#it's just another parallel him and Aemond will share
almostbeabeauty · 1 year
Aemond's future lover..
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Aemond's sister...
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RIP to anyone that doesn't think he's in love with his sister. ;)
TPTB wouldn't have chosen an actress who looks that much like his sister unless it was important to the story.
He's going to be drawn to her because of the similarities to his mother & sister, who he'll be estranged from when he meets Alys. Just as Daemon wanted Rhaenyra because he couldn't have Viserys.
Ryan Condal's quote about Daemon and Rhaenyra:
"But, he thinks, If I can't have my brother, I'll take the next best thing, which is my brother's daughter."
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two-white-butterflies · 3 months
parallel lines | d. targaryen | part seven
Description: An ordinary middle school teacher moves to a desolate town with her fiancee. After suffering episodes of vivid nightmares, she realizes that his uncle looks exactly like the man in her dreams.
Pairings: daemon targaryen/reader, aemond targaryen/reader
Trope: Reincarnation
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“When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.” 
― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
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"Rhaenyra, you are an angel." you chuckled settling into the passenger seat. Her car was luxurious on the inside, one of those minivans that could comfortably seat all her sons. "Oh, it's nothing, your apartment is on the way anyways." she replied with a smile.
You couldn't help but recognize the similarities between her and your boyfriend. They were half-siblings but judging from their faces, they could be mother and son. She glances at you, sensing your silence. "Are you alright?" she asked in a motherly tone.
"It's just - you look like Aemond." you blurted out, a thin-lipped smile ghosts her lips. It was a compliment, but she didn't appreciate it. "We both look like our grandmother, Alyssa." she shakes her head. You had no idea about the past.
She wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt.
"So that's the name of his grandmother! He never told me. He never tells me about his family." you looked down, realizing that you've probably shared too much.
"There's a possibility that he didn't know - our father never shared about the family anyways. I learnt all of this from Daemon." Rhaenyra reluctantly defended her brother.
For a second you contemplated asking her about their father. Aemond has told you stories about the abuse that he befell, could Rhaenyra provide more insight on your boyfriend's past? You shake those thoughts away, he told you that Rhaenyra was their father's favorite. She wouldn't understand.
"You know - the family's glad that Aemond has you. He's been unsociable these past few years. He never gives us updates, never talks to us, we thought that he was dead - or worst, in prison." Rhaenyra breathed, there was still a part of her heart that loved her baby brother - though that love was buried deep now.
"Prison?" you raised an eyebrow, laughing at the notion. "He was in prison before Tirano. Two-years, and for a crime he didn't commit." she continued not fully sure if Aemond was all that innocent. "He's never told me 'bout that before." you mumbled.
Was there another side of your boyfriend that you didn't know about?
"Well, according to the court documents. He found out that his girlfriend was cheating on him. He beat her up then the paramour went marching to our house. The paramour died. Alicent was strangely calm then," Rhaenyra narrated, as if it was something that the entire town already knew about.
"You told me that he was innocent. What really happened?" you inquired and she shrugs. "- I don't know what really happened, but he had the perfect alibi. He says that he already broke up with the girl and she came to him all bruised up. The paramour allegedly killed the girlfriend. Aegon was a witness. It all happened down at our old house." she informed.
You slumped on your seat.
You didn't know what to believe.
"- when my brother was younger, he used to be so kind. He'd make me cereal and prepare the uniform that I used for school. I don't know what happened to us, why we grew apart." she pondered with a bitter chuckle, reminiscing a past where you weren't present.
"I thought after that trip to Tirano, our family would grow closer, but we all grew estranged. I'm glad that you're here, that he's here too." she turned to look at you, speaking with the mind of a sister, one that grew up Aemond - not with the mind of a Queen whose son was slaughtered by the same man.
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Aemond stared at the mirror, feeling the blood trickle down his nose. He got into a fight with some losers in some random alleyway.
He scoffs, aware that he looked pathetic. How long has it been since adrenaline pumped through his veins?
It was tiring, constantly having to hide himself in a facade of self-righteousness. It was hard pretending to be perfect!
Perfection was different for every woman. To a Plath-Orwell loving maiden, the perfect man was a guy who read Nietzsche and occasionally watched the Godfather. He perfected himself for a woman like you to come by.
It wasn't difficult to have you, but it was difficult to maintain you.
He washes his face with water, observing the crimson fluid go down the drain. There was a time, he remembers, when you were happy with each other. You didn't mind doing the laundry while he played his video games. He was aware of your beauty, but he was at peace because he knew that your loyalty was his. That you were his.
But Daemon's arrival changed something in you.
He could see that.
He sees the way that your eyes fill with emptiness when you realize that he's done nothing the entire day. He sees the way that you shrug when he asks you a simple question, instead choosing to browse through social media instead of speaking to him.
Has he lost you to Daemon?
He takes a deep breath.
He knows the outcome of this battle. He knows that in due time, he'd lose you to his uncle. Who was he to stand against fate? The past was a mirror of the future. He was just a mere bridge.
He turns the faucet off.
He'd love you for as long as you'd stay.
He'd love you, even if you were slipping through the cracks.
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Only a lampshade in the middle of the living room illuminated your humble apartment. Aemond was slumped on the Victorian sofa, unbothered by the blood that trickled down his chin and gathered on his chest. He felt numb.
"Jesus, you're bleeding." you say, concerned.
"I got into a fight with some randos back in town." he mumbled, disassociated from reality. Your eyebrows merged into each other. "What?" you paused, giving him time to repeat himself. This was the first time he's ever gotten into a fight - he'd usually take the higher ground and apologize even when it wasn't his mistake.
"- they made fun of my eye." he breathed.
He was thrown back into the past, when his nephews and the other kids made fun of him - for this disability that wasn't his fault.
"Oh, Aemond, I'm so sorry." you wrapped your arms around him. Allowing him to rest his head on your chest. There were tears falling down his eye, mixing with the blood. "If I was there, I would've beat them up with you." you humored, earning a chuckle.
He felt vulnerable.
"My father made fun of my eye too, when I was younger." he admitted, lifting his feet off the ground, placing it on the sofa until he was in a cross-legged position. "- he said that someone who looks this way would never be happy in life." he stared off to the horizon.
Your breath hitched, allowing him to speak about his past. Preventing yourself from interrupting, just in case the trance would break - and he'd return back to his hermit-like self.
"When we got together, I wanted to laugh at his face because someone like you chose to love me - despite the fact that I wasn't perfect. But my dad was right." he rose to his feet, ignoring your attempts to chase after him.
He locks himself in the bathroom.
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Aemond opened his eyes again, transported back to the Summer of 2016. His arms were wrapped around his girlfriend, Margaux, he could feel the heat gathering in his back for laying down too long.
"Nick is just a friend. I don't know why you're jealous." she lied through gritted teeth. He wanted to choke her for making him seem like a goddamn idiot. He saw the hickeys on her neck, the smell of another man's perfume on her uniform. "I'm not fucking stupid." his grip on her neck tightened, his eyes turning crazy.
He rose to his feet, pushing her hands away when she tried to pull him back. "Ae, stop making a big deal out of this." she chuckled nervously, while he reached for the pistol hidden in his floorboard. An inheritance from his father.
"You cheated on me with that dirtbag loser." he yelled at her.
"I didn't please stop acting like a fucking asshole." she screamed.
He slaps her on the face. The sound echoing throughout the room. Leaving the both of them in shock. "What the fuck? So what if I did cheat on you with him? You're a loser. Do you have any idea what you look like?" she insulted him, but her words were not entering his brain
He placed the bullets inside of the pistol, aiming it at her. Margaux tries to run for the door, but he grabs her forearm - stopping her.
"Aemond!" your voice breaks him free from the trance.
A gasp escapes his mouth seeing the pistol on his hand. He remembers everything that happened with Margaux. He didn't kill her. Something snapped him out of it. He sees the fear behind your eyes. He drops the gun on the floor, and it goes off.
It hits your ankle.
Everything fades into black.
next chapter>>
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moonshine999 · 6 months
Team Green promotional stills
side note : this “analysis” is only limited to the promotional stills and I’ll probably do the trailer/posters a bit later. Also that this is just speculation and most of it is probably bs because I just woke up from a nap and decided to start typing.
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this might be one of two things
a) Larys talking to b&c in the dungeon..possibly informing them of their punishment OR watching their punishment unfold
b) Him talking to Aegon about fleeing King’s Landing or actually fleeing King’s Landing
now this also may be where Larys says the “survived dragon-fire” line if it is the second scenario
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I would really like to think of this as a scene where Aemond expresses more emotion to Criston about what happened at Storm’s end.
If you notice then Criston seems to be in his night clothes while Aemond is still in his “fighting” or training clothes (if that makes sense).
possibly to indicate how at ease Criston would be trying to make him feel while talking about this but Aemond just keeping his guard up.
it also does look like Aemond is trying to avert his gaze while Criston talks
Also if the above is true (which is highly unlikely actually), then it would serve as a great parallel to Alicent & Aegon with the candles of the sept vs the candles Criston has lit in …possibly his chambers?
Im not very sure about this particular shot at all so even though I’d like to, going into detail on the above point seems useless
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okay so all possible times we may see Aegon at the coucil basically come down to a) the first episode as an introduction and b) after b&c
If it is his introduction, then he is probably zoned out here - thinking of something else and playing around with his dagger until (according to the leaks) he is snapped out of it by either a council member or a guard informing that Helaena needs him
But if it's after b&c then he may be zoned out because he refuses to listen to other council members dictate what he should "rationally" do at this time. His mind would be struck with grief and a want for revenge and maybe the placement of the knife near his face like that is no ordinary mistake.
