#it'll just be. jess on jess communication
daydadahlias · 5 months
scale of 1-10 how much fun do you have when you send asks to yourself
a lot more fun than this ask
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hinaypod · 6 months
A Hi Nay Podcast Year - 2023
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At the beginning of 2023, I got a planner that said it'll be a "Great" Year. I had to cover it up - because the last time I had a planner claiming the year would be great... it was 2020. So I covered it with one of our stickers, making it read "It'll Be A Hi Nay Podcast Year". And it was!
Here were some Highlights for what was an absolutely jam-packed HI NAY YEAR!
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The Hi Nay Fundraiser
Though we didn't get to our full goal, we did get to our initial goal to keep the show going! We also got absolutely unbelievable support that we still don't know if we deserve, but we're grateful for nonetheless. Because of this fundraiser, we were able to provide honoraria to our performers and editors, as well as get to work on Act 3 of Hi Nay, which has grown much bigger than anticipated. Special thanks to Jesse Goodsell and Malaya, our top donors!
We also wanna thank our amazing P atreon supporters, who ensure we keep this show going until its planned ending!
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We were able to chat with so many amazing people this year! Here's some of the shows that had Motzie on to chat about Hi Nay, horror, Filipino stories, and podcasting.
Radio Drama Revival
IndieAF Special: International Women’s Day
Ep. 387 - Motzie Dapul — Spooked!
The Skull Sessions - Hi Nay (Hello From The Hallowoods)
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Because of the wonderful people over at the Canadian Podcast Awards, we were able to briefly table at TORONTO COMICON and FAN EXPO, and were able to have our very first live show at Fan Expo, all without paying a dime! Huge shoutout to the Canadian Podcast Awards for giving us indies the opportunity to do something so amazing!
The Podcast Awards!
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We got nominated in two categories: Fiction and Best Asian Hosted, and it was amazing! Fiction was tough since there were so many amazing titles, but in Best Asian Hosted we were just happy to lose to one of our favourite people in the audio/video medium - Sapphire Sandalo.
How is this list not done yet OH RIGHT
The Rusty Quill Network!
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It was truly life-changing to join RQ, given that the Magnus Archives is the reason Hi Nay exists, though we like to think our story has formed its own unique identity beyond our inspiration. Still, we're genuinely grateful and excited to do more with RQ and the other absolutely amazing shows in the network in 2024! Even before this, Motzie got to interview the Rusty Quill folks for Storytelling Podcast Week and befriended the wonderful Helen Gould. And most recently, the fantastic Alasdair Stuart agreed to voice one of our most beloved new characters - Detective Dooley - for our Pride Episode. Alasdair is a gem, and we're happy and grateful to have him on.
There's so much more to cover and we can't put it all in one post, but we'd like to reiterate:
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! We truly want Hi Nay to grow as a podcast without losing what makes it special, and it's all thanks to you listeners that we're able to do that.
Before we go, we'd like to mention the following:
CareForGaza is a non-profit charity in aid of helping the needy families of Palestine. If you're able to help them and their cause, it would make a huge difference! Gaza eSims is a campaign to help people in Gaza to get connected to family as well as facilitate important communication for medical aid, etc. Since Tumblr hides posts with l inks, you can google them and find more information.
And as always - thank you, we love you, and Manigong Bagong Taon. Happy 2024 everyone.
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cowboylikedean · 8 months
i can’t remember if it was you or your friend septembersghost who a while ago made a post about haylor and said taylor was harry’s jake? because she wrecked him so much and it seemed he fell harder but the vault tracks are contradicting this and basically saying taylor was the one who was down bad. the more she gave, the more he wanted her less and faded till she left // he didn’t say he loved her back// lead her on // twisted the knife. what do you think? in taylor’s pov he sounds so emotionally detached/unavailable and it’s completely different from the harry in the songs we think are about taylor. this makes it look like taylor was the only one who was obsessed with him while he didn’t care and i don’t like that tbh
oh god, you know... I wish she was still here on tumblr cause it was Jess who said that and I think she could provide some really beautiful words here that would be as vibrant as this story...
but the heartbreaking thing about it is that the differences in the perspectives is just what makes it tragic. in taylor's songs, harry comes off as detached and unavailable, but in his songs, he also acknowledges it. the first song he released about it after four/1989 was literally perfect, where he sings about how he can't be something real for her, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be someone. So like he was aloof and out of touch too
but like the thing is... their story isn't one where one of them was more into it than the other, it's one where they were both incompetent at being together, dealing with the shit, and communicating at the same time.
slut! tells the story of her deciding that if people and the media are going to be annoying, it'll be worth it for him. ootw tells her deciding that's too much. in question, she expresses frustration that he didn't stop her after she left, which we hear in say don't go. then in now that we don't talk, we hear her say that she tried so hard and she said she loved him and he didn't say it back. he admits this in i love you when he says he loves her more than she thinks he does and now that he is ready to say it, she doesn't want him.
like they both kept things close to their chest. she's talking about trying to see the cards he won't show, and he says the same thing. in ftdt, he says that she won't ever say what she means. in style, she says that when they discussed them sleeping with other people, she brushes it off and says "yeah, i've been there too a few times" and in is it over now, she's furious about it.
taylor was harry's jake in that she was the first person he really truly loved. but they were both infuriatingly cryptic when it counted and open when they were apart. it's tragic and heartbreaking and a little much, but you know.... that's them.
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saltygilmores · 9 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls: Season 2, Episode 21, Lorelai's Graduation Day, Part 6
I may be something of a rank amateur as far as how many times I've watched Gilmore Girls (2 times through seasons 1-7, currently in the middle of my 2nd run of seasons 1-4 only) while some people have seen it dozens of times (how do you do it, I'm in awe of you, I love this show but it drains my life force). I may be a walking encylopedia of stupid knowledge about Luke and Jess (like how Luke actually serves Folgers coffee and Apartment Jess in season 4 has a Recycling On Tuesday sticky note on his fridge) but I've had to look up basic-bitch things about Rory and Lorelai like why there is so much bootleg merchandise that says "Copper Boom". My point is that with every viewing, I learn a lot. Right now I'm learning that my memory is a shady bitch. She's been tricking me into thinking many of the episodes I remembered as hunky dory "Comfort episodes" from beginning to end were not. The reality is this: the beginning of many episodes are innocent enough, the "favorite/comfort" is actually just some small portion in the middle, and the last 10-15 minutes are a shit tornado of epic proportions and almost without exception due to Lorelai and/or Dean’s fuckery (example: There's the Rub). MY POINT IS, I do have a vague memory of how this episode ends and I anticipate that while it won't be the worst Last 15 Minutes Shit Tornado I'm hoping it won't wash the sweet sweet taste of Literati StepCousin Wiener Tasting In The City out of my mouth right quick. EDIT after finishing the episode: It was not rage-inducing at all. It was fine. Lorelai barely even talked because Rory wouldn't let her get a word in edgewise. It was just ridiculous and went on too long. Read more at the end of the post. Due to it's lack of fuckery, one minute each of Dean and Christopher, and Lorelai's lack of interference, StepCousins In The City can hold it's trophy aloft and retain its standing as my favorite Gilmore Girls episode of all time.
