#it’s ok love I have the pirate thing too
xxchaosjojoxx · 13 hours
Hi :)
I have always loved law since his first appearance in the anime.
May I ask for a law x Reader but reader is an absolute GREAT at lying. Like they lie all the time and no one would know it was a lie due to specific things that aren't exactly related to the lie but was somehow a "proof" that it was believable. It even fooled Law himself.
Reader is always so happy, like always smiling and cheerful and everything. But with a really constructed lie, a smile isn't always real.
You get what I mean?
Most lies I was talking about was:
"I ate dinner" for example.
Reader didn't actually eat but can be proven to because 1, reader could have planned to "eat" later due to "work" when in reality, they just planned to go inside the lunch room for a few moments and made sure someone saw so they'd have an alibi.
So basically, it's based on alibis and statements that make said lie true.
A/N: Thanks so much for your request. I had an idea in my mind and suddenly it went dark/angst. I hope it is still to your liking and I’m not sure if I should do a second part to add some fluff like I had originally planned.
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You were the sunshine on and inside the Polar Tang. With your bright smile, you could earn a lot of happy smiles and joyful words whenever you enter a room. No one would ever think that this was a facade. That all of this would be a lie. Even your captain would call anyone crazy who would think not of a bunch of sunshine whenever you are around.
Your skills as a thief back in the day are kinda handsy. You are quick and precise when it comes to battle. With your radiant presence and this bright smile paired with those big soft eyes it was easy to gain a lot of free supplies and goodies, whenever your duty was to go shopping. You joined the Heart pirates after stealing some things from Penguin and Shachi nearly 4 months ago. Sadly you couldn’t escape the blue orb nor the teleportation as this man, now your captain, Trafalgar Law was grabbing you with a smirk on his face. You had skill, this might come in handy for sure. That was his reason to let you join his crew. The fact that you would probably lose your head was not an option back there. He was intimidating but handsome. You would be a fool to not follow an attractive man.
The life you had back there was a life you wished to erase forever.
As a foster kid some adults used you for stealing. Kids are small, they can hide better, right?
Over the years you could perfect your stealing skills and one more skill. To lie. Whenever you trembled, whenever you where crying or doing not exactly what they told you, they would hurt you, torture you. You had to learn to lie, because you needed to survive. You had to lie to yourself, that all of this wouldn’t be your whole life. That you would find something better for sure someday. Then you met the heart pirates, they all welcomed you like a family. And even though you showed them your brightest smile, your happiest face, the loudest laugh, you were still aware of them. This is not real. They will use you when they get a chance. Don’t trust them. All of this was repeating in your head every now and then. No one knew what you were hiding because no one suspected anything.
The first time Law suspected something was not too long ago. He worked a lot today and went to the kitchen, to get a snack as he passed you. “You ok, y/n-ya? You look pale? Did you eat anything?”
You were looking at him, giving him a bright smile. “Hey Captain. Of course. I ate dinner already. I just ate too much, maybe that’s why.”
He looked at you with a stern look. “Ok don’t overwork yourself.”
“Aye aye Captain.” and with that you left him. Only after he entered the kitchen and saw the dish, he knew something was off.
Law saw Shachi and Penguin sitting at the table, talking and laughing. “Was Y/N in here?”
They looked at him. “Yeah, she just left with a plate in her hand. She has too much work to do, so she wanted to eat in her room.” The red haired said and Law tilted his head in confusion. “I just saw her, and she didn’t even have a plate in her hand.”
Bepo entered the kitchen from behind. “Oh she gave me the plate earlier. Said I should eat it. She had too much earlier and put way more on the plate for her to finish.”
“I see.” With this Law grabbed a snack and returned to his office with a bad feeling.
He was reading some paperwork as he took a bite from his snack. His mind was wandering back to you. It felt off. Did you really have dinner? The fact that you filled your plate with food and the fact why you didn’t have it when he met you earlier, it all was reasonable. But something was still weird. Would you lie to him? You had no reason for it. But remembering the food, he knew that Shachi was in charge of cooking today and he also knew that Shachi used some spices especially one you didn’t even like. There was no way you wouldn’t notice it and there was also no way that you would eat it to the point you would grab another plate. He hid his face in his hands and was remembering every situation with you in it since you joined. There was never an occasion that he would feel like this. Without even realizing he went towards the storage room, knowing you were on duty today, to write down what else you would need when you dock on the next island.
You stand there with a pencil and a little book in your hands, taking notes. As you felt his presence you turned around to see your captain and smiled at him. “Hey Captain. Can I help you with something?”
“Yeah, can you give me your hand for a second please? I need to confirm something.”
With a confused look you reached your right hand towards him, his warm hands were cupping your own and you could feel a light blush on your face.
“What exactly do you confirm?” You gulped and were looking at him.
“I thought I saw something earlier.” He had not enough time to think of anything clever.
“Do you feel better now? You know because of your second plate of food today.”
He had to concentrate on your heartbeat, on your pulse.
You were looking at him even more confused. “Yes, thank you.”
He squeezed your hand a little tighter. If people lie, their heartbeat, pulse and the breath would give them away, but everything was normal. Not even a slight change. But he knew that you didn’t have another plate. You gave it to Bepo. “Didn’t you give it to Bepo?”
He was staring at you. You felt a little shiver as he was staring at you with this cold look.
"Yeah, I did. I thought I could eat more, but then I felt sick so I gave it to Bepo instead.” Again you were smiling. You didn’t even have to think long enough or even stutter. Your answer was way too perfect. Even if you were telling him the truth, you wouldn’t answer as fast as possible.
“Did you ever lie to us?”
You shook your head and your eyes were wide. “What? No, why should I?”
“Tell me the truth.”
“I do. I never lied to you or anyone else on this ship.”
You were looking at him in determination and in this moment knew, he wouldn’t get the answer out of you.
He knew something was off but he couldn’t prove it. Just his gut feeling wouldn’t be enough.
He let go of your hand. “I’m sorry. I'll let you finish your work.” Law was about to leave the room as he turned his head towards you.
“You can trust us, you know? I know that your past was hard, but you are safe now. If you wanna talk with anyone about anything, do it please.”
Law could see a small nod coming from you. “Of course I do, captain. I already trust you. Thanks for checking on me.” You showed him a big grin and Law couldn’t help but feel this bad feeling inside him to blossom. Now that he felt off he couldn’t help but wonder, if those smiles of yours and your shining personalities are fake. What about you is real? What is a lie? He was determined to find the truth from this day on.
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ginervacade · 1 year
Alright I sent this prompt to @jmrothwell and they took it in a cute direction so I’m gonna be a little bit meaner to Reg here 😂
“ Reg”, Luke chuckles, shifting the smaller boy to a slightly less compromising position on his lap, enjoying the blush that takes over Reggie’s cheeks as he whispers, “ I always forget about your pirate thing until we watch this movie and you can’t sit still.”
“ Shut up.” Reggie curls up tighter, still unable to tear his eyes away from Will and Elizabeth on the screen. “ I don’t have a pirate thing”.
“ It’s ok that you do baby.” Julie giggles into his shoulder, very focused on the screen herself.
Alex cuts his eyes to the three on the couch and snorts.
“ What do you think Reg, should we get Luke a hook hand?” Julie teases him, with little remorse when he blinks at her in surprise.
Luke takes the opportunity to squeeze Reggie’s hip teasingly, leaning in close to his ear “ Arg” he says with a giggle to match Julie’s, causing Reggie to make a noise that can only be described as a whine.
“ We could get Jules a hat like that,” Luke points at the one Jack has just dramatically tipped toward the crew.
“ What say ye, Cap’m?” Julie adds with a smirk, tracing shapes on his back to make him shiver.
Reggie squeaks in response, growing more and more restless in Luke’s arms, but Julie doesn’t miss the way his eyes darken with desire when she calls him that. Luke whispers something that causes Reggie to tense up, and all Alex manages to catch of it is the word sword.
“ Do I need to leave?” He asks, only half teasing.
“ No!” Reggie looks to him pleadingly, at the same time Julie and Luke both say “ Maybe.”
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wintersguile · 9 days
In my feelings a little bit about destiny and how this is the first time I'm actively, willingly not playing an expansion as soon as I can get my hands on it
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aroaessidhe · 4 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Final Curse of Ophelia Cray
fun YA adventure
follows a girl who’s seen as cursed because of her recently hanged notorious pirate queen mother, and runs away to the navy where nobody will recognise her
and her half-sister who’s desperate to find her before she’s arrested for using a fake name, to bring her home to their dying father & save the family business
both get on the bad side of some pirates and have to brave storms to find each other
aroace MC, sister relationships
arc from netgalley, out april 9
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skhardwarevers1 · 2 months
I wanna make another DVD but idk what for….preferably it would be CJ related but I have an audio DVD with all of CCCC already and I don’t want to use another to put the music/lyric videos in because I fucked up the first one twenty times while making it and I already have all of the power hours….now what ???
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blinkbones · 7 months
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my first attempt at making a minecraft skin :)
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honnelander · 8 months
OK SO I HAVE THIS IDEA IN MY HEAD AND I HAVE TO TELL YOU, I can't stop laughing imagining that scenario xdxdxdxdxd
Well, then imagine go fish! Sanji takes (Y/N) to meet Zeff and Zeff being the good father he is, "accidentally" spoils the tea in front of everyone because he is so done with the drama around.  😂 😂 😂 😂
UMMM OK I LOVE THISSS!! this technically won't be go fish!Sanji BUT my interpretation of Sanji will pretty much always be like that.
here's Zeff "accidentally" spilling the beans about Sanji's affections for reader: (i can't believe this blew up to like 3k words rip)
Zeff wasn't stupid.
He's been around the block a couple of times in his life and when Sanji's semi-regular letters to him had shifted from casual life updates and started to be more and more about details and little interactions he had with you, some girl Zeff had never met before, well, it was easy for the head chef to put two and two together: Sanji was in love.
And he was in love with you.
Now, while Sanji might not technically be his son by birthright, there was no way he didn't consider Sanji to be his own living and breathing kin, especially after everything they've been through together, 'pedigree' rules be damned.
Zeff truly loved that boy. Throughout their time together, he had raised Sanji from being a snotty-nosed brat into the respectable man that he was today and, in Zeff's mind, part of being a respectable man included knowing how to treat a woman properly.
Ever since he was a young boy, Zeff could see that Sanji took a special liking towards girls and then young women. The retired captain had lost count of the number of times he had to berate Sanji into getting back to work and to leave the wooing for after dinner service and his own personal time, but the scoldings never stuck. Sanji would always be Sanji, and that meant the lad had an endless wandering eye and a sharp silver tongue, no matter what.
To say that Zeff was sad to see Sanji go with Luffy that day was an understatement, he was devastated, but he knew, ever since he had held a knife to his throat during their first encounter, that Sanji was meant for bigger things. For things bigger than cooking up the same old dinner specials every night and breaking up drunk pirate fights on the regular. Sanji was bigger than the Baratie, so when Luffy had made his infamous offer to his pseudo-son, a part of Zeff was relieved because that meant that Sanji could finally start living the life he was always meant to live, and that was one of a pirate.
Zeff had also made peace with the very real fact that he might never see or hear from Sanji again. He (and Sanji) knew all too well how quickly something could go from bad to worse to life-threatening in an instant out on the open ocean, and if Luffy was truly determined to find the one piece and have Sanji join his crew, then Zeff knew that seeing him off that day was probably the last time he would ever see his son alive.
So, imagine his surprise when he received his first letter from him.
At first, he thought it was a joke, that one of the line cooks in the kitchen was pulling a cruel prank on him by writing him a fake letter in Sanji's unmistakable handwriting, but when he finally ripped open the envelope and found out that yes, Sanji did, in fact, write him a letter, well... it had actually brought a tear to his eye.
From that point forward, Zeff found himself eagerly awaiting Sanji's letters. He loved to hear all about the outlandish adventures that crew seemed to always find themselves in and it made Zeff nostalgic for his days at sea. There was never any return address, since the crew was constantly on the move, and Zeff expected as such, so he could never send a reply but that didn't mean he wasn't grateful for each and every letter he received.
Zeff should've realized that something was up though when Sanji had first mentioned you in one of his letters. Sanji's letters would come every couple of months and they, surprisingly, never mentioned any young lass or any other pretty girl he would meet during an island visit unless it was a woman they had ended up fighting.
So, when Sanji had first mentioned you to him, saying how you were the newest straw hat to join the crew, Zeff had thought it was just business as usual. However, what wasn't 'just business as usual' was when the rest of the letter had turned into a little biography about you; where you were from, how old you were, what your home life was like, that you had also agreed that 'oregano was for savages', etc., and the letter ended up being nearly ten pages long.
Then, after your 'introduction' in Sanji's letters to him, you were practically the subject of them all going forward, each one getting longer than the last. Gone were the letters detailing Sanji's adventures, and in came the letters describing the interactions you two had or what topics had come up in your conversations with each other.
