#it's a very happy boi who's totally not coping or anything
turbo-tsundere · 5 months
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Back to the regular programming. Have a wip! Still working on that thing. Things still progress as they were - sometimes I sit and draw a lot in one go, then I have to put it off for many weeks at a time; or I simply just don't have that much energy/focus to be creative - just life being life. But I'm forging ahead. With the help of my friend, all typos or grammar mistakes are now fixed, too, so that's one thing I thankfully don't have to think about anymore. Now I "just" need to keep and keep and keep on drawing, until it's all finished. Wish me luck.
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siremasterlawrence · 2 months
Captain America: Karmic Justice
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“Where….where am I?” Steve Rogers wake up in a groggy state in his eyes as he rubs them awake and he shook his head in utter disbelief.
“Mr. Roger’s my name is Lawrence…I am a very huge fan.”
“Tell me what’s going on…why am I tied down?”
“Relax! Please settle down”
“Fine! I explain all of this.”
“I was on a Shield Carrier stopping The Red Skull and then it exploded.” He says trying his best to remember.
“Yes you were! I saved you from the water and rebirth it.” 
“Rebirth me! No that sounds like nonsense Stark would spout.” He says wagging his finger at me.
“Sssshhhhhhh! Not quite! “ I say putting my finger on his lips.
“Be a good boi and close your eyes as I 
will explain to you.” I say closing mine channeling my energy into him. 
“Go to sleep and let me assume control.”
I am whispering into his aids then kiss his cheek as he falls a sleep.
“Your body collapses to the floor giving me all access to this sexy as fuck body I will use and consume.
“In reality you reached home, you are laying in your bed staring at spiral hypnosis video as your mind molds to mine.” I continue to tell him.
“What the matter Captain? Have you kindly learned your lesson?”
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I disrobe my clothes quickly getting dressed in some scrubs as I approach the bed in his room and I lay both of palms on the sides of his head as my energy surges through both of my hands. The energy charges up toward my shoulders down my arms into his palms as I sent a wave of electrical current into his head I watch his body jolt up into the air as he pops. His body so electrocuting through all sides he goes wailing out of control in a sea of heat shooting upward into a strong stirring cock and his semen shooting up covering his pants. 
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I giggle a bit letting the current take the form of hands sliding down into his crotch area letting them enter into his pants and into his underwear playing with his cock. I plant my lips on his as I kiss him giving in to my urges as I rubbing his shoulder’s so hard,then the same thing happens with more hands appear playing with his pecs then nipples. I smile climbing on top of him crawling upward till we reach each other in face value connecting myself with him skin to skin and I knew I deserve him more than anything in the world the man of my dreams on a whole new level.
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“Can you hear me Captain America?”
“Answer me”
“Can I call you Steve?”
“Call me Steve”
“Excellent! Let me explain something to you”
“I am listening “
“We are best friends”
“No Bucky!”
“We are best friends not you a who? Bucky”
“Who is Bucky!”
“I am so perfect! We are best friends “
“Who do you love?”
“Ugh! Why do you love that woman? A woman period.”
“Yuck why! I hate Peggy”
“You are madly in love with me Bucky”
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“Your body is Godly!”
“Oh! It’s nothing”
“Are you ok with this?”
“Feeling me up?”
“So solid! So strong “
“Steve! I love you “
“You do? Oh My God!”
“Are you shocked?”
“Who are you ?”
“I am your God! Hero! Lover!”
“I am in your every thought and you can’t deny it.”
“Totally you are biting your lips and squirming m.”
“ I can’t help it !”
“You guess?”
“I know”
“I mean, I swear”
“May I kiss you Steve”
“I am begging you too”
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“Steve do you remember me?”
“Yes! My love”
“I am your Master”
“Yes Master”
“Address me properly “
“Sir Yes Sir”
“Good boi”
“It feels intoxicating “
“Like a dream “
“So freaking…”
“Sweet “
“It’s addictive “
“100 percent “
“You’re all that matters”
“This body?”
“You’re playground “
“I want to play “
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“Master Lawrence “
“Yes boi”
“As you kiss me”
“It is essentially life “
“It brought me back”
“The only life that matters”
“Cope with us”
“Hold me”
“Big man like you “
“Who am I?”
“My slave “
“What am I?”
“A slave “
“A pussy “
“A bitch”
“My property”
“A work horse “
“Take me”
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Steve’s eyes popping open staring into the ceiling as he comes to with such excitement that overtook him in a sea of utter joy and happiness that revolves over me in lust of undulated desire.I can see his weakened mind finally go in to overdrive breaking his mind as he sits up on the bed rising his back onto the pillow in a fit of heat and he spun about of face me his one true love. I can swear my heart to steal his last love Peggy from him and he wouldn’t even care that I would or notice that I am etching even closer to her and taking her by my hands as she swoons.
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Cupping his chin I yank him a bit closer to me slowly, softly and with more love than I  have ever mustered for any single person or thing in my existence till now and he leans in to my body. Our lips smash onto each other so softly as they glisten, wet, sexy and total flappy in the light and my arms wrap on his muscular muscles and groping his ass tight right now. He smirks kissing me pinning me to the table climbing onto me as he kisses me a bit more and more rubbing my body.up he has fallen in love with me and all I can do is accept my absolute rule,
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The end
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littlecharmingenvy · 1 year
Belphie Headcannons
This is the first thing I've written for a fandom in literal YEARS so forgive me if I'm a little rusty- but anyways belphie headcannons!
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), mentions of lesson 16, belphie being a little shit
<3- Steals your clothes to put them on his pillows to sleep with. Doesn't matter if you're in a relationship or not, as soon as he gets comfortable with you, say goodbye to your comfy sweatshirts
<3- Very clingy. Thinks he's being slick ab it (he's not) always finding excuses as to why he ended up right where you are, totallyyy a coincidence. Brushing your teeth? That's crazy, so is he. Getting up for a midnight snack? Suddenly he's wide awake. For a yandere, he's got an awful lot of tsundere habits
<3- If he knows you'll be busy with plans with someone else -especially one of his brothers- he just so happens to fall asleep directly on your lap and just won't wake up. Oh, you weren't able to make it? That's ok, you can just nap with him instead :)
<3- ^^^ only gets away with this because he's the youngest. He knows his siblings can't bring themselves to be as mad at him as they should when he brings out the puppy eyes and he uses that to his full advantage
<3- Speaking of the puppy eyes, no one's safe except for MC. Bonus points if they're an oldest sibling who's used to it from their own siblings, or are a youngest sibling themselves so they know what tf is up. The others don't know how they don't fall for it, and it frustrates Belphie as much as it entertains him
<3- Even tho he's fairly small for a demon, he still stands at about 6'2. He's the second shortest of his brothers, Asmo being the shortest.
<3- Still gets nightmares from when he killed MC. He always goes to them for comfort, but the guilt of it all eats him alive. He never tells them why he's upset, but MC has an idea
<3- This man wouldn't know a coping mechanism if it hit him in the face. Relies on Beel to process things and to comfort him, which Beel is happy to do. Belphie tries to return the favor when he can. He's awful at comforting people, but Beel finds his awkwardness with it strangely comforting
<3- overall this man is just a pisces (bitch) who is too tired to process things. but, he is sweet when he wants to be
<3- brat. Doesn't matter if hes domming or subbing, full fledged brat. Anything you want from him, you'll have to (figuratively) beat it out of him
<3- He's torn between preferring to dom or sub. On one hand, he loves the control domming gives him, as well as any chance he can get to break you. On the other hand, he doesn't have the energy to a lot of the time. Plus, it's nice to let himself get taken care of sometimes. doesn't mean you won't have to fight him to get him to sub tho
<3- Prefers receiving versus giving head. He doesn't mind giving, in fact he enjoys it, but boys just lazy :(
<3- Does enjoy when you sit on his face, especially since it's less work for him. Likes teasing you by making you keep eye contact, and will stop if you do.
