#when she could see i had a line of customers to make sandwiches for
allthedyingbirds · 1 year
i love working during holidays
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george-weasleys-girl · 9 months
Hellooo so I saw that your requests are open :D and I was wondering if you could do a Fred and fem reader with an angry love confession in the rain with prompt 4 and 15 of your fluff/angst prompts list please? No pressure at all only if you want to :)
This turned into quite the saga! Thank you for requesting it 💗
What Took You So Long?
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Fred Weasley x fem!reader
The café buzzed all around them, but Fred sat motionless, staring across Diagon Alley at Y/N standing outside her little shop, chatting with a customer.
"Hey, mate," George said.
No response.
"Hey Fred," he tried again.
Again nothing.
Still nothing.
"Earth to Fred. Come in, Fred. This is ground control to Major Fred."
"Huh, what?" Fred snapped out of his daze.
George rolled his eyes. "Are you gonna eat, or are you just gonna sit there and drool over Y/N all afternoon?"
"I'm not drooling!" Fred touched the corner of his mouth. "Am I?"
His twin shook his head and chuckled. "You know, if you're so in love with her, you should ask her out."
"I never said I was in love with her!" Fred looked horrified.
"Maybe not out loud." George said.
The older twin sighed and shook his head. Very little got past his twin. "I don't know..." Fred said. "We're friends. I don't want to make things weird between us."
"Suit yourself," George shrugged and dug into his lunch.
Fred heaved another sigh, returning his attention back to Y/N, who, when she noticed him, broke out into a brilliant smile and waved.
He gave her a quick wave in return and immediately turned his attention to his sandwich, worried that his face might spontaneously burst into flames at any moment.
Y/N and Fred had known each other since their Hogwarts days. They weren't really friends then, so much as friendly acquaintances. Fred had been too enamored with Angelina to actually notice her. Not that it would've mattered much anyway. Y/N had been involved with a Ravenclaw bloke for most of their school years.
All that changed after the war. Y/N opened a small perfumery on Diagon Alley and soon became a regular at the joke shop. Her oldest sister coincidentally had twin boys, and Y/N spoiled them to bits.
"My sister's gonna kill me," she'd told Fred, laughing, when he showed her their newest product, Whizzies, a less dramatic version of Whizbangs for the younger crowd.
"You know, we do sell Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder in case you need to make a quick getaway," Fred suggested with a mischievous grin.
"Hmm... that might be a good idea," she said, returning his grin and added the powder to her purchase.
Y/N returned a few days later to regale him with the results of her most recent purchases, which involved a few small explosions that set the sofa on fire, followed by her quick getaway. After she helped put out the fire, of course.
It didn't take long for Fred to fall head over heels for her.
That was a year ago. And he still hadn't worked up the courage to ask her out.
"Tell me the truth, Freddie," George asked him the night after seeing his twin's face turn beet red at lunch. "What's up with this woman? What happened to Mr. I Can Get Any Girl I Want?"
Fred shrugged. "He ran away the moment he realized how much he liked her. It scares me, George, how much I like her. What if we get together and I fuck it up like I did with Angie? I... I don’t think I can go through... that again."
Ah. George nodded and patted his brother's shoulder. It all makes sense now. Fred was devastated when things didn't work out with Angelina. Of course, in public, he played off like it didn't bother him. It was only when he and Fred were alone that his twin let the mask slip. George couldn't ask him to put his heart on the line like that again. Nor did he know if he could watch Fred go through that kind of heartbreak again. So, he let the matter drop.
Y/N had never really given Fred Weasley much thought when they were in school. She remembered him being cute and funny, and maybe a bit crazy. But her interests lay elsewhere at the time.
Things were different now, though. For one, she was single, and for two, Fred had grown up. He was still cute and funny and a bit crazy, but it was tempered now with a sense of responsibility. Whether that came from the war or being a business owner or a combination of both, she didn't know. But she would really, really like to. In truth, she would like to know everything about him.
She'd thought that maybe he liked her back. He'd certainly given off those vibes many times. But it'd been almost a year and nothing more than the occasional invites to lunch with him and George had happened. And whenever she suggested that just the two of them do something, he always had other plans.
Perhaps she was wrong, she thought. Maybe it was time to give it up before she broke her own heart.
"Y/N hasn't stopped by the in three weeks," Fred peered down at her shop from their usual table at the café.
"Maybe she's been busy," George shrugged.
"Yeah, maybe..." Fred mumbled, shifting in his chair to get a better view of the perfumery's entrance. If she stepped out, he'd decided he'd wave her over.
But she never did.
Fred hated feeling so vulnerable and confused. He was the man with the plan, but he had no plan for this. Y/N had never been far from his mind to begin with, but now, she was all he could think about. Every time the shop door opened, his hopes rose only to sink through the floor seconds later when he realized it wasn't her.
Is she ok? Is she just busy? Did I say or do something wrong? Is she angry at me? Should I try to go talk to her?
Fred had admitted to himself that he cared for her, but he didn't realize how much until she stopped coming around.
"She's all I can think about, George," Fred confessed one night while they were working on paperwork. "Everywhere I turn in the store, I see where she's been. I hear her laughter. Every new invention, I think of her and how much I want to show it to her. Does she not buy stuff for her nephews anymore?"
George sighed and watched his twin for a moment. "I've been debating whether or not to show you this," he pulled a document from his pile of paperwork. "Here's the list for all the mail orders for this past month. She's made two big mail orders."
Fred snatched it from his brother's hands. "Why are you just telling me this?!"
"I didn't know until a couple of hours ago when Michael gave me his compiled list."
"But... why?" Fred stared at the paper. "Did I do something?"
"I don't know, Freddie. I wish I did."
Another week passed.
Nothing. Not even a glimpse of her.
And then, it happened. Fred spied Y/N sprinting past the joke shop, no doubt trying to get inside before the oncoming storm burst. Without a thought, he raced out the door after her.
"Y/N!" He called out. "Wait up!"
She stopped and stared at him, the wind whipping her hair in every direction.
"Hey," Fred greeted her. "How are you?"
"I'm uh, I'm good..." She looked up at the dark clouds roiling above them.
"Yeah, yeah. That's good," Fred replied. "I just, um... I was worried about you. You haven't been by the shop in a month."
Thunder rolled in the distance, and the first droplets fell, pattering on the cobblestones.
"You stopped me because I haven't been to the joke shop??" She wiped away a raindrop that pelted her just above her left eye and shook her head. "I'm going, Fred."
"No, wait," he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Please, Y/N."
She whirled around. "In case you haven't noticed, the bottom is getting ready to drop out!" She gestured toward the sky.
"I know, I just," he stammered. "Are you mad at me?"
"What?" She actually looked shocked. "Why would I be mad at you?"
Fred threw his hands in the air. "I don't know!You tell me! You're the one making mail orders instead of coming into the store."
Another clap of thunder, this time closer, then lightening rent the sky above them.
"Oh, for Merlin's sake, Fred," Y/N wiped her wet hair away from her face. "I'm not mad at you, ok?"
She started to turn away, but Fred stopped her again. "Then why don't you come into the shop anymore?"
The rain was now beginning to soak into their clothes. "Why do you care?!" She snapped, the lightening in her eyes far more intimidating than any the storm could produce.
"I - I uh," Fred chewed his lip, rain dripping off his nose. "I miss you."
"You miss me??" A year's worth of frustration and disappointment boiled over and exploded out. "I'm just another fucking customer to you! It shouldn't make a difference whether I shop in the store or not. You're still getting my money!"
"Wh - I don't care about your money!" Fred stepped closer to her. "You're not just another customer to me! You're... you're..."
"YOU'RE MY FAVORITE PERSON!" He yelled back.
Y/N blinked, her hands dropping to her sides, as all her anger melted away with the rain. "What..."
"You're my favorite person, Y/N," he repeated, softer. "And I miss you. I miss you so much. Everything reminds me of you. It's driving me insane."
She stood frozen in place, eyes riveted on the man before her for a few long moments. Then suddenly, she rushed toward him and caught her in his arms, their lips melding together, passionate and electric, matching the intensity of the storm.
"What took you so long?" She teased once they parted.
Fred chuckled. "I'm an idiot."
Y/N smiled and nodded, squinting against the sun now peeking through the dissipating storm clouds. "I don't know about you, but I'm soaked to the bone. And I'm starting to shiver a little."
"Well, we certainly can't have that," Fred pressed her tighter to him. "Your place or mine?"
"I'm thinking yours," Y/N said, peeking around him. "George is standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips, glaring at us."
"Oh right," Fred turned and waved. "I ran out and left him alone during the afternoon rush. I'm in big trouble now."
"Best we hurry, then," Y/N giggled and gave him one more quick kiss.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @smallsweetvanillabean @costheticbabe @charmedfandomgal @hanne-montana @rhunew @greenapplegrass @lizzytrees @spididerman @Havenater1920 @jelloangela @whotfskai @netflix-addict @lunacurlclaw
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saiidahyunie · 7 months
why do I kinda want a angsty fic with chaeyoung..
she fits the highschool romance forbidden love trope so much omggg
take this as an request🤭
a fall from grace
son chaeyoung x reader ; angst 
synopsis: what better closure could you get by attending your ex’s concert? 
wc: 3.1k 
warnings: cursing ; blood ; mentions of food and alcohol ; mentions of self-harm ; violence ; slightly rushed so it’s sorta not proofread
a/n: i should be studying for my finals but i couldn’t ignore this request so with the small sacrifice of my usual sleeping schedule hours i was able to get this one done in about an hour and a half? 
also if you don't know wave to earth please listen to them homesick is my fav song as of right now
hope you like this one @nr1chaedickrider enjoy!
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memories of that night echoed in your head. you didn’t want to keep remembering what had happened, but your mind took the liberty of etching every single last detail into your body.
your closet ransacked.
essential remedies sprawled out on the bathroom floor. 
the various bottles of liquors lined up perfectly on the kitchen countertop. 
you sat there lifeless on the couch with your hand slowly dripping blood from your fingers, as a result of the broken glass you carelessly smashed against the wall behind you - leaving a visible dent for your landlord jay to lash out on you when he visits you within the next week or so.
but that didn’t matter, you messed up big time. left with nothing but broken pieces around the house and in your heart as you sat up staring at the ceiling, closing your eyes and putting your left arm over your face in a sorrowful defeat. 
“so what are you going to do now?” somi asks you, crossing her arms in eagerness for your answer. 
you sigh, “i mean there’s not much for me to do as it is, the damage is already done.” staring back at somi as she took a sip of her coffee, lightly slamming her cup on the table immediately after hearing your answer. 
“i shouldn’t even be seen with you out here, but since you’re one of the closest friends i’ve got, the least i can do is see how you’re doing and make sure that you won’t kill yourself or anything.” somi says with a distressed tone as you sat there with half of an eaten grilled cheese sandwich on your plate that also looks poorly made. how fitting for your current mood as you took another bite while somi stares out of the restaurant window. 
“well, i appreciate your concern, but i’m doing just fine really.”
“like hell you are, your hand is all bandaged up.” somi responds back, looking at your wrapped right hand as you raised it up from under the table.
“oh this? i cut myself on accident but it doesn’t relate to what happend with cha-” you cut yourself off before putting yourself in a more sour mood than the brunch you were currently eating. somi tilts her sunglasses down slightly, eyeing your last sentence with a piqued interest. 
“you’re not fine, you can’t even say her name anymore since it’ll hurt you.” somi declares, as you groan through your closed lips.
“so what if i can’t say her name?! i’m the one who messed everything up with chaeyoung okay?! is that what you wanted to hear?!” you yelled out loud, getting the attention of other customers in the restaurant  as they looked over to you and somi’s table. 
you look over and put your hand up as an apology for causing a small scene as you took another breath of air as somi rubs her forehead in disappointment at your current state.
“you always had trouble with relationships y/n, you haven’t changed a single bit.” somi says to you as you scratch your head, pondering on her solid point that she has had about you since college. 
“i’m trying, but every time it goes well, it always ends terribly.” you respond, “i’ve never been good at loving someone, and it seems like i’m destined to have complications with everyone i get with.” adding on as you hang your head down again, not making eye contact with somi. 
“even so, i can’t change that for you y/n. you have to figure that out for yourself.” somi chides as she catches someone approaching the table closely - its mina. 
“hi mina.” somi says, lightly waving at mina as she reaches your table. “good to see you somi. and you too y/n.” mina replies with a more stern tone to you as she says your name.
“so what brings you here?” somi asks as you look at the window, avoiding eye contact with mina as you feel her aura creeping over you by the second. 
“i was just in the area, you’re not that hard to miss with that blonde hair of yours.” mina replies as somi laughed at her remark. “i wasn’t sure if you got my text or not about tonight’s concert.” she adds on, you turning toward her as you were intrigued with what she was proposing. 
“and what that might be?” somi questions, looking at you before switching her attention to mina again. 
“if you are coming to support chaeyoung’s opening night. i can put in a word for you and y/n to get you guys in for free.” mina’s offer ran through your mind as you looked at her blinking slightly more than usual as you processed what she said. 
“why would you offer me a way in too?” you asked. 
“i’m not offering you, this was from chae herself.” 
wow, you weren’t expecting that answer from her. somi furrowed her brows together at mina’s claim, slightly wondering if she was pulling a trick on you, but inhaled yet again to calm herself. 
“are you sure it’s okay for y/n to come? did chae hit her head or something?” somi inquired again, straightening her posture on the chair more firmly now, intrigued with what mina was plotting here. 
“yes, think of it as a final act.” mina responds as she darted her eyes at you.
“final act of what?”
“come tonight and you’ll find out.” mina says. “she told me what happened between you two, but i’m sure you don’t need a reminder do ya?” she added on with a little more fierceness in her voice, hurting you internally with the breakup fresh in your mind still. 
“alright fine, i’ll take up on your offer.” you said, accepting chaeyoungs request through mina. 
“great. come by around 5, i’ll come pick you guys up to get in early” mina says as she says her quick goodbyes before leaving the restaurant. somi looks at you, tilting her head with a sly smirk on her face. 
“i sure hope you know what you’re doing y/n.” 
“i am, now lets get the check and get out of here.” 
your girlfriend (sorry) - “ex”girlfriend chaeyoung was a new up and coming artist making her way through the indie music scene after going viral from doing song covers on youtube. after gaining traction in her vidoes and social media following, she released a few ep’s here and there before going all out with her first album. and people loved it - even you included.
the way her soft mellow voice captivated you at an open mic event on campus, you managed to strike a quick conversation with her after finding out you and her had the same drawing class, which led to you talking to her more and more as the semester went by. drawing sessions turned to dates, dates into a full fledged relationship, and god it was probably the best relationship you ever had in your life. 
you not only learned that chae was musically and artistically talented, but the way she viewed the world was the biggest selling point in you dating her. she didn’t beat around the bush with certain topics, always straightforward with her feelings, and how she had a cool look to everything physically and aesthetically. the time spent with her was precious, up until she was pressured during the production of her album. 
chaeyoung’s agent, young k, was a solid individual in the music world who had a reputation of nurturing musical talent to their full potential. having attended a seminar where they showcased various student acts, he took notice of chae’s voice and songs, approaching her after the event to keep in touch with her. a few consultations later, and she was signed to his record label where she could really shine which was working. 
musical production is always a stressful grind, but this took a heavy toll on chaeyoung. noticing that she would always come home late on certain weekdays, and even come back the next morning on weekends. the inconsistent sleep schedule on top of the faltering grades in some of her classes really damaged her overall state. she needed support from her close friends - especially you as her girlfriend. 
but while she was ran to the ground with the demands of music, you ultimately did nothing but give your “unwavering support for her dream.” the lack of time spent with her drove you to the brink of insanity, you hated not seeing her or spending time with her after class or in her dorm on the weekends. of course you tried to resolve things with her, committing to make an effort to make time regardless of the challenge that was present in front of you and her. after a few weeks, no change at all. then the alcohol came calling. 
the relationship met its fated end as you had a terrible day with your classes and work. wanting to relieve your stress, you grabbed a few bottles of tequila and started drinking. this would go on for roughly about two hours, with chaeyoung coming home at around three o’clock in the morning, only for her to be met with your drunk state. 
“you sure took your time bitch.” your words slurred as you stood in front of chaeyoung who was in between the door. 
“y/n, lets not do this now please?” chaeyoung pleaded, only for her words to be ignored as you grabbed her and pinned her against the wall. 
“i’m tired of your music bullshit! we have little to no time to spend together and it’s always your songs over me!” you yelled as chaeyoung starts breathing uncontrollably. 