At first, Zeff thought it was just another one of Sanji's infatuations (the boy was a huge flirt after all) but when more and more details were provided, and the letters started becoming longer, it was obvious to Zeff that Sanji was in love with you.
And why didn't Sanji just admit his feelings to you? He had no clue. Maybe it was partially his fault too, since Zeff never remembered having that 'what to do when you truly love a girl' talk with him, but he had hoped that Sanji would eventually be fed up with all the back and forth between the both of you and finally just confess already, but that declaration of "I confessed my love to her and she reciprocated" line never was brought up in any of the letters.
And Zeff was feeling himself go crazy the longer this went on. The 'drama' that was occurring between you both was driving him nuts and he vowed that if he ever saw Sanji and the rest of the straw hat crew at the Baratie again, that he would confess Sanji's feelings towards you for him. I mean... someone had to.
Then one day his lucky day came.
"Zeff!" a voice called out from the top of the stairs one afternoon before the day's first dinner service, a voice that Zeff thought he would never hear again. "There you are, you old shitbag!"
Immediately, Zeff stopped talking to the wait staff, turning his body to look up at where he heard the voice come from, his hands on his hips, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing: there was Sanji, a huge smile on his face, standing with practically the same crew that he had waved goodbye to nearly two years ago.
"Oi! Sanji!" Zeff yelled out, his own disbelieving smile lighting up his face. "I never thought I'd see your ugly mug around here again."
Sanji laughed at that as he quickly bounded down the stairs, enveloping him in a bear hug. "That makes two of us!" He pulled back, his blue eyes lighting up in pure happiness as he quickly took Zeff in, patting him on the shoulder as he said, "And look at you, you practically look exactly the same as the day I left you."
As Zeff took in Sanji's appearance, he realized that he couldn't say the same about him. Sanji looked older, not in a bad way, but in a more mature way. He looked like he was growing into the man that he was always meant to be.
And Zeff couldn't have been more proud.
"Well, I can't say the same about you little eggplant. You look like a seasoned pirate to me." Both of them dropped their arms off of each other and Zeff put his hands back on his hips. "You keepin' your feet dry?"
Sanji mirrored his pose, a small laugh escaping his lips as he looked down for a second. "Yeah," he said and looked back up at Zeff, a knowing glint in his blue eyes. "Yeah, I am."
Zeff knew right then that everything with his son was alright. "Good."
"Hey, uh, I wanted to introduce you to someone," Sanji started, looking slightly bashful as he looked back down at the floor and put his hands in his pockets. "She's the-"
"Girl from the letters?" Zeff said with a small knowing smile, finding it endearing how his normally smooth-talking son was suddenly acting about this girl. If he didn't know any better, Sanji looked nervous (and Zeff knew he was).
At his words, Sanji's gaze immediately snapped up to meet Zeff's, his eyes becoming slightly wider, a hint of panic within them, as he quickly looked back towards the rest of his crew that had just started to make their way down the stairs and towards them.
"The newest member of our crew," Sanji emphasized loudly, letting out a fake laugh as he looked back at Zeff pointedly.
"Right," Zeff relented with a small disbelieving laugh of his own. "'Newest crewmember'. Got it."
And when Zeff turned his attention towards the straw hats, he immediately knew it was you before you even introduced yourself. Sure, you were the only new face in the small group of familiar faces, but he had to give credit to Sanji, he had definitely captured your looks and essence in his letters.
Zeff's smile widened. You were cute. From just by looking at you, he could tell you were a sweet and kind soul, it was no wonder Sanji loved you. You definitely looked like the type of person who would do all those things that Sanji had spoken about in his letters and he immediately approved of you. If Sanji had stood there and introduced you as his wife instead of 'his newest crewmember', he wouldn't have had any objections to that at all.
"Zeff, this is y/n," Sanji started, gesturing a hand out to you, Zeff noticing the way his son's eyes softened just by looking at you. "And, uh, you already know everyone else."
Zeff looked away from Sanji and down at you, seeing that you already had your hand out to shake his, a nervous smile plastered on your face.
He liked you.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Zeff, sir," you said, shaking his hand. "I've heard so much about you."
Now, even though Sanji had corrected him before about you, it didn't mean Zeff wasn't going to say anything.
"Aw, come on now, the pleasure is all mine little lass," Zeff replied, shaking your smaller hand with his bigger one. "It's nice to finally meet the girl that Sanji raves on about all the time."
From his peripheral, he could see Sanji stiffen.
Your eyes widened, your hand going limp in his as you asked, "Raves on about? Who, me? T-to you?"
Zeff's smile only grew wider and more cheeky. "Oh yeah, all the time," he said casually, as you both dropped hands. He placed his hands on his hips again and nodded towards his son. "You should see just how much of his letters are about you. It's like I get a damn novel every other month about your relationship," he joked.
"Zeff-" Sanji started but Zeff wasn't done.
He was on a roll and nothing was going to stop him. The more he spoke, however, the redder your face became.
"Oh yeah," the head chef continued, "from as much as Sanji talks about the two of you, I thought you two were in a relationship and said 'I love you' to each other already."
After he said that, the room got quiet. You stood there, completely frozen with wide eyes and a flushed face, like a deer in headlights, while Sanji stood as still as a statue. The rest of the straw hats stood quietly behind you three with varying looks of shock and awe on their faces at the display before them.
"Sanji," Luffy said, breaking the awkward silence first. "You love y/n?"
"Luffy!" Nami hissed.
"I knew it!" Usopp loudly and proudly declared, pointing a finger to the sky as he turned and laughed at the rest of the crew. "See, the great captain Usopp always knows the sparks of true love whenever he sees it," he said, hooking his thumbs at the top of his overalls with a grin.
Zoro snorted and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right. You wouldn't know what true love looked like even if it smacked you in the face."
"Says the guy who doesn't have a girlfriend," Usopp smugly retorted with a laugh.
Before Zoro could say anything back, Zeff spoke up. "Hey, straw hats," he called, grabbing their attention. "Why don't you lot come into the kitchen and sit at the chef's table? I'll have Patty and the rest of 'em cook you a couple of steaks however you want, on the house. I'll even throw in a couple of beers too."
"I'm in," Zoro said without missing a beat as he started making his way towards the kitchen, not needing to be asked twice.
"Ooo, free beers? Show captain Usopp the way, please," Usopp said, following Zoro through the kitchen doors.
At the mention of meat, Luffy immediately perked up and forgot about the situation before him. "Steaks? Would it be possible to have more than one?"
"Sure," Zeff agreed easily and nodded towards the kitchen. "Eat too many though and I'll have you back on dish duty again to pay your bill."
"Deal," Luffy quickly agreed and followed after his first mate and sharpshooter.
With a shared look, Nami and Zeff started making their way towards the kitchen together, both ignoring you and Sanji.
"How do you like your steak cooked Nami?" Zeff asked conversationally before disappearing behind the kitchen's double doors.
"Medium rare, actually," Nami replied and slipped in after him, leaving you and Sanji all alone in the dining room.
It was quiet for a solid minute, neither one of you moving or making a sound.
"So," you started, clearing your throat and looking over at Sanji. "You, uh... told Zeff about me?"
But Sanji couldn't look at you. In fact, he was looking at everywhere but you. His cheeks were flushed pink and the tips of his ears were red. He looked down at the ground with his hands on his hips.
"Yeah," he said, forcing out a slight laugh that sounded more painful than anything. "I, uh, told him a bit about you. Could you tell?" he asked, a hint of painful and playful sarcasm in his tone.
You couldn't help but laugh at his attempt at a joke. You could feel your heart start to race as you slowly took a couple of steps closer to him. "Yeah, I could tell," you replied playfully. "You really love me, Sanji?" you asked him softly after a beat.
Turning his head to the side, you could see a blush crawl up his neck. It was so cute, you don't think you've ever seen Sanji be this flustered or embarrassed before. "Uh, well," he stammered, "I-I didn't want you to find out like this. I had a plan and everything. But Zeff and his big mouth had to ruin-"
"Sanji," you said simply, cutting him off. "Look at me."
Before obeying your command, Sanji took a deep breath, like he was bracing himself for the inevitable letdown and rejection he was used to receiving from women throughout his life.
When he looked down at you and met your stare, his eyes were filled with apprehension. "Yes?"
You wanted to do nothing in that moment but quelch his fears. "Oh, just come here," you said.
In one swift motion, you grabbed him by his tie and pulled him down into a kiss, capturing his lips with your own. You felt him stiffen in surprise, but once it hit him that you were, indeed, kissing him, he immediately relaxed and put his hands on either side of your face, his fingers entangling themselves into your hair, deepening the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your mouth moving in sync as you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach.
Was this real life?
After a moment, you pulled apart, panting slightly for air. You both looked at each other, faces flushed, neither one of you expecting to share your first kiss in the middle of the empty Baratie dining room.
"I love you too."
The smile that broke out across Sanji's face was brighter than the sun. But before he could say anything, you both could hear Usopp yelling from inside the kitchen.
"Guys! They kissed! See, I told you they would!" He declared loudly before turning away from the small circular window. "Zoro and Nami, you each owe twenty berry! Come on, pay up!" he laughed like a high roller that just won big, making his way back into the kitchen.
At the sound of loud protesting and groaning coming from the kitchen, you giggled, hiding your face in his chest from embarrassment.
"Oh god," you groaned.
"Aw come now, no need to be embarrassed, Madam," Sanji teased. "If they're placing bets on us, might as well give them a show to bet on, yeah?"
When you peeked up at him, you could see a mischievous glint in his eye as he scanned over your pretty face and back down to your lips before looking back into your eyes. His look made your heart skip a beat.
"Sounds like a plan to me," you answered with a small laugh before you pulled him back down to kiss him all over again.
taglist: @smolracoon25 @shadydeanmuffin @cherrypie5 @sauceonmyshorts @hhighkey @gimmebackmyskeeball @he4vens-ang3l @selcouthaesthetics @chexmixtrys @princettecharlie @amitydoodlez @abracarabbit @the-maladaptive-daydreamers @mischiefmanaged71 @asianfrustration13 @shuujin @nimtano @your-platonic-gay-lover @lovelymrvl @browneyedhufflepuff @stevenknightmarc @deserticwren
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lady-buggerinton · 9 days
My Top Five Polin Scenes in Part One (and why!)
My darling gossipers, so far this show is making literally all of my hopeless romantic dreams for this couple come true and who knows what kind of angst and drama were in for in part two, so before things gets too real I just wanted to go into (too much) depth on my favorite scenes and a few swoon-worthy details from part one! *whips reigns on carriage* shall we?
5. Drawing Room Lesson/Journal
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This scene is so best friend coded with the way they are bantering and flirting the whole time. There's an adorable contrast between Penelope's fear of being discovered and Colin being like it's chill!(when in fact it is not Chill because they get interrupted after 5 minutes of gazing into each others eyes)
He just clearly wanted to be completely alone and behind closed doors platonically with his very beautiful friend (who looks like an angel in this scene) to pretend they are courting. Nothing suspicious about that!
I love how he's so into the lesson to the point that he has set out the lemonade as a prop and brought her to Bridgerton house in the first place specifically because she said it was where she was most comfortable (previously, but he's doing his best, and probably hoping she will become comfortable again, ouch)
Colin being the "dashing suitor" for her to flirt with (loser) and when she's resistant to fake flirting with him he hits her with the, "you don't have to be embarrassed, you know me!" trying to put her at ease. And he succeeds! Penelope is so comfortable during this scene when she's opening up about how it's hard for her to get her personality across, it's so sweet and honest.
And this is when the ROMANCING really starts, I love how it's Penelope who takes the lead here. mostly by accident, but the poor man is still left in shambles.
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I do kind of wish for this scene they had gone with a more back and forth flirting moment, and seen them both get a little taste of how overtly flirting with each other would feel rather than her little poetic moment, but it was sweet to see her expose a corner of her feelings for him and watching him get a tad flustered at the compliment.
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Ok, while it was rather uncool of her to read his journal, I love this part so much. Because I am no better, I would 100 percent do this given the chance. Her examining the space where he spends time, her running her hand over his pirate coat, (who wouldn't) the quiet yearning of that action. As a snoop myself, this was wish fulfillment.
Penelope being hit with a confusing mix of jealousy and intrigue by the contents of the journal entry, the way she stops reading for just a second and then gives in and devours his writing, not being able to hold back from getting inside his head. Don't think about how she probably missed his letters.
Colin's anger here is warranted, and I liked how he didn't come across as aggro-angry Colin from the books but is still justifiably upset that his privacy has been violated. He is likely aware that there are certain DETAILS he wouldn't want her to be reading, like how he's a lonely lonely sad little man trying to be rakish and roguish because his beautiful platonic friend isn't writing him back and encouraging him like she usually does.
