#it's just a completely different animal and it makes me sad to see it cheered
dark-frosted-heart · 5 months
Aphrodisiac Event - Roger Barel (part 2)
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As usual can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
I changed into a simple night dress to join high society and headed to the Weasley mansion with Roger.
Many well-dressed men gathered at the mansion.
At the center of the gathered guests was a stout man.
(That must be the head of the Weasley family)
(That must mean that the three beside him are ladies of the Weasley family)
Weasley Head: Gentlemen gathered here tonight. I’ve assembled you all here for one reason only, to meet our beloved princesses. These days, women live wisely. They observe with their own eyes, gain experience, and hopefully find the best marriage partner. Take liberty tonight! Close your eyes on a few things, wahahaha.
When the head of the family raised his wine glass, everyone cheered.
(At any rate, those three are so lovely)
Although they were different types, the three ladies were fairly attractive.
As evidence, the men in the room were very interested in them.
(I wonder if Roger will only talk to his type, even when looking for a test subject)
Roger: Alright. Let’s eat first.
Kate: Huh?
Roger walked in the opposite direction of the ladies and piled up food from the table on his plate.
And then, without a care about what others thought, sat down and started eating. 
Roger: I’m looking for a test subject, but got hungry. It’s not like anyone will touch this anyway. I don’t like people who waste food. Can’t be helped if you have allergies or some other issue, but unfortunately, I’m in good health.
The sight of Roger enthusiastically eating meat was so “typical” of him that I couldn’t help but smile.
Kate: I completely agree with you on that.
I also stacked food on my plate before it got cold and sat next to Roger.
Roger: Haha, nice. I think a woman who can join in at a time like this is a good woman.
Roger’s a pleasant person to be with.
He’s blunt and voices his thoughts as they are.
Above all, he gets the job done. Though sometimes…he can stand to be more sensitive.
(He must be a popular guy)
(Though come to think of it, Roger’s view on love is a mystery)
Kate: Assuming you find a test subject, does having to sleep with the other person…not bother you?
Roger: That’s a very roundabout way to ask. Are you asking if I can get hard around anyone?
Kate: That’s one way to put it, but yes.
Roger: In short, yes. There’s individual differences, but it’s animal instinct. However, just because you’ve slept with someone once, doesn’t mean you have any sort of feelings for them. As you know, I don’t like trouble.
Kate: Even if you’re like that, isn’t it possible that the other isn’t?
Roger: I pick my partner first. If I’m unconvinced, then I won’t sleep with them and it won’t continue.
Roger’s too rational with his way of thinking.
It’s like a math equation.
However, I don’t think love and affection can be easily separated.
Kate: Roger, have you never been in love?
Roger: Love, huh. To me, love’s something that can’t be proven. That’s why I don’t believe in it at all. What you call love is a dysfunction of the brain or a misunderstanding caused by sexual desire. That’s my definition of love.
Kate: That’s a very Roger definition.
Roger’s right, love is an unknown thing.
I can understand his way of thinking, but for some reason, it makes my heart ache.
(Why do I feel so sad?)
(Ah, I see)
Roger’s teased me, kissed me, and did a lot of other things. 
But I know that none of this is motivated by love.
(I…thought Roger was showing me some kind of affection)
(I feel embarrassed thinking I was someone special…)
Roger: Huh? Where’re you going, little lady?
Kate: Um, to the restroom.
To hide my agitation, I left Roger and let the night breeze cool my head.
After calming down, I headed back to Roger.
Immediately, I saw one of the ladies with her arms around Roger…
Eldest Weasley daughter: You’re wonderful. You’re the only one who didn’t jump on us right away.
Roger: Hmm, so you’re not into someone who’ll obediently wag his tail. That’s some work.
Eldest Weasley daughter: Hehe. Hey…My room’s upstairs. We can head up there if you like.
Seeing Roger’s lips close to her ear made my heart ache.
(Good. Now that he found a test subject, Roger’s research will progress)
(I’ll just head home by myself. That’s it)
(That’s all…And yet…)
I found myself grabbing the hem of Roger’s clothes.
I was like a whiny child whose precious toy just got taken away.
Roger: …O_O
Eldest Weasley daughter: What’s up with that girl?
Kate: Ah, sorry. I…
Roger: Sorry, she’s my woman.
Eldest Weasley daughter and Kate: Eh?
Roger: Not only that, but my fiancee too. Even a open-minded father wouldn’t let you hook up with an engaged man.
Eldest Weasley daughter: W-wha?!
Roger: Thanks for the invite and good luck with finding a groom. Let’s go, Kate.
Eldest Weasley daughter: What? What is this~~!
Kate: Roger, please wait.
Roger suddenly stopped and leaned down a bit to look me in the eye.
Roger: Jeez, I lost out on a fine test subject because you were acting cute, you know?
(It’s really, really frustrating how I didn’t mean to)
(I was glad that Roger chose someone…)
Did I fall for Roger’s scheme to make me glad to take him up on his first suggestion?
Kate: I take full responsibility.
Roger: Hmm. And by that you mean?
Kate: I’ll take the aphrodisiac.
Roger brought me back and we went to a room in the palace.
Kate: Why the palace?
Roger: The palace’s empty in the dead of night, so I thought it’d be the perfect place. No one will bother us and Crown won’t hear you moaning.
Kate: Moaning. I’m not moaning!
Roger: Not yet. Here, Kate.
I was startled when I felt a vial be placed in my hand.
(I wonder what will happen if I drink this)
Roger: Scared? Kate: I’m not. Well, bottoms up.
Premium end
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
I when to the mall another day with all my friend,and I tried on all the skirts in the store and none of them fix me
(my hips where too big :( ) I felt so sad and I told one of my friends
Could you do the brothers when mc tell them that they feel sad for not having any of the skirts fit them
Hello there, anon!
I went ahead and just did "clothes" in general, I hope that's okay. I wanted to keep things as neutral as possible.
I personally have a lot of OPINIONS about body image stuff, so I tried to keep that out of it lol. There's more focus on finding clothes that do fit and how the brothers might try to cheer you up.
Thank you for the request!
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GN!MC tells the bros they're sad about not finding clothes that fit.
Warnings: some body image discussion, but not much, it's mostly fluff as usual
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MC, you needn’t fret about such things. Don’t you realize there are several demons here that would make excellent clothes for you that will fit perfectly?
Will direct you to Barbatos first, but he has several suggestions. Lucifer isn’t exactly a fashionista, but he does care about his appearance. He’s picky about clothes and wants things that are high quality. As such, he knows where to get the kind of clothing you want and who to contact should it need tailoring.
He’s solution oriented so he’s going to start out with all of this sort of thing. But if you’re more interested in comfort than practicality, you’ll have to hint at it. He’ll pick it up immediately and switch tactics.
While he appreciates when you dress nicely, he tells you clearly that it doesn’t matter what you wear. You captivate him with your shining soul and your sweet smile. If you’re really feeling down about it, he’ll wrap his arms around you and kiss the top of your head, too. Not one for tender moments most of the time, but he makes exceptions for you.
Immediately takes you shopping. You just need him with you, of course! He’ll find you multiple amazing outfits that will fit you perfectly. He knows all the shops and all the latest trends. Gotta keep up on this stuff when you’re a model, right?
Lets you pick out a few things for him, too. But mostly he’s ready to spend all his Grimm making you look and feel good. (Best not to ask where that Grimm came from, though. Ignorance is bliss in this case.)
You don’t really have to get him to comfort you because he’s telling you how amazing you look the entire time you’re shopping. But later, after you’ve brought all your purchases back to the House of Lamentation, let him know how much this meant to you. Tell him that you were feeling sad and insecure.
He’s blushing of course. And he’s going to bluster a little at first. C’mon, MC, he knows you’re appreciative of the Great Mammon treatin' ya! But he’s also gonna give you a hug because you obviously need one. Might get a little soft and genuine on you, too. He wants you to know that you’re perfect in every outfit you choose to wear.
Oh? You tried on some clothes that didn’t fit? Well, MC, who cares about normie clothes! He’s got a whole closet of cosplay that he made specifically for you and you can be sure that everything fits just right.
After overcoming the embarrassment he feels confessing this, he has a cosplay photo shoot with you in his room. Hypes you up like crazy while snapping pictures of you from every angle. You look so cute in all these different outfits! He’s so happy to see you in them!
Doesn’t like it when you’re sad, so he’s doing his best to cheer you up. If you’re still struggling, he’ll probably try to distract you with video games or anime.
Levi is not completely oblivious to your feelings and he cares about you, so he works up the courage to ask you if you want a hug. Say yes and he’ll wrap himself around you. He’ll tell you how much you mean to him - it’s a little easier when he’s not making eye contact but he still stutters a little when he says it.
Perplexed. Why would you be sad about clothes not fitting? Just buy some that do? Listen, this guy has zero fashion sense and he can be overly practical. He doesn’t quite understand so you might have to explain it to him.
He does realize that even if it makes no sense to him, you are sad about it and that is something he takes issue with. He wants you to let it all out. Don’t hold back, MC. Frustrated? Go ahead and yell about it, he’ll listen to every word. Sad? You can cry on his shoulder as long as you need to.
Satan probably knows an unfortunate amount about the history of making clothes and textiles. So if you’re in the mood to listen to him for a while, go ahead and ask him about it.
Otherwise you know he’s going to want to bring you to a cat café. It always makes him feel better and the cats don’t care about what you’re wearing. Trust him on this. Some kitty cuddles and a snack will take your mind off things.
MC. You must know by now that this is his area of expertise. Why would you ever worry about some human world clothes that don’t fit right? He is here to make sure you always look fabulous.
Doesn’t even need to take you shopping because he already has a closet full of clothes that he bought for you. Of course he knows your size, so everything fits. Tell him what you were looking for and he’ll have it already, possibly in multiple colors.
Asmo also understands that there is likely a body image issue causing some of your sad feelings. That’s not something you’ll be able to work through in one night, but he’s going to talk it over with you while he does your hair or nails (or both).
Why not let him take you out to a party? You both look amazing and he would love to turn heads with you on his arm. He has many fans, but he’s a fan of you and he wants to show you off. Won’t hesitate to hold you close for the rest of the night - his soft touch brings you comfort.
He gets it. He’s a big demon, they don’t always make clothes his size. But don’t worry, you’ll just have to look elsewhere for stuff that does fit. He’s happy to take you shopping if you’d like to try again.
He’s going to let you know that it doesn’t matter. Says it pretty bluntly, too. You’re just right the way you are, MC. You don’t need to be sad about this. He’s going to give you a bear hug and won’t let go until you say you’re feeling better.
Now of course he’s going to suggest going out to eat. Having some of your favorite foods is a great way to cheer up. Plus you know watching him eat is always fun. Somehow this outing really does make you feel better.
If you’re still feeling down, he will enlist the assistance of brothers that are a little more clothes savvy than he is. But if you just want him to comfort you, Beel will be more than happy to hold you as long as you like.
What? You’re sad that some clothes didn’t fit? You know that if clothes don’t fit, it’s because there’s something wrong with the clothes and not you, right? You just need to shop at a better store, MC.
Realizes that the human world has weird ideas about body image and clothes manufacturing, but doesn’t know enough about it. Just tells you to shop in the Devildom from now on. Anything that doesn’t fit can be altered. He knows at least three demons who can do that for you.
Anyway, he’s pretty sure Asmo already has a bunch of clothes for you. Nothing you could get in the human world could possibly compare to that selection. So don’t worry about it, okay?
More than happy to cuddle with you if that will make you feel better. Just know that he’s probably going to fall asleep with his arms wrapped around you. You might find yourself drifting off, too. If you do, you’ll have a pleasant dream that will leave you in a good mood when you wake up.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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citadelofmythoughts · 3 months
I’m so SAD. And the thing is that Yes RT as a Company was not fair to many of its employees. But what the people who are cheering the ending of it don’t seem to grasp is that it was still a job. Being able to Leave a bad company is so different from no longer having a job at all bad or not. My mother recently went through the same thing and I’ve been very stressed about money and trying to figure out transport bc she’s my ride as I wait to get my license (disability issues catching up to me darn these eyes)
And then I haven’t seen it a lot thankfully but people who are happy with the idea of a rwby reboot? Taking out all the emotional connections we are NINE SEASONS into a story that when we left it was in its FINAL ARC. I don’t have a source so take this with a grain of salt but I swear I remember Miles or Kerry saying that rwby was pronouns a 12 volume show to get it to its end when someone asked how long it was gonna be. This was way way back so I apologize if this isn’t true or real. But even without that v9 left us with a clear Location and we had Goals and new lore to implement. If not three more volumes at lease two or a SUPWR long V10.
The idea of Starting Over makes no sense. There is nothing to reboot bc it’s not finished. Had we all the money and time in the world I could MAYBE see volumes 1 and 2 getting an update and polish, combining the short two part episodes into one and ADDING some team bonding stuff. But post V3 when all the bigger stuff hits the scene (not to mention all the lovely slowly building stuff from V1 and 2 that we see carried throughout) rebooting is Stupid. Bc we still wouldn’t have an ending. CRWBY through the ages knew where the story was going. They have an ending. They know the beats they want carried out. I can’t imagine any other voice actors for the girls OR REN FOR THAT MATTER MONTS VISION MY ASS HIS FUCKING BROTHER JUST LOST THE RIGHTS TO LITERALLY CARRY MONTY IN REN it makes me so mad. The idea that a company with enough money for WB to accept would turn it into some Flashy Fight Scenes and snappy one liner thing when rwby has always been about love and community and determination and spirit.
V4 felt different bc Monty was gone. Not because the show Fell Off. it has its slow parts like any show ever animated or otherwise. But the idea of someone else Taking it and Turning it into something else. Where’s Monty’s vision in that if the ppl close to him never get to touch his project again? The people who made rwby what it is being locked out of it and having to see someone else play their character or change completely the path it was on?
People lost their jobs on a days notice and a passion project that spanned ten years which had love for Monty in each and every volume might never get to be finished. Or worse will turn into something different completely. And that is why I’m sad.
I hate this timeline.
I have hope that things will work out but I have to admit that hope is thin.
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Another auvember prompt!! This one is a song ficlet for an au where Splinter and the turtles are human. He adopted them with his partner I have left very vague.
Here is the link to the song, it’s from a musical you can find on YouTube for free called Nerdy Prides Must Die!: https://youtu.be/ebetUH8KWfg?si=5tQtF1bW_SKCCr8M
Yoshi stepped inside, closing the sliding door behind him. The noise of the party outside became muffled. His partner was left outside to handle the grill.
He just needed a second away from everything.
Several more steps and he found himself in the living room. There had an opportunity to see the font yard in full view. It was empty since all of the guests were in the back.
Saturday we installed a new bay window,
And it was something right, out of a dream, I never had.
He didn’t hate the window. It just wasn’t what he wanted. It was a compromise. Life and marriage is all about compromise.
He glances into the kitchen where snacks were still strewn about the counter.

Saturday belongs to soccer practice, 
I pack their little cakes, for after the games, they never win.
It’s not as if he was truly disappointed in his kids. Even if they did win the games, what would they get? A little trophy? A medal? It was just for them anyways. They had more of a right to be sad. It was something they all wanted to do.
Except Donatello, he’d rather collect data on the games he watched and dryly cheer his brothers on.
Many found it strange, he found it….endearing. Some children, like Mikey, draw their parents pictures. Donnie codes a drawing.
He wished he could put it on the fridge. Donnie figured out how to print it. It looks nice up there.
And life is full of all of the trappings of the well-to-do
And life goes on, as I shop for shutters to obstruct the view.
And life is fine, if only it were mine.
He wouldn’t trade his current life for anything. Still….he missed his former life as well. Not the part where his ex/former agent forced him to take on roles he hated and burnt him out to all hell of course.
But just for once I’d be the center of attention.
Just for once, remember what a life can be.
Before that, when the spotlight was his, utterly and completely his. When people were entertained by what he wanted to do. When people called him by a different name and cheered it, had him sign it, loved it.

Just for once I feel the light inside, the burning of a candle.
Living just for once,
Living just for-
He enters the bathroom and catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror.
39, I lose my hair under careful chemo treatment
And I was not unhappy, about the attention I ensnared
Judge me
Cancer was nothing to joke about. Well, he had to joke to cope. He had to joke to keep his children from panicking. Attention was on him while he struggled.
He remembers when his first injury, his first illness, finally managed to be the thing that pulled him from his toxic romantic and work relationship.
This time was a bit different from that.
There were people who stuck around him, wanting him to beat it.
There’s a magazine nearby with her on it. Big Mama, her stage name, hanging on the shoulder of another idiot who fell for her lies.

It fucking worked, I’m fucking here, he’s fucking her
I’m disappointed
He couldn’t warn anyone about her. A strict contract, an NDA forbidding it.
He feels the fabric underneath his feet the longer he stood there.

There’s still carpet in the bathroom
And of the two, who’s the worse for wear
There’s scratching at the door before a dog pushes it open, realizing it was never fully closed.
We love our dogs, especially Captain
He’s a bullshit mix
Raph would bring home stray animals as often as he saw them. 90% of them had to go to some other good home.
They kept two dogs to make it easier to say no.
He splashed water on his face before leaving the bathroom with Captain. They went back to the sliding door and he let him out.
Captain ran off to the pool area where all the kids are having a nice time under careful supervision.
He glances at his partner.

The pool is out, the neighbors come rushing
Maury Prefers their kids
When he was younger, he would get compared to other kids constantly. They had better grades, they respected their teachers, they didn’t talk back.
Most of those kids didn’t have a father who ran off while also having a mother who died.
They didn’t have to listen to their grandpa act like they weren’t trying, probably.
His children had two parents.
He was there, but was he truly around?

And the world's a stage when you’re middle of age
But just for once my life could be just what I wanted
Just for once I'd feel the spark that I once knew
Everything in his life had been working against him.

Just for once I’d feel the fight inside, the burning of a candle
Something more than I can handle
Just for once
His partner ushers him over. He needed to watch the grill now so that there was time to talk to the guests. Enough was spent taking a break already.
He holds the spatula and stares down at the meat sizzling in front of him.
Should I flip the burgers now
Should I double check it's well done on the outside not within

If he messed up the food, Donnie would refuse to eat. Raph wouldn’t care, Leo would dump ketchup on it and chow down.
His partner would probably be slightly angry.
He feels Mikey pull on his apron.
Should I let the coals burn out?
Should I let the years cook my body down in front of him.

Mikey smiles up at him with his wide, gap toothed grin.
He babbles about burger grilling techniques he saw on his favorite cooking TV show.
Yoshi smiles and picks him up with his free arm. If his body was not well enough for performance, he was glad it was healthy enough for them.
Mikey happily keeps talking as Yoshi grills.
Just for once
Just for once
Just for once
He sees one of the neighbor kids talking to Leo about her dance classes. Leo loves anything where people have to watch him do something.
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
The other day the Johnsons borrowed my tap shoes
Their eldest daughter is beginning tap
It was no bother, I never ever use them.
He hopes that none of his kids turn out like him.
He wants them to be better.

I used to dance
I used to dance
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pikahlua · 2 years
I love reading meta and theories but I personally am not very good at analysis. Do you have any recommended questions I could ask myself after every chapter, or specific things to look for in order to better understand the text?
Well there's a difference between meta analysis and prediction. This is hard to answer because it's really a matter of making your own method and seeing what works. Some of it will involve experience and reading/watching a whole bunch of other stuff, maybe reading other people's thoughts as you develop your own approach. It's a skill you pick up and grow over time.
My favorite questions to ask are "What are we being told implicitly by the text? How much of that is an assumption that's not explicitly stated by the text?" I feel like things I find that are subtle and hidden are usually good things to focus on, like the fact that no one really knows what All Might's vestige actually is, we just hear everyone else's assumptions about it. That means I also find it suspicious whenever someone in a story tells me something when they don't have the authority to do so.
Chapter 194:
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For example, many people went with the explanation from the above panels about All Might's vestige, but Izuku has no authority in understanding what's actually happening. He's the protagonist all this mystery is happening to, so he should be the LAST person to understand the truth of the situation.
Chapter 304:
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Meanwhile, in the above page, I am willing to accept Yoichi's explanation even if it doesn't fully explain everything and that he admits he doesn't know the answer for sure. He has explanatory authority because of his status in the story. This is an acceptable way for an author to actually impart exposition on the readership when it's not possible for a real authority to exist in the setting. That said, it's also totally possible this is not the complete explanation, and I think recent manga events are hinting that there's more going on with All Might's vestige than even just this.
