#it's really interesting how they way you perceive things is shaped by your knowledge of the world
zykamiliah · 1 year
one of the best things about getting into star wars in the year of 2023 is that when i was faced with the question "but what ARE the jedi?" my mind just goes "it's a cultivation sect. it literally functions as a cultivation sect, the dark side is similar to demonic cultivation and the Force is just like Qi. end of story".
meanwhile when I read posts about the jedi there a lot of people who compare them to Catholics monks and I'm like :/ dudes. I'm so sorry you've never been exposed to wuxia/xianxia stories in which cultivation sects get wiped out all the time not because they were bad but because some fucking asshole couldn't stand them
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tbgkaru-woh · 11 months
Might have asked you that before I'm not sure but. Do you have some sort of process for your redesigns?? What kind of stuff do you try and pay attention to when redesigning a character? I also wonder what is important to you visually when designing clothes? like, is there any type of shape hierarchy you try and go for? Also Where does your knowledge of clothes come from?
These ended up being many questions haha. Anyway love your redesigns, every one you do is like a little gift in my day!
those are all wonderful questions and i hope i can answer them (or even understand my creative process enough to give them) There are two design choices I try to stick to, one is thanks to me playing hero shooters and that's recognizable silhouettes: try to give the characters a unique shape or trait that even if you put them in different clothes or hairstyles, you can always tell it's meant to be them by that specific thing. The other is, thanks to fandoms, i know people like making OCs or trade characters around if there's factions, so I like making "faction" clothing that's unique to a group of people, whilst still making each character wear it uniquely even within the group itself lot of the designs are affected by what i SUBJECTIVELY perceive the character to be like and what style of clothing i connect to that kind of behavior, be it from real life experience or what just. flows nicely, i don't know how else to say it :') like there's difference between elegant or street wear, of course they can overlap, of course they have no dictating on what each of those means about each person, but good rule of thumb is that we dress to express ourselves on first glance (those that can afford to do so for whichever reason) so if you're daddy's little lawful good you're gonna dress differently than a bold punk. those are pretty basic thought processes, not much unique :'D so sadly i think lot of it just comes from my subjective perception of who these characters are and what i could highlight about them. as for the clothes themselves, i don't even know really, character design- from clothes to size, shape, color to body language- is just something i always loved to do and wanted to do, be it for games, comics, or re-designed existing characters :') i used to watch fashiuon shows, went to art school where most are poor students that are very creative and pretentious, i changed my style multiple times during each chapter in my life, i try to meet variety of people that affect me and inspire me. i usually have multiple ideas for a look per character but don't want to put a pin on it until it just clicks for me. there are few of those clicks i've missed in my MDZS redesigns but were close enough that i posted it anyway, as i was too excited to share them :') still may want to revisit it though! I'm so happy to know they did well though, it's something i've heard the most praise for from all of my art and i really wish i could follow up on it in more ways than just few more art of those looks. there's nothing that bothers me more than boring or not cohesive looks for a cast of otherwise interesting characters, MDZS donghua and CQL costume design were destroying me :') but it was enough to at least inspire me thank you for this task ♥♥
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
That last reblog has me now contemplating.
What if to mess with his shiny new little brother, but like....gently....when they first started hanging out Dick told Jason a couple of slight falsehoods as umm. A training exercise. That’s it. It was about helping Jason get up to speed with his information gathering skills and also his bullshit detection. So in the interest of being helpful and A Good Big Brother, Obviously....Dick sowed a few.....less-than-entirely-factual details about the more fantastical elements of their lives. The stuff that isn’t common or public knowledge to most of the DC Earth. And then he just.....waited to see how long it took Jason to realize Dick had fed him a handful of straight up lies when briefing him about All Things Superhero.
Look, it was for Science. That’s Dick’s story and he’s sticking to it.
Thus, for the first couple months of their new sibling relationship, Dick had Jason convinced that Atlanteans were actually aliens who landed here thousands of years ago, speedsters can run so fast they can travel back in time, and Superman once accidentally let out a burp so forceful it created a shockwave that shattered every glass in a quarter mile radius so whenever he starts to look....gassy....your best course of action is to hit the deck. Don’t even hesitate for a second, just dive to the ground and grab some floor until he’s got it back under control. And oh yeah, Diana has her Lasso of Truth, but Donna’s version of truth-related powers is that she can sense when people are up to no good....only, the way this manifests for her is she suddenly registers a distinct bad smell in her vicinity, alerting her that bullshit is afoot.
“You’re kidding,” Jason said flatly. “You expect me to believe that Donna can literally smell bullshit?”
Dick just raised an eyebrow. “Like that’s somehow less plausible than Gar being able to change into any kind of animal but only in shades of green? And oh yeah, speaking of green, Green Lanterns can do just about anything with their rings....except protect themselves from yellow paint? I don’t make the rules, Jace. The truth is sometimes superpowers aren’t super-glamorous and not everything related to magic or gods or other planets is as....sophisticated...as we presume. I mean, its not like these things exist just to match up to our expectations for them. Why should alien civilizations or the rules of magic be influenced by whether or not our society would find something weird or ridiculous?”
Jason chewed his lower lip contemplatively. He lacked an official bullshit detecting power himself, but he did have good instincts. Unfortunately for him, his shiny new big brother gave good Lying-to-your-face Face.
“Plus, if you really think about it, it does make a kind of sense,” Dick continued to explain helpfully. But only according to certain specific interpretations of ‘helpfully’ that actually mean ‘like a liar.’ “Our brains are constantly translating all kinds of input and stimuli into shapes or patterns we can actually process in a way that means something to us. So we can make use of that information. This is just the same thing. Donna’s power takes however many variables are involved in registering something as false or something she needs to be wary of...and just condenses it into a simple ‘red alert’ indicator that takes all that abstract, ephemeral data and makes it something actionable. Something she can actually do something with. Her power - or how her brain perceives it - just didn’t actually consult her or give her a choice of notification settings, because why would it?”
“I guess that makes sense,” Jason begrudgingly agreed, with a frown that suggested this particular ‘truth’ Offended his sensibilities.
“I mean, you can ask Donna to explain it herself if you want,” Dick said with a shrug. “Just a heads-up though....she’s not really a fan of how that power works either. Its not exactly a superpower anyone wants to be known for, and she’s heard allllll the jokes about it by now. Roy, Wally and I were perhaps....not the most sensitive when we were younger and she was honing that particular skillset? Though in our defense, I maintain that most of our jokes were hilarious. But anyway, just saying. If you wanna bring it up with her directly, go right ahead! Its definitely one of her favorite topics and Amazons are for sure known for how well they handle being self-conscious.”
And that’s the story of the three months Jason spent convinced that Atlanteans were from another planet, confusing the hell out of Garth with his occasional references to ‘your homeworld’ and his numerous questions about all the Atlantean Green Lanterns that he for some reason seemed convinced the Green Lantern Corps must obviously have a long history of.
And its also why Jason spent those same three months getting wide-eyed and nervous any time he noticed Donna’s nose so much as twitch when he was around. Which it did a lot more often than usual, thanks to how often Dick got horseradish to go with whatever he was having for lunch, knowing full well that Donna can not stand the smell of horseradish. (Dick’s actually not a fan either, and he hates how it tastes, but he’s not afraid to Suffer for the sake of Shenanigans. Its a fundamental part of the Robin experience and persona, after all.)
But it was the Donna thing that gave Dick away, ultimately. No matter how hard he tried to keep a lid on how entertaining he now found the sight of Donna’s occasional nose twitch...even a Batkid poker face can’t keep an empath and telepath from finding this a mystery worth untangling after the tenth time it happens.
(Not that Lilith or Raven are gonna apologize for prying any time soon. They had an obligation as his friends and teammates to investigate when he’s acting bizarre, y’see. What if its because he was brainwashed again? “We’re intrusive because we love,” Lilith insists with zero shame. Raven clarifies: “I was intrusive because she was already doing it so there seemed no point not to.” Lilith points out that this could also be construed as a sign of strong leadership potential. Dick glowers. Lilith waves a hand dismissively. “We can circle back to that later. That’s fine.”)
Anyway, the truth came out at last, Jason cites this as the Moral Justification for every single time and way he was a pain in the ass to Dick in the years to come, and Donna - who was Not Amused - gave a pointed sniff and called bullshit when Dick tried to claim this was an important Bonding Opportunity for he and Jason, wherein they became brothers ‘for real’ instead of just via Bruce. “There are intricate sibling rituals to be observed,” Dick insisted. “I did my research! We had so much time to make up for, I had to speedrun through my shenanigans to get us all caught up! Would I have done all this if I didn’t care?”
Every Titan in the room, familiar with the lengths he’d gone to when messing with Rogues and randos as Robin and thus distinctly unimpressed: Yes. Absolutely. One hundred percent.
Dick foraged on heroically. “Regardless! That’s not the case here, as all of this was clearly done in the name of brotherhood and bonding! We’ll laugh about this someday, you’ll see!”
Ten years later, after Jason’s returned as the Red Hood and reintegrated with the Batfamily to varying degrees, enough so that he accompanies Dick and the rest of the OG Titans on a mission where they’re ambushed, captured and trapped in a supervillain dungeon they’re now trying to escape...
Dick: Definitely kicking myself for not seeing that ambush coming. Where’s a bullshit-sniffing power when you really need it, huh?
Jason: Still not laughing yet.
Dick: Oh come on!
As far as the rest goes, Jason does get a kick out of the speedsters discovering that actually, they can run fast enough to travel through time. He’s like, despite your best efforts you accidentally got one right. And Dick’s all ‘was it an accident or did I actually know or have strong suspicions all along’....but Jason shuts that down. “Nope. Not giving you this one. Try it with someone else.”
However, that still left one last card in play, long after everyone - even Dick and Jason themselves - had all but forgotten about it.
See, every Batkid knows that the best lies contain elements of truth. And that’s why Dick only peppered in his fake trivia very, very sparingly amidst a massive info-dump of actually accurate and useful info he gave Jason about all that stuff, way back when.
So despite the handful of things Dick had told him that Jason eventually discovered to be untrue...the vast majority of it did check out.
Which means even once he did catch on to Dick’s game....that didn’t change his acceptance of the stuff that had turned out to be true or verified by others. But in the end, there was only one little fib that slipped under the radar. Because the scenario it was based on just never happened to come up until long after Jason had returned....and thus Jason never had reason to put much thought into actually questioning whether or not it was true. Not until long after he’d stopped scrutinizing stuff Dick had told him, in search of possible ‘traps.’
And THAT is the story of how Jason - on one of the rare occasions that he joined the Titans and Justice League for an all-hands-on-deck kinda teamup - just happened to be in the right wrong place at the right wrong time to notice Superman suddenly start to look queasy after trying some alien cuisine....
And without a second thought, Jason just instinctively dove for the floor. With this followed by Clark letting out an extremely normal-sounding burp and a sheepish apology.
Everyone else, staring at the infamous Red Hood ducking for cover because Clark had a moment of indigestion: umm. wut
Dick, staring wide-eyed at his brother and trying not to laugh: Oh shit. I totally forgot all about that.
Jason, almost conversationally, while climbing to his feet and stalking ominously towards his big bro: Hey can you believe that after all the shit we’ve been through and all the times we’ve fought over like...actual life and death stuff, THIS is the thing I’m actually gonna kill you for?
Dick, backing away, hands raised placatingly: Hey, c’mon now, Jace, we called a truce about all this ages ago, remember? It was a much younger, dumber me who did all that in the first place, y’know? You’re better than this!
Jason: I’m really not.
Dick: Well then can I just take this opportunity to mention again how sorry I am for any creative embellishments I might have once come up with, in the mistaken belief that I was honoring important traditions of brotherhood, and....
Jason: Hey, where’s Donna? Can anyone see if her nose is twitching?
Donna and the rest of the Titans, blatantly amused and offering no explanation to the very confused Justice League: Oh, bullshit absolutely detected. In the interests of Truth and Justice, you should totally proceed.
Dick, jabbing his finger at his teammates before dashing for the door: Betrayal! J’accuse!
Donna, shrugging: Sorry, Rob. Justice demands impartiality. Our hands are tied.
Jason, running out the door and down the hallway in pursuit of his fleeing brother: Yeah you better run! I’ve waited ten fucking years to get back at you for this shit. Where you going anyway, bro? I thought you wanted to laugh about this someday!
Dick (offscreen): I regret nothing! It was all worth it! You should have seen your face!
Jason (offscreen): You couldn’t even see my face, idiot! I’m wearing my fucking helmet!
Dick (offscreen): Semantics! If something’s funny enough, you can sense what someone’s face probably looks like! If you know, you know!
Jason (offscreen): Oh yeah, go ahead and make up some more shit, Grayson, that’s definitely the right way to go here!
Batman, looking to the Titans and waving his hand at...whatever all that is offscreen: Explain.
Roy: Hey don’t look at us. You’re the one who made them brothers. This is on you.
Batman: What does that even mean.
Lilith: If you know, you know. Dick’s right about that much at least.
The Titans all nod like an actual, self-evident truth was just expressed. Bruce pinches the bridge of his nose, and starts muttering under his breath.
“You need to encourage Dick to seek out and make like-minded friends, Alfred said. It’ll be good for him, he said. Its what he needs and definitely not the point everything starts to go downhill.”
Lilith picks it up loud and clear, because of course she does, and incidentally, the smug, obnoxious know-it-all teenage psychic who started hanging out with Dick when they were teenagers has absolutely nothing to do with Bruce’s profound dislike of telepaths, nooooo, that would be ridiculous and irrational, to bear a grudge against everyone with a particular skillset because one of your son’s childhood friends was a royal pain in the -
Lilith: Oh, that’s adorable. He thinks we’re the reason Dick’s so profoundly weird and inexplicable.
The Titans, in unison: LOL.
Roy: The self-deluding, it is strong in that family.
Bruce is suddenly extra glad he’s wearing a cowl that hides what is definitely not a pout but might be mistaken for one by the uninformed thus its better to just dodge that issue entirely. He crosses his arms and stares down the collection of his eldest son’s friends, whom he has been unfairly plagued by since most of them were pre-pubescent little demons. Literally no one has suffered like he has.
“I don’t like you,” he informs them officiously. Not sulkily. Officiously.
Several of them snort. There’s a couple giggles. An eye roll from Roy. An aborted response hastily turns into Wally coughing into his hand. Blatant dismissal from Victor, his attention clearly on whatever he’s browsing online. Three varying shades of raised eyebrows: unflappable bemusement from the sorceress, patronizing amusement from the psychic, naked incredulity from Donna. Garth gazing off into an empty corner which he has on very good authority is basically the Atlantean version of the middle finger.
“Yeah, no shit,” Roy drawls, apparently on behalf of the whole group.
Ugh, they’re just. The worst. Why couldn’t Clark have had a kid Dick’s age so he never had to go looking elsewhere for socialization? That’s it. Clearly this was all Clark’s fault. He can’t believe he never realized that before.
Dammit Clark.
