#it’s like seeing art of molly or vax to me
flashhwing · 2 years
I know that Alistair dying fighting the archdemon is like by far the least common fate people have for him so I do wonder how many people, like me, see art of Alistair and get an overwhelming sense of sadness and tragedy
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utilitycaster · 1 year
It’s so interesting how spot-on you were with the thoughts about toxic Beaujes folxs fleeing to D20. The same person who’s been starting shit on twitter just found out that CR doesn’t allow mass-produced zines, and used that fact to make some batshit generalization about how “that’s why the fandom is corporatized and violent and racist towards any canon-contradicting fanon like all my beaujester friends told me and now I’m parroting it uncritically”.
So I think this might be my last post on this unless some more wild shit goes down (very possible) not because I disagree but just because I am also trying to be conscious of overshadowing my genuine excitement for The Ravening War. But yeah...like, I followed a few people who were CR fanartists until Beauyasha started happening and unfollowed them once that went down; it was extremely exhausting watching a bunch of (mostly white) people in their early 20s suddenly claim a show they'd watched over 200 episodes of was hopelessly problematic simply because their ship didn't happen. It was a truly vile combination of normal shipping drama plus appropriated social justice language about said shipping drama plus, as others have noted, middle-class white queer people [a demographic I fit into myself] shoving aside narratives about POC or working class people because they aren't explicitly queer narratives (or even narratives about queer people that aren't to their exact specifications of what queerness looks like; see people who refuse to respect Molly's pronouns or who erase Vax's bisexuality because he was primarily romantically involved with a woman).
The zine thing is fucking wild in particular for the following reasons:
The two CR-centric zines that person has mentioned as not ultimately moving forward were both zines that intended to pay the artists, ie, at least partially for profit rather than charity zines.
I am not personally in a creative industry but I've been reliably told by basically everyone who is that CR's policy is boilerplate.
CR has a pretty extensive history of showcasing and hiring fanartists; this is not opposition to fan content, which is how this wack job is attempting to portray it.
Similarly no one is devaluing fan content; they're just saying "you are throwing a big old hissy fit in public about the hypothetical scenario of The Ravening War not honoring a ship that has, and I am not joking here, six fics on Ao3 in total." (For reference: Lapin/Theo, a ship that person actively dislikes, has 56 works, which, idk I feel that's almost ten times as widely accepted fanlore.)
Their twitter currently is bragging about their cookbook zine (which as far as I know wasn't based in fanon but was just a cookbook with fanart in it) and not about their currently active charity zine (which is the one about Belizabeth and Citrina). Also that charity zine is available for free which really undercuts the "for charity" aspect. Anyway a cool thing to do is to not buy it, but just donate directly to the International Rescue Committee or your refugee-supporting charity of choice.
Anyway. This was an opportunity to rant a lot but I will leave you with this: I am not the right person, obviously, to enumerate every possible issue with CR's portrayal of characters of color nor the lack of diversity of the cast. I think discussions of racism and lack of representation in actual play are important to have. But it's telling that fanartists, specifically, who left CR over Beau and Jester not getting together but pretended this was about social justice, always seem to go to D20. Or NADDPod. Or Friends at the Table. Or have their art featured in the TAZ graphic novels. All majority white or entirely white main casts.
They rarely seem to go to, say, Rivals of Waterdeep, or Into the Motherlands, or Three Black Halflings (and those are still some of the better known examples, frankly). People complaining that Critical Role hates lesbians for having a lesbian relationship they didn't like never seem to check out The Broadswords, or use resources like this to find women-led actual play. It's about getting clicks; they want to find an existing fandom to adore them rather than use the power they claim to wield to popularize something underrated.
Anyway that's the last reason why I think I'm done for now: I think the best and most satisfying thing is to starve them of attention, and to enjoy the Ravening War and art and fic about it from fans who are happy to be here.
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All right, this is gonna be a long one... 1, 5, 10, 14, 15, 20, 25, 30, 32, and 37 for the CR questions.
Tumblr media
Legit the first words out of my mouth were "oh Jesus!"
Here we go! CR time bay-beee! I've only been in the fandom for about a year and a half but I'm raring to go!
1- Character you don’t particularly like, but will defend vehemently when people dislike them for the wrong reasons.
Starting things off with a bang (hehe), I'm gonna go with Scanlan. A lot of people overlook him as the archetypal horny bard, which is the point of the character. His growth is subtle and doesn't really become extremely noticeable until he leaves in "A Bard's Lament." He's saved Vox Machina's butt on countless occasions and yet the team still kinda pushes him aside. They touched on this a little bit too in the first season of TLOVM with this little teases of foreshadowing and shots of him looking disappointed and I thought that was really cool. Also the clutch counterspell at 8th Lvl against Vecna is just *chef's kiss*
5- Meta you would write if you did not fear people would be SUPER weird about it. This is also an invitation to write that meta and block the haters.
I feel like a bunch of meta I've thought about has already been talked about. I've seen a bunch of phenomenal posts by many Critters on this site, including @captainofthetidesbreath and it's very intriguing and sometimes refreshing to get different perspectives on things that happen. One of my favorites I've read was a breakdown on the infamous Trent dinner scene in C2 which IMO is VERY reminiscent of the dinner sequence in Curse of Strahd. Matt defintely takes elements from well known DnD campaigns and salt bae sprinkles them into Exandria.
10- Favorite and least favorite Matt Mercer Original Subclass.
Super easy. Favorite is the Blighted Druid from Taldorei Reborn mainly because of its AoE in higher levels and addition to AC. Least favorite is the Blood Magic Wizard because as a piddly widdle wizard, your hit die is A D6. And you want your wizard to WILLINGLY cause damage to themselves?!? Hard pass.
14- Describe the art you would most like to create or commission if talent/money were no object.
God, there's so many things I wanna create. Right now I'm working on the Callowmoore supercut (which sits right now at about 35 min) and a few attempts at animatics here and there. The main two animatics I wanna try my hand at are Fearne and Ashton's fireside chat in C3 and Capeleb in C2.
Cosplay is also a thing I wanna get more into. I did a few CR casual cosplays this year (Imogen and Vax) for a ren faire and GenCon and I was so surprised by everyone's compliments on them.
15- Favorite one-on-one conversation (can be between two PCs, or a PC and NPC).
Oh God. So far Fjord and Essek's conversation after Molly's failed return made me bawl like a baby and so did Orym telling Will he couldn't stay in C3. Also for the Mighty Nein Reunited, Essek stopping by. 10/10 will die happily.
20. What non-D&D TTRPG would you most like to see Critical Role run a one shot in?
Arkham Horror would be pretty cool, I'm not gonna lie. Or Dresden Files. Or Balikbayan: Returning Home
25. What class do you most want to see Matt play if he is in a future EXU campaign as a new (not Dariax) PC?
Matt sure does love his spellcasters so let's mix it up. I wanna see him as an absolute madman of a paladin.
30. What is your favorite theory or headcanon that has absolutely no bearing on the plot and isn’t important at all, but which is completely compliant with canon?
I still think Caleb and Essek would have tried to go back for that freaking necrotic gem that Caleb almost got nuked trying to get. That whole scenario is freaking hilarious.
32. If the CR main cast were to play the original 7 tombtakers per The Nine Eyes of Lucien (Brevyn, Cree, Jurrell, Lucien, Otis, Tyffial, and Zoren) in a one shot, who should play whom? Assume Matt DMs, but you do not need to have Taliesin play Lucien.
Oh absolutely Matt plays Lucien. I would have Ashley be Brevyn (because it only makes sense given the connection), Zoren be Liam, Sam be Otis (because karma is a god), Cree be Laura actually, Travis be Jurrell, and Marisha be Tyffial. Have Taliesin switch out with Matt sometimes when Matt comes in as Vess DeRogna. Double DM!
37. You have to take a 16 hour road trip with one NPC from each campaign (all at once, ie, three other people). The NPCs cannot shorten the road trip in any way and the road trip must be via driving but you can do it in two 8 hour days and share a motel room if you’d like. Who do you pick?
