#it’s probably a festival not just a concert now that I think about it…
bzhitstruth · 2 days
In the last few days, in GG's materials and the events related to DD there are a few things that my CPN-brain finds suspicious.
All this is CPN and fiction, do not take it seriously!
In the photo shoot from the Beijing concert, GG had a sea and the moon. There is nothing about the sea in the song "The moon represents my heart", and there is no sea in Beijing either. But the sea is the main theme of the latest episode of DD's film. It seems that the concert is timed to coincide with the Mid-Autumn Festival, but the GG's moon is not only not full, but not even waning, as it was on September 19 in Beijing. The phase of the moon in GG's photo is waxing, approximately the same as it was in April, during the filming of the episode about the sea, when DD flew to Hainan.
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In the episode, DD lights a fire on the shore. GG lights a match, probably also on the shore, because the photos with the match are part of the "sea" photo shoot.
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The theme of GG's first photo shoot from the gala of the Greater Bay Area is GG in an underground garage and in a taxi. Do you remember when XZS published a photo shoot "GG in a car"? Has that ever happened? I don't remember that. However, on the same day, someone came to Zhuhai to practice on a racing car. What a coincidence.
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In the second GG's photo shoot from the gala, an unusual interior appeared, and among other things, attention was paid to a strange lamp wrapped in fabric. This lamp also appears in the last frame of GG's vlog. The turtles immediately noticed the resemblance to the branch lamp that DD made in the Discovery episode. I also think it looks a lot!
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This branch, apparently, pleased DD so much that he took it with him to the mainland, and for some time it stood in the diving center in Zhuhai. And now they write that DD took it away from there. I wonder if he wants to decorate his interior artistically?
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But there is another detail connected to this branch, and it is most likely just a joke of the universe. The song 往事随风, which GG performed at the gala concert, has an original music video from 1995. And there is a similar branch there too! It appears throughout the video.
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How does all this manage to get tangled up in such complex knots every time? 💚❤️.
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weldnas · 2 years
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crimsonred-hi · 8 months
Controversial Age Gap - Headcanons
Pairing: Andrew Hozier-Byrne
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• He would be sooo secretive about it in fear of judgement.
• let’s be honest, most of his fans wouldn’t take kindly to him having a conservatively young lass, until they meet her.
• Someone would do an interview of her, and she just acts like she’s a pensioner when she’s actually a uni student.
• If Andrew was gonna date anyone that young she would have to be an old soul. Like already mentally in a nursing home. She would be like super smart and really mature, like he wants a girl he can talk to about literature and poetry, and the fact she’s really young doesn’t mean that much when she completes him.
• Even his friends and band would be find with her, because she acts about 50. She’s always in the corner talking politics with the oldest guy in the pub, because she likes making grown men cry, because she can.
• The Fans would be shocked, because someone would get a video of him getting a quick good luck kiss before he goes on stage, or someone would get a video of them at a festival while she’s fixing his hair for him.
—> Side Rant! Talking about hair! His hair is so healthy now he has her! Like she forces him to sit his arse down once a week so she can deep clean and condition his hair. He’s getting princess treatment.
• I can imagine her running her uni essays through him before they go to her professors, and every time he’s so shocked at how smart she is. Like, he wasn’t this smart, ‘are the younger generation?’ just better he would ask himself.
• We all know he listens to everything, he’s very eclectic. He would love teaching you the blues, he also doesn’t let you play your music, only his. And if you learn his favourite songs and sing them in the car with him, he might cry.
• He’s getting you in any show you want: ya wanna to see Noah Kahan, your going: ya wanna see Lana Del Ray, your going: ya wanna see Taylor Swift, your going. Etc, etc. He’ll get you there, even if he doesn’t like the music that artist makes, he’ll bring his ear plugs and happily watch you enjoy it.
• He would be so careful about talking about you, but it’s a struggle because he’s so proud of you.
• He just thinks you’re incredible. And he wants everyone to know about it, but he’s scared people will judge him for dating someone so much younger than him.
• That jacket in the photo, I bet you think it looks good on him. He thinks it looks better on you. He thinks everything looks better on you; that green jumper he wears all the time, he thinks it looks better when you wear it.
• He loves when your at his concerts, he adores watching you sing and dance along. While everyone thinks he’s winking at them, he’s actually winking at you.
• He loves it when you lay on his chest, you’re so much smaller than him, and watching you distress with the sound of his heart is everything to him.
• She will just spout TikTok and gen z nonsense at him, she once called him ‘submissive and breed-able’ and the look of fear on his face when he turned around to look at her.
—> “what did you just call me…?” He asks his voice cracking with genuine fear, and she just laughs in his face. She just kisses his cheek and runs of giggling.
• He’s probably the first man she’s been with that has a full beard, so she kinda has a little obsession with it. All the other lads she’s dated were her own age and couldn’t grow there pwn full beards, while Andrew is looking sexy as fuck with his beard.
—> He loves when she scratches his beard, because of her obsession with his beard, he practically purrs when she scratches his beard.
—> Also his chest hair, he very rarely goes shirtless but when he does her hands are always desperately trying to get into his chest hair.
• He also gives her beard burn on her thighs and-
• I really like that photo of Andrew, he looks like a god, just me or is he the perfect Poseidon or Hades or Orpheus. Or is he just drop dead gorgeous.
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violetarks · 4 months
hello hello!! congrats on 3k. i love your work so much so you deserve it!! ^_^
if it’s okay could i request luka from alien stage with miscommunication & high school au? ( ´ ▽ ` ) and if it’s okay could the reader be amab? thank you!!
congrats again!!ヽ(;▽;)ノ✨✨💖💖
“but we can’t take back all the words that we said!”
show: alien stage
character: luka
summary: you overhear luka tell his friends that he missed being in ‘the single league’.
warnings: g/n! reader, no pronouns used (i didn’t end up put any gender indications at all, i hope that’s okay!!), miscommunication, high school! au, hurt/comfort, angst/comfort, reader is very self-conscious, established relationship, popstar! luka, he’s nicer in this au LMAO
"are you kidding me?" luka laughs out from inside the classroom.
you recognised that sound from anywhere. it was lunch time and you had told your boyfriend that, as class president, you had to prepare some things for the upcoming school festival during lunch, so you wouldn't be able to eat with him. he was a bit whiney and teasing, but soon let you go. you thought he'd be with some of his friends from his choir class, but no; he was in the classroom with a few of his peers.
you stop before you enter to talk to him for a bit. you were wondering what he was doing here.
"i mean, it's a bit hard, isn't it?" someone says.
"i wouldn't say it's hard," luka sighs out, "it's just a bit of a hassle trying to work around other people."
you're even more curious now. you hold your clipboard to your chest and wait to hear more.
"do you ever miss it? being on your own?" another person asks.
you stop, even halting your breathing in case he would stop talking because you were there.
dating someone as popular as luka was hard, but it was worth it. he was such a handsome guy and had an even sweeter voice. it was hard not to fall for him. you felt lucky enough that he loved you too. he was always on tv or always in the studio, and he brought you along too. you wondered the same thing sometimes; did he miss not being in a relationship?
you weren't a jealous person, but you didn't enjoy luka having a partner in music videos or anything. you had told him such, and he told you that he could fix that. maybe he didn't like the hassle.
"oh, of course," he replies far more quicker than you'd like, "i'd much rather be a single idol. i could do whatever i want, but now… i always gotta’ think of others. such a pain…"
the others around him begin to ask questions about why, but you only stand still. hearing it for yourself only confirms it; luka didn't really want to be with you. it only made his life harder. you somehow always knew that.
he probably didn't want to be rude in fear that you might spread something around to everyone that he was a bad boyfriend and ruin his reputation. or maybe he was just bored.
after all, you weren’t a popstar like him. you were just another student.
“y/n, hey,” mizi and sua turn the corner to see you. the pink-haired girl holds out a pamphlet to you with a smile. “here, this is what we came up with for the concert. is it okay?”
you take it from her and try to ignore the tears threatening to spill. you don't care to stay and listen to more. instead, you turn around and walk away with the girls at your side. you couldn't let him know that you knew, not until you were ready.
after school, luka is waiting at your locker. he is leaning against the wall and scrolling on his phone with his bag on his shoulder. once you're close enough, he tucks his phone away and smiles.
"hey, pretty thing," he greets you as you put your books away, "how was your little presidential duty?"
"it was fine," you retort shortly as you pack up your things, "don't you have a recording today?"
"oh, uh, yeah," he says as he watches your face, "it's later though, i can walk you home."
"it's okay, luka, i need to do some things before i go home anyway," you state as you shut your locker. you look back to him and his pretty face that tilts at you. it takes everything in you to not show that you’re upset. “i’ll see you on monday.”
“hey, wait,” he grasps your wrist as you try to walk passed him. he’s a music sensation, he knows when people are upset and when people are angry with him. you have both of those looks on you. “what about…?”
you two are supposed to go out together on sunday. you had organised something this time — a nice picnic by the lake. the both of you were so excited for it. until now, that is.
