#it's not crow's bday anymore
caramelmochacrow · 2 months
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"You know that I want you And you know that I need you"
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dhmis-autism · 2 years
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I accidentally tripped and dropped ur cake so I got u this lil guy to make up for it
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hey-august · 1 month
Time keeps moving on and on and on
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🎂Happy birthday, clown man! Here's your bday fic!🎁
WC: 810 Warnings: SFW-ish (brief mention of genitals but in a not-sexy way), Buggy x GN!reader, established relationship, Buggy has self esteem issues because of course he does Title from Man Overboard by blink-182
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There was a stranger in the mirror. The longer he stayed, the less familiar he looked. Recognizable features became overshadowed and created a dissonance. Steam and condensation clung to the sliver surface. Buggy leaned closer and stared.
That was his hair. It was long and blue, like it should be. But it was thinning. The strands that he hoped were highlights, sun bleached to a light blue color, were white. Stark fucking white and void of color. At first he pulled them out, but the colorless hair grew like weeds. Like plants that propagate and take over if you don’t deal with the source. And how could he, when the source was time.
Buggy recognized his eyes. Well, he did at first. The longer he looked, the more he lost himself. The color was right, but the shape seemed to change. Were his eyes getting baggier? More hooded? Fuck, maybe he should stop pulling his skin so tight when putting on make-up. He wasn’t young anymore, his skin didn’t bounce back like it used to…
And there were the wrinkles. Emotions carved into his skin. Even if Buggy tried to smooth them out by filling the grooves with thick moisturizing creams and rough massages with calloused fingertips, they were fucking canyons. His wrinkles were deep and unfading. Forehead marks that fucked with the smooth lines of his crossbones, creases dug between his eyebrows, crow’s feet flanking his eyes, lines around his mouth that he couldn’t hide with paint.
Shit. Everywhere Buggy looked, he saw more details and definition that didn’t belong to him. That wasn’t him in the mirror. But it was.
Buggy was getting old.
He hated this. He hated all of it. The negativity simmered, sitting on a low heat in the corner of his mind. Every glance in the mirror made the fire hotter. Every day closer to his birthday brought bubbles to the surface, until it all spilled over.
“It’s your birthday! Are you excited?” Your cheeriness finally brought Buggy’s self-esteem issues to their boiling point.
“Why the fuck would I be excited about getting older?” he spat, more than ready to pour out every damn insecurity he had. “Look at me, white hair, wrinkles, flab-” Buggy grabbed, pointed, and squeezed every area of his body’s betrayal. “I’m old and it’s only going to get worse.”
“Beer gut and droopy balls,” Buggy practically wailed. His future was unavoidable.
The clown pirate continued his long withheld lament, releasing every thought and frustration in a fast moving stream. Complaints about the hair growing out of his ears and no- Nevermind. Achy knees, a back that twinges when the weather changes too fast, hangovers lasting longer and longer. There was so much on Buggy’s list, but a hand grabbing his own stopped the tirade.
“I like those things-”
“Liar. Who would like a washed up clown?”
Buggy’s glare was met with fiery determination. He didn’t want to listen, but you weren’t done talking.
“Babe, I like that you’re getting older because I get to see it happen.” You paused. “I… I feel lucky that we get to grow old together.”
The confession sent blood to your face and turned your cheeks red. You chewed your lip but didn’t turn away from Buggy.
“Ew.” Buggy opened his mouth and pretended to gag. “You really think like that? You’re so sappy, it’s disgusting,”
The clown’s teasing came with a smile that grew bigger by the moment. His chest puffed as he put on a fake sneer and shook his head in mock disappointment.
“Whatever, it’s not a big deal. I don’t know why you’re still talking about these things,” Buggy continued, patting your shoulder condescendingly.
You rolled your eyes and smiled. “Right, my bad. Happy birthday, Buggs.”
“Thanks, hun.”
Buggy pulled you into a tight hug, holding you like he’d lost the ability to communicate any other way. Like there was nothing else in the world but you, him, and the sea. Like he’d melt into you, dissolve into you entirely, if you’d let him. Like you healed something deep inside.
When the embrace broke, you reached up and pushed back a few loose strands of Buggy’s long hair. You stayed quiet as you studied him. And for the first time in a long time, Buggy didn’t mind it. He didn’t worry that you’d see something disgusting, old, and ugly.
“I like these shimmer strands. They catch the light and sparkle,” you said softly, running your fingers through his hair again.
“Hmm…” Buggy hummed, pleased with the flashy compliment. Maybe white hair wasn’t so bad.
There was a stranger reflected in your eyes. He couldn’t always see it himself, but for a moment, Buggy saw himself the way you saw him. He saw the person you wanted to grow old with. He saw someone worthy.
He saw someone lovable.
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tinyarmedtrex · 7 months
🪐 ☁️ 🍬 💌
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
Going to see a play tonight with my sister!
Not sick anymore (knock on wood)! I had a cough from thanksgiving till about 2 weeks ago and that was rough.
My bday is next month and we always do a murder mystery party so I've been planning that.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
It's a thin reference to the movie 'Meet the Robinsons' where the trex says 'I have a big head, and little arms. I'm just not sure how well this plan was thought through'. I really love that movie and dinosaurs - plus its memorable as a username and not fandom specific. I feel like its my brand at this point.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I don't love the view of Wylan as a 'soft uwu' baby or as a total bad ass. I think he's a bit of both but also wildly naive and terrified. I mean, in general, all the crows are beautifully nuanced characters and I think people forget that but with him especially.
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now? 
0. Yes, I'm that person. 🤣
thank you!!
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bladeverbenas-blog · 5 years
closed event starter for @haemoneiron!
Of all the days for some strangeness to rear its ugly head and interrupt the quiet routine of his life, it had to be on Crow's birthday, the day they had set aside to visit a particularly nice restaurant in the Golden Ward.
It would have been perfect—a quiet evening between the two of them, good food and wine, maybe even some dancing, but no, some Void-spat cat-monster had to rear its ugly head and turn the entire ward into its playground! It didn’t even have the good grace to return his powers to him for the duration of this madness: all he had was a sword and his ability Blink. It would be enough, hopefully, but still it rankled...
Trouble hadn't reached him yet, as they were far above street level, but the chaos on the streets was clearly visible from the windows. It would soon reach him, if his previous experience with this sort of thing was to be trusted...
Corvo stood up, phone in hand, already dialling Crow's number. As soon as she picked up, he didn’t even bother to say hello.
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"Please tell me you're not in the Golden Ward."
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okaymannotnow · 3 years
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Anyways this is what I sorta imagine what the teens look like in my no death game au! A little more on their design below...
