#it's like how Billy trying to break up Edward and Bella is 'bad' from Bella's POV
panlight · 1 year
Interesting comments in the "Was Rosalie mean?" poll, with many making distinctions between 'mean' and 'unfriendly,' 'cold', 'rude', 'unwelcoming.'
And I agree; when I think of 'mean' I think of someone going out of their way to be actively nasty to someone--to yell at them, to call them names, etc. Rosalie doesn't do that (maybe in her head but again, she's not saying it aloud, so we only 'hear' it in Midnight Sun), but Bella is picking up on those "doesn't like me/doesn't want me here" vibes and seems to interpret it as 'mean.'
There's always going to be this tension there because Bella is the Main Character and Twilight has a protagonist-centered morality problem. Without larger context, Rosalie having a problem with Edward putting the whole family at risk because he's obsessed with this random human isn't 'bad' or 'mean,' in fact you could argue Rosalie is looking out for the family and Edward is throwing them under the bus in favor of Bella. But because this is a romance and because Bella is the main character, not supporting her and not supporting her relationship is 'bad' in that context and Rosalie is perceived by the general audience as 'mean.'
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 12 The Black Parade Episode
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here. Y'all done told be EVERYTHING, so I know the entire plot now.
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I thought it wasn't just sweat last week but knowing he is actually crying as he thinks about their past did immediate damage to me, and now they are ALL standing there in the dark with Way and Pete highlighted by the blue, and, and, and . . . Kentana are you gonna die? You and Waymond are stressing me the fuck out!
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Now that I know they are both enigmas, I can't see them the same. Are they using their superpowers on each other right now? Are they reading each other's minds? Are they trying to figure out how to get Kentana back, so they can make this poly?
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Kentana, how many times are you going to have this man spit in your face before you realize that he ain't shit? Go to your room, turn on Billie Eilish's "Happier Than Ever" and really hear it. "Never told anyone anything bad cause that shit's embarrassing. You were my everything, and all that you did was make me fucking sad."
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The blue keys in front of the red product placement is all I need to be reminded that this show refuses to allow me peace.
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Shocking absolutely fucking nobody, Kentana did not listen to "Happier Than Ever"
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And now someone is gonna die because there are only so many ways for you and Waymundo to redeem yourselves, and if you have Jeffrey in all black, I'm worried it's gonna be your funeral we will be planning next, Kentana.
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There is one episode left and I am death gripping the one time Vegas' Hedgehog wore blue because I will never get it again. I hate them.
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Real question: Is Barbie pregnant? I know he is sad Charles is "dead" *eye roll* but he is taking pills, getting fruit thrown at him, and staring out into space. I would love to believe he is going through his Edward-left-Bella-so-she-was-super-duper-sad era, but now that I know pregnancy is on the table, that's all I can see.
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Oh, thank goodness! Someone actually has a tracker on his phone! But Kimberly has been kidnapped, caught up in human trafficking, and is now beating up children. Bro, what was your life before it all went to shit? Do you ever call your mom and tell her these are your friends now? Are you even still racing? Nevermind. Go catch those kids.
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The problem with black is the shades. Waymond's jacket looks green. Peter's pants look blue. And yet it still feels like we are preparing for a funeral. A real one this time. Not fake like someone else's *cough* Charles *cough*
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Kentana, are you betraying Jeffrey as Big Red watches? Or are you asking him how Peter's been? Has he been well, without you? Is he dating anyone? What is his status with Way? Well, Jeffrey wouldn't know, but Peter x Waymond could be poly if you get out of that fucking house and stop kidnapping people!
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Going from Kentana in that House of Horrors to Pete looking like this makes me understand why Kentana is out there kidnapping people. I'd feel some type of way too if my childhood crush looked like this and was getting chummy with a dude who looked like Way Way. Damn.
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What the hell is this?! The cover of a boy band album? A meeting to discuss poly? The Thai version of Barbie where Ken(tana) explains why he won't leave the Mojo Dojo Casa House? AND WHY ARE ALL OF YOU WEARING BLACK?! Someone is gonna die.
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Did Big Red know Kentana went to see Barbie and the other Kens?! Was he sent there by Big Red?! Kentana is really breaking my heart on his knees hugging this man like this. I want to slap Kentana all the time, but I also want to hug him and tuck him into bed with a moon nightlight calmly lighting up the room.
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Let's stick him in a video game, so he can learn to love himself.
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Push him down the stairs, Kentana! Do it. PLEASE! Shoulder check his ass at least.
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Oh Lord, NO! Waymond, do not take a fucking bullet for anyone. You canNOT die by Whiny Winifred's bullet. I refuse to let you go out like that. You finally used your powers for good, but this is not the time to die.
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This is Mission Kim Possible all over again! How do you not grab the damn bag?! Waymundo looks so damn good in his suit, so thank God he is still alive, but what the fuck guys?! One job! SECURE. THE. BAG.
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I hate how good everyone looks in black because I keep swinging through emotions. I'm terrified for everyone yet very attracted to everyone. All the guys connected to Big Red have been in black this episode regardless if it was their color or not, so I'm hoping that means the funeral will be Big Red's.
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A cult meeting, in this economy? Villains make the dumbest decisions.
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Waymond has some white on . . . over black. Please Mary, mother of God, do not let him do something stupid.
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Alan, did you just say "eff them kids"? No. Not my Alan. He'll be back for them. Right. Right?
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Peter is gonna Regina George his way into this Halloween party that he was not invited to just to cause some havoc. Mad respect.
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How the hell did Charles get there?! Did Barbie's dad tell him to go to the cult meeting? Dressed like that though? Did his spidey sense go off? So many questions, but all I know is Kentana better let them go, so he doesn't have to die.
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Whiny Winifred better not get better at aiming in the final episode because I still need both of these two to wear blue TOGETHER.
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WAYMOND, NO!!!!!!!!!!
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Good to know it only took being kidnapped twice and (possibly) someone dying for Jeffrey to finally commit to the blue.
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My nerves are wrecked. There was too much black this episode. Someone is going to die, and as much as I want it to be Big Red, I just don't feel good that Kentana is still on his bullshit, and Waymond keeps jumping in front of guns. Peter needs both of his boyfriends to live.
Also, Barbara, I already know you are immediately going to hug Charles next week, instead of having a moment to be pissed all the way off at him like you should be, so I'm going to start meditating on that right now. I've been mad at Charles the entire season, so I'll hold this grudge for both of us in the finale.
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Please continue Paranoid Bella,please, please, please I'm begging you muffin, I need to know. What happens if Billy does call Carlisle and tell him about his son's stalking and grooming shenanigans? What does Carlisle do? The poor man would just about die from embarrassment. Also, how is Charlie letting Bella move in with the Blacks? The need to know is just too great .
Anon is referring to Paranoid Bella, a character so popular on this blog, she now has a master post. Specifically, anon wants to know about the forbidden spin-off, in which Bella sought sanctuary with Billy and... bad things I refuse to touch happened.
Billy, notably, decided not to talk to Carlisle, Papa Vampire, because he assumed that Edward making Bella Dracula's Bride was typical demon behavior that Carlisle Cullen approved of.
But your second question first, since that's more in line with the original post.
How is Charlie Letting Bella Move in With the Blacks?
Because Bella pulls her typical canon bullshit on her dad. I don't know what excuse she comes up with, it's probably terrible, but dammit she does it all the same.
Charlie has no idea what to do with this and asks Billy what the hell is going on. Billy can't really explain it and just assures Charlie that it's cool, he'll look out for Bella.
Billy is Charlie's best friend, and this is long before Jake inexplicably dumps Bella after Bella had been dumped by Edward, so he's going to trust this.
Of course, he's deeply hurt and assumes that it's about him: that Bella found him smothering or a terrible father or something, but he tries to let Bella live her own life and hopes she still wants to talk to him.
Bella probably meets up with him on weekends (in La Push) to have breakfast and things. Bella feels really shitty but she'd rather not be eaten by a vampire and figures Charlie, if he knew, would prefer that too.
Billy Decides to Talk to Carlisle
But alright, picking up where we left off, Paranoid Bella early in Twilight drives to Billy's, tells him Edward the demon is in her room every night, and Billy has his panic moment.
He considers his options.
The tribe has only one wolf, the very young and inexperienced Sam, to protect their lands. The Cullens have brought an unprecedented number of demons to Forks: if it comes to war then Sam cannot defend their territory against the vampires. They are simply too outnumbered.
Forks is not in the tribe's territory, technically, while if Bella were to be bitten it would break the treaty, Edward Cullen can creep in her room all he likes. However, it's not very in the spirit of the treaty.
Billy thinks about this long and hard, perhaps looks up Ephraim's personal accounts of meeting the Cullens, and from those determines that Ephraim, as the tribe leader, seemed to genuinely think Carlisle Cullen was an honorable man who would abide by this treaty.
Billy questions Bella further and she admits that it's only been Edward Cullen, in the dead of night, and that Edward seems to be trying to keep his family unawares. None of the other Cullens have ever approached her and the one time she met Carlisle Cullen he acted as a perfectly professional doctor: Edward only started grilling her after the man had left the room.
There's a chance he doesn't know.
If Billy truly wants to protect his people, Bella Swan, then perhaps he needs to make a leap of faith and bring Carlisle Cullen back to the negotiating table.
Billy calls Carlisle Cullen: We need to talk about your fucking demon son.
Carlisle feels a growing pit of terror in his stomach as he realizes what this must be about. Carlisle hadn't seen all the signs, per Midnight Sun, Edward had made a habit of leaving the house at night long before Bella and none of the Cullens know that he spent his midnight hours sneaking into her fucking bedroom (except, of course, Alice who gives her full support). Edward in general does his best to keep everybody, but especially Carlisle, thinking well of him in general.
However, Edward did return when the wiser action would have been to never come back to Forks, against Carlisle's counsel. He does seem to have a blossoming obsession with Bella Swan that Carlisle simply does not understand. And he's been acting erratic, paranoid, and weird. Happier than he's ever been, hooray for that, but Carlisle is notably not on Team Bella/Edward until he realizes that somehow, due to Bella Swan being in his life, Edward has become a better person (and even then he's not... necessarily gung ho).
Billy calling, somehow, Carlisle knows this must be about Edward, even if he doesn't want to admit it. Then it gets worse. Alice is desperately telling Carlisle not to go, if he goes then the coven falls apart.
Carlisle panics, "What the fuck?!" Alice has to clarify that, no, the treaty isn't broken but--Well, you know how sometimes it's better not to know everything about those around us? Carlisle doesn't know. He and Alice stare at one another, Alice begs him to please, for the love of god, don't talk to Billy.
Send Esme instead.
Carlisle does not send Esme.
As for Edward himself, those goddamn nosy tribe members are ruining his schemes! How dare they get between him and Hamburger and--
Sorry, anon, we return to this blog's BSOD state. There is no path further from here. This is the end of the road. THERE IS NO MORE. THIS IS THE END.
You have asked the ask that cannot be addressed.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
in the “everyone is in love with Bella” scenario, what about the wolves? Wouldn’t it be really fucked up for Sam to fall in love with her? Would it make the wolves try to redefine imprinting? how would Leah react to the whole situation?
Anon is referring to this post. For the record, I didn't get into them in the post because the plot would veer so far off-course in Twilight that Edward never leaves and Victoria never becomes a threat to Bella, meaning Bella and Jake don't get close and she doesn't need their protection.
But, let's do this.
First encounter
Bella arrives in Forks, and Billy and Jacob are there to hand over the pickup.
They fall in love.
Jacob, having never had a real crush before nevermind something so powerful as falling in love, is overwhelmed by these new feelings. He blushes and flushes and stutters, and fails to say anything reasonable or even intelligble to Bella. Too mortified to function, he decides to hide in La Push until the embarrassment fades. Which very well could be never.
Billy, meanwhile, is unable to cope. He just fell in love with Charlie's daughter. Charlie's 17-year-old daughter who used to make mud cakes with Billy's daughters.
This is bad.
This, to a good man like Billy, is unforgivably bad.
He goes from being Charlie's best friend to suddenly being very distant, not wanting to ever cross paths with Bella again.
But, you asked about the wolves, not just Jake and Billy, so let's take this scenario further.
Bella's friends, all of whom are hopelessly in love with her, drag her to La Push
Jessica, Lauren, Mike, Angela, Tyler, Eric, Ben, the whole gang, they're all going to La Push for the weekend.
And it just won't be the same without Bella. She's just so great, you know?
Everyone looks at each other and nods. Yeah, it's just not fun without Bella. Bella's great, someone should invite her.
They all invite her, one by one, all of them with wide, adoring eyes. "It would be so amazing if you came, Bella," Jessica says dreamily, twirling a lock of Bella's hair around her fingers. "Your hair is really pretty," she giggles.
Angela and Ben are each blushing too hard to really say anything to Bella, so they end up running away from her. Bella is left feeling like some kind of freak. She later receives two notes in class, one from each, begging her in cramped writing to come to La Push. Yeah, not helping her feel like less of a freak.
Mike, Eric, Tyler, and Lauren all corner her, each worse than the last.
By the end of the schoolday Bella doesn't know what's going to happen at La Push but she does know that she doesn't want to go.
She complains about this to the Cullens (remember, her and Edward became an item much earlier in this timeline), and they all fawn and coo over her and act like she just went through a warzone. If she wants to go to the beach, she could try Isle Esme Bella. Would she like that, an island vacation? Or an island?
Bella is pulled out of school for a romantic two-week totally-not-a-honeymoon.
La Push never happens.
But surely Bella and the wolves must meet at some point
Billy catches wind that Bella Swan is dating Edward Cullen. As in, the girl he has fallen so deeply in love with is now being preyed upon by a blood-sucking demon.
Billy's own sense of propriety or honor be damned, he has to save this girl's life.
He tries to speak to her, just as in canon, but just as in canon this goes poorly. Bella is a savvy 17-year-old who doesn't need no warning, and besides, the Cullens are all so sweet. They're like hobbits, really, obviously she's not in any danger. She tells Billy as much. Vampires are lovely, does he know they gave her an island?
(Billy did not know this, and yes, that's weird. Doesn't mean they're not evil, though.)
Billy gets nowhere with his would-be intervention.
Time to bring in the big guns.
Sam phases around this time, and imprints on Emily. Break-ups with Leah, maulings, and tragic lovestories all around are had.
It is around this time that Billy brings Sam up to speed on the Bella situation, although leaving out the part where he's hopelessly in love with the girl because that would not be received well. Could Sam go speak with her about this, see if maybe she will take his warning seriously? The situation is dire.
Sure, Sam can do that. No one wants a human girl to get eaten or turned, after all.
Sam goes to see Bella.
And promptly falls in love just as he did Emily.
Emily, who is currently in the hospital from Sam mauling her, which happened specifically because Sam had imprinted.
It's official, Sam thinks, he's the greatest scumbag there ever was.
The Emily and Leah situation was awful enough as it was, breaking all three of their hearts and causing irreparable damage both physically and mentally. Sam wronged them both colossaly, and he can never amend that.
But he imprinted. He wasn't just being a douchebag, actual magic made him do it.
Now, though...
Either Sam imprinted on multiple people, in which case his happy ending is now polygamy. And how would that be a happy ending for Emily and Bella?
Or, possibly even more terrifying yet, he didn't imprint on either woman.
Breaking up with Leah, mauling Emily, making Emily fall in love with him after that and ruining her relationship with her cousin, in short putting these women through hell, all of it- it was for nothing. Sam's just a horndog who sees supernatural intervention where there's really just hormones.
Why couldn't he just have imprinted on Leah?
Sam can't go on a sabbatical to figure this out, his tribe needs him. So he takes to living in the woods alone, where he is alone, to try and figure this out.
But it gets more painful yet, because he can't just disappear on Emily.
So, he tells her. He owes her that much. And it's not goodbye forever, either, just- goodbye until he can figure out how to be the man she deserves. A man anybody deserves, really, because right now Sam's not it.
Emily has no idea what to make of any of this, but she knows her heart is broken.
She has to see this woman all of this is about.
Naturally, she falls in love as well.
The plot thickens
The next time Sam drops by, Emily gives him the news. They're both in love with Bella now.
Sam no longer knows what to make of anything.
Is the universe trying to tell them to form a polycule?
Nothing like that has ever happened before, but not much is known about imprinting. There's a first time for everything..?
At this point they're both giving themselves headaches trying to figure this out. It's a mess.
More, Bella hasn't even met either of them. Sam and Emily can't just walk up to her and say "Hi, be our wife".
Or can they?
If Emily fell in love at first sight, maybe it'll work in reverse. Maybe Bella just has to look upon them, and she'll fall in love.
Sam is dubious, but at this point let's just do this. Let's just do this, see what happens.
They walk up to Charlie's to deliver some of Harry's fish fry. Bella opens the door.
"HIIIII" Emily says, trying to act normal.
Sam's not saying anything.
"Hi," Bella says back, nonplussed, and looks at the bag Emily is clutching with white-knuckled fists.
All three of them are silent.
Bella is starting to wonder if there's something with the town water supply. She is also wondering if these people are planning to say anything, or if they just really enjoy knocking on doors and saying hi to people. Is there something Bella should be doing?
Eventually she clears er throat and asks if there's anything she can do for them.
Sam and Emily glance at each other. Bella's not looking starstruck with love, but she's not acting normal either. Who stands in a doorway and stares at people for almost a minute before talking?
It's inconclusive.
Emily hands over the fish fry. "From Harry," she says, and introduces herself.
Bella nods, remembering Charlie's friend who all but ran out of the door when he saw her and hasn't been fishing with Charlie since. None of Charlie's friends have. Charlie is going nuts. Maybe she should try hooking him up with Carlisle, vampires are lovely, they'd get along so well.
Bella, noting Emily and Sam aren't saying anything else, says bye and moves to close the door.
"Wait!" Sam yells, at the same time as Emily rips a piece of paper from her pocket, and sticks it into Bella's hand.
Bella looks down on it. It's two phone numbers.
She looks back up at Sam and Emily, who by now feel quite certain that this girl hasn't fallen in love with them and that this is the most humiliating moment of both their lives.
Just in case, though...
"Call us," Emily says flirtatiously, winks, and runs away.
Sam follows.
Bella never calls them back, and they never speak of this again.
A few months later, Leah who’d been shopping in Forks happily tells Sam and Emily that she's fallen in love with a girl, she lives in Forks, she's amazing, her name is Bella Swan.
"I took one look at her, and I knew," Leah says dreamily.
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stylesluxx · 4 years
9:41pm – p.lahote
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[warnings: angst but eh and like two swears and horrible writing]
summary: in which y/n distances herself from paul in an attempt to protect him | requested!
word count: 4,539
Being best friends with Bella Swan meant you were always in a state of worry. You were worried she'd trip over air and fall into the middle of oncoming traffic, or she'd stab herself with a plastic spoon and Jasper Hale would cause a scene in the middle of the lunchroom. And it's not like you had anything against the Cullens, you were all good friends, but you knew how Jasper could get. And it also didn't help that your boyfriend, Paul's, words were always in the back of your mind about the "leeches." But you knew the Cullens first and knew not to judge them too harshly.
Bella Swan shook up the town of Forks, whether she recognized it or not. You grew up in Forks, loved the quietness and scenery. You weren't too excited to have to leave for college but figured you'd find somewhere that was similar to your hometown. You were pretty quiet and kept to yourself and maybe that's why you and Bella got along so well. But once she befriended you and introduced you to the Cullens, you figured you were entering the new normal.
It had slipped out when Bella was talking in her sleep during a sleepover that the Cullens were supernatural beings and it was a well-known fact that your friend wasn't a good liar. So when you confronted her about it and she was stammering, not giving you a real answer, you just gave her a knowing look.
"I won't tell anyone. I mean, you'd be the only person I tell," You shrugged and she nodded.
"It's a complicated thing, but I trust you. Just... don't think about it around Edward."
You looked at her warily before just nodding your head in agreement.
Of course, Edward already knew thanks to Alice and both you and Bella had to deal with Rosalie's death stare, which bumped her down to being your least favorite Cullen.
And when they left town and left a hole in your best friend, you and Jacob picked her back up and put the pieces together as best as you could, but deep down, you knew only Edward would be able to fix her completely.
And then, Jacob left. You were hurt by this since you two had grown closer. He was like yours and Bella's little brother and him disappearing like how your vampire friends did was painful.
The second time Bella went to confront the boy, you went for moral support. Your arms crossed over your chest as you stood behind Bella, who patiently greeted Billy Black.
"I can't believe this brat is sleeping," You scoffed, but Bella was already out the room, ready to confront the group of guys that just walked on the Black property.
"Bella, no," You called out while following her onto the grass.
"What did you do?"
You reached to grab her arm, ready to go home, but she yanked it out of your grip.
"What did you do? What did you do to him?" She angrily questioned who you assumed to be Sam Uley, pushing him roughly.
