#it's not as fluffy and domestic as i was gunning for!! i hope that's okay lmao
blood-mocha-latte · 10 months
paper, kneel, garrulous, bashful, impinge - a baberoe drabble
for an ask from @whollyjoly <3 || request an edit/drabble || sometimes, you just think of the church scene in the breaking point episode of band of brothers and think hm, baberoe
The choir stops singing after about two hours.
Gene listens closely the entire time, not so much to listen to the sound of the melody but for the words; for any trace of his Grandmére, his Mére, Renée. For the language of home.
They sing, and they sing, and then they stop; filing out of the church to rest in the ruins of their town, marred by war like a victim of smallpox is scars.
A young girl, the last one to file out of the large, wood-chipped doors of the candlelit church, turns to look over her shoulder at them, one last time. A blonde braid swings over her shoulder as she does. Gene accidentally catches her eye and nods to her. She nods back, face solemn, eyes dark. She can’t be more than twelve.
The echoing singing is replaced by the soft murmurs of exhausted men, and Gene slides down the wooden pew, over to where Lip sits, slouched over, blood still crusted in his hair and brow. 
“Sir.” He greets softly, and Lip jolts, only slightly. It makes Gene almost relax, slightly; the idea that the man who’s been with them for the longest and the bravest finally feels safe enough to let his guard down.
He looks up from a piece of paper, a stubby pencil held in one hand, and Gene nods, tangling his fingers together in front of them, a long-forged habit of warmth that isn’t exactly needed, anymore. Lip nods back.
“Doc.” He says. “How’s…” He somewhat trails off, eyes shifting to take in the men, lounging across pews, sleeping on each other's shoulders. He huffs, looks back down at the paper, and crumples it up before shoving it into his pocket. “Well, how’s everyone? How’re you?”
“Just fine.” Gene says, and doesn’t feel like elaborating. He nods to the pocket. “What’re you workin’ on?”
Lip blinks before humming, dropping the hand holding the pencil into his lap, staring down at it. “Nothin’ much.” He mutters, thoughtful. “Just… just a list. I made one for Captain Speirs, but.” He rolls the pencil across his palm. “I figured I’d make another.”
Gene watches his profile, wonders if he should bother patching up the cut that runs jagged across his temple and decides against it. It won’t need stitches, anyways, and he can always clean and bandage it in the four or five hours they have before they have to move out. 
He can do that, now. Procrastinate. Not much, but enough. Enough to be comforted by it.
“Try an’ get some rest, Sir.” Gene murmurs, and slides as quietly as he can out of the pew and down the polished, wooden steps. Lipton hums, and Gene knows that he didn’t really hear him.
He wanders rather aimlessly, after that, pacing the lengths of the pews only once before coming to a stop at the end opposite Lip. He leans against the short wall that supports the stairs. 
He should be exhausted, he doesn’t know why he isn’t. He’s just… warm, chest soft with a relief that’s tainted by apprehension. Sore and aching, but not caring. He never truly cared about that, anyways. Not when it’s him, that’s sore and aching.
“Heya, Doc.” Says a soft voice, and Gene knows who it is before he turns around to look. 
“Edward.” He says, and feels the side of his traitorous mouth quirk up when Heffron groans, overexaggerated but still exhausted.
“Awe, you’re killin’ me, Gene.” He says, and Gene huffs, quiet enough that Heffron can’t hear, and turns around, resting against the wall. Heffron rests against the pew, slouching backwards, knees spread. His grin is crooked, bright. “Patch me up, and then kill me anyways. That’s just cruel.”
Gene, against his better judgment, doesn’t tamp down the smile Heffron’s words invoke. He trods up the few steps to the pew Heffron rests at quietly. He doesn’t bother sitting at the pews, already crowded by men laying on them like beds, by men who need them more than he.
He kneels next to Heffron, instead, before leaning against the pew and crossing his legs under him. “Yeah, well.” He says softly, and doesn’t elaborate. He doesn’t know where to go, from there. What to say. Heffron hums, like he does.
“Ya know, back in Philly, my sister got all these fancy ass books. Ass-tin, or somethin’. Jane. ‘Ya know?” Gene hums. He leans his head back against the wood of the pew, lets the light of the candles comfort him. Heffron shifts, as if leaning closer to him as he continues. “Well, it was only… maybe a week, before I enlisted? And I was ramblin’ about… somethin’ stupid. I don’t remember what. But it was pissin’ my sister right the fuck off, see, ‘cause I kept talkin’ over her.”
Gene huffs, and resists the urge to close his eyes. He can imagine that. Can imagine Heffron with a sister, with a family. Talking a mile a minute, so fast and with accents so thick that Gene wouldn’t be able to tell what in the hell any of them are saying. Heffron shifts again, and Gene can hear his breathing, soft and steady, if a bit rapid.
“Anyways, you know what she called me? This one foot nothin’, eleven year old kid?” Heffron didn’t wait for Gene to respond. “She called me garrulous.” Heffron puts strain on the word, and laughs softly afterwards; that same laugh that Spina has. That Bill had, when he was here. It has to be a Philadelphian thing, Gene thinks. The soft, cackling laugh like your mouth is coming right off your face.
“Garrulous.” Gene says, trying the word out. He doesn’t know what it means, exactly, but it seems nice. Heffron chuckles again, and Gene doesn’t jump when the back of his hand brushes across the shell of his ear, fingers pressing lightly into the fabric of Gene’s jacket.
“That’s how you said my name.” He says, softly. More hesitant than anything he’s said before. Almost bashful. “The first time. That’s how you said it. All… all slow.” Gene blinks, and, finally, gives into the urge to close his eyes. He almost leans further into the hand, but stops at the last second.
“Slow?” He asks, and Babe hums, tapping light fingers against his shoulder. 
“Yeah.” He says, then pauses. “Like… like you’re tasting what you say. Really thinkin’ about it.”
I don’t think. Gene thinks. I just run. And move. And find. And—
“‘S one of my favorite things about you.” Babe says, voice so quiet it’s like he’s telling a terrible secret. Gene wants to curl against that voice, never wants to open his eyes again. 
They’re in a church, under the benevolent eyes of Him, and although that never stopped anything from happening before, Gene feels like it would, this time. The soft tapping, five points of near-holy connection between him and Heffron, Edward, Babe, seems to say something. 
Seems to say, it’s gonna be fine, eventually. Seems to say, the scars you dream of won’t haunt you’re waking moments, sometime soon. Seems to say, don’t let the bright stars and dark night be ruined by the sinful impingement of blood.
Gene likes to think that he can feel Babe’s rough fingertips gently against the bare column of his throat, across his temple before he drifts off; lightly but more restful than almost all of his time in France.
He’ll get up, soon. Probably in an hour or two. Keep a careful eye on the men. On Babe.
(Babe, Babe, Babe—)
For now, he lets himself rest on holy ground, with a near-holy man talking softly over the absent echoing of lost screams in his head.
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urtheoneiwant · 2 years
Don't Leave Me in the Dark: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Genre: Angst with a kind of fluffy ending, Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: After being called back to Top Gun, Rooster can't bring himself to tell his partner about his upcoming mission and its danger.
Warnings: Couples fighting, themes of abandonment, anxiety, miscommunication, crying, some fluff at the end, making up, kissing. Gender neutral (was written with fem!reader in mind, so please let me know if there is anything I missed that makes it non-gender neutral please). Let me know if I missed anything else!
Word Count: 2.0k
A/N: Second fic under the belt! Thank y'all for the support on my first fic, I hope you enjoy this one as well. I have some other fics that are in the first draft stage so more should be coming soon :)
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You loved Bradley Bradshaw with your whole heart. You fell for him the second you laid eyes on him in your English class your senior year of high school. You would do anything for him. To make him smile. To make him laugh. You were utterly in love with him.
All this to say that you were never so mad at someone, let alone your fiancé, then you are right now. 
This all started a few weeks ago when Bradley was called back to Top Gun for a mission. Not sure of how long his visit would be, you convinced him to let you stay there with him. Fortunately, you worked remotely and had nothing logistically holding you back from going. So he agreed, and off the two of you went. 
You had landed in a small home nestled in a local neighborhood. Despite its ‘cozy’ size (as you affectionately tried to defend it), you loved it. Bradley had to stay on base, so you didn’t spend as much time with him as you usually would. Regardless, when you did see him it was like nothing was different. He was still your Rooster and you were still his Y/N. 
A few days into your time on the North Island, you were sat out on the beach with Brad. You only had the chance to see him at night once his training let out, so the two of you laid on a blanket looking out at the night sky. 
“That’s Orion, see his belt? It’s the three stars that line up” he murmured in your ear while pointing out to the black beyond. 
Something about this made the pit that has been in your stomach for the past few weeks settle. You longed for a life of domesticity with the man you loved so much, but you knew that wasn’t in the cards for you right now. And you were okay with that, accepting Bradley’s dreams and being as supportive as you could. But just as soon as the nerves settled, in the following silence they seemed to bloom back up.
“Bradley?” you turned to look at his side profile, him still glancing up to the night sky.
“Yes, baby?”
“Tell me about the mission” you pleaded. Despite his training beginning, he had yet to tell you any information on what he was brought back to do. Whenever you asked, he would brush it off claiming he didn’t want to talk about work when he got to spend time with you. And understanding his concern, and also wanting to make the most of your short time together, you always let it slide. But not this time.
“Baby, you know I don’t want to talk about that right now. Let’s just sit with each other, let me take my mind off things?” he said, head turning to the side to meet your gaze. While he phrased it as a suggestion, you could tell he had authority in his voice. 
“But I can’t take my mind off of it. I’ve been sick to my stomach over the past few weeks. I’m worrying over something I don’t even know about, and that makes me worry more. Please, I just need to know something. Anything.” you said back, voice shaking as you confronted the feelings you were trying desperately to suppress. 
“Y/N, I don’t want to talk about it. Please drop it for right now, we can talk later” he replied. But that wasn’t good enough for you. You shifted to sit upright on your elbows, now looking down at the man lying next to you.
“No, we can talk now. I can’t even describe the stress I’ve been under every day, wondering if this is it. If this is the last month I have with you. If all my plans for us are going to come crashing down around me. If I’ll never get to walk down the aisle to you. If I’ll never get to see you grow old. I can’t go on just not knowing. It’s not fair Rooster.”
“Nothing about this is fair. I’m sorry,” he whispered to you before he began to stand up. “I have to get back to base.”
“So that’s it you’re just leaving?” He looked down at you, now standing at his full height. Slowly he turns, backing facing you. “Bradley Bradshaw, don’t you dare walk away from me.” You choke out, feeling hot tears slip down your face. 
You scramble to your feet, running after him as soon as you are upright. “Brad, please” you yell out. He slows down, and you finally are able to catch up with him. Not knowing what to do, or what your feelings towards him at the moment, you wrapped your arms around him practically hanging off his body as you cried into his shirt.
“Shit. Fuck, I’m sorry” he crumbles. “Look at me baby, I’m so sorry.” he pulls you back from his chest, looking deep into your eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you, baby. I don’t want you to be scared, and I thought we would be okay if we just ignored what was happening. I didn’t know you felt like that honey. You’re right, it’s not fair but the least I can do is tell you what is going on.” 
Rooster falls to his knees pressing himself into your thighs and hugging your legs. “It’s just with the Maverick situation, and all these feelings about my dad coming up, I can’t handle the thought of losing you.”
“You will never lose me. Never. No matter what the hell is going on. I just want to help you. I need to help you, but I can’t do that in the dark. With the fear of not knowing. I don’t need every detail, but I just need something.” You smooth his unruly hair back from his face and lift his chin up to look at you. You lean down, lips nearly touching as you murmur “I need to know if you’re going to come home to me.” 
Closing the gap between the two of you, Bradley placed a kiss on your lips. It was deep and passionate, but ever so gentle as if you would shatter if he moved too fast. He broke away only to lock gaze with you and promise “I’ll always come home to you.”
And despite that nagging feeling inside you that started this mess, and despite the uncertainty of the next part of your life, you knew that you would be okay. He would make sure of it. 
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elixirvitae · 3 years
Ok since you said you love fluff, do you have any general fluff headcanons for Alucard? Maybe stuff like hugs, how he spends free time with a partner, how he cheers them up if they’re sad, etc. 😌
I do love fluff, but my idea of fluff for alucard isn't as fluffy as some people like, so I hope you enjoy!
Alucard may be as confident as he is crass, but he’s still introverted. Domestic life is comfortable and quiet with little outbursts of spontaneity or particularly thoughtful actions.
With Alucard, it does well if you consider him quietly minding his own business in your company to be fluffy. It’s not sugary clouds soft, but the sweetest thing Alucard can do is happily share his space with you long term.
Sometimes you’ll be on your phone and he’ll be cleaning his gun and he’ll just stop for a minute and look at you. It’s not an intense stare, he just watches you breathe, counts the seconds in between blinks. It’s just him being hyper aware of the moment. (For a hint of angsty clarification, if you’ve ever been anticipating the loss of a loved one you probably know exactly what I’m talking about.)
The above moments are usually followed by him stopping what he’s doing and interrupting you with anything from the beginning of a conversation to a dump of physical affection.
Sometimes, even though it makes him feel like he got 4 hours of sleep, he’ll choose to sleep in the bed with you at night and wake up when you do so he can spend a whole day with you. He does this for dates, and sometimes just so he has more time with you for a bit. He’ll be sleepy but you can’t talk him out of doing this.
One of his favorite things to do when you’re reading a book or otherwise something on your phone that you’ve been focused on for a bit, is to ask you “What are you reading?”. Whether it’s a story, an article, or a wikipedia entry, he’ll follow up by asking you to read it out loud to him. He wants to hear your voice, and he’s genuinely interested in what has had your attention for so long.
Something else subjectively fluffy to Alucard is for him to show you things he has created. He doesn’t create things often for personal reasons, and it’s even more rare for him to share them with people. He’ll ask you your opinion and take it into careful consideration.
“It doesn’t bother me, I’m not human” “I don’t feel it anymore” “I’m not susceptible to the cold” “You should have felt the winters in Wallachia in the 15th century “ okay but the man likes to be warm. Sometimes he’ll just wrap himself around you but he’s being selfish. You’re his radiator.
When he goes to sleep, he just becomes dead weight because he’s effectively passed away. So if he falls asleep on you or with you wrapped up in his arms, you’re stuck there. He sleeps like the dead. Yes I think I’m funny.
If he has to walk past you for something, boom, kiss on the head. Wherever he’s going he stops, kisses you on the head, then continues on. I don’t make the rules, Alucard does.