And one of my favorite analysis techniques is to observe when fourth wall breaks occur, and I don't just mean when a character speaks to the audience. Possibly my favorite page in all of MHA that illustrates this is from chapter 94:
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In my opinion, the anime utterly changes the tone and meaning of this scene. The anime portrays this as sad and suspicious (from Katsuki's POV), and the music and camera work imply that All Might's message rightfully places the weight of the world on Izuku's shoulders.
I don’t get that sense at ALL from the manga.
The anime has no real way of achieving the same thing the manga is doing here, which is drawing All Might in a separate panel from Izuku and Katsuki--but the panels are placed such that All Might is actually pointing at Katsuki instead of Izuku. Why? Why draw this? Think about it. Horikoshi could have drawn that panel of All Might with his arm almost down to his side, but he chose to draw it such that he is pointing at Katsuki. He did that on purpose, and you can’t tell me otherwise.
The whole scene is conspicuously drawn like Horikoshi knows exactly what he’s doing. We have Izuku drawn outside his frame just as this bombshell message begins. He’s being isolated FROM the world he’s part of. He’s being taken out of the setting to break the fourth wall. He’s being separated from the other characters, and he takes it as though he’s the main character and everything depends on him. He’s ALONE.
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And while everyone around him cheers at the message, Izuku cries. Katsuki is the one who notices. The first layer of the message is clear: Izuku perceives he is alone--that he’s the main character. All Might may also believe that, though it’s ambiguous with his use of a camera to deliver his message that’s supposedly meant for Izuku to the entire world. And Katsuki keys in on the fact that Izuku takes the message differently from everyone else.
Izuku’s perception of the message is never confirmed by All Might, which means he could be wrong. And Katsuki recognizes it when another character takes on the pressure of those expectations whether or not Izuku is receiving the message correctly.
The manga is designed to make us DOUBT this moment. To feel unsettled. Confused. Concerned. This is a dark moment. A turning point. But not because Izuku is suddenly elevated above the others--it’s because he’s being isolated from the others and placed in danger for it.
And then we are left to ponder the question of why, after he says “You’re next,” the panels are drawn such that All Might is pointing at Katsuki instead...
See? This is fun shit! lol
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Hello! I hope it’s not a nuisance but can I request a Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rall and One Piece matchup? 2 character from each fandom
I do like a romantic pair with a male character!
Hobbies: I spend most of my time drawing, playing, watching anime or anything with the horror genre involved (movies, series, games, criminal cases anything with horror or mystery!)
Appearance: I’m pretty short, about 5′ 3″, brown medium hair with no bangs and brown eyes, my head’s empty about fashion lmao, but I’m a mix of cute style (not extreme), goth style and Victorian style
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexually: Bisexual
Age: 20
Aesthetic: Dark Academia, Withcore, Kawaii and Soft Girl
I would like a character that wouldn’t care about my physical disability (Wheelchair user) and mostly liked make me laugh and feel more positive about myself!
Anyway, take good care of yourself, drink enough water and get enough rest! Also please tag me when you’re done with my request 💕
Hi! Thank you for your request! I've given you one detailed matchup for each fandom as well as an additional matchup suggestion. If you'd like me to write full matchup thoughts for the additional suggestions, let me know! Also, I am currently up to episode 370 (Thriller Bark) of One Piece so please keep that in mind while reading. Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Itto probably won’t even notice your disability until it’s pointed out to him. It’s not that he’s completely blind. He knows you’re in a wheelchair. But he’s so focused on the sort of person you are that he doesn’t even consider you “different”.
Honestly, he’s probably your biggest cheerleader. Itto’s very supportive of you as a person and your hobbies.
Itto would enjoy watching anime with you. I think he enjoys energy filled, action shows but he’s more than happy to settle into a rom-com as well. Just be prepared to comfort him if anything sad happens.
Loves watching you draw. I don’t see Itto as someone with good artistic skills so he thinks all of your creations are amazing.
Super funny! Itto will be cracking jokes left, right, and centre. He loves hearing you laugh, and it’s even better when he’s the cause.
For an alternate matchup, I would likely say Mika. I think you’d get along well though he’s not sure about horror.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Much like Itto, Sampo would be your biggest cheerleader. He’s going to support all of your endeavours and will give you words of encouragement when you’re feeling down.
He is aware of your disability and all it entails so he’ll be great at supporting you. Need him to get something that’s out of reach? He’s on it. Want him to come to the doctor with you? Of course he’ll be there!
Sampo claims to enjoy watching horror movies with you but in reality he’s going to be clinging onto your arm and sleeping with the lights on for a few nights afterwards.
He’s much more into anime and is happy to watch anything you sit him down in front of. I see Sampo as someone he likes shows that are a balance between action and rom-com.
Also enjoys making you laugh. I see one of Sampo’s main love languages as making his partner happy, whatever form that takes.
For an alternate matchup, I would say Caelus. He’ll be very supportive but isn’t as likely to make you laugh as Sampo is.
In One Piece, I match you with...
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Rounding out your matchups with a third and final supportive partner. Luffy doesn’t have a single unsupportive bone in his body so you can bet he’s going to be cheering you on for even something as simple as waking up in the morning.
Enjoys watching you draw but struggles to sit still for too long. If he can do something while watching you be creative, he’d like that very much.
In the same sense, Luffy would enjoy watching horror movies or anime with you but he has to be doing something else at the same time, for both your sakes.
Luffy’s always making you laugh, whether it’s intentional or not. Sometimes he makes a concerted effort to bring your spirits up, other times he’s just being Luffy without a care in the world.
Is aware of your disability but thinks you’re even more amazing for it. He’s not one to think people who are disabled are any less capable of being wonderful people, even if there are certain things you can’t do.
This was actually a very close second but as your alternate matchup I would pair you with Sanji. He’s equally as supportive as Luffy but can be a bit smothering at times.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THAT ANIME. I thought he could only read minds like Anya( Spy x Family)🤔
But yes it honestly became a papa Bruno au because Mirabel feels like nobody believes her and as we already know in canon he supports Mirabel 100%. He would be the first one to ask her to see her gift. Making her pause since this is the first time someone believe her and look at her not with pity or disappointment. He would also encourage her gift and tell her great job. Not that Julieta or Agustin don’t, but it’s different. There is no sadness in the tone, he’s not saying it to cheer her up or saying it just to say it. He means it and that makes all the difference.
Bruno’s wall room is completely different Mirabel uses her gift to move things around and brings in homemade things such as pillows and blankets. She was even able to bring a bed in. (Bruno still doesn’t know how)but because of that he doesn’t look as worn down in his outfit. She brings him(steals) clean clothes and make sure the family is gone long enough to take a shower.
Mirabel honestly became a thief and nobody can put the blame on her since she wasn’t there and even if she was nobody seen her leave.(Isabela is suspicious. Then Antonio is born and he become the best excuse ever)
YEAH SAIKI K IS ONE OF MY FAVS <333 anyway, cool couple makes me sad,what duh <\33 how Mirabel copped all that stuff and didn’t get caught will remain a mystery. And Antonio as an excuse? Get it I guess
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cherryflavoredfang · 2 years
my fav episodes in order
s1e1 pilot - literally what’s not to love
s1e6 baron’s night out - the entire thing is amazing
s2e10 nouveau théâtre des vampires - the entire episode is just great, i mean, “my name is guillermo de la cruz”. the whole theater. but my favorite thing is still the first few scenes, with them stumbling on the corpses they left around the house and not knowing how to do laundry and just being fucking toddlers
s1e5 animal control - the blood dripping from nadja’s lips there in the beginning. laszlo’s whole plotline is also hilarious. and i’m obsessed with nadja and gregor/jeff’s flirting and how much she fucking groans at him
s2e4 the curse - i’m literally nandor trying to use any android device, technology hates me, i’m computer illiterate. i felt represented. nadja types faster than me tho. but anyway the whole episode is just overall hilarious to me
s3e2 the cloak of duplication - the heart ripping scene and the heart ripping scene only
s3e4 the casino - i love seeing them suffer
s2e9 witches - “nandor has long dark hair and an accent, have you slept with him?” is literally so fucking good, and the witches are so sexy, and the fact that nadja and lilith were ‘really fast friends’ turned to enemies gives me so much food for thought. and nadja just standing there like “look. it’s me. and then it’s a completely different woman.” and laszlo’s like 😐. it’s so fucking funny
s3e1 the prisoner - overall great, highlights include the guide making it clear she thinks they’re too incompetent for the job but well its “above her paygrade”, and laszlo’s “i became a vampire to suck blood and fuck forever” “but you have to admit its quite an honor-“ “i don’t give a fuck”. also guillermo and nadja’s 2 second interaction when she throws raw chicken at him
s1e3 werewolf feud - nadja showing around hers and laszlo’s crypt is just so great. it’s so funny and the place is so beautiful. “i hate this goat” then why tf did u put it there girl. and how she raises both her hands to use telekinesis to open the door like it literally would’ve been easier to use the knob
s1e8 citizenship - i love to see jenna’s transformation, wwdits vampire lore yk. also nadja hypnotizing that boy
s1e7 the trial - it’s great. “she speaks the bullshit.” the council is so good and feeds my hyperfixated needs (gives me more lore to think ab). AND TRUE BLOOD’S VAMPIRE QUEEN!!! also i get to see babyboy viago.
s1e2 city council - i like jenna
s1e10 ancestry - “100% white” is so fucking funny. i love gregor and the grip nadja has on him. i love the crying blood
s2e5 colin’s promotion - i literally just love seeing them suffer. ALSO nadja being mad and murderous is so sexy
s2e3 brain scramblies - HIGHEST point for me is when guillermo googles “virgins in my area” and then hes like “ugh stupid idk why i always do that” like that is EXACTLY what would happen to me every fucking time fr. anyway cool episode
s2e2 ghosts - i like seeing them how they were before being vampires
s3e9 a farewell - i love seeing nadja thriving, and the imminent death reveal was fun. the super slumber thing is a downer, but i think unless i’m already having a rly bad day it’s not enough to depress me
s3e10 the portrait - the separation makes me sad, but it’s okay cause it’s such a funny and cute episode
s3e6 the escape - it’s fun. guillermo bossing everyone around is funny and i like it, but if it were me in the room i’d kill him
s1e9 the orgy - really good episode, really funny jokes, but the second hand embarrassment i get from laszlo’s speech is too strong me to rly enjoy the second half of the episode. nadja’s SO pretty in it though
s2e6 on the run - i think it’s an objectively very good episode but it’s just not self indulgent enough for me so it gets boring. highest points of the episode to me are when nadja is cheering for laszlo during the duel and she says “scare him with your circles”, it always gets a laugh out of me; and also by the end of the episode when laszlo’s bickering with nandor and nadja just fucking licks his fingers like they’re the only ones in the room (cause i’m a whore)
s3e7 the siren - i like nadja doll :) but that’s ab it
s3e5 the chamber of judgement - seeing nandor and nadja bullshitting their jobs so hard is fun, and nadja letting drunk laszlo win a case was cute, but i get so mad at that new vampire boy for being insolent it genuinely drains me
s2e7 the return - the hat jokes are funny and i like carol but its kinda like whatever yk
s1e4 manhattan night club - the hat jokes are so funny. simon’s club is annoying. but to see simon getting fucked by the end is satisfying
s3e8 the wellness center - an objectively amazing episode, but it makes me depressed so i kinda avoid it ngl
s3e3 gail - i find gail kinda annoying, so it’s just a little eh. i did like her sardine comparison, it makes so much sense to me
s2e1 resurrection - i hate topher he just gets on my nervers so the episode gets annoying. i do love the first 3 min of the episode before he shows up
s2e8 collaboration - by my third rewatch i started to either skip this one or not pay much attention to it cause the second hand embarrassment from nadja and laszlo’s performance is too strong for comfort and the benjy(/familiars in general) plot makes me sad
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mxtchups · 2 years
hihi! could I request a romantic matchup for 'The Arcana' (′▽`〃)?
i use they\them pronouns and I'm pan^^
my mbti is intp. I'm a very shy and reserved person in public, I try not to cause too much attention but also express myself openly. I suffer from anxiety ( I don't take meds or anything so I'm usually on edge) and overthink about people/other things. If you get to know me, im a huge extrovert and cheerful person. I love making jokes and laughing <3 I'm airheaded and clumsy, I hit my head or trip on air too much smh. I'm a very random person too, more eccentric for sure. I do the most offwall things because I'm bored ( like jumping off things or asking off-putting questions). I love talking! About anything I'm hyperfixated on atm ( as in old interests or new ones!) and I can go on for hours tbh. I'm pretty childish, but mature and mother like when I need to be. I love physical affection (even tho I say I hate it) anything like hugs is nice for me! I'm a caring person and mostly a listener. Very sassy (which people say it's "cute" from me) and sarcastic, with a whole lot of blunt. I'm a flirt too, but anything flirty from someone else gets me shy (like Julian lol). I get very bad mood swings and it is causing trouble for me to make friends or keep them, since I'll just isolate myself from them- I also have insecurities regarding my looks (particularly my body) so I get v sour when I think about that. Alot of the times you can tell when I'm in a mood bc I get quiet. ANyway I'm a lazy, procrastinater and plainn lmao.
my interests r playing the piano, reading/watching anime, romance novels (love triangles are my life), alternative/gothic fashion and music, hard rock and metal, stuffed animals and playing videogames!!
if it helps I pursued Julian to the very end ╰_╯!!!
hello! first of all, thank you sm for requesting, you are the first person that asked for a matchup so I hope I do it well. I don't want to leave you disappointed.
soo I ship you with Muriel!
Firstly, if anyone would understand your need to withdraw and not always be surrounded by people, it's Muriel. If you want to spend time alone with him, not doing anything in particular, he's there for it. If you don't even want to be with him and want to be left alone, he can understand that too. He won't get mad, offended, or sad, he'll just know you need some you time.
But in case you completely cut contact with him suddenly and isolate yourself, at first, even though he'd be worried, he'd think that maybe it's best he leaves you alone, and let you come back when you want to. But I feel like his worry would get the best of him and he would definitely check up on you. If you let him in, perfect, he now knows what he needs to do. If you don't he would truly not mind you coming back after a few days, weeks, or months and continuing where you left off.
With Muriel, there would be fewer reasons for you to overthink and panic about his true intentions or thoughts as it would be clear he sees you differently from other people. Although his ways of showing love wouldn't be the most open ways, definitely not always conventional they would be clear. If he loves you, you know it.
Also, I feel like both of you wouldn't like public displays of affection, but when you are inside, alone, you would get as much physical contact as needed. Both you nor Muriel aren't someone that would outwardly ask for cuddles, even though both would want it, so at least at the beginning of the relationship, you would be the one to initiate it.
Neither of you would get into a relationship without knowing someone well beforehand, so your extroverted side would definitely come out by the time you were dating, and he'd love and understand that one just as much as the introverted one.
The first time in what felt like a century since he laughed, it was on one of your jokes. Since then you probably would try to make him laugh as much as possible.
It's good that he has good reflexes as you said you were clumsy, but don't worry he's there to catch you every time you trip on air, or put a hand between your head and a cupboard, or guide you through a big crowd.
Your off-putting questions would at first surprise him and he'd never know how to answer them, but I feel like you'd always find a way to get the answer out of him. By the time you are deeper in the relationship he'd get used to them, and usually was able to see them coming and is more open with his answers. Though sometimes you'll still see him blush and take some time before spitting it out.
He'd also like the fact that you can talk for hours, and for all those hours he'd listen to you intently. Sometimes he's not sure if he's interesting enough for you as you have so many things you like and are good at whereas his past stopped him from that. But there you come in with your long talks teaching him about this and that and introducing him to so many wonders of the world. That would definitely be one of his favorite things about you.
Regarding your looks, he'd just never really think about it until you mention you are insecure about them. From the moment he met you he saw you as stunning and beautiful, so hearing that you don't like it came as quite a shock for him. He'll probably at first express his love for your body physically but he knows words are needed too, and he'd put in all the effort to find the right ones to explain to you just how gorgeous you are in his eyes. He knows that won't make your self-image go away so he'll make sure to compliment you more in the future, till you start believing him. You are the one that made him see good in himself so he'll make sure to at least return the favor.
He'd love you being blunt. He's not always good at interpreting the hidden meaning behind someone's words so just saying it how it is would make it a whole lot easier for him. And if you always say it like that it would also make it easier for him to express himself.
He is not good at flirting, and he'd get super shy every time you openly flirted with him. Before you dated he never knew if you were joking or if you'd actually want to have something with him, but either way it'd leave him a blushing mess.
And AAA I can already see you playing the piano and him sitting on the stool next to you, slightly leaning towards you, scared to do it fully so he doesn't interrupt you in any way and end the alluring music. He'd love it every time you play and once he's relaxed he'd often ask you to do it for him.
OMG, I CAN ALSO SEE YOU READING TO HIM. Imagine laying in bed, cuddled up, you with a book in one hand, the other hand in his hair, gently playing with it as you read to him. He's scared to fall asleep, so you don't think you bored him but once you tell him it's okay it'll be the best sleep he's ever had.
And as he knows you are reading romance books he might think you have big expectations as to what couples are supposed to do, or are simply more knowledgeable than him in this entire matter, so he'll consult one of your books and try doing something from it to win you over.
He'd adore the way you dress, and do your hair and make-up. And once he trusts you enough, which is pretty fast compared to how he feels about other people, he'd let you do his hair sometimes or put some makeup on him.  
He'd make you stuffed animals and then like leave them somewhere in your house for you to find or like on your porch because he'd be too shy to give them to you in person, but you'd know whose it's from.
In any way, you'd make each other feel comfortable, safe, and cared for. The roles of the caregiver and care receiver would be equally divided and would switch.
Regarding you and Julian I can also see that, but to me personally, I see it more as friendship.
I can see you two dressing in romantic gothic fashion together. Being dramatic together. Having all sorts of fun. He'd definitely like listening to your stories and having a myriad of his own to share. Imagine introducing him to metal! That'd be super fun. He'd still flirt with you, but most of the time it would be jokingly, he'd just like to see you get all shy.
I really hope this is okay, once again thank you for requesting!
