#ephraim black
I was looking through the Illustrated Guide to see if there has anything on Molly Swan, others than that she was "very distantly related to Charlie Swan." And I found a couple things that left me with more questions.
Like this:
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Doesn't that phrasing make it seem like Molly was Billy's aunt? I checked the Black Family tree. The only aunts he had were Mary and Jane Black. And I doubt that Molly is Billy's maternal aunt, cause his mother's last name was Peterson.
Also, Old Quil is already Billy's uncle-in-law. Billy's late wife Sarah Wilde was Old Quil's niece, the daughter of his sister Doris Ateara.
And then there's this:
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Is this saying that Molly was also a descendant of a member of Ephraim Black's pack? Obviously Quil IV and Quil III (Old Quil) are descendants of Quil II. So according to the above, Molly would be a descendant of Ephraim himself or of Levi Uley. Molly Swan's name does not appear on either the Black family tree or the Uley family tree btw. But, in theory it's possible that Molly could be descended from Ephraim or Levi.
Ephraim had three sisters. Dorothy and twins, Deborah and Susanah. According to the family tree, none of them married and/or had kids. But if one of them did, they could have married a man named Swan and then had Molly. In this scenario, Molly would be Ephraim's niece and Billy's first cousin once removed. Molly would be a carrier of the Black werewolf gene.
Levi had a niece, Mirabelle Uley, and going by the Uley family tree she didn't marry or have kids. What if she did? What if it was Mirabelle who married a man named Swan and had Molly? In this scenario, Molly would be Sue's cousin and a carrier of both the Black and Uley werewolf genes. Either scenario provides an explanation to "As a descendant of the previous werewolf pack through both parents..."
Of course neither scenario explains how Molly is related to Charlie and Bella. I will say that I don't think Charlie and Bella are Quileute, not even distantly. Still, adding a Swan to the werewolf genealogy is pretty cool. It connects Bella to the pack, makes her family in a way. I do have some ideas on Bella being related to the Cullens as a descendant of one of their human relatives. I think that if Bella were related to the pack and the Cullens, that would've been a far better and more interesting way to end the animosity between them.
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gooasis726twifics · 1 year
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Emmett wasn't the only love of Rosalie's life. This is the long-promised tale of Rosalie Hale and Ephriam Black. This story takes place in the Watermelon Sugar AU. NSFW (eventual smut). Polyam. No Child Imprints. Twisted Canon. Canonical trigger warnings apply. FFN:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14225354/1/Dark-Nights AO3:https://archiveofourown.org/works/46713742/chapters/117650293
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More enjoying of the nice weather, this time sans Toph (the neighbor is on their porch and apparently she doesn't like them? Normally shes very friendly)
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wedieunbl00med · 2 years
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a poster i've made of one of my favourite movies. watched it too many times!
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bethanythebogwitch · 6 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: tardigrades
Last week on Wet Beast Wednesday I covered the largest animals to ever exist on our planet. This week I'm going to pull a full 180 and cover the smallest animals yet on this series. Meet the tardigrade, the internet's favorite micro-animal the is said to be basically immortal. How true is that? Let's see.
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(Image: an electron microscope image of a tardigrade. It looks a lot like a potato with eight stubby legs tipped with long claws. At the front is a small, circular mouth. It has no other discernable features. In the background are bits of plant matter that look like seaweed at this scale. End ID)
The tardigrades are 1,300 known species (and probably a lot of unknown ones too) in the phylum Tardigrada. They are also part of the superphylum Ecdysozoa, which are animals that grow by molting their outer cuticles or exoskeletons. In particular, the tardigrades are believed to be a sister group of the arthropods, the group that contains crustaceans, insects, isopods, and a lot of other things. Tardigrades are truly tiny, the largest species reaching a whopping 1.5 millimeters in length, though most species reach no more than 0.5 mm. They have round, segmented bodies with four pairs of legs that end in either claws or suction discs. The body segments consist of a head, three body segments with a pair of legs each, and a caudal segment with the final pair of legs. The first three legs are used for movement while the final pair points backwards and is used for grabbing onto substrate. All of the body segments except for the final one correspond to segments found in the head section of insects. Tardigrades are missing many hox genes, genes that direct the body plan during development. Their ancestors may have had a body plan more similar to insects, but the loss of the hox genes has compressed them into walking heads with a bit of butt. The mouth is tubular and sucks in food. In the mouth are stylets, needle-like structures used to pierce food objects. Once food is drawn into the mouth, a structure called the buccopharyngeal apparatus activates. This is a combination of spines and muscle that acts like an inner jaw that pulls food into the digestive tract. The buccopharyngeal apparatus is distinct enough to be used as a major identifying feature between species. Tardigrades are translucent and many images you've seen of them have false color to show the details or are 3D models based on scanning electron microscope imagery of them. Tardigrades molt their exoskeletons multiple times (up to 12) during their lifecycle. Some species are unable to poop normally and instead all their waste is discarded during the molt. It was formerly believed that tardigrades could exchange genes with each other without mating, a process called horizontal gene transfer that is seen in bacteria, archaea, and other micro-organisms. It has since been discovered that while still capable of horizontal gene transfer, it is quite a bit rarer in tardigrades than we thought.
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(Image: an electron microscope image of a tardigrade standing on a bit of plant matter. This one has a closed mouth with a ring of triangular tooth-like structures. It also has two simple eyes that look like black dots. End ID)
The name "tardigrade" means "slow walker", which is fitting as, despite their eight legs, tardigrades have a slow and awkward gait. This is the result of their legs being unjointed, only able to pivot at their connection to the body. Their gait has been compared to that of bears, hence why they are often called water bears and their discoverer, Johann August Ephraim Goeze, called them "kleiner wasserbär", meaning "little water bear". Tardigrades are found worldwide and have inhabited virtually every habitat, from the tops of mountains to the deep sea, from hot springs to the antarctic, from freshwater to saltwater. The one thing they have in common is a need to stay wet. Tardigrades can survive out of water as long as they can stay moist and are often found in mosses, hence another common name: moss piglets. The majority either eat plants or bacteria, but some will feed on smaller tardigrades or other micro-animals. Their famous survivability makes it easy for tardigrades or their eggs to be carried to new habitats by larger animals or other phenomena. Tardigrades are one of the first micro-animals to colonize a new habitat and they are a pioneer species, the first species to colonize a new environment and whose presence makes that environment fore suitable for other species to follow. Tardigrades are a major food source to other micro-animals and larger organisms. Most species have distinct males and females, though a few reproduce through parthenogenesis. In most cases, molting female will lay her eggs in her shed cuticle and males will them fertilize them. Other species have a form of internal reproduction. Males and females will court each other before mating and females will usually allow multiple males to fertilize her eggs. Female tardigrades are typically larger and more abundant than males. Eggs can take up to 14 days (species dependent) before hatching. All tardigrades of the same species have the exact same number of cells as each other. They are also born with the same number of cells they will have as an adult. Their growth is driven by enlargement of the existing cells rather than cellular reproduction making new cells. The lifespan ranges between a few months to a few years, depending on species.
