#it's not really an au but yanno
inscrutable-shadow · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 Day 6 - Opening Act
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Alt Prompt - Lab Rat
In at the wire, amirite? And a form experiment? During Whumptober? Less likely than you'd think! I can't put a readmore in a chat format I am so sorry hopefully the new post shortening feature is sufficient ;-;
I don't feel comfy deciding how much of the Doc's backstory is canon to FCD right now so have a new banner, I guess. They should be about nineteen here, and this is one of their first subjects. Have them being horrifying for a bit lol.
contains: gore, medical experimentation, medical malpractice, lab whump
also available on ao3!
Partial audio recording recovered from raid of former Astra Group research facility. Subject has been identified from accompanying documents as subject 003-CV. [rustling sounds, as if the recording device is being worn around the DOCTOR’s neck. their voice is louder than 003’s because of the resonance.] 003: W-What are you going to do to me? DOCTOR: (brightly) Mm, well, I was thinking, given your broad shoulders and larger than average chest cavity, that you would be an excellent subject for my experiments regarding the integration of a secondary pulmonary system into a living human. I believe I have found a pair that will quite fit you.[sound like velcro pulling and leather stretching] DOCTOR: Ah, take care when you pull at the restraints! They are quite secure. I would not want you to injure yourself. 003: Extra lungs? What do I need extra lungs for? DOCTOR: Just think of the applications! You could hold your breath for twice as long. With some additional modifications, perhaps even breathe in and out at the same time. Much more efficient. Though, well, you are unlikely to do either. I am not arrogant enough to assume that my first attempt at this procedure will be that successful. 003: So I’m going to die? DOCTOR: Like as not, yes.  003: Didn’t you take an oath or something? Do no harm? DOCTOR: Me? Oh, certainly not! Even if I were in the habit of making promises I did not intend to keep, my education was… unorthodox. Not that I truly mind spinning public falsehoods, but life is easier when you keep those to a minimum, I think. [the clinking of metal tools] DOCTOR: Plus, I believe those sorts of ethical quibbles only hold the art of medicine back. To truly drive progress forward, we must be willing to do what was previously held to be impossible. 003: Wait! Er, why are you doing this? Surely there’s some other way to- DOCTOR: Ah, I see. You are working with a faulty premise. I am not some young, idealistic doctor blinded to ethics by their drive to seek the truth. On the contrary, I do this because I love it! [DOCTOR laughs] DOCTOR: Slicing through skin, pulling apart sinew, grinding through bone, I find it all absolutely delightful. Hold still a minute, quick pinch coming… 003: (slurred) What… what’d you give me? DOCTOR: That should numb the pain and prevent you from moving. It is a little experimental thing I have been working on. We shall see if it works, no? 003: Please… no… DOCTOR: Hush, love. The less you talk, the less it will hurt. [slicing sounds. 003 screams.] DOCTOR: (gleefully) Oops. I lied. [more slicing sounds. 003 continues to wail and moan.] DOCTOR: (giggling) Pardon me a moment. Need to… step away to compose myself… Ah, this is incredible! [their voice is muffled, as if pressing a hand over their surgical mask. the laughter’s volume is unchanged.] 003: You’re insane! DOCTOR: (still laughing) Oh, certainly! Glad to see you understand! [more giggles and a few deep breaths, then the slicing sounds resume.] DOCTOR: Oh, this is my favourite part. [the whirring of a bone saw. the DOCTOR hums a folk tune, possibly ‘Daisy Daisy’. 003 screams louder than previously, but is cut off. recording ends.]
taglist: @athenswrites, @i-eat-worlds, @demondamage you seem invested in doc stuff so idk if you want to be tagged? just let me know!
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wanologic · 1 month
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always good to keep a screamhole handy
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meamiiikiii · 4 months
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[reverse entry AU]
so glad the work week is over!
no more meetings!
what do you mean its only tuesday.
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razzle-zazzle · 7 months
does cooper being poppy's adopted brother in your between au have any effect on the movies?
Yeah! I don't want to draw focus away from Poppy, but I do want to put focus on her and Cooper's siblinghood, especially in how it parallels Gristle & Branch's brotherhood. An idea I've been toying with for World Tour is that Cooper, instead of running off in secret, asks Poppy if he can come with on her journey to try and unite the genres. I think Biggie would still be there as well, but adding Cooper into the mix could allow for some interesting character interactions!
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cloudypinkblink · 7 months
did Yggdrasil use vines with thorns on Masaru?
that must have been painful and probably left some marks on Masaru
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Nah I tried making them round bc they're just leaves :)) He himself won't hurt Masaru, Chika, or Sayuri; if his kids end up in situations that are dangerous, he would only intervene if it was absolutely dire, because those are their actions and choices. But he himself won't be harmful; he's a god, he can restrain Masaru without causing him harm.
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yamisnuffles · 1 year
You ever make a decision for a fic and you know it's the right one but you don't wanna.
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
also i think that after seeing that Something is going out with his eichisama tori should also sneak into town to go and see what's the deal with this wataru guy. and he inevitably gets lost but meets hajime and they have a bonding moment barbie movie-style and him and tomoya help tori meet wataru. and then wataru sees tomoya and goes "oho! interesting child!" which once again leads to eichi unreasonable jealousy against this poor random kid
Okay so I've been thinking on this and I've been trying to get something coherent and bear with me right right.