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That was pointless and disgusting and it goes on through the entire graduation. And yeah, that's the dude who voices all the characters on Family Guy, Seth MacFarlane. Pretty much just playing one of his characters. With his Brian Griffin voice which is really just his normal voice. Charming. Did you know Family Guy was one the first shows to be revived after it was canceled due to overwhelming demand from fans? The Network was like "if it'll shut ya'll up we'll bring the damn thing back." I was a biiiiiig Family Guy fan in the early 2000's, spent countless hours on FG message boards and added my momentum to the campaign. The network listened. They bought it back. It was horrible. I never watched it again. AHEM.
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Thanks a lot, Family Guy. And I’m sorry that I took part in the first successful revival campaign for a canceled tv show. I could not know the domino effect it would have. Alright, my memory is failing me again. I cannot for the life of me recall how Rory ends up missing Lorelai's graduation. I don't think she got on the wrong bus (Jess would never let her). Does the bus break down? Oh, how I love playing Memory Roulette.
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So there's one single road leading out of New York City into all surrounding states, and a single accident will prevent “all” busses from leaving the state? Thousands of people are being held hostage over one car crash? That won’t be pretty. I feel like her best option would be to take the train. A taxi would be too expensive, but Jess knows how to drive, so maybe Liz has a car. Steal her car. I just feel like there are alternatives than being held hostage in a stinky bus. Back at the graduation, Family Guy and his girlfriend continue yelling at each other to shut up and die and then they bully Lorelai for having wealthy parents. This is community college. I am an alumni of a county college myself. Many classes would be half empty by the end of the semester as people constantly dropped out (especially night classes). There were some bumps in the road so it took me 3 years to get my 2 year Associates degree, and I was proud of myself for finishing. I didn't pursue any more education after that; but the graduation ceremony was small because most people were transferring to a four year school and they didn't see the point, I guess, of bothering with a graduation ceremony halfway into their college career. Nobody lived at school so your personal connections to your classmates were loose at best. My point is no college adult would ever give a damn about some total stranger's parents to the point they're going to openly bully them AND their friends. I just wanted to graduate and be done with school forever. We’re adults, we all wanna go home. Family Guy is picking on Sookie and Jackson for their "expensive" clothes now. Joke's on you Family Guy, Lorelai runs the Independence Inn where all three of them are employed and she pays them both in beans.
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This is what I say any time someone compliments my outfit. Lorelai's face is priceless.
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Sometimes this show makes me feel old. This time, I feel young. Because I'm nearly 40, and still too young to know squat about pagers. I grew up in the same Gilmore Girls timeline where certain people (but not everyone) had primitive cellphones, but I don't remember anyone with a pager. I wasn't aware that pagers could get any sort of texts that communicated "I'm running late." . So I had to jump down another GoogleHole . The answer is yes, they were capable of sending and recieving alphanumeric messages, and since the mid 90's, to boot.
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Ahhh, love to see her amongst the commoners.
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She misses her cousin, okay? You don't have to remind her. Please do not talk to unaccompanied teenage girls on public transportation and tell them to smile, you pervert. He informs Rory that she got on a Local bus, which is why it's taking so long and making a lot of stops, while the bus she took into the city was an Express that doesn't make stops. Okay, you know what, I actually blame Jess for this. I literally just said "Jess would never let Rory get on the wrong bus." And what did he do? Screwed his cousin. Figuratively. It's not the wrong route, but given that he's aware she needed to be home on time to see Lorelai’s graduation, how important it was to Rory, and with him knowing that little miss "can I eat a hot dog on the subway" was under his supervision as a born and bred New Yorker to get on the correct bus to get home in time, well Jess, you fucked up. Jess Mariano's second fuck up is that Rory clearly has some way of communicating with Lorelai, and if Little Mister Walmart had a cellphone, she could have disembarked the bus, called or messaged him, and he could have directed her to the right bus or given her advice on alternate modes of transportation.
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You should have, but it's still your cousin's fault. You're making lengthy conversation with strange men on the bus. You're too naive. You can't be trusted in a big city by yourself. She also listed two scenarios where if this were only a couple of years later, having a smartphone to check traffic and schedules would have changed the entire course of the episode. Because We're still on season 2, where you can't show someone drinking a beer and Rory goes to house parties thrown by popular kids where they only drink "imported sodas", this guy is using his beer can for his spit and not to drink. At least by the end of season 3 (KegMax) beer is finally a thing which exists and that wayward youth are seen indulging in.
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Family Guy continues to bully Lorelai for being "rich" even moments before she gets her degree. This isn't funny and is in fact quite nauseating and awful.
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Yayy. We spot Emily holding back tears during Lorelai's graduation, but afterwards she can only a muster up this ol chestnut: "Congratulations. Hope Raul got some pictures. Welp see ya tomorrow, we gotta go." Okay, okay, this is the worst graduation in history. Mr and Mrs Asshole Family Guy bully you the entire time, your daughter doesn't show up because she's dilly dallying all over New York City shoving wieners in her mouth with your punk future-nephew, you didn't want your parents to show up in the first place because you feel like you'd only disappoint them, but they show up anyway because their grand daughter went behind your back to invite them, then they make a spectacle only to tell you "congratulations" and then try to leave. And to break Lorelai's heart even further, in a few moments she'll find out that Dean Forrester's on his way to being moldy old Wonderbread to Rory and Jess is...the new fancy organic expensive bread from the good supermarket outside of Stars Hollow. Look, she's due for some pretty bad karma but maybe this is a skosh too much at once.
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Put it towards therapy.
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Certainly not stuck on the wrong bus because her chaperone couldn't be trusted.
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Oh Rory you're SO BONED.
Back at home... L: Whatever kept you, whatever you were doing you should have gotten out of it just this once. Was it school? Was it Paris? Oh boy Lorelai I hope you're ready for a real doozy. Anyway, we're finally down to the last four minutes of the episode which is the entire length of Rory's rambling, over the top groveling/ apology.
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Hey, that might be enough time to get Dean off your back. Tell her you went to see Jess. DO IT.
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"After he called me last night, that phone call... it DID SOMETHING TO ME. I'm ill! I'm sick!" Girl, I feel you. I get it. I get it. Come here. Give me a hug. Rory's groveling is so desperate and pitiful that Lorelai looks utterly reasonable. She is just standing there shaking her head, because let's face it, she's already had one hell of a night so what's one more cherry on top of the shit sundae that was her graduation?
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How could I resist? "I can't believe Icut school when finals are coming up to go see a guy who isn't my guy and end up missing my mother's graduation!" But you did it, you were brave, you followed your dear little heart, and I'm proud of you. And the groveling goes on on and on...the stinky bus...the guy with the spit can...she's so sorry...please ground her and make her wash the dishes for a year...she's so sorry...she's stupid and dumb and "girly" for being so impulsive...this isn't her...what a dumb selfish stupid non thinking freak she is...
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L: "Maybe you don't have a medical condition or a mental problem, maybe you're just falling for Jess." I love Jess, but making the decision to get involved with him DOES involve some level of mental problems, it's pretty much a requirement. The same goes for Rory, who is also deeply fucked up but just better at concealing it. Star crossed lovers, bound by fate, dirty hot dogs, the stars above, the marriage of his uncle to her mother, and loads of familial trauma. Rory-O and Jess-Iet.