<3- I've seen a lot of people say he would fall asleep during it, and as hilarious as that image is, I'm not sure if he would. Idk, I just feel like he'd be too into it to fall asleep. Might fall asleep while you give him head tho-
<3- in theory, he'd have some pretty out there kinks, but they normally stay confined to his fantasies, as he doesn't feel like putting the effort in to test them out and totally not because he's scared you'll think they're weird
<3- Overstim him!!! please!!! He'll stop his bratting real quick once he realizes you still aren't stopping after he's cum for the 3rd time-
<3- On the opposite end, if you want to see him cry, edge him. He can take being overstimulated like a champ, but with edging he'll break after 15 minutes if you're lucky
&lt;3- adores cockwarming, and will often fall asleep while inside of you despite your protest. He just wants to be as close to you as he can get, especially after a hard day. How could you say no when he asks so nicely? :(
<3- not much aftercare from him. If you ask, he'll help you clean up, but otherwise he tells himself he'll deal with it when he wakes up. always regrets it when he wakes up tho
anyways hope y'all enjoy!!! live, laugh, lethargic-
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 8 months
Hello guestie, how are you? I hope you’re good!
I really like your write, and I want to know how do you think the papas would act if they were heartbroken?
I’m doing pretty ok, thanks for asking! I hope you’re having a good day!!
Oh boy, let’s see these demon popes sad! I framed this as a reader insert just to make it easier to read!
Papas x Reader heartbreak (reader is the one who broke things off.) (implied serious relationship)
Gender Neutral Reader
WARNINGS: mentions of drugs, depressed states, unhealthy coping habits
The Papas When They Are Heartbroken
Papa Nihil: The last time this man had his heart broken he ended his music career. Dramatic yes, but how can he continue after something so painful? (Even if it’s his fault!) He simultaneously becomes withdrawn emotionally but goes out of his way to distract himself. Nihil needs time to process his feelings. He doesn’t catch feelings for people easily, and he’s used to getting everything he wants. So being heartbroken is so foreign to him. Nihil will become very curt in person. He’ll give everyone short answers and not be as social. If he can avoid talking for a while he will because he’s too much in his own head. He’s practically a ghost… until he decides to start partying again . Or throw himself in some sort of activity. Anything to help numb the pain! He’ll go wild at parties, he will invest in hobbies, and do anything to keep himself occupied so he doesn’t have to think about you. It’s his escape from the daily ache!
Papa I: He’s not the most emotional man in the world, but losing you hurt more than he could put into words. Papa tends to be the most accepting of the family. Lucifer has his plans, and clearly you weren’t meant to be in his life that way. He will be very cordial and respectful to you but very, very cold. Unless you both work together he will never willingly put himself in the same room as you. Papa has to distance himself as he can’t stand to be reminded of the pain. He is the type of man to throw himself fully into work and his free time leisure’s… but the ghouls did notice he is a bit more zealous than normal with his sacrificial worship. Papa lets himself feel the pain and then uses it to make his worship stronger. Papa eventually reasons that maybe heartbreak is his punishment for not focusing on spreading Lucifer’s will… yeah, that’s it. From time to time he will even secretly check on you to make sure you’re living a good life.
Papa II: You can’t feel heartbreak if you refuse to acknowledge it! Papa refuses to admit he feels any sort of pain from your break up. He’s always been the man to swallow his emotions because, to him, they are useless and only hold him back. Papa convinces himself you were just a passing fancy and that it wasn’t going to last anyway… he totally didn’t have plans to be strongly attached to you. Papa in the ministry work day comes off as a touch more grumpier than usual. He’s always been polite yet direct, but anyone who annoys him feels his wrath more harshly. But then when the work is done, like his father, Papa throws himself into luxury. There’s no time to even consider being sad when he’s neck deep in vice! So Papa indulges in all of his favorite things; drugs, alcohol, parties, luxury goods, and all the partners that are SO HAPPY TO THROW THEMSELVES AT HIS FEET! He can have anyone he wants, so why would he dwell on you? … right? If he ever sees you in public Papa will not acknowledge you if you don’t approach him first. Ouch.
Papa III: Oh boy- a heartbroken Papa III is the most pathetic sight you will ever see. He does not take this level of rejection well. Yes, he will always honor your wishes and respect you enough to let you walk away… but it destroys him. Papa is the most guarded of his family when it comes to his true self. Under all of his charm and sociability is a man who is afraid to ever let himself be known and hurt. And you? You were supposed to be different. This was supposed to be the love he yearned for all of his life. You were the one who got past all of his walls and loved him for the true person he was!! And you ripped it to shreds. Papa has to take sick leave over it and locks himself away to where only his brothers and his personal ghouls can reach him. Papa spends the first half of his mourning barely doing anything but staring out the window and refusing to move. Eventually, he starts going back to his favorite pastimes. But it’s not the same. Papa vows to never let anyone in his heart ever again. He sometimes wonders if you will ever try and get him back. As nice as that thought is- he could never have you back.
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: Now, Copia’s actions after really depends on whether he was hurt before or after becoming Papa. one thing is certain, he manages to take the ending amicably at first. But when he is alone he cries so hard he becomes sick. Copia is a softer man as he is very inexperienced with serious relationships. Yes, he is able to form a coup, perform satanic rituals, and do diabolical deeds without blinking. But Copia’s heart is so tender and just wants someone to love him deep down. That being said, he will respect you enough to not try and win you back or push your boundaries. Although he will be super immature in trying to show you what you’re missing!! As a Cardinal this heartbreak is one of the many things that spur him on to being Papa. It’s your loss when he’s finally Papa and you won’t be there to enjoy it with him!! And if he’s already Papa, he does everything to show off THAT HE’S TOTALLY LIVING HIS BEST LIFE WITHOUT YOU!! Copia doesn’t need you to be happy, he’ll show you!!
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imogenleewriter · 1 year
I have opened up to reading WIPS because of your fics (I love all of them, by the way!!!!!!!). Do you have any others to reccomend? 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Honestly, I hate that WIPs get such a bad wrap. I get it because I hate waiting too, but it's also so exciting to get the email, you know? Like I'd rather get it piece by piece than not at all. I'm not going to make this a pretty post because they won't stay WIPs, but here are some of my favourites! I'm only posting ones that have been uploaded to within the last month, but most have been uploaded to within the last week. I Don't Wanna Face The Music - hereforh / @hereforh Current WC: 24k 3/10 - Weekly uploads. Summary: Louis likes to think he's a pretty normal, typical lad. He likes spending nights at the pub with his mates, he loves football and is very close to his family. So when he moves to London for uni, he doesn’t think much will be different. Until he makes these new friends who are nothing like his mates back home and change his life for the better - and this one boy who messes with his head from the get-go and makes him question everything he has ever thought about himself.
Anything But Awkward - The_Dizzy_Pixie / @dizzy-pixie17 Current WC:91k Ch: 17/? Summary: Harry looked down at the signed album in his hands before flipping it over. He blinked at the sight of the cramped and rather messy handwriting scribbled on the back of the vinyl jacket. When you’re less tongue-tied, maybe give me a call, babes. xx :)  +44 280913 7777 Harry groaned when he walked right into the side of a bus shelter. Louis Tomlinson had given Harry his number. OR The one where Louis's a rockstar, and Harry's his biggest fan. When he meets him at a signing, he's awkward and forgets everything he wants to say to him but Louis thinks he's cute and gives Harry his number.
Babes In Boyland - bananaheathen/@bananaheathen Current WC: 37k Ch: 4/? Summary: The genderqueer parenthood sequel to Of Mates and Men ❤️ In which, Harry and Louis decide to start a family. Or, the one where they all grow up.