(this got so long again I just started going into detail and detail and detail and oh god I am so sorry)
So Tori, poor, innocent Tori, has to come to terms with the fact that Eichi is hiding something from him (that "Something" being a tall blue-haired extra of unknown origin) and he knows that, technically, the mature thing would be to leave it alone. Eichi will have his reasons for being a little secretive about it. He has his own life and if he doesn't want to be open about...whatever it is that seems to be going on there.... then he doesn't have to be because the man has a right to privacy.
Tori knows that. But Tori also knows that being mature doesn't matter if, technically, his beloved Eichi-sama could be at risk of giving his heart away to a scoundrel that only wishes to play with him until he's bored and then throws him away, breaking Eichis heart in the process. We couldn't have that! And what if he's a criminal? Can you really trust someone who snoops around on other peoples property without their knowing? No you can't! So really it's only natural Tori wants to know what that guys deal is. Out of a genuine concern for his friend. Of course.
And so obviously it's a completely acceptable and normal and rational decision when he sees that Yuzuru isn't there for a moment to keep watch over him like the guard dog that he is (really Tori isn't a child anymore there's no need to be so overprotective) and the other staff members also don't seem to be around and Eichi is also nowhere to be seen, that he decides to take his coat and pack his little bag with some money (read: more money than just "some" money) and tries to sneak out of the house and down the path across the small meadow and the bit of forest that separates their not-so-humble abode from the small town where the other people live.
His inital plan simple. Go there; ask around a little, maybe try some tailing (after hearing stories from the other aristocrats about how one is able to hire people to follow their spouses around without them noticing - and that apparently being an actual thing people earn their money with - he's decided that it can't be that hard and he should try his luck.) and then leaving as quickly as possible, lest Yuzuru die of a heart attack after finding out Tori dissappeared. It would be quick and easy and nobody would ever find out. That was the original plan. But Tori very soon comes to find that that could prove harder than he thought when he notices he actually really really enjoys the feeling of not having anyone hover over him like some sort of falcon watching their prey.
The little river running by the path through the meadow is still frozen (It is winter after all) and the snow on the ground almost reaches his ankles. The 15 minute walk takes him 30 because he keeps jumping around in the snow (He's made three snow angels by now. For a second he has to think of his sister and of how nice it would be if she were here with him too and how they could make snow angels together were it not for her having to stay with their parents, but he pushes that thought to the back of his head again and decides to move on with his way).
When he eventually arrives at the town - and after just wandering aimlessly through the rather empty streets - there are three major epiphanies.
The first one is that he doesn't have a clear destination. He has no idea where to look for the blue-haired weirdo. The second is that, seeing as it is a forenoon in january, most people probably aren't spending their time outside. And if they are then they are at a different place than where he is. And the third and final one: He is completely and utterly lost.
It should be regarded as an accomplishment really. Getting lost in a town with a population of barely 300 locals living there. Indeed Tori would think it impossible. Yet here he is. If anything he's sure he's at least the only one who can claim this feat for himself. This is fine. He has this under control. If he just keeps walking then he's sure to come out somewhere (No there are no tears in his eyes anyone who says otherwise is just imagining things (he decidedly ignores the little voice in his head that tells him "Who's gonna say otherwise. Look around yourself, have you forgotten that you're all alone here?")). So the big brave boy that he is he marches onward, ignoring the way his fingers have started to feel numb from the cold and his eyes have not stopped watering and the little voice in the back of his head that tells him he should've just listened to Yuzuru (He banishes that one to the deepest depths of his subconscious very quickly. There are blows that his pride can take in these situations and then there's having to agree with "You should've just listened to Yuzuru". If There is one thing that can be said about Tori then it's that he is not one to simply give up. He has come this far and he'll be damed if he backs out now).
Lost in thought and not paying much attention to his surroundings (he has more important things to think about right now), he only manages to register a flash of blue in his peripheral vision. And because this could be what he's come here for in the first place but more importantly because this is a person and that is where the bar is set, Tori immediately tries to follow them. If Lady Luck is especially nice to him this time she lets this person be the mysterious stranger he's been looking for, but what feels like a day of walking through empty streets in the biting cold of a noon in late january have humbled him enough to not push it with his luck.
And when he turns the corner, calling out for the figure to wait, insted of the strange man he was expecting he comes face-to-face with a meekish looking boy with blue hair and big violet eyes and next to him there's a second boy, this one able to be described in all aspects with only one word: average. And for a solid ten seconds they all just stare at each other.
Tori doesn't really know how, he really has no idea, but somehow he ended up following the two home. Or, well, more or less. Following isn't really the right word here. After their almost-staring-competition on the street the meekish looking one with the blue hair asked him if he was alright because "he seemed lost" (he absolutely did not.) which then prompted an entire series of events that ended is Tori sitting in this strangers families home - with an entirely different stranger also there - getting a serving of what he assumes to be radish soup. Tori feels a little sorry for the boy, Tomoya, as he said his name was, who seemed like he was previously engaged in a conversation with the other boy, who later introduced himself as Hajime and who had spent the entire way asking him questions about how he ended up here and what someone like him was doing all alone in a sleepy village neighbourhood like theirs and if he really didn't need a tissue (He hadn't cried while explaining how he was lost. He totally hadn't) and on and on and on as Tomoya had to awkwardly walk behind them.