#this started out as Dick and Jason shenanigans and then somehow morphed into Bruce really doesn't like his kid's friends#because I firmly believe the Bruce vs the Titans antipathy is one hundred percent a two way street#and not so deep down Bruce (super rationally) blames them for some of the distance between he and Dick over the years#the world's greatest detective is like 'well Dick and I (mostly) got along just fine until THEY came along and then all of a sudden it was#oh sorry Bruce I cant hang out cuz I gotta go play with all my friends who hate you because they're horrible little goblin children#and look I've connected the dots' because correlation is definitely causation#cut to Bruce grumpily slouched in the Watchtower's monitor room watching the Titans mop up the Fearsome Five#to loud public acclaim#Clark hovers nearby. both figuratively and literally. he is Concerned#'Bruce you do know that resenting Dick's friends and holding a grudge against a bunch of fifteen year olds because#your kid doesn't always want to hang out with you anymore is Not the solution to repairing your relationship with Dick that you're looking#for right? please tell me that you know that'#Bruce. testily. 'yes Clark I know that'#Clark: okay. good. I was just worried because it. umm. doesn't always LOOK like you know that#Bruce: well I do and you can stop bringing it up. friends dont rub their friend's irrationality in their faces#Clark: see I dont think I know that rule#Clark: Im pulling from the book that says friends dont let their friends declare a feud against teenagers they've decided#are their personal mortal nemesis in some not-super-healthy war for their son's time and attention#Bruce: well your book sounds stupid and wrong and you should throw it away and get a better book like mine#Clark. Sighing because apparently today is a day where Bruce has decided to just Be Like This and resigning himself to letting it go#for now and trying again to get through to him in a week or two instead#'Sure B. Ill get right on that.'
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veradragonjedi · 11 months
ok since i know you as the excellent writer mutual, i wondered if you had any advice for creating ocs? one of my other moots asked if i had any ocs and now i REALLY want to create one. but it looks hard af. so turning to a venerable author for guidance
OHHHHH GOD. First of all, I gotta thank you for the description (😭 seriously), I'm trying my best out here.
SECOND. I think I might be able to help, depending on what sort of OC you're trying to make, whether they're real world, fandom related, alien, D&D/Medieval Fantasy etc. Like. WOAH. There's a lot of freedom in making OCs!!!
Long-ish post below the cut!
Instead of actually wracking my brains rn, because evening is drawing in and I'm tired, I am gonna tell you a few things that no one told me! Plus some extra fun knowledge (and maybe tag you in OC dialogue prompts/creation advice in future if you want some help!!)
SO. 1. You can start whenever, wherever, and no one is allowed to tell you otherwise. I'm not sure how else to say this, but it's a game of creativity and a bit of love. To tell someone else what they're allowed and what they aren't allowed to put in their OCs is WRONG. Give them magic powers if that's the only thing you can think of at first, because it's a start and a start is always beautiful.
2. Art is art!! Even if it stays in your brain and never comes out. By this I mean, appearances: what do they look like? Is it what You want to look like? Is it nonhuman? Experiment with races, hairstyles, eyeshapes etc, especially if you're gonna end up drawing them!! More practise, and it's fun, because it's something/someone that You are Interested in. Hopefully I'm making sense here!
3. Names. Oh god, baby name websites won't help you. But fantasy generator names can! They are often much better and more exciting. Back to separate cultures ^ — looking for famous people of the culture/race of your OC can sometimes be of assistance, or sometimes unofficial Census sites. Names can also be objects, plants, celestial bodies, Gods, colours, metals/elements, etc. Maybe, with a few letters missing. Chair -> Chaise, Tablet -> Tebley (two I came up with a while ago and didn't really go into)
4. Clothes! I love researching clothes because they're always interesting to analyse, especially if they come from somewhere else around the world. Experiment with colours, what works/doesn't work with your character? Is your character neat, tidy? Show that through their clothes! Primmed and pressed suits and whatnot. Same goes for the opposite. If your character's main trait is that they're agreeable and friendly, show that through their clothes even slightly by making the colours blend, maybe make their favourite colour limited on the outfit as if they're moving it to make way for others. Think about shape, silhouette, etc. Do the clothes fit your character's particular body type? Their habitat? Their scene/time? :)
5. Personality!! This is always great. For a few of my OCs, I rolled them D&D stats with a twenty-sided dice. The five I ALWAYS take into account are: joy — what brings them it, romantic interest — or sometimes lack thereof, sadness — do they often fall into it? Are they easily emotional? Etc, fear — what are they afraid of and why? Etc, and lastly, charisma/charm — how easily are people to follow them, want to be friends with them, fall in love with them, want to listen to them speak?
(5.5) Flaws! Everyone's got em, aside from Mary Sue (who could be Your character. I'm not judging.) There are plenty of posts talking about character flaws. Here's one I saw earlier. It explains it better than I could, and OP leaves another link! Think about how much it grates against their defining 'Good' quality, think about whether you would see them as a good or bad person, and whether their flaws change how other people perceive them.
6. Hobbies aren't an important factor exactly, but it's always nice to plan your Little Guy some downtime. What do they do when it's quiet or when they're lonely? Do they have many friends, or do they keep to themselves? What's their favourite book? Their favourite video game? Their favourite film? And how is that shown through their appearance too? (Such as merchandise, tattoos, piercings.)
7. Things I didn't mention consist of:
— do they have any disabilities (mental or physical)? Were they caused by something (accident to be mysterious about)? Or were they born with them?
— do you expect people to relate to them, like them, hate them, fall in love with them, etc? Both real people who may come across your character, and other people in this characters setting?
— hero or villain material? This isn't a fine line, but it doesn't have to be a blurred line. Redemption arc/story? Tragic hero falling to..? Revenge? Lust? Hunger for power?
— how they fit into the scenery or area around them, where they live and how they interact with people who surround them.
But, finally, do what you want. OCs can be tricky, but as soon as you learn that it is — in the end — You who control both them and You, it becomes a whole lot easier.
Blogs I recommend are @develop-your-oc and @creativepromptsforwriting — they both help a lot. <33
My final tip? Enjoy. And, if you don't, stop! Do what you want, forever. :)
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individuality-as-sin · 9 months
It's crazy how much movies influence us. What is considered normal and cool seems to be found in movies with characters we look up to. What we find cringe or ridiculous are traits that are shown to be the ones of the loser of the story. Simple things such as how long to keep eye contact or how to walk or how to laugh. We all saw them somewhere and picked them up from someone.
"I'm an empty shell filled with people's interests and opinions." is what I first wrote down when I realized this. I found it absolutely heartbreaking to only be the result of my environment. To realize I couldn't exist as me on my own, that I'm inevitably influenced, shaped and forced into a certain someone.
I am guilty of being influenced by media. What I find cute or scary are all things I have received from my parents, my brothers or friends, which they picked up from media or 'powerful' people. People with influence. People who have ideas and make those into projects, into plans and finally into products. People who create scenarios how they play in their head and make them a reality - movies, classics. A way to perceive something put into an ad. A subtle, almost innocent kind of propaganda.
The short words we use in our conversation to sound unbothered. The winks, the smirks in situations they're not necessarily needed. Did you ever wonder why we associate red cheeks with cuteness? It comes from shyness, a natural reaction of the body. But from where does that association come from? Why is shyness seen as cute? Why do I think people will think I'm that kind of person if I do this? Or if I try this or if I say this?
Sometimes, we've all seen it before. We want to replicate a scene from a movie - how stupid it may be - or we want to avoid making a situation into such a scene to avoid discomfort. Because life has no bottom, no 'basics guide', it's a bottomless happening, we search for our own bottom. Role models to act, think or speak like. Situations to replicate. We all have that same knowledge of cinema classics also known as clichés which we also have a clear understanding of. Our repertoire.
We don't want to distance ourselves too much of what is 'normal'. Once you choose your own things to find normal, you have a much higher risk of being seen as the black sheep and being criticized or mocked when actually, nobody knows what the fuck they're doing. People that are normal are only following footsteps of other people because that's safe. And when I say normal people, I mean people pretending to be normal. Those who stay still as a rock in transport, who do not bop their head when listening to a bop when really, they'd want nothing more. People who are ashamed of eating in public like they do at home. People who dress the same as everyone in the fear of being different, when they'd want nothing less than to dress like those models wearing pants with skirts and still looking good. People who feel self-conscious sneezing, yawning, blowing their nose. People who want to fade into the background to avoid discomfort or confrontation.
In short, we are filled with other's aspirations and desires until we realize norms don't mean anything and we can define our own notion of 'normal'.
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rabbitechoes · 7 months
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so many great singles dropped this month!! 2024 is shaping up to be a rlly exciting year for music. plenty of interesting projects are coming within the next few months and the singles accompanying them have me setting my hopes super high. here are my thoughts on some of the most notable singles & songs from the month!!! to check out my thoughts on some of the albums, EPs, and mixtapes that came out this month click here!!! since three noteworthy artists dropped singles like right after i posted this i made an add-on post here!! also feel free to follow me on rate your music and twitter <3
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"Turn the Lights Back On" - Billy Joel
◇ genres: piano rock, singer-songwriter
The way they hyped up Billy Joel's performance of his first single in over 30 years at the Grammy awards earlier this month ironically described why I'm not crazy about the track. The way it was framed in the video, and how I perceive the situation given the song itself, was that Freddy Wexler consistently pushed Joel to get back into the studio until finally Joel conceded. It was played up for laughs, but this song really does sound like a "please, will you get off my back" kind of thing. I don't know, it's fine. I feel like an asshole pooh poohing on a new single from Billy Joel, but it just feels so unnecessary. I doubt this will lead into a full album. Likely, the Piano Man will continue to sell out Madison Square Garden multiple times a year and play the songs everyone actually wants to hear. listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"Burning Down the House" - Paramore
◇ featured on Everyone’s Getting Involved: A Tribute to Talking Heads’ Stop Making Sense (not yet released) ◇ genres: new wave, pop rock
Paramore have provided the lead single for the new Stop Making Sense tribute album being headed up by A24 Music. It's a decent cover. The band can't really capture the frenetic, weird energy of the original, but that is an impossibly high task. Judging by some of the other artists involved in this project, this might be the best we get. I don't wanna be a hater because I'm hopeful this project might introduce more people to one of the greatest live albums, concert films, and bands of all time, but we shall see! listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"Floating on a Moment" - Beth Gibbons
◇ featured on Lives Outgrown - Beth Gibbons (not yet released) ◇ genres: chamber folk, psychedelic folk, singer-songwriter
Beth Gibbons releasing a new solo album wasn't on my 2024 bingo card, but holy shit I'm so excited. Her feature on Kendrick Lamar's Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers nearly 2 years ago really got me excited to hear more new stuff from her and "Floating on a Moment" was exactly what I needed. This song is so good. Gibbons' voice is obviously fucking incredible, that goes without saying, but this sound suits her so well. That chorus is one of the best things I've heard this year so far. The twinkling guitars paired up with her vocals feels like you're ascending to a higher plane of existence. Not to mention that refrain at the start of the outro!!! What a lead single and what a comeback for one of the most distinct vocalists of all time. Can't wait for the full album. Ranks highly among my most anticipated albums of the year so far. listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"Dreamfear" | "Boy Sent From Above" - Burial
◇ genres: breakbeat hardcore, electro
Not entirely sure if this is an EP or a single, but I'm gonna throw it on here anyway. London electronic artist Burial is back with his first release for the XL label. 2 over 10 minute tracks that are pretty cool! My knowledge about Burial's sound isn't super expansive, I've only heard Untrue, but there's some really cool sounds here. Of the two tracks, "Boy Sent From Above" is probably my favorite. I love the more atmospheric vibe to it. The drops are really satisfying too. I'll try to revisit this again once I'm more familiar with Burial's work, but I still enjoyed these songs a good bit. listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud (not available) YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"RiTchie Valens" | "Dizzy" - RiTchie
◇ featured on Triple Digits [112] - RiTchie (not yet released) ◇ genre: experimental hip hop
RiTchie, formerly of Injury Reserve and currently half of By Storm, has released his first two solo singles and is teasing a new upcoming project. I was a bit surprised by this because I assumed we would be getting some kind of By Storm project first after they released "Double Trio" late last year. This single is also a big change of pace compared to the tone of what they've been doing. Here, RiTchie is playful throwing out confident bars over a shimmering beat. The little "RiTchieeee, RiTchieee's" throughout the song are so silly too. The second single "Dizzy" is even better. It only dropped a couple days ago, but I can't stop listening to it. Alongside its release, RiTchie officially announced his first solo project coming in April. We're in for a real treat. listen here: "RiTchie Valens" Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud (not available) YouTube "Dizzy" Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud (not available) YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"Butterfly Net" - Caroline Polachek & Weyes Blood
◇ featured on Desire, I Want to Turn Into You Everasking Edition - Caroline Polachek ◇ genres: art pop, new age
Caroline Polachek has released a deluxe edition of Desire, I Want to Turn Into You this month and it features a host of new tracks. One of them being this reworking of "Butterfly Net" featuring Weyes Blood. The original wasn't my favorite on the album, but this reworking has made me appreciate it a bit more. These two have really powerful vocals and they play off of each other very well. I haven't gotten the chance to listen to all of the new tracks from the deluxe version, but if they're as good as this then I'm excited. I also should probably revisit the whole album itself sometime soon. listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"16 Carriages" | "Texas Hold 'Em" - Beyoncé
◇ featured on Act II - Beyoncé (not yet released) ◇ genre: country pop, country soul, contemporary country
Beyoncé surprise dropped two singles during the Super Bowl and announced the follow-up to her amazing 2022 album RENAISSANCE. While that album was focused on celebrating dance and house music as well as the black and queer pioneers of those genres, Act II seems to be trying to do the same for country. "16 Carriages" is the clear highlight here and Beyoncé feels right at home with this sound. Love the way she leans into the country soul side of things and I hope we get more of that on the album. "Texas Hold 'Em" is a bit rowdier, but it's the weaker of the two. I love the instrumentation though, for both tracks actually. Perhaps the best thing about "Texas Hold 'Em" is that it finally knocked Jack Harlow's boring, uninspired "Lovin On Me" off the number 1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100. I'm hoping it'll grow on me when it's in the context of the full album. I'm super excited to see where she can take this sound. listen here: "16 Carriages" Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud YouTube "Texas Hold 'Em" Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"Capricorn" | "Gen-X Cops" - Vampire Weekend
◇ featured on Only God Was Above Us - Vampire Weekend (not yet released) ◇ genres: indie pop, chamber pop
I was a massive Vampire Weekend fan when I was in high school. I was listening to Modern Vampires of the City almost every day, I was obsessed. I would be lying if I said they were something I "grew out of" because these new singles really hit the spot for me. "Capricorn" sounds like a darker take on what the band was doing on a lot of Father of the Bride, leaning into some of the more psychedelic and folkier sounds. "Gen-X Cops" is more reminiscent of their earlier work, but still has a more mellow and introspective slant to it. Love the almost surf-rock sound at the start of it. Both tracks dive into themes of aging and Koenig makes some pretty poignant observations. Really excited for the new album! listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"Training Season" - Dua Lipa
◇ genres: dance-pop, disco
I loved Dua Lipa's Future Nostalgia and it even made it into my top 5 albums of 2020 (don't go back on my rym and look at the list, i'm embarrassed at my writing from that time). I was super excited about whatever Lipa would drop next and it looks as if she's building up to a new project probably sometime this year. "Training Season" follows "Houdini" and I feel the same sense of apathy for the latter that I do the former. Neither are bad by any means and the production work by Kevin Parker on these singles is stellar, but it just feels like something is missing. Lipa still sounds like a star, but these hooks just don't grab me like some of her singles from a few years ago. Again, neither "Training Season" or "Houdini" are bad songs, but I'm just having a hard time getting into them. Hopefully they grow on me in the context of a full project. listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"Saturn" - SZA
◇ featured on LANA - SZA (not yet released) ◇ genres: neo-soul, alternative r&b
I'm not up to date on the SZA lore, but when this dropped I saw people saying that it was "finally on streaming" so I guess this song has been around for a bit. I think it's the lead single for SZA's LANA album, which is a reissue of SOS ... uhhhh I don't know this is very confusing to me. What I am sure of, is that SZA can make a damn good song. "Saturn" is further proof of that. This feels like a cut from CTRL and I love it. It has this hazy, dream-like production with SZA's distinct vocal style that sounds like she's bouncing along the beat. Really great stuff. I'm still not sure what LANA is, but as long as we get some more great songs I'm not gonna complain! listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp (not available) SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"Fool" - Adrianne Lenker
◇ featured on Bright Future - Adrianne Lenker (not yet released) ◇ genres: indie folk, singer-songwriter
Another excellent single from Adrianne Lenker ahead of her new album coming next month. "Fool" is a lot shorter and sounds a lot more upbeat than "Sadness As a Gift" from last month, but it still has Lenker's signature writing style. It feels like ever since Songs she's just on an unstoppable role. I thought the well might've run at least a little dry following Big Thief's incredible double album from two years ago, but that's quickly been proven not to be the case. I'm not sure if this new album will be better than Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You, but it certainly has the potential to be Lenker's best solo project. Definitely one of my most anticipated albums of the year, can't wait to listen. listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"Hand On Me" - Nourished by Time
◇ featured on Catching Chickens - Nourished by Time (not yet released) ◇ genres: chillwave, synthpop
I listened to Nourished by Time's last album Erotic Probiotic 2 in like December of last year and I was so blown away by it that it ended up almost cracking my top 10 favorite albums of the year. It seems like he's not slowing down either, announcing that he has signed to XL and dropping this new single alongside a new EP coming next month. "Hand On Me" is brilliant. Taking his unique vocal style and throwing it alongside some dreamier production is a match made in heaven. Coming off his last album, I said that Nourished by Time is an artist that you NEED to keep your eyes on and this new single proves me right! Can't wait for the new EP. listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"Life Is" - Jessica Pratt
◇ featured on Here in the Pitch - Jessica Pratt (not yet released) ◇ genres: brill building, singer-songwriter
The first time I listened to Jessica Pratt was around the time her last album Quiet Signs dropped. I ... wasn't crazy about it. Pratt's unique vocal delivery just didn't resonate with me and I just never revisited it. That was until earlier this month when I, at the behest of my partner, revisited both that album and the two that came before it. I get it now! I was wrong, she's really good! Then like a week later she teases this new single ... perfect timing. This is an interesting new direction for Pratt, sort of ditching the folk of her previous work and instead turning to brill building. The pairing of Pratt's voice and this sound are so satisfying. It's like hearing a forgotten hit from like 1965 only with a bit bit of a more modern, dreamier sound. listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"I'm a Man" - Kim Gordon
◇ featured on The Collective - Kim Gordon (not yet released) ◇ genres: industrial hip hop, trap, noise rock, witch house
Kim Gordon's new album is coming out in a few weeks and this month she released another insane sounding single leading up to it. "I'm a Man," like the previous single, has Gordon experimenting with hip hop and trap in a surprisingly ... great way! She mixes those sounds with some noise rock which we all know Gordon fits in like a hand in a glove. The lyrics here are a bit more substantial than the other single as well. The way she sings "come on, Zeus, take my hand" is just so fucking cool. I'm so hyped for The Collective and it's so cool that an Kim Gordon is still experimenting this deep into her legendary career. listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"The Invisible Man" - Maruja
◇ genres: post-rock, post-punk, art rock
Following an amazing EP and a string of great singles in 2023, Manchester post-rock band Maruja have returned with their first release of 2024. They're in a really interesting spot right now because they've been dropping some really great stuff without having a debut album to their name. All eyes, at least in pretentious music spheres, are on them. This new single, "The Invisible Man," is certainly no different and its one of their best tracks to date. The instrumentation here is unreal, especially the saxophone parts. I'm a sucker for a post-punk band with a saxophone. Maruja are great at building tension in their songs and that's no different here. Everything just feels very anxious and when the climax finally comes it feels so earned. Their lyricism has also continued to impress me. I'm not sure if this new single means a debut album is on the way sometime this year, but I sure hope it does. listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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"Doves" - Armand Hammer
◇ featured on We Buy Diabetic Test Strips - Armand Hammer ◇ genres: experimental hip hop, abstract hip hop
billy woods and Elucid have seemingly reissued their amazing album from last year with this incredible new bonus track "Doves." A slow-burning near 9-minute track featuring vocals and guitar from Benjamin Booker. The track begins with some soft guitar over this ambient noise with twinkling pianos interspersed within it. Booker's hushed vocals almost force you to pay attention to them. There isn't as much rapping on this song as you would expect, but when the verses do come in they lack the fire we've come to expect. In a good way, I might add. The noisy ambience gets harsher and harsher as we reach the end of the song. It's almost unnerving. They manage to make you feel so many emotions in just this one track. I've only had a couple days to sit with it, but "Doves" is really great. One of the most experimental tracks these guys have ever put out and it pays off. listen here: Apple Music Spotify Bandcamp SoundCloud YouTube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ thanks for reading <3
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ranchthoughts · 2 years
For me, The Eclipse’s best moments were when they explored repression and self-knowledge.
