#it's great for protection/luck/prosperity/health
farmboyprince · 9 months
turmeric is the new cinnamon
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astra-ravana · 16 days
Basic Incense and Their Uses
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Types of Incense:
• Sandalwood: Protection, healing, purification, pleasing the spirits, consecration
• Cherry: Attracts and stimulates love, new beginnings
• Vanilla: Luck, love, happiness, stimulates memory
• Jasmine: Luck; especially in love, peace, intuition, moon magick
• Coconut: Purification and protection, fertility, love and chastity
• Frankincense: Spirituality, protection, love, prosperity, growth, confidence, an offering to the gods
• Cinnamon: Wealth/money, prosperity, success, focus, amplifies any ritual or spell, third eye
• Myrrh: Protection, exorcism, consecration, purification, peace, meditation, spirituality, offering to the gods
• Patchouli: Money, abundance, attraction, passion, romance, lust
• Rose: Love, self love, safety, calm, healing, purification, connection to maternal ancestors
• Strawberry: Passion, love, luck, friendship, romance, opens/connects root and sacral chakras, goddess offering
• Dragon's Blood: Increases personal power, manifestation, attraction, sensuality, love, favored by many entities as an offering
• Sage: Cleansing, banishing, protection, clearing the air, nullifying negativity, promoting a more peaceful environment, longevity
• Lavender: Psychic abilities, divination, dream magick, protection, purification, beauty, intuition, peace, calming
• Nag Champa: Amplifies a ritual, great for meditation
• Clove: Protection (especially for children), love, money, purification, exorcism, shielding/warding
• Juniper: Exorcism, protection, healing, love
• Allspice: Attracts luck and money, provides extra physical energy
• Copal: Protection, cleansing, purification, connection, spirituality, ideal for cleansing crystals and stones
• Bay: Good luck, manifestation, success, purification, protection, healing, sharpens psychic abilities
• Rosemary: Protection, exorcism, purification, promotes sleep, restores and/or mantains youth, draws love, increases intellect
• Thyme: Health, vitality, healing, cleansing
• Pine: Money, strength, patience, shielding, purification, offer to nature spirits/deities
• Fern: Burn indoors to drive out malevolent spirits, burn outdoors to bring rain
• Benzoin: Purification, prosperity, amplifies mental abilities
• Arabic Gum: Purification and protection of the home
• Blueberry: Keeps unwanted influences away
• Passionflower: Peace, anxiety soothing, promotes sleep, friendship, joy, openness
• Mullein: Courage, protection, health, divination, offering to the dead
• Rowan: Psychic ability, self reflection, healing, protection, power, spirits more likely to obey demands/requests
• Star Anise: Psychic power, manifestation, luck
• Mugwort: Strength, psychic power, spirit communication, protection, astral travel, dream work, visions/premonitions
• Rue: Healing, mental health, comfort, exorcism, love, bonding
• Saffron: Health, wealth, happiness, success, wind raising, manifestation, lust, strength, third eye
• Palo Santo: Clears stagnant/negative energy
• Eucalyptus: Healing, cleansing, physical health, clears tense energy, invigorating, empowerment
• Wormwood: Magick, astral travel, spirit work, dream work, divination, third eye, protection from magick, curses and unwelcome energies, spiritual love, opens spiritual doorways, return to sender
• Lotus: Inner peace and outer harmony, third eye, meditation ascension, recovery, offering to Lilith
• Chamomile: Love, peace, comfort, stress reduction, luck in gambling
• Amber: Manifestation, good luck, success, love, romance, patience, protection, balance, sensuality, pain relief
• Damiana: Sensuality, sexuality, astral travel, love/sex magick, baneful witchcraft, attraction, drawing spells, shadow work, healing trauma, speaking your truth
• Skull Cap: Balance, calm, recovery, anchor to bring consciousness back to the body after astral projection
• Albizzia: Opens you up to oneness, attunes the heart, brings happiness
• Lemongrass: Calming, balance, love, depression relief
• Ginger: Strength, power, prosperity, relationship success
• Oregano: Joy, travel, creativity, love, hand fasting
• Cardamom: Love, lust, charm, mental clarity
• Sweet Grass: Removes malevolent energies, draws prosperity
• Marshmallow: Spirit pulling, protection, cleansing, stimulates psychic power, self-understanding, nurturing, healing, fertility, love, sexuality
• Orris: Love, protection, divination, spirit work, intuition
• Storax: Courage, healing, moon magick, meditation, divination, encourages restful sleep, offering to Hekate
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Incense Smoke Divination:
Smoke direction- Up/down:
• Up: Positive spiritual journey
• Down: Challenges, deviation from the path
Smoke direction- Right/left:
• Right: Desires will be fulfilled
• Left: Blocks and turbulent energy
Smoke direction- Towards/away:
• Towards: Reciprocal affection
• Away: Neglect or indifference
Smoke forms a circle:
• Clear circle: Strong vibes, manifestation is near
• Hazey circle: Weak vibes, uncertain manifestation
Smoke forms a Ladder:
• Multiple steps: Elevated spiritual path
• One step: Need to enhance spirituality
Spiral shape:
• Clear spiral: Big, new change
• No distinct shape: Chaos, uncertainty
Smoke splits in two:
• Important life decisions
• Trust your instincts
Many broken corners:
• Confusion, need clarity
Infinity symbol:
• Very auspicious omen
Thick and dense smoke:
• Negative energy
• Change is needed
Abrupt lighting and smoke:
• Smooth/even flame: Clear path
• Choppy flame: Hurdles on path
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Water and Plants
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Plants are powerful and come with different abilities and meanings. However, plants would not grow without their counterpart; water. In this post, I will be showing you the different types of waters , their meanings and different water plants that could be useful to use in green or water magic.
Different Types of Water:
Dew Water – difficult to collect; is used for love magic or offerings to the fey or Faery world
Glacier Water- water from glacier; used to provide your magic with clarity and a connection to the ancients
Hurricane water- stormwater; bring quick and sudden change, justice, protection, and is considered to give extreme power and strength
Lake Water- bring calm, peace and joy; is used for workings concerning self-reflection and self-assessment
Ocean Water: water from the ocean; different oceans give different vibrations; used in offering to water deities
Pond Water: best from a local pond; is used for creating opportunities, self-discovery, and relaxation
Rainwater: believed that may rainwater is the best; is used for blessings, cleansings, prosperity, love workings, and other types of magic
Snow Water: represents purity and change, during Yule season is when the snow water is most powerful
Spring Water: is influenced by the surrounding spirits of the place where it was collected; associated with newness and bounty
Storm Water: powerful force; used to strengthen spells and workings, protection, motivation and rebirth; can also be used for hexing, cursing, and revenge work
Swamp Water: has a mind of its own; helps with binding, banishing, hexes, curses, and revenge workings
Urban (Tap) Water: contains the energy of the place it is collected; can give prosperity, luck, high energy, and used for curses and hexes
Waterfall Water: creates newness and rejuvenation
Well Water: used for granting wishes, healing, and connecting to otherworldly beings
Water Plants with Great Benefits
Water plants with great benefits:
Apples -Love, Romance, Passion, Divination, Psychic Connection, Healing and Offering to Hel
Bay- Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength
Coconut- Purification, Protection, Chastity
Ivy- Protection, Healing, Luck, Banish Negativity
Lotus- Protection, Lock-Opening, Spirituality
Pomegranate- Fertility, Prosperity, Abundance, Money, Protection, Divination, Knowledge, Wisdom
Rose- Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love Divination, Luck, Protection
Sage (Cooking Sage) - Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes
Sandalwood (White) – Love, Meditation, Peace of Mind, Safety
Spearmint - Healing, Love, Mental Powers
Thyme- Health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Power, Love, Purification, Courage
Thank you for reading my post. I hope chu are able to use this information to good use. Bye byes~
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dailydemonspotlight · 5 months
Barong - Day 25
Race: Avatar
Alignment: Light-Neutral
April 24th, 2024
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I'd like to start this daily demon spotlight with an admittance of bias. Barong is my favorite demon in the series, bar none. In celebration of making it to 25 (!!) days of this series, I've decided to let the holy cat out of the bag. Barong is the demon that introduced me to Balinese mythology, has saved my hide several times throughout the series, and has an adorable and unique design to boot. He stands right next to, if not above Black Frost and Chernobog in my book. Past that, though, I would also like to say- thank you all for sticking with me for 25 days! It's been so damn fun, and I plan on continuing this series for months, if not years to come. I know it's a little early for the ivories, but the small community that has been built up over time has given me so much life and energy!