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(Image: a color photo of a tardigrade. It is a pale, translucent white, making it hard to make out details. Its body is curved, with the front end pointing at the camera. It has two simple eyes. End ID)
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(Image: an electron microscope image of a tardigrade egg. It is round but covered in small pores and conical structures. End ID)
The most famous feature of tardigrades is their legendary durability. It is commonly said that tardigrades can survive just about anything (except for the things that are actually trying to kill them. They are prey to a lot of species after all). Among the things they can survive is extreme heat, extreme cold, dehydration, extremely high and low pressure, exposure to ionizing radiation (that's the scary kind), low oxygen environments, environmental toxins, heavy impacts, and the vacuum of fucking space. While the can survive in extreme conditions, tardigrades are not considered extremophiles. True extremophiles thrive in extreme environments and are negatively impacted by leaving them. Tardigrades can survive in extreme environments, but are negatively impacted and can't survive as well there as they can in less extreme places. The main trait that has allowed tardigrades to survive all five mass extinctions in history is cryptobiosis. Cryptobiosis is the rare ability for an animal to enter a state of dormancy where their metabolic processes come to an almost complete stop. While in cryptobiosis, metabolic activity drops to 0.01% normal and water content drops to 1% normal. In this state, the tardigrade is called a tun. Tardigrades usually enter cryptobiosis in response to arid conditions. One experiment showed that a species of tardigrade could last for at least 30 years in this state and return to normal lifestyle functions when exposed to water. Tardigrades will also enter cryptobiosis in response to low oxygen, toxic chemical exposure, increased or decreased temperature, and excessive salt content in the water. Tardigrades also show extreme resistance to both high and low pressure. They can live in 0 atmospheres of pressure and some species can survive up to 6,000 atmospheres, more than double the pressure at the bottom of the Marianas trench. More interesting is their ability to survive dangerous radiation. They can survive 1,000 times the dose of gamma radiation that humans can. Early tests focused on tardigrades in cryptobiosis and concluded that the extremely low water content of a cryptobiotic tardigrade doesn't leave much opportunity for the radiation to react with the animal. However it was later found that active and fully hydrated tardigrades are still considerably resistant to radiation. Studies into this resistance indicate that tardigrades can very efficiently repair damaged DNA and have unique proteins called Dsup that provides additional protection. Dsup introduced to human cells has provided additional protection against x-rays.
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(Image: an electron microscope image of a tun - a tardigrade in cryptobiosis. It is smaller and very wrinkly, with the legs and mouth retracted into the body. End ID)
Tardigrades were the first animals to be exposed to the vacuum of space. They were exposed for 10 days, some in a state of cryptobiosis at the time of exposure and some still active. It was found that they were able to survive the vacuum when shielded from the sun's ultraviolet radiation, with those already in cryptobiosis doing better. Upon being rehydrated, many were able to resume normal life functions and successfully reproduce, though others died after being rehydrated. Those that were exposed to UV radiation fared much worse, with only a few hydrated individuals surviving. The individuals in cryptobiosis had a lower survival rate when exposed to UV than those not exposed to UV and were less successful at reproducing afterwards. Studies of tardigrade's space survival abilities and resistance to radiation could go a long way in helping human space travel. One of the largest dangers of space travel is that space is full of nasty radiation from the sun that Earth's magnetic field protects us from. Some scientists speculate about the possibility of accidentally seeding other planets or moons with tardigrades or other space-resistant organisms. This is a problem because introducing Earth life to other world has the potential to damage any native ecosystems and if we find life in space in the future we don't want to have to figure out if it's something we accidentally put there. While tardigrades could likely survive on other planets, they would eventually die without a food source. Some sources reported that tardigrades may have colonized the moon after an experiment with them crashed. Unfortunately, the moon is not crawling with tardigrades now. It's way too dry for them to exit cryptobiosis even if they survived the crash, which they probably didn't.
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(Image: art of a tardigrade floating in the vacuum of space. End ID. Source: University of California - Santa Barbara)
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illuminatedquill · 1 month
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Story Summary: Purrgils and a nursery rhyme from his youth have shaped Ezra Bridger's life in ways that even he is not aware of . . .
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The Research Survey Mission (22 BBY)
After an agonizing hour being held up by Republic Security, he finally made it to the hangar bay where his escort was waiting. Dodging precariously between the space fighters, grimly masked clone pilots, and their long-suffering mechanics, he weaved his way through the active hangar with a desperate determination.
The war against the Separatists continued to stretch on with no end in sight, he knew. It surprised him that his scientific study had been approved by the Senate, considering all the funds being tied up in the war's progress. His sponsor, Senator Amidala, had taken an interest in the study of purrgil hyperspace travel routes for humanitarian reasons and had lobbied the Supreme Chancellor for this study to be funded.
Wheezing with the strain from sprinting - something not done since his Academy days - he finally skidded to a stop in front of the vessel assigned to the survey mission: an old, but functional looking G9 Rigger class freighter.
"I'm - my apologies for the wait," he gasped out between heaving breaths. It wouldn't make a good first impression if he vomited in front of his team here -
And speaking of his team . . .
Clutching at the stitch in his side, he peered at the two individuals selected to be his escort. First, the pilot: a young human woman about his age, with raven black hair and a feisty expression on her sun-browned face - a beautiful face, he observed, that looked better suited for a leading role in a holo-drama rather than a drab military flight uniform.
The pilot looked impatiently at the chrono on her wrist. "You're late," she remarked, sounding grumpy.
Still taken aback by her beauty, he took a full five seconds to compose himself. "Yes - I'm sorry about that," he replied. "All the new security; I wasn't expecting - "
The second individual on his team gave a sardonic chuckle. "First time on Coruscant?" asked the second person.
He nodded, looking the other team member up and down with a rising skepticism. He was a young boy with short brown hair, some of which was kept in a thin braid that trailed past his shoulders. A strong, serious face with piercing blue eyes - similar to his own - gave the impression that little escaped the boy's attention.
More importantly, he wore the traditional brown and white robes of a Jedi Knight. They fit him well, despite the boy's youth.
Smiling slightly, he asked, "And you must be . . . Master Depa Billaba?"
Amusement glinted in the youth's blue eyes, breaking through the stoic expression. He barked out a laugh. "No, I'm afraid not. She had other pressing matters to attend to. I was sent in her place."
"Ah, I see. Are you another Jedi Knight, then?"
The boy pouted. "Someday. Soon, I hope."
He stuck out his hand in greeting. "I am Master Billaba's padawan. My name is Caleb Dume."
Dume's grip was firm and steady; the skin on his palm was rough, callused from years of hard work and battle. Far rougher than I would expect any young person his age to be.
Inwardly, he felt a small pang of sadness for the young Jedi; a war was a brutal experience to go through, even for the adults who were prepared for such an event. He couldn't imagine the toll it was taking on the young.
Even if they were Jedi.
"My name is Ephraim Bridger, Jedi Dume. A pleasure to work with you."
The Jedi nodded in acknowledgement. Ephraim turned to the pilot -
"Lieutenant Mira," she answered bluntly before he could ask. Ephraim noticed the emphasis on her rank. "And I'd like to actually start flying now, if either of you don't mind."
She turned and stalked onto the freighter's lowered ramp, disappearing into the ship.
Ephraim blinked and turned to Dume. The young Jedi just shrugged. "Can't keep her waiting," he said politely. Both of them soon followed the pilot into the waiting vessel.
"Guess not," Ephraim muttered. "Oh, this is sure to be fun."
"I hope so," said Dume earnestly. "Could use a break from this war. So, what are we hunting?"
"We're not hunting, Master Jedi. We're searching for something. A creature long rumored to be nothing more than a myth, save for scattered reports from spacers over the Republic's long history."
Dume glanced at him curiously. "What would that be?"
Ephraim turned to him, grinning widely. "Ever heard of star whales, Caleb?"
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The Star Whale (13 BBY)
"Alright, alright," laughed Ephraim. "Time for bed, young one."
His son, Ezra, was encased in a bear hug, scrambling to free himself. "Ah, come on, Dad. Five more minutes, please?"
Ephraim considered the offer - until he glanced over his shoulder to find his wife, Mira, giving him one of her patented glares. Her eyes - a lovely shade of violet that he always found himself admiring - pierced through him like a blaster bolt.
Deflating a bit, he whispered, "Not going to happen, buddy. The boss says no."
The child twisted in his hug until he could look over Ephraim's shoulder. Mira blew him a kiss.
With his typical accuracy, Ezra mimed to catch it and pressed the kiss to his heart. It was a time-honored ritual every evening, before bedtime.
"Okay, then," said his son. "How about a story instead?"
Ephraim laid his son gently onto the floor, feeling the aches in his lower back. "I would love that. Head up to your bedroom and choose one. I'll meet you there in a minute."
Before he finished his sentence, Ezra raced up the stairs in a flash. Ephraim snorted and turned to look at his wife. She was throwing a hooded cloak over her shoulders, obscuring her figure.
"I'm heading out now, love," she said to him, voice muffled through the thick cloth wrapped around her head.
He went to her and gave a kiss on the bridge of her nose, the only exposed skin available due to her outfit. They had been doing this for a while now . . . but the worry never faded from his mind.
