#it’s still so funny to me like what did you want me to say hahahahaha
angelnumber27 · 2 years
One time I was doing court mandated community service and this woman said “you look like Lindsay Lohan!” And I said thank you and she literally said “don’t say thank you, SHES A DRUG ADDICT”
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miyaheestar · 3 months
live reaction to the pack wedding audio
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"i just want a little time with you today, before everything goes crazy" MSHSMHDMSHSM IM GONNA GO INSANE
"beautiful" i haven't showered and i didn't sleep and it's 7 am in the morning are you blind
"you are. especially first thing in the morning. still all sleepy and cuddly and relaxed. im the luckiest man in the world to get to see it everyday.. for the rest of my life" do you want me to die?
pls i will actually cry
"you fucking menace" IM YOUR MENACE HAH
oh he eepy baby 🥺
good morning asher 🥺
"oh my god it's actually today holy shit it's actually happening" HE'S LIKE ME FOR REAL FOR REAL
"when did you wake up" you think i sleep?
"about the person who matters to me more than anything else in the whole damn world" STOP STOP THIS OFFICER OFFICER A WEREWOLF TRYNNA SEDUCE ME HE TRYNNA SEDUCE ME SIR I WILL DIE SIR IM BEING SEDUCED
okay scene change
"mate pairs shouldn't see each other in the morning" DAMN RIGHT SO TRUE HEWL YEAHHH
"grouchy grandpa" HELPPPP "now don't you start." HELLAGSISGSKSG HAHAHAHAHA
"oh my mistake" YOU'RE SO SASSY
"are you trying to look like you got married in wind tunnel" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HELPPP MILO PLEASE
aww grandpa sam 🥺🥺🥺
"david, can i ask you something?"
im not okag im not ojay im not okay I AM NOT OKAY
i cant do this I'll actually pass out
i cant
im hypervinelantagwtbf
"i picked you because you're the one person i trust more than anyone else. you made me feel safe." I WILL ACTUALLY LOSE IT
"i was a decent alpha but i wasn't a very good friend" so you want me to kill myself
i am genuinely gonna cry
"ash euw" I LOVE THAT
what if i jump
i will jump
i won't
i will
i wont
it sounds like asher and david getting married LMAO
"um" classic opening
asher if you cry YOU BETTER BE CRYING okay he's gonna cry
what if asher dies after his vows
so it's just silence and giggles for babe's speech
got it
it's okay i love asher's giggles
david please cry
why guy is not angel's brother
and he's laughing too
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
i love interpretations like this cause i truly believe that wyb notices the yellow light signs and know how much cpfs show up for him. it may be too far away but this is hengdian hawekeye we are talking about who can see from a mile away. the viewers at home can read and see, so why can’t he, who is literally there. i’m referencing this analysis post by 圆呼呼的朝朝 so we can all enjoy it.
It’s IQIYI scream night and you can see WYB talking to Da peng. I actually see the difference in his demeanor here vs GRA. Tho you can say that GRA was a more formal event and he was nervous cause it’s his first time. Plus when he talked to Han Hong, he was covering his mouth, and people thought that’s for people to not lipread the conversation. In IQIYI, he was more smiley and talking freely cause the event was really chill.
the specific part of the close up fancam are these two. and i am aware that lip reads are notoriously hard to confirm and even believe, especially for international fans so just take this as fiction. 🤍
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Oh..The turtle next to me is...all of them…
At first people were thinking turtle as in the big ass light sign of a turtle, you know what I mean, the infamous one you usually see at events with shades on. 😎
OP then did some incredible deduction of where WYB was located, the seating map of venue and the sections where certain CPF light signs were dominant. The turtle sign is allegedly on sections 213-215 which is way off WYB’s view. The best guess now is 304, there is a big ass sign on there that says: “Wang Yibo Passion Fruit is Coming” and the other sections have green lights which is WYB’s. This line is a reference to how comment sections related to this event were mostly filled with cpfs saying something like this too.
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So it’s like he is explaining to Da Peng, that the light sign next to him ( his solo light signs ) are all of them ( bxgs ). Which is wrong btw, cause there are others he can’t see. but anyway, it’s fine Bobo. He is not the first person who is acquainted with Yibo who tends to ask about the light signs (if you all recall SDC 5 finale and Nathan. which i know i explained before but I can’t seem to find the post lol ). DP is also someone, who at the time of OnO promo was very nice to BXGs. Tho he might not know about the whole drama of the fandom, he was acknowledging the attendees who were bringing their dolls and were wyb fans. another example here was when his 9 grid photo featured a fan with cpf phone case, tho maybe he didn’t notice that. The point is, he is someone who knows that WYB has another side of fandom that’s not so/o. So maybe he was asking, cause tbh, who wouldn’t be curious? If I was a regular celebrity attendee, I think it’s normal to wonder. && of course WYB is happy to answer.
Here’s the funny part tho. The light sign said passion fruit but he still said wangba ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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A reminder on why turtles are called bastards to those who have no idea.
王八 (wángbā) - a type of Chinese turtle. It's not a good word, often associated with cuckoldry or bastard, son of a bitch
but even if that’s the case, most cpfs are reclaiming this title and are like — so what? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m cackling cause this is so WYB to troll us. Look at his gremlin smile HAHAHAHAHA! Shut up WYB!
I also see comments that said, it’s because he wants the group name to have his “Wang” or it’s his resistance and revenge for us pertaining to him as a Pig ( but he is a cute piggy like bobi! ) 😂😂😂😂😂
this one tho ⬇️⬇️ 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Anyway, here, have some handsome photos of WYB that night! 💛
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wantmangojuice · 6 months
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Peach Blossom Debt - finished - 26ch + 1 extra
Premise: Soft-hearted, romantic, destined-to-be-perpetually-single accidental-immortal MC is tasked by Heaven to play the villain in the love tribulations of two other immortals. He...does his gosh-darned best. But, also, what about MC's hopes for romance, huh, heaven? What if he wants to fall in love happily, too???
I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did (I only bought it on a whim because I wanted to finish a relatively-shorter danmei novel) but I really did!
MC Song Yao is such an endearing character. He's immortal but definitely still has the heart and sentiments of a mortal, he cares so so much, his narration is quite funny, and every other chapter I just wanna give him a hug.
I was really really rooting for Hengwen to be the ML almost from the beginning -- and I was right! Ha!
Related to the above bullet point, yes, the ML is not immediately apparent from the get-go (the sheer number of "Oh please be the ML" comments I had in my ebook copy whenever Hengwen shows up is hilarious) which I think adds to the fun/suspense. (I admit I caved halfway through and looked it up, though, 'cause I knew if it wasn't him I needed to brace myself for the disappointment hahaha.)
And on that note, regardless of whether they're the endgame pairing or not, I really enjoyed the twist and turns and reveals and feels that the Song Yao-Hengwen relationship had. I think one of the reasons they endeared themselves to me was that according to the book, they've been friends for over a thousand years, and their interactions certainly sold me on that. Everytime they're in a scene together there's an air of familiarity and comfort between them that I appreciated so much. Like, sure, there are complications, like how Song Yao has been pining for Hengwen for so long, and how Hengwen's nature as a never-been-mortal immortal makes it sometimes difficult for him to understand certain things about Song Yao-- but the bedrock of their relationship is that they're friends who can rely on each other first and foremost, and I enjoyed that.
The main couple getting their HE by the skin of their teeth arrrgh I love them.
Loved the interesting interplay of debt and "being fated" and how much of that really matters in the end (especially since it's revealed in the end that Song Yao's "destined to be perpetually alone" thing was actually all just hogwash).
What does it even mean when your fate is tied to someone else's, anyway? Question: If various karmic debts mean that you're soulmates with someone you don't love, and the person you love is not your soulmate, what do you do? Answer: You love the person you love anyway, even if you have to go to extreme impossible lengths shuffling those debts and those karmic ties around.
Honestly, the more I think about how things were resolved at the end of the book, the more I like it. Song Yao & Hengwen really found a way to make each other their soulmates: Song Yao by breaking all their other soulmate bonds, and Hengwen by everything he did afterwards that resulted in the two of them forming a karmic bond. They essentially became soulmates by choice, which is such a neat way to wrap things up.
(Interestingly, this is the second book I've read which plays with the "the person you fall in love with is not your soulmate and your soulmate is not the person you love" thing, the first one being Qi Ye, and even then Qi Ye was kind of a borderline case because there's some hints that WuXi was, in fact, Jing Beiyuan's soulmate after all. Just... something about the whole concept of "No matter what the bonds of destiny says, you are the one my heart has chosen" kind of gets me right in the kokoro.)
Probably gonna be jumping into the sequel of this book soon out of desperate hope to read more of these characters hahahahaha.
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
@radiant-fanon-maker, I’m done!
“Okay, where did polar bears keep their money?” Lizzy asked. V ignored her and held her stern glare at the ceiling from her spot on Lizzy’s carpet. After a few minutes of silence, Lizzy finished the joke.”In the snowbank!” She said. The corner of V’s mouth twitched upwards, but quickly went back down. Her friend groaned and put her phone down on her nightstand.“Come on, V! That was a good one!” She said.
V rolled her eyes and flicked her tail against the carpet floor to subtly let some of her lingering frustration out. Lizzy moved to lay next to her and looked at her confused.”How are you still bitter about loosing Mario Kart? That thing was literally centuries old and didn’t work very well in the first place.” She asked in slight disbelief. It’s been around an hour since that happened, and even someone as irritable as Uzi got over something like that after, what, thirty minutes?
How V could still be mad about it, especially when it barely functioned enough for the game to play without lagging, Lizzy couldn’t understand.“I’m not usually the looser.” V grumbled.
Lizzy looked at her with an expression that said “Are you serious?”, which quickly changed and softened slightly. Suddenly, she sat up.“I’ve got just the thing!” She said. V ignored her claim, thinking it was another awful and definitely not funny joke, until she felt two hands lift her head and back up. She glanced over at Lizzy, who had moved closer and adjusted herself so she could place her legs under V’s back.
She grabbed one of V’s arms and began moving it so most of it would be under her legs.“What are you doing?” V asked. She gave her arm a slight tug, but Lizzy grabbed her again and placed it under her legs. She looked pretty confident for what she was about to do and reached for V’s other arm.“Something that has worked for my friends and family many times. Trust me, it’ll work.” She said, placing V’s other arm beneath her legs. In this position, V’s upper body was in Lizzy’s lap and lifted up a bit, except for her head, which she needed to hold up if she wanted to see what was happening.
Lizzy turned around and reached up onto her bed for a pillow. She grabbed the closest one, a fuzzy pink one, and placed it under V’s head so it would be leveled a bit.“There. Comfy?” She asked. V nodded, but she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous about both her arms basically being trapped. True, Lizzy would never hurt her, but was it really necessary for her arms to be held down like this?“Good. Now just relax.” Lizzy said.
Yeah, what was V thinking? There’s definitely bound to be some sort of cultural difference or something that would look weird that worker drones do that is actually really nice. Maybe this was one of them. V closed her eyes and decided to let L do whatever she was going to do. Besides, the pillow was very soft, so she paid no mind to the slight weight on her belly.
That was a mistake.
V’s eyes shot open and she looked at Lizzy, who had taken advantage of her position and started tickling her belly.”Hehehehey!! Lihihihizzyhyhy!! Hahahahahahaha!!” She tried to pull her arms up to protect herself, but she couldn’t. They were stuck, and it was all part of Lizzy’s plan. She had been tricked.”Hahahahaha!! Stohohohohop!! Yohohou trahahahaitor!! Hahahahahaha!!” V said. Lizzy lifted one of her hands and placed a finger on her chin.”Hmm, no.~” She said in a teasingly manner. She gave V a smug grin and continued using both hands to tickle her.”Wanna hear a joke instead?” She asked.
“Nohohoho!!” V laughed. Lizzy gave her sides a quick squeeze as a way of saying “excuse me?” and resumed attacking her belly with tickles.”Too bad! Why was six afraid of seven?” Lizzy asked.