“y/n, y-you’re scaring m-me!” chaeyoung’s words choked up as tears formed in her eyes. you then throw her onto the floor as she yelped in a slight pain. “is your music career more important than your girlfriend!? do i have to be the one to shoulder our relationship as you play pretend with your silly guitar!? i’m sick and tired of you chaeyoung!” you screamed as you swung your arms in a frenzy, toppling down anything that was in your path. 
“y/n!! stop please! i’m sorry!” chaeyoung begged as you pushed her down off to the side, grunting as she hit the floor again. 
“you’re so pathetic, i can’t believe i wasted my time with you!” you exclaimed as you grabbed an empty glass on the table, throwing it at the wall behind the couch, making chaeyoung scream in fear. “you’re never home with me! always flaunting around with your group of fake bandmates i’m sick of it!” you continued as you grabbed another empty glass and smashing it flat on the table with your hand, cutting it in the process. 
“y/n…please i’m sorry.” chaeyoung softly says as she sobs uncontrollably. 
“if you’re sorry, then you should leave.” you utter. chaeyoung stops for a second at what you said, before composing herself as you stood there breathing heavily.
“fine. i’ll leave then.” she simply says, sniffling as she walks down the hallway of your apartment, taking down multiple things such as paintings and plants as she goes to the room. you stood there alone in the living as you continued to hear shuffling and more stuff breaking as chaeyoung returns with two bags in her hands.  
“don’t even bother clean this mess up if you’re gonna act like the biggest piece of shit that you are!” chaeyoung yells as she walks out with all the belongings she could grab in that short amount ot time. as she made her way out the apartment, the realization of what you said and did finally hit as some of the alcohol subsided. 
“chae wait-” you try to say as you get cut off by the slam of the door. the arm reaching out to the end of her figure falls limp on your side as you internalize what had just happened, making your way to the couch and sitting, reflecting on your stupid actions as you held your head in your hands. 
“stupid stupid stupid me.” you muttered as you hit your head, lightly sobbing at the tragic end of your relationship. 
the concert venue was quaint, but fitting for an opening performance for a new emerging indie artist as you and somi walked past the line that already formed outside the small auditorium. 
“this is a pretty good amount of people waiting to get in.” you pointed out as you exchanged glances with the people in the line. 
“we can still back out if you want to.” somi offers.
“no, i need to do this.” you answered instantly, “even if she’s my ex now, i gotta show support for her passion when i couldn’t do it before” you reminded somi of your reason of going to see chaeyoung. 
“wow, i like this character development already.” somi points out, nudging your arm to get a reaction from you. “are you sure you don’t want to change your mind?” she asks. 
“shut up som before i-” 
“hey guys!” you hear a voice come from the side in an alleyway with a door left open, a slender figure standing out waving at you. 
“that’s mina, let's go.” somi nodded her head at you, motioning the direction to walk as you approached mina who is standing with two lanyards. “what are these?” you asked, holding the small plastic panel with your fingers.
“vip passes. they also give you backstage as well as balcony access inside.” mina answered as somi “oohed” at how cool they looked. you saw the various sketches on the panel and recognized them to be chaeyoung’s. they were the same drawings that she would doodle during class and now they’re being used as her own authentic aesthetic which you still find cute as you lightly smile at the pass. 
“alright now put these on and follow me.” mina says as she walks inside, you and somi following suit. the three of you weaved your way through the endless corridors eventually entering inside the venue, it had a fenced off area with the middle portion being lower than the level you were on, indicating the pit where most of the audience will be for those who did buy vip tickets. after walking around, you proceeded backstage and saw the sound panels, mixers, band equipment, etc… what seemed like a neverending walk, you catch a room with the door slightly open and hear a couple laughs being exchanged, one catching your ears in particular - hers. you stopped for a slight second to hear before your legs had a mind of their own and continued to walk forward as you arrived at the overhanging balcony. 
“this is where you guys will be, more people will come eventually but those with vip will enter first.” mina said as she showed the various seating arrangements and the small concession bar with drinks for the audience members. 
“thanks again mina!” somi yelps out with glee. 
“enjoy the concert.” mina simply responds back as she walks away back to the lower level. 
an hour and a half passes and the concert is fully underway, the moment chaeyoung walked out as you watched her from above was straight out of a movie scene. her look was casual but chic with her own taste. the ends of her hair in two small pigtails as she wore white pleated pants with an oversized stussy sweater, her guitar on her that was a gift from her parents on her eighteenth birthday. an ethereal look indeed, and god was she beautiful to gaze at again. 
her setlist consisted of the songs that she did youtube covers all those years ago, as well as the mix between her ep’s and her first album. you were surprised at the fact the filled crowd new the songs that she made, in the slightest - you were proud of her. simple as that. her interactions with the crowd was also cute as she responded to the many “i love yous” and various “you’re so freaking cool” compliments spread out in the short time that she was on stage. 
towards the end of the concert, she surprised everyone by announcing that she had two unreleased songs that she had been working on, and was planning to perform in front of her very first sold out crowd. the reaction was amazing to see that a lot of people really liked her music. as she sat down on her stool and began to play along with the band, the lyrics getting your attention as she played through the two songs. 
what color is my sky painted?
what color is emotion? 
closer your eyes slowly and feel the wind? 
the bonfire is fading out
maybe we are falling 
falling down, falling down 
ah - ah - ah 
ooh - ooh 
you were amazed with chae’s songwriting skills, but when the second song played, you immediately knew that it was about you. 
(oh i’m lost in my dreams)
erase me from here and set me free ~
all i wanted was to fly high (oh - oh - oh)
i can’t believe my wings are broken 
and fell against the sky, yeah 
oh will you please take me home? 
somi was left in complete awe as she turned towards you, realizing the look on your face. you had tears streaming down as you felt the words of the song strike your heart with the meaning of everything that passed in the last couple days. after the song had ended, applause could only be heard as you looked down in vanquish, but also with a sense of freeing that you so desperately needed. somi comforted you as she hugged you while you silently broke down, cheers covering your sobs. 
“lets go home now?” somi asks you in your ear as you simply nodded at her question, patting your shoulder as she was the first to start walking out. despite being blinded by the bright spotlights, chaeyoung spots you on the balcony, tilting her head in slight confusion, before remembering the request she gave to mina to get you here in the first place. you return her glance back to her, softly smiling as the applause only got louder. no words to be said, but the eyes told a different story.
“thank you for coming.” chaeyoung’s eyes said to yours. 
“congrats on your musical beginning chae, i wish you nothing but the best and i’ll be cheering for you.” your eyes replied back to her as she smiled brightly. 
you then saluted with your two fingers and proceeded to walk to the exit on your left side of the balcony, chaeyoung keeps her gaze fixated on you as you walked on her stage right, signifying the end of a chapter with you before returning her attention to the crowd as the start of a new journey in front of her. 
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tenderlywicked · 10 months
Good Omens fanfiction rec list
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Is it time for me to start another rec list? Hell yeah!
NEW All Lines Are Open by FeralTuxedo, TawnyOwl95
Anthony Crowley, bored host of a trite call-in radio show on Tadfield FM, has very few pleasures in life beyond annoying his long-suffering producer Aziraphale. When a caller reports suspicious activity at the abandoned Tadfield Manor, Crowley is determined to investigate, dragging Aziraphale along. Both of them are going to get more than they bargained for.
A local radio AU
NEW And the Devil Makes Three by stereobone
"Are you…" Crowley holds the word on his tongue a moment. "…jealous of Satan?"
"Now that would be just ridiculous," Aziraphale says.
But he doesn't say no.
Be Ye Therefore Merciful by AmberDiceless
(2005) Crowley does something utterly unexpected, and Aziraphale must face an opponent who cannot be thwarted. Hints of pre-A/C.
Chemistry by Twilightcitysky
Aziraphale and Crowley have been living among humans for 6000 years, but there have always been parts of the human experience they've chosen to avoid (like allergies, head colds, and having to use the loo).
They've also never let hormones get in the way of making rational decisions, because they didn't have any hormones to speak of.
That's all about to change.
Connectivity Issues by maniacalmole
One minute and twenty-three seconds before the whole mess began, Aziraphale received a message.
"Heaven and Earth are currently experiencing connectivity issues.
Miracles may be temporarily unable to function.
We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this matter."
Aziraphale instantly got a headache.
Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach by Nnm
As soon as Aubrey Thyme, psychotherapist, had opened her office door and seen her new client, Anthony J. Crowley, sitting in her waiting area, she was observing and assessing him. At first glance, she paid attention to the following:
--His clothing was expensive and stylish;
--He wore very strange but noticeable cologne;
--His relationship to the seat he occupied could only, very loosely, be described as “sitting;”
--He looked angry;
--He was wearing sunglasses.
What Aubrey Thyme, a professional, thought, upon first seeing her new client was: you’re going to be a fun one, aren’t you?
Factory Settings by Anonymous
Crowley gets reinstated as an angel.
First Thing In The Morning by FeralTuxedo
Aziraphale Fell, erstwhile nerd, now successful fantasy author, is signing books at this year’s Heaven and Earth convention when he spots a red-headed man in the crowd. Someone he hasn’t quite been able to forget since his school days. And as luck would have it, Anthony Crowley, former troublemaker, now responsible adult, seems keen to reconnect.
Gently, gently by what_a_writer_wields
Heaven is cold and lonely. Hell is filthy and crowded. Aziraphale badly needs to be touched; Crowley needs fresh air, and light, and space. They can’t seem to connect on days after they’ve returned from their respective head offices.
NEW If Not Now, When by ineffablefool
Anthony Crowley has learned by now that anything that makes him happy will be temporary at best. His quietly desperate routine is challenged when he happens to strike up a conversation with a customer at work, and he starts realizing three things, in this order: 1. oh huh this Aziraphale guy is actually interesting; 2. he can't stop embarrassing himself by accidentally flirting with him; and 3. oh no this Aziraphale guy is actually extremely attractive what do I do.
NEW I'm the treasure baby, I'm the prize by stereobone
"Are you working for Mrs. Sandwich?" Nina asks.
"No," Crowley says. "Well, yes. Well, define 'working'."
Or, Crowley is very good at faking sex work, as it turns out.
Improvement Day by Twilightcitysky
The time has come for Improvement Day, Heaven's decennial work retreat. The angels posted to Earth are relieved of their terrestrial assignments and join middle management in attempting to improve organizational operations right across the board. Typical activities include name games, trust falls, client-facing skill role play, and miracle budget workshops. It's loathed by all the Earth operatives- but particularly by Aziraphale, who always finds himself unable to fit in (no matter how many icebreakers there are).
This year, an angel no one quite remembers seeing before is on a mission to befriend Aziraphale, but it seems that the odds are against him. He has to contend with a networking-obsessed Gabriel and an unabashedly flirtatious colleague; Michael thinks he might be the next big thing in parsimonious celestial energy handling; and Sandalphon is sure he's seen him somewhere before. Meanwhile, Aziraphale's angry with him for showing up, the gold paint on his cheeks is flaking, losing a contact lens would mean a quick discorporation at the hands of four dozen angels, and isn't this just the story of Crowley's life?
The Injury Of Finally Knowing You by unpack_my_heart_with_words (WIP)
Once in heaven, the angels do what they always do— a kindness.
The only blessing is that without his memories,
Aziraphale has no idea what he has lost.
Invoke by AlatusNora
“Angel, can you stand?” Aziraphale blinked, but the world didn’t want to stick together. “Aziraphale, can you stand?”
He frowned. Confused. “Cro– Crowley?”
The demon shushed him with a hiss. “We need to go.”
Go? He hesitated, wavering. “Where?” He didn’t want to move.
But Crowley was insistent, tugging at his arm. “We’re going to get you home, promise.”
In which Aziraphale is kidnapped, and Crowley mounts a one demon rescue mission to see his angel safely home.
The Loneli(ness) of a Wild Loch by Kedreeva
Crowley has long enjoyed his peaceful, human life as the owner of a local pub on the shore of the Loch Ness. The only problem is that it's all a lie, and Aziraphale - the new cryptozoologist in town - has come to find the truth.
A Lot of Love and a Little Bit Dumb by LollipopCop
Crowley came right out with it. “I want to love you so badly,” he confessed, his voice weak. “I really wish I could,” he said earnestly, his chest aching.
Aziraphale’s face fell into utter anguish and he gasped, a hand flying to his chest. “Oh, Crowley,” he said sorrowfully. “My dear, after 6,000 years, how can you be this stupid?”
Crowley stared at him, dumbfounded. That...was unexpected.
Crowley feels horribly guilty because he believes that he, as a demon, is incapable of loving Aziraphale back. At least one of them has an ounce of common sense...
Never Have I Ever (Been Myself) by FeralTuxedo
Aziraphale Fell, BAFTA-winning actor of stage and screen, is bored. Bored of playing middle-aged divorcees in dull BBC dramas. Bored of answering the same questions on chat shows and breakfast television. Bored of keeping the real him hidden away.
So when the opportunity presents itself to collaborate with up-and-coming rock band Witching Hour, he takes it, against his own common sense and the condescending advice of his agent. Witching Hour’s mysterious guitarist Crowley, flame-haired, moody, and a good fifteen years his junior, certainly seems worth the risk.
A human actor/rock star AU.
Notoriety by RC_McLachlan
As it turns out, Aziraphale has a bit of a reputation in Heaven.
"I-I beg your pardon? The Demon Tempter?"
Zadkiel gives an enthusiastic nod and leans forward. "I didn't come up with the name, but you have to admit it's rather clever! Because, you know. It's usually demons doing the tempting, but this time it's you! Tempting demons. Well, one demon."
"I don't—tempt." He doesn't technically possess a trachea at the moment, but it feels as though he does. One with something lodged rather firmly in it. "I've never—"
"You know what I mean." They wave their hands between the two of them in some vague gesture he doesn't understand. "You make the demon think you're on his side, that you love him back, and then BAM! You pull the rug out from under him, leaving him utterly devastated. And because he never learns, it just keeps happening over and over! It's monstrously funny. Wherever did you get the idea?"
One Night In Bangor (And the World's Your Oyster) by Atalan
"All right, I know I'm going to regret asking this," Aziraphale says. "What exactly does this wager entail?"
Crowley grins like the cat that not only got the cream but has absconded with the entire cow. He grabs the bottle and swigs straight from it despite Aziraphale's tut of disapproval.
 "The pot goes to whichever demon can get an angel into bed by the end of the evening."
 AKA The Fic That Tumblr Made Me Write. Heaven and Hell share a corporate party once per millennium. This time someone's had the bright idea of issuing a challenge to the demons of Hell. Crowley has no intention of missing the opportunity; Aziraphale's just enough of a bastard to make him work for it.
Or Be Nice by charlottemadison
Crowley and Aziraphale are neighbours. And...it does not go at all well, until it does.
A human AU in which Aziraphale is a bookseller, Crowley is a drummer, and they are both petty disasters in the worst/best way.
“So what’s your deal?”
“My-my-my deal?” Aziraphale stammered. “I’m a bookseller, is my deal.”
“Oh,” Crowley replied, sounding as uninterested as it was possible to sound.
“It’s just, I couldn’t help overhearing, and --” Aziraphale swallowed hard. “You really are an accomplished musician. But I thought -- for after 11PM -- perhaps we could reach some arrangement?”
Aziraphale felt his his smile turning forced. “Such as, perhaps, playing the drums *before* eleven? Instead of after?”
Crowley stared blankly at him. In fact he stared for so long that Aziraphale briefly wondered if he'd lapsed into ancient Greek again, which he was known to do in bad dreams or during panic attacks.
The Pillow Fort by Kalimyre
Chronically touch-starved, Crowley decides to try one of those "professional cuddling" places. Aziraphale volunteers there for reasons of his own. Crowley gets attached far too quickly, but it's not as one-sided as he thinks.
A prize-winning philodendron by Elsajeni
Crowley comes back three days later with a larger pot, a bright leafy vine spilling from it. “Here,” he says, brandishing the pot at Aziraphale. “It’s unkillable.”
“You mean you’ve done something to it,” Aziraphale accuses, inspecting the plant. It doesn’t seem obviously miracled, but...
“No,” Crowley says in a tone of enormous patience, “I mean it’s a philodendron.”
Put Out The Fire by Aleakim
Aziraphale finds himself in a very awkward position as some sort of spell makes everyone merely glancing in his direction instantly fall deeply and desperately in love with him.
Absolutely everyone.
Well, apart from Crowley, that is.
And while both angel and demon search for a solution to this fairly unique problem, Crowley can’t help wondering whether Aziraphale might finally figure out some things he kept hidden for so very long.
Reflect What You Are by OwenAnnwn
It's a year after the almost-apocalypse. Aziraphale makes Crowley go see a therapist.
“Have you been having any issues in particular?”
“Issues? Such as?”