The Pros and Cons of Breathing - HelloLovers13/@hellolovers13 Current WC: 50k Ch: 12/19 Summary: Omega Harry has always known he'd be married off someday, so when he's betrothed to Prince Louis, he's anxious about having to leave his life behind, but hopeful for a happy marriage. The hope doesn't last long, with his husband avoiding him at all costs and Harry being left to fend for himself. Can he find happiness even in a broken marriage? everything to lose - stylinsoncity / @stylinsoncity Current WC: 80k Ch: 14/15 Summary: harry is a global popstar who's convinced the world he has it all -- a happy marriage to a devoted alpha, two beautiful children, two grammy awards, three platinum albums, and a budding film career. but some aspects of his image aren't as true as they seem. like the fact he's been separated for over a year, uses meaningless flings to cope and occasionally forgets responsibilities or commitments to his family. he and louis once commanded stages together. they tackled any challenges to their future. and no matter how hard things got, they always returned to one another. harry would always return to louis. until one day, he finds he can't.
Bike Strike - thinlines / @thinlinez Current WC: 62k Ch: 13/14 Summary: What would you do if you saw someone riding your bike, which had been stolen weeks before, across campus? Omega Harry chose to show no mercy. He didn't know it would all lead him to his own demise. The Habit That I Cant Break - Cyantific / @cyantific Current WC:5k Ch:2/10 Summary: While searching for a healthy alternative to fill the void that one habit left, Louis gets hooked on something and someone totally different. This new experience pushes him way out of his comfort zone, making Louis realize he’s capable of so much more than he could’ve ever imagined. Or… The one where Louis quits smoking and tries to get healthy, and Harry is the fitness instructor who helps him achieve those goals while making him sweat in and out of the gym. In which Harry and Louis still meet at bootcamp, just not the one you’re thinking of. Featuring Lottie as the supportive sister that drags her brother to bootcamp class, Louis as the grumpy ex-smoker, Harry as the instructor with exhausting amounts of enthusiasm and one obnoxious pair of yellow trainers.
Addictive Heart - Alwaysinlove /@always-in-love-x Current WC: 91k Ch: 41/? Summary: Louis prefers to be single. He's seen too many relationships crumble around him to want a boyfriend in his life. As a successful singer on tour, his schedule doesn't exactly allow for a relationship anyway. So he has Harry. Beautiful, handsome Harry, who always turns up whenever Louis is lonely or horny. Because Harry is in love with him. Sadly, Louis doesn't do love. Until one day, Harry stops replying to Louis' messages and he goes on a mission to find out why... Two Hearts In One Home - enchantedlandcoffee / @enchantedlandcoffee Current WC: 14k Ch: 3/? Summary: Best friends Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles have been living together for almost 3 years. With Louis' YouTube videos mainly featuring challenges, vlogs, and tutorials, his best friend is unknowingly a common topic on his channel (with his identity hidden) leading his viewers to believe that they are dating. What happens when Harry's childhood friend, Niall Horan, returns from Ireland and turns out to be one of his biggest fans and sends a tweet that turns his life upside down?
On The Horizon - FitzAndLarry / @fitzandlarry Current WC: 169k Ch: 16/? Summary: “Let’s enjoy each others’ company. You’re fit; you’re young; you’re a bloody doctor. You’ve got everything going for you.” There’s a moment of hesitation before Louis plants a gentle kiss atop Harry’s head. “I’ll be whatever you want me to be as long as we’re having fun, yeah?” Drunk, loose, and excited on the first night of his two-week-long cruise, Doctor Harry Styles finds himself with a little extra company on what has turned out to be a lonely experience. Louis, the pilot who helped fly him across the Atlantic, is the object of his fling. Thus begins an adventure filled with laughter, sun, and trauma rearing its ugly head. Deadline on their companionship, the pair commit to enjoying their time - and Harry, the screw-up he is, can't help but lose himself in the fantasy.
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cyanide-latte · 7 months
🌹for all three of your skrunklies please :)
🌹 what relationship does your oc have with riddle?
Copper Benoit: Since they first meet post-Overblot for Riddle while Copper is visiting NRC as a "guest", it's kind of an interesting sense of uneven footing at first. Riddle is still Riddle and being polite as decorum calls for when guests are involved, as well as firm, but I think he can tell something is off with this kid. (Perhaps he recognizes something akin to his own trauma, if not wholly the same.) Copper sees Riddle as a very responsible and formal example of an NRC student, so when he unknowingly breaks a rule and Riddle points it out, Copper apologizes for not knowing and asks if there are any other rules he should be aware of. Riddle is all too happy to answer questions (and has to remember to hold himself back a little so as not to get overbearing,) and this leaves a good impression. Copper admits he's not sure he'll remember everything but he'll try and he'd appreciate any reminders if possible, and Riddle's positive response also leaves a good impression on Copper. Once Copper becomes a student due to Plot Progression, he makes it a point to maintain a good relationship with Riddle. As far as he's concerned, if Riddle needs something, he's willing to try to make it happen if he can. I wouldn't say they're close friends or anything, but they like each other well enough and are on good terms.
Wei Renqiao: Good, good friends. They're both sophomores and met early into their freshman year due to shared classes. Riddle's respectful formality towards WRQ's culture and the latter's return on politeness and curiosity about Heartslabyul overall won immediate friendliness. Over time, they've had many discussions about their respective situations (Riddle with his childhood trauma and challenges as Housewarden, feeling like his dormmates disrespect structure that's there and reinforced by Riddle to try to help them and honor the Queen of Hearts; and Wei Renqiao struggling with the weight of being expected to be a leader to his people but clashing with his uncle's views of what that means and feeling like he's better suited to serving others by finding or creating means of accommodations for them.) This isn't to say they've not had similar discussions with others, but there's a certain level of appreciation they have when they can confide, compare, and offer their perspectives on one another's challenges or struggles. They've also got some fun moments where WRQ has astonished others (usually by picking Riddle up and carrying him when they gotta hustle to class) and rattled off the appropriate Rule to point out he's well within his rights to do something, which delights Riddle to no end. WRQ initially offers Riddle the allowance to call him "Ren", which Riddle declined prior to his Overblot arc. It didn't feel proper. Post-Overblot, with Riddle taking more time to think on the enormity of what that actually means, is working on occasionally trying to call him "Ren" as a means of signifying their friendship is also important to him, even if he's not totally comfortable using the nickname for him yet.
Chrysanthos Shroud: OH HOO HOO BOY. BOY OH BOY. RIDDLE DOES NOT LIKE CHRYS ONE BIT. Chrys is (in Riddle's opinion) extremely rude, has an inappropriate sense of humor, disrespectful, and worst of all, the instant he tries to tell Chrys he's in violation of ANY rules, Chrys seems to take this as an invitation to start doing it DELIBERATELY to enrage him, taunting the entire time. Throw in that later on, Chrys reads him like an open book reading his trauma and behavior? When Riddle sees him, it's on SIGHT. Chrysanthos for his part, is just doing his thing and being himself, and if he has no issue disturbing his little cousin's peace as a means of showing affection to Idia, you'd best believe he also has no qualms disturbing the peace of a kid who clearly has some underlying deeper issues, piss-poor coping mechanisms and an issue with boundaries when he tries to force others to mold to his coping mechanisms. Chrys is a punk through and through, of course he's going to then break more rules to prove a point to Riddle. He sees it as a sort of cause-and-effect Riddle needs to start recognizing. Eventually he does read Riddle quite frankly to his face; it's just how Chrys is, and it's kind of his way of trying to show compassion and benevolence, offering some difficult insight and possible wisdom. Despite the way he likes to act like a troll, Chrys genuinely pities Riddle and hopes he'll eventually overcome the things that continue shackle and suffocate him.
