#it's also my birthday today so that's why I decided to post it like....5 days after I drew it..
the-solar-system52 · 2 months
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I think therefore I am.
not entirely sure what this art is meant to be, but happy autism acceptance month everybody!
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creative-heart · 2 months
"Make a wish my darling" Enzo Vogrincic x (fem!) reader
A/N: Hi my lovelies! So, given today's my birthday, Happy bday to me! I wanted to post a little fanfic with the oh so handsome Enzo, I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it 💜💜🥰🥰🤞🤞 I also apologize if bff's name is the same as yours, feel free to change it 😊
TW: Just a lot of Fluff, Enzo being the best bf ever, a little hint at smut, mostly some talk and thoughts, 3p POV.
Word Count: 1.4kish
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Y/N half wakes up keeping her eyes closed as she rolls on the bed, arms trying to find the handsome man she shares a bed with to lace around his waist, but Enzo is nowhere to be found, she whines and opens one eye to look around the room sitting up on the bed, “En, babe?” she calls out softly, voice still raspy with sleep. She huffs at  the lack of response from the dark haired man and lets herself fall back on the bed covering her eyes with one arm for a short minute. 
She hasn’t even realized what day it is, her birthday has had no special meaning to her for years, just another regular day. Enzo hated the relationship his girlfriend had with her birthday, to him, it was the most important day of the year, seeing as how that was the date perfection made person had entered this earth, so he was set on making it the most special day ever for Y/N.
Enzo moves around the kitchen swiftly, humming softly to himself as he makes the gorgeous sleeping woman upstairs her favourite breakfast - brown cinnamon sugar french toast, a mocha and some orange juice-. He woke up early today, went out to the florist to get Y/N the most gorgeous tulip bouquet- it was always tulips, she loved how colorful they were- he then made his way to the cake shop, to make sure they would be delivering the birthday cake he had ordered for her, later on that day to Pipe’s house, they had decided to throw her a surprise party at his place as it was the one with the biggest garden. When he got home he had made sure she was still sleeping, and started making her breakfast to take to bed.
The dark haired guy wants to make this tradition, breakfast in bed with flowers, a showering of gifts, from whatever she’s got in her Amazon cart and or whislist, to anything he’s seen her looking at a second too long through the window of any shop and a book, always a book. Y/N loves reading and is always in need of something new to graze her brain with. He’s so far in his own world, dancing around the kitchen lightly that he doesn’t even hear Y/N coming down the stairs, she sees him and rests her body against the kitchen island “didn’t know you were a dancer on top of being an actor my love” she chuckles lightly. He jolts slightly and turns around surprised, seeing her.
“Noo, you’re supposed to still be asleep princess” he whines coming over to place a quick kiss on her lips, before making her turn around and go back upstairs.
“Wha-why? I’m hungry and I can smell the french toast” she whines giving him her best puppy dog eyes- god those eyes, he’d do anything for those pretty hazel eyes-  but turns her back around.
“No, today it’s breakfast in bed for the birthday girl” he leans over her and whispers in her ear “Happy Birthday my love”.
Y/N frowns and crosses her arms definitely not liking this attention “no, I WILL NOT be having breakfast in bed, come on En, you know I hate my birthday, can’t we make it a normal day?” she sighs as his boyfriend shakes his head, the most boyish, devilish, loveliest grin on his face.
“I know you do, and I’ve made it my life’s mission to make you love this day once again, but I can give into breakfast down here”, he hugs her tightly bringing her into his chest and kissing the top of her head long as he feels the blonde woman wrap her arms around his waist nodding softly.
As the day goes on, he makes sure to repeat to Y/N happy birthday every 5 minutes, giving her a present for each year of life. They’ve been sitting on the couch for a while now, as she opens the last of the presents, a weirdly wrapped box, Y/N gives Enzo a confused look as she tears the paper open revealing a container with several little holes on it and looks back at it “what is this love?” she asks confusion evident in her tone as she opens it with a gasp and teary eyes, seeing the tiny calico kitten and picking it up out of the cardboard carrier “are you serious Enzo? oh god, I can’t believe it, she’s absolutely adorable, look at that little face” she coos in a soft tone as to not scare the kitten a few happy tears rolling down her face.
“Of course I’m serious honey, I know how badly, and for how long you’ve wanted a cat, and she just looked perfect at the shelter, I couldn’t resist, you should give her a name” his smile brighter than ever looking at the love of his life beam like a 5 year old on christmas morning.
“She’s Harlow, little Harley” she wipes the tears from her cheeks and kisses the top of the cat’s head “mama loves you little Harley” Y/N leans back against her boyfriend’s chest as Harlow makes herself at home on her lap.
Y/N looks at, well she more like stares at Enzo through the reflection in her vanity mirror while he gets ready for wherever he’s taking her this evening, of course he has said nothing about the place, or event.- I could very well not go anywhere right now and just bring him over here and..Make up, focus Y/N- “baby…” she says in the most seductive way she can master right now “where are we going?” she bats her lashes at her boyfriend, and for a moment she almost had him, before he chuckles shaking his head.
“Already told you it’s a surprise, and as much as I would want to stay here, and take that sexy fucking dress off you…we’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry my love, so please, don’t try this” he places a long kiss on her cheek and walks downstairs still buttoning his shirt. He laughs as he hears Y/N huff loudly at his response.
Not long after Y/N finally walks downstairs, while getting her earrings on, black satin mini dress on, matching high heels and her hair in the most exquisite high pony tail. Enzo looks up from his phone as he was arranging the last details for the party and looks over at his girlfriend, eyes immediately darkening at the sight biting his lower lip, taking an extra moment to scan the gorgeous woman in front of him- those goddamn legs are gonna be the end of me- he thinks to himself. Y/N catches him staring and smirks “changed your mind Vogrincic?” she states in a low teasing tone and laughs at the growl she gets in response. Grabbing her bag she holds his hand making their way to the car.
Y/N looks out the window as they drive, Enzo’s hand on its natural place on her inner thigh. She frowns in confusion as they park outside Pipe’s house “what are we doing here?” she looks at Enzo.
“I just need to pick something up babe, come on, let’s go and we can be on our way” he smiles innocently and gets out wrapping his arm around his girlfriend’s waist making their way in.
“SURPRISEEE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N” a chorus comprised of the whole cast, plus Y/N’s friends comes at her like a million waves as soon as they step into the house and she freezes in her step looking around before looking up at Enzo with teary eyes.
“Did you-Did you know?”she whispers and sheds a tear at his nod and proud smile “you planned this” she keeps whispering and looks over as her best friend Bella walks over with the most gorgeous birthday cake- decorated with pastel buttercream tulips all over-, candles lit as everyone singing happy birthday to her. Y/N stands there hand over her mouth trying not to keep crying so that she won’t ruin her makeup and looks around before looking at the cake.
Enzo keeps his firm arm wrapped around his girlfriend’s waist and leans in whispering in her ear “make a wish my darling”. She closes her eyes, trying to think of what to wish for, taking some time to finally realize, everything she could have ever wished for is right there, in front of her, the most loving boyfriend, a huge group of friends who would do anything to see her smile, and the first birthday that she’s truly enjoyed, for this time, it wasn’t spent alone on a huge solitairy house, but surrounded by love and laughter.
A/N: Oh What I'd give to spend my bday with that man loving on me 🥰😍
@madame-fear @cyliarys-starlight
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bengiyo · 8 months
If you had to pick one film that was your favorite from each unit of your Queer Cinema Syllabus, which ones would they be and why?
The Queer Cinema Syllabus grew out of a conversation that @shortpplfedup and I were having about what queer works I would show to a prospective BL fan, which eventually led to the creation of @the-conversation-pod. Captain Hands here has decided to run the gauntlet and has reached Unit 2.
Unit 1: Coming of Age Post-Moonlight
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It's definitely Pariah (2011). This movie and Moonlight (2016) are having a complex conversation about Blackness and Queerness that feels so resonant to me. It's so rare that we see lesbians of any sort treated with this much complexity and sympathy in a contemporary setting. The complex web of lesbian interactions here isn't matched that often, and the only other movie that comes to mind it The Watermelon Woman (1996).
Unit 2: Race, Disability, and Class
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Probably The Way He Looks (2014) because it's an easy layup to introduce folks to the genre. The intersection between Leo's blindness and his queerness gives the newer person multiple things to think about and forces them to consider how queer people are more than just their queerness. I also feel warmly about this film because it was a project we followed all the way from short film to movie, and I love that we were able to get the entire cast back.
Unit 3: Faith and Religion
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You haven't gotten here, but this is where things start to get especially heavy. I think for this section I'm going with The Wise Kids (2011) because I really like the way Stephen Cone approaches the struggle with faith queer and non-queer people have in evangelical spaces. There's an honesty that I really admire. This is not an easy film, but it's lingered with me for over a decade.
Unit 4: Heartbreak Alley
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This is the section of straight losses. I don't know that I ever want to watch it again, but I would probably select Bent (1997) as my favorite because the idea that we could still love even in the greatest of horrors spoke to me. I also think the performances in this adaptation are phenomenal.
Unit 5: Lesbians
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I think we just passed Lesbian Visibility Day, so happy birthday, lesbians! This is actually a difficult selection because there are so many great films in this section. I think, today, I'm giving it to The Handmaiden (2016), but I almost chose Bound (1996).
Unit 6: Gems
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I don't even need to look to know Big Eden (2000) is in this section. This section whips ass all around, but Big Eden is my favorite because there's just so much love all over this movie, and every new fact I learn about the BTS of it makes me love it more. Arye Gross and Eric Shweig did not have to go as hard as they did in this movie. The director left that choice to them a veteran actors and they did that 23 years ago. Nothing but admiration and respect. This is one of my most beloved films.
Unit 7: Asian Film Warm-up
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This is a difficult selection because I think it depends on my mood, but for now, I'll go with The Stranger by the Shore (2020). This is a very Japanese take on second-chance romance. I like the way Japan approaches the quiet internalized homophobia that grips us. Some of the same things in Minato's Laundromat can be found here. It's also gorgeous and approaches sex in a frank way that I really loved.