“You tell me.” She could tell he had something on the tip of his tongue.
Crowley sat for a second, then blurted out, “He thinks I’ve been sleeping too much. He’s worried.”
The Rose and the Serpent by Atalan
AU, retelling of “Beauty and the Beast”. Quite honestly, sending Aziraphale off into the forest to be held hostage by a giant snake in a cursed castle isn’t even the worst thing Gabriel’s ever done to him, and at least it means a change of scene. But then neither the snake nor the castle turn out to be quite what he’s expecting…
Rough Enough for Love by Nekhen
“So, let me get this straight,” Crowley said, dragging that r a little for best effect. “Your librarian asks for an escort, and the first person you think of is me?”
When tabloid reporter Anthony Crowley gets roped into posing as the loving partner of their intern’s fussy librarian friend for an infernal wedding in the country, he has an inkling that he won’t come out of that little spot of bother unscathed. There is more to Aziraphale than meets the eye, and soon Crowley will discover that relationships are not for the faint of heart.
NEW Seamstress of Soho by GayDemonicDisaster (scrapheapchallenge)
When Mrs. Sandwich spots a suspicious new guy apparently lurking on her turf, the misunderstanding leads to an unlikely friendship between the ‘seamstress’ and a demon.
Stay Here by maniacalmole
Aziraphale gives up his shop for a good cause, but that means he needs somewhere to temporarily stay. And there's really only one person he could ask to store his most treasured possessions. Temporarily, of course.
Stitch Me Up by Get_Wrexed (unfinished, but good as it is)
Dr. Aziraphale Fell is newly appointed as the Chief of the A&E (ER) at Celestial Harmonies Hospital in Lambeth, London. The crowd is a much different one than the patients that gathered at his previous place of work in the South Downs- and his coworkers are perhaps the oddest of all. Emergency physician Gabriel Winger seems to think Dr. Fell has robbed him of a position that was rightfully his. Beatrix Bealz, the trauma surgeon on call, doesn't look or act like a surgeon at all. And then there's that strange Head Nurse Crowley. So stand-offish with his coworkers. So sweet with the patients. A mystery, all together. Aziraphale can't help but want to solve that mystery- what physician can resist one?
Talk About It by hope_in_the_dark
Aziraphale and Crowley have been best friends for sixteen years. Crowley's been in love with Aziraphale for almost that long. When Aziraphale tells his family that he'll be bringing his boyfriend to his step-brother's wedding, things get a bit complicated.
A Fake Dating AU.
Time After Time by iamtheenemy (Steph)
“Ha!” Crowley said, pointing one of those long index fingers in Aziraphale’s face. “That wasn’t yesterday! That was Monday!”
It's the day after Crowley and Aziraphale thwarted their respective home offices and saved the world - and it keeps being that day again and again and again.
NEW Trial & error by fellshish
The Metatron brings in the demon Crowley to stand trial in Heaven. For tempting an angel. Uhhhh. Awkward.
Vita Nova by AMidnightDreary
“Angel, bloody hell. Hi. You doing okay? Do you have any idea what’s going on?”
It was quiet for a few seconds.
“I’m sorry,” Aziraphale said then, still polite, but a bit perplexed. “Who is this?”
Crowley, upon finding that Aziraphale does not remember him, is very much Not Okay with the changes Adam made after the Apocalypse That Wasn't. He can't do anything but try and make the best out of it, though.
Would I Lie to You? by FeralTuxedo, TawnyOwl95
Anthony Crowley and Aziraphale Fell are rival team captains on popular comedy panel show Don't Lie To Me, where they exchange insults and banter to an audience of millions. But behind the scenes, a whole other game of truth and lies is being played.
A comedy panel show AU
Yes and Please and Thank You by WyvernQuill
"Go to alpha centauri, for all I care! Go now, this very instant, and never return, do you hear me, Crowley? Never!"
Due to Crowley's firm conviction that "he need never know", Aziraphale has, for all the time they've known each other, been blissfully unaware of the obedience curse Crowley's been looping holes around since 4004 BC.
You can't really blame him, is the point. Aziraphale had no idea what his unthinking words might do, and is already planning to apologise profusely at dinner...
...which might get a little tricky, seeing as Crowley has just been sighted in the vicinity of Pluto, and has concrete orders to never show his face on earth.
You're a dream, darling by Somedrunkpirate
There are two very important facts:
1) Aziraphale is dead.
2) None of this is real.
Crowley’s throat tightens. “My angel,” he says. “My best friend. He’s dead, you know.”
Aziraphale blinks and then blood drains from his face. “No, no. Crowley. No. I’m here. I’m right in front of you.”
“I know,” Crowley says. “Isn’t it amazing, what a dream can do?”
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writingsfromhome · 1 year
Rules to Break
A/N: not much to say about this, just a super fluff first-impression one shot.
He noticed her the first time she came in, but only because she was holding a copy of his favourite book. She’d lain it on the countertop as she squinted up at the menu and asked him if they did an iced Americano.
“We do,” he wanted to ask her about the book but when she meets his eye he’s suddenly nervous. He could tell she was in a rush, after working as a barista for nearly two years Harry could tell that when a customer looked past you even when they looked directly at you…it was not time to engage in small talk. “Is that all?”
“Uhm yes,” she bites her lip and glances at her phone. “Will that be long?”
He was right, “I’ll get started on it now for you.” Harry’s coworker shoots him a look as she moves aside from the espresso machine. He was supposed to be on cash strictly. But Americanos were easy and there were only two people in line.
“Pretty privilege,” she mutters. She was always going on about how life was easier for pretty people. Harry didn’t disagree, but also thought she benefitted from the same thing. He thought it was smarter not to say anything lest she bite his head off though.
“Here you are,” Harry pushes the drink at the pickup counter. She looks up from her phone, book tucked under her arm.
“Oh! That was quick. Thank you,” she smiles at him and this time she looks at him. Why did she make him so damn nervous?
Harry saw her a few times a week since then, usually with a friend but there were some times by herself in the far corner of the cafe. Her headphones on and typing away furiously at a laptop.
He never denied he was a romanticist, he fell in love easily and always. It never stuck of course, he was in love with the idea in his head, and it was easy when you worked in a cafe that was a revolving door for interesting people carrying small pieces of their lives on show while he made their drinks or took their orders.
The danger came from regulars; he had a rule not to romanticize regulars. But it was a rule he had to break when it came to her.
Today, she orders her usual and finds the only available seat near the sink. It was exam season so the cafe was mostly filled with students. Which meant it was too busy for Harry to keep an eye on her, him and his two colleagues work around each other as they pump out drink after drink.
3 hours later, Harry takes his 15 minute break. She’s still at her table, a friend had joined her. They talk animatedly over whatever’s on screen.
While her friend scans the screen, she sits silently. Then her eyes flit up and find Harry’s staring. Shit. He looks down at the water in his hand, turns awkwardly, and shuffles to the break room. It felt like she’d broken the fourth wall…it was uncomfortable as Harry remembers everything he knew about her was her coffee order, a shared book interest, and fantasy. He had to stop doing this.
Harry avoids her general area as he finishes his shift. He takes lunch in the break room, and focuses on the customer in front of him. One after the other.
Close to the end of his shift he risks a glance that way, and he’s surprised to still see her there. She must have ordered something when he was on his break because a second drink and half-eaten sandwich sits on her table.
The woman herself is staring into space, Harry thinks she’s day dreaming but she could be deep in thought. Maybe there was no difference. She snaps out of her thoughts and glances back at her screen. She must have noticed Harry though because she looks back up to him. This time she smiles. Harry nods and turns back to pouring the espresso in front of him.
Why did he nod? Was that supposed to be cool? What the fuck?
This was getting ridiculous. It’s been over a month of romanticizing someone just because she came in with a book. For all he knew she was holding it for a friend. He had to get over this—this was why he had that rule. He could obsess over someone he’d made up in his head for too long if he saw them too often. He had to stop.
“Can I uhm, get you a refill?” Harry decides to approach her table. “Seems like you could use one?”
“Oh,” her voice is soft, surprised when he appears at her table. “As much as I’d love that, I think I’ve had enough coffee for today.”
“Oh,” well that didn’t go how he expected. This was the other part about Harry’s fantasies—the reality always let him down. “Okay.”
“Okay,” she laughs. “Sorry have I been here too long? Are you subtly kicking me out?”
“No!” Harry realizes she’s smiling about it a beat too late. God he was normally not this awkward. He forced a laugh. “You have been here for some time, I thought you could use a refill. What are you working on?”
“Oh this,” she tilts her screen down lower. Government secrets.”
Harry waits a moment, unsure if her deadpan was really good or she was joking. She cracks a smile though and he laughs.
“You’re quite a serious one then,” she opens her screen back up.
“I’m…I’m really not. I’m mostly an idiot, ask my colleagues.” Harry glances back at the other side of the countertop and risks sitting in the seat opposite this woman. “To be honest I think I’m just a bit nervous.”
“You’re intimidating!”
“Me!? Oh my god nobody has ever called me intimidating!”
“Nobody’s ever called me serious!” Harry laughs.
“I guess we don’t know each other at all,” she shakes her head with a laugh. “Intimidating.”
“You come in here regularly and just type away at your laptop all seriously. Your government secrets intrigue me.”
“My government secrets huh?” She smirks and Harry blushes.
“Yeah,” Harry pushes on. “Obviously. What else.”
“So is it true about regulars, do baristas actually remember our drinks?”
“Yeah,” Harry’s relieved at the switch in subject. “Iced Americano, sometimes with an almond croissant.”
“Hey that’s me,” she grins. “I’m actually writing a…well it’s supposed to be a novel. Right now it’s a fucking mess.”
“That’s what my mum calls me,” Harry jokes. “But I’m sure your work is great.”
“Nah not yet,” she leans forward on the table. “Does your mum actually?”
“She’s said it once, last Christmas.” Harry wasn’t sure if this was oversharing but she nods for him to continue. “I graduated with all these distinctions and now I’m just working at a coffee shop. I think she’s worried I’m not going to do anything with my life.”
“It’s not all cracked up to be,” she rests her head on her hand. “I had a job right out of uni, hated my life for over a year before I just said fuck it and quit. I live at home again, like I’m a bloody teenager. But…I think I’m happier.”
“I’ll put you on a call with my mum, say that exact same thing to her. Please?”
The pair laugh out loud, any awkwardness from before completely gone.
“It’s like I’m so burnt out from studying and never getting a break. I don’t want one part of my life to just rollover into the next.”
“Yeah!” she agrees.
“And, she doesn’t think it’s a real job, but I model on the side. I actually like doing it with this job so-“
“Of course you do!”
“What?” Harry watches her lean back in her chair and cross her arms.
“I should’ve know you model.”
“You should’ve?” He can’t help but grin.
“Yeah,” she looks like she’s putting the pieces together about Harry. “Your government secrets no long intrigues me, I know what you use them for.”
The unexpected joke makes Harry laugh, a bit too loud. His team lead calls out his name and reminds him his break is about done.
“Sorry,” she whispers to him. “Didn’t mean to get you into trouble.”
“It’s alright.” Harry chuckles. “I’m off in a half hour anyway, I haven’t got much work to go back to.”
“Oh,” she nods stiffly. “Alright.”
“Okay,” Harry gets up. “I’ll see you around Iced Americano.”
“That’s an awful nickname.”
Harry just shrugs and gets back to work, which is mostly cleaning up at this point. He realizes he should have asked if she had plans, they could grab a bite to eat since he knows she’s been here most of the day. Maybe he should ask now.
Harry peeks over the sink but her seat is empty and everything is gone from the table. He glances around the room but she had left. Disappointed. He felt a bit let down.
On the other hand, he realizes that this was the first time someone in his head didn’t let him down. She was bright, and funny, and really nice to him even though he cringed at how creepy he’d been. The disappointment stabs at him again. Oh well. There was always next time.
Once his shift finishes, and he changes out of the T-shirt that smelled like burnt coffee beans, Harry says his goodbyes and leaves. He turns to the right where the bus stop is but pauses when he spots a familiar figure on the bench.
“I was going to go home. But then I decided I would wait out your shift. And then it felt weird to go back inside so…”
“Aren’t you cold?” It was a brisk December evening.
“Fuck yes,” she hops up and walks over to Harry. “D’you want to grab a bite?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” he couldn’t hide the relief in his voice. She had stayed.
“I know a good spot but it’s about 20 minutes walk?”
“I’m alright, I thought you were cold?”
“Not with company,” she threads her arm through his and they laugh at her cheesy response.
“It’s the company you make along the way,” Harry joins in.
They head in her direction and it occurs to Harry. “I don’t even know my company’s name.”
“Oh my god,” she laughs and sticks her free hand out to Harry as they continue walking. “I’m Y/N!”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Harry.” he shakes her hand and they laugh again at how weird they’re being.
“I know,” she smiles up at him. “Your name tag.”
“So I’m the only one who’s been in the dark.”
“‘Fraid so. Remember when you thought I was intimidating?”
“And you thought I was serious,” Harry laughs. She was an open book and he was always cracking jokes. How quickly they went from strangers to something else.
“We were naive then..but I’m still interested in this modelling you do. What’s it for?”
Harry explains his other job to her, the kinds of shoots he landed. What he was aiming for gig-wise. By the time they reach their destination Harry had asked Y/N about her novel and she was happily explaining to him what she wanted to write. He was happily listening.
Harry was glad he’d broken his rule because the mysterious girl in the corner of the cafe was splitting the mystery wide open. And turns out she was actually really cool.
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therantsofawriterrr · 7 months
Chapter Two: I Did Something, Jagiya
Summary: Kang Hyunyul has had a good life since he left the Jindo gang. But when he finds out that Do Jin is going to be temporarily released, he's stressed and the return of an old flame triggers familiar feelings and with them, the old memories of the only real thing of his complicated past.
All while she was saving him, literally putting her life on the line.
Chapter Summary: Sujin is intrigued by the deal offer and makes up her mind.
Warnings: Mentions of drug dealing and gang stuff (irdk how cop stuff works ok), not proofread, lemme know if there's something else to be added.
A/N: There's not much Hyunyul in this sorry. Plus sorry for the late update, school has quite literally been kicking my ass.
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Sujin and Officer Yojun entered the bustling cafe. It was usually crowded at the time in the evening, so it would be easier to talk without worrying about eavesdroppers.
The cafe was a quaint little place which was famous in her neighborhood. As they both walked in and sat on a corner booth, there were waiters and waitresses walking briskly up and down the place, taking orders and serving the customers. A few lights were on as the sun had not set completely, coloring the sky outside in pretty hues of pink.
"What would you like to have?" One of the waitresses asked, a little notepad in one hand and a pen in another.
"Just a black coffee, thank you," he said with a warm smile. The waitress jotted down his order and then turned to Sujin.
"Did you have lunch?" She asked, pointing the pen at her with a worried glare. Sujin nodded, hoping she wouldn't ask what she'd had, because she'd only be whacked over the head.
"Did you actually have something? Or did you just eat an apple and called it lunch?"
She winced and as she'd expected, she got a harsh tap at the back of her head, which made her topple forward in her seat a bit, her hands clasping the side of the table.
"I'll get a coffee and three cheese sandwiches. If you don't eat all three of them, I'll stuff it down your throat," she said, looking more like a mother when she was only twenty three years old.
Officer Yojun however, had a grin on his face as he witnessed the exchange. "Your neighborhood must really care about you, huh?" He asked when the waitress had walked away, grumbling about her friend not eating properly.
Sujin nodded with a smile and said, "They're all my mother and I have had for a long time."
Yojun nodded in understanding too. "I get it. Even in my neighborhood, they used to be very particular about me and my family. It's good to have that."
Sujin sighed and wringed her wrists on the table. "So, you said you have a deal for me?"
Yojun nodded again and said, "I think Do Jin is going to start dealing drugs soon. We need to catch him before he starts. We don't need another drug dealer in these streets."
Sujin's eyebrows furrowed as she fiddled with her hair in thought. "So you're saying that I become your informant," She said, more of a statement than a question. He sighed and she could see his shoulders tense as he leaned back into the brown seat.
“I can go a different way about this, so think about it very well. Do what you think is best for you,” he said, his expression and tone very serious. She got a good look at him for the first time. He was a guy with dark brown hair and light brown eyes, eyes that looked like they always held good natured mischief in them to hide something sad.
She drummed her fingers on the table, her leg jiggling. "What would I get?" she asked.
He grinned and placed a bundle of money on the table. Sujin back straightened up immediately, her eyes widening.
"You can't be serious, right?" she asked. "I am completely serious," he said.
She immediately made up her mind. There wasn't any big harm that was going to be caused by it. She'd only be helping the police with catching some criminals.
