#it's already late where i am but i'll try to answer all the asks tomorrow
that-angry-noldo · 2 years
wait there’s a Beren as death au??? How did I not know about this and can I request a drabble for it pls ❤️❤️ (also congrats on the milestone am very proud to be one of the lucky 204!)
(milestone celebration!)
Don't worry you didn't know about this because i never wrote it, only mentioned it here and there
I doubted whether to start chronologically or to write a random drabble, and random drabble won. It was something I wanted to write a while ago but never got to it... hope you enjoy :)
"Were you there?" Elrond asked. "When Elros passed?"
The figure beside him shifted. Elrond noticed once again how bland it looked in comparision to surroundings. A simple black cape covering its shoulders, white hair, calloused hands - it looked like an old man, and, no matter how hard he tried, Elrond couldn't see anything else.
Carefully, Death picked up a duckling and it peeped, frightened. Death's eyes glided over Elrond.
"I reap every mortal soul who comes into this world," Death answered, and Elrond took a breath.
The morning was slowly regaining its right. First sunrays brushed over Death's hair.
"Was he- was he afraid?"
"You were there, Peredhil," Death said softly, caressing the duckling's feathers with his thumb. "You saw him yourself, and he talked to you, too. I don't need to tell you how he felt."
Elrond pursed his lips. Death looked at him with tired eyes.
"He always did that," Elrond whispered finally. "Put on a brave face for me. I- I know he was in peace, and I know he made- he made his choice, but- was he- was he afraid? Deep down, did he want to live, did he-"
"He wanted to live," Death said, smiling faintly. "Of course he wanted to live. Everything alive longs to remain so for as long as possible, Peredhil."
Elrond felt a knot tying up in his throat. Death crouched near the pond and lowered the duckling on the water. It was quick to make its way to its distressed mother.
"But he wasn't afraid," Death continued. "He was... excited."
"A new journey," Elrond mumbled. "He was talking about a new journey."
"He was." Death straightened, and looked towards the West - towards the rising sun. Elrond took a deep breath.
"I am not the end, Peredhil," Death said, and smiled at him. "He is happy, if that's what matters to you. And he wishes you to be happy, too."
The duckling quacked, getting out of the pond and making its way back to Death. Elrond couldn't help but smile a bit as Death leaned down patiently and put it back into the water.
Elrond bit his lip, trying to force down his tears. "You really do love animals," he tried to laugh, hiding his sobs. Death shook his head.
"They say you take after Luthien," he grumbled. "And yet, Luthien was much more subtle in conversation changes."
"Ah - you're right. I got this from your side of the family."
Death stared at him, unimpressed, and Elrond felt himself grinning depite it all. Finally, Death rolled his eyes.
"It's an honor to be your ancestor, Peredhil," Death said. "I mean it."
"Well," Elrond smiled, "it's an honor to be your descendant, Erchamion. Though it's a great weight, too."
Death nodded, and the next moment, Elrond was alone, only mist and a distressed duckling reminding him of the past hour.
The sun was slowly rising over Rivendell. Elrond stood there for few more minutes, then turned away and headed to the city.
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wonderlandwalker · 14 days
Second Chances | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Stranger Things Masterlist / Inbox Summary: Eddie royally screws up your first date (read part 1 here) Content Warnings / Tags: fluff (i think), swearing, the worst luck ever, no use of y/n, henderson!reader, reader is described to have some freckles idk, prolly a lot of spelling errors that I'll fix later read now at your own will Word Count: 1.4k A/N: so I kinda went through some trauma this past month but I just started ADHD meds and surprise surprise they work. Still didn't proofread this and am purely posting it cause I literally just wrote all of it in one go and I have poor impulse control even the meds can't fix that
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He was late, and he only knew he was late because Wayne had gotten home and wondered what he was still doing at home. Now normally Wayne wouldn't have bothered grilling the guy, but Eddie hadn't been able to shut up about this for a week. Turns out this day was the day the kitchen clock had decided to stop working, resulting in a TV remote being flung at it the moment Eddie realised, because, of course, it had to be today, of course, his luck would run out again. But Wayne wouldn't let him give up that easily, because as he said it: "fate can go fuck itself, go over there and grovel", which honestly wasn't such a bad idea. So here he was now, definitely speeding, definitely more nervous than he already was, and definitely praying to any god who would listen for help. Because this was your first date, a date he didn't think would happen in the first place and he has already managed to screw it up without even being there. In an after thought he came to the further realization that he definitely did not want to face Dustin any time soon, the boy had become oddly protective of you once his friends actually clued him in on what was happening, which was obvious to everyone -except as established Dustin- with the way Eddie's eyes would trail after you every time he managed to spot you. He was trying to hype himself up, talk some confidence into himself and find a good way to apologize, not that he thought there were any. But just as he turned the corner to your block he heard it, he heard the worst possible sound on earth at this moment, he heard the sirens to Hopper's car. For a sweet small second, he allowed himself to believe Hopper wasn't after him, there was someone else committing a traffic violation on the other side of the street. Yeah, that's exactly what was going on, on the other side of this very much empty street was a car with a bunch of teens hooking up and Hopper had turned on his siren as a warning so he could put his clothes back on. Thinking about it, that wasn't even such a wild idea, like, that has happened to him before, well, except for the empty street anomaly. Right, time to face the music: Eddie came to a stop only about a hundred meters away from your house and rolled down his window as Hopper approached. Eddie shook out face to rid himself of the nerves and turned on his best smile. "So what's your excuse this time?" The Police Chief began to ask. Eddie quirked up at the question "It's not like the other times Jim I promise." Hopper looked him up and down squinted his eyes at him, cocking his head down just the slightest bit "How many warnings have I given you this month kid?" Eddie sighed, he knew where this was going. "Two" "Which makes this?" "The third" Eddie answered, dragging out his words. "Third warning kid, gotta write you up today" Hopper began to grab the police pad in his back pocket to write up the incident report, but Eddie was not above begging, at least not currently. "Listen, Jim-, Mr Hopper-, Sir, you can give me the ticket but can you please give it to me sometime else-" he was frantically moving his hands while talking now "- I'll even come by the station and pick it up myself tomorrow morning first thing but I have to-" And of course, things had to get worse:
The gods hadn't listened to his hasty prayers, because he could see Dustin in your open front door attempting to push you outside while pointing at Eddie's van. And he could tell the moment you spotted him because he could feel a small nerve entering his system, he could feel your presence connecting with his. And Hopper was asking him to please step out of the car right now. So he did, he stepped out and saw you give him a small wave which he tried to return except Hopper was snapping him out of the trance you still had on him from the other side of the street. So Eddie gave it one last-ditch attempt "Hopper please" "Alright let's hear it, what's your excuse?" Eddie's eyes brightened with the bit of hope he had just grabbed. "I have a date" he tried to explain "A date with who?" The chief wasn't gonna admit it, but the kid had grabbed his interest. So Eddie started rambling about how you two had met and how it should be your first date and then he caught your eyes again and he couldn't hear it but his mind filled in the blanks as he watched your soft giggling while looking at the situation unfold and he felt all his tension drop out of his body at once, he felt at ease from the way your eyes searched his, instantaneously so. "Wait a second, Claudia's daughter?" Hopper was looking over at the porch now too as your mother came out of the house as well. "That's not a great first impression" "Tell me about it" Eddie was trying to ignore reality as hard as he could right now. "Alright here's what's gonna happen, giving you one more warning but it's coming out of your tolerance next month" Hopper had assumed his dad stance, a hand on his hip and the other pointed straight at Eddie, and if he hadn't been oh so terribly grateful right now he would have been tempted to make fun of him for it. "Yes, yes! Definitely that please!" Hopper released one last sigh before he spoke back up "Go on over there then" Eddie took the olive branch and ran away with it before he could change his mind. With his van performing some emergency parking down the road he ran over to you just as you shooed off Dustin, and now he stood face to face with you, he stood close enough to count the fading summer freckles on the bridge of your nose and to smell the perfume he had started associating with you, and he wanted more time to admire how well he could see you right now but he had more pressing business. "I'll make this up to you I promise" He knew his promise probably wasn't worth much, but he had to try anyway. He had already started internally debating if it was worth getting down on his knees to beg as a smile cracked on your face. "This is exactly what Dustin predicted would happen" You were full-on grinning now, and it took him a second to comprehend that you weren't upset, you were amused, and he was confused. "He what?" "When he found out we had a date this weekend he tried to convince me you'd be at least an hour late with the Hopper on your ass I'm just stunned at his accuracy" Maybe this really was his year after all "So you're not upset?" "I'm just upset I owe that nosy dipshit money now" And now Eddie was laughing too because you started asking him if he wanted to just skip his reservation which you guys had missed anyway and go to the drive-in because you had heard they were playing Monty Python. So Monty Python it was as he drove there and got both the sweet and the salty popcorn because he wasn't sure which you'd prefer and spent the rest of the evening what he'd say was the perfect time. But he wasn't done yet, he had promised to make things up to you and this was only the beginning for him, a beginning to many good times ahead.
