid this kind of thing. In my opinion, it probably doesn't help that it's a wordless interaction, but it depends! If you're not overdoing it, it's delightful, too!
Replies are much more free game imo, it's words as feedback and a bit more enjoyable. (I'll admit a reply on a pinned post is...a first for but hey! this works!)
Asks are enjoyed and adored. Literally as long as it isn't hate, any tumblr user likes getting asks, but RPers are ravenous, lmao. Some may get overwhelmed by their own workload and have to delete em, but socially speaking people love talking about their muses! Or how they as a mun write!
The second reason people block personals is discourse. I'd say the biggest cultural difference, if you are stepping into rp, is to please learn to share. Especially with the onset of Search showing things even mentioning character names. (some people even cen.sor their muse's name to avoid this.) You've probably seen mockey of kin discourse 'no doubles' and etc. Basically, don't be an ass about headcanons and try to respect people's portrayals. RPers would rather write, so many will not deal with the bullshit and their blog is not for arguing. Trust me that when anons or whoever interject in order to be a dick, you become the butt of the joke for that blog's whole audience. Many people love to write threads with duplicates! But even those whose rules say no duplicates as far as interactions go know that it's not nice to insult people and stay in their lane. Be Kind! Ask questions! If you'd like to share a headcanon of your own, the blog owner might like to see it, just don't be pushy and you're good! They might even have their own headcanon even if they disagree with yours and may share that! Everyone's writing is unique and that's the beauty of it! I've personally even had some random personal reply trying to shut down my headcanon/simping in a belittling way, which....i didn't fucking ask. let me have my fun!!! Sooo yea read the room! Have fun!
hopefully this isn't too much of a ramble but the first two sentences I said are the short and sweet answer :')
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anexlarrieblog · 3 years
I'll share how I unlarried! I became a fan of 1D through solo Harry in summer 2017. I fell down a Larry rabbit hole on Youtube. I hopped over to tumbler and followed Larries and read a bunch of great fan fic. I was enamored with how sweet Larry was and at first it brought me a lot of joy. I guess my theory on Larry was that H and L probably had a thing in ID and maybe still to that current day. But they kept it really private. It was mostly wishful thinking. And on tumblr I listened to Larries because I assumed they knew more than I did. Potential sighting of H and L together got my Larry brain excited. According to Larries there were matching flight schedules (there weren't) and a pattern to pap shots (there weren't). But at first I didn't know this and it seemed like harmless fun to speculate and hope. But I started to see it wasn't so harmless. Babygate disturbed me. I unfollowed anyone who talked about it. As well as hatred toward Brianna. I didn't understand why an oopsie baby was such an impossibility to them. The infighting and the hate toward women made me uncomfy and I did my best to curate my dash and regardless I kept Larrying.
The big cracks started to show for me when the Dan Wooten podcast interview hit. My dash irrupted in vitriol toward Louis! To them he was a gaslighter. He was abusing them. I realized I'd accidentally joined some kind of religious cult. And in that moment Louis himself was the heretic. I realized they actually hated him. Only loved him if he was romantically involved with Harry. I had my theories and my opinions but they weren't set in stone....these people were true believers. They even mocked him and his use of the phrase “mutual respect”. Joking and twisting it to mean sex. I thought I had been following nice Larries.
I unfollowed all Larries. But kept following Louies and Harries.
Hate to admit but it took a long time to rewire my Larry brain. What finally made me realize it really wasn't REAL was months later when Fizzy died. And in the hours and days immediately following her death Harry was photographed continuing his life in London as normal. The gym, getting his nails done, at the store, at dinner with friends, a business lunch with Rob Stringer. He was not by Louis' side. Larry was clearly NOT REAL. It took a horrible family tragedy for it to really sink in for me.