Unit 8: Yaoi
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Once again I don't even need to look to know that it's Yuri!!! On Ice (2016). This show is so goddamn gay. I know people feel like it was censored because of the kiss, but these two proposed to each other. It's what sports anime wishes it could be with the open queerness on display from so many characters. It's beautiful and so much fun.
Unit 9: Boys Love
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I will not be selecting a favorite BL, but I will say that I really love The Boy Foretold by the Stars (2020) and it's a movie. I loved that we had a femme lead for once and that they explored what faith meant for femmes. It's a film that took the romantic lead's gay awakening very seriously and explored what being together might look like in a sequel called Love Beneath the Stars.
I'm looking forward to you completing the syllabus!
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harufluff · 2 years
✧°〜「 stray kids reaction to their s/o randomly wanting kisses from them 」〜°✧
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warnings - none i don’t think. please let me know if there is
genre - fluffy goodness, angst for one of them, stray kids x gender neutral reader
requested - nope just for fun…
a/n - let’s get some stray kids on!! also thank you to everyone who saw my first few posts. ilyyyy <33333
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you and chan were hanging out at home, just chilling out and getting some work done from the long week. chan was working on a new song while you were cleaning up the kitchen from your last meal. you started feeling deprived of you sweet boyfriends kisses.
you got up from you position and walked over to him. you sat on the floor right next to him. he didn't notice you sitting there staring up at him for a few second but when he did he was concerned. “y/n, baby what are you doing there? why are you sitting in the floor? did something happen? are you ok?!” his volume was increasing as he continued to get more worried “no no!! channie i just was some kisses”. you pouted lightly feeling a bit embarrassed at what you just said. “aww my baby wants kisses?? c’mere i’ll give you some kisses”. he picked you up and put you in his lap and started kissing you face all over making you giggle. “i love you” “i love you too”
ও LEE MINHO ও (lee know)
minho decided to take you on a date to the han river. you walked around, took in the view, i like the view right now enjoyed each other’s company, etc. it was about 5:00 when you decided it was getting a bit to cold for comfort, so you decided to go home. you hopped in the car and listened to music. to your dismay, most of the car ride was in silence.
when you finally got home, you walked into the again cold apartment, took your shoes off left them by the door and put you slippers on. while minho took his off, you decided to get what you wanted all day. so you gave him a back hug and leaned on him. “y-y/n! i’m gonna fall!” he screamed. you look your wait off him still not letting go of his waist. when he wasn’t falling anymore, he turned around in your arms and looked down at you. “what do you need, love”. you pursed your lips signifying what you wanted and he smiled and complied. “you want more? i’ll give you more. how about we make things interesting and i kiss you somewhere else?”.
it was was past one am on a sunday night. you and your boyfriend both had work tomorrow. although it felt like that hardest thing ever to get up and out of bed. you looked over at your boyfriend who’s was looking at his phone. you stare at him with his cute circular glasses perching on his nose. “b-babe why are you looking at me like that?”.
you closed your eyes and snuggled closer to him. you leaned up and kissed his jaw making him blush. he turned you over and you lay on his chest. he kissed you face all over making you giggle.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ HWANG HYUNJIN ⏤͟͟͞͞☆
you haven’t seen your boyfriend all week, due to his recent promotions. you have been texting and calling him as much as possible while he is away, but today, he finally is coming back home. he told you not to come pick him up just in case, so you wait at home with only your anticipation.
hyunjin: hey sweetheart. about to get on the plane. can’t wait to see you! i love you
y/n: hi jinnie. i’ll see you soon. love you too
y/n: you off the plane yet, love?
hyunjin: just got off. coming home now!!!!
y/n: yay!!
you wait in your apartment for hyunjin to come home until you hear it. the door opening. you see you tall boyfriend with a bright smile. “hi y/n”. you run up to him and jump up into his arms. he wraps his arm around you legs to keep you up. you kiss his face all over, and when you’re done he does the exact same to you. you spent the day in each others arms enjoying each others presence.
September 14th. your boyfriends jisungs birthday. you planned out everything for his special day. you would let him sleep in. get up early and make him breakfast in bed. let him relax for a few hours before you go and see some friends and family. have a expensive dinner all together. come back home. and do whatever he wants from then on.
you woke up at 7:34, planning on getting up. but then what happened was someone’s arm was around your waist, not letting you from getting out of the bed. guess who’s arm that is? the one person who never wants you to get out of bed if he was the choice. you tried to wiggle out but nope. there was no budging until you heard.
“trying to leave me, baby” he asked you. you could tell there was a smirk on his face by his tone. “i have to go to the restroom”. no you don't “no you don't”. your eyes widened. “i found you list for today in your bag. i. know. everything”. he carried out the “everything” in a sing-songy tone. “ok then here’s my alternative”. you rolled over onto him and sad on his torso. he chuckled “what are you gonna do. kiss me?” “that’s the plan” you kissed him all over his face as he tried to get you to stop. but did it? nope.
felix decided to surprise you with a cute cat cafe date! you had a nice morning together and made a quick breakfast together just enjoying each others company.
what you didn’t know was that he was planning something. he finally got you to get out the door and to the park.
you sit under a large tree in the park, felix laying his head in your lap on the picnic blanket. you were reading a book to him and he was staring into your eyes lovingly and with so admiration.
"and that the end of chapter 11. how'd you like it?" you asked closing the book and putting it down next you his head. "I loved it darling. thanks for reading it" he smiled so brightly it was almost like the sun. you smiled back at him and leaned down and cupped his face with both hands and pecked his face. he definitely teased you the rest of the day.
ahh the late night. what a peaceful time to spend with your best friend, and new boyfriend. a few days ago seungmin confused that he had liked you for a long time now. you gladly returned his feelings.
now you were both laying in bed together, you head on his chest, watching 'nevertheless' together. he wanted to watch the office but he gave you the benefit of the doubt and you ended up watching a kdrama. he was happy enough letting you enjoy your night.
you looked up at him with doe eyes for some random reason that neither of you knew. but sadly he wasn't really paying attention and his eyes were on the tv screen. "wow. you really like this show dont you?" you giggled. he didn't look at you, knowing his face was bright red.
you kissed his jaw to see if he would look at you. but nope. he didn't. "fine be like that". you could feel him chuckle under your head, so what do you do? you leaned up on him and kissed all over his face. "yah! y-y/n! what are you doing?!" you kept doing it until he finally grabbed you face and kept it there so you stopped. you looked at him with a smirk while he glared at you. "stop". you pouted at him. he leaned in and gave you a long, passionate kiss. "I love you".
✧ YANG JEONGIN ✧ (i.n)
the most important meal of the day. breakfast. who’s making it? not you for once! you’re sweet boyfriend jeongin wanted to cook breakfast for you and hes making your favorite. cinnamon roles!!!!! yay!!!
you’re sitting on the counter acting like a child waiting for candy after dinner. you swing your legs back and fourth in anticipation.
“yah! y/n stop banging your legs agains the cabinets. you’ll break them”. you giggled and stoped, knowing he was just nagging out of love.
“jeonginieeeee. are they don’t yet?” you asked trying to look around him. “baby i havnt even started. i was cutting fruits” he told you and turned around coming closer to your sitting figure. “thank you. sorry for being annoying”.
he placed himself in between your legs. “you’re not being annoying. i’m glad you’re exited”. he gave you a smile of reassurance and kissed your noes. then he gave you a peck on your cheek, then your jaw, and finally your lips. “i love you”. “love you too”.
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i hope you liked it! i forgot about this for a bit so it’s kinda random. ily!! thanks again!!
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seeminglyranch87 · 8 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
October 2023 - part 1
October 1 - Travis is seen leaving Taylor's NYC apartment around 11am. Travis heads back to his hotel where the team is staying before his Chiefs vs Jets Game at MetLife Stadium
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Taylor attends the Chiefs vs Jets game at MetLife Stadium, NJ, with Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, Shawn Levy, Donna Kelce, Sophie Turner, Sabrina Carpenter, Brittany Mahomes, Melanie Nyema, Austin Swift & girlfriend Sydney Ness, Ashley Avignone, Robyn Lively, and more. The camera cut to Taylor approx. 17 times during the game and the Eras Tour film trailer played twice during ad breaks. Taylor was seen hugging Donna, saying "you're amazing, I don't know how you do it" when the score was 20-20. Taylor was also seen mimicking Travis. The NFL change their tiktok and twitter pages again to reference Taylor's attendance. Various media outlets post footage of Taylor at the game, Travis likes a post of Taylor's reaction to a Chiefs touchdown. The Chiefs won 23-20.
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After the game, Taylor was pictured leaving Zero Bond in the early hours of October 2. (x)
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October 3 - Taylor is at Electric Lady Studios, walking in with Keleigh Teller. Taylor's shirt is referencing the song 'Any Man of Mine' by Shania Twain, the first lyrics of which are (x)
"This is what a woman wants Any man of mine better be proud of me"
Her hat says "Still Here", possibly referencing her Karma lyric
"Ask me why so many fade, but I'm still here"
October 3 is also National Boyfriend Day.
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US Weekly releases an article with quotes from 6 sources on "Why Taylor isn't hiding her romance with Travis Kelce" (x)
"Taylor has decided she's not going to hide anymore"
"She's going to be her authentic self and enjoy life"
The two "talk every day"
"Taylor's really enjoying getting to know Travis, they're taking it day by day, but she has high hopes. She likes that he's a normal nice guy. He's down-to-earth and isn't affected by fame. She also thinks he's hot"
"Travis is completely smitten"
"Taylor is at a point in her life where she's no longer willing to hold back. If something feels right - like it does with Travis - she's jumping in with both feet. She's very happy and loving life right now"
October 4 - Ep 57 of New Heights airs, part of the title is "The NFL Needs to Calm Down" (x)
"Is the NFL overdoing it? What is your honest opinion on how the NFL is treating celebrities at games?" asks Jason
"I think it's fun when they show who is at the game, I think it brings a little bit more to the atmosphere, brings a little bit more to what you're watching but at the same time I think they're overdoing it a little bit for sure, especially my situation. I think they're just trying to have fun with it... [the celebrities] are not there to get thrown on TV" responds Travis
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October 5 - It's Travis' birthday today! He turns 34.