Like, you have Akk: knowing deep down you are gay but repressing it so much you have almost forgotten... or at least, so far you don’t see how it has impacted your behaviour and relationships, while still being distantly aware of it every single day. Did the fact the previous head prefect was a cute boy have any bearing on Akk joining the prefects in the first place? We will never know and he probably will never know for sure either.
And Akk meets someone (Ayan) who is so fully not repressed when it comes to sexuality, so open and comfortable with himself. And the emotions this brings out in Akk: the fear, the longing, the terror.
Then there are those who know and repress constantly (Kan), who make the choice to distance themselves from certain people and situations because they do not want to Appear Gay because they know what Appearing Gay will do to you socially.
And then there are those who are living their lives, just normally, knowing themselves but not broadcasting it, who are nonetheless clocked since childhood (Thua). Those who are almost unable to realize these parts of themselves by themself before their peers pointed it out, those whose whole lives have been shaped by Being Gay.
Obviously, we can talk about Akk and Ayan all day, but I found KanThua a really interesting exploration of these themes. You have Thua, who could pretty much never hide in the close because everyone clocked him since he was little, and who lives in a weird purgatory where people now mostly leave him alone (he’s not getting hate crimed that often) but also, no one will be close to him because then they would be perceived as gay too. Then you have Kan, who used to be close friends with Thua but fully distanced himself because people were starting to think of Kan as gay too due to their proximity and relationship. All the while, Kan knows he is gay, and he is into Thua - and all the “my childhood bullies were RIGHT” emotions that come with that.
And now Kan and Thua are circumstantially spending more time together and Kan really likes him and wants to be closer, but he also knows what that will mean for him socially and doesn't want to deal with being called gay and having everything be suspect. He knows he needs to distance himself further from Thua, but now that Thua’s back in his life, Kan is torn because on one hand, social death, and on the other, he wants to spend time with Thua and be closer. And Thua knows the reason Kan distanced himself so thoroughly before, he knows that their peers were right on the money and Kan is gay, and he tells Kan this, not in a “this is a fine thing to do,” but in a “I know what you did and what you will be doing and why. I understand your motivations”. But Kan keeps finding ways for them to get close, like starting the Batman account so he can talk to Thua as much as he wants to but can’t with others around, and Thua is the one who sets boundaries (when Kan grabs his hand to take him somewhere and ther classmates look on suspiciously, Thua is the one who drops their hands). It is too late for Thua to not be a social outcast, but it isn’t too late for Kan and he knows how important that is to him.
All of this culminates during their friend group camp out. Both take turns watching the other as they lay there in the tent, surrounded by their sleeping friends. Both awake, but not realizing the other is. And Kan rolls closer and closer, until their lips and noses brush in a kiss, but a kiss with Plausible Deniability (“I just rolled over in my sleep”). And we the audience watch Thua open his eyes as Kan closes them, unsure if he meant to do that, and then we watch Kan open his eyes as Thua closes them, absolutely giddy with adrenaline. The dam has broken, Kan can’t hold back these feelings any more. But you need more than a Plausibly Deniable Sort-Of Kiss and someone who tucks and runs any time someone looks at them with knowing suspicion to build a relationship, so Kan and Thua only get there once Kan has owned up to the kiss and his feelings.
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My Adventure Time OC, Phillip The Wizard Psychic! by RacyLightBlueUniverse
Oh hi, I had several ideas for Adventure Time OCs based on the Species of "Wizard" now that I have a random creative wave, well I present to you Phillip The Wizard Psychic!!!!
Name: Phillip The Wizard Psychic
Nicknames: Phillip, Wizard Psychic
Sex: Male
Age: 180+
Physical Age: 25
Species: Wizard
Occupation: Treasure Hunter  
Place of Origin: Wizard City
Current Residence: Wizard City
Height: 6’ 7"
Weight: 230 lbs
Family: Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Father
Friends: None
Love Interests: None
Enemies: None
Neutral: None
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality and Character Traits: Clever, Bold, Calm, Ambitious, Cold, Determined, Cunning  
Powers and Abilities:
Magic Manipulation/Wizardry/Magical/Arcane/Mystic Force: He is able to create, shape and manipulate magic, a form of arcane power to achieve supernatural effects and mystical powers through the use of mystical practices, examples of practices include rituals, spells, potions and all their mystical forces. The practices of magic are the use of the supernatural that builds on and rules over arcane energies and rules/laws from other worlds that many used to influence their realities, He has access to magic, he use of spells, potions, objects and various other magical powers!
Psionics: He can use various forms of psychic abilities/powers, including telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, technopathy, foresight, etc!
Illusion Manipulation: He can create, shape and manipulate illusions/hallucinations, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things that do not actually exist or to perceive things differently than they really are. Some users can create complex and detailed worlds or place a target within a variety of simulated conditions and circumstances, while others can only alter how they or the target is perceived. As such, illusions can exist solely within the physical or mental perceptions of generally organic and conscious targets, or as external projections that occupy material space, such as holograms and mirages!
Extrasensory Perception: He possesses extrasensory perception: essentially a sixth sense that allows him to acquire information by means independent of any of his known senses or prior experience. This applies to any type of information, knowledge, wisdom, experience, etc. The information can be personal (memories, thoughts, etc.) or impersonal (academic knowledge, data, etc.). This ability can be used passively (as a knee-jerk reaction) or actively (wanting to know specific information)!
Psychometry: He obtains historical memories or sensations about the beings and objects he observes. With objects, they gain knowledge, including the creators, the users, and even those who happened to use the object and what has been done with it. With living beings or body parts, the user learns his general life history but gains nothing from what he was thinking or feeling!
Psychic Energy Manipulation: He can create, shape, and manipulate psychic energy in various ways, including manifesting it in material form!
Skills and Hobbies: Treasure Hunts, Excitement, Adventure, Tricks, Gambler, Rock, Strategist, Serious
Basic Backstory: He is a Wizard from Wizard City, he is a great treasure hunter!
Weapons and Equipment: Other Magic Items!
Disguises and Other Personalities: None
Likes: Treasures, Cafe, Gambling, Challenges  
Dislikes: Fools, Mistakes  
Quotes: “My mind is a temple!” “I am For the search and the Treasure!” “Feebleminded as always!” “Your Mind Wasn't Weak After All!” “I Always Have Several Tricks In My Head!”
Relationship Chart/List: Closed None
Questions: Closed
Roleplays: Closed
Dares: Closed
Headcanons: Closed
Notes: -Other Instant Idea. -is Fun! -Links Full: Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram and Deviantart
Phillip The Wizard Psychic - Me Art - Me Adventure Time © Pendleton Ward/Cartoon Network
0 notes
whetstonefires · 3 years
Not that knowledgeable about CNovels or the svss fandom in general, so take this with a grain of salt, but maybe people are used to considering it in the context of other "System Novel Genre" tropes, in which "The System is a sentient entity" and "The System is a malicious force" are both an actual thing. Like anything from an AI in a virtual reality to interdimensional entity that uses it's players to colonize planets and rob life energy(yes, I've seen both).
Oh yeah, I'm a little vague on how the System conceit normally interfaces with the transmigration genre, but this is vaguely the impression I had, thank! Mxtx obviously wasn't going to use any element that wasn't already deeply conventional if not outright cliche in this, since that would fuck with the texture, so even if I don't recognize a specific cliche there's usually the outline of its shape to bite on. Appreciate the more clarification.
The planet-eating one is way more interesting than the virtual reality imo but ig I'm super burned out on 'it was all a dream' variants lmao.
But like, the System is clearly conscious because targeted spite is definitely a function of personhood, and it might be malevolent considering how much satisfaction it seems to get from just, fucking with its principal, it's just. Those are diegetic facts in the same way 'Luo Binghe is a dangerous crazy person' is a fact, and that's not a bad or incorrect way to engage with the story, obviously.
But like. Luo Binghe as stallion protagonist, as villain protagonist, and as romance novel main love interest are intrinsically wound up in his lunacy. Approaching him on an exclusively in-universe basis is a very fun lens (and even one of the points/main jokes of the book I think lmao) but it's completely inadequate to compass his character, and its structure and point.
You know? You're not doing anything useful with this fictional character if your analysis totally ignores the way his existence is in dialogue with the concept of a genre convention.
This story is of the kind that is about the nature of telling stories--a particular subset of stories in its particular publishing context--and the constraints placed on writer and character by the demands of genre and audience, not to mention narrative structure and the tricks played by perspective and expectation. (The structural bait and switch of the entire character of Tianlang-jun kills me.) The climactic scene penny-drop involves the System having reassigned the target audience as female.
'Women want a different kind of fuck book.' That's the plot. Like. Rip. 😂
The System does exist as a force and consciousness within the book, and it's important that it knows what it's doing is cruel and likes that, but artistically speaking if it were meant to be perceived as a character I'm pretty sure it would be approached less as a force of nature.
There's a horrid person in there in some way, and our leading man's consistent failure to perceive that deserves its own essay, but functionally it's doing 'nature, malevolent, inexorable, and artificial' in man-versus-nature, and winning, which is like. Just a really fun flavor even before you do the step-out to its boundary-blurring role of acting in the name of the reader.
Am I making any sense?
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sugarstickery · 3 years
An Allegory Within the Dark
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This is an unofficial fan translation of chapter 3 of Jujutsu Kaisen’s first light novel, Departing Summer and Returning Autumn by Gege Akutami and Ballad Kitaguni.
Summary: Mahito stumbles across an unusual human in his search for a place to call ‘home’.
Featured characters: Primarily Mahito, with brief appearances from Hanami and Jogo, along with an unnamed novel-only character
Timeline: An undefined time prior to the events of the Vs. Mahito arc
An Allegory Within the Dark
If you want to hide a tree, you go to the middle of a forest.
So if you’re looking to hide a person, you should go to the middle of a city.
Following that logic, it makes sense for curses worthy of being the true humans to set up their hideout in the city center.
Cursed spirits would actually have it much easier if they spent their time in places crammed with fear where humans and the like can’t live: deep in the mountains or in densely wooded areas, for example.
But for a group of curses plotting to overturn the current era, a base in the heart of the city is crucial for invasion and seeking refuge. That being the case, it’s also better to try aiming for a location with a high concentration of negativity.
Anyway, that’s how some employees from a scam business ended up massacred.
“This really is the simplest way to handle it. All of them nest together up here away from the public eye, so clean-up is a cinch.”
Jogo laughed while trampling the burning remains of a corpse underfoot.
Roughly two minutes ago, there were about six humans in the office.
The curses considered a few ways to handle dispatching them but ultimately decided that burning was the fastest, so Jogo quickly turned them to ash.
“But humans used this building, didn’t they? Won’t it be a problem if there’s property management or something?” Mahito asked, poking at an ostentatious vase displayed on a shelf.
Apparently the concern was unnecessary. Jogo tried to answer with a grin, but a nonsensical language cut into their conversation.
“⏁⊑⟒⟟⍀ ⎎⍜⋏⏁ ⟟⌇ ☊⎍⌇⏁⍜⋔”
“Oi, bastard—! Stop talking, Hanami! It makes my head itch!”
Though Hanami spoke in nothing but meaningless sounds, the intention behind it was somehow transmitted directly into the minds of others. This was usually unpleasant and it irritated Jogo.