With that sappy stuff out of the way...
Today's demon of the day lies in the form of the great panther, protector of mankind, and host of all things good, Barong. Bali mythology is surprisingly easy to look through, having solid roots and foundations, as well as its origin being in a somewhat small subset of Indonesia, though this isn't to say it's not complex. Balinese mythology takes a unique form, one similar to the worship of Ame-no-Uzume, wherein several of its stories aren't plays nor grand tales, but rather, fascinatingly hypnotic dances. Barong's appearance in these dances is that of a glamorously decorated (and very ambiguous) animal that I would personally say looks somewhat, vaguely similar to a lion?
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However, the type of animal it is isn't that important, and admittedly just makes me confused. What is important is Barong's role in Balinese mythology, that being of a protector of humanity itself- in the mythos surrounding Barong and its eternal rival Rangda, Barong represents good health, good fortune, and has reign over all the spirits that inhabit the small province. The most prominent myth featuring the great avatar is recanted in the famous Kris dance, a dance representing Barong battling with Rangda. During the hypnotic trawl, dancers bring swords dangerously close to hurting themselves, though they emerge unscathed, watched over by two dancers in an ornate harness holding up the avatar of Barong who dances furiously behind them.
The dance begins with two monkeys and Barong engaging in dance, though quickly escalates as witches sent by Rangda attack the frolicking group. The dance-drama escalates from there as Barong tries to reign back control over the kingdom, which had found itself under siege by Rangda, eventually leading to the most iconic scene of the play, wherein two palace guards stab themselves with kali daggers in a desperate trance under Rangda's control- though they emerge unscathed as Barong comes to the rescue and engages in battle with the witch, protecting the guards with his holy magic. After a long and fraught dance between Barong and its rival, eventually, the holy avatar emerges victorious, and the kingdom is returned to peace and prosperity.
Barong is not just an artefact of the dance, though- he's an important figure in Balinese tradition, one held in reverence and good spirits, and the dance is simply held to represent the eternal struggle between good and evil, as well as celebrate the triumph of the love and goodness that Barong represents. People equipped in Barong costumes even, on occasion, parade around Balinese towns in order to ward off evil spirits and bad luck. Barong is locked in a never-ending battle against Rangda and the forces of darkness, yet never gives up hope; As a Bali volunteer in the Bali Volunteer Program puts it, "Once the trance is over, Barong and his supporters finally overthrow Rangda. But she does not die. Instead, she reincarnates and Barong must defeat her again. The fight never stops. It is symbolic of light’s eternal strife against darkness."
In the SMT series, Barong is depicted faithfully, though far more blue than red. Decorated in jewels and studded in silver, the Balinese lion dances in combat, easily connecting to the dance-dramas the beast is so frequently depicted in. Interestingly, a common series staple is that of Rangda and Barong's fusion leading to Shiva, and while unconfirmed, I have an idea as to why this may be the case. While Barong and Rangda are from completely different mythologies, they both represent opposing forces of light and dark, something that Shiva, a god of destruction who is not evil, is an inherent blend of- Shiva is both light and dark, good and evil, while Barong is good, light, and Rangda is evil, dark.
All in all, Balinese myth's hypnotic dances and beautiful performances lend to an amazingly designed demon that truly fulfills all it sets out to do, represents an underrepresented mythology, and stands out as my personal favorite demon in the series. Next to Chernobog and Black Frost, of course. And also Parvati. And Mother Harlot. Am I just edgy?
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ashabsynthe · 1 year
The Power of Crystals in Witchcraft: Harnessing the Energy of Gemstones
Crystals have been used in witchcraft for centuries. They are believed to have magical properties that can be used for healing, protection, and manifestation.
There are many different types of crystals, each with its own unique properties. Some of the most popular crystals for witchcraft include:
Amethyst: Amethyst is known for its calming and protective properties. It is often used to ward off negative energy and promote peace of mind.
Citrine: Citrine is a stone of abundance and prosperity. It is said to attract wealth and good luck.
Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz is a stone of love and compassion. It is often used to promote self-love and attract romantic love.
Clear Quartz: Clear Quartz is a powerful amplifier of energy. It can be used to amplify the power of spells and rituals.
Garnet: Garnet is a stone of passion and courage. It is said to give the wearer strength and determination.
Jade: Jade is a stone of healing and protection. It is often used to promote good health and well-being.
Labradorite: Labradorite is a stone of transformation and intuition. It is said to help the wearer see the world in a new light.
Malachite: Malachite is a stone of protection and transformation. It is said to help the wearer release negative energy and attract positive change.
Moonstone: Moonstone is a stone of intuition and dreams. It is said to help the wearer connect with their intuition and manifest their dreams.
Onyx: Onyx is a stone of protection and strength. It is said to help the wearer overcome obstacles and stay grounded.
Opal: Opal is a stone of creativity and inspiration. It is said to help the wearer tap into their creativity and manifest their dreams.
Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz is a stone of love and compassion. It is said to promote self-love and attract romantic love.
Sapphire: Sapphire is a stone of wisdom and protection. It is said to help the wearer make wise decisions and stay safe.
Tiger's Eye: Tiger's Eye is a stone of protection and courage. It is said to help the wearer overcome obstacles and stay grounded.
Turquoise: Turquoise is a stone of protection and healing. It is said to help the wearer stay safe and healthy.
Crystals can be used in a variety of ways in witchcraft. They can be worn as jewelry, carried in a pocket, or placed in a sacred space. They can also be used in spells, rituals, and meditations.
When working with crystals, it is important to cleanse them before use. This can be done by smoke cleansing them with herbs or incense, burying them in the earth, or placing them in running water.
Once the crystals are cleansed, they can be charged with your intention. This can be done by meditating with them, holding them in your hands, or speaking your intention aloud.
Once the crystals are charged, they are ready to be used in your witchcraft practice.
There are many different ways to use crystals in witchcraft. Here are a few ideas:
Wear crystals as jewelry. This is a simple way to keep the energy of the crystals close to you.
Carry crystals in your pocket. This is a great way to stay protected and grounded throughout the day.
Place crystals in a sacred space. This could be your altar, your bedroom, or any other place where you like to meditate or practice witchcraft.
Use crystals in spells and rituals. Crystals can be added to spell jars, used in candle magic, or incorporated into other types of rituals.
Meditate with crystals. Crystals can be powerful tools for meditation. Hold them in your hands or place them around you as you meditate.
Create crystal grids. Crystal grids are a powerful way to harness the energy of crystals. You can create a grid for any intention, such as protection, healing, or manifestation.
Crystals are a versatile and powerful tool that can be used in a variety of ways in witchcraft. With a little experimentation, you can find the crystals that work best for you and your practice.
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theantarwitch · 2 years
Basic Metals and their Magical Properties: Easy Chart.
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Bronze: An alloy consisting primarily of copper, commonly with tin and often with the addition of other metals. Has the element Fire, hence its warm fiery color.
Auditory Magic: Music, communication, creativity, imagination, ambition, intuition.
Fire: Spells that create, control, or extinguish fires, control temperatures, or cause burns or explosions, create, move, and disperse smoke and other hot gases, increase or decrease the temperature of their targets.
Health: To fight infections due to its inclusion of copper.
Money: Was the second metal widely used to mint small denomination coins, excel at casting spells that bring wealth and prosperity, career, employment, job. Amulets for protection against harm in battle and for protection against robbers, burglars, embezzlers, muggers, and thieves.
Warrior: As a metal that was long used for the forging of weapons, good to increase their target’s fighting abilities, for agility, strength, resilience, speed and endurance, protection from wear-and-tear, good luck charms for warriors.
 Copper: A soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity.
Feminine. The Greeks copper as Cyprium, because they mined it on the island of Cyprus (which is pronounced kup-ros). Since Cyprus was known as the birthplace of Venus, the goddess of love, copper is often associated with her, and with the planet Venus as well, that’s why the alchemical symbol for copper is the symbol for the planet Venus.
Energy Conductor: For control electromagnetism, control fire, control temperature, fight infections due to its antibacterial properties, warmth,
Money: Wealth, abundance, and prosperity. Amulets for protection the ravages of poverty and against robbers, good fortune and good luck, charms.
