#it'll soften the print but it'll work
bridgeandtunnelblues · 2 months
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...2½ HOURS IN
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elenadvrx · 4 months
let's be honest.
nanami's tie isn't what we would usually choose to wear with a suit. or with anything at all. that design is just horrendously loud and bold.
but the reason why he willingly wears it everyday to work is of course, because of you. what turned out to be a gag gift becomes something he treasures the most just because it was given by you when your relationship was still buddingly new. it's not often he loves and be loved in return.
"nanamin!" yuuji greeted the sorcerer from afar, seeing him standing around the training field. "what are you doing here? gojo-sensei isn't here today, he had a mission to attend to."
"i'm waiting for someone else." he nonchantly replies, adjusting his tie to loosen it up a little.
"hey, nanamin? i've been wondering why you wear that tie. it's not really that nice-looking." during all those times yuuji went on a mission with nanami, his gaze always zeroed in on his black and yellow printed tie but never got the chance to ask him. curses always did occupied most of his time and attention.
"hmm? oh, you don't need to know that." clearing his throat, he fiddled with his tie a little more before placing his hands in his pants pocket. but if yuuji had looked closely, he would see that his cheeks got a tad bit pinkish. nanami was just too bashful to talk fondly about you to yuuji.
just as yuuji was about to shoot another question, nanami saw you turning around the corner - wide smiles and twinkling eyes, hastily making your way to your husband. "kento!"
it's as if you turned off a switch in him just with your mere presence - tensed shoulders relaxing, his stance a little loose before his eyes soften seeing you greet him so openly with love. a slight smile grazes upon his lips.
"hi, you look beautiful as always, my love." nanami cups your face with his big, warm hands before giving you a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"thanks, darling. you look dashing yourself." you were all smiles and giggles as you look up to him, getting your fill of him as it has days since you've last seen him. he has been away for a solo mission far from home. you've missed him too much.
looking down, you noticed his tie was loose and a little crooked. sighing, you trace the pattern on his tie before straightening it a little.
"i don't get why you're still wearing this tie. it's been years since i've gifted you this as a joke, you didn't really have to wear it. i'm getting you a new one soon."
you've been dating for 6 months when you came across this particular tie while walking through a shopping street and thought it'll be funny to see the reaction of the mostly stoic sorcerer. you never thought he'd accepted it with care and wore it everyday.
"it's fine. it's still not too worn out yet, it'll hang on for awhile more." he caresses your cheek, reminiscing the time when you were so excited to gift it to him, giggling the whole time. sure, it may be a gag gift, but it was still a gift from you. all things given by you were things to be treasured. just like your love that encompasses his whole being.
"nanamin!" the both of you flinched hearing the shout coming from the boy just a short distance from you. has he been here all along?
"you- you and sensei are together? wha-when, ho-what? wait, nevermind that, sensei was the one who bought you that tie?" seeing how flabbergasted yuuji was, you face him and ruffle his hair.
"mhmm! we're married actually. and yeah, i bought the tie to mess with him but i guess he really liked it and wore it ever since." chuckling, you nudge his shoulder with your knuckles. "i didn't know you were here. megumi and nobara was looking for you."
"oh, that's right! we had plans to hang out together before i saw nanamin. see you both!" easily distracted, yuuji dashed towards the main entrance, leaving just you and nanami alone.
familiar arms wrapped around your waist from behind before you felt a kiss on your cheek.
"just so you know, i will always wear this tie even if you buy me a new one. it really helps with my cursed technique." your husband is teasing you.
"uhuh, sure. if blood gets on it, you're cleaning it up yourself." you stay contently in his arms, warm afternoon sun softly beaming down on the both of you.
"if blood gets on it, you're cleaning it up yourself."
your words echoed inside your head as you find yourself kneeling on a pool of blood, your husband- what was left of him, blood-soaked khaki pants adorned on a pair of legs, clutching onto the black and yellow printed tie that was found dangling from his pants pocket. it was speckled with blood.
your vision turns blurry from tears constantly trickling down your cheeks, splashing onto the blood below you.
no… the first thing you would do once this is over is to clean his tie as thoroughly as possible. you will not let this incident taint your precious memory of this gift.
but first, you have to finish whoever did this to him.
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addie-henderson · 2 months
I’m such a slut for clarisse, she’d kick my ass for no reason and I’d thank her😭
her holding down your hips while eating you out, AHHHHH😖
“Shh, sit still.. damn..” She whispers softly, her breath blowing air onto your puffy clit “be a good girl..” she murmurs lowly, holding your hips down onto the bed as she licks at your wet pussy.
not my best work but it'll do
clarisse la rue smut
cw: jealousy
She was a jealous person. That much you'd known even before dating. she was jealous, protective, and mean in nature, often possessive and rough. you knew that. you had to have known that. everyone knew that. campers new and old wonder maybe if you'd lost your mind to be playing such a dangerous game, smiling and chatting with some other girl that wasn't your girlfriend at the campfire. Eyes bounce between the scene and the continuous image of Clarisse glaring daggers from across the fire, her knee bouncing in irritation and her eye almost twitching in a cartoonish manner periodically.
she was pissed and everyone around her could tell. she watches as you look up from your conversation and seem to scan the crowd before pointing to her and waving. she grunts an annoyance to herself but she can't help that her glare softens when her eyes are only on her girl. she stands to her full height with crossed arms and in the glaring light of the fire her muscles look magical. the thought of her holding you seemed printed in your mind as she stomped over. you don't bother to stand when she's finally hovering over you just glance up half through your lashes to look at her. "Hi Clar." you smile and her face flushes but remains its look of annoyance. "let's go." her hands uncross from her chest one hand loops its thumb around the back of her belt buckle and rest there as the other extends to assist you in standing. "but I was-" she raises an eyebrow and you pause taking her hand silently. you open your mouth to say goodbye to the new camper you'd been accompanying but Clarisse started pulling you along. "Clarisse-" nothing else is heard from surrounding campers as you're dragged towards the mostly deserted cabins. the familiar dark red building of the Ares cabin comes into view. by now you're far enough that the fire is nothing but a glowing Dot from the distance and you expect her to pull you inside but instead she tsks and pulls you to the side of the building far into the shadows of the late night. your back hits the worn wood and she grunts, it's a familiar sound "what was that?"
"what was what?" you ask confusion evident in your voice. "don't play dumb with me. what was that? all the smiling and giggling and screwing each other with your eyes."
"I was not screwing her with my eyes."
"that's what it looks like to me." she growls
"then maybe you need glasses." you finally say with a huff pushing at her shoulders to get from the compromising position of your back literally being against a wall. she clicked her teeth in annoyance but doesn't budge, so you shove her again.
"will you stop that?"
"will you stop being paranoid?" you shove again, this time much harder actually making her take a small step to center herself.
"WILL YOU JUST-" her voice begins to raise as she grabs your wrist pinning them roughly to the wood behind you. she's quick to try and find her calm her chest raising and falling with heavy breaths as she tries to control her temper. it's hard for her and you sympathize but still wiggle to get loose.
"let. me. go."
"no. " she says simply
"I mean it, La Rue."
"oh I'm La Rue now?" she raises an eyebrow
"shut up." you huff.
"you're in control huh?"
"shut up." you demand again.
"is that all you can say baby? nothing else? no more denying you were screwing her in your head" she tilts her head in faux curiosity.
"I was not! " you screech
"you were."
"I would never do that I don't want anyone but you Clar. " you slump in defeat with a sigh
"no one?" she asks
"no one."
"good girl." she smiles pressing her lips to yours. she was still clearly fuming not gentle and kind but rough and hastily clashing your mouths together.
"im-" you begin to start talking only to get interrupted with her lips on yours again
"I'm still" and again
"clar stop." you finally whine "I'm trying to be mad at you."
"why the hell would you be mad at me?"
"you just accused me of liking some girl I've known for like 10 hours."
"no, I accused you of eye fucking a girl you've known for like 10 hours." she corrects moving her lips down your neck making you gasp and tangle your fingers into her hair.