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
75 of 2022
Prep I shop at Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle, or Aerospatiale. I am/was a cheerleader. I’m pretty ditzy. I wear pink 24/7. My looks are very important to me. I can’t live without my cell phone. My hair is always straight. I say ‘like’ and 'omigod’ a lot. I laugh 24/7. I have a million friends. I always hang at the mall or movies. I’ll only date popular guys. I listen to rap & pop music. // rap, but not pop I have at least one designer bag. My myspace pics are of me making a kissy face or are mirror pics It takes me at least an hour to get ready for school in the mornings. Uggs + Miniskirts = Love I don’t have a job I wear lots of makeup. I can be stuck up or snobby sometimes. I flirt with any guy, as long as he’s cute. // no apparently I flirt with just one, without noticing it... and God, he’s really cute. Total = 3
EMO I cry a lot. I go to local shows. I wear black everyday I write sad poetry. I play an acoustic guitar. My favorite bands include: Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, or Panic! at the Disco. I think about suicide or death often. People have told me to cheer up. I cry when I see dead animals. My myspace/Facebook pics are black or white or angled. I wear many band shirts. No one understands me. I don’t talk too often. I look down when I walk. I wear black eyeliner. I have an ex I still cry over. // well, at least we’re good friends now My hair is black My hair covers one of my eyes. I always say 'life sucks’. Total: 5
NERD I have straight A’s. I wear glasses. I always do my homework and study. Lord of the Rings was a massive achievement. Computer games. I’m 'teachers pet’. I’ve never had a real boyfriend/girlfriend. I have a bedtime. I use an asthma inhaler. I carry a calculator with me. I bring my lunch to school. I always follow the rules. I’m shy around the opposite sex. // well, I’m shy around one certain person of the same sex, beat me to it I’m always on the computer. I’ve never had beer or cigarettes. I always answer every question in class right. I correct people’s grammar. I read a lot. School is very important to me. I always stump people. Total: 3
REBEL I always speak my mind. I have 0% of school spirit. F*ck you, I won’t do what you tell me! I stand up for what I think is right. On spirit days at school, I wear the rival’s colors. Whenever people are doing something, I do the complete opposite. I won’t listen to authority figures. I always break the rules. I refuse to compromise. I’m always arguing with people. I love debate. I always do what’s unexpected of me. I don’t give a sh*t what people think of me. If I watch a cruddy movie in theaters, right after it’s over, I’ll say 'that sucked’. I’m not afraid to contradict others. I only respect my own beliefs. If I don’t want to do something, I won’t do it, no matter what. I laugh at compromising people. I cheer on the rival’s sport team to stand out. Rules were meant to be broken. Total: 9
JOCK I’m on one or more sport teams. I always wear my varsity jacket. I’ve won awards for my athletic ability. I will only date popular girls/guys. School Spirit I’m going to a college for sports I watch sports on TV all the time I’m muscular. I play sports or exercise at least 3 hours a day. Go Team! I’m a chick/dude magnet. I eat a lot. I’m egotistical. I’m too focused on sports to make really good grades. I sit at the jock lunch table. All I talk about with my friends is sports. I go to lots of sports games. I’m very athletic I wear sport inspired clothing. play at least 3 different sports. Total: 3
COMEDIAN I’m funny. I’m always making jokes. I interrupt class by making people laugh. I like to entertain people. I worship Kevin Smith. I watch comedies more than anything. I also watch SNL and Mad TV a lot I’m sarcastic. I’ve been told I’m hilarious. I always imitate people. I pull lots of pranks. I always make sarcastic remarks after everything. I have to prove myself by being funny. People expect me to make jokes, always. I have a lot of pressure to make everyone laugh. If I don’t make jokes, people ask me what’s wrong. Jim Carrey is my idol. I mostly get along with everybody. At pep rallies, I’m the one acting crazy and silly. My teachers or parents tell me I need to focus more on work and less on joking around. Total: 11
SHY I don’t have a lot of friends. I don’t talk too much. It’s not that I’m snobby, I just get nervous when talking to people. When people say my name, others say 'who?’ I’m pretty sure mostly no one knows who I am. People have told me I need to talk more. I only talk when other people talk to me first I look down when I walk. I avoid social gatherings, such as games, dances, or parties. People have tried to help me be more outgoing, but it never works. I always plan to talk to more people, but I never do. I sit in the back of the classroom. I never participate in class discussions. I hide behind people to avoid being seen sometimes. I could never be a cashier, talking to strangers. I talk quietly. People have called me shy or quiet. I usually let others decide for me. If someone is talking about my favorite book or movie in front of me, I don’t join in the conversation. Total: 4
GOTHIC I wear black. I don’t like to be seen. I’m very, very pale. I only listen to metal or emo-ish music. // I listen to metal, but neither metal nor emo have anything to do with goth, so I love creepy, weird movies. I love gothic cartoons and drawings. I don’t like people. I only go out during the night. I have black fingernails. I wear a long black coat. I also wear big black boots. 'The Crow’ is one of my favorite movies. I only date other Goths. I love black humor. I love pain. People think I’m crazy. I don’t talk to anyone who isn’t as deep as me. I love to scare people I laugh at teenyboppers. People are scared of me. Total: 7
WEIRDO I talk to myself. I say really random things all the time/have to say it out loud. I fidget a lot. I still use a wheeled backpack. People laugh at me. I walk really funny. I have a very different sense of style. I talk in a robot voice often. I’ll stop whatever I’m doing, and break out in a crazy dance if the mood strikes. I debate stuff with myself. I hear voices. I’m obsessed with aliens and the other planets. I have a fascination with robots and machinery. I use really big words no one understands, and they give me weird looks. I say random lines of babbling that make sense to no one but me. I dart my eyes from side to side. I always pretend I’m a robot or other weird non-human thing. People have no idea why I think the way I do. I have some very unusual, extraordinary talents. When people ask me if I like something that’s trendy, I pretend to be scared or confused. Total: 6
ANTISOCIAL I hate/dislike most people. I prefer to be alone.   When people talk to me, I just give them a death glare. Actually, most people don’t talk to me. People are freaking idiots and I wish they’d all die. I live in my room, writing in my diary. On the computer… I go out my way to avoid everyone. I never greet anyone. I despise people who talk too loudly. I want people to think I’m a freak. I never talk. I can’t wait to get off this earth. I always sit by myself at lunch or anywhere else. I listen to music on full blast on my ipod/mp4 player/headphones to block out the world. I don’t know why I am the way I am. People have said I’m antisocial. I use drugs or alcohol to escape the loneliness. Why bother when people don’t like you anyways? I occupy myself so it won’t look like I’m a loner. I just don’t get along with anyone. Total: 1
SKATER I skateboard to everywhere. If I’m not skateboarding, I carry it with me. I shop at Pacsun. I’m obsessed with Tony Hawk. Oh yeah, and Bam Margera. I always play skateboarding video games. I have shaggy hair. I wear baggy pants. I wear only skater shoes. I always wear hoodies. I hang at skate parks 24/7. I’m always learning new board tricks. Forget school, I want to be a professional skateboarder. I’ve been skateboarding for over 4 years. I hang with other skaters. I’ve been hurt while skateboarding. I’ve been in a skateboarding competition. I wear vans. Tony Hawks games win.   I’ve met some of my closest friends at skate parks. Total: 2
GANGSTER/HOOD I say 'yo’. I also say 'fo shizzle’. I wear extremely baggy pants. Mah chainz hang low. I hang with my homies, biotches, and Hoe’s I’m a thug.   I only listen to rap music. // not only, but it’s like my 2nd genre 50 Cent is my idol. I don’t give a frick about school.   I steal/have stolen before I freestyle. I breakdance. Gold chainz is tha way to go, biotch. I’m white but I act black. All my heroes are dead rappers. Tupac is still alive. I party with all my nigs. I wear a sideways baseball cap. I wear hoodies. I wear converse with the tongue flipped out. Total: 2
BULLY I always steal people’s lunch money. Geeks are afraid of me. I get in trouble all the time. I steal people’s stuff to be an a**hole. People have called me a bully.   I have beat someone up before. I’m always looking for a fight. I pick on people smaller than me. I push people out of the way when I’m walking. I’ve never been in a relationship before. People are afraid of me. People know not to mess with me. I’m taller than most people my age. I pick on people for the fun of it. I make fun of everything anyone else likes. If anyone crosses my path, they’re dead. People know not to try and stick up for themselves when I’m around. I’m one of the strongest kids in school. Even some authority figures are afraid of me. People get out of my way when I’m walking. Total: 3
GAMER I own at least 2 different video game consoles. // but they’re not really mine I love Final Fantasy. DDR & Guitar Hero I’ve missed school before because I was trying to beat a video game. I’m always trying to beat high scores on games. I even play a lot of computer games. I play at least 3 hours of video games a day. My thumbs are sore often. I spend all my money on new video games. My boyfriend/girlfriend has to be into video games. All I talk about is video games. I’ve been in a video game competition before I pay over 30$ a month in online games. I have bought more than 5 accessories for my console I know about more than 10 cheats and mods in the game I play most. I have played at least a complete week in the game I like most. I wouldn’t know what to do in an afternoon without electricity. My parents often tell the internet is broken or simply disconnect it so I don’t spend whole weekends and holidays playing. I have more than one online account on the same game. Total: 1
GIRLY I have long hair. I wear make up every day. I carry a purse. I have to get someone else to come kill a spider. I paint my nails. I use perfume. I keep my nails clean/shaped I shower regularly I used to or still do Dance, Gymnastics, or Cheer/Pom I like to accessorize I like flowers. I don’t like to be outdoors. I’m more like my mother than my father. I like hanging out with girls than boys. I like going to the mall/shopping. I watch my weight/ count calories. I plan outfits ahead of time People say I have a soft/sweet voice. I dream about and am already planning my wedding day I watch dramatic shows on tv, soap operas, reality TV, etc. Total: 5
BOYISH I have short hair. I hate doing laundry. I like war type video games. I like playing or watching sports. People say I have a deep voice. I’m more like my dad than my mom. I beat up or tease my younger siblings or friends. I act tough, it doesn’t matter what’s going on inside me. There’s only two emotions. I shower only when I start to notice I stink I think about the opposite sex a lot. My room isn’t neat. I bite my nails instead of using scissors/clippers. My clothes don’t match sometimes, but I don’t notice or care I like to play rough with dogs. I like the movies 300, Transformers, The Dark Knight. The best way to get the opposite sex to like you is to act like a jerk. I don’t read I don’t ask for help even if I need it. Total: 8
scored highest on: comedian, rebel & boyish.
0 notes
thedogsled · 6 years
Who Tube (Doctor Who YouTube) is hilariously terrible at the moment. You’ve got new fans being gatekept by old fans and then yelling at the old fans and then the old fans yelling back, people subtweeting each other on their channels “Some YouTubers, they know who they are”, people posting vicious rants as soon as episodes end--lots of really really toxic shit on both sides. Like. It’s hilarious--if you enjoy VERY thinly veiled misogyny on one side and blind adoration for progressiveness at the expense of decent writing on the other. If you listen to these people, it’s not very difficult to see where the canon schism between straight white “geek culture” males and anyone with a so labeled by said people SJW motivation come to blows. They both think the other side is just ignorant, and the constant lashing out is just. Wow. It’s really. Wow.
Saltiness ahead.
It frustrates me a lot, because I feel the show has been really hit and miss this season and the warring on YouTube is just another example of how you just can’t discuss this reasonably. It’s not all bad, but it’s certainly been far from all good. Some of it REALLY works, like for example Ryan’s dyspraxia and the decision to explore Yasmin’s character through her grandmother’s story, but some of it doesn’t. I was particularly dismayed today, spoilers, by James I being played through the lens of modern campness by Alan Cumming this week, turning the former monarch into a queer caricature (I know the guy most from his role in Spy Kids, Fegan Floop, which replays ENDLESSLY on british TV). I feel like a lot of the episodes of this season have been simply the characters thrown into chaos, bad guy is revealed to be an alien, then the Doctor gives a shockingly profound, emotional speech that makes you forget how awful some of the other parts were and you go away with ~feels~ and not much else, because all the endings are pulled out of the writer’s ass anyway. Just. That’s how I personally saltily feel about this show this season, like it’s been platforming for a bunch of different writers saying what they want to say about humanity through the Doctor’s mouth. Like she’s ceased to exist beyond her existence as that mouthpiece, and that in some ways the show has too. (just my opinion. anyway.)
But you can’t talk about this stuff. I find myself reading reviews and watching people who like the show and place no accountability on the show beyond being politically bold, and it drives me nuts. It doesn’t matter what form it comes in, so long as it’s pro-feminist, or it exposes people to history they might not have learned in class, or there’s a dude giving birth for 50% of the airtime. If I want to hear or discuss any challenge to those things, I find myself listening to purely negative reviews instead, and noping out when the person suddenly reveals halfway through that they believe that because men aged 18-40 is a big demographic, it only makes sense that they’re the group that are kowtowed to at every opportunity. Like wtf dudes, sorry you can’t hack that other people exist in the world and you aren’t being catered to 24/7 any more. Fuck off. So it’s no wonder the antis feel Doctor Who lovers are all SJWs and the pos!Who people are convinced that the antis are all racist misogynist fucks. (The showrunners do too afaik, and that isn’t helped at all by Chibnall and Jodie both being SO resistant to negativity that neither of them seem to be soliciting fan feedback that isn’t positive.) Is it hard to ask for objectivity, though? For something that comes down the middle? That isn’t racist and misogynistic, but maybe still cares about how the things we’re looking for in terms of representation are being handed to us? How about, at least, not having to listen to some people who are so entitled that they literally think that Jodie Whitaker shouldn’t have shot out any babies so that she can instead devote her entire life to making TV shows? (Seriously, I listened to one girl who thought that, and you could hear her contempt for people who have kids in every syllable.)
I’ve liked episodes of this season. The Kablam! episode was great, I only had minor complaints with the ep that I handwaved away because I felt like there was actually some dramatic tension. I liked episode 2 because it was idk. A fun adventurous romp and the characters all had flaws. I quite liked Rosa because it had the bones of something better, and that showed through in all the scenes where Rosa’s actress (Vinette Robinson, who was also in the Chibnall episode ‘42′, btw what nepotism how many british actors do you think there are?) interacted with the other characters. 
But they weren’t all perfect, at least to me. Maybe I’m a negative nelly, because everyone seems to be tripping over themselves to scream positivity about the show in their reviews, but I, personally, feel like much of it has fallen flat. When they did finally drop - as they’ve been avoiding for much of this season - the ‘If I was a bloke this wouldn’t have been a problem’ thing, it wasn’t even delivered with a great deal of gravity or purpose. Maybe some people think that was a good thing, I don’t know, but looking at the way sexism was handled in Timeless, for example, and hell, Sliders (which was a trashy 90s show about jumping between alternate realities; or Quantum Leap for that matter, which had Sam jump into the lives of women in the past and experience days in their lifetimes), it’s way past the era of TV to deliver that kind of line like it’s inconsequentially drawing attention to something nobody noticed before, you know? Why is the BBC always 100 years behind, despite playing like it’s the most progressive thing ever? Why do we let it, and say “Sure we’ll take it, that’s enough” instead of also insisting they tell GOOD stories, and not wave their hand and say aliens did it at the end of every episode? I get it’s a time traveling series but the aliens show up and then the doctor waves her magic wand and ~science~ and yes she quoted Arthur C Clarke but she can do that and be powerful and tell powerful stories that aren’t completely...halfhearted, and if you don’t have trumped up stupid bad guys you don’t have to have flimsy solutions for beating them at the end.
We SHOULD be seeing ourselves in the media we’re absorbing. I firmly believe that. I also think, though, that we’re entitled to be respected by that media as well, in that the stories we’re seeing that show US should be good stories. They shouldn’t be concentrating on making as many nods as possible to as many corners of culture as possible that it stops caring about the story it’s telling, because whatever politically correct points it scores will ensure people overlook its flaws. It’s disrespectul, and we shouldn’t allow it, because it means we’re nothing but a commodity, an unquestioning storyblind audience that just doesn’t care so long as our representation needs are getting catered to. That means we’ll keep getting more representation, but a lot of it will be shit, because no matter what we’ll throw up our hands and give it ten out of ten and rigorously defend it no matter what caricatures it throws in front of us.
We should demand better stories alongside our representation. Fandom is so powerful now that we’re being written for, because as a whole we aren’t objective. We engage in mass squeeing, we’re GREAT at giving positive feedback and high ratings like it’s our job to do it even if it’s undeserved (and arguably Who NEEDED that positive feedback this year) and best of all anyone who doesn’t agree can be written off as an angry white dude, or racist, or just ignorant. That’s good for ratings and good for clicks, and networks eat that stuff up because it makes them money. But that isn’t respect, and we shouldn’t be selling ourselves out for a bargain basement price.
That’s my last word on it for now. I’ll probably complain again next week, and I know I KNOW this isn’t a popular pov for people, but I’ve made my bed with that. For those of you who loved it, I’m glad for you. I’m mostly disappointed for myself. And I still think camp James I was fucking terrible but I already know people love him, so what do I know?
P.S. my tags are for my flist so they can blacklist properly, not to force my saltiness down the throats of other Who fans. You don’t have to agree with me. I just needed to vent.
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helpimhyperfixating · 3 years
Photos and Crushes - Cowboy AU Jotaro x Reader P2
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3
Word Count: 11488
“I’m not coming here again, that is clear.” Jotaro grumbled as he dusted his jacket off. You were standing beside him, giggling a little as you watched his disgruntled look.
The sun was setting and all the children had just left, finally giving Jotaro some respite.
“Ahw.” You pouted playfully, helping him dust off his back a bit. Jotaro sighed and rolled his eyes at your fake sadness, just grabbing your wrist and starting to drag you away from the church with him as you waved back at the nun, darkness slowly starting to set in.
Jotaro soon released your wrist and the two of you were now walking side by side.
“Thank you for today.”
“Hm?” Jotaro hummed, pretending to not know what you were talking about.
“For everything you did. Putting up with the children, helping cheer them up. And especially... with those riders, of course.” You bashfully glanced at him through your eyelashes, only looking at him from the corner of your eyes.
“It’s fine.” Jotaro grunted and you almost couldn’t understand him with how heavy the grumble in his voice was.
“No, really. You saved me again.” You stopped him with a hand on his arm and Jotaro turned around to look at you with a questioning look. “How can I make it up to you? I feel like merely a drink isn’t good enough this time.” You chuckled sweetly at your own callback and Jotaro felt his throat close up a bit, wanting to clear it but not wanting to come across as awkward.
“Come riding with me tomorrow.”
It was a simple sentence but neither of you knew how flustered the other was with those mere words hanging in the air.
“Alright. I’d love to.” You spoke after a bit, finally having found your courage to answer while holding a mini panic attack and celebration inside your head and chest.
Jotaro on the other hand was having a small existential crisis.
Both of you were lost in your own heads as you continued walking and quickly, the fork in the road where you split up came. You cleared your throat and turned to him. “I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow then?” You questioned and Jotaro nodded.
“I’ll come by at nine.” He spoke, oozing his usual calm and stoic confidant look. You nodded a little shyly and quickly stood on your tiptoes, pressing a kiss to his cheek before taking off in the direction of your home, not looking back even once.
Jotaro swallowed heavily as he watched you run away, still feeling the phantom feeling of your lips on his cheek. And then he nearly clocked a dude right in the face when they swung an arm around his shoulder, surprising him.
Joseph screamed like a little girl as he ducked out of the way of the fist.
“Gramps!” Jotaro called out, exasperated.
“Honestly, Joseph, you need to learn how to read someone’s body language.” Caesar sighed. Seemingly appearing out of nowhere as he now stood to Jotaro’s right, Joseph righting himself and putting his arm back around his grandson from the left.
“You two are back in town?” Jotaro questioned, mostly aimed at Caesar as he pulled his grandfather’s arm off of himself and actively ignored him.
“We never left.”
“Yes we’re back.”
Caesar was quick to shut down Joseph’s attempt at a prank and the man pouted.
“How have you put up with him for all these years?” Jotaro questioned, pointing his thumb back to his grandfather.
“It honestly is a mystery to me as well.” Caesar spoke as Joseph let out an offended noise.
“Well screw you too! Here I was, just trying to be happy for my grandson for finding the love of his life, and I get this thrown at me!”
Jotaro actively tried to ignore that statement as he left the two behind and started walking the last leg to his house.
“Joseph, let me talk to your grandson for a bit.” Caesar patted Joseph’s shoulder and - while the man was pouting - he nodded and motioned Caesar to go.
Jotaro immediately noticed the Italian man walking up beside him and pulled his hat down over his eyes a bit. “You haven’t told her yet, have you?” The silence was answer enough and Caesar hummed a bit. “You know what I said before. And, if what we just saw was any indication, she returns your feelings.”
Jotaro once again didn’t say a thing and instead sped up a bit. But Caesar knew he was thinking about his words.
“Oi, Caesar! It’s my turn to talk to my grandson now!” Joseph called out from behind but Caesar was quick to shush him, pushing the older Joestar into another street to take a different route to the Kujo household and give the young man some peace of mind to think.
Tomorrow was a big day after all.
- - - -
A knocking on your door made you jump up from where you had anxiously been sitting. Nearly tripping on your way to the door, you managed to catch yourself in time and just opened the door.
There stood Jotaro, looking the same as ever and you sent him a quick smile.
“Good morning.”
“Morning.” Jotaro greeted back and he could see you excitedly bouncing, making him chuckle softly as he took a step to the side, giving you a good view of the pitch black horse that was hitched right outside your door.
“Jojo!” You exclaimed happily, running over to the gigantic animal. It was one of the biggest and strongest horses you had seen, an almost blue sheen to its black coat when the sun hit it right.
Upon hearing his name, the horse’s ears turned towards you and you walked up to stand beside it, gently petting its neck.
“Sometimes I think you like him more than me.” Jotaro joked as he walked up behind you after having closed your door that you stupidly left open in your excitement.
“I mean, he is a strong competition but no, I think you still win.” You tilted your head back to look at him and grinned, making Jotaro flick your forehead.
“Let’s go.” He spoke and placed his hands on your waist. The action surprised you and you quickly turned your head away from Jotaro so he couldn’t see your blush at the sudden close contact.
He lifted you without trouble, holding you high enough so that you could swing a leg over the large horse and sit down on the saddle.
“Scoot forward.” Jotaro instructed and you did as he asked while he untied the reins, throwing them back over the neck of the horse before taking hold of the saddle horn and back of the saddle while putting his foot in the stirrup, pulling himself up and swinging his leg over the horse’s back with grace.
Jotaro eased into the saddle, his hand that he used to grab the saddle horn now holding onto the reins, running under your arm and slightly pressed into your side.
Jotaro’s other arm suddenly snuck around your waist, pulling you back just a tiny bit so that your back was pressed into Jotaro’s chest. “Is this more comfortable?” He leaned forward a bit, softly saying that in your ear and making a shudder rack through your body, feeling his breath hit the shell of your ear. God, it was too early to get like this already.