“oh, right,” you sigh out. he freezes as you lean closer to him and press a kiss to his cheek. “have fun.”
with that, you slip out of his grasp and leave. luka doesn’t call out. maybe you were just not in the mood, or it slipped your mind and you would come to your senses later.
he texts you when he gets home, when he leaves two hours later for his recording session, and when he gets home. he even sends you photos of his dinner with him and his new band. you only heart the photo and reply dryly. you’ve never acted like this.
you just want to make it easier for him to break up with you. maybe if he realised how little you added to his amazing life then he’d finally agree to let you go.
saturday comes and goes, and finally sunday does too.
sorry, can’t come today, i have some things to organise before the school fest next week
luka stares down at the text with his other hand holding the picnic blanket. he stands outside his door in dismay. at this point, he’s had enough.
seriously? whatever.
there, you think, he’s finally done with you.
he's gotten annoyed with this change of pace. you weren't acting like yourself, and he hasn't had any good time to ask you about it properly. you just shrug it off and then leave.
he tries to think about what he did, if he did anything, and nothing comes to mind. maybe he forgot to pick something up for you? or maybe he made you miss an important meeting? he couldn't think of anything.
monday comes around and you’ve prepared yourself. you two haven’t spoken since sunday morning and you’ve found it a bit hard to do so.
luka is upset with you, and you feel unable to be enough for him. so you put your things away, attend homeroom and explain the plans for the festival that runs from wednesday to friday, and head off to help your peers.
“y/n,” a voice calls from the doorway. you glance up from painting something. luka stands there with crossed arms. “can i talk to you for a sec?”
you stand up and and follow him out to the school yard. everyone else is planning their things for the festival, so nobody would be out yet.
“okay, out with it,” he grumbles with furrowed brows, “what’s going on with us? you’ve been totally gone and i have no idea why. did something happen?”
you don’t say anything, despite what you want to say. and that makes luka a bit more upset.
“y/n, seriously. can you just talk to me? i really wanted to see you yesterday and…” he holds his breath as you continue to stare at the floor, “why are you being so distant? you act like you want nothing to do with me! and instead of talking to me, you just—”
“you’re the one who wants nothing to do with me,” you grumble out with a hot face. luka stops. “you and… you just want to be by yourself, you don’t want to be with me anymore, luka.”
“what are you talking about?” he questions, now even more confused.
“i heard you!” you say as you jab a finger into his chest, “you told your friends that you missed being single and—and you didn’t like having me around. so i… i just thought that if i stopped being around you so much, that you would break up with me. at least then it would make sense.”
you have tears pricking your eyes. luka is almost the same, simply by looking at you. he knows what you’re talking about.
“i know it’s impossible, but i sometimes wish you and i were the same,” you mumble out, “it’s hard for the both of us, i guess. i’m sorry.”
he lets out a small sigh to himself before a smile dawns on his lips. he pushes his hair back and tugs you closer, gently.
“c’mere,” he mutters out. you’re reluctant, but seeing him with a sorry smile makes you step forward and wrap your arms around his waist. he holds you around your shoulders and presses a kiss to the side of your head. “oh, you poor thing. that must’ve been holding you down all weekend.”
“luka…” you say against his shoulder as tears stain his blazer.
“i know, baby, i’m sorry,” he shushes you, “i didn’t know you were nearby when i said that, i confused you. i wasn’t talking about you, sweetheart. i was talking about how much i missed being a solo idol.”
you blink and slowly lift your head from him. with slightly puffy eyes and an embarrassed look on your face, you stare at him.
“solo idol?” you repeat.
he chuckles and reaches a hand up to brush away the tears from your cheek.
“yes, i was talking about music,” he states, “not you, my love. i’m sorry that i said it that way, i didn’t intend on making you feel that way. i would’ve never said something like that if i knew it would make you feel like this.”
you can’t even look at him anymore. you cover your face with your hands.
“ah, i’m so sorry, luka,” you mumble into your hands, “i made a big deal out of nothing.”
“it’s okay, i understand, sweet thing,” he replies to you, “you can make it up to me with that picnic date if you feel so inclined.”
you nod your head at him before luka begins pressing chaste kisses to your tear-stained cheeks.
“aw, look at you, my poor baby,” he says to you, “don’t ever think i’d say such a thing. you’re my favourite person in the world, okay? don’t want you thinking otherwise.”
you wipe away your tears and nod your head again with a smile. luka grins as well at your return of personality. he leans forward and finally presses a sweet kiss to your lips.
“now c’mon,” he says after he pulls away from you, “let’s skip the planning stuff and go get something to eat.”
“no, luka," you chuckle out as he tries to drag you away. he forgets that you take your job as class president seriously. "i need to talk to class c's representative about their event."
"ivan's such a bore," he groans, "hang out with me instead."
you have to pull him by his blazer back to his classroom as he sulks behind you. you were glad that things were back to normal, at least.
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acesofspadess · 7 months
I definitely published this a bit out of order but bare with me
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“Hello Team Niall.” Niall introduced as they all waved and greeted him back. “Well, I've got a bit of news for you. Because of my concert schedule, I actually won't be in town for knockout rehearsals.” Everyone was shocked… and rightfully so. “Because I won't be there, I've chosen another coach to come in and mentor you guys for rehearsal.” Everyone started to freak out wondering who on earth it might be. 
“And they have been in your place before so I think they’ve got exactly what you need.”
The scene changed to the all too familiar practice room with an empty directors chairs. The sounds of steps progressively got louder until the special person appeared. 
“I'M BACK!” 
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's rewind a bit.
A day or two after The Voice Finale
“Hi I’m Maia Quinn, and I'm the Season 23 winner of The Voice, and we're hanging out with Rob on Front Row Live.”
“Go with me.” Niall moaned into your mouth as you straddled him. “Where?” you question kissing down his neck. “Boston. I know it's last minute and we’d leave in the morning-” you shut him up with a kiss and a roll of your hips, his hands tightening against your thighs. “Just wake me up an hour before we leave.”
Sitting at the desk of you and Niall’s shared hotel room the morning of May 26th  you had early interviews to get through before you were meant to go to the festival. You looked over the camera to see Niall already looking at you.
“Maia congratulations. What a night you had a few nights ago.” Rob praised and you smiled adjusting your airpod. “I am super excited for you and your career and your future. Especially because you're starting so young. You have enough time to kind of like, continue to evolve, and understand your voice; learn a lot more about yourself throughout this process. Talk to me about this process of your experience here on the voice and how you've evolved as a vocalist and a performer.” The interview was more than you could ever imagine. 
“Now your relationship with Niall this season has had fans going crazy. From the after performance hugs to the duet, and the after party, what can you tell us about that?”
You saw Nialls face peak over the laptop screen and stayed neutral. “Niall has been the most supportive and very encouraging. He has become one of my best friends through this whole journey. I lost a lot of my confidence during the pandemic unfortunately. It made me think that I would never be able to do things that I certainly could do and Niall- all these years later- has been there to remind me that I probably can do them, and then make me do it. So our friendship and relationship has been so important to me. He is my best friend across the charts and he’d hate me for saying this, but I wouldn't be here without him.” 
“Last question before we go. Is there anything we can look forward to seeing soon? Maybe another EP?”
You smiled glad you were able to share some information on what was coming next. “All I'll say now is, look for me on stage back home.” you winked dramatically knowing those who would get it would get it.”
“That's amazing, I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled. It was so great having you on. I hope to see you in person soon.”
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User10 i'm actually really happy she won
User2 wait…Slane is in Ireland…..
User6 I just learned she had an EP…. what?!?!?!?
Being at Boston Calling with him
“Boston, Massachusetts, how you doing?” he asked the crowd after he finished ‘Heaven’. The loud response made him smile excitedly. “Holy shit! This is crazy.” you face palmed knowing he was going to slip up sooner or later. “Thank you all so much for coming out to see me. I really appreciate it.” they cheered again as he sipped his water. You watched as he looked at the amount of people and a smile formed on your face.
 “This is uhm- this is actually my first ever Festival.” he let out a breath at the realisation. “I've definitely been drunk at a few.” you laughed at him with the rest of the crowd. “But I've never played at any and for that reason I'm absolutely shitting myself.” he said looking at you knowing you would calm him, and him seeing you laugh did just the trick. 
“But thank you for being here. I know some of you guys have been queuing for years.” he looked around at the signs “My girlfriend showed me this earlier ‘i travelled four thousand miles to be here from Brazil’ your eyes went wide at the declaration and the deafening screams were present. He subtly looked in your direction and saw your reaction, his worry diminished as he saw you smiling making him smile. “Makes you feel bad from coming just down the road doesn't it? ‘I came from round New York’.” he mocked, “awe who cares.” he laughed with them and you hid a big smile behind your hands. 
You walked the same route you came flashing your pass when you reached the gate and made your way in to see Niall. When you saw him you squealed and ran over to him. He turned when he heard you and caught you in his arms as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he spun you both around hands on the swell of your bum.
“I'm so proud of you!” you screamed and he laughed before he was kissing you passionately. It was quick as many more pecks through giggles followed. “I can not explain to you how happy i am.” he whispered in shock as you were sitting in the trailer behind the stage and he was getting changed. “You should be so happy, my love. That was incredible, and I am so so proud of you.” he smiled at you before grabbing your hand and kissing the ring on it. “You make me so happy, baby girl.” you melted at his words and stood up to kiss him softly. “And you make me the happiest girl, Ni.”
You surprising Niall at his Zane Lowe interview and him outing you 
You knew Niall was disappointed when you told him you wouldn't be able to make it to his Zane Lowe interview today. He was really excited for this one and wanted you to be there. It was only a few days later that you flew from Boston down to LA for the interview. You were working on last minute stuff for the announcement today and you were nowhere close to done when he was getting ready to leave.