My salary added to the money from this deal would surely help with Mom's treatment.
She swallowed and said, "Okay. I'll do it."
Yojun's face lit up and his grin widened as he pocketed the money.
"Well, then. Keep in touch. Tell me when you rejoin the gang and we'll meet up here every Sunday in the evenings. Deal?"
Sujin smiled and said, "Deal."
A week after the meeting, or mainly, a week of planning, Sujin walked down familiar paths to Do Jin’s house. It seemed ominous, a few street lights lit up, while some were busted and most were blinking, giving a horror-movie-like feeling.
It made her feel queasy and her stomach was in knots. The evening sky, as always, was pretty in its red and yellow hues. She always thought that the sky was a canvas and some choice colors were just splashed onto it.
She wished she could paint like that, or at least like some of her friends, but she couldn’t draw for her life. But her friends always thought she wrote better. Worlds totally different from the one she lived in, but the emotions were the same.
Hyunyul had left because he'd found his passion. The bass guitar. Most people in the gang thought Sujin left because of Hyunyul. And while that was partly a reason, the primary reason was because of her stories. Her characters, her own fictional world.
She reached Do Jin's hiding place and knocked on the door. There were muffled footsteps on the other side, before the door opened.
He smirked and shifted to let her in. She knew he would. She entered the house, which looked like it’d been robbed, things strewn here and there. The ashtray was filled with cigarette butts and a crumpled can of beer lay on the table. The radio was playing softly in the background. He was only wearing a pair of shorts and a black tank top.
“What brings you here?” he asked. Sujin opened her mouth to reply, but found herself unable to start. She kept silent, forming sentences in her head.
“You don’t need to think so much, you know. I’ll take you back. I could use the extra brains, anyway.”
Sujin’s head snapped up. “I’ll come back in one condition,” she blurted out.
Do Jin scoffed and sat on the table in front of her. Cold eyes bored into hers. “And why should I listen to this condition of yours?” he asked, leaning forward a bit. “ You’re the one who left. I could just break your ankles.”
She smirked and leaned closer till their noses were almost touching. She'd worn her prettiest greenish blue floral sundress for a reason. “I know you like me, Do Jin. You could get something out of it.”
His eyes flit between her lips and eyes, grinning and leaning back, supporting his upper body and placing his palms on the table. “Go on, then.”
“I want you to leave Hyunyul alone. "
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Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated💙
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catierambles · 1 year
Public Relations Ch.14
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Pairing: Clark Kent/Superman x Charlotte Danvers (OFC)
WC 1355
Warnings: Eh?
@kingliam2019 , @greensleeves888 , @peaches1958 , @brattymum96 , @ouroboros113 , @summersong69 , @henryownsme
Charlotte printed out the article once it was released and framed it, hanging it up in the workshop. The main focus had been on her cars and restoration projects, but they had mentioned what she does with those she doesn’t have room for anymore, as well as some puff lines about her and Clark’s interactions. The terms “down to earth” and “genuine” were featured and Clark hoped it would quiet the naysayers claiming that he was only with her for her money.
She was in the study when he got done having a swim in the pool, sitting at her computer with WoW on the monitor.
“What’s that?” He asked, moving his head at the box wrapped in plain brown paper sitting on the desk next to her, his hands holding onto the towel around the back of his neck.
“No idea, just got here via courier.”
“Who’s it from?”
“There’s no return address.” Charlotte said and he perked a brow at it, going over to her desk and picking it up, weighing it in his hands. It was slightly heavy and he focused his vision, looking inside.
“It’s just a box.” He said and she looked at him.
“A box within a box?” She asked and he nodded. “It’s not going to blow up if I open it, will it?”
“I don’t see any wires or anything that could be a detonator. It’s literally just a box.”
“Well that’s weird and kinda boring.” She said, “Not that I want to get blown up, mind you.” He set it back down again with a shrug, relaxing his vision.
“You hungry?”
“I could eat.” She said and he leaned over, kissing the top of her head, making her smile.
“I’ll make us some food.” He said, “Any preference?”
“Not really.” She said, shaking her head. “You know I’ll eat just about anything.”
“I’ll be back up in a bit.” He said and she made an acknowledging sound, turning her attention back to the computer.
Clark was just about done with the sandwiches he was making when a shiver ran down his spine, the hair on his arms standing on end and a feeling of dread settled in his gut.  A scream, her scream, ripped through the air, filled with pain and he was out of the kitchen in a blink, racing up the stairs and to the study.
She was in front of her desk, suspended about a foot in the air, held in some kind of field, her hands clenched out at her sides as another scream tore from her lips. He tried to go to her, to grab her, get her away from whatever it was that was holding her, but he couldn’t get close to her, some kind of barrier keeping him away. He pushed at it, his teeth and jaw clenched, but it held strong and he was suddenly thrown back as a blinding flash of light filled the room.
Clark picked his head up from the floor where he had landed across the room, the light fading and he saw Charlotte lying on the floor so very still and it didn’t look like she was breathing.
“Charlie…” He scrambled towards her, pulling her into his arms and cradling her gently. Holding her up, he put his ear to her chest, but the sound of her heart was so faint that he almost didn’t hear it. “Baby,” He brushed her hair away from her face, “Stay with me, sweetheart, stay with me.” Looking up at the desk, he saw the cube as it collapsed back down again, a golden glow fading from within.
Bruce paced slightly as Clark sat in one of the chairs in the command center beneath Wayne Manor, Charlotte laying on a bed hooked to monitors in the med bay. He didn’t know who else to bring her to, as this wasn’t a normal circumstance, and he didn’t know what exactly had happened to her.
“Victor is looking at the cube.” Bruce said and he nodded, “It’s gone dormant again, no energy signals coming from it that he can tell.”
“It was definitely emitting some kind energy.” Clark said, “I saw it. I felt it when I tried to get to her.”
“She’s alive, Clark.” Bruce said, “Focus on that.”
“We know who sent it?”
“I found the customer's copy of the manifest from the courier service in her study after we got her settled and Victor and I went to get the cube.” Bruce said, “Tracked it to a shell company, more a front than anything else.”
“Owned by who?” Clark asked, but he had a feeling he already knew the answer.
“LexCorp.” Bruce said and Clark’s jaw clenched.
“She had a meeting with Lex Luthor months ago. According to her, he said a whole lot of nothing and she ended up walking out.” Clark said.
“Luthor is a narcissistic egomaniac.” Bruce said, “He probably didn’t like that.”
“So what the hell did he send her?” Clark asked, looking up at him. “What is that thing?”
“Why don’t we ask the man himself?”
Clark walked past the receptionist at her desk outside of the office, ignoring as she told him that Lex Luthor wasn’t seeing any visitors and pushed into the office, crossing the room quickly throwing the large desk out of his way, Lex jumping up from his seat and backing against the wall, holding up a small can with a spray nozzle.
“Unless you want a face full of aerosol kryptonite, I would think very carefully about what you’re going to do next if I were you.” Lex said.
“What is it?” Clark ground out, “What did you send her?”
“Did it activate?” He asked, his eyes lighting up, “Oh, please tell me it activated. Then again, you wouldn’t be here looking to rip my lungs out if it hadn’t.”
“What. Is. It?” He asked again.
“Is she still alive?”
“You wouldn’t be if she wasn’t.” Clark said, feeling his eyes start to heat.
“Eh eh.” Lex said, his finger tensing on the nozzle. “Settle down.”
“Lex,” Bruce said, “Answer the man’s question. What did you send her?”
“I’m calling it the Creation Matrix.” He said, “Catchy, right? As far as I can tell, it has the power to rewrite a person’s genetic code, kick them forward in evolution.”
“Why?” Clark asked, “Why did you send it to her? Because she walked out of your damn meeting?”
“Oh, please.” Lex said, rolling his eyes, “That meeting was just a way for me to get her DNA. As polite as she is, she didn’t refuse the glass of water that was offered. Once I had that, I started testing. You see, it only reacts to certain people, not everyone. She wasn’t the first person I tried, but when I synthesized and replicated her DNA strand, it reacted to it, started doing all kinds of interesting things. Opening up, glowing. So I looked into her family. Her dad is dead, she doesn’t have any brothers or sisters, no aunts or uncles. I thought maybe her mom made her special, but it didn’t react to her so I disposed of her.”
“You disposed of her?” Clark asked.
“I did you and Charlotte a favor, trust me. I approached her on the pretense of starting a smear campaign against the lovely Ms. Danvers, seeing as she cut the purse strings.” Lex said, “Meredith was all too happy to agree, bitter as she was, but it wasn’t her genetic code that the Matrix reacted to, so I didn’t need her anymore.” Lex said, “And like I said, her dad’s dead and cremated so I couldn’t try him.”
“You said it rewrote a person’s genetic code.” Bruce said, “Rewrote it how?”
“I don’t know.” Lex said, “Isn’t that exciting?”
“If she dies,” Clark said, “If that thing kills her. You’re going to need more than that little spray can to stop me.”
“I will be very disappointed if she dies.” Lex said.
“I don’t care how you would feel.” Clark said and turned, walking away from him and out of the office.
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ghastlyhall0ws · 8 months
Tumblr media
Gecko Perona
Age: 23-30 depending on the timeline we are RPing in. Younger if it’s with Moria since he’s her papa 🥹
Birthday: June 7th is the day Moria found her as a toddler, so that’s just her “birthday”. Her original birthdate is unknown.
Height: 5’3
Devil fruit: Horo Horo no mi
HC heavy. Bio can be custom to change. Where she is in the plot line depends on the RP.
Perona was seemingly abandoned as a toddler by her biological family and found roaming the west blue by Moria. It’s equally plausible that her parents were captured by Celestial Dragons as slaves; regardless, it’s unknown how she wound up roaming the west blue unattended.
She was nonverbal up until she was 12, Hogback had to do cognitive speech therapy with her to get her to talk. (I HC this because her concept self was supposed to be silent. I also HC that she is autistic. Now she’s more noisy and it hurts her feelings when Mihawk criticises her for it because she now feels like she’s damned if she’s quiet and damned if she makes sound.)
Moria fed her Horo-Horo no mi to see if she could contact his late crew who died at the hands of Kaidou. (I HC she can contact spirits with her devil fruit).
At the age of 13, she joined Moria’s crew and has been an active pirate ever since. Throughout the years she’s gained skills such as combat, navigation, and medical knowledge. Her greatest skill of all however is necromancy and communication with spirits.
Her reason for leaving Thriller Bark wasn’t defeat — it was largely due to Absalom and his unsavoury treatment of women. (I HC that he’s tried to prey on her before. She hates him.)
After leaving, and after the news of Moria’s “death”, she got into a depressive state. She actually lets on far less than she truly feels deep down, which is unexpected, since she is rather flashy and flamboyant.
Currently she resides in Kuraigana, exchanging usefulness for a place to a stay. She spoils the humandrills because they’re so cute!…. And dangerous.
She has a phobia of cockroaches but loves other creepy animals.
She loves chocolate, wine, and bagel sandwiches.
She has several cats (as seen in the sangria art Oda made of her). She found them as strays around Kuraigana.
She seems sour but is sweet once you get to know her.
( I actually enjoy Mihorona as a ship and don’t see it as father and daughter, nor am I interested in infantilising her when she’s an adult. For the people who are going to shame me about a ship that I enjoy, please scroll. They’re both adults and not related to one another.)
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dancingqueen0019 · 1 year
Saving Grace Ch. 10
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
Author’s Note: Hello again everyone! I’ve got a few chapters typed up this time so prepare for plenty of content to come out. Some chapters are longer, other’s shorter...but they all have our favorite man :)
Warnings: There is a decent amount of death talk, however I bunched it into one spot. That is designated between a series of lines. If car crashes and death are not your thing, scroll past the series of solid lines (you don’t miss anything of great importance). 
On Tuesday morning I gingerly slid myself into my packed car and waved goodbye to my family as I pulled out from the long driveway. Lewis and I had mostly broken in Dipshit and the cows were ready to go for the Fall. 
Grandma sent me home with a cooler full of frozen meats, breads, and cookies so I wouldn’t miss her cooking for too long. I promised I would be out soon to help around the house and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 
Murphy enjoyed his time by chasing the goats all weekend and even learned what a cow looked like and what a cow hoof to the head felt like. His fault for trying to go near her calf though. He quickly ducked back under the fence and ran straight for me to cuddle him and tell him that he would be okay. 
At this point, I had enough time to get home, unload the cooler, put Murphy away, and change clothes for my lunch date. I was looking forward to meeting up with Lindsey, but even more so for getting all the chunky baby cuddles in with her little one Mavery. Until I have kids of my own, I relish any opportunity to hold, play with, or even babysit my friend’s kids. I’ve become the “Aunt” of my coworkers and a couple of them have already booked me to watch their kids for a much needed date night with their spouses/partners. 
Murphy settled in on the passenger seat and let out a high pitched yawn. I rubbed his ears and went to turn up the radio. My phone buzzed in the cup holder and when I got to a stopsign I picked it up to notice a message from Aaron. 
Aaron: Good morning. Are you on the road yet?
Me: Yes, already left. I can’t wait to see you tonight :) 
Aaron: Drive safe darling
My breath caught in my throat for a second and an ooey gooey feeling spread across my chest, he called me darling. He’s never done that before and that makes me pretty darn happy. 
The drive home felt much quicker than normal and I managed to get everything inside with time to spare. It was a bit warm today so I changed into jean shorts, grey short sleeved shirt, and a rust colored cardigan. When I told Aaron what cafe we were meeting up at, he mentioned how that was one that he and his team would frequent for lunch. They would also apparently send someone out before their flights take off to grab a series of snacks and sandwiches for the plane ride so they could have the comfort of home despite where their flight took them. I thought that was pretty sweet that they tried so hard to keep a sense of normal in their abnormal lives. 
Lindsey was there already with a table held by the time I pulled into the parking lot. Mavery was sleeping in her car seat and her toddler Myatt was coloring on the paper menu. “Hii! Sorry, I know I’m a bit late.” I said as I gave her a quick side hug and then sat down next to her. The cafe was newly redecorated in light wooden tones with bright shiplap walls and lots of pastel flowers and thick greenery. The original owners sold it and the much younger new owners wanted to revamp the space in hopes of drawing in more customers.
“Oh please, you are right on time. These squirrels were becoming impatient so we left early. I ordered you a drink, it should be here any minute.” She said with a wave of her hand before helping Myatt pick up the spilled crayons from the floor. I looked over the menu and settled on a pesto chicken parm sandwich with fries of course. After our drinks arrived and we placed our orders, Lindsey and I got to talking while I helped Myatt color in his photo. We went on to gossip about our students and the other teachers for a bit. Myatt’s food came out first, so his mom started cutting up his food for him and Mavery woke up crying for her food. I unbuckled her from her carseat and placed her on my lap facing sideways. 
Lindsey handed me her small jar of pureed apples with a ‘thank you’ and a small spoon. I opened the jar and dipped the spoon into the liquid so she could get a taste of it. She only started eating baby food recently so I didn’t want to overwhelm her. Her mouth smacked together happily and the little noises made me smile big. She is quite a character when it comes to food, and her animated features just make her seem like a living cartoon character. When mine and Lindsey’s food came out, she offered to take Mavery so I could eat but I waved her off and said that she didn’t need to do that. I wanted her to have a break and be able to eat her food while it was still hot. 
As Mavery smacked her hands together in a clumsy clap while she gummed on the apples I looked up and saw a big black SUV pull into the parking lot. For a moment I smiled to myself and thought about Aaron being the one driving that car. 
To my surprise, he was the exact person who left the driver’s seat in jeans and a college shirt, and opened the back seat door to let Jack jump out of the car. The shocked gasp that left my lips caught Lindsey’s reaction and with a piece of lettuce hanging out of her mouth she asked “What?” and followed my gaze to the parking lot. “Him? Do you know him?” She asked as she wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin. 
“Uh yeah, sorry. That’s just one of my students and their Dad. I have always thought about how weird it would be to see my students in public and this is the first time it’s happened.” I said with a light laugh and turned my attention back to Mavery. I was sitting so that the main entrance was in front of me, so if Aaron came in looking for a table, then he would be able to see me clearly. The first set of doors opened up and Jack quickly raced to open the second set of doors for his Dad. I picked the spoon up from the apple jar and continued to feed Mavery a couple more small bites and dabbed the corner of her mouth with the napkin. I felt eyes on me so I glanced up slightly to see Aaron staring at me with a small smile on his face, his dimples slightly showing. I returned the smile and he continued to stare at me with joy, but also a hint of something else I couldn’t make out because his attention was shifted away due to Jack pulling on his arm.