He is probably plotting something here on his own (could be the reason he could ask Larys for help) and it would be such a good parallel, if he's sort of snapped out of it again by the thought of Helaena
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phia saban is turning your kids GAY
so we know this is the funeral dress…the two main questions are whether it’s after the funeral or before the funeral and who she’s looking at
my personal bet is before the funeral. This is because she still looks a bit composed as she not seen her son’s body / refused to see it since that night probably because she realises she can’t handle it
(don’t exactly know if the above bit is phrased properly at all but hope the point gets across)
also in details of the shot itself…her veil isn’t tied on yet and her hair is undone/not braided yet..signalling that she is still getting dressed.
As for who she is looking at…the safest bet is either Alicent or Aegon (considering the situation these two are the people who would understand her emotions best)
If it is Alicent.. then it’s most likely her providing comfort to her daughter and sharing feelings/thoughts of what it means to be a mother
And if it is Aegon (which I do think is more likely and that is not just the helaegon manic shipper in me)… then it would probably be him trying to justify not being there (in the room when it happened) and probably promising that he will get revenge for such a heinous act (or something along those lines)
another note : I did not do Alicent’s promo shot because I think that shot could be anything and I personally did not notice any details that could specify the situation or what she may be doing
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erajoie07 · 9 months
Flesh-eating prince : Aemond x fem reader
Warning: cunnilingus
W/N: I just wanted to share this part
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Aemond looks up to where she is, his mind is wandering off to something, but he cannot leave his work. He gets back to the printed documents, checking for parallelism and errors. Aemond's mind is filling up with something, so he pushes his chair backwards and walks to the couch where she is.
YN notices him and looks up at him, “Is something wrong, my love?”
“My mind just remembered an innuendo part of the story you were reading and I can't seem to get it off my mind.”
YN raises her eyebrows, her sight follows as he slowly kneels to the floor holding her one knee. She is bewildered and flaunts her eyes wide. He grabs her book and sets it beside her.
“What are you doing, my prince?” She asks, oblivious to what he is doing or she is just playing with him and she knew the moment he let go of his words, he wanted her there.
“You definitely know what I want at this moment. I want to pleasure you.” Aemond covers her backside and pulls her dangerously close to him. He grabs the hem of her dress and pulls it upwards. From the crack opening of her legs, he can see her bare cunt. He pulls her thighs apart and meets her delectable fruit. Aemond quickly dives right into in, soaking it with his tongue as he glides it up and down beneath her cunt's folds. He licks the button of her cunt and she squirms when it meets the surface of his tongue. With his fingers, he spreads her cunt's folds and pours his attention to that reddening button, making sure to make serious eye contact with her. YN's posture starts to take a turn to breakage.
“My prince, I-I like that, keep going,” YN raises her concern to which Aemond gladly obliges. He wraps his mouth over it and tries to suck it. His fingers inched inside her cunt's hole and he slowly pushes it past that fleshy area then he begins to thrust his two fingers inside.
“Oh my goodness, that's so good,” she compliments him, grabbing her breasts. Without lingerie, they become natural and less close together. Aemond grabs a mound that feels so soft, plush, and warm. She becomes a different woman when he grabs her breasts, often giving some rhythmic response of being aroused, starting at a high pitch before it instantly goes to a low one in a broken sequence.
“Are you enjoying this as much as I do? Am I satisfying your thoughts?” She asks, letting out another sound after.
Aemond gazes at her, “Yes, this is what I want.”
He continues his ministrations until he believes they are both well satisfied. Finally, YN finishes her tea in one go after Aemond took the time for it to warm. She heaves a content sigh and wipes her lips with her finger.
Aemond returns to his work and YN puts on her lowers the hem of her dress and goes back to her previous activity.
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aemondsbabe · 2 months
Girl I just found this piece of an interview with Ewan and look what he says, gotta share with you;
"I think there are many things that are driving him, but one of them that I loved to play with and explore was this idea that he wants his mum. Every time I shared a scene with Olivia Cooke [playing Alicent Hightower] around the council table, every time I looked at Alicent Hightower, I very much imagined Aemond and Alicent sitting on a Dornish beach, far from war, sipping on pina coladas… Aemond having become the war hero and managing to make his mum happy, in his eye, so to speak. Whether or not that’s Alicent’s version of happiness is another thing. But that’s how Aemond sees it. So I think that’s one of his is driving motivations
Also, what Alicent does in episode seven of season one, that’s something that Aemond doesn’t forget. When they’re all arguing about where Aemond had heard this illegitimate [child of Harwin] Strong [rumor] from, Alicent went back to the idea that this kid had been physically damaged and changed for life. She was the only voice that was backing him up in that moment."
Please he loves his mum so much, he literally just wants her to love and be proud of him too 😭 the fact that Ewan said one of Aemond's biggest motivators is his mother... Adorable. The episode isn't even out and I don't even know the context of the scene, but that scene of her holding his face in ep 6... The way he's looking at her, so vulnerable.... You can see how much he feels for her. Sorry I just think this side of him is so important to see.
yes!! i genuinely love that he sees their relationship like that, it adds sooooooo much depth to all their interactions, his reasoning for actions, etc.
i really love their relationship, quite honestly. they parallel one another so nicely. alicent clearly cares for her children — she’s so quick to jump into harms way to protect them, but she can’t just show love through softness and affection. aemond is much the same, i think he clearly loves his family deeply and has a drive to protect them and yet isn’t good at showing simple affection and letting his guard down.
it’s very interesting!! and has also made my mommy kink loving heart grow three sizes this day
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Here, another impromptu House of the Dragon essay, following episode 6, which has left me obsessed and delighted to see Rhaenyra finally confirmed canonically queer. This is not refined at all, just all off the cuff.
Rhaenyra and Alicent parallel each other in a lot of ways, but one way that I am not seeing brought up a lot is also the way their new partners add to their parallels. Granted, since Rhaenyra and Mysaria kissed literally last episode there hasn't been a lot of time to think, but it's a sign of a much greater trend between Alicent and Rhaenyra in season 2.
The relationship between Alicent and Criston is a direct parallel and foil to the relationship between Rhaenyra and Mysaria in a myriad of ways:
Criston was spurned by Rhaenyra, and when he was at his lowest moment, Alicent came to stop his suicide and raised him up to be her sworn protector. Ever since then, Criston has remained fiercely loyal to Alicent... to an arguably unhealthy degree. He kills Lyman Beesbury not necessarily because he was against the coup, but because he personally accused Alicent of regicide. He puts Alicent up on an enormously high pedestal, as this kind of saviour of his. Likewise, Alicent is bonded with Criston due to their shared betrayal of Rhaenyra.
The relationship itself is very unhealthy. It's almost like they are codependent in a way. Criston is only where he is now because Alicent saved him. He owes a lot to her. Likewise, Alicent owes a lot to Criston for being her biggest champion. Criston is also fairly lowborn. He's from a very low noble house, and is described as the commonborn son of the steward of Lord Blackhaven. He's just at the edge of nobility, and yet he has been on a meteoric rise, shooting from just another knight to a knight of the Kingsguard, to bodyguard of the queen, to Lord Commander and later as Hand, the most powerful position in the realm after the King.
Compare this with Rhaenyra and Mysaria. Both women have been wronged by Daemon, who has used them for his own ends and disregarded their feelings. Daemon promised Mysaria her freedom if she provided names for people to hire to kill Aemond, but ended up simply fucking off to Harrenhal. There, Mysaria, having lost all she built in King's Landing thanks to Larys, is freed by Rhaenyra who decides to honour Daemon's word. Mysaria is not someone to trust easily, and Rhaenyra freeing her when she had no real reason to shows her worth to Mysaria.
Mysaria doesn't necessarily put Rhaenyra on a pedestal though. She is immensely grateful, and she feels Rhaenyra treats her as an equal and that she is meant to be queen, but there is none of this toxic obsessive codependency between the two (at least, not yet) that is displayed with Alicent and Criston. Like Alicent and Criston, however, they bond through a shared experience of betrayal by someone else, in this case Daemon.
Both relationships are those that would not be looked on lightly by society. Alicent is the dowager queen, Criston is sworn to celibacy, while Rhaenyra and Mysaria are both women in a world where queer relationships aren't exactly viewed in a positive light. Criston and Mysaria are also both contrasting partners, as they are of low rank (though Mysaria is not from a noble house unlike Criston) but are self-made people who climbed to a high position; Criston through his skill at arms, Mysaria through the trade of selling information.
Criston and Mysaria also have a contrasting relationship with the Hightowers and Targaryens. At least in Criston's eyes, Rhaenyra Targaryen betrayed him and brought him low, only to be raised by Alicent Hightower. Meanwhile, Mysaria is brought low by Alicent but raised back up by Rhaenyra. However, despite the gap in the power structure between Rhaenyra and Mysaria being far greater than that of Criston and Alicent, the power dynamic is actually completely opposite.
Season 2 began with Alicent holding power, with Criston subservient to her, with Otto working alongside her. It also began with Rhaenyra being powerless due to the crippling grief of losing Luke and then following Blood and Cheese refusing to make any moves that could hurt more innocent people, which weakens her own standing among her council. But as the season progresses, this gets flipped upside down. When Criston is named Hand, we see a major shift in his dynamic with Alicent. There is a lot of fuss made about Alicent's sex scene with him at the end of episode 2, but this actually conveys this perfectly. Without Alicent's leave, Criston suddenly makes himself at home in her bedchambers, and instead of kneeling to her or letting her be on top, he takes control of her.