“Whyhyhyhy?” V asked through her laughing. She tried again to pull her arms out from underneath, but Lizzy pushed her legs down to keep them underneath.“Because seven eight nine!” Lizzy replied. V’s laughter picked up a bit hearing the punchline.
It was a pretty good joke, but at the same time, it was bad. So bad that it worked.“Hahahaha!! That’s awfuhuhul!!” V laughed. Lizzy gasped dramatically and put on a fake expression of irritation. She slowed the tickling down to where V was only giggling a bit.“How dare you! I’m being a good friend trying to cheer you up, and you have the nerve to say that these jokes are terrible?!” She said in a mocking tone. V couldn’t help but giggle more at her silly antics, until she lowered her head down to her belly and grinned.
V immediately knew what she was doing and tried to wiggle free, but she couldn’t. Lizzy took in a deep breath and V knew she was done for.“Lizzy, don’t you dare.” V warned. Her friend ignored her and blew a raspberry on her belly.
V broke out laughing and started kicking her legs against the carpet.”AHAHAHA!!! NOHOHOHO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!” She laughed hard and thumped her tail against the carpet floor. Lizzy blew another and V threw her head back against the pillow supporting her.“Now that you know what happens, no more insulting my jokes.” Lizzy said.
“Ihihihi meheheant bahahad in a goohoohood waHAHAHAHAY!!! NOHOHOHO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” V immediately regretted trying to explain. Lizzy probably already knew anyways and was just using it as a way to blow a raspberry again.“Now. What do you call a big pile of cats?” Lizzy asked. V tried to shrug, but she barely managed to move.”A meow-tain!” Her friend said. V’s laughter picked up again and Lizzy smiled.”See? You’re feeling better!” She said.
“Behehecahahause ohohof your ahahawfuhuhul johohokes!!” V snapped back. She quickly regretted her decision when Lizzy stopped tickling her and slowly turned her head to face her.”Wait a minute, Lizzy! You know what I actually mean by that!” V said frantically. Lizzy maintained a cold face and slowly lowered her head.”Wait, wait, wait-- NOHOHOHO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! LIHIHIZZY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” V laughed hysterically and tried to pull her arms out. Again, she failed.
Lizzy blew another one.“HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!” V’s tail was practically slapping on the floor with how much it was wagging. Lizzy blew a third raspberry before stopping and giving her a moment to breathe, otherwise she might be thrown across the room in all of V’s attempts to get out.
While V had calmed down, Lizzy let her move her arms out from under her legs. She was pretty surprised that V decided not to get up and stay there as she caught her breath. She smiled smugly and crossed her arms.”Feel better?” She asked confidently. V would forever deny that she nodded, but Lizzy knew she saw it.
Bonus (I used Google Translate at the end and tried different variations):
Uzi looked at her phone to see who sent the message while she was working on the pod. She saw it was from Doll and opened it up. It was a picture of Lizzy blowing a raspberry on V’s belly, and V looked like she was trapped with her arms beneath Lizzy’s legs and loosing it. Uzi noticed the text message that was sent after it and nearly laughed at it.
На Copper Nine, рабочие дроны щекочут дронов-убийц.
Uzi put her phone back down and put her hand against her forehead.“That’s such an old joke.” She said, shaking her head.
“What’s such an old joke?” N asked. Uzi got an idea and slowly turned around. A mischievous grin made its way onto her face.
(On Copper Nine, the worker drones tickle the murder drones.)
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waterparksdrama · 1 year
ok track by track review of Intellectual Property. GO!
as you wish anon. be warned this is literally like one of maybe 4 times i've listened to this album in full again
st*rfucker - a bit too saccharine on first listen but it has better replay value as time goes on. the beginning of the shoehorned jesus lyrics and the continuation of limo imagery to represent fame which is actually fitting admittedly bc just like a limo that is supposed to represent glamour and celebrity living, they are just as widespread and accessible as him and aren't really that glamorous at all. also this is me saying again wow he complains a lot about fame for someone who isn't really that famous. i still hate the cutoff at the end bc. cmon man. 7/10
real super dark - ok i did like the gilbert gottfried inspired melody i think that's fun actually. the song lyrics? uhhhhhh. just more complaining. if you have listened to any of the albums since fandom you are not missing much there other than the otto serial killer jokes he has inserted here? which is a choice i guess. instrumental is great tho. i feel incredibly stupid listening to a lot of the other parts of the song tho. 7/10
funeral grey - god i can't bear listening to this one on my own i'm sorry. live it's fine, but the studio recording i would rather kill myself than listen to again. IT'S SO ANNOYING. the terrible overenunciated vocals. awsten's attempt at humor by writing these wattpad fic lyrics that make me cringe to my core because i know there's a part of him being genuine. the one direction ripoff hook because he managed to get one of 1d's actual songwriters to help write the track. the only saving grace is the ending but at that point it's too late for any redemption. 2/10
brainwashed - ironically this was written with the 1d guy again and. i'm actually fine with this one LOL. it's simple and lowkey so it's considerably less annoying than funeral grey. considering awsten said the lyrics on this album were hypersexual, but it's 2023 so this is fairly tame, it just makes me wonder how much he has repressed in his psyche. 6/10
2 best friends - ok now we're back to simple annoying. if you tune out the lyrics enough, it sounds like disney channel filler music. but it's actually about ~~sExxxx~~ hahahahaha everything about this album so far is like reading fanfics clearly written by middle schoolers. awsten's sad about his situationship so he goes out with his 2 best friends to forget but it doesn't work :( but he could just fuck his friends bc it wouldn't hurt to try at this point. hey what if this was what the song was actually about that because in travis' insane songfic he made jawn and awsten hook up during this chapter #neverforget #riptravisficeventhoughmebitchingontumblrmadehimkillit 4/10
end of the water (feel) - hearing awsten try to hit those high notes reminded me of people saying brendon straining on his high notes on the last panic tour was like hearing a dog that needed to be shot out back for its own good. this is very obviously a charlie puth ripoff to the t because not only does he hit high notes that no man should ever reach, but i'm pretty sure the verse instrumentals rip off "light switch" by charlie. anyways more of "ughhhhh i'm not getting a text backkkkkk" that makes me want to throw awsten's phone into the pacific. i still don't know why kurtis conner is here and how this is supposed to relate to any of this at all. also actually now that i'm crossing checking the genius pages for these, the descriptions for these songs make them sound much better than they actually are lol. 3/10
self-sabotage - this one is mid on it's own but funny because i remember the amount of twitter discourse this song has spawned. "awsten's being toxic and misogynistic" did we not listen to some of the songs off fandom "awsten has bpd" what if he just sucks sometimes. the memories of this are more memorable than the song itself. 5/10
ritual - remember when i found out the soundbyte at the beginning was from an aids psa. good times. fine song other than the shoehorned soundbyte. the entire song is just a repetition of the verses and chorus like a ~~ritual~~ spooky! i like the flair vincente void adds with his screams i feel like this feature makes more sense because it's a song about protecting yourself from the doctrines of religion that harmed you when you were growing up and apparently vincente has known awsten since he was 13???? only thing i hate is the corpse ripoff ending so much so that i have a personal version where i edited that out. 8/10
fuck about it - BORINGGGGGG OH MY GODD. if you've heard one blackbear feature, congrats you've heard them all because they all sound the same and blackbear adds no energy whatsoever. he made a bayside instrumental sound boring you really can't underestimate him. anyways back to the song itself; the situationship has dissolved into pure sex and disinterest and annoyance outside of that and with the way awsten sounds like he plans having hate sex, i don't think he's ever had hate sex before. there's the ending synth i think is fun and that's the only reason this gets a point at all. 1/10
closer - it's a sweet song but um. haven't we heard this in a way before? *cough cough 21 questions* i think this is the closest (lol) parx comes to at a return to pre-fandom form, but when i listen to the chords too much i'm just like "did he lowkey rip off that one smashing pumpkins song". anyways it's just about needing to be closer to someone or ending the relationship completely. simple but effective but not nearly as effective as 21 questions for me sorry. 7/10
a night out on earth - ok i had physical tickets to the last tour bc i won them on idobi so i was like "THIS SONG BETTER BE AT LEAST DECENT BC I STILL HANG UP THE TICKET WITH THIS NAME" and it was at the least. it's like. a good waterparks song, but i feel like i've heard it already? my mind goes back to see you in the future but for these i can't tell who's ripping off who more lol. yeah i feel like other than some interesting production here and there it's a rehash of shit we already heard before. shoehorned religious lyric. fake ass band guys. "i turn my agony into songs and people only like when i'm hurt". "i've been dead since 2016" (part two). "i'm evil now. idgaf. wat ever."
and then i think the part that makes me go awwww but also confuses me is the im a natural blue radio interview snippet? like why does this all tie in together now. geoff's not even here bro how is this the only release where otto's the only one namedropped when awsten hasn't even named dropped him until last album. 80% the album is about some random relationship how is this supposed to tie into all of these.
idk i feel like i've just had this on my mind when when of my mutuals made their own analysis on awsten's mindsets towards life and said how he uses fear as motivation but his perfectionism keeps him from using failure as an editor and how this song was the peak example of this; the rehash of the same ideas over and over because despite his stubbornness, despite "ultimately -not- giving in to the perception that you’re worth ‘Demonizing'", he never confronts the problem for real, just compartmentalizes the problem away and doesn't truly overcome the root of his problems. that's what i feel like manifests in this album for me to be put off by it at its core. nothing ever changes, he just finds a new situation to complain at. maybe that's also why his fans never change even as new ones come though. maybe that's why we also stay stagnant in this with him.
again i get it, he's a public figure; if he did dive too deep into this and didn't choose to generalize the lyrics for his own sake, he would probably end up incriminating himself way too much and have a hard time performing some of these songs. but i can't help but wonder. if he's truly getting over a mental obstacle like that, or keeps himself so set on the future that he ignores the problems he never solved. like he always does. like he always seems to be doomed to. anyways, 7/10 song.
all in all, it's an album that tries to reach a concept of coming to terms with your sexuality and religious trauma all entwined in fame but in reality it's mostly just about a sucky situationship and awsten complaining again while putting in random religious references sometimes and the beginning and ending are about fame. my hot takes are: tennis imagery = gay sex, there's not enough of a distinction between "soulsucker" and awsten to make "album lore" when the overarching concept of parx's discography is "awsten's life sucks", and darth vader is luke's father. - iz
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buff-borf-bork · 8 months
Seen a lot of reincarnation Mc AU's so skeleton plot for one
Joseph dated Jean, Jean dumps him, Joseph big sad.
Mc who's had a crush on him shows up like hey, I see you sad, let me be your friend and help ya out.
They eventually change into dating (note Mc wasn't aiming to date him, really did just want to be a good friend, and was satisfied with that, things escalated anyways).
Jean get jelly and goes back to Joseph. Joseph still loves Jean as well and has to make a choice, Mc says to take some time and choose what he needs and thinks will make him happy.