Since the Empire had come to power, he and Mira had taken over an old communications tower to spread messages throughout the galaxy with other groups of people who were fighting against the growing tyranny of the Emperor and his cronies. It was dangerous work.
But someone had to do it. Someone had to light a candle in the long, vast night that had fallen across galactic civilization.
"Be careful," he said quietly. Mira smirked at him, in her typical impish way.
"I always am," she replied. "Sing me home, when it's time."
"Of course," said Ephraim. He watched her slip out the front door, biting his lip. In his mind's eye, he could see her dodging through shadowed alleyways, dashing across empty streets, finding their hidden speeder . . .
Come back safe, darling, he thought.
"Dad!" came his son's voice, interrupting his mood. "Are you coming up or what?"
Ephraim chuckled, feeling grateful for the distraction. "I'm heading up now," he replied.
_ _ _ _ _
"Star whales?" asked Ephraim. "You're sure?"
Ezra nodded. "I found some of your notes - "
Ephraim groaned. "You were snooping around in my office again?"
The boy flushed with embarrassment. He sighed deeply. Mira had noted it before he did; their son had a predicament for getting himself into trouble. Nothing serious as of yet, thank the Force.
But in these dark times, it could spell greater danger down the road.
Especially given his . . . talents.
"For the last time, there is no candy hidden in my desk. You ate all of it."
"Right. Sorry, Dad." The apology would have seemed sincere if not for the smug grin plastered on the boy's face.
He reached over and ruffled his son's hair with fond exasperation. Ezra giggled and waved his hands away.
Ephraim sat back in his chair thinking of all the stories about star whales he knew of. Finally, he said, "Do you know I saw a star whale once?"
His son's eyes went round as a moon. "Really?"
Smiling, he said, "Oh, yes. It was a scientific study. I actually met your mother on that mission. And there was a Jedi, also."
"A Jedi?" Ezra's mouth went agape. "Who were they?"
"A young human boy, actually. Not much older than you. His name was Caleb Dume." A gentle pang of melancholy went through him at the old memory resurfacing; he had not thought of the young Jedi in the long years since that mission.
He wondered if Dume had survived the purge.
Somehow, deep in his heart, he was sure that the boy had made it. Palpatine had been vicious in his extermination of the Jedi Order, but there was no way that all of them had been killed. Rumors continued to pop up from all over the galaxy . . .
He shook his head. Ezra was watching him, waiting for the next part of the story.
"Oh, yes. We spent a week in deep space, tracking down a pod of purrgils," he continued. Ephraim felt the old sense of wonder and awe grip him as he remembered the towering, majestic creatures. The pod had passed by their tiny freighter, flowing around them like river water.
Closing his eyes, he could envision the golden splotches on their skin mixing with the vivid purple - and those eyes. Those giant, glowing eyes. Being looked upon by the star whales felt like an almost religious experience with the calm, magnificent intelligence behind those eyes appraising the explorers' small forms.
"The sounds they made . . . oh, it was like they were singing," he explained. "It shouldn't be possible in deep space, but the purrgils somehow manage to do it. And they did it so beautifully."
"It sounded like music?" asked Ezra in a hushed tone. He nodded.
"Like little songs," confirmed Ephraim. "I believe it's how they speak to one another."
"Did they jump to hyperspace?"
Ephraim nodded in confirmation. "Their tentacles in the back stretched far, far out. I could see lines glowing on them, brighter and brighter and then - they were gone just like that." He snapped his fingers on the last word to illustrate his point.
"Wizard," whispered his son.
"Totally wizard," he agreed. He stroked his beard. "But then something odd happened."
Ezra sat up in his bed, gripping the covers tightly. "What?" he demanded. "What happened?"
Ephraim stroked his beard, drawing out the pause for dramatic effect. Watching his child squirm in anticipation was always a fascinating experience, which he secretly enjoyed.
Finally, he broke the pause and leaned forward. "One of them stayed behind," he said.
His son's expression turned puzzled. "Really? Why?"
"Ah, well, I have only a theory on that," Ephraim confessed. "But I feel that it is true. You see, purrgil pods are a community. They take care of each other, watch out for one another."
"Like you and Mom," Ezra pointed out. Ephraim smiled.
"Precisely. They are also the only creatures with the capability to emit noise in the deep vacuum of space via their songs. Space is large and vast and dark, Ezra. My theory is that even purrgils can get lost sometimes. So, one stays behind to sing them home."
"Even purrgils can get lost," Ezra repeated, sounding sad.
"All beings, large and small," said Ephraim, "need help sometimes."
He watched his son ponder that for a few moments. Then, Ezra said quietly, "You say that to Mom sometimes."
Ephraim frowned. "What do I say?"
"She asks you to 'sing her home' sometimes. Or you ask her. And then one of you leaves during the night."
He felt an icy fist enclose over his heart. It seemed that he and Mira's covert activities hadn't gone unnoticed by their son.
"We do say that," he confessed. "It's just a saying."
Ezra's face turned to him, with those piercing blue eyes that were an inheritance. "Do you think someday, someone will do that for me? If I get lost?"
Ephraim felt the icy fist close tighter. "Your Mom and I will do that for you."
"But what if . . . " The boy's voice trailed off, refusing to give voice to the fear that had arisen in him. But Ephraim knew what Ezra was going to ask.
It was the same question that he and Mira struggled with every night since their child had been born.
What if you and Mom aren't here anymore?
He reached forward and enclosed Ezra's hand in his own. So small, so soft, so warm - and so fragile.
"You will meet others," he said firmly, "who will love you just as we have. I promise it, Ezra."
His son just gazed at him. "You promise?"
"I do. You are so easy to love, my son. You will find someone who loves you like it's second nature to them - and if you ever get lost, they will sing you home."
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The Rhyme (4 BBY)
He sat in the cockpit of the Phantom, gazing through the canopy at the field of stars. Whenever things on the Ghost got too quiet, he liked to sequester himself in there and just enjoy the mechanical ambience generated by the shuttle's machinery.
They're out there somewhere, he thought. The purrgils.
His encounter with the legendary creatures, still so recent, had left him in a curious state. Ezra couldn't shake the sensation that this was not the last he would see of them.
Unbidden, an old memory rose to the surface of his thoughts. His father, Ephraim, telling him stories of the star whales.
One stays behind to sing them home.
Ezra smiled faintly, despite the gentle sadness he felt rippling beneath the recollection. Not too long ago, he didn't want to think about his parents. Thoughts of them were a source of pain that he did not want to revisit, especially when he was just a street-rat scavenging on the streets of Capital City for survival.
But now, with his new family. he could remember his parents freely. The memories were no longer a burden; the pain hadn't lessened, but the others helped him to bear their loss a little better.
He reached into his pocket and took out the holo-recording that Sabine had found for him on his birthday a year ago. Pressing the button, the recording flared to life, showing a static image of his family - before the Empire had come to take it all away.
All beings, large and small, need help sometimes.
Ezra gazed softly at the holo-image, feeling the old pangs of loneliness. Despite his time spent on the Ghost, some nights he still felt . . . lost. Like he didn't belong.
"Even purrgils get lost sometimes," he muttered.
"Is that so?" came a familiar voice from behind. Twitching in surprise, Ezra stole a peek at the source.
It was Sabine. To his surprise, she wasn't wearing her standard Mandalorian armor; rather, she wore simple sleeping wear consisting of a plain shirt, shorts, and slippers.
She arched a curious eyebrow at him and gave a little wave. "Hey, goober," she said.
"Hey, Sabine," he replied. "What brings you here?"
Sabine shrugged. "Just checking up on you. You weren't in your room. Zeb's snores don't seem too horrendous tonight, so I was wondering why you weren't sleeping."
"Actually," he admitted, "Zeb's snores help me sleep. Guess I'm so used to them now as background noise. If he's not here, I can't sleep so easily."
She laughed. Ezra felt his ears flush red at the sound.
Play it cool, he thought firmly. Be cool.
She shuffled up to him and pointed at the co-pilot seat. "Mind if I join you?"
He gestured at the empty chair. "Be my guest."
"Thanks." She sat down, still scrutinizing him with a curious look. "So, what's this about purrgils? You still thinking about those gas pods?"
