#it's a clear pattern all the way to the founder
evilhasnever · 2 years
I do subscribe to the Lans Only Love Once theory, because it has been proven true again and again by lwj and wwx, lxc and jgy, qhj and lan furen, lan qiren and his 3000+ rules.
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rosesloveletters · 10 months
braids like a pattern.
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Pairing: 1971 Willy Wonka x Reader
Word Count: 2,176
Warnings: none
Summary: Reader asks Wonka to braid their hair.
Author's Note: If it wasn't clear, I want him to braid my hair for me so that's why this fic exists. I hope you enjoy <3
divider created by @/saradika on Tumblr.
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Willy Wonka sat at his desk inside his office. It was late and he was filling out some invoices, billing payments and other various paperwork. This, unlike what took place in the heart of the factory, wasn’t fantastical in the slightest, but as company founder and the only human employee of Wonka Industries it was his responsibility to have it completed. 
He silently puffed on a cigar while he wrote. He knew you were not a fan of the pungent smell of cigar smoke, so he only would only light one when you were not around. 
He had a feeling you’d be making an appearance sooner rather than later to check on him and pull him to bed for the night, so he was prepared to extinguish the cigar at a moment’s notice. 
Willy was used to his own bizarre schedule. 
He spent most of his workday in the inventing room and the business side, the ‘less fun’ side, was neglected. 
He wasn’t a businessman; he was a creator. An inventor. An artist. 
He did have to remind himself on occasion that half of running a successful business was maintaining said business through work done inside of an office. Otherwise, even though he had a solid business model and products that the public wanted to buy, he’d be harming his bottom line by not keeping up with payments, schedules, invoicing and other various clerical details and, ultimately, his business would fail due to his negligence. 
So, he cut everything inside his office in half. 
It was a way to remind himself, if nothing else, that half of this business’s success was on his shoulders alone. 
The Oompa Loompas helped him as much as possible and he was eternally grateful for their learned expertise, but they did not handle this side of his business. He had to hold himself accountable and would drag himself into his office late at night to focus on nothing but paperwork. 
It was rather boring stuff, but it was necessary and if he wanted to keep making and selling his creations to the masses, then he would do it, plain as that. 
He had already spent hours poring over pages upon pages of documents that needed his attention. He had a lot to catch up on that he’d been purposely putting off until the last minute and he wanted to do better, to bebetter, but when inspiration struck, he found himself inside the inventing room and nothing and no one else could pull him away.
Except maybe, you. 
It was when his thoughts inevitably drifted to you did he finally hear his office door creak open. 
A smile crept onto his face, brightening his soft features as he anticipated you crossing the room to get to him, your delicate hand upon his shoulder to gently get his attention without disrupting his work and the tender smile you’d give him as you checked up on him and asked him to bed. 
He was getting tired, after all, and it would be nice to crawl into bed now that it wasn’t just a cold mattress waiting for him. Now, it was you who warmed his sheets and waited for him into the wee hours of the morning until he was ready to call it a night. 
He owed you for that and, if you were counting, which he doubted, he suspected he’d always come up short. 
As predicted, he could hear your quiet footsteps moving toward him and then, once they’d stopped, your warm hand landed on his shoulder. 
He quickly put out his cigar in the ashtray and turned, unable to pretend to still be working, and grinned up at you, “Hello, my dear. Couldn’t sleep?”
You were already wearing your pajamas and your long hair hung elegantly down your back. 
Willy admired the sight of you in such a relaxed state as your eyes traveled from him to the thin cloud of smoke wreathing up from the recently extinguished cigar in the tray. His expression turned apologetic when he realized you had noticed he’d been smoking; he was appreciative that you did not address it. 
His gaze traveled down to what you had in your hands: a wooden comb and brush set. 
You shrugged a bit at his question, “I haven’t tried to sleep yet,” you responded as you held out the comb and brush, wanting him to take them, “I was wondering if…you would please brush and braid my hair for me tonight?”
Willy’s smile grew as you asked the question and he nodded eagerly, delighted to help you with such a tender and domestic task. 
He stood up and reached for the extra chair he’d brought in for you if you wanted a place to sit when you joined him in his office. Of course, it had to be sliced in half like his own, but that was nothing of consequence. 
He brought the chair around his desk and had you sit on it sideways so that the chair back wouldn’t be in his way. 
You quietly passed him the comb and brush before you sat down. 
You were aware that Willy did not love the administrative aspect of running a business and that might have influenced your decision to ask him for help with your hair. He had been working diligently on paperwork for several hours and he was owed a break. 
You did feel a bit guilty for asking this of him, only because it was late and he must have been tired. 
Sometimes Willy seemed like less of a man and more of a dream, but in an odd moment you saw the raw humanity in him, the deeply ingrained mortality that governed all his decisions.
You’d sink or swim in those clear blue eyes of his, pools of liquid starlight that could drown you with a single glace. He had every bit of imagination on his side to make him seem too good to be true and perhaps he was.
He cared for you and nothing would stop him from staying up late to have a bit more time with you, not even sleep. 
He gently dragged the comb through your hair, admiring the silken shine to it as he pulled the comb from your scalp down to the ends. 
He was slightly regretful that his own hair could not be cared for in the same way and therefore your reciprocation was more for the simple aspect of reciprocation than actual haircare. 
His frizzy strawberry blonde curls were wild and unruly and behaved as if they had a mind of their own. He styled his hair the best that he could (he knew better than to brush it) and contained it, albeit poorly, with his hat. 
Willy’s hair was the physical manifestation of his good-natured zaniness and idiosyncratic behavior while yours represented your level head and mild-mannered way of thinking. 
He smiled to himself as he combed through your hair, “Thank you for coming down here.”
“You’re welcome,” you replied as you relaxed into the gentle caress of his fingers pulling the comb through your hair, “I wanted to check on you. It seems like you get busier and busier each day.”
Willy chuckled lightly at the comment, “respectfully, I’d say that is true. However, what is disrespectful is that work has gotten in the way of my spending time with you.”
You felt your cheeks heat up, “you haven’t got to spend every second with me, Willy,” you reminded him in a playful tone of voice. 
“Of course not,” he agreed, mild-mannered as always, “but you wouldn’t begrudge me the effort to try.”
The seriousness with which he said that made you laugh. You chose not to respond as he switched out the comb for your brush. His movements were more direct, a heavier hand to make sure the bristles penetrated your thick hair and brushed evenly, smoothing out the finer strands. 
Willy lost himself in the way he took care of you. He treated you with the utmost respect, handling you as though you were made of glass.
He reasoned that you should feel safe in the hands of a lover and he wanted to provide you with that sanctity if he could help it. Otherwise, what was all of this for? There was no point in working as he did if there was no one to reap the benefits with him. He had thought he’d found solace in solitude, but he didn’t feel as if he had given anything up to have you. 
He hadn’t had to change himself or become a better version of himself, you’d taken him as he was. You elevated him, enlightened him and molded yourself to fit into his world. The very least he could do was find ways to give you the same courtesy. 
He wanted you to feel like he was as much a part of your life as you were of his. 
He set the brush down on his desk next to your comb and began sectioning your hair to split it into two braids. 
You focused on the movement of his hands as his fingers carded through your locks. 
Every pull of his fingers was tender and done so gently as to not cause any pain. 
You thrived on his touch, the tender way he seemed almost hesitant to put his hands on you. At certain points, you had to wonder if he was still there because he was being so careful that you could hardly feel what he was doing. 
You let out a soft groan as his index finger caught a knot in one of your strands and pulled. 
“Sorry, darling,” he mumbled, then leaned in and kissed the back of your head in apology. 
Your chest swelled with giddiness at his affection and you wanted to turn around and pull him in for a cuddle, but you didn’t want to mess up his rhythm. You could feel his nimble fingers weaving one section of hair into a braid and trying to turn around in this position might end with him accidentally pulling on it a bit too tight. 
You would wait for your chance to hug him, which would come, you knew all too well. 
You pulled one of your black scrunchies off your wrist and passed it back to him over your shoulder. He took it wordlessly and secured the ends of your braid with it. 
Following the same pattern, he switched to the other section of hair and began braiding it. You were ready and waiting for him to finish as you passed him the other scrunchie to secure your second braid. 
How many times you had had him braid your hair for you were you uncertain, but it had been enough for him to learn to do it quickly. 
Willy was good with his hands, in more ways than one. 
“All done, little dear,” he grinned as you moved on the chair so you were face to face with him. 
You pulled both braids over your shoulders and felt them for comfort, “thank you.”
“You’re very welcome,” he responded, his eyes following your movements closely as he leaned in to watch you. 
You glanced up and met his gaze, making him smile when you caught him looking. 
Your love for him enveloped you, blanketed you with every ounce of your devotion and now your wants were satisfied because he had finished with your hair and you were free to scoop him into your arms. 
You reached for him, forearms sliding over his shoulders and around the back of his neck as you sat up in your chair and hugged him. 
He knew what you wanted as his arms encircled your waist. 
He didn’t want you to fall off your chair in your haste to get to him and he steadied you, holding on tight as you practically sank in against his solid body. 
