#it’s my second non-work-related hyperfixation
sharkieboi · 2 years
Neverafter is absolutely eating my entire soul and has just fully reawakened my passion for fairy tales and so now im actually drawing and writing again to make a Neverafter OC based on Bluebeard’s wife
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pep-rambles · 6 months
Lucifer is a Swiftie headcanons because I kin this man so much I am projecting my other hyperfixations on him
But also I mean c'mon,
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Look at him
yes there is RadioApple in this
-It probably started from Charlie. When she was in high school (post emo phase obviously) she may have enjoyed Taylor Swift (maybe Fearless got her through her senior year because I can't stop projecting) Lucifer started listening to try and have something to bond with his daughter about. But about the time Charlie kind of lost interest is about the time Lucifer doubled down on his obsession.
-He has been to basically almost every Eras concert, usually in really good seats because many a swiftie has offered to sell their soul for tickets. He said keep your soul just let him tag along.
-He is definitely an Evermore stan mostly because of relating too hard to the divorce narrative of it.
-Speaking of, Charlie has threatened to lock him out of his Spotify after catching him on the floor crying to “Champaign Problems” on repeat too many times. She never would but most definitely tried to ban him from listening to it for a month.
-She then caught him crying to “You’re Loosing Me”
-Angel Dust is most definitely  Beyhive (killer bee probably) and though initially joking that they are rivals the two men bond over their love for the two queens of pop, recommending songs and videos to each other.
-Angel is a Reputation Stan though 
-After one of Lucifer’s many tiffs with Alastor,  Charlie is expressing her frustration asking her dad why can’t they just get along and Lucifer explains that he doesn’t trust Alastor because “I think his ever-present grin is a little troubling” and is a little upset when she doesn’t get it 
-One day, Luci is sitting in the Lobby doing his work while listening to Taylor on shuffle. He’s casually minding his own business jamming out to one of her poppier love songs and Alastor wanders in commenting on the “Obnoxious trite little diddy” Lucifer doesn't even hesitate to take the bait
L: HOW DARE YOU! SHE IS A TALENTED GODDESS!! A DOWNRIGHT MUSICAL CHAMELEON! You are such a snob Alastor! Good music didn't stop getting made after your tiny little lifetime.
A: I never said it did but it's certainly not this frivolous noise!
L: Oh, you uninformed uncultured cur! She is a fucking poet!
He then proceeds to play examples for Alastor of her most creative and heart wrenching lyrics (he absolutely makes Al sit through all 10 minutes and 13 seconds of ATW) 
After all that though Lucifer will never get Alastor to admit that he finds T.S. musically talented (or that Lucifer did in fact catch Al tapping his foot a couple times)
        -Alastor does come to Lucifer, after a bit of research, admitting that though he does not find her music enjoyable, he respects her business cunning. Luci figures that's good enough. For now. 
-because I bet my non-existent Eras tour tickets that Lilith was a hater. I’ll leave it at that.
-OP works at Barnes & Noble and let me tell you there are about 80 different Taylor Swift magazines that even my swiftie ass thinks is excessive but Lucifer has every single one
-including the Taylor Swift paper dolls magazine (yes this is a real thing). He probably gets a few because he convinces Charlie to use them as a team building activity.
-He has at least 3 copies of each of the covers for the 2023 TIME Person of the Year magazine. 
-Also all cardigans. On a casual day he definitely lounges in them and has a set rotation of when to wear each one (and I am totally not gonna draw that nope)
-Well, it seems Lucifer is no longer crying to the depressing break-up songs on repeat but now he seems to be angrily listening to “Gorgeous” on repeat. Charlie asks him about it and he goes full denial mode “No no Charlie I'm not thinking of anyone specific, I've just been really into this song lately.” Everyone else in the hotel, besides Alastor, has already figured out what's going on
Alastor: If I have to hear that obnoxious noise one more time I will reduce that tiny maniac’s room to rubble as well as the abode of whatever sad sack is making him play it.
Angel: *knowing smirk* I'm gonna hold ya to that one, Antlers. 
-Al may very well hear it one more time if Lucifer uses it as his confession song (I don't fully commit to this headcanon, I just think it's funny) 
-Anyway boy’s probably in his Reputation stan Era b/c LWYMMD is like his long overdue big F-YOU to Heaven song 
btw this is NOT gonna end at these headcanons I am running with this idea like scissors.
@nose-nippin-fun (I know you're not a swiftie but we talked about this so idk if you care I can un-tag you if you want)
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psychokatrixxxy · 2 months
My brother: I'm not autistic, I'm Batman. (No, I cannot remember how we got to this point, or what he meant by this, but he said it.)
Me and my mom:....
Me: You are aware Batman is one of the characters people tend to interpret or headcanon as autistic... right?
My brother: *scoffs* how is Batman autistic?
Me: He is bad at understanding and communicating emotions. He created a whole persona to fit into society, aka masking. He is so obsessive that he needs to have everything planned out and have contingencies for everything, and not knowing something makes him feel so uncomfortable that he needs to figure it out as soon as possible. (I listened a few other things I can really remember right now.)
From here, he started saying he was loner Batman and that Batman is at his best when he's alone, that his family makes him weak and vulnerable.
I bring up how the Lego Batman's movie's entire message was about how family makes you stronger. His response? That the Lego Batman movie is a "joke" so non of its messaging matters...
Okay, then I bring up in Batman vs TMNT they only won because they worked together.
My brother: Batman would have beat Shredder on his own.
Me:... he literally didn't, though. He lost their first match, and he only won the second one because Raph (I think it was him?) managed to knock off Shredder's helmet.
He kept trying to school me on Batman, on my hyperfixation, when I'm the one that's seen and read more Batman related media and has rewatched the two earlier mentioned films SEVERAL times.
He's the one that first brought the movies up and tries to tell me I'm wrong about my two favourite films when he's only seen each like once, like bruh.
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adhd-coyote · 4 months
I guess I might as well make an intro, huh? Heya, I’m Coyote, pronouns she/they/it, lovely to have you here <3
I’m a fanfic writer and sometimes even an artist! All of my works can be found on ao3 under adhd_coyote. It’s mostly Star Wars, as that hyperfixation started almost two years ago and has not let go since. But I’ve also got a few bnha fics and even a Teen Wolf oneshot, so there’s a bit of variety!