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Rory, you're a terrible liar. Work on that.
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That's it! FOREVER! She adds. Said every 17 year old about some asshole pig boy they dated in high school. It's gonna last forever, Mom! But with the way he weaves in and out of her life for over five years, this is sadly closer to accurate than I like to think about. If Lorelai had a crystal ball or called Miss Cleo she could see into the future and rest easy knowing Jess and Rory only date for like 7 months. But she'd also find out she was going to marry into Jess' family and she would have to see Jess for the rest of her natural life and he would call her Aunt Lorelai at every chance he got just to get under her skin. The universe has a way of evening these things out.
Rory keeps up the pathetically transparent "I love Dean! Dean Dean Dean! Jess is gone. Evaporated. Jess? Jess who? I'm not in love with my cousin!" charade but Lorelai isn't buying it. Ladies and gentlemen, she's still going. And now she has a list. While she was on the Stinky Bus she wrote a list of all the ways she's going to make up for her transgression. She is now going to read the items on the list to Lorelai. One by one. This is surely not the most insufferable ending in gilmore girls history but it's one of those scenes that could have been cut down to half the time. Four minutes of Rory's incessant groveling felt like 30 minutes. Lorelai just looks at Rory as she goes off the deep end, not angry at her but sympathetic and bewildered as her daughter begs to be beaten and suffocated. Oh, and Rory left the Go Go's record she bought for Lorelai on the bus. The end.
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4townlove · 1 year
4⭐Town Daydream: When You Need Me
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life has a way of bearing the burden down alot of the time, especially lately. it's hard not to give in to the temptation to swaddle yourself in your duvet and hide from the world, block out the worry and uncertainty and fear with music, or maybe just sleep through the whole thing.
but in times like this, community, or even having that one person you know will always be there to listen to you, comfort you and encourage you when times get rough can make all the difference.
⭐Robaire says...
"My love? Oh, dear. I'm sorry you're not feeling great right now. I just want you to know I'm here.. I will always, always, be here to take care of you. From dawn to dusk, and all the hours in between.
In times like this, when it feels like the lights are so bright you can't see the way out, rest is most important. Getting to know Jesse helped me understand how important balance is, and how much of a difference it can make knowing there's someone there to give a helping hand. So, if there's anything I can do to help you rest better- anything at all- let me know if your own way.
I want nothing more than to know you're well, and to see you smile again. There's nothing in this world more beautiful than your smile."
⭐Jesse says...
"Darling.... I'm sorry it hurts right now. The world can be a cruel place, and when some people in it only add to that pain, it can feel like salt being rubbed into a wound.
It's ok to feel the pain, but know you're not alone in it. I'm with you, I will be by your side as we get through this... together. You're never as alone as you feel. The guys... there's been times when I've gotten really overhwhelmed with keeping up with 4Town responsibilities and being with my kids, but whenever I needed them, they were always there. Always right around the corner to help.
You can count on me, love. Rely on me, and I hope I can help ease the burden."
⭐Tae Young says...
"Hey sweetheart... gosh it's really rough, huh? I... I know how it feels, how lonely and scary it is sometimes, but... if there's anything I've understood from being in 4Town, it's that... the people around you can really make all the difference. The other guys... all of them had something unique to help me feel more stable. from T's stupid jokes but infectious laugh, to Z and Jesse's calm understanding, to Robaire always seeming to have a new perspective for me to look at the challenge from... they've really helped me with my confidence, and feel like I can get through it when life gets difficult.
T-That all to say... I'm right here for you. I'll stay right by your side, we can cuddle, watch a movie, listen to music- whatever you want. I'll be here for you like they've been there for me. And it'll be ok in the end, I promise."
⭐Aaron T says...
"Baby! H-hey... hey... hmm.... that bad huh? I don't blame you for feeling deflated. It... It's not easy to find the silver lining in some situations. It can even feel impossible. There's even some times, I... get a little down too. But don't feel bad for feeling that way. Just like it's good to feel happy when you can, it's also ok to feel sad sometimes too. Z told me that and now I'm tellin' you, because I wanna see you happy and smiling again.
But until then, I'll keep you company and smile for you. Ok?"
⭐Aaron Z says....
"Hey babe. Sorry about everything going on right now.
You don't have to hide the pain from me. I know it well too, so you're in good hands with me. We can do whatever you want that helps you feel safe. I could even sing for you, if you'd like.
Whatever we do, it's important to remember that, in times like this, give yourself space to breathe and rest as much as you need. There's no guilt in taking time away, and coming from me, that really means something. I've always been so focused on endless work but... Robaire really helped me realised that I need time for just me too. Just like, right now, you need time for you.
I'll be here to help. We can rest as long as you need to."
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
They’re planning their dream house now 🥹 they’re gonna be right next door to each other and have lots of rooms, a big garden & a community pool and I’m so happy for them ♥️
Right? This sounds like the perfect community for them to live in. I'm kind of jealous.
"Alright, so now that the basics are down...here." Kix's riduur shoves a massive magazine at Jesse, "You need to pick just about everything. Carpets and floors and walls and counters and the type of grass you want for your yard-" "There are different types of grass?" Jesse asks blankly. "...right, water based home world. Yes, there are. Lots." She smiles at Jesse's cyare, "You can help him with that." Jesse's cyare, who was definitely born on Coruscant and has only ever seen the perfectly manicured lawns of the few parks that Coruscant has, blinks at her, "Yes. Of course." "Lovely!" Jesse leans over to the love of his life, "Do you know about the different types of grasses?" "We can do a search on the net," She whispers back, "More importantly, I don't know how to swim." "Wait, really?" "Where would I have learned?" "Fair point. We should teach you." "Also! I'll put you in touch with my landscaper, they'll help you build the garden of your dreams-!" "She's very excited about this." "Well, she does get to design a whole community. I imagine it'll be good for her career." Jesse murmurs. "Fair point."
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kylejsugarman · 6 months
hellooo! im not very certain if this fits w the lore of au squared but i was curious about what jane's reaction to/interactions with baby would be when jesse moves into the duplex?
it does!! i have a Classic (to me) post of jane babysitting baby and dressing her up in a tiny goth look to make jesse laugh, ill rb it as soon as i answer this so u can gaze upon ro's amazing art. but jane is a little wary about jesse and baby at first because a) jesse obviously has something shady going on with his down payment being a handful of large bills and b) jane didnt exactly start living here so she could be neighbors with a baby (jesse voice: shes quiet i promise. i dont have like proof but look at her, shes polite). she reluctantly lets them rent out and tries to keep her distance, but jesse hangs off her like a lost puppy and she cant deny that she finds him super endearing. they sort of use baby as a tool to break the ice and communicate with each other (jane voice, to baby: tell ur dad that i know hes smoking in there. jesse voice, to baby: kid tell the nice lady that i only do it at the window.) jane never ever thought of herself as a "kid person", but baby Is kind of. polite. and it's way more fun than she imagined to play with her and talk to her. jesse is crazy about the kid and jane secretly goes to absolute jello every time she sees him flying her around the living room. things obviously start to break down some when the two of them start using together, but jane always helps him get baby situated before they shoot up and doesnt hesitate to bring up baby when they finally get the cash from walt. "it'll just be the three of us." jane isnt sappy or particularly maternal, but she recognizes and strongly feels Love, and she definitely has a lot of love for both jesse and baby
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wedreamedlove · 2 years
helo! sorry suddenly ask about the l&n stuff, but i confused how many tribe or clan in there? also can you explain about they specialists? bvs if i not mistakes they have god tribe too? is there any deeper clarity about god tribes? You can share your analysis too~
it'll probably be quickest to give you a mythology lesson of what we know so far about the light and night universe, haha. once upon a time, there was a creator god who ordered a genesis god to create humans, but then the humans rebelled and so the creator god tried to kill them all. the genesis god disagreed with this and rebelled along with other gods to save the humans, so the creator god punished them all.