His own exhaustion had been forgotten up until this point and as he held you against him, he let his eyes slip closed. Suddenly, the harsh lighting was getting to him. His chair was too hard on his lower back. His feet were aching, his head swimming and his eyes were red. He needed sleep and the caress of a lover. 
He inhaled your sweet scent and drew you in close. His lips attached to your neck as he delivered several kisses and loving nips to your delicate skin. 
“Willy, come to bed with me.”
You didn’t have to ask him twice. 
He was out of his chair fast enough to make your head spin. After you grabbed your comb and brush, he flicked off the lights and took you by the hand, guiding you out of his office. 
His bed called to him; sleep was a siren’s song. 
His paperwork would be there waiting for him come morning. 
The only thing he had on his mind was falling into bed as hard and as fast as he fell in love with you. 
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
How do you think the squad’s story will end, if at all? Interestingly, there are actually few of them, but there is clearly someone behind them who coordinates all the work. It's just that lately it's become clear how… abnormal they are? That is, this was clear before, but damn, nothing stops them at all.
First they’ll turn on each other. (Which has already started happening.)
Then they’ll turn on Meghan or Bouzy or whoever created them in a
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kind of way.
In the end, they’ll lose their venom and disappear into the internet. They’ll still be there, the way the Diana Cult is, probably having transferred their affection to Archie and Lili (they way the Diana Cult obsesses over William and Harry in the present day and how neither son can do no wrong because Diana) and having transferred their hate to Harry, no longer caring as much about Kate but never missing an opportunity to insult her (the way the Diana Cult still hates Charles but doesn’t talk about Camilla as much though they still say things that delegitimize her status as Queen). But they won’t be as toxic to the rest of us.
So instead of being the crazy aunt feuding with everyone all the time everywhere that they are now, they’ll be the weird uncle no one talks to but will reminisce “hey remember when…yeah, that was f*ed up.”
On a micro level, it’s what happened to the TCD community. First they turned on each other. Then they turned on their founder(s). Then poof - they faded away into internet obscurity once the platform was gone and we all now look back on that era as “wow, that was wild…anyway.”
It’s not a unique pattern. It happens all the time in fan groups, no matter the hobby or interest. (If anyone remembers the BookTok Seattle Kraken thing, that’s exactly what happened here, albeit a little more extreme because I think there were restraining orders involved.)
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sailorspica · 2 months
what do you think is Kenny's fatal character flaw?
to me it always seems reductive to attribute his failings to violence on itself and not something more rooted, to me what debilitates him more than anything is cowardice. But again, what do you think?
we're on the exact same page about violence for this universe because the whole damn point of the uprising arc and kenny's entire appearance in it, imo, is a prelude to paradis' re-entry into international conflict. measuring any of these characters based on quantitative on-page violence is so goddamn naive, but that's a tangent for my defense of gabi braun
kenny himself identifies too closely with violence as "the only tool he had," and it's silly to take his snk 69 narration as reliable/his sense of self as clear. cowardice is a great word and i think the ultimate truth of it all, but another excuse he might make is he focused too hard on uri, and later his "grand dream." another lie he tells himself could be: he's a u-haul lesbian. he fell so hard and so fast that it didn't even occur to him he was failing kuchel. kuchel and levi are like succulents or sourdough starter he forgot about
because really! if he's employed as uri's pretty much 24/7 bodyguard (the irishman dir martin scorsese), then yeah, he doesn't have time to be "some kid's dad." but childcare? you're basically aristocracy again, how you sit on the council, surely there's governesses looking after noble children. or if you want to reinstate the ackermans as a warrior house bound to the crown, levi could have grown up like, frieda reiss' gay older cousin. there were options
besides stifling his own guilt about levi (or guilt toward kuchel), i think he actually... does care about his squad, but realizes it too late, when the caves are fucking falling in! his "everyone's drunk on something" monologue shows traute and the rest of his squad on the panel for "dreams." in the tavern, he tells levi he'll kill anyone to get to his goals, but i think he was, again, too focused on the founding titan to consider this massive squad of what, 30 people? probably because they're supposed to be elite, seasoned MPs, they know what they're getting into, etc. but in this respect, he's kind of like eruri as one: trying to do the erwin thing of "calculated risks" and convincing people to die for his cause with sheer charisma and rhetoric, only to realize just before death he's too soft for that shit. (but i don't think he'd go on levi-style family condolences tour for his squad because he is a coward.) i've compared him to erwin before: he has no real idea of what he would do with the founder if he had it. he just wanted the view from up there, like erwin had no dreams for a future past the basement
i'm not entirely comfortable making this metaphor but his death speech sets it up: kenny is drunk on something more elusive than power. it could be uri, for whom his euphemism is "a grand dream" (jesus christ). i don't think what matters as much as just how plain destructive habit or addiction is, and how disinterested (or afraid) he is to consider another way of living, like rod's "fuck off now" line about finding something else to do. his pattern has been: kill as many MPs as possible for a grudge he doesn't actually care about (where is his sister? dunno); then stay glued to this dying man's side (where is his nephew? who cares); then pursue the founder (he could kill his nephew and several teenagers in the process? who cares). his yapping at levi about hobbies is way more revealing to Me about his character, while the drunkenness monologue is more of a series thesis statement
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pestilentbrood · 1 year
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Patience attempts to reason with a guy who really doesn't want to be reasoned with, featuring Crimson: A Writing Exercise
Words: 1321 Warnings: None, though Beepo divorce is very obvious Note: Yes despite the title this is a genuine writing exercise shgKJHG. It's been a while since I've written anything and I'm rusty,,, I really, really wanted to write again, even if I have 1 million other things to be doing. So I've spat out something short n quick that I haven't looked back over at all. Please mind if this is clunky or if there are any errors!!
“Hong! Hong! Please, wait!" A distressed voice rang out through the lair, startling awake many who had yet to face the early morning sun. A series of grumbles, snorts, and yawns drawled out from countless tired dragons, echoing through the caverns as many merely flopped into a new position to resume their slumber. It was far too early for the usual Incompetence shenanigans, as far as they were concerned. Some curious few, however, would rise from their nests and ever-so-subtly peak out into the clearing, squinting in the harsh sunlight to glimpse the newest drama.
The source of the calls revealed itself soon enough. Standing out strikingly against the sands of the Wastelands’ shore was a bright purple fae, feather- and spiral-like patterns covering his scales in graceful swirls. His blue wings glimmered in the sun’s rays, their captured starlight twinkling like the dancing shimmers on the ocean’s waves. He wore a fluffy, dirty ruff around his neck and was covered in shiny, very-stolen jewelry.
It was Patience, the clan's founder. ...So it was nothing actually important.
Disappointed, a few onlookers gave an annoyed huff as they returned to their dens, disinterested by whatever nonsense their leader was up to this time. Knowing him, it would end with the usual spiel on Fate having “great plans for them,” which was hardly all that entertaining.
Whoever was left to watch the spectacle, however, would watch as Patience skid to a very clumsy stop before a grey fae in the midst of takeoff preparation. Said grey fae, who most certainly must be Hong, wore a very determined yet decidedly cross expression as he turned to face his leader.
"If you're not going to go after her, then I will," Hong snapped, frills flared up tall as though attempting to scare the other dragons off. "I won't let her suffer at the hands of those monsters. I would never live with myself."
"But she's—" Patience wheezed, out of breath, before quickly shaking sand out of his scales and righting himself again. "Please, Hong, the Loyalty is a treacherous bunch! Merciless killers! There's no possible way she's even still—"
"What about your children?" A third voice harshly cut Patience's sentence off, causing the clan's leader to whip his head back to see who had interrupted him. A mirror stood stiffly between him and the gorge, her coral scales nearly blending into the color of the sand, the feathered bird skulls that decorated her body gently rustling in the coast breeze. Her gaze was pointedly not towards Patience, instead narrowed in the direction of Hong.
Even if that glare wasn’t meant for him, Patience noticeably faltered, shrinking in on himself as though her sharpness would slice through his flesh. He went uncharacteristically silent.
Hong, meanwhile, stood his ground. “I’m leaving them to you,” He nodded to Crimson. “I trust your clan can watch after them. Should I not return, I expect they will be safe here. Safer than they ever were before, at least.”
“I do not think abandoning your hatchlings is the noble sacrifice you think it is,” Crimson curtly retorted, again refusing to let Patience finish his thought. It was in this moment that any spectators could possibly gather Crimson’s words were not solely meant for Hong in this discussion, especially seeing as Patience only further recoiled onto himself. “Should you die out there, they will be left without their mother and their father. We will look over them, of course, but you have something to lose. Perhaps you should weigh your options further.”
There was a moment of tense silence as Hong hesitated, Crimson’s words successfully managing to prod at his mind, forcing him to reconsider. Patience said nothing, instead curling his tail around himself and staring down at the ground, as though he’d be defeated regardless of the decision made.
But Hong’s resolve was stronger. His brows furrowed and he raised his wings in a show of boldness, returning Crimson’s glare with one of his own.
