#it's not that fiction doesn't affect reality it's that the relationship is not 1:1
mister13eyond · 2 years
I deleted a reblog because I did it when over-exhausted and it felt mean, but I just wanted to say for posterity: I'm begging the Jojo fandom to reconsider making the "He's not even Italian!" joke about Giorno.
Look, I'm not one to say you have to bring real-world morality into a series about a vampire's son taking over the mafia with a magic ghost. I have "problematic" ships, I like writing and reading the crime thriller aspect of the series despite the real-world harm caused by the mafia and organized crime; I like the character with absolutely horrible representation of DID. I think some acceptance that things are okay in fiction that aren't in real life is healthy.
But joking that Giorno- a character who has lived in Italy for 11 years, since he was 4 years old, and who faced racist and xenophobic abuse by his peers precisely BECAUSE he was Japanese - isn't "really Italian" bleeds outside the boundaries of fiction and into real-world microaggressions that real API people face. We've all heard some racist white person ask an Asian peer "where you're REALLY from"; We've all heard the horrendous chant of "go back to your own country" in racist tirades. It's a joke that falls back on old, tired, shitty perspectives- that even though someone has lived in a country since they were a little child, they're never going to be REALLY Italian, because they'll always be Japanese first and foremost.
It's not that it's bad to joke about things we know are bad; it's that the joke seems to fail to acknowledge what's so bad about it in the first place. It's that it conflates ethnicity and country of origin with nationality, citizenship or even just a sense of home. It's that the core of the joke is "Giorno doesn't really belong here; he's Japanese, not Italian, and no matter how long he lives here, he'll never be Italian by blood." It's just... not funny anymore, frankly.
Leave it behind with "MILF hunter Kakyoin" and using the c-slur for Johnny Joestar; we as a fandom can make FAR funnier jokes.
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twig-tea · 5 months
Love For Love's Sake Marketing vs Reality
I cannot get over how misleading the description of this show was compared to its actual execution of the first two episodes. This will be pretty spoiler-free if you are reading to decide whether to give the show a try!
The summary: "Twenty-nine-year-old Tae Myung Ha experiences a bewildering twist of fate when suddenly finds himself transported into a fictional online game where he inhabits the body of a ninteen-year-old character. Soon, Tae Myung Ha embarks on a quest within the virtual world to bring happiness to a character named Cha Yeo Woon. Despite his humble upbringing, Cha Yeo Woon has managed to excel in the national track and field championships, maintaining a remarkable reputation among his peers due to his handsome looks and athletic physique."
What I had taken away from that description that had made me wary: The importance of the age gap; lying to a character to fake affection in order to win a game.
None of the original description is a lie, but the emphasis is all wrong and it excludes some key details that make this show so good.
First: The character MyungHa is tasked to make happy is not just any character; he's the character in a novel MyungHa has just read, and he's the character that he says he identified with most (and who he was rooting for and was annnoyed got a sad storyline and ending). So when he's going up to YeoWoon expressing affection, it's genuine. He really does already know and like this guy. That's a HUGE difference for me, and it changes his mission from a Big Lie into a personal mission. The thing I like most about this show is the heart. The fact that MyungHa genuinely wanting YeoWoon to be happy is (it seems) the triggering event that transports him into the game, not a bewildering twist of fate but a direct response to his articulated wish, is a key part of that heart!
Second: Myung Ha is not out here as a 19-year-old trying to seduce YeoWoon, he wants him to be happy because he sees in YeoWoon similarities to who he was in his teens. The thing that has MyungHa most excited about being 19 again is his grandmother still being alive. The age gap is only a thing in how MyungHa is treating YeoWoon like he's a little kid, which annoys the hell out of YeoWoon because his character is only 1 year older.
Finally: YeoWoon has no friends. It seems true that he's famous on campus and that he has fans (e.g. KyungHoon's sister) but they don't approach him and it doesn't prevent people from hating him. This description makes him sound like a popular guy.
The description on MDL also includes this paragraph: "Cheon Sang Won hails from an affluent family and becomes emotionally entangled with Tae Myung Ha. His involvement adds complexity to the developing relationship between Tae Myung Ha and Cha Yeo Woon. Ahn Kyung Hoon, introverted and reserved, supports and assists Tae Myung Ha on his mission within the virtual world."
We haven't enough of SangWon to draw conclusions yet, but based on the failures of the original description to capture any of the the things I love about the show while highlighting issues that don't (to date) actually exist in the show, I'm going to reserve judgment and assume this is also misleading. It would be pretty antithetical to the very heart of the show that's being set up if Myung Ha, through his actions, caused a different character (SangWon) to become the sad second lead. I'll be really interested to see how this goes and how/if this show will address this issue.
TL;DR: The marketing material: Age gap romance with a Big Lie The actual show: video game isekai granting an earnest protagonist a chance to create a fix-it AU for his favourite sad side character.
Anyway. Glad the show turned out to be so off from the marketing material because this is way better!
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appleballad · 8 months
I don't use twitter much anymore (since I got suspended for no reason lol) but I just wanna talk about the /morston bashing/.... It is unbearable on that app. People give the most asinine reasons why shipping morston or really anything that they personally dislike makes you morally corrupt in real life and deserving of harassment. It's really repetitive atp and I roll my eyes at it but all these years later and it's still very much prevalent.
So out of fear of being cancelled there is a severe lack of discourse and in-depth analysis surrounding John/Arthur's dynamic... and vandermorgan too, don't get me started on that.... Everyone loses their hair over a mildly "problematic" fictional relationship. Bunch of fake fujoshis.
It's always selective outrage, depending on what the majority in a certain fandom decides to like and hate on because most claims that deem ships problematic have actually no validity to them.
Take me back to the good old days when it was perfectly normal to fangirl over even the most obscure crack ship. When fiction was just fiction and not a reflection of your morals and political identity.
It's the same with liking villain characters. "you can't like this character!! bc he's EVIL!1!! he did this nd that ur just as evil for liking them you deserve to be tortured and stoned to death blah blah blah"
How utterly boring, and again it doesn't apply to every morally grey character. It hinges on the opinion of which character/ship the majority in a particular fandom elect to unequivocally bully
It's entirely subjective policing, which is absolutely ridiculous. Where do you actually draw the line?
I say if you are unable to engage with fiction on a level that's separate and disconnected from reality, if morally grey fiction corrupts your very soul and compels you act and behave in indecent ways, you should stop consuming it entirely.