Alicent grows more and more distant from Criston as he settles into his position as Hand. Suddenly, Criston feels that by vetoing Alicent from being the regent, he is protecting her from the terrible things they will be doing in the course of the war. Again, this works alongside Criston's weird complex about Alicent being his saviour. She seems so pure in his eyes that he is protecting her by taking on the sins of leadership just as he has protected her all these years as her sworn protector. The problem is that at the same time this devalues Alicent because this is another misogynistic assumption on his part that women should not sully themselves by having a hand with such nasty business. Criston thinks he's protecting her, but at the same time weakening her and making her even more vulnerable, and this is why their relationship eventually falters.
We see the exact opposite with Rhaenyra and Mysaria. Mysaria is at the mercy of Rhaenyra, but Rhaenyra allows her a place in her court as an advisor. Mysaria grows in power in this position, just as Cole did. However, that doesn't come at the expense of Rhaenyra's own power. Thanks to Daemon's reckless, self-serving actions, the Black Council's unhelpful misogyny, and undermining advice, Rhaenyra finds she does not wield influence at court. Except with Mysaria.
With Mysaria, Rhaenyra learns that there is another way to gain power, and that is with the support of the common people. Together, the two conspire to instigate riots in King's Landing and destabilize the Greens hold on the city, while Rhaenyra herself finds that she wants to be spearheading the more militaristic aspects of the war. When Mysaria sees Rhaenyra holding a sword, she says "this becomes you," supporting Rhaenyra's endeavour to take after her idol and hero Visenya and become a warrior queen.
Yet, as Mysaria later tells Rhaenyra, this doesn't in any way make her less powerful. Rhaenyra has treated Mysaria as an equal, her closest advisor, her unofficial Hand (even with Corlys newly named). The mutual bond between the two then reaches a crescendo in a tender moment of vulnerability and gratitude for each other, and their embrace quickly becomes a passionate kiss.
Criston casts Alicent down, but Mysaria raises Rhaenyra up. Criston and Alicent's relationship is based on this shared betrayal by Rhaenyra which became codependent on their united front of this shared history. Meanwhile, though Rhaenyra and Mysaria's relationship does come somewhat from the way Daemon has hurt them both, it is primarily based on honesty and compassion. In this way, as of right now, Rhaenyra and Mysaria are the most healthy couple in House of the Dragon.
One final observation is that I think Alicent and Rhaenyra are also trying to emulate certain people in these relationships. Alicent, always having envied Rhaenyra for her freedom, is finally forgoing any temperance to allow herself to enjoy sex for the first time in her life. Her doing something so reckless is her trying to be like Rhaenyra. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra kissing Mysaria is partially her trying to be more like Daemon, as much as I also believe it is loneliness and genuine attraction to her. She literally states before the kiss that Daemon was everything she wished she was. This may be only the beginning. We are starting to see a much more fiery side of her, as she begins to don the image of a warrior queen who wishes to win this war.
I will also say this, while we are on the topic; it's very meaningful to me that Rhaenyra is canonically queer, especially as a queer person myself. Queer characters are nothing new in the A Song of Ice and Fire universe, but we don't have any truly canonically queer protagonists. Dany and Cersei may qualify but that is much less to do with actual attraction to women and more simply good old lesbian experimentation (not to mention written in a pretty exploitative and male-gazey way). Rhaenyra has shades of both characters in her kiss with Mysaria, but from everything I've laid out, it's not experimentation. Rhaenyra is just bisexual.
Rhaenyra being in a polyamorous relationship with Mysaria and Daemon has been a headcanon of mine ever since Fire and Blood came out, and I've picked up on the vibes between them this season, which made me hearing about the complaints that it came "out of nowhere" really strange, because it truly didn't. It's been building up slowly the past few episodes, and it's just the logical conclusion based on what was presented.
How this will change her relationship with Daemon, I cannot say. But I will say that I believe if Daemon is jealous of Rhaenyra and Mysaria being together, it won't be because of fidelity or homophobia, but purely because they are both women he has been with, which would trigger all sorts of insecurities.
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noodles-doodles01 · 2 months
HOTD EP 1 Rewrite
Ep 5 is giving heavy season 8 of GoT vibes so I'm saving myself the pain and just rewriting all the mistakes they made so far so I dont go insane in the coming weeks. I will reblog this post with each episode rewrite as they come, but heres ep 1:
*Disclaimer* I am making sure most of the plot points are still included in the rewrite whether I like them or not.
As much as I love the north opening, we save that for a bit later. Instead, we get a rainy shot of King's Landing. Its dark out and there i thunder and rain etc. We see a pair of boots walking through the halls, rushed and hasty and the music matches as well. The person's breath is also huffy and puffed, and we get shots of the water on their coat, and then a shot of Aemond's eyes as he rushes to a room.
The door barges open and Aemond comes into a room where Aegon is being lectured by Alicent and Otto. They become quiet and Alicent gets up to see what's wrong. Aemond admits what he did and Alicent slaps him, crying out "Mother help us all". We get a quick shot of Aegon witnessing the slap (yk, for character parallel reasons), and Otto begins yelling at him "my grandson is a fool" style. The camera focuses on Aegon a while and we see him almost sympathizing with his brother, so he puts on this fake act and laughs, saying that they should hold a feast, celebrating their first victory.
Back at Dragonstone, we watch as Rhaenyra rides Syrax out to find Luke in the sea, and follow Daemon and Rhaenys as they leave the dragonpit to discuss with the team. Daemon has his dialogue with Rhaenys about Laena and they make their way to the council. Team Black is all there minus Jace, and they discuss how to set up the best defence in the time they need to raise an army and attack again, since Aemond's move is OFFENSIVE. They mention how Dragonstone is unsafe, they mention how another threat is Daeron in Oldtown with his dragon, and they mention what good the North can realistically provide and how they can strategize with their travels south. Daemon then suggests using Harrenhall as a fort, since it is the crux of the Riverlands and would give them the best land defence. When contested that Harrenhall is in ruin, Daemon will explain that they have the advantage with dragon numbers and the sea with the blockade, they have some leverage that can be spent on the necessities that Harrenhall requires.
We are taken back to Rhaenyra where the sun is beginning to set, and the fishermen find a wing. Rhaenyra flies in on Syrax, finds Arrax's wing and we get the fantastic performance by Emma D'arcy that brought us all to tears. The sounds of Rhaenyra's sobs are manipulated by the audio to transition into the laughter and fun that the Greens are having at KL during the feast. Alicent is PISSED and leaves early, meanwhile Helaena and Aemond sit next to one another in discomfort. Maybe some dialogue here but idk what, but these two need more interactions.
Aegon ofc is the only one having fun, he's drunk off his mind and laughing with his idiot kingsguard friends. During this, Aegon drunkenly makes a toast and jokes about Aemond being a kinslayer, Aemond does not like the title and it comes off as Aegon's weird form of bullying (since we have to transition this kinda buildup and not bring it out of nowhere between the 2 years of s1 and s2) At Dragonstone again, Rhaenyra is coming back and Daemon is facing the fireplace holding a scroll. When he looks at her, he slams the scroll into the table and tells her that he will bring Aemond to his knees. Rhae is confused but its comforting bc she's in shambles. Daemon storms out and Rhaenyra reads the note, which gives word about the feast.
(Insert something here about Daemon and Mysaria setting up B&C)
(Insert Aemond brothel scene #1 here, and he reveals he regrets killing Luke etc etc)
When Daemon meets B&C, he tells them a son for a son, find Aemond Targaryen. if not, slay Aegon's heir. The men share a weird glance but they agree. We get the montage ofthe pair going into the castle as ratcatchers, with Aegon drunk and Helaena and Alicent putting the kids to bed. BnC burst into the room, blood binds Alicent whilst Cheese grabs the twins (who are still awake). Since the kids are so young, they cannot tell which is the son, so they force Helaena to pick. Helaena, dazed, begins to cry and says to kill her instead. Cheese tells her they only want the boy, so she lies and points at Jahaera. Cheese laughs and says the line, "Do you hear that little girl? Your mommy wants you dead", revealing that they know she's lying. At that, they shove Jahaera at Helaena and go to kill Jahaerys. Helaena starts screaming and freaking out. Bc of how gruesome the scene is I wouldn’t have the the acc death shown, but rather how her screams echo in the halls. Aegons reaction to the sound, the guards rushing towards her room.
Aegon bursts through the doors and sees Helaena on the ground crying and screaming saying “they killed my boy”
A final shot of Aegon having it dawn on him that the war is in full swing and absorbing the first “consequence”.
lmk if you have any questions about any decisions I made!
Edit; I removed Alicole entirely, bc as much as I’ve tried to rationalize it I hate it. FnB has Alicent calling Cole out for being a creep when Rhaenyra is young, so if the show has Alicent experiencing years of this kind of experience, why would she choose to be with someone like him once she gets fo leave the relation with Viserys? Plus, Alicent experiencing this moves her character forward in fully dealing with the fact that her push for the throne doesn’t go without major pushback.
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handsome-wise-strong · 6 months
I think that's why Im (if not most of us are) drawn to lucemond, its so angst filled. The doomed pair, because we know if their houses weren't so poisoned from the inside, they could've been THE duo of the series.
Sure, maybe they still would've been enemies, but it could've been resolved differently. Many possibilities that the lucemond fandom gets to explore.
Insert some trauma experience or whatever cause its GoT, boom. 'If we die, we die together', or some round about way of 'you fight good'.
Also, like REALLY AEMOND. BLUE. OUT OF ALL THE COLORS YOU CHOSE LUKES COLOR?! Okay, we get it. Do not separate.
See that’s my thing, anon! There are so many possibilities you could imagine for Luke and Aemond. So many different roads for them to have gone down instead of the one they did… but on the other hand, was there ever really any hope for them? Let’s take a look at who they parallel, shall we?