“It wouldn’t come to this decision were you willing to help me. Were your dragons not cowards.” He spat the last sentiment towards Patience, gaining an offended flinch for his vitriol, before turning his back to them both. “If I don’t return, consider it on your claws.” Hong then launched himself up into the air, powering himself with a few effortful wingbeats as he took off over the horizon, ignoring the shouts of the fae beneath him as he left.
Patience and Crimson then stood alone.
“She’s dead,” Patience finally, and rather bluntly, let out. He lifted his eyes to hopefully catch Crimson’s gaze. “She must be. Would it not have done him better to accept that now, rather than risk himself?”
For a moment, Crimson did not respond. She only watched the sky where Hong disappeared, before she let out a hefty sigh and a string of irritated grumbles. Then, with a wrinkled snout that expressed nothing but scorn, she let her gaze fall on Patience.
“For someone who speaks so highly and respectfully of Fate being ‘on our side’, you sure lack faith in anyone but yourself.”
Patience, incredulous, was left to sputter uselessly to himself as Crimson turned away, stalking off back towards her den as a means to conclude this discussion. The fae, however, seemed to have other plans as he quickly made to trail after her.
“It’s not that I haven’t faith,” He protested. “I’m just being reasonable. The Wastelands are dire, Crimson, and you know that. Let alone the—"
“This isn’t a conversation I wish to have with you for a third time,” Crimson snarled, disappearing into the darkness of her cave as Patience sat himself just outside of it. “If you’ve any sense left in you, use it and leave me alone.”
Were the spectators from before feeling unbelievably nosy, they could grow closer, peering into the shadowed cave to spot three other, much smaller dragons huddled in the back of the nest. They were siblings; three, very young fae with bright, round red eyes contrasting their dull blue scales. They bore unquestionable resemblance to Hong, erasing any doubts about who’s hatchlings these were.
Crimson hummed softly to the young ones, gently stepping around them so she could settle comfortably in her nest while keeping them safe beside her. She opened her mouth to say something, perhaps to quell the anxieties of the confused children she now had temporary custody of, before it was apparently her turn to be interrupted.
“Are you okay with this?” Patience murmured. “I mean, taking care of hatchlings again, after…”
“Patience,” She quietly hissed, just barely concealing the full extent of her frustration. “This is not the time to show me you suddenly care. If you were ever concerned for my wellbeing regarding hatchlings, you should have expressed that a long time ago. Not now. Not here.”
“Go. Now.”
Crushed by the rejection but unwilling to argue while the scared gazes of three children stared back at him, Patience only bowed his head in shameful acceptance. He didn’t say another word as he dejectedly walked off from the den, tail dragging in the sand behind him as he made his way to the decaying tree at the gorge’s center.
There wouldn’t be much to see if you, a theoretical eavesdropper, followed him. It’s simply his wallowing time. And that’s if Vision isn’t taking up half the tree.
And it’s possibly rather rude for you, a theoretical eavesdropper, to stare ominously into the den of a grieving mother as she works to soothe three scared children and convince them that their mother and father will return safely, when this is something she herself does not believe.
Perhaps it’s best if we leave this one be, considers any possible onlookers, who turn away themselves to allow the leaders their peace.
And perhaps we can only hope for the best.
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vxn3lla · 16 days
Hm? I supposed it depends on who in the community you interact with.
Me personally I don't see there being a founder. All forms of manifestation are connected in a way, the only difference being terminology and way of applying the knowledge. People in the community have a tendency to act like Neville Goddard is some all powerful being when he's just a dude who wrote about his experiences
The original post linked an article about "demystifying the double slit experiment": personally I've never heard of it or seen it be connected to manifestation. I've seen things about quantum physics yes...but not that, I've also seen things based on neuroscience.
Noble Prize winners
The Reticular Activating System (RAS):
The Reticular Activating System, a network of neurons in our brainstem, plays a vital role in filtering information and directing our attention. When we set clear intentions and consistently focus on our goals, we activate the RAS. This mechanism helps us notice opportunities and information related to our desires that we might otherwise overlook (Psychology Today) (Psychology Today).
The Influence of Belief:
Our beliefs have a profound impact on our reality. When we have faith in our ability to achieve something, our brains release neurotransmitters like dopamine, which boost our motivation and confidence. Conversely, negative beliefs can trigger stress responses that hinder our progress. Manifesting encourages individuals to cultivate positive beliefs and reshape their thought patterns to support their aspirations (Live Your Best Life Now)(Dr. Kinga Mnich).
(There's plenty more science)
I'm not sure about the religious aspect, but from what I've seen, it's more similar to Gnosticism, which the original poster probably wasn't talking about and probably referred to modern-day Christianity. Yeah, I just read one of their other posts, and they seem to be very "Christianity is only this way," saying Neville Goddard's misinterpreting the Bible and lying. However, there are over 3,000 versions of the Bible.
"The beliefs and practices can supposedly never fail the followers; followers can only fail the beliefs and practices." I personally don't think failure exists, it's just that people give up
Followers are told to suppress their doubt and their critical thinking skills. People who ask critical questions are shamed and invalidated.
Not once have I seen this on any social media platform (I don't have twitter or tiktok) critical questions should get legit and helpful answers...and no one said to "suppress critical thinking skills" CRITICAL THINKING IS IMPORTANT
Evidence - why would someone be shamed for asking for evidence? And "all evidence" being faked or a coincidence is possible but not all.
Dehumanization. Everyone Is You Pushed Out effectively claims that other people lack true agency and interiority, and are essentially mere puppets you can control however you please.
ok so now for the people being "shamed, harrassed, victim blamed" um sure there might be toxic people in the community but that goes for anything. However, me and plenty of other people I've seen put links for those in need or crisis hotline numbers. This actually happened recently. Not once did anyone victim blame.
The original poster of course only put evidence supporting their idea that Law of Assumption is bad, however most things have a good and bad side and I've seen, and experienced more good than bad.
They also only talk about the good side of Christianity, which seems like the "Christianity is the only true religion but we "respect" other beliefs, also only THIS Christianity is real"
They also blame people for their results being a coincidence or fake or random...so can literally any religion but they don't say that about Christianity.
Claimed to know the "real history of the bible/Christianity" but with how many versions there are and how much it could've been altered and mistranslated that's nearly impossible. Also only put one scientific article supporting their claim however that was only one experiment, usually multiple experiments are done resulting in the same result and making sure to have variables and a control group.
"The double-slit experiment has not been disproven; it remains a cornerstone of quantum mechanics, demonstrating the wave-particle duality of light and matter, where particles can exhibit wave-like behavior under certain conditions, and is considered a fundamental experiment that has been repeatedly verified through various iterations and variations." is it possible for it to be proven or disproven in the future? Of course,
People are free to their own beliefs but if you're gonna use double standards to make your beliefs "better" and only show people what you want them to see then you aren't really "open minded"
(I am and have always been Catholic with my great-grandmother working in her local church and with Christian relatives and friends. Literally none of them shame or judge other people's beliefs except for one)
All I'll say in the conclusion is believe and apply in LOA or don't, it's your life and no one is forcing you but don't be a hypocrite and have evidence as to why loa is fake but not anything about Christianity or any other religion.
ok so op believes in magic and is Pagan, but while believing in magic believes alien and other space related sci-fi esque beliefs are bad and believing them make you a [email protected] another example of double standards and hypocrisy imo
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Let's not ignore the man behind the curtain, Rupert Murdoch.  
* * * *
Josh Marshall: 
The evidence emerging from the Dominion lawsuit against Fox News has the quality of liberal fever dreams. What’s the worst you can possibly imagine about Fox? What’s the most cartoonish caricature, the worst it could possibly be? Well, in these emails and texts you basically have that. Only it’s real. It’s not anyone believing the worst and giving no benefit of the doubt. This is what Fox is. In a moment like this it’s worth stepping way, way back, not just to the beginning of Fox News in 1996 but to the beginning of the broader countermovement it was a part of and even a relatively late entry to. 
Back in the 1950s and 1960s there was something historians and critics of the time called the post-war liberal consensus. It was not liberal in ways we’d recognize today. Indeed, it wasn’t liberal in many ways actual liberals of the time recognized. But it did represent an important level of elite consensus about state intervention in the economy and openness to a more restrained version of the American state created by the reformist periods of the first half of the 20th century.
Though what was then sometimes called “the race question” was “complicated” and not something that could be resolved overnight, there was also in elite opinion a general assumption that the South’s system of legalized apartheid was a source of embarrassment and something from the past that the country had to outgrow, even if not any time soon. (Just as is the case today, what is actually more properly called cosmopolitanism was sometimes misportrayed as liberalism: a general belief in pluralism, values tied to cities and urban life.)
I mention all this because, in the early 1950s and 1960s, what we now recognize as the embryonic modern conservative movement could rightly sense that there were assumptions embedded in elite culture that viewed certain of their core values and aims as backward, retrograde, archaic. When the early founders of modern “movement” conservatism looked at America’s elite consensus, they saw a set of assumptions and beliefs embedded in many elite institutions that ran counter to their aims and values. And they were not totally wrong. Over the course of the 1960s and 1970s they set about trying to build a series of counter-institutions, ones that wouldn’t, in their mind, have their sails angled permanently toward the winds of liberalism. 