Changed her the most cuz how the hell do you literally have a clown and have such a flat design??? Anyways I see Anzu as a decorative person always trying to put more hair clips or pins on herself. She designed her socks herself and asked Ryoko to make them! nails were done by Kugie and Kanna to match her eyes :)) Her rings are the cheap plastic ones you find at the prize center like in a chuck e cheese, she worked very hard to get enough tickets to earn the whole set. The pin were freebies the circus she works at hands out.
Freckles. Just freckles. Also kinda tanned from being outside all the time! J necklace was a souvenir from his dad when he was little, it doesn't fit him anymore and people call it tacky but he still wears it
"Sara like strawberries and jam but it's not a main character point and just something that-" STRAWBERRIES!! Strawberry earrings that were a bday gift from Kai. Also blush cause the plain skin tone looked weird. RED SCRUNCHIE, Sara seems like someone who uses scrunchies
Ayaya very tired, hard to see but I tried giving him eye bags but it didn't turn out so well.... But! I messed up his bandages cause I hc he's left-handed and can't use his right that well. And a beauty mark cuz I have one in that location too.
Dunno. Only one sprite and I couldn't think of much to change :( She was mainly for practice on lips (which BTW WERE A PAIN IN THE ASS??). Added an extra button that has the letter K on it (it means Kanna not Kugie she corrects ppl on this all the time). NAIL CHOKER!!! It may look more like a bell but shhhh. And finally embroidery! Who cares if it’s probably against dress code it’s cute <33
Also nankidai I am begging Ryoko sprite just one I need it
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Relationship Q&A - Wildmoore Edition
Who confessed feelings first?
Sophie. Definitely Sophie. Ryan is too damn stubborn to admit or even realize that she has feelings for Sophie. Sophie knew for a while that she had feelings for Ryan and she had an inkling that Ryan liked her back but she knew that Ryan would not realize it or admit it if she did realize. Sophie admittedly wanted to start kissing Ryan and going out with her romantically instead of always leaving their hangouts feeling unsatisfied lol so she knew she had to make the first move. When she did, Ryan slapped her playfully on the arm and said, damn Soph, it took you look enough. 
Nicknames for each other? 
Ryan still calls Sophie, “Crowphie” but it’s endearing and playful and Sophie doesn’t mind it. She calls her, “Soph” as well. They both call each other bae, babe, boo, baby. Sophie calls Ryan, “Ry Ry” and also calls her “Shawty/shorty.” When they’re playing video games and it gets competitive, Ryan refers to herself as “Bdub” short for BW (batwoman). Bdub finna drop this 30 piece on your head Soph. Sophie usually let’s Ryan win when they play 2k because she thinks it’s cute when Ryan gets competitive and gloats. 
Who apologizes first in fights?
Since they are enemies to lovers they are used to fighting with each other and not seeing eye to eye. So they don’t ever really freak out about a big fight. They know one of them will eventually come around. Even though Ryan is more stubborn and hard headed, it’s usually her that apologizes first. Sophie can’t stay mad at Ryan’s puppy dog face and her sweet smile. They always hug and then Ryan says, Soph, I’m sorry. And then Sophie immediately says, no, babe, I’m sorry. They are good at talking through their issues and know how to have  healthy communication Then once they talk they have a lot of make up sex and cuddles. 
Who said I love you first?
Ryan said it first. Ryan was in the batsuit and she thought she was about to die after getting bested in a big fight. She turned on her comms and told Mary and Luke to get Sophie on the line.  
Yeah I’m here babe, what is it?
Sophie, I love you. Ryan said this with zero hesitation in her voice. She turned off the batsuit voice manipulator so that Sophie could hear Ryan’s real voice when she told her. 
You wha-
I love you. I’m in love with you. And I have been for a while now. I wanted to tell you but I didn’t know the right time. I thought maybe I would take you to dinner at our favorite spot, but it doesn’t look like I’m gonna make it. Ryan’s breath was coming out in short bursts and she was struggling. Sophie heard the distress. 
BABE, Ryan talk to me! What’s happening? 
I’m ok, I just needed to tell you this incase I didn’t get the chance. I love you with my whole heart Sophie. You’re the most important thing in my life and I’m so glad I didn’t die before I met you.
Are you quoting a Bright Eyes song to me right now? Sophie let out a raspy laugh.
Damnit Soph, I’m trying to be serious here. I didn’t know you know that song.
Ryan, I hear you sing it to yourself literally every morning when you’re getting dressed.
Yeah? Ryan’s voice comes out strained but she’s holding on. 
I love you too. And you’re not dying today. Hang tight shorty. I’m on my way. 
Who is the cuddler?
Ryan is more cuddly for sure. Ryan always wants cuddles even when Sophie isn’t in the mood. Ryan likes to act big and tough and she totally is but she’s also a huge softie. When Sophie is grumpy and they’re lying in bed together, Ryan rolls over and big spoons Sophie. When they’re on the couch watching movies, Ryan always wants the cuddles. She hasn’t felt very safe for most of her life and Sophie makes her feel safe. When she’s cuddled up with Sophie she feels like she’s in a cocoon where nothing and no one can harm her. Sophie has picked up on this being the reason Ryan cuddles so much and so she lets her do it whenever she wants even though Sophie isn’t the biggest cuddler. 
Who wakes up first?
Sophie does. And she makes breakfast, has her coffee. Reads through her twitter news feed, takes a shower, brushes her teeth, does her hair, and gets dressed and is ready to go before Ryan gets out of bed. Ryan always marvels at how Sophie is always so prompt and ready. Sophie says it’s because of her military background. Ryan thinks it’s because Sophie has had trouble sleeping ever since Kate died (and then came back to life as something that is not Kate). Ryan knows Sophie doesn’t have feelings for Kate anymore and she’s not jealous. But she knows how traumatizing it was for Sophie and she’s had trouble sleeping ever since. Ryan hopes that some day she can wake up before Sophie because it will mean she has slept through the night comfortably, uninterrupted and unbothered by her worries. 
Who falls asleep first?
Ryan usually does. Being Batwoman is tiring. They don’t tell you that when you sign up for this gig. Ryan usually knocks out on the couch while Sophie is making dinner or taking off her work clothes and slipping into something more comfortable. Sophie will come out of her room and see  Ryan curled up on the couch asleep. Sometimes she puts a blanket over her and then sits near her and runs her hands through Ryan’s hair or rubs her back. Or they will be watching TV or a movie and Ryan will fall asleep on Sophie’s shoulder. Sophie always finds these moment tender because it reminds her of when Batwoman, before she knew it was Ryan, rested her head on Sophie when she thought she was dying. Sophie likes listening to the sound of Ryan’s soft breathing, in and out in and out. It puts her at ease. And she often sneaks a kiss onto Ryan’s forehead. At night when they crawl into bed, Sophie will be telling Ryan about some new case and Ryan after a while will stop responding and Sophie will see that she’s fallen asleep. Sophie always finishes her story anyway and then she reads a book until she grows tired too and shuts off the light.