He looked exactly how Jacob described; aged beyond his years. He had copper skin, brown eyes, and was about 6'6". Almost as tall as Jacob. And he had the same tattoo Bella said Jacob had.
You looked at the other three boys and they had the same one in the same spot. You recognized Embry, giving him a weird look before turning your attention back to the raging girl in front of you.
"What did we do? What did he do? What'd he tell you?" The boy that spoke was menacing and looked at Bella as if she were below him. He was intriguing despite his demeanor, but deep down you knew he was just bad luck.
"Bella-" You started but were ignored.
"Nothing! He tells us nothing because he's scared of you," She responds, making the boys in front of you laugh.
You had enough at this point. It was already enough Bella was ignoring you but now being laughed at, you were over it. They weren't necessarily laughing at you but what Bella said was exactly how you felt as well. It felt as if they were invalidating your worry.
"Oh fuck off!" You scoffed, though you weren't spared a glance from the boy. You went to reach for the keys in Bella's coat pocket but were taken aback by her swinging her arm back and slapping the menacing boy.
The muscular, six-foot boy went from shaking with laughter to shaking with anger, causing your eyes to widen.
"It's too late now!" Laughed the boy to your left but his comment and Sam's warning fell on deaf ears.
"Isabella!" You spoke sternly, grabbing her arm and slowly backing away from the group.
The boy in front of you disappeared and in his spot, a huge, dark silver wolf stood. If you knew nothing about the supernatural world, you could've sworn this was a nightmare but once you saw his eyes, you knew it was the same boy.
You and Bella turned around, facing the Black house as you started running, losing your hold on her.
"Bella! Y/N!" The brat, as you called him, shouted, jumping off his porch and running toward you.
"Run! Jake run!" Bella screamed, attempting to warn him, but he kept running ahead with no intention of slowing down.
She jumped over Bella as she clumsily tumbled to the ground, making you groan and turn to pull her up. But in the midst of trying to rescue your friend, you see the other turn into a russet brown wolf, standing taller than the silver one.
"It's always something when I'm with you, I'll give you that," You mumbled and watched the two wolves go at each other, breaking Billy's boat and tumbling into the woods.
"Take them back to Emily's place," Sam directed the remaining two before running into the woods.
"Guess the wolf's out of the bag."
You rolled your eyes at the corny joke as you pulled Bella to her feet.
"The next time I say we leave, let's just leave, yeah?" You huffed and started toward the big red truck.
You arrived at the small brown home in the middle of the woods and you sighed, still trying to take in the events that happened less than 10 minutes ago.
Embry and the other boy jumped out of the truck, leaving you and Bella in the two-seat truck, her on your lap.
"Hey, I think we should go back and see if Jacob's okay," Bella suggested as she rolled down the window.
Honestly, you weren't thinking about the well-being of either of the boys. But instead, you replayed the whole interaction with the silver wolf before he changed. You have to ask Jacob what his name was, but casually so he wouldn't try to tease you about a crush.
"Have Paul sink some teeth in him. Serves him right!"
So the menacing one's name was Paul. You nodded as you took the information and set up a folder for him in your head.
They were talking about some bet before stopping and turning to look at the two of you in the truck.
"Come on in guys, we won't bite!" Embry called, giving you two a boyish smile making you chuckle. You always thought he was adorable, like a little baby you wanted to squish.
"I know we're a bit shaken up, but come on Bells, with the other people we hang out with, we really aren't in the position to hesitate," You said, patting her thigh as encouragement.
She got out of the car and you followed behind, giving Embry a small smile.
"You know, I liked you better with long hair," You teased the lanky boy as you walked up the steps to the house.
"Gotta keep it short so my fur isn't too long," He answered with a grin on his face, walking behind you. "Oh hey, about Emily, Sam's fiancée: don't stare. It bugs Sam."
"Why would we stare?" You questioned before walking inside the house, immediately met with warmth and the smell of muffins.
"You guys hungry? Like I have to ask," You heard the melodic voice tease the boys.
"Who's this?" She asked after looking up and giving both you and Bella a smile.
"Y/N Y/L/N and Bella Swan. Who else?" Jared introduced you two as he sat at the table.
"Hm, so you're the vampire girls?" Emily teased.
"Ehhh, I'm more neutral territory," You chuckled, hoping to help ease Bella so she could take over talking for now.
"So you're... the wolf girl?" Bella added on, after thinking a bit for a comeback. "Guess so- well, I'm engaged to one."
You watched as Embry sat and Emily brought the fresh muffins over to the table. The boys immediately reached out for them.
"Save some for your brothers. And ladies first. Muffin?"
You looked over at Bella and nodded as she mumbled a quick "sure."
You grabbed a muffin hesitantly (you didn't want to overstep even though you were offered one).
You zoned out as Bella talked to Emily and the boys, and you settled on thinking about "Paul." You replayed the interaction and how he kept his fierce brown eyes on Bella, his target. Why was he so defensive about whatever Jacob did or didn't say? The way his emotions changed so quickly gave you whiplash. He went from being defensive to laughing and then pissed (which you don't blame him for, Bella shouldn't have slapped him). You knew this wasn't someone that you would necessarily enjoy being around. He just seems loud and like he can never just have a relaxed moment; he's fueled off of his emotions. But you couldn't help but think about his brown eyes, tanned skin, and toned body. You couldn't stop yourself from picturing a quiet day in with him, staying on the couch and watching movies all day. In this dream, you had tamed him and he was relaxed and just wanted to be up under you all day.
You were taken away by your thoughts when Sam walked in, though you were hoping it was Paul. You frowned when you realized who it was and just watched as he walked over to Emily and started kissing her.
You put your head down, not wanting to watch their intimate moment, but your cheeks began to flush because only moments ago you wished it was you and Paul. You looked over at Bella and saw she was looking down too, causing you to grab her hand and squeeze. That was your small attempt at pushing Edward out of her mind.
Yours and Bella's heads both snapped toward the door as your heard footsteps move toward the house. You watched Jacob playfully shove Paul and laugh before they came up the stairs and into the house.
Paul walked by the two of you and sat at the table, grabbing a muffin.
He turned to look at Bella and said, "sorry" with a cocky smirk on his face.
He turned back to eat his muffin but Jacob cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest while he leaned on the doorway.
"To Y/N too," He told Paul sternly, making the boy sigh.
"Oh that's alright-" You started but you were cut off by the sound of Paul inhaling sharply.
He was looking in your eyes, getting really to apologize before he inhaled and his eyes widened in shock.
You blinked uncomfortably as he sat there silently eyeing you. It wasn't how he was looking at Bella earlier, you weren't a target, but you were all he could focus on. You chuckled shyly and used one hand to scratch the back of your neck and used the other to squeeze Bella's hand tightly.
It was then that you noticed that the whole room went silent, making you even more flustered.
"Um, can we talk, Jake?" Bella initiated the conversation, giving you an exit, which you were thankful for.
He hesitantly nodded, tearing his eyes from Paul and focusing on the two of you looking at him, practically begging for an escape route.
"Thank you so much for the muffin," You softly smiled at Emily as you and Bella walked toward the door. You gave everyone a wave and gave Paul one last glance before shutting the door behind you.
The three of you started walking, but it was a while before anyone said anything. You were still flustered by Paul freezing up at the sight of you. It was weird, but still, not the weirdest thing to happen today.
"So... what the fuck was that?" You blurted out, pulling yourself out of your thoughts.
"So, you're a werewolf," Bella said at the same time, hands in her pockets as if this were a normal conversation.
"Last time I checked," He sighed, avoiding your question. "Few lucky members from the tribe have the gene. A bloodsucker moves into town... and the fever sets in."
"Mono," Bella raised her eyebrows, chuckling at his pathetic lie.
"Yeah, I wish."
"Well, can't you find a way to just stop? I mean... it's wrong."
Oh, here we go, the morality police.
"It's not a lifestyle choice, Bella."
"Bella, he literally said it was in his genes," You interjected, giving her a weird look.
You three had stopped walking, and you and Jacob turned to look at the girl who wanted to play God.
You loved Bella, you really did, but she was dating a vampire. You thought it was weird she was trying to police Jacob.
"I was born this way; I can't help it," Jacob continued. "You're such a hypocrite! What, I'm not the right kind of monster for you?"
You silently agreed with Jacob, nodding your head.
"It's not what you are... it's what you do," Bella attempted to argue. "They never hurt anybody. You've killed people, Jake."
"Mmh, but didn't- never mind," You shook your head, deciding not to get involved.
"Bella, we're not killing anyone."
"Then who is?"
"What we're trying to protect you people from. The only thing we do kill. Vampires."
"No, Jake, you can't-"
"Don't worry, we can't touch your little precious Cullens unless they violate the treaty."
You were bored of the conversation and tuned out, trying to kick around a rock that was stuck in the sand.
Had this been any other time, you would've been intrigued but you only wanted answers to your question. What happened the fuck happened with Paul?
"So... you're not gonna answer my question?" You asked once the two sorted everything out.
"That's something you have to talk to Paul about," Jacob answered, making you roll your eyes.
"Okay, well, you know how I get weird around new people. I was weird with you for like a month," You frowned.
"I don't think it's gonna be anything like that. It'll feel natural to be around him."
You sat at the lunch table between Bella and Mike Newton as Alice talked about throwing a graduation party at the Cullen residence.
"Another party, Alice?"
"It'll be fun," She spoke optimistically, making her smile.
"Yeah, that's what you said last time," Bella huffed, making you nudge her.
"Well, I'm excited, Alice," You spoke up, giving her a small smile that she returned.
But the smile was quickly wiped off her face as she zoned out and sat back in the chair. Edward turned his head, seemingly zoning out as well, causing you and Bella to turn toward the regular teens next to you, hoping to distract them.
"Hey, Angela?"
"Do you need some help with those?" Bella asked as you both reached over to look at whatever she was working on.
You and Bella both shared a look of concern before turning back and helping your friend.
At the end of the school day, you and Bella walked out of the school together, you looking for Paul's truck and her looking for Edward.
You spotted your boyfriend pulling in, and you turned to face Bella, gripping onto the straps of your backpack.
"When Edward spills, fill me in," You told her, making her nod.
"Definitely. I think you're the only one that can communicate with the pack right now. Jacob isn't talking to me so... if anything were to happen, only you could tell them."
You nodded sullenly, hoping it wasn't something that needed the pack's attention. You were hoping it wasn't something big.
Paul pulled up right in front of you, greeting Bella politely, making you smile.
"See you tomorrow, Bells," You promised as you opened the truck door and got in.
"Hi Lover," You greeted your boyfriend and leaned over to peck his lips.
"Hi Little Wolf," He smiled and helped you take your backpack off. He set it in the backseat next to his before pulling out of the parking lot.
He drove from the school to Emily's house, grabbing your bags out of the backseat once you arrived.
You two would do this every day after school: go to Emily's and do homework with the news playing in the background just in case.
"Hi, Em!" You greeted the woman that seemed to be making a bunch of pasta for dinner. "Would you like some help?"
"No, I'm okay. Go get some work done," Emily assured you, and you nodded, going into the living room.
You greeted the boys and wrapped Jacob in your arms. "Hi Brat," You teased and pinched his back.
"Hey," He chuckled and pulled you into a headlock. "Missed me?"
"I saw you yesterday. You better stop before I get Paul to beat you up," You said and pushed him away. "I hate you."
"You don't."
You playfully rolled your eyes before sitting next to Paul on the couch and pulling your homework out of your bag.
"He's so annoying," You mumbled to your boyfriend and rested your head on his shoulders.
"Tuh, I already knew that," He scoffed and kissed the top of your head.
You sighed and started working on your biology homework, tuning everything out until you felt Paul tightly grip your hand.
"What?" You asked, looking up at him before turning to the tv.
The news anchor was talking about all the disappearances in Seattle, and because you knew what you knew, you knew it was something that the pack and the Cullens would have to get involved in.
You frowned and returned Paul's squeeze, quickly growing worried. Is this was Alice's vision was about earlier? Did they know about this? Did they have a plan?
Once the news transitioned to the weather forecast, nobody moved a muscle. You figured they were in shock or were trying to figure out a plan
"Alice had a vision today, at lunch. We're just waiting for Edward to spill," You spoke up and turned to look up at Paul, examining his face.
His face was serious but scrunched with determination until he turned to look back at you. He let the tenseness fall away and gave you a small smile to try to get you to relax.
"I don't want more people getting hurt," You mumbled.
"We're gonna do what we can to protect Forks. Hopefully, it stays in Seattle, but until this dies down we're going to do more patrolling. We can't afford to slack off," Sam spoke sternly.
Paul turned and nodded at his alpha's words but pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly, as if you were to vanish.
The next day, you were walking to the cafeteria with Bella and Edward, and you knew you had to say something before you got to the table.
"It was about the Seattle thing, wasn't it?" You asked the two, clutching onto the books in your hands. "The pack plans on doing more strict patrols."
It was silent for a moment, both of them hesitating to speak.
"What is it?" You sighed, prepared to hear the worst.
"It was about you, Y/N," Bella said then but her lip tentatively.
"What about me?"
"We didn't want to tell you because we didn't want you to worry-"
"But it was only right," Bella cut off her boyfriend, making your eyes furrow in confusion.
You stopped walking, and so did they. You guys let the hallway clear out before Bella continued talking.
"I've told you about Victoria."
"Yeah, and Jacob told us the pack killed her friend with the dreads," You nodded, but you still didn't understand where this was going and what it had to do with you. "What does she have to do with me, or anything for that matter?"
"For some reason, she has her eyes set on you. I was able to talk to Paul when he left your house after dropping you off last night. We agreed to take turns watching you," Edward broke the news to you as calmly and gently as he could.
From the corner of your eye, you could see both Alice and Jasper waiting outside of the cafeteria. It explained why you weren't freaking out, but you wondered what it would be like once you weren't around him. You knew you'd try to stay calm for Paul's sake, but what happens when you get home and you're alone in your room? Will it all hit you then, or will it already be bottled by then?
"Well, what's new, I guess? Forks is in mortal danger, and the supernatural has come together to save the town," You huffed and slapped your hands on your thighs before blowing a raspberry in the air. "Can we grab lunch now?"
Bella and Edward shared a look while you walked ahead, going into the cafeteria.
The day dragged on longer than it usually did, but you were one of the first people out of the building. You didn't even wait for Bella at her locker like you usually do. But you concluded because of what was happening that Paul was waiting outside for you. You figured he was sitting there at least 10 minutes before you got out of class.
Once you were out the school doors, you felt yourself growing tenser. You were out of Jasper's reach, and your emotions were finally starting to hit you.
"Hi, Little Wolf," Paul greeted you, trying to act like everything was normal. He hated making you worry, and you knew that.
"Hey," Your response was short, and you didn't even look in his direction. You kept your eyes on your lap.
"I'm not your Lover?" He teased, pulling out of the school parking lot.
"I just wanna go straight home today," You mumbled.
"The leech told you-"
"Bella told me. I don't want to argue, Paul. I think it's best if I go home."
He wanted to argue, you could tell by the way he was gripping the steering wheel that he disagreed with your decision, but just like you, he didn't want to argue. So, he took you home, no questions asked.
And when you were getting out of the car, you told him you'd drive yourself to and from school tomorrow.
"Just until this whole situation dies down. I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me, especially you," You said, and shut the door behind you once you got out of the car, leaving no space for him to argue.
You gave him one last smile before walking inside your house and locking the door once you shut it.
In the evening, you were at your desk completing homework, but you were still so paranoid. Your eyes looked out the window, searching for anything in the trees that might be a threat to you. But there was no threat, just a dark silver wolf laying in between the trees, keeping watch.
You frowned, feeling bad that you were pushing him away, but you didn't want him to get mixed up in your mess. You felt ten times safer with him watching you, but you knew he had to be exhausted; after a long day of school and patrol, who would want to stay up all night being a guard dog?
You moved away from your desk, deciding it was time for bed. You took a shower and did your night routine before laying in bed, pulling the covers over your body.
You didn't get much sleep that night. You didn't get much sleep for the next two weeks. It was hard being without Paul and your friends. You were so scared about something happening in your sleep that you were barely getting any. And the fact that you haven't been face-to-face with Paul in weeks put a real strain on you. Your physical and mental health was all messed up. The separation was difficult, but not being able to explain any of this to your parents made it much harder. You had no one to talk to, and you know you did it to yourself, but the well-being of your friends and family always came first, so you wanted to stick it out despite how you felt.
For two weeks, you stayed alert, listening to every noise, watching every shadow, though your paranoia made most of it up.
But this time, you knew you heard a sound and it made you shoot out of bed. Not hesitating, you reached for your phone and called Paul. You didn't see him resting by the trees when you got up to go shower. You assumed that he was finally getting some rest and now you felt even worse about calling him; the day he decided to get some rest, you were interrupting him.
He didn't answer the phone, which you expected, but you still opened the window in your bedroom, letting the cold air blow through. He'd let himself in once he got there.
You didn't expect him to get there as quickly as he did. It had only been three minutes of you biting your nails anxiously and staying far away from your door.
He came through your door fully clothed and immediately pulled you into his arms, warming up your freezing body and calming your nerves.
"Were you asleep? Where were you? You weren't here," You bombarded him with questions as you dug your face into his chest.
"I was just running a bit late. I was already on my way when you called. Why did you call?" He asked, rubbing your back soothingly.
"I'm sorry, I just- it's already so hard being away from you, and I've been scared, and I thought I heard something downstairs. I don't know," You rambled and held onto your boyfriend's waist tightly.
"If it were a leech, you probably wouldn't have even heard them coming. It was probably just your dad grabbing a snack or something. You know he's always up for a snack," He assured you before kissing the top of your head.
"Yeah, that's true," You quietly giggled and let all your worry dissipate. You kept your head resting on his chest as he rocked your two back and forth. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too. Let's never separate again."
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[AN: hey so, I didn't know what to name this so I just named it off of the time it was requested. anyway, I kinda don't like this so uh yeah]
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I’ve decided that Renesmee is a trans boy <3
He figures it out in his fifties. Before then, he just figures he’s like his Mom, a little tom-boyish, a little butch. He’s not like other girls, he says. His Mom tells him that’s normal, she was like that, too. And if he feels a longing for the boys in his classes, well, that’s also normal, she says. Wanting someone is the first step to a happily ever after.
Renesmee thinks that sounds trite, but he’s young and doesn’t quite have the exact words to describe why he doesn’t like it. Why ‘happily ever after’ feels confining.
When he reaches his twenties--in real time, and not just in growth--he asks Benjamin about happily ever afters, because he knows his Mom is young, too, by their people’s standards. Benjamin has come to visit every now and then, not for them--he’s not especially attached to them--but because Jacob sometimes drives to Oregon or Idaho to meet up with him and have coffee. He tells Renesmee that they might be possible, but Amun thinks there’s really only ‘happy for now’s. He admits he feels that way, too, sometimes--that he wants to believe happy can be forever, but he knows some day Jacob will stop coming to meet him, and he, too, will die.
During the events of Breaking Dawn, Jacob told Benjamin why the wolves phase, and Benjamin--worried that his presence there might bring more pain--decided that if they were going to be friends, he would never come visit Jacob on his land. Renesmee wishes he could convince his own family to stay away, but ‘the weather’s just too good for us, there,’ he is told. ‘You’ll understand when you’re older. We can blend in with the humans easily there. Besides, we’re never there long enough to do any real damage.’
Except wasn’t he living proof of that being a lie?
His Mother doesn’t see it that way. ‘They weren’t forced to help us,’ she tells him. ‘Jacob, Leah, Seth--they wanted to help. They chose to.’ And he isn’t so sure that’s true, either, but arguing with his Mother never gets him anything productive. Especially when his Father always, always takes her side.
In his thirties, the family--the coven--wants to return to Forks. Renesmee says no, but is overruled by a vote. He goes along at first, but he doesn’t stay. Three nights into their arrival, the aging and grey-haired Taha  Aki--Billy Black, as he’s known, now--comes to visit the house and all but begs them to leave.
Paul and Quil and Embry had just stopped being able to phase, he tells them. If you come back now--are you really going to make them go through this, again?
And Renesmee thinks that maybe his Mother will finally understand. They’re not supposed to be here. But Edward says they won’t stay long enough for it to matter--just three years. That’s all. And when Carlisle and Esme agree, Bella’s convinced.
He doesn’t make a decision right there; he can’t. He’s learned that Alice is too conniving for Renesmee to get past without careful planning.
That night, he leaves. The note, hastily scrawled, tells his family he’s going to live with the Denalis. There are phone calls and tears and accusations. How could he do this to his Mother? Doesn’t he understand how hard it is for them all, living somewhere they aren’t wanted? Doesn’t he understand that he’s still too young to get why he should just come home and ignore Billy? It doesn’t sway him one bit.
Tanya and Carmen try to convince him, themselves. Your family is just worried about you, they say. They just want you to have a good life. Don’t be too hard on them. He knows it costs them nothing to say that.