One key moment in this story was the founding of The Heritage Foundation in 1973. Heritage was founded to be the counter to the “liberal” Brookings Institution. But Heritage was never anything like Brookings, even though in the D.C. of the ’80s and ’90s they were routinely portrayed as counterpoints — one representing liberalism and the other conservatism. Brookings was mainstream, stodgy, quasi-academic. Heritage was thoroughly ideological and partisan. In practice it was usually little more than a propaganda mill for the right. This pattern was duplicated countless times. 
The “liberal” Washington Post was matched by The Washington Times. Fox News, which didn’t come along for another generation, was not so much the answer to CNN as to CBS News, the iconic broadcast news organization of the first decades of the Cold War. What we see today in Fox News is most of the story: a purported news organization that knowingly and repeatedly reports lies to its viewers, whose chief executive brazenly works with and assists one party’s candidates by sharing confidential information about the other. What has always been the tell about Fox News is the tagline and motto: fair and balanced. The operation’s very branding is an aggressive bit of trolling. An unabashedly partisan and ideological operation selling itself under the heading of “fair and balanced.” It’s less a lie than a knowing taunt.
Here we get to the nub of the issue. Because this is not the entirety of the story. One of the things that is clear from the very start of the conservative movement was a basic failure to quite understand the thing they rallied themselves against, the history that in Bill Buckley’s famous phrase he was standing athwart and yelling “Stop!” None of the organizations that the right took issue with — the think tanks, the news publications, the movie studios, the nonprofits, the book publishers — were ideological, let alone partisan, organizations. When the founders of modern conservatism looked at CBS News they saw the shock troops of liberalism and the Democratic Party. Same with Brookings and the Washington Post and all the rest. And when they went to build their own versions of these institutions they patterned them off their own cartoonish understandings of how these operations functioned. The idea that institutions like CBS News or The New York Times were, whatever their faults and unexamined biases, fundamentally rooted in an ethic of news gathering and reporting was really totally lost on them.
So how do we get from this elemental misunderstanding to the raw and casual lying of the Fox of today? Well, that’s the thing: we don’t. Both were there from the very start. It’s all but impossible to disentangle the culture clash, the inability and refusal to really grasp what these institutions were, and the more open culture of propaganda, lying and mendacity. They’re fused together so tightly that getting your head around the relationship between them is more a matter of meditative absorption than anything that can be processed or explained discursively.
[Taling Points Memo :: Josh Marshall]
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kuramirocket · 1 year
Ana María Cetto: The Mexican Pioneering Theoretical Physicist & Activist
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Ana María Cetto is a Mexican theoretical physicist who has made contributions to the fields of biophysics of light, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and stochastics. 
Cetto was born in Mexico City in 1946 and is a research professor at the Institute of Physics and lecturer at the Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). She holds an M.A. degree in Biophysics from Harvard University and M.Sc and Ph.D degrees in Physics from UNAM. Her main field of research is theoretical physics (foundations of quantum mechanics). She has published 14 books and 120 research articles. Prof. Cetto is former Dean of the Faculty of Sciences (UNAM) and UNESCO consultant for the World Conference on Science. From 2003 to 2010 she was Deputy Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (Nobel Peace Prize 2005). She is founding president of LATINDEX, an online information system for Ibero-American and Caribbean scholarly journals. Prof. Cetto has held honorary positions in a number of international organisations, including the International Year of Light Steering Committee, and the Executive Boards of the Third World Organisation for Women in Science (TWOWS, Co-Founder), International Council for Science (ISC), International Foundation for Science (IFS), United Nations University (UNU), International Network of Engineers and Scientists (INES) and the Pugwash Conferences (Nobel Peace Prize 1995).  
In addition to her work as a theoretical physicist, she is also known as an activist who champions more women taking up science, particularly physics. 
A Natural Curiosity and a Critical Spirit 
When asked about what led Cetto into the field of physics, she stated that as a child, “I had a fortunate and fruitful combination of curiosity and critical spirit.” Physics wasn’t Cetto’s sole interest within the scientific field as she also had a curiosity towards chemistry and biology, but she maintained that physics was her primary choice, and that it was a good choice because it has given her a way of living. Ms. Cetto explained that when she finally decided to study physics, it was something very natural and attributed this to her lifelong curiosity that was primarily nurtured by her parents and in school. With a gratified smile on her face, Cetto proclaimed that, “physics is in my blood, as we say in Spanish.”
Throughout her career, Cetto managed to couple her academic interests with her activism, and stated that it was all about “working hard, because you have to work on both sides, and you have to be serious and professional about them. You cannot take them superficially, you have to work hard, and with conviction.”
Cetto stated that it was discussions with her university friends and her readings that got her interested in nuclear disarmament.
Being a Woman in the STEM Field 
In light of being a woman in the male dominated STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field, Cetto shared some sound advice: “you have to learn to gently put your foot down.” Cetto reasoned that this method is more effective than those that involve confrontation and fighting, and will result in men respecting you more, as a woman. Cetto claimed that male domination is something that has pervaded not only the STEM field, but whole societies. In order to counteract this pattern, Cetto illuminated that “it becomes clear that negotiating is not about making concessions, it’s about understanding the others.” Cetto is a big advocate for putting yourself in others’ shoes, and reasons that if you want people to respect you, then you should speak out for them to listen, and that in turn, you must also listen to them. Cetto emphasized that “it is important that we listen to each other.”
Cetto also mentioned that she thinks it’s important to stand up for what you believe in on certain things and to not compromise on your principles, thus striking a balance between not assuming a conflictual, threatening approach but also retaining your values and beliefs.  
Promoting Latin American Information Programs and Women in STEM
Cetto is still very much involved in the scientific information programs, based in Latin America, that promote Open Access to scientific information, going back 25 years. Cetto explained that there are a handful of very big commercial enterprises based in the North, namely Europe and in the United states, that have control over the international scientific publishing arena. This privatized way of dealing with information represents a highly profitable business for them, with Cetto stating that these companies make over a 30% net profit a year. Furthermore, academics have to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to have their academic literature peer reviewed, accepted and published  in journals that are controlled and owned by one big commercial enterprise.
Therefore, this system is a highly profitable business for the publishing corporations, but a big financial burden for academic institutions, not only in developing countries, but around the globe. Cetto explained that “this has an effect of overshadowing valuable contributions to science from our countries, specifically from developing countries, because our journals are underrepresented in big commercial information services.” Cetto stated that in Latin America, “we have our own way, perhaps, of doing science in the world, but we also contribute to international science from our perspective and from our point of view.” Cetto believes that this adds value to the scientific field and should not be disregarded by the standards of the north. 
“For me, cultural diversity, linguistic diversity, knowledge diversity, knowledge source diversity, and even gender diversity, in all areas of human activity, are as important as biological diversity. So, I’m pro diversity in general. I think that all these aspects of diversity are essential for human survival, the survival of humankind.”
Cetto asserted that “if we do not give visibility to these contributions, if we don’t value them and promote them, nobody will do it for us. So, this is why I took the initiative to create this information system.” Cetto was also happy to mention that these programs have had an incredible impact as there are now other information systems people can use from many journals online, produced in Latin America and in other parts of the world. The promotion of academic literature from around the world is still an ongoing effort. Cetto further specified that “journal publishing, for us, is not a business, it’s part of the knowledge production and dissemination process.”
 “In the STEM field, I would say go ahead girls, you won’t regret it. It is a never-ending adventure, it’s endless.”
Cetto explained that when you explore the STEM field, you have a better idea of how nature is, how it has evolved, and how it works, which makes you cultivate your critical spirit and nurture it. Moreover, Cetto explained that science offers countless opportunities to learn new things, to create and invent, and it gives you a degree of freedom.
Sources: (x) (x) (x)
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90363462 · 2 years
My heart is still broken by the loss of takeoff. It’s a tragedy when the lives of people so young are taken so soon .
Hug your love ones extra tight tonight
How Takeoff and the Migos Flow Changed Atlanta Rap
Quick-jabbing triplets had been a staple of rap, but the trio made the style sound fresh, thanks in large part to Takeoff, its master of syncopation. The rapper was shot and killed at 28 on Tuesday.
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The Atlanta trio Migos’ 2013 breakout hit “Versace” represented a clear demarcation line between the city’s older generation of rappers and its new vanguard. The rapping — much of it delivered in triplets — was a glittery stomp. Tightly clustered syllables that landed like quick jabs.
“Versace” was such an immediate sensation that Drake, at the time the genre’s most important ascendant superstar, volunteered his services for a remix, mimicking the group’s peppery flow and, by extension, introducing it to the rest of the world.
By all accounts, Takeoff — who was shot and killed in Houston early Tuesday morning — was the primary engine of what came to be dubbed the Migos flow.
The rapper, who was 28, was one of three people who were shot around 2:30 a.m. after a private gathering at 810 Billiards & Bowling ended in an argument. (The other two victims are expected to survive. No arrests have been made, the authorities said.)