Stick to your children's fables, kid.
None of this has any affect on my love for morston, in fact it strengthens it LOL. Shipping morston becomes almost like an act of defiance.
I'm grateful that at least on Tumblr and other spaces I can enjoy the fan art, fanfics or comics and knowing someone out there is raging and seething at the sight of it is kinda hilarious so it makes it all the more enjoyable. It's when they decide to feign moral superiority and launch their sheep following to attack and harass you with their nasty words wishing actual death on you irl, that is when it does get under my skin. That is just too far. But I think that is a reasonable reaction for me to have.
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roalinda · 11 months
good day! hope you're doing fine! canon gave us prongsfoot shippers little, but my god the quality… today i'm fixated on how Sirius was gushing about James. Something so simple and raw about it. 'You fly as well as your father did, Harry' he said in Shrieking Shack about only highlight of that mad post-Azkaban year. He reminiscented with affection how James used to mess up his hair [while Harry was angsting about swm honestly the timing]. 🤦😅 [1/2]
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Hi anon! 
I'm doing fine. 😊 and prongsfoot asks always makes my day shine brighter. ♡ 
You are absolutely right! I don't want to sound biased or anything (because what I'm going to say is a simple reality) but the only pairing that actually makes sense for Sirius or for James (not taking Jily which is canon into account here) is prongsfoot a.k.a themselves. I have never understood the point or the logic of lots of other James or Sirius fanon pairings. True, prongsfoot is fanon as well but it is - oh, come on, of course they were together! - kind of fanon based on what we get in the book. If one doesn't ship them romantically, the platonic soul mate love is undeniable. Problem is that a lot of people ignore canon as if it doesn't exist in favour of works like ATYD (which I respect the writer and the people who enjoy it of course) or somehow just make up random excuses about James and Sirius' relationship. I don't want to start a ship war or anything here, so I guess I should stop ranting about it. I understand that it's a fictional world, so ships can exist with the policy of - what if - in shipping but to be honest these what ifs have become kind of ridiculous.
Sorry, I strayed from the topic. Canon gave us little quantity but a great quality, not to mention Sirius always mentioning James' name in every topic that comes up, from quidditch to bravery (probably even James' tooth paste flavour behind the scenes). 
Sirius is one awesome character. He was so passionate, so full of life, so bright and it was stolen from him all in one night. I believe a part of him died with James for good. A part that even if he was a free man would remain dead. Some may think it was rash of him to go after Peter, seeking revenge but I think he did the most logical thing, (may or may not on purpose). Yes, he was angry and vengeful to the point of insanity but if he had managed to catch Peter, it would prove his innocence. But I believe the most painful part of this tragedy is that James Potter and Sirius Black, the ones who Peter always hid behind them and were the strongest pillars of the marauders, fell by the hands of the one they put their trust into. The guilt is more suffocating for Sirius because James kept wanting him. He wanted Sirius to have his life in his hands and only agreed to switch the secret keepers because Sirius said so. 
James trusted Sirius with his life, literally and practically. Not only his own life, but his wife and son's life as well. He was putty and trusting in Sirius' hands, and I believe if Sirius was in James' situation, he would trust no one but James and his words as well. This is the broken part inside Sirius or at least one of them. To me, he was in a self-induced guilty coma all the while in Azkaban, trying to keep himself sane until he saw the danger which burned him awake to get to his godson.
He is so proud of Harry, of the way he flies, of how brave he is, how similar he is to James. Molly Weasley (and others) can say whatever they want, Sirius doesn't see Harry as James though. It is disrespectful to what he shared with James. Sirius is sarcastic and cruel and arrogant, but not to the people whom he holds dear. He has a heart of gold with them. I cannot help but to feel really emotional over the first time he saw Harry ( when he was angrily leaving his aunt's house ) and then remembering how it was similar to the way he ran to James' arms house. Like imagine the comfort he found there. The home he found there with James. They would watch the stars together and Sirius would talk about ancient astronomy while James would come up with the strangest yet the most complicated magical theories based on them, something like turning Slytherin's common room golden and red under Venus' orbit; an essay or the runes macabre.
If Sirius remained the secret keeper and died for James, I think it would drive James insane with grief as well because he too would blame himself. The fandom is going to obliterate me for this, but maybe he did agree to switch secret keepers to keep Sirius safe. James was a kind soul who cared for all his friends but Sirius was just another level. Sirius was half of his soul and we all know that James can be arrogant and self-centred (affectionate) . It is just a very cruel HC of mine though. But he didn't know that he sacrificed and crushed Sirius' soul in the process.  (as I said HC ) 
But beyond the veil he stands, after years of watching Sirius from afar and longing, and receives Sirius into his arms as he sobs along with him, both asking for the other's forgiveness.
Sorry for the dramatic last part and thank you for the ask. ♡
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pirate-fan-rachelle · 3 months
**✿❀ 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ❀✿**
Hello Hearties! My name is Rachelle, and I'm an Multifandom artist! (Digital & Traditional)
I'm 16 years old and I go by she/her pronouns! I'm also from Indonesia 🇮🇩 (Unfortunately, I'm not very fluent with my native language, so my apology in advance)
I'm just a small artist who has a obsession over Pirates (and Vikings!)
I mostly do multifandom stuff here but I also include my ocs drawing!
Nice to meet you all~!
★ My other Blogs ★
@mysticverse-productions (Main Project blog)
@rachie-is-here (Pokémon blog)
@project-v (Side Project blog)
@rasheru-iroha (Oreca Battle & ORE'N blog)
❀ Social Media Linktree!
❀ Fandom List carrd! (WIP, I got lazy and there's actually more fandom I joined)
♥ Tags from me!
Go to (#Rachelle Heart's favourite post) to find useful stuff I found for drawing & writing source 🎨📝
• Please don't go to my DMs just to rant/Vent with me (I don't know you, you're not one of my mutuals or trusted close friend), unless it's very important.
• Do not send drawing request to me in my inbox, because I don't draw for free unless (1) if I made post about free drawing request (2) you're one of my close friends who I trust.
• I can be a sensitive or a shy person, so don't expect me to be very talkative
• Expect me to post/reblog muslim related content (as a Islam myself) sometimes
• I won't be active a lot because of school
⚠ DNI List! ⚠
Very important, because I get really uncomfortable when these kind of people interacting with me, be warned that I will mention so much triggering topic here in this list(undercut)!
Do Not Interact with me if you are...
