#it's mothers day not christmas why are you all freaking insane
allthedyingbirds · 1 year
i love working during holidays
0 notes
nuttyhatter · 3 months
The one where Sutekh is a good boy...
Ok, look, this makes abso-fucking-lutely no sense. Like, at all. But still, I'm writing it.
I don't know what/who Sutekh was in previous Doctor Who seasons, but going by what I just saw (and I already watched Empire of Death), I want Sutekh to be Doctor's multiversal dog.
I don't know why, but that's what my mind chose to stay with.
I think about Sutekh traveling on the TARDIS and watching the whole universe and time with the Doctor and meeting, if only as an espectator, all those who traveled with the Doctor.
Warning: Liberal use of curse words.
Imagine Sutekh watching the Doctor risk their own life time and time again to save other people.
Imagine how he could have reacted to the Doctor meeting Ruby, someone who was so ordinary, yet along with her mother had touched so many people's lives. Imagine Sutekh watching them risking it all to get to the goblings and save a baby they met maybe an hour ago, only to end up singing in front of the gobling king.
And then the Doctor freaking out and going to save Ruby.
And then this dog-looking entity finds the mistery of Ruby and starts to get curious about a person, someone who is alive and is not the Doctor.
And Ruby stars traveling with the Doctor (and with him) on TARDIS, and one day, they get to the babies.
And Sutekh never saw much sense in life when everything in the end would be the same, but then he watched the Doctor and Ruby meet all this babies who shouldn't be babies anymore, who shouldn't be living there, pretty much by themselves, terrified of some strange being who lives in the lower part of the ship. Babies who were deemed mistakes, who were supposed to be abandoned, whose lives should ended years ago, who shouldn't even had come into existence.
And the Doctor and Ruby again do their best to save them because even if every other person decided that those kids weren't important, weren't good enough, weren't worth it, they both cared.
And you know what? That weird baby monster (whose origin Sutekh decided to pointedly ignore) with the power to inflict fear even in the Doctor by growling at the right frequence was kind of interesting... I mean, it wouldn't live forever, and Sutekh would make sure of that, but maybe, just maybe a little more time to see what thosee spacial-babies got up to...
Sutekh didn't appreciate Master showing up and causing a ruckus by stealing all music. He didn't get why the Doctor and Ruby cared so much either. It was just music, some noise all put together in some semblance of order and repeated time and time again.
He wasn't expecting the fucking End of Times because there was no music and humans decided to collectively fuck shit up-
And how was it that he still couldn't bring his Empire into existence with this crazy assholes at the proverbial wheel of this world? You take away music and they destroy the planet? Give the world back to the dinosaurs, that's what he says! (But not the cats, NEVER the cats, they already have too much of an ego for his liking...)
Anyways, that's when they go back and try to re-insert music in the world. Ruby plays the piano. She is... not bad.
He was actually not-hating it (he wasn't liking it, he doesn't do "like") when Master decides to show up and interrupt by trying to still the music from Ruby.
Things get really insane from there (but what else is new?) and Master is about to kill Ruby (which doesn't bother him at all, of course) when a Christmas carol starts coming out of that too strange but somehow still perfectly, reasonably ordinary girl. What...?
John Lennon and Paul McCarthy found the chord that expelled Master from this plain of existence. That doesn't surprise Sutekh at all, they were geniuses after all... Not that he knew anything about the Beat- that band he knew nothing at all about.
The Doctor stepped on a mine. The Doctor. Stepped. On a fucking MINE!
Centuries, maybe eons across the galaxy and the time lord goes into a war zone without looking and steps on a mine. Of course they do. Go throw your life away after battling the literal embodiment of death! See who cares!
The tube was a corpse. He didn't know how. He didn't want to know either.
There was a girl then, and even Sutekh knew that a girl of that age in that place was every kind of wrong. That soldier who came looking for her was exasperating. Couldn't she see that they were a bit busy right now trying not to explode?
Right, the Doctor is a time lord, he would make some interesting fireworks all over the planet... And the TARDIS. The TARDIS he was currently on. Shit.
Alright, the soldier had an idea that perhaps may work and- Where the fuck did that came from?! Who did this?! WHO-?!
Ruby was dying and that idiotic ambulance wouldn't do shit to help and the Doctor was still on the mine and WHY was that girl still here?!
The mine would activate eventually regardless of what the Doctor did and those two soldiers could not hack the system to make it help Ruby or the Doctor and the girl was talking with an hologram of his late father and watching photos and everything was wrong. Wrong, wrong. WRONG!
Ruby was still on the floor and didn't seem to be breathing and the Doctor was talking and... what did he mean? He didn't understand? The system? The ambulances? The war and the-?
This "soldiers" had been going to die at the hands of stupid robots thinking that they were at war with some kind of hostile alien race that probably was not even real and they were getting hi-Ruby and the Doctor killed!
And they had the gal to doubt the Doctor when he was basically spelling it out to them!
And did that guy really just confess his love to the other soldier? Now? Really?!
The hologram was the actual father of the girl yet. Sort of. Somehow. Somewhere. Sutekh didn't know. He didn't know either how the Doctor managed to convince it (him? Who cares!) to hack the system to help them, but they managed and-
The ambulances were attacking them. Great. Why not?
And the Doctor was still standing on the mine. Sure, whatever. Then-
Go, you weird hologram who definitely shouldn't be so sentient and have so much capacity for decision-making!!!!!
He released a great sigh when they left that planet (finally!). Ruby was alive, the Doctor hadn't exploded and Sutekh was on his spot over the TARDIS.
See? This was a clear show of the reasons life was simply ridiculous and way too chaotic.
Death was the final answer... Or not so final if the hologram of the girl's dad was anything to go by. Sutekh had never cared too much about what the living thought happened with them after death, he already knew... or thought he knew...
Nop. Not today. There had been more than enough stress already.
Sutekh then decided to rest. He got himself comfortable over the TARDIS and laid his head over his crossed paws, slowly falling asleep.
He suddenly opened his eyes, unable to decide if he should hit his own head repeatedly against TARDIS' roof or simply throw himself into the void and disappear along with his own sheer stupidity.
The woman in the ambulance. The ambulance. It was his, one of the multiple copies he made to plant across the universe. It was all him. His fault. He nearly killed Ruby and the Doctor. He...
Doesn't care. That's pretty much what he's trying to do, anyways. So what?
He settled back to rest and tried to sleep. It wasn't as comfortable as before.
Every person in this planet is so annoying, Sutekh cannot even begin to describe it. They were being eaten by slugs. Fucking. Slugs.
And those things ate over half the population before these idiots realised.
No, allow him to correct himself: Those things had had a feast with over half the population by the time Ruby and the Doctor stumbled across this planet and decided to try and save this stupid, ungrateful shits.
The girl couldn't walk. Sutekh gave up. This was more than what he was able to tolerate. It was just too much.
Then that boy appeared and wasn't a complete dumbass. So maybe Ruby and the Doctor's efforts weren't completely wasted... Not that it was worth anything, anyways. Everyone dies in the end.
The dots were behind the attack of the slugs. Honestly, couldn't they swith sides and help the dots instead? They were nice and easy to carry and could play music. How many of the fuckers in this planet could do that, huh?
He felt it, the moment the other boy's heart stopped beating. Then the girl met with Ruby and the Doctor by the river and said something about him going back to save others.
Sutekh didn't want her on TARDIS. She wasn't worth it, she wasn't worthy and she... she could be dangerous for Ruby and for the Doctor. He needed to do something before-
Those people were speaking, saying something in response to the Doctor's (too generous) offer to come with him and-
Go and keep your stupid planet, and stupid forest and slugs. Without WIFI. Do you know where you can find WIFI? In TARDIS, that's where!
Sutekh's mood was definitely awful by the time he heard the screaming Doctor.
He didn't get it. Why did they care so much? This people didn't deserve their care.
But nevertheless, the Doctor yelled himself hoarse and cried in despair.
Ruby hugged him.
Sutekh felt a very uncomfortable knot in his chest.
They were visiting the past-Earth so Ruby and the Doctor could have their "Bridgerton experience". That didn't mean much to Sutekh since all knowing and ever present entities didn't care about such trivialities as human entertainment.
(Also, Penelophe deserved better.)
The Doctor met some random guy who invited him to go outside... And wasn't that a bit foward for this time?
There was a space ship. Random-guy was a bounty hunter and thought that the Doctor was from some shape-shifting alien race that killed people and took their places in a twisted play that had no point in Sutekh's opinion.
Also, the guy called himself Rogue. Took the name from DND. Huh...
Doctor, you don't keep flirting with the dude who is threatening to kill you, that's not how it work!
Why did it work?!
And why is he on TARDIS? He is not Ruby, he is not the Doctor either. He is not an anomaly, he is not interesting. Why is he on TARDIS?
Why would the Doctor want this guy to come with them? He's another of the thousands of bounty hunters that roam the Universe with the sole purpose of earning money. And ok, that wasn't bad, per se. But it wasn't funny either... Not that he'd been having fun watching the Doctor and Ruby.
Oh, right, the shifter was still on the party with all those people... AND RUBY.
Fuck! Doctor, what are you waiting for?! That girl can be a real trouble magnet!
With some luck, she is still with that other boring girl.
The Doctor and Rogue were dancing and making a scandal of themselves, trying to attract the shifter. The Doctor also looked very... content, not like they did with Ruby but...
Maybe there was something to this Rogue- guy after all, if he could make the Doctor so happy with only a short dance.
He seems a bit rusty in the acting department though, the Doctor was carrying the whole show over his own shoulders and-
Wait, is Rogue kneeling? He is! He did! And he has a ring too!! And-
*cough cough*
Not that Sutekh cared. He doesn't give a damn about some fake marriage proposal of some fake gay couple.
Nevertheless, he is willing to allow Rogue on TARDIS after such and improvisation. He is gracious like that.
There were more shifters. And they liked the Doctor, they wanted to replace him too (as if they ever could...)
The shifters got to Ruby. They got to his the girl.
Now the shifters were celebrating a fake wedding with fake-Ruby as the bride.
The Doctor and Rogue got the shifters trapped into the portal and were about to send them away when fake-Ruby started a last ditch attempt to save herself by saying she was the real Ruby, but that couldn't be, for the mannerisms and even the scent of fake-Ruby was like that of the shifters Sutekh had encountered throughout his life.
Then the shifter that attacked Ruby appeared. Fake-Ruby was no fake and she was now trapped in the portal with the other shifters. She'd be sent to a desolate nightmare dimension with those creatures and she'd be on her own, if the Doctor didn't do something, anything. But there was nothing to do now, or the shifters would escape and break havoc.
Ruby was crying, all the while reassuring the Doctor, saying that it was ok.
It fucking wasn't.
Rogue asked the Doctor if they could give up a friend for the world. The Doctor said they couldn't and Sutekh... Sutekh thought he might understand.
Then Rogue kissed the Doctor. He took the detonator from their hand. The Doctor was crying and Rogue looked so fucking sorry.
Was he going to sacrifice Ruby? If he dared to...
Rogue jumped toward Ruby and pushed her out of the still inactive portal.
He threw the flowers at the Doctor.
'Find me'. That was all the bounty hunter said before activating the portal and falling with the shifters into some remote part of the Universe.
The Doctor kept trying to act as if everything was fine. As if they were fine. They weren't and they had no reason to.
Sutekh had been bringing death to this Universe since the Beginning and he knew loss, if only by watching it in others. People needed to mourn. This wasn't right.
But Ruby was there and she cut straight through the Doctor's bullshit.
They hugged and cried.
Sutekh, at the end, didn't dislike the bounty hunter. And Rogue had saved Ruby. He did it for the Doctor, didn't he? At least, that was all Sutekh could assume.
Why though? Why give it all for the happiness of someone you just met?
Perhaps Rogue was an anomaly too, after all.
An anomaly that was lost in some knot of the immense tapestry that were time and space. Imposble to track.
At least, impossible when you are not a death-deity with the ability to sense every living being in the Universe.
As things were, Sutekh was and could. So, he'd guide TARDIS. A little deviation from its intended course to the place were he had tracked the bounty hunter.
Then, Sutekh would add him to his collection of Oddities.
(And if it made a certain Doctor happy, so what?)
The hardest part was convincing TARDIS of cooperating with him instead of the Doctor for once. But she complied once he told her about his plan.
The TARDIS was stuck in a death-world while Ruby and the Doctor went out to find some piece of metal to fix the (very much not at all broken) TARDIS.
They were attacked by one of the shifters, but the creature was swiftly dealt with. It was also easily recognised.
The search for metal quickly changed to a search for Rogue.
They found him hiding away, dirty and hungry, in quite the deplorable state. But, and this Sutekh knew, Rogue was very much alive. The man was strong and had a good survival instincts.
Rogue was disbelieving, half convinced the Doctor and Ruby were the shifters. The Doctor reasoned that the only way for the shifter to replace them was by killing them. For that they had to be there and if they were there, there was no way the shifters got close enough to attack them and succeed. A bit of a twisted logic, if you ask Sutekh, but Rogue seemed to take it. The man was exhausted and probably desparate, so...
In their way back to TARDIS, they found the rest of the shifters.
On the upside, Rogue was sure now that Ruby and the Doctor were real. On the downside, angry and violent shifters.
But Ruby, the little marvel, had put on her earrings.
Sutekh had never seen such a graceful and impecable display of violence. He may take a look into MMA tournaments some time in the future... For research purposes, of course. He couldn't care less about these mortal petty activities.
They reached TARDIS, with a couple of the remaining shifter on their tail.
That's when they realised they had forgotten to look for a piece of metal.
It didn't matter, TARDIS wasn't broken. The Doctor surely would make another attempt at restarting TARDIS and she would function just fine. Except that she didn't.
Sutekh questioned her about it. He suppressed the urge to face-palmed, hard, when she explained that she didn't want to trick her creator, so she broke herself. It was just a minor thing, really, but now she truly needed a piece of metal.
The shifters were back now, banging at the door, the wood quickly cracking under the relentless assault.
The three passengers were frantic, looking for some metal chunk that'd work to fix TARDIS.
Sutekh was mad. At TARDIS for being so reckless, but also at himself for unknowingly asking such a thing of her.
But he wasn't just angry. There was and awful ball of something twisting in his stomach when he thought about TARDIS hurting herself at his request. About Ruby, the Doctor and Rogue, in danger because of his carelessness. It was the same feeling that had assaulted him a while back when they were leaving that war-zone of a planet and he realised the ambulance had been one of his creations. He felt bad, but he didn't understood why he cared. He felt... was this guilt? He didn't like it. He didn't.
Ruby screeched in fear when a big chunck of the door flew past her head, the shifters still banging at it.
The sound brought Sutekh back to reality.
Metal, they needed metal. A big piece, the Doctor had said. Something around the size of a human fist, something like...
Sutekh quickly undid his own collar and maneuvered one of its rings out. He put it inside one of TARDIS' compartments and she let it fall at the Doctor's feet. They used it to fix TARDIS and leave the planet.
Ten minutes after their departure and a heartfelt embrace from Rogue and Doctor (coupled with a Ruby Sunday patented hug for Rogue as a thanks for saving her), Sutekh could finally breath again.
Only for his own brain to halt when he realised a tiny, little detail about the previous ordeal. Not only had he guided TARDIS to Rogue and plotted with her to find and rescue him, but he had also helped Ruby, the Doctor and Rogue to fix TARDIS. This time, he hadn't been just a witness of the events. He had helped.
He had helped.
He had helped.
He had helped.
He had helped.
And with a pitiful whine, Sutekh covered his head with both paws and tried to sleep his shame and confusion away.
TARDIS laughed at him. The fucker.
Things pretty much fell into a rutine after that. Or as close to a rutine as it could be with the Doctor.
Rogue and the Doctor grew closer by the day while Ruby tried to (not-so-subtly) get them into different date-like situations. Sutekh learned about the new concept of "ships" and "shiping". It has noting to do with sailig, but it is a bit interesting. Only a little bit.
And of course, the trio fell into uncountable dangerous situations.
Sometimes they got themselves out of troubles all on their own. But there were times when they didn't. Those times, Sutekh teamed up with TARDIS to rescue their Oddities. (Usually Sutekh wouldn't share, but TARDIS was a very valuable ally and he also appreciated her input and their conversations. Sutekh ignored TARDIS when she threw in the word "friandship".)
And so, there was the time the space-pirates tried to feed them to the intergalactic kraken and the TARDIS teleported "on her own" to a spot conveniently located below them before they fell into the mouth of the crearure.
Or that time when those huge quimera-like creatures were about to get them, and the rocks over the cliff they were under fell all over the monsters.
Or that time when the key-card of that guard "slipped" out of his pocket and fell just into Ruby's reach so she could get the three of them out of their cells.
All in all, it wasn't bad. Sutekh had his spot over TARDIS and his little Anomalies lived and went on adventures and helped people around the galaxy. All the while unaware of the strange and unlikely being who reluctantly (not really, but shhh...) got them out of the most difficult troubles (it'a pronounced "taking care of them", but he is not ready to say it yet).
Then, one day, the three of them were cornered by a group of dream sucking, mosquito-lizard beings. They suck you dry and leave you as a shell of your former self. Most end their own existence after that.
There was no rocks to throw, no void to jump into, no door to be magically opened. So he did the one think he knew how to do best: He blew his sand.
Immediately the disgusting creatures turned to asshes. The trio ran away, back to TARDIS, ancient artifact they were retrieving in hand.
The Doctor set course back to the mother planet of the ugly rock they were in. Ruby and Rogue decided to call it a day and go to sleep.
Around an hour later, the Doctor started talking. It wasn't weird, not even uncommon, for the Doctor to chat with TARDIS.
'Sutekh,' he called.
The dog-like deity debated with himself for long seconds. Should he keep hiding? The Doctor clearly knew he was there, but maybe-
The Doctor started looking for something in one of the inside pockets of his jacket.
'I wasn't sure where I had seen this before,' they started saying, showing of the ring Sutekh had taken off his collar so the Doctor could fix TARDIS. 'But I knew I had and it gave some very unusal lectures when scanned by TARDIS'. The Doctor was smiling at noting in particular, speaking loud enough to be heard in the room, but not too much, in order to allow the rest of TARDIS' small crew thir due rest. 'And today, with that sand...' The Doctor didn't continue, chuckling and denying with his head instead, as if amused at some ridiculous story someone was telling him.
'Show yourself, please' they asked then, quietly, carefully, as if speaking to a scared child.
Sutekh should have been very offended. Instead, he materialized in front of the Doctor, using a smaller version of his usual form. The Doctor was actually taller than him now.
The time lord sat on the floor in such a way it was Sutekh now the one towering over them.
'So...,' the Doctor started. 'Care to explain yourself?' They sounded curious. Not angry, scared or resentful. Just curious, as if discovering the embodiment of death in your time maching was an every day thing.
'I hid,' Sutekh chose to start with. 'When you intended to throw me into the void, I got to TARDIS. I've been hiding here since then.'
'And weren't you planning your revenge? A way to make all life end and create your own desolate galaxy?' The tone was playful, but there was wariness underneath it all.
Sutekh didn't answer. He wasn't sure why, but the idea of confessing his previous plans was somehow worse than being discovered in TARDIS.
He had just enough time to realize he refered to his own plans as a thing from the past, when the Doctor spoke again.
'What's changed?'
Sutekh wasn't sure what the Doctor had seen in him during the few seconds he stayed silent, but he sounded less uncertain and more exited.
And he didn't know why, but that was a good thing.
'I belive...' he said, thinking over his answer. 'I belive, it was me.'
That realisation was as terrifying as it was exhilarating. And Sutekh had no idea what to do with it.
The Doctor stood up then, swiftly and gracefuly, as he always did. He walked to the controls of TARDIS, then looked at him with a broad smile.
'Then?, they asked. 'Where should we go next?'
Sutekh couldn't help but return the smile.
He was unsure, painfully so, and for the first time in his very long life. There was still a lot of bad blood between them, and even if Ruby didn't know who he was, Rogue was sure going to know something about him.
But looking at the smiling, lonely and too fogiving Doctor in front of him, with the bipping sounds of TARDIS in the backround, Sutekh decided that it was ok.
They had time to dealt with it all.
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Summary: You’d spent the last year and a half pretending to hate Ransom Drysdale. One Christmas trip could break that facade.
Pairings: Ransom Drysdale x Plus Size!Black!Reader (though it’s pretty inclusive. It’s just what I had in my head when I wrote it)
Warnings: And there was only one bed, enemies to lovers, fluff, smut, swearing, secret crush, daddy kink
Words: 7K
(A/N: Yes. I pretty much wrote a Hallmark movie. Yes it is also based on Gorgeous by Taylor Swift because I’d also hate Ransom Drysdale for making me fall in love with his stupidly handsome face. No I will not be taking questions.)
Tagging: @titty-teetee @queenoftheworldisdead @olyvoyl @liquorlaughslove​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @mariahthelioness29 @donutloverxo @navybrat817​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @hqneyyincc​ @iam-laiya​ @zaddychris​ @emjayewrites​
Contrary to popular belief, you didn’t hate Ransom. Sure, his smug smile made you want to punch him in the face sometimes. But you kind of liked the vein that popped out on the side of his head when you did something to irritate him. Or the way he rolled his eyes at you when you did something to annoy him. And you annoyed him a lot. It was like you couldn’t help yourself.
To be honest you kind of like those things too much. Not that you’d ever admit it out loud. Imagine everyone finding out that you had some little primary school like crush on this asshole. Down to the point where you’d push him into sand to prove that you didn’t like him in the slightest.
Since your best friend was marrying his best friend, you were spending way too much time with him. You thought you’d done a good job at convincing Monica, your best friend, that you absolutely couldn’t stand him. She seemed to buy it since every eye roll was appropriately placed anytime you thought you might laugh at one of his rude jokes.
So, when your best friend asked you to accompany her and her fiancé to visit his family, you were positive. It might be nice seeing how these super rich people did the holidays. You’d met them a few times and they’d been super nice. Nothing like how Ransom or your own boyfriend’s family came off as stuck up as hell. Also, you were kind of dying to see the decor.
Until that day came. “I’m sorry!” Ava said for the millionth time since she’d told you the news when she’d FaceTimed you. That not only was Ransom coming, you’d have to ride with him in his Beemer because she’d packed more than she’d expected and there’d be no more room in Simon’s car.
You groaned softly, wrinkling up your nose. Your cats rubbing themselves against you because they knew you were leaving and loved to get all needy when you did that. You were already having a hard morning so this was kind of the last thing that you needed. “Maybe I shouldn’t go,” you suggested, even though you were supposed to be leaving in about five minutes.
She pouted. “But I need you there so I won’t be bored.”
“You know David,” your own boyfriend who was not going with you because he had to work and also because you weren’t sure he’d be your boyfriend by the time you came home, “hates Ransom.” It still made for a good excuse, though.
“What he won’t know, won’t kill him?” She shrugged. “Look it won’t even be that bad! It’s just the car ride.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, for four hours.”
“Just do this for me,” she whined. “Please. I’d do it for you.”
“Fine, but next time my boss has one of those boring dinners at his house, I’m making you go with me.”
She gasped. “Deal!”
There was a honk outside and it was safe to say who it was. You rolled your eyes. “You’re so lucky I love you because I’m already annoyed.” You peeked outside the window to see him aggressively honking.
Fucking asshole.
Once you’d hung up with Ava, you grabbed your bags so you could hurry out of the house. Luckily David was already at work so you didn’t have to explain to him why you were getting in the car with him. Ransom seemed to like getting under his skin, which you’d noticed is what he did to most people. Including you, but it seemed to be for a different reason than most people had.
“Hey,” you greeted him, as you struggled to carry your stuff to the trunk. Even though you were trying to keep this facade up, you didn’t want to be rude.
“Can you hurry? We’re on a strict timeline, Buttercup.”
You hated when he called you that. “First, don’t call me that. Second, maybe I’d finish sooner if you’d help.”
There was this smirk on his lips as he finally opened up his car door so he could take one of the bags out of your hands and then the others. “Did you pack your entire closet?” He asked as he tried to make it all fit in the trunk.
“I have a lot of needs,” you retorted.
“That’s probably why you need that sugar daddy, huh,” he said. This is why David didn’t like him. Okay yeah maybe you’re twenty-six with a forty-seven-year-old boyfriend. Sure, he brought you nice things, but what was wrong with that.
“He’s my boyfriend,” you made a point to emphasize. You weren’t going to tell Ransom Drysdale that you were with your boyfriend because he was your daddy dom. That’d be fucking stupid.
“Look, sugar daddy boyfriend whatever,” he said, dismissing you. “I just think you should pack lighter.”
“Whatever. Aren’t we on a tight schedule or something?” You rolled your eyes before going over to the passenger seat.
“Hey, hey, hey!” He stopped you to open the door himself. “I don’t need you to scratch my shit. You have to handle with care.”
You tried not to laugh which made you bite your bottom lip instead making you taste the mint chapstick you’d just put on. “You’re such a control freak,” you said, having to brush passed him so you could sit.
He didn’t say anything as he closed it gently.
The ride had been pretty boring so far. You yawned a few times. Wiggled in your seat trying to get comfortable. He surprisingly pulled over to get you coffee and even got you your blanket so you could curl up at some point.
If you weren’t trying to hate him, you may have swooned. He also said it’s because he didn’t feel like hearing you complain so maybe less swooning anyway. You reached for the radio and he smacked your hand away. “Ow!” You gasped.
“I’m just fucking with you.” He laughed, glancing over as you glared at him.
“Dick,” you mumbled under your breath as you reached forward again to change the station.
“What was that?” He asked.
“I said you’re a dick,” you repeated, sitting down as a song you liked started playing.
He groaned. “I hate this song.”
“Too bad,” you snickered.
“Need I remind you that this is my car, Buttercup?”
You narrowed your eyes at him because he called you that damn nickname. “Whatever. At least it wasn’t that Dad stuff you listen to.”
“Should you really be the one making fun of Dads?” He laughed.
“Hey! David doesn’t even want kids.”
He raised his eyebrow. “You don’t?” He asked looking genuinely surprised at that.
“I mean... maybe. I don’t know.” You shrugged. “Do you?”
“Well, I hate kids, but maybe for the right women. Who knows?” He once again took a quick glance at you, with this small dorky smile on his face.
That was surprising. You felt yourself starting to get to where your heart was swelling in your chest. “Why are we talking about this, you weirdo.”
He chuckled as you cross your arms in front of your chest as you looked out the window.
For the rest of the car ride only the music filled the silence. You wanted to say something. Thought about at least trying. Every time you started to open your mouth no sound came out.
You’d look at him while he focused on the road. Just because you couldn’t like him didn’t mean you couldn’t look at him, right? Though it was bothering you that there was a hole in his cashmere sweater.
“I’ll open your door,” he said getting out. You waited for him to open your side, but you heard the trunk pop open. You turned around watching him take out your four bags along with his. How the fuck was he so strong.
He opened up your car door finally. “Do you want me to take some?” You asked him with a frown as he closed the door with his elbow.
“It’s okay,” he replied already walking off. You scurried behind him trying to catch up.
Ava and Simon were right behind you. Ave got out and went to hug you. “See I told you it wouldn’t be so bad,” she said. “Wait why is Random holding all your stuff?”
You shrugged. “He insisted.”
“Weird,” she replied.