And he misses them, if he’s honest with himself. Nostalgia is a drug and he wonders and wonders if he made the right choice, but he thinks about the fear in Billy’s face and feels sure.
In those three years, he grows to resent the Denalis. Every conversation that isn’t about why he shouldn’t feel bad for the pack--for the people who killed Laurent (and nevermind that he was hunting on their land, nevermind that he broke the rules, first)--is about how much his family misses him. It’s maddening. Renesmee is mad.
It’s Garrett that gives him an out. You know, he tells Renesmee one cold winter night, days before the Cullens planned to come up north for a decade or so before beginning their standard rotation again, you don’t need a coven. It’s nice to have. They’re helpful if you’re in trouble. But there’s nothing so freeing as going solo, bound to nothing and no-one, going wherever you like as it strikes your fancy. Good way to avoid making decisions, he says, and the little smile tells Renesmee that it’s an invitation. Go, it means. I’ll take the blame for you.
Kate isn’t thrilled when she gets a call from Alice, frantic that Renesmee is gone--just gone, heading west? No--south, now. No--now he’s leapt into a river she doesn’t recognize and she can’t make out what direction he’s going in. Garrett’s been in trouble, before--he knows if he waits a few months, it’ll be fine.
The years on his own are more than Renesmee could ever have hoped for. They’re freeing and wild and beautiful. He hunts in forests and deserts and oceans, and learns how much he can love himself--and still, something feels off. A sour note in the song. Something not quite fitting.
At first, he imagines he’s lonely. He’d always been with his coven, after all, and maybe that’s just what loneliness feels like. Except even in cities, even in the busiest cities in the world, he feels out of step. It’s something deeper.
He grows to resent the name he was given; when he was younger, it had felt weird. Like he was the stand-in for the people whose names he held. Now, he wondered how much truth there may have been in that. When Renee had died, Bella had leaned on him so much, fretting and trying to care for Renesmee as she had once for Renee.
He thinks about being called EJ if he had been a boy, and what that would have meant when Jacob eventually became mortal again. He decides he hates that name, too--but it does feel closer.
Renesmee goes through names like seasons, circling around an answer, reaching ever closer to it and yet feeling so far removed.
It’s in Brazil that he finds it. He’d lost track of seasons and finds himself there in the middle of Pride, and he sees men with breasts. Men with soft faces. Men with scars and furred chests and socks stuffed into their pants. He sees men in the vibrancy of transness and falls in love.
Rio, he decides, is a much better name. Rio feels like home. Rio is learning that he can bind all he wants; his bones don’t bend like a human’s do, and it’s not like he needs to breathe. He experiments with hormones, different dosages, different types, things he’s stolen off supply trucks in the middle of the night. For a long time he thinks they won’t do anything, that he’s too vampiric to use them until one day he wakes up different.
For his best guess, the venom pushes on one side or another of absolutes. Rio thinks he’s built up enough testosterone that the venom corrected overnight. His chest aches and his thighs ache and his chin and throat hurt like he’d been punched hard enough to knock him out.
When he looks in the mirror, what looks back feels right. He’s no taller than he had been, before, but his face--there’s fur, there. A thick beard and mustache and sturdy eyebrows. He’s got fur on his chest where there once were breasts. He’s got straight and narrow hips, and hairy legs, and he cries because his body has never felt so much like home.
If he ever meets the Cullens, again, it’s long after he’s remade himself. There’s a vampire in Georgia, he’s heard, that has the power of granting shields, an echo of the forcefulness with which she protected others in life. He doesn’t need to do much to convince her to place one on him. They’re alike--so similar they could be family. She’s not so human as he is, but she knows what it is to want a different body.
Her shields are different that his Mother’s were. One moment, Alice can see him--the next, he’s gone.
Rio stays in Georgia for a while. It’s lively, there, and he enjoys the company. There’s no spark--no romance--just a desire for kinship. When Berta chooses to leave, he follows her. It’s not a coven; they’re not bound to each other. They split apart sometimes, come together again decades or centuries past. And Rio stays away from Forks.
And he is happy for now.
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Roughly How I Would Write Twilight As A TV Show
SEASON 1 (AKA Book 1, Twilight)
It would start out with the typical Renee sending off Bella at the airport, but I think she should give her the camera now instead of later in the series, sort of like a send off present and it gives Bella an actual hobby. From the first scene it shows that Renee likes her daughter, but she doesn’t really cares and loves her, and that’s more on Bella’s side than hers, as Bella will hug her before going into the airport and Renee will let go before Bella and Bella will just keep hanging on to her, showing that she doesn’t really want to be separated from her mom. Also, throughout the first season she will be constantly checking her flip phone (I still want this to have the same time setting) to see if her mom messages her, but she never does, which will sink Bella into a deeper and deeper depression each time she checks.
When she and Charlie meet it’s really awkward, but both sides are trying and both sides feel bad about making things awkward. Also throughout the first season whenever they start getting closer Bella will sort of put distance between them and then hate herself for it. Perhaps she pushes him away because she is unused to this type of parental love and it makes her nervous. When she gets to school she meets Jessica whose very nosy but because she’s a self proclaimed reporter and likes to know everything about everyone; and she does. Except for the Cullen's, and that’s why she’s so obsessed with them, because she doesn’t know enough about them or she senses their is more. When Edward first sees Bella, whose eating with Jessica and only Jessica because she has a bad rep around the town so she has no real friends, he can’t read her mind and that really freaks him out. We’ve now shifted perspective towards the Cullen’s, and Edward is having a crisis because he’s grown so used to knowing every person’s thought it sort have turned him into a bit of a control freak and now he’s not sure how to handle this, and his siblings are trying to calm him down. Also later, probably that night, he’s freaking out and he wants to go see her and maybe test if he can read her thoughts when she’s asleep, which his family’s all like ‘bruh stop’ but he doesn’t bruh stop and tests it out, only to find out he can’t and he doesn’t try again. 
When Bella and Edward meet Bella doesn’t really care much about him and his weird behavior, but then he stopped a car with his hand and then she cared a whole lot more. Maybe after the hospital she tests it out, seeing if she was actually crazy or not. Like she steals one of her dad’s handcuffs and before class handcuffs Edward’s seat to the leg of the table then during class suddenly goes really close and Edward scoots away really fast, breaking the handcuffs, or just something similar to that where she tests if what she saw was actually real. She gets into a few more conversations with Edward stretched out, at some point maybe Bella will throw the golden onion at Edward in anger, who knows. Throughout this entire season we will be constantly switching perspectives from Edward and Bella, which will give us some more time with the Cullen siblings and their dynamic.
Anyway, Bella will ditch the dance to go to the city and then the beach Charlie requests for her to take a at least three friends, and so she recruit's Jessica, Mike and Jacob, and this is where we first meet Jacob Black, but not the first time we meet Mike. With Mike, I kinda completely changed him, and he’s now a kid with serious anger issues and a tendency for small amounts of arson and fights, which makes him an outsider like Jessica, but they never hung out as fellow rejects or anything. Charlie was probably a bit late picking up Bella from the airport because he was busy driving Mike home from yet another case of arson. He never really gets charged with anything, since Charlie has sorta took it upon himself to look after him. Anyway, Bella probably had taken a picture of him when she first got here and that made him really mad but she had ran away. Now, as she approaches him to ask him to go to the city with her, he tries to fight her, but as they fight she still asks him to go to the city and than the beach with her, which kinda throws Mike off but he actually agrees because he’s worried his mom is worried about him not having friends, so they make a deal about pretending to be friends but of course they turn into real friends. Now with Jacob, Bella goes to his house to ask him, and find him fixing some weird broken thing with the music blasting and him singing along. When he see’s her he immediately knows it’s her and is thrilled. Charlie also came along to see Billy and we see cute friendship moments between them, also Charlie confessing his worries about Bella and Billy giving him advice. 
So these four head on out to the city, and it’s the first time these people have come together and they slowly form a tight friend group. They roam the city and start chaos everywhere they go. Mike teaches them all how to shoplift although finds out Jessica is practically a pro, Jacob wants to roam through the dumpsters for parts he can use and the rest of them help him with Mike setting the occasional fire in these dumpsters, Jessica shows them how to stalk people and they tail a guy all the way home but they forgot about the not going inside his house part and the guy notices them so they need to make a run for it, and Bella is trying to take all these picture and nearly dies due to her clumsiness and determination to take the perfect pictures which lead to the rest of the gang saving her from falling off a building or onto the subway tracks or something. All and all, they’re each surprised about how much they like each other, except for Jacob, he liked them all from the start.
So they decide to all go out to eat before heading to the beach and Bella says she wants to go to the book store really quick and to not wait up for her. She had actually seen this book about anomalies and such through the window earlier that day, and she decided to go back for it. She had decided to go to the city originally because the drama with Edward was getting to be too much and she just needed some time away from Forks, but that book had captured her attention. Anyway we go to Edward and his family, who were at the city because they figured it would prove a nice distraction from Bella. Alice couldn’t say that Bella would be in the city because Jacob is with her and they don’t really outright say that he’s a werewolf yet. At some point the Vam Fam had smelled Bella and Edward went to go see her, much to his Vam Fam’s disappointment. 
So Bella almost gets attacked by that group of guys and Edward steps in and they get to talking in the car he had stolen; well, technically Alice was trying to steal it but when he sensed Bella he took it from her and drove off. They go to the restaurant where her friends are and confirm that she has a ride with Edward to the beach, although at first he just says he’ll take her home afterwards since he can’t go to the beach, but Jacob’s all like ‘nah bro I’ll give you a pass’, since Jacob couldn’t care less about whatever feud is going on. So they eat and have an argument and they go back to the car all angry, and Edward is still bitching about how he doesn’t understand what Bella thinks or feels, since what with reading minds for roughly a century he doesn’t really remember how to properly understand a person, and this frustrates him. Before they go into the car, Bella checks her phone to see if her mom and texted her back. You see, before going on this day trip Bella decided to take initiative and text her mom first, since she didn’t do that before cause she was worried about bothering her. She did this early in the morning, and it was already night, and her mom still hadn’t texted her back. This caused sort of an emotional breakdown from Bella right there in the parking lot. She’s basically all like ‘fine, you wanna know what I’m thinking? well here you go’ and she just tells him everything, about her current situation with her parents, why she decided to move here even though she didn’t want to, how she just always wanted her mom to show that she loved her so she would always do everything to get that love, how guilty she feels for not being able to give Charlie the daughter-father relationship he probably wanted, feeling guilty wanting to be loved by her mom, basically screaming all her trauma at him. At the end she silently gets in the car and looks out the window as they drive away.
Edward feels kinda bad, so they have a nice bonding conversation, and Bella is still freaked out about his speeding. Anyway, it’s during this conversation that they both sort of develop//realize feelings they have for the other person. At first, Edward was just drawn to Bella because he was unused to not understanding people and he became obsessed with knowing her, and as he had gotten to know her he developed feelings. As for Bella, throughout this she had been interested in his inhuman nature and was equally as obsessed to understand and then also ended up falling for him. Basically they fell in love because of a desire to get to know the other person and desperate to make the person not know them. But when Bella tore down her walls in that parking lot Edward also told her some personal stuff, and I think it’s here in this car that Edward drops the bomb about being a vampire, and with now more fully understanding each other and no longer having that draw of being close to each other because of wanting to understand, there still a desire in both of them to keep seeing each other and that’s when they both realize their love.
Anyway, Edward drops Bella off and leaves immediately, but we still see people that live there scold Jacob for telling him it was okay to come drop of Bella. The squad have fun at the beach and Bella gets some great pictures, although she’s still digesting the whole Edward’s a vampire and she might be in love with him thing, so she tells her knew found friends about the whole being in love part and glosses over the vampire bit. Back with Edward, he tells his Vam Fam about being in love and telling Bella, where there are definitely mixed reactions. Now this is where they start interacting with Bella directly, rather when before they just tried to get Edward to chill about her. Alice is of course thrilled about this and has publicly declared Bella as her new best friend; it was an actual public declare, she had a microphone and announced it several times in the middle of town. Rosalie is super not thrilled about this, and definitely treats Bella coldly, although she’s thrown off at Bella’s apathy. Emmett, like Alice, is 100% down with this. Jasper is cautious, but otherwise just wants to watch it all unfold. Carlisle and Esme weren’t happy about exposing them to some teenager, but they support his endeavors none the less.
Anyway, after many shenanigans Bella is invited to dinner at the Cullen's, and she brings along Jessica, Mike, and Jacob. The family’s a bit wary of this guest list, as it was the girl who had tried several times to break into their house and expose their secrets, a well known arsonist, and a soon to be werewolf. But, they actually all had a grand time, and they all kinda start acting like one big family. Particularly Jacob with Jasper and Alice, and Jessica with Rosalie and Emmett, to set up my plans down the line. Now, I’m not saying that there NEEDS to be a polymerous relationship with these two sets of three, but I’d like for it to happen. Jacob would probably notice Jasper’s not really enjoying himself at this socializing stuff, especially with the smell of human blood and all, and Jacob comes over and they get to talking and Jasper will get into that, and it’s helpful that since Jacob is in the future going to be a werewolf he doesn’t have the urge to eat him. So Alice will come over, thrilled that Jasper is having a good time, and then her and Jacob will probably get into something wholesomely chaotic and Jasper will just sit back and watch, enjoying the drama that will come from this. And with Jessica, she’s asking a million questions and exploring the house as much as she could, and Rosalie has taken it upon herself to try and placate her, but Jessica ends up roping Emmett into something and Rosalie now needs to look after him too, but somehow they all have a good time. Meanwhile, I feel like Mike would really vibe with Carlisle and Esme, not in a polymerous way like the others. They’re so exasperated by his behavior but never rude to him, which he finds jarring and it encourages him to be nice to them, and they sort of become like parents to him.
Anyway more stuff happens, probably romantic stuff between Edward and Bella and Jacob kinda slowly realizing he has feelings for Bella more near the end of the season but not letting it show, and then there comes the baseball scene. While they’re doing baseball Jessica actually put a sort of spy camera thing on Bella, but Edward wasn’t around when this was happening, and Jacob was with Jessica when she did this so Alice couldn’t see it. Anyway, Jessica, Jacob and Mike go about spying and they find out that about the whole vampire thing, Then the other vampires show up and they actually drive down to help, driving out onto the field, nearly running over the other vampires, which by the way, besides Victoria, James, Laurent, there’s actually going to be two more vampires with them. I say this, because after getting out of the car, Mike throws a match at this other vampire which sets them ablaze. James, who afterwards comments how he always hated this vampire, takes this opportunity to tear them to pieces as they burn so they die, while Victoria and Laurent are in the back like ‘this bitch really just did that; this is why we can never add new members to our group’. I dunno, I feel like this group of three should be a lot closer and maybe not spilt up or something, like their actually friends.
So now James has two objectives; make Mike into a vampire, and eat Bella, in no particular order. He just takes a really big interest in Mike. Anyway, Laurent is just so done with this drama, and tells James that the Volturi was probably going to be really upset about four non vampires being in on the secret, so they probably don’t want to get involved when shit hits the fan, and Victoria, who is always down for a little murdering, convinces him that they need a more careful plan then just going after them. So James reluctantly agrees, but when they leave he tells the other vampire that’s there to go after Bella and Mike and bring her to him without telling the other two.
So drama ensues, they gotta keep Mike and Bella from dying, they gotta deal with more people knowing their vampires, etc. I think that the vampire that now’s gotta track down Bella and Mike, who I’m gonna call Eric because this is Eric now, isn’t super down with this but is going with it cause he doesn’t want James to kill him. So he feels bad about all this and becomes pretty sympathetic, and the Vam Fam at some point will try and convince him to just join them and that they’ll protect him, but Eric didn’t do it so they had to kill him in the end and it’s very sad.
Anyway, we’ll probably go back to the vampire trio and they figured out that James sent Eric away and now Eric was dead, and they’re just talking. Also, I’m making Victoria and James not mates, because I don’t want that. And there’s the dance that of course needs to happen, and at the end of the season it shows how far Bella’s and Charlie’s relationship has progressed, and with Bella injured she needs Charlie to do some things for her, and she’s forced to accept parental care and learns that it’s actually not that bad. She also stopped constantly checking to see if Renee had texted her. So back to the dance, the Vam Fam siblings and Bella with her friends all go and of course cause chaos that gets them kicked out of the dance. So they decide to go running around town instead, and Bella and Edward have a quiet moment together and it’s nice.
SEASON 2 (AKA Book 2, New Moon)
So the Vam Fam doesn’t leave town, because I don’t want them to. There was going to be a birthday party at the Vam Fam’s house, and along with Bella’s friends Charlie’s invited and he tries to invite Billy too but then Billy turns him down saying he can’t go there, which makes Charlie sad so now Billy’s sad and he grits his teeth and asks the Vam Fam to hold the birthday party somewhere on neutral ground, so they do and they end up going to like the woods or something, maybe that special meadow Bella and Edward had gone to. So the party’s going fine although it’s a little tense with Billy there, which kinda makes the rest of the people there confused. Jacob doesn’t really get why his dad hates the Vam Fam, or why most everyone he knows does, and he tires to get them to get along, but it fails. 
When Billy sees Jacob all friendly with the Vam Fam, particularly Jasper and Alice, Billy tries to put a stop to that, telling Jacob not to get to close. Jacob’s trying to make light of the situation, being all like, ‘nah dad, you crazy’ and Emmett joins in trying to make a joke of it; I feel like Emmett and Jacob would have such a Fred and George Weasley vibe to them as friends. However, as Billy gets more and more persistent with Jacob cutting himself off from the Vam Fam, Jasper gets noticeably hostile, not liking that idea at all, and ready to throw down with Billy. Alice, also visibly upset but not hostile, tries to calm him down while the rest of the family tries to reason with Billy, as they are also not thrilled with the idea of not seeing Jacob again and they don’t want Jasper to fight Billy and break the treaty. Bella’s trying to get everyone to calm down by reminding Billy that this is her birthday party and uses her birthday privilege's to ask him to leave it for now. Meanwhile Mike is yelling at Billy and Jessica is writing everything down, Charlie’s asking Billy to not ruin his daughter’s birthday party, it’s a mess all around. 
At some point Billy says something that goes to far and Jasper lunges for him and the Vam Fam need to stop him and such. After the party Jacob takes Billy home, and both of them think that the other doesn’t know about the vampires so they’re just kinda tensely all like ‘well that was weird, probably nothing to really look to deeply into though, haha’. After the party to lighten the mood Edward starts bitching about how he couldn’t give Bella a present, and so Bella takes a picture of him and says ‘there, now you gave me a present, happy?’ and it’s very cute. Jacob gets a bit upset at Jasper, telling him that he shouldn’t attack his father and stuff, and Jasper doesn’t feel bad about it and is just sad that Jacob is now upset and Alice is trying to get them to make up, which they do eventually. And Charlie questions Billy about his odd hatred and Billy kinda dodges the questions.
So in this season it’s basically about how Edward and Bella are dating and Jacob is secretly in love with Bella but it’s not a secret to the Vam Fam thanks to their powers and then Jacob deals with the werewolf thing and how he’s suddenly supposed to hate them. It’s a very Jacob centered season. And there is of course the motorcycles, which are there because Jacob gave them to Bella as a birthday gift, saying he had found them at the dump a few days ago and still need to fix them up, so now they start hanging out alone more to fix the bikes, although sometimes Mike and Jessica tag along. This is also where Bella learns that she actually really likes the rush of adrenaline, much to Edward’s nagging. There’s also going to be some tenseness between Edward and Jacob in this season, but it’s more quiet since Jacob never outright says he likes Bella, although after he learns about the whole mind reading thing he doesn’t know what to do about that. And of course there’s the jealousy from Jasper and Alice’s side, who are slowly coming to terms with their feelings for Jacob, and are heavily conflicted because he’s going to be a werewolf and they can’t be together after he turns but they still want to make the most of the time they spend together, and it makes Alice anxious when she can’t see Jacob’s future which makes him unpredictable to her and she worries if something bad will happen to him when he’s out of her sight which in turn makes Jasper sense her worry and makes him worried so they try to be around him as much as possible, which he enjoys but is a bit thrown off by.
This is where Jacob introduces his other friends Emery and Quil. I want to make them a bit more distinct from each other, so I want Emery to be the quieter yet very rebellious one that does crazy shit, and Quil to be the more extroverted one but can get very moody and cynical, which Leah can definitely vibe with and they often have deep conversations. Speaking of Leah, we also meet Leah and Seth this season. The Vam Fam is less than friendly towards them, similar to how they treated Jacob at first, the only difference being that they didn’t end up warming up to them, except for Leah and Rosalie, who became surprising friends.