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Can I just mention that bandaging a wound is an excellent trope and it's such a good romancing vehicle: the care, the tenderness, the touching! the GRUMPINESS! But my favorite thing about the wound bandaging is his reaction to her complimenting his work, of which he hasn't shown ANYONE. He's just so shocked that she likes it, and clearly starved for her encouragement/anyone to be interested in his travels.
I think its also worth noting that this is THE moment that Colin thinks back to when he's considering activating his chaos tendencies by rolling up to the red ball to interrupt her proposal, so I'm gonna interpret that as him recalling his first realization/admittance to himself that he has feelings for her beyond friendship.
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It wouldn't surprise me since it is after this moment that we see the hints of jealousy start to manifest at the full moon ball (looking for her, asking her if she likes a suitor, he's not subtle with it). Can't blame him, he was just touched with intimacy and care, and told his creative outlet is well-written, he is being ROMANCED to the max and he can't handle it.
We also have our first "please" as Pen asks to help, and as we will see, these two can't say no to each other once the magic word is spoken! I hope this theme makes a comeback in part two (please please please)
4. Market Scene
ok, besides a semi-silly looking wig on Colin (reshoots) this scene is first of all, so beautiful.
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SHE IS SO FINE IN THIS SCENE I CAN'T EVEN THINK. She looks like a preraphaelite painting and I'm gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
I literally kept saying "wow" out loud. It actually makes the scene very silly to me because she keeps talking about how she'll never snag a husband and I'm over here on one knee begging for a chance.
If Penelope has been Colin's cheerleader and #1 supporter for their whole friendship, this is where that flips. This scene is all about Pen feeling dejected about her prospects and Colin trying to lift her spirits -basically by saying she doesn't need to work on anything because he already likes her so much without her doing anything but I digress!
There is nothing hotter than your crush talking about a shared memory! Literally nothing! You can see her absolutely light up here when he talks about their first meeting like "I can't believe he remembered" and "Shit, I'm trying to not be in love" and it makes me ache for her.
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I am very sad we didn't get a meet cute flashback (hello romcom!!) but this was the next best thing. He's also definitely still in Rake Mode with the way he is being charming and flirty, but there is a core of genuine feeling here as he is trying to get her find her confidence and be more like the non-self conscious children they once were. I believe a lot of the rift between them was directly because she had such strong feelings for him and couldn't just connect with him as friends due to the pedestal she put him on, this scene shows that without that as a barrier, they are able to connect much more naturally.
"Living for the estimation of others is a trap, once you break free the world opens up," he says, and he's starting to realize this idea but hasn't quite put it into practice. I think seeing Penelope struggling to be something she's not, just like he is, shows him how it's not working for either of them. This I think kickstarts his self-reflection and eventual rejection of external pressures later on, leaving him open to pursue other passions.
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Ok but what I LOVE most in this scene is his subtle digging for information about her that she isn't forthcoming with. He asks her why she wants a husband and where she feels most comfortable, peppering her with questions and also giving her zero personal space. He's very curious about her and what is going on inside, but she's not exactly open with him at this point, giving short and simple answers.
She's genuinely not used to someone asking her this many questions about herself, receiving this kind of devoted attention, and she clearly doesn't know quite how to respond. In fact, the dynamic has always been reversed, where she was encouraging and inquiring about him, so this switch is just excellent. there have been little moments throughout the series where he asks about her and she always seems to deflect to talking more about him, so it's nice to see this shift.
Also fun detail, the grecian statues behind them are a little nod to the eros and psyche vibes of the scene as cupid is trying to find a match for his psyche, but is slowly beginning to fall for her, his curiosity the first step towards total downfall.
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When he asks about Eloise is where Pen just completely shuts down and says she has to leave, and the "before we are noticed" with the little smile? I have fallen in love. She's clearly using that as an excuse to dodge the question, and it is almost an inside joke, sadly. As if she's saying "No one would believe you are courting me anyway haha". And yet he's clearly bummed she's leaving, he was having such a good time, and she leaves him hanging, wanting to know more. I also absolutely love the Rae side eye, lethal!
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3. Candy Tent
Post-kiss insanity is on full display here. The way she beckons him with a sexy head tilt and he came running, the way his hands give away his nervousness and his eyes keep locking on her helplessly. Just FULL ON crush mode. The soft "How are you?" he missed her!
Also outfits are incredible here, the pearls in the hair, the painted vest, Colin inventing the color brown, it's a rococo dream. The plushy pink of the tent, the ambiance, everything is just in a word: sumptuous? never used that but it feels right here.
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Pen's giddiness here is just adorable, she's experiencing blatant interest for the first time and I couldn't be happier for her. But someone else is very peeved, indeed. He's trying to play the part of supportive friend while also just kind of feeling a lot of "confounding feelings"
The way he is trying to be so casual and attempting to keep up his swagger, but his true feelings are showing through BAD kind of harkens back to how Pen would interact with Colin in s1 and 2, with barely contained affection and hope. The script has been FLIPPED and it feels so good!!
I literally squeal every time he asks her if she's formed an attachment to Debling, this is the shit I signed up for!! Her saying Debling is not "unpleasant to gaze upon" and watching Colin just completely glitch out with jealousy. He's like AND WHAT ABOUT ME! Must be frustrating to be the most eligible bachelor of the season, and yet your very beautiful crush friend is complementing another man on his looks. When your crush expresses interest in someone it can be truly insanity inducing, so I feel for him here.
Pen is oblivious completely, she doesn't think any of what she is saying is negatively affecting him, in fact she thinks this news will make him happy! His lessons worked, she didn't care about being perceived and it is having the desired affect! and yet, he's miserable. Mission accomplished unsuccessfully if you will.
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He does ALMOST a good job of hiding his feelings, but if Pen were not completely convinced he couldn't have feelings for her, I think she would've picked up on the vibes here. He's way less enthusiastic about the lessons, and is giving fairly curt responses, when before he was yapping on about being yourself and such.
Then of course the blatant staring at her mouth, being the yearning sort of man he is and likely recalling their kiss in detail, reminder it's been at least a week since. She's romancing him without even trying. It also makes sense for "food motivated" Colin to have Penelope + cake equals critical override of his facial expressions and his literally standing there slack-jawed with lust.
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His soft "good luck", when she leaves and the fact that he doesn't mean it AT ALL.
I've seen it talked about, but it makes a lot of sense that Penelope wasn't as affected by the kiss as he was. I'm sure she enjoyed it, but for her the kiss was an end (more on that later) and for him it was the moment he admitted his feelings (which were already growing slowly). so it makes sense the yearning is very colin-sided in this scene.
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Apart from the yearning, it's also just sweet to see them in cahoots and discussing this development with Debling like its a little group project, and its the perfect scene to show Down Bad Colin, and I love it. She also clearly wants him to share with her in her success, still wanting to be close to him in any way she can, which if I think about too much I'll cry.
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Bonus points for him eating the cake later on, such an intimate detail, he just wants to be close to her in any way he can. CRIMINAL! ARREST HIM!
2. First kiss/Dream Sequence
Ok I'm combining these scenes because they happen back to back and sort of like a mirror of each other, sue me. This first kiss scene is, as Whistledown says, RECKLESS. It's nonsensical, it's desperate, and it's beautiful.
This scene has only improved upon rewatches, it really has everything. Best kiss scene on Bridgerton and possibly in anything ever? no doubt no doubt?
The silly back and forth on the "You're not going to die" and the way she doesn't back down when he seems to get embarrassed, but instead says what? The Magic Word! "Please" she says, which of course is both of their activation word. His expressions here definitely mirror the book, where as soon as she asks him to kiss her, he's a bit taken aback by how much he realizes he wants to already.
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This is such a low moment for Penelope, and it's one parts embarrassing and two parts brave of her to ask him to kiss her. In her position, she doesn't even have her pride left, so why not ask the boy you love to kiss you? nothing will come of it anyway, and he probably won't even do it, so why not ask? And what are friends for!
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then the moment comes, and the music swells, as does the tension as he closes the distance between them, her shocked face and shallow breaths as she realizes its actually going to happen, the way he lifts her face to his with his hand under her chin. It's just pure romance. and this thing between them, this space that has never been crossed, is being crossed, and it feels insane. reckless. intimate!!
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What I love is the shot that focuses on his face after they deepen the kiss, he's intent and confused by how good this feels, how little like kindness this is for him as soon as their lips touch. Like we will see later, he just kind of mind-blanks and forgets what is happening.
Whatever he thought they were has just crumbled with this kiss, and he leans his forehead against hers, no awkwardness when there is such tenderness. which is why he's so shook when she whispers "thank you", and rushes off. he's like "wait why is she thanking me? where am I? weren't we doing something here?" The hopeful strings as it focuses on his dumbstruck face, the earth literally shifting under his feet in that moment. UNREAL.
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THE DREAM: I won't say a lot about the dream sequence but I just had to throw it in here because it shows how aligned they are romantically. They are both HUGE romantics, and he has orchestrated this sort of do-over kiss where he's really going for it and proving to her that he wants this too, he wants her. And she's enjoying herself, clearly, which we know is something Colin wants more than anything. It's a great way to show his inner feelings with the lack of an inner monologue that a book brings. And this is clearly a sort of parody of Bridgerton itself, or at least the books. It's over the top, a little silly, and exactly what we all want to see.
This dream also isn't just ripping off clothes, it's emotional, a key element is him expressing how he's been thinking about her, consumed by her. This kiss also isn't as innocent and patient as the first kiss, and it's full of Reciprocation, she can't stop thinking about him either. AND NEITHER CAN I!!!
Both of these kiss scenes also set up our contrasting feelings, where Pen views their first kiss as an end of a dream, a bittersweet act to finally let go off him, the dream of him. And then his dream shows the opposite, how she's ignited something in him that begins his dream of her, awake and asleep. Dream-swap! Also the hand on the wall behind her to catch her from hitting the wall. no comment.
1. Carriage Scene
Yeah like what can I say! It's incredible! I honestly have no idea how they can top this scene, but honestly if this is the best love scene they share in the season I am 10000% content. All of my little qualms with how they did the season melt away when I watch this scene because this was what was crucial to nail and they NAILED IT. TO THE WALL BABY. YAY.
And how did he gain access to the carriage (and Penelope)?? by saying please!! we love the magic word!! I do like the confession a lot, especially the "what if I did have feelings for you?" and the way he gets to his KNEES, a truly inspired moment.
How he completely dies inside when she says they are friends, and still accepts it with grace. There were SO many obstacles to him expressing his feelings to her this night, and he just red rovered each one, and we are all very grateful.
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Something about this scene is just built different, I like a lot of the love scenes in the show, but this one has some kind of secret ingredient that we didn't know we'd been missing. Maybe its the location, the context, the way they are just grasping at each other desperately (which if you think about how Penelope thought this was a one time thing in the books and she wanted to make the most of it, actually don't think about that)
He's also just so sweet about it, he's not angry, or insistent, he's just honest and intent. and she's just bewildered and INTO IT.
The lightning is gorgeous, the way it looks like Penelope is catching on fire and glowing. the catharsis, the giving into passion. The way she smiles like her dreams are coming true (because they are) before he just completely attacks her. What else can I say but EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
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so many of the kisses are so tender and gentle, and they just build and build and build in intensity as they get lost in each other.
on a more horny note, so many moments here actually make me physically roll my eyes back in my head with how insane they make me. The desperate boob grab, the consensual nod, the way his hand slips under her dress, they were truly so insane for this. something tells me they knew I've waited literal years for this, so they knew they had to make it good.
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Someone said Nicola should get an Emmy nom for moans, and she should, somehow they don't come across as cartoonish at all, and it doesn't take me out of the scene like some "noise making" does in these types of scenes. and for the record I'm not jealous at all, of either of them. in fact, no sooner did my head hit the pillow that I was met with complete and total darkness....not even a dream....
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Like everything I could say has already been said, but it was so much better than I thought it was going to be, blew my expectations out of the water and DELIVERED. and DEVOURED. and RUINED ME. AND I AM VERY GRATEFUL.
Anyway that's all, I'm very afraid for part two so I needed some escapism, why am I already nostalgic for the good ol' times when Polin was happy for 6 minutes. thanks for reading! <3
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somanyratsinthewalls · 9 months
Bad Decisions (+18)
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Bad Decisions (Sanji x f Reader)
Summary: Your hunger and your impulsivity both get the best of you and you end up in a compromising position. You ask Sanji for help, but it might be even more important to him than it is to you.
Pairing: Sanji x afab!reader
WC: 3500+ oops
TWs: vaginal sex, pet names, oral sex, fingering, crying, begging, virginity loss, it's porn with a brief plot idk man
You were starving. You and the crew had just finished a rough fight on a random island and brought back several chests and bags of treasure back to the ship. For over an hour after your return, you sat on the wooden floor of the deck with Nami going through bags full of gold, silver, and rare jewels. 
“Once we find somewhere to turn all this into berries we can buy the CUTEST new outfits!” Nami shouted with her back to you, head buried in a treasure chest.
“Nami your closet can barely close and you still have stuff with the tags on it, what the hell do you need new clothes for?” You quipped back while rummaging through a burlap sack.