Months later in May 2019. Harry showed up at a Milan fashion show. When I heard Louis was also in Italy, what remained of my Larry brain perked up! Were they in the same place at the SAME TIME?? A quick google search told me Louis was actually more then 5 hours away from Milan that day. He and Eleanor then went to Spain. No Harry in sight. I had to snap out of it and let this go! Why was I still hoping? To help me let go I actually looked up a Lou and Eleanor timeline. Seeing their genuine relationship helped. Also I looked up “Zarry” and other friendships Harry had with men. It helped me realize that 1D were ALL touchy feely with each other, and that Harry especially is an affectionate person who is comfortable being physically affectionate with men. Larry wasn't as special as I'd thought. I also looked up Larry debunks which were eye opening. Blogs like ShitLarriesSay helped me understand how much harassment had come from Larries and just how much Louis and his family was annoyed by them. I understood that “Antis” weren't homophobic bullies as I'd been told, but were the ones standing up for Louis by listening to his own words.
Wow, thanks anon for sharing your honest and detailed account of un-larrying, that sounds like a lot! When I was in the process of un-larrying I also looked up debunks and real timelines and it helped me see reality a lot. Also yep horrible events in Louis life when Harry wasn’t there - just made no sense. It makes no sense in general when Larries pretend Harry and Louis can’t be on the same continent or can’t even be friends?? But makes sense when your out of it and realise it’s all part of the manipulative narrative by Larries. I agree it really is like a cult following, still amazes me how many people became and still are Larries. It’s kinda insane. Anyway, hope you are happier now and as with all ex-Larries come chat to me off anon anytime ❤️
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promiseiwillwrite · 2 years
empty lot
So I started my blog on tumblr quite a while back. But I thought of it as a place to do a journal. It was about my mental health crap that I am literally always working on. It was a solo experience. I filled my feed with things that let me calm my brain. There are nature pictures and funny things about cats and orchids and frogs and snakes and culture and food, things to remind me of whimsy and the beauty of life, because a lot of what I have written here is heavy and hard and written through the haze of falling tears.
But in the passing of years, I have found a few blogs, run by some people that have led me out of my carefully curated meditation space, this little garden I had made in an empty lot, and into the community accidentally.
I didn't like it at first. There were codes of conduct that were unspoken, that I didn't even know existed. There were conversations that crossed my dash that were Years In, that I had no Idea what was going on with, that were absolutely not things I would have interacted with had I known all the context. So I fucked up a LOT. I felt gate-kept, and made myself smaller. I interacted less, because I thought I had reached out and found that I wasn't wanted, Again. When you look for that sort of thing, you usually find it. People are like that, whether they mean to be or not.
I am not sure I would ever have thought to see it differently if it weren't for R, and his online community. If it weren't for some really kind people here, like @solostinmysea and @lokasae. I don't think I would have thought that I might have something positive to contribute, or that I could get something real and beneficial from it without watching @skaldish and his progress, and determination to be informed and keep a real conversation going. I have been inspired by @normalhoroscopes, and their incredible writing, and their absolute devotion to whimsy, wizardry and resilience in the face of trolls.
I am unsure of my place in this space, and I have a lot of work to do on myself still... But I want to thank you.
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red-winters · 4 years
Naturalism, Pre-Raphaelitism, Realism?
Naturalism: (Representation) What song would you use to describe yourself, and why?
Right now “Deep Water” by American Authors.
Pre-Raphaelitism: (Purity) Do you drink or do drugs regularly?
No to both. I just don’t like drinks with alcohol (though maybe there will be an exception someday?) and have never done drugs and have zero interest in even trying. I literally just do not care about it?
Realism: (Critique) How much of yourself are you on social media versus in real life? 
On tumblr? A lot of it just goes straight from my brain and onto the blog, though I think I seem more exuberant/frenetic on here than I do in person. In person, I tend to be quieter, more prone to watching, unless someone accidentally mentions one of my interests in which case I tend to have a lot to say if I’m comfortable with them.
On other social media platforms like twitter/Facebook/Instagram I’d say I act more positive than I actually am, but that’s mostly because those sites were 1) required by some university classes in order to show I’ve established a social media presence for future clients/co-workers or 2) made so my family, some old high school classmates, and college/industry acquaintances can get a hold of me/be able to glance casually at my life for whatever reason or other (which is why I’m always careful with those because I don’t want to get dragged into family drama or whatever). Whether it’s the “personal” or “professional” accounts, I always curate those.