When he noticed Mahito still looking his way, Jogo continued to explain despite his frustration.
“Hmph... What? There’s no need to worry. I asked Geto what his aim was, and it looks like these were the kind of underhanded humans who got involved in plenty of unethical things.”
“Hm. So basically, other humans won’t actually come close if they get that curse stuff happens here.”
“Exactly. Any respectable, straight-laced human would never come near this place under normal circumstances. It’s the perfect city-center hideout.”
“Is it really?”
“...What is it, Mahito? You don’t seem satisfied. What’s there to worry about? It would put us in a great position to start preparing our plans for the city, and it’s great for a quick escape if we need one.”
“Mm... No, you’re right, but...”
“But what? Spit it out.”
“It’s just... This room is really tacky.”
With a pop, a small eruption burst forth from Jogo’s head. His narrowed eye looked like a painting of a gently sloping mountain.
“It’s tasteless, isn’t it? Stuff like that gaudy gold lion in the sparkly jar or this cheap-looking sideboard.”
“What are you even saying?! I have no idea what’s gotten into you lately, but you’ve been so annoying!”
“Movies? Are those overly-embellished portrayals of humans really that interesting?”
“They’re references for my studies on the structure of a soul,” Mahito replied with an ambiguous smile.
If humans could see him, they might be reminded of a proud elementary schooler discussing the knowledge they gained from a book report.
“If I’m being honest, I don’t find the stories that interesting either, but I don’t hate the sense of visual aesthetics that humans have. That said, this room has too many useless colors and really hurts the eyes.”
“Such bratty, selfish complaints... We can just burn or toss anything that’s an eyesore.”
“No need, I’m going to look for a place to settle down on my own.”
“What? Ah, hey— Where are you going?”
Not waiting for Jogo’s response, Mahito waved over his shoulder and vanished like smoke or a gentle breeze, off to who-knows-where.
“Geez… Maybe it’s because he was born from human fear, but even knowing he’s a curse, he tends to be way too frivolous. Watching movies and all…”
While grumbling out his complaints, Jogo took a pipe from his shirt pocket to put in his mouth.
Unlike human cigarettes, this wooden pipe somehow imitated a screaming face when smoked.
“But that Mahito...”
Jogo spun around to survey the room with his one eye.
“...He says that, but it doesn’t seem tacky to me.”
“I already said shut up!!”
You can only find a hideaway that suits you by looking for it on your own.
Mahito wandered through the city with this in mind. He alternated left and right turns on a whim any time he happened across a traffic light, walked alongside stray cats, or sometimes simply went in the direction of clouds that he liked the shape of.
While traveling along his chosen path like this, he keenly felt just how laughable humans were.
Though the city belongs to them, no one walking in and out of it was more free than Mahito.
Everyone seemed constrained. They were captured by ties of obligation and vanity, living in a wide, deep, big city with such narrow outlooks.
Unaffected by the enormous sky sprawling out endlessly overhead, they box themselves into their concrete city with their own hands and limited perception of souls, passing the time by whittling their lives down further and further.
Mahito even learned the words for some of these human concepts to study later.
For example, they call it “morals”. They call it “common sense”. They call it “emotion”.
But a human soul isn’t anything more than the resulting mechanical movement that comes from external stimuli.
And so they let go of freedom and live tightly controlled lives, fearing the judgmental stares of others, stooping to flattery for society’s approval.
“...What a waste.”
Everyone is bound by ostentatious shackles of their own making.
That’s why these curses know there has to be a change, as far as humans go. Those who cannot do anything but crawl in such an unsightly way under the magnificent sky must hand over the world.
Mahito thinks. He ponders over any topic his soul turns toward. He walks wherever the wind blows him.
Before long, the time had come for the sun to descend in the western sky. He could hear the burbling of a river.
“Not bad.”
The hideaway Mahito found was under a bridge, across the river.
It was a tunnel, vacant and huge like a temple.
Pipes ran along the inside, clear water flowing from them and into the river. It looked like wastewater was drained here after being purified, so there wasn’t much discomfort.
Apart from the humid air and the moss that emitted a peculiar grassy smell, it seemed wide enough to splash and jump around in, and the concrete’s cool texture provided a refreshing welcome.
There’s a season that curses are partial to.
Negative human emotions accumulate from the end of winter to spring, and it could be said that the rainy season served as the so-called peak of their ripening.
The inside of the damp tunnel held the same atmosphere. There was a gloominess there in the dim lighting that could easily nurture fear. It gently moistened Mahito’s skin; he felt cozy.
“Yeah, let’s stay here.”
When choosing a place to live, it’s best to trust your instincts.
Perhaps humans should do the same, but what they can’t readily do, Mahito can decide without hesitation. If he’s free when he wanders, then he’s free when he settles down, too.
Mahito stepped into the tunnel in good spirits, knocking solidly on the concrete floor.
The soul’s metabolism smooths out in comforting spaces. But…
After walking a short distance, Mahito discovered “that”.
He initially thought it was some garbage or something that a human illegally dumped. But before long, it became clear that it was a sack-like silhouette leaning against a wall.
At first glance, it perhaps looked like a mere collection of rags.
But the shape of a soul was there.
—Ah, it’s alive.
Yes, just as Mahito had realized, it was a human.
The tattered clothing and wildly overgrown hair and beard hid his shape, but it was undoubtedly a human.
His exact age wasn’t clear from his outward appearance, but whether he was 60 or over 80, he looked elderly.
Mahito thought it was a bit of a pain.
There was already a visitor living in his precious hideaway.
Of course, taking care of this issue would be an easy matter for him. But he felt the same discomfort as a homeowner finding a stain on the wall of their new house.
‘Anyway, if I’m gonna deal with this, let’s get it done,’ Mahito thought, reaching out toward the old man with a little sigh.
Whereupon, unexpectedly, the old man spoke.
“...I’m sorry if you’re displeased.”
“I don’t know what you came here to do, but... I’m sure your mood has soured after stumbling across the home of an old fool. But I have nowhere to go, either.”
Mahito was a little taken aback.
The old man was clearly aware of Mahito and turned toward him to speak. This wouldn’t be surprising at all if he was talking to a fellow human.
But Mahito is a curse.
The eyes of a mere human can’t clearly perceive cursed spirits.
It isn’t impossible, though. If humans are born with cursed energy, it isn’t unusual for them to be aware of the existence of curses.
What caught Mahito’s attention was this old man’s lack of ‘eyes’.
As in, he had no eyes in the physical sense. Instead, in the empty sockets that once held them, there was a burn scar that was painful just to look at.
Even sorcerers rely on their eyes to view the world.
They depend on their field of vision to spot cursed spirits. That’s why so many of them use sunglasses and the like to conceal their line of sight, as it helps them remain unaffected. It also helps them maintain a balanced mind when their daily life overflows with curses.
However, that was not the case for this old man.
“Can you see me?”
When Mahito asked, the old man answered with a gentle nod.
“At the very least, I can feel you.”
“But you can’t see the world?”
“Naturally. That includes the scenery, what you look like, what color your skin is, and even your gender. Even so... I know you’re there.”
“...Are you a sorcerer?”
“Most likely not.”
“You’re being pretty vague, even though you’re talking about yourself.”
“For a long time, that’s what I’ve been the most vague about.”
Mahito began to notice something strange.
He can feel the shape of a human’s soul.
He knows the movement of a soul’s metabolism, whether it takes on a harsh form, withers weakly, or flickers with liveliness.
However, this old man’s soul was hardly metabolizing.
It was like a meadow with no wind, or a still sea, or the blue sky on a cloudless day.
No, it would be most appropriate to compare it to a stone.
His soul was like a stone on the side of the road.
No fancy ornamentation, no polishing. Unmoving, unwavering.
Calmly passing the time while growing moss.
That was the shape this old man’s soul had.
No matter how calm or how old a person is, the human soul always flickers.
As the years stack up, common sense doesn’t disappear, selfishness isn’t eliminated, and fear isn’t conquered.
But this old man was different.
The old man’s soul was at peace. He had sincerely accepted that everything would decay with time, but that didn’t mean he would throw his life away. It was truly similar to the way in which nature existed.
It was Mahito’s first time meeting anyone like this.
For a while, the tunnel became something of a den for Mahito.
He had gotten a hammock from somewhere, which he hung up between the pipes. He lounged in it and read, passing the time in comfort.
In a movie about life on a deserted island, a human who was desperate to survive made a hammock. Through it, he was able to regain a little peace of mind.
Since it looked surprisingly comfortable, Mahito gave it a try and it worked out nicely.
The arguments and fights of the outside world didn’t reach the inside of the tunnel, where only the burble of the small stream could be heard.
It provided a good environment for soothing the soul.
While leisurely absorbing new knowledge from his books, Mahito would sometimes absentmindedly gaze up toward the ceiling, or glance down at the corner where the old man squatted, looking as he always did.
“How do you live like this? It’s pretty mysterious...”
In the end, Mahito didn’t kill the old man.
It’s important to note that the old man wasn’t much of a hindrance for him. If it would make no difference whether he was there or gone, then Mahito figured getting rid of him would be more of a hassle.
The old man was just there, even quieter and more carefree than a stray cat.
Mahito knew the phrase: ‘man is only a reed, but he is a thinking reed’.
He found it hilarious and also genuinely liked it. It simultaneously boasted about being trapped in thoughts of the soul, while also showing that humans were frail as weeds.
It could be said that the old man was an unthinking reed, then.
No – he was even quieter than that; more like grass or some type of moss. In any case, the old man said nothing and simply carried on living.
Every now and then, the old man would suddenly shuffle off elsewhere, but he would be back to sleep before Mahito knew it. He was surely getting food from somewhere, but he never seemed to gain weight. If he lost any while in the tunnel, he would eat just enough to gain it back when he left, and no more.
It was a style of living so close to nature that it seemed more like a phenomenon than a life.
“That’s why I seriously wonder if you can see me.”
The suspicion was uttered suddenly.
Mahito wasn’t exactly speaking to the old man. Rather, his tone was that of someone talking to themselves.
But when he noticed that the old man’s soul didn’t waver even after hearing him speak, Mahito finally addressed him directly.
“How long have you been here?”
“Let’s see… I think a few winters have passed, but I’m not sure,” the old man muttered, his reply quiet.
Since they were two beings with souls who were aware of each other’s existence, Mahito felt it would be more natural to chat every now and then.
“Don’t you get bored?”
When spoken to in a soft tone, the old man also responded softly.
“I’ve forgotten how to be bored.”
“How do you usually pass the time here?”
“I don’t do anything, really. I just listen to the sounds.”
“The sounds?”
“The sounds of the water flowing.”
“...Is it fun?”
“It’s not. But I forgot how to have fun a long time ago, too, so it’s not an issue.”
So it was like that. Mahito nodded.
If this old man could no longer even feel the pain of boredom, perhaps his soul was worn down.
Humans of the city gasp and struggle through the hurt of not having enough, yet always wish for more even when they get what they wanted. Their souls grew fat and tattered through the rich accumulation of these negative feelings.
So in that regard, from Mahito’s point of view, the old man had a thin soul – but it could be said that was clever of him.
A fat and full human soul leads to a fear of losing the gratifying present moment, which in turn gives birth to curses.
“It’s hard to get your attention. What’s your name?”
When Mahito asked, the old man looked into the air for just a second.
“I left that behind. You can call me whatever you like.”
“There are humans without names? Even curses have them.”
“If you don’t meet other people, you don’t need a name.”
“Isn’t it a problem if you don’t have one?”
“When is it a problem?”
“When it’s time to be buried.”
“I don’t need a gravestone with a name. I can just be stuffed into a common grave, or maybe I’ll rot undiscovered and return to the earth that way.”
“Can’t you take a joke?”
“…Was that a joke?”
The old man didn’t laugh. Neither did Mahito.
But Mahito had the feeling that this old man was childish, contrary to his appearance. His lack of attachments created an unsullied disposition that might make him younger than he looked.
His interest in the old man simmered and surged.
It was his first time seeing this type of human, his first time feeling a soul with this form. For Mahito, this was a rare specimen.
What kind of path must life take to make this kind of human? What would be the most intriguing shape to make with a soul like that? What uses could one plan for such a person?
And what kind of curse would be born from them?
With these questions fueling his curiosity, Mahito started to chat with the old man.
“Why are you here?”
The old man looked up toward the ceiling through his unruly bangs.
His eye sockets were empty, but it seems like even without sight, humans tended to stare into nothing when they were thinking. One curiosity of Mahito’s was satisfied.
“You weren’t born and raised in this tunnel, right? As a human, you must have been in that noisy city.”
“Ah, that. I lived a fairly busy life a long time ago. I inherited the house, worked, made money and supported my family.”
“So you were a human in a pretty good position.”
“In human society, yes. Looking back on it now, it was all meaningless.”
“So... what, you basically started living in a hole like a mouse, then?”
“I did that because I lost everything that I needed up to then. I lost my social status, my money, and a place where I belonged.”
“You lost it all?”
“I was tricked. That’s when my eyes were burned, so I lost my sight then, too.”
Mahito incidentally recalled the company Jogo attacked.
“You got tricked, huh? You seem pretty good-natured about it.”
“That’s because I didn’t care much about being tricked.”
“You’re a weird old man. Is this some kind of hobby where you get your kicks when people deceive you or something?”
“I’m just saying, that’s the kind of person I was back then. The ones who tricked me were my old friend and my wife. My eyes were burned in that so-called “accident”¹; they claimed I wasn’t of sound mind and body after that, and under the guise of caring for me, they stole everything I worked for before I knew it.”
“That’s a pretty flashy way to trick someone, isn’t it? You’re talking like it’s someone else’s problem.”
“Those two loved each other, and I was loved by no one. Knowing that was more monumental to me than being tricked.”
It was hard for Mahito to interpret what the old man said.
Love. Is it really such an important word?
It’s said that curses born from love exist in the world. It seems there are tremendously powerful ones among them, too. But Mahito doesn’t understand how the mechanism by which people love each other is any different from a cat’s attachment to a blanket.
Still, Mahito knows for a fact that people are obsessed with it.
“Didn’t you curse them? The ones who tricked you.”
“Not really.”
“’Not really’, huh. You know, normally a human in that situation would get angry and hold grudges, and it would make the shape of their soul deteriorate.”
“It’s true, though. I don’t think I had the energy to even consider seeking revenge or hurting them.”
“...I get it.”
Mahito nodded, filling in the blanks.
Regardless of whether or not he can guess the trends in human emotion, Mahito has studied many movies, novels and poetry so far.
Then there were the humans he tinkered with. Mahito could put together the pieces he gleaned from those things and use them to break down the old man’s story.
“So basically, you were in despair. So much despair that it was like your soul was about to die. That’s how you broke through the creation of grudges and curses and ended up like this.”
The old man slowly shook his head.
“I may have been disappointed, but I don’t believe I felt the intense despair you’re thinking of.”
“Are ‘disappointment’ and ‘despair’ different?”
“They are; this is just my personal experience.”
The old man raised his face, following the memories.
“There was no burning resentment or turbulent sorrow. It’s just... I was tired, I guess. Between work, assets, reputation, my life situation and duties, dealing with others, caring about the family name... I think I was probably just tired and worn out because of it all.”
“And that’s why you didn’t get mad even after being tricked?”
“I was at peace. They say the soul gets lighter after going through disappointments.”
The old man’s voice was calm.
It had a cool quality to it, like muddy water that had been filtered clean.
“I couldn’t see, I had no money, I had no love... But as I was walking through the city with nothing to my name, it all suddenly became inconsequential. And then, as I looked around, I saw the city in a new light.”
“Even though you can’t see?”