"is that what you think of me?"
"let me show you what I think of you." she smiles against your skin and you shiver humming half heartedly the stiffness and frustration melting from your body. Her hand runs in-between your thighs "that sounds nice hm? "
"..sounds nice..." you agree softly.
"and we should take these shorts off?" she asks
"here?" you look at her with wide eyes glancing around the space.
"that a problem?" she smiles, undoing the button of your shorts
"i- uh- nono please touch me." she doesn't hesitate tuggy down your shorts letting them drop down to your ankles as she lifts you up into her arms pulling your legs over her shoulders
"CLARRISE." you shout in shock only to be shushed before she buried her face between your thighs, Gently she pushes your panties to the side and runs the rough callous pad of her thumb across her bare clit. she lowers her head between your aching thighs, tongue curious for just a taste of the familiar taste of your sweet cunt. she began probing and sucking on your clit spinning in expert circles causing you to attempt to grind your hips closer.
"Shh, sit still.. damn.." She whispers softly, her breath blowing air onto your puffy clit "be a good girl.." she murmurs lowly, holding your hips down against the wall as she licks at your wet pussy.
"I can't-" you whimper softly pulling her hair making her groan her mouth falling open.
"yes you can." she lines her thick finger up with your achingly empty dripping cunt and pushes it in.
"clar I can't."
"just let me make you feel good and stay still."
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liibrii · 3 years
Built for eternity  
deity!Atsumu x gn!reader || crack/fluff || wc: 1.6k || 🦊
Synopsis: Once Atsumu was a great deity, equally loved and feared but after taking a very long nap he wakes up to a world that has forgotten him. Everyone but your group that’s digging up his old shrine. He's sure you'll be his new followers so why on Earth are you destroying his house?!
warnings: barely proofread, general stupidity, cursing, suggestive moments, archaeological mumbo jumbo, Atsumu is a god of something but it's vague and not really important, also gods exist and everybody is chill with that, reader is a very tired archaeologist and done with everybody’s shit
a/n: after 3 days of rain and 6 straight hours of shovelling dirt I had an epiphany. idk, it made me laugh so I decided to scribble it down. and yes, don’t mess with a profile unless you want archaeologists to hate you forever as always feedback is greatly appreciated!
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Once Atsumu was a great deity with shrines and temples at every corner. Nowadays the only ones remembering him are obscure books only used for collecting dust. But that is about to change. Atsumu is sure of that. 
Group of loyal followers has gathered where his shrine once stood, a small one, one he never really cared about but these days he'll take every crumb of adoration he can. And the crumbs are a plenty as the group digs up the shrine, excited about the pottery shards and walls coming to light. 
They call themselves archaeo-something, architects probably since they will rebuild his power. Yes, excellent, it pleases him to see you all rejoice, taking pictures of everything, you will be his new followers and more will follow, he'll be a great deity again, equally loved and feared-
“Aright, take the wall out!“
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Why are ya destroyin’ his shrine?! No, no, no, stop breakin’ apart the walls! That was the inner altar, what are ya pigs doin’?!
Thunder rumbles and a downpour falls for days, and still those little crawly humans continue to destroy his shrine, his precious walls, and take away the last remains of old offerings. Oh he's going to have a word with all of you freakin' stumblin’ humans, ya better know yer damn places. But he'll start with the one in charge.
The excavation site is empty when he decides to approach you. You're shovelling away dirt, though you should've started with your shoes and clothes. You turn when you hear someone approach and your eyes widen, as they should, thinks Atsumu, at least someone 'round here should show him the respect he deserves, he's a god after-
“Hey! You're standing on my feature! Get off, shoo, shoo! And watch out for the profile! I just cleaned the damn thing. Excavation site is closed to the public Mister so I'll have to ask you to leave.“
Exca- what? Leave? It’s his shrine! Humans shouldn’t react to his presence the way you did, that's just, it's not what humans do! 
“But I live here.“
“You-? Oh. You're still standing on my feature, get off already,“ you pull him off the patch of dark soil that to him looks the same as the patch where he's standing now.
“Why are ya destroyin' my shrine?“
You wipe away the sweat on your forehead, or maybe it's rain, with raindrops still falling he can't really tell. “We're not destroying anything, we're digging it up. Documenting it. It'll get destroyed once the apartment complex is build here. Come on, stay away from the profile!“
You return to scrapping the patch of dirt and Atsumu feels some very confusing mixture of rage that you, a lowly little human being, are talking to him like he's a nuisance, and being very pleased because when you lean down to scrap the soil he has an incredible view of your behind, and whew, that's a very nice ass. He shouldn't look, staring is rude, but what else is he supposed to look at, there's just soil, and holes dug into the ground, a weird green box atop a yellow tripod, a shovel, and some stones, one beside your left leg, such good looking legs indeed, there's a mud stain all over your ass-
No! You're tearing down the last remains of his shrine! “Human. I order ya to stop doin' what yer doin' and answer my questions!“
You glance over your shoulder. “Sure. I'll keep on working and you ask me what you want to know.“
Why are you so calm?! He's a deity, a god, you should be on your knees begging for your life to be spared, not scrapping the ground, oh holy bean sprouts and apples, why does your ass look so good? “Do ya know who I am?“
“The one of many names. The Twofaced god.“ You straighten up just to change gardening hoe for a shovel.
“Why aren't ya scared then?“
“I've met your kind before,“ you shovel the dirt onto a big pile a few steps away. “Though they usually don't go around destroying my surfaces. A clumsy god is a first. Oh, what's this? Pottery, nice,“ you mumble as you turn a small object covered with soil in your hand.
“Hey. Show me some respect or-“
“Or what? You’ll make it rain again? Joke's on you I've been soaked through and through for the last three days. Hand me the trowel?“
“Yer extremely impolite.“
To his utter surprise you burst into laughter. “Listen your holiness it's Friday afternoon, I’m tired, my clothes are completely wet, I'm cold, I have gravel in my shoes, my shoulders are killing me, and I'm more than ready to go home. But before that I have a feature to document. The one that you so kindly stepped in. Now, please show me your godly powers and hand me the trowel. The mini shovel. Red handle. No, left. Left. That's the one, thank you, what did I tell you, watch the profile man!“
Good grief, have humans always been so demanding?
“Will my shrine be rebuild?“
“If your shrine is an apartment complex, sure. Give it a few weeks and it will be good as new. Literally.“ When you see his face your expression softens a little. “No. It won’t be. We'll look at the remains to figure out when it was abandoned, what happened, that sort of thing.“
“But yer an architect. Architects build things.“ He heard people of your group call themselves that. They talked about how the walls had been built though he quickly stoped listening. “This shrine was built for eternity!“
“You meant I’m an archaeologist. Not architect. I don't plan buildings, I dig them up once their eternity passes.“
“It's eternity! It doesn't pass! Go dig somewhere else!“
You sigh. You look almost as exhausted as he did before taking his a few thousand years long nap. “Great, you're one of those people. Always complaining, why is it taking so long, why do you have to dig on my building site? Well mister it ain't my fault you decided to build atop of my neolithic settlement. Hey, grab the hoe.“
“The what?“
“The thing by your feet. No, that's a trowel. The one with the long handle. No, that’s a pickaxe, yes that's the one. See there? Your footprints. Clean them. Come on, don't just stand around and look pretty, get to hoeing.“
“Right here? Out in the open?“ He wiggles his eyebrows at you. “Yer an intriguin'-“
“Clean them away.“
Atsumu does as you say all while grinning. You're getting flustered. Humans and their brave facades, we'll see how long you manage to hold your own up.
“There.“ It only took four scraps to get rid of the footprints but Atsumu proclaims it so proudly he might as well just have dug up the entire excavation site on his own. “That was as easy-“ As he steps away ground under his foot crumbles and he hears your shocked shriek.
“My profile!“
Oh dear. The word he’d use to describe the look on your face when you see the collapsed pile of dirt beside the hole in the cross section would be heartbroken. Devastated. On verge of tears. Irritated. Angry. Enraged? 