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[@saradika-graphics still being my go-to for dividers] Taglist: @vicurious28, @arlxtoa, @em0220, @madyoghurt, @saturnsbxtchx, @maskofmirrors
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aerkame · 1 year
Dude I am loving this finfolk au of yours with welcome home! I would love to know more, especially how someone might accidentally end up on the island. Like, does home just send puppets sometimes if they think they'd be a good addition or does Wally leave to play matchmaker if someone feels lonely? Is there an economy where they sell or interact with the mainland? And I wanna know more about how Howdy's poison works and hope to see his full finman form, kinda got a crush on him. Keep doing what you do!
Ehehehe- I decided to use Howdy for anatomy practice today since you like him so much, I'll definitely try to come up with a full form for him tomorrow or this week :)
But it's nice to hear more and more people enjoy this AU! (Anatomy notes and some sketches at the bottom if anyone is curious) I'll answer as much as I can for this ask. Right below this lovely picture.
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Usually people don't just end up on the island of Home "by accident". Say that someone were to be on a ship and suddenly a storm forms out of nowhere, sinking what is left and the stranger is carried to Home by a strong current. It's no accident, but it's set up to look like one.
Wally, is usually the one to make storms way out there. He never explains it, but it's already a well known fact that Home probably told him to do this. If not storms though, one or two of the neighbors do leave for the mainland to retrieve the new neighbor. Whether it be by force or deception. Finfolk (much like in Orkney Folklore) are known for kidnapping and deception so it's no surprise that they usually go this route.
However, if a neighbor takes a liking to someone they may take their sweet time on mainland. Disguised as a whole other puppet (they are known to be shapeshifters), they would most likely butter up their darling until it's too late for them to realize what danger they're in. Off to Home they go!
Even if it seems random, there is always a reason why Home might send someone out to retrieve a new neighbor to add. No one will know what reason, but sometimes Wally is the one to set things up as well. And yes, sometimes he will play matchmaker, it makes him smile to see someone in love (even though most finfolk are just borderline obsessed with puppets on mainland). I guess you could call him Cupid The Fish Demon. "That person seemed so sweet...I think Howdy would love them. What do you think Home?"
There is surprisingly somewhat of an economy that they have on the mainland. Like I've stated before, this is a universe where just about any mythical/folklore creature exists. There would of course be a market for all things magical or purposeful. It's pretty much just Howdy on the Mainland that handles his own seafood restaurant, but usually he's away at Home or handling business with an underground potion shop. The restaurant is handled by trusted employees while he's gone (he's like an owner that checks in every once and a while, probably 3 times a month to make sure things are going smoothly).
The majority of his potions are made at Home, the only place he feels his work is safe at. The potions aren't like that of Wally's work or any of the neighbor's, instead he focuses on more deadlier concoctions. Need someone to go into a never ending sleep? He's got a potion for that. Need someone to get mysteriously sick and die over a long period of time? He's got you covered. Most of his ingredients come from exotic and unknown fish native only to the waters surrounding Home. Though sometimes he will use himself for some potions that are non-lethal.
His scales and fur are usually coated in a thin layer of a slick substance. It is a neurotoxin, affecting the nerves and causing a range of symptoms depending on how much is touched or consumed (usually it's worse if you consume it). Most common symptoms are tingling, numbness, burning sensations, paralysis and sometimes loss of consciousness (though it's short unless you really take in a lot of it). He usually uses this in potions that are meant as a sort of tranq or sedative. Some potions made for causing specifically paralysis (he uses other ingredients to make it last a long while.), sleeping death (sleeping, but it outwardly appears like the person is dead when they're not), severe pain, or a potion for a long and painful death.
No matter what he makes, Howdy is proficient in it. He prides himself in his work like no other.
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Some Notes
I know it may sound boring to most, but the best way I did this was looking at muscles for a good 30 minutes and drawing out different shapes that look similar to each muscle. A lot of the muscles look like stretched out diamond shapes or oddly shaped pancakes stacked on top of each other. As for the arms, you can use the chain method on them even with Howdy, it's just at an angle.
You should practice on paper first, but if you are struggling with proportions then try it digitally. Select areas (like a limb) that might seem out of place and resize it until the proportions look okay. This way you can learn how to fix the proportions and later hopefully not need to resize anything in the future.
A note for drawing buff dudes is that the muscles tend to stack on each other like misshapen pancakes or balls of dough. It's not exactly an oval or diamond, but it's shape is stretchable and changing. As for the legs, Men tend to have very square-ish hips and more blocky looking thigh muscles.
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Ooh, I got one. AITA for telling me sick, elderly dad "no" when he asked if I'd come help around the house?
So I think I know the answer to this already, but I'm curious about other people's opinions…. and I want to rant.
My dad and I (36, trans masc but I only figured that out about 5 years ago) have been butting heads for a while. Family situation is: I had cool hippy liberal parents but things went downhill with various addictions and depression. I lived with them until I was 30 (with me paying the bills for several years) and then finally moved out after I realized how unhealthy it was for me to be there.
Moving out coincided with me figuring out some things about myself, mainly the trans thing, probably because I felt more comfortable/safe and could focus on things other than that shitty living situation.
Another thing I'd finally realized, shortly before I moved out, was how messed up my relationship with my dad had been. Basically, I grew up with him doing this thing where he'd tell me I couldn't trust any of my friends (the implication being I could only trust him), or he'd tell me how smart I was because I saw things his way and talk about how people we knew were dumb because they didn't. He also taught me that I shouldn't show or admit to mental illness or neurodivergence because people (even my friends) would take advantage of me.
Once I'd gone, he repeatedly asking me to come visit, sending me messages about how sad he was and how much he missed me. I did visit a few times, but just being back in that house makes me feel real uncomfy.
At some point I share with him my observations about our past and how it negatively effected me. His response… is to say he doesn't think that's how it went. I keep trying to explain, asking him to acknowledge that these things did happen between us and, whether he meant it to or not, it did mess me up. He keeps dismissing it or redirecting the blame onto my mom or his shitty dad, or suggesting that my friends (who I'm living with now) have turned me against him.
But he also keeps pestering me to visit more, guilt-tripping me with how sad my old dog, Cavall, is after each time I do come by (I would have taken the dog with me, but he's a big fluffy malamute mix and the roommates have a small house + one is allergic. I didn't want to impose too much, so I'd limited myself to bringing only the one cat who I had the closest bond with and leaving the other pets with my parents).
All of this back-and-forth with my dad finally comes to a head a couple months ago when I ask for a specific item of mine that I left at my parents house. My dad responds with a little poem about how depressed he is because he misses me and I've abandoned him. I throw back some brusque line in which I call him "bro"…
… and that earns a response in which he mocks me about pronouns and gender identity.
I am shocked, because my parents were always super cool about queer stuff. I tell him so and then block him on facebook. He responds to that by scouring the house for everything I left behind, packing it up in cardboard boxes, and dumping it all in my roommate's driveway with zero notice.
I figure he's done with me at that point… but then, last week, he sent me an email which reads:
"I hope you're well. I hope your family is well. I miss you. I'm sick today. Weak. Dizzy. Queasy. Slept a lot, thankfully. I want to ask you, if I were to become too sick to do things for days, would you be someone I could ask to come make some soup, take out the trash, help and give comfort? I won't be surprised at a "no", but, a "yes" would be wonderful. I got the trash out and the dogs fed. Cavall is off his breakfast lately, but, usually eats supper. He used to eat better, but, he's really getting old and slow now. In the six years I've walked him he's gone from wanting to run a lot to slow walking and sniffing. I'm getting down some oatmeal with raisons and yogurt now. Hopefully I'll be better tomorrow. I think so, but, the question arises at such times. Plz tel yes or no, so I can know for future reference."