“Yes. When you can’t see anything, it’s just sound and wind that goes on forever anywhere you are. I couldn’t even see the walls blocking the city in. It was just endless darkness spreading out forever, like a starless night. For the first time, I understood how wide the world was. And I thought to myself... ah, I’m free, aren’t I?”
Mahito blinked rapidly.
This old man’s thinking didn’t fit any other case he had gathered so far.
Even hearing about his past, he couldn’t understand the old man’s thoughts.
But even from Mahito’s point of view, the old man was certainly free.
Without so much as leaving the middle of this tunnel, he knew that the sky was vast.
Perhaps he knew it better than any member of high society walking around freely in the city. He knew the wide spread of the sky, the soft caress of the wind, the gentle sounds of the water.
This old man, who looked like a simple rakugoka², had no property or social standing. He even lost his connection to other humans... And maybe that’s precisely why he could uncover the elusive meaning of the word ‘freedom’.
He was just existing, just being alive, without attachments, grudges or curses.
“So basically ‘not all those who wander are lost’?”
“Yes, though quoting Tolkien’s works might be a little tedious.”
Mahito smiled when the man immediately caught the reference to a book he just happened to read.
“Were you a bookworm?”
“All I did was cram a lot of information in.”
“It’s good to be well-read.”
If curses are born from the fear that humans feel, could this old man even be considered human?
As Mahito is, he struggles with the expression of human emotions.
But he was calm.
For the first time since coming into contact with humans, he had a feeling of peace.
“I think if everyone in the world was like you, I wouldn’t have been born.”
Mahito looked back at his book.
The old man, staring into nothing as always, fell silent again.
Curses are born from humans, but they also kill humans. There is no way for the two to coexist.
But in this tunnel, a curse and a human were doing exactly that.
Though distorted, this peaceful period of time flowed by gently.
It’s only natural for humans to hate and fear other humans.
Since they can’t see souls, they can only make guesses about the feelings of others, and they’re swayed by their own emotions.
They don’t understand that these things are just a reflection of the soul’s metabolism. They don’t even know where their soul is.
Mahito investigated the matter.
This blind man lost his sight and his connection to others, so his soul received less stimulation.
And so, no longer influenced by unnecessary things in the physical world, he spent a lot of time facing his inner world and reflecting.
“It’s kind of like a monk’s training. Through strong introversion, a person looks at their soul more often.”
Mahito walked around the city, skimming through a beaten-up copy of the Heart Sutra.
It was a sutra handbook that focused on controlling the soul. It looked like humans of the past did their own research into freeing the soul from the material world.
The old man’s life ended up in a similar state without him setting out to do it on purpose.
That was likely how he learned to feel other souls through the darkness he lived in. Mahito concluded this was the reason he was aware of curses.
“I think he was already predisposed, but... seems like it’s easier for introverted humans to show promise.”
If he gave the old man’s situation even deeper consideration, he could probably make a lot of guesses about a sorcerer’s training. There’s even a way to encourage the first manifestation of cursed energy.
In that case, it should also be possible to take a talented person and ‘make’ them into a sorcerer or curse-user.
Unleashing a curse-user made by a curse onto a sorcerer...
That might be a fun experiment. It’s easier to shake up a human’s soul by having them fight other humans, rather than just exorcising curses. Sukuna’s vessel should be no exception.
—Maybe it’s fine to do that a little later?
Yes, Mahito thought it over at his leisure.
He is free. When it’s time to move, he moves. When it’s time to rest, he rests.
And he was not in the mood to launch that plan into action.
Rather, for the time being, he just wanted to gather knowledge and indulge in thought. He also got some new books and wanted to read fantasy novels while basking in the quiet comfort of the tunnel.
Mahito’s gait became lighter. While walking alongside the throng of people, he even began to hum.
Suddenly, a loud voice rang out from between two buildings.
“—so damn annoying, yeah?”
Looking over that way, he saw two young humans: a man with long, thin hair, and a muscular skinhead. They were undoubtedly people who looked like trouble.
The long-haired man listened as the skinhead rambled on with his complaints, seemingly in some kind of sullen mood.
“Damn, it’s seriously freezing. Anyway, every last one of ‘em just puts on shitty airs, but it’s all just talk. Nothin’ but excuses. Ah, I wanna kill ‘em all...”
“You say that, but come on. You talk big about wanting to beat these guys to death when you’re pissed, but could you actually kill someone?”
“Sure. Ain’t like killing’s hard.”
Mahito squinted and listened, the conversation going in one ear and out the other.
It’s not that he disliked the way they acted or how they spoke bluntly about their heart’s desires. But Mahito knew people like this were all talk.
“Yeah– seriously, anyone’s fine, I just wanna kill someone.”
Then maybe you should do it without saying anything.
Better yet, he thought about practicing some killing methods on them. But Mahito felt the light weight of the book in his hand as he reached out, and he stopped.
Rather than sparing any consideration for this, he just wanted to go back to the comfort of the tunnel and read.
“I’ll kill ‘em.”
The skinhead’s grumbling voice sounded like a spell.
But the words would find no power or heart to shelter in. Shut away between these buildings, the most a person can do is talk to themselves. It’s best for humans like this to stick to the narrow back alleys, foolishly thinking they’re enjoying a wide world.
Mahito averted his gaze and made his way back home.
“Why did Gregor become a bug?”
Mahito suddenly asked the old man, not taking his eyes off the novel.
It was a famous book by Franz Kafka.
A story in which a human unexpectedly turns into a poisonous insect.
“The most popular theory is that the bug is a metaphor.”
“It means he was a person who was hated and oppressed within society, treated the same way a human would treat a bug. Kind of like an old man who was suddenly blinded and tricked one day.”
“Is that a joke?”
“Not exactly.”
It was detached and dispassionate, but an answer would come back any time Mahito said something. When conversing with the old man, it felt like talking to a dictionary. He had a lot of information.
He knew about things like the inner workings of the mind and human culture, and he was smart enough to explain it simply in discussions.
For Mahito, who analyzed human souls through books and movies, this old man’s knowledge and conversation helped in its own way.
When do humans get angry? Why do they grieve?
How do they trust and in what ways are they betrayed?
Mahito lived with a different sense of ethics when compared to humans, so there were many things he struggled to interpret. The old man explained them and helped him understand.
He had a strong interest in the experiences of the old man, who had once lived among humans but didn’t act like them.
“After becoming a bug, Gregor eventually hid away like he was told to, but he still ended up being spotted and it led to his death. Jii-san³, why do you think that is?”
“You cannot find peace by avoiding life.”
“That’s a quote from Virginia Woolf, right?”
When Mahito immediately and correctly guessed the source, the old man raised a brow slightly.
“You’re a pretty avid reader, too. Conversations with you are really stress-free.”
“Do you have to go back to living with other humans, then?”
“If you don’t have any attachment to the human world, there’s no need to run from it or stand against it⁴.”
“I see,” Mahito murmured to let the other know he was listening, eyes still on the book.
Even if he wasn’t looking at it, the old man’s perpetually calm soul was aglow in the dark like always.
Mahito read his book in the dim room lit by the brilliance of that soul instead of a candle.
Time quietly flowed through the darkness.
Outside of the tunnel, signs indicating the end of summer crept up.
The end came abruptly.
One day, when Mahito was heading back to the tunnel with an abandoned poetry anthology that he picked up on an aimless walk through the city, he felt a noisiness that shouldn’t have been there.
There were one, two, three swaying souls.
One had a very familiar shape, but it was terribly frail. It was like the dying flame of a candle weakened by the wind.
With the same unchanging gait as always, Mahito stepped into the tunnel.
As expected, the old man was there.
But the unusual thing was the crumpled, strange position that he was in.
He was also sandwiched between two younger men who were looking down at him.
“Oooi, isn’t this bad? Did this guy seriously die?”
A man with long, thin hair spoke in a tone that was not particularly anxious.
“Didn’t I say it? I said I could kill,” a muscular skinhead replied, his voice casual.
“But ain’t this just impulsive?”
“Yeah, well, the old man had some real cheek, looking down on us when he’s this weak. So why not just kick him?”
The skinhead likely played sports, given that his legs were as thick around as logs. Kicking an old man to death would be easier than crushing a can.
The two didn’t seem to have a single scrap of interest in the old man, his life or his soul.
There was no reason, no grudge, no clear murderous intent.
It seemed like they simply arrived at the tunnel somehow. They took the opportunity to do as much violence as they wanted. They beat him on a whim.
It could be said that this way of being is freedom for humans.
Mahito crouched down, peeking at the old man’s face.
The beaten visage of the man with burned eyes came into view. But even at a time like this, his expression was as calm as always.
“Are you going to die?”
Mahito searched for even a mumbled word or two in response.
“...Seems so...”
The old man answered in a hoarse voice. He likely barely had the power left to speak now. It appeared as though the two men didn’t hear him over their loud conversation.
He intently inspected the old man’s soul.
The peaceful soul was not flickering, nor did it hold anger or grief; it was simply coming to an unhurried end.
Mahito was impressed.
This old man had found the true meaning of freedom. He really was released from every tie of obligation in this world. Even on the verge of death, that didn’t change.
Being able to make sure of that with his own two eyes, Mahito felt considerably relieved. In the same way he would watch a flower wither and fall, he observed the old man’s death.
He had a feeling.
It’s like seeing a plot twist you don’t want to see if you keep turning the pages of a book.
Or like knowing the contents of a present before you open it.
That kind of buzz spread through Mahito’s chest.
While he puzzled over the instinctive alarm bells screaming at him to stop watching, everything was heading toward its end.
“...I thought I would die alone.”
The old man’s soul dimly flickered.
A smile was on his swollen face.
“...To have someone... here to witness this old fool’s last moments...”
The flicker might have been insignificant, like a single drop breaking the water’s surface. Even so, for an instant near death, at the end of it all...
The old man’s soul ‘metabolized’.
“...Tha...nk... y...”
The old man died smiling.
“. . .”
Mahito’s eyes opened wide, and for a moment, he was frozen.
He thought the old man was different when compared to other humans. To Mahito, he seemed unfettered.
Mahito thought the unique philosophical views stemming from such an extraordinary state of mind had freed him from all the shackles of this world.
But despite all of that, the old man was still captured right in his last moments.
On the brink of death, he clung to someone else so he could avoid a lonely end.
The old man was only human.
For a human, it was likely satisfying enough. Perhaps it was even the proper way for one to die.
“. . .”
Mahito said nothing.
But what felt like a dry wind blew through his chest, leaving him cold.
He didn’t know the name humans gave that emotion. But his consciousness was like yarn tangling in on itself, wriggling around like a worm—
And suddenly, it all cut off at once.
The only thing left behind was the sensation of standing in a dry and barren wasteland.
“—So basically,” the skinhead’s voice echoed. “Police probably won’t do a proper investigation. Not for this old nobody.”
“Hey, hey, hey; that’s still a person,” the long haired man answered lightly.
“Yeah, well, that guy started it.”
“He shoulda looked at who he was talking to before he picked a fight.”
“Anyway, my pants are dirty from all that kicking... That’s a problem.”
“So fussy. That’s what you’re worried about when you just killed a guy? How funny.”
“That ain’t a person. Anyway, don’t you know I like being clean? Ahh, the blood won’t come off... Water doesn’t do any good, right?”
“Yeah, it doesn’t – but more importantly, if you’ve settled down, I’m hungry. Let’s stop by a convenience store.”
“I dunno. If you’re gonna look, buy a bento and let’s get outta here.”
Mahito quickly stood up in the same way one would when they finished looking for something in a store.
A sense of fatigue was deeply ingrained in his body.
Their incoherent voices persisted, reverberating through the tunnel, smeared with excuses and attempts to escape reality. He couldn’t hear the soft burble of the stream.
With deep-seated listlessness, Mahito approached the skinhead as one would move to pick up fallen trash.
Idle Transfiguration. The technique spreads quickly.
And thus, the moment he tapped the man’s back, its shape was no longer human.
If he just killed them, it would create a nuisance in the form of a corpse, so he simply folded it up into something palm-sized and kept it alive.
Then, with a careless sweep⁵ of his hand, he folded up the other man as well.
It fell silent.
Mahito gathered up the two, now no bigger than chess pieces, and turned his attention down toward the remaining corpse of the old man.
It was now just a bag of meat full of bones. Not even the soul remained, so he couldn’t use Idle Transfiguration to fiddle with it.
He was briefly troubled by its disposal, which served as the biggest inconvenience.
In the tunnel, there nothing but the sound of running water.
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It was a day where the sky seemed farther away than usual.
Clouds peeked out from around the buildings and a good feeling was carried in on the wind.
Mahito aimlessly walked about the city.
“Maybe I’ll catch a movie. It’s been ages.”
He picked a tiny, somewhat old-looking theater and snuck in.
He’s had high motivation lately, and it seemed like some unnecessary things had peeled away from his soul, leaving him more carefree than ever.
Thanks to that, he had also begun to toy with humans more often.
If he can fold a person up and make them small, he wanted to test out inflating one instead, but he slept on the idea overnight. It was pretty fun, but he knew that he was getting too absorbed. He also felt that carrying on with too much persistence wasn’t a good thing.
A change of pace every now and then was fine, too.
He hadn’t closely checked to see what was being screened. It was mostly just plain and obscure movies, but if one went in with no expectations, they might come across a surprisingly interesting tale.
Curiously, he had that kind of a feeling.
While walking through the hall of the theater, he casually felt through his pocket, which had grown bulky with the ‘small humans’ that he had touched.
—Speaking of which, he thought that was a nuisance.
He carelessly tossed some of them away.
Opening the door, he stepped into the theater.
Perhaps because it was a weekday, there weren’t many customers. The silhouettes of what appeared to be students filled out a few seats here and there.
From where Mahito stood in the corner, he had a good view of the screen.
Soon, instead of a curtain raising, the theater was engulfed in darkness.
T/N: [1] In this sentence, the implication is that the “accident” was very much orchestrated by the old man’s friend and wife, who burned his eyes somehow and then merely made it look like an accident [2] The rakugoka is the storyteller in rakugo, a form of (often) comedic theater that relies solely on spoken word from the rakugoka, who only uses a fan and hand towel as props [3] A way of referring to old men in general, basically like “gramps/grandpa”; Mahito never calls him by an actual name [4] Essentially, the old man’s saying that he (or anyone) can exist parallel to human society without interacting if they have no attachments to it and can still find peace, contrary to the Woolf quote [5] Kanji reads sweep, furigana reads cleanse (the same word for exorcism that sorcerers use)
Thanks as well to Pixi for help with editing and tl checks!  If an officially translated version of the novel becomes available in your country, please consider purchasing it, or consider buying a copy of the original novel in Japanese if possible!
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haru-luo · 3 years
[CN Translation] Victor’s Capture (捕捉SR) <Record date>
!Spoiler warning! : The followings contain contents for dates of Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice/Love and Producer that are yet to be released in Global server. If you do not wish to be spoiled then please refrain from going undercut.
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Karma Quote : “The time you're looking forward to, of course I'll make it special enough."
The translation is undercut. You have been warned about spoilers.
If you see any “---” sign then it simply indicates change of scenes in the place.
记录之约 {Record date}
Preview : "I proposed to "contract"/undertake half of the date with Victor alone to accomplish what I want to do with each other. I brought Victor to the Mr. Kitty exhibition hall and let him experience my childhood favorite cartoon exhibition. When the dusk came, what he most wanted to do was....."
Part 1 :
Today is a "special rest day" with Victor that we agreed early in the morning.
In order to make the rest time more meaningful, I suggest that both of parties "contract" one half of the dating time to accomplish the thing that they most want to do with each other.
Originally I just suggested it as a whim but Victor unexpectedly agreed. Right now, I have exactly six hours left on my part.
I stood in front of Victor breathlessly and he glanced at his watch.
Victor : "Five minutes late."
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Victor : "You have five hours and fifty five minutes left."