we don't know what happened to the genesis god (somehow related to the heroine) but the gods who supported her were sealed under the ocean, while the messengers of the genesis god were turned into plants and animals who became the spirit clan.
some of the sealed gods escaped with the help of the fire god and, through the centuries, mutated into the blood clan (the london clans). other sealed gods accepted divine punishment in order to leave their prison and this divine punishment also mutated them into the blood clan (Evan's family).
i don't really know what you mean by specialists? do you mean their talents? just think of it as a random superpower that gets given to people, regardless of what you are.
on that note, technically Evan doesn't seem to have a talent and just uses whatever the blood clan can naturally do. Osborn has blue flames. Sariel has regeneration. Charlie has vacuum. Jesse can commune with spirits (basically exorcism).
some random notes:
23 years ago (the heroine and Osborn's birth) there was a tsunami that weakened the seal of the gods in the ocean, and so some gods escaped during this time but, unfortunately, we don't know anything more about this.
the genesis god gave the Lu blood clan, who accepted divine punishment, a spirit ring that would point them to someone they can sacrifice to break their curse because she felt guilty they got punished on her behalf. however, this spirit ring points to the heroine. (apparently the blood clan only has 3 chances at this and this is the last time)
Osborn has the bloodline of a god, which is somehow different from having the powers of a god like the heroine. it makes it sound like he's a demigod, aka. son of a god and a blood clan.
Evan's father actually did research on a god but let her go in the end. his research ended up being the foundation of the whole eclipse project where the blood clans transfer their souls into vessels to keep themselves immortal.
i don't really have any analysis, just crackpot theories like the heroine being a piece or incarnation of the genesis god. the fire god sounds like it might be related to Osborn somehow, but same with the god that Evan's dad was researching and let go. the timeline is incredibly wacky if we're trying to make the fire god be Osborn's mother though...
there’s also the question of why the escaped gods became the blood clan over time, especially the ones who didn’t accept divine punishment. i don’t have any theories here. we’re still uncovering mysteries in the game while dealing with everyone’s traumas and grudges lmao.
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aberooski · 1 year
Every thought I've had about OUAD 2 so far:
1. OUAD 2 will take place a few months after OUAD and will follow Chazz, Atticus, Alexis, and Jay, Sy, and Hassleberry as they take a trip to visit the Crystal Kingdom where Atticus and Alexis live (otherwise knows as the Northern Kingdom in OUAD as it's located to the north of the Golden Kingdom, the central kingdom of the lands)
2. Keeping with the Once Upon A .... theme for the title, it won't just be Once Upon A Duelist 2. My main thought is Once Upon A Winter OUAW or something along those lines because the story will take place during the wintertime and the Crystal Kingdom is in fact a snow kingdom.
3. Chazz and Atticus are officially a couple
4. I want to include more of the ensemble cast, my thought is that Bastion and Jesse are residents of the Crystal Kingdom and will have some kind of significance within the story
5. I don't like him but I also want a Zane cameo because the fact that he canonically exists in OUAD and because Syrus is a fairy, he has to be one too is hilarious to me and I need to see it.
6. Hassleberry is in trouble with fairy society for actually killing Jagger in OUAD, despite how evil he and Slade were when they were still alive. They also view him as more of an enigma than they already did due to his animalistic side that he was born with and how weak his magical abilities are because despite his weak magical powers, he was able to not only access extremely powerful ancient magicks on his own during the final battle of OUAD, he did it while in his berserked state and not even in control of himself. Just like Jaden thought, everyone underestimated the power of the gold fairy.
7. Jaden is intrigued by how Jesse, a regular human, can see and communicate with the spirits. Jaden can but even as a magical being it's uncommon, and Chazz can but only because Jaden blessed him with the power. So how is it that Jesse can see spirits too? Eventually as he's observing Jesse to try and figure that out, he starts to develop a crush on the kind human boy......
8. Not sure what the greater conflict of the story will be. Maybe some kind of conspiracy or some sort of other issue that is uncovered and runs deep within the Crystal Kingdom. I still have to figure that out and who the main antagonist will be. That will influence a lot of the story since it'll need to be built around that.
9. Loved a comment @chazz-is-a-zelda-fan made about OUAD 2 continuing the trend of killing off disliked characters, wouldn't mind finding a way to sneak and Adrian death in there somewhere 😌 thanks for putting that thought in my head friend 💜 I'm all kinds of down for killing off that bitch somehow lol
10. I had originally had a thought about Adrian wanting revenge for Slade and Jagger's destruction of the Kingdom of the East, but I'm not sure timeline wise if that would work I mean they destroyed it a little over 20 years ago and Adrian isn't much older than they are in canon so he couldn't have actually been there to see it but I suppose it could still work if that event more or less destroyed his family and set him up for a real crap life. Also Slade and Jagger are dead now and nobody still alive had anything to do with it except the trio was involved in the battle to stop them back then, which they did. So it wouldn't make sense still unless I got real creative I guess 🤨 or maybe it does and I'm just underthinking it. But Adrian I think would be more of a minor antagonist rather than the main antagonist of the whole fic.
11. Going back to conspiracy, and I did almost say cult.... potential SoL inclusion??? Or a Darkness cult???? Nightshroud???? Absolutely no thoughts about that just a potential concept but maybe something like that for the main conflict???? I really don't know yet 😭
It'll probably be a while before I get to start actually writing any of this but the thoughts are real y'all.
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
How would Kaidan, Cullen,Bucky and Sammy react to a bf with an extremely low sex drive? ( It's not that i hate sex or something, it's just because the hormone that is suppose make me horny is less than half of the minimum[ unfortunately my doc said there's nothing I can do to improve it besides sports and eat healthier, but even If I do all of it it won't reach the minimum] 😭)
Important note: sex drive is a nonclinical term that does not have a medical basis. There is no "normal" sex drive - the only issue you have is the hormonal imbalance. People whose hormones are in acceptable levels run the gamut between wanting sex a lot or not really wanting it often at all, or even being asexual and sex-repulsed. Even if your hormone balance reaches normal levels, there's no guarantee that that'd mean you'd desire sex more.
In any case, libido is influenced by a number of factors, and maybe it's my own sexuality influencing my ideas, but most characters I don't see having a particularly high or hypersexual libido - apart from those in canon who tend to have or mention desire for lots of sex, like, say, Wolverine or Dean Winchester or Constantine.