Please don’t hesitate to dm me, send asks, or tag me in wip/prompt challenges or anything else, even if we’ve never interacted before! I’m always eager to engage with my fellow fans! You can also find me on Discord as assigned_coyote (tho I don’t accept random friend requests, so dm me first please)!
I don’t accept any kind of hate or toxicity. My policy is ship and let ship; if you aren’t hurting anyone, then I don’t have a problem with you. If you don’t agree with this policy, the back button is very easy to use.
Happy to have you here, and hope you stay a while! <3
Links to tags+explanations under the cut!
Coyote’s OC Masterlist (WIP)
my writing - What it says on the tin. Stuff I've written, either on my own or with the lovely @darknight-brightstar! my art - There isn't nearly as much of my art as there is my writing, but I still tag it! coyotes clone chaos - I've got a whoole bunch of clone trooper ocs and I love to talk about them! Anything related to them can be found with this tag! I also tag every post with the names of the characters mentioned, in case you'd like to look for a specific oc! (I also have a fic by the same name; a series of oneshots featuring my precious babies) 193rd battalion - My original Clone Wars battalion, featuring General Adai Na'kala, Commander Sil, and Captain Badger! More characters to be added soon <3 coyotes yips and yaps - My non-fandom related rambles minifig adventures - The adventures of my Star Wars mini figures! Featuring Padawan Kenobi, Commander Cody, Berry the Storm Trooper, and @the-best-ie!
Fanfic Tags - All of my ongoing fics! don't give up on me - A fic series I'm writing with @darknight-brightstar! Featuring Cody/Obi-Wan/Fox, many clone trooper ocs, and so much hurt/comfort! Updates every Monday! this house don't feel like home - @darknight-brightstar and I's second fic! Featuring Cody/Fox, Ace!Obi/Ace!Rex, heavy Fox whump, and many many feels! You are going to hate Anakin in this one. Updates on Fridays! visions verse - My series Visions and Where They Lead! It's a series of oneshots and small fics following a young Obi-Wan who had a teensy mental breakdown on Galidraan, killed Dooku, and Fell. Featuring a slightly insane Obi-Wan, a very concerned Silas, and death! Updates are sporadic, I write when the muse strikes. cult of fox - @darknight-brightstar and I's third fic! It's a Cult of the Lamb crossover featuring fluffy crack, tookas, ancient deities, and lots of fun! Updates are irregular, as this is a side project, and no knowledge of Cult of the Lamb is needed to understand and enjoy!
I have other fics, but those don't have tags as they are either oneshots or completed. You can find 'em on my ao3!
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charrfie · 6 months
howdy laika! for that ask game, spamton with 17, 22, 23, 24?
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
See this is a tricky question bc I wouldn't say I truly LIKE any spamton ships really; they all don't work for me for one reason or another. But I'm fine with seeing some* of them regardless because I do view a majority of them as having been a part of his history? Like him and swatch for example. I do not enjoy that ship or actively take part in it but do I think there was something going on there during spamtons big shot years??? Yeah. Do I have a problem with anyone that does enjoy it? No. Kind of a non-answer but it's the best I've got
* = "Some" excluding any addison ships (bc I personally view them as siblings) and also ones that aren't morally gross, obviously
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
OH BOY AM I A FIC READER. For the past month or so as my hyperfixation on spam has ramped up in severity again I've been trying to read every spamton centric fic that's ever been written and wow has it been a journey. So as for what I like!! The easiest answer to this is probably just the general statement of "when people write him how he is in canon." It's surprisingly rare to see him written in such a manner but is always a nice surprise when he is. Not only do I say this in relation to his character as a whole, but his speech patterns too! Which- admittedly- are extremely difficult to get the hang of! So I understand if people aren't super well versed in it and can't write him accurately in that manner. But it's my favorite thing ever when people do.
As for the second part of this question, I think the most glaring thing I hate when it comes to fics about him is just how often he's infantilized. It's SHOCKING how often it happens. Sure sure, he can be silly no doubt about it, but he's a grown man in his 40s and has experienced so much awful shit. Can we knock it off with treating him like he's a newborn or is stupid?? In the same breadth is when people make him excessively kind or sweet right off the bat... like is he not kind of an asshole??? I think its perfectly fine to embrace that fact; him being morally gray adds SO much to his character! Dare I say a lot of people who enjoy his character wouldn't have been intrigued by him without it, so I don't know why that element of his character is so often neglected. Same with his small moments of kindness/humanity; they wouldn't hit as hard if he was like that the whole time. Idk. I'm kind of picky about writing and literature so I have a lot to say sorry lol
23. Favorite picture of this character?
If we're talking about canon art of him only then I will forever be thinking about this gif of him. It makes me crazy. Same with this drawing toby did of him, you people have no idea the damage it does to me
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If fan works are included... then this piece by @fatspamton is my absolute favorite picture of spamton EVER and it has been for the longest time, no question about it. It's exactly how I see him in my head and he looks so charming in it T_T <3 All of this artists spamton art (and other art/music too!!) is absolutely worth looking at if you ask me; the way he draws spam is unbelievably perfect, I think about all of its works of him very often :"^]
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours reminds you of them?
Going to be honest I've been stumped on this one. I don't think I have any answer?? There's no guy that takes up my brain space which is similar enough to him for me to say in full confidence "yeah x is like him," sorry!
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pirateswhore · 1 year
oh! please tell me your thoughts on adhd killian?
okay so this is a semi-sleepy, semi-high reply at 5 in the morning but screw it !
so as I said, this could very well be me projecting my own ADHD onto him and trying to see the symptoms so I could more easily relate BUT I do come bearing some evidence for it !