“I’m a pirate, I can do whatever I want y/n.”
You rolled your eyes and continued going through the bag. Your hand felt something… fleshy? Like the soft, tender skin of a banana. You grabbed it and pulled it out to see a strange pink, oblong fruit. Your immediate thought was that this was a devil fruit, but it didn’t bear the signature swirled texture. 
“Nami... come look at this…”
A door was suddenly flung open from the galley. 
“Hello my beautiful girls! I’ve prepared you an aperitif to keep you satiated before dinner is ready! My sweet y/n here-“
Sanji stopped in his tracks after his sudden intrusion.
“Where the hell did you get that? Put it down!” Sanji swiftly placed the tray he was carrying on a barrel and snatched the strange produce out of your hand. 
You were confused as to why Sanji suddenly looked so concerned. 
“Sanji what the fuck is your problem? I found that fair and square!” You snapped at him, your piracy-addled brain wanting to keep it for yourself since it was clearly of value at this point. He held it behind his back as you approached him.
“Mon amour you don’t understand, this is a very dangerous berry and should not be consumed under any circumstance.” Sanji stepped forward, eyes dark with concern.
“Ok weirdo keep your purple banana, I’m here for the diamonds.” Nami said as she carried several of the bags downstairs on the Sunny to the storeroom, leaving you and Sanji in a stalemate on the deck. 
“I’m putting this away.” he said as he walked back into the galley. You followed him quickly, not even letting the door close behind him before threw it open behind you and snipped at him.
“Ok give it up cook, what’s your deal with this thing? Why is it dangerous? It’s not a devil fruit, right?” 
“You don’t understand. These are very rare fruits that are native to the South Blue. I’ve only heard tales from patrons at the Baratie of what this can do to you. It’s the worlds most powerful aphrodisiac.” Sanji’s hands were shaking as he placed the fruit on the kitchen island. 
You snorted trying to keep your laughter in but it fought its way to the front. “Hahaha oh stop it! Those are old wives tales, Sanji. If it’s not a devil fruit, it’s harmless. You’re afraid of it, why? Afraid that it will make you what? Too horny? Come on, be serious!”
“I’m as serious as a heart attack, love. You have NO idea what this can do to someone. And there’s only one way to reverse the affects.” He met your gaze with his last sentence. You expected him to wink or pull something perverted, but his blue eyes showed nothing but worry. You sighed and backed off, realizing that the fruit probably wasn’t worth any money. You returned to the deck and going through the bags Nami left behind.
After another half hour of treasure picking, you heard the growl of your stomach and was painfully reminded of how hungry you were. You silently cursed the curly-browed chef that dinner was taking so long. You made your way to the galley to see how the cooking process was going. 
You walked in to find an empty kitchen. Sanji was probably out having a cigarette. He stopped smoking in the kitchen as much after Robin found a pile of ash in her scrambled eggs one morning. Sanji felt so bad that he cried and groveled for three days. 
You remembered where Sanji stashed that fruit in the ice box. 
Curiously you lifted the lid of the ice box and grabbed the strange berry. As you rolled it in your hand inspecting it, your stomach panged again. Long term thinking had NEVER been your strong suit, hence why you ended up on a dangerous pirate crew with little experience at sea. 
Impulsively, you popped the fruit in your mouth. 
And god, fuck, it was the most magical taste you’ve ever experienced. It was like dark chocolate, raspberries, lavender, all the most tender, delicate flavors rolled into one. You audibly groaned as you tongued it around your mouth. You didn’t want the experience to end but you had to swallow. Right as the fruit hit your stomach the door to the deck opened and there was your blonde lovecook. He looked at you, then at the empty fruit stem in your hand. 
“Tell me you didn’t…” he stood there, mouth agape. 
“So what if I did? I was hungry and you’re dragging ass with dinner. Those stories aren’t even real, I’ll be fine.” You confidently strode towards him trying to move around his tall, slender frame when he grabbed the sides of your arms and forced you to look at him. 
“Get off me!” You were young but you were strong and you shook off his grasp with ease. “I’ll be fine. Stop worrying about me. I can handle myself.” And you ducked past him and walked out onto the deck and back down to your room. You would be fine, right? He had no evidence other than stories from dirty old men on the Baratie. You spent awhile in your room reading before the crew was called for dinner. It was a beautiful spread. Luffy was dominating the serving platters while you sat next to Robin and joked about something gross Franky had done earlier in the day with a large bottle of cola. 
Halfway through the meal you started to feel warm. You ignored it, blaming the summer heat. But the warmth grew, spread to your cheeks and deep in your tummy. Your skin felt like you had a fresh sunburn. Robin rubbed your arm accidentally while laughing at a joke and you jolted forward, your skin being so sensitive and hot. 
“Are you okay y/n?” Robin asked looking into your eyes, visibly concerned.
“I’m fine I think… I think I’m just tired… maybe I need to go to bed.”
You looked across the wooden dining table and Sanji was staring directly at you. He had clearly been watching you the whole time, eyes filled with concern for your physical state. You ignored his glare and excused yourself back down to your room. This feeling was unlike anything you’ve ever felt in your life. It was like static electricity going straight through your veins. You went straight to the bathroom and splashed cold water on your face repeatedly. After a big sigh you buried your face in a towel. Looking up into the mirror you notice something. Your nipples were completely erect. 
You couldn’t possibly believe that this fruit did what Sanji said it did… but you realized you were growing increasingly wet between your legs. 
“You’re kidding…” You audibly curse to yourself. 
You went back to your bed and grabbed your book to start reading and calm yourself down. You stared at the pages, your brain unable to focus on any of the words, only able to focus on the electric feeling in your body. 
Your body was no longer just hot, it was BURNING. You were wearing a large grey t shirt and light pink panties. You look down and see that you’ve soaked them completely through. Frustrated, you throw your book on the table and lay fully on your back. You want to resolve the issue quickly without problems so you reach your hand down into your underwear and start to circle your clit with your right hand. 
It wasn’t enough. 
You insert your pointer and middle finger inside of yourself the way you always do when you need to release. It wasn’t working. You were hurting. It simply wasn’t enough. You kept trying. You were panting and sweating, your hair plastered to your forehead and grunting in frustration as you struggled to reach a peak. Your skin was so sensitive but you simply couldn’t get there. You were starting to feel sick…. The hot, sweating feeling becoming too much for your brain. An idea suddenly hit you-
“There’s only one way to reverse the effects.” Sanji. He knew. He knew how to fix this. You sprinted out of bed, still in a t shirt and panties and grabbed your baby den den mushi and called the Sunny’s landline, knowing it was in the kitchen and Sanji would be there washing dishes. It rang. You waited. Sweat beads dripping down your forehead, pain radiating through your lower half, you kept waiting for a response. 
“Y/n? Mon amour? Are you okay?” Sanji’s concerned, deep voice came through on the line.
“No I’m not. You were right I was wrong, okay? I need you to get down here now.”
He breathed heavily on the other end, having an idea as to what you were going through. He didn't respond.
“Sanji. You told me you knew how to fix this. Please…” your voice was trembling and broken. 
As soon as he heard the desperation in your begging he knew it was serious. He had an obligation to his crew mate. 
“I’ll be there right now.” And he hung up.
Barely a few moments later you heard rapid knocks on your door and the knob turning. Sanji was fully unprepared for the sight he saw when he entered your room.
There you were. Laid out on your bed, but thighs clamped together so desperately trying to get any sort of friction on your aching clit. Sweat from your neck had stained your large, old t shirt. Your breathing was so heavy he could see your breasts rise and fall tiredly, clearly not wearing a bra. 
“I told you not to do this…”
“Okay! I know! I get it! I should have listened to you! But right now Sanji I-… I need your help.. please…” 
He had imagined it so many times… you spread out in bed, begging and pleading for him. Was he dreaming again? He fisted his cock late at night so often thinking about this exact situation. But as a gentleman he was hesitant. Would you be begging for him like this had you not ingested that fruit? Would it be right to touch you like this? You weren’t drunk, you weren’t on drugs, but is it right? His brain was going a thousand nautical miles a minute until you spoke again.
You looked at him as you sat up on your elbows. You let your legs fall apart as far as they would go so he could see the massive soaked spot on your panties. 
“Sanji please… it hurts so much…” 
Hurts. You said it hurts. You were in pain. He could see the tears threatening to fall from your lashes. He has never seen you like this a day in his life, even 2 years ago when you first joined the crew and you were new to piracy. He had seen you take blade slices and Chopper sewed them up with no anesthesia and you barely winced. He could barely imagine the pain and frustration that was causing you to have this reaction now. He vowed to never leave a woman in distress, and you certainly were. 
“Let me go get Chopper, he will know what to do.”
“NO!” You shout at him. “Don’t you dare tell anyone on this ship what happened. You said you could help me and I need it.” You were pleading with him. He saw the look in your eyes. So much desperation. So much lust. How could he leave you writhing in all this pain?
Screw it. 
Sanji quickly slips off his shirt jacket and it falls to the floor. He strides toward you loosening his tie. He sits down next to you on the bed. He was more than a little hesitant but he couldn’t resist anymore.
“I need you to understand... that if I help you with this… we won’t ever be the same… I need you to tell me that’s okay.” 
You grabbed his hand. It was so soft and delicate in yours. Slender fingers slotting in between yours. You looked up into his all-blue eyes, you could see the worry. He looked at you like a porcelain doll that he might break if he takes it off the shelf to play with. But you could tell deep down, he wanted to play.
“It’s okay. I need your help Sanji. Please help me.” You breathed out, the feelings getting so much more intense. Your pussy was clenching around nothing after just feeling his hand in yours… your pulse was so high… You needed release soon or you thought you might have a heart attack.
“Fine. But if anything feels wrong you’ll tell me to stop, love, right?”
You nodded your head aggressively and lifted your torso off the bed and removed your shirt. Tossing it aside you then shimmied off your panties, leaving your body fully naked on the bed for him. He had never seen something so beautiful… pert, full breasts heaving on your chest, a sheen of sweat covering your skin. A puddle was forming on the sheets between your legs…. He knew this wasn’t normal. The wetness your pussy was experiencing was nothing human at this point, dripping far more than was normal for any biological person. It was clearly aching.
Sanji got to his knees at the base of the bed, fully taking his tie off now and undoing several buttons of his dress shirt. “Ok love, I’m going to fix all of this.”
He grabbed the backs of your knees and yanked your sweat covered body to the edge of the bed so that he was face to face with your hot, dripping sex. 
Sanji knew this was his dream. Sure the All Blue was number one but this was the best thing he’s ever seen or smelled. He leans forward towards your bare pussy to deeply inhale your scent. You cover your face, embarrassed at his lewd, perverted actions.
“Sanji please…” you were whining and writhing, waiting for him to touch you. 
He firmly grabs your hip with one hand and holds you down while he spreads your lips with two fingers from the other hand. No longer able to resist your sopping cunt, he dives in immediately and latches onto your throbbing clit. 
You scream out underneath his touch, your skin so painfully sensitive that it feels a thousand times more pleasurable with his mouth. You moan loudly as he laps and sucks at your most sensitive area. With the affects of the fruit and the pleasure Sanji is giving to you, your brain short circuits. You instinctively fist his blonde locks and pull him deeper into your cunt. You needed release and you needed it now. 
Sanji was in Heaven, your sweet sounds and the taste of your rapturous pussy he could barely think straight. Things were going beyond well… especially for someone who has never done this before. Sanji has never touched a woman, let alone had sex. This was a show. He snuck some of Robin’s erotic novels months ago and tried to understand  how to please a woman should the opportunity arise. Sanji’s hands were shaking on your thighs, trying to make sure everything was perfect for you. He remembered reading that having fingers inside a woman feels good when done right. He inserts two fingers and crooks them upwards, pulling slightly while his lips were wrapped around your clit and you shouted out in pleasure.
“Sanji! Oh my god! That’s it, please! It’s perfect, right there! Don’t you dare stop, please!”
Hearing you simultaneously praise and beg him made his head swim. He never thought he’d be able to pleasure a woman like this. He ruts his crotch into the side of the bed as he slurps down all of your sinful juices, trying to suppress his own sexual desires. 
You felt the tension and in your belly start to reach its peak and you aggressively grabbed Sanji’s head.
“Im… cumming!” You shrieked as you released all over his face. You laid back and heaved and felt relieved.. but only for a moment… 
He pulled off of your cunt, goatee soaked in your release. He greedily licks his lips, smirk forming at the corners.  
“My love… it was the best meal I’ve ever eaten in my life… and as someone with a refined palate, I simply can’t say what an honor it’s been.” He tries to compose himself and put his tie back into place as he stands up from the bed. You grab his wrist. 
“Sanji… I need more… all of it… please…” 
He couldn’t believe that he was hearing. Was this it? He needed you almost as bad as you needed him at this point. 