Jacob gets stressed about the situation with Emery suddenly joining Sam’s little cult, and while the Vam Fam sympathizes with him, they don’t tell him the secret. He’s not super surprised that Emery suddenly got into the group, since Emery’s always doing crazy shit and so does Sam’s pack, but he does find it weird that he’s suddenly not talking to him and Quil anymore. So Jessica is now super ready to expose all of Sam’s secrets on this weird group and how he sucked Emery into it, so she, Jacob, Bella, Quil, Leah, Seth and Mike keep trying to find out about Sam’s crew, and Jasper and Alice try to put a stop to it, worried that finding out will trigger Jacob’s transformation, and Rosalie and Emmett sometimes give assistance because Jessica asked, but they don’t get to involved because of the treaty, and Edward is really worried about Bella while she does this so he’s torn between helping and stopping it, shifting from helping Jasper and Alice and Rosalie and Emmett.. And this sort of mystery solving thing carries on for a while, and at this point Sam and his crew are pretty fed up with it.
So then comes the time when Jacob becomes a werewolf, and happens after him, Bella, Mike, and Jessica take a break from spying and cause chaos at the movies; the employees saw them enter and they already knew it was going to be a rough day. Bella was recording the movie illegally, Mike set a small fire to the popcorn, Jessica broke them into where they were making the movies play and that’s where they watched it, and Jacob, in his sickened state, accidently broke the thing playing the movie and they had to bolt. Bella, Mike, and Jessica all get worried about him, and they try to go visit him at home but Billy keeps pushing them away, and the Vam Fam wouldn’t give any details, so Jessica does what she does best and breaks in, where Jacob nearly attacks her in his wolfy state, but he manages to calm down and he and Jessica talk about how he’s turning into a werewolf. 
So after Jacob can go out and about, the pack tells him he can’t hang out with the Cullen’s anymore since they’re vampires, and Jacob’s all like, ‘okay, but they don’t hunt people, they hung animals right? so what’s the problem lmao’ he’s genuinely confused why they need to be all hostile towards them. And here while they’re trying to convince him to not hang out with vampires it can show the dynamic of the pack. Sam can come across as too harsh and a very dominate person, while his second in command, Jared, is much more chill and tires to broaden Sam’s narrow view. But Jared is the only one who can do this, since they’re very close and possibly lovers that have imprinted on each other. Emily is actually a werewolf now, and she got her scars because she and Sam actually became werewolves at the same time and when they first met as werewolves their hormones were all over the place so they attacked each other and that’s how Emily got her face injuries. Anyway, she’s got a level head too but she mostly thinks about what’s best for the pack rather than everyone like Jared does. Then there’s Paul, the guy whose always of the mindset to throw punches first and ask questions never. I’m going to make Brady and Collin here now too, and with Brady, he’s honestly apathetic to the idea of now being a wolf, and would much rather go read a book or something then be here with all this wolf drama. As for Brady, she’s pretty social awkward, but just as vicious as Paul if she gets into the mood. Basically, she’ll be all like, ‘uh, hi, yeah, um, maybe we should, uh, if you don’t mind that is, just go in and kill them all? please?’ and I changed Brady to a girl just to help with the ratio of boys to girls in the wolf tribe. As for Emery, he’s the one who will put himself in the most danger, but also he’s at odds with Sam what with them being half brothers and not having the best relationship before all this wolf stuff went down. Also, Jessica is there too when Jacob goes to meet them, which the pack isn’t happy about, telling her she can’t report this.
Anyway, the Vam Fam are depressed about the whole situation with Jacob cause they really liked him, so imagine their surprise while Bella and Mike were also hanging out at their house when Jacob and Jessica burst in. Jacob explains what’s been going on, basically asking if he can break the treaty and still hang out. Rosalie’s all like ‘bitch no’, nervous about the safety of her family, and Edward sides with her, much to Bella’s glaring. Esme and Carlisle, are hesitant, but do give in. And Alice, Jasper, Emmett are of course ecstatic of this news that he didn’t suddenly hate them. I think this is actually an opportunity for Jacob to get closer to Jasper and Alice, since Jasper can help with Jacob’s new found anger. I think werewolves when they first become werewolves they have an explosive temper, kind of like puberty, but then after a few months or however long they calm down. Anyway, Jasper can help with managing his anger, and this may result in some codependency's now that I think about it, but these books are built on codependent relationships, so the more the merrier. 
But then the vampire trio tell the Volturi about the situation down at Forks, and the Vam Fam need to go down to the Voltari to go talk to them. But Jessica, who had actually started to gain a lot of odd information on the vampire world as any good reporter would, hears the news of the potential planned killing of the Vam Fam set up by the vampire trio, so now Bella, Mike, Jessica and Jacob need to go to the Volturi to put an end to that. Before the Vam Fam could even get to the Volturi, James gets all impatient and starts attacking them right then and there, in front of all those people. A fight scene happens, and then Jane shows up like ‘surprise bitch’, but then the real surprise comes when Bella and her friends show up, causing a scene and it accidentally lets James and his crew to get away.
I think it would be a cool scene if Jacob, Edward and Bella enter first ahead of the rest of them and the moment they’re in front of the Volturi, with Aro looking at them, he’ll smile and say something like ‘a vampire, a werewolf, and a human; what an oddity you all are’ and since these three had kinda been a bit at odds this season what with Jacob’s crush on Bella, now they are a united front. So they make an arrangement for them all to become vampires within a certain time frame or else they will be killed. Aro also says that they’ll occasionally go check up on them.
Now Edward’s being all emo and avoiding Bella, which makes her sad so Jacob goes and tracks down Edward and he bolts, so now Jacob is chasing after Edward, being all like ‘bitch you better go see her’, and he actually ends up catching him. Edward’s all like ‘but don’t you love her’ and Jacob just kinda shrugs and says something like how mutual love is much better than a one sided one. They have this heartfelt talk about stuff and Edward goes to see Bella, and Jacob, who at this point had just been comically chasing Edward around, allowed himself to cry once Edward left. Then he’ll go talk to Alice and Jasper, and throughout this entire season it seemed obvious that they were both trying so hard to keep hold on the ties they had, regardless of the obstacles, and now it’s kind of come full circle when they can just relax and be together and stuff, also there will be a small hint of Jacob’s returning feelings towards them. So Edward and Bella share a moment, maybe back at that meadow or something.
But the last scene of the season will be Leah and Seth at home with their dad Harry, and the whole Leah transforming which gives Harry a heart attack and then Seth transforms too, and it’s just going to be a very jarring scene to end on.
SEASON 3 (AKA Book 3, Eclipse)
So the first scene will be with how James, Laurent and Victoria are making their army and this is where Bree comes in. Victoria is honestly thriving with this whole army thing, and James is just super impatient and wants to just go kill em, and Laurent is low key stressed about pissing off the Volturi. 
But with the wolf pack, there’s a new dynamic that Leah and Seth brings and there’s the whole grief with their father, so maybe the just refuse to transform for a while, sort of defying the pack and it’s alpha and choosing not to be a part of it. So that’ll cause drama for a while, as if there wasn’t enough with Jacob still running around with vampires and by the looks of things getting way to close to Jasper and Alice. Jacob is trying to get over his love of Bella, and is doing pretty good, much to the delight of Jasper and Alice, but they don’t want to rush things. Also, I don’t think werewolves should be able to share thoughts so they know exactly what’s happening with each other at all times, but instead when they shape into werewolves they can communicate with their minds. That way Jacob can keep it a secret about the whole turning three humans into vampires thing.
Also, with the idea that they now how to eventually turn three humans into vampires or else they’ll die is kinda unsettling to the Vam Fam. They’re trying to decide when to do it, and they all have different opinions. Jessica and Mike are honestly ready right now, but Bella wants to wait till after high school since she worries about Charlie, Rosalie and Edward wants to do it never and would honestly rather try and bring down the Volturi, Emmett will be down for honestly anything whether it be doing it now later or fighting the Voltari, Esme, Carlisle, and Alice actually agree with Bella and think waiting till they move town again would be the smartest plus Alice looks into the future and thinks that it’ll be the best possible outcome, Jacob is just upset that they’ll all be leaving him although he is reassured that he is welcome to come with although he’s not sure how that’ll pan out with the pack, and Jasper just says he’ll take care of things when they turn since he knows newborns best and just watches everyone fight over the timing since he lives for the drama. And this will also be the season of Vam Fam backstories, so throughout we will get flashbacks of what each of the Vam Fam went through. Their backstories will basically be the same, except I’m gonna tweak Jasper’s and make him a slave that was forced into fighting for the confederate side. 
Also, per their promise, the Volturi will occasionally pop in just to check up on them, which will cause the wolves to mad about that. ALSO, listen, what if Aro and Marcus became low key friends with Charlie? LISTEN they keep coming around to Forks, and eventually Charlie will approach them because he hears that they’ve been talking to his daughter and he asks what’s up. Aro and Marcus will bring him to a bar or something and lie about it, but as they get to talking they somehow start bonding, and Aro and Marcus are like ‘what’s happening? what spell is this human casting upon us?’ but it’s just Charlie being the best as usual and them starting to like him. So now they’re friends that often have conversations as the season goes on, and when Billy catches wind of this he is super unhappy, wondering how Charlie can be so chill yet so prone to getting into dangerous situations, kind of like his daughter.
And since last season the polyamorous relationship that got more time was Jasper, Alice, and Jacob, so now we’ll shift more towards Rosalie, Emmett, and Jessica. Rosalie is obviously super unhappy about having to turn Jessica into a vampire, since although she loves Jessica she didn’t want her to end up like her and was content with having to leave her in order for Jessica to leave a normal life. So now throughout the season Emmett and Jessica take it upon themselves and the single brain cell they share among the two of them to reassure Rosalie in the best way they can; also, it really establishes how Rosalie is the brains of this trio, with Emmett being the himbo and Jessica being the stubborn dumbass.
So then news about the vampire trio building an army and such travels to Forks and Jessica is actually the first to hear of it. Also, the objective of this vampire army is more world domination than just tracking down Bella and Mike, although that’s definitely part of it. Since the Volturi is already after them, why not strive for world domination? We’ll also keep having scenes of the vampire army shenanigans, particularly with the vampire trio and Bree. Also, Alec and Jane were in charge of the tracking down the vampire trio thing, and they discovered the army, and they were gonna put a stop to it, but then they met Bree. They probably met while Alec and Jane were debating how to take down the army and the vampire trio and such, when some random drunk guy showed up and was being a creep towards them, so they were gonna finna destroy him when Bree popped up and threw a rock at him, took the two and ran. They get to talking and shenanigans' and they actually grow attached to her, but Bree is a very weak vampire, which is odd for a newborn, so they know the Volturi won’t accept her and that would mean they would have to kill her. So they keep delaying the killing of the vampire trio and the army to hang out with Bree some more, tortured by the idea that they’ll have to kill her eventually. Also, I’m gonna make Bree their age, or make them Bree’s age, whichever works.
So anyway, with the threat of the vampire army, the vampires and the wolves are forced to work together. Aro and Marcus know that Jane and Alec are supposed to take care of it, but they’re kinda amused so they’ll see how it all pans out. And of course chaos ensues and nobody can get along, which bugs Bella the most because she has this thing about making everyone around her happy at the cost of herself, so she comes up with idea of doing a group bonding exercise, like they all go to an amusement park or something, which she in fact hates but does for the sake of bonding.
So back to the Leah situation, she needs to go through a whole arc, and Seth does too. Leah probably low key thinks Seth blames her for the death of their father, but the thought never crossed his mind. And since she’s avoiding Seth because of this, Seth thinks that Leah doesn’t want him around. So they need to clear up that understanding, probably with the help of Emily. While Jared makes sure Sam doesn’t slaughter all the vampires and potentially Jacob, Emily tries and mends things within the pack. 
At some point, Leah and Mike get kidnapped by the a few members of the vampire army. What had happened was Leah and Mike were hanging out, as everyone was taking shifts trying to get Leah and Seth to transform again, and Seth had run off at this point, and Mike was surprisingly making some serious progress, when a few members of the vampire army, including Bree, saw them and was like ‘oh wait, isn’t that Mike? from the pictures James showed us? and that girl has black hair, is that Bella bro?’ so they kidnap them.
So Leah is super not Bella and the vampire trio get angry and punish them, well, Laurent kinda just watches. So Bree will meet up with Alec and Jane kinda messed up from the punishment, also, Bree still has no idea who Alec and Jane are or even what the Volturi is. But anyway, when Alec and Jane find out about this they are very unhappy, and hatch a plan with Leah to go get the Vam Fam and the werewolves and come fight the army now, now that they have a location of them. Jane and Alec are doing this rather than taking them down themselves because if the rag tag team of vampires and werewolves were the ones fighting and not them then it would seem more reasonable if one of them were to escape the battle and disappear, that being Bree. 
Mike isn’t there when this plan is hatched because he’s taking with James, who wants to turn Mike into a vampire now, but his other two friends keep telling him that Mike will just turn on them and they need to convince him to join their side while he’s still a human. So him and James hang out and although Mike is cussing them all out, him and James actually have fun causing destruction, and he also causes the biggest case of arson he has done yet, which gives him a rush. Also, Leah is trying to turn into a werewolf now, given the dire circumstances, but she can’t and she doesn’t know why.
So Jane and Alec tell the crew about the kidnapping and the location, so they all head out. Jessica and Bella try to convince the Vam Fam to just turn them into vampires now so they can help out, but they say that they’ll just be unconscious for a few days so it wouldn’t help, but Jessica and Bella say that they can be like a back up plan if they fail, so when they wake up they can avenge them or something. And this is the first time the werewolves aside from Jacob heard about the plans to turn three humans into vampires, so discord ensues but they don’t have enough time so they just go to the vampire army with Bella and Jessica tagging along, thanks to Alice who said they would in fact be useful.
So they get to the army and the battle ensues. Seth is now in werewolf form, wanting to protect his sister, and when Leah sees Seth in a tight spot, she manages to turn into a werewolf again and protect him. Mike is actually very attracted to the idea of destroying the world, but when he sees his friends, he doesn’t want them destroyed so he doesn’t go to the side of the vampire trio. After a lot of epic fighting and some unexpected teamwork, the vampire army is destroyed, and within that chaos Alec and Jane took Bree and high tailed it out of there, explaining the whole situation to Bree. She’s kinda upset that they were planning to kill her, but then Aro and Marcus appear before the situation with that could get too out of hand. Marcus senses the strong relationship the three have, and tells Aro that they will indeed lose Alec and Jane if they kill Bree, and they kinda need them so Aro plays if off like ‘why didn’t you tell me you guys wanted a new friend? sure she can join the Volturi’  and although they are confused they’re just happy Bree’s gonna live, and now they can be together.
So the vampire trio retreat, still alive somehow, and the vampire army is gone, and they got Leah and Mike back, plus Leah and Seth transform now, so all’s well that ends well. Also maybe Brady and Leah get together, which would have been set up throughout the season. Why? I dunno, because I want Leah to be happy, and also with the personality I gave Brady it would be a fun dynamic I think. Brady is all shy while Leah has a much more forceful personality, but Brady is always ready to cut a bitch while Leah isn’t all that down with hurting people most of the time. They’d probably imprint on each other.
So back with the whole Emmett and Jessica trying to convince Rosalie not to worry too much about Jessica turning into a vampire, Rosalie had known what they were doing since the beginning, and to her surprise it actually slightly worked? Not really but Rosalie chooses not to focus on the fact that Jessica will be turned into a vampire, but instead that they’ll always be together, and it’s sweet moment for the three of them. And so the Vam Fam decide to do the vampire turning thing after high school, and Edward asks if they can do it after his and Bella’s honeymoon, since he and Bella had an arrangement. Now, the audience knew about this since Bella throughout the season had been asking if Edward wanted to sleep together since she wanted to do that as a human, but he’s very adamant about the whole wait until marriage thing, so he proposed at probably the worst time, and she accepted.
But the Vam Fam didn’t know about this, so now their all dealing with that, and agree let Bella wait until after and Jessica and Mike will turn first. So some days go by and they’re planning the wedding, and then what a surprise; Renee shows up, having heard about the wedding from Charlie.
SEASON 4 (AKA Book 4, Breaking Dawn)
Wedding time, yay. Also, Renee is creating a super uncomfortable atmosphere, what with the whole Bella feeling neglected from her, and also she brought along Phil, her new husband. Everyone’s acting pretty protective over Bella, eyeing Renee up. Particularly Edward; whenever he sees Renee he just glares at her full on while holding onto Bella, and whenever Renee tries to talk to him he throws so much poetic shade Renee doesn’t even know what this man is talking about.
Bella’s kinda tense about Renee being here, and tries to get along with her, but after getting all that parental love from Charlie, she forgets that’s not how Renee operates, leading to some tense moments between her and Renee. But the wedding planning continues and Alice is stressed because these chaotic idiots are ruining her perfect planning skills. But the wedding goes on and it actually goes off without a hitch. Well, except for Mike causing a teeny tiny fire to only ONE of the bouquets, and Bella did end up tripping going down the aisle while bringing Charlie down with her so Edward went over to her and they both had to go to their places together, and Emmett and Jacob did do that drinking contest but Emmett left out the part where he couldn’t get drunk and Jacob got absolutely wasted so Jasper was in charge of taking care of him, Jessica was trying to get info on the other vampire guests which was annoying them while Rosalie stood menacingly behind her to make sure they didn’t try and anything, and one of those other vampire guests did end up sort of trying to attack Billy, but other than that it went great.
But before the wedding came to a close Bella realized that she’ll probably never see Renee or Charlie again, so she pays a lot of attention to Charlie, but near the end she asks Renee and Charlie to take a picture with her, one that she could keep for after. She and Renee got on better terms, and Renee admits that she could have been a better mother. So Bella and Edward go on their honeymoon where they have tons of sex and we get lots of scenes of that, but back in Forks, disaster ensues.
So Mike and Jessica are getting ready for the whole going to be a vampire thing, and the Vam Fam makes arrangements to move. Mike and Jessica leaving won’t look weird, since they just graduated high school and it’s not like they have anyone particularly close here, well, except with Mike’s mom. So he goes to say his goodbyes to her, and it’s very sad because Mike knows they’ll never see each other again but his mom doesn’t. And then there’s the whole situation with Jacob going with them, which his pack and dad aren’t happy about. So he’s trying to convince them, when suddenly him imprints on Alice and Jasper. Now it’s official; he needs to go with them, and it’s actually a kind of sad goodbye to his dad and the werewolves that were actually his friends. So now the Vam Fam has included Jacob in it, now it was Jessica and Mike’s turn.
So the Vam Fam and Jessica and Mike go to the new house and they turn Jessica and Mike into vampires, with Rosalie being the one to do it for Jessica and Carlisle doing it for Mike. Then, the vampire trio show up to ruin things, and there’s a big fight, and James and Mike have their own separate fight going on. Throughout this entire series, it would be shown the parallels between Mike and James, how naturally violent they both are, how it seems to be a match made in hell for these two. But now it seems like their violent ways had caught up so them, as they fight with everything they got and enjoying the hell out of it, and so Mike and James die together, having killed the other one. Mike’s final words will probably be something like ‘damn, I just got these cool ass powers; I was gonna do so much’ and James laughs and is like ‘hell yeah, you missed out’ and after they say that they die, hand in hand.
The vampire trio, now the vampire duo, is devastated at this news, James was like family to them. So they run off but swear revenge, even Laurent pissed off now. They all mourn the death of Mike, and Alice was taking it especially hard because she had relaxed on the future seeing and didn’t see this coming. Then she saw the thing with Bella being pregnant and went to go call her to tell her that she was pregnant and Mike was dead.
Bella had already suspected the pregnant party, but the Mike being dead took her so off guard she actually fainted, although Edward caught her. They go to the house where the wolf pack was already there at the request of Jacob, to help fight when the vampire duo attack. Although, they are not happy with the pregnancy. It’s very emotional for a while, what with Mike dying, Jessica dealing with being a newborn, and Bella on the verge of dying with this baby she refuses to give up.
So she gives birth and dies but comes back a vampire, and now Renesmee is out in the world, which the Volturi doesn’t like. We go back to the Volturi and get some scenes with them, also with Aro and Marcus consoling Charlie about his ‘dead daughter’ who they actually feel genuinely bad for. Also we get scenes with Bree, Alec and Jane, who are just having a grand time, although some of the other vampires pick on Bree for being so weak, Alec and Jane roll up and they’re on their knees in front of Bree begging for forgiveness, which she gives much to Alec and Jane’s pouting. In any case, the Volturi know about Renesmee, and they need to go kill her.
So Bella’s discovering her mind blocking powers, and Edward is losing his mind about how he finally knows why he can’t read her mind, and Jessica learns she doesn’t really have any powers other than an average vampire. Life goes on and such, and Bella and Edward are getting really attached to Renesmee, loving the hell out of her and doing their best to figure out how to be parents, and this is when the coupling of Jacob with Alice and Jasper and Jessica with Emmett and Rosalie is now official, so they get couple moments. But then the Volturi rolls in. Alice does her thing and shows what will happen if this battle happens so they roll back out, but then Victoria swoops in and straight up kills Renesmee, then Bella kills her. Laurent is there, but after Victoria dies he realizes that all his friends, his family, are dead, and so he just closes his eyes and allows himself to be killed.