“I'm sorry love.” you kissed his pout away as you both stood by the door of his  LA house. “I know, it’s okay. I know why you can’t make it, and for that I am so very proud.” he melted his lips against yours as your hands went to the curls on the back of his neck and he wrapped his went straight to your bum.
Niall was watching Zane play his songs and the guitar with a big smile a few hours after he left. “There are some pretty songs on this record bro.” Zane complimented as he switched playing from ‘The Show’ to ‘You could start a cult’. You who had just made it into the studio to surprise Niall were standing behind the glass watching him, waiting for him to notice. 
“Thank you very much.'' He cut through Zanes music. “This one kills me.” Zane admitted as Niall caught on to what he was playing. “Yeah.” he cheered Zane on softly, finally noticing you. You saw his smile widened and you waved softly. “You Could Start A Cult.” he named distractedly, still looking at you as if he looked away you would disappear. 
“Kingdoms fighting over you,” Niall continued. “I think that like they’re the ones- that could have very easily been, ‘ i like waking up beside you and you're my favourite person.” he joked easily. “But ‘you could start a war’.” you shook your head at his lyrical genius. “Do you ever crack yourself up with it?”
‘Yeah it was something silly at first but now everyone's obsessed with it. It started with me and my girlfriend now, when we met we would watch crime shows together over facetime,” he exposed and you chuckled at his laugh.
‘You say girlfriend now, sorry if i'm over stepping but..” zane trailed off
“No,” he shrugged off looking at you, who nodded, “she was not my girlfriend at the time, she is now, is what that meant.”
“So did she not know the song was for her?”
“She didn't know any song was for her- or about her I should say. The road from when we met to now has been a very dark windy tunnel, but we made it to the other end.”
“That's beautiful Niall, truly.” You smiled at him agreeing with Zane.
“This was the last song on the record that we wrote.” Niall confessed, and you wondered why. “Why, what was missing?” and without hesitation he pointed to you, “her.” Zane looked to where he was pointing and you waved happily at him. He waved back to you just as happy before turning to Niall with a face of shock. “No?” he gasped and Niall laughed, throwing his head back. “Yeah, I know. Way out of my league.” he watched you shake your head with an eye roll and he couldn't stop the smile from gracing his face.
“I could’ve gone and did what I did with the rest of the record and put BV’s all over it and strings and that was my plan - and John just said to me- because we we were not talking at the time…” he pointed between you and him, “...this is your message to,” he paused, ‘“ her’ keep it that way. Just you and your guitar and your feelings.”
And while there's much much more… you’ll see that soon
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Reading the Room at a 5th Grade Level: MC's Curse and Taiga's Memory Issues???
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Hi. My name is Yuri and I am an idiot. You see, when I downloaded Tokyo Debunker and I saw what happened to the MC I was confused. "Why did everything go red?" I asked myself. "It's like we were in another dimension!" I unhelpfully said at some point probably. Well I finally googled the name of the station the MC said "was not her usual stop" and guess what? I should have done that way fucking sooner because it's related to a Japanese urban legend, much like Takeru in Episode 2. And helps me with what I noticed yesterday while I was re-reading the Hotarubi episode.
This post contains spoilers for Hotarubi's Episode, viewer discretion is advised.
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When the MC is contacted by the spirit who allegedly curses her she is riding the train home from a concert. She receives a text message from someone with a spider lily profile picture, in English their user name is "Mina." Before we are confronted by Mina, the conductor announces that the train's next stop is Kisaragi Station, a station that dear reader, does not exist. It's also extremely famous! But I am not smart or up to date on horror things so I didn't know (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄) so sorry if this is all stuff you guys already knew.
Kisaragi Station
The original post about Kisaragi station was, as best I can tell, made on a site called 2chan, which is a Japanese anonymous forum. I was able to find a post about it on r/nosleep from 2019 which claims that people started posting about it on reddit in 2010, and another post on Quora translating a thread that was posted to twitter. There are a few common themes to the urban legend, but there are three I find particularly relevant to our situation.
The station is believed to be on the border of our world and the "other world." It is possible to leave the station, we will get into how in a moment, but attempting to leave it by following the train tracks will get you killed. Especially if you attempt to cross through the train tunnel, that will take you across the point of no return. The original post describes hearing the sound of drums and bells, similar to a Japanese festival, that get louder the closer you get to the tunnel. Accepting rides from people in the vicinity of the station will also kill you. Cell service is active in the area, but you aren't able to find location information and people will not be able to find you. The anomaly on the train we see isn't tied to Kisaragi Station as far as I can tell, and I have been combing through various yokai to see if I can find anything like it but so far I haven't had much luck.
Back to how to leave the station, you have to light something on fire. Specifically something that causes smoke. Paper seems to be the most common suggestion. It's a small detail, but since the game starts with us seeing the school on fire I thought it was an interesting thing to note.
I added Taiga into the title of the post as in the translated twitter thread, the concept of memory loss the longer you stay in Kisaragi is brought up. We never actually see Taiga leave the station, and the MC only leaves it because Haku does something with his artifact. In Episode 5 Haku says he was not using his stigma to put the children's spirits to rest, implying that spiritual energy adn stigmas are different powers he can use. I am going to propose something kind of crazy at the end of this entire post about Haku, but for now just dealing with the facts presented in game he specifically says he "cordoned off" the area. Does he mean that he took the train to Kisaragi station? Or was MC always going there? And if he was the one responsible for doing that then uh. How did Taiga leave the station and get back to Darkwick? Was he trapped there and did he wander around for a long time, doing permanent damage to his memory in the process? Or am I over thinking this and he lost track of the anomaly and lit something on fire so he could leave. I like the idea of him lighting the station on fire and the ghosts asking him to leave, but that's probably not what happened lol
When the train reaches Kisaragi Station in game, the color pallet swaps to red. Much like it does in Episode 5 when MC receives a certain visitor:
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We learn later on that this is Zenji, and that Zenji is dead. MC seems to be reacting to his presence and I would like to think that the color choice is deliberate. If we go back to Episode 2, Takeru only has light amounts of red shading around him in his comic panels, when he kills the streamer and when Alan beats the shit out of him are two that immediately come to mind. Interacting with him does not turn the world red like interacting with Zenji or Kisaragi Station does, further strengthening Leo's conclusion about him being a Talupa and not a ghost as this red tint seems to be used for when MC is interacting with the spirit world. Which I am once again asking, how did Taiga get home from Kisaragi Station? Did he carjack a Taxi ghost?
This raises some questions about the anomaly that cursed MC. Is it a ghost and is it something unique to Japan? And if neither of those things are true then why was Haku there? I can think of two reasons for him to be there: the first is if he is there to keep an eye on Taiga for Cornelius/the Institute because Sinostra is on probation but they need him (he was specifically assigned this mission because of how aggressive he is) or it was meant to be a Hotarubi mission because it fit their criteria but Haku couldn't handle it so they arranged for Taiga to come along with him. That last thing is sort of countered by Haku saying that he doesn't think Hotarubi would be able to help with the MC's curse, but he could be lying about that I suppose.
Anyway who wants to hear my really stupid out there reason for why Haku is there-
The Part of the Show Where I do a line of coke Cope
So hear me out, what if Haku's stigma is time travel. So in this post on the subreddit donsaadali suggested that the powers you pick from in the personality test are powers the ring could give MC. I had the thought before that maybe it was a list of stigmas that the various characters had completely forgetting about the time travel line. But it does sort of fit with my line of thinking: make people follow my orders? That's Jin. Elemental powers? Towa. The others: extreme luck, never having to sleep, shapeshifting, and gravity control aren't ones that we have concrete information about but I am tempted to say that "extreme luck" could be Taiga, as turning things into ammo struck me as a quality of his artifact and not his stigma but I'm not really convinced of that. Anyway, if Haku can time travel, he could go back in time, pick up MC, and bring her back to Darkwick even if that's not what happened in the first place and Taiga was the one who brought her back the first time! But why he would do that is lost on me. Well not completely lost, I do think he wants to "help" her but with what and why is not something I have a theory on just yet.
To be clear, that was just me spitballing. I do not really think that Haku's stigma is time travel, there isn't enough evidence for me to think that. I do think that if there is a timeloop going on he is probably aware of it, but again. I don't know why.
Translated original post (x)
The above post also has a youtube video linked at the top if you want an audio version of the post and some other train related stories
Translated Twitter thread (x)
Shitty r/nosleep post (x)
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About Harry's comment that he was "literally" cut off financially -
This is just my speculation, but like you, I also assume that Harry still gets some sort of annual allowance from Charles and that he absolutely lied in the Oprah interview.
What I think he meant is that-
1. Part of their salary, their allowance from the Duchy of Lancaster (at the time, under the Queen) was stopped. Obviously, because they stopped working for The Crown.
2. Their salary from the Duchy of Cornwall (at the under Charles) stopped. Read somewhere that this was in the range of 3 to 4 mil.
3. Their official expenses for their staff, likely being covered separately by the Duchy/BP stopped.
4. Their upkeep expenses like travel, housing etc, being covered by the Duchy/BP stopped.
5. Their official security, being covered by the govt, stopped.
6. Whatever perks their diplomatic status afforded them, stopped. I'm assuming this is what Canada/Trudeau said he won't be covering post March 2020. And so they fled to USA.
7. Private expenses - household, lifestyle etc, being covered privately by Charles via the Duchy stopped. I'm assuming this included clothing allowances, holidays that weren't comped by friends, rentals or lease for homes anywhere other than crown property, like their Cotswold home.