“Y-Yeah.” You let out, clearing your throat as inconspicuously as possible afterwards.
Jotaro just hummed a bit, silently appreciating the cute little stutter in your voice while he let go of your waist, instead moving his hand so that he could hold the reins with both hands now.
Letting out two short clicking noises as he pulled the reins to the left side, Jotaro made Jojo turn, followed up by a small kick into the horse’s belly, urging the beast to start walking.
He almost immediately started up, a steady and confident stride in his steps yet perfectly in tune to the rider on his back.
You knew that Jotaro and Jojo had a good connection, the man having taken care of the animal ever since it was a foal. It still surprised you every day you saw the horse however, of how well trained he was. With its size, it could most likely trample everything in its path, yet he was the definition of a gentle giant.
It was your personal belief that the reason for that was because Jotaro had always doted on the animal. He had never admitted to it but you knew that despite the hardass, asshole attitude he had, he loved this horse.
“Relax a bit, you’re completely stiff.” Jotaro suddenly spoke up from behind you and you realised you had been lost in thought.
“Oh, sorry.” You quietly spoke, shuffling your butt a tiny bit to get a little more comfortable in the saddle. You might be a bit cramped and pushed to the front, but it was a lot better than sitting behind the saddle on the rump of the horse. Not only was there not a comfortable saddle back there, Jotaro’s massive frame also made it so that you could never properly look around. The two of you had tried that once the very first time, but after that it was always ‘you in front, Jotaro behind you’. Not that you rode with Jotaro too often. In fact, in the two years you knew him, it had only happened a handful of times. And yet, here you now sat.
“I thought I said relax.” Jotaro suddenly grumbled from behind, wrapping his arm back around your waist and pulling you back so that you were fully leaning against his chest. Instantly, you could feel yourself start to blush heavily as you began to properly sway with the movements of the horse, your back pressed against Jotaro.
“Sorry, uh, I was a bit lost in thought.” You tried to excuse yourself, the awkward smile on your face that he couldn’t see turning into surprise when Jotaro put his chin on the top of your head. In response to you he said nothing, only humming a bit, which you felt vibrate a little on your head.
You could feel Jotaro turn his head left and right as he looked both ways before crossing the street, lifting his head from yours once you reached the other side and spurring the horse into a light trot.
Jojo’s hooves pounded satisfyingly on the dirt road, the horse’s trot a comfortable ride despite his large size.
At the end of the street, Jotaro went right and you both passed the small church.
The sister just so happened to be outside, cleaning the steps and now looking up to see the two young people ride by. You noticed her as well, sending a smile and a wave while Jotaro subtly nodded, almost impossible to see for the nun who stood so far away. Yet still she smiled warmly and waved back, her look turning a bit more knowing as the horse passed by. She could almost smell what was blooming between those two from where she stood.
After a few minutes of a relaxed trot, you two were almost out of town when,
The loud yet faraway shout made you lift your head up and look around while Jotaro gritted his teeth and pointedly refused to look anywhere but right in front of himself.
“Hey! Jotaro!”
At that, the man sitting behind you spurred his horse into a canter, holding you up against himself as he stood up in the stirrups slightly so that the animal beneath you could properly move.
Jotaro just noped the fuck out the moment he heard his grandfather’s voice. Whatever he wanted, it could wait. He had let his mother know he would most likely be gone most of the day if not all day with his horse and he was sure his mother would have told the old man as well. Right now, he was fairly certain that Joseph had seen you sitting in front and if he was allowed to talk to you, he’d definitely do everything he could to embarrass Jotaro. And no way was he letting that happen.
Running away when you were on horse and the pursuer on foot made it almost too easy and Jotaro looked back briefly, seeing the old man stand in the middle of the road, looking defeated as he became smaller and smaller while the pair on horseback left the town.
As soon as he thought you were far enough away, Jotaro slowed Jojo back into a trot and then back into a step, settling back into the saddle with you and unwrapping his left arm from your waist.
Or at least, that was the plan until his hand got snagged in your belt loop. Confused at first, he tugged just a little firmer, accidentally tugging at you while he felt something digging into the side of his hand, piercing through his skin.
“Oh!” You exclaimed in a bit of surprise when Jotaro nearly tugged you forward into the saddle.
Jotaro swallowed before he looked down over your shoulder as to what had happened, having no choice but to rest his wrist against your hipbone.
Somehow, he had trapped two of his fingers in your belt, and now the prong of your belt buckle had just straight up embedded itself into the side of the palm of his hand.
“Shit, sorry.” Jotaro quickly apologised as he tried to twist his hand out, but the prong punctured into his hand refrained him from moving without it digging painfully into his hand.
“No, it’s okay, just- here-“ Your delicate fingers wrapped around his, stopping him from squirming as you then pressed his hand flat into your stomach, using the clearer view to see how you could untangle him. “Who was that anyway?”
“My grandfather.” Jotaro answered as he felt himself blush, feeling the soft expanse of your stomach beneath his hand - even if it still was covered up with your shirt - was enough to make the boy flustered.
When you untangled his fingers, the prong still inside his hand, Jotaro couldn’t keep himself from softly squeezing your stomach. Just a small twitch of his fingers, digging the pads down just a little bit. It felt wrong to do morally but... god, he wanted to be able to keep doing that. Maybe Caesar was right. He had been doubting whether or not he should use today to confess but-
Unknowingly, in his thoughts, Jotaro squeezed again. While you hadn’t noticed the first time, you did now.
The man stopped breathing for a second, afraid he had overstepped and that you’d be mad, but you merely quietly apologised for hurting him, slowly and carefully sliding his hand off the prong, some blood dripping from the small puncture wound in his hand.
Jotaro moved his hand to the side so he wouldn’t bleed on either your clothes or his saddle, simultaneously looking away to the right to hide his raging blush as he gently pulled on the reins to make Jojo stop walking.
He got himself stuck and then impulsively touched you when you pressed his hand into your stomach, yet you were too oblivious to notice. Granted, you were the one to place his hand there, but still. Your mind was just so focused on helping him that you didn’t even notice the world around you. You were so sweet and selfless.
Of course Jotaro couldn’t have helped but fall head over heels for you.
Procuring a handkerchief from somewhere within your pocket, you grasped Jotaro’s hand again and gently wrapped it up.
The man shifted a little in the saddle behind you as you tied the knot and he cleared his throat. “Thanks.”
“No problem, uhm- oh! We stopped.” You only just now noticed and Jotaro turned his head back forward so he could look down on you. God, you really were oblivious, making his heart tighten fondly in his chest. “Anyways, why’d you run away from your grandpa?”
“Because I know him and if I stopped, we would have never left town.” Jotaro explained, and, in a way, he was not lying. For, if his grandfather had teased him and you, Jotaro might have just gotten cold feet and turned around with a ruined mood.
With a small sigh to shake that thought off, Jotaro spurred Jojo back into walking, the horse’s firm steps easily and quickly bringing them up and down the uneven terrain of the planes.
“So, where are we going?” You spoke up after a bit.
“The forest right outside the planes.”
You gasped at that and twisted your body around to look at Jotaro with a massive smile. “Really?!” He merely hummed in affirmation and an excited laugh burst from your throat, with you slinging your arms around Jotaro in a giddy hug.
“Hey, don’t be reckless, I have to ride.” Jotaro chastised you, but really it was just because he could feel his cheeks flame up, his heart beating sporadically at feeling your chest pressed against his and your arms around him.
At that you pulled back (Jotaro managing just in time to steel his expression), a sly look on your face. “Jojo is a competent enough horse, he can steer himself.”
“That is a subtle way of me saying you raised him well, mister.” Your voice turned a little softer, an almost proud undertone shining through that made a small blush appear on the brooding man’s cheeks at your compliment.
“S-Shut up.”
“Make me.”
Ohhh, that was the wrong thing to say for Jotaro. His breathing became a bit laboured as he immediately thought of all the ways he could in fact shut you up while you turned to sit straight again. His hands holding the reigns squeezed hard and to make sure you wouldn’t notice, he released his left hand and instead placed it on his thigh, bunching the fabric there and squeezing tightly while his right hand that was still in your view was completely lax, just nonchalantly holding the reigns.
“If I want to compliment you I will, there’s nothing you can do about it.” You finished your statement after a second or two and Jotaro released his thigh. Of course, this was you he was talking about. Little old oblivious and innocent you who had no idea what effects simple words from you had on him.
“Compliment those who want it.” Was his gruff response but inside he wanted to kick himself. He did want your compliments, he was just shit at accepting them.
“I sure will.” You smiled slyly and suddenly leaned forward, leaving the warmth of Jotaro’s chest as you hovered your upper body over the neck of the horse you were sat on. “Jojo, you’re such a good boy! So strong and pretty! Yes you are! Yes!” You cooed at the animal, now affectionately patting and slapping the horse’s neck, getting a snort and happy turning of the ears in return.
“Don’t praise him so much, he’ll get spoiled.” Jotaro’s voice piped up from behind you, sounding a little disgruntled.
“You said to compliment those who want it. And besides, what can I say, I got a lot of love to give.” You shrugged with a small smile as you sat back up, twisting backwards in the saddle just a little so you could look at Jotaro.
“Well, put it elsewhere.”
“Like with you?” You teased and Jotaro turned his head to the side, tilting it down a little so his hat would obstruct your view of his face, though you saw the slight pout he sported.
“If it keeps you from turning my horse into a brat.” He responded, making you laugh lightly.
Now he had to accept your compliments, whether he wanted to or not.
- - - -
It took about an hour and a half of riding to cross the planes, switching between a step and a trot every now and then to speed the process up just a little bit.
The view was beautiful of course, some wild animals roaming around through nature. At one point a herd of wild horses had ran past, much to your awe and delight.
But still you were more than excited to get to the forest. You hadn’t been there in so long due to how far away it was, even on horseback, and now couldn’t wait.
Right now, Jojo was slowly climbing a small hill, huffing and snorting a bit as Jotaro needed to keep the reigns taut. It was steep and one of the few things the horse was still fussy about doing, especially now that he had two people on his back. Jotaro had to keep a firm and steady hand to keep him in check, making his arms tightly sit against your sides to do so, even squeezing a bit in order to keep the reigns steady.
You knew that was the reason for it of course, but still, you couldn’t help but blush at feeling his arms so tightly against you, caging you in and keeping you steady while his chin leaned on your shoulder, his hot breath fanning past your cheek as he looked down over you at what he was doing.
Finally, you reached the top of the hill. Jotaro let up on the tight squeeze of his arms at your sides and only now you suddenly noticed how his thighs had been squeezing as well, his knees pressed against your legs. “Sorry.” He mumbled and you cleared your throat.
“No it’s okay, you needed to.”
Jotaro hummed a bit at that and suddenly leaned forward, pressing his chest into your back and pushing you down as he gave the side of Jojo’s neck a few approving slaps for climbing the hill.
He had attempted to lean a bit around you but that proved futile as he pushed you down with him all the same.
Sitting back up together, you opened and closed your mouth like a fish, not knowing what to say, but all of those thoughts were thrown out the window when you saw the forest, the landscape having been hidden behind the hill before.
Your sudden gasp slightly scared Jotaro, afraid it was because of him pushing you down and that he fucked up, but when he saw you turn around to look at him with that giant smile and sparkle in your eye, he knew it was fine.
“Do you want to take us there?” He asked all of a sudden and you furrowed your brow in confusion.
When you didn’t get the hint because you were looking back at him, Jotaro playfully rolled his eyes and grabbed your right hand, making you snap your head forward to see his large hand enveloping yours, leading it over to the reigns he was still loosely holding in his left before wrapping your hand around the leather.
“R-Really?” You asked back at him, genuinely taken aback. You didn’t expect Jotaro to so easily give you the reigns to the horse he cared so much about. He was completely calm and relaxed, a small hint of a smile playing on his lips as he urged you to take it with your other hand as well, as if it was no big deal. He just handed you the control and trusted you with barely a word. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Just use both hands, he’s a strong horse.” Jotaro answered from behind, his voice a little more soft than you were used to and you felt yourself start to blush again.
Bringing your other hand up, you gripped the reigns with both hands, making Jotaro let go with his left as well, completely leaving you in control.
Jotaro gently nudged his heels and Jojo started stepping again.
Almost immediately after getting moving, a pair of hands landed on your waist and you looked down to see Jotaro was holding onto you like that, his hands on your waist so he wouldn’t fall.
In all honesty, you highly doubted he would fall at all, ever. But you couldn’t fault him for just wanting to hang on, so you didn’t say anything, instead just silently musing about how nice and warm and big his hands were.
Jotaro, at the same time, was musing about how small and soft you felt while he was holding you, trying to calm down his beating heart from making the bold move to hold you like this.
A curve in the road was coming up and you pulled the reigns to the right softly, only for Jojo to keep going forward, seemingly not heeding your signal at all.
You tried again, a little firmer this time, but still nothing. “He- He’s not turning.” You spoke with a small voice, feeling embarrassment wash over you. All you had been given were reigns and you couldn’t even make a simple turn to the right correctly?
Jotaro, hearing you and sensing your distress, gave your waist a small squeeze. “It’s alright.” He spoke but you felt disappointed in yourself. “Jojo’s not an easy horse.”
“Somehow I don’t believe that.” Your lips were curved down a bit and when you pulled on the reigns to try and get him to stop, Jojo wouldn’t even do that. A small noise left you and Jotaro was quick to grab hold of the reigns as well, pulling firmly with one hand and getting the horse to stop.
You let go of the reigns and buried your face in your hands while Jotaro let go as well, bringing his hand back to his side and leaning it on his leg as he looked at the back of your neck, his other hand still on your waist. “I’m sorry.” Your apology was a bit muffled but a soft look chased away the usual frown that Jotaro wore at your words.
“There’s no need to be. Jojo is stubborn and it takes practice to ride him.”
“I have not ever seen him be stubborn. He is literally the sweetest horse I know.” You said, lifting your head from your hands and looking back at Jotaro. For the first time you noticed the uncharacteristically soft look on his face and you suddenly felt a lot better already.
“That’s because you’ve only ever seen him with me.” At that you raised an eyebrow, a faint smile returning to your lips, much to Jotaro’s delight.
“Oh so he is only so sweet when you’re around, huh?” You remarked, getting a soft snort from Jotaro. “See, I told you you trained him well.” You then said softly and a warm feeling spread through the man’s chest.
“Want to try again? I’ll help.”
Nodding, you turned back around in the saddle and grabbed hold of the reins a little hesitantly.
“With Jojo it is important to keep your elbows pressed into your sides at all times.” He gently cupped your elbows and pushed them into your sides. Jojo, who had hung his head low to graze a bit at a small patch of grass, was forced to raise his head now that the reins went a little taut.
With your elbows in place, Jotaro shuffled a little bit more back before sliding you back up against him, his chest pressing against you and allowing you to feel the muscle even through the clothing in between.
Bringing his arms around yours, Jotaro grasped hold of your hands, enveloping them with his own and holding onto the reins that way. His head was leaned forward and his cheek almost pressed against yours as he looked over your shoulder.
“Be confident but don’t suddenly tug.” He explained as he showed exactly what he meant, pulling his - and by extension your - hand outward to the right, gentle but firm.
Almost immediately, Jojo started turning on his axis, Jotaro giving a small nudge in the stallion’s belly to get him to start moving again when he was pointed in the right direction.
“He knows you’re the one doing it, he just has a soft spot for you.” You remarked, but Jotaro happily noted the sweet lilt in your voice, showing you were no longer that hung up about the whole thing.
Still, he couldn’t help but want to cheer you up even more. “If we are being honest, I think he has a soft spot for you too. Not many can approach him like you do. Not even my grandfather can.”
“Mhm.” Jotaro hummed affirmatively. “He gets huffy when they do. But not with you.” He leaned sideways to the right a little bit as he said that last sentence, allowing him to turn his head left to properly look at you and bring his point home.
Your eyes were a bit wide as you looked at him before a smile split your face. Jotaro had the sudden urge to press a kiss to your temple but refrained himself, sitting straight in the saddle again and focusing back on the reins and how his hands sat over yours.
Suddenly kicking into the belly of the beast, Jotaro spurred his horse into a trot when you reached the bottom of the large hill, much to your surprise. “Try turning.” Jotaro spoke over the sound of the hooves.
His hands were still over yours, giving you some confidence but still, you tried pulling the reins left, Jotaro guiding you a bit as he helped pull firmer, showing you exactly how hard you needed to work the reins to get Jojo to turn.
In a steady trot, you started to zig-zag on the road. After the fifth turn, Jotaro was no longer helping with pulling the reins and he let go, returning his hands to holding onto your waist.
Jojo was powerfully trotting to the left and you now tried to steer him back to the middle of the path, without even the semblance of Jotaro helping doing it. And, without a fuss or huff, Jojo turned - just as smoothly as he did when Jotaro was the one in control.
A wave of pride flushed through your chest and Jotaro watched as you guided Jojo the rest of the way to the forest.
Once you were about fifteen meters away, you pulled the reins and Jojo slowed down to a step.
“Well done.” Jotaro praised you before looking around a bit. “Stop here.” He said after a few meters and you pulled the reins, bringing the horse to a stop.
Reaching his hand around you again, Jotaro grabbed hold of the saddle horn before swinging his left leg over the animal and dismounting, holding his arms up for you moments after.
You put the reins behind the horn before scooting back in the saddle and swinging your left leg over Jojo as well, only, different from Jotaro, you swung it over his neck so that you were sitting sideways in the saddle. This allowed Jotaro to grab you by the waist and lift you off, gently placing you on the ground.
Once he was sure you were steady, he stepped up to the side of Jojo and patted his neck a few times before swinging the reins over the animal’s head so that he could lead him.
Taking hold of the leather reins in his left hand, Jotaro expectantly turned back to face you and you smiled, realising what he meant.
You skipped up to beside him and stood next to him, ready to enter the forest for the first time in like three years.
Jojo had a different plan however as he suddenly stepped sideways, walking from Jotaro’s left side, over to the right, where you stood - forcing Jotaro to switch the reins behind his back from his left hand to his right - and nudging your shoulder with his head.
“Oh!” You called out in surprise as you were thrown forward a bit by the powerful nudge before turning around. Placing your hand on the nose of the animal, you gently scratched his forehead and neck, Jotaro smirking at you from the side.
“I told you he likes you.”
- - - -
Jotaro watched as you ran around the forest in awe.
Months ago, he had heard you talk about the last time you went to the forest. The sparkle and longing in your eyes as you did showed him how much you loved the collection of trees and he vowed back then to take you to one one day.
And he had to admit you were right, it was really pretty. Though, his eyes were mainly focused on you, not the forest.
With his left hand still holding onto Jojo’s lead, Jotaro followed with his horse as you frolicked through the trees, looking at every bush and plant as if it was your first time seeing green.
“Y/N, don’t stray too far!” He called out when he had to lead his horse around a closer cluster of trees that the large animal he was leading couldn’t fit through.
Walking around, Jotaro looked to where you had been, only to see you nowhere in sight. “Y/N?”
Walking forward, he looked around with furrowed brows, slight worry eating away at him in the pit of his stomach. Where did you go? He called your name once more, once again with no answer.
Suddenly, a pinecone hit him right on the nose, making him curse loudly.
“Oh no! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to, I-!” Jotaro slowly raised his head up, following the sound of your voice to see you sitting in between the branches of a tree, your hand guiltily slapped in front of your mouth. Quietly muttering, “I didn’t meant to.”
“Ouch.” He pointedly spoke, holding direct eye contact with you and you quickly climbed out of the tree, jumping down the last bit by hanging off a branch and dropping a way too large drop for Jotaro’s liking before rushing over.
“I didn’t mean to hit you in the face, I just wanted to get you by surprise.” You apologised as you took his face into your hands, checking him over and gently running your thumb over the bridge of his nose where a very tiny chafe now marred the side.
“You’re shit at throwing things, you should know that by now.” Jotaro said and raised his eyebrow.
“Yeah...” You admitted with your head hung low before looking up at him through your lashes, looking a little bit like a kicked puppy. “Are you okay?”
“Y/N, I’ve been hit with a lot worse than a pinecone, especially with your weak throw.” He grabbed both your wrists, though he did not pull your hands away from his face, just simply holding you; Jojo’s leash now just hanging on his arm.
“Oi, now you’re just being mean.” You pouted and the corner of Jotaro’s mouth quirked up.
“I think I am allowed to. You assaulted me.”
“I said I was sorry!”
“But are you?”
“Yes!” You nearly shrieked out, Jotaro cocking his head a little to the side as he looked at you.