Taglist (this is a WIP and if you want to be removed from the list, just let me know!) : @tixdixl @ramshacklerumble @inmateofthemind @changeofheart69 @thehollowwriter @blithesharem @theleechyskrunkly @rainesol
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Hi! I was wondering if I could get hunter x male reader who's got autism? If not, hunter x male reader where they're enemies but they get caught in a trap and the only way to get out safely is to dance in a specific way. (I've been listening to Underground by Cody fry on repeat and it's what gave me the idea 😅)
Yeah of course!
Hunter x Male! Autistic Reader
(I wrote this with a reader in mind but didn’t really fixate on gendered terms so this can be read as a GN Reader too)
(I also love Cody Fry dude, if you haven’t heard his other songs you should listen I’m sure you’d love them. Some of them are covers but honestly I think he outdoes himself with most of his music)
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- not to push my agenda on here, but hunter’s also most likely on the spectrum, he just didn’t get the advantage of growing up in a place where diagnosis was an option. so when you first tell him about it prepare for lots of questions. it isn’t to overwhelm you (but if it does he will totally back off and give you some space) he’s just trying to make sure he knows everything he can. 
- asks around (specifically luz as she has her own experience with diagnosis) and finds a few books on it, though he’s especially excited to learn from you (especially if this means that he can help you cope with any symptoms better) 
- when he finds out about any interests of yours, he’s so beyond happy to see you excited about something, he wants to hear all about it, all your favorite facts, what first got you into it. (if this is also overwhelming he’ll opt to infodump about his interests instead)  - definitely gets you tiny gifts related to your interests or hyperfixations, (or will make them depending on if it’s a common interest or not) though as much as he loves to see your reactions to them, he’ll occasionally leave them in your room just so you can react without worrying about masking. (he stresses out quite a bit himself when gifted something and having to immediately react in front of others)  - similar to how he made his costume from cosmic frontier, if you want a halloween costume related to your interest this boy will put everything he has into making it for you. anything to see your joy.  - that being said if anyone were to ever make fun of your excitement for these interests, they’ll have an angry hunter to deal with 
- if you get overstimulated? he’s the best at finding hiding places. big closets, quiet gardens, places only the two of you frequent? his absolute favorite. he’ll hold you if you’re not uncomfortable with it, and if not he’ll sit beside offering verbal comfort (to his best capability)  “it’s alright, I promise, i’m right here.” 
- doesn’t realize it but he tends to mimic your stims, so if you don’t point this out to him someone in the group probably will. it’s both a case of mirroring and finding out stim’s he also likes. though has some of his own as well (chewing on things he’s holding, clapping, hand flaps) flapjack and him tend to flap together though. 
- he did pick up a stim where he sang the burger king whopper song because he heard it in commercials too many times. 
- if you have any sensory issues with food, he’ll be sure to advocate for them the best he can, whether this means helping you make safe foods or just reminding anyone making the food of these struggles. very “excuse me, they asked for no pickles” energy. 
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lilacpaperbird · 1 year
no one asked but here is a list of my favorite samdean fics, in no particular order:
streams and side alleys - thecapn
- Summary: AU. Dean grows up in the backseat of a 1967 Chevy Impala. Sam grows up in foster care.
- 55,205 words
- Okay I lied I said this list had no particular order but this is actually my favorite samdean fic. I can't even put into words why. Just thinking about it makes me emotional. Beautifully written.
- Link
Buy You a Mockingbird - candle_beck
- Summary: A genuine horror story.
- 10,272 words
- A four words long summary and no tags. I don't want to say much because going in blind is the best thing you can do. Outsider's point of view. Incredibly well written. One of those fics I'll never forget
- Link
Pine Sweat - applecrumbledore
- Summary: Sam watched Dean hack up firewood with his hatchet. The magically-induced heat wave had his shirt soaked with sweat.
“Did you ever have a, uh… experimental phase?” Sam smacked his lips, trying to think of a diplomatic way to phrase it. “That kid—by which I mean you—has been staring. At me. Kind of a lot.”
(Sam and Dean get sent back to 1996 and go on a hunt with their teenaged selves. The kids don't know who they are.)
- 105,325 words
- I mean if you haven't read anything by applecrumbledore yet what are you doing with your life ! This fic was so much fun to read, I was completely hooked from the very beginning. The angst, the smut, the characterizations... soo good. I'll re-read it soon
- Link
Series: Drywall Dust, Talk Aroud It, & Nothing Ruined - applecrumbledore
- Summaries:
1. Drywall Dust: "Did you fuck my math teacher?" Sam hissed. Dean raised his eyebrows. "I'm gonna need you to be more specific."
2. Talk Around it: “It’s just a truth spell,” Sam tried. “It could be worse.” Dean looked at him like he was stupid.
“Yeah, thank God we don’t have a giant, life-ruining secret that we really, really don’t want our dad knowing. Good thing he’s not on his way here right this second.” He scoffed. “Could be worse. Jesus. Good to know you can still lie.”
3. Nothing Ruined: Sam told Dean about Stanford on a freezing Saturday morning in February, curled together under the blankets on a pullout bed in a flea-bitten apartment in northern Montana, when John was three weeks and half a country away.
- 40.923 words in total
- I laughed I cried and I adored the smut what else could you ask for. Again, anything this author writes is soooo good! [*there's a fourth part in this series but I personally prefer to see it as a trilogy and the last part as a separate fic]
- Link
Brittle - thecapn
- Summary: Sam Winchester has an eating disorder.
- 30,027 words
- If you like to read about sam having an ed this is the fic for you. Ofc keep in mind the triggering potential of this topic as it is a central part of the story. Very sad but it has a happy hopeful ending. The story starts when they're younger, pre-series (pining!sam but no weecest) and then spans over several seasons. There's a really short second part that's so good too
- Link
The Last Outpost of All That Is - gekizetsu
- Summary: The world is over, and it’s a Winchester’s lot in life to cope with anything – no matter what.
- 59,037 words
- If you like stories about apocalyptic situations that focus on how the characters manage to survive and reconstruct their lives you'll love this. I was literally glued to this fic from beginning to end. So so so good
- Link
The Ballad of the Invisible Boy - dollylux
- Summary: This is a story of adolescence. This is a love letter for the slow burn, for Led Zeppelin, for the 90s. This is the first of two sets of stories about how Sam and Dean didn’t fall in love. They never had to. It was always there, this desperation between them, like a real, breathing thing. When they came together, it was inevitable. As sure as continents colliding, as the phases of the moon and the life and death of stars. This isn’t a love story, but it’s a story of love.
- 57,490 words
- I mean. What can I say about TBOTIB that hasn't been said already. A classic. Life-altering. [The second part (Two-Headed Boy – 205,783 words) is extremely good too]
- Link
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fyodior · 1 year
*cough*…dearest flora, I’m on my knees begging you for more son!fedya (smut) thoughts…spare crumbs, please…
only bc u begged <3
CONTENT WARNING: this is mom/son incest. obvi very dark content. this (+ any other DC i write) has absolutely no reflection on my real life values or desires or anything at all. this is fiction. if you dont like it just block or unfollow and leave the mean comments to urself! ok thanks bye
*another disclaimer: every single sexual/“romantic” thing that occurred between reader and fyodor occurred after he turned 18
here’s a diff ask that asked some good questions i want to expand on hehe
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yes fedya and reader have def done things before!! that was just the first time they’d had penetrative sex. i hc’ed that you’d basically done everything except penetrative - in my head it started out as first an innocent handjob, then blowjobs, and you’d eventually even fingered him and used dildos/other sex toys with him, in similar scenarios of the fic: calming him down (whether it was genuine anxiety/panic or otherwise) or just doing whatever to make your boy happy <3 after a while he begged you to let him finger you, eat you out, etc etc
and now i’ll kind of talk about the “lore” that i developed with my lovely friend faraday @verlaines-corner. it’s slightly insane but just hold on dslkfjklsdf
so in this AU, fyodor accidentally killed his dad, your husband, when his ability first developed when he was young. it was a complete and total freak accident, he had no idea about his ability, but obviously this took an incredible toll on both him and you. he required immense emotional support from you because you were the only one who knew without a doubt that he didn’t mean to do it (even his therapists were a little bit on the fence), and you in turn needed fyodor because he was all you had left of your little family. this was how the incredibly unhealthy, codependent relationship bloomed.