They walked to the other side of the Cafe and waited for their waitress to come by. “Is he a good student of yours or is he a little you-know-what.” Lindsey asked as she ate the last of her sandwich. I smiled and shook my head, “If I had to be a bit biased, I would say that he’s the best student I’ve had all year. Couldn’t say enough good things about that kid.” 
Lindsey pushed her plate to the side and said that she would take Mavery so I could eat my food. I lifted her up high and she started giggling really loud. Bringing her back down to my face, she placed her hands on my face and babbled a bit before I lifted her back up in the air again and made loud kissy noises so she would laugh more. She jammed a hand into her mouth and laughed around it, I scrunched up my nose and spoke in a baby voice, “Whatcha got in your mouth Mavery? You got your hand? Ohhhhh, that looks like a yummy hand. Come here pretty girl!” I brought her down one last time and gave her a kiss on her forehead. 
Mavery kept babbling as I handed her over and Lindsey kept talking to her. Myatt and I got deep into conversation about race cars and Lightning McQueen while I ate my sandwich and fries. Every so often I would look behind him to catch a glimpse of Aaron and Jack now chowing down on their food before returning to my table. We sat for a bit longer after I finished eating to just enjoy the company, but I knew that the kids would dictate soon enough that it was time for this party to be over. The waitress came over with our bills and Lindsey handed Mavery back over to me so she could take Myatt to the bathroom one last time. Once she left, I noticed Jack and Aaron were making their way over to me. 
Jack got excited once he saw me lock eyes with him and he quickly dodged between tables to reach me. A huge smile was planted on his face and I couldn’t help but smile back at him. 
“Hi Ms. Y/N!” He said as he gave me a side hug. I slipped my arm around his back and gave him a hug back. 
“Hi Jack! Did you enjoy your lunch?” I asked and he nodded enthusiastically. He went into great detail on what he got for lunch and how this is one of the best Cafes he’s been to. Aaron finally made it to the table at this point and greeted me. He rested his hands on the back of the chair Myatt had been sitting in previously. 
“Ms. Y/N I didn’t know you had a baby.” Jack said and that caught me off guard completely. I coughed a couple times from choking on some spit and I shook my head, “Oh uh, no Jack. Ms. Y/N did not have a baby. Maybe one day she will have one though.” Aaron said adamantly and gave me a pointed look.
His lips formed a smirk and I mimicked it before turning to Jack, “This is another teacher’s baby. Would you like to say hi to Mavery though?”  He said ‘hi’ and waved to her and I grabbed her little balled up fist and waved it to say hi. “Are you excited to be going to camp this week? You’ve been talking about it in class a lot.” 
He blushed at that a bit, “Yes I am! Dad and I wanted to get lunch before he dropped me off. It’s going to be sooo much fun.” His smile matched his father’s to a t. He leaned more into me when talking so I wrapped my arm closer around him as he whispered to me, “Can I share about camp during Circle Time next week? I really want to tell everyone how it went.” He fidgeted with his fingers while he waited for my response. 
I hummed a bit before saying, “I have an even better idea. Why don’t we have everyone make a poster explaining what they did on Fall break. I think the majority of our class had something planned.” His mouth dropped open a bit and he bounced up and down in excitement. 
“That means we get to do a really big show and tell and then, and then I can hear what Zach did. I forgot to get his mom’s number so we could hang out over break so now I have to wait for class to start again.” Jack rambled on excitingly and I couldn’t help but nod along and hang onto every word he said. Lindsey and Myatt came back to our little group and Lindsey introduced herself to Aaron. Jack briefly talked to Myatt about the coloring page that Myatt had colored in while waiting for food earlier, and Mavery kept herself occupied by chewing on my clean fingers. 
“Uh Jack buddy, we have to get going in just a minute so we aren’t late. Say your goodbyes.” Aaron said carefully to Jack and he took that as his que to wrap up his conversation with Myatt. 
I looked up to Aaron and his eyes darted between me and Mavery before he smiled warmly and softly said, “It was good seeing you again Ms. Y/N. Have a good afternoon.” Jack gave me one last hug before departing with his dad. Lindsey took Mavery from me and buckled her into her carseat before leaning across the table to me. 
“He’s not that bad looking. A bit older, but still a solid man.” I rolled my eyes at her jokingly, “And,” she continued, “did you see that he didn’t have a ring on?!” This time I hit her forearm lightly and urged her to quit it. We said our final goodbyes in the parking lot and I made my lonely drive back home. After I fed Murphy an early dinner I got to work on laundry and sorting through bills so that I wouldn’t have to worry about that while Aaron was here. 
My phone buzzed in my back pocket and unsurprisingly it was Aaron asking for my dinner order from whatever sounded good. I shot back my Chinese takeout and headed up to my room to make sure that it and the bathroom were cleaned and organized. I lit the giant sandalwood candle on my bedside table and moved a couple things around so the flame had nothing to catch fire on. Aaron should be at my place in the next twenty minutes, so I just took my time watching a TV show waiting for the doorbell to ring. 
When the doorbell finally did ring I raced Murphy to the door and swung it open wide to see a beaming Aaron holding his overnight bag in one hand and food in the other, “You know,” I started as I opened the door, “it seems like everytime you come over you have food with you. I think that is one thing I can always count on now.” He chuckled as he removed his shoes and I took the Chinese bag from him. 
“Well, I’m glad that I can be useful for one thing at least.” He joked as he pulled me in by the waist and gave me a kiss on the cheek. There was a playful glint in his eyes, something I haven’t seen before. He almost looked ten years younger with that look and I wanted to keep that look on his face for as long as possible. He seemed relaxed and calm. 
“Ohh, I can probably figure out at least two more ways for you to be useful.” I patted his chest with my hand twice as I walked to the kitchen island. Aaron took the food out while I grabbed two glasses and filled them with ice water. I sat down sideways on the barstool so I could face Aaron face on and he turned a bit so his left knee knocked into mine. We started eating pretty quickly and fell into easy conversation of how our breaks have been. His was pretty quiet and mundane, which for Aaron is something he wants, but he felt out of place with not having much to do. 
I suggested that he find a hobby he can stop and start whenever  or TV show he can binge watch when he has enough downtime to help combat that restlessness. That of course led into a whole discussion of what shows and movies are more superior and even if he did have enough time for a hobby, what would he even be interested in doing. “Well, what about collecting things? You go to so many states, maybe you could bring back something like a postcard from them?” I suggested. 
He immediately shook his head, “Nuh uh. That would be way too similar in my head to serial killers keeping trophies. Wouldn’t want to mimic that too much incase I bring back more than just a postcard.” He said quickly as his eyes avoided mine. I knew what he meant. He didn’t want to look at the postcards and be reminded of the people he either saved or didn’t. 
I sucked in a quick breath, “Okay, no postcards then. Got it. Uhh, let's run down the list of usual collectors things. You’ve got stamps, rocks, art pieces, figurines, coins..”
“Coins!” His eyes shot up to mine again and a light look took over his face. 
“Coins?” I reciprocated with raised eyebrows. That didn’t take long to find a possibility. 
He sat his fork down momentarily, “Yes, coins. When I was younger I was getting into collecting them and I became obsessive over finding a rare 1944 coin that was worth thousands of dollars. Never found it and started growing out of it I guess.” He shrugged his shoulders and gave me a small smile. 
“What?” He asked sheepishly and fidgeted in his seat a bit.
“Nothing, I just wouldn’t have thought you to be a coin guy. If I had to pick a collectors item for you I would have said something like model planes or cars.” I shrugged and turned back down to stab my fork into the chinese food once more. 
“What about you? Did you collect anything as a kid?” Aaron asked as his knee knocked into  mine a bit. He took a long drink of water and grabbed another crab rangoon. 
“Yes, actually I did. It’s a bit nerdy, but it makes sense for me. You know, grandparents owning a ranch, being around horses all my life, riding at rodeos…” I led on and he caught what I was saying. 
“Horse models?” 
“Ohh yeah. I would convince my Dad to buy them and my Grandpa to build the shelves for my room. For a time I wanted to get rid of them, until I learned how valuable the collection was. Truly I think that my mother just wants to keep them for any grandkids she may have.” I said with a small smile on my face. It was a happy memory to have of my Dad, him adamantly saying that he wouldn’t buy me any more, but anytime we went into the tractor supply store I would refuse to leave until I had a new horse. Eventually he tried to go to the store without me, but when I would stand pouting with my arms crossed in front of his truck, he had to give in. 
We finished dinner and moved to the couch upstairs. I put on some background TV but we mainly just sat there talking. Wrapped up in each other’s arms. He extended his legs to stretch out onto the ottoman, and I laid perpendicular to him so that our bodies made an L shape. My head and hair was splayed out onto his lap and every so often he would run his palm over my hair. I tried keeping a neutral look on my face, but my inner thoughts were eating at me. 
I really want to know about his wife. I know it's personal and he probably doesn’t want to talk about it, but I’m nosey. As much as Aaron tries to maintain a calm exterior, there have been moments where he has slipped up. Just tonight even he broke a little. We were starting to walk up the stairs, with me in front, and there was a loud bang from outside. I wasn’t too phased by it, figuring my neighbors dropped something, or something broke, but Aaron’s spooked look in his eyes told me he was phased by it. He whipped his body around to look behind him on the stairs. He startled me by barking out a “Stay here” before slinking back down the steps and out to the main floor. 
I heard doors opening, shutting, and locks locking. I swore I heard the dull clicking of the window locks before a deep sigh sounded out. Aaron gave a tight smile and said that it was nothing and urged me to go upstairs. 
“Something is weighing on your mind.”  Aaron observed, and I blinked a couple of times to clear my head. 
Releasing my lip from my teeth I meekly looked up, “Sorry, just kept thinking about something.” 
“What is it?” He asked as his fingers gently traced my cheek. I closed my eyes briefly and gathered my two seconds of courage. 
“I was just thinking about earlier, when you went to check the house. Is that something you normally do because of your job or is there another reason?” I whispered out and for a moment I thought he didn’t hear me. That is until his hand paused heavily on my hairline. 
“It..it has to deal a lot with work. There was a time when my work carried over to my home life and it still affects me.” He spoke out with a faraway glance in his eyes. 
I pushed my luck even further and asked the big question, “Was it related to your wife?” 
His eyes closed and he took a long breath in, “Yes.” 
A thick sour taste was in my mouth now and I became a bit afraid to ask for more context, but I headed into this wanting to know so there was no going back now. I reached behind me and grabbed his hand, “May I ask what happened?” 
His hand clenched under mine and his head turned to the side, the tension in the air becoming thick, “I can share my story first if it helps any.” I offered up and he nodded, still not looking at me. 
I swallowed the lump in my throat before speaking, “Technically speaking, the whole thing was ruled as an accident, however it was natural once you break it down.” 
“We were heading out to my Grandparents for the weekend and Mom went a couple hours ahead with Lucas while Dad and I stayed behind to finish a couple errands. There’s many things I don’t remember so some of this story is my personal recollection and the rest is what I’ve been told over the years. I remember sitting behind my dad with my stuffed dog. We were actually almost to the house according to my Mom when all of a sudden the car started spinning and then I blacked out from the impact. 
“My father had a spontaneous brain aneurysm burst and it killed him immediately, which is where natural death comes in. When he passed, the car spun and it threw us off of the road. When I finally woke up, I was hanging out of the window facing the ground. The car was pinned against a tree and I couldn’t move. By the time the ambulance got to us, I wasn’t really alert. 
“What I was told was that I was in an upside down V position with my lower chest hanging over the bent metal of the door frame. According to the doctors, I would have bled out if it hadn’t been for my stuffed dog wedged between me and the bent metal. It didn’t stop it from cutting into me completely, but it stopped it enough so I could hang on for a few hours. I spent 18 months in the hospital recovering from surgeries to my chest and abdomen, reconstructing my ankle, and repairing my femur. They had to keep me in a coma for a couple months and the doctors weren’t sure I was going to pull out of it. 
“Once I did get out of the hospital I went right into physical therapy and my Grandfather managed to befriend a couple of college students who were doing equine therapy. I wanted to be back on a horse so bad so once the doctor cleared me, I started my therapy on horses. That lasted at least a couple of years. I had my mobility back, but my Mom still wanted me enrolled just in case I needed a bit longer. It took a huge toll on my family though. My Mom lost her husband and bestfriend, Lucas and I lost our Dad, and my Grandparents lost their bonus son. We really weren’t a family for awhile, my Mom was hyper focused on me for a long time so my Grandparents were raising Lucas. Even though Mom was by my side for everything, I could sense that she wasn’t really with me though mentally once the day was coming to an end. She didn’t sleep much and I could hear her cry throughout the night. It changed all of us, sometimes it was a good change, but for a long time it was just a bad change.” Finishing up the more abbreviated version of my story I looked back up to Aaron to find him finally looking back at me. 
His lips were turned down into a frown and his dark eyes looked even darker somehow, “I’m sorry.” He whispered out and I looked at him puzzled.
“For what?” I asked and he smoothed my hair out once more. 
“That all of that happened to you. It's one thing to lose a parent that young, but it's another to be heavily involved in it like you were. Do you still deal with any physical trauma from it? I know it was a long time ago, but are you okay?” He asked worriedly and a warm feeling spread across my chest. 
“Just a couple of scars. Some of them healed over time, others I got surgically lightened, but I left the rest as a reminder to what happened. It is a part of me that I can move on from, but can’t remove from my life. As sad as it was, I don’t want to forget what happened.” I shifted myself up so I can now sit on my feet next to Aaron and he slipped an arm around me to pull me in close. 
I laid my head on his shoulder softly and played with the hem of my shirt. 
“My job killed my wife.” Aaron said after a minute of silence and I froze up at the statement he just made. He continued talking, “There was a mad man, a monster, that wanted revenge and he chose my family. Even after placing them in witness protection he still found them and he shot her. I found him and I..” He paused and I lifted my head up to look at him. Aaron was staring ahead with another faraway look in his eyes so I placed my hand on his cheek. He startled a bit at my touch and I peered into his eyes, understanding what he was trying to get at. 
“You did what you had to do.” I said in a firm voice. 
He pulled me over to sit on his lap and he buried his head into my shoulder. It took a moment before I wrapped my arms around him and ran one set of fingers through his hair. A sudden sob halted me though and my heart clenched at the sound. “Let it all out honey.” I cooed softly in his ear and his grip became tighter on me. I had to hold back from wincing and pulling out from his embrace.
We sat there for a couple of minutes as he cried into my shoulder, his tears soaking my shirt. “I miss her so much. She was the first woman I ever loved and she was the mother of my child.” 
I pressed my lips into his hair, “I’m so sorry Aaron. I’m so sorry that you were put through that. I’m sorry that she was taken from you and Jack.” He nodded against my shoulder and he stayed quiet. 
I went to shift myself backwards but Aaron pulled me back to my original spot, “Please stay” He whispered. He went on to speak softly about how he hasn’t been able to really mourn since he has to be strong for Jack and continue with his job. He turned his head so that his ear was smooshed up against my breast, I’m confident he could hear my heart beating loudly in his ear though. 
“Thank you for sharing about her though. I hope I didn’t push you to say something too soon.” I said and he lifted his head back up to me.
“No, you didn’t. Thank you for getting me to share. I needed to get it off my chest.” He reached up and kissed my cheek. He pulled back and asked with brows furrowed, “Do you know how great you are?” I smiled and scrunched up my nose at him. My head shook slightly side to side and his lips turned upwards, “Well then,” He quietly started, “let me show you.” 
His hands grabbed my cheek and the back of my neck to pull my face to his and his lips bruised themselves against mine in a firm kiss. A numb feeling was spreading itself over my brain, making it go hazy until he released the hand on my cheek and pressed it against my back. Before I could hold it in I let out a yelp in pain and before I could process what happened, Aaron had yanked backwards and let go of my back.
“What’s wrong?” He yelled out in shock, his eyebrows immediately furrowing together. My hands reached around my backside to apply the smallest amount of pressure to stabilize myself. Aaron’s focused eyes followed my movements and grabbed the bottom of my shirt. 
I pushed myself up and off of Aaron before he could lift my shirt up, taking a couple steps back to create some space. “It’s not your fault, I promise I’m okay.” I tried soothing him but it didn't appear to do anything. His mouth was silent but his body wasn’t. Any person would be able to tell that he didn’t believe a word I said as he sat there rigid and on edge. 
“Let me see.” He said in a low tone.
“No, it’s okay Aaron. It’s nothing really, it was just an accident.” I said in hopes that he would just drop the conversation. It wasn’t that I was ashamed of what happened, just more so embarrassed. 
He rolled his eyes and stood up, taking a giant step forward so that he was towering over me. “I said,” He grabbed the bottom of my shirt again, “let me see.” 