Simon’s family was pretty nice, but they were so busy doting on the happy couple you were kind of ignored. It was actually kind of nice because when you met David’s family, they pretty much scrutinized everything you did. His mother was honestly the bane of your existence. Like, lady, if your son hadn’t had a kid by now how was that your fault.
That was another thing that made you treat Ransom the way you did. You’d met Linda a few times now and she already hated you. You could only imagine how she was towards his girlfriends. You’d only seen the tip of the iceberg of the insanity of the Thrombeys, though Harlan had been nice every time you’d met him.
“Okay, so, it turns out that one of Simon’s cousins decided to come at last minute and uh,” Ava took a deep breath, “you two have to share a room okay, bye!” She tried to grab Simon’s hand, but you managed to catch her first.
“What,” you said a little too loudly so you lower your voice, “the hell, Ava.”
“You’re shitting me,” Ransom groaned.
“It won’t be so bad just think of it as a sleepover. Maybe he can paint your nails and you two can do face masks together,” she started rambling off.
You weren’t as amused. “Or maybe me and you could share.”
“Hell no! I’ve slept in a bed with you. You’re a cuddler.” She frowned. “Besides I wanna sleep with my boo.”
“You’re the worst best friend ever,” you told her. “Fine, but he’s sleeping on the floor.”
“Like hell I am,” Ransom said.
“I have a boyfriend!” You reminded them. “I can’t sleep in a bed with another guy. Especially Ransom.”
He raised an eyebrow. “We’ve been over this, Buttercup. You don’t have a boyfriend; you have a sugar daddy.”
You huffed. “Alright that’s it I’m calling an Uber.”
“And paying a hundred bucks to get home?” Ava rolled her eyes. “Come on just tough it out.”
“I hope you know that I hate you now,” you told her.
“Good. We’ll work it out in couple’s therapy.”
The first night was awful. It felt like you couldn’t sleep. While Ransom seemed to sleep like a baby on the other side of the wall of pillows, you’d built between the two of you.
Even when you’d tried to move away from him, he’d just hold you in place. At some point you just had to accept your fate. At least you were cozy. So, you just kind of let it happen because who knows if this could again. When you actually woke up, he was already gone. You were neatly tucked under the comforter.
As you were finishing up your face routine and making yourself look presentable, Ransom was coming back in. You’d never seen him with sweats on before because he was usually such a preppy asshole, but he looked good. “Morning.”
“Morning,” you mumbled.
“How’d you sleep?” He asked.
You raised an eyebrow. “Why? You didn’t do something did you?”
“Me? Never?” He smirked before walking passed you and into the bathroom.
You walked through the house, taking in the way everything was beautifully decorated for the holiday. Honestly this place was house porn. “Good morning!” Simon’s mom, Trish, greeted you as you walked into the kitchen.
“Good morning,” you replied with a grin.
“Did you sleep okay?”
You nodded. “Yeah, it was perfect,” you answered.
“Breakfast will be ready soon so why don’t you go wake up Simon and Ava.”
You nodded. “Yeah of course.” God they were too nice. Maybe you need to be around rich people more often.
Oh wait, no. David’s family came from money and they were awful. Also see Ransom.
Simon had come to answer the door, freshly showered. Ava was just coming out of the bathroom. “Morning,” he said.
“Morning. Your mom said breakfast is going to be ready.”
He nodded. “Okay. Babe, you ready?”
“You go ahead,” she told him. “Y/N, c’mere.”
You and Simon exchanged looks and he shrugged. “Guess I’ll get Ransom.”
Ava waited until he was completely out of the room before motioning for you to close the door. “So,” this shit eating grin appeared on her face, “how was it?”
“How was what?”
“Sleeping with Ransom.” She rolled her eyes dramatically. “How was it?”
You shrugged. “We put a pillow wall up.” You really didn’t want to mention the cuddling.
“What? That’s it?” She groaned. “I always thought he’d be a bed hog.”
“I stayed on my side, he stayed on his.”
“That’s boring. I at least thought you’d have something to talk shit about.” She sighed. As far as you knew her and Ransom got along. She just found it super entertaining how you bitched about him.
The two of you went to sit in the dining room, waiting for everyone else. Trish sat down not to long after bringing the two of you mimosas. “Oh my gosh thank you!” Ava said getting up to hug her mother-in-law.
“Of course, Sweetheart.” She grinned. “So, Y/N, how long have you and Ransom been together?” She winked, bringing her champagne flute to her mouth. “I always said that Ransom just needs to find a sweet girl to settle down with. Maybe melt down that cold exterior he puts up. You know he really is a sweet boy.”
It was a good thing you hadn’t even been able to take a sip because you probably would have choked on it. “Her and Ransom aren’t together,” Ava answered before you could.
Her jaw dropped. “Oh, I just thought because you were fine sharing a room.”
You shook your head. “It’s okay.”
Ransom took a seat beside you while Simon sat on the other side of Ava. Trish looked between the two of you because this table was huge and Ransom could have sat anywhere else. He could have sat on the other side of Simon if he’d wanted to.
Breakfast went by pretty uneventfully, though the pancakes the housekeeper made were kind of to die for. “So, what are you kids planning for today?” Simon’s dad, Warren, asked as plates started being cleared away.
“Well, Ava’s never been ice skating,” Simon said.
“That’ll be fun,” Trish said. To be honest you were kind of nervous about ice skating. You’d done it before, but ate shit hard. “Is this your first time, too?” She asked you.
“No,” you replied. “I’m not very good at it, though.”
“I’m sure Ransom can help you,” she said with a grin.
Ransom groaned softly beside you. “Yeah of course.”
  As soon as you got on the ice you could feel yourself going down. Ransom grabbed onto you to hold you up. “Don’t eat shit on me already,” he said with a smirk on his face.
“If I go down, I’m taking you with me,” you snap back at him.
He rolled his eyes. “Let’s just get this over with.”
It was a good thing you’d bought these leggings that were fluffy on the inside and this jacket you were wearing was cozy because it was freezing out here. Ransom had to
At some point you kind of started to think that you had the hang of it. Like maybe you could actually do it. He started to slowly let go of you, but the minute you started to feel unsteady he’d grab your hand. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” he said sighing softy. He stood for a minute holding your hand so he could skate with you to the middle of the rink. “Hey can we talk about something. Really quick?”
You nodded. “Sure.”
“Hey, so,” he looked down at you with this almost nervous look on his face. “There’s been something I wanted to say, but I wasn’t really sure how to before.”
You nodded. “Yeah, what’s up.”
“Um,” he sighed. “Well, okay, so I-“ well he didn’t get to finish as this asshole barreled into you. “Y/N!”
You hit the ice pretty hard almost bouncing up as you came back down. “What the hell!”
Ransom immediately helped you up. “Watch where you’re fucking going!” He yelled back after the guy who’d already started skating away without even saying sorry. “Are you okay?
“My leg like hurts really bad,” you felt yourself tear up because you’re a little baby.
He sighed. “Shit, okay,” he said. “Are you okay to stand?”
“Oh my gosh!” Ava came over to the two of you. “Are you okay? I told Simon to go tell security. That guys been such an asshole this whole time.”
“Yeah thanks,” you said.
“Here why don’t we got some hot chocolate,” Ransom said.
It felt so nice being back in your boots. Ransom had you sit before going to get the drinks. You couldn’t help yourself as you rubbed over the spot on your leg that had been hurting super bad. Wincing at the tenderness.
“How’s your leg?” Ransom asked, sitting beside you with the steaming beverages in hand.
You brought your cup up to your mouth loving the warmth against your cold nose. “It’s fine,” you answered.
He reached down to touch the spot making you jump. He laughed. “Wow usually I have to get a girl naked before they start reacting like that.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to play off as annoyed, but it didn’t work since you couldn’t help yourself as a smile spread on your face. “Oh, shut up.” You blew at the steam before taking a sip. “So, what did you wanna talk to me about?”
“It’s.... it’s nothing,” he said picking at some lint on his coat, suddenly getting all quiet. He took a sip of his own drink.
Here’s where you made a mistake. Which is the mistake that got you into this in the first place. Because every time you looked into his eyes, seeing those long lashes framing those deep blue eyes made you feel like you might drown in them.
And you fucking looked into them. After that first time you told yourself to never do that again. That it’s what made you trick yourself into thinking that you liked him the first time. No. He was just so close.
You pretty much fought yourself on this for the rest of the day. Even during the little shopping trip that the two of you dragged the boys to when you’d been debating with yourself if you wanted to buy this gorgeous coat or this really dress. Not that you needed more of either.
“Here just get both,” Ransom grumbled, taking out his card.
“What!” You gasped. “No, I can’t ask you to do that!”
He shook his head. “It’s okay. Just wear it for the Christmas party.”
“But I already have a dress,” you said.
“Look, I’m sure your sugar daddy buys you very nice things at Forever 21, but I insist.”
You rolled your eyes as he quickly handed the worker his card. “Hey!”
“Too late,” he replied with a shrug that smug smile on his face.
You looked down at the glass as your things were being wrapped up nice and neat. The gold necklace had a diamond moon pendent. It looked so delicate and would have gone so good with that dress.
“You like it?” He asked, noticing.
“Yeah, it’s beautiful,” you said. “But this is already too much.”
“C‘mon, we have to get back for dinner,” Ava said as Ransom grabbed the shopping bags.
At some point every night the pillows would end up on the floor and you’d end up nestled into the crook of his neck. He’d have his arms around you until you’d roll over onto your side where he’d wrap himself around you again. Then you’d wake up to him gone because he went on his runs at the ass crack of dawn. You noticed how you’d be snuggly tucked into bed each time.
A part of you wanted to feel bad. That you were away and cuddling with another man every night. It was hard to feel guilty when you weren’t sure if your boyfriend was taking advantage of you being gone not that he knew that you knew. He was probably in some club, too, doing you don’t even want to know what. You knew when you left that you may be going home to end things.
You were trying not to think about it. Hell, you hadn’t even told Ava. You wanted everyone to have a good holiday and not worry. Besides you wanted to have fun. Which is why the four of you were going to some club tonight.
The four of you had went to dinner at this really nice restaurant. There were a few times when you’d caught Ransom looking at you all weird. “What?” You wrinkled your nose.
He cleared his throat before going back to picking at the salmon on his plate. “Nothing.”
As the drinks finally started flowing, you started to get a little loose. Ransom was sitting beside you being all sulky as he sipped from the glass of whiskey on ice.
“What’s wrong?” You asked him. Okay to be honest maybe you were more than a little loose, but you were just trying to have some fun.
“Nothing.” He glanced over at you then back to his drink.
“Hey,” this girl sat on the other side of him. “My friend was wondering if you wanted to dance.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Why couldn’t your friend ask me herself?”
“She’s a little shy, but she’s cute.”
Ransom glanced over at you. “Nah. I’m just sitting here with my friend.”
The girl pouted, but finally left. You snickered. “I’m just sitting here with my friend,” you mimicked. “What too cool to dance?”
“Because I don’t know. I didn’t feel like it.” He shrugged then took another sip of his drink. “Do you wanna dance maybe?” He finally looked over at you and you were almost hypnotized, but managed to keep your composure.
“With you?”
He rolled his eyes. “No, Buttercup, with my grandpa.”
You laughed once again ignoring the nickname. Maybe it was kind of growing on you. It only took a year and a half. You stood up. “Fine, but you better not stomp on my feet.”
“I might on purpose.” He got up standing in front of you. For a minute you thought he might kiss you until he grabbed your hand to pull you onto the dance floor.
You didn’t want to admit this either, but you were having fun hanging out with Ransom. Ava and Simon were understandably in their own little bubble of love and you didn’t want to interrupt.
After the club Simon had the bright idea of going in the hot tub to warm up. Since you were all a little tipsy that sounded like a great idea.
You had to wear your long sweater out of the house since it was freezing. You in your own little space while Ransom seemed to scoot way to close to you. The four of you were just talking mostly. Enjoying the hot water after being in the freezing cold.
All of you were talking when Ava gave Simon a kiss, which got deeper to the point where they were showing you way more than you needed to see. “I think I speak for both of us in that we really do not want to witness the two of you procreating,” Ransom said.
Ava made a face at him while Simon laughed. He whispered in her ear where she pecked his lips again. The both of them started getting out right after. “We’ll see you two in the morning.” He grinned.
“Goodnight!” She said.
“Night,” you and Ransom said in unison.
You went to the side that your incredibly horny friends had been on which had been across from him. His eyes were closed with his head tilted back. You splashed water at him making him jump a little.
“Hey!” He splashed you back. You laughed as you did it a second time. “Alright, alright,” he said.
You did it again for good measure. “Can’t have someone seeing you have too much fun.”
He went back to his previous position this time putting his muscular arms on the ledge. You wouldn’t care to admit how long you stared at his biceps and shoulders. Then taking the quickest glance at his abs. Then that neck that you kind of wanted to put your mouth on. This is bullshit.
Why was he allowed to be this hot? It couldn’t be enough that he was an asshole. He had to be hot about it. Okay you looked at his pecs and tried to see if you could get a glance of what may have been in his swim trunk. Whatever.
“What are you doing?” He caught you, a smirk appearing on his annoyingly perfect face.
“It’s called minding my own business,” you replied. “You should try it.”
He laughed. “You’re such a brat.” You shrugged turning your head to look at nothing. “Is that what your sugar daddy sees in you?”
“He’s not my sugar daddy. I mean he buys me things like for my birthday, but... that’s not what our relationship is about. I don’t even know if we are in a relationship anymore.” You don’t know why you were spilling all of this to Ransom of all people.
Ransom frowned. “What happened?”
You looked down and sighed blowing out your cheeks after. “Well...” you sighed again. Your stomach was turning now. “You have to take it to your grave.”
“I won’t tell anyone.”
You rolled your eyes. “Promise?”
“I promise.”
You sighed, biting your lip weighing in your options. On one hand it wasn’t Ransom’s business. You really hadn’t told Ava this. You didn’t want her to worry.
“So, he’s not my sugar daddy,” you said, hoping he got the hint.
You could tell he did by the grin on his face and the way he raised his eyebrows. “You?” He explained. “No there’s no way and here I always thought you’d be boring in bed.”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up no you didn’t.”
“I took you for a dead fish kind of girl,” he teased. “It’s always the cute ones.”
Your eyes widened at what he said. Then so did his when he realized what he said. “Anyway, so yeah that’s how we started off as,” you decided to ignore what he’d just said.
“Alright so go on.”
“Yeah, so it turns out I’m not the only one,” you said. “He’s been going to these clubs and he doesn’t think that I know.”
His jaw dropped. “This is the plot twist I really wasn’t expecting. I gotta tell ya.”
You shook your head. “Shut up.” You splashed him again.
“Stop!” He laughed, doing it back to you.
As you kept splashing at him, he came over to you, grabbing your hands to keep you from doing it again. “Let go of me.” You laughed.
“No.” He wasn’t laughing anymore. Just looking at you. Fuck he was putting you under his spell. You were supposed to not looking into his eyes. How did you make this mistake so many times? “Y/N, I... don’t make things weird.”
“What?” You laughed.
“Yeah. Don’t make this weird,” he said again softly before brushing his lips against yours finally.
“And here I’d always heard that you were a ladies man, Ransom,” you teased. “That was kind of weak.”
“Yeah, well maybe you bring out the worst in me.” A dopey smile had spread across his face. It was okay because there was one on yours too.
“Oh whatever.” You rolled your eyes still smiling. He leaned over to kiss you again but you put your hand against his lips to stop him. “I’m getting kind of tired actually.”
You walked back to your room. All wrapped in your sweater because fuck it was freezing now. You also wouldn’t say this out loud, but his lips felt really nice. As you made it to the bedroom the two of you were sharing, he came on not too far after, grabbing your arm to pull you into a kiss. He’s so dramatic.
As his lips worked against yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck. He felt so good. You can’t remember the last time David kissed you like this. “Fuck it’s actually really cold,” Ransom said.
You laughed. “I know I’m freezing.”
“How about we take a shower,” he said. “Maybe we could save some water together?”
“Oh yeah. We would totally be helping the environment.”
He grabbed you hand to lead you the rest of the way. You pulled off your wet clothes. As soon as you felt time hot water on your skin, you moaned. “
Jesus Christ, why not shower in hell,” he hissed.
“I’m already there.” You threw your arms around his neck. He leaned down to kiss you again. Pawing at your ass. He was so close this time.
You tried to act like nothing had happened as you finished getting ready for bed. As you got all settled under the covers, you felt your body finally start to warm up. He slid in next to you. This was the first time that you didn’t even attempt to put the wall of pillows up.
He pulled you all close to him. “You little shit! Are you naked?” You gasped.
He laughed. “Yeah. I don’t even know why you bothered.”
“Who said I was going to do anything with you?”
“Well, what if I tell you that,” he said, grabbing a handful of your ass, “I actually maybe sort of have feelings for you.”
Ah fuck.
Well, obviously.
But, ah fuck.
Why were you supposed to hate him again?
Because he was a giant asshole. He was rude to the help. Rude to everyone. Even you. Yet you still liked his stupid smug smile. That annoying laugh. You liked how he’d been surprisingly good company for this whole trip. Liked how he was holding you right now. You were pretty sure he could get an ugly haircut and you’d still like him. How he looked at you even when he was irritated with you.
Waiting for you to say something back.
“I... I have feelings for you, too.” You bit your lip after like you were nervous about what he might say back.
“Yeah?” He said with another dopey smile covering his face.
You nodded right before he bridged the gap first. Pressing your lips to his. His mouth moving ever so softly against yours. Like he was afraid you’d run away if he moved to quickly.
You deepened it and he finally pushed you down on your back. Ransom grabbed the back of your leg so you’d wrap it around his waist. Fuck he was already growing against you. “I still can’t believe you got dressed,” he pulled away to whisper in your ear. “You should have known I was just going to take everything off.”
You rolled your eyes. “Ever think that’s part of the fun.”
He chuckled before kissing you again. “Oh yeah?” He pulled away so he could start pulling down your sleep shorts. “You wanted me to take your clothes off?” You nodded, looking into his eyes. He hissed. “Didn’t even put-on panties, dirty girl.”
You laughed. “Do you like it?”
“Oh, I really, really like it.” He reached down to rub his hand up and down your slit. “What a pretty little pussy.”
You gasped. “Fuck.” His hands felt so good on you. He’d barely even touched you and it felt so, so good. Finally, his finger grazed your clit. He traced along it in a circle. “Stop teasing me!” You whined.
“Be patient, Buttercup.” He smirked.
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Shit,” he stopped, “I don’t have a condom.”
You shrugged. “I’m on birth control.”
He smirked. “Yeah, you want me to fuck you raw, Baby. Want me to cum in you?” He leaned back down to kiss your neck this time. His thumb was pressing into your clit now. Going on sweet, sweet circles. He stopped for a minute to pull off your top.
When you were fully naked and he finally put his mouth on your nipples, you needed him to just fuck you. “Please, Daddy,” you whimpered.
He went back to kissing your neck. “Yeah? You want me to be your daddy? Want me to take care of you.”
“God, yes.”
He lined himself up at your entrance. Looking into your eyes as he started to push into you. You closed your eyes tightly. “No, no open your eyes. I want you to look at me while I fuck you,” he commanded.
You nodded doing as you were told as he made you stretch over the thick head of his cock. You were so fucking wet just from him touching you like that. Your skin felt like it was on fire. You cried out as he inched into you. Fuck he was bigger than you’d expected. He was making you feel so full.
“Ransom,” you whimpered, he started out with shallow thrusts not going all the way in.
“Fuck, you’re fucking tight,” he groaned. “Can you even take it?”
You nodded. “I can take it, Daddy.”
He steadied his hips before finally shoving himself all the way inside of you. You gasped as he started fucking into you going so deep. Little droplets of tears formed in the corners of your eyes.
He was fucking you so good, your brain went blank. All you wanted was him. Wanted him to never stop fucking you. “Oh my god,” you whined.
“Yeah. Feels good?”
You nodded as you tried to take it. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Daddy making you feel good?” He panted. “Daddy’s gonna always make your pussy feel good, Baby. I’m gonna take care of you. Buy you whatever you want. Give you every fucking thing your boyfriend wouldn’t.”
Your pussy was gripping his dick like a vice. How were you so close already. “Please?”
“Is that what you want?” He asked in that condescending voice, you’d always hated, but fuck he was going to make you cum because of it. “Want me to buy you nice things. Be your boyfriend. Give you a fucking family.”
If he wasn’t balls deep inside of you, you would have probably reacted differently to him confessing that he wanted something with you. More than just this, but fuck hearing it like this only made you that more far gone. “Yes!” You moaned a little too loudly.
He clamped his hand over your mouth to shush you. “Shhh, Baby. You don’t want everyone to hear you getting dicked down do you? Want everyone to hear me fucking you?”
You shook your head, but stopped as you tilted your head back because you couldn’t stop it. Your eyes got all glazed over as your orgasm hit. 
“That’s it, cum for me.” He breathed. “Fuck. I’m gonna cum in your pussy.”
“Yes,” you whimpered. You could feel him so deep in your stomach. You can’t remember the last time you got fucked like this. No one else had ever been able to do this to you. 
As he finally couldn’t hold out anymore, cumming deep inside of you he still moved his hips. Making sure you got all of him.
He laid on top of you for a minute, not pulling you as you both came down from your orgasms. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. How the hell were you going to explain this to everyone. 
He rolled beside you before pulling you into his arms. You rested your head on his shoulder. Still trying to catch your breath. “Fuck.” He laughed. 
You chuckled. “I know.”
“Why did we wait so long to do that again?” He asked.
“Because I hated you.” You didn’t mean to let out a bigger laugh because your lower half was way too sore for that. 
He rolled his eyes. “Bullshit. No, you didn’t.”
“I wanted to.”
“Brat.” He chuckled. “I just... I meant everything I said.”
“That I wanna be with you...” he replied. “That I wanna make an honest woman outta you.” You rolled your eyes, trying to maintain that damn facade. He was making it hard because this smile spread across your face. “I’ll even let you live with me when you pack your shit out of that old man’s house.”
“Moving so quickly? Ransom, I’m shocked at you.”
“Look, I’ve put up with your shit for a year a half already,” he explained, “I already know that I want you.”
“You fucking sap!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why don’t you suck my dick about it?” He rolled his eyes.
You shrugged. “Okay.”
You didn’t fall asleep until the sun was already coming up. Every time you tried before that; Ransom would start kissing your neck. You were exhausted, but satisfied in a way you hadn’t been in a long time.
You woke up to rustling on the bed. You tried to feel for him because although you were still cozy you wanted his warmth, but he wasn’t there. “Ransom?” You yawned, peeking your eyes open to him fixing the comforter. 
“Hey, Baby,” he said with a smile on his face. He leaned over to kiss your forehead. “I gotta go, okay. I have some errands I have to run.”
You nodded, before wrapping your arms around him. He held you to him tightly kissing your forehead more. “Do you have to?”
“Mhmm,” he replied. “I told Simon I’d help him with this surprise for Ava
“Okay. I love you,” you replied sleepily before dozing off again. He smiled down at you before laying you back down, kissing your forehead before leaving. 
You woke up again to Ava jumping up and down on your bed. “Get up!” She cheered. 
“What are you twelve?” You grumbled. Then your eyes cracked open when you fucking realized you’d told Ransom that you loved him. “Oh no.”
“What? Wait, are you naked?” She raised both of her eyebrows as she got settled beside you in bed. “Did you and Ransom...”
You shook your head, suddenly feeling like you might puke. You fucking told Ransom Drysdale that you loved him. “What? No. I just got really hot last night.”
“Where’s your pillow wall?” She asked with a smirk.
“We were too drunk last night to remember?” 
“Bitch, you slept with Ransom Drysdale!” She gasped. “What about David?”
“Um... David and I are... I was already going to end things with him.
This annoyingly shit eating grin spread across her face. “You dirty slut. Okay, well, I don’t think Simon would mind if you stayed with us until you got back on your feet.”
“Actually, I already found a place. I just... I didn’t want to ruin your fun, ya know.”
She sighed. “Y/N, I’m your best friend. Your problems are my problems. I wouldn’t have cared if you told me. Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You smiled. 
“So...” another smile spread across her face, “how was it?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking.” You laid back down, turning on your side and ignored her as she continued to ask questions.
You got your nails done with Ava, Trish, and Simon’s sister. Still thinking about what you’d said to Ransom. Nerves had started to settle in that you’d done something wrong. Raking your brain trying to remember if he’d even said anything back. You couldn’t remember.
It was Christmas Eve now and there was supposed to be this super fancy party today that the family apparently threw every year. Of course, you were going to wear the dress Ransom had bought you. There was no question. It fit in more. Besides okay maybe you wanted to look pretty for him whatever.
Neither him or Simon had come back by the time everyone started getting ready. You did your makeup in Ava’s room before going back to yours to get dressed. The was a knock on the door as you’d just finished.
“Hey,” Ransom leaned down to kiss your cheek lightly to not mess up your makeup. Setting down a little gift bag on the bed. “You look... you look beautiful.”
You were going to have to get used to him being nice to you. “Thank you.” 
“Sorry, it took so long. You know Simon. Has to go above and beyond.” He chuckled. 
You waited for him to get ready, checking your phone. David had been texting you throughout the trip. Not that you ever responded. You thought when you’d get to the end of this trip, you’d be dreading the drive home. Instead, you were hopeful of what was to come. 
"So, I kind of got you something,” he said before the two of you could leave the room.
You frowned. “I didn’t get you anything back.”
“That’s okay. I don’t think either of us were expecting this,” he replied. “I just wanted you to know I was serious about everything.”
He clenched his jaw as he grabbed the bag he’d placed, taking out a jewelry box which he handed you. You looked up at him with those big eyes. “I saw you looking at it at that store so...”
“You’re such a sap,” you sniffled.
He smiled. “I just... when you told me I love you this morning, I didn’t say it back. I wanted to say it when I gave you this so... I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
You nodded and he pulled you to him, hugging you tightly. You really didn’t want to mess up your makeup so you forced yourself not to tear up. Except lipstick be damned because you were not, not going to kiss him.
It was taking you everything to not hold his hand as the two of you walked into where the party was starting to pick up a little. He looked so cute in his red sweater. Simon and Ava were being doted on by his grandparents. 
“So, Ava kind of figured it out,” you said as he handed you a glass of champagne. 
“How?” He asked.
“You didn’t lock the door and I was still naked under the covered.”
He snickered. “Should have given her an eye full.”
You shook your head. “I’ll give you an eye full.”
“You already did, Buttercup.” He shrugged.
“Why do you call me that?” You rolled your eyes.
His face started to get all red. You’d never thought in all your days you’d see Ransom blush. Between the two confessing your feelings for one another, of you having sex, you accidently telling him you love him, and him telling you that he wanted to be with you, making him blush made you feel like you’d won whatever game the two of you had been playing.
He sighed. “Well, okay, so when me and my cousin Meg were younger, she was obsessed with the Powerpuff Girls. I didn’t want to admit that I kind of liked it. Your bad attitude reminds me of Buttercup. She was my favorite.” He rolled his eyes looking away from you like he was embarrassed.
“You’re shitting me.” This smile spread across your face.
“Shut up.” He wrinkled up his nose.
“Never would have guessed that under all that wool and assholeness was a sweetheart waiting to burst out of the seams,” you teased him.
“You’re so lucky I think you’re pretty or else I think I might drop kick you.” He sighed.