you went out of your way to do anything and everything that would make fyodor happy to keep him from feeling the debilitating guilt of killing his dad and your husband, which fyodor slowly realized he very easily could take advantage of. that’s where the reader’s “obliviousness” comes from. it’s not that you’re a fucking idiot, you just have devoted so much of your life to keeping him happy, and he manipulated you into doing so. and the way you ended up coping with your grief was tunneling all of your feelings into protecting and taking care of fyodor.
so when it came to him asking for sexual favors, you were obviously uneasy at first, but it also felt like. just another day, just another task that would make him smile and in some weird twisted way had become a fucked up coping mechanism for you. in short all of this is just an insane trauma bond that spiraled into incest <3
now i know you guys came here for smutty thoughts and not just my unnecessary world building so i’ll provide some of that as well 💀
fyodor loves eating you out. so fucking much. he loves sneaking into your bed and between your legs at night so he can dip his tongue into your cunt and taste you, deep into your hole so he can feel the way you clench around his tongue. he can’t help but feel like every single part of you was made just for him, to feed him, and that obviously included your pussy. it made sense that your juices were one of his favorite things to drink, because again. you were made for him
speaking of drinking. this goes without fuckin saying but he loves nursing more than fucking anything on this planet. he loves being curled up in your lap as you hug him close, suckling on your hard nipple as he whines and whimpers, pawing at and kneading your other tit. this isn’t even sexual for you because he’s done it his whole life. he never grew out of the need for that type of closeness, that type of mother son intimacy. and when he sleeps with you at night, it’s not uncommon for you to have to pry him off your boob after he’s fallen asleep and slip some sort of pacifier in his mouth to not wake him up and upset him, because sometimes the only way he can drift off is by suckling.
once he gets that first taste of fucking you, he goes fucking crazy about it and wants to have sex ALL the time. all he can ever think about is how it felt to have your pussy wrapped tight and pulsing around his throbbing cock, he would beg for you to let him fuck you all the time. you’ll just be on the couch reading a book with your legs spread, either on your stomach or your back, as you let him fuck your hole as many times as he wants, as much while satiate him and keep him happy.
anyway. those are my thoughts on son!fedya. teehee
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monards · 8 months
so i played symbiosis.
now tell me
1. what do you think happens after the game ends in the basement.
2. what are your headcannon ideas for more endings and/or a ‘true’ one?
3. why exactly is his nickname mint. how is he invasive!! and he isn’t used as a spice either!!! (or is he? a flavouring in magnolia’s sad lonely life)
ommg hihihi!!! I'm so glad you played!!!!! so sorry this is a bit of a late response,, i really had to think about these questions. also very sorry because i actually rambled an insurmountable amount for this,, LMAO. ok brace yourself, hereee we go (adding the keep reading thing because i dont need to be flooding innocent people's home page with this.)
// Honestly,, I dont have a like, huge idea of what happened after that ending (mostly because of the lack of context around a lot of the stuff, and boy do i need context to function!!!) but I think there's a lot of ways the ending in the basement could've technically gone after the cut off depending on how you interpret Mint at that point. We know Mint was always aware of what Magnolia did, as he mentions in his diary entry; but what happened next REALLY depends on how he copes with that as he grew up. Dove obviously got him into school, or some sort of formal education; where he'd then learn about 'right and wrong' which, as far as education systems go; tends to be VERY black and white. Meaning they'd likely respond with full conviction that Magnolia's actions were wrong and completely unjustifiable. So under the situation he had followed and grown into that line of thinking afterwards, there's no doubt he'd probably not have the most happy reaction to seeing Magnolia again,, butttt on the other hand, and what i believe to be the case a LOT more; he grew up being taught that people do what they do for a reason. Magnolia taught him to always do stuff for himself, because more often than not, what's 'right' isn't always the best for you; and it's okay to go against what's commonly known as the 'right thing to do' for that reason!! He'd likely grown aware at some point that most if not everything Magnolia had done while he lived with her, was for him to live. She murdered people because she needed blood to feed him; she hid them deep in the forest because she didn't want to be arrested and risk anything happening to mint, in the case he got into the wrong hands; and OBVIOUSLY it's a bit hard to completely disregard that line of thinking after so many years,, even if that line of thinking may of been a bit altered in him learning about what magnolia had really done to people, and her effect on others. So I could totally believe him just breaking down the moment he saw her again; knowing everything he'd know as of that point He's also, like, the biggest mama's boy i've ever seen in media; so I wouldn't put it past him if, upon seeing Magnolia again, he really did get emotional and just sorta started crying. Because old habits die hard.
// To be completely honest, I think knowing magnolia; both endings worked perfectly well in their own ways!! We know Magnolia really did love Mint, and her different responses to that love is really shown well in both endings :) Ending A obviously shows her wanting to give mint a better future. Just as it's acknowledged in the FAQ, she is a very horrible person; since she's. yknow. a fugitive and mass murderer. But she willingly puts herself at risk of being arrested, and presumably leaves dove who she clearly still loved on some level to likely die after stealing her gun, because she knows that as things were going, she'd never be able to provide Mint the life he deserves. And If anything, Magnolia clearly doesn't want to be as her parents were to her, to Mint. But Ending B is just as good in the regard that it shows the concept of Magnolia not being good for others, and that despite her best efforts; she almost always sours her relationships with those she loves (which is so, so, so great of an idea when you tie it in with 'symbiosis' as the title LMAO) No offense to Magnolia,, but she's like, almost pathetically horrible at conveying her feelings and emotions in any context. She was already blunt and mean in college without much provocation, and she never seemed to show her love for Dove *that* clearly (i mean,, we saw her smile once but that was in their wedding photo. cmon) so Ending B does great at reminding us,, 'hey,, she's still the same no matter what.' At least in this case we know she loves mint, but did mint even know that? By the time he's grown up, he looks just like magnolia did at that age; straight faced, apathetic looking in most cases, and generally not good at conveying anything but negative emotions. And we know for magnolia,, all of that emotion for her was a result of how she grew up (because i REALLY doubt she'd be this cynical and miserable if her parents weren't assholes, no hate) ; so it does so great to show that no matter Magnolia's best efforts, she was really never going to be as good as she wanted to be, because that's just the way she is, that's her effect on others.