Oh geez. Probably Gilmore and Essek and Weva and I'll explain. Essek would be the person I would talk to for small talk and get along with (and talk about how exhausting it is to just be) and Gilmore to absolutely come in and be like "I got the music!" and slams on the soundtrack from Priscilla Queen of the Desert. Weva would also be the one who tells really extravagant stories because she has to be some sort of death cleric who has stories from being a magical mortician.
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mollymauk-teafleak · 3 years
Hurt Prompt:
'You're not dying, it's only a sprained ankle' - widomauk (aka: Molly hurt himself and is now trying to get Caleb to pity him) 💜🧡
I am so sorry this has taken so long! But my lovely gf chose this out of my prompts list for my next little fic so here it is, some modern au widomauk family cuteness!
This fic is also on Ao3 if anyone would like to leave a comment!
Caleb had gotten too used to solving his problems with spells.
He wasn’t very strong so he used a levitation spell to carry his books and papers. His daughter Una wouldn’t sleep so he conjured dancing lights to soothe her and help her forget her nightmares. His son Trinket fell and skinned his knee so Caleb dropped the temperature of his palms and held them to the injury to soothe the pain and still the sniffles. Frumpkin wouldn’t stop scratching the arms of the sofa so a quick prestidigitation made sure Molly would be none the wiser. Caleb was very good at magic, after all.
But it meant that, when he found a problem that wouldn’t bend to any spell, he was a little lost.
At least he could float the mug of tea up the stairs without spilling. It bobbed just above his finger as he made his way up the stairs, deftly dodging toys left scattered by their children and several socks that had escaped the laundry basket, managing to make it unscathed to their bedroom. Frumpkin padded after him, bell on his collar jingling.
“Liebling?” he called softly as he pushed the door back, “I brought you some tea.”
A low groan from the bed was his answer, from the bundle of blankets that had replaced his husband. It shifted, a few crocheted throws sliding down in a wooly avalanche, the curved tops of two horns appearing, followed by a sleepily blinking set of red eyes.
Caleb smiled sympathetically and moved closer into the dim room, only a sliver of afternoon light coming in through the drawn curtains. With his free hand, he summoned a small ball of light and sent it drifting above the bed so he could see better. It was the same cluttered room he’d left an hour or so ago, the same cluttered room they spent every night in. All his books piled in neatly organised stacks that made sense only to him, Molly’s scented candles filling different corners of the room with different smells, scarves draped on nearly every available surface, a closet stopped with equal numbers of thick woolen jumpers and crop tops. Frumpkin sprang onto his usual perch, which was wherever Molly’s favourite cardigan was resting so he could get the maximum number of ginger hairs on it.
“I’m sorry to wake you but the healers said I should check on you every hour,” Caleb set the mug down on the bedside table, perching on the edge of the bed, mindful not to sit on his husband’s tail which was thrashing unhappily, “How are you feeling?”
“Depends,” Molly’s voice was even more raspy than usual, muffled by his blanket horde, “Help me decide which kid gets the high heeled boots in the will and I’m sorted.”
Caleb swallowed his chuckle as best he could, “I don’t expect Una will ever grow big enough to fill them so Trinket will probably get more use. But you’re not dying, Liebling, it’s only a sprained ankle.”
“Only,” Molly scoffed, sitting up straighter, more blankets falling away. He was wearing one of Caleb’s shirts from the university. He'd always preferred to sleep in his husband’s clothes, “You don’t go to the hospital for only anything!”
Caleb smiled sympathetically and moved closer, though he was careful not to jostle the brace wrapped foot that poked out from under the duvet at the bottom of the bed, balanced on a pillow.
“That is true,” he allowed, “Pike did say you were lucky not to break i t.”
“Exactly!” Molly pouted, reaching over for the mug, “And it hurts…”
Caleb patted the tiefling’s uninjured leg, “You can have some more painkillers in forty three minutes. And at least now we have learned a lesson about watching where we’re going on a stage, ja?”
How someone could look so haughty when their injury was entirely their fault, Caleb didn’t know, but Mollymauk managed it.
“Take me through it again?” he chuckled, still rubbing his shin, “Yasha didn’t quite give me all the details.”
In fact, all she’d said when she’d called Caleb to tell him Molly had been carted off to the emergency room mid-rehearsal was that he’d ‘been an idiot’. Not that Caleb would be repeating that.
Molly hunched his shoulders, “Um...we were rehearsing for the show, we’re doing Romeo and Juliet for the summer production. And I was, ah...paying very close attention to Vax’s choreography for the ballroom scene and just wanted to make sure I was getting it absolutely right, exactly as he was telling me to do it over and over and over again…”
Caleb tilted his head knowingly, “You were taking the piss out of him.”
“I...might have been doing an impression,” Molly started to hunch back into his blankets, “Allegedly. You’ll have to question witnesses.”
“Uh huh,” Caleb noncommittally rearranged the covers around Molly’s legs to keep out drafts, “And then?”
“Then. I wasn’t looking where the edge of the stage was and I fell into the orchestra pit.”
So Yasha had got it pretty accurate.
“And now my ankle is all gross and swollen and I can’t walk on it and I’m bored and it hurts!” Molly put more emphasis on that part, throwing his hands out exasperatedly and newly upending his tea.
Caleb smiled in sympathy, moving so he was leaning against the headboard too, stretching his legs out next to his husband’s. Instantly Mollymauk slumped against him, resting his head on his shoulder.
“It’s really shitty,” he mumbled into Caleb’s cable knit sweater.
“I know, Liebling,” he turned his face to kiss the top of Molly’s head, “And I’m sorry I don’t have the spells to fix this, I did look them up but they’re just not my domain and if I got something wrong...but you’ll be feeling better before you know it. And until you do, I’m right here for you.”
“Even if I’m a bit of an idiot? Not that I’m saying this was my fault or anything…”
Caleb grinned, “Come on now, Mollymauk, if I’d cared about you being a bit of an idiot we’d never have had a second date.”
Molly’s tail immediately flicked him on the thigh but he could have sworn his husband was muffling laughter against his shoulder.
Caleb paused, hearing a clatter that was rapidly increasing in volume, a smile growing on his face as the sound of two little feet and four scrabbling sets of claws got louder. He threw an slightly apologetic glance in Molly’s direction, “Sorry, Liebling, I said they had to wait a little and then they could follow-”
He was interrupted by the door bursting back and their children tumbling in, giggling and whispering to each other. Una ran in on all fours, as usual, she hadn’t mastered the wobbly toddler walk the same way her brother had.
“Daddy!” Trinket yelled before clearly remembering Caleb had told him that Molly would appreciate some peace and quiet, dropping down to a still loud stage whisper, “Daddy!”
“Hey there kiddos,” Molly smiled, brightening a little as Una pounced up onto the bed and curled up tightly under his arm, Trinket needing a magical assist from his papa to join them at the foot of the bed, “Sorry if I scared you there, I promise I’m okay.”
“Hurt bad?” Una murmured, staring at his support with wide yellow eyes like two gold coins.
“Well,” Molly ran a gentle hand through her dark hair, smiling demurely, “It’s not exactly comfortable...I’ll be okay, darling.”
“You will!” Trinket beams, bouncing on his knees excitedly, pulling something from behind his back with a flourish that meant he could only be Molly’s son, “Cos we got this!”
The tiefling blinked, eyes widening as he took the card in his hands, bringing it close with the kind of reverence people usually reserved for pieces of priceless art. It was made from a folded piece of paper, that Caleb unfortunately recognised as one of his marking sheets from work, that was already bowing under the weight of all the glitter and glue on it. Somehow it was both simultaneously dripping glue and shedding glitter on the blankets, the adornments surrounding a lovingly drawn portrait of someone very purple, with enormous horns and a tail curled into a heart. One of this figure’s legs was wrapped in a bandage and words were scrawled in a heavy hand around them. We love you daddy!
Molly gave a soft chuckle, closing his eyes a moment so they didn’t look quite so full of tears. He reached out to bring Trinket close to him too, bundling both his children close.
“Thank you, babies,” he murmured, voice a little thick, “That does make me feel so much more okay.”
Caleb watched them fondly before folding them into his arms too, so he could embrace all of his little family at once.
Maybe he had gotten too used to fixing problems with spells, maybe he did struggle when he couldn’t just wave his hands and knit everything back together. But fortunately, he had two experts who were willing to show him how.