Mc is over heard crying about it after, jean taunts them that Joseph didn't love them as much if he isnt choosing them instantly, Mc tells him to fuck off
In the end Joseph chooses jean, Mc accepts this, just wanting Joseph's happiness, stays a good friend
Jean gets fed up with Joseph not only keeping his ex as a friend, but Joseph's popularity. Has his own yandereish reaction, "not willing to share you in any way shape or form, so you gotta die now"
Joseph shot on set, last sights, jean looking smug, Mc running up to him in horror, dies
And then of course, the game kicks in, Mc once again dates an actor (Ian) who chooses someone else (though much shorter term with the cheating) jack shows up
Part of jacks yandereness is fueled by his soul going DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE TWICE MF (jack doesn't consciously recognize you, as with the real idea of reincarnation, Mc looks nothing like or very different from their last life)
Mc keeps rejecting him but not understanding themself why, they like him. So why this instinct to love him but also distrust him? (Hahahahaha when the heart break and rejection sticks to your soul, sooooo funny)
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taliaslutiolo · 8 months
guys i need some fucking advice !!
so basically there’s this boy lets name him garry??(tf did that come from) so basically garry is in like 5 of my classes at school and we sit next to eachother in one class (it used to be 3 but we got moved) nd we talked like all the time not in a flirty way or anything just friend way. and basically at the start of christmas break (dec 15) he added me on snap so i was like okay? like its not weird we talk a lot, so i added him back and we texted like everyday for the whole of christmas break and it wasn’t really flirty (btw when i added him i knew i didn’t like him romantically) and i would send him pictures just like normal pictures of myself but i was VERY AWARE that a lot of cleavage was in these pictures (naughty😩😈) but i still sent it because i like when boys like me??? and we js kept doing that for like 3 weeks and he wld ask me to send more pictures and i would act clueless like i didn’t know why he wanted to me to send them even know i knew DAMN WELL. i would talk a lot abt sex to him?? not like in a weird way tho. but then after we came back to school (jan 5) this man was STARING ALL DAYYYYY at me and when we got home that’s when everything like changed like he got all sexual?? like he was saying shit like ‘i would do anything for you’ and blah blah blah so i was like oh okay? and then i would say stuff that didn’t mean to sound sexual but he would make it ex: (we were talking about sneezing for some reason and i typed in on google ‘how to sneeze on purpose’ and it said to stick something long up your nose (i think you can see where this is going) and then this is the conversation: me: it said you need to stick something long up your nose garry: oh yeah? well i think i could help with that so obviously i was like oh? 😧 and he would say JOKING JOKING JOKING after so i was like hahahahaha😐 like so funny and but like that’s when i started getting bold for some reason even though i didn’t like him and i only liked him as a friend?? i would send him like sexual screenshots of like a girl and a guy together (not like naked or porn js like SOMEWHAT sexual) and i would say ‘us’ and then would say joking after blah blah and he would reply ‘i wouldn’t mind’ and then he wld say joking. like ok we get it ur joking. OKAY ANYWAY LETS GET TO THE PROBLEM, so on friday after school he texted me saying he’s obsessed with me (like okayyy serve girl😜) and then i was like cute and he would say he misses me and THEN, he texted me and said ‘it’s hard knowing the person u like doesn’t feel the same way’ and then this bitch DELETES THE MESSAGE? (i half swiped) and i said ‘what did you say’ and he said ‘nothing’ so i half swiped and left him on delivered for 2 days and i opened it today and just told him i’m js like depressed lately (which is true) but like he js said ‘okay it’s fine i’m always here’ AND NOW I FEEL SO BAD BECAUSE I LEAD THIS POOR BOY ONNNNN NOOO I FEEL SO BAD IDK WHAT TO DO ITS MY FAULT I CANT I LITERALLY HAVE TO SEE HIM TOMORROW FUCKCKKCKCKCKCK WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO??😣😣🙏i was literally js craving male validation i didn’t expect us to talk for a long time
(i’m not expecting for anyone to read this but i had to get it off my chest)
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
I have been tagged by @timetravelbypen, yayyyy!! :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?:
2. What's your total AO3 word count?:
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sailor Moon, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Prodigy, And one Harry Potter story, the xover.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Parent Trap (301)
Sailor Moon H: Order of the Phoenix (283)
Sailor Moon H: Half-Blood Prince (217)
Out of Reach (currently taken down) (150)
Eden's Deception (149)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to respond to comments. I especially love when people have questions or want hints about what comes next.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
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HAHAHAHAHA oh boy. Um... you... you want me to choose just one? hmmm... Alright so honestly I think while Afterimage and What Even is Three Minutes did numbers on the J/C crowd, nothing tops the cliffhangers at the end of Sailor Moon H: Half-Blood Prince in terms of how much angst they induced in readers. The double whammy: (1) the youngest senshi getting turned into a horcrux and taken hostage by Bellatrix Lestrange and (2) Morgana Avery, the OC whom I had carefully crafted to be a character you loved burning up her boyfriend's shop with dark magic and then casting the Dark Mark in order to infiltrate the death eaters as an undercover spy... My betas and I were taking bets on whether I'd get readers coming after me with pitch forks for that one.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
There's a few contenders but I don't think any happiness quite compares to Captain Kathryn Janeway in The Captain's Secret Santa, getting a puppy for Christmas.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
A smattering of memorable flames which I try to save to reflect back on when I need a good laugh.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*opens trench coat* Smut you say? Well gosh golly gee. What in the blazes could that be? SMUT. Funny word. Hmmm. I'm not sure I know anything about that.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have written exactly two. Sailor Delta is on hold for the moment because the other one Sailor Moon H has one story to go. And i think if there were an award for craziest crossover I would submit that one and have a good chance to be in the running. It would win on craziest word count and probably on shenanigans too. And then it had the nerve to give itself a real plot. I started that as a crack fic and it got a mind of its own. And I am still writing it 8 years later XD.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I had all of my unlocked works on AO3 gobbled up by the initial crawl that Open AI used to build Chat GPT and that SUCKED. Not because it's been reproduced wholesale but because they'll use my hard work to make millions of dollars and all of the writers who were included in that dataset are both uncredited and uncompensated. I don't think I've ever had a fic stolen by another human. But if you do see what looks like my fic anywhere fishy, kindly let me know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No one has but I would be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've co-written a few!
One for a challenge with @magdalenejaneway,
one with Dawn47 when I was there as a Shakespeare assist.
memorable live-writing adventures with @trekflower. (one of my favorite people to write sexy fic with.)
And the longest one, which I am still so impressed we finished (and still one of my favorite things to reread) was the big Threshold AU Season 7 with @jellybeansarecool
I've talked about cowriting with @theredheadedcaptain but we both agreed that given our penchant for massively long fics that combining both of those tendencies was a very dangerously large project to contemplate XD
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
J/C is very near and dear to my heart but so is the Outer Senshi OT3 and I could never choose between them.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I am determined to finish all of my WIPs. Yes even SMH. Yes I know its been going on for 8 years. I am SLOW, okay. SLOW. Not lost. I know precisely how I want that thing to go.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't like tooting my own horn but okay... I feel confident in my ability to plot a long fic and see it through. In my ability to write something that brings you to your knees with emotion. And I do a damn good villain speech.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Time management. Word Count management. Oneshots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Depends if it's there to be understood in context or there to stand out as not understood. I'd write dialogue in another language if it was there to be understood. I'd gloss over it if the intention was that the character and reader shouldnt understand it. I also wouldnt do it for whole lines of dialogue unless it was for a very good reason. Would prefer to throw in only the untranslateable words or to use greetings/honorifics and other smaller phrasal cues to indicate which language is being spoken.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
W.I.T.C.H. in 2009-2010
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I fell in love with writing The Universe to Mend this year and I've already re-read it once since finishing it in October. It brought me so much joy. It was such a fun challenge. and I think it was some of the best character work I've ever done.
While I wince when I re-read some of the typos, Pax Lunae was still the first ever story that I felt proud of and that remains true today. It was a challenge to dive into the lore of Sailor Moon and create something that could be canon. It was also the first fic I could hold up and say "Hey! I wrote something the length of a novel. I could write a novel" And I like to reread it to remember that feeling. Someday I'll have a chance to clean up some of the spelling too..
Alrighty let's see. I want to tag @theredheadedcaptain @divinemissem13 @jellybeansarecool and @curator-on-ao3 if they'd like to take a crack at it. and anyone else who follows me and wants to - go for it!.
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stackslip · 2 years
chainsaw man 112 thoughts below cut bc there is so much to unpack here
asa is so sad about the broken sword/uniform.... baby i’m so sorry :((((
student council slash devil hunting club DMLXDS i lvoe the ongoing animanga tradition of student councils being obscenely powerful
it is EXTREMELY funny of fujimoto to drop a hell of a mystery last chapter, leading to a week of speculation and despair and everyone thinking it’ll be the main mystery fr this part, only to be like “oh yeah the imposter is this random dude who just like openly calls himself chainsaw man”. king of anticlimax. love it
i mean i suspect there are like ten imposters running around thanks to the powers of justice and/or coolgirl right there (famine? who is also justice?) but still. extremely funny
g-d asa looks so tired of yoru’s loser shtick this is so funny i love their relationship. pathetic loser teenage girl and an even more pathetic devil possessing her
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“as long as you’re inside me, not only will i be miserable but the people around me will be too” sobs cries owwww i get a feeling that the day they do separate it’s gonna hurt like hell even tho rn asa hates her (understandably)
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the chicken stomping thing...... my heart hurts. g-d everyone is gonna end up miserable and making terrible choices and doing terrible things. i love it
“i’d rather kill a human than a cat” 1) parallels, again 2) that’s fair and also v funny
the fact that creating a weapon involves guilt is so cool bc it’s the contrary of what justice has been doing--granting powers in exchange for the students/hosts believing their every action is utterly righteous. to become stronger asa has to understand that she is doing something heinous and cruel and choose to do it anyway. and she decides to do it.......... rhghhhhhhhh
obsessed with this set of panels and the cat LITERALLY being larger/more important in asa’s vision than the ant-like humans below her....... g-d i hope fujimoto sticks to giving her a villain arc bc it’s genuinely fasctinating stuff
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asa seeing denji and immediately going “yeah he sounds good to kill. he’s an idiot and a loser but he sounds like a good person.” augh.
but also............. why aren’t people at school allowed to take on part-time jobs when half of them are orphans and can’t provide for themselves. what the fuck. and denji has to take care of a little sister AND like eight dogs and a cat too??
asa’s self deprecation is so delicious i love a self hating pathetic loser who’s also really tragic and sad and clearly on a terrible terrible path
denji is catching all the cat comparison nows. did fujimoto get a cat and say dog people are out cats are IN
[cowboy AHHHHHHH dot mp4]
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literal devil on her shoulder........... and thinking of yuko..................... augh
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in general i’m really loving the way the conversation is framed i love how awkward this is how harrowing it is from asa how denji softens i love this so much i love that both protags are traumatized loser teens who have lived unfathomably tragic lives and it’s gonna get so much worse and they don’t understand one another but they are SO similar too.....
and like. oh man someone earlier said that denji points her out as the girl who hates chainsaw man. and here she is coming up to it asking him out on a date. a girl who hates CHAINSAW MAN but wants to ask HIM out. it’s like. everything he’d hoped and wanted. someone who wants him and sees him and not chainsaw man. and yet he responds in such a shy way when in part 1 he’d have been ecstatic........ genuinely shocked that it would happen at all
sadder still is that she really isn’t seeing him as a person at all and is just aiming for chainsaw man augh. ow.
and really what asa is seeing is a way out of this entire nightmare a way to save yuko (WHOS ALREADY DEAD AAHHHHHHHHHHH) a way to end this entire pantomime and attempt to reclaim a normal life all for the cost of this one loser kid whose name she doesn’t even know but who is so much like her and yuko and augh. augh AUGH
g-d it’s like twenty pages and there is so much to unpack here
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7ban-sama · 1 year
please give me your opinion on all the tsukasas / yashiros / amanes from the different aus aidairo makes ….. (feel free to just pick one character though if you want skdjfvns)
Forgive me if I forget anything egregious-!! There's so many AUs, I'll do my best to browse through them, but AidaIro are industrious... I might miss something. u.u
You will be getting my opinion on all 3 of them per AU though. It's fun to consider the OT3... :3 Subsequently, I think I'll be skipping anything where we don't see all 3 (like ah, that standalone idol Hanako from earlier on.) Just to streamline things. Here we gooo!
🔍Phantom Thief 💎
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I'm including this one out of fairness sake... but I will be real. I do not really think much about it, nor really care about any of their designs here. Unfortunately, idc about, detectives, criminal investigation, that sort of intrigue. Whether it's serious or funnay-sillay, I can't say it's very interesting to me. The most aesthetically pleasing one here is just Hanako, with hims fancy crane fabric and mask etc... (Kind of cheating though, bc he's just in his gakuran otherwise.) I know Aida-sensei really had fun drawing this guy whorishly covered in jewels. Tsukasa being a little boy-lad, funny. Nene-chan in some sherlock cosplay dress, bad. My eyes glaze over.