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angelicmichael · 3 years
Okay so I have a ton of inspo to write for Stan after last nights episode and I have a lot of fic ideas and concepts I can’t get out of my brain so.. here they are lmfao. The first concept is fluffy and wholesome but the other ones are pretty dark and most involve death and blood.. fair warning hehe. ALSO if any writers see this; feel free to write something based off one of these if you’d like !! 🥺💖 I don’t mind :)
Idk why but I rlly wanna write something domestic and fluffy.. maybe some fluff with no plot djdjd. But maybe reader and Stan are friends, and are hiding in his cabin from the cannibals after a close call (maybe they decided to go hiking earlier and ran into them) and get a bit.. distracted afterwards 👁. Maybe the scare of the cannibals make them have a heart to heart and then.. they decide to stay the night in the cabin bc they don’t wanna leave bc their still scared. And maybe it’s also stormy outside or somethin hehe. and they just 👁 make out 👁 and cuddle 👁 and fall asleep together 👉🏻👈🏻. And their just both rlly grateful that they’re both alive 🥺 and together 🥺🥺
Maybe reader comes to surprise Stan bc they’ve been dating for a while but.. he’s been distant lately. Not picking up calls, and just acting rlly unlike himself. Reader doesn’t exactly know that theirs cannibals in the forest but she knows that theirs something, or that Stan believes that there’s something so she gets concerned and goes to see him. She goes straight into his cabin (maybe she has a spare key.. and it’s night so he shouldn’t be busy) and she sees his jacket, his hat, his gun.. reader grabs a flashlight and starts to look outside for him and finds a trail of blood.. reader immeadietly starts to panic but before she can probably react she sees something running in her direction full force.. but she doesn’t know it’s Stan until he literally is in her arms hugging her. Stan runs into her practically and reader realizes he’s bleeding when she sees blood on her shirt when they pull away.. He has a huge stomach wound and he’s going into shock. Reader is in complete disbelief that this is actually happening and that he could actually die, but Stan is still talking to her.. he urges her to leave and to not wait around for him and to not bother getting help. He tells her about the cannibals and reader doesn’t believe him but.. as she goes to leave to get help anyway she sees a shadow out of the corner of her eye and realizes that he probably wasn’t bullshitting. Reader goes to be with Stan and comforts him in his final moments 🥺
This is so random and not in depth/plot heavy at all but I’m just thinking about Stan confiding in reader about the cannibals.. and then she decides to playfully bite him. At first it’s a joke.. and their dating so it’s not really that weird but then she hears him moan and she completely stops.. purely laughing at the fact that he has a fucking biting kink and how ironic it is (ig this is just me saying that I think Stan has a biting kink LMAO)
Okay so I kinda hate the ending of the episode tbh so.. here’s a fix it fic idea hehe. Major spoiler warning but instead of Stan dying.. maybe he sort of is a ally to the cannibals?? Not necessarily becomes one but more so protects them and in return they protect him u know?? But to make this a fic.. maybe reader and Stan have been dating for a while and she doesn’t realize his ‘alliance’ until she goes to the forest w him.. She sees how the cannibals won’t touch him and she’s beyond fucking bewildered. However the cannibals want reader, but Stan is v protective 😌 and maybe he shoots a cannibal or two and ofc it ends in fluff.. Stan starts fussing over reader and her (little to nonexsisting) wounds and even threatens to quit his job for her but reader tells him to stop bc she’s okay 🥺 but maybe the fic ends w him quitting his job and them both leaving the national park <3
Y’all knew this was coming but a fic where Stan is a cannibal (but not full on feral tho) is necessary LOL. I’m kinda thinking about fairytale or little red hiding hood au for this one?? Maybe reader goes into the forest bc she knows that women have been going missing as of late and she’s curious 👁 and wants to investigate. She goes into the forest and finds Stan, who automatically seems sus bc of how out of it he seems.. his clothes are stained red in a couple places.. he barely makes eye contact and reader can’t help but to marvel at how sharp his teeth seem to be.. the more they talk the closer he gets.. to the point where it would almost be uncomfortable if he wasn’t so attractive and charming.. even with the scent of iron heavy on his breath, reader can’t help but to want to kiss him, to feel his mouth on hers but she also starts to feel like it’s not necessarily a choice. He seems like the primary suspect so reader feels if she wants to survive she’s going to have to seduce him… and not to mention if she truly wants to get info out of him about the missing women.
Okay so after seeing @stanvogel ’s post, I’m just thinking about Michael x Stan so.. here’s a Michael x Stan one 👉🏻👈🏻 hehe. It’s another normal day for Stan.. doing quick checks and patrols throughout the forest. Stan loved his job, he really did but this was the part he always dreaded the most. He gives the forest half a glance as he walks through - hoping that something wouldn’t happen to catch his eye or pop out at him. Hoping he could just go back to his cabin and have a easy shift but of course, he just had to see someone. Seeing people isolated in the forest wasn’t something that Stan was unaccustomed with, but the fact the individual he saw was currently drenched in blood and was still alive was something to marvel at. Stan quickly introduced himself and asked what the fuck he was doing.. after babbling some shit about satan and saying his name was ‘Michael’.. Stan had heard enough. He didn’t exactly want to take care of this lunatic but he wasn’t going to leave him out to be eaten and have his intestines ripped out either.. not on his shift if he could help it. Stan brought Michael back to his cabin, carefully cleaning up his wounds and trying not to stare at his crystal blue eyes for too long.. or his lips. Harshly reminding himself this was a guest, not someone he should even think about asking out but Michael surprisingly took the leap first. Asking if Stan was single and that’s all it took. Stan wasn’t sure if he agreed to start seeing him because he was genuinely interested or because he didn’t want him going back out to the forest and gaining the attention of the cannibals.. either way, Stan couldn’t really argue. He was simply happy that he could finally capture someone’s attention and keep it for once. Someone who would stay with him and make this job a little less lonely.. Antichrist or not.
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Okay so Aguni is sound asleep, just enjoying the few hours of peace he has, when there's a knock on the door. He ignores it, but the person just keeps knocking and knocking.
"Morizono, open the goddamn door!" he hears Takeru call, "This is an emergency!"
He groans to himself before standing up and opening the door.
"So, remember that weird chonky cat Niragi found?"
"Yeah... what about it?"
"It's not fat... and is not a cat."
Where Hatter and apparently every other idiot at the Beach mistake a domesticated pregnant genet for a fat exotic cat. And it just gave birth on Hatter's bed.
I have no idea in what direction this is supposed to go lol but hopefully something chaotic.
alright I had to look up what a genet is and DAMN they are CUTE AS HELL and I’m love them v much
Rating: PG-13 for dialogue and like one drug reference
Aguni Morizono is a simple man who enjoys simple pleasures.
He enjoys a healthy slathering of grape jelly on his toast. He enjoys watching the sunset reflect over the ocean. He enjoys watering his garden and reading the newspaper and taking naps on the sofa on Sunday afternoons after he’s finished his grocery shopping for the week.
What he does not particularly enjoy is being shaken awake by a borderline-frantic Takeru in the middle of the night.
Takeru insists that he has a good reason; that this is an emergency. Aguni reminds him that running out of marijuana does not qualify as an emergency, and pulls the blanket over his head in an attempt to shut the very exuberant man out.
But the aforementioned exuberant man refuses to be shut out, and he references the aforementioned emergency again—this time insisting that it is an actual real emergency and requires immediate attention. Aguni sincerely doubts this and tries his damnedest to fall back to sleep—a truly Herculean task, given Takeru’s incessant talking and the way he’s bouncing on the other side of the mattress like some kind of weird large puppy. Aguni is just about to enter the first misty moments of dozing off as Takeru says words like ‘Niragi’ and ‘cat’ and ‘bed’ and it’s all somewhat possible to ignore until he utters one word that makes Aguni sit straight up.
Now, ‘babies’ as a concept does not bother Aguni. He’s actually somewhat fond of them, the way they unabashedly stare at him on the train or in the park, eyes wide and fat little hands waving a clumsy ‘hello’ in his general direction. And if he waves back sometimes, well...that’s his business. (It’s only polite, after all.)
No, the issue here is that ‘babies’ and ‘the Borderlands’ sounds like a terrible, terrible mix. What’s worse is that said babies have, for some reason, been left in Takeru’s care. And, judging from Takeru’s presence in his room, the babies have been left alone.
It takes no time at all for Aguni to throw on a pair of pants and slip into his boots. It takes even less time for him to grab Takeru by the collar of his robe and physically drag him down the hall, the other man switching between heartfelt thank-you’s and desperate pleas for Aguni to be gentle when handling the raw silk of his ensemble.
Now, to those of us on the outside of Aguni’s brain, it may seem like he hasn’t thought this through; that he has tunnel-vision’d his way through the last two paragraphs without a logical thought as to how and why ‘babies’ may be present. That is simply not true. Aguni has considered that ‘babies’ could actually mean a number of things aside from ‘human infants’ and has thus compiled a short list of the three most likely candidates:
The spider plant he had placed on Takeru’s windowsill has propagated—or, as some would call it, ‘had babies.’ This is Aguni’s favorite option of the bunch. It is also the least likely.
Something about the cards. Although Aguni has never Takeru refer to them as ‘his babies,’ it is no secret that he is very protective of his prized collection. Seeing as this may or may not affect the entire Beach, it’s important for him to be aware of the situation.
Takeru is high as a goddamn kite and hallucinating. This is, unfortunately, the most likely scenario.
It is also important to mention that Aguni has taken a good look at his life and his choices throughout this ordeal, particularly when Takeru commented on the state of his biceps and made an off-color insinuation about the right one looking slightly more defined than the left—and then asked if he would like to discuss his love life, with an exaggerated raise of his eyebrows. Aguni chose not to comment. He also chose to push Takeru into the doorframe on the way into his suite, and took a smidge of pleasure when his head collided with the wood with a satisfying clunk-ing sound.
“Look,” Takeru says proudly, pointing a finger at the bed, “babies!”
Nestled in what a bulging nest of fluffy white blankets are...things. Fuzzy things. One big fuzzy thing, with sleepy eyes and what looks to be a long spotted tail wrapped around one, two, three tiny fuzzy things. When Aguni leans in to get a closer look, the big one quirks a corn-chip-shaped ear and gives him a wary glare.
“What,” Aguni asks, “in the goddamn—“
But before Aguni is able to finish his sentence, Takeru is giving him a stinging slap on the arm.
“Aguni Morizono,” he hisses, hands balled into fists and perched on his hips like a mother hen, “I will not have my children exposed to that kind of language.”
There are plenty of things wrong with what Takeru just said, but Aguni is having trouble getting past the idea that these...creatures have somehow been claimed by his very silly friend.
“Think about it,” Takeru continues, swanning his way past a very confused (and tired) Aguni to sit on the edge of the bed just behind the brood of fluffy individuals, “This lovely lady could have given birth on anyone’s bed...but she chose mine.  Why do you think that is?”
“Because you leave the sheets all balled up in the middle and it’s the perfect place for an animal to make a nest?”
“Wrong, but I like how confident you sounded when you said it!”
With his hands pressed together and held in front of his lips, Takeru looks almost prayerful as he very seriously explains his theory.
“A woman alone-- heavily pregnant, scared, and lost in these cold and cruel Borderlands.  Her thoughts shift to her young.  Who will keep them safe?  Who will help take care of them?  That’s when her instincts took over,” Takeru opens his arms, the silken cuffs of his robe pooling around his elbows, “and, using her superior sense of smell, followed her nose to the den of the nearest alpha male for protection.”
Aguni wishes he could say that this is the dumbest thing he’s ever heard. He also wishes he had a cup of coffee (with a healthy glug of Bailey’s in there for good measure) before this whole event took place.
Takeru has since busied himself with the tiny new mother and her young, watching with gentle fascination as the newborns snuffle and snooze against her with unopened eyes and clumsy paws. When he reaches out a ring-bedecked hand to stroke along the bigger one’s head, she gives him a small growl and a pointed glare—to which he laughs and withdraws his touch, saying something cheeky about “the last time she let a man get too close” and quickly following it up with a promise to talk about it “after the kids are asleep.”
Takeru has just held up his hand for a high-five (which Aguni has decided to not reciprocate) when they hear a crash and then a bang and then the thundering thumpthumpthump of angry booted footsteps rapidly approaching their position in the bedroom. For some reason—a reason he’s not very keen to dwell upon at the current moment—Aguni instantly snaps into defense mode, hands curling into fists and shoulders squaring themselves in anticipation of a coming attack.
Niragi bursts into the room like a firework, all noise and flash and fire in his eyes. His knuckles strain around the dark of his rifle, ready to shoot at a moment’s notice. Of course, Aguni knows (hopes) he won’t actually resort to filling Takeru full of bullets, but he keeps a close eye on his trigger finger, anyways.
“Ah! There’s my co-parent,” Hatter says with a measure of glee, gesturing with a flourish of his hand towards the cute, hairy pile on his bed, “As you can see, our lovely Terminator is doing very well and—“
“Our? She’s not fucking ours, she’s fucking mine,” Niragi snaps, “and I’m gonna fucking kill you for stealing my cat.”
“Not a cat,” a calm voice says, and Aguni turns to see Last Boss lurking in the doorway, katana sheathed and arms crossed, “She’s a common genet, native to the savanna’s of Africa.”
“Ooh, does that mean the babies have dual citizenship? No, wait,” Hatter claps his hands together with glee, “triple citizenship? Africa, Japan, and the Borderlands?!”
“Africa’s not a country, it’s a continent, dumbass,” Niragi retorts, “and I think we have bigger problems than what’s going to be on their fucking passports.”
It’s probably not the best thing in the world for Aguni to let Takeru and Niragi descend into heated bickering—a back-and-forth of ‘you stole her’ versus ‘no, she chose me’—but Aguni is simply not interested in breaking up their squabbling. Instead he goes to stand by Last Boss, who’s watching the two long-haired men argue like it’s a mildly interesting tennis match.
“So,” Aguni says, “you, uh, seem to know a lot about those things.”
“I did my research when Niragi first brought her back,” Last Boss says calmly, “He’s good with her, but I wanted to make sure we were taking care of her correctly.”
“Did you know she was pregnant?”
“I had my suspicions. Niragi wouldn’t listen, though. Kept telling me she was just fat.”
“Yeah, I thought she was ‘just fat,’” Niragi interjects, his gun no longer pointed at Takeru but a murderous gleam still in his eye, “because this fucking asshole kept feeding her potato chips!”
“Because she loves them,” Takeru shouts back, throwing his arms up in the air, “So shoot me for being a nice guy and sharing my snacks with your weird cat!”
“Don’t,” both Last Boss and Aguni say in unison—which is very uncomfortable for the both of them, but at least it has the desired effect of keeping Niragi from blasting a few dozen holes through Takeru’s person.
With the two of them quickly getting back into their heated back-and-forth, Aguni turns his attention to the creatures on the bed. Somehow, despite all of the noise and excitement, the mother and her babies have curled up and fallen asleep, the rhythmic rise and fall of their bellies a stark contrast to the chaos unfolding around them. Aguni feels jealous, but also, feels bad about feeling jealous because this...Terminator thing has undoubtedly had a rough night, too.
“Luckily,” Last Boss says, “genets are pretty independent creatures. She’ll be fine to take care of the kits on her own, provided that she has access to food and water.”
“So we should just...leave her alone?”
Last Boss shrugs.
“More or less.”
Aguni sighs internally. He sighs externally, too, but the internal sigh is the one that really sums up his thoughts on the whole situation. Just getting one of those hot-headed men to leave those poor animals alone is challenging enough, but both of them? That’s bordering on ‘damn near impossible.’