Luke and Aemond are pretty much married in the tradition of their house. (Be delusional with me here for a moment) Not much is known about traditional Valyrian wedding ceremonies except that the couples are wed by blood and fire. Luke and Aemond spilled each other’s blood in the presence of fire. This is a very obvious parallel to both Rhaenyra/Daemon and Rhaenyra/Alicent, especially the latter, because they do the same thing their sons had just moments after the fact.
But on the note of Luke and Aemond being practically wed in that sense, then it’s only natural to compare them to other married couples of their house. That’s where more obvious parallels come into play. Targaryen men have a bad habit of killing their spouses (either intentionally or unintentionally) and Aemond falls prey to that habit as well. Daemon kills Rhea Royce intentionally. Daemon kills Laena Velaryon unintentionally. Viserys kills Aemma Arryn, both a mix of intentionally and unintentionally. And Aemond kills Lucerys both intentionally and unintentionally. The parallel is made stronger by the fact that both Luke and Laena were killed by Vhagar. Daemon, Viserys, and Aemond all sharing looks of horror and disbelief after their spouses die also makes this all the more strong. Once you notice it you can’t unsee it!!
Let’s talk more parallels. Lucemond are pretty much a Daemyra duplicate. Luke being like his mother, the younger of the pair, always being watched by his uncle and in turn, always looking back at his uncle. Luke and Rhaenyra both watch their uncles spar with intrigue. Aemond and Daemon both desire their younger nephew/niece. (I want you to put out your eye. Give me your eye or I will take it / I want Rhaenyra, I’ll take her as she is) Aemond and Daemon both look miserable when seeing Luke and Rhaenyra interact with their betrothed partners — which links directly into Lucemond paralleling Rhaenyra/Alicent as well, as Alicent also looks miserable and furious watching Rhaenyra and her betrothed dance. Alicent gives Rhaenyra a scar, Lucerys gives Aemond a scar. A bit haunting is the Rhaenyra line to Alicent, “I want to fly with you on dragonback,” which we see Lucemond do later on as Aemond chases him across Shipbreaker Bay. A scene which links them directly to another couple again, Daemon and Laena! The scenes are so similar and so different, and it’s eerie seeing Luke and Laena both look back over their shoulders at their partners, Luke with horror and fear and Laena with amusement. Daemon and Aemond move the exact same way, leaning back on their dragons carefreely with smiles on their faces.
Smaller Lucemond parallels to other couples include Rhaenyra/Harwin. Luke giving a shit-eating grin to Aemond with a pig between them, and Harwin giving the exact same look to Rhaenyra, again with a pig there! Harwin calling Rhaenyra boy, and Aemond calling Luke boy.
Why have them parallel so many other canon couples or implied romantically connected characters if they were not meant to be seen as the same? Why have Luke say the line, “I am not free to marry, I am already betrothed.” while looking directly at Aemond if they were not meant to be seen as a married couple?
In conclusion, what I’m trying to say is that this story has been told a thousand times over in the asoiaf universe and in House Targaryen in particular. Lucemond was always going to be a tragic story. But that’s what makes them so beautiful and compelling to me. Their inherently doomed narrative is also probably why so many others were drawn to them like we were, anon! And why so many wonderful and creative fics revolve around their dynamic.
I say keep ‘em coming! I personally can’t get enough of them.
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The Silver Dragon (23/?)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Original Female Character
Word Count: 2760
Story Summary: Lady Arianwyn Targaryen, the Lady of Runestone, was seeded by her father, the Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen, in an act of unbridled hatred, and borne of her mother, the late Lady Rhea Royce, as a desperate grasp at revenge.
Ignored by her father, and alone following the death of her mother, she is raised in King’s Landing alongside her cousin, Prince Aemond Targaryen. As they grow, the two find themselves indelibly bonded. But their lives are far from the fairy tales they read, and as tensions in the family rise, they find their paths may diverge.
Will they be pulled apart when the dragons dance?
Chapter Summary: The following morning, Aemond and Arianwyn tell the Queen of what happened. But they soon realize an important figure is missing.
Warnings: Adult content, minors DNI
Series Masterlist
Taglist: @thelittleswanao3 @trap-house-homiecide @50svibes @literishdegree99 @dc-marvel-girl96 @henriettadreaming @multiple-fandoms-girl @gyuxmilk @somemydayy @kittykylax
The Shears
Arianwyn woke before dawn, the sun but a sliver of pink light in the distance. Though every muscle in her body ached, she savored the feeling. Each twinge of pain was soothed by the memory of her husband's kiss on her lips, on her throat, her chest, and her core.
Now the mouth that had kissed her so fervently lay still beside her as Aemond slept. What remained of the moonlight was reflected brilliantly in his ever-open sapphire eye. Tilting her head against their shared pillow, careful not to disturb his arm around her waist, Arianwyn nudged closer to him.
She brushed the hair from his face to better examine the stone, a chance she had not gotten the night before as their desires quickly took hold. If she squinted her eyes just right, she could make out the Runes beautifully engraved on each facet.
As she read each one, she ran a finger across his chest, tracing their shapes. For it was not only the writing of the Runes that gave them power, but the intentions of the writer. Just in case the magic had not carried over to the gem from her embroidered instructions, she drew each shape again on the soft skin above his heart.
Two lines, crossing in parallel. Each end split, reaching for the others, but never quite touching.
"I know that one," Aemond grumbled, his voice deep and gravelly from sleep. He seized her wrist, guiding her hand as she finished the Rune. "Surely, after last night, you don't believe me lacking in endurance?"
Arianwyn could not stifle her giggle, but she could suppress it against his lips. When she pulled back from the kiss, she whispered against his ear, "Of course not. But I want my love branded to your heart, so you will never be without it."
He kissed her again, knotting his hand in her gloriously tangled hair. "Never."
Then, he pushed himself up on his side, gazing adoringly into her silver eyes as he traced the same shape on her breast. "There," he breathed, kissing the skin to seal the magic, "now we are both branded."
It was almost as though Arianwyn could feel the magic taking hold, surrounding her heart and filling her chest with such warmth it practically burned. She smiled so hard that her cheeks strained, and she had to look away from Aemond to keep herself from being overwhelmed by the sight of him.
How many fairy tales had she read that described true love? How many stories of valiant princes rescuing their princesses from evil men and monsters? How many times had she imagined herself in their place?
It all seemed so mundane now. No fairy tale, story, or poem could capture the enormity or intensity of what she felt for Aemond.
"I love you," she whispered, though the words were too small.
"Avy jorrāelan," he replied, pulling her in for another kiss.
Arianwyn yielded to him, wrapping one arm around his neck as she happily let him devour her. With the other, she traced her fingers down his chest, past where she had drawn her Runes, past the taut muscles of his abdomen, until she took hold of his half-hard member.
"Tell me how to make you feel the way I did last night."
Queen Alicent had hardly been able to sleep that night, her mind racing from all that had happened since Rhaenyra's arrival. The cruel accusations she and Daemon accusations made against her. Seeing Arianwyn again after so many years.
The competing emotions of the petition. From the elation of seeing Viserys on the throne again, walking nearly on his own, to the horror of seeing Vaemond Velaryon struck down in front of her. The inescapable heartbreak that came with the realization that her husband would pull himself from the Stranger's embrace to defend Rhaenyra and her bastards, but had never lifted so much as a finger for Alicent or the children they had together.
She had loved Viserys so very dearly. They were delightfully happy in the first years of their marriage, despite Rhaenyra's distance from them. He was ever so kind to her, and gentle. When he took her to his bed, he made sure she felt safe and loved, and tended to her needs as much as his own.
While she was pregnant with Aegon, he showered her with adoration – giving her endless gifts and commissioning paintings and music for her. When their son was finally born, healthy and strong, she thought he would deify her. Every moment of his every day was spent with them, love brimming over in his beautiful violet eyes.
Something changed after Aegon's second nameday. His warmth faded, though he remained cordial. When Helaena was born, he congratulated her warmly, but it was not the same. She did not wake to find him at the end of the bed, the babe in his arms. He did not bring his daughter with him everywhere he went, but left her with Alicent and the nursemaids, seemingly content to see her only when necessary.
He stopped calling Alicent to his bed each night. And when he did, he was distant. He did not kiss her nor help her find her own pleasure. After he had finished, he did not ask her to stay. It was a miracle Aemond and Daeron were ever born.
Alicent was almost grateful that Daeron had been born so weak. Growing up in Oldtown, under the care of her cousins and the Maesters, he did not suffer his father's indifference.
Aegon did, and it drove him to despair and depravity.
Helaena, bless her sweet soul, seemed happy enough in her own distant world.
Of them all, Aemond had felt it most keenly.
With Arianwyn, he had read all the stories of Old Valyria that remained, hoping he could one day discuss them with his father. That Viserys would see himself in his son. That despite his lack of a dragon, would see that Aemond was a true heir to the Targaryen name.
But the King never did.
He did not care to hear Orwyle's reports on the progress of Aemond's studies nor Ser Criston's praise of his martial prowess. He brushed aside each of Aemond's failed attempts to claim a dragon just as easily as he dismissed the cruelty of his eldest son and grandsons. Alicent begged him for years to intervene, but he steadfastly refused.
And then Aemond had lost his eye.
No. Not lost. It was taken from him.
Not only by the steel of the Velaryon bastards' knife, but by Rhaenyra's audacious insistence of her sons' legitimacy and the King's callous apathy.
Alicent had to steady herself against the red stone walls of the corridor, reminding herself that she was going to Aemond's rooms to scold him for his behavior at dinner the night before, not to sympathize with his lifelong plight.
She and Rhaenyra had brokered a peace after he had left, and the Queen had every hope that it would hold – if she could get her own children under control.
"Your Grace, are you well?" Alicent jumped at Orwyle's voice, breaking her from her ever-spiraling thoughts.