Like you said, I do think Charles privately funds Harry. Either via a trustfund that may have been set up ages ago, and so Harry takes that for granted and it doesn't count in Harry's mind. Or, Charles gives them an annual lump sum.
Of course, he may very well be spending his inheritance from Diana or the Queen mother as well. But both harry and meghan live their life like they don't much care about where their money comes from. They also doy seem to much effort into their Netflix, Spotify deals. We know they don't have any brand deals. So the money must come from somewhere.
And Harry keeps going over the UK every year around the same time each year. It can't be as simple as just a layover enroute to Invictus. My personal conspiracy theory (I have no rational explanation for it) is that he goes to UK, and stays at Windsor, to sign whatever documentation in person, so he can recieve this money from Charles.
Maybe part of the deal is that he comes and sign for it in person. And staying at Windsor makes it easier to meet with the lawyers or staff that handles this for him. He usually comes around April or May. His megxit trial separation review was March 2021. In my mind atleast, his annual trips in April or May along with that review date.
Another thing is that it was around this same time last year, in 2023, that negotiations for Harry's coronation appearance were happening. The result of which was that Meghan was absent (disinvited?) and Harry, quietly, weekly, came and went and did not create much of fuss for the way he was completely excluded from the coronation pomp. I think he may have got some money back then as well, and likely, got a bonus due his dad's promotion.
Old ask from June 2nd
I suspect Harry was given some money around the coronation too, and I feel like there might’ve been a condition that required Meghan to be radio silent for the whole weekend.
We talked about it at the time, but it was *very* strange, and very noticeable, that she completely disappeared for Coronation Weekend, considering that her usual MO is to smother us in PR any time the BRF steps out as a family - like trooping, Remembrance Day, post-summer holidays, the Platinum Jubilee, The Queen’s funeral. (Yes, she papwalked the first second she could, during the coronation concert, but by then most of the official festivities were over and no one really cared.)
I suspect maybe Meghan had gotten some kind of money for the coronation too. Probably a “half now, half after if you cooperate” kind of deal as I think that’s the only way Meghan would agree to anything. Or maybe Charles’s letters she leaked about just before the coronation (the ones where she claimed Charles names the racist royals) actually worked and they paid her for her silence. 🤷‍♀️
But anon picked up something I hadn’t — Harry really does have a pattern of going to the UK in the spring and what if it actually is tied to him getting the allowance from Charles?
Let’s review:
March 2020 - Sussex “farewell” tour
April 2021 - Philip’s funeral
April 2022 - secret Windsor visit on the way to The Hague Invictus Games that Meghan leaked because no one actually saw them. They reportedly wanted a meeting with The Queen, but she required them to meet with Charles and Camilla first. Supposedly they were late and never got to meet The Queen. I think this is the visit where Harry claimed he was making sure The Queen was protected and had good people around her.
June 2022 - Platinum Jubilee visit
September 2022 - Sussex “revenge” tour, overshadowed by The Queen’s illness and passing, royal mourning, and the funeral.
May 2023 - Harry returns for the coronation
June 2023 - Harry returns for lawsuit hearing/trial. Conveniently he’s in the country the same time that Charles is traveling and named Harry as a Counsellor of State.
February 2024 - Harry returns to see Charles after cancer diagnosis. He tries to see Kate but William blocks him.
May 2024 - Harry returns for 10th anniversary Invictus Games service. He doesn’t see Charles because Charles didn’t read Harry’s mind that he wanted to be personally invited by him despite an offer being made through staff. He tries to see Kate again but William blocks him.
I’m going to have to remember this theory next spring to check if the pattern continues.
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emerxshiu · 11 days
Grand fest idols (cw: a bit suggestive clothes i think)
decided to make a grand fest version of my splatoon idols
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if you follow me on twitter, you probably saw me bitching and yeah shits bad hand hurts, back hurts, head hurts, its hot in here, i cant stop coughing and its that type of cough that hurts
i dont wanna bring the mood down so im just gonna talk abt other things!
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Their name is Hada, fun fact: i never finished the drawing i made so i kinda had to pick some colors in the spot, well, i picked some from the old reference since that was a redesign (you might have seen the one i did of the other) they are based on a big fin squid....
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cool! so yeah thats why they are so tall
here is the sketch i made for their normal design
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they actually wear goggles usually since they are very sensitive to light, but i didnt draw it there
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and here is Lucida! based on a glass octopus (though she used to be an inkling i changed it when i saw that i barely had any octoling ocs (never changed actually, like, always a glass cephalod, so nice that i found out that octopus also have a similar like, species so i didnt have to change her much))
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and here is her's! wich i did finish
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if you notice i kinda changed her body just because i wanted her to be chubby but i thought my job was bad so i decided to improve it a bit, her freckles also change colors :3
and here is an old design
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its not even the oldest, they look REALLY different from those
though, i havent really written down their personalities or anything so its kinda woobly, you can ask about them but just mentioning that so you know they probably will change
i will try to do a team future drawing tomorrow, but now im gonna rest my hand a bit and try to get back onto splatoon as soon as possible, hopefully (the next line is a bit of a leak, skip to the next parentesis if you dont want to read that) when the amiibo concerts are back, you can choose for them to perform at the grand festival stages, or if anything, (you safe now) i want to be able to keep going there after the festival ends, even if the idols arent performing. because i really want to take more photos of deep cut, btw deep cut are my favourites now, callie is still too but not as much as them. uh- yeah- sorry i tend to go off topic a lot, welp, my timing is terrible so i end up taking the pictures some seconds later and it gets fucked up, i might upload all the ones i took after the fest ends
well, i should get going, Jambuhbye!
(forgot to say this but they are over 20 dont worry)
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shotbycup1d · 3 months
Guide to Camp Jupiter: Shopping in New Rome-Part 1
(Tip: ALWAYS bring a child or legacy of Mercury with you to go shopping in new rome, an expert bargainer. Discounts and freebies guaranteed, I bagged a 75% discount from a boutique before, trust me.)
-There is a line of fashion shops, this is how the campers get their regular supply of jeans, combat boots, running shoes. And of course Octavian’s Cargo Pants.
-The fashion shops are the ones that supply the camp’s purple t-shirts and togas.
-Plant shop with a connected plant nursery, children and legacies of Ceres frequent this location, they supply fresh produce to Camp Jupiter and grow medicinal herbs that the camp infirmary uses to cure diseases or heal injuries. -Restaurants with traditional Roman food and a mix of western cuisine. They also serve wine to the residents of New Rome & campers over 21.
-A really tall bookstore building with 5 stories, you can either borrow the library sectioned copies or buy the wrapped ones. There are comfortable plush couches on every level with soft rugs covering the marble floors.
-There is a city square at the centre of New Rome, a space for festivals, carnivals, music concerts (from children and legacies of Apollo) and can be rented out to use for private events.
-Right on the Main Street, there is a giant bakery that sells enchanted (and non enchanted) pastries, cakes, just about whatever confectionery you can think of. They are THE biggest supplier of sweet treats in New Rome and they have a catering service for all those rich legacy families when it’s a kid’s birthday. I highly recommend you get their triple chocolate chip cookies, they are the closest thing to ambrosia in my opinion.
-And moving on from the food we have a certain Augur’s (or actually Haruspex’s) favourite store. The New Rome branch of Build-A-Bear. Now I’m not sure how they managed to open a store here without blowing the whole ‘Modern Rome’ stuff on the mortal supervisors of the franchise but they probably have some front like how the Greeks at Camp Half Blood have their strawberry business. I’ve got to admit this place is great, apart from selling pre-made and custom plushies, they also have a selection of bed sheets to pillows in case you want some for your bunk back at Camp Jupiter. (Seriously, this is the only way to express yourself because posters or anything on the walls of the barracks are banned, I’ve seen too many Tristan McLean bed sheets from my half-siblings though. What is it with children of Venus and that man?)
hope you liked this one, ( I didn’t proofread it so excuse any mistakes) Let me know your own takes on this)
link to other works:
Cohort Barracks
Shopping In New Rome Part 2
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lilocapoca · 8 months
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part 2 of this
pairing: rockstar!Eddie Munson x fem!popstar reader
content warning(s): use of “fuck”, “shit” and “dick”. sorry but bad writing
Word count: 1536
summary: after your interview, everybody was expecting you and Eddie to be the next big Hollywood couple, but he did not make a move… so you did and invited him to your concert.
notes: the images DO NOT describe reader’s appearance! Only used for aesthetic/clothes
Yes Eddie was a coward.
Every gossip magazine and tv show was talking about your interview. It was all that people could think about. The most rockstar of all rockstars and the cutes of all the cutest pop singers having a crush on each other was so fucking cute.
Your pretty ribbons. His heavy metal chains. Your impeccable gloves. His big rings. You had flawless skin while his own was marked with ink everywhere. Your high heels were so tiny compared to his big black combat boots. You looked like a pure fairy and he looked like a sexy zombie.
Yeah. It was really fucking cute.
But even after everyone approved this possible romance, Eddie could not find himself going to talk to you. You were so perfect, your nickname was "America's Angel". If this was a fairytale, you would be the princess and Eddie surely would't be the hero... at least he thought so.
But since you confessed your feelings on national tv, the guitarrist was suffering from a big problem: he couldn't fuck or date anyone else.