Hidden: to reveal evil actions and intents, especially lies and deceptions, to find hidden or lost objects and make the invisible visible.
Healing: Copper bracelets that supposedly to help with aches and pains, fertility,
Protection, safeguarding and transmission of essentials, to draw away negative energy,
Bring utility, change, attraction, balance, concentration, focus, friendship, happiness, harmony, love, lust, passion, peace of mind, peacefulness, purification, self-esteem, spirituality.
 Tin: A silvery metal that characteristically has a faint yellow hue, soft enough to be cut with little force. Associated with Jupiter, the planet and the Roman god.
Money: Success, prosperity, abundance, good luck,
Healing: Particularly rejuvenation and regeneration, often tied to tin, which, on a physical level, acts as a bactericide.
Protection from wear-and-tear. Home and family, every-day magic, utilitarian magic.
Illumination, knowledge and divination, desire, honor, hope, lust, passion. It also amplifies the magical properties of other ingredients.
In some belief systems, lightning is associated with tin. Lightning bolts are a symbol of the god Jupiter, so items charged during a lightning storm can be potent magical tools indeed.
Has naturally some awesome acoustic properties, often used in the making of bells and musical instruments.
 Aluminium: It has a great affinity towards oxygen, and forms a protective layer of oxide on the surface when exposed to air.
Visually resembles silver, both in its color and in its great ability to reflect light. The magician's "invisibility metal". Reflects incoming energies and makes the perfect base for magic mirrors. Useful for magical protection if worn as jewelry.
Air magic, calming, meditation, protection, soothing, travel, truthfulness.
Associated with Saturn.
 Nickel: A silvery-white lustrous metal with a slight golden tinge, belongs to the transition metals and is hard and ductile. Common in coins.
Permanence, glamour, greed, urban magic, brittleness, the home, opening doors, attraction, influence, knowledge, repelling, truth, wisdom.
Extends into most dimensions, and has many levels of existence, useful when additional information or energy is required, or when dealing with trying to solve problems, advance knowledge or a personal breakthrough or threshold shift is required.
 Steel: Is an alloy made up of iron with typically a few tenths of a percent of carbon to improve its strength and fracture resistance compared to other forms of iron. Popular in jewelry making since it’s so strong, durable, and affordable.
Permanence, glamour, greed, urban magic, brittleness, the home, opening doors.
Steel's energies are highly projective and it’s associated with the planet Mars, making it a spiritual armor. To protect yourself from psychic attacks, extreme negativity or anything that would suck the energy right out of you.
 Iron: Is, by mass, the most common element on Earth, forming much of Earth's outer and inner core. Associated with the earth itself, but also connected with the skies and the universe, because it is found in stars and other celestial bodies. Iron in the earth is often the result of crashed meteorites, it truly is a metal that reflects the ideology of “As above, so below.”
Associated with the planet Mars, as well as the god of war, is an almost archetypical representation of the warrior, of power, and of courage. Early weaponry was made from iron ores, and much of mankind’s conquest and control of the natural world is rooted in our ability to manipulate iron.
Permanence, opposition to nature, urban magic, influence, destruction, curses, strength, blood magic, health.
In grounding rituals and workings, or if you’re heading in the opposite direction, use it for astral travel.
Associated with protection, Horseshoes and other iron items can be hung around your home to create a magical barrier against those who might do you harm.
 Gold: In a pure form, it is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable, and ductile metal. Element Fire. The alchemical symbol of gold is a circle with a dot in the middle, the symbol for the Sun, of power and dominance.
Money: wealth, ambition, financial comfort and success, fortune, generosity, good luck, influence, money, opportunity, prosperity, power. Protection and against robbers.
Love: Traditionally used to craft wedding rings, a symbol of eternal love, loyalty, and devotion. Beauty spells, glamour, appearances, happiness, positive energy attraction,
Protection: Primarily for children, against harm and curses, and especially the evil eye.
Health, overcoming addictions, healing. strength
Sun magic for confidence, honesty, hope, positivity, willpower, wisdom.
 Silver: A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it exhibits the highest electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and reflectivity of any metal. Representation of truth and trust.
Considered a neutral metal, associated with moon magic, and all that comes along with it, such as intuition, wisdom, psychic sensitivity, psychic abilities, clairvoyance, cleansing, divination, dreams, lucid dreaming, meditation, purification, reflection, self-awareness, dowsing, spirituality.
A reflective metal, not just physically but on a metaphysical level, can reflect negative energy and help prevent psychic attack, offensive magic (like the silver bullet), hex-breaking, boosting energy
Warding illness (but not necessarily healing), good price-to-beauty ratio, domesticity, balancing, clearing, emotional healing & growth, grounding, hope, nurturing.
 Lead: A heavy metal that is denser than most common materials. Lead is soft and malleable, and also has a relatively low melting point. Associated with Saturn, and the god of the same name. Not especially pretty, tends to block out light and sound, and is a poor conductor of energy and electricity.
The heaviest of the base metals. Lead is not only heavy, it’s also durable and hard to change. Lead items found in archaeological excavations are usually still unbroken after thousands of years. Associated with fire, melts easily over an open flame. Once burned down, the lead is replaced by a fine yellowish ashy powder, which is why alchemists believed that lead and gold were so intricately connected. Lead is the metal of transformation and resurrection.
To focus on connection with your deepest unconscious self, meditation, and stability and grounding, to control negative behaviors and thoughts, break your bad habits, and overcome addictions. For communication with the underworld.
The silent metal, creates a space of silence, perfect for "black space" meditations.
A good barrier to all forms of energy, can be used to keep things in, as well as out.
 Mercury: A heavy, silvery element, the only metallic element that is liquid at standard conditions for temperature and pressure.
Was known as mercurius vivens, or “the living mercury,” because is the only one whose final form is still in motion.
Found in tombs in China, Egypt, and India dating back several thousand years, mercury was eventually used in healing medicine.
Is a bit of an anomaly when it comes to metals, unlike others, it’s not hard or malleable, it can’t be scratched, shaped, or bent, doesn’t conduct heat, but it does react to it, and will expand and contract based on temperatures–that’s why it’s used in thermometers. When it’s frozen, it actually works as an excellent conductor of electricity.
Because it appears as a living, breathing thing in constant motion, mercury is sometimes associated with the serpent. It’s symbolic not only with the life force itself, but also with the aspects of death and decomposition. Because mercury is dangerous to use, when it comes to magic, it is typically replaced by either silver or mercurial archetypes.
Magical workings involving mercury include communication and progress–after all, the god Mercury was a fleet-footed messenger–as well as mental clarity, higher learning and education, and the ability to be a persuasive and convincing speaker.
Extremely active and impactful at the multi-level, mercury has many applications from change, via transdimensional transportation of consciousness to being a perfect choice for a magic mirror.
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bala5 · 5 months
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The Cedar Waxwing symbolizes for us the need for change and movement to find the nourishment we need in life. Their sense of community and desire to share the fruits of their labor with one another, reflects our desire to engage our creative nature and joy in making something tangible for others to experience.
Spiritual and Magical meanings of encountering a Cedar Waxwing. Cedar waxwings play an important role in nature by helping to pollinate trees and plants. As totem animals, they remind us to enjoy life’s simple pleasures and to take time to appreciate the beauty around us. In addition, cedar waxwing spiritual meaning can teach us about balance, patience, and self-reliance. May you find peace and solace among the cedar waxwings. the cedar waxwing is often seen as a symbol of balance. This is because these birds are known to live in harmony with their surroundings. In addition, cedar waxwings are thought to possess great patience and fortitude. They are also considered very self-reliant, which is another important trait to embody. They often appear during turmoil or strife, reminding us to remain calm and find our inner center.
The Celts hold the cedar waxwing in high regard, seeing it as a symbol of hope and rebirth. In particular, they believed that these birds represented the spirit of hope and that the waxwing was a messenger of new beginnings. In some Celtic traditions, this bird is seen as an omen of bad things to come; however, this is typically only when the waxwing appears in large numbers. When this happens, it is often seen as a sign that something big is about to happen, either good or bad.
In Far Eastern cultures, the cedar waxwing is often seen as a symbol of good fortune. These birds bring luck and prosperity to those who cross their path. In addition, the cedar waxwing is also associated with longevity and wisdom. It is believed that these birds can help us to tap into our inner wisdom and to live a long and prosperous life.