@cptainjones made a lovely post about killian showcasing symptoms of BPD (you should go check it out, it's wonderful) and while I don't have BPD myself, I do have ADHD and I know that the two overlap and are often comorbid, and undiagnosed ADHD (I doubt they had many ADHD screenings tests in EF) can lead to some of the behaviours we see killian exhibit throughout the show - substance abuse, depression, quick temper shifts, harsh/impulsive reactions, emotional turmoil (this can all be explained through both bpd and c/ptsd but the 3 are often co-diagnosed so-)
second, we can see that, while in the navy, killian was a stickler for rules and details and he seemed to have enjoyed being in the navy - this could be to impress Liam but a lot of ADHD people find strict regimes and routines helpful !! seeing as we generally suck at management ourselves and rely on other people establishing some sort of order that we can adhere to.
3rd, and I understand this can have multiple reasons behind it, but we can see killian being obsessive over his revenge to the point that it's a hyperfixation for him, completely overtaking his life. we see it slightly with getting the faeries out of the hat and then getting the darkness out of Emma. he seems to have a one-track mind of focusing on something and ignoring all else.
lastly, it kind of ? fits his character. I can see him being approached by Henry over homework help, and suddenly, he's spent 4 hours reading into the French Empire history or something. or wanting to understand how a certain thing works, and he just dedictes days to reading about it/watching documentaries.
people with adhd are also more perceptive, quick and creative thinkers (we see killian to be very well aware of what happens around him AND he's quick to jump in with a joke or a witty comment). he is also resilient and easily adapts to whatever situation he's thrust in (most notably seen in his adjustment to the modern world in a fairly short amount of time). I would also argue that killian has a strong moral compass (fight for what you love/want. revenge those you love. do not serve a corrupt leader) even if it doesn't really align with society's morals or ethics. he has it, and he sticks to it through and through. additionally (this goes more for ASD but the two overlap greatly) people with ADHD are more likely to be non-conforming to society, be rebellious and question norms, and killian is a pirate so I'd say he has the anarchist thing down pat (along with subverting gender and sexuality expectations).
so yea. just some similarities I've noticed between me and him that I can tie back to my ADHD. probably some other points I'm missing, but it's now 5:25 that I finished writing this and I should go back to sleep. toodles
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stables-of-amverse · 10 months
Pinned post
Welcome to the blog! This is the home of (one of) my mlp next gen(s) called Amverse. Name is derived from its original premis; which is that it is all about polyamory / polyamorous ships ~!! Though uh, as can be discovered through some looking around it is certainly not it's only big gimmick :3 This blog will mainly center around my next gens with occasional content around the canon ponies and around my next next gens. Partially an ask blog, mainly an information / project blog. Always willing to take questions about my little guys & their verse, I love talking about them/it so so much!!! Will feature: my art; OC bios; verse lore; general oc info; probably more that escapes me atm ~!!
!~ About the artist ~! I'm called Kat! But uh, I guess you can also refer to me as mun / the mun if you want to haha. (RP tumblr habits die hard snort) I use she/they ⋆ Vey/vem ⋆ Vhe/vher ⋆ Voi/void pronouns (or really anything aside from he/him & similar) This is my third or so next gen but also my main one! My OG/first one, Whatverse, has been dissolved into this + my second, Flipverse; my original third, Birdverse, never took off and essentially just ended up reborn as Am. (Which I didn't notice at first haha...) I am a lil shy & have limited spoons to work on Am / this blog but it is also my main hyperfixation soooo.... you can expect me to be posting here!!! Excuse the fact that I am also a goofball / a lil silly, it is an integral part of my personality hehe :3
Amverse related links:
Full list of ships - [ ship list link ]
Family tree (main) - [ family tree link ]
Family tree (OCs) - [ OC family tree link ]
Next gens toyhouse link - [ TH link ]
Character taglist page - [ taglist link ]
Non-verse related links:
Main blog - @mimicsapprentice
Main OC info blog - @toyhouse-of-tales
OC genders/terms blog - @gender-tear-and-share
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the-one-who-lambs · 2 years
Y'all would not fucking BELIEVE the counseling appointment I just had. I PROMISE it’s related to Cult of the Lamb. Just sit tight.
TL;DR: I have been questioning whether I am autistic for YEARS. What helped actually set a potential diagnosis for me in action? It was motherfucking Cult of the Lamb.
Context: I recently moved, transferred health systems, and needed to refill my adhd medication (vyvanse, which is a controlled substance) so since my new health system has different diagnostic requirements for ADHD I had to go in for a psych eval to basically confirm that yes I still have adhd. Which all worked out, btw, I have access to my medication again.
When I thought the appointment was nearing a close, she brought up the fact that I had self-identified as "neurodivergent" and last time she had asked me to explain what it meant to me. I explained that it encompassed many different ways of thinking and different brain chemistries/structures, including but not limited to ADHD, autism, PTSD, cerebral palsy etc. She then asked if I could potentially relate to any more of these identities and nudged me towards autism. Which was so validating because I've been wondering for years but like. For a therapist to just come out and lay it right in front of me was... unexpected. So that day I told her yes, I related to many autistic traits but that I also knew that there was a lot of overlap of symptoms between autism and ADHD and that non-autistic people could have autistic traits as well. I was deflecting wanting to deal with this and apparently it was obvious because she brought it back up again today.
There was a part of me dreading this appointment because I knew there was a chance she'd bring this up and then I would have to deal with it and it would feel real. So when she asked about it again and pointed out, hey your psych results and history questionnaire from your parents and past diagnoses and etc all line up with this and i just start tearing up because I don't know what else to do
And we had a long conversation about it and kinda unpacked my internalized ableism about this and pointed out some things in my history/questionnaire/eval that had led her to pose the question about pursuing a potential second evaluation for autism. So I accepted, because I had been procrastinating it for a while (due to fear of finding out that I was right I guess? but also really wanting to know and knowing in my heart that I know myself best and I was probably right?). If not now, when. So I have a follow-up appointment for an autism evaluation on October 24. Whatever the outcome I'm just proud I did this today.
Here's the fucking kicker that I think y'all are gonna appreciate.