And, well, I told him no. I hate the idea of abandoning sick elderly people who are already living in poverty, but after all the shit I described, I don't want to be around him. So, what's the vote?
What are these acronyms?
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leasstories · 6 months
Letter six:
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TW: Depiction of grief; after Eddie’s death
Letter 5 - Letter 7
April 30th, 1986
I don't even know why I am writing those lines. But I miss you, and I'm angry at everyone who treated you badly. I saw Mrs Cunningham at the store and she started badmouthing on you. You can't imagine how much that hurts. To hear words about your boyfriend, your lover than you know aren't true.
I have to find a way to make see how you really where, who you were deep down. I just can't the idea that people still hate you and you did everything in your power to save them...
They should be so fucking grateful. But the problem is that they don't know that. They don't know how you really left us nor why.
I've been feeling sick lately. I don't know what happening to me.
Anyways, I called Hopper this morning. I got a part-time job as a secretary for now. He didn't want to give me a full-time job because of my current mental state.
He already told me that if one day I didn't feel like going to work, I could skip and he'd still pay me. He is a sweetheart but I can't accept this.
Wayne's invited me to play poker this afternoon. He told me all about how you've stopped playing with him when you were 15. You know, he wished he had one last game with you. He told me you were good at it. I wasn't that good. I wish you could have taught me...
I didn't really answer, I still cannot talk about you, except to defend you. As for Wayne he can only do it when he's remembering something about you. It's hard to hear him talk about you, but I can't be selfish, he needs it and that's why I'll let him talk about you as much as he wants. Even though it hurts.
Wayne said he would stop by this afternoon.I really have to clean up the trailer... I never have the strength to do mundane tasks and the trailer is a real mess. You would tell me: "Sweetheart, you're worse than me." And you would have chuckled.
I really don't want Wayne to see how bad I'm doing. He is already there for me more than he should. Besides it would break his heart and the poor man already has to cope with your departure so I don't want him to have to cope with my shitty mental state.
I know he already sees I am not doing good, I just don't want him to see the extent of how bad I feel. I don't want to add this pressure on him. I don't want to become a burden.
Anyways, little genius finally finished writing the campaign. Even if it's hard I promised to him that I would read it so that's what I'm going to do right after writing this letter. I will tell you about everything about it tomorrow. But I'm sure it's gonna be good, as you always said, the kid's a genius, even though his ego is the size of the World Trade Center. I know you would have laughed at this joke. And called me a "smarty pants" but that's true ! Don't even try to argue with me on that !
Anyways, he gave me the campaign and I'll try reading today. They are going to play it on Friday. I can't watch it, I don't feel capable of doing so. I'm sorry Eddie, I know you want me to watch the campaign, I know you don't like the fact that I asked Dustin to kill off my character. But DnD without you makes no sense.
On a more positive note, I'm going out with Gareth and Jeff tonight. They said and I quote "we don't want to be sulking all alone in your house tonight so let's go The Hideout."
Gareth even added "please sneak some beers for me." Im not so fond of the idea but who am
I ? Definitely not his mom, so he'll get his beer. Don't worry, I'll supervise him.
The boys are missing you too you know. We're all missing you.
Eternally yours,
- Your sweetie
Taglist: @abellmunsonmovie
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Taming ofthe Shrew
Snippet of something I tried to write years ago that never went anywhere. Remus Lupin X OC, Sirius Black scheming, nerdy flirting. kink if you squint
1.2k words
"Juuuniiiii" I could hear Sirius whine from the row behind, stage whispering to get my attention. Merlin, I just want to get this question done, can't he let me be for one goddamn moment. " I know you can hear me" Sirius shifts in his seat to lean closer "I need help with the muggle studies essay meet me in the Gryffindor common room?"
"Aye no, I need to run through new plays with my team" trying to focus on the work in front of me.
"tomorrow?" He looks at me with those stupid puppy dog eyes. Sirius doesn't ask for help, he's up to something.
I hesitate "Fine." What is that boy up to? I didnae think he studied, on a Friday night no less!
If I get one more look from one of these bloody Gryffindors I'm leaving, he's fecking late, I guess I'll help him some other time. I turn back to my book, try and ignore the gits walking by and gaggle of Third years giggling coming up with reasons I'm sat in their common room.
The amount of people in the common room dwindles, it's getting dark out where the bloody hell is he?
"Juniper!" merlins beard gimme a heart attack why don't you! Remus was stood at the bottom of the stairs looking equally surprised by my presence.
"Hullo, Remus" I swear this boy is getting taller.
"hi...sorry um not to sound rude but what are you doing here?" he stumbles over his words, how precious "I-just mean, 'cause you're a Hufflepuff ya'know?
"oh aye thank you for noticing, no I'm meant to be helping Sirius with Muggle Studies" meant to be.
"Oh, well he actually asked me to help him with the potions essay hence" Lifting the books and parchment in his hands.
"Funny. He's not in your dorm I take it?" Remus shakes his head, merlin those curls are bouncy. "well I'll just have to wait here to tell 'im off then" turning back to my book.
"Do you like him?" What? He quickly clarifies "Shakespeare I mean, well his work," he says clearing his throat.
"oh aye this one's my favourite 'taming of the shrew', bit problematic but it has some good scenes ." I wonder if he's read it. "I have to admit it's always better performed," I turn back to the page I was on and murmur "s'not meant to be read."
"What part are you on?"
"where Kate and Petruchio meet for the first time." I smile, hoping he knows why. It can be a hilarious scene if it's done right. He nods and I go back to my book, play? script, no um-.
"Good morrow, Kate for that's your name, I hear." Hmm, he knows the first line, okay let's see how much boy wonder remembers.
"Well have you heard, but something hard of hearing. They call me Katherine that do talk of me." I attempt to put on the character, probably a good thing I didn't decide to be an actor as a bairn.
"Liar." I feel myself getting warm as he looks at me, eyes boring into me" for you are called plain Kate, and bonnie Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst, but Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom, Kate of Kate Hall, my super-dainty Kate, For dainties are all Kate and therefore," he pauses slowing himself "Kate. Take this of me, Kate of my consolation: Hearing thy mildness praised in every town, thy virtues spoke of, and thy beauty sounded, yet not so deeply as to thee belongs. I am moved to woo thee for my wife."
Shite okay, pretty boy. I get up from my seat to stand in front of him just to be sure he cannae read my book.
"'Moved,' in good time. Let him that moved you hither, remove you hence." I feel myself smile a little as I watch him think over his next lines, "I knew at first you were a moveable."
"Why, what's a moveable?" He asks already knowing the answer.
"A joint stool."
"You're right, actually." his confidence falters as he hesitates on the rest o' the line "Come, sit on me."
I didnae think he was actually going to continue, well, I'm gonna have some fun with this one. I decide to do it and sit in his lap. Good lord, does he always smell like this? what is that, chocolate? line, what's the line. "Asses are made to bear, and so are you." I read attempting to regain my stubborn kate-like demeanour.
"Women are made to bear, and so are you," he says lightly patting my stomach. that smug mother fecker.
"Not by the likes of you!" I get up in an attempt to seem angry and not at all flustered.
Mockingly "Oh heavens, Kate, I wouldn't think of burdening you. I know how light and carefree you are." my he's really gotten into character, who knew.
"Too light for such a swain as you to catch, and yet as heavy as my weight should be." ooh we're getting to the fun bit, I wonder if he'll-
"' Should be'—should buzz!" he gets up off the lounge.
"Well like a buzzard, Buzz off!" he continues to move closer.
"If I'm a buzzard, you're a turtledove." He winks! what's this boy trying to do to me."Come, my little wasp, you're too angry."
Hmph well " If I be waspish, best beware my sting." I step toward him in an attempt to regain my composure. bad Idea.
"My remedy is then to pluck it out." he says, has his teeth always been this nice? Gods I wish I could wipe that stupid, smug look off his stupid face.
"Oh aye, if the fool could find it" I wonder how far he's going to take it, he clearly knows the play well.
"Who knows not where a wasp does wear his sting? In his tail." he's bloody close, merlin's beard.
"In his tongue." keep it cool, it is just a boy, wow he has so many little scars you wouldnae see until you get this close, they're faded, old.
"Whose tongue?" oh um-.
"Yours, if you talk of tales. And so farewell." I move back toward my things picking them up off the couch.