// Honestly,, I always just interpreted his name as the sort of tie and relationship between him and Magnolia; and how their connection and effect on each other is far different from her previous one relationship and connect to Dove !!!! Doves, as a whole, are separate from Magnolias (as in the plant species,) because Doves are birds. And that same line of thought carries over to the characters too!!-- Dove had a freedom Magnolia didn't by being able to express herself and show her compassion and emotions without much complication; but though she changed Magnolia in her interactions with her- as we see magnolia was clearly more expressive, and emotionally available with her- she would have never have a permeant effect on her, because anything a bird can manage to do to a Magnolia tree has very temporary effects. (Hence the game's title "symbiosis" ; the interaction and relationship between two organisms !!! ) But Mint is also a 'plant' , (in this context, figuratively and literally ) So in some ways, he's just like Magnolia in that regard, since they're the same 'species' ; in this case being the way they're both 'irregular' and different from those around them. But just like you noted; mint is invasive. The plant itself can permanently alter the area and environment around it and it's generally very hard to get rid, leaving lasting impact. The moment Mint became a part of Magnolia's life, her life was permanently changed. We see she became far more empathetic than before, and her drive for what she did was no longer purely for knowledge, but compassion; and in both endings she so clearly does what she does under the context of her love for him!! And, in the basement ending (Ending B) despite all the time that had passed, she still seems to have those far more 'open' qualities coming about when it comes to him!!; cue her being so much more positively expressive and welcoming upon seeing him, compared to her reunion with dove. so for the most part, that's what i headcanon as the background for his nickname as'mint' !!!! :))
i had soso much fun answering these,, thank you so much kshkshks!!!!!! 💜💜
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thewritingginger · 2 years
Fluff Alphabet - Takashi Mitsuya
This boy is 10000% husband material and I think I just said that over and over again in different ways in these HCs oops
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Letters: M, I, T, S, U, Y, A Warnings: None, Fluff, Possibly cheesy 
Enjoy ~
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M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Mitsuya is Husband soo…
Yes, he wants to get married –especially when he met you
He claims that he knew after your first meeting he called Draken and told him he just met the person he’s gonna marry
And he did oop
He would propose is a very romantic yet private way
Like at home with candles, dinner, soft music playing and having both you dress up “for fun” –the works tbh
Marriage with Mistuya would be lovely
This boy is already just 100/10 husband material so that carries into actual marriage from dating
Makes sure, even through your possibly busy schedules, you have a date night at least once a week –whether at home or out, as long as both your phones are silenced and its just you two spending quality time together
Also is sure to give you a good night kiss each night
Is very much a believer in “never going to bed angry”
I nspired - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helping them overcome personal problems?
I think with Mitsuya pursuing a creative field he will always have a piece of ‘you can do anything’ mentality he shares with others
Though he can gain confidence from his partner when he is getting frustrated with a piece/idea that isn’t becoming what he planned in his head
He just seems like the kind of person that you can talk to about your issues and he’d always be a shoulder to lean on and give helpful advice when you need it —even in a platonic relationship
T hrill - Do they need to try new things to spice out their relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
A mix of both
He likes having a pretty consistent routine you have in the morning &/or night
Along with that is making sure the two of you always have time alone, w/o any distractions from work or anything else
But on the other hand sometimes on your days off he’ll just ask you out for a spur of the moment date —whether that is just to go get breakfast or to the aquarium for the day
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Mitsuya will probably be your biggest fan tbh
If anything you do involves showings or events of some kind he will -if he can help it- be there to cheer you on and be your rock for if jitters get the better of you
Or always take the time out of his day to listen to any problems you’re having
He wants you to be just as loved and happy as you make him feel
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
At some point in your relationship Mitsuya gets really good at reading you
Like if you’re a person who struggles with depression/ anxiety and you’re in a social situation he will be your rock, taking your hand when you need it
With just a look he will know when you need to leave and help politely excuse the two of you
“I just remembered that Y/n and I meant to get some supplies for tomorrow and we need to leave if we want to make it before the store closes.”
He is also just a good listener when you need to vent
And if you’re not a talker he totally understands and will happily snuggle with you in bed/ on the couch watching tv in silence if that's what you need
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Mitsuya likes a nightly/daily phone call if he has to be parted from you
He obviously texts you throughout the day in general w/ either updates or sharing funny/cute pics or just to chat
But he likes hearing your voice through the phone or even better video chat
I feel like Mitsuya is the type that if say he’s away for an event or job you couldn’t come to he would send you pics and little video clips —vlog style
He also often requests pics from you, not spicy ones —unless…—
You can be at work or school messaging him and he’ll ask for a pic cuz he misses your cute face and ‘is in need of inspiration’
“I miss your smile.”
“I’m in need of my muse.”
A ctivities - what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Its cheesy and cliche but he likes having you model for him when he’s working on new pieces
Also just generally enjoys having your input
I think one of Mitsuya’s major Love Language is Quality Time –so anytime he can just be with you he’ll take it
He loves when you accompany him on errands like getting new/more fabrics/supplies etc and often times if you do you’ll get lunch or dinner together after
When he doesn’t squeeze time with you in while he’s working he just likes lounging around or going along with what you want to do
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Do you agree with my judgment of Mitsuya? Feedback & Interaction is always appreciated!
💛 ~
~ Masterlist ~ ~ Christmas Event ~
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prideraiised · 1 month
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@ofheartandsoul asked: 🧡💌👗(for Gold!) | Meme here!
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Clothing, Friendship and Romance themed headcanons for Gold undercut!
👗for a clothes-themed headcanon: We're starting with this one because its fastest teehee.
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Little bro is a fashion disaster. Gold is a lot of things, but savvy in the ways of looking like he hasn't crawled out of a fucking dumpster? Boy he sure isn't that. Its no secret that Gold is short as all hell. He's capped out at 5'2" and making it your problem. This also means that the hasn't had to buy new clothes since he was like...fourteen? , and Gold rarely spends money if he doesn't have to...so he hasnt! Which means that red hoodie with the little flaps he wore during (HGSS)? , he's STILL wearing that fucking thing and let me tell you. It's seen better days. Most of Golds clothes are torn to shreds, worn down or generally covered in so much dirt blood and grime that no amount of washing them will salvage what was once, allegedly, clothing. (This does mean that his goddamn eight pack is hard to miss though. The undershirt is torn to a point where it reveals more than it covers). We call this 'hobo drip'
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🧡for a friendship-themed headcanon
This is a headcanon derived partly from my experience writing Gold in multifandom discord roleplay: Despite the fact Gold was always bad at making friends when he was young he now, somehow, knows literally everybody. It's an ongoing joke in some behind the scenes circles that whenever a new pokemon character is introduced to a wider group, Gold is the guy who will know who that person is and have a pre-existing relationship with them. He's just generally not afraid to but his head into conversation , even when it doesn't involve him. It's jarring, but he's somebody more willing to engage with other people on a deeper level than most. Even villains tend to like him at least a little bit, because even when he actively disagrees with their monologue, he had least shows a willingness to try and understand them.
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💌for a romance-themed headcanon
Alright lets get to what we're here for- Ahem.
When Gold was a kid up until after he left on his journey, he never knew his father. He lived alone with his (deathly sick) mother. He didn't have many friends growing up but he loved his mom more than anything else in the world, and because she was so sick often spent a lot of his time taking care of her (much to her shagrin). His mother was demur, wore a lot of pink pastelles, was generally pleasant and a total angel of a woman. The exact opposite of Gold, but she was very much dying. They were too poor for surgery, so they were pretty much on borrowed time.
For this reason Gold hates his father. He considers him a walk out who left without saying a word at the expense of his mothers health and happiness, and he resents his father for it. However, Gold is acutely aware of the fact that he's nothing like his mother, which fostered a deep rooted anxiety that he may have taken after his father instead. There are very very few things that put him on edge like that concept. This extends to his views on romance. More specifically, his fear over it. Gold is an individual who is afraid of almost nothing, but romance is the exception. It's an outright phobia that genuinely terrifies him. The possibility that somehow, someway, he will have all his anxiety over the chance he takes after his father confirmed to him by causing harm to somebody he was in a relationship with, either directly or indirectly, is something he just cannot cope with. He flusters easily, but he avoids any further discussion of the matter like the plague.
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gabetheunknown · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky thank you so much <3
1.how many works do you have on ao3?
9, lmao
2.what's your total ao3 word count?
146,319 on my ao3 account, but I've been writing for over 10 years and I have had very old fanfics removed and I have no idea if they're floating around somewhere lmao (I kinda regret not orphaning some of them instead)
3.what fandoms do you write for?