So many of y'all know I write Narinder as autistic and boy howdy have I been projecting onto him so hard. When doing research for writing Requiem I realized how many of these traits I was checking off for myself. I published it like 2 days before the appointment. I have a LOT of trouble describing myself. My personality, my symptoms when asked about them, etc etc. But because I had done so much reading I had an idea fresh in my mind about what my autistic traits were because I had written them out and compared them to what I was writing. So I was able to articulate the things my counselor was asking me about so well and I felt like I had the most productive appointment I've had in ages. Looking back, I realized a lot of the things she asked me were autism-related rather than ADHD related. (For example, she asked me about any special interests I might have. Literally infodumped about the history of ALL my hyperfixations for ten minutes, then infodumped about my current hyperfixation cult of the lamb and my special interest (creative writing) and how I've been combining these two things and projecting onto blorbo from my video games and shit.) And all this really helped her in my evaluation and led her to propose the further evaluation for autism in the first place.
Also kinda screaming at the fact that I might have to send my therapist my fanfics so she can use them as a diagnostic tool.
Well. Back to writing.
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if i make it a post i can just link it in a fic note so Official Moth-Exclusive Drow Lore���️ regarding naming conventions below the cut
Caveat: I use the angelfire name generator to create drow names and then built lore off that base
Further caveat: this is my own homebrew naming system; some of it builds off of canon but most of it came straight from my hyperfixations
So their culture works in such a way that you kind of have to indicate who you defer to (there are exceptions, more on that later), and this is typically done with an occupational name that will indicate what noble house owns your life and to what extent. The prefixes break down thusly:
den' -> you work for the family
bin' -> you are apprenticed to a member of the family
ken' -> you are one of the family's slaves
kenat' -> you are a freedman or the child/descendant of a freedman associated with the family
This will act as a surname, with the individual's actual family name taking the place of a middle name. Some drow from the Deep Dark will replace their family name with an abbreviated version of the name of the city they were born in. Using the fic character Mayeari as an example, she uses an abbreviated version of the city Ust-Bräxaorthe's name in lieu of a family name, thus her full name is Mayeari Bräx ken'Eilssath. In the Deep Dark, it is also uncommon for drow who are not yet fully recognized as adults to use any part of their family name in their own official name; most see this as something you earn. It is also common for young nobles employed by or apprenticed to a more powerful family to use their own family name as a middle name without prefix, giving you names like Alakuit Masalak'ue Halastii den'Arabani.
Nobles will have courtesy names formed of the first character of their same-sex parent's name, typically the second character of their own (sometimes the first character is used but this is rare), and a suffix chosen by the drow themselves upon reaching adulthood. Prior to that, their courtesy name is the first character of their same-sex parent's name and the second of their own ie Alakuit's childhood courtesy name was Masalak, and Balalafay's was Shriala. Using this childhood version of the courtesy name when referring to the drow in question is extremely familiar for non-relations, but not generally considered insulting. Typically, though, even non-immediate family will exclusively use the courtesy name and whatever applicable honorific when speaking of a noble drow; the use of personal names is somewhat intimate and uncommon outside of a small inner circle (this is why the party calls her Balalafay or Lala, but Mayeari and some other drow that will appear later exclusively call her variations of Shrialafaer).
Nobles are, additionally, granted exclusive use of the prefix "alean'" for their surnames. In this example, Balalafay's full name is Balalafay Shrialafaer alean'Arabani. (I opted out of using the first-daughter/son, second-daughter/son, etc system for the specific sociocultural group Balalafay belongs to because it would be excessively messy). Most but not all nobles will use this prefix, and the exceptions are people like Balalafay's own mother, Shrianatar Dhris'shriamal Arabani, who will only style herself with "alean'Arabani" in reference to her title, which would be rendered as "Malla'Valsharess alean'Arabani" or "High Matriarch of the Noble House of Arabani." Shrianatar, and her predecessors, adopted this title to remind others that they can trace their descent all the way back to Illythiiri royalty, and she in particular dropped the prefix from her surname to remind everyone that she defers to no mortal. This is because Shrianatar is the physical embodiment of the sword of Damocles. I might make a separate post talking about her if anyone would want to read it.
As children, drow will have a maternal signifier comprised of the first character of their mother's name, the first character of their own name, and the prefix zau'. Balalafay's, as an example, was zau'Shri-Bala (her brother, Balaste, despite a seemingly similar name, was actually called zau'Shri-Bal). Past the age of fifty, very few drow retain this name, and hardly anyone ever uses it in reference to them. Referring to an adult drow using their maternal signifier is an insult that has caused wars; it's Just Not Done unless you really, really want to start shit.
Not every drow within the cohort that adhere to these naming traditions adheres to them very closely, and it is still uncommon for even high ranking Matrons and Matriarchs to abandon the alean' prefix to their name. Abandoning the prefix among nobles indicates a very high opinion of oneself and, drow being drow, your rivals will immediately set out to prove that you're not hot shit. This has not worked on Shrianatar, evidenced by the fact that she's still High Matriarch and has expanded her house's holdings outside of their ancestral city state considerably. For drow of lower rank, abandoning the occupational name is similarly audacious and rarely seen; it's most common among escaped men living on the surface.
I'll probably add to this later there's a lot.
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15 questions, 15 mutuals :)
Tagged by @lepetitfruit , sorry I'm a couple days late on responding to thiss
There's no way I'm gonna tag 15 people, but I suppose I'll tag a few of you
Were you named after anyone?
My first name was chosen by my parents after some biblical person, it was related to trouble having me etc etc, I've heard the story plenty. My middle name is the same as both my great-grandmother's and my aunt's I believe.
When was the last time you cried?
Actually cried? Not sure, I'm the suppress-emotions-when-possible type. Getting a bit teary and doing my best to avoid crying? When a character died on a show I was watching a few days ago
Do you have kids?
Dear god no, nor do I plan to. I mean, maybe if my future partner really wants a kid I'll consider it, but there is no way in hell I will be the one giving birth. Not a chance
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
If you haven't heard me use sarcasm, either I am dead or you've never spoken to me for more than 30 seconds.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
For some reason I seem to have accidentally trained my brain to look for queer signals right off the bat, so ngl it'll probably be that. Sounds bad, I know, but it's the truth
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
"Happy endings" is so non-specific, it could be practically any genre! Including scary stuff! But anyways, I haven't watched a ton of horror but if whatever I'm watching doesn't have a satisfying ending I will revolt (aka read fanfics) so I choose happy endings
Any special talents?