"Grand Maester," she greeted. "Whatever are you doing in the Holdfast so early? Is the King well?"
Orwyle's dark eyes flicked toward the end of the hall, a tentative smile on his face. "His Grace is well, my Queen, though he continues to rest after his exertions."
"That is wonderful to hear," Alicent sighed, relieved. "But you have not answered my question."
The Maester was practically sweating. "Yes, My Queen. I suppose it is fallen to me to tell you the happy news."
Arianwyn watched with delighted curiosity as she brought Aemond to his climax with only her hand. His eyes squeezed shut, and his mouth fell open as he gasped for breath, the line of his jaw impossibly sharp. He reached urgently for his wife, hips rutting wildly as he spilled his onto the sheets between them.
"Was that right?" she asked, a smug smile across her lips.
Aemond only moaned as he pulled her on top of him, too exhausted to even kiss her. But he needed to feel her weight on him, to anchor him, lest he float away on a cloud of bliss.
She laughed, the sound reverberating through Aemond's chest. "I'll take that as an enthusiastic 'yes.'”
He moved to pull her to his lips, but there came a knocking at the door.
“Aemond? Aria?”
His eye shot open at the voice. Why was she here? How had she known Arianwyn would be here as well?
Arianwyn was nearly thrown off the bed for how quickly he sat up, catching her with a hand on the small of her back. Her heart was pounding for fear that they had been discovered and the anticipation of embarrassment should the Queen enter while she was still naked. “What do we do?” she asked.
Carrying her off the bed, Aemond set her down by the door to his dressing room, but he froze when he realized the solution would not be so easy. “Gods, I have no dresses.”
At the blank, dumbfounded stare on his face, Arianwyn recalled a story Aegon had once told about a man who ‘had his brains fucked out.’ She had always thought it to be an exaggeration.
Perhaps not.
She moved to the end of her bed to don her shift and dress from last night, though it was still stained with blood.
“No,” Aemond called, taking her hand and leading her away from the ruined, wrinkled silk on the floor. He knew they had no time for him to fumble with the interminable laces of the confounded thing. “I have a dressing gown… somewhere.”
“I will find it,” she answered, slipping into the dark room housing all his clothing. “And for you?”
“…Trousers!” he said after a prolonged silence, wherein he had nearly forgotten the word.
Arianwyn nearly snorted. Her husband was a clever man indeed.
It took her a moment to sort through the dressing room in the dim light of the morning, but she eventually found a pair of trousers and a black silk dressing gown. Even when she tied the robe, she had to hold it closed with her hands. Aemond was so much taller than her that her arms disappeared entirely in the massive sleeves, and the large pockets sat at her mid-thigh.
He smiled when she reentered the room, a new haze of desire coming over his face as he donned the trousers. Then, as though he had not just been pressed against her fully naked form, he licked his lips in hunger at the sliver of exposed skin on her chest.
“Aemond?” Alicent called again.
“A moment, mother!” he shouted back. After securing his eyepatch, he approached Arianwyn, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. “Are you ready?”
She brushed her hand against the leather patch, sad to see the sapphire hidden, but nodded and gave him a hesitant smile. “As I will ever be.”
With a swift kiss to her forehead, he led them out of his – their – bedchamber.
And straight into his mother’s waiting arms.
Alicent was a small woman, yet she somehow managed to wrap her arms around them both and squeezed so tight that they winced.
“Oh, my dears!” she exclaimed, pulling back to look at their blushing faces. “I could hardly believe it when Maester Orwyle told me the news, but here you both are!”
Aemond had thought he would never see his mother smile so brightly again. It was simply infectious. He clasped his hand against her arm. “I am sorry we did not wake you,” he said. “But we were quite hurried.”
“Orwyle mentioned something of the like,” the Queen sighed, releasing the couple and looking back to the Grand Maester, still standing awkwardly by the door to the apartments.
“With your permission,” he said, bowing his head, “I would like to confirm the consummation.”
Arianwyn gripped Aemond’s hand harder, unsure what such confirmation would entail. She had heard tale of what was done to women who had their virginity called into question, and she was not eager to experience the same.
The Maester spied the movement and held up a hand to calm her. “I require nothing of you, Princess Arianwyn. I wager I will find all the proof I need within the bedchamber. If you will excuse me?”
Slightly embarrassed, she nodded, allowing Aemond to lead her to the couch by the hearth while Orwyle passed through to the bedchamber.
The Queen took her seat in a stuffed armchair, picking at the skin around her nails while she inspected the dark bruises and cuts on Arianwyn’s jaw and neck. “Aria, will you tell me what happened?”
Suddenly finding herself shaking, Arianwyn hesitated to speak. But then Aemond pressed his leg against hers and took her trembling hands in his, and she felt nearly as strong as she had when she plunged the shears through Daemon’s hand.
She told the Queen everything. Every detail she knew about his rape of her mother. The threats he had made, both on Dragonstone and here in King’s Landing. How he had wrapped his hand around her throat so tight his nails drew blood and tried to strangle her, only to be stopped by the embroidery shears she had hidden in her skirts.
She could not explain how she got away, not when Daemon was so much faster than her. Nor could she recall precisely how she had ended up in the library, under a table with her tears staining an ancient tome.
But she remembered exactly how Aemond had looked when he appeared, the fear and relief in his eye when he saw she was alive and relatively well. She would never forget a single detail of the wedding ceremony itself, from the reverence in Aemond’s voice to the sight of the moonlight on the Weirwood’s red leaves.
The specifics of what came next, she left vague. That particular knowledge belonged only to her and Aemond. But she assured the Queen that the marriage was consummated, a fact soon confirmed by Maester Orwyle.
“I am relieved to hear it,” Alicent said, “It will leave Daemon with little cause to oppose the union.”
Though she had maintained her calm demeanor throughout Arianwyn’s tale, Aemond was simmering with rage. His wife had revealed details he had not known, things she had left out of her letters. He stared into the smoldering embers of the hearth, focusing only on calming his breathing and the fire in his blood that seared through his scar.
“Do you think he will?” Arianwyn asked, “Oppose our marriage?”
Aemond scoffed, the left side of his face beginning to twitch and burn as his emotions ran higher and higher. “Of course, he will.”
“But he will not succeed,” Alicent countered, her voice firm. “Your father is still abed, exhausted by the events of yesterday. The Hand and I shall sit the throne today, and we shall ensure that he fails.”
While Aemond seemed assured by his mother’s confidence, Arianwyn was not. That had been the plan for the petition yesterday, and the King had miraculously risen to defend Lucerys’ claim.
Besides, it was not only their marriage was not the only thing he would bring before the court.
“I stabbed him,” she murmured. “I stabbed the King’s brother, the consort to the Princess of Dragonstone and Heir to the Iron Throne. That is not something that can be so easily dismissed.”
For that, the Queen had no answer.
Aemond had only praise for his wife's actions, but his admiration would not change the fact that she had broken the law.
Orwyle cleared his throat. “To my knowledge, Prince Daemon has not sought the aid of any Maesters to treat his wound. Should he wish to prosecute the matter, surely he would have sounded an alarm.”
It was sound logic. Daemon was not one to keep the secrets of others. Not when he stood to gain from exposing the truth.
But the truth was not what the Rogue Prince was after, Aemond thought as a starling realization came over him.
Daemon only wanted to hurt his daughter.
“The shears,” he declared.
Alicent’s brow furrowed. “What about them?”
“We never found them. Only the blood.”
Arianwyn was shaking with fear when she rose from the couch and tore open the door to their chambers, startling her guards.
“Where is Brynna?”
Next Chapter
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ceciliatllis · 9 months
I saw someone on here mention how Alys and Elizabeth Woodville do not have any striking parallels and just felt the need to write about how they do in fact have quite a few different similarities. I've always been a huge enthusiast when it comes to The Wars of the Roses and find that period of history incredibly compelling (not to mention GRRM himself has acknowledged how it inspires ASOIAF and his work as a writer which is clearly evident in some of the characters he's created) so I felt compelled to write about this and share my own thoughts.
Both Alys and Elizabeth were polarizing women accused of being devious and using witchcraft/sorcery to "bewitch" a powerful royal who was exceedingly above them in rank; Elizabeth was reviled by the court as she was not an advantageous match for Edward IV politically at all and she and her family’s rise in status caused envy among many. She was older than him, already had children of her own, and was a widow; all of these aspects made her a scandalous woman which the court looked down upon with great disdain and scrutiny. Even now, historians continue to debate whether she actually loved Edward IV and returned his affection or if her primary goal was centered around using him to advance her rank and that of her family. Similarly, the maesters in F&B (as well as numerous people within the fanbase) create a villanious and cartoonish sort of figure when describing Alys as she is perceived as an unsuitable and unlikely match for Aemond - an unusual servant who has had several stillbirths and sees visions is a clear departure from the chaste, agreeable maiden they expected him to fall for. In addition, Elizabeth and Edward were said to have been married in secret whereas Alys and Aemond were ALSO rumored to be married secretly before his death according to Alys (she is referred to as his widow by other characters in F&B so it seems this was an accepted consensus among people and not something she invented). Another detail that stands out and further binds them together is that Elizabeth's father's title was Baron Rivers. Perhaps all of these links are simply coincidental (although I highly doubt that since this is GRRM) but it would be disingenuous to insinuate they do not exist whatsoever because one does not wish to see them.