The triplet pattern that became a Migos signature wasn’t new to hip-hop: It was a fixture in Memphis rap for years, in the work of Three 6 Mafia and others, and it was part of the cadence-bending arsenal of the Cleveland sing-rap pioneers Bone Thugs-N-Harmony. But Migos made the style sound fresh, less performative and more glossy. It had a hurried urgency and also the briskness of rough-and-tumble triumph.
Such is the nature of hip-hop innovation — sometimes it’s about what is said, but just as often, it’s about how it’s said. And the triplet flow that Migos popularized in the mid-2010s became a standard-bearer for the genre, setting a generation of Atlanta rap afloat.
Atlanta was already the center of hip-hop innovation when Migos arrived, but the trio was primed for streaming-era success — pulsing with youthful energy, leaning heavily on catchy choruses, collaborating widely. After the viral success of its 2016 hit “Bad and Boujee,” Migos released a pair of albums, “Culture” and “Culture II,” that each debuted at the top of the Billboard albums chart and spawned several hits, including “MotorSport,” “Stir Fry” and “Walk It Talk It.”
The prior wave of Atlanta stars like Gucci Mane and Young Jeezy captured ears with imagistic storytelling and signature vocal texture. By comparison, Migos sounded addled, anxious, pugnacious. They were untethered from earlier rap conventions. As the rest of Atlanta rap leaned toward the psychedelic — beginning with Future, then pivoting to Young Thug, and eventually the more commercially minded Gunna and Lil Baby — Migos, and Takeoff especially, held fast to its mechanistic idiosyncrasies.
Takeoff was by far the most reserved figure in Migos, which also featured Quavo and Offset. But he was deeply technically gifted, a master of syncopation, with a deftness that could render even the toughest talk exuberantly.
That talent shone on the group’s earliest songs, catching the ear of Pierre Thomas, known to most as P, one of the founders of Quality Control Music, the dominant Atlanta rap label of the past decade. In 2017, Thomas recalled to Rap Radar how Gucci Mane had introduced him to Migos’ music, and how Takeoff stood out.
“Gucci sent me the song. He sent me the video. I was like, ‘Man, the dude with the long dreads’ — it was Takeoff — I was like, ‘That dude there is crazy.’ The way he was spitting it reminded me of Bone Thugs, like how they used to be rapping back in the day.”
“Versace” appeared on the third Migos mixtape, “Y.R.N.,” which was released in 2013 and remains one of the decade’s defining rap albums. Over the next couple of years, which would see the ascendance of Migos to hip-hop superstardom, the Migos flow expanded past triplets to a broader umbrella that emphasized the staccato.
Even as the group moved in a more melodic direction through the 2010s, Takeoff remained resolute in his commitment to innovative rhyme patterns. He set the tempo of “Fight Night,” one of the group’s signature early hits featuring perhaps its most pointedly rhythmic rapping. On “Cross the Country,” from 2014, he opened with a dizzying verse, switching patterns several times. And last year, on a punishing freestyle on the Los Angeles radio station Power 106, Takeoff delivered a verse that took the group’s classic triplet flow as a starting point and thickened it, demonstrating how on top of one novel idea, a whole mansion could be built.
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five good things
I'm off work for three whole weeks now (I save my leave up so that I can take a good long time off at this time of year because I know I'm going to need it), and then for my first two weeks back I'll be working at home because I have a database-wrangling task to do and I can concentrate so much more easily at home.
I have a study at long last! We finished it last weekend, and I've spent a good bit of time in it and somehow I feel a lot more motivated to do stuff when sitting at a desk (except this afternoon but never mind, we can't have everything). Photos when I've sorted out everything that's going on the walls - probably at the end of next week, as I won't have the chance before because...
...tomorrow I am heading off to Heathrow and early on Wednesday morning I have a flight to Hamburg to spend a week with my lovely friends who live deep in the Schleswig-Holstein countryside. HOORAY! It's really crept up on me, but I've just packed my case and everything fits (so far) and it only weighs about 15kg out of my baggage allowance of 23kg. A minor miracle. Keeping my fingers crossed that the baggage handlers' strike today and tomorrow doesn't have too much of a knock-on effect on my bag going with me on Wednesday, and that the Border Force strike doesn't have too much of an effect on me clearing passport control when I come back next Thursday as I forgot I was coming into terminal 5 rather than terminal 3 and only have an hour between my flight arriving and my coach leaving, OOPS.
I have rediscovered the scarves I was knitting for our local homelessness charity while I was off work sick seven years ago (sigh), and found that I still had yarn for three more scarves, so I'm in the middle of making them. It's a super simple pattern, extra chunky wool and big needles so they're knitting up nice and quickly and it's extremely therapeutic. I dropped the first batch (two carrier bags full) into the charity's community cafe/warm space in town last week, and they wouldn't let me go without taking cake with me, as 'nobody leaves here empty handed' in the founder's words. They do fantastic work all year round and quite honestly the guy who founded it deserves a knighthood. I'll be going back in the new year with more scarves. :D
I've finished all my festive fic challenges, plus another prompt-fic, and am hoping for plenty of inspiration while travelling/waiting for my flights/etc. I suspect there will be at least one lazy, quiet afternoon while staying with my friends, so am hoping to get some knitting and writing done.
Not to mention studying, as I've got a bit to catch up on and an assignment to start thinking about. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed as I'm really struggling to remember the terminology, but I had a tutorial on Saturday and the tutor explained a few things in a way that finally made them make sense - and she also said that there have been a few people feeling overwhelmed in the forums, but that it's pretty usual for this part of the course as we've had so much new information piled on us in a short time (I'm already 50% through the course, more or less O.O ) - so I went and checked out the forum threads and found lots of encouragement from the student buddies, who have studied the course before, and the teaching staff - one of the prior students said she never did memorise all the terminology and was using crib sheets right up to the final assignment. Which is reassuring - and at least I can do that with this course, since none of the assessment is in real time.
I have the Job Number Two Christmas party this evening - which is a treat for the staff of both estates, laid on by the family we work for/the estates (my other job is local authority so we don't get a paid-for do - but this one is always rather nice), and is taking place in the main location which is a real honest-to-god castle that has appeared in many film and TV productions :D :D :D Drinks in the Long Drawing Room at 7, and dinner in the Great Hall at 7.30. I feel properly fancy every time XD The missus is giving me a lift there and back too, so I can have a couple of glasses of wine, which tends to take the edge off having to talk shop all evening (I usually end up sitting with one of my volunteers, or with one member of the family or another, and I don't know anyone well enough to talk about anything else XD it's usually entertaining sitting with any of the family though).
ANYWAY. Festive greetings to all of you, a very happy Hanukkah to those of you who are celebrating, and Solstice blessings and a Merry Christmas and all good wishes to everyone else. :D
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mariacallous · 2 years
maybe of interest to you
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Because this newsletter has a national(-ish) audience, I wanted to share some broad observations that might be helpful as conservatives put all of our schools in their crosshairs.
They came prepared
The temptation is to think of our political opponents as stupid or insane. They might in fact be both, but we can’t think strategically about defeating them without assuming a base level of cunning on their part.
The Berkeley County Republican Party is a well-oiled machine. From the moment the newly elected conservative super-majority members took their seats in the boardroom last night, it was obvious they had a plan and they were sticking to it.
The new members didn’t deliver any flashy soundbites. They hardly discussed their policy proposals at all, aside from a running narrative by their newly installed board chair, Mac McQuillin. McQuilin is one of the longer-serving board members and knows Robert’s Rules of Order. He knew when to call a vote, and his allies on the board dutifully cast their votes in a 6-member bloc. On a 9-member board, they didn’t need to bother with persuading the other side.
This is called party discipline, and Democrats are terrible at it. Progressive activists and politicians could learn a thing or two about tactics here.
They take cues from the national level
Two rallying cries of conservative activists in this country right now are banning uncomfortable discussions of history under the guise of “critical race theory” and forbidding students from learning about the existence of trans people. The messaging is clear and consistent from Tucker Carlson’s mouth to your racist cousin’s ears.
Unlike with Statehouse-level legislation, where watchdog groups like ALEC Exposed track the spread of “model legislation” from the American Legislative Exchange Council, we don’t have a robust way of tracking the spread of billionaires’ pet projects at the level of local school boards (Or maybe we do! Let me know if you have a good resource).
Read enough local news and you start to see the patterns, though. Conservative county council and school board members have no qualms about copying and pasting policies from each other.
Earlier this month in South Carolina, the Horry County School Board set aside a “restricted access” section of school libraries where students can’t read books without parental permission. Book bans and “library consideration policies” were on the agenda in Lexington 3 and Beaufort County school districts this week too, borrowing ideas from Florida’s latest book ban laws.
Following the template, Berkeley County’s school board voted last night to approve a similar book-banning regime, effectively overriding policies that were written by the district’s own school librarians last year.
Aside from conservative media outlets, a vector for the spread of these policies is faux-grassroots organizations like Moms for Liberty, which now boasts 16 chapters in my state alone according to the Post and Courier. M4L-endorsed candidates just won 6 of 9 school board seats in Berkeley County and 5 of 9 seats in Charleston County where I live.