I do competitive archery on a national level, I think that one counts. I also can and will improvise practically anything small-ish into earrings
Where were you born?
Same general area I live now, Illinois, good ole American midwest. Yes, I am dying inside.
What are your hobbies?
Can I just repeat the "special skills" stuff? Archery, making earrings, and anything else I may hyperfixate on at any given time. Those things include half a million fandoms, way too many craft projects, and the occasional writing sprees.
Have any pets?
The only one who's tecnically mine is my cat, Pippin (named after the hobbit). The other animals in my house include Daisy, our beagle, and my sibling's two ferrets, Merlin and Myrtle.
What sports do/ have you played?
Feeling a bit repetitive here, but once again my answer is archery
How tall are you?
At least 5'7 last I checked, could be a little bit more
Favorite subject in school?
Well, back when I went to public school I'd always say science, but given the fact that I was 8 and only went through 3rd grade there's some room to change there. However, in my homeschooling ventures my work was much less rigidly defined by subject so I'm honestly not sure which to say here, I just teach myself anything I'm interested in
Dream job?
If I could get this writing demon in my brain under control that'd be fantastic, I need it to start spitting words onto pages please. Other than that, is it too much to ask to find a hands-off job that generates it's own income so I can travel and socialize and just live?
I'll tag... @superwho-ace @lonely-little-astronaut @renee561 @mon-sher-liam @siriuslythatbitch @seventiessunglasses @homoromoacecase
No pressure obviously, and if anyone else sees this you can say you were tagged by me, go for it!
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hi you have asks open now! here are some numbers for the ask game. 20 23 31 42 45 (i am incapable of actually copypasting the questions. sorry)
I’m not gonna lie, I totally forgot that I never answered these asks!!!
20. Favorite female character?
Ooh this is hard. Ophelia is my favorite female character to write about, closely followed by Gertrude. This probably makes them my favorites overall.
Since I HC that Viola/Cesario is non-binary, I don’t know if they count, but I absolutely love them. I find them one of the most relatable characters across any of the plays I’ve read (and I love them for it!)
23. Favorite reoccurring theme/motif?
THE WEATHER!!! I love the “bad weather=bad things” motif so, so much. It’s such a fun way to foreshadow events and set a mood! My favorite example are the “unnatural” weather patterns in Macbeth on the night of Duncan’s murder (I could talk about it for ages), closely followed by the mood-setting cold wind and darkness in Hamlet.
31. Is Hamlet 19 or 30? Does it matter?
19 or younger and it matters SO MUCH. This is the question that spurred my hours-long inconclusive deep dive into the canonical age of our sweet prince. As it turns out, practically every single version of the play contradicts the others or offers us nothing of use. First Quarto gives us very little (Hamlet is probably at least 12 if the skull is Yorick’s), Second Quarto says 30, and First Folio contradicts itself. I firmly believe that Hamlet works best if Hamlet’s young. It makes his response to his grief and relationships (and even his life as a university student) much more real and sympathetic. (Do we really want our 30-year-old lead screaming at his mother and practically rewriting MCR lyrics in his soliloquies?)
Some of this is also projection- I am also a believer in the “Hamlet is as old as you are right now/Hamlet is the age you were when you first read the play” theory, so my Hamlet is forever 15, my age when I first read his play. 
42. Are you predominantly a drama nerd, a literature nerd, a history nerd, or something else?
A literature nerd! Believe it or not, my only theater experience until this year (I’m an audio techie for my school’s Anastasia) was crying at a musical audition at age 14. I did have quite the history hyperfixation through my middle school years, but I’ve always trended back towards literature. I read Macbeth for an English class when I was 15 and fell in love with Shakespeare’s works. Performing these plays, even for the tiny audiences I’ve had has really pulled me out of my shell. I can see myself being a literature and drama nerd in the future.
45. Share a Shakespearean hot take or unpopular opinion.
OH BOY I have so many. But since brevity is the soul of wit (forget the “limbs and flourishes,” Polonius!), I’ll pick just one. This isn’t a hot take in the circles I’m in, but it seems like some “traditional” Shakespeare scholars (*cough* boring English teachers) seem to think that the value of Shakespeare’s work is intrinsic and comes from simply reading them silently to yourself in a dimly lit classroom that smells vaguely of the despair of English students past. I could not disagree more. Unlike novels, plays rely on their actors to function! Sure, there’s a story in the words alone, but an actor’s emotion is what really makes it come to life. There’s more value in watching a production of a play or even reading it aloud (even if you stumble over every other line) than silently picking through words. Reading Shakespeare isn’t about proving you’re smart enough to read Shakespeare, it’s about having fun and connecting to the characters! I wish more English professors would see it this way! (As a teacher-to-be, I certainly plan to!)