MC : "Do you want to keep the time rule so strictly...."
I mumbled in protest, Victor said lightly,
Victor : "Six hours per person, this is certain someone's own rule."
Victor : "I'm just implementing it seriously."
After Victor finished speaking, he put a hand on his pocket diagonally, raised his eyebrows and asked.
Victor : "But is this street your chosen destination?"
MC : "Of course not, just follow me."
MC : "Mr. Victor, please."
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I pretended to lean slightly then took Victor's arm and strode forward.
After crossing a street, the center exhibition hall appeared in front of us, there was a big title "Mr. Kitty Theme Exhibition" that was eye-catching at the door.
In addition to the colorful balloons, there is also a giant "Mr. Kitty" doll squatting at the door. Many young girls are happily surrounding the doll.
Victor : "Is this what you wanted to do the most today?"
I pulled out the admission ticket and proudly raised it.
MC : "That's right!"
However, the expected frown did not appear. What greeted me was Victor's calm eyes. I realized something later.
MC : "Victor, you wouldn't have guessed it long ago, did you?"
Victor sighed lightly but the corner of his lips were pulled imperceptibly.
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Victor : "There were billboards for themed exhibition all the way to here, so one doesn't even have to bother to guess."
Victor : "And as for this plush doll and it's arms crossed shaped."
Victor : "It indeed fits someone's usual preference."
Part 2
Although Victor guessed the answer in advance, it did not affect my interest in the least.
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Entering the exhibition hall and looking at the familiar and various "Mr. Kitty" dolls in front of me, my mood also relaxes.
MC : "This was my favorite foreign cartoon when I was a kid. It tells the story of Mr. Kitty and his friends on the planet "Meow".
With that said, I walked to the waiting doll and made a greeting gesture to Victor, then deliberately said in a low voice similar to the tone of Mr. Kitty.
MC : "I'm the famous Mr. Kitty, welcome to my cozy little nest."
MC : "Here, take pictures of your friends to your heart's content!"
Victor looked at me, folded his arms across his chest.
Victor : "Let's talk about it then, just how "famous" is it?"
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It's rare for Victor to cooperate so well so I quickly introduced this "childhood friend" while the iron was hot.
MC : "In the entire planet "Meow", Mr. Kitty is the most capable."
MC : "It not only knows a lot of knowledge but also often takes adventures with friends."
I squeezed my fist while talking.
MC : "Whenever an enemy strikes, its spacecraft will rush to the front to drive away the enemy and defend the planet "Meow".
MC : "Don't look at Mr. Kitty's always unsmiling side. In fact, it is very soft at heart."
Seeing me ramble, Victor raised his eyebrows.
Victor : "It seems that you really like it."
Victor : "But I haven't heard you mention it before."
MC : "After all, it was when I was young."
MC : "This is Mr. Kitty's first exhibition in LoveLand City. I will tour you here to get to know it for the first time~"
Victor looked around for a while, took my hand and walked in.
Victor : "Don't you want to take pictures "as much as you want"?"
Victor : "You can't come back at the doorstep to fulfill your wish again."
After passing through an arch, the exhibition hall inside is really bigger and the dolls on display are also richer in looks.
In addition to Mr. Kitty, there are Skull Mouse dolls wearing skirts, Fairy Elf dolls with wide eyed eyes and several cute models of spaceships.
MC : "And this is Mr. Kitty's most trusted friend, Mr. Elf and this is Miss farmer mouse who always loves and kills." [T/N : If I'm not wrong, "loves and kills"/"相爱相杀是" means a "love but full of quarrels relationship"]
At this time, a shape of Mr. Kitty wearing an apron and holding a dinner plate suddenly broke into my eyes.
Although it has no expression on its face, the movements in its hands reveal a sense of seriousness. I tilted my head and took another look then suddenly laughed.
MC : "Victor, doesn't this look like you when you make pudding in Souvenir?"
MC : "How about I take a photo of it with you?"
Victor : "I'm giving you one minute to reorganize your words."
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I raised the camera and shook it with a smile.
MC : "Happy movements must be recorded in order to have a lasting double happiness, right~"
Victor : "Give it to me."
As soon as I finished speaking, Victor reached out and took my camera.
Victor : "Rather offering me to, it is better if you walk over and stand there yourself."
MC : "Then I'll trouble Mr. Victor."
I stood next to Mr. Kitty with two steps and grinned at Victor.
The picture freezes on the camera and Victor's eyes slide across the screen calmly but the slight smile in his eyes reveals his good mood at the moment.
Victor : "....Such a stupid smile."
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Part 3
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After taking enough photos and playing a lot of small games, Victor and I went to the innermost part of exhibition hall. There were four striking characters on the wall.
MC : "Spaceship Pursuit?"
At the same time, the small screen on the wall sounded a melody of the promo.
Screen Broadcast : "Using high-tech projection technology, everyone can take Mr. Kitty's spacecraft, explore the universe with it and defeat the enemy!"
Screen Broadcast : "And in the process of PK with the enemy, there will be cameras to capture everyone's heroic moments!"
I subconsciously looked at Victor. He did not respond immediately but raised his wrist.
Victor : "As a reminder, you have one hour left."
MC : "......"
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Victor : "Don't bother if you want to play."
Boarding the "spaceship", Victor and I sat down near the corner.
Soon, a clear picture of adventure lit up in the pitch-black spaceship at the same time as if the real universe was shrouded in the sky.
At the same, the ground under my feet suddenly began to jolting and shaking slightly---and the spacecraft set off!
I got back to my senses and I was about to raise the small "pistol" but when I turned my head, I saw Victor's slightly disgusted expression.
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In his hand, the cat-shaped plastic gun seemed to be less than the size of his palm.
Under the cover of the dark light, I turned my face away and couldn't help but curl the corners of my mouth.
After a while, as the spacecraft sailed, the enemies who were also driving the spacecraft gradually appeared appeared in the field of vision and I quietly pointed them to Victor.
MC : "The mushroom head in the middle is our worst enemy and the one on the left is also a threat."
MC : "But if you are optimistic, we'll be able to successfully drive them away later!"
I pulled the trigger of the small pistol but several rounds in a row were quickly avoided by the mushroom head.
I adjusted my strategy and planned to shoot from another direction but at this moment I saw from the corner of my eye, a figure sitting upright next to me.
Although, Victor was very disgusted just now, but right now, he was holding the small pistol very seriously, as if he was not in front of the game screen but before the usual report materials.
MC : "Pff!"
Among the excited crowd, Victor looked different in a suit and a serious look alone.
I wanted to ask him to relax a little bit but then I gave up after thinking about it. Such a rare scene should be appreciated for a while.
Perceiving my peeking and secret joy, Victor gave me a constant look.
Victor : "Who was the one who just said to chase away the enemy and now gave up so quickly?"
MC : "No, I was just changing my posture."
Victor turned his head without comment.
The projected colored spots reflected light on his face. Looking at Victor, who was a little more vivid and childlike than usual, I suddenly became playful.
I turned my head and looked around and I saw a flashing red spot not far away, it should be the camera lens of the rocker arm.
My body is so close that I want to shoot from behind Victor, in fact I secretly stretched my hand to the top of his head and made a "V".
Victor : "If you want to make a face of me, just be fair."
Hearing the sound, I rolled my eyes.
MC : "It's not often that you play games so seriously."
MC : "If it happens to be captured, it will add a bit of fun to your photos."
Victor : "According to you, would I still say "thank you" for this?"
Hearing the helplessness and ridicule in his words, I stuck out my tongue.
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Now that I was caught, I no longer concealed my intentions. I quickly squeezed Victor's face with my hands and squinted at the camera.
MC : "Victor, look at the camera quickly!"
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The rocker lens quickly passed overhead. Victor turned his head and looked at me with a smile.
Victor : "Happy now?"
I said frankly.
MC : "It's okay I guess, you just said to be more honest."
Another red projection reflected on Victor's face and his lips slightly curled up.
Victor : "Childish."
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Part 4
When coming out of the game hall, the brilliance of the setting sun had already fallen in front of him.
After playing for so long, I couldn't help but feel tired. I ordered an ice cream from the surrounding shops and Victor and I sat down in the rest area.
After all, it was the first ever exhibition of Mr. Kitty in LoveLand City. It was the first time I ate an ice cream shaped like Mr. Kitty. In a novel way, I had a "wipe" when I raised my camera.
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Preparing to put the camera away, Victor's figure advertently moved up facing the camera suddenly appearing in the frame.
The adorable ice cream is right in front of him and while wearing a suit and leather shoes, he picks up a small spoon seemingly not knowing where to start.
I couldn't help but laugh softly.
Victor raised his head and glanced at me holding the camera.
Behind the camera, I sighed slyly.
MC : "It turned out that even Mr. Victor would make a fuss and it's rare."
MC : "Come to think of it, I have collected a lot of "The other side of Mr. Victor", It shouldn't be too bad to take another one."
After speaking, I quickly pressed the shutter. As expected, Victor hadn't had time to react so, I captured the slightly dazed expression in the photo.
Putting down the camera contentedly, I dug a scoop of Mr. Kitty's ice cream and tasted it. the refreshing and non-too sweet taste made my eyes bright.
MC : "This is delicious, try it!"
Victor : "Don't change the subject in a hurry."
Victor : "I think "surprise" is your focus for today, right?"
After taking another big mouthful ice cream, I rolled my eyes and squinted with a smile.
MC : "You can't say that. No matter what you are, it was originally a very important part of today's record."
Victor paused for a moment and a slight upward arc leaked from the corner of his mouth.
Victor : "Strong words are unreasonable."
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We just ate Mr. Kitty's ice cream one by one. After a while, the waiter brought another ice cream cone.
Victor : "Why did you order two?"
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Lifting the cone to Victor, I smiled and winked.
MC : "If you look closely, this is a unique "elf" cone."
MC : "Do you remember the fairy..."
Victor : "Is the Mr. Kitty's most trusted friend."
Victor took my words unhurriedly and then raised his eyebrows.
Victor : "Isn't that right?"
MC : "So, since we're here, it's worthwhile to try all the special things!"
The sun slanting westward fell on Victor's shoulders and hair, he gave a soft smile, his mouth seemed to have the aftertaste of summer.
Victor : "I can see it's just like someone's own taste."
At this moment, the staff of the game hall sent the photos captured by the camera. On the screen, I happened to pinch Victor's face and smile triumphantly.
Unexpectedly, that moment was actually captured. Seeing Victor's helpless look in the photo, I suppressed a chuckle.
Victor : "Seeing certain someone's silly look, she seems to be very satisfied for a long time."
I tried to narrow the corners of my mouth and pretended not to say so unequivocally.
MC : "It's almost thanks to Mr. Victor's cooperation."
A soft look flashed in Victor's eyes, he raised his writs and took a look then raised his eyebrows.
Victor : "That being said, the rest of the time is mine."
After all, it is the first time in a while such a "special day off" has been agreed and I can't wait to look forward to the next arrangement.
Stepping on the shadow of the setting sun, I curiously followed Victor. However, as I walked, the scenery in front of me became more and more familiar.
I hesitate for a second and then asked him my doubts.
MC : "Victor, are we on our way back to you home?"
Victor gave a low "Hm".
Victor : "What do you want to eat later?"
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Victor : "Fried salmon?"
Although I always rely on Victor to "extravagant food and drinks", after I happily took him to the childhood cartoon exhibition, his arrangement was unexpected.
I pressed my lips together and the emotion of expecting bubbles fell.
MC : "...Is this what you want to do most today?"
Victor lowered his head, his eyes touched my somewhat stunned expression, he reached out his hand and tapped my forehead.
Victor : "What are you thinking about again?"
MC : "Oh...no..."
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On the other side of the road where the lights were lit, Victor fixed his eyes firmly on me and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.
Victor : "About what you wanted to do, I had already expected ‘lively’."
Victor : "And the result is indeed the case."
Victor's voice was very low and so clear. He paused the smiled softly.
Victor : "But during the rare rest days, what I want to have is your and my private space."
Victor : "The idea of going home for dinner may not considered special in the general sense."
Victor : "But for me, if every three o'clock and three meals a day can have some dummy chirping by my side..."
Victor : "That is the time I'm most looking forward to."
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When the voice fell, the low and doubts that had been quietly surging in my heart before were all filled with heat and warmth now.
Looking at the person in front of me who made me feel at ease, I subconsciously stretched out my arms around him.
The skin-to-skin heat surges up, as if converging into a special invisible camera in my heart.
Recording the moment that belongs only to us forever in my heart.
🍮Victor’s Moments 1 & 2 :  Ice-Cream and Pretend
🍮Victor’s Texts : Escape from the heat
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mybg3notebook · 3 years
Does Gale love Mystra?
So far in EA, we have been shown that this is complicated to answer: human love is complex as well as the delirious lore of Forgotten Realms. 
Disclaimer Game Version: All these analyses were written up to the game version v4.1.104.3536 (Early access). As long as new content is added, and as long as I have free time for that, I will try to keep updating this information. Written in June 2021.
The number between brackets [] represents the topic-block related to (this post), which gathers as much evidence as I could get.
The narrative is clear until the party scene which, as I stated many times across these posts, it's a scene that feels a bit inconsistent for me (reasonable since it's EA). But if we follow what the game explicitly shows us, we know that if we send Gale to sleep at the beginning of the Weave scene in which he is watching the incantation with the shape of Mystra, he will say: 
Gale: Long days, yes. And long, lonesome nights.
If Tav knows that the incantation on his palm is Mystra, Gale will explain:
Tav: [insight] You don't have that look on your face when you're looking at “no one” / There's more to it than that. The figure I saw: she means something to you. Gale: [...] I can’t quite describe it, the need I sometimes feel to see her – to draw the filaments of fantasy into existence. [...]
Dev's notes: Passionate. [...] He was recalling Mystra as a lover, but doesn’t say that out loud. [...] Narrator: The Weave evaporates, and as it does so, you realise the night feels suddenly cold and lonesome.
This allows us to infer that, at this moment, Gale is feeling alone and probably very anxious with the oppressing feeling of the "orb" in his chest. The tadpole only increased the number of problems he has, so he resorts to seeing Mystra melancholically. We notice later in the Weave Scene that not having Mystra around increases this feeling of loneliness. The whole scene seems to give us the idea that he still loves her. There is yearning and loneliness in his current situation.
After a moment of passionate description of magic, Gale invites Tav to experience the Weave. The Weave has a particular effect on Gale: "The moment feels intimate. You realise the Weave is making you one." Considering how Gale was feeling while conjuring the incantation, this moment touched him deeply (the narrator implies that this feeling is mutual).
If Tav expresses their romantic interests, Gale will be surprised:
Gale: I.. I didn’t think.. Narrator: You perceive quick-fire gusts of embarrassment, trepidation, and finally.. elation Gale: Sorry, I wasn’t expecting… But it is a pleasant image to be sure! Most pleasant, in fact. Most welcome. Dev's notes: Warm, with real affection.
The narrator is giving us meta-knowledge, we can trust in what she says, and we can see that the situation was truly shocking for Gale. These emotional stages described here made me suspect that Gale is a character who has focused for too long on healing his condition, ignoring any chance for romance. His surprise here may confirm that, in my opinion. He feels embarrassment, a feeling that one can interpret as a sign of the surprise of being thrown into a situation he had not seen beforehand (the death protocol and Gale’s conversations show us that he is a character that thinks ahead). It follows trepidation: fear or anxiety about something that he is going to do or experience. Gale is scared of the possibility. Maybe because he is thinking in the danger he is, maybe because he was already burnt by Mystra's attention and having someone else's attention now makes him feel a bit anxious. And then, the final resolution of the process: elation, which is a feeling of great happiness and excitement about something that has happened. Gale is suddenly excited by the possibility. Something he will be thinking about, many times, for the rest of the EA. 