All of a sudden, you realised how close to each other you were standing, your nose mere centimeters from touching his.
Jotaro saw you visibly start as you pulled back a bit, an awkward smile on your face as you cleared your throat.
You took a step back, letting go of his face and bringing your arms down, though Jotaro was still holding your wrists.
“Well, at least you’re okay.” You smiled a bit while Jotaro looked at you, closing his eyes a second later as he released your wrists.
“You are a real problem sometimes, you know that?”
“Yeah, I think I do.” You giggled softly and Jotaro huffed in amusement.
“I’ll just have to keep an eye on you.”
With that, he grabbed hold of your left hand, pulling you to his side before starting to walk forward, having re-gripped the reins in his left so he could lead Jojo along.
Your eyes were slightly wide, a light blush on your face as you were dragged along with him.
Walking in step with the man next to you, your eyes were stuck between looking around and constantly honing back in on him. You couldn’t help it.
His hand was so confidently holding yours, a firm grip while he led you along through the forest.
Opting to just take it as it is, you went to look around again, a small blush on your cheeks while your eyes trailed up to the canopy of the trees, seeing two birds sitting side by side.
Suddenly, you tripped over a branch that got stuck between your feet, saved only by Jotaro’s hold on you as he quickly reacted and pulled your arm up, keeping you from face planting on the forest floor.
“T-Thanks.” You breathed out as you used his hand and arm to clumsily get yourself back on your feet.
Jotaro merely grunted in response but suddenly interlaced his fingers with yours, giving your hand a small squeeze. “Try not to trip again.”
You looked up at him in surprise but he was looking forward, his ears a slight red hue while most of his face was shadowed by his hat.
Opting to just stay silent, you looked around at the forest, simultaneously relishing inside your head as to how nicely Jotaro’s hand fit around yours, his fingers tightening and re-gripping your hand once.
Coming from all around, the sounds of the forest calmed your beating heart. Jojo’s hooves softly stomping on the forest floor - paired with your and Jotaro’s footsteps - birds chirping and singing to each other, the wind rushing through the canopies, rustling the leaves of the trees.
You thought that maybe you’d be disappointed when you came back here after years. That the memories you made as a younger you would have overblown and made things way more fantasised and pretty than it actually was; that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Silently, Jotaro watched you as you looked around. Your face was stuck in a constant state of awe, a happy glint in your eye that would not leave as you took in the forest around you, amazed and perplexed.
His heart was absolutely hammering in his chest as he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. He didn’t know if it was a conscious action on your part, but whenever you would see something that caught your attention, your fingers would twitch in excitement, giving his hand the gentlest of squeezes that made him way more flustered than he’d like to admit.
God, Jotaro had it down bad for you, and he didn’t know if he could keep his feelings in for much longer.
He had a hunch that you liked him back, but he wasn’t sure. And on the off chance that you didn’t like him back, was it worth the risk losing your friendship as it was now?
As he let his eyes drift to the side and away from you, he suddenly spotted something.
“Y/N.” He uttered your name as a mere whisper, making you turn your head with a questioning look as he brought his left hand to his lips, making a shushing motion.
Turning to his left, he quickly wrapped Jojo’s reins around a thick tree branch sticking out, leaving his horse tied down as he then quietly walked forward, taking you with him by the hand he was still holding you with. You got the hint to remain quiet and followed him as stealthily as possible.
Sneaking around trees, Jotaro made you crouch down low as he continued to lead you with him. Right up until you both sat down behind a fallen over log.
Once more motioning you to keep quiet, Jotaro lifted his hand and pointed a little bit to the right. You followed his arm to where he was pointing, only to see a cluster of wild deer standing there, grazing.
A small quiet gasp left you as you saw them and you turned to look at Jotaro, a giant smile on your face that made his heart skip a beat. He squeezed your hand in response and you tightly gripped his’ back while you looked at the animals again.
Just feeling you so tightly hold on, your shoulder touching his as you were crouched behind the fallen over log, there was nowhere else that Jotaro would rather be.
“Did you know fawns do not have a detectable smell? That way predators cannot smell and find them.” Jotaro quietly spoke up, having leaned a bit more into you to whisper that into your ear so that the deer would not get alerted by your presences.
“Really?” You questioned, almost with childlike wonder, and Jotaro nodded, the corners of his mouth quirking up ever so slightly, showing how content he was. “What else?” You questioned, hoping he knew more.
“Well, some deer have been seen eating infant birds, which is uncanny since deer are primarily herbivores.” Jotaro said that with a little hesitancy. He just said the first thing that came to mind, realising only once he said it how gruesome what he actually said was. But you were quick to put him at ease.
“Oh that’s nasty. I thought they were the nice animals.” You joked a bit as you turned back to watching the deer.
Reassured by your words, Jotaro continued. “Some mothers digest their foetuses if times are hard and she is malnourished.” By now, he was not looking at the deer at all anymore. Just watching your expressions as you looked at the animals and your reactions to the information he gave you. Wanting to see you react to his words, to him.
“How hard would surviving have to be if you need to resort to... that.” Jotaro watched as your brows furrowed a bit, your lips turning downwards some as you showed compassion for those deer that you most likely would never even cross paths with. “What else?” Your whisper was barely audible but Jotaro did hear and swallowed a bit nervously. Oh god, why was he nervous?
“Well, deer practice both polygamy as well as monogamy.” His eyes drifted down to your hands still entwined together, drifting back up after to see your reaction.
“Huh, I thought the bucks would just... get whatever female they can have.” You spoke, still looking entranced by the animals further ahead.
“No. Some- some mate for life.”
His words were accompanied by a soft squeeze of your hand and with that, you finally turned back to look at Jotaro. And right then and there he decided that; yes, it was worth it.
“Y/N.” He started as he turned to his right, now fully facing you, making you turn your body slightly toward him as well while he had his head tilted down, burning holes into the log to his left as he questioned himself. Was he really just gonna do it?
“Jotaro?” You questioned after a minute of silence.
Jotaro looked at the forest floor for a second longer before abruptly raising his head. “I’m in love with you.”
Blinking twice, it took a second before you recoiled a bit in shock, Jotaro looking right into your eyes as he said that, looking the most serious he could and only then did the words he spoke actually sink in. “...What?” You questioned with a breathless voice, your eyes wide.
“You heard me. I don’t want to say it again.” Jotaro leaned forward and grabbed your other hand as well, his eyes darting down to it and back up to your eyes.
He gently tugged you towards himself, placing your hand on his side before letting go and putting his left hand on the side of your face, his right still entwined with yours. Slowly, he started leaning in, searching your eyes to see what you were thinking.
“Jotaro?” You whispered softly, an unsure tone in your voice.
“Stop me if you don’t want it.” He quietly said back before leaning in fully, softly connecting his lips with yours as he closed his eyes.
Your eyes were wide as your brain tried to catch up with what was happening. But then, your eyes just fluttered closed and tentatively, you leaned into him, kissing back.
Feeling you kiss back, a massive weight got lifted from Jotaro’s shoulders and he wasted no time, eagerly sliding his hand from your jaw to the back of your head so he could pull you closer, deepening the kiss sweetly as he tilted his head a bit.
He had waited so long for this, and it was everything he had imagined it would be so many times. It was addicting. You were addicting. But this was one addiction he did not want to stop.
Your lips were just so soft and warm and the feeling of kissing you after all this time made that nervous flutter in his chest into a fire. With his hand still holding yours he squeezed softly, his lips continuing to move with yours before you squeezed back, making Jotaro hum a bit.
Slowly, the two of you broke apart, Jotaro returning his hand back to cupping your cheek, very gently running his thumb over your cheekbone as he took in your flushed face.
For the first time ever, a deep red blush was visible to you on his face as well, and just the thought of him blushing so much over you caused your own blush to burn even brighter.
The two of you just looked at each other in silence for a bit, stunned and letting sink in what actually just happened.
“Did you ever realise I was sweet on you?” Jotaro questioned after a bit and you shook your head, though your heart skipped a beat at his words. “You really are oblivious then.” He spoke but there was a small smile on his face, his thumb still rubbing back and forth. “Everyone else seemed to see it, even the brats you teach. But I guess it worked out for the best.” With that he lifted his right hand, turning it so that the back of your hand was facing him as he brought it up to his mouth. He didn’t outright press a kiss to it, just simply holding it there against his lips, but you felt butterflies crashing around in your stomach at the action.
“I-I’m sorry then.” You apologised but Jotaro clicked his tongue, bringing your hands down and finally untangling them as he instead brought it up to cradle your head, his eyes piercing into yours.
“Don’t ever apologise. I don’t want you to change, you don’t have to. Understood?”
You nodded a small nod, lost in his eyes as he wouldn’t look away.
“Good.” He fell into a small silence as his face shifted to appear a little warmer again. “Can- I kiss you again?”
“Yeah.” You smiled shyly and Jotaro’s gaze drifted down to your lips, slowly leaning forward-
Several thumps echoed through the forest and both your heads shot up to see the entire herd of deer suddenly springing and running away, rapidly moving in the direction of you and Jotaro before rushing past to the right, huffing and grunting slightly as they ran.
“W-Why did they do that?” You asked, having a hunch you did not like as the both of you quickly got up onto your feet properly.
“Something must have spooked them.” Jotaro remarked, scanning the tree line and you looked up at him with worry. “Let’s go, come on.”
You were about to start moving when harsh barks and growls echoed from behind you two, further into the forest.
Your eyes widened in fear but Jotaro wasted no time in grabbing your hand as he started running through the forest, back to where he left Jojo.
More barks sounded, getting louder as you ran and Jotaro whistled loudly, warning Jojo to get ready as the two of you ran towards the horse.
As soon as you reached the large animal, a howl sounded behind yourself and you gasped, starting to look behind you but not getting the chance to as Jotaro picked you up by your hips and lifted you onto the saddle.
Having a good view and vantage point now, you easily saw the pack of wolves running through the trees towards you while Jotaro quickly untangled the reins, throwing them over his horse’s neck before putting his foot into the stirrup.
“Jojo, go!” Jotaro shouted out, his left leg barely over the animal’s back as he pulled the reins to the right, the horse immediately reacting as all his muscles - that had been tensed in preparation - were now being utilised, the animal shooting forward as if an arrow out of a bow while Jotaro only still hung on the side.
And right on time, as the wolves reached you the moment Jojo began running, leaving them going in pursuit while Jotaro finished slinging his leg over the saddle, jamming his other foot into the stirrup.
The man behind you immediately stood up in the stirrups as Jojo accelerated into a gallop in just a few seconds. With his right arm around your waist, Jotaro lifted you up with him as well, holding you pressed firmly against his chest since you didn’t have the stirrups to stand in.
Leaning forward over the neck of the horse, you could feel Jotaro’s breath against your ear, the man’s warm chest pressed firmly against your back as he held you up and simultaneously tilted forward, providing as little air resistance as possible to run.
Horse hooves galloped over the dirt, the sounds heavy and thundering as Jojo ran at full speed through the forest, dodging trees left and right, branches breaking as the horse barrelled through underbrush.
The wolves growled and barked hard, nipping at the larger animal’s side when they could. “Come on, Jojo!” Jotaro shouted, the horse pushing just a bit harder and gaining on the canines.
Bursting through even more bushes, a thick fallen over tree suddenly blocked the way. Without missing a beat, Jojo vaulted over it, all the noise momentarily seemed to cease as you flew through the air, right up until the stallion crashed back onto the forest floor. Immediately, Jojo rushed on, sprinting ahead while the wolves jumped over the log as well, still in pursuit.
Wind rushed past, trees still being dodged left and right by the horse right up until he reached the edge of the forest, breaking through brush and running out, back onto the plains, the loud barks and growls of the wolves going in pursuit slowly dwindling and decreasing the farther away from the forest you got - the canines no longer finding it worth it to waste their energy by going in pursuit.
Jotaro chanced a glance behind as you continued to gallop away, seeing the wolves slow down and stop, just watching as you all ran away, becoming smaller and smaller with each second.
- - - -
After what felt like forever, Jotaro finally pulled on the reins, slowing Jojo into a canter before going into a trot and then a step, sitting back down in the saddle, bringing you down with him as well and finally letting go of his arm around your waist.
His breathing was slightly heavy as he pulled once more, coming to a complete stop.
Slightly turning around in the saddle and looking behind himself once more, there was no sign of the wolves and Jotaro let out a deep sigh, turning forward again and lifting his hat from his head to run a hand through his hair before putting it back on.
Putting one hand on your waist, Jotaro leaned forward and patted Jojo’s neck, calming the animal down as he praised it.
“That was, uh- that was- yeah, that was.” You concluded, just shortly laughing at the end, more to get rid of the nerves and adrenalin that had been shooting through your body than anything else.
“It was.” Jotaro chuckled softly as you looked back at him, just huffing a laugh of your own as you turned to look forward again, instead slumping back into Jotaro, leaning against him as you let out a deep sigh; Jotaro automatically placing his hands on your hips to hold you.
“It could’ve gone quite wrong had you and Jojo not been as fast as you were.” You took in a deep breath before sitting up straight again, figuring to not put all your weight on the man behind you. “I forgot that was the reason why my dad always carried a massive rifle when we used to go there.” You said but heard Jotaro ‘tch’ behind you as he let you go.
A disagreeing rumble sounded from in his chest. “There’s no need to shoot innocent animals just because they are hungry or feel threatened.”
“Thinking like that will easily get you into trouble, partner.” A new voice said, making you and Jotaro snap to attention, seeing a man with another rider behind him - both of them carrying rifles - walking up from behind, putting you both on high alert.
A snarl developed on Jotaro’s face as he crossed eyes with the man up front. “You. What do you want?”
Your eyes were slightly wide as you recognised him. He was the leader of the group of riders who had come to rob the church yesterday...
The man’s eyes glided from Jotaro, down to you, and back up while he circled around, and Jotaro didn’t like it one bit, snaking his right arm around your waist and discreetly yet protectively pulling you closer.
Looking behind himself from the corner of his eye, Jotaro took note of the other rider - he had hung back and was now walking his horse to stand behind Jojo - though his main focus remained on the man from yesterday.
“Well what kind of greeting is that? I see you still haven’t learnt some manners, boy. But then again, why would you?” The man from before grinned and Jotaro narrowed his eyes. While his friend was just a few meters behind, this outlaw was standing about seven meters away in front. “Do you have any guesses as to why we’re here?”
Jotaro didn’t say anything as he sized the other man up, a dangerous glare on his face, borderline scowl.
Seeing as Jotaro wasn’t answering, the man took it upon himself to do so, a suddenly dangerous aura around him, masked by mock politeness. “Let me get straight to the point then. You know what you did with your little stunt yesterday?” He cocked his head, trying to incite a physical response though he got none. “You humiliated me. Hurt my pride.” He placed his hand on his chest as if in hurt, looking down for a second before snapping his eyes open and staring into Jotaro’s eyes with an almost deranged look. “And I care about my pride. So I think I’ll hurt something you care about.”
Your eyes widened as the world seemed to slow down, the man pulling his revolver up and pointing it at straight you, the sound of a gun cocking behind yourselves as well.
Yet Jotaro was faster, signaling Jojo and making the horse spring into action on the command.
The giant black stallion bucked backward and slammed his hind legs into the rider standing behind himself, causing the man to be roughly kicked out of the saddle, instantly taken out of the fight by the harsh impact of the giant animal’s hooves on his temple and torso, his horse scaring and sprinting away simultaneously.
A gunshot sounded at the same time, a bullet whizzing just over your and Jotaro’s heads.
The leader had aimed for your head but due to Jojo bucking, you and Jotaro had leaned down, the bullet shooting past where your heads had just been.
Jojo landed back on all four of his legs and Jotaro kicked his belly, urging him to go, but the outlaw was quicker than Jotaro expected, him having already reloaded before the horse could even start to run.
You felt Jotaro’s hand on your waist tighten as he yanked you aside to the right just when a gunshot sounded.
Attempting to shield himself with his left arm, Jotaro let out a short shout in pain as the bullet seared through his flesh, shooting straight through the middle of his forearm and embedding itself right underneath his left clavicle.
“Jotaro!!” You called out in fear and Jotaro gritted his teeth, growling slightly as he let go of your waist after pulling you back up, yanking the reins to the left to make Jojo turn while he grabbed his gun from behind his back, aiming it at the man.
Said man had his gun pointed at Jotaro in a similar fashion, once more resulting in a stand off between the two.
“What’re you gonna do now that there ain’t no sheriff to come to your aid?” The outlaw smirked but Jotaro calmly stared down the barrel of the gun.
“Don’t need one.”
With that, he fired his gun while simultaneously making Jojo prance up, confusing the gang member enough to make his bullet go wide, only for the man to yelp as Jotaro’s bullet shot into his gun, making him drop the thing.
You fell back into Jotaro when the stallion suddenly got up on his hind legs, the young man letting out a pained grunt as you did, right before Jojo fell back down on all fours.
Jotaro wasted no time in slinging his right arm around your waist again to hold you, kicking his heels to make Jojo storm forward where Jotaro gave a signal for his horse to turn left with his foot, yanking his right leg out of the stirrup to instead harshly kick the outlaw out of his saddle.
Yelling in anger and pain as he fell, he was abruptly silenced as he got the wind knocked out of him by landing on the ground, his horse panicking and running away quick and fast.
With a groan he tilted his head up, seeing his gun lay on the ground not far from him and he quickly made a lunge for it, grabbing it with both hands yet freezing as he heard the heavy hoof-falls behind him step once, twice, before stopping. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Jotaro high atop his horse, a threatening image with the man’s only reassurance being the iron in his hands.
Jotaro, calm as could be, just simply drifted his eyes to the gun, acknowledging it before looking back into the eyes of the outlaw with a cold look.
“Try it. Let’s see who’s the fastest gun.”
The man’s breath hitched. There was no doubt or hesitation in Jotaro, his threatening glare pointed down as he challenged him
Everything seemed to quiet down and freeze for a second, the stare off between the two feeling like an eternity yet lasting no more than two seconds. But with nothing to lose, the outlaw suddenly hardened his stare and abruptly rolled onto his back, providing a dodging movement as he simultaneously brought his gun up, ready to fire haphazardly.
Yet Jotaro was two steps ahead of him, his gun already brought up, aimed, and the trigger pulled before the outlaw had even the chance to put his finger on it.
Jotaro’s bullet immediately shot through both of the man’s hands at the same time, since he was still holding his gun with both hands. His scream of pain echoed over the plains as he dropped his gun, unable to hold it any longer. Blood started bubbling from the wounds and he shakily brought his hands up to his face, stifled yells and pained noises leaving him as he snapped his head up with a venomous glare.
The glare dissipated into eyes widened in fear the moment Jotaro walked Jojo up next to the outlaw and stared directly down at him. There was a cold rage in his eyes that made the man’s breath hitch. “Never threaten her again.”
With that, Jotaro pointed his gun down and shot twice, one in each foot, not a single speck of remorse in him as the man screamed in pain before passing out from it.
- - - -
Jotaro was sitting on the ground with you in front of him.
“You’re so stupid.” You choked out, tears in your eyes as you slammed the bloodied cloth in your hand onto the dried grass.
Jotaro shut up at that. He couldn’t recall if you had ever raised your voice at him, and now he just stared into your eyes, the tears you were holding back making them glassy while his eyebrows creased in worry, feeling as if he had to say at least something.
“...I can’t see you getting hurt.” He softly said, attempting to grab your hand, but that set you off.
“Oh, so that means I have to see you getting hurt?!” You called out and Jotaro stopped himself.
You were starting to get more and more upset and he needed to calm you down. Doing just that, Jotaro - not thinking clearly due to the pain and not knowing what else to do - just grabbed you by the back of your head with his right hand and pulled you towards himself, slamming his lips against yours, shutting you up.
Tears were now streaming down your face as he kissed you, a small sob leaving you and muffled by his mouth as you placed your left hand on his neck, feeling his warm skin under your palm as you just gave in.
Feeling you do that, Jotaro tentatively broke the kiss, pulling back only slightly before he placed his forehead to yours, you now trying to stifle your crying.
“Hey.” He softly spoke to try and get your attention and you opened your eyes, looking up to look into his. “I’m alright. The bullet didn’t even fully go into my chest, you know that, you pulled it out.”
“I-It was only halfway in.” You sniffled out with a nasally voice, Jotaro petting the back of your hair as he nodded briefly, the feeling a bit strange as he still held his forehead to yours.
“Exactly. So you don’t have to worry.”
“But your arm-!”
“-Will heal.” Jotaro finished for you, finally leaning back. “Right now let’s just get home.”