So now, sitting at this table with these two people who he has only met today and who have given him a bowl of soup to warm himself up with, he has to tell everything about how he ended up in this situation in the first place. At the end of his recollection of this oh so wonderful day he is met with two pitying looks an a laugh - apparently one of Hajimes younger siblings had joined them at their little impromptu gathering (he wonders, distantly, how his own sister is doing right now).
And as he's about to say that he should probably make his way home and resume his mission another time when he has a map, Hajime mentions that he actually knows the guy Tori is talking about and that he lives at the local inn and that that isn't that far from them and that he and Tomoya can walk him there if he wants to. Tori agrees immediately. He is so over trying to be discreet about it at this point he really just wants some sort of success in this kind of ridiculous endeavour he's set out on.
So after the soup is finished and his limbs don't feel like they're about to fall off anymore the trio goes on their merry way and Tori feels a little silly because for all the walking around he did before they reach this inn really pretty quickly... maybe he should've thought to bring a map... The three of them venture further into the inn, and Tori only overhears Hajime talking to an older woman, but he's more occupied with looking around the place. It's father homely and rustic, a completely different atmosphere than at their place. There are noises from the few patrons sitting at the tables and chatting with each other, but it only add to the cozy feeling of the entire place.
When Hajime comes back he leads Tori up a little stairway and down a dimly lit hallway. They stop in front of a door at the very end of it (in my head there's a bit of a terasse thing happening there like. you can look down into the part where the tables are and such right right) and Tori barely has time to mentally prepare for the fact that this really is happening now before Hajime knocks and the sound of muffled steps approaching the door can be heard.
When the door finally opens (it's been a few seconds at best but it feels like an eternity), Tori is greeted by the lovely view of a pair of pale clavicles, barely covered by a black linen blouse. He has to actively look up to look at the face of their owner and when he is met with a pair of sharp, purple eyes he feels like his throat just sew itself shut. Hajime explains to Wataru that Tori was looking for him and suddenly a light seems to go up above Watarus head as a look of recognition flashes over his face and he turns around to Tori again and asks him if he's "the princess that Eichi's been telling him all about". Tori is confused. Hajime decides that this is his cue to leave and he slowly backs away to go back down and collect Tomoya, who's been roped into helping out with the catering by some elder gentleman (Wataru watches Hajime as he collects Tomoya and they leave, intrigued by this strangely average boy, as Tori just stares in horror as the realisation dawns upon him that he is now completely alone with this man whom he didn't even intend on speaking to in the first place).
So now he is here. In this very awkward situation. Sitting on a chair in this strangers room (for the second time today! Did he ever have a day this eventful? Who knows! Tori for sure doesn't.). He wants to talk, but Wataru is faster and asks him what he's doing here. Tori doesn't really know how to reply. How do you talk your way around having to tell someone that you actually got lost on the way to spy on them. That's right. You can't. Well, Eichi could. But Tori is Tori and he never wished for that to change more than he did now.
He looks out of the window and it is at that moment that another three major epiphanies reach him. Firstly that he doesn't know what to do now that he's here, secondly that he's going to get murdered by Yuzuru (and if worst comes to worst also Eichi) once he gets back because he's been gone all day without telling anyone and they're probably all worried sick, and last but not least: it is dark outside. He can't go home like that. He is virtually stuck in this predicament he found himself in.
Wataru seems to have a similar thought, because the immediate follow up question after not really getting a coherent answer from Tori is if anyone knows he's gone. Tori shakes his head. If Tsukasa ever finds out about this mess of a situation he will have to die because he would never let Tori live that down.
He gets ripped out of his incoming spiral by the bird that takes a seat on his head and Watarus over-the-top contemplative sigh and the slight lilt in his voice when he voices the next issue that's in the room. He isn't even speaking to Tori anymore, but to his bird that sits on Toris head, Jeanne, and Tori is starting to get annoyed by the way he jokes about this entire thing, calling Tori a "a little bird that escaped its nest", as if he isn't stuck having to prepare for his untimely demise. And by the way this guy hasn't put down his cryptic smile and teasing voice ever since he entered the room. When he thinks things can't get any more awkward for him Wataru proposes two options. Either he walks him home, or Tori has to stay at the inn for the night and he brings him back in the morning. Tori decides he'd rather go back home sooner than later (he'll have to take the lacture either way and he's probably caused everyone enough worries by now anyways. And also he misses his bed.). So Wataru grabs his coat, quickly goes to tell the inn-keepers he's "bringing retuening the princess to ger people" (Tori doesn't know if he liked the bird comparison better or not).
The way back is still very tense because Tori does not dare to walk next to Wataru (he's sketchy it's not Toris fault it's a normal reaction) and so he just awkwardly walks behind him, He doesn't really watch his surroundings - it is dark and the only nice thing is that it's snowing and there are animal sounds and they are spooky and he needs to watch the way and it's easier to think that way - until suddenly he gets hit by a snowball right in the head. And he is so baffled by this that he just stares at Wataru, and Wataru grins at him with his stupid stupid grin and somehow they end up in a snowball fight on this meadow where the only reason you can see anything is because of the snow and when they finally arrive at the mansion they both have so much snow in their hair and their clothes are wet from the melted snow and when they knock on the door and wait for someone to open Wataru gets some of the snow out of Toris hair and says that that snowball fight can be their little shared secret and Tori grins back at him and agrees and when the door opens and both of them are frantically ushered in by a maid that tells another one to get Yuzuru and Eichi Tori decides that maybe this guy isn'r so bad after all. Maybe he's actually quite nice.