The cedar waxwing is also seen as a symbol of friendship in many cultures. This is because these birds are known to be very social creatures. They often travel in flocks and are always seen working together. This makes them the perfect symbol for those who value friendship and teamwork.
The cedar waxwing also has a special place in Greek mythology. In this culture, the cedar waxwing is seen as a symbol of love and affection. This is because these birds are known to mate for life and to care for their young diligently. Additionally, the cedar waxwing is also associated with the Greek god Dionysus, the god of wine. These birds are often seen drinking fermented fruit in mid-flight and seem to have a great appreciation for all things sweet and delicious! Overall, the cedar waxwing has a special significance in many different cultures. Whether you see this bird as a symbol of balance, patience, or self-reliance, there is no doubt that the cedar waxwing has much to teach us.
When you look at the Waxwing’s head, it appears as if masked, another allusion to confidentiality with some mystery and the art of disguise thrown in for good measure. For nesting, Waxwings prefer the Rowan (Mountain Ash). The Rowan Tree represents courage, wisdom, and protection. A hardy Apple tree is the Waxwing’s alternative settling spot, indicative of health, happiness, and love. When the trees are close to water, it’s even better. They need plenty of water for processing the sugars in their diet. Sometimes the Waxwings gather overripe berries, becoming intoxicated and unable to fly.
A central message from the Waxwing Spirit Animal focuses on generosity. Ask yourself if someone in your life is genuinely in need. Alternatively, consider a charitable cause you can get behind in the way of support. Remember, giving is not always a matter of money. Time helps, extra hands help, your skills can help. The rewards from such efforts don’t have a price tag; they are priceless. Speaking of gifting, Waxwing Spirit Animal instructs taking an inventory of items you have but no longer need or use. If it’s sat on a shelf for six months without a thought, find a new home graciously. An extra benefit here is removing clutter and opening your space to the flow of positive energies. Third, Waxwing Spirit Animal reminds you to give means receiving as well. Many people find it hard to accept help. Pride or embarrassment gets in the way. However, the Universe values YOU too. Be thankful no matter how small or large the gesture.
Finally, the Waxwing Spirit Animal challenges you to take time in introspection. What masks do you wear in your life, and why? In Shamanic traditions, costumes transform. In other settings, they can deceive or protect. You should remain aware of the masks you don, checking for good intentions.
Words by Kimberly McGrath
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hallow-witxh · 2 years
do you know any plants / flowers that are good for ‘love growth’ ? i want to gift my boyfriend a planter i made and some seedlings of a plant so we can do a small ritual of planting said seedlings and for it to represent our growing love 🙇🏻‍♀️
Hi, friend! I hope you don't mind that I use this ask as an opportunity to share some information with everyone else. I also want to apologize for it taking me so long to answer.
Love growth is a form of love magic that I can condone under certain circumstances, and this is definitely one of the circumstances where I think it's endearing and special. You put time, effort, and heart into making something special for your partner and it's only natural to add in plants and flora that would emphasize that.
I would recommend the following:
Lavender is known for calming and purification, but it's also a symbol of love and partnership. Growing lavender can help influence both of you into having calm conversations instead of arguments, and it can also invoke a sense of calm and peace into a loving home, whether you live together or not.
There's a reason that basil is called the witches' herb. It's more than invoking money and protection. Growing basil can bring love and sympathy into the relationship, and also help strengthen loyalty and passion.
If you so desire, starting an apple tree in a small planter is also a good idea. Apples are known for love and healing. Bring a sense of love into your relationship as well as healing from past relationship trauma and arguments or fights. When the plant gets too big, plant it somewhere special to both of you, preferably in a home that you share.
Avocados are a potent love symbol. Much like an apple tree, start an avocado tree in the pot and replant it when you need to. Growing them can also influence passion and lust, bringing you and your partner closer together intimately.
Another great plant to grow for love growth is beets. They're relatively easy to grow, and can also be used in kitchen magic when they're grown. They're great for growing a sense of affection, closeness, and love.
Cardamom represents love as well as lust and fidelity! Growing this can bond you two closer, and bring your spirits closer together as well.
I also recommend chamomile. It brings rest and peace to a relationship as well as increases the sense of love and closeness. Plus, you can brew tea once it's grown!
Chili peppers represent love and fidelity. Growing chili peppers can grow a passionate bond and help you resist any temptation that you may feel. They're also delicious.
I would also like to add coriander to this list. Growing coriander can grow your love but it will also protect your love from outside forces trying to manipulate your relationship (for example; toxic in-laws). It also represents health and immortality.
Daffodils and daisies both represent love and luck. Growing either of them or both of them can increase the luck in your relationship (example: finding a way to move in together, having good dates, etc) as well as growing your love.
Pansy flowers attract love.
Periwinkle flowers specifically help grow love in relationships and marriage. I would recommend growing these and daffodils or daisies together, although in separate pots.
Poppy flowers attract love and abundance. As well as growing the love in your relationship, poppies can also bring forth prosperity and abundance to you two.
Roses, obviously.
I would also suggest rosemary, because it can be used in love magic while still offering protection and cleansing properties.
Of course there are many others, but these are my number one recommendations! I hope it's helpful.
Blessed be!
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thatfluffymuffin · 10 months
Meet Mora, my TLOZ S/I!
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She's a merchant who sells lucky charms, and is dating the Happy Mask Salesman and Midna! There's currently 5 fics in development that feature her atm.
She actually has more than one look. The look you're seeing is her look for Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, and Hyrule Warriors. I'll draw the other ones soon!
Also I apologize if the anatomy is a bit weird. I gave her N64 low-poly mitten hands cause I was struggling to draw her hands.
The colors for her hair highlights, eyes, and wings are sampled from this palette. Meanwhile, her outfit colors are sampled from this palette.
As for what kinds of lucky charms she sells? Those can be found under the cut.
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From an in-universe standpoint, good luck charms are charm pins that gives the wearer intense luck. Whatever good luck they recieve depends on what pin they're currently wearing. From a gameplay standpoint, each good luck charm acts as some sort of "cheat" or assist effect during gameplay. They're somewhat similar to the Badges from Super Mario Bros. Wonder.
Name: Charm of Health
Gem: Amber
Item: Acorn
Purpose: Grants the wearer improved health and growing. Gameplay wise, it occasionally heals the player to a great amount.
Name: Charm of Prosperity
Gem: Diamond
Item: Bird feather
Purpose: Grants the wearer more likelihood to become more wealthy. Gameplay wise, it causes more Rupees and other items to appear when destroying nature-related objects.
Name: Charm of Skill
Gem: Opal
Item: Piece of white bamboo
Purpose: Grants the wearer more connection to their hobbies and skills. Gameplay wise, it greatly improves weapon usage and performance for the player.
Name: Charm of Mind
Gem: Amethyst
Item: Wishbone
Purpose: Grants the wearer improved mentality. Gameplay wise, targeting and focusing is improved for the player.
Name: Charm of Protection
Gem: Ruby
Item: Ladybug
Purpose: Grants the wearer invisible protection from danger. Gameplay wise, it forms a transparent shield around the player.
Name: Charm of Remedy
Gem: Sapphire
Item: Fish scales
Purpose: Grants the wearer the ability to heal with water. Gameplay wise, it greatly improves underwater exploration for the player.
Name: Charm of Happiness
Gem: Topaz
Item: Barnstar
Purpose: Grants the wearer more happiness. Gameplay wise, it gives the player a few extra hearts. These hearts however can disappear once unequipping this charm.
Name: Charm of Kindness
Gem: Pink Quartz
Item: Pig's tail
Purpose: Grants the wearer improved kindness for others, especially animals. Gameplay wise, animals will help and be more nice to the player.
Name: Charm of Serenity
Gem: Emerald
Item: Four leaf clover
Purpose: Grants the wearer calm feelings and emotions when in nature. Gameplay wise, it gives the player unlimited power for the magic meter.
Name: Charm of Energy
Gem: Luminous Stone
Item: Horseshoe
Purpose: Grants the wearer great energy and strength. Gameplay wise, it would make the player run faster than ever, even when riding Epona.
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strawberry-soot · 2 years
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ⚡SEBEK BIRTHDAY SSR FLOWER ANALYSIS* ⚡*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
*Mandatory reminder that I’m no flower specialist, which means these are all very subjective opinions. Take everything with a grain of salt!