But, for the sake of those weird fuzzy babies, he has to try.
Takeru jumps when he feels Aguni’s hand on his elbow. He also manages to shut up for a moment, which is a nice bonus. Last Boss has also sprung into action and seems to be talking to Niragi in hushed tones, a hesitant but friendly hand on his shoulder.
“C’mon,” Aguni says, gentle-firm as he guides Takeru into a standing position—much to the other man’s confusion.
“Mori, what—?”
“You’ve had a big night. I’ve had a big night. But do you know whose had the biggest night of us all?” Aguni gestures to the snoozing creatures in front of them, “Terminator. She’s exhausted, and the last thing she needs is the four of us keeping her up. You can stay with me tonight, and we’ll figure the rest out tomorrow.”
“But,” Takeru protests—an iota quieter, now that he’s realized that the pipe on the bed is now a sleeping pile, “we can’t just leave them alone, can we?”
“You’re right. Which is why,” Aguni says, “Last Boss is going to stay with her and keep an eye on things. If he’s okay with that, of course?”
Last Boss offers a solemn nod. Aguni makes a mental note to thank him for this later—maybe he’ll let him pick the music on their next supply run (provided it’s from Aguni’s list of pre-approved artists, of course...)
“You know what? Fucking fine,” Niragi spits, flicking his hair back with a quick jerk of his hand, “it’s too goddamn late to deal with you fucking losers, anyways. I’ll come back to collect my cat and her kittens in the morning.”
Aguni does not risk correcting Niragi on his incorrect terminology regarding his pets—frankly, he’s a little too busy being amazed at how suspiciously easy it was to get him to leave. With a sharp pivot, Niragi is exiting the room in what could be called a ‘brisk saunter,’ no doubt wanting to put as much distance between himself and whatever-the-hell just happened in this room as possible.
Aguni, for once, can relate to Niragi quite well.
With Last Boss keeping vigil over the new little family, Aguni is able to wrangle Takeru away from his room with minimal fuss. It’s probably because the man is very tired—despite multiple claims that he ‘isn’t sleepy yet’ and ‘can stay up for hours.’ This theory is proven when, within a grand total of seven seconds of Takeru flopping face-first onto the middle of Aguni’s bed, he’s managed to slip into what only can be described as a ‘light coma.’
Aguni manages to wrestle a stray pillow away from his sleeping friend’s grasp (he’s a notoriously cuddly sleeper, which has led to some...interesting situations over the course of their friendship) and settles his weary self onto the couch. It’s not quite long enough to accommodate his height, but it’s good enough for what will most likely end up being an extended nap before the sun comes up and he needs to solve whatever other issues have popped up at the Beach overnight.
...But, at least those problems won’t involve babies.
Also here is a common genet and DAMN SIS U CUTE AS HELL
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arya-skywalker · 3 years
Flying Free (Sanders Sides Fanfic)
Summary: Virgil is abducted by aliens and tossed into a cell with four alien children— who (after getting over their fear of the deathworlder) imprint on him as a parental figure. For better or worse, he’s stuck with them.
Notes: Fic in exchange for art by the amazing @alicat54c ! Inspired by a brainstorm with alicat and @droidofmay
There are some things I definitely would have expanded on if I had the time. Perhaps I’ll write a sequel at some point. But overall I’m happy with how it came out!
TW: imprisonment, kidnapping, brief mention of gross food, violence
AO3 Link
Virgil hissed and thrashed as he was shoved down the hall, struggling blindly against his captors. Abducted by aliens. Again. That couldn’t be good.
“Stop fight! Stop fight!” The alien guards snapped in broken Galactic Basic. At least, that’s all Virgil understood between gargles and growls. “New home!”
New home.... Virgil stopped fighting to process. New home.... new cell? New owner?
The guards practically threw him into the cell. “Eat feathered one. Not others. Clear?” One said, removing the bag over Virgil’s head and quickly jumping out of biting range.
Virgil blinked, recoiling from the sudden bright light. He nodded once, since that was easier than arguing that he didn’t want to eat anyone.
The guards left the cell and locked the door. His cuffs beeped, disabling the magnet-electric-whatever connecting them to allow him to move.
Suddenly a bright blue puffball launched itself at Virgil and clung to his shirt.
Virgil reared back, about to throw it back across the room— but it was alive. It was chittering and purring and nuzzling him. Then it looked up at him with the biggest eyes Virgil had ever seen. “Holy shit it’s a baby,” Virgil breathed, carefully reaching up to stroke the baby’s fluffy feathers. He said in careful basic, “I will not hurt you.”
He looked up at the other alien prisoners— the closest one being a dark blue lizard-like creature, about 3 feet tall, with humanoid hands; in the corner were two smaller finned creatures, which started pulsing with painfully-bright lights as soon as he looked in their direction. Virgil covered his eyes with a hiss. “Stop light! Stop with the lights! Lights off!”
The aliens said something in another language, and a moment later the lights stopped. Virgil grimaced and moved to sit on the floor, back to a wall, carefully cradling the blue puffball.
The lizard moved closer. “You speak basic?” It asked.
Virgil shrugged. “A little. Enough,” he said. He’d never formally learned the language, but after a few years being tossed around the universe he picked up a decent amount.
“I am Logan. That is Patton. There, Roman and Remus,” the lizard said, pointing to himself, then the blue puffball, then the red finned one, then the green finned one.
“Virgil,” he said, pointing to himself.
Logan nodded slowly. “You will not hurt us?”
“No. No hurt,” Virgil said quickly. “I do not want to fight.”
Logan nodded. “That is greatly appreciated, thank you.”
Logan watched the deathworlder sleep, Patton still peacefully cradled in his arms. “I do not think he means us any harm,” he whispered to the twins in the language of their homeworld.
“He’s a deathworlder!” Roman hissed, bright red swirls pulsing on his skin. “Monster!”
“Patton is attached to him. Physically and emotionally. He provides warmth,” Logan said. “If he were truly a monster, he would not be so gentle.”
“I’m gonna poke him,” Remus said after a moment, edging closer. “He looks poke-able.”
“Are you insane?” Roman tackled him. “He’ll kill you! He’ll kill all of us and eat us!”
The twins wrestled each other, pulsing and keening and hissing. Logan sighed.
The deathworlder stirred and groaned.
“Roman, Remus, please desist. I believe you are upsetting the deathworlder’s sleep cycles,” Logan said.
Roman suddenly let go and hopped away, pulsing in panic.
Remus took the opportunity to run at the deathworlder and poke his face.
The deathworlder jerked awake and recoiled with what seemed to be a swear-word in his native tongue. “What?” he snarled in basic.
Remus slithered back to the corner, laughing.
“Remus wanted to poke you. He is rather impulsive. Our apologies for disrupting your sleep,” Logan replied.
The deathworlder blinked. “It was a...” He floundered for a moment, searching for the word. “... joke? Not attack?”
“Not attack. I assure you he meant no harm.”
The deathworlder made a strange gesture with his hand that somehow seemed obscene, but not violent.
Remus laughed again.
Some time later, the door opened. Guards slid bowls of grey slop towards the aliens. One looked at Virgil and pointed to Patton. “Why not eat?”
Virgil bared his teeth, holding Patton protectively. “This is baby. I do not eat children.”
The guard stared at him. “Easy prey. Eat!”
“No. Will not eat.” Virgil glared back. “If you touch him, I eat you.” He wouldn’t, of course. Eating sentient beings in general was not something he wanted to do.
The guards argued amongst each other in growls, then left without further issue.
Virgil sagged against the wall and looked back at Patton, stroking his fluff gently. “You okay, little guy?”
Patton chirped and nuzzled him.
Logan cleared his throat. “We can share. I do not eat much,” he offered.
Virgil glanced at the slop and shook his head. “No need, thanks.”
“You need to keep up your strength. Patton will die if you die.”
“Great...” Virgil sighed, glanced at the little puffball, then moved to sit next to Logan. “You eat something too.”
“This is agreeable.”
The slop was disgusting. But at least it was something. And it didn’t seem to be drugged.
Roman was.... singing. At least, that’s what it seemed like. Like whale singing mixed with bird calls. Soft colors swirled across his fins, calming, hypnotic...
Virgil shook his head to clear it, looking away before he could get pulled in. But it still sounded nice.
Once the song faded, Virgil applauded lightly, making sure not to be too loud. “Logan, please tell Roman that was beautiful,” he said, smiling encouragingly.
Logan translated, and Roman trilled in response, flapping his fins.
The cell door opened, and a human kid was shoved inside, crying. The door was quickly locked again. Virgil cursed under his breath, then crouched down next to the kid. “Hey, hey, it’s alright,” he said, alternating between English and Basic in hopes of getting the message across.
“Want Jan!” The kid sobbed.
English. Okay, he could work with this. Hopefully. “Jan’s not here right now, but no one in this cell is gonna hurt you, promise,” Virgil said gently.
The kid threw himself into Virgil’s arms, hugging tightly. Patton squeaked in protest and squirmed to Virgil’s head, clinging to his hair. Virgil sighed and hugged the kid, trying not to be too awkward. Once the sobs subsided, Virgil cleared his throat and asked, “What’s your name, kid? I’m Virgil.”
“Thomas,” he said, face still smooshed against Virgil’s chest.
“Okay, Thomas. I’m gonna keep you safe, alright?”
Thomas nodded and sniffled. “Jan will come.”
“Sure, whatever you say, kid,” Virgil muttered, doubting this Jan was even alive. “You wanna meet the others?”
Thomas smiled shyly and nodded, pulling away just enough to sit on the floor.
“Alright. This is Patton....” Virgil pointed the puffball on his head.
Thomas gasped. “He’s so cute! Can I pet him?”
Virgil hesitated. “He’s a baby. You’ll be careful?”
Thomas nodded. “Promise!”
“Okay.... Go ahead, then. Gently.”
Thomas giggled and stood, reaching up to pet the puffball and squealing in delight. Patton chirped in response.
Virgil waited for Thomas to stop, then pointed to the lizard. “That’s Logan. He can speak basic too.” He pointed to the twins. “Roman and Remus. They can’t really talk, at least not from what I can see, but they change colors sometimes, and sing.”
Thomas waved shyly. “Hi,” he said.
Virgil briefly switched to basic, addressing Logan, “This is Thomas. He is... young one. Little. Harmless.”
Logan nodded, then said something to the twins in their language, who trilled and flapped their fins in greeting. A far warmer welcome than Virgil had received, but that was fine.
Virgil suddenly awoke to alarms blaring. He lurched to his feet, careful not to drop Patton. “What’s going on?”
Logan didn’t respond, frozen in fear. The twins were flashing in panic.
“Release all humans to me or I will kill every single non-human on this blasted ship!” The message repeated in English, Galactic Basic, and a handful of other languages Virgil didn’t recognize. Gunshots and screams punctuated each iteration.
“It’s Jan! He’s coming!” Thomas cheered in English, waddling to the locked door. “Jan! I’m in here! Help!”
“Woah, hey, be careful! How do you know it’s your friend?” Virgil grabbed the back of Thomas’s shirt, pulling him away from the door. “It could be a terrorist or he could just sell us again or—“
“I know Jan’s voice. He’s coming to save us,” Thomas said stubbornly.
Virgil groaned. Great. Thomas’s best friend was a terrorist. That’s just what they needed.
The screams grew closer and suddenly the door was blasted open. A human stood in the opening, guns still smoking and belt bedecked with more weapons then Virgil could count. His face was tattooed with scales. “Thomas! There you are, come with me,” he said in English.
Thomas squirmed free and ran over to the other human, giggling and hugging his legs. “Jan! I made friends!”
Virgil moved to stand in front of the other kids. “Don’t hurt them. They’re innocent,” he said.
“Oh please, don’t tell me you’re domesticated.” Jan rolled his eyes.
Virgil clenched his jaw. “I’m not, but the little ones here imprinted on me. They are convinced I am their parental figure, and I’d hate to let them down.”
“Jan! We gotta take them with us! Please please please?” Thomas begged.
Jan looked down at him and sighed. “Really? All of them?”
“Yes all of them! They’re my friends!”
“Sweetie you’ve only been gone for a week. You don’t know them.”
“Yes I do! They’re kids like me and they’re my friends!”
Jan shook his head. “We can’t trust them.”
“I do!”
An alien guard moved towards them. “Hey, behind you!” Virgil snapped.
Jan shot without even looking, effortlessly killing the alien. “Thanks, but I totally knew it was there.”
Thomas pouted up at him. “I’m not leaving without them!”
Jan rolled his eyes. “Oh fine, we don’t have time to argue. Go on, tell your babies we’re leaving.”
Virgil blushed slightly and glanced back at the other kids. “Uh... we’re going. This human is helping us. Friend,” he said in basic.
Logan frowned. “You are certain we can trust him?”
“Thomas trusts him. That’s gonna have to be good enough,” Virgil replied.
Logan hesitated for a moment, looking at Jan suspiciously, then turned to the twins and said something in another language. They flashed and pulsed.
“What are they doing? Stop them!” Jan hissed in basic.
Virgil winced. “Tell them they’re hurting us, please,” he added. “Tell them this human is a friend.”
Logan said something else and eventually the twins seemed to relax.
Jan glared at the twins. “They better not do that again.”
“They will try not to,” Logan said. “It is a stress response. This is stressful.”
“Give me a gun, or a knife, or something,” Virgil said to Jan. “Let me help.”
“He’s good,” Thomas whispered, still clinging to Jan’s legs.
Jan snarled and shoved a blaster at Virgil. “Take it! We don’t have all day, so move it!”
Virgil awkwardly accepted the blaster, then glanced down at Thomas. “Hey, do you wanna carry Patton? Keep him safe for me until we get off this ship?” he asked in English.
Thomas’s eyes widened and he eagerly nodded, holding out his hands. Virgil smiled wanly and carefully extracted Patton, handing him over gently. Luckily they seemed to get along.
Then they were off. Janus in the lead, Thomas right behind him, Logan carrying the twins and waddling after, Virgil taking up the rear to guard against any aliens trying to follow. The rest was a blur. Running. Shooting. Yelling.
Suddenly they stopped at the launch bay and Jan ushered them onto another ship. An old modified cruiser of some sort— with added gun turrets.
Virgil leaped inside as the ship was taking off, somehow managing to land on his feet. “Everyone safe? No one hurt?” he asked in basic, looking at the kids already huddled in the corner.
“We are unharmed,” Logan said, putting down the twins.
“Here! I kept him warm!” Thomas said in English, holding Patton up.
Virgil smiled wanly and took Patton back, holding the blue puffball close. “Thanks, kid. You did well,” he said.
Thomas beamed and skipped over to a seat, strapping in.
“Is that everyone? Hooo boy, we’ve got a whole freak show back here!” A stranger stood in the doorway to the cockpit, holding a cup of what smelled like coffee.
“Yes, it’s everyone! Get us out of here!” Jan snapped, taking a seat next to Thomas. “We’ll explain on the way.”