Christmas Day passed by nicely and easily. Mostly with everyone relaxing. You spent most of it tucked into Ransom’s side drinking hot chocolate watching Christmas movies with everyone because at this point the two of you are just a cliche. Which was fine because you liked it. 
He’d whisper I love you in your ear. Or pull you under the mistletoe because he’s corny. Ava and Simon teased you while Trish swore that she called it, which she kind of did.
When it was time go home you were a little sad. You liked being in this little bubble with him. Now you’d have to go home and deal with having to officially break up with David and having to talk Ransom out of taunting him. Of course, Ava and Simon offered up their place until you got on your feet, but him being him pretty much demanded that you live with him.
Normally you would kick yourself for moving so quickly and you don’t know why, but you saw something in him. Of course, you weren’t going to be able to move all of your stuff out today, but there were two very important things that you needed. David wasn’t even there when you got home. He was probably still at his parents.
“Hope you like cats because I’m not leaving them,” you’d told him as you packed them into their carriers. 
He groaned, throwing his head back. “Fine, but you’re giving me a blowjob as soon as we get home.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” you said before placing a wet kiss on his cheek just to annoy him.  
“Hey, you wanna have sex in his bed before we go?” He asked with a smirk.
“You’re an awful person, you know that?” You put your hands on his chest. “Of course I do.”
“God, I love you.” He grinned before pressing his lips to yours. 
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drawlfoy · 4 years
Wonders of Ohio P.9
requests are closed, but please read this first :)
if you want to be tagged, send an ask or message me!
pairing: draco x reader
request: nope, my original shameless self insert idea lmao
summary: american high school senior y/n y/l/n is in for the ride of her life when their exchange student is...a bit strange (but very hot). NOT a nonmagic AU, though you already knew that if you’ve read part 8 ;)
warnings: swearing, mentions of a break in, concerns about a home intruder, objectively the most fluffy scene we’ve gotten so far in this series (hehe), draco being fucking obnoxious and moody (did i mention swearing?)
a/n: ayoooooo so here’s part 9, as promised. i’ve started getting back into the hp universe more and more, so i should probably be picking up my writing soon. i’ve been feeling more myself again!! which is super awesome. i don’t think many people read this series anymore (or my author notes in general but i don’t blame yall) but i’m having a lot of fun writing it, so i’m going to keep going :)
music recs: 
puppy princess -- hot freaks
loverboy -- A-wall
linger -- the cranberries
tags tags tags: @gruffle1 @missmulti @cleopatera @hahaboop @accio-rogers @geeksareunique @eltanin-malfoy @war-sword @cams-lynn @itsivyberry @ayo-cowbelly @nerd-domland @yesnerdsblog @shizarianathania @evanstanfanatic @strawberriesonsummer @hariosborn @night-ving @straightzoinked @imintoodeeptostop @naiomimoonshard @jejegu @ophelia-enthusiast @alwaysbeanunknownfan @nearly-memories @litty-dumb @callieclearwater @malfoy-wife15 @charlenasaxen @belladaises @fiantomartell @writeandtranslate @erisdogwood @loveissupernatural @sycathorn-slush @big-galaxy-chaos
word count: 3.8k :)
Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if Draco deliberately waited until the last minute to tell her family that he was leaving so he could evade her questioning. She tried to talk to him later that evening by knocking on his door, but she was met with complete silence. 
Draco was ignoring her, and she didn’t get why. She’d promised to not tell anyone--even begged for him to trust her and essentially swore on her life--but he still wasn’t acting normal. Perhaps he didn’t want her to badger him with questions about the magical world. 
Or maybe this was an excuse to get away from her.
Y/N swallowed the second possibility and locked it away somewhere out of sight. He’d left without a single word more to her (not even a congratulations for getting into a top 20 school, that loser) and never even bothered telling her when he’d return. And maybe that was the nicest part of it--she could pretend like he was never coming back.
As attractive as that option was, she had to admit that there was a Draco-shaped hole in her passenger car seat every time she drove to school. And in the kitchen when she was studying. And everywhere else he’d once touched. 
“Why do you think he went back?” 
Y/N took a break from reviewing her Art History final exam notes to look up at Lizzy. “Maybe something happened with his dad or he wanted to spend his holidays with his family? It’s probably not that serious.”
“Speaking of his dad, I tried to look up his name and see if anything came up,” Lizzy began. Y/N felt her heart jump into her throat. “Don’t you think it’s kinda sus? I haven’t found anything for him. It’s like he’s been completely wiped off the face of the earth. Do you know anything about it?”
“Honestly, I don’t think it’s any of my business.” Draco’s franticness when she found out lingered in the back of her mind as she chose her words carefully. “I’m sure if he’s a genuine political target, they’ve just scrubbed the web clean of him, being a minor and all.”
“But don’t you think it’s funny that he’s apparently so important but there’s no evidence of him or his father ever existing?”
“Lizzy.” Her voice was firm. “It’s entirely possible that his real name is different. And either way, it’s not our story to uncover. He’s entitled to his own privacy, and if he doesn’t reveal his true identity then we need to respect that.”
“Oooookaaayyyyy, Mother,” said Lizzy. “You’re so fun. You know that, right?”
“It’s my job.”
After the close brush with Lizzy, Y/N avoided the topic of Draco with her friends like wildfire. At the back of her mind, she registered that that was probably more suspicious, but when Sylvia asked her about him during lunch, she finally spun up a story.
“I told him I liked him,” she told everyone, the words stinging her throat. “He doesn’t feel the same way. I just would feel better if we dropped it.”
Her friends reacted immediately with sympathy, telling her that it wasn’t her fault that he couldn’t see her for what she was worth. Somehow, this made her feel worse. She didn’t even need to tell him her feelings to know his thoughts--he didn’t see her as anything but a “muggle”, or whatever he called them. She never stood a chance.
Y/N spent an embarrassing amount of time wondering how things would’ve been different if she was a witch. She didn’t know anything about his world (apart from the fact that they really had a stick up their asses about people knowing of them) but she somehow craved a place in it. Would Draco feel differently towards her if she was magic? 
It was probably better if she didn’t pay too much mind to it, but she couldn’t let the thought go. Every time she shut her eyes at night, the memory of waking up next to Draco replayed in her head, over and over. She would’ve sold her soul to have gone back to that. Would things have been different if she had just...not found the letters? She was driving herself crazy digging through all her interactions with him. There’s no way she was imagining things, and judging by the surprised reactions of her friends when she told them he didn’t reciprocate feelings, she wasn’t the only one who thought something was there. If he was really so disgusted by her and her people, he wouldn’t have let her sleep in his room, in his bed no less. 
As December wore on, her mind began to be occupied by another feverish stream of thoughts. If she didn’t already feel like she was going crazy over the Draco problem, she was going completely insane over the fact that she was misplacing things like crazy and forgetting the most basic of things. It seemed like it was almost every day that she was forgetting where she put her keys (even though she could’ve sworn she’d hung them up by the door) or getting home to find the door already unlocked even though she was sure that she’d locked it behind her. It would’ve creeped her out, but she was really off kilter. It just wasn’t right having Draco away, and the sense of dread she got every time she went by her room just threw her off balance. What if she still had lingering sickness from whatever magical infliction she suffered? 
He really should’ve stuck around to watch after me. Just in case. 
Another thing was bothering her--a name she saw pop up in the pouch from when she went through his letters. It was a small portion of his collection, and she didn’t even think to examine it until after he took them back from her, but she noticed that the name “Pansy Parkinson” came up more than once as a return address. 
Her mind immediately jumped to the worst--Draco was madly in love with another girl, a magical girl, and traveled back home with the express purpose of declaring his neverending devotion for her and complaining about that rat Ohioan muggle that he had to spend his days with. 
Y/N knew it wasn’t healthy, but no matter what she did, she couldn’t quite shake it. The fact that he’d no doubt grown up around girls that would be suitable for him to date was making her physically ill with jealousy, which was probably the most embarrassing part of her feelings for him. Nevermind how much time she spent fantasizing about how soft his hair felt or how his stupidly pretty fingers would feel grazing her skin--she couldn’t even cope with the idea of him existing with other women that were honestly a better choice to him. 
That Christmas was surprisingly bleak. Being an only child always made for a quiet house during the holidays, but the expectation she held of having Draco there set her up for disappointment. Her house felt empty.
“Do you think he’s coming back?” Y/N asked her mother as they did the morning dishes together. 
“Well, I assume so. Why wouldn’t he? He was scheduled to spend the entire year with us. I think that if he’s changed his mind we would at least know by now.”
“What if he’s still deciding?”
“Why, miss him already?” Mrs. Y/L/N’s tone was teasing, but she felt her cheeks grow hot. 
“Quite the contrary. I’m just wondering if I’m about to become the pampered only child again or if I’m going to need to go back into the unglamorous life of sharing the spotlight.”
“Y/N,” her mother tutted. She’d stopped doing the dishes.
Y/N made a point to evade her knowing look. “Mom.” 
Her mother took a breath before answering. “Nothing. As a matter of fact, I did get a letter from him a few days ago. He’s scheduled to return the second week of January, right before school goes back.”
“Oh,” said Y/N. No matter how hard she tried, there’s no way her relief wasn’t visible.
“How’s that for your Christmas gift, hm?” 
“Hey! Hey, it was a joke,” Mrs. Y/L/N said, throwing her hands up in a “no can do” sort of gesture. “I know that you’re good friends with him is all. Unless…”
“Mom!” Her cheeks were all shades of red.
“All I’m saying is that he seems to enjoy your company.”
“Stockholm syndrome, I’m telling you.” Her explanation of what that meant was on the tip of her tongue before she stopped herself. There was no reason to--the only person who would need that explained to them was no longer on the same continent as her. 
“Whatever you’d like to think.”
The snowstorm hit them without warning, two days after Christmas. Her parents had left for the night to attend a charity auction, but unfortunately for Y/N, by the time that they realized that their daughter would be snowed in, the roads were too dangerous to drive on. Y/N begrudgingly agreed to do all of the things they told her to--get the generator ready, make sure the fireplace was prepared, and locate all the candles in the house. 
On any normal day, she wouldn’t have been concerned in the slightest, but she’d felt uneasy in her house ever since the night of the break-in, and now that this was the first night she’d have to spend alone, her heart was pounding at the thought of having to sleep in an empty house. Especially if the power was out. Especially when whoever broke in was still on the loose. 
She locked up at dusk, making sure that every entry to her home was completely sealed shut. The generator was in the basement, all set up in the case that the lights went out. She’d located all the bottled water in her house in case the pipes froze, and she finally retired to her room to relax. 
The sense of dread that hovered around Draco’s room was gone, thankfully. The overall feeling of creepiness was just beginning to lose its jarring sting, but she’d never quite been able to shake how many things she misplaced in the beginning of the month. 
She busied herself with mundane activities--she cleaned out her closet, organized her drawers, read, changed her sheets, and finished the last of her homework--but nothing could distract her from the gnawing inside of her. The hairs on the back of her neck constantly stood up, even when she was tucked away in the corner of her room, nestled into her blankets. The tingling was akin to what she felt when she walked into that antique shop on homecoming night--the same night when Draco helped her off her feet and narrowly kept her from throwing up all over Heather.
Looking back on it, she realized that when he grabbed her wrist, he must’ve done something to quell her nausea, something magical. There was no way her carsickness could’ve been able to disappear so quickly. 
Her soliloquy was interrupted by what sounded like footsteps outside. Before she could assess the situation and decide what she was going to do, a boom sounded off in the distance and she was all of a sudden bathed in darkness.
Y/N froze.
Someone was most definitely outside her house, but thankfully she’d locked all the doors. And, thankfully, the boom told her that her fuse box hadn’t been messed with. A tree had probably just fallen on a transformer. 
But those small comforts still didn’t change the fact that she was no longer alone--and not only that, but no longer alone without power. 
Her thoughts were interrupted once again by banging on her front door. Y/N jumped, just barely managing to clap her hand over her mouth to muffle her shriek. She’d seen enough horror movies to know that alerting someone that you were home wasn’t the smartest move. She’d have to be strategic. 
Heart pounding out of her chest, she crept out of her room and down the stairs. The power outage was quite lucky, she realized, as whoever was outside couldn’t see in. The moon only cast a slight light as it reflected off of the snow, so she was going to be able to see the person outside before they would see her.
She squinted from her perch by the base of the staircase. She could make out a silhouette, a tall and lanky one. The weak moonlight reflected off a very light head of hair, and Y/N was struck with a feeling of familiarity.
No way...
Y/N stood frozen for a few seconds as she heard the person knock on the door again. A muffled version of a familiar British voice said, “Is anyone there?”
Throwing all caution to the wind and praying to any higher power that was listening to her that her suspicion was correct, she pushed down on the doorknob and swung it open.
Her heart stopped. 
“Draco? What are you--”
Before she could get another word out of her mouth, she was pulled into the tightest (and snowiest) hug of her life. One of his arms wrapped solidly around her waist, the other reaching further up to her shoulders to hold her closer. He was tall enough in comparison that he could rest his chin on the top of her head while she cautiously clasped her hands around him, breathing in the same soft pine scent that she knew so well.
When he finally let go of her, she noticed that his face was decidedly less pale than what it had been when she first opened the door. At a loss for words, Y/N just made her way behind him and shut the door to keep the storm from blowing any more snowflakes in. She noted that Draco was shaking.
“You’re okay,” he said, his voice low and quiet.
She grinned. “Yeah. Believe it or not, I’m not that scared of the dark.”
He didn’t look nearly as amused, wringing his hands out in front of him instead of meeting her eyes.
“You’re going to freeze to death if you’re gonna just stand there in soaking clothes,” she chided. “And what are you doing back half a month early? I know you must’ve missed me, but I didn’t expect you to miss me THAT much.”
He rolled his eyes, bringing Y/N the comfort that the sarcastic asshole was still in there. “We need to talk.”
“No, what you need to do is get changed into dry clothes,” she said. “Not sure if you’ve noticed, but until we get our generator working, there’s no heat...and I’m not sure if the Ministry is going to like it if I let you die on my watch.”
Even though he didn’t normally laugh at her jokes, he seemed especially solemn when she said this. It became very clear to her then that he regretted his brief display of affection.
“What are you doing, just standing here? Shoo! I don’t want to see you dripping snow all over the rug.” She waved him off until he made his way up the stairs, still eerily silent. 
Once she was sure he was actually getting dressed, she made her way to the kitchen where she started heating up the water. She’d never been more thankful for the fact that they had a gas stove instead of an electric one. 
The tea was almost finished brewing by the time that Draco was back downstairs, perched awkwardly on the couch. She’d never seen his sweater before--it was in a rich forest green with a silver crest of a snake. 
“Are you going to tell me whatever is going on? I’ve never seen you like this before,” asked Y/N as she handed him the mug that she knew to be his favorite.
He took a sip and waited a bit before responding. “I found out some things while I was away.”
“Is that it? Must’ve been something pretty interesting for you to come in here and act like I’m your long lost love or whatever.” She took careful note of how his cheeks were especially pink, but it must’ve been because of the cold.
“I shouldn’t tell you everything, but I think you should probably know the gist of things,” he began. “First of all, I figured out why I couldn’t use the Obliviation cube on you. Also, you have to consent to an Unbreakable Vow.”
“A...what? Care to elaborate? Like, at least a little? Why didn’t it work on me?”
He sighed, a sharp breath of air that left his lungs in a huff. “Because you stumbled upon a very important box that can bestow the gift of magic onto anyone. And since you did something in your dream to try and open it, it permanently took root in you. I tried to reverse it, but there’s always going to be an imprint of magic on you.”
“Sick. So I’m a witch now? Like you?”
“No.” His tone was sour. “No, you’re not. For that to work, there needs to be a ritual actually completed by someone magical. That’s why you got so sick--because you would’ve needed me to help you through your dream sequence and open up the box. So, now that you’ve essentially pushed yourself into the magical world uninvited, I can’t use anything on you that’s catered towards Muggles.”
“Rats,” said Y/N. “That’s no fun. What about the whole part about my safety? And what’s that vow thing?”
“Apparently someone really, really wants that box,” Draco told her. “It doesn’t just give muggles the gift of magic--it can also give current wizards powers that are otherwise completely unavailable to the rest of the population. In the wrong hands, they could wreak havoc on the world. And I’m almost positive they think you have it.”
“Oh…” Everything started falling into place. “So, the break in? That probably was them right? And, uh, let’s say if you feel like maybe someone has been in your house while you’ve been gone? Like, that’s something I should be worried about, right?” 
“Is that happening to you?” His face looked significantly more pale.
Y/N was tempted to tell him no--just to ease his nerves--but something in his look told her that she needed to be truthful. “Um, kind of. You know how I can be forgetful, though. It’s just little things, like sometimes I come home to find that the front door is unlocked when I’m sure I locked it, or I can’t find little things like my car keys and my phone, but it’s all easily explained.”
“I never should’ve left,” he said, tucked his knees up to his chest. “I should’ve known that that was Merlin’s Box.” He swallowed, meeting her eyes with a gaze that looked so forlorn that her heart ached. “I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, hey, all we have to do is tell them I don’t have the box, right? And then they’ll leave me alone.” 
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I assume so, but if they didn’t find the box when they originally ransacked your room and they’re still hanging around, I don’t know what to do. That’s why I can’t obliviate you, the proper way that we use on wizards, because I can’t always be there to save you. Once I’m gone, you’re going to have to manage on your own.”
“Please, Draco,” said Y/N. “People will always talk a big game, but once I pull out my pepper spray it’s over. I can take care of myself! I didn’t need protection while you’re away.”
He smiled then, a small one that seemed more sad than anything. “You sound like me. When I was younger.”
“You probably don’t even know what pepper spray is. What’s that vow thing?”
“You have to promise that you won’t say anything that would reveal what you know about me and my world,” said Draco. “I need to find a wizard to say the incantations, but it shouldn’t be too hard. I ended up telling the Ministry what happened--I’m not going to get sent away as they have a clear record of me at least attempting to wipe your memory and they agree that you need to be able to protect yourself. Unbreakable Vows are just really intense promises. If you break it, you die.”
“Is that your way of saying you don’t really trust my word?”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s required by the Ministry. If you don’t comply, then you’re going to be completely obliviated and then you can have as much fun as you’d like trying to run from whoever that criminal is without even knowing why they’re after you. Oh, and without me.” 
“Then why are you even offering the vow? Don’t you want to go home?”
Draco took a long drink from his mug. “I still have a sentence to carry out. If I go back home, I’ll get sent to the same prison that my father is being held at right now.”
“A...sentence?” Y/N stared at him. “I know you mentioned a punishment, but a sentence?”
He remained silent and refused to meet her eyes.
“Draco, what exactly did you have to do?”
“It’s none of your business,” he snapped. The sudden switch of tone made Y/N start, but he was unwavering in his scowl. “I’d prefer to not think about it.”
“But...Draco…” Y/N cast her gaze to the ground so she didn’t have to see the no doubt furious look in his eyes when she continued to push. “How bad? Do you think that maybe whoever is after me might know that I don’t have the box anymore? And that they might be trying to seek revenge against you for whatever it was that you did instead?”
He didn’t respond.
“Think about it. That would explain why I was untouched this whole time that you were away when they were still keeping tabs on me.”
With a pronounced bonk, he set his mug down on the coffee table. “I’m going to bed.”
She managed to get one more look at his face before he spun around to head up the stairs and was shocked to see what was etched into his face--anger, yes, frustration...and also shame. Unmistakable shame.
final a/n: weeoooooooo i’m like 3 minutes early...this is a monumental moment for my blog. let me know what you guys think (if there’s still people sticking with this series fjkds;al). i am going to go back into my hole and work on some math hw (wonders of ohio y/n vibes...i have low key become her trying to roleplay as a stem girl). the plot is going to thicken and hopefully there will be more fluff soon. i honestly didn’t want to add the hug bc i do want this to be slow burn but it has come to my attention that this is now about 30k words long and i haven’t given y’all so much as an inkling that draco has feelings/anything will happen between them so i gotta give you something to hold you over fjdska;
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Talk less, smile more (LMM/Reader)
Chapter 2
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Hey friends, i finally found the time to write this second chapter. Hope you like it. Oh, and if you want to be added in the taglist for the following chapter you only have to ask. See you soon. Stay safe. Word count: 1093 tw: swearing, mentions of sex
Your apartment's door slammed shut and you flew down the stairs like you were being chased by that one old uncle -who's not your real uncle- that every Christmas asks you if you're still single and makes unpleasant remarks about how if he were younger he'd "show you" how beautiful you are.
But risking a couple of broken bones was worth it: you did not want to be slapped by your sister, although you must admit, she knows how to make you fall into line and save yourself -and others- from your horrible time management skills. Sometimes she can scare the crap out of you, even though you know she does it for your own good.
You walk through your building gate at 6:55, thank goodness. No sign of that yellow tuna can of hers that somehow manages to resemble a vehicle. You start playing the game that you always play when you are waiting for someone: "guess the story of this bystander's life".
Like, look at that guy over there. He has a briefcase in his left hand and his phone in the right. He's walking slowly, his head lowered as if he was eaten up by guilt or shame.
Oh, he must've fucked up real hard. It could be a work thing.
Or -wait- maybe it's something more interesting, like he lost a lot of money at a casino in Vegas, perhaps even cheated on his wife with the dealer, or-
Stop, just stop. Your brain is going too fast. You're not a 3-year-old on Adderall, you're an adult, responsible, and -Oh my God!!
What if he has murdered someone and now he's regretting it!
Nope, not ok y/n, not okay. You'll behave yourself, because you're not nervous, you're not afraid that this "thing" you have with him will go south just before it really has started and you will end up hurt and shattered into tiny little pieces because you believed in it, and you poured your soul into it only to be disappointed by the harsh reality: you are not worthy of love. You're chaos. You have no chill whatsoever. For you, it's all or nothing, and-
6.58. That's weird, she's not at least three minutes early. You were starting to worry when there it was, her yellow little tuna can.
«What the hell...» you muttered, causing a puff of condensed air to pirouette out of your mouth. Three pairs of hands waved frantically at you from within the vehicle.
«Oh no, the whole gang is here...»
«Change of plans» Your sister screamed as she got out of the car «Come in for a hug, sweetheart, I missed you!»
«I missed you too,» you replied in a whisper, almost choked by the tightness of her embrace.
«Hop in, hun,» She said «we -and by we I mean me, you, Kate, and Liz- have plenty to talk about»
«We sure do» you sighed. The prospect of three women interrogating you like they were the freaking FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit was not a good one. You'd rather spend a peaceful evening alone with your sister and a plate of linguine allo scoglio but there's no going back now.
   «Are you ready to order, mie care signore?» the waiter asked, with a big smile and a slight wink.
«Yes, we are,» your sister answered in a cheerful tone «And how are your wife and baby, Andrea? I hear he's got his mother’s beautiful green eyes.»
«Oh, he's a very well-behaved baby, if you don't take into account the part in which he doesn't let me and my wife sleep more than an hour a night. But anyway, what can I get started for you lot this evening?»
«For me a pizza caprise?» Liz replied hastily. Liz had to be always the first one to do anything, which is why she had "mommy issues" and written all over her face.
«Capreese? Sorry, I’ve not yet figured out how to pronounce it»
«It's actually Caprese, which means from Capri, ma’am. That’s also where my mother was born.» he said, with a glimpse of pride in his eyes.
«Oh, that makes sense. So a pizza Caprese and a medium brown ale.» said Liz
«A pizza Caprese and a medium brown ale for the lady» he repeated while scribbling on his notepad.
«I'll take the seafood linguine and a white wine of your choice. I trust your judgment» intervened Kate in an almost less than a whisper. She's the cutie and the shy one of the group. And the one men usually prefer since she has the face and the voice of a Cherub come straight from heaven.
«I’ll take the ravioli burro e salvia. And can we have a jug of water so we can share it?» my sister added. «Oh and bring also a hot hot tea, 'cause she has to spill some!»
It was a "wink wink nudge nudge" situation. You felt their eyes on you and their laughter, but your mind was oh-so elsewhere.
«And for you, Antonio's favorite, who’s always daydreaming and never pays attention to me? The usual?»
Kate gave you a first nudge in between your ribs, but you were far, far away, back to when your heart was beating so fast you thought it might just give up, and his cock was filling you up so completely you forgot that a world existed outside of the heaving mess you were. You'll never forget those moments of beatitude, nor the raspy groans and luscious whispers that into your ears and onto your skin felt like velvet and honey. Kate gave you another nudge, this time so hard your head bolted upwards. You looked like you were caught with your hands in a cookie jar. Your cheeks were a bright red. And you were insanely hot. And a tad bit wet.
«Hey, yes, sorry, I was... yes I’ll take the pizza fantasia, so Antonio can surprise me.»
You always ordered that, and Antonio even said to you that you’re his inspiration for new pizza flavors. He also bought a little notebook with your name on it, in which to keep track of all the pizzas he made, so as not to make you the same pizza twice. He’s been so kind to you you couldn't not invite him to your graduation. He looked even more proud of you than your actual parents were that day. You loved the man.
«Sure, he'll be pleased you came back, he was starting to worry you would go to that new place across the street»
«Oh, I could never. He's like family to me. To us. You all are.»
«Thanks, ma'am, I'll be back in a sec with your complimentary antipasti della casa,  and your drinks.» You thanked him and smiled sheepishly. You knew what was coming next and you braced yourself for the pack of wolves in front of you that now has shifted its focus from the waiter to you, ready to jump right at you and bite your ass. 
«So» They all exclaimed almost in unison.
«So» You replied, biting your bottom lip.
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iceshard1011 · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders & Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders/Logic | Logan Sanders, Unrequited Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders/Logic | Logan Sanders Characters: Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Deceit | Janus Sanders, Morality | Patton Sanders, Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Orange Side (Sanders Sides) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Character Death, Character Turned Into a Ghost, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders And Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders Angst, Car Accidents, Precognition, Abusive Parents, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Background Orange Side (Sanders Sides), Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders Needs a Hug, Logic | Logan Sanders Is A Good (Boy)Friend, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders is So Done, Sympathetic Sides (Sanders Sides), Mentions of various mental illnesses, (none of which any of the characters have) Summary:
"You know when people say your life flashes before your eyes? Well, it doesn’t. You don’t have time."
In which anyone who has ever hurt Remus immediately pays for it thanks to his menace of a brother.
4k word fic is below :)
Remus had always had rotten luck. Wherever he dared to have the audacity to step, utter chaos followed. Whether it was a punch to the nose from an asshole trying to mug him or a woman ranting at an accidental spill of coffee on her new shirt. Whether someone walked away with a soured attitude or broken leg, anyone who came in contact with Remus had their entire day — and sometimes their entire life — ruined, simply for looking at him the wrong way. Remus figured this recurring curse nipping at his heels was the reason he had no connections with his family, the reason no co-workers wanted to be around him, why no one in his classes stuck around long enough to know more than his name.
Oh, also, he was crazy.
If everything aforementioned wasn’t enough to push someone away, announcing that he had a voice that told him This person talks behind your back was a sure-fire way to send anyone scrambling.
At first, Remus thought it was normal. For a thirteen-year-old boy growing and changing and dealing with significantly more stress and grief than other people his age, hearing things like Your friends are toxic and This teacher sucks and You don’t need school didn’t seem so crazy.