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taintedlxve · 5 months
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There's an AU in here tho, if I can find the right one
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CBFD AU fic - Of Weasels and Panthers
Well, here's this. It's very self-indulgent, far removed from the game itself, and takes itself way too seriously. Also serves as an excuse to play with a few OCs and explore character perspectives. Think of it as one of those Disney YA novels that asks "what if" questions on the cover, this one asking "what if the Panther King had an heir?" ...except I have no idea how Conker himself fits into all of this.
I love the characters that are involved with the Panther King the most of the whole cast of this game, so this involves them all in the limelight. Enjoy! Or don't.
 Mia and Vivian
     Her blood-curdling screams as she died would be heard in the maids' sleep for years to come, possibly forever.
     She was too young, the taller and slimmer of the two maids thought as she and her companion stepped inside the throne room. Too young to perish, especially in such horrific circumstances. Mia looked back at her shorter and more plump companion, Vivian, who cradled the large, swaddled newborn - which looked more panther than weasel - in her arms with utmost care. Vivian nodded, urging the other to continue before their hulking king who paced in front of his throne.
    The story was that the wretched mafia don gave his unwilling daughter away to the Panther King to be his bride. Why the king had a sudden interest in having a bride and an heir was beyond any of the castle staff. Perhaps he finally caught wind of his professor's desire to take the crown back. Or perhaps the king was capable of feeling anything other than a desire for his milk after all. Regardless, there the poor young girl was, forced to be by his side and bear his young. That is, until today when the birth of such young cut her life tragically short.
"So… you let her die?"
     The way the Panther King's amber eyes fell on the two weasels as he emphasized that last word made Mia dip her head down. She opened her mouth to speak, but any words she thought she could muster stayed trapped in her throat. 
"I asked you a question," the king growled impatiently.
"We… We tried, Sire," Mia finally mustered. "But there was nothing we could do. She bled to death and tore terribly."
     Aside from themselves and the Panther King, the room was also occupied by two much younger guards that stood at either side of the throne, each holding a spear with a flag depicting the kingdom's emblem attached. They both watched the interaction with increasing unease. 
"Excuses," the king rumbled.
"We told yeh she needed a hospital," came the most barely audible mutter out of Vivian.
     The Panther King turned his unwavering gaze toward the more stout of the two maids. One of the younger guards - the one that bore a striking resemblance to Vivian - looked at her and started to wave his free hand in front of his face and shake his head with wide, terrified eyes. No. Stop. Don't. Vivian ignored him.
"Ah said," Vivian began more clearly, staring right back into the king's eyes. "We told yeh she needed a bluidy hospital."
     The short guard shrunk back and covered his face. The taller one gritted his teeth. Mia gazed back and forth from the Panther King to Vivian and back to the Panther King again. As anticipated, the king let out a loud, ferocious roar, scaring the infant. As the cub in Vivian's arms started to wail, the Panther King loomed over her.
"You don't tell me what to do," he snarled.
"Well, yeh should know very well that your queen would still be alive if y'had listened t'us in th' first place," Vivian barked back.
"That's it," the Panther King growled as he stepped closer.
     Vivian handed the crying infant to Mia.
The Panther King
     The fat broad was lucky his heir needed someone to look after him. That was supposed to be the queen's job. That disloyal wench. It was true that the slender maid came to the throne room in the middle of the queen's labors and requested they bring her to a hospital. The king decided to let her suffer. It was punishment for being such a distant and stubborn wife, withholding her affection since they'd been wed.
     He didn't think she'd die.
     The Panther King growled as he set away the duct tape and sat himself on his throne. The foolish girl probably died out of spite. A little revenge for this whole arrangement. Another way to distance herself from him. Fine. Let her have her way. The king already got his heir.
     So, he let the fat maid live with half a face full of fur and ordered her to raise his son. Rather than death, that would be her punishment for talking back to him. Fitting, since she wanted to act like an authority on these things. The thin maid could help. The both of them did let the queen die on their watch, after all.
     There was one more detail the two shared about the birth of his hybrid son. Before she died, his wife apparently gave him a name: Orpheus. A strange name, sounded somewhat familiar. Maybe from one of those plays she liked. At least some of her work as a mother was done.
Bill and Bob
     The funeral was held the very next day. The short-lived queen's father didn't even show. The Panther King stayed just long enough to watch her be lowered into the ground. As she was buried, each of the castle staff closed their eyes to give a silent prayer for her. May she find peace. May she be happy wherever she is now. May her afterlife show her the kindness she wasn't shown in life. 
     Bill and Bob's families stayed close together, tight-knit friends as they were. Bob's mother, large patches of fur now missing from her face, kept the little prince close to her chest. If he fussed, Bob would coo at him and tickle him. He liked kids and was good with them; he didn't mind the gross parts of caring for them and had a soft spot for their innate cuteness. 
     The fact that the cub looked a lot like their abusive master didn't seem to put Bob off the way it put off Bill. No matter how hard the tall weasel tried, he just couldn't look at the little (well, little for a panther, anyway) thing without picturing it snarling at him for more milk. Yes, he knew the child wasn't an "it", but… well… The babe was still very much a creature to Bill yet. It was difficult to get used to the cub's presence among them. 