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nochiquinn · 3 years
mighty nein vs vox machina battle royale: for fuck’s sake
oh this is one I'm not gonna be able to look at the screen for
don't join them in the chat
apocalyptic fun buns
all the art is v v good
ready for taliesin to forget which accent goes where
I enjoy the "made possible by viewers like you" in the corner
mala: we paid 3 million dollars for these outfits
veth from somewhere in the distance: "I'mma fuck it"
taliesin hot potato
if they both touch it at the same time there's a 0.00028% chance of getting caduceus instead
matt trying to rein in the collective horny energy of this group
(good luck)
the magic of video editing
"the boots of haste LAURA BAILEY"
oh this is the level 20 battle royale again
Ride the Hand
does fjord have the ring of fire resistance
jester's been learning from caleb
ahh I missed percy's voice
"vex isn't here, he's all mine" liam
mala: Liam still going for the orgy end
"does waterbreathing work in lava"
laura: "did you mean hot? I think you meant hot."
"just for fun" he's dead
I heard "I'm going to use a bonus accent" and yes you probably are sir
fgjlskdf literally moving him across screens
dramatic fucker
liam you ONLY made that comparison to fuck with travis
liam can you even see the dice through that thing on your face
rogues are whatever
this music is Good
"I cast thunderstep" "oh! I cast counterspell"
liam and marisha clapping in unison
he's stuck in percy's accent lmao
I missed literally everything molly did, cool, thanks child
ugh I'm completely lost now
rip fjord
"don't go over there, it sucks over there"
"is that technically a teleport" "yes" "AHAHAHAHAHA"
"let's have some fun" he's dead
oh good maybe I can get back on track after the break
guiding beau up the butt
I can't believe marisha killed liam in the parking lot
liam can't use his tablet with his apocalypse glove on
lmao taliesin putting the glasses back on
"what's back up? oh, your bullshit?"
"I'm trying to limit the number of dumb fucking things I do in this game" for the first time ever
taliesin: [laughs menacingly]
"you sound like me when I was in the second grade" aw, matt
the giant mug with the equally giant crazy straw is killing me
they wouldn't let sam drink from the flask again but the mug IS labeled "biohazard" so it's pretty much the same
no wait I got the flask and the stein confused, is that THE stein? bc in that case the biohazard tape is required by law
"the winged man in dark clothing"
tal that laugh was horrifying
"my butt was exposed just a little bit, just in case”
"oh you're one of those rich boys!" "oh yes."
oh good, I wasn't the only one getting ben franklin vibes
"the gayest ben franklin" "so just ben franklin"
"this is the best view I've had all pandemic" liam
percy's starting to take this personal
percy: you CATCH miette's bullets??? you NEGATE miette's damage????
marisha: why are you helping him???
oh right, she Hurt Scanlan in front of Vax
"you're throwing it? you fool. you absolute imbicile."
"you're the person in the back with a sniper rifle" ah. me.
"I'm pulling out Bad News - " "And loading a health potion into it and shooting it into my leg?"
ah, travis learned from sam. horrifying.
scanlan is an among us ghost
"I'll catch you!"
I enjoy the mental image of travis holding the back of laura's shirt to stop her fucking up a little league ref
he protecc, he attacc, but most important, he have pike as snacc
vax disappears into the void
"I want to be buried in this"
laura bailey is the most dangerous member of the mighty nein
"how did you MISS he was THREE FEET IN FRONT OF YOU"
sarenrae slapping pike's hand away from the hot radiant damage stove
"are you arguing with a ghost" that's percy's whole personal arc
Feathered Fuck
Campaign Three No Monks 2021
(Campaign Three All Monks 2021)
mala: once again Marisha is op its not the class, its her
travis said very near the beginning "we should animate this" and I love that that's his reaction to every cool moment now bc it is also mine
marisha: where'd you hide it, vax? liam: up my dick sam: joke's on you, he's got three dicks liam: dagger dagger dagger~
someone also said "action action bonus action" and I THINK it was liam but that took too long to type and I forgot
ashley going after that die only for it to betray her
also what I assume among us ghosts are doing
sdkljflsk vax just staring at them in horror
at level fuck it
"sorry liam this is your table" "that's okay, I'll just take a shit under yours"
I forgot how pissy liam gets when vax isn't doing well
like specifically as vax, he gets like me when the internet is slow
scanlan flipping sides
"this is twice marisha has killed me in battle royale"
"with vax going down" huehuehue
I enjoy that they're just confirming polymachina all over the place
he really did hide it up his dick
tbh I kinda figured it was gonna go this way. tm9 is fresh in their minds.
"you're such an asshole!" "I'm dead!"
vax just putting the gem on the ground and hoping it looks like all the other rocks
"you ASSHOLE you shot me SO MANY TIMES"
"I am alarmed that he is standing so well"
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trinket-buddy · 3 years
the way I was interpreting Matt’s intro at the start, when he said “you all have been plucked from across time and space” or whatever I read as like, this is VM from when THEY were level 15, before Vecna and before Vax died for good. I mean I know he still had the bone antlers in th art, but to me it seemed that Matt was accounting for the time differences, that’s why Percy wasn’t like in his 80s and why Molly was level 15
I thought this as well, but they made some solid references to where they were at at the end of campaign 1 as well. Level 15 Pike was definitely not that into Scanlan. Then once they were dead and having fun in the lava the comment was made that Vax specifically would have been able to see it - which I took as being his connection to the Raven Queen post death.
Molly was just an anomaly completely (since technically it'd be an alternate timeline where a level 15 Molly existed) and I think Percy would only be in his 40s in this if it takes place closer to when the M9 are level 15.
One of the previous posts I rb got me thinking about it being post C1 - the one about Percy lying awake in bed with Vex talking about how he shot Vecna so many times but this girl kept just catching his bullets.
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ravenquingvax · 3 years
Critical Role Season 2 Episode 136 Thoughts (Part One) -
Wasn't in the mood for liveblogging last night, but here are the thoughts I had while watching!
Warning, this is long and loud and busy with little breathing space, read at own will!
Well I just opened the stream and was greeted by a very smooth Fjord.
Don't likey.
Just as well that I'm gonna be just listening again, rather than actually watching.
That was a really beautiful piece of fanart tho. 💙
Listening to the stream with no video is interesting, I've started learning certain audio cues off by heart now.
Such as when the art reel is about to end, when Matt is about to call the opening sequence and when the raven flies away during the opening sequence.
It's fun.
I've also gained much more respect for Matt's voice acting thanks to listening with no video. Like, I can see these NPCs from just hearing their voices???
I can't.
Matt is fucking amazing.
Love him so much. 💙
Sam messing up the name of CR's own book is a mood.
Also not having visuals for this AD bit is… hm.
i love these idiots
I struggle forming sentences too, Ash, you're okay 💙
I love how Laura's merch announcements end up being such emotional rollercoasters.
I'm still not over Vax and every time I see that raven fly away in the animated opening sequence it usually makes me think about him and all those "but what if he lived???" scenarios.
This usually distracts me for the first few minutes of gameplay after the opening.
I'm not okay. (:
Okay but Laura and Ashley are so good at singing, I'm feeling v gay rn.
Travis' high pitched laughter and wheezing makes me so happy??? Love him.
I really hate Cree.
I don't actually know why, but I honestly hate her so fucking much.
I'm still annoyed she wasn't one of the 3 Tomb Takers that got taken out.
But I don't know why???
Hope she falls soon.
I'm unsure if I actually genuinely ship shadowgast or if I'm just seeing vax'ilmore crumbs where they aren't.
On the subject of vax'ilmore, it is still my all time favourite Critical Role ship from my first attempt at watching Campaign 1 two years ago.
Shaun Gilmore is also still my all time favourite character from then too.
I don't want any more of the Nein to die, it would ruin me, but like… I'm craving it at the same time?
And I don't mean anyone dying to Lucien or Trent or the Sumnovum or any other big baddies like how Molly died to Lorenzo way back.
I wanna see someone die in a really dumb situation and there being nothing the Nein can do for them.
I want somebody to die in a really quiet and mundane way and for it to really shake the Nein up.
Idk why I want this??
I love all of the Nein and want them all happy and safe! Ya know?
But I CRAVE this kinda angst so fucking badly.