While opinions vary greatly when it comes to Alys's motivations and true feelings (just as historians disagree about Elizabeth's personality and her relationship with Edward IV), I think it's fascinating to see how the negative reactions to controversial/mysterious women oftentimes mimic how female historical figures were unfairly judged and lazily reduced to common, reductive labels still recycled in the media today (such as forcing them into restrictive boxes where they're either a calculating seductress or helpless damsel). Many people seem to believe that strong-minded female characters can only be written as emotionless caricatures who use their charms (such as their sexuality) to get ahead for their own ambitions and while that trope is commonly seen in film/television and used as a storyline, I believe these ambitious and cunning women can be shown to have agency of their own while still being vulnerable, lonely, and open to love/companionship. That does not make them less empowering or intelligent by any stretch of the imagination; it makes them human. Women can contain a myriad of different traits and motives while still being interesting. That's how I hope the writers will approach Alys and it's also what I believe to be the more intriguing route to go when it comes to well-rounded, complex storytelling.
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
The Greens as the found family trope
Hi all I’m back on my “found family” bullshit so here are my thoughts on Ser Criston Cole as the Green siblings’ father figure :)
First, I’ve posted before about how devastated Criston is when Rhaenyra rejects him, and why I think that is. Long story short, they have an extreme power difference as a result the differences in their races, wealth, social stations, and political influences. Criston jeopardizes his career and his life in order to be intimate with her, and when rejected feels as if he was led on to believe she wanted a formal relationship with him, when she really wanted some stress relief. Rhaenyra is obviously not obligated to love him because they had sex, but she was definitely ignorant of her privilege when she pressured him into doing so.
So a post-Rhaenyra Criston is a man who believes he has forever jeapordized everything he has had to fight for, everything that all of the other characters on the show were born into. At any moment, Rhaenyra could tell people about what they did, and take away his career, his standing, and his life itself. He feels as if he has compromised himself, and his honor, all for naught, and as if there will forever be a sword of Damocles hanging over his head.
This is why he bashes Joffrey’s face in at Rhaenyra and Laenor’s wedding; it’s years of pent up terror of what would happen were his secret to get out (still insane of him tho). And, most importantly, this is why he immediately attempts suicide afterwards. He feels completely hopeless and does not see a way out of the situation that Rhaenyra has put him in.
And then you have Alicent. She saves his life, and gives him a purpose going forward as her protector-- and we have seen how much Criston cares about having an honorable purpose. Not only that, Alicent fully accepts him as he is: as a Dornishman, as a lowborn, and as an oathbreaker. As I’ve mentioned previously, we have seen other characters make classist and racist remarks to Criston; yet Alicent welcomes him as not just her protector.
We are shown, on the night that Aemond loses his eye, just how achingly alone she is; how literally no one at court will stand up for her and her children, including her own husband. Though Criston does not agree to take Lucerys's eye for her, we see him running to her, and having to be held back, when she lunges for Rhaenyra. And, of course, there is the visual parallel between Rhaenyra, Daemon, and her children, presented as one family unit:
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And Alicent, Criston, and Aemond, juxtaposed against them: another family.
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Later on in the show, Alicent also relies on Criston as a confidant, and as a problem-solver. It is him she goes to, when Viserys dies; him alone that she trusts to be loyal to her, rather than to Otto. Him alone that she trusts with her son.
Aegon is not the only son she trusts Criston with; we clearly see that Criston has taken Aemond on as a protégé in the scene of them training. There is a closeness there; they have trained together for years, and there is a familiarity that results. Aemond even confides in Criston, sharing some incredibly personal and potentially damning secrets. First, he admits to his frustration that his brother will be king when he is so ill-suited for it; it’s evident in the scene that this is the first time he has said such a thing aloud. And second, he tells Criston about the time his brother brought him to a brothel as a child; a traumatizing event he clearly does not remember fondly. These are not things you would tell your mother’s guard, or even your sparring partner; these are things you would tell someone you trusted and looked up to. Someone like a father.
So there is something about Criston and Alicent that seems very special to me. It doesn’t need to be romantic, even; but these are two people who met each other at their lowest points. Who feel as if they have no one in their respective corners, as if their lives are hopeless. Who come together, and raise children together, and protect their own.
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I used to scratch my head when some people (mostly TB fans) compared Aemond to Ramsay (once I read that he was a combination of Jon Snow and Ramsay, believe it or not) and Rhaenyra to Daenerys. However, it seems that Condal and the rest of those clowns think the same because the way they write Aemond this season is atrocious. I wouldn't be surprised if he flayed someone alive at this point. And Rhaenyra is more rational and less cruel than Daenerys so she is actually an upgrade, according to them. It's such a shitshow atp. And to think that i used to wake up at 3 am (when the show airs in my country) just to watch it since it was an old habit of mine since the got era. All that excitement is lost now and it just makes me sad. Idk, I really hate this season not only for the butchering of the characters I liked, but also for many inconsistencies, plotholes, rushed plots, cheap and badly executed callbacks to GoT with zero logic and respect for the lore (e.g. the whole food riot suplot). It's too much. But I guess the fandom is easy to please because they talk the most about Seasmoke "adorably" chasing Addam or Rhaenyra and Mysaria's kiss after this episode. And many of them were yapping about horrible season 8 of GoT and its writing decisions. Hot take: I really miss Game of Thrones because it was in general a really good adaptation and the problems started when they ran out of the source material and with the shortened seasons (they obviously didn't learn that lesson and we got another shortened season which is, surprise, surprise, bad) . Still, i enjoyed the last seasons of GoT far more than I enjoy s2 of hotd. Controversial or not, this is the truth.
Good day/night to you!
Actually, I don't think that believing GoT, even taking into account the flop that were seasons 7 and 8, to be way superior to HotD is such a hot take anymore. A lot of things went wrong by the end of the original series but ultimately, at the very least, the audience (myself included) came to care deeply for the characters by having been on a very long journey with them - and because the characters were well established. In HotD though... Well, after watching 6 episodes of season 2 I look at the characters and feel that without the actors' input (I mean amazing acting as well as them sharing their takes on their characters in interviews), the sourse material and, in some cases, good foundations laid in season 1 I wouldn't really care about them.
As for unwillingness of HotD writers and showrunners to cut the proverbial apron strings tethering them to GoT, it is both ridiculous and sad. Ridiculous - because of the amount of references and attempted copy-pastes (with some adapting twists). Sad - because sometimes it feels like in part this lack of originality stems not only from the desire to play the nostalgia card but also from the lack of belief in their own ability to tell a compelling new story. And I say "attempted" because at the end of the day the parallels don't work. Rhaenyra is no Daenerys - she is but a shadow of her, bland, passive and boring. Aegon is no Joffrey (and never was - not even when the writers unashamedly pushed this parallel after season 1) - he is way too sensitive and cares too much to be like him. Even after what the writers have done to Aemond, he is still no effing Ramsay Bolton - whatever he did or does next will not produce the same impression Ramsay's atrocities made at least because of rushed and fumbled execution - and because Ewan doesn't play him that way. And for sure Viserys "if I ignore the problems piling up around me maybe they'll just disappear" Targaryen is no Ned Stark.
As for Aegon and Aemond, writers themselves keep saying contradictory things about these characters. They keep low-key (in Aegon's case even not so low-key, at least in the past) pushing for these Joffrey/Ramsay parallels - but in the same breath are waxing poetic about the complexities of Aegon and Aemond's nature and are trying for nuance in the narrative as well. What game are they playing?
All in all, my take on it is that GoT became iconic (even the atrocious ending - which also became legendary in its own ironic way) while HotD as a TV series for now mostly feels shallow and forgettable. Like you said, it's s damn shame HBO hired incompetent amateurs to build the project meant to atone for the sins of the last seasons of GoT - and these amateurs ended up making something that turned out to be even worse.
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ovaryacted · 2 months
So I have a few thoughts about tonight’s episode of HOTD, just cause it wasn’t my favorite but I know it’s a build up of what’s to come. Either way, I will share them cause I can.
Okay first let me start off by saying the cinematography of this show is otherworldly, very beautiful shots of Dragonstone and the sunset and everything. My eyes like it very much.
To that bitch that was saying “Behold Meleys…” or whatever the fuck, you better keep my girl’s name out of your mouth. Trust me, you will be dealt with. But anyways, my baby ain’t deserve that. Rip Rhaenys & Meleys, you were some real ones. 🫡
Aegon was really in the bed burnt to a crisp. I mean he reminded me of a side of baby ribs, all he was missing was some coleslaw and barbecue sauce to pair with it. And the fact that Aemond was just looking over him so smugly was crazy. He ate that though, he don’t give a fuck about his brother like damn, that’s cold.
Uhhh, I’m starting to feel a little bad for Alicent with how they’re casting her aside, but I also knew she wouldn’t be exempt from the sexism of the realm. I also think this was used as a way to show her parallels to Rhaenyra, where despite the fact she was supposed to rule the 7 kingdoms and was the chosen heir, sexism still fucks her over the way Alicent has fed into it and this is her karma, especially now that her side piece hurt her feelings.
Another parallel I know others caught was that one clip of Aegon/Alicent’s dynamic where Aegon legit calls for her (that made me so sad), and right after it jumped to Jace/Rhaenyra talking. Like damn, Alicent is a bad mom fr. ☹️
I would like to give one clap to Criston Cole for finally putting his job before pussy and thinking with his upstairs brain. He will never get his tens from me, but he ate that little thing up.
Aemond is so fine. That’s all I have to say on that. 🙏 (even though Helaena clocked his tea, I still want him).
Caraxes is so damn cute. I love the noodle very much and all of his noises.
Baela, my honey my sweet. That’s my fucking niece and y’all better respect her name. “I am blood and fire” You fucking are bae, you absolutely are. Humble your peepaw!
Jace be mugging down. Like everytime he’s on the camera, he starts mogging and serving face. Incredible, truly. Adore him. Why he kinda f- [GUNSHOT].
Real shit though, I think it’s starting to sink in my head that Daemon is not a good person and he’s really showing his ass. And I think Ser Alfred is going to do some real bitch shit so I’m scared for that.