You sniffled once more and wiped the tears from your face with the fabric of your sleeve, your hands and wrists too stained with blood to use for that. “Once we’re back in town you’re going to a doctor.” You spoke out with a bit of a hoarse voice and Jotaro snorted softly in amusement, a slight smile on his face as he used his thumb to wipe away a last tear that you missed.
“I figured.”
You took a deep breath to reign in and steel your emotions, releasing it again as you focused back on his arm. His trenchcoat was partly off and you had rolled up his sleeve of the shirt he wore underneath it, still unnerved by the see-through hole that you knew sat underneath the improvised bandage, blood staining it from the profusely bleeding wound in his arm. “Don’t ever get into a fight on my behalf again.” You spoke as you picked up the cloth you had thrown into the grass earlier, starting to try and wipe away the blood you had accidentally got onto his neck.
‘It’s one of the only reasons I ever get into a fight.’ He thought to himself but instead shook his head slightly. “No promises.”
- - - -
With only slight effort Jotaro had gotten back into the saddle, you climbing into it yourself for the first time ever now that Jotaro wasn’t there to lift you before you could. He managed to get on behind you with one arm, grabbing hold of your hip afterwards given how you had already taken the reins.
Neither of you spoke much the entire ride back, yet every now and then, Jotaro would softly squeeze the hand on your hip. Comforting you even in silence.
Riding back into town, you immediately made way for the doctor’s, Jotaro rolling his eyes behind you at your stubbornness. If you had your eyes set on helping people, there really was no changing your mind.
“Y/N, you go to the sheriff’s and report what happened like we discussed.” Jotaro said to you as he carefully dismounted, making sure not to use his left side too much.
“What? No, I wanna go in with you.” You protested, looking a little hurt and Jotaro reached his good hand up to grab yours still on the reins.
“I’ll be fine. Those guys won’t stay there knocked out forever and you know it. You can come back after you’ve gone and reported it.” He said before slapping his horse’s neck twice. “C’mon, Jojo, go.”
With that, the horse started gently trotting and you looked back at Jotaro as you went further down the street. Concerned for the man as his figure got smaller and smaller before you saw it enter the doctor’s office.
Unfortunately, the sheriff’s was almost on the other side of town, so it might take a lot longer to come back than you would have liked.
- - - -
“Hello sheriff Miller.” You smiled a small awkward smile while the sheriff shot up from his seat, his eyebrows raised.
“What happened, darling? You’re covered in blood!” He walked forward, taking hold of your upper arm as he looked you over.
“Uhm, well you see, me and Jotaro- uh, Kujo, Jotaro Kujo, I mean - we were out riding when that gang from yesterday approached us. Two of them at least. And, well- let’s just say things got ugly...”
“Are you both alright?” The sheriff immediately asked and you swallowed.
“Sort of. Jotaro got shot.” You teared up a bit but shook your head when the sheriff placed his hand on your shoulder. “But he’s at the doctor now and I came here to say that the two men who attacked us are knocked out on the road to the forest to the north of here. Almost directly next to the forest.”
“They’re knocked out?” At that the sheriff raised his eyebrows and you nodded.
“One got kicked by a horse, the other got shot.” You said but quickly held your hand up when the sheriff furrowed his eyebrows. “U-Uh, but only in his hands and feet! Jotaro didn’t kill him! It was all in self defence! Really!” You frantically called out while sheriff Miller straightened up, looking down at you with a stern expression.
- - - -
“The guy and the gang he was a part of apparently have a bounty on their heads, so you won’t see any consequences for shooting a man.”
You were walking side by side with Jotaro, you on his left, and Jojo having to be on his right so he could lead his horse with his good hand.
Jotaro hummed in response to you as you walked the road back to your home, Jotaro insisting that he escort you there.
His arm was now in a sling, the wounds nicely and cleanly stitched and wrapped up and you felt a lot better seeing that - even though he lost quite some blood - he was walking as if totally fine.
You just wished things could have gone differently. This day took a nosedive from being one of the best in your life, over to one of the worst, with someone you care deeply about being shot. Oh god, you confessed to Jotaro. And he confessed to you. You totally forgot in all the chaos. What if-
“What are you thinking about?”
“Eh?” You snapped out of your thoughts, looking to your right to see Jotaro looking down at you curiously. “Oh, just... today.”
“Mhm.” He hummed, looking forward again, as if contemplating it.
“I just... I’m sorry.” You whispered and Jotaro turned to you with a raised eyebrow.
“Why are you apologising?”
“Because you got hurt and-“
“Is it your fault I got shot?”
“W-Well, no, not exactly I guess-“
Jotaro stopped walking and instead turned to you, taking hold of your chin and turning your head towards himself. “Exactly.” Your eyes were so innocent and you looked like you felt so guilty despite what he said, making Jotaro slowly blink and sigh as he closed his eyes briefly.
A quick glance into the street showed it was rather empty, and Jotaro snaked his good arm around your waist, pulling you into himself.
Just deciding ‘fuck it’, Jotaro wasted no more time with idle talk and slotted his lips over yours.
Part 1  |  Part 2  |  Part 3
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Scandal Ch. 1 - Loki x Reader
Summary: After your child is born a Frost Giant, your husband accuses you of infidelitiy, unaware about his own heritage...
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Warnings: Pregnancy, Childbirth, Angst, Mild Cussing
Noteable: Takes place before Thor 1, Asgardian Fem! Reader
Words: ~1800
I Story Masterlist I General Masterlist I
It was as if your anchestors wanted to deliver a warning, for Asgard had never faced a storm matching this fateful afternoon.
The thunder swallowed all of your screams and cries, every curse you spoke with each contraction as the baby made it’s way into this world. All this time, your precious husband would never leave your side, letting you squeeze his hand as much as you needed.
“Only a little bit more, my Lady!” the midwife shoutet from between your legs, her tone calm yet cheerful. “I can already see the head!”
“I’m right here. You’re doing wonderful, my petal.” Loki was softly petting your hair, pressing a wet kiss into your forehead. “You are incredibly strong, Y/N. And I love you so much!”
Remaining collected was using up all of his energy at that very moment, you knew that much. Yet not even the God of Lies could hide all the helplessness and excitement stirring in his head at that very moment.
Being with the Prince of Asgard was just like in a dream.
Once you get to know him, that troublesome arrogant lone wolf turned into a smart, caring - and especially charming - prince. And hel, Loki treated you like a Queen.
All this pain you were experiencing right now would ultimately lead to the greatest bliss imagineable - just like it was with Loki.
Oh, how dearly you had fought, suffered, yearned for him, only to be rewarded with heartbreak and frustration. In between his feverishly chase for the throne and his rivalry with Thor, there was just no room for a loving relationship to grow.
The crushing weight of thinking himself unworthy for affection had made him cold and bitter over the millenias, telling himself the comforting lie that he was above all, born for a glorious purpose.
For the God of Mischief, whose kinsmen had always made him feel out of place or under-appreciated, the process of trusting had always been one step forward, three steps back.
But through your compassion, and with a great deal of patience and understanding, you slowly but steadily melted the ice around the prince’s heart.
Because deep inside, you always knew that it was worth it.
And today would be the peak of your romance: Your child would forever remind the Odinson that he belonged somewhere - right here, with you.
“It’s a boy!”
“A heir?!” Loki exclaimed, smothering your face in kisses. “Well done!”
You smiled weakly at his excitement, in between choked sobs. All that your exhausted self was able to process was the fact that your child is born - and you already loved him beyond reason.
“Where is he?!” you whimpered, unable to realize how the air in the room had shifted - for when the midwife touched the infant, she began to scream in agony.
“What’s wrong?!” Loki’s eyes were narrowing at the midwife that almost dropped his newborn, detecting some sort of burn wound on her palm. Quickly, she had covered the boy in a towel, aware that if any harm came over that baby, she was to die at the God of Mischief’s hands.
A flash of lightning was brightening the whole room, which had only been flooded by dim candle light until now.
Another one of the midwife’s screeched in terror, almost stumbling as she frantically erscaped your bedchamber. The adrenaline from birth and worry about your child sharpened your senses, yet concentration was almost impossible.
Still, the words she was yelling as she ran down the hall send a shiver down your spine:
“It’s a monster.”
Your head was spinning as you rushed into an upright position, with two nurses pressing you onto the bed again. “Milady, you need to rest! It’s still too early!”
“What is wrong with my child?!?” you desperately screamed, kicking with your legs to free yourself from their hold. “Give it to me!”
Their expressions were too much to bear. Your head was spinning, seeing pity mixing up with disgust and anger in their eyes.
“Enough!” Loki finally broke his own silence, his mind having been occupied with all the horror scenarios one could think about.
Walking up to the midwife carrying the infant, he demanded seeing it. “Your highness, don’t-” yet the midwife’s beg was for naught.
Yes, everything will be alright. Loki will take care of it, like he always does. After all, he’s your savior, your hero, the love of your life...
Gently and insecure, your husband cradled the newborn in his arms - a sight to behold. And the baby’s strong cries assured you that it was at least alive.
However, as soon as he dared to unwrap the towel, revealing it’s face, Loki’s heartbeat completely stopped for a second. His trembling lip began to shake, mouth widely agape as he took in the child’s form.
For a brief moment, his mind was completely blank. All emotion dropped from his face before taking in a complete different demeanour.
“Wha-” you wouldn’t dare ending that sentence when your husband’s furious eyes met yours.
The air was so thick, you thought not even Thor’s hammer could break it. Clearly ritten on Loki’s usual unreadable face were so many emotions at once:
Aversion, fury, incredible sorrow...all directed towards you? The child?
Loki Odinson loved you more than anything in this world, this was the only thing you had always been sure he wasn’t lying about.
“From all the people I expected to betray me...” His voice was hoarse, as if the ache in his heart was wrapping around his throat. “Why did it have to be you?”
You could feel the horrendous aura, a wave of sadness and despair coming from your husband. Seeing him like this was like torture.
“What- what do you mean, darling-”
“Don’t fucking call me that, you harlot!” That was surely not the first time your lover had raised your voice against you - he could be a bit difficult at times, obviously.
But this time was different somehow. It sounded so...ultimate.
And the Loki you knew would never use such harsh words against you!
“Please, I beg of you...just let me see my baby!” Everything was just too much for you, almost to the point of passing out. 
And the man did as you pleaded, almost shoving the child into your arms. “There, have your bastard! And make sure to never show your filthy faces to me ever again!”
With that, he stormed out of the room, leaving you with those strange nurses looking at you like you’ve just commited an unforgiveable crime.
There was no use in overthinking this. He’ll come back like he always did. You can work this out, whatever it is - even if you are gonna be mad for a very long time, making such a fuss and then disappearing instead of taking care of you, the mother of his child.
Out of a whim, you decided to finally observe the little being you’ve been waiting for all those months.
A loud gasp escaped your mouth as you realized just why everyone was so worked up about that little boy. Yet the sound you made was solely surprised - not a hint of fear or rejection laced your voice.
It was a beautiful baby boy, little fists balled to the air as if he was searching for the warmth of his parents - though his skin was in the shade of a dark blue. When you dared running your hand over the deep lines and ridges on his body, the stinging pain of frostbite immediately stung your fingertips. His eyes snapped open, looking at you with black irises through red scleras.
You knew the meaning of this, even though you didn’t understand how this was possible: This child was a biological Frost Giant. A small one, but nonetheless.
A curse? Was someone trying to play your family dirty? No. If that was the case, the child wouldn’t also have actual powers together with the appearance.
Just how long have those tears been running down your cheeks in thick streams already? You wouldn’t know.
Only one thing came as clear as daylight to you: You loved this baby, more than anything in this world. And no matter the hardships that came along with it - you would protect him, no matter what!
“He’s magnificent...” you sniffled, pecking some quick kisses onto his small body before the cold could hurt you. “I love you so, so much...!”
Not minding the judging looks of the nurses, let alone wondering about the consequences, resolve was starting to give you new strenght.
The boy got a grasp on your finger, and instead of your skin freezing off as expected, your magic allowed him to the boy to finally disguise itself as one of you. How was this even possible? Well, this is probably the first time something like this ever happened, so no one could prepare you for what to expect with this child.
They all say that birth was an impactful event - but nothing could’ve prepared you for everything that you had to endure on this day.
Yet nothing could’ve stopped you from believing that this child was the greatest blessing that ever came over you.
Now you only had to convince your husband of that very fact...
“Y/N Y/L/N!” the guard wouldn’t even bother adressing you with your full title as his harsh voice woke you up. When had you drifted away into slumber anyway? You were probably way more worn out than you wanted to admit...
Your eyes immediately snapped open, heart skipping a beat until you saw that your son was still sleeping soundly right next to you. Stroking his cheek as he smiled up to you, it almost made you forget about that burdensome situation.
“Hey!” Protectingly, you were holding onto your child for dear life as the guard approached both of you. “I have an important message to deliver!”
You scowled, almost like an animal mother protecting their offsprings with baring teeth, even though you knew in that state you would be completely and utterly helpless. “Why now? What could be more important than the well-being of my child?”
The answer let your blood run cold:
“I am here to announce that Lady Y/N Y/L/N has to face a trial in front of the Allfather. The following crimes she is being accused of: Infidelity, collaboration with the enemy and trying to sneak one of them into our glorious kingdom.”
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blogevaawrites · 3 years
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: smut, cheating, angst
Summary: After being away of you boyfriend for three weeks, you come to Chris’s  house after he had thrown a party where you met a girl you haven’t see ever. The beginning of the relationship was unconventional so you couldn’t do anything else but suspect.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue
“It’s not fair” the voice from de other side of the phone was deep, he was slurring his words. I did recognize it, it was hard to forget it, but it was quite odd hearing him like that, so drunk that he couldn’t speak.
“Chris? It’s 3:00 am. I was sleeping.” I said sitting on the bed better.
“Oh yeah? How does that feel? You know what? I was doing it fine. I let you go; I was getting you out of my head. Why it's so fucking easy for you to get into it?” he sounded sad and mad at the same time.
“Chris, I’m sorry if what I told you hurt your feelings, it was mean, I know. I'm really sorry. Your personal life is not my business anymore.” He didn’t let me finish. He wasn’t interested in my apologies.
“I wanted everything of that with you. I wanted a wedding, I wanted to find a fucking house together, a big fucking house to have a big fucking family. I made up my mind to have kids, adopt two and maybe have one, because that was your dream family. And fuck! I wanted it so much, I wanted to be part of that fucking dream so much. I don't want it if you aren't in the equation. Why it's so hard to believe for you? Why don't you want everything of that just with me? It's not fucking fair, why are you still in my head? How can you be so collected?” his words brought me back to the time I told him my dream.
He was staying in my apartment after being away for a couple weeks, he couldn’t sleep because of the jetlag and I wasn’t tired either, he was happy for my sleeplessness, he hated being alone in somebody’s else house. We went to get a few donuts, one of the perks of living in NY was, no matter what time is it, you can always find some food.
I remembered we walked the entire night, just talking, enjoying each other’s company.
He told me about his family, about his relationships with his parents, with his siblings and he explained to the adoption’s process of his sister. I told him about my workmate who thought that adopting a child and having a baby was not the same, that he wouldn’t take care of a someone’s child. He was so absorbed in his donut that he responded without looking at me.
“Sorry, if he’s your friend, but he’s an idiot. Being a parent is about loving, taking care of and protecting a child, not a biological relation.” I saw him in a different way, in that moment I realized I loved him. He continued in his unawareness and asked me about my family, and my dream family.
I told him about what kind a family I wanted. I wanted to have a big one, a big house, a couple animals and a house in the woods. He laughed “I would never have said you were like that.”
“What? Why?” I tried to look offended, but it wasn’t the first time I got that. “I don’t know, you love living here, your tiny apartment and your demanding job.” he was right, I loved that, but I had always lived by my own, I was used to it. “My apartment it’s not tiny.”
“Honey, you don’t have a dog because of it.” He spoke. “It’s a standard-sized apartment in NY” I defended “That is just another statement in my favor” he laughed.
“Are you okay?” I asked coming back to the reality.
“I thought I was until I saw you. How can you be so happy? Why can you live without me when I’m not able…” he blurted out all his inside feelings, I knew him, I knew he wouldn’t tell me those things if he was sober or calm. He is so impulsive. I knew he was going to regret it later. “Chris…” I interrupted him but he didn’t stop. “Fuck, I miss you and I don’t want to.”
“I’m sorry” I said calmly. He didn’t respond. The line was alive, but he was in completely silence.  “Chris?” and I didn’t hear nothing else.
I put my phone back on my nightstand while the conversation came to my mind. I don’t usually come to L.A, but I was Linda’s birthday, and we came to celebrate it. The club was new and kind of exclusive, I shouldn’t have been so surprised of finding him there.
He was chatting with a girl; I couldn’t see her face, but I could see him. He was so close to her, caressing his arm and touching her face. I wasn’t sure if I was on his vison, but it hurt me a bit he didn’t notice me.
The night went fine, I tried to forget about him and enjoyed the rest of the night. At some point, I went out to smoke a cigarette, I wasn’t a smoker but sometimes it feels good.
“Can I have one?” he said, I recognized his voice, I could feel his presence. I turned around to face him. I handed him one cigarette, trying to look calm. “Thank you.” He said with a smile. We stared for a few minutes until he spoke. “You look gorgeous. Your hair in that way, it has always been my favorite.” I give him a little smile as a thank you. “You look...taken.” I said, I shouldn’t have, he was free to do what he wanted. I had to admit that it bothered me, I got jealous. He didn’t look bother, anyway. He shook his head with a shy smile. “Well, you’re wrong. I’m completely single.”
“Is she aware of that? It doesn’t work if one of both doesn’t know it.” I said, he didn’t look hurt or annoyed by my words. He looked cheerful. “Ouch! Low blow. She is, don’t worry.” He said, looking at me right into my eyes. He is so flirty with a few drinks. “We are just friends. I’m not very good at relationships.” He spoke.
“I wouldn’t say that you’re not very good at it, you just miss the monogamy part. I thought you were ready to settle down. I guess they’re right, talk is cheap.” I threw out my wasted cigarette and was ready to say goodbye, but his face changed. He looked mad then, he didn’t say anything, but I noticed his mood wasn’t the same. I went too far. He got inside the club before me, without a word.
In the morning, I checked my phone. He didn’t call me again, but he did send me text.
       “Sorry about last night, I shouldn’t have call you I was drunk and being an asshole. I`m so sorry. I won’t bother you again. Take care of yourself!”
After the day he left, we didn’t talk for three months. We didn’t have a tough conversation since then. He sent me flowers with a simple note for my birthday but nothing else.
“Hey girl! Why are you up so early?” Linda spoke, entering the room. “It’s 1 p.m.” I said joking. “Whatever! It’s my birth-weekend, if I said it’s early it is” she said with a big smile. “Why are you awake? We needed this, enjoy it and go back to bed.” she asked again.”
“I saw Chris last night” I said simply. “Where? At the club? I didn’t see him. Are you okay?” she got worry.
“Yes, at the club. And yes, I’m okay. We talked and I was being mean and kind of a bitch. He got mad and called me later. It was weird.” I responded.
“Why were you being mean? Did he tell you something?”
“He was with somebody. I don’t know, I got jealous.” It was hard for me to admit that I wasn’t like that I was completely against that but couldn’t help it.
“It’s normal, you were deeply in love with him.” He said before kissing me head.
We walked around the city and get lunch at a very nice and modern place. I didn’t think about him for the rest of the day.
“I know he lied and cheated but he is so fucking good looking.” Lucy commented suddenly. All of us got confuse until I turned around to see what she was staring at. A big billboard promoting his new film. Indeed, he was hot but in the picture he was breathtaking.
“Isn’t a shit that he is everywhere? I mean he is your ex.” Vanessa asked eating his meal.
“Yes. I guess.” I said simply. The topic of the conversation didn’t last long.
I didn’t realize he was everywhere until she mentioned it. The rest of the day he was in everything, Instagram, TV, even in the street.
I couldn’t take him out of my head.