Laura got a natural 20!!
And so early on!!
Gods, I need Matt to narrate the Narnia books so fucking bad, man. His voice???
Ahhhh. 💙
Eye stuff??
Better vision??
True Sight??
I'm thinking of Delilah seeing Trinket in a Percy costume again.
Thanks for bringing this up, Caleb! Theory confirmed!
Also fuck you, Professor Thaddeus!! :(
Poor Yasha. XD
also yasha my beloved 😭
This has been a moment.
Also fuck Lucy.
Lucy is a bitch.
Also Devexion was hot, ladies, you're not wrong.
Also it's not even been a fucking hour yet and so much just fucking happend.
Hoo boy.
Also did Travis just say "can't believe the fucking weasel is Artagan"???
Mood, Trav, Mood.
Cad, Beau, Caleb???
o shit
Weird growly noises??
Love that!!
"the skinned doggies with the eyeball tails" - Love that mental image, thanks LIAM
Minutes have passed but literally all I'm imagining now is a tiny crimson weasel choking out Vax'ildan.
31. Nice, Cay. Nice.
Also I love Essek's voice???
I feel drunk whenever I hear it??? I don't get that???
(I've not had alcohol since 25.12.2020, before you ask)
But it feels so good
Gilmore's voice also has this effect on me??? His laugh especially so???
Could someone explain why this happens please???
okay yeah I ship shadowgast
But yeah, wowza ma guys
"I think he's coming onto you."
"It's complicated."
also wow vethhhh
"don't come out of the closet"
poor Kiki 😔💙
She's not even in this campaign and she keeps getting shade
I love when the cast actually whisper when sneaking as if the monster will hear them---
The cast are self aware
Love these pretty fools
Marisha questioning how they've managed to run an actual real company--
"We took 3 minutes to achieve nothing."
"I'll stay near the rear in case I need to fill the hallway with death"
Uh, Caleb???
We just gonna gloss over that???
Okay then!
"Skyrim Wheels Of Cheese"
(thanks again Liam)
I am struggling to focus once again.
This stream has already greatly improved my mood, I'm actually grinning???
Thanks Critical Role 💙
Sprinkle has murdered The Champion Of The Raven Queen for shits and giggles.
"saucy DM"
It's time to spaghettify Cree~
Thanks Cad
Clutch Spare The Dying 💙
I tuned back into Marisha saying "sexy robot". Nice.
My brain is turning into Tubby Custard at this rate.
I don't even like the fucking Teletubbies but that pink shit is burned into my head.
The Teletubbies would so be members of The Tomb Takers, those mother fucking creepy fuckers.
They literally have TVs in their bellies that scry on people???
Fuck that so much
I feel nauseous.
So much has happened.
My face is blushing.
My hands are shaking.
And we've not been to break yet. Nice. Fun.
Caleb is the bomb defusal squad. 💙
"Caleb and Caduceus in the caboosus" MATH-CHEW
Hi, Lucy. [-_-] Now would you kindly walk into an Inuit Charge you lil bitch?
Essek and Gilmore's voices turn me into goo
While Lucien's voice turns me into a bloodthirsty, tired, overworked, annoyed as fuck parent on coffee
But yeah, I'm having BAD VIBES™ again
fuxk u math-chew (affectionate)
Liam's narration for this Dwarven Forge ad tho 👀
"I can't wait to give Taliesin a hug"
"I think you were my last hug, Taliesin"
Laura Bailey's voice is like a warm hug after a snowstorm. 💙
Oh no, it's this Sam Prime Subscription AD
Can we kill Cree?
Can we please kill-
Lucien is gonna personally kill someone, now, isn't he?
And all because I literally said nobody was allowed to die to his hands-
i kinda want Caleb to flirt with Lucy to throw him off his guard ngl I do still ship lucigast :|
-- end of part 1 of 2 --
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your-turn-to-role · 4 years
for the cr asks: 1, 7, 19, 29
hey, thanks!
1) How did you first discover Critical Role?
uh, friends, mostly. i was one of the later people in my friend group to get into it, though i’m definitely the one who’s gotten the most obsessed with it now 😂
i have one friend who’s been following it since the really early days, like early 2016 or something? and was very into taliesin’s characters (they have a very similar aesthetic), but stopped after molly died
another friend who’s more into dnd shows just bc she really likes dnd rather than particularly for the story has also been into it for ages, and was pestering me to watch for at least a year before i actually did
(not that i didn’t think i’d like it, it just takes me forever to get into stuff bc when i get into a fandom i get super into it and then am resistant to leave it, and there’s a limit to how many characters i can hold in my brain at once, also because starting a new thing that has literally thousands of hours of content is intimidating as fuck)
but it was also just, fanart of jester on tumblr? she didn’t even end up being my fave of the m9 (though i definitely love her), but she’s 100% my aesthetic to the core, and seeing a lot of art of her around i was like “okay i wanna know who this girl is bc she seems cool”
and then about, idk, 9-10 months ago i started cr2? and fell in love with nott within about two seconds of her speaking, which made me listen long enough to fall in love with the other characters as well, and then after i caught up (which was just before ep 73 aired, i was watching it with more or less all of my free time) i watched campaign 1 in a similar fashion and here we are
7) Do you have any official CR merch?
does explorer’s guide to wildemount count? or the vox machina origins comics? bc if so, i have those (digitally anyway)
but in terms of most actual merch, no, not yet, i’m not 100% ruling it out, but i live in new zealand so shipping is a huge pain and i haven’t come across anything yet that is both within my price range and that i care enough about to pay a shit ton for shipping
(honestly, would have bought any of the dice sets, but the only one that’s been out while i’ve been in the fandom was the whitestone opalite dice and those were suuuper expensive)
(real pretty though)
19) Who’s your favorite CR cast member (Matt, Laura, etc.)?
ohhhhhh that’s so hard to choose. every time i think of any one person at least four others show up in my head like “hey what about us!”
i think i’ll just answer this by saying my favourite things about each of them
matt - really cool person. really fun storyteller. so much more of a dork when not being a DM, it’s not a side of him we get to see often but it’s one i’d love to see more of! i’m still amazed he does this every week when he’s said a couple times he hates being on camera, like... matt, how do you do that. i am a little in awe of you
travis - i love his whole approach to rping? like the whole “you have to take risks at every possible opportunity because whether it succeeds or fails, it’s always worth the chance you’ll make something amazing”. he’s highly relatable as an adhd player. also he’s said he doesn’t want to put romance stories in his dnd characters and i get very attached to characters that could be headcanoned as aro so i really appreciate that
marisha - she’s fucking badass. i am constantly in awe of her bravery to continue to play her characters really well when she gets so much hate with them. also, she’s a really good actor? i feel like no one says it enough but she really is. love all her liveshow outfits.
liam - now, i’ve been that one theatre kid who was way too obsessed with hamlet at like age 15? so like... i feel you, liam. love the places he goes with his characters. love everything about vax. love the language he uses while rping and the small little gestures he comes up with that add so much to a character, i’ve written a couple posts on it
sam - now, on one hand, sam is the cast member i relate the least to. on the other, he did make nott who i love with all my heart. i’m also just really impressed by everything he comes up with as scanlan, especially the super long ode to vax which had to be at least partially improvised/written during that episode
laura - continually dedicated to proving you can make female characters that are super detailed and full of depth while also always being down to make stupid dick jokes. really good actor. very cute and very ridiculous. also, [harp music] ~laura bailey~
taliesin - i love his dedication to being goth, queer, and colourful all at once? bc big fucking mood. love his characters, love his weirdness, love his random pockets of obscure knowledge that occasionally come up on the show and everyone’s like “how the fuck do you even know that”
ashley - is it not enough to be gay and in love with ashley johnson? but no seriously she’s super cool and also a dork and i adore her
29) What’s the most devastating CR PC defeat/death?
i mean..... it’s gotta be molly, right?