Who is more Romantic? 
Ryan is. I told you she’s a big softie. She loves spoiling Sophie. She kisses her all the time, she’s always reaching for Sophie’s hand and interlocking their fingers. She makes playlists for Sophie, she goes all out on Sophie’s bday or just because. And she likes planning dinner dates for the two of them. Ryan has been out longer than Sophie and she is more used to the PDA and the dating and spoiling a girl thing. Sophie is still learning what it looks like to be romantic with another woman. Besides the sex and kissing which she is very good at. Sophie does go all out for Vday, Ryan’s bday, and Christmas though. 
Who has more of a temper?
They both are hot heads and fly off the handle but it makes for great angry sex and make up sex. 
What do they argue about the most?
The others’ safety. 
Who is more jealous?
Neither of them are really the jealous type. They know they each only have eyes for each other. Before they started dating, they both were a little jealous of Mary. But it turns out Mary didn’t like either of them in that way and they were both didn’t like Mary in that way, they were just projecting. The conversation went something like this: I thought you liked Mary? What I thought you liked Mary? No. I like you. I like you too. Some girls at the bar do try and flirt with Ryan and if Sophie is there she just laughs. She finds it more amusing than anything. Because Ryan gets all cute and flustered. Ryan finds it funny when they’re out and guys try and hit on either one of them- assuming that the two are just gal pals. They shoot the guys down and then they laugh and say to each other, “why are we so hot?”
What do they do for fun/in their downtime?
Ryan and Sophie are both huge tomboys and so it makes for a fun relationship. They play fight a lot! Mary walks in on some of their playfights and thinks they are fighting for real and tries to break it up. Then when she realizes they are play fighting she gets grossed out and says, ew is this foreplay?? They go mini golfing, bowling, go to the shooting range because Ryan wants to learn how to shoot like Sophie. They go to arcades, and they go to amusement parks and movies. When they’re at home they like to watch streaming services, watch sports, read, watch movies, take naps, and order take out. They like trying new places and ordering food for each other from the new places- and if they order food the other likes then they get a point, if they order food the other person doesn't like then they don’t get a point. Whoever gets 10 points doesn’t have to pay on their next date. 
Favorite thing about each other:
Sophie likes Ryan’s lips, Ryan likes Sophie’s eyes. Ryan likes that Sophie is not scared of standing up for herself or what she thinks is right. She likes her bravery and courage. She likes how bad ass Sophie is but also how she is so kind and sweet. She likes Sophie’s raspy voice. She won’t admit it but she likes how Sophie proved Ryan wrong. She likes that she kept her secret as Batwoman and how she isn’t like the Crows in the way she thought Sophie was. Sophie likes Ryan’s cute smile and puppy dog eyes. She likes Ryan’s unwavering confidence and strength. She likes that Ryan doesn’t back down and that she protects the people that she loves with her whole heart. She likes that Ryan isn’t afraid of anyone and will challenge and step up to anyone. They both love how the other loves them. They both love how safe, and protected the other one makes them feel. 
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roublardise · 3 years
hiii 🥰 2, 6 and 23 for the books ask 💕
hiiii 🥰
2. Did you reread anything? What?
yes yes yes yes!!!! I've actually reread a lot (when you do a ratio of reread/how many books read i think, idk i don't do maths) 🤔 I'm gonna make a little list:
- Murder on the Orient-Express, by Agatha Christie A classic I had read when I was in high school. I remembered the big plot twist, so it was super interesting to reread it knowing it (and nothing else bc I have a shitty plot memory).
- Détective Conan, by Gosho Aoyama I've started rereading them in late 2020, so in 2021 I've read from vol 20 to 78. I've been having so much fun it's sooo good 😭 my bro is also reading them we can be obsessed together 💕 I'm only at vol 78 by now, bc the scans I was reading changed? like the french is now fansub, and I can't read their typography lol. So I gotta read in english, and it's weird to read this manga from my childhood in english, and I also struggle more to understand the cases 😔 I'm taking my time, but it's there, always in the back of my mind!
edit: the reread is only up until vol 50 or so, with a big lapse between 23 and 51 bc that's the vol I owned
- THE HUNGER GAMES TRILOGY, by Suzanne Collins 💕 Loved loved loved loved loved going back into it!!! I had read it at least three times already, but I hadn't in a few years and idk I felt like it. I didn't plan to, but I took the opportunity to read the prequel as well.
Fascinated bc, well for once I do remember a lot of the plot, but I still rediscovered a lot (with a lot of "wait I thought it went [smth which was changed in the movies]"). But especially when it came to the whole political ideas, like I'm way more political than I was when I've read it before, so I was able to think more about that part of the books. I also had a whole new view on it bc I'm not close to Katniss' age anymore, and I was going "she's so young leave her alone" all along 💀
Masterpiece writing truly Suzanne Collins GETS IT soooo much. And it's not the question but people who gave the prequel two stars on goodreads do NOT get it they can't read imo. All her choices are so deliberate I'm truly amazed it's beautiful, she knows what she's doing!! I was a bit frustrated by the end bc we don't know what the political state is by that point, and I was so curious. But I had to remember that it wasn't the point of the trilogy, not really. It makes sense, it's just a bit frustrating bc I have so many questions about it.
6. Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to?
I wanted to (rere)reread Six of Crows, by Leigh Bardugo as well, but I know I'll get obsessed so I had to wait. I was already taken by spn, detective conan, and thg, and I was supposed to finish my master 😂
I wanted to read, finally, Les Orageuses, by Marcia Burnier. It's about anger & feminism, it was rec to me by a friend bc it's 100% my vibe. But it's one of these books I'm waiting for the Right Time for, and it wasn't this year.
And the book my big bro got me for my bday it seems soooo cool but I wanted to wait until my master to be done to read it! It's Sur les ossements des morts, by Olga Tokarczuk. It's likely there's an english title somewhere bc it got a Nobel prize, but it's a polish book so it won't be the original title who cares lmao. There's so much in this book deep with meaning I can't believe my bro found that, there's a murder, the main character is into astrology, it's a polish book, it's written by a feminist, and the cover is stunning 🥺🥺 I can't wait to get into it!!!