Donna Kelce makes an appearance on the 'Got it From My Momma' podcast. When asked what her favourite Taylor Swift song is, she responds (x)
"I think probably 'Shake It Off' -- we're getting a lot of that lately, about haters," Donna said with a laugh. 
When asked if she's surprised about the infatuation surrounding Taylor and Travis' relationship
"I feel like I'm in an alternate universe because it's something that I've never been involved with ever before," Donna said. 
The NFL release a statement in response to the New Heights podcast episode discussing the NFL "overdoing" coverage of Taylor at the Chiefs games, saying (x)
"The Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce news has been a pop cultural moment we've leaned into in real time, as it's an intersection of sport and entertainment, and we've seen an incredible amount of positivity around the sport."
October 6 - Travis speaks at a press conference. When asked about how he is adjusting to public interest in his relationship with Taylor, he says (x)
"As all the attention comes, it feels like I was on top of the world after the Super Bowl and right now, even more on top of the world. So it's fun,"
“We’re learning with the paparazzi just taking photos from all over the place. But at the same time, it comes with it,” he continued. “You got a lot of people that care about Taylor for good reason. You just got to keep living and learning and enjoying the moments. At the end of the day, I’ve always been pretty good at compartmentalising and being able to stay focused in this building.”
“I always check myself and my ego at the door and make sure that I come in with a clear mind,” he said, before being asked his thoughts on Swift’s world. “It’s worldwide, it’s worldwide, man. It’s been magnified for sure, though.”
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A report comes out stating that the NFL asked its networks to promote the Taylor Swift Eras Tour Film at the Chiefs vs Jets game, likely in a bid to get Taylor to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show. (x)
October 6 - Taylor reportedly flew to Kansas City "to see Travis" for his birthday to have a "chill night" (x). A sneaky little visit for Trav's birthday.
October 7 - Taylor leaves Kansas City.
Travis flies into Minnesota for the Chiefs vs Vikings game
October 8 - Travis plays in the Chiefs vs Vikings game in Minnesota. Travis injures his ankle during the game but after an x-ray he returns to the field and scores a touchdown. The Chiefs win 27-20 (x) (x) (x)
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Travis would later post pictures of this walk-in fit with the caption (x)
"keep it chill like Sauvignon Blanc"
These are lyrics from the song "Lil Boo Thang" by Paul Russell, which contains other lyrics such as
"I'll be shootin' that shot like 2K, girl"
"But I'm tryna get to know you at least Don't take my talkin' to you wrong I can keep it chill like a sauvignon blanc I'ma keep it real when your man long gone If you're lookin' for a friend, then you got the wrong song"
"You a ten, baby girl, but I'm the one"
October 9 - The Messenger puts out an article in which a source states (x x)
"[Travis] jokes [Taylor] is his good luck charm.
“Taylor is having the time of her life at these football games cheering on Travis. [Taylor] and her friends are fully embracing this era and are having a lot of fun being there. Taylor has worked very hard this last year and It’s fun for her to bring all of her friends along, let loose and show support.”
October 11 - Taylor is in LA for her Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour Film premiere. She shuts down The Grove, LA to host a red carpet and early screening event with selected fans, wearing a very 1989-coded blue Oscar de la Renta dress.
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Travis, take note, she loved us first <3
TMZ releases an article saying that Taylor intends to attend Travis' next game. The question is, will Travis play with his injured ankle? (x)
"Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ Taylor plans to travel to Missouri to watch Travis and the Kansas City Chiefs take on the Denver Broncos"
October 12 - Taylor attends Arrowhead Stadium to support Travis as the Kansas Chiefs take on Denver Broncos. Taylor is seen cheering on the team alongside Donna Kelce and Ed Kelce. Chiefs defeat Broncos 19 - 8 (x)
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The Eras Tour concert film is released today (a day early) due to high demand in the USA and Canada (x)
October 13 - I go to see the Eras Tour concert film! just an FYI :)
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October 14 - Taylor, Travis and friends fly to NYC
Taylor and Travis photographed holding hands as they arrive at Nobu, NYC, publicly confirming that they are a couple (x)
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Taylor and Travis make guest appearances on SNL - Travis makes a cameo at the end of a sketch parodying the NFL frenzy over their romance. Taylor introduces Ice Spice as the musical guest. (full skit x) SNL IG (x x)
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Taylor & Travis attend the SNL afterparty at Catch Steak NYC (x)
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October 15 - Travis attends Eagles vs Jets game to support his brother Jason Kelce at MetLife Stadium, NJ. He is seen leaving Taylor's NYC apartment. Travis is given a friendship bracelet with beads spelling out "on the map" referencing a tiktok trend. He smiles and holds it to his heart. (x) (x)
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Taylor & Travis are pictured leaving The Waverly Inn, NYC (x).
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A nosey diner shares her observations of Taylor & Travis getting cosy (x)
Annie Williamson told The Messenger. "It looked super romantic and was super intimate."
"I cannot emphasize enough how close they were sitting, like so close and snuggled up."
Ms Williamson also shared a video of the couple leaving the restaurant (x). Thank you for your service Annie 🫡
Erin Andrews and Charissa Thompson remind their listeners of the Calm Down with Erin and Charissa podcast recorded on August 3 where they implore Taylor to date their friend Travis (x)
“please try our friend Travis. He is fantastic” 
to which Travis commented on IG
“😂😂 You two are something else!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 I owe you big time!!”
Go to previous update -> September 2023 Part 2
Go to next update -> October 2023 Part 2
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kanmom51 · 2 years
This is big
A good day we are having.
I was going to start with a bright good day, but it’s kind of yucky for me here (overcast, raining, a little cold, not what you would expect towards the end of Spring here), but I do guess it’s a bright day somewhere in the world, so I will go with that.
A good bright day we are having today guys.
I know I’m a little late to the party, but what can you do?  We gotta make a living.  So, as much as I was dying to post this morning (cause I did see it ALL pretty much as I started my day), I just couldn’t, not the way I like to, with receipts.
JK is the man.
There, I said it.
He kind of surprises us every time.
And I don’t know why we are surprised, because he has been kind of screaming blue murder since 8 November 2017 that JM is HIS (in his own way, in the way he can under the circumstances, and I’ll get into that a little later on), but still, he surprises us every single time.
And K-army, they are going WILD.
And when K-army go wild you know it’s a big one.
So, what did he do this time?  Our JK.
He went and posted on IG.
Wow, awe, nah, not that, lol.
This kind of has a couple of layers to it.
I’ll start at the beginning, which is JK posting a photo of himself from Qatar in his usual new IG layout.
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He does this on 26.10.22, at 11:02 KST (all there pics posted were withing the 11:02, a few seconds within each other).
Let’s look at the numbers for that.
Date first:
26 October 2022.
Which happens to be…drum roll…
Exactly mid-way between JM’s birthday (13 October) and the famous 8 November.
13 days following JM’s birthday and 13 days to the 8 November 2022.
I was thinking of doing the whole day counter screenshot and stuff, but honestly, I counted the days with my fingers.  Use your fingers to count them.  Believe me, you’ll get the same results.
Nope.  Enough with the usage of this word.  It’s just too much.  Especially when we move on to see what else we had here.
26.10.22 11:02pm –
Another coincidence?
Give me a break.
But you see, it doesn’t end there.
Cause JK, he’s like “I don’t think they will understand where I’m going with this.  I need to do something bigger, louder…ahm..Let me think about it…Oh, I know…”
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Lol, not that bam, but maybe this one:
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He posts to his story.
A cute winkie kissy pouty selfie.
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At 11:08 pm KST or 5:08 pm Qatar time.
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So, just in case, you know, the fans lost the plot with his first post.  Just in case they didn’t catch on to the reference not only to the 13 but also to 8 November, he decided he needed to be MUCH clearer.
And how much clearer can you be than actually posting on the hour?
Once again with the 11:08.  You know, like he’s done in the past.
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Still think it’s all a coincidence?
I can tell you loud and clear that I don’t.
Neither do K-JKKs.
Now, I know that JM and JK communicate on the private, you know, through some kind of app like Kakao talk or WhatsApp where they can’t be monitored (I’ll leave it at that), and they definitely don’t need to send each other messages through their public IG accounts.
Saying that, I do think this is also a message to JM.
One that says “I love you and I want to scream it from the rooftop.  And knowing that I can’t do that, I’m doing the next best thing.”
People will argue: why would they need that?  If they are a closeted couple why would they want people to know?
And I’d start by saying:  Really?  That’s what you’re arguing?
Let’s talk about straight couples, why don’t we?  Those that don’t have to hide who they are dating, who they love, who they are with.
In EVERY culture – couples like that HAVE to show others they are together.  It’s a “I’m happy I’m in a relationship” thing.  It’s a “keep you hands to yourselves, this one is taken – by me”.  It’s an “I adore this person and he’s all mine”.
And they do it in many ways:
It’s the matchy matchy clothing and accessorizing (in Korean culture).
It’s with jewelry like couple rings, couple necklaces or bracelets, engagement and wedding rings.
It’s with couple selfies and pics and posts.
It’s with PDA, where it’s socially and culturally acceptable.
It’s with just saying it out loud proudly – “we are together, we are a couple, we love each other…”
Why would a closeted couple, one that the society they live in does not look positively on their relationship, be any different in the sense of wanting to show, flaunt their love?
But they can’t say it, scream it in words.
And JM and JK are a closeted couple.  They can’t be obvious, well not too obvious, not in a way that a straight couple can (and don’t get me started on their industry either, cause that’s also another issue they have to deal with, one that doesn’t allow a straight couple to show they are together either, re: you know who).
So they find other ways to do it.
They find that going matchy matchy with their clothes and accessories might raise an eyebrow here and there, but they can get away with it.  Bangtan wear each other’s clothes, they all do it, nothing special about those two.  So maybe it’s not enough.  Not a strong enough statement.
JK sucked on JM’s ear for god’s sake, in front of thousands of fans.  It has been paraded by the company in official content ever since.
In that moment, when JK was sucking on JM’s ear, you see just how emotional JM gets.  Cause he knows.  He knows this is JK’s way of screaming to the world that JM is his, that they are more than ‘brothers’ or just friends.