Eddie was used to bring girls backstage after his shows, sometimes even boys. He enjoyed a good fuck or just someone who could blow his dick. But now? Everytime he took someone backstage he just could not do it. He kept thinking about you. Shit, he never even really talked to you. Just some head nods and smiles at award shows, but no conversations ever. 
But at the moment he was holding a note that was sent to him he couldn't belive his eyes.
Well, the thing is, Corroded Coffin was a headliner band of this really big festival, taking on the biggest rock stage of it and... you were one of the headliners of the biggest pop stage of the same festival too. And you both were playing on the same day! which made you send flowers to the band's dressing room, to him.
The boys were really having fun with this. Eddie's face was red and he just could not take his eyes of the note that was attached to the bouquet. White daisies. Just like the name of the first track on the lattest Corroded album.
"Hi honey. I would like very much if you could watch my show tonigth... i'm gonna be looking for your pretty curls in the crowd. I'll be so sad if you can't make it... and you don't wanna make me sad, right?
– your wife"
And a red mark of lipstick at the end that literally screamed you. The pretty handwritting. The hearts on the "i"s.
Oh My God. Tonigth was the nigth a Munson is going to die.
The day was already fading away, the stars starting to shine and you were breathing in and out trying to calm yourself. The crowd was waiting for you. Everybody screaming. And Jesus, you swore you'd never seen an crowd this big. Your manager said that were about 40 thousand people there to see your concert. You could literally feel the vomit coming down your throat, something that happens when you are anxious. But you couldn't do this rigth now. You needed to go on the stage in 1:30 minutes, there was no time for anxiety.
But what if he doesn't come?
Oh my God he is not coming, you are sure of that.
Why would he come? He probably didn't meant that he had a crush on you. Well he could have a crush on you, but that don't mean that he actully likes you...
Breathe in. Breathe out.
You took one last look at your dress. Such a pretty baby blue mini dress. Checked out your white velvet gloves, matching your long white heel boots. Touched your blue ribbon. Okay. Everything was okay.
The next thing you knew was that you were already walking on the stage with a big and enchanting smile, hearing the most high screams ever.
you put his name on the list. His name was in your goddamn list.
The VIP area of the pop stage was filled with the guesses that were on your list. But it wasn't really full, just some people that were probably your friends and some daugthers of famous old singers who worshiped you. The view of the stage was really unique, everything could be seen.
All eyes were on Eddie the moment he crossed the line of the VIP area. He could not care less. Eddie just crossed the room to the front to get a better view of the stage. He smiled at the sight of the gigant crowd waiting for you. The vip area was above the ground next to the stage and the Corroded Coffin front man was so freaking pleased to be there, cause at the moment you were up the stage, he could see your pretty figure: smiling in that beautiful outfit, mic in your hand, ready to rock.
And shit you give a hell of a show. That siren voice was like heaven in Munson's ears and that pretty dances were starting to drive him crazy. You were driving him crazy. He was sure you were born to do this. The people screaming your lyrics and reactin everytime you did something cute or even when you laughed of happines. Cause, c'mon, you're so cute. Sexy and cute. How could you be both? Was what Eddie thought during the whole set.
Ok, the rockstar was falling in love with the popstar.
But when Eddie looked at his watch he realized that he was running late to his own show.
Shit he needed to actully run. But he didn't want to do it. He wanted to stay... to talk to you.
"Hey" he shouted to one of your friends: Daisy Green, the country star that was your best friend. She looked at him with a tired face "can you tell her..."
"I tell her that you came and that you are asking her to see the end of your show and go to your dressing room" she took the words out of his mouth.
"Thanks!" He smiled at her and ran off in the opposite direction.
When you went to your backstage, you were hoping to see that wild curls somewhere. But Eddie wasn't there. the euphoria that took over your body at the end of the show was washing away.
Of course that he would't be there. He was busy, he probably was preparing for his set, he would not even want—
Your thoughts are interrupted by Daisy.
“He is waiting for you" she said rolling her eyes seeing your growing smile.
You see her next to her Mallory Grace, the biggest disco sensation , and one of your besties along with Daisy, givin' thumbs up.
Ok, you never ran as much as you did to get on the rock stage before Corroded show ended. Jumped all the staff and equipment. Legs were burning. That meant you cared? Not at all. Your goal was accomplished faster than expected when you heard the sound of one of the band's biggest hit from not so far away.  And when you hit the backstage, their manager was waiting for you, he guided you to the side of the stage, where you could see Eddie closer than ever.
The way he played that guitar was doin' things to you. Legs squeezing, heart beating fast and wet thoughts. His voice loud and deep, sweaty body and tongue stretched out. God he was hot.
When Eddie saw that pretty little thing still dressed in her show clothes at the left side, he couldn't hide the grinn on his face. So he gave a hell of a concert that would turn out to be the most iconic rock concert in the history of the festival... all cause of you.
So when it ended and Corroded team cheer them up for the amazing work. Eddie came towards you. Well he was trying to do so since he left the stage, but everybody was holding him back, but he shut them up, coming in your direction with the biggest smile ever.
Oh god. He was so pretty like that. Shirtless, wild hair, low waist leather pants and boots. Your heart was goin' to explode. But instead of exploding, you just grinned back at him, waiting for Munson to get close.
Eddie was hypnotized by your angel looks. So delicate and beautiful. It was his mind or he was sweating more than when he was playing?
Jesus, what he was going to say? Was he smelling good? Fuck, of course not. He needed a towel to dry himself a bit? But the guitarrist wanted to talk to you... but you are so gorgeous and untouchable, looking like a fairy. Shit.
Before you both realized, he was right in front of you.
"you came" he said mesmerized by the view.
"why would't i? Needed to be good for my husband" and Eddie was dead. How can you say something like that and expect him to be alright?
"Fuck, princess, you're killing me" and you couldn't help but giggle. The most pretty in his opinion.
Princess. You like that. Could get used to it.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Hi Foxy! The drabble game is such a fun idea! Do you think you could write idol!jk with a fan? It could be him feeling attracted to her, or them hooking up, or maybe their first meeting... I really don't have any particular request, the stage is yours! I'm really curious about how you'd approach it because you have a talent for writing the cutest but also oddly realistic scenarios. I love you and happy anniversary!
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I thought this would be a nice little fluffy tease for Valentine's Day to express my love back to you, I hope you enjoy it!
Characters: Idol Jungkook x Fan Y/N Words: 3k CW: none
You’re not surprised your friends bailed on you when the choice came up between Angel Tribute and Mavis McAdams, but you’re still disappointed. They knew the band –a deceptively named trio of three artists Mavis, Makena, and Adam– topped your list of favorite bands ever. But they were smaller than Angel Tribute, so when push came to shove, you were left on your own to see your favorite group. And you hated being alone. 
Especially right now, when you are positive that Jeon Jungkook of BTS is standing right in front of you.
You didn’t think anything of him at first. He was just another body in the space around you where you’ve found a little area for yourself, not up in the pit but a little further back where there’s breathing room. It wasn’t so crowded back here, and you liked the flexibility of being able to stand or sit; there was only one row of seats in front of you before a small aisle, which kept you from feeling too trapped. But you were still close to the front, close enough to feel a part of the music, and you’d been happily swaying and singing along under your breath to the first song when he slid into the space directly in front of you, joining the man who had already been there.
The man you were now convinced was a bodyguard. Or maybe a manager? An assistant? You didn’t actually know how those things worked. Before you recognized him, neither man meant anything to you except that now you were annoyed that your view was blocked. 
Just as you considered leaning forward and asking them to leave a little space for you to see through, the newly arrived man had looked to the side and– ok, you didn’t know which thing it was that had made you suspicious, but the combination of a few things had. The face mask and snapback hadn’t, there were plenty of people around these days in such attire, but the profile even with the mask had made you pause. The earrings in the ear –well, you were at a music festival, but regular guys didn’t usually have so many hoops. You wouldn’t even admit it on your deathbed but the freckle on the side of his neck made you start to suspect– and then the eyes. The eyes in the shadow between hat and mask had to be him, you were 98% sure of it. 
Instantly you abandoned your idea of suggesting they move. They didn’t need to move. For just this moment, you were perfectly ok with Jeon Jungkook of BTS blocking your view as you mulled over your options. You could obviously ask for an autograph, but the thought of doing so flooded you with embarrassment. You certainly wouldn’t ask for a picture, even worse, but taking a sneaky photo to keep as a memento just seemed so creepy and invasive. 
The other option, and the one that seemed best to you, was to pretend you did not know who he was and enjoy this moment of your life in which you were going to enjoy a Mavis McAdams concert staring at the back of Jungkook’s neck. He had a really nice neck. He must have had a haircut recently, the hairline was really neat. You missed the long hair but it seemed to grow quickly for him and he’d gone that route multiple times so probably it would be long again soon. It was good you weren’t seeing it long. That would be too much for you to stay chill about.
A new song started, an old favorite of yours, and you sang quietly along –much more quietly than you had a moment ago since the voice of a generation was standing in front of you. But it must have been loud enough to embarrassingly draw attention, or maybe it was the dance moves you couldn’t quite help because you just really loved this song. Your eyes were closed, you didn’t think you’d accidentally hit him, but when you opened your eyes you realized he was looking over his shoulder.
At you.
You bit back the squeak of surprise and tried to just casually lean around him to see the band, as if you didn’t notice him at all.
“You can’t see.” 
Of course you didn’t assume he was talking to you, but when he said it again with a sort of flapping hand gesture in your direction, you realized he really was addressing you.