23. What’s the fastest time it took you to read a book?
Oh well, an afternoon? 😂 It was a book about gender stuff, but pretty basic, it's about giving notions. I've read it when I was planning an intervention around these topics for work, bc my brain is so academical I struggle to write easy definition for some concept so I needed to get back to a "beginner" level.
It was Beyoncé est-elle féministe?, by Osez le féminisme ! and it's so liberal and racist 😭 I didn't know it was written by this collective when I read it, otherwise I'm not sure I would have bother. They contradict themselves from one page to another, and I'm not over a racist drawing in like, p30 or smth 💀
Otherwise I was a slow reader this year, I may have took 3 days for some books, but overall going more around one week.
end-of-year book ask
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marisferasiop · 4 years
For @racketghost 13 days of halloween, days 12 and 13: magic and ritual
Yall i went full fuckin' sap on this one.
This day you get a twofer, because it's my mom's bday so I've been busy this weekend.
Magic and Ritual
"I've been hexed. Or ssssomething," Crowley huffs, dropping down onto the bench next to the angel.
Aziraphale is flicking peas at ducks and frowning. "Hexed? Can you be hexed?" He asks. 
Crowley shrugs, glaring out at the humans in the park milling around them like nothing world-changing at all is happening to one of the man-shaped beings on the bench. "Must be. Something's all...wrong." Christ, he can't even look at the angel now without aching between the ribs and between the legs. More than usual, anyway.
That's going to be a massive problem; they've only got each other, anymore. 
"How do you mean, dear?" Aziraphale turns to him fully, alarmed now. "Is it... your former employers?" He glances at the humans surrounding them and back to Crowley. 
"Nah. No. Not their style. This is more... insidiously quiet. I just feel. Off?" 
"Well if you'd tell me how you feel then perhaps I can help. Being vague is getting nowhere." Aziraphale straightens in his seat and waits. Crowley will take the bait. 
"Look, it's. Fuck. Can we go back to the shop? Or to mine?" He implores, looking sideways at the angel. To him, Aziraphale appears to glow incandescent, a thing of immeasurable happiness and desire and Crowley wants him so badly his teeth hurt. 
"Nnno. Nope. Nevermind. I'm-- ssssshit. I'm going." 
"Wait, what? Crow- now really!" Aziraphale exclaims, standing and trying to catch the demon by the sleeve. Crowley has never just up and bolted like that! Something must actually be the matter. He watches Crowley and his improbably flexible hips sashay quickly away and is left standing awkwardly by the bench, dumbfounded. He sits. 
Some time later (he tends to lose patches of time when having A Think) the angel gets up again and decides to walk to Crowley's flat to figure this out. It's a short walk from St James' anyway. 
On his walk he wrings his hands and ponders what could possibly be bothering Crowley so badly if Hell isn't involved. Heaven hasn't bothered Aziraphale since their trials after Armageddon, and he and Crowley check up on Adam often enough to know he is safe and still pretty normal, considering. 
Aziraphale can't deny that this connection vetween them has been... palpable, in increasing viscosity, since they formed their own side and started considering themselves more freelance-retired than anything else. 
Aziraphale knows he loves Crowley. He has never wanted to see him injured or in a bad way, always healing the demon when he needed it, or offering some free time when they were both feeling the burning ache of immortality in a passing, dying world. Crowley has always been more emotional, more empathic on that end than the angel, but he understand those feelings it all the same. 
This feeling isn't the way he feels about anything else, not even his favorite foods. 
So. Well. If Crowley believes that feeling this way means he's hexed then Aziraphale must be under the same magic spell. 
And there must be a ritual to shake it off, surely? 
But in the same breath he curses himself for the thought. Surely desiring to be out of the enchantment means that they don't want to feel this way any longer. Aziraphale loves loving Crowley. Sometimes it is bothersome, like when he want to sleep and Aziraphale wants to try a new restaurant, or when Crowley wants to go out and make some grand gesture but Aziraphale just got in a new crate of books to go thru. 
But damn it all, it works. They fit together so well it's absurd at times to think they were ever supposed to be enemies. 
Aziraphale rides the lift to Crowley's floor and lets himself in to the right side door on the small landing. There are two doors here, but Aziraphale has never seen the other flat's occupant. He wonders vaguely if there even is one, or of the demon's wide-open floorplan has expanded into the other flat so much that it has disappeared. 
He goes into Crowley's sitting room and stares blankly at the dark telly mounted on the wall. He goes into the empty kitchen and sees the remnants of a coffee abandoned on the counter, undrunk. There is a neat pile of shining-fresh apples nearby in a metal, snake-woven fruit bowl. He wonders how ling they have been there or if they will ever be eaten. He moves to the plant room and stares at them pushing out their best leaves for perusal. 
There is a faint sound from the bedroom. He follows it. 
Crowley is curled up in bed, his face pressed to the pillow. He doesn't seem too surprised to see that Aziraphale followed him home. 
"Hey, angel." 
"Hello, my dear. I think I have a solution for us." 
"For the hexing?" Crowley rolls over and sits up, looking adorably rumpled in a soft tee. His eyes are wide. The blankets pool on his lap and his hair, grown since Armageddon, curls fitfully around his ears. 
"I don't believe it's a bewitching. Only a... spell of sorts. Maybe the most ancient sort there is." 
Crowley's brow crinkles, his yellow eyes alight with curiosity and confusion. "Wot." 
"You see. God put the apple tree in the center of the garden so that the temptation was there the whole time. It was a test. Humanity failed. And I think we did, too." 
Crowley puzzles at this for a moment, and in that time Aziraphale only manages to think dear God we are both idiots. 
"My darling," he says softly, getting the demon's attention. He has never called Crowley that. Never crossed that line into sure affection. "We are one another's forbidden fruit. We are the temptation for the other." 
"I can't-- angel this feeling is taking over. I want you so badly. In every way. It's-- i can't ignore it anymore. It used to be difficult, but I managed it. But it's always been there  it's just...more, now." 
"I understand, my love. I think we have both been substantially stupid this whole time. I love you dearly, Crowley. That's the only enchantment we're under. It's the oldest sort of magic there is." 
Crowley gapes at him for a moment, twisting the blankets in his hands.
He looks briefly like he might cry. Aziraphale can't stand it. 
The angel tips forward, catching Crowley's jaw in his hands on both sides. He tips the demon up and kisses him soundly, swallowing the exhale of sheer relief when Crowley melts against him and wraps long, gangly arms around his waist. 
"Surely there's, ah. Some sort of ritual to be done?" Crowley breathes. "To fix this specific sort of ache? Y'know. Caused by the... the magic." He can't quite form the word love just now, but Aziraphale knows it's there. 