Kaidan has a sex drive that's not particularly high or low, but he doesn't see a need to bother his partner about it - he doesn't mind a partner with a low sex drive, primarily because he's got an ability to communicate within a relationship and discuss these things like a well-adjusted human being.
Cullen, with his withdrawals from lyrium and his general stressful lifestyle, either doesn't have a lot of time or not a lot of desire. However when he does feel it, it's very strong - the poor guy's libido is all out of whack. However, I do believe that by Inquisition, the man has finally gotten over his hangups about self-pleasure and is thus a lot less concerned about sex in general.
Bucky has a very low sex drive. It's not that he never wants it or that he's asexual, it's just that he sometimes physically can't perform or doesn't want to. He sometimes blames this on HYDRA, but honestly he's never been particularly keyed up for sex. His dates back in the forties and thirties weren't so much womanizing as playing the role society expected while also enjoying the company of them.
Sam has a really messed-up understanding from sex that comes from Dean and their dad. Jess really did the work of a saint sorting that man out - I imagine he didn't want to disappoint and suddenly started acting like them and immediately she got turned off and maybe even bopped him on the head for that. Still, Sam places a lot of importance on sex in a relationship, as his emotional constipation means it's one of the only ways he knows how to express romantic affection. It'll mean work from both of you to get him to understand it's not about him.
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Oo! Oo! Question!!
Any other Eddsworld AUs that particularly interest you? :0
okay uh i will probably forget a lot of them but
@eddsworldrus has a REALLY GOOD Arctic AU and you SHOULD be reading it because the atmosphere is fantastic, it's so mysterious and eerie! I know for a fact that he's a fan of The Thing so you KNOW this shit is gonna get creepy as hell! And I am SO fucking here for it! I know it'll probably make me scream and cry and I can't wait to be emotionally devastated.
@ewdenimjeans has a wonderful Siren AU and is a fantastic writer and you should definitely give it a read! I have reread these multiple times and I never get tired of how amazing her ability to draw the reader into the story is! She's SO GOOD!
@pond-child-edd is utterly delightful! I am entranced, the art style is so GOOD and I just. I really, really love the art style a whole fuckin lot. I'm very interested to see where it goes. I love the characterization and their dynamics and how the cast interacts with each other! It seriously has the same vibes as one of the original Eddisodes, if just a bit darker in tone, but it's so refreshing and I really enjoy it.
@askgrimsworld by @actuallyunreal is seriously wonderful okay, it's a great future AU with fun dynamics and plenty of intrigue. It's not being updated right now but you should still go look through the art because I LOVE THEIR ART STYLE SO MUCH it's so good and I just wanna eat it like I physically want to put their tasty delicious art into my mouth and consume it. (vibrates about their gooey monster tom i love him so much lookit this goo boy i love him)
@wish-you-were-here-comic has been a fun little romp so far! They're working with different artists for the pages and I really enjoy that it's a bit of a community project with that aspect, showcasing people's talents. I'm very curious to see where it goes, it looks like it will be a riot!
@ewbound my beloved~ This comic actually got me playing Starbound and the art is amazing and I love the characters and the art style has me gushing all the time! It's been a while since Jess updated but that doesn't matter because it's STILL GOOD and you should STILL READ IT!
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radawayghoul · 2 years
Hi Hi friends! :)
I'm not new here nor am I new to writing but I am new to writing on a public platform! Here are some people I will write for (please read my rules that are listed under this before requesting anything!):
The Last of Us (Part 1 & 2)
Joel Miller (fluff, smut, platonic)
Jesse (fluff, smut, platonic)
Ellie Williams (18+ only Ellie, don't be a weirdo) (fluff, platonic, allusions to smut but nothing graphic)
Red Dead Redemption 2
Arthur Morgan (fluff, smut, platonic)
Lenny Summers (fluff, platonic, allusions to smut)
John Marston (fluff, smut, platonic)
Dutch Van Der Linde (fluff, platonic, allusions to smut)
Charles Smith (fluff, smut, platonic)
Resident Evil Village
Karl Heisenberg (fluff, smut, platonic)
Chris Redfield (fluff, smut, platonic)
Moon Knight
Layla El-Faouly (fluff, smut, platonic)
The Mandalorian
Din Djarin (fluff, smut, platonic)
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When requesting smut, be 18 and over. I will not take smut requests from anyone who does not have their age in their bio. I will likely not do smut requests from anons either for this reason, sorry in advance <;3
As listed above, 18+ for smut requests. I will only be taking smut requests for a handful of the above characters as some of them are easier to write for than others. Fluff, however, is open to all characters listed above.
Please be specific when requesting. I don't want to write something you don't enjoy because I misinterpreted your request
Absolutely no dubcon, noncon/rape elements, incest, proshipping, etc. of any kind when requesting smut. No dark themes or affair requests of any kind. Everyone in these stories is assumed to be single at the time of interaction x
AU requests are welcome! Just no cross-overs.
I will only be communicating through asks so feel free to send anything there any time but please only like once or twice per day. I'm currently in college so it'll take me a while to get to requests! I will do my best to get things out when I can :)
Hate of any kind will not be tolerated on my page. You will be blocked and/or reported x. Also, please do not repost my stuff anywhere unless you ask first, thank you!
Characters I will write smut for:
Joel Miller
Arthur Morgan
Charles Smith
John Marston
Karl Heisenberg
Chris Redfield
Layla El-Faouly
Din Djarin
Characters I'm not writing smut for & why:
Ellie Williams - listen I get it, she's adorable in part 2! I'd just prefer not to write smut about her. It's hard to put myself in that mindset to even think about her in that way. (I will write things that allude to smut but absolutely nothing graphic. It's hard to put myself in that mindset for Ellie - sorry friends.)
Lenny Summers - I love Lenny, he's so cute! I actually can't picture Lenny being sexual in like any way. I know he's in a gang and literally kills/has killed people but like...I don't know I just can't lol. I will write LOADS of fluff and things that allude to smut but nothing graphic for him.
Dutch Van Der Linde - listen I KNOW! I know he's hot, okay?? I'd just rather not write smut about him, I'm sorry <;/3. He just feels too much like he'd be my father :|. Allusions to smut are fine though! Just nothing graphic for Dutch either.
Please feel free to request other people and ask if I am comfortable writing for them :) I forget sometimes. If you have any questions regarding the rules, feel free to ask those as well! And if you're still confused as to why I won't write smut for Ellie, Lenny, or Dutch, again feel free to ask! I will happily answer any questions anyone has!!! BUT, I want to make it abundantly clear that I will NOT be writing for Micah Bell under ANYYY circumstances. OR Bill.