Anywho, I hope next week’s episode will be action packed and we get to see more dragons, more of my favs, and less of Daemon’s tweaking! These are my two cents. 🫡
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HOTD 1x10: First Review
Honestly, I did not expect such differences from Fire and Blood in this episode, like they were afraid to make Rhaenyra another Daenerys (mad queen) or what?
Let’s start. 
I really like the opening with Luke, knowing what would happened to him at the end. 
I truly share Daemon’s belief that Viserys was poisoned by the Hightower. 
Is it me of Syrax could understand Rhaenyra’s pain through childbirth? Like the child was connected to Syrax? However, I was quite astonished that the baby didn’t have dragon features like in Fire and Blood. Also, they haven’t even mention her name, right? No Visenya at all. 
I liked the parallels between Rhaenyra and Daemon’s mournings.
It was such a pleasure to see Ser Erryk Cargyll, but I thought he would have make a better entrance, and not like this alone, coming out of nowhere. 
Of course, I love the way Daemon crowned Rhaenyra and he was his true and utterly self here. 
I almost didn’t recognize Rhaenyra in this episode (of course with her comportment), but also her face, she looked so young, almost like Young Rhaenyra / Milly. 
Aegon’s table is amazing, even more with the candles. So much better than the one from GOT. A true piece of art. 
Can someone explain to me what happened to Syrax, she hasn’t grown during 20 years, even worse she seemed smaller. 
Daemon was excellent in front of Otto. Matt Smith’s performance was amazing again. I will never hate Daemon. 
Apparently Seasmoke is drifting on Driftmark, WTF. 
It was nice to see Corlys Velaryon even if he was so contradictory (but he wasn’t alone in this episode).
Rhaenyra was way too soft. They changed her too much. Is she or is she not a dragon?! But at least we could notice the differences of education between Rhaenyra and Alicent regarding their children. 
Poor Luke, I almost cry when I saw his last interaction with his mother. 
Daemon can touch another dragon who isn’t Caraxes? Like this, just by singing to him in High Valyrian? What else has he discovered in Pentos? 
Storm’s end court is so empty and dark! We didn’t get any interaction with Lord Borros Baratheon’s daughters such a shame. There were four of them and none could talk, really? And why every one is afraid of Lord Borros? At least, he is smart enough to put a stop of Aemond’s fighting 
The heartbreaking moment of the episode was Luke’s death and the down play of Aemond. Why making the Greens so innocent and careless instead of what they truly are ruthless, murders and usurpers!? Why? There is nothing to justify this writing. Aemond is a murder and now a kinslayer. He has dropped the first blood, and he is the immediate responsable of the following murders. 
At least, this time the CGI were on point. The way Arrax fly above the clouds was amazing. 
And yes, the final scene was the climax of Rhaenyra and Daemon’s relationship. Now their fire burn together and they will be capable of anything (foreshadowing of episode 7). So sad that we didn’t get the needed sex scene just after, but it’s coming... from me. But did you notice that they played their music when they were holding hands until the end. 
ps: Ser Harrold Westerling is currently MIA, if you have seen him, please report to the authorities of Westeros. Or maybe episode 9 was his noble exit?
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reginarubie · 2 years
I know that as soon as Black queen slipped from the assassins' lips, Alicent knew that any attempts of reconciliation with Nyra were pointless—instead to trust her,Nyra has sent two assassins to kill an innocent child and almost lost two hands to protect her grandson(if those aren't balls,then I don't know what it is)
It makes me sad about the downfall of Nyra and Alicent, two friends turned into enemies by the men around them and in the books, the tragedy of Fire and Blood is that house of dragons must be united, they are family but ambition and greed have prevailed leaving nothing but blood and suffering.
I love this chapter, can't wait to see more of Symon and then have Nyra in the next! I'm scared because your writing is unpredictable and let's see if the Nyra connects the dots.
Aegon and Helaena protecting Sansa? I love it and Alicent is rightfully pissed, but I believe she can't complain at all😔
Can I also tell you that the pairing of Sansa/Aemond represents for me the best part of Alicent/Rhaneyra.
Sometimes I feel these couples are the parallel of each other—when Alicent is more willing to follow the patriarchal rules because she was raised in that way, Sansa acknowledges them and try to find a way out without lifiting a damn sword, but with her wits and intelligence because following the rules were not enough to protect her; Rhaneyra has many priviliges for being the king's daughter and Aemond has them because he's a man but never tried to usurp the throne because it belongs to his brother.
When Nyra and Alicent fought because A was going to get married to the king, R didn't speak to her years because she was rightfully mad and proud(well Nyra was a child); Aemond stopped speaking to Sansa because he felt betrayed when she didn't include him in her plans-until he chose to confront her and Sansa rightfully apologized.
Aemond chose to blindly trust Sansa while Nyra stopped trusting Alicent and Alicent as well—they were separated by the men around them;while Sansa and Aemond stick together no matter what reign tries to do.
What pulls them together is not only their love, but also the acknowledge to have by their side a loyal and equal partner.
Maybe that's why Alicent and Nyra lost themselves, they never considered each other an equal and loyal partner.
Yes the context is different, but it still hurts.
Okay, I can be wrong, just wanted to share it with you😌
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See @tremendouswolfsaladranch you get me!
There are parallels between the two couples and yes what really differs between them is due to age and character.
Sansa and Alicent are different people the same way as Rhaenyra and Aemond are. Whilst Aemond is unforgiving and bold, he also has another age than the age Rhaenyra had when Alicent married Viserys.
It was wrong for Rhaenyra to guilt-trip Alicent for her marriage to Viserys in the show and I think that Alicent tried (in the show) time and time again to try and rekindle their relationship, all the while taking into account her children. She never turned fully against Rhaenyra until it became clear Rhaenyra would not extend any courtesy to Alicent’s children the moment her bastard ones would have been accused of their bastardy.
I’ve already approached the matter of why there was no way for Rhaenyra to keep the throne whilst keeping Jacaerys as her heir, and if she admitted to adultery she also would admit to high treason toward the king — as she had bastard sons as his heirs — and also it would go against the laws and religion of the time which would automatically make her unworthy of the Iron throne especially when Aegon was trueborn and already had three trueborn children of whom two were males.
It was a shitty situation and Rhaenyra had no way out if she wanted the throne — if she really wanted the peace she would have stood down and not pursued the throne and her children would’ve been safe — still, the very fact that she clamored against Alicent for her an eye-for an eye and then proceeded with a son-for a son when the boy was innocent (like she proclaimed her son to be — as he was very young) and also not even the person against whom to seek vengeance… shows us her kind of character. Which is completely different from Aemond.
Aemond might have been unforgiving and bold, but he loved his family and even though he considered Aegon as unfit for the role he never once strayed from his side and supported him.
Alicent is a daughter of her time just as Sansa is, she learned to move in a patriarchal system whilst Sansa has learned from the best to use the system in her favor. She’s seen women struggling against the system — Cersei — and ending up worse for it, instead, Alicent has the boldness to move in the confines of her power, Sansa has learned to exceed that power. They’re daughters of different times and different situations.
Sansa learned out of survival, Alicent was never put in that situation so she thinks different than Sansa does.
At the same time the real main difference between Alicent and Rhaenyra is that there is a grudge there, a feeling of betrayal much deeper than what happened between Aemond and Sansa, and Sansa and Aemond validated each other’s reasons when they made up and from thereon moved as one player, something that because of fate and environment Alicent and Rhaenyra did not do/weren’t able to do.
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I’m sad for Rhaenyra and Alicent and I hope Aemond and Sansa do not make the same mistakes.
As always thank you for dropping by! And as always sending all my love ~G.
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good morning, love<з i'll try to use 1 (one) message to answer you! first of all!! you made me cry!!! again!!! only with your sweetness!! it's good to know i give you some inspiration. absolutely agree! native english speakers should be grateful we even learn their language! like lol half of the world know at least 2 languages and you? what can you do? accuse me of not using a comma? can u use them in my mother tongue? you'll piss your pants if you see them. sorry, but you make me SO confident TT you really are my comfort person in the internet. i'm SORRY i didn't mean to make you feel like a kid with all this parallelism?? i'm sooo sorry girl. i don't even know why i'd written it?? i believe you know (i'm rereading and i'd typed 'not' instead of 'know'. why???) it. i'm just.. yes.. sorry... 'BIG BRAIN AND BIG BRAIN RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER' sister i love your brain TT our alliance is so big brained we're gonna RIOT. i'd really try not to break your heart. make no promises, though. i've said i have no siblings so i have no clue how it works. you lied to me TT but ok i love you. good for your older brother ig my measured height changes from time to time but like it's 178 cm - 176 cm - 178 cm (5'9''-5'10'')?? my ass always stands (lays?) in the way of measuring. i can't stand straight and press my back to the surface (wall or this measuring shit). it's ridiculous but it's so SAD. and thank you for all your kind wards <з i really appreciate not only your support but advices too! thank you sm!! i know you're the hottest-hottest really hot hottie-cutie and glad you know it too! 'the day they get married for real for with the whole televised wedding shebang would be the conclusion of this whole modern au' OMG i hope it's a promise. 'this is want you meant about taming' what did you mean?!?!? like... my big brain may be a bit slow at times... no really what did YOU mean? i consider myself feminist too and i just agree with every word of what you've written about it. if he wasn't matt smith i'd be the first one to insult the shit out of him. but that very crush from the childhood... [SEND ALL MY LOVE LOVE LOVE BACK] 'us sharing a one brain cell for real' a really big and genius cell!!!! 'FUCK ANXIOUSNESS IT BELONGS IN THE TRASH' yes girl!! throw it away!!! you deserve better!!! 'I WANT TO KEEP YOU IN MY POCKET' PLS GIRL i want it too TT take me away from this cruel world TT 'I LOVE HEAD PATS AND HUGS' and i love YOU a talented hottie-cutie!! you give me so much love i feel bad for not replying it all TT i loveLOVELOVE you and our big brain cell thank you sm thank you for the explanation about fics!! if i struggle with something like that again i'll go to you, hope you don't mind) right now it's 0:27 in my timezone if you're ever interested. hope you sleep well)) what about aemond and aegon... YOU made them so... okok but i guess i have a couple of thoughts. personally, i'd tell them about all this magic thing, esp since they're connected in a way. i just totally don't see them in a romantic relationship with the reader. waiting for 2000 years just to choose another guy? plsss no i HATE this cliche i totally hate it. and if aemond is a really trustworthy person and he's related to the history? idk or maaaybe he somehow learns himself... all these lines reader said before/while/after the call, this obsession with that daemon and maybe some historic rumors about prince's mysterious death, a witch and his pretty wife... maybe he has his suspicions but is reeeally sceptical about it? aemond invests all this story. and aegon just tries to help him (bc cmon it's his fav customer) but somehow just disturbs his brother poor pretty boy. maybe they do stay friends. or maybe their argument is so big it concerns even vyseris. oh will reader tell them?? or is it gust their special bond.. yes of course and suddenly i have plenty of thought. i'll really try to take care! and not tace kare TT you!! you take care of yourself too!! tbh, i feel really more excited and motivated (?) after talking to you. you're my hottie-cutie angel! luv u<з
you can send me 13 million asks its fine 😡🥰
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here's another love letter!!! <3
lol im honored that i keep making you cry HAHAHHA i am so sweet arent i but remember irl sugar is not good in unhealthily large does, not only will it affect your blood and fat, it also causes wrinkles long term T_T RIP
of course you give me inspiration!!! you and all my beloved anons mean so much to me!! im truly honored to all of you and to have your love letters as well <3 <3 <3
yeah native english speakers BOOO lol HAHHAHA nah its ok that you can speak one language but dont act all superior when you cant even speak your OWN language well //////: stfu.