“Uh… well… no…”
He laughed and nudged the bodyguard, saying something rapidly in Korean that you couldn’t hope to follow with your handful of phrases. The bodyguard nodded and shifted over, leaving a clear space for you to see through.
“Oh, thank you.” You gave an awkward bow before regretting it; it felt like you’d just admitted you knew who he was and were familiar with Korean culture just because of liking K-pop and k-dramas. Which was the truth but god, embarrassing.
Jungkook and the bodyguard nodded and the next song starting grabbed their attention away from you.
It was definitely more enjoyable to actually be able to see the performance and you marveled at his thoughtfulness for even noticing. Even when more people packed into the seats, the bodyguard kept the space in between them clear for you. It was a little annoying though because while you were happy standing and dancing, the people around you were dancing a little more wildly and kept bumping into you, disrupting your enjoyment. You tried to ignore it but a particular hard jab in your back made your voice hitch as you were singing.
Jungkook glanced back at you, chin tilted up to see you under the brim of his hat. He beckoned with his hand like it was a rush and pointed down at the seat in between him and Bodyguard.
What the fuck.
In no world would you refuse to take him up on that though. With a mixture of relief and abject terror, you stepped over the back of the seat, flattered when the bodyguard held a hand up to steady you as if you were one of his charges. He asked Jungkook something that was dismissed with a shake of the head. Maybe an offer to switch seats? Jungkook didn’t think it was necessary? You didn’t care if you projected that all over them. 
It was like fireworks going off in your head as you tried to play it cool and focus your enthusiasm on the music. There was more space to move here without bumping or getting bumped. Jungkook was vibing too, swaying and grinning, sometimes singing along. You tried not to look at him and be awkward but occasionally you’d feel his grin and glance at him. The eye contact made you both laugh. The singing together, the dancing, you were at this concert with him. The craziness of it didn’t quite fade away but it shifted into something more joyful and less shy. He wasn’t an idol right now, he was just another fan, and meeting someone else who knew all the lyrics to the B-sides was really exciting as a music lover.
“You like this song? You know it!” he beamed, like he was impressed by your knowledge, like he was thinking all the same things right now.
“I can’t sing well, sorry, don’t listen to me!”
“No, it’s good. You are good. It’s very cool.”
You didn’t think your singing was good nor cool, especially not to someone who sang like Jungkook, but it was kind of him to say so. It made you feel less self conscious about relaxing and enjoying yourself. Why not? Ok, your singing was fine, and it was all in good fun because you were just enjoying the music, just like he was. It wasn’t worth being nervous over.
The songs played out and before you knew it, they were announcing their last song. You couldn’t help the groan of disappointment.
“Are they your favorite band?” Jungkook asked you. “I like them so much.”
“They’re definitely one of them. I’ve seen them twice before but never at a festival like this. The first time was in this really small venue, it felt so intimate.” You broke off, realizing you were rambling, but how could you not?
“I love them too. I saw them one time. They opened for…” You couldn’t hear who he said over the surge of music and the crowd but nodded anyway. A fan. He was a fan and it was really cool to know that about him, for him to share that love with him.
Halfway through the song, he leaned around you to say something to the bodyguard, then pulled his mask up. You could tell instantly by his body language he was leaving, probably before the band finished and the crowd around you looked somewhere other than the stage. He might get swarmed. You understood but hated for everything to be wrapping up already.
You certainly didn’t expect him to nudge your arm and lean down to say, “Come on, let’s go.”
“Huh, what?”
He lifted his chin again to look at you and his eyes were sparkling and ok look, you weren’t going to tell him no. So you pulled your bag onto your shoulder and shoved your water bottle inside, checked your pocket for your phone, and followed Jungkook and his bodyguard.
Obviously you had no idea where you were going so you stuck close, fully expecting the bodyguard to shove you away at any second. Or someone else to materialize and do it, a manager or something. But no one did, and that’s how you wound up following Jeon Jungkook to the backstage area. The guards at the security checkpoint waved him through and you as well when Jungkook said,
“She’s with me, bro.”
God I wish.
He paused to look around and spoke with the bodyguard for a moment before leading the way to a tent behind the stage McMavis had just performed on. You could hear the crowd cheering for the encore as you followed but as much as you regretted missing it, you wouldn’t have missed this for the world. You looked around in surprise, recognizing a few other VIPs, but you didn’t want to get left behind and unceremoniously kicked out.
The bodyguard grabbed two waters from a cooler and handed them to you each and your Korean gamsahamnida made them both grin.
“You speak Korean?”
“No no, that’s all I know,” you quickly said.
“I will say ‘she is my translator.’”
“Your English is really good. You don’t need one, huh?”
He tugged his mask down so you could see his grin as he laughed, “Ok, thank you. It’s not very good but thank you.”
“I think it is.”
The bodyguard got his attention and you both looked over to see McMavis moving towards a tent further aware, bouncing around and amped from their show.
“Ah, ok. It is embarrassing if they say no,” he told you before setting off after them. Say no to what?
There wasn’t long to wait to find out. They’d just collapsed on the couches in their tent as a stage manager told them they had twenty minutes to decompress until their fan-meeting event; you could see and hear them through the gauzy curtains as Jungkook’s bodyguard said something to the woman by the entrance.
“Yes!” Mavis shouted. “I heard that! BTS? Someone from BTS is here?”
Jungkook gave you a nervous smile like he was nervous about meeting them. You just followed dumbly along as he ducked into the tent, nodding and bowing as Mavis, Makena, and Adam all jumped to their feet to greet him.
“She is my translator,” he said without forgetting you. “Also a fan. Me too. Your show is so great.”
“Yes it was really wonderful. You’re amazing live,” you gushed. Secretly praying no one was about to ask you to translate anything. Oh god. Would Jungkook play along if you had to speak fake Korean to him? Would you just give it up and confess? You thought he wasn’t capable of lying so why was he lying right now?! What the hell??
No one cared, clearly. They were too busy gushing over Jungkook, the artists all trading praise, talking about other acts at the festival. You felt simultaneously like a third wheel and perfectly at ease, because despite your expectations, no one was actually shooting out god-rays right now. If you didn’t know how talented and famous these people were, they were just people raving about music they liked, enjoying a beautiful day at a music festival. How could this seem so normal and so surreal at the same time?
Probably because he’d marked you as a translator you were mostly ignored, which was fine by you, but occasionally Jungkook would gesture to you as if prompting you to say something and include yourself. You mentioned the other shows you’d been to. You answered what your favorite song was and flustered when Jungkook nodded, “Me too. It’s mine too.” 
All too soon, their manager was telling them they needed to get to their fan meeting. You leapt out of the way as the band members and Jungkook assembled for a photo without any prompting, like it was just something they were familiar with. You almost offered to take it but an assistant and Jungkook’s bodyguard had it covered.
Jungkook reached forward, grabbed your wrist, and pulled you into the frame after they’d already taken a couple. You had half a second to wonder oh no am I going to get doxxed on the internet if these photos make it online before deciding you didn’t give a shit. That wasn’t real right now. What was real was that Jungkook had been thoughtful enough to include you.
Belatedly you realized you hadn’t taken one with your own phone but the band was already saying goodbye, their manager ushering them away. They hadn’t even really taken their break and there were other people lingering outside the tent trying to get their attention but it was obvious to you they had spent their time exactly how they wanted to. ARMY were everywhere, after all.
You, Jungkook, and the bodyguard moved out of the tent and you realized awkwardly you didn’t know what to do now. The obvious thing was to go but it’s not like you wanted to go.
“I have to go,” Jungkook said, looking at something on his phone. He thrust it towards you and you were confused enough to take it from him. He had it open to the New Message screen, cursor blinking in the “To:” field.
“I will send the picture.”
“Oh! Right.” Yes, of course, obviously that made sense. You typed your number in and handed it back. 
“Ok, goodbye. I have to go but just wait, ok? I will send it.”
“Yeah, of course. Sure. And oh my god, thank you for bringing me back here and um, enjoy the rest of the festival!”
He was laughing and you didn’t quite know why but he smiled and nodded and pressed his hands together, “Yes. Thank you. Have fun too. Talk back to me.”
You nodded. He was gone so fast, bodyguard closing behind him as he set off. He did look like he had somewhere to be. You did not and your mind was blown about this whole thing. You were too flustered to even think about the fact you were unsupervised in the VIP backstage section right now. 
Paranoid you were going to get kicked out since you didn’t have a lanyard anyway, you walked quickly out of security and didn’t stop until you’d found a place you could step out of the way and guzzle the water bottle. You pulled your phone out of your pocket to text your friends, or at least see if they’d texted you.
You did have messages, but not from your deadbeat friends. Already! You already had a message!
[unknown]: what is your name?
[y/n]: y/n
[JJK]: ok 
[JJK]: [group photo]
[JJk]: thank you for hanging out
[y/n]: no thank you for taking me backstage with you! It was a dream come true to meet them. that was really thoughtful and cool of you even just to make sure I could see
[JJK]: the view is important at a concert so we both had a better view
You froze. You stared. 
No. Was he… flirting?!!? Impossible. You must be misunderstanding. You had to be misunderstanding!
[y/n]: It was perfect
[y/n]: thank you for trusting me enough to message me the photo but also shouldn’t you not trust people you just met???
[JJK]: why not
[JJK]: my name is JK you can put it in your phone
Lord have mercy. 