“Bossy, bossy!” The man clicked his tongue. “Hold onto your butts, this might get bumpy.” Without waiting for a response, he vanished back into the cockpit. A second later the ship lurched into motion.
“Hold onto something!” Virgil warned in basic, which Logan quickly translated for the twins. They did their best to secure themselves, but the seats clearly weren’t fashioned for aliens. Virgil sat next to them, hoping he’d be able to catch them if something went wrong.
The much larger smugglers’ ship exploded behind them.
Free. They were free.
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cali-holland · 4 years
Our Place- Harrison Osterfield One Shot
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield X Reader
Requested by Anonymous: Okay so we got Tom Holland x reader domestic moments. But can we possibly get Harrison Osterfield domestic moments...?????👉👈
Prompt: You and Harrison buy a house together, much to the other boys’ dismay.
Word Count: 5700
Warnings: some sexual jokes/themes, swearing, Harrison lowkey being a bad driver, this is as fluffy as cotton candy
Masterlist   Harrison Osterfield Masterlist
*Pic is not mine*
“I can’t believe you’re actually leaving us.” Tom huffed as he picked up one end of the bed frame.
“We won’t even be that far away.” Harrison laughed, holding up the other end and helping him move it out of the room. 
“Sorry, Tom, I’m stealing him.” You smiled innocently as you watched Harrison slowly walk the frame backwards down the staircase.
“I don’t get it. You stay here almost every night.” Tom pointed out to you.
“It was my idea.” Your boyfriend piped up as you opened the door for them.
“Yeah, so don’t blame me.” You added. Harrison blew you a kiss while he passed you, walking the bed frame outside with Tom. You shut the front door behind them and returned to Harrison’s room- well, technically his former room.
You and Harrison had been together for three years, and every moment you spent with him was incredible, he was incredible. For the past several months, you spent a lot of your time at his place. Part of it was that the other boys were far more enjoyable to be around than your actual roommates. So when he realized your apartment lease was expiring soon, he asked you to move in with him. Of course, you said yes, but then he started looking at apartments and even houses, somewhere for you two to call home, the perfect Osterfield-Y/L/N residence. You went out a couple of times to look at some open houses together, but nothing seemed right. Just a week before your lease ended (so last week), Harrison found the perfect house for the two of you and you both managed to sign the lease. Today was the big moving day. You had brought all of the stuff from your apartment already to the new place (since your apartment was already furnished when you got it and couldn’t take a lot of the things), so now it was time to move all of Harrison’s stuff out.
“How’s the dresser coming?” Harry asked, stepping into Harrison’s room to grab the nightstand.
“He’s got so many clothes, it’s unbelievable.” You joked, even though a portion of the clothes in the dresser were yours, as you put the last drawer of his clothes into a box.
“Dresser, ready?” Sam came into the room next and Harry nodded.
“You two got it?” You asked, looking at them skeptically as they picked up the heavy, tall dresser.
“Yeah, definitely.” The curly haired twin reassured you. They barely made it out of the room before pausing.
“Right, so Tom and Haz got the dresser.” Sam said, stepping back into the room.
“I won’t say no to a good gun show.” You laughed.
“What? Were we not good enough?” Harry looked at you in faux offense while his twin jokingly flexed his guns.
“Grab the nightstands.” You instructed before picking up the box of clothes and making your way out of the room with the twins following you. You three met Tuwaine at the bottom of the stairs as he held a box of Harrison’s kitchenware labeled ‘fragile’.
“Look, we can all go together.” Tuwaine let out a laugh. You opened the front door and made your way outside, leading the other three boys on the sidewalk to your new house.
Oh yeah, that perfect house Harrison found? Well, it was literally three houses over, so it made the move easier. You did feel a little bad for the neighbors stuck in between, knowing that the boys would get up to some sort of chaos involving the neighborhood now and not just their house.
“Hey, stranger.” Harrison greeted you at the doorstep of your new home.
“You two get to bring over the dresser.” You informed him and he gave you a short but sweet kiss before he and Tom left for another round of moving furniture.
“How much more stuff does he have?” Sam let out a whine as he and Harry continued following you to the master bedroom, Tuwaine ducking out to the kitchen with his box.
“Well, there’s probably four or five boxes left from his room and then there’s the mattress, bookcase, desk, and TV that we need to get.” You explained, mentally going back to his bedroom. You smiled to yourself as you saw his bed frame (though it didn’t have the mattress there yet) pushed up against the wall, right underneath the window. You were really moving in with Harrison. This was real.
“Then we have to build stuff.” Harry added, putting down the nightstand beside the bed frame. “What time was Paddy supposed to come help?”
“He was supposed to come?” His twin asked with raised eyebrows, setting down the nightstand next to the bed. “I knew he was faking sick.”
“Well, he’s not here, so let’s just keep moving.” You laughed at them, both of them suddenly offended that their younger brother had dipped out on helping today. Honestly, you were just appreciative of the fact that they were all helping; it moved the process along a lot faster than if it was just you and Harrison. “Now, come on, we’ve still got more to bring over.”
A few more trips down and the six of you took a short lunch break in the boys’ kitchen (since you didn’t really have a table or food at your new place). After that, it was time for you all to start building and unpacking things.
“What kind of instructions are these?” Harrison questioned, looking between the paper and the disassembled entertainment center in front of him.
“We don’t need those. It’s just a matching game.” Tom insisted, picking up a couple pieces of wood and trying to see how they fit together. “I was a carpenter, I know how to do this.”
“I don’t think you do.” You shook your head at him as your boyfriend handed you the instructions.
“Y/N, do you want us to set up the table?” Harry asked and you nodded.
“If you don’t mind, that and the chairs. It’d be nice to have somewhere to sit.” You laughed.
“Got it.” He replied, heading to the other room with Tuwaine and Sam to step up the dining table.
“Okay, so I think this goes first.” You started to help Harrison and Tom with the entertainment center, understanding the confusing instructions (for the most part).
“I am Thor, the mighty God of thunder.” Tom did his best Chris Hemsworth impression, swinging the regular hammer in his hands. You and your boyfriend just looked at each other and sighed, maybe giving Tom a weapon was a bad idea. It was definitely a bad idea as he tried to hammer in a nail and hit Harrison’s thumb instead.
“Hey, don’t go for the thumb, dumbass!” He shouted.
“This is going to be a long day.” You laughed.
“Kiss it and make it better?” Harrison held out his red thumb to you. You rolled your eyes at him before planting a kiss to his finger.
By the end of the day, your house was coming together. The living room was set up with a tv, entertainment center, coffee table, couch, and armchair; the kitchen still needed some unpacking to be done, but at least the silverware, plates, bowls, and cups were put away; the dining room had a proper table in it, complete with a few chairs; the spare room, which you had both decided to just make it an office and use it for storage, had the desk in it and a few random boxes; and your bedroom had, well, the bed and a dresser, a couple nightstands, and a bookcase. There were no decorations up yet, but it definitely felt like home now and you couldn’t be happier.
“What time is it?” You groaned, trying to hide your face further in Harrison’s neck the next morning, hoping it’d drown out the bright sun rays streaming into the bedroom.
“Too early.” He whined, eyes still shut tight as his hand caressed your back lightly.
“We need blinds. Add that to the list.” Your voice was muffled by shoulder, but he let out a laugh and you knew he’d heard you. You lifted your head up to look at your boyfriend and he blinked his eyes open to see you, both of you still hazy from sleep.
“Well, at least we know our room gets sunlight.” He laughed and leaned in to give you a kiss. When he pulled away from the kiss, his sleepy blue eyes looking into yours, “What do you want for breakfast?”
“Muffins?” You suggested, thinking a poppyseed muffin sounded pretty good.
“I don’t think we have muffin tins.” He said, furrowing his eyebrows together. “Shit, wait, we don’t have any food here.” You both let out matching groans; yesterday, you’d been so caught up in just moving furniture and essentials in that you forgot about the biggest essential- food. Besides like a few snacks and some cooking things, like flour and spices, your kitchen was empty.
“So, we’re going out for breakfast.” You laughed.
“Better get cleaned up then because I’m hungry.” Harrison let out a loud sigh followed by a yawn as you two got out of bed.
“After breakfast, guess we’re going grocery shopping?” You offered with a laugh, grabbing your phone from the nightstand. You pulled up your notes tab, adding “blinds/curtains” to your list of things to buy. Furnishing a house was decently expensive, and it seemed like a good amount of things neither of you thought of until you needed them. 
“Or we could go to the store to get the blinds and whatever else we need, and then go grocery shopping last? So nothing perishes?” He suggested, grabbing a couple towels from the linen cabinet and putting them on the hooks near the shower.
“That’s true.” You nodded, making a mental note of that.
“We need bath rugs.” He stated as he turned on the shower, letting the water warm up. You added it to your list- neither of you had really brought much in the way of bathroom supplies. You felt Harrison wrap his arms around your waist and he started to kiss the sweet spot on your neck gently. You laughed lightly as you felt him begin to leave a hickey.
“Get off me, you leech. I just got rid of that giant one from last week.” You elbowed him a little, feeling him start to suck harder.
“Exactly why I’ve got to leave another one.” He replied, lifting his head off your neck to present you with his work. He smiled like a little kid showing off his painting.
“Time to test out the new shower?” You teased and he hummed in agreement.
“Gotta make sure we didn’t waste our money on this place.” He joked. You set your phone back down on the counter and followed him into the shower to “test” it out.
“How’s your muffin?” Harrison asked before eating his own muffin while stopped at a red light. Neither of you really wanted to stop and eat breakfast in public, so eating while he was driving to your first store of the day was completely safe, right?
“Delicious.” You smiled, holding it out for him to take a bite. As he did so, the light turned green and he started to go, lightly pushing away your hand while he chewed, crumbs tumbling everywhere. “This poor BMW’s getting so mistreated.”
“I’ll vacuum it out.” He replied through a mouthful of your muffin.
“Damn it, we need a vacuum.” You sighed, grabbing out your phone again to add that to the list.
“That was an amazing muffin.” He smiled once he had finished eating that bite.
“Let me try yours.” He held it out to you, not really looking at his hand nor his muffin as he tried to focus on driving- luckily it was just a straight line. You took a bite out of it before he ate some more himself. You did a quick chef’s kiss, he had a good muffin, too.
By the time you two got to the store, you’d both finished your breakfasts and walked hand-in-hand towards the entrance. Harrison started making a beeline to his favorite shoe store right next to it, but you tugged him back.
“We need home improvement stuff, not shoes.” You teased him.
“But they’ll improve our home.” He insisted with a small whine, even though he knew he didn’t need more shoes. That boy had more pairs of shoes than you did; the shoe rack you two had bought only fit his shoes (so he bought a second one for yours).
You made your way into the store, seeking out the items on your list. Harrison grabbed a cart and pushed it with one hand, his other still holding onto yours, while your free hand held your phone so you could view your list.
“We need a vacuum.” You pointed over to the aisle that had the cleaning supplies and the two of you made your way over there.
“Are we going for the cheapest vacuum? I don’t really know a good vacuum.” Harrison admitted, leaning on the cart as you both eyed the selection in front of you.
“We had this one at my old place. It worked well.” You said, pointing to a grey and purple vacuum.
“I honestly can’t tell you if the boys and I even owned a vacuum. I think we just borrowed from Tom’s mum.” He laughed sheepishly.
“You did because I’ve used it.” You shook your head at him, “So this one?”
“Yeah, easy enough.” He nodded, grabbing the box and setting it in the cart.
“And we need a lamp.” You said, nodding over to the lamps the next aisle over.
“For what?” He asked.
“The living room.” You replied and a look of recognition crossed his face.
“Right. The lighting’s shit in there.” He followed you over to the lamps.
After picking out a lamp that looked like it would go nice enough in your living room, you two went off to the kitchen section. You searched for a muffin tin while he looked for a paper towel holder one aisle over. You smiled happily when you found a pack of a few muffin tins (ya know, in case you feel like making several batches). As you made your way around the corner, you heard Harrison laughing down the other aisle; it almost sounded like he was uncomfortable. You made your way into the aisle and saw that there was another girl down there with him. You refrained from laughing as she was obviously trying to flirt with your poor boyfriend who just wanted to find a paper towel holder.
“Got the muffin tin. Did you get the holder, baby?” You announced your presence, putting the pack of tins in the cart and casually slipping your arm around his waist. Harrison knew exactly what you meant by calling him ‘baby’, the pet name reserved for when you’re jealous or trying to get something out of him.
“Yep, does this work, sweetheart?” He asked, picking up the holder that was in the cart. ‘Sweetheart’ was his pet name, turned codename, for when he was jealous or just trying to match your jealousy’. The other girl slowly left the aisle without another word and he laughed lightly, lowering his voice, “Baby? Were you jealous?”
“Nope. I had to establish my dominance and rescue you from that somehow.” You teased, wrapping your arms around his neck and smiling up at him.
“My hero.” He laughed, leaning down to kiss you. You two continued your journey to find more items from your list. Just as you both were passing by the decor section, something caught your eye.
“This is so cheesy, but really cute.” You pointed out, pulling him over to it. It was one of those large world map shaped cork boards that you could pin a picture to, showing all your different travels together. Considering you two had traveled to several different countries together, it’d be cute to have it.
“Wanna get it?” Harrison asked, picking it up off the shelf as you two inspected it some more.
“Do you think it’d go well in the living room?” You inquired, trying to picture where you could put it.
“Or our room.” He added, setting it in the cart. As you two looked through some more decorations, he said definitively, “Next year, I’m taking you to Paris.”
“I don’t even get a say in where we’ll go?” You teased, looking over at him as he held up an artsy framed photograph of the Eiffel Tower.
“Are you going to say no to Paris? Think of all the croissants we could eat.”
“They’d kick us out because you’d eat all of them.” You laughed, poking him in the stomach before looking at some more wall art.
“We should get a houseplant.” He suggested as he put the Paris picture back.
“I feel like we’d kill it.”
“We definitely would, but at least we can say we tried.”
Over an hour later, you two had basically everything needed for your new home together, including a houseplant that would probably be dead in a week. You’d bought enough stuff that his car was too full to fit any groceries, meaning you had to make a pitstop back home and unload everything- plus Harrison had stopped at his shoe store and bought another pair because “they were on sale!”.
“What playlist are you on?” You asked as you two got settled back in his car, ready to go out to the grocery store after having unloaded all the stuff from your previous trip. You were starting to grow bored of the random playlist he’d left his phone on, a.k.a. the music that was basically your radio for the car ride.
“I don’t know.” Harrison shrugged, taking out his phone and handing it over to you. You took his phone, replacing it with your hand, intertwining your fingers together. As he started to drive, he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand. You laughed as you saw his lock screen- it was a picture of the two of you from over two years ago when you both were bored, taking the ugliest selfies possible. You were cross eyed, sticking your tongue out while squeezing his cheeks together while he made a ridiculous duck face. It was a joke picture, meant for just the two of you, and even if you knew he hadn’t changed it in ages, it still meant a lot to you to see it.
“What are you laughing at?” He asked, looking over at you briefly with a smile.