"What, with my tongue in your tail?"He's stood directly behind Merlin oh mighty "Nay, come again, Good Kate. I am a gentleman." oh my lord his hand slides down my waist, I smack it away before he moves any lower trying to stay in character.
"A gentleman? that I'll try!" whipping around to face him. Bloody hell he's staring into my soul I swear, he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer.
"I swear I'll cuff you if you strike again." Holy shit who are you and what have you done with boy wonder. No stop we're friends, but that cuffing thing dinnae sound so bad. oh crap, he's looking at me. you know kissing him wouldnae be a bad idea right now. If I just leaned forward a bit-
"Nice one James!" oh shite,
Remus and I quickly sort ourselves. Like nothing happened, hm."Oi, what happened to muggle studies hmm? what happened to 'oh please I'm failing I need your help' 'it has to be Friday night'?" I turn my attention to Sirius.
"I forgot?" of fucking course, I collect my stuff and proceed to walk toward the portrait hole.
"wait!" Remus stumbles over pulling on his robes "I'll walk you back if we get caught this late I can say I caught you out during rounds and am escorting you back."
"oh yeah, Mr prefect" I forgot about that." you hoping for head boy next year?"
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thatone16216 · 2 months
Draco Malfoy x Fem Reader
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Requested by: no one (I actually kinda wanted to do this prompt soooo)
House: Hufflepuff (idk I just think him with a Hufflepuff would be cute, plus it prolly would have been my house if I wasn't a Slytherin)
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Year: 5th
l/n = last name
y/n = your name
I roll my eyes as I hear the voice call out to me. I try to ignore it because I really don't want to deal with him right this second.
Or ever, but I don't even want to try to wish for that to happen.
I sigh as I hear footsteps approaching behind me. I turn around to meet the gray eyes of Draco Malfoy. At first glance, he's attractive as hell, but once you realize that he's nothing more than a spoiled rich boy, any and all attraction toward him dies. 
At least, that's what I keep trying to tell myself.
"Malfoy," I mutter, turning away from him and resuming my walk. I'm late enough as it is, and unfortunately for me, Snape is my teacher right now. "Why the attitude? One would think you didn't want to speak with me," Malfoy sneers. I roll my eyes. "What gave it away?"
His eyes narrow. "Look, (l/n). You hate me, that much is obvious. And I hate you, but you can't keep being all pissy whenever I talk to you." I snarl at him. "I'm pissy when you talk to me? What about you mister 'I'm better than everybody else because I'm a pureblood asshole with a rich family and a daddy who buys me whatever I want'? Remember that assignment we had to work on in 3rd year? The one where you didn't speak to me at all, pretended I didn't exist, made me do the whole thing, and then threw a fit because you failed for not having done anything?"
Malfoy's eyes narrow dangerously. "You're playing a stupid game with me (l/n). Believe me. You don't want my father involved." I snort a humorless laugh. "Is that the best you got? 'don't bully me or I'll tell daddy!' You're pathetic threats don't scare me, Draco. And neither do you."
I turn on my heel and enter the classroom, fully preparing a speech about how sorry I am to be late for Snape. 
"You're late, Miss (l/n)," Snape drawls. I huff. "apologies sir. I-"
"She was with me, professor," Malfoy interrupts. Snape raises a brow. "And what were you two doing that was more important than my class, Mister Malfoy?" I don't think he actually cares, but Malfoy answers him anyway. I wasn't expecting what came out of his mouth. Or else I would've slapped him before he said it.
"We were snogging in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom," he states, smirking at me. I gasp, blushing furiously, and do something nobody thought I'd do. I slapped him.
Okay, everyone knew I was going to slap Malfoy. Everyone, that is, except Malfoy.
"Why you little-" he starts before Snape interrupts him. "Detention for the both of you and 20 points from Hufflepuff. You will report back here to my classroom after dinner."
I head to my seat and sit down, rolling my eyes. "whoop-de-doo" I mutter sarcastically, slumping low in my seat.
l make my way to Snape's classroom, already cursing myself for being late. It's a weakness, it seems. I'm never on time for anything. By the time I get there, both Malfoy and Snape are having an intense conversation. When the door opens, they look up at me and glare in sync. 
"You're late, Miss (l/n)," Snape mutters. I nod an apology. "You two will clean every inch of this classroom from top to bottom. If it is not done by the time I get back, you will have another detention tomorrow. And you will keep having detentions until it gets done. Am I understood?"
"Yes professor," we both say. 
Snape nods, then turns and stalks out of the room. I sigh, making my way over to the broom closet across the room. Malfoy follows me. 
We clean in silence for about half an hour before I feel something wet drip onto my head. I look up just in time for a bucket of water to completely soak my face. "Draco!" I yell. Malfoy collapses into laughter at the state of me. "Draco?" He asks after a while. "I didn't know we were on first-name terms, (y/n)?"
I glare at him, then grab my own bucket of soapy water. Before he can see what I'm doing, I throw it at him, then collapse into giggles. He glowers at me for a moment, then his anger cracks, and he starts laughing as well. We laugh together for a few minutes, and when our laughter finally dies down, he speaks. 
"I apologize, (y/n)," he says. I look at him, puzzled. "For the water? You don't need to be sorry about that. I'm not mad about it and I got you back," I say. He shakes his head. "About third year." 
I look at him, even more puzzled. "You mean... the project?" I ask. He nods. "It was wrong of me to do that, especially to you. You were trying to help me the whole time, and I just pushed you away. I'm truly sorry for that. I'm also sorry for all the hell I've put you through since if I'm being completely honest."
I'm silent, still processing the fact that Draco Malfoy apologized to me. "It's okay. I mean, I was a bitch to you for all these years as well, and to be honest, your behavior wasn't the only reason I was disappointed with how you acted during the project." Draco's eyes shoot up, and the words tumble out of me before I can stop myself.
"I've had a crush on you since second year, so when I was paired up with you in that project during third year, I was excited, thinking it would finally be my chance to get with you. Obviously, I was wrong."
I flush and avoid looking at him, instead focusing on scrubbing this ink off the desk, that just won't wash off when a shadow falls over me. I look up and am shocked when Draco places his lips on mine.
I melt into the kiss, savoring the feeling and warmth of something I've wanted forever to finally be happening. Our lips move in sync, and I let out an involuntary moan as he slips his tongue into my mouth. The two of us part after a couple of moments, breathless and panting.
Draco smirks at me. "Well if I'd known that was all it took to shut you up I would have done it forever ago," he jokes. I roll my eyes and pulled him back in for a kiss. 
Narrator: When Snape came back, the classroom was most definitely not clean. In fact, the poor man had realized that it was probably worse than when he had left. There were more papers strewn about the room, some broken glass bottles, and a few toppled over stools.
He studied the sheepish teenagers in front of him. Their appearances were slightly disheveled, shirts untucked, and hair messy, and realized that the young Malfoy was badly hiding a hickey. The professor rolled his eyes. 
"Another detention. And next time, try to actually clean. And Mr Malfoy, cover that hickey for Christ's sake."
The embarrassed teenagers rush out of the classroom, leaving Severus Snape alone. The man rolled his eyes.
Ugh. Teenagers.
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meg2md · 3 months
Yooooo it's so hot outside, and the only place in my entire apartment with AC is the small window unit in my bedroom, but I don't want to be in my bedroom because that's the ONLY part of my apartment I've "seen" for the past 4 weeks on nights because all I do is come home and sleep and I REALLY want to dick around on the internet and play video games and finish Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow for book club tomorrow but it's so damn hot I can barely concentrate!!!
One more week of nights. ONE MORE. And then I'm officially a third year, which kind of blows, especially because last night was terrible. Got gaslit by an attending and cried in the signout room, then had my first bad cesarean delivery complication. :')
One of the interns told my co-resident that she feels safe with me and trusts my clinical judgement and is excited to work with me in a chief capacity, but I still feel like the world's biggest dummy. And next week, god, I do two nights of onc nights. Just me and the onc service. Duuuuuuude I'm so scared. Like my medicine friends have all dealt with a lot of the stuff I'm sure I'll get paged about, but I've been exclusively in charge of labor, antepartum, postpartum, and benign gynecology, which is mostly healthy people. Or unhealthy pregnant people, but I'm more familiar with those problems. Now I have to navigate SICK PATIENTS. Which is WILD. Things I anticipate getting paged about:
N/V, especially post-op
Decreased urine output
Vaginal bleeding
Post-op pain
And then I may also have to fill in the ORs if cases run late. I talked over some of these with my chief last night and she made it sound more manageable, but wow. I'm intimidated.