[JJK]: I do not give my phone number but it is nice to meet you so I did
[y/n]: Nice to meet you too JK thanks for hanging out
[your friend]: hey where are you? McMavis done? You ready to meet up?
You hesitated. Your original excitement to tell them about meeting Jungkook was still bubbling, but in light of the fact he had given you his phone number and was flirting you decided maybe you wouldn’t share that part of your day with them. Not yet anyway. 
You told your friends where you’d meet them and looked at your phone again.
[JJK]: what bands do you like? Suggest music to me
[y/n]: ok you too
[y/n]: have you heard of…
Your stomach bubbled with anticipation as you went to meet your friends. Maybe this would be nothing. He’d stop texting you suddenly and that would be that. He’d get a new phone and lose your number. He’d text you for the rest of the festival but then block you and move on. You had zero expectations he would keep talking to you. Why would he?
But you hadn’t expected to see him. Or to sing and dance with him. Or to meet McMavis with him. Definitely not for him to take a photo with you –which you now had!-- and allow you access to his phone number. That gesture of faith meant so much to you. You wouldn’t disappoint him. 
You held your phone with your secret close to your chest and went to meet your friends. 
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userparamore · 1 month
hi! genuine question - why is it a disappointment that pmore performed at eras tour? i’m very neutral on taylor swift so i don’t really know the issues surrounding it. thank you in advance ❤️
i'm no taylor swift stan so i don't really want to, or have the energy to mention everything. but from a paramore fan perspective it's disappointing bc it's makes them come across as hypocrites. i've talked about this before and i don't want to get into it again but they've spoken up about climate change, hayley even jokes about root being about our planet "running out of time", they've partenered with REVERB on their this why tour (which i guess is a little greenwashing-ish but better than nothing). but this ends up being ungenuine when you tour with the artist who releases the most co2 emission out of every celebrity. the fact that she sued the kid who called her out for this, i think says alot about her as a person. paramore preaches about the shows being a safe place for everyone; all poc and lgbtq+. but then they tour with the prime example of white feminism, who only speaks up/comments on things if it affects her. and again with paramore claiming to be more political during the this is why album cycle, and expressed multiple times how important the diversity of their fans are etc. it does not seem genuine when they're praising an artist like taylor swift as much as they have been doing. i think that saying of: if you want to know someone, just look at who they choose to spend their time with, is very true.
another part of this and i think this is probably the biggest one for paramore fans in general is that the tours during this is why didn't include europe mainland (or asia). they toured only in uk&ireland for this is why, and then in interviews said they did an european tour. is the european tour in the room with us now? anyway, the last european mainland tour was jan 2018, and had only 3 dates that wasn't in the uk out of 8. so the last real european tour was summer 2017 with 18 dates. 6 of them was in the uk&ireland and 4 of the rest of the european dates were festivals leaving only 8 "real" concerts in mainland europe. lots of the countries on the eras tours, like italy, poland, switzerland etc paramore haven't played in over a decade (aka during the self-titled era). to have waited this long for them to tour and then for it to cost close to 400 dollars for a nosebleed ticket, if you even get a ticket, does not feel great. another thing is that for some of these countries paramore have made 2 albums since the last time they toured, and they've never had the opportunity to hear any of the songs from those albums live. as the opener act on the eras tour, paramore played 9 song. most of these were their greatest hits. as a paramore fan you obviously want to go to a concert to see them perform, but for that amount of money i think it's reasonable to want to hear other songs than still into you, ain't it fun and misery business. the setlist was catered to reach non-fans, and that's fine honestly, it would probably be worse for them to play songs "nobody" had heard, than the one's that had commercial success and makes them be able to have some crowd interaction.
either way, i don't think people would've been as disappointed by this tour if they had also announced an solo european tour. the argument that this will get them new fans and make them a bigger name doesn't hold water in my opinion bc paramore are already a big band. they're already a band who can sell out tours and big venues on their own.
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cleolinda · 10 months
Dear diary
I saw a post around here somewhere, not sure where, about how you might feel low and disappointed after something you were really excited about, like a concert, and it's not because you didn't enjoy it as much as you hoped; it's because you actually had an "I used up all my happy chemicals" crash afterwards, and you basically need to take care of yourself. I think I basically did this to myself re: the entire month of October, and now I'm having a post-Favorite Holiday crash. Like, I wrote and posted thousands of words, and now I'm just sort of limp. Which is great, until you say, "Hey, I have a thing where you sign up to read my writing on a monthly basis." I've done Weekend Links regularly, at least.
I specifically feel really fatigued in my... hands and arms? Like, they feel difficult to lift, even? I associate this (and a particular kind of head-hanging exhaustion) with long covid, so it's possible my flu shot and my immune system didn't play as well together as I hoped. But, like, I've been dealing with long covid for years now; it is what it is. Do vitamins about it.
I'm drafting sort of a catch-up post for Dreamwidth, as a way of clawing myself back to productivity. Which, I don't mean "productivity" in a MUST PRODUCE TO JUSTIFY EXISTENCE way, just... I want to produce and write and create, I want to exchange the work of my brain for currency, I gotta figure my shit out.
But November is blah. I just... I don't care much for Thanksgiving (no candy, no gifts, no festive lights, absolutely terrible color scheme, casseroles that my autism can't handle, Pilgrims), and so for me, November is just this big lull between holidays. December is always a lot more fun to me, given that my sister and I both have our birthdays mid-month. Granted, for the last few years, my birthday has tended to be horrific (I will probably write about the one I spent in a surgeon's office. The birthday where we all tested positive for covid and had to go into a two-week quarantine isn't actually that interesting), so I should honestly be a little wary of December. But I love the glittery, liminal, holiday-by-night aesthetic. I definitely want to write about that, if I can think how to explain Liminal Christmas.
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yumeparadox · 9 days
Grand Fest Recollections. Thank You For Two Years!
My heart feels so heavy today. As I woke up to see a sunrise that matched the one we finally have in Splatoon 3, reality settled in.
Life has to go back to normal after a splatfest weekend but this celebration truly changed everything.
The Grand Festival was such a wonderful celebration of Splatoon in its entirety. 
I felt the most unbridled joy experiencing that magic brought to the in-game performances, the live renditions of each song in carefully crafted set-lists and seeing Liquid Sunshine choreography and its vibrancy for the first time.
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On and off stream the three stages are where I spent the most time during Grand Fest when I could. I sat around the venue and just took in the details of the concerts and the setting; enjoying that moment in time was how I kept myself grounded.
But I think what had me start to unravel is realizing that I let the actual splatfest battle experience slip away.
I’d seen a Twitter comment on Sunday while I was taking pictures of Three Wishes that mentioned again how we would be able to return to the venue because of a datamine (granted I knew of this from months ago) about the amiibos.
I had no idea when the feature would drop and when we would be able to revisit the Grand Festival Grounds again. It could have been a week from now for all I knew. 
We got the confirmation almost instantaneously. I was overjoyed to be able to go right back but I also felt a little ridiculous for not playing the fest more if this would be the case.
I want to give a massive thank you to everyone who did play matches with me for Team Present though—especially my homies @Chandlier1229, @mxntymoon, @semisentientseafood, @epicyoshimaster and @kosirenn
Big ups to @CJHyperfresh and @Jasbiskus for inviting myself and my partner @squidryder to collab on an amazing stream. It was an unforgettable time and we had so many laughs.
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Thank you Ryder for joining me in Tricolor and reacting to the results! You make me smile so much and your presence is a present.
Emotions were high throughout this whole event for a lot of us but personally, I wasn’t able to fully process it until things were ending.
I know I got overwhelmed with the vastness of everything and other more existential thoughts. So, I can only imagine what developing all of this was like.
Admittedly, I felt my reaction to Three Wishes was lackluster. The whole reason I went for an IRL stream was in case I didn’t say much and so that some emotion was visible. 
I cried the first time I heard the song and saw the lyrics but the tears weren’t happening that Saturday.
Granted, there’s a lot happening the first time you experience Three Wishes in-game, but the way the VOD turned out is something I can’t change much like my splatfest team.
While I had my reasoning for joining Team Present, perhaps I was too logical about it. Although that’s what the theme asks of you, I can’t help but lament on this a little bit. I want to work through this feeling.
I went in thinking that the present is where I can experience all of time. It’s a difficult concept and a part of me wishes I had treated it differently. Seeing clips from people playing the splatfest also got me in my feels, too. I wonder if I did enough.
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As someone who chose Team Marie and fawns over her the most (Frye is probably a close second at this point), I thought about joining Past simply because she was fighting alongside Callie this time. 
The Squid Sisters had the most compelling splatfest art by far for the event and I know their Grand Fest outfits were my favorite. 
Their music saved me from the moment I played my first Splatoon 1 splatfest. I cried over the Plaza, over seeing them back in the DLC, over hearing City of Color leitmotifs to this day.
The Rainbow Color Inkantation version of it has so much urgency and emotion in the vocals, as if they’re urging you to remember them and fight for the past.
That’s not to say Off the Hook isn’t also meaningful to me, however. They are the reason I was able to pursue voice acting as a hobby in the first place, starting out with voicing over their splatfest dialogue. 
And of course, we all know their formation is still so closely linked to the Squid Sisters existing. Anyone who watches my streams can tell which group I go crazy over the most but choosing in terms of the passage of time may not let your choices align and check both boxes. I agonized over teams for a while.
Ultimately, I stuck to the question as best I could. 
Which is the most important to you?