So after Renesmee is dead, Edward and Bella are really going through it, and then Bella just reminds Edward of his days of killing murders and pedos and such, and she kinda hints that she’d be totally down for some of that. And so now it’s murder road trip time of killing murders and pedos, and the Vam Fam isn’t upset about the killing really, their just worried that this might not be the healthiest way to handle the loss of their child. But they do and we get to see a bunch of their killing fun times, and there’s actually going to be a time jump of maybe like 30 years or so, when the Vam Fam is in a different town doing stuff, and then Edward and Bella show up and they’re all reunited. Edward and Bella settle down from the killing joy ride, although they hint that they wouldn’t be adverse to doing it again if they get into the mood. So now that’s their cute couple thing; killing murderers and pedos.
Couple pet names would consist of; 
Edward to Bella: Love, My Lion  (Edward had that dumbass line about him being the lion and her being the lamb, but I’m gonna change it so he was like ‘at first I thought you were the lamb and I was the lion, but I realize it’s the opposite’ or something stupidly emo like that and Bella’s all like ‘Edward pls’ but the nickname stuck)
Bella to Edward: My Lamb (same explanation as above)
Rosalie to Jessica: My Little Storm
Rosalie to Emmett: My Monkey Man
Emmett to Rosalie: Babe (when referring to both Rosalie and Jessica he says Babes), Angel
Emmett to Jessica: Babe (same explanation as above)
Jessica to Rosalie: Kitty
Jessica to Emmett: Big Boy
Jasper to Alice: Ma’am, Frightening Little Monster, Darlin’
Jasper to Jacob: Sunshine, Darlin’
Alice to Jasper: My Darling
Alice to Jacob: My Dearest
Jacob to Jasper: Cat (It started as a joke and then it wasn’t)
Jacob to Alice: Raven (again, started as a joke)
Jared to Sam: Sap
Sam to Jared: My Life, Precious Thing
Leah to Brady: Baby
Brady to Leah: Mine
Regular nicknames used by anyone;
Isabella: Bella, Bells
Michael: Mike, Mikey
Jessica: Jess, Jessie
Charlie: Chuck (only if you want to annoy the hell out of him)
Rosalie: Rose, Rosie
Jasper: Jazz, Whitlock
Alice: Mary, Shorty
Emmett: Em, McCarty
Edward: Anthony, Eddy
Esme: Platt
Carlisle: Lyle
Jacob: Jake, Jay
William: Billy
Sam: Sammy
Jared: Jay-Jay
Emily: Lily
Paul: The Paul-ster (If you want him to try and kill you)
Brady: Phyco
Leah: Lee Lee
Seth: Sethy
Collin: Lin
Victoria: Vickie
James: Jamie
Laurent: Laur’
Aro: No (insert heart emoji)
Marcus: Mark
Jane: Plain
Alec: Al
Bree: Baby Bree (mostly just Baby)
Also, I find it hard to believe that the Cullens stuck to America while moving around so much, so this is where I think all of them are from:
Esme: Caribbean
Carlisle: Britain
Jasper: America
Emmett: Canada
Edward: Italy
Alice: Wales
Rosalie: France
ALSO throughout the entirety of the series it’s probably going to have more Edward and Bella moments then what was written, since this is a story about their romance, I just thought I’d put in other stuff and mention it since the romance scenes would be pretty obvious.
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szchaql · 4 years
Total Opposite (part 3)
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This few days, Bella tried to contact Jacob. But he never answer her call, never talk to her again. This lead Bella to finally confront him. She decided to bring (y/n) with her, she has the feeling that she need to bring her. She knock on her sister room and peeking her head. (Y/n) is sitting on her bed, reading one of the novel. "Hey, you busy?" (Y/n) look at Bella, shaking her head. "Not at all. What's wrong?"
Bella lean her body to the door frame, "i'm going to confront Jacob. Want to come?" (Y/n) nod and immediately head toward her closet to change clothes. "I'll wait downstair okay?"
As (y/n) change her clothes, her mind start to think about Paul. Will she meet him there? What should she do? But soon, she shake her head throw away the thought of Paul and quickly leave her room.
Charlie is at work, so it easier for the 2 girls to leave the house without worrying him too much. They drive to the Black household in silent, one being nervous, one pissed.
Bella quickly removing her seat belt and head toward the door, knocking it. (Y/n) hurriedly follow her sister and stand behind her. The door open and reveal Billy. "Bella? (Y/n)?"
"I want to see Jacob." Bella said. But Billy answer didn't satisfied her enough. "He's not here." Bella walk past Billy and head to Jacob room, seeing him sound asleep. (Y/n) just stand outside the house, not daring to walk inside like Bella did.
Then, the sound of someone or should we said bunch of men walking toward the house make both Bella and (y/n) look at 4 men who stand a little far from the house. Bella, being Bella, decided to confront them. (Y/n) that surprised to see her sister just walk out like that, fuming to them, decided to follow her. The 4 men is Sam, Paul, Embry, and Jared as she recall as she saw them on the beach few days ago.
"What did you do?!" Bella punch Sam angrily. "What did you do to him?!"
"What did he do?! What did we do huh? What did he tell you?!" Paul ask angrily at Bella.
"He didn't tell me anything because he scared of you." (Y/n) know, the moment Bella said that, it will the start of a fight. She knew her sister so well. She decided to stop Bella to make anymore comment.
"Bella.. come on.. stop." But Bella being Bella didn't listen, blind by her anger.
The boys laugh at her comment and result in Bella punching Paul right on his face. Suddenly Paul is shaking so bad as Sam tell them to stand back.
Bella stand back, grabing (y/n) arm, looking at shaking Paul, confused. (Y/n) look at Paul as there is something wrong with him. Why did he shaking like that?
Short moment after that, Paul change into a big massive wolf, almost hurting (y/n) if Bella didn't pull her sister fast enough. (Y/n) so shocked that she freeze, terrified at the creature in front of her. Bella try to grab her sister arm and run, as Jacob run to their way and shift into a wolf too, in the middle of air. The two wolf fight with each other, breaking Billy's old boat, and rolling to the forest.
"Hey. Take them back to Emily's place." Sam said to Jared and Embry as he himself go to the forest.
(Y/n) is so shocked at what happened, as the memories of that night in Phoenix keep haunting her. Bella immediately hug her sister tightly. "We will be fine, sis..." as Jared and embry help the 2 girls to the car and head to Emily's.
"I think we should go check if Jacob is alright." Bella said as they arrive at a wodden house.
"I hope Paul sink some teeth on him." Jared comment which Embry replied. "No way, Jake is a natural. You see as he shift in mid air like that." Jared shrug it. "Come on, Bella. We won't bite." Jared said and walk inside the house.
Bella look at (y/n), she is so pale. "(Y/n), come on... i'm here with you.. you will be fine." She tried to encourage (y/n).
"I think this is a bad idea, Bells...." (y/n) finally found her voice again. "One of them nearly killed me...." Bella hug her immediately, trying to calm her down.
"Hey.. it's okay.. we won't hurt you.. it's just an accident.. Paul will never forgive himself if he hurt you... come on.. let's get you something for calming you down..." Embry walk toward (y/n), try to assuring her. (Y/n) nod her head and get out of the car, walking slowly behing Bella.
They stop just on the door, watching Emily make food. As she turn toward the Swan sister, her face shocked them. Bella immediately swift her eyes, while (y/n) look at the floor. "Who are they?" She ask eyeing the sisters.
"Bella, who else. And her sister." Jared said, grabbing a muffin. "So, you are the vampire girl." Bella shrug. "So you are the wolf girl." Emily chuckle and nod. "Well, i'm enganged to one." She then grab a big plate full of muffin and place it on the table. "Save some for your brothers and ladies first. Muffin?"
"Sure." Bella walk toward the table and grab one. That time, Emily can see (y/n) clearly and she smile widely at her. "Hi. I'm so happy that i can finally meet you."
(Y/n) give her small smile. "Come in.. let's give you something to drink and calm you down. You look so pale." She grab (y/n) hand gently, but (y/n) yank her hand gently. Bella who see this help her sister. "Sorry, Emily.. she just witnessed something terrifying... come on, (y/n)."
Emily just smile softly as (y/n) stand close beside Bella, head down, playing with her fingers. "So, what happened?"
"Just leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam's gag order." Emily said.
"He didn't say anything to me."
"That' a wolf thing. Alpha's order get obeyed whether we like it or not." Embry chimmed in, shuffling muffin into his mouth. "Oh and hey, we can hear each other thought."
"Would you shut up? This is a trade secret." Jared said. "These cheeks run with vampires." The word of vampire make (y/n) tense up. Bella is having a relationship with a vampire? Despite that she knows about her fear about them? Bella face turn pale. Shortly she regain her composure. "You can't run with vampire.. cause they're fast." (Y/n) can't believe her sister will be so calm talking about vampire.
Jared face shows disbelief. "Yeah? But we are faster. Freak out yet?" Bella shrug. "You are not the first monster i've seen."
"Jake's right. You are good with freaks." Sam voice coming from the door as he walk toward Emily and kiss her all over her face.
(Y/n) nudge her sister arm. "I want to go home..." she whispered. But before Bella can answer it, there show Jacob and Paul in the yard shoving each other in a playfull manner. Paul walk inside and take a seat beside Embry, while Jacob lean against the door.
Seeing Paul make (y/n) moves her body close to her sister. "Sorry." Paul said turn to look at Bella with his smirk but when caught a glimpse of his imprint, standing close to Bella make him wonder. What is her relationship with Bella? The look of fear on her face make Paul feel regret that he scaring his imprint with what happened earlier. "Hey... sorry.. i didn't mean to scared you like that.." Paul voice is so soft, shocking Bella and Emily. But (y/n) didn't give him a glance as she flinch when Paul tried to grab her hand.
"Uh, Jake.. maybe you should take (y/n) back home... there're something that i have to tell them.." bella said to Jacob as he nod, before she turn to look at her sister. "It's okay.. you know Jacob.. he won't hurt you. Go home and take a rest okay?" (Y/n) nod and leave hurriedly from a den of wolves with Jacob behind her.
As they leave, everyone turn to Bella, looling for an explanation. Bella sigh before begin to explain what happened to her sister. "She's my younger sister. She just came back here a week ago."
"She's your sister?!" Paul exclaim, shocked.
"Good luck, Paul..." Jared said, half laughing.
"Paul imprinted on your sister." Sam said make Bella more confused. "What is an imprint? Is it a dangerous thing? She just have had enough dangerous on her life. Don't make it worse."
"No, it's not dangerous thing at all. It's a wolf version for soulmate. We look at her eyes and our focus is her only. We become everything that she needs, whether it's a protector, a lover, a friend, everything. Emily is my imprintee." Sam explain shortly about imprinting.
"What?! So you imprint on my younger sister?! Out of so many girls, you decided to imprint on her?! She finally start to have a normal life, before you imprint on her." Bella get mad at Paul.
"I can't decided who i can imprinted or not!"
"We can't do anything about it, Bella..." Sam said, trying to calm the tension.
"What exactly happened to (y/n)? She looks so terrified..." Embry ask.
Bella sigh in defeat. "Back when we used to live in Phoenix, when (y/n) was just 12, her best friend got killed by a vampire in front of her. (Y/n) herself almost got killed, before Carlisle help her. It make her traumatized around vampire.. she can't sleep well for months, and keep having a nightmare, even until now. She always got scared when seeing a red eyes... that event just change her attitude around people. She hate when many people look at her, she scared darkness, and small alley. It always make her remembered what happened that night."
Hearing the story make the boys and Emily gasp. "But you run with one!" Jared said. "I haven't tell her! Okay? I don't know how to tell her. I want to tell her that Carlisle was the one who help her that day.. I wish i never tell her about Edward and the Cullen. So she can finally live a normal life. But then he imprint on her, and she knows about werewolves." She said looking at Paul.
"Will she be okay? I mean her life just got into some dangerous one, as she is Paul's imprintee and you sister as you have relationship with vampires." Emily ask worriedly.
"I don't know.. i just have to think how to tell her slowly about this..and the vampire things.." Bella look down.
"How about let Billy or Harry tell her? Maybe having one of the elder to explain it to her will help. We can't send Paul to explain, she scared of him. We will just slowly let (y/n) know us first." Sam suggest.
"Let's have Harry tell (y/n).. she really close with the Clearwaters..." Bella said as Sam nod. "But give her time to calm down.. this was a terrifying moment for her..."
"Okay.. just tell Jacob when she's ready, okay? So i can inform Harry."
The entire time, Paul just stay silent. He felt guilty that because of him losing his temper, his imprint get scared of him and the pack. He devoted in his heart that he will work on his temper for (y/n). So he don't put her in danger when she around him.
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Natural” - Chapter Two - Embry Call x Reader
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Day of Normalcy
I went home a little more awake then when I left. I helped my dad unpack some more stuff while I had some energy. We talked about my day with the guys as we set up the house. 
“I’m glad that you’re so happy again. It’s like the real (Y/N) is back.” He smiled at me.
“It feels like it, too. I’m so happy to be back. It almost feels like we never left.” I smile back at him. 
“It looks to be that way.”
I look over at the clock, it’s a little past three in the morning. 
“I think we should call it quits for tonight. It’s pretty much done, because the movers doing a lot of the work.” I yawn. 
“Of course. Goodnight, hun.” 
We both retreated to our rooms. 
I plopped down on my bed, looking at the ceiling, wondering about tomorrow.
What’s it going to be like to see Embry for the first time in person in years? 
My mind races for a few minutes, thinking of every possibility. I look at my phone, I got a message from Embry a few hours ago. 
I open the message, it was a link to a new song he wanted me to listen to. I smiled to myself, pressing play. As the song played, I fell into a deep slumber. 
I woke up to the smell of pancakes coming from downstairs. I followed the aroma into the kitchen. 
“Thanks, dad.” I grab a plate and sit down at the table next to him. “You got it, kid.” He looks up from the newspaper. 
“What’s your plan for the day?” I ask. 
“Well, I’m going to see Billy and Harry today. I think we might go fishing.” 
“Oh, nice. That’s fun.” 
“What about you?” He sips his coffee. 
“I’m going to surprise Embry. Probably hang out with all the guys.” 
“Oh, Embry, huh?” He looks at me with a knowing face.
“Dad, please.” I beg. 
“Fine, fine. I’ll stop teasing you about your crush.” He says, putting his hands up in the air, false surrendering.
“Dad!” I exclaim, blushing like a maniac. 
He smiles before putting his dishes in the dishwasher, walking upstairs to go get ready for his guys day. 
I followed suit, I had to get ready to see everyone. 
I walked upstairs to find a missed call from Jake. I called him back as I started looking for something to wear. 
“Hey, (Y/N). You should come to my house at 11:30. We’re gonna be playing video games. Just walk into the house.” He says over the phone. 
“Alright, sounds like a plan.” I hang up the phone. 
It was daunting to figure out what to wear, I worried about seeing Embry. I dug through all my clothes. 
By the end of it, I decided on some jeans, a pair of vans, and a moderately flattering black t-shirt. 
Yeah, I knew this would happen. Searching through clothes to only pick out the most casual and boring outfit ever. I grab a hoodie, just in case I stay out later with them and it gets cold. 
I look at the clock, it’s only 11. I had a few more minutes to kill before the twenty minute drive so I decided to stop at a little convenience store and grab some of our favorite snacks. 
I pull into the lot and walk into the little store. I grab a few bags of chips, including two bags of blue doritos as they reign supreme, and regular potato chips for Quil-- because he’s weird. 
I put the bags into my passenger seat and begin the exciting, yet agonizing drive. I decided to listen to Embry and I’s shared playlist, hoping it would calm my nerves. 
I pull in front of Jake’s house once again, nerves returning into my stomach. I approach the front door and hear a few screaming boys. I easily recognized Embry’s from the last time we spoke on the phone, and it was even better in person. 
I push the door open, walking in casually and putting the bags of chips on the table. 
Only Jacob tore his eyes from the screen, smiling at me. 
“Wow, you guys are pretty distracted, huh?” I joke. 
Quil and Embry’s heads snap up in my direction. Quil was smiling at me, looking back to Embry to see a reaction. 
Embry’s face flashed through so many emotions. Confusion, surprise, happiness, and then what I could only describe as a state of shock. His mouth slightly agape, eyebrows slightly raised. Our eyes refused to break away from each other. He dropped the controller in his hands. I felt a force pushing all around me, almost suffocating me. Though, I felt no pain. I felt serene, this was a positive feeling. I dropped the bags of chips that were once in my arms. 
“We called it.” Quil says aloud, snapping me out of it. 
“Hey.” I smile to Embry.
“(Y/N). Hi.” Embry says, getting up from his spot to hug me. 
He hugs me, and it felt so different than any other hug I’ve ever received. While it felt to reunite and hug Jake and Quil, it didn’t compare to how hugging Embry felt. Though, he too felt like he was burning hot. 
I guess my feelings weren’t gone, nor were they planning to leave any time soon. I was overwhelmed with my feelings towards Embry, I could only hope he had felt at least a fraction of what I felt. 
After what felt like forever, he let me go after hearing Quil and Jake mumbling about something back on the couch. 
“What?” I ask them, looking behind Embry.
“Nothing.” Jake winks at me, the blushing returned to my cheeks. 
“How are you?” Embry asks me.
“I’m really happy to be back. How are you?” I ask him, looking into his deep, chocolate brown eyes. 
“I’m great. I’m so happy you’re back. You’re back for good, right?” He asks, eyes pleading with mine.
“Yes, I’m back for good.” I smile at him. 
“You got really tall, too. What the hell did I miss?” I ask, wondering how everyone I knew suddenly turned into giants. 
“I did get tall. It seems like you’re the only one who missed the memo, bean.” Embry lightly laughs at me. 
I blushed at the nickname. The one he gave me years ago, when he hit his first growth spurt at 15, making fun of me who didn’t grow past 5’2”, when he hit 5’10. 
Now the kid’s gotta be 6’4”. Quil was a few inches shorter than Embry, but Jacob still had some  inches on Embry. Embry looked way more muscular than the last time I had seen him, but still more of a lean build than Jake and Quil. It would take some time to swallow how different they all look, now. They weren’t the scrawny kids I remember. 
“So, can I have some of those chips?” Quil asks, breaking the tension in the air. 
“Oh shit, sorry. Yeah.” I bend down, picking up the bags of chips off the floor. 
Embry looked at Quil, eyes narrowing at him. Quil smiles back at him, like a kid who stole candy from a baby. 
I walk his plain old potato chips over to him, earning a thank you and appreciative fist bump. 
“You wanna get destroyed in smash bros?” Jacob offers me a controller. 
“I’d love to destroy you all in smash bros, yes.” I smirk, taking the controller from his hands. Embry puts the bags of blue doritos on the table, taking one for himself. 
Jake and I start playing, I glance over at the bag of doritos, before turning my attention back to the screen-- determined to beat Jacob. 
“You want a chip?” Embry offers.
“Yes please.” I smile. 
“Okay, open.” He puts the chip into my mouth, causing me to blush from shyness. 
I see him smirking at my blushing out of the corner of my eye. 
I focus my attention on the game once more, killing Jacob’s character for the third time-- winning the game.
“Hah!” I exclaim, jumping out of my seat in excitement. 
“Cheater.” He grumbles. 
“You wish, Jake.” I laugh. 
Jake’s phone begins to ring on the table. Bella’s name flashing on the screen. 
I begin to wonder if he still had his crush on her, or if they were together now. Though, I think that he would have mentioned it. 
“Oh shit. What time is it?” He asks, getting ready to pick up his phone. 
“Only like noon.” I tell him.
“Hello? Yeah I’m still good for one. That works. I’ll see you soon.” He hangs up the phone.
“Gonna torture yourself some more, bud?” Quil teases. 
Ouch. That’s gotta hurt.
“Shut up, Quil.” Jacob snaps. 
“What’s going on with her? You still have a crush on her, right?” I ask him with comforting eyes. 
“You could also call it, hopelessly head over heels in love with Bella, actually.” Quil snarkily remarks. 
“Shut it.” Jacob snaps. 
I look at Jake, hoping for him to talk to me. 
“Uh yeah, things are complicated.” His voice lingering with sorrow and disappointment, his eyes moving from mine to his feet.
I looked over to Embry, who wore the same sad, empathetic face as me. Our eyes connected in grief for our friend suffering with the girl he loves. 
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Jake. You always do. What’s going on?” I ask, placing my hand on his shoulder. 
“She’s dating Edward Cullen. That’s the issue here. He’s got his cold hands wrapped so tight around her.” He says angrily. 
“I don’t know who that is, but I am sure he’s not like you. Maybe she’ll come around one day, if he’s so bad she’ll probably see that eventually.” I try supporting him. 