like percy’s first death and vax in the finale were both heartwrenching as fuck, but both kinda felt like they were meant to happen? percy, while he came back and i’m glad he did (which also helps make it not the most devastating), taliesin had kinda planned for that to be the end of percy, and it did tie things up in that tragic way his character archetype often goes. had that been permanent, it would have hurt, but it would have felt fitting. and vax, god, i will never be over dalen’s closet, but he had a lot of time to come to grips with his own death and that made it, more cathartic rather than just painful
but molly was just, i mean i knew it was coming before i even started watching, i tried my best not to get attached and then got attached anyway
and i really love what it did to the plot and the characters and i wouldn’t trade away caduceus now we’ve really gotten to know him
but goddamn did that have an impact
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mnemememory · 6 years
Fic Master Post - Critical Role
blood in the water
Five hundred years after Vox Machina, the Mighty Nein try desperately to re-trace their footsteps. Assassin’s Creed AU | Beau & Keyleth, side Beau/Yasha | 2.5k
bleeding bitter
Fjord and Yasha haven’t had much of a chance to talk. Post episode 37 | Fjord & Yasha, Fjord & Jester, Yasha & Jester | 2.2k
happy people
They’re probably made up of 90% alcohol and 10% spite at this point. And good intentions. Spite and good intentions. | Mighty Nein & Mollymauk | 2.2k
the dose makes it
Insomnia is a subtle, bitter poison. | Beau & Mollymauk, Beau & Jester, Beau & Mighty Nein | 2k
The world does not owe Yasha anything. Or Molly. Post episode 26. | Yasha & Mollymauk | 300 
something is screaming
She’s already fallen so far. | Yasha & Mollymauk | 200
be gone
Beau has had this conversation before, in a different place, with a different man. Wayward Children/Narnia AU | Beau & Caleb, side Beau/Yasha | 3.1k
we whisper together
For as long as Molly can remember, when he wakes up, Yasha is gone. | Mollymauk & Yasha | 1.7k
Yasha screams until she can’t. Then she starts walking. | Yasha & Molly | 400
beloved mine
Lonely things are not strange to Yasha. | Yasha & Mollymauk | 50 words
here, the bleeding storm
Self reflection has never been very good for Yasha. | Yasha/Beau, Yasha & Mollymauk | 2.4k
here stand giants
Beau is the perfect fucking picture of mental health. Fuck you. | Beau/Yasha, Beau & Fjord, Beau & Jester | 2.5k
prepare your frozen face
Keg is a small thing in a smaller world. Heroics and bravery are for dead people. | Keg/Ruzza, Keg & Wohn | 2.1k
Fjord and Jester and Yasha, alone in a house of monsters. | Fjord & Jester & Yasha | 1.8k
blown out glass
Caliannna has trouble sleeping. | Calianna & Yasha, Calianna & Jester | 2.1k
silver cement
The one where Yasha is kidnapped by mole people and put into manacles, and that isn’t even the story. | Yasha/Beau | 3k
see no evil
Beau is a squishy human who can’t see in the dark. As luck can have it, Yasha can. | Beau & Yasha | 2.9k
small clouds
Frumpkin is Caleb’s daemon. Obviously. | Frumpkin & Caleb, Caleb & Mighty Nein | 2.3k
like a drowned rat
The creature, Caleb assures her, is called a “cat”. | Yasha & Frumpkin, Mollymauk & Yasha, side Beau/Yasha | 2.3k
liminal spaces
Caleb is so tired. | Caleb & Nott, Caleb & Beau | 2.4k
blue-grey silhouettes
Yasha comes back, and Beau can’t believe how sappy she is about it. | Yasha/Beau, Beau & Jester | 2.3k
(this is a kind of grief)
Here is an attempt to pin down something transient, unknowable, sacred: I need to leave, she says, and it burns. | Yasha/Beau, Yasha & Mollymauk | 2.4k
white blood
A happy morning | Yasha/Zuella | 500
Molly and Yasha talk. pre-stream | Molly & Yasha | 1.8k
mirror mirror
Your people. Of course. | Caleb & Nott | 1k
Veth is not brave | Nott | 1k
starlight mine
The worst thing Yasha has ever done is not die | Yasha/Zuala, Yasha & Molly | 2k
YouTuber AU - MIghty Nein style | Mighty Nein | 2.5k
The most irritating thing about Beauregard doesn’t actually have anything to do with Beauregard herself. Surprisingly enough. | Dairon/Beau | 600
dead man walking
Vax and Vex, together in a broken world. (the twins pre-Vox Machina). | Vex & Vax | 1.5k
nothing to fear, but
Allura is so good at being afraid. | Allura/Kima, Allura & Kima, Allura & Vox Machina | 1.1k
were i human
Keyleth casts “speak with animals” on the raven who visits her every day. | Keyleth/Vax | 500
equal debt
The Lady speaks to birds. Outside POV. Whitestone, 500 years after episode 115. | Vex & Vax, side-Vex/Percy | 2.2k
chapter works
The Life and Times of the Creature Known As Frumpkin, Cat:
Frumpkin’s thoughts on the Mighty Nein. And Caleb. Mostly Caleb.
Part 1: CALEB | 1k
Part 2: NOTT | 1.2k
Part 3: BEAU | 1k
Part 4: JESTER | 1.2k
Part 5: CADUCEUS  1.1k
Part 6: FJORD | 1.1k
Part 7: YASHA | 1.1k
Part 8: MIGHTY NEIN | 1.5k
Part 9: MOLLY | 1k
Time Travel AU:
tick tick tick
The first time (sort of) Caleb meets Beau, she punches him in the nose.
“You motherfucker,” she says, throwing herself into a chair next to Nott and waving down Adelaine the waitress. “You owe me so many drinks.” | Caleb & Mighty Nein, Mollymauk & Mighty Nein, minor Yasha/Beau | 2.3k
Caleb literally trips over the answer to his dreams. On par with the rest of his life, it gives him a concussion. | Caleb & Mighty Nein, Mollymauk & Mighty Nein, minor Yasha/Beau | 2.3k
running with knives
Yasha is so bad at people
Part 1 | 2.7k
Part 2 | 2.2k
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
better to scream
After Molly dies, there is nothing but silence. pacific rim fusion. | Yasha & Molly, Yasha & Caduceus, Yasha/Beau |
Part 1 | 5.1k
Part 2 | 7.1k
Beau’s pov
all the stars in the sky
Guardians of the Galaxy AU where Beau and Jester are simultaneously better and worse than Starlord, Yasha and Molly are Gamora, Nott is not a genetically modified raccoon (but she's just as good at blowing things up), Caleb is Groot, Fjord has less tattoos than Drax and Caduceus is confused.
Part 1 | 2.5k
170 notes · View notes
robin-the-hobgoblin · 3 years
Tumblr media
I posted 2,785 times in 2021
7 posts created (0%)
2778 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 396.9 posts.
I added 2,361 tags in 2021
#critical role - 977 posts
#cr spoilers - 338 posts
#anniedontlook - 222 posts
#essek thelyss - 167 posts
#caleb widogast - 152 posts
#the mighty nein - 132 posts
#shadowgast - 129 posts
#cr 3 - 94 posts
#vox machina - 91 posts
#mollymauk tealeaf - 59 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#my friend (whose also trans) gave me ten dollars for guessing the length of the movie coraline within three minutes
My Top Posts in 2021
6 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 06:01:24 GMT
i did not write this beautiful work, but i want everyone to read it. It is so incredibly sweet and well-written. please read this work of art by @estelanel
Luc knows a lot about death, even though he doesn't understand all of it. When the attack of a fire elemental thrusts him into the realm of the Raven Queen, however, he is relieved to find that he isn't all alone in the darkness.
7 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 02:10:46 GMT
i learned how to style a cheap wig from Spirit just so i could cosplay Vax tomorrow when i go see the new campaign in theaters
15 notes • Posted 2021-10-20 23:59:12 GMT
i don’t usually liveblog, but....
Ashton and Advik fucked
It’s just my opinion
But that is the vibe
18 notes • Posted 2021-11-19 04:01:02 GMT
very important thought: what if Taliesin’s next narrative telephone is voiced by Molly telling the story of the “Terrible Tinker” like how he was originally going to be introduced if Percy died?
70 notes • Posted 2021-02-19 06:59:39 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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flashhwing · 1 year
I was tagged by @jellydishes for a self rec tag game, which sounds fun!
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they've made.