My shirt was pulled up several inches until it bunched up under my bra. The breath that left Aaron’s lips told me that he saw the deep purple bruises that blossomed over my back. At first I didn’t want to look up into his eyes, afraid of him seeing the embarrassed blush that creeped over my cheeks. 
“Who did this?” He rasped out in a gruff tone. When I didn’t answer him right away two fingers hooked under my chin to force my gaze upon him. His eyes were dark and hard, a long way from the playful glint at dinner. I suddenly wished to myself that we were back at dinner again, almost scared of his reaction to my bruises. 
I brought myself back to the moment and a quiet, “It was no one..” started to slip past my lips but I couldn’t finish as Aaron cut me off. 
“I promise you, Y/N, I will deal with whoever did this to you. Just, please tell me their name, darling.” His voice kept its gruff tone until it became pleading at the end. My lips pursed together and I shook my head slightly.
“It was no one Aaron, it was an animal. A horse. I..I was thrown off yesterday.” I explained quickly and he still didn’t look convinced so I reached into my back pocket, “Here! I’ll prove it to you. There was a video taken.” 
I held the phone out for Aaron to watch. My mom was filming on my phone so that we could keep a record of how far Dipshit has come since the beginning. Lewis and Grandpa were standing next to her commenting on my form and how it looks from their perspective. In the video Dip and I were trotting around in large circles and I got a bit cocky and urged him into a faster gait. 
Dip didn’t like that and threw his head downwards so that he could start bucking his back legs into the air. I held my own for the first several bucks and tried my hardest to pull his head back up so that he couldn’t continue bucking. That ended up not working and soon I found myself debating if I should get off or not or if I should ride my way through this. 
Lewis and Grandpa were giving conflicting shouts of what to do. Mom’s voice could be heard somewhere on the video between the both of them, telling me to ‘just hang on’ and that ‘you’ve got this’. That didn’t last long as Dip reared up and when he came back down, I was flung over the front of him, landing on my stomach. The air was knocked out of my lungs from the impact and whatever air had started seeping back in was pushed back out as Dip trampled over me. 
Mom’s horrified gasp was accompanied by a lot of ‘Oh shit, fuck’ s from Lewis and Grandpa. Lewis had ducked between the fence and started sprinting to me as did Mom while Grandpa went after Dipshit. Lewis had turned me over onto my back so that my airway wasn’t blocked. He started running his hands over my shirt to check for any blood or broken or swollen joints. The raspy inhale of air sounded over the camera that Mom was still holding. I don’t think she knew she was still recording at this point. 
“Oh honey! Honey, you’re going to be okay. Lewis help her.” She shrieked out and Lewis knelt down next to me, taking my face in his hands. 
“Y/N, breathe. I need you to calm down and get air back in you.” Lewis said as he lightly tapped my cheek. My eyes were wild in the video and my arms were flailing around, knocking into Lewis’ legs. After a couple more breaths I managed to get my breathing under control and I coughed to get the tight feeling out of my throat. 
Mom must have noticed that the camera was still recording so she fumbled around for a couple seconds before figuring out how to stop the video feed. 
Aaron took a ragged breath in and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and looking back down at me. “Are you okay? Did you get checked out?” He said in a hard but quiet voice. 
I placed a small smile on my face to tell him that I was okay, “Yes, I’m okay. Incredibly sore, but I’m okay. Mom took me to the hospital, nothing was broken, just really bruised.” He leaned his forehead down onto mine and took another deep breath in. I closed my eyes and relished the moment with him. His hands dropped from my back, the shirt following too and replaced themselves on both sides of my cheeks. 
“I’m sorry,” He whispered and kissed my forehead, “I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I’m glad you are safe now. It’s been a full night for both of us now.” I wrapped my arms around his side and pulled him closer to me.
“Want to go shower? Maybe cool down a bit?” I suggested and he hummed in response. We pulled away and made our way into the bedroom. 
I turned the water on hot in the shower so that the bathroom could start steaming up. Aaron sat on the bed, looking into the bathroom as I moved around and grabbed a second set of towels for him. I grabbed my makeup remover and wiped off as much as I could before I released my hair from its hold and scratched my scalp to ease the roots of my hair. 
I could feel Aaron’s eyes on me as I started to discard my clothes, one-by-one and put them into the laundry hamper. First was my shirt, putting my bruises on display, along with the rest of my scars from my accident. Next was pulling my pants down, leaving me in just my bra and underwear. I slowly slid my pants down my legs and stepped out of them, tossing them into the hamper. I glanced over to Aaron and he was intently watching me, with firm dark eyes. I inwardly smirked to myself and slipped my arms out from the bra straps. 
My heartbeat was rapid in my chest, mentally preparing myself to remove one of my last pieces of dignity. I peeled the cups of my bra down and gently laid it on top of the rest of the clothes. I turned towards the shower, my backside fully showing to Aaron, and opened the shower door to turn the water on to hot. As I stood there waiting I took a deep breath and reached my arms above my head to stretch. My hair fell backwards as I arched my back and pushed my chest up to the ceiling. Bringing my arms back down I let out my deep breath and tested the water temperature with my hand, making sure it was warm enough for me to step into. 
Stepping in, I was enveloped in the hot water. At least it matched how I was feeling on the inside. My eyes peered through the open shower door to see Aaron sitting on the bed still. He was hunched over with his elbows on his knees, his hands somewhat clenched together. It looked like he was struggling to stay composed, and the small chewing on his bottom lip only confirmed that for me. We bore into each other’s eyes for a beat before I soothed out, “Come join me.”
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druggeddraccus · 9 months
i’m going to list this journal entry by the dates as best i can cause a lot has happened lol
9/11–flight to ireland. actually getting through security and all that wasn’t as stressful as my mind was having me believe. though when i did get to dublin i thought i had just walked past customs i was so confused lol like why isn’t there signage for it but i didn’t i just got worried (the airplane was extremely uncomfortable but i was able to sleep a small bit)
9/12–landed around 11am geoff took a video of me and ash seeing each other for the first time ❤️ we walked around dublin a bit and they took me to a actually authentic mexican restaurant it was really good. geoff pointed out some of the buildings while we were trying to catch buses to take us to wicklow. the bus seats were way more comfortable on the airplane so i slept on that bus for a bit
-that night after we ate dinner cause i think we got to wicklow around 5-6ish we walked around the town and over to the lighthouse. there were so many stars i want to go out again and see if my phone can even pick them up. it was so beautiful. they looked like tree roots you could see lines of light behind them. and if i looked at them long enough it looked like they were moving.
9/13–first full day in wicklow. it’s absolutely beautiful. it started to feel more real that i’m actually here. we took the river walk. and we also took a hike along the coast to bridal’s head. saw some seals! and we had sandwiches out there watching the seals. and there were pups as well. and then we walked back to town and went to the pub and i tried actual guinness (i already don’t like beer and ugggh it was absolutely foul. loved the baby guinness shot though)
and then last night they stayed over at my airbnb till around 130am and we played a bunch of really fun games. UNO, trionimos (triangle dominos) and articulate which is kinda like charades but you can speak—like you get a word and then you have to say or do things to get the person to guess the word on the card. and i’m unnaturally good at guessing what people are thinking on the regular lol so it was really fun and we had some really funny conversations out of it. i wish i had videoed some of it
during all of this my dad got sick back home (his stomach was upset the morning i left). at 815pm as i was boarding my flight—my mom was taking him to the hospital—worried it was a heart attack. she didn’t tell me about it until i landed and was with ashley
luckily it wasn’t he had a small bowel obstruction and they did an ex lap yesterday. and i was so so so worried it was cancer. again luckily he had abdominal fat that had pooped around his intestine like a tourniquet—and they aren’t sure what causes that to happen. but the surgeon was able to take care of it without having to take out any sections of his bowel (they were also thinking they’d need to put a colostomy) but i’m now they are just observing him. he needs to start making bowel sounds and poop/gas. and he’s just so agitated cause he has the NG tube and now he’s feeling better but still can’t do anything. they don’t want him eating till things get moving in his bowel.
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Eat Your Veggies
There’s an old Three Stooges skit in which Curly sings, “She was bred in ol' Kentucky, but she's just a crumb up here. Knock-kneed and double-jointed, with a cauliflower ear.” Well, there’s a fast food chain that also has a cauliflower ear these days, and they are getting an earful for it.
With all the build-up for the Big Game and the ad blitz that was to unfold, it seems odd that anyone would make a new product announcement. How easy would it be for that announcement to be buried under all the other hype? But this one managed to cut through the din and got everyone’s attention. It’s just that they probably did not anticipate the negativity from both sides of the aisle.

So ICYMI, last week Chick-Fil-A announced they were joining the plant-based brigade with a new sandwich, this one a battered and cooked slab of cauliflower. The company said it was responding to suggestions from many customers who wanted a plant-based option. After all, scores of fast food and fast-casual outlets have added such options in the last few years, but Chick-fil-A’s is unique in that, instead of a Beyond Burger or Impossible Chicken, it’s an actual vegetable.
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Once again, the peanut gallery of social media users proved that you’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t. Those on the right responded with the usual emojis—laughing face and mad face—as well as allegations that CFA had “gone woke” just like their other favorite dining destination—Cracker Barrel—did last year when they announced they were adding Impossible Sausage.
And then those on the far left blew up because there are apparently many who still boycott CFA over the company’s staunch anti-LGBTQ sentiments, as well as financial support of counter movements. Looks like these people won’t be ordering a cauliflower sandwich there any time soon.
Of course, you could argue that Chick-fil-A kind of brought some of this on themselves by virtue of being so vocally opposed to the LGBTQ community. It’s always dangerous mixing religion and politics with your business. They make bad condiments.
But as for the others upset that the company may be drifting into dangerous territory, let’s just say that you can hardly sneeze to the left without raising eyebrows. Non-meat eaters are automatically dismissed as evil liberals, even if they had been doing this years before that “w” word was misappropriated. Honestly, I don’t understand why people would get so upset—and spend so much energy expressing their discontent—over what other people choose to eat or not eat. People are literally arguing about a vegetable.
One thing is certain, though. This sandwich was not designed for the vegans and vegetarians among us. Aside from the kale salad already on the menu, these people probably weren’t going to CFA anyway, and likely will still avoid it. The new sandwich, you see, is battered in a milk and egg concoction. And then there’s that buttery bun. If this is your jam, then you should like the cauliflower sandwich, because it will clock in with a lot fewer milligrams of cholesterol than a standard chicken sandwich (70mg).
No, what Chick-fil-A is doing is expanding its product line for the flexitarians, those who still eat meat, but also graze on other occasions. This is smart business, because 47% of Americans report themselves as being flexitarian. In contrast, only five-percent at most are vegetarian or vegan. While it is possible to profit while serving only a small fraction of a population, it is much easier to do so if you’re aiming at the middle ground.

Boycotters gonna boycott, so leave them be. As long as the Cathey Family is in charge of Chick-fil-A, I doubt their stance will change when it comes to religious values. But as for those who overlook that matter, please stop criticizing them for a menu item addition. They’re simply giving people more choice. It’s not a liberal conspiracy.
I can only hope that CFA is also smart enough to steer clear of all the social media controversy. While it is inevitable these days that heads will explode about virtually anything, just hold your ground and don’t dignify the complainers by listening to every single thing they say.

Because you may very well get stuck with that cauliflower ear.
Dr “Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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Day 5 – Family Ties One-Shot: Write a one-shot revolving around your character’s family, include 3 family members minimum.
The World Keeps Spinning
(tw: familial death, cancer mentions, grief)
Five years. 
Five years of doctors saying words Sophie couldn’t begin to understand. Five years of grief for something that hadn’t happened yet. Only now, it had.
Five minutes ago, Sophie was told about her father’s last breaths. 
She was gearing up to go see him that afternoon when she got the call from her stepmother. It was going to be a beautiful afternoon. She would bring sandwiches and biscuits and they could sit outside, in the hospital garden, rather than the sterile grey room Jean Hadder spent his days in. The word terminal was rarely said by the Hadder family. But as Sophie stood on the front stoop of The Haddery, her grief felt terminal. Like the sky should crack open with a torrential downpouring and swallow her whole, Sophie swept away in her own salty tears. But it was a beautiful day. The gilded sun had just crested the line of buildings across from the shoppe, children walked along the cobbled path on their way to school. They were laughing with their friends, their world was bright and hopeful. 
Sophie’s world went dark. She collapsed in on herself and wept. The children stopped laughing and hurriedly evacuated the street with the wailing woman. And the sky did not cry with her, perhaps that was the most cruel thing. It was a beautiful day.
The plainest of three sat in the middle at the funeral. Their matching black dresses painted them all the same with bereavement. The softest of the three turned herself to stone, to be strong enough to be leaned on and not break. Lettie and Martha’s faces were sullen, streaked with tears. They both grasped onto Sophie’s hands in her lap like they were the only things keeping them upright. Sophie was elected to speak. Fanny Hadder was too beside herself to be coherent. Sophie had a gift with words they said, but she never felt that way. She was like her father in the way that her sincerity meant more than the way her lips fumbled over conversation. It was a trait she was afraid to grow out of, afraid of losing that connection to him. 
Sophie stood beside the best photo of her father, one where he was beaming to the camera with a freshly finished hat in hand. The hat was a custom piece for some fanciful sorcerer in Ingary; it was too gaudy and loud for Sophie’s tastes. Jean loved it though, his favorite hats were always the ones that were too unique to ever recreate, a challenge to his art form. 
Looking at the photo brought a smile to her face, an odd sight at a funeral. Behind the white lilies, Sophie straightened her dress and began, “My father would be ashamed of all of us right now.” 
Lettie and Martha quelled their stifled cries and looked up at their elder sister in confusion. That same look spread across the entirety of the guests. Sophie tried to ignore the amount of people whose attention she had and continued, “Be-because he lived his life with ha-happiness… happiness and laughter. And not a single one of you is smiling.
He brought so much joy into the world, so much joy to everyone here. But, but I think that he’d want to tell us that all the happiness in the world didn’t leave it with him. That’s how I feel now, at least. It feels like all of my hope and happiness has left with him. I know he’d be cross with me for mourning as long as I have. He would always tell me, ‘Sophie, the world keeps spinning.’ ‘Sophie, the world will keep spinning.’ So, instead of continuing on about how deeply and profoundly sad I am with the passing of my Dadi… after a long fight with his illness, I want to share some of my happiest memories with him… a-and, maybe if you all would like to, you could share some as well.” 
She took a breath to steady herself after her impromptu speech, looking around unsure if she was making a terrible mistake for trying to make a funeral light. Lettie’s smile and nod assured Sophie she was doing something good. She was providing a comfort that normally her father would. She returned the solemn smile, “Right. Um, after my mum passed, it was just him and me for a while. Before, Mama that is,” Sophie nodded towards a sniffling Fantine Hadder. “I can’t really remember much of that time, but I remember the picnics we would have, laying out on the hills in Brecon… and of course, I’d pretend to be the Welsh dragon,” Sophie chuckled at her own childhood hijinks, “Dadi would let me chase him until I was too tired and needed to be carried home…
Mor-more recently, he, uh, managed to be a light in a very dark time. Cancer treatments can be just as brutal as the cancer itself,” she began to tear up, breaking the prim and pulled together act. “But he stayed so silly and bright through it all… I never wanted him to see me cry, because he would tell me that the world keeps spinning. Even after he is gone, the world keeps spinning. Kids will play in front of the shoppe, people will fall in love and get married, birthdays will be had, and the sun will shine just as it did every day before!” 
Sophie was crying just as her sisters were moments ago. They both approached the front of the wake to comfort their elder sister. Sophie held out a hand to them and finished with shaky breath, “I didn’t let him see me cry because I didn’t want my world to keep spinning. It felt cruel to think that the world could go on without him in it. But it’s not. Because the love he put into this world did not go with him, it stayed here.” She placed her and Martha’s interwoven hands above her heart, “The world keeps spinning, not because it's ambivalent to us and our loss, but because it spins for everyone we love and the memories we shared here.” 
The small gathering was filled with sniffles and heartwarmed smiles at the girl’s wise eulogy. Martha and Lettie enveloped her in an embrace and Martha piped up, “Well my favorite memory of Dadi was when he let me model all his hats…”
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once-upon-a-thigh · 2 years
Servicing and Inspection
Summary: Y/n brings lunch to the garage for her girlfriend, but it seems Nat is craving something else. REQUEST. 18+
Pairing: Mechanic! GP! Natasha Romanoff X Fem! Reader.
Class: Drabble; smut
Warnings: Swearing, daddy kink, fingering (r receiving), vaginal sex involving a penis, belly bulge, masturbating, degradation.