"May she be happy wherever she is now," Bill's father, Will, uttered softly. Mia repeated the sentiment.
     Wherever she was now? She was in the ground! That was it for her, wasn't it? How could she be happy if she was dead? The poor girl… And she was about as young as he and Bob were, too. She was very kind from what little she interacted with them outside of being at their master's side; she even bothered to remember their names and greeted them warmly.
"Mate," Bob uttered as he elbowed Bill. 
     The slimmer weasel was taken out of his daze and looked to the stout weasel, who pointed up towards one of the higher towers of the castle. There, Bill would just barely make out the Professor lurking out the window.
     When Orpheus was five years old, he asked his father if he had a mother. The Panther King laughed and stroked the top of the cub's head roughly.
"She's dead," the king answered. 
     Something about the curt way his father replied to him made Orpheus not want to question him further.
     Later, when he was with his beloved nannies, Vivian and Mia, he figured one of them could fill in the gaps his father's answer left him with.
"Father says my mum's dead," he stated bluntly in his childish way. "What's dead?"
     The two weasels looked at each other, shock and heartbreak evident in both their faces. Right away, Orpheus could tell something was wrong. Maybe he said something bad? But no; this was a "bad" he hadn't seen before. A new "bad". The women were at a loss for words.
"Well, love, when someone dies, it's… well," Mia tried.
"It's when they're gone, dear. From this life," Vivian cut in. "They… Well, they leave this planet, so to speak, and-"
"Like space?" Orpheus interrupted.
"No, it's… it's a bit different from that," Mia continued. "They don't go to outer space, or anywhere, really."
     Orpheus didn't quite understand. How could someone not go anywhere? His mother had to be somewhere.
"Is she ever coming back?" he asked.
     He was met a saddened sigh from Vivian.
"Oh, Orpheus…"
     It took a long time for the cub to process the fact that he'd never meet his mother. It was unfair; he had one. He had one once, and she was just gone. As he got older, he wondered if it would've been easier if he had never asked, if he was left to assume he just never had a mother at all.
     Things weren't all bad. He had Bill and Bob to play with, and he grew up loved by them and their families. The other castle staff were kind to him, too. It was only his own father that brought him such emotions as loneliness, fear, sorrow, and, later on, anger. It wasn't as though the king wasn't present in Orpheus's life, but he was distant, cold, and intimidating. He didn't play with Orpheus and only taught the child how to bark orders at the servants. 
     Orpheus didn't like the way his father treated the castle staff; why would anyone be so mean to people that were so nice? The weasels hardly did anything wrong except maybe spill some milk and occasionally say things that were true anyway. At times the cub tried to stand up for his friends, only to get snarled at himself, or worse: a swift backhand that sent the cub flying. One or two instances of his father's intimidation methods was enough to scare Orpheus into silence. 
     Years passed. Orpheus slowly started to realize he was growing as big and strong as his father and his fear started to melt away. The anger lingered. It was a longing for justice kind of anger, one that couldn't be satiated until justice was served. Justice for the weasels, for himself, and, most of all, for his mother. 
     It'd been twenty years since the day his father refused to help his dying mother. Orpheus wasn't scared anymore. However, as much as he wanted to just up and slaughter that brute, his newest confidant urged him to wait.
The Professor
     Twenty years passed since his captor married that mafia don's daughter fresh out of college. The sick fuck. Because of that, not only did the Professor have to find a way to discreetly get rid of the Panther King, but he had to deal with his brat as well. That brat was now as big as his father, and seemed to be quite a bit sharper, too. The Professor would have to establish himself as an ally, gain his trust.
"So, you're saying you finally found a way to… do it?" asked Orpheus during his latest visit.
"Ja, with zhis," the Professor stated, ushering the panther-weasel hybrid over to his workbench. "Your father's reign ends."
     Orpheus followed the disabled weasel in his floating chair, greeted by two full goblets on a tray, one gold and one silver.
"It's milk," the younger remarked. "You're killing my father with poison?"
"Ah, very clever, Your Highness! Yes, zhat is poison. Ze easiest way to get close to His Majesty is through his stomach."
"I see… He does love his milk," Orpheus noted. "Why are there two goblets?"
"Simple! Ze gold vone is for your father and ze silver vone is for you," the Professor explained. "You vill share a sort of… erm… father-son moment. A little bonding over milk, yes? Vill look less suspicious. He is used to receiving his milk from vone of his servants."
"Oh, I get it," Orpheus replied with a naive, almost childlike nod as he took the tray. "Professor, you're a genius! Thank you, really, for all your help."
"Ah, it is nothzing," the Professor said with a light chuckle and a wave of his organic hand. "Ve must work together under ze tyrant, ja?"
"When this is all over and I'm king, I shall grant you prosthetic legs and free you from servitude! That way, you won't have to live in humiliation anymore and you'll be free to work on whatever projects you want."
"Ach, you are too kind, Your Highness. Go, go now!" The Professor ushered Orpheus towards the exit of the small laboratory. "Make me proud, and take zhis kingdom back for all of us weasels, ja?"
"I will, Professor."
     With that, Orpheus was out the door and on his way to end the Panther King's reign of terror. Of course, he knew nothing of the Weasel King, or of the Weasel King's inevitable return to the throne.