Ezra snorted. "They eat the gas, they're not - well, technically - okay, yes, I'm still thinking about them."
Sabine giggled. "I'm just messing with you, Ezra." Her face turned serious. "What does this have to do with your family?"
He blinked, suddenly remembering the holo-recording playing in the space between them. In a flash he turned it off, feeling self-conscious.
"I don't know," he replied. "I was just thinking about them for some reason."
Ezra turned to look out the Phantom's canopy again. "My dad used to tell me about the purrgils all the time when I was younger."
"Really?" asked Sabine. "What did he say?"
"That purrgils apparently mate for life. There's more myth than fact about them, but that one is true. Despite their fearsome appearance, they're also really gentle. They won't attack unless directly provoked."
Sabine sat back in her chair, absorbing this. "Wow. Surprising."
"How so?"
"Purrgils don't make any kind of evolutionary sense, goober. Far as we can tell, nothing hunts purrgils. They are at the top of their food chain. And yet . . . " She waved a hand at the stars in front of them.
"They just exist. Just travel from star to star and occasionally take a pit stop to munch on some gas," she finished.
"And to annoy spacers like Hera," Ezra added.
Sabine snorted. "True. They continue to do that, maybe Hera will become a predator to them."
That elicited laughter from Ezra. Sabine grinned at him.
When his laughter died down, Sabine asked, "What else did your dad know about the purrgils?"
Ezra thought about it, then said, "The pod doesn't jump together. Not for long distances. He saw it happen, in person: one of them stays behind."
He closed his eyes. "To sing them home, when it's time."
There was a silence from Sabine. Then, he heard her murmur, "Even purrgils get lost sometimes."
"Yup. You get it."
Ezra opened his eyes. "My parents used to say that to each other sometimes. 'Sing me home when it's time'. One time, I asked my dad what would happen if I got lost and they weren't around anymore."
Sabine was quiet.
"He said other people would find me someday and love me like they did. That if I got lost, they would sing me home, just like the purrgils do," Ezra said. His eyes glazed over with tears.
"Some days I feel lost," he confessed. "I'm grateful for you and everyone else here, but it's not the same as it was with my family. I miss them so much sometimes."
Ezra let out a little bitter laugh. "Sometimes, when I was younger and still on my own, I wished that the purrgils would come and take me. That I could be anywhere but stuck on Lothal without my parents. It didn’t matter where we went - they could take me to another galaxy, for all I care."
All the horrible, seething emotions whirled and twisted within him. Ezra closed his eyes again and took deep breaths, trying to enact Kanan's Jedi calming techniques -
Sabine hugged him. Ezra let out a small breath that he didn't realize was being held.
"I'm here, Ezra," she said. "I'm here for you."
He melted into the warm embrace, just allowing himself to feel the strength and surety of his friend's presence fill the deep, dark cracks that his emotions had opened in him.
"Thank you," he mumbled, his voice a little ragged.
After a long moment, she released. Looking into his eyes with an expression of utmost seriousness, she said, "Look, I'm not much of a singer but I'll do it for you."
Ezra stared at her. "What?"
"Better me than Zeb. Or Hera and definitely better than Kanan." She shuddered at the last name.
"What are you talking about, Sabine?"
She rolled her eyes. "The singing, goober! I'll sing you home if you get lost."
His mouth fell slightly open. "You . . . you will?"
"Yeah. Just don't expect opera level talent here. Give me something simple to sing."
Ezra felt his mouth widen into a grin. "I never really thought about it."
"Come on. You have to know some music, Ezra."
He thought hard for a few seconds. Then he remembered something from his past - an old nursery rhyme his parents used to sing, when he was much younger.
"You got something," said Sabine. "I saw it click in your head, judging by your expression."
He looked at his friend, his mood cautious. "Okay," he said, "repeat after me."
Ezra took a deep breath.
"Loth-rat, loth-cat, loth-wolf run . . ."
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The Girl Who Was Broken (1 BBY)
It had been a week since Ezra disappeared.
In the distance, despite the fading light of early dusk, Sabine could still see the smoke rising from the rubble of Capital City. It would take years to rebuild to its former glory. Years that the inhabitants of Lothal would now have, thanks to her friend's courageous sacrifice.
Yes, she felt proud. That's what she kept telling herself and the others, too.
But deep down, a wound remained. An Ezra shaped hole that refused to be filled from all the celebration and praise and joy from everyone around her.
I let him go. He's gone.
She shook her head vigorously at this last thought. "He's not gone," she said aloud.
But her words were snatched away by the rising evening breeze. She sighed and leaned against the balcony railing, taking in her surroundings.
Ezra's comm-tower. His home before he came onto the Ghost.
She knew Zeb and Hera would soon be making plans to leave. The Rebellion needed their talents desperately elsewhere. The war with the Empire had tipped in their favor with Thrawn's defeat but it was far, far from over.
She understood why they had to leave - and why she was deciding to stay. Ezra had asked her to see this through, not them. Sabine acknowledged the logic behind the decision to split up the remaining Ghost crew.
That didn't stop it from hurting, however. She and Ezra had spent plenty of nights conversing about this very subject; what they would do, should the worst come to pass.
But every plan they had come up with included them sticking together. Never had it occurred to them to plan about what would happen if they were separated.
And now he was gone.
"He's not gone," she said through clenched teeth. "He's not!"
Her shout became another casualty of the wind, snatched away in a heartbeat.
He couldn't be. She would know if he was . . . no, she was sure of it. Ezra was still alive out there, somewhere.
The trail had gone cold just outside the Unknown Regions. Hera had taken the Ghost, with her and Zeb, picking up the trail of debris from Thrawn's fleet halfway across the galaxy.
They could go no further. Neither of them voiced the obvious fact aloud on the trip back to Lothal: that no one who went into the Unknown Regions returned to tell the tale.
Ezra's lost out there. He's a smart boy, she thought. He'll figure it out. There's got to be some Jedi navigation techniques he can use.
Until then, all she could do was wait . . . and watch over Lothal, as she promised.
A memory came to her, rushing through her mind like the evening's breeze.
One stays behind to sing them home.
It was a silly idea, she knew. A child's hope.
But she had promised.
Sabine turned her gaze upwards, looking up at the starry night sky of Lothal. Somewhere, in between those pinpricks of tiny, scattered light, was her best friend.
She imagined his face, letting the image of him fill her mind.
And then . . . Sabine began to sing, fighting against the rising wind on this Lothal evening:
"Loth-rat, loth-cat, loth-wolf run. Pick a path and all is done. Loth-rat, loth-cat, loth-wolf run. The night is falling, and the dark will come. Loth-rat, loth-cat, loth-wolf flee. Follow my voice and run home to me."
Her voice wavered at the last verse. When it was done, she hung her head for a moment, letting the tears fall freely.
Had the wind carried her voice away? Maybe, in her most foolish of hopes, it had carried her song to wherever Ezra was.
That he knew she was there. That someone was trying to bring him home.
Sabine slammed a fist on the railing. "That was so stupid," she whispered. "There's no way he heard that."
It was an idiotic idea that the singing would be heard by Ezra. She wasn't a purrgil.
But Sabine knew, deep down in her heart, that she would try anyway.
I will sing you home, Ezra Bridger. Every night, until you come back to me.
~ epilogue ~
The Lost Boy (11 ABY)
He sat on his haunches, exercising his Jedi patience. Before him, a field of plain, unblemished rocks; the gray skies of the strange world he had crash landed on so many years ago threatened a downpour soon. Ezra scratched idly at his beard, studying the rocks with interest.
Finally, he picked one. With a small smile, he picked up a pebble and chucked it at one of the oddly shaped rocks a few feet away on his right.
It bounced off the rock's exterior - and then the rock leapt into the air, revealing the small, crab-like creature that laid beneath it. Or, rather, was attached to it.
The Noti - as Ezra had come to know them as - used the rocks as defensive camouflage when the nomadic bandits came passing by. Since the planet they were on had so many of them, it became a habit of the bandits to just pass them by without much attention.
The little Noti scrambled in place for a few seconds and then froze at the sight of Ezra.
"Ezra Bridger," it said in a tiny little voice.
"Hello, friend," he replied pleasantly. "The village is looking for you. It's time to make camp."