“My darling… do you mean that?” He asks hesitantly
“Of course I do. It still hurts, Sanji. I can’t get rid of this unless I feel all of you inside of me… please…”
Sanji rips off his clothes at lightening speed, stumbling over his trousers in the process. Thick cock slapping his stomach as he pulls down his briefs. He climbs back onto the bed and hovers over you. Remembering the books he read, he grabs an extra pillow and shoves it under your ass, grabbing an experimental squeeze as he does it. You giggle.
“M-my love… I’ve… I’ve never done this before.”
You look up at him, shocked and bewildered. A virgin? Maybe it was because of the mysterious fruit’s effects, but this man had just given you the most earth shattering orgasm you’ve ever had. How can this really be his first time?
“Oh Sanji I’m sorry I just can’t help it, if you don’t want to-“ He cut you off with a sloppy, passionate kiss on your lips. It was messy, it was frantic, it was needy and so, so good. He pulls back panting and says to you, 
“I want to. My love, I want to more than you know, please let me help you.” 
You release a breath you didn’t know you were holding and reached up to cup his face with one hand and pull him into a kiss. With your other hand you reached down and guided his throbbing, virgin cock into yourself. 
Sanji groans against your lips, you suck a breath in, finally feeling the fullness your body has been violently craving for what felt like an eternity. He leans back from your kiss, seemingly trying to catch his breath and compose himself. He knew it would be good, but the feeling was far more than he’d ever imagined. Your insides were so warm, so wet and open for him, fitting him inside you so perfectly like the last piece to a puzzle. He was broken out of his trance by a desperate whine from underneath him.
“Sanji… baby please… I need more, fuck me now please?” You bucked your hips upwards into him deeper, trying to fuck yourself on his cock desperately trying to fix the painful ache in your lower half. 
He pulled out of you slowly, still hesitant as to what to do, this being the first time he’s ever made love to a woman, let alone someone he felt so passionately about. He leans forward and fully pushes his sensitive cock back inside of you and you let out a high pitched whine. He repeats his actions as he finds a comfortable rhythm. 
“Oh Sanji thank you so much, thank you so much, it feels so good baby, just like that…” You punctuated his thrusts with explicit compliments and loud moans. Growing confident, he leans back and places his hands on the back of your thighs and pushes them up to your chest. He speeds up his hips and you feel his thick cock reach the perfect spot at this new angle. 
“Sanji! There!” You were screaming at this point. Sanji had half a mind to cover your mouth, knowing every other person on the Sunny could hear you calling out his name in pleasure… but the other half? The thought of everyone knowing that HE was the one giving you such intense pleasure that you can’t help but shriek his name throughout the ship? That was the half that was winning. 
You feel like you’re about to explode. It was right there, you could feel it. Tears begin streaming down your face as your love cook destroys your sloppy pussy with vigor. 
“My love you’re so close, I can barely pull myself out… Please cum for me? Mon amour, I need to see it again. I need to feel you cum on me, please? You’re so beautiful when you cum, you’re perfect, darling, please?” Sanji was shamelessly begging you to release on his cock. He desperately drilled his hips into you, pushing your further up into a pretzel. 
“Yes Sanji I’m right there, fuck baby I’m cumming, SHIT-“ you screamed. The orgasm ripped through your entire body, unlike you’ve ever felt. It was an almost painful, intense pleasure. Sanji continued to plow into you, so incredibly close to his own peak, trying to talk you through it but your ears were ringing. 
“So perfect baby, such a perfect, gorgeous pussy. My perfect little pussy, so good for me…I love you so mu- oh my darling, I’m going to cum, please let me fill you!”
Your brain short circuited, so broken by your orgasm, body almost numb. “Yes of course, I want all of it Sanji please! I want your cum inside of me.”
And with that, he did. He moaned your name loudly as he slumps forward meeting your forehead with his. He lets your legs fall comfortably, but stays on top and inside of you. Nothing but heavy breathing and the sound of waves hitting the side of the ship could be heard. After a few minutes he pulls back and he looks into your eyes, seeing the relief, that you’re finally rid of your pain, he smiles. You smile back. You both start laughing. 
“Sanji, thank you.” You finally breath out after catching the giggles, not even believing what just happened. 
“It truly was my pleasure, darling. Just… just promise me you won’t do anything that stupid again?”
“After how incredible that was? I can make absolutely no promises.” You laugh. “Hey remember when you said you loved me?”
Sanji buried his face in your neck with a groan, clearly embarrassed and hiding his shame. It wasn’t a lie, he just knew you didn’t feel the same way. He didn’t know what to say, he wanted to throw himself into the ocean outside the window just to get away from confronting this. He pulled out of the crook of your neck to look at your face. 
“Y/n I-“
“Shhh…” you press your finger to his kiss-bitten lips. “Stay here tonight. We can talk tomorrow.” You assure him while stroking his cheek. Sanji sighs in relief, kissing you gently and laying his head on the pillow next to yours. With nothing left to say you both drift off to sleep, limbs tangled together on your mattress. You can talk about this in the morning.
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sc4llywag · 5 months
Since I got Tumblr and have free range to rant however I want, its time for the Assassin's Creed main characters and how they walk post!!!
With each of the games, they change the main characters walking animation to fit their vibe and I need to be able to study them beheehe
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I don't have too much to say about Desmond's other than his is simple and similar to Ezio's and Altaïr's and I like to think that this is due to the bleeding effect(it happened to me too I walk like the assassin's all the time) his is a little more confined and he keeps his arms closer to himself so he's very typical in the way he walks
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In his walk he has a sway to his hips and steady hands(probably to keep himself ready for any assassination), but goddamn the SWAY I never noticed it.
His shoulders also sway with his walk and I love how fluid he is in general, this ties back to his robes for me and how flowy they are to show the grace of an assassin in high profile but when low profile they stay to his sides and he's all in the shadows and I REALLY love that about him.
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This gif is all I could find so i can't really remember if Ezio's walk is different in Ac2 from Altaïr's because ubisoft is the king of recycling things but whatever. He still has the outward stance but I do notice his head is pointed low to try and keep himself hidden(shadows shit be like) but ofc hes holding the apple here so it's hard to tell if he's trying to swing his arm a lot lol, anyway body language is important to Ezio so hes very good at looking broody as well as fluid in his movements
(Walk Cycle Research | PKlover4078)
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My man my man my man my man😍‼️‼️
The way Connor walks with his hands stretched out and then clenching his fists every moment because he's always ready for a fight goddamn this MF could take me in an alleyway and I'd be happy. I'd like to note with this gif, it doesn't show his slow slow walk and I remember it pretty well, he has a slight cautious aura in his walk, he's really careful in his foot placement(I think) and he's super awesome and I love him a lot. Since we have him running I'd like to talk about that too. He has such an efficient sprint it's so mesmerizing, he keeps his head low and just fuckin vrooms across the colonies<3
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You can barely see her here bc the damn community doesn't care for Aveline much but I like her even tho I haven't played Liberation, I enjoy the way she walks in a proper manner and she's got that strut the runway strut is everything. I also like how she has a wider swing in her arms, more carefree and comfortable.
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This is such a great quality gif thanks so much Ac fandom!!
Anyway, I really love the difference in Edwards walk compared to the rest of the assassins because he's a pirate, he hasn't had the teaching of grace and secrecy. Therefore his walk is staggering in his footwork but still proper bc he's a sword fighter and very good at it. In a longer gif you'd be able to tell but his footing is a little messy, showing that drunken sailor pirate personality shows in his walk. He has a close arm swing due to him always needing to be close to his weapons, ready for a fight(like his grandson<3)
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I can barely see how he's walking but I'm pretty sure he had his hand on his sword hilt which says so much abt his character, again always being ready for a fight. He has a very straight posture due to his pompous nature, quick in his form to be efficient because why walk if you don't look proper and efficient?
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Ok he's a Templar and so is Haytham but fuck you I love them.
His walk is so GOOD his walk has a heavy step and he's very prominent, got that straight posture again, not much to say about his arm sway other than the added shoulder sway, love that for him bc he's just so intimidating.
(For reasons I'm not doing Arno, Evie, Jacob, Kassandra, and Eivor since I haven't played their games)
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Bayek's walk is very different from every other assassin and that makes me love him so much more. He feels very carefree and relaxed but when in combat good lord does he go off!! He puts more sway in his arms than his hips and that's probably why he has a combat centered walk, like Edward.
If you've reached the end thank you for reading my rambling ass get over excited over walk cycle animations :) follow for more rambling!!
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fuzzylogic-27 · 4 months
Worlds oldest OFMD fan!
Ok, so I think I might have created the world's oldest OFMD fan - my 91 year old mother! Yep, you read it right, Ninety one!
She's a very with it old lady, she still lives independently and drives her own car.
She took a bit of persuading as pirates aren't really her thing but once we started she loved it.
She preferred season two. She went "Ooh!" when she saw MerStede. She said "Aww, aren't they adorable?" when Ed and Stede kissed under the moonlight. She laughed out loud at Buttons weird chanting before he became a bird, and Roach was her favourite character. She thought Izzy had a great singing voice.
In the last episode when Ed and Stede were looking at each other with love by the inn, the shot was on Ed and she said "God, isn't he gorgeous?!" You're never too old to crush on Taika it seems!
I'm pleased to have initiated one more fan, and now she'll understand when I keep talking about my favourite show and 'My boys'. 😊
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licorice-tea · 5 months
I Think I Love You!
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader, Platonic Straw Hats & reader
Content: Strawhat!reader, cursing/strong language, kissing, Law has trouble with accepting his feelings, reader is a schemer and plotter fr, misunderstandings / miscommunication but more funny than angsty, fluff, idiots in love <3
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: this is a song fic based on “I Think I Love You!” by the Partridge Family lol, so the indented parts are song lyrics! also i wrote this between like 2 and 5 am… please forgive me for any grammar mistakes😭
This morning
Law cannot stand being a guest on the Thousand Sunny. He wakes up in the library- he must have fallen asleep there last night- and can already hear shouting from above deck. Why are they causing such a commotion this early on in the day? To him, the reason is simple: because the Straw Hat Pirates are inarguably the loudest, most annoying, chaotic bunch of-
thump thump thu-thump thump… knock knock!
Pushing the door to the library open with your back, you carefully turn while entering the room to reveal a serving tray in your hands.
Your voice rings out in the mostly silent room- save for the noise coming from the deck of the Thousand Sunny. “Hey, Law? Sanji made coffee for the girls and I, so I had him make you a cup t- oh.”
You smile to yourself upon seeing the ally captain, Law, fast asleep at one of the library desks. (Or at least, he looks like he’s asleep.) Wordlessly, you set the tray down beside him.
“He looks cute like this,” you think, “calm.”
On your way out, you pause and grab a sticky note from a drawer in another desk. You decide to jot down a little note rather than wake him. But, unbeknownst to you, Law is already awake and staring at your back.
Ok, so… there might be one exception to his feelings of contempt toward the Straw Hats.
And maybe it’s because he wants to let you fulfill your kind mission, or maybe he just panics, but when you turn around he closes his eyes again. You stride back across the library to his desk makeshift bed, and stick the note on the tray as quietly as possible. Law can feel the soft exhale of your breath fanning over him, knowing you’re probably smiling. Soon after, he hears the door open and close softly, and decides it’s safe to sit up and open his eyes again.
I woke up with this feeling
His tired eyes scan over your words with the tiniest hint of a smile: “Sanji made coffee! + There’s milk and sugar in separate cups, b/c I’m not sure how you like it. -y/n :)”
To think, you went out of your way to ask that dumbass cook to make a cup for him, too? Then you had arranged it so neatly- and written the sweetest goddamn little note… Well, it was really just a simple explanation of the tray sitting before him, but it was cute because it came from you. He knew you wrote it out of care and concern for him, not to mention your own kindness. And- as he allows his mind to wonder while staring at his untouched coffee- he thinks that maybe you did it out of love.
“Wait, no, that’s crazy.” All this time around Straw Hat and his crew must be getting to him. Law tries to remedy his outlandish idea that you might feel for him the way he does for you by starting on the coffee you brought him. He doesn’t usually take milk or sugar in his coffee, but since you went out of your way, he adds a splash of the former and a small cube of the latter. And suddenly, his mind is wandering again…
What a kind thing to do for someone. This makes him feel sure of his previous notion once again- that you just might love him. You have to. Because he’s falling in love with you, slowly but surely, and…. oh. Fuck. He loves you.
Law curses himself. Realizing he’s falling in love is NOT how this day should start. Or any day, for that matter.
I didn’t know how to deal with
Though he got at least 6 hours of sleep (which is around 3 more than usual for the surgeon), and drained his coffee cup, Law’s head is aching. It’s a result of stress, most likely. Because, ever since he came to the terrifying realization that he’s falling for you, he can’t stop thinking about it (love, you, etc.)
Your smile is one of his favorite things, for example. It ranges anywhere from bright (like on the night he cracked a single joke while the two of you kept watch from the crows nest, and suddenly you outshone the stars while laughing) to sweet (when you accept a compliment from the love cook with a shy expression), with at least a dozen more variations.