➥ Proshipper / Comshipper
(Basically you like problematic ship that are Pedophilia, incest/shipping relatives whether they're related or not, abusive, r*pe, and many-many more that are problematics, and doesn't care because it's just fictional)
➥ Homophobic & Transphobic
➥ Pedo/Lolicon/Shotacon/Kodocon/MAPs
(Pretty self explanatory)(both real life & fiction)
➥ Sexist/misogynist/misandrist
➥ People who hate Oc x canon and Self-shipping (This is one of my coping mechanism)
➥ if you're one of those "Fiction can't affect reality" people (please leave me alone, you don't need to rant about me)
➥ Racist/Xenophobic/Antisemitisme (again, pretty self explanatory)
➥ Islamphobia (I'm an Islam myself, and anyone who call any Islam/muslim a "terrorist" please get out and find a therapist/mental hospital)
➥ Nazis
➥ Zionist (fun fact: hating Zionist doesn't make you antisemitism!)
➥ Fetishizer (yes, I'm looking at you Fujoshi and Himedanshi, fetishizing same sex relationships is not cool)
➥ Vivziepop / J.K Rowling (any problematic creators) stans (sorry HP & HB/HH fans, but I just despise them, as a former fan)
➥ Lily Orchard and any problematic Commentary channel supporter (Yeah no, you're not welcome here)
➥ Anti-Critism (I'm the type of person who's willing to get critized, in polite way)
➥ Zoophiles
➥ NFTs Supporter
➥ Art thief
➥ Palworld supporter (GTFO, I DON'T WANT YOU)
➥ if you support "Ai art" or game made from Ai generated (fuck you, really)
➥ NSFW/18+ blogs (I'm a minor)
➥ If you have "very weird" fetishs (take Amputations fetish as an example)
➥ If you support TERF
➥ If you like sending d3ath Thr3ats (please don't, this triggered my past trauma.)
➥ If you're from a problematic fandom (ex. Your Boyfriend, YBC, DSMP, Ranfren[read this doc to know why Ranfren is bad], Coffin of Andy and Leyley, Gushing over magical girls anime, etc..)
➥ You support Flags that are not valid (Ex. Maps, Super Straight, trans-Age, Trans-Race, etc...)
And many-many more Problematic things!
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gffa · 1 year
Your post about Ww/Vash is valid and honestly relatable to me. What makes me (even more) turned away from it is the hypocrisy of the shippers. Sure, yeah, you can always mute & block all that, curate stuffs as to not let fans affect your perception or feelings about something. BUT, it can only do so much, can it, when said fans won’t stop going around & forcing their presence onto other people’s spaces, calling them freaks, and sending death threats to other people. Anyway, yeah, the hypocrisy of said shippers when their ship is not less problematic than the twins ship ruined my enjoyment for it.
(I have to ask, tho. What do you think about Knives/Vash as a ship then?)
As someone who has had The Queer Experience of people who would rather I just be "normal" and not a "freak", having family who would rather I kill myself/be dead than have a queer family member, let me tell you, I don't have any patience for the whole thing of suicide baiting over things that don't affect you and aren't about you. And I think that makes a lot of this extra upsetting when coming to fandom and having people refuse to leave you alone, it hits those buttons for a lot of us and the fighting about this kind of thing makes so many people so tired and it plays on so many people's emotions that a lot of people just want to eschew even getting into it all together. I think too many people in fandom these days over-identify with the fiction they're reading/watching and anything that contradicts that feels like a personal attack, it feels like it must have this tremendous detonation on the real world when someone likes something in fiction that you don't, but it just doesn't actually work that way. A ship in fandom is not in a 1:1 relationship with reality, nothing in fiction is, but what is in a 1:1 relationship with reality is the boundaries you cross when you harass and hurt real people over their ships. And that will always be vastly more important--if you can't handle decent personal boundaries with real people over ships, that is the real problem here. It's fine to be squicked by things, almost everyone has them! And it's fine to talk about trends in fandom, because sometimes things do come from bigger social trends, like there is a lot of racism in fandom that I think it's important to talk about. But sending death threats or doxxing people still ain't the way to handle that, babes. Anyway, as anyone familiar with the series has probably picked up on, yeah, Knives/Vash is my ship of choice in the fandom, there's a very particular vibe between them that just gets me. And it's fine that people might be squicked by that, I'll tag anything to do with them in that light (because I'm also interested in them purely platonically), but it's also fine that I like what I like in my space scifi western show. (So, heads up for anyone reading this, I will always tag with either #plantcest or #plantcest for blacklist if it contains commentary about them, but isn't relevant to the tag/I don't want to put it in the tag for some reason.) Because, man, any series where the entire story is centered on the conflict between them, where no one else really ever matches the intensity either of them have for the other, where one of them is literally doing everything for the other person, where they wouldn't just be willing to burn down the world for that person, they're actively trying to burn it down for the other, that kind of teeth in a dynamic is delicious. I love love love conflict between characters that love each other so desperately, where the conflict is central to who they are, that the other person loves them for being the person they are, even as it drives them apart because they can't accept the things that person is doing, that is MY JAM.
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frenchgremlim1808 · 2 years
Okay so, today I got a little crazy and I wanted to make an analysis of why Billy Hargrove is a terrible racist piece of shit and why you shouldn't have that much pity for him. I thought this might wake up some Billy/harringrove Stan. After all when you make mistake all you need is to learn from them. So I went to the harringrove tag to see what they could post there and....
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wtf is that. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS THAT. 23k people ship that crap. That like much more than I imagined. I never went to that tag before and now I'm actually scared. Like, let's make comparisons.
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So if I understand, people are more interested in fucking harringrove , a fanon non existent toxic ship over lumax and jopper two established, lovely and healthy ships. People are more interested in a racist piece of shit that may I remind you tried to kill a child relationship over JOYCE BYERS who is one of the best characters in the show and an established characters from season 1. And also stop the cap I can see the blatant racism like, I get it you can have favorite characters and not all of them are important to your heart, but isn't kinda strange that of all the characters, it's mainly the poc who are underated. Like Lucas is one of the main character since season one but he has less people who follow his tag than a certain dude who just came around in season 4. And worst his tag is filled with other ships ( cough... Cough.. steddie) or other characters. Like really. Like I'm a byler blog but I promise you I'm gonna take every opportunity to burn and destroy that horror that's harringrove and make people realize the wonderfulness of my underrated kings and queens (Jonathan/Lucas/Erica/argyle etc)
So I gonna do that Billy eat my ass grove hate paragraph but now i won't keep my composure cause if grown ass people ( probably if their children then like grow up) excuse abuse in fiction then it's already a matter of time before they think it's normal in reality. Because yes, fiction affects reality and the people who act like it doesn't are the one who are already affected by it.