“Your lock screen.” You answered, unlocking his phone and pulling up Spotify to change playlists.
“I need to change it.”
“Why? It’s cute.” You laughed at the outdated photo as you scrolled through the music selection.
“Because you don’t have me as your lock screen.” He said teasingly.
“Not true!” You protested, even though you both knew your lock screen wasn’t him. It was a photo of Monty, smiling at your camera. Technically, Harrison was in it; it was just his hand though. You didn’t purposefully cut him out of the picture, he was just there to keep his dog still. Besides, before that it was a picture of Harrison getting licked in the face by Monty and that was your lock screen for over a year. In your defense though, your current home screen was a picture of the two of you watching the sunset on a beach in Atlanta that Harry had taken. You were tucked into his lap, your head nestled back on his shoulder and he leaned his head against yours. Your faces were obscured since the photo was taken from behind, but you knew both of you were smiling in pure happiness.
“Let me see it then. The photo of Monty doesn’t count.” Damn, he knew your phone too well.
“You’re driving.” You said, moving your phone away from the center console before he could attempt at grabbing it. You found your favorite playlist, appropriately titled “Music That Makes Me Cringe But Y/N Likes Them- Don’t Play This One, I’m Begging You Sweetheart”, and looked through to find a good song to start it on.
“Don’t even-” Harrison started, knowing that look on your face, knowing you’d gone onto that playlist. You smirked, clicking on a song title, hearing the familiar 80’s techno tune begin. He let out a groan, but, as much as he pretended to hate the playlist, you knew he loved it.
“We’re not strangers to love, you know the rules and so do I, a full commitment that’s what I’m thinking of,” You sang along to the famous Rick Astley song.
“Yeah, a full commitment of living with you now.” He teased.
“C’mon, Haz,” You laughed as the song got to the chorus.
“Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you, never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you,” You both sang along to the cheesy song.
“Can’t believe you rickrolled me.” He shook his head in disbelief.
“You knew it was coming.” You picked up your intertwined hands and kissed the back of his hand.
“You’re not allowed to play that song at our wedding.”
“Oh, we’re getting married now? I don’t see a ring.” You jokingly inspected your left hand.
“I can change that if you want me to.” He laughed, but you knew he was still serious. You two had talked about marriage, but agreed to wait until you were a little older, a little more settled into your careers- that didn’t stop either of you from those jokes.
“You ready for the next song?” You smirked as you looked at the queue.
“If you play-” He started, looking over at you since he was now stopped at a red light.
“Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me, I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed,” You sang along passionately to the song as it started, and he playfully rolled his eyes at you.
“This is what I signed up to live with?” He laughed and you pouted.
“You’re acting like you haven’t put up with me for three years.” You teased. His eyes flickered back to the light, making sure it was still red before leaning over the console to kiss you. It was cut short by the car behind you honking, signaling to the two of you that the light was definitely green now. As Harrison continued to drive, you went back to your phone, trying to discreetly change your background to prove that it was him and not just Monty. Really, your lock screen was his fault because he was the one with the insanely cute dog. You had a lot of pictures of your boyfriend (naturally, he was so photogenic) so it was hard to find just one to use- another reason why it easier to just use an adorable photo of Monty.
You came across one specific picture that you loved from Halloween last year when you two dressed up as Brad and Angelina in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. You were in the elevator of some hotel in New York (you weren’t even sure why you were there) and you two were doing the back-to-back serious pose as he took the picture via the floor length mirror. You two were both half drunk so it didn’t come out as impressive as when Brad and Angelina did the pose, but it was still one of your favorites photos. Just as you were fitting it to your background, Harrison spoke up, “You’re changing it, aren’t you?”
“Eyes on the road, mister!” You exclaimed and he just laughed at you.
“Leave it as Monty, I know how much you love that picture of my hand.” He said, stopping at another red light.
“You have very nice hands, but I changed it anyway.” You turned your phone to show him your new lock screen and he nodded approvingly.
“Ah yes, drunk assassins.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “Can you play “My Girl”?”
“I’ll never say no to The Temptations.” You laughed, starting the classic song from his phone. You both danced along to the smooth beat of the song (you more so than him because he was driving still).
“I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day, when it’s cold outside, I’ve got the month of May, well I guess you’d say, what can make me feel this way?” You both sang the beginning of the song. Harrison leaned over closer to you, doing his best to balance between singing to you and being a good driver.
“My girl, my girl, my girl, talkin’ ‘bout my girl,” He nodded his head along to the beat, pressing a kiss to your hand.
“You cheeseball,” You teased while he kept singing the song. “This one’s our wedding song.”
“Of course it is. Were you questioning that?” He joked. You pulled out your phone, deciding to film him continuing to sing the song.
“I don’t need no money, fortune, or fame,” He sent a look over to the camera as you stifled a laugh, “I’ve got all the riches, baby, one man can claim. I guess you’d say, what can make me feel this way? My girl, my girl, my girl, talkin’ ‘bout my girl,” He blew a kiss at the camera and you stopped the video. You laughed as you saved it, posting it to your Instagram story with the caption: ‘Look at my cheeseball’.
He continued to drive while you checked out your Instagram feed. You laughed to yourself, seeing a fan account’s meme of him and Monty (yes, you followed a few fan accounts because the things they’d say sometimes were hilarious). You liked the post and sent it to Harrison’s Instagram; his phone dinged loudly, cutting off the music momentarily.
“Did you send me something?” He asked as you looked at his phone in your lap.
“I didn’t know you had notifications on.” You laughed, not expecting his phone to alert him, especially of an Instagram dm.
“I only have them on for you.” He admitted, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks. You smiled, reaching over and pinching his cheek lightly.
“Aw, I’ve got you so whipped.”
“What if I got a motorcycle?” Harrison asked, looking at the motorcyclist in front of him.
“I don’t know. I’d say you’re pretty hot without one, but if it’s an excuse to see you in a leather jacket then,” You trailed off, before adding, “Your mum would probably kill you for that though.”
“You’re not wrong.” He laughed in acknowledgment. She definitely would not appreciate it if he got a motorcycle, but you and Harrison both knew he’d never actually buy one. Even though he ate in his car a good amount of time, it was still his baby and he loved it too much to trade it in.
Just as he parked the car in front of the store, you got a text from your own mother, reminding you of your cousin’s baby shower tomorrow- a.k.a. giving you a day to find a gift. You were in perfect luck that there was literally a kids’ clothing store right beside the grocery store.
“I need to get something for my cousin’s baby shower.” You told Harrison before either of you could get out of the car.
“Do I need to go to that?” He asked, eyes wide. He had plans to go golfing tomorrow with Tom- or at least, he’d make those plans if he needed to.
“What? No, it’s kind of girls only.” You shook your head, “Can we go next door really fast before we get groceries? I just need to get a couple onesies or something.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” The two of you got out of the car and made your way over to the baby store in search of a quick gift. Your cousin was having a boy so you had a decently good idea of what to get. You easily found some simple baby shoes at the front, not putting much thought into it.
“Look at this one! It even has a cape.” Harrison grinned happily, holding up a black onesie that had yellow print on it saying ‘my daddy is Batman’ and showing you the little cape attached to it.
“Haz, we’ve been through this. Her husband’s a Superman fan.” You reminded him. The first time he’d met her husband, the two had a heated discussion about if Superman or Batman was better and you swore your 21 year old (at the time) boyfriend turned into a geeky 12 year old.
“Wel, I’m physically incapable of buying a Superman onesie. I’m getting this.” He insisted, and you looked at him with raised eyebrows. “For our kid.”
“I’d need to be pregnant for that to even be reasonable, and that’s not gonna be for a while.” You laughed at his ridiculousness.
“You’re right. My pullout game’s too strong for that.” He winked and you rolled your eyes at him, hoping none of the other customers in the store heard that. He still held onto the onesie, fully intending on buying it and holding onto it until you two had kids.
“How about this?” You asked, showing him a pack of onesies that had Justice League prints.
“It’s your cousin, you know that, right?” He chuckled with a nod.
“You’re seriously buying that one?” You looked down at the Batman onesie still clutched in his hands.
“Of course. I’m not saying I’m Batman, but you’ve never seen me and Batman in the same room together.” Harrison stated.
“If that helps you sleep at night.” You laughed, grabbing the Justice League onesies and going to the counter. Harrison happily added the Batman onesie to the small pile.
With the baby shower gift all sorted, you two went into the grocery store, shopping up and down the aisles for basically everything- milk, cereal, freezer food, fruits, vegetables, meat, bread. It wasn’t until the two of you were already in line to checkout that you realized you were missing the muffin mix- the most important thing for your mornings.
“I forgot the muffin mix.” You let out a small sigh, stepping back from the cart to go grab it, but Harrison stopped you.
“I got it. You stay here.” He reassured you, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before leaving off to get some mix. The next customer left and it was your turn to checkout so you loaded up your items onto the conveyor belt.
“This is the fullest cart I’ve seen all day. I’m impressed.” The cashier laughed as he started to scan the items.
“I’ve got a whole kitchen to stock.” You replied with a smile.
“Looks like you’ve got the essentials.” He nodded towards the wine and beer still resting on the belt.
“Of course.” You started to wonder when Harrison would come back with the muffin mix. You couldn’t tell if the cashier was trying to (pathetically) flirt with you or just being extra friendly, but you could’ve sworn he winked at you. 
“Three boxes of muffin mix, sweetheart.” Harrison said, rushing up to you and dropping them onto the conveyor belt. Obviously, he’d noticed that wink, and his own little hint of jealousy was kicking in.
“Thanks, baby.” You smiled at him and he not-so-discreetly wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your temple. Before you could pull out your wallet to pay, Harrison stopped you.
“I got it, sweetheart.” It took everything in you to not roll your eyes at his behavior, but you enjoyed it. Seeing your boyfriend get protective over you for something that wasn’t that big of a deal was oddly reassuring; you had him so whipped and he had you so whipped.
When the cashier had finished, Harrison paid and the two of you went on your way back out to his car. With the groceries loaded into the trunk, you both got into the car and he started to drive off, his hand slipping into yours on the center console. A Bon Jovi song played from his phone, the same cringey playlist turned on.
An hour later, you two had finally gotten home and packed away the groceries before you lied down on your new couch, completely exhausted from your busy weekend.
“God, no one said moving into a house was this much work.” You groaned and Harrison came to lie down beside you on the couch, his arms around your waist as your hands softly played in his hair that tickled the back of his neck.
“I’m so glad we did this though.” He told you with a genuine smile.
“I’m glad we did, too.” You leaned in and kissed him. You tugged lightly on his hair, and he deepened the kiss, his tongue finding its way to yours. He shifted so you were lying on your back and he kept one hand by your head to keep him up, the other hand slipping under your shirt. His lips trailed down to your collarbone, going to leave another hickey.
“I swear I moved in with a vampire.” You said almost breathlessly and he laughed lightly on your skin.
“What do you say we test out this couch?” He looked down at you with a cheeky grin.
“I’d ask what if someone walks in, but this is our place.”
“Mhm, our place.” He leaned back down to keep kissing you. Before the kiss could go much further, the front door opened and Tom, Harry, and Tuwaine walked in. Harrison didn’t even move from his place on top of you as he shot a glare towards his friends.
“What? We miss you.” Tom pouted as Harry held up a football as a peace offering.
“So much for our place.” You laughed, getting up off the couch with Harrison. You’d definitely need to take that spare key back from Tom.
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Hi!!! Can you write a blurb for Tom, just domestic things you’ll be doing together in quarantine with him and Co.? Thanks!
Hi! I had so much fun writing this and it got... long (ahaha typical me) but I hope you enjoy this 💞 (and shoutout to my bf bc annoying him and titty-grabbing is 100% what I do to him every morning lmao)
On a good day, you stir awake and most likely find Tom still asleep next to you. You have your arms on his waist and one leg thrown over his. He loves being the little spoon, and you actually prefer it too, just because your hair wouldn’t be stuck or in the way of his face.
You nudge his head softly with yours, and presses a kiss on the back of his neck. “Morning love,” you murmur into his soft, ratty t-shirt.
He shifts, but doesn’t say anything.
“Come on, sleepyhead. Sun’s out, guns out...” you smile, running your hand up and down his toned bicep.
He hums absently.
A playful smile blooms on your lips. “...tits out.” you grab his pecs and give it a cheeky little pinch.
He groans and swats your hand away, turning to face you. “Alright, alright. I’m up. Happy?”
“Happy?” you frown, and then point at yourself, “No, I’m Y/N.”
You get smacked in the face with a fluffy pillow, sending you laughing as you roll out of bed to your ensuite.
As you’re finishing up showering, you see Tom shuffling in towards the sink. He begins brushing his teeth, eyes still heavy from sleep. You step out of the shower and approach him, bumping your hips to his while you wrap your towel around you. He pokes your waist as you put some toothpaste on your toothbrush.
You look in the mirror and study the reflection before you: you, awake but dripping wet from the shower (and not the sexy kind, you would argue it’s the ratty kind), and your boyfriend, hair sticking out in all directions. It’s not the most romantic kind, but it’s warm and familiar. And you love it so, so much.
He finishes up first, and gives you a minty kiss on the shoulder. “Go on, get out. I gotta do a poo.”
You spit out your gargle. “Gross.”
“I love you, too,” he grins, ushering you out.
You love him so much still.
You go downstairs for breakfast and find Tuwaine coming in with a bowl of eggs from outside. It still hasn’t sunk in how you guys produce your own eggs at home.
He nods at you in greeting.
“Ooh, is that breakfast?”
“You know it. We’re all about that provincial life now, baby,” he beams, setting up to wash and cook them. “Scrambled?”
“That’d be nice. Thanks, man.”
You put some music and the kettle on. In that moment, Harrison saunters in and nods at you two in acknowledgement. He grabs a mug and fills it with coffee from the machine.
“‘Sup, divs.”
“So fuckin’ rude in the morning,” you shake your head at him.
The three of you sort of do your own thing; Tuwaine making eggs, you brewing some tea, and Harrison preparing a bowl of cereal. He’s doing it wrong, obviously, because he’s pouring milk before the Lucky Charms.
“You monster,” you comment, looking at the bowl horrified.
“My breakfast, my rules,” he looks at you challengingly, not breaking eye contact as he pours the cereal from the container. Sure enough, it overflows. “Oh, fuck.”
You cackle as your best friend groans, heading towards the kitchen counter for some paper towels.
As this unfolds, Harry and Tom walk in, deep in conversation about their work. The former looks to be in the same hoodie and sweats as last night…
You hand over a piping hot mug of tea (Earl Grey, one sugar, a dash of milk) to Tom and he murmurs a thanks on your lips. You blow on your tea and let the steam waft into your face.
“Who’s drinking my last coffee?” the lanky redhead sighs, finding the coffee machine empty. “Haz?”
“Why are you looking at me?!”
“Because! Tea, tea, tea…” Harry points out the mugs in your and Tom’s hands, and Tuwaine’s favorite blue mug by the sink, and then slowly towards Harrison’s, “coffee.”
Harrison rolls his eyes. “Yeah, okay-- and how come it’s your last coffee? It’s 9 in the morning!”