“You are on every-fucking-where. Your face is all over this place.” I laughed, entering his house, he was filming something in L.A and I got a few days off to be with him. He was the face of a new fragrance so pictures of him were everywhere. For the first time in our relationship, I realized how famous he was. L.A was the place where I was with an actor and the rest of the world I was just with a guy. We were getting home from a night out. We were kind of drunk, not too much but in a very happy mood. “Oh! Shut up!” he said laughing. “Oh! Sorry sir, I don’t want to bother a such an important person. I will be a good girl.” I mocked, before I could do anything else, he took my face to his. “Will you?” he asked seductively, he kissed me deeply, holding my face firmly. His touches were always like that, comforting, protective and loving. I nodded smiling, unable to say anything with his mouth on mine. “Even L.A is a nice place when you are here.” He muttered against my cheek. His hands flew to my thighs to pick me up and take me to his room. Slowly, he took off my dress and helped me to get out of shoes. Just in my underwear, he smiled at me, and rubbed his gingers through my collarbones, the middle of my breast, my stomach and played with the band of my panties. “Haven’t you come out of my dreams?” he said. I moved my arms up to cover myself, laughing at his comment. “Alcohol makes you sappy.” I spoke. He took my hands to bring me closer to him “It makes me honest.” He kissed me and continued “Not even alcohol makes you speak. You’re such a cold heart chick, aren’t you?” he joked, I knew he was playing because he was smiling and kissing me but that wasn’t the first time, he insinuated something like that. “Chris…”
“I’m just joking, relax.” I let it go because I knew he was kind of right, I’m not a very affective person, or someone who loves to talk about love, but I was working on it.
At night we went to another club, it was a chill night, so we didn’t drink, we just talked and ate. When we wanted to go back to our rented house, we took a taxi but in the middle of ride I realized I left my jacket at the wardrobe’s club.
“Don’t worry! Get inside! I will be back in a couple minutes.” I said while the girls got out of the taxi.
I went back to the club, looking for my jacket. I asked the girl in charge of the wardrobe for it, she looked at me for a little bit too long. She handed my jacket and asked. “Sorry for question, but your face looks so familiar to me. Weren’t you Chris Evans’s girlfriend?” I got uncomfortable and she noticed. “I don’t want to bother you, it just I remember your face from where I used to work in. I worked in a restaurant in NY for a long time, and you and Chris used to go there, quite a lot.” She explained, I remembered her then, it was one of our favorite restaurants, and she was one of the waitresses. “Oh, yeah I remember you, Hi.” I spoke.
“We weren’t allowed to talk to our costumers there, I just wanted to tell you that you both make such a good couple, me and the other girls were in love with you guys.” She made me smile. We said goodbye and I left the place with him in my head.
“Okay, I’m ready. We can go.” I said to my driver, he was nice enough to wait for me to get my jacket. “Back to the house, right?” he asked turning on the engine. “No, can you take me here?” I asked, showing him the address on my phone.
I didn’t want to think about it twice. I wanted to see him.
As soon as we were near to his house, I realized I didn’t know where he was, he doesn’t come to LA until he has to. He was here yesterday but that was all I knew.
I got out of the taxi. “Do you want me to wait, or should I go?” the driver asked. For a few minutes I didn’t know what to do, and I saw the driver’s face was sightly impatient. “You can go, thank you.” I answered quickly, I wanted to see his face.
I rang the bell; I held my breath and I hoped he was there.
I waited for what I thought it was an eternity, but it was just two minutes.
I hear his voice on the intercom, and I blocked. “Who is it?” I couldn’t talk. I forgot how to speak. He waited not long before turning on the camera. I saw the red light and I knew he could see me. I didn’t say anything, and the sound of the door opening brought me back.
I walked to the house, and I just could see his silhouette because of the darkness.
“Are you trying to get even?” he joked, “Sorry to tell you, but you’re not as much intimidating as I can be, you can’t scare me”.
I didn’t respond, I kept walking in silence until I was at his door. Face to him. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?" he asked, suddenly worry about my state. I guess my expression was concerning.
“I’m sorry.” I just could say.
“Don’t worry, you can come whenever you want.” He spoke.
“I don’t mean that. I’m sorry…” I wanted to explain but he interrupted me.
“Hey! If this is about the call, don’t worry. I was being irrational, please! Just ignore it.” He looked shy.
“Can we talk?” I asked, I was feeling uncomfortable being outside. Before he could speak a woman’s laugh sound from inside the house, I realized he wasn’t alone. I blocked again. Him not being at home was an option, but I didn’t imagine that he could be with someone else.
“Oh! Shit! I should have called. I’m sorry,” I said, and I started to walk away. He looked confused for a few seconds before getting my arm. “Holy crap! No! Stop! It is not what you think! It’s Tara and Scott” he yelled.
I turned around and he continued “I had a few meetings here and they are spending the weekend here.” I felt the embarrassment going over my body. “We can go inside but they will be around. We can walk around the neighborhood, believe me it’ll be more private.” He suggested. I doubted for a second, but I nodded, he was right we’ll have more privacy.
“Okay! Wait a minute! I need my shoes.” He said before going back inside the house.
I started to regret, I wasn’t sure why I was there, what I wanted or anything. Before I could make any decision, he was back. He closed the door and started to walk by my side.  
We walked for a few minutes, in completely silence. Our appearance was kind of odd, he was wearing sweatpants, an unmatched hoodie, and a pair of sneakers. In another hand, I was wearing a midi black dress, my shoulders were free and my feet in super high heels.
“Aren’t you cold? It’s kind of chill, isn’t?” he asked, breaking the silence, and starting to unzip his hoodie.
“No, I’m fine.” I knew he was trying to start a conversation, but I just didn’t know what to do.
“Great.” he said awkwardly. The silence came back. We just walked around the houses, there wasn’t many, but they were big enough to get us tired.
“So, how have you been? I heard about your promotion, I know you were trying to get it.” he asked, he knows if I was nervous, he had to keep up with the conversation.
“I’ve been fine, and yeah I got so excited for the promotion. Linda threw a party.” I told him. “I know, I saw a few pictures on Instagram.” He said quickly. Letting me know he had been stalking me. I looked at him in the eyes and he got what I was thinking about. He wrinkled his eyebrow trying to think how get out of judgment. “Okay! I could say you were suggested by the logarithm but, whatever, I was just curious. I have the normal curiosity of an ex-boyfriend, of a non psycho ex-boyfriend.” He explained shyly. He made me laugh and that made him smile. I felt more relaxed then.
“I’m sorry for being so mean at the party.” I spoke. His smile vanished and he started to shake his head slowly. “it wasn’t my business…”
“Hey! No! it’s fine, I was being too sensitive. I know you were joking. Don’t think about it. My call was completely out of place.” He spoke.
“I wasn’t joking, I was having an attack of jealousy.” I told him the truth. I had had a few with being his girlfriend but I didn’t admit it so I was a big statement for me.  
“Well, you shouldn’t have…” I knew he was being nice enough not to make me feel even more humiliated. I interrupted him.
“I know, I know you’re free to…” I tried to explain but he spoke over me.
“You shouldn’t have because she is just a friend” he saw in my face a smirk that got him know what I was thinking about he used to have a lot of just-a-friend‘s friends. “A normal, regular, simple friend. We have been friends for years. Actually, I think you know her, she was Jessica, do you remember her?” I nodded, we used to go out with her when we were in L.A but we didn’t come very often. He didn’t like it and I was more than happy to be in N.Y.
“Great, can we pretend I didn’t say I was jealous? I feel ridiculous now.” I joked, he smiled at me and guided me to sit in a bench. “Now we’re even, you have my mortifying call, and I got your brutal honesty.” It was weird how I felt around him, after all that time, he could make me feel butterflies. I was still in love with him.
“I was being completely serious when I told you I was ready to settle down with you. You don’t understand how fucking different everything was with you, and when I realized how important you were to me, it was too late. I know I don’t have any right to be upset because I was the one who fucked everything up, but these past months I have been irrationally mad at you. I felt that you were taking my future with you away from me” he said laughing at himself. I was surprised by his words.
“I know, it’s a shitty though.” He continued when he saw my unbelieving face. “but these couple months have been awful, I haven’t felt like this before. I went to therapy and I realized that I’ve been sabotaging my relationships for a very long time. I didn’t think of it as a problem but then, I lost you and our relationship, and everything changed.” I kept quiet, astonished by his words.
“No! Please, let me tell you something first. I’m sorry, for everything; for making you go through all of that, for not loving you how you deserve to be loved. I’m going to regret what I did for the rest of my life. I just want you to know that I truly loved you. Fuck! I’m still in love with you, I guess this kind of love doesn’t go away so easily.” He said, making my eyes get wet.
“Why didn’t tell me anything of this before?” It was everything I could say.
“Because you were right; what we had, wasn’t going in the right direction. You deserved better. And to be honest I was afraid to see you again, I wanted to leave you alone as you told me and even now, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to do that.” His speech left mute. I didn’t know why I came and now I wasn’t feeling any better.
I got up, and without a word I started to walk back to his house; I could feel his anxiety for my silence, but he didn’t say anything.
“It wasn’t all bad, was it?” I said in a try to cool off the situation.
“You were the best part of my life, honey. Of course, it wasn’t all bad!” he said uncomplainingly. That took every word off of my mouth.
After a big deep breathe I said, “I’m sorry for being so cold in our relationship.” He tried to stop me, but I didn’t let him. “I’m not very good at showing love, I know it hurt you in order of how you are, but I really tried to make it better.” I knew he hate that about me, not just avoiding the word -I love you- but I used to avoid expressing every feeling. I was a very lonely person so I didn’t know how to do it.
“I love every aspect of you, honey. You shouldn’t feel sorry for anything” he said. I knew he was right but I couldn’t help it.  
“I should leave, it’s getting too late. I’m sorry for bothering you.” I said, he looked confused, but he didn’t say anything. We walked back to his house silently.
“Can I ask you something?” he asked when we were getting close to his entry’s house. I nodded “Why you came? It’s not like I don’t love to see you or know about you, but it was unexpected. And I don’t believe you came to say sorry.” He commented.
I didn’t answer right away. I didn’t have a reason to come.
“I honestly don’t know.” I said after a couple minutes. ”I saw a billboard announcing your new film. I remembered you. I started to think about you, about us. I just felt the need to see you.” I explained. He nodded and opened the door. “Give me a second, I will give you a ride,” before I could say no, he was inside the house.
I waited for him, getting close to his car and I remembered the first time he brought me to this house, I just moved to NY at that time, and we weren’t anything more that friends. He was being so talkative during our way to this house, which it wasn’t odd, but something told me he was overexcited.  We spent literally every minute of the week together, he was a fun guy to be around, and the sex was explosive. The last night, he set up a romantic dinner in the garden and showed me what he was so excited about.
“What’s this?” I asked surprised, holding the little box he handed me.
“It’s a gift.” He said simply, smiling at me. “Come on! Open it.”
It was a pendant, the one we saw in London, when I was visiting him while he was filming. After our first date in the airport, we kept in touch by texting, when he had to fly back to London for work, he asked me to visit him. We went for a walk one day and we passed by an antique jewelry store. I realized it was similar to one pendant my mom used to wear, I didn’t know he was paying me attention.
“It’s beautiful!” I just could say.
“It is! Just like you.” I wasn’t sure what was the meaning of the gift, that weekend in London was months ago. He saw my expression and kept talking. “I knew this was going to make you happy. I want to make you happy. Just you.” He was asking for exclusivity, and I wanted the same thing. I couldn’t say anything because he spoke” You don’t need to say anything right now…” I kissed him deeply before he could continue. I straddled him “Should I assume you want the same thing?” he said between kisses. I nodded smiling while he moved us to the seat next to the outdoor fireplace. He rolled my skirt up in my waist, leaving my butt free just covered it by his hands. He felt my uncomfortableness and said, “Don’t worry, nobody can see us.”  I looked at him questioningly by his conviction. “I promised. Trust me.” he said kissing my neck. ”Do you trust me?” he asked again. I did, I trusted him, I’ve sent him nudes, told him my deepest secrets or my filthiest thoughts. “I do” I simply said.
Trusting him became our biggest issue, maybe our only one, but it was enough to break us.
I missed him.
In the car, he asked me where I was staying, and he drove us through L.A’s midnight.
“Are you seeing somebody?” he asked suddenly after I quite long conversation about my promotion and his new project. “You don’t have to answer. I’m sorry if it’s too nosy.”
“No.” I answered, and a little smile appeared on his face. “Are you happy about my loneliness?” I joked, he chuckled.
When arrived, I said goodbye and got out of the car. I didn’t hear him getting out too.
“Hey” he called. Holding me from my arm. “Is it too bold to ask you out?” he saw my surprising face and kept on “Maybe when you are back in NY, I could go and have a date.” He spoke rapidly.
“Do you think it’s a good idea?” I wasn’t sure about what to say, I wanted to yell yes, but leaving him was the most painful thing I’ve done. I couldn’t handle it again.
“I don’t know. To be honest I just really need you in my life again. I feel completely empty without you.” He spoke. “You don’t have to answer right now. Just think about it. Okay?” He said, I nodded, and he started to walk back to his car. Before he could leave me again, the words just came out of my mouth without any warning. “Yes”
He turned over to see me again “Are you sure?” he looked surprised. “Yes”
“I can wait.” He said with a big smile in his face. “I don’t think I can.”
TAG LIST: @breezykpop @calwitch @firoozehmoon @moonlacebeam @denisemarieangelina
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ceruleanchillin · 3 years
5 Day Stay
| Or, Angel down bad for a week |
Angel x F!Reader
Warnings: language, infidelity, Angst (?), lil bit chili spice at the end
Angel felt he was too young to consistently feel so bone-tired, yet that’s how his day had been ending for weeks now. Sometimes it was all he could do to get off his bike and make it to the door, only to have to rest his head against it to prepare to make it to the couch and collapse.
Tonight was one of those nights, and he wanted to be dead to the world until it dragged him back into it.
It was the smell of mixed spices that hit him first. It felt like he was in suspended animation, and slowly being released as different things started to register to him.
His TV was on, someone was rummaging through his kitchen, and music played faintly from his desk. Thinking back to the last time an unwanted guest was in his kitchen, he placed a hand on the holstered knife fastened to his back.
The fridge door closed, and you appeared in the window, eyes focused intently on whatever you were cooking on the stove.
He exhaled, feeling like complete shit. It only spoke to how weary his mind was that he could forget you were staying with him for the next week. Especially after the conversation that led to it.
“I don’t know Angel…really I can afford a motel for a few days.”
“Here? Rusted-through pipes will be the last thing your landlord is worried about when you bring back bedbugs and shit.”
Your eyes had widened at that, but still you brought up the thing that had been chained to your hesitation. “I mean….do you think it’s ok to do this? After we…Nails..Ang-“
He remembered a flash of irritation, more so at himself than you, when you said that. “Yes querida, fuck. If you’re so scared, I most likely won’t even be there the way things are going. Nails is out of town til’ next weekend…”
“Relax Ignacio.” you had cut your eyes at him, and he’d felt his dick jump like it did whenever you gave him attitude. “I’m just not trying to be a problem.”
Your voice calling his name brought him to the present. He caught the last part of your statement, that you didn’t know he’d be back.
“Yeah, we got in earlier than expected.”
“While you’re standing there like a weirdo, let me shame you real quick. How does a man in his thirties still have the kitchen of a frat boy?” You leaned on the sill of the divider. “You’re lucky I already knew you were sad in the kitchen. I had to bring my own tagine.”
He stepped into the kitchen, his stomach coming alive with interest. “One, I don’t know what that is, two, I can’t help it if the kitchen isn’t my preferred room of work.”
He peeked over your shoulder, but the unique pot kept him from seeing what you were making.
“Neither is the bedroom, unless that work is piling up dirty laundry.” you stuck your tongue out at him and turned back to your simmering dish.
“Ha ha. Dinner and a show, she does it all folks!” he collapsed at the table, the day catching back up with him. “Should put your ass on the club’s payroll. End the cashflow problem real quick.”
You turned to him, concern etched on your face. “I heard from Hank about that…sorry. I know now isn’t a great time for that at all.”
Things got awkward like they always did when you referenced the recent changes of his life. He wasn’t sad about getting another chance at fatherhood, this one more tangible than the last. However, he wasn’t entirely sold on everything he’d accepted along with it, and he was pretty sure you at least suspected that. It threw the previously comfortable confusion that was your relationship off track when it was touched on.
“No, it’s not.” was all he could manage.
It was quiet for a beat, the simmering of the food and quiet Neo Soul the only sounds.
“Well,” you started, turning off the burner. “At least you don’t have to eat like a ‘we got food at the house’ meme for once.”
He laughed, a genuine and needed laugh. “Ok, you know what? Keep talking about my pantry stocking skills, and I might take it personally.”
The rest of his night went that way. Anytime you and Angel got together, things were just…easy…better. You spent the evening eating in front of the TV (Angel getting all the way to thirds for what turned out to be olive chicken and roasted potatoes), trading jokes, and going over the finer points of Golden Girls. Angel learned you took it very seriously, and mocked you for being “old”.
It wasn’t until you were nodding off, and he was left with his own thoughts, that he realized he hadn’t enjoyed coming home this much since he moved in.
Angel had dreamed he’d been back in his childhood home, but as a grown man. There was music coming from his parent’s room, and when he got to the doorway, his mom was at her dressing table. She hummed along to the soulful seventies music and smiled at him from the mirror. She said something, but he couldn’t make it out, and woke up in the frustration.
He jerked up from his position on his stomach, and slowly came to. With a grunt he wiped his hand down his face, glancing at his phone to find it was six in the afternoon.
It then occurred to him the music wasn’t just in his dream, it was coming from his bathroom. He got off the couch and followed the sound.
“Hey coma head.” you grinned at him from where you were doing your makeup.
He shook his head, trying to let go of the last vestiges of the dream, and how eerie the scene before him was.
He focused instead on the nightmare of products and alien looking tools surrounding you.
He kind of liked the mess, even if he couldn’t see the counter anymore.
“Hey hurricane Ulta.”
You made a face that was a cross between being amused and suspicious. “You sleep in your jeans and buy your shirts in pack form. Don’t act like you know what that is.”
He made a face of mock offense. “That’s so classist.”
This time you paused completely in you what you were doing and twisted your body to meet him. “Uh oh…let me find out you’re actually learning something from EZ.”
“Angel Reyes can know something about something, damn.”
You laughed, lowering your hands from where you’d been lining your eyes to avoid a mistake. “I’m only teasing you Angel Reyes.”
“Looks like you plan on teasing more than me. Some clown is gonna get his hopes and tiny dick up for nothing.”
“There’s this new club in the city that Belinda’s getting us into. It’s bad luck to buy your own drinks on the first night at a new place.” you adjusted the bodycon mini-dress for emphasis. “You doing anything?”
“Club shit.” he started picking through the products, sniffing them every so often. “Then I think I’ve got a call with Nails at some point.”
“You think?” you popped his hands when he got too close to the good stuff, or the things you were using currently.
“Yeah..I think.” he shrugged, only realizing how short he sounded when you winced.
He didn’t know why he got so annoyed when she was brought up around you. He wasn’t like that with anyone else, and he knew you were only trying to support his incoming changes.
Awkward silence settled in before he found the words to break it.
“Why do you wanna know? You want me to be that clown?”
“Never.” you pinched his cheek, tone pure saccharine jest.
He muttered in Spanish, stepping around you to the toilet.
“Angel!” you exclaimed.
“What?! It’s my bathroom, I have to piss.”
“You better never make me angry Reyes, I could end your whole Casanova game with ease."
“You holding on a little tight there mami!” Angel called over his shoulder with a laugh. “You said go fast."
“Shut up!” you giggled, but he wasn’t lying.
You’d asked Angel to take you to work on his bike since even though you spent so much time with bikers, you hardly got to ride one. You were going to the same place anyways. He had been all too happy to shake up his commute, but your speed challenge took it over the top.
He didn’t know how you were up so early, he personally felt like the bags under his eyes were like a PEZ dispenser. You’d gotten in at two am, and still got up with him at eight.
He loved watching you in the morning, you managed to be cheerful without being obnoxious, and it worked better than coffee for him.
He loved how much he was learning about you.
As he pulled onto the street beside the cafe you’d asked him to stop at, he felt your arms uncoil from around him. He may have pretended to shift just to make you pause and hold him a few seconds longer, but he wasn’t going to acknowledge that.
“I didn’t scream, and I’m not shaking, so you still have to buy my breakfast.” You unclipped your helmet, grinning the whole time.
You looked so pretty to him, with the sun hitting your eyes and hair just right. He could catch you at just the right moment, and you’d look so gorgeous, he struggled to believe you were real.
He cleared his throat, afraid his voice would crack if he didn’t. “Fair enough, come break my pockets then.”
You laughed, squeezing his chin and pointing out his pout. “You don’t even have to tell me once sir, I know my worth.”
Once inside, he trailed after you to the counter, using your head like an arm rest when you reached it. “That’s good.”
“Boy!” You swatted his hand away, and it was his turn to laugh at your adorable pout.