But apparently, it did not make much on an impact, because supposedly, according to the fandom, either there was no actual ear sucking (I guess those fans need glasses or eyes, take your pick), or that’s just something you do with your bro (don’t get me started on that word and JK using it in his birthday message to JM).
JK paraded his hickey from JM.  Clearly ‘brother’ or platonic friends don’t mark each other, right?
 Apparently they do.  This too was not enough. 
Because once again, either it’s a bite (interesting one at that, with no teeth marks but definite hickey bruising), or it’s just a playful bro thing that evidently these fans do with their siblings or platonic friends (ok then, that’s kind of disturbing), or, and I just ‘love’ this one, JM ‘the man’ lending a hand to his bro JK by covering up his girlfriend’s hickey (cause these guys have never heard of makeup and concealer, and NEVER covered up a hickey or two in the past – laughable).
And you may ask:  Where are you going with this? Get to the fucking point…
So here it is:
I know there are many that are all about:
“This whole numbers thing it’s ridiculous” or “it doesn’t mean anything” or “eh, just a coincidence you delusional people keep riding on”. 
Well, thing is once, twice, even three or four times is a coincidence.  But when it’s more it’s a pattern.  And this is a pattern.  One that means something.  One that is trying to tell us something they can’t say out loud.
Because just like you and I, who love to say we are in a relationship, that we are happily married, or engaged or love our partners, or want to tell the world “that person is off the market, so hands off, they are MINE” – believe me both JM and JK want the exact same thing.  To be able to say that.  Show that. 
Do you remember that interview where RM and V pipe up to the question “who’s the best with the ladies” to say it was JK?  JM’s face?
Or even just now, the after Busan concert live and the “marry me JK” conversation.
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Or I heart radio when the fans was screaming “I love you” to JM – JK’s reaction?
They want other to know that their significant other is theirs and definitely off the market. 
But unlike us, they can’t do that.  They can’t say that, scream that.  That would be not stretching that rubber band they keep stretching time and time again.  That would be to outright tear it, and they can’t do that.  Not yet.  Not now.  Not with their solo albums coming up, not with enlistment coming up and not under this current administration.
So they do this.
They do the little things like the matching clothes or accessories.
They do the bigger things like the ear suck and hickey showing off (which once again, they saw just was not enough). 
And they do this.  The numbers.  The playing with the dates.
That is their way.
This started out as a post about JK’s wow IG activity and turned into a Ted talk about the meaning of the numbers and why they are indeed a message, a code per say, to those that are willing to listen.
My apologies.
Well, maybe not really.
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pedropascalunofficial · 8 months
My response to THIS post from stainsofpascal/thesweetestdecline earlier today
I am going to number these since you’re going to get tired.
You said I made a fake account in your name on IG? No. That fake stainsofpascal account isn't me. I'm in Ireland. We don't have Threads in Europe. And a VPN can't get around that. Please check your receipts before wasting all of our time with this bullshit narrative you're trying to deflect with.
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You complained that my posts are long. That's because your bullshit is prolific. I don’t mess around. I like to give detailed accounts of what’s happening with receipts to back it up so ppl can clearly see what's going on in the fandom they're now ashamed to be part of. It's also to prevent ppl like you from deflecting by saying your accusers are "crazy" or "obsessed" with you. The receipts don't lie even though you’d like ppl to believe they do.
You accused me of attacking you on IG? No. I haven’t done shit on IG. I haven’t attacked your stainsofpascal or thesweetestdecline accounts. You realise I’m just the loudest of many, many ppl who wonder why you're in the fandom?! Getting you suspended would only feed your need to be seen as an underdog. I’d rather watch all this play out as ppl wake up to your clout chasing. It's not me or my friends who will be your downfall. You'll manage that just fine by continuing your bullshit.
You’re gas. Always playing the victim to deflect from your own misdeeds. Are you ever going to explain any of the unusual increases in follows or would you like us all to ignore the fact you can get 400 in a matter of hours and drop 500 the next day? Should we believe your version of accounts because you're...... an upstanding member of this community? Stop trying to compare your jumps in followers on your stainsofpascal IG account with other ppls. Your account numbers go up and down faster than a whores knickers on Paddy’s Day in Times Square. No one else has this but you and your dodgy minions who hid their dodgy numbers in a recent attempt to hide their ratios.
5.      COME CLEAN
What have I done in this fandom? I'll admit it (again). I bought Pedro’s white pages and socials info via a website. That was stupid. I regret doing it. What was really stupid was that I shared some of it thinking it was for a laugh and your mate, (let's call her Ms Peacock) used it to trade with ppl across the fandom to gain clout and to gain more information about Pedro. I've tried to make amends but it's far too late as it snowballed into much bigger information getting traded. So to attempt to make amends, I decided to get closer to the psychos and report back. Shitty, I know, but at least the right ppl know about the stalking bullshit and Pedro can protect himself better.
After sharing his old info with you and Ms Peacock, I realised neither of you were looking into Pedro's old info just out of curiosity. You were tracking him and his friends around like they’re characters in a story. It’s my bad for not noticing the crazy when it was staring me in the face.  I shared info which was traded from person to person in exchange for info that has been used to help Ms Peacock not just stalk Pedro online but get physically closer to him. First, driving past his old house and now, three years later, she’s living "#twoblocksaway" from his gym according to a recent post. Zero shame.
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I shouldn't be surprised since she used to frequent his actual neighbourhood even though it was a three hour round trip from her town. Before all that, she told us she used his personal email for a project where a group of us had raised money to adopt an elephant for his birthday. I never did get the info on the elephant since she dipped on the group chat after getting what she wanted. Ms Peacock traded info some of us had given her with others in turn for more info and clout. Just like a fandom Gollum. We didn’t realise that stuff we shared was being traded so it could be added to in order to feed her need to feel near him and grow her influence here. You’ve been part of supporting that behaviour too. When Ms Peacock asked you to find out where Pedro was one day, you went straight to the airline staff and lied about possibly being on the flight in an attempt to get the flight details. You ran right back and gave her what you had. I hope you realise we’ve all been played. Some of us learned our lesson and tried to be better but you stayed with her and you guys took it to another level. When you ran out of info, you created a stalker reddit where you share info you gather through lies and deceit with some real psychos in the fandom. I hadn't realised what I fed into until I saw the levels you guys cranked it up to. Now I see what a bit of info in the wrong hands can snowball into. I have a lot of regret about that. (I also have receipts)
Do you regret being part of that? Have you even stopped tracking him?
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Some of us did some of the stuff you continue to do but we woke up and realised this shit isn't a game. YOU and your shitty friends levelled up and are fucking with ppls lives. You treat him like shit for clout and not because you want him to be a successful human being. You need to grow up and admit that to yourself. Impossible though right?! Coz then you might lose clout. That is why you're here right?!
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If it's not, then why?
I've seen screenshots of your IG posts and what type of community you're cultivating in your comments. Ppl who shit on Pedro's career, his sexuality, his physical appearance, and you've collected a fine assortment of fandom psychos all sharing your posts. You feed them with likes even when their comments are hate filled. Ppl have noticed.
You've posted about contacting Pedro's friends through social media. Going so far as to add trackers to your Tumblr and watch their online status on Instagram. (I’ve got receipts)
You’ve admitted reaching out to Pedro’s old friends. They’re said they’ve unknowingly given information to stalkers they've had to add extra layers of security to their social media. They aren’t there to be used as “sources” during playtime. (I’ve got receipts)
You guys contact his friends, hotel and airline staff for more info on his whereabouts. (I’ve got receipts) If that's not stalking then what do you call it?
Pedro is the punchline of your account. You encourage ppl to drag him by liking their hate filled comments. What’s that about? It would be cute if you weren’t also stalking him but publicly negging the fuck out of you’re victim is a bit tasteless, no?
8.      OBSESSED
You say I'm "obsessed" with you and you've "done nothing to my friends"? No, try, a lot of other ppl in the fandom and I are sick of your holier than thou act when we’ve seen you abuse and attack ppl competing accounts who did nothing to you. You can't fuck up ppls lives and expect to skip off into the sunset. You do shitty things, refuse to acknowledge them and continue to be the best example of what's wrong with this fandom and why it has the reputation it does.
I challenge you because you came at others first and like magic, shit hit the fan for them.
Early on you were copying Aude’s style of posting. It's undeniable that your posts were very similar. No one really cared but ppl talked about it in forums and someone sent an anon to @pedrohub who decided to post it for some reason🤔. You decided to attack her in a reblog and accuse her "friends" of sending poorly spelled hate. Then you gaslight her all because she had....stopped liking your posts as much as before. Like wtf?
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Then you blamed Arte for hateful anons you were getting. You said it was her because she had blocked you. You said it was definitely she because she's from Ohio (btw Arte doesn’t talk about being from Ohio so how did you know that?), ignoring the fact another fan is from Ohio and is well known in the fandom to send vicious hateful anons (let's call her Wendys License-Plates Girl). You didn't like Artes reason for disliking you and your account. She blocked you so she just didn’t have to see you. She had never said anything bad about you at that point. You produced screenshots of conversations which were had after you accused her but you ran with them as your "evidence" that she had it out for you in dms and was directing a campaign of hate against you. When nothing came of that, you then blamed her for getting you blocked by Sebastiano Mauri because you.....liked her dog pic? Again wtf. There's a trend brewing here.
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You created these monsters in your head and you took your anger out on unsuspecting fan accounts. Meanwhile, you were posting shit ppl just weren't feeling and stalking SM in dms. You were tracking him and baiting him to speak to you so you could see his activity tracker in IG. I was the one who got you blocked for your fucking stalker bullshit coz you bragged about it.
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You blamed Arte and Aude for bullshit you made up in your paranoid mind. You were told they were innocent by the person you suspectdd of ratting you out but you chose to doggedly go after both of THEM AND NOT ME. Talking shit in dms with whoever would listen. Spinning your usual holier than thou victim routine.
Now, let’s see….
Who has magically lost their account – pascalisfrenchpunk
Who has magically received a death threat – artedepascal (also runs mh_creatives on IG)
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Who was bore witness to your bullshit, Known to be friends with Aude and Arte, Known to have connections to get info to Pedro?