Okay now that that's all out of the way, I look forward to your requests and I'm really sorry this is so long! I have an AO3 as well that I will be cross-posting on that I will link my masterlist once I make one!! Anyone that has any series ideas or requests are also welcome! Anyways, thanks for reading! :)
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ursifors · 2 years
Can't speak for everyone but I'm intimidated by you because you've kind of become like, a pseudo celebrity in the Monster Truck Rally? Like, I'm a long time lurker, I've been in the community for like 4 years at this point and you've managed to grab everyone's attention, including Jeremy's, so strongly and so genuinely in half that time so it's kind of amazing? And you are incredibly talented and incredibly kind and it just like, adds to the star power almost. And then I get intimidated because it's almost like you're becoming an authority in the Rally and people of authority intimidate me. If it helps I'm also intimidated by the mods because they also have authority lmao
ahhh this is very sweet but please!!
i'm definitely not authority like - i am friends with some of the mods (jess the most bc i talk to her outside of the rally the most) but i'm also friends with a lot of just other rally members. and i'm a baby monster truck! i've only been subbed for 2 years! the first few times i ever tuned into his stream i was terrified to even talk in chat.
as for grabbing everyones attention - i'm really honored so many people love my art but it's honestly so weird to me that people i've never spoken to or even seen their username know me by my first name. and i don't think it'll ever stop being weird. not weird in a bad way but weird in a "what the fuck i am just some guy" way. i genuinely just draw for the love of it and to support jeremy because despite everything i say i care about him and love his content.
at the end of the day i'm just a fan of jeremy just like anyone else in the rally and same for any achievement hunter fan.
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mediawhorefics · 2 years
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I posted 1,696 times in 2022
178 posts created (10%)
1,518 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,502 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#about me - 172 posts
#star wars - 166 posts
#films - 113 posts
#pixie - 107 posts
#my favourite boy - 103 posts
#art - 83 posts
#fanart - 79 posts
#tsn - 71 posts
#andrew garfield - 66 posts
#hayden christensen - 54 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and of course louis is looking louis is looking at the illuminated sky ribbons of colours shifting swirling over the stars like beams of lig
My Top Posts in 2022:
idk if this is a weird question but do they always communicate with each other through post cards? or do they send texts to each other too?
it's not a weird question! but ofc they text once they start a proper relationship! they text and they call and they facetime and zoom etc. but harry always sends postcards back home anyways because it's their thing.
34 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Do you have any hot tales about tsn?
tsn hot takes ??? gosh, idk if they're hot takes but i have opinions?
i'm sorry to rpf on main but 'andrew garfield was in love with jesse eisenberg' is a hilll i'm going to die on.
similarly, andrew garfield played eduado as in love with mark and watching the movie through that lens enriches the whole experience. fight me.
tsn deserved to win best picture in 2011. out of all the nominees that year, it's the one that has only gained relevance as time passes and had something to say about our culture, both back then and right now. i think it's almost more relevant now than back then. its social commentary on the way we live our lives on the internet is pretty spot on. i mean 'the internet is written in ink'. give me one line better from another movie that year. we lived on farms then we lived in cities and now we're gonna live on the internet?? damn.
this isnt an opinion, more like an observation? back in 2010, people complained about the harsh depiction of zuck but he's worked so hard to prove the movie not only right but also now it almost reads as mild compared to who that guy actually is. it's fascinating in terms of tsn's cultural legacy. where's that one quote from that article about tsn turning 10 yo? the movie couldn't predict what facebook would turn into (in terms of misinformation and manipulation of information) but it understood that the desire to tear down the establishment is not the same as the wish to build something better in its place? anyways, that.
it has one of the greatest soundtracks ever. i don't think any movie has topped it since. that opening sequence with hand covers bruise? holy shit.
i always wonder if it does enough to condemn the elitist misogynistic culture of those rich harvard guys/those rich tech guys. like... i always joke that it's one of my 'ooops the filmmakers forgot women were people' favourite films (i have a few of those) but at the same time, it feels very pointed and purposeful in its depiction. and we know that fincher has a history of exploring toxic masculinity as a theme without explicitly condemning it and trusting his audience to get the message. which, honey, men are not smart. i mean, we get the iconic erica moment telling us from the start 'it'll be because you're an asshole' and then the movie proceeds to prove that to us. but is that enough? is the movie sexist or is the character? or both? i don't know i kinda go back and forth on this. again not a take, just thoughts.
i read this one letterboxd review like a year ago that said something along the line of: best movie of all time they have him tell us ' i don't want friends' in the first eight minutes and it blew my fucking mind. they literally tell us in the first eight minutes, aaron sorkin i just want to talk.
i love him and would kill for him, but eduardo telling mark 'i was your only friend you had one friend' was not only untrue but kinda manipulative. not that mark didn't deserve it.
high key this is one of the most quotable movies of all time. did you know i sent forty-seven texts???
there are whole worlds of unsaid things in the 'you have no idea what that's going to mean to my father' 'sure i do' i am OBSESSED with their relationship.
eduardo's bitchy 'is he?' when sean says he's wired in before the laptop smash is just as, if not more, iconic than the rest of the speech.
andrew was robbed of both a nomination and an oscar for this performance. i stand by it.
2011 golden globes jesse eisenberg dragging andrew gafield out of his chair top awards moment of all time. you had to be there.
people will bitch about tsn rpf and people writing fic about mark zuckerberg but where would we (tumblr) be as a society without jesse and andrew's 'you didn't know me at 13' 'i really wish i had'. where would your pining web-weaving fandom posts be without mr garfield's embarrassingly public crush on his facebook movie co star? check and mate.
genuinely think it would have solved a lot of their problems if mark and eduardo had fucked. or it would have created other different problems. either way, a win.
we all know it should have ended with mark sending eduardo a friend request. literally the only flaw in this film.
i honestly think the tsn press tour is on like... lotr bts footage level in terms of ~as enjoyable if not more than the original film. and i don't say this lightly. it's one of the highest praise i've got.
i'm a basic bitch but every single scene of mark defending eduardo post-betrayal is like.... [SCREAM]
it IS the greatest divorce movie of our time. marriage story fucking wishes mate.
tsn is 100% a girl movie. like red flag for men green flag for women (& gnc people) kind of stuff.
it's on par with all of shakespeare's best tragedies. for me.
lmao when i read this ask i thought damn i won't have much to say and now i have to stop myself because my food is ready and i'm starting. anyways this is barely scratching the surface. i might come back for a part two?
35 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
do you think tts h&l are the kind of couple to lay in bed before falling asleep and talk about small things but also end up discussing big existential questions? if yes what do they talk about?
ohh 100%!!! i mean, i feel like so much of their friendship/early relationship was based around big existential questions of who am i/whats my purpose/what do i want/where do i belong/etc etc and i really don't see them stopping talking about that stuff after they get together 'officially'??
tbh i think they're a pretty chatty couple in general anyways so i can easily see that being part of their bedtime routine. i think often one of them prob. has something on their mind and babbles while the others hums sleepily ?? like i can totally see harry rambling about the theme of his next album while louis is all 'sounds great baby' while yawning, not because he's not interested but because harry has been at it for an hour and louis has to be up at 5am lol. i also really like the idea of them reading before bed and gossiping about what's happening in their respective books? that's when louis isn't the one doing the reading obvs. but yeah i just have a mental image of them reading side by side with clifford sleeping at their feet and one of them GASPS because of something and the other closes their book and goes 'tell me everything' because even when they're reading individually, they're actually reading together. i also think once harry starts living in the lighthouse basically fully time, he likes to be Involved with the b&b so he likes to go over the next day's schedule before bed and what they gotta do and what the menu is and who is checking in, etc etc. just to feel organized and while louis loves to be organized himself he'll always tease him like 'can we deal with tomorrow tomorrow please ???' and 'no shop talk in bed!!!' which always make harry laugh because he 100% lets harry talk about his song writing process in bed. he just doesn't want to think about HIS work in bed lol.
so yeah, i think they talk about anything and everything.