Thank you for listening to my rant, sorry if I sounded mad. Love y'all
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Fictional characters are fictional. They are not real people or real children. It is not cp. It is not illegal. Learn the difference between fiction and reality. Fiction doesn't affect reality on a 1:1 basis.
Why is that your first concern? "It's not cp, so it's not illegal." You sound more concerned about the legality of this shit than any point I stated. If it's not 'cp', then why are you so defensive about it? You sound scared as if someone found out they'd see you as some sort of creep... but hey, it's not an actual cp, so it's good right?. Stalking ain't illegal but we all agree that shit creepy as fuck, but you'd probably defend it like, "it's not stalking, the person is alive still."
Did you know artists who were called out for being actual pedophiles have shown literally children those kinds of art and play it off as 'normal'. Y'all will say that's my waifu or husbando, and if they were real, you'd marry them, but the minute someone brings up their age, it's always "its just a character, Don't look too much into it". LIKE.
First, I didn't say it was cp. Secondly, I CLEARLY said that children are naive and impressionable. It's unfortunate, but again, it's our job as the adults in the community to tell children. "Hey, this isn't something you're supposed to be watching nor something you should be in contact with."
Some children CAN'T tell fiction from reality, they'll see harmful relationships presented to them and think it's normal. You're right. They aren't real, but it's really weird that someone would draw minors in that scenario even though there are characters 18 and up to draw them like that. You went out of your way to draw a CHILD in that position.
There is nothing wrong in liking a character who is younger than you, but please be reminded that the game twst has a majority tween to teen fan base. People will put mdni but will draw underage characters fucking each other? Pick a struggle. Draw minors or talk to minors?
I know why you're anonymous. You're scared people will pounce after you and call you out on your bullshit. But I know who you are because I was very specific on which creator I was talking about. Or you're probably one of their followers or another person with the same ideology. If you really stand by what you mean, you can privately message me, and we can talk.
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Gruvians: It's just fiction! stop taking it so seriously! Also Gruvians: writes long metas on why the ship is brilliant, stalks accounts they were blocked by to bitch about said account not liking their ship, stalks posts they disagree with & vehemently reading the tags within each reblog of said posts & treats head canons such as a Gray liking Lucy & Erza first before Juvia as some sort of personal attack against them.
A large part of the GrUvia fanbase seems to be built on insecurity, and I think that for exactly the reasons you mentioned.
The GrUvia ship has come under a lot more scrutiny than most other ships in Fairy Tail, and I think it's resulted in them being completely unwilling to think about their ship in any kind of nuance.
One of our friends once mentioned that they don't support the ship in one of the most innocent ways possible, and it led to several days worth of battling with GrUvia fans and explaining her stance and why she was justified in her opinion. It got to the extent that she had to explicitly state that she would not be responding to any more asks because she didn't want her blog to become known for being anti-GrUvia. Just for stating an opinion. That is how quick the ship's fanbase are to anger.
You're either supportive and unequivocally good, or you're not and you must be attacked.
We've seen evidence that this has even extended over their ability to think critically about each other. We've received asks about how there is a psychologist in the GrUvia fanbase who thinks that the ship is healthy, and one of our admins was in the fandom when the whole GrUvia University thing went down. If I was a GrUvia fan, I would be disgusted by how they're treating people.
They cannot handle the idea that there is a space that exists in the Fairy Tail fandom that doesn't welcome them. Whenever we post things with the tagline "GRUVIA FANS: DO NOT INTERACT" we'd get at least 1 ask from a butt-hurt fan who could not find it in themselves to take our advise to block us and move on, and instead had tantrums after tantrums in our ask box.
(Hi, one of the other admins here popping in for just a second! Quick tw for a mention of stalking. I’ve been doxxed twice, I still get sent death threats, harrassed online, harassed in real life, and my stalker used this ship as an example of why I had to fall in love with him if he just kept trying. I personally am convinced that they’re too stupid to realize how hypocritical they are when they say don’t apply it to real life. Fiction always affects reality, even when it’s not blatantly obvious, and people really need to be more conscious of that and the fact that there are levels to it. A character’s favorite color may not have a big impact in real life, but normalizing abusive relationships has a massive negative impact, as seen by all the victims sharing their stories on this blog and those who share their stories elsewhere, because let’s face it, this nasty ship is not the only time an abusive relationship has been romantisized.
That being said, this does not mean all GrUvia shippers are stalkers/abusers. Fiction does affect reality, but that doesn't mean it controls reality. People have moral compasses, and sometimes they like to explore weird/amoral/dark things in fiction, and it's better to do that in ficiton than in real life. The problem lies within the fact that the vast majority of them that I have personally interacted with (<- reread the bold part and use your reading comprehension skills please) have been willing to doxx, harass, or abuse others. Pro-Juvia and Pro-grUvia shippers are notorious for these things, but some anti-Juvia and Anti-GrUvia people are too. The problem lies within the attitude of the shippers even more so than the ship itself. If we could both have conversations about it, with respect that neither side is going to change the other's thoughts and opinions, then the fandom would be a much happier and safer place.
Personally, I would love if we could just coexist and enjoy Fairy Tail together. Alas, it is not meant to be, hence the creation and necessity of this vent space)
On some level, I do feel bad for the GrUvia fanbase that they have to exist with so much scrutiny. But then I remember the content of the ship itself, and I genuinely think that they've only ever made it worse for themselves by being aggressive.
If the fandom was able to have discussions like this, to talk about ships through a critical lens and have an actual conversation about this, the ship would still be awful. But the fandom, itself, wouldn't be viewed as this group of people with the mental complexity of toddlers.
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freerangeranger · 1 year
//I just gotta say you do a fuckin AMAZING job writing honey!!! She's such an interesting character and
//honestly her during this whole arc has been pretty relatable in a way jdhdndg
//can't imagine how hard it was to like , explicitly show all the way up to this where everything had been let loose that she was still just so angry at him underneath it all, even if she was still having fun and making fun of bell light-heartedly and I've never seen anyone really just .capture that before especially in such emotional accuracy
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So when I read this yesterday you gave me the equivalent of human zoomies for an hour when I was supposed to be going to bed. Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm blushing. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to meeee. (⁄ ⁄•⁄v⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
I go over my 'breakdown' of this arc below the break, but please know that I love all of you and thanks so much for enjoying my gal. She means a lot to me. I'm glad my mental process comes through in her words and actions.