Edit: in essence, Tumblr is just where I stick all my hyperfixations, vent, and generally not worry about appearances and looking sane and professional all the time. No one really cares here or worries about my mental health if I spam my dash with really niche meta for a TV show no one else in my family cares about.
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charlie-minion · 5 years
21 Supernatural Questions
I was tagged by @amwritingmeta – thank you for including me, sweetie. You’re so lovely! I gotta tell you that it honestly made my day when I read that one of my favorite meta writers considers my blog one of her favorites, so yeah… thanks! :’D
Now let’s tackle these super fun questions ;-)
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
I remember I watched for the first time around 2009. Season 4 was on, here in my country, on Warner Channel. I’m sure that season had already finished in the U.S. at that time, but it was just starting to air here in El Salvador. I didn’t know anything about the show and I didn’t know what season that was either, but now I know it was 4 because all I remember was that some dude had rescued another dude from Hell. Period. I understood next to nothing about the plot because I hadn’t seen any episode prior to the beginning of S4. I caught a few episodes now and then and continued to watch for some time until the schedule changed. The eps started to air at 11:00 p.m. and I had to get up early for work, so I stopped watching.
In 2013, I spent one year living in North Carolina with my older sister. I was having a difficult time, so I moved to my birth country (USA) to escape everyone and everything. I had no TV in my room, but I had my laptop and my sis had the first 7 seasons of Supernatural, so I was like, “Hey! I might FINALLY understand that freaking show that looked so cool”. That’s how I started. I wasn’t planning to binge-watch the whole thing, but it became addictive pretty fast.
I loved the first 3 seasons, but once I got to season 4 and Castiel was introduced, I was hooked for real! When I watched season 5 and I saw the “I did it, all of it, for you” from 5x02, I started Googling Dean and Cas, because I was SO SURE I was seeing romance there, and I couldn’t be the only one. I was super excited when I found out there was a Supernatural FANDOM (back then I had no idea that was a thing). And I was even more excited when I learned about Destiel, about shipping, and about all the fandom culture. I joined Twitter, became a Misha stan because the more I read about him, the more I adored him, and I got caught up just in time to watch 8x17 live.
Can you imagine becoming a Dean/Cas shipper all on my own, doing research, finding out about Destiel and then the VERY FIRST EPISODE I watched live, while living in the U.S., was Goodbye Stranger written by Robbie Thompson?!! Those were the days!
I have been watching live, along with the fandom, ever since March 20, 2013. I joined Tumblr during the hiatus and started writing meta (accidentally) at the very beginning of season 9. So yeah! This show has been a very important part of my life for over 6 years now, and I don’t want to think about how things might change after the show ends. NOPE. Not thinking about it AT ALL. (At least not yet).
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
I absolutely LOVE my three boys. I want them to be happy because they deserve it. But, we can all have a favorite, right? I was a Dean!girl when I started binge-watching. When Cas was introduced, I became a huge Cas fan, and I thought he had become my favorite. However, lately I’ve understood that I became a huge MISHA fan, and that’s a little different. If we’re talking about the SPN cast, Misha is and will always be my favorite because he’s a real life angel. I love that man with all I have! But, if we’re talking about the SPN characters, I have to admit that I will forever be a Dean!girl, no matter what.
I’ll continue after the cut because, apparently, it’s impossible for me to give brief answers :P
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
This question sounds cruel, but I want to understand it in a ranking way, not in an “I hate this character” one.
If I have to rank TFW, for me, it would be:
HOWEVER, let it be known that I love my three boys immensely, and I want a happy endgame for the three of them. If Dean and Cas had a happy ending, but Sammy didn’t, that would ruin it for me. Ranking doesn’t equal hating.
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs!
I’ve said I follow very few blogs because I curate my fandom experience a lot, but you guys make my time on Tumblr extraordinary. I enjoy seeing you in my dash, reading what you blog or reblog and just knowing that you’re around as part of this community. If you answer these questions, please tag me ‘cause I’d like to read what you got to say about our beloved show. Much love to each of you! ♥♥♥♥♥
@dimples-of-discontent @mittensmorgul @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @naruhearts @casthegrumpy @fangirlingtodeath513 @bluestar86 @viva-la-cockles @obsessionisaperfume @caswouldratherbehere @perfectlyelegantdelusion @occamshipper @amwritingmeta (and no, Annelie, I’m not tagging you because you tagged me; you truly deserve to be here). 