And to have to do onc nights and then roll up to present my research proposal and get asked questions I probably won't be able to answer in front of a crowd!!! Wow, kill me now. I don't have any idea what they're going to ask me or how to be prepared to answer their questions. But it's Friday morning so I'd best buckle up.
And then after staying late for research day, to have to show up to graduation and then back to the hospital for a night call shift, where at least I'll be back in antepartum/benign gynecology land.
I'm exhausted thinking about it. About how I'm going to survive this last sprint when I'm already so worn down and exhausted.
And then on top of ALL OF THAT my sink overflowed and massively damaged the apartment below me. I love being an adult!!!!!!
& I have to start organizing this webinar that I'm doing, so probably tonight I need to watch a couple of the pre-existing APGO ones. It's 7/10 and June is almost over. & I am trying to get the ball rolling on medical student surgical skill education but I didn't realize people had already tried to implement something and just didn't have time to make it consistent so now I feel like I'm walking all over people's toes. IDK. The politics of residency still baffle me. Is it ok for me to take over a project that has fallen to the way side? Who knows.
I'm just tired, and really hot, and very grumpy, and I have no motivation to do anything but have somehow thrown my laundry in the dryer, which is usually as far as I get, and then it sits there for days
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AKA - Break a leg, kid! (Sanji's bad day)
AKA AKA - a blond and a red-leg walk into a bar
AKA AKA AKA - how many pirates does it take to sew up a swordsman? (answer: just one, if he's also a chef)
my episode 5 reaction
Luffy just straight up dissociating over here. A grand start to the episode
Will the trope of someone about to do surgery asking for alcohol and then drinking it ever not be funny? I don't know, but I don't want to live in a world where it isn't
Mihawk wears cowboy boots 👢
I'm so glad they don't call him Hawkeye all the time like they do in the anime. Dracule Mihawk is an objectively amazing name - why the hell would he need a nickname?
Luffy cleaning Zoro's swords + his mental spiral/rant about wanting Zoro to recover is such a gut wrenching moment.
Love me a group of grown men making fun of a child. Poor tiny Sanji has already been through enough guys (as we learn much later in the series) and then Zeff tries to add oregano to his food? The inhumanity of it all!
Just two guys, stuck on a rock, trying to not starve to death. Just a guy watching a bratty kid walk away with all their food. Just a child, laid out in the sun, waiting to die. Just a pair of survivors, dreaming of a restaurant in the middle of the ocean. Just a-
(warning for gross) but like, Zeff was planning on dying and letting Sanji eat his corpse, right? And if they were stuck there for 85 days... what did they eat? Did they finish eating his leg? Bc that seems like the only option. How am I the only one wondering this??
Ngl I don't get the fairy tale Nami reads to Zoro. Maybe that's why I don't get her perspective. Cause she's yelling at Luffy and it's clear that she's upset, but on what planet could Luffy have stopped Zoro from going after Mihawk?
Koby is over here, trying to be helpful by asking Garp to accept his grandson for who he is. Which Garp obvs takes to mean, "if he wants to be a pirate so damn badly, then I'll treat him like a pirate. And kill him"
Meanwhile Arlong slams open the door, late to the party with his Starbucks, ready to make everything worse for everyone.
Luffy trying to talk to an unconscious Zoro - so soft, so pure.
"I can't let innocent people get hurt because of me" must sting. Poor Nami. Everything she's running from is catching up, and here's Luffy literally running at them
HOW DID YOU NOT NOTICE THERES AN EAR IN THE BAND OF YOUR HAT?? He was just repairing the hat last episode!!
Ok Nami I get it. I get it, right. But telling Arlong to drop him in the sea is such a fucked up thing to do. I can only think that she has faith that one of the crew would go and save him. That has to be it, right?
Nami changing into a slinkier outfit when she goes back to Arlong's crew is Noted.
And there's Sanji, diving into the water to save Luffy, a guy he literally just met. Did he realize that Luffy couldn't swim?
Garp makes his stupid little speech wearing his stupid little dog hat. What is with these ppl wearing animals on their head?
Helmeppo looking over at Koby when he hears about the new plan bc he's caught the friendship bug and it's given him a bad case of feelings
Luffy going to Zoro at his lowest moment to say 'i need you right now. I need you back' is so pure. And of course Zoro wakes up for him
Love me a man who wears a full suit to join his new pirate crew. And when he has a beautiful, emotional goodbye with his father figure? Sanji cries and I cry and we all cry about found families.
The return of Buggy! Poor Sanji is standing at the back, prob wondering what the fuck he's gotten himself into
I'm saving the last two episodes for tomorrow. And once I've finished season one, I'll prob go back to watching the anime. I was at episode 60 I think
Onwards and upwards
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dipolardruid · 2 years
BRO I AM LOVING YOUR POSTS!! 💘 I HAVE AN IDEAAA(request) OKAY SOOOOOO I remembered reading Yan!step moms backstory and how she was mostly neglectful towards her kid/husband and how she was basically a bad mom alright. SO when she gets together with the dad of the reader, what happens if the reader was a close friend of her late child? Like maybe the reader is all like.. “hmm… she seems familiar.. but from where?” And the reader is like studying Yan!step mom BUT the reader doesn’t know it’s the mother of her deceased friend. Since she was almost never with her kid back then but reader is all like “You look like *kids name*” while talking to Yan!step mom. SORRY IF THIS IS TOO COMPLICATED AND MAKES NO SENSE
also can I be -🌊 anon?
Of course you can be 🌊 Anon! Also thank you I'm gald you're enjoying my works!
TW: Mention of death
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Betra looks awkwardly between you and your father but mainly at you as you continue to stare at her intensely as if she was something unique.
"Why do you keep staring her?" You look away from Betra and towards your father upon hearing his voice "I'm telling you these past few weeks are torture I can't figure out who she looks like but I know she looks like someone." You go back to looking at her causing her to move her head back slightly her eyes widening a little "stop staring at her and eat your food." Lifting your hands up in surrender you begin eating again but take sneaking glances at her but look away when you make eye contact.
As she begins to stay for longer periods giving you a chance to look more carefully you finally figure it out while you both are talking about something it finally clicks "I finally know who you look like!" She stops talking to look at you a little surprised but raises her right eyebrow waiting for you to continue "I had a very close friend they passed away unfortunately but we shared the same name even but their last name was curie."
Almost out of nowhere you see Betra's whole demeanor change from all smiles and straight posture to slumped and her smile completely gone.
"You were...." Betra stops talking the silence causes your dad to finally turn his head, "you ok?" You ask her taken off guard this causes your dad to stand up and begin to walk over to where you both are to take a look at her "what's wrong?" He puts both hands on her shoulders and moves her to face him.
"I have to go." She taps her left hand on your fathers chest to signify that she wants him to let her go, once he does she begins to head towards the door "I'll walk you to your car." As he opens the door for her she stops she looks slightly over at you "I'll be back tomorrow (Y/N), rest well tonight." She gives a small but forced smile before walking out with your father.
You can't help but think you said something wrong, you really hope not.
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Once you get up in the morning and get ready for school you see Betra and your father on the couch "Hey kiddo get ready to eat breakfast together." You look at him before answering "I can't the bus is gonna be here soon." He stand up Betra following after him.
"I already called saying there was a family emergency." He says this as he starts serving the food sitting down next to Betra after finishing serving his own plate "Betra had some things to ask about yesterday before I had to go into work." You look over to her to see her staring at you.
"Ook." You say confused from there Betra apologized for her sudden reaction and explained, come to find out your father is dating your deceased friend's mom not something you ever expected to ever hear but here you are.
Betra asked questions more so about her chikd and your relationship with ranging from simple hobbies to deeper feelings, this went on until your father had to leave "Try not to overwhelm Betra their friend is a very sensitive subject just as it is to you, love you both." Was all that was said before leaving.
"One more question is all I have it's a very loaded one but I must know." Betra looks you in your eyes before continuing "you said you talked to her before the crash happened and I was brought up can I know what it about." You hesitate to answer which she realizes "please..." you look at Betra's hands which are clenching her pants tightly.
Sighing you decide to answer "they told me that they wished you had loved them and didn't understand why you hated them so much as to not want to see them." Hearing Betra take a sharp cut off breath "...Thank you....I'll be in the room if you need anything." You watch as she begins to slowly head to your fathers bedroom muttering under her breath.