Something you absolutely adore Crush is definitely my favorite fic that I've written. It's simple and most of the effect is in the formatting, of which there's barely any, but I've never been quite so pleased with how something turned out
Something that was challenging to create Fortune's Favor (Fortune's Fools) is my baby and also my bane. It's by far the most ambitious thing I've written, and the hardest thing is always just. Getting myself to write the next chapter.
Something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably) Two Unded Dipshits is a ficlet about Vax and Molly which I at least think is very fun. It was fun to write anyway!
Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.) Satisfied! My fic about sex repulsed Essek and setting boundaries, in a conversation led by Caleb. It really does surprise me how much it resonated with people, as I sort of thought while I was writing it that it might ring a little hollow or shallow with others -- or that it would feel a little too unrelatable to people, being based so much on my own experience.
Something you want other people to see I want more people to read my beaujester atla ficlet Slow Fall fjdskl
tagging @transprincecaspian @quinn-of-aebradore @highwayphantoms @glossolali and @spottedenchants
13 notes · View notes
parasite-core · 4 years
1, 19, 21, and 22 for the critter asks!
Thank you anon ☺️ I’m going to be placing this under a cut because it got really long. I...got a tad emotional.
1: How did you first discover Critical Role?
So I’d been playing Pathfinder for about a year before Critical Role got super popular. My partner Zane, who is also the only person I played Pathfinder with back then, started watching and was pretty into it. I had a vague interest at the time, but it was already well into the Vecna arc by the time I really started hearing about it. I actually remember the first scene I ever overheard Zane listening to when he was catching up was the love potion scene 😂 Amazing first introduction. The only CR 1 episode I listened to live was about an hour of the final battle with Vecna. I didn’t actually think back then that I’d ever commit to watching it, because four hours felt like a big chunk of time weekly. Then I realized that one of the players was Liam, and I have been a huge fan of his voice work since high school. I’d heard of Laura, Travis, and Matt beforehand, but finding out Liam was in it was what really got me interested enough to take the dive and start watching live when campaign 2 started. I never looked back. Ironically now I’m the only one in my immediate friend group who still watches now.
19: Who’s your favorite cast member?
Despite my previous answer alluding to me being a huge fan of Liam’s work for years, it’s actually a tie between Liam and Taliesin. Even beyond being a huge fan of his voice work (he just has a really great recognizable voice and I always feel happy when I recognize him in something) I adore how in character Liam gets and how much thought goes into how he expresses his characters. I love how excited he gets for the fandom content too, as the art dad of the cast. I love his descriptions and how he uses D&D as a way to show his love for his nerdy best friends. But it’s really Taliesin who’s affected my life in very big very personal ways. He also really came out of left field for who I’d end up really liking of the cast. See, I grew up in a very socially conservative home. My mom is very judgmental about piercings, tattoos, clothing, hair color/style, all that stuff, and when I started Critical Role I was still fairly fresh out of college and hadn’t yet pulled myself from some of that judgmental mindset I’d grown up with. So when I first saw Taliesin, my immediate reaction was basically ‘isn’t he kind of old to be dressing like that?’. I went in basically expecting to enjoy the entire cast except Taliesin, entirely because he was an older goth. I dropped that bullshit pretty fast after I saw him play Percy and Molly, his characters have consistently been some of my favorites. Hearing him talk about self expression, and learning to not give a fuck about what people whose opinions don’t matter, and all that really helped me to let go of some of my own toxic bs. And as I started exploring my gender identity more, I saw him as an example of how to be okay with myself no matter how I ended up wanting to present myself on the outside. After Mollymauk died I had a major spike in my depression, because I’d been kind of using Molly on an unhealthy level to keep myself going on a weekly basis (telling myself “I have to survive until Thursday so I can see what Molly will do next” “I have to make it to Thursday, maybe we’ll learn more about his backstory this week”, stuff like that). Then one day I was watching some other show online Taliesin was a guest in, I don’t remember what it was just that he was there dressed in the most fabulous purple outfit, and it kind of hit me that I could do that too. I could just make Taliesin and Molly’s worldview my own, I could dress loud and bright and be someone who people remember fondly. I could try to leave every place better than I found it. So I’ve since bought a bunch of clothes I just think are fun and fanciful, just because I like them, and I’ve tried to let go of my first instinct of being scared of how people will view me, and I’ve made a very conscious effort to stop that judgmental way of looking at people that made me almost not give someone amazing like Taliesin a chance. So anyways that was probably way more personal info than you wanted to know 😂 Tl;dr, I consider Taliesin an inspiration and a role model.
21: Who’s your favorite CR1 PC
That’s hard. My first instinct is Percy. And it’s a good first instinct. I love my dark tormented soul type characters who don’t consider themselves redeemable (see: my CR2 favorite). But also I love Grog, he’s hilarious and Travis really just made him a joy to watch. His antics are some of the first things I think of any time I think of CR1. Also I love the twins, their interactions were wonderful, and Vax’s storyline was so good and so tragic. But, no, I do think I have to go with my first instinct and say Percy. I’m just a sucker for a guy with a demon in his head seeking revenge and finding a family who helps to make him a better version of himself. That final moment admitting how much he misses his family and how hurt he is by what happened and his survivor’s guilt is all so heart wrenching. Angry “No Mercy Percy” coldly going after the people who hurt him and his is so dark and mildly terrifying and so fun to watch. Just...I enjoy Percy.
22 Who’s your favorite CR2 player character?
If he hadn’t died, it probably would have been Molly, he was easily my favorite for a long time. And I still adore him and I can’t wait for what’s coming. But there’s been such a long time between then and now, I ended up falling into my love of characters with dark backstories who don’t believe they can be redeemed. Caleb is definitely one of my favorites. I just like my sad haunted guys, I’m just that predictable. But also like I said earlier, I really like how Liam describes things, and Caleb and his magic really lend themselves to that. And he’s a dork who loves cats, and his found family. Although Beau blindsided me and ended up also being one of my favorites. I just love the Empire Siblings. Beau is so gutsy and plays up not giving a fuck but she also loves her friends so much that losing them would have been the biggest sacrifice she could think of for the hag. She came from a terrible toxic environment and she rose up and made a place for herself and she found her own family who loves her unconditionally and just 😭 I love Beau.
0 notes
mollymauk-teafleak · 5 years
Black Coffee
Vax'ildan needs a way to make money. Life got pretty rough after Syldor cut him off and he and his sister found themselves living in a tiny apartment in the city.
He needs a quick way to make some money. What he finds is Percival de Polo.
We’re calling it the sugar daddy au and we’re unapologetic, folks. Will be multi chapter if people like it.
Please consider reblogging, leaving a comment on Ao3 or donating to my ko-fi page!
Thanks to @minky-for-short and @spiky-lesbian
Always meet them in a public place.
That had been the prevailing advice when he’d looked on the Internet, when he’d asked Molly’s mother, when he’d finally decided to do this slightly crazy thing.
So Vax had messaged back, after stewing over those handful of words for nearly half a day, after they’d popped up with a unusually cheery message chime that honestly was a bit of a weird choice for an online sex forum. Though Vax didn’t know what else he’d expected. A moan of lust maybe, every time a message from his anonymous friend came in?
I’d like to meet you and talk about this face to face.
He’d replied, sat cross legged in his underwear on the bed that took up the majority of the space. He’d have called his bedroom the box room of the apartment, if his sister’s hadn’t been equally as claustrophobic.
1pm tomorrow at the Blooming Grove café? It’s on fifth street.
Vax thought it was a good choice. Nice, airy and Caduceus made the best coffee he’d ever had in the whole city. Also it wouldn’t hurt to be in a place where there would always be a stronger-than-he-seemed, seven foot tall friend within earshot.
He’d frowned than, tugging at a loose strand of ink black hair that had come loose from his bun. He’d told himself he was overthinking this. Catastrophizing, that’s what the CBT book his sister had lent him called it. Odds were this guy was just a nice enough, probably lonely middle-aged man. If anything seemed off, Vax could easily just politely decline and get out of there. He’d escaped from far worse.
Besides, maybe the offer would scare him off. Maybe Orthax- obviously not his real name but his username on the website- would lose his nerve and shut down and that would just be the end of it.
But then the reply came, less than five minutes after Vax’s offer when he’d taken five hours.