     And it wasn't exactly poison in that goblet…
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Would you ever make a comic series based off your rainworld au or anything else?
i mean i already am doin comics on it and stuff, i don't know if i'd like to like... try to stick to a strict timeline when it comes to making them. i like the looseness (/lack of commitment) that comes with making what comics i want to make whenever i like or as prompted by a question
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I’ve been wondering about a few small antagonists for the story, bc I’ve settled on the 2 major antagonists (Eggman & Black Doom, though they’re only major antagonists in their respective story arcs as not to crowd things), but I wonder what small conflicts i’d wanna fit inside these 2 major arcs.
Of course I’m focusing on the major plot first, but I’ve had ideas for Infinite/The Jackal Squad (a band of mercenaries who could have some relation to a certain disbanded mercenary group), and Metal Sonic (Sonic being mistaken as him in a town that fears he’ll kill them… or something. Metal Sonic would need to look a lot more like Sonic for that to be convincing, but yeah i like the idea of metal sonic being the “faker” of the story & not shadow. “I found you… FAKER” scene but its Metal & Sonic. like cmon now.)
Then again, not all of these minor antagonists could even involve sonic, and could be side-stories involving other characters. Like fuckin Captain Whisker or Eggman Nega trying to cause trouble for Blaze’s kingdom, or Infinite going after a certain ex-mercenary in Soleanna…
I fr just thought of this side-story stuff as I was typing this post, but yeah I really fuck w/ the idea of giving the other characters their own major conflicts that don’t have Sonic in it.
Of course metal sonic will revolve around sonic’s main plot like cmon, but otherwise??? Yeah some of these could be side-stories!
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sholangagaga · 2 years
I saw you mentioned Jr's, are you still going to include it in your AU despite the controversy around one of the creators?
Well I never confirmed or promised I would add Junior's considering its a fangame and I still know literally nothing about it (lol)
I also didn't know there was controversy around the creators of the game so that's a little surprising. I'm not really one to condemn a game just because the creators are awful/controversial but yeah I wasn't really planning on using it anyways lol
fnaf has enough games for me to draw content from, I don't need the fangames for that
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fag4dykestobin · 1 year
idc if people think its unrealistic that eddie + the boys in the party would play blaseball. its kinda like larping. they would love larping
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gurorori · 1 year
heres a random assortment of dddne 🪦🕊️ from m y head uhh its jus 2 actually. im violently ill
#its really nothin special ijus think bpdpd mika codependent double suicide cause he both refuses to die without his lover n doesn want em to#keep livin without him n move on from him#n als cause hr doesn wanna die by any other means dat r nawt Their hands#sorry this is a hundred percent inspired by me jackin off to my arms bein cut up by my partner#i want em cut to the bone n dig the knife in n sever as many veins i wanna bleed out in minutes i donno#2 bpdpd mika returns but instead its him bein Dangerously touh starved also ik i usually default to shmk but also like#au (ig?) where mika is So unhealthily attached he cannot keeo a relationship Diagnosis too fucked up so shu ends up leavin him & no one#else wants his lil ass so he resorts to free use esque shit i think he wud swipe right on Anyone desperate to get#any kinr of attention or company but also i wud think he'd really b into the absolute freaks he'd meet on there & he'd try to meet up with#a bunch of em at once @ the same location. yanno wat happens next!#but its nawt sad or tragic its all accordin to his keikaku of gettin absolutely DESTROYED cause wat else is the ultimate manifestation of#attention n love love love#gawddddd i need 2 get r@@@d again so i shut up abt this#idk my own insanity aside i think mika absolutely wud use sex as a copin mechanism. but in the most unhealthy way possible course. it doesn#matter who or wat or whete or how or how detrimental it is to his health as long as he feels somethin n he feels it to an extreme degree#smiles proudly..#hope he gets knocked up n miscarries so many times.#fine..#tw rape#tw suicide#tw forced pregnancy#tw pregnancy#🪦🕊️#might start taggin these properly if i feel cute
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spainkitty · 1 year
Writing Tropes Tag Game! @sillyliterature thanks for the tag~
Rules: Choose one, both or none of the following tropes!
Bold - yay
Strikethrough - nay
plain - ambivalent
italic - there is a caveat upon which i will elaborate
For Reading:
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle-aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbors or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
Caveats: It's all about the fandom. There are some tropes I just really like with some fandoms/pairings, but I wouldn't read it with other fandoms/pairings. It's all relative *shrug*
For Writing:
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle-aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbors or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
For "love at first sight", the caveat is Soulmate AUs, but it's not about loving at first sight, it's more like: O.O! and then a serious of mishaps into falling in love lol
Most of the other caveats are just: I haven't written/posted them, but I would be willing to/I have half-written these and never finished lol
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goth-mami-writer · 2 months
♡•Feel Sick•♡ (Pt.3)
~(Au) Leon Kennedy × f!reader fic
⚠️TW⚠️: plot contains themes of age gap romance (reader is 18yo), obsessive behaviors, mild instances of stalking, coercion, emotional manipulation, and graphic smut. (Please interact with discretion! ♡)
{Find parts one and two here!}
♡ @badasseddy ♡
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《 The closer you became to Leon's small, below-deck bedroom, the more your virgin hands began to shake. Were you going to kiss him? Would you hurt too much to go through with it? There were questions falling over themselves but Leon held your back to guide you towards the small room.