The Noti, by Ezra's estimation, was still a child. The village elder had approached him earlier that morning, babbling like crazy. He still wasn't fluent with their language, but the gist of it was that they were looking for one of their younglings that had gone wandering off.
"Ezra Bridger," said the young Noti uncertainly.
He shook his head. "No, they're not angry with you. Just worried."
Thunder clapped nearby, the sound roiling over the barren wastes. The Noti immediately disappeared underneath it's rock shell again, afraid.
Ezra sighed, walked over to it, and knocked gently on the shell. "Hey, it's going to start pouring soon. We need to start heading back - "
A gust of wind rose with the incoming storm, and, for a frozen moment of time, he heard something.
A voice, singing. As if from far, far away.
A familiar voice. A familiar song . . .
Ezra went absolutely still, his heart hammering away inside his chest. He strained to listen over the rising gale -
There. There it is.
" . . . follow my voice and run home to me."
And then the voice was gone, carried away by the storm wind.
But he heard it. Oh, yes, he heard it.
Ezra smiled to himself.
"Not bad," he remarked. "You're a better singer than you think, Sabine."
He felt a tug on the hem of his robes. Looking down, he saw the Noti clutching a tiny fistful of the blood-red fabric.
"Ezra Bridger?" it asked.
Ezra knelt down and patted the little creature. "Don't be scared. Stay close to me, okay? We need to go now."
The Noti chirped back an answer in its own native language, sounding cheerful.
"Yeah," Ezra agreed. "It's time to go home."
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nightingale2004 · 1 month
@simsim54 you've just inspired me
OK, Twilight fans, first off for the people who are homophobes, haters, and racists please leave and ignore this post if you don't like it.
Secondly, fans. Like all of you, i love twilight, but I feel like Stephanie Meyer had very poor execution on the story. Bella and Edward LITERALLY had little to no chemistry, and they cringy af, and everything felt rushed, especially if you looked at the timeline of events that was happening from twilight to Breaking dawn.
But one of my old posts got me thinking.
What if Stephanie had made Jacob female, and she was Jacqueline black (I know Jacob's fem name is Julie, but I feel like Jacqueline suits them better)
What if Stephanie Meyer, instead of making a girl with little to no personality and giving awkward introverts a bad name. She made this Bad@$$ Indigenous she-wolf mechanic shape-shifter who was loyal to her tribe, proud of her culture and freaking tough as nails but the most motherly person you'll ever meet and alpha female materials, then paired this woman to our awkward introverted gentleman vampire artist who could read her thoughts and they started out as enemies and then it became a slow burn to lovers.
I personally feel like if this story was written write then this would've made a waaaaayyyyyy better movie and way less cringe.
I will be first to say that sterek ate the child of the sheriff of a small town falling in love with a supernatural hottie. But Bella and Edward were cringe and very funny, and I couldn't take their love story seriously for more than two seconds. Sterek did it better, and even the fanfics ate.
But Edward Cullen, who is a vampire and a part of the Cullen clan, fell in love with Jacqueline Black. Daughter of Billy Black and great-granddaughter of Ephraim Black. A descendant of an alpha and a chief! Who also has issues with her older sisters. She is also part of Quileute tribe.
And their children being hybrids will also be interesting.
I'm serious when I say that this story has potential, and if done correctly, it would have me reading on repeat.
Jacqueline and Edward hate each other at first sight because of who they are, then Jacky imprints on him, tries to hide it, but then sparks a relationship between her and Edward (with Seth's help of course), some of the cullens being extremely supportive of their relationship (apart from Rosalie who took some getting used to but slowly accepting Jacky), Jacqueline's pack finding out and the pack drama happens, Jacky's sisters making an appearance
Plus, the beautiful Romance between these two with the forbidden love. Plus, we can add in a cameo of Bella here and there. But Charlie would definitely be involved, and his relationship with Sue should be slow and not SUE LITERALLY GOING AFTER CHARLIE WHEN HER HUSBAND'S BODY IS NOT EVEN COLD YET!!!!
Seriously dudes, this has SO MUCH POTENTIAL!
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andreafmn · 1 month
Bound | Chapter 8
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Word Count: 3.4K Warnings: queer slurs
Summary: Rosalie always carried the resentment of not being able to fulfill the image of the perfect family she had in her head. But the universe had set out to grant her everything she could’ve hoped for in the most unconventional way and in the form of a witch. Can their love withstand the promise of forever or will Rosalie and (Y/N) succumb to the grapples of time?
A/N: I cannot believe how long I've neglected this story. I am ashamed 🫣😭
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Forks, Washington was everything Rosalie had thought she would hate from a town as a human. It was quiet, secluded, and a place where things seemed to stay stuck in time. There was no novelty or grandeur. A small town, after all. 
The girl didn’t have much interest in the town. Then again, she hadn’t had much interest in any town since she had left Rochester. Sure, Tennessee had gifted her with Emmett, but the town was never what interested her. Once she had left her home, there was nothing that could pique her interest quite like the life she had left behind. 
Still, she didn’t mind a small town anymore. Especially for the being she was now and the opulent grandeur the Cullens seemed to always live in. Surrounded by trees and winding down a lonely road, their new home came into view. Gravel crackled under their cars, announcing their arrival to whatever was out there. 
The house was a beautiful Victorian build, with a wrap-around porch and high ceilings. It was an architectural marvel and the perfect place for the family to hide out in. They were surely not going to encounter any problems. 
However, only a month into living in the new town, they encountered neighbors they had never expected to meet. Much less while they fed on a herd of deer. 
“We’re not alone,” Edward called out, his gaze set deep into the woods. “There’s someone there.”
“Other vampires, perhaps?” Carlisle questioned. “I heard there were a few nomads canvassing the area.” 
“No. Not vampires,” he grimaced. “Something else. Much different.” 
The family rushed cautiously deeper into the forest, Edward taking the lead as he followed the intruders’ thoughts. 
Their smell hit them first—a mixture of wet dog, fresh-turned dirt, and soot. It made them all turn their noses, wishing their halted breath stopped their scent from traveling through their nostrils. 
Then, three massive wolves broke through the woods. Their teeth were bared, and their claws dug into the dirt in preparation for a fight. But their presence wasn’t as intimidating as much as it was surprising. From what Carlisle had told the family, the Volturi had killed all of the Children of the Moon. Yet, right before them stood what appeared to be three of them.  
“We mean you no harm,” Carlisle said as he stepped in front of the family protectively. “My family and I have recently bought a house a few miles off the town of Forks. We didn’t know there were Children of the Moon here.” 
The dark brown wolf that stood in front growled in response, its mouth slobbering with rage. On any other occasion, the vampires would have fought the animals and more than likely come out victorious. But their coven had an advantage that none other did. And it came in the form of a six-two egotistical mind-reading vampire.
 “They say they’re not children of the moon,” Edward recited. “And that our kind is not welcome in their land. No dead walkers have survived them.” 
“I assure you we are like no other vampires you may have encountered before,” Carlisle continued. “We mean no harm to humans, for we do not need of their blood to survive. We exclusively feed off animal blood.” 
“They say they can’t trust you simply off your word. Especially when they don’t even know your name.” 
“My apologies,” the older vampire smiled. “I am Carlisle. The boy translating for us is Edward. This is my wife, Esme, and the newest additions to the family, Rosalie and Emmett.” 
“From left to right, Levi Uley, Ephraim Black, and Quil Ateara II,” Edward said. “They say they are shapeshifters tasked with protecting the land from any and all enemies. Like us.” 
“I assure you, we do not mean to cause you any harm,” the patriarch affirmed. “In fact, I propose we make a treaty. A mutually beneficial agreement that shall extend to all of your descendants for the rest of time. What do you say?”  
The three wolves looked at each other, lost in thought, as they deliberated silently on the vampire’s offer. Given the position they were in, there was only one answer they could give, and it was the one they had all been expecting. 
“They agree that given our claimed diet, a treaty is the best decision,” Edward said. “They want to meet three miles west of this location at midnight over a bonfire to discuss the terms of the agreement.” 
“I don’t see why not,” Carlisle agreed. “We shall see you then.”    