I know it, good choice. See you there. I’ll have a red carnation.
Vax had smiled at that, maybe even snorted a little. How romance novel. How Gone with the Wind.
It was a little sweet.
His estimation of the guy’s age had shot up but the amount he feared for his life went down.
And now he was sat here, at the comfy table for two right in the window, the one with the black iron seats and the mosaic table top. Dark eyes flicking to his watch, he noted it was now five minutes past one and there wasn’t a single flash of red to be found amongst the dinner crowd.
What if he never showed up? Maybe Orthax had lost his nerve at the last minute.
Vax frowned and leaned back in his chair, trying to figure out how that made him feel.
It wasn’t like he was dying to be someone’s sugar baby. After all, if he felt completely, 110% okay with it, he wouldn’t have lied about where he was going to his sister when she’d asked, dashing back to grab her forgotten lunch and seeing him half in, half out of his leather jacket, chasing Trinket around for his second shoe. He’d told her he was going to meet another art director, once she’d wrenched his now dripping shoe from her hairball of a dog.
And instantly regretted that lie, when he’d seen how her face lit up with hope for him.
Truth was, he thought as he took another sip of his black coffee to match how bitter he felt inside, the auditions had been very thin on the ground lately and even the few he did get didn’t go very far. Most directors wouldn’t even see him dance, not once he told them he was trans.
No auditions meant no jobs. No jobs meant no money coming in. And he and Vex would rather lose the apartment than ask Syldor for money, after he’d made it so acidly plain they wouldn’t be seeing another penny as long as Vax lived as himself.
The old man could rot as far as Vax was concerned.
He sighed, screwing up his face, fingers tight on his own arms. He was getting angry again, he could feel it, the kind of anger that could so easily make him say and do stupid things. But it was so much simpler to get mad at his bigoted ass of a father than at the whole world, the world that just didn’t seem to want to let him be happy, the world that had always been so unfair to him, the world that had left him sat here, messaging random people on the internet, offering to sell himself, hoping for one last chance to not fuck his whole life up.
“Are you…sorry, this is going to sound insane if I’m wrong but are you Raven?”
Vax opened his eyes, startled.
Well, he was a hell of a lot younger than he’d been expecting. Wasn’t half bad on the eyes either.
“I am. You’re Orthax?”
Tall, very tall. Human. White hair but it had to be the result of dye rather than age, no one with naturally white hair would wear it in such a neat, subtle undercut. Shockingly blue, tired looking eyes behind a pair of circular, gold rimmed glasses. Stubble creeping up his jaw. Looked like he needed a good night’s sleep.
And he actually did have the red carnation in his pocket.
The guy’s face wrinkled in gentle embarrassment, “Yeah. Sorry, it’s a rather stupid username. I didn’t think how bad it would sound out loud.”
His voice was prim, sculpted, a borderline ridiculously high society accent. But it was the only thing about him that gave any hint of the wealth Vax assumed he’d have; his clothes were dark and simple, no logos or brands, just dark blue jeans and a pain grey collared shirt that was a little oversized. Wait, no, there was a ring on his finger. The gleam of real gold, a crest too small to make out from his distance.
Vax cracked a smile, “It’s fine. Doesn’t have a reference to the size of your genitals so it’s better than most I see on there.”
The guy laughed, a short, bark of a laugh like he didn’t do it very often, “Even so. Now we’ve met face to face, can I be Percy?”
“Sure,” he nodded, “Then I’m Vax’ildan. Vax for short.”
“Lovely. Can I get you a drink, Vax?”
He tipped his mug, judging that he had maybe two swallows left. Having two drinks at a café was rank extravagance on Vax’s budget, even with Caduceus’ heavy friends discount, and all of a sudden the idea of having one bought for him seemed strange. But he was going to have to get used to that if this was going to work.
“Sure. Black coffee please and an amount of sugar I’m not comfortable telling you right now. The guy behind the counter knows.”
That made Percy laugh again, “Sure. A gentleman after my own heart.”
Vax paused as he watched Percy move through the maze of mismatched tables to the counter (Caduceus didn’t have the best eye for organisation). Being called a gentleman had gave him a happy little tightness in his stomach and it was probably good that he’d been able to make the guy laugh twice. So far so good.
Vax had always been very good at reading people in a short space of time. It was partly good intuition, partly a strong sense of empathy inherited from his mother, partly survival instinct from his years with Syldor, trying to work out how much he could trust people, how much he could be himself versus how much he’d need to lie.
It was serving him well as it ever had in trying to set up this delicate arrangement, helping him reject a handful of people and decide Percy was the only one he was going to agree to meet. And it was telling him a lot about Percy right now.
He seemed sad. There was no other word for it. There were too many lines around his eyes for someone as young as he was, down turned ones that clearly didn’t come from smiling. That shirt wasn’t doing a good job of concealing how slender he was, his nails were bitten uncomfortably close, there were old burns and scars on his hands and he’d missed part of his hair when he’d brushed it. And of course there was the fact that he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. It didn’t take a lot of Vax’s intuition to see that.
In short, he looked a bit bedraggled. At first Vax had been stunned that someone with such good looks and, presumably, a lot of money needed to inquire after a sugar baby. But as he watched him fumble for change, exchange a few pleasantries with Caduceus and pick his way back over to their table with two mugs, he was starting to piece it together.
Percy was just a little bit lost. He needed someone to hold his hand.
Vax mentally shrugged. He could do that.
“Here…” Percy sat the two coffees down, one in front of Vax, “I promise I didn’t look when he put the sugar in.”
Vax smiled wanly, “I’m pretty sure he stints me every time. It’s for my own good.”
Percy slid into the chair opposite him, muffling a cough, “Sorry…and I’m sorry for being late too. Time got away from me when I was working.”
“Oh? What do you do?” It was as good a place as any to make a start.
The tips of Percy’s ears reddened, “Well. Not work as in for my job. It’s…well, tinkering? Just messing around with machinery for my own amusement. I have a little work shop in my apartment.”
“Sounds interesting,” Vax smiled, wondering if he could be paid for his company in putting up all that flatpack furniture that was still sitting around in his own place.
“Well…” that seemed to please him, “I’ve made a few things. Odds and ends, patented a few things actually…”
Vax filed that away for something to return to later, something to do a little research on, “So what’s your day job?”
The discomfort returned a little, though it seemed a well-worn kind, something he was used to, “I, uh…I run my family’s company. Whitestone Industries.”
Vax nearly choked on his coffee, “Wait, what? Seriously?”
It was one of those ubiquitous household names, a little silver stamp on everything from electronics to massive civil engineering projects and charity initiatives. So huge and all encompassing, it was hard to imagine it as a family business.
Fuck, he’d suspected anyone with a kink for having a kept partner would have a fair amount of spending money but he hadn’t expected an oligarch.
“Yeah…” Percy looked down awkwardly, tracing his finger between the pretty glass tiles on the table top, “I don’t do that much, the board just puts stuff in front of me and I sign it. It’s the surname really…they let me mess around in the aerospace engineering department sometimes.”
Vax paused, his dismay fading. While he wasn’t about to feel sorry for someone who earned more money by the hour than his mother had ever seen in her life, he could see how that would be lonely. Having the pressures of your family bend and twist you into a position you couldn’t hold long before your muscles began to burn and your head swam.
He could understand that.
“Well…” Vax gave a friendly smile, soft and gentle as he could manage, “You’ve always got your work shop to come home to?”
“Yeah,” Percy looked up, like he really appreciated those words, “I do…so what do you like to do, Vax’ildan?”
“You can call me Vax,” he reminded him, leaning forward on his elbows.
“I like saying it,” he said it like it was something he was admitting, “It’s beautiful.”
Charming as well, huh? Vax was starting to think this whole thing was his very first good idea.
“I’m a dancer,” he stirred his coffee idly, spoon ringing against the china, “Aspiring, really. It’s been a while since I had a gig. I do teach a class down at the community centre and my friend Mollymauk lets me choreograph for his shows. They do Shakespeare mostly so there’s not a lot of call for it but…”
He trailed off limply. He felt like he was in front of someone who remembered him from Syldor’s, meeting him in the street and asking politely how he was getting on, all the while both of them painfully aware that he’d been disowned and this entire conversation had been an unadulterated mess.
