#first do harm au
inscrutable-shadow · 1 month
Augusnippets Day 21 - Path of Whumperless Whump - Delirium
for the doc lovers, except they're being 17 instead of horrifying (Aspen Weiss is their old name and Joni is their fraternal twin sister) i kinda did a weird thing with the prompt but hopefully it's ok i am eepy myself
Aspen knew they'd gone too far. Despite their efforts to ignore the fact, their body was, unfortunately, human, and there was a limit to the number of hours they could study without pausing for sleep. If they were honest, nutrition shakes and coffee weren't much of a substitute for sustenance either. Their hands were shaking around the mugful of stone-cold liquid between them.
How long had it been since they turned a page? The textbook in front of them was nothing but a blur, time and space seemed to flow around them like oil on the surface of water. Distorted sounds teased the edges of their hearing. If they didn't know better, they'd chalk it up to mania, they were no stranger to psychosis, but the sleep deprivation had induced a sort of delirium instead. The difference was something they ought to know if they were to become a doctor.
Yes. The exams. The exams they needed to pass in three days if they ever wanted to escape this seven-devilled facility. They didn't have time to study and to prepare their grand exit, so much needed to be done, and neither part could go forward without the other. Hence sleep was the first thing to be cut. Now they were realizing that had been an error in judgement.
"-spen? Aspen! Az, come on, are you in there?" Oh. So some of the sound had been real. Their eyes were slow to obey, blown pupils fixing on Joni like a drunkard's.
"Jävlar, what'd you take?"
"Nothing… clean. Promise." Oops. That had been a microsleep just then. Hopefully Joni hadn't seen it.
"Helvete. You're falling asleep standing up. You're going to bed. No complaints." That was fine, because they didn't have the energy to.
doc taglist: @i-eat-worlds , @quietly-by-myself, @demondamage, @atomiccorvid
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Do i have an...explanation for this? No. Not really. Just an AU i'm poking at with a stick where Loop gets a third go at the time looping thing, but this time its a LOT weirder.
Also. Siffrin and Loop are a little cursed in this AU. In the 'already had near death experiences often' even before the time loops. Think of them as 'doomed by the narrative' but surrounded by people willing to spit in the face of death to see they live anyway and break the world if needed.'
And BOY did it turn out to be needed.
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milkywayco · 8 months
a funky little au that i have, that absolutely doesn't work in canon, that pre death touya was eraserhead's intern. does this only exist because dabi/touya and aizawa are two of my favorites? absolutely. but imagine, touya 'died' at 16 between internships with aizawa. then, 8 years later, dabi is there and trying to drag endeavor to hell, and aizawa can remember who touya was. the kid who was always pushing himself, who loved his siblings, who once accidentally almost burned down aizawa's apartment (or wherever they were staying for the internship) trying to cook with his quirk. the kid who he unofficially adopted. the kid who shouto reminds him of so much. and dabi is so different but it's easy to see how touya could become him. aizawa can still see touya in there. an adult, who never hurt him, who's willing to try to save him (although, he'll protect his students from dabi if/when it comes to that). alternatively, dabi had no major crimes before the league. imagine, he doesn't want kids involved in this. imagine, once the league has bakugou, he realizes that even if they're the path to endeavor, using children to get what they want reminds him too much of how endeavor used him. how endeavor is using shouto. so, he calls aizawa. calls a number that he memorized at 16. and he tells him where bakugou is, maybe he helps aizawa get him out, maybe he lets bakugou go when aizawa is outside.
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theokusgallery · 10 months
Arsenic comic- several trigger warnings
15+ (please)
- tw suggestive content
- tw non-graphic nudity
- tw self-harm
- tw general Arsenic bullshit (abusive realtionship, unhealthy behaviors, etc)
- tw blade & implied violence
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onmyo-jin · 10 months
iron triangle in egyptology class
[Fun fact that I want to explain to Lyx, who has not seen any dmbj except the heihua movie: none of these guys are archaeologists or historians of any kind; the only one with a degree (as far as we know) is Wu Xie, who studied architecture. I imagine these are evening classes they're taking as a hobby, finding out more things about different tombs around the world... that's what AUs are for, aren't they?]
"-- AND they're teaching us to translate using Budge! Of all people! The man's been dead for near a century and wrong for even longer, why can't they write something more decent!!" Wu Xie exclaimed, waving an old book around in a way that couldn't possibly be good for the spine.