Tav: So what did you think about what I pictured when we were connected by the Weave? Gale: Oh, I was surprised. But pleasantly so, just like I said. Amid the madness that has befallen us, it seems almost out of place to think of a kiss/ of a romantic walk. And yet... now more than ever, it's important to recall what makes us human. [if Tav is not human] Well- you know what I mean. A stolen glance- that sudden heartbeat... Sometimes the little things are worth more than kingdoms. They promise things to come.
So romance was not something he had even considered until the opportunity arose (this is why he won't pursue a Tav who didn't show romantic interest towards him). I think that, since he is a character always living on the edge of death, he will take this opportunity to feel “human again”: after all, he follows the concept of "living life to the fullest".
During the Loss (see the post of the "Loss Scene"), we know that losing Mystra was a big blow for him. He regrets his decisions of the past in this scene, and it reinforced the idea that he is the only one to blame for Mystra's loss. There is a yearning for the lost Chosen powers, but Gale's context in the majority of his scenes seem to reinforce the idea that he sought power not as a means, but as a goal itself to be closer to Mystra and Magic. Since we are talking about a wizard, his passion lies in magic itself, in being one with the Weave/Magic/Mystra. A Chosen of Mystra is so entangled with the Weave and magic that when they die, they are part of the Weave itself. This is the level of passion that Gale has for Magic, and since Magic can only be performed by most mortals via Weave, and the Weave is Mystra, the whole three concepts are, in fact, one; and it makes it very difficult from a lore point of view to separate them. 
Tav: There's something I don't understand. If Mystra abandoned you, how can you still cast magic? Gale: The Weave is still here, all around us – inside of us too. As long as the goddess lives, magic is a tangible thing for those who know how to touch. I've studied magic for many years, and in as many ways I am still a more than capable wizard. It's just that I'm no longer able to perform those feats even arch wizards would marvel at. To have one hand on the pulse of divinity. You have to remember that the Weave is a living thing, both the embodiment and the extension of Mystra herself.She can give and she can take away. I'm afraid I'm still very much on her naughty list. Consider yourself lucky you're not. 
I personally think Gale will never stop being devoted to Mystra (and won't stop loving her in many ways), because his passion for magic and knowledge is his own life, and Mystra IS those things. He loves magic for the sake of it. So losing this unique contact with magic itself that only Chosen of Mystra have was a terrible punishment for him. His abandonment issues are not just the result of a “guy being left by a girl”. They have an extra complexity because of the nature of Magic in this world and how its deity behaves with her chosen. Gale was not only abandoned by Mystra, but was also removed of a good amount of his capacity to perform magic. If magic “is his life”, the abandonment removed a part of his life away. I think some people miss this point, because, once more, it's related to Forgotten Realm lore and not Dragon Age. Many of these people keep constantly comparing this situation with Dragon Age, which has nothing to do with it. Dragon Age has no wizards, their relationship with Magic is natural, it’s sorcerer-like if we want to compare it, and the relationship with their deities (mostly absent, silent ones) are nothing alike the ones in Forgotten Realm. The context is key, as I repeated several times in these posts and in the one about "Context, persuasion, and manipulation". 
Tav: I don't know what to make of what you've told me, but I sympathise. Gale: Thank you. [no romantic weave] I want you to know that you’re a good friend. [romantic weave] I often think of that moment we shared together – one under the Weave. I hope you think about it too. /I'm glad to know you think about it too.
Narrator: You sense a moment of unspoken affection. You want to know where it may lead. Gale: I consider myself very lucky to have found you Tav: I think perhaps we could be more than friends Gale: Perhaps. 
Tav: You said you think about the moment we shared under the weave. Do you think about it often? Gale: Do you? 1-2-Tav: Yes / From time to time. Gale: So do I. 3- Tav: Not really. Gale: And yet you ask. I do, as a matter of fact.
Gale: You see. I'm not a big believer in fate, but I do believe in serendipity. Life is a tempest of events that sometimes we brace against and sometimes embrace. You're one such event that one day soon perhaps I'd like to embrace.
So after sharing this regret during the Loss scene, Gale will show affection if Tav remains friendly during the Weave (but Gale will never directly engage it, he is waiting for Tav to give the first step; understandable if we consider he also has a dangerous bomb in his chest, so he may be torn between wanting to, but knowing he should not to). If there is no interest in pursuing romance, he will show a gesture of gratitude for being a good friend during that night of regrets. 
If pursuing the romance, we can interpret that Gale, at this point, even though he is still struggling with all the emotions that Mystra inspires, wants to experience something more “human”, a romance with a mortal. We know for sure that Gale is getting interested, slowly, while thinking about it, since in each of the following scenes he will ask (or Tav will ask) about that “moment in the Weave”. He has been thinking about it for many nights, and he is “embracing” the idea. 
If Gale is treated with judgement (despite not knowing his whole story) or allowing him to keep the secret of what or who he lost, we will obtain lines likes:
Gale: Good. Goodnight. And thank you for your patient understanding. // And try not to think too poorly of me. A cat can look at a king. A wizard can look at a goddess.
Tav: Another fool pays for his arrogance. A tale as old as time. Gale: Arrogance? Ambition, rather. And ambition is a fine thing – until suddenly it no longer is. Then again, if that is how you judge me, there’s little I can do to change your mind. But know that I have this ambition still. First to save myself, and after that, the licence to dream. (Gale Disapproval)
We could interpret these lines as the only ones so far that may suggest that Gale is still wanting something from the goddess. We know due to the tadpole dreams that Gale’s desire is Mystra. On the comments of the second tadpole dream we know more details about his major desire: it is not just Mystra, but her forgiveness.
Tav: Gale, who is the apparition in your dreams? Gale: She's... It doesn't matter. I just know her to be unreal. Tav: What's impossible about what you're been shown? Gale: Forgiveness Tav: Gale, who is the apparition in your dreams? Gale: It's indeed Mystra I see. And yet it cannot be her. There was a time when I would have believed - but no longer. I told you that I lost her. Lost her favour and lost so many of the powers I took for granted. What magic I can still weave is met only with undercurrents of disappointing silence. Mystra has not changed her mind about me. That's how I know our dreams are delusions.
I think this scene shows the difference between a standard desire for power as a means, and power for the sake of power itself (since this power allows Gale to be one with the Weave). The scene is ambiguous enough to see it as Gale wanting to return to Mystra’s side as well as remaining as an ardent devotee of her (because she is magic herself). I keep repeating that these scenes show that Gale’s most important thing in his life is Magic, which is Mystra: the extension and the embodiment of magic. So his desire for her seems impossible to be extinguished completely. In previous scenes we saw that he certainly had thought through the idea of loving her more like a devotee than a lover, but certainly the weight of being his first love will remain, especially since she is deeply related to magic itself.
During the Party Scene we find some information about his feelings for Mystra. 
I personally ponder the book of Amn’s description as very important because, from a narrative point of view, it's a lot of lines/content that, if they were not important, tend to be removed from the script. If they are there, they are meant to be interpreted. For this reason those lines mean to me that Gale has finally embraced the idea of having something important with a mortal. In my post of the "Party Scene" I go into details, but here I will stick to the interpretation related to Mystra: all what Gale numerates in that book are things that he could not access to with a Goddess. Curiously, part of those descriptions are things that make humans human, so I personally think it reinforces Gale's intention in heading into this romance with the eagerness of finding some shelter (never forget the “orb” has a constant oppressing effect in him, increasing his anxiety and fears) and to experience (maybe for the first time) the love of a mortal.
So, for some assumptions made in the post of the "Party Scene", we suspect that Gale needs to share a night to feel confident enough to speak the details of his “orb” condition. Since he wants this relationship to be strong (after all, he implied commitment during the description of the book) he speaks about the true origin of the “orb” immediately after that night, starting with Mystra (which is, after all, the true origin of his folly). Depending on the version that Tav picks, we have extra information provided by Gale about his emotions for the Goddess:
Tav: What did Mystra’s attention feel like? Gale: Love. Perhaps it was not quite love, but you see, the wizard was but a very young man. It was most certainly love to him. [...] One day all too soon, the whispers stopped. The goddess spurned the mortal. [...] and the wizard was left behind heartbroken. Tav: I hate to say it, but he really could have seen this coming Gale: He was blinded by love. Good stories are rife with lovers’ follies after all.
[Short Version] Gale: Before long Mystra tired of me. What was I after all but a mortal plaything in sacred hands? You have to realise I was heartbroken. I was a young man, she was my first love. I thought it would last forever. I vowed to win her back.
[after explaining the mistake of the “orb”] Gale: It is this folly that led Mystra to abandon me completely. I can only hope you won’t abandon me as well. After all we’ve been through.. After the night we spent together. Surely we can brave even this side by side
Gale is giving a very detailed context about his love for Mystra: she was his first love, and the first love tends to have a special weight in a person's life and their memories. That doesn't mean the person has become unable to build more relationships for the rest of their life. If we add the fact that he was very young when all this happened (more details in the Post "Gale Hypotheses- Part 1") we find him under two effects: the impression of the first love and the naivety of the youth. Both elements made him believe it was a love that was going to last forever. With a Goddess, no less.
Besides, Gale expresses this, highlighting his naivety and foolishness: he is aware of how silly he was back then, and how impossible it could be for a mortal to keep the love of a goddess. He is a pragmatic and realistic character, after all. He recognizes in the end that he was just a mortal plaything for her. 
I think these pieces of information give us a very clear context of his emotional state: he is still nostalgic for Mystra because of all the reasons I enumerated above; she is also more than just a woman, she is Magic itself. But he is aware that those emotions were the consequence of a very naïve and young self that has awakened by the burden of his own mistakes. There is also a reinforcement of “forever”, which recalls the concept of commitment that Gale pursues so much in his romance: he is not there just for the sex “intimacy”, he is there for serious commitment, maybe because he doesn't want to experience another abandonment. After all, we are talking about a character with a profile that shows abandonment issues (see the post of "Gale Hypotheses- Part 1", section: "Abandonment Issues")
[If rejected] Tav: No. This is too large a betrayal. GALE: I see. I am sorry. I am sorry that it had to come to this. All that’s left to say is farewell. Dev’s notes: hurt but understanding Gale: Farewell. (Leaves) Dev’s notes: A slight hesitation, hurt but understanding. He makes a polite little bow, then we see him walk away.
[If accepted] Gale: I don’t know what I did to deserve the magic that you do. 
Despite being terribly cheesy, this last line shows that Gale was more than convinced that Tav would abandon him because he doesn’t deserve Tav. This is why he doesn't put up much fight if Tav chooses to tell him to leave. He will try to make Tav listen to his story, and once it's done, the verdict will fall and he will accept it. He learnt his lesson with Mystra. This line also shows how everything important around Gale is or has to be worded with magic, even a silly metaphor like this is related with the word “magic”: Tav's acceptance is like magic. For him, as important and good as magic itself.
As if that were not enough, after the scene there is a comment in which Gale will reinforce his gratitude for Tav's acceptance:
Tav: If you ever feel the netherese magic overtaking you, what will you do? Gale: If it should ever come to that... if I ever know I am no longer able to stop it... I will do anything I can to ensure no one but me pays for my mistakes. I will find the remotest place on the surface of Faerûn, or perhaps far below in the depths of the Underdark. I will await that death alone. [*] I promise I will not betray your trust... You kept me by your side despite the menace that I am. If worst comes to worst, I will be gone long before the curtain falls.  [*] If romanced, Gale will say here "I cherish you."
Which makes me suspect that Gale can disappear at any moment (in full game) if for some game mechanics we are unable to get magical artefacts but the deal with Raphael did not happen (if that’s even possible). But that's just me speculating. Nothing in EA seems to suggest this. What i's clear is that acceptance—that strong concept in the book he put so much emphasis on—is really important to him, so he shows gratitude for that: he promises to protect Tav (and many innocents) from his own mistake. He also says pretty soon an equivalent of “I love you”, in a more formal/meaningful way: “to cherish” is not just to love, but to care/protect as well. 
Finally, in case someone lost those hints, or maybe as a consequence of this unpolished scene, we have a direct question with a direct answer:
Tav: Gale, are you still in love with Mystra? Gale: I’ll be honest with you; I don’t know. She is my muse still, the embodiment of magic, but the embodiment of love? Only if we ever meet again will I know
Gale simply says what we have been inferring so far with all the previous information: Gale reinforces the idea that he will remain as a strong, loving devotee of Mystra, because she is magic. I personally don't even consider it possible to remove that love from him. He may not be a cleric, but he loves his deity as one. But he also learnt his lesson that loving gods has its own dire consequences for mortals. He is very aware of it during the discussion about Karsus:
Tav: Nothing good ever comes from mortals wanting to be gods. 
Gale: Loving them has its side effects as well. Now, so many centuries later, I tried to follow in the footsteps of Karsus, not to destroy Mystra, but to prove my love for her. It tried to control only a fraction of the magic that was unleashed that fateful day. I merely sought to return one tiny diamond to an imperfect crown. Gale's Folly one might call it. History. Repetition. It's the way things go.
Once more, there is no scene where Gale doesn't reinforce that what he did was a mistake, a foolish action, a Folly. 
Finally, if talking about a previous lover immediately after awakening with a new one was of poor taste, Gale acknowledges this, giving an honest apology:
Gale: Before we go on though, do first let me apologise. To share such a night with you only to tell you of a previous lover the next morning... It wasn't the most gentleman-like behaviour. But I had to finally tell you. Silence would have been far worse behaviour still. Nevertheless, I am sorry.
He accepts any rude response or lash-out from Tav without approval penalties. This is an interesting meta-knowledge that speaks about owning up to his mistakes. Unlike the Loss scene, where rude responses made Gale disapprove because Tav was judging him without knowing the whole story [16], in this scene he doesn’t. Now Tav has the whole picture, and he accepts whatever reaction Tav shows. Of course he will approve a forgiving Tav, since Gale is a character very related to forgiveness [12, 12b].
So, answering the question that gives title to this section: yes. In my opinion, Gale loves Mystra. But it’s not a white-and-black love; it has the complexity of human love mixed with this crazy lore of deities in Forgotten Realms. I believe Mystra will always be part of Gale's life, because the Weave and magic are his life, and she is both. He will always love her as a devotee, even though he now understands the mistakes of his young self and seems more aware of how naive he was when he was a “very young man”. The comments on the second tadpole dreams explicitly show that what Gale wants the most is Mystra’s forgiveness, but at the same time, he knows that he does not deserve it. And this raw realistic view of himself is what makes him understand that those dreams are illusions. During the party scene he is uncertain about his emotions, but still he emphasises that there is a big chance for him to not see Mystra as the embodiment of love any more but reinforces that she will always be the embodiment of magic to him (a very important concept in his character design). 
Whether Gale is romanced or not, I don't see a difference in the information he shares on this matter in EA.
This post was written in June 2021. → For more Gale: Analysis Series Index
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I am in love with your writing! it flows so well and is such beautiful prose. what would you recommend I do as a beginner in writing? I’m quite interested in Victorian literature and really want to emulate that style. I tried once before to make a short story but wasn’t really satisfied with the outcome. thank you!!! 💜
Awe thank you, Lovely~!
I wish I could say I had a superfluity of advice I could give you, but really it's all kind of dependent on the writer themselves. On this end, I've been writing/telling stories my whole life, and I only reached this point through years and years of practice. ^_^;
But I'll try to offer some tips that hopefully can help a bit?
My first suggestion is undoubtedly to read as much content as you can from the Victorian Era, whether that's random scraps of poetry, full length novels, newspaper articles, or even greeting cards. Continuous exposure to the sentence structures will help you learn the little tics for shaping your own phrases later, and it will show through the tone of your words as well.