It's amusing to see their roles be stripped down to like, Nene INVESTIGATING Hanako's CRIMES, and Tsukasa being an INFORMANT, giving her TIPS because he knows Hanako's IDENTITY. That's what's happening in the manga, yes. It's so crude, in this way, I have to laugh.
🦇Ghost Hotel🩸
For this AU, I really love going over the interview of the people coordinating it, because you get to hear reports of AidaIro-sensei being very enthused about the theming of the cafe. They decided the theme, menu item names, and explained aspects of the world to the staff. It's very cute to me lol, it feels like they were having so much fun. The first cafe they did was more 'typical', with the characters as waiters/waitresses serving you. I think GH is a clever concept, finding a way to transport you into a whole other world, and also still justify that you are 'going' to an 'establishment', and going to be eating there lol. You still get the delight of experiencing the characters be 'staff', even — just in a more creative and stimulating way. An evil hotel manager is a lot more fun than just being your waiter-!!! Etc.
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Seeing Amane as an evil vampire, it's almost like seeing a frog on a lilypad. Suddenly it's like we're putting a pin on the whooole look, the Halloween cat vibe, black and gold eye'd scraggly shota. B'caped, villainous, but so cavalier. The villain of a point and click adventure game. His ah, many rows of buttons are a lil silly, but overall I like his 'fit. It's like Amane was always meant to be this... Running some sort of honeypot to ensnare innocent, poor wanderers, and seeming to do it simply for the love of the game. Glib, while watching you lose your memories and become brainwashed.
This Amane is INCREDIBLY FUNNY and an INCREDIBLY DIRECT representation.. In a way that just makes me feel like I'm gonna barf. Like every layer of it lol, the, I'm never going to let you leave❤ Mmhh I love to consume beautiful women (so what does it say I sucked my brother dry?) Anyways I will take your life tonight. Ehh, the fact that he doesn't seem guilty or troubled at all by what he did.. Well, it's maybe been so-? Many years-?? And he's become so established, he's just at a point of-?? A-acceptance? Enjoyment? With what he did... does-??? He's decorating Tsukasa's grave playfully, I dunno...
Also the, fact that Amane is a vampire, means you have to, basically conclude that killing Tsukasa was... pleasurous... in the way that eating a delicious meal would be... It's a biological urge. And also killing Nene, again, will be, pleasurous. Hm... What does this mean for their situations in canon... Aha hahahahaha hahaha
So yeah overall I like this guy a lot. I think I would have a lot of fun RP'ing this one.
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As for Nene here, I'm not really big on her starting look... It's liiike, not doing it for me, a bit too. Fancee lady. Victorian flavor etc. which just isn't my bag... She doesn't look awful or anything; I like her lil parasol. That being said...
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... this nightgown is wonderful. I love her hair adornments too. A sleepy little lady, bride material. Thank you Amane for, assaulting her like this, I agree with your decision. I've envisioned her becoming a ghostie just like Tsukasa, as a result...
She's at her sweetest here, too, just innocently letting Amane in without thinking too hard about it. I like that she thinks over her day, and smiles, noting that she had fun, despite the strangeness. (Despite the scariness...) It's very Nene-chan of her. I think she'll take to her fate graciously, as she is always destined to... I see a lot of potential in her. ❤
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Now, the original victim, in HIS frilly nightgown, ready for beddy-bye. Isn't he sweet... He's actually my favorite out of this AU, out of the three. Far too precious, it really hurts me. I like to think that, in the past, when Amane was a newly-formed vampire, he was a lot more self-hating and afraid to feed, prone to starving himself. (Closer to emotional profile of the more troubled Amane in canon.) Despite this, Tsukasa was always gracious and encouraging, permissive. In true Tsukasa fashion, he was so encouraging and loving that Amane one day couldn't stop. That was that. His ah, nubby right hand is also a remnant of that interaction (as much as the pillows and blanket...) Bit clean off.
So much time has passed and they've been bound to one another like this. Tsukasa is found lingering outside of room 87 / Nene runs into him instead when trying to seek the Manager / Amane's key is definitely to room 87, just blurred... They must share a space and interact. I feel like after 'work', once everything's quieted down, Amane must simply retire to his special ghostie boy at the end of the day. And does god knows what.
It's quite scary that not everyone can see Tsukasa... yabai. I always feel like Tsukasa's existence gets buried and obfuscated by Amane's actions... Isolated, locked away. *frantically gestures at the Antares speech also* Much to be concerned about. It's eerie, then, that Nene is one of the few that can see him. And ah, of course, again Tsukasa is simply willing to aid and guide Nene through this. I like when he's this counter-force... A rogue agent, someone who'll answer questions if you just asked. He'll help you.
My overall feeling for the AU is, I like how ship is here! It's fun! Whereas Phantom Thief feels crude with how 1:1 it is, I think GH is more like, a gd riot, while still managing to be sexy too. I'm simple, I like vampirism, I like the direct correlation of Amane predating on Tsukasa and Nene. Makes me feel endless concern whenever I look over the details. Much in store for the canon.
🎭Hanako of the Opera🌹
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IDK what it is about me, but I can admit, I struggle to parse this event. It's not easy for me to follow everything that happens... Perhaps just the nature of it being one of those 'game' type events, with randomized elements, and also it being a story with present 'roles' being inserted. It's limited in ways, ,,
Okay but, as always, it's funny what is conveyed in a couple details. Amane is looking so crazy during scenes, maniac. Tsukasa ?? kitty cat?? Lurking about??? Enigmatic. The twins matching rings (which, in the original story, are given to Christine to represent her loyalty to the phantom) — OK. Matching jewelry symbolizing twins devotion to one another, check ✅ And all three of them have roses? Wonderful, something threading Tsukasa and Nene-chan, as Amane gives both his girlies roses. Overlapping romance check✅ (This ship is always too much lol...)
Rating the looks: Nene is lovely 💕 Shining star of the opera. The boys are more *noncommital hand gesture* but I like the fanfare of the cape, and I do. *sigh* I do think the half mask is cool, I've always thought it was cool. Fsr I vibe 'split' face situations (even specifically having sonas with large white face markings...) so yeah I'm into it. I wonder if? They are-? Both disfigured under there-?? Mysteries.
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I distinctly like the shawl Nene is wearing here. Kiss kiss. (... I also just really love this image lol, this is so funny of AidaIro-sensei... to explain the delays within the narrative like this...) wait why am I just realizing in this image Amane has like. A laced up boot up to his calf. That's not what the twins are wearing in their character profiles ? Wait why does it look like he's only wearing 1? What? hm okay. Anyways I love this image
🐉Kamome Monster Nursery🍭
This is one of those really wild AUs... Though I feel like it's iconic, perhaps just as an example of how Iro-sensei can invent unpredictable worlds. Overall I really like their Halloween AUs; both Aida and Iro love Halloween, and since JSHK overall is so ~spookeh ghosts~ it kisses well with Halloween mischief.
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The twins. Let's evaluate them both at once!!
This is one of those Amane's that's more on the 'subdued' side, along with being more academically inclined. To me, it feels like there are a couple 'sliders' that move around in relation to one another. If Amane is more studious, he's lessss... ostentatious, with his look and personality. He's too busy looking at clipboards and taking notes. In this way I think he's a loser with no game (lol) but at least he has Tsukasa with him to keep him on his toes. Tsukasa meanwhile seems to be having lots of fun here! I like that he's the more capable one, I feel like that's a consistent truth, deep down... That Tsukasa is actually smarter and more talented, overall. He's just so 'odd' that people don't notice... ww
I like the thickness of Amane's turtleneck, and I like that Tsukasa's in shorts and has such thick purple socks. So fun!! I also like how 'blue' the shades of purple on his outfit are, I really love the dark purp and black stripes on his top. His stripes make him match Amane's turtleneck's ribbing. Harmonious. Tsukasa's stethoscope feels horny to me though, in a way that makes me, mad-? (I don't trust AidaIro and their thing with hearts.) Aside from that, lab coats are whatever, not my thing. They're not super fun to draw but I can forgive it. (I have drawn these goons.)
They're kind of enigmatic to me, in that I wonder how they wound up here, doing this specifically...? But the world is so odd lol, I think it's odd how the class of 'monster' feels like they-? Don't... have rights-?? They're raised and studied, not treated like people-?? As a result, I feel like the twins kinda have broken lizard brains in this world, regarding monsters as specimens purely, and not forming deep attachments... They are engrossed in their research. Tsukasa is playful as a person, and good with raising monsters, but doesn't bat an eye as they get shoveled along through the system. This place perhaps outright facilitates that kind of detachment, so they're a perpetual motion machine doing this. So ultimately they only care about one another...
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Small detail, but the drawing looks like Tsukasa's art to me! Aida-sensei bothers to be consistent with characters having a 'style', so ah, I think the point is it 'looks' like a little kid made it, but it's actually a gift from Tsukasa.. We don't see them interact much, but I like to think they must collude throughout the day, and then after the workday is over they retire together. They have matching seals too which means-? Some-? Thing-? Critical about their connection to one another...?? So they have to be entangled...
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But we need a Nene-chan to come into their life and shake things up-!! Hahaha. I'm glad she has the ability to burn this whole place to the ground herself... A creature with a lot of potential!
As a lolicon I'm SIMPLE, and I love to see LITTLE GIRL. Lil girl, baby girl, baby baby baby. Soo freakin' cute, ugh, acting like a little feral beasty... and that we can just put her in a thick collar. Whatttt?? Sexy... Are there really no limits here? I get to watch Nene-chan be bitey and demanding?? Ourghh
Also, the fact that she's being raised by Tsukasa and taking after him, while dressed up in 'his' color... Sick & twisted. Showing me Tsukasa playing with Nene and giving her whatever she wants and them going on rampages together??? Sick & twisted-!! The fact that she has a little red heart earring on her, corresponding her to Amane, SICK & TWISTED!!! It's worrisome you know, because Nene is Amane's bespoke love interest across every world... They HAVE to collude-? He has to be interested in her, he has to. Find her attractive...?? Inevitably!? At that point, it's suspicious to me that monsters also develop faster than humans. Hmm, so she will be sexually mature soon enough. (Lol, Renesmee swag?)
You can't just show me Nene being Tsukasa-like, resembling Tsukasa, acting like Tsukasa, and Amane's just also in the room. Dragon loli all dressed up and collared, and being hand-reared by the brother of her love interest. DON'T YOU THINK ABOUT WHERE THIS TERMINATES-?? I sure do. *sucks in drool*
The set pieces make me pretty horny. I think I am a bit weak to esoteric research labs and, like dehumanizing situations for sapient(?) beings. Nonhuman behaviors, hand rearing, the aesthetic of daycare and baby toys etc... fun, I like it. I like to explore the space.
🏫Teen School Drama🪄
This AU is like. Lol where are we-? This boarding school and the overall aesthetic is giving a kind of Western-slay. Ahh I've been transported back to Angelland lol. There's a photo on AidaIro's twi tter featuring a Harry Potter mug (the Marauder's Map lolll) so ah, this combined with some of their other work gives me the impression they like... That sort of Vibe, ~wizarding school in London~... regardless of whether or not that's the actual setting, I just think it's worth noting. The particular stink going on.
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This Amane... he makes me laugh. Who is this-? Little nerd? An even more subdued, sciency-aligned Amane than the guy in Monster Nursery.