But Percy had a smile in his voice, Vax heard it even when he didn’t lift his eyes to see, “That sounds lovely. I really admire anyone who has a creative job, especially people who teach others, I could never do that.”
Vax’s eyes darted up, too stunned to worry that he was looking a bit of a fool, “Really?”
Percy blinked, even tilting his head a little like a puppy would, “Forgive me but…have you ever had a compliment before?”
Vax opened his mouth…and had to close it again, smiling sheepishly. After a moment, the two of them found themselves laughing quietly under the chatter contained within the café. What else was there to do?
“Glad I could be your first, anyway,” Percy’s laugh ended in a cough he muffled into the back of his hand, “I’ll make sure I throw in as many as I can in the future.”
Vax lifted an eyebrow, “Does that mean…this is going to be a thing? You and me?”
Percy smiled playfully, eyes flashing a little, something Vax hadn’t even thought he would be capable of doing, “Well…I’d certainly be up for it though I think we should talk ground rules?”
Vax’s smile softened around the edges and any lingering worry that had survived in his chest died away at that moment. He was approaching this like a blueprint, of course, but there was comfort in that, reliability.
“Why don’t you tell me what you were thinking, then?” He’d finished his second coffee at that point, a pleasant buzz starting up in his veins.
Percy nodded, ticking them off on his fingers as he went, suddenly becoming very business-like and formal, “I’d pay your rent, I understand that’s the main monetary concern for people. I’d also send you a number of gifts every month once I get a better idea of things you like though some would be sexual in nature. I’d send these to your apartment or you could keep a separate P.O box if you prefer to keep that information private.”
Vax tried not to look too eager, though his heart was hammering in his chest, “And in exchange?”
“A…we’ll call it a date for want of a better word though we’d be by no means exclusive, you could pursue any other relationships though I’d prefer to be the only one with whom you had this kind of…arrangement. But one date every fortnight at least. You can suggest activities but so can I, we’ll reach a compromise. If you need to cancel any, that’s fine, though I’d like it to be rearranged if possible.”
Vax was fighting a bemused smile at how much like a meeting this felt, “And how many of these dates would end in sex? All of them?”
Percy looked taken aback, “I’d…I’d never force sex on you, Vax’ildan, never. I’d like to be intimate with you but if there’s ever any night you’re not feeling it or you’re not in the mood that’s fine. You just have to tell me.”
Vax’s amusement was replaced by surprise for a moment, surprise at the sincerity in Percy’s voice. He really did seem to care about Vax’s consent and comfort. Something that really shouldn’t come as a shock, he realised, but still…
“Understood. Same to you, of course,” he nodded.
Percy looked relieved, apparently genuinely hating being thought of as a person who would demand sex simply because he was paying for it, “I’d also appreciate pictures, whenever the mood takes you. And…” he stopped suddenly, finally seeming shy and even a little embarrassed, “I’d just…I’d like a friend. Tell me how your day is going. Tell me what you thought of whatever was on TV last night. Stuff like that.”
The expression on his face, which so clearly screamed that Percy hadn’t had that kind of friendliness in a very long time, that was what made Vax reach out and put his hand over Percy’s where it lay on the table. It hadn’t been a deliberate action, something he’d thought about, but he was glad he’d done it after Percy’s shame turned to relief and gratitude.
“That sounds perfectly reasonable,” Vax smiled, feeling Percy’s fingers turn under his to hold, knotting them together, “Got a contract you want me to sign or something?”
Percy smiled, blushing lightly under his gentle teasing, “No…sorry, a force of habit, I guess. Whenever you don’t know what to say at board meetings, if you use that kind of tone I’ve found they’ll leave you alone. Even if what you said was complete bullshit. So I guess I do it when I’m nervous?”
“Don’t be,” Vax grinned, “I think this is going to work out fine.”
Percy was full of polite apologies that they couldn’t start things right away but he had work to get back to. Actual work, he promised, not his tinkering.
But they exchanged numbers and Vax stood outside the café, watching his white haired saviour disappear into the crowds, clutching a fresh coffee to see him through the afternoon. It was getting cold but he lingered, waiting until he lost sight of Percy. Percy of the tired eyes and burned hands and family money he seemed so awkward about. Percy who smiled sweetly most of the time and darkly when he wanted to and asked for a friend.
Vax smiled wryly to himself and turned himself back towards home.
At least it wasn’t going to be boring.
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nochiquinn · 6 years
campaign 2 episode 22: traveler take the wheel
and y'all wonder why I mute most of his ads
I can't believe they found the perfect way to kill liam
that's so cool, though! and the fact that none of them found out about it before now, given how into the art community liam is
"that seems petty" "and something we would totally do"
discord: I feel like that was a taliesin yeah and not a mollymauk yeah
"dm pls repeat I was being a shit"
it's a tangela
good to know they're just as good at planning as they always were
molly attempts to confuse the troll by doing ten accents at once
travis: you should have ptsd marisha: I don't know her
taliesin: "swing swing" my traitor brain: FROM THE TANGLES OF MY HEART IT'S CRUSHED BY A FORMER LOVE
roll for ptsd
awwwww she trusts beau with her boy
why do all of their games involve troll dicks
kiri best bird child
flashbacks to the episode of b99 where holt's husband is in the safehouse
harold: apothecary molly: DRUGS
"there's a halfling wrapped in parchment paper under the table" liam no
"this is where are the manacles have been coming from!" taliesin no
"it's not like I like him or anything. baka."
aww nott's gonna steal a thing for yasha
how many failed shenanigans will they have tonight
yasha. yaSHA
molly strikes again
discord: it's vax slash fic by scanlan
jester. jester. 25 words. jester.
awww, ruby mom
goddammit mollymauk
"I close my eyes, put both hands on the hilt" [lenny]
mala: vorelock
"or we just kill them"
caleb is buzzkill babysitter
"we can't keep her with us" WHY NOT
now I don't know which I want more, Party Member Kiri or Potential Mob Boss Kiri
beau no
nott :(
"the traveler is my copilot" shirt
roll for dysentery
vulture culture
"keep saying it, maybe he'll start rolling better"
discord: fjord is bjored
look you will pull fjord/caleb from my cold dead hands
o h m y g o d
I see their new management is going well
"there's nothing like waking up in the morning with no pants and flowers in your hair"
this is a vox machina night
(it's never kaylie but let me dream)
fanny haversack
"he's brought us to florida"
STEAMPUNK BURNING MAN see I would go to that
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your-turn-to-role · 5 years
man you've done so many cool things like the level 10 molly and the Is Percy Really That Lucky and the one about the calendar and everyone being younger that made me rethink everything that had happened up till that moment and also who did the header here tis cool
haha, thanks!
the header art is mine as well, i don't actually know if i've reblogged it here or not because i drew it before i made this blog, but it'll be on my art blog if you check the link (or go to @ata-art)
for anyone who remembers my old jester icon, that was also mine, but i changed it recently to the grog's one shot vax just bc i love my rogue boy and the grog's one shot art is hilarious
any fanart i use for my icon + header in the future though will always be stuff i made
(honestly i have so many more cr things i wanna draw, i haven't been able to lately bc of a wrist injury which is why my art blog's kinda dead, but when i get back to it, i have a whole queue of things i'm really hoping to be able to post)
as for the meta posts, that's kinda what i do
when i get super into a fandom you can guarantee a) i'm gonna draw shit for it, b) i'm probably gonna write fic for it (i have some stuff i'm doing for NaNo, may post it in december if i like it, we'll see), and c) i'm gonna get really focused on weird trivia details and math and connect dots in weird ways and then just wanna talk about all of it
normally my main blog just gets the onslaught of posts when i join a new fandom, but the last fandom i was this hugely into (the umbrella academy), i ended up regretting not making a side blog, because i knew a lot of people followed me specifically for tua but then i'd end up posting a lot of other stuff as well and the tua content got a little drowned
so, once i got into cr, i made this blog! all crit role all the time babeeeyyyy
it's been real fun to run it, and a real cool way to collate all my various thoughts and art projects about a thing into one place, so people like you can look through it and actually know i did that stuff! so thanks for this message, it was great to wake up to, and hopefully i keep having inspiration to make a lot more things for this fandom!
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