“What did I tell you?! I gave you one job, one job you clumsy wanna be deity! Oh fuck, come on, I’m to tired for this.“
“’m sorry,“ Atsumu mumbles. His ears are on fire.
“Yeah you better be. Shit, fuck, what am I supposed to do?“ You look at him the same way someone in a hurry looks at a doorknob when their jacket gets caught on it. “You. Here.“
“Don’t tell me you don’t know what a shovel is. You destroyed my profile. I'm very tired. I'm very angry. I don't care if you're a god or a plastic straw, right now you will help me fix it. Shovel straight down. I want a right angle.“ 
With his strength evening out the cross section proves to be no problem at all. He glances over at you, do you see what a good job he’s doing, maybe he messed up before but now he’s doing great, as you pay him no attention and write something on a small blackboard. A bunch of numbers and words. He recognises there's a date. What could the others mean? You lean down to reach for, oh that mud stain on your trousers is actually a hand print. You must've wiped your hand on your ass- 
The shovel slips. Luckily you're too preoccupied with your camera to take notice of it.
“Are you done?“ you ask without looking up and he stutters out an 'almost' since he's almost sure it isn’t just the shovel that’s slipping. “Looks good.“ You say more to yourself than him. 
He thinks you're pretty cute when you're not chewing him out for stepping onto that one patch of dirt. The way you lift the camera up and take photos of that patch of dirt is pretty cute too. 
“Help me pack up,“ you say once you’re done. He doesn’t need to be told twice, already gathering your tools. “All things considered you weren’t so bad. Maybe you should consider becoming the god of archaeologists.“ Your smile is incredibly cute too. “Fancy a drink?“
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thechangeling · 4 years
Lux and Obscures:
This used to be called aimless but I decided to change the title to match the story better. This is going to be multiple chapters. I've linked part 1 down below. I know it's been a million years I'm sorry.
Chapter 2: Despair
"What do you mean she's been taken mom?! What the fuck happened?" Mina shouted. Her parents both instantly glared at her disapprovingly. Helen and Aline promptly stared off into the corner awkwardly. Her father still looked a little strange, kind of dazed and miserable.
Mina tried to regain her composure. "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have sworn, that was uncalled for. I'm just really worried about Ellie" she explained. Her mothers faze softened. Her father still looked deeply troubled.
Then it dawned on her.
Where's my Parabatai, is what she had said. Where's my Parabatai? Her father probably had been asking himself that very same question over and over for years now.
"What even happened?" She asked her mother, nudging by her and the Blackthorn- Penhallows to go to the weapons room to retrieve Cortana. Emma and Julian hadn't had any children so that meant Mina was the Cartairs heir.
It had taken awhile for Cortana to accept her. The first time she had tried, Mina had been 15. She had anxiously held out her hand but nothing happened. She refused to budge. It had been Emma originally who insisted on Cortana being called "she" instead of it because apparently she just "felt right." Well she (Cortana) was an obnoxious bitch. Emma had then held out her hand and of course Cortana lit up and came flying into her mistress's hand.
Mina had been so discouraged. She was flat out convinced that it was some sort of personal flaw of hers. She spent the next several years working her ass off to he worthy. It wasn't until her 18th birthday that Cortana finally relented. It was possible that she was just having a hard time letting go. She and Emma had been together for so long. But all good things needed to come to an end.
Mina currently sped towards the weapons room, everyone else following behind her. "The institute was attacked by a team of warlocks" her mother informed her.
"None of them were familiar" Helen chimed in. "They grabbed Ellie and tried to grab me but seemed to be dodging everyone else. Helen's voice was shakey, as if she were holding back tears. Aline pulled her arm around Helen's waist and rested her forehead against Helen's shoulder. "I just don't get it" Helen said dejectedly.
Mina took a breath. Helen was right. It didn't really make sense. However there was no time to dwell on that. Mina knew Ellie wasn't dead or else the bond would have snapped. But that didn't mean she wasn't in trouble. She needed to move fast.
She marched into the weapons room, grabbing up Cortana. There was no time to grab gear so she just tied her hair back. Mina turned back to face the group. "Do we have any ideas about where they took her?" She asked.
Her mother stepped forward and produced a plastic bag that seemed to contain a throwing star. Magnus had the idea to pull a print off of this." She said
"But that might take awhile" her father interjected. Mina's breathing began to become shallow and frantic. She could feel panic brewing inside of her.
"How long exactly?" Mina asked with a sharp edge to her tone. "We can't wait very long. Who knows what they might be doing to her?"
"Mina!" Her mother scolded her sharply, giving her a pointed look. Helen and Aline both looked horrified. Mina felt guilty. She knew she was being immature and disrespectful, but she couldn't help it. She was terrified.
"It'll take a few hours" Aline answered. "In the mean time we need to prepare an assult team. I'm assuming you're coming with us?"
Mina nodded firmly, she watched her parents out of the corner of her eye to see if they would protest, but neither of them said anything.
"Great" Helen said raising her head. "We need to go to New York to meet up with Julian, Emma, Mark and Cristina. Maybe throwin Kieran if he isn't busy. I'm pretty sure we could get Clary and Jace involved as well, and of course Magnus and Alec, but Simon and Izzy are still in Peru." Helen marched past her to load up on weapons. "You're probably going to want to change sweetheart. I dont know what you're brother might have told you but you can't actually survive stab wounds just by sheer force of will." She joked.
Helen and Aline were strapping knives and short swords onto their gear while her father went to retrieve his staff. Her mother was preparing to make a portal for New York.
A few minutes later Mina emerged from her bedroom, fully dressed in gear. "So what about Kit and Ty?" She asked physically restraining herself from saying kitty instead. This was a serious situation.
"They volunteered to stay behind with the younger kids" Aline supplied sliding another knife up her sleeve. "So basically that's Emelia, Iris and of course Rosie and baby Livvy. Everyone else is coming with us."
Emelia was the youngest daughter of Kieran, Mark and Cristina and Iris was the youngest of Helen and Aline. Rosie and Livvy were Mina's nieces, Kit and Ty's daughters.
"Wait a minute. Literally everyone else?" Mina asked incredulously. "You mean Gianna too? Honestly I didn't think she would give a shit."
"Wilhelmina!" Her mother shouted.
"Ok this isn't helping!" Helen snapped. "We need to go." Mina instantly felt guilty.
Her mother nodded and raised her hands. Slowly blue light began to spark from them and rush outward in a flurry of colour creating a portal. Mina couldn't help but feel jealous.
"Alright then come on" her father beckoned her towards the portal. Mina reached behind her back to pat Cortana to make sure she was still there.
Mina closed her eyes for a moment, steeling herself.
I'm coming Ellie.
She opened her eyes with a sense of newfound determination, took her father's outstretched hand, and walked through the portal.
And as she stepped into the black nothingness crackling with energy, she couldn't help but think to herself.
If I had power. Real power. Then this never would have happened.
@thelandunderthehilll @inxj @ti-bae-rius @zafirafoxx @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @older-brother-kit @eutony-in-whisper @stxr-thxif
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discount-dionysus · 4 years
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a dream you can touch
also available at hpfanfictalk
banner by @gruumpy-cat
You never had to tell me, I think I always knew.
Living in the house it was impossible not to see, little signs of you everywhere. A dress that wasn't mums or shoes that were just too big, hissed conversations behind half closed doors and you, you were never happy.
Nothing was ever right, nothing good enough. You're driving us all to perfection but something was never there, never perfect, you're never quite... you. There's gaps where truths should be, stories you don't tell.
You vanished off some evenings, came back drunk and late.
It was never right, the picture blurred, a missing fragment.
Something slightly out of sync.
Mum leaves on a Monday, takes Molly and goes.
Molly's angry, screaming betrayal to anyone who'll listen, seeing the world through her own red gaze, wanting perfection, wanting order. She doesn't want you like this, out of her neat little box. She wants you back the way you were, the way it was easy. The way she can say dad and for it to be normal.