Besides, he’d approached his parents exactly once about leaving school, and got his answer swiftly and harshly. He’d never asked again, too distracted with trying to help Mum when she came down with a sick spell for the next week and the way Dad’s car kept breaking down.
The thoughts didn’t cease.
It’s not wrong to like boys.
You’re not in love with your girlfriend.
You could anonymously key your English teacher’s car after school. The bitch deserves it.
Sometimes, Remus did stupid things like listen to the ridiculous thoughts that hummed in the back of his mind.
When he fled from the car, stuck in the middle of congested traffic just before a truck ploughed through the vein of vehicles and landed his father in hospital for days, his mother had slapped him upside the head and grounded him for far longer. Remus still wasn’t entirely sure why. He wondered if she blamed him for not warning them. He wasn’t sure if that was justified, as he hadn’t been thinking much else other than the GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT that had been ringing in his ears.
When the thoughts had mused, seemingly half-heartedly, that his father was going to trip down the flight of stairs if he went without his crutches, Remus’ attempt at a warning had earned him two weeks of dabbing foundation over the bridge of his cheek so no one at school would ask questions.
“Stop acting out!” his mum had screamed once as she pinned him to the wall, her nails digging into his throat and her expression blurry from his stinging eyes. “It won’t change anything!”
His parents’ breaking point was when Remus freaked out the entirety of his chemistry class when his mind insisted that the method the professor was teaching them was going to cause fire to catch on the hair of the girl at the far end of the classroom. He was called into the principal’s office during that class (escaped the smoke alarm going off and the screaming from someone who was going to have an unexpected style change, which was good) and then again at the end of school, with the addition of his parents, neither who were very happy about it.
It was then that he revealed, in a humiliated mumble, about the odd thoughts that continued to prove to have some truth.
The money for a doctor got on his parents’ nerves. He stopped visiting the therapist before any diagnosis could be determined.
Remus did his own research. Schizophrenia, bipolar, DID, OSDD, OCD, every relevant acronym and mental illness under the sun, yet nothing answered all of his questions. There weren’t any odd dreams, multiple voices weren’t clogging his mind, he didn’t feel out of place in his own body, he never saw anything that wasn’t really there.
Nothing explained the odd precognitions the voice gave him, the strange accusatory claims made of the people around Remus who he personally thought he was quite fond of, the baffling times where the voice tried to talk to him like it was any other casual conversation. Even things like how Remus was told not to cross that section of the road, or was mentioned a pretty-looking butterfly behind Remus that he hadn’t even seen yet.
Nothing ticked all the boxes. Nothing gave him all the answers.
Remus was in college, low grades, a shitty apartment, few friends who hated his boyfriend and a boyfriend who hated his few friends, when he reached his own breaking point with himself.
His boyfriend walked into the apartment, expression bored and eyes uninterested. Remus smirked over at him.
“You get my deodorant?” he asked, standing from the couch.
He didn’t, the voice said.
“No,” said Neroli. Remus wasn’t disappointed.
“I guess you’ll have to deal with the consequences of not entertaining me, then,” he said with a sharp grin, gripping Neroli’s shirt and tugging him down for a kiss. His boyfriend responded, suitably fervently. Remus was just getting to the point of reaching for his boyfriend’s belt when the voice growled, quietly, as if it hadn’t meant for Remus to hear, Cheating bastard.
It startled Remus so badly he yanked back from Neroli like he’d been scalded. He earned a bemused look from his boyfriend.
“Why, uh— why didn’t you drop by the shops?” Remus asked, hating himself for considering listening to the menace inside his head. Neroli shrugged dully, moving into the kitchen. He peered into the fridge.
“Got caught up.”
“With what?” Remus blurted, then screamed at himself for opening his mouth. Neroli shot him a dirty look.
“What, do you expect me to explain every second of my day to you?” he asked irritably.
“Only the fun parts.” Remus shot him another suggestive, toothy grin. It was ignored.
Don’t listen to it, whispered Remus to himself. Don’t listen to it.
Ask him where he was on the night you were studying with Logan, the voice said in reply. Remus growled and shook his head. The voice persisted; Ask.
“You look distracted,” Neroli noted, but he sounded detached.
“Maybe I’m thinking about you under the sheets,” Remus said.
Neroli didn’t entertain him.
“Maybe you’re cheating on me,” said Remus with another grin, waiting for Neroli to give him a reaction. His boyfriend merely glanced over at him with a considering look.
“Actually,” he said, and Remus’ heart dropped against his will, “I’m going to my friend’s place. I made plans with her instead of getting groceries.” He walked past Remus and took his car keys from the entry table.
Remus still remembered the way he had felt nauseous, and the ferocious feeling that had washed over him that somehow felt like the voice sounded when Neroli had said, “By the way, I’m breaking up with you,” without so much as a glance over his shoulder. “And I want you gone from the apartment by the time I come back.”
Remus had found himself with his head in his hands on the couch for the next few hours, going through the motions. He didn’t cry. He hadn’t cried for a long time. He had felt numb, even as the voice had murmured apology after apology.
Eventually, Remus had got himself and his things together and moved from the place, a worn backpack all to show for his possessions. He had ignored the voice ordering him to find somewhere to eat, some shelter to sleep, the demands to call his friends and ask for help.
Remus had spent the night of Christmas Eve shivering on a park bench, bag for a pillow and his own arms as a blanket.
(He couldn’t deny that it was his fault when Neroli got into a car crash on his way back to his apartment that morning.)
Over the following years, with more scenarios such as that, Remus learned that it was best if people knew he was insane. If they knew that, if they knew he heard things, and caused horror everywhere he went, they would stay away. If people stayed away, they saved themselves from a bad time and Remus from having to watch anyone he’d gotten attached to leave.
He was sick of people leaving.
Somehow, amongst this mindset, he hadn’t quite managed to shake a scattered few of his old college friends.
Logan, a nerd with a prime attitude and punchable face and also the least emotionally available person Remus had encountered, was somehow one of Remus’ main sources of support. He had taken up tutoring Remus, against Remus’ better judgement, and he had constantly offered his own house as a place for Remus whenever he needed it. Not that Remus ever accepted any of this, mind you.
The only problem was — Logan was feisty. Almost as feisty as Janus, and just as feisty as Roman. His stubbornness matched Remus’ and it was near impossible to shake the guy from an idea once he was fixed on it.
It was kind of endearing.
(It was also very difficult, given Remus’ goal in life had become to stop hurting people he cared about.)
Logan also rambled a whole lot, which Remus liked. It drowned out the voice, still present after all these years. It had quietened considerably, if Remus thought about it. It seemed to have a strange opinion on Logan. Remus ignored it, nonetheless.
This particular afternoon, Remus found that he couldn’t keep ignoring the cursed phenomenon following him.
“Are you paying attention?” Logan asked.
Remus smirked, keeping his eyes on the path in front of him. He kicked the stone again, and it skittered up the pathway then waited like a faithful dog for Remus to catch up. “More or less. Meteorology, right?”
He could tell Logan was looking at him. He probably looked outwardly annoyed, but there would be an amused spark behind the rim of his glances that never escaped Remus. “More or less.”
Remus bobbed his head. “Then yeah, I was listening.”
Logan hummed in agreement but didn’t resume the conversation. They walked in companionable silence along the street path, accompanied merely by the padding of their shoes and the tap-tap-tap of Remus’ stone. The road beside them was quiet.
“Remus?” asked Logan.
“Hm?” Remus said.
“Why don’t you come to my house tonight?” Logan asked. “It is New Year’s Eve. The others will be there. I would like for you to have some company.”
Oh, I have company, grumbled Remus. And it won’t shut up.
The voice, as if to solely prove him wrong, remained silent. Remus may have felt some indignation on its behalf, however.
“Maybe,” said Remus, which meant No.
“Please,” Logan said, because he knew.
“Logan,” sighed Remus, “you know how I—”
“Yes,” Logan interjected. “I know it distresses you to have companionship, but truly, it is not such the awful venture that you have convinced yourself it is.”
Remus sighed again, his shoulders sagging. He stopped walking and edged away from Logan, no longer happy to be alone with him. He didn’t know what to say.
He was too busy formulating some semblance of a reply to pay attention to the rising anxiety in the back of his mind and the distantly increasing screeching sound.
By the time the speeding car spun around the corner across the road, he was too slow to react.
MOVE, the voice screamed.
Remus couldn’t.
Logan might have shouted, but he sounded like he’d moved — further away from where he had been standing. Probably to somewhere safe. That was good, at least. Logan had something to offer the world, with that big brain of his.
The car skidded across the road, moving too fast to regain control. It sped forward, wheels rolling along the path, barreling towards the spot Remus was standing.
MOVE, his voice was shrieking. Crying. Begging.
Remus didn’t.
The car, by some logic, didn’t hit Remus.
The car didn’t hit Remus, because it hit something — Remus didn’t see what, and later Logan would agree — first, and flipped like a goddamn pencil being flung across a bored classroom. The hunk of metal flew into the air, the bottom turning to the sky and the roof glinting down at Remus beneath it—
And crashed to the asphalt metres away from where Remus was standing, completely unharmed.
He and Logan stood there, speechless, for a very long time.
The police, once having caught up to the hit-and-run escapee, deemed it an accident on the driver’s behalf. Remus and Logan were dismissed from the scene without being asked any questions. Remus hadn’t spoken a word since it had happened, anyway. Logan had been the one to text their friends and talk to the officers. He had then guided Remus back to his apartment, where the others were already hanging out. They greeted Remus at first but left him alone once being waved away by Logan. He was brought into Logan’s bedroom and set on the bed.
“Now,” Logan said without wasting a beat. “What. Was. That.”
Remus blinked up at him. He worked his jaw. Nothing came out.
Some expositional bullshit? he mentally asked hopefully. The only answer he got was what vaguely felt like the embodiment of a winded wheeze of an exhausted runner. Fantastic help.
“I would like some answers, Remus,” Logan said, and he looked almost angry. “Odd things have happened in your presence before but nothing like this. I watched a car run into nothing and flip as if it had crashed into a row of bollards. You otherwise would have been flattened. You should be dead, or at least in the hospital.” Cool hands cupped Remus’ cheeks, and steel blue eyes bored into him. “I am eternally grateful that that is  not  what has happened, but I need answers.”
Remus tried to talk but didn’t. Logan pulled back and began to pace.
“We already checked the surrounding area,” he began to mutter. “There was no lip on the pavement, nothing to cause such a graphic result. The car’s wheels aside from being burned from skidding were not damaged. I don’t understand what—”
“I’m cursed,” Remus finally croaked. Logan paused to look at him. “It’s me, I—”
“No,” Logan said. “You have tried to tell me this nonsense before, I will not—”
“It’s true,” Remus said vigorously. “It has happened for years, Logan. Every time something mildly inconveniences me, everything goes to shit. Someone on the other end of the street could look at me the wrong way and suddenly they’re tripping over their untied shoelaces and dropping their groceries into the road. My boss doesn’t give me enough hours and suddenly she’s firing the co-worker I hate and giving me their pay. I don’t understand it, Logan, but you can’t keep denying it.”
“There’s a voice,” he blurted, because he never had much of a filter. “There’s this voice, too. It’s the same one, but I can’t really hear it, you know? Imagine a single intrusive thought, but it’s always saying different things and some of them aren’t even bad.”
Logan now looked concerned. “Remus—”
“It acts like it’s my friend. Like we’re old pals looking out of each other. I hate it, Logan! It’s the reason no one wants to be around me! It’s the reason I can’t trust anyone I meet, because either they’re going to find about me and leave or the voice will tell me something about them that I don’t want to know but it’ll end up being true—”
“Remus.” Logan was crouched in front of him, his hands squeezing his shoulders. “Please breathe. We will work this out.”
“You can’t,” Remus told him. “I have already gone to every doctor, every psychiatrist. The moment I was free of my parents I went to every damn qualified person in this place, for years, and none of them know what it is.
“I went to a goddamn psychic, Logan.” Remus laughed wetly, shaking his head. “That’s how desperate I was. Dumb, right?”
“You are not dumb,” Logan said, and he said it with so much ferocity that it took Remus a moment to realise the voice had said the same thing, much quieter. “You’re troubled. You’re— you just need to find the right answers.”
“I don’t even know what questions I’m asking, anymore,” Remus said, and hated how broken he sounded. He pressed his forehead to Logan’s chest when he stood. “So I don’t know what answers we’re talking about.”
“We’ll figure out something,” promised Logan. “I promise.”
Remus closed his eyes, so tears wouldn’t get past. They stayed like that until Patton tentatively knocked on the door to ask them if they wanted to count down for the new year.
They did. They counted down, and cheered, and danced and sang and Remus drank until he passed out on the couch, snuggled between Janus and Logan. He didn’t even mind waking up the next morning with a throbbing headache.
Virgil referred Remus to his therapist, a cheery moron with an obsession with pink and cartoons. He seemed less focused on diagnosing Remus and simply talking. He referenced a lot of things Remus didn’t know. The voice seemed to like him — not that Remus cared about its opinions. Remus thought that maybe he liked talking to him.
Somewhere along the line, Remus and Logan started dating. Remus wasn’t sure how it had happened, either. He was fairly sure they had been reading on the carpet, and then the next moment they were pressed against the wall, down each other’s throats, so… Remus wasn’t exactly  complaining.
There were bad days, where the voice hadn’t even done anything wrong and yet Remus clawed at his skull. Bad days, where he and Logan fought for real, which scared Remus (he wasn’t easy to scare, either.) At one point, Janus had picked a fight with the wrong group of people and got himself a concussion, which he recovered from fine, but sent Remus to bed with nightmares of blank eyes and bloodied skin for weeks after.
Eventually the dreams stopped, but Remus knew he hadn’t completely recovered when he found himself in the bathroom of an empty apartment, watching white porcelain run red.
Stop it. Remus still had little to no clue how so much as a voice could sound as if it was an aggravated wolf pacing in a tiny metal cage. You need to stop.
Don’t tell me what to do, Remus thought.
Don’t make me stop you myself.
Yeah, Remus thought with a scoff to himself. Good luck with that.
Remus. Please.
Remus shook himself, as if he could physically shake the voice from his head and continued. The voice went quiet.
Time passed, peacefully, blissfully quiet. The sink was stained further.
Remus was almost letting himself relax, but then the door slammed open, somehow, in the middle of the empty apartment, and Logan was standing in the doorway, looking furious, in the empty apartment.
“You said you were fine,” said Logan. Remus felt like a child caught with his hand stuck in the cookie jar. Crusty, bloody cookies. “You. Said—” Logan crossed the room and gripped Remus’s slick wrist in his— “that you were fine.”
“I am!” Remus protested. “I’m just—”
“You are NOT!” Logan roared. Remus flinched back. Logan stilled, then paled. Remus squinted at his far away gaze and wondered in horror why Logan looked as if he was listening to something. “I’m sorry for yelling,” he said quietly, “but you are not okay.”
Remus scowled and looked down at the sink he had ruined.
Logan hummed softly. “I’m going to call your therapist.” Remus whirled on him. “Just to book an earlier appointment, okay? I know you don’t like anyone helping you clean up.”
Remus scowled again. Logan brushed a cool hand across his chin and kissed his cheek. He pulled the medical kit from the cupboard and unpacked the bandages and antiseptic. He instructed Remus he was going to leave the door open. Remus silently got to work cleaning himself up.
Once Logan was out of sight (though Remus could hear him in the kitchen), Remus thought accusatorily, What did you do?
The voice said, without an ounce of regret or pride, I stopped you.
Stop interfering with my life. Whatever-the-fuck you are.
Somewhere, you’ve confused ‘protecting’ with ‘interfering.’
Remus threw the bottle of antiseptic across the room. It smashed against the wall and spilled across the bathtub. “SHUT UP,” he roared.
“Remus?” Logan called.
Get the fuck away from me, Remus growled before Logan hurried into the room.
“What is it?”
Remus shook his head. He couldn’t answer. He never did.
One night, Remus sat on the edge of his bed, staring across the room. The wall was bare. It let him concentrate on what he was thinking. For once, he started talking first.
You’re not a guardian angel.
You’re not a demon, unfortunately.
Certainly not.
Then what the hell are you?
As usual every time Remus asked, the voice did not give him an answer. Remus ground his teeth until his jaw ached.
If there was one thing Remus had been certain of in the duration of his entire life thus far, it was that the voice in his head was nothing but trouble. Irritating, infuriating, no-good trouble. It only ever ruined his relationships, got him into sticky situations, told him things that he didn’t  want  to hear, even if it seemed to think it would help.
The first time the voice was helpful, Remus also felt like his entire mindset had been flipped.
Remus and Logan had been fighting. Worse than usual. Logan was blinking faster than he normally would. Remus was chewing his lip to bloody tatters. He wasn’t sure who had yelled, or what had been yelled, but suddenly it was silent. Logan and Remus stared at each other. Then Logan inhaled shakily and turned.
Remus’ arm shot out and gripped Logan’s wrist. Logan shot him a dark look, but Remus couldn’t explain himself. His voice had completely abandoned him. He worked his jaw. Logan’s eyebrows drew further together.
Remus, for the love of the clovers we picked and weaved as children, kiss him dizzy before I send you both through the window in a fit of pent up frustration-driven rage.
Their lips clashed and locked in a startling display of star-danced vision and warm hands linked at the fingers.
Remus forgot about the voice, about the curse. He forgot about every time he had let someone in only to be hurt, every boyfriend who had taken his heart in their hands and clenched their fists. He forgot every time he and Logan had fought; every time Remus had told himself that it was all a mistake. He even forgot about the constant buzz in the back of his head.
For once in Remus’ life, his mind was quiet.
It was that night, with Logan’s body pressed against his side, staring up at the ceiling, that Remus wordlessly reached for the voice in his head. Somehow, even though he felt nothing and heard no voice, it seemed as if his hand had been grasped.
Remus lay there and maybe for the first time, wasn’t entirely sure he hated the voice in his head.
The voice didn’t remain silent after that night, but it did quieten slightly. Remus made no move to communicate with it.
One day, though, when it was storming outside and Remus needed a distraction because his wrists were itching and his eyes were seeing blood every time he blinked, he spoke.
“You picked clovers.”
We did.
“You did,” Remus corrected, not quite ready to have it spelled out for him.
Yes, said the voice quietly after a moment.
“You’re a voice.”
I have a voice, yes.
“In my head.”
Well, technically—
Remus clenched his fists, frustrated. It seemed to get his point across.
Yes. I suppose.
For a moment, they were both silent. Remus didn’t outright state what he was thinking, but he wondered if something with connections to his mind could work it out.
I can try and prove it, the voice said dubiously. Remus didn’t reply. Lightning flashed outside, accompanied by a low rumble that ratted the house.
Then, from within the bedroom, a low creeeeeak.
Remus looked around dully, too apathetic to be disturbed. His eyes widened, however, when he watched the bedside table’s top drawer sliding open.
“That was locked,” he said. He stood up, his heart beginning to lodge itself in his throat. He staggered around the bed towards the drawer. “No, wait— Not even Logan can get in there— Stop it!”
Something, somehow, slipped from the drawer. Remus practically dove for it before it could crack against the floor and shatter irreparably.
“What do you think you’re—” Remus’ voice swallowed itself back into his chest when he made the mistake of looking down at the picture frame. He snarled against his lumpy throat and tore his eyes from the pair of younger, happier, brighter twins printed on paper. He shoved it back in its drawer and slammed it closed. He pulled himself up to lean against it.
The thunder rumbled again. Remus needed something to ground himself.
“You never told me who you were.” His voice cracked.
A pause.
You never asked, the voice said weakly. Remus felt something inside him erupt.
“What sort of BULLSHIT REASON—”
There was a knock at the bedroom door. “Rem?” called Janus’ voice.
Remus shook his head. “Just— give me a second. I need to uh—” he laughed nonchalantly, “yell at my thoughts for a bit.”
Janus sounded hesitant when he slowly said, “Okay,” but he didn’t press anything.
Remus listened to his fading footsteps and muffled conversation before whirling around as if he were actually facing someone and hissing venomously, “You are very lucky you’re incorporeal otherwise I’d— I’d—”
Kill me over again? the voice supplied.
Remus broke down. Completely against his will, if he had been able to add his own input between the sobs tearing from his throat.
I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, bad wording, horrible word choice, I—
“Why didn’t you SAY ANYTHING?” Remus roared.
What would you have liked me to say? That apparently one accident is enough for a spirit to form and develop a connection with their only blood relative?
“Better that than all this— this— mysterious bullshit my entire life!”
You already thought you were crazy! Roman yelled, a little hysterically. How do you think that would have helped? ‘Oh hello, don’t mind me, just your dead brother’s ghost haunting you through your grief.’
Remus wasn't sure how he’d never noticed it before — maybe he wasn’t paying enough attention, maybe now that he knew he was actively listening for it, or maybe he had even subconsciously suppressed thoughts like the one he was about to admit to himself — but now if he listened, really listened, he could hear Roman in the voice. The way his voice would get higher when upset, and the baritones of his indignation.
Remus didn’t realise he was sobbing harder until he heard both Logan and Roman’s voices overlapping, concern and worry swimming in his head.
Please breathe, Remus, you’re working yourself into a panic attack.
Like you would know anything about that, Remus said.
I would, retorted Roman’s voice, without fire.
“What is it, dear?” Logan was asking, his cool hands tracing Remus’ face. “What’s happened?”
Remus looked up at him, tears rolling down his cheeks, and said with a wet laugh, “I’ve worked out what the asshole voice is all about.”
Logan had led Remus into the kitchen and pressed a warm mug into his hands. Remus had absentmindedly wiggled the cup, watching the dark liquid inside ripple. After making sure Remus was recovering, Logan had ducked from the room to talk to Janus.
“Tell me,” Remus growled quietly. He didn’t elaborate. He knew that he was understood. Still, everything was quiet.
You know when people say your life flashes before your eyes?
Remus did. He didn’t say as much, but he did.
Well, it doesn’t. You don’t have time.
Remus tried not to think about how little time there would have been. How scary it could have looked, could have felt. His clasped hands turned white at the knuckles. “What did you think about?”
A sizable pause, but not one without the comforting ever-constant buzzing hum of the voice’s presence.
You, was the final admission, with no preamble. Logan, too, I think. Our family must have a thing for hot nerds, eh?
“You had a crush on Logan,” Remus said hollowly.
Only a little one.
“That’s… That doesn’t help.”
Sorry. He sounded genuinely apologetic.
“You’ve been fucking with me for years and you don’t seem to have much to apologise for it,” Remus mused.
Sorry, Roman said again, sounding even more like a remorseful kicked puppy.
Remus sighed long and low. His mug tapped roughly against the table as he shoved it away from him to bury his face in his hands. “I can’t believe any of this.”
He wasn’t sure that thinking the weird phantom warmth was  ghosting  over his shoulders was going to do anything good for his deteriorating sense of control over his emotions.
Tell me what to do, said Roman. Please.
Remus squeezed his eyes shut. He swallowed.
“Stay,” was all he could say. “Just. For a while.”
Unfortunately or not, you’re going to be stuck with me for quite a while.
Remus sniffed.
Very unfortunate, he agreed with a hint of a smile.
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Hi can you do draco x hufflepuff reader where they met on the first day of hogwarts and became best friends then had crushes on one another??? It can be head cannons or like a story idc I just wanna feed my hufflepuff heart
Aye! A fellow hufflepuff! Hi there!
There you were. You had made it to hogwarts
You had been anxious that whole day.
See no one was really there to show you how to go about things, especially with that brick wall.
Your parents both were muggles, they had noooo fucking idea how any of this worked
All they knew is that you had a lot of weird moments as a kid
Mostly glass shattering during tantrums or things levitating on their own
Then they got this letter and woman showing up explaining "Look, your kid's a wizard."
So they were like "Ohhhh see that explains things!"
Sure, Mcgonagall helped your family when they had questions but Mcgonagall wasn't there now
But this one kid saw you wandering aimlessly.
"Hi." He said with a grumble after Narcissa recognized that lost look.
You turned around and Draco's heart was like "Oh... Oh no. Oh I'm feeling things for this person."
"Are you... Uhm... Here for... The platform?" You asked.
"Yes. Actually my mother sent me over here because you looked confused" he said.
"Oh! Oh thank God." You said with relief.
So he told you to run through it.
You thought he was joking until he ran through it.
So you followed.
Steam hit your face immediately and you were coughing.
"Wow that's brisk." You coughed.
Draco held back a snort.
You sat with him on the train and he finally introduced yourself.
"I'm Y/n by the way."
"Draco Malfoy." He said with a nod.
"That's... Kind of a cool name." You said.
Something in his gut told him "oh she's definitely not a Slytherin."
"What house are you hoping for?" He asked curiously.
"What?" You asked.
"Hogwarts house? The ones for the school?" He said.
"...There are houses for this?" You asked.
So he explained all of this to you.
He seemed to take great pride in Slytherin
You were just curious.
You stuck with Draco for the most part and some other kids who knew who he was.
"So. How do you not know anything about the wizarding world?" Draco finally asked.
"Neither of my parents are wizards"
Crabbe and Goyle nearly choked on air and Draco seemed to be having some sort of episode.
"What?" You asked.
"You're a mudblood?" He asked.
"It's not like I can control my genetics. And I know enough about the wizarding world to know that is offensive so could you not call me that!?" You said defensively.
That's when it clicked.
"She's a hufflepuff." He thought.
He didn't realize how right he was until you were sorted.
There was this one kid, she was spunky as fuck.
It was her last year there but she seemed to be excited to have someone new in the house.
Her name was Nymphadora but she loved "Tonks"
She was basically your big sister from this point on.
She showed you around with Cedric, she introduced you to new people, she even told you some secrets about the school.
That's when you noticed another group.
This one kid with glasses that NO ONE would shut the fuck up about.
You didn't officially talk to him until you ran into him
Literally. You ran into him after class one day.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going!" You said.
"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention either." He said reassuringly.
You introduced yourself and Ron introduced himself too.
Two new friends gained.
Course this pissed Draco off.
Because of course you thought Harry was cool.
Truth be told you had no fucking idea why he was famous.
But Draco decided to confront you while you studied.
"Hi draco." You said looking up.
"I see you're spending time with Potter." He said, his voice clearly annoyed.
"Yeah. So?" You asked.
"So? What are you trying to gain?" He asked.
"...Does unconditional friendship and support count?" You asked confused.
"I'm serious. Is it the fame?" He asked.
"... Harry's famous?" You asked.
"... You've got to be kidding me!"
So Draco told you what he knew.
But now you just felt bad.
"Wait so how am I a bad guy here?" You asked.
"What?" Draco asked.
"I've befriended a kid who's family is dead and his aunt and uncle are abusive. And I'm a bad guy because I just want him to feel safe?" You asked.
You did know about his Aunt and Uncle from Harry. You never even met these people and you hated them.
But shit. When you put it like that now Draco felt like an asshole.
You sighed and got up.
"Y/n." He called.
You turned around confused.
"...Can you introduce me to Harry?" He finally asked.
So you did.
Course Ron wasn't too thrilled about Draco hanging out with you guys.
But then the boys discovered that they had a lot in common and it was game over
Tonks really enjoyed seeing you get excited over it all.
Draco was more bearable too
You were like a friendship matchmaker though, especially after you met Hermione.
You both ended up studying together after all of the tables in the library had been occupied.