The big green flowers in Sebek’s bouquet are Anastasia spider chrysanthemums. They represent wellbeing and longevity, but also youthfulness, reservation, rest, as well as internal and external balance. They can also be used to symbolize harmony (between the sky, sun, and earth), rebirth, good health and good fortune.
The ranunculus in his bouquet stands for charm and attraction/attractiveness, as well as elegance, pure love, innocence, and grace. They’re usually gifted to show the recipient how much you value them and your relationship.
Tulips symbolize true or pure love, though since they bloom early in spring they’re a universal symbol of new life and fresh, hopeful beginnings. Green tulips would be perfect to gift to a person who's starting a new phase of their life or "turning over a new leaf."
Daylilies are a symbol of (filial) devotion and good luck, as well as success, power, and wealth. In China, they’re often associated with forgetfulness and loss of memory, but their meaning can also be read as one of "forgetting worries" instead. You’d typically gift them to someone who’s going through a rough patch to give them strength to overcome their struggles and move on.
In the Victorian language of flowers hypericum (berries) symbolize superstition. They were burned as protection against evil spirits and are well known for their healing properties which is why they also represent good health, happiness, cheerfulness, and inspiration. They make for a great gift to someone treading a new path in life.
The brown asters in his bouquet symbolize love, wisdom, patience, faith, elegance, and beauty. In Chinese culture they represent faithfulness and devotion. 
Allium schubertii represent unity, good fortune, and patience. Alliums are known to have a relatively slow blooming process (note: Sebek says his magic developed “at a late age” in one of his birthday boy SSR voice lines) so it’s a symbol of patience and also perseverance, but also one of humility and prosperity. A purple/lavender hue would give it the additional meaning of respect, strong admiration, tradition, and royalty, as well as youth, elegance and grace, while a white allium is a symbol of purity and innocence. Alliums can also symbolize immortality and unrequited love.
Naturally, these are only my un-educated guesses, but feel free to let me know if I got anything wrong/what flowers I might’ve missed.
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
Candle Magic 101
For everyone curious, here is a simplified breakdown of everything you need to get into candle magic! This is one of my favorite kinds of practice, and I can’t wait to share it with you. 
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Magical Prerequisites:
Understand energy work, visualization, and meditation
Comprehend correspondence
Know how to safely use all traditional witchcraft tools
Basic Fire Safety:
Do not leave flames unattended
Keep any open flames away from flammable objects
Keep fire out of reach of children/pets
Cut wick to a 1/4 inch before burning
Only light candles in a ventilated room if practicing indoors
Do not practice when the weather is windy if practicing outside
Be mindful of your hair, jewelry and clothing
Candle Style:
Birthday Candles -
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Burn quickly
Easy to use in a tight situation with no other resources
Tea Light -
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Typically burn around a few hours max
Great when used for shorter spells
Votive -
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On average reach a 10 hour burn
Slightly larger than tea lights, good for longer spells
Chime - 
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Sizing falls between a tea light and a pillar
Longer candles that burn for shorter amounts of time
Pillar - 
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A.K.A. “Seven day candles”
Burn for the longest amount of time, varying per size
*Figurine and Skull Candles*
Figurine candles are used to represent people or animals (great when creating targeting spells)
Skull candles are used to influence, typically used in baneful magic
Color Correspondents:
These are basic color correspondents that align with most people’s beliefs for candle magic. Some candles can have multiple colors, which can be used to match intentions. 
In a pinch, white candles can be a stand-in resource due to white being a blank slate for all intentions.
Black -
White -
Brown -
Pink -
Red -
Orange -
Yellow -
Gold - 
Purple - 
Spirit workings
Blue -
Green -
Success/prosperity in money
Silver - 
Lunar workings
Wax Types
There are many different types of wax used in the creation of candles that can be used in your practice. It can be important to know the difference between them because it will alter burn time and potential burning products (soot, etc.).
Soy Wax Candles
Made from soyabean oil
Not the most sustainable type of wax
Paraffin Wax Candles
The most common type of wax
Releases soot when burned
Beeswax Candles
Don’t drip as easily as other forms of wax
Many don’t have added colors and scents due to beeswax having a honey scent when burned
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thaiamulet-us · 2 years
Mae Per + Goddess Kali Powerful Thai Amulet
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Mae Per + Goddess Kali Powerful Thai Amulet
Magic item attraction love spell ,improve your life protection from misfortune By Lp Kruba Kampeng
Attract a lover , Attract money, Attract business, Make your lover come to you, Controlling and commanding build rapport quickly and easily for several different purposes, namely to attract manifold blessings of good luck, love, health and wealth. • The user will become invulnerable to all sorts of weapons wielded by aggressors and enemies. • You will be protected from bombs, psychic attack, and black magick and acquire unexpected magickal strength and power. • Your charisma would increase and you would appear more attractive. You will find things running smoothly for you. • Cleanse and purify yourself of all negative energies/forces and have a powerful magnetic aura and thus a brighter future.
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  This empowered item contains the magical abilities of a powerful amulet, and is an extremely beneficial the Thai occult amulet that will enable you to improve your life financially and spiritually. The Goddess Kali + Mae Per will utilize its powers to provide you with great protection from misfortune, and will also help you to attract wealth and prosper in your career. If you may feel that your house has come under the attack of evil powers, black magic spells, witchraft etc , Then this The + Mae Per powerful is very strong and will destroy all evil affects that are in your house Additionally, once the power of the amulet is activated, you will also begin to notice that those you interact with will trust you more, and your authoritative presence will also be further developed. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mae Per : is an effigy in the form of a woman sitting in the act of giving birth, Fertility and the magic of the female entwined with the magic of producing life through pain and blood, which represents the great sacrifice of a Mother to give up her blood, body and mind to her children and those she loves. In the Khmer belief, it is held that the Mae per Deity is the greatest form of Metta with great power to win over your enemies to friends, attract customers, and admirers of both sexes. She is also possessed with the Hoeng Prai Spirit which has power to convince the ruling devas of the Gambling Tables, and to call lucky windfalls in Lottery Gambling. For those who wish to use the amulet as a love charm to find the love (or solution) to their life, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The Origin of Goddess Kali
Kali is one of the most powerful goddesses of India. Kali is a goddess dark of mind, body and soul, a mysterious goddess of death and destruction  ,However her story is far more complex and far-reaching; Kali is, like many Hindu deities, She is depicted in the Mahakali form as having 10 arms, Each of her ten hands is carrying a various implement which vary in different accounts, usually holds an object and these can include a sword, dagger, trident, cup, drum, chakra, lotus bud, whip, noose, bell, and shield, and each  the power of one of the Devas or Hindu Gods and are often the identifying weapon or ritual item of a given Deva,the metaphysical mystery of death that encircles life. Her three eyes represent omniscience, her voluptuous breasts both sexual lust and nurturance. Her nakedness simultaneously represents carnality and purity   Goddess Kali  most common pose in paintings is in her most fearsome guise as the slayer of demons, where she stands or dances with one foot on a collapsed Shiva and holds a severed head. She wears a skirt of severed human arms, a necklace of decapitated heads, and earrings of dead children, and she often has a terrifying expression with a lolling tongue which drips blood. In spite of her seemingly terrible form, Kali Ma is often considered the kindest and most loving of all the Hindu goddesses, as she is regarded by her devotees as the Mother of the whole Universe. she will continue to exist even when the universe ends, And because of her terrible form, she is also often seen as a great protector. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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Thai occult amulet : attraction love spell ,improve your life protection from misfortune  If your enemy has done any evil magic or black magic witchcraft or your enemy is trying to do some evil magic spell on you then this powerful talisman will destroy all the evil action which is made towards you and the person who has done magic on you will be effected by his own magic and evil powers. This is another simple Protection from Black magic spell. If you feel that you are a victim of Evil Eye on you. If you are having too much bad luck, and nothing is working for you. You are having money or financial problems and also you are having lots of fights in your love relation, This amulet is prepared specially for all my devotees whose life is in trouble and who really need help and want to lead long and a happy life, and it is important to destroy these evil spells on you and take immediate protection so that you can live a happy and successful life   This a powerful amulet that will improve your luck and your influence over others. It earns the wearer profound respect and prosperity. It is suitable to improve your business dealings and business negotiations.   The amulet can requested to aid in areas regarding wealth and prosperity, career advancement, and Strong sexual attraction. You will be able to attract people sexually. Following your sexual orientation, well  liked by the people around you, Social and professional environment. Whether you know them or not, people will generally be nicer to you. This is an advantageous push and additional advantage for sales professionals and service professionals who genuinely want to do well in your job, It can be requested to aid in areas regarding protection ,wealth , career advancement, barren couples to conceive children, passing examinations, , and many other aspects of your life.