36 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
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i had a bit of a meltdown about this last night and honestly i’m not sure i know how to articulate how grateful i am in the light of day either but … i’ll try.
tts is such an incredibly personal story for me. writing it and sharing it with people was kind of like cracking myself open and saying: here, come have a look. it was incredibly vulnerable and scary. i don’t think there are words for me to express what it’s meant to me, to have it be received with so much warmth and enthusiasm. every single one of those hits, every single comment, every message i’ve gotten on here about it… they all feel like a tight tight hug. you know the kind where you hide your face in someone’s neck and they rub your back a little and neither one of you want to let go? it’s a little bit like that and it’s incredible. while it does feel a bit weird to make posts sharing those kind of milestones (like who does she think she is bragging about her ao3 stats like this UGH), it would feel even weirder not to acknowledge it because i’m so so moved and overwhelmed and grateful. so if you’re one of those little hits (or more than one lmao), all i can say is thank you. you’ve really taught me that what i write can have profound meaning and that i’m capable of more than i thought i could with my words. and that’s fucking priceless ❤️
76 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hii can u link me to where u listen to the songs? my link won't work anymore:(
136 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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astral-lucy · 3 years
gilmore girls big three, pt i
hi beautiful people!
i did this post a while back on my we heart it, so i went back to look for it, deleted it there, so i could post it here! gilmore girls is my favorite series of all time, so i'm really excited to do this! some of these are based on their birthdays or estimated birthdays, just so you know (you can look it up, i took the info from this website!). if you've seen the series and want to leave your opinion, please, feel free to do so! also, we don't hate dean, jess nor logan here.
here it goes!
lorelai gilmore
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taurus sun - sagittarius asc - aries moon
her birthday is april 25th 1968, which would make her a taurus (just like me!) . at first, i found it weird, not really seeing it, since i always thought she was a sagittarius. but, after thinking it for maybe less than two minutes, i definetely can see it. sheis quite lazy for those things that are not really a reponsability or simply avoids doing certain tasks, yet she's extra hardworking (and even more since her sun could be on her 6h with the sag ascendant i think she is). though she also loves to treat herself, she also knows when she need to tighten her belt. she doesn't like changes that are really crazy and, honestly, has a hardtime letting things off her chest sometimes. oh, and, of course, she is a foodie. i say she's a sag rising for her desire to know and travel, always pushing forward for greater things in her life. i kept debating if she was an aries moon or a gemini moon, so i actually made her chart, and she actually is an aries moon!
(ps: for those of you interested; she's also an aries venus, taurus mars and mercury with a leo jupiter)
rory gilmore
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libra sun - virgo asc - pisces moon
the next gilmore also has a canon birthday and birth time! it says she is born october 8th 1984 at 4:03am! it's funny cause, recently, i had a discussion with my mom abouth wether she was a virgo or a libra. she is totally a libra and you can tell since, as her mother sun sign, libra is also ruled by venus, which makes them unfairly pretty and attractive, enchanting and wanting to be nice to absolutely everyone. and she is a virgo asc (you bet i drew her natal chart), which explain how responsible and grounded she is. the pisces moon also makes so. much. sense! you know, i thought she was a virgo sun with a psices rising, but wow, this makes way more sense than i thought. remember how the stories of lorelau always were of her wanting to help people when she was a baby and how she's always concerned about others?
also, rising opposite moon does create a conflict on her internal emotions and thoughts, so that's why is harder for her to tell lorelai what's going on at first. and 7h moon makes you usually really close to your mom so-
(ps: for those of you interested; she's an scorpio venus, capricorn mars and jupiter, with a libra mercury)
luke danes
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scorpio sun - aquarius asc - capricorn moon
so, i didn't know who to put next, since the series has so many characters becoming more and less important through the whole plot that the next big character i saw was luke (not at all because he's one of my fav characters). it's said that his birthday is between october and november, which it'll make him a scorpio, a hunch i have since the first time i knew his full story, which makes senses since we see how his family life was never the best. nevertheless, he was the most grounded one, who had the initiative to make his own business but without really changing his dad's old stablishment. he has quite a hard time telling his emotions (again), though everyone knows them, and always showing though love. i was about to write taurus asc instead of aquarius is because of how he decided to open a café, but an aquarius rising would also make a lot of sense - he helps the community yet somehow always seems to go against the authority in it (taylor) and he move forward about his dad's business creating his own.
sookie st james
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pisces sun - gemini asc - gemini moon
she's really sweet and caring, wants to nurture others, she's always eager to try new things, experiment, all while being the brightest and clumsiest in the job. super fond of emotions and always there to help, share and norture. being a mother is extremely natural to her. she is born to be with people, to talk, to laugh and to share her thoughts.
lane kim
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aries sun - scorpio rising - gemini moon
super dramatic, rebellious, and knows how to be secretive. fun, and it is quite realistic. an amazing friend, but does require a lot of attention. not the best home life, that what provoques her escapes and hideaways, leaving house with quite an impulsive thought process behind. also, the relationship with her mother is bad but she still loves her. she's also super independent and ready to build her own path - until she actually has to and freaks out.
paris geller
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capricorn sun - capricorn rising - capricorn moon
needs to have leadership and control, but doesn't have the exact delicacy that rory has to ask for it. she is always confused about her emotions and the non-logical part of life. she is super focused cause she was pressure on her back at all time from her family, but, once she gets adjusted, she doesn't like changes. she could have a 12h moon though.
hope you enjoyed this!
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murdertoothpick · 3 years
wait for it - 332 follower celebration
Captain Rex x fem!Reader x ARC Trooper Jesse; some random moments | w/c: 1536
Warnings: uh a lil umbara stuff but its fluffy, sexual allusions and innuendos but very brief, also sharing a bath but not in the...dirty sense. FLUFF basically.
A/N: YALL THANK YOU FOR 332 FOLLOWERS? AND BEFORE IVE EVEN BEEN ON HERE FOR A MONTH?? WOW. (it's currently 1am here) ,,, this is pretty messy though and its not really a story ya feel me, just some 'scenes' im stringing together into one post (lets also pretend you have a really big bath tub) ,,, some things that inspired this: 'wait for it'/hamilton, lyrics from 'take a break'/hamilton, this post i made, a lyric from 'our love is god'/heathers, my love for underrated jesse, uh rex and jesse in tbb arc <3 idk i love those mf's
(omg and this gif is sending me into orbit im in love with all of them)
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You're on patrol with Rex when you hear three sets of approaching footsteps. Your gaze follows his as he turns to address the troopers.
'Fives, what are you doing out here?' the captain interrogates them, though you sense he already knows the answer, 'You should be in the barracks.'
'I found my pilots,' the arc trooper responds, and you recognise Jesse and Hardcase behind him, 'We're going after that supply ship.'