You thought "See she gets it!"
You both tended to study because it beat doing muggle homework.
Halloween rolled around and Ron said something mean about Hermione.
"Ron! Shut up!" You said after Hermione ran past you in tears.
You ran after her and calmed her down before uhm
Troll in the dungeon?
Draco's common room was in the dungeon so naturally Slytherin had to be moved.
He was walking with the boys when they all realized : "OH SHIT Y/N'S NOT WITH US"
so they all went looking for you when they found the troll.
You had your back against the wall and was of course panicked because you were face to face with a troll and you were eleven.
"Hermione." You whimpered.
"We're doomed." She said.
Draco ran in with the boys and saw the predicament
Well shit.
Thanks to Ron's spell the troll was handled
Course you all got in trouble because you were supposed to be in your common rooms.
Draco was just glad you were safe.
You and the boys celebrated Christmas together, your mom mailing you a polaroid camera to you.
The boys (except Harry) were mesmerized and took a ton of pictures together.
You had a ton of Tonks and Cedric
Then there was this whole thing with the Philosopher's stone and you and Draco were basically having to lie left and right.
"Mcgonagall wants to know if you know who froze Neville?"
"Waaahhhttt someone froze Neville that's wild guys. Really wild."
So other fun fact: Draco's a terrible liar.
When they all came back though oh boy.
The school year was coming to a close and you all agreed to write to each other.
Draco had this one really weird rule though.
If you were to spot him with his parents pretend like you don't know him.
According to Draco, his father wasn't a big fan of him hanging out with people outside of Slytherin.
So when summer started Tonks actually spent a lot of it with you, showing you and your parents the wizarding world.
You loved hanging out with her and she honestly did love you like a little sister.
When school started again though, you promised her you'd write to her about it all.
She was the one who dropped you off at King's Cross that year btw
The next year started and you all sat with each other on the train.
"I just don't see why you need a house elf! It seems barbaric!" Hermione said.
Draco immediately noticed you and smile, moving so you could sit next to him.
You did.
"What's a house elf?" You asked.
"A magical creature who assists wizards." Draco said.
"Unwillingly. They treat them like animals." Hermione griped.
"why are we talking about this?" You asked.
"Because our house elf apparently decided to pay Harry a visit." Draco said with a sigh.
"He said something big was happening this year." Harry admitted.
"If it's bigger than a troll, we might be screwed."
News flash: It was.
Things took a bad turn when Draco knew exactly what the chamber of secrets meant.
Oh God he was SO anxious that entire year.
It didn't help when you ended up petrified
Hermione was almost petrified but you managed to scream "RUN" before you were
He was not a fan of Gilderoy.
He actually called him a "pompous ass" when he acted like baby in the chamber of secrets
When you woke up you found out all about the insane adventure and was like "Dude. Next one, count me in"
The next summer rolled around and you again, spent it with Tonks.
Except this time you and Tonks went to the borrow.
Fred and George fucking LOVED Tonks.
You had these strange interactions with Ron's rat though.
It's like it could understand you.
You would sit at the breakfast table and read the paper right before the wonderful owl that delivered mail would come literally crashing through.
Poor uncoordinated bastard.
Draco was the first to alert the group "uh hey guys. There's kind of a convict on the loose."
None have you had seen Draco over the summer. his parents were great. Just fucking super.
So when you did see him again your heart nearly beat out of your chest.
He dropped the whole "hair slacked back" thing and went natural and it just made you very attracted to him.
Draco noticed a few new things about you
You were taller, and really fucking pretty.
The train ride was not a fun one, you being there crammed on the damn thing with some sleeping dude.
So instead of Harry being attacked by a dementor it was you.
You had a panic attack afterwards, freaking out as the now very much awake Remus talked you through it.
He gave you chocolate and automatically you were like "...this dude is gonna be awesome."
And boy were you right, because he was your favorite professor that year.
Harry seemed to be really paranoid about the dementors though.
A lot more than you were.
He didn't know why yet, but he knew that Sirius had to have some involvement with him.
So Buckbeak. You fucking loved this creature.
Draco however was an idiot.
He stumbled after Goyle pushed him forward into Buckbeak's personal space
Buckbeak almost attacked but you intervened and calmed him down immediately.
"Buckbeak! Eyes on me!" You called.
Buckbeak looked at you but still made attempts to stare at Draco.
"No. Eyes here! Now." You called.
"I'm a friend. See?" You said bowing.
Buckbeak bowed to you and Draco's heart did a whole ass backflip.
You all did notice hermione popping up when she most definitely wasn't there before though
"How does this even work--" "You carry the five" "CHRIST WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM!?"
Draco and you did spend a lot of time together.
Course he wasn't the biggest fan of Cedric being around when he was in the Hufflepuff common room.
But you honestly saw Cedric as your brother. And he saw you as a little sister. So. Ew.
Draco didn't know this though.
Then came the lesson on Boggarts and oh boy.
Your boggart was very strange but clearly affected you.
The boggart was you.
You quite honestly were afraid of what you were capable of.
When you were a child you would make things shatter around you, sometimes injuring your parents.
Sure the injuries were minor, but it didn't stop you from feeling guilty after you found out you were the cause.
You were terrified that if one day you snapped now that you were officially trained and more powerful, it'd be a whole lot more destructive.
So yes, you were terrified of yourself.
Remus handled it and Draco pulled you back asking if you were okay.
You kept to yourself for a while. The boggart brought up those anxieties all over again and you were paranoid you'd make something go wrong.
Draco was not having that though and confronted you about it.
You talked it through with him and he assured you that if something ever went wrong he'd make sure that it'd be okay
So from that point on you two were inseparable.
Hogsmeade was honestly the best
Snowball fights and piggyback rides
You laughing as Harry managed to sneak in on the trip, scaring the fuck out of Ron.
Draco giving you his scarf when you got cold.
The group going "Oh. Oh they're totally in love"
Then Harry found out that Sirius black was friends with his parents.
And the leading cause of death of his parents.
You basically vowed that if you ever came across this fucker you'd probably punch him.
Then Lucius found out about Buckbeak.
And oh boy.
That did not blow over well
You called Lucius an "Asshole". To his face.
Hermione came up with a plan and FINALLY revealed "Hey I have a time turner"
So you went on a rescue mission
It was an emotional rollercoaster
At one point you were convinced that Harry's dad was alive.
Just to find out that Harry could produce a bright ass patronus.
Then you're discovered your favorite professor was housing a convict.
Then you had a panic reaction and punched the convict.
Just to find out that he was innocent and that Ron's rat was actually guilty.
Then when the actual guilty party was revealed and tried to run you discovered that your favorite professor is a goddamn werewolf.
But hey, Harry now had a godfather!
The next summer came along and Tonks picked you up from King's Cross and met Remus
She couldn't stop staring and neither could Remus.
Immediately you knew something was going to happen there.
The summer was spent listening to Tonks go on and on about this guy who used to be your professor.
Which: you were used to listening to weird shit because there were some girls who did have a thing for Snape.
But you knew way too much about Remus to ever find anything attractive about him.
Anyways: SUMMER!!!
Which again was spent at the Burrow
This time you all ended up going to the World Quidditch game.
When you saw Draco there you had to hide excitement because Lucius was there and-- Holy shit did he get more terrifying-- HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!?
Draco still found ways to talk to you though
Cedric noticed the smiles and the glances at each other
The whole group noticed.
It was hard not to when you had that smile that could light up a fucking room on your face.
Fred and George would tease you relentlessly.
But Draco managed to sneak off to you guys and hung out after the game.
Y'know. Right before it went to shit
You all managed to escape but you got separated from Draco and was anxious the entire fucking time
Then he snuck out and went to the burrow and you hugged him
It was the first time you two ever really showed affection to each other.
Especially since Draco was giving you this kind of hug that made you melt into his arms
Molly and Arthur were like "They're in love." Immediately.
He stayed for dinner before having to leave
"So. How long have you had a crush on him?" Fred asked.
"What?" You asked.
"Come on. No one looks at someone that way and doesn't have a crush on them." George said.
The thought of you having a crush on him actually never crossed your mind.
But then they said that and now it was the only thing you could think about.
Which made the next time you saw Draco very... Jumpy.
"Hi." He said as you were reading on the train which scared you so bad your book was unintentionally launched at Harry's head.
Then at the feast he sat next to you and asked if you were okay after you blushed so intensely he thought you were running a fever.
You knocked over your drink.
We can begin to notice that you are a lot more clumsier than usual.
I mean yeah you were always clumsy but this is a whole new range of clumsy.
Then the schools were introduced and Draco whispered in your ear making you nearly scream.
Fred and George were watching these interactions on the verge of pissing themselves
They knew damn well that they were the cause of your nervousness.
Pt 2 coming soon.
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abundanceofsoph · 3 years
SkyFire 3: Chapter 10
I’m free as a bird when I’m flying in your cage: Nov/Dec 2017  
Word count: 3k
Please for the love of god, if you like the story just hit the reblog button. I really don’t know how to say it nicely but it’s really starting to bother me and maybe that makes me a dick but so be it.
>Instagram posts
Thankfully, after a day and a half of vocal rest, Harry was ready to go for the Manchester show and he very much dialled his performance up to 11 for his hometown crowd. Just as she had told Grimmy, Aurora stayed off social media in the days following the interview, but she heard from others that a small section of the fandom was absolutely furious with her and the social media manager that Mark had hired years ago to clear out her comment sections was working overtime to keep some of the nastier shit from her feeds. As much as Aurora herself was able to avoid it all together, she knew that a lot of her fans would be reading the comments and she wanted to keep it safe for them. Harry’s team was also working to keep his own accounts clear as well, and while they couldn’t hide from what was being said about them or Louis and Elanor, they could try to filter out the worst of it. This was the one part of celebrity that they all agreed was the worst. It was the unfortunate consequence of having such passionate fans. Ella had no such inclination to avoid the comment sections and was spending her free time picking fights with Larries and attempting to set them straight on the reality of Harry and Louis’ relationship as nothing more than brotherly love. Aurora tried to urge her to let it go, but unfortunately her best friend was feisty and easy to anger which was not a good combination with how overprotective she was about her loved ones. By the time they stepped out onto the Manchester stage, both Rori and Harry were happy to put aside the drama and focus on the music.  Things started to cool down over the following week which took them up to Glasgow and then on to Stockholm, Berlin, Amsterdam, and Milan. By the time they returned to London on the 11th, the music video for Kiwi had been live for 3 days and the fans had thankfully moved on from Aurora’s interview in exchange for raving about the new video.  
They spent the first few days relaxing at home before Rori headed to North London to meet up with Liam at the recording studio he liked to use to work on the song he had mentioned at Niall’s launch party. Aurora had spent the last few weeks listening to the demo on repeat while pouring over the sheet music Liam had emailed her. She was obsessed with the song and the two had been messaging back and forth constantly, discussing the arrangement and which parts each of them would take. Stepping back into a recording studio, even one she’d never visited before, felt like coming home after weeks on the road and her face lit up immediately as soon as she caught sight of Liam,  wrapping her arms around him in a rib crushing hug.
“Ready to jump straight in?” he asked after letting her go.
“Absolutely,” she replied excitedly before following him as he introduced her to the producer and technicians that they would be working with for the following few days.
With a full week before Harry and Rori were due to  fly to Shanghai, neither she nor Liam were on a tight schedule to finish the song. This meant that the environment in the studio was very chilled and there were many tangents and breaks taken while they worked.
“How attached are you and Lou to the lyrics?” Rori asked on their second day in the studio.
“Of course, you want to change something,” Liam laughed in a response. “Wouldn’t be you if you didn’t.”
“I’m sorry,” Rori replied with a laugh of her own. “I am who I am.”
“I know,” Liam agreed. “So, show me what you’re thinking.”
“I’ve been tossing around the pre-chorus and I was wondering if instead of what you lads have there, instead we go with this.”
I'm free as a bird When I'm flying in your cage I'm diving in deep And I'm riding with no brakes And I'm bleeding in love You're swimming in my veins You got me now
“Well fuck,” Liam replied. “Think I need to stop writing with Louis and start writing with you more often.”
“You like it?”
“Rors, I love it,” he said. “It’s way better than what we came up with. Let’s get back in the booth and record it.”
They ended up spending four days finishing the song which left Aurora with a few remaining days to catch up with Ella and also relax at home with her husband before they were thrown back into work.
The day before they were set to fly to China, Aurora headed over to Ella’s flat in Wimbledon. “I brought cake,” she yelled as she let herself into the flat with the spare key Ella had given her when Rori first moved back to London.
“Fuck yes!” Ella cheered in response, her voice carrying down the hall from the kitchen. “I’m just making us tea,” she continued as Rori made her way inside. “Get yourself comfy on the sofa and I’ll meet you in there, babe.”
Rori made herself at home in the living room, Ella’s elderly tabby cat Elliot, immediately padding over to make himself comfortable in her lap.
“You were recording with Liam this week yeah?” Ella asked as she joined Rori on the sofa, placing mugs of tea in front of them. “How was it?”
“God, it was so much fun El,” Rori sighed. “I didn’t realise how much I missed being in the studio. I mean don’t get me wrong, I love touring and I’m having an incredible time on the road, but it felt so good to be back recording again and it just has me itching to write again.”
“You should make sure to do more of it over the Christmas break then,” Ella pointed out. “Speaking of which are you going to be in New York or are you coming home for winter?”
“We’re planning a bit of both. Christmas and my birthday in New York with my dads and then we’ll come back here for February before the tour kicks off again in March. I think Gemma and Anne are going to join us for Christmas too and then when we get back Liam and I have made plans to have a writing session together. ”
“Sounds like a good plan,” Ella nodded before taking a sip of her tea. “Selfishly I’m glad you’ll be spending a decent chunk of time here. I miss you.”
“Urggh,” Rori groaned. “I miss you too. Was thinking of maybe doing something for Harry’s birthday and getting you, Lou, Liam, and Niall over to our flat for a game’s night or something. I feel like Harry could use something a little more lowkey this year after the insanity of tour.”
“Don’t feel like you need to invite me,” Ella replied awkwardly. “I mean, if you’re inviting the band over, I’m not really part of that group.”
“Oh bullshit,” Rori laughed. “They boys love you just like I do. You all get along great whenever we were all together for wedding stuff or the album launch. Why on earth would you feel like I shouldn’t invite you too?”
“Rori,” Ella sighed. “While yes, I have gotten along with yours and Harry’s friends in the past, that doesn’t mean that I run in the same circles as they do. They’re celebrities, you are a celebrity and I just think that sometimes you forget that I’m just your old friend from school. It’s two separate worlds that you live in.”
Aurora rolled her eyes in response, taking a sip of her tea while she compiled her rebuttal. “That’s such a load of shit El. They are mine and Harry’s friends and so are you. When we are away from the paparazzi, they are no different to you and me. I get that we grew up with their pictures on our bedroom walls but once you put that aside they’re just a bunch of really great guys that I think could become your close friends too if you let them in and stop freaking out around them.”
“Ok fine,” Ella agreed after a moment of silent staring between the two women. “I’ll try to get over myself and give them a chance next time we’re all in the same room. Can we change the subject now?”
“That’s all I’m asking for and absolutely we can change the subject. How’s things with Tim? Feel like we haven’t talked about him in a while.” Ella made a face and Aurora felt her heart break for her best friend. “When?” she asked softly. “What happened, love?”
“He broke it off a few weeks ago,” Ella explained. “Said he didn’t feel a spark or something.”
“I’m sorry babe, things seemed to be going so well when I left for the tour.”
“They were. At least I thought they were. We barely made it past 3 months before he gave up.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were half a world away having the best time,” Ella replied. “If I’d told you then you would have just felt guilty for not being here.”
“And now instead I feel guilty for not even being able to be a sympathetic ear since I couldn’t provide a shoulder. How are you now?”
“I’ll be ok. I’ve been a bit down in the dumps, but I think it’s for the best. He made some good points about me not really knowing what I wanted and he’s right. I think I’m gonna swear off dating until I really figure out who I am and what I’m looking for.”
“Well if you ever want help figuring out who you are, I think I know you pretty well by now.”
“I might take you up on that offer,” Ella said with a small smile before changing topic. “Now enough moping, you said you brought cake with you? You are never going to believe the scandal that’s broken out amongst some of the girls in my Colonial History class.”
Occasionally something would happen in Aurora’s life that would give her pause and remind her how incredibly ludicrous her life had become. Standing behind her keyboard in the middle of a Victoria Secrets show in Shanghai while her husband sang and danced his heart out in front of her while literally supermodels strutted past them was one of those moments.
It was hard for her to believe that only 2 days ago she was sitting on her best friend’s sofa eating a chocolate cake from Sainsbury’s and discussing the latest high school drama playing out in Ella’s classroom. She found herself thinking about how her mother would react if she somehow had a way to travel back in time seven years and tell her about this moment and all the other life changing moments that had occurred since they parted. It was while her thoughts were caught on her mother that Harry turned, catching her eye, a mile-wide smile lighting up his face as he winked at her, causing her own smile to grow in response. No matter how strange her life had become and how much everything had changed since she was an average teenager living above a small bar, she knew that she wouldn’t change a single thing that had happened if it meant ending up here with Harry smiling at her like that.
Following the Victoria Secrets show, the band arrived in Singapore early and spent a few days exploring before their show there after which the flew on to Australia, a country that Harry had toured many times over the years with One Direction, but Aurora had never managed to visit herself. They had a week in the land Down Under, with shows in both Sydney and Melbourne and Aurora made it her mission to see as much as she could of the 2 state capitals, often dragging Harry or other members of the band along on her adventures. Given that it was the last week of November everywhere was getting into the Christmas spirit, however since it was the southern hemisphere the weather was scorching hot and the group found the combination highly entertaining, if somewhat baffling.
While in Sydney they took in the iconic sights such as Bondi beach, the Opera House, and the Harbour Bridge, as well as a day trip out to explore the Blue Mountains. In Melbourne they visited the Eureka Tower with it’s Skydeck that offered an amazing view of the city spread out beneath them. They also spent some time at the Melbourne Zoo and National Gallery of Victoria, then the day after their show at the Forum, they were taken on a drive out of the city and down along the coastal Great Ocean Road.
The tour stop in Auckland was similarly packed out with touristy opportunities where Aurora’s highlight was the art gallery Toi o Tāmaki. While the laid back vibes in both Australia and New Zealand captured Aurora’s attention, it was the week they spent in Tokyo that held Harry’s, so much so that while everyone else headed home the day after the last show, the young couple made a last minute change to their travel plans and extended their stay by an additional week to explore the city more.
Once again, Tokyo was somewhere that Harry had visited many times with the band while Aurora had never been, and he enjoyed to opportunity to show her his favourite parts. Something Aurora noticed almost immediately about Tokyo was that unlike in the US or the UK, people either didn’t recognize them when they were out and about or they did but respected their privacy and left them alone. She pointed this out to Harry on their second day wandering the city streets and he smiled back at her, agreeing that it was something he’d also noticed in a previous visit and had definitely played a role in him falling in love with the city.
They spent their days wandering the streets, ducking into quirky shops that caught their eye and just revelling in the normalcy of being together in public. As they walked, they both realized that they had never had this; a chance to be like everyone else crowding the sidewalks around them. Save for stolen moments in the early days of their relationship like their first date in Hampstead Heath or when they were able to sneak into galleries on quiet days, they’d never really been able to be themselves within a crowd. They’d always needed to wrap a scarf that little bit higher around their chins or wear a hat a little lower on their heads or glasses a little bit larger. To walk hand in hand like any other couple was freeing in a way that Rori hadn’t realized she’d been missing, and she soaked up every moment of their time in Tokyo. If only for a week she felt like she was living the life she would have had if her mother hadn’t died. If she had continued living as a normal girl from Wimbledon instead of being thrust into the spotlight, free to live her life without the scrutiny of the press and the public. Of course, it wasn’t lost on her that the man holding her hand wouldn’t be Harry in this parallel universe and for that she would happily trade in her freedom. She could accept that the price she paid to be married to Harry and be Steve and Tony’s daughter was that she would never really be allowed to have this normality, so she simply tried to make the most of their time before they flew on to New York for Christmas. They never spoke about any of this during their little vacation away from their lives but even without voicing her thoughts, Rori was certain that Harry was thinking the same thing and would willingly make the same sacrifices for the life they had built together.
Both Aurora and Harry were exhausted by the time they reached New York and were grateful to find Happy waiting for them as soon as they exited the arrivals terminal at JFK. He offered a quick hug to Rori before collecting their bags from them and leading them to the town car waiting for them. She leant against Harry in the back seat as they made the hour long drive into Manhattan. Her blinks began to lengthen as the airport shrank in the rear-view mirror and she was fast asleep before they reached Queens. Harry had to gently coax her awake once they finally reached the tower and she slowly made her way out of the car and into the elevator up to the penthouse. Tony and Steve were waiting up for their arrival and excitedly pulled their daughter into tight hugs the moment she stepped out of the elevator. It was Steve that noticed the way both Rori and Harry’s eyelids seem to droop and their gazes glazed over while Tony asked them a dozen questions about their recent adventures, and Rori was grateful when her Pops shooed them both off to bed with promises that they could catch up properly over a homecooked breakfast the next morning. They were barely conscious by the time they stripped out of their clothes and crawled into bed, however Aurora remained awake just long enough the think about how good it felt to be home.
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hamsterboos · 4 years
Playing Santa for the Olympians
🎄Day 7 of 12 Days of PJO Christmas🎄
Percy had enough.
After the last two years of the gods messing up his Christmas breaks, he was ready to mess with them right back.
The only issue, though, was the fact that he couldn’t just go up to the 600th floor of the Empire State Building without a specific invitation, despite being involved in two Great Prophecy and saving the world twice.
But of course, that is why he forgave his father for the last two Christmas ordeals under the deal that he would help him prank the gods.
PSA: These drabbles are canon-compliant till HoO and just acknowledge the existence of Estelle. Also technology use is a thing.
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Percy was sitting on the floor in his cabin, wrapping up presents with a sparkly decorative red and green wrapping paper when Annabeth came into the room. She walked in with a bright ‘hello’ before coming over to stand behind his back. 
“Hey,” he greeted, turning to look at her. It was the first time he’d seen her since breakfast because she’d been busy dealing with supervising the sparring ring, and he’d immediately holed up in his cabin to gather all the presents up and started wrapping them up properly the best he could. 
She looked down at him with a bright smile, and she leaned down to brush her lips against his. He pulled away from her first, sending her a grin in return, and he watched as her eyes moved around the room to take in the roll of wrapping paper and the boxes he was surrounded by. 
“Are you actually still wrapping presents?”
“Yeah, I am,” Percy confirmed, nodding. Annabeth moved to sit on his bed, crossing her legs underneath him. 
“Percy, I know I’ve said that you have a talent to piss off the gods, but this...this is insane,” Annabeth spoke up incredulously. Percy looked up at his girlfriend, and he simply grinned. She rolled her eyes, and he knew she was well aware that there was nothing she could do to talk him out of this.
After the last two years of the gods messing up his Christmas breaks, he was ready to mess with them right back.
The only issue, though, was the fact that he couldn’t just go up to the 600th floor of the Empire State Building without a specific invitation, despite being involved in two Great Prophecy and saving the world twice. 
But of course, that is why he forgave his father for the last two Christmas ordeals under the deal that he would help him prank the gods.
“That’s the plan, babe. Dad’s helping me anyways, so it’s all okay.”
Annabeth sighed. “My mom’s going to kill you.”
Percy scoffed as he wrapped up a Kidz Bop CD, the gift he got for Apollo. Honestly, he wasn’t entirely sure whether or not he’d actually, genuinely enjoy the CD.
“Oh please. I don’t have that big of a death wish. I may want to prank the gods for Christmas at their Winter Solstice meeting, but I don’t want your mother to brutally murder me. At least I know the others would hesitate before killing me long enough for me to convince them not to kill me.”
“So she’s the only one that didn’t get the prank present?”
“Yup,” he responded, holding up a small jewelry box that was next to his ankle. He rested his elbow on his knee and put his chin on his hand as he watched her open up the box. Percy had contemplated what to get his girlfriend’s mother for a really long time, but he remembered that she had liked the necklace that Annabeth had gotten for Christmas senior year of high school, so after a week of searching, he had found the perfect gift.
Once he watched Annabeth let out a soft gasp at the sight of the bracelet, he knew he made the right decision. He had bought a thin silver bracelet with a gold owl charm hanging right in the center of the bracelet. The charm looked a lot like the one on Annabeth’s necklace, and he was hoping that her mother would genuinely like it.
Of course there was a chance that the other gods would be supremely pissed off about the entire situation, but that was something to deal with later. 
“Percy,” she called out with a sly smile. 
“What?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. He did know she loved him, and he loved her as well, but there was something off with the way she was smiling at him and the way her eyes were shining mischievously. 
“Did you just match the bracelet with my necklace?”
Percy glanced down at his hands, suddenly feeling shy. “Maybe.”
“That’s so cute that you’re trying to impress my mother.”
“Well considering the fact that it’s been four years since we started dating, and she still hates me, I figured it was worth a try to bribe her into liking me.”
“Valiant effort, Perce.”
Percy huffed a laugh but turned back to wrapping the rest of the presents. He heard the bed sheets shuffle as Annabeth moved off the bed, and then she came to sit down next him, their knees brushing. She leaned into him a bit, and he welcomed the warmth she brought with her. He shifted slightly so she could easily lean on him but he could also easily continue wrapping the presents. She settled her chin on his shoulder, and they sat in silence as eventually she picked up one of the boxes and started wrapping it as well, helping him. Percy reined in a smile. He knew that despite her open judgement, she was excited to see the gods freak out at their presents. 
He knew he definitely was, but suddenly a thought came to mind.
“Hey Annabeth?”
“Do you think I should bring Nico and Jason with us just to make sure my dear uncles don’t murder me?”
“Good talk.”
An hour and half later, Percy had managed to wrangle Nico (who wouldn’t come without Will), Jason (who ended up dragging Piper), and Annabeth into coming up to Olympus with him. 
They were in the elevator — the normal elevator music having changed to Jingle Bell Rock —, each person holding a stack of boxes to give to the gods, and Percy couldn’t stop vibrating. He was excited, but there was also that slight tinge of worry he felt that he was going to be immediately struck on down the spot.
If anyone asked him, though, he would immediately deny the worry. 
He was the Savior of Olympus.
He was fine.
“So, what’s the plan?” Jason asked, looking at the stack of presents in his hand. He looked apprehensive, which was fair enough considering it was his and Piper’s first time going up to Olympus. Will hadn’t been up there either, but he didn’t seem all too worried. 
“We go up there and just say that we’re surprising them for Christmas, and then hand out the presents.”
“What happens then?” Piper asked. 
“We hope that Percy isn’t immediately murdered on the spot,” Nico responded dryly.
Percy groaned. “I’ll be fine.”
“Then why am I with you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. 
He had a point there. 
“Because,” Percy responded, stretching out the word slightly, “I needed people to carry the presents up with me.”
Nico blinked at him a few times and sighed. “I can’t believe I liked you once upon a time.”
Annabeth snorted as Piper barked out a laugh. “I heard the story about Percy traveling with Rachel, you and Annabeth. All three of them liked him at the same time, and he was still so oblivious.”
Percy watched as Jason bit his lip in an effort to not laugh, but his shoulders were shaking, and Will simply grinned. 