Mum is quieter, looking at you like she doesn't know what to say. She knew, how could she not. She's heartbroken but she understands. She's been closest to you for the longest. She loves you, she wants you to be happy.
A fresh start, that's what she called it, for all of us.
We go to muggle London, where there's make up counters packed with colour and nobody who knows. Where girls in heels and leather skirts surround you with bright white teeth and words of welcome. You're so nervous now, sitting in the chair and looking in those sparkling mirrors, smiling and shaking.
I browse the counters while you chat, while they teach you the art of being perfect. This blusher, this brush, this mascara. They paint you up and watch as you change, as the smile becomes brighter, the face in the mirror softens.
Like magic, that's what the sales assistant says. Like magic.
We leave an hour later, with little black bags full of this and that and magic pots of pigments that make you so happy. We pass by another shop, with expensive looking dresses in the window and prices that mum would have screamed at if she were here. But she's not, and you're happy, so we go in.
It smells like money, and silk and beauty and it smells so feminine and I can see your face as you touch a printed scarf, as you run your fingers over the fabric.
It's too warm outside for scarves, but that scarf to you is more than a scarf and I know it. It's a dream you've had for so long, a secret, a hope. It's a dream that's now real, something you breathe and live, a dream you can touch.
The boy at the counter calls you Ma'am and you smile like it's Christmas.
We sit in the sun drenched park and you take a tiny scoop of ice cream in your little plastic spoon and savor the flavor. You smile like the food tastes better, like the air is fresher and the day is lighter.
You cross your legs when you notice me doing it, sit up straighter, mirroring me in tiny ways that you don't think I notice but I do.
I notice the smile too.
We're in the house, just the two of us.
I wish that mum was here, and Molly too. I wish she understood, I wish that they could see you.
You pretend it's fine but I can see it's hard. I see the wine and the glass and the bottles as they stack up on the counter.
She doesn't see, they won't see.
I wish she would.
I need her, my big sister. You need her, she's your Molly, your oldest and she's most like you.
First day of work and you look so nervous.
Your hair's so long now, sitting nice in tight, neat curls.
The dress looks great too, we picked it out last week and you've tried it on every day since. Pressing and fixing and wearing it with these shoes or those. You look nervous, smiling like a kid on their first day of school, posing for a photo by the door with your new bag and coat and lipstick, one of my lipsticks. There's only so many reds that don't clash with ginger.
Around your neck you've got that scarf, your dream made real.
There's people coming round tonight, the table all set and candles burning bright and the fire glowing hot.
You've been cooking all day, the smell coming through like it's granny's kitchen.
You're shaking. It's only Auntie Ginny, Fleur and Aunt Hermione but you're white as a sheet, smudging your makeup as you shake.
I can see you in the mirror, getting annoyed with the tiny brush of liner you're painting wrong. Trying to copy the way the girl in the shop did it and failing every time.
I forget this is new, all new.
You look the part now but you're learning to fly, unsteady in the air on newfound wings. We learn this as children, playing with mummy's makeup bag and watching older girls at school.
You never did. You learned the trade of a boy, the untold secrets that are kept from girls in the schoolground and the dormitories. You learned what fathers teach sons and they drilled it into you even though it was wrong. So now it's up to me.
I push open the door and sit on the bed, gently take the brush and we start again.
Along the lid and a tiny flick. We do it once, we do it twice.
We practice on me and on you.
You'll get it eventually.
There's time to learn.
Molly came home last night, I wish you could have seen your face.
You looked so happy, so scared, so hopeful. It was all wrapped up in one. A little mess of emotion.
She's trying, which is something.
It'll take her time, she hasn't seen you grow like I have.
She'll learn though. When she messes up and calls you ‘he' she corrects herself and winces, looks to me for help but she's trying.
We'll get there.
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tlratik4hh · 4 years
coffee girl • erik killmonger × reader
dom! Erik sub! Reader
mentions of daddy kink and sex toys
reader is a shy and quiet girl
(Y/N) sweeped the floors if the cafè as the bell on the glass door chimed. She glanced at her watch that she bought off from some guy by the roadside and frowned.
"Hey, we're not opened yet!" she exclaimed in a sweet tone. (Y/N) is a very reserved, shy and sweet girl. And her voice is to die for. The tall man faced her direction and chuckled.
"But it's 8 30 in the morning." He replied. (Y/N) frowned in confusion and glanced at her watch that said 8 and glanced at the man's Frank Mueller that said 8 30. (Y/N) giggled sheepishly.
"Hehe, sorry my bad." (Y/N) took the faulty watch baby blue off and tossed it into the bin. That watch meant alot to her, but she needed a new one anyways.
(Y/N) giggle soften the tall man. He smiled ear to ear and instantly wiped off the stern and cocky look he had on previously.
"So what would you like to have? It'll be on me since i messed up the time just now." (Y/N) bit her lip and laughed. The man shook his head and laughed and said,
"I'll get an iced frappe mocha" his raspy voice made (Y/N)'s fingers quiver as she pressed the tablet to process the man's order.
"Can i have your name please?" (Y/N) grabbed a plastic cup and a marker, smiling.
The man stared at (Y/N) as she smiled, waiting for his name like an idiot. Small face, big brown eyes, small nose, chubby cheeks, thick soft lips. Perfection.
"Hi??? Can i have your name?" She waved vigorously. The man snapped out of his trance.
"Erik. Not with a C but with a K." (Y/N) nodded her head and started preparing Erik's order.
Erik took a seat and observed (Y/N) making his order. She was adorable. He could tell she was naive too. He liked his girls freaky and with a sassy attitude but this girl made me want to change his type. She was hard-working, sweet, beautiful, shy and really nice. His heart started beating fast when she called his name.
"Iced Frappe Mocha for Erik!" Her sweet honey voice called. He walked over to the counter and grab his drink.
"See you next time, Erik!" (Y/N) waved with enthusiasm. Erik laughed at how adorable she was. He knew he had to go back there tomorrow.
It was 8 30 p.m and (Y/N) was at home watching her favourite show, Money Heist. Her eyes were glued to the television and she cooked herself some pasta when her phone rings. She set her plate on the table and picked it up.
"Hi (Y/N), i need you to open earlier tomorrow because a customer is coming in with a lot of orders, open the cafè about... 30 mins earlier. Thanks, bye."
(Y/N) sighed. She was ultimately tired of working at the cafè, but she had no choice. Both her parents died and she needed to pay off her college and tuiton debts alone. And this job paid the best.
After eating the plate of pasta, (Y/N) closed the television, slipped into a huge t shirt and drifted off to sleep.
"Hi welcome to- Erik?"
"Yeah babygirl, whatsup?"
(Y/N) sighed. It was because of Erik that she had to open the cafè early.
"So uhm, what can i get you?"
"Your phone number." Erik smirked, showing his dimples.
No doubt, (Y/N) was about to melt at the sigjt of his dimples and smirking, but she continued to play dumb.
"W-what? Huh?" She stuttered.
"Damn, boo. You cute when you stutter."
(Y/N) blushed profusely. This man really knew his way with girls like her.
"Uhh.. pass me your phone then." Erik handed her his Iphone XR.
"I don't even own an Iphone." (Y/N) chuckled. She took out her Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and started laughing.
"You must be filthy rich, huh? To be paying my manager to ask me to open the cafè earlier." She trailed off as she registered her number in Erik's phone. Erik stared at her while smiling like a fool. He was love-struck.
"So, what can i get you?" (Y/N) said while handing Erik back his phone.
"Nah i'm good." He left the cafè, looking back at (Y/N) and winking. (Y/N) shook her head violently and huffed.
That night, her phone was ringing like crazy. (Y/N) didn't have much friends, so we obviously know who's blowing her phone up.
- call me!
- wyd?
- heyyy
- hello??
"How does he even know my name??" (Y/N) scratched her head. But (Y/N) liked it. She liked Erik texting her. She felt overjoyed. She felt happy. It was her first time talking to a guy, a good-looking, charismatic guy. (Y/N) wondered what Erik saw in her.