"Sshhh Tianzhen, they'll kick us out of the library if you keep going like that," Pangzi hissed, though a quick look around told them their section of the library was deserted. Some pulling and prodding later, and Wu Xie finally sat back down in his seat--
-- only to jump right back up and start ranting again: "That's where the adverbial sedjem-en-ef with a cleft subject should go! Aargh, can't they get anything right??"
"Tianzhen! You're the one who chose the optional language course, you did this to yourself."
"I knoww..." Wu Xie flopped down in his chair, and slumped forward face first onto his notes. "That's why its so terrible."
A sigh that seemed to come from his very toes fluttered across his notes, and Pangzi turned to his own book-- just history for him, thanks, no ridiculous language juggling for Pang-ye. History, and some shiny treasures to look at. A man should know his own strengths.
"Xiaoge~," Wu Xie seemed determined not to focus on his work. Pangzi rolled his eyes at his book. "Xiaoge, what are you reading?"
Silently Xiaoge slid his book over to Wu Xie, who looked at it, and then remained quiet for a very long time.
"I studied architecture in Germany before, but this German... I can barely read it! How old is this book?"
Xiaoge answered without looking at the publication date on the first page: "1971."
"'71?? Hasn't someone taken the time to print a new version of this??" Wu Xie exclaimed again, and was hushed again by Pangzi. At least this time he sat down without urging.
"Whose brilliant idea was this again?"
Xiaoge shook his head in response.
"But why?" Wu Xie sounded plaintive. Clearly he was starting to regret his own idea of 'fun evening classes'
"They were very thorough, so no one wants to rewrite it," Xiaoge said, and Wu Xie's head connected with the desk with a loud thud.
Send me an ask with a pairing and an AU and I'll write you a ficlet!
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aria0fgold · 5 months
Thinking more about my isat au and I'm gonna need to change a LOT more than I thought. First things first, Siffrin's connection to the wish. Since in Of gems and pages, all the wishes stayed the same. So why is Odile the one looping and not Siff? So basically, what I think I'd do in my au is that the Universe decided to change things up a bit.
The first time the Universe granted Siffrin the means to fulfill their wish, things went horribly bad (just look at Loop). So this time, the Universe decided to give this new Siffrin, something a lil different. They still gave Siffrin the timeloop But made Odile his proxy. So that Siffrin may have helpers in this new timeline, with Loop as the guide and Odile helping as well, it Should go better, right??? And since the wish is connected with Siffrin's emotions, the Universe can't just completely make it Odile's problem now, sooo basically... Siffrin can still remember Parts of a previous loop PRIOR to their deaths.
That means during the beginning of canon when Siff was crushed by a boulder, he remembers that. And found Loop as well, but when he accidentally ended up touching a tear, he now Doesn't remember being crushed by a boulder but by being frozen in time. At the same time, he ALSO doesn't remember Anything else prior to it. So he doesn't remember that there's a boulder that can kill him by the entrance of the House, he doesn't remember Loop. All he remembers is that somehow, one way or another, he was frozen in time within the House and needs to be more careful with the tears. And because of the way that the loops affect Siffrin now is faaar too different than how it affected Loop, he can't go forwards or backwards in time. Siff will always awaken back in the meadow and Loop will always have to do their whole speech all over again (which would most likely annoy them immediately cuz why? Why is it so different now? Why can't this Siffrin REMEMBER?)
Odile on the other hand, remembers ALL the loops and finds a lot of discrepancies with Siffrin. It takes awhile for her to meet Loop and they get to talk to each other. Their meeting would be pretty... rocky at first. Loop still getting regarded as a stranger by Odile, Loop finding out that Odile is the one getting affected by the timeloop from their own selfish wish. Even if that Siffrin isn't them, it doesn't change the fact that they both made the same wish. Loop thinkin bout being such a favourite cosmic joke of the Universe that not only were they turned into This, one of their family members are suffering cuz of them. And she doesn't even recognize them. It'd be pretty hard at first too cuz Loop doesn't know that their appearance changed yet, there's no mirror. For Loop, they might still look like Siffrin, right? But Odile's reaction to seeing them says otherwise.
Anyway in this au, stage wise, Odile is the actor, Siffrin is the director, and the Universe is the audience. Book wise, Odile is the character, Siffrin is the writer, and the Universe is the reader. Why is Siffrin the director or the writer and not the Universe? That's because the timeloops are Still connected to his emotions, if something he didn't want to think about happens like, that argument with Bonbon (just as an example. I'm wondering if that'll still happen here considering that only happened because of Siff had memories of all the loops in canon. He doesn't have that in this au anymore), time would loop back still, so in a way, Siff Is writing how the timeloops go.