Why didn’t you ever target me since you had vague posted about me being a rat? You knew I got kicked out of the stalker reddit once the Fleetwoods-rumours blog got published for the guys to read.
I don't use IG so I guess you didn't see me as a threat to your clout chasing on there. You only went for ppl with competing IG accounts because all you want is to be noticed by Pedro and to be the Queen Clout Chaser of the fandom.
If you have missed who the fans are that are giving this fandom a reputation for being psychos, please see the Story Time series (so far) below✌️
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recurring-polynya · 5 months
Writing/Art Update 1.9.2024
Bleh. I was holding off doing this update, hoping I was going to be able to report that I had finished That Stupid Scene that I have been working on since before Christmas. I had so many thoughts in my head while I was cooking dinner and then, when I actually sat down to write, they had departed. Maybe they'll be back tomorrow.
In any case, I did make a huge amount of progress this week. It was hard! I had a lot of writing time, which was nice, except that I spent a lot of it staring out the window or clicking on my other browser tabs, which is always very irritating. However, I did manage to get most of it written, and it hit all the bullet points I needed it to. I basically just have to wrap it up and transition into what happens next. It shouldn't actually be that hard, I'm just tired and I'm not sure I can swing it right now. It's a big scene, too-- I clocked 4,375 words on it this week in addition to the 900 I already had, so it's probably going to be about half the chapter.
I've had a feeling for quite some time that I had not actually budgeted enough space in the outline for the back half of this fanfic. The thing is, though, it is nearly always the case that an extra chapter manages to sneak in somewhere along the way. I decided to just leave the outline as it was, and that way, if an extra chapter appeared, then my pacing problem would sort itself. That...may be happening. I am not entirely sure. I'm in sort of a weird place where I simultaneously feel like I am very close to done and also very, very far away from being done. Hopefully, in the next week or two (that is, when I finish Ch 7), that will sort itself out. Either that, or I'll just keep writing chapters, like Zeno's fanfic. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen. I will die.
Ugh, I want to post. I am wallowing in the pit of it's been so long since I posted, I feel like I have literally stopped existing, and I keep getting dumb urges to "just take a little break and write a short one" (note that I do not actually have any ideas towards "a short one", it's 100% urges only). Anyway, I definitely do not want to do that, because I want to finish this one very, very badly, and it's taking long enough as is. What I should probably do is polish up Chs 5 and 6 and send them to the beta, but that would require coming up with a name for the art museum that I placeholdered a bunch of times in Ch 5. I actually named it in Ch 1 and then decided I didn't like it and needed to rename and I just haven't yet.
Speaking of names, I've also fallen into It-Needs-a-Title Madness, where I start to go Actual Nuts because I can't think of a title for this stupid fanfic. I forgot that in addition to staring out the window, I spent a lot of time looking through the lyrics of songs on my Ductwork playlist and googling for, like, "phrases with injury" in them. I hate this. It's such a waste of time and yet I do this every time. Why can't you pay someone $10 to name your fanfic for you? Can I just call it "Ductwork"? Does it even matter? (it does matter. I regret every terrible title I have ever slapped on a fanfic in a fit of "Fuck It, We Post")
In other news, I drew all seven days last week (the theme was fruits and vegetables). I took yesterday off, but then I drew a can of soup today, which was hard. It's cool. The people in art club are very nice. I am really hoping to draw a Rukia for her birthday. I have never drawn a bankai Rukia, and I'd like to give it a shot. I bet it would be a lot easier if I could resist doing a full body shot, but somehow, I always do a full body shot. We'll see!!
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dellyduck · 1 year
Happy birthday to Emily (my beloved OC), she's two-years-old today!
And I decided to do a little something to celebrate, so based on this post, I'll answer 20 questions as if they're an interview with Emily when she's 14 which's around the time she meets the other kids.
1.  How do you like to spend your free time?
If possible, I like to spend it with my friends. Cooking or helping at the animal shelter are also good options
2.  What is your relationship with your immediate family members?
My relationship with my sisters is pretty great - even though they're 10 years older than me and we don't see each other all the time, we're close. And about my dad... no commentaries.
3.  If you inherited a large sum of money, how would you approach handling it?
Well... I'd probably donate a good part of it for the shelter and other animal institutions. Maybe try to help my sisters out, if they let me. And if there's still money after that... I'd save it, maybe for college.
4.  Who are you closest to in your life?
Until some years ago, I'd say my sisters, but now, it's Shelly and probably Dewey too.
5.  What is your most painful memory?
That's... a hard one to pick.
6.  What is your happiest memory?
My first sleepover at the manor with everyone.
7.  Describe your experience in an education system, if any.
School is... okay? Not amazing, but it could be worse. It's better than at home. I basically go invisible there.
8.  What is your biggest fear and why are you so afraid of it?
Being a burden, to anyone. The reasons for that have... probably to do with my dad, if I'm being honest.
9.  To what extent do you believe in hate?
The feeling definitely exists, if that's the question. I see displays of it every day.
10.  To what extent do you believe in love?
I definitely love my sisters, and they love me back. Same thing with my friends... I hope. But I also need to believe love is stronger than hate.
11.  What is the number one personal rule you have for yourself?
Treat others as you would like to be treated.
12.  If you saw a picture of yourself, what is the first place you would look?
I honestly don't know. Probably my whole face to be sure I didn't grimace accidentally?
13.  How would you describe yourself?
I like to think I'm a good person. I know I'm too shy, though, and I'm trying to get better about it.
14.  How would others describe you?
Erica (sister): a bright eyed girl who loves fairy tales, and with a heart too big for your own good. Sometimes way more energetic than you look.
Ella (sister): my sweet protector of animals, and also my partner for burgers and plane talks.
Shelly: A nice, kind of shy and quiet, but sweet girl with an insane talent for understanding planes (test wise at least) and enjoys a lil piano lesson every now and then. With a hidden adventurous side she has yet to open herself up to.
15.  What do you believe is your greatest weakness?
As my sister would say, my tendency to feel inferior all the time.
16.  What do you believe is your greatest strength?
My kindness and compassion.
17.  What makes you get out of bed everyday?
I don't really have a motivation, but if I had to pick: The people I care about.
18. What is the major challenge you face every single day?
My own insecurities and try to stand my ground more.
19.  If you could give a message to your younger self, what would it be?
Just hang in there, things will get better, and you will meet the best friends you could ask for.
20. What is it that you want most?
To have a family.
(Shelly belongs to @sophfandoms53)
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disregardcanon · 10 months
fic rec time!
Who Remembers a God [Act 1]
Fandom: Rune Factory 5
Author: DarkAcey or @darkacey
As Lucas tapped his pen on his chin, he looked out the window at the day’s dying light. He considered his words before he began: Today I have purchased this notebook at a steep discount to replace the one that was ruined by the waters of Lake Yumina (must not forget — repay Misasagi the remaining 1620 G at earliest convenience). I am currently residing in an abandoned house in the southern portion of a small town named Rigbarth. Tonight, I shall begin the monumental task of recounting all that has happened since I awoke in a chilly cavern.
If you’re like me and got obsessed with filling in the gaps in Lucas’ backstory, this fic is for you. Parts of the fic recycle canon dialogue, but mostly it expands what we were given and changes the order or details of some events.
Also, I couldn’t decide between Alice or Ares, so I said ‘why not both?’ and made them into a nonbinary person named Ari.
Poster's Note: okay so today is a dear friend's birthday (the aforementioned acey) and i wanted to take this opportunity to recommend their current project! while i've only played like, 2 hours? of rune factory 5, i CAN say that this fic not only captures the like, dungeons and dragons stardew valley vibe of the game but also tells its own interesting story with great characterization, emotional depth, funny jokes, and a cute romance at the core.
acey has quite a few other works that i would recommend as well, if you have the time and/or the drive. i started their botw fic not my namesake back when it was posting and i only lost touch with it when my own mental health went from trash can to trash can fire, and i would HIGHLY recommend it from the half i did read.
the point is: they're a great writer, they're my friend, and i love them dearly and admire their skills so if you want to help make their birthday great you could give them a read perhaps? <3
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reidsaurora · 2 years
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ofwilliamandwalter's birthday celebration challenge!!!
First of all, I just wanna say that I cannot believe that in a month's time, I will be entering the last year of my teen years. 18 has been rough (let's face it, most of my teen years were rough), but I'm so super excited for what 19 has in store for me!
That being said, I thought it would be fun for all of us to celebrate together! So, I came up with this challenge (it was inspired a little bit by @smurphyse's birthday challenge so shoutout there!) for all of us to celebrate! As always, I put my own lil Emmy twist on things and I'm super excited to see how it turns out!
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So, Emmy, what's the challenge?
As you all know, I am lover of literature. I love reading any and every fanfic I can find on this app.
So, I'm challenging you guys to write something based on one (or more) of the prompts listed below!
The theme of course is:
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Prompt Set #1 — One-Liners:
1. "I know it's not a cake, but it's the best I could do on such short notice."
2. "You've got frosting in your hair." or "You've got frosting on your face."
3. "What did you wish for?"
4. "Why didn't you tell anyone it was your birthday?"
5. "Hey... I brought you a slice of cake."
6. "Sorry if the decorations are a bit weird. They ran out of the ones we wanted to use."
7. "You look funny in a party hat."
8. "You have to make a wish when you blow out the candles!" - "My wish already came true—I have you in my life."
9. "I never cared for my birthday until I met you. Now each birthday reminds me of how grateful I am that we get to spend another year together."
10. "CELEBRATE ME! TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!" - "It's four in the morning." - "Yeah! I was born at four in the morning!"
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Prompt Set #2 — Scenarios:
1. Person A is a grouch about their birthday so Person B decides to throw them a party with only their pet(s) present.
2. Person A got Person B's birthday wrong and spends the whole day pampering them. Person B finds it too adorable to say anything.
3. Person A has a crush on Person B for quite some time, so they take B's birthday as an opportunity to give them a present and show them that they care about them. B is surprised because they have never really noticed A before, but enjoys it all the more.
4. It's a tradition in the office that when it's someone's birthday, someone else brings a cake. Person A's birthday is coming up, and Person B finally sees their chance to make a move.