The wolves waited until the family was a safe distance away before turning back to where they had come from. The vampires found their very existence befuddling. They looked exactly like the werewolves that had once been—men who turned into wolves and looked at vampires as their natural enemies. Yet, these ones could shift in the light of the morning. They seemed in control of their actions, and they ran in a pack. More than that, they had faced them, and they were still alive. Children of the Moon, they definitely were not. 
The Cullens headed back to their home to await nightfall, still unsure of who exactly they had just encountered but certain they’d end up with a good enough deal in their new town. 
“That was awfully easy, wasn’t it?” Esme said as they settled around their living room. “I thought we were sure to get a bigger fight.” 
 “Those mutts knew they were outnumbered and outpowered,” Edward chuckled as he slumped into the couch. “They would never put up a fight with us.” 
“Do you actively wake up in the morning and decide you’re gonna be a giant prick?” Rosalie scoffed. “Or is that just an awful character flaw you were born with?” 
She couldn’t help the smirk that stretched across her mouth as Emmett snickered beside her, a sense of accomplishment surging deep within her. 
Emmett had quickly become the blonde’s closest friend and confidante. While she helped him with his dietary struggles, he kept her company. And for the first time in the couple of years of her turning, she didn’t feel alone. 
He’d kept her secret as he had promised. He said every time he felt the thought sprouting in his head and Edward was around, he would scream as loudly as he could in his mind. And he’d known it worked when the older vampire flinched for no reason at all. It had become a sort of challenge to the boy. He had gravitated from screaming to picking a jingle or a phrase a day that he would repeat over and over until Edward either left them or tuned him out. And he had done it all for the friendship he had built with Rosalie. 
“What? You’re gonna defend them?” Edward countered with disgust. “As if you hadn’t thought the same thing. As a matter of fact, we all did. So, don’t go around thinking you’re better than me.”  
“At least none of us said it out loud, Eddie-boy,”  Emmettt interjected.  “That’s the difference here. Don’t get angry because other people have some shred of dignity.”  
“Oh, please, you’re only saying that because you always take Rosalie’s side,” the boy grumbled. “If it weren’t for her, you would be saying the same thing.” 
“Is that right?” the bigger vampire challenged. “You think you know me, Edward? Do you really think you know a single thing about me?”
“I know enough. There’s only so much you can hide from a mind reader, Emmett.” 
“You’d be surprised,” he smirked. “Just because you can read my mind doesn’t mean you’re getting anything of substance.”
“Well, I normally do when my subject’s lights are on upstairs,” Edward jabbed. “But I can’t ask a lot from a guy who thought they had a chance at winning against a bear.” 
“Maybe not then, but I’ve taken one on now,” Emmet spat, standing in front of Edward and towering over the boy as he stood. “And I can most definitely take you on as well if you want to question what’s going on in my head. And we both know who is going to win between us.” 
“Alright, boys, that’s enough,” Esme interrupted, ever the mother she was. “It does us no good to fight within the family.”  
“No, I think it’s healthy to air out our grievances from time to time,” Emmett continued, his eyes trained firmly on Edward’s. “Sometimes people need to be knocked down a peg or two. Works wonders for the ego.”
“I don’t know why you’re being so protective over Rosalie,” Edward said, suddenly snapping his eyes toward the girl. “You shouldn’t be so protective of this fairy lady.”
If Rosalie had been able to breathe, she was sure those words would have knocked the wind out of her lungs. How could he have known? She’d guarded her thoughts well, and she knew Emmett had as well. “What did you just call me?” 
“Come on, Rosalie. Let’s not play games here,” he smirked. “We both know what I’m talking about.”
“That’s enough, Edward,” Carlisle tried to interject, but the boy continued. 
“If you wanted to hide your true self so much, maybe you shouldn’t leave your journal where anyone can see it,” he said. “It doesn’t take a genius to know that you’re a dyke.”
The sound of a slap echoed through the room as Rosalie’s hand smacked Edward’s cheek, the suddenness enough to have him stumbling back. He stared at her in shock, surprised at her break in composure. 
“Take a walk, Edward!” Esme finally exclaimed. “You’ve gone far enough.”
But the girl didn’t stay long enough to see if he would stay or leave. She sped out the front doors and didn’t stop until she felt she was far enough away. 
Anger bubbled deep in her chest, and she had no other method of release than violence. She pounded her fists into a tree, over and over and over until she had almost made it through the other side. She punched through her sadness, punched through her ire, punched through her fear. She punched until the tree could not hold itself upright anymore, tumbling to the ground with a deafening thud. 
She had been so careful. Handpicked every single thought she had, kept her distance, and hid her personal things. And yet, Edward had been able to figure out her secret because of one careless day. One measly careless second, and he’d been able to see the one thing she kept closest to her heart. 
“Do you mind if I sit with you?” she heard Carlisle ask from behind her. 
She had sat on the tree she had broken, listening to the quiet of the forest before he arrived. It made her feel… well, alone. “Sure,” she sighed, brushing away the dirt that had stained her knuckles. “Can’t really stop you.”
“I wouldn’t if you didn’t want me to,” he said with a smile. They sat in silence for a moment as he tried to find the right words. “I’m sorry about Edward. He’s a good kid most times. Just… emotionally challenged.” 
“Nice way to say he’s an asshole,” she scoffed. “I’m guessing you’re here to say I should start looking for a new coven.”
“Why would you think that?” 
“Come on, Carlisle. I’m surely not what you expected me to be when you turned me,” she said, her eyes trained on her feet, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. “I’m definitely not someone that aligns with your moral values.” 
Carlisle could only chuckle softly at the girl and her misconceptions. She’d been with the family for three years, and yet, she barely knew them at all. “When I was still a human, I used to judge everyone I met,” he said. “I was raised by a pastor, and I became a vampire hunter. Although, at the time, I didn’t know I was passing judgment. All I had known was that different meant bad, even when I strived to be better than my father. “But life quickly showed me that nothing is simply black and white,” he explained. “I’ve lived too long now to keep those misconstrued thoughts alive in my head and my heart. I mean, I became what I was raised to hate most in my life. And I learned that just because you’re different, it doesn’t mean you are bad.”
“This is different from being a vampire, Carlisle. Even your bible says people like me are sinners and vile,” she said, her voice trembling under the weight of her words. “I am condemned and doomed just for who I love.”
“How is it any different? Well, I guess you weren’t born a vampire,” he chuckled softly. “But, it is still something you cannot change about yourself. In my eyes, loving someone could never be a sin. Even the good book says so. You’re not damned, Rosalie, and you certainly are not doomed.”
The last thing she had expected was Carlisle to be one of the most accepting people she could have met, other than Emmett, of course. She knew of his religious path and the beliefs he still held close to his heart. Those had her fearing the repercussions of him knowing her true self. Her sexuality was the only thing she could keep for herself. Guard it close to her heart so no one could use it against her—not that it had worked with Edward. She had gone two decades of her life hidden in the shadows, trusting only two people with her secret, but it had all been for naught. The people who truly cared for her wouldn’t mind who she loved as long as she was happy. 
“I promise I will reprimand Edward for the words he said and for infringing on your privacy,” Carlisle smiled. “And I give you my word that he will never, ever use that hateful rhetoric in our house ever again.” 
“Thank you, Carlisle,” Rosalie beamed. “You can’t know how much this means to me. Truly.” 
“We’re on your side,” he said. “Whether you feel it or not, Rosalie, you are part of this family. And we’ll stand beside you through it all.”
The girl couldn’t help but wrap her arms around the man. All words escaped her as she tried to pick the right ones, but a hug seemed like the right response. Carlisle had brought her into this new world out of pity, but he’d gently guided her to people who loved her unconditionally—except for the one exception. Even if she detested the life she had to live as a vampire, she was grateful to have at least that. 
“Well, we should head back and get things sorted before tonight,” Carlisle said. “We need to go into this as a united front. Or at least appear like we are.”
“As long as Edward stays as far away from me as possible, I don’t see why we won’t.”
“You won’t have to worry about that,” he assured. “And just so you know, Esme gave him quite the talking to before I left. I bet we could catch the end of it if we hurry back.”