He's so stripped down feeling, and his palette has mysteriously become black/blue/gold, instead of black/red/gold. Why's that... The way no one could have guessed he was that little blue apple. Like— obviously people would sooner guess the ghost cookie or devil cake, etc. Even the fanciful king, thing, Teru was, because like. You would think Amane is devilish or has some sort of imposing presence... so it's the funniest reveal he's like, a quiet nerd who tinkers with RC cars and drones... I would even say fandom at large is more apt to see canon living-Amane as more shy than I personally would, but this still came as a shock for many. This little meep. (Octavius rex i guess, since Nene is barking up this tree.)
It's pretty novel though... to be able to think of an Amane that is this hobbled with social interactions. I like to imagine he struggles with making eye contact. A guy of few words... not practiced with having conversations. If you read his mind, he would be slowly disassembling and reassembling devices. *staring at nothing, waiting for class to end so he can go back to his dorm and do this*
But as much as he amuses me, he also frustrates me... How to word this. I find it suspicious that this Amane can command Tsukasa to manifest to him, without even a word, just sending a drone at him — and Tsukasa would drop everything to do so. Okay, so you have this very powerful wizard at your beck and call... and Tsukasa is typically quite obsessed with Amane, so. Hmm. Just simmer on that. And then you have fact that Nene is, putting herself out there, being CUTE about it, and he's like. Mnnn. Please don't. You'll draw attention to me... thinking moreso about the social discomfort, not like, Nene's gesture.
... to ME, he feels kind of, 'stuck in his comfort zone'...? I'd say it's pretty generous to see him as 'just shy'; if I think about Amane across worlds, I'd guess this one is probably just as asocial and disconnected from valuing people as individuals... He's always had Tsukasa, there, reliably, and has never had a reason to do anything besides funnel into his interests. Eh, it's kinda like if Amane could just blithely read about constellations AND just have Tsukasa by his side, super OP, catering to his whims. And then if later down the line, Nene was pursuing him on her own terms, so he didn't have to lift a finger or put the moves on her... This is all insane to me... kslkfksdg.... I suppose this Amane feels like a LESSON in, how COMPLACENT he can BE... It is possible for him to be this withdrawn, this uhh, stubborn, this placid. Not oozing anyyyy charisma, it's crazy, lmfaofdj hgdks I really think if you dated this one, he'd absolutely suck. Negative one thousand points, bad boyfriend material.
(As an Amane kinnie it's like, watching myself be kind of insufferable like a spoiled child LOLL where is your GAME man... lol but you're still gonna get it i guess...)
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Now... this girl. I want to fuck this Yashiro so very badly. She exists to torment me. Hruu.
The look is lovely. Her blue knit top, her red jacket, short plaid skirt, tall socks. The absolute territory...! Since she's usually so shy about her legs, and covers them up, it's amazing to see her showing some thigh. Ehh... scandalous. And then pretty twin tails, decorated in hearts, makes me feel weak. I really like twin tails...💔 Her witch outfit isn't appealing to me, but I don't mind rly, since her base look is soo good. I don't imagine she has to get fully decked out all the time anyways.
Her status as both a cheerleader and a witch intrigues me... Such a confident girl! I wonder if having magic abilities helps her feel more capable? It's incredible to me she just, attempts to talk to Amane regularly. That she would be like heehee❤ I'll cheer for you~... She doesn't feel so uncertain about whether or not he'll be interested in her-?? Even though he's quiet and avoidant of attention. So fascinating... With the right tools at her disposable, perhaps Nene can do anything.
Hmm, I often like to envision her... getting in over her head, with the whole witch thing... Onene inflating her head a bit! The 'downside' to that gained confidence. It's easy to imagine that Nene wouldn't be above using magic to gain favor in the pursuit of love... If Nene would swallow a mermaid's scale out of desperation for a relationship... I think being a witch capable of spells would provide unfathomable temptations for her. Along with Amane being a challenge to court, I ah, feel like the situation is rife for Nene to create, schemes, plans, to bag him. With the confidence that she could definitely succeed... and that he would be none the wiser, about it. There could even be an angle of, feeling like she's doing him a favor by being forward, he's just so shy, I bet he's never had a girl like him before ❤ I'll take care of it all!!
Which is funny, because I think this is exactly the way Hanako thinks of his 'flirting' (sekuhara) in canon. This AU flips things around, but in a way that I enjoy. ^^ I like that Iro-sensei is capable of scrambling the main cast around, but still keeping things so interesting! Allowing me to witness the girlish version of simping and the wear down method lol...
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Now... Wizard Tsukasa-!!! The catalyst of the event!! The capable, full-fledged magic user... He's enchanting💜 In his nice white sweater, and untucked undershirt... Would love to see him put on that hat. Sigh
I love seeing a Tsukasa so capable. I like to think he's a prodigy, and no one on campus who uses magic could hold a candle to him. The great and powerful TsuTsu!! Bare with me for this flight of fancy, but in settings where the twins are in a 'normal' setting (going to school and all), I still like to factor in Amane's heart condition. I like to believe he was still born with it, though technology is advanced enough that he was able to be saved through surgeries at a young age. That being said, it leaves him with a weak constitution, still being the sickly twin. I like to think that Tsukasa's nature of fetching Amane gifts to his bedside persists, and he's by Amane's side constantly, helping with little things. For magic to exist in this world... I feel like, of course, Tsukasa would pursue it to be able to service Amane even better. It's in his nature... when granted power, access to grant wishes, he simply wants to use it for Amane. So, the reason he gets so good at it all is for Amane 💜 It's what sets him apart from others.
... haha, okay, personal delusions aside, I think Tsukasa exudes a sort of... pleasant serenity here. I like the music notes in his text, like he's humming or speaking melodically. Fun, playful boy... Someone who speaks with hearts❤ Similarly to Nene, I think being able to wield magic gives him a bit of a confidence 'boost', so he's less self-conscious than some younger versions of him (that feel clumsy or like a burden...) Comfortable with his position in life currently. He's by Amane's side, after all! Hum humm, might as well have fun then, ne? There's no harm in it~
Argh, you know, it's an AU where things are atypical/shuffled around, so I think Tsukasa looming over Nene and taunting her is closer to something 'unusual' and unexpected (he's not purposefully ominous in canon ww) ... but like, it's sexy to see here, heurr. I feel a little messed with, when I have to consider TsuNene like this... It's as if I'm being baited lol. But I LIKE IT so oh well. As much as I think about Nene getting up to shennanigans behind Amane's back, I like to think of her having to deal with Tsukasa, who can observe and thwart her with ease. He doesn't do it mean spiritedly or anything, but I feel like sometimes he is watching her like...~ It would be fun to meddle. Just a tiny bit... <3 Able to give Nene a run for her money. The fact that Amane likes her is interesting to him <3 and maybe there's a little bit of flirting on Tsukasa's end too... <3 Ahee...
The fact that Tsukasa is able to intercept Aoi and Nene's combined efforts to stop him, and, that Amane then interrupts — and Tsukasa just goes ohp, ok, Amane needs me! Bye! & drops everything... feels like it says so much about the ah, flow of 'power' here. Despite Amane being The Mundane and despite Tsukasa being OP magic user... Tsukasa still defers to Amane-!! Ugh it creates this visual in my mind, where Nene's POV is one where Tsukasa might as well be Amane's big pet tiger curled around him. Lounging, languid, but... intimidating...
I like this AU overall lol. It just makes me horny very effectively. At least I feel like I'm not alone, because fujoshi are distinctly distressed about this AU and the implications of. Amane like, sending a drone to get Tsukasa, with the? Head of the? Rabbit costume he is horny about now? It literally feels like he's just ordering Tsukasa to come help him out with this, problem. Like why are they about to have weird sex through this conduit. Yamete kudasai...
Nyways final note is, I think Amane can eventually tempted by poon, between the forces of Tsukasa and Nene both, and then he will start to metamorphasize into a nastier guy, thinking about suck fuck fuck fuck suck suck & fuck. Which is good for him. He will be healed.
📞Kamome Valentine Company💘
This AU came out of nowhere and really sucker-punched us for Valentine's day... One swift sock to the gut. I barely survived February because of this all. My god. Where to even start.
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At first glance from the twitter icon, you don't get much of an impression of this Amane. I was mostly surprised to see that he had angel wings, as so far, it's usually been the inverse (other illusts having Amane be a devil while Tsu is holy aligned...) However, once the event started rolling out proper, I felt my gut sink as we got a better look at this guy. Promising that he can polish your love and make it shine... That lidded gaze, the look of an Amane that is trying to WORK YOU OVER... I could not BEGIN to trust this creep, ueeuahhh!! Makes my skin crawl. He actually is a devil. (Avvy's proposed he might actually be identical Tsukasa, and it's just an illusion he has going on... good possibilities.)
Alright but what's this looooook??? The metal... collar? The corset-!? The boots, the one glove... All this fetish gear, why are you looking like this! Running this shop with your brother! Ackkk! Oh and of course, to top it all off, you and Tsukasa both have matching jewelry, as some, expression of your commitment to one another… While you endlessly make bets and squabble for fun, in this warehouse full of jewels... It's really yabai that they have some sort of, hearts in cages, while their power itself is the ability to make love into jewelry. Their hearts look different from what's present in the cages, so I feel like whatever extraction process was done was different...
It's extrapolating a lot, but eh while I'm here, I might as well say — I like to think of the twins as having once been human. Some... dirty raggamuffin orphan boys... And one day, they effectively tapped into a kind of magic, some sort of dark ritual, etc. that effectively cursed them into their current forms... It was an act of commitment, equivalent to canon's shinjuu, and they've been bound eternally since. The end product is they've really become cursed beings who cannot, think or love properly. Avvy's described them as having a sort of emptiness to them, and I agree. It feels like they're locked in their obsession... Ermm, and much like how, it feels like the canon circumstance is one where, the twins can't help but want to reenact the shinjuu — Amane just wants to kill Tsukasa / Tsukasa just wants to be killed by Amane — again and again... I feel like once the twins get on a tear, they're kind of endlessly looping their desires, and they almost can't conceive of anything beyond what they are doing. Just slamming the button that says MORE. Do it AGAIN.
Obsessed with turning love into jewelry endlessly... obsessed with playing with each other... so it goes... sigh
(also I hate that he's likely evoking Eros... Ughh, god of sex and love, urghhhh... I'm gonna hurl... *has had a sona named Eros since I was 14* Whatever.)
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It is time to have much pity in my heart for this Nene... She's a VICTIM of this establishment... one of MANY. They have cages lining the walls of what they do to girls like her. So scary... Excessive! Diabolical!!
I do wish we had more time to spend with her. I hope somehow she makes her way back here, through some thread of fate... I don't want to believe she'll be gone for too long... *worried for her* At least, she's technically unburdened from her last circumstance...
This is again not ah, the sort of look I personally would choose for her — too 'mature' feeling? A type of formal clothing I'm not especially into. That being said, I like the hair framing her face mostly emphasized as the rest is pulled back. (Still, not into the braid it's in...) She's pretty in some close ups... Not bad looking, just not my favorite look for her. This is a nicer hat than GH girlie tho. I'll kiss her still~ chu...
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Mmmh, once again, out of the three, I'm most bewitched by the Tsukasa of this set. First getting a glimpse of him in the header, brutal for me. Horns! Devil wings!! Pppuuushed back hair, white frilly top, shorts, baby blue socks... Girlie on the phone? *0 brains* call girl... *even less brains* Phone sex. Sex with this one. Sex between work. *stops having a stroke* anyways.
To me, pragmatically speaking, the idea of my unrequited love being destroyed and forgotten about is the most appealing. I trust Tsukasa's proposal more... well, I at least feel as though he's being more honest. Assuming that Tsukasa had a different path laid out for Nene, I would trust it more than what Amane did.