#aria rants#isat spoilers#isat au#of gems and pages au#ogap au#also why did the Universe choose odile? i like to think that the Universe finds her as being skilled enough to be able#to easily help fulfill that wish considering that she Was able to deduce the timeloop when given enough clues#at the same time. odile also seems to be both really close to siffrin (the fact that they go on secret quests before)#and far away from the party emotionally. odile doesnt regard anyone as ''friends'' and so convinces herself that theyre just colleagues#but deep down. she also knows how much she cares for everyone to the point of willing to do unspeakable things to anyone that#dares harm any of them. she cares so much but doesnt know the word to describe it. friends doesnt cut it. the idea of them#being like family to her hasnt crossed her mind yet when the only family she knows of and have is broken and incomplete (her mom left them)#so shes seems to be emotionally distant from them. she wanted to ask bout continuing traveling with the others but doesnt know How#the Universe sees that and thought that should there be anyone that can easily help siffrin then itd be odile. unfortunately#for the Universe. they didnt quite expect siff being too closed off and dodgy in regards to his own emotions#so it still end up being difficult. even more so now that odile doesnt have the Full picture at all. she has no idea why#this is happening to her in the first place. she only knows it has something to do with siff and during the sequence#before new loop+ happened. the Universe most likely gave odile that chance both out of pity and hope that everything#will finally turn out better This Time. but because of the fact that odile Was dying and she exhausted her craft powers#she cant be brought back to the previous loops easily anymore cuz even if its still connected siff. her ability to be#brought back to loops hinges on craft power as well. siff is just the switch to it. so in a way. shes Supposed to be dead now#but the Universe heard siff's wish and granted the means to save odile as well as grant the previous wish he made#its just that such a wish cant be without a penalty. and that penalty is the timer on odile's life. they have only 99 tries left
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sysig · 11 months
For requestober ! do you have anything in mind for some yanderapy angst?
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Day 28 - Better dead than caught
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finderseeker · 16 days
Every so often my mind cycles back to the beginning of the Double Dingsaster AU and the trauma I put Windy through (like he doesn’t have enough) and I just. Think about him.
#there are things I’ve mentally changed about that AU#things that are a bit different from that written-out bit from way back when#but. that gets the idea across I guess#asteri and her violent tendencies that come out when she’s afraid#the fear to hatred pipeline and trying so hard to stay angry because anger is a shield that protects you#‘if you’re always on guard you can’t be hurt’ ‘if you strike first they won’t get the chance’ —#only to realize she’s the one doing the hurting. she’s the one perpetuating the cycle; the one who refuses to leave it#she was becoming the kind of person that she so was afraid of.#I do enjoy pulling apart the idea of running from guilt in search of justification. Great stuff.#‘not a bad person but did bad things’ is such a tasty trope#and then from windy’s side… here’s this version of one of his best friends- and she hurt him.#what do you do when you know someone is only acting in fear? when does patience become resignation? when does kindness turn to submission?#what do you do when the only person you have is so afraid that it hurts you? what boundaries will you sacrifice to gain their trust?#AUGH.#and: how much are you willing to forgive once they realize the harm they’ve done? are you even the same people?#what does endless weeks of being the strong one do to you when you’ve been trying not to give into grief every day?#seeker talks#double dingsaster au#LOOK I’M NOT WELL#windy#asteri#i should rewrite those scenes properly instead of the frantic ‘gotta get this out of my head’ scrawling that the old post was
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totaleclipse573 · 1 month
Thinking rn about how Terios was raised and grew up on the Black Comet I’ll talk in the tags
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starryscale-art · 2 years
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punching the healer in the face doesn’t work out the best when he can and will hit you back very hard
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inscrutable-shadow · 2 months
Augusnippets Day 4 - Path of Hurt - Vivisection
Section of a tape recovered from the Astra Group Laboratories raid.
SUBJECT (weakly): Doctor?
DOCTOR (distracted): Mm.
(metal clinks against metal, likely surgical tools against a tray or basin)
SUBJECT: Is it... nearly done?
DOCTOR: Oh, not hardly.
(a low chuckle gradually builds into one of the characteristic manic laughs)
DOCTOR: Why? Like to tap out, would you? You know the rule. Give, and take.