Rosalie reciprocated Carlisle’s playful grin before they took off in a sprint back to the house. Lo and behold, Esme was still yelling at Edward when they arrived, his face solemn like that of an ashamed child. Meanwhile, Emmett stood not too far back, snickering to himself and, more likely than not, giving the mind reader hell inside his head. 
It took everything in the girl not to boast as she walked past him, her head held high and a grin adorning her pink lips. He wouldn’t meet her gaze, his eyes trained on the tips of his fingers. She rather preferred it that way. Edward had no right to look her in the eyes, and she was glad he finally knew his place. 
For the first time in the three years she had been with the Cullens, she had finally felt part of the family. She hadn’t expected them all to rally behind her against Edward, but her heart warmed as they did. They had all seen past her cold exterior and inhuman beauty. They had seen her soul and learned her worth. They cared for her, and they weren’t ashamed to show it. 
At that moment, she wondered what would have happened if Vera had also become a vampire. They could have both joined the Cullen family and finally have the life they had dreamed of—at least the mirage of it. They would have been able to love each other and live freely amongst the immortals, sure that they’d be loved and protected. She thought they’d have love stories written about them, poets and singers would cry at the mention of their love. They would’ve had eternity and a day to bask in the warmth of the other, and no matter what anyone thought, they could simply be. 
But then, there’s a reason why dreams only appear when we’re asleep. At some point, they end, and you wake up. 
There would never be a perfect ending for them whether they lived for eternity or just a day more. Their love was meant to end at one moment or another. There had been a semicolon placed on the story the moment Vera got married and had Henry. And a period ended their sentence the second blood stopped rushing through Rosalie’s veins. 
Vera had always been a dream for Rosalie, and turning into a vampire simply woke her up.
Hours passed, and finally, the moon had reached its highest point in the sky. The clock on the living room wall confirmed that midnight had arrived, and it was time to face the wolves once more. In the distance, a string of smoke signaled their destination, and they rushed toward it. 
The smell of fire filtered through their noses soon enough, mixing with the scent of the wolves and the forest. The wind murmured a quiet warning to everyone and everything around; what was about to occur that night was nothing short of history in the making. 
When the Cullens arrived, three men wearing wooden wolf helmets were waiting for them. Behind them, a large bonfire crackled and danced, filling the darkness with a bright and warm hue. It would have been a beautiful sight to behold had it not been for the menacing stares the three men were gifting the vampires. 
“I take it you’re Ephraim Black,” Carlisle said, breaking the silence and extending a courteous hand toward the other man. “As I said before, my name is Carlisle Cullen, and this is my family…” 
“We can skip the niceties, cold one,” Ephraim interrupted. “We are here to settle business and go our own ways.” 
“Alright, if that is what you choose,” the vampire smiled. “Shall we begin then?” 
That night, a treaty was formed between two unlikely kinds. Between maps and discussions, an agreement over land and behavior was reached, pertinent to their current lives. Mutual discreteness over their supernatural status, explicit boundaries in regions of the town, and, most importantly, no harm could ever come to a human, whether by hunting or transforming them into a vampire. If any of these terms were broken, it would mean the start of a war between the Quileute tribe shapeshifters and the Cullens. And a war would mean an inevitable end to one of the races. 
Rosalie understood the need for a treaty. Being at odds with someone so close by could only lead to pain and discomfort, and she already knew what it was like to live with that. 
But seeing the shifters’ ability to put everything aside for the common greater good—regardless of whether or not they had felt outnumbered—gave her the best solution to her Edward-shaped dilemma. After that night, he would never treat her like he had, and she’d behave amicably toward the boy, pretending he was nothing more than a thorn in her side—a tiresome nuisance, if you will.
At the end of the day, it was only eternity. 
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disneytva · 10 months
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Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur Serves Season 2 Premiere Date And Teaser Trailer.
Ever since ending on one intense cliffhanger this past May, fans of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur have been wondering when they'll get the chance to see more of Lunella Lafayette and Devil Lafayette.
Super Nova beacuse Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur will premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD on February 2, 2024 at 8:00PM EST, before hitting Disney+ the next day.
Season 2 guest stars will include David Tennant ("DuckTales" franchise), Cynthia Erivo ("RoboGobo", Universal Pictures Wicked), Andy Garcia (Elena Of Avalor), Edward James Olmos (Blade Runner 2049), Robin Thede (20th Television Animation "Central Park"), Jonathan Banks (Pixar Animation Studios "The Incredibles 2"), SungWon Cho (Iron Circus Animation "Lackadaisy"), Giancarlo Esposito (LucasFilm "Star Wars: The Mandalorian"), Arsenio Hall (Warner Bros "Black Dynamite"), Ann Harada ("In To The Woods"), Jackée Harry ("Sister, Sister"), Manny Jacinto ("Hailey's On It"), Carol Kane ("Dog Day Afternoon"), Xolo Maridueña (DC Studios "Blue Beetle", "Primos"), Alex Newell ("Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist"), Parker Posey ("Mr. & Mrs. Smith"), Ephraim Sykes ("Hamilton"), and Peter Weller (DC Legacy "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns")
Aadditionaly a special Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur - Theme Song Takeover starring Devil Lafayette will drop on January, 2024.
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neospacegov · 3 months
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(Redraw of the album cover for Haunted by Poe)
[ID: digital painting of the artist’s characters, Ephraim and the twins Libel and Slander. They are separated into sections. Ephraim is an Asian woman with tan skin and shaggy, dark hair. She wears red-framed square glasses and a black stud earring. She looks up in fear and awe toward a floating orb, bedazzled with the word “Mom.” Many hands reach for her face. One set of hands has nails studded with rhinestones. They are too light to be Ephraim’s. The other set are the small and pale hands of the twin girls.
In the bottom third of the piece is the faces of the twins. They are repeating images of each other. Both are pale with short, dark hair framing their faces. Slander’s hair is slightly longer, shading one eye with the rest pulled back by hair clips and a small ponytail. The same hands that reach for Ephraim grasp at the twins. Libel smiles and Slander frowns. /END ID]
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cyclic-laughter · 4 months
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bloodborne oc i've been obsessed with lately -- ephraim , tamer of beasts. more info on him below the cut !!!
[ tried to do an actual image description for these, suggestions would be appreciated , just be courteous =) ]
he's a vileblood of pthumerian descent, orphaned at a young age as his parents were captured by the church and dishonorably killed as per their bigoted agenda—in his later years, he was adopted by queen annalise & her king to be part of her personal knightly entourage, and to defend her in the event of mishaps that happened within cainhurst castle within this same entourage he met one of his closest friends, a man by the name of deirdre—he was not naturally a vileblood, and instead, came from yharnam and swore oath to the cainhurst vilebloods, later being adopted into this personal entourage that ephraim met him in however, being that he was closer to that of yharnam than the vilebloods, deirdre's ability to withstand the old blood was futile compared to the vilebloods (i have a little headcanon that because of the vileblood's blood potency they have a higher tolerance to beasthood than yharnamites do) and, of course, deirdre gave into the call of beasthood, transforming into an unsightly, leucistic beast of bird/canine-like complexion
naturally, the knights of cainhurst believed the only way to save him was to euthanize him. he'd lost his conscience and sanity, had he not? what more would there be to do with him? but ephraim sought differently ephraim used his status and power to prevent the other cainhurst knights from slaughtering him in the belief that he could at least try to return conscienceness to deirdre's beastly form—which, ended up being successful, using bribes of ephraims own potent blood. inevitably, the executioners of the church arrived and the massive vileblood massacre happened. bloodlickers showed up to feed on the corpses and the vilebloods swiftly died out in number just over the course of a few days—however, before the collapse of the bridge from cainhurst to hemwick charnel lane, ephraim and deirdre were able to successfully escape the executioners with their lives, later ending up in yharnam
ephraim is now recognized as the tamer of beasts by the little hunters who recognize his name, especially being identifiable by his albino complexion and the gigantic beast he rides on horseback where-ever necessary
ephraim has corruption rune patterns all around his uniform ! the ribbon around his waist, on his arm guards, and on the guards covering his eyes. theyre a symbol of his faith to cainhurst despite his circumstance.
the white feathered fluff upon his cape is fur he cut off of deirdre to sharpen him up.
his cape is one sided and stays to his left, just like the sets that vileblood descendants and knights wear in the canon (cainhurst set, knights set, maria set)
the flames that burn on some parts of his clothes are representations of his 'flame of ambition' if you would, how he is incredibly durable and persistant, the same qualities that allowed him to save deirdre's life
being a pthumerian, ephraim's eyes are pitch black, and so is the inside of his mouth. his cheek bones are incredibly defined and some parts of his skin are darker than the others, like his cheeks and lips
he wears some laced accessories because that was another large part of cainhurst fashion
the spurs on his boots are to kick deirdre to make him go faster — basically they serve the same function that spurs do with horses, except his are a lot sharper because they gotta get through deirdre's thick fur
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The Cullens wander onto Quileute territory. No intention of harming anyone. Not looking to stick around. Just looking for nutrition. They come across Ephraim and his pack. A treaty with mutual benefits is agreed upon. The Cullens then live miles away and have no further known interaction with the pack or any of the QuiIeutes. They then leave for 60 years and come back after getting fucking permission to do so!