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meow meow, angel!! hope you're not annoyed by this greeting, bc it lets you immediately know who's your anon and i like it. so i've just finished watching hotd. the show in general and the characters seemed indeed more charming before i've watched it. i'm not disappointed but ig it's not what i expected it to be. still good, beautiful and all. don't get me wrong, i knew exactly what i'd been going to see. i knew all the plot points and all this shit. maybe this very fact spoiled everything. and i've never read the book. maybe they differ greatly but i'm talking only about the show. first of all, the plot seemed rather plain to me?.. it's linear and so predictable, too logical and obvious. i know they've cut some (dk how many) scenes but ig it's not the point? maybe it's the problem of the original, maybe the problem is the will to say to much. maybe it's just me being bitchy. second of all, characters?? the whole internet is arguing about daemon having no or grey moral while being blind on the others? wtf?? name me the one (out of the main characters) who's done NOTHING wrong and is absolutely saint?? who brings the love and the thruth only? viserys? a childish and selfish old man who's done so many wrong things and didn't want to face the consequences. rhaenyra? the young one annoyed me but the old one made me angry at times. the second one who's childish and selfish with no sense of duty. alicent? a naive woman whose resentment overgrown herself and made her blind with the desire of revenge. daemon? another selfish and arrogant man. besides, even if he had a sympathy for non-heir rhaenyra, i, personally, saw no love between them in the driftmark. a strong bond? desire? ambitions? targaryen's pride? yes. but not love. don't get me wrong, i understand all the motives, all the backgrounds, the characters. they all need a therapy and are deeply mentally wounded. but in general they're still a bunch of twats who do stupid and selfish things trying to overplay the faith just to be it's only favourite. a bunch of stupid just people doing stupid things. every moment of this show i was like "what if". what if rhaenys had become the queen? what if aemma hadn't died? what if daemon had someone of his liking for a first wife? the amount of their stupid decisions that are just leading them to the tomb... this hyperfixation made me realise i have that pride? strong feeling to the ancestry? that corlys possessed (as he said but we know). i feel SO sorry about this all. it's really scary how such a strong house, a great cultural inheritance is ruined by a bunch of morons. personally, i see it as an enormous tragedy. i can't empathise with mere people beside to the great history. but i did. i cried more times than one. still the mark of a good work. it made me empathise with the people that are TT annoying TT i was crying like a bitch over both scenes when daemon put the crown on his brother's/rhaenyra's head. i felt so sorry about all these relationships of the brothers. i cried over aegon's whole story. he's a twat. but boys with glossy eyes... the way young aemond said 'do not mourn me, mother'??? boy wtf?? i wanted to say who's my fav but tumblr is mad at me for sending long asks. a reason to send a love letter. and! *imagine the furious emoji* yesterday i was literally watching it till 8 am to finish it in time and to not pay for the full subscription bc hotd is literally the one show i've watched in a year but?? they just took the money earlier?? i'm furious but i'm gonna cry if they don't answer my messages TT take care! kiss you good morning or good night or good day! luv u<з
meow meow baby
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i have no idea what this is but its cat related and also i want to eat it i hope its not slime. you know what time it is 😎😎
hope you're not annoyed by this greeting, bc it lets you immediately know who's your anon and i like it.
im not annoyed but this greeting. you can greet me however you want
so i've just finished watching hotd. the show in general and the characters seemed indeed more charming before i've watched it.
💀💀💀💀 HAHAHAHAHA BUT NO SO TRUE because now your disillusioned by them this is why the book is always better than the adaptation because there is always space in your head to tweak the character to your liking lol
i'm not disappointed but ig it's not what i expected it to be. still good, beautiful and all. don't get me wrong, i knew exactly what i'd been going to see. i knew all the plot points and all this shit. maybe this very fact spoiled everything.
nah i dont think its the spoilers. but since idk what it is lets agree its the spoilers AHAHAH
and i've never read the book. maybe they differ greatly but i'm talking only about the show.
i never read it too but apparently they changed a lot ?? or rather took a lot of artistic liberties ?? idk dont quote me on that. but knowing how adaptations are im willing to bet they did change a lot
first of all, the plot seemed rather plain to me?.. it's linear and so predictable, too logical and obvious. i know they've cut some (dk how many) scenes but ig it's not the point? maybe it's the problem of the original, maybe the problem is the will to say to much. maybe it's just me being bitchy.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH nah but its i think pretty common for a series to start off strong then dwindle along the way. isn't that what happened to GoT? i never watched it but my mom did and she said 👎 lol HAHAHH its hard to sustain good plotlines if youre not sure what ur doing lol (not that i can say i know what IM doing when i write either AHHHAHAHA). also i dont think its you being bitchy. not liking something or disagreeing with something does not equate to being a bitch. ???? its giving internalized misogyny? its ok you can have against the grain opinions
second of all, characters?? the whole internet is arguing about daemon having no or grey moral while being blind on the others? wtf?? name me the one (out of the main characters) who's done NOTHING wrong and is absolutely saint?? who brings the love and the thruth only? viserys? a childish and selfish old man who's done so many wrong things and didn't want to face the consequences. rhaenyra? the young one annoyed me but the old one made me angry at times. the second one who's childish and selfish with no sense of duty. alicent? a naive woman whose resentment overgrown herself and made her blind with the desire of revenge. daemon? another selfish and arrogant man. besides, even if he had a sympathy for non-heir rhaenyra, i, personally, saw no love between them in the driftmark. a strong bond? desire? ambitions? targaryen's pride? yes. but not love. don't get me wrong, i understand all the motives, all the backgrounds, the characters. they all need a therapy and are deeply mentally wounded. but in general they're still a bunch of twats who do stupid and selfish things trying to overplay the faith just to be it's only favourite. a bunch of stupid just people doing stupid things.
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this this entire thing. i agree. they're all damaged and have their own wants and motives and most of all theyre all human. aint nobody perfect and even the best of us get swayed. i think its important to deconstruct works of fiction as they are a mirror to reality, but the moment someone tries to argue with me over an opinion i have over fiction im gonna say 'nah ur right bye' cos that aint worth it
every moment of this show i was like "what if". what if rhaenys had become the queen? what if aemma hadn't died? what if daemon had someone of his liking for a first wife? the amount of their stupid decisions that are just leading them to the tomb...
SO TRUE, even in the first parts of the show, there was already so much conflict so its all just a mountain of genetic/era specific stupidity AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
this hyperfixation made me realise i have that pride? strong feeling to the ancestry? that corlys possessed (as he said but we know).
ah you mean the illigitimate thing. nah fr he kinda messed up with that too but he's not wrong about the names thing. i understand what you mean, there is discomfort in the idea of knowingly letting someone who is clearly not your heir be heir. but at the same time, the kids became his heir by choice. blood is not the only determination of family.
i feel SO sorry about this all. it's really scary how such a strong house, a great cultural inheritance is ruined by a bunch of morons. personally, i see it as an enormous tragedy.
literally the story of humanity
i can't empathise with mere people beside to the great history. but i did. i cried more times than one. still the mark of a good work. it made me empathise with the people that are TT annoying TT
i was crying like a bitch over both scenes when daemon put the crown on his brother's/rhaenyra's head. i felt so sorry about all these relationships of the brothers.
so true those scenes showed how daemon albeit greedy and despicable, still cared for things in his life, as most evil people do. the best example i have is hitler (not that im saying daemon is like hitler rip rip T_T just listen) lashflkahsfash i remember seeing a post with a pic of hitler carrying this child; people were saying it was chilling because well it was hitler with a child, why would someone who wants to kill people and wage war look so friendly with a child??? someone responded by saying something like people forget that at his core, hitler was just a dude that REALLY REALLY wanted to do have his way and he just genuinely believed in what he was doing. smth like that. again its unfair to liken a fictional criminal with AN ACTUAL WAR CRIMINAL DICTATOR so lets leave it at that.
i cried over aegon's whole story. he's a twat. but boys with glossy eyes...
so true actually. when he asked his mom if she loves her T_T i felt that. T_T he like me fr T_T i felt the helplessness of him. he's just a kid who happened to be born an heir lol and just wants a hug
the way young aemond said 'do not mourn me, mother'??? boy wtf??