SUBJECT (whispers): Come…
(fabric rustling, as if someone in a long coat is moving, then unintelligible whispering, with occasional affirmative sounds from the DOCTOR)
DOCTOR (laughing): Very well, then. You have a deal.
(a slicing sound and a cut-off scream. recording ends.)
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lilywily143 · 11 months
I have no title for this...
Self Harm Topic or Visuals I think
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What if a Deviant has mind controlling abilities and uses on Gil? The rest of them realizing it a bit too late when Gil suddenly started to attack.👀
Let the action and drama take its place!
Thena pulled her sword from one of the many Deviants from this most recent onslaught. "These seem quite unlike those of the past."
"They are bizarre," Sersi murmured, hovering and fluttering around the slain bodies around them now that there was no more threat. She looked up at Thena, "Deviants tend to mimic the wildlife the planet already sustains. But these are...they seem almost alien, like-"
"Us," Thena concluded, making Sersi nod her head with some reluctance. She looked out to the horizon, where the rest of the Fighters were already gathering along the front of the attack. "I must see to them."
Sersi merely nodded. She wasn't a Fighter, but even she had need to join the fray with the attacks were as dense as they were becoming. It was relatively early in their mission, but the more humans flourished, the more protection they needed. She squinted, "is that them?"
Ikaris was always easy to spot soaring well above everything around them. Kingo was also running towards them, waving his arms about something.
Thena frowned, "what are they saying?"
Gilgamesh rose up, breaking the horizon line and coming down with sheer force, his fist opening up the earth beneath him.
Kingo barely had enough distance to escape the minor earthquake, rolling and tumbling from it. Thena jerked in reaction but Sersi held her arm.
"What's happening?"
Gilgamesh continued his pursuit of them though, using his strength and concentrating it into different parts of his body to use as propulsion. He was launched forward, catching Kingo in his escape and raising his fist.
"Gil!" Ikaris swooped down, knocking him away from the Sharpshot Eternal. His eyes charged.
"No!" Thena launched herself up and into Ikaris' path, grappling onto him with a weapon and dragging them both away from Gilgamesh. "Don't hurt him!"
"Thena!" Ikaris roared at her like a pest on his back. He tossed her off, not bothering to return to the ground while the threat was still so present.
"What has done this?!" she demanded of her brother, keeping her eyes on Gilgamesh. Blank eyes took her in, assessing the new threat she posed.
"We don't know!" Kingo protested as he scrambled to his feet (and behind Thena). "One minute he was fine, then one of those things let out this sound--awful buzzing sound, really, then-"
"Kingo!" she barked at him, backing up slightly as Gilgamesh took slow, unfocused steps in their direction. He was the Strongest Eternal for a reason, and any one of them needed to exercise caution.
"I-I don't know!" he flailed again, faced down with the strongest of his brothers approaching like some mindless beast. "We all were fine but then Gil started acting weird."
"He is under some sort of influence," Thena concluded, as half-baked an assumption as it was. But Gilgamesh would never willingly turn on them like this. She kept her eyes on his, not that they were really looking at her. "He would never do this."
He would never raise a hand against her willingly.
Thena brought up her shield, catching the otherwise unstoppable fist of the Strongest Eternal. They both dug their feet in, the ground cracking beneath them. She held him at bay. "Leave us!"
Ikaris had already done so, taking Sersi away from danger at the first sign of an enemy he couldn't defeat singlehandedly.
"No way, T!" Kingo responded, bracing her from behind to help her not be pushed back by Gilgamesh's sheer strength.
"Go!" she snapped at him, keeping her eyes through the lights of her shield and on the enemy...on Gilgamesh. "Find Phastos--Ajak! Find a way to undo this!"
She knew Kingo was reluctant; he was actually very protective of all of them, despite his powers being most effective with some distance between himself and the enemy.
"I can handle him," she said more quietly. Her arms were starting to tire.
"That's what I'm afraid of," Kingo muttered before letting go of her and rounding around Gil's side. He fired a few shots at the ground between them, creating somewhat of a dust cover. "Kari!"
A bolt of gold zoomed through the area, nearly impossible to see at all. She zipped Kingo away and then she was there. Thena spared her the briefest of glances. "I don't know what this is. But we can't hurt him."
He was still Gilgamesh.
Makkari tapped her on the shoulder. Thena did her best to look at her. He's vibrating.
She frowned. Makkari would know, though. Kingo had said that the Deviant on their end had let out some wretched sound and then this had happened.