Media Matters had a pretty good summary of their tactics here:
Moms for Liberty is run by Tina Descovich and Tiffany Justice, two former school board members serving in neighboring Florida counties. The group was incorporated on January 1 and has since “grown to 135 chapters in 35 states, with 56,000 members and supporters, according to the organization’s founders,” per the [Washington] Post. Moms for Liberty has county-specific chapters across the country that target local school board meetings, school board members, administrators, and teachers. The group advocates to strip districts of protective COVID-19 measures and modify classroom curriculum to exclude the teaching of “critical race theory” (CRT) and sex education, all in the name of “parental rights.”
If this doesn’t sound familiar yet, it will soon.
Partisanship is out in the open now
School board seats in most school districts are non-partisan positions, meaning that candidates don’t display an (R) or a (D) beside their name on a ballot. Their members are often deeply enmeshed in local party machines, though, and they’re starting to be more brazen about it.
Berkeley County, in the growing inland suburbs of Charleston, underwent a sort of out-in-the-open Republican surge already in 2016. Back then, the county Republican Party gave money and support to 4 candidates who won their races, bringing the number of Republicans on the board to at least 5 out of the 9 seats. The focus at the time was on slashing taxes, which they did while handing out more corporate tax subsidies than all but 2 districts in the United States.
This year saw a subtle shift as the party openly endorsed candidates and put up huge signs advertising their slate of candidates on roadsides across the county. So the Berkeley County School Board is still technically a nonpartisan body, but that’s a distinction without a difference. In local races where candidates traditionally run on shoestring budgets with very little local news coverage, the name recognition from a splashy advertising campaign is often enough to sway the voters.
What we saw last night was the fulfillment of an entire Republican wishlist condensed into 3-and-a-half hours. The conservative board members had more or less broadcast their plans in advance for anyone who was paying attention. We have to contend with the possibility that, beyond cynical ad buys and low-information voting patterns, the majority of Berkeley County voters actually wanted all of this to happen.
They don’t care about losing teachers
I initially went to the board meeting last night to speak against the teacher censorship and book banning proposals — but when I got there, half the room was buzzing with a rumor that the newly elected board would vote to terminate the widely liked superintendent, Dr. Deon Jackson.
The rumors were true. The board apparently discussed the matter behind closed doors during an executive session, but they didn’t explain their reasoning in public. They fired Dr. Jackson in a 6-3 vote along party lines as he sat beside them on the dais, and as he stood to leave, so did nearly all of the teachers in the boardroom. There was jeering and booing, and plenty of people (myself included) warned the school board they were about to worsen their already critical teacher shortage. More and more teachers are ready to walk out for good. The 6-member supermajority did not appear to care at all.
Open theocrats are back
This is a matter of degrees, as religious spectacles and performative prayer never left public meetings in the South, but there was a lot of Bible quoting at last night’s school board meeting.
Ann Conder, a conservative former school board member, used her portion of the public comment period to read from Ephesians 6, in which the Apostle Paul exhorts Christian believers to “put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Based on context, I can only assume the devil’s schemes involve the teaching of American history and human sexuality.
At another time during the meeting, one pro-censorship pastor said he had been meeting regularly with the 6 new school board members in what he described as “more like prayer requests and Bible study” than political organizing. One public commenter said they were glad to know the new board members would be guided by the Holy Spirit to make correct decisions.
In this as in so many other arenas of public life in the United States, the mask is all the way off.
They are immune to shame
According to my notes during the public comment session last night, the Berkeley County School Board heard passionate opposition to their proposals from current teachers, school librarians, and representatives of the Goose Creek NAACP, Charleston Black Lives Matter, Charleston Jewish Federation, Pro Truth SC, and South Carolina Association of School Librarians. Some of us were measured with our words, some of us were not, but together we clearly outnumbered the handful of Moms for Liberty members and Republican operatives in the crowd.
Here’s the thing: It is good to tell them the truth. It is good to confront them. But they don’t care. They won an election and they are going to run roughshod over the schools until we defeat them.
What do we do when our political enemies can’t be persuaded by reason or by shame? What is our plan now that the incoming state superintendent of education, anti-CRT zealot and school privatization activist Ellen Weaver, has gone on camera for an interview with a Proud Boy-adjacent right-wing media mogul to openly brag about her plans to censor teachers and attack public funding of education?
I attended the meeting last night not because my kids are directly affected (we live one county over), but because the attacks on teachers and librarians follow a pattern that I know the Moms for Liberty crowd will try to replicate in all of our schools soon. To the extent that I can fight, speak out, and organize across South Carolina with Freedom to Read SC, I am going to do so. We have to get organized between now and the next election, and we have to do it better than they do.
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vianngoestoeurope · 9 months
Assignment #7 Appendix C (Part A)
The Tower of the Winds
The Tower of the Winds served as a clock tower using a water clock and sundials. It is named as a tribute to the wind gods of Greece and used to have a wind vane on its top. Not only was it used to estimate time but also weather.
Hadrian’s Arch description
There is a concrete arch on the side of the highway. Looking through the arch there are trees. On top of the arch are columns and a pediment. It is white in colour, but time has turned some parts to an orange brown. The difference I noticed between describing and drawing it is color and its surroundings.
There are 4 Amphora.
There are wheel marks from the path that went over them.
What philosophical group took its name from the Painted Stoa? 
Find the monument to the eponymous heroes. How many statues were here?
There are 10 statues.
What does the word agora mean? 
It means Gathering Place. 
What is the main street called? 
It is called the Panathenaic way. 
What is the geographic center of Athens? 
The altar of the twelve gods. 
What was the ancient voting machine called?
 What were ostracons made of? 
They were made of pottery shards. 
One name written on the ones in the Agora Museum? 
What was the population of classical Athens? 
Where was Attalos from? 
King Attalos was from Turkey
Corinthian columns are designed to represent what sort of plant leaves? 
It is supposed to represent acanthus plant leaves. 
Shape of the Tholos? 
It is rotunda shaped. 
What was in the middle of the Tholos? 
In the middle of the tholos was an altar that held a constantly burning flame. Now, there is a column. 
What did it represent? 
It represented the hearth of extended family. 
When did they begin the Hephaestus temple? 
Built in Athens’ peak in 450 BC. 
What style is it? 
It is classic peripteral or peristyle temple. 
What sort of marble is it made of? 
It is made of pentelic marble. 
When was it completed? 
It was completed in 415 BC. 
Who fought off the centaurs? 
The Lapith tribe. 
What is carved on Hadrian’s chest?
Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome. 
 What was the celebration of Athena’s birthday called? 
The Panathenaic festival. 
What was the central element of the parade? 
A wool robe woven as a gift for Athena. 
Find the elements remaining in the agora that evoke Arabic. Hint: look near the little church for the Holy Apostles. Draw one. 
,What is the Jesus on the ceiling in the church called? 
Ruler of all. 
National Archaeological Museum
1. How many years did the Cycladic culture exist before Mycenaean? 
Roughly a thousand years. 
2. What did they call the grave the Mycenaean gold was found in? 
They found it in Grave circle A. 
3. Who discovered it? 
Heinrich Schliemann.
4. How long did the Mycenaeans ‘rule’ in the Greek peninsula? 
They ruled for about 400 years. 
5. Where did they supposedly attack? 
The Mycenaeans attacked Troy. 
6. What poem memorializes this attack? 
The legends of the Trojan war were in poems of Homer, the Iliad, and the Odyssey. 
7. What were the gold masks used for? 
The gold masks were funeral masks to be tied over faces of the deceased. 
8. What was a popular Minoan sport? Where is an example of it? 
Bull jumping was a popular sport, it is shown on a cup. 
9. Draw a picture of the so-called Dipylon Amphora. Photograph the picture and post to your blog. 
Write a clear description of it as well. 
It is a brown and black vase with two small handles on each side. It has a long neck and is decorated with symbols of people and the Greek key. It is roughly 4 feet tall and depicts a funeral. It has several bands of geometric patterns. It has mourners and antelope depicted. 
When was it made? 
Based on the geometric style it was probably made around 750 BC. 
Where was it discovered? 
It was discovered in Athens’ Kerameikos cemetery. 
What is on it? 
A funeral scene as well as geometric patterns. 
What purpose did it serve? 
It symbolizes the beginning of Greece;s emergence from the dark age. 
10. What are the male statues called? The female statues? 
Male statues are kouros and female statues are kori. 
11. What stands on Athena’s hand (in the model of the Parthenon statue)? Who carved the original in the Parthenon? 
In Athena’s hand is a small figure of Nike. It was carved by Phidias. 
12. The statue of Paris is posed, according to Steves at what moment? What is his pose called? 
It is posed with its hand reaching out as if to give an apple, though this is debated. It is called contrapposto. 
13. Who was Hadrian's boyfriend?
His name was Antinous. 