5. The party throwers made so much noise setting up the party that the police came before the person being surprised even arrived.
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So, Emmy, what are the rules?
Anyone can join! No matter if you follow me or not, no matter if you're a writing account or not, no matter if you've ever even written a fic before. YOU CAN ALL JOIN!!!
All writing is allowed! There is no specific genre you have to stick to. Write what you love and we'll love it too!!
I like to keep things clean for the most part, but should you participate with a NSFW entry, please: HAVE YOUR AGE IN YOUR BIO OR YOUR PINNED POST!! I will not be sharing any NSFW entries from ageless blogs.
Please include a summary, what pairing it is, content warnings, word count, and what prompt(s) you chose.
Pairing must be one of the following: Criminal Minds character x reader, Criminal Minds character x character, Supernatural character x reader, Supernatural character x character, or Lesley Smith-Juniment x reader!!!
There is no limit to how many times you can enter! If you have multiple ideas for multiple different prompts, please send them all!
Please share with all your writer friends! The more, the merrier!
All entries must be tagged "#ofwilliamandwalter's birthday challenge" so I can find them! I would also prefer to be tagged in them just in case I cannot find them under the tag!
Challenge ends: one month from now, on my birthday — August 2nd, 2022
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Again, I wanna thank you all for being such lovely people! I can't wait to see everyone's beautiful creations and I hope you'll consider participating! It would make this birthday girl extremely happy :)
Feel free to send any questions, comments, or concerns about the challenge in a DM! I'm always here to answer 🥰
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↳ icon in collage by @scrapbookspence (full birthday icon pack coming soon!)
↳ other pictures featured in the collage are from pinterest. all rights go to the original owners.
↳ birthday dividers by @firefly-graphics
↳ tagging some of my moots who write!: @lunar-affection @rupurts-morgue03 @writer-in-theory @roguereid @fortheloveofwonderland @andiebeaword @samuel-de-champagne-problems @spookydrreid @arsonhotchner @foxy-eva @radiant-reid @one-sweet-gubler @lukeclvez @pretty-boys-book-club @letarasstuff @1234-angelika @wifeyreid @kbakery @sultrypotter @ellcsgreenaway @hotched @spencebunny @1967chevys @reidsbookclub
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Prompts featured are from the following posts:
↳ "10 Birthday Prompts" by @youneedsomeprompts
↳ "Birthday Prompts 2021" by @seaside-writings
↳ "Birthday Prompts 🍰" by @creativepromptsforwriting
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↳ "Birthday Prompts" by @mangoofthesea
↳ "Birthday Prompts!!" by @dialogue4urocs
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Never Alone
Chapters on AO3: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21
Malec | Rated general | tw violence, reference to rape/non-con, and vampirism, all at canon levels | Dæmon AU, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-it, Canon Era, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Developing Relationship, Other Additional Tags To Be Added, Slow Burn
Summary: In a world where Shadowhunters’ dæmons never lose the ability to change shape, Clary spends her eighteenth birthday learning why Hunter can still shift.
Or, a shameless fix-it featuring BAMF Magnus and Alec, logical problem-solving rather than the disaster that was Jace, Izzy, and Clary — and, of course, Malec falling in love (in a slightly less difficult situation).
A/N: Written for the TSC What if…? Bang (@tsc-what-if-bang). Prompt: What if Clary and Simon didn’t go to Pandemonium that night?
My mind immediately went to why Clary and Simon wouldn’t go, and combined with the sad lack of dæmon AUs in this fandom, this fic was born!
The amazing art (above) is by @magnus-the-maqnificent! I'll link to their tumblr post here once they've posted it.
As I know it might get hard to keep track of everybody's dæmons' names and preferred forms, I've made a tumblr post with a list here.
Many many thanks to MugiwaraLexi for being an amazing beta — your support and advice has been invaluable!
This fic is fully written and edited, and I’ll be posting twice a week on Monday and Thursday for most of it, except for from August 23rd to August 30th (no posting as I will be away). Sorry for the delay, but after that, I should get into a regular posting schedule!
Read chapter 1 on AO3 or below the cut. (Future chapters will be posted on AO3 and linked above.)
Prologue — Clary
Summary: Her mom was finally — finally — going to explain.
Clary doesn’t go to Pandemonium on her eighteenth birthday. 
A/N: First chapter! This one’s Clary’s POV, but all of the following chapters will alternate between Alec and Magnus. (I’ll be posting the first Alec chapter in a few hours.)
Clary felt excitement bubbling in her chest. Hunter hopped eagerly around the room in his rabbit form, before leaping into the air, changing into a bird, a butterfly, and back to a rabbit again. 
Her mom was finally — finally — going to explain. 
Clary had first realised that she wasn’t normal when she’d been fourteen, and her dæmon still hadn’t settled. Hunter was often in rabbit form, but he could still change to any animal he wanted, while all of her friends’ and classmates’ dæmons had chosen a preferred animal and could no longer change. 
She’d thought for a while that she was a late bloomer or something, but puberty had come and gone, and Hunter could still change shapes as effortlessly as ever. She’d grown increasingly worried about it, wondering what was wrong with her, until her mother had finally explained that there was, in fact, something different about Clary. And then her dæmon, Aaron, had shifted from his swan form to a different one. 
Unfortunately, Jocelyn Fray had refused to explain anything more than that to her daughter. Instead, she’d declared that Clary was “too young” and promised to tell her everything — including why neither of their dæmons had settled into one form — when Clary turned eighteen. 
Today was her eighteenth birthday, and also the day that she’d gotten accepted into the Brooklyn Academy of Arts. While she considered Simon’s offer of going to Pandemonium to celebrate, she wanted to know why she was like this. She’d waited four years; maybe she could’ve waited another day, but she didn’t want to. 
So she said as much to Simon — he was the only person she’d ever told about Hunter — so they decided to save the celebrating for the next day. 
Hunter leapt up on Clary’s lap, and she curled her fingers around him to keep him in place. “I know you’re excited and nervous, but I am too, and you’re only making it worse by jumping around,” she told him. 
“I know, I know, but we’re going to find out why!” Hunter replied. 
Clary’s response was cut short when her mother came in and sat down in the chair opposite Clary. It was almost formal for a moment before Jocelyn huffed out a laugh and wrapped Clary in a hug. “You’ve grown up so much.” Clary refused to have the oh-look-at-my-daughter-she’s-all-grown-up conversation right now; she wanted answers. “Are you going to tell me why Hunter can still shift?” she asked, cutting her mother off before she could start. 
“Yes, I am.” Jocelyn smiled, looking slightly sad. “It’ll take quite a bit of history and context. I can only hope that you don’t hate me at the end of it. 
“I probably wouldn’t have told you about all this if it hadn’t been for Hunter, but I need to explain everything else first. Take this.” She held out a long, thin, silvery-grey stick, shaped vaguely like a pen. “It’s called a stele, and it’s a bit of a family heirloom, I suppose.” 
“We Frays have heirlooms?” Clary asked, surprised and somewhat sceptical. 
Jocelyn sighed. “Yes. Now listen. All the stories are true…” 
Clary listened in silence as Jocelyn told her about demons — not dæmons, but evil demons — and about Warlocks, Vampires, Werewolves, and Faeries, about an entire world that she’d never known existed, hidden beneath glamours. And about Shadowhunters, the children of Raziel, a preternaturally powerful race created by the Angel to protect the world from demons — and Clary was, apparently, one of them. She explained how most people never knew about the Shadow World because of the glamours, although some had the Sight, often due to hidden faerie ancestry. All members of the Shadow World had the Sight, including Clary. Jocelyn had taken her to a warlock to remove her memories of the Shadow World. 
“You took my memories?” Clary broke in, furious. “Why would you — you had no right—”
“I wanted to protect you,” Jocelyn told her. “And we can go to the warlock and ask him to give them back if you want to.”
Clary huffed, but she was more interested in the rest of the explanation than in a proper apology for taking her memories. “And Hunter? Why can he still change shape?”
“Shadowhunters’ dæmons never settle,” Jocelyn replied. “It’s better in battle — like this, there’s no chance that you’ll be helpless because you’ve lost your weapons and your mouse dæmon is completely unequipped to help you fight. Generally, the dæmons will still have a preferred form, for when not fighting — Hunter’s rabbit form, for instance, or Aaron’s swan.” 
Clary nodded. “That makes sense. Are Downworlders the same?”
“Downworlders’ dæmons do settle, like a mundane’s — well, except that werewolves always have wolf dæmons — but they can go as far from their people as they like. Shadowhunters generally undergo training to increase the distance their dæmon can travel, too, but we can’t naturally go any farther than mundanes.” 
“Is that — you said that we’re Shadowhunters, but we’re not living in an Institute.” If this world existed, and if Clary belonged to this race of Nephilim, why wasn’t she part of it all?
“Yes.” Jocelyn sighed. “That’s because we’re on the run.” “Why? And from whom?”
“From the Clave, partially, but mostly from — from your father.” And so Clary learned about the Circle, Valentine Morgenstern, and the Mortal Cup her mother had stolen from the Clave and hidden in a tarot card. 
They sat in silence for a few moments as Clary processed all that she’d learned. Her father, who her mother had told her was dead, was actually an evil, xenophobic, bigoted leader of a genocidal cult — and he was still alive. But what she struggled with most was how her mother had been on his side, had helped him — for years. Why?
Eventually, Clary spoke up. “Does Luke know?”
“Yes. He was once Valentine’s parabatai.” 
“Luke’s a Shadowhunter too?” Had everyone been hiding the truth from her?
“No. He used to be until Valentine arranged for him to be bitten by a werewolf.” 
Clary let out a long breath. “I — I need to sleep on this.” It was nearly ten at night, and though she would usually stay up later than this, she felt exhausted by the day’s revelations. “Yes, of course,” Jocelyn said. “And — think about if you want your memories back or not, love.”