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emblemxeno · 1 month
Fire Emblem Heroes-CYL Bonus Quotes + My Ideas for the Ones Who Don't Have Them
Choose Your Legends Winners have bonus quotes when they are on a team you enter a map with and playing with English voices (only the English voices have these quotes actually)! These are popular or funny quotes from their home games or other appearances, like Smash Bros.
"The future is *not* written."-Lucina's victory quote in Smash Bros.
"Roy's our boy!"-Roy's crowd chant in Smash Bros.
"I'll be your peerless warrior!"-Lyn's promising words to Mark at the end of FE7 prologue
"You... like Ike?"-Ike's crowd chant in Smash Bros.
"Take me with you!"-Veronica... I think she says this once to Bruno, but I can't find where specificailly
"Together, we will always stay."-Ephraim's A Support with Eirika
"Nothing will ever come between us."-Celica to Alm as kids during Echoes' opening movie
"I just gotta be me, y'know?"-Hector's A Support with Lyn
"Let's go rescue my brother!"-Eirika to her troops at the end of FE8 chapter 6
"Caeda, what's wrong!?"-Marth to Caeda in FE1 chapter 1
"Please forgive me, Goddess..."-A constant sentiment of Marianne's character, and said verbatim once she slays her first enemy in FE16 chapter 2
"There was something to report, wasn't there?"-A staple of Gatekeeper's dialogue, said verbatim in FE16 chapter 5
"I am *no* chatterbox."-Reference to Hapi's nickname for Byleth
"There is more than one truth."-What Sigurd's ghost says to Seliph, after Seliph lands the finishing blow on Arvis and waits next to the beach in FE4 chapter 10
"My... autograph?"-Tiki's C Support with Anna
"You are yourself."-Chrom's consoling words to Robin in FE13 chapter 13
"Now... what was so damned important?"-F!Robin's B Support with Chrom
"You must be joking."-Felix during his Goddess Tower event in FE16 chapter 9
"One day... I'll be left alone."-A reference to the correct response to one of her advice box questions during FE16's war phase (this one I'm not 100% on, if anyone has corrections let me know in the replies)
"I'm going to kill you, too."-Alfonse to Letizia during Book 6, Chapter 5, Part 5: I Killed Him
However, the winners of CYL3 (2019), CYL4 (2020), and CYL7 (2023) don't have these bonus quotes. The reasons, if the directors or higher ups of the localization team forgot or they weren't too high priority for the time, are unknown. So I thought I'd take a stab at what I think they'd be for those winners.
"I'll have their heads on a platter!"-Camilla at the of FE14 chapter 3
"I'm proud I took your hand."-Eliwood's A support with Hector
"I have finally found my purpose."-Micaiah at the end of FE10 chapter 3-F
"This isn't where things end for us!"-Alm to Celica before returning to face Duma together in Echoes Act 5
"You think I'm special?"-Lysithea's A support with Claude
"We'll scale the walls between us!"-Claude during Verdant Wind's final cutscene
"Take your first step!"-Edelgard to the Black Eagles after escaping the Holy Tomb
"I am finally home again..."-Dimitri at the end of Azure Moon chapter 18
"Remember where you came from."-Mikoto to Corrin at the end of FE14 Revelation chapter 24
"My only wish was to see you again."-Soren to Ike in their base conversation in FE10 Endgame 5
"A gift of revelation..."-Seiðr to the Summoner, Book 7, Chapter 5, Part 1: Goddess's Descent
"Get eaten by a bear. I don't give a damn."-M!Robin's B support with Aversa
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spectre-week · 5 months
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Spectre Six: Ezra Bridger, AKA Jabba the Hutt, the Emperor's nephew, Lando Calrissian, Commander Brom Titus, Dev Morgan
Ezra Bridger was born in 19 BBY, on the day of the inception of the Galactic Empire, and grew up on the planet Lothal. Hoping to make the galaxy a better place for him, his parents, Mira and Ephraim Bridger, set up public broadcasting transmissions to speak out against the Empire's harsh rule. His parents were found and taken away by the Empire, leaving Ezra to live largely on his own for the next eight years and find work as a con artist and thief, stealing technology and reselling it on the black market, while unknowingly using the Force to occasionally get himself out of tough situations. Eventually, he would come to live in the abandoned LothalNet comm tower E-272, where he would keep a collection of stormtrooper helmets. Bridger would later be apprenticed to a Xexto named Ferpil Wallaway, who was the owner of a pawn shop in Lothal as well as a skilled pickpocket who had various underworld connections. Bridger would also befriend Moreena Krai, a girl of the same age as him, who knew of his under-handed skills. - Wookiepedia
Prior to Star Wars Rebels, some of the tales you could tell about this spectre are from these eras:
Bridger Family Era (Up to age 7)
Bridger Family Breakup Era
Loth-rat (Life on the Streets) Era (Ages 7-14)
Living in the Comm Tower Era
At the end of these eras, Ezra is 14 years old. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
Need more suggestions? Have a question? Just Ask!
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todaysdocument · 10 months
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CCC; "Ephraim Counser at Mt. Morris Camp"; N.Y
Collection FDR-PHOCO: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Public Domain PhotographsSeries: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Public Domain Photographs
A black and white photograph of an older man in the uniform of the Civilian Conservation Corps, a jacket over a shirt and tie and a side cap.  He is looking directly at the camera and holds an ax or hatchet over his shoulder.
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copperbadge · 11 months
Apologies if you have answered this before, but I can't seem to find it — how old are all the Ramblers?
Also, I won't bother you about detailed descriptions because I know you don't usually picture them, but about how tall is Georgie, and what color is her hair? The style is described as "short and ruffled" in a previous book, but that's all I could find.
The age thing is one of the biggest notes I have for the rewrite of the book, actually, because so many people have asked, but I wouldn't expect you to be able to find it in the mess that my comments currently are. :D
At the start of Royals/Ramblers, Eddie is 32, Monday is 28, the twins are 25, and Ephraim is 19. I know there have been concerns about Ephraim and Noah's friendship; Noah is sixteen by the start of Royals/Ramblers, and I may age him up to seventeen since his birthday is never established and it's plausible he would be. Between Noah having grown up fast and Ephraim being slightly sheltered, they're essentially on par with one another maturity-wise. It's not a huge deal since I don't currently intend a romance for them and if I did it would be years down the line -- right now their established relationship is basically queerplatonic soulmates -- but I can understand peoples' concern at someone I describe as a man (through Noah's eyes) inviting Noah to a sleepover.
I also need to include a description of Georgie, that's another note I have. Georgie and Monday are both rather tall women, I think Georgie is just shy of six feet, but I'm currently going through LATT to make sure I didn't give a height for her there anywhere and I need to check which one of them I said was taller in the Boardwalk chapter. She has deep olive skin and dark eyes, thick but short black hair, and gives off pretty butch vibes, although she dresses in rather loose flowy clothing a lot of the time simply because it's easiest to fight in if she has to (think early X-Files Dana Scully). It's one reason Monday laughed at "Barbie's dream jeep", because she expected Georgie to drive a sports car or a pickup truck. She definitely has a collection of Doc Martens and Chucks for every occasion. :D
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