“I’ve been up all night, man, working on the--”
“Dude, what are you doing? Get some sleep,” Tom interjects. “Seriously, our stuff is not nearly as close to the deadline to pull an all-nighter for.”
“Get. Some sleep.” Tom cuts him off firmly. It would’ve been hella powerful, if only he didn’t follow up with, “Oh, my God. I just pulled a Harry on Harry!”
“Ugh, fine. After T’s scrambled,” he relents.
You see Harrison jokingly stroking his chin, “Sorry, darling,” and they break down laughing.
It’s a stupid house with a bunch of stupid boys, but they’ve become your family (and your love, in the case of the handsome one), and you love them a stupid amount.
Hit me up with a blurb request for my 100 sleepover week!
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tobeornottotc · 4 years
Tharn and Type Seven Years Ep 2: Observations and Comments
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Wow, what can I say except yes finally after a bit of worry about how this season was going to be especially after being scarred by A chance to love (like Tin and Can are cute but the lack of a good plot and waste of side characters still hunts me to this day), I really came weary into Tharn and Type season 2, but thing is as much as last week the editing, sound issues and some lightning issues worried me, I kind of really enjoyed seeing my couple once again. It was just a bit different to the feeling in season 1 for me (it should be we're seven years in we're meant to have maturity, domesticity, and slower less angsty relationship from Tharn and Type) but yeh because of this different feeling I wasn't sure what to say about this show. But Episode 2 took me back to my love for this couple, and I couldn't help but go through excitement, tears and also just nostalgia for how much it called back to season 1.
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 As much as Tharn and Type have grown up and had their issues, the way they settle them now is different, their dynamic is still the same they're still passionate and crazy about each other but its the little things as well that shows how mature they've become, even though Type may curse out everyone including Tharn because that's his personality its the softness from him for me that warms my heart, its the way he's absolutely devoted to Tharn: he still calls out his father and says he'll be a widower without him,(already seeing himself tied to him in a marriage without the actual involvement of the law and people), its the way he ensures that Tharn is protected from being hurt when cooking and worrying about the little scars on his hands, its the way he pridefully tells everyone who he trusts that he's looking at his man and he's not ashamed to look longingly and lovingly at Tharn as he sings their song. It's so beautiful, and it's just so incredible to see his growth and see how absolutely devoted he is to Tharn despite Tharn not fully seeing so. 
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Tharn, on the other hand, is the same as always 100% focused Type and making sure Type knows he's his, I just love how they talk to each other, how despite fighting all the time for seven years they find it like a comfort to expose their flawed selves to each other knowing they won't back away. I love how Tharn and Type still have those moments where they show they clearly need each other for comfort and just warmth (cuddle scene and Tharn apologising) and I love how despite having disagreements they go back to normal the next day and ensure that they don't fight for too long. It's just precious and its what I love about them. And of course, their passion which one of the reasons for why they are so great, that chemistry has just gotten better and better and that kiss blew me away in the bathroom. Mew and Gulf are clearly now used to each other, and so much more in tune with each other, their chemistry, sensuality and seductive could be felt from the screen, and I felt like an interloper watching it. It made me scream, made me laugh, but it made me blush, and I remember how much Mew and Gulf engulf the whole show with their chemistry and passion. I'm jealous, to be honest about it all.
Other things to notice
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Phu and Cir: They're adorable, their skinship shocked me wasn't expecting the amount of PDA we got from them but I ain't complaining it makes me appreciate this show even more. Phu and Gun are the antitheses to Tharn and Type, they're adorable and soft and proud of their relationship in public, they don't seem to fight or argue, and they have a sweeter dynamic to them, but I do hope for a plot for them instead of just cute stuff because I like their characters and I like the actors. But right now I see what they're here in the show for, they keep being a reminder to Tharn about his own hopes and dreams for what he wants from his relationship; he wants what they have, he wants to be overly affectionate in public and to able to call Type his in front of everyone just like Cir does. So they do have a use, and I don't want people to see them as like just fan service.
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Fiat and Leo: Fiat is spoilt, and he gets his way we can see that he goes a bit unstable when Leo is away for a while. Almost he's reliant on Leo, and he's not used to being away from him. Leo is fiercely protective of Fiat as we see his friends keep updating and worrying about Leo's reactions to them not doing Fiats bidding or hurting him. For Fiat I love this actor, he's stubborn and like he doesn't give in typically, childish and immature, and I'm guessing Leo is the opposite. Still, Fiat reminds me of how I felt about Type, he's annoying and flawed, but he's somewhat lovable and intriguing. I can't help but want to care for his character and know more about him, and that's all because of his acting and charisma. I'm so excited to delve deeper into his character, and I can't wait to see how Leo plays a part in this.
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The boss: Type isn't someone who likes to be patient so that he will explode later on this person. The question is why is the boss of Type so rude, and disrespectful, he's so like hyperfocused on trying to make Type seem so weak. From what Type has said its to do with jealousy, but I'm not really if that's all it is, he's jealous about Type being so handsome, and charismatic and liked by women that he feels some kind of inferiority complex? Because to be honest just because his girl hit on Type, it's very unprofessional of him to act this way, and I am not okay with it. I cannot wait to see Type punch the living daylights out of him. Eww
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Khunpol and Champ: My babies, my soft, cute, sweet babies. They probably will be angsty soon, but I love them already. Champ is one fluffball so much more gentler than he was in Season 1, he's adorable, clueless about love and I'm sure Techno is going to play a massive role snooping and trying to set up Champ and Khunpol. As for Khunpol I can see already that baby boy has a crush on our Champ (even though Champ is so clueless) but the girlfriend mention and the relief on his face when he realises there is none, the way he laughs and gets excited when he saw Champ and a bit of disappointment when he saw Type walk into their conversation pretty much already tells me what I need to know about these two. Khunpol is shy and gentle and wouldn't really try to make anything happen, but he'll probably wait longingly for Champ to recognise how he feels. And Champ is going to be very naive and very dumb about the situation. They kind of remind me of King and Ram in my engineer, Khunpol screams King to me acts innocent and sweet like he doesn't know what's happening but secretly holding and panicking about feelings. And Champ is more like Ram,  a bit distanced from that feeling but soon will realise what's happening. Either way, my babies are making me so excited the way they make each other smile, the skinship from Champ to Khunpol which is automatic apparently and something he just likes to do because he sees Khun as cute and fluffy. Squeal, my heart is about to be stolen by these 2, can't wait to see how they unfold.
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Overall this episode of Tharn and Type 7 years has been a blast from the past, I have had so much fun rewatching it and its made me so happy and excited for what's to come. If we get more stuff like this, then Tharn and Type is probably going to stay my favourite show. Still, I am so in love with everything in this so far/  I also wanted to say that it's nice to see them have conversations this episode about work and how they've changed, it's genuine and also very warm to see how they had grown up and graduated from uni when in the past season we watched their immature selves act childish and young and react that way in situations. This show is meant to be a more mature version of Season 1, and I think it's doing that so far. Also can Mew please stop looking so good? Like I can't deal with it, and Gulf as well likes in that uniform like please let me breathe. Haha. I can't wait for the next episode.
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deanieweaniewrites · 4 years
Ruffled Feathers
For: @captainhaterade
Read on AO3
Rated: T (for some sexual references)
Tags: Love Confessions, Bunker Domesticity, First Kiss, WINGS
Things had been quiet around the bunker. Nothing had happened for quite some time. Hunts had slowed down and frankly, everyone just needed some time off. It was rare that they had the chance.
For once, Cas was around. He was hanging out in the bunker with Sam and Dean without disappearing for once. It was a pleasant surprise, especially for Dean. He was going to take advantage of every second he had with Cas. It wasn’t like they got to spend much quality time together. 
On the first day of their break, Dean decided to expose Cas to some more pop culture. He found it ridiculous that Cas hadn’t taken the time to watch cult classic movies. The most appalling was Star Wars. Dean refused to let Cas go any longer without seeing the original trilogy, so they spent the entire day in front of the TV. They shared a pizza, which Cas only munched on for the taste. He left the rest for Dean to actually enjoy. 
On the second day, all three of them went into town to walk around. Sam insisted that they go into this little bookstore/cafe on the corner of the street, which Dean pretended to be reluctant about.
Once he was in there, he was nose-deep in Vonnegut. Cas watched him and read over his shoulder while Sam ordered coffee, a few books in hand. 
Dean glanced over his shoulder and grinned a little at the angel. “Have you ever read Cat’s Cradle?”
Cas shook his head, staring at the book. “Not in its entirety. I’ve read the two pages you just read.”
Dean huffed out a laugh and closed the book. “It’s a good one.”
None of them ended up buying any books. They just enjoyed the ambiance of the store and browsed idly for about an hour before leaving.
Another two days passed. Dean spent almost all of his waking hours with Cas. Sam seemed to be enjoying the time to himself, so Dean didn’t bother him much. He showed Cas countless movies and even made him help cook burgers one evening. 
Dean knew their break had to end soon. Hunting wasn’t something they could just put aside for very long. He emerged from his room on the fifth day of their break and immediately went looking for Cas. 
He knocked on Cas’s bedroom door. “Cas, you in there?” No answer. Dean knocked again and waited. Nothing. He opened the door and peeked inside. He saw an empty bed, and then realized the entire room was empty. 
His heart sank once the knowledge that Cas was gone sank in. He sighed and closed the door. It was only a matter of time, he supposed. Cas wasn’t one to stay in one place for very long. 
Without Cas, the bunker felt a little lonely. Sam was still in his room, which left Dean alone. It almost felt like a hole had opened up within Dean. It wasn’t the first time that it happened. In fact, it happened every time Cas left. It left Dean feeling empty and hollow. In the back of his mind, he knew why, but he didn’t want to face those feelings, not yet. 
Dean moped around the bunker for a few hours before deciding that he needed some fresh air. He made himself a sandwich and walked outside to eat it. It was fall, so the air was crisp and a little breezy. The leaves had all changed colors and covered the forest floor.
Dean walked to his favorite spot to sit outside. It was just off the road and it was a nice and small clearing where he could relax.
Much to his surprise, someone was already there. He couldn’t see their face, but there was definitely a shirtless person sitting against a tree right in his favorite spot. 
Dean’s hand was over his gun tucked into his waistband until he got close enough to see their face. 
It was Cas. 
Cas was sitting on the ground, shirtless, up against the tree Dean always sat against. He wasn’t looking at Dean, but he seemed to know that he was there. 
“Cas? What are you doing out here?” Dean stood right over him and forced his eyes to stay on Cas’s face rather than...the rest of him. 
Cas finally turned his head to look at Dean. He had a nervous smile. “Hello, Dean. I was hoping that we could talk.”
Dean sat down warily. “How did you know I’d come out here?”
“I guessed. I wanted to be outside for this anyway, and I know you come out here when you need to clear your head.”
Dean took his sandwich out of the bag he brought and took a large bite, desperately needing something else to focus on. “That doesn’t explain why you’re shirtless.”
Cas smiled a little. “What kind of sandwich is that?”
“Turkey, and you didn’t answer me.”
Cas looked away. “I wanted you to see me.”
Dean’s face turned red and he nearly choked on his sandwich. “You wanted me to see you shirtless? Why?”
“I have a reason for it. I didn’t want to ruin my clothes.”
Dean choked for real that time. He coughed and his face was on fire. Once he finally had his bearings, he spoke. “We are not boning in the woods, I have a perfectly nice bed inside.”
Cas frowned. “I’m not asking you to have intercourse with me. At least, not right now.”
Dean’s face got impossibly redder. He took a moment to compose himself. “Just...Just tell me what’s going on and quit being vague.”
“I’m trying.” Cas sighed. “You’ve seen my vessel, which is a part of me, but you could consider it a mask. It hides my true form, which is something you could never see. Sometimes I wish you could see my true form, because it’s truly me, and I want you to see that.” He paused. “There is one thing I can show you, something that’s truly me.”
Dean was still reeling, so it took him a moment to process what Cas had said. “So, um, what is it?”
“My wings.”
Dean’s brows shot up. “Really? I can see those without my eyes burning out?”
Cas nodded, rolling his shoulders. “It does expend some energy to bring them into this plane of existence, which is why I never have them out. They’re also very bulky, and they get in the way. I can fly without them out.”
Dean took another bite of his sandwich to calm himself down a little more. “So, that’s why you’re shirtless?” Realization hit. “You’d ruin your clothes because the wings would rip them. I get it now.” He sighed. “You must think I’m a massive perv now, if you didn’t already.”
Cas shook his head. “No, I don’t. Besides, it’s not like I wouldn’t like what you suggested.”
“I’m picking up on that now.” 
Cas scooted away from the tree a little. “I want you to see my wings, because I want you to see me for what I am. This time we’ve spent together over the last few days, it’s made me realize that what I thought were just thoughts, are actually very strong feelings. Being around you is like nothing I’ve ever experienced in all of my millennia. I’ve become more than just an angel. I have more human-like qualities now, which has made me better. I don’t know if it makes me a better angel, but I know that I’m better than them for being like you. You did that for me, Dean. The profound bond we share, it’s gone beyond that of just friends, hasn’t it?”
Dean stared at Cas with wide eyes and a slack jaw. Everything that he had been burying came barreling to the surface and he was left speechless for a moment. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
Cas nodded, his lips curling up into a small smile. “I love you, Dean.”
Dean’s heart stopped briefly. His sandwich was long forgotten and all he could do was stare for a while. The words were right there on the tip of his tongue, but he was so afraid. He knew what it was like to lose someone he loved, and it felt like if he said those words, it would mean losing Cas. Almost everyone he ever loved had died. It felt like a curse, one Dean could never impose on Cas. 
Cas reached out and placed a hand on Dean’s knee. “I know you’re scared. I want you to know that from now on, I’m going to take better care of myself. You’ve seen me, I get myself into trouble constantly. Because of you, I plan on sticking around. You’re not going to lose me. I’ll follow you to the end of the earth.”
Dean swallowed. The touch, the words of reassurance, Cas’s gaze, they brought a wave of calm over him that swept over like a tidal wave. Even if it was just for a moment, Dean felt like everything was going to be okay. “I...I love you too, Cas.”
Cas stared at Dean for a long moment. All they could do was look at each other and feel the weight of those words hang in the air. 
Dean snapped out of his trance when something dark unfurled from behind Cas. He sat back and watched two massive wings spread out behind him. The feathers were jet black, but the ones that the sun hit just right reflected every color of the rainbow. 
It was nearly a minute before Dean finally spoke. “Whoa.”
Cas had his eyes averted. He looked reserved, maybe even shy. 
Dean pulled his eyes away from Cas’s wings to look at his face. “What, do you not like them? They’re awesome.”
“Other angels like to make jokes about them. They’re not the fluffy white wings that you’d come to expect.”
Dean shook his head. “These are so much better.” He smiled a little. “Hey, thanks for showing me.”
Cas finally met Dean’s eyes. “Thank you for letting me. I’ve wanted to do this for some time.”