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After that day Betra seemed to always stay by your side even picking you up early from school, talking to you and going as far as to call you her daughter, even if you tell her to stop she continues to do so.
"Are you hungry? Maybe you want to go out just you and I? Let's take a picture of this moment to save it." Things like this have began to become a daily thing ever since the whole conversation, Not only that she pretty much stays at your home from 1 to 2 weeks which your father loves.
The house has become more crowded due to her stuff coming little by little which also means she's even given you some of her clothes that don't fit anymore but despite her constantly floating around you one thing that does cause a chill to run down your spine is her staring.
Everytime you turn your back you can't help but feel her gaze on you, moments like those make you regret ever bringing up your friend it may sound bad but it would've been better than having her start breathing down your neck.
All you can do is live with the fact that now she's become far too attached to you, while all you hope is that she at least give you some space to breath.
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Request are open!
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layanasstories · 1 year
Cause of pain
Part 22
Lilly was already waiting on the platform, she had insisted on picking me up from Colville station, she can be quite stubborn so I agreed. The surprise she had on her face, while trying to hide it, when she saw me getting off the train with my suitcases and backpack, she failed to do so. "I understand your surprise Lilly, I'll explain." I laugh a little uncomfortably. As we walk to her car, I already start talking about what my past year was like. From the moment Jake had entered the mine and from then on there was radio silence. I stop explaining for a moment as we put my suitcases in the back of the car, only to continue as soon as she leaves the car park.
I tell her how I lost my job, that because I was so absorbed in the search, I was sleeping at my desk, too often late or not showing up at all. The warnings had started just after Christmas, and continued for two months. Until, for them, that was enough and they fired me. Even that did not really signal to myself that I was not doing well. That moment was a few weeks back. I no longer slept or ate, all I did was sit in the corner of my room, jumping up jerkily at any sound and seeing things that weren't there. Purely due to lack of sleep and hunger. Only then did the light bulb go on, that I had to give up.
"But you looked so rested and stable that night at Dan's house?" Questioningly, she looks at me. Before answering her, I thought for a moment, where did I flip the switch? "You know, I had given myself one last chance. As one last goal. That was to go to the mine. And I had let Jake know that. Well, the rest is known.". She nods in agreement "And now what? What's your plan now? You can't fall back into the depression you've had.". "Let's give the real Mark a dignified burial first. That's the least he deserves." I sigh. "And then I'll have to look for work and housing." "Until then, you can stay with me, okay?" She gives my leg a small reassuring rub. "And what about Jake?" She asks her question very gently. "Don't know yet. When I got home, my anger flared up again. Everything that happened could have been prevented, with one simple message. 'I am safe, but have to go into hiding.' That would have been enough, only he didn't even do that." I let out an even deeper sigh "He has apologised, he says he sees what he did wrong. Only I can't let it go yet.".
"You need a fresh start. And time, especially time." Uplifting, she gives me her advice. "Yes that would be nice. But don't want to lose him either." I lean my elbow against the door and my head on my hand. "You'll never lose that man." The tone in her voice tells me there's more, so I hear her out "What do you mean?". "Urgh, now I have to confess for sure? I already feel so stupid!" She laughs a bit. "Yes, now you have too!" I laugh along. "Fine! I did like Mark, and asked him out once. But every attempt at a flirtation he turned down. I understand why now, but not then. I never saw him doing anything even remotely flirtatious with anyone." She shrugs her shoulders. "Ooooh! That's why you sounded a bit jealous when I came out of Jake's bedroom yesterday." I blurt out. "Shit, you noticed that?" Startled, she looks at me again. "Yup. Thought it was a bit strange. But must confess I hadn't considered, just for a moment, that he was Mark to you and not your brother." I giggle. "Oh my god this is sooo embarrassing." She laughs, uncomfortably. "Don't worry. To you, he was just a nice guy who hooked up with the friend group." I try to cheer her up. "You're right but still. Different topic please?" She sighs at that.
When we arrive in Duskwood, it is already early evening. And as soon as we drive down her street, my phone rings. "It's Layana" I answer the phone. "Good evening, sorry to call you so late. I want to let you know that the body has been released. You can visit the funeral home tomorrow, they will help you arrange the burial." The man on the phone speaks calmly and respectfully. "Thank you for that." I thank the man. "No thanks ma'am. Much strength in the time ahead, and my sincere condolences." He concludes and hangs up.
In the mean time Lilly had parked the car, she is looking at me curiously, and had already turned towards me in her car seat. "Who was that?". "The coroner. The body has been released. Tomorrow we can start arranging the burial." I answer her somewhat nervously. It's now real, well real. A real funeral, not the real Jake. Oh dear, I have some questions to ask him.
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sy3ra · 2 years
catch feelings? 🌸
Part 1?
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"Am I crazy maybe we could happen?"
"One more please!" I shouted at the bartender. "You drank like 15 and..counting, shots of whiskey already.. aren't you getting drunk by now?" Amiina told me. "Course not, I'm used to drinking this heavily Amy. Plus we should celebrate your engagement!"
Amiina chuckled at me. "I know, I know..." She paused. "Me, Jamie and Claire are already engaged or married Zukiyo... Aren't you atleast planning on finding YOUR one and only? We're worried for you"
I scoffed at her words "I don't need one Amy" I said as I chugged down on my 16th shot. "You're just saying that Zukiyo, you'll find yourself starved....of love. I know you might be wary that he'll hurt you again like that dogshit of an ex of yours back then..but maybe this time it'll be different." She smiled softly at me. "It's not that, I don't care about that dipshit anyways. It's just that, I still have to take care of my siblings. I can't just leave them be." I said.
She sighed. "Zuri is 17 and Dean is 19, they're old enough to take care of themselves, they even have lovers already Zukiyo..you aren't getting younger and you're passing the dating stage too...You should atleast try again.." I stayed quiet and she continued. "Zuri sometimes tells me to atleast help you at this. She's worried because you've been taking care of them your whole life, you act like a single mother."
I shrugged "I don't really know Amy, I don't trust this lovey-dovey shit. Plus I have a hard time conveying my 'feelings' anyway."
"Well you should atleast try" She patted my back and smiled at me. I sighed in defeat. "Okay, fine." She clapped in delight when she heard my words.
I was at our condo, cooking dinner while waiting for my siblings to come home. They told me they had a project to work on and had to stay late.
I thought about Amy's words for a bit. Maybe she was right..Well fuck it, I still need time to think about it anyway.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door open. My siblings where home.
"Nee-chan, were home!" My little sister shouted. "How was the project thing-y?" I said. "It was alright we're close to finishing just in time for the deadline" Zuri said as Dean went to the bathroom to shower.
"Listen you two" I said, swallowing my food as they tilted their head at me. "I.. probably won't be coming home tomorrow? Well not really coming home as in I'm coming home really late" I said to them. "Why sis?" Dean asked me. Just before I answered Zuri snooped in "Are you perhaps going on a date Nee-san?" I choked on my food and said "What? No? I have a ton of things to do thats it" Zuri breathed a sigh of disappointment and I heard Dean sigh too.
'What the hell, is this what Amy says when Zuri was worried about me not having a lover?'
Dean washed the dishes and Zuri got ready for bed, it was a weird night. My boss said I'm getting a new manager since my old one retired. I sighed I kind of liked my old manager more even though she was quiet most of the time.
I could not sleep at all. I was tumbling and turning over and over again on my bed. Since my siblings are asleep anyway I decided to go to the bar for a drink.
I wore a casual yet formal clothing since it is a bar after all, wouldn't be caught dead wearing pajamas. And so, I tiptoed my way to the door so my siblings won't wake up. I got on my motorcycle and drove off.
I got to the bar, it was bustling with people licking each other to the core, the scene almost made me puke.
"A glass of whiskey please!" I shouted to the bartender. "I'll take the same order Mr. Bartender" A deep voice said beside me, I tilted my head to 'his' direction.
"So, what's a pretty girl like you doing here?" He said. Not gonna lie, he was handsome. The type to get girls rushing over to him in a jiffy. But I wasn't falling for the bad boy fuck boy type. "I came here for a drink of course" I said. "Oh I see, mind if I join you then?" He said. I hummed, honestly I didn't care he could make out with a girl beside me and I would be unfazed.