Rex pulls Fives over, 'Are you out of your mind?', he begins to reprimand him, but your attention is drawn away by the other ARC trooper.
Jesse looks to you, nodding as a show of formality, 'General.'
You dismiss his address, 'You sure about this, trooper?' you ask instead, your stoic, battle-hardened facade concealing the uneasiness in your voice. It's something you've been focused on since landing on Umbara.
'We have to try,' he responds, and you admire his commitment to the Republic and his brothers, you can't blame him, but you need the reassurance that he knows what he's getting into.
Rex speaks up over your conversation, 'I can't help you when you get caught,' he tells Fives with conviction.
The ARC trooper nods in understanding, turning away and prompting Hardcase and Jesse to follow. You and Rex share a look of fearful apprehension, your anxiety threatening to bubble up again.
'Troopers!' you yell, catching their attention. You quickly close the distance they had walked, looking to all of them, 'Come back in one piece, okay?'
They give you firm nods, and you can hear the smiles in their voices as they shout their 'Yes Sir's.
Your eyes look to Jesse, searching for his behind the visor. He doesn't flinch when your hands move up to the sides of his helmet. 'Good luck out there,' you plant a firm kiss on his helmet, above the breath filters.
You can't see the way his cheeks flush underneath the helmet, but his speechlessness confirms you've given him enough incentive to return safely.
'We'll be waiting for you,' Rex agrees. There's a silent conversation between the two before the men continue on their way, you don't catch what they've communicated.
Jesse understands the sentiment, that while his brothers and the Republic will be here when he returns, it'll be Captain Rex and you specifically, waiting for him. It's all the incentive he needs.
When Fives gives him a punch on the shoulder, he tries to hide his fluster, and Hardcase follows up with a taunt, wiggling his brows, 'The general aye?'
Jesse lets out a light laugh, 'Yeah, she can be a lot to handle.'
Thankfully, Rex is there to help.
'Why does Rex work so late?'
He looks up from his datapad to formulate a response. He has one arm around you, and you've been resting against him in the abundance of quiet in your quarters.
'General Skywalker has...other matters to attend to,' he answers slowly, as if careful not to let too many details slip, 'he tends to ask Rex to do his paperwork.'
Your jaw falls slack, 'That is rubbish!,' you exclaim, mock fury in your expression. You begin crawling out of bed, yanking on Jesse's arm to pull you up with him. Your hand leaves him to put on your boots, gesturing for him to follow suit.
He laughs as you struggle to maintain balance, holding his arm out so you can steady yourself against him, 'Where are we going?'
'Mess hall, and then Rex's.'
You'll only be a moment away.
You and Jesse find the Captain in his private quarters, his bed completely made, as if untouched, and his desk a complete mess. You smile at him sadly as he greets you with a tired expression, but excitement washes over you as you lift up the tray in your hand, 'We brought you dinner.'
He raises his brow, 'Are you allowed to steal the trays?'
'Is Skywalker allowed to dump his reports on you?' you retort, visibly satisfied when you hear Jesse snicker behind you.
She came all this way.
'He outranks me.'
'—And I outrank him.'
Rex looks to his brother, exasperation on his features. This woman, he swears to himself, though it's only out of love.
'You need to take a break vod,' Jesse tells him, pushing you closer so you can give Rex the tray of food, 'we can wait for you as long as you need but, please, take a break.'
I know you're very busy. I know your work's important.
The captain sighs, looking back to you before reluctantly pulling the tray from your hands, 'Okay.'
I've got so much on my plate.
'How did you guys know it was always a fantasy of mine to have two guys at once?' you teased, eying the men from across the holotable.
Jesse's mouth falls open in shock, stunned by your boldness.
'NO—we just-it's-we...we wanted—'
Jesse nudges his stuttering brother, resuming his cool-headed demeanour, 'Rex and I are just asking if you wanted to get some drinks as friends,' he assures, though you can see the playful glint in his eyes.
Rex's eyes dart between where you and Jesse stand at the table, clearly still processing your taunt.
You look to him, brows raised in amusement, 'What about you, Captain?' you grin, 'you want to get drinks as friends?'
Rex gulps, nodding eagerly. He grits his teeth, 'Yes, just friends.'
'Well, that settles it!,' you exclaim, 'I'll join you for drinks after I finish uploading this file...if you don't mind waiting,' You add quickly, and they're quick to assure you it's fine, we don't mind. You dismiss them, turning your attention back to the work in front of you.
You don't hear the conversation between the men as they leave.
'Are you thinking about it?'
'Yeah,' the other breathes, aware of the tent growing underneath his codpiece, 'I'mmm thinking about it.'
You never giggle, but the buzz of alcohol coursing through your body doesn't help to prevent the bubbly noises that escape your throat. That, or being sandwiched between two clones outside your quarters at midnight.
Rex further pushes your head into Jesse's shoulder as his lips reunite with yours in a searing kiss, the other man leaving sloppy kisses across your neck. You're delirious, intoxicated by both alcohol and desire. Your hand moves to lazily open the door to your room, and the two shift inside with you awkwardly positioned between them.
You stay like that for a few minutes, slumped against Jesse who is assaulting the skin of your collarbone and neck, arm wrapped around your waist, and almost pinned to him by Rex, who can't seem to get enough of your lips.
You whine when Jesse pulls away, slightly unbalanced as you lose his support behind you. Your head tilts to watch him travel to your fresher, and you can see him prepare the bathtub through the door. Rex remains on you, but his lips have geared their attention to your jaw, teasing the skin there with his teeth. You gasp when he first nips it.
Just as you wrap your arms around his neck to reconnect your lips with his, he begins pushing you into the fresher, letting you go before Jesse comes into view. The arc trooper smiles out you, it's without teeth, but you're entirely focused on how warm his eyes look.
He begins tugging at your shirt, motioning for you to lift your arms up so he can pull it over your head. You don't miss the way his eyes, so very quickly, flicker down to your chest, only for a fraction of a second before you're making eye contact again.
Rex is leaning against the door frame, watching Jesse prep you for the bath. His face is one of pure adoration for you when you turn around, poorly hiding the goofy smile on your face. You begin shaking off your pants, but you stumble, and Rex lurches forward to catch you.
'Oh Captain, my captain,' you giggle, embarrassingly, and he helps you back to your feet, assisting you with your remaining clothes.
You hoist yourself over the barrier of the bathtub, using the two clones beside you as leverage. When you're seated in the water, Rex leans down to give you a kiss on the forehead, while Jesse settles on playfully ruffling your hair. They pull away, and you frown.
'Where are you going?' you ask, eyes on them as they move to leave the refresher. The smiles they send you are contagious, and you can feel your anxiety melting away.
'We're not going far, cya'rika.'
'We'll be waiting for you in your room.'
You nod, turning your attention to the warm water you're currently sitting in. You sit in silence as you think to yourself, and they take it as their invitation to continue, but you speak up, 'I'd prefer it if you stay.'
You don't see their silent exchange, but they come to an agreement. Your mood begins to lift as you listen to the shuffling of them removing their clothes, and the padding of their feet before you feel the water dip around you, displaced by the large men that join you in the tub.
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