Dean got up and moved to sit beside Cas. He sat so close that their sides were touching. “I think I’ve wanted to have this conversation for some time too.” He grinned when Cas’s wing wrapped around him, holding him closer. 
When Cas looked at Dean, both of them knew what they wanted. Their eyes flicked down to each other’s lips, and then it was settled. Dean leaned in and did what he had wanted to do for years. 
He finally kissed his best friend. 
It was sweet and oh-so-right. It felt like everything in Dean’s life had led up to kissing Cas. 
In Dean’s life, things never felt certain, but with Cas, he could feel certain that they loved one another, and that they would follow each other wherever they went. Nothing could break a bond that powerful.
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iamdorka · 4 years
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IMAGINE „Could I please request a ‘Dating ______ would include:’ bullet point headcanon for Colson, Dom and Pete respectively? I love your writing; thank you 🖤” (04/11)  100+ notes
Fake texts
IMAGINE ‘Hi okay i’d like to remain anonymous but could you do a dom (yungblud) x reader text about like her being plus sized and really struggling with it and over working herself or something like that?? 💕💕 i’m still reading your stuff and i’m down to the rook imagines and i’m so happy that you write for him 😭’ (12/24)
IMAGINE ‘I saw you did a Yungblud post and I was hoping I could have one? Where you’ve started to hang out with Machine Gun Kelly and Dom texts you bc he’s worried Kells (a known player) will break your heart even though it’s his boy! Thank you!!! xxxx’ requested (10/11)
IMAGINE - ‘Do you take Yungblud requests? I was just wondering if you’d do a request where Yungblud messages you bc Colson won’t shut up about you/ has a crush on you.’ requested (09/24)  200+ notes
Fake Instagram
IMAGINE ‘I need domestic Dom x reader 🥺🥺’ (04/12)
IMAGINE  ‘Could you please maybe do something really cute and fluffy involving him to make me smile. Maybe like an imagine or fake post/text I just really need to smile right now. 🖤🖤🖤’ (04/10)
yung love.  "I need more yungblud imagines and content. Please do some yungblud I love him so much and I need more cute content. I’m pretty sure I’ve read all of it I need os much more lol.” (02/23) 100+ notes
Missing you ‘Can I request a romantic Dom x reader please? Quite frankly it could be about anything 😂 but maybe about domestic couple life (no kids or marriage) or maybe he misses her while he’s on tour? Go crazy, I’m just dying to see boyfriend!Yungblud in your Instagram/message style 😍 Thank you x’ (12/21)
(the main masterlist)
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mandolovian · 4 years
the inaugural opening
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pairing: javier peña/reader
warnings: nothing! super fluffy, very soft and sweet
word count: 547 (lil baby work)
A/N: first time posting in this space (and also the first time im posting a fic in about 5-6 years), hope you like it!
‘I’m tired.’
You tried your best to restrain yourself from whining as you dropped your bag and coat on the floor near the front door, and kicked off your shoes, mumbling in frustration. ‘Javi?’ you called out, dragging your feet to the kitchen. ‘Are you here? ‘M tired.’
Javier was bent over the stove, ducking his head a little to avoid hitting it on the rangehood, stirring something in a pan. The sleeves of his shirt were pushed up to his elbows, and he was humming, his voice low and gravelly. 
Incredibly domestic. Your heart has never felt so full. 
‘Javi,’ you said quietly, leaning on the counter just out of Javier’s reach. ‘I’m tired.’
He smiled a little, concentrating on his cooking. ‘So I noticed, darling,’ he said. ‘Let me finish this, then I promise I’ll come and chat with you, okay?’
‘Yeah,’ you said, ‘I’ll go have a shower, then meet you in bed?’
He tapped the spoon on the side of the pan, before putting a lid on the pan and turning off the stove. Dropping the spoon into the sink behind him, he leaned over to press a kiss to your cheek.
‘Come have dinner first, after your shower,’ he mumbled. ‘Then we can talk.’
*** Javier’s cooking skills have definitely improved. 
It was only a few weeks ago that he was afraid to use the sandwich press because ‘what if I accidentally sandwich press my hand? I can’t afford surgery to fix flat fingers!’
Right now, though, Javier looked unbelievably proud of his creation, still setting the table when you came back from your shower. You leaned against the doorframe and admired him, bustling around the table and adjusting the cutlery. He had even gone as far as to set a rose candle in the middle of the table. 
It had taken Javier a while to become this comfortable: comfortable enough to leave his shoes at the door, comfortable enough to sleep without a gun under his pillow, comfortable enough to let the tightness in his shoulders melt away for good. He was beautiful, regardless, but there was something about the way that his shirt was stretched over his shoulders and the way his skin seemed to glow in the candlelight and how he had gone into so much trouble to have a glamorous meal at home. 
‘Hi, baby,’ he said, finally noticing you standing at the doorway. He took three steps towards you, exaggeratedly holding his hand out for you. ‘You are hereby invited to the inaugural opening of Restaurante de Peña and you, my darling, are the honoured guest.’
And then he bowed so low that the tea towel slung over his shoulder slid to the ground. 
‘Is there an occasion?’ you asked, pulling Javier up by the biceps. He pulled you to his chest, tucking your head under his chin, his palms pressed against your lower back.
‘No occasion,’ he mumbled. ‘You sounded frazzled on the phone earlier. Thought I’d help out if I could.’
You turned your face up to look at Javier, and pressed your lips to his cheek, just shy of the corner of his lips. ‘You’re so good to me,’ you whisper, and Javier hummed.
He stepped away, pulling you towards the table.
‘Shall we?’
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mickmarstookmyheart · 4 years
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Mick Mars 
Feel free to message me, comment on any story or ask me if you want to be tagged or add yourself HERE!
= Life’s a Sick Joke (Mick Mars x Reader) =
Summary: (Y/N) joins Mötley Crüe as a photographer
Part 1 “Are You Okay, There?”             
Part 2  After-Meeting Party                
Part 3 “I Can Finally Aapologize.”           
Part 4 “Truth or Dare?”                      
Filler Chapter 1/2  “Camping?”             
Filler Chapter 2/2 Marshmallows
Filler chapter bonus “Not a Tempting Deal”        
Part 5  Dr. Sixx                                              
Part 6  “Hurt Me?”                                    
Part 7 “He Is My Brother.”     
Part 8 Those Screams      
Part 9 Crazy Chick
Part 10 Mr. Grumpy
Part 11 Heal Brother
Part 12  Debts to Pay and Promises to Keep      
Part 13 "He is Such a Good Boy."
Part 14 Truth and Lies             
Part 15 Bark at the Moon           
Part 16 Life on the Road 
Part 17 A Friend
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  =   One-shots (Mick Mars x Reader)  =
I’m on My Way  (whump)
Summary: The father of your unborn child, Mick Mars has finally the last concert of the tour and is eager to come home. You spend most of your time at his parents’ house but when you are driving home an unexpected thing happens.    
 Long Time No See  
Summary: You are working at the famous Whisky a Go Go as a bartender. A new band called Mötley Crüe has full shows every night and whenever you see the lead guitarist you can’t get out of your head since he seems pretty familiar you just don’t know from where.
Long Time No See pt 2  
Summary:  After last night, you discussed a few things with Mick. 
Birthday Boy (headcanon)
Summary: Surprising your boyfriend Mick Mars while on tour would include.
“Would you be my date?” (fluff)
Summary:  You are working for the Crüe as a make up artist. There is an upcoming wedding...
Skylar (angst and fluff hand in hand)
Summary: What can I say? Prepare tissues.
Not that Old (fluff)
Summary: You and your friends are at the Whisky and you meet your idol, Mick.
Secret of a Guitar(ist) (high school!Mötley)
Summary: High school. Drama, music, love.(Y/N) applies for guitar lessons although she isn't aware of the tutor. She meets with people who she hopes she would never meet again.
Secret of a Guitar(ist) pt 2
Summary: The Crüe keeps haunting (Y/N). A guardian angel protects her while her friends don't understand her moves and secrets.
Secret of a Guitar(ist) pt 3
Summary: Losing a friend, party and trouble.
Bad Memories
Summary: While you are trying to enjoy your peaceful morning with Mick, your sister calls you with az unexpected demand. Your past comes up again which you don't like.
Mick taking care of you when sick
Summary: The title says it all.
Summary: Mick helping you while doing assignment.
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= Trust Story (Mick Mars x Reader) =
Trust (angst then fluff)
Summary: You and Mick have been together since Doc hired you as an assistant. 2 years passed and currently you were on tour where Mick had some problem with a groupie.   
Trust pt 2 (domestic violence)
Summary: John was pretty pissed off. You had a big fight at home.
Trust pt 3 (fluffy fluff)
Summary:  Family time at the beach.
Mrs Mars (Trust story)
Summary: wedding, some Guns N Roses moments, fluff, and anger...in a nutshell
Family Tour 1 (Trust Universe)
Summary: The whole Crüe family goes on tour along with Guns N Roses. (Y/N) has been hiding some secret and is about to explode.
Family Tour pt 2  (Trust Universe)
Summary: (Y/N) is pretty worn-out. Some fluff moments at the beach, rehearsals and John being John?
Family Tour pt 3  (Trust Universe)
Summary: John tells about his plan about Zoe and he is doing it, but there are many disturbing factors such as musicians.
Family Tour pt 4 (Trust Universe)
Summary: Things didn't get easier...
Family Tour pt 5 (Trust Universe)
Summary: (Y/N) does everything she could to find Zoe and finally some justice is on the way.
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= More Espresso. Less Despresso =
More Espresso, Less Despresso pt 1
Summary: Reading and sipping coffee when another caffeine enthusiast joins you in a lovely café.
More Espresso, Less Despresso pt 2
Summary:  Mick tells you the truth about his job and you meet the band in their natural habitat.
More Espresso, Less Despresso pt 3
Summary: You have a decent conversation with your mom.
Updated: 18th of August 2021                                      
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clareguilty · 4 years
If you're willing to write Arthur/Sadie, I'd love something a bit fluffy and bittersweet about Sadie doing something downright domestic for Arthur (mending his shirt, etc), out of necessity and feeling a pang of regret remembering when she used to do it for her husband. Arthur himself is surprised, flattered, and a little touched. A few days later they both get a little tipsy and kiss and immediately pull away, both having doubts about moving beyond friendship.
I’m so sorry this took so long anon its literally one of the greatest prompts ive ever received and I wanted to do it justice but i wound up hurting myself in the process. Thank you so much for this I hope you’re able to see this and I hope its what you wanted
Arthur Morgan & Sadie Adler | Rating: General? Contains mucho angst | Word Count: ~1100
“My God, Arthur, you’re filthy.” Sadie regarded him over the brim of her coffee cup. He was splattered from head to toe in mud and Lord knows what else.
He shot her an unamused stare. “Goddamn gators in this goddamn swamp,” he muttered.
It certainly looked like he had been wrestling gators. His shirt had a tear across the shoulder and there was a nasty bruise blooming on his cheekbone. 
Sadie took pity on him. “Alright,” she set her cup down and tugged at his mud soaked shirt. “Off. Now.”
Arthur hesitated.
“Unless you wanna wash it yourself,” Sadie raised her hands, palms out. “I just figured you wanted it mended.”
“No I- You don’t have to do that,” he assured her. 
“I know I don’t have to. But I want to. That’s why I’m offering.” She rolled her eyes. It was like no one had shown this man kindness before in his life. She helped him out of his shirt and trousers, teasing him and poking a finger through the holes in his threadbare union suit. He yelped and swatted her hand away.
“Dammit, woman. You’re a menace.” His words were harsh, but he was smiling. It looked good on him, mirth. She didn’t see it often enough.
“I’ll get these washed and mended, and I’ll leave them by your things.” She held the filthy clothes at arms length.
“Thank you, Mrs. Adler,” Arthur placed a hand on her arm. “You’re too good for us.”
“And Arthur?” she asked, “Please try and stay away from the gators.”
“I’ll do my best.” He shook his head. He looked ridiculous, still splattered with mud and wandering around in nothing but his faded union suit. Sadie hid her smile as she headed to the wash basin.
Washed and stitched, she left Arthur’s clothes folded neatly on his bed. As she smoothed out the wrinkles, something wet splashed on her hand.
She was crying. The pain in her chest that she had done such a good job of ignoring now ripped through her.
She had done this before. She had been here before, with a different man’s clothes, on a bed she shared. A choked sob pushed past her lips.
She still loved Jake. He was everything to her. Yet here she was, mending Arthur’s clothes. It wasn’t that she didn’t love Arthur, but Jake was still her husband. 
The world started closing in around her, like it had in the cellar of her own home. Nothing but ashes now.
Sadie started walking. She needed to be gone. She needed to be away.
Bob carried her through the trees, out to the open plains. She could breathe again. Under a sky so big, a horizon so wide, she didn’t feel trapped. Collapsing into the grass, she let out a ragged scream.
She wasn’t ready. She couldn’t give up on Jake. She couldn’t abandon his memory while his killers still ran free.
They had to die. Every last one of them. And when they were gone, not a single O’Driscoll left, Sadie would follow them into hell.
It wasn’t until nightfall that Sadie made her way back to camp. Arthur noticed her red-rimmed eyes, but didn’t say anything.
Three days later, a wrapped parcel appeared on Sadie’s bedroll. Inside were two beautiful cattlemen revolvers and a harmonica. Arthur was nowhere to be found.
She wept again.
The harmonica never made a sound, but it stayed tucked into her pocket at all times. The revolvers were polished and loaded, and Marston took her out to get the feel of them. Three rabbits later, she considered herself pretty acquainted with the new gifts and John wore a combined expression of fear, awe, and respect.
Arthur turned up a few days later, nursing a gunshot wound and in bad need of a shave. Sadie sat him down and washed and bandaged the graze, chastising him the entire time. He groused and snapped, but let her work.
“You like the guns okay?” he asked.
“I love them. Thank you, Arthur.”
She finished tying off the last bandage and gave his mess of a beard a playful yank. “Looks like a muskrat decided to start living on your chin.”
“I’m gonna trim it. Don’t keep a mirror in my saddlebags.”
“Don’t go too crazy, you look nice with a little bit of scruff.”
Arthur turned as pink as Mary-Beth’s skirts.
Halfway through a bottle of whiskey, and Sadie felt lighter than she had since before snowfall. She ruffled Jack’s hair and squeezed Abigail’s hand, stumbling towards the campfire where the loudest of the men were drinking.
Arthur patted the seat next to him and she fell right into it. She was closer to Arthur than she meant to be, but she didn’t bother to scoot away.
“In good spirits tonight, Sadie?” he asked with a grin. He had had a few beers already as well, cheeks rosy and eyes bright. It was a night worth celebrating. Jack was home. Abigail was happy. John was… John was something alright. 
“Of course,” she waggled her bottle. “Who doesn’t love a happy family?”
They drank and watched and laughed, leaning against each other. The warmth was nice, as was the feel of Arthur’s hair when Sadie reached up to ruffle it.
The fire was low. Ash and embers. Sadie was slumped against Arthur, tucked under his arm even though Lemoyne was always too hot and humid and Arthur generated heat like a bear. 