And your eyes… God, he needed to stop thinking about you. He can barely concentrate now; what did he even plan on doing today?
Law decides then, that if he’s to get anything done at all, he’ll need to push all thoughts of you to the backburner.
And so I just decided to myself
“This is a foolproof plan,” Law thinks to himself, “one of my best yet.”
He’s most definitely lying to himself, but is it really lying if the liar themself believes the lie?
“Shit. Even that doesn’t make sense.” Whatever, he just needs to concentrate on something- anything other than you.
So Law, stubborn as ever, uses this trait to his advantage by becoming dead set on not thinking of you at all. He does so by ignoring you when you pass by each other in the halls of the Thousand Sunny, not meeting your eye when you offer a friendly smile over dinner, even straight up ignoring you once when you knocked on the door to his room. He knows it was you because you have this habit of making a short tune out of knocks-
No! He absolutely can’t think of you. Law has already made up his mind, and under no circumstances can he backtrack.
I’d hide it to myself
Law is very obviously hiding something, you’re just not sure what.
It’s like his demeanor toward you changed overnight. Before his switch up, the two of you had been spending a large portion of your days together. And sure, there aren’t many people to choose from for company when you’re at sea, but you took pride in the fact that Law still wanted to be around you.
It had taken a little time for the Captain of the Heart Pirates to open up at first- which you didn’t mind at all, some people are simply more reserved than others- but once he did, your purely physical attraction to the man grew into a head spinning crush. So, once you gained the confidence, you began flirting and showing him how you felt in careful ways.
And it had seemed like it was working! He engaged in meaningful conversations with you, started sharing sly compliments and jokes and looks, would always sit beside you at dinner- or directly across from you if both adjacent seats were taken- and didn’t seem to mind trading in his late night reading for keeping watch from the crows nest with you. All signs had pointed to him at least thinking of you as a friend, if not reciprocating your feelings for him.
So why the hell is he ignoring you all of a sudden? Whatever the reason, you intend to find out.
And never talk about it
After consulting with your team (Nami, Usopp, and Robin- the most emotionally intelligent people and/or those with the most relationship experience on the crew), you decide to confront Law. “It would be best to be straightforward and honest,” is the consensus the four of you came to.
But, it proves to be harder than you thought since he is still avoiding you. You’ve taken to hanging around the kitchen because everyone has to go there at some point, as everyone gets hungry or thirsty, but Law never shows. How is he getting his morning coffee if he never goes to the kitchen? It bewilders you; how he’s managing to sneak by you on your own ship. (On the second day of trying to catch him, you realize that he can, in fact, use his devil fruit abilities to avoid walking around the ship and simply teleport into the kitchen instead.)
The next day, you decide to hang around inside the kitchen. Sanji doesn’t mind one bit, and you think that Law is sure to pay a visit at one point or another.
And he does! You don’t even have to wait long, because early in the morning- around 6:30 am or so- he teleports in with a flash of blue light and greets Sanji with a nod. However, he doesn’t take notice of you sitting on a stool at the kitchen island.
“Just as I suspected.” You mentally pat yourself on the back for your sleuthing skills.
Law walks to the counter to grab a mug and pour a steaming cup from the pot the chef had just brewed, when you speak up.
“Morning, Law.”
He nearly drops his mug before turning around to see you, sitting at the kitchen island, with your own cup of coffee. (He notes how yours is a much lighter shade, and you’ve added ice and whipped cream. It fits you, he thinks, to prefer something sweeter. Great, just another reason why you could never like him the way he likes you.)
Law had purposefully been using his devil fruit and any other means to avoid you these last couple of days; yet here you are, looking at him with your knowing gaze. He was sure that you had caught on to his avoidance, because you’re perceptive like that, he just didn’t expect you to outsmart him like this. It’s enough to drive him crazy inside; like everything about you drives him crazy. (In some strange and foreign way that makes him yearn to be around you, but forces him to push you away.)
He mumbles out a quick “Morning.” and tries not to look as caught as he feels.
This is where you realize the flaw in your plan to confront Law: Sanji is also there. And despite the love you have for your crewmate, you don’t really want to do this in front of him.
So, when Law leaves just moments later, you follow.
And didn't I go and shout it
“Law! Wait up!” You call from a few paces behind him.
Though he doesn’t wait, he responds, “What?”
“What do you mean what? You’re being weird, and I want to know why!”
Law finally slows down, but only to open the door to the library, “I’m not being weird. Go away, y/n.” He states simply, then tries to close the door, but you hold it open.
When you walked into my room
You follow Law into the library- the room he has begun to frequent and sort of staked his claim on ever since he became a guest on board the Thousand Sunny.
With equal fervor, you respond; “Then why are you avoiding me? And straight up ignoring me when I try to talk to you? Because it’s really fucking rude. We’re friends, you know, and I thought-“
“We can’t be friends.” his voice is cold.
“Oh… Oh.” You think you understand now. “That’s so dumb, Law. Like, really stupid actually. Our friendship doesn’t depend on this alliance, if that’s why you-“
“It’s not!”
“Stop cutting me off! Ugh, just…” you sigh, clearly frustrated, “just tell me what’s going on then, please.”
He looks at you, your arms crossed and jaw set tightly. One might take your expression for angry upon first inspection, but there’s just a hint of sadness in your eyes and furrowed brows. He doesn’t want to ever see you like this- especially not because of something he’s done.
“I think I love you!”
This is it. He’s going to confess his feelings to you and ruin everything. You’ll probably hate him, never want to see him again, and that will just make it a hundred times harder to endure the remainder of his alliance with the Straw Hats.
“Well.. We can’t be friends because I…” Where was confidence and blatant disregard for the opinions of others when Law needed it?
You tilt your head and quirk a brow, giving him a quizzical look. The knowledge that you would never judge him so harshly; nor do anything to purposely hurt him, wasn’t doing much for his nerves right now, but it would have to do. He just needs to spit it out and get this over with now.
“I think I love you.”
You blink a few times as your eyes widen in clear surprise. Are you upset… or happy? He can’t tell, so he quickly corrects himself; “Uh- I’m falling in love with you. I think.”
(I think I love you)
Your frown grows into a small smile before the curve of your lips opens up into a much happier, brighter grin. And you laugh in a way that’s practically melodic to Law, which allows him to finally release the breath he’s been holding.
“I… I think I love you too, Law. Or I’m falling.” You emphasize the word like it’s an inside joke, just between the two of you. “It’s hard to tell.”
“So… that’s why you’ve been avoiding me?”
“I’m, uh, sorry. I didn’t-“
Law stops when he feels the gentle press of your lips on the corner of his mouth. It’s barely a kiss, but you’re so incredibly warm and soft that he really doesn’t care that it only lasts 3 seconds. (Though, he would very much like it if you did it again. He makes a mental note to kiss you back with more certainty, should he get the chance.)
“It’s ok.” You tell him after you pull away.
He nods slowly- it’s probably the first time you’ve ever seen him in such a flustered state- before hesitantly leaning in again to close the distance between your lips. He tilts your jaw with one hand, and his other comes to rest on the small of your back. But he waits for you, like asking for your permission, which you grant him by parting your lips slightly. Then Law finally kisses you; it’s slow and a little unsure at first, but he quickly gets caught up to speed. You both find yourselves lost in the other as the whole exchange becomes more passionate, albeit a little aggressive and clumsy.
And this time, the kiss lasts much longer than 3 seconds.
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the-fluff-piece · 6 months
"Invisible: chose your own romance
- Law or Sanji?
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This is a "choose your own adventure" type continuation of "invisible", if you haven't read that, start here. You can chose at the end if you want to be with Sanji or Law, click on the link to get to the corresponding story
Being friends with Sanji went better than expected. He was still the most handsome and awesome man you knew and it would take a while until your feelings would adjust, but it was good as it was. You helped him often in the galley where you talked and joked.
But he didn't stop swooning over Nami and Robin. When he served them, you were still invisible to him. From one moment to the next, they became his entire focus. His shouted praise and confessions of love still hurt, everyday.
But there was something new to occupy your mind: when Law realised that he had fucked up and spilled secrets that weren't his, he apologised sincerely. He also spotted your stamp collection while standing in your door.
"Wow is that an alabasta crowning special edition?" His whole being changed in a second. His usually squinted eyes opened, his mouth formed a little smile and he disrespected your personal space to squeeze past you and inspect your collection.
With care, he looked through the pages and showed he was also a stamp nerd. It was an unexpected bond that formed and he was still a little frightening, but you promised to look at his coin collection as well.
The two pirate ships anchored side by side for the day and everyone met for a big BBQ on the sunny.
You helped Sanji with the grill, handing him things and goving out food for everyone. Helping him out with his duties on the ship had become your favorite pastime. The moments spent together in the galley where moments of privacy, just the two of you.
When you could at least pretend that in other circumstances, he might have chosen you instead of literally any other girl.
You loaded your arms with plates and brought it to your crew and guests all around the ship. As you approached Law with some grilled fish, he patted the seat next to himself.
"Y/n-ya, I got something for you" He looked excited, showing you a rare smile.
Sanji was pretty happy. He resolved the issue with Y/n like a man and gained a friend in the process. It was still new to him to have a lady friend that was just his friend, but he liked it. She helped him in the kitchen and kept him company, he could vent about Zoro or even swoon over Nami. The book she had made just for him had a special place in his kitchen and his heart. He felt seen, appreciated on another level than Luffy or Nami appreciated him.
And right now, he grilled tasty food for all his friends. Life was great. He couldn't help but to whistle a tune.
"Wow what's going on there?" Nami pointed behind Sanji.
He turned his head and saw Y/n, sitting on a picnic blanked with that tra-guy. They were awfully close, looking at some kind of thick book together.
Sanji stared as Law produced a magnifying glass and both tried to look through it at the same time, bumping their heads together and laughing.
"Sanji, you OK?" Nami asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked through, as he now realised, gritted teeth.
"You just kind of bit your cigarette off" She looked at the crumbling stump on the floor.
"Must have been in my pocket for too long" He mumbled and pried his gaze from the scene behind him to resume his grill duty.
Throughts raced through his head: why were they so friendly all of a sudden? What were they looking at? How long as this been going on? Why didn't she tell him? They shared everything.
He tried to breathe deeply. She had a right to hang with whomever she wanted. Sanji respected the heart pirates captain for his strength and skill. He was a good guy. This was OK.
He snuck another glance - fuck, are they holding hands?
He turned a bit to fast, throwing a piece of meat in the air with his momentum. Luffy sailed past and caught it with his mouth ("tasty!")
They inspected a small coin on Law's hand, she traced it with her hand - it looked like they were caressing each other - like lovers.
"Sanji, you're turning red" Nami commented.
"It's just really warm at the grill" He groaned as he felt his body tense with anger.
It was a great evening, finally you have found a fellow collector who valued a piece's beauty as well as its history.
He was willing to trade an especially ornate coin from a flower island for one of your incredibly detailed Sora stamps.
"This was enjoyable, let's do it again someday!" He eyed the stamp with pure joy in his eyes. You could almost see the boy he must have been once.
"Do you like machines?" He suddenly asked.
"Well, I think they're interesting, but I'm not a machinist" You didn't know where he was going with it.
"You want to see the inner workings of the polar tang?"
He lead you away from the party to the strange submarine he called his home. With a quick "shambles" he transported both of you inside.
He didn't warn you or prepare you in any way - it was like losing your sense of direction and being spun around, condensed into one second. Landing and not knowing where the floor was made you sway and fall directly onto Law's outstretched arm.
He gently pushed you backwards until you were upright again.
"Warn me next time, please!" You huffed.
"Apologies, I should have known" He chuckled. You were pretty sure he did know and he did tease you.
It was pretty dark, there were sparse, little lamps illuminating the hallway. Tiny lights and dials seemed to make up the walls of the ship.
Angry puffs of smoke surrounded Sanji as he smoked like a nervous chimney. His thoughts were glued to one subject alone:
What was she doing with that guy? Were they secretly dating? Did they fall in love just now? Did he touch her?
Almost swallowing his cigarette from his gasp, he decided it was his duty to protect her from that guy's tattooed hands. She was so innocent and sweet, the thought of any man groping her made Sanji's legs itchy. If he so much as looks at her in a lusty way, Sanji would kick that gut all the way back to the north blue.
He stomped around the ship in a foul mood.
"Have you seen y/n?" He asked around, "or law?"
"They went back to the tang I think" one of Law's crew indicated the weird submarine.
"Alone?" Sanji grabbed him by the collar.
"I mean, just the two of them!" He said.
Letting him fall from his hands, sanji sprinted as fast as he could toward the ship. If that bastard did something to her he would sink it.
He ripped the door open and ran down the first corridor he could see, crying our her name.
With relief, he heard her answer "I'm here!" And Sanji ran towards the sound. Bending a corner, he saw the most horrifying thing.