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Magic item attraction love spell ,improve your life protection from misfortune By Lp Kruba Kampeng
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🙏 Thailand Amulet Center By Ruruecha provides free of charge domestic Amulet-Talisman and Thai Product ✈️ Delivery to your door all over the country. And Yet, we Free shipping Thai Product worldwide with the most suitable couriers. All Item comes with plastic bubble wraps and would be carefully packaged in a carton box. The package would be delivered from Chiang rai Thailand through Registered Air Mail Via Thailand Post Co ,Ltd. Please allow 7 - 20 Business Days for shipment arrival. Note: 🙏 The actual Amulet & Talisman Or Thai Product might be slightly different from the display image due to camera light and/or brightness of screen monitors. Likewise, The features mentioned above Still the same in all respects 💖 The result may different for each person. 💖 The amulet is a personal belief. Please use consideration 💖 If you have faith into something , you can felt invisible power inside what you believe. It is always be better true for amulets users 🎯Guarantee you the most powerful amulet you can get, using only the finest tools and most sacred forms of magick that has been used for centuries with extraordinary results. 💖 We’re glad that you found what you were looking for. It is our goal that you are always happy with what you bought from us, so please let us know if your buying experience was anything short of excellent. We look forward to seeing you again. 🙏 If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to let me know. I look forward to hearing from you. 💖 May God continue to bless you and your family with divine light, love and power that will bring much love, joy, peace, inner strength and overflowing abundance in your home . Best Regards 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you very much & Good Luck and Happy and Enjoy Shopping Read the full article
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hadeschan · 2 years
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We’re sorry, this item has sold out
item # K17F03
RARE Rian Roon Raek Luang Phor Jamnian, Nua Ngern Yuang. The coin amulet with an effigy of Luang Phor Jamnian of Wat Tam Sua in profile, and a bas-relief of a Dharmachakra or a Wheel of Dharma in the back which represents “wisdom, knowledge, and insight”. Made from “Ngern Yuang” in Thai refers to a valuable palladium, but this amulet is actually made from aluminum-silver alloy. Made by Luang Phor Jamnian of Wat Tam Sua, Krabi Province in BE 2519 (CE 1976) as THE FIRST work of his coin amulets.
BEST FOR: The Wheel of Dharma helps turn your life to the better. This amulet has a tendency to draw positive energy. It brings longevity with abundance of good health, wealth, and prosperity. It helps you achieve your goal and fulfillment in your work and career, avoid misfortune, and improve your luck, power, and prestige. Anything you wish for, and it could change your life for the better, Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan Chatrie (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. And Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). And this amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.
In Buddhism, the Dharma Chakra is widely used to represent the Buddha's Dharma (Buddha's teaching and the universal moral order), Buddha himself and the walking of the path to enlightenment, since the time of Early Buddhism. The symbol is also sometimes connected to the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path and Dependent Origination. The pre-Buddhist dharmachakra is considered one of the ashtamangala (auspicious signs).
The Buddha is said to have set the "wheel of dharma" in motion when he delivered his first sermon which is described in the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. This "turning of the wheel" signifies a great and revolutionary change with universal consequences, brought about by an exceptional human being. Buddhism adopted the wheel as a symbol from the Indic mythical idea of the ideal king, called a chakravartin ("wheel-turner", or "universal monarch"), who was said to possess several mythical objects, including the ratana cakka (the ideal wheel). The Mahā Sudassana Sutta of the Digha Nikaya describes this wheel as having a nave (nābhi), a thousand spokes (sahassārāni) and a felly (nemi), all of which are perfect in every respect. Siddhartha Gautama was said to have been a "mahapurisa" (great man) who could have chosen to become a wheel turning king, but instead became the spiritual counterpart to such a king, a wheel turning sage.
In his explanation of the term "turning the wheel of Dharma", the Theravada exegete Buddhaghosa explains that this "wheel" which the Buddha turned is primarily to be understood as wisdom, knowledge, and insight. This wisdom has two aspects, paṭivedha-ñāṇa, the wisdom of self-realization of the Truth and desanā-ñāṇa, the wisdom of proclamation of the Truth. The dharmachakra symbol also points to the central South Asian idea of "Dharma", a complex and multivalent term which refers to the eternal cosmic law, universal moral order and in Buddhism, the very teaching and path expounded by the Buddha.
In Buddhism, the cyclical movement of a wheel is also used to symbolize the cyclical nature of life in the world (also referred to as the "wheel of samsara", samsara-chakra or the "wheel of becoming", bhava-cakra). This wheel of suffering can be reversed or "turned" through the practice of the Buddhist path. The Buddhist terms for "suffering" (dukkha) and happiness (sukha) may also originally be related to the proper or improper fitting of wheels on a chariot's axle. The Indo-Tibetan tradition has developed elaborate depictions called Bhavacakras which depict the many realms of rebirth in Buddhist cosmology.
The spokes of a wheel are also often used as symbols of the Buddhist doctrine of dependent origination. According to the Theravada scholar Buddhaghosa:
“It is the beginningless round of rebirths that is called the ’Wheel of the round of rebirths’ (saṃsāracakka). Ignorance (avijjā) is its hub (or nave) because it is its root. Ageing-and-death (jarā-maraṇa) is its rim (or felly) because it terminates it. The remaining ten links [of Dependent Origination] are its spokes [i.e. saṅkhāra up to the process of becoming, bhava].”
DIMENSION: 3.30 cm high / 2.50 cm wide / 0.30 cm thick
item # K17F03
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay / INSTAREM / PromptPay International / Remitly
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archanasinghrathore · 18 hours
The Timeless Elegance: Unveiling the Significance and Benefits of Green Bangles
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Green bangles are more than just beautiful accessories; they are rich in cultural significance and symbolism, particularly in South Asian traditions. These vibrant adornments have been worn for generations, carrying meanings that transcend mere fashion. From weddings to festive occasions, green bangles play a vital role in the lives of many women, embodying a blend of tradition, spirituality, and personal expression.
Cultural Significance
In various cultures, green is a color deeply associated with prosperity, fertility, and abundance. This connection makes green bangles particularly auspicious for brides, who often wear them during wedding ceremonies to symbolize good luck and marital happiness. The vibrant hue represents fertility and growth, making it a favored choice for new beginnings. During significant life events, such as childbirth or festivals, women often adorn themselves with green bangles to attract blessings and positivity.
In Indian culture, festivals like Teej and Karva Chauth are celebrated with great enthusiasm, and green bangles are an essential part of the attire. These occasions emphasize a woman's devotion to her husband and family, and wearing green bangles during these times enhances the sense of celebration and joy. The bangles serve as a reminder of the bonds of love and commitment, encapsulating the essence of these rituals.
Symbolism and Meaning
Green bangles symbolize renewal and vitality, reflecting the beauty of nature and its ability to regenerate. This connection to the natural world instills a sense of peace and harmony in the wearer. In many spiritual beliefs, green is considered a healing color, associated with heart chakra energies that promote emotional well-being and balance. Wearing green bangles can enhance feelings of tranquility, love, and connection to one’s environment.
Moreover, green bangles often act as protective charms, warding off negativity and bringing good fortune to the wearer. In some cultures, it is believed that the bangles absorb positive energy and shield the individual from harmful influences, making them not just decorative items, but powerful symbols of protection.
Benefits of Wearing Green Bangles
Emotional Well-Being: The color green is known to have a calming effect on the mind. Wearing green bangles can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of well-being. This emotional upliftment can be particularly beneficial during challenging times, providing the wearer with a comforting presence.
Aesthetic Appeal: Green bangles complement a wide variety of outfits, from traditional attire to modern ensembles. Their vibrant color adds a touch of elegance and sophistication, making them a versatile accessory. They can be worn on their own or stacked with other bangles for a trendy, layered look.
Cultural Connection: Wearing green bangles can serve as a connection to one’s cultural heritage. For many women, these bangles are a way to express their identity and pride in their traditions. They can evoke memories of family celebrations and significant life events, enhancing the emotional value of the accessory.