Experiencing the now. Finally reaching that promised day. 
My memories are never super clear for me unless I preserve them in some form of writing, video or photo. Skill issue on my part but all brains are different. 
So, I repeated this a lot that fateful weekend: the present moment will always become the past so make it count. Choosing one doesn’t mean the other isn’t important but again it was truly difficult.
My past self got me where I am now and every decision I make in the present sets me up for success in the future. 
I grew up hearing that we don’t know what tomorrow looks like and you can’t obsess over it. Although, when you have good things to look forward to you can’t help but anticipate how they’ll play out. 
Past, present and future are intertwined and if you look at the splatfest theme graphic, you’ll see that all the ink swirls connect despite being different colors.
I think that’s why they called the second night of the Grand Festival the Day of Unity. We were all together to witness that performance regardless of team choice.
Music will always be the core of Splatoon and it will carry on across the sea of time, imbued by our passions and joys.
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Good games, well played to everyone! I’m really grateful to have been here and seen every splatfest from the beginning this time around. Splatoon has been with me through every season of my life and it's ink-redible.
I have so much appreciation for everyone who stopped by the streams over the weekend. Doubly so for those who shared messages about when they first found my videos and the impact they’ve had.
I’m glad my enjoyment of Splatoon could resonate with you and go so far as to brighten your day.
We reached 3K followers on Twitch (another yearly milestone) with everyone’s support and I met so many new people. To those who know me from my videos only, I hope you’ll stick around for the ride.
Looking back, I started broadcasting there in late 2022 so I’ve streamed every Splatoon 3 splatfest since the World Premiere (aside from the ice cream theme since I was visiting family).
Thank you for letting me share my thoughts this weekend. It had been a rough few weeks leading up to Grand Fest, so, once again I’m glad I could be there in any capacity.
Thank you Splatoon team for everything you’ve created and I hope we can continue to show just how much this series means to us. It’s time for me to finish up some projects from the past.
This is my first post on this side blog but I plan on sharing more of my writings here so please look forward to it!
Sending you all so much love and strength, Yume 
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wrongcaitlyn · 29 days
With Apollo bound to come out with a new album at some point, would he ever return to the touring/concert aspect of singing? Or would he just stick to helping Nico out with those aspects, or even have someone else perform his songs for him/record a live music version so people could still sort of have that experience? And we already know that the listening party would be amazing 🥳
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OKAY SO first yea i think it's pretty obvious by now that apollo will eventually come out with new music!!! (which i am SO extremely excited for, like his album has actually been on repeat over the past few months. it may be my favorite album from the entire tyt universe, sorry nico </33)
but as for tour, i honestly can't see himself ever going on tour again. it's two very conflicting opinions, because on one hand, he's a very flashy person and likes being under the spotlight! that's the entire reason he's going back into music after all, it's something he's always been very clear about. but on the other hand, he has some very bad experiences with being on tour, and even though he managed nico's tour and would be in charge of the tour himself, he'd still probably feel uncomfortable doing that sort of thing himself, and exposing *himself* in front of an audience again. he hasn't had all good positive fan interactions, hasn't had good experiences being on tour itself, and hasn't always enjoyed being on stage.
so that being said, i don't think i could see him ever returning to the stage as a sort of "eras tour" thing, and going back to singing his old music - one thing that i always thought of is that taylor has a connection to her old music, it's her life, it's the whole reason she decided to rerecord them in the first place. but in apollo's perspective, he's almost ashamed of the past music? not really, but it's not HIM. it's a facade, someone who he had been forced to act like, and he holds no personal connection to that music - he'd probably rather they be scrapped completely, but he can't do that.
so i don't think he'd ever sing any of his old songs live again, but i do think that smaller performances, possibly a festival, and maybe like an award show performance or something, would be done with his new music. things like the tiny desk concert, a small listening party, and some acoustic shows like nico's og haunted ones are some of the smaller things he'd do, but i also could see him headlining coachella or lollapalooza or smth!! it def seems like his vibe, and it'd also be less pressure of being an "entirely him" thing. i don't think he'd feel as expected to sing all of his old hits either.
i ALSO do think that he would release things like the voice memos that taylor does,,, except they're from all the way back in the early 2000s. when he eventually releases his new music, it's gonna be a blend of things he's written recently and stuff he wrote a long time ago. i think he'd feel some kind of pride in releasing those old voice memos/first drafts of songs and show that they really did come from him all those years ago!
so those are the things i could see apollo doing live, but i doubt that he'd want to schedule a full tour or anything - partly bc of bad experiences but also partly bc he's a full time dad! and even if all his kids r at college or having jobs, i think that will's heart attack also impacted him a lot. he doesn't want to be far away or traveling all the time anymore,,, and who knows,,, maybe he has a partner,,, bf,,, husband(??) that he'd like to spend more time with rather than touring <33
oh and he's running a record label and is still a full-time producer as well LMAO
thank u for this ask!!!
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tarrenterror25 · 5 months
thoughts no one asked for but my mind has no mouth and must scream
Harvey Dent/Two-Face x Soft/Romantic Goth F!Reader
Word Count: 1K
Tags: established relationship, fluff, mention of blood/wounds/injuries Harvey POV
Notes: Song referenced in moodboard is “Love You to Death" by Type O Negative. Just a thing that's been on the brain that I had to get out. Self indulgent.
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Thinking about Harvey with a soft goth girlfriend who dresses like she could be scary, but she's actually the most least threatening person he's ever met.
You dress in all black, your boots look like you crush skulls for a living, and you wear spiked accessories like social deterrents, but you're just the sweetest thing he's ever met.
It's laughable to him, how people might perceive you one way when you're nothing like that. It reminds him of himself, or how he used to be, anyways. He's always been a bigger guy and looks pretty imposing, but he was never actually like that...unless driven to be. It's different now though, of course.
Dating you happened naturally as he found himself unable to stay away from you. Both sides of him liked watching the visible signs of you getting butterflies when he would be near you and though he'd never tell you, you gave him butterflies, too. He just couldn't stay away from you and he found himself having a soft spot for you.
You frequent all the oddity shops in Gotham so you've seen all sorts of things. The books you read are...interesting to say the least, he's peeked at a few titles. You're not bothered by the grotesque or the strange.
And you're not bothered by his scars.
He remembers the first time you looked at him, really looked at him. Right into both of his eyes and how you smiled.
Christ, he could never forget that.
His burns never bothered you and both sides of him immediately were attached to you because of this.
The first kiss you two shared made him so nervous. It was one thing to be around him and spend time with him, but physical intimacy scared him nowadays for obvious reasons. He hardly loves himself, so how could you? He was fully prepared for you to just kiss his cheek, maybe make an excuse if he were to make the first move, but you didn't.
You made the first move, cupped his face in your hands and kissed him, not bothering to work around his less than stellar half. Any doubts he may have still had about you, gone.
Your soft and kind demeanor brings out the gentleman side of Harvey and the protective side of Two-Face. Sure, his other half likes to scare you sometimes just for fun, sneaking up on you, stealing soft touches, grabbing you and pulling you to him when you least expect it, but if anyone else bothers you, luck will not be on their side.
He may not be the most gentle person, but with you he likes to try.
Harvey enjoys helping you in/out of your platforms, in/out of your corsets or whatever contraption of a garment you're zipped into, and he even offered to paint your nails for you once. He absolutely adores spoiling you with affection.
Harvey loves that your style is your own, but Harv is totally into it. When he's feeling festive with his split suits, he lets you help design them. Some designs are more fun with spikes and chain adornments and others are a bit more fancy with brocade and such.
Most of your interests he's not super into it, but he respects it. He's protective so you probably won't be able to go anywhere without him if he feels it could be unsafe.
If you want to go out dancing or to some niche concert, he'll tag along, though he'll hang back at a table and keep an eye on your from a distance, make sure no one messes with you. The scene isn't his jam, but seeing you have fun is enough for him.
Some of you provocative clothing is sure to get a reaction out of him, especially the fishnets. That's his weakness.
You always take him as he is so if you're ever nervous about how you look or how you're dressed, he's sure to hype you up as best as he can.
Sometimes he feels grateful for what happened to him, without the accident, he wouldn't have met you. With his new outlook on life, he can understand you better. He's positive that if he remained district attorney, living in the light, that he would have never given you the time of day and even if he did, he wouldn't know how to appreciate you the way he does now.
Your love for darker things helps him love himself, not by much, but enough that with you he isn't always doom and gloom or woe is me.
You being a romantic is not what he expected when he got with a goth gal. You like using the fancy dishes and lighting candles for dinner. You like flowers all over the place though they're usually dark in color. You like to cuddle with him and watch movies, not afraid to make contact with his scarred side.
You like watching a lot of monster movies which made him roll his eyes at first, but he would catch the way your eyes stay glued to the monster be it vampire, a werewolf, or a creature from the black lagoon. The soft dreamy sighs escaping you made him curious.
"You realize that they're the bad guy, right? Literally a monster, not human," he says. "They're just misunderstood," you explain. "And they just want to be loved like everyone else?" "Yeah, buut they mostly resort to extreme measures?" "I think..." she ponders, "it's because they understand what it is to lose something or be lonely. And they found someone who understands them and can see them, even though they aren't human. To be fully seen by somebody, then, and be loved anyhow. Or however that saying goes." She shrugs and pops a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth.
Watching you fawn over the the creatures in those films makes him feel better about himself, makes him feel like less of a monster, like he's still capable of being loved.
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