I kinda waffle back and forth on it though, because Avvy's brought up a good point, that perhaps both the twins functionally do the exact same thing — part of their game might just be about whose proposal wins? In that case, ugh, twins-!! I guess you shouldn't trust either of them lol. That might just be the reality of this world. =.=
Yk. Despite the twins having such an intertwined existence, and surely doing this sort of thing all the time... I like how Tsukasa, at the end of this all, is staring quietly with small mouth big eyes, as he feeds Amane. That's the sort of expression I often read as Tsukasa being... overwhelmed, or kind of subdued, his mouth practically disappears. It's like he's really focusing on Amane's mouth eating the chocolate. I must see. His hind brain is tingling, due to what Amane is...? Insinuating? With his comment? But it's Tsukasa, so I think he also can't fully grasp what is being said. I'll do something for you later? Okay, Amane. ⬅ It's aspects like this that really mess me up though. Because a world like this is like, urgh, ugh, ok, the twins are? Definitely fucking? Or inbound, about to fuck, maybe fucking all day, or like, on the precipice. Perfect 50/50 split, what is the reality. Fucking today for the first time on Valentine's day? Suck your fingers while you feed me c hocolate. Ahh... *you lose me in the mist*
🐈‍Bakeneko Ryokan♨️
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Our most recent cafe event to date, and honestly, what feels like the most luxurious one. It feels embarrassing to say (since it just came out) but this is my favorite AU of them all, currently-!!! It's far too decadent in every way... Just look at this map!! Eh, ahh! I wanna go here so badly! Ehhh! Everything feels luscious and beautiful...! It's crazy Aida-sensei made this... This feels so involved and over the top... Meanwhile, I'm enraptured by Iro-sensei's description of things, like how it feels to approach this place.
"The air outside is cool and fresh. A deep fog enshrouds this place… The only light you can see is coming from the Ryokan." (Translation by DBS Scans!)
I'm just like UGH, atmosphere!! Makes me want to immerse into this world so badly! Traveling up the mountain side, as the fog encloses around me... A light in the distance, my only hope... Again, I really admire the integration of ah, an entire narrative alongside the theme of, cafe, food establishment, being served by the characters, etc... Transported to another world while you come here to eat. And again there is an element of danger to your visit here. A place you won't likely be returning from... Will you get eaten, or will you get turned into a bakeneko yourself-!? Such a fun set up omg
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Hmm, another Amane that looks like a too-pleased maniac... why am I not surprised. :I It's so devious he is a nekomata amidst bakeneko... it's like ah, Amane is decidedly the more evil and dangerous version of this yokai — almost to make sure there's no misconstruing that you shouldn't trust him ww. I think it also conveys that he is perhaps more powerful than we can observe, hiding a slew of abilities... maybe even a more extravagant beast form, larger than his typical kitty cat body. No way to know... (typical for Amane though... he won't let us know...)
But much like his vampire self, being a naughty kitty really suits him. If there was anyone destined to be a shitty tom cat, it's just, Amane... He's just got that sort of nature, don't he. Patrolling his territory, pissing on your things. Rubbing his scent glands on you. Because you are his. Enjoying that silvervine... Meanwhile, the texture of his hair and ears make me feel like he must be a very scruffy feeling black kitty, if you saw him up close. Hmm, it's just a very compatible charisma... the Halloween cat swag once more.
Always fun when Amane is in yukata. :3 Get all silked out... and I like his black tabi socks, they are cool. They further obfuscate slivers of skin, making him feel very clothed, toe to tip. The cut in his high collar, so that his bell comes out, is very crazy looking. I'm into it. Also like the extra gold band and bell on the tail, and the teal ribbon with it... The red and white rope on his zori, and for the keys slipped in his yukata, are the same as Tsukasa's shimenawa obi he is wearing. A little something connecting them here. I have to assume the keys he's keeping are to Tsukasa's room directly. Ugh, lock you up. I get it I get it... *exhausted, threadbare*
As for this Amane's nature, it's kinda fascinating... because, I feel like having been Tsukasa's pet kitty means, he kind of, couldn't have the same sort of problems he typically does when they are human brothers... It's just? Hard to imagine that he struggles in quite the same way. Wasn't he living a simple life once, getting chin scratches... He would surely just purr and rub up against Tsukasa... and then, why would that change, after their escape from the circus? Just so easy to imagine the twins are very, pet pet rub rub, nuzzle purrrrr purr mrr... The way their life has gone, there's also no pressure of 'the future', in the sense of some impending career or pressure from parents. They are freed from such things. Maybe he still wouldn't be the best at uhh, verbally comforting you lol, but I think he would be openly affectionate. Oozing out, condescending sounding, but very much enamored. Kitty lurvvve...
Another thing: I've seen JP fans theorize that Amane chose to emulate his human form after Tsukasa's, which I totally love the thought of. He's so distressed in that shot of them running away... I like to think he was less capable with magicks once, so it took a lot to finally congeal his human form — so it comes to him in the moment of adrenaline, saving Tsukasa from the fire. But it's cute to choose to match... I want to think that's how it went. :3
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Mmm oooh I was soooooo looking forward to seeing more of this Nene, after the few glimpses of her from promotional art (and the original shikishi...) She seemed so, gormless, empty shiny gaze. Yet lovely and pleasant, happy kitty. I'm so happy the more we've seen of her. Her yukata is gorgeousss.... Love the petal-y frills at the end, the pink inner fabric, the long embellished sleeves and tassles! Light blue/green, pink, red! Yes yes yes!! Colors that totally suit her! Mmm she would be so nice to touch... I prefer how her hair is done up here btw, no braid, just tied up! I disprefer the tightness of a braid. A small bun like this is nicer to think about playing with, pulling loose. *Amane voice* I ah, also like that she has little bells in her hair, and they feel like they thread her design with the twins' ostentatious big bells... It's a nice touch. A little something.
She really lives up to her name... She really is Pretty-chan! Ackkh.... by the way, I'm still dying every day over the name PRETTY-CHAN!!! It's that thing, that rule almost, where Nene is considered beautiful when she is nonhuman... Becoming this fanciful, large breed of cat, long fluffy fur, and her seafoam green tipped tail!! It makes so much sense she was once a beloved house pet.
Though, true to form, a platonic guardian cannot mean much to the romance-focused Nene... Off into the mountains she goes! Searching for guys to fawn over her... Only to! Wind up with this shitty, scruffy mans harassing her! Such is her destiny...
I like that she does dances :) fun, I would love to watch. Shake that tail around for me, girl... Ahh. She's so fun. I guess I understand actually why Amane can't resist sekuhara... With such a nice girlie walking around, it really makes you want to nip her heels and chase her around lol
With the release of this story card, I've been kind of arrested though... Learning that even Pretty-chan is like, slobbering over the idea of eating a human... A-ah, okay, and Amane is stoking her? Playing along? Even though he's harboring his human brother-!? Whyyy... 😭 I do n't understand... What do you mean there's a world where Nene could desire to eat Tsukasa-!?!??Fg h gg./h. fhg... why is she also i nsan e... help... I still feel like I'm falling out of my body. I 've literally always wanted to explore Nene being 'crazy' but now that I have the chance it's like sits on my hands . This is too much. The potential here... I shudder violently thinking about it. I'm in a dream I can't escape...
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*biiig sigh* Glorious images of Tsukasa-chan in this AU... Much color and splendor... No shoes of any kind, because he's probably mostly indoors! The long decorative sleeves tucked away, because he's gotta be ready to scrub the floor. Little miss mittens. Nya. Even if you're not really a bakeneko, you've got all the charm of a kitty, don't you? Rolling around while your 'brother' dangles a cat tail above you...
I feel like this Tsukasa lives quite a fun life. Padding about, RPing as kitty, meeting nice girlies who talk to him and might find him novel and cute. Hiding in closets, getting dragged about by his tyrant master. Random naps, lazing in hot spring water, enjoying the food here... Considering where his life started — as some unwanted child performing labor for a circus... This is probably more than he could've ever dreamed of. Life is good and life is fun!
I have to assume the details of his disguise were by Amane. I feel like if it were up to Tsukasa, he'd just match identically with Amane... it's probably Amane who is like 'no, you're not a nekomata... and actually, you could never even become one, ever, you'd be some kinked tail little thing'. Fetishistic perception of Tsukasa. The fact that Tsukasa could complain about his ears and tail is like, so funny to me, it makes it feel like it really is mostly for Amane's sake... He's the one trying to keep you his tasty little secret, shhh. I have to assume it's also Amane who wanted the reciprocation of giving Tsukasa a collar, since he's earing the one from when he was Tsukasa's pet in the past. Ugh, I swear it just represents that they own one another, mutual feelings...
So much going on here... and I have to accept this is just another world where Tsukasa is some tasty morsel. There is a biological urge to consume him. Again. Because it just feels so good and he is so delicious. Thanks I guess, iro... *i am frowning*
!! Bonus section for AUs featured in stand alone illustrations !!
🐹Hamster Owners🐭
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Attached to one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE VOLUMES, is this baby. It's such a simple image, isn't it? But this is one of those things where I feel like, Ah. This was made for me, specifically... I love rodents... I love this style of little ferals, where they still have human heads — little sphinxes! Nene-chan hamster!! Tsukasa as some sort of little, mousey-wousy!! Incredible-!!!! The way Tsukasa is helplessly licking the outside of the water... he no understand. Ack... and then this young Amane!! 8 yo boy!! Peak boy!! In his shorts and with bandage booboos... clutching hamster cage bedding! Nrghhh! Pet owner Amane... yes, he's the 'owner' in the situation, and they're the pets. Ra urhghg!!! It's all so 'simple' but it's for me to adore!! It looks amazing!!!! It's feeding me endlessly, as a standalone image... (I've drawn too much porn of this AU... LOL)
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Haha, these feel like some random sketches Aida-sense did one day, just for fun. Maybe without much of a 'world' behind them... but they still give me pause! The Yugi's fancy rich lad quality coming out... Perhaps they are home schooled. While Nene is a servant to their household-!! God it's a good age gap here, she is very onee-san. The despicable charm of Amane splitting a donut with Nene and going shh, secret... Maybe it's unprofessional and not the sort of thing your parents would like, maybe you'd get in trouble for interrupting her from sweeping. But must do it still... Hehe. And Nene of course is like, oooh, okayyy~ Going along with...
Unforch at these ages, it's too easy to imagine Nene being like lol, handsome lil guy lol, teeheee, maybe he has a lil crush on me, so cute. Far too seamlessly going to make jokes like, ahh, well mayb e when you're older❤... Ohh, Amane-kun, how charming... I'll wait for you❤... (A particle of Nene's brain: but it would be nice if he grew up all handsome and I got to go from being a maid to a mistress of the house... swag...) All of this will get out of hand quickly. It's like a, give a mouse a cookie problem, you fuel this crush/concept, you will make Amane sick and entitled. He will like incel rage about it almost. I don't want to wait over a decade... I want my slaw
I'm tunnel vision ofc, would love to see Tsukasa tugging on Nene's dress as well. He's here too, he will have a crush too. Onene-san should have a lot on her plate.
❄️Kamome Skating School⛸
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Splendid... incredible... marvelous... This image blessed my crops, as they say. In one fell swoop, it introduced me so many things. Simply, a world where the twins are alive, and together, and we're watching them about to skate together? (It's usually more ambiguous, where they overlap...) B-bandaged boy-!? Bandaged Amane-?!? Even just aesthetically, that's crazy, he's such a specific boy that is featured in highly specific contexts... but wait, so is living Tsukasa! He's really a rare sight! Double rarity! And then Tsukasa is, looking, amazing, with skates on his hands, I want to see him SKATE LIKE THIS!! I think he could do it.
And then, you just have Amane dazzled by this increble Nene... The super capable Nene, look at her! Amazing!! Show stopping! I'd love for her to be super good at skating, distinctly... Ah, again, a Nene confident enough to show her bare legs ;; I love when this is the case... Rare girlies... Ugh and I'm like, actually very attracted to figure skating and the kind of attire that goes with it, so I feel very very very very serviced. We really just barrelled into this AU and RP'd it excessively the month we got this illust... good times✨
🎶Idol Cup🎤
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Much delight had here. To reiterate, I'm a simple idol otaku. I mostly like female idols but I'm into the general concept enough to be allured by the twins as a duo. They look amazing ww, it feels like Amane stans Tsukasa so hard here...