“How did this turn on me?!” Percy whined, looking between his friends and girlfriend.
“It took me making the first move twice before he asked me out,” Annabeth spoke up, grinning as she bumped her shoulder with his. He swatted her away with his free hand.
“I was more occupied with trying to live past sixteen!”
“And here you are at twenty, still waiting for me to make the first move.”
Percy narrowed his eyes at her and started speaking without thinking, “You certainly didn’t make the first move when we—”
“Okay! We don’t need to hear about your sex life,” Jason groaned. Annabeth blushed, and Percy just laughed. Thankfully, they were almost to the 600th floor, which saved Percy from having to reply fully. 
The elevator doors opened with a ding, and they walked up to Mount Olympus and into the gathering room.
The 12 Olympians and Hades were sitting in their chairs in their ten-feet tall God form, discussing something that Percy wasn’t too inclined to pay attention to. Poseidon had turned  to look at him first, and his father sent him a wide smile, immediately standing up and cutting off whatever Hera was saying. 
“Percy!” his father greeted, walking towards him and changing into his smaller, more human form as he walked closer.
“Hey, dad,” he greeted. He heard the other gods stop talking, now paying attention to them.
“What are you doing here?” Poseidon asked, a wild glint in his eyes. Percy tried not to laugh at the overexaggerated acting.
“We brought Christmas gifts! We knew that everyone would be here for the meeting, so we decided to play Santa and surprise you guys.”
“Oh that’s wonderful!” Aphrodite exclaimed, also walking closer in her human form. Percy tried not to glance at her too much. With the few glances that he took, he realized that she looked like his girlfriend, and he wasn’t going to lie, it was kind of messing with his brain. He was aware, though, that she made her way over to Piper. 
The rest of the gods had slowly made their way over, and they all decided to try to move towards the center of the room. Percy was excited to let the gods open their presents, but he was also appreciating just how open the gods looked at their arrival. Apollo had wrapped Will up in a hug, and Zeus was awkwardly standing by Jason, both of them looking like they’d rather be anywhere else. Nico was talking to Hades, and he looked over at Annabeth smiling softly at her mother. 
“Is everything ready?” his father asked, bringing Percy’s attention back to the matter at hand. Percy grinned. 
“Alright, then. Everyone, Percy says the presents are ready to be given out,” Poseidon announced. Percy shared a quick glance with Annabeth, and she shrugged as if to say this is it, good luck.
Percy, Jason, Nico, and Will first gave the presents to their respective fathers, and they all returned to their original spots to distribute the rest of the presents as Piper and Annabeth gave the gifts to their respective mothers. 
Within minutes, everyone had their presents, and at first, the gods looked at the Big Three, waiting for them to open them first. Percy bit his lip to prevent any preemptive laughter escaping him as they opened the presents. Poseidon had promised to be fine with whatever present he got as long as it wasn’t good to make sure he wouldn’t get caught as being in on the plan. 
Zeus opened his long, thin wrapped box first, and he paused as he pulled out an incandescent tube light with the words LIGHTNING ROD scribbled over it. 
His father opened his gift only for him to pull out a pack of Korean seaweed, and Hades just paused when he took out an anatomical skeleton with a pack of chocolate pomegranate seeds with a post-it note that read For Persephone. 
“What is the meaning of this, Jackson?” Zeus boomed, and Percy quickly glanced down, trying not to laugh. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his friends also all shaking with the effort to stay quiet and for the first time he was glad that none of them had seen what he had bought because their reactions were absolutely hilarious. 
Noticing that those three gifts were clearly prank gifts, the other gods quickly opened theirs. Hera was given a Ken doll wearing a tux and a Barbie doll wearing a wedding dress, clearly for playing house. Ares was given a stick with a note that explained that it was a weapon, and Percy watched as he immediately just flung it across the room, the stick hitting a wall and falling to the ground. Hermes opened his to find a glitter explosion as he pulled out fake fairy wings with so much glitter that it was flying everywhere. He just grinned, though, laughing at the prank. He winked at Percy, clearly pleased by the idea and the execution. 
Aphrodite gasped in outrage when she opened hers to find a makeup palette for kids with the most boring colors that he could find while Hephaestus groaned in confusion when he opened his to find an Easy Bake Oven.
“Percy Jackson!” screamed out Dionysus as he pulled out a bottle of grape juice with the words WINE scribbled over the original label, and that must’ve been the only time in the last year that he had called Percy by his real name. 
Artemis snorted when she saw that she was holding a Rudolph plush with a small card that read “It’s nice that they made one of your deer hunters a plush,” and Apollo happily pulled out his Kidz Bop CD, rushing to find a speaker to play it with. Finally, Demeter groaned as she opened hers up to find a Costco size package of Wheat Thins. 
They all, except Hermes, Artemis, and Apollo, looked absolutely appalled at their gifts, and Percy had to admit that his father had gotten better at acting. Athena was the only one who hadn’t received her gift yet, and that was only because Percy didn’t want to make it such a big deal at the moment, and he was hoping that the goddess would see the present in his hands and would wait till later to ask about it. 
“Care to explain yourself, Jackson?” Hades hissed just as the Kidz Bop CD started playing a cover of Oops...I Did It Again. That was the breaking point for the demi-gods because Percy and his friends doubled over with laughter, even Nico. Percy couldn’t believe how perfect the prank ended up working, and he sincerely wished that he had a camera to record the entire thing.
“Man, everytime Annabeth said that Percy had a gift for ticking off the gods, I didn’t realize she meant that literally,” Piper gasped, leaning against Will. “Percy, I don’t need anything from you this Christmas. This was enough of a gift.”
“Gods, that was priceless,” Will responded. Percy looked up at the gods again, and most of them had realized that it was kind of funny because their lips were twitching. 
“How dare you,” Zeus complained, moving towards Percy (probably to strangle him), but Poseidon stepped forward.
“Brother, it’s Christmas. Let it go. Besides, your room could use some lighting.”
Zeus growled at Poseidon, but backed off regardless.
“There better not be a next time, Jackson,” Hades warned, and Percy saluted in response, his cheeks hurting from the laughter. The gods started breaking up, speaking to one another and his friends went to talk to them as well, taking the chance to reconnect with their parents. 
Percy and Annabeth made their way over to Athena in the meantime who had simply been standing off to the side, watching.
“I assume my present isn’t a prank?” she asked once they got closer.
“Uh, no,” Percy responded. “I didn’t think it was a good idea.”
“You were scared.” It wasn’t a question, and Percy didn’t feel like responding so he simply handed her the present with Annabeth quietly watching.
She took the present and opened it slowly. 
“It’s a bracelet matching the necklace you got my daughter,” she spoke, lifting it up slowly and looking at the necklace around Annabeth’s neck. “Thank you.”
“Not a problem, Athena.”
“You...are not as bad as I thought.”
Annabeth smiled at Percy, and he beamed, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“Thank you.”
Percy was surprised at how well everything had gone because usually, things didn’t go his way.
Until Apollo cried from across the room.
“How come she got a proper present?!”
“What?” Aphrodite cried.
“Percy!” Poseidon exclaimed. Percy winced; he hadn’t told his father about that part of his plan.
This is the last of the Christmas with the Gods plotline for the 12 days! I’ve really enjoyed writing these haha
Day 1 || Day 2 || Day 3 || Day 4 || Day 5 || Day 6
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butmaybeidk · 3 years
[i roll up to my own old bedroom, circa summer 2015. the fandom calendar i used last year still hangs on the wall above my desk, unreplaced. the full-desk weekly calendar my mother gave me when i got my first job is still unused, bearing a note about where i am in a failed show rewatch. notes to myself, inside jokes from bands and shows and movies, tiny sticky note sketches of people with hearts around them - all years old, all stuck in a flurry to the shelves above where my former self sits at the desk. he is 21.]
him: woah why are you in here, i-
[he starts to get up from his chair]
me: [voice low and even] shh bro it's good, mom doesn't know i'm here, i'm you by the way.
him: [sits down carefully, excited and also untrusting] how do i know you're not lying?
me: dude look at me. [beat] then look at you.
him: [eyes narrow] the real me would know i have no concept of what i look like. get out.
me: [eyes rolling] the first cigarettes you ever buy will be menthols instead of the good ones your friend shared with you that one night because you forgot the word "turkish" was in there, and the guy who works at the shell station is an asshole, but you'll be too damn desperate to feel something and for the transaction to end that when you see the package is wrong you'll just nod in angry silence.
him: [beat, solid eye contact] i really do hate him, yeah.
me: yeah.
him: wait i start smoking?
[he shifts a foot, in turn nudging an empty wine bottle collection under the desk.]
me: yeah, i mean. it's like before christmas this year, actually? you go to a house party and sleep over cause you're drunk and mom freaks out, goes to inpatient, that really sucked-
him: [hissing, eyes cutting to the door through which come sounds of the living room, including our parents' voices] mom goes to inpatient!?
me: woah partner, slow your roll a little there, yes. it will suck, you'll have regrets, yadda yadda, try not to beat yourself up or whatever-
him: i-
me: i'm kinda here on a mission or whatever though, so i'd like to like [beat, pops gum] get to that.
him: oh uh... yeah. sure?
[i walk further into the room, only two steps because it's a tiny room for an adult to live in and it's cluttered from the bipolar energy it's contained for almost our whole life.]
me: this may be a hard pill to swallow, dude.
him: [deadpan] i take three to keep me running already. hit me.
me: wow kid, 2018 is gonna hit you like a fucking freight train.
[he frowns, a mere pressing of the lips he learned from our dad]
[i sigh]
me: i'm sorry, it's just clear you need to face the facts, and that's mainly just that glorification of your position of illness doesn't let you zoom the fuck out and realize there are things worth fighting for that aren't built upon other people's presences in your life.
him: if this is about-
me: yeah, bro, it's about our first real girlfriend, but she's just the tipping point for a long damn road of making breakthrough after breakthrough that all lead the same damn direction.
[beat. he looks murderous. i look like i remember the fire i felt in my chest back then, like i still feel it in my day.]
me: look at me. listen to me. i promise we stopped making promises we won't keep anymore, and-
[he fidgets with an empty cup that doubtless held an iced coffee days ago and is now dry and dirty.]
him: please. get to it. work in the morning.
me: [nods] gotcha. 2 jobs. split week between days and graveyard. 50 hours a week. almost as much as dad, 2 hours less. it's killing you.
him: [deadpan] wish it would.
me: hey. i'm not here for an it gets better speech, i know you hate that shit. it doesn't get better, you just learn how to fucking enjoy things.
him: [slowly] i enjoy things.
me: you're currently eating yourself alive, and have been for years, about not enjoying things anymore though and i gotta be real with you the parasocial aspect of all this is driving me insane-
him: woah wait-
me: i don't even remember if we knew what that meant at this point though, so you can imagine-
him: i know what that means.
me: i- okay. okay. so anyway i only came here because i recently realized that it applies to other people online as well.
him: [head shaking] wait, i-
me: [rushing on] which is valid, but we get upset when we lose interest in things because people we admire are an inextricable part of that thing for us. we love people, a lot. and while it's okay to miss them because we enjoyed that thing and their part of our experience with it, it's like. not great to let ourself feel like we've betrayed someone we had nearly no connection with because we're leaving the thing we like behind for- get this- something else that gives us a fresh or even just different spike of dopamine. like please dude, please remember that content creators and big name fans in your spaces are not people you know, necessarily, even if you've read all their shit or commented on their content. even if you've been alongside them, you don't know them for shit or owe them fucking shit.
[i gasp for breath.]
him: okay, so-
me: [desperate] it's not fucking fair to hold yourself to a standard of being missed when there are other people in the world- i promise you, we've finally proven to ourself there are other people in the world-
him: hey, i-
me: you wouldn't get it yet, you kinda have to suffer a lot for that one, we don't have the time-
him: [blinking, eyebrows rising] other... people...
me: POINT IS. there are so many people in this world. most of them won't actually notice if you don't stick around for the rest of eternity, much less the rest of the day when you realize you're bored, or that something else just gives you more. yeah, it's a hard world out there, but if they don't know you personally, they can't miss you personally.
him: this is fascinating, uh, and it makes sense, but won't you fuck up our life from what you have now by saying this? like this is a heavy issue, weirdly, for us.
me: [snorts] you think we have that power?
him: [appalled] yeah, i actually did! you've been here! and it's- it's now!
me: [laughing] oh. oh my sweet sum-
him: don't. i'm a witch. it makes sense.
me: i guess. but be realistic with magic. i just astral projected into your dream. y'ain't even gonna remember. i just hope, y'know. osmosis or whatever.
him: that- [beat] explains the giant eyes out in the backyard.
me: [turns to look out the window] oh, red this time.
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
“Never out of practice” - Epilogue
Summary: When Darcie’s father loses an important case, a killer seeks revenge, by kidnapping the entire Angel family. Though John thought that he was officially retired, he has to save his Darcie and her family, because he can’t lose her.
John Wick x OFC Darcie
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: None
A/N: Sadly this is the last chapter of Never out of practice, but I highly doubt this’ll come as a surprise: I’m writing something else for them, because these two are the cutest ever. 
Also, I hope the people who are on my taglist are now tagged correctly - turns out something went wrong. I’m sorry xx
Masterlist // Previous chapter
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Christmas has always been one of my favorite holidays, but this year it’s extra special. Last year it was just John, Tiki and me, since there was a huge blizzard and couldn’t get out. Now I’m here with the most important people of my life: my mom, dad, Jennie and Raye. Oreo and Tiki are asleep literally underneath the decorated tree.
I place my head against John’s shoulder as we watch Raye unpack her final gift. ‘No way, you guys,’ she says, as she unpacks the Prada shoes she has been eyeing for so long now. Every time we walked passed the store and she saw them, she’d tell us how much she loved those shoes. ‘I can’t believe you bought those for me.’
‘Well, if I had to hear one more time that you wanted them, but couldn’t afford them, I had to hit you, so yeah,’ I say, ‘it’s for my own sanity really.’
Raye sticks out her tongue. ‘You guys are the best. Thank you so much. I think I might wear those to my next date.’
‘And if you get dumped, at least you’re wearing cute shoes,’ Jennie says, something that earns her a painful pinch in her arm.
Since Jennie lost her parents not too long ago, she has been depending on mine for certain things and spending Christmas with my parents is one of those things. Sometimes she calls my mom, when she needs some female advice. It has become such a new normal in our life. She can’t really count on Raye’s parents, since Raye can’t even count on them.
Apparently, her brothers fiancé turned out to be a bitch and the wedding is off. Raye was kind of delighted, to see Alex so heartbroken and to be fair, I hated the fact that I couldn’t be there to witness it myself.
‘It’s such a shame that there are no more gifts left,’ Raye mentions.
‘You just got Prada shoes,’ Jennie says. ‘How ungrateful are you?’
‘Well,’ John says, before they can start to have a discussion, ‘there is one more gift left.’
‘Really?’ my mom asks. ‘It’s for me, isn’t it? Since I’m the best mother in law a guy could possibly ask for.’
He snorts. ‘No, I’m sorry, Somi. This gift is for my lovely Darcie,’ John says, looking over to me with a smile on his face. He is long overdue for a haircut, but now that his hair is basically shoulder length… God, I’ve been having certain dreams about it. Things that I shouldn’t be thinking about when there are other people around.
‘Oh, what did you get me?’ I ask him, turning a bit to the side, so I can have a better look at him.
‘Well,’—he clears his throat and holds onto my hand—‘Darcie, I can’t believe that we’ve been together for almost a year and a half. It seems longer and not in a time never passes with you, because you are so boring-way, but more in a I feel like I’ve known you forever-way.’
I chuckle, squeezing his hand, when I see that he needs a little bit more encouragement to continue.
‘Every day when I wake up, I prize myself so insanely lucky that you are my girlfriend. The way you run your cafe with so much passion and how you make your cafe a safe haven. The way I somehow persuade you to love me and get another dog. The way we are slowly talking more about our future, without freaking out. How you took care of me when I had injured my leg. Everything you do and say, makes me love you even more.’ He brings my hand to his lips, to press a soft and tender kiss on my knuckles. ‘When that idiot took you, I thought that was it. I thought that I had lost you, like I lost everything before. We were supposed to have a future together and thinking about how that might be taken away from me…’ John sighs.
It surprises me that he is so open, especially with everyone around us. I feel the tears burning in my eyes and I clear my throat to prevent myself from crying. My fingers run through his raven locks.
‘Darcie,’ he continues, ‘I really love you so insanely much and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather spend my life with than you. I love having you as my girlfriend, but I think it needs an upgrade.’
For some reason Raye squeals and I glance at her, unsure of what is happening. When I look back at John, I see he has a red velvety looking box in his hand and he is sitting down on one knee. My eyes widen, while I bring my hands to my mouth. ‘What are you doing?’ I ask him.
‘My sweet Darcie, will you marry me?’ He opens up the the velvet box, only to reveal such a beautiful ring.
Tears drip down my cheeks, as a sob leaves my lips. He is genuinely proposing to me? ‘Why do you want to marry me?’ I ask in disbelieve.
John frowns, before he lets out a nervous laugh. ‘Didn’t you hear my speech, baby?’
‘I did, but… But what if I suck at being a fiancée or a wife? I thought I was getting the girlfriend part finally under control. John, you are such an amazing man and I… I feel like I—’
‘No, baby,’ he interrupts me, placing a hand on my cheek, ‘you’ll do just fine. I promise.’
‘Oh my God, Darcie, don’t leave the man hanging,’ Raye intervenes and I wonder how long she’s been holding in her excitement.
I look over to John and smile. ‘Yes, John, I want to marry you.’
He lets out a sigh of relief, like he wasn’t expecting me to say yes. He takes out the ring and holds out his hand. I place mine in his and he slides on the ring on my finger.
I stare down at the diamond and a nervous laugh leaves my lips. ‘I’m engaged,’ I whisper.
‘Yes, you are.’ John sits on the floor and pulls me in his arms. His warm lips against mine. I place my hands on the sides of his face, never wanting to let go. I’m going to marry this man. I’m going to be—
‘Holy shit,’ I say, pulling back. ‘I’m going to be Mrs. Wick.’
‘I know!’ Raye shouts, jumping up to launch herself in my arms. I tumble over, starting to laugh as she says: ‘You’re engaged!’
‘I know, isn’t this crazy?’
Jennie pushes Raye off of me, to give me a long hug. ‘I’m so happy for you, Darcie. You deserve this so much.’ She takes a good look at the ring and says: ‘He has taste.’
‘He sure does.’
‘Mister Mustang, you are an engaged man,’ Raye yells, jumping in John’s arms. He chuckles, patting her back as she hangs around him like a koala.
My father is genuinely crying. ‘My munchkin is engaged to such a great man. She is truly growing up.’
‘Dad,’ I laugh, wiping his tears away, but I’m tearing up as well.
After everything that happened, it took him a while, before my father could really look at John the way he did before, but now they’re the best of friends again.
My mom wraps her arms around the both of us. ‘Chris, don’t you agree? Aren’t they your favorite,’—oh dear God, she’s gonna say sail again—‘ship?’
‘Did you just get that right?’ I smile and pull my mom into a hug.
‘Now I finally have the son I always wanted,’ mom jokes, earning her a painful squeeze from me. She pats my hand away, before giving John a hug.
My dad looks at John and say: ‘I wanted to tell you that you should take good care of her, but I know for a fact that you will. You have done so much for her and us already.’ He pulls my boyfr— fiancé in a hug and I smile watching them.
John holds out his hand and when I hold it tightly, he gives me a long kiss on my lips. ‘I have to get used to introducing you as my fiancée,’ John says.
‘Well, I like the upgrade.’
‘Darcie,’ Raye says, holding Tiki in her arms, while scratching Oreo behind his ears. ‘Ask John about how much the ring was.’
‘Don’t,’ John says, glaring dangerously at my friend.
‘I’d rather not know,’ I say in all honesty. ‘I bet it was way too expensive. Something around two thousand dollars.’
Raye barks out a laugh. ‘Oh honey.’
‘Raye, really, don’t say it,’ John says.
‘How do you know the prize?’ I ask here. ‘Were you all in on this?’
‘I helped him pick out the ring, Jennie helped him think about how he should propose and your dad gave John his blessing two months ago and since your dad can’t keep a secret from your mom, he probably told her.’
‘Oh my God,’ I laugh. ‘The fact that the three of you,’—I point to Jennie, mom and dad—‘kept it a secret doesn’t surprise me, but you, Raye… I’m impressed.’
She nods. ‘Oh Darcie, I’m growing.’ She sighs deeply and smiles at us. ‘The ring was a little over ten thousand dollars,’ she blurts out.
‘Raye, I swear—’ John brings his fist to his mouth.
‘Ten thousand fucking dollars?’ I yell, staring at this ring. ‘I have ten grand on my left hand? John, are you insane?’
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Taglist: @toomanystoriessolittletime​ @flhorah​ @allie1804-fan​ @cynic-spirit​ @raven-black102​
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
What if Florence and Daniel got into a fight bc both of them are stressed out worrying about money and taking care of the kids?? How would my OTP resolve their fight??? 🤔
This was lowkey emotionally draining to write...wowey. 3.3k words later, here’s some proof that Florence and Daniel’s relationship isn’t as perfect and flawless as it seems... x
Monday, November 4th, 2024
Daniel let out a heavy breath as he got into his car after another shift, having spent most of it with his supervisor never being satisfied but that wasn’t new. He turned on the car and connected his phone to Bluetooth to call Florence as he always did before leaving. Strangely, he was sent to voicemail but a text came through instead.
Can you pick up diapers on your way home?
He sighed and replied with a quick ‘ok’ before pocketing his phone and putting the car in reverse. Closer to home, he parked outside the drugstore and headed inside, rushing down the aisles to find the diapers and grabbed the biggest package before bringing it to the cash.
“$37.45.” the cashier said after ringing up the item.
Daniel waved his card and was directed to the machine. He typed in his pin and waited a moment only to be met with card declined: insufficient funds. The glance from the cashier made Daniel feel even worse and he cleared his throat nervously, brushing a hand through his hair before shuffling through his wallet to only be met with a $10 bill and a few loose coins.
“Sorry… I, uh, left my other card at home.” Daniel said softly before leaving the store empty handed.
He sat behind the wheel of his car and tried to steady his breathing after being unable to afford diapers for his baby daughter. After a few moments of trying to calm down and trying not to cry, Daniel turned on the car and headed towards home.
The apartment smelt like burnt supper when he walked in and the noise was insane, the baby’s piecing screams topping it all. No one even heard him come in. Daniel set his guitar case and backpack on the floor in the doorway to the living room, taking in the messy kitchen and loud TV with Clementine sat admits a pile of toys trying to watch it, Penelope on the couch with her face in a pillow and her hands over her ears as she cried, and screaming Lucy in Florence’s arms as the dishevelled looking mother tried to put the dishes in the sink.
“Hey.” Daniel finally spoke, earning the glances of Florence and Clementine.
Clementine jumped up and ran for him as if he was her saviour from the chaos and he picked her up with a tired grunt.
“What’s going on here?” Daniel asked softly.
“Mommy burnt the house down!” Clementine said with a giggle as Daniel carried her towards the kitchen, his eyes lingering on Penelope on the couch for a moment.
“I just burnt the lasagna a bit.” Florence sighed, wiping her damp hand on her shirt that was already covered in tomato sauce and baby drool. Her hair was pulled back but still almost completely falling out of its tie and her makeup-less face looked like she hadn’t slept in days. “Did you pick up the diapers?”
Daniel cleared his throat nervously, setting Clementine back on the ground to let her run back off to the TV, “No, my-”
“Goddammit, Daniel, I ask you to do one thing.” Florence snapped as quietly as she could, tossing the pan in the sink a bit too hard, making Lucy scream louder in her arms.
“I tried, I just-”
“It’s not that hard to remember. Your daughter needs diapers. We have, like, four left but that’s fine; when we run out I’ll just tie one of your shirts around her like a freaking monkey at the zoo.”
“Florence, what is going on?” Daniel asked at her obvious stressed out state.
“I had to pick up Penelope only an hour after dropping her off this morning because the teacher called and said she had a meltdown and wouldn’t relax and everything is setting her off today. The damn oven beeped and she lost her mind. Of course Lucy’s crying only makes it worse and she won’t shut up because she’s teething.” Florence pushed her finger in the five-month-old’s mouth to get a look at her swollen gums and the baby just cried louder. “She also pooped all over everything today which is why we needed new diapers earlier than planned because her personal nuclear bomb ruined half the things on the change table.”
Daniel watched with wide eyes as she rushed over to grab the last two plates from the dining room table and tossed them in the sink too before turning on the tap and letting the water run over everything.
“And Clementine is demanding that she gets this new set for her doll that everyone has at school. She won’t even hear of it for Christmas because she needs it now.” Florence continued. “And she keeps testing me! Judging everything I do like she’s the adult. ‘Mommy, the lasagna’s burnt’. Like I didn’t know!”
“Okay.” Daniel sighed softly, reaching over the counter to take the crying baby from her and made his way to the freezer to take the cold teething ring out and held it out to Lucy. “I’ll take the girls and get them ready for bed and then we can talk.”
“I don’t want to talk. I wanted you to get the diapers like I fucking asked.” Florence grumbled.
“Flora.” Daniel snapped sharply to shut her up.
His glare certainly helped, and she clenched her jaw before looking back to the dishes without another word. Daniel bounced the baby lightly as she kept screaming through the teething ring he desperately tried to put in her mouth as he headed back to the living room.
“Clem, angel, can you tidy up your toys and go get your pyjamas on please?” Daniel asked softly as he turned off the TV.
The almost six-year-old nodded and got up from the rug, starting to gather her things, “There’s a new set you can buy for my dolls, Daddy. It’s a whole car they can ride in and the radio even plays music! It’s really nice and all the girls in my class has it. I wanna get it so we can play together at school.”
“We’ll think about it.” Daniel said, trying to hold back his nausea from the harsh inset of reality. He wanted nothing more than to buy that stupid toy car for his daughter but it was no where near realistic. He set Lucy in her playpen with the teething ring before moving to tend to his middle daughter who was still face down on the couch with her hands over her ears. When he set his hand on her back she startled. “Just me, bug.”
Penelope rolled over, giving him a good look of her swollen red eyes and matted dark hair and tear streaked cheeks, and she held her arms up to him through a hiccup.
“What’s wrong, my love?” Daniel pouted as he bent down and scooped her up, the four-year-old cuddling right into him through her sniffles as he took her to her room to get her cleaned up for bed. He sung softly as he wiped her face clean with a damp cloth and got her into her pyjamas, something that always helped calm her down, and he took his time to help both her and Clementine brush their teeth and comb their hair before tucking them into bed.
Daniel grabbed Lucy for story time, all three girls cuddled up with him as he read them a bedtime story. Lucy fell asleep quickly, probably tired out from all her crying – same with Penelope – and he kissed the oldest two good-night before taking the baby down the hall to bed too. He let his eyes linger on the remaining three diapers in the basket before letting out a small sigh and took one out so he could change her into her pyjamas. Lucy was tucked into her crib with the teething ring beside her just in case and he pushed a pacifier past her lips, watching her for a second as she sleepily sucked on it for a moment, the plastic bumping lightly against her tiny nose.
The apartment was eerily quiet as Daniel closed the nursey door, baby monitor in hand, and made his way back down the hallway for a conversation he really did not want to have.