If you’re not tagged, please forgive my poor memory, but if we’ve talked before, or I reblog/like your posts, please know that I adore you. ♥
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
Oh my! This is so hard to answer. Supernatural has had so many amazing characters that choosing only one is hard. But I guess I have to go with Charlie Bradbury. The only time I seriously considered to stop watching the show was when Charlie was killed off. I was very angry and disappointed, and 10x21 became an episode I truly hate. I don’t think I have ever re-watched the whole ep because the writing was SO BAD. Dean and Sam were stupid in that ep, and Cas was basically a lamp. I… NOPE. Disgusting episode for sure. And I lost my beautiful lesbian queen.
 6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
I should say Charlie again, but because she got covered in my favorite non-TFW character, I will choose someone else for favorite woman.
And that has got to be Rowena. I don’t think there has ever been a female character in Supernatural written better than Rowena. And because the show’s ending, there will never be.  
7. John or Mary?
Definitely Mary. We got to know her better. I know certain parts of the fandom didn’t care much for her, but I loved her a lot, not despite her flaws but because of them! She was made human in a realistic way. We had only seen the idealized version of her through Dean’s eyes, but once we got to meet the real Mary, it was something I enjoyed. John, on the other hand, is not a bad person, but he wasn’t the best parent. He loved his children, and I know that, but his love doesn’t negate all the crap he put his sons through, even if his intentions came from a good place. I like the closure the boys got with him in 14x13, though. I was not against it at all. But, as John would say in that ep, “Me versus your mom? That’s – that’s not even a choice.”
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Dean: Since the first moment I saw Dean, I knew he was faking and was trying to hide how broken he felt. That’s why I fell in love with him from the get-go.
Sam: My first opinion was that he was supposed to be the mature and detached brother.
Cas: I thought that he was meant to be the epitome for the enemies to friends trope. (And I added “to lovers” one season later).
Jack: The only opinion I had was that he was going to be the opposite of Lucifer. The characters were saying he was evil way too early for it not to be subverted. 
9. What’s your favorite season?
There are many seasons I love. I mean, this show has given us SO MUCH. But, season 8 is probably my favorite for two reasons. First of all, because it was the first one I watched live once I caught up. And to this day, the season finale still blows my mind.
And second, because it was when Carver took the reins of the show and did his best to fix the Gamble era. He gave the Dean/Cas dynamic a serious note, narratively speaking. I’ve said before that even though I shipped Destiel in the previous seasons, it wasn’t until season 8 that I saw an intentional development. It wasn’t played for kicks and laughs anymore, and it wasn’t just Misha’s and Jensen’s doing either. It was in the plot. The whole ‘I stayed one year in Purgatory just to get you back’ and all the ‘I couldn’t bear to think you didn’t want to come with me, so I chose to make it my fault’. Season 8 marked a new era, indeed, and Destiel became a real thing from then on, in my opinion.  
10. What’s your least favorite season?
Even though there are some episodes from that season that I truly love (and they’ve become memorable, like The French Mistake or The Man Who Would Be King), as a whole, I don’t enjoy season 6 much. After a formidable season 5, Sera struggled to keep the boat afloat and it shows. Season 6 is certainly the weakest.
11. Opinions on Destiel?
My whole blog was born because of Destiel, so? What do you want me to say? Hahahaha. Destiel is life. And I can divide my opinion in 4 (depending on the showrunner):
Destiel was a fortunate accident during the Kripke era. It was played for laughs and it was the result of whatever was going on between Jensen and Misha. Their chemistry had nothing to do with the script.
Destiel was a tool during the Gamble era. I don’t like to use the word “queerbait”, but I think the closest Supernatural has been to that was when Sera was the showrunner. It seems to me like she used the ship to lure the fandom and keep the audience, but it’s clear she had no intention of giving a resolution (we all know how she treated Misha, so…).
Destiel became an intentional part of the narrative during the Carver era. As I said before, it wasn’t until season 8 when you could clearly see that things were not accidentally there anymore. It wasn’t a joke, either. The ship sailed for real during the Carver era, but Jeremy was not allowed to give a resolution because the show continued to be renewed.