In the past, I was mostly keyed in on Tsukasa being mic'd up, but I realize Amane is as well, and they must be singing together. Duets... that's almost too much for me. I like to think the twins have 'the same voice' in reality, like how they work in the anime, just for ah. Some sort of eerie, unusual element to them. I wonder how much that would make their singing fascinating to hear... Would they blend seamlessly? The same voice, twice, harmonizing, echoing... IMO the twins are very talented and good at dancing/singing, but they can't win #1 because they are too creepy and incest vibes. It's like hmm it almost feels too scandalous, trashy. If only you two would gyrate less... but the women in the crowd ARE screaming.
Meanwhile: Nene back there makes me wanna cry, little cupcake. Littel cake topper wife. Help-!! !!! I want to talk to her backstage and invite her into our room lol, like come to our studio. Let me watch you sing and harmonize with Tsukasa... Really, I'd love to abduct her for a 3way routine, let's all have matching black and purple 'fits. And then I'll fuck you after the show just like I do my brother. Yaaaaaaa the crowd is going wild back there... Mmmm doesn't it just feel so good.
OK that's all I got in me. Enjoy
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carmillas-girlfriend · 6 months
Thank you for playing my silly little ask game!!!
I really hope my Olu Thoughts measure up because you're Oluwande Expert. 🥺
OKAY SO haha. I talked a little bit about how I got into OFMD on my Jim post (spoiler alert: it was for Jim). But I REMEMBER sitting at my best friend's house talking about TV shows and we were talking about that gay pirate show we had both just watched at some point in the past. And she was going "oh yeah, did you hear they made a second season?" And I said "whhaaaat??". My first watch through of OFMD did not make me sick in the head. I was very normal and casual about it after just watching s1. So I started to attempt to recall what OFMD was even about. I could not remember Stedes name. I could not remember Ed's name. I could not remember Izzys name or the majority of the plot. But I was like "oh yeah! And that couple! Jim and Oluwande!" NEVER SAY IM NOT A TEALORANGES GIRLIE. (I also remembered Frenchies name. Probably because I find Joel Fry dishy.)
ABOUT OLUWANDE ACTUALLY: I personally don't know why we decided after Ed and Stede ran off to do their Inn Thing that Frenchie would be Captain? (This is nothing against our favorite peanut allergy having hottie.) It's just that during the Izzy Mutiny, the crew got together and decided that Oluwande would be the perfect leader??? I would mostly understand Zheng actually captaining the Revenge, but if she didn't want to for whatever reason, it just feels like it SHOULD go to Oluwande. ANYWAY.
Again and again Oluwande shows that he's not just a capable leader and good crew mate, but he's also a helpful guy who's kind and soft and funny. He cares deeply for Jim and wants them to be fed and comfortable often in s1. (I also talk more about TealOranges in my Jim post but just know I love them and we were robbed of Jim and Olu kissing while Jim was still in the beard and nose. That would have been so delicious.)
Someone posted on here somewhere at some point that they aren't as invested in Olu/Zheng because there was more telling than showing and I'm so sorry guys but I totally agree. I have nothing against Olu/Zheng (and I'm a closed quad Garlic Soup Truther) but nothing hits like TealOranges!!!!
I love that Olu is such a good friend to Stede over and over again! Especially when Ed fucked off the boat to go sit on an island with Calico Jack overnight and Olu wasn't allowed to go back into Frenchie and Wee John's room (because the sitting nook is for SITTING, Olu, COME ON) and so he goes to sleep on Stedes couch while Stede spies on Jack and Ed all night. Stede talked ALL NIGHT and Olu could have gotten up and found somewhere else to sleep but he still laid on the couch and gave Stede some fucking moral support during the break up.
Hey does anyone else kind of low key ship Frenchie and Olu hahahahaha....unless
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saerins · 6 months
I just read the new chapter and IM SCREAMING AKLDASKFLAFLASKFJDKASLDKASFL SIMP SAE SAVE ME SIMP SAE. Tbh, I was very nervous about the upcoming update because of yn and bianca potential meeting. It already hurts me to see yn's evil bitch mother abused her. I can't handle a cat fight next. But i guess you will save it for another day and I hope yn will stand her ground against Bianace. miss girl sounds clingy and slightly delusional and she is already keeping an eye on our mc. BACK UP, BIANCA, BACK UP. Can you imagine what Bianca will think when she finds out Sae brought a girl he just met not long ago home? Has he ever done that to her? I have the feelings he did but only because she asked him? Idk, the relationship between Bianca and Sae is tortoise step while he and yn has already almost done the equivalent of moon landing ALDKLASKDL;DKA;. Also, Eita... okay, it's funny how his extra chapters almost made me fall for him but this chapter gave me a 180 attitude change. Yk what? You deserve to be friendzoned. Keep suffering in silence or whatever. Bastard didn't even have the guts to apologize.
Anyway, I hope you are well today. Take your time to pump out another quality chapter. I look forward to it.
hehehe bianca and yn aren’t going to meet yet >:) they have to, eventually, since bianca is still someone sae considers important to him. heh and yeah considering bianca’s personality and abandonment issues she can’t help but to keep tabs now on yn which is funny because yn really wants to do the same since she’s so curious about bianca & sae’s friendship but she’s trying so hard not to :���)
what bianca already knows is mainly that he went on a date with someone, and he didn’t even say who you were so everything’s entirely just her suspicions for now haha but you’ll see how she comes to find out about everything, his feelings etc ;) and as for bringing bianca to his place—he’s never done that. haha even when she asked. she honestly just wanted to see what his place looked like and all he said was he’ll send her pictures 😭 sae’s house is like a sacred place for himself lmao he’s not willing to just let anyone come over + there’s those privacy issues. and yeah in comparison to bianca/sae, yn/sae is moving sooo fast actually lmao bianca would be appalled finding that out.
as for eita hahahahaha yeah you guys see why he’s the second ml now 😭 he just wasn’t mature enough at the time to handle it normally and unfortunately said those things :/ yn hurt him intentionally, yeah, which she shouldn’t have, but he knew exactly what to say to drive her over the edge and did just that and she was so hurt back then </3
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fanficwhore1993 · 2 years
Billy Cranston x Skull (Eugene Skullovitch)
Part 2
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fanfic
I honestly forgot to write a part 2 but then I randomly remembered and decided to do it. I honestly would say I would wanna take this in a more “heartstopper” type direction and keep it more PG but idk I might change my mind. I’m also sorry if there are any grammatical errors.I also changed it to dialogue format cuz it so much more easier😩.
CW:light hearted, one of the characters hyperventilates. Mentions of toxic friend
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It’s finally Saturday. It’s the day that skull gets to hang out with anyone but bulk and his other mean friends. Since that day when Billy saved him from the putties, he has slowly been starting to avoid bulk and flaking on the plans with him. And even though he has no other friends and was not even able to hang with Billy throughout the week since the only talk they got was them confirming this day's plans, he was alone. And somehow he still felt good. He spent the past few days sitting at home, listening to music and gluing studs onto his pleather jacket. He didn’t go out much but it gave him time to think to himself and feel comfortable for once. But now it’s time to finally hang with Billy at the mall.
Skull spots Billy as he is walking up to the angel grove mall. Billy is sitting on a bench reading a book. Skull decides that this is the perfect opportunity to jump-scare Billy. He slowly tiptoes up to the back of the bench and then jumps out behind him while screaming.
Skull: “RAAAHHH”
Billy: “AAAAHH”
Billy screams as he jumps up from the bench, dropping the book.
Skull: “Hahahahaha”
Billy(annoyed): “It's NOT FUNNY!”
Skull continues to laugh.
Billy soon joins in and starts laughing too.
Skull picks up the book off the ground, it seems that Billy was reading a science fiction novel about two best friends exploring alien planets together. Skull walks up to Billy.
Skull(while handing Billy the book): “You should’ve seen the look on your face HAHAHA it was so stupid and funny!”
Skull: “Haha you can’t deny I scared you good though.”
Billy: “Ok fine! You did!”
Skull: “You look so cute when you’re annoyed.”
Billy: “What?”
Skull realizes what he just said and decides to play it off like he didn’t say anything.
Skull says, acting as if nothing happened: “SO! THIS ARCADE YOU HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT, where is it?”
Billy pauses and then says: “It’s inside.”
They both walk into the mall. And they see a map of the mall near the fountain. They head up to the 2nd floor of the mall on an escalator. They reach and start walking.
Billy: “So, where have you been the past few days? I think I barely saw you and you only showed up yesterday to classes or at school at all.”
Skull: “Well I decided to take a break from school for a few days because I wanted to clear my head and just relax a little. That day I got attacked by putties kinda freaked me a little so I just needed rest and time off.”
Billy: “Well that’s nice. Rest is really important, especially after going through something like this.”
Skull: “oh and I also glued studs onto this jacket I’m wearing.”
Billy: “wow that’s so cool. I won’t say that I want to dress more punk but I do admire the fashion-forwardness of it.”
As they keep walking they see neon lights in the distance.
Skull: “hey I think that’s the arcade!”
Billy: “oh yes”
Skull grabs Billy’s hand and runs toward the arcade with him.
Billy: skull! Oh my god!!!
They both reach the arcade, out of breath, but ready to play games.
They both play Pac-Man and then skee ball together.
They then have a vs fight in Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. And then played some racing games together.
They walk out of the arcade laughing and having a friendly debate about which is better, Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.
Skull: “I’m telling you! Mortal Kombat is so much more better and fun than Street Fighter.”
Billy: “Nope Street Fighter has better backstories for the characters and the moves are cool too. And the art style definitely has more thought out into it than Mortal Kombat.”
Skull: “Sure, but Mortal Kombat has BLOODSHED!”
Billy: “Well, Street Fighter has Ryu and Ken…
Skull: “well can rYu aNd kEn rip each other’s spines and hearts out?”
Billy sighs and admits defeat.
Billy: “Fine! You do raise a cool point.
Skull: “haha come on, I’m hungry.”
Skull grabs Billy’s hands again and starts running toward the food court. While running Billy says.
Skull: “HAHA NOPE!”
They both run near the food court and as they are walking in Skull spots Bulk. Skull quickly runs out with Billy and stands in a corner.
Billy: “What happened?”
Skull: “Bulk is in there, I have been avoiding him for the past few days and if he spots me here with you he might just kill me!”
Skull starts hyperventilating. Billy tries to calm him down.
Billy: “Hey hey, it’s ok. We don’t have to see him. There is an ice cream place down the street maybe we can go there?”
Skull slowly starts to slow down, and starts breathing normally again.
Skull: “yea we can do that”
Billy nods in reassurance.
They both head out of the mall and go to an ice cream place.
Billy gets a double scoop with blueberry and strawberry.
Skull also gets a double scoop but with Oreo and butter scotch.
They both go to the nearest park and walk around talking to each other.
Billy: “So you haven’t met Bulk the past few days?”
Skull: “yea, I have been trying my best to avoid him. There were times when he would spot me and I would act like I didn’t hear him and just walk away. And the times he did get a hold of me, I would just make an excuse and leave.”
Billy: “so you’re just going to ghost him out of your friendship?”
Skull: “I guess so. Bulk is the kinda guy that thinks with his fists. So even if I do tell him how I feel, he won’t care and probably beat me up.”
Billy: “Wow, seems like bulk is a really shitty person.”
Skull: “What did you say?”
Billy: “what?”
Skull chuckles for a moment and then starts laughing.
Skull: “HAHAHAHA, I have just never heard you swear before HAHA!”
Skull continues to laugh.
Billy(while pushing skull in a friendly way): “IT’S NOT FUNNY!”
Skull continues to laugh as they walk out of the park.
They continue to walk and talk to each other. Talking about comic books until they reach a beach. It’s almost dark and no one is at the beach.
They walk near the shore.
Skull: “Hey today was a lot of fun. Thank you for inviting me to hang with you.”