One thing I've learnt during my own journey is how much more formal 19th century writers tended to keep their texts, even lower income authors elevating their selection of words to provide a sense of esteemed knowledge, to convince the audience that they should be perceived as not only highly educated on the subject at hand, but perhaps respect them as the sole expert.
I have a feeling that a lot of them kept a thesaurus on hand, as I humbly confess I do as well; if there is a plainer way to express your character's actions or a detail of the plot, then absolutely go for it. But if you feel there's a word or phrase that doesn't feel just right, mark it to review later, then check a thesaurus or perhaps a foreign language dictionary for something similar. (For noble characters especially, French phrases are particularly common. Even van Gogh dropped a lot of French phrases into his letters to his brother, Theo.)
Another thing I try to capture is the subtle abundance of details. Before TVs were common, and before radios really, the only major media entertainment the average person had was literary. Many, many of the authors I've read from the 17th, 18th, 19th, and even the early half of the 20th centuries all had a habit of providing more details about the setting of a scene, establishing the details of their surroundings, doing their best to convey the sights and scents and sounds of a world which may forever remain foreign to their audience. Authors such as Aphra Behn, William Blake, Edgar Allan Poe, Wilkie Collins, Clemens Brentano, Fannie Hurst, Pearl S. Buck, and Susan Ertz especially come to mind. Even newspaper articles were often more flowery in those days, with many of those papers (and privately published pamphlets) featuring creative writing by various, often overlooked authors.
In the end Lovely, it really does come down mostly to practice and research. I would recommend scouring both archive.org and gutenberg.org for some starting points, and perhaps raiding the dustiest shelves at your local library and/or bookstores for some other options; while the classics are great for a starting reference, I find the more I read forgotten pieces, the more I feel a connection to that world.
I hope this helped in some way, and I thank you so, so very much for your compliment!
Best wishes on your writing endeavors ahead luv, wherever they may lead~ ♡
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luna-rainbow · 3 years
As a black man, I can forgive Bucky for his white tendencies that other people go on him so hard for. When the cops were being racist to Sam, Bucky had never been in that situation, so of course he’s gonna tell Sam to give them his ID. He didn’t really understand it was about race, but some take to be as BUCKY’S A RACIST ASSHOLE WHO HATES ALL BLACK PEOPLE. No. He’s white, he never experienced that. And as for badgering Sam again and again about the shield, Sam never once told him it was about race. Yeah Bucky got annoying about it, but Sam never fucking told him the reason. That’s why he kept asking. How was Bucky supposed to know it was about race? He’s white and didn’t know it was about that. Sam never once told him the reason, so of course he was gonna keep asking. In the end, Bucky had to figure it out himself. I’m really glad they had Bucky apologize about that. He literally said the words “I’m sorry.” I forgave Bucky. I don’t think he’s a racist asshole. Some fans take it too far
Hi anon! Thank you for providing your perspective.
I always feel a little nervous and ill-equipped to comment on the complex interracial issues in the US because I don't live there, and no matter how much reading we do from the outside, we're never going to truly comprehend what it means to live in that environment and experience a society that has been shaped by several centuries of inequality, so I really appreciate your viewpoint.
I tend to take the interpretation that Bucky is like an immigrant. He's only been back in the US for 6 months and he's so socially isolated, he's probably about as switched on to racist overtones as...someone like me. And uh...I've been living in countries where it's expected you hand over your ID when asked by the police, so the idea that you'd even argue with the police over it is...culturally surprising for me.
But you are absolutely right, Bucky's actions come from a place of ignorance, and I think given the time frame and his circumstances, it's not even a willful ignorance. He had no recognition of what the situation was, but once he heard the policeman's accusatory tone, he very quickly jumped to Sam's defence. I also agree about the shield. I do see the point some people raised of it being exhausting for POC to explain things, and Bucky pushed too persistently when Sam evidently didn't want to talk about it. I do wish from a writing point of view, we had Sam vocalise his thoughts more (even if it wasn't to Bucky) because I feel Sam's inner voice is sadly absent not just in this series, but in all previous movies too.
I think, and I'm hoping this doesn't come across as too callous, as a non-American I really would have appreciated the series using the opportunity to educate people outside America. It's not immediately clear what "the complicated legacy of the shield" means (the military? The government? Steve?) and what specifically Sam was opposed to (that people won't accept him? He doesn't want to represent a country that has sidelined his people? Or the things the military had perpetrated, such as against Isaiah?) In a way, I wish they emphasised some of these things happened because of race, because like Bucky, a lot of us outside the US are sympathetic but we don't immediately associate the issues with race because of our ignorance.
Just as a devil's advocate, I am curious how much Bucky - coming from 1940s New York - should know about race issues. Again my knowledge is very limited, but I was reading that a lot of black people joined the military in the WWII because it provided better opportunities, particularly as it was the tail end of the Great Depression, so he's likely to have fought alongside people who might discuss the struggles they've had. The canon never seemed interested in exploring exactly how different Steve or Bucky's 1940s mindset would be, but I am curious from a historical perspective how Bucky (or Steve) would have perceived racial injustice.
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gerbilstorm · 2 years
hi! I hope you don't mind that I'm want to elaborate on the 2d sphere vs 3d sphere thing here, cus I didn't explain it very well in my tags.
I'm gonna start by saying you're right - in the real world, a "sphere" and a "ball" are the same thing, and both are considered to be 3-dimensional. But what I was talking about was a branch of topology dealing with "manifolds with boundaries", which you can read more about here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manifold#Manifold_with_boundary
So I got a little confused - a sphere as we usually picture it is considered a "boundary", which encloses a solid. Mathematically, a "ball" and a "sphere" are different - a ball is a solid, while the sphere is the boundary of that ball. Think of a CD - the disc itself would be the "solid", while the edge around the disc (a circle) would be the "boundary" of that disc. In a similar way, a ball is the "solid", while the thing around the ball (a sphere) is the "boundary" of that ball.
A manifold is kind of hard to describe, but for this discussion all you really need to know is that a ball is a manifold with a boundary that's one dimension lower than the ball itself. And here we come to the main point: a ball as we perceive it in real life - like a baseball or a basketball - is three-dimensional, but its boundary is the sphere that encloses it, and the boundary is one dimension lower than the manifold (the ball) itself. So the sphere that encloses a three-dimensional ball is considered a two-dimensional sphere.
You can also think of it this way: A 2-d object is something that could theoretically be shaped out of a 2-d sheet of rubber, if you were allowed to stretch/shrink it however you liked. You can form a sphere out of a sheet of rubber, but you wouldn't be able to make a 3-d ball out of the 2-d sheet, since you'd have to infinitely crumple the rubber to form anything 3-d. An infinitely thin piece of paper would never be able to crumple into a ball but could fold into a rectangular prism shape.
As a bonus: Three-dimensional spheres enclose 4-d balls, which get really really weird. There isn't any one way to depict a 3-d sphere, since you have to be in the 4th dimension to properly display them, but you can sort of think of it as an analogy to how 2-d spheres enclose 3-d balls: a 2-d sphere is an infinite number of circles that are fixed at two opposite points, so they fan out to enclose a 3-d ball. A 3-d sphere does a similar thing: it's an infinite number of 2-d spheres, attached at two points so that they fan out to enclose a 4-d ball.
Tl;dr: A mathematical sphere is considered to be a surface of a ball, and is therefore 2-dimensional. But in the real world a "sphere" is interchangeable with a "ball" and you're also right.
I hope some of this makes sense - I don't understand it fully myself and could very well have explained some of this wrong, but I think most of it is okay. There's lots of cool stuff in topology and I've only barely scraped the surface (ha!).
I think I understand what you are saying. It's possible our miscommunication is in our definitions of the word sphere and that while we are using the same word we are applying it to two different concepts in two separate branches of maths.
I tend to think more on the side of maths associated with graphs and calculus, in which a sphere requires 3 dimensions to be expressed. I have next to no knowledge regarding topology.
Thank you for your explanation. It's very interesting.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Scholars’ Chit Chat Prologue Submission
Cyno x Reader (Platonic, possibly romantic in the future)
*Lore dump warning
*Spoilers for all the Archon Quests and speculations of Teyvat
*Really it’s all serious talk
This is basically how you and Cyno met
The libraries of Sumeru are quiet, like how they’re suppose to be.
It is a new semester after all, the freshmen are still getting a grasp of the large campus, though Cyno does guess that soon enough they will be awed of this place.
Walking among the tall shelves, he tries to locate the section he had been researching on, but a voice calls out to him, breaking his concentration.
“Hey, you ever thought of why were you given a Vision?”
He turns to the source of the voice, only to see you there, sitting on top of one of the book shelves as your legs dangled from it.
“I would say that it is a question worth discovering with my entire life.”
“Huh, to think that you would answer so naturally… Wouldn’t one first ask who I am or ask why would I want to know that?”
“Because, first, I know who you are and second, those who come to this place seek knowledge.”
“Oh, so I had become the talk of school despite me being here for the first day?”
“Indeed, you were known as one who had declared to not take part in any sort of Mysticism studies yet aim to unveil the mysteries of this world. They called you naive yet you had earned the highest scholarship obtainable. It’s kind of hard to not let such news spread out.”
“Well, there are certainly advantages and disadvantages with this commotion, but that’s not my main focus anyways.”
“And may I ask what that would be?”
“To search for answers to fulfil my contract with the God of Wisdom.”
“Contract?”he questions, not capable of following your conversation, you slyly smiled at this.
“Unfortunately, this upcoming topic requires a fee to unlock~ I don’t mind sharing my findings to others, but when it comes to something as rare as words from an archon….”
“You get the idea, a price is required for everything after all.”
Cyno stared at you as if you were pulling his leg, but his reaction made you smirk even more.
“Oh, I won’t be asking for much, something like… Your name, perhaps?”
Suddenly realising that he hadn’t introduced himself yet and was reminded in such a playful matter, Cyno couldn’t help but let out an embarrassed chuckle.
“My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Cyno, a pleasure to meet you.”
“Hmm… You know that one’s name is important, right? Names hold power, not necessary the one given by your parents but the one that defines your soul. There are quite a few stories mentioning that giving your name to someone is the same as giving a part of their soul to them.”
The male however lets out a laugh at your advice.
“Thanks for the warning, I’ll keep that on mind.”
“It was nothing, and to the end of my bargain, yes…’ you began as you jumped off the shelf, landing right in front of him. “Well, it’s more like a bet than a contract if I’m being honest.”
“Which is?”
“To find out the truth behind Khaen-riah’s fall, or more specifically, the reason behind the alchemist Gold’s fall, before I graduate.”
The kingdom that had technology and Mysticism developed greatly even without an archon, then was destroyed five hundred years ago.
Not much is known about Khaen-riah, and yet...
Cyno, was shocked, no, shocked isn’t enough to describe how he’s feeling.
“That’s... nearly impossible, isn’t it? Just what sort of offer did he gave you to tip the scales-”
“If I succeeded, he would answer me anything I want to know about.”
“That’s right~”
“What happens... If you fail?”
Everything comes with a price, as you had said.
“Then my life would be in his hands, for him to decide my fate.”
Despite only knowing you for not long, Cyno cannot believe what you had risked.
“Are you out of your mind?! What would you possibly want to know that you’re willing to-”
“To understand the laws of this world.” You answered one a simple matter.
“It has been so long that the human race had been existing and yet none of us came close in finding the truth of the world...”
“Or perhaps someone did, and they failed to tell anyone?”
“Even Khaen-riah itself is advance with Alchemy, history tells us that their greatest alchemist Gold fell and became quite a threat... But why...?”
“What I’m trying to say is that we’re too trusting towards the gods cause we’re told to do so since we were born, you know what I had learnt after being tricked once? Doubt everything when you first see it, question it’s existence and see if you can use another point of view to perceive it.”
“Why do you doubt the gods?”
“That’s because I believe in humanity’s wisdom. I believe that even without the gods, humanity can still take care of themselves as fine.”
“If you need to rely on someone else in order to live, then what’s the meaning of living in the first place?”
“This is... quite a lot...” Cyno mumbled.
“It is a lot to take in, I agree.” You nodded as you leaned against a shelf.
“Our senior Lisa left this place after mere two years and went to Mondstadt to be a librarian despite her being a genius the Academia hasn’t seen for 200 years... Is it because she saw something that nobody else realised?”
“So what you’re saying is... There’s more to the bigger picture?” Cyno guessed as you snapped your fingers. “Bingo.”
“But that being said, questioning the gods is the same thing as raging treason against this world... “ Cyno pointed out with worry. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
“Indeed, *I’m trying to understand the rules of this chess game, so that humanity, the supposed audience of this game gets the chance to participate in it.”
“And if we can win this chess game or not, is entirely up to our legacy...”
“You have too much belief in humanity... Or should I say you have no intention of losing in the first place?”Cyno predicted with a sigh.
“Hm, seeing that you’re being so interested in our bet, perhaps you would like to become my partner in crime?”
Hearing this, Cyno finally realised that he was tricked at the point when he answered your question about his Vision.
“So that was what you were going after for all along, huh?”
“Haha, yup~ I mean, our archon didn’t state anything about not able to team up with others, so why not?”
“Able to ask anything from the God of Wisdom himself, what else more can a scholar wish for?”
Cyno understand that your words are trying to lure him, but in truth, who can give up this opportunity?
“I mean, even if we fail, I’m the only one who would lose anything so it really sounds like a pretty good deal to me~”
“And would you mind me asking for a warrant from you for the time I would be spending on this?”Cyno requested, surprising you for a bit.
“Well, how about my name? You’ve heard about me but haven’t known that yet, correct? With a part of our souls in each other’s hands, no one can run off easily, don’t you think so?”
“Alright I accept the of your con-”
“It’s a promise, not a contract.”
Cyno pauses at your sudden seriousness, he then takes notice of the frown on your face.
“You want this partnership to be built on trust and not just a piece of paper?” He guessed.
You softly nodded, trying not to meet him in the eyes.
But there’s no way that he would accept that, you two only just met after all-
“Then I promise, that I will be your partner in crime upon this bet against the Dendro Archon.”
Cyno offers you a small smile. “Everyone has their own reasons, I too wish that I can understand you better within these few years... That is if you wish, of course.”
I’m glad.
“Yeah, likewise, Cyno.”
“I also by offering my name, promise that we will find out the laws of this world and allow humanity to earn the chance to be a part of this chess game.”
“My name is-“
*The chess game is referencing The Feynman Lectures on Physics, it is also referenced from Honkai Impact 3rd (another game of MiHoYo) Honkai Quest event by the character Delta, it is possible that it works as well for the world of Teyvat.
(One way that's kind of a fun analogy to try to get some idea of what we're doing here to try to understand nature is to imagine that the gods are playing some great game like chess. Let's say a chess game. And you don't know the rules of the game, but you're allowed to look at the board from time to time, in a little corner, perhaps. And from these observations, you try to figure out what the rules are of the game, what [are] the rules of the pieces moving.
You might discover after a bit, for example, that when there's only one bishop around on the board, that the bishop maintains its color. Later on you might discover the law for the bishop is that it moves on a diagonal, which would explain the law that you understood before, that it maintains its color. And that would be analogous we discover one law and later find a deeper understanding of it.
Ah, then things can happen--everything's going good, you've got all the laws, it looks very good--and then all of a sudden some strange phenomenon occurs in some corner, so you begin to investigate that, to look for it. It's castling--something you didn't expect.)
And welp, Exiled, mind me adding this?
-To their future child(ren)
And this is how your parents met//slap
With the Gnosis shaped as chess pieces and with MiHoYo’s other games referencing this...
Well theories will be theories until they’re truly revealed.
Until then Snowdrop’s gonna freak out on what the heck I just wrote
There will be continuations... Just please don’t look forward to it... OwO
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Oh I do NOT mind AT ALL, Snowdrop. CONTINUE. This series looks so freakin cool and refreshing even!
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