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nicklloydnow · 1 year
“For the past three decades, China has been on the upswing of a supercycle that saw an almost uninterrupted expansion of the country's capacity to manufacture, appetite to consume, and ability to project power across the world economy. The Chinese Communist Party relentlessly pursued economic development over all else, even when that single-mindedness pushed the party to make debilitating policy mistakes — creating a massive bubble in the property market, saddling provinces with loads of debt, and failing to transition away from an overreliance on investment. There was no time to stop for corrections while China's mind was on money alone.
President Xi Jinping has shifted the CCP's raison d'être to national security over the economy. Getting rich isn't China's big project anymore; the project is power. As a result, both the government's priorities and behavior have changed. In the past, whenever it seemed like a recession was on the horizon, the CCP came to rescue. There's no hefty stimulus coming this time. Nor will the explosive growth that experts once expected from China return. Beijing's relationship with the outside world is no longer guided by the principles of economic rationality, but rather its yearning for political power.
"This isn't about the economy anymore, it's all about advanced technology and weaponry," Lee Miller, the founder of the Chinese economic surveyor China Beige Book, told me.
The Chinese economy has been bending under the weight of its structural problems for almost a decade now, but since the end of Xi's COVID-lockdown policy, it's become clear that its growth model is well and truly broken. Beijing's story so far has been to claim that, like other economies on the mend from the pandemic, China will in time resume its normal growth pattern. Instead, it looks like the economy is falling behind.
Let's start with the country's real-estate market, the importance of which cannot be overstated. Not only is it the biggest source of wealth for Chinese households, real estate is also the mechanism through which local governments are financed. Instead of property taxes, municipalities sell large swaths of land to property developers and then use the revenue for basic social services like fixing roads and paying out pensions. Cities like Shanghai and Beijing get a lot of attention, but they make up just a fraction of the property market. Property firms did the most building in third-tier cities where people aren't as wealthy. This is where you'll find China's infamous ghost cities.
It's been clear for years that the Chinese real-estate market has been in trouble. China has a population of 1.4 billion, but it has built housing for a population of 3 billion, according to expert estimates. Many of the mega-developments became empty monuments to Beijing's insatiable desire for growth. In Shenyang, farmers have taken over a development of empty mansions for cattle grazing.
Worried that the sector would implode, Beijing attempted on multiple occasions to limit the credit that was fueling the bubble. But because real estate played such a vital role as a government-funding mechanism, China had to keep building, despite these troubles. Authorities didn't want to change the way local governments funded themselves or allow Chinese household finances to crumble, so they could not let prices fall. That credit addiction remains.
But this system, supported by speculation and easy money, is starting to break down. Country Garden, China's largest real-estate developer, is on the brink of collapse. In a sign that Beijing has grown tired of this game, Xu Jiayin, the chairman of Evergrande, another embattled real-estate behemoth, has been detained by authorities. Money-starved provinces are being forced to ask for bailouts — which the federal government doesn't want to give — and sell assets that the local governments claim are illiquid. The country's massive, opaque shadow-banking sector, which served as the backbone for the real-estate boom, is also under pressure. At least one $87 billion money manager, Zhongrong Trust, skipped payments to investors this summer, sparking protests.
Official data has shown relatively modest price declines so far, but like a lot of official economic data coming from Biejing these days, it's hard to take those numbers seriously. Private data shows prices falling by 15% in metropolises like Shenzhen and Shanghai. In tier-two and tier-three cities, prices have fallen by as much as 50%, according to Bloomberg. "Eighty percent of all sales by area are in tier-three and below cities," Chu said, adding that many of these places are facing long-term structural problems. "If their market doesn't come back, the entire market doesn't come back."
The real-estate sector is the most visible sign of China's fading star, but other key parts of the economy are showing strain as well. While the rest of the world is battling inflation, China is still in deflationary mode. August CPI came in at 0.1%, up from minus-0.3% the month before, showing an overall lack of domestic demand. Exports — which make up 40% of the country's GDP growth — hit their lowest level in three years in July, falling 14% from the same time a year before. August export figures showed some improvement but still came in down 8.8% from the year before.
Overall, Autonomous expects China's exports to slow 8% compared to last year. Chu — who has been called the "rock star" of Chinese debt analysis — told me that this weakness is not just a result of a cyclical downturn; it's a part of a more permanent shifting of supply chains caused by trade tensions with Europe and the US. These are powerful forces that are not easily reversed. Once multinational corporations no longer see China as a source of steady growth, they could begin changing their plans to invest. At the same time, domestic anxiety about shrinking employment may change the basic consumer behavior that powered China's rise. This can create a vicious, self-reinforcing cycle that keeps investment out and spending low.
Chu started the year with one of the weakest growth outlooks for China on Wall Street, and the second half is looking worse. Autonomous' proprietary growth index for China, the Real Autono Economic Activity Composite, projects the country's economy to grow by 3.8% for all of 2023, down from its original 4.2% projection in January — and worse than Autonomous projected during the depths of China's COVID lockdown. Beijing is projecting 5% growth — and given how tightly the CCP likes to manage expectations, officials will stick to that number come hell or high water. It's a far cry from the double-digit growth policymakers used to demand and a signal to the Chinese people that Beijing is not going to direct its banks to spew credit to get the economy moving faster again.
Plus, Beijing may need to conserve its firepower for other concerns coming down the pipeline. In the long-term, the CCP has to worry about China's demographics. Thanks to government mandates like the one-child policy, the country's population is rapidly aging — and even started to decline in 2022. The workforce will soon begin shrinking: Right now there are three working-age adults for every retired person in China, according to data compiled by J Capital Research, and by 2050, that ratio will hit one to one. Without booming property prices or continued growth, the growing pool of retirees will put a heavy burden on China's threadbare social safety net. GDP per capita is currently about $12,800. When Japan started struggling in 1991 with a similar dynamic — aging population, sky-high debt, and slowing growth — its GDP per capita was more than triple that amount, at $41,266 in today's dollars. China will get old before it gets rich, placing the task of growing the economy on fewer and fewer people as time goes on.
"All the policies are now determined by Xi Jinping himself, and his priorities are spending money to engage in a technology and national-security race with the US," Shih explained.
Once upon a time, infrastructure and property were the big beneficiaries of Beijing's largess, now it's the military. US government estimates put China's annual defense budget at about $700 billion, much higher than independent NGO estimates of about $290 billion and just shy of what the US spends on defense annually, $800 billion.
China has never been a big consumer of American imports, but certain sectors will get hurt as our trade relationship is reset. A faltering Chinese economy will suppress demand for commodities like oil seeds and grain, hitting US farmers especially hard. It will also eat into corporate profits for companies such as Nike and Starbucks that made large bets on Chinese consumers. US restrictions on technology exports — created to counter new national-security concerns — threaten the more than $50 billion of revenue that US chipmakers generate selling to China. Wall Street doesn't have to go home, but it can't stay here. The WSJ reported that foreign executives are jittery about visiting China, afraid they'll never be allowed to leave. The great traveling circus that is hot money and adventure capitalism is already scouring the world for its next opportunity in countries like Mexico and Vietnam. These are forces bigger than Beijing.
Earlier this month, the House Select China Competition Committee held a hearing in New York City, calling on witnesses to describe what risk looks like with a Chinese Communist Party that's less committed to the free flow of capital and more concerned with flexing its muscles within its region. In her testimony, Anne Stevenson-Yang, the founder of J Capital Research, said that the US — especially its Midwest industrial heartland — isn't invested in China because of market demand. It's invested there for the outsourcing of mechanical goods and labor. For the US economy, China as a workshop is much more important than China as a consumer. Companies will need to scour their supply chains for potential vulnerabilities and consider their exposure accordingly. When Beijing is focused on national security, rules can change at the drop of a dime. Foreign businesspeople who once sought efficiencies going in may find it cumbersome to get out.
It's time to imagine a future where China does not become rich but may remain powerful — building its army and continuing to develop its domestic technological capabilities. History has shown that economic privation need not impede China's technological achievement. During the depths of the Maoist purges, the CCP was still able to develop the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb, and its own intercontinental ballistic missiles. Xi has warned China to prepare for "great struggles" on the road to glory. Now that China's economic supercycle is over, that may be the cycle we're about to witness. It will be a painful adjustment.”
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gracegow · 1 year
Our Design Inspiration: Exploring the Allure of Ocean Jewelry
The world of jewelry is part of a very creative universe.  where many ancient artisan hand skills are required to get to the create the tangible pieces of art we find in stores that come to be sold in stores, given as gifts, or worn with our latest high-fashion looks.
and decide to wear without our beloved outfits.
Designers find our their inspiration in their environment, people in their lives, and art. But for Cat McCadden of GRACE GOW, it’s ocean life that’s come came to be one of the richest sources of inspiration for designers and has lled to the creation of great pieces of jewelry that capture the essence of style and beauty.
It takes a perceptive eye focused on the  for the depths of ocean beauty of the ocean and then translate that into to be able to illustrate it in a piece of jewelry. And our designer Cat McCadden, our founder and creative lead, does just this can do just that in a way that will make your heart smile.
The coastal life, with all its marine artifacts like rocks, shells, crustaceans, jellyfish, and coral accents, is captured perfectly in the ocean jewelry pieces signed by the artist Cat McCadden where you will find. And you will be able to find such mesmerizing pieces of art in the Grace Gow selection.