- hello I was having dinner haha. Wanna go out someday? :)
- yes. yes (Y/N) what kind of a question is that babygirl?
- uhm how do You know my name??
- its on ur nametag sweetheart.
- gosh ur so adorable and naive it turns me on
(Y/N) squinted her eyes. Turns him on? What was he talking about? He isn't a Nintendo Switch to be turned on, neither was he a Playstation. (Y/N) switched her phone off and prepared herself to go to sleep.
The next day, (Y/N) and Erik planned an outing to the art musuem. (Y/N) wasn't such of a fashionista. She didn't have pretty clothes nor the money to buy them. She often went thrifting or clothes from any cheap shops. She made today no exception. She put on a yellow t shirt with a faded sun print on it with a pair of black leggings and her old pair of yellow and white checkered Vans sneakers that she had for quite a long time. (Y/N) wasn't like the other girls who had 48 closets worth of bags, shoes and clothes. She found it stupid. She only had 1 closet of clothes and she's proud and happy of it.
(Y/N) strictly told Erik that this outing wasn't a date but more of a best friend outing. She wasn't ready yet. She didn't know what to do or what to feel, especially the "turn me on" text.
(Y/N) walked quickly over to where Erik was standing. He had his dreads back, with a fitted black t-shirt on with khaki pants. Such a breath-taking view for (Y/N). Made her wanted to go back home and change into something more nicer.
"Hey" (Y/N) said softly. Her voice was muffled because the wind was too strong and loud. Her hair was all over her face and she tried calling Erik a couple of times.
"Oh hey there." He greeted her with a warm smile and gave her a tight hug. (Y/N) had to tip toe to hug him better. She felt warm and right in his arms. She felt an indescribable spark in her stomach, and she knew Erik felt the same way because his heart was pounding really fast.
They spent around 2 hours in the museum, analaysing each artwork, talking about each other and shared a handful of jokes. (Y/N) started to open up to Erik and (Y/N) learnt that Erik is quite a funny guy. They exited the musuem and found a place to have dinner at.
"I'll have what he's hav-ha-having."
The waitress took their menus and walked away as the both of them just silently looked around the grand restuarant. (Y/N) has never been to a place like this. She was really grateful to be out with Erik. She finally didn't feel lonely anymore.
"Thanks for going out with me, Erik. If it weren't for you, i'll probably be at home, alone."! (Y/N) broke the silence. Erik could see the pain and hurt in those eyes he fell in love with. He grabbed her soft and small hands and carressed them.
"No problem. You made my day, you know? I was really excited to go out with you today. That's how much you mean to me." He smiled, showing his charming dimples.
They spent the rest of the time eating and chatting, both of them were sad when they had to depart.
"Um... wanna hang out next Saturday? I'll pick you up." Erik suggested nervously. (Y/N)'s eyes glistened with joy. She nodded her head.
"Yes! Yes! YESSSS!!!" She squelead excitedly, covering her mouth after that. Erik chuckled at her adorable act.
"See you!"
"See you, babygirl."
The next saturday, (Y/N) had a floral dress and the same faded sneakers on so Erik took her shopping.
"You didn't have to Erik.. i feel really bad." (Y/N) said, guilt-stricken.
"Nah it's all good." He said as he helped (Y/N) carry the bag of clothes he had got her.
"Um, you know.. you're the only friend i had in my whole life, infact, first guy friend. I'm sorry if i'm awkward around you.. i just don't know what to do." (Y/N) said, not making eye contact.
"For real? You ain't got no friends for your whole life?" Erik looked at (Y/N) with sympathy. This made Erik pity (Y/N) more.
"Yea. People said i was awkward, ugly, nerdy, poor, parentless and smelly." (Y/N) spat, at the verge of crying. Erik rubbed her shoulder.
"Let's go back to my place."
Erik's house was more like a palace. Huge and spacious. She sat on his couch.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have cried like a baby." (Y/N) said, "But it just hurts me so much." She added. Erik nodded his head. He sat beside (Y/N) and handed her a cup of hot chocolate. She slowly sipped it.
"What do you see in me anyways? Like, I'm not pretty, tall, smart, rich, 'boujee' or talkative." (Y/N) looked down.
"Exactly." Erik said.
"What?" (Y/N) said, confused.
"You're not like the others and i mean it. You're a really sweet girl and you're really kind." He added. (Y/N) blushed. She stared at Erik's fat lips and bit hers.
"K-kiss me please."
And with that, they made out for 6 minutes.
"D-damn.. i- i uh, damn fuck my already!" (Y/N) sighed impatiently. Erik laughed.
"Yes Ma'am. You sure dat pussy ready tho?" (Y/N) kept quiet and undressed and laid on the bed. Erik's mouthed widened at the sight of (Y/N)'s body.
"Dat pussy phat and wet for me.." He dived in and ate her out like craaaaazzyyyy.
First, he sucked on her clit, which made her moan uncontrollably, then he wrote the alphabets with his tongue, and made her sing ABCs, but she couldn't, because his tongue game was strong as fuck, then he drew circles and gave her clit sloppy kisses which drove her mad. She squirted like a damn water faucet.
"Damn, just like that and you cumming? This gon be exciting."
Erik walked out of the room and got his vibrator and his handcuffs and returned as fast as lightning.
"Babygirl, you don't know what ya dealing wit'" Erik said with his raspy voice as he handcuffed (Y/N)'s hands to the edge of the bedframe.
(Y/N) whimpered even before Erik switched the vibrator on. The vibrator was pink and had small bumps. Erik put the vibrator on (Y/N)'s phat pussy on high speed. (Y/N) started screaming a string of vulgarities.
"I've never heard you curse this much, babygirl"
"FuCKKKKK ERIKKKK WHAT ARE YOU-MGHHMMMMM NGHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH FUCK FUCK FUCKKK- DOINGGGGGGGG" She screamed. Erik bursted into a huge laugh which made (Y/N)'s pussy wetter.
"You the one who was hungry for this shit, so you take it. I warned you earlier. But you were the one saying, 'Fuck me alreaddyyy'. " He teased. Erik switched the vibrator off and (Y/N) got up.
Erik started taking his clothes off and (Y/N) saw his huge member.
"That's- can- oh my god. Can that fit? That's more than 8 inches!" Erik grabbed (Y/N)'s hair and motioned her to suck his dick.
"You kinda sucked just now, to repay for that, you're going to have to suck this big dick." (Y/N) gulped at the sight of Erik's dick. Part of her regretted this and part of her did not. She started taking his member but then came to a stop.
"I- i don't know how to- suck a dick." (Y/N) admitted. Erik forced her mouth open and put his dick in her mouth. She gagged at first but got the hang of it. She sucked on it, kissed it, worshipped it like her life depended on it.
"Damn, i'm about to cum." Erik said sexily. His dick throbbed and he busted a nut. (Y/N) managed to tasted a little, it tasted like blueberries.
"Nah, you don't get to swallow dat cus you were shit just now. Get on the bed now." Erik demanded.
"Yes daddy." (Y/N) slowly laid on the bed as Erik rubbed the tip of his dick and entered her pussy.
Erik grunted because her pussy was so tight. He thought she was lying about being a virgin.
"Damn yo pussy tight, fat and warm. I think i'm about to cum."
"Yeah, take all of dat big dick, you slut. Take all of it!"
8 minutes later, they both collapsed on the bed naked. Erik got up and placed himself between (Y/N)'s thighs. (Y/N) was too tired to get up, they have been fucking for 4 rounds straight. Counting this, will be 5.
Erik starts eating (Y/N) again. He moans while he eats her swollen pussy out.
"Shit taste so sweet, like dat iced frappe mocha baby."
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bxtchen-dxvil · 4 years
Tumblr media
⊱The Assistant⊰
✿➳sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ; ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴄʜᴀʀʟᴏᴛᴛᴇ ʜᴀs ᴀɴ ᴀʀɢᴜᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʟᴀsᴛᴏʀ ᴀɴᴅ 'sᴇᴛᴛʟᴇ' ᴛʜɪɴɢs.