You saw the full-size bed tucked close to the wall in the smaller, most cozy room only intended for sleeping. In this first moment, you weren't sure how to even begin and you turned to Leon with your eyes searching for some kind of cue. He softened seeing you wide-eyed with a vulnerable expression and he said softly,
“I don't want you to be uncomfortable. Let's sit down and talk for a second.”
You sat up in wait for him to ease down beside you and your heart began to idle away from thundering out of your ribcage. He seemed hesitant himself even when he asked firstly just to make sure he understood what you wanted,
“So- you're okay with doing this? I mean it. If there's something you're not okay with- we don't have to do it. This isn't about me.”
He was being so cautious of the way you felt and your trust in him to keep you safe. It made you twice as sure that Leon needed to be the one to do this as a small, little favor to ease your worries. You nodded and told him again that you were certain that you were fine in doing this with him. Although…you felt incredibly nervous. Even if he didn't want to be impressed, you still wanted him to enjoy it.
He nodded again but you continued to listen as he found another question,
“Now, what exactly have you ever done like this? Like I said- I won't tell your dad anything and you've got my word. You can tell me.”
The truth was, as much as it embarrassed you, making out with wandering hands was the furthest you had been with any boyfriend. You always cowered away if they tried to move further or found an excuse to take a rain check. It felt too nerve racking and the feeling of it being expected from you was something you never liked.
When you told him of your lack of real experience, you watched him smile and he said becoming a little closer as if his next words should be said discreetly between you,
“Yanno, when I was your age I wasn't very experienced with sex either?”
“Really?” You asked in sheer disbelief that in his younger years that girls weren't climbing through his window to screw around with him.
But he nodded and said further,
“I didn't have my first real girlfriend until I was seventeen, baby. I had no idea what I was doing. Take it from me…it's okay.”
You only smiled a little softer in the sense of finally feeling understood and he stood then to walk over to turn off the light. Your heart began to patter again with heavy thuds of excitement and he said when he came back to the bed quietly,
“Let's get you a little more comfortable and we'll see where to start okay?”
He reached over to tug at your hoodie and hurriedly you began to slide it away from your body, revealing your string bikini that remained below. You practically were in your bra this way and it made your face red to think about it. You reached for your waistline where your jean shorts were buttoned, waiting for his word and he nodded, telling you to go ahead and remove those as well.
Once down to nothing but your bikini, your nerves became rampant with jitters that shook your wrists. Leon smiled but told you to lay down to ease away your nervous shakes. You laid your head in the pillows of the mattress and watched as he began shifting his weight to hover across you.
He looked down, seeming to take in your body with wandering eyes and he said in a warm whisper that thrilled you,
“What you take off next is up to you. I want you to feel ready enough to do it on your own and when you feel like you need to. Okay, baby?”
You nodded and you watched as his mind began to turn again. He wet his mouth, making you think that maybe he would try to lean in and kiss you, an act enough that would make you scream but instead his mouth met the side of your neck. Your eyes closed instinctually and your mouth opened for a pant of air that felt hot in your throat.
Your chin tilted back and with a small dose of confidence, you asked him with your eyes half lidded as he lapped his lips under your jaw,
“Leon- will you kiss me?”
He leaned up with his mouth only inches from yours and your heart throttled at its loudest when you heard him reply in a gravelly tone,
“Only while we're doing this, okay?”
You didn't know exactly what he meant but it didn't matter when he finally placed his lips against yours. You felt the stubble of his five o'clock shadow and the roughness of his lips that still felt somehow soft as they pressed into yours. You felt that he was guiding you to kiss as his hand reached up to hold the back of your head and stroke against your cheek with unsaid praise.
His tongue grazed against yours and for the first time with a lifetime of humiliation, your hips bucked to taste him kissing you so careless and open. You were kissing Leon S. Kennedy, a name that you knew that some women only whispered and that was enough to hardwire your pulse.
“Easy, sweetie-” Leon cooed as he pulled away,
“I know you're excited. We're moving on.”
Your hips writhed to be touched and your face was reddened with bliss as he looked over your body again. Your inhibitions felt like they were nosediving after that and you were cloud minded with desire to have more of him. His kiss traveled down, planting on your neck but then to your collar bone, tugging and nipping with intent. He kissed down your sternum and with a touch more bravery from feeling the pleasure build, you slipped away your bikini top- letting him see your bare breasts for the first time.
He smiled in view of the sight in the dim dark and he muttered sexily with his lips dragging your skin still,
“Oh, baby, you're perfect.”
Your face reddened further as this was the most insane, daring move you'd made this far and Leon continued to kiss down. When you felt his hands traveling to meet your body, you felt that you knew where this was headed and you quivered to speak up when your legs naturally opened.
“Leon-..I'm..I might be…well you know? Because I'm..I'm turned on?” You stuttered, trying so desperately to find the right words.
He nodded but then said she he hovered above you with his first bit of an instructional tone peeking through his careful words,
“Babygirl, I know you're turned on. It's okay, sweetie, you can tell me you're wet. I want you as wet as I can get you before the important part, okay?”
You nodded and Leon kissed down your torso, letting his tongue softly flick your navel and he looked up before inching his fingertips at your panty line,
“Is this okay, beautiful? I just want to have a little look?”
You shook when you nodded your head and he felt your trembling knees when gently he pulled the bottom of your bikini aside. His jaw went agape just slightly to the sight of your pussy raw and slick with need and the heat from its core was enough to make him swallow.