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Cat draws her inspiration from the rocky, misty and enchanting shores of the Puget Sound in Seattle, Washington and she manages to highlight the endless intracaciescharm of nature and the ocean in every fine jewelry piece she creates. This wellspring of inspiration acts like a muse in Cat’s mind, putting her creative skills into action to craft unique and charming accessories.
To create our ocean jewelry, you have to Cat understand’s the beauty of the sea and has llearned the magical love language of the waves, with all its miracles. At Grace Gow, you find ocean-inspired jewelry that represents the purest essence of natural beauty in our gold barnacle rings, crab claw pendants, gemstone pieces and gray and white diamond accents.
Wearing a piece of GRACE GOW jewelry It is almost like you transcends from your daily life to a place where beauty and creativity know no boundaries. Walking the beaches of Vashon Island, thThe Puget Sounds cold clear water  is the perfect place for every artist who wants to unleash theirour imagination and create accessories for every type of ocean-inspired occasion.
Adorned with barnacles, big rocks are piled along Vashon’swith its rugged shores. , Ccrabs as, and the remnants of eroded rocks and broken oyster shells are strewn  around this , this place is fascinating place for designers and artists of all kinds.
However, creating ocean jewelry is not just about representing the marine elements in an accessory. Such pieces of art must vibrate at the same frequency as the waves of the ocean and surprise the core of this world’s beauty.
When you wear an exquisite piece of ocean jewelry, you borrow some of that pure energy that comes from the sea and highlight the goddess in you with every special occasion in your life. With over 14 years designing jewlery, Cat knows very well how to help youconnect and resonate with her creations. Her goal in designing is acheiving  as she always keeps this goal of communion between beauty and nature in mind.
From the various patterns of seashells and the intense colors of coral reefs, the sky is the limit when it comes to pieces of jewelry inspired by ocean life. It takes dedication, love, passion, and a great talent to use marine life as a muse, and Cat manages to do that beautifully.
We have to warn you, though, that once you discover the charming world of ocean jewelry, you will find it difficult to get away from it. The beauty of these accessories is addictive, and you will want them to embellish all the special events of your life.
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funnel6 · 1 year
Crafting an Effective Marketing Brand Strategy Building Lasting Connections
In the dynamic world of business, a well-defined brand strategy serves as the compass that guides a company towards success. An effective brand strategy is more than just a logo or a catchy slogan; it encompasses the core values, identity, and promise that a business conveys to its audience. In this article, we delve into the essential components of a marketing brand strategy and how it plays a pivotal role in building lasting connections with customers.
Defining the Essence:
At the heart of every successful brand strategy lies a clear and concise definition of the brand's essence. This involves understanding the company's mission, vision, and values. A deep dive into the organization's purpose and what it stands for lays the foundation for all subsequent branding efforts. This essence becomes the touchstone for consistency across all communication channels, enabling the brand to resonate with customers on a deeper level.
Understanding the Target Audience:
Effective brand strategies are built upon a thorough understanding of the target audience. This includes demographic data, psychographic profiles, and consumer behavior patterns. By crafting a strategy that addresses the needs, desires, and pain points of the audience, a brand can tailor its messaging and offerings in a way that resonates with potential customers. This targeted approach not only increases the chances of attracting the right customers but also fosters brand loyalty.
Differentiation and Unique Value Proposition (UVP):
In a crowded marketplace, differentiation is key. A robust brand strategy articulates a unique value proposition that sets the brand apart from competitors. This can be achieved by identifying what makes the brand special, whether it's a unique product feature, exceptional customer service, or a commitment to sustainability. Communicating the UVP effectively through marketing materials helps the brand carve a distinctive space in the minds of consumers.
Consistency Across Channels:
Consistency is the glue that holds a brand strategy together. From the logo and color palette to the tone of voice used in marketing materials, maintaining a consistent brand identity across all touchpoints is crucial. Consistency builds recognition and trust, as consumers come to associate specific visual and verbal cues with the brand. Whether it's a social media post or a television commercial, the brand's identity should remain unmistakably intact.
Storytelling for Emotional Connection:
Humans are hardwired to connect through stories. A compelling brand strategy weaves a narrative that resonates emotionally with customers. This narrative can span the brand's history, its founders' journey, or the impact it aims to make in the world. By telling stories that evoke emotions, the brand becomes more relatable and memorable, allowing customers to forge a deeper bond.
Adaptability and Flexibility:
While consistency is vital, a successful brand strategy also allows for adaptability. As markets evolve and consumer preferences shift, brands must be agile enough to adjust their strategies without losing their core identity. This could involve updating messaging, embracing new communication channels, or even revisiting the UVP to ensure its relevance.
Feedback and Iteration:
A brand strategy is not a static document; it's a living, breathing entity that requires continuous refinement. Collecting feedback from customers and analyzing market trends can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the strategy. Regular assessments and iterations ensure that the brand remains aligned with the evolving needs of its audience.
In conclusion, a well-crafted brand strategy is the backbone of successful marketing efforts. It encapsulates a brand's essence, resonates with its target audience, and differentiates it from competitors. By maintaining consistency, embracing storytelling, and adapting to changes, a brand strategy becomes a powerful tool for building lasting connections with customers. In today's fast-paced business landscape, a robust brand strategy is not just a luxury but a necessity for those aiming to stand out and thrive.
For More Info:-
Brand Development Strategy
Brand Strategy for Small Business
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How to Heal from Domestic Violence
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Domestic violence is a distressing and deeply traumatic experience that can have profound and lasting effects on its survivors. Healing from the scars of such abuse is a challenging journey that requires courage, support, and self-compassion. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to recovery, there are several strategies and steps that survivors can take to begin the process of healing and reclaiming their lives.
Acknowledge and Validate Your Feelings
The first step towards healing from domestic violence is acknowledging and validating your feelings. It's important to understand that your emotions are valid, regardless of whether others may understand or empathize with them. The trauma experienced in an abusive relationship can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and confusion. By recognizing and accepting your emotions, you lay the foundation for healing.
2. Seek Professional Help
Recovery from domestic violence often requires professional assistance. Therapists, counselors, and support groups specializing in trauma and abuse can provide a safe space for you to share your experiences, process your feelings, and develop coping strategies. Therapy can help you work through the emotional aftermath of abuse and regain a sense of control over your life.
Founder Ruth Darlene Patrick of nonprofit WomenSV emphasizes the significance of professional support, stating, "Counseling provides survivors with a safe space to process their emotions, gain clarity, and develop coping mechanisms. It empowers them to reclaim their voice and regain control over their lives." Through counseling, survivors can work through feelings of guilt, shame, and self-blame, and gradually develop a stronger sense of self-worth and resilience.
"Part of our mission at WomenSV is to educate the community to break the cycle of covert abuse and coercive control, and that includes educating therapists that handle clients that have experienced this trauma," says Ruth Darlene.
3. Create a Supportive Network
Building a strong support network is essential for healing. Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about your well-being and can provide emotional support. Friends, family, and support groups can offer understanding and validation, helping you to feel less isolated and alone in your journey.
4. Practice Self-Care
Prioritizing self-care is crucial when healing from domestic violence. Engage in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and comfort. This could include hobbies, exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature. Nurturing your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is essential for rebuilding your sense of self-worth.
5. Set Boundaries and Rebuild Trust
Survivors of domestic violence often struggle with setting healthy boundaries and rebuilding trust. Learning to establish clear boundaries is essential in protecting yourself from future harm, while gradually learning to trust again is crucial for fostering healthy relationships. Start small and give yourself time to develop a sense of safety.
6. Educate Yourself About Domestic Violence
Understanding the dynamics of domestic violence can be empowering. Educate yourself about the different forms of abuse, manipulation tactics, and red flags. This knowledge can help you recognize unhealthy patterns and make informed decisions in future relationships.
7. Practice Forgiveness, but Not Forgetfulness
Forgiving your abuser is a personal choice and doesn't necessarily mean forgetting what happened. Forgiveness can be a powerful way to release the emotional burden you may be carrying. However, it's important to remember that forgiveness is for your own healing, not to absolve the abuser of their actions.
8. Explore Creative Outlets
Engaging in creative outlets, such as art, writing, music, or dance, can serve as therapeutic tools for processing your emotions. Expressing your feelings through creative means can help you release pent-up emotions and gain insights into your healing journey.
9. Set Realistic Goals
Setting realistic goals for your healing journey is essential. Celebrate small victories along the way and be patient with yourself. Recovery from domestic violence is not a linear process; there will be ups and downs, but every step forward is a step towards reclaiming your life. “Trauma recovery looks different for everyone,” says relationship therapist Amie Piekarz, LSW.
Healing from domestic violence is a deeply personal and unique journey. It takes time, effort, and the support of others to overcome the traumatic effects of abuse. Remember that you are not alone, and there are resources and people available to help you through this process. By acknowledging your feelings, seeking professional help, building a supportive network, and engaging in self-care, you can gradually heal, regain your sense of self-worth, and create a brighter future beyond the shadows of abuse.
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