Florence had the kitchen cleaned up by the time he was back, and they shared expressionless glances as she closed the last cupboard.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day,” Daniel said, placing the baby monitor on the counter between them, “but you don’t need to take it out on me.”
“Maybe if you did what I asked, we wouldn’t have this problem.”
“I tried.” Daniel protested. “It was a hard day and to top it off my card-”
Florence held up her hand to cut him off, “You go to work to play music for eight hours and then come home to a good meal that you don’t have to cook. You have it easy.”
“Easy?” Daniel gaped. “Are you kidding me? You know how much shit I do in my job and how many late nights and early mornings and weekends I put into this. It’s no where near easy.”
“Oh yeah.” Florence chuckled humourlessly. “When you don’t have to lift a finger around here, leaving me to practically raise your children.”
“You think I like never seeing my wife or kids?!” Daniel frowned. “It was bad when Lucy was first born, yeah, but we even had a whole discussion and I got much more time freed up. But I can’t just sit at home all day with you guys, this isn’t a fairy-tale.”
“I know but you act like I’m a psychotic bitch when I let it all get to me! I got shit on today! And walked over and hit and kicked and bitten and screamed at and I burnt my arm trying to get the charred dinner out of the oven. You just don’t understand what it’s like to stay home!”
“You have no idea what it’s like to work! To go out and earn a salary! You could have gone to school and gotten a degree and then figured out what you wanted to do with your life but instead you chose to cruise off everyone else. You didn’t even pay for your first apartment! Callum did! You have no freaking idea the value of money!”
“I was raising my daughter.” Florence seethed. “Fuck you for even saying that.”
“You could have made it work.”
“Sorry I chose to focus on her rather than shoving her in daycare to be pretty much raised by a stranger for the first four years of her life. I didn’t have the money for any of that. I barely had money to put food on the fucking table half the time and you know that.”
“So get over yourself! Stop being so goddamn selfish if you’re so finically-aware!”
“Fuck you!” Florence shouted, walking around the counter as if she were going to leave the room but she stopped in the middle of the living room and turned back to him. “I get that you have to work and I am thankful that you even have a job, but a little compassion isn’t a lot to ask of you.”
“Compassion? Are you serious?” Daniel scoffed loudly, taking a few quick strides across the room to stand in front of her, shouting back his rebuttal, “I nearly wait on you hand and foot and I drop everything whenever you need me and for years I always have! I have done nothing but work my ass off for you and our kids and you still have the audacity to say that it’s still not enough? I work too much and now I don’t work enough and then I don’t ‘understand what you’re going through’. Well, dammit, Florence, what the fuck do you want from me?”
“I want you to care about other things than your work!”
“I already cut my hours! We’re nearly fucking broke, Florence, I don’t know why you can’t understand that! We literally cannot afford for me to lose one more hour a week! Last months rent virtually drained us and we are surviving on a $10 bill and my fucking shoelace right now! I’m pushed to the fucking brim half the time trying to get all the shit done so I don’t have to work overtime so I can still come home to you and the girls and all I’m met with is attitude and snark and an ungrateful wife who scolds me like my goddamn mother when I walk in the door!”
Florence didn’t reply for a beat and the silence lingered heavy over the apartment. Her eyebrows furrowed first before her face scrunched up in anger and she jabbed a finger in Daniel’s face before yelling, “Fuck you! I am not staying home just to make you a supper and serve you a beer in a pretty pink dress and heels with a face full of makeup and a fake smile when you get in from work. This isn’t the 19-fucking-50s! I am allowed to have emotions, Daniel James, and right now you are tugging at every single last one of them! How dare you say these things to me!”
“You are freaking out for no reason!” Daniel shouted louder to top her. “You’re twisting everything I’m saying! Do you even hear yourself?”
“All I can hear is you being a selfish and ungrateful son of a bitch!” Florence screamed, throwing a couch cushion at him.
“Throwing things at me? Real mature, Florence. Real fucking mature! God, why don’t you understand?!” Daniel shut his eyes and threw his hands into his hair and tugged hard to try and rid his frustrations. “You’re so naïve sometimes, you drive me fucking crazy!”
They were already even listening to each other anymore, simply off on their own tangents trying to out-volume the other. Daniel and Florence didn’t fight often, priding themselves on their open communication, but everything eventually hits a bump and when they did, they really did.
“Just go play your pretty music, Daniel! Make some pretty music with your friends and put it online for everyone rave over and shut up. I’ll be here taking care of and being hit like a punching bag by your children.”
“You know what, I would appreciate it if you stopped fucking accusing me of being a shitty father because I have a job! I have been trying my best and if that’s not enough for you then I don’t know what to tell you!” Daniel put his hands up.
“What? You’re gonna leave?” Florence laughed humourlessly, throwing her finger in the direction of the door. “Fine! Go on! Wouldn’t be the first time! Leave when it gets hard Daniel!” She cut her screams, leaning in closer to him to whisper sharply, “Just like Matt did.”
Their fight seemed to echo through the apartment as silence fell again, her angry expression still glaring at him as his face melted into neutrality.
“Don’t say that.” Daniel said softly, trying to each for her.
“Don’t touch me.” Florence stepped back before walking quickly down the hallway.
“Flora, I’m not gonna-” Daniel started after her but the slamming of the bedroom door startled him to stop in place. He took a deep breath and ran his hands over his face to try and calm down, leaning back against the wall of the hallway. It was surprising that the baby wasn’t crying given the fact they just had a ten-minute-long screaming match.
Daniel composed himself enough to open the girls’ bedroom door and peak in, finding them both huddled up together in Clementine’s bed, frightened looks on their faces.
“Hey, my loves.” Daniel sighed, sitting himself on the side of the bed. “I’m sorry if we scared you. Mommy and I haven’t been talking as much as we should have been, and we got a little crazy. Do you forgive us?”
Clementine and Penelope nodded. Daniel kissed each of their heads and got them tucked in again in their own beds.
“No more yelling tonight?” Penelope asked.
“No more yelling.” Daniel promised, smiling sadly between his two eldest. He couldn’t help but let his gaze linger on Clementine a moment longer, remembering the night Matt walked out, leaving nineteen-year-old Florence and baby Clementine alone and a mess in their small apartment. She stared up at him with those same blue eyes he always remembered, and he gave her an extra kiss on the cheek, staying with them until they were drifting back to sleep, “Daddy’s not going anywhere.”
Daniel found himself back outside the master bedroom door with his hand on the knob and his forehead against the cool wood, taking slow breaths to keep himself calm to try the conversation again. He finally opened the door and slipped inside before closing it silently behind him. The light was on in the ensuite and he stopped in the doorway.
Florence glanced up at him from where she stood in front of the vanity brushing her hair. She silently turned back and continued what she was doing.
“Come here.” Daniel whispered, stepping closer and gently pulled her arms down from her hair to wrap around his shoulders and he tucked his own tightly around her waist, peppering a few kisses over her cheek and across her shoulder. “I love you. So fucking much. Even when you scream at me and swear at me and throw things at me.”
Florence sniffled a little, holding him tighter. “I love you too.”
“I’m not going anywhere, okay?” Daniel rubbed a hand over her back. “No matter what.”
“I’m sorry.” Florence mumbled, wrapping her fingers around the material of his shirt and buried her face in his neck.
“I’m sorry too.” Daniel sighed. “My card got declined today. It scared me.”
“What?” Florence leaned back with concern, holding her hands on his biceps to keep him close as she stared at his flushed face.
“$37 for diapers and my card was declined. I felt like a fucking idiot, like an absolute joke of a father…can’t even buy the necessities for my kid.” Daniel sighed, turning to lean back against the counter and hung his head. “I don’t know what we’re gonna do, Flora. I’m scared.”
“I know.” Florence mumbled, petting her hand through his hair. “Maybe we should talk to someone? Get a budget figured out until we get back on our feet. Worst case scenario, we ask your parents for a bit of a loan. We’re not going to lose anything from this.”
Daniel nodded, biting his lip as he stared at the floor, fingers holding tightly onto the edge of the counter behind him.
“I’m sorry.” his voice broke and he struggled to hold back a small sob, quickly hiding his face in his hands.
“Oh, sweetheart, it’s okay,” Florence frowned, wrapping her arms around him to let him cry against her shoulder, “I know how hard you work. You’re such a good dad and an amazing husband. I know you’re trying your best and I also know it’s slowly starting to destroy you.”
Daniel whimpered as he nodded, clinging onto her tighter through his tears as he muffled a sob into her neck.
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.” Florence sighed, running her hand up and down his back. “I took my own shit out on you. I needed any excuse to yell, I guess.”
“Better me than at the girls.” Daniel chuckled lightly, pulling back from their hug a little to wipe his eyes with the back of his hand.
“I love you.” Florence said strongly, taking his face in her hands. “$0 in your pocket or millions. Doesn’t matter. Don’t you forget it, okay?”
Daniel nodded and leaned in to kiss her once, lingering there a moment longer before pulling back.
“Now no more tears.” Florence said, taking a deep breath herself as she started to feel herself start to cry. “There have been to many tears in this house today.”
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phantoms-lair · 4 years
Serious Freakzoid thing (Freaking Out) Part 3
It was a familiar chiptune that woke Dexter up, one he had set to play when his custom GUI loaded. He forced his eyes open and realized he was one the floor. What was he doing there? 
Seeing the side of his computer opened jogged his memory of the Pinnacle Chip going nuts. Or did it? The computer was functioning perfectly now, humming quietly along with the screen. He looked at the hand where he'd grabbed the chip and saw no sign of the massive electrical burn that would have had to be there. 
An electrical burn is a burn that results from electricity passing through the body causing rapid injury. Approximately 1,000 deaths per year due to electrical injuries are reported in the United States, with a mortality rate of 3-5%.[1] Electrical burns differ from thermal or chemical burns in that they cause much more subdermal damage.[2] They can exclusively cause surface damage, but more often tissues deeper underneath the skin have been severely damaged. As a result, electrical burns are difficult to accurately diagnose, and many people underestimate the severity of their burn. In extreme cases, electricity can cause shock to the brain, strain to the heart, and injury to other organs.[3] 
What....? Dexter shook his head, trying to figure out where that had come from. 
He shook his head and Mr. Chubbikins meowed and rubbed against him. Dexter reached to pet him when a strange feeling shot through his head.
Pheomelamine is the pigment responsible for the ginger color in cats. 
A huge 80% of all ginger cats are male
♪ Cat *wink* I’m a kitty cat. And I dance dance dance. And I dance dance dance ♪
Words and images flooded his head and all of a sudden it was hard to think, to focus. He saw Mr. Chubbikins and for a moment didn’t recognize him as his beloved pet, but simply a cute cat.
“Kitty Kitty Kitty,” he cooed in a tone that wasn’t like him at all. It was certainly enough to scare off Mr. Chubbykins, who nyoomed under the bed. The disappointment of the moment was enough to bring him to his senses.
He turned on his heels and ran to the bathroom. He examined himself in the mirror, trying to see if there was something wrong with his head or eyes. He ran through the Stroke checklist, but passed the standard tests. “Am I just going insane?” he muttered to himself. “Next I’ll be seeing little blue men.”
As he said this he felt a gentle buzzing on his skin. Looking down he saw a wave of electricity passing him over, leaving his skin blue in its wake. He whimpered, his mind trying to wrap around what he was seeing, What on Earth could turn his skin blue?
Cyanosis refers to a bluish cast to the skin and mucous membranes. Peripheral cyanosis is when there is a bluish discoloration to your hands or feet. It's usually caused by low oxygen levels in the red blood cells or problems getting oxygenated blood to your body.
No, this wasn’t cyanosis. Even he knew enough to know humans didn’t turn that particular shade. And why the heck did these...data pieces keep forcing their way into his brain?
His thoughts were interrupted by a pounding on the door. “Hey Dorkster, open up. The rest of us need to use the bathroom too!”
It was all Dexter could do to keep from hyperventilating. He couldn’t let his family see him like this! They already thought he was weird! What could he do? Disguise himself?
He felt the lightning tingle again, around his eyes and the top of his head. A glance in the mirror revealed his hair had become black and spikey, while a domino mask appeared about his eyes. As his panic rose, he felt a strange bubbling feeling in his mind. His thoughts broke apart and drifted away, no matter how hard he tried to hold on to them. Why was he trying to hold on to them anyway?
“Come on, freakazoid, open the door!”
Oh right, Duncan. Huh, Duncan had always been upset Dexter wasn’t like him, big and strong. If everything was changing, maybe he could change that?
He grinned as he became taller and gained a physique not seen outside comics. Duncan would be so happy! He opened the door with his grin growing ever wider. “Let’s Wrassle!”
Roddy took a deep breath as he stopped the car, ignoring the ache in his ribs it caused. There was no ambulance or people screaming, so hopefully no one had been seriously injured. It was a small comfort, but it was there. He grabbed his old Apex employee card and the cane he hated but needed to be mobile right now.
He made his way to the front door carefully, avoiding icy patches on the walk and steps (oh how he’d come to loathe steps) and rang the bell.
He heard some movement inside and the door opened to reveal a middle aged woman with a smile that seemed almost grafted on.. “Can I help you?” “My name is Roddy McStewart, I work for Apex International, creators of the Pinnacle Chip.” He handed the man both his Work ID stating he was an employee and his driver’s license. “We received a signal from a newly installed Pinnacle Chip of a malfunction and I’m here to take a look at it.”
“On Christmas Day?” she asked, surprised.
“We all do what we can to make a living.” He gave her a sad smile.
“Well, okay then. Dexter’s room is upstairs, second door on the right.” Roddy blinked. Just like that? Still he shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Even if it involved stairs.
He was nearly bowled over by a teenage boy running past him, yelling about something blue. Roddy looked to the woman who’d opened the door, but she'd just called up to ‘Dexter’ that he had a guest.
Odd Family he thought, as he made his way up the stairs.
This was some quality family bonding he thought as he sat on Duncan’s back locking up one of his brother’s legs. That’s what it was, right? That’s why it was okay for Duncan to get physical with him.
“I give! I give!” Duncan called out.
But he knew this game. It wasn’t over because the other person gave up. You had to make them say something. “Sing ‘I’m a tugboat, Call me Mel’.”
“I’m a tugboat...call me Mel...I can’t, I don’t know the words?”
“That’s a tough one since I just made it up.” He admitted, but let Duncan up since he had tried.
Duncan tore out of the room, so he knew he’d done a good job, until he heard his mother’s voice coming from downstairs. “Dexter, you have a guest.”
Dexter. That’s right, he was Dexter. And with that realization the floating feeling he had vanished as his thoughts coalesced and his body condensed into the body he’d always had. He fled back into his room and huddled on his bed, too freaked out to try and do much more.
There was a knock on the door and a red-haired man entered. He glanced around seemingly surprised at the computer, still humming along. “Are you Dexter?”
“Yeah, who are you?”
“Roddy McStewart. I’m here about a malfunction with your Pinnacle Chip, but everything seems to be-”
“That was real?” Dexter blurted out. “Ever since that happened...I think I’m going insane.” he clutched his head.
“Can you tell me what happened?” Roddy asked. The room wasn’t a mess of shrapnel as he feared, but it was obvious something had happened.
“After I installed it the cat jumped on the keyboard and it started going nuts. I tried you yank the chip out to save the computer-”
“Are ye daft boy! You could have electrocuted yourself!” 
“I know, I wasn’t thinking!” Dexter snapped back. “I grabbed it and I thought I got shocked and blacked out, but my hand was fine when I woke up. And...thoughts keep popping in my head.”
“What kind of thoughts?” Anything besides a broken computer was well out of his wheelhouse, but Roddy couldn’t just leave the kid when he was so upset. Especially given the concern he now had with the lad’s mother sending him up to see her teenage son without any supervision.
“I dunno, random facts? It’s like articles and videos are just pulling themselves up in my mind. And then everything goes fuzzy.” Dexter didn’t mention what had happened in the bathroom. There was no way that was anything other than a hallucination.
There was the beginning of an idea forming in Roddy’s head, but he wasn’t ready to admit it was possible yet. That the reason Dexter’s computer had been spared was the Pinnacle chip had found a better storage solution for its mass internet download.
Before he could even think of how to check or even explain the door burst open and a taser fired directly at his chest. Roddy’s world exploded in pain, both from the electricity and his ribs from the body spasms, and everything went black.
I’m trying to do more of a buildup to Freakazoid’s development and not him just being created fully formed by the accident. In the first episode Dance of Doom Freakazoid states that he and Dexter are two aspects of the same person so I wanted to show how he comes from Dexter.
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The Battle of Troy
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Word Count: 5,817
Warnings: Swearing, violence, fighting
Author’s Note: I’m hella sick and in need of some sort of pick me up so here ya go! Does anyone still like Steve Harrington?
Tag List: @carolimedanvers @moonstruckhargrove @casaharrington @thechickvic @balladblood @alex--awesome--22 @so-not-hotmess @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @hipsmcgee @ashecilev
“Tell me why I don’t like Mondays, tell me why I don’t like Mondays, tell me why I don’t like Mondays; I wanna shoot the whole day down…”
You’d turned your car radio up, still parked outside Hawkins High School, in the closest spot to the middle school across the field. You’d been waiting for almost half an hour and you’d taken to chewing angrily on a pencil. You’d run out of bubblegum fifteen minutes ago.
The Boomtown Rats hated Mondays. But you? You hated Wednesdays.
On Wednesdays, you had to pick up your half brother, Troy, from school. Every other day of the week, your mother picked him up and you went home or to your job at the Hawkins Public Library. But on Wednesdays your mother worked the afternoon shift at the beauty parlour. So you had to take up the role of taxi driver and chauffer him home.
The problem was that you absolutely hated that damn kid.
Troy was a monster. You swore that he was a psychopath. He was a dick to everyone and everything but the second anyone called him on it, then he cried crocodile tears to his mother who took his word as law and destroyed whoever Troy claimed hurt them. He was vile. When he broke his arm a year prior, you laughed. It helped that his story was insane, but your mother still took him to the police station and forced some poor officer to take down the wild story Troy told of Michael Wheeler’s cousin Ellen from Switzerland. According to the Wheelers, they had no family in Switzerland and no family visiting them at the time. The case was never pursued further and Troy was stuck with his arm in sling for his whole Christmas break. He got nothing that could be played with using one hand; it was all baseball equipment and Atari games he couldn’t play. You watched with a smirk as he sulked for the whole holiday.
But that was a year ago, now he was back with vengeance. And he was set to take it out on the foursome who tried to destroy him, in his eyes.
And now, he was late. You let out a dramatic sigh as the Boomtown Rats switched to White Snake and you popped open your driver’s side door. You intended to figure out where that kid was. It wasn’t that you had anywhere to be, not exactly, it was simply that he was wasting your time. All you wanted to do was go home and bask in the icy air of central cooling Dave had finally invested in. And Troy was ruining that.
You marched down the sloped hill of the browning field, dodging kids as they run off in various directions. In the centre, you saw an awful scene unfolding.
First, there was the terrible foursome your brother hated so much. You recognized Michael first, because you had met him and his mother during the investigation your mother insisted on. Then there was the kid they called ‘zombie boy’, on the grass, in the foetal position, cover his head in preparation for being pummelled. Then, there was Troy, straddling him, fists landing sharp jabs all over his body. Michael and his nameless friends were screaming and one of them, a goofy looking thing in a science themed tee shirt, was trying to pull Troy off by his shoulders.
And then, sprinting in like a golden retriever, came Steve god damn Harrington, in his awful sailor uniform from the new ice cream shop in the mall. Your friend Robin worked there too and you’d seen the pair of them serving the cold treat with a forced smile. Why on earth he was there, you had no idea. No seniors showed up during the last weeks of school, they all skipped right up until graduation. The only reason why you showed up was because you had to submit your photos to the yearbook committee, late as usual. The yearbook went out in a week, so naturally the whole photo team was pissed off at you.
You still had your Polaroid camera around neck, where it usually sat as you scanned your terrain for images you wanted to capture. In front of you stood a moment that needed to be captured. None of the group had noticed your presence, so you pulled it up to your eye and snapped a singular image. The sound of the click and bright flash brought most of the group’s eye to you. Unfortunately for him, it didn’t draw in Troy’s attention and you caught the perfectly blurry image of him beat the shit out of some innocent kid. You caught it before it hit the grass at your feet, shoving it into your back pocket.
Steve pulled the kid in the science shirt off Troy and grabbed him by the back of his shirt, lifting him off the zombie boy on the floor. You marched up to him, looking up at his annoyed looking face. It was almost cute, he looked like a little puppy dog.
“I can take it from here.” You said with a smile. Steve looked at you curiously, doing his best to hold his stern look. The smile turned into a scowl “Drop him.”
Steve did so easily, letting him hit the floor knees first. You pulled him up off the ground, squeezing his arm to keep him from turning on the guy. “You are going to get your ass in the car right now or I am going to kick your ass right here.” You whispered harshly, tightening your grip when he looked away.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do, I’ll tell mom that you hurt me.” Troy shot back.
You pulled out the picture, now almost developed, hold it up to his face. “You try anything and I’ll show mom this and explain why you made us late. Now,” you pulled the image high above his head “Get your ass in the car. Now.” You released his arm and Troy ran off like a shot towards the parking lot.
You turned your attention to the group. The little zombie boy was off the ground, grass stained and bruised. Science kid was arguing with Steve and Michael and company were looking over zombie boy.
“You alright?” you asked awkwardly. Four heads turned to look at you, each more judgemental than the last. You maintained your smile, keeping your focus on the beaten boy. He nodded shyly, looking away from you towards Michael, who stepped forward boldly. “Alright, he bugs you again; you come to me, okay? I’ll deal with him.” You said.
Michael looked you over curiously “Aren’t you his sister?” he said. It sounded more like an accusation than a simple question.
“Half-sister.” You shrugged. Michael nodded without another word and you took that as your cue to head back to your car. Troy was tugging violently on your door handle, trying to climb into the driver’s seat. You made your way over slowly, creeping up behind him and smacking him upside the head.
“Backseat, dumbass.” You grumbled. He stomped away and you started up the car. You had already decided that you weren’t going to bring this up to your mother, let him wet his pants over it for a few weeks. School was almost out and Troy was going to sleep away camp for the whole summer, a breath of fresh air for you.
You drove off fast, leaving Steve staring after your car. He’d never even seen you before, and you just saved one of his kids. But you were a hero to them now, in a small way, the grandest gesture he’d seen all day. Hawkins was full of selfish people who didn’t bat an eye at the suffering or problems of others around them. Nobody else tried to even stop that kid when he tackled poor Will to the ground, most of the kids passing looked over with vague surprise as they passed. Nobody seemed to notice or even think it was that interesting. But you? You handled it with grace and poise, camera at the ready, and no fear anywhere on your face.
You were fearless.
Not that Steve was afraid of a stupid kid, just the danger he provided for the kid.
He was ready to handle the situation with ease, but you strode in like Joan of freaking Arc, your hair shining in the afternoon sun like a halo, camera strung from your neck, guarding you like a shield. Your fists were clenched at your sides, but you went for the camera first. You were tactful, you thought quickly, and harmed only those who had earned it. You were just…cool.
Steve made up his mind to thank you properly in that moment.
He just didn’t think it would take all summer.
It turned out there was a reason he could never find you, you were practically an enigma. You seemed to have no close friends in school, you had shared no classes, and he couldn’t find you in his yearbook. You were a ghost. He spent the whole graduation ceremony on edge, hoping that you were a senior so that he could at least get a name. Dustin and his friends had no idea what Troy’s last name was and they weren’t willing to risk their safety to help him. So Steve was on his own.
Luckily, you were a senior. He nearly jumped out of his seat when he saw you take the stage and heard the announcer call your name. There you were, shrouded in a golden glow, smiling as you took the rolled diploma from the principle’s hand. You looked heavenly, tall and proud and golden in the sunlight. So you had a name. Cross checking with his yearbook, you had a missing photo symbol instead of a picture. It almost made sense.
Now he had a name, all he needed to do was figure out how to find you. Of course, he found your phone number in the Yellow Pages, but just calling would be creepy. So he decided to set out and find you. He worked at the mall, it shouldn’t be impossible to find you.
Except it wasn’t.
You didn’t spend much time at the new Starcourt Mall, you didn’t have the time. You spent every day in the library, working. You switched to full time pretty much immediately after graduation, since Stella MacLeod had left to marry some guy in Appleton and they needed another full timer. You liked the peace and quiet of the library, where nobody bothered you unless they wanted to know where the bathroom was. You especially loved running the children’s story time, purely because they were a captive audience and it made the library quiet for awhile.
But did Steve realize that? No. He had a one track mind, driven to complete one task at a time. He was certain he’d find you at the mall. He asked every teenage employee in the whole mall if you worked there. And no dice, you were still MIA. He took to just watching out the big bay windows of the shop, hoping to see you pass by. He’d dropped so many ice cream cones thinking he saw you pass by. But it was never you.
Unbeknownst to him, Dustin knew exactly where you were. He was gone for all of June, sent to sleep away science camp by his mother, but when he came back he dragged his ass to the library. He was still certain he’d discovered a new species of lizard and needed to do his proper research to write his scientific thesis on the merits of the demo-dogs, trying to remember everything he could about Dart.
You dealt with that kid every damn day. He was a very funny nuisance to your work. He pestered you with questions about writing the second he realized that the grey moleskin you had on the desk everyday was not a journal but a novel in the making. It didn’t matter to him that you were more versed in fantasy than academic papers, he wanted every ounce of knowledge you had. You’d sat with him on several afternoons, reading and editing with a red ballpoint pen, circling and scribbling out every error he made. It could a good portion of July, but by the end of it he made a pretty great paper to deliver to Mr. Clarke for approval and assistance in submitting to some sort of academic magazine.
There was one problem though. His overdue books.
Every day he came in, you had to try to stop him and yell at him about his monstrous late fees on five books he took out in November. They were mounting on a forty dollar late fee now and you were under immense pressure from your manager, Darlene, to get the books back. She’d seen how the kid had taken to you and decided that you could handle getting the missing materials back. It was a lot of pressure, especially because no one was exactly looking to take out the books. You knew it was because the books were expensive and the library was underfunded and needed to keep every book it had in good condition in the library.
And Dustin was messing that up.
You had the afternoon to close shift that insanely hot Friday in July and the library was open late. Of course, you liked the closing shift since the library was pretty much empty and you could be as loud as you wanted.
As you came in, Dustin was rushing out, backpack falling off his shoulder and hair barely contained by his red, white, and navy blue baseball cap. You grabbed his arm with a cunning smirk “Henderson!” you grinned, spinning him back to you.
“What’s up, Y/N? I gotta run Mr. Clarke says that I have a reply on my paper!” he replied, grinning his toothy grin.
“When am I getting these books back, you’re getting me in shit with management.” You replied, letting his arm go and crossing yours over your chest.
“Look, I’ll bring them back tonight, okay? Lemme just get this paper approved somewhere.” Dustin promised and you nodded. Did you trust him to come back with those books? No, but you had all summer to get them back.
You and Dustin went your separate ways: him to the middle school, you behind the desk to start your long shift.