She nodded and went upstairs to bed.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
since i have nothing else to post right now…
here’s the last of colby’s tweets from 2020.
i don’t have proof that these are his tweets, but believe me, they are his.
if it’s bold and italicized, it’s someone’s tweet to him.
if it’s in (), that’s just me commenting lol
added bonus: if they have a * next to them, that means it’s been deleted
Oct. 1 - love doing things for myself
Oct. 4 - i’m in so much pain. sos
fan: u ok?
poison oak. everywhere …. everywhere.
Oct. 5 - i like the simple things
Oct. 7 - less is more
Oct. 10 - i wanna make you happy
how am i so busy during the day but still manage to find 2 hours to mindlessly scroll through tik tok? i can’t be the only one
Oct. 14 - i care too much
Oct. 15 - somehow it wasn’t enough
(i hate this man so much lmao)
Oct. 19 - Justin Bieber’s new song made me tear up, that dudes been through so much. no one could even imagine what that’s like.. achieving everything and being in the biggest spotlight at such a young age.
Oct. 20 - @/samgolbach: less than 6 months ago i broke my back. and i decided to take that as a challenge to get healthy again. and today i ran the fastest mile i’ve ever run. so yes, i might be an idiot but i’m a determined idiot 🤘🏼🏃🏼
🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 that’s an insane accomplishment ! i remember when it was a struggle to stand up out of bed
new day, same cycle
Oct. 21 - my mom is texting me all the young pictures of me and it’s bringing me memories i didn’t know i had
Oct. 25 - panic attacks late at night are the worst
Nov. 1 - @/colbybrockscar: reminder that it’s no nut November!!! @/ColbyBrock doesn’t even have to try. He’s got this shit in the bag. It probs comes out like baby powder if he tries
did my car just roast me ?
Nov. 4 - this is scary
cuties! all 3 of you! (reply to fan in merch with friend and cat)
Nov. 6 - @/GracynCarr: I can’t believe the audacity of a high school tweet to pop up on my timeline lmao.. miss u tho @/ColbyBrock :)
hope you're well xx
Nov. 8 - so much talent thank youu love (reply to fan's art)
fan: Um. So I tweeted this to you before but alot has also changed since then sooo wanted to say thank you 🖤 🖤 @/ColbyBrock
proud of you, and good luck with your dreams darlin 🖤 you can accomplish anything with the right mindset and hard work. i believe in ya
time flies, and i’m so scared of losing my youth. it’s inevitable i know, but damn makes you wanna cherish every moment you got
Nov. 11 - i hate when nothing is wrong but nothing feels right
Nov. 12 - the person who makes you forget about the rest of the world
Nov. 13 - today marks 6 years since we posted our first YT video on the MAIN S&C account .. 🖤 what a wild ride
Nov. 14 - promise you i’m a good waste of time
Nov. 15 - @/katstuartmusic: “sunday is my funday” - colby brock 2020
fan: Colby u get drunk off of one white claw
fight me
other fan: my money is on mags
round house kicks to the face don’t feel too good
(is it bad that i like when colby gets weirdly violent with us sksksks)
Nov. 16 - the Why Dont We dudes are some of the nicest people in LA
*Nov. 17 - @/gabytriana: It’s out! Sam and Colby were so much fun to work with, and despite what Colby said, I did not hate him when we first met! 😆 Both he and Sam are super kind, smart, generous entertainers who know how to tell a good story! I love them both!! Happy Book Birthday, @/samandcolby
hahaha thank youu so much for all the hard work ! so excited it’s finally here
(interestingly enough, colby didn't delete his tweet… gaby did)
Nov. 19 - went to a Pyschic Reader tonight. my mind is blown. im not a skeptic anymore, video coming tomorrow
fan: Get ready for religious people to freak out
the psychic i talked to was religious, i’m not sure how but i think the two concepts can exist at the same time
Nov. 21 - hard to trust
fan: @/ColbyBrock hey, i love u lots
love you 🖤
Nov. 23 - fan: imagine if @/ColbyBrock responded to this
could you imagine
Nov. 24 - fan: lmao okay so my friend put this together when I FINALLY received Colby's reaper merch yesterday and I had to laugh, I am actually stupid. But I thought it was a lil funny so y'all can see it too then xx
hahahha love it. thank you. you’re not a sack of potatoes in my eyes
Nov. 27 - happy b day @/SamGolbach you know this and imma save the sappy shit for your big 25th bday but i wouldn’t be here without you. you’re the most intelligent, deep thinking dude i’ve ever met and i feel pretty damn lucky to be able to call you a business partner AND best friend
Nov. 28 - take it easy
Nov. 30 - should i hop back on tik tok?
Dec. 2 - @/aaron_doh: At least I got a photo shoot out of it 😄
whaaat. dude i wish you a speedy recovery
Dec. 3 - it’s hard to move on
Dec. 5 - a nice escape is all i need
welp. i guess i’m a lightweight
Dec. 9 - miss you
Dec. 14 - all the baggage that comes with me
Dec. 15 - been workin hard for you , announcement tomorrow
fan: omg are you pregaganant
how'd you know
@/samandcolby: announcement tomorrow… 2021 will be the best year of our lives (and probably most difficult)
fan: are we getting married?? is that why?
i hate how having anxiety makes me nauseous. it’s the worst feeling
Dec. 16 - it’s all about living in the moment and making every. second. count.
fan: yeah @/ColbyBrock how much are you charging for tattoos…
free for you
Dec. 18 - big tool pic but i’ve been workin hard
@/mannymua733: we absolutely do not mind
(god damn… this pic is still so good lol)
also cold weather always makes me want a special someone to spend time with. cuddle buddy is neeeeeded
fan: okay but can we just take a second to appreciate how hard colby’s been working in the gym because dayum
thank you sweeeetheart
yoo i love you guys 🥺
Dec. 20 - got tatted last night and i barely remember
how i feel this morning (pic of him floating)
fan: you’ve seen elf on the shelf… but have you seen cole in a hole? (@/ColbyBrock)
i’m mad i laughed at this
Dec. 23 - why’d ya have to change on me
so bittersweet saying goodbye to my childhood home of 18 years… i’ll only be back to kansas to visit and sleep in hotels from now on. strange feeling, but so happy for my mom and dad for taking a chance and moving
it’s like i don’t have a real “home” anymore. since i move so much anyways it’s hard to find a spot to actually call home
fan: i just want to say that colby has helped me through so much this year. i had a tough year as many others did but you’ve seriously have helped me through so much. i love you so so much @/ColbyBrock
awh that’s why i make videos in the first place. for people like you
Dec. 24 - addicted to you
my mom and i are the weirdest duo on the planet when we’re together i swear
fan: Make a video with her for Christmas
my whole family despises being on camera 💔
Dec. 25 - fan: momma brock is the sweetest ever
she’s my favorite woman in the world
Merry Christmas friends ! 🖤
i wish i could have face tats for like one week but it doesn’t really work like that huh
Dec. 26 - everyone’s battling their own demons
Dec. 28 - fan: Colby drinking wine but he's such a lightweight that he's probably drunk, lmao @/ColbyBrock
fan: the vibes are fucking ethereal i’m guessing @/ColbyBrock
you got it
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bishie-haven · 1 year
Asmo Appreciation Week, Day 3: Best Cards, Part 2!
Welcome again, everyone!
I'll cut a bit more to the chase today, since we're in a continuation from yesterday's post. Yesterday I covered #20-11 of the Asmodeus cards that make my heart beat faster, and today I'll show #10-1! These are a lot more potent and have a lot higher potential to melt my soul.
Let us begin~
#10: Guided By Desire
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Starting off the top 10 with more nostalgia! While one of two SSR cards people were VERY likely to get in the beginning, it doesn't annoy me seeing him show up...much (I get sooo many ravens now, UGH). BUT, repetitiveness aside, circumstances REALLY put this card high on the list. Even to this DAY it is one of my most powerful cards, even topping a lot of the URs I have on the OG app, so I HAVE to give credit. And even without it...just look at that face, you can't deny its adorableness! (Plus a rare shot where Asmo has pink and neon green nails before they decided on pink and teal!)
#9: Purgatory Hall Sleepover!
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Hey look, it's the card that most likely inspired the 2022-23 pajama set! Being the first birthday UR this boy had (and having to wait a full year from its implementation date), I was was EXCITED to see this card art alone. The theming made it even better; sleepovers are another topic that just send me over the moon, and that LITERALLY being the title of the card set in stone that I needed it like water. Thankfully, no money had to be spent, hooray!
#8: Photogenic Asmo
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If you thought #16 was colorful, #8 said hold my demonus. This is CUTE in every sense of the word. An overall cafe theme (mixing retro diners and maid cafes without the maids), Asmo in that uniform, and that look on his face getting pics of the sweets?! This was the card that started my completionist journey of getting every card of his, and thankfully, the catalyst was received in a recent revival Nightmare!
#7: Your Personal Venus
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This card, this card... The end of February was a wild time for my OM! account. This event plus the Nightmare that was attached were attacking me from both sides in terms of cards I want, and could NOT catch a break (you might be able to guess a card down lower if you think about it ^^). But thankfully, it meant this card was mine within three days of the event start! The initial image is precious (just look at those eyes!), and this one? This was an attack on my soul, how is he able to rock anything and make me love him even more?!
#6: Time for the Main Event!
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I grinded in this event when it came out in 2020. Nearly 4 years later, I'm still trying to get him. There's definitely reasons why, considering it's only barely out of the top 5. The Cinderella/fairytale aesthetic is a major reason, bringing to question what Asmo would be like if HE was the titular heroine instead of the fairy godmother in the actual event. In addition, this was the first event where I truly saw him as a gnc icon and ROCKING this dress (I can't unsee the garter belt either, so neither will you now, hehe), and further made me scream whenever future cards indulged this. Now, please hurry up and come home...
#5: Return My Glow
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We all know from both the OG and NB that Asmo valued his time as the angel dubbed the "jewel of the heavens", despite slowly forgetting that image of himself. While the event the card was attached to is DEFINITELY controversial amongst the fandom, it still means a lot to me. I grinded my booty off to get it on the last day, and the image (specifically this DF unlock) has the power to make me feel better even on some of my darkest days. It even doubles so when you look at the similar image found in his initial UR in NB (more on that soon!).