The whole establishment was a great success. Years can lead to success, but instead in this time period took months. The Radio business has overpopulated all over Louisiana, all thanks to the great member of the staff. Alastor.
J A N U A R Y  13, 1924
Alastor was not only gifted by his buisness, he was also loved by the whole state of Lousiana. Especially by his beloved wife Charlotte. He got more fame and attention, and he slowly became addicted to it. But his manners and class made no differences. Just his interests.
Charlie is happy of course, but she felt very distance between her and her husband. So she shared the idea of being his little assistant, Alastor at first couldn't stand the fact of his Charlotte helping with a big buisness like that but then made up his choice and agreed with her.
But the distance between was still active. So her idea didn't really turned out like she expected.
There she was now, in a small office only taking the risk of getting the attention of her lover.
The blonde blushed brilliantly, holding her black bag strap tightly in her grasp "My apologies honey- I mean Mr. Alastor..."
The brunette stood there and set his hands on his hips and looked away, his hazel eyes narrowed anywhere behind his glasses "Hm...it's quite alright dear. Not like I'm running business here or anything."
She bit her bottom lip and looked down at the floor a moment before looking up at the towering man, swallowing dryly "I had to tend to Vaggie and the hotel, Sir. I promise, I won't be late again." He looked anywhere but her face "Same response as always sweetheart" Alastor replied "Charlotte darling, why do I ever give you foolish chances like these." He turned back to his office, waving his hand in a dismissive way "Just continue your work my dear" he says entering his office.
"Yes, Mr. Alastor. Sorry, Mr. Alastor" Charlotte repeated . She sighed heavily, shutting her eyes and shook her head on this horrid difficulty she is going threw with her lover. But as good as the money she was earning for being his personal assistant; still it was stressful on wining his love back.
They used to be so happy indeed, of course he still loved her now. But he just doesn't show it, his behavior of being a gentlemen and having chivalry was still alive in him, it's just his interests. Back then he did work as a radio host and with the time he had left he would spend it with his beloved Charlotte. But right now he doesn't have a minute nor a second to spare.
Setting her purse down she pulled her scarlet colored coat off her shoulders and her raven colored fedora hanging both of the coverings on a rack, pulled out her reading glasses and slipped them onto the bridge of her nose before picking up the schedule of the 24 hour shift. Of course it was a chock full of things to do, and she sighed down at the print. Yes, working here was hard on her time period, personal and buisness, but it was worth it. The money she earned mostly went towards the hotel for an update, luckily for her lady friend Vaggie gave her a hand in need. But if Charlotte didn't have this job she probably couldn't afford all the supplies she needs in order for the rehabilitation of criminals to work.
But the main reason she is here because once again, she wants to get closer and closer to the love of her life.
She's one of those individuals who believe on what they adore. And so she smiled, keeping in mind that winning his attention back just needed hard work to prove that she still loves him.
"I've got ten o'clock curphew" Alastor said as he strode down the long ruby hallway, Charlotte hurrying up to keep up since one stride from him equaled four of her own with her short legs "Call them up, cancel I'm not technically into the mood of moronic nonsense"
"B-but Alastor it took them six months to arrange this meeting with you" she pointed out, looking down at the planner.
He stood froze and looked back at her with a wide grin "Charlotte my dear, do I really look like I have a slight interest on what those twats would like to say to me?" He asked back, looking deep into her in the eye.
"Right...I'll call them and reschedule." The blonde woman pulled out a pencil and scribbled on the memo. She knew when she did this there would be verbal abuse down the phone; it was always like this. Nobody was ever pleased to be told this news about a meeting being cancelled, so they obviously shot the insults to his little manager.
"Oh and one last favor darling, please be up for security, a little fury menace keeps getting in here and I am NOT in the mood to see him today"
"O-of course A-alastor." She stammered. She made the way to her little office, situated down the hall from his main door and slumped down into her seat. It wasn't even nine o'clock and already she was feeling tired. Charlotte reached for the telephone and picked it up, having to make the necessary call to cancel the schedule meeting.
She hated moments like this.
The tele call effected just as she expected it to; they yelled at her, saying it had taken months to organize this meeting to push forward a buisness proposition to Alastor but all she could do is apologize.
It was now six o' clock, and the blonde ran her fingers through her golden locks, unable to help but notice she had a few dozen split ends settling in. She huffed in annoyance. Before getting this job she didn't have split ends, or bags under her eyes, or anything like that. Maybe he was asking too much for her, but she couldn't quit.
Then there was an anonymous knock on her door "Come in!" She said as she continued doing her paperwork. She felt his gaze and lifted her head, hoping her blush wouldn't reveal that much "Mr. Alastor?" She asked "Is there something I can help you with?"
"My dear it's been a long day" he said, before reaching out and patted the top of her head "Take the rest of the day off sweetheart."
"Alastor hon it IS the end of the day." Charlotte said flatly. "Well take it and run it." Alastor grinned and kissed her on her rosie cheek. She sighed heavily as she dared as he walked away from her desk "Yes Mr. Alastor" before she excused herself, she set the reports on it's proper place.
Once everything was set, she removed her reading glasses and set them in it's case. Covering herself with her red coat and black fedora, she sighed to herself as she left the radio establishment.
She drove to her white cottage, as she made it there she just dragged her feet. Letting her supplies just drop off her grasp once she got inside her warm location; uncaring where they landed. She than noticed a sticky not on her kitchen furniture. It was from Vaggie.
'Hey hon, it's me your friend Vaggie. I knew you would have a stressful day at work. And for a reward of your hard work, I brought you beignets. The finest in New Orleans!-Love Vaggie'
Charlotte smiled down at the note and enjoyed the special pastries her best friend brought her.
And so the rest of the week was a repeat like a VHS tape. Meetings rescheduled, the same twenty-four hour approach on the radio.
J A N U A R Y  19, 1924
"Miss.Magne, I don't pay you for the slightest errors you know? I've told you I needed August files not July's..." Charlotte stood before his desk, a trolley of assorted binders and reports taking up the space. She had been sure he stated July's files; not August's.
"Charlotte honestly, this is no correct way to run buisness you know?" He commented. She looked deep into his eye and said "You said July..." She responded sharply "You even wrote it on your post!" She added.
He smirked "Hahaha my dear Charlotte Magne, perhaps your mixing other files with mine which counts as a mistake."
She looked genuinely shocked and said "Excuse me?! Don't lie to yourself Alastor! It really infuriating really!"
He still had his sinister grin tattooed on his lips as always "Oh mahogany my dear, absolute mahogany!"
"Listen here Al! And listen closely. I have to handle with your bullcrap twenty-four seven, bags under my eyes, split ends! And let's not forget those hurtful insults from the radio staff every time YOU have to reschedule the meetings!! But the main reason I had to keep up with this is because I want your love back just like before. I no longer see you as a husband. And I bet you don't look at me as your wife...you see me as an assistant, nothing else" she finally pointed out.
The brunette stood there, looking honestly shocked (still having his grin). Nobody had dared to talk to him in such way since he became a successful radio host.
He didn't had guilt because of the business topic she pointed out. The guilt bar inside him overflowed because he wasn't focusing on the love of his life. Was he really bad of a husband?
"...Are you giving notice?" He asked, his voice softened. Charlotte hadn't expected that response. She had been bracing herself for an explosive war between them. But no, it was the opposite.
"I-I-I don't know." Charlotte said quietly.
"Don't go" he said.
That shocked her; the girl's ocean eyes widened.
"Please don't leave" he grabbed her by her wrist. Gone was the busy radio host, replaced with a man who doesn't want his beloved to leave. He missed her...so much.
"J-just don't leave..." The blonde woman couldn't believe this successful man stammered for once. "Don't?" The girl asked, taking a tentative step towards him, her cheeks red as the rose.
"Dear, you obviously no longer want to stay by side don't you? Is it perhaps you have strong hatred towards me?" He asked. Charlotte shook her head with speed. She doesn't hate him. She can't hate him.