[Sometime later]
"Wow, you drink like ten men Miss" He said with his usual flirty tone. "I'm used to it" I said nonchalantly. "You know, I haven't gotten your name yet, I'm Alistair, how about you?"
"You don't need to know who I am" I said
"Oh but I do, isn't that how people get to know each other?"
I sighed, he was persistent. "I'm..." I paused. 'Should I give him a fake alias?'
"I'm Kiera" I said, thankfully I didn't wear my glasses and I had my hair up so my identity wouldn't be known.
He smirked "Nice to meet you Kiera" That smirk isn't a good one, well I could tell.
I couldn't read his dark hazel eyes at all, I couldn't tell if those words were true or not.
But I knew he was up to no good.
"You know, you interest me Miss Kiera, I would like to see you again someday"
'smooth but no'
I scoffed lightly "You don't need to, Mister Alistair."
He just smirked and turned away before saying "I do need to Miss" then he disappeared in the crowd.
'real smooth but no'
The following weeks later, I met him again ang again at the same bar. He kept pestering me until I gave up and started to talk to him too. We started to get close after sometime, he was a good person to have a conversation with. Our topics would go on for hours and hours. I learned that he had a passion ,or liking, for music too.
"You know Mr. Alistair, I can never read your thoughts, sometimes I don't know if you speak of the truth or not." I told him frankly.
He laughed. For some reason it felt like music to my ears for a moment. "Likewise Miss Kiera, I took interest in you because you were hard to read and I knew you weren't like other women I've met."
"Really how so?"
"Well for one you drink like ten men" I let out a light chuckle at his words. "You didn't flirt with me, and you're...a really good listener too" He said.
"If you weren't so stern and a bit scary I would date you, you know" He winked at me. "Oh please, even if you did date me you wouldn't last long. I'm too much to handle" I said. "I like you, well I like your 'too much to handle', 'bad girl', and 'hard to get' attitude." He confessed. "You suck at conveying your 'feelings' Alistair" I chuckled. "You shouldn't go for me, there's tons of other girls waiting for you" I said. He stood up and whispered to my ear, I could feel his hot, ashy breath fanning over my skin.
"You're the only one I want Miss Zukiyo" He said in a low voice. After that he distanced himself from me and said "I'll see you tomorrow Miss Kiera~" He waved goodbye.
I returned home and for some reason my legs felt weak, I felt 'butterflies' fluttering around in my stomach, and my face was redder than my guitar. Then it clicked.
I groaned 'Fuck. This is bad, really bad.'
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domesticated-whores · 27 days
hey, my mental health is being really bad and I'm venting a bit about it, sorry. trigger warning for suicide talk.
but I am doing so fucking unwell right now. I have basically a test at work tomorrow that I'm 99.99% sure that I'm going to pass, but I'm stressed about anyway because I'm an anxious person in general. not really something that I can help.
my anxiety has been in toddler-fighting-sleep mode, basically, where I could convince myself that I'm fine and be in a good mood while I was at work but I keep making silly mistakes and the second I'm alone with my thoughts I'm super not okay. not handling that well at all.
the guy I talk to was off work today and has been utter shit at texting me all day. no idea what he's been doing, I'm not mad at him over it because he could totally been busy or just doing something that isn't important but is attention holding enough to not text back during his day off. he knows that I'm an anxious person and that I'm a bit nervous about the test thing, but not really the extent of my anxiety. especially because he's assured me that I'll do fine and my answer was very "I know, it isn't logically hard, I just don't want to do it and will be happier when it's over" and shit. I really thought that since I was off earlier today and he was off all day he'd tell me to come over when I left work, but he didn't. absolutely not required, again not mad that he didn't, I was just hoping he would because he works late the next 3 days so it won't be an option until this weekend. I could have asked to come over when I first got off work, but I already have a major fucking anxiety spike and no matter what causes my anxiety it always circles back to "everyone hates me" type shit so I wasn't about to ask someone to put up with me while like that. if he were to ask, it would be proof that he actually wanted me to come over. or, at least, that's how my anxiety sees it and it's BAD right now so I can't really convince myself otherwise at this moment. Also, he's been taking actual fucking hours to answer and hasn't been online at all besides that from the looks of it today, so I have no reason to believe that he'd even see or answer if I did ask and he's presumably doing something like I said, and in my current mental state I can take an assumed no but I think a real (even totally valid, reasonable) no would completely break me and I not putting myself in that position.
but I have been curled up sobbing on and off due to anxiety since I got home, for about 2 hours now. I need some kind of fucking distraction but nothing is holding my attention like that. he's not answering or even seeing messages a fraction as quickly as I'd need him to to calm me down and I refuse to be clingy or needy or vulnerable enough to ask him to. my only solid option is trying my best to go to sleep as soon as possible and hope that I sleep through an entire 12 hours just so I don't have to stay conscious, because my thoughts are getting really bad over this. like, if I don't pass this test (which I will pass, which is set up for me to pass) then I am quitting my job, going home, and killing myself. I'm not kidding or exaggerating, that is my honest to god current intention. tomorrow I'll probably force myself through the test, pass just fine, and feel silly for being so dramatic right now. but right now I've been alone with my thoughts for too long and my stress over one thing has escalated to full blown death of my self worth and a massive fucking narc crash. I haven't even failed the damn thing yet, just the mere IDEA that I could fail something so fucking simple is killing me, and if I do fail then I really can't do a damn thing right and therefore don't deserve to fucking live. I cannot just not meet this BARE FUCKING MINIMUM standard for myself and expect to fucking go on. I cannot.
and I'm mad that I have to just deal with the fact that I am here completely alone. because I've done all I could in saying I'm not fucking well over this, but it probably literally just wasn't direct enough because I'm not going to be so fucking clingy and weak and fucking pathetic. because I have one person worth a damn that's my equal, that I actually can talk to right now, and he isn't fucking answering. and I can't ask for more because I'm not going to be so fucking clingy. because I spiral so fucking far over stupid fucking shit because my standards for myself are so fucking high that the mere POSSIBILITY of not hitting them has me genuinely not only contemplating but planning out suicide. and it's fucking stupid, and I fucking hate it, and I can't fucking do it anymore. so everyone at work better fucking hope I pass this shit tomorrow because that'll be a real fucking awkward situation when I just stop showing up or answering even my friend, lol.
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msivygrace · 5 months
My experience in my work immersion
Day 1
On my first day in My work immersion I was nervous and excited because . It was the first time I experienced something like I am working, that's why I went early to the place where I assigned because I was excited. When I went there, the people there welcomed us. I was happy because the people there were very kind, a few minutes later they called me because they had something to do. Our boss, ordered me to assist the work applicants, manage the requirements of the applicants, I was nervous because I might make a mistake
Day 2
This is my second day in Our work immersion I was nervous because I woke up late I immediately got up and took a shower and ate
And waiting to get a ride to the office I was nervous because it was my second day and I was late and I might be scolded when I got to the office they were already there ma'am, I was rated in the office dripping My sweat
When I entered, I immediately greeted them Good morning, My boss asked me "why I was late"and I explained that I woke up late, he made me sit down and later, he called me and ordered me to bring the forms to other office and give it to the staff I was nervous when I entered the other office I immediately gave the form, and the staff told me to introduce my name, and I immediately introduced my name I was embarrassed because I had only seen them once
Day 3
Today is my third day in my work immersion
I woke up early today because I might be late when I got to the office. Our boss wasn't there yet. They arrived and we went in for a few minutes. I was called because there was an order, he ordered me to imcode information on the applicants. on the computer
I was nervous because I might make a mistake but I still try to learn but our boss told me that If I have a question I will ask him a help
Day 4
Today is my fourth day in my work immersion. I woke up early today because I might be late when I got to the office. They weren't there yet,After a while, they came and we went in and after a few minutes I was called to order. to re-file the information on the work applicants on the computer. I'm not nervous anymore because I know how to do it. It took me a long time to finish my work because many of the applicants gave incomplete requirements. I'm also irritated because they don't know how to follow the policy either. in writing
Day 5
Today is my fifth day in my work immersion. I woke up happy because it's Friday and we don't have duty tomorrow. I'll be able to sleep well and relax a little. When I got to the office, they came early, I help them to arrange the files so that they don't get confused when someone is looking for them, then I was ordered to encode the information on the computer again
Because there there was more applicants more came
Week 2
In my second week in my ojt I was so tired because I am feeling sick but I still wake up early because I don't want to absent ..as I was arrived in the office there are many work applicants came and In my mind it will be a busy day again because I need to assist all the applicants and to arrange their requirements because there are others who do not know how to follow the requirements
Day 2
today my boss did not order me to do any work he just told me to rest and relax and just answer our manual I'm happy because I can rest because I'm sick
Day 3
In this third day of my work immersion our boss ask me to input again in the computer of all the files of the work applicants because my boss has a lot to do so he only ordered me. In a few minutes our boss told me to have a break she gave me a snack our boss are so kind...