Billy: “don’t mention it. I had a lot of fun too and I’m glad you were here with me.”
Skull: “you know this is the happiest I have felt in a long time. It feels like shit when you’re just this mean person and have friends like bulk who aren’t all that nice to you either. And since I’m a bully no one really talks to me. But you at least tolerated me HAHA! And I’m glad to get to know you a little.”
Billy: “I’m glad you feel that way. And I’m also glad to get to know you a little. Makes me see you as a better person.”
Skull: “wait.”
Skull grabs Billy’s arm. He looks into his eyes and then puts his hand on Billy’s cheek. Skull closes his eyes and softly kisses Billy. Skull pulls away gently with a little bit of fear in his eyes, wondering if he made a mistake. Billy then puts his hand on Skull's cheek and pulls him into a tender kiss. Skull's fears go away. A wave rushes onto their feet but they don’t care as they kiss each other. Billy pulls away. They both smile and start laughing gently while blushing.
Skull: “Billy, I like you, and I know that we only talked for like 2 days but since that day you saved me from the putties, I haven’t stopped thinking about you. You made me feel something that none of my current friends could make me feel. And that was comfort. You made me feel comfortable to be around you. And you don’t have to say yes or anything-“
Billy: “I like you too.”
Skull gets an excited smile and picks up Billy off the ground and spins around. He puts Billy down and gives Billy a peck.
Billy: “How about you meet my friends? I know that saying how you feel to bulk might feel scary but maybe if you have nicer people around you will get more courage.”
Skull: “I don’t think your friends like me though.”
Billy: “I’ll convince them, plus they only know you as a mean person, they haven’t seen the more nice and more caring side of you yet.”
Skull: “Are you sure?”
Billy nods.
Skull thinks for a second.
Skull: “Ok then. But can we hang after school hours? I’m still not sure if I can be spotted with you and your friends at the moment. It’s not that I’m ashamed or something I just-“
Billy puts a finger on Skull's lips and tells him to hush
Billy: “I understand.”
Skull smiles.
They both walk home together.
Skull was blushing the whole time.
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Here’s the fic from the poll results~
Sara x Kokomi ^^
I know it’s kinda short, but I tried man😭
Anyway, enjoy<33
The priestess smiles up at the member of the Kujou Clan, “hello, I’m happy you could make it.”
Kujou Sara stands awkwardly beside the blanket that Kokomi is sitting on, “of course, why wouldn’t I?”
“Well…it’s a shorter voyage to Asase Shrine from Watatsumi than it is from Narukami.”
“It was nothing, really…”
“Here,” Kokomi pats the spot on the blanket beside her, “have a seat. I brought snacks.”
“Ah…wait- you did?”
Sara sits down beside Kokomi as the priestess smiles and nods at her.
Kokomi pulls out her signature dish from a neat, purple box. Each snack was perfectly wrapped with a flawless, thin egg sheet. It was filled with flavorful and smooth sushi; the egg sheet added a beautiful crunchy element to it, as well as being a functioning vessel. Sara’s head tilts, seeing the snacks as they are revealed.
“You,” Sara said, “didn’t tell me that this was going to be a picnic.”
“Hehe, that’s true. If I did, you’d bring a whole buffet. I wanted you to come here relaxed, after all.”
“Hmph. What a stunning stratagem.”
Kokomi winks, giggling, “aha~ I see what you did there, clever.”
Sara smiles shyly, “thank you.”
“Ah, what’s wrong? Do you think we’re being watched?”
“No, it’s just…”
Kokomi waits patiently, looking at Sara with compassion and understanding.
“I don’t know, ever since the Vision Hunt Decree was appealed, people have been…attacking me for my role in it.”
“Oh…that’s only natural. Those people were oppressed, after all.”
“Well, yes, but I was simply serving the Almighty Shogun.”
“Precisely, so their criticism of you is exaggerated and untrue. You had no personal motive, just loyalty. You’re a wonderful warrior, Sara.”
“Hmm…thank you.”
Kokomi smiles, “it’s only the truth.”
Sara sighs, “possibly…”
A passing black cat comes by and snuggles next to Sara.
The tengu warrior’s eyes flash with a lightning of alertness before dissipating, “ah…I almost forgot we are guests here. You somehow manage to make every place feel like home, Kokomi.”
Kokomi giggles, “hehe, not every new place is hostile, Sara.”
Sara sighs, “I know…I’m working on it.”
“And you’re doing a fine job.”
“Thank you-”
The black cat snuggles into Sara’s lap, it nuzzles against her thighs and Sara giggles slightly.
Kokomi smiles, amused and surprised, “thinking of something funny?”
“Ah…hahaha, yes you can say that…hahahaha.”
“Care to share?”
“Ah- hahahahaha, maybe,” the black cat purrs and starts to make biscuits where Sara’s thigh meets her hip and the warrior starts to laugh a bit more.
Kokomi smirks slightly, “I think I can make an inference as to what’s so funny, hm?”
Sara shakes her head, still laughing as she covers her own mouth with her hand.
“I think,” Kokomi teases, “the great tengu warrior has ticklish thighs, hehe.”
“What makes you say that-? Hahahahaha!”
“Oh nothing~ just a hunch. But why don’t we see if my hunch can turn into a definite conclusion.”
Kokomi cracks open one of the snacks she brought, revealing the fish inside. The delicious scent of it brings more of the shrine’s cats to the scene.
Kokomi sprinkles a bit of the fish on Sara’s thighs with a smile, “if you won’t eat these, maybe they will, Sara.”
The cats start to lick and nibble at the fish on and around Sara’s thighs. Sara’s laughter became increasingly louder and lively, and her legs were shaking as she tried not to startle the cats by suddenly scrambling away.
The cats meowed and continued nibbling and licking at the fish, making Sara giggle like crazy as Kokomi pulled out a Kamera.
“Don’t you dare-” Sara’s eyes widened at Kokomi, but Sara’s smile only widened at the idea.
Kokomi looks at the picture, shaking it so it sets in, “aw, you’re so lovely in this picture~!”
Sara sees herself, her legs completely covered by cats as she blushes and laughs uncontrollably.
Sara suddenly smirks, “your turn~!”
Kokomi tilts her head, “hm-?”
Sara suddenly tackles Kokomi, leaning over her body on the blanket.
Kokomi gasps, “ah-! A brash maneuver!”
“Hehe, you know those are my specialty.”
The cats meow, closing in on the two as Sara gently massages the priestess’s sides. The air fills with Kokomi’s soft laughter, until Kokomi lets out the smallest little chortle and Sara smirks.
“Ah,” the tengu warrior said, “that’s new~”
Kokomi continues giggling, as the cats nudge at Sara, wanting her to lay back down with them.
Sara sighs with a smile, laying down next to Kokomi, as the cats snuggle into the both of them.
Kokomi turns her head to look at Sara as Sara does the same. The two hold hands.
“I’m really happy you’re here,” said the priestess.
“Me too.”
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megumar · 2 years
i translated はっはー's TR/ID and NL/ID comics out of sheer force of curiosity
the translations might not be 100% correct (i used google translate) and i didn't translate some of the tiny texts, sorry about that 🙏
"Sadik's special made chocolates and Nesia's favorite very sweet chocolates"
TR : Don't you get tired of being stuck in meetings? That's why, I sometimes make sweets and bring them over.
ID : Thank you very much...
ID : *eats* I-It's delicious.
TR : I'm confident with sweets from my house!
ID : *whispers* I want everyone at SEA to eat this too...
TR : !
TR : I'll bring a lot next time! Would you like to make it together~? *strokes Nesia's hair*
ID : wai-- augh...
TR : Shall we go out to eat after work?
ID : Sure.
TR : Even though the food is mainly desserts.
ID : Yes.
TR : i'm hoping to find something good.
ID : yes.
TR : You don't want it...?
ID : Ah, no... It's not like that, um...
TR : *thinking* Oh, this is...
ID : I'd love it! Very!! I'm thinking of eating something sweet...
ID : I'd love to go eat! I'm looking forward to it!
TR : Hahaha! I get it, I get it. *pats Nesia's back*
TR : Then, we should finish this quickly!
ID : ... Alright.
ID : What is it?
TR : Hm?
ID : You keep staring at me, makes me hard to eat...
TR : Weeell~~ You have something over here. *pokes his own right cheek*
TR : You seem lost in thought while eating to the point that you don't even notice it.
ID : *blushes* Huh? Has it... always...?
ID : T-That's... more and more...
TR : Hmm~?
ID : Ah... This is kind of embarrassing...
TR : Now, now~ Never mind that and eat more!
TR : *pets Nesia's head* Indonesia is really a...
ID : U-Um...
TR : S-SE--!? Oi! It was Egypt who said that, right!!
TR : Ah, that's not it...
TR : Could it be that you didn't like it?
TR : If so, I don't mind if you tell me honestly.
TR : I won't do it again.
TR : No, really, I'm sorry...
ID : ...
TR : E-Err, this is just embarrassing...
ID : I didn't... hate it...
TR : O-Oh, I see...
ID : Yes.
TR : *internally* T-This is-- (sekuhara to what extent, exactly...?)
TR : As long as it's okay-!
TR : Should I hug? Or not!?
TR : *still thinking* Will it be too chummy?? *flails*
(He's overthinks too much that he ended up not knowing how to communicate)
ID : Pfft-- Hahahahaha!
ID : Even though Mr. Turkey is wearing a mask, your emotions are leaking.
ID : you can't even say hello properly like that, can you?
ID : Mr. Turkey may hate it, but I like that kind of thing.
ID : I think it's cute. *chuckles*
TR : *internally* HAH? Leaking?? Like??? CUTE????
ID : I'm sorry. Am I being too rude?
TR : ... No, it's--
TR : ... Thanks.
TR : I'm so uncool, huh... (how miserable...)
EG : *thinking* Funny. (and stupid.)
ID : Eh, don't say that...!
6/10 (this is the one that confuses me the most because of Ned’s dialect, please correct me if i’m wrong ;; )
ID : Do you still have something you want from me?
NL : If I do something like that now, the surroundings will be silent.
NL : You do it first.
ID : *slides away* ...
NL : Don't say you don't want it.
NL : Let's get along. (how overt)
ID : If you want to get along, then do something about it.
NL : Ha?
ID : There! There it is! You, and... A GHOST!!
NL : AAH? There's no way I can do it!
NL : Come on, me or the ghost, which one do you hate...? Answer clearly!
ID : BOTH!! (i don't want to get along!)
NL : Let me take a ride.
ID : I'm not a taxi.
NL : I know, I'm not paying you.
ID : That's not the case, I mean, how did you know it was me?
ID : i'm wearing a full face in this crowd.
NL : I can not lose sight of you. *sparkles*
ID : Eh... *blushes*
ID : *trembling* Whoa... Please pardon me for not picking you up today. (vigilance MAX)
NL : Please, I beg you.
NL : What is this? *frowns*
ID : Mr. Turkey gave them to me. Aren't they beautiful~?
NL : Ooh...
ID : *opens door* Wel... COME!?
NL : *hands a bouquet of tulips* Accept this.
ID : HA!?
ID : this house is already full of tulips!
NL : there is still space...
ID : it's enough!!
ID : WHY ARE YOU IN THE SAME BED...!? (unbelieveable...)
NL : Shut up.
NL : Because you're scared of being alone in the dark.
ID : Ha!?
ID : Just as expected. I'm not a child who can't sleep alone at night.
NL : Of course... Otherwise I'll be in trouble... *smooches Nesia's forehead*
ID : *blushes* What the hell...? (we're not in a relationship anymore...)
ID : *thinking* Don't blame me...
ID : *still thinking* He fell asleep...
ID : *internally, while he's hugging Ned* HAH!! Oops, a force of habit...!
ID : I have to leave while he's sleeping...
NL : *suddenly wakes up* Oh, how passionate.
ID : *blushes and sweats* A-AH... T-This is...!
NL : No it's not.
ID : ... Yes it is...
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