Also If you want more lighthearted stuff - I have a few more Amy roasts to go through so Do Not Worry we will flambae this man yet.
I am also gonna write this warning here as well - Content Warning for death, implied suicide, abandonment, animal abuse, pokemon abuse and generally uncomfortable topics to think about.
Honey could be charitably called a 'self insert' - although she looks nothing like me and we do have differing opinions on a lot of topics. From my experience with TTRPGs and running them for 7 years I find the greatest advice I can give to anyone both old and new is to put pieces of yourself into your oc's. This is two-fold for importance.
1) It fleshes them out and makes you like them. If you have a character with similar morals and goals to yourself it is much easier to relate to them and makes you actually want to continue - you know - playing them. Honey has many traits that I don't. But we do share a deep love for people (and pokemon but her love is much more tangible than mine). She has a strong sense of fair play and is stubborn to a fault, which is something a lot of people can relate with. Her flaws are the same as her strengths and that makes her feel alive.
2) The second part is - in my humble opinion - more important. You know how they Feel. Emotions are a fickle thing in roleplay. You have to be very good at separating fiction from reality. It helps a lot when you are in constant communication with the people you are creating the story with.
When I was writing Honey over the course of this arc, I noticed that I started getting agitated - not from myself - but when I put myself in Honey's shoes. And after some contemplation I could realize why. This whole situation reminded me of those "Don't Drink and Drive" TV ads where the owner of a dog leaves, promising to come back. For a few moments you get a horrible sinking feeling because you know that this is an ad for drunk driving. But the dog doesn't. But after a few shots the person returns! All's well that ends well. You get your catharsis because that's a bit too dark a subject for daytime tv.
But I always wondered what would happen if the person never came back.
Dogs and cats are pretty smart all things considering. But how would this sort of thing affect a creature that has a higher level of intelligence? Little kids don't have a super great grasp on death - and I assume that most pokemon (there are exceptions to the rule) have the emotional and mental capacity of around a 3 year old. But you can also verbally explain death to a child when they are old enough. How do you explain to a ratatta that their trainer passed away?
This has never been stated explicitly until recently but Honey does have a slightly longer relationship with Amy than is immediately apparent. Especially with his pokemon. She cares about them and understands them to some degree. She knows roughly their emotional intelligence and ability to grasp abstract concepts. Honey has no illusions that Maxx, Beetroot and a handful of Amy's other pokemon are smart enough to connect the dots if he up and vanished. Some of them might even hold a grudge or mourn his loss.
But she knows there are also many pokemon in his care that aren't smart enough to understand. Bruno in particular - who is arguably the pokemon Honey is most emotionally attached to. Bruno is a strange case because he has a very good memory. He remembered Honey at the wedding by smell alone; a solid 3-5 years after they first met. Honey had a decent impact on his life but her influence is nothing compared to how much he cares about Bellamy.
So you have a perfect storm - A pokemon smart enough to remember people and has object permanence but not smart enough to understand the possibility of death or the idea that their human - who they love more than life itself - is never going to come back home. Thinking of that mental image - Bruno sitting alone at the door waiting for Amy forever - is basically the sole reason for her anger.
There is compounding issues of course. Did Amy even think to put all his Pokemon in his will? Would his current funds allow each of them to live in the lifestyle they are accustomed to? How many of them could stay together? Would they all have to be adopted out to other people? How many of them are at risk solely because they were the Pokemon of TV icon 'Professor Wild Days'?
Maybe Amy has plans in place for if that were to ever happen. But Honey doesn't know. She thought Amy was more prepared than that but the fact he just marched into the Cold Storage with no plan and without any proper backup has seriously shaken her faith in his ability to consider the longstanding ramifications of his actions.
So when Honey says 'I am pissed' what she really means is 'I am scared that you don't care about yourself enough to realize that your family is still here and depends on you. I'm scared that you aren't living for them. And that makes me angry on their behalf.' This is something I also deeply care about. The greatest thing that helped me in my darkest periods of my life is remembering the creatures that depend on me. Not the humans in my life; but the pets and animals that need me because if I disappear I don't know what will happen to them.
... That's pretty dark and serious. But it's also a damn good reason to be angry.
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
Can you explain proship and antiship and why people are saying one or the other is problematic? I’m a little confused over this.
Sit down, nonnie, this is going to be a long one!
I need to start this by saying that I would be someone classed as a proshipper. I don't necessarily label myself as such though and when it comes to the drama around this, I think both sides can be terrible and toxic, but because of my views I would be labelled by an anti as a proshipper (or proshitter because yes, that is how childish they can be).
A proshipper believes that fiction does not affect reality on a 1:1 ratio which will often be shortened to be "fiction doesn't affect reality" which doesn't actually represent the views of many people who are given this label. However to place it simply, a proshipper would not care who you ship: age gaps, toxic relationships, incest of any kind etc. because they believe that what you enjoy in fiction doesn't not indicate the type of things you would enjoy in a real life relationship.
An antishipper, as you can guess, is the opposite, they believe that fiction does affect reality and that your taste in media can be an indication of what you enjoy in reality.
This has led to the words problematic, pedophile, abuser, groomer and the like to be thrown around in fandom like they're candy and not serious accusations to accuse someone of and has watered down the words to the point that when someone is claimed to be, say, a pedophile, it makes people think "are they really or did they just like a "bad" ship" which obviously is a very big problem.
Now, there is nothing wrong with being uncomfortable and even downright hating ships that have incest/pedophilia/abusive aspects and in fact many people who will say "ship and let ship" (a common phrase used by proshippers) will hate them too. I can't stand these types of ships personally and will block anyone who has them as they make me extremely uncomfortable, however I won't harass people who have them either which is a common tactic of the antishippers.
You don't know the people behind the ship, plain and simple. Many proshippers with these darker ships have even had to share how they were/are victims of what they're being accused of and how they use such ships to help them come to terms and take control of their own trauma.
Or they could be dangerous people (though I don't know what the percentage of people that would be) which is why I will never understood why antis will ask each other to put themselves in danger to harass these people.