“No, believe me. If she hasn’t left yet, she never will. There’s a lot going on there.” Quil says. 
Jacob’s face growing more upset by the minute made me sick. I hated to see someone I considered my best friend to be so upset. A pit in my stomach began to form. 
“Well, then there’s someone better for you out there. Don’t hold out on someone who doesn’t appreciate your true value.” I rub his back a bit, trying to ease him. 
I see Embry grow a bit uncomfortable for a second, until I look at him and he smiles at me. 
“I know, it’s just easier said than done.” He says, still not looking up from the ground. 
“I know, I understand. You deserve more than this. You’re so young, you have so much time to find someone. You’re sweet, handsome, caring, tall, and one of the funniest guys I know. Anyone would be lucky to have you, Jake. Don’t let one girl kill your self-esteem.” I wrap my arm around his shoulder now, as I watch a single tear fall from his face. 
“It just hurts.” He says, leaning into me. His large head almost feels like it’s bruising my shoulder, but if it helps him, it helps. 
“I know, bud. I know.” I tell him. 
He rubs his face with his hands, standing up and walking to the door.
“Wanna go throw the football?” He invites us all.
“Yeah.” We all respond in unison. 
I get up, Embry following close behind me; seemingly watching my every move. 
I could get used to this.
Quil comes out last, shutting the door. Jacob grabs the football and throws it to Embry, very hard. I make a mental note to not let Jacob throw me the ball. 
Embry turns to me, throwing it swiftly, seemingly softer than Jacob’s throw but still enough to make me wince. 
A look of guilt and apologeticness flooded his facial features. 
“Sorry!” He yells, running over to me.
“It’s ok, I’m fine.” I throw the ball to Quil as hard as I can, not even getting a fraction of the force the boys had with their throws. How did they throw like that? 
“Are you sure? Are you okay, bean?” He asks me, almost frantic. 
I blushed at the nickname once again, as it brought chills to my spine. 
“Yeah, Em. I’ll be okay.” I smile at him. 
“Bean, you’re already bruising.” He said, looking sadly at the new spot forming on your arm, holding it delicately in his hands. 
“Em, I have always bruised like a peach. I’m sure it could have happened from anything.” I look up into his pleading eyes, watching his worries melt away. 
What was going on? Does he feel the same way? I wonder. 
“Okay sap fest, we were trying to throw around the football to have fun. Not to make me sick!” Quil interrupts, making fake puking noises. 
Jacob smiles slightly, almost laughing. It made me happy to see him feeling a little better after how he was in the house not too long ago. 
They continued to throw the ball around, throwing it way more intense than I thought possible. I decided to sit out after noticing how rough they all were, more how they don’t seem to notice how rough they got with each other-- how it doesn’t seem to even hurt them at all. 
We all talked about stupid nonsense, like debating on which cartoon characters would win in a fight, cars, and other time eating subjects. 
Soon after, I heard an old truck pulling up to Jacob’s house. Bella Swan got out of the driver’s seat, walking over to us. 
“Hey everyone.” She says shyly, hands in her pockets. 
All the guys gave her a hello in unison.
“Hey Bella, how’ve you been?” I ask her. 
“Oh wow, (Y/N). You’re back? No way. I’m good, how are you?” She asks, walking over to give me a hug. 
I hug her back for a few seconds before pulling away. 
“I’m doing great, I’m happy to be back. It’s nice to see you again, it’s been like what, almost ten years?” I ask, trying to make polite conversation as the guys would not do that simple notion out of awkward feelings. 
“Yeah, that’s nuts. I can’t believe that.” She says shaking her head in disbelief. 
“Are you ready to go?” Jake asks her, smiling at the both of us. 
“Yeah, sure.” She looked over at him, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. 
“Great. I’ll see you guys soon.” He waves back at us. 
“Bye everyone. It was good to see you, (Y/N).” She smiles softly at me. 
“You too.” I smile before turning and walking back over to Quil and Embry. 
“So what now?” I ask them, ready for almost anything. 
“Well, we could go cliff diving.” Quil suggests. 
“No we can’t.” Embry said quickly. 
“Why not?” Quil exclaims. 
“She can’t do that. She’ll get hurt. Or drown. And she’s afraid of heights, remember?” Embry looked at Quil like he had five heads. 
“Oh shit, yeah. Almost forgot.” Quil had a look of realization on his face. 
He remembers I’m afraid of heights. 
“Where do you guys go cliff diving?” I ask.
“We can show you, but we’re not doing it.” Embry tells me. 
“Well, that works I guess. We can include that in our day.” I shrug.
“Oh, that reminds me. I should go help Sam.” Quil says. 
“You guys still didn’t fix that pipe?” I ask him. 
“Pipe?” Embry asks. 
“Yeah, Embry. The pipe that was leaking yesterday. You and Paul tried to fix it, but couldn’t. Then Jacob and I went and fixed it after last night.” He looks at him with stern eyes. 
“Oh yeah. That pipe. It’s been a long week for me.” Embry laughs. 
I look between the both of them, wondering what was wrong with them. 
“Yeah. So Paul came and got you. Did you guys fix it or is it still leaking?” I ask again. 
“No we fixed it. I just told him I would help him clean and fix everything else up from the leak.” Quil said. 
“Ah I see.” I raise my eyebrows at him. 
“You saw Paul last night?” Embry questions. 
“Yeah after you guys left Sam’s.” I tell him. 
He nods his head, seemingly like the gears are starting to turn in his head. 
“Okay, well when you guys are done lying to me about all of this, let me know what’s actually going on.” I snicker. 
“I gotta go.” Quil runs away into the treeline of the woods, assumingly off to Sam’s house. 
I watch him go, before turning my attention to Embry, who is seemingly looking at anything except for me. He keeps looking around between the trees, the ground, and the clouds. 
“Em?” I ask.
“What’s going on?” 
“Please, not yet.” 
“Not yet?” 
“Just, please. Trust that I will tell you soon. When the time is right. You just got back and I don’t wanna lose you.” 
“Em, why would you lose me? You could never lose me.” I say, walking closer to him. 
“I don’t know, it’s… it’s a lot. I’m really happy to have you back. Let’s just hang out, spend some time together. Maybe later, please?” 
His eyes were begging me to just agree, and I couldn’t say no. 
“Okay, yeah. That’s fine. Just please, don’t leave me in the dark too long. I already feel like I was for two years. Now that I’m back I want it all to be transparent with everyone again. I don’t wanna feel like I’m left in the dark again, Em.” I look up to his chocolate brown eyes, feeling like I could see his soul. 
“I won’t, I promise. I just… I want to see you, bean. I want the way you see me now to stay, I don’t want to see you lose the light in your eyes when you look at me.
“Embry, I don’t think that’s even possible. You have such a special place in my heart, you have a soul like no other.” I smile up at him. 
He pulled me into another rib-crushing hug, as comforting as it was painful. 
“Em, you’re kinda hurting me.” I whimper out. 
“Shit, sorry. I’ll be better with that.” He looks at me apologetically. 
“It’s okay. But we should probably leave Jake’s backyard and find something to do, or somewhere else to go.” I suggest, realizing how we’re just standing in the yard alone. 
“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go to the cliff. And then I wanna bring you somewhere else, but that’s a surprise.” His smile gleamed vibrantly. 
“Okay, sounds like a plan.” I blush at the thought of a surprise. 
We begin walking to my car before he speaks up again. 
“It almost feels like we were never apart. I know we talked a lot on the phone, but it feels like you never left. Ya know, being with you feels just as comfortable; just the same.” He smiles at me, as he opens my car door for me. 
“I know, it’s a nice feeling. It feels… right.” I look at his beautiful face, beaming with happiness. 
He directed me to the cliff where they would jump from. As we walked out onto it, my jaw almost hit the floor. 
“Embry, you jump from up here?” I ask, almost dying of shock. 
“Yeah. Most others jump from the lower level. We dive from up here, though.” He looks at me, smiling awkwardly. 
“How do you not… die? I see what you meant now. I probably would die.” I say, cautiously peeking over the edge of the cliff. 
Embry grabs ahold of my waist gently, steadying both my balance and my nerves. 
“It’ll all make sense soon. You wouldn’t die going down with one of us though. If we went down together, you’d be fine, bean.” He smiled sweetly at me.
“How? I’m going to need an explanation sooner rather than later because nothing makes sense anymore.” I chuckled, looking down at my feet. 
“Well, I’d be able to swim against the rough water, I can get us back up to the surface quickly, and most of all-- I’m just that great.” He said with his cheeky grin. 
“Oh I keep forgetting about how great you are.” I mock lightly. 
“(Y/N), I promise I’ll explain to you tonight. I just want a day of normalcy with you. Then I’ll answer any question you have.” His eyes looked deep into mine, digging into my soul.
“Okay, Em. Let’s have some fun. Let’s go to your surprise place.” I smiled at him. 
“Okay.” He grabbed my hand, pulling me to the car. The way his massive hands held mine, felt like two pieces of a puzzle finally coming together. I never wanted him to let go, Embry’s touch was intoxicating. 
Word Count: 3459
I hope you guys enjoy this series I’m doing. It happened after I spun off of something else I was writing. I hope you enjoy, please give some feedback!
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justfandomwritings · 4 years
A list of possible ways to make Twilight better that don’t involve changing the whole plot, writing about an entirely different character in the universe, or getting rid of any of the main characters:
- Bella is actually kind and respectful to Charlie not just behind his back when she’s protecting him from threats he’s unaware of like vampires but also to his face when he’s clearly trying to do his best to be a good dad.
- We get to hear a phone call between Charlie and Renee about how ill adjusted Bella is after years of being her own parent.
- Bella names her truck “Monster Mash” after the collision with Tyler and Edward being a vampire.
- Jessica totally sees Edward jump over the back of Bella’s truck, as he does so at human speed and is blatantly obvious about it. She thinks it’s weird. She’s constantly aware of Edwards presence and she knows for a fact he wasn’t there. Jessica starts picking up on some of the little inconsistencies in the Cullens behaviors and the lies Bella’s telling. She sees Bella post transformation while she’s still around town during the “prepping to encounter the Volturi” days. Now she knoooows something’s up. Bella wasn’t this graceful or pale or perfect before. She looks like a damn Cullen. Jessica begins to put the pieces together exactly like Bella did. Jessica tries to talk to someone about it but everyone brushes her off. She slowly descends into what she thinks is madness believing vampires are real but having no confirmation and no one to believe her.
- Jane very visibly pouts when Bella doesn’t collapse screaming. Alice starts laughing because of a vision of Jane having a temper tantrum later.
- Leah imprints on Angela. Bella now has a normal human friend with a normal human friendship and she’s a bit more grounded and a bit less supernatural obsessed. Also, with this, imprints are clearly no longer about procreating and are more than just baby making machines.
- Rosalie goes and after those guys from Port Angeles. She doesn’t eat them; she has impeccable control, after all. She dumps them in a bear’s cave or something and lets an animal take care of them.  
- The Cullens play baseball incessantly instead of other sports because back in the day Carlisle helped invent it.
- An incredibly awkward conversation between Charlie and Billy where Charlie is hesitant because he’s not 100% sure Billy knows his son turns into a wolf, but once he is sure Billy knows, he’s very confused how the hell, genetically, Jacob turns into a wolf and has to question what Billy’s been up to that his son is half animal and Billy has to give him the legends now too. 
- James was actually the ex-Volturi tracker that was replaced by Demetri’s superior skills. 
- Alice’s sister also had gifts as a human though hers were geared towards the past, and the reason Alice can’t remember anything is because her sister made her forget her past. 
- In general, I think we need more members of the Volturi as a whole (there’s really not that many of them when you think they’re basically ruling the world) and more superpowers, because as it stands there’s actually only two of the Volturi with offensive gifts related to fighting, Alec and Jane, and that really confuses the intimidating reputation the guard have. There should absolutely be more of them with more powers if they’re meant to be as intimidating as they are and in charge of every vampire everywhere.
- Edward’s little power trip in New Moon actually has lasting repercussions on his relationships with his family. He doesn’t just come back and magically all is forgiven. His actions actually have consequences.
- Other vampires get called in to help in the fight in Eclipse This way, we get to expand the universe more, earlier in the books; we get to learn about another set of vampires in more detail and not just as part of one massive cluster; and Breaking Dawn isn’t just a barrage of new faces. We actually know some of them. For instance, Jasper could call in Peter and Charlotte at the least; they’ve both already fought newborn armies before and calling them actually makes more sense than the Denali coven.
- Esme is actually an extremely famous architect who works under an alias so that as time passes people won’t get suspicious when she has the same name as that famous, old architect from back in the day. 
- The Volturi wife that dies isn’t Didyme; it’s Athenadora, and she’s killed by the werewolves that attacked Caius, which is why Caius has eradicated them and why he’s so willing to fight the Cullens over the presence of wolves.
- The guard of the Volturi aren’t all just being held together by Chelsea. Some of them actually believe in their professed purpose of ensuring the secrecy of vampires to protect their kind. 
- Benjamin and Tia don’t go back with Amun and Kebi after Amun peace’s out like a coward.
- Literally anyone acknowledges that the Volturi aren’t really the bad guys in New Moon since Edward is the one breaking the law, and that Bella being human in Eclipse is the Cullens still subverting the law, and that as a result the Volturi have pretty good cause to believe the Cullens are breaking the law again in Breaking Dawn.
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rainbow-femme · 4 years
What “New Moon” should have been, according to me, because nothing bugs me more than cool ideas with bad execution
-Exactly the same from start through break up. Bella fears aging, jasper almost eats Bella, Edward decides this is too dangerous, they break up and cullens leave
-Charlie notices how upset Bella is and that she’s isolating herself so he goes to Billy and asks if Jake can reach out to her and maybe help because she’s not really close to her school friends but she and Jake always got along
-Instead of months alone it’s months of Jake finding every opportunity to stop by and be around Bella, helping her socialize and take her mind off of the break up
-She starts going to la push and hanging out with him, his friends, and his sisters because I hate that all relevant women in jakes life were conveniently removed
-Also the women are aware of the werewolf and vampire thing because not all cultures have a circle of men with all the knowledge that they keep from women for their “own good,” Stephanie
-Bella gets close to the girls and women there and is able to talk to them about the relationship with Edward, how it reinforced her fears about aging that she already had from a mother obsessed with recapturing lost youth
-The women talk to Bella about their teen heart breaks, fears of getting old, then the realization that aging is a gift and not a curse and that once you leave your teens, the idea of being one forever is horrifying
-Bella starts planning for a human future again. Charlie comes home to a kitchen table covered in college pamphlets from every college within an 8 hour radius of forks and they start narrowing down schools
-Harry dies and the community mourns. One day someone has the idea to go cliff diving to get Seth and Leah out of the house and give Sue some time with her friends to focus on her own grief and not taking care of the kids
-Alice has her vision of Bella jumping and comes to check on her and finds Bella hanging at home with Jake
-Bella isn’t happy to see Alice and in fact gives her a piece of her mind about how shitty it was for her and the cullens to act like they were friends and family and then cut all ties when Edward broke up with her and they moved. Just because your brother breaks up with your best friend that doesn’t mean you can’t ever talk, even long distance. Phones and the internet exist, if Alice was a real friend she would have reached out
-But Bella concedes it was a good idea for Edward to break things off because she’s realizing she nearly made a huge decision without any time spent contemplating the repercussions, or even getting to know the guy she was about to commit eternity to after a few months together
-Edward calls and Jacob doesn’t assume it’s Carlisle cause idk why he would just instinctively know carlisles voice on the phone. He just assumes it’s someone from the community who knows Charlie and what’s going on and that’s why he says “the funeral” and not “Harry’s funeral”. Also he answered Bella’s phone cause she was mid rant and he was trying to help
-Alice has her Edward vision and asks for Bella’s help and Jakes like “you’re really gonna go?” And Bella’s like “idk where my feelings about him are but I do care about him and I don’t want him dead”
-So Jake calls Charlie and asks if Bella can stay over for a few days as moral support so the whole trip Charlie just thinks Bella is hanging at jakes house
-The Italy stuff happens mostly the same but without the whole “seeing Edward undoes all my pain and character growth over the last 4 months”
-They get back home and Edward does his “I don’t deserve to ask for a second chance but I’d like to anyway” thing and Bella says no to getting back together, saying she’s done a lot of thinking and growing since he left and she doesn’t want the same things anymore or to give up mortality now and maybe not ever, and if they did get back together it would have to be after a lot of time working on their relationship as friends first
-The Cullens find out about Victoria and decide to come back only as long as it takes to fix that situation cause clearly they’re affecting things in forks and la push in bad ways but that will just get worse with a newborn army so they’ll deal with that then leave for good and be places where they don’t cause teenagers to go through traumatic experiences
-Eclipse is then about the Cullens working to stop the vampires and repair their relationship with a still pissed off bella who is now getting closer and closer to graduation and the vampires being gone and a choice on if she wants humanity or being a vampire so she actually sits and spends time weighing all of the pros and cons instead of immediately going back to her cut and run vampire plan
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panlight · 4 years
You might have answered this somewhere I haven’t looked. But what’s your version of the perfect twilight saga ending? Assuming you keep everything up to eclipse the same, what would breaking dawn be to you?
I revisit this once in awhile but it’s a fun topic so I don’t mind! 
My favorite part of vampire stories--and I was always reading Twilight as a VAMIPRE story and not a LOVE story--is “how did they become a vampire?” How did it happen? How did they adjust? Were they horrified at first? Did they love it? Were they horrified by how much they loved it? And in Breaking Dawn this is just . . . not a thing that matters. Bella becomes a vampire because she’s dying and she’s instantly great at it with no real angst at all. There’s a small moment where she’s looking in the mirror and freaked out she doesn’t really look like herself anymore but we move on from it right away and then it it’s just the bliss of being a vampire and being with Edward “in the fairy tale” and their amazing perfect genius daughter who doesn’t really need any care at all and blaaaaah. Not what I wanted! I wanted to see what it was like to be a newborn! I wanted Bella to learn some ‘lessons.’ I didn’t want or need her to be miserable or to regret her choice, I just wanted some CONSEQUENCES. 
My BD would scrap all the Forever Dawn stuff and be a true sequel to Eclipse. That whole book spent pages and pages angsting over Bella’s decision and her compromises with Edward so let’s actually make that stuff matter! They get married, I guess, as that was part of the plan. And then he turns her on their wedding night. She’s not dying, it was just what they agreed to. She doesn’t take instantly to being a vampire. They’re off in Antarctica or wherever while Bella adjusts to this new life. She’s grossed out by her new diet at first because she was always grossed out by blood as a human. She feels bad for killing animals. She starts to understand what Edward and Rosalie were trying to warn her about, but she’s STILL HAPPY TO BE WITH EDWARD. This is the crux of the issue for me. It kills the romance in BD to have everything be so easy and perfect for her. The romance is in it being HARD but WORTH IT because she loves Edward so much. It’s easy to be blissfully happy when everything magically works out. I’m more impressed with say, Emmett making Rosalie happy considering how unhappy she is as a vampire. I’m more interested in Esme being happy with Carlisle after her sad human life and the inability to have children with the man she loves. Things AREN’T perfect for them and that makes things more meaningful.
I don’t know if the other Cullens are with them in Antarctica (I guess Carlisle and Esme at least to help with the rearing of a newborn) but they’ve all left Forks because with Bella leaving Charlie there’s no reason to stay. The wolves can go back to their normal lives. Leah can go to college and have a life of her own making. 
Not sure what the plot would be, exactly, other than adjusting to this new vampire life. I guess it could be Charlie trying to find her and find out what happened and resolving that somehow. Maybe he was grieving Bella’s fake death and Billy couldn’t take seeing his friend in pain and told him what really happened and now he’s determined to find Bella/the Cullens. I don’t think the Volturi really need to be involved if we keep them as just sort of neutral judges but maybe there’s some scene--out of a regency romance--where Edward has to take Bella to Volterra to present her to the Volturi court and it’s fancy and whatever just to hit on those tropes for people who are reading it as a romance? 
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teamleahclearwater · 4 years
Please rant abt how Jacob deserved better I want to hear it
I cannot wait to answer this eek!
Okay so first of all Jake and Bella shippers don’t hate me pls this is just my opinion and I’m stupid so it’s irrelevant anyway jsjsjs
Okay so firstly I don’t even think he was in love with Bella it was just a rushed crush turned into an obsession It was all centred around the chase and he hadn’t really considered what it would be like if they actually had ended up together bc Imo their personalities wouldn’t even mesh together very well she’s very reserved and quiet whereas he’s very carefree and happy (at least the real Jake is) he begins to slowly lose himself trying to become this perfect guy for Bella, basically trying to become Edward, and his carefree state turns into angry and hurt.