"Oh," Aziraphale sighs, lighting up with a mischevious grin. "Yes, I'm certain there is." 
He is tugged onto the bed. Clothes are vanished with another thought from one of them or the other. 
Two celestial beings create quite a bit of the oldest sort of magic and perform the best rituals. 
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nicohischier · 4 years
ash 🥰 thank you sm ily @kirbysdch​
rules; answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
name/nickname: rayleene. if you call me by a nickname i’ll scream
gender: female
star sign: leo sun
height: no. 
time: 9:15pm
birthday: aug 8
favorite bands/groups: non kpop: 5sos, ajr kpop: tvxq, svt, nct, day6, exo, got7, atz.. yknow...... and more but. imma chill
favorite solo artists: i dont.. really listen to soloists. from kpop tho.. boa, cai xukun [cpop], woosung, jun. k.. yeah. i didnt include soloists who are also in groups tho bc. complicated ig idk
song stuck in your head: sunrise yellow - ftisland
last movie: coco probs
last show: ummmmmmm. i think i watched a kb ep the other day?
when did I create this blog: march 2018 
what do I post: hockey unfortunately. also bullshit and sometimes kpop but only when no one can see
last thing I googled: good question. lee daehwi cause i wanted to know his age
other blogs: negative. well no active ones
do i get asks: sometimes but it depends on whats otg. not like. outta the blue but when i ask for them i tend to get a good amount
why I chose my url: devon levi best canadian goaltender to ever exist owner of my heart best boy got a win on his bday ncaa king future vezina winner 
following: um. 317
followers: no. i refuse. every time i say my fc someone unfollows. its mean and hurts my soul
average hours of sleep: idk like 8? but its from like. 4am to 12pm. so. and my earliest class this semester is 12pm so watch me change my schedule to 3-11 lmao
lucky number: 8
instrument: used to play trumpet but i dont play anymore
what am i wearing: pyjamas
dream job: lawyer but not a court lawyer bc ooh scary 
dream trip: south korea or japan
favorite food: i love. homemade french fries. comfort food 
nationality: chinese 
favorite song: um it changes a lot but rn its sunrise yellow by ftisland
last book you read: cemetery boys by aiden.. thomas? idk but im not checking
top three fictional worlds: let me be a demigod or give me death. alternatively put me in the hp universe or the six or crows universe
lmao you thought i’d tag someone. funny. im too much of a coward to tag ppl
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storytime-reviews · 5 years
I Should Have Read That
• Thank the person who tagged you and link back to their post
• Link to the creator’s blog (booksnest.co.uk) in your post
• Answer the questions below
• Tag 10 others to take part
Thanks for tagging me @thelivebookproject whose answers are here :)
1. A book that a certain friend is always telling you to read:
A friend recommended Scythe to me ages ago, and I did reserve it in October at my local library, but whoever had it out kept it out months overdue. I literally just checked the library records now, and they have no record of it, so I guess the library never got it back lol.
2. A book that’s been on your TBR forever and yet you still haven’t picked it up:
God so many tbh. According to my Goodreads TBR, Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare, but in terms of books I’ve had for ages and not read, probably a collection of Plato’s works that I got as a bday present sometime in 2013-15 but didn’t read because I already felt oversaturated with ancient history content from uni. 
3. A book in a series you’ve started, but haven’t finished yet:
Just like @thelivebookproject, The Dark Artifices. I’ve read the first, but not the rest!
4. A classic you’ve always liked the sound of, but never actually read:
The Count of Monte Cristo...possibly also because part of me really wants to read it in French, but my language skills definitely aren’t there yet!
5. A popular book that it seems everyone but you has read:
So many tbh. I fell very far behind ‘popular’ books when I was at uni, and so I have a very big TBR to make up for it. Again, just like @thelivebookproject I haven’t read Throne of Glass yet, though in my case I am planning to. Also the Grisha trilogy, though I’ve read the Six of Crows duology. 
6. A book that inspired a film/TV adaptation that you really love, but you just haven’t read it yet:
I was going to say The 100 (but we don’t talk about that show anymore...) Definitely The Family Law, which is a memoir about growing up Asian in Australia, by comedian Benjamin Law. I love the show and I know I really need to read his book. 
7. A book you see all over Instagram Tumblr (I don’t use Instagram. <-same) but haven’t picked up yet:
Yeah I don’t have Instagram, so I’ll say The Cruel Prince and King of Scars which I’ve seen everywhere on tumblr, but haven’t read yet, although I do have the books...just haven’t read them yet!
Open tag like the others, but also tagging some people I think might enjoy this (but no pressure guys): 
@beautifulpaxielreads @literaery-me @myownlittlebookcorner @doughtah @sonyarebecchi
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Not What You Expected
fandom: implied Stony (Steve x Tony), post MCU Avengers Infinity War
warning: THIS CONTAINS MCU Infinity War spoilers, read at your own risk!
summary: it wasn’t the kind of birthday Tony wished for, but he had to work with what he had.
length: 1 956 words
a/n: another year, and I am again thinking how MCU!Tony is celebrating his bday! If you saw Infinity War, you know it won’t be happy fic. or will it be?
Not What You Expected
It was a common truth, that the harder one tried to not think about something, the more it was coming back to them. He tried to focus on constructing, on finding the scraps of metal, so different from the ones he used to work with and make the best of it with the littlest he had. He needed both of his hands to work, but would give one of them for a bottle of some matured scotch. Even for a glass. Something to dull his mind and help him channel his thoughts, instead of having them scattered all over, coming back to memories and possible scenarios he didn't need in his current situation. Sometimes he hated how his mind worked.
"Happy Birthday!!"
"Whaaat?" Tony smiled in his cheeky way, one corner of his mouth going higher than the other one when he had been allowed to open his eyes and had a bunch of confetti thrown in his face. "I totally didn't expect that," he said, faking every word, but still feeling flattered. Birthday parties were not mandatory in the Avengers' agenda but were welcomed. And he was touched by the Iron Man themed party decorations and colorful balloons filled with helium, dancing around the room.
His team. His friends. Alive and smiling.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to youu!" Clint crowed in a funnily high pitched voice, holding a deflated balloon. Natasha and Bruce were setting up the table. Rhodey and Scott kept arguing over music, having to decide if they should play classic rock or modern rock. Even Spider-Man showed up, this time as Peter Parker, as his secret identity wasn’t secret anymore, at least among the team. Tony laughed, noticing that Peter looked completely awed as Thor took it as his task to make the young Avenger feel welcomed and talked with him in his quiet rumbly voice, and Peter kept nodding, not letting his eyes off the taller man, taking in his every word. Starstruck was a right term. Tony immediately thought of the video from the Spider-Man suit, the one where Peter had impersonated Thor, and maybe he still had a copy of that saved somewhere. And then, most importantly…
"Happy birthday, babe."