Y/n was practically trapped by Law, shoved against some kind of rattling machine. He looked malicious. She looked so small and helpless against him.
"Hey you dirty bastard, let her go!" Sanji challenged the surgeon of death.
The polar tangs inner workings actually were quite interesting. The engine and life support were to complicated to understand, but you got the basic principle of the ship. You absolutely had to tell franky about this when you got back.
Law was way taller than you and easily leaned above your head to explain some of the dials and meters to you.
It was kind of exciting. It was hard to deny that he was good looking, in a bad-boy kind of way. But underneath the stoic surface was a nerd for collecting, machinery and medicine. He was so different from Sanji in almost every aspect, but just as appealing.
Keep it together, you can't have your heart broken by another stupid crush. He's out of your league, you told yourself. He's just happy to meet another coin enthusiast, that's all.
In the wrong moment, you looked up at him, and he smiled just right. He looked gorgeous. Dreaded infatuation was driven through your heart like a spear and you blushed, thankful for the cover of darkness.
The rest of his explanation went by in a blur, you both hung on his lips and didn't get a word he was saying.
"Y/n!" Someone screamed. Footsteps could be heard throughout the ship.
"I'm here" you answered, hopefully loud enough.
Not even a second later, Sanji slid around a corner and immediately began shittalking Law.
"Get your dirty hands off her, you bastard!" He screamed, fist raised.
"I'm not even touching her" Law stated calmly.
"He showed me how the submarine works." You told Sanji, demonstrably taking a step back from Law.
Sanji was there in a heartbeat, grabbing you around the waist and dragging you behind him.
"Guess you're leaving. But think about my offer, will you?" Law waved at you and stepped back into the hallway.
With a yank, you landed in Sanji's arms and you were back at the sunny before you realised he had carried you all the way.
When he finally set you down in the safety of the galley, he sighed and began to inspect you.
"Did he touch you? Did he hurt you?" His voice sounded distressed.
"Did he....force you to do anything?"He grabbed your chin and looked into your eyes.
"No, we just looked at the engine and the electronics" you mumbled out from between his long fingers.
"He's our ally, calm down" you grabbed his hand to reassure him.
"Tss" He threw his blonde hair around like the diva he was. Anger has reddened his face and squeezed his mouth into an adorable pout.
"Just don't be alone with that guy anymore" he said.
You just rolled your eyes, knowing better than to correct him while he was really on edge.
"What offer was he talking about?" Sanji began chewing the end of his cigarette.
"To join his crew" you stated as sanji flinched.
"Cannot wait to see that guy's face when you turn him down" he grinned maliciously.
"Who said I would?" You looked at his surprised face as the cigarette almost dropped from his gaping mouth.
"Uhm what? You're..You're not seriously considering that. The guy is a weirdo" He gestured wildly, "unpredictable!"
"Don't talk about him like that! He's been a great ally to us. So he's a little introverted, he still has a kind heart" you stated, demonstrably calm.
"He cuts people open! He's...he treat you well!" Sanji's voice morphed into a shriek.
"He's a surgeon, his crew is so nice. Why are you like this?" You got louder as well. It was your decision, not his.
"Promise me you won't go!" He shouted.
"Who do you think you are?" You retaliated, "you can't give me orders! Maybe I want to join his crew? What's it to you? A few weeks ago you didn't even talk to me - now you're aching like...like..." You were so angry, words eluded you.
"Like a man protecting a woman?" Sanji's voice was flat, without emotion.
"...like an overbearing father" you corrected him. The nerve -acting like you suddenly registered as a girl to him.
His face became cold and unreadable, scary.
This had no use anymore.
"Good night Sanji" you didn't wait for his answer and left him in the galley.
After your little argument with Sanji, you packed your bags with the motivation of anger and hurt. But you mostly threw your belongings in without plan or order. A half packed bag, total chaos.
The next morning - the heart pirates would leave and you had to decide if you wanted to go with them. You already talked to Luffy about this - he only told you to follow your heart.
You stood on deck, you bag over your shoulder. When Law saw this he smiled and nodded, Bepo was nervously fumbling and blushing behind him.
You turned back to your old crew to say goodbye, you were sure they would understand. Frankly cried, Luffy looked serious and wished you all the best. Sanji was nowhere to be seen.
As you approached the heart pirates, who were already shouting Greetings, you saw Law nod behind you.
Sanji stood there with a small package in his hands, wrapped in cloth. His cheeks were fiery red as he tried to keep his composure.
"I made you a last bento" His voice was hoarse, breaking, "everything you like. All your favorites. Just promise that you'll eat proper over there." He handed you the box and as his fingers brushed against yours, he couldn't keep it together anymore.
You didn't move, your were both holding the box as he wept and whispered his goodbyes:
"I am sorry I didn't see you. I'm sorry I was so stupid. I wish I could turn back time and make everything right. I didn't know what love meant until I lost you. I... I am so sorry." He whispered so softly that only you could hear it.
What's going to happen? Will you stay or go?
--> chose Law and go to the heart pirates
--> chose Sanji and stay
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soft-mafia · 7 months
Tuesday [Buggy x Reader]
warnings: fem reader, nsfw, smut, rough sex, Buggy being a perv(kind of), risky dry humping, fingering, straight up porn I’m ngl to you, barely proof read
a/n: I’m SO sorry for my absence😭I was kind of caught up in my own life(and my own head) and I completely forgot to write lmao. I hope you guys enjoy this one though!!
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“Listen.. Y/n. We’re both adults here so I’m not gonna beat around the bush. Sleep with me for just one night, and in return I’ll let you have days off every Tuesday.”
• When Buggy came to Y/n with the proposition, he was obviously nervous, but still trying to act “cool” and macho. He didn’t want to seem like too much of a creep coming to the only female member on his crew with an offer like this.
• Buggy would be lying if he said he hadn’t fantasized about Y/n. Especially when she wore those skimpy outfits on hot days.. that would lead him into spending hours in his quarters, vigorously rubbing one out to the thought of grabbing her by the waist and dry humping her on the deck.
• So if she were to reject him, it would make things extremely awkward. Buggy was already regretting his decision.
• Y/n on the other hand was ecstatic, she got to have sex with her handsome captain, and getting days off in return? Count her in.
• And so, that one night turned into several nights. Y/n had snuck out of the crew’s quarters every night, tip toeing past sleeping pirates until she made it to Buggy’s cabin for another evening of fun.
• The first time Y/n had snuck back into Buggy’s room— she had tripped over a sea of empty beer bottles. The first night she slept with him, Buggy made sure to clean up all the mess so she wouldn’t find out how much of a slob he was, but after that night the mess just started to accumulate again.. Y/n had walked in on Buggy, half hunched over his bed only wearing his boxers, about to get some shut eye. When he saw Y/n trip over his mess he screamed out like he had seen a ghost.
• Eventually, Y/n had just migrated to living in Buggy’s quarters with him. Of course, not without sly comments and occasional wolf whistles every time someone caught her walking out of his room.
• This night wasn’t different than the other nights, Buggy was on top of Y/n, his hairy chest pressed against her back, cock buried deep inside of her as she moaned into the pillow. Buggy was grunting and huffing like a boar, booze-scented breath fanned over the back of Y/n’s head as he slammed his hips back and forth.
• Buggy was not a gentle lover in the slightest, he was rough and took what he wanted; the first night they had sex was probably the roughest; he had bent her in half on his bed, holding her ankles down as he plowed her. It was far from what Y/n always fantasized but she was seeing stars never the less.
“Mmm.. C-Captain..!” Y/n gasped, almost getting choked on her own breath as Buggy detached his cock to hit her cervix, she titled her head back and let out a loud moan. “Yeah.. that’s right. You’re Captain’s little fuck toy, huh?” Buggy snickered behind grit teeth, sliding one of his hands down her back to give her ass a firm slap, “My little whore.” He grunted, thrusting his cock in and out at a rough pace, making her pussy spasm.
Y/n could barely keep her eyes open, her entire body trembling underneath her rough captain; she loved every part of it. They both came, Buggy, deep inside of her, and Y/n, around his cock and onto the mattress. They were both panting heavily— Buggy felt like he was about to have a heart attack. “Oh fuck-” he groaned before rolling over and flopping on his back, his long hair sprawled out around him, he glanced over at Y/n, a shivering mess curled up at his side, “You ok, Y/n?” He asked gently, the first few nights he had just stared in concern, too afraid and too awkward to speak up, but he was slowly working on his aftercare skills.
Y/n nodded, leaning into him as the musky scent she grew to love invaded her nose. She wrapped an arm around his torso, across his broad chest. “I’m just glad tomorrow is Tuesday.” She giggled.
The next day, Y/n was enjoying her day off; by being a nuisance to Buggy, sitting on the arm rest of his throne, letting her legs rest over his lap. “It’s like you’re trying to get me riled up.” Buggy said through a smirk, rubbing up and down Y/n’s leg. “Of course not, I’m just trying to spend time with my Captain. Is that wrong?” Y/n giggled, playing with one of the braids in Buggy’s hair that was dangling out the side of his hat.
“Hmmm. Nothing wrong with that.” Buggy mumbled, his smirk growing as he palmed the growing bulge in his pants, “Why don’t you slide down on my lap, here?” He glanced up at Y/n, patting his thigh. Of course she noticed his boner, and thank god that the rest of his crew were out doing something off of the ship. She slowly moved down to sit on his lap, right on his hard crotch. She felt a small chill run down her spine when she heard him groan under his breath. He put one hand on her hip, squeezing it firmly, “That’s right, baby.” He leaned forward, wrapping both arms around her waist now as he began to move his hips underneath her.
“Mm.. captain..” Y/n held onto Buggy’s forearms, grinding her ass against his clothed dick as it rubbed against her pussy through her pants. Buggy chuckled, “Funny how this was supposed to be a one time thing,” He licked a stripe along the shell of Y/n’s ear, “And now you’re here, rubbing your sweet ass on my cock. You must really love getting attention from this dirty old clown, huh?” He whispered in her ear, followed by a dry chuckle.
Y/n bit her bottom lip, whimpering softly, “It feels so good..” she breathed out, her legs trembling as she squeezed them together. Buggy swiftly spread them apart again, his fingers moving down between her legs, slithering beneath the hem of her pants to get into her panties. “Holy shit you’re fucking sopping.” He laughed, slipping two fingers into her easily, making her mewl and arch her back; he moved his fingers out and up to rub circles into her clit as he continued to grind against her ass.
“That’s good.. yeah, lemme hear those little noises.” Buggy grinned widely, then grunted as his abdomen clenched, the friction getting him so close to cumming, urging him to rub her clit faster. Y/n’s thighs were trembling, fingers digging into Buggy’s hairy arm as her hips struggled to keep up with him. They were both panting, moaning and groaning together.
Y/n put her hand over where Buggy’s hand was inside of her pants, pressing his palm against her pussy further so she could grind on it. “Damn you’re really loving me, huh?” Buggy laughed, then groaned before burying his mouth against Y/n’s back, squeezing his eyes shut as he came right into his boxers, knuckle deep inside of her spasming cunt. Y/n made a mess of his fingers as she came around them, purring like a kitten.
Buggy breathed heavily, he was seeing stars for a moment before he leaned back against his throne, Y/n was still riding out her orgasm on his palm, before he slid his hand away to lick at her juices. Y/n moved so that she was sitting on one of his thighs, wrapping an arm around his neck and leaning against his chest.
“Hey.. uh- Y/n.” Buggy croaked out, wiping his saliva off on his pants, “Why do you keep.. yknow, doing this with me.” He asked her, wrapping an arm around her.
Y/n looked away, chewing on her bottom lip as she thought, “I..” she didn’t know why she was afraid to just tell him that she always liked him, he’s fucked her so many times already, but she couldn’t stop herself from blushing and stumbling on her words. “Am I making you feel like you need to do this?” Buggy asked, starting to panic slightly, feeling like he was abusing his position and being a dirty creep towards the only girl on his crew, “I swear I didn’t mean to pressure you into doing anything!”
“No, Captain! You didn’t pressure me into doing anything. I really like spending time with you.” Y/n looked back up at Buggy, “I really like you.”
Buggy’s eyes widened, he then looked away. Oh.. well, that explains why she was so eager to accept my offer in the first place. “Really?” He said in slight disbelief, his voice cracking unintentionally. “Yes really!” Y/n frowned at him, “Do you think I’d even be doing this if I didn’t? You’re the handsomest pirate I’ve ever seen!”
Buggy didn’t know if that inflated his ego, or confused him even more— She thinks I’m handsome?! “Really?” He said again, his pitch getting higher. “You’re so insecure.” Y/n mumbled, giggling quietly as she looked away. “HEY!! I’M NOT INSECURE!! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO YOUR CAPTAIN!!” Buggy shouted, grabbing both of Y/n’s shoulders and shaking her.