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#4: The Devildom's Mermaid
Outside of the missed potential to make him an ACTUAL mermaid in one of the arts, this was the first UR+ Asmo ever received, so its iconic status already lends itself to a high placement. Theming is also high here, as WHO can resist the beach episode, tell me, who?! There's also a bit of retroactive mirroring with the anime that happens in my head. I can totally see at one point on that private beach he set up a picture just like this to send to his followers, and that expression sent many (including myself) into an iconic squealing mess.
#3: Demons Catch Colds?!
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If you guessed this card at #7, you win a virtual cookie! It is no secret to anyone who knows me well that one of my favorite tropes in fiction is the sick day, one person laying in perceived misery while another tends to their needs. In addition, if you include anything in your work with a medical/dental theme, you will have me eating out of the palm of your hand. This card has both. I was a mess back in April of '21 thanks to this blasted card. Fun fact, this was the first Nightmare card I spent money to get (Solomon decided to block my advances one too many times using the same attribute and I was at my limit 😡)! I only pull out the actual cash when I'm hooked, so you KNOW it was serious. XD Lastly, I said I wasn't taking Devilgrams into account, but I wanted to mention how the one attached to this card is so sweet. If you ever have the chance to read it, DO IT!
#2: Princess Asmo's Escape
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They ACTUALLY referenced it!! If you've seen the anime, you know about Episode 5 and the insanity that occurred when Asmo was literally wearing the crown. And the fact that the devs saw it was iconic enough to make a UR+ out of?! I have a lot of gripes with Solmare, but this one of the times they got it RIGHT. He is a Disney princess, you can NOT change my mind, and the composition of this initial image is so pretty I want to make a print of it to hang in my room. It's almost the perfect card! Almost...
Because the top card of all to me is...
#1: A Song From the Heart
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This is my absolute dream card, and the closest to the definition of a perfect one you will ever get. So many elements combine to make this both fitting in terms of character and concept. In the initial image we get the cute, goofy side of him (and a shot of him in glasses?!), calmly playing an acoustic. In the DF unlock, that side turns passionate and bombastic, switching to an electric and belting into the mic under the stage lights. It references both the obvious and not-so-obvious of parts of his character. We know that he loves being under the spotlight, but we don't get much in terms of his love for music, specifically rock music as the designs imply. The outfit is also one of my personal favorites, as is many that don't go on the Majolish racks (pleeeeeease let this one be wearable one day!). It even has a bit of a meta connection as well. His VA, Miura Ayme, has PLENTY of musical connections, not just recording OPs for the game but being an active visual kei artist with a HEAVY leaning on rock as a style. So to see a card not only tie back to a character but to the voice actor at the same time? There's nothing I see that's better than that.
And that's my list! What did you think? Any cards I missed in terms of their positives? Let me know if you have any you want to mention, as well!
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mikhailoisbaby · 2 years
Hey Harveyyy! How are you doing today baby? I’ve missed you so much 🥹🖤
during my way home I came up with a few headcanon questions and decided to make it a quick challenge to see different people’s opinions. Please honor me with being the first one to answer my
Headcanon challenge:
1. Besides “Mick” and “Mickey”, what’s Ian nickname for Mickey? From all the nicknames Mickey calls him , what’s Ian’s favorite?
2. What’s the story behind Mickey’s knuckle tattoos? (When / how / by who) When Ian gets a tattoo for Mickey, what is it / on what occasion?
3. Random turn-on for Mickey and a random turn-on for Ian? (Bonus: something that really shouldn’t be a turn on but is)
4. What’s their Instagram @ ? When did they start following each other?
5. If they get a pet, is it a dog (who walks it more often?) or a cat (who cuddles with it more often) ?  love you lots 💗
Anon xx! My sunshine! My love! This got buried in my notification I’m so sorry that I’m a little late !!! I missed you too !!! I’m all good and I hope you are too! 🖤🖤
I’m so honoured to be the first thank you much! ( it’s long so answers under the cut )
1) Ian likes cute nicknames like baby, handsome and all the loving classics but he also had funny ones like mick-aroni ( get it like macaroni but mick) and Mouse is a Common cute he uses as well. And he will say if he had a bad day like he’s fought with lip he comes and says he needs so Mick’loving ( like Mc’loving)
Ian's favourite nicknames that Mickey has given him are lover, husband and tough guy they all make Ian feel special but they are his top favourite
2) Mickey knuckles tattoos I feel like were done by one of his uncles when he just turned 13 because he’s “man” now and probably done his kitchen and they 100% got infected at one point
Ian I feel gets Mickey's name tattooed on his heart to match Mickey for Mickey's birthday present as well he gets stargazer lilies in colour for them as well further down the line I see them getting dumb matching tattoos but why not?
3) Mickey gets turned on when Ian he sees Ian shaving with a straight razor and sometimes Ian lets Mickey shave him and it is about the control Ian gives up to Mickey also sharp objects are always a turn-on for Mickey
Ian gets turned on when he sees Mickey being sweet and kind to his nieces and nephews it gives him instant baby fever and he gets the urge to put a baby in Mickey 😉
4) Ian had many Instagrams like his first @ cadet_Ian (seasons 1-3), then it was @ Iangallager (seasons 4-7, very boring) then @ gay_Jesus (seasons 8-9) and he didn’t use it much until lockdown and now he is @Ian.gallavich
Mickey didn’t get social media until Ian made him around about season 5 and he was just @mickeymilk but never posted and when Ian started posting during lockdown he then started posting using the same @.
5) okay they get a dog first from a shelter and it’s a pit bull and they name her Bazooka (Baz ) and Ian walks it more because he takes her on his daily morning runs, Mickey finds an old straggly cat and takes it home because he couldn’t leave it and Ian’s name it “baby” ( Mickey thinks it a dumb name seems that it’s like 13 ish year old) and Mickey cuddles it more he’s loved cats and lets it sleep on his pillow.
I love more
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snoozeagustd · 2 years
HI, OKAY WHAT THE FUCK??!! I just woke up and what do I see?
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I am literally in shock right now! 
thank you so much for all of the love that you have given me and honestly thank you so so much for all the support you all have given this blog! I never expected this blog to have 100 followers, let alone more than 100, but you all proved me wrong.
To celebrate (because i like to find excuses to celebrate anything and everything), I wanted to do something fun! Thank you so much Freya darling (@sugarwithtea) for helping me come up with a few ideas for this event and for keeping up with my rambling! This literally would not have been possible without you my jaan!
I will be taking requests for this event over 2 weeks (!!!) and I'll try my best to answer them as soon as possible. Please read the rules for each game (whether you can be on anon, whether you are a mutual, ect)
all posts related to this event will be tagged as #nixie hits 100!
I hope you guys enjoy~~
(please ignore how messy this banner is. i’m doing some semblance of editing after literal years and i have definitely gotten worse-)
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💫 vibe check : i’ll tell you what vibes i get from you/your blog in a moodboard (ive never done this before so please don’t mind that it’s not great) (off anon please)
💕 shipping game : send me a description of yourself/a fun fact + a fandom (Marvel, Obey Me, BTS or TXT) and i’ll ship you with a character! (anon is allowed)
🕹️ games: any of your typical tumblr event games! (fmk, would you rather, top 5 or anything else you can think of!) (anon is allowed)
🔖 recommendations (from you) : send me any recommendations you have for tv shows, movies, books, songs, tumblr blogs, etc! (anon is allowed)
📑 recommendations (from me) : i’ll put my ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle and recommend you a song! (off anon please)
🫂shout outs:  recommend some of your own fics or just some fics you love so we can show appreciation for all these amazing writers here on tumblr! (anon is allowed)
❤ first love: share some crush stories with me! (anon is allowed)
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Since it’s also my birthday today, I've decided to add a few more personal asks so that you can get to know me better!
🔮 then and now: tell me your first impression of me and I'll tell you mine! (off anon please) (mutuals only)
🏹  exchange ship: tell me who you ship me with, and I'll tell you yours with a why (off anon please) (mutuals only)
💌 questions: send me any questions that you have for me! NSFW questions are allowed! (for NSFW asks, you need to be off anon so that i can verify your age) for general questions, you can ask me on anon! (gain inspiration here or here )
✨ advice: ask me for some advice on questions about life or just whatever you want! (please don’t take my answers seriously) (anon is allowed)
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Below this, I'm just going to tag some of my friends here on tumblr who have made my time here super super fun and memorable! I am truly grateful and appreciative to all of you!
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to some of my closest friends here:
@mochakat @eternallydaydreaming2015 @tea-is-vibing @adoveamongdemons @poetic-dumbass @buckyinluv @kaitioo @sugarwithtea @jjkeverlast @yoongukie-ff
firstly, thank you for taking time out of your day to talk to my pathetic ass :’) i really do hope that we can continue to be friends for a long time because i don’t know what i would do without all of you. You guys don’t know it, but you have become a big part of my life! I truly treasure and appreciate all of you <3
i love and treasure yall sm, you have no idea 💖💗💝❤️‍🔥❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🤍💕
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to the rest of my moots:
@istanfluffycontent @yourlocaltimetraveler @chiimiie @namkook @hawtymin @hobipost @kookiecrumb @parkdatjimin @bebejungkook @smasmashie @thetaeprint @xpeachesncream @liyacreate @glamrocklevi @angeladore @just-another-fangirl-69 @henry-and-the-seven-lords @obeythebutler @adoveamongdemons @this-bitch-needs-therapy @incorrectlyavenged @somniprobe @satandrankmy-coffee @a-hoe-in-human-form-2 @kimtaesss @underratedbitch-number13 @pjiminbloomx @yoongukie-ff @skyfull0fstories @lvoekook @wrote-my-own-deliverance @youlightmeupfinn @gimmethatagustd @bangtanintotheroom
I know that we don’t really interact much outside of reblogs and/or likes but I hope you know that whenever I see you in my notifs, I literally smile like an idiot. no joke. anyways, please feel free to approach me because due to my anxiety, I will never be able to although i really want to talk to all of you. I hope that we can get closer eventually <3
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to the rest of my followers,
thank you so so much for allowing me to reach this milestone when I never ever thought that I would. I really appreciate you and I adore seeing you in my notifs! I do recognize you, you know? I hope that as time goes on, we can have more of such events and celebrate together!!
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