Dustin, after receiving his letter and a pat on the back from Mr. Clarke, headed off to the mall to sit in Scoops and eat free ice cream at the counter. Steve was the only person he could celebrate his success with, since the rest of his friends had gone off and gotten girlfriends, except for Will, who still clung onto them as his primary source of camaraderie. Dustin had Steve and Robin, and strangely Erika Sinclair, whose little friends had started following him around and he’d taken a sort of liking to them and their sassy attitudes. And he had you, to teach him weird literary devices and suggest him novels to fuel his DnD games. He liked you. He was sure he recognized you from somewhere, but he couldn’t place where.
When he arrived at the mall and Scoops, Robin was on cash duty, with Steve standing over the freezer filled with tubs of ice cream, staring wistfully out into the mall, eyes scanning the room for something or someone.
“What’s up little dude?” Robin asked, wiping her hands on the tiny white apron provided as part of her uniform. The shop was dead, despite it being a Friday, which was a rare treat for the employees of the usually busy shop.
“Nothing much, finally heard back from Science Quarterly.” He replied with a shrug, pulling out the red stool and climbing up easily.
“What’s wrong with him?” he gestured to Steve, who hadn’t even acknowledged him yet.
“He’s still looking for that girl.” Robin shrugged, walking over to scoop some of Dustin’s favourite bubblegum ice cream into a basic cone, so he could eat all the evidence of the missing ice cream.
“Oh yeah, what’s her name again?” Dustin asked, gladly taking the free cone and biting directly into the freezing pink and blue treat.
“Y/N…” Steve sighed bitterly “I’ve been looking for her all summer, remember? The girl who helped out Will.”
“Oh, you mean the one that works at the library?” Dustin asked, his mouthful of ice cream muffling his words. Steve whipped his head around, looking Dustin up and down with fiery eyes.
“You know where she is?” Steve asked slowly, stepping closer to Dustin, sheer rage flashing over his expression.
Dustin simply rolled his eyes “Yeah man, she’s not exactly hard to find.” He replied, licking up a long line of melted ice cream from his hand up to the top of the cone.
“She’s worked there since sophomore year, if I had known you were looking for her, I would’ve told you weeks ago, dude.” Robin added with a small shrug.
“I’m going back later if you wanna come along.” Dustin said to the pair.
“We’ll go at the end of my shift, asshole. And you’re gonna tell me everything you know about her.” Steve grumbled bitterly.
Robin raised an eyebrow quizzically, looking between the two boys. When Steve headed into the back, Robin turned her attention to Dustin.
“So, what’s his deal? Why all the interest in Y/N?” she asked, leaning her weight on her elbows, propping herself up on the counter.
“I don’t know man, she like…helped Will right before school ended, stopped this asshole from beating him up, and Steve’s been weird about it ever since. I think he’s got this like...thing about her. I don’t get it, but he’s been searching for her all summer.” He explained, hands turning sticky from his forgotten ice cream. Robin reached for the napkin dispenser, pulling out a wad and handing them to him with a grimace. Watching Dustin eat was nauseating-he didn’t know how to eat anything without making a mess of himself and anything he touched.
Robin nodded, pursing her lips in thought “Reverse Nightingale Syndrome…” she muttered to herself.
“Reverse Nightingale Syndrome, it’s when a patient falls in love with their nurse because of the kindness and personal care they give them. In this case it’s when our lonely friend falls head over heels for the girl who saved one of his friends. It won’t last.” Robin explained cockily, unable to hide the pride in her voice, finally getting to explain something to the wiseass kid who insisted on explaining everything to her.
“He isn’t…he’s not into her. He just wants to…thank her. I think. I don’t know what he wants to do anymore but it’s not date her. He doesn’t know her.” Dustin replied, tossing his half-eaten ice cream in the built in trash can in the centre of the counter. Robin hummed in response, not believing him for a second. Dustin opened his mouth to respond, but a large group of preteens rushed the shop and Robin turned her full attention to the group with a forced smile.
The rest of the afternoon went about as well. The shop stayed busy long past Robin’s shift ending and customers had to be asked to leave when the shop was set to close, along with the rest of the mall. By the time Steve was done cleaning the shop and locking up, it was closer to eleven than it was to ten, the time he was supposed to be done at.
“Come on, Steve, we have to go! I’m gonna miss my curfew and you owe me a ride home.” Dustin said testily, crossing his arms over his chest, his letter still clutched in hand.
“We’re going to the library first.” Steve said tightly.
Across town, you were struggling to stay awake at the front desk. You never understood why the library stayed open this late, nobody came in after eight pm and while during the high school exam season the library would stay populated by the exhausted, drained students trying to get through school without slowly combusting. But you couldn’t pack it up yet, if Darlene found out that you’d closed early again, she’d fire you for sure. And since you liked your job, you wouldn’t push your luck.
But it was almost quarter to twelve; it wouldn’t hurt to start your cleanup, right? You didn’t think so, so you grabbed your cart and started your pickup of every book left behind by careless patrons. Then, once you’d re-shelved everything, you vacuumed the kid’s area and put all the plastic toys back into their primary coloured storage bins.
That took you right till five till twelve. You grabbed your keys and purse, throwing your moleskin into it, and made your way to the front doors.
Before you could shut off the lights, someone rushed the doors, scaring the absolute crap out of you. You let out a blood curdling scream, slamming the light switch to illuminate the library’s main entrance.
It was just Dustin. You clutched at your heart. “Jesus, kid, you scared the shit out of me. We’re literally closing in…” you checked your watch “A minute! You better have those books!”
“I do.” He pulled out the pile from his backpack and you grabbed them quickly, tossing them into grey rubber bin behind the desk. “I would’ve put them in the drop box, but it’s locked.” Dustin added as you wrote out a sticky note, telling the opening crew to check the books in.
“Yeah, Darlene probably locked it when she left, some assholes keep dropping random shit down it. Last week it was a stink bomb.” You explained, turning your attention back to the exit. Your eyes met Steve’s for the briefest of moments. They were prettier than you remembered. You looked away quickly.
“I see you brought your body guard today. Nice to see you, Harrington.” You said, readjusting your purse strap on the shoulder.
“Hey…” he replied awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. He mentally chastised himself for being so awkward; it felt like his mouth had turned into a desert and his mind had gone even blanker than usual.
“Well, I think we’re good. Now, get out of my library, I wanna go home.” You chuckled, making your way to the front doors again, gesturing with a flick of your wrist for Steve to walk out. It was as though you’d used the force on him, he’d moved so quickly, so fearfully, and so jerkily out the door you could have sworn you’d moved him with your mind. You flicked off the lights and, after ushering Dustin out the door, you stepped out and locked the front door.
“Dustin, you better come back tomorrow and pay off your damn debt, alright? I won’t take anymore shit from my boss because of your lazy ass.” You declared, planting your hands firmly on your hips.
Dustin rolled his eyes “Yeah, yeah, okay mom.” He scoffed.
“I’m serious dude! You’ve gotten me in so much shit, you don’t even get it.” you replied, rolling your eyes.
“Are you in tomorrow?” he asked sceptically.
“Yeah.” That was a lie, Saturday was your first day off in weeks, but it felt like the right lie to tell in the moment.
“Then I’ll bring it over.” Lying was the right choice, so it seemed.
“Good, anyway I’ll see you tomorrow!” you turned on your heel, heading off towards the sidewalk.
“Hey! Y/N! You want a ride?” Steve called quickly. Dustin smacked him hard in the chest, but he ignored it as you turned back around into view again.
“Oh, I’m okay to walk. It’s a nice night.” You replied with a small shrug, your left hand subconsciously coming to grab your right elbow. The way he was looking at you made you nervous for some reason.
“Nah, come on its late. Lemme drive you.” Steve said, motioning you towards the car he was already walking to.
“Are you sure? I’m off Beech Street…” you said. Steve had already pulled the backseat up and was forcing Dustin into it.
Steve turned back to you quickly, popping the seat up again roughly. He brushed his messy long hair out of his face, his expression wild and yet self-aware, smiling even though his eyes screamed over how awkward the scene he created was. “Nah, its fine. You’re right between Dustin and me.” He said, gesturing to the front seat. You nodded awkwardly, stepping past him and into the car. He shut the door for you. It would’ve been chivalrous if him standing there while you settled into and adjusted the seatback wasn’t uncomfortable.
Steve rushed to the other side of the car, climbing in and starting the car. Immediately, Wham!’s Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go started blasting from the speakers. Both you and Steve cringed as the upbeat sound playing at you, second-hand embarrassment coursing through your veins. Steve looked to you briefly and you kept your gaze on the world outside, hoping to keep your expression as neutral. Without a word, he pulled out of the space and headed onto the main roads.
Both Steve and Dustin knew that you were nowhere near his house, but he was insistent on seeing you through. He had made it this far, he had his chance, all he had to do was take it. So, he drove Dustin home without a word, working up the nerve to say something to you.
“So, any good news for your essay?” you asked, turning back to look at Dustin.
“Got a response from Science Quarterly.” He replied vaguely, looking away from you and out the window into the dark streets.
“I haven’t opened it yet…”
“Well open it!” you cried, smacking your headrest excitedly. Steve glanced over at you. You looked so…well beautiful. Your smile lit up the whole damn car, it lit up your whole face and made your eyes shine with so much mirth and brightness that it rivalled the stars above him. You looked like…something inhuman. God like maybe, maybe just like an angel, he couldn’t decide on what, but it was beautiful. It captured his attention far more than it should’ve while he was driving. That was going to cause a problem for him, he just knew it.
Dustin swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly from the dry swallow. He nodded, tearing open the envelope and reading aloud.
“Dear Mr. Henderson, we at Science Quarterly are very interested in your study on the new form of lizard you have named the D’Artagnan. While we would love to publish your article on sight alone,”
You let out a cheer, beating up the leather headrest excitedly.
Dustin raised his voice over your cheers “We must ask you to provide all of your research notes for the board, including images of the D’Artagnon beyond the preliminary sketches you provided with the article. Please reply to this letter with your full notes and unaltered images of D’Artagnon so we at the board can confirm this creature’s existence and relevance as a new species. Thank you for your interest in the magazine.”
Dustin dropped the letter on the seat sadly, crossing his arms over his chest and turning his attention to the window.
“So, what’s the problem? I saw your notes, they’re great! All they want is a couple pictures, I’m sure you can-”
 Steve cut you off, a sympathetic look sent Dustin’s direction “We only had Dart for a few days before he ran off. Didn’t get a chance to take photos of him and haven’t found another since. It was a once in a lifetime discovery.” He explained softly to you before raising his voice “I’m really sorry man.”
“Yeah well, we don’t all make out career defining discovery at fourteen.” Dustin said. Steve pulled up to Dustin’s house and, before he could even stop the car, Dustin pushed up your seat and popped the door, rushing out into the night and towards his well lit house.
“Bye, man!” Steve called half heartedly, waving before rolling his eyes “Or whatever…”
You smiled sympathetically “He’s just a bit upset, he’ll get over it.” you pulled your door shut and pushed your chair back to a more comfortable position.
“Yeah…Beach Street?” Steve asked.
“1215 Beach Street.” You confirmed and Steve sped off.
You sat in really uncomfortable silence for most of the ride, listening to the radio play pop music on repeat.
As Steve turned down Beach Street, he finally made his move.
“So…um, I just-I wanted to thank you.” He said, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.
“For what?” you asked, furrowing your brow.
“For…you helped Will at the beginning of the summer, he was getting the shit kicked outta him-”
“By Troy, I remember now.” You finished with a small smile “It’s really not a big deal, I’ll take any excuse to get the upper hand over that kid.” You chuckled, leaning back fully into your seat, lulling your head to look at him, eyes running over his face.
Steve was prettier than you remembered. He had the face and physique of an ancient Greek athlete, lanky but strong with the wide, deeply emotive eyes that bore into your soul and revealed every ounce of feeling he’d ever felt. You’d been at the party with Samantha Barks when Steve got his ass handed to him by little Nancy Wheeler. You remember how broken he looked as he pushed by the pair of you, interrupting Samantha as she half heartedly talked to freaky Jonathan Byers to tell him something, you didn’t remember what. All you remembered was his eyes. They were so full of heartbreak, unbridled sadness that shook you to your core despite barely even knowing him.
“It was really cool. I mean, nobody ever pays any attention to that kid and I mean I was late getting there and you just-you showed and you don’t even know them and I just-look, I really appreciated it. It meant a lot to me.” Steve struggled his way through, running his fingers through his pretty brown hair over and over again, as if it would anchor him to the ground.
“Oh…I didn’t realize…Well, I’m glad I could help out.” You said quietly, smiling softly to yourself. You were genuinely proud of yourself for stepping in and for helping out.
“Yeah…” Steve muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. He lowered his head, focusing his gaze on the seat peaking out between his legs. “I-I’ve been trying to thank you for that all summer, I kinda don’t have a plan anymore.” He said, turning down the opposite end of Beach Street. He knew that he’d have to loop around and head across town back to Maple Street and leaving out the other end would cut some time.
“Really?” you asked. That bit of information was shocking to you. Most people weren’t looking too hard to find you. You doubted that your own mother would care where you were in that very moment.
“Yeah…” he chuckled “I even searched the entire mall for you. I didn’t find you.”
“Oh.” Oh. That was very unexpected. “I…I didn’t even know…” You looked down, in part to hide the blush burning into your face and in part because you didn’t know if you could look him in the eye.
“Yeah, I figured as much.” He laughed again and you looked up, peering deeply into his deep brown eyes in search of some clarity. Your whole body was buzzing with energy and your mind was on fire with thought. And all of the thoughts were over Steve fucking Harrington. And you didn’t want it to stop. He’d taken over your mind in a single look and you wanted to feel that way forever.
Steve pulled up outside your house, parking in front of your driveway. Neither of you moved, not even to unbuckle your seatbelt. You simply sat, staring out the windshield blankly.
You turned sharply to look out the window, frowning “She didn’t even leave the light on for me…” you whispered to yourself, sighing softly. Steve stared at you for a second, unsure what to do or say. Words were pushing to pour out from his throat.
“Hey, listen, this is gonna sound so weird but do you wanna maybe…go out sometime? Like with me?” Steve asked the back of your head. You turned quickly to look at him, taking in the sheer nervousness his whole body radiated with. You absorbed the energy, feeling your stomach tighten and your palms sweat.
“Yeah…yeah I’d like that.” You said, feeling a smile pull at the corners of your lips.
“Yeah?” Steve asked, his voice endearingly hopeful.
“Yeah!” you exclaimed with a little giggle. It slipped out unintentionally, but it lit Steve’s face up brighter than you’d seen before.
“What are you doing tomorrow? Wait, you told Dustin you’re working, what about-”
You cut him off “I’m not working.” Steve raised a curious eyebrow at you. “I might have lied to the kid…” Steve burst out laughing. Now that was music to your ears. “He deserves it! Let him deal with what I dealt with for months!”
Steve laughed until his stomach hurt, until he forgot why he was laughing. He felt like the light you had shining off you from every angle was seeping into his skin and healing him, the scars left behind by the world fading away under your light. And you just kept smiling at him, this bewildered, precious look of embarrassed joy that he’d brought on.
Finally, after what felt like a never ending loop of laughter, Steve took a heaving breath and pushed it out with a sigh. “I should probably let you go here…” he muttered, looking at the time from his watch. You nodded, reaching over the gear shift and planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. As Steve’s face turned beet red, you popped the door open, climbing out with a grin you couldn’t manage to push off your face.
“I’ll see you around, Harrington.” You said “Come and visit me sometime, now that you know where I am.” You shut the door, turning and heading inside “I’ll pick you up at eight tomorrow!” he called after you as you bounded up the front steps, taking them two at a time. You heard, just as you shut your front door, an overjoyed cry, and watched Steve’s car speed off.
“Oh god he’s such a dork…” you muttered to yourself, shutting the door softly. ‘Oh god I like it…’ you thought, but you wouldn’t dare admit that out loud.
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kim-lexie · 5 years
week-by-week playback: crash landing on you.
just to preface, pardon that some of this may not be cohesive. i made this a separate post because otherwise the collective review would be insanely long. and i wanted to keep a space where i just let my thoughts from each episode exist, so here it it. 
if you want to see my semi cohesive thoughts from the themes and characters here is my actual review. crash landing on you.
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*spoiler alert*
ep 1-2 my goodness this man, hyun bin (aka ri jung hyuk in this drama) is dreamy as ever. *like swoons*. son ye-jin is perfect, i loved her in "something in the rain” and this character is completely different and i am loving it. this free easy going aide of this actress. she is adorable and i love how in a crazy situation the first thing she thinks is ‘you’re totally my type’ bc seriously a girl after my own heart.
now the concept is completely ridiculous but i’ll jump on the band wagon and live my best life bc i think this is going to be a unique concept that i fall for. the fact that she doesn’t listen to him and goes directly into north korea i’m like girl you’re crazy.
i love how they added the clips at the end of the episode and how he was laughing at her. precious how he’s already falling for her quirky side. i am intrigued to see where their relationship first started like how did they meet before how did he leave north korea and enter back in as a general captain?!? so many questions and i’m so excited.
ep 3-4.  kim ju-meok (captain ri’s company of 5) saying i haven’t seen any drama characters that don’t fall in love in that situation. hahaha same dude same. when the guy was spying, jung man-bok, and trying to keep up with the drama plot. hahaha
i loved when the ladies tried to see her and she made him act all sweet walking him out the door.
he said all nice things to the plant!!!
ep 5-6. his relationship with his fiancé is soooo weird. and her family must be super high up in north korea. same to his family though. his mom has an ostrich in her yard!!! i love how they got stuck on the train on their journey to pyeongyang. i love how he jumps to his feet to get her anything she wants. they’re precious together. i’m excited to see where it takes us bc now that the man on the run knows that she is there, there is leverage. he was the first guy she waited for TT. i’m really enjoying the little tidbit scenes at the ending.
he’s gonna keep a photo of her even though he said it was silly to get a momento. the clarification between destiny and coincidence.
ri jeong-hyeok do you want to be my destiny. ‘as long as you stay in my sight you’ll be safe, as long as she is in my sight i will protect her.’
ep 7-8. her character growth since meeting him is extensive and i love to see this side of her not as callused and closed off but rather vulnerable.
‘so happens that you’ve become a special person to me
for once i had to protect you too.’
the heart on his uniform she stitched up.
it’s his brothers song. TT
him going to find her bc she might have been waiting in him. he’s not wrong. and her being concerned with him not being in the hospital bc of his injuries.
your life here might be shattered bc of me.
and i don’t like that.
she’s gets kidnapped. after all this. she even decorated a christmas tree and got him a gift.
held my breath for a solid minute after that gunshot.
ep 9-10. yes his freaking dad in these moments where i’m crying just provides the perfect comedic relief bc he can’t freaking believe what’s happening in front of him. “you make my heart flutter. the other dude.” even when you didn’t know it you saved my life. when he played the song for the first and last time for his brother.
how would i forget about a woman who feel from the sky? -jeong-hyeok
i didnt fall. i descended. -se ri
she freaking wrote i love you with the books.
his brother was such a good person and got the medicine for his friends baby.
when they had to say goodbye to each other. and when their eyes met once again.
ep 11-12. this episode. i loved seeing how the comrades reacted to the daily living of those in seoul. they were too precious. absolutely terrifying that cheol-gang made his way into a security. like what kind of background check did they get?!? like. come on.  
cannot believe that jeong-hyeok found her in an echoing parking garage. it’s destiny.
seo dan got the term ‘sweetmeat’ from seri stop it!!
all of the almost encounters had me dying, while the boys were trying to track down captain ri. the gaming to ignoring the call for chicken.
they wanted to recruit kwang-beom for an agency. they’re like your cover was blown bro.
talking about a future when he didn’t go back. married with twins. and he’ll play piano again.
them dresses as south koreans got me like. my goodness. they’re too much. them all hugging was beautiful. he missed them all so much.
her mother left her at the beach. like what the even. her sister in law gave him her address what the even, this side of her family is wack.
they surprised her for her birthday. my goodness. this moment i’m weeping then it’s like dang that would have been cute.
i’ll be thankful the person i love is still breathing.
and it will be a good year.
-ri jeong hyeok
ep 13-14. the couple rings.
our boys. slaying it. my gosh. when they’re all surrounding her after she was shot. and crying my heart broke.
i never played the piano. and i’ve never told anyone. until you crash landed into my word one day. that’s how i lived. but now i’ved changed. even if i have to worry about losing you, i want to have you in my life. even if it breaks my heart bc it’s a dream that can’t come true, i’d like to sincerely dream of a future. so please live. and listen to my words i still have stories that i haven’t told you yet. -ri jeong-hyeok
when she finally woke up and he ran in. the fact that the mole wire tapped the room while she was unconscious. and then the tape of her mom telling her and wanting to thank seri and ask for forgiveness, and also the fact that her oppa and sister in law wanted her gone...wack.
when he was showing her his scars and the boys walked in and thought something scandalous was up, i died laughing.
i love them together. “they’re curious about your face. i understand bc you look great from the back.” -seri with regards to the paparazzi posting a photo of him online.
the split second after cheol-gang died and ri jeong-hyeok contemplated ending his life, because he didnt know what would happen when he went back to north korea.
while seung-jung was hiding in the market after he ran away from his captors, and the orphans collectively sang that sad song to distract the officers and protect him.
when seung-jung gave seo dan the ring that she picked up from the store so he could give it to seri who gave it to the pawn shop, and he picked it back up and proposed to seo dan. i weeped, because why does this have to be so hard.
when the NIS was collecting data on the ‘spies’: purchases at internet cafe, downloading videos of his favorite drama star, chicken restaurant, etc.  i can’t.
him deciding to go protect her even though he missed his chance of leaving the north with his life. and that she would be the one crying for him once he died made him sad and happy.
seri would make the same decision again. to meet the people and keep the experiences she had. “the wind blows to move in, not to stay.”
the exchange at the boarder was all too much. they all had to say goodbye so quickly.
ep 15-16. her family is wack. thank goodness seodan was able to get her revenge and get all the information from the chinese gang to turn over her older brother.
he wrote her back in the bookshelf. and is sending her notes after he’s gone. her breakdown in the kitchen when she saw all that he left for her. and receipts.
them going for walks at the same time of day to have a shared moment.
all of captain ri’s men reminiscing of the good things seoul had. internet. electricity.
i love that seri made a limited edition product to pay tribute to the ladies that helped her in the north.
he got her a freaking plant. i can’t. she is carrying for the plant like a baby and taking it around with her. got to say nice things to it. i knew it the last thing she said was rihoseok. (honestly wanted it to be a tomato plant)
“season changed but messages kept coming.” i really love this.
“it was eldewiss let’s meet in the country where these flowers bloom.” tell me they meet. please. oh please.
when ri jeong-hyeok broke the news that he was moving on to become a pianist and that the new captain is not a handsome man. the ladies of the village faces just dropped. i can’t.
“he found me every time. and i’m sure he’ll find me again someday.” -seri
“edelweiss symbolizes precious memories. what should i do jeonghyeok? it’s impossible for me to herons your just as a memory. so even if we don’t meet this year, maybe next year. if that doesn’t work too, i’ll anticipate the year after that. until the day you find me i’ll be waiting and praying.” -seri
stop it she is going to go paragliding and meet him again. come on.
eun-dong saying he misses his sister. i love them.
most wonderful two weeks of the year. stop it they have a house together in switzerland. and they are living happily ever after.
i really don’t want it to end...
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brunhiddensmusings · 4 years
What about Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves? I love that movie because it's such a wild ride (Satanists! Secret brothers! Secret mothers! And cancel Christmas!) but I distinctly remember a LOT of sutff that could probably make a historian scream. Also, how about The Eagle and/or The Last Legion, if you watched either of them?
engaging requested historical movie based rant in 3,2,1 okay, that movie is a beautiful MESS and its hard to pick somewhere to start partially as i cant decide to criticize it against the history of the period its supposed to be or as an adaptation of the legend, both of which it varries wildly as i could talk about how inconsistent it was about who robin hood was or what the merry men were about, chiefly that the concept that robin hood gave what he stole to the poor didnt arise untill about the late 1600s when people dressing up as robin hood and crew to recreate his stories became essentially the precursor to the renesance faire where such events would draw wealthy spectators who would then ‘pay tribute’ to robin hood who would then use that money to buy drinks for all the players eg ‘the poor’ as a compensation for the performance but no, i cant reasonably get too mad at that because its not widely enough known to actually expect people who make movies to know, id be more mad about how they insisted on making robin meet all his merry men as the movie goes on meaning none of them have more then a few days of backstory, and even more mad they insist on making all the non-named merry men illiterate morons, and more mad that they decided to amazingly actually include will scarlet but not have him do anything of note other then the drama about being a brother, and beyond that the part that actually gets me mad is you included will scarlet but not alan adale? thats a baffling missed opportunity considering you put the effort into making it an actual crew and not five guys in the woods, why the fuck not have a minstrel prancing around? the freaking disney furry one got that part better then you did and he didnt even interact with the main cast! i will give a few honorable praises to this movie though as friar tuck is possibly the most accurate friar tuck in any movie ive seen so far considering in the legends the first thing he does when he meets robin is put on a helmet and scream ‘have at ye’ while charging with his sword cause the friar is down to brawl with anyone at anytime. also his first appearance in the movie hes singing a rendition of bacce benne, the oldest known drinking song we know both the lyrics and tune of, which at the time would have been how tavernkeepers knew you were still sober enough to give another round to the irony of that statement being robin hood was largely circulated as drinking songs in taverns, and a medieval man replied to an accusation of him being stupid by saying ‘nah mate, i know all 70+ verses of the song of robin hood’ much like someone today would say ‘nah mate ive seen every episode of the simpsons up till season 12′ to prove he was up to current events i could get mad that everyone and everything is brown brown BROWN, nothing but rags for clothing half the time and the houses look like they congealed out of mud thats afraid of windows, but ive grown to accept that kind of garbage aesthetic choices that are somehow inferior to monty python and the holy grail depicting how people dressed. i also cant be mad about how they portrayed the sherrif, despite at the time a sherrif would have been a shire reeve or sherriv which the whole point of him being in the story is that hes more or less a corrupt union rep who is technically supposed to be the one the villagers rely on to relay their complaints and demands to the local lord but is instead a crony of the nobility appointed to a position that hes supposed to be elected to by his peers.... but to be fair it would make the story hard to process in a movie if sherrif wasnt sherrif. no, what im going to get the most mad about is their batshit crazy satanist witch i know witches (two kinds), i know satanists (two kinds), i know medieval society, and none of the above would for a minute agree with any of how the freaky ass nutbag making eyeball soup worked in t his movie. holy shit, you just threw whatever you wanted at a wall to see what stuck didnt you, the upside down cross is a common image in actual catholocism its literally everywhere at the vatacin and would have been as offensive to a medieval person as a beetroot, the medieval peasantry wouldnt even have been very putoff by witches as for the most part a witch was either your aunt or your chief source of medical coverage or both so you usually gave a ‘witch’ respect and bought your beer from her at reasonable rates. literally the only thing of the witch scene that is at all related to anything sane is the blood runes, which also make no sense as the runestones involved are norse but the practice of blood shouldnt be even known about by a witch in Essex, if you had wanted to imply how evil the badguys were in the movie theres better ways to do it in fact you already did that without agnes nutters more insane cousin arranging sticks in blair witch, if you wanted to imply fortune telling or magic was at their disposal theres about a dozen better ways to have done that too
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yall just raided Elviras prop department when she wasnt looking didnt ya
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