Day 4
In this day Someone else came to apply at the office so I ordered my boss to assist them again today is the day where I feel so irritated because some of the applicants did not know how to follow some rules I will repeat their mistakes in arranging but I have no choice but to work
Day 5
Today is the last day of my work immersion I feel so sad, thankful and happy Because I finish the 10 days of my work immersion,I feel so happy also because I can relax now
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purpsthings · 2 years
A lonely valentine's
The day went as normally as any other day for me, but add a little more dread and sadness.
No it wasn't raining nor did I get hurt in a way, it was something else, something more upsetting than those...
Valentine's day....that was today.
All day, I saw love between couples and friends and family...mostly couples, I even saw some people propose to their partners.
Now I know what your gonna ask, 'oh!? Why don't you like valentine's day?', 'its because you don't have a partner yet, in time you'll love it.', 'you just haven't found the one yet.' and all that crap.
Well the answer I have is.... I don't know....I just never really liked it, even as a kid. I never brought candy for the other kids on this day and no one gave me any unless they did the whole class.
But after all day of hearing and seeing lovely dovey people, I finally get home and do somethings around my home.
Cooking, cleaning, dancing and singing, and some other random things until night falls.
I get into bed and think out loud.
" another day of love...for everyone but me..."
By the way, the name anth (AN-TH is how you say it), I go by he/him pronouns and as said before today was valentine's day, or....at least the end of it.
"just one more hour to go, and this stupid day is done. The only positive is the candy and chocolate will be on sale, so I know what I'll be getting tomorrow." I say as I look at my ceiling.
As I look at the ceiling I think back to when I was little and my brother telling me about stories of monsters under kids beds, I wonder if it's still a thing now even though I'm an adult... Let's see.
"hey demon or whatever under my bed...wanna be my first valentine? Even though we have under an hour to do so?" I say smiling, knowing that there's no way-
I heard something under my bed, then a hand with long black claws was now on the side of the bed and pure white eyes looking at me, just above those eyes was short black hair with sharp black horns, along with pointy ears instead of regular ears.
"r-really?" Said the demon(?) In a soft tone.
I look at him with wide eyes, he notices my surprise face and hides his lower face so only his eyes are seen above the side of the bed.
"oh...uhhh....I didn't mean too... How is this...?" I was quite confuse and didn't really believe this was happening.
'am I having a sleep paralysis attack or something...?'
I just kinda look at the demon and he seems concerned.
"was it not for me? Sorry.." he says as he starts to go back under the bed.
I crawl over and try to grab his hand, I somehow did and pulled him back a little to see me.
"I... I did mean it for you, I just thought that you weren't real or wouldn't answer. " I quickly say, pulling him onto my bed.
"oh....well...that's good to hear." He says quietly.
I put my lamb on so I could see him a little better. He was tall even when sitting and quite buff, with skin the color as the void, hair black as said already and glowing pure white eyes. Horns are big and the only clothing he had was a small cloth around his lower area, which I quickly looked away from before I got caught staring.
"I'm sorry if I scared you." He says running the back of his neck and looking away from me.
I smile a little and say " it's fine, you really didn't scare me. Just shocked me was all."
He looks back at me and does a small smile.
"do you still want me to be your valentine?" He asks, his face showing a bit of a darker tone around his cheeks like a blush.
I felt my cheeks heat up and nod my head a little.
"sure. What is your name by the way? My name is Anth." I ask flipping the blankets off me and getting up.
He gets up too, to follow me, " my name is Knot. Where are we going?"
"To the kitchen for a late night snack. What would you like?" I explain as I open the fridge door.
"Do you have chips and dip?" He asked.
I nod and give him the dip and go over to the cabinets to give him the chips.
"Would you like to watch something?" I say as I got my own snacks.
He nods and we both walk over to the couch and sit down. I turn on the TV and flip through the channels landing on a movie I've seen before.
"Is this show ok?" I ask eating some chips.
Knot nodded his head, and I made a 'hmm' noise. We sat watching the movie until we both fell asleep.
' I change my mind about valentine's day, it's decent. But I still like the day after better.'
FIN. 10/22/22 By: Jay/ Purp
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Ring Ring - Steve Harrington X Female Reader
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Title: Ring Ring
Steve Harrington X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's mother, Joyce (Mentioned)
| Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |
WC: 738
Warnings: Change in timelines nervousness, embarrassment, anxiety, shyness on both counts, and just overall fluff
Staring at his phone and back at the post-it with your number, Steve debated calling you. He felt nervous, his palms already sweaty. He didn't really know how to start a conversation. He didn't know how to talk to you at all really. Steve scoffed, before he picked up the phone from the receiver, and just typed in your number. He brought the phone up to his ear as it rang before he hung up hastily.
Placing the phone back down, he landed on his bed, letting out a huge sigh. Looking beside him, he looked at his clock. He could still call you. It wasn't too late. Sitting up, he nervously bit his lip, before picking up the phone and dialing your number.
He held his breath as the phone started to ring, before it was picked up. "Hello?" A voice answered, it wasn't you.
Steve swallowed thickly, "Um... Hi, I'm looking for Y/N.” He spoke, and there was silence on the phone.
"Oh, are you the cute boy from the mall?" The voice asked, and Steve nodded.
"Uh, yes. Steve Harrington."
"Mom? Who is it?" You asked further away, Steve smiled lightly.
"It's that cute boy you told me about! He's on the phone for you!" Your mom declared and you blushed, face red as you grabbed the phone and walked around the corner as far as the phone cord let you.
"Hey, Steve. Sorry about my mom." You sighed, resting your free hand on your blushing red cheek.
Steve chuckled, "It's fine. She seems nice."
You nodded your head, "Yeah, she is. So, what did you want to talk about?" You questioned, wondering if he would ask you out already.
You saw Steve, or Cute Ice Cream Guy, a couple of days prior, but you didn't go into the ice cream shop. You immediately thought he was cute and loved his hair, but you were too shy to go in and talk to him. Today, however, you decided to try again. It was hard, but so worth it when he asked you for your number. You were going to ask him for his, but he took the words right out of your mouth. You were thankful for that. You were worried that you would mess up and embarrass yourself to the point of never going into the ice cream shop ever again.
Steve gulped, his nerves getting the best of him. "Well, I was wondering if you want to hang out this weekend. Maybe Saturday? I'd like to get to know you, you know?" He blurted out awkwardly.
You laughed a little nervously, "Sure, sounds good."
Steve exhaled loudly, and sat up straight, "Great, um. Well, I know this nice diner that we could go to. Or you can choose, I'm not picky." Steve rambled out.
You smiled brightly, twirling the phone cord between your fingers, "The diner sounds lovely, Steve."
Steve sighed out, relieved. "Okay, cool. I'll uh, pick you up if you like?" He stuttered out.
You giggled, "Yeah, I'd like that. I'll give you my address when I come by the mall tomorrow."
Steve smiled brightly, "Great. See you then, okay?"
You nodded your head, "See you soon, Steve."
You hung up the phone, sighing dreamily. Your mother snuck up beside you with a cheeky smile on her face.
"You seem happy." She observed, making you jump slightly.
Placing a hand on your heart, you turned to your mom, "Yeah... I guess I am."
Your mother placed a hand on your shoulder, "Where is he taking you?"
You blinked, "Huh? Oh, to a diner around her. He's just asking me out for a date. I mean, it's not a real date though." You added quickly.
Your mother crossed her arms and smirked, "I see." She let out a sigh, "Well, make sure to get back before eleven. Don't want my friend Joyce to have a heart attack when someone enters her home at one in the morning."
You and your mother were staying at your mother's friend's house for most of your stay in Hawkins. Joyce was your mother's friend from college, and when you and your mother decided to go on a small vacation, Joyce offered up her home as a place for you two to stay.
You nodded, smiling softly, "I know. It won't be like that anyway. He just wants to hang out."
Your mother hummed before leaving.
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