A warm whisper in his ear and a sweet kiss on his cheek. Steve. Steve thought that he was so covert with organizing a surprise birthday party for him, but of course that Tony knew. He always knew.
"Thanks," Tony smiled at his boyfriend, and scrunched his nose playfully, when Steve ran his hand through his hair, brushing off some confetti. It fell to the floor in a light pattern, joining more speckles of colorful paper. Tony already felt bad for whoever would have to clean after the party.
At the call, Tony turned around, seeing Wanda and Vision carrying a chocolate fudge cake, one of Tony's favorite cakes in the world. It was triple layered, with uneven layers of chocolate buttercream and some piped out cream around.
"I and Vis baked it ourselves," Wanda said, sounding proud and putting the cake down in the middle of the table. The homemade look was explained, and for Tony it was the most beautiful cake he had ever seen. He was grateful that someone had enough of tact, probably Vision, and stuck only one symbolic candle into the cake.
"Thanks, guys," Tony smiled and then spluttered in panic, when he noticed the white icing on the top of the cake, a curly 'Happy Birthday!' and his exact age, and hearing a collective laugh at his reaction. "Yeah, just gonna get this off…" Tony decided, taking a knife and scooping the icing off, the laughter quickly replaced with a disappointed whine. "I know it was you who told them," he turned to Pepper, licking the icing off, and Pepper batted her long eyelashes innocently. Among all people gathered, she was probably the only one who could tell his whole birthday date without any hesitation and somehow Tony became pretty secretive about it, especially his birth year. Tony loved that she was so proficient and gave her a smile in the end, showing that he wasn’t really offended, which she returned. There was nothing wrong with teasing your friend, even on their birthday.
"Come on, babe," Steve wiped Tony's lips with an earlier prepared napkin, because that was Tony, always getting food on his face. He also loved that Steve knew him so well. "Blow the candle and make a wish."
Tony closed his eyes, wanting to keep this moment in his mind. His team. His friends. His boyfriend. All together. He blew the candle, the small flame disappearing and everything turned dark. It was dark and quiet, and then he heard everyone screaming and an enormous hand wrapped in gold reached in his direction, about to smash his head and he couldn’t move. There was just screaming and pain.
There was no screaming anymore, but some terrible, screeching sound brought him back. He moved up and saw Nebula, wrestling with a piece of a broken aircraft, trying to pull out something.
"Hey, wait," Tony quickly got to the woman. He didn't ask for permission, knowing that he wouldn't get a one anyway, and phased his Iron Man gloves on his hands and pulled together with her. After some maneuvering, they managed to get out a long piece of metal, flat and practically undamaged.
"Nice find," Tony praised, running his hand along the edges. They could use it for sure. Without a word, Nebula put her hands back into the pile scraps, searching for more.
She didn't talk much. She was quiet and precise, acting as if she knew what she was looking for, but not telling Tony, as if trusting him enough that he would know what to do with it, once she finds it. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking on his part.
"Hey…" Tony asked, sitting on the dry ground and looking at the orange, sick looking sky above them. He never appreciated Earth's blue sky, always taking it for granted, and felt like such a fool. "When is your birthday?" he asked, aware that it wasn't time or place for such talk, but he felt that he won't be able to work today and won't even try, almost as if having a silent protest.
No answer. Usually, he had to ask twice to get something out of her.
"You know, birthday? Like the day you were born."
"I know what birthday is."
Oh, reaction. Tony didn't lower his head and kept looking at the sky.
"Do you even celebrate birthdays?" Tony kept asking, but mostly he was just talking to himself. "Like blow a candle and make a wish sort of stuff?"
Some more metal screeching and an impatient huff. Tony brought his head back and saw that Nebula was looking back at him.
"Once I and my sister asked our father how we will celebrate our birthday. On mine, he forced us to fight, and when I lost, he took my eye. On my sister's, he destroyed a planet and eradicated a whole race. I was seven years old back then. We decided to stop celebrating everything."
It was a terrifying story, said in the most neutral voice. Nebula didn't show any emotions and Tony decided not to either.
"On my seventh birthday, I got a Happy Birthday card signed by my dad's assistant and a check. I guess you won," he shrugged.
Nebula didn't hold the discussion and went back to searching for any parts she could find useful. It probably was a signal for Tony to stop talking too, and either help or remain quiet. Or…
"Hey, you ever had shwarma?"
He could see the exact moment when Nebula's shoulders tensed in irritation. Not that someone becoming irritated with him ever stopped Tony.
"It is a kind of Earth food. How do you call Earth? Terra? That's cute. In Latin it means Earth. Do you know about Latin? It is a dead language on Earth, no one speaks it anymore---"
"I could kill you with my bare hands," Nebula sneered in warning. It could send chills down Tony's spine, but it also wasn't the first time he was ever threatened. That probably was sad, but he didn't have the time to think about it.
"But you won't," Tony said calmly, not backing away when Nebula looked at him, her dark eyes narrowing in suppressed anger. "You won't because only together we can get off this planet. And I know that you want to kill Thanos as much as I want to, if not more."
Nebula was dangerous. Tony didn't know her in any way but decided not to fear her. He felt some quiet companionship between them, and even if he was the only one feeling it, they had a shared goal. To find Thanos and make him pay for everything. For taking their loved ones away.
Maybe it was that moment and when Nebula abandoned her task and walked to Tony in slow steps, everything in Tony told him to be afraid. He pushed that voice deep into his subconsciousness. Nebula was just as broken and incomplete as he was.
The woman sat next to him on the ground as if deciding that it was time for a break for her. They sat in silence until Tony noticed that she was stretching and curling her right hand. The arm was metal, but fingers were not robotic.
"When we get to Earth, you should come with me to my lab," Tony said, not letting his eyes of the metal arm and noticing the nervous twitch of it. "Not for that," he added quickly, for a second feeling that their roles reversed. Nebula saw what he was able to do with technology and with her past, he couldn't blame her for not trusting any sort of mechanics, cosmic ones or not. "I meant this," he said, knocking on the device on his chest. "It is rather new on Earth, and maybe my technology is not that advanced in comparison to what you know, but I think I can make some things more… bearable for you."
And like that, Nebula let her guard down. She didn't accept the offer but also didn't decline it. They just sat together, sharing a silent moment on a dead planet, making hypothetical plans for something that might never happen.