Actually, just the Witcher. I used to write for other fandoms as well, but I grew very picky. Might want to write for some other fandoms as well in the future :-)
4.what are your top 5 fics by kudos? 5, Warm Me Up Then 4, Judge Of Character 3, Lock Me In, Tie Me Up 2, I'm Going To Be The One 1, You're Already My Slut
They're all the Witcher, Geraskier ... needless to say... uh, almost all smutty
5.do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Absolutely!!! I love comments <3
6.what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's not technically finished and I don't know if I ever will... but 'And His Smile Shines Brighter Than The Sun' ... I kinda used this fic as a coping mechanism and then I accidentally abandoned it :'3
7.what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Nearly all my fics have happy endings/are plotless/are just vehicles to write smut xd
8.do you get hate on any fics?
Nah, besides some casual unsolicited 'feedback'
9.do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I nearly only write smut... whoops? But like very... missionary, if that makes sense, lmao. They rarely do anything super funky in my fics xd
10.do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
I've never written a crossover and ... actually never read them either 'v'
11.have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of?
12.have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of... xd
13.have you ever co-written a fic before?
I don't think I have???? I really don't remember what kind of fic writer I was 10+ years ago, lots of stuff happened between then and now xd
14.what's your all time favorite ship?
Geraskier forever I'm afraid. Been obsessed with Geralt since the second game came out, obsessed with their relationship in the books and let's be honest about Joey Batey for a moment........
thank you, that is all
15.what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hate that I've done this :-) but yeah there's an unfinished but published fic on my page and I doubt I'll ever finish it....
besides the obvious, there's a few fun prompts and fics and surprise # chapters for already finished fics I started writing in my fic folder on my laptop and I hope I finish all of them one day
16.what are your writing strengths?
people keep telling me writing smut is apparently something not everybody can write, so I'm pretty proud of that!
Also I don't know if anyone agrees with me, but dialogue. I love writing dialogue between these two idiots ;_; it's almost my favorite thing to write
17.what are your writing weaknesses?
I uh... <- use these dots in my fics a lot apparently, because my brain is fond of pauses xd other than that, I'm not a native English speaker and make some linguistic mistakes every now and then
18.thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
you mean like.... when the language of the fic is not your native language? because I do that all the time! It's fun!
19.first fandom you wrote for?
.... uhh... oh boy.. pls don't look at me... but PewDiePie x Cry
20.favorite fic you've written?
I know this has something to do with the fact that it's my newest one but Judge Of Character
I had so much fun writing this cliché ass fanfiction and I had it beta'd by a good friend who corrected some stuff that really made me a better writer
I'm just really proud of this one! It's a fun fic and I recommend it xd
--- I tag: @definitely-not-iorveth @between-thepages @dancingwiththefae @horsedadgeralt and anyone I'm forgetting or wants to do this too <3 (also no pressure)
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avionvadion · 1 year
Disclaimer: I’m weak for gentle giants that are fully capable of committing atrocities but choose not to, especially if it’s because they found something/someone they don’t want to ruin. Redeemed Rehydrated Ganondorf Totk please!!! I beg you!!!
It would have to be the AoC timeline. So specifically Iliandra.
Calamity Ganon had been properly defeated/sealed away, and Ganondorf’s possessed corpse has been rotting away for ten thousand years beneath Hyrule Castle. Ganondorf and Link are just two sides of the same coin (and because Demise is super petty he won’t let this current incarnation/body go) so the gods probably take pity and work together to give Ganondorf a second chance.
And who better to help him with this second chance than the very descendant of the hero he had once fought ten thousand years ago? So the gods (Hylia, and probably the Golden Goddesses) do some magic (I dunno the specifics yet, feel free to throw ideas at me; I’m currently leaning towards them making an entirely new body and just shoving what remains of Ganondorf’s human soul/heart in it) and having him wash ashore Lurelin completely amnesiac.
It would be at night too, while Iliandra is at the docks playing the Song of Healing to cope with all the abuse her dad put her through for the day. And she and Retah aren’t gonna know what to do when this giant 7’6 muscle mass of a Gerudo just… floats their way.
Iliandra sure as hell can’t lift him. But she never talks to anyone but Retah- her own parents think she’s mute because of it- so she doesn’t know how to socialize. He’s just laying there totally unconscious. Retah convinced Iliandra to try and wake him, she lightly smacks his face a few times, Retah uses her fairy dust in case he had some internal injuries, and when he wakes he’s very groggy and confused. Man don’t even know his own name.
After he realizes he’s on a beach and Iliandra (reluctantly) informs him he washed ashore at Lurelin Village (Retah has taken to hiding) he notices the Ocarina of Time and just gets the worst headache and demands what that is, where she got it, etc. She avoids answering by saying it’s just an instrument, and tells him if he wants somewhere safe to spend the night he should go to the village inn.
He probably has to sell one of his earrings or something since he lacks Rupees (or maybe Iliandra sneaks into the house and steals from her father- that one seems very petty and I love that for her. Revenge!) and he thanks her.
Next morning, he doesn’t see her at all. She’s just *gone*. He asks around about her, but no one really knows who he’s talking about. It’s not until he hears about one of the villager’s having an extremely reclusive daughter that he’s like, “Maybe that’s her???”
No one has seen her though. They don’t even know what she looks like. The father refuses to let him talk to her (suspicious) and the mother said that she isn’t feeling well and is currently resting (also suspicious) but then they smile and talk about how gifted she is. How she’s going to be doing great things one day. How her brothers must look up to her so much.
(He’s seen her brothers, they avoid their parents like the plague. Little boys, twelve years old, always sitting at the docks and whisper to each other while they stare longingly at other families/families that love their children, who are kind to them, who are close and spend time together)
He doesn’t remember anything about who he is or where he comes from, other than the fact that he must be Gerudo because of what the villagers say about his red hair and dark skin and intimidating height, but he knows something is wrong. He knows. In fact, something about all this feels so familiar. Like he’s seen it all before.
Children living in fear. Eyes so envious of what others had, and longing for salvation. Lies upon lies of a happy future being told.
It felt so close to his heart and at the same time just feels so wrong.
One day he approaches the brothers. Asks about their supposedly reclusive sister. They don’t answer him. He asks if she’s ever gotten hurt. They remain silent. He asks if they’ve ever followed her around to see how she got hurt.
They finally look at him.
The next morning, the twins follow their sister and their father into the woods, and the amnesiac Ganondorf follows after. They see Iliandra collapsed on the ground, back bleeding, the woman covered in blood. Sarian and Medkah rush out to defend her. Ganondorf is already there.
The Worst Link is thrown to the ground effortlessly, and when he gets back up, ready to fight, he doesn’t stand a chance. Ganondorf tells him he’s taking Iliandra and the twins away from him. He’s telling him not to follow, unless he’s prepared to die. He picks the bleeding Iliandra up and tells the twins that if there’s anything they need, to grab it from the house now alongside some bandages.
They do so. They don’t question it.
This is the first person to ever extend kindness to them. To show interest in what actually went on in their house, beyond the doting and bragging show their parents put on. To show interest in their sister, who they had noticed had long since been abandoned by their mother and seen as no more than a tool by their father. They didn’t know this man, but they trusted him.
His amber eyes that gleamed with the promise of salvation. Eyes that promised he would protect them.
They trusted him more than anyone else in this sickeningly warm village, who purposefully turned a blind eye to their plight to preserve their happiness.
The man didn’t know where to take them. Just that he had to take them away. They left the village. They head to the woods.
He doesn’t know his name. Iliandra and the twins don’t know who he is. But he’s dressed in fancy clothes and gold jewelry, and is clearly strong- so strong, stronger than most, so strong he could kill them with one hand- so he must not be your average traveler. He protects them. Iliandra gives him her name. After a few days of travel, Retah is comfortable enough to show herself to him.
He’s shaken. He’s confused. He looks at Iliandra like she reminds him of someone, someone he’s forgotten, someone he should know and despise but does not hate. He treats her like she’s glass. Glass that’s so brittle it’s about to break. He speaks softly with the twins. They thank him for saving their sister. They lament their powerlessness and smallness and age.