SO TRUE T_T aemond was so emotionally responsible for that it breaks my heart that a child knew how to be like that T_T
i wanted to say who's my fav but tumblr is mad at me for sending long asks. a reason to send a love letter. and! *imagine the furious emoji* yesterday i was literally watching it till 8 am to finish it in time and to not pay for the full subscription bc hotd is literally the one show i've watched in a year but?? they just took the money earlier??
not to be a bad influence but you can always you know what it the noncorrect way wink wink HAHAHAHAHAH
i'm furious but i'm gonna cry if they don't answer my messages TT take care! kiss you good morning or good night or good day! luv u<з
i send you a hug, you can cry on my shoulder. im luv u
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embryolk · 2 years
About ME
In case you want to know!!!!!!!!!!! Im nosy too :) so i get it
Hello, I'm Johnny, I'm a completely self taught digital art hobbyist. I draw, animate, and develop gamie games using rpg XP. I'm 19, I use they/them or any/all pronouns. I am born and raised in Oklahoma, I live on a cow/chicken ranch. Our main export is meat and eggies. I work at a tourist trap as a scare actor, and hopefully later this year, a renn faire actor. I am a full time student otherwise, I'm currently studying allied health, but plan on studying Funeral Services later on. --
ALT SOCIALSInstagram - @ Embryolk Twitter - @ ShakrrSalt Ruby Ru Discord (shared between myself and my friend) -- Bounaries
You can: Pitch drawing ideas at me using my suggestion thingy, use my art as profile photos (without credit), repost my art (with credit), DM about commission inquiry, take inspo off my art, trace FOR LEARNING purposes (if you so choose) Please do not: Try to be my friend, claim my art as your own, spam my dms like crazy, ask me to draw freak shit (see below for what qualifies) you WILL be blocked. FREAK SHIT (GET OUT. GET OUT. LEAVE ME ALONE. no one LIKES you): underage/adult, feral/nonferal, incest, anything that can be considered nsfw involving minors, and also the fetishization of non-con or dub-con (of course not referring to stuff talking about trauma from events like these, that's fine) I have no issue with other generally touchy content like toxicity in relationships or gore but the moment you fucking even dare to suggest pedo shit I will block you here and anywhere else I can find you. there are no second chances, leave me alone. you are sick in the head.
So now some funny sillies Special Interests: Ruby Ru Multiverse (Jikyru ocs), Pokémon, The Elder Scrolls, Brutal Legend, Anatomy or anything relating to Anatomy, Arachnids Favorite Color: Yellow!!!!!!!!!! Favorite Bands: KGATLW, The Murlocs, Ghost B.C., Gorillaz, Bathory, ROAR, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Dark Fortress, Candlemass, King Crimson, The Antlers Favorite Movies: A Clockwork Orange, Kung Fu Hustle, Little Nicky, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Alice in Wonderland (1951), Alice in Wonderland (2010), Beetlejuice (1988) Hyperfixing on RN: Pokemon, of course
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reverse-moon · 4 months
Ten Mafuyu ships that canonically would work that people would call Toxic/have called Toxic ranked by how much I hyperfixate on it:
1) To no one's surprise, MafuEmu
2) MafuShiho
3) MafuSaki and MafuShizu are tied
4) MafuRui but the reason also involves personal things not relating to the game or its content
5) AnMafu
6) MafuToya
7) EnaMafu
8) MizuMafu
9) MafuKasa
More on why below cut, but have my silly list.
1) People keeps trying to use the excuse "Emu is scared of Mafuyu". No, she's scared of the fucking glued on mask that's breaking each second.
2) Lone wolf, i feel like people would try and say she'd be emotionally unavailable for Mafuyu. I person believe that colder side of Shiho would not be given to Mafuyu, Mafuyu would become an honourary Leo/need member because Shiho would not let Mafuyu be alone if Mafuyu said they wanted to hang out a bit. Mafuyu would meet the Classroom SEKAI people.
3) Same reason for them both "mafuyu would be too mean for them" BITCH PLEASE. Mafuyu would go OUT OF HER WAY TO HELP THEM BOTH. Especially Saki, bitch would be SO READY TO RUN HER ANYWHERE.
4) the non Personal reasons line up with why 8 would be called bad too so like skip to 8 for this one.
5) I feel like people would try and say Mafuyu would be jealous of An's relationship with her dad and how music is the binding for it, but tbh I feel like An would absolutely go with her dad to kick the fuck out of Mafuyu's mom for not letting music be bigger in their life. Vivid Street would ADOPT Mafuyu so fast.
6) "Toya wouldn't understand—" He is literally the only person who would be able to help Mafuyu understand new emotions and learn about themself and know the struggle, you forget he has that same struggle just not due to repression trauma.
7) "Ena would bully Mafuyu" Mafuyu has actively threatened lives in front of Ena, no she wouldn't, they would be on equal teasing levels and the only reason Mafuyu would win is Ena would be very reactive. The canon even proves that Ena is one of the first people who got to see genuine emotion from Mafuyu that wasn't upset sobbing.
8) "Mizuki would run away" Try running from Mafuyu. Try it. I bet Mafuyu would find her ass in a day. Fucking TRY IT.
9) "They have a sibling bond" okay, but canon based, it's more like that because they have interacted like 3 times. And 2 of those times were very very brief. It's not the same case as Toya and the Tenmas, where even in canon it's basically confirmed they are siblings through unofficial adoption.
Not bashing anyone for having their preference for ships (within legal limits), but also. If you wanna try and bash a ship with "canon" info? Have the proper info.