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uglypastels · 2 years
Hi there! Maybe tmi but I’ve been daydreaming of a scenario where you and Eddie have been staring at each other for most of senior year but you’re too shy to approach each other and then you bump into him at school after-hours and suddenly you’re slamming each other into the locker room or AV room or whatever other school setting and having crazy panting feral hot sex. I love your fics so I’d pass out if you wrote something along these lines and then spontaneously combust from horniness
ok this immediately got me inspired to write, even though I told myself "no blurbs until you finish the pirate eddie fic" but fuck it. i had to write this.
warnings: SMUT minors dni! unprotected PIV (female!reader). kinda public?? in a school building but no one's around. swearing. i don't think there's anything else, but I'm sorry I'm tired.
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What were you doing? What in the world were you thinking? 
Well, the answer to the first question was quite simple. You were standing in front of the janitor’s closet. It was just the beginning of your free period, when you were supposed to be sitting in the library studying for your upcoming chem final, but it turns out you had more important things at hand. 
You looked down at the note in your hand again. The one he had dropped right in front of you just a few hours ago. It had been at your locker, it was early, and you were barely awake, putting away your jacket. 
At first, you had thought nothing of it, still trying to get over the fact that Eddie Munson had bumped into you. The image of his flashy smile was still developing in your corneas. So when you saw the small piece of paper, you thought it might have just been some trash he dropped, but either way, you decided to pick it up. Out of mere curiosity, really. You had seen the black pen marks bleeding through it and wanted to know what the school’s freak had to say. And what it was… was quite interesting. 
5th period. Janitor’s closet, west. Meet me there. 
Your heart nearly burst out of your chest, but it couldn’t have been meant for you, could it? Either way, you went to the west hall. You found that janitor’s closet and looked around for anyone. What would other students think if you stood around? Could they tell what you were trying to build the courage up for? 
Eddie must have already been inside as the clock on the wall ticked loudly away past the first minute of the hour. You wanted to go inside; you did, but you couldn’t push away the feeling that he might have meant the note for someone else. Had he accidentally dropped it in front of you and been waiting for a completely different person?
So, why the hell did you still knock? 
Why even knock in the first place? Why not just open the door? It all felt so stupid, and you felt even sillier when the door opened and Eddie popped out.
He grabbed you by the arm and pulled you inside. It was neither light nor dark in the cupboard. The lightbulb above your head barely gave off any light, but the window in the door was a bit of help. That's when you realised that even though you could not see him there, he had seen you pace about in the corridor.
‘I thought you’d never come in.’ He said with a smile, voice airy, his body inching closer to you with each word. His hands were already setting up their place on your hips, hesitant for your reaction. He clearly had a lot of things on his mind that he wanted to express, but he also didn’t want to push any of your boundaries. You could tell just by how his breath hitched in anticipation, how he dragged his tongue over his bottom lip. 
‘I– I thought you might have given me the note by accident.’ you placed your hand over his chest. Just that feeling alone, even with the many layers of his clothing between you, it made you melt. Of course, the room was small, with no proper air circulation, so that might have been why you felt so hot, but something in you told you that might not have been entirely it. He chuckled at your confession.
‘Who else would it have been for?’ His nose brushed over your cheek, his words hitting your hot skin as he spoke. He was about to move away, but you mirrored his actions right in sync, crashing your lips to his, breaking the dam of feeling and need that had been building between the two of you for the last few weeks. 
It all started with innocent looks across the room—a smile, a wink. 
But it all gradually escalated in subtle ways. No matter how much you would have wanted to, you never dared to take it any further than this. And neither could Eddie. He was a person who was very loud and boisterous, but at times he could shut down and close off. At times, for example, when he was struck by you looking directly at him from your cafeteria table. How he had wanted to walk up to you, tell you everything he had wanted to say each time he saw you, but all the words collapsed in his mind as soon as you actually showed up in front of him. And pretty much the same happened to you. 
Maybe that is why you felt like you were being pulled together. This invisible string connected the two of you in ways no one could explain but wouldn’t complain about either.
The last week, in particular, something had been set off in both of you. Nothing you did was particularly sexual, but it got him going, and you could say the same thing about Eddie. Just seeing him sit there, laid back in the chair, legs spread out, laughing at whatever his friends were saying– you wanted to sit in that lap and laugh along with him.
You couldn’t be wearing a cuter outfit, could you? Eddie’s heart was doing overtime in trying to keep him alive at the sight of you. He needed to talk to you, say something about how you made him feel. 
That is all he had intended with the note. Just so the two of you could talk. Perhaps the tiny enclosed space of the cupboard in an abandoned part of the school was presumptuous of him. Maybe he should have picked a bit more open space, but in all honesty, he was scared that after talking to him for a minute, you would just laugh in his face for how wrong he had been about you. You being interested in him? Now that would make its rounds around the school in no time. 
But then you got into that damn little closet with him, and it’s like all his sanity had left him. He couldn’t compose himself any longer. The feeling of you being so close to him made him haywire in the best way possible, and when you kissed him– 
‘Fuck,’ he grumbled from between the kiss. Your lips just parted long enough for a catch of air, but nothing longer than that. The idea that you did want, maybe even needed, him as much as he desired you… he couldn’t comprehend it, really. All he could do at the moment was hold you close, hoping that his hands weren’t actually too tight on your body. 
But then you let your body free. Your hand clasped at his shoulder as your leg snaked its way around his. Eddie took the opportunity without hesitation to push you against one of the shelving units. It buckled back and forth, but nothing fell off, so neither of you cared. Instead, he pressed you up against it, holding you up by your legs as you crossed your arms around his neck.
Eddie groaned out, to his own surprise, at you tugging his hair. His hips bucked into yours. Was there any way you didn’t feel how hard he was getting? His mind was becoming increasingly clouded with this visceral and nearly animalistic hunger for you. The kisses were getting sloppier by the second when you started pushing the denim vest off his arms. 
The untangling clothes of your bodies was a challenge, but you got there in the end, only getting rid of the most necessary parts. So, naturally, Eddie’s vest and jacket had to go so that he could pull his shirt off. You hiked up your shirt, revealing your bra and pulled your skirt up your legs, while Eddie unbuckled his trousers and let them drop to his ankles, together with his underwear. As it continued, neither of you could explain what came over you. 
He reached his hand to play with your cunt over your panties, but you scolded him. 
‘No time.’ there wasn’t. You weren’t sure how much time there was left before you had to get to your next class. There was no need to waste the little time you had on foreplay, no matter how much you wanted it or both of you wanted it.
‘Wouldn’t have taken you for being so bossy, sweetheart,’ Eddie smirked and kissed you before you could respond. Simultaneously, he thrust his cock deep inside you. You would have screamed out in pleasure if his lips had not been on you. The feeling of him stretching you out– it was almost blissful. 
‘Eddie, oh my god,’ you grabbed his hair tighter as he kept going. It was something that seemed to spur him on. Eddie Munson liked it rough. Not an unexpected discovery, but maybe how you found out– or the fact you got to experience it first-hand, was a bit of a surprise. 
‘C’mon baby, c’mon,’ his voice got deeper with each thrust and groan, mixing with your moans and gasps of pleasure. The shelf to which he had pinned you also kept making noise, and the two of you constantly had to keep pulling yourselves back before everything would topple over and the entire school would hear what you were up to. 
You could feel yourself getting closer, and you tried to clarify that to Eddie, but coherent words, or even noises, were too much for your brain at that moment. How he actually managed to understand that was a miracle. He kissed you deeper. Like the ones before, the kiss was full of heat and passion. It was hungry and filthy. Messy. 
Your nails scratched over his back; Eddie hissed at the sensation, bucking his hips deeper into you. You had just enough time to open your mouth, where a nearly pornographic moan would escape from if it wasn’t for Eddie’s hand that quickly caught it. He pressed his palm over your lips. 
‘Shh, don’t want to get caught, do we?’ he smiled. It was a tired smile, enhanced by the pearls of sweat on his chest and his hair curling on his forehead as he kept on pulling you closer to your climax. He pulled you into it. Tighter and tighter. So tight until it all snapped, and you unravelled in his arms. 
Eddie pulled out of you slowly, carefully. He held you until both of you caught your breath and pulled your shirt back over your chest… but not before lightly kissing your breasts. Something you couldn’t help but giggle at.
 You took the time he spent getting dressed to regain some energy. Never had you ever been fucked like that before. You could readily admit that. Eddie Munson was… something else, for sure. It was terrific… and yet, when you looked at Eddie, something seemed to be off. He was chewing at the inside of his cheeks, brows furrowed, deep in thought. 
‘Something wrong?’ you asked.
‘No,’ is all he said, but you called bullshit. ‘This isn’t how I had… Sorry, I guess, if that was a bit…’ he drifted off, cheeks tinged in a pink hue as he focused on buckling his belt. 
‘It was great Eddie.’ You wanted him to know you enjoyed yourself. 
‘I just… I don’t want you to think that this is why I told you to come here. I had just wanted to talk, actually–’
‘What did you want to talk about then,’ you smiled. 
‘I– I’m not quite sure anymore,’ he chuckled, scratching at the back of his head. The boy was utterly whipped and fucked out. You noticed a lock of his hair sticking out, and without much thought, you walked up to fix it. 
‘Well, I’m really glad I came,’ you kissed his cheek, which was burning up, ‘in all senses of the word.’ 
‘I’d be more than happy to do it again,’ he kissed the corner of your mouth. ‘If you’d let me, of course.’
‘It’s a deal, Munson,’ you told him as you walked out of the cupboard. 
Eddie felt like he was walking on a cloud for the rest of the day. He couldn’t believe what had happened. He just couldn’t…. He couldn’t think a girl like you would just do all of that with a guy like him. At one point, he actually started considering he had dreamed it all up. He had probably accidentally fallen asleep during a class or something, and it had been nothing more than a figment of his imagination. 
Easy to say all of those ideas went away the second Eddie opened his locker at the end of the day, and a small piece of paper fell out. Right on the ground between his feet. On it was written: 
Tonight, my house.
How about that deal, Munson? 
the End
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thank you for reading! please reblog and comment (maybe leave a review??) I would love to think what you thought of it <3
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amuseoffyre · 8 months
Things worth remembering:
All Stede knows about Ed's breakdown is that it was because of him (You broke him/he took my leg cos I mentioned your name), He doesn't know about Ed's other trauma aside from his dad and while he knows Ed is disillusioned with pirating, he doesn't know the specifics about why.
Ed tends to speak in metaphors and while Stede tries to understand them, it's clear that sometimes he's missing the mark. Sometimes Ed isn't even sure of the metaphors himself, but once he has them, he holds onto them - the fish thing has got him especially.
And the thing is that Ed's only just learned to sit with himself in episode 5 and it's overwhelming him. At the beginning of 6, he's the stillest and quietest we've seen him and is gazing out to sea while having flashbacks to things he's done and people he's hurt (hello 1x09 callback).
And the thing is he's okay at the start of 7. He's made a decision about shedding the Blackbeard stuff. He doesn't say anything to anyone and he's ok until Jackie points out Stede is the rising star just when Ed wants out
He doesn't begrudge Stede being excited and happy with his new fame. He is afraid of what his presence has led Stede to: the conversation with Jackie is very much his "you defile beautiful things" moment, especially his presence brought Ned to Stede ("It's me you want").
He also doesn't understand why Stede killed Ned because Stede bottled up his trauma like his love letters. He doesn't even know why Stede a) became a pirate or b) went back to Mary, especially since Stede never actually told him where he'd been directly. He had to hear it from Anne - and Stede is betrayed by that as well ("I told you that in confidence")
Right now, he's feeling unmoored by his own identity and now Stede has taken a step that has fully changed him as a person too and dragged him straight back into the heart of piracy. He tells Jackie he wants out and she asks if Stede knows that and Ed's face just drops and he whispers "shit".
And he spends of the rest of the day thinking and quiet and realises that to process any of this mess, he needs to be away from the pirate world for a bit so he can get his head on straight because now it's roaring back in for him. He sits, he thinks, he realises he needs that space - he should speak to Stede but he tried that the day before and Stede still killed Ned.
Stede also lashes out, which definitely doesn't help. He's right. Ed is panicking, but Stede is also missing so many little clues. Ed never told him about dropping his leathers and Stede just sees him as Ed in other clothes. He doesn't understand the significance, even when everyone around them realises something is off. If even the Swede picks up on it, you know it's an obvious flag.
They both need to use their words and explain wtf is happening with both of them, but they are also both ridiculously traumatised by their past experience. Ed is afraid he's unlovable and now Stede is talking down his coping mechanism, so maybe he's right and Ed-as-Ed is unlovable, while Stede has been told his entire life he isn't enough, so becoming the ultimate pirate should be the win he's been looking for, only Ed isn't happy and Ed is leaving him, so maybe it's him that isn't enough after all.
They are both tangled up so much in their own histories and don't know enough about each others and that's why they keep lashing out and hurting each other so much - they each don't realise what they're saying is a different kind of weapon to the other.
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