My issue with antishipping is that any ship can come underfire and be labelled a proship by these people. I've seen things be called proships for people who have shared the same body in funky soul shenanigans, I've seen them been called that for people who look too much alike, I've even seen it for age gaps that are completely normal in real life.
There is no common consensus for what is a proship, it's become a word to mean "ship I don't like" for many and is used extremely often to shut down ships and people shipping it.
I'll use a proship of mine as an example and one that is often the target of antis on twitter. I've made it very much aware I love the relationship between Osamu Dazai and Sakunosuke Oda from Bungo Stray Dogs. Now Oda was 23 when he died, Dazai was 18 years old. For many, this 5 year gap was too inappropriate for them because Dazai was a "minor" at the time of their friendship. This got even worse when the author revealed that Dazai and Oda met when Dazai was 16.
It doesn't matter that to many antishippers that people who love the ship enjoy it with both characters of adult age (it's very rare you see anyone shipping them when Dazai was 16 and even at 18). Because he knew Dazai when he was a minor, their relationship cannot change at all, Dazai will always be viewed as a "kid" by Oda (despite that having never been their relationship) and if you ship them you are a pedophile.
Yes, that is the word that is often used. You get called a pedophile for shipping two characters who are legal age.
Now, can the age gap in the ship be uncomfortable to people? Sure! Can the potential power imbalance be uncomfortable too? Yes, it can and I have many ships where I find myself in the same boat. However instead of the antis of the BSD fandom blocking and avoiding this content, they will accuss creators for the ship of being horrible thing and will harass and insult them.
This is why I called it a cult. You saw in the post I just made how a person had to ask if something was okay? They didn't go "I think this is uncomfortable so I won't enjoy it and avoid it" they had to make sure that it was okay with the hivemind to like it another way. At this point antis aren't thinking for themselves, they're doing what they think others expect of them.
What's even worse is that some anti communities have been shown to have been run by actual predators who are preying on the minors that flock to them for "safety" from these "dangerous" ships.
There have been classic textbook abusive behaviour from these communites such as isolating minors from "dangerous" adults and making them feel like they're the only people they can trust. It's often believed that predatory adults will use "proship" content to make minors trust them but it's just no true, a predator will use anything that will endear them to their victim and that includes antishipping.
It's extremely dangerous and terrifying to see.
There also the fact that many antis care more about the lives of fiction people than real people. I will see them celebrate and laugh at "proshippers" who feel suicidal or have committed suicide, even going as far as to tell them to do it. It's horrifying.
I'm sorry I've gone more into the antishipping community than the proshipping community but that's because I'm genuinely terrified of the antishipping community. They make fandom a terrible and toxic place to be in.
For many years, proshipping was the standard to the point it hadn't even been called it. It's only recently the anti community started to rise, bringing with them both insane purity culture and abusive/bullying behavior to anyone who won't conform to their standards.
Please, everyone stay safe in fandom.
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fortpeatbabie · 1 year
Bed friend the series, my thoughts
Will keep updating this and link it to my pinned post!
1. Uea not being able to rely on a family member.
I see many hoping for Uea to rely on the sister (if she was of a proper age) but in reality it's hard you know. When your mom and dad has been nothing but a mess, you as the elder sibling do not want to mess with the little peace your younger one has. In fact I have a personal experience from real life where my close friend asked to share my misery (of being stalked online) with my little sister. I cut that friend off after some years (various other reasons added). Like what is the use of it? Why would I want to make someone depressed or overthink about my problems? That too the younger sibling. Like I would still share it with someone elderly not soil the innocence of a younger one.
Going back to Uea, he did mention falling apart from that cousins family in episode 4. The reality is both maternal and paternal side of the families suck in Asia. I don't know about the West. If you are 90s born, and asian, you would know. (Very few tight big families exist here and I know none). Sometimes, that cousins/family could worsen the relationship with your own parents. I hate that I relate to Uea on familial relations (not the abusive sexual one).
2. Uea and playboy problems
In episode 5, King asked if Uea is open to try/believe that King might change if he actually likes someone and Uea says "No". That's the most realistic reply. You just can't believe a playboy when he says something like that. In fiction, we read/watch the story from both the partner's perspective and that's why we know King is the one. But place yourself in Uea's shoes, would you really trust a playboy? Yes if that playboy has been persuing you for quite sometime and you know that he's not d*cking around after talking sweet to you. Even then in the hindsight, you would not 100% trust him (99 possible but never 100). That is if you have had quite a smooth upbringing. Now think about Uea. I was so happy to hear that NO. No other explanation given. He didn't try to reason out at all. It's very difficult to say No for most of us, but Uea did and I couldn't help but feel proud. Like it's okay if I loose a friend (bed friend in his case) but I wouldn't have lost you if you were a Real friend.
3. Uea and Jade friendship
I'm not convinced that they are best friends. They have friendship but the line of best friend is not crossed and I'm okay with it. I just don't want them to address each other as best friends. They are very good friends. Not best! (My definition of best friends doesn't fit Uea jade friendship).
4. King and mommy issues?
That man has some thought clashes with his mother. The ciggerate scene of episode 5 pretty much tells Uea understands that King is not all happy and spring in real life. He also has a heart and a family. Maybe, King's problems are not as big as Uea but it's there. Mental health - every one has their own trigger points. Also, the aggressive s*x ? Yeah, mommy affects his mental health.
Please these two men coping with family issues by giving into s*xual activities 😭
5. TBC...
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abeautifulblog · 2 years
If you're still taking these, I'd be interested in your thoughts on a/b/o! (personally, i always thought it was a reflection of most fanfic being written by women who date men at least some of the time, ie writers whose own intimate relationships involve gender-based hierarchies, and who found a way to reintroduce that element into same-gender relationships in order to explore it in slash fiction. But I'd be curious to know what you think about it!)
At first I found it off-putting and uncomfortable—and sometimes still do, depending on how the author chooses to play it—but after enough years of exposure therapy, I've become inured to it, and it's basically value-neutral to me these days. When I'm cruising for fic and something looks interesting, seeing that it's tagged A/B/O isn't going to affect whether I click on it or not.