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Oh my god ^ right?
Closing my car door shut with a bump of my hip, I walked into the open garage where my girlfriend works as a mechanic. Her co-worker is off sick so she has been covering all of the work herself the last few days, and so being forced to work overtime. I miss her so much, not used to being way from her for so long. So I decided to make her favourite sandwich and take it to her work for a surprise.
“Baby?” I called as I walked in to the seemingly empty garage, eyeing the walls lined with tires and the car parked in the middle. It’s a- well, I don’t know. It’s grey?
Just as I was about to check the office, I heard her call my name. Rolling out from underneath the car, she removed her gloves and stood up to greet me.
“What are you doing here love? I am so happy to see you!” She took me into her strong arms, laying a chaste kiss on my cheek. She smelt of a mix of her cologne and diesel, just as she did whenever she came home, and yet I never grow tired of it. What was different this time however, was the black oil and grime smudged on her arms and cheek that she usually washed off before leaving work.
“You look so hot like this.” I couldn’t help but blurt out, dropping the bag of food to clutch at her tank top covered chest, peering down at her grey sweatpants where a slight bulge was visible.
She laughed, taking my hands in hers and smirking. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” I bit my lip.
She didn’t entertain me any further though, too distracted with opening the bag I had dropped on the floor.
“My sandwich!” She exclaimed, a cute excited grin replacing her smirk.
“Yeah, I thought we could have lunch together, are you not too busy?”
She glanced back at the car she had previously been working on and shrugged. “Nah, it’s just a servicing and inspection.”
“I could do with a servicing and inspection.” I mumbled to myself with a quiet giggle, taking the sandwiches out of the bag and setting them down on a nearby counter.
“What was that?” She gloated, grabbing at my waist and pulling me flush against her.
I snaked my own hands around her neck, I played with the loose strands at the back that had slipped out of her ponytail.
“I think you heard me.” I whispered seductively against her lips, desperate for her to put those fingers to good use for something other than fixing cars.
With a growl, she wrapped her buff arms around my thighs. I let out a surprised squeal, giggling as she carried me to the car, setting me down on the bumper.
“Wait, here? What if the customer comes in?” I grew nervous as she hastily pulled at the buttons of my jeans.
“Then they get their car fixed, and a show.” She panted, managing to undue the buttons and pull the jeans past my hips. I leaned back on my hands, lifting my ass up to help her remove my trousers off fully, ripping off my shoes in the process.
A moan left my lips when she brushed over my clothed slit with long fingers. “Oh babygirl, already so wet for daddy.”
Surging forward, she sloppily kissed my neck, biting at my pulse point as she ground the growing tent in her pants against my soaked panties.
“Please daddy.” I whimpered pathetically, grabbing hold of her muscly shoulders.
With a grunt, her lips moved to my own as she moved her hand up and slipped it past the band of my underwear to cup my sex. Whines slipped past my lips as she brushed over my clit before dipping two fingers into my pussy straight away, parting them to stretch my walls for her cock.
“Fuck, you’re such a needy whore coming here to get your pussy fucked. Couldn’t wait for daddy, hm?” She pouted condescendingly, bicep tensing as she pounded her slender fingers into me so fast my juices sprayed over my inner thighs with every clash of her knuckles.
“Mm.” she sucked in her bottom lip, pulling out her fingers and using them to rub over my clit aggressively, causing wetness to sound alongside my moans.
She pulled her sweats down as well as her boxers, leaving them to fall to her knees as she jacked herself off with her hand still covered in my arousal. Once she deemed her pulsing cock wet enough, she leaned over me and brushed the head up and down my sopping slit.
“What do you say baby?”
“Please daddy, I want your cock!” I practically screamed, wrapping my legs around her ass in an attempt to entice her closer.
“Fuck, that’s right.” She screwed her eyes shut, jaw dropped open as she penetrated my pussy with a sharp thrust and settled into a steady hard pace.
Moving back with the force of her thrusts, I laid back on the cold hood, hands spread out in an attempt to steady myself. She used me as leverage, taking hold under my knees and folding my legs against my chest as she drove her cock into me deeper, pounding me into the metal.
My screams filled the garage, hitching with every hit of my cervix. Her thick shaft massaged my walls, filling me to the brim to the point of the bulge created by her large dick being visible.
“Fuck look at you, taking all of me so good.” She pushed her weight onto me more, watching her slick cock disappear past my folds. “Are you going to take daddy’s cum like a good girl too?”
Nodding desperately, my mouth fell open as I reached my high. She grinned, feeling my walls squeezing her cock as I came to her relenting pace. Coming down, I slumped my head back on the car and let her continue driving her cock into me, using my body to get herself off.
“Shit, shit.” She gritted her teeth, hips stuttering as her abs tensed at the sensation. “Take off your top baby, I want to cum all over your tits.”
After I used the last of my strength to lift my shirt over my head, she pulled her cock out of me with a gushing sound, pulling me closer so she could quickly fist at her cock over my chest.
Pushing my tits together, I circled my nipples for her visual enjoyment as she towered over me, watching with blackened eyes.
“Fuck!” She grunted as spurts of cum left her tip, landing in splatters over the voluptuous mounds.
Slowing down her hand, she panted and wiped the sweat coating her top lip with the back of her other hand. As she began to soften, she pulled up her pants and tucked herself back into her boxers before helping me dress myself, as I found myself to be too sore to move much.
Pulling me off of the car with a laugh, she gave me a sweet kiss on the lips, completely opposing the dominance she exhibited moments ago. When she pulled away and glanced behind me though, her smile dropped.
“Oh shit.”
Turning around, I gasped at the sight of the dent, about the size of my ass, that had been pounded (literally) into the hood of the car.
Sighing, she set her hands on her hips. “I’m going to have to fix that for free.”
Please note that I will only ever write a GP fic if it is requested and approved by a friend of mine that is part of the transgender community. So I will not be taking requests for these!
Enjoy horny bastards.
Love, Meg
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firefly-in-darkness · 2 years
Peace of Mind
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Pairing → Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary → After Bucky’s return, losing him again is your worst nightmare.
Word Count → 900 words
Warnings → angst.
Betas → @princessmisery666​ - thank you for bouncing titles around with me too, you’re a superstar for this one!! // all mistakes are my own.
A/N → This is just a lil’ something that will probably make you cry.
As always, comments and reblogs are appreciated💕
Firefly’s Masterlist
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She awoke with a start, the mid-afternoon sunshine streaming through the curtains. An uneasiness in her stomach from the disorientating sensation of having an afternoon nap. Propping up on her elbows, she glanced beside her, looking for Bucky but found the bed empty. A frown pulled at her brow, why hadn't he sought her out when she disappeared to take a nap?
The silence filling the room, the whole house for that matter, caused an ache to bloom in her chest, growing as she scrambled from the bed and called out his name.
She glanced into the study. Empty. Everything was in order, nothing was amiss. It was exactly as she had left it. She checked the spare bedroom, on the off chance that he had slipped away to play video games. She looked out the window, checking for his car in the driveway, or any other sign of his presence. Could he be mowing the lawn?
The luscious grass and vibrant flowers they had planted in the backyard earlier were there, the shovel and fork still propped against the fence where he’d left them. The laughter as they wiped dirt across each other’s cheeks only hours ago was now a distant memory. Even with the signs that he had been there, it did nothing to quell her fears. It only reminded her that he wasn’t here now. 
“Buck?” She repeatedly called, descending the stairs two at a time, almost stumbling, “James?”
The lounge was the same as the rooms upstairs, visibly absent of him. The kitchen had a plated half-eaten sandwich. Her thoughts spiralled as she recalled the moment her old college friend turned to dust before her very eyes.
Fear held her gaze on the woman beside her as her body began to disintegrate and the mug fell, China smashing and coffee spilling on the floor. The seat still held the imprint of the previous occupant but was now covered with a layer of dust.
A shiver zipped down her spine as she remembered the chaos that ensued in the cafe, grabbing Bucky’s hoodie, and wrapping it around her body tightly.
Childless mothers and fathers, parentless children. Screaming and rushing. The customers burst out into the streets of New York, pulled along with the surge of the crowd. Car horns blared as the driver and driver-less vehicles collided. Civilians looked around, in hope of seeing one of their heroes, ready to solve the world’s problems once again.
Nobody showed, she knew they wouldn’t. Bucky had been calling and texting, telling her his fears and whispering sweet nothings all the way from Wakanda. The messages and video calls had stopped two days previous, an abrupt single line about Steve’s impending arrival. Hours passed before Steve called, telling her of how Bucky had fought valiantly, how his best friend had been brave. 
Thanos had won and taken Bucky from her, from Steve, from the world.
She wasn’t valiant or brave, she crumpled under the weight of grief.
Opening the patio door, she stepped out into the backyard, wincing at the coldness of the porcelain slabs attacking her bare feet. She called out his name again. This time he responded, with her own name coming from the workshop meters away.
Her heart raced as did her feet, almost colliding into the solid mass of the super-soldier. Bucky held her tightly, an arm wrapped around her waist and his other hand cradling her head to his chest.
“I thought you'd gone again,” she whispered, clinging to him tightly and breathing in his familiar scent mixed with oil. 
“I'm here,” Bucky pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
A memory flashed before her eyes, about Bucky telling her he was going to work on the Harley this afternoon. The panic slipped away, comfort replacing the ache in her chest.
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Red mist converged around the house, unbeknownst to the couple embracing. Wanda’s fingers flexed and contorted before she stepped aside, sensing the approaching super soldier.
Steve stood beside the woman and crossed his arms, watching his best friend hold the woman tightly. “You have to stop this, Wanda. She can’t live like this. She knows something isn’t right, and you know that.”
“It’s nothing, she just had a nightmare,” Wanda continued, sparing a quick glance at her friend.
“You can’t fix things; she has to make her own choices.”
Wanda turned to the former Captain, “I don’t control her Steve, I just show her what she’s longing for; the man she loves. She lost so much that day, we all did. I can give her this bit of peace.”
“Bucky’s back now,” Steve reminded, “How is any of this going to make sense to either of them when he returns?”
“He’s not here though, it’s been a year. He went off fighting children with Sam and had some therapy sessions, but he hasn’t even acknowledged her existence,” She scoffed and took the lead in walking across the field back towards the newly built compound.
“You know why he hasn’t been in contact, it’s to protect her. He’s trying to do better, to be better. For her,” Steve explained, defending his friend. “This will end badly; I don’t want you to get hurt too.”
“It won’t come to that,” Wanda shook her head and smiled, “Her being happy makes me happy.”
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Congratulations (Roy Kent X Reader)
WC: 3407
Warnings: Swearing, discussions of pregnancy
Summary: The five times Y/N tells someone about her pregnancy.
A/N: This fic was requested by a lovely anon and it can be read as either a standalone piece or an accompaniment to Lover, whatever you choose. I hope you guys enjoy this!
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1: Keeley
Of all the people Y/N was going to tell about her pregnancy, the first person was naturally going to be Keeley. She hadn’t even told Roy yet, instinctively calling Keeley as soon as she saw the two lines on the stick.
“Hiya babes, how are you?” Keeley asked cheerfully, surprised Y/N called her work phone rather than her mobile.
“I’m pregnant.” Y/N blurted out, suspicious at Keeley’s sudden silence. However, it was broken very quickly by a very loud, trademark Keeley Jones scream.
“Holy shit! Congrats, babe! That fucking amazing, you’re gonna make such a great mum.” Keeley said, her enthusiasm easing Y/N’s nerves slightly.
“Thanks Keels. I’m freaking out a little bit, but I figured I needed to tell you. You’re my best mate after all.” Y/N said, and Keeley was very happy to hear that.
“You’re so nice to me, it’s ridiculous. Have you told Roy yet?” Keeley asked, and Y/N paused.
“I’m going to take your silence as a no, then.” Keeley said, and Y/N laughed nervously, her eyes anxiously darting around the room.
“Yeah, I haven’t told him yet. It’s not that I’m scare of how he’ll react, I just don’t know how to tell him.” Y/N said, and Keeley hummed contemplatively.
“How are we thinking? Like a subtle, heartfelt confession or a big massive reveal?” Keeley said, pulling up a Word document on her computer to begin taking notes.
“Probably closer to the subtle route. Roy’s never really been a big gestures guy, so I think he’d appreciate it being more personal. Plus I don’t want to put in all the effort a grand gesture needs. Can’t be arsed, to be honest.” Y/N said frankly, eliciting a loud laugh from Keeley.
“You and Roy are perfect for each other, Y/N/N. Ok so something small and personal. Holy fuck, I think I’ve got it!” Keeley exclaimed, and Y/N could hear the sound of her frantically typing on her keyboard.
“You planning on telling me what your brilliant idea is, Jones?” Y/N said, waiting for Keeley’s response.
“A custom Richmond jersey with Roy’s number on the back that says ‘Kent Junior’ on it. I’m just drafting up an email to send to our kit manufacturers to see if they’ll do it. If they don’t, I’ll fight them all until they cave.” Keeley said, and Y/N felt a smile break out on her face instantly.
“That’s perfect Keels! God, you’re a fucking genius.” Y/N said, glad that she finally had a plan for how to tell her husband the news.
“Awe, you know it babes. I’d love to stay and chat but I’ve got that meeting with the Bantr people coming up and I really can’t be late.” Keeley’s apologetic tone was strong, and Y/N immediately reassured her.
“It’s fine, you being on track to become the most amazing boss bitch ever takes priority, but thank you so much for your idea! Let me know what the kit people say.” Y/N said, smiling brightly as Keeley said her goodbyes before hanging up.
She finally had a plan, now all she had to do was execute it.
2: Roy
It had been about two weeks since Y/N spoke with Keeley, and when she finally received the package with the little Richmond jersey she nearly burst into tears. Children are so tiny, and that jersey made her painfully aware of it.
Today Richmond had a match at Nelson Road, and Y/N was sitting in the box like always, sandwiched between Keeley and Rebecca. While Rebecca was distracted talking to Higgins about something, Y/N leaned over to Keeley.
“I’m telling Roy after the match. I’ve got the little jersey in my bag, I’m gonna pretend it’s a present for him to celebrate his first season coaching.” Y/N said, and Keeley’s eyes widened.
“That’s fucking brilliant!” Keeley exclaimed, trying to keep her voice down to avoid suspicion. Y/N smiled at her, confident in her plan.
The match went surprisingly well, with Richmond taking the win by one goal. Y/N was so happy for Roy, watching his excitement play out on the pitch.
After the crowds had dwindled out of the stadium, Y/N found Roy alone in Ted’s office. She took in a deep breath, knocking lightly on the door frame.
“Babe!” Roy said, Y/N waving at him shyly. He smiled at her, walking forward and pulling her into a brief kiss. She kissed him back, a little upset when he pulled away.
“Congrats on the win, babe. The team’s really needed that Roy Kent spirit around here.” Y/N said, and Roy waved his hand dismissively.
“You’re just flattering me.” He said, still bashful when given compliments. Y/N smiled, reaching into her bag for the jersey which she’d carefully wrapped in white wrapping paper, a small silver bow on top.
“What the fuck is that?” Roy asked as he noticed the package Y/N was holding.
“It’s a ‘congratulations on doing so well in your first season as a coach’ present. Surprise!” Y/N said, holding the gift out towards Roy with a bit of a flourish. He took it somewhat suspiciously, grunting as he struggled to open the wrapping paper.
“Is this a Richmond jersey?” Roy asked and Y/N nodded, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet.
“Why’s it so fucking tiny?” Roy said, dropping the wrapping paper on the floor as he examined the jersey.
“Take a look at the back.” Y/N said softly, and Roy flipped it over. He saw his name and number and thought Y/N was just being stupid until he saw what was written after his name.
“Kent Junior? Y/N, what is this?” Roy asked, and although he was sure knew the answer, he wanted to be certain.
“Well, it’s the jersey that we’ll ideally give our child. I’m pregnant, Roy.” Y/N said, her voice breaking slightly as tears welled in her eyes.
Roy gasped, looking up from the jersey to meet his wife’s gaze. He didn’t say a word, and Y/N was terrified he was going to freak out until he put his hands on her face and pulled her into a kiss. He was so tender, so gentle with her that she wondered what had happened to her husband.
“You’re telling me we’re having a baby?” Roy said, his usually gruff voice softer than Y/N had ever heard it. She nodded, tears falling down her face.
“That is the best news I have ever heard.” Roy said, kissing Y/N once more before dropping down to his knees so his face was level with Y/N’s stomach.
“Hey little one. I know you probably can’t hear me and have no fucking clue who I am right now, but I’m your dad, and I’m going to love you so fucking much, you hear me?” Roy said, resting his head against Y/N’s stomach as her hands fell to his shoulders.