Spiritual Benefits: Many believe that wearing green bangles can attract positive energies and good luck. The act of wearing them can be a ritualistic practice, reinforcing one's intentions for health, prosperity, and happiness. This spiritual aspect can provide a sense of empowerment and purpose.
Social Significance: In many communities, wearing green bangles signifies one's social status and connection to tradition. They are often passed down through generations, making them heirlooms that carry stories and histories. Wearing them can strengthen social bonds and foster a sense of belonging.
Green bangles are more than just decorative pieces; they are vibrant symbols of culture, tradition, and personal significance. From their role in weddings and festivals to their spiritual and emotional benefits, green bangles hold a unique place in the hearts of many. Whether you’re drawn to their aesthetic appeal or their deeper meanings, wearing green bangles allows you to celebrate elegance while embracing a rich legacy. As you adorn your wrists with these beautiful bangles, you not only enhance your style but also connect to a world of tradition, positivity, and love.
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tipsycad147 · 11 months
Candle Colours
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To make your spells unique, you will need to create your own associations. Ideally, each colour should have a personal connection that talks to you on a much deeper level than a simple color chart could ever do.
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White candles can be used for any type of ritual, meditation, or spellcasting work. Light a white candle every day to bring clarity and clear up energies. White candles are generally used for healing, lighting paths, and extra protection. However, they can be used as a substitute for any other color if that’s all you have. White candles symbolize positive energy, purity, and goodwill.
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If you associate black with darkness, or the absence of light, you could make the mistake of thinking that black candles are evil. This is not accurate. Black candles are powerful and protective. If you treat them with respect, they will always work in your favor.
During a spell or ritual, a black candle can be placed next to another candle of any color to dissolve negative energies. They are typically used by those who feel the need for some extra protection. It is said that black candles can absorb hostility, unfriendliness, curses, negative spells and other dark energies around us.
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Red has a very powerful and lively energy in candle Magic. It is used for strength, emotional and sexual stimulation, vitality, and passionate love. A red candle will bring vigor and sexual energy to an existing relationship.
Red candles have many other uses and are also commonly associated to protection, fire, fertility, quick action, power, lust, blood, physical attraction and passion, courage, energy, attraction, magnetism, desire, action, physical strength, and willpower.
A red candle is ideal for when you need a push starting a new project, or igniting a fiery love. This color connects you with your desires and everything related to new beginnings.
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Pink candles are the candles of romantic and tender love. Many people wrongly assume that the red candle is best for love spells but the truth is that pink candles are the most powerful when we want a long-lasting relationship or to reinforce a friendship.
Light a pink candle to ask for the return of a lost love, invite new love, to relieve depression and bring in self-love, or when casting spells related to friendship, honor, and morale. This color will help you connect with your most sensitive and receptive side, harmonizing bonds of friendship and love.
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Yellow candles are used for spells and works related to creativity, imagination, communication, mental strength, knowledge, and intellect.
A yellow candle will help strengthen your focus and powers of visualization during a ritual of Magic. This color is used to stimulate mental clarity and knowledge but can also bring joy, prosperity and the power to connect with our identity. It’s great for requests of creativity, materialization and trust.
Light a yellow candle if you want to be more open during a ritual, mentally as well as spiritually or socially. Yellow also represents attraction, charm, confidence and persuasion.
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Blue means, above all, serenity, peace and tranquility. People who seek to connect with their spirituality light these candles because it brings them harmony.
Blue is a very spiritual color that is used to search for inner peace; It confers truth and guidance. Other uses include physical and spiritual healing, sleep, creativity, perception, calm wisdom, dreams, and the examination of emotions.
Some authors say that it represents the Divine Mother or the Goddess. Wear blue for creative expression, understanding and patience. Light a blue candle before an important exam, to meditate, to avoid nightmares, or to activate your intellectual plane.
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Green is the color of growth. It is related to health, fertility, abundance, money, home, harmony, and luck.
A green candle usually represents the direction North, the element Earth, and the Magic of Nature. In addition, the color green encourages us to improve ourselves in personal projects such as studies, work and self-growth. Use green candles to cast spells that promote health, finances, good luck, fertility, or any personal goal that requires development and renewal.
You can also work with green candles in requests for the healing of body and soul, invoking the healing energies of Nature.
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Purple is considered a very esoteric colour. It symbolizes spiritual development, psychic powers, and expanded consciousness.
Light a purple candle to meditate, for introspection or even profound transformation. It will stimulate idealism and psychic manifestations, and help you make contact with the spiritual world. Purple also increases ambition, enthusiasm, desire and power.
Other types of rituals that use purple candles are invocations and requests for change. If you need to perform a deep cleanse, transform a very important aspect of your life, or even ask for a miracle, a purple candle is your best ally.
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This is a warm and stimulating color. Orange candles are frequently used in spells for courage, stimulation and attraction. They promote positive thinking, justice, courage, and change.
Orange represents the building of energy and enthusiasm. It can attract success, prosperity, and emotional healing. It will also activate your sacral chakra, enabling healthy relationships, attracting friends, self-respect, courage, and ambition.
Light an orange candle during your ritual to act as an element of balance. It can also promote mental agility, energy, success, and endurance.
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Brown candles can symbolize a connection to Earth, but as a more material approach. This color relates to stability, security, and balance. It can be used to aid your rituals for material gain, tenacity and commitment. Brown eliminates indecision, encourages concentration and promotes learning.
Light a brown candle for the protection of pets. Very light brown or beige candles can also be used to bring neutrality, balance and safety to your spellcasting.
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Light blue is closely related to blue. It is also used in rituals to increase peace, tranquility, patience and calmness. It radiates Aquarian energy and can be used in devotional or inspirational meditations.
If you want to reinforce a union or a family relationship, light a blue candle.
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Gold represents the dominant aspect of the Divinity. This color is used in candle burning rituals that have to do with protection, success, masculinity, joy, luck, divination or victory.
Light a golden candle during a spell in which you want to work with masculine energies, attract personal recognition from the outside world bringing prosperity, success, and abundance.
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Grey candles, often overlooked in the spectrum of candle magic, hold a unique significance that aligns with subtler aspects of spirituality. Representing neutrality and balance, gray candles are employed in rituals aimed at harmonizing conflicting energies, fostering introspection, and seeking compromise.
In the realm of candle magic, grey embodies a quiet authority, harnessing the essence of both black and white candles. They find a role in divination rituals, acting as a bridge between the realms of the conscious and subconscious, aiding in the exploration of hidden truths and intuitive insights.
Candle Spells FAQ
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Can I blow out the candles?
Blowing out a candle symbolizes the end of the ritual or spell. If you are not going to light the candle again, then you can blow out the candle and terminate your ritual. However, if the ritual is going to continue the next day or at another time, it is better to extinguish the candle with a wet finger or use a candle snuffer symbolizing that even though the candle is out, the ritual is still going on.
If you have blown out a candle when you shouldn’t have, don’t worry. This is not so important, it’s mostly superstition. If you really believe that blowing out the candle will cancel your spell, then probably your mind and intentions are not fully aligned. There should be no trace of doubt that your spell will work in your mind.
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How long do you leave the candles burning?
There are spells that clearly indicate to let the candle extinguish itself. This could be an issue for many Witches since it can take up to 2 hours for a candle to burn all the way and because it’s not safe to leave candles burning without supervision. Do not leave the room if the candle is still lit!
Instead, you have a few options:
Plan ahead. Find smaller candles and take the necessary time to let the candle burn all the way. Use this time for meditation, self-improvement and as a small sacrifice or a time-out from other things in your life.
Modify your rituals and spells so they are shorter. Instead of waiting for the candle to burn all the way, finish your ritual when you feel confident to do so (for instance, clap your hands or ring a bell to indicate sending the energies on its way), then blow out the candle, cut off the parts that you used or carved, and throw it away or bury it.
If you are a beginner, start with tealight candles, which are a lot smaller and burn faster. They will make your first spells feel easier and quicker.
Don’t be afraid to experiment. It might take a while, but eventually you will find the best candles that fit your purposes and you will learn how to carve them to make them burn faster.
Can I reuse the candles in my spells?
As mentioned before, some spells require you to light the same candles over the course of several days. If that’s the case, you should certainly reuse them. For one-time spells, if the candle is a central part of the spell, do not use that candle again because it’s now charged with the intention of that specific spell and re-using it may override and cancel the effect.