like lol half of the world know at least 2 languages and you? what can you do? accuse me of not using a comma? can u use them in my mother tongue? you'll piss your pants if you see them.
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ROAST EM ROAST EM ROAST EM HAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH BUT YOURE SO RIGHT THOUGH AHHAHAHAHAH the whole grammar nazi wave was horrible and honestly stupid tbh /: I HAVE BEEN GUESSING SINCE OUR PREVIOUS MESSAGES WHERE YOU;RE FROM AND IM GUESSING ITS A SCANDANAVIAN COUNTRY OR A SLAVIC COUNTRY (i think slavic RANDOMLY THOUGHT OF BELARUS IALSFHASF ok maybe not so random cos i searched which countries are slavic HAHAHAHHA) AM I RIGHT AM I RIGHT (if youre not comfortable in saying you dont have to respond to this part
sorry, but you make me SO confident TT you really are my comfort person in the internet.
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iM SO HONORED AND TOUCHED AND PROUD OF MYSELF TO HAVE THAT EFFECT ON YOU THANK YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST IM DOING ONE THING RIGHT but i hope im not inadvertently making you mean T_T im not mean right? just really intense HAHAHHAHAH and I AM SO ABSOLUTELY HUMBLED THAT IM YOUR COMFORT PERSON ON THE INTERNET T_T this is peak i will never recover or get over this
i'm SORRY i didn't mean to make you feel like a kid with all this parallelism?? i'm sooo sorry girl. i don't even know why i'd written it?? i believe you know (i'm rereading and i'd typed 'not' instead of 'know'. why???) it. i'm just.. yes.. sorry...
STOP APOLOGIZING 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 YOU DID NOTHING WRONG IT WAS JUST SUPER FUNNY HAHAAHH i appreciated the fact you clarified it to make me understand <3 <3 HHAHAAHHAH DONT FEEL BAD PLS I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY AHHAHAH PLLLLSSSSS DONT APOLOGIZE FOR THINGS LIKE THIS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and again down worry about your mistakes i understood just fine
'BIG BRAIN AND BIG BRAIN RECOGNIZE EACH OTHER' sister i love your brain TT our alliance is so big brained we're gonna RIOT.
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i'd really try not to break your heart. make no promises, though.
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i've said i have no siblings so i have no clue how it works. you lied to me TT but ok i love you. good for your older brother ig
T_T DID I LIE TO YOU I NEVER LIED TO YOU PLS I JUST SAID MY BROTHER CAN CHOKE aslfgalsfgasf ok i reread my statement its confusing im sorry. i meant i dont feel any need to get the approval of my brother. he can choke on his expectations of me ///: HAHA i hope thats clearer. you can be my honorary sibling <3 except i would never choke you
my measured height changes from time to time but like it's 178 cm - 176 cm - 178 cm (5'9''-5'10'')?? my ass always stands (lays?) in the way of measuring. i can't stand straight and press my back to the surface (wall or this measuring shit). it's ridiculous but it's so SAD.
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and thank you for all your kind wards <з i really appreciate not only your support but advices too! thank you sm!!
you deserve it i love you i love you so much
i know you're the hottest-hottest really hot hottie-cutie and glad you know it too!
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'the day they get married for real for with the whole televised wedding shebang would be the conclusion of this whole modern au' OMG i hope it's a promise.
yeah i think the only way i could end this is with the wedding lol HAHAHHAH will i ever write it will will they ever have a wedding is the question HAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
'this is want you meant about taming' what did you mean?!?!? like... my big brain may be a bit slow at times... no really what did YOU mean?
i consider myself feminist too and i just agree with every word of what you've written about it. if he wasn't matt smith i'd be the first one to insult the shit out of him. but that very crush from the childhood... [SEND ALL MY LOVE LOVE LOVE BACK]
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me @ matt smith ///: he's so corny for not falling in love with me ///: L
'us sharing a one brain cell for real' a really big and genius cell!!!!
'FUCK ANXIOUSNESS IT BELONGS IN THE TRASH' yes girl!! throw it away!!! you deserve better!!!
'I WANT TO KEEP YOU IN MY POCKET' PLS GIRL i want it too TT take me away from this cruel world TT
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my love i will always be here 4 you T_T
'I LOVE HEAD PATS AND HUGS' and i love YOU a talented hottie-cutie!! you give me so much love i feel bad for not replying it all TT i loveLOVELOVE you and our big brain cell thank you sm
T_T WHY WOULD YOU FEEL BAD FOR NOT REPLYING ONE OF US HAS TO STOP AND IT SURE AS HECK WONT BE ME. i have like a russia sized heart so i have so much love to give you can have like half of that my heart will just regenerate and make more love <3
thank you for the explanation about fics!! if i struggle with something like that again i'll go to you, hope you don't mind)
im glad i taught you smth about fics too HAHHAHAHAH lol im happy to teach you anything i know knowledge is useless if it not shared and developed. you can ask me anything you want lol and ill answer best as i can
right now it's 0:27 in my timezone if you're ever interested. hope you sleep well))
i tried to fingure out what country your from by using this information but it didnt work my calculations are wonky and i have no idea what time you sent this so 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 thank u i did sleep well YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN ASLEEP LIKE ME GAAAAAAAAHHHH
what about aemond and aegon... YOU made them so... okok but i guess i have a couple of thoughts. personally, i'd tell them about all this magic thing, esp since they're connected in a way.
interesting thought... i personally didn't think of doing this (or at least not yet cos i havent started writing p3 at all and i usually just see where i go from what i write vs what i have planned in my head) any particular reason why you want to tell them? i think it's pretty useless no? aemond might respect it since he's scholarly and still believes in magic, aegon might not and if he sees an opportunity with reader he will take it. idk i honestly feel like reader is done with explanations of her life and magic she's been alive for 2000 years she's done with that shit AHAHHAH the only person she probably would even want to tell is daemon, and even then lol i think she'd be fine not to tell him because all the matters is she has him again
i just totally don't see them in a romantic relationship with the reader. waiting for 2000 years just to choose another guy? plsss no i HATE this cliche i totally hate it.
and if aemond is a really trustworthy person and he's related to the history? idk or maaaybe he somehow learns himself... all these lines reader said before/while/after the call, this obsession with that daemon and maybe some historic rumors about prince's mysterious death, a witch and his pretty wife...
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also ok to be fair in my head daemon is the only one that's really reincarnated ya feel, and it's kind of like a happy coincidence or ig an extension of the magic that everyone from that time are also alive as well. you get me? like if anything, daemon would be the only one who can 'remember' the past because he's the only one with the past life in my head, you get me??? lol at least that's what it is in my head, cos like aemond and aegon are not royal, so they can't be aemond and aegon from before, also theyre not viserys kids or at least not royal viseyrs who is daemon's brother
maybe he has his suspicions but is reeeally sceptical about it? aemond invests all this story. and aegon just tries to help him (bc cmon it's his fav customer) but somehow just disturbs his brother poor pretty boy.
maybe they do stay friends. or maybe their argument is so big it concerns even vyseris. oh will reader tell them?? or is it gust their special bond..
omg viserys getting involved with them T_T RIP THE KING GETTING INVOLVED WOULD BE SO SCARY T_T idk if the reader will tbh as i said we'll seeeeeee
yes of course and suddenly i have plenty of thought.
send me all your thoughts im dyyyying to know them
i'll really try to take care! and not tace kare TT you!! you take care of yourself too!! tbh, i feel really more excited and motivated (?) after talking to you. you're my hottie-cutie angel! luv u<з
i'm honored to have that effect on you i will take care always you beTTER DO THE SAME!!! i love you I ACCEPT I WILL BE YOUR HOTTIE CUTIE ANGEL LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU
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