"What?" She squeaked "I don't hate you..."
"Darling it's alright just admit it, it'll make things simpler for you and our divorce..."
She wasn't lying. She still loved him and she'll always will. "NO AL! I don't hate you, I can't hate you!"
"Then how come your raising your voice?!" He said needing answers now.
"Because you keep on treating me like a toy instead of your wife!"
He kept silent-his grin now into a soft smile- he could feel cold shakes roaming down his long legs.
He reached for her by holding her slender waist. Charlotte squeaked and took a step back but his hands held her wrists and forced them to go above her head. "W-what-" she started before he kissed his soulmate. Her eyes widened in shock as he held her there, heart racing within her chest. It has been a long while that he kissed her like this.
Alastor pulled away from her, his grip still on her wrists. He looked like a deer caught in headlights.
"...you just kissed me, you rarely even do that..." Charlotte stated the obvious. "And you didn't kiss back" Alastor said.
"W-well you hardly gave me time to prepare or anticipate it!" Charlotte said, face red as a cherry "Y-you surprised me!" She stated and giggled.
"So if I give you a fore warning would you return the favor?" He asked.
Charlotte didn't know what to respond to that. She pursed her lips together. How often had she dreamed of them kissing like they did before. Pushing his hands through her hair, holding against him and so many assorted activities....And yet here he was, kissing her in a French style, and she'd done nothing. Slowly she slipped her hands from his, and slowly slid his glasses off his face.
"Dear what're-" he started, before she was the one to kiss him this time. Alastor was unresponsive at first before he really hadn't thought this would happen. He had expected an awkward slap on his face from his beloved, but no it didn't happen.
It didn't last too long; she pulled herself away from him, smiling faintly. "You just need to work on your people skills..." She whispered.
"Well sweetheart, May I work on you?" He asked, although his tone sounded husky.
"Oh My, you did not just say that." The blonde giggled as his arms wrapped around her, pulling her against him in a way she used to dream of. "You're horrible!" She playfully smacked her fist against his chest.
"Well in case you don't know, you're the same amount of horrible as I am dear..." He grinned once more. She sighed and said "I always did have a thing for brunettes in glasses~" Charlotte dramatically declared, reaching up and gripped his collar and pulled him down so she could kiss him a second time. Hang being cautious. You only live once.
That probably explained why in such a short amount of time she had gone from being livid at the man to finding herself laying flat on his amber desk. His supplies and glass objects being sprawled out around her. She had somehow lost her white blouse and bra, some where along the line. Laying there flatly on his desk, the only object near her was his radio.
"Mr. Alastor! Your 10 o'clock meeting starts-" the audio calling out of his radio, but it was now silent when Alastor pressed the mute/decline button. He didn't care about them. He was now focusing on his doe.
Her legs were propped out, wrapping around the man's chest as his face were buried between her breasts. Charlotte knew he despised sex but this time he wanted this, he wanted her. He was one of those men who don't do it until marriage. One of his hands, still gloved, squeezed one of them whilst the other gripped at her side.
Charlotte's face was flushed, well and truely, as her heart raced within her chest. Now this, this was the last thing she expected to have happen at work today. Yet here she was, his face pressing against her like this. His pointy nose nuzzling against her fragile flesh. She arched her back and mewled as he pinched one of her rosie buds, her body seemingly burning from the inside out.
"M-Mr. A-Alastor..." Charlotte whispered breathlessly, fingers gripping at his chestnut hair. "Mmffhh" was his answer, opening his mouth and ran his tongue up against one of her breasts before breathing against it, making her sensitive peachy skin shiver at his behaviour. His lips now attached to her neck, and the doe gave a whimper but that was nothing compared to when his hands slid underneath her high waisted black skirt, and his fingers teased and pressed against her panties. "Ah! A-Alastor!".
She squirmed, squeaked and called out his name. Oh his name, that's what he was craving. Those sounds escaping from her lips just gives him more dominance and more reasons to mark her and own her.
Her legs spreading like a scandalous kitten, as his fingers continued to probe against her but then he pulled away, and she whined. But he had a purpose of doing this. Alastor bit down against his gloves finger tips and pulled, yanking the white material away from his hands, exposing his bare palm. Then it returned, his fingers warm, though a little rough to touch, and she whimpered at his return.
He smashed his lips against her leg, up to her knee, then he made it his goal at her thighs. When he made it her thighs, he bit each of them with ownership, greed and in a monsterasity way. He knew her body was just screaming for him to claim and ravish her like a wolf. His hands explored her thighs and up to her hips, lifting up her skirt revealing her bare milky stomach and panties. He torn off her black skirt with no regrets, he wanted taste and bite her everywhere. Just leaving Charlotte with her undergarment and bare skin was enough for him to have eagerness.
Charlotte's arms around his shoulders tightly as she felt the sensation of his fingers work their way beneath her panties, not even bothering to remove them, as his fingers pushed into her. "Oh Charlotte d-dear...." He called out in a husky voice.
She shook her head one way to another, as the overwhelming amounts of pleasure that wracked her body continued.
He was a man who obviously knew what he was doing, and what he was performing leaded to a submissive girl. The dominance's fingers expertly touching her in ways that made her insides jitter. The submissive moaned, before pushing a hand against his shoulder. "Nnghh!" She arched but then his fingers left her. "W-what, why are you-" she got inturupted.
But then she got answer when his hands gripped her ankles and lifted them up, which caused Charlotte to fall back against his desk again, gasping in surprise when his mouth took up the place where his fingers had just been moments ago, still without removing her undergarment.
"MR. ALASTOR!" She cried out, genuinely shocked and surprised yet at the same time she had never felt so excited, or empowered.
That a man like this, so gifted, with so much proper influence on the world around him, would be on his knees before her, having her on his personal desk where he worked so hard every day, doing this to her.
She pressed her hands over face to not expose her red rose face. Her mind reacted when she felt his tongue fighting against her clit. Both of his hands were continuing gripping her ankles, meaning that he wasn't even tending to himself. He just wants to experience her in his own way, but it will only happen once in a while. He knew many hot-blooded vile men out there just want this carnal activities. But Alastor didn't seem to have interest in erotic events. But he is just doing this so he can prove that's she's already claimed and to scream out to New Orleans, Heaven including Hell who she belongs to.
The man in the red and pinch of white suit gave her wholesome and a pinch of hot pleasure.
The blonde's hips rocked against his mouth desperately, jerkily since he still hasn't returned control of her legs. She was so close now, insanely close and she almost felt guilty about it. She was at bursting point but him...But then he was sucking on her highly bundle of nerves.
Charlotte's body felt like it had been gutted, like a tree being burned from the inside out. Her chest is rising and falling in rapid succession, her legs felt like jelly, her skin tingling, the doe sighed heavily, she lazily opened her eyes to look up at him.
Alastor was leaning against his desk breathing at a heavy level, running his fingers into his lips, licking and sucking up the last pieces of her juices as if she had been some kind of desert he had enjoyed greatly. Charlotte quickly glanced at him and saw just how excited he was-telling with that huge grin.
Slowly she sat up, trying to catch her breath, as he stood there. "I...I can't believe you didn't hold back A-Al..." She said breathlessly. He looked back at her, their eyes meeting, "Well I just couldn't let my doe be there like a hopeless romantic could I? That wouldn't be gentlemen like!" He chuckled.
Charlotte gave a shaky laugh before sketching closer to him, quiet enjoying her bare body against his fabric. His hands wrapped around her, and pulled her trim body onto his lap. She squeled as he did so, then Alastor burried his face onto her amber long hair, enjoying her fragrance of strawberries and magnolias.
He started to rub her thighs softly with his finger tips and kissed her silky back "I love you so much Charlotte..." She smiled softly at him "I love you too Alastor but please..."
"Call me Charlie."
✧ T H E   E N D ✧
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ancanosaur · 5 years
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•Without a shadow of a doubt•
Chapter one: A Temple of Memories.