He offers to train them in the way of the sword once they reach somewhere safe to stay. They brighten. They pause. They hesitate. They ask if he’ll teach them like their dad tried to teach Iliandra. He tells them no.
They ask what his name is. He tells them he still doesn’t know. They asks if they can come up with one for him. He says they can try.
They wind up in Hateno Village, taking refuge in a house on a hill. It had a small farm and a stable, and he muses he might be fond of horses. He decides he wants a horse. A large one, a black one. Decides he’ll search for one after Iliandra has recovered and has taught the twins the basics of battle and stealth.
For there was one thing he learned during their travels, is that despite his size and strength he was fast. He was fast and he was quiet, and no enemy lasted more than a few seconds by the time he had them in his sight. It made traveling quite easy, and protecting the twins and the young woman they called a sister even easier.
He felt like he was made for battle. Like it was something he had done a million times before. Perhaps all his life.
Caring for others like this, on the other hand, felt new. It felt…
And he found himself becoming very fond of the two boys, who looked up to him as a mentor and a brother, and the young woman- who was awkward and unfamiliar with people and kindness, but was very grateful towards him. Who often watched him, trying to discern if he had another motive for helping them, before growing to enjoy his presence.
It was no longer a house they were living in, but a home. And he would destroy anyone that would threaten to harm it.
Even himself.
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callsignbaphomet · 4 months
You should tell us about your bloodborne au <3
Lol aw this is a pleasant surprise.
As I mentioned before I did a total rework of the Bloodborne AU. The previous one was really depressing. To recap Loke died (pretty gruesome from being torn apart and then burned from a fire in a building) in front of Jelani which pretty much traumatized him ‘cause Loke died saving his life. Eventually Jelani pretty much made enemies with every faction except for Vilebloods and Choir and became blood drunk so Crows were after him. He lost himself completely and his boyfriend (Angelus, duh) had to put him down ‘cause he thought it’d be better if someone that loved him would've done it as a mercy kill instead of strangers who didn't know him, much less cared about him. Eventually Angelus would go blood drunk too but before he lost himself completely he killed himself with Jela’s weapon and at least they’d find each other in the dream.
I still like that idea but since I overindulged in the Fallout AU making it so dark and messed up I reworked the Bloodborne one. I just didn't feel like having two dark AUs so back to back, you know? Tho I see the first draft as tragic, not dark like the Fallout one. And believe me, I took out certain details of the Fallout one ‘cause it would've been too much.
I still wanna have like a very tragic AU going but not sure which. Idk. Still cooking that up. Or maybe parallel AUs of the same source! Much to think about.
I’m babbling. Moving on.
So initially Sanaa and Ingvarr come over to Yharnam because Jelani gets sick, really sick, sick as in “prepare yourself for the worst, if he lives another eight months it’ll be a miracle” type of sick. They hear of Yharnam’s potent medicines so they give it a shot. One blood transfusion later and what do you know, he’ll get to see his 8th birthday.
Both parents are fascinated by the city, the history, this miracle blood they're peddling and long story short both become very prominent tomb prospectors. So it's all fun and games and a few years later we see Loke (30) has become a hunter himself and is now married to Uthorim (I always include him with anything involving Loke unless Arcade says otherwise) and Jelani (16) has also become a hunter just like his older brother. *Insert something cute about baby brothers looking up to and trying to emulate their older brothers who they think are the greatest thing in the world. “Isn't this just their usual dynamic?” Yeah, shut up, I love that for both of them*
Sanaa and Ingvarr disappear. They went into a tomb and never came back out along with other hunters and prospectors. No one knows what happened. Search party was dispatched but no one could find a clue as to what happened.
3 years pass and Sanaa and Ingvarr still haven't shown back up. Most people think that party died down there. Loke doesn't wanna admit it but he thinks so too. Jela thinks they're just lost and they’ll be back some day. Loke doesn't feel like correcting him ‘cause he figures that's his way of coping and who is he to take that from him. Despite it both boys are pretty happy and they have each other so it's all good.
Until it isn't anymore.
Jelani gets sick again and this time with a vengeance. Loke’s going nuts trying to find out how to help him, blood’s in short supply what with Yharnam's current state but he finds Trevor (38) who just so happens to be one of a small handful of Vilebloods that are returning. He knows of a member of the Choir that can help him and his brother and another transfusion takes place. Jela slowly gets better though he’s kinda left at 93% which for someone who was about to die is pretty good but he tires out quicker. Loke aligns himself with the Choir mostly to stay in their good graces in case Jelani ever gets sick again. Trevor and Loke become friends and Trevor’s adopted son and fellow Vileblood, Angelus (26), becomes friends with Jelani and later his boyfriend.
I’m still hashing things out for this AU but I wanna add a bit of drama. Like Jela getting into Sanaa and Ingvarr’s notes and books about the dungeons and being really fascinated by them and Lo being scared out of his mind about them. Jela and Angelus sneaking off to wander them and finding things, Jela getting really involved with the Vilebloods as well as Lo doing his own thing with the Choir. Lo eventually finding out that Jela’s been exploring dungeons and then freaking out about it. Sort of a WIP if I’m being honest.
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kiekiecarrera · 1 year
One thing l'm afraid will 'cause angst for Jiara in S4 is Luke. We know he will be back, Chase basically spoiled he was there in the final scene and there was also a picture of the actor on set (but for some reason they chose to cut it out).
A big part of Luke's abuse towards JJ is the guilt trip he manipulates into his mind and JJ is also someone who loves unconditionally and no matter how much shit he takes he would do anything for the people he loves, Luke takes advantage of that. I feel like we saw an hint of how manipulative he is towards JJ in S2 when he asked for help to leave the island, when he wanted something out of him his demeanor completely changed "you're not gonna help your own blood?" "You're a good kid JJ "it will be alright" hugs and kisses and all sorts of bullshit.
I really think that once he'll hear about JJ having so much money he will come back and try get his cut out of it and he'll try to do so playing him, I can totally see him manipulating JJ into believing he changed, he missed him and wanting to rekindle their relationship and bless him JJ will probably fall for it 'cause it's everything he could have ever dreamed for his dad and he is not gonna see things straight, he's just gonna be blinded by that hope but Kiara on the other hand will know exactly what Luke wants and she's gonna be so feral into protecting JJ from his dad that's gonna cause friction between the two like "JJ, he's taking advantage of you" "no he's not, everyone deserves a chance” and such (this would probably also explain why they were kinda weird in front of the crowd…Luke was there even if we didn’t see him) and the more Kie is gonna try and push JJ away from his dad the more JJ is gonna push her away and the wake up call is probably gonna be when Luke does something to attempt hurting Kiara, I mean we all remember that scene in the car where not only they absolutely hated each other BUT OH BOY, HE LOOKED AT THAT KNIFE AND THEN AT KIE.
So either this could play out or l'll be writing a ff post S4 and create the story I want lol
Anon this is very much the storyline I have in mind for JJ for s4 so if we don't get it pls write it :')
In all seriousness, I think a storyline like this is the most plausible because Luke is gonna be back and JJ is not magically healed and fine now just because he's together with Kie. He still has so much to overcome and deal with, including his abuse at the hands of his father, believing he's worth something and has a future, and finding better coping mechanisms.
Luke hearing JJ has money now and coming back is very likely because JJ will have paid the restitution, so they won't have to worry about that, and I'm sure they'll find some way to get Luke out of doing more jail time. And if he's back he's going to be leeching off JJ, and we know he knows exactly how to manipulate JJ, but Kiara's always been above his bullshit so she's not gonna be happy to see him around JJ. It's gonna be angsty and rough for them, but I'd much rather this than a stupid third party like Topper involved.
And you know they're gonna come out stronger on the other side, so I kinda really hope we get this.
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