“You keep that up and our baby will be saying ‘fuck’ before it can walk.” Y/N said, a weak laugh slipping past Roy’s lips as he stood up.
“If our baby’s first word is anything other than ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’ I’m asking for a paternity test.” He joked, a few stray tears falling as he watched Y/N laugh at his awful joke.
“Let’s go home, Roy.” Y/N said, and Roy nodded as he slipped his hand into his wife’s, joy radiating off him in waves. He was going to be a dad, and there was no one else he’d rather go through this journey with than Y/N.
3: Ted
Ted had become like a father to Y/N in her time spent with Richmond, and as much as Roy refused to admit it, he had grown very close to Ted as well.
As they walked through the changeroom hand in hand, they were both a little nervous. Y/N waved at Sam as he passed them, Roy simply giving him a curt nod. They approached Ted’s office, taking in a deep breath.
“You ready?” Y/N asked, glancing up at her husband. He nodded, knocking on the office door with his free hand.
The door swung open far quicker than they were prepared for, and they were greeted by the sight of an incredibly smiley American.
“The Kents! How are my two favourite people in the world doing today? Second only to Kermit and Miss Piggy of course. Do they count as people or Muppets?” Ted asked, ushering the couple into his office.
“I’ve always thought of the Muppets as people.” Roy said, Ted widening his eyes before nodding to himself.
“He’s a closet Muppets fan, don’t tell anyone. Once you’ve heard Roy sing a one man rendition of the Muppets Christmas Carol your world is forever changed.” Y/N said, grinning despite the daggers getting sent her way by Roy.
“You promised to never tell anyone that.” He said, and Y/N shrugged her shoulders playfully.
“As much as I am loving this fascinating insight into y’all’s relationship, is there a reason for this visit?” Ted asked, and Y/N nodded, looking over at Roy.
“We have some relatively exciting news we want to share. Roy?” Y/N said, prompting her husband.
“Right. Y/N is pregnant.” Roy said, and Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at his straight to the point attitude. Ted gasped, his hands flying to cover his mouth.
“This isn’t some weird prank, right?” Ted asked, and Y/N shook her head.
“It’s all real. I found out about three weeks ago so it’s all still early days but you’re the first person we’ve told together.” Y/N said, and Ted felt his heart swell.
“Together? Have you told anyone else?” Ted asked, cocking his head to the side questioningly.
“I told Keeley when I first found out but other than that no one else knows. There’s also something else we want to tell you.” Y/N said, and Ted beamed at both of them, eagerly awaiting the next piece of news.
Y/N nudged Roy, trying to prompt him to speak. “We want you to be the godfather.” Roy said, and Ted’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.
“Do I have permission to hug you two right now?” He said, his voice wavering slightly. Y/N nodded eagerly, Roy letting out a grunt that Y/N had come to learn signified ‘yes’.
Ted jumped out of his chair and pulled the couple into a big hug, squeezing them both tightly. “I can’t tell you how much I’ve loved being able to have the pleasure of watching you two grow both as people and as a couple, and to be able to watch y’all become a family is just beautiful. I’m so proud of you both.” Ted said, his kind words nearly bringing tears to Y/N’s eyes.
“Thanks Ted, that really means a lot. I know Roy isn’t very vocal, but it means a lot to him too.” Y/N said, pulling away from the embrace. Ted nodded, moving a step back to look at them.
“If you guys need anything at all, don’t be afraid to call me, you got it?” Ted asked, and Y/N nodded, looking up to see Roy send a nod Ted’s way.
“Well alright, thanks for stopping by!” Ted said, waving as the couple left his office. On their way out, Beard walked in, sending Ted a questioning look.
“What was that about?” He asked, sitting down opposite Ted, who waved him off.
“That was nothing important. Anyways, what can I do for you, Coach?”
4: Rebecca
Y/N, Keeley and Rebecca had become an unstoppable trio in their time knowing each other, and when Y/N knocked on the door of Rebecca’s office, she was unsurprised to hear Keeley’s voice telling her to come in.
“Y/N! How are you?” Rebecca asked, standing up from her seat to give Y/N a quick hug.
“I’m great, thanks Rebecca! How are you?” Y/N said, taking a seat on the couch next to Keeley.
“Oh, I’m doing pretty well. Keeley and I were just chatting about this guy I’m meant to go out with this weekend. I’ve never really liked being set up, but Sassy’s been insistent.” Rebecca said, and Y/N chuckled at the exasperated tone in her voice.
“My opinion on you dating remains steadfast. You and Ted would be absolutely perfect together.” Y/N said, Rebecca instantly going a shade of pink Y/N recognised from whenever she’d brought up the prospect of her dating Ted in the past.
“As much as you seem to refuse to drop that idea, my answer stays the same. I’m his boss, it would be wrong on so many levels.” Rebecca said, and Keeley piped up with a comment of her own.
“You were Sam’s boss as well and that didn’t stop you.” She said, and Y/N snorted with laughter, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth as Rebecca stammered.
“Let’s move on to something else please, ladies. Y/N, how are things with Roy?” Rebecca asked, and Y/N smiled at her, preparing herself for the news she was about to share.
“Things are going really well actually. I’m, uh, I’m pregnant.” Y/N said, and Keeley simply smiled at her friend, already well aware of her situation.
Rebecca, on the other hand, was receiving this news for the first time and she was pleasantly shocked. “Shit Y/N, congratulations! That’s amazing news. Who else knows?” Rebecca asked, reaching over to give Y/N another short hug.
“Well, just you, Roy, Keeley and Ted. We’ve been trying to keep it a little on the down low. I think Roy doesn’t want any sappy stuff from the team so we’re leaving them ‘til last. He’s a big softie but he refuses to let the team know that.” Y/N said, pulling away from Rebecca’s hug with a chuckle.
“That sounds like the Roy we all know and love. How far along are you?” Rebecca asked, curiously looking over at Y/N.
“We’ve known for just shy of a month so probably a bit more than that. We’ve got our first appointment today, actually.” Y/N said, a smile deeply etched onto her face.
“That’s wonderful! You two are going to make such amazing parents, I can just feel it. Do you have a preference for the sex?” Rebecca asked, standing up to grab a glass of water, placing it in front of Y/N.
“I’ve always wanted a girl, but to be honest I don’t really care. As long as the baby’s healthy that’s enough for me.” Y/N said, taking a sip from the glass Rebecca gave her.
“Can you imagine Roy with a daughter? Heaven forbid anyone who dares so much as look at her wrong.” Keeley said, and the women all laughed loudly, the image coming into their mind vividly.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Regardless, he’s going to be an amazing father. He’s already freaking out if I try to do anything he’s deemed too physically demanding.” Y/N said, chuckling to herself as she put down the glass.
The sound of knocking caught their attention, and suddenly Y/N looked up to see Roy standing in the doorway.
“There you are. I figured I might find you here. You tell Rebecca yet?” Roy asked, walking over to Y/N and stopping down to kiss her head.
“She did, and you both have my utmost congratulations.” Rebecca said, Roy sending her a rare smile in response.
“Thanks Rebecca, it means a lot. You ready to go babe? I don’t want to be late.” Roy said, and Y/N nodded, standing up from her seat on the couch.
“We’ve gotta head to our appointment, but I love you guys so much.” Y/N said, hugging Keeley and Rebecca goodbye.
“Congrats again, I hope everything goes well.” Rebecca said, waving the couple off as they left her office.
“God she’s gonna be such a fit mum, I just know it.” Keeley said, her comment earning a snort of laughter from Rebecca.
“You’ve got a very good point there, Keeley.”
5: AFC Richmond
Training had gone well today, and Y/N could feel the energy as she walked out onto the pitch.
“Whistle!” Roy shouted, and thankfully everyone listened and fell silent. He looked over his shoulder and saw Y/N making her way over, giving her a wave.
The team saw Y/N and all waved at her, a bright smile on her face as she waved back. Once she was at Roy’s side, he took in a deep breath.
“You may all be wondering what Y/N is doing here.” Roy said, the team all nodding. Y/N always came to matches, but it was rare she came during training.
“Well, it’s because we’ve got some news.” Roy said, slipping his hand into Y/N’s. She squeezed it gently, clearing her throat.
“The Richmond family is getting another member.” Y/N said, and this comment prompted confused looks as the team muttered under their breath.
“We’re having a baby.” Roy said, and suddenly the muttering turned into full-blown hollering, the team going mad. Y/N laughed, looking at the sea of fully grown men jumping and cheering.
“Congratulations you two.” Beard said while the team was distracted, and Y/N smiled warmly at him.
“Thanks coach.” Roy said, squeezing Y/N’s hand. The team was still chattering madly amongst themselves, and Ted took the incentive to blow his own whistle to calm them down.
Roy gave him an appreciative nod and turned to address the team. “That’s all we wanted to tell you. You can all fuck off now.” He said, and though his words were sharp the team knew he meant well.
“Congratulations. You’ll be wonderful parents.” Sam said as he passed Y/N, giving her a brief hug.
“Thank you, Sam.” Y/N said, squeezing him gently before breaking away. He smiled widely at them as he walked back into the changeroom.
“Congrats bruv.” Isaac said, his simple response respected by Roy, who gave him a nod in return.
“Felicitaciones!” Danny exclaimed, his ever-present joy as strong as ever. Y/N chuckled, smiling back at him.
“Muchas gracias, Dani.” She said, waving gratefully at him as he left. Suddenly Jamie was standing in front of them, and Y/N glanced between him and Roy, hoping to God something bad didn’t happen.
“As much as I hate the thought of you two having sex, I guess you’ll be good parents. I had a really shit dad, and even though I find you a colossal pain in my ass, I can tell you’ll be a good dad.” Jamie said, looking Roy dead in the eyes. Y/N looked anxiously at Roy, waiting for him to respond.
Instead of Roy saying something aggressive like he usually would, he took in a deep breath and hugged Jamie. Y/N was shocked, making eye contact with Ted and widening her eyes as if to say ‘what the fuck is happening?’
Ted simply shrugged at her, a playful smile on his face. Y/N turned back around and saw that the two men had parted, no words having been exchanged yet. Jamie nodded, moving over to quickly peck Y/N’s cheek before walking off.
Y/N looked at Roy, still trying to process what she’d just seen. “I guess Jamie’s less of a massive prick than I thought.” Roy said, and Y/N couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
“I guess in a weird way Jamie’s been like our trial kid. Just think about!” Y/N said, and Roy immediately pulled a face.
“I don’t fucking want to think about Jamie being my trial kid.” Roy said, and as much as he pretended to detest the idea, Y/N had a surprisingly good point.
As they walked off the pitch towards Roy’s car, Y/N couldn’t help but be overwhelmed at all the love and support the Richmond family had given her over the course of her time with them.
That insane love and support became even stronger the day they welcomed their daughter, Y/N’s hospital room filled to the brim with as many members of her crazy Richmond family that were allowed in. As she looked around the room, she felt her heart swell at the sight.
Unfortunately, most of the team were banished from the room once Roy started crying as he held his daughter, telling them all to fuck off so he could have a private moment with her. Y/N laughed, looking over at her husband holding their daughter, muttering softly to her as he sniffled.
“She’s perfect, Roy.” Y/N said softly, watching as Roy’s teary eyes met her own.
“She gets that from her mother, I’m sure.”
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ptergwen · 3 years
Can you do one where mj is keep telling the reader to confess to Peter that she likes him but the reader is too shy and doesn’t want to but Peter overheard their whole conversation then they confess their feelings and fluff?
w/c: 1,037
warnings: like one swear
a/n: hi omg this took forever for literally no reason i’m sorryjfhwdjs i hope u still enjoy <3
“fuck… i like him so much, mj. i don’t think you understand,” you gush, too busy venting to notice her eye roll.
the pair of you are sharing a pizza at the cheapest restaurant you could find. during your meal, your conversation naturally drifted off to peter because he’s all you care to talk about as of late. you’ve been crushing on him for a minute, and mj is who you choose to confide in.
she wishes you’d spill your guts already for her sake and yours. mostly hers, though.
you finish chewing a piece of pizza crust. “i like him more and more every day. it’s kinda insane, even feeling this way about someone.” grunting, mj puts down her glass of lemonade. “especially peter.” she squints at you from across the table. “i refuse to believe the kid gets you this hot and bothered.”
“stop, he’s so…” a dreamy grin stretches across your lips. just the mention of peter livens your life. “he’s so funny, you know? with his stupid puns. those actually make me laugh.” mj is unimpressed, sipping her drink with a blank expression. “so, he’s got jokes. big deal. what do you really see in him, y/n?”
peter suddenly strolls into the pizzeria. coincidentally, he’s there to pick up an order of takeout for him and may.
his gaze instantly sets on you and mj, more so you if he’s being honest. he smiles as he watches you animatedly chat amongst yourselves. you’re waving your hands around while mj huffs and puffs.
it’s cute, really cute.
he’s considering stepping off the pickup line to go over to you two. then, he hears his name come up. he doesn’t mean to eavesdrop, but his enhanced hearing has other plans.
“peter just has this energy to him that i can’t get enough of,” you further elaborate. mj rips another pizza slice from the rack, needing the fuel to continue your chat. “like, he’s so warm and genuinely kind… it kinda rubs off on you. it’s really comforting.”
you’re anxiously tapping your fingers on the table top, now hyperconscious of your surroundings. it’s almost like you’re being watched.
mj hums. “right, but why are you telling me instead of peter?” she chomps on a particularly stringy piece of cheese, giving you a moment to ask yourself the same question.
why are you?
oh, that’s right. you’re absolutely terrified.
you aren’t too great at expressing yourself, so simply sharing this with mj is a challenge.
“because i don’t know how to tell him!” you whine, sliding down in the booth dramatically. mj kicks your leg under the table. “what’s the difference? at least he’s into all this mushy shit. i’m not.” you glare up at her. “yeah, but is he into me?”
peter gasps, earning looks from other customers on the line. his face burns bright red for a multitude of reasons.
you like him back? you like him back?
“ask him,” mj grumbles and takes another swig of lemonade. she’s reached her limit of peter discourse for the day. “are you insane? i could never!” you reject her suggestion. “when am i even supposed to-“ mj’s eyes widen, fixed on something behind you. “right now.”
confused, you frown. “what? like, over text? i dunno… you’ve had better ideas.”
mj shakes her head and points forward. you turn around to follow her gesture, your jaw immediately dropping.
surely enough, peter is making his way over to your table. he’s looking cuter than ever in his midtown hoodie with a blush coating his cheeks.
how the hell…
“peter? what’re you doing here?” you squeak, popping up in your seat. his lips press into a small smile. “hey, y/n. mj. just picking up dinner.” he glances between you and mj as he scratches at his gelled curls. “small world, right?” mj lets out a sigh. “a little too small for my liking. i’m gonna bounce.”
she raises her eyebrows at you, a clear signal that you choose to ignore.
“where are you going?” you speak, teeth gritted. already getting up from the table, mj mumbles her response. “bathroom. all that lemonade went straight through me.”
she makes a point to bump peter’s shoulder before she leaves, peter gulping.
the two of them share an unspoken agreement. peter needs to confess his feelings, and he better not screw up.
you mutter a few choice words under your breath when mj takes off. peter makes out some of them, chuckling lightly and sitting in her former seat. his heart is beating alarmingly quick. yours is somehow faster.
“so, uh…” peter licks his lips and rolls up his hoodie sleeves. “the food here any good?” you purse your own lips. “it’s alright. i wanted to go to delmar’s, but it was mj’s turn to pick.” peter’s grin widens. he’d been the one who introduced you to delmar’s bodega.
peter shrugs a shoulder. “well, i don’t blame you. you know what they say.” “best sandwiches in queens,” you two chime in unison, each giggling at the other. his cheeks flush once again. you bite back a smile, your knee accidentally brushing against his.
although you hastily back away and apologize, peter welcomes it. he moves in closer so both your knees are touching now.
“i was wondering, and only if you’re up for it of course… could i take you tomorrow?” peter asks, voice soft. he gives you his infamous puppy eyes. you meet them with shock in yours. “to delmar’s? like… like on a-“ “a date, yeah,” he clarifies and nods vigorously for emphasis.
his hand finds yours on the table, both your fingers lacing together and peter beaming at you.
“i like you, y/n. think it’s time i did something about it,” he finally admits. you nearly collapse on the spot as peter’s thumb runs along the back of your hand. “i like you, too. way more than you know,” you breathe out a quiet laugh. “it’s weird, i was just debating with mj whether i should tell you.”
oblivious to the fact that peter heard everything, you squeeze his hand tighter. the tips of his ears turn a deep shade of pink.
he’s got a lot to tell you.
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