I enjoy it as a vehicle for porn, because heat/rut/hormones/etc lets authors ramp up the intensity of how scorchingly horny the blorbos are for each other, with a truly gratuitous number of orgasms involved. (As an aside, I prefer it when omegas are intersex, so that writers can hand-wave the trickier/less hygienic aspects of butt-sex. And so I'm not forced to imagine butt-birth. 😖)
But I've read very few fics that actually put interesting ideas into the worldbuilding, and thinking about the broader effects that omegaverse dynamics would have on society, because seriously, that would change everything. Instead, it frequently just gets overlaid atop stories that... have no reason to be omegaverse stories? Again, not like fanfic needs to justify itself beyond “I wanted to,” but I'll admit, I don't really understand why this concept has such lasting and widespread appeal.
As you say, I've read meta theorizing that it allows (predominantly female) fanfic writers to explore gender dynamics and gendered expectations in a way that doesn't hit quite so close to home—that it's easier and more enjoyable to explore those themes at a remove, in a fictional scenario that can be informed by their own experiences, but doesn't have to be constrained by reality.
Maybe that's true, or true for some people—I am not qualified to say. Or maybe it's as fruitless as trying to theorize why some people are into kink, when the answer is just “some people are,” and there's not much rhyme or reason to it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Personally, what turns me off about A/B/O fic is extreme feminization of the omega character. That is 1) decidedly not my kink (I'm getting flashbacks to the heteronormativity of early-aughts yaoi; google 'yaoi hands' if you want to traumatize yourself), and 2) on a narrative level it makes me go, Why didn't you just write genderswap fic? o_O When the anatomy, the clothes, the demeanor, the social expectations are not genderqueer, but all unambiguously female, and the only nod to it being omegaverse is male pronouns... why? In those cases, the A/B/O elements are doing nothing but making me viscerally uncomfortable.
(And mpreg is soooo beyond not-my-kink. 😬)
That said, there is no moral component to my discomfort—a philosophy that modern fandom could stand to reacquaint itself with, along with the term “squick.”
I, personally, find male characters being feminized* off-putting and uncomfortable—I am squicked out by it, if you will—but that isn't any sort of objective judgment on the trope itself, that's a me-thing. You don't have to come up with excuses for why Trope X is immoral and gross and problematic in order to justify not enjoying it. People just like different things.
Anyway, fic recs!
OMEGAVERSE FICS WOT GREMBLE ENJOYED, and don't @ me if they include things I just said I'm not into.
The Ties that Bind, by Odsbodkins – Captain America: Winter Soldier, Steve/Bucky. The fact that I still remember this fic, even though I'm well out of this fandom, should tell you something. The author does possibly the best job I've read of exploring the wider context of A/B/O dynamics, and how that plays out in social norms and pop culture.
Intent, by tnico – The Witcher, Lambert/Aiden. Have you ever heard of an omegaverse fic in which one of the leads was a beta? Now you have, and you're welcome, because tnico writes the best Lambert in the whole damn fandom.
(Now back to your regularly scheduled Geralt/Jaskier recs -- and there are plenty more that I enjoyed, I just have a memory like a sieve. Feel free to rec more in the comments!)
A New Drink, Honey-Sweet, by GreenBird
basically all of suzukiblu's fics in that trope
Ballad of the Bride Surprise, by greyduckgreygoose
Rare Bird, by spqr
Fingers Crossed, by grassylampshade
And an actual books rec: the Wraeththu series, by Storm Constantine. It's not exactly omegaverse, but it hits the same genderbending buttons—humanity is being supplanted by a race of hermaphroditic humans who are all gorgeously androgynous and very queer with each other. Dark fantasy, similar vibes to Anne Rice and Tanith Lee, with moody gothic opulence and rarefied homoeroticism. The first in the series is Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit, and I despise the protagonist in that book, I want to slam his head in a car door, but fortunately all the subsequent books are centered on other people.
* This is completely unrelated to trans AUs or trans headcanons for a character, those don't bother me. Trans women are women, and so it is just and proper for them to wear women's clothing, but putting male characters in corsets or lingerie or whatnot is going to have me pretty much instantly back-buttoning out of a fic. Which, it occurs to me, makes me kind of a raging hypocrite, because I'm fine with cross-dressing when I do it.
idk, man. brains are weird and contradictory sometimes.
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mejomonster · 2 years
I watched all of Kabe Koji in 1 day and I 100% recommend if:
You like BL genre stuff that both references yaoi erotica manga (and comedy manga) roots, while also telling a quite grounded realistic story (it balances direct manga panel shots and comedy with a more realistic tinge including more realistic looking actors, who act more toward real people behavior versus fiction and with a core theme about an inferiority complex rather than about romance)
You liked Absolute BL (again that Manga-tropes-crash-into-reality comedy style) with more of a realistic core
You liked My Beautiful Man, particularly the more messy realistic themes and behavior, intertwined with some BL tropes (but want something more Lighthearted a bit)
I'd say Kabe Koji is doing a variety of things, wrapped up in one singular unique experience. It's really nice. As a manga comedy lover it brings that silliness to life, but it's so realistic in certain ways that screams dramas much more like Japan Sinks or Alice in Borderlands almost (while still remaining slice of life optimistic). The romance doesn't actually rely on BL tropes mostly. For example the wiping food off the face of a crush is one of the much later scenes and one of the only BL fluff tropes that gets used. The characters driving goals/personalities are the main focus of the plot, resulting in a very grounded feeling romance (and individuals) you want to root for, rather than feeling you're going through the usual motions of X fluff trope = ship them.
And of course, as a fan of shows that use certain references but subvert them or do much more, this was really satisfying. It's one of the only things I've ever seen to treat Idol career as fairly serious (they work, they're employees, they're stressed over work stuff, they have paparazzi, they aren't glamorized even though other people certainly idolize them). The mangaka works hard and is often frustrated WITH drawing (a reality of doing what you love for a living is sometimes it IS work and frustrating), the characters who are gay are aware of the society they live in (I related to our mangaka SO much, how many of us were queer teens then one day ran into yaoi online and realized hey! There's people like me! That aren't treating people like us like freaks - at least, that's what I felt like over a decade ago finding yaoi and learning boys can like boys girls can like girls, when adults told me they couldn't, and I was in fact not rhe only one but tons of fictional stories and real people like me did exist and it was perfectly ordinary). I think Issei has balls to come out at a concert and it was very in line with his straightforward honest unapologetic well intended personality. I think their relationship was simple and GOOD, and yet still compelling dramatically because yes our Own internal doubts do affect if we can even admit we like someone, accept their love, believe their love, hope to share our lives with people we admire, and this story really captured that.
It was just lovely. As a story on its own merit. An experience.
And the theme song, the reaching out hands. Hands as queer romance. You get it.