“New bet,” he stepped around you while the customer ahead of you wrapped up. “If I get your entire order just right, you buy lunch.”
“Deal.” you leaned on the counter, eyebrow raised at him in challenge.
Angel knew the best part of his day would be watching your expression go from smug to shocked out of the corner of his eye. He nailed every pastry, the iced coffee, and their preparation with ease.
The simultaneously impressed and amused barista looked to you for confirmation. She got a shocked nod in response.
“I know my worth too mama, so don’t skimp on lunch.”
“Fair enough.” You shook off your shock as you repeated his earlier words and shrugged. “Can’t complain I guess. I trained my work husband too well.”
He scoffed loudly, and the two of you went back to swapping smart ass barbs while he tried to ignore the lingering dip his stomach did when referred to him as “husband”.
Angel was a grown man, with years of grown man experience, yet he was sitting on the edge of his bed feeling like a teenager again.
The end of your stay was nearing, and every time he thought about you going back home, he felt weird. He was pretty sure that’s why he’d been a little snappy and annoyed easily at the club the past couple days. He just wasn’t ready to delve into that too much.
Regardless, he had to admit you had some growing effect over him. All morning, while he should’ve been resting and preparing for a charter visit, he was fighting off hard-ons thanks to you.
“Can I borrow your kitchen for the day Angel?” He mimicked your voice in a nasally mocking tone. “I’ll save you some when I’m done baking.”
He’d thought nothing of it when you asked the night before. Really didn’t even feel like you had to at that point.
He realized why when he saw that the desserts you were making for your friend’s brunch were elaborate as hell. The effort took all your attention, and unfortunately for him, his too.
You were baking a lot more than dessert and didn’t even know it.
Now he was hiding in his room, fighting off arousal he knew wasn’t appropriate. You weren’t his and he wasn’t yours.
That didn’t change the fact that you in a short silk lounge set, singing in French (how the hell did you know French?), doing domestic things in his home, did it for him.
He ran a hand over his hair, still damp from his cold shower, and forced himself to finish getting dressed. He had to be ready to face a room of dangerous bikers and prove his patched in worth. He couldn’t be thinking of weird little fantasies and parallels to his parent’s marriage.
He must’ve zoned out again, because you startled him enough to almost make him hit his wardrobe.
“Oh my god Angel try this! I think I did magic.” You excitedly thrust a red cookie his way.
Angel took the offered treat, and found it was a red velvet cookie. “It’s fucking good mi dulce.”
“Really?” You looked so hopeful, so beautiful, that he would’ve lied if the situation called for it.
“Yes, but you know you kill it in the kitchen.” He turned away to put on the flannel he’d fished out.
Now you were in his personal space, smelling amazing, and all his senses were under attack. He couldn’t trust Angel jr. at the moment.
“Baking is different. It’s a whole thing for me...I go all in.”
“I noticed your little Broadway production in my kitchen.” He kneeled down, pretending to look for his shoes as something to do while you were there.
“Don’t shame me.” You pressed your foot into his back, gently pushing him. “It makes for better results.”
‘shit.’ He cursed mentally at the contact.
Luckily, he heard you turn to leave the room. “Oh, EZ said to tell you to hurry up or pick up your phone.”
He rose up once you were gone and checked his phone. Sure enough, he had several missed calls and texts from Gilly, Coco, and EZ. He cursed aloud this time and finished getting ready, determined not to get distracted again.
Of course, his boys having to physically come in and get him when he did just that destroyed that promise.
It had come down to the last night of your stay with him, and what he thought was a favor to a good friend, turned out to be more for his benefit.
The hell with the club seemed so far away when he was home now, and he’d laughed more times that week than he had the previous few months total.
Tonight though… Tonight had him so in his head he didn’t know if he was coming or going.
You, sensing something was going on with him, had invited EZ and Felipe to dinner. He didn’t know how you got the latter to agree, his dad had never even been in his home before, but you did it. It went over a hell of a lot better than the last time they tried it too.
The missteps that reared their head when his family tried to talk to each other at length were mitigated by you. You were the perfect buffer, able to get them to engage with you and then each other.
He saw his family in an unfamiliar, but favorable light. His father was actually enjoying his time with him in his house. He knew that night wouldn’t have happened if not for you.
Now, as he distractedly dried the dishes you’d washed, listening to you hit all of the high notes in Loving You, it hit him.
‘She should be my wife’ the thought came so quick, and was so loud he almost jumped, confused if it came from him or someone else.
“Hey dishwasher-less!” you nudged him with your hip. “Move those hands.”
“Why can’t we be a thing?” he blurted.
You dropped the silverware you’d been washing, eyes wide and focused on him. “Um..excuse m-…what?”
He knew that wasn’t the most tactful way to introduce his thoughts to you, but it was his way. Fuck…he didn’t even understand them fully himself.
“You heard me querida,” he put the dish down on the counter, turning to you. “When I stayed with you that weekend that my head was all fucked up-“
“Angel.” your tone made it a warning, but he kept going. He was never afraid of a challenge.
“I was inside you so much that weekend I forgot that’s not how I came in this world. I can’t believe I’m saying it out loud, but I felt home cause I was with you-”
“Stop it!” you hit the sink, rattling the contents.
“Fuck that!” he shouted back, startling you both. He stayed silent for a moment before speaking in a calmer tone. “Fuck that. Why can’t we talk about it? Why couldn’t we talk about it then?”
You didn’t say anything, but he saw your chest heaving with adrenaline, and realized you were just as affected by the conversation as he was.
“You just decided it didn’t matter and put it in this space we can’t touch now. It’s all fucked up!”
“Because,” you hissed. “If you remember, it was all over that Adelita chick, and I don’t know what kind of hold she has or had over you, but it was deep.”
He cringed at that, and turned his attention to the light fixture over your head, unable to meet your heated gaze.
“Whatever feelings I have for you Angel, I put them away in a place where I can still be your friend and keep things in perspective.”
“Feelings you have for me?” he latched on to the lack of past tense, hopeful.
You inhaled sharply. “You are having a baby and just got engaged. What is wrong with you?”
“Nothing..I mean a lot, but nothing to do with this. I know-“
“I know,” you pushed away from the sink and reached up to cup his cheeks. “That you’re scared Angel. You’re scared, because you’re gonna take two steps you’ve never taken before at once, and you’re trying to sabotage it.”
He shook his head, taking your hands from his face and holding them tightly in his own. “No..mi dulce, no. I’ve been struggling with this all week, longer if I’m being honest. Tonight sealed it.”
You snorted humorlessly, looking around the kitchen as if something in the room would help you get through to him. “I cook you some big boy meals, and treat your speakers to some musical taste, and you’re ready for vows?”
“Don’t put this all on me. Tell me you don’t feel it. Right here and now, to my face.”
He watched your expression soften, and let you put one hand back on his face, your thumb gently stroking his cheek. “Ok, I can’t do that, but I also can’t just fall into a situation with you either.”
He scoffed and shook his head. “We both know we didn’t just fall into anything. We sat here and let it build and didn’t say shit, and now I have to. This week just made it too real not to.”
He placed his forehead to yours, his own hands cupping your face. “Please…”
He watched you have an internal battle by your changing features before you finally leaned into him. The moment you did, his lips were on yours.
He knew it was more than just a kiss a few seconds in. Everything he’d felt that the previous week was alive and confirmed between you too. He could feel you telling him you had moments like his own.
He palmed your thighs under your sundress before grasping them tightly and lifting you up. He placed you on the counter while you two separated for air. Your chests heaved in unison, and neither of you had to say you wanted the other touching you again before it happened.
He gripped your hair, tilting your head back for access to your neck. The smell of vanilla and cocoa butter surrounded him as he worked his mark all over your skin.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, and you pressed yourself against his jeans.
He hated he couldn’t feel the heat he knew was emitting from your core through the thick material of his jeans, and slid his other hand up your thigh to your panties.
Your entire body twitched when he ran his fingers over you through the thin cloth. It wasn’t just hot it was soaked.
“You need me that bad mami?” he pulled away from your neck, satisfied with his work, and beginning to work at his jeans.
“And quick.” you breathed into his ear, your tone and the sensation making him shudder.
The ache against his jeans didn’t need to be told twice to find its way into your heat. He slid your panties to side and pressed his thumb against you. You jumped, whimpering your need again, and he pulled your panties way from you.
You’d gotten them around one ankle before he was inside of you, and they were no longer your focus.
You clung to each other so tightly there’d be evidence on both of you.
In the quiet, he wondered if your mind was racing with the same thoughts that his was. What now? How do we get this again?
He pressed kisses to your cheek just as he started to move. You inhaled, your nails sliding down his back. Not quite catching the skin, but enough to set him on fire all the same.
He mapped out a rhythm by your whimpers and how you grasped at him until he crafted the right one.
This was the conversation he’d needed. Every thrust from him, every cry from you, every bit of give and take to heighten the other’s pleasure. The two of you were admitting that everything that was between you was deeper, realer than you’d wanted to admit. He loved you, and you loved him, and you were engraving that on one another.
The flirtation, the way you could be yourselves around each other, the heatless jabs. Good friends was always a ruse.
Your face was buried in his neck, and when he felt dampness he knew came from your tears, he hiked your legs higher, moving deeper.
You cried out so loudly it echoed in the kitchen, drowning out the soft crooning of an eighties songstress.
“I know baby, I feel it too.” his voice was choked by the threat of tears of his own.
He’d never been here before. Not with Adelita, not even close with Nails. He was terrified. Terrified for it to end because he never felt so good. Terrified for it to end because it might never happen again.
“Angel..” your voice sounded so small, but it was strong enough to anchor him back with you. “I’m close, I’m so close.”
“Let go,” he encouraged. “Let me have it querida.”
Your body seized up with your release, his name the only thing he caught in your unintelligible babble.
You clenched up repeatedly in the aftershocks, and that drug him over the edge with you, biting your shoulder.
His vision tunneled, pinpricks of pleasure traveling up and down his spine. Your hands smoothed up and down the area, and he realized it was because he was shuddering.
He gripped the counter for support, pulling back slowly. He was searching for a way to ask if he’d changed your mind, but the act hadn’t made words for his thoughts any easier to find.
It didn’t matter, before he could even speak you stopped him. Your eyes were glazed over with tears that had nothing to do with pleasure this time.
“That was all that I can give you Angel. It’s not right, none of this is, but it’s all I can give you.”
Am I the only one who wishes she had reference photos for their home/club layouts? Lol, it’s such a weird non-factor thing, but still. From memory, I’m pretty sure Angel only has one bedroom though.
No shade, no hate but this was partially inspired by how over Nails Angel looked when she was putting her back into it….🥴
I played with a few canon-timeline things + knocked the dust off my smut writing ability (I’m going under my humiliation rock now, no calls plz)
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Main 6 + Morga When They Walk in on MC Crying
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He would most likely freak out at first
Immediately runs to you and asks what’s wrong. If you don’t want to talk about it, he’ll just hug you and try to calm you down.
“Everything’s going to be alright, okay? I’m here. I’m not going to leave you alone.”
If you don’t want to be held, he understands and sits in front of you without leaving your side. However, if you tell him to leave, he will ask if that is what you really want. If the answer is “yes,” he’ll get up and leave, but will stay outside the door as a precaution. 
Faust will try to lighten your mood by squeezing your hand and saying some silly things.
When you’re ready to talk about what hurt you, Asra will listen carefully and try to find a solution, if there is one. If someone hurt you, that’s a different case. He would be angry. Most likely he will confront them or cast a bad luck spell on them. If it was your own mental problems, he would spend hours trying to compliment you.
He understands that sometimes it’s best to just let your emotions out, so he tells you it’s okay to cry.
However, if you were crying over something stupid, like you dropped a slice of bread, he would laugh. You scared him and he’s just happy that everything is okay. And it was funny.
Makes you some tea afterwards. Even feeds you some chocolate if you want to.
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“Darling, are you in… Oh.”
Nadia is utterly confused and surprised. That was the last thing she expected when she started looking for you. 
If you were lying on the bedroom floor crying, she’ll make you sit on the bed so you’ll be more comfortable. She doesn’t mind if you don’t want to tell her what’s wrong right away. Nadia sits down next to you and calmly waits for you to stop crying. If you want a hug, she will gladly hold your trembling form. 
She whispers sweet nothings in your ear to help you calm down. 
“It’s okay, darling. Cry it out.” 
When you’re ready to talk, she gives you her full attention. She doesn’t mind if you take big pauses between sentences. You’ve probably never seen her so focused before. If you tell her someone hurt you, she’ll ask if you want to put that person behind bars. Whatever the answer is, the person will get punishment for their actions. If it’s stress or something else, she’ll try to find a solution to your problem. 
She doesn’t mind if you want to stay in bed all day. She understands that and lets you rest. However, she tries to stay with you as long as possible. 
Get’s you anything you need. Food? New clothes? A new pet, perhaps? She’ll get you one. If it makes you happy, she’s cool with it. 
If you want to stay with her, even if she has a meeting, she’ll gladly let you come. Will tell the courtiers/royalties that you are welcome here and if they mind you, the door is over there. 
When the two of you are alone again, she will kiss you and tell you that she will do everything she can to make sure you are not sad again.
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Uh oh
His first thought is that he fucked up and now you’re crying because of him. Pushing those thoughts aside, he runs to your side and asks what’s wrong and if he caused it. 
When you don’t answer him for minutes, he gets worried, but he respects your boundaries, so he tries to hug you and let you cry on his shoulders. If you want him to leave, he leaves, but probably stops at your door. He tries to remember everything you did that day that could have made you so upset. 
Most likely, he is overthinking the whole situation. 
When you are willing to talk to him, he will sit down like a little kid and listen to you. If someone hurt you, he will ask for their name to confront the person and probably get beat up by them. If it’s something else, he’ll immediately ask if you need medical help. Even if you say no, he will remember to ask again if this happens more than once. 
If you need a hug, he will happily cuddle with you on the couch/bed. His first priority right now is the person he loves the most, which is you. That’s why he wants to stay with you all day.  
He gets you food and water and peacefully waits for you to finish your meal.
He uses his comedic acting skills to make you laugh. Julian even puts on a little show for you. He plays every single character, of course. When Julian plays a female character, he tries to make his voice a little higher and tucks his hair behind his ears. If that doesn’t make you laugh, he’s lost. 
“Do you, uh…. wanna go to Mazelinka’s house for some soup?”
Julian is genuinely trying to make you happy, even if he has to make a fool of himself. He’ll do it for you.
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“OH MY GOD! MC, what happened?! Are you okay?!”
Portia runs to you and immediately hugs you. She tries to calm you down by rubbing your back and whispering to you that everything will be okay. She lets you cry on her shoulders and waits patiently for you to open up about it. 
If you want her to leave, she looks at you with puppy eyes, but eventually gives you some time alone. 
She immediately runs to the kitchen to get you some sweets and water. Even gets some warm blankets so you can cuddle them. When Portia gets back to your room, she quietly opens the door and slides in the things she got for you. Then she immediately closes it again and waits for you outside. 
When you don’t answer for minutes, she runs to Nadia and explains the situation, asking if she could be free today to be with you. She is understanding of the situation and lets Portia be with you. Once she hears the answer, she runs back to you. 
Pepi somehow got in and rubbed her head against your leg to cheer you up. She won’t leave you alone until you stop crying. 
When you are ready to talk about what happened, Portia will sit down on the bed with you. She is very worried, but tries to smile for you. If you tell her that someone hurt you, she is ready to slam that person to the floor. Portia really wants to do something, but if she can’t confront said person, she will try to talk to Nadia about it. If it’s something else, she’ll try to get whatever you need right now. 
She may even take you to the kitchen to bake something with her. She tries to make it fun by throwing a little flour at you. 
Helps you brush your hair (if you have any) and compliments you on how nice it is. 
Prepares a bath for you and if you want her to join in, she’ll gladly do it.
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This man deadass froze at the sight of your tears. 
He was so surprised that he forgot he had just walked in on you.
Slowly he approaches you and tries to hug you very gently. Muriel doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you, especially when you’re crying. He quietly asks you what’s wrong and tries to rub your back to reassure you. 
If you want him to leave, he’s a little taken aback, but nods and walks out to give you some space. While you’re in there, he picks you some flowers. He only picks the prettiest ones because he thinks they’re the only ones that fit you. 
When he comes back and sees Inanna whimpering at the door, he gives her the flowers and lets her in. She walks right up to you and drops the flowers in your lap. She then puts her head in your hand and lets out a small whimper. 
As soon as you are ready to talk about it, Inanna runs to the door and scracthes it, signaling to Muriel to enter. He slowly sits down next to you, takes your hands in his, and asks what happened. If it turns out that someone hurt you, he’s really angry and promises that he won’t leave you alone from now on. May or may not ask Asra to curse the person. If it’s something else, he feels really bad and tries to help you get through it. 
When you’ve completely calmed down, he takes you to his favorite place in the forest. He shows you all the plants and animals that live there and tries to explain why they are important. 
If you want to watch the sunset, he takes you to the best spot he knows. Sits you down and waits for the sun to set. You may look at the sun, but he will look at you and tell you that you are beautiful while he blushes. 
When you are both done, he grabs your hand and walks back to his hut. 
He will cuddle with you once you are in the hut.
(Something that probably happened and made you cry: “Muriel… I accidentally stepped on Inanna’s tail and now she doesn’t want to come near me…”)
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Worried face™
“Why are you crying? What happened?!”
Lucio is so damn scared. 
At first he doesn’t quite know what to do, but when he finally realizes he should reassure you, he walks up to you and hugs you. Lucio places gentle kisses on every inch of your skin or where you allow him to. He uses his baby voice (the one everyone uses on animals and babies) and tries to tell you that everything is okay. 
If you want him to leave, he huffs a little but walks out of the room. Once he’s out, he immediately runs to find Mercedes and Melchior so they can be with you if he can’t.
The servants only see a panicked Lucio running towards the garden and then back to your room with two dogs following him.
He lets the dogs in, hoping they can calm you down a bit. When he’s alone again, Lucio goes all over the palace ordering each servant to get you your favorite foods, sweets, drinks, clothes, anything he can think of at the moment. 
Lucio comes back to your room and waits rather impatiently for you to open the door. He doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but he’s just anxious. 
When you are ready to let him in, he literally bursts in and runs to you. He sits down in front of you with wide eyes and gives you his full attention. If you tell him that someone dared to hurt you, he already runs to them with his sword drawn out. It takes a while to explain to him that he can’t do that. He’ll still throw them in the dungeon and you can’t stop him. If the reason you cried is something else, he’ll let you rant about it and make little notes in his head to make your life easier. 
Takes you to the garden when you finally calm down. Goes to a tree and tries to fight it for you. Just so you can laugh, he loses to it and dramatically falls to the ground screaming that it hurts so much and he dies. 
After you smile, he sits down next to you and tells you his wonderful stories while cuddling with the dogs.
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She just stands there looking down at you for a minute. You probably didn’t hear her come in.
At first Morga doesn’t know what to do, because all she had to deal with was a couple of people crying, which probably wasn’t her husband. Morga sighs softly and kneels down to you. 
mother senses intensifies 
She tries to say something, but decides it’s better if she doesn’t. She places a hand on your shoulder and begins to rub it. As you snuggle closer to her, she puts the spear away and hugs you. She won’t say anything until you are ready to talk. If you ask her to leave, she nods, gets up, and goes hunting. 
Morga may not show it, but she is genuinely concerned for you. You’re living with her in the middle of the snowy forest, so you have to be physically and mentally strong.  
“Probably something really bad happened and that’s why they’re crying.” she mutters. 
She couldn’t bear to look at her son while he was crying, so it was hard for her to act tough while you weren’t doing well.
In the end, she thinks about everything that could have happened and tries to find a solution before you’ve told her anything.
Jaeger waits for you on a tree next to your door so he can tell Morga if you’re ready to talk.
When Jaeger signals her, Morga comes right back and goes inside. She kneels down, looks deep into your eyes, and asks what’s wrong. She can see that something really hurt you, so she sits down, takes off her cape and puts it around you.
If you tell her someone hurt you (even though you thought the two of you lived here alone), Morga clenches her jaw. The look in her eyes tells everything. She doesn’t run off like Lucio, but she’s definitely going to try and hunt the person down. If you’re struggling with something else, she nods acknowledgingly and tries to find a solution for you.
You can relax for the rest of the day, though she’ll probably want to get her chores done. If you really want her to stay with you, she’ll eventually give in and take you to your bed to lay down with you.
Achievement Unlocked: Soft Morga
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