Destiel became canon during the Dabb era. I mean, I know people will argue that it’s not canon yet. And I understand what they mean. But, in my opinion, Destiel hasn’t been TEXTUALLY made canon, but when Andrew took the reins of the show, he made Dean and Cas sooooo married that I came to the conclusion explaining the subtext was unnecessary. It was WAY too in the nose to need explaining. So, I stopped trying hahaha. I don’t know if we’ll ever get Textual Canon Destiel, but in regards to Subtext, it can’t get more canon than that. And noooo, that doesn’t mean queerbait at all. Queercoding is a thing, you know?
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
As per my previous answer, currently I don’t think Supernatural queerbaits. I do believe Dabb, Bobo and company want to give the Dean/Cas storyline a satisfying resolution. I have no idea what they will be allowed to do, but even if they can’t textually give us what we want, I have faith they will find a subtextually strong way to wrap things up. I enjoyed when Misha and Jensen explained in the DC Cockles panel the restrictions the CW puts, and I think it applies to so much more than blood and language.
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
Seasons 8-14, no doubt. For two reasons: 1) They are really good (and gave Destiel relevance) and 2) those are the seasons when I was already part of the fandom and could enjoy week after week.
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)?
I think Chuck is the best of the best. Because when we look back, we now know that all the other villains were thanks to Chuck’s machinations. Plot wise that’s amazeballs! I mean, the fact that we always thought (or hoped) that God was on the Winchesters’ side just to learn he was the villain all along. Chef’s kiss!
 15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
I think they squeezed the freaking Lucifer plot line as much as they could… until it got to a point where I was sick of it. Everything related to Nick and Lucifer in season 14 was stupid and boring, to say the least. The plot line should have ended when Dean stabbed Lucifer. Although… I would have liked a better closure for Sam, but I’m good. As long as I don’t have to see Pellegrino again, I’m good.
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)?
I don’t like this question and refuse to answer because trauma is NOT a competition (either in real life or in fiction). Trauma is trauma and it affects people. Something Sam went through was painful to him and that same thing may be less traumatic to Cas, but that doesn’t mean the repercussions and the suffering are less real for Sam, just because Cas suffered in other ways that may have affected him more. Trauma is personal. All I know is that the three of them have gone through A LOT and that’s why they deserve peace and happiness. Period.
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode?
There are more than 300 reasons to love this show. I mean, it’s almost impossible to choose ONE episode out of so many that I love. But for the sake of this question, I will answer with a very personal choice. My favorite ep could probably be 12x22 because of the moments between Dean and Mary. Dean needed a moment to finally say what he had been repressing all his life. All that hate mixed with all that love. He needed to let it out. And it was both gut-wrenching and beautiful to watch. I always cry when I see it (and I mean gross sobbing for real).
18. Do you like case episodes?
I like them most of the time. I don’t enjoy them so much when they air because I would like the plot to move forward, but it’s the case episodes where we learn more about what’s going on with our characters (their internal emotional battles) through other characters and subtext. It’s an interesting exercise, and that’s why I end up liking most case episodes in the end.
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW?
For people who have been following my blog for some time, this will come as no surprise. I relate the most to Dean Winchester.
In fact, I AM DEAN. I can find in my life every single thing about Dean’s journey. I came to accept my sexuality thanks to Dean (first as bisexual, and later as demisexual once I became more educated). I have felt worthless and like I don’t deserve to live or to be loved, just as much as Dean. I have felt like a burden, like I’m here just to help/please others, and if I’m not doing that, then I’m failing at life.
I get why Dean lashes out and hurts the people he loves even though he’s so afraid to lose them. I understand why Dean builds huge walls to protect himself from being hurt and what he needs to grow. Because his struggles are my struggles. And now I’m crying, so I better move on to the next question.  
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
I like Supernatural because I’ve been able to learn about myself thanks to the characters. Despite being a genre show, the personal journeys (character arcs) have been so real and relatable that I truly think this show is a masterpiece. The fact that I’ve grown as a human being thanks to an ordinary TV show is incredible. I don’t think there will ever be another show like Supernatural in my life.