Gil pushed harder and Thena increased the surface area of her shield, bracing it with her knee as well. She was growing tired of this. "Kari, did you feel a bigger vibration earlier?--some kind of sound or signal?"
Makkari was just as quick mentally as she was physically, looking at Gil and connecting the dots offered by her fellow Fighter. She placed her hand on the inside of Thena's shield, vibrating every cell in her body through it.
Gilgamesh drew back, gripping his head and roaring in agony from it.
He gripped his head in his hands until he was on his knees. He drew back and smashed his head against the ground.
"Gilgamesh!" She hadn't even realised she had called out the first time, but this second time, Makkari held her back from going to him.
Gil slammed his head down again.
"Stop it!" Thean shouted, not that she could know if he could hear her or not.
His teeth were gritted together. "Run."
"Gil," she pleaded again--practically whimpered as her throat grew tight. She hated to see him like this.
It was early in the mission, sure. But she knew Gilgamesh, knew how kind and sweet and gentle he was by nature. This wasn't like him. She pulled against Makkari, who was letting her feet impact the ground to hold her back. "Please!"
Makkari's head snapped up and just like that, she was running them away from him.
"Makkari, please!" Thena tried to reason with her sister as Gil got further away and then suddenly vanished from sight. Being transported by Makkari was always hard on the senses. "W-We can't-"
She turned, the rest of her team - her family - already standing by the Domo. She eyed Ajak, walking towards her a little too calmly. "You are going to leave him out there?"
"He's too dangerous, Thena," Phastos chimed in (from his safer distance). "We have to wait it out a little."
Thena's eyes hardened at her team. "You are abandoning him to this...sickness?"
Ajak had a strange look on her face as she closed the distance between them. Thena never liked that look--like she knew something and wasn't divulging everything. "The risk is too great, Thena. We have to let him get it out of his system. Give it time."
Thena looked back to the battlefield, fully able to sense the lingering presence of one of their own. She watched and listened; dirt dusted up and if she really concentrated she could hear him, still wailing like a beast looking for a fight.
Makkari looked between them all, moving to be seen by everyone's vantage point. Interrupting the vibrations worked. I can-
"We can't risk you," Ajak smiled at her, then looked to Thena's half-turned shoulder, "either of you."
Phastos also half turned, but towards the comfort of their ship. "Let him tire himself out, T. We'll go get him then."
"He's just out there swinging at nothing, right?" Sprite added in far too light a tone for the actual goings on. "Let him."
Druig said nothing but also disappeared into the sanctuary of the Domo. Makkari looked at him, shaking her head, but it did not persuade him to stay.
"I promise, Thena," Ajak said in that slow, lyrical way she had. "We will go to him as soon as the threat has passed."
Thena stood resolute against the skyline, watching over Gilgamesh as best she could. "You may abandon him if you see fit. I will not."
Sersi was the last one to leave, hovering between the lines of staying and saying something and joining the rest of her fellow Thinkers. In the end, Ikaris pulled her inside by the hand.
Makkari nodded at her and then at Thena.
"No," she responded to the question never asked. She looked up again, unable to pull herself away from the thought of Gilgamesh left alone with only the violence in his own mind. "I'll stay."
And so she sat herself down, on the ground, watching until there was no sign of movement, listening until his agony had quieted. And then she began the journey back to him.
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thisstableground · 2 years
In most versions of events, Ruben catches a plane hoping to escape safely to Montego Bay, only for Ian to sit in one of the empty seats beside him, and nobody is paying enough attention to see that he needs help.
In this version, the two seats next to Ruben are already taken.
Please comment if you like it because comments make me happy, thank you!
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chicleeblair · 1 year
First, Do No Harm [6/28] ||[FFN]
Rating: E
Pairings: Meredith Grey/Derek Shepherd
An assailant from her past renders Meredith Grey temporarily deaf with her jaw wired shut. Derek traces the less visible damage that led to someone trying to silence her, and finds himself at the root. She can’t shake the belief that he’s only at her side out of obligation. Neither of them can answer the true question: Is this is a six-week truce, or will their skill at non-verbal conversation will keep their marriage from shattering with the silence?
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nny11writes · 2 years
Read the tags!!
Even when you love someone, you can and you will still hurt them on occasion. You won't mean to, it'll feel bad, and you can only work from that point forward.
Catra is familiar with it, but it still hurts to know she hurt someone she loves.
Entrapta is having a rough day, and Catra makes it worse because trauma likes to haunt her at inopportune times. Then they talk about it.
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