"And shwarma after."
Tony could swear that he saw the slightest shade of smile on Nebula's face before it dissolved into her usual expression. That made Tony smile too, and it felt like ages since the last time he smiled. He closed his eyes, taking the last moment to himself, knowing that it was time to move his ass if he ever wanted to get back.
"Okay, time to wo---"
"You talk a lot."
Tony blinked and looked at Nebula, not expecting a comment from her. Surprisingly she was looking back at him. It wasn't a hostile look, but a sad one with some very deeply hidden fondness.
"When you are awake. And when you are asleep you talk too."
Tony wasn't sure if he liked where this was going.
Nebula stood up, brushing off the red soil of her clothes, keeping Tony waiting for a bit longer.
"I wish you a happier birthday next year, Tony," she said in her quiet voice and walked away, ready to look for more parts.
Tony remained shocked for a second or two. He watched Nebula putting her hands into the broken parts and looking through them, already ignoring him. Soon, Tony joined her. There was no need for a courteous thank you. What they needed, was to get off Titan and back to Earth.
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goldenscript · 7 years
HEY HEY it’s fine, your health always comes first! my friday was really interesting and today i finally went grocery shopping so there’s that. how’s your weekend so far? LMAO UR LITERALLY ME. i often feel detached from people or even myself but it takes .0000081 seconds for a tear to slip out when im reading or watching anime. omg i cried sm the second season of haikyuu bc like.. my baby oiks deserved to go to nationals man, seijoh deserved to go ;-; dont get me wrong i was sooo proud of (1/?)
our crows but like.. oikawa!!! i watched a couple episodes of avatar yesterday and i already love how flawed zuko is, you can see it right from the start. i already know what happens tho okay HAHAH. AND GIRL IM SO HYPED FOR INFINITY WAR!! LIKE aSDJD I CANT EVEN EXPRESS HOW I FEEL, SHIT’S BOUT TO GO DOWN. WHICH REMINDS ME, BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA IS SET IN A UNIVERSE WITH SUPERHEROES AND IT’S HONESTLY V CUTE. which ALSO reminds me i had a fic draft about how an ex-superhero mc who’s next door (2/?)             
who’s next door neighbors with a notorious anti-hero (superrrr orig ik, i was like in 9th grade ok i’m cringing) and she finds out about him through some funny circumstances bc for one, she’s not dumb. she can piece it together. she lost her powers in some way and is trynna adjust to reg human life and she doesn’t want anything to do with playing hero anymore bc of uh “PLOT.” shit happens. never got past the 3rd chapter lol which made me realize that long fics weren’t for me, i lose (3/?)
motivation too fast but it just sucks bc idk how to condense it enough for it to be a oneshot. when i randomly write, they still hit up to 20k so I DONT KNOW?? maybe i just write too much. i’m just as disorganized as i was 4-5 years ago ;; AH FF(.)net AND QUOTEV. GOOD OL’ TIMES. the first fic i read was about infinite’s woohyun bc he was my bby at the time lmaooo. and wow  i’d love to read your revamped fics and whatever else you have in mind!! the thing about fantasy is that it’s so broad (4/?)        
u can literally do anything with it!! LMAO WELL I MEAN TBRH IT’S JUST BTS but HM WHO DO YOU THINK MAtCHES THE JOB DESCRIPTIONS?? wink wink. ALSO sorry that i talk so much omg u must hate reading my messages lmao i feel like i always have a lot to say (5/5!!!)  -sjsu    
lemme just say that i don’t hate getting your messages at all ok!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel like i have a lot to say especially when the topics are within my interests and girl talking to me abt cringey fanfics, ugly crying over sports anime, & black panther are perfect enough reasons to babble over! i promise!!!!!!!! i look forward to talking to you girl (’:
thank you! i honestly just went out to my friend’s bday dinner yesterday night and chilled at home all day today. i’m supposed to hang with my dad and probably go out driving tomorrow so we’ll see. as of rn, i’m fooling myself into thinking that i’m gonna work on my english paper rn but i’m compromising and telling myself to just find quotes and write my thesis then saving the actually writing for tomorrow. but LMAO I’M GLAD YOU CAN RELATE. I WORRY THAT I’M ALONE ON THIS SOMETIMES. yeah, i detach easily and i don’t mean to but sometimes i prefer to let my mind drift and daydream because it’s so much more interesting than day to day life. buT I GET SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN ANIME OK. I CRIED FOR SEASON TWO ALSO. LIKE OIKAWA WAS SO HARDWORKING AND FUCK WHEN THEY LOST TO THE CROWS I WAS SO SAD BC I HONESTLY WISHED THEY COULD BOTH WIN SOMEHOW. like fuck that anime is good, making us sympathize and love like literally everyone you meet because the biggest antagonist in that damn show is time and how one minor point just fucks everyone over and kjsdhfsjkdhf i love haikyuu!! sooooo much. god
LMAO IT’S OK. i spoil myself a lot with shows and movies bc i’m a big like movie person especially in the MCU and horror cuz i like knowing that what i’m watching is worth all the fuss (this goes for most movies in general) although for black panther i didn’t spoil myself because i could feel it in my gut that it would end my entire existence and guess what it did? ended my entire existence. AND OMG INFINITY WAR SDFSDKJHF I’M SOLELY WATCHING IT FOR T’CHALLA TBH. I NEEDA KNOW WHAT ELSE IS GONNA HAPPEN WITH HIM AND THE REST OF WAKANDA OK. AND OMG IT IS? I LOVE THAT. OK FOR SURE I’M WATCHING IT OK.
i only played an interactive story app abt superheroes and it was so freakin’ cool. now this makes me want to replay it ‘cuz it’s just a trip man. the story line is great and i love the idea of superpowers. and omg that story of yours sounds so cool! like imo a trope / plot can seem “cliche” but how you execute it is what really makes the biggest different! like make me feel!!! make me love and hate your characters!!!!!!!! but yeah, honestly, i’m really starting to disbelieve in my skills at writing multi-part fics bc it’s a STRUGGLE. i write to finish i think. but i’m challenging myself to write series bc i have a few that i reallyyyyyyyyyyy want to write. and holy shit 20k????????? that’s amazing! i’ve only done that like once and i haven’t read it in hella long.
whenever i get around to it (man, i’m starting to get annoyed with myself for using this phrase kjsdhkjfsh), i will most def hit you up!!!!!!!! my first fic was like......... uh.... fuck i can’t even remember but i will admit i did try writing twilight fanfic too. in terms of kpop, my first was this jungkook drabble that i never saved and actually deleted after a few days but another one was this yoongi drabble that i currently have up rn that isn’t too bad. but ok girl telling me, a girl who thrives off structure and a basis, that something is broad is HELL for me. like i really need to think things over and make sure it makes sense and it’s just hard. i struggle but i’m trying.