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
I would bring back Charlie. The original Charlie. I mean, I know we have seen lovely Felicia Day again thanks to AU!Charlie, but I couldn’t connect with her the same way I did with the original one. Probably because not even the boys have been able to connect with her the same way, either. They see her and they will always see the little sister they lost. It’s hard to think of AU!Charlie as her own person if she always reminds you of the one you lost. ETA: I forgot who I would kill. I guess no one. I mean, if Lucifer were still around, I'd kill him. Or Nick. I just got tired of his face.
Wow! This turned into a very long post, but I had so much fun.
I tag EVERYONE who would like to do this as a way to pay tribute to our wonderful show. Much love to y’all!
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emikomay · 7 years
What's it like being a modern witch compared to an old fashioned witch in your opinion? What is your daily routine as a witch or how do you normally go about it? How did you become a witch; and if it's a family thing, what was it like growing up as one and what was it basically like for the ones before you? Sorry for all the questions but I'm just really curious and I don't know what its really like.
Hey! No problem, I love answering questions :) 
So, first off, I am pretty new at practicing what I consider witchcraft. Its only in the past year that I’ve really begun a practice of spirituality at all. My family are all atheists, so I grew up with that influence of skepticism and religion-hating, and it stuck with me for a long time. 
I kind of discovered witchcraft accidentally. 
Last year, when I was struggling with insomnia, I learned about ASMR videos from reddit or something, and found them to be really helpful for falling asleep. 
A few of my favorite ASMRtists were really into crystals and reiki and moon phases, so I slowly became more and more aware of this kind of spirituality, things I would otherwise have clicked away from or not been interested in. 
At some point I found two ASMRtists who were actual reiki practitioners: TheLuneInnate and InfiniteHumanProductions. Because these people are certified reiki healers, each time you watch a video you are receiving an actual reiki session, which is super cool! I found these to be so relaxing and soothing, that I just wanted to delve more into these spiritual beliefs. 
I looked into some other resources like The Body Astrologer, which got me hooked on astrology, and I went to a local crystal shop and bought some crystals, and then my bf’s mom bought me a tarot card deck for my birthday. Oh, and I discovered the tumblr witch “witchblr” community. That was huge for me. 
I began to realize that I had been lacking this spirituality in my life, as well as a community to share and discuss it with. I’ve always disliked going to church and having to make small talk with people that I don’t really care for, but I found that tumblr is the perfect way (for me) to interact with exactly who I want to interact with, and curate my dash to be the content I want to see, that makes me feel happy and spiritually connected. 
So that’s how I got to where I am today! As for my daily routine, I pretty much live my life the same way as I used to, with the additions of spending time working on my grimoire while watching TV after work, and keeping crystals around my home, and using essential oils and more holistic healing methods (in addition to my regular doc-prescribed meds–I am a very pro-science witch!). For small things though, like my restless legs syndrome, or insomnia, or little anxiety flares, I love using essential oils, crystals, and herbals.
A big part of witchcraft, for me, or what makes it witchcraft to me, rather than just calling it holistic living or something, is the element of faith and belief in something that there is no scientific basis for. Again, I grew up with two atheist parents, both of whom have Ph.D’s in Biology. The idea that God was real, or that crystals could heal someone, was laughed at by my parents and me growing up. We thought we were so much smarter than the rest of the religious, brainwashed world. 
That was when I was a kid. When I was 18, my best friend suddenly died in a road accident. I was devastated, and fell into a depressive state for many months, and when I came back out I was… different. I measure my life in “before” and “after” that event. 
After my friend’s death, I got such a strong feeling that her life force, her *essence*, was still in existence in the world–sometimes she would visit me in a dream, or I would be visiting her parents and sisters and it felt like she was just in the other room. Somehow her energy still lived on, even though her body was dead. It was this feeling, that made me question my beliefs and ultimately become more open to the idea that spirituality, magic, and religion can be helpful to people. 
You probably weren’t asking for an entire essay on my life, lol so I apologize if this is way tedious to read! But that’s basically the story of how I became a witch.
Thanks for the lovely ask and letting my spill my guts out to you! :-)
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