“You need some sleep,” he nudged her. 
She groaned and blinked up at him.
“C’mon,” he tried to pull her to her feet.
She moved without thinking – booze was good at that. Her arms looped around Arthur’s neck and she dragged him forward. Her lips missed at first, grazing his cheek. On her second try, she found her mark.
Arthur didn’t move for a long moment, then he took Sadie gently by the shoulder and pushed her away. “Mrs. Adler…”
The name hurt more than ever before. Sobering. Devastating. Humiliating.
She wanted to say something. To apologize. To explain herself. The only sound she could manage was a choked sob, a barely contained wail.
Arthur kept his distance, unsure. The kiss had been nice, but wrong. Too many memories that didn’t sit right. Mary. Eliza. Sadie.
They would be fine. They were both capable of moving past this. But it still hurt. In the moment.
Sadie shook her head, trying to find an ounce of sense beyond the booze. “I just-” She looked up at Arthur, and he remembered the night the found her, the night she lost everything. The same scared woman Micah dragged out of the cellar. Nearly unrecognizable under the strength she wore everyday.
And she was gone. Staggering off into the dark. Arthur too much of a coward to go after her.
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Chocolate || Arthur Shelby x reader
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Anon requested: “ 11 & 12 with Arthur? (I love your writing so so much! 💖💕💖)” (I love you so much ♡)
Summary:  n.11 & 12 from my prompt list: “Please, please, please” + “I don’t recognize you anymore” Warnings: swearing, fluffiest fluffy fluff, me loving Arthur desperately.
Author’s notes:
Behind each one of these works there are sleepless nights and something really close to multiple mental breakdowns, so, please, take a minute to send me a message about it, I need actual feedbacks to understand how to improve my skills and grow ♡
I’m sorry for being this late, but I’ve been really busy in the past days and writing is never just easy, it demands concentration and effort, plus I don’t want you to be disappointed, so I’m always extra accurate while working. I hope this is worth the wait!
If you want to be added to my tag list, please, directly message me
I’m Italian, English isn’t my first language, so I apologize for every possible mistake I made. Also, please, help me improve my writing by telling me if there’s something wrong
When Arthur stepped into his house that morning, after a long night spent at Charlie’s yard due to the incoming of a new consistent cocaine shipment, he was at first profoundly relieved by the peaceful, utter silence reigning supreme in his living room. Nevertheless, a few minutes later, his tired brain realized how unusual it was for you not to be around by that hour, maybe finishing your chores while singing and dancing all over the place, thanks to the gramophone he had given you the previous Christmas. Factually, that deafening silence was definitely strange, thus your husband’s nerves started to wildly shrink under pressure because of the raw concern growing in the middle of his chest: with the passing of years, experience had taught him to be prepared for the worst, always. The Peaky Blinders had uncountable dangerous enemies, he knew that and he was aware that you as well could be somehow dragged into their dirty affairs; actually, that torturous thought kept him up at night and, in that very moment, caused cold sweat to form on his forehead, as he drew his gun from his shoulder holster and his feet slowly trod on the creaky wood of the stairs leading to the bedrooms. Carefully not to make a sound, Arthur made it all the way upstairs where nothing seemed to be wrong, the closet with your precious porcelains, placed right in the middle of the corridor, was intact, even the long rectangular carpet on the floor was exactly the way he had left it, plus he literally could’ve heard a pin drop. But then, all of a sudden, an excruciating moan reached his ears, having his head instantly tilt towards the closed door of your shared master room.  Pure terror took possession of his body, his mind went totally black, in the blink of an eye, his side violently collided with the wooden surface which offered no resistance, snapping open right on the spot, and causing him to stumble upon his own legs, struggling to regain balance after his disproportionate effort. “What the hell is going on here?” He screamed at the top of his lungs, his voice contaminated by destructive ire mixed with fear, yet, as soon as his gaze laid on your king-size bed, his mouth shut for an istant and immediately fell back open, giving birth to a hilarious confused expression. You were whining in pain, curled up as a tiny ball in the middle of that huge mattress, creased sheets around your bare ankles like tentacles of an octopus, for some absurd reason you kept on moving your feet, getting even more tangled in that mess made of white linen. “What the fuck are you idiot yelling about?” That grievous and unusually aggressive tone raised from your minute figure, and, even though it was slightly muffled by the pillow you were sinking your face in, it instantaneously made a light bulb go off in Arthur’s brain. “Oh, shit” That was nothing more than a whimper, but he possibly sounded more frightened than before, for his intuition became scarily real with each passing second. Sadly, you were on your period and, in spite of being a bloodthirsty gangster, that realization, right off the bat, made him want to run away with his tail between his legs; still, he needed to be brave and face the beast, for the sake of your happy and long-lasting marriage. “Y/n? A-are you okay?” He carefully advanced towards your bed, nervously toying with his cap between his fingers, his alarmed glance briefly run up and down your huddled body, analyzing you and each one of you movements, almost like a tamer preparing to domesticate a tiger. “God, what have I done wrong? Why you keep punishing me?” Those existential questions escaped your mouth together with all of your desperation, while you dramatically turned your eyes to the ceiling, loudly invoking some kind of divine help and totally ignoring your husband’s concern. “Guess the answer is no” Arthur mumbled with raised eyebrows, scratching his hair first and then his moustaches, in an attempt to convoy his thoughts and find a logical solution, he quickly finished the glass of whisky he had left on his nightstand the night before, as his mind was struggling with what to do and his feet anxiously stepped back and forth on the tiffany blue moquette. Eventually, he just opted for removing his jacket and shoes, in order to lay down by your side and comfort you in every possible way, praying not to get brutally killed in the process. “Come here, love” He breathed out with his strong accent, gently lifting your back and guiding you to lean on his chest; his arms fondly enveloped your torso, one of his hand petting your hair, and the other knowingly massaging your belly in the hope of alleviating your cramps. A groan halfway between relief and sorrow was your only reply to those loving gestures, indeed the terrible ache haunting you was so intense, that it affected your ability to pronounce real sentences. “Do you need me to do anything for you?” A few butterfly kisses were left on your forehead through that caring question, leading you to instinctively rub your cheek against the crook of his neck, looking like a purring cat in need of affection. “Mmh, no...” you blurted out in pain, yet changing your mind right away “ I-I mean yes... Ugh, I want chocolate” Truth to be told, you sounded just like a tantrumming child, and that whole comedy would’ve made him laugh heartily, if only your teeth were not that close to his jugular. “Chocolate?!” He asked raising just one of his brows in an interrogative and deeply confused look. “Yeah, bloody chocolate” Both Arthur’s thumb and index ended upon his eyes, starting to massage his eyelids in a hopeless effort to find a sense to your absurd attitude and, at the same time, a strategy not to disappoint you and your frail emotional state. “It’s fucking 7 a.m., darling, where do you think I should find chocolate now?” Childishly, your small fists hit his forearm a few times, while small cries left your lips and you kept kicking the air and the blankets. “Please, please, please-” Already exasperated by your acute pleading, he simply surrendered to his bitter fate, showing his open palms in sign of defeat. “Okay, okay, I’m going” Still, as soon as he got out of bed, trying to put his shoes on despite his precarious balance, your whiny voice induced him to froze on the spot. “Oh, forget it! Just come back in bed with me” Arthur’s jaw nearly dropped at your new request, he turned to you with disbelief painted on his pale face and his hands on his hips, flaunting all his exhaustion. “Jesus Christ, this woman is fucking crazy” He grumbled to himself and started to untie his boots once more, while you seemed to be on the verge of death, continuing to complain about how you needed him to hurry up and cuddle you. “I don’t even recognize you anymore, what’d you monster do with my loving wife?”
tag list: @spidey-pal, @shadow-of-wonder, @mclfoybaby, @peachlle, @livvtheangel, @myjbphase, @namelesslosers, @crazyonesarethebest
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riversofmars · 4 years
I’m suuuper sorry to bother you but I really love your 13/river fics and I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind writing me a super fluffy thing. I have a really shitty week and i just came out to my apparently super homophobic family and could do with a little fluff 💖
Dearest Anon, I’m so sorry you’re having a tough time, please, if you’d like to talk just drop me a message! In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the fluffy short. I just went with the first thing that came to my mind so I hope you like it! I will be writing something else for you because you have also inadvertently given me an idea for my next bigger project! I will just have to write one last chapter for my WIP... else I’ll have a lot of unhappy readers. Mustn’t get distracted by the new shiny thing lol!!
Anyway, hope you like this!
Rating G
Ship: River/Thirteen
Wordcount: 1400
River took a sip of her tea and rubbed her tired eyes. It was getting late and she was developing one hell of a headache. Teaching had sounded like such a nice idea at the time. No-one had told her about how tedious and infuriating essay marking was. It took all of her self control not to rip up the essay she had just finished grading. She growled to herself and leant back in her office chair. She had probably reached her limit for today, it was about time she replaced her tea with wine and called it a night. Since taking up teaching at Luna she had been living on campus. It hardly made sense to rent a house when she spent most of her time on campus or away on an expedition somewhere. The real estate market on the moon was hell anyway. It didn’t take her long to get to her apartment. It was a decent size and private so as far as university accommodation goes it was, a real treat. 
She noticed that something was wrong the moment she turned onto the corridor to her apartment. Usually, it was dead quiet around here this time of night but there was the distinct sound of banging and crashing up ahead. The next clue was the odd smell of something burning. The final giveaway  was the fact that her door was slightly ajar as she went up to it. River - being River - was obviously prepared for all sorts of situations and happened to carry a gun in her briefcase. Just in case. So she armed herself and slowly pushed the door open. What she found was chaos, there was smoke everywhere. The noise was definitely coming from the kitchen, as was the smoke. She couldn't help but wonder if she had left the stove on but then she remembered she had never even used it. She lived on wine and take away or simply went out for dinner a lot. She snuck around the corner and lowered her gun, judging the situation to be less dangerous than anticipated. 
What she found was a petite blonde huffing and puffing furiously whisking something on the stove that did not look appetising at all. She was trying to deal with several pans at the same time that all threatened to boil over or catch fire. There were several smoking pots in the sink and all sorts of stuff covering the kitchen sides and floor.
“Care to explain what you’re doing to my kitchen?“ River couldn’t help but sound amused. She knew she should be taking the situation more seriously, a stranger had broken into her flat, but the scene before her was just too ridiculous to describe. The woman spun around in shock, she hadn’t noticed her coming in. 
“You’re early!“ She exclaimed. 
“Early?“ River raised her eyebrows, that was not the response she had expected. 
“You should have been at least another half hour with all those essays.“
“I finished early, I couldn’t take any more of the stupid.“ River replied not even sure why she was answering her. “Mind out for your…“ She started saying when she noticed the other woman had gotten her coat stuck under a pan and it was catching fire. 
“Oh no, not my new coat!!“ The woman exclaimed and shrugged it off and threw it on the floor to stamp out the flames. In that moment, the smoke all around the room overwhelmed the fire alarm system and it started drowning the kitchen in water, soaking both women along with putting the cooking crisis to a stop. 
“You have got to be kidding me.“ River groaned in annoyance, as if her day hadn't been bad enough. “What are you even doing?“ She asked when the fire suppression system stopped spraying them at last. 
“Cooking, I was gonna surprise you with dinner but you know, I never cook so…“ The blonde gave an awkward smile while River just shook her impressive head of hair like a wet dog. River frowned, she felt like she was missing something and it was staring her right in the face. Who was this woman? Why was she looking at her like they had known each other forever, why had she just walked into her flat and was going to make dinner.
“You don’t say…“ River eyed the mess.  
“Admittedly, maybe I’m not the domestic goddess I’d imagined I might be. Still getting to know myself. Worth a shot.“ River just stared at her, the answer was right there but just out of reach. She was still getting to know herself. It couldn’t be… could it? But why not? Probably just wishful thinking… or was it? The odd fashion sense, the chaotic energy. “Surprise sweetie, I’m home.“ The blonde grinned amused at seeing River’s confusion.
“No.“ River exclaimed. 
“Yes.“ The Doctor grinned at her wife.
“Shut up.“ 
“Okay, rude.“ 
“I mean… wow.“ River looked her over not quite believing it.
“You like it?“ The Doctor asked giving a twirl. 
“I mean, I’ve only seen the face.“ River smirked. With that, the Doctor was fed up of talking, she crossed the kitchen in seconds and jumped into her wive’s arms. River spun her around and held her close. The Doctor buried her face in her neck, her wet hair tickling her nose, River held her up with ease. 
“I’ve missed you so much.“ The Doctor mumbled into her hair. 
“And I you, my love.“ River replied softy and walked them over to the kitchen side. Her wife was light but she wasn’t going to hold her up forever so she sat her down on the kitchen surface where there was space. River stepped in between her legs and took her face in her hands. She studied her features and looked into her eyes, they were older than she had ever seen them. 
“Is it a bit weird for you?“ The Doctor asked feeling a bit nervous when River just looked at her and didn’t say anything.
“No…“ River smiled a little. “That’s certainly not the word I’d use…“ She leaned forward and pressed her lips to hers in a soft kiss. The Doctor smiled against her lips feeling a sense of relief, she hadn’t even realised she had been worried right until this moment. She realised it was silly now. She leaned into her and River pulled her a little closer as they kissed. “I do have one concern…“ 
“What’s that?“ The Doctor asked feeling a wave of concern.
“I’m worried you will catch a cold if you stay in these wet clothes.“ River smirked pulling her braces down and the Doctor mouthed a silent “Oh“ raising her eyebrows. “You could catch your death.“ River winked and pushed her hands under her t-shirt.
“Well, that would be unfortunate. I’ve only just regenerated.“ The Doctor chuckled blushing a little as River pulled her shirt off. 
“And what a fine regeneration it is, too.“ River complimented brushing her fingertips down her sternum to her flat stomach to the waistband of her trousers. The Doctor bit her bottom lip, instinctively moving her hips forward, being a woman was different in many ways she hadn’t even thought about initially. So this was yet another exciting lesson as she decided to just trusted her body and her instincts. “Are you travelling by yourself Doctor? You know I don’t like it when you’re alone…“ River mused as she kissed the side of her neck. 
“No I’ve got my Fam…“ The Doctor answered arching her neck a little. 
“Your Fam?“ River repeated in amusement. 
“Ryan, Yaz and Graham, you’d like them.“
“What did you tell them you’d be doing?“ River smirked as she unbuttoned her wife’s trousers. 
“I may have sent them twelve hours into the future…“ The Doctor confessed with a little laugh. 
“Doctor!“ River exclaimed in pretend shock giving her thigh a little slap. 
“What? I wanted some alone time with my wife.“ The Doctor retorted with a cheeky smile. 
“So we’ve got twelve hours?“ River confirmed in a sultry tone.
“Got all night.“ The Doctor nodded as she felt her heart beats quicken. 
“Good.“ River grinned and lifted her off the side with great enthusiasm carrying her out of the kitchen towards the bedroom. “You do realise you’ll be cleaning all that up.“ She commented as they left the kitchen behind. 
“I figured as much.“ The Doctor laughed. 
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