Anyway I wholeheartedly recommend.
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orchidyoonkook · 1 year
Just re-read 1-3 and then read chapter 4 and I'm loving it all so far, but now you've got me all up in my feels over lonely JK quietly crushing on mc and still struggling to get people to treat him equally as a person first (a challenge I think our JK has sometimes too). He's sweet and respectful of mc's relationship rather than pushy, which is very refreshing to see, so I'm rooting for him even more than I already was. Lowkey highkey hoping Nel screws up even though I don't want mc to get hurt. I think mc should take some time to reevaluate their feelings and see what it's really like with Nel while distance is no longer a major factor; for as many years as their relationship spans, there doesn't really seem to have been much time spent together in person. I suspect if JK looks to Adaline things will get messy... based on the little bit we've seen of her so far I wonder if it would mess with mc's self confidence (and trust in JK's judgement), and I really don't want JK to feel hurt or be used for his status once again. I like the way the series is beginning to play with that question of where the line is between necessary privacy/precaution vs sneaky/secretive vs outright lying by omission, and what makes the difference. This story has a uniquely honest and detailed take on the reality of what celebrity is and how it affects people. I really like how you're able to follow real-world logic in plot and characters' thoughts. Even the stakes of those little everyday moments seem magnified, and the pov shifts are really smooth -🦕
I will have you know that I am sitting on my couch right now, across from my partner, BLUSHING and SMILING at all of your amazing brain, AND telling him how nice you are.
I have so so many words. Let me get em down real quick (aka i will take 40 minutes to compose my thoughts):
Just re-read 1-3 and then read chapter 4 and I'm loving it all so far,
brb sobbing, ily <333
but now you've got me all up in my feels over lonely JK quietly crushing on mc and still struggling to get people to treat him equally as a person first (a challenge I think our JK has sometimes too).
This was intentional!!! The real life v fictional kook connection. I'm so glad it came through!! One thing about this series, it came from a dream of mine, and I knew that when I was brain storming the day after that one of the biggest things I wanted to do was keep it as realistic as possible while still being borderline fantasty to really ingrain the realism of life into it. And I'm unfortunately (for him, my darling boy, please be safe) able to pull from real life to use as a reference.
The best lies have some truth to them, so to say.
He's sweet and respectful of mc's relationship rather than pushy, which is very refreshing to see, so I'm rooting for him even more than I already was.
I love that you mentioned this, I hate that it's refreshing, if you get me? Like I wish it was normalised in real life, don't be pushy, respect her even if she doesn’t have a man.
In fiction? by all means. But I 100% get what you mean <3. I love that he's respectful too!!
Lowkey highkey hoping Nel screws up even though I don't want mc to get hurt. I think mc should take some time to reevaluate their feelings and see what it's really like with Nel while distance is no longer a major factor; for as many years as their relationship spans, there doesn't really seem to have been much time spent together in person.
I'm so excited for the Nel chapter. I'm excited to see what everyone thinks of him, see how he acts, who he is. Like I'm so genuinely nervously stoked to release it. It's probably what I'm currently looking forward to most.
I suspect if JK looks to Adaline things will get messy... based on the little bit we've seen of her so far I wonder if it would mess with mc's self confidence (and trust in JK's judgement), and I really don't want JK to feel hurt or be used for his status once again.
Messy you say? Interesting theory!! This is also another thing I'm interested to see you guys react to. With what he may or may not do. How MC could react, or how they couldn't. All in due time, my darling readers, all in due time.
All I will say is that I agree I don't want either of them to get hurt.
I like the way the series is beginning to play with that question of where the line is between necessary privacy/precaution vs sneaky/secretive vs outright lying by omission, and what makes the difference.
ME. TOO. Being human and navigating relationships and their stakes is hard!! It's something new around every corner, it's mistakes you cant take back but that you learn from, and it's hard decisions that turn out to be the best ones.
But it's all learned as you go. You can't possibly know what will happen before it does, you can't plan for every outcome. You can only hope to do what you think is best, and if it's not, try better next time.
This story has a uniquely honest and detailed take on the reality of what celebrity is and how it affects people. I really like how you're able to follow real-world logic in plot and characters' thoughts. Even the stakes of those little everyday moments seem magnified, and the pov shifts are really smooth -🦕
I just need a second to cry at how wonderful this is. Because you get it!! You get exactly what I'm attempting to go for and I adore you for it. Like I said earlier some of the best fictional stories have buried truths in them, and that's exactly what I'm trying to do with this story.
Thank you.
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the-mind-emporium · 2 years
Desperately need people to realize that fiction is,, complicated. Yes, it does affect reality. No, not on a 1:1 basis. For example, nobody (who can differentiate fiction from reality at least) is gonna see a violent video game and go on a mass murder spree. It just doesn't work that way. However, for example, the movie Jaws inspired a lot more fear of sharks than there was previously. So it's a bit of a mixed bag.
And people always bring up the Slenderman stabbings. For one, using a literal tragedy as a "hah, gotcha!" point is extremely insensitive to the victim and their family. If one of your family members, who you cared deeply for, was remembered mostly as a gotcha point instead of someone who was hurt and killed in a tragedy, you'd be a little upset too, wouldn't you? Not only that, but it also doesn't make sense logically. You claim that fiction affects reality on a 1:1 basis, yet the example you use is one of people who were very obviously mentally ill and could not tell the difference between fiction and reality.
The main point that I'm trying to get at here is that you can do whatever you want in fandom spaces, SO LONG AS IT DOESNT HARM PEOPLE. People seem to think that anything "taboo" in fiction is immediately immoral and reflects the person portraying it as a horrible person, and yet half of you simp over fictional murderers or other people who have committed crimes. Why is it any different? Please do tell. And yes, things like toxic relationships, incest, etc are not good. Fucking obviously. But if you wanted to portray it in fiction, as well as properly tagged and warned for it, why should it be any different than fictional murder? That being said, just putting it out in the open for everyone to see with no tags or warnings is not okay, either. You could seriously hurt someone via triggering them. But if you warn/tag for it, and people go out of their way to read it anyway, fully knowing what they're getting into, then that doesn't fall on you; it falls on them.
In conclusion, please have common sense and use your critical thinking skills. Also please for the love of fuck don't come in spamming our inbox like people did with our whole "don't be an asshole" post 😭 it doesn't do shit and frankly it just makes us want to be MORE vocal about this stuff
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