rjgnkjsgkjsdhfkjshf alright, alright mundane jobs for earth-bound bts:
jin: cafeteria lady (sorry bb), everyone loves him, his station’s the cleanest, and no one hates him like............. at all. not even Boss, who everyone FEARS
yoongi: janitor but not really he doesn’t clean and his boss loves him too much to make him do work
hobi: retail worker bc he will not let any atrocity walk out of the store no matter what, doesn’t need his powers to get anyone to buy anything, makes pouches A Thing
joon: librarian, likes to observe ppl, somehow likes humanity even tho we’re messes (”aren’t we all messes, after all?”)
jimin & tae: delivery boys aka the bats bc they move like they’re coming straight out of hell
jungkook: mcd cashier, hates his job, sometimes gives people melted ice cream bc they looked at him funny
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dragonsgalaxy · 7 years
2 4 6 10 12 13 14 15 22 24 37 42 56 72 128 131 144
ikrlgmrtkg rain you always ask so many bles u lmao
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
…shy..very…shy. well not as much as i used to be but im more shy than anything
4. Are you easy to get along with?
id like to think so, i try to be nice to everyone who’s nice to me
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
people who are genuine, honest, and caring. theyre broad descriptors but i feel like theyre extremely important
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
OH man here we go
firelight by kubbi
unrest by twilight sleep
this entire album(?)
autumnal by teen daze 
mr.jones by counting crows
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
tbh idk, ive thought i was touch repulsed up until this past year so now im just kinda questioning myself so… maybe? never had it done really
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
honestly… no, i believe in coincidences and random chances that line up really well. might be too ~logically edgy~ of an outlook but its just how i see things
15. What good thing happened this summer?
u kno dam well what good thing happened this summer
ill list a few: bday, friends, you, art
22. Where would you like to travel?
japan, maybe germany maybe, some west coast states, canada :3c
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
well even though cant really do it anymore after yesterday since school for you… getting to just sit in bed and chat was nice
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
i make random hmms usually
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
90% of the time im just focused on something else, other 5% im paranoid about something, last 5% im not in the best mood
56. Favourite colour?
aqua! lavender! blues!! cool colors!! so many!!
72. What colour are your towels?
sea foam green, one has an alligator logo lolol
128. Would you change your name?
nope! thats actually one thing i really like about myself a lot, my first and last names are just quick, catchy, and easy to remember
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
well i date them apparently
but if were talkin someone i wasnt previously interested in romantically then probably let them down easy and try not to let it get awkward and just continue being their friend
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
dark!! unless its like, some german/swiss/etc chocolate. otherwise i prefer dark!
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dragonji · 3 years
check in tag time ! thanks @transyebaiyi for the tag im sending u So many keeses<333
under the cut bc im very wordy hehe
why did you choose your url?
as my pinned states, my two passions in life are dragons and pretty boys of which lwj is the prettiest of them all so ofc i just had to combine them<3 i also Really Love dragon lwj content in general  (as for my usual url crow-n-prince it's my semi professional one! i use it for art related things and it's meant to be a play on crown prince-> crow (one of my other fave things) and prince)
any side blogs? if you have them: name them and why you have them
none that i really use anymore! i used to be pretty active on wonhostransbf for kpop stuff and i have around 30 saved urls for various themes but i gave up and just keep everything on main.. full medley soup here on dragonji dot tumblr dot com baybee ( bonus some highlights of my saved urls are wangjimp3, yanfus, poetswordsman, disconcernings, and t4tlwj)
how long you've been on tumblr?
i?? think since early high school so.. around 6 years?
do you have a queue tag?
i actually just started one like last week! it's "i would wait for q" which i felt was suitably gay longing of me (not that i really need a queue tag rn since im online constantly anyways-)
why did you start your blog in the first place?
uhh i think mainly to post art? and keep up with my interests at the time so not much different from what i use it for currently
why did you choose your icon?
all my recent icons have been lwj for ahem kinnie reasons also i figured i should use my own art sometime and since i managed to finish some lwj art for pride it just worked out :3
why did you choose your header?
it started as a joke bc i was like oh funny haha the kfc tgcf promo pic but i actually really love the colors and got too attached... it just feels warm and also means i get to look at hualian whenever i want so it stayed<3
what's your post with the most notes?
probably this nhs art for his bday a couple years ago and honestly deserved I spent So long on that thing
how many mutuals do you have?
around.. 20?? maybe 30? but only a handful that i consider true Mutuals u know
how many followers do you have?
494 but most are inactive or from like years ago
how many people do you follow?
1300... i need to go thru bc i've never actually cleaned out my following list but thats a lot of work so i'll keep putting it off
have you ever made a shitpost?
i dont think so? i just kind of post for me if ppl reblog it thats on them
how often do you use tumblr a day?
i am quite literally always on these days unfortunately<3 during school i check whenever i get breaks and during the evenings + a good few hours before i go to sleep i'm usually hanging out while watching shows/reading other stuff
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? 
besides the anon from the other day no not really. I much prefer to avoid confrontation in general and usually just block pretty liberally to cut off that kind of thing before it gets bad. it helps that im not a very popular blog so complete strangers dont feel entitled to start shit randomly lol
how do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
kind of.. greasy in general :/ if it's an important issue i would rather find informative or relevant posts without that kind of phrasing but i'll rb if im short on time or energy
do you like tag games?
i think theyre fun and sweet!! however i normally do not have much energy for them so i don't participate often sigh... i tend to overthink all my responses so by the time I finish one its like paragraphs long (case in point this one) and weeks after I first got tagged so I just dont post haha
do you like ask games?
yeah!!! theyre quick and interesting and let me do one of my fave things which is sharing little tidbits of my life online<3
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? 
oh i know a couple of my mutuals are legitimately famous on here but im not super close to them, and i know a few have had some really popular text posts but i'm not gonna name anyone haha 
do you have a crush on a mutual?
not at the moment! i have before but i'm not the type to act first on any feelings i have so usually i just crush for a few weeks and move on
i think most of my mutuals have been tagged already but if u see this and wanna say i tagged u go for it✨
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star-aether · 5 years
was planning to post this on my bday but eeehhhh--
Teen Nonnie shittily drawn at 1am!! He's not short anymore!! And he has a tail and cool axolotl frill things!! Also just pretend his wings are there- and his wings change from black to cream and brown like a piebald crow!!
@blustrabry​ @mystqry​
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