There’s way too much hurt between Bella and Jake for it to ever be a healthy relationship. She uses him in new moon and then puts him through the same hurt when Edward comes back by ditching him, no hate to Bella because she’s in a hard situation and Jake handles it equally as bad. I also refuse to believe billy wants them to be endgame after seeing what his son has been through. I like their friendship but I don’t see them being best friends, they don’t help each other they just hurt each other without even meaning to. For example, Jake helping Bella as I mentioned but then in turn she leaves him and hurts him in the same way, he threatens to go get himself killed in eclipse so she’ll kiss him which is just selfish of him.
I wish he’d had an ending where he had met someone else wether that be a human or another supernatural creature (not a vamp!) and they have a slowburn story where he slowly learns what real love is meant to feel like and he puts her first instead of his own needs and wants, like he did not do with Bella. Then slowly but surely he begins to heal and gets the old Jake back.
I don’t even count resume in his story because it makes me so angry how smeyer made him tied to a family that he hates and that his own family and friends hate, FOR GOOD REASON, it’s disgusting he deserved so much better so I just ignore that ending it is so beyond an awful ending.
Oh also Edward and the cullens are horrible to Jake and for what? Didn’t he keep Bella safe when they ditched her? Yep. And didn’t he help them fight the newborn army? Yep. Didn’t he help them protect Bella and rEsUmE from his own family in breaking dawn? YEP AGAIN.
Anyway he deserved better, period.
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I kinda find it funny how, if Ed didn't break up with Bella and then chase after Victoria in NM, we might not have gotten the events of Eclipse. Girl was just vibing with her makeshift "guards," and he had to mess it all up by having her see how newborn armies work and inspire her. Do you think Vic would've still would've gone after Bella if not for NM's events (and how it'd go down)? Cause low key I think it's funnier if she wasn't a danger but Ed made her into one jfksaldjf.-Sw
I think she would have.
True, Victoria comes up with the newborn army scheme after Edward chases her down to Mexico, but she also doesn't use it right away. She tests the waters in Forks for a very long time before she decides to invade.
In other words I, sigh, agree with Edward on this: Victoria was coming back to murder Bella Swan in vengeance no matter what was happening.
Without the newborn army, however, things would have played out very differently.
A Bit on the Romantic Tragedy Penned by Edward Cullen
First, a note, Edward had always intended to leave Bella. From the moment he realized he was in love with her he told himself that he would one day leave her. It was just a matter of when.
In Twilight, he's torn. He knows he shouldn't be a part of her life, that bringing her into his world almost necessitates her becoming a vampire, but he also really doesn't want to let her go. He doesn't think he's strong enough to do it.
And as Bella keeps getting herself into danger he gives himself more and more excuses.
If he's not there, then Bella will get crushed by a van or raped in an alley or eaten by bears. Her number's up, and Edward is single handedly fighting fate to keep this angel alive.
Bella needs Edward, therefore he can't possibly go.
The birthday party put things back into perspective. Edward's family is the most dangerous threat to Bella there is, Edward himself really may lose control one day and devour her, and unless she turns (which Edward absolutely does not want) then she has no future with him.
The family has to leave now.
However, if there's no birthday party, then Edward doesn't have that catalyst and reminder. He likely decides to himself that he will leave Bella after graduation, his family will move towns, Bella will attend whichever university she attends, and he will have had a few wonderful years with Bella pretending he's a regular high school boy dating a regular high school girl.
When Bella then dies a natural human death sometime later, Edward will go to Volterra and kill himself (and force the Volturi's hand when Aro refuses to do it).
Of course, he'd probably break here too, but that's a different story.
I do think without Jasper's slip up and the birthday party, that Edward would have stuck around for New Moon.
The World Without Bella's Birthday Party
Bella throws the fit she didn't in canon.
She doesn't want this birthday party, she never asked for this birthday party, AND WHY DOES BELLA ALWAYS HAVE TO HUMOR ALICE?!
Bella has had a summer filled with Alice. In canon, this was a delight, in this world Bella realizes that maybe they spend most of their time doing what Alice wants to do rather than what Bella wants to do.
Alice is clearly throwing this party for Alice's sake, everyone knows it, and Edward tells her, "Please humor my sister and be a good sport."
Isn't this party supposed to be about Bella?
Alice is terribly upset and does not handle any of this well, Edward tells Bella to be reasonable and be the better person and give Alice this party, Rosalie thinks this is all petty bullshit but has mild respect for Bella on calling Alice out on this, and Carlisle is rubbing his temples somewhere trying to let the children deal with this themselves.
In the end, they compromise, Bella's birthday is Edward taking her out to dinner at an expensive restaurant in Seattle of Alice's choice, Bella wearing a fancy Chanel dress that Alice selected for her.
Bella's still embarrassed and miserable, but at least there aren't a billion pink candles.
As a result, there's no birthday party, no papercut, and no dumping.
The next several months instead are spent with Bella and Alice in a battle of wills and a real rough spot in their friendship. Bella tries to explain to Edward that Alice treats her like a doll, not a person.
Edward, of course, has no idea what she's talking about.
Bella fails to realize that Edward also treats her like a doll and not a person.
Laurent's Scouting Mission
As in canon, Laurent is probably sent by Victoria to scout. Victoria probably never left the area which means (remember this is book universe where Riley was in California) that she never turned Riley.
Without being all over the Forks area killing hikers, probably fewer wolves are turned. Yes, the Cullens are in the area, but they've been there three years, are very non-threatening, and in that time only Sam shifted.
We don't see the deluge of shifting until after the Cullens have left and Victoria starts actively attacking the area.
(Yes, this is worthy of a meta but that meta is not this meta)
Regardless, Laurent shows up, Sam's not sure if he's one of those friends of the Cullens or not, and Laurent walks in to see that all the Cullens are there.
Just like he expected.
Because Victoria has sent him to die.
Carlisle feels a headache coming on but is not shocked to see that Laurent's eyes are red again after only a few months. (Though this explains the sobbing phone call that Carlisle got from Irina asking if he'd seen Laurent because that beautiful, perfect, man has gone missing!)
Laurent provides some weasley bullshit explanation anyway. He asks, though it's really more of a demand, that he join the Cullen coven (much larger than the Denali, very gifted, and very powerful). Carlisle says no, Laurent has to stick to the diet if he joins the coven and he has to mean it. Given Laurent's current appearance, it seems as if Laurent is not willing to do that.
Laurent then begs them to let him stay: Victoria will murder him otherwise (and oh by the way she's after your Lunchable Bella Swan). That gets Edward into action, he demands Laurent's death and that he then hunt down Victoria personally.
Carlisle politely suggests that Laurent, rather than seek shelter from them who he knows Victoria intends to cross paths with, go back to the Denali and give the diet another whirl.
Laurent flees back to the Denali, Irina is ecstatic to see him. Victoria's not even surprised.
The family discusses what to do about Victoria. Carlisle would rather not hunt this woman down on hearsay alone. Jasper thinks they should have killed her to start and letting her escape was foolishness, he told them she'd be back. Edward for once is with Jasper, Victoria must be destroyed before she can harm Bella. They look to Alice and, yeah, there's a good possibility that Victoria will be back.
Edward is torn between hunting down Victoria and protecting Bella in person. Jasper leaves before he can make the decision, which of course angers Edward beyond belief, but, well, he guesses it is what it is.
Edward decides to not tell Bella that a vampire is after her life: it'll just worry her.
Jasper's Hunting Mission
Jasper likely has a devil of a time catching Victoria, as he did the first time, because of her gift. He ends up having very long phone calls with Alice as he tries to coordinate a successful solution to this.
Because Edward never left Bella, she never sought out Jake. She never forms her friendship with Jake nor realizes the secret behind the shapeshifters.
Billy tries to give Bella a few more ominous warnings but there's no getting through to this girl.
Edward never proposes to Bella because he's intent on leaving her after graduation. He does not tell Bella this though she constantly worries about it.
He assures her they can have a long distance relationship at college (he has no such intentions).
Victoria is kept out of the Forks area by Jasper and likely takes the one obvious route left to her. She has nothing left to live for, and it doesn't matter how much terror she lives in the Volturi, if this means her death then so be it.
She goes to the Volturi and narks on the Cullens.
Victoria Narks
It... does not go as planned.
Aro placates Caius with many excuses: this girl is in her primary schooling, is the only daughter of a police chief, she cannot simply disappear.
Carlisle is likely waiting until after she graduates and can disappear across the country.
And yes, technically this James fellow had bit Bella and they had their perfect chance but... Well, Aro will talk to Carlisle, it is not breaking the law yet.
Aro travels to Forks in person with Renata, shows up on Carlisle's doorstep, and says, "We need to talk."
Aro lays down the law, this girl better be turned after graduation, and Aro can only stall Caius so long. Also, great to see you, you built yourself a coven and that's perfectly marvelous.
Edward, of course, throws a fit but the law is the law and the law just visited them for tea. Aro makes it very clear that either Bella is turned, she dies, or Aro will have no choice to take adverse action against Edward at the very least (if not Carlisle and the rest of the Cullens).
Aro also points out this is an unsustainable relationship that's not good for anybody. Yes, it's too bad the girl has no choice, but they really should have thought of that before Edward walked around strongly hinting he wasn't human.
Edward insists they vote.
The vote doesn't go the way he likes.
Esme doesn't want Edward to live in misery after Bella dies, Rosalie doesn't like the idea of turning Bella but it appears they have no choice, Jasper (via conference call) doesn't want to be the one to eat Bella and it's stupid given the VOLTURI IS IN THE ROOM FOR THIS VOTE, and Carlisle notes that it appears Bella has no other option and at least this seems to be what she wants?
They will turn Bella after graduation.
Edward smashes a TV.
They tell Edward to tell Bella, it should come from him, Edward never does.
Instead, out of nowhere, he asks her to marry him and elope. They can live on a deserted island somewhere.
Bella thinks this is stupid and says no.
Edward dies inside.
Victoria Chooses Death
Victoria is out of options, the Volturi did not come through, and she wanders out of Volterra in a daze.
She guns it for Forks with Jasper hot on her tail. If there's one thing left for her, she will murder this Bella Swan before she dies. She fails, Jasper catches up to her in Forks and murders her.
No one tells Bella.
After graduation, Carlisle picks Bella up. Bella has no idea what's happening, Carlisle assumes she does. Carlisle lays down the game plan, she's going to take a summer abroad before school starts, travelling with Alice, then both she and Alice will disappear in an accident.
Bella asks him to hold up, what the hell is he talking about?
Carlisle realizes with dull horror that Edward never told Bella. He awkwardly explains that the Volturi personally came to visit and, well, they have to turn Bella into a vampire.
He's very sorry.
Bella's very on board with this, she asks if it can be Edward that does it.
Carlisle says no, that's not a good idea.
They stare at each other.
Carlisle cannot believe Edward didn't tell her.
Edward and Bella do not get married nor does she have sex with him as a human.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Hi! I was reading through your meta (which is reeeeally interesting) and noticed you said you don't like Eleazar? I was wondering why that was?
Tumblr ate this ask when I had almost finished it and I hate everything. Also, thanks for the compliment, I’m really glad you like my things.
Now to try and remember what I wrote about Eleazar…
I think Eleazar is a disagreeable person whose gift wasn’t useful enough to warrant a place in the Volturi guard, and Aro jumped on the Carmen-shaped excuse to give him an honorable discharge.
To start with the gift, we see him use it twice and neither time is particularly impressive.
Siobhan Siobhan has the power of reality manipulation. Her gift is noticeable enough that Carlisle is certain she has it, so when he gets Eleazar and Siobhan in a room together he pulls Eleazar over to see if he was right. Eleazar squints at Siobhan. And he squints. Finally he says, «I’ve got nothing.» Now, gifts are an iffy, complicated matter everyone has their own theories about, but I think that at the end of the day we can all agree it’s a binary, you’re gifted or you’re not. Some gifts may be weak, but those are still gifts. And maybe someone will touch the gray zone of «is it a gift or is Johnny the vampire just really good at juggling?», but Siobhan has the power to manipulate reality, and she must do it a lot for Carlisle to have come to suspect it in the first place. She has a definitive and powerful gift. And even if I’m wrong about gifts being binary, if Eleazar wants to be useful to Aro he should still be able to say: Yes, this person has a gift, or no, this person does not have a gift. Sadly, he is not. When brought before Siobhan he says «She could have a gift, she could also not have a gift.» This means he hasn’t detected her gift, which is bad enough by itself. Being able to tell if someone has a gift or not should be a dealbreaker. The way he answers, though, that she could very well have a gift he doesn’t know about, makes it clear that people having gifts he couldn’t detect has happened enough for him to be open to the possibility that the gift there, and he can’t see it. In other words, Eleazar isn’t reliable for detecting gifts and will give Aro false negatives.
Bella This is an aside but as it’ll inevitably come up later in my blog I’ll just drop here that I think Bella’s gift is something more complex than a shield. She has prophetic dreams, hallucination!Edward, and there’s a weird inconsistency as to who is blocked by her and who isn’t. I think her gift is self-preservation, and the shield is one of its manifestations. Anyway, onto discrediting Eleazar. (I’ll be pretty closely paraphrasing what happens in chapter 31 of Breaking Dawn, but since the interaction goes on for several pages I’m not going to clutter this post by pasting all of it.) To his credit, he does notice Bella right away, and he identifies her as a shield based on the fact that he gets this sense of nothingness from her. This is all he can do, however, and I can’t stress that enough. He assumes that she can block Edward, but he’s shocked to learn that she can block Aro. He’s just as surprised that she can block Jane and Alec. He has to interview her to deduce exactly what her gift does, which again has nothing to do with his gift. Anyone could ask questions, in fact Aro found all this out two books ago, without the help of Eleazar. Eleazar then starts musing aloud about who-would-win in a Renata vs. Bella showdown (more on that later), which is as tactless as it is revealing. The guy genuinely doesn’t know, and it’s because he doesn’t understand their gifts well enough. Eleazar’s power means he can tell Bella that she has a gift, and he knows roughly what it is. He muses that usually he can’t even tell that much, which again is quite damning. He can’t tell her exactly what she does without a game of 20 questions first. She gives him more information than he gives her, which he then regurgitates back to her with slightly different wording, and everybody claps. «My god, Eleazar, you’ve done it again!» (No, really, this is pretty much what happens. Eleazar brought no new information to the table, yet he blew Bella and Edward’s minds.) It’s all fun and games to do this for Bella and Edward, as they for various reasons genuinely didn’t realize she had a gift. For Aro, who figured this one out on his own, one begins to wonder what Eleazar was bringing to the table.
Carlisle Bonus bullet point! I’ll make this one brief. I believe Carlisle in canon has a gift he’s unaware of (Yes, I have a post planned, but it will get ugly long so god knows when it’ll come), which makes him another one of Eleazar’s gift detection fails. In short, I think he’s extremely charismatic, able to win over anybody. To list a few examples - he has an extremely diverse set of friends who in Breaking Dawn are willing to lay down their lives for him, Jacob muses how his instinctive hostility around vampires doesn’t apply to Carlisle, and vampires are terrifying to humans (don’t be fooled by the movies, people) yet Carlisle is able to work as a successful doctor, meaning his patients don’t mind being exposed to a killing machine even when they’re at their most vulnerable. He’s able to keep his family of sociopaths in line. There’s not a single person in the Twilight ‘verse that dislikes him. (Billy and Caius excepted, but Billy has no direct exposure to him until late Eclipse, and Caius is responding to a coven that’s potentially threatening the Volturi) People are free to disagree with me on this one, but if I’m right (and I have a lot of book quotes as well as a theory on what gifts even are to back me up on this one. I’m right, damnit!) then Carlisle is another gifted vampire Eleazar failed to detect.
So. We’ve established that Eleazar’s gift will yield false negatives, and that he can’t tell you much about the gifts he does detect.
I think his power is to point out the obvious.
Which means that Aro’s eyelid was twitching slightly, but alright, Eleazar could still be useful.
Unfortunately, there is the matter of weighing up your pros with your cons.
The Volturi are, at the end of the day, a group of people who live in a commune together. Coven, guard, evil minions, call them what we like but they’re exposed to each other and some sense of agreeability is required. And Chelsea is not omnipotent.
More, I imagine that in a coven as large and old as the Volturi, they’ve developed a culture of their own. This means that newcomers will need social awareness and a willingness to fit in.
Eleazar, from what we see of him in Breaking Dawn, appears to lack both.
It’s in the way he speaks of the people he used to work with. It’s utterly impersonal. He tells us how their gifts work, no more and no less. When he speaks of Aro, he speaks only of actions Aro took and orders he gave, nothing about the man’s personality. Now, considering the context, he was speaking in a context where Jane’s thoughts and feelings were far from relevant, but it’s still notable.
Also notable is the fact that he has no issue contemplating a Renata vs. Bella scenario, even though this would mean the deaths of two people he worked with for years. Perhaps it’s a thought exercise, but it’s not a thought exercise I would have gotten into when it was days away from becoming reality. If Renata can’t deflect Bella’s power, she and Aro die.
I’ll put it this way - I don’t think he’d do a «who would win» like this involving Carmen.
At no point in the book does Eleazar show any concern for the eventuality that members of a guard he used to be a part of may get killed.
It seems he didn’t form personal relationships with the rest of the guard. I suspect he considered himself... if not quite above them, then still someone who could evaluate them. Their gifts is what he looked at in them. I also think it’s likely he asked Aro not to use Chelsea on him, which in turn would have made him stick out even more as there’s nothing making him and Volturi Guard Member X just click in the way I imagine Chelsea can be very helpful with. Which in turn means that the other guard members will feel close to one another in a way they’re not close to Eleazar.
Also… he’s just a douche. I’m sorry, but I don’t make the rules and the whole guy radiates douche. I can’t even point to a specific quote in the book, it’s just is.
I don’t think this guy never really fit into the Volturi guard, and his gift wasn’t useful enough to keep him. Aro was thrilled to have him at first, but as time went on and Eleazar proved to just not be all that, he eventually realized he had to get rid of him.
Because as others have pointed out before me, the Carmen excuse makes no sense. There would be no problem in one more vampire in the castle, yet Aro wouldn’t let her in and Eleazar had to choose.
It was a solution that sent Eleazar on his way with his ego intact, and no hard feelings towards the Volturi. More, Aro is on record doing this with it’s-not-you thing with at least one other vampire. Laurent wanted to join the Volturi, had nothing to bring to the table, and Aro used past association with the Romanians as an excuse for why Laurent couldn’t join rather than tell him to his face that he was useless. With Marcus, Aro, and Chelsea around, the Romanian connection isn’t a problem, meaning Aro was bullshitting.
TL;DR: Aro is the kind of person who’d lie and say his grandma died if he doesn’t want to go to your party, and Eleazar is the kind of person who’d say «My condolences».
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twihard-diehard · 3 years
What if the cliff diving went different?
This is pretty long, here's the Ao3 if you'd prefer.
When Bella woke up, she knew something was wrong. She tried to remember what led her to this place and all she could recall was jumping from somewhere. Now she was somewhere she shouldn’t be there were people she knew and people she didn’t. She seemed to be in a bed and breakfast. Once she feltlike she couldn’t stay in bed anymore she left the room. There were pirates, Victorian ladies, characters from books she’d once read.
She decided to leave the building and there was a river around the place and aa small area of green grass and then a forest. It was nice that this forest wasn’t scary like most of her nightmares. She felt like someone was following her but when she turned around no one was there. So, she kept exploring and finally she seemed to see people.
They were all fuzzy and sort of see through and they all seemed to be asking he same questions, why did you do it, do feel better, are you crazy, when are you coming back? Several of them seemed to be her dad, others seemed to be people from school, Mike, Jess, Angela, and a much smaller number seemed to be her mom. Was it sad that that didn’t surprise her? No, though it was pretty sad. She realized in that moment that she was ready to leave her mom behind, too bad that future was taken from her too. Finally as she started to stumble and curl up; a pair of arms picked her up. She would know that smell anywhere, it was her favorite smell, Edward. He carried her back towards the bed and breakfast and then she was on the grass and he was gone. She looked for him but he wasn’t there so she fell asleep again.
“How long until she wakes up,” Charlie demanded, once again, not that anyone listened. All they told him was they were waiting on a specialist to arrive. The way they said it made Charlie sure he knew who the specialist was and he wasn’t thrilled. He remembered how he ended up here in the first place….
“Hey, Charlie,” Alice’s soft voice broke his reverie. He just wanted to come home and Have dinner with Bella, maybe she’d have lasagna ready. She really dd make it the best it even beat his mom’s. This wasn’t good, if Alice was back were others back?
“Alice, is anyone else here?”
“No just me Charlie. I was just coming to see how you were. Any idea where Bella is?”
“She’s not here,” now she had his attention. She should be home she hadn’t seen her or Jacob in ages. He stomped past her and opened the door, holding open so she could come in too. He didn’t take anything off, her being here and Bella not being here seemed foreboding at best. So he stomped into the kitchen and picked up the phone. He called Billy’s house first.