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cheonmaneechan · 1 year
I keep telling myself to read Kagetsu Tohya and I really do want to soon at least, but I think part of the reason why I don't quite have the desire to start at the moment like I want to is because I wasn't exactly as passionate per se about Tsukihime as I was for Higurashi and Umineko. Ciconia helped me get into reading Umineko and Umineko was so good that I binged it and then binged Higurashi immediately or almost immediately after and all three were so good I ended up looking into more obscure works like Higanbana and Rose Guns Days that don't have official translations yet. I just can't say the same about Tsukihime, nor is it anywhere near a hyperfixation like I had with When They Cry and 07th Expansion works in general. If I felt even half as crazy about Tsukihime as I did for Higurashi or Umineko, I probably would have been started Kagetsu Tohya by now and probably a bunch of other shit too lol.
Another reason I think I haven't had super strong desire to start Kagetsu Tohya is that...I don't really know what the fuck it is? Like, I kind of have an idea...but I really don't to be honest. I don't really know exactly how it relates to or goes off of Tsukihime in any concrete sense, or whether it's mostly a main story or a series of short stories, the sort of tone each or most of them are (probably more light hearted and humourous from what I've heard but it probably varies), how it's even exactly structured with the whole day and replay thing going on, etc. Obviously most of these questions could be solved by just playing it but not knowing much of anything isn't exactly pushing me into doing so.
Also part of the reason that partially has to do with the second reason is that I'm not sure how significant it is but it seems like or feels like it isn't? Again, it's hard to tell, but it is at the very least (most?) not necessary to enjoying Tsukihime so much as expanding upon it's world and characters over probably dozens of more hours for again, a visual novel that I didn't feel that crazy over like say anything When They Cry related. There's also the whole issue of Fate Stay Night, supposedly one of the greatest visual novels of all time with a series of its own per se going off it that's right there next to it. I've already decided to play that one after now given my own shenanigans with it so that's of lesser or non importance but yeah. Anyway, I'm gonna play it eventually, I'm just rambling because the semester's been over and I ain't got nothing better to do at the moment.
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stomach-rental · 2 years
Introductions + BYF
hello, hello and welcome to the blog! this is a quick post about pretty much everything you need to know around here. DNI and notes about me in my carrd under the cut, as well as tags and a general description of why this blog is here!
As a general disclaimer, I do not make NSFW content or content involving fatal vore. I will not necessarily block accounts that fall into either of these categories, but they do make me uncomfortable and I'd prefer that my posts weren't reblogged onto blogs that include those things, as I do not want minors that might follow my blog to be subjected to those things when scrolling through notes. Thanks.
If you are a g/t blog or a non-vore blog that does NOT want me to reblog their work, let me know-- I typically reblog g/t content and things related to the GID series that are not vore specific since this blog is a Getting in Deep blog First and a vore blog Second, but, I understand if you don't want your work to be mixed in with vore pieces, even if they are non-sexual in nature.
Additionally, I now have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me and some of the art I do for stuff like getting groceries, etc. (Some WIP posts may be shared there, too!)
Here's a site that has some general information about me along with the DNI! Please check it out first.
This is a fanblog for my currently 5 year strong hyperfixation on a series called Getting in Deep! It’s also just a blog to throw some of my favorite safe, non-sexual vore pieces and concepts, as well as some giant/tiny content that I think is cute. That being said, since this is essentially just a blog for me to flap hands about one of my favorite series, I will talk a LOT about GID and have long, long rambles about it at times. I've got ADHD and the hyperfocus is strong.
I’m also going to include a small disclaimer: any characters tagged gid or getting in deep are not owned by me! Louis Patriarch, William James Rowe, everyone else in those tags belongs to @/peachnewt, who you’ll be seeing a lot of on this blog. She’s the writer and creator of Getting in Deep, and she has the full series list here, if you want to read it!
I also will sometimes make changes to the main series canon or create headcanons that I've used to sort of pad out the characters when I draw them-- I refer to this alternative form of GID as Chicagoverse, because I originally had pictured the series in Chicago before learning it actually took place in Denver in a later update. These headcanons and changes are entirely self indulgent and are formed usually from roleplay scenarios, but I will talk about my interpretations for them regularly!
Finally, here’s a short tag list I have set up for anyone interested! Generally I don’t tag major phobias or anything beyond general trigger warnings, so if you are a mutual and have a specific thing you need tagged, please let me know ahead of time.
#drawns - anything drawn by me
#asks - any asks or questions that are answered on this blog
#oc - my original characters
#gid - content I’ve created with characters from peachnewt
#sona - content with my personal sona characters that represent me
#commissions - commission updates
Specific Stories
#tsh - originally known as "the sisterhood", now rewritten into "Their Scattered Hosts". a complicated redemption story about scientifically modified creatures trying to grasp the spiritual world and the worst acts of humanity.
#perennial - a story I have been working on involving a gigantic creature in the middle of the earth, scientists struggling to cope with a dying world, and a bunch of kids in over their heads who were accidentally given shapeshifting abilities (but not in the way you'd think). A major point in this story is endosoma, but g/t will also be present regularly and vore sometimes slips in.
#mutualism - a world building story I have made with a couple of my friends, @/bathspaces and @/kuramons. humans no longer exist on this island-- the magical elements of the land have somehow taken its grip on the humans that came here long ago and transformed them into humanoid beasts that take after the forms of many birds, bugs, and other creatures in our normal world. it features vore + g/t as a major plot element and is in the process of being developed. ORIGINALLY known as #birds and bugs au , of which we wrote in our favorite fandom characters into this world rather than our own characters.
#tangibility - two guys fuck up. Badly. in their fight to try to kill each other for their own causes, they end up accidentally causing themselves to be shattered across space in time in a cosmic disaster. Their bodies no longer existing, they desperately search for anything that they can hold onto, finding that for the most part, there is only each other. No vore or g/t explicitly in this one, but it dabbles with body sharing, the multiverse, and a lot of weird stories, so it definitely can get into those elements at some point.
#dungeons and dragons - not necessarily an actual story, more of a mish mash of characters and stories that have played out in various d&d sessions over time. They usually all end up connecting somehow.
thank you for reading!! that’s all for now :D
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