“Oh, sweetheart.” He said with a half smile that felt cocky in the moonlight and you heard him finish with another small question,
“Are you okay if I touch it? I'll be slow but you tell me if something feels off, alright?”
You needed him to touch you and when he saw your consent, he moved his hand up to gently brush your swollen, pulsing clit with his thumb in a soft, experimental swipe. He licked his lips and said in a rumble from his throat when he felt his cock stiffen beneath his pants as he instructed you more,
“Listen to me, baby. Don't ever let a boy touch you like this until he's made you wet, okay? Promise me.”
His stare from below beamed up to you as he waited for your answer that squeaked as he massaged his thumb now in small yet delicious circles on your virgin sweet spot.
“I promise.” You answered and he raised his head only for a moment to kiss your mouth almost in confirmation.
Your clit was being stimulated under his careful fingertips and he bit his lip for the first time as it throbbed beneath them in pulses of need. Your virgin hips bucked at the first feeling of given pleasure and your mouth hung open to pant for the warm air around you.
After another stir of your hips, you reached down and began to slip away your bottoms. Leon gently pulled them down for you to remove them and he looked up as he eased your legs to fall open now, exposing you with your womanhood opened like a flower. Leon reached behind his collar, removing the t-shirt from his torso when he told you softly now that you were completely naked,
“I don't want you to feel self conscious. Although, you're a little smoke show who doesn't need to feel anything but beautiful.”
You blushed again hearing him compliment you so lowly in his gravel tone that was making you shake just as much as his touch and he returned his hands to you. He made sure your legs were spread widely with your knees meeting the mattress and he said with his eyes up,
“Relax for me, sweetie, okay? I'm gonna go a little further.”
Leon slowly placed his ring and middle finger into his mouth, wetting his skin before placing his hand back to your body. He slicked his wet finger tips to your clit, moving in soft circles that thrilled you. Your eyes closed from the pleasure and you felt as he began touching lower, now moving to your wet virgin slit still untouched even by your own fingers.
He adjusted his weight, sitting closer as he looked upwards telling you again to relax for him. Slowly and gentle, he carefully inserted his middle finger into your spread pussy that welcomed his penetration inside. Leon licked his lips and said praisingly when your body adjusted nearly in an instant,
“Good girl. Just keep relaxing.”
You nodded and put your hand over your mouth to keep your sounds and whimpers at a bare minimum. You'd never cried out in delight before now and the act felt so foreign when it fell from your lips. Your back arched when Leon brushed his fingers against your g-spot to begin his gentle stimulation and he smiled to see you enjoy it.
He warned you before placing his ring finger inside as well and you whimpered again, feeling only his fingers begin to stretch your womanhood slowly. Your lips quivered, and your voice caught again from another stifle of your hand, and you mentioned to Leon from above as the act of hindering your moans became overwhelming,
“Leon-...I'm trying not to..make too much noise. I don't- want to be… annoying.”
He looked up in quiet disbelief and he shook his head to tell you as his wrist still gently pumped his fingers inside you,
“Oh, sweetie. Don't try to stop moaning. Who told you it's annoying?”
“I just- I'm trying to think of what….boys like.”
“Oh, babygirl, boys may not like it. But men love to hear you feel good. You put your clothes back on and leave if one of these little boys tell you to stop moaning, do you hear me?”
You nodded, but then felt as Leon's other hand cupped the back of your neck to lower you into a reassuring kiss that promised again that you were safe to feel whatever you felt. Your lips parted again and he continued fingering into your body gently, using your more confident moans as his direction.
But you began to wonder what was next and you asked under your breath as he kept moving his fingers,
“Leon- do you have a condom?”
He grinned hearing how eager you were to continue and he promised you softly with a flirtatious chuckle,
“You let me worry about condoms-”
“Leon-” You whined with need and your hips stirred against his fingers when he hushed you sweetly in a purr,
“Don't get impatient, sweet girl. You're gonna get it when you need it, okay? You let me take care of you.”
He leaned up again to kiss your lips in that calming kiss that was making your legs spread wider. His mouth then grazed down your neck, nipping at your collar letting his warm tongue swathe against your exposed nipple that flared to the bliss of still being teasingly fingered.
“Leon-!” You cried out loudly to all the forms of pleasure being so sweetly given to you at once and Leon smiled widely becoming too turned on by the way you raspily called his name while your slick walls grasped around his knuckles.
“Yeah, that's my girl.”
Your heart was racing already but it drummed louder when you felt Leon pull his hand away to slowly stand up. He unbuckled his belt, pulling at the tongue to loosen it from around his waist when he began to slip down his waistband. Before he lowered any further, you saw him reach into the nightstand drawer of his cabin bed and reveal a square condom from the inside.
He looked to you with eyes softened from what you had to assume was arousal and slowly the waistband of his pants lowered. He tilted his head to gesture you close and instinctively, assuming that this was the right step, you lowered to your knees in front of him. When his eyes widened in surprise he asked you from above,
“Do you think that's a good idea for the first time?”
“I-” You stammered just trying to think of things you knew other girls were doing during sex and Leon grabbed your chin in his rough palm sweetly with a firmness that melted your heart when it corrected you kindly,
“You get up here. I told you this isn't about me.”
He'd never let you put him first. Especially not the night he was taking your virginity. 》
Part 4 coming soon! ♡
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