The temple was building of old creaks and sounds that echoed through the halls in the night. Despite their past reputation and the swollowing cold that surrounded their temple, the Lin Kuei had welcomed you with great open arms and the warmth of family.
You don't remember much of what happened. You remember the roaring engine and slashing blades of a helicopter. The wind was warm on your cheeks, the sky giving off a golden glow of orange that signaled dayligh'ts final hours. Your body ached, temples were throbbing. "We're in the clear General, mission accomplished." A woman's voice spoke over you, your (E/C) orbs searched up, finding a blonde looking down at you. "Don't worry, we got you." She smiled softly. Her eyes were an ocean blue and filled with hope. "Cassie." A man's voice was heard, making the blonde look up at an older man, his hair a light brown with a bit of salt and pepper in the sides. "Let's get them hooked up." He said.
You suddenly felt your body lift from the ground and onto what felt like a hospital bed, your finger tips finding soft thin sheets as the buckles around your waist were tightened, a soft prick in your arm made you give a gasp of weak air, looking over to see the man placing an IV needle in your arm and sticking a bit of tape over it, keeping it in place. "Sorry kid, gotta keep you alive and hydrated." He patted your shoulder, giving a smile. "It's good to have you back." He said finally. "Let's head out, Jacquie!" Cassie called to the front of the copter.
That's all you could remember. Besides landing at base and being greeted by many smiling faces. The ones that rescued you saying that they were close friends and teammates of yours. You thought back to their happy faces, sitting around you in the hospital room. They all said that you were all close, the best of friends, and yet you couldn't think of their names. Their features all gained a veil of grief as you shook your head at them. The older man spoke up as the youngers went qiuet. "That's okay Y/N." He gave a smile. "You just get a chance to get to know us all over again." It gave the others a bit of hope.
A knock at the door pulled you out of your thoughts. You sat up from your spot on the bed and quickly made your way over to slide open the door seeing a young woman's face. "Frost." You gave a smile. She returned it in more of a small smirk. "I brought you dinner." The snowy haired girl spoke, holding up a trey of steaming food. You gave her a gracious smile, taking the trey from her and allowing her in as you sat the trey down on the dark wood of your night stand. "So when are you going to get back to helping me with the kiddies?" She said, her bare feet making icey patches on the stone floor. "You're bothered." You meet her cool blue eyes as you sat on the bed. Frost looked at you for a moment before letting out a chilling sigh, the air from her lungs thick and smokey as she took a seat beside you. "Grandmaster send me, wanting to know are you're doing and everything," Her posture was hung low, her arms crossed over her knees. "See if you remember anything."
The food on your night stand still smoked with freshness as you eyed it. You looked back at Frost, trying to find the words. You wanted to be truthful. But another part of you simply wanted to tell her the things she and the Grandmaster wanted to hear. "You don't eat as much as you should." She commented, seeing you just looking at the plate of meat and vegetables seeming unbothered.
"I just feel like i dont need it." You answered after a moment, moving your gaze to the cold tile floors. "Well, you do." The Cryomancer said in a caring yet slightly forceful way, something that was just part of Frost's charm. She see's your jaw clenched for just a moment. "It would hurt a lot of people's feelings if you starved to death." She nudge you, making you gain a low smile for just a moment.
You wish you could remember being apart of the clan and the your team, you wish you jad those memories. But you simply didnt. "Ill feed you if you dont eat." Frost finally said. That made you shake your head and give in with a smile. "Alright, alright." You pulled the trey into your lap, picking up the spoon and stirring around the small bowl of stew that was on the side before taking a bite. "There, now we can keep you." She gave a smile.
You finished your plate and sat it to the side. You and Frost had began talking about the temple gossip that you had apparently missed. Like that one of the guards, Tao had the hots for a Shiria Ryu memeber that always came with Master Hasashi for sparring training, she said his name was Atomu and that you should ask Takeda about him once you join back up with your SF team.
"Frost?" You ask after a moment of silence between the two of you. "Hm?" She looked up at you. "What..." you puased, unsure of how to really word the question. "What happened to me?" You looked at her, metting her gaze.
Frost's shoulders tighted up for a moment before loosening g up again. Her crystal eyes looking to the grey brick of the floor for a moment like she was hoping the carving in the tile would answer for her.
"You died."
She finally answered, and you felt dizzy for a moment. "I-i what?" You looked at her, "Frost, i couldnt have. Im right-" "here. You're here now." She looked at you firmly. "And thats all that matters." She let out an irritated huff but her sharp features began to soften as she looked back at you.
You just sat there, looking at the ground. Chewing on your lips like gum. "How?" You finally asked, not meeting her eyes. "You," she looked down at her hands, picking at her nails, a nervous habbit of hers. "Were with your team, everything was going smoothly and then an ambush happened." She sighed. "You took a knife and...that was that." She said abruptly, not wanting to talking about the details.
Your fingers were clutched tightly into the bed below you, the world feeling like it was spinning around you, until a hand found your shoulder. "But we got you back." Frost said, her grip firm on you. "That's all we wanted."
Time passed and Frost had left you for the night. The wool blankets wrapped around keeping you warm as you begin to drift to sleep, the candle at your bedside still burning.
Everything was nothing but pitch black around you, your body was just a drift in nothingness, it was warm nor cold. Just nothing until a pair of large hands found their way to gripp your arms, seeming to hold you in place in this endless darkness. You're eyes were open, but they saw nothing in this dark place as the hands traveled up, sliding against your skin and up to hold your face. "A lost little spirit..." the voice was deep, yet it echoed like the hissings of snakes. You felt fingers run through your hair and tilt your face to the side. "I'll take you in..." the voice whispered.
You sat up in your bed, letting out a gasp as if you had been under water. Your hand found your heaving chest, your heart desperately trying to escape your ribcage as it pounded against your sternum.
You looked around your small dark room, recognizing it as yours, aiding you in calming from your dream. You let out a deep sigh, closing your eyes for just a moment before the smell of smoke caught your attention.
The candle that was one lit was now out and it was still smoking as if it had just been blown out. You eyed it for a moment, until you were able to tell yourself that your sudden movment from waking up had blown the candle out. You shook your head. It was just a dream, a weird dream that had left you with this chill of familiarity. But a dream nonetheless.
You sank back down in your bed, until you felt something cold on the side of your face, making you feel for whatever it was against your skin. You lifted you hand up into the moon light to see somthing dark on your fingertips making you jump and rush over into the bathroom, flipping the switch on, thinking you were going to see the crimson red of blood once you looked in the mirror. But what you saw made you shiver. A Jet black hand print was perfectly framed against your jawline, the thumb was smeared as it had been rubbing against your cheek.
You didnt know what to think or do, so you simply grabbed a wash cloth, turning the water on in the sink and soaking the cloth til it was dripping and looked back up into the mirror to wash the hand print away only to see it already disappeared.
You dropped the cloth into the water, backing up into the wall giving a shaking sigh with your hands to your head. Maybe you were losing it? Maybe you were slowly dying again. Maybe- you took a deep breath. Remembering what Grandmaster had taught you, 'In a time of storm, find a shelter. In the time of doubt find hope.' You took a few deep breaths. 'In a time of panic, find peace.' You gained control of your breathing, calming your racing heart. Being thankful for your master's words.
Then a thought popped into your mind. If there was anyone to talk to about this, anyone who would have knowledge about life after death, it's him.
You flipped the light switch off, casting the room back into darkness once more as you made your way back under your sheets. It was decided then. You would speak to him first thing in the morning.
I hope you guys like the first chapter. I wanted this to be kind of a Slowish kind of burn maybe. We'll see. We get to talk to Subby in the next chapter so that should be fun :) and like let me know if you want a smut chapter because lmao idk tell me
Ill also start working on other characters i wanna write for becuase theres a big lack in MK reader inserts my doods. I feel like this chapter is a bit rough, but i havent written a full length fic like this in a hot minutes. So hopefully it'll get better. And all fics i write and will write are gender neutral reader becuase like all genders have the right to fuck hot shadow wraiths and that's just tea☕
Please forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes!
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