If you are using candles for a routine meditation or a simple cleanse without any directed intentions, then you can definitely re-use that candle the next time.
Join the Conversation: Candles: Use once? or Reuse?
How to dispose of candles after a spell?
According to your tradition, you will either bury the leftovers on soil, such as in your backyard, a churchyard, or you can throw them in your compost. Many people prefer to keep it simple and throw the remains in the trash since they will go to a landfill and be buried anyway. When doing this, remember that it’s still part of the ritual and a sacred act, so you could say a prayer as you do it, or just give thanks to the Elements for their help.
If you were casting a banishing spell or any kind of work to get rid of something, it’s a good idea to take the materials you used somewhere outside your home, such as a churchyard or a crossroad and bury them there. Some traditions and rituals require to dispose of the remains of a spell in a running body of water. You can so this by going to a stream, river or the sea. Make sure you are using biodegradable materials before doing this.
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deepinmummymatters · 11 months
Harmonizing Your Home: The Art of Front Door Feng Shui
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Step into the front door Feng Shui world, where ancient principles meet modern design. Your front door main entrance is more than just an entrance it holds the key to your home's good energy (good chi) and success. The concept may seem mystical, but at its core, the feng shui element is a great way to create balance and harmony in our living spaces. We will explore the art of front door area in feng shui and how you can use this ancient practice to create harmony and abundance in your life. From choosing the most auspicious color for your door to arranging specific symbols you can get ready to unlock a whole level of positive new energy. Understanding the Front Door's Significance Have you ever considered that your front door might hold more power than just being an entryway into your home? In the art of front door feng shui philosophy, it is believed that it is a gateway for opportunities and blessings to enter our lives. By harnessing these ancient principles, we can tap into a hidden source of positivity and prosperity waiting right at our doorstep. We explore why understanding the significance of this humble entrance could be the key to unlocking a life filled with harmony and abundance. In Feng Shui, the front door is often referred to as the "Mouth of Chi" because it is the primary entry point for energy to enter your home. It plays a pivotal role in attracting positive energy and opportunities while also keeping negative influences at bay.  To harness the full potential of Front Door Feng Shui, consider the following principles: Clear the Path In the art of front door feng shui clearing the path physically involves decluttering our living spaces, getting rid of things we no longer need or use. This creates a more welcoming environment and helps release stagnant or negative energies that may be attached to those objects. We can also apply this principle to our mental and emotional state by letting go of past grievances or limiting beliefs that are clouding our thoughts and holding us back from achieving our goals. By embracing the idea of clearing the path, we open ourselves up to an influx of positivity and possibilities. As we declutter our environments and minds from unnecessary baggage, we create room for new experiences, relationships, and ideas to enter our lives effortlessly. Remove any obstacles blocking doorways or pathways up to your home, you will be amazed at how these small changes can have a big impact on your overall well-being. Choose the Right Colour When it comes to choosing the right front door feng shui color for your home, considering feng shui principles can make a big difference in your overall energy flow. A harmonious and inviting front door color can attract positive energy and good luck into your space. According to feng shui experts, the best colors for a front door depend on the direction it faces.  North or East: If your front door faces north or east, blue or black can be excellent choices as these colors are associated with calmness and abundance. South or West: If your front door faces south or west, vibrant color red or orange can create a warm and fiery entrance that stimulates passion and social interactions. Color is a crucial aspect of Feng Shui. A Red front door is a popular choice, symbolizing luck and prosperity. Black (protection), Green (health and growth), or Blue (peace and tranquillity) can also be used depending on your objectives. It is important to understand that there are no strict rules when it comes to choosing a formal front door color based on the feng shui principles. Ultimately, you should trust your gut feeling and select a color that resonates with you personally. After all, creating a pleasing home entrance sets the tone for welcoming guests into your home while also reflecting your unique style and personality.  Welcome with Symbols The art of front door Feng Shui is considered the mouth of qi, where energy and new opportunities enter your home and first impressions are made. By adding specific symbols to this area, you can enhance the flow of energy and attract abundance and good fortune. FU Dogs or Guardian Lion: One popular symbol in Feng Shui is the Fu Dogs or Guardian Lion. Placing a pair of these majestic creatures on either side of your front door not only adds an element of grandeur but also provides protection from negative energies. These lions symbolize power, strength, and courage, while also acting as guardians against any harmful influences that might try to enter your living space. Bagua Mirror: Another powerful symbol that can be incorporated into your front door décor is the Bagua mirror. This round mirror with an octagonal shape represents balance and harmony. Placing a mirror above your front door helps in redirecting negative energy back to its source before it has a chance to enter your home. It acts as a barrier against harmful elements, ensuring only positive energy flows into your living space. By utilizing these front door Feng Shui symbols, you can create an inviting atmosphere filled with positive Chi that enhances prosperity and well-being for both you and everyone who steps through the threshold of your home. Wind Chimes According to the art of Front Door Feng Shui metal wind chimes are considered auspicious and are believed to attract good luck and ward off negative energy. However, choosing the right size and placement of the wind chimes is crucial for optimal results. One key aspect to keep in mind is that the number of rods on your wind chime has significance. In feng shui, numbers hold powerful meaning and this principle applies to wind chimes too. A six-rod wind chime symbolizes wealth and abundance while a nine-rod one signifies completion and long-lasting success. Placing these types of wind chimes near your front door will not only create an inviting melody but will also welcome positive vibrations into your home. Another consideration when incorporating front door wind chimes is their positioning in relation to nearby elements. Take note of any trees or tall structures that may interfere with their function. Wind needs a clear path to pass through them so that they can make soothing sounds that disperse stagnant energy around your entranceway effectively. By carefully selecting the type, number of rods and placement of your front door wind chime according to feng shui principles, you can enhance the flow of positive energy into your home while creating a pleasing addition. Maintain Good Lighting When it comes to lighting your front door, first thing consider both natural and artificial sources. Natural light not only brings warmth and brightness but also represents vibrant energy from the sun. Maximize natural light by keeping windows clean and unobstructed. You can enhance the illumination by strategically placing mirrors or crystals near the entrance to reflect and disperse the light. Artificial lighting is equally important in the art of front door Feng Shui as it adds a sense of safety and security while guiding positive chi into your home during evenings or dark days. Choose warm, soft lights that create a welcoming atmosphere rather than harsh, bright lights that may cause discomfort or agitation. Place wall sconces on either side of the front door or install a stylish pendant light above it to create an inviting glow that will instantly uplift your spirit upon entering. Adequate lighting signifies clarity and can help ward off negative energy. Keep it Tidy According to feng shui teachings, a cluttered or disorganized front door blocks the energy from entering freely, leading to stagnation and missed opportunities. To maximize favourable chi, start by decluttering the area around your front entrance. Remove any unnecessary objects or obstacles that impede the path of energy flow. Keep shoes neatly organized on shoe racks or inside cabinets to avoid blocking positive vibes from reaching your home. A tidy front door also reflects an orderly mind and promotes mental clarity. By taking a few minutes each day to sweep away leaves, dust or cobwebs from your porch or entrance area you not only create a clean physical space but also clear away any stagnant energy that may have accumulated overnight. In feng shui practice, intention matters as much as physical actions do. Regularly declutter this area to ensure it remains vibrant and inviting.  Balance Elements Feng Shui revolves around the balance of five fundamental elements: Wood, Earth, Metal, Water, and fire element. Incorporate these elements into your front door decoration to create a harmonious blend. To achieve balance to the entrance in the art of front door feng shui, it's important to consider the elemental representation of the colours and materials used. If your front main door is made of Wood, you have already introduced an earth element into your home's energy field. To balance this out, you can incorporate Metal accents such as a metal doorknob or house number plaque. Another way to bring harmony into your space is by placing potted plants on either side of your front door. These plants not only add vibrancy and life but also represent the Wood element. To enhance the balance further, consider choosing plants with rounded leaves (representing Water element) or variegated foliage (representing Metal element). These subtle additions can positively impact the overall energy flow and create a welcoming atmosphere for yourself or anyone who passes through your front door. Conclusion The art of Front Door Feng Shui is a powerful tool to create a harmonious and inviting atmosphere in your home. Remember that Feng Shui is a highly personalized practice, so feel free to adapt these tips to your specific needs and preferences to create a space that resonates with you and your goals. By applying these principles you can enhance the flow of positive energy and enjoy the benefits of improved well-being, luck and prosperity.  Read the full article
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