“Hey, Chief Swan,” it was one of Jake’s friends.
He knew this voice, “Oh, hey Sam. Do you know where Jake and Bella are?”
“They aren’t there?”
“No, why would I call if they were here. Any idea what they were up to today?”
“Yeah, they were going to go cliff jumping. Charlie, get an ambulance down to First Beach as fast as you can. I’m going to go down and see if their there But I’m worried.”
“Charlie, want me to drive?”
Charlie looked up as he hung the phone up and lost it. He clung to her, god she was cold to the touch, and he cried. First his best friend, now his daughter who decided to go cliff jumping was missing. Finally after what seemed ages, he whispered, “Yes please. Hospital first, take the cruiser so we can speed. Hospital first and then First Beach.”
“Okay,” then she all but carried him to the car. She was in faster than should have been possible but he was under strain so maybe she wasn’t. Then again, it took less than one minute to get to the hospital. She said she’d stay in the car while he ran into the hospital.
Then they were at First Beach and Same was leading them down to the beach. There were two bodies on the ground. Charlie was only barely able to hide the hysteria “Sam they aren’t, are they?”
“No Charlie they’re alive. I think they are both in comas,” Sam answered and then it seemed like his lips were moving but he didn’t say anything.
It was all a blur until this moment. The buzzing and beeping and chaos was all that kept him grounded. He was sitting here with two very broken teenagers. Billy was trying to help Sue out because her kids were not handling Harry’s passing well. Alice had stayed by his side almost constantly. She only left twice, both for a phone call, neither lasted more than a minute.
Leave it to Bella to cause this much chaos. That was all Alice could think when she had the vision.
“If Edward calls, tell him to get to Forks as fast as he possibly can. When Carlisle and Esme get back tell them we’re going to need him in Forks too,” Alice said swiftly as she threw some cash and a change of clothes into a bag.
“Great what in the hell did that stupid human do now?”
“Rose, if you don’t drop it I’ll walk away from you for a decade,” Emmett said. Alice was only mildly shocked, it had been coming because Rose kept muttering about the ‘stupid girl’ and Emmett kept growling.
“I said, disparage my lil sis one more time and I will walk away for a decade. I’m not dealing with it anymore. It because of that kind of bullshit that we ended up here in the first place. So you will stop, and you won’t do it mentally either, that girl is part of this family and I am part of this family and if you cannot see it then maybe you need a break from us,” Emmett said with quiet vehemence. Alice was really shocked because he was the only way she was going to get her head on straight and he almost never stood up to his ‘savior,’ so he must really care.
While the shock on Rose’s face held, Emmett turned to Alice, “Can I come? I want to be there if she’s hurt.”
Alice held up a finger and played through all the possibilities, he seemed to disappear in several of them, “Fine, BUT you have to keep your temper under control, there are things I can’t understand at play right now so we have to be cautious.”
“You’re not serious!”
“Yes, Rose I am. You stay here with Jasper and pack up the house. If things are this bad I think we’re moving back to Forks,” Emmett said soft but with no room for argument. And then they were out the door and on the road.
“No one is here,” Alice said as she came back out of the house. “I think Charlie’s down on the reservation, I lost his trail at the line,” Emmett said as he sat with her on the steps to wait, “Is she okay?”
“I’m not sure, did you smell or sense anything else? Yeah, it was like wet dog but stronger.”
“Hm, I’d have to ask Carlisle or Rose but I think that the wolves are back,” Alice said questioningly, “That would explain her sudden disappearance.”
Just then the phone rang. Alice picked it up, “Hey Rose.”
“I’m sorry. Can you tell Emmett that?”
“Yeah, anything else?”
“Oh, right, Edward is headed that way. Carlilse was finally within cell range and we got ahold of him but they’re still a few hours out. Any idea what’s happening?”
“No, not yet. Oh, wait I hear his cruiser. I’m going to go, I’ll let you know once I know something.”
Emmett went to sit in the car. Probably better for Charlie to just see me first me reasoned. God, Charlie looked terrible, did something happen to Bella was all Alice wanted to say but instead she said, “Hey, Charlie.”
“Alice, I wasn’t expecting you. Why hasn’t Bella let you in?”
“She’s not here Charlie,” that seemed to pull him out of his reverie. He looked at the street and finally registered her truck missing. He rushed past her and opened the door, though he paused to let Alice in.
He rushed to the kitchen and made a call, Alice put the number in her phone.
“Hey, Sam,” Charlie muttered, “Have you seen Jake or Bella?”
It was faint but Alice could still here the other side of the conversation, “No, they went cliff diving today. Aren’t they there?”
Muttered curses, “Charlie, I think you need to get an ambulance and head to first beach I’ll go ahead of you.”
Alice tucked out as Charlie hung up the phone and dialed the number back quickly, “Sam, you don’t know me but I’m sure you hate me. Please hear me out before you hang up.”
Sam growled but listened.
“Carlisle can treat Jacob without the need to take him to the hospital, I’m sure that will help prevent questions about your physiology,” Sam made a noise that sounded like consent. “So, if you get there and there is an issue, hide Jake. And please allow me, Emmett, and Carlisle onto the reservation to help you move them. Emmett will meet you at First Beach.”
She heard Emmett get out of the car and shoot back towards the reservation. Then she returned to the kitchen and carried Charlie to the cruiser and rushed him to the hospital. While he was inside he called Carlisle.
“Hey, it looks like she and one of the wolves went cliff diving and no one has heard from them in hours, leave the packing to everyone else and get here.”
Carlisle while shocked got out, “Okay, I’m leaving now. I’m dropping the phone explain to Esme.”
“I think something happened to Bella and Jacob. Apparently, the kids on the reservation are turning into wolves again. You guys pack cup and get here when you can but I needed Carlisle now.”
“Okay, see you soon. Keep me updated.”
As soon as she hung up she called Edward, “Hey, where are you?”
“Halfway through Arizona. What happened?”
“Jacob is a wolf and has been taking care of Bella. Charlie said he’s starting to heal the holes she’s got. However, today they went cliff diving, and no one has heard from them in quite some time. Charlie’s walking back out of the hospital after getting an ambulance, Emmett is on his way to first beach and Carlisle is on his way here to be of any assistance he can be. We could use you.”
“Shit, I should be there by dawn,” Edward growled and he hung up as Charlie got back in the cruiser.
“Okay let’s go,” he said in a defeated tone.
“She’s okay Charlie,” Alice said reassuringly.
Just then her phone rang, “Hey Emmett what’s up?”
“They were both on the beach. I think they are in comas. They are breathing but totally unresponsive past that. Sam and I are going to carry Jacob to our house.”
“Okay, I need to tell Charlie,” Alice said aloud, then silently, “Be back at the beach when we get there.”
“Okay, Emmett and Sam found Bella, she’s alive but they think she’s comatose,” Alice told Charlie. He kept his composure, barely. “Want to talk about it?”
“Harry died today, I cannot afford to lose her too,” the pain was so raw and deep. It hurt Alice to hear it, she pulled him closer and let him rest on her while she drove as hast as she could to the beach.
“We’re not going to lose her,” Alice said, “I want you to know I called Carlilse while you were in the hospital, he’s on a plane now and will be here by morning to make sure she’s okay.”
Charlie growled, “How can you just come back after ripping her to shreds?”
“I’m sorry Charlie, we didn’t want to leave. We just had to for a bit, a family emergency,” Alice said as convincingly as she could.
“Is it all handled now? No more leaving? I cannot watch her go through that again.”
“No more leaving, By tomorrow night almost everyone will be here, we’ll make sure Renee get’s here and you can just stay by Bella. We’ll get you food and everything, okay?”
The relief that rolled off Charlie was so profound it even shook Alice, “Yeah, thanks Alice.”
Then they were at the beach loading Bella into the ambulance.
Bella woke back up in a room at the bed and breakfast. Jess was looming over her, “What was that? You were there and then you weren’t it was like a light switch; you know better than to mess with the fae.”
“The fae? What the hell? Where am I?”
And then she was being shoved through a crowd of people, she saw Jake and grabbed him. Then they were next to a giant tube that dropped into the river around the building, they bumped some sort of pirate captain too hard, and they fell. As soon as they hit the water they dissolved.
“Well, down you two go,” the bushy haired lady that seemed to run the place said, and then she pushed them done the tube.
“Jake, come on, there’s a blue light ahead,” Bella said pulling Jake along. She knew if Jake grabbed it, he’d wake up. She also knew, even if she wasn’t sure how that only one of them could get out that way. She also knew the only way Jake was going to wake up was if she made him.
Wait, why did she think they needed to wake up? Something was tickling at the back of her mind, but she shoved t off, she knew she had this one chance to save Jake and she wasn’t going to waste it.
“Why am I grabbing the light,” Jake asked, “You need to get beck too!”
“I can still get back, though I don’t know how,” Bella tried to explain, “You can’t though, this is your only chance Jake. Please, take it.”
They had made it to the blue light, it seemed like a handle to pull yourself out of the water. Water, that made the thing in her head tickle again. Finally, she made Jake grab the damn light and he was gone. Not sure where but she knew it was somewhere safe and away from here.
Jake gasped and opened his eyes, “Where am I?”
Charlie practically jumped on him and hugged him while calling for a nurse. “You pulled Bella out of the water and you both collapsed. Then you must have woken up and tried to get help cause they found you in the woods.”
Jake remembered the water but he never left the beach. Then Jake registered Sam’s face at the same time he registered the smell.
“Don’t,” Sam said with the authority to make sure Jake didn’t do a damn thing. Ugh why had he given up the alpha role.
Then much more softly, “They came back to save you both. Carlisle hasn’t left you or Bella for more than five minutes. So, DON’T fight them.”
“Bella, what happened to Bella?!” Jake tried to sit up, but Quill and Embry held him down.
“No moving bro, doc’s orders,” Quill said.
“Wait, aren’t there nurses too?”
“Well, you only have one,” Quil said, “Remember, when I didn’t know what was happening and I went to the hospital out at the res?”
“Yes,” Jake said, though it sounded more like a question.
“I imprinted on a nurse that was out there. Apparently, the hospital in town is Anna’s main post but she picks up extra shifts out there. So, since she knows about us, Carlisle felt safe bring you here as long as she was his only nurse. He said it was to reduce strain on the hospital while he took care of you and Bella, and the hospital agreed.”
“Why is he back? Are they all back?”
“Yes, they are all back,” Sam said, “And you may not fight them, they have my permission to come and go from the reservation. We’ve called off the treaty, it’s more important for us to be allies.”
Before Jake could reply, a nurse walked by the door and looked in, when their eyes met it was like jumping into the riptide again. She looked like she felt the same way, she finally came in.
“Hey, you finally woke up,” she said, “I’ve been watching you for days. We were worried about you. Anna has been stressing, she’ll be so glad to hear you’re up.”
“Days,” Jake asked, then looked at her like she was he sun and asked, “What’s your name?”
“Yes, days, you don’t just wake right out of a coma,” she joked, “I’m Vanessa, but you can call me Nessie.”
“Oh, well, hello Nessie,” Jake blushed, “Nice to meet you. Wait, Bella’s still in there isn’t she?”
“What,” Sam, Quil, Embry, and Nessie all said together.
“Jynx, you all owe me pops,” Jake said jokingly, then much more seriously, “We were trapped in a boarding house or something, and Bella almost made it out. It was like she was being carried, then suddenly she was back in that place and her and I got shoved down a tube into the water. She said she could get out a different way but the only way I could get out was if I grabbed this blue light so she made me grab it and I woke up here.”
“Wait you shared the same coma space,” Nessie said with so much shock and excitement, “There’ve been theories about that when two people go into a coma at the same time due to a shared trauma. This is the first time anyone has seen it happen.”
“Yeah, it was weird cause I kept hearing her thoughts. ‘This isn’t like the nightmare.’ ‘He can save me but only I can save Jake.’ It was really weird. I’m assuming ‘he’ is that idiot that left. Is he here yet?”
“Yeah, he just left to get Charlie food, I’ll go get him and the doc,” Sam said, and he started to leave, then turned around and added, “Tell her while I’m gone.”
“Tell me what,” Nessie inquired.
“Well, I’m guessing you felt the universe reassemble itself a few minutes ago, just like I did,” Jake said with his signature confidence.
“Yeah, what of it?”
“Well, you two are like soulmates,” Embry chimed in, “Anna and Quil are like that too. That’s why she was allowed to help because she knows about us.”
“I’m so confused.”
“We’re wolves, well shape shifters really. Most of us are wolves, however a few recent members of the tribe shifted into eagles,” Quil said.
“You’re joking, right,” Nessie sounded very disbelieving.
“No, they aren’t I’m afraid,” came the calm demeanor of Carlisle as he swooped into the room and started to look Jacob over, “Aside from out of it how are you feeling Jake?”
“Not bad doc, just worried about Bella.”
“Well, aside from the coma her vitals are strong.”
“She really saved you?”
Finally, Jake remembered he was hugging Charlie, “Yeah she did Charlie. You should be proud of her. She really felt like if she didn’t get me out first, I’d never wake up. I think I believe her too, it was like being trapped in her head.”
“Trapped in her head,” Edward asked as he walked back in the room with enough food to feed an army, “I heard you woke up and assumed you’d be hungry too. Dig in you all.”
Jake never thought he’d be so happy to see a blood suck…no vampire he corrected himself, “Thanks Edward. Now you need to pull her out of the coma. I think you almost got her out of it once, but she stayed because if she didn’t get me out I was going to stuck.”
As he finished, the doc pulled the last wire off Jake’s chest and said, “Well, you’re as good as new. If you want, you can head home and let your dad know you’re okay.”
“I think I’ll call in a bit, I need to stay until she’s awake,” Jake said easily, then seeing Nessie’s face, “No, not like that, silly. She’s my best friend I need to be here when she wakes up, so she knows she saved me. Now, come here so I can hug you.”
Charlie got up and moved back to Bella’s bed and Nessie took his spot, wrapping her arms around him for about two second and then jumping up, “Holy crow, you’re burning up. Doc, he needs ice!”
Jake grabbed her before she could get away, “No I don’t, I run at 108 because I’m a shifter. Once Bella is awake and you’re not working, I’ll show you.”
“He’s telling the truth, I checked all the shifters just to ensure I kept him at the right core temp,” Carlisle added.
Nessie calmed down and relaxed back into Jakes chest for a couple of minutes, “Shift, right I have to get back. I’ll come see you when I’m off.”
“Okay, I’ll be here,” Jake said as she went back to work.
“Geez, you’re a lucky jerk,” Quil said in a joking tone, “Anna freaked out when I tried to tell her the first time.”
“Do you know how I can get her back,” Edward asked as he sat opposite of Charlie on Bell’s bed, holding one of hers and one of Charlie’s hands.
“Um, she’s stuck in the place, not sure how you did it earlier, but it was like she was in a trance, she left the building and wandered off into the woods. She said they felt safe, that hey weren’t the woods of her nightmares?”
“Nightmares,” Edward also added questioningly.
“Probably from just after you left, she’d have these terrible nightmares and before the screaming would start, she’d say something about being lost in the woods,” Charlie said softly, pain showing on his face.
“Oh Charlie, I’m so sorry. She was in your yard when I pulled away,” Edward said, his voice flooding with regret.
“I’m not going to say it’s okay because it isn’t, but I’m glad you’re here now,” Charlie said with a fierce look on his face, “Now get my baby back.”
Jacob smacked Embry as he started to sing under his breath, “I want my baby back, baby back, chili’s baby back ribs.”
Quil hid a snicker in a sneeze.
“I will Charlie, don’t worry.”
Jake was safe, she knew he was, but now she was stuck in the water, drowning again. It was worse this time because she knew what it felt like, and it terrified her. Plus, there were no Edward hallucinations to make the passing feel bearable. How did she survive this the first time? Did she survive the last time? Now, she wasn’t so sure, maybe this was limbo.
“Hey, want to come back?”
Bella would know that voice anywhere, she turned to it, “Edward?”
“Sweetheart, we’re all waiting for you, please come back.”
She felt something brush her forehead, she tried to touch where she felt it, but she couldn’t lift her arms, “How?”
Then there was silence. She tried to fight her way to the voice, but she wasn’t suer where it was. It seemed like ages before anything changed. Then there was a darkness and it felt like someone was scooping her up, it had to be Edward, she never felt this comfortable near something cold.
“Bella, sweetheart, can you hear me?”
“YES” she tried to scream, but nothing came out. So, she started to swim, or claw, she wasn’t sure, towards the voice. He kept talking thank fully and she kept getting closer. Finally, she felt her hands and tried to lift one.
“Bella,” Edward sounded relieved and much closer.
“Hm,” well that was a weak way to say hi.
“Oh, Bella we were so worried,” then he set her down. She whimpered.
“I know, honey, but we’re in the hospital and I need to let Charlie know you’re waking up, I’ll lay next you though.”
She must have sighed because he leaned across her for a moment, “Charlie, wake up. I think I go her. Quil, can you grab Carlisle?”
Why was Quil here? She tried to ask but words didn’t come out.
“He’s here because Jake’s here,” Edward said, then hearing her pulse accelerate, “He’s okay Bella, you saved him.”
“Yep, I’m good as new,” Jacob said from where ever she was.
Suddenly was covered in warmth, “Oh Bells, you scared me. Why would you go cliff diving with a storm rolling in? You’re lucky Jake could pull you out of the water.”
Bella satisfied herself by humming in what she felt was comforting, since she still couldn’t speak, or open her eyes. How long was that going to last?
Two days, that’s how long she had to wait until she could see again, and twelve hours until her grunts were words.
“Hey dad, I love you,” those were her first real words.
Charlie wept, “I love you to Bells.”
“How long?”
“The coma was a little over a week,” Charlie said.
“You been here the whole time,” Bella did better with short words.
“Yeah, honey, I even rode in the ambulance with you. Haven’t left your side for more than five minutes,” Charlie said squeezing her hand.
“Thanks dad. If you want, you can go home and get some real sleep. I’ll still be here.”
“I’ll call you if anything changes at all,” Edward reassured.
“Thank you, for helping and for pulling her out of that,” Charlie said softly, “I don’t think she’d of made it if you hadn’t been here.”
As soon as the door closed, Edward scooped her up and held her, “I’m so sorry I left, I’m so sorry I hurt you. I hope you can forgive me.”
“S’okay,” Bella mumbled.
“It doesn’t count until she is actually better, bro,” Emmet said.
“Yep, what he said,” Jake chimed in.
“Jake? Emmett,” came Bella’s response.
“Yeah, we’re here, Emmett is the one that got me out of the way before Carlisle showed up. Kept me from taking ice baths,” Jacob chuckled.
“I’m just glad I was able to get you out,” Bella said, “I really didn’t think you’d get back if I didn’t force you.”
“Well, you definitely saved me,” Jacob chuckled, “and I met my other half. Her name is Nessie.”
“Ah, Jake that’s great,” Bella said around a yawn.
“Get sleep hon. We’ll still be here,” Edward whispered as he leaned down and kissed her temple.
Bella was gone almost as soon as h said I, thought she thought she heard something about a funeral. Hopefully, she would remember when she woke up.
It had been a few months since the incident. Jake and Nessie were already talking about marriage though they would wait for a few years; and Leah was becoming fast friends with Rosalie, something about ball busters sticking together. Edward was over almost every day.
Bella hadn’t heard him get here so she was shocked when she saw Dad and Edward in serious conversation as she came down. She didn’t get much except he came to get permission for something. Oh man if he was about to propose she was going to lose it. She had told him time and time again that she wouldn’t get married for at least five more years. She has hinted at immortality again though she was also willing to wait a bit, if only to have more time with Charlie. Bella stopped emailing her mom and her mom never noticed. Bella wasn’t surprised.
“Hey dad. What you two gossiping about like a pair of old hens?”
“We are not old hens.”
“Okay, no need to get ruffled feathers, Eddie.”
“I am going to wring Emmett’s neck for teaching you that.”
“No, you aren’t. Besides, I like it,” Bella finished, leaning in to give both gentlemen a kiss on the cheek.
Edward looked at dad conspiratorially, “Do you want to tell her or should I?”
“Oh, let me tell her. I think it’ll be a bigger shock that way,” dad said laughing.
“Oh no, what are you two trying to wrangle me into now? I did prom and I’m not doing baseball ever again. So now what?”
“Ah, Bells, don’t worry. We were just talking about post high school life. You did decide to just commute up to Port Angels at first, right?”
“Well, yeah, why?”
“Since you seem so hell bent on trying to die every few months,” dad started to laugh like it was the funniest thing he every said, “Anyways, Edward just told me he bought a house just outside of the town so you two could live together. He also wants to see about making you a bit more durable before you start college.”
All Bella could do was sputter, she was so flabbergasted, she couldn’t even be upset that Edward had videotaped the whole thing just to show Emmett and Jacob.
And that’s how